Intcess15 Conference Programme23

March 30, 2018 | Author: dragosmv | Category: Oman, English As A Second Or Foreign Language, Malaysia, Turkey, Educational Technology



MONDAY – 2nd February 2015Updated: 26 January 2015 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2-4 February, 2015 - Istanbul, Turkey CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Conference Venue: Nippon Hotel, Venue Address: Topçu Caddesi, No: 6, 34437, Taksim - Istanbul / TURKEY General note about the registration schedule of the conference: st rd Registration will go on 01 February at 13:30 until 3 February 17.00 Place: Registration Desk, Lobby 08:30- ------- Registration to the Conference: st rd Registration will go on 01 February at 13:30 until 3 February 17.00 Place: Registration Desk, Lobby 09.30- 10.30 KEYNOTE SPEECH & PLENARY SESSION Room: SAMURAI- 1-2 (Lower floor) "Mapping Exercises: Contexts for the Higher Education Workplace" PROF. Dr. JOHN HUTNYK Professor of Cultural Studies, Visiting Scientist at Mimar Sinan University, Turkey, Adjunct Professor of RMIT University, Australia, Guest Professor at Zeppelin University, Germany. 10.30- 11.00 COFFEE BREAK (Welcome Coffee) Place: Hall (Lower Floor) 1 MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 11.00- 12.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS 1st SESSION Room: SAMURAI- 1 (Lower floor) EDUCATION GENERAL AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Chair: Dr. Azar Pakdaman Savoji No Title/ Presenter 1 A Model-Based Approach for Creating Learning Objects: A Colombian Case Study from a Public University Boris Rainiero Perez, Prof. -Francisco de Paula Santander University, Colombia 2 Lecturers’ Understanding and Teaching Practices in Embedding Soft Skills into Compulsory Courses Marina Maharoff, Dr. -Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia 3 Gender Differences of Students of Technology and Informatics Program in Sentence Completion Test Ardita Devolli, Asst. Prof. Dr. -University of Prishtina, Kosovo 4 Using of Learning Strategies between Traditional and Virtual University Students Azar Pakdaman Savoji, Dr. -Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, IRAN 5 Charter Schools and the Problem of Segregation in U.S. Volkan Cicek, Asst. Prof. Dr. -Zirve University, Turkey 6 The Effects of a Social Support Strategy on Academic Performance and Coping Abilities among Undergraduate Students in Malaysia Abdul Rashid Mohamad, Assoc. Prof. Dr. -Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia 2nd SESSION Room: SAMURAI- 2 (Lower floor) BARRIERS TO LEARNING, NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATION Chair: Dr. Mulkah Adebisi Ahmed No Title/ Presenter 1 Enhancement Women and Girl-Child Education as a Panacea for National Development Mulkah Adebisi Ahmed, Dr. -University of Ilorin, Nigeria 2 Right to Education for Children of Indonesian Migrant Workers Maya Indrasti Notoprayitno, Ms. -Trisakti University, Indonesia 3 How Does a “Third-Country Child” Negotiate Multiple Linguistic Identities in a School Setting? Khadija Hamouchi, Ms. -Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom 4 Educational Uses of Virtual Reality for the Disabled Ridwan Islam Tuhin, Mr.- Samsung R&D Center, Bangladesh 2 -Caledonian College for Engineering. Asst. Dr. -Qatar University. -Royal Air Force of Oman. Ferit Uslu No Title/ Presenter 1 EVAPES DevalSimWeb – A Training Programme for University Tutor Digital Assessment Literacy María Soledad Ibarra-Sáiz. Malaysia 3rd SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-1 (Lobby) EDUCATION POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION OF EDUCATION Chair: Assoc. Thailand Ekkarin Sungtong. Thaialnd 3 Articulation as a Sustainability Elements for Technical and Vocational Education in Secondary Daily Schools: An Analysis of Delphi Study Asnul Dahar Minghat. Asst. Indonesia 5 The Educational Reform in Qatar: Challenges and Successes Nassra Reda Al-Banai. Prof.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 5 The Influence of Paying Attention in Classroom on Students’ Academic Achievement in Terms of Their Comprehension and Recall Ability Turkiya Mbarak Al'Omairi. Prof. Bad Outcome: The 20 Percent of Allocation of State Budget for Education and the Education Quality in Indonesia Gisty Ajeng Septami. Ms. Prof. Problems and Guidelines for a Multicultural-Oriented School: A Case Study of Samakee Municipality School. Sultanate of Oman Husam Yaqoob Al Balushi. -Prince of Songkla University. –Spain Gregorio Rodríguez-Gómez. Dr. Prof. Qatar 6 Policy Formulation. -Prince of Songkla University. Malaysia 4 Good Intention. Assoc. Pattani Campus. -Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Dr. Lithuania 2 Developing Strategies for Conflict Management of School and Community in Three Southernmost Provinces: Pattani Case Study Chawalit Kerdtip. Pattani Province. -Prince of Songkla University. Prof. Thailand Ekkarin Sungtong. Prof. Dr. -Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. -Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. Sultanate of Oman 6 Relationship between in Service Training and Teaching Skills with Student Achievement Norlia Mat Norwani.-Universitas Indonesia. Pattani Campus. Thaialnd 4th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-2 (Lobby) E-LEARNING. Prof. Mr. Dr. NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND APPROACHES IN EDUCATION Chair: Prof. Emilija Urnėžienė No Title/ Presenter 1 Managerial Competences of Pre-service Teachers: Longitudinal Research Emilija Urnėžienė. Policy Implementation. Dr. Dr. Dr. Spain 3 . Ms. Dr. Dr. -Ajou University. -Ajou University. -Bogor Agricultural University. Mr. Malaysia 5 Subjects “Love Agriculture” in Elementary School (SD) As the Way to Educate Sense of Caring For Agriculture among Children Fauzan Azhim Harisman. -Federal University Oftocantins. Malaysia 4 3D CAD as an Innovative Idea Generation Technique: Cognitive Evidences at Conceptual Design Stage Anwar Hamid Pa.-University of Latvia. -National Institute for Laser. Korea 4 Mothers’ Attitudes Towards Deaf Children’s Self-Esteem in Iran High Schools Effat Hamed Sardar. Korea Dohyun Park. Mr. -Paramount Textile Ltd.1 EDUCATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS 11:00. Brazil 6 The Methodological Analysis of the Sociology Teaching Program for Secondary Education in Turkey 4 . Bangladesh 3 Application of Persuasive Multimedia to Raise Children Awareness of Child Sexual Abuse among Primary School Students Azliza Othman Ms. -Ajou University. Latvia 3 The Discriminative Effect of Meditation Program with Level of Shame Wansuk Gim. -Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Iran 5 The Diary as a Tool of Critical Knowledge Production Marcia Sueli Schneider. Nigeria 7 PAPER 199: Promoting Inquiry-Based Science Education in Romanian Schools Adelina Sporea. 14:00-16:00 Place: Hall (Lower floor) No Title/ Presenter 1 The Prevalence of Bullying among Middle School Students in Kuwait in Light of Some of the Variables Tagreed Hameed Alrefaie.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 2 E-learning Dewan Faisalur Rahman. Mr. Mr. Korea Woojung Lee. Dr. -University of Farhangian Shahid Hashemi Nejad. Romania POSTER SESSION. Dr. -College of Basic Education..12:45. Dr.Indonesia 6 The Effect of Youth Empowerment through Vocational and Technical Skills Training Programmes in Katsina State Nigeria Sani Ahmed. Mr. -Isa Kaita College of Education Dutsinma. Ms. Prof. Kuwait 2 Pedagogic Principles to Develop Design Student's Spatial Abilities in the Study Process Inguna Karlsone. Mr. -Universiti Sains Malaysia. Dr. Prof. Asst. Malaysia Rizalawati Ismail.14. India 12.00: LUNCH BUFFET Place: Hotel Restaurant (First Floor) 14. Prof. Prof. Lithuania 2 Multicultural Education and Managing Cultural Difference: A Polish Perspective Jarema Drozdowicz. -University Utara Malaysia. -Hacettepe University.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 Onur Hayırlı. Rizalawati Ismail No Title/ Presenter 1 Factors Promoting Diversification of College Education in Lithuania Vida Navickienė.1 (Lower floor) EDUCATION POLICIES. Poland 3 Journalism Education in Malaysia: Dancing with UNESCO's Model Curricula Awan Ismail. Mr. –Mindwise. Prof. -Tecnológico de Monterrey. Dr. Dr. México 5 The Integrated Curriculum and the Place(s) of Learning in Higher Education: Notes from an Indian University Campus Ritam Dutta. Dr. -International Islamic University Malaysia. -Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. Malaysia 4 Factors That Affect Learning in Health Sciences University Students Gabriel Valerio.15.00. Prof. -Hacettepe University.45. Sarkar.Mr. Mr. Ms. Turkey 7 Examining the Human Rights in Terms of the Film of Straw Dogs Onur Hayırlı. . India 5 . HIGHER EDUCATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF EDUCATION Chair: Asst.30 5th SESSION Room: SAMURAI. Assoc. Asst. Dr. -Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Turkey The Importance of Children’s Rights in Budgeting and Public Policy 8 Madhabi. Dr. Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Ms. -Universiti Teknology Malaysia. Mr. Prof. -Bogor Agricultural University. Diverse Learning Organisation: How Do Providers of Quality Education Maintain and Value Lived Experiences of Their Students? Christopher Peta Whaanga. Brazil 4 Lived Experiences of Students in a Multicultural. Factor Analysis. Mr. ITS PROBLEMS AND NEW APROACHES Chair: Mohd Noramdzan Mohd Yusof No Title/ Presenter 1 Indicators of Students’ Success at Higher Education Institutions Tasneem Ali. Dr.Thailand 7th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-1 (Lobby) HIGHER EDUCATION. Malaysia 6 . Dr. -Federal University of Minas Gerais. -Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.A Preliminary Study Mohd Noramdzan Mohd Yusof. United Kingdom 4 Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in Malaysian Polytechnic . New Zealand 5 Early Education About Agroforestry for Children of Hegamanah Village. -Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage.2 (Lower floor) ADVANCES IN LEARNING AND TEACHING METHODOLOGIES Chair: Maulana Musthofa Rasyiid Gunawan No Title/ Presenter 1 School-Based Professional Learning Inventory (SPLI): Inventory Development. Dr. Saudi Arabia Heba Bakr Khoshaim. Ms. West Java. . Sukabumi. Indonesia Maulana Musthofa Rasyiid Gunawan. Oman 3 Comparative Analysis of Educational Production Functions in England Amira Elasra. Mr. Malaysia 3 Towards a Clinical Didactics in Teachers’ Education Merie Bitar Moukachar. -The University of Glasgow.Hatmi. Validity and Reliability Mahaliza Mansor.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 6th SESSION Room: SAMURAI. Ms. Saudi Arabia 2 What are the Factors that Influence Incoming Students' Choice of an Academic Major at Sultan Qaboos University? Sumaya Said Al. Ms. -Prince Sultan University. -Sultan Qaboos University. Dr. Malaysia 2 Literacy Performance among Lower Primary School Children: A Malaysian Case Study Hazlina Abdullah. Indonesia 6 Results of the Process “Learn-Play-Practice” on the Topic “Addition-Subtraction-MultiplicationDivision” for the Fifth Grade Students Patcharin Setteechaichana.Islamic Science University of Malaysia. Asst. -Prince Sultan University. -Sultan Idris Education University. Kazakhstan 2 Adult Education: Considerations and Approaches Shalini Narayanan. Sudan 6 Preservation and Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Primary Healthcare among the Alternative Healthcare Practitioners in Oyo State. -Sultan Qaboos University. Taiwan 4 Perceptions of Arabic Language Teachers toward their Use of Technology at the Omani Basic Education Schools Fatma Yousuf Al-Busaidi. Sultanate of Oman 3 Memoirs from a Taiwanese Primary School: One English Teacher's Journey Andrew Pratt. -Sultan Qaboos University. Nigeria 8th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-2 (Lobby) NEW APROACHES IN LANGUAGE EDUCATION Chair: Andrew Pratt No Title/ Presenter 1 The Role of Teaching Concepts in an 'English for Specific Purposes' Discipline Kamilya Karabayeva. Nigeria Adefunke Sarah Ebijuwa.16. UAE 15. Mr.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 5 Point of Views of Faculty Members at University of Bahri towards the Assessment of Their Students Abubaker Osman Mohammed Jaber. Dr. Expectations and Challenges Hala Fawzi ElMiniawi. -Ladoke Akintola University of Technlology.30. -Arab Open University-Oman Branch. Mr. Prof. Potentials. Oman 6 Educational Technology. Oman 5 Learning a Second Language Through Content Instruction Mourad Hassan Ben Bennani. Ms. Asst. Ms. -University of Bahri. Dr.00: COFFEE BREAK Place: Hall (Lower floor) 7 . -Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. -Taipei Private Elementary School. Dr. Dr. -Ministry of Education Language Teaching. -Alzahra University. Dr. Spain 3 The Variation in Angle Perception Due to Angle Size. -Gateway School of Mumbai.-Islamic Azad University. Mr. Dr. -Faculty of Medical Technology. Prof. Dr. Iraq 2 An Online Psychosocial Program to Improve Quality of Life in People with Rare Neuromuscular Diseases Oscar Martinez. Ms. Dr. Prof. Saveh Branch. Dr. Luma Ibrahim Al-Barazenji No Title/ Presenter 1 Paedophilia: A Mental Disorder Inside Us Luma Ibrahim Al-Barazenji. -University of Deusto (Spain). Libya 3 Constructive Child-Rearing Practices. Iran 5 Therapist Self-Evaluation Instrument in Dramatherapeutic Process: A Pilot Study Ivana Listiakova. Angle Orientation and Ratio of Line Length Jaeseon Song. Asst. Prof. Iran 8 . Prof. Dr. Prof. Czech Republic 6 The Changing Willow: An Expressive Arts Therapy Research Project in Special Education Neha Bhat. -Chungbuk National University. -Palacky University in Olomouc. -Diyala University. Ms. Turkey 2 Rates of Anxiety and Depression among Higher Education Students in Libya Khalid Abdallah Khalil.17.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 16. Asst. -Fatih University. Khalid Abdallah Khalil No Title/ Presenter 1 ‘Why Didn’t You Answer?’: Patterns in Accepting and Declining Mobile Calls and Texts Charles Allen Scarboro. India 10th SESSION Room: SAMURAI -2 (Lower floor) PSYCHOLOGY.00.30: PARALLEL SESSIONS 9th SESSION Room: SAMURAI -1 (Lower floor) PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH Chair: Asst. Dr. Prof. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Chair: Asst. Republic of Korea 4 Increasing General Mental Health of Rehabilitation Center Employees by Life Skills Training Dawood Hosseinzadeh. the Level of Schooling and Moral Development among a Group of Iranian (Shaahroodee) Mothers Zahra Hashemi. Asst. Dr. Dr. Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Coping Strategies Zahra Hashemi. -Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań). Dr. -Alzahra University. Andreja Sršen No Title/ Presenter 1 Social Reconstruction and Social Movements in Understandings of Civil Society in Croatia Andreja Sršen. Noraini Abdullah No Title/ Presenter 1 Factors Relating Behavioural Patterns on Film Viewers in Malaysia Noraini Abdullah. Republic of Korea 5 Big Data Analysis of Counseling Cases for Youth at Risk of Suicide Juhyoung Yoo. -National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBA&E). Ms. Dr. -Zagreb County.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 4 In Which Social Situations Do You Decline a Call? Charles Allen Scarboro. -University of Zagreb. Mr. Pakistan 4 Trends in Determinants of Entrance into the Academic Career: The Case of South Korea. Asst. -Duksung Women's University. Iran 11th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN – 1 (Lobby) SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Chair: Dr. Poland 6 The Investigation of Causal Model of Educational and Emotional Resilience: Teacher as Social Context. Prof. Republic of Korea Jong Kil Kim. -Fatih University. Croatia 2 Shifting Authenticity: Cultural Display of Traditional Hand Puppetry in Taiwan Wei-Ping Lee. -Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Dr. Ms. Dr. -Duksung Women's University. Dr. Prof. Malaysia 9 . -Indiana University. Dr. The Republic of Korea 6 An European Society and Migration: The Challenge of Transcultural Diversity Jadranka Dujic Frlan. Prof. United States 3 Social Impact of Thalassemia Major on Patients’ Families Syed Hassan Raza. -Korea Youth Counseling and Welfare Institute. Turkey 5 The Liminality of Adolescence: Becoming an Adult from the Point of View of the Theory of the Rite of Passage Sylwia Jaskulska. 1980-2010 Keuntae Kim. Croatia 12th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN – 2 (Lobby) MEDIA AND SOCIOLOGY OF MEDIA Chair: Dr. Malaysia 6 Digital Capitalism and New Communication Policies of Turkey Meral Özçınar. Malaysia 5 Cost vs. Dr. Sabah. Technology and Society: “Censorship in Social Media” Abdurrahman Masud. Dr. Mr. -Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Turkey 17:30 End of the Monday Programme 10 . Malaysia Noraini Abdullah. Prof. Malaysia Suhaimi Salleh. Mr. Quality of Service: A Study on Internet Users in Rural Sabah. -AKIJ Group. Malaysia 3 Science.MONDAY – 2nd February 2015 2 Consumption of Non-Local TV Broadcast and the Sustainability of Migrants’ Identity: A Study of Migrants Respondents in Sabah. Malaysia Suhaimi Salleh. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. -Uşak University. Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Bangladesh 4 Satisfaction Factors Related to Satellite TVRO Usage in Kota Kinabalu. Mr. Asst. -Federal University. -Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. Asst. Prof. South Korea 2 Location Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Libya Ibrahim Mohamed Ali Ahmouda. Mr. Dr. -Gangneung-Wonju National University.30: PARALLEL SESSIONS 13th SESSION Room: SAMURAI-1 (Lower floor) ECONOMICS. -Ladoke Akintola University of Technology. Dr. Katsina State. Prof. Dr. Dutsin-Ma. -MEF University. Dr. Dr. Czech Republic 4 Internal Controls System and the Integrity of Bursary Units in Nigerian Universities Rasheed Olarewaju Oyedeji. -Universiti Utara Malaysia. Prof.00. Prof. Thailand 6 Innovation and Other High Performance Work Practices for Organisational Improvement Wurim Ben Pam. Malaysia 4 An Analysis of E-Business Research Topics Semen Son Turan. Dr. Pakistan 3 Modelling Small Business Failures in Malaysia Nur Adiana Hiau Abdullah. BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Chair: Asst. Dr. -The University if Agriculture. Nigeria 11 . Asst.10. Dr. United Kingdom 3 The Quantitative Survey on Macroeconomic Determinants of Aggregate Credit Risk Ales Melecky. Dr. Prof.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 09. Bulgaria 2 Income-Consumption Relationships in Pakistan (1980-2011): A Cointegration Approach Himayatullah Khan. FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING Chair: Fatmir Mehmeti No Title/ Presenter 1 Political Exchange Risk in Taiwan Sung Pyo Chi.-University of Huddersfield. Mr. Prof. Turkey 5 The Safety and Environment Impacts on the Automobile Industry Employees’ Working Conditions: A Case of Rayong Province Witthaya Mekhum. Nigeria 14th Session Room: SAMURAI-2 (Lower floor) ECONOMICS. Semen Son Turan No Title/ Presenter 1 Cost Effectiveness Analyses Models in the Defence System in Bulgaria Venelin Krastev Terziev. -University of Agribusiness and Regional Development – Plovdiv. -VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Prof. Prof. Mr. Asst. Asst.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 5 Can Independent Directors Prevent Abusive Related Party Transactions? Hamezah Md Nor. Dr. Dr. Dr. -Bogor Agricultural University. Asst. Prof. Ms. -Bogor Agricultural University. Turkey 16th Session Room: SHOUGUN-2 (Lobby) ACCOUNTING. -VSB Technical University of Ostrava. Prof. Job Nda Nmadu No Title/ Presenter 1 CRM Factors Assessment Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Marketa Zajarosova. Ms. Nigeria 3 Management of Creative Change for Improving Organizational Behavior on Respecting Time in Indonesia Muhammad Farras Muhadzdzib. Czech Republic 2 Farm Labour Supply and Utilization for Food Crop Production in Nigeria Job Nda Nmadu. Mr. -Turgut Özal University. Malaysia 5 Integrated Agricultural Cooperatives: An Applied Solution to Improve the Farmer’s Prosperity Aditya Cahya Saputra. Indonesia 6 "Taruna Mandiri" Based Agropreneurship as Solution to the Poverty’s Problem of Small Farmers in Indonesia Sulai Siyah. Indonesia 7 How Do Turkish Banks Construct Their Identities: A Thematic Analysis Şirin Atakan Duman. Dr. -Yeditepe University. -Federal University of Technology. Malaysia 15th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-1 (Lobby) MARKETING. -Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.Fatma Gürses No Title/ Presenter 1 Numbers That Blur the Life: The Growth Myth in Economy News Kaan Tasbasi. -Turgut Özal University. -University Putra Malaysia. Turkey 3 Labor Force Planning in Local Governments: Computer Software and its Application Based on Workload Analyses 12 . Indonesia 4 Roles. MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURSES Chair: Prof. Issues and Challenges of Village Institution for Rural Development in Malaysia Ani Ahmad. Prof. HUMAN RESOURSES AND POLITICS (Session Language: Turkish) Chair: Asst. Turkey 2 Cost.Profit Analysis under Activity Based Costing: A Case Study in A Counseling Center Hamide Özyürek. -Bogor Agricultural University. Prof. Ms. Dr. TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 Özer Kestane. -Bu Ali Sina University. Prof. Dr. Taiwan 2 The Effects of A Workshop on Career Self-Efficacy and Intentions to Pursue Chan-Li Lin. Asst. -Kastamonu University. Dr. -Bu Ali Sina University.11. Iran 7 Impact of Economic and Financial Crisis in Kosovo Businesses and Measures Undertaken by the Government Skender Muharrem Hasani. -National Taipei University of Education. Prof. Iran 6 Analyses of Oil Shocks Asymmetry on Inflation: New Empirical Evidence from OPEC Member Countries Akbar Khodabakhshi. -PE "Iber-Lepenc". Mr. MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT 09:00. Republic of Kosovo 10. Dr.30. Mr.00: COFFEE BREAK Place: Hall (Lower floor) 13 . Prof. Prof. Kosovo 5 Review of the Relationship between Per Capita Income and Education as Effective Indicators on Sustainable Development Akbar Khodabakhshi.12:30 Place: Hall (Lower floor) No Title/ Presenter 1 The Interaction between Text and Image Narrative on Online Handmade Product Presentation Chan-Li Lin. -DEU İMYO. -Yeungnam University. Asst. -National Taipei University of Education. Asst. Republic of Korea 4 The Impact of Financial Performance on the Quality of Public Services Bahri Beshir Hyseni. Asst. Prof. Taiwan 3 The Effect of Self-Disclosure on Social Capital and Well-Being Miok Kwon. -Kosovo 8 Impact and Importance of Internal Audit in Successful Management of the Enterprise Fatmir Mehmeti. Dr. Dr. Dr. Turkey POSTER SESSION 2 ECONOMICS. -Audit Company "ETIKA". Dr. Turkey 4 A Critical Evaluation of Journalism Practices: “Soma Disaster” News Fatma Gürses. Asst. Prof. Prof. 2 (Lower floor) NEW TEACHING METHODS AND TEACHER TRAINING Chair: Meryem Fati No Title/ Presenter 1 Generation Orchestra: Culture and Education in Student’s Dispositions João Teixeira Lopes. Dr.1 (Lower floor) NEW APPROACHES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION. Ms. Ms. Benmostefa. Algeria 2 Pedagogical and Psychological Implications in Teaching ESP: The Case of the Department of Sociology in the University of Oran Melouka Ziani. Dr. -Tlemcen University. Algeria 3 What are the Academic and Psychological Challenges that Visually Impaired Students Face in Learning English as a Second Language at Sultan Qaboos University? Kawther Mohammed AlHousni. -Mostaganem University.00.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 11.12. Oman 4 Transforming Ineffective Feedback of the Students to Effective Feedback: A Study on the Students of ENG091 and ENG101 of BIL at BRAC University Mohammad Akteruzzaman. Libya 6 A Structural Analysis of the Writing Errors Committed by Foundation Students at Arab Open University. Bangladesh 5 Knowledge of Conjunctions as a Precondition to Benefit From Them in Reading and Writing Skills Abdussalam Ammar Innajih. -Eszterházy Károly College. Ms. Hungary 3 Omani Students' Perspectives on the Portfolio 14 .30: PARALLEL SESSIONS 17th Session Room: SAMURAI. -Sultan Qaboos University. -BRAC University. -Arts and Humanities Faculty of Oporto University. Oman Elnaz Valaei Bakhshayesh. Oman 18th Session Room: SAMURAI. Mr. -Arab Open University. Portugal 2 Expert and Novice Teachers' Approaches to Problematic Pedagogical Classroom Situations Judit Orgoványi-Gajdos. Prof. ESL/TESL Chair: Mohammad Akteruzzaman No Title/ Presenter 1 The Significance of Overt Culture Teaching Classes in Boosting EFL Learners' Communicative Competence Fatima Zohra Belkhir ep. -Al-jabal Al-Gharbi University. Ms. -Karadeniz Teknik University. Dr. Tanzania 5 Thinking Locally and Working Globally Meryem Fati. -Faculty of Education. Dr. Ms. Australia 19th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-1 (Lobby) EDUCATION. Turkey 20th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-2 (Lobby) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND EDUCATION OF RELIGION Chair: Khoirul Zadid Taqwa No Title/ Presenter 1 Teaching Technique of Islamic Studies in Higher Learning Institutions for Non-Arabic Speakers: Experience of Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies and Tamhidi Centre. Prof.Yıl University. Turkey 4 An Investigation on Gender Role Attainment in Children Literature through Kemalettin Tuğcu’s Novels Esma Dumanlı Kadızade. -Ondokuz Mayıs University. Malaysia 2 Integration of Al-Naqli and Al-Aqli Knowledge in Education Curriculum: Experience of Faculty of 15 . Ferit Uslu No Title/ Presenter 1 Turkish Kindergarteners' Book Selection Decisions Hüseyin Kotaman. HISTORY. Dr. Ms. Ms. -Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Turkey 3 God Tešup and Hurrian Attributes Nursel Aslantürk. Turkey 5 Visual Preferences in Urban Scenes: Evaluation of Perception Change In the Trabzon City Elif Merve Alpak. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Mohammad Hikmat Shaker. Ms. Dr. Turkey 2 The Necessity of Visual Culture Training To Develop Aesthetic Perception on Individuals Who Takes Art Training Selma Karaahmet Balcı. -Al-Maktoum College of Engineering. URBANISM AND LITERATURE (Session Language: Turkish) Chair: Prof.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 Sonia Achour. Asst. Ms. Morocco 6 Song as Saga: Curriculum-based Songs for Learning Aniko Debreceny. -Ondokuz Mayıs University. -Mersin University. -Sultan Qaboos University. Dr. Turkey Yudum Gündüz. Oman 4 Analytical Approach of Values Teaching in the National Curriculum of Secondary Education in Tanzania Hamdun Ibrahim Sulayman. -Harran University. -Charles Darwin University. Dr. -100. Ms. -SEAMEO RECSAM. Asst.30: PARALLEL SESSIONS 21st Session Room: SAMURAI. India 6 Solar Energy in the Context of the Education for Sustainable Development 16 . -Bahçeşehir University. Dr. Romania 5 Spatial Pattern of Farm Mechanization: A Micro Level Study of Western Trans. Assoc. Zainora Asmawi.15.Ghaghara Plain. Malaysia 2 The Relationships among Humanistic. -Aligarh Muslim University. Malaysia 3 The Isolation and the Exclusion of the Poor During the Urban Transformation in Istanbul: Tarlabaşı Case Ece Ceylan Baba. Mr. Ms. Malaysia 4 Integration of the Multiple Intelligence Theory in Islamic Education Curriculum In Matriculation Programme Ministry of Education Malaysia Jaafar Bin Jamian. and Ecocentric Views with Universal Life Values Hazura Ab Bakar. -International Islamic University Malaysia. (First Floor) 14.00: LUNCH BUFFET Place: Hotel Restaurant. Malaysia M.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 Quranic and Sunah Studies. Dr. Dr. Ego. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Mohamed Akhiruddin Ibrahim. -Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Turkey 4 Profound Ties: Nature. Mr.00. Prof.). Dr.1 (Lower floor) ENVIRONMENT AND URBANISM Chair: Dr. Prof. India Zafar Tabrez. Prof.P.45. Malaysia 3 The Effectiveness of Multimedia Courseware on Students’ Comprehension of Tajweed and Recitation of Al-Quran Zabedah Aziz.14. Assoc.Education Valentina-Mariana Manoiu. -Universiti Sains Malaysia. Dr. (U. Malaysia 12.Environmental Psychology. Gonca Demir No Title/ Presenter 1 The Effects of Public Open Spaces to Double-Storey Housing Prices in Kuala Lumpur. -Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. -University of Bucharest. Romania 22nd Session Room: SAMURAI. India 4 Used of Some Plant Wastes for Fish Feeding with Reference on Growth Performance and Body Composition Abdulbaset Mohamed Elgellal. -Akdeniz University.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 Adelina Sporea. Dr. Turkey 17 . Asst. Dr. Çağla Kubilay No Title/ Presenter 1 Relations Between News. Mr. -Islamic Azad University. Libya 5 Tehran Urban Spaces in "1001 Nights" and the 19th Century Illustrations: A Comparative Study with Intertextuality Approach Maryam Lari. -Dokkyo University. Dr.Narratives In Mapping Nisha Nair-Gupta. Asst. -Kastamonu University. Prof. Islamshahr Branch. Asst. GEOGRAPHY AND URBANISM Chair: Dr. Prof. Iran 23rd SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-1 (Lobby) JOURNALISM. -Misurata University. -Bogor Agricultural University. Dr. Turkey 2 The Change in Magazine Press in Turkey: The Problematic of Magazine Publishing in the Example of SES Magazine Mihalis Kuyucu. Dr.2 (Lower floor) ENVIRONMENT. Ms. Turkey 4 Discussions on “Private Sphere” in Islamist-Conservative Press: A Comparative Analysis Çağla Kubilay. Japan 2 Planning of Neighbourhood Park “Melody Park” As Green Open Space Based on Environment. Indonesia 3 People Called Mumbai. Politics and Advertising: Discursive Construction of Benetton Commercials Fatma Gürses. Prof. -Istanbul Aydın Unversitesi. Social. Dr. John Nickerson Wendel No Title/ Presenter 1 Language Endangerment and Language Ecologies John Nickerson Wendel. -Ankara University.-Maharashtra. Prof. Prof. Prof. Dr. -National Institute for Laser. Ms. and Culture Nurul Surya Wandani. Asst. ADVERTISING AND MEDIA (Session Language: Turkish) Chair: Asst. Dr. Turkey 3 A Research of Advertisements in Popular Youth Magazines Özlem Kükrer Aydın. Assoc. Assoc. Dr. Azerbaijan 5 Empowering Marginalized Learners through Critical Pedagogy: Learner Autonomy and Reading Skill in Focus Samaneh Azizmohammadi. Ms. Ms. Egypt 2 Environmental Psychology and School: A Literature Review Ricardo Lana Pinheiro. Mr. -Universidade de São Paulo. Ms. Hospitality and Gastronomy of Sao Paulo. -University Hospital of Frankfurt/ Main. Brazil 4 Turkey's European Union Membership Dilemma in the Context of Member State Preferences and Rationalist Institutionalism 18 .17:30 Place: Hall (Lower floor) No Title/ Presenter 1 The Semiotic Dimension of Some of the Functional and Esthetic Values of the Women’s Costumes in Modern Eras Safia Saroukh. -Ritsumeikan University. Dr. Prof. CULTURE.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 24th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-2 (Lobby) LITERATURE LINGUISTICS AND JOURNALISM Chair: Prof. Dr. -University Hospital of Frankfurt/ Main. -University of Alexandria. -Faculty of Tourism. Iran 6 Politeness Strategy in Non Face to Face Web Exchange Concerning Medical Issues: Local Practices and National Recommendations Akiko Nojima. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Japan POSTER SESSION 3 POLITICS. Spain 2 Predictors of Severe Language Deficits with Clinical Implications in a Representative Sample of German Pre-School Children Eugen Zaretsky. Prof. Dr. Germany 4 4 The Role of the Suffix “it (T)” in the Expression of the Notion of Compulsion in Azerbaijani Language Leyla Yusifova. Ferit Uslu No Title/ Presenter 1 The Use of “Whereas” and “Whereas Clauses” in Swift’s Drapier’s Letters Maria Angeles Ruiz-Moneva. Dr. -University of Zanjan. ART AND HISTORY 14:00. Brazil 3 Weather Preferences and Tourism Raphael Carvalho Aranha. Prof. Germany 3 Sociolinguistic Factors Influencing Language Development in German Preschoolers with Medical Issues in Three Follow-Up Studies Eugen Zaretsky. -University of Zaragoza. Ms.16. FOLKLORE STUDIES. Dr. Mr. Turkey 5 Ethnicty and Religion: Key Indicators in Nigeria's Electoral System Olakunle Olowojolu.30: PARALLEL SESSIONS 25th Session Room: SAMURAI. Pakistan 6 Women as Appendages or Partners: An Alternative Perspective of Man-Woman Relationship in the Works of Bessie Head 19 . Methods of Practice Asu Perihan Karadut. Prof. -Istanbul Technical University. 1-5. -Allama Iqbal Open University.30. Oman 5 Portrayal of Women in Rajput Wedding Songs: An Ethnographic Study Of Rajput Community Living In Punjab Pakistan Atifa Nasir.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 Buket Ökten. Mr. Ankara University. Mr. -Landmark University. -Anadolu University. Nigeria 6 Senses Produced with Children from Movements of Struggle for Land about the Relation Between Childhood and Politics Regiane Sbroion de Carvalho. Asst. Ms. Turkey 3 “Forty Melodic and Progressive Etudes for Violoncello Op.17.00: COFFEE BREAK Place: Hall (Lower floor) 16. Turkey 4 Shakespeare's Views on Women Azhar Abdulhameed Al Jabri. Brazil 7 Developing Programs Based On Maqasid Sharia By Islamic Microfinance Institution to Support Financial Inclusion Khoirul Zadid Taqwa. Asu Perihan Karadut No Title/ Presenter 1 Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System/TFMPNS Characteristics of Standard/s-Musicolect/s: The Urfa Region Sample Gonca Demir.00. Indonesia 15. -Sultan Qaboos University. Prof. Turkey 2 The Crisis of Identity in Postcolonial Novel Saman Abdulqadir Hussein Dizayi. -Istanbul Aydın University. -Universitas Airlangga. Dr. MUSIC Chair: Asst. 31” Nos. Ms. -Universidade de São Paulo. Dr.1 (Lower floor) LITERATURE. -Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. -Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Ms. Dr. Ms. Dr. Ms. Malaysia 4 Effect of Traditional. Dr. Suraya Sintang No Title/ Presenter 1 Study on the Rational Factors of Choosing Islam as Alternative Lives Suraya Sintang. -Azerbaijan University of Languages. Mr. Mr. Malaysia 20 . Ms. Sweden 26th Session Room: SAMURAI. Malaysia 2 Multimedia Design Principles in Developing Virtual Reality Learning Application to Increase Students’ Knowledge in Islamic Funeral Rites Awaatif Ahmad. Azerbaijan 2 The Initial Beginnings of the Iraqi National Nuclear Program: From the Foundation up to the Gulf War 1990 Ahmed Amir Haqi. Malaysia 3 Baitulmal Management During the Reign of Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz Radieah Mohd Nor. -Universiti Malaysia Sabah. -Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Asst. Azerbaijan 27th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-1 (Lobby) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND STUDIES ON RELIGION Chair: Dr. E-learning on Student' Attitudes in a Course on Islamic Culture Awadh Ali AlQahtani. Saudi Arabia 5 Prohibition to Use Identified Islamic Words and Expressions by Non-Muslims in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia: A Constitutional Perspective Mohd Altaf Hussain Ahangar. -Kyushu University. Prof. Japan 3 USA Caucasus Policy (1992-2000 years) Asgar Zeynalabdinov. -Botkyrka Folkhogskola. -Universiti Sains Malaysia. Blended. Dr. -Universiti Sains Malaysia. -Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University. Prof.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 Ebere Nnenna Nweze. -Umm Al-Qura University.2 (Lower floor) POLITICS AND POLITICAL HISTORY Chair: Narmin Huseynli No Title/ Presenter 1 Revolution in Ukraine: US-Russian Opposition Narmin Huseynli. Azerbaijan 4 Azerbaijan-Iran Relations (1918-1920) Şəbnəm Yusifova. Brunei Darussalam 6 Halal Assurance Mechanisms in Halal Industry: An Appraisal on Its Effectiveness towards Continuous Halal Assurance and the Way Forward Siti Noradibah Md Zain. Dr. Dr.TUESDAY – 3rd February 2015 28th SESSION Room: SHOUGUN-2 (Lobby) LAW AND CULTUREL STUDIES Chair: Dr. Ms. -Cairo University. -Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Malaysia 2 Prevention of Human Trafficking: A Study on Malaysia’s Anti-Trafficking in Persons and AntiSmuggling of Migrants Act 2007 Zuraini Ab Hamid. Ms. -MARA University of Technology. Egypt 5 Managing Organized Leisure Activities among Youth: Policy Implementation from State to School Mawarni Mohamed. -Cairo University. -International Islamic University Malaysia. Prof. Dr. Prof. Asst. Muzaffar Syah Mallow No Title/ Presenter 1 Juvenile Delinquency in Malaysia: Current Issues and Promising Approaches Muzaffar Syah Mallow. Egypt Amany Massoud El Hedeny. Malaysia 3 Property Right on Occupied Territories of Georgia Marika Arevadze. Georgia 4 Women after Arab Spring from Oppressed Culture to Depression Expectations Iman Noureldin Elshamy. Malaysia 17:30 End of the Tuesday Programme 21 . Dr. -University of Georgia / NGO "Young Barristers". Turkey Instructional Systems Development (ISD): Improving applicable ISD model for the purpose of Instructional Design for Technology Enhanced Learning Environment in Preschool Education Burcu Berikan. Turkey Using Social Media in Education: Pinterest as an Example Silviya Ivanova Filkova. -Palacký University Olomouc.VIRTUAL PARTICIPANTS EDUCATION AND RELATED FIELDS Presenter’s Name Maria Gkountouma. Algeria The Challenges of Using ICT in Algeria Nadera Boukhatem. Asst. Ms. -Addar Group . Mr. -Gazi University. Saudi Arabia Teaching Cyber-Physical Systems Using MIT App Inventor 2 Nadera Boukhatem. -European University of Tirana. Dr. Dr. -Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University. Dr. -Abou Bakr Belkaid University. -Federal College of Education. Greece Paper Title Interactive Storytelling on Environmental Issues Ghassan Farouq J Bati. Ms. Taiwan Causes of English Speaking Anxiety among Taiwanese University Students Enkeleda Jata. -Umm Al-Qura University. -Abou Bakr Belkaid University.Study among First-Year Students in the Medical College . Dr. -Shih Chien university Kaohsiung Campus. Legal Basis and Motivation for Selection of Speciality . -University of Aegean. -Mahidol University International College. -Gazi University. Dr. Saudi Arabia The Impact of a Program Based on Virtual Classes on the Development of English Reading Skills among Female Students at the College of Languages and Translation. Ms. Ms. Dr. Malaysia Self-Reflection: A Point of an Uphill Departure Bruno Mahon. Ms. Gr. Dr. Mr. Nigeria The Demand and Supply of Teachers in Cross River State – Nigeria Pavel Svoboda. Mr. Algeria Educational Technology And Mobile Learning Suhaily Abdullah. Czech Republic The Diagnosis of Mathematical Difficulties by Using Numeric Table Oldřich Müller. -Open University Of Cyprus. Ms. Ms. -Universiti Teknologi MARA. Albania Intercultural Competence a New Challenge for English Learners Aseel Ibrahim Bin Salamah. Obudu Cross River State. KSU Bilal Yıldırım. Greece Maria Kouklatzidou.City of 22 . Prof.Palacky University. .Thailand Study and Internships Abroad: Tools to Develop the French Section of a Thai University Svetlana Timina. -Medikal College of Medical University “ Prof. Czech Republic Diagnostic Value and Efficiency of Expressively-Formative Interventions Applied at Senior Citizens with Dementia Burcu Berikan. Turkey A Review on Attitudes of Science Teachers Related to National Parks in Turkey Mark Ogar Omu. Sidek. -Federal University Ndufu-Alike. Japan Research Culture and Graduate Education: Dynamic Interactions from International Students’ Perspectives Sunday Nnamani. Australia Impression Management Tactics Used by Women and Men in the Workplace: Are They Really Different POLITICS AND HISTORY Presenter’s Name Paper Title Madhubanti Banerjee. Private Sectors and Growth: The Case of Turkey Congress Tourism in Turkey and an Application Congress Hotel in Istanbul lskandar Hasan Tan Abdullah. Malaysia Market Place and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on British American Tobacco Company in Malaysia Natalie Jane McKenna. Dr. Mr. Malaysia A Cross-Linguistics Analysis of the Roles of Linguistic Knowledge on Reading Comprehension Performance ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Presenter’s Name Paper Title Pavle Jakovac. Mr. Nigeria Partnership in Education: Refocusing Primary Education in Nigeria to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century Megat Khalid Puteri Zarina.-Democritus University of Thrace. -University of Rijeka. Turkey Ahmet Tayfur Akcan. -RMIT University. Dr. Dr. Dr. -Osaka University. -Landmark University Omu Aran. Greece Inducement of Cognitive Conflict in the Teaching of Games Tactics in Physical Education Tomoko Arikawa. Bulgaria Varna Iakovos Mastrogiannis. Universiti Sains Islam. Malaysia An Analysis of a Secondary School EFL Reading Curriculum: Types of Reading Tasks Harison M. Universiti Sains Islam. Nigeria Functional Local Government System in Nigeria: A Panacea for the Sustainable Management of Universal Basic Education (UBE) Sunday Nnamani. Sidek. Turkey The Relationship between Public. Malaysia The Effects of Concept Mapping on Matriculation Students’ Essay Writing Performance Harison M. Nigeria Women Communication in Albanian Politics from 2005 and in Following Years The Nigeria Public Service Reforms of 1999-2007: A Panacea for Federal Staff Motivation 23 . Croatian Electricity Sector and Impacts of Southeast European (SEE) Regional Electricity Market (REM) Croatia Ahmet Tayfur Akcan. -Federal University Ndufu-Alike. -Namık Kemai University. USA Two Bengal Partitions and the Aftermath Miranda Çili. Ms. Mr. Prof. Dr. Prof.Paraskev Stoyanov”. Dr. -UNIKL MIMET. Assoc. University Technology MARA Kelantan. -San Jose State University. Ms. Dr. Dr. Ms. Prof. Assoc. Dr. -European University of Tirana. -Namık Kemal University. Albania Modupe Bosede Ake. Hungary Judit Csakvari. Hungary Szilvia Cs. Indonesia Epidemiological Review of the Application of Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) in Several Studies on Public Health 24 . URBANISM. Dr. Dr. Dr. Ferenczi. Algeria Physical Activity and Sport and Their Impact on Mental Judit Csakvari. Italy May the Principles of Restorative Justice Be Applied to International Criminal Law? Svetlana Nickolaevna Bezus. Ms. Hungary Health of Algerian Adolescents Social Cognition. -The Federal Polytechnic Ede. -Chlef University. Poland Turkey-Jordan Relations in the Face of Middle Eastern Developments 1923-1 980) Identity Problems in Turkey: Alevis and AKP Multicultural Netherlands: The Turkish Aspect PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. -MEB. Dr. Turkey Özgur Üşenmez. SOCLOLOCY. Mr. Prof. Ms. Ms. Nigeria Menace of Cultism in Nigerian Educational Institutions: Manifestation of National Decadence Samuel Sunday Oni. Russia The Peculiarities of ‘Personal’ Sentences in Formal Letters Written in Old Spanish Buchari Buyung Lapau. Asst.Pekanbaru Hang Tuah Institute of Health. LAW AND LANGUAGE Presenter’s Name Paper Title Relationship between Resilience and Childhood İdris Kaya. Nigeria Community Participation in Rural Development: Catalyst for Sustainable Development Efforts Agnese Cigliano. General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University. -Marmara University. Dr. Turkey Vioietta Gul-Rechlewicz. -National Institute for Family and Social Policy" Eotvos Lorand University. Dr. Dr.Bahattin Demirtaş. Turkey Abuse/Neglect in Adolescent Farid Mouissi. –Gazi University. -The Federal Polytechnic Ede. Social Competence and Early Intervention Vulnerability and Resilience in Early Childhood Szilvia Cs. Indonesia Review of the Application of Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) in Several Studies on Growth-Development of Children Buchari Buyung Lapau. –National Institute for Family and Social Policy. Piatigorsk State Linguistic University. Sri Lanka Developing Environmental Education among the Citizens to Shield the Benefits Occurred from the Flora Indoors the Country Samuel Sunday Oni. -National Institute for Family and Social Policy" Eotvos Lorand University. Ms. Ferenczi. -The Jan Kochanowski University. –National Institute for Family and Social Policy. Hungary Intervention Padmaja Charumathee Wğesooriya. -University of Naples Federico ll. Mr. Ms. Prof. Dr.Pekanbaru Hang Tuah Institute of Health. Prof. Usama A. Assoc. Ms. Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. Nassar. Dr. Prof. -Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Egypt Urban Space Design to Enhance Physical Activities and Motivate Healthy Social Behavior in Cairo. Malaysia Tepak Sirih: Interpretation and Perception in Malay Wedding Customs 25 . Dr. Asst.-Suez Canal University. Azerbaijan “City-Environment” System of Azerbaijan Norhuda Salleh. Prof. Egypt Agasalim Azizov. Departure Point for the Tour: In front of the Venue Hotel (Nippon Hotel) 26 .WEDNESDAY – 4th February 2015 09:15 – 14:30 Istanbul Boat Sightseeing Tour (Bosporus Sightseeing Cruise) English guided excursion by boat along the waterway separating Europe and Asia. This social activity is offered (free of charge) to all INTCESS15 participants.
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