
April 2, 2018 | Author: GOST TECH GOST-технология | Category: Computer Keyboard, Parameter (Computer Programming), Subroutine, Numerical Control, Switch



Multiaxes Numerical ControlCNC - SIAX150 Installation guide SIPRO S.r.l. Viale dell'Industria, 7 37135 Verona - ITALIA Tel. +39 045 508822 - Fax +39 045 585477 - e-mail:[email protected] M0000465 v2.6 PAGINA VUOTA Pag. 2 M0000465 Installation Guide Introduction Introduction The SIAX150 numerical control is made up of a 32 bit central unit and has two multitask software sections (NC and PLC). The NC has a wide set of instructions (subprograms, calculations, comparisons, mathematical operations, interpolations, indexed tables, 2 and 4 byte variables, etc.) which can solve many different cycle situations. All this functions are explain in Programming Guide (M0000464). In its maximum configuration SIAX150 includes: user memory: 32 ÷ 256 KByte for NC programs; 48 KByte for PLC and messages. 16 digital inputs 24 Vdc - optoinsulated; 16 digital outputs 24 Vdc / 100mA - optoinsulated; 1 ÷ 4 incremental encoders 100 KHz - 5/12V (Push-Pull or Line- Driver); 8 analog inputs 0 ÷ 5 V - 12 bit; 1 ÷ 4 analog outputs ± 10V - 12 bit; 2 RS232 serial lines or 1 RS232 line + 1 RS422 line; CAN BUS interface; 1÷4 CANopen lines for input – output expansion; thermoformed keyboard with 28 keys + 8 customizable function keys. M0000465 Pag. 3 Introduction Installation Guide Typographical conventions In this manual are used the following typographical conventions: Proportional gain Name of a parameter. Manual State of work. EMERGENCY Name of an input or an output. [SHIFT] Name of a key. TEST MENU Visualizzation on display. Argument descripted in the Programming Guide (M0000464). This Manual is up to drafting date indicated in the last page. The Sipro S.r.l. riserved the right to change the specifications of the product or its performance or the contents of the manual, without notice. Pag. 4 M0000465 Installation Guide Introduction Technical Characteristics Computerized numeric control, up to 4 axes handled, PLC on board Motorola 32-bit CPU, user memory: 32 ÷ 256 KBytes for NC programs, 48 KBytes for PLC and messages. 4 encoder read channels: Push-Pull / Line-Driver, 5 or 12 V, maximum frequency 100 KHz. 4 analog outputs, -10 / +10 V, 12-bit resolution. 16 optoinsulated digital inputs, 24 Vdc. 16 optoinsulated digital outputs, 24 Vdc, 100 mA, PNP. 8 analog input 0 / +5V, resolution 12 bits. RS232 and/or RS422 serial interface. CAN BUS interface, extended version (2.0B), 1 Mb/s, optoinsulation on Bus, for expansions (max. 13 modules). 1÷4 interfaces CANopen (optional), 1Mb/s, optoinsulation on Bus, for expansions inputs and outputs digital and analog, and to command Drive by CANopen. D-type connectors for all interfaces (DB9, DB15, DB25), power supply terminal board. 36-key thermoformed keyboard; 8 customizable function keys. Front insulation protection: IP65. LCD with 4×40 or 4×20 characters backlit by LED’s; possibility of assembling 240×64 graphic LCD (8 rows × 40 columns) backlit with neon. Dimensions: front 240 (H) × 200 mm (L), depth 80 mm. Power supply: 15 Vac or 24 Vdc, maximum 1.2 A. Weight: about 2.5 kg. Operating temperature: 0 ÷ 45 °C (Relative Humidity: 90% Max., without condensation). Temperature allowed during transport and storage: -20 ÷ +80°C. M0000465 Pag. 5 Introduction Installation Guide Specifications for the correct installation of controls General notes The staff that effect the installation must be suitabley qualified and competent and must read the content in this manual before to start with the installation. It’s recommended to follow that is indicated in this manual for a correct installation; possible question to make clear can be request at supplier. The SIPRO S.r.l. accepts no liability for any conseguences resulting for incorrect installation or inappropriate use of the Numerical Control. Installations notes To wire the electric frame that must contain the Numerical Control, conform with the electromagnetic compability standard and the safety standard in force. In particular, the safety standard in force impose that the stop circuits by emergency must be constituted with electromeccanical components and not dipendent by Hardware or Software. To avoid the problem that can rise because of coupling between power signal and control signal, there is the follow adviceds: • the power cables and the control cables must be separate (min. 20 cm.) and , if necessary they must cross only with righ angle; • if possible, the power area (drivers, ecc.) and the control area (Numerical Control Sipro S.r.l.), must be phisicaly separate with an interrupt of metal base; • To use opportune noise suppressor (filters, ecc); • the earth connections must be effect holding separate the earth used for the Numerical Control and for the drivers logic and the earth for the drivers power. Example of earth connections: Logic protective conductor Numerical Control Sipro S.r.l. Inverter Driver Driver principal earth terminal Power protective conductor Pag. 6 M0000465 Installation Guide Introduction Danger of damage for incorrect connection The electronic components of the Numerical Control Sipro S.r.l. are provided of many protection circuits. However it’s necessary respect this standard: • connect the inputs (digital and analog) of controls only with a voltage correspondent at technical characteristics indicated; • the load on outputs (digital and analog) must correspond at technical characteristics indicated and in particular the outputs are not protect by short circuit; • before a machin test at high voltage (insulation resistance test) it must disconnect the numerical control to damage no electronic components. M0000465 Pag. 7 Introduction Installation Guide Main Menu When the machine is turned on, if there are no EMERGENCIES (limit switch, or EMERGENCY from PLC), the following screen appears: MAIN MENU 1 - Axes reset 2 - Manual Displacement 3 - Test Menu It contains the Main Menu, or the starting functions. Select a function by entering its corresponding number and press [Enter]. Note that for some functions (machine and tool parameters, origins) access is allowed only if the password is entered. This avoids insertion or modification of important working values by unauthorised persons. Pag. 8 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 1: Keyboard Chapter 1 Keyboard The SIAX control has a numerical keyboard and some function keys allowing the data programming necessary for the control to operate. M0000465 Pag. 9 Chapter 1: Keyboard Installation Guide Primary function Key Description Small numeric keyboard for inserting data. Inserts the sign of the displayed value (it becomes operational before inserting at least one value). In Parameters it allows to change the Axis and Type of motor setting. Ends insertion of the current value, according to what is displayed; if the value is accepted (that is, if the maximum or minimum values allowed are not exceeded), this substitutes the preceding value, otherwise the preceding value reappears and you are asked to insert a valid value. After confirming the value, this key can take on the same characteristic as the [ ] key allowing you to successively scroll the other insertable values (if there are any, such as when inserting parameters). For values inserted in Parameter and Editor, it just confirms the value temporarily: to definitely store the value it is necessary press the [MEMO] key. Once the values in Parameter and Editor have been inserted, press this key to definitely store the values. Allows you to exit the current function without saving any eventual modifications, returning to the former menu level. Successively scrolls the video pages. Displays the situation of all the digital inputs and outputs. In parallel to the 1 input (START) on the terminal board, gives the instrument the go-ahead for initiating the programme in Automatic ( if managed by PLC). In parallel to the 2 input (STOP) on the terminal board, interrupts positioning or the function in progress ( if managed by PLC). In parallel to the 3 input (JOG+) on the terminal board, tells the instrument in which direction to move during Manual movement providing the axis with a positive voltage ( if managed by PLC). In parallel to the 4 input (JOG-) on the terminal board, tells the instrument in which direction to move during Manual movement providing the axis with a negative voltage ( if managed by PLC). Pag. 10 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 1: Keyboard Key Description Activates the secondary function, indicated in BLUE on top of the key (see Table 2). Press before pressing the key with the selected secondary function. Inserts a decimal point. In Parameters, it is used for moving back one character in the Axis Name. In Editor displays all the instruction codes. Displays one or more lines of text combined with a message. Moves the cursor right (in Parameters goes to the first parameter). Moves the cursor left (in Parameters goes to the first parameter). Move the cursor up (in Parameters displays the preceding parameter). Moves the cursor down (in Parameters displays the next parameter). In Automatic, it is used for selecting the number of the program to be executed. Used for entering Setting of variables (see the Messages section). In Automatic, while selecting the program to be executed, it is used for viewing the list of visible programs present in the memory. Displays the variables (see the Display editor). Displays the programs being executed (if enabled using the variable VB390). Displays the active alarms (see Alarms Display). Programmable by PLC in Automatic menù. In other menù, displays the characteristics of PLC programma stored in memory (name, time and date of send, cycle time, state, function keys available). Programmable by PLC. Programmable by PLC. M0000465 Pag. 11 Chapter 1: Keyboard Installation Guide Key Description Programmable by PLC. Programmable by PLC. Table 1 Pag. 12 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 1: Keyboard Secondary function Key Description Activates the secondary function of the following keys (those with writing on their upper part). In Editor, used for entering letters A, B, C, etc.. Inserts a variable, rather than a constant, as instruction parameter. If the [SHIFT] + [VAR] keys do not have any effect, this means that the only possible specific mode for that parameter is the one currently displayed. Cancels the instruction displayed. Inserts a new instruction in the step displayed. Replaces the displayed instruction with another one. Increases the contrast on the 8 or 16-line displays. The option is available when the CAN - BUS interface is installed. Decreases the contrast on the 8 or 16-line displays.The option is available when the CAN - BUS interface is installed. Table 2 M0000465 Pag. 13 Chapter 1: Keyboard Installation Guide Pag. 14 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 2: Input and output Chapter 2 Inputs and outputs We begin now to analyse in detail the structure of the SIAX. This chapter looks at the interfacing of the numerical control with the outside world. The various input and output connections are looked into. It includes a detailed and output to simplify connection of the SIAX explanation of the meaning of each input M0000465 Pag. 15 Chapter 2: Input and output Installation Guide Inputs The inputs are optoinsulated from the electronic control power supply and it is necessary to supply them with 24 Vdc (PNP type inputs). All the inputs may be reprogrammed by the PLC or NC. Some inputs are dedicated to specific axis control functions. The START, STOP, JOG+ and JOG- inputs have the same function as the [START], [STOP], [JOG+] and [JOG-] keys on the keyboard, and esactly they are phisically connected in parallel. If you want use this 4 input for other purpose, you must back off, into the Control, the flat with 5 pins from keyboard. The inputs 6 and 7 for asis 1, 8 and 9 for axis 2, 10 and 11 for axis 3, 14 and 15 for axis 4, are predispose to be used as Limit Switch minimum and maximum (normally closed). Name Input Maximun LS axis 1 6 Minimum LS axis 1 7 Maximun LS axis 2 8 Minimum LS axis 2 9 Maximun LS axis 3 10 Minimum LS axis 3 11 Maximun LS axis 4 14 Minimum LS axis 4 15 The firmware of Control manages in automatic way this inputs, with a emergency state if they are false, with the relative allarm message and allowing only the contrary manual moviment. If it’s want manage this input in personally way, it’s necessary to disable this management by the parameter of Disable of the Limit Switches Input (see chapter Parameters). It’s possible use the inputs relative at limit switch for the execution of Resetting of Axes, also if they are disable with the appropriate parameter: it’s used the limit switch of minimum or maximum, according to setting in the parameter of Reset Direction. The limit switch not used for the reset operations, can be programmed by user. Instead, if it’s used a reset on the point (Reset Direction = 2, 3, 4, o 5), there are both limit switches available for the user. The standard PLC program controls the inputs programmed as follows: Input Name Activat. Description 1 Start ON Enables execution of Automatic mode, Resetting and, in general, axis movement. Pag. 16 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 2: Input and output Input Name Activat. Description 2 Stop ON Stops execution in progress. In Automatic and Resetting, when the [STOP] key is pressed, the axis stops and waits for further commands: when [START] is pressed, execution is resumed from the point where it was interrupted, when [MENU] is pressed, execution of the function in progress is interrupted. 3 Jog+ ON Forces the axis forwards during operation in Manual mode. 4 Jog- ON Forces the axis backwards during operation in Manual mode. 5 Emergency OFF Must always be ON during normal operation. In case of emergency, the absence of this input instantaneously blocks all motion and no operation may be performed until the cause of the emergency has been eliminated. It is normally ON and, if it goes OFF, the emergency is generated. Indicates the safety limit: when exceeded, all movement 6,7 Maximum / OFF 8,9 Minimum Limit is blocked. Furthermore, during the Zero cycle, these 10 , 11 Switch axes make up the axis zero references (see parameter Zero 14 , 15 Setting Direction). The Limit switch of each axis can be disabled by a parameter (see Chap. Parameters) without generating emergency and can be therefore utilised for other purposes unless they are used for resetting. 12 Step enable ON If set to ON, enables the current step to be executed. Enables the NC to be synchronized with external controls (e.g. PLC). 13 Access Key ON If set to ON, enables access to the Program editor (it is normally connected to a key-operated selector to prevent access to the parameters by unauthorized persons). 16 Self-Learning ON In Program editor, enables the acquisition of the position of the axis in the selected step (see the Self-learning section). Table 3 M0000465 Pag. 17 Chapter 2: Input and output Installation Guide Outputs The outputs are optoinsulated from the electronic control power supply and it is necessary to supply them with 24 Vdc. Each exit can take a 100 mA maximum load. It is advisable to connect a diode in antiparallel on every connected load (relay coil, solenoid valve, etc.) N.B.: The outputs may be disabled in an emergency condition (emergency intervention or forward/backward limit switch), and reactivated after the emergency has been reset (see the Type of Emergency parameter). N.B.: All the outputs may be reprogrammed by the PLC using the Binary Variables described in the “Variables Managed by the PLC” chapter. The AXES ENABLE output (OUTPUT 1) may be changed (see the Type of Emergency parameter). The standard PLC program uses the outputs programmed as follows: Outp Name Duration Description ut 1 Axes enable Always, except in Must be used to enable the drives or the inverters Emergency and Test. of the managed axes. 2, 3, 4 Axis in Until execution of the It is activated when the axis reaches the position e 9 position next step. set in the step being executed (within the Axes in position band parameter). It remains active until the next step is executed; then if you want to use this output you can set a wait time at the end of the step before executing the next step. 6 Program end Until the Start of a Indicates that the Automatic cycle has executed new program. all the instructions in the program being executed; it remains active until a Start command is issued to execute the program another time. It is not activated if the last instruction of the program is a jump instruction (the program then continues execution). 7 Automatic Until exit from It is enabled in Automatic mode. Automatic mode. 8 Alarm Until the alarm has It is enabled when the alarm is activated been reset. (Emergency, forward / backward limit switch, software limit switch, tracking alarm). Table 4 Pag. 18 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Chapter 3 Parameters Parameters are the settings made when the instrument is installed to control its operation on the basis of the mechanics on which it is installed. Once determined, the setting parameters are usually no longer modified (they are part of the characteristics of the machine) except following mechanical modifications or variations in the type of application. In any case it is always possible to make a change: the last setting is saved and remains valid until the following change. It is recommended to store the parameters on a floppy disk and to keep it with care. M0000465 Pag. 19 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Principal phases for the settings of axes The operations to effect tha correct setting of an axis are: – in test, check of correct reading of digital input and of effective forced of the digital output; – in analog outputs test to enable the axes with voltages at 0V and setting of possible offset relative at drivers; – in test, to force to a positive value the analog outputs for check the direction of motor’s moviment; – in test, check of correct encoder count (the count must increase according to a positive voltage on relative analog output); – adjustment of axes parameters (in particular, reference speed, proportional gain, reference shift and reference impulses); – check of the correct manual displacement and test positions in menù semiautomatic; – execution of a reset cycle. To a perfect setting of axes you can analyze with a oscilloscope the progress of analog output interessed. Otherwise, you can display by the NC program the position error of interested axis, with setting of VN311 (contains the index of the first VN variable that contains the position error. Parameters setting A Password is needed to insert and edit parameters (Menu 5 - Machine Parameters), consisting in the following numbers: 4 - 5 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 8. The following will appear: DISPLAY PARAMETERS AXIS No. 1 Axis name: AX 1 AXIS ACTIVE Motor Type: D.C. It is possible to set the values relative to the various parameters of the machine for each axis (explained in this chapter) by entering the desired value and pressing [ENTER] to confirm. For the parameters without numerical setting it’s possible show the available values by the key of [+/-]. The parameters for each axis are divided into two pages. N.B.: To move inside a page use the [ ] and [ ] key, to go from one page to the next one, use [PAGE]. The axes do not have to be reset after changing some parameters. Pag. 20 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Axes Parameters There follows a detailed analysis of all the parameters it is possible to act on to obtain perfect machine operation. Furthermore, the minimum, maximum and default value each parameter can assume is indicated. Direct Current Axes Parameter Description Axis Name You can customize the name of the axis (by default AX1, AX2, etc.) DEFAULT: AX n specifying up to 7 characters. To do this, you must move the cursor to the letter to be changed and select the desired letter using the alphanumeric keypad. Pressing the arrows [ ] and [ ] moves the cursor inside of the name. At the end, press [ENTER]. Axis Changes the axis setting from “ACTIVE” to “DISABLED” using the DEFAULT: ACTIVE [+/-] key. An axis may therefore be disabled. N.B.: Do not leave the "not valid" setting, which appears twice. Motor Type Indicates the type of motor of the axis: DEFAULT: D.C. D.C. = Direct Current motor (in this case the analog output of the CNC will be –10 ÷ +10Vdc). On/Off = ON / OFF motor. Invert = INVERTER motor(in this case the analog output of the CNC will be 0 ÷ +10Vdc [see page 34]). COP = Drive piloted from the CNC in CANopen mode. FREQ = Drive piloted from the CNC in Frequency mode(Step – Dir). STEP = Drive piloted from the CNC in STEP mode(Step – Dir). Decimals Number Indicates where the decimal point goes in the position display: in practice DEFAULT: 2 it is the chosen measurement unit for display. MINIMUM: 0 1 decimal digit indicates the tenths of a mm, 2 decimal digits indicate the MAXIMUM: 3 hundredths of a mm, 3 decimal digits indicate the thousandths of a mm. PLC Decimals Indicates the number of decimal digits used to express the Number positions of the axes in the PLC variables (from VN260 to DEFAULT: 0 VN267). MINIMUM: 0 The maximum number that may be set is the number of decimals of MAXIM:Decimals the NC. No. M0000465 Pag. 21 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description Reference Speed Indicates the number of impulses per second gathered by the instrument DEFAULT: 10000 while the motor is turning at maximum speed. MINIMUM: 0 Bear in mind that, inside the control, the impulses provided by the MAXIMUM: 9999999 encoder are automatically multiplied by four before they are processed Expres. in imp. per sec. and therefore the Reference speed is: (Impulses per second provided by the encoder at maximum speed) × 4 It is possible to get this speed automatically (See Speed Test). Do not enter values of over 300,000 impulses per second. When is possible, it’s better to calculate the reference speed on the basis of motor revolution and number of encoder impulses. Acceleration Time The time it takes the axis to go from zero to the maximum speed DEFAULT: 1.000 (intended as the possible speed if the motor was supplied with 10V). MINIMUM: 0.001 Clearly if movement took place at 50% of the maximum speed, the MAXIMUM: 99.000 acceleration ramp would be half the set value, because the set value refers Expressed in seconds to the maximum speed and not movement speed. Deceleration Time See Acceleration Time. DEFAULT: 1.200 MINIMO: 0.001 MASSIMO: 99.000 Expressed in seconds Axis in position The accepted allowance in respect to the objective position within which DEFAULT: 100 the AXIS IN POSITION is set and the NC carry out the next step. MINIMUM: 0 In Automatic it controls the positions reached by the axis during the MAXIMUM: 9999999 various steps. Expressed in impulses The output remains valid from the moment in which the axis reaches the objective position minus the Axis in position value, until the moment the axis departs for the next position. If Axis in position values are set higher than the smallest foreseen movements, the output remains active during these movements and it would not be possible to determine in which position the axis is. Pag. 22 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Parameter Description Pursuit Alarm Indicates the maximum accepted difference between the momentary DEFAULT: 3000 theoretical position and the real position. When it is exceeded the axis is MINIMUM: 0 blocked and an alarm signal goes off. MAXIMUM: 9999999 It typically intervenes when there is an encoder signal failure or if the Expressed in impulses instrument has been incorrectly tared. When in operation, it also checks that the motor does not exceed the Pursuit Alarm half, in which case (if the alarm threshold is not reached) a state of «Pre-alarm» is displayed without blocking operation, indicating that the axis tare needs to be reviewed. When set to zero, control is cut out and the alarm does not intervene. An alarm can be due to the following causes: the axis is not correctly tared and therefore control cannot pilot the axis correctly (the values to consider are: the Pursuit Alarm is too small, the Proportional Gain is too low or the Reference Speed is incorrect); the encoder is not working properly (check it is working properly with the Encoder Test); incorrect drive, therefore the axis is not piloted according to instructions from the control. It always remains operative. M0000465 Pag. 23 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description Proportional Gain Represents the amplification of the system response to a positioning error: DEFAULT: 100 when the axis is exactly on the objective quote, the instrument does not MINIMUM: 0 supply any corrections and therefore the operation output voltage is zero. MAXIMUM: 32767 If there is an error regarding the theoretical position, the instrument corrects the position supplying a voltage equal to: (Error in impulses) × (Proportional Gain) × 4.8 mV 256 256 and 4.8 are set values inside the instrument. Example: Revealed error = 10 impulses Set gain = 100 Voltage supplied for correction: 10 × 100 × 4.8 mV = 14.4 mV 256 Note that the result of the operation (10 × 100) / 256 is 3 and not 3.9 because the decimals are ignored; therefore the output voltage is 3 × 4.8 = 14.4 and not 3.9 × 4.8 = 18.7. Correction is always operational, even during movement, and in this case, the error is determined by the momentary real position in respect to the theoretical position of that moment. Therefore, Proportional Gain values that are too low, can cause considerable differences between the theoretical and actual path and therefore cause a pursuit alarm. Values that are too high cause abrupt responses, with characteristic "vibrations" of the motor during movement and oscillations around the objective quote with the axis at a standstill. Tipical values between 80 and 250. Integral Gain Acts as a support to Proportional Gain when the latter does not manage DEFAULT: 0 to take the axis to its position in time. MINIMUM: 0 High values correspond to faster intervention. Values that are too high MAXIMUM: 32767 cause oscillations around the objective position. Tipical values between 0 and 3. Max Intgr. (%) Indicates the percentage contributed by the Integral gain. DEFAULT: 10 For example, 10%: the integral factor contributes up to 1 volt (10% of 10 MINIMUM: 10 volts). MAXIMUM: 100 Tipical values between 10 and 50. Pag. 24 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Parameter Description Integration Mode If set to 0, indicates that the Integral Gain value set must only be active DEFAULT: 1 when the axis is stationary and the Derivative Gain does not affect the MINIMUM: 0 summation of the integral. MAXIMUM: 3 If set to 1, indicates that the Integral Gain value set must be active during the entire movement and when the Derivative Gain does not affect the summation of the integral. If set to 2, indicates that the Integral Gain value set must only be active when the axis is stationary and the Derivative Gain affects the summation of the integral. If set to 3, indicates that the Integral Gain value set must be active during the entire movement and when the Derivative Gain affects the summa tion of the integral. To sum up: Integration Mode Integral active The derivative affects the Parameter Value only in Stop phase summation of the integral 0 × - 1 - - 2 × × 3 - × Derivative Gain The Derivative Gain parameter (Kd), along with the Derivative Sample DEFAULT: 0 Time (Td), modifies correction of the system according to the error MINIMUM: 0 variations of the axis position. MAXIMUM: 32767 The correction is calculated in the following manner: Kd × (Err(n') - Err(n'-1)) Derivative Factor = . Derivative Sample 256 × Td Time Where: DEFAULT: 1 Kd is the Derivative Gain; MINIMUM: 1 Td is the Derivative Sample Time, that is, every so many MAXIMUM: 32 system ticks (RTC cycle) the Derivative Factor calculus is carried out; Err(n') is the actual position error; Err(n'-1) is the preceding sample position error (that is the former Td tick). tipical values of Derivative Gain between 0 and 2000. Feed Forward Adds the axis speed value to the PID regulator contribution. Setting this DEFAULT: 1 parameter to zero, the speed factor does not contribute to axis movement; MINIMUM: 0 movement is based only on the axis position error. MAXIMUM: 1 The normal setting is 1 (the Feed Forward used). M0000465 Pag. 25 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description Dead Time Represents the time in advance at which the analog voltage is applied to DEFAULT: 0 the axes. This parameter is necessary, for example, to prevent there being MINIMUM: 0 too much difference between the theoretical instantaneous position and MAXIMUM: 10 the real position during the axis starting and stopping phase, due to the characteristics of the drives and the mechanics of the machine. The correct value depends on the drive, the motor and the mechanics and must be measured when the axis is adjusted using an oscilloscope. Press the [PAGE] key to display and enter the axis parameters relevant to the second page. Reference Shift The Reference Shift parameter, together with the Reference Impulses DEFAULT: 10.00 parameter allows calculation of the ratio between axis movement (in mm MINIMUM: 1.00 or in degrees) and the corresponding impulses sensed by the encoder; this MAXIMUM:99999.99 ratio is commonly defined as the "Encoder Ratio". Expressed in mes. unit After inserting a certain length in the Reference Shift parameter the number of impulses sensed by the encoder to move the axis by the same length must be entered in the Reference Impulses parameter. The number Reference Impulses of impulses may be obtained by means of the Encoder Test (the actual DEFAULT: 1000 number of impulses is multiplied by 4 to increase the precision of the MINIMUM: 1 encoder), otherwise, if it is calculated, it must be multiplied by 4. MAXIMUM: 9999999 Note that the Reference Shift parameter is expressed with a number of Expressed in impulses decimals equal to the number specified in the Number of Decimals parameter. N.B.: The “Encoder ratio” must always be between 4 and 0.005. To ensure calculating precision, however, we recommend this ratio be kept as close as possible to 1. The "Encoder Ratio" is calculated by dividing the value set in the Reference Shift parameter, considered as if the decimal point were at the extreme right of the number, (that is 1000.00 is calculated as 100000), by the value entered under the parameter Reference Impulses. Example: For a single axis movement of 1 meter 350000 encoder impulses are calculated; entering two decimal numbers the following is obtained: Reference shift 1000.00 mm Reference impulses 350000 impulses The resulting "Encoder Ratio" is 100000 / 350000 = 0.2857142 and it is correct because it is less than 4 and more than 0.005. The result is roughly to a hundredth of a millimetre considering two decimal numbers were specified. Pag. 26 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Parameter Description Example: A rotation axis accomplishes one round calculating 5000 impulses; entering two decimal numbers the following is obtained: Reference shift 360.00 degrees Reference impulses 5000 impulses The resulting Encoder Ratio is 36000 / 5000 = 7.2 and it is incorrect because it is more than 4; instead if one decimal number is entered the following is obtained: Reference shift 360.0 degrees Reference impulses 5000 impulses The resulting Encoder Ratio is 3600 / 5000 = 0.72 and it is correct; the result obtained is at about a tenth of degree. Encoder Direction Reverses the encoder count. Reverse If set to 0, the count increases. DEFAULT: 0 If set to 1, the count decreases. MINIMUM: 0 If set to 2, reverses the analog. MAXIMUM: 3 If set to 3, reverses the analog and the encoder count. Encoder Number Represents the encoder for the axis. By default, encoder 1 is associated DEFAULT: N. asse with axis 1, encoder 2 with axis 2, etc. MINIMUM: 0 The association between the axis and encoder may however be changed. MAXIM.: N. encoder Analog Output No. Represents the analog output for the axis. By default, output 1 is DEFAULT: Axis No associated with axis 1, output 2 with axis 2, etc. MINIMUM: 0 The association between the axis and analog output may however be MAX.: Out disp+10 changed. M0000465 Pag. 27 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description Disable of the Limit If set to 0, the hardware and software limit switches generate an Switches Inputs emergency. DEFAULT: 0 If set to 1, the hardware limit switches are disabled while the software MINIMUM: 0 limit switches generate an emergency. MAXIMUM: 3 If set to 2, the hardware limit switches generate an emergency, while the software limit switches generate a STOP. If set to 3, the hardware limit switches are disabled, while the software limit switches generate a STOP. In any case, for zero setting the MAX or MIN Limit Switch is used according to the set Zero Setting Direction parameter. The Limit Switch input not used for the zero setting, can therefore be used by the user and, if the Zero Setting Direction is set at 2, 3, 4 or 5 (on the spot zero setting), both inputs are available to the user. Reset Direction Defines the way in which the axis resetting operations are carried out (see DEFAULT: 0 the Resetting of Axes chapter). MINIMUM: 0 N.B.: Following variation of this parameter it is absolutely necessary to MAXIMUM: 15 repeat the zero setting phase before continuing with normal operation. On Zero L.S. is Defines the state of the resetting input when the zero microswitch is input at active. It is used for special kinds of resets (e.g. in the middle of the axis DEFAULT: OFF travel). MINIMUM: OFF Under normal conditions, for correct management by the NC, it must be MAXIMUM: ON set to OFF. To change the setting, use the [+/-] key. Pag. 28 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Parameter Description Encoder Zero This is the position the axis is considered at when zero setting is carried DEFAULT: 0 out (normally at zero); that is, when Zero Setting is over, this is the quote MINIMUM: 0 assigned to the axis. MAXIMUM: 9999999 Example: Expressed in maes unit Encoder Zero = 0 . When the Zero Setting cycle is over, control displays "Position = 0"; therefore, if the next position is at 200 mm, the axis will move by 200 mm. Encoder Zero = 100 When the zero setting cycle is over control displays "Position = 100"; therefore if the next position is at 200 mm, the axis will move by 100 mm because, at the moment of Zero Setting, the set quote for that point is already 100 mm, therefore the axis has to cover just 100 mm and not 200 mm. Positioning at the 100 quote, takes the axis in correspondence with the Zero Setting point of the axis and positioning at quotes inferior to 100 will take the axis to the backward stop making the machine jam and the alarm go off. N.B.: Following variation of this parameter it is absolutely necessary to repeat the Zero Setting phase before normal operation is resumed. Also remember to update the Home position. Important: If the Zero Encoder value is different from the Home position value, when the axis finishes the zero cycle, it automatically goes to the Home position. Home Position The position to which the axis automatically goes after finishing the zero DEFAULT: 0 cycle. MINIMUM: 0 MAXIMUM: 9999999 Expressed in meas.Unit Minimum Limit The minimum position this axis can reach during movement; if for any Switch Position reason this position should be exceeded the alarm will go off and axis DEFAULT: -99999.99 movement will be jammed. To get out of this situation Zero Setting can MINIMUM:-99999.99 be repeated or the axis can be moved in Manual. MAXIM.: +99999.99 The reason why the position was exceeded must be determined first Expressed in meas. unit (erroneous program setting). When set to zero, control is cut out and the alarm does not intervene. M0000465 Pag. 29 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description Maximum Limit The maximum position this axis can reach during movement; if for any Switch Position reason this quote should be exceeded the alarm will go off and axis DEFAULT:+99999.99 movement will be jammed. To get out of this situation Zero Setting can MINIMUM:-99999.99 be repeated or the axis can be moved in Manual. MAXIM.: +99999.99 The reason why the quote was exceeded must be determined first Expressed in meas.unit. (erroneous program setting). When set to zero, control is cut out and the alarm does not intervene. Proximity threshold At this distance from the object position it’s setting one of the DEFAULT: 100 initials 4 bit (for the axis considered) of VN360, to indicate that is MINIMUM: 0 into the proximity threshold. By the VN274, if is enabled the MAXIMUM: 9999999 rollover function for this axis, this parameter change meaning and indicate the position, over that, the count of positions restart from 0. N.B.: In according with the previous versions, the value 100, setting as default, it’s considered as rollover value = 224, and therefore it’s not serviceabily. Reset Speed The speed at which the axis must be moved when searching for the stop DEFAULT: 20.0 during Zero Setting (the search for the encoder zero notch happens at a MINIMUM: 0.1 speed equal to half the Reset Speed). MAXIMUM: 100.0 Expressed in % Maximum Speed The maximum speed allowed for this axis. DEFAULT: 95.0 MINIMUM: 0.1 MAXIMUM: 100.0 Expressed in % Manual Speed Axis speed during Manual movement. DEFAULT: 30.0 MINIMUM: 0.1 MAXIMUM: 100.0 Expressed in % Pag. 30 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Parameter Description Increment in Expresses in millimetres the increment in Manual for each impulse given Manual by the keyboard with the [JOG+] and [JOG-] keys. It means very precise DEFAULT: 1.0 movements can be carried out. There is a 0.6 second minimum interval MINIMUM: 0.0 between two successive impulses. If the key ([JOG+] or [JOG-]) is held, Expressed in mm the first positioning takes place on impulse and successive positioning takes place to be continually. If the fixed increment is 0, operation is "normal" (continuous). In Multiple Manual mode, this parameter is ignored. Enable Speed If set to 1, the speed override is enabled (defined in the variable Override VN256), which allows modulation of the set speed of an axis from DEFAULT: 0 0 to 100%. MINIMUM: 0 If set to 2, enables the independent speed override for each axis MAXIMUM: 2 (defined in the variables VN292, VN293, VN294 and VN295); used for modulating the speed set for each individual axis. Table 5 Once all the parameters have been inserted or edited, press the [MEMO] key to save the changes (save and exit). If you want to exit without saving the changes use the [MENU] key. WARNING The parameters of the disabled axes must have default values if it’s possibile. In any case they must never be opposite to the active axes parameters. In particular this parameters mustn’t be set to zero. It’s necessary ,for example, pay attention to ENCODERS NUMBER and ANALOG OUT parameters: avoid to assign the same encoder or analogic out number to more axes even than if they are disabled. Example of a bad setting: axis 2 = enabled and it’s use encoder number 6; its invertion encoder parameter = 1 axis 3 = disabled and it’s use encoder number 6; its invertion encoder parameter = 0 In this example it will be considered the axe number 3 invertion encoder parameter of the third axis so the counting of enc 6 isn’t inverted. M0000465 Pag. 31 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide ON/OFF Axes There are some differences in ON / OFF axes (Parameter Motor Type = On/Off). The following parameters are not present since they become meaningless: Acceleration Time, Deceleration Time, Integral Gain, Integration Mode, Derivative Gain, Derivative Sampling Time and Feed Forward. Table 6 shows specific parameters for ON/OFF axes. Parameter Description Acceleration Space Is the distance, which is run by the axis before shifting into fast speed. It DEFAULT: 10.00 is clear that if the set speed is lesser than 50% of maximum speed it does MINIMUM: 0 not shift into fast speed but the movement keeps slow speed. Expressed in mm Deceleration Space See Acceleration Space. DEFAULT: 12.00 MINIMUM: 0 Expressed in mm Proportional Gain For the ON/OFF axes, the Proportional Gain parameter simply DEFAULT: 100 activates/deactivates the servo and is only active when the axis is MINIMUM: 0 stationary. MAXIMUM: 32.767 Kp = 0 disables the servo; Kp ≠ 0 enables the servo. Slack Recovery Is the recovery of slacks due to the machine mechanics. DEFAULT: 0.00 The sign determines to which direction the recovery is made (positive Expressed in mm sign = forward recovery, negative sign = backward recovery). (with sign) Outputs to VB The Forward, Backward, Slow and Fast outputs of the ON/OFF DEFAULT: 0 axes may be managed by the PLC using Binary Variables (the MINIMUM: 0 parameter must be set, in this case, to 1). MASSIMO: 1 Table 7 contains the assignment of the Outputs or Binary Variables. Inertia Is the distance between switching off of the motor and reaching of the DEFAULT: 3.00 target position. MINIMUM: 0 This parameter becomes meaningful when the axis enters the Expressed in mm Deceleration Space. Table 6 Pag. 32 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Assignment table of outputs or binary variables for ON/OFF axes The table below shows the number of the output (or binary variable depending on whether the Outputs to VB parameter is set to 0 or 1) corresponding to the Forward, Backward and Fast functions, for each axis. Axis No. Forward Backward Fast 1 30 31 32 2 27 28 29 3 24 25 26 4 21 22 23 Table 7 Once all the parameters have been inserted or edited, press the [MEMO] key to save the changes (save and exit). If you want to exit without saving the changes use the [MENU] key. M0000465 Pag. 33 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Inverter Axes The Inverter axes have the same parameters as the Direct Current axes. The only difference is that the analogue outputs go from 0 to +10V and there is a digital output that distinguishes the direction; the output is switched on when the axis moves forward. Table 8 contains the values for the inverter axes output: Axis No. Output No. 1 32 2 29 3 26 4 23 Table 8 If the control has only 16 output, it’s possible to program from PLC this output in other available at NC. Pag. 34 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Machine Parameters To move inside the page, the [ ] and [ ] key should be used and to set the values relevant to the various parameters it is sufficient to put on it the cursor, digit the wished value and press [ENTER] to confirm. Once all the parameters have been inserted or edited, press the [MEMO] key to save the changes (save and exit). If you want to exit without saving the changes use the [MENU] key. Parameter Description Sequence axes to be It is possible to establish the sequence of axes to be reset. For example: reset MACHINE PARAMETERS First axis to be reset: 1 Second axis to be reset: 3 Third axis to be reset: 2 Fourth axis to be reset: 4 Language It is possible to select the language. In case of all languages are present the DEFAULT: 0 sequence is as follows: 0 = Italian, 1 = English, 2 = French, 3 = Spanish, 4 = German, 5 = Portuguese If some of them are not present, the remaining ones will step down (for example, if there are only Italian and Spanish then 0 = Italian and 1 = Spanish can be selected). Acceleration factor This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes. DEFAULT: 1 Increases or decreases the slope of the interpolated movement curve. If MINIMUM: - this factor is set at >1 the curve slope is increased (the maximum advised MAXIMUM: 4 value is 4); if the factor is set at <1 the slope decreases; if it is set at 1 (the (advised) default setting) the slope remains unaltered. M0000465 Pag. 35 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description First Hidden This parameter allows the programs from the set value on to be Program hidden (for example if the parameter is 7, the first six programs DEFAULT: 0 will be visible). If the programs stored in the memory are viewed, the hidden programs will not appear and it will not be possible to edit them. If the parameter is set at 0, all the programs will be visible.This parameter has the aim of protecting particularly important programs from unintentional editing or editing by unauthorised persons. It is necessary to use the password to access the parameters. Maximum Radius This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes. Difference In circular interpolation it expresses the maximum allowed difference DEFAULT: 0.2 between R1 and R2, R1 is the distance between the current position and the circumference centre and R2 is the circumference radius. Tangential axis This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes. number Defines which axis is kept tangential to the profile under interpolation. DEFAULT: 0 MINIMUM: 0 MAXIMUM: N. assi Tangency tolerance This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes. DEFAULT: 0.01 Expresses the tolerance in degrees for two lines or adjacent arcs to be MINIMUM: 0 considered tangential to one another. MAXIMUM: 360 Expressed in degrees Radius acceleration This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes. factor Used for checking the speed in the arcs on the basis of the formula: DEFAULT: 1.0 a ≥ v2/(R × Radius acceleration factor) MINIMUM: 0.0 where a is the acceleration. If this is not checked, the speed of movement MAXIMUM: 10.0 is recalculated on the basis of the following formula: v = √ (a × R × Radius acceleration factor) When the parameter is set to zero the check is disabled. Pag. 36 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters Parameter Description Virtual axis This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes. proximity threshold Contains the value used by the variable VN360 to define whether DEFAULT: 0 the virtual axis is close to the target position. The virtual axis is the MINIMUM: 0 next one after the last real axis managed by the NC (e.g. if we have MAXIMUM: 9999999 a system with 4 axes, the virtual axis is axis 5). PLC COM Defines the number of the serial port used by the PLC. DEFAULT: 1 MINIMUM: 1 MAXIMUM: 2 Baude Rate COM 1 Sets the transmission speed of the serial line. and COM 2 The value may be altered using the [+/-] key. DEFAULT: 9600 MINIMUM: 1200 MAXIMUM: 115200 Programma in RAM Establishes whether the programs reside in FLASH EPROM or BUFFER DEFAULT: 0 RAM: 0 = FLASH EPROM, 1 = BUFFER RAM (e.g. with the parameter MINIMUM: 0 set to 1, there are 256 KBytes for the programs instead of 32 KBytes, MAXIMUM: 1 provided by the FLASH EPROMS). After the change of this parameter, it’s necessary to turn off and to restart the SIAX to activate the modify. Number Groups Defines the number of groups of digital inputs (modularity 16) that may Enabled Inputs be used by the Numeric Control. The first group is present on the NC, the DEFAULT: 6 others are remote and are connected via a CAN BUS. Defines how many MINIMUM: 0 inputs are to be displayed (their state) during the Digital Inputs Test and MAXIMUM: 6 when to press the [PAGE] key. Number Groups Defines the number of groups of digital outputs (modularity 16) that may Enabled Outputs be used by the Numeric Control. The first group is present on the NC, the DEFAULT: 6 others are remote and are connected via the CAN BUS. Defines how MINIMUM: 0 many outputs are to be displayed (their state) during the Digital Outputs MAXIMUM: 6 Test and when to press the [PAGE] key. M0000465 Pag. 37 Chapter 3: Parameters Installation Guide Parameter Description Emergency Type Defines the action on the digital outputs when an emergency occurs. This DEFAULT: 0 parameter has 5 possible values (whose combinations are expressed in the MINIMUM: 0 table below). MAXIMUM: 5 The four columns indicate, respectively, when an emergency occurs, whether the outputs are disabled, whether they are subsequently restored, whether output 1 is used (the drives may be enabled) and whether variable VB287 is used. If output 1 is not used, the PLC will turn the drives on and off.The drives are enabled (VB287 = 1) when the machine is not in test mode and the parameters are correct.Both output 1 and variable VB287 enable axes.If output 1 is used, it remains the only output managed by the NC (to enable the axes), it is disabled when the emergency occurs and then restored. Val Disables Restores Use OUT1 Use VB287 0 × × × × 1 - - × × 2 × - × × 3 × × - × 4 - - - × 5 × - - × Acceleration factor This parameter is only present with software for interpolated axes and between two points with profile characteristics in points. DEFAULT: 1.0 Value by which the acceleration in switching between two consecutive MINIMUM: 0.0 movements is modified. MAXIMUM: 10.0 Table 9 Pag. 38 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 3: Parameters CANopen Parameters The CANopen parameters serves to set the characteristics of the CANopen networks linked to the CNC, allowing to interface with the drives or logic card I/O. To accede at the insertion and modify of the CANopen parameters (Menu 9 Can Open Parameters) is request a Password, composed by the following number: 4-5-6-2-5-8. On display appear this: CAN OPEN NET PARAMETERS N. 1 Net State ACTIVE Net Type DRIVER Baud Rate 1M_Byte Manufacturer DANAHER Node Number 1 Axis Connected to Node 1 1 Parameter 1 Node 1 1 For each net it’s possible to set the relatives parameters inserting the value wished and pressing [ENTER] to confirm. The parameters of each net are divided on several rows, to view them it’s necessary to use the keys [ ] and [ ], while, to move to the next page, it’s necessary to use the key [PAGE]. Remark : the parameters following to Manufacturer, visualised in this square, appear only setting the parametr Net Type = DRIVER. Setting Net Type = IO (modules Sipro input/outputs) or HMI (future development Human Interface) it’s visualised the parameters relatives to this two types of working. To know the parameters CANopen take advice of manuals Sipro: 1. M0000508, Configuration logic card CAN Open Sipro 2. M0000519 Link between CNC Siax type and Drives. 3. M0000553 Link between CNC Siax type and Sipro Drives M0000465 Pag. 39 Chapter 4: Resetting of axes Installation Guide Chapter 4 Resetting of axes Before launching any program the axes must be reset in order to get the zero point as a reference for the subsequent displacements of the axes. Pag. 40 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 4: Resetting of axes Resetting of axes is a fundamental operation since it allows to determine for each axis the reference point for their displacements. It is therefore clear that the access to automatic mode will not be possible (i.e. programs can't be launched) without having completed this operation as it would not be possible to know at any time the position of the axes and accordingly to pilot them as desired without a precise reference point. To gain access to Resetting of axes function the [1] key from Main Menu should be selected. The video display is as follows: AXES RESET LOC N0 Actual Ovd 100.0 % AX 1 -0.67 * Sequence: 1 2 3 4 If [START] is pressed the resetting of axes will start, which can be stopped by [STOP]; if you want to quit the function without executing the resetting it will be sufficient to press [MENU]. The words "Sequence: 1 2 3 4" mean the order by which the axes are wished to be reset (axis 1 first, axis 2 second etc.). This sequence can be changed as wished by entering it in the parameters (see the chapter Parameters). Resetting of axes can be done in 16 different ways and therefore the correct value in Resetting direction parameter must be entered in order to choose the method which meets better the needs (see the chapter Parameters). For CANopen axes resettings take advice of the manual Sipro M0000519 – M0000553. With Resetting direction parameter set to 0 when [START] is pressed the zero cycle begins with the axis going to backward limit stop (with Resetting speed) and this movement can be seen on the display directly (the present position of the axis varies as the values become ever more negative). As soon as the backward limit stop is intercepted, the axis changes direction (speed being halved), searches for the release of the zero microswitch and moves until the encoder zero mark is reached. This point is taken as zero point. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are not forced. With Resetting direction parameter set to 1 the zero cycle is executed in the same way but on forward limit stop. With Resetting direction parameter set to 2 the zero of the axis is taken the point where the axis is at the time the control is switched on, without searching the limit stop. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are forced. With Resetting direction parameter set to 3 the zero of the axis is taken the point where the axis is at the time the control is switched on, without searching the limit stop and without taking the encoder zero into account. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are forced.. With Resetting direction parameter set to 4 the axis is considered reset at the point where it is when the control is powered on, without searching for the limit switch and without taking into account the encoder zero. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are forced.the resetting and the resetting position is buffered: at power-on the position present when the machine was powered off is loaded. With Resetting direction parameter set to 5 the behaviour is identical to case 4. M0000465 Pag. 41 Chapter 4: Resetting of axes Installation Guide With Resetting direction parameter set to 6 when you press [START] the zero cycle starts with the axis moving towards the backward limit switch (at Resetting speed). Once the limit switch has been intercepted, the axis reverses the direction (at half speed), searches for the release of the zero microswitch and then stops when it intercepts the zero notch of the encoder. This point is taken as zero. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are forced.and the resetting position is buffered: at power-on the position present when the machine was powered off is loaded. With Resetting direction parameter set to 7 the zero cycle is executed in the same way as case 6, but on the forward limit switch. With Resetting direction parameter set to 8 when you press [START] the zero cycle starts with the axis moving towards the backward limit switch (at Resetting speed). Having intercepted the backward limit switch, the axis reverses the direction (at half speed), searches for the release of the zero microswitch and then stops when it intercepts the zero notch of the encoder. This point is taken as zero. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are not forced and the resetting position is buffered: at power-on the position present when the machine was powered off is loaded. With Resetting direction parameter set to 9 the zero cycle is executed in the same way as case 8, but on the forward limit switch. With Resetting direction parameter set to 10 when you press [START] the zero cycle starts with the axis moving towards the backward limit switch (at Resetting speed). Having intercepted the backward limit switch, without reversing the direction, the axis searches for the release of the zero microswitch (at half speed) and then stops when it intercepts the zero notch of the encoder. This point is taken as zero. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are not forced and the resetting position is buffered: at power-on the position present when the machine was powered off is loaded. With Resetting direction parameter set to 11 the zero cycle is executed in the same way as case 10, but on the forward limit switch. With Resetting direction parameter set to 12 when you press [START], the axis moving backward (towards descrescenting quote) at Resetting speed and then stops when it intercepts the zero notch of the encoder. This point is taken as zero. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are not forced and the resetting position is buffered: at power-on the position present when the machine was powered off is loaded. With Resetting direction parameter set to 13 the zero cycle is executed in the same way as case 12, but with the axis movement forward (towards growing quote). With Resetting direction parameter set to 14 when you press [START] the zero cycle starts with the axis moving towards (towards descrescenting quote) at Resetting speed, but towards the forward limit switch. Having intercepted the forward limit switch, the axis reverses the direction (at half speed), searches for the release of the zero microswitch and then stops when it intercepts the zero notch of the encoder. This point is taken as zero. At power on of the CN the flags of reset axes are not forced and the resetting position is buffered: at power-on the position present when the machine was powered off is loaded. Pag. 42 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 4: Resetting of axes With Resetting direction parameter set to 15 the zero cycle is executed in the same way as case 14, but with the axis movement forward (towards growing quote), but searches for the backward limit switch. In short, the various cases may be summed up as follows: Parameter Force flags Execute Resetting Restore Direction Value of reset axes reset cycle direction stored positions reversal 0 - × Backward - × min 1 - × Forward - × max 2 × + set zero enc. - - - - - 3 × - - - - - 4 × - - × - - 5 × - - × - - 6 × × Backward × × min 7 × × Forward × × max 8 - × Backward × × min 9 - × Forward × × max 10 - × Backward × - min 11 - × Forward × - max 12 - × Backward × - - 13 - × Forward × - - 14 - × Backward × × max 15 - × Forward × × min N.B.: In Reset, the software limit switches are disabled. In general the Resetting of an axis consists of three phases: 1) Search for zero microswitch (speed = Resetting speed). 2) Reverse movement (speed = Resetting speed /2): search for release of zero microswitch; search for zero notch of encoder. 3) Positioning at Home position (speed = Maximum speed). In each phase, two types of errors may occur: a) Movement error (example: emergency, stop). b) Movement command error (usually caused by a position that cannot be reached, often as a result of software limit switches set too high): the axis does not move. Error codes and their meaning Code Type Phase -1 a) 1) -2 b) 1) -3 a) 2) -4 b) 2) -5 a) 3) -6 b) 3) M0000465 Pag. 43 Chapter 4: Resetting of axes Installation Guide Pag. 44 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 5: Manual displacement Chapter 5 Manual displacement The function of manual movement which allows to move the axes directly from the keyboard or the inputs of the axes will be also analysed. M0000465 Pag. 45 Chapter 5: Manual displacement Installation Guide The Manual displacement function of the axes is activated by the key [2] from Main Menu and allows to position the axes from the keyboard by [JOG+] and [JOG-] or by the related digital inputs JOG+ and JOG-. The video display is as follows: MANUAL DISPLACEMENT LOC N0 Actual Ovd 100.0 % AX 1 -0.67 Speed: 30.0 Axis: 1 Digitising the number on the keyboard and confirming by [ENTER] the chosen axis is selected. Using the keys [ ] and [ ] the manual speed can be varied, i.e. the speed of the axis displacements (this variation has local effect since the parameter Manual speed present in the Machine parameters has not changed). Obviously, if Override speed is active this option has no effect. Acting on the keys [JOG+] and [JOG-] the position of the axis can vary and as for the speed, the effects can be seen on the display directly. Information are also given on the control mode of the NC (local or remote) by the notice appeared up on the left (LOC or REM), and the override speed. Manual displacement enables one axis to be moved at a time. WARNING! Until the reset has been executed, the movements in Manual mode do not take into account the software limit switches set in the parameters. Pag. 46 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 6: Test Chapter 6 Test There are many functions to check the correct operation of the machine system and to verify the outside connections. Some functions are also devoted to check the values entered in the parameters. M0000465 Pag. 47 Chapter 6: Test Installation Guide To gain access to the various tests press the [3] key from Main Menu and Test Menu will appear. TEST MENU 1 - Encoder Test 2 - Inputs/Outputs Test 3 - Speed Test To this point, the selection of the wanted test is possible digitising the relevant number. As usual, to move inside the page use the [ ] and [ ] key and [PAGE] to move from a page to another one. Use [MENU] to quit from Test Menu. Encoder Test It allows to check the impulses coming from the encoders. With a rotation related to a physical progress of the axis there should be an increasing reckoning; vice versa, with a rotation related to a physical backing there should be a decreasing reckoning (if reversed, the phases A and B of the relevant encoder must be reverted; see Encoder Reversal Direction parameter). The absence of reckoning or only one direction of reckoning indicates an error of connection or a failure of the encoder or of the input circuit of the instrument. In this case, check that the encoder is powered to its nominal voltage (the power is supplied by the instrument) and that the phases A and B reach the connector of the instrument. Encoder No. 1 TPU 0 080 Encoder No. 2 TPU 0 0 Encoder No. 3 TPU 0 0 Encoder No. 4 TPU 0 0 The first column shows the 32-bit software count. The count is multiplied by 4. The second column indicates the value of the 16-bit hardware encoder. If the Encoder reversal direction parameter is set to 1, the count that is reversed is the software count. The number of the page is given on top right: in case there is more than one page use the key [PAGE] to scroll them. The pages of the four encoders managed by analog inputs and the four software encoders will be displayed. Encoders type available It’s possible manage the position of a axis according to the impulses comes from a encoder (push-pull or line driver, 5 or 12 V) or relative at an analog input. In Test Menù (item 3 of Main Menù) and with the selection of “Test Encoder”, you can see the options available. Displayed a page with the normal encoders available, those have number from 1 to 4. Pag. 48 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 6: Test Encoder N. 1 TPU 0 0 80 Encoder N. 2 TPU 0 0 Encoder N. 3 TPU 0 0 Encoder N. 4 TPU 0 0 Using the key [PAGE] will appear: Encoder N. 5 AN_IN 0 0 81 Encoder N. 6 AN_IN 0 0 Encoder N. 7 AN_IN 0 0 Encoder N. 8 AN_IN 0 0 The encoder with number from 5 to 8 are relative at the analog inputs (respectivement the analog input from 5 to 8). If the control has also the absolute encoders, or for further incremental encoders, after the initials normal encoders are insert the encoder: Encoder N. 5 GPC 0 0 81 Encoder N. 6 GPC 0 0 Encoder N. 7 GPC 0 0 Encoder N. 8 GPC 0 0 The other are in the next pages. Using again the key [PAGE] will appear: Encoder N. 9 SOFT 0 0 82 Encoder N.10 SOFT 0 0 Encoder N.11 SOFT 0 0 Encoder N.12 SOFT 0 0 The encoder from 9 to 12 are sono software encoders. The firmware supply the wanted impulses. You can use this type of encoder in simulation phase. To use the varied type of encrders available, you must set the relative number of encoder selected in the parameter of Encoder Number relative at axis controlled. For example, is you want control axis 1 with the analog input 5, you must set the value 5 in the parameter of Encoder Number relative at axis 1 According to the encoder type that you want use, you must set the other parameters. In particular, if you want use a encoder managed by analog input, you must set: • Reference Shift = maximum shift (corrispondent at value 4096 of analog input). • Reference Impulses = 4096 (value corrispondent at maximum shift). The other parameters it’s the same for all encoder type. M0000465 Pag. 49 Chapter 6: Test Installation Guide Inputs/Outputs Test INPUTS OUTPUTS TEST 1 - Analog Inputs Test 2 - Analog Outputs Test 3 - Digital Inputs Test Analog Inputs Test It allows to read the value of the 8 analog inputs. To quit the test use [MENU]. Input 1 5.00 60 Input 2 5.00 Input 3 5.00 Input 4 5.00 The value taken by the other analog inputs can be seen using the key [PAGE]. Analog Outputs Test If no outputs is already forced by the PLC, it allows to force to desired value (± 10V maximum) the analog outputs. Additionally, to force to ON the DRIVES ENABLING digital output (you should go on it by using the arrows and press [ENTER]), enabling the operator to move the axes. To select the wanted output use the [ ] and [ ] key; use [MENU] to quit. Out N. 1 Volt: 0.0 70 Out N. 2 Volt: 0.0 Drive Enable OFF Out N. 3 Volt: 0.0 Out N. 4 Volt: 0.0 Digital Inputs Test It displays the state of the digital inputs (ON / OFF). It is possible to scroll the video pages to display the other inputs pressing the [PAGE] key. 1 OFF Input 1 5 OFF Input 5 20 2 OFF Input 2 6 OFF Input 6 3 OFF Input 3 7 OFF Input 7 4 OFF Input 4 8 OFF Input 8 Pag. 50 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 6: Test Digital Outputs Test If no output is already forced by the PLC, the desired digital output may be forced ON or OFF. Set the PLC in STOP. Using the [ ] and [ ] keys, move to the desired output and press [ENTER] to change the state of the output (from ON to OFF and vice versa). By pressing the [PAGE] key, you can scroll through the screen pages containing the other digital outputs, the outputs are displayed in groups of 8. When you exit from the Test Menu, the outputs forced ON return to OFF. 1 OFF Output 1 5 OFF Output 5 40 2 OFF Output 2 6 OFF Output 6 3 OFF Output 3 7 OFF Output 7 4 OFF Output 4 8 OFF Output 8 TPU Digital Inputs Test Displays the state of the encoder zero notch signal, normally ON, with the encoder activated. When the encoder is on the zero notch, the state changes to OFF. Input 1 OFF 86 Input 2 OFF Input 3 OFF Input 4 OFF LOAD PROG Function reserved for internal use. To adjust contrast For the version that use graphic display (8x40 o 16x40) it’s possible to adjust contrast by test menù. Select MENU’ DI TEST (3) from MAIN MENU’, then select TEST INPUTS/OUTPUTS (2) then TEST DISPLAY MENU’ (7). Now it’s possible reset the display (default contrast) or adjust it with arrow keys after selected handling contrast menu (2). If on the keyboard there are the keys for contrast regulation, +Χ -Χ it’s possible adjust the contrast directly. To make a regulation press SHIFT key and keep contrast key pressed till you reach the desired contrast value. M0000465 Pag. 51 Chapter 6: Test Installation Guide Speed Test It allows to read the speed automatically (impulses per seconds) from the impulses supplied by the encoder, which will be then entered in Reference Speed parameter. AXES SPEED TEST AXIS 1 Refer. Speed (imp/s): xxxxxx Displacement axis no. 1 MENU to quit. On the Displacement axis line, select the axis and press [ENTER]; the axis starts at 50% of its Maximum speed (+5V is provided), stops after 2 seconds and shows the number of impulses sensed. Check whether the axis has a sufficient travel before carrying out the test and, if necessary, move the axis as far back as possible. When is not possible to effect the Speed Test at maximum speed of motor, you can set the Maximum Speed at low value (es: 10%): the test will be executed slow and then the movement will be lower. Semiautomatic The access to this mode is possible only with the axes being reset; the mode enables to execute check positions to verify the correctness of the parameters. SEMIAUTOMATIC LOC N0 Actual Ovd 100.0% AX 1 0.00 0.00 * The wanted axis is selected by the [ ] [ ] key and after the target levels have been entered press [ENTER] to confirm and then [START] to start again the axis. Press [STOP] to stop the axes before they reach their position. Semiautomatic mode is quitted pressing the [MENU] key. If variable VB403 is set to 1, incremental movements may be made instead of absolute values. Pag. 52 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 6: Test EPROM Version It displays a version code with the date of the last updating; it is used to determine which type of software has been installed in the machine. Ver. 2.2 - 24 Sep 96 - D 1306 <press any key> EEPROM initialisation To gain access to it enter the Password: 4 - 5 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 8. The following will be displayed: All the data WILL BE DELETED Do you want to preset the parameters ? '7' - preset, <MENU> - quit To start initialisation press [7] otherwise press [MENU] to quit without initialisation. The parameters will be initialized with the default values and all previously entered parameters will be lost. Keyboard Test It allows to check the correct operation of the keyboard, key by key: the stroked key is displayed. KEYBOARD TEST Keyboard ID: 6 Key pressed: MENU to quit. "Keyboard ID" represents the code that defines the type of keyboard present on the control. M0000465 Pag. 53 Chapter 6: Test Installation Guide Dip Switch Test It allows to check the correct operation of the dip switch located on the card. DIP SWITCH TEST Bit 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 MENU to quit Dip switch description DIP SWITCH Bit 1: Not used DIP SWITCH Bit 2: Enables the 18.432 MHz or 16.00 MHz oscillator Bit 2 OFF = 18.432 MHz oscillator ON = 16.000 MHz oscillator DIP SWITCH Bit 3-4: Selects the Serial Port Baud Rate Bit 3 Bit 4 ON ON 9600 Baud Rate OFF ON 4800 Baud Rate ON OFF 38400 Baud Rate OFF OFF 19200 Baud Rate DIP SWITCH Bit 5-6: Selects the NC Identification Code Bit 5 Bit 6 NC code ON ON 4 OFF ON 3 ON OFF 2 OFF OFF 1 DIP SWITCH Bit 7: Not used DIP SWITCH Bit 8: Enables PLC Bit 8 OFF = PLC ENABLED ON = PLC DISABLED Pag. 54 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 6: Test Maintenance If the NC is in emergency state caused by the PLC, VB260 =1, the control will not exit from the Test Menu. However, from this menu, you can view the value of the variables, change the axis parameters, enter the Programs Handling Menu, which is normally only accessible from the Main Menu. Maintenance 1 - VAR 2 - Machine Parameters 3 - LOGO VAR The VAR function is used to display or force the state or value of a given variable. Forcing only takes place with the PLC in STOP, if the PLC manages this variable. By pressing the [+/-] key, you can change the type of variable: from VB to VN or VQ. Having chosen the type of variable, press [ENTER], and enter the number of the variable to be displayed. By pressing [ENTER] again, the current value will be displayed. To change it, simply rewrite the desired value. Machine Parameters See the Parameters chapter. LOGO Displays the SIPRO logo. Programs Handling See the Programs Handling manual (M0000464). Communication with PC See the Programs Handling manual (M0000464). LOAD PROG See the Inputs/Outputs Test menu. M0000465 Pag. 55 Chapter 6: Test Installation Guide Service The page service contain the following setting: SERVICE 6 – Set PLC Mode 7 – Time Monitor -> Set PLC Mode : allows to select the type of PLC 1 = PLC DOS 3 = PLC LADDER Time Monitor : reserved for the testing of the instrument: not to use Modem Enables a modem connection to be established via the RS232 serial port: MODEM 1 - Call 2 - Hang-up 3 - Connection test Call: used for dialling the number and making the call Hang-up: terminates the call. Connection test: used for checking the connection. To initialize the modem, the following variables are used: VB406 enables modem management. VN357 indicates the state of the modem initialization and connection procedure. VN358 used for selecting the serial line to be used in automatic answer mode: 0 = COM1 256 = COM2 Pag. 56 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Chapter 7 Appendix This chapter describe the connections for correct working of NC and its hardware configuration. M0000465 Pag. 57 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Connections OPTIONAL Analog inputs Pag. 58 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Analog outputs M0000465 Pag. 59 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Encoder inputs If you want use an encoder type Push-Pull, besides power supply, you must connect only the positive phases FA,FB and Z (pin 6,7,8) Pag. 60 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Jumper description for Encoder type JP2 1 2 3 Jumper 1-2 for encoder 5V (Push-Pull or Line-Driver). Jumper 2-3 for encoder 12V (Push-Pull or Line-Driver). N.B.: The connection cables between the instrument and the encoder MUST be shielded and it advisable to keep them as far as possible from AC wires an from the motor supply cables. M0000465 Pag. 61 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Digital inputs Between brack-et there is the description of inputs when standard PLC program is running . It’s possible to change the use of input if running a NOT standard PLC program, except for limit switches and Start ,Stop, Jog+ and Jog- inputs. Pag. 62 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Digital inputs (expansion on Can-Bus) CB16DI M0000465 Pag. 63 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Digital outputs Between brack-et there is the description of outputs when standard PLC program is running . It’s possible to change the use of input if running a NOT standard PLC program. Pag. 64 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Digital outputs (expansion on Can-Bus) CB16DO M0000465 Pag. 65 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Digital outputs (expansion with relè on Can-Bus) CB16R Pag. 66 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Power supply M0000465 Pag. 67 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Connecting I/O Boards on the CAN BUS Axis 4 Axis 3 Axis 2 16 digital Axis1 inputs Driver Encoder Motor CAN-BUS (1Mbit/s) Max. 13 modules 16 digital outputs RS232-RS422 16 16 8 PC digital digital analog out in out The CAN-BUS communication standard enables the SIAX150 to be connected to up to 13 expansion modules (max) (modules with 16 inputs or modules with 16 outputs). For example, 7 IN modules and 6 OUT modules may be connected. In this case, there are 112 inputs and 96 outputs available as well as the 16 inputs and 16 outputs on the SIAX150. Alternatively, 12 IN modules and 1 OUT module etc. may be connected. Important: On the last board connected there must be a jumper that inserts a line terminating resistor. The connection is made using an ordinary shielded twisted cable, as indicated in the diagram on the next page. Having made the connection, the single modules must be addressed. This is done by means of the dip-switches on the modules in the positions indicated on next page. Input module addresses Modulo n. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dip-Switch 1 OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF Dip-Switch 2 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF Dip-Switch 3 OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Dip-Switch 4 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON Output module addresses Modulo n. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dip-Switch 1 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON Dip-Switch 2 ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON Dip-Switch 3 ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF Dip-Switch 4 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Pag. 68 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Digital Input and Output Module Configuration Position of addressing dip-switches and line terminating jumper. Dip-switch for setting the address. Jumper to be inserted only on the last board connected in series to the CAN-BUS. Dip-switch for setting the address. Jumper to be inserted only on the last board connected in series to the CAN-BUS. M0000465 Pag. 69 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Expansion Module Connection Diagram The connection is carry out with a normally twisted pair with schield, in the follow ways: Connection between SIAX150 and expansion modules by means of a 9-pin D-type connector . Connection between SIAX150 and expansion modules by means of a 3-pin terminal board. Pag. 70 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Serial Connection with the PC The CNC Siax150 has 2 serial lines RS232: the line 1 (RX1, TX1), must be connected to PC as user interface; the line 2 (RX2, TX2) must be connected to PC for charge-discharge programs, debugger, PLC programming. Using this cable, you can talk with both data transmission systems and NC programs (SIAX ED, SIAXPLAY, SMARTPAGE, TXW), and the PLC Software. In the first case, the Siax150 must be in the screen relative to TALKING WITH THE PC (in the Program Management menu) or in the AUTOMATIC page in a state of STOP. On the other hand, talking with the PLC Software is always possible, except when the Siax150 is in the TALKING WITH THE PC screen. In the machine parameters, the PLC COM parameter must be set to 1. RS232 DEFAULT ATTENTION : the ground of the equipments connected to the serial and/or parallel communication gates must be at the same potential of the CNC with the connection to earth of both the instruments (in case of alimentation of the CNC at 24Vdc must be connected to earth also the 0Vdc). M0000465 Pag. 71 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide There is a RS422 line (optional), that must be setting as COM1. COM2 port is avalaible for RS232 serial on pins 2-3(RX2,TX2),but max transmission speed is 38400. RS422 OPTIONAL There is a RS485 line (optional), that must be setting as COM1. COM2 port is avalaible for RS232 serial on pins 2-3 (RX2,TX2),but max transmission speed is 38400. RS485 OPTIONAL Pag. 72 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Dimensions Keyboard DISPLAY 4x20 DISPLAY 4x40 DISPLAY 8x40 M0000465 Pag. 73 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Side view Pay attention! After posed the dowel screw on the instrument wall, turn the screw only half turn. Drilling plane Pag. 74 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Side view (blind version) Drilling plane (blind version) M0000465 Pag. 75 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Pag. 76 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix Indice Introduction 3 Typographical conventions ..................................................................................................... 4 Technical Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 5 Specifications for the correct installation of controls ........................................................... 6 General notes .......................................................................................................................... 6 Installations notes ................................................................................................................... 6 Danger of damage for incorrect connection............................................................................ 7 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................... 8 Keyboard 9 Primary function .................................................................................................................... 10 Secondary function ................................................................................................................ 13 Inputs and outputs 15 Inputs ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Outputs.................................................................................................................................... 18 Outputs.................................................................................................................................... 18 Parameters 19 Principal phases for the settings of axes .............................................................................. 20 Parameters setting.................................................................................................................. 20 Axes Parameters..................................................................................................................... 21 Direct Current Axes.............................................................................................................. 21 ON/OFF Axes....................................................................................................................... 31 ON/OFF Axes....................................................................................................................... 32 Assignment table of outputs or binary variables for ON/OFF axes...................................... 33 Inverter Axes ........................................................................................................................ 34 Machine Parameters .............................................................................................................. 35 CANopen Parameters ............................................................................................................ 39 Resetting of axes 40 Manual displacement 45 Test 47 Encoder Test........................................................................................................................... 48 Encoders type available ........................................................................................................ 48 Inputs/Outputs Test............................................................................................................... 50 Analog Inputs Test................................................................................................................ 50 Analog Outputs Test ............................................................................................................. 50 Digital Inputs Test ................................................................................................................ 50 Digital Outputs Test.............................................................................................................. 51 TPU Digital Inputs Test........................................................................................................ 51 LOAD PROG........................................................................................................................ 51 To adjust contrast.................................................................................................................. 51 M0000465 Pag. 77 Chapter 7: Appendix Installation Guide Speed Test ............................................................................................................................... 52 Semiautomatic ........................................................................................................................ 52 EPROM Version .................................................................................................................... 53 EEPROM initialisation.......................................................................................................... 53 Keyboard Test ........................................................................................................................ 53 Dip Switch Test ...................................................................................................................... 54 Dip switch description .......................................................................................................... 54 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 55 VAR...................................................................................................................................... 55 Machine Parameters.............................................................................................................. 55 LOGO ................................................................................................................................... 55 Programs Handling ............................................................................................................... 55 Communication with PC ...................................................................................................... 55 LOAD PROG........................................................................................................................ 55 Time monitor ................................................................Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito. Modem.................................................................................................................................. 56 Appendix 57 Connections ............................................................................................................................ 58 Analog inputs........................................................................................................................ 58 Analog outputs...................................................................................................................... 59 Encoder inputs ...................................................................................................................... 60 Jumper description for Encoder type .................................................................................... 61 Digital inputs ........................................................................................................................ 62 Digital inputs (expansion on Can-Bus) ................................................................................ 63 Digital outputs ...................................................................................................................... 64 Digital outputs (expansion on Can-Bus) .............................................................................. 65 Digital outputs (expansion with relè on Can-Bus) ............................................................... 66 Power supply ........................................................................................................................ 67 Connecting I/O Boards on the CAN BUS ............................................................................ 68 Input module addresses......................................................................................................... 68 Output module addresses...................................................................................................... 68 Digital Input and Output Module Configuration .................................................................. 69 Expansion Module Connection Diagram ............................................................................. 70 Serial Connection with the PC.............................................................................................. 71 Dimensions.............................................................................................................................. 73 Keyboard............................................................................................................................... 73 Side view .............................................................................................................................. 74 Drilling plane........................................................................................................................ 74 Side view (blind version)...................................................................................................... 75 Drilling plane (blind version) ............................................................................................... 75 Revisions 80 Pag. 78 M0000465 Installation Guide Chapter 7: Appendix M0000465 Pag. 79 Revisions Version Date Modifications 2.5 21/02/06 Modificated RS232 shield cable connection. Addition RS422-485 connection.Various corrections. 2.6 18/10/06 Modificated page Test-Maintenace-Service True copy Signature ________________ Manual: ................................................................ SIAX150: Installation Manual Code:................................................................................................... M0000465 Version:............................................................................................................2.6 Total No. of pages: ............................................................................................80 Written by________________ MECENERO Approved by ________________ CRESSONI Date ____________________ 18/05/06 Date ______________________ 18/05/06
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