Innovation, Technology & Knowledge Management



C o n n e c t i n gG r e a t M i n d s Innovation, Technology & Knowledge Management :: Handbook HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH IN MASS CUSTOMIZATION AND PERSONALIZATION (In 2 Volumes) Volume 1: Strategies and Concepts Volume 2: Applications and Cases edited by Frank T Piller (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) & Mitchell M Tseng (The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology) The research and practical experience collected in this book presents the latest thinking on how to make mass customization work. More than 50 authors from academia and management debate on what is viable now, what did not work in the past, and what lurks just below the radar in mass customization, personalization, and related fields. Edited by two leading authorities in the field of mass customization, both volumes of the book discuss, among many other themes, the latest research and insights on customization strategies, product design for mass customization, virtual models, co-design toolkits, customization value measurement, open source architecture, customization communities, and MC supply chains. Through a number of detailed case studies, prominent examples of mass customization are explained and evaluated in larger context and perspective. 1148pp 978-981-4280-25-9(set) 978-981-4280-28-0(ebk) Dec 2009 US$380 US$494 £285 BREAKTHROUGH STRATEGIC IT AND PROCESS PLANNING by Bennet P Lientz (UCLA Anderson School of Management, USA) This book is the first publication that combines the principles of business process management with strategic IT planning; the result being a groundbreaking work on strategic IT and process planning. While Breakthrough Strategic IT and Process Planning focuses on the real world of organizations, extensive treatment is also devoted to the politics of strategic planning. As such, a project management approach that combines process improvement, IT, and change management is employed. Other important aspects of process planning are discussed in detail: the strategic allocation of resources, short and long term implementation of the strategic plan, marketing of the plan to gain support for implementation, and development of strategic IT and process plans for business units and departments. 540pp 978-981-4280-08-2 978-981-4280-09-9(ebk) Oct 2009 US$68 US$88 £51 :: Textbook ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Contemporary Trends and Issues by David L Olson (University of Nebraska, USA) & Subodh Kesharwani (Indira Gandhi National Open University, India) This book analyzes various aspects of enterprise information systems (EIS), including enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, supply chain management systems, and business process reengineering. It describes the evolution and functions of these systems, focusing on issues related to their implementation and upgrading. Enhanced with pedagogical features, the book can be read by graduate and undergraduate students, as well as senior management and executives involved in the study and evaluation of EIS. Key Features • Contains a wide range of contemporary case studies • Includes a comprehensive, critical analysis of vendor systems 604pp 978-981-4273-15-2 Oct 2009 US$98 £74 HIGHLIGHTS GAINING MOMENTUM Managing the Diffusion of Innovations edited by Joe Tidd (University of Sussex, UK) Pg 2 FOUNDATIONAL THINKING ABOUT INNOVATION Selected Papers of William J Abernathy Pg 3 THE DESIGN-INSPIRED INNOVATION WORKBOOK by Bengt-Arne Verdin (Malardalen University, Sweden) Pg 8 edited by James M Utterback (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Preferred Publisher of Leading Thinkers Series on Technology Management Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management Managing Editor: Joe Tidd, SPRU, The University of Sussex The Technology Management Series is dedicated to the advancement of academic research and management practice in the field of technology and innovation management. The series features titles which adopt an interdisciplinary, multifunctional approach to the management of technology and innovation, and includes work which seeks to integrate the management of technological, market and organisational innovation. PERSPECTIVES ON USER INNOVATION edited by Stephen Flowers & Flis Henwood (University of Brighton, UK) Drawing on practice-based insights, together with theoretical approaches developed in Innovation Studies and Science and Technology Studies, this book brings together a collection of recent work that examines key aspects of this emerging new model of innovation, while highlighting exciting new ideas in this area. With content contributed by academics, practitioners and researchers, this book is a good reference source for academics and general public interested in the management and policy implications of user innovation. Key Features • Presents the latest research findings into the ways in which users participate in innovation • Combines practice-based insights and theoretical approaches 300pp (approx.) 978-981-4291-30-9 978-981-4291-31-6(ebk) Summer 2010 US$85 £64 US$111 Vol. 3 Second Edition FROM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TO STRATEGIC COMPETENCE Measuring Technological, Market and Organisational Innovation edited by Joe Tidd (SPRU, University of Sussex, UK) The contributors to this book include leading researchers and practitioners in the field. Adopting a practical but rigorous approach to the subject, they focus on the measurement, management and improvement of organisational, technological and market competencies, and identify the relationships with strategic, operational and financial performance. In this second edition, the original material is updated and three new chapters are added, reflecting the latest developments in the field. 452pp 978-1-86094-638-7 978-1-86094-813-8(ebk) May 2006 US$108 US$140 £63 GAINING MOMENTUM Managing the Diffusion of Innovations edited by Joe Tidd (University of Sussex, UK) Diffusion, or the widespread adoption of innovations, is a critical yet under-researched topic. There is a wide gap between development and successful adoption of an innovation. Therefore, a better understanding of why and how an innovation is adopted can help develop realistic management and business plans. Most books on this topic use a single-discipline approach to explain the diffusion of innovations. This book adopts a multi-disciplinary and managerial process approach to understanding and promoting the adoption of innovations, based on the latest research and practice. It will be of interest to graduates and researchers in marketing, product development and innovation courses. 400pp (approx.) 978-1-84816-354-6 978-1-84816-355-3(ebk) Vol. 14 Summer 2010 US$94 £71 US$122 Notable Backlist 13 12 BUILDING INNOVATION CAPABILITY IN ORGANIZATIONS Milé Terziovski (University of Melbourne, Australia) PROJECT-BASED ORGANIZATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOCIETY Mitsuru Kodama (Nihon University, Japan) INVOLVING CUSTOMERS IN NEW SERVICE DEVELOPMENT Bo Edvardsson (Karlstad University, Sweden) et al. OPEN SOURCE Moreno Muffatto (University of Padua, Italy) SERVICE INNOVATION Joe Tidd (University of Sussex, UK) et al. DIGITAL INNOVATION Giuseppina Passiante (University of Lecce, Italy) et al. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Ben Dankbaar (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands) SOCIAL INTERACTION AND ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE Oswald Jones (Aston University, UK) et al. R&D STRATEGY & ORGANISATION Vittorio Chiesa (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy) JAPANESE COST MANAGEMENT Yasuhiro Monden (University of Tsukuba, Japan) KNOWLEDGE ENTERPRISE, THE J Friso den Hertog (Maastricht University) et al. ENGINES OF PROSPERITY Gerardo R Ungson (University of Oregon, USA) et al. 11 10 9 8 7 6 INNOVATION AND STRATEGY OF ONLINE GAMES by Jong H Wi (Chung-Ang University, South Korea) This book is the first study to survey, over a ten-year period, innovations and the industrial formation process of online game business, and global strategies of major Korean online game companies. It focuses on the innovative factors which made the Korean online game industry grow tremendously and successfully to gain competitiveness in the global game industry. These include: the main factors stimulating online game business; virtual business created by online games as well as an examination of the role of the Korean government at the beginning and developmental period of the online gaming business. 240pp 978-1-84816-356-0 978-1-84816-357-7(ebk) Feb 2009 US$95 US$124 £74 5 4 2 1 2 WORLD SCIENTIFIC ~ IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS Explorations in Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Series Editor: James M Utterback, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Over at least the past fifty years, hundreds of scholars have contributed important research, articles, and books that address these issues. Contributors have been diverse; they come from fields such as economics, history, management, sociology, political science, science and engineering, geography, population ecology, and law. Despite the variety of perspectives of the many contributors to this body of work, their results show emergent and resonant themes. This series will organize and highlight the work of some of the seminal authors in these streams of research and present some of the consequences of their early findings for scholars and policy makers today. Vol. 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF PATENTING AND LICENSING FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS by Matthew Y Ma (Scientific Works, USA) “… the clear, concise fashion in which Ma explains concepts that engineers — and even my law school students — may find difficult, such as dominant patents. Add this book to your library. In today’s complex and commercial landscape, engineers and scientists who refuse to become patent savvy will likely be eclipsed by those who are. IEEE Spectrum Contents: Fundamentals in Patenting; Patent Prosecution and Post Granting; Business Perspectives and Beyond. 292pp 978-981-283-420-1 978-981-283-431-7(ebk) Mar 2009 US$68 US$88 £51 INNOVATION AND THE MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY Selected Papers of Thomas J Allen edited by Ralph Katz (Northeastern University & Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Thomas J Allen, a long-time professor (now emeritus) at the MIT Sloan School of Management, is one of the pioneering researchers in the areas of innovation and the management of technology. His research focuses on many aspects of the innovation process. He was among the first to identify the diverse aspects of the process and how they fit together. His writings on the influence of organizational structure and physical architecture on the innovation process are unique. His work is truly foundational, and the reappearance of this wide variety of his papers is a treasure trove for a new generation of scholars of innovation in business schools throughout the world. 400pp (approx.) 978-981-283-926-8 978-981-283-927-5(ebk) Vol. 1 Winter 2010 US$85 US$111 £64 INVENTION OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Untold Important Facts International Series on Advances in Solid State Electronics and Technology by Arjun N Saxena (Emeritus Professor & Patroon, Rensselaer, USA) “Our modern information society would not exist without the integrated circuit (IC), but who should we acknowledge as its inventor? The details of the early developments and patents have become shrouded in the mists of time, but in this book Prof. Saxena uses his first-hand knowledge of the birth of the IC era and his critical and detailed historical research to show that the answer to that question is not the commonly held view. A fascinating and compelling narrative.” Colin McAndrew IEEE Fellow 564pp 978-981-281-445-6 978-981-281-446-3(ebk) Apr 2009 US$98 US$127 £74 SERVICE SCIENCE Design for Scaling and Transformation by Cheng Hsu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Service science is an emerging field, but many still consider it lacking in substance. This book aims to change the situation by addressing the following questions: What is the big story about service? What are the main research problems in service? What does “a connected world” mean? Does service require a different kind of design science? What will be the next waves of the Web? How to support universal value co-creation? How to unite Cyberspace wilt physical space? Is it feasible to connect information resources everywhere? 316pp 978-981-283-676-2 978-981-283-677-9(ebk) Feb 2009 US$68 US$88 £51 FOUNDATIONAL THINKING ABOUT INNOVATION Selected Papers of William J Abernathy edited by James M Utterback (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) William J Abernathy, a professor at the Harvard Business School when he died in 1984, was a pioneering figure in the study of how the innovation process unfolds. In 1980, he co-wrote the influential article “Managing Our Way to Economic Decline”, which contended that the principal causes of America’s industrial production ills were poor corporate management and technological sluggishness. Over the course of a distinguished career, he was among the first to explore many of the key issues in technological innovation, and his work — one of the most frequently cited in the field — inspired a generation of management scientists. 300pp (approx.) 978-981-279-051-4 978-981-279-052-1(ebk) Fall 2010 US$82 US$98 £45 3 Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management Series Editor: Suliman Hawamdeh, University of Oklahoma The Innovation and Knowledge Management series focuses on issues related to innovation and knowledge management, the role of knowledge management practices in innovation and vice versa. This could be at the level of organization or society, and will take place in diverse cultural settings. :: Textbook KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT An Interdisciplinary Perspective by Sajjad M Jasimuddin (Aberystwyth University, UK) This book analyzes dynamic relationships among the disciplines that have contributed to the development of knowledge management. It focuses on establishing relationships between knowledge management and other disciplines such as information management, organizational learning, innovation management, and strategic management. It debates the origin and development of knowledge management, thus providing a clear and conceptual understanding of the field. This, in turn, will help readers adopt better approaches to solve knowledge management problems. 250pp (approx.) 978-981-4271-22-6 Winter 2010 US$60 £45 Vol. 8 MANAGING KNOWLEDGE FOR GLOBAL AND COLLABORATIVE INNOVATIONS Hong Kong 3 – 4 December 2009 edited by Samuel Chu (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Waltraut Ritter (Knowledge Dialogues, Hong Kong) & Suliman Hawamdeh (University of Oklahoma, USA) This book contains some of the best and most upto-date work by researchers and practitioners in the field of knowledge management. It provides an insight into knowledge management practices and their applications to a wide range of complex issues. The peer-reviewed papers included in this volume are selected from the prestigious 2009 International Conference on Knowledge management held in Hong Kong. 432pp 978-981-4299-85-5 978-981-4299-86-2(ebk) Vol. 4 Nov 2009 US$120 US$156 £90 :: Textbook COMMUNICATION AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Theories and Cases in Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising by Seow Ting Lee (Illinois State University, USA) & I-Huei Cheng (University of Alabama, USA) This book brings together the theories of knowledge management and communication to examine the goals, functions and effects of knowledge management on journalism, public relations, and advertising. Through numerous case studies, it investigates the critical inter-relationships between communication and knowledge creation in theory and practice. It also examines the dynamics of knowledge transfer, tacit knowledge, and the challenges of harnessing, transferring, and sharing tacit knowledge. It offers new insights into knowledge transfer and provides practical recommendations to organizations, students, academics and mass communication practitioners. 200pp (approx.) 978-981-4271-02-8 Summer 2010 US$58 £44 MANAGING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION IN ASIA A Casebook edited by Pan Shan Ling (National University of Singapore) This book provides organizational and managerial views on adopting emerging technologies for organizational transformation. The variety of issues and technologies covered in this book includes Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID); Enterprise Systems and Inter-Organizational Systems (IOS); Knowledge Management (KM); E-Business and E-Government initiatives. Eleven in-depth case studies documenting experiences and lessons learned in organizations and government agencies from the Asia Pacific region such as China, India, Malaysia, and Singapore are presented. 244pp 978-981-256-592-1 978-981-277-457-6(ebk) Jan 2006 US$61 US$79 £33 GOVERNING AND MANAGING KNOWLEDGE IN ASIA edited by Thomas Menkhoff (Singapore Management University), Hans-Dieter Evers (University of Bonn, Germany) & Chay Yue Wah (SIM University, Singapore) The field of knowledge for development now occupies a top position on the agenda of all Asian governments as well as large development organizations. This book reflects this mega-trend of development towards KBEs (Knowledge Based Economies). For this 2nd edition all chapters have been thoroughly edited and data, tables and graphs have been updated to reflect the latest available statistics. Trends have been re-evaluated and adjusted to reflect recent developments in the fast-moving scene of knowledge governance and knowledge management. 400pp (approx.) 978-981-4289-82-5 978-981-4289-90-0(ebk) Spring 2010 US$68 US$88 £51 Notable Backlist 7 6 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: COMPETENCIES AND PROFESSIONALISM Suliman Hawamdeh (University of Oklahoma, USA) et al. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURES Christian Stary (Johannes Kepler University, Austria) et al. CREATING COLLABORATIVE ADVANTAGE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION Suliman Hawamdeh (Oklahoma University, USA) KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Meliha Handzic (Sarajevo School of Science & Technology, Bosnia-Herzegovina) MANAGING STRATEGIC ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS AND E-GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES IN ASIA Pan Shan Ling (National University of Singapore, Singapore) 5 2 1 4 WORLD SCIENTIFIC ~ IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS STUDIES ON SCIENCE AND THE INNOVATION PROCESS Selected Works of Nathan Rosenberg edited by Nathan Rosenberg (Stanford University, USA) Science and technology have become increasingly intertwined in the twentieth century. However, little attention has been paid to the forces that have brought about this condition. Indeed, many scholars have taken it simply for granted that causality always runs from science to technology. In this groundbreaking book, Rosenberg’s research suggests that history and extensive empirical evidence lead to a reality that is far more complex as well as far more interesting. Here, Rosenberg’s papers explore a wide range of pertinent issues, especially those connected with the innovative process, including the realms of electric power, electronics, chemicals, aircraft, medicine, instrumentation and, in particular, higher education and the organization of research activities. 428pp 978-981-4273-58-9 978-981-4273-59-6(ebk) Aug 2009 US$65 US$85 £49 THE UCLA ANDERSON BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BIT) PROJECT A Global Study of Business Practice edited by Uday Karmarkar & Vandana Mangal (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) Key Features • Contains surveys to help understand changes occurring in the information economy in countries located in various regions across the globe, providing a global picture of the economy • Compares the findings in various regions • Presents longitudinal survey data and findings that highlight trends brought about by information technology • Includes GNP studies conducted by various countries analyzing trade and labor data • Includes sector studies that capture technologies and business issues within specific sectors 572pp 978-981-283-945-9 978-981-283-946-6(ebk) Aug 2009 US$138 US$179 £104 ASIAN INDUSTRIAL CLUSTERS, GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS AND NEW POLICY INITIATIVES edited by Bernard Ganne & Yveline Lecler (University of Lyon, France) This book provides a comprehensive overview of what Asian industrial clusters might teach us. Based on robust empirical surveys and interviews conducted in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan, the studies collected in this book were first debated at an international workshop in Lyon. From industrial districts to poles of competitiveness, these studies explored the transformation of traditional systems of activities or industrial districts to new networks ready for global competition or innovation, and also the development of new agglomerations or scientific knowledge clusters. 600pp 978-981-4280-12-9 978-981-4280-13-6(ebk) Jun 2009 US$115 US$150 £86 Titles of Interest World Scientific Series on 21st Century Business – Vol. 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS A Guide for the Next 100 Years by Matthew Tueth (Aquinas College, USA) Fundamentals of Sustainable Business begins by briefly describing the legacy of environmental and social problems that have arisen as a result of conventional business practices, and then details the coalescence of a broad-based contemporary movement that has been called “The Next Industrial Revolution”. Combining the long-term interests of business, community, and the natural world, the resulting sustainable business reformation is unlike any previous human endeavor. 228pp 978-981-283-932-9 978-981-283-933-6(ebk) Aug 2009 US$58 US$75 £44 :: Textbook Ed 2nd itio n ORGANIZING AROUND INTELLIGENCE The New Paradigm by Liang Thow Yick (Singapore Management University) ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPETITIVE STRATEGY by Daniel F Spulber (Northwestern University, USA) Contents: Management Strategy: Designing Management Strategy; Value-Driven Strategy; The Market Compass: Customers and Suppliers; Competitors and Partners; The Organizational Grid: Organizational Structure and Performance; Organizational Abilities and Incentives; Competitive Advantage: Competitive Advantage and Value Creation; Transaction Costs and the Firm’s Vertical Structure; Competitive Strategy: Price Leadership Strategy; Product Differentiation Strategy; Transaction Coordination Strategy; and Entry Strategy. The Power Point Slides for each of the chapters is available upon request for all instructors who adopt this book as a course text. Please send your request to [email protected]. 520pp 978-981-283-846-9 Jun 2009 US$88 £66 Contents: Introductory Topics: Entering the Intelligence Era; The New Paradigm; Fundamentals of Intelligent Organization Theory; Intelligent Biotic and Complex Adaptive Structure of Human Organization; Specialized Topics: The Human Thinking System; Basic Intelligence Evolutionary Dynamic and the Intelligent Person Model; Artificial Intelligent Information Systems Network; Interdependency: The Integrated 3C-OK Framework and the Higher Level Intelligence Dynamic; Paper Dialogue: An Effective Methodology for Nurturing Collective Intelligence; Concluding Topics: Intelligence Leadership and Intelligence Management Theory; Towards a Higher Order of Existence. 348pp 978-981-4273-99-2 978-981-4277-09-9(ebk) Jul 2009 US$65 US$85 £49 5 Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management :: Handbook HANDBOOK OF BUSINESS PRACTICES AND GROWTH IN EMERGING MARKETS edited by Satyendra Singh (University of Winnipeg, Canada) This handbook consists of a collection of specially commissioned chapters that describe the current business environment, organizational culture, consumer behavior, financial investment climate, and examples of best prevailing practices in emerging markets. It covers all the major functional areas of business — marketing, strategy, operations and finance — in all continents. The focus of each chapter is on the identification of different business issues in different emerging markets (including Asia, Africa and South America) and on the implementation of a proposed set of recommendations, using both qualitative and quantitative techniques to assist in decision-making and in improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness. 576pp 978-981-279-177-1 978-981-279-178-8(ebk) Oct 2009 US$135 US$176 £101 E-BUSINESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY Realities, Challenges and Outlook by Jun Xu (Southern Cross University, Australia) & Mohammed Quaddus (Curtin University of Technology, Australia) Embarking on electronic business is a challenging task. There is also a lack of clear understanding and comprehensive analysis of various issues and domains of electronic business. This book offers a very comprehensive analysis of concepts, models and infrastructures of e-business. It also presents unique observations of current e-business practices for different organizations in different economies and provides insights on the future of current leading businesses on the net and the trends of e-business. The volume will be an effective and indispensible reference book for professionals who are interested in or dealing with e-business and businesses that are embarking on e-business. 464pp 978-981-283-674-8 978-981-283-675-5 (ebk) Sept 2009 US$64 US$83 £48 Intelligent Information Systems – Vol. 2 INNOVATION WAS NOT ENOUGH A History of the Midwestern Universities Research Association (MURA) by Lawrence Jones (University of Michigan, USA), Frederick Mills (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA), Andrew Sessler (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA), Keith Symon (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) & Donald Young (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA) This book presents a history of the Midwestern Universities Research Association (MURA) during its lifetime from the early 1950s to the late 1960s. MURA was responsible for a number of important contributions to the science of particle accelerators, including the invention of fixed field alternating gradient accelerators (FFAG), as well as contributions to accelerator orbit theory, radio frequency acceleration techniques, colliding beams technology, orbit instabilities, computation methods, and designs of accelerator magnets and linear accelerator cavities. No other such history exists, and there are relatively few publications devoted to the history of particle accelerators. 268pp 978-981-283-283-2 978-981-283-284-9(ebk) Oct 2009 US$38 US$49 £21 :: Textbook INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT Decision-Making Methodology tio by Marc J Schniederjans, Jamie L Hamaker n (University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA) & Ashlyn M Schniederjans (Harvard University, USA) Ed 2nd i BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT OF JAPANESE AND KOREAN COMPANIES Monden Institute of Management: Japanese Management and International Studies – Vol. 5 From the individual to the largest organization, everyone today has to make investments in IT. Making a smart investment that will best satisfy all the necessary decision-making criteria requires careful and inclusive analysis. This textbook provides an up-to-date, in-depth understanding of the methodologies available to aid in this complex process of multi-criteria decision-making. It guides readers on the process of technology acquisition — what methods to use to make IT investment decisions, how to choose the technology and justify its selection, and how the decision will impact the organization. 450pp (approx.) 978-981-4282-56-7 Spring 2010 US$94 £71 edited by Gunyung Lee (Niigata University, Japan), Masanobu Kosuga (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan), Yoshiyuki Nagasaka (Konan University, Japan) & Byungkyu Sohn (Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea) Today’s business environment is characterized by hypercompetition and the development of the Internet. Fierce competition between suppliers and the availability of abundant information have caused a shift in bargaining power from producers/suppliers to buyers and consumers. Consequently, Business Process Management (BPM) — i.e. management tool to optimize and control operations flows by viewing the transactions within and outside corporations as processes, with the focus on speedily meeting customers’ needs — has emerged as a popular management framework. Based on survey results of Japanese and Korean companies’ BPM practices, the book demonstrates how to build BPM as a holistic management model by addressing the importance of BPM views, the effectiveness of its approach, and the latest research trends. 188pp 978-981-283-860-5 978-981-283-861-2(ebk) 6 Dec 2009 US$70 US$91 £53 Titles of Interest ADVANCES IN DOCTORAL RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT (VOLUME 2) Luiz Moutinho (University of Glasgow, UK) et al. BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT IN TAIWAN AND MAINLAND CHINA, THE Chen-Min Hsu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) et al. CHALLENGES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES edited by Marianne Hörlesberger (Austrian Research Centers GmbH-ARC, Austria) et al. FUZZY LOGIC FOR BUSINESS, FINANCE, AND MANAGEMENT (2ND EDITION) George Bojadziev (Simon Fraser University, Canada) et al. INNOVATION IN THE BIOPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Rifat A Atun (Imperial College London, UK) et al. STAYING AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION Chris Hall (Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia) et al. WORLD SCIENTIFIC ~ IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS :: Handbook HANDBOOK ON BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS edited by Angappa Gunasekaran (University of Massachusetts, USA) & Maqsood Sandhu (University of Oulu, Finland and UAE University, UAE) Key Features • One of the first comprehensive handbooks which combines business and information systems to capture and integrate operations, information technology, people and business • Brings together interdisciplinary new knowledge from the health care industry and computer science for information systemization • Explores for the first time, information and logistical management for operational optimization • Includes the latest advances in health care information systems, business process information systems, industrial management systems and evaluation of business information systems 1000pp (approx.) Spring 2010 £149 978-981-283-605-2 US$198 978-981-283-606-9(ebk) US$257 £193 Introductory Offer till May 2010 US$158 £119 THE CHANGING FACE OF INNOVATION Is it Shifting to Asia? by Seeram Ramakrishna & Daniel Joo-Then Ng (National University of Singapore) Contents: History: Asians are no Strangers to Original Thinking and Innovation; Enablers: R&D Investments; Universities; Young Minds and Human Resources; Openness and Broader Access to Knowledge; Open Innovation Practices of Companies; Test Bedding Innovations and Setting New Benchmarks; Innovators; Influencers: Population Growth; Economic Growth; Climate Change; Water; Energy; Urbanization; Ageing; Healthcare; Food Supplies and Nutrition; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Spoilers: Inequity; Protectionism; Conflicts. 200pp (approx.) 978-981-4291-58-3(pbk) 978-981-4291-59-0(ebk) Spring 2010 US$38 US$49 £29 NETWORK DYNAMICS IN EMERGING REGIONS OF EUROPE edited by David A Dyker (University of Sussex, UK) Contents: Innovation Networks: The Slovakian National Innovation System: Why Doesn’t It Work? (S Salis); Labour Markets, Job Matching and Social Networking: Job Matching, Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Development (D A Dyker); Human Capital and Skills in Hungary — Matching Demand and Supply (A Salavetz); Human Resources and Skills Gap in a Regional Context: The Campania Case (M Del Sorbo); Industrial Networks and International Spillovers: R&D Spillovers, Innovation and Growth in FirmLevel Productivity in Slovenia (J Damijan et al.); FDI in the East German Innovation System (J Günther et al.); Network Alignment in the Automotive Clusters of Turkey and Poland (G Ozatagan); and other papers. 350pp (approx.) 978-1-84816-373-7 978-1-84816-374-4(ebk) Spring 2010 US$98 US$127 £74 World Scientific Studies in International Economics THE JAPANESE ECONOMY IN RETROSPECT Selected Papers by Gary R Saxonhouse (In 2 Volumes) edited by Robert M Stern (University of Michigan, USA), Gavin Wright (Stanford University, USA) & Hugh Patrick (Columbia University, USA) Volume I contains a selection of his published papers that have been instrumental in enhancing the understanding of Japan’s modern economic history, focusing particularly on the Japanese cotton-spinning industry. Volume II features a selection of his published papers that look at how Japan’s technology and innovation were key in promoting Japan’s economic success; how its economy was shaped by its comparative advantage and related policies; and how its macro-financial policies were implemented in the course of its economic growth after World War II. 1120pp (approx.) 978-981-4271-45-5(set) 978-981-4271-48-6(ebk) Spring 2010 US$168 US$218 £126 Notable Proceedings ADVANCES IN SCALABLE WEB INFORMATION INTEGRATION AND SERVICE Yoshifumi Masunaga (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) et al. CHALLENGES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Man-Chung Chan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) et al. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN DECISION AND CONTROL Da Ruan (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN), Belgium) et al. DATA QUALITY AND HIGH-DIMENSIONAL DATA ANALYTICS Chee-Yong Chan (National University of Singapore) et al. ENHANCING LEARNING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Reggie Kwan (Caritas Francis Hsu College, Hong Kong) et al. INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPING WORLD Lalit Mohan Patnaik (Indian Institute of Science, India) et al. INTELLIGENT DECISION MAKING SYSTEMS Koen Vanhoof (Hasselt University, Belgium) et al. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN LIBRARIES: THEORY AND APPLICATION Anthi Katsirikou (University of Piraeus Library, Greece) et al. :: Textbook THE NATURE OF CHANGE OR THE LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES An Introductory Text to Designing Complex Systems and Managing Change by John Mansfield (University of South Australia, Australia) This absorbing book provides a broad introduction to the surprising nature of change, and explains how the Law of Unintended Consequences arises from the waves of change following one simple change. Change is a constant topic of discussion, whether be it on climate, politics, technology, or any of the many other changes in our lives. However, does anyone truly understand what change is? This book explains in detail the mechanism of change and will serve as an introduction to complex systems, or as complementary reading for systems engineering. 220pp (approx.) 978-1-84816-540-3 Summer 2010 US$63 £47 7 Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ENTREPRENEURSHIP by Jen-Shih Lee (Global Monitors, Inc., University of California, San Diego and University of Virginia, USA) This book is written for undergraduate and graduate students in biomedical engineering wanting to learn how to pursue a career in building up their entrepreneur ventures. Practicing engineers wanting to apply their innovations for healthcare will also find this book useful. In this publication, many examples of innovations in biomedical engineering are covered, from the conceptualization stage to successful implementation and commercialization. 500pp (approx.) 978-981-4295-60-4 978-981-4295-62-8(ebk) Spring 2010 US$98 US$127 £74 :: Handbook THE DESIGN-INSPIRED INNOVATION WORKBOOK by Bengt-Arne Verdin (Malardalen University, Sweden) This book argues far the need to make design the driving force for propelling innovation, as it provides important impetus for innovation, realizing dreams and obtaining a different focus from cost, technology, or production processes. Design also evokes creativity of a higher order and causes unexpected and inventive cross-fertilization across traditional borders or disciplines. This volume offers the “how-to’s” for designing for successful novelty, and discusses issues such as product language and meaning, and connecting with the end-user. It will also serve as a checklist, primer, and handbook, providing the reader-practitioner hands-on, but sometimes provocative advice 500pp (approx.) 978-981-4289-63-4 978-981-4289-64-1(ebk) Fall 2010 US$138 US$179 £104 LOCATING THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Inducement and Response by Eric L Jones (La Trobe University, Australia) Despite a dysfunctional landed system, agricultural innovation meant that the south’s comparative advantage shifted towards the farm sector. Meanwhile its manufactures slowly declined. Once industry clustered in the less-benign northern environment, technological changes in manufacturing accumulated there. This book portrays the Industrial Revolution as deriving from economic competition within unique political arrangements. 250pp (approx.) 978-981-4295-25-3 978-981-4295-26-0(ebk) Winter 2010 US$68 US$88 £51 THE NEW DYNAMICS OF GROWTH AND CHANGE IN ASIA edited by Nick von Tunzelmann (SPRU, University of Sussex, UK), Marc Bogdanowicz (IPTS, JRC, European Commission) & Annaflavia Bianchi (Faber Industria e futuro Foundation, Italy) This book provides a comprehensive look at the major new drivers of growth and change in Asian economies and their technologies, focusing on the most recent period since the late 1990s. The centerpiece is the rise of China and India to act as locomotives for growth in East Asia and South Asia respectively, but the impact on some of the other key countries — e.g. South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore — is also considered. In Part I of the book, the new dynamics are traced successively in terms of contextual matters (the globalizing learning economy), technology issues (convergence of new technologies and their markets), political economy matters (new forms of governance) and policy issues (mobilizing and energizing the knowledgebased economies). These thematic issues are then interwoven into interesting country studies in Part II. 270pp (approx.) 978-981-279-156-6 978-981-279-157-3(ebk) Winter 2010 US$82 US$98 £45 PETROCHEMICAL ECONOMICS Technology Selection in a Carbon Constrained World by Duncan Seddon (Duncan Seddon & Associates Pty Ltd, Australia) This compendium gives an overview of the technologies and economics in the production of olefins in the petrochemical industries. It highlights the options and costs for producing olefins using different technologies and different feedstocks at a time when the cost of carbon dioxide emissions are set to be included in the production cost. Industry professionals, engineers, research scientists and financiers will find this title a valuable resource. 250pp (approx.) 978-1-84816-534-2 978-1-84816-535-9(ebk) Fall 2010 US$82 US$107 £62 Catalytic Science Series – Vol. 8 Titles of Interest BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BIT) PROJECT, THE Uday Karmarkar (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) Join over 350,000 subscribers who receive our email newsletters. ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURES AND DIGITAL ADMINISTRATION Ambrose Goikoetxea (Mondragon University, Euskadi) GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY (2ND EDITION) Lars Skyttner (University of Gavle, Sweden) HANDBOOK OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ORGANIZATIONS AND ELECTRONIC MARKETS Angel J Salazar (Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, UK) et al. NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN GLOBAL SOCIETIES Pui-Lam Law (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) et al. SEEING THE INVISIBLE Thomas Quiggin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) 8 WORLD SCIENTIFIC ~ IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS STANDARDS STRATEGIES FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Cases from the PC and Mobile Industries by DongBack Seo (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), King-Tim Mak (University of Illinois, Chicago, USA) & Mostafa Hashem Sherif (AT&T, USA) Using a novel framework that interweaves aspects of the theory of Selforganized complexity, Actor Network Theory (ANT) and the dynamic unfolding and emergence of structures, this book clearly illustrates how organizations formulate and execute their standards and strategies. With an in-depth analysis on the development of PC architecture and wireless technology standards, this book comprehensively outlines the interactive outcome of the dynamic strategic moves that ultimately blossomed into the evolution of both the standards and markets from 1G through 4G. 450pp (approx.) 978-981-4287-01-2 978-981-4287-02-9(ebk) Spring 2010 US$105 US$137 £79 A COMPLEXITY APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY Theory and Application by Angela Espinosa (Hull Business School, UK) & Jon Walker (Independent Researcher, UK) A major challenge of our times is to understand and manage the increasing complexity of socio-economic reality. This has immediate relevance for sustainable development. This book argues the urgency for the application of analytical tools that embody the principles of complexity management. The authors describe a theoretical framework based on complexity science with a focus on organisational and second order cybernetics, one that presents a powerful new insight into the concept of sustainability. The book also describes actual applications of the ideas in the area of organisational, societal and environmental management, and reflects upon the impact of such an approach on current practice. 180pp (approx.) 978-1-84816-527-4 978-1-84816-529-8(ebk) Winter 2010 US$65 US$85 £49 Series on Complexity Science – Vol. 2 A MANUAL INTRODUCING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY TO SCIENTISTS — PATENTS by Benjamin Burge (Bose Corporation, USA), Annick Töpken (Germany), Jiancheng Jiang (Peksung Intellectual Property Ltd, China), Yoshinori Shimizu (SOEI Patent & Law Firm, Japan), Christopher Frerking (Viering, Jentschura & Partner, Germany), Andreas Meyer, Sven Rihm (Viering, Jentschura & Partner, Germany), Ivy Lee May (Shanghai International Intellectual Property Services (SHIIPS)) & Maik Brinkmann (Viering, Jentschura & Partner, Singapore) This book provides a concise introduction to the complex subject of patent law as a major branch of intellectual property rights. It describes the application of patent law in order to obtain a patent for a scientist’s invention. Comparison is also made between the patent laws of the four major jurisdictions under which most of the applications for patents are presently filed worldwide — China, Europe, Japan, and the USA. 350pp (approx.) 978-981-4261-79-1(pbk) 978-981-4261-80-7(ebk) Summer 2010 US$48 £36 US$62 Manuals in Biomedical Research – Vol. 7 :: Handbook HANDBOOK OF METADATA, SEMANTICS AND ONTOLOGIES edited by Miguel-Angel Sicilia (University of Alcalá, Spain) The Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies is intended as an authoritative reference for students, practitioners and researchers, serving as a roadmap for the variety of metadata schemas and ontologies available in a number of key domain areas, including culture, biology, education, healthcare, engineering and library science. Contents: Foundations; Metadata and Ontology Languages; Metadata and Ontologies by Domain; Technologies and Systems for Managing Metadata. Introductory Offer 800pp (approx.) Spring 2010 till Apr 2010 £146 978-981-283-629-8 US$194 US$155 £116 978-981-283-630-4(ebk) US$252 Titles of Interest MANAGING KNOWLEDGE ASSETS, CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Selected Works by Dorothy Leonard edited by Dorothy A Leonard (Harvard Business School, USA) This book pulls together for the first time, works on knowledge and innovation, including the implementation of new processes and products, written by Dorothy A Leonard over more than two decades. It consists of articles from journals in diverse fields (e.g. the award-winning article on Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities) and book chapters that cover the innovation process, from its inception in peoples’ heads to its implementation. An underlying theme running throughout the book is managing the flow of knowledge that propels innovation — especially tacit knowledge. Such knowledge is difficult to transfer or embody in a new product, process or service. However, it is not only essential but often comprises the most valuable component in the innovation. The opening chapter, written expressly for this volume, probes the connections between tacit knowledge, creativity and innovation. 350pp (approx.) 978-981-4295-49-9 978-981-4295-50-5(ebk) Spring 2011 US$120 US$156 £90 CLOSING THE EU EAST-WEST PRODUCTIVITY GAP David A Dyker (University of Sussex, UK) E-COMMERCE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Marc J Schniederjans (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA) et al. ECONOMICS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND THE MEDIA Linda Low (National University of Singapore) ESSAYS IN TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND POLICY David J Teece (University of California, Berkeley) INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS SCIENCE, AN John N Warfield (Professor Emeritus, George Mason University, USA) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF AN AMERICAN GENIUS, THE: STANFORD R OVSHINSKY Hellmut Fritzsche (University of Chicago, USA) et al. 9 Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management THE TRANSFER AND LICENSING OF KNOW-HOW AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Understanding the Multinational Enterprise in the Modern World by David J Teece (University of California, Berkeley) The international transfer of technology is one of the most important features of the global economy. However, the literature on it is sparse. This book encapsulates the author’s contributions to this field over the last three decades and provides insights into the manner, mechanisms, and cost of technology transfer across national boundaries and the implications for (the theory of) the international firm. Contents: International Technology Transfer; Licensing and Cross Licensing; Organizing Research and Development; The Multinational Enterprise. 488pp 978-981-256-849-6 978-981-283-318-1(ebk) Sept 2008 US$163 US$212 £87 DESIGN REUSE IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MODELING, ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION by S K Ong, Andrew Y C Nee (National University of Singapore) & Q L Xu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) This volume presents the design reuse methodology to support product development. Significant efforts have been made to create an intelligent and optimal design environment by incorporating the contemporary technologies in product family design, artificial intelligence, neural networks, information theories, etc. This volume covers both theoretical topics and implementation strategies, with detailed case studies to help readers gain an insight in areas such as product information modeling, information analysis, engineering optimization, production cost estimation, and product performance evaluation. 312pp 978-981-283-262-7 978-981-283-263-4(ebk) Nov 2008 US$99 US$129 £55 Series on Manufacturing Systems and Technology – Vol. 4 TECHNOLOGICAL KNOW-HOW, ORGANIZATIONAL CAPABILITIES, AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Business Strategy and Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments by David J Teece (University of California, Berkeley, USA) This book explores factors which impact the viability and growth of business enterprises. In particular, the role of entrepreneurship, organizational learning, and business strategy — including licensing strategy — are considered in some detail. It presents fundamental thinking about business organization and provides the conceptual framework that scholars need to understand complex business organization, managerial processes, and competitive strategy. 328pp 978-981-256-850-2 978-981-283-447-8(ebk) Sept 2008 US$95 US$124 £52 CREATIVE MARKETING FOR NEW PRODUCT AND NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT edited by Akira Ishikawa (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) & Atsushi Tsujimoto (University of Tokyo, Japan) Key Features • Presents a well-researched account of how to design, develop, manage and evaluate various development projects successfully, from the R&D stage to commercialization • Includes attractive case studies like “Healthy Tea™” developed by Japan Coca Cola, Inc., “Teach Me Electronic Appliances” which is a recommendation engine, and the development of robots • Written in an informative yet highly accessible manner that appeals to both the business and academic communities 336pp 978-981-277-218-3 978-981-277-219-0(ebk) Sept 2008 US$68 US$88 £37 JAPANESE PROJECT MANAGEMENT KPM — Innovation, Development and Improvement Monden Institute of Management: Japanese Management and International Studies – Vol. 3 Series on Contemporary China – Vol. 13 CHINA’S SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTOR AND THE FORCES OF GLOBALISATION edited by Elspeth Thomson (National University of Singapore) & Jon Sigurdson (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden) Contents: Technological Development Challenges in Chinese Industry (C Cao); China’s Regional Variations in Patenting (D Lu & A G Hu); R&D Incentives, Industrial Structure and Technology Transfer in China (P Lin & J A Zhang); Standards and the State: Chinese Technology Policy in an Age of Globalisation (R P Suttmeier & X-K Yao); The Impact of Financing the High-Tech Industry on the Chinese Banking Sector (Y Ma); Ningbo and Dalian: Patterns of Science and Technology Development (J Sigurdson); Development of China’s Semiconductor Industry: Prospects and Problems (M S-H Heng); China’s Online News Industry: Control Giving Way to Confucian Virtue (J Lagerkvist). 240pp 978-981-277-100-1 978-981-277-101-8(ebk) May 2008 US$81 US$105 £45 edited by Shigenobu Ohara (Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan) & Takayuki Asada (Osaka University, Japan) This book provides a comprehensive look at the features of Kaikaku Project Management (KPM), including its emphasis on creativity and teamwork, its broader “open value system” as opposed to a “closed technical system”, its close links with corporate strategy and human resource development, and the support infrastructure needed for advancing KPM. Chapters cover both the theory and practice of KPM, citing cases of information and communications technology (ICT) and pharmaceutical companies, among others. KPM holds special relevance today as global competition is increasingly reducing the lifecycle of organizations. 504pp 978-981-277-873-4 978-981-277-874-1(ebk) Nov 2008 US$135 US$176 £75 10 WORLD SCIENTIFIC ~ IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Building Bridges between Sciences, Engineering and Business Management (2nd Edition) edited by Steven Anderson, Tom Bramorski (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA), George Tesar (Umeå University, Sweden) & Sibdas Ghosh (Dominican University of California, USA) Review of the First Edition “There is no doubting the quality and value represented by the cases ... the cases provide a rich basis from which to design teaching material.” Journal of Product Innovation Management Contents: Managing the Creative Process in a Cross-Functional Global Environment; Product Concept Development in a Competitive Market Place; Business Analysis and Market Potential; Getting a Product from the Laboratory to the Market; Commercialization of New Technology. 472pp 978-1-86094-874-9 978-1-86094-926-5(pbk) 978-1-86094-875-6(ebk) Jun 2008 US$86 US$61 US$112 £45 £33 DESIGN-INSPIRED INNOVATION by James Utterback (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Bengt-Arne Vedin (Mälardalen University, Sweden), Eduardo Alvarez (VIGIX, Inc.), Sten Ekman (Mälardalen University, Sweden), Susan Walsh Sanderson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA), Bruce Tether (University of Manchester, UK) & Roberto Verganti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) “This book is surely a good starting point for further reading and contemplation on the subject of ‘design-inspired innovation’. Compact discussions, good examples and a broad overview of the field are presented … The vast number of positive reviews of this book is truly deserved. Readers interested in the subject will definitely be inspired by this book.” Creativity and Innovation Management 280pp 978-981-256-694-2 978-981-256-695-9(pbk) 978-981-277-408-8(ebk) Dec 2006 US$73 US$33 US$95 £41 £21 MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION AND VALUE CREATION Selected Papers from the 16th International Conference on Management of Technology edited by Mostafa Hashem Sherif (AT&T, USA) & Tarek M Khalil (University of Miami, USA) Key Features • Explains how to include green operations and sustainability from the design phase of a project • Discusses advantages and limitations of various technological strategies • Presents recent aspects of management of technology and innovation related to technologies like clean vehicles, nuclear reactors, laser beam printers, etc. and sectors like forestry, automobile, electronics, paper and pulp, etc. • Includes case studies on companies like Nokia, Shell, IBM, Canon, etc. 448pp 978-981-279-053-8 978-981-279-054-5(ebk) May 2008 US$110 US$143 £64 Management of Technology – Vol. 2 :: Textbook A FIRST SYSTEMS BOOK Technology and Management (2nd Edition) by Margaret Myers (Richmond, The American International University in London, UK) & Agnes Kaposi (Kaposi Associates, UK) “This book is a very good option to be used as a textbook or supporting material for an undergraduate course on the systems approach for problem modeling and solving. The book gives an adequate and nice introduction to systems theory ... it should be recommended for students and perhaps practitioners with no prior knowledge of the systems approach.” Journal of the Operational Research Society 224pp 978-1-86094-431-4 978-1-86094-432-1(pbk) Mar 2004 US$73 US$33 £52 £29 HUMAN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND RISK STRATEGIES by Akira Ishikawa (Emeritus Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) & Isamu Naka (Finance & IT Consultant, Hitachi, Japan) This book deals with knowledge management with an emphasis on knowledge risk, i.e., a general trend of knowledge value getting shorter and becoming temporary. The shortening of knowledge value lifespan will have a profound impact on companies’ employment policies, and employees’ strategies for gaining knowledge. How to manage knowledge selection, including personnel management, will be the key to survival for companies, when corporate competency shifts from stable business contacts to the quality of their offers, and when the value of knowledge, which is the foundation of products and services, is becoming more and more short-lived. Work-sharing and human resource derivatives are thus proposed as new concepts in order to deal with knowledge selection risk. 140pp 978-981-256-890-8 978-981-270-672-0(ebk) Jan 2007 US$55 US$72 £31 Integrating Knowledge, Management and Systems by Milan Zeleny (Fordham University, USA) “Only an accomplished author like Dr Zeleny would dare reconcile business with art that is an art which recognizes the momentous changes which the organization has suffered in modern times ... Professor Zeleny must be congratulated for his effort which extends common efforts to make the subjects of his text more meaningful and understandable.” John P van Gigch California State University 484pp 978-981-02-4913-7 978-981-270-353-8(ebk) Sept 2005 US$130 US$169 £71 11 For an institutional trial to these journals, please email [email protected]. International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM) Managing Editor Joe Tidd (SPRU, The University of Sussex, UK) Aims & Scope IJIM is the official journal of the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Both the IJIM and ISPIM adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the many challenges of managing innovation, rather than a narrow focus on a single aspect such as technology, R&D or new product development. Abstracting/Indexing • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) • INSPEC International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM) Editor-in-Chief Tugrul U Daim (Portland State University) Aims & Scope The journal encompasses all facets of the process of technological innovation from the conceptualization of new products and processes to their commercial utilization. Abstracting/Indexing • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) • INSPEC International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (IJITDM) Editor-in-Chief Yong Shi (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA) Aims & Scope IJITDM provides a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies which bridge the latest information technology and various decision-making techniques. It promotes how information technology improves decision techniques as well as how the development of decisionmaking tools affects the information technology era. Abstracting/Indexing • Science Citation Index Expanded • ISI Alerting Services • CompuMath Citation Index • Cabell • INSPEC Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM) Editor-in-Chief Suliman Hawamdeh (University of Oklahoma, USA) Aims & Scope The journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business and government contributors on all aspects of information processing, information management, knowledge management, tools, techniques and technologies, knowledge creation and sharing, best practices, policies and guideline. Abstracting/Indexing • • INSPEC INNOVATION The Magazine of Research & Technology I N N OVAT I O N i s a w o r l d - c l a s s publication highlighting the recent work of Singapore-based researchers, their collaborations with external organisations, as well as the latest breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine from around the world. INNOVATION provides the bridge that links the esoteric technicalities of R&D to everyday’s life. It presents the significance of current work being undertaken by researchers in a style accessible to the educated layperson. For orders or enquiries, please contact any of our offices below or visit us at: • USA • UK • SINGAPORE 12 Printed in Jan 2010 World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601, USA Toll-free fax: 1 888 977 2665 Toll-free: 1 800 227 7562 E-mail: [email protected] World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd. c/o Marston Book Services, PO Box 269, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4YN, UK Fax: 44 (0) 123 546 5555 Tel: 44 (0) 123 546 5500 Email: [email protected] World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Farrer Road, P O Box 128, SINGAPORE 912805 Fax: 65 6467 7667 Tel: 65 6466 5775 E-mail: [email protected] * Prices subject to change without prior notice SP-HY-12-09-03-W
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