Input Output Method

March 25, 2018 | Author: Akash Shukla | Category: Menu, Technology, Computing, Software, Areas Of Computer Science



AKNOWLEDGEMENTI express my deep pleasure in presenting this project on “PROPERTY TRADING MANAGEMENT”. I wish to thanks all relative and persons for their help and co-operation without which the completion of this project would have not been possible. I am highly obliged and express my deep gratitude towards ”FUZAIL AHAMAD” for outstanding ideas , valuable support and encouragement without which this project could not be successful. I am grateful to my friends and my family members for their valuable support during my project work. kanetkar  C++ E.  “C++” S. jaiswal  “Let us c++” yashvant P. These books have helped very much. Balaguruswamy  NCERT books of 10+2 level .BIBLIOGRAPY The following books have been considered. the above details will be saved . if we press enter button . The following details will show      Name Address Phone No. . we will come at previous options as shown in “1’ Point. It will show the following options at screen          Customer in Customer out Cancellation Land Bungalow Flats Plot View Data Quite (2) If we select at first option (Customer in ). (3) after entering the details .INPUT OUTPUT SCREEN (1) When project will start . Customer Date in Customer ID After filling the above details . if we press “enter “ button .      Name Address Phone No. the details will be saved and we will come back at “options” as Indicated “1”Point (5) The third option is (“Cancellation”) option . Customer Date Out Customer ID After filling above details. if we press “Enter” button . the above data’s will removed from saved file and these data’s will not show again . If we click at this option .     Rate Area Location Type . Customer In date Customer out date Customer ID After filling details .(4) If we enter at second option (Customer out) Details related to second option will show like. this options will delete the data . the following details will again show       Name Address Phone No. (6) If e select at fourth option (Land) the following details will again shows at screen .      Rate Flat’s no.      Rate Plot no. The detail of each point will be entered . (7) If we select at fifth option (Banglow). the following details will show . the following details will show again . the following details will show . we will come original “options” after pressing “Enter” button .      Price Location Banglow no Area Level If we fill up these details and we press “Enter”.After entering details . Entering of these data’s effect the original basic data’s. (9) If we click at seventh option of main menu (Plot). we will reach at original menu . Level Area Location . (8) If we enter at sixth option(Flat’s) . Area Location Level It is main option and the data’s of this option is related to the basic saved data’s . these old data should be correct and accurate . These data’s should be in sequential data helps very much during taking decision . We can close programmed form this option . This option shows all the recorded data’s and it is very helpful during taking decision. After analyzing data’s.       Name Address Phone no Customer In Customer out Customer ID It will open data’s in systematic way as given below . (12) “Quit” is last option .(10) It is also main option of all options . It is last option . . we can close software from this option. It is back bone of organization . because old data’s of any organization is must to take decision . “Data View” will show all old data’s according to requirement . The above sequential data is very helpful to take decision .
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