Integrated Marketing Plan of Sunsilk

April 2, 2018 | Author: Yash Todi | Category: Market Segmentation, Brand, Target Audience, Advertising, Marketing



Tittle: Integrated Marketing Communications Plan on Sunsilk ShampooExecutive Summary Sunsilk Shampoo‟s are under the flag of Unilever which would like to make an announcement and awareness to the society by conducting a campaign starting from July 2009 to December 2009. The campaign is objected to achieve the positive feeling about the brand, develop and maintain regular use of backstage, create the interest and awareness of the brand. On the smaller scope we tend to achieve to obtain loyal customers and maintaining them informing about the existence of the brand so that people who don‟t know could realize. Otherwise the vision on becoming the market leader can be achieved. We are targeting young adult between the age of 21 and 25, where on that age, the girls need an actualization and acceptance of the society. They are the type of strivers people, who are trendy and fun loving, money defines success, concerned about the opinion of others type of people. On the Foot Cone and Belding Grid, we determine self-satisfaction/ reactor will be our target, they primarily focus on feeling. Shampoo is a low involvement product. On the positioning strategy, we are learning to understand that every young adult are expecting to be delighted. The elements that will be used are advertising, publicity and internet marketing. The magazines which have become a highly specialized medium that reaches specific target audiences, Internet which has been a new technological virtual system that would allow people makes a communication and publicity to attract the society most. The execution of the advertising will be Informational appeals and emotional appeals. The advertising will provide information about the brand itself. The girl that appears with her black hair with her delicateness and beauty would create the emotional feel, which would influence on the wish that they could be as pretty as they can be. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Authorization This task is planning on the integrated marketing communication campaign to promote the Sunsilk Black and Shine shampoo. Expectedly the campaign could achieve the objectives of the organization; the report is commissioned for Mr. Morgan as the Ceo of the Unilever Indonesia. 1.2 Limitation There is still much information that can be reported but it is limited due to the word limit 1.3 Scope of the report While planning on the integrated marketing communication campaign, it is essential to consider the information from textbooks, journals, and internet, which can be used to identify and evaluate the strategy to be implemented, the conclusion and recommendation also, can be identified for the future use of this company. 2.0 Situational Analysis 2.1 Company Analysis PT Unilever Indonesia was build in 5 December 1933, the company have been existed in Indonesia for more than 70 years, before Indonesia got their independent The main office was centred in Jakarta and the manufacturing was located in Cikarang and Surabaya. The company moved in many sectors of industry starting from personal care, house care, food and beverages. In example: ponds, Lux, Rexona, Trika, Citra, Molto, Lifebuoy, Blue band, Bango, Sariwangi, Clear, Rinso, Domestos Nomos and etc, Although there are many products in the company, the Unilever product that we wish to do the Integrated Marketing Communication plan for 1 July 2009 – 31 June 2010 was Sunsilk Black and Shine shampoo (Unilever 2009) 2.2 Product analysis Sunsilk shampoos have eight varieties for the consumer to choose which expectations they need for their hair. Which are Sunsilk Anti-dandruff, Black & Shine, Clean and Fresh, Hair Fall Solution, Soft and Smooth, Damage Treatment, Bouncy Curl and straight; the specific brands that we will going to be using for the IMC plan is Sunsilk Black and Shine. where as Indonesian girls love Siti Nurhaliza and expect themselves to become as pretty as her by using the shampoo. (Pantene 2009) Pantene applied a massive promotional strategy starting from advertising and publicity. (Unilever 2009) The price of Sunsilk 90ml. The shampoo also has many varieties like Sunsilk has.. the Pantene type of shampoo that would be our nearest competitor is Pantene Midnight Expression. and recovering the damaged hair.3 Competitor Analysis The nearest competitor that Sunsilk have was Pantene shampoo from P&G Company.000. 180ml and 360ml are relatively affordable and the price are Rp5.and Rp22. Malaysian Top Singer as the icon.Rp11. Adopted from: Kapan Lagi . The black and shine hair shows the feminist of the personality. with is nutritious ingredients helps our target market hair to look more black and shine. Pantene‟s are inviting the girls inIndonesia to join the contest.000 2.600. Midnight Expression helps keep the black hair glossy and rich. The latest public relation campaign that they have done successfully was „Pantene Looking for Stars‟ with Siti Nurhaliza.Sunsilk Black and Shine. benchmark and degree of change sought and specified time period‟. target audiences. retail store until the department store. those who need our shampoo. is an important approach to setting objectives. (Belch & Belch 2007. pp. the price was about Rp31.Pantene‟s can be obtained everywhere. (Belch & Belch 2007. should at least a female and young adult.500.-.1 Communication Objectives DAGMAR that stands for defining advertising goals for measured advertising result. which their age are between 21 – 25. which are „concrete. „Many promotional planners use this model as a basis for setting objectives and assessing the effectiveness of their promotional campaigns‟. it also helps Pantene to be success on their public relation campaign.205) Below are our objectives that will be achieved Product: Sunsilk Black and Shine Time Period: one year . pp. the price for 360ml Pantene is relatively expensive. 3. measurable tasks. starting from traditional market.4 Target Market Our brand/ product that will be used is an ordinary product.206) setting up a right objectives help us to reach our goals accurately. Colley listed four characteristic of a good objectives. otherwise we don‟t have a very specific target market.0 Estabilishing Objectives 3. With the availability benefit. (Kapan Lagi 2009) 2. Obtain trial among 30 percent of the target audiences Our campaign will present a massly hair wash for our target market for one hundred thousand people for free. 4. Response Hierarchy Shampoo is a low involvement product. 5. by using the reinforcements advertising and comments by the professional or hair specialist. to create the interest among the society.142) on the response hierarchy there is an AIDA model that was . Create interest in the brand among 70 % of the target audiences Commucicating the benefit of the brand to our target market will be our main task.1. and it would help us to promote and penetrate the brand easily to our target market. the media will be attracted. Create positive feelings about the brand among 60% and preference among 40% of the target audience Improving the packaging of the brand becoming more attractive. which will be held on the centre of jakarta. Response is „the set of reaction the receiver has after seeing. Create awareness among 90 percent of target audience After presenting the massly hair wash. And it can be an opportunity for us to sell astonishing situation for our target market. otherwise it would build the image in the eyes of society. 3. where every people used it and don‟t need to make a further consideration before making a decisions to buy it. Develop and maintain regular use of backstage shampoo among 25 percent of the target audience Expecting our target market are satisfied with the performance of the shampoo. Monas. 2. pp. hearing or reading the message.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007. concerned about the opinion of others‟ (Hanley 2007) type of people . demographic. (Belch & Belch 2007.49) Demographic segmentation is „dividing the market on the basis of demographic variables such as age.49) the market which are expecting to appear beautiful will be the target for the marketers. psychographic and behaviouristic segmentation‟. it would help the marketers to conduct the best and accurate promotional strategies to earn the market interest. include nations. (Belch & Belch 2007. (Belch & Belch 2007.1 Segmentation Segmentation is „dividing up a market into a distinctive group that has common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action. as it is the most important stage on the model. Sunsilk Shampoo are targeting female. and Jakarta city will be the basis for the marketers to conduct the promotional strategies. family size. 4. states. divided by four. pp. The segmentation that we have been studying. education. which are „geographic. counties or even neighborhoods. (Belch & Belch 2007. Target Audience 4.146) Above is the process that the people will need to experience. pp. Psychographic segmentation is „dividing the market on the basis of personality and/or lifestyle‟. money defines success.„developed to represents the stages a salesperson must take a customer through in the personal selling process. income and social class‟. which according to VALS model. pp. sex. and this is the chance for the marketers to execute it and close the sales.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007. pp.146) The process of Aida model is Attention  Interest  Desire  Action (Belch & Belch 2007. they would think to buy it.45) Sunsilk shampoos are targeting Indonesia which has 33 provinces from Sabang until Merauke. After gaining the interest of Sunsilk shampoo. they are strivers which can be explained as „trendy and fun loving.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007. pp. Geographic segmentation is „dividing market into different geographic units.45) By segmenting the group or society. pp. pp.47) Sunsilk shampoo will be using gender and age as the basis for segmentation. starting from 21 to 25 years old. promoting the brand through several elements would attract. To build attention. „The creative objective is to get attention with some sort of consistency. pp.Behaviouristic segmentation is „dividing consumers into groups according to their usage. young adult who wants to be recognized.152).2 Targeting Picture 4. Apart from it.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007. and suitable methods may include billboards. loyalties or buying responses to a product. (Vaughn 1980) Foote Cone and Belding matrix is useful for the marketers „to recognize the market behaviors‟ (Belch and Belch 2007. pp. . people buy any types of shampoo brands. appear beautifully and concerned about the opinion of others. point-of-sale or newspaper advertising‟. after they try. Shampoo is a low involvement product. to achieve higher demand for the company profitability. This is a „do – feel – learn operating‟ (Belch and Belch 2007. they start to feel whether the performance of the shampoo meet their expectation or not.45) Shampoo as the low involvement product will focus more on the regular user. pp. 4. we also focus the target market that would also be the strivers.2 Adopted from: Tim Glowa The picture above explains that shampoos are located on the fourth diagram.153) by recognizing the behaviors of the market. they primarily focus on feeling. on the scenario. which means the self-satisfaction/ reactor will be our target. and after that they recognize it by their own and it is called a learning stage. it would be easier to conduct appropriate promotional strategies. pp. Why we are choosing that was because we are learning to understand that every young adult are expecting to be delighted.1 IMC Objectives There are six elements of IMC mix. product.‟(Belch & Belch 2007. direct marketing and internet marketing. is the most accurate elements that would support our entire campaign. Advertising is defined „as any paid form of non personal communication about an organization. pp. After making some analysis we found three of the elements above. Sunsilk Black and Shine shampoo is the low involvement product which people would used it for their daily needs. or idea by an identified sponsor‟. The positioning strategies play a very important role to create a perception of the brands by the society. what they need and Sunsilk are telling them. sales promotion.4.290) The positioning of the Sunsilk Shampoo brand is „understand‟. publicity. pp.(Belch & Belch 2007. that‟s why they need to understand themselves to know the actual things they need. et al 2007) This statement from Herman is our main reason why we are deciding the affordable price. personal selling. Sunsilk product is a product with a very good quality.17) the magazines which have become a highly specialized medium that reaches specific target audiences. there is also a big possibilities people that is not our target will used our brands.17) The elements that will be used are advertising. 5. with the selected fragrance that can be obtained with an affordable price. unless it is a high involvement product which people need to consider more before buying the brands. Communication Strategy 5. Therefore using a personal selling and direct marketing will not be an effective strategy to be integrated. service. the happiness would only be achieve if they get a positive attitude by others. „we feel what you feel‟ The marketers are emphasizing the product benefit of our shampoo.‟(Sengupta 2005.3 Positioning Products positioning refers to „the customer perception of the place a product or brand occupies in a given market. “Consumers may also judge the price paid relative to the consistency of the performance of the product or service” (Herman. although the target market are women young adult. publicity and internet marketing. Sunsilk wants to be seen as brand that know what woman feel. which are „advertising. will . 21) Internet which has been a new technological virtual system that would allow people makes a communication electronically for communication reason and any informational research. While they are browsing or playing friendster or facebook.2 Channel Factor The company also used the media to promote Sunsilk products such as print media and support media. „building rapport. through advertising it will invite large society to come and experience their hair being washed on a time together with other people. Not stop until that. p. This campaign will highly focused on publicity and public relation. „publicity and public relations have been considered more supportive than primary to the marketing and promotional process. For the print media Sunsilk product used magazine for the advertising and for the supporting media the company used interactive marketing. which is supported by Rodie with his statement. to attract our target market. well known singer will also be invited to show their performance in front of the stage. On these opportunities.1 Print Media The print media are not intrusive like radio and TV. Several magazines such as Go Girls. and generally require some effort on the part of the reader for the advertising message to have an impact. By inviting the singer. „The interactive medium that is having the greatest impact on marketing is the Internet. trust. 5.23) publicity will create an awareness which would increase the image of the company and would attract the curiosity of the society about the brand. which are Go Girls and Cosmo Girls. The marketers will implement it by creating an event in Monas (centre of Jakarta). many young adult likes to read magazine rather than . according to Belch.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007 pp. The activities can also be considered as our role to build a relationship with the customer. placing an advertisement on young adult most visited website will help. it would attract the society a lot.effectively support our mission to target the young adult. 377) The print media consist of magazine and newspaper. 5. Sunsilk product used magazine as the media to promote the product starting from June 2009 until December 2009 because nowadays. (Belch & Belch 2007.2. and relationships with customers may be essential‟ (Rodie et al 2001). Cosmo and etc will be the magazines that will be used.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007 pp. they might see the advertisement. 387) If we want to advertise. more creative.newspaper because the content was more attractive. but more people would see it through clearly. For Sunsilk. personal media which is personal selling. p. pp. which means space must be purchased and the ad must be prepared well in advance of the actual publication date. so that TV and radio have short life span. (Belch & Belch 2007. Magazines are generally printed on high-quality paper stock and use printing processes that provide excellent reproduction in black and white or colour. the product advertisement still stick in that magazine. The advantages of using magazines are selectivity. The disadvantages of using magazine are costly. which is young adult. This advantage of magazine that have good quality. outdoor advertising. p. pp. The target audience will give response about the advertisement in magazine. Most major publication have a 30-60 days lead time. colour. If other media like TV and radio it‟s only have short life span because in the beginning. Nowadays. it can make benefit for the product because when the consumers went to salon and the magazine already last one month. 382) The other advantage of magazine is permanence. (Belch & Belch 2007. The costs of advertising in magazines vary according to the size of the audience they reach and their selectivity. We used Go Girls and Cosmo Girls as the media to promote the product because these both magazines is talking about fashion. (Belch & Belch 20007. sales promotion. even though putting there will be more expensive. Magazines are the most selective of all media except direct mail. because even though the product not become trend anymore. they still can read it. beauty care that was needed by the target market which is young adult. A second advantage is reproduction quality of ads. the target market. radio and newspaper. Supporting Media is described in the previous chapter dominates the media strategies of large advertisers‟ particularly national advertisers. (Belch & Belch 2007. if the product is trend and it will advertise three times in one week and if the product not trends anymore the products will advertise may be one times in a week. The other disadvantage is long lead-time. different with other media likes TV. and place. (Belch & Belch 2007. The advertisement will be located on the coversheet behind of the magazines. the product in magazine is quite expensive because every place that we want to put the advertisement have different price. direct selling.414) The support media is include interactive media that is online/ internet. pp. which is long life span. pp. we will be using interactive media . (Belch & Belch 2007. likes to read magazine than newspaper. this media only publish once a week or once a month so it is difficult for marketers to put the advertisement because we should waiting for the next edition published.384) If we put the advertisement in magazine it is can have a long life.380) In magazines. the marketer can select what magazine that the marketer wants to put the Sunsilk product to magazines.389) The magazine not publishes everyday. and more colourful and the consumers will not get bored and easy for them to see the product packaging. The price is depending on the size. Other media likes newspapers also have short life span because newspapers are generally discarded soon after being read. can be photo. this website is suitable for the target audience.000 (Galesus 2008). If the advertisement is nice and attractive. sometime it can make the consumers get a media to promote the product. if the information from the feedback about the advertisement and the product is not good. In addition. most of the people open internet to find a data or information. it is provides strong potential for increasing customer involvement and satisfaction and almost immediate feedback for buyers and sellers. the company has to turn to traditional which is television to achieve the company goals. Other advantage is speed. Another thing is annoyance. Other is poor reach. they can share information with other people. which is Face book.800. Therefore. Sunsilk product used internet to promote the product because nowadays. The result is some advertisement may not be noticed and some consumers will become irritated with the clutter. The advertising that the company can provide. The second is creativity. This can increase the sales and gain profit for the company because of the creativity design in internet. pp. pp. (Belch & Belch. The advantages of internet is interactive capabilities. This will make the consumers get annoyed and lazy to download the advertisement. (Belch & Belch 2007. 486) As we know. if the consumers want to see the advertisement about the product. On the internet.487) The number of internet user in Indonesia was approximately still 12. the company can change the advertisement or either improves the product quality to achieve customer satisfaction. Therefore. In internet. many website that the consumers can visit. „its reach still lags behind that of television‟. which is young adult that often open the website to find new friends. while the internet numbers are growing rapidly. message it is will take long time because the consumers should install first and then download it. pp. the internet has faster speed and make easy for the people to find the information. Therefore. If the consumers like the product advertisement and want to look repeatedly and the consumers want to download the image. If we put the advertisement in internet and when the people is connected to the internet to find the information. starts from teenagers and young adult until married people. „The internet is the quicker means of acquiring this information‟. the consumers will look and see what also can read the advertisement and this will make the consumers try the products. the consumers can see the advertisement and when the consumers see and they opinion is attractive or interesting they will read more about the advertisement. The disadvantages of using internet are clutter. video etc. the company of a product can create creative advertisement as the marketers can do. this will lose the effectiveness to the advertisement itself. We used Facebook as the media because many people use Facebook. . find old friends and the most important thing. (Belch & Belch.486) Putting the advertisement on the internet can increase consumer‟s satisfaction because the consumers can immediately give a feedback about the advertisement and the products. 1 Copy Platform The issue that Sunsilk experience now was. Major selling idea to communicate .0 Creative Strategy 6. et al 2007). smoothen. For supporting information is when the marketer makes the event in mall.3. Many people care with their appearance. The major selling idea or key benefit to communicate is „Sunsilk Black Magic‟.(Hensley. 6. it can enlarge the market. this become one of promotion to achieve the company goals. shiny. and hair become one of the most factor they care about. the company should make a new strategy to build the higher image otherwise it can also be used by middle or high level of people. also give more information for the people that already know about Sunsilk. expectedly Sunsilk can be a market leader among the young adult after the great campaign so that the people would prefer to buy this brand. 6. Therefore. The communication objectives of Sunsilk was to make the women hair become more black. by the campaign.6. so that people who does not know anything become know about this product. The marketer need sponsor to reduce their expense and to increase the profit. This would people thought it is a maid shampoo. etc. Cosmo Girls. the target market is for young adult.2. the marketer need sponsor to support their information and requirement. The creative strategy statement for Sunsilk is the marketer strategy to make event in Monas and give free hair treatment by washing their hair to the consumers so that the people can try the product. We are avoiding this because „Negative perceptions of service may ultimately damage the reputation and profitability of the business‟. there are many maid use Sunsilk as the shampoo. Objective from campaign by communication The objective for the campaign is to introduce Sunsilk product to the public. which is from 21-25 years old that care with their appearance. Moreover. The sponsor can be from magazine that is Go Girls. The girl that appears with her black hair with her delicateness and beauty would create the emotional feel. young adult care with their appearance and hair becomes one of the things which people concern about. people will think that only Sunsilk that can make people hair become blacker and shinier. The advertisements that were executed by informational and emotional appeal can influence the strivers to obtain our product. purposely was to protect and increase the market share. smooth and become blacker this is using informational appeal because the company tell the information about the Sunsilk product which contains of several natural ingredients and benefits. 6. and it also relate with our positioning which understands them. elegant. selecting the right media such as magazines and internet can be other way to promote the brand to the society. pp. 7. gorgeous and shiny hair. . In addition. „Unique selling proposition is described influential in advertising. Besides using public relation campaign. 254) The company used „Sunsilk Black Magic‟ as the slogan. The innovative thing on the public campaign is inviting the society to experience the brand by washing up their hair.‟ (Belch & Belch 2007. which is using a unique selling proposition. we are inviting the singer to attract more people to come. Sunsilk tells the people that the shampoo can make the hair shinier.There are four concepts of major selling ideas but we only used one concept. feel and image of the Sunsilk brand to the right target market which is young adult. which would influence on the wish that they could be as pretty as they can be. otherwise Sunsilk can be the market leader on the beauty shampoo. Conclusion & Recommendation The integrated marketing communication objectives by Unilever Company that planned to be achieved would result the best to attract the interest. Ads execution/measurement of target market response Informational appeals and emotional appeals will be used for the advertisement execution. Nowadays. because.4. Sunsilk can be like a magic that can make people hair become black and shiny. black means symbol of beauty. ......... Target Markets and Positioning ........................ The success of the organization highly depended on the promotion that directed for the interest of the customer.................................................. 10 Target Customer ..... To gain more market interest or either gain more support from society......................... 8 Product Line length:................................................ 11 .. we must also consider the distribution factor of the product that we are promoting on the time....................................................................... By recognizing what factors to improve............................................................................................................................ the promotion manager can work together as a team with the green peace society......................................... the marketers.................... 3 Customer-value hierarchy.................................................... Branding ................................... 9 Co-Branding:..................................... 5 Design............ 6 Product and Brand Relationships.. 9 Part II............................. we must not only be depending on the promotional strategy......................................................... 4 Product Differentiation ............ Sunsilk can also work together with other Unilever brand such as Lifebuoy and Lux as the soap to conduct the personal care campaign under the flag of Unilever................ 7 Product hierarchy (In case of Sunsilk): ........................ 9 Part III................................................................................................................................................. 7 Product system and Mixes:............................................................................................... 3 Part I: Product Strategy ....... On the next opportunities.......................................... bike to work and WWF organization as our contribution also to protect our environment...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Product Mix Pricing: ........................................................................ Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior Analysis for Sunsilk Shampoo Contents About Sunsilk ................................................................................................................................ 9 Packaging and Labeling: ............................................................................. 8 Product Line Analysis: ....................After investigating further............................. STP – Segmentation.................. entrepreneurs and owners may have different strategies to improve their promotional or marketing strategy performances for the success of the organization in the future...................... ............ It Sunsilk Naturals Range: Sunsilk Naturals Silky Strength with Henna & Lotus extracts.. 14 References.... Basic Product – This benefit has been translated in the form of shampoo which offers cleansing along with conditioning (shampoo plus conditioner).......... and Sunsilk Naturals Anti-dandruff with Curd and Lemon. Expected Product .............The product has been offered as different types of shampoos on the basis of hair types (Dry... Color and Shine Range: Sunsilk for Red hair.. Black......... Sunsilk hair fall ................................. Sunsilk Naturals Black Shine with Amla & Sunflower extracts........ also the first to offer shampoo by hair types and pro... 11 Part IV....... Features: Sunsilk shampoo is available in different variants having unique features....... Sunsilk thick and long – pink..... Sunsilk shampoo has been classified as nondurable and convenience (staple) good and follows product and marketing-mix strategy befitting its type.... Product Differentiation Product differentiation for Sunsilk is achieved as follows: Form: Different sizes such as 100ml........... Each one of these products has different packaging in terms of color and design............ Sunsilk Naturals Curl Control with Milk Proteins......... the company has provided solution for the core benefit of cleansing of hair...........Brand Values .. 200ml and 400ml are introduced in the market and the current shape of the bottle is aesthetically pleasing....... normal or oily hair and later was extended for colored hair along with being enriched with conditioner to do away with need for a separate conditioner to be used by women.......................................Anti dandruff – blue.)................... Sunsilk shampoo is available in three differently colored packs – Pink.... It also has two more product lines.. especially to women....... Sunsilk soft and smooth – yellow........... It is also available in sachet form... has evolved to become one of the leading brands in the beauty regimen of women............ Augmented product – Sunsilk shampoo initially was launched as a shampoo for dry.. Potential product – Sunsilk shampoo is still evolving and we have seen that every alternate year some major improvement is introduced in the product line to incorporate innovation to satisfy customers and distinguish its offerings. Sunsilk has consistently been a brand that has brought innovations in hair care to the Indian consumer... Normal... Sunsilk for Dark Brown hair and Sunsilk for Black hair Fig1........... Sunsilk damage repair – orange...... 17 About Sunsilk Sunsilk.......Sunsilk Naturals and Sunsilk Color Shine with 23 new product variants.. Sunsilk black shine – black... HUL has offered hair care products ranging from shampoos to conditioners to Hair-Serum to other Hair care products......... Sunsilk Color and Shine shampoo for Brown Hair Customer-value hierarchy The Customer-value hierarchy has been followed by the company for Sunsilk shampoo as mentioned below: Core Benefit – Through Sunsilk shampoo. Under the Sunsilk Brand...... Pricing Strategy .... Part I: Product Strategy Sunsilk shampoo is a product offered by Hindustan Unilever as a part of Personal and Healthcare division of the company..... Oily) and desired results (Anti-Frizz.........conditioner.. the number one beauty shampoo brand from Hindustan Lever Ltd... Anti-Dandruff etc.. It was the first brand to launch a 2–in-1 shampoo (shampoo plus conditioner). yellow............ Different Sunsilk shampoos are: Sunsilk : Sunsilk .. Pricing and technology though important are not enough to provide competitive edge to the company. feels and functions in terms of customer requirements. satisfying different needs of customers and help Sunsilk maintain a competitive edge. Curl-control. Sunsilk naturals and Sunsilk Color. Sunsilk naturals has Anti-dandruff. the company has made an effort to expand into services offering solutions to hair problems. quality of product. Range of products from Sunsilk . Blue. bottle shapes and labeling. This forms a strategy to further the market expansion. Yellow. Sunsilk color and shine has three variants – for red hair. Gold and Black. damaged hair etc.sunsilkgangofgirls. The great style. Sunsilk Naturals Black Shine with Amla & Sunflower extracts. The differentiation is based on ingredients used for each type of shampoo on offer. Sunsilk Gang of Girls site Design Design offers a potent way to differentiate and position a company‟s products. Sunsilk has offered great style in terms of attractive packaging. smell and types along with packaging. In case of Sunsilk shampoo. The three major ranges – Sunsilk.has different product for different types of hair. Sunsilk shampoo also delivers on the promise of high quality product. women can share their concerns and thoughts with each other and it also promotes awareness about growing styling and grooming needs. dazzling shiny black and vibrant burgundy). all the factors discussed above related to product differentiation are applied to the designing of the product. This adds to the differentiating factor as Sunsilk is perceived not only as a stylish product but also as one which provides value to its customer. Service Differentiation: Sunsilk shampoo is recognized not only as a product but through the site www. Fig 3. Sunsilk has three products – Pink. Product and Brand Relationships Each product can be related to other products to ensure that a firm is offering and marketing the optimal set of products. colored hair. Fig 2. Sunsilk Naturals Curl Control with Milk Proteins and Sunsilk Naturals Anti-dandruff with Curd and Lemon. Orange. Great smell is an additional feature that increases the product‟s appeal among customers. Blackshine and Silky-strength. Performance Quality: Emphasis on ensuring high quality has led the company to constantly innovate. Customization: Multiple variants of Sunsilk shampoo ensure that the products cater to a wide range of needs of the customers and are mass customized for different kinds of users.types of hair. Good smell also contributes to the style quotient. Design is the totality of features that affect how a product for brown hair and for black hair (radiant light brown. Style: Attractive packaging and different product type to suit different types of needs of customers has ensured that along with high style quotient. Through this site. Product hierarchy (In case of Sunsilk): Need family: Hair care Product Family: Cleaning agent for hair and scalp Product class: Shampoos Product Line: Sunsilk Shampoo Product type: Sunsilk Naturals Item: Sunsilk Naturals Silky Strength with Henna & Lotus extracts. Each range of Sunsilk shampoo is quality oriented and is customized to meet specific requirements of customers in terms of identification of their changing grooming needs. It has followed Product line pricing strategy and kept Sunsilk plain at the lowest price with Sunsilk naturals having a higher price and Sunsilk for colored hair with the maximum price. Product Mix Pricing: To obtain maximization of profits for the product mix. Convenience items: Sunsilk pink. This kind of same company co-branding help Sunsilk create a brand image for itself as a complete hair care solution provider for all kinds of hair. black and yellow form the basic product line and they are viewed as similar products with minor difference. Co-Branding: Through integrated packs offering complete hair care solution.Product system and Mixes: In case of Sunsilk. black and yellow shampoos. orange and gold have lower sales volume and very low level of promotion form staple products. Staple Products: Sunsilk blue. Line-filling has been done by adding Sunsilk orange. HUL has fixed different prices for different lines of products. Specialties: Sunsilk naturals and color shine shampoos form specialties are highly promoted as unique products. Conditioners and leave ins Depth: 13 types of shampoos. Choice of color to convey different values through such a wide range of shampoos is also part of the strategy. as well as the changing fashion and grooming needs of the Indian woman of today. Captive products such as conditioners are priced higher and users are recommended to use those with the complementary shampoos. 200 and 400 ml along with sachets provides flexibility to the consumers in terms of usage of different types of shampoos for different times. Keeping pace with the need to cater to the diversity of Indian hair types.e. product mixes comprises of range of shampoos. Packaging and Labeling: Sunsilk being available in packs of 100. Product Line Analysis: Core Products: Plain Sunsilk shampoo i. The conditioners and leave ins also fall under the same category. Up-Market stretch has been done by introduction of Sunsilk naturals and Sunsilk Color and shine line of products. 3 types of conditioners and 3 types of leave ins. . especially designed to meet the needs of women with colored and damaged hair. Consistency: All the three lines provide hair related products and are complementary to each other. various variants of Sunsilk shampoos and other hair care products have been introduced as a change in product line length. These are customized products available at a premium. black and yellow shampoo in sachets and small sizes form convenience items. The width. shampoos are sold along with conditioners and leave ins. length. conditioners and leave-ins. blue and gold to the previously existing Sunsilk pink. The aesthetically pleasing labeling and design of the bottle make a style statement and influences customer buying decision. the product lines have been modified to include a premium range of complete hair care solutions. Hence. Through smaller packs. consistency is maintained. Sunsilk pink. The quality ensures that the customers return for another buy.Market stretch has been done by the company by introducing another brand of shampoo called Rejoice which caters to market for low priced shampoo. Down. depth and consistency of Sunsilk(HUL) is as discussed below: Width: Hair Care Length: Shampoos. trials are also encouraged. Product Line length: Over the years. The brand tells why products exist. Over the past years. The popularity of Sunsilk shampoo in Tier A. The availability of this line in sachet encourages trials and use in lower income level group too. B. These women can be reached through channels of mass communication such as women‟s magazines.Part II. In terms of positioning. Branding is not a project it is a process. the margins on products can be kept a bit higher and hence the product be made more profitable. income and behavioral differences. Sunsilk line of products target middle –middle and lower middle income level group as it is priced the lowest in the range. Sunsilk has established itself as a brand of shampoo and other hair care products which delivers value in terms of right price for a high quality product. People have become wealthier and they possess a larger buying power. middle class have experienced an increase in their living standards. Nowadays. As the income level is medium to high. A brand must be able to adapt to the times and to changes in buyer‟s behavior and technology. making branding one of the most important activities for consumer products. STP – Segmentation. Branding “A house of brands is like a family each needs a role and relationship to others” – Seffrey Sinclair. HUL came up with the concept of power branding. it is a young and modern . The complexity of branding is reflected by the diagram shown below Fig 4 : Complexity of Branding The branding strategy of Sunsilk has to be viewed in conjunction with the branding strategy followed by the parent company HUL. where they come from and where they are going. It also sets their guidelines. Also. It contains familiar and trusted natural ingredients which women have been using for centuries to make their hair look more beautiful. most consumers are more likely to choose branded products that are established over products of an unknown make. Part III. TV and newspapers. Target Customer The audience for this product is aimed at women in their 20s. Target Markets and Positioning The objective of segmentation is to find attractive markets for a product. While the brand is rooted in nature. Sunsilk color and shine targets women with high fashion and style awareness. It is mainly for women with colored hair and is priced higher than the two lines of products. It has offering for a wide range of customer requirements. the range of products target different segments differently. Brand Values Sunsilk as a brand recognises and respects the fact that every woman has unique hair needs and problems. For Sunsilk the segments identified are Women belonging to middle and high level income groups. Sunsilk is a genuine and honest brand which celebrates natural beauty. large groups of people esp. the buyers are segmented in terms of gender. In case of Sunsilk. C and D cities can be attributed to the way it has been able to position itself as a quality product at an affordable price with an understanding of the women‟s requirement from a hair care solution provider. The one who wants to look good and can express herself. Sunsilk naturals targets middle-middle and higher-middle income level group and provides extra features in terms of organic components used. the same is visible through numerous advertisements that the company promotes on television. They are priced higher than plain Sunsilk line of shampoos. It also targets women with higher awareness about the components useful for different types of hair requirements. Unlike other beauty brands that offer superficial beauty. ” – a service via mobile phones. Brand Branding Innovations To increase the brand value of Power Branding: Power branding refers to building multi-product.500. In 2001. the company introduced 8 ml sachet packs to deliver the goods. Sunsilk encourages all its users to get together on the site and discuss product use. sentiments and need of the target group. are first of their kinds to be offered exclusively for women. Uniqueness and Growth Potential. and large-scale advertising and promotional campaigns.000 registrations to the site proves how successful it has been in integrating technology. “As far as brand is concerned plus side for Sunsilk here is ability to use power of technology to position brand successful and create following among niche users whom must have generated enough feedback for the brand to understand demographic served. The brand demonstrates a perceptive and sympathetic understanding of women. HLL decided to add a splash of colour to the brand by launching Sunsilk Pro-Colour in a market with the objective of forward integration . tie in with aimed at girls 14-19 years old as compared with Gang of Girls‟ target audience of 17-22 The features such as digital makeover. variants. then it occupies a minority share of consumer‟s pocket. gang blog. pricing strategies. Sunsilk has been at the forefront of HLL‟s experiments with extensions. Core to the success of the brand has been its ability to relate to the contemporary Indian woman as a beauty and hair care expert Points of parity and points of differentiation (POP and POD) If we look at the shampoo industry as a whole. The site has been marketed as a network for „girl bonding‟ and looked to improve Sunsilk‟s brand image among its target market of female youth. how she feels when she is faced with hair problems and how elated she feels at the end of the conflict. The huge number of hits and around 2. It has led to the creation of “successful branded space” having direct contact with target audience. Fig 5. archrival Procter & Gamble India launched www. beauty tips etc. It has concentrated on user communities for brand building. The product has reached the maturity stage and there is a cutthroat . “India‟s first online girl community concept”. Promotion Sunsilk communication has been true to its values. which have higher penetration than the Internet in rural India.0 technologies ranging from blogs to power of social networking. rhythm lounge etc. Logo of Sunsilk Gang of Girls Commentary about the new Branding strategy “…[a] company taking benefits of new web 2. Since then. Other brands need to take a cue from here and understand how web can be used as an effective brand delivery/promotion tool. Online and Mobile Branding The latest initiative that the company has taken up is to expand the use of online branding. Communication is driven by insights into the feelings surrounding those problems. The communication idea has always been to capture the 'emotional drama' in a girl's life that results out of a particular hair problem. Hindustan Unilever launched the Gang of Girls website in June ‟06.BeingGirl. Multi-category brands which have global reach. The concept of Gang of Girls will soon be relaunched for rural parts of India as “Sunsilk Saheli. hair care. Sunsilk was identified as one of the power brands was on the basis of Size. You ask for it its all there at sunsilkgangofgirls. site visitors vote on talents.” Following Gang of Girls‟ success. Sunsilk as a brand was introduced to Hair colour.brand which connects with the woman of today and her aspirations and dreams. The only way a company can differentiate itself from this clutter is by creating associations with the product on the emotional scale definitely backed by superior product offerings by constant innovation. 100 ml. price elasticity of demand) 3. 200ml. users who want to change the brand of the shampoo. all of them could be launched in sachets. going rate pricing. lemon and curd in their products. In case of pricing strategy for sachets. henna. and 300 ml in plastic cans. Part IV.competitions due to a large number of players in the market both domestic and international brands therefore innovations are easily and quickly copied. max. Selecting the pricing method (mark up pricing. When examining products. Sachets are also used as trial packs. and price endings. Some brands adopt exclusivity and scarcity as means to signify uniqueness and justify premium prices. Selecting the pricing objective (Survival. consumers often employ reference pricing: comparing an observed price to an internal or external reference price. Analyzing Competitor‟s costs. For example. They are used by first time users who are still exploring their hair type. users . informal communications. prices and offers 5. product quality leadership) 2. accumulated production. Customers may have lower threshold below which prices signal inferior or low quality as well as an upper threshold over which prices are prohibitive and don‟t seem worth the money. Since Sunsilk has three different product lines. the pricing could basically be categorized on the basis of the quantity. Many consumers use price as an indicator of quality.Sachet introduction by HLL in 2001 was a major hit with the masses but now almost all the companies have their own version of satchet in the market. Determining Demand (Price sensitivity. target costing) 4. price quality inferences.5 ml in sachets. Selecting the final price. Marketers recognize that consumers often process price information. auction type pricing 6. target return pricing. Further. formal communications. Pricing Strategy There is a strong correlation between Consumer psychology and pricing. Purchase decisions are based on how consumers perceive prices and what they consider the current actual prices to be-not the marketer‟s stated price. In terms of shampoo. the price point plays the important role. max. point-of-purchase or other factors. perceived value pricing. Sunsilk achieves differentiation in terms of: International Brand name Small packaging Product range for all types of hair Complete hair care range Price point Effective distribution (Availability) Emotional positioning (identifies with the aspirations of young women ex. the price setting involves the following steps: 1. current profit. Sponsoring miss India contest) Localized manufacturing that uses local ingredients like amla. Estimating Costs(Types of costs and level of production. The major sizes in which the shampoos are available in the markets are 7. interpreting prices in terms of their knowledge from prior purchase experience. Image pricing is especially sensitive with ego sensitive products. value pricing. estimating demand curves. market share. There are three key areas-reference prices. 100 ml. The pricing in this segment is more dynamic as the company under the strategy of being hair experts often has to come up with combination packs of shampoo and conditioner and the prices are adjusted accordingly. Launching all types of shampoos in the product range would help existing consumers to try higher end product and graduate to higher level.5 ml may be provided rather than 15ml depending on the cost and desired margins. In most cases. say 14 ml or 12. . 149/. the volume should be adjusted rather than the price point. The price point pressure is lower in plastic bottles because the kind of consumers is different. a 15 ml volume pouch should be launched at a price point of Rs. the pricing strategy is a little different from that of sachets. is the price point cannot be fractional.1 as they would have bought two sachets for Rs. 80/-) also plays a role in purchase decision as per research conducted. Often the prices are marked up a little and certain higher volume is given and the offer is conveyed as x% free. appropriate call should be taken. This becomes significant as the price point is low and there is frequent problem of change at the retailer‟s store.while the 200 ml pack is available for Rs. Incase of competitors coming up with offers of higher volume for same price or reduction in price point. Therefore a higher price point for premium range should not be a matter of concern. the core target group of Sunsilk. Currently Sunsilk and its competitor Pantene both offer 7. At this stage it becomes important that the premium range be priced a little higher than the other range. For e. The consumer buys the product because of its features and has liked the product.who do not use shampoo regularly. Further after market research it was found that females. the offer has to be matched due to the nature of customers buying sachets as explained above.5. The normal volumes available are 50 ml. 200 ml and 400 ml.5 ml shampoo at the price point of Rs. The per ml price of shampoo decreases with increase in size of the pack for instance the 400 ml pack is available for Rs. need at least two sachets of shampoo for one hair wash for medium to long hair. While doing this the objective of launching the premium range in sachets must be kept in mind. price being Rs.g. as in case of sachets price point is very important. Some other things which have to be kept in mind. Therefore.The message for promoting this size could relate to lesser effort on the part of individual in terms of opening only one sachet and saving of Re. 79/-. Infact.6 otherwise. This sachets size would require lesser packaging material than two sachets and lesser operations in terms of packing and hence may drive down costs. In case of shampoo in plastic bottles and cans. The price ending (price ending in odd number. 79 and not Rs. In case of lesser margin while providing 15 ml for Rs.3/-.5/. The price in this segment is close to that of competitors like pantene. it might actually help in brand building by positive price quality inferences. The basic intention is not to boost sales big time with these sachets but to help existing users graduate to a higher level. The price quality inference also plays an important role in this segment. It is in this segment where the consumers are regular users and users who are loyal to your brand. users who found the sachet good and are willing to buy a larger pack. One of the strategies in this area could be to offer promotional sachets of higher range product with the normal product so as to induce trials and help the customers to graduate to the higher range of your brand of the shampoo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