Ingles Libros 2012-2 v2
FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS HUMANAS DEPARTAMENTO DE LENGUAS EXTRANJERASCENTRO DE RECURSOS BIBLIOTECA INVENTARIO DE INGLÉS (Libros) Decimo octava edición Segundo semestre de 2012 Última actualización: Alberto Pérez C. Con la colaboración de : Diego Barato, Julieth Moreno, Diego Barato, Raúl Rodríguez y Robinson Rodriguez Julio de 2012 INVENTARIO DE INGLÉS Haga clic sobre la categoría de su interés (Libros) * Audio-libros * Expresión escrita y Comprensión de lectura Segundo semestre de 2012 Didáctica y Pedagogía Enciclopedia Británica Ensayos y otros textos en prosa Estilística * Comprensión auditiva y Expresión oral * Fonética y Fonología * Métodos * Exámenes internacionales * Recursos fotocopiables para docentes (material de clase) Gramática *Vocabulario * Libros ubicados en la sala de autoacceso Historia literaria Investigación Análisis del discurso y Textolingüística Bilingüismo y Multilingüismo Lecturas para principiantes Biografías Civilización Crítica literaria Lingüística general y Lingüística inglesa Literatura infantil y Literatura juvenil Literatura traducida Cuento y Novela corta Diccionarios O DE INGLÉS Novela mestre de 2012 Poesía Pragmática Psicolingüística Semántica Sociolingüística Teatro Teoría literaria Textos argumentativo Textos guía de literatura Traducción Baja consulta ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO y TEXTOLINGÜÍSTICA Número de volúmenes: 8 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BROWN G. and YULE G. BROWN G. and YULE G. COULTHARD M. COULTHARD M. COULTHARD M. McHOUL A. and RAPLEY M. THORNBURY S. Van DIJK T. and KINTSCH W. TEXTOLINGÜÍSTICA Volver al Indice Discourse Analysis (ed. 1998) Discourse Analysis (ed. 1993) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (ed. 1977) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (ed. 1978) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (ed. 1985) How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings. A Casebook of Methods (ed. 2001) Beyond the Sentence Introducing discourse analysis (ed. 2005) Strategies of Discourse Comprehension (ed. 1983) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 AUDIOLIBROS Número de volúmenes: 63 Ubicación: SAA ALEXANDER L.G. ATKINSON R. et al. AUSTEN J. AUSTEN J. BELBIN D. BLACKMORE R.D. BODOWSKI C. and BUDOWSKI D. BOGGS T. BRADSHAW C. et al. BRANCATO C. BYRNE D. CLARKE A.C. COLLINS A. COLLINS A. COLLINS W. CRANE S. CURTIS R. and DRISCOLL R. DICKENS Ch. ESCOTT J. ESCOTT J. ESCOTT J. ESCOTT J. et al. FENIMORE COOPER J. GARDNER J.J. GILCHRIST C. HARTE B. HAWTHORNE N. HINTON N. HOWARD CERONE D. KÄSTERN E. KIPLING R. LAIRD E. LAWRENCE D.H. LEVITHAN D. LONDON J. LOOS A. MELVILLE H. MIKES G. PILE E. POE E. RABLEY S. RICE C. SCOTT G. SEWELL A. SHAKESPEARE W. SHIPTON V. SPYRI J. STEVENSON R.L. STEVENSON R.L. STOKER B. STRANGE J. et al. STRANGE J. et al. STRANGE J. et al. STRANGE J. et al. SWAIN C. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 TAYLOR N. THACKERAY W. TRIMARCO P. TWAIN M. TWAIN M. VANCE MARSHALL J. WATSON J. WILDE O. 2000) [level 2] Julius Caesar (ed.2000) [level 2] Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (ed.2000) [level 3] Persuasion (ed. 2000) [level 3] The Woman in White (ed. 2000) [level 2] Lorna Doone (ed. 2001) [level 2] Heidy (ed. 1999) [level 2] Falling for You (ed. 2000)[level 2] The Ghost of Genny Castle (ed. 2000) [level 2] The Scarlet Letter (ed. 2000) [level 2] Billy Budd.f) The Book of Heroic Failures (ed. 2000)[level 2] David Copperfield (ed. 2000) [level 2] Men in Black (ed. 2000)[level 2] Five One-Act Plays (ed. 1999) [level 6] The Red Badge of Courage (ed.Volver al Indice K's First Case (ed. 2005) [level 2] White Fang (ed. S. 2002)[level 2] Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (ed. 1999) [level 1] Two Boyfriends (ed.2000) [level 3] Treasure Island (ed. 1999) [level 2] The Earthquake (ed. 2001)[level 2] Sense and Sensibility (ed.2000) [level 2] Small Soldiers (ed. 1999) [level 3] Photo of the Tall Man (ed. 2004) [level 1] Story Shop Grounded (ed. 2000) [level 3] Audrey Hepburn (ed. 2000) [level 3] Book of Shadows (ed. 1999) [level 3] The Black Cat and Other Stories (ed.1998) [level 2] Dracula (ed.2000) [level 3] How to be an Alien (ed.2000) [level 1] Stories of Courage (ed.2000) [level 2] Stories from Shakespeare (ed.2000) [level 2] Princess Diana (ed.1999) [level 1] Mr Jealous (ed. 2000) [level 4] The Last of the Mohicans (ed.2000) [level 3] Subject 117 (ed.1999) [level 3] Lost in New York (ed.2000) [level 3] 2001 a Space Odyssey (ed.1999) [level 3] The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Stories (ed. 2000)[level 2] The Fox (ed 1995) [level 2] The Mummy (ed.2000) [level 5] The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories (ed. 1998) [level 2] The Missing Coins (ed. 1999) [level 2] Black Beauty (ed.2001) [level 5] Tales from the Arabian Nights (ed.2000) [level 4] The adventures of Rocky Bullwinkle (ed. 2000)[level 2] Emil and the Detectives (ed.2000)[level 3] Mr Bean in Town (ed. Sailor (ed. 2000) [level 3] Mr Bean (ed. 2000) [level 2] Blood Ties (ed. 2006) Supermodels (ed.1999) [level 1] Blackmail (ed. 2004) [level 3] .1999) [level 2] Story Shop Winners and Losers (ed. 2000) [level 3] The Plan (ed. 2001)[level 2] Hercules by the Sword (ed. 1999) [level 4] .2000) [level 2] The Ghosts of Izieu (ed.2000) [level 3] The Picture of Dorian Gray (ed. 2001) [level 2] The adventures of Huckleberry Finn (ed. 2000) [level 2] Vanity Fair (ed. 2005) [level 3] Walkabout (ed.2000) [level 3] Gucci Business in Fashion (ed. 2000) [level 3] Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog (ed.Brad Pitt (ed. HERDINA P. (Ph. MYERS-SCOTTON C. WEI L.) KRASHEN S. HOFFMANN CH. BARRON-HAUWAERT S. BARNES J. ROMAINE S. EDWARDS V.D. IRUJO S.(Ph. K. ROMAINE S. BIALYSTOK E. (ed. K. M. and JESSNER U. (ed. BHATIA T. A.) & MACKEY.) EDWARDS V.BILINGÜISMO y MULTILINGÜISMO Número de volúmenes: 26 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 IRUJO S. (ed. (ed. and GLYNN T.C. BARNARD R.) MYERS-SCOTTON C.) ZENTELLA A.D. . ROMAINE S. BAKER C. IRUJO S. KING. DATTA M. and RITCHIE W. IRUJO S. M. MEJÍA A. and YTSMA J.) MEJÍA A. A Focus on Questions (ed. The One-Parent-One-Language Approach (ed. 1998) Teaching Bilingual Children (ed. 2002) Trilingualism in Family. 1998) Teaching Bilingual Children (ed. 2006) Multiple Voices and Introduction to Bilingualism (ed. Literacy. 1997) . 1998) The Bilingual Edge Why. 2004) Teaching Bilingual Children (ed. 2000) Bilingual Children's Language and Literacy Development (ed. 1995) Bilingualism (ed. 2001) The Care and Education of Young Bilingual. and How to Teach Your Child a Second Language (© 2007) Condemned Without a Trial. Bogus Arguments Against Bilingual Education (ed. 2004) Bilingualism in Development. 2001) The Handbook of Bilingualism (ed. When. & Cognitio n (ed. An Introduction for Professional (ed.Volver al Indice Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (ed. 1999) Bilingual Education in South America (2005) Bilingual Education in South America (ed. 2004) Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World (ed. 2006) Language Strategies for Bilingual Families. Language. 2003) Early trilingualism. 1995) Bilingualism (ed. 1995) The bilingualism Reader (ed. 2005) Multiple Voices and Introduction to Bilingualism (ed. Principles and Practice (ed. 2006) Bilinguality and Literacy. 2007) Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World (ed. 2005) Growing up Bilingual (ed. Perspectives of Change in Psycholinguistics (ed. School and Community (ed. 2006) Bilingualism (ed. 2004) A Dynamic Model of multilingualism. WASHINGTON B. GREENE G. VAN DOREN CH. BURGESS A. . FRANKLIN B. (ed. T. GRAVES R. CHURCHILL W. by Richard Greene) MALCOM X PANCAKE J.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BIOGRAFÍAS Número de volúmenes: 10 Ubicación: Biblioteca ALSOP J.P. 1974) Webster's American Biographies (ed.1985) Churchill by himself.1984) A life in letters (ed. 1964) Thomas Jefferson & Alexander Hamilton (ed.a Isabel Merino] (ed. 1986) Hemingway [Traducción de M. 2008) The Autobiography of Malcolm X (with the assistance of Alex Haley) (ed.Volver al Indice Roosevelt [Traducción de Jesús Marinas y Jesús Zulaica] (ed. 1956) . The definitive collection of quotations (ed. An American Autobiography (autobiografía) (ed. 2003) Lawrence de Arabia [Traducción de Jesús A. 2008) The Autobiography and Other Writings (ed. Marinas] (ed. 1974) Up from Slavery. and RINVOLUCRI M.J. L.G. COTTRELL P. BEARD C. CRUISE O'BRIEN C. CENTRE FOR INFORMATION ON LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH CENTRO COLOMBO AMERICANO CHURCHILL W. BOUNMPHREY G. BROWN M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 COLLEY L. et al. et al.CIVILIZACIÓN Número de volúmenes: 141 Más información ver categoría baja consulta Ubicación: Biblioteca AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH ASHE G. DICKINSON M. DARBY G. CARR E. BERTINETTI M. CARLSON L. AYDON C. BOEHM R. CAHILL T. BOWEN E. . BUCHHOLZ E. BROMHEAD P. De la MAHOTIERE S. COOKE J. DAVIS P. BALDWIN L. and BEARD M. DAVID J. (ed. GALBRAITH J. GREENWOOD V. M.A. GOLDWATER B. (comp. HUNTER D HUNTINGTON S JACKSON G. FREEMAN J. and LEMMO P. FENNEL H. HALLIDAY F. FOXWORTHY J. DURANTA.A. HAFTMANN W. ELLIOT A. FARNELL J. FERGUSON T. HICKS J.28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 DOS PASSOS J. and YOUNG J. et al. JOHNSON P. HAVIGHURST A. GERSHOY L. . FREEDGOOD S.W. HOLLISTER C. (ed.) HOGGART R. and ROGERS J.K. DOS PASSOS J. B. HAYEK F. HUGHES Y. FODOR’S 99 POCKET FOSTER J. FARAH M and KARLS A.) HAY D. FARAH M and KARLS A. DURANT A. B. GRIMWOOD S. GREENBLATT M.) ELLIS P. and TUCKER R. HOLDERNESS B. MACKENZIE M. MOTORING ATLAS MUSMAN R. (ed. LUEDTKE L. . LUEDTKE L. McCARTHY E. KONEFSKY S. NEWMAN B.A.) LEVINE H. MEINIG D. LEWIS P. NIXON R. MACMILLAN/McGRAW-HILL MACMILLAN/McGRAW-HILL MARMON SILKO L. LEWIS D. MOORE SHAW A. MEINIG D. (ed. and LAUX J. MARMON SILKO L. KROHN B. MEINIG D. MAC HALE D. LEMAY J. and TIDY M. and RUNCIMAN W. MINISTER OF SUPPLY AND SERVICE CANADA 1978 MOORE SHAW A. MAULE D. et al. McFARLAND G. NATION M.64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 KAFKER F.) LIPPINCOTT K. MAZRUI A. McLUHAN M. and WESTWOOD L. LASLETT P. LOWE J. MORRALL J. McCLELLAND CH. et al. (ed. M. PERKUS C. UNDERHILL N. QUEEN D. (Comp. RADICE H.) THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY THE LORD CHAMBERLAIN THE STAFF OF EDITIONS BERLITZ THE STAFF OF EDITIONS BERLITZ THOMPSON E. SPECK W. SACHSE W. UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY . (ed. SAUVAIN P. (ed. A. STEVENSON D. PYM F.) SMITH M.) SERVICIO INFORMATIVO Y CULTURAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS SHORT J.100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 PELLING H. and COHEN D. STRINGER P. SCHAMA S. THOMPSON W.) POWELL R. and KIRBY A. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE PRYSE B. TREVELYAN G. SEIFERT CH.P. TRUEBLOOD E. RUEDA C. (ed.) SMOLAN R. SIMMONDS T. SALMON J. (ed. CIVILIZACIÓN Guías turísticas e históricas Número de volúmenes: 9 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CARPENTER E. PRINGLE D. TABRAHAM C. 137 WALDMAN C. 135 136 VAUGHAN-THOMAS W. 140 WRIGHT J.a.) . s. FAWCETT R. 138 WILSON R. 139 WRIGHT J. GARROD and LOFTHOUSE International Limited HEDLEY O. (ed.UNTERBERGER R.) 141 ZELDIN T. 2008) How the Irish saved Civilization the untold story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe (© 1995) Beyond the Red. 1984) World Geography (ed. 2009) New French Imperialism 1880-1910 (ed. 1995) The New Shell Guide to Britain (ed. 1984) A History of Wales (ed. 1939) German in the United Kingdom (ed. 2007) The Confidence Book (ed. 1972) The times Past – Present – Future (ed. 1998) The Twenty Years' Crisis 1919-1939 (ed. 1990) A Brief Guide to Charles Darwin His Life and Times (© 2008) This Realm of England 1399-1688 (ed. 2007) Britons Forging the Nation 1707-1837 (ed. 1995) Towards One Europe (ed. White and Blue (ed. 1970) Britain. 1986) The Regions of the United States (ed. Europe and Beyond 1700-1900 (ed. 1973) The Irish Civil War 1922-1923 (ed. 1945) Historia de los pueblos de habla inglesa. 1973) Mythology of the British Isles (ed. 1962) Britain on Country Roads (ed. traducido por Alejandra Devoto (ed. 1990) La historia del arte / Art a World History [Traducción de Teresa Jarrín Rodríguez] (ed. 1979) . 2008) States of Ireland (ed. 1944) San Francisco (ed. 1976) A Basic History of the United States (ed.Volver al Indice America's Continuing Revolution (ed. 1968) Life in Modern Britain (ed. 1964) Time -Life Library of America The Middle Atlantic States Delaware Maryland Pennsylvania (ed. No. XV. Winter-Spring. From Stonehenge to the Atomic Age (ed. 1965) Three Hundred Years of American Painting. 2009) Blood In My Eye (ed. 1995) Time -Life Library of America The Gateway States. 1974) Redneck Classic (ed. 1952) The French Revolution and Napoleon (ed. 1962) The Living Thoughts of Tom Paine (ed. TEACHER’S WRAPAROUND EDITION (ed. traducción de José Pedro Tosaus Abadía (ed. 1993) Banned and Persecuted (ed. Wilson’s War (ed. 1974) The Uses of Literacy (ed. 1997) The British Scene. 1995) Abortion in Demand (ed. The Human Experience. 1967) Team Teaching in Britain (1969) American Capitalism (ed. A Celebration (ed. 1972) A History of the American People (ed. 1961) Why not Victory? (ed. 1 and 2 (ed. Vol. 1940) Rousseau and Revolution (ed. 1960) The Massachusetts Review. 1967) The Age of Voltaire (ed. New Jersey New York (ed. 1982) El choque de civilizaciones y la reconfiguración del orden mundial. 1976) Albion's Fatal Tree (ed. 1986) A Concise History of England. 1988) Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution (ed. 1957) The Druids . 1975) The Constitution of Liberty (ed. 1984) World History. (1994) World History. 1985) The Making of England 55 B. Public and Private Britain (ed. 1963) Human Heritage (ed. 1986) What to See and Do if You Can’t Stay Long (ed. 1966) The Book of Dublinman Jokes (ed. 1976) Buckingham Palace (ed.C. 1964) Modern England 1901-1970 (ed. The Decline of the Democrats and the Future of American Politics (ed.Mr. (ed. 1975) The Battle of Ideas in Modern Ireland (1993) Right Turn. 1960) British Agriculture Since 1945 (ed. 1977) Great Britain. The Human Experience (ed. to 1399 (ed. 1997) . A Geographical Perspective on 500 years of History. Vol. 1986) The Shaping of America. 1986) Canada Handbook (ed. 1958) Great Britain and Ireland (ed. Volume 3. 2 (ed. A Critical Survey (ed. 1968) Political Thought in Medieval Times (ed. 1967) An Early American Reader (ed.The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretation s (ed. 1976) Background to Britain (ed. 1988) World Politics Debated (ed. A Geographical Perspective on 500 years of History. 1 (ed. Volume 1 . Volume 2. 1970) . 1984) The Practice of Comparative Politics (ed. 1983) Reform and Revolution in Grenada 1950 to 1981 (ed. 1997) Yellow Woman anda Beauty of the Spirit [Essays on Native American Life Today] (ed. Vol. Adventures in Time and Place.1996) Yellow Woman anda Beauty of the Spirit [Essays on Native American Life Today] (ed. 1984) The Limits of Power (ed. 1974) The Shaping of America. 1987) The Book of Kerryman Jokes (ed. A Geographical Perspective on 500 years of History. 1986) The Shaping of America. (ed. 1989) Nationalism and New States in Africa (ed. 1970) Making America (ed. 1987) A Dictionary of Modern Britain (ed. 1987) Making America (ed. 1991) Background to Viet-nam (ed. 1956) Cahiers du cinema / Maestros del cine Stanley Kubrick Philosophy. 1997) United States. (ed. Politics and Society (ed. 1978) Pima Indians Legends (ed. 1968) Pima Indians Legends (ed. 1987) Understanding Media (ed. 1968) The Legacy of Holmes and Brandeis (ed. 1966) United States Foreign Policy for the 1970's (ed.1996) Focus on Scotland (ed. 1965) United States. 1994) Background to English-speaking countries (ed. 1973) The story of time and space Adult Education in England and Wales. (ed. 1968) Theory and the International System (ed. Adventures in Time and Place. 1968) El Oeste: Sueño Americano (ed. 1993) British Studies now anthology (ed. 1995) How to live in Britain (ed. 1993) A Shortened History of England (ed. 1974) American Folk Song Heritage (ed. 1949) Ireland (ed. 1986) Ej. 1989) St. 1 American Folk Song Heritage (ed. 1967) Modern World History 1919 on Wards (ed. traducido por María Eugenia de la Torre (ed. traducido por Juan Rabasseda-Gascón (ed. 1996) American Life and Institutions (ed. f. School of Medicine. 1975) A Pleasant Guide to the Political Constitution (ed. Vol IV.) . 1975) The Long Death of British Labourism. f. 1994) English History in the Making (ed.American labor (ed. 1981) Amerika 24/7 (ed 2004) Historia de Gran Bretaña. 2 Heritage Freedom . Andrews catalog 1993-199 5 (s. Academic Year 1992-93 (ed. 1987) Reseña de la Geografía de los Estados Unidos (s. Part One 1933-1972 (s. 2005) The United States Constitution 1787-1987 (ed. 1942) Declaration of Freedom (ed. 1975) Lake District (ed. 1988) Johns Hopkins University. 1986) Ej. 1986) Whigs and Hunters (ed.) Getting to Know Britain (ed. Interpreting a Political Culture (ed. 1986) Scotland (ed. The Life-Stories of ten Famous American Indians (ed. 1989) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland (ed. 1984) Perspectives on World Politics (ed.) The Human Geography of Contemporary Britain (ed. 1960) COINTELPRO (ed. 1955) Focus on Studying in Britain (ed. 1991) A Crown of Eagles. f. 1984) Reflections on America & Americans (ed. 1987) International Firms and Modern Imperialism (ed. 1983) The Politics of Consent (ed. 1992) The Official Guide to Windsor Castle (ed. 1985) Auge y caída del imperio británico 1776-2000. An Economic History Since 1939 (ed. 1994) Volver al Indice Westminster Abbey.1994) Britain in the Age of Economic Management. 1981) Atlas of The North American Indian (ed. 1993) Linlithgow Palace a Historical Guide to the Royal Palace and Peel (ed.) St Paul’s Cathedral (ed. 1974) The Royal Palaces (ed. 2000) The House of Parliament (ed. 1999) Wales (ed. The Stories. 2008) An Intimate History of Humanity (ed. 1998) (incluye la traducción al español en un folleto anexo) An informative companion to the cathedral city of Canterbury (s. 1997) . 1993) Edinburgh Castle (ed. A COAST-to-Coast Tour of American Music: The Artists.f. 1995) (incluye la traducción al español en un folleto anexo) Maritime Greenwich (ed.Music USA.f. the Venues. A pictorial guide & souvenir including sections on poets’ corner and coronations (ed. 1979) The New York Times 2008 Almanac (ed. and the Essential Recordings (ed.) Bautiful Sussex (s.1993) Stirling Castle (ed. Workbook 6 (ed. Workbook 2 (ed. 1968) 13 Basic Listening (ed. 1984) 15 Basic Listening. 1968) 10 Audio-Lingual English. Workbook 1 (ed. 1967) Audio-Lingual English. 1967) Audio-Lingual English. 1968) 12 Audio-Lingual English. 1979) Audio-Lingual English. Workbook 6 (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1985) Approaches (ed. 1967) Audio-Lingual English. 1994) All Clear! Idioms in Context (ed. Workbook 4 (ed. 1967) Audio-Lingual English. 1982) . Workbook 4 (ed.COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA y EXPRESIÓN ORAL Número de volúmenes: 133 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Active Listening. 1984) 14 Basic Listening (ed. Workbook 5 (ed. Workbook 5 (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1968) 11 Audio-Lingual English. 1967) Audio-Lingual English. Workbook 3 (ed. 1990) 20 Conversation Exercises in Everyday English: Book Two (ed. 1987) 28 Elementary Task Listening. 1981) 22 Day by day (ed. 1953) 31 Expanding Tactics for Listening (ed. Advanced Listening and Critical Thinking Skills (ed. A Picto-Comp for Students of English as a Foreign Language (ed. 1987) 27 Elementary Task Listening (ed. 1987) 25 Easy Does It (ed. 1987) 19 Conversation (ed. 1987) 23 Day by day (ed. 1987) 26 Easy Does It (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1983) 18 Consider the Issues. 1997) 32 Eyewitness.16 Basic Listening. Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1987) 30 Everyday dialogues in English (ed. 1986) 17 Bridge the Gap (ed. 1985) . 1987) 24 Dialogs for Everyday Use (ed. 1965) 21 Cue for Communication (ed. 1987) 29 Elementary Task Listening. 1984) 36 Further off-stage Teacher’s Book (ed. 1 47 Interactions Access. A Listening / Speaking Book (ed. 2 43 Interactions 1. A Listening/ Speaking Skills Book (ed. A listening / Speaking Skills Book (ed. 1993) Ej.33 Four Short Plays for EFL. 1997) Ej. A Listening/Speaking Skills Book (ed. 1981) 34 Four Short Plays for EFL. 1985) 41 Interactions 1. 1981) 38 Getting Along in English (ed. 2 48 Interactions Access. A Listening/ Speaking Skills Book (ed. 1993) Ej. Advanced Level (ed. 1996) 46 Interactions Access. 1996) 44 Interactions 2. 1979) 40 Interactions 1. 1990) 45 Interactions 2. 1 42 Interactions 1. A Listening/ Speaking Skills Book (ed. 1981) 35 Further off-stage Student’s Book (ed. 1990) Ej. 1997) Ej. A Listening/Speaking Book (ed. A Listening/Speaking Book (ed. 2 . 1 49 Interactions Access. 1981) 39 Have you heard…? (ed. A Listening/Speaking Skills Book (ed. A Listening / Speaking Book (ed. Advanced Level (ed. 1985) 37 Getting Along in English (ed. 1990) Ej. 2006) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1994) 56 Listening 2. 1996) 61 Listening Elementary (ed. disponible en la Sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] 63 Listening Upper-Intermediate (ed. disponible en la 66 Sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] 65 . 2005) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1994) 55 Listening 1 . 1981) 53 Life with the Taylors (ed. 1993) 60 Listening 3 (ed. 1994) 57 Listening 2. 1983) 52 Learning to Listen (ed. 1987) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1981) 51 Kaleidoscope (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1987) 64 Listening Advanced (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) 59 Listening 3 (ed. 1987) 62 Listening Intermediate (ed. disponible en la Sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Listening Extra (ed. 1988) Listening Extra (ed. (ed. 1994) 58 Listening 2.50 Interview (ed. 1959) 54 Listening 1 (ed. Advanced (ed. 1987) 78 More dialogues for everyday use (ed. Early Intermediate (ed. 1996) 80 Mosaic 1. 1983) 72 Loud and Clear. 1981) 70 Listening In and Speaking Out. 1983) 73 Loud and Clear. 1983) 74 Making English Personal (ed. 1987) 79 Mosaic 1. 1996) 81 Mosaic 2. 1990) 82 Mosaic 2. 1985) 75 Missing Person a Radio Play (ed. Intermediate (ed. A Listening/Speaking Skills Book (ed. A Listening Speaking Skills Book (ed.1983) 76 Modern Speech Training. A Listening/Speaking Skills Book (ed. A Listening Speaking Skills Book (ed. Advanced (ed. 1981) 71 Loud and Clear.67 Listening In and Speaking Out. 1996) . The Eight Error Method (ed. 1980) 68 Listening In and Speaking Out. 1980) 69 Listening In and Speaking Out. Early Intermediate (ed. A Listening Speaking Skills Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Intermediate (ed. 1990) 83 Mosaic 2. Early Intermediate. 1951) 77 More dialogues for everyday use (ed. Elementary (ed. 1985) 88 Overtones. Teacher's Book. Skill of speaking. (ed. Pre-intermediate (ed. 1987) 99 Say the word. Teacher’s Book. Elementary (ed. 1986) 95 Practical Conversation in English (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1986) 93 Play It by Ear. A Listening/Speaking Skills Book (ed. 1987) . Teacher’s book (ed. 1965) 96 Reasons for Listening (ed. Skill of speaking. Teacher’s Book (ed. Elementary (ed. Intermediate. 1985) 90 Overtones. 1986) 94 Play It by Ear. 1996) 85 Now you are talking. Skill of speaking. Intermediate. 1988) 86 Now You’re Talking. 1984) 98 Say the word. Pre-intermediate (ed. Intermediate (ed. Skill of speaking. 1987) 100 Say the word. 1985) 91 Play It by Ear. 1986) 92 Play It by Ear. 1988) 87 Overtones. 1984) 97 Reasons for Listening (ed. Teacher’s book (ed. 1985) 89 Overtones.84 Mosaic 2. Pre-intermediate (ed. Pre-intermediate. Intermediate (ed. Early-intermediate (ed. 1987) 107 Speaking 1 (ed. Skill of speaking. Teacher’s Book. 1994) 114 Speaking 4 (ed. 1991) 110 Speaking 2 (ed. 1993) 115 Speaking 3 Teacher’s edition (ed. Elementary (ed. 1994) 113 Speaking 3 (ed. 2001) 103 Something to Talk About (ed. Skill of speaking. Elementary (ed. 1986) 116 Speaking out. 1987) . 1981) 104 Speaking. 1986) 105 Speaking. Intermediate (ed. Skill of speaking. 1987) 106 Speaking. 1987) 117 Speaking out. Upper-Intermediate (ed.101 Say the word. 1994) 112 Speaking 2 Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) 109 Speaking 2 (ed. 1987) 102 Simple listening Activities (ed. 1994) 111 Speaking 2 Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) 108 Speaking 1 Teacher’s Book (ed. Early-intermediate (ed. 1980) 132 World English 1. 1986) 124 Study Listening (ed.118 Speaking out. Teacher’s Book. Intermediate (ed. Teacher's Book (ed. 1987) 120 Speaking Skills. 1989) 121 Spoken English. Early-intermediate (ed. the HBJ English Program (ed. Skill of speaking. 1980) 131 World English 1. 1985) 123 Strategies for Readers. 1962) 122 Steps to Fluency (ed. 1988) 126 The last word. 1980) . Intermediate. Early-intermediate (ed. 1987) 127 The Spoken Word. 1980) 133 World English 2. A BBC Guide (ed. 1981) 128 Themes for Listening and Speaking (ed. the HBJ English Program (ed. the HBJ English Program (ed. Book 2 (ed. 1973) 130 World English 1. the HBJ English Program Workbook (ed. 1986) 129 What to Say (ed. 1983) 125 The Last Word. 1987) 119 Speaking out. Penguin Elementary (ed. Teacher’s Book. Skill of speaking. Skill of speaking. Book Four [Dialog and review material supplement] (ed. INC. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. and STEVENS S. and MORROW K. INC. INC. . JOHNSON K. McDOWELL J. INC. INC. KALKSTEIN FRAGIADAKIS H. and BROWN S. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. INC. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. McDOWELL J. INC. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. and STEVENS S. INC. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. McDOWELL J. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. and STEVENS S. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE. INC.Volver al Indice HELGESEN M. JERROM M. and SZKUTNIK LL. . CLAIR STOKES J. CURRY D. CLAIR STOKES J. NUMRICH C. and STEVENS S. St. CLAIR STOKES J. St. CURRY D. FERRER J. CURRY D. C. CURRY D. HARKESS S. RICHARDS J. and ARTHUR L. DOBSON J. DIXSON R. St. NOLASCO R. and EASTWOOD J. and WERNER P.McDOWELL J. M. CURRY D. (ed. TANKA J. TANKA J.. and BAKER L. A. TANKA J.CURRY D.) CASE D. and WILSON K. and KIMBALL M. and MOST P. R. THRUSH E. THRUSH E. THRUSH E. R. and KIMBALL M. BALDWIN R. and WILSON K. . and BLASS L. CASE D. TANKA J. and BLASS L. et al. et al.) CURRY D.. TANKA J. UNDERWOOD M. and MOST P. and MOST P. (ed. PALMER A. THRUSH E. and BAKER L. PALMER A. TANKA J. A. BALDWIN R. and MOST P. RIXON S. COLLIE J. COLLIE J. DOFF A. NOLASCO R. and SLATER S. and GRUBER D. and BECKET C. McGILLIVRAY DOFF A. Breary B. DOFF A. DOFF A. DUNN V. CRAVEN M. MALEY A. CRAVEN M. REVEL J. . CURRY D. and BECKET C. and SLATER S. DOFF A.CORNELIUS E. and JAMES G. LUMSDEN MILNE B. and WHALLEY E.. AITKEN R. CURRY D. and WHALLEY E. and WHALLEY E. AITKEN R. HUNTER K. CURRY D. and WHALLEY E.. and JAMES G. BODE S.. BODE S. FERRER J. CURRY D.. FERRER J. AITKEN R. WHITLEY CH. BODE S. FERRER J. WHITLEY CH. WHITLEY CH. FERRER J. and WHALLEY E. and JAMES G. . FERRER J. and JAMES G.BODE S. WHITLEY CH. HALL D. SCARBROUGH D. . AITKEN R. and FOLEY M. AITKEN R. HALL D. and FOLEY M. and FOLEY M. AITKEN R. and FOLEY M. and WHALLEY E. AITKEN R. AITKEN R. HALL E. and FOLEY M. AITKEN R. J. HALL D. SCARBROUGH D. AITKEN R. AITKEN R. HALL D.FERRER J. HALL D. and SLATER S. COLLIE J. and SLATER S. ELLIS R. and TOMLINSON B.HALL D. and HADFIELD CH. and SLATER S. COLLIE J. PEATY D. COLLIE J. HADFIELD J. COLLIE J. . NOLASCO R. and SLATER S. HALL D. COLLIE J. and SLATER S. HALL D. and FOLEY M. COLLIE J. COLLIE J. and FOLEY M. and SLATER S. COLLIE J. and SLATER S. GOWER R. BRIMS J. and SLATER S. and FOLEY M. et al. and FOLEY M. HALL D.HALL D. JOVANOVICH P. KIRBY S. HALL D. et al. LYNCH T. and KEY P. and THOMSON D. and PARKER H. BURCHFIELD R. and FOLEY M. et al. ROBINSON C. WISE S.) . PEARSON Chr. JOVANOVICH P. and FOLEY M. BBC JOVANOVICH P. ROBERTS J. and FOLEY M. (ed. HALL D. T. et al. JOVANOVICH P. ) WALSER R. A. FONTENROSE J. s. WING G. HYDE H.) POE E. M. (ed. and HOYOS E. FENTON CH. BOON K. CRABBE K. s. WAITH E. NORMAN Ch. TRUSSLER S. DREW E. BRANDER L. HINDUS M. KAPLAN R. ROCHESTER H. H. STUMPF J.K. and SCOOT J. URREA HENAO J. COOLIDGE O. GÉRIN W.) MIZENER A. McALEER J. et al. TURNER A.a. Número . MILLER J. LEVIN H.) BAKER I. BALDANZA F. RIBNER I.a. PARKINSON T. L. M. STEAD C. VAN O’CONNOR W. J. BLOOM H. (ed.F.CRÍTICA LITERARIA de volúmenes: 38 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ALLONT M. POE E. GÉRIN W. COOLIDGE O. (ed. (ed. 1976) Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1964) Ensayos Anglo-Americanos (ed. Tolkien (ed. The Formative years (ed. 1973) Brodie's Notes Orwell Animal Farm (ed. Scott Fitzgerald (ed. The Creative Work (ed. A Modern Guide to Fifteen English Masterpieces (ed. 1963) Writers and Their Work The Brontës 1. Perspectives and Commentaries 1978) Theodore Dreiser. 1961) Lógica del sinsentido en la obra de Lewis Carroll (ed. The Early Years (ed. 1976) The New Poetic (ed. 1968) Crítica literaria Tomo I A-K [Traducción de Julio A.1994) Notes on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion (ed.1970) Notes on James Joyce's A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (ed. 2006) Crítica literaria Tomo II L-Z [Traducción de Julio A. Sierra] (ed. 1965) Thomas Wolfe. An Outline-Guide to the Play (ed. 2006) Julius Caesar. 1961) John Steinbeck. 1961) Robert Lowell (ed. An Introduction and Interpretation (ed.R. 1964) Eugene O’Neill (ed. la invención de lo humano . . 1971) Edward Bond (ed. 1985) The Novel. Sierra] (ed. 1997) Thackeray (ed. 2010) Modern American Novelists (ed.R. 1961) Thomas Hardy. Elliot's Major Poems and Plays (ed. 1968) William Carlos Williams (ed. 1962) So Worthy a Friend: William Shakespeare (ed. Notes on Literature (ed. An Introduction and Interpretation (ed.Volver al Indice Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre and Villette (ed. 1962) Notes T. 1973) Writers and Their Work The Brontës 2. 1976) Mark Twain. 1972) Shakespeare and the Revolution of the Times. An Introduction and Interpretation (ed. 1980) (ed. traducción de Tomás Segovia (ed. 1973) F. 1964) Edith Wharton 1862-1937 (ed. 1966) J.S. 1966) Salinger (ed. 1968) The Trials of Oscar Wilde (ed. An Introduction and Interpretation (ed. 1975) Shakespeare. 1961) Shakespeare. 1963) The Apprenticeship of Ernest Hemingway. 2008) Chaos Theory and the Interpretation of Literary Texts (ed. An Introduction and Interpretation (ed. 1964) Notes on 20th Century English Literature (ed. The Histories (ed. . CAPOTE T. CHESTERTON G. CHAUCER G. (ed. DATLOW E. DOYLE A. GREENE G. (Edited by) DICKENS Ch. CHRISTIE A. CONRAD J. [edited by Elizabeth Black] . HADFIELD J. FREEMAN M.. ENRIGHT E.CUENTO y NOVELA CORTA de volúmenes: 100 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ABBOTT E. JAMES M.) GREENE D. and others CONRAD J. S. CHESTERTON G. (ed.. FAULKNER W. C. E.) BIERCE A. FITZGERALD S. DOYLE A. (ed. HEMINGWAY E. AUSTEN J.) GRAFTON J. FITZGERALD F. (ed. HEMINGWAY E. DOUGLAS G. CURTIN J. FARRALL T. G. CHAUCER G. HEMINGWAY E. (ed.) GRAFTON J. FAULKNER W.K. CATHER W. Número CATHER W. BRADBURY R. B.) HARDY T. BATES E.K. R. DOYLE A. HEMINGWAY E. CONRAD J. GOODMAN R. COLLINS W. CHAUCER G. C. C. DICKENS C. HAWTHORNE N. C. A. Sir (Selected and Edited by) DOYLE A. E. SPEARE. TWAIN M. LOVECRAFT H. P. SALINGER J. WARD C.D. R. P. SALINGER J. [edited by Elizabeth Black] PEARSON H. McCONOCHIE J. MELVILLE H. LOVECRAFT H. SALINGER J. UPDIKE J. KIPLING R.) NARAIN H. D. et al. D. SHELLEY M.D. MORRIS R. KIPLING. WILDE O. LESSING D. STEVENSON R. (ed) WHARTON E. (comp. KIPLING R. UPDIKE J. . STEVENSON R. SALINGER J. A. SALINGER J. ORNE JEWETT S. NEGRI P. PORTER K. JAMES H.) STEVENSON R. ORWELL G. WILDE O. SALINGER J.46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 HENRY O. (Edited by) WEST C. LONDON J. A. TREVOR W. L. RAHV P. JAMES H.) SACKS O. JAMES H. (ed. (comp. L. MELVILLE H. A.K.) MCCULLERS C. D. POE E.D. SALINGER J. L. D. JEROME J. (ed. WEST C. JAMES H. (comp. M. SHYMANSKY L. WILDE O. LONDON J.) WARD C. WILDE O. 100 WILDE O. . 2005) Modern Short Stories (ed. 1992) Hero-Tales of Ireland (ed.) The best early stories of F. 2006) The Canterbury Tales (Trad. Six Mystery Stories (ed. 1996) [Full text edition] Classic Ghost Stories (ed. 1999) Lovecraft Unbound Twenty Stories [Tales inspired by the works of H. 1992) Sanditon & The Watsons (ed. 1994) The illustrated man (ed. 2008) Classic Mystery Stories (ed. 2003) The Snows of Kilimanjaro and other stories (ed.P. Scott Fitzgerald [Edited and with an Introduction by Bryant Mangum. Nevill Coghill) (ed. 1993) The Selected Works (ed. 1939) Wessex Tales (ed. 1971) The Canterbury Tales (ed. 2003) Typhoon and Other Stories (ed. 1998) Chance (ed. 2009) Eight Strange Tales (ed. 1975) . 2005) Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales (ed. 2003) The Hound of the Baskervilles (ed. 1978) The Curious case of Benjamin Button (s. Lovecraft] (© 2009) The Mystery of Edwin Drood & Other Stories (ed. 1977) The Canterbury Tales (Trad. 2002) The Shadow-Line (ed. 1990) Knight’s Gambit.Volver al Indice Flatland A Romance of Many Dimensions (ed. 1992) Great Horror Stories (ed. Foreword by Roxana Robinson] (© 2005) The Revolt of "Mother" and other stories (ed. 1960) Favorite Father Brown Stories (ed. 2000) A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four (ed. 1976) Go Down. 1993) Paul's Case and Other Stories (ed. 1961) Great Ghost Stories (ed. 1998) 75 Short Masterpieces (ed. 1996) The Troll Garden (ed. 2000) Favorite Sherlock Holmes Detective Stories (ed.M. 2004) Civil War Stories (ed. 1969) Betty Wilson’s Cummerland Teáls (ed. 1994) Vampire Stories (ed. 1967) Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories (ed. 2003) The Snows of Kilimanjaro (ed. f. R. 2007) Great Irish Short Stories (ed. 2003) The Short Stories (ed. Lumiansky) (ed. 1999) Complete Short Stories (ed. Moses (ed. 2008) Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie (ed. 1992) The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (ed. 1999) Young Goodman Brown & Other Short Stories (ed. 1993) The Call of the Wild. 1963) Twentieth-century American Short Stories (ed. 1964) The Raven and Other Writings (ed. 1999) Shooting an Elephant (ed. 1941) The Body Snatcher and other tales (ed. 1986) The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories (ed. with an Introduction and Notes.) The Man Who Would Be King and other stories (ed. 1991) Collected Tales and Stories (ed. 1969) Eight Great American Short Novels (ed. 2002) A White Heron and Other Stories (ed. Carpenters & Seymour an Introduction (ed. Carpenters. 2001) The Complete Stories of Robert Louis Stevenson . f. Jekyll and Mr. 1993) Five Great Short Stories (ed. Charles Dickens. and other Stories [Edited by Andrew Sinclair.Strange Case of Dr. 1998) Three Men in a Boat & Three Men on a Bummel ( ed. 1969) The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales (ed. 1975) The Ballad of the Sad Café (ed. 1992) The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories (ed. the Outstanding Genius of English Literature (ed. 2003) The Collected Stories (ed. 2008) Plain Tales From the Hills (s. 2002) The Beast in the Jungle and Other Stories (ed. f. 2008) Washington Square (ed. 1996) Great Short Stories by English and Irish Women (© 2007) Crime Never Pays. 2007) The Happy Prince and Other Stories (ed. Hyde and Nineteen other Tales [Edited. 1959) The Catcher in the Rye (ed. by Barry Menikoff] (ed. 1981) Great American Short Stories (ed.Best Short Stories (ed. 2002) The Great Short Stories (ed. 1953) Nine Stories (ed. 1959) Great Short Stories by American Women (ed. 1995) [Full text edition] Billy Budd & Other Stories (ed. 1953) Raise High the Roof Beam. 1994) De profundis and other writings (ed. 1999) The Dunwich Horror and Others (ed. 2007) The Turn of the Screw and Others Stories (ed. 1972) The Misterious Stranger and Other Stories (ed. 1991) Nine Stories (ed. Short Stories (ed. 1965) The Pocket Book of Short Stories (ed. 1993) Short Stories (ed. 1990) Short Story International (relatos) (ed. & Seymour: an Introduction (ed.) Soldiers Three (s. 2005) Masterpieces of Horror (relatos) (1996) Grass-Root People (ed. 1994) The Real Thing (ed. 1993) From The Cradle to the Grave (ed. Introduction by James Dickey] (ed. 1951) The ballroom of Romance and Other Stories (ed. 1992) The Music School (ed. 1966) The Same Door (ed. 2001) The Collected Works (ed. 1975) Dickens. 1981) Raise High the Roof Beam. White Fang. 1993) The Turn of the Screw and other Short Works (ed. 1971) . 1998) The Encantadas and Other Stories (ed. 1998) Nine Stories (ed. 1991) Franny and Zooey (ed. The Happy Prince and other Fairy Tales (ed. 2001) . (Contributors) BANNOCK G. et al. DUQUE P. and MACKIN R. and EVANS C. CUYÁS A.S. H. et al. DIXSON R. (ed.P.E. and ARCHAMBAULT A. CROWTHER J. ATKINSON H.-Cl.P. COLLIN P. (ed) CAYUELA N.) ALCARAZ E. (ed) CLARK A. BEIGBEDER F.) FARMER J.DICCIONARIOS Número de volúmenes: 77 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AGNES M. and HUGHES B. et al. BANNOCK G. FARMER J. COLLAZO J. and HORWOOD J. COLLAZO J. . CARVAJAL C. CORBEIL J. and HENLEY W.N. CANDOR A. COLLAZO J. and NELSON R. et al. D. DAINTITH J. et al. EVANS B. COWIE A.S. (ed. (compiled by) COWIE A. et al. J. and R. FLAVELL L. W. MORRIS Ch. and GRABB L. GAMEZ T. HERRERA O. and FOWLER F. GAUSE J. GREEN J. (ed. FLOOD W. and SETZLER JR. MISH F. MIFFLIN H. MISH F.) JERVIS S. et al. GUNTON T. and WEST M. FOWLER H. NEUFELDT V.G. and R. MORRIS Ch.27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 FLAVELL L.E. NEUFELDT V. MOREHEAD A.) GRAHAM J.T. MAKKAI A.) REBER A. MORRIS Ch. MORRIS Ch. MERRIAM-WEBSTER MERRIAM-WEBSTER A. KAPLAN S. (ed. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PÉREZ J. (ed. RODGER L. GILLARD P. and VILLALBA M. HUBERT H. HOUSE R. MORRIS Ch. MAINGAY S. . MORRIS Ch. ILLINGWORTH V. Mc ARTHUR T. W. SINCLAIR J.) SOUKHANOV A. C. (ed. H. SCOTT J. SHARP D. (ed. A. . S.) SOULE R. and STEVENSON A. WEBSTER M. A. (ed. WEST M. SWICK E. S. SINCLAIR J. and FREEMAN D. & WINGET L. and JENKINS W. SUMMERS D. (ed. SAVAIANO E. SCHILLER A. B. et al.63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ROSENTHAL M.) YOUNG E.) SOANES C. German ] (ed. 2002) Diccionario de Términos Jurídicos Inglés. 2000) Collins German Dictionary fully revised and updated .American English Usage [German-English EnglishDictionary of Economics (ed.French . Fifth edition (ed. 1 (ed. 2006) Dictionary of Computers (ed. Spanish. 1989) Essential Idioms in English (ed. 1971) Diccionario Inglés para Hispanohablantes (ed.Spanish .Spanish (ed. 2 (ed.English-Spanish (ed. N-Razzle. Diccionario de Términos Jurídicos. 2003) Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs English.Inglés Inglés. 1994) Diccionario enciclopédico de términos técnicos [Inglés-Español Español-Inglés (Volumen 2: InglésEspañol O-Z)] (ed. 2005) . 1995) Diccionario Técnico inglés-Español/Español-Inglés (2a ed. 1999) The Macmillan Visual Dictionary: Multilingual Edition [English .Dazzle (ed. 1972) Dictionary of Mathematics (ed.1 A-Fi (ed.English (ed. 1992) Dictionary of Finance (ed. 2003) Dictionary of Geography (ed. Inglés Español. Spanish-English. 1995) Nuevo Diccionario Cuyás. 1994) Spanish Law Dictionary. 1994) Diccionario enciclopédico de términos técnicos [Inglés-Español Español-Inglés (Volumen 3: EspañolInglés A-Z)] (ed.Español (ed. vol. 1994) Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Vol. 2002) A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage (ed.Volver al Indice Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus (ed. 1957) Slang and its Analogues. 5. 1965) Slang and its Analogues. 1986) Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. 1993) Diccionario enciclopédico de términos técnicos [Inglés-Español Español-Inglés (Volumen I: InglésEspañol A-N)] (ed. Quinta Edición. 1985) Gran Diccionario Oxford Español . Español-Inglés (ed. vol. 1965) Dictionary of Proverbs and their Origins (ed. Vol . 1986) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.Español. 1981) Dictionary of Physics (ed. 1984) Dictionary of Information Technology (ed. 1996) Diccionario Enciclopédico de Ciencia y Tecnología [Tomo V Tesauro Tablas] (ed. 1996) Diccionario Enciclopédico de Ciencia y Tecnología [Tomo III Letras L-Q] (ed. 2005) An Elementary Scientific and Technical Dictionary (ed. 1994) Diccionario médico Español-Inglés Inglés. f.Español (ed.Webster Dictionary (ed.) Dictionary of Psycholog y (ed. 1989) Basic Idioms in American English. 2008) [incluye Cd-Rom] . 1962) Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology (ed. 2005) Wester's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language (ed. Book 2 (ed. 1962) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (ed.) The Complete University Word Hunter (ed. 1989) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (ed. 1996) Diccionario Enciclopédico de Ciencia y Tecnología [Tomo IV Letras R-Z] (ed. 2005) Roget’s College Thesaurus in Dictionary form (ed. 2004) The Merriam . 1967) Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary (ed.Spanish (ed. 1985) Larousse Diccionario Standard Español-Inglés/English..Dictionary of Proverbs and their Origins (ed. Dictionary of English (ed. 2004) Lexicon of Contemporary English (ed. 1996) Diccionario Enciclopédico de Ciencia y Tecnología [Tomo II Letras D-K] (ed. 2002) [Este libro cuenta con material multimedia. 1959) Simon and Schuster’s International Dictionary (s. disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Dictionary of Telecommunications (ed. 1986) The Merriam .Webster Dictionary (ed. 1991) A Dictionary of American Idioms (4a ed. Third College Edition (ed. f. 1991) Newspeak. 1996) Webster’s New World Dictionary. 1978) The American Heritage Children's Dictionary (ed. A Dictionary of Jargon (ed. 1993) Smart Diccionario Español-Inglés Inglés-Español (s. 2007) Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms (ed. Third College Edition (ed. 1981) Webster's Thesaurus for Students (ed. 1991) Dictionary of Design and Designers (ed. 1989) Webster’s New World Dictionary.1992) Diccionario Enciclopédico de Ciencia y Tecnología [Tomo I Letras A-C] (ed. 1984) Webster's New World English-Spanish Spanish-English Business Dictionary (ed. 2006) Longman Active Study. 1959) Dictionary of Contemporary English (ed. 2004) Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary (ed. A Beginning Thesaurus (1977) Dictionary of Civil Engineering (ed. 1990) Concise Oxford English Dictionary (ed. English Language Dictionary (ed. 1953) Dictionary of Electronics (ed.. 1999) Webster’s New Encyclopaedic Dictionary (ed. 1987) American Idioms and Some Phrases Just for Fun (ed. 1987) Collins Cobuild Student’s Dictionary (ed. 1988) .Longman Photo Dictionary (1987) Modismos ingleses para hispanos / English idioms for spanish speakers (2a ed. 1988) Soule's Dictionary of English Synonyms (ed. 1990) Collins Cobuild. 1991) Dictionary of Chemistry (ed. 2007) In Other Words. 1994) A General Service List of English Words (ed. y MUÑOZ IBARRA G. and CORDER S. BASTIDA ARTEAGA J. BARTON D. ALDERSON J. BAILEY K. (ed. (ed. BROWN J. BROWN J.) BASHMAN L.C ALDERSON J. P. et al.) BLUM P. C. BREWSTER J. C.) BAILEY K. and PALMER A.C ALLEN J. BAKER J. and MARKS J. BREEN M. ARÉVALO G. BAILEY K. BAILEY K. BLOCK D. et al. D. P. BROWN H. and GRUNDY P. et al. BRUMFIT Ch. and LITTLEJOHN A. and HUDSON T.DIDÁCTICA y PEDAGOGÍA Número de volúmenes: 483 Más información ver categoría baja consulta Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ALDERSON J. B. et al. and URQUHART ALDERSON J.P. BRIGHT J. BOWEN T. BELL L. ARNOLD J. et al. and McGregor G. BROOKES A.) ALVARADO L. and CAMERON D. (ed.A. (ed. et al. D. BROWN D. (ed. et al.) BENNETT W. . and NUNAN D. CHAPMAN L. and JAMIESON J. CARTER R. and NIETO CRUZ. BYRNE D. BRUTHIAUX P. M. BYGATE M. BYRNE D. CARRASQUILLO A. BYRNE D.J. (ed. CARTER R. CARDENÁS BELTRAN M. U. et al. MILANOVIC M. CAMERON L. M. CAMPBELL C. (ed. CHALHOUB-DEVILLE M. and O'Malley J. and KRYSZEWSKA H. et al. (ed.). y trad. CAMPBELL C. and LONG M. (et al.) CAMERON L. et al. BUTCHER J. BRUMFIT Ch.) CASHDAN A. and DOUGLAS D. BURGESS S. . BUCK G. et al. BRUMFIT Ch. CHAPELLE C. CHAPELLE C.) CARRÉ C. BYRNE D. and HEAD K. CARRELL P.31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 BRUMFIT Ch. CHAPELLE C. CARRELL P. and KRYSZEWSKA H. CELCE-MURCIA M. CANDLIN CH. C. BYRNE J. (Series Editor) CHAMOT A. BYRNE D BYRNE D. DÖRNYEI Z. G. A. (ed. COLLIE J. DOUGHTY C. . and SINGLETON C. CORDER S. DOYLE T. and DE VILLIERS P. and RINVOLUCRI M. DAVIES P.) COPE B. (ed.66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 CHRISTIE F. DOUGLAS D. and RINVOLUCRI M. DÖRNYEI Z. A. DUBIN F. and SLATER S. DÖRNYEI Z. et al. COHEN A. DISICK R. P. (ed) COTTRELL S. et al. DELGADO DE VALENCIA S.) COLLAY M. DOFF A. DOUGLAS D. and KALANTZIS M. COADY J. and HUCKIN T. DOFF A. CHRISTIE F. COOK V. COPE B. and KALANTZIS M. and LONG M. and MEARA P. (ed. CLOSE R. DOFF A. CUSHING S. COLEMAN H. COOK G. DAVIES P. and OLSHTAIN E.) CORDER P. COUNCIL OF EUROPE/CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE CUNNINGSWORTH A. CORNELISSEN P. and MURPHEY T. DE VILLIERS J. COFFIN C. (ed. FRENCH ALLEN V. and ZANÓN J. and OLSHTAIN E. FOLEY J. (ed. ELLIS G. EVERARD B.V. DUBIN F. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 DULAY H. ELS T. L. and MADDEN C. and MORRIS G. FRENCH ALLEN V. and HOCKLY N. DUNN O. ENGELMANN S. et al. FREEDMAN A. GASS S. ESTAIRE S. DUBIN F. and OLSHTAIN E. and REDMAN S. GAIRNS R. GARVIE E. DUNN O. DUNN O. DUNN O. ELLIS R.) GATTEGNO C. GEDDES M.G. DUDENEY G. A. and ENGELMANN T.102 103 104 105 106 DUBIN F. [Consultant and editor: Penny Ur] 107 DUDENEY G. DUNN O. FRIED-BOOTH D. and OLSHTAIN E. ELLIS R. and SINCLAIR B. et al. EDGE J. DUDENEY G. and REDMAN S. and STURTRIDGE G. GATTEGNO C.) . et al. GAIRNS R. M. 135 GENESEE F. ELLIS R. and EGGINGTON W. HARMER J. and HEWINGS A. HAWKINS E. and KEOHANE K. HARRISON B. (ed) 137 138 139 140 141 GOATLY A. GOWER R. GRAVES K. y GÓES MONTEIRO M. HARRISON B. and BRANSON J. HEDGE T. (ed. HARRISON A. HALL D. GRIFFITHS G. et al. and KAPLAN R. and WALTERS S. J. HARRISON A. GOODWYN A. GRAVES K. . GREENWOOD J. HALL D. (ed. et al. HEDGE T.) HARMER J. HATCH E.) HASSALL P. HALLYDAY M. (ed) HALL J.K. GRABE W. GRELLET F. HARMER J. 142 GRANADO C. GRELLET F.136 GIMENEZ T. HAYCRAFT J. GURREY P. HARLEY B. HADFIELD J. R.A. GOWER R. y CAMPO E 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 GRANT N. and HEWINGS A. HINKEL E.M. KLIPPEL F. HINKEL E. KENNEDY C. JAKOBOVITS L. KAPFER M. JOHNSON K. HERNÁNDEZ F. HUGHES A. HOWE P. HILL L. and TERRELL T. . (ed. KLIPPEL F. (ed. HUGHES A. HOWATT A. JOHNSON K. et all. and RODRÍGUEZ C. KRASHEN S.) 192 JOHNSON R.170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 HEDGE T. L. and BOLITHO R. HORNSEY A. and MOULTON M. (ed. E. KRAMSCH C. HESS N. K. KLEIN W. KOTTMEYER W. JAMES P. R. et al. and GORDON B. and BOLITHO R. (ed.A. 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 JOHNSON R.) HOLDEN S. JOHNSON K. HOLDEN S. HOBBS J. KENNEDY C.) KAGAN S. (ed. KENNEDY C.) HOLDEN S. and MORROW K. M. HOWATT A. KESSLER C.) HOLMES V. M. KRASHEN S.(ed. LINDSTRONMBERG S. 240 LYNCH B. D. LUOMA S. and ADELMAN M. and BEDSON G. D. LADO R. D. and PAVLOV P.) LEE W. R. LEESON R. LEAVER B. KRESS G. G. KROLL B. (ed.206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 KRASHEN S. KRASHEN S. and BEDSON G. LAZAR G. LEWIS G. and SHEKHTMAN B. . KRESS G. LEWIS G. (ed. KRASHEN S. LARSEN-FREEMAN D. LEGUTKE M. 239 LUBELSKA D. D. B. LOCKE J. E. LEWIS M. D. LEVINE D. LEWIS M. L. LAZAR G. LOANNOU-GEORGIOU S.) LITTLEWOOD W. and THOMAS H. and MASSAD C.) KROLL B. KRESS G. et al. (ed. LEWIS E. and MATTHEWS M. KRASHEN S. and NUNAN D. 241 MAC ARTHUR T.) LABAREE D.) LINSE C. (ed.R. LILLIS T. LITTLEWOOD W. and HILL J. MARKEE N. S.) MACKAY R. MOORE J. and SHAW Ch. MOON J. L. McDONOUGH J. MACKAY R. and TOM A. and C. MALAMAH-THOMAS A.B. MALEY A. MALAMAH-THOMAS A. McDONOUGH J. MALEY A. McKAY S. McNEIL J. et al.L. MALEY A. et al. MALEY A. MOORE J. (ed. McKAY P. MALEY A. and DUFF A. MOORE J. MOORE J. et al. et al. MEJIA E. MARLAND M. et al. McKAY H. MALEY A. and DUFF A. McCARTHY M. MALEY A. and DUFF A. McLAUGHLIN B. and DUFF A. . and DUFF A. and MOUNTFORD A.242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 MACARO E. MALEY A. MACKEY M. MOORE J. MACARO E. McDONOUGH J. MADSEN H. MALDEREZ A. McCARTHY M. MOODY H. and TOOHEY K. G. (ed. O’LEARY K.) MOORWOOD H. MORGAN J. and LAMB C. (ed. and ARTHUR L. (ed. OLLER-JNR J. NUNAN D. NUNAN D. and RINVOLUCRI M. MORGAN J. and UHL CHAMOT A. (ed. NUNAN D. MOORE J. M. . NUTTALL CH. D. and UHL CHAMOT A. MUSSEN P. (ed. NUTTALL CH.279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 MOORE J.M. MUGGGLESTONE P. NUNAN D. NORTON B. O'MALLEY J. (ed. MOORWOOD H. MUNBY J. and VALDEZ PIERCE L. MORAN P. NUNAN D. and RINVOLUCRI M. MORENO H.) NUNAN D. NOLASCO R. NORRISH J.) NUNAN D.) MORAN P. et al.W. MORGAN J. M.) OLLER J. (ed. NUNAN D. NUTTALL CH. and RINVOLUCRI M. ODLIN T. and TOOHEY K.) NUNAN D. O’MALLEY J. and O’LEARY S.H. MUGGGLESTONE P. O’MALLEY J.) NORTON B. M. REILLY V. and THORNTON B. K. and VIDAL N. and WARD S. PHILIPS S. PARROTT M. and LOCKHART CH. READ J. RICHARDS J. and RENANDYA W. and VIDAL N. 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 PINCAS A. RICHARD . and TANN S. PHILIPS S. RIBÉ R. PARROT M. PHILIPS S. and QUINN T.AMATO P. et al. et al. RAIMES A. (ed. 329 PIMSLEUR P.316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 OXFORD R. RIBÉ R. OXFORD R. H. PURVES A. PHILIPS S. and SMITH A. QUIRK R. PHILIPS D.) RAIMES A. C. REILLY V. and WARD S. REMACHA S. RICHARDS J. and WARD S. RICHARDS J. PARROTT M. REILLY V. and SNOW A. RANDALL M. . POLLARD A. PHILIPS D. RICHARDS J. PHILIPS D. C. PUGH A. and RENANDYA W. C. M. RICHARDS J. RICHARDS J. et al. M. PAINTER C. and SCHMIDT R.) RIXON S. and RODGERS T. RICHARDS J. E. RIVERS W. and OUSLEY O. SANDERSON P. ROSSNER R. SCHARLE Á.C. SHEERIN S. SCHARLE Á. SKEHAN P. and MEARA P. A. C. C. C. and RODGERS T. M.) RONOWICZ E. C. SHEMESH R. . M. and HULME CH. S. RICHARDS J. H. (ed. STERN H. (ed. SHERMAN J. SEYMOUR D. (ed. RUDDUCK J.) SMITH F. H. SILVERSTEIN S. RUSSELL D. SHORTIS T. SHERMAN J. SADOW S. W. SCRIVENER J. ROBINSON P. SHELDON L. and SZABÓ A. SIMPSON P. RIVERS W. ROBINSON P.(ed. and SZABÓ A. RICHARDS J.352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 RICHARDS J. and WALLER S.) ROULET E. SINCLAIR J. RICHARDS J. SCOVEL T. E. and BRAZIL D. (ed) STERN H. SNOWLING M. S. & POPOVA M. SILBERMAN Ch. and BOLITHO R. and YALLOP C. C. and WALTON J. UNDERHILL N. UR P. THORNTON G. UNDERHILL A. THORNDIKE E. UR P. STEVICK E. UR P. UNDERHILL N.) VALETTE R. UNDERHILL N.) SURESH A. UR P. SWALES J. STREET B. THE CENTRE FOR INFORMATION ON LANGUAGE 399 TEACHING 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 400 THE SCHOOLS COUNCIL NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 THORNBURY S. UR P. and LORGE I. N.) TEMPLE Ch. (ed. VALDMAN A.) TOMLINSON B. UR P. et al. UR P. SWALES J. STEVICK E. B. TOMLINSON B.STEVENS D. M. (ed.) TROTT K. M. L. H. TAYLOR P. UR P.) TSUI A. and McGUINN N.) TOMLINSON B. TUDOR I. (ed. (ed. and WRIGHT A. et al. (ed. (ed. (ed. TANNER L. . and IRIM J. M. WENDEN A. WALLACE M.B. G. WHITE R. G. and KERN R.) WIDDOWSON H.) WIDDOWSON H. A. WAINRYB R WAJNRYB R. G. (ed. WHITE C. WIDDOWSON H. and RUBIN J. V. WEISS H. . L. 428 VAN LIER L. WARSCHAUER M. WIDDOWSON H. VAN EK J. A. and IRIM J. VAN EK J. 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 VIA R. and SMITH L. WIDDOWSON H.G.) WEST M. WALLACE M. (ed. WAJNRYB R.J. WIDDOWSON H. G.G. and RUBIN J. WALLACE B. WIDDOWSON H. et all. WHITE R. M. A. G. M. WARSCHAUER M. WILKINS D.) WENDEN A. and ROBERTS J. WEIR C. WHITE R. G. J. A. VAN EK J. L. (ed. and KERN R. and IRIM J. WHITE R.424 425 426 427 VAN EK J. V. and ROBERTS J. WIDDOWSON H. (ed. WALLACE C. WEIR C. L. WEIR C. WOODWARD T. et al. YALDEN J. WOODS R.460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 WILKINSON A. WILLIAMS E. and SAGRARIO S. WRIGHT A. WILLIAMS E. WRIGHT A. WRIGHT A. ZARO J. WRIGHT A. WRIGHT T. WRIGHT T. et al. G. WOODWARD T. . WOODWARD T. St C. WRIGHT A. WOODWARD T. WILLIS D. WILLIS J. WOODWARD T. WILLIS J. WILLIS J. and BARROW R. WOODWARD T. WILLIAMS E. 1994) Affect in Language Learning (ed. 1993) The Elements of Language Curriculum. 1 . 2003) Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching (ed. 2006) Reading in a Foreign Language (ed. 1990) Performance & Competence in Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1984) Ej. 1984) Assessing Reading (ed. 2004) Improving Low Reading Ages in the Secondary School (ed. 2003) Language Testing in practice: Designing and Developing Useful Language Tests (ed. 1 Pursuing Professional Development (ed. 1994) Classroom Decision-Making. 2005) Situated Literacies. 1 Learning About Language Assessment (ed. 1974) ¿Qué tipo de texto necesita el niño huilense en su proceso de aprendizaje del idioma inglés? (ed. 2000) Fundamentos para el desarrollo profesional de los profesores de Inglés (ed. 2001) Ej.Negotiation and Process Syllabuses in Practice (ed. 2003) Techniques in Applied Linguistics (ed. 1970) Writing for Study Purposes (ed. 1995) Criterion-referenced Language Testing (ed. 2005) Language Test Construction and Evaluation (ed. 2 Pursuing Professional Development (ed. 2 The English Language Teacher's Handbook (ed. 1969) Globalization and Language Teaching (ed. 1988) Aspects of Language and Language Teaching (ed. A Systematic Approach to Program Development (ed. 2000) The Primary English.Volver al Indice Diagnosing Foreign Language Proficiency (ed. 2011) Appraising Teachers in School (ed.1996) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (ed. 1997) Colombian framework for English COFE-Project Subject disciplines project management young learners (ed. 1998) Ej. 2002) Learning About Language Assessment (ed. 2004) Inside Teaching (ed. Reading and Writing in Context (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1998) Ej. 1992) Teaching English as a Second Language (ed. 2001) Ej. 1990) Teaching Writing Skills (ed. 2004) How to Teach for Exams (ed. 2 Teaching Writing Skills (ed. 1979) English Teaching Extracts (ed. 1999) The CALLA Handbook Implementing the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (ed. 2005) Speaking (ed. 2000) Teaching Literature (ed. 2 English Teaching Perspectives (ed. 2005) Assessing Listening (ed. 1978) Teaching Languages to Young Learners (ed. 2007) Developing Effective 16-19 Teaching Skills (ed. From Practice to Principle (ed. 1979) Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (ed. 2010) Beyond the Beginnings. 2008) Incluye CD-ROM Reading From Process to Practice (ed. 2001) Assessing Language through Computer Technology (ed. 1981) Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading (ed. 1 Learner-Based Teaching (ed. 2004) Language Teaching and Learning. 1969) Ej. 1992) Ej. 2 Language and Literature Teaching.1978) . 1992) Ej. 1992) The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ed. 2001) Issues in computer-adaptive testing of reading proficiency [Studies in Language Testing … 10] (ed. 1994) Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1984) Directions in Applied Linguistics (ed. 1984) Ej. 1980) Teaching Oral English (ed. 2006) Tips for Teaching with CALL Practical Approaches to Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ed. 1984) Ej.Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching (ed. Literacy Interventions for Upper Elementary English Language Learners (ed. 1986) Techniques for Classroom Interaction (ed. 2004) Language Reading and Learning (ed. 1991) Teaching Writing Skills (ed. 1988) The Communicative Teaching of English (ed. 2 El trabajo en red de docentes de inglés (ed. 1985) Teaching English to Children (ed. 2001) Teaching Languages to young Learners (ed. Science 4 (ed. 1990) Interactive Approaches to Second Language Reading (ed. 2008) Learner-Based Teaching (ed. New Possibilities (ed. 2002) Ej. 2 Li’ngo!. A Training Course for Teachers. 1982) Visual Factors in Reading (ed. 1994) Society and the Language Classroom (ed. A Training Course for Teachers. Teacher’s Workbook (ed. New Possibilities (ed. 1 Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes (ed. 2002) Ej. 2002) Dictation. 2005) The Visual Element In Language Teaching (ed. A Training Course for Teachers. 2003) Dictation New Methods. 1986) . 2003) The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition (ed. 2003) Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Materials (ed. 1989) Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition (ed. Trainer’s Handbook (ed. 2 Individualizing Language Instruction. 1983) Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition (ed. 1997) Teaching Academic Writing. 2003) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning. 1989) Teach English. 1993) Multiliteracies Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures (ed. Trainer’s Handbook (ed. 1972) Guía pedagógica para profesores de inglés en primaria (ed. 2007) The Study Skills Handbook (ed. 2 Assessing Writing (ed. 2003) Discourse (ed. Assessment (ed. 2003) Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom (ed. 2001) Ej. Strategies and Methods (ed. 1990) Teach English. 2000) English as a Foreign Language: Its constant Grammatical Problems (ed.2 Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom (ed. 1975) Teach English. Teaching. 1992) Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning (ed. A Toolkit for Higher Education (ed. 1 Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom (ed. 2002) Language Acquisition (ed. 2001) Ej. 1989) Ej. 1996) Learning Circles Creating Conditions for Professional Development (ed. 1998) Literature in the Language Classroom (ed. 2007) Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes (ed. 2005) Pedagogy and the Shaping of Consciousness (ed.Classroom Discourse Analysis (ed. New Methods. 2003) Multiliteracies Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures (ed. 1992) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom (ed. 2001) Ej. 1966) Error Analysis and Interlanguage (ed. How to Learn a Language (ed. Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning (ed. 1996) Ej. 1 Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning (ed. 1996) Ej. 2 Facilitating Language Learning (ed. 1977) Ej. 2 The Internet and the Language Classroom A practical guide for teachers (ed. 2000) The Internet and the Language Classroom A practical guide for teachers (2nd. ed. 2007) How to Teach with technology (ed. 2007) [Este libro cuenta con CD-ROM, disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Language Two (ed. 1982) Beginning English with Young Children (ed. 1973) Beginning English with Young Children (ed. 1983) Developing English with Young Learners (ed. 1984) Ej. 1 Developing English with Young Learners (ed. 1984) Ej. 2 Help your Child with a Foreign Language (ed. 1994) Mistakes and Correction (ed. 1989) Learning to Learn English (ed. 1989) Second Language Acquisition (ed. 2002) Understanding Second language Acquisition (ed. 2003) Ej. 1 Understanding Second language Acquisition (ed. 2003) Ej. 2 Applied Linguistics and the Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages (ed. 1984) Give your Child a Superior Mind (ed.1966) Planning Classwork. A task based approach (ed. 1994) Effective School Management. Second Edition (ed. 1990) Language, Education and Discourse (ed. 2004) Learning to Write: First Language/Second Language (ed. 1983) Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary (ed. 1983) Ej. 1 Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary (ed. 1983) Ej. 2 Project Work (ed. 1990) Working with Words. A Guide to Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (ed. 1986) Ej. 3 Working with Words. A Guide to Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (ed. 2003) Break´through to Fluency (ed. 1981) Input in Second Language Acquisition. Series on Issues in Second Language Research (ed. 1985) Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools. The Silent Way (ed. 1972) The Common Sense of Teaching Foreign Languages (ed. 1983) Video in the Language Classroom (ed. 1986) Ej. 2 Educating Second Languaje Children – The whole child, the whole curriculo, the whole community (ed. 1994) Formação de Professores de Línguas na América Latina e Transformaçao Social (ed. 2010) (El documento contiene textos sobre la formación de profesores de Inglés y la mayor parte de los textos están en español) Critical Reading and Writing. An Introductory Coursebook (ed. 2000) Teaching English (ed. 2005) Teaching Practice Handbook (ed. 1983) Ej. 2 Teaching Practice Handbook (ed. 1995) Introduction to Applied Linguistics (ed. 1992) Handbook for designing communicative tests in foreign language classrooms: A Practical Perspective for Inservice Teachers (ed. 2008) Making The Most Of Your Textbook (ed. 1987) Ej. 1 Designing Language Courses (ed. 2000) Ej. 1 Designing Language Courses (ed. 2000) Ej.2 Class Readers. Resource Books For Teachers (ed.1988) Developing Reading Skills (ed. 1981) Ej. 2 Developing Reading Skills (ed. 2004) Personalizing Language Learning (ed. 2001) Teaching English Grammar (ed. 1966) Classroom Dynamics (ed. 1992) Innovation in English language teaching. A Reader (ed. 2001) Ej. 1 Innovation in English language teaching. A Reader (ed. 2001) Ej. 2 The Sociopolitics of English Language Teaching (ed. 2000) Learning How to Mean Explorations in the Development of language (ed. 1975) The Development of Second Language Proficiency (ed. 1990) The Practice of English Language Teaching (ed. 1991) Ej. 1 The Practice of English Language Teaching (ed. 1991) Ej. 2 The Practice of English Language Teaching. New Edition (ed. 1991) A Language Testing Handbook (ed. 1983) Ej. 1 A Language Testing Handbook (ed. 1990) Ej. 1 English as a Second and Foreign Language (ed. 1973) Culture and Language Classroom. ELT Documents 132 (ed. 1990) English by Magic. A Resource Book (ed. 1985) Discourse and Language Education (ed. 2001) Awareness of Language: An Introduction (ed. 1987) An Introduction to English Language Teaching (ed. 1987) Using Readers In Language Teaching (ed. 1985) Ej. 1 Using Readers In Language Teaching (ed. 1987) Ej. 2 Writing (ed. 1988) Alternativa de un mundo virtual para mejorar su enseñanza de Inglés (ed. 2002) Teaching Large Multilevel Classes (ed. 2004) Selected Articles on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (ed. 1969) Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning (ed. 2000) Ej.1 Culture in Second Language teaching and learning (ed. 2006) Ej.2 Teaching Observed (ed. 1977) English for Specific Purposes (ed. 1977) Ej. 1 English for Specific Purposes (ed. 1977) Ej. 2 Visual Aids For Classroom Interaction (ed. 1980) Writing Simple Poems. Pattern Poetry for Language Acquisition (ed. 2001) Handbook for Modern Language Teachers (ed. 1975) A History of English Language Teaching (ed. 1984) Ej. 1 A History of English Language Teaching (ed. 1984) Ej. 2 Answering Examination Questions. Collins ELT. Great Britain (ed. 1983) Testing for Language Teachers (ed. 1993) Testing for Language Teachers (ed. 2003) The Context of Foreign Language Teaching (ed. 1974) Teachers in Action Tasks for in-Service Language Teacher Education and Development (ed. 2001) Understanding Language Teaching (ed. 1999) Ej. 1 Understanding Language Teaching (ed. 1999) Ej. 2 Communication in the Classroom (ed. 1981) Developing Portfolios in education. A Guide to Reflection, Inquiry, and Assesment (ed. 2006) [Este libro cuenta con material multimedia, disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] The Second Language Curriculum (ed. 1990) Cooperative Learning (ed. 1994) Behavioural Objectives in Curriculum Development (ed. 1971) English For Specific Purposes (ed. 1984) Ej. 1 English For Specific Purposes (ed. 1984) Ej. 2 Exploring Change in English Language teaching (ed. 1999) Cooperative Language Learning (ed. 1992) Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1990) Keep Talking (ed. 1992) Keep Talking (ed. 1984) Decoding and Meaning (ed. 1974) Context and Culture in Language Teaching (ed. 2004) The Natural Approach (ed. 1988) Language Acquisition and Language Education: Extensions and Applications (ed. 1989) Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1982) Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1988) Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning (ed. 1981) Ej. 1 Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning (ed. 1981) Ej. 2 Early Spelling. Between Convention and Creativity (ed. 2000) Ej. 1 Early Spelling. Between Convention and Creativity (ed. 2000) Ej. 2 English in Urban Classrooms. A Multimodal Perspective on Teaching and Learning (ed. 2005) Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing (ed. 2003) Second Language Writing. Research Insights for the Classroom (ed. 1990) The Trouble With Ed Schools (ed. 2004) Language Testing. The Construction and Use of Foreign Language Tests (ed. 1970) Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (ed. 2000) Literature Language Teaching. A Guide for Teachers and Trainers (ed. 1999) Literature and Language Teaching.A Guide for Teachers and Trainers (ed. 2008) Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency (ed. 2002) Language Teaching Games and Contests (ed. 1980) Fluency and Language Teaching (ed. 1975) Process and Experience in the Language Classroom (ed.1991) Beyond Language: Intercultural Communication for English as a Second Language (ed. 1982) The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Ten Countries (ed. 1975) Games for Children (ed. 2002) Games for Children (ed. 2004) Study Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language (ed. 2003) Practical Techniques for Language Teaching (ed. 1985) Student Writing. Access, Regulation, Desire (ed. 2001) Language Activities for Teenagers (ed. 2004) Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners (ed. 2005) Communicative Language Teaching (ed. 1981) Foreign and Second Language Learning (ed. 1984) Assessing Young Learners (ed. 2003) Some Thoughts Concerning Education (ed. 2007) Assessing Speaking (ed. 2004) Looking at Language Classrooms Trainer's Guide (ed. 2006) [El libro cuenta con material en video que puede ser solicitado en la oficina de apoyo audiovisual] Language Program Evaluation Theory and Practice (ed. 1996) A Foundation Course for Language Teachers (ed. 1983) Learning Strategies in Foreign and Second Language Classroom (ed. 2001) Teaching and Learning a Second Language (ed. 2003) English for Specific Purposes (ed. 1978) Reading in a Second Language (ed. 1979) Language Teaching Analysis (ed. 1965) Techniques in Testing (ed. 1983) Classroom Interaction (ed. 1987) Ej. 1 Classroom Interaction (ed. 1987) Ej. 2 Mentor Courses. A Resource Book for Trainer – Trainers (ed. 1999) Drama Techniques In Language Learning (ed. 1978) Drama Techniques In Language Learning (ed. 1984) Drama Techniques In Language Learning (ed. 2004) The Inward Ear. Poetry in the Language Classroom (ed. 1990) Variations on a Theme (ed. 1978) The Mind’s Eye (Ej. 1980) The Mind’s Eye. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1980) Ej. 1 The Mind’s Eye. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1980) Ej. 2 Managing Curricular Innovation (ed. 2002) Language Across the Curriculum (ed. 1977) Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (ed. 1993) Vocabulary (ed. 1990) ESP in Perspective. A Practical Guide (ed. 1984) Ej. 1 ESP in Perspective. A Practical Guide (ed. 1984) Ej. 2 Materials and methods in ELT (ed. 2003) Teaching Adult Second Language Learners (ed. 2004) Assessing Young Language Learners (ed. 2005) Teaching Grammar. Form, Function and Technique (ed. 1985) Theories of Second-Language Learning (ed. 1987) Curriculum. A Comprehensive Introduction (ed. 1990) 102 Very Teachable Films (ed. 1994) The Teaching of Literature in developing countries (1971) Children Learning English (ed. 2000) Reading and Thinking in English. Concepts in Use (ed. 1980) Ej. 1 Reading and Thinking in English. Concepts in Use (ed. 1980) Ej. 2 Reading and Thinking in English. Concepts in Use. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1982) Reading and Thinking in English. Discovering Discourse (ed. 1979) Ej. 1 Reading and Thinking in English. Discovering Discourse (ed. 1979) Ej. 2 Reading and Thinking in English. Exploring Functions (ed. 1979) Ej. 1 Reading and Thinking in English. Exploring Functions (ed. 1979) Ej. 2 Selections from Modern English Teacher (ed. 1978) Ej. 1 Selections from Modern English Teacher (ed. 1978) Ej. 2 Teaching Culture (ed. 2001) Ej. 1 Teaching Culture (ed. 2001) Ej. 2 Plan de estudios de lengua extranjera: Inglés (ed. 2007) Once Upon a Time. Using Stories in the Language Classroom (ed. 1983) Once Upon a Time. Using Stories in the Language Classroom (ed. 2003) Vocabulary (ed. 1987) [Serie: Resource Books for Teachers] Planning and Using the Blackboard (ed. 1983) Planning and Using the Blackboard (ed. 1986) Communicative Syllabus Design (ed. 1978) Child development and Personality (ed. 1963) Large Classes (ed. 1988) Language Learners and their errors (ed. 1983) Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning (ed. 2005) Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning (ed. 2004) Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom (ed. 1989) Language Teaching Methodology (ed. 1991) Syllabus Design (ed. 1988) Understanding Language Classrooms (ed. 1989) Ej. 1 Understanding Language Classrooms (ed. 1989) Ej. 2 The Learner-Centred Curriculum: A Study in Second Language Teaching (ed. 1996) Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching (ed. 1993) Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching (ed. 1993) The Self-directed Teacher Managing the learning process (ed. 1996) Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language (ed. 1982) Ej. 1 Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language (ed. 1982) Ej. 2 Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language (ed. 2000) Classroom Management. The Successful Use of Behaviour Modification (ed. 1977) Learning Strategies in Second Acquisition (ed. 1990) Learning Strategies in Second Acquisition (ed. 1995) Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar (ed. 1994) Language Tests at School (ed. 1979) Ej. 1 Language Tests at School (ed. 1986) Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners Practical Approaches for Teacher s (ed. 1996) Language Learning Strategies (ed. 1990) Ej. 1 Language Learning Strategies (ed. 1990) Ej. 2 Learning Through Language in Early Childhood (ed. 1999) Tasks for Language Teachers A resource book for training and development (ed. 1993) Tasks for Language Teachers (ed. 1993) Tasks for Language Teachers (ed. 2003) Projects With Young Learners (ed. 2002) Ej. 1 Projects With Young Learners (ed. 2002) Ej. 2 Projects With Young Learners (ed. 2003) Drama With Children (ed. 2001) Drama With Children (ed. 2005) Young Learners (ed. 2003) Ej. 1 Young Learners (ed. 2003) Ej. 2 The Psychology of Second Language Learning. Papers from the Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics Cambridge,8- 12 September 1969 (ed. 1978) Teaching English Writing (ed. 1982) Reflective Teaching in the Primary School (ed. 1987) Silent Reading. An Introduction to its Study and Teaching (ed. 1978) Literature Education in ten Countries. International Studies in Evaluation II (ed. 1973) The Teaching of English (ed. 1964) Techniques in Teaching Writing (ed. 1983) Ej. 1 Techniques in Teaching Writing (ed. 1983) Ej. 2 Advising and Supporting Teachers (ed. 2001) Assessing Vocabulary (ed. 2004) Professional English in use for computers and the internet (intermediate to advanced) (ed. 2007) Very Young Learners (ed. 2000) Very Young Learners (ed. 2003) Ej. 1 Very Young Learners (ed. 2003) Ej. 2 Project Work Step by Step (ed. 1993) Ej. 1 Project Work Step by Step (ed. 1993) Ej. 2 The Multicultural Classroom. Readings for Content - Area Teachers (ed. 1992) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching (ed. 2006) Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classroom (ed. 1994) Methodology in Language Teaching (ed. 2002) Ej. 1 Methodology in Language Teaching (ed. 2002) Ej. 2 The Context of Language Teaching (ed. 1985) Ej. 1 The Context of Language Teaching (ed. 1985) Ej. 2 The Language Teaching Matrix (ed. 1990) Ej.1 The Language Teaching Matrix (ed. 2005) Ej.2 Language and Communication (ed. 1993) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (ed. 1986) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (ed. 2004) Speaking in Many Tongues (ed. 1983) Interactive Language Teaching (ed. 2000) Developing Listening Skills (ed. 1986) ESP (English for Specific Purposes): The Present Position (ed. 1980) Cognition and Second Language Instruction (ed. 2001) English: One Language, Different Cultures (ed. 2005) Currents of Change in English Language Teaching (ed. 1990) Linguistic Theory, Linguistic Description and Language Teaching (ed. 1976) Innovation and Change (ed. 1991) Manual for Teaching the Second Reader - I (rev. ed. 1957) Idea Bank. Creative Activities for the Language Class (ed. 1982) Using Newspapers in the Classroom (ed. 2002) Learner Autonomy. A Guide To Developing learner responibility (ed. 2001) Ej.1 Learner Autonomy. A Guide To Developing learner responibility (ed. 2001) Ej.2 Learning new languages (ed 2001) Learning Teaching. A guidebook for English Teachers (ed. 1994) 700 Classroom Activities (ed. 2005) Self-Access (ed. 1989) ELT Textbooks and Materials: Problems in Evaluation and Development (ed. 1987) Teaching English Spelling. A Practical Guide (ed. 2000) Using Authentic Video in the Language Classroom (ed. 2003) Ej.1 Using Authentic Video in the Language Classroom (ed. 2003) Ej.2 The Language of ICT. Information and Communication Technology (ed. 2001) Crisis in the Classroom. The Remarking of American Education (ed. 1970) Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading (ed. 1994) Language Through Literature (ed. 1997) Teacher Talk (ed. 1982) Individual Differences in Second Language Learning (ed. 1989) Reading (ed. 1978) The Science of Reading a Handbook (ed. 2007) Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching (ed. 1983) Issues and Options in Language Teaching (ed. 1992) 1981) Ej. 2004) Trends in Language Teaching (ed. 1 Working With Teaching Methods (ed. Task-centered Fluency Practice (ed. 1985) Ej. 1978) The Curriculum. A Practical Guide for Teachers (ed. Ethnnographic perspectives (ed. 2004) Working With Teaching Methods (ed. 2 Classroom Discipline for Effective Teaching and Learning (ed. 1977) . 1995) The Dynamics of the Language Classroom (ed. 2003) Ej. 1985) Ej.2 Discussions that Work. 2002) Sound Foundations. A Handbook of Oral Testing Techniques (ed. 1970) Uncovering Grammar (ed. 2001) Resisting Linguistic Imperialism In English Teaching (ed. 1984) Ej. 2001) The Teacher’s Word Book of 30. 1999) The Child Language Reader (ed. 1981) Ej. 2 Testing Spoken Language. 2003) Ej. 1968) Education Teacher’s Handbook (ed. 2003) Grammar Practice Activities. 1966) Modern Language Testing (ed. 1999) Ej. 1977) Materials Developing for Language Teaching (ed. 1988) A Language Teaching Bibliography (ed. Task-centered Fluency Practice (ed. 2 Teaching Listening Comprehension (ed. 1 Testing Spoken Language. 2 Literacy and development. Research Innovation and Change (ed. 1959) Good English (ed. A Handbook of Oral Testing Techniques (ed.2 Developing Materials Development in Language Teaching (ed. 1 Teaching Listening Comprehension (ed. A Resource Book of Short Activities (ed. 1998) Ej. 1987) Ej. 1998) Ej. A Handbook of Oral Testing Techniques (ed. 2000) Episodes in ESP (ed.000 Words (ed.3 Five-Minute Activities. 2004) Introducing Classroom Interaction (ed.1 Discussions that Work. 1984) Ej. 1999) Ej.3 Discussions that Work. Learning and Teaching Pronunciation (ed. 2004) Teaching Listening Comprehension (ed.1 Materials Developing for Language Teaching (ed. 1987) Ej. 1 Episodes in ESP (ed.The Art of Teaching Secondary English (ed. 2005) Testing Spoken Language. 1973) The Beginnings of Writing (ed. Task-centered Fluency Practice (ed. 2 Learning to Read a Foreign Language and other Essays on Language-teaching (ed. 1983) Ej. 1987) Ej. 1991) Aspects of Language Teaching (ed. language Teaching Texts (ed.The threshold Level for Modern Language Learning in Schools (ed.2 Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature (ed.1 Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book for Language Teachers and Trainers (ed. 1983) Stories: Narrative Activities in the Language Classroom (ed. 2004) Ej. Teacher’s Book (ed.1 Teaching Written English (ed. 1991) The ELT Curriculum (ed. 1994) Ej. 1990) Teaching Language as Communication (ed. 2 Understanding and Developing Language Tests (ed. 1988) Evaluation in ELT (ed. 2 Preparing Educators to Involve Families (ed. 2003) Ej. 1975) Learning Purpose and Language Use (ed. 2003) Waystage 1990 (ed. 1979) Explorations in Applied Linguistics 2 (ed. 1991) The Classroom and the Language Learner: Ethnography and Second-Language Clasroom Research (ed. 1980) Ej. 1992) Ej. 1978) Reading (ed. 1972) . 1994) Ej. 1992) Training Foreign Language Teachers (ed. 2005) Learner Strategies in Language Learning (ed. 1988) Teaching Written English (ed. 1978) Explorations in Applied Linguistics 1 (ed. 1991) Teaching Vocabulary (ed.2 English Studies Series 8. 1988) Talk and Listen. 1991) Vantage (ed. 2003) Classroom Observation Tasks: A Resource Book for Language Teachers and Trainers (ed. 1984) Linguistics in Language Teaching (ed. 1 Evaluation in ELT (ed. 2003) Management in English Language Teaching (ed. 1960) Language Learning in Distance Educatio n (ed. 1987) Ej. 1987) Network-based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice (ed. 1 Learner Strategies in Language Learning (ed. 1977) Threshold 1990 (ed. 1 Network-based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice (ed. 1984) Ej.2 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ed. 1983) Ej.1 Learning Purpose and Language Use (ed. 2003) Ej. 2 Visual Materials For The Language Teacher (ed. 1 Models and Metaphors in Language Teacher Training (ed. 2001) Ej. 1986) Ej.3 The Lexical Syllabus (ed. 1984) Ej. 1973) Reading in the Language Classroom (ed.1 Games For Language Learning (ed. 1975) Models and Metaphors in Language Teacher Training (ed.1 Ways of Training (ed. 1981) Teaching English Through English (ed. 2 Planning Lessons and Courses (ed. 1992) Ej. 1 Planning Lessons and Courses (ed. 1 Creating Stories with Children (ed. 2 Ways of Training (ed.2 Creating Stories with Children (ed. 1992) Ej. 1992) Ej. 2 Principles of Course Design for Language Teaching (ed. 1 Teaching English Through English (ed. 1993) Ej. 1989) Storytelling (ed.2 Roles of Teachers & Learners (ed. 1991) Ej. 2 An Introduction to Philosophy of Education (ed. 2003) Ej. 2004) Ej. 1990) Teaching English Through English (ed.The Foundations of Language Talking and Reading in Young Children (ed. 1975) Games For Language Learning (ed.1 Reading in the Language Classroom (ed. 2003) Ej.2 Reading in the Language Classroom (ed. 1991) Ej. 1987) Ej. 1998) . 1992) Ej. 1984) Ej. 2001) Ej. 1 Roles of Teachers & Learners (ed. 1987) Ej. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1 A-Annoy (ed. 2 Annual-Baltic (ed. BENTON W. 22 Textile-Vascular (ed. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. A-P (ed. Vol. 6 Colebrooke-Damascius (ed. 7 Damacus-Educational (ed. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. BENTON W. BENTON W. 8 Edward-Extract (ed. Vol. Vol. BENTON W. Vol.Vol. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2. 10 Game birds-Guittone (ed. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. INDEX. Vol. 1.Mushet (ed. BENTON W. 11Guizot-Hydrox (ed. BENTON W. Q-Z (ed. BENTON W. Vol. Vol. II and III. 1961) . 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. BENTON W. Vol. 3 Baltimore-Braila (ed. BENTON W. Vol. Vol. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9 Extracition-Gambrinus (ed. BENTON W. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 15 Maryborough. 17 P-Plant (ed. Vol. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica WORLD ATLAS (ed. BENTON W. 19 Raynal-Sarraut (ed. Parte I. Vol. BENTON W. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 18 Plants. Vol. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. BENTON W. 20 Sarsaparilla-Sorcery (ed.Parte I. 16 Mushroom-Ozonolysis (ed. BENTON W. BENTON W. The index (ed. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 5 Cast iron-Cole (ed. BENTON W. BENTON W.Vol. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. Vol. Vol. 21 Sordello-Textbooks (ed. Volver al Indice Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. Vol. 14 Libid. BENTON W. 12 Hydrozoa-Jerem y (ed. Vol. BENTON W. 4 Brain-Casting (ed. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica . 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ENCICLOPEDIA BRITÁNICA Número de volúmenes: 27 Ubicación: Biblioteca BENTON W.Mary (ed. 23 Vase-Zygote (ed. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica.Raymund (ed. BENTON W. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica . INDEX. 13 Jerez-Liberty (ed. 1962) Encyclopaedia Britannica. THOREAU H. . TRUEBLOOD E. WOOD M. WHICHER S. S. B. NIETZSCHE F. and MEREDITH G. CHICHESTER F. THEROUX P. Kukil) POE E. GOLDEN H. (Edited by Karen V. FRANKLIN B.ENSAYOS y OTROS TEXTOS EN PROSA Número de volúmenes: 23 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BERGSON H. TWAIN M. STEVENSON R. THOMPSON H. BROWN C. DAWKINS R. D. KEANE J. ORWELL G. MAYLE P. CHICHESTER F. MARTÍ J. DOOLEY T. PLATH S. The Selected Travels of Paul Theroux (ed. 1966) The Lonely Sea and the Sky (ed. 2009) The Night They Burned the Mountain (autobiografía) (ed. “Laugher”.2006) To the Ends of the Earth. 1978) . 1960) The Gentle Art of Matchmaking (relatos) (ed. with an introduction by Roberto González Echevarría] (ed. 1973) Selected Writings [Edited and translated by Esther Allen. 1961) Declaration of Freedom (ed. 2002) A Year in Provence (ed. 1961) The Portable Benjamin Franklin [Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Larzer Ziff] (ed. 1991) Basic Writings of Nietzsche [Introduction by Peter Gay Translated by Walter Kaufmann](ed. 1955) Life on the Mississippi (ensayo) (ed. 1971) A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (ensayo) (ed. An organica anthology (ed. Enjoy! (ensayo) (ed. 2000) Down and out in Paris and London (ed.Volver al Indice Comedy. 1957) Go an Extra Mile (ed. 1966) Along the Clipper Way (relatos) (ed.2006) Ensayos [Traducción de Marcos Mayer] (ed. “An Essay on Comedy” (ed. 2005) Enjoy. 1973) The Unabridged Journals of Silvia Plath 1950-1962 [Transcribed from the original manuscripts at Smith College] (© 2000) Ensayos [Traducción de Margarita Costa] (ed. 1956) Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson. periodismo) (ed. 1991) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (autobiografía.1967) The Selfish Gene (Reprinted. 1956) Manchild in the Promised Land (ed. FOWLER W. . S. and STANLEY N. KING C. JONES L. and CAMERON R. KINGSBURY R. and GEAR R. GEAR J. GETHIN A. and WELLMAN G. and NOLAN-WOODS E. and WELLMAN G. COOK V. KINGSBURY R. FOWLER W. ARCHER M. and GEAR R.EXÁMENES INTERNACIONALES Número de volúmenes: 45 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ACKLAM R. GEAR J. COOK V. HUBBARD P. S. et al. DAVIS S. et al. and PIDCOCK J. and WEST R. CROSSBIRD D. S. S. LOW O. FOWLER W. J. and PIDCOCK J. KINGSBURY R. JONES L. FOWLER W. FOWLER W. J. S. FOWLER W. et al. TEMPLER J. TEMPLER J. and STANTON A. and STANTON A. MORRIS S. and HAGGER S. PHILLIPS D.C. ROGERS B. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. MENNE S. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. and GRAY J. THORN M. ROGERS B. MORRIS S. THORN M. and FIRMAN S. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE . LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. STONE L.C.24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 MENNE S. NAYLOR H. LOCAL EXAMINATION SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. 2006) [Este libro cuenta con 1 CD-ROM. 1983) Longman Advanced English. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Use of English. 1984) New First Certificate English. Key Examination Techniques (ed. Longman. 1981) A Training Course for TEFL (ed. 1983) Progress Towards First Certificate. Teacher’s Guide to Book 4 (ed. Student’s Book (ed. (© Cambridge University Press 2006) disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] How to Succeed in Cambridge First Certificate in English. Book 4 (ed. 1986) Building Skills for the TOEFL Test (ed.Volver al Índice Think First Certificate. (© Cambridge University Press 2002) disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL ® TEST (4th ed. 1977) Ej. 1983) Longman First Certificate. 1977) Ej. Book 2 (ed. 1984) New First Certificate English. 1986) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1984) New First Certificate English. Book 3 (ed. 2002) [Este libro cuenta con 1 CD-ROM. Language and Composition. 1982) English Language Examinations (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. England (ed. 1989) New First certificate English Reading Comprehension. 1993) English. 1984) Progress Towards First Certificate. 1 English Topics (ed. 1984) Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL ® TEST (3th ed. 2 Accurate Reading and Listening (ed. Self-Study Guide. Teacher’s Guide to Books 1-3 (ed. Nelson (ed. A course for First Certificate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Longman Advanced English. Coursebook (ed. 1977) English Topics (ed. Book 1 (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1984) New First Certificate English. Listening Comprehension and Interview. 1986) First Certificate in English Practice (1983) . 1984) New First Certificate English. Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s edition 1 (ed. 1984) Practising for First Certificate. 1991) Cambridge First Certificate in English. f. 2001) [incluye Cd-Rom] New Cambridge First Certificate English (ed. Teacher’s Edition (1983) Test Yourself for First Certificate (ed. 1984) Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test (ed. 1991) Certificate in Advanced English. 2 First Certificate Hand Book. Student’s Book 1 (ed. Sample Materials. University of Cambridge (ed. 1994) Cambridge Examinations in English for Language Teachers. 2007) [incluye Cd-Rom] The complete Guide to the TOEFL Test (ed. Running the Test of Oral Interaction (s. 1984) First Certificate Course. Specifications. For papers 1. 2 and 3 (ed. f. Examiner’s Reports November 1992 and June 1993 Certificates in Communicative Skills in English.) Cambridge Examinations in English for Language Teachers (ed. 1983) Practicing for first Certificate. 1991) . 1989) Ej. University of Cambridge (ed. 1987) Cambridge First Certificate Examination Practice 1 (ed. 2007) [incluye Cd-Rom] Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test CBT Edition (ed.) Certificate in Advanced English.First Certificate Skills (1983) First Certificate Skills. Examination Content and Administrative Information (s. 1987) First Certificate Course. 1991) Cambridge First Certificate Examination Practice 2 (ed. Handbook (ed. 1992) Ej. 1 Test Yourself for Proficiency (ed. 1994) Certificates in Communicative Skills in English. Student’s Book (ed. Workbook (ed. 1980) 14 Basic Writing Skills in English. 1984) Basic Goals in Spelling (ed. Elementary (ed. Skill of reading. 1975) A Reading Spectrum. Book Four (ed. 1984) At first sight. Book Five (ed. 1983) An English Reader. 1984) At first sight. 1981) . Students’ Book (ed. 1975) American English. Guided Composition (ed. Teacher’s Handbook (ed. Skill of Reading. Elementary (ed. 1981) Basic Writing Skills in English. 1972) Basic Writing Skills in English.EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA Y COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA Número de volúmenes: 198 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A New Beginning. 1974) A Reading Spectrum. Intermediate (ed. Skill of reading. Acquiring cultural awareness and reading skills (ed. An ESL Reader (ed. 1971) An American sampler. 1988) A Reading Sampler (ed. Book Five (ed. 1975) A Reading Spectrum. 1984) Effective reading. Fourth Course (ed.15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Between the Lines Skill of Reading. Exercises in Comprehension and Composition (ed. 1986) Contact USA. 1982) Contemporary Themes (ed. Second Course (ed. 1988) Experiencing English (ed. Early-intermediate (ed. 1988) English Writing and Skills. Reading and Vocabulary Textbook (ed.Third Course (ed. 1988) English Writing and Skills. Reading English for Academic Purposes (ed. 1983) . Toward an Integrated Approach to Reading (ed. 1987) Extending Writing Skills in English Student’s Book (ed. 1978) Connections in Reading A (ed. 1985) Common Core. First Course (ed. 1988) English Writing and Skills. 1988) English Writing and Skills. Fifth Course (ed. Teacher’s book (ed. 1980) Comp. 1982) Changing Times. 1983) Extending Writing Skills in English Teacher’s Handbook (ed. 1986) Connections in Reading B (ed. 1986) English Writing and Skills. Teacher’s Handbook (ed. 1977) Freestyle Skill of Writing Intermediate (ed. A General Reader for Students of English as a Foreign Language (ed. 1969) Ej. Student’s Book One (ed. 1986) Ej.T. 1994) First Course in English Through Reading (E.R) (ed. Teacher’s Book Two (ed. 1995) Getting the Message. 1979) Getting the Message. 1 Guided Course in English Composition. Teacher’s Handbook (ed. Essential Writing Skills for Intermediate Students (ed. 1969) Guided Course in English Composition (ed. 1961) In a Word. Skill of Writing. Early Intermediate (ed. 1969) Gatherings. 1995) Guided Course in English Composition (ed. 1972) Guided Course in English Composition. Student’s Book Two (ed. Student’s Book Three (ed. 1986) How to Write Better Examinations (ed. 1 Freestyle Skill of Writing Intermediate (ed. 1986) Ej. 1996) Getting the Message. 1969) Ej. 1 . 1983) Ej. 2 How to be a Successful Traveller (ed. 2 Further Comprehension and Precis Pieces for Overseas Students (ed. 1995) Getting the Message.32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Feedback. 1990) Interactions II. 1990) Interactions I. 1985) Interactions I. 1990) Interactions I. A Reading Skills Book (ed. 1997) Interactions I. 1996) . 1990) 64 Interactions II. A Writing process Book (ed. 1990) Interactions II. 1996) Interactions I. 1996) Interactions II. 1985) Interactions Acces A Reading/Writing Book (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. Early Intermediate (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. 1990) Interactions II. Skill of Writing Pre-intermediate (ed. 1990) Interactions I. A Reading Skills Book (ed. A Writing process Book (ed. 1990) Interactions II. A Reading Skills Book (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. 2 In the Picture. 1996) Interactions II. A Writing process Book (ed. A Writing process Book (ed. 1983) Ej. A Reading Skills Book (ed. Skill of Writing.49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 In a Word. A Writing process Book (ed. 1990) Mosaic 1. 1978) Ej. 1983) Language and Style in the Press (ed. A Content-Based Reading Book (ed. (ed. A Content-Based Writing Book. (ed. (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. 1984) Linguistics and Reading Series: 3. Assessing Comprehension in a School Setting (ed. 1996) Mosaic 2. A Writing process Book (ed. 1996) Mosaic 2. 1978) Ej.65 Interactions II. EFL Activities in Speaking and Writing (ed. 1996) Mosaic 1. Assessing Comprehension in a School Setting (ed. 1996) Mosaic 1. 1996) . (ed.A Content-Based Writing Book. (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. A Content-Based Writing Book. 1996) Mosaic 2. 1970) Kaleidoscope. 2 Mosaic 1. 1996) 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Intermediate Comprehension Passages (ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed. A Content-Based Writing Book. A Content-Based Grammar (ed. A Content-Based Writing Book. 1 Linguistics and Reading Series: 3. 1990) Mosaic 2. 1990) Mosaic 2. 1985) Mosaic 2. ed. A Reading Skills Book (ed.0 (For Testing on a Local Area NorthStar Reading and Writing High Intermediate Writing Activity Book [Helen S.0 (Computerized Test Generator and Question Editor) and QuizMaster 4. Reading TestGenand 5. 1984) 91 92 93 94 95 96 . ed. Solórzano (Writing Activity Book Editor)] (2nd. 2004) NorthStar Reading and Writing High Intermediate (2nd ed. Solórzano (Writing Activity Book Editor)] (2nd. 2002) NorthStar Focus on Reading and Writing Introductory Writing Activity Book (ed. 2003) NorthStar Reading and Writing Advanced (2nd ed. 2004) NorthStar Reading and Writing Intermediate Teacher's Manual and Achievement Tests (2nd ed. 2004) NorthStar Reading and Writing Advanced Writing Activity Book [Helen S.Unit 10 (© Pearson Longman 2004) disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo NorthStar Reading and Writing High Intermediate Teacher's Manual and Achievement Tests (2nd ed. 2004) NorthStar Reading and Writing Intermediate (2nd ed.Unit 5. 1996) NorthStar Focus on Reading and Writing Introductory (ed. ed. 2004) [Este libro cuenta con 1 CD-ROM. Unit 6 . 2004) NorthStar Reading and Writing Basic/Low Intermediate Teacher's Manual and Achievement Tests (2nd ed. Unit 1 . 2004) NorthStar Reading and Writing Basic/Low Intermediate (2nd ed. Solórzano (Writing Activity Book Editor)] (2nd. 2002) NorthStar Focus on Reading and Writing Introductory Teacher's Manual and Achievement Tests (ed.0 (Computerized NorthStar Reading and Writing Basic/Low Intermediate Test Writing Activity Book [Helen S. 2004) [Este libro cuenta con 1 CD-ROM. TestGen 5.0 (Computerized Test Generator and NorthStar Writing Intermediate Writing Activity Book [Helen S. 2004) [Este libro cuenta con 1 CD-ROM. 2004) On Target (ed. Solórzano (Writing Activity Book Editor)] (2nd.81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Mosaic 2. 2004) [Este libro cuenta con 2 CD-Audio. ed. TestGen 5. 1984) Ej.Student’s Book 2 (ed. 1982) 111 Read on. For Intermediate level EFL students (ed. 1980) . Reading and Writing Activities (ed. For Intermediate level EFL students (ed. 1983) 110 Read in English. Reading and Writing Activities (ed. 1984) 104 Practising for Proficiency. 1969) Practice tests for RSA. Skill of Writing.97 98 99 100 Patterns and Perspectives. 2 113 Read to Succeed (ed. School Life (ed. High Intermediate / Advanced Level (ed. 1985) 105 Preparing for Proficiency.Student’s Book (ed. Food (ed. Work and Play (ed. Stage Three. 1979) 103 Practising for Proficiency. 1978) 109 PYX. Teacher’s edition with 101 answers (ed. 1979) 107 Project GB. 1 Patterns and Perspectives. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1979) Practice tests for RSA. Teacher’s edition with answers 102 (ed. Stage Two. 1984) Ej. 1985) Ej. 1983) Practical Letter Writing With Exercises and Worked Examples (ed. 1985) Ej. 1 112 Read on. 1977) 108 Project GB.Student’s Book (ed. Elementary (ed. 2 Pen to Paper. 1984) 106 Project GB. 1991) 116 Reading 2 (ed. 1986) 117 Reading 2 (ed. 1993) 123 Reading and Reasoning. 1992) 127 Reading and Understanding.114 Reading 1 (ed. 1998) 125 Reading and Speaking in English (ed. 1991) 118 Reading 2 (ed. Manual y Clave para el Profesor (ed. 1992) 128 Reading and Understanding. 1996) 121 Reading 4 (ed. Book Two (ed. 1991) 119 Reading 3 (ed. 1994) 120 Reading 3 (ed. 1988) 124 Reading and Reasoning. Book Two (ed. Book One (ed. 1987) 130 Reading Between the Lines (ed. 1977) 126 Reading and Understanding. 1984) . 1993) 122 Reading 4 (ed. 1992) 129 Reading and Understanding. 1991) 115 Reading 1 (ed. A Problem Solving Approach (ed. A Problem Solving Approach (ed. 1978) 141 Reading Intermediate (ed. 1 Reading Plus. 1 138 Reading for Adults 1 (ed. 1982) 134 Reading Elementary (ed. 2 139 Reading for Meaning (ed. English for Academic Purposes Series Level I (ed. 1986) Reading Plus. 1971) Ej. 1978) 140 Reading for Meaning (ed. Teacher’s Notes (ed. 1988) 135 Reading English as a Foreign Language (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1984) 133 Reading Choices. 1979) 136 Reading English Objectively 3 (ed. English for Academic Purposes Series Level I (ed.131 Reading Between the Lines Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1971) Ej. 1979) 147 Say What You Mean in English. 1972) 137 Reading for Adults 1 (ed. 1997) Ej. 2 143 145 Reading Skills. 1989) 146 Reasons for Reading (ed. 1979) . 1987) 142 Reading Literature (ed. Penguin Elementary (ed. Book 2. 1984) 132 Reading Between the Lines Teacher’s Manual (ed. 144 1997) Ej. Pre-intermediate (ed. 1992) 164 Take it as Read Skill of Reading. 1 . Workbook 2 (ed.148 Say What You Mean in English. 1991) Ej. 1984) Shades of Meaning. 2000) 155 Skills for Learning Development (ed. Pre-intermediate (ed. 2 151 153 Simple Reading Activities (ed. 1980) 156 Skills for Learning Foundation (ed. 1991) Ej. Workbook 1 (ed. 1984) 161 Study Skills in English (ed. Beginning (ed. 1979) 150 Science Vistas. Intermediate (ed. A Basic Reader in English (ed. Intermediate Level (ed. 1983) 152 Ej. 1 Shades of Meaning. 1983) Ej. 1983) Ej. 2001) 154 Simple Writing Activities (ed. A Basic Reader in English (ed. 1993) 163 Study Skills in English. 1979) 149 Say What You Mean in English. Skill of Reading. 1980) 157 Start Reading. Student’s Book (ed. Skill of Reading. 1980) 162 Study Skills in English. Tutor’s Book (ed. 2 159 Strategies for Reading (ed. 1981) 160 Structure Practice in Context 1. 1 158 Start Reading. Intermediate (ed. 1982) 169 The Pizza Tastes Great (ed. 1985) 177 Writing 1 (ed. 1993) Ej. 1982) 168 The Economist: An English Language Guide (ed. 1981) 175 Write it Right – Así se escribe (ed. Beginning Level (ed. 1983) Ej. 1988) 170 The Way It Is. 1986) 171 The Way It Is. 1980) 176 Write on. 1993) Ej. 2 166 Text to Note.165 Take it as Read Skill of Reading. 1993) . 1 180 Writing 2 (ed. A Students Guide to Handwriting (ed. 2 181 Writing 3 (ed. 1991) 178 Writing 1 (ed. Beginning Level (ed. 1983) 167 The Economist: An English Language Guide (ed. Study Skills for Advanced Learners (ed. 1986) 172 What’s the Story? Student’s Book 2 (ed. 1981) 174 What’s the Story? Student’s Book 4 (ed. 1981) 173 What’s the Story? Student’s Book 3 (ed. 1995) 179 Writing 2 (ed. 1982) Writing in English Book 2 (ed. 1987) Writing. 1981) Writing for Effect. Student’s Book (ed. 1982) Writing Tasks. 1990) Writing. 1984) Writing Tasks. Teacher’s Book (ed. Elementary (ed. Intermediate (ed. Comprehension Practice for High Intermediate and 198 Advanced Students (ed. 2 Written English Today (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1987) Writing. Upper-Intermediate (ed. 1990) Writing for a Purpose (ed. 1984) Writing. 1994) 183 Writing Advanced (ed. 1 Writing. 1978) 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 .182 Writing 4 (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1987) Ej. 1987) Ej. 1981) Writing in English Book 1 (ed. 1979) Writing for Effect. Intermediate (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Upper-Intermediate (ed. 1978) Writing for Effect. 1971) 30 Passages. and STRUTT P. C. ELLIS M. KITAO K. FRENCH ALLEN V. and MILNE J. ELLIS M. BASKOFF F. and ELLIS P. and MILNE J.Volver al Indice CHURCH M. et al. FRENCH V. M. JUPP T. ELLIOTT M. JUPP T. FRENCH V. C. C. et al. . FRENCH V. KOTTMEYER C. and ELLIS P. JUPP T. and MURRAY P. et al. and LUCINDA S. G. and CORNELIUS E. and MURRAY P. and MURRAY P. T. WINTEROWD W. and MURRAY P.ELLIS M. ALCALA G. and SWAN M. CASE D. ALEXANDER L. and MILNE J. WINTEROWD W. CASE D. . and MACKEY D. H. GREENALL S. and MILNE J. CURRY D. WINTEROWD W. and MURRAY P. VINEY P. LEVINE L. and ELLIS P. WINTEROWD W. HAINES S. ABRAHAM P. WINTEROWD W. VINEY P. a.C. MURPHY D. D. WRIGHT A. HEDGE T. s. and COOPER J.C. JUPP T.SHERMAN J. and COOPER J. . and COOPER J. HOOK J. A. MURPHY D. MURPHY D. HEDGE T. JUPP T. S. MURPHY D. and COOPER J. HILL L. and FIELDEN R. and MILNE J. C. JUPP T. and MILNE J. HEDGE T. N. and MILNE J. SILVA F.C. JUPP T. and MILNE J. KIRN E. and HARTMANN P. KEENAN-SEGAL M. HARTMANN P. and HARTMANN P. KIRN E. and HARTMANN P. and HARTMANN P. and PAVLIK C. and HARTMANN P. KIRN E. KEENAN-SEGAL M.HEDGE T. KIRN E. HEDGE T. and PAVLIK C. and PAVLIK C. KEENAN-SEGAL M. . KIRN E. and PAVLIK C. KEENAN-SEGAL M. KEENAN-SEGAL M. and HARTMANN P. KIRN E. KIRN E. and PAVLIK C. and HARTMANN P. KIRN E. and HARTMANN P. and MENTEL J. WEGMANN B. and PIKE M. WEGMANN B. DUFF B.KEENAN-SEGAL M. and PIKE-BAKY M. and PIKE-BAKY M. et al. and KNEZEVIC M. and KNEZEVIC M. WERNER P. et al. BLASS L. BLASS L. WEGMANN B. and NELSON J. SHUY R. W. BLASS L. CURRY D. and PAVLIK C. W. BLASS L. WEGMANN B. and SHINDLER R. and PIKE-BAKY M. BYRNE D. P. . BLASS L. and PIKE-BAKY M. SHUY R. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] HAUGNES N. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] ENGLISH A. and MONAHON ENGLISH L. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] CURRY D. F. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] ENGLISH A. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] BARTON L.K.S. et al. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] HAUGNES N. and MAHER B. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] SOLÓRZANO H. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] GRAMER M.S. and DUPAQUIER SARDINAS C. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] BROCKMAN T.K.B. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] COHEN R. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] BEAUMONT J. BEAUMONT J. and MAHER B. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] MILLS R. and SOLÓRZANO H. and MILLER J. and DUPAQUIER SARDINAS C. and MONAHON ENGLISH L. and GORDON D. and FRAZIER L.WEGMANN B. [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] BARTON L.L.S. . [Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich (Series editors)] SOLÓRZANO H. C.CURRY D. SCOTT M. and TEMPLER J. WALLACE C. GORDON I. VINEY K. MENNE. BRACY J. et al. S. EDMONDS S. HEINE T. . ANDREWS S. ANDREWS S. CURRY D. CURRY D. C. and TEMPLER J. et al. EDMONDS S. and McCLINTOCK M. CURRY D. CURRY D. ANDREWS S. GREENALL S. GREENALL S.GREENALL S. and PEARSE E. GUERRERO G. McRAE J. . GUERRERO G. M. M. et al. SILVA PÉREZ F. and PYE D. and BOARDMAN R. GREENALL S. M. DURÁN R. and ROLDAN A. and PYE D. HAINES S. and PYE D. and PEARSE E. M. GREENALL S. GREENALL S. and PEARSE E. GREENALL S. GREENALL S. et al. SILVA F. and PYE D. and PYE D. and PYE D. DURÁN R. DURÁN R. and PYE D. and PYE D. and PARRY A.H. SILVA F. PORTER LADOUSSE G. L. . DAVIES E.McRAE J. SANABRIA M. et al. McRAE J.H. et al. and PEARSON M. BOUCHARD D. and BOARDMAN R. SCOTT R. et al. GOWER R. BARTRAM M. and BOARDMAN R. ANDREWS J. SILVA F. LEWIS R. SANABRIA M. LANCASTER M. LEWIS R. and TTOFI C. JOLLY D. and WHITNEY N. and MAURER J. I. WALLACE M. and ELLIS P. ELLIS M. ANDREWS J. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA PRESS NELSON T. WALLACE M. LAPORTE P. BACHELLER F. ELLIS M. and HADFIELD Ch. ELLIS M. and ELLIS P. J. HADFIELD J.ANDREWS J. and ELLIS P. BACHELLER F. I. . HADFIELD J. and HADFIELD Ch. CURRY D. WALLACE M. DAVIES E. J. and WHITNEY N. J. ELLIS M. P. MARKSTEIN L. ADKINS A. PILBEAM A. . and GRUNBAUM D. PICKETT W. MARKSTEIN L. LITTLEJOHN A. and GRUNBAUM D. and McKEAN I. MARKSTEIN L. et al. (director) BYRD P. CURRY D. CARDENAS E. et al. LITTLEJOHN A. LITTLEJOHN A. and ELLIS P. and GRUNBAUM D. CURRY D. LITTLEJOHN A. LITTLEJOHN A. PILBEAM A. and CORNELIUS E. BOUTIN M-C. and DUNN V. GRUBBER D. NOLASCO R. NOLASCO R. BYRNE D. PINCAS A. PINCAS A. T. WHITE R. . JOLLY D. et al. MENNÉ S. JOLLY D. LESLIE A. HILL L. MENNE S. BOUTIN M-C.LITTLEJOHN A. et al. MENNÉ S. STRUNK Jr. LLOYD-JONES R. TURNER G. et al. M. W. et al. . and DURIGHELLO J. CRISTAL D. ROOKS G. BERRY T. ENKVIST N.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ESTILÍSTICA Número de volúmenes: 22 Ubicación: Biblioteca BERRY D. MENZEL D. GARNER B. and MARTIN G.G. SICHACÁ J. MENZEL D. W. and DEREK D. WHITE R. WIDDOWSON H. CARTER R. PECK J. and DEREK D. et al. and COYLE M. W. BURT A. et al. BLASS L. DAMON P. TURNER G. OSHIMA A. CRISTAL D. and ARNDT V. and HOGUE A. 1961) Ej. 1978) The Student's Guide to Writing (ed. Communicating Ideas Through Paragraphs (ed. 1983) Vocabulary. 1966) Linguistics and Style (ed.Volver al Indice A Guide to Writing Research Papers (ed. 1964) The Elements of Legal Style (ed. Applied Linguistic Perspectives (ed. 1973) Ej. 2000) Stylistics (ed. 1973) Ej. 1985) A Guide to Better Punctuation (ed. 1973) From Concept to Composition. 2 Language. 1999) Paragraph Power. 1985) Writing a Technical Paper (ed. Reading and writing for ESL students (ed. 1961) Ej. 1988) Progressive Writing an easy approach to composition (ed. 2 Process Writing (ed. 1971) The Craft of Writing (ed. 1996) Practical Stylistics (ed. 1973) Ej. Rhethoric and Style (ed. 1 Stylistics (ed. 1998) Investigating English Style (ed. 1 Investigating English Style (ed. 1973) Ej. 1992) . 1 Writing a Technical Paper (ed. 2002) How to Produce Better Worksheets (ed. 2007) The Elements of Style (ed. 2 Writing Academic English (ed. BERLITZ BERRY C. and BOWLER B. . CARR P. ARIAS SOTO L. and SEIDLHOFER B. BAKER A. CUNNINGHAM S. BAKER A. ACOSTA H. DALTON CH.FONÉTICA y FONOLOGÍA Número de volúmenes: 45 Ubicación: Sala de Auto-Acceso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ABERCROMBIE D. BAKER A. CLAREY E. and DIXSON R. BAKER A. ABERCROMBIE D. J. GERALD K. BAKER A. F. KENWORTHY J. HEWINGS M. HEWINGS M. . and KNOTT T. and KNOTT T. HOOKE R.) KENWORTHY J. E. and CUTTING J. KENYON J. JONES D. and DUFF A. JONES D. and ROWELL J. KENYON J.17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 HAYCRAFT B HEWINGS M. LADEFOGED P. MALEY A. MALEY A. LADEFOGED P. (ed. and DUFF A. LADEFOGED P. KAVANAGH J. KINGDON R. PRESTON D. and BOWEN D. STOCKWELL R. ROACH P. (coordinación del proyecto radial y editorial) . O’ CONNOR J. TENCH P.35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 O’ CONNOR J. and WALLACE B. ROACH P. R. D. PRESTON D. R. PRESTON D. R. and ARNOLD G. VARGAS TOVAR C. PRATOR C. 1982) Introducing English Pronunciation. 1947) Headway.Volver al Indice Elements of General Phonetics (ed. 1967) Studies in Phonetics & Linguistics (ed. 2007) [incluye CD audio. 1995) How to teach pronunciation (ed. 1984) Tree or three? An elementary pronunciation course (ed. 1998) Pronunciation Exercises in English (ed. disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Introducing English pronunciation (ed. 2009) [incluye CD audio.1988) Voice and the Actor (ed. f. A Teacher’s Guide to Tree or Three and Ship or Sheep (ed. An Intermediate Pronunciation Course (ed. 1982) Berlitz English Pronunciation [Manual de Pronunciación] (ed. 1986) Ship or sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course (ed. 1966) Articulatory Phonetics (s. 1973) Phonology (ed. 1990) Pronunciation (ed. Intermediate Pronunciation (ed.) Manual of English Pronunciation (ed. disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] . 1984) Ship or Sheep. Third Edition (ed. 1987) A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English (ed. 2004) Pronunciation Tasks. 1997) Everyman’s English Pronouncing Dictionary (ed. 1953) A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English (ed. 1987) Teaching English Pronunciation (ed. 1979) Sounds Intriguing (ed. 1993) A handbook of English Pronunciation (ed. 1993) Pronunciation Tasks Teacher’s Book (ed.The Teaching of Pronunciation (ed. 1993) Three Areas of Experimental Phonetics (ed. 1982) An Outline of English Phonetics (ed. 1975) Sounds Intriguing (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1958) The Role of Speech in Language (ed. 1960) A Course in Phonetics (ed. 1978) Pronunciation Practice Activities (ed. 1953) English Intonation Practice (ed. 1975) Teaching English Pronunciation (ed. 1979) . 1975) A Course in Phonetics. 1984) English Phonetics and Phonology. 1985) Varieties of American English (ed. 1976) Phonetics (ed.f) . A Practical Course (ed. 1965) Pronunciation Skills (ed.Intonation of colloquial English. Tutor’s Book (ed. 1979) Varieties of American English (ed. 1987) The sounds of English and Spanish (ed. 1979) Varieties of American English (ed. 2002) English Phonetics and Phonology. 1984) Vasos comunicantes laboratorio de relatos urbanos (s. Second edition (ed. 1973) Manual of American English pronunciation (ed. R. D. D. ANDERSON S. et al. (ed. et al.) CELCE-MURCIA M. BACH E. et al. CAFONE H. A. C. D. ALLSOP J. et al. et al. ANDERSON S. BATSTONE R. D. BOLITHO R. D. CLOSE R. ANDERSON S. ALLSOP J. BYRNE D. CELCE-MURCIA M. ANDERSON S. D. . and TOMLINSON B. and TOMLINSON B.GRAMÁTICA Número de volúmenes: 121 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ALEXANDER L. et al.G.G.G. BURT. et al. et al. and HILLES S. ANDERSON S. ALLSOP J. BEYER T. D. and HILLES S. BRIGHT J. BENNET D. C. BRAZIL D. BYRNE D. et al. BENNET D. et al. CARRASCO GUTIÉRREZ Á. ANDERSON S. and KIPARSKY C. BOLITHO R. CHRISTOPHERSEN P. A. ALEXANDER L. CHALKER S. and SANDVED O. ANDERSON S. HEWINGS M. and WASELL F. IGLESIAS M. DANESI M. D DEIGNAN A. LADO R. Ph. KIRN E. JOHNS A. CRUZ J. and JACK D. and ROSENBAUM P. A. A.A. FULLER H.G. HEWINGS M. and MACKIN R. DIXSON R. M. R. EASTWOOD J.A. E. A. HEATON J. HART C. KUFNER H. HEWINGS A. HEY C. GURREY P. JONES L.32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 COLLIGAN L. and HEWINGS M. B.J. and FRIES CH. DIXSON R. C. ECKERSLEY C. ECKERSLEY C. and JACK D. .W. and FRIES CH. J. HILL L. GOWEN J. JACOBS R. EASTWOOD J. HILL L. S. F. HALLIDAY M. KIRN E. de la y TRAINOR P. LADO R.K. JONES L. JONES L. FREEBORN D. C.I. HEWINGS M. E. and MACKIN R. et al. V. SCHRAMPFER AZAR B. TURNER D. M. SCHRAMPFER AZAR B. M. SPENCER D. SCHRAMPFER AZAR B. TATHAM M. and KANE J. and GAIST J. and SVARTVIK J. PALMER F. MOLINSKY J. THOMPSON G. S. SHAW H. and BLISS S. H. (ed.67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 LEE T. and GREENBAUM S. MORRIS J.) SPENCER D. J. and BLANDFORD F. QUIRK R. MORRIS J. and MARTINET A. PALMER H. et al. E. PARROT M. PATRICK J. V. LEWIS M. H. QUIRK R. E. MUNRO M. et al. THOMSON A. RANKIN B. K. J. SPENCER D. PALMER F. QUIRK R. . LEECH G. and MARTINET A. E. and GAIST J. SCHRAMPFER AZAR B. TATHAM M. LEWIS M. NUTALL C.J. D. NUTALL C. STOCKWELL R. A. QUIRK R. et al. NUTALL C. G. and GREENBAUM S. H. E. et al. et al.S. THOMSON A. SINCLAIR J. A. YEDLIN J.K. A. WILLIS R. WERNER P et al. WERNER P. ZAMARRÓN F. ZANDVOORT R. ZAMARRÓN F. and RAUPP M. W. WERNER P. et al. WERNER P. WHITE R. VALLINS G. H. VAN EK J. WILCOX P.P. and ELSWORTH S. and SZKUTNIK L. ZAMARRON F.P.K.104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 UR P. V. . WALKER E. et al. WERNER P. L. WATCYN-JONES P. and NELSON J. and NELSON J. 1971) Contrast of Past Continuous and Past Simple. 1976) Ej. 1971) The Future. Unit 20 (ed. 1984) Discover English (ed. An Essay in Stratificational Semantics (ed. 1983) Cassell’s Students English Grammar (ed. 1975) The Passive. 1970) For. Unit 8 (ed. 1970) The Infinitive of Purpose. 2007) Discover English (ed. 1994) Spatial and Temporal Uses of English Prepositions. 1975) Ej. 1996) An Advanced English Grammar (ed.1967) Grammar (ed.Volver al Indice English Grammatical Structure (ed. Unit 14 (ed. 2008) Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar (ed. 1 Spatial and Temporal Uses of English Prepositions. 1970) The Gooficon. 1975) Ej. 1970) . 1980) Tiempos compuestos y formas verbales complejas (ed. Exercises with Answers (ed. Unit 7 (ed. 1976) Ej. 1 The Passive. 2 Collins Cobuild English Guides 9. A Repair Manual for English (ed. Unit 11 (ed. 1 Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar (ed. 1983) A Grammar of Speech (ed. 2 Language. 1988) Ej. 2 Cassell’s Students English Grammar. 1988) Ej. 1971) Elided Forms (auxiliaries and anomalous finites-affirmative). Linking Words (ed. 1972) The Infinitive without TO after Certain Verbs. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. 1989) Can. 1972) Word Order in Indirect Questions. Unit 9 (ed. 1 English Grammatical Structure (ed. Unit 12 (ed. Ago. 2 501 English Verb s [incluye CD-ROM] (ed. 1983) Making Sense of English Grammar (ed. Unit 13 (ed. Skills and Use (ed. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. 1967) Ej. 1995) Gerunds and Infinitives (as Objects). Could and Be Able to. 1971) An Introduction to Transformational Grammars (ed. Since. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. An Essay in Stratificational Semantics (ed. 1967) Ej. 1968) Text. 2003) Advanced Grammar in Use (ed. 2005) Advanced Grammar in Use (ed. 2006) Ej. Metaphor (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1984) An Elementary Refresher Course (ed. Activities for Intermediate Students of English. 1971) Grammar and Context (ed. two and three (ed. 1962) English Sentence Patterns. 1960) English Sentence Patterns. 2 English Usage (ed. With Annotated Bibliography (ed. 1982) Ej. Role. 2006) Ej. 1 Advanced Grammar in Use (ed. 2009) Using Prepositions and Particles. 2 Communicative Grammar practice. 1977) Gramática inglesa (ed. 1982) Ej. 1 A Basic English Grammar (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1968) Gramática sucinta de la lengua inglesa (ed. Workbooks one. Understanding and Producing English Grammatical Structures (ed. 1982) A Communicative Grammar. Book 4 (ed. Teacher's manual (ed. 1972) A Basic English Grammar (ed. Book 1 (ed. 1972) Tests and Drills in English Grammar. 1998) Basic American Grammar and Usage (ed. 1964) An Intermediate Refresher Course (ed. Book 3 (ed. 1969) . 1961) English Review Manual (ed. 1 A Communicative Grammar. 1 Communicative Grammar Practice. 1961) An Introduction to Functional Grammar (ed. 1997) Communicative Grammar Practice. 2 Essential English for Foreign Students. Interactions One (ed. 1996) Ej. 1987) Advanced English Exercises (ed.How to Use the Thesaurus (ed. 1955) Essential English for Foreign Students. Interactions One (ed. 2 The Grammatical Structures of English and German (ed. 2002) English Transformational Grammar. Developing Academic Literacies (ed. 1985) The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book (ed. 1996) Ej. 1982) Ej. 1982) Ej. 1958) A Course Book in English Grammar (ed. 1995) Complete Course in English (ed. 2006) Collins Cobuild English Guides 7. Activities for Intermediate Students of English. 1970) Teaching English Grammar (ed. and Context. Understanding and Producing English Grammatical Structures (ed. 1967) Using Essential English Tenses (ed. Unit 4 (ed. Volume A (ed. 1983) Looking Forward. 1974) A Student's Grammar of the English Language (ed. 1986) The English Verb. 1975) The English Verb. 1972) Must. 1994) Line by Line. 1973) A Grammar of Spoken English (ed. American English Course Eight (ed. American English Course Seven (ed. 1994) Structure Drills 1. 1985) Understanding and Using English Grammar (ed. 1984) Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs. A Practical English Grammar (ed. 1968) Ej. 1965) English Structure Manipulation Drills (ed. 1972) Ej. 1 A Grammar of Contemporary English (ed. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. 1990) A Grammar of Contemporary English (ed. Need and Have to. 1964) A Communicative Grammar of English (ed. 1967) A University Grammar of English. 1979) . English through Grammar Stories 2B (ed. A Practical English Grammar (ed.Index to Modern English (ed. 1969) Grammar for English Language Teachers With exercises and a key (© 2000) Winter Carnival. 1986) Structure Drills 2. 2: Word Formation (ed. 1 Contracted Forms. Unit 2 (ed. 2 Collins Cobuild English Guides. 1981) Handbook of English (ed. An Exploration of Structure and Meaning (ed. 1986) English Grammar and Usage for Test-Takers (ed. An Exploration of Structure and Meaning (ed. 5: Reporting (ed. 1992) Fundamentals of English Grammar. 1992) Fundamentals of English Grammar (ed. 1969) Collins Cobuild English Guides. 1968) Ej. 1971) Contrast of Perfect and Past Simple Tenses. 2 Question-words. 1991) Contracted Forms. 2 Contemporary Review Exercises (ed. 1 English Structure Manipulation Drills (ed. Workbook (ed. 1972) Ej. 1967) On Campus. American English Course Nine (ed. 1967) Ej. 1967) Ej. 1970) Grammar (ed. 1967) Fundamentals of English Grammar. Unit 22 (ed. Volume B (ed. 1970) The Grammatical Structures of English and Spanish (ed. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. 1971) Grammar (ed. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. A Review of the English Tense System. 1985) The World of English 2 (ed. 1979) A Communicative Grammar. Changing Tenses. (ed. 1968) Changing Times. 1996) A Communicative Grammar. Longman Elements of English Series (ed. 1956) Waystage English (ed. 2 A Handbook of English Grammar (ed. Interactions Access. Mosaic One. 1997) A Content-Based Grammar. Mosaic Two (ed. 1995) Impact.Grammar Practice Activities. Mosaic Two (ed. 1979) The World of English 3 (ed. 1979) Helping Verbs. Exploitation (ed. Elementary / Intermediate (ed. A Practical Guide for Teachers (ed. 1988) The Pattern of English (ed. 1979) Ej. 1985) A Content-Based Grammar. 1975) . 1982) Grammar Practice for Elementary Students (ed. English for Social Interaction (ed. 1996) A Content-Based Grammar. Interactions Two (ed. 1979) The World of English 3 (ed. (ed. Grammar Exercises in Context (ed. 1980) Passport to English. 1996) Functional English 2. ) Número . EVANS I. ELLIOT E.) MARTIN J.) EVANS I. (ed. W. TURNER W.) FORD B. (ed. J (ed. STOWELL H.) FORD B. E. (ed. SEYMOUR-SMITH M. FORD B.HISTORIA LITERARIA de volúmenes: 13 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BATESON F.) FORD B. EVANS I. (ed. (ed. 1967) Fallen Women (ed. 1969) An Introduction to English Literature (ed. 1963) English Literature. traducción de María Coy (ed. 1957) From Blake to Byron. 1944) . 1963) From Dryden to Johnson. American Literature 1865-1914 (ed. Volume 1 (ed. 1963) Harvests of Change. 1960) A Short History of English Literature (ed. 1991) A Short History of English Literature (ed. Impressions of English Literature (ed. 1962) The Age of Chaucer. Values and Traditions (ed. Volume 4 (ed. 1963) From Donne to Marvell. Volume 3 (ed. 1970) Britain in Pictures.Volver al Indice A Guide to English Literature (ed. Volume 5 (ed. 1970) Historia de la literatura norteamericana . CONRAD C. (ed. ALDERSON J. W and SHOHAMY E. HILLWAY T. and STOLLER F. COHEN L. JAMES E. and PEACOCK M. M. and HAYTHORNTHWAITE C. et al. and GUBA E.C. and BUCKNAM A. NUNAN D. HOLLY M. BERRY R. and MILLER B SHAGOURY R. BRUMFIT C. HUGHES R. HOOK L. . JIMÉNEZ BONILLA S. and BERETTA A. and SHOHAMY E. NUNAN D. BROWN J. H. JIMÉNEZ BONILLA S. BREW A. H. D. HARTMANN R. (ed. and LONG M. McMILLAN J.A. BEATTY K. SEIDMAN I. SELIGER H. BAKER D. FLOWERDEW J.C. et al. D.K. LARSEN-FREEMAN D. G. LARSEN-FREEMAN D. ELLIOT J.INVESTIGACIÓN de volúmenes: 63 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Número ALDERSON J. LINCOLN Y S. ALLWRIGHT D. and BERETTA A. and MITCHELL R. FREEMAN D. CAMERON L. HOPKINS D. ELLIS R. and BERETTA A. and BAILEY K. and MILLER B SHAGOURY R. ALDERSON J. and GAVER M. GRABE W.W. and RODGERS T. BENSON P. BERRY R. S. FREEMAN D. BROWN J. et al. et al. SHAGOURY R. DÖRNYEI Z.C. G. BELL J. D. and MILLER B. ANDREWS R.) BURNS A. and MITCHELL R. L. BROWN J.) BRUMFIT C. FIELDING N. and GRAHAM L. and LONG M.R. and LEE R. SELIGER H. ROST M. UNSWORTH L. WRIGHT T. .52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 SHAGOURY R. YIN R. WHITEHEAD J. YIN R. SHAGOURY R. and MILLER B. J. WISKER G. WALLACE M. YIN R. and McNIFF J. WOODS P. WOODS P. and MILLER B. 1993) Teaching and Researching Autonomy in Language Learning (ed. 2 Teaching and Researching Listening (ed. 1990) Research in the Language Classroom (ed. 1992) Research Methods in Language Learning (ed. 2001) The Research Project. 2 The Art of Classroom Inquiry (ed. 2002) Teaching and Researching Lexicography (ed. 1964) Action Research for Teachers. 2008) Cofe Series. 1 Living the Questions: a Guide for Teacher-Researchers (ed. 1993) Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes (2001) Doing Teacher Research (ed. 2003) Doing your Research Project (ed. 1944) A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research Methods (ed. How to Write it (ed. 1990) Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers (ed. 1 Cofe Series. 2001) Researching and Applying Metaphor (ed. 1999) Ej. 2001) Introduction to Research (ed. 1991) Ej. 1990) Understanding Research in Second Language Learning (ed. 2002) Research in the Language Classroom (ed. Computers. 1 An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research (ed. 1992) Ej. 1991) Ej. Action Research Guide (ed. 1 Evaluating Second Language Education (ed. 1995) Using Computers in Qalitative Research (ed. 1 Doing Teacher Research (ed.Assisted Language Learning (ed. A critical Survey and Practical Guide (ed. 1985) Educational Research. 1993) Teaching and Researching Speaking (ed. Travelling the Yellow Brick Road (ed. 1 . 1 Research Methods in Language Learning (ed. 2 Naturalistic Inquiry (ed. 1996) Ej. 1999) Research Methods in Education (ed. 1998) Ej. 2006) Second Language Research Methods (ed. 2002) Interviewing as Qualitative Research (ed. 2004) Research and teaching Beyond the Divide (ed.Volver al Indice Evaluating Second Language Education (ed. 2002) Doing Second Language Research (ed. 2001) Action Research for Educational Change (ed. 2007) Language Testing. 1999) Ej. 2003) Ej.learning Research (ed. 2 An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research (ed. 2006) Teaching and Researching Motivation (ed. Fundamentals for The Consumer (ed. 1991) The Sage Hanbook of E. 2000) The Sage Handbook for Research in Education (ed. 2005) Ej. 1989) Living the Questions: a Guide for Teacher-Researchers (ed. 2006) Understanding Research in Second Language Learning (ed. 2004) The Research Project. 2002) Participatory Action Research for Educational Leadership (ed. 1991) The Study of Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1996) Ej. 1992) Ej. 1990) Second Language Research Methods (ed. 2 Evaluating Second Language Education (ed. 2 Teaching and Researching Reading (ed. How to Write it (ed. Action Research Guide (ed. 2001) Focus on the Language Classroom (ed. 1992) Teaching and Researching. 1998) Ej. 2005) Ej. 2005) The Research Paper (ed. 2 Case Study Research Design and methods (ed. 2003) Ej.The Art of Classroom Inquiry (ed. 3 Researching Language in Schools and Communities (ed. 2003) Ej. 2003) Ej. 2006) The Good Supervisor Supervising. 3 . Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations (ed. 1999) Successful Writing for Qualitative Researchers (ed. 1994) Case Study Research Design and methods (ed. 2005) Successful Writing for Qualitative Researchers (ed. 1 Case Study Research Design and methods (ed. 2006) Investigating English (ed. 2000) Action Research for Language Teachers (ed. 2 The Art of Classroom Inquiry (ed. 2003) Action research Living Theory (ed. 2003) Ej. 2003) Ej. FRAZIER Ch. et al. [retold by Clare West] CARROLL L. DOYLE A. simplified by RONALDSON A. H. (retold by Mary Hadley) BEDDALL F.J. C. C. BATES H. J. . FITZGERALD F. [Retold by Rosemary Border. AUSTEN J. FRENCH ALLEN V.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 LECTURAS PARA PRINCIPIANTES Literatura adaptada Número de volúmenes: 100 Más información ver categoría baja consulta (Narrativa adaptada y Otros textos para principiantes) Ubicación: Biblioteca ASIMOV I. (selected and simplified by THORNLEY G. DICKENS CH. (Simplified and adapted) DOYLE A. CRANE S. et al. [retold by Margaret Tarner] DIXON R. CRONIN A. COLLINS W. DOYLE A. AUSTEN J. COLLINS A. C.) BAUM L. Howe] CRANE S. J. AUSTEN J. CONAN DOYLE Sir A. Sir. BARSTOW S. CHANDLER R. [Retold by Margaret Tarner] FORESTER C. [Adapted by Virginia French Allen] BLOUGH M. DU MAURIER D. FIELDING H. Du MAURIER D. S. CONAN DOYLE A. BIERCE A.C. CHANDLER R. DOYLE A. DICKENS CH. DICKENS Ch. [retold by Clare West] CONRAD J. DUMAS A. GRISHAM J. (Retold) BENCHLEY N. GRISHAM J. CURTIS R. C. F. Simplified according to the language grading scheme especially compiled by D. S. GRISHAM J. BENNET A. BRONTË E. DICKENS Ch. CARROLL L. TWAIN M. KIPLING R. TROLLOPE A.47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 GUTERSON D. S.a. STEINBECK J. JAMES H. OEWELL G. [Retold by Rod Sinclair] McILVAIN A. PARATORE A. STOKER B. A. STEINBECK J. HARTE B. TWAIN M. WHITNEY N. (adapt. S. [Retold by Philip King] MAUGHAM W. HARDY T. WISTER O. (adapted by PASSARELLI J. (adapted by Rod Smith) La PLANTE L. (translated and abridged by PALMER H. WHITNEY N.) POE E. S.) VON ARNIM E. WEST M. MAUGHAM W. (retold by) McILVAIN A. HENRY O. VERNE J. s. SWIFT J. (retold by) MELVILLE H. THOREAU H. OEWELL G. TWAIN M. LONDON J. LESSING D. TWAIN M. . STEINBECK J. STEINBECK J. LAMB Ch. HENRY O.E. JAMES H. VERNE J. D. WILDE O. SANSOM W.) WOUK H. HAWTHORNE N. KENEALLY T. and LAMB M. [Retold by John Milne] MAUGHAM W. STUTCLIFF R. LONDON J. L. SCOTT FITZGERALD F. STEINBECK J. STENDHAL STEVENSON R. STEINBECK J. 1992) Alice Wonderland (ed. 1954) Ej. 3 The Brethren (ed. 1962) Ej. 1992) American Classics. 1980) The Hound of the Baskervilles (ed. 1972) Ej. 1992) The African Queen (ed. 1 Cold Mountain (ed. 2 The Citadel (ed. 2000) [level 3] The Woman in White (ed. 1960) The Wizard of Oz (ed. 1999) [level 6] The Rainmaker (ed. 1989) The Hound of the Baskervilles (ed.Volver al Indice (Narrativa adaptada y Otros textos para principiantes) 2001 and Beyond (ed. 1991) Stories from Shakespeare (ed. 1999) [level 5] Four Weddings and a Funeral (ed. 2 The Beautiful and Damned [Illustrated by Laura Potter] [Intermediate level] (ed. 1 Sherlock Holms Short Stories (ed. 1989) Lord Jim (ed. 2000) [level 2] The Long Goodbye (ed. 1975) British and American Short Stories (ed. 1999) [level 5] Oliver Twist (ed. 1972) Four Stories by Stephen Crane (ed. 1965) The Card (ed. 1988) Wuthering Heights [Stage 5] (ed. 1999) [level 5] Twenty Pieces of Silver and Waiting (ed. 2000) [level 2] Tom Jones (ed. 2000) [level 2] Alice Wonderland (ed. 1972) The Eyes of the Panther And Other Stories (ed. 1 The Red Badge of Courage (ed. 2 The Three Musketeers (ed.2000) [level 3] Persuasion (ed.The Pathfinder Book Fou r (ed. 1982) [Oxford Progressive English Readers Grade 1. 1961) Ej. 1999) [level 2] Pride and Prejudice (ed. 1961) Ej. 1999) [level 5] Rebecca (ed. 1999) [level 6] Nicholas Nickleby (ed. 1976) The Hound of the Baskervilles (ed. Illustrated by Tom Briggs] The Red Badge of Courage (ed. 2003) [level 3] The Visitors (ed. 1999) [level 6] Three Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ed. 1972) Ej. 1972) Ej. 2001)[level 5] The Chamber (ed. 1999) [level 5] . 2001) [Level 2] Stories From Odyssey (ed. 2000) [level 4] Sherlock Holmes Short Stories [Stage 2] (ed. 2004) [level 4] Stories From Dickens (relatos) (1934) Bleak House [Upper level] (ed. 1975) Sense and Sensibility (ed.1999) [level 6] The Big Sleep (ed.2004) [level 5] Selections from Washington Irving (ed. 1999) [level 5] Frenchman's Creek (ed. 1987) The Verger and Other Stories [Elementary level] (ed. 1 The Caine Mutiny (ed.1985) O. Hyde (ed. 1992) The Pearl (ed. 1985) Ej. 2 Round the World in Eighty Days (ed. 1999) [level 6] Jude the Obscure (ed. Sailor (ed. 1992) The Hairless Mexican and the Traitor [Intermediate level] (ed. 1 The Autobiography of Mark Twain (ed. 1969) To Build a Fire and Other Stories (ed. 1992) The Grapes of Wrath (ed. 1991) Ej. 1985) Ej. 2003) [level 6] The Jungle Book (ed. 1999) [level 2] Schindler's List (ed. 1992) Scarlet and Black (ed. 2000) [level 3] The Virginian (ed. Life in the Woods (ed. 2000) [level 2] The Vertical Ladder (ed.2000) [level 3] 1984 (ed. 2000) [level 2] Twelve Tales (ed. 1999) [level 5] A Sunrise on the Veld (ed.Snow Falling on Cedars (ed. 1992) Little Red Riding Hood (ed. 1975) The Sea Wolf (ed. 1991) Ej. 1992) The Stranger (ed. 1992) The Eagle of the Ninth (ed. 1999) [level 5] Round the World in Eighty Days (ed. 2000) [Level 2] Cinderella (ed. 1999) [level 5] Tales From Shakespeare (ed. 2 The Portrait of a Lady (ed. 2000) [level 6] The Strange Case of Dr. 2003) [level 4] 1984 (ed.2001) [level 2] The Grapes of Wrath (ed. 1955) The Cleverest Person in the World (ed. 1985) The Warden (ed. 2 Six Tales of Fear (ed. Henry´s American Scenes (ed. 2000) [level 5] The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Stories (ed. 1992) King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (ed. 2003) [level 4] Twelve Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne (ed. 1985) Ej. 2001) [level 5] Of Mice and Men (ed. 1 O. 1 The Enchanted April (ed. 2 The Autobiography of Mark Twain (ed. Jekyll and Mr. 1992) Footprints in the Jungle and Other Stories [Intermediate level] (ed. 1998) [level 3] Of Mice and Men (ed. 1991) Ej. 2 Tales of Horro r (ed. 2002) [Level 2] Prime Suspect (ed. 1985) The Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor (ed. 1971) Ej. 1969) Ej. 1 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (ed. 1985) Ej. 1992) The Moon is Down (ed. 1975) Ej. 1954) Gulliver's Travels (ed. 1963) Walden . 2000) [Level 2] Billy Budd. 1998) [level 3] Washington Square (ed. 2 The Baby Party and Other Stories (ed. 1962) . 2000) [level 5] The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (ed. 1991) Ej. Henry´s American Scenes (ed. 1992) The Young King and Other Stories (ed. PALMER F. FINCH G. L. and CLOSS E.B. CROFT W. HUDDLESTON R. CARPENTER FRIES C. A. BOLINGER D. BLOOMFIELD L. BRUMFIT C. BARTON D. P. CHOMSKY N. DAVIES A. LANGENDOEN T. BOLINGER D. MARCKWARDT A. A. and HADEN-ELGIN S. CRYSTAL D. HOPPER P. (ed.) MOODY H. (ed. W. BLACK M. LYONS J. and BUREN P. et all (ed) GLEASON H. MILLER G. and TAUBR P. LANGACKER R. (ed. and QUIRK R. . COOK W. B. A. BERRY M. (Ed. GIPPERT J. BOLINGER D.LINGÜÍSTICA GENERAL y LINGÜÍSTICA INGLESA Número de volúmenes: 77 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ALGEO J. MENCKEN H. and BESNIER N. ALLEN J. and PARKINSON B. LYONS J. FINEGAN E. T. L. CARROLL J. AYER A. BRAJ B. CHOMSKY N. LINDEN E.A. CRYSTAL D. et al.L. and SEARS D. BLOOMFIELD L. LONG R. LILES B. FERNÁNDEZ F FINCH G. KRAPP G. MENCKEN H. GRINDER J.J. PEDERSEN H.) GLEASON H. L. FRANCIS W. (ed. HERDAN G.N.) DICKER S. R. A. KENWORTHY J.) ALYESHMERNI M.) McCARTHY M. MINNIS N. ROBINS R. YULE G. and CASSIDY F. (Trad. LASS R. WARDHAUGH R. and HANNAH J. PETERS R. and ALGEO J. THE UNIVERSITY OF READING TRUDGILL P. WUNDERLICH D.H. QUIRK R. POTTER S. H. G. (ed. PYLES T.) SWALES J. D. WARDHAUGH R. ROBERTSON S.) STREVENS P. (ed.) YNGVE V.55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 PERLMUTTER D. WEST F. YULE G. (ed. SMOLINSKI F. . PYLES T. PETERS R. SAMPSON G.) SMOLINSKI F. 1965) Ej. 1975) Language. 1978) Introduction to Tagimemic Analysis (ed. An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences (ed. 1972) Issues in Applied Linguistics (ed. 2000) Language its Structure and Use (ed. Men. Supplement One (ed. 1994) Languages in America. prólogo de Emilio Lorenzo (2ª edición. Volume II (ed. Number 5. 1975) Apes. 1976) Language in Action (ed. 1971) Working with Aspects of Language (ed. 1993) How to Study Linguistics. 1974) Literacy an Introduction the Ecology of Language (ed. 2006) An Introduction to English Transformational Syntax (ed.2 Aspects of Language (ed. 1991) The English Language in America. 1969) An Introduction to Linguistics (ed. 1961) Language and Communication (ed.GÜÍSTICA INGLESA Volver al Indice Problems in the Origins and Development of the English Language (ed. 1971) A Linguistic Study of the English Verb (ed. 1958) Essential of language documentation (ed. British and American English (ed. 1974) The sentence and its Parts. A Pluralist View (ed. 2003) Historia de la lengua inglesa. 1972) Chomsky: Selected Readings (ed. 2001) A Common Language. 1951) Linguistics at Large (ed. History. 1961) The American Language. Supplement Two (ed. 1956) Grammaticalization (ed. 2006) What is Linguistics? (ed. 1970) New Horizons in Linguistics (ed. (ed. 1970) Ej. 2006) Literature on Language: an Anthology (ed. 1981) Ej. 1973) Language as Choice and Chance (ed.2 Guide to Transformational Grammar. 2006) An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (ed. 1 Aspects of Language (ed. Theory. Current Issues in Linguistics Theory (ed. 1964) The American Language. 1975) Ej. 1975) Ej. A Grammar of Contemporary English (ed.1 An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (ed. Practice (ed. 1971) Language and Thought (ed. 1969) Typology and Universals (ed. 1985) English as a Global Language (ed. 1972) Language (ed.Structures and Systems (ed. 1961) Chomsky (ed. 1973) The Study of Syntax (ed. and Language (ed. Truth and Logic ( ed. 2004) Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics.1 Language (ed. 1960) Language and its Structure (ed. A Guide to Understanding Language (ed. 1965) The Discovery of Language (ed. 2 Aspects of Language (ed. 1975) The labyrinth of Language (ed. 1989) The Structure of American English (ed. 2003) Linguistic Terms and concepts (ed.3 The handbook of World Englishes (ed. 1964) Syntactic Structures (ed. 1971) Varieties of English Practice in Advanced Uses on English (ed. 1965) Janualinguarum. 1961) Ej. 2007) Introduction to Systemic Linguistics 1. 1994) The Structure of English. 1984) Ej. 1931) . 1990) Fue in Language and Communication (ed. 1968) Ej. 1995) International English. An Introductory Survey (ed. English in Academic and Research Settings (ed. 1982) Introduction to Linguistics (ed. 1986) Ej.1 Introduction to Linguistics (ed. 1979) Linguistics as a Science (ed. 1977) Ej. 1968) Ej. 1960) The Origins and Development of the English Language (ed. 1975) Landmarks of American Language and Linguistics (ed. An introduction to Language (ed. 1985) Ej. 1986) The Study of Language (ed. 1971) English. 1971) A Linguistic History of English (ed. 1971) The Form of Language (ed. 1954) General Linguistics. A Guide to Varieties of Standard English (ed. 1972) Ej.1 A Linguistic History of English (ed. 1968) The Use of English (ed. 1975) Foundations of Linguistics (ed. 1966) Genre Analysis.2 Five Inaugural Lectures (ed.2 The Way of Language. 1986) Ej. 1962) The Development of Modern English (ed. 1986) Ej.Deep and Surface Structure Constraints in Syntax (ed.1 The Study of Language (ed. An Introduction (ed.1 Landmarks of American Language and Linguistics (ed.2 .2 Language in the Modern World (ed. A. ALLARD H. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ALLARD H. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. BERRY J. A. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. ASCH F. A. BRIDWELL N. A. A. A. and MARSHALL A. BARRIE J. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. A. . (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. BRIDWELL N. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. BRIDWELL N. A. A. (retold by Marie Crook) BARTON B. A. M. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (adapted by) BRIDWELL N. A. (Illustrated by Maggie Smith) BRETT J. and MARSHALL J. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. BRIDWELL N. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D.F. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D.LITERATURA INFANTIL y LITERATURA JUVENIL Número de volúmenes: 153 Más información ver categoría baja consulta Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ADLER D. BAUM L. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. A. (Illustrated by Susanna Natti) ADLER D. A. et al. (retold by) (adapted by Cherry Gilchrist) de PAOLA T. HOLT R. de PAOLA T. FOX C. CARROLL L.33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 BRIDWELL N. I. CARLE E. (story and pictures) BURGESS T. I. J. (retold by) CROOK M. (retold by) FREEMAN D. BRIDWELL N. DICKENS CH. GILLIES D. (illustrated by Richard Hook) COPPOCK CH. (retold by Brenda Ralph Lewis with illustrations by Gwen Tourret) DOMAN B. (story and pictures) FRY S. K. (retold by) (illustrated by Francesca Duffield) CUYLER M. (adapted by) HIMMELMAN J. J. HERMAN G. GATES A. (retold by Coleen Degnan-Veness) HARTWELL E. CHURCH C. GATES A. (story and pictures) BRIDWELL N. . (adapted by) (illustrated by Steve Haefele) GALDONE P. CHRISTELOW E. CROOK M. (illustrated by Candace Whitman) FOX C. (story and pictures) BRIDWELL N. (illustrated by) COLLINS J. HENKES K. C. (illustrated by Will Hillenbrand) DAWOOD N. KINNEY J. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. LOBEL A. (story and pictures) LOBEL A. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. McCLOSKEY R. MCKIE A. (story and pictures) LONDON J. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. E. KELLEY T. P. P. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. P. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) . (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. P. (illustrated by Abby Carter) KALAN R. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. McHUGH J. P. LEWIS C.65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 JOHNSON D. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (illustrated by Janet Wilson) MUNSCH R. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. P. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. LANG A. P. (ed. P. (illustrated by Frank Remkiewickz) MCAULEY F. P. P. (retold for easy reading by) MILLER C. P. MUNSCH R. LIONNI L. LIONNI L.S. OSBORNE M. P.) LAWSON R. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. KIRK D. (Illustrated by Michael Martchenko) NUMEROFF L. McGUIRE E. KEATS Ezra J. P. SHANNON D. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. P. (retold by Marie Crook) SOUTHGATE V. P. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) PARISH H. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. SHAPIRO I. P. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. P. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. and OSBORNE W.101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 OSBORNE M. SALTZBERG B. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Pictures by Wallace Tripp) PARK B. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PRATER J. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. SMITH D. (Retold) . (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. P. P. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. and OSBORNE W. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. SHANNON D. SHANNON D. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Pictures by Lynn Sweat) PARISH P. P. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Illustrated by Denise Brunkus) PARK B. (Illustrated by Sal Murdocca) OSBORNE M. P. P. SKLANSKY A. (illustrated by Clement Hurd) WOOD D. H. ZELINSKY P. 145 WEBSTER J. (Retold and illustrated) . 144 WATTERSON B. R. 142 WADDELL M. (adapted by) 148 WILLIAMS M. 146 WHITE T. (illustrated by Don Wood) YOUNG E. (retold by) 149 150 151 152 153 WISE BROWN M. TAYLOR N. 147 WILLIAMS M. 140 TRIVIZAS E. (retold by) (illustrations by David 137 Cuzik) 138 THALER M. & PIERRAD J. ZELENETZ A.136 TAYLOR A. and WOOD A. (illustrated by Jared Lee) 139 TOLKIEN J. R. (illustrated by Barbara Firth) 143 WATTERSON B. (illustrated by Helen Oxenbury) 141 TWAIN M. 1989) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz [Illustration by John R. 1992) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones (ed. Neill] (ed. 1981) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U. 2001) Cam Jansen and the Birthday Mystery (ed. 2002) Cam Jansen and the School Play Mystery (ed. 1980) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Carnival Prize (ed.RA JUVENIL Volver al Indice Cam Jansen and the First Day of School Mystery (ed. 1982) Cam Jansen and the Tennis Trophy Mystery (ed. 1987) Miss Nelson is Missing! (ed. 2001) [Level 3] Dinosaurs. 1989) Clifford's Family (ed. 2000) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds (ed. 1984) .F. (ed. 1981) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Television Dog (ed. 1984) Young Cam Jansen and the Dinosaur Game [A Viking Easy-to-Read] (ed. 2003) Cam Jansen The Triceratops Pops Mystery (ed. 1989) Clifford goes to Washington (ed. 2002) Clifford's best friend A Story About Emily Elizabeth (ed. 1977) Miss Nelson has a field day (ed.O. 1984) Needing Attention (ed. 1997) Cam Jansen and the Ghostly Mystery (ed. 1985) Happy Birthday Moon (ed. 1996) Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Haunted House (ed. 2005) Clifford's busy week (ed. 2003) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Circus Clown (ed. 2004) Young Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth (ed. 1983) Young Cam Jansen and the Zoo Note Mystery (ed. 1996) Cam Jansen and the Scary Snake Mystery (ed. 2000) Young Cam Jansen and the Pizza Shop Mystery (ed. 1980) Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe Ruth Baseball (ed. 1982) Peter Pan (ed. 2000) Clifford's puppy days (ed. Dinosaurs (ed. 1996) The Mitten (ed. 1998) Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed ( ed. 2004) Sindbad the Sailor (ed. 1989) The Legend of the Bluebonnet (ed. 1959) The Princess and the Frog (ed. 2003) The three bears (ed. 1953) Two Boys and a Tree (ed. 1983) Oliver Twist (ed. 2003) Ibis A True Whale Story (ed. Fifth Year ( ed. 2003) [Level 3] Story Hour Readings.Clifford's Good Deeds (ed. 1966) Clifford's tricks (ed. 1984) Good-Bye. 1978) Clifford Digs a Dinosaur (ed. 2000) [Level 3] Tom Thumb (ed. 2003) Robin Hood (ed. 1910) The Tiny Seed (ed. 1985) Pirate Gold (ed. 1987) Halloween Howl (ed. 1951) Sitting Ducks. 2000) [Level 3] A pocket for Corduroy (ed. 2000) [Level 2] The Biggest. 1985) Clifford takes a trip (ed. Mommy (ed. Best Snowman (ed. 1990) Superkid and the Comet (ed. 1985) Old Mother West Wind (ed. 1969) Clifford and the grouchy neighbors (ed. 1994) . 1977) Zoo-looking (ed. Bill Hatches an Egg (ed. 1996) The Ugly Duckling (ed. The Brave (ed.1989) Do Your Ears Hang Low ? (ed. 2003) [Level 3] Strega Nona (ed. 1921) Sheila Rae. 1972) A World to Enjoy (ed. 1989) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass [The centenary edition with an Introduction and Notes by Hugh Haughton] (Ed. 2001) Midnight on the Moon (ed. 1977) Lighthouse A Story of Remembrance (ed.1979) The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (ed. 1961) Bronze Billy (ed. 1998) Viking Ships at Sunrise (ed.Never Babysit the Hippopotamuses! (ed. 1970) Frog and Toad year (ed. 1962) Blabber Mouse (ed. A First Book in American History (ed. 2005) Dogs don't Wear Sneakers (ed. 2000) Lions at Lunchtime (ed. 2000) Mummies in the Morning (ed. 1993) Dingoes at Dinnertime (ed. Jump! (ed. 1997) Buffalo Before Breakfast (ed. 2010) Hush. 1981) The Snow Day (ed. 1959) Make Way for Ducklings (ed. 1986) Frog and Toad Are Friends (ed. 1994) It's Mine! (ed. 1976) Froggy Plays in the Band (ed. 1994) Ghost Town at Sundown (ed. 1993) Civil War on Sunday (ed. Little Alien (ed. 2003) The Sand Castle Contest (ed. 1993) Jump. 1999) Polar Bears Past Bedtime (ed. 1959) The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (ed. 1998) An Extraordinary Egg (ed. 1998) Revolutionary War on Wednesday (ed. 1999) They Made America Great. 1982) The Lost World (ed. 1996) Pirates Past Noon (ed. 2000) Earthquake in the Early Morning (ed. 1999) Tales from King Arthur (1993) Mc Whinney's jaunt (ed. 1998) . 2001) Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Ugly Truth (ed. 2002) George and Herbert (ed. Frog. 1998) Hour of the Olympics (ed. 1992) Junie B.. 2002) Junie B. Bookworm (ed. 2003) Lincoln in the White House (ed. 1999) Junie B. 2001) Knights and Castles A nonfiction companion to The Knight at Dawn (ed. 2003) Junie B. 1999) Tonight on the Titanic (ed. Amelia Bedelia (ed. 2000) Dinosaurs A nonfiction companion to Dinosaurs Before Dark (ed. 1995) The Knight at Dawn (ed. Jones Is Not a Crook (ed. Jones Is Captain Field Day (ed. 2000) David Gets in Trouble (ed. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (ed. First Grader (at last!) (ed. 1997) Junie B.. Jones and some Sneaky Peeky Spying (ed. 1962) My Daddy and Me (ed. 2005) The Hundred and One Dalmatians (ed. 2001) [Level 3] The princess and the Frog (ed. First Grader Toothless Wonder (ed. 2004) No. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket (ed. Oh Where ? (ed. 1972) Junie B. 2004) Play Ball. David ! (ed. 2000) Junie B.. 1998) The Amazing Christmas Extravaganza (ed.. 1998) Twister on Tuesday (ed. Jones Is a Party Animal (ed. Jones and her Big Fat Mouth (ed. 1994) Junie B. First Grader Boss of Lunch (ed. Jones Smells Something Fishy (ed. First Grader Cheater Pants (ed. 2001) Oh Where.Dinosaurs Before Dark (ed. 1993) Tigers at Twilight (ed. 1997) Phoebe and the Spelling Bee (ed. 2002) Junie B. 2000) Amelia Bedelia. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed (ed. 1997) Junie B. 1998) Junie B. 1997) Junie B.. First Grader One-Man Band (ed. 1973) . 1999) Vacation Under the Volcano (ed. 1993) Junie B. 2003) Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime (ed. 2001) Junie B. 1992) Afternoon on the Amazon (ed. 1997) .1982) The Little Mouse. The Red Ripe Strawberry. 2003) [Level 2] The Three Billy Goats Gruff (ed.New Nation English. 1961) Pinocchio (ed. 1969) The Once and Future King (ed. 2000) [Level 1] Goodnigth Moon (ed. 1984) Seven Blind Mice (ed. little bear? (ed. 2000) [Level 4] Cinderella Bigfoot (ed. Book Two (ed. 1990) Rumpelstiltskin (ed.1997) The Hobbit or there and back again (ed. 1997) The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig (ed. 1987) The Velveteen Rabbit (ed. 1988) Calvin and Hobbes (© 1987) [foreword by Garry Trudeau] Calvin and Hobbes The Revenge of the Baby-Sat (© 1991) Rescue Reading: Shorty Again (ed. 1992) Jhereg (ed. 1994) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (ed. and The Big Hungry Bear (ed. 1962) Can't you sleep. DONNE J. (Compilador) DICKENS C. BIERCE A.LITERATURA TRADUCIDA Número de volúmenes: 88 a) Del inglés al español Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ALLEN W. BLAKE W. AUSTER P. CARROLL L. ASHBERY J. FAULKNER W. AUSTER P. CAPOTE T. AUSTER P.K. CARROLL L. CHESTERTON G. FAULKNER W. CARROLL L. ASHBERY J. BLAKE W. BELLOW S. DICKINSON E. AUSTER P. CAPOTE T. DICKINSON E. BURGESS A. AUSTEN J. DIAZ BORBÓN R. . DICKINSON E. AUSTER P. CONRAD J. GINSBERG A. ASHBERY J. BLAKE W BLAKE W. . JOYCE J. JAMES H. HAWTHORNE N. HEMINGWAY E: HUXLEY A HUXLEY A. SALINGER J. JOYCE J. D SHAKESPEARE W. HAWTHORNE N. RUSHDIE S. SHAKESPEARE W. KEROUAC J. G. SHELLEY M. WALCOTT D. STEVENSON R. SHAKESPEARE W. STEVENSON R. JOYCE J. SHAKESPEARE W. Lord BYRON Lord BYRON ORWELL G. POE E. HAWTHORNE N. WELLS H. JAMES H. SHAKESPEARE W. TWAIN M. SWIFT J. L. POE E. SHAKESPEARE W. GOLDING W. L. SHAKESPEARE W. STEINBECK J.34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 GINSBERG A. SHAKESPEARE W. STOKER B. HEANEY S. SHAKESPEARE W. KEROUAC J. JOYCE J. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G. WILLIAMS W. WILDE O. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . GOETHE J. DOSTOYEVSKY F. WILDE O. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ G. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G.. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G.W. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G.C. WILDE O. YEATS W. CERVANTES M. HUGO V. GORKY M. DOSTOEVSKY F. WOOLF V. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G.. LITERATURA TRADUCIDA Número de volúmenes: 32 b) De otras lenguas al inglés ALIGHIERI D. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ G. WILDE O. de CHEKHOV A. B. WITHMAN W. WOOLF V.76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 WHITMAN W. WILDE O. and TURGENEV I. KAFKA F. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ G. FUNKE C. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ G. WILDE O. GOGOL N. DOSTOEVSKY F. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ G. von HESSE H. GARCÍA MARQUEZ G. WILDE O. HOUELLEBECQ M.. IONESCO E. Pine] VERNE J. ZWEIG S. M. VERNE J. [Editor of this volume: Joslyn T. ROSTAND E.26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MÜLLER H. OVID REMARQUE E. . traducción de Ana María Leoni (ed. traducción de José Manuel Álvarez Flórez et al. traducción de Mauro Armiño (ed. traducción de Francisco Torres Oliver (ed. 2008) Leviatán/Leviathan [Traducción de Maribel de Juan] (ed. traducción de Fernando Castanedo (ed. 1993) Orgullo y prejuicio . 2010) El país de las últimas cosas / In the Country of Last Things [Traducción de María Eugenia Ciocchini] (ed. 1998) Oliver Twist . 2006) Poemas [edición bilingüe de Margarita Ardanaz. 1976) Aceite de perro y otros cuentos macabros. vol. 2005) Canciones y sonetos . traducido por Katy Gallego (ed. 2007) [Oil of Dog] Antología bilingüe . traducción de Ma. traducción de Jesús Zuluaika (ed... traducción de Josep Marco Borillo (ed. Eugenia Díaz. Eugenia Díaz] (3ª ed. traducción de Ana María Leoni (ed. traducción de Ana María Rodríguez (ed. 2007) [The Marriage of Heaven and Hell] Canciones de inocencia y canciones de experiencia . 2007) El libro de Urizen/ The Book of Urizen [Edición bilingüe. 2006) Alicia en el país de las maravillas.. 2007) Ciudad de Cristal /City of Glass [Traducción de Maribel De Juan](ed. 2008) Mientras agonizo [edición de Javier Coy. 2006) [As I Lay Dying] Aullido y otros poemas . I. (ed. Absalón! [edición de Ma. 2008) [A Clockwork Orange] A Sangre Fría . traducción de Rafael Díaz Borbón (ed. 2005) Los sótanos del alma . traducción de Vicente Muñoz Puelles (ed. traducción de Maribel de Juan (ed. 2003) [The Shadow Line] Poetas británicos contemporáneos . [traducción y prólogo de Nicolás Suescún] (ed. 2010) Herzog [traducción de Rafael Vásquez Zamora] (ed. traducción de Marcelo Covián (ed. II. traducción de Carlos García Simon (ed. A través del espejo . Traducción de Silvia Barbero] (ed. 2007) [edición bilingüe] ¡Absalón.Volver al Indice Cuentos sin plumas. traducción de Aníbal Leal (ed. 2007) Alimentar la mente. vol. 2009) Como un proyecto del que nadie habla/ Like a Project of Which No One Tells [Edición bilingüe. traducción de Enrique Caracciolo Trejo (ed. traducción de Purificación Ribes (ed. 2010) [Pride and Prejudice] La invención de la soledad . 2007) La trilogía de Nueva York . traducción de José Luis Caramés y Santiago González Corugedo (ed. traducción de Margarita Ardanaz] (7ª ed. Traducción y estudio preliminar de Jóse Luis Palomares] (ed. 2007) [The Man who was Thursday: A Nightmare] Juventud la línea de sombra. 2007) Los sótanos del alma . traducción de Maria Eugenia Ciocchini (ed. Prólogo y traducción de Roberto Echavarren] (ed. 2009) El hombre que fue jueves [traducción de Juan Izquierdo] (ed. 2002) . 2009) Pirografía. traducción de Martín Rodríguez-Gaona (ed. 2003) Al otro lado del espejo y lo que Alicia encontró allí. 2006) [Songs of Innocence / Songs of Experience] La naranja mecánica .2009) El matrimonio del cielo y el infierno . 2007) [In Cold Blood] Cuentos completos . traducción de Mariano Antolín Rato] (7ª ed. 2003) El doble sueño de la primavera/ The double dream of spring [Edición bilingüe. 2007) [Ulyses] En el camino [traducción de Martín Lendínez] (ed. traducción de José Martín Triana (ed. traducción de María Coy] (ed. 2008) [On the Road] Los subterráneos [traducción de J. 2008) [The Tragedy of Julius Caesar] Macbeth [edición bilingüe dirigida por Manuel Ángel Conejero y Dionís-Bayer ] (ed. 2004) [Brave New World] Otra vuelta de tuerca [traducción de Ana Isabel Conejo] (ed. 2009) Los versos Satánicos [traducción de Documentación y traducciones. 1969) [Farewell to arms] Poesía Completa (ed. 2007) Las uvas de la ira [edición de Juan José Coy. 2008) Mucho ruido y pocas nueces . 1993) Cuentos completos [traducción de Julio Cortázar] (ed. 2001) La Máquina del tiempo . 1999) Rebelión en la granja 1984 (ed. 2007) Drácula [edición y traducción de Juan Antonio Molina Foix] (ed. Rodolfo Wilcock] (ed. traducción de Jenaro Talens] (ed. 2006) [No se menciona el nombre del traductor] El club de los suicidas . (ed. 2005) [Romeo and Juliet] Antonio y Cleopatra [edición bilingüe del instituto Shakespeare dirigida por Manuel Ángel Conejero Dionís-Bayer. 2008) [Dracula] Los viajes de Gulliver [edición de Pilar Elena. 2006) [The scarlet Letter] La letra escarlata [traducción de J. traducción de Martha Baranda] (ed. 2008) [No se menciona el nombre del traductor] [Much Ado About Nothing] Ricardo III [traducción de Alonso Alegría] (ed. Serrano] (ed. 2008) [Richard III] Hamlet [traducción de Tomás Segovia] (ed. 2009) [The Lord of the Files] Wakefield y otros cuentos [selección y prologo Guillermo Samperino. 2008) Julio César / Coriolano [traducción de Ma Enriqueta González Padilla] (ed. Poems 1977-1980 [Edición bilingüe. 2006) Adiós a las armas [traducción de Juana Ma. 2007) [Dubliners] Dublineses [traducción de Joseph Club] (ed. S. traducción de José Luis Moreno Ruíz (ed. 2008) El señor de las moscas [traducción de Carmen Vergara] (ed. editor: Marcelo Cohen (ed. 2007) [The scarlet Letter] Distrito y circular/District and Circle . 2006) [The Turn of the Screw] La lección del maestro [traducción de Hernando Valencia Goelkel] (ed. traducción de Elena Rius (ed. 2005) [Dubliners] Retrato del artista adolescente [traducción de Alfonso Donado] (ed. selección y traducción de Manuel Mujica Lainez (ed. Donoso y P. 2000) [A portrait of the artist as a young man] Ulises [traducción de Francisco García Tortosa] (ed. 2003) [Gulliver's Travels] Selección de cuentos de Mark Twain [no se menciona el nombre del traductor] (ed. traducido por Silvia Alemany (ed. traducción de M. Romero] (ed.Oda plutoniana Poemas 1977-1980 / Plutonian Ode. Traducción de Jenaro Talens y Vicente Forés] (ed. 2001) [Anthony and Cleopatra] Sonetos. 2006) Mazeppa . 2007) [No se menciona el nombre del traductor] [Animal Farm] El escarabajo rojo y otros cuentos [traducción de Julio Gómez de la Serna] (ed. Traducción de Antonio Resines] (ed. 1992) Julio César [traducción de Alejandra Rojas] (ed. 2009) [The Satinic Verses] Nueve Cuentos .2007) [The Grapes of Wrath] El extraño caso del Dr. Hyde/ A través de las praderas y otros relatos (ed. Prince of Denmark] Romeo y Julieta [edición bilingüe del instituto Shakespeare] (ed.. traducción de Esteban Pujals (ed. L. 2009) [The Time Machine] .Vda de Horta y Joaquín Horta] (ed. 2003) Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo . traducción de Iván Hernández A. Loyzaga de Romero y José E. Jekyll y Mr. 2003) La letra escarlata [prólogo de Ludwig Lewisohn. 2003) La abundacia/ The Bounty [Edición bilingüe.] (ed. traducción de Pollux Hernúñez] (ed. 2007) [The Lesson of the Master] Dublineses [traducción de Guillermo Cabrera Infante] (ed. 2008) [edición bilingüe] Un mundo feliz [traducción de Ramón Hernández] (ed. 2004) [The Subterraneans] Poemas escogidos . traducción de Dámaso López García (ed. 2002) [The Tragedy of Hamlet. 2005) [The picture of Dorian Gray] El retrato de Dorian Gray [traducción de Gabriela Bustelo] (ed.x ) The elementary particles [Translated from the french by Frank Wynne] (© 2000) Les Misérables [Supplementary materials written by Margaret Brantley. Bernstein] (ed. translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa and J. traducción de Manuel Villaras (ed. 1999) [no se indica el nombre del traductor] [The Canterville Ghost] De Profundis .. 1999) In Evil Hour . Allen] (ed. 2008) White nights. translated by Edith Grossman (ed. traducción de Miguel Martínez Lage (ed.S. 2005) Memories of My Melancholy Whores .. Una tragedia florentina . Editor of this Volume: T. La santa cortesana. 2004) El fantasma de Canterville (ed. S. Series edited by Cynthia Brantley Johnson] (ed.N. traducción de Juan Izquierdo (ed. translated by Gregory Rabassa (ed. 2005) Antología bilingüe . 1989) Steppenwolf (English translation © 1929 by Henry Holt and Company [Der Steppenwolf]) (ed. 1994) [Doce cuentos peregrinos] The general in his labyrinth [traducción de Edith Grossman] (ed. Translated by Oliver Latsch] (ed.2010) Collected Stories .1982) [The picture of Dorian Gray] El retrato de Dorian Gray [traducción de Haydeé N. 2008) Hojas de hierba . Hardy. 1990) [El general en su laberinto] Innocent Eréndira and Other Stories [Traducción de Gregory Rabassa] (ed. Stanton and James D. traducido por Delia Pasini (ed. 2006) Reckless [Illustration by Cornelia Funke.Inferno [Translation by Allen Mandelbaum] (ed. 2005) [Memoria de mis putas tristes] One Hundred Years of Solitude [traducción de Gregory Rabassa] (ed. translated by Edith Grossman (ed. 2006) Veinte poemas [Edición bilingüe. and a New Afterword by Robin Feuer Miller] (ed. 2005) Chronicle of a death foretold/ Crónica de una muerte anunciada [Traducción de Gregory Rabassa] (ed. 2009) Crime and Punishment [Translated by Sidney Monas. Bernstein (ed. 2009) . Rogers] (© 2004) The Karamazov Brothers [Translation by Ignat Avsey] (ed. 2007) [Leaves of Grass] El cuadro de Dorian Gray [edición y traducción de Manuel Francisco Míguez] (ed. 1989) The Autumn of the Patriarch / El otoño del patriarca [Traducción de Gregory Rabassa] (ed. 1991) [La mala hora] Leaf Store. The Inspector General. 2002) The Divine Comedy . with an Introduction by Leonard J. 1984) The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor / El relato de un naufrago [Traducción Randolph Hogan] (ed.Hojas de hierba [edición de José Antonio Gurpegui traducción de José Luis Chamosa Rabadán] (ed.2004) [The picture of Dorian Gray] El abanico de lady Windermere. 2007) [Leaves of Grass] Las olas [edición de María Lozano. 2007) [The picture of Dorian Gray] El retrato de Dorian Gray [traducción de Julio Gómez de la Serna] (ed. 2005) [The Waves] Horas en una biblioteca . antología bilingüe. 2006) The Sorrows of Young Werther [Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Michael Hulse] (ed. traducción de Dámaso López] (4ª ed. 2004) Don Quixote [Translation by Edithe Grossman and Introduction by Harold Bloom] (ed. Fryn] (ed.R. 2006) [cien años de soledad] Strange Pilgrims . Jr. A Month in the Country] [General Editor: Paul Negri. A Gentle Creature and Other Stories [Translation by Alan Myers] (ed.1958) The Trial [Translated by Mike Mitchell with an Introduction and Notes by Ritchie Robertson] (ed. translated by Gregory Rabassa (ed. 2005) No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories [Traducción de J. 2009) The Bald Soprano & Other Plays [Translation by Donald M. traducción de Enrique Caracciolo Trejo (ed. 2005) Four Great Russian Plays [The Cherry Orchard. The Lower Depths. Traducción de Octavio Paz] (ed. Editor of this Volume: Tom Crawford] (ed. 2001) The Metamorphoses Selected Stories in Verse [General Editor: Paul Negri. Wheen] (ed.The Appointment [Translation by Michael Hulse and Philip Boehm] (ed. 2003) All Quiet on the Western Front [Translated from the German by A. 2000) A Journey to the Center of the Earth [with a new Afterword by Leonard Nimoy] (ed. 2010) Chess Story [Translated from the German by Joel Rotenberg] (ed.000 Leagues under the Sea [Translated and with a Foreword by Mendor T. 1982) Cyrano de Bergerac [Translated by Louis Untermeyer] (ed.W. with a new Introduction by Stephen Baxter and an Afterword by Walter James Miller] (ed. 2006) . 2003) 20. Brunetti. Métodos ubicados en la sala de lectura de la Sala de auto Haga clic sobre la categoría de su interés Métodos (344 documentos) Métodos (322 documentos) Métodos (184 documentos) . . . . . . . . . Volver al Índice bicados en la sala de lectura de la Sala de auto-acceso Haga clic sobre la categoría de su interés Métodos para adultos documentos) Métodos para jóvenes documentos) Métodos para niños documentos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 . 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 . 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 . 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 . 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 . 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 . 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 . 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 . 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 . 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 . 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 . 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 . 1981) American Kernel Lessons Intermediate. 1981) American Kernel Lessons Beginning.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 3 (ed. Tape Script for Lab Drills (ed. Workbook (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Student’s Tests (ed.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 2 (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed. ( ed.1981) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 1 (ed. 1981) American Kernel Lessons Intermediate.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 9 (ed. 1966) American Kernel Lessons Beginning. 1967) American English Course 4 Holiday Fun. 1978) American Kernel Lessons Advanced. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1959) American English Course 3 Getting Settled (ed.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 5 (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 10 (ed. 1981) American Kernel Lessons Intermediate.1990) Volver a Métodos .1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 7 (ed.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 6 (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Tape Script for lab Drills (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1981) American Kernel Lessons Beginning.MÉTODOS PARA ADULTOS Número de volúmenes: 344 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso American English Course 2 On the way (ed.Tapescript for lab Drills (ed.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 11 (ed.1981) American Kernel Lessons Beginning. 1978) American Kernel Lessons Intermediate. 1978) American Kernel Lessons Intermediate.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 8 (ed. 1978) American Kernel Lessons Intermediate.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés 4 (ed. 1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 3 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 7 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 10 (ed. 1974) English 900.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado Guía de respuestas 1-6 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 5 (ed. A Basic course 1 (ed. A Basic course 6 (ed. 1981) Contrast (ed. A Basic course 2 (ed. 1974) English 900. 1964) English 900.1993) Bridges to English 1 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 9 (ed. 1976) English 900. A Basic course 3 (ed.) English 900. 1979) Contrast.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado Guía de respuestas 7-12 (ed. A Basic course 4 (ed. Workbook 5 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 12 (ed.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Guía de respuestas 1-6 (ed. A Basic course 5 (s.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Guía de respuestas 7-12 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 6 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 8 (ed. 1974) English 900. 1967) .1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 11 (ed. f.1990) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 1 (ed. 1964) English 900.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 2 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 4 (ed.Berlitz Curso de Inglés 12 (ed.1993) Berlitz Curso de Inglés Avanzado 3 (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Book 3 (ed. (ed. Intermediate. 2002) Enterprise 3. Work Book. 2000) Enterprise 3. Teacher’s Book (ed. Pre-Intermediate. 1978) English 900. Course Book. Students’ Book. Elementary. (ed. 1964) English 900. Pre-Intermediate.English 900. Work Book. New English 900. 1977) English 900. Worbook (ed. 2000) Enterprise 3. Pre-Intermediate. Course Book. (ed. 2000) Enterprise 3. Elementary. 2000) Enterprise 1. New English 900. 1995) English Works 1. Teacher’s Book 1 (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Workbook. 1999) Enterprise 2. 1978) English 900. New English 900. 1998) Enterprise 1. Students’ Book (ed. New English 900. (ed. 1985) Fast Lane. 2001) Enterprise 4. (ed. 1994) English Works 2. 1996) . Answer Key (ed. 2000) Enterprise 2. 2000) Enterprise 2. Beginner. 2000) Enterprise 4. Work Book. 1993) English Works 2. Course Book. New English 900. 1977) English 900. 1978) English Works 1. (ed. Elementary. 1995) English Works 1. (ed. Work Book. Student’s Book. (ed. Workbook (ed. English for the Commercial World. 1993) Enterprise 1. (ed. Course Book. 1993) English Works 1. Test Booklet. Intermediate. Pre-Intermediate. Intro (ed. Workbook 6 (ed. answer Key (ed. 1997) Fast Lane 1 (ed. Teacher’s Book 6 (ed. 2000) Enterprise 2. Course Book. Teacher’s Book 4 (ed. (ed. (ed. Elementary. Book 1 (ed. Work Book. Teacher’s Book (ed. Beginner. (ed. 2000) Enterprise 2. 1995) File. 1996) Fast Lane 3 (ed. Upper Intermediate. 2005) Framework 3. 1997) Fast Lane 3. 1997) File. 2005) Framework 1. Student´s Book. Student’s Book (ed. 2005) . (ed. Resoursce Book. 1995) File. Student’s Book (ed.Fast Lane 1. 1996) Fast Lane 2 (ed. Upper-Intermediate. 1996) File. Reference Guide. 2005) Framework 2. (ed. (ed. (ed. (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 2005)[Este libro cuenta con material de audio. (ed. 2005) Framework 1. Self Study Workbook (ed. American Framework 3a Intermediate Student's Book and Workbook (ed. 2003) Framework 1.2007) Incluye CD con audios Framework. Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. (ed. American Framework 3b Intermediate Student's Book and Workbook (ed. 1996) Framework. Upper-Intermediate.2007) Incluye CD con audios Framework 1. Self Study Book Workbook (ed. 1996) Fast Lane 2. Intermediate. (ed. Intermediate. (ed. (ed. Workbook. Pre-Intermediate. Teacher’s Book (ed. 2005) Framework 2. Pre-Intermediate (ed. 2005) Framework 2. Pre-Intermediate. 2005) Frame Work. (ed. Resource Book. American Framework 2b pre-Intermediate Student's Book and Workbook (ed. 1996) File. Teacher’s Book (ed. Upper-Intermediate. Reference Guide. Student´s Book. Student´s Book. Teacher's Book. Intermediate. (ed. Elementary. Teacher´s Book. With Answer Key and Trancripts. Intermediate. Workbook. Teacher´s Book. Reference Guide. Elementary. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Framework 3. Elementary. Work Book. Elementary.2007) Incluye CD con audios Framework. 2005) Framework 1. (ed. 2004) Framework 4. 2004) Framework 4. 4. 1995) File. 2004) Framework 4. Intermediate. 1987) Headway. 1987) Headway. Part A (ed. Teacher's book (ed. Pre-intermediate. Upper Intermediate. 1986) Headway. Intermediate. 1986) Headway. Upper-intermediate. New Edition (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Part B (ed. Workbook (ed. 2005) Functions of English. 1991) Headway. Student’s Edition. 1996) Headway. Part A (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) Headway. Pre-intermediate. Teacher's Book (ed. Advanced. Student’s Book. 1986) Headway. Student’s Book (ed. 1987) Headway. Student’s Book. Student’s Book. Upper-intermediate. Intermediate. Pre-intermediate. 1986) Headway. 1991) Headway. Student's Book (ed. New Edition (ed. Pre-intermediate. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1993) Headway. Pre-intermediate. 1987) Headway. 1981) Functions of English. 1989) . Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Upper-intermediate. Intermediate. 1996) Headway. Workbook (ed. Pre-intermediate. Part B (ed. Intermediate. 1986) Headway. Pre-intermediate. Workbook (ed. Upper-intermediate. Upper-intermediate. 1991) Headway. 1981) Functions of English. Pre-intermediate. 1991) Headway. 1996) Headway. Pre-intermediate. 1987) Headway. Student’s Book (ed.Framework 4. Workbook (ed. 1991) Headway. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Student’s Book. Student's Edition. Resource Book. Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. 1991) Headway. Teacher's Book (ed. Intermediate. 1981) Headway Elementary. Upper-intermediate. Student’s Book (ed. (ed. Intermediate. 1987) Headway. Pre-intermediate. 1986) Headway. Intermediate. (ed. New Headway. Pre-Intermediate. New Headway. 2000) Headway. 2000) Headway. Intermediate. New Headway English Course. Elementary. (ed. 1989) Headway. Student's book (ed. Student´s Book. 2000) Headway. Elementary. Advanced. 2000) Headway. (ed. New Headway. 2000) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Workbook (ed. New Headway English Course. New Headway. Student's Book (ed. Pre-Intermediate. Workbook (ed. English Course. New Headway. 2004) Headway. English Course. 1989) Headway. English Course. Workbook (ed. English Course. New Headway. New Headway. 2000) Headway. 2000) Headway. English Course. Pre-Intermediate. (ed. Intermediate. Teacher´s Resource Book. 1989) Headway. 1996) Headway. Pre-intermediate. New Headway. English Course. New Headway English Course. 2000) Headway. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. New Headway. English Course. Beginner. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Intermediate. (ed. Intermediate. Advanced. 1989) Headway. (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Workbook (ed. Pre-Intermediate. English Course. 2002) Headway. 2000) Headway. New Headway. Upper-Intermediate. Teacher´s Resource Book. New Headway. 2000) Headway. (ed. Pre-intermediate. Work Book With Key. Elementary. (ed. New Headway. Student´s Book. (ed. Student's book (ed. Teacher´s Resource Book. Student´s Book. Teacher´s Book. Teacher´s Book. English Course. Workbook (ed. English Course. 1996) Headway. 2000) Headway. English Course. (ed. English Course. Pre-Intermediate. New Headway. Student´s Book. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Headway. English Course. Workbook without key (ed. Intermediate. English Course. 1999) Headway. New Headway. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Headway. Pre-Intermediate. New Headway. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Headway. New Headway. Pre-Intermediate. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. English Course. English Course. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Headway. Student's book (ed. Upper-Intermediate. New Headway English Course. (ed. New Headway. Work Book With Key. English Course. Work Book With Key. Pre-Intermediate. (ed. New Headway. English Course. 2000) Headway. 2002) Headway. Teacher's Book (ed. English Course. 2003) Headway. Advanced. New Headway. Teacher´s Book. Work Book Without Key. Elementary. (ed. (ed. (ed. 2000) Headway. New Headway. Advanced. Student's Book ( ed. English Course. 2005) .Headway. Beginner Teacher´s Book. (ed. English Course. English for International Communication (ed. New Headway. 2001) Headway. 1978) Intercom 3. 1977) Intercom 2. Upper-Intermediate. English for International Communication. 1997) Interactions Access. (ed. Teacher´s Book. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1983) Interactions 1. 1983) Impact (First and Second). (ed. English Course. A Multi-Skills Activity Book. Instructor's Manual / Test Bank (ed. 2005) Headway. English for International Communication. 1997) Interactions Access. New Headway. A Multi. (ed. Upper-intermediate. (ed. Work Book Withiout Key. New Headway. Workbook (ed. English Course. New Headway. 2005) Impact (First) (ed. Workbook (ed. 1978) Intercom 5. 1993) Intercom 1. English for International Communication (ed. Work Book With Key. Teacher´s Book. Work Book with key (ed. New Headway. 2005) Headway. Student’s book (ed. 1977) Intercom 2. 1997) Interactions Access. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1978) Intercom 4. (ed. English for International Communication. New Headway. A Multi. 1977) Intercom 3. 1983) Impact (Second) (ed. 1990) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio.Skills Activity Book. (ed.Skills Activity Book (ed. 1997) Interactions 2. A Multi. 2001) Headway. Work Book With Key. English Course. Student's Book (Third Edition 2005) Interchange 1. 1978) Intercom 3. Upper-Intermediate.Headway. Upper-Intermediate. 1990) Interchange 2. (ed. Upper-Intermediate. Student’s Book (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Interchange 3. English Course. Student’s Book (ed. English for International Communication (ed.Skills Activity Book (ed. Upper-Intermediate. A Multi-Skills Activity Book. English Course. 1997) Interactions 2. 1979) . English for International Communication (ed. 1990) Interchange 1. English for International Communication. Workbook (ed. 2005) Headway. 1997) Interchange 1. Workbook (ed. 1984) Modern English. English for International Communication (ed. 1989) New Connexions.Teacher’s Annotated Edition (ed. 1977) It’s Up to You. Teacher’s Edition (ed.Teacher’s Annotated Edition (ed. 1979) New English Course 4. Volume 2 (ed.Intercom 5. 1979) New English Course 2.Student´s Book. Workbook (ed. Second Edition. Student’s Book (ed. 1989) New connexions. 1979) New English Course 2. (ed. 1975) Modern English.Workbook (ed. 1979) New English Course 4. 1979) New English Course 5 (ed. 1977) Intercom C. language Skills and Strategies for Getting a Job (ed. 1977) Intercom C. 1978) Intercom B. 1980) Landmark. English for International Communication (ed.Workbook (ed. English for International Communication (ed. 1977) Intercom D. 1979) New English Course 3. Student’s Book (ed. 1979) New English Course 4 (ed. 1979) New English Course 3. English for International Communication. Education (ed. 1977) Intercom B. Upper Intermediate. Unemploymen t (ed. 1989) New English Course 1. Teacher’s Annotated Edition (ed. 1984) Meanings into Words. 1989) New Connexions. Second Edition. Workbook (ed. Upper-Intermediate. English for International Communication (ed. Intermediate. 1979) New English Course 2. Workbook (ed. Volume 1 (ed. English for International Communication (ed. English for International Communication (ed. 1979) Intercom 6. 1975) New Connexions. 1979) New English Course 3 (ed. Strawberry Fields (ed. Images of Britain (ed. 1979) . 2000) Meanings into Words. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Quartet 2. 1984) Pitman Business English 3. Teacher’s Book (ed. Practice Book (ed. Pre. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Options. 1979) Open for Business (ed.Intermediate. Elementary. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Quartet 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1979) Notions in English (ed. 1979) New English Course. 1996) Real Time. Starter. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1990) Opening Strategies 1. Advanced English (ed. 1985) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1996) Reward. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Pitman Business English 1. Pre. 1994) Reward Intermediate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Real Time. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Quartet 2. Practice Book (ed. 1994) Reward. 1983) Options. 1985) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Advanced English (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher's Book (ed. Personal Assistant (ed. 1982) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1997) Reward. Clerical (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Quartet 1.Intermediate. Student's Book (ed. 1979) New English Course 6. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward. 1997) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Student Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Cassette Directory (ed. 1997) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio.Workbook (ed. 1983) Opening Strategies 1. Elementary. 1983) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1997) Reward. 1983) Quartet 1. 1985) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio.Intermediate. Teacher’s Book (ed. Practice Book (ed. 1979) New English Course 6. 1983) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Pre. Elementary. Teacher’s Book (ed. Starter. Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. Teacher’s Annotated Edition (ed. 1985) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1984) Opening Strategies 1.New English Course 6 (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] . Student’s Book (ed. 1982) Opening Strategies 1. Practice Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. An Intemediate ESOL Course (ed. Practice Book (ed. Teacher's Book (ed. Students’ Book (ed. (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. (ed. 1982) Steppingstones 2. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Upper-Intermediate. Practice Book (ed. Practice Book (ed. Teacher´s Guide. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Upper-Intermediate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Skyline 2.Teacher's Book (ed. (ed. 1982) Steppingstones 2 Teacher’s Guide (ed. Student´s Book. 1982) Studying strategies 4. Student's Book (ed. 1982) Studying strategies 4. 1982) . 1982) Steppingstones 2 Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 2006) Skyline 4. (ed. 2006) Steppingstones 1. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Intermediate. Practice Book (ed. (ed. An Intermediate ESOL course (ed. Student' s Book (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Intermediate. Teacher´s Guide. (ed. (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Upper-Intermediate. (ed. 2001) Skyline 4. Teacher's Book (ed. 2006) Skyline 4. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Work Book. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Upper-Intermediate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Intermediate.Reward Intermediate. 1982) Steppingstones 1. Teacher's Book (ed. 1981) Steppingstones 1. Teacher´s Guide. 2006) Skyline 5. 2005) Skyline 3. 1982) Studying strategies 4. 1982) Steppingstones 2. 1982) Studying strategies 4. 1981) Steppingstones 1. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Workbook. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Intermediate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reward Upper-Intermediate. Reading. Activity Book (ed. 1985) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1 Teacher’s Resource Book (ed. Writing (ed. Test Book Cambridge University Press. Listening and Speaking. 2A Silver. 2000) Tapestry 1 Y 2. (ed. (ed. disponible en la Oficina de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE]. 2000) Tapestry 4. 2000) Tapestry 3 Y 4. 1B Bronze. Activity Book (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. Student’s Book (ed. 2000) Tapestry 1 Y 2. Activity Book (ed. 1 Student Book (ed. 2000) Tapestry 1. 1991) The English Advantage. (ed. Activity Book (ed. Cambridge (ed. (ed. Instructor´s Manual (ed. 2000) Tapestry 2. (ed.Tapestry 1. 2000) Tapestry 1 Y 2. 1985) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] The Cambridge English Course 2. 2A Silver. Listening and Speaking. 2 Student Book (ed. Activity Book (ed. Instructor Manual. 2000) The Cambridge English Course 1. 1986) The Cambridge English Course 2. 1991) . (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. 2B Silver. 1991) The English Advantage. Activity Book (ed. Activity Book (ed. The English Advantage. 1991) The English Advantage. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. 1A Bronze. 1985) The Cambridge English Course 2. Student’s Book (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. Reading. 1B Bronze. 1985) The Cambridge English Course 2. Writing (ed. 1 Student Book (ed. 2000) Tapestry 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. Instructor´s Manual (ed. 2000) Tapestry 2. 2 Student Book. Writing (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. 1991) The English Advantage. 1985) The Cambridge English Course 3. 1991) The English Advantage. 1A Bonze. Listening and Speaking. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. 2006) . Pre-Intermediate. 2005) Total English. 3 Gold. Pre-Intermediate. 2005)[Este libro cuenta con material de audio. English for Today's World. Intermediate. Cassell’s Foundation English. 3B Gold. Workbook (ed. Workbook. Workbook (ed. English for Today's World. Upper Intermediate Student's Book (ed. (ed.2006) Total English. (ed. 1991) The English Advantage. Elementary. Workbook (ed. (ed. Pre-Intermediate. 2005)[Este libro cuenta con material de audio. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Total English. Teacher´s Resource Book. Cassell’s Foundation English. 3 Student Book (ed. 1984) Thinking English 4. Intermediate. Upper Intermediate Workbook (ed. 1992) Thinking English 4. Pre-intermediate. Teacher’s Resource Book (ed. 1992) The Sourcebook.2006) Total English. 3A Gold. Students´ Book. 2005) Total English. Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Activity Book (ed. Teacher's Book (ed. 1992) The Sourcebook. With Key (ed. Intermediate Workbook (ed. 1982) Top Notch 1. (ed.2006) Total English. 1983) Thinking English 4. (ed. Elementary. 1992) The English Advantage. Teacher’s Book (ed.2006) Total English. 2005) Total English. Activity Book (ed. Upper Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book (ed. Elementary. Activity Book (ed. Students´ Book.2006) Touchstone Basic 2 Student's Book. 1991) The Sourcebook. (ed. 1991) The Sourcebook. 1992) The English Advantage. 1991) The Sourcebook.2005) Total English. Student's Book (ed.2006) Total English. Pre-Intermediate. 1992) The English Advantage. (ed. Teacher´s Resource Book. Intermediate Student's Book (ed.2006) Top Notch 1.2006) Total English. Cassell’s Foundation English.The English Advantage. (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Total English. Pre-Intermediate Workbook (ed. 2B Silver. (ed. Workbook. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] . 1995) True to Life. 2002) World Link. Teacher´s Book. Book 2. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] World Link. (ed. Book 1. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] World Link. Intro. (ed.Touchstone Basic 2. 2005)[Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Personal Study Workbook (ed. Intermediate. 2005)[Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 2002) Upstream. 1995) True to Life. (ed.2006) True to Life. Elementary. Pre-Intermediate. Class Book (ed. Intermediate. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher´s Book. 2005)[Este libro cuenta con material de audio. (ed. Personal Study Workbook (ed. Class Book (ed. Work Book. Class Book (ed. (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] True to Life. Pre-Intermediate. Elementary. 1996) Upstream. 1995) True to Life. Intermediate. O’NEILL et al. A. P. INSTITUTO MEXICANO DE RELACIONES CULTURALES. et al.Volver al Índice MORRIS J. O´NEIL R. et al. et al. TEMPLETON H. O’NEILL et al. CARTER J. et al. BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ . O’NEILL R. O’NEILL R. et al. O’NEILL R. ANGER L. O´NEIL R. et al. O’NEILL R. and LAPORTE P. and HIGGINS M. et al.C O’NEILL R. BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ BERLITZ WOODFORD P. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. INC. and KERNAN D. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. GREEN G. GREEN G. INC. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. INC. INC. . INC. INC. E. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. INC. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. and DOOLEY J. EVANS V. . EVANS V. and DOOLEY J. EVANS V. and DOOLEY J. EVANS V. EVANS V. and BURGESS S. EVANS V. O’NEILL R. EVANS V.ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICES. and BURGESS S. EVANS V. and DOOLEY J. and DOOLEY J. WEST J. and DOOLEY J. and DOOLEY J. and DOOLEY J. and LODGE P. EVANS V. COLLIER MACMILLAN COLLIER MACMILLAN COLLIER MACMILLAN COLLIER MACMILLAN COLLIER MACMILLAN O’NEILL R. and DOOLEY J. J. SCOTT-MALDEN S. O’NEILL R. and DOOLEY J. and DOOLEY J. O’NEILL R. and DOOLEY J. and DOOLEY J. EVANS V. EVANS V. INC. O’NEILL R. and WILSON J. BOWKER D. EVANS V. EVANS V. and MOORE C. O’NEILL R. GOLDSTEIN B. JONES CERI. LEIGH KATE A. and WRIGHT-WATSON B. McHUGH M. al. JAKES P. BAILEY S. GOLDSTEIN BEN. JONES CERI. and JAKES P. GOLDSTEIN B. METCALF ROBERT. METCALF ROBERT. McHUGH M. and RUIZ J. GOLDSTEIN BEN. LLOYD MARK PETER JEFFERRY et. et al. JAKES P. LODGE P.SCOTT-MALDEN S. GOLDSTEIN BEN. JONES CERI. GOLDSTEIN BEN. JEFFERRY PETER. LLOYD MARK . and WRIGHT-WATSON B. RUIZ JOSE MARIA. BAILEY S. JEFFERRY PETER. GOLDSTEIN B. and HUMPHREYS S. and RUIZ J. McHUGH M. and HUMPHREYS S. BUCK S. HOLLEY GILL. and WILSON J. JONES CERI. GOLDSTEIN BEN GOLDSTEIN BEN. GOLDSTEIN BEN. LODGE P. HOLLEY GILL. GOLDSTEIN BEN. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. SOARS L. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. et. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. . SOARS L. SOARS L. JONES L. SOARS L. SOARS L. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS L. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. SOARS L. and SOARS J.JEFFERRY PETER. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS L. al. JONES L. SOARS L. SOARS L. JONES L. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. and SOARS J. SOARS L. and SAYER M. URIBE MARK. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. and SOARS J. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS L.SOARS L. SOARS L. SOARS L. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. and SOARS J. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. LIZ AND JOHN SOARS. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. AMANDA MARIS. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. CASTLE MATT. SOARS L. and SOARS J. CASTLE MATT.. and SOARS J. SOARS L. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. . . RICHARDS J. and THRUSH E. et al. et al. al. C. WATCYN-JONES P. et al. et al. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. THRUSH E. WERNER P. C. DEVOY JO. et al. et al. WATCYN-JONES P. et. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. RICHARDS J. C. et. et al. WHEELDON SYLVIA. et al. THRUSH E. and DEVOY J. et al. RICHARDS J.SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. YORKEY R. SOARS L. et al. et al. RICHARDS J. et al. YORKEY R. C. RICHARDS J. WATCYN-JONES P. POOLE D. et al. A. SOARS JOHN AND LIZ. YORKEY R. SOARS J. YORKEY R. et al. A. THRUSH E. al. C. C. WHEELDON SYLVIA. C. C. YORKEY R. et al. THRUSH E. YORKEY R. YORKEY R. YORKEY R.. C. et al. DRESNER J. et al. CORNELIUS E. YORKEY R. et al.YORKEY R. YORKEY R. TREACHER P. T. C. CORNELIUS E. et al. HAUNES SIMON. et al. STEWART BARBARA. YORKEY R. DOFF A. CORNELIUS E. SCHWARZ W. E. et al. CORNELIUS E. YORKEY R. C. T. CORNELIUS E. et al. CORNELIUS E. et al. RUTHERFORD W. YORKEY R. and DERMODY J. et al. et al. CORNELIUS E. et al. T. et al. HARMES R. DOFF A. C. C. et al. E. CORNELIUS E. et al. and DERMODY J. CORNELIUS E. C. CORNELIUS E. WHITEHEAD J. et al. CORNELIUS E. RUTHERFORD W. et al. C. . and HARMES S. YORKEY R. et al. GRELLET F. PYE D. et al. and WEST R. and MARSDEN R. and MARSDEN R. et al. CORNELIUS E. DRISCOLL L. PYE D. GREENALL S. ABBS B. and GREENALL S. and WEST R. et al. GRELLET F. AXBEY S. GREENALL S. HINTON M. HINTON M. . BUCK SH. T. CORNELIUS E. and HEDGE T. GREENALL S. et al. and GREENALL S. and FREEBAIRN I. JONES L. GRELLET F. et al. T. DAVIES S. FOURNIER C. and FREEBAIRN I. GRELLET F. CORNELIUS E. GRELLET F. and GREENALL S. ABBS B. ABBS B. and GREENALL S. and FREEBAIRN I. and FREEBAIRN I.CORNELIUS E. DAVIES S. ABBS B. DRISCOLL L. T. GREENALL S. al. JOHNSTON J. and FREEBAIRN I. PYE D. PYE D. FUSCOE KATE. BREUSTER SIMON. PYE D. LETHABY CAROL. ABBS B. JOHNSTON J. ABBS B. ABBS B. FUSCOE KATE.GREENALL S. JOHNSTON J. and GREENALL S. PYE D. LETHABY CAROL. ABBS B. GREENALL S. and FREEBAIRN I. et. and FREEBAIRN I. JOHNSTON J. GREENALL S. GREENALL S. MATTE MARGARITA. and GREENALL S. LETHABY CAROL. and FREEBAIRN I. et al. and GREENALL S. . JOHNSTON J. et. and GREENALL S. et al. JOHNSTON J. JOHNSTON J. GREENALL S. JOHNSTON J. al. BLASS LAURIE. and WALTER C. FLAMM J. and WALTER C. SWAN M. et al. FLAMM J. HUTCHISON WEIDAUR MARIE. et al. . FLAMM J. GULEFF VIRGINIA L.BENZ CHERYL. al. et. FLAMM J. PIKE-BAKY MEREDITH. al. et al. et. and WALTER C. and WALTER C. FLAMM J. FLAMM J. PIKE-BAKY MEREDITH. and WALTER C. and WALTER C. et al. SWAN M. KARA DWORAK. FLAMM J. SWAN M. FLAMM J. VIRGINIA MAURER. BENZ CHERYL. PIKE-BAKY MEREDITH. SWAN M. SWAN M. FLAMM JACKELINE et. SWAN M. and NORTHAM L. FLAMM J. et al. FLAMM J. FRAGIADAKIS KALKSTEIN FRAGIADAKIS. al. RYALL MICHAEL. et al. al. GULEFF VIRGINIA L. et al. FLAMM JACKELINE et. et al. et al. SHEPHERD J. . CRACE ARAMINTA. and WILSON JJ. CLARE A. SASLOW J. et al. and FIRMAN S. et al. et al. HALL DIANE. and FIRMAN S. et al. FLAMM J. FLAMM J. and POTTER J. FLAMM J. and ASCHER A. SHEPHERD J. et al. HOPKINS A. et al. CRACE A. FOLEY MARK. and COX F. FLAMM J. et al. THORN M. and WILSON JJ. HALL DIANE. GALLAGHER FIONA. SASLOW J. SHEPHERD J. ACKLAM RICHARD. and WILSON JJ. NAUGHTON DIANE. and ASCHER A. McCARTHY M. et al. FOLEY M. al. SHEPERD J. et al. MORETON W. THORN M. CLARE A. GRAY J. ACKLAM R. & THORN M. and CRACE A. CLARE A.FLAMM JACKELINE et. FOLEY MARK. DOOLEY JENNY. COLLIE J. and REDMAN S. and REDMAN S. GAIRNS R. and SLATER S. . and REDMAN S. EVANS VIRGINIA. COLLIE J. GAIRNS R. GAIRNS R. EVANS VIRGINIA.RIVERS S. and FARNOAGA G. STEMPLESKI SUSAN et al. DOOLEY JENNY. STEMPLESKI SUSAN et al. and SLATER S. STEMPLESKI SUSAN et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 . 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 . 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 . 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 . 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 . 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 . 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 MÉTODOS PARA JÓVENES Y ADOLESCENTES Número de volúmenes: 322 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso A Basic English Grammar With Exercises (ed. 1993) A Case for English (ed. 1979) A Case for English. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1980) Atlas 2. Workbook (ed. 1995) Atlas 3. (ed.1995) Atlas 3. Workbook (ed. 1995) Atlas 4. (ed. 1995) Atlas 4. Workbook (ed. 1995) Building Strategies. Workbook (ed. 1984) Building Strategies. Workbook (ed. 1984) Building Strategies Tests (ed. 1984) Building Strategies 2. Student’s Book (ed. 1979) Building Strategies 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1979) Building Strategies 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1984) Can We Talk? A multiskills Approach to Communication (ed. 1991) Checkpoint English 1 (ed. 1984) Checkpoint English 1 (ed. 1984) Checkpoint English 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1983) Checkpoint English 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1983) Checkpoint English 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1985) Crossroads. Language Skills Development at First Certificate Level (ed. 1987) Crossroads. Language Skills Development at First Certificate Level (ed. 1987) Crosstalk 1 (ed. 1980) Volver a Métodos Crosstalk 2 (ed. 1980) Crosstalk 2 (ed. 1980) Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Student's Book [Contiene mini diccionario] (ed.1999) Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Workbook (ed. 1999) Cutting Edge.Upper Intermediate. Workbook (ed. 1999) East West 1. Workbook (ed. 1988) East West 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1988) East West 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1989) East West 2A. Student Book (ed. 1989) East-West 2B. Student Book (ed. 1989) English Alfa. (ed. 1981) English Alfa. (ed. 1983) English Alfa. Workbook (ed. 1981) English Alfa 1. Workbook (ed. 1983) English Alfa 1. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1980) English Alfa 2 (ed. 1978) English Alfa 2. Workbook (ed. 1983) English Alfa 2. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1980) English Alfa 3. Workbook (ed. 1983) English Alfa 3. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1978) English Alfa 3. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1978) English Alfa 4 (ed. 1983) English Alfa 4. Workbook (ed. 1983) English Alfa 4. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1978) English Alfa 5. Workbook (ed. 1983) English Alfa 5. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1982) Intermediate. 2001) English File. Work Book. Teacher’s Book (ed. 2000) English File. 1996) English File 1. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Teacher´s Book. Teacher’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Student's book (ed. Workbook (ed. 1989) English Course 3. Work Book.English Alfa 6. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher´s Book (ed. 1983) English At Work 2. (ed. 1997) English File 2.With Key. 1997) English File 2. (ed. (ed. 1981) English At Work 4. Teacher’s Book (ed. 2000) English File. Intermediate. 1988) English Course 2. 1998) English File 1. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1989) English File 1. Student’s Book (ed. Upper-Intermediate. 1981) English At Work 3 (ed. 1989) English Course 3. 2000) English File. (ed. Workbook (ed. 1996) English File 1. Teacher´s Book. Teacher’s Book (ed.With Key. 2001) . 1996) English File 2. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Workbook (ed. 1981) English Course 1. 1999) English File 1. Student's Book (ed.1983) English Alfa 6. Teacher’s Edition Book (ed. 1988) English Course 1. 1988) English Course 1. 1998) English File 1. Upper-Intermediate. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1983) English Alfa 6. 1981) English At Work 3. Teacher's Book (ed. Book One (ed. 1991) English for Central America. Book One (ed. Book Three (ed. Student’s Book 2 (ed. Student's Book (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1992) English for South America. Students Book (ed. Book Three (ed. Book One (ed. 1982) English for South America. People and Places. 1984) English Visa. 1993) English Project 3. 1987) English Project 3. 1991) English for Central America. 1984) . 1992) English for Today. Guía Suplementaria para el Profesor 2 (ed. 1986) English Project 2. 1982) English for South America. 1978) English Project 2. Student's Book (ed. Workbook (ed. 1987) English Project 3. 1992) English for South America. Students Book (ed. Book One (ed. 1980) English for Life 1. Book Two (ed. Guía Suplementaria para el Profesor 1 (ed. People and Places.English for Central America. 1991) English for South America. Workbook (ed. 1981) English for Life 2. Book One (ed. 1987) English Project 3. 1978) English for Today. Student’s Book 1 (ed. 1982) English for Life 1. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1972) English for Today. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1991) English for Central America. 1991) English for Life 1. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1992) English for South America. 1987) English Visa. Book Three (ed. Book One (ed. 1972) English for Today. 1995) Freeform 4. 1982) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Express it in English. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Express it in English. Humanistic Topics (ed. School and Home (ed. 1 School and Home. 1982) Enjoy English 7. 1984) Express it in English 5. Technical Topics. 1985) Enjoy English 6. Humanistic Topics (ed. 1986) Express it in English 6. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1982) Enjoy English 8. Studies and Work (ed. Humanistic Topics (ed. 1988) Freeform 4. 1986) Express Ways. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1982) Express it in English 4. 1982) Express it in English 1. Studies and Work (ed. 1 School and Home. 1983) Express it in English 4. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Technical Topics (ed. Technical Topics. 1982) Express it in English 2. 3 Hobbies. 1982) Express it in English. 1984) Express it in English 6. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Workbook (ed. 1983) Express it in English 5. Workbook (ed. 1982) Enjoy English 9. English for Communication 1A (ed. 1984) Express it in English 5. 1983) Express it in English 4. 1984) Express it in English 5. Workbook (ed.English Visa. 1 School and Home. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Workbook (ed. Studies and Work Teacher’s Guide (ed. Technical Topics (ed. 1995) Freeform 4. 1981) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1982) Express it in English. 1982) Express it in English. 1995) . 3 Hobbies. Workbook (ed. Student’s Book 3 (ed. Traveling (ed. 1986) Express it in English 6. Student’s Book (ed. 1997) Grapevine 1. Work Book. (ed. Student's Book (ed. 1989) Grapevine 1. (ed. Workbook (ed. 1998) Gateways 1. Workbook (ed. Teacher's Book (ed. Teacher´s Guide. 1998) Gateways 2. Workbook (ed. 2002) Green Light 1. 1997) . Student Book. American Hotline. Student Book ( ed. 3. Work Book. Teacher’s Book (ed. 3. 2002) Green Light. Student Book (ed. 1998) Gateways 1. Student Book. 1997) Go for English. Work Book. Early-Intermediate. 2002) Green Light. Student's Book (ed. Teacher's Resource Book 1 and 2 (ed. Student's Book (ed.Gateways 1. 2002) Green Light. Student Book (ed. 2002) Green Light. American Hotline. 3. 1998) Gateways 1. (ed. 2. Student’s Book (ed. 1998) Gateways 2. 1990) Grapevine 3. 2002) Green Light. (ed. 1998) Gateways 2. 2. Student Book (ed. Student's Book (ed. 1998) Gateways 1. Workbook (ed. 2002) Hotline. 1998) Go for English 1. Teacher's Book (ed. 1998) Gateways 2. 1997) Hotline. Teacher's Book (ed. (ed. 1998) Gateways 2. 1997) Go for English 2. Student Book (ed. (ed. (ed. Early-Intermediate. 1992) Green Light 1. Student Book. 1996) Grapevine 2. Hotline. 1987) Interacting in English B. 1989) Interacting in English C. When paving the way for the future (ed. When paving the way for the future. New Hotline. 1997) Hotline. When having fun. 1992) Life Styles 1. Guía Didáctica (ed. 1982) Life Styles 2. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 2 (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Libro para el Profesor (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1991) Interacting in English B. 1982) Life Styles 2. 1996) Language in Use. Teacher’s Guide (ed. Intermediate. Intermediate. Intermediate. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1989) Junior Active Context English. Intermediate. Libro para el Profesor (ed. 1991) Language in Use. Pre-intermediate. On Trips. 1985) Language in Use. Classroom Book (ed. 1981) Life Styles 1. 1998) Interacting in English A. 1994) Hotline. Libro para el Profesor. Student’s Book (ed. Intermediate. Self-study Workbook (ed. On Trips (ed. 1989) Interacting in English D. Workbook (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1994) Language in Use. 1993) Hotline. When having fun. 1989) Interacting in English C. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1981) Life Styles 1. 1991) Language in Use. In Ordinary Life. Teacher’s Guide (ed. American Hotline. Pre-intermediate. Workbook (ed. Classroom Book (ed. 1982) Life Styles 2. 1982) Life Styles 1. 1982) Life Styles 3. 1989) Interacting in English D. Pre-intermediate. 1987) Interacting in English C. When having fun (ed. Pre-intermediate. Self-study Workbook (ed. Self-study Workbook A (ed. 1982) . Student Book (ed. Life Styles 3. Video Workbook (ed. 1995) Looking around 1. 1995) Look Ahead. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead. Workbook (ed. (ed. Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead 2. 1995) Look Ahead 2. Teacher's Book (ed. Student's Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio.Intermediate. Student's Book (ed. Upper. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead. Student's Book (ed. Description (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Teacher's Book (ed.Intermediate. Student's Book (ed. 1995) Look Ahead. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1994) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Intermediate and Upper. Workbook (ed. Intermediate. 1994) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Workbook (ed. Video Workbooks (ed. 1983) Look Ahead 1. 1994) Look Ahead 1 and 2. Workbook (ed. Upper. 1994) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead 2. Intermediate. 1995) Look Ahead. Student's Book (ed. Intermediate. 1994) Look Ahead 2. 1994) Look Ahead 2. Video Workbook (ed. Teacher’s Guide. Student's Book (ed. Upper-intermediate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead 1. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1988) Looking around 1. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Teacher’s Guide Video Workbooks (ed.Intermediate. 1995) Look Ahead. Upper-intermediate. 1995) Look Ahead. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead. 1996) Look Ahead 2. Student's Book (ed. Work Book. Upper-intermediate. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead. 1988) . 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1994) Look Ahead 1. Intermediate. Intermediate. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1981) Life Styles 3. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead 1. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Look Ahead. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Description (ed. Student's Book (ed. 1995) Look Ahead. 1976) New Horizons in English 1 Workbook (ed. Readings (ed. 1973) New Horizons in English 1 Second Edition. Workbook (ed. 1989) Looking Around 4. 1995) Matters. Workbook with key (ed. Pre. Narration. 1973) New Horizons in English 1 (ed. 1973) New Horizons in English 1 Second Edition. Students' Book (ed. Student's Book (ed. Manual del professor (ed. 1973) New Horizons in English 2. 1980) New Horizons in English 1 Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1973) . Teacher's Book (ed. 1997) Matters. Manual del Profesor (ed. 1989) Looking Around 3. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Resource Book (ed. 1987) New Horizons in English 1 (ed. Clippings (ed. Elementary. Upper -intermediate. Narration (ed. Clippings. 1989) Looking around 2. 1988) Looking around 2. Manual del Profesor (ed. Advanced. 1990) Matters. 1989) Looking Around 3. Workbook with key (ed. Manual del Profesor (ed. Intermediate. 1992) Matters. 1999) Matters. Intermediate. 1980) New Horizons in English 2 (ed. Teacher's Book (ed. 1999) New Generation 2. 1991) Matters. 1997) Matters.Intermediate. Narration. Workbook (ed. Student's Book (ed. Elementary. Teacher's Book (ed. 1992) Matters. Upper Intermediate. Teacher's Book (ed. 1991) Matters. Elementary. Student's Book (ed. 1997) Matters. Advanced. 1989) Looking Around 2.Looking Around 1. 1983) Odyssey 3.New Horizons in English 2 Second Edition. Student Book (ed. 1974) New Horizons in English 4. 1983) Odyssey 2. 1980) New Horizons in English 6. Student Book (ed. Workbook (ed. Teacher’s Resource Book (ed. Workbook (ed. 1975) New Incentive 2 (ed. 1980) New Routes to English 4. Student’s Book (ed. 1980) New Routes to English 6. 1980) New Horizons in English 4 (ed. 1983) Odyssey 3. 1983) New Incentive 2. 1980) Odyssey 2. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1984) Odyssey 4. Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. 1980) New Routes to English 2. 1983) Odyssey 2. Workbook (ed. 1973) New Horizons in English 3. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1978) New Routes to English 1. Workbook (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1983) Odyssey 2. 1983) New Routes to English 1. 1974) New Horizons in English 5 (ed. Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. 1980) New Horizons in English 3 (ed. 1984) Odyssey 5. (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1974) New Horizons in English 5. 1986) . Practice Book (ed. Student’s Book (ed. Teacher Guide (ed. 1973) New Horizons in English 3. 1974) New Horizons in English 6. 1983) Odyssey 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1983) Odyssey 6. Move up! Student Book (ed. Come in! Student Book (ed. 1989) Prism 4. Come in! Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. 1988) Prism 3. Step up! Student Book (ed. Open up! Workbook (ed. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1998) Open House. 1998) Open House. Student Book (ed. 1998) Open House.Odyssey 6. Come in! Teacher's Book (ed. 1983) Odyssey 6. Open up! Student Book (ed. 1984) Pathways to English 1. 1984) Prism 1. Workbook (ed. Student Book (ed. Workbook (ed. Student Book (ed. 1984) Pathways to English 5. 1998) Open House. Workbook (ed. 1988) Prism 2. 1993) . Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1983) Odyssey 6. Student’s Book (ed. Student’s Book (ed. 1998) Open House. 1988) Prism 3. 1984) Open House. 1998) Open House. 1984) Pathways to English 6. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1984) Pathways to English 3. Teacher’s Edition (ed. Student Book (ed. 1984) Pathways to English 4. (ed. 1984) Pathways to English 2. A Comunicative Course In English. 1984) Pathways to English 3. Teacher’s Edition (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. Work Book. 1989) Spectrum 1. 1984) Pathways to English 2. 1998) Pathways to English 1. Workbook (ed. Student Book (ed. 1999) Transitions 2. 1994) Spectrum 4A. A Comunicative Course In English. 1998) Transitions 1. 1B. 1998) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. A Comunicative Course In English. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] True Colors 1. 1998) Transitions 2. 1992) Spectrum 1A. A Comunicative Course In English. 1A. Workbook (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. Student Book (ed. 1983) Spectrum 3A. 1992) Spectrum 1. A Comunicative Course In English. Student Book (ed. 1A. A Comunicative Course In English. A Comunicative Course In English. A Comunicative Course In English Workbook (ed. Workbook (ed. 1993) Spectrum 1. 1994) Spectrum 4B. Student Book (ed. 1993) Spectrum 1. Student Book (ed. 1A. 1992) Spectrum 1. A Comunicative Course In English. 1992) Spectrum 1. Teacher’s Edition (ed. (ed. 1984) Spectrum 3B. 1993) Spectrum 3. A Comunicative Course In English. Workbook (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. Student Book (ed. Workbook (ed. A Comunicative Course In English. 1B. A Comunicative Course In English. Teacher´s Edition. 1998) True Colors 1. 1993) Spectrum 1. 1992) Spectrum 1. A Comunicative Course In English. 1998) True Colors 1. Workbook (ed. A Comunicative Course In English. 1998) . Student Book (ed. Student Book (ed. A Comunicative Course In English. 1A. Student Book (ed. A Comunicative Course In English. Student Book (ed. 1B. Workbook (ed. Teacher´s Edition. 1993) Spectrum 1. Workbook (ed. A Comunicative Course In English. 1B. A Comunicative Course In English.Spectrum 1. 1993) Spectrum 1. (ed. 1984) Spectrum 3B. 1999) True Colors 1 (ed. Workbook (ed. 1993) Spectrum 1. 1994) Transitions 1. Student Book (ed. 1B. A Comunicative Course In English. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1998) True Colors 3 (ed. Workbook (ed.True Colors 1. 1999) True Colors 4 (ed. Workbook (ed. 1998) True Colors 2 (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] True Colors 2. Basic (ed. 1998) True Colors 2. Achievement Tests (ed. Workbook (ed. 1998) True Colors 2. Basic. 1999) True Colors. Workbook (ed. 1999) True Colors. 1998) True Colors 2. 1999) True Colors 4. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1999) True Colors 3. 1999) . 1998) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1998) True Colors 2 (ed. LLANAS A. WHITNEY N. HINTON M. WHITNEY N. and WILLIAMS L. HICKS D. LLANAS A. HINTON M. and MARSDEN R. et al. WHITNEY N. HICKS D. and FREEBAIRN I. . and WILLIAMS. DAWSON N. WEBSTER M. and MARSDEN R. ABBS B. and MACKIN R. JONES CH.Volver al Índice EASTWOOD J. WHITNEY N. L. WHITNEY N. and WILLIAMS L. and KLOSEK J. and WILLIAMS. and WILLIAMS L. and FREEBAIRN I. ABBS B. et al. LLANAS A. L. LLANAS A. LLANAS A. and FREEBAIRN I. and CASTAÑON L. ABBS B. BYRD D. JONES CH. ) SUTHERLAND K. P. and CASTAÑON L. and CASTAÑON L. (ed. and REIN D. GRAVES K. GRAVES K. WEBSTER M.) SUTHERLAND K. and REIN D. (ed. GRAVES K. (ed. (ed. GRAVES K. (ed. (ed. GRAVES K. COMYNS J. SUTHERLAND K. COMYNS CARR J. (ed.) SUTHERLAND K. CUNNINGHAM S.) SUTHERLAND K. SUTHERLAND K. SUTHERLAND K.WEBSTER M.) GOULD O. and EALES F. and EALES F. (ed. and REIN D.) SUTHERLAND K. SUTHERLAND K.) SUTHERLAND K.) SUTHERLAND K. and MOOR P. and REIN D. P.) SUTHERLAND K.) SUTHERLAND K. (ed. and REIN D. (ed.) SUTHERLAND K. (ed. SUTHERLAND K. P. . and OXEDEN C. JANE W. and SELIGSON P.. HALL E. and JANE D.. SELIGSON. LATHAM-KOENIG. al. and WILLIS J. SELIGSON. WILLIS D. et al. WILLIS D. and OXEDEN C. SELIGSON.) SUTHERLAND K. et. and WILLIS J.. JANE W. P. LATHAM-KOENIG. OXENDEN CLIVE. et al. SUTHERLAND K. C. OXENDEN C. J. OXENDEN CLIVE. et. J. .. C. WILLIS D. and JANE D. J. OXENDEN C. al. et. et. (ed. SELIGSON. and OXEDEN C. al. OXENDEN CLIVE. P.SUTHERLAND K. P. OXDEN C. et. al. J. C. and SELIGSON P. C. OXENDEN CLIVE. P. et al. LATHAM-KOENIG. OXENDEN CLIVE. al. and OXEDEN C. HALL E. et al. HALL E. LATHAM-KOENIG. et al. WILLIS D. HALL E. OXDEN C. R. and TRIANA M. COOK V. HOLT R. SLAGER W. LADO R. CORTES P. J.HOLT R. HOLT R. LADO R. SLAGER W. J. HOLT R. BLUNDELL J. BLUNDELL J. J. R. COOK V. HOLT R. SLAGER W. R. HOLT R. COOK V. . LADO R. HOLT R. COOK V. J. HOLT R. et al. HUTCHINSON T. LADO R. et al. HOLT R. and CHAMBERS F. LADO R. HOLT R. J. et al. ANGEL M. et al. JARELL J. ANGEL M. BUCK SH. ANGEL M. ANGEL M. ANGEL M. et al. DOWNIE M. ANGEL M. . ANGEL M. et al. JARELL J. ANGEL M. et al. and JIMÉNEZ H. MOLINSKY S. ANGEL M. ANGEL M. ANGEL M. and JIMÉNEZ H. JARELL J. ANGEL M. et al. ANGEL M. ANGEL M. et al. ANGEL M. JARELL J. and JIMÉNEZ H. et al. et al. et al. and JIMÉNEZ H. ANGEL M. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. ANGEL M. DOWNIE M. et al.BLUNDELL J. and BLISS B. et al. et al. et al. WILLIAMS IVOR. SOLIS JAIME ANTONIO. VINEY P. WILLIAMS IVOR. WILLIAMS IVOR. SOLIS JAIME ANTONIO. HUTCHINSON T. FRANKEL I. et al. SOLIS JAIME ANTONIO. and ROSE J. and VINEY K. FRANKEL I. and ROSE J. and VINEY K. WILLIAMS IVOR. ELSWORTH S. and KIMBROUGH V. ELSWORTH S. . KIMBROUGH V. et al. KIMBROUGH V. KIMBROUGH V. WILLIAMS IVOR. FRANKEL I. et al. KIMBROUGH V. VINEY P. and VINEY K. and VINEY K. SOLIS JAIME ANTONIO. SOLIS JAIME ANTONIO. and ELSWORTH J. VINEY P. CONNOLLY DAVID. FRANKEL I. et al. MUGGLESTONE P. SOLIS JAIME ANTONIO. and KIMBROUGH V.FRANKEL I. VINEY P. WILLIAMS IVOR. FRANKEL I. and KIMBROUGH V. HUTCHINSON T. DOFF A. PAPPENHEIM M. ANGEL M. DOFF A. LANZANO S. HUTCHINSON T. LANZANO S. LANZANO S. KIMBROUGHT V. DOFF A. LANZANO S. and JONES CH. ANGEL M. and RUIZ M. and RUIZ M. LOZANO F. HUTCHINSON T. et al. DOFF A. et al. PAPPENHEIM R. HUTCHINSON T. and RUIZ M. et al. PAPPENHEIM R. LANZANO S. and JONES CH. and RUIZ M. PAPPENHEIM R. . LANZANO S. and RUIZ M.HUTCHINSON T. and JONES CH. et al. and JONES CH. BRINTON E. DOFF A. PAPPENHEIM R. and JONES CH. PAPPENHEIM R. and STURTEVANT J. et al. et al. and POTTER J. HOPKINS A. HOPKINS A. HOPKINS A. and POTTER J. MARSDEN B. and ROLDAN A. M. and POTTER J. JONES CAROLYN et. and HOPKINS A. HOPKINS A. and POTTER J. and HOPKINS A. JONES C. and ROLDAN A. et al. and POTTER J. DU VIVIER M. et al. et al. JONES C. HOPKINS A. M. NAUTON J.LANZANO S. NAUNTON J. and HOPKINS A. JONES C. HOPKINS A. SILVA F. and POTTER J. and POTTER J. NAUNTON J. and POTTER J. LANZANO S. DU VIVIER M. SILVA F. and POTTER J. et al. and POTTER J. . HOPKINS A. HOPKINS A. HALL D. Al HOPKINS A. HALL D. HOPKINS A. SILVA F. and ROLDAN A. CUNNINGHAM G. and BEAUMONT D. BELL J. MELLGREN L. BELL J. SILVA F. and ROLDAN A. MELLGREN L. BELL J. and WALKER M. GRANGER C. MELLGREN L. and ROLDÁN A. SILVA F. MELLGREN L. M. MELLGREN L. and WALKER M. CUNNINGHAM G. and WALKER M. and ROLDÁN A. et al. BELL J. SILVA F. CUNNINGHAM G. and WALKER M. and ROLDÁN A. and GOWER R. M. MELLGREN L. and ROLDÁN A. BELL J. and GOWER R. CUNNINGHAM G. BELL J. SILVA F. MELLGREN L. and WALKER M. M. and WALKER M. MELLGREN L. and WALKER M.SILVA F. and ROLDAN A. and GOWER R. SILVA F. . and GOWER R. and WALKER M. M. and GOWER R. SAMPSON G. KIMBROUGH V. and WALKER M. et al. FOWLER W S. SAMPSON G. and WALKER M. et al. et al. . and PERRY N. KIMGROUGH V. SAMPSON G. KIMBROUGH V. MELLGREN L. MELLGREN L. et al. MELLGREN L. MELLGREN L. KIMBROUGH V. QUINLIVAN V. and WALKER M. et al. KIMGROUGH V. MELLGREN L. and WALKER M. and WALKER M. and WALKER M. MELLGREN L. SAMPSON G. SAMPSON G. and WALKER M. et al.MELLGREN L. et al. and WALKER M. et al. MELLGREN L. and WALKER M. FOWLER W S. et al. MELLGREN L. KIMGROUGH V. MELLGREN L. and WALKER M. KIMBROUGH V. et al. KIMGROUGH V. and WHITNEY N. and ANGER L. WARD A. and WHITNEY N. FUCHS M.KIMGROUGH V. WHITNEY N. et al. WHITNEY N. HUBBARD P. AND McKEEGAN D. WARD A. et al. al. HUBBARD P. HUBBARD P. et al. . et al. MACFARLANE M. KIMGROUGH V. et al. HUBBARD P. et al. WHITNEY N. et. WHITNEY N. and WHITNEY N. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH HUBBARD P. et al. ABRAMS SHARON. PALMER M. et al. and BYRD D. WARSHAWSKY D. ABRAMS S. R. DYE J. H. FRANKFORT NANCY. and BYRD D. DYE J. WARSHAWSKY D. ABRAMS SH. H. . H. LEE L. H. and BYRD D. FRANKFORT NANCY. REIN D. and REIN D. WARSHAWSKY D. ABRAMS SH. R. et al. DIANE WARSHAWSKY. MAURER J. WARSHAWSKY D. H. DYE JOAN. MAURER J. and BRIOUX S. MAURER J. H. et al. et al. WARSHAWSKY D. LEE L. MAURER J. P. and SCHOENBERG I. P. et al. LEE L. BYRD DONALD R. R. and BYRD D. et al. and FRANKFORT N. WARSHAWSKY D. LEE L. H.ABRAMS S. BYRD DONALD R. E. DIANE WARSHAWSKY. DYE JOAN. WARSHAWSKY D. and FRANKFORT N. and BYRD D. R. R. et al. and REIN D. and SCHOENBERG I.MAURER J. Teacher’s Edition by BLACKWELL A. and SCHOENBERG I. and SCHOENBERG I. E. MAURER J. MAURER J. BLACKWELL A. E. and SCHOENBERG I. BLACKWELL A. MAURER J. BLACKWELL A. and SCHOENBERG I. et al. MAURER J. MAURER J. E. and SCHOENBERG I. BLACKWELL A. E. . MAURER J. BLACKWELL A. MAURER J. et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 . 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 . 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 . 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 . 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 . 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 . 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 . 1988) Abracadabra! 3Teacher’s Book (ed. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo. 1987) American English Today! 3. Student’s Book (ed. Activity Book (ed. 1992) American English Today! 5 Workbook (ed. Pupil's Book (ed. 1998) Brainwaves 3. 1989) Abracadabra! 5 Teacher’s Book (ed. 1989) 175 More Science Experiments to amuse and amaze your friends (ed. 1992) American English Today! 9 The Tools of English. Beginner. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. 1982) Abracadabra! 1 Teacher’s Book (ed.MÉTODOS PARA NIÑOS Número de volúmenes: 184 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso 175 Science Experiments to amuse and amaze your friends (ed. 1977) Brainwaves 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1989) American English Today 1. Starter. 1988) Abracadabra! 2 Pupil’s Book (ed. 1989) Abracadabra! 4 Teacher’s Book (ed. 1990) A Children’s Almanac of Words at Play (ed. 1998) Volver a Bravo. Student's Book (ed. 1992) American English Today! 3. 1988) Abracadabra! 2 Teacher’s Book (ed. 1992) American English Today! 5 Teacher’s Book (ed. Starter. disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio. Student’s Book (ed. 1987) American English Today! 5 (ed. Teacher’s Manual and Answer Key (ed. 1989) Abracadabra! 6 Pupil’s Book (ed. 1995) . Teacher’s Book (ed. Workbook (ed. Starter. 1995) Bravo. Teacher's Book (ed. Bravo. Beginner. Activity Book (ed. 1995) Bravo. Beginner. Teacher's Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 1. Student's Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 1. Activity Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 1. Teacher's Book (ed. 1993) Bravo 1. Teacher's Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 2. Student's Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 2. Activity Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 2.Teacher's Book (ed. 1993) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 2.Teacher's Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 3. Student Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 3. Activity Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 3. Teacher's Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Bravo 4. Pupil’s Book (ed. 1994) Bravo 4. Activity Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 4. Teacher's Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 5. Student’s Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 5. Activity Book (ed. 1995) Bravo 5. Teacher's Book (ed. 1995) Bravo. Coloring Storybook (ed. 1995) Bravo. Picture Dictionary (ed. 1995) Carnival 2. Pupil’s Book (ed. 1991) Carnival 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1991) Chatterbox. Starter. American Chatterbox. Student Book (ed. 1996) Chatterbox. Starter. American Chatterbox. Workbook (ed. 1996) Chatterbox. Starter American Chatterbox. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) Chatterbox 1. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 1. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 1. American Chatterbox Workbook (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 1. American Chatterbox Teacher’s Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 2. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 2. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 2. American Chatterbox Workbook (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 2. American Chatterbox Teacher’s Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 3. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 3. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 3. American Chatterbox Workbook (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 3. American Chatterbox Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) Chatterbox 4. American Chatterbox Student Book (ed. 1994) Chatterbox 4. American Chatterbox Workbook (ed. 1994) Chatterbox 4. American Chatterbox Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) Chatterbox 2. Pupil’s Book. (ed. 1991) Chatterbox 2. Pupil’s Book. (ed. 1993) Chatterbox 2. Activity Book (ed. 1989) Chatterbox 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1993) English Adventure 6 Student Book [Incluye Reader y CD - ROM] (ed. 2006) English Adventure 6 Activity Book (ed. 2006) English Around the World. Level 3. Skills Book (ed. 1971) Fun with English. Book A. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1983) Fun with English. Book B. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1983) Fun with English. 1 Pupil's Edition (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 1 Teacher's Guide (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 2 Teacher's Guide (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 3 Pupil's Edition (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 3 Teacher's Guide (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 5 Pupil's Edition (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 5 Teacher's Guide (ed. 1987) Fun with English. 6 Teacher's Guide (ed. 1987) Go For It 1B. Combo Split. Secon Edition (ed. 2005) Gogo Loves English 1 (ed. 1998) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Gogo Loves English 1. Workbook (ed. 1999) Gogo Loves English 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1995) Gogo Loves English 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1995) Gogo Loves English 2. Workbook (ed. 1999) Gogo Loves English 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1997) Gogo Loves English 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1995) Gogo Loves English 3 (ed. 1997) Gogo Loves English 3. Workbook (ed. 1998) Gogo Loves English 3. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1997) Gogo Loves English 4 (ed. 1998) Gogo Loves English 4. Workbook (ed. 1998) Gogo Loves English 4. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) Gogo Loves English 5 (ed. 1998) Gogo Loves English 5. Workbook (ed. 1998) Gogo Loves English 5. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1997) Happy Morning, Magic Afternoon and Reading Skills 2/3. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1979) Here We Come. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1957) Here we Go! Pre-primary. Student Book (ed. 1995) Here we Go! Pre-primary. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 1. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 2. Student Book (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 2. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 3. Student Book (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 3. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 4. Student Book (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 4. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 5. Student Book (ed. 1995) Here we Go! 5. Teacher's Edition (ed. 1995) Learning Together (ed. 1960) Let’s Go 1. Workbook (ed. 1992) Let’s Go 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) Let’s Go 2. Student Book (ed. 1983) Let’s Go 2. Student Book (ed. 1993) Let’s Go 2. Workbook (ed. 1993) Let’s Go 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1993) Let’s Go 3. Student Book (ed. 1994) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Let’s Go 3. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Let’s Go 4. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Let’s Go 4. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Let’s Go 5. Student Book (ed. 1995) Let’s Go 5. Workbook (ed. 1995) Let’s Go 5. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) Let’s Go 6. Student Book (ed. 1996) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Let’s Go 6. Workbook (ed. 1996) Let’s Go 6. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1996) Let's Chant / let's Sing 2 (ed. 1995) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Let's Chant / let's Sing 3 (ed. 1996) Let's Chant / let's Sing 4 (ed. 1993) Now for English 1. Activity Book (ed. 1983) Now for English 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1983) Now for English 2. Activity Book (ed. 1983) Practical English 1 (ed. 1980) Practical English. Part B (ed. 1980) Pyramid 1. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) Reach out When? 4 Student Book (ed. 1982) Reach out When? 4 Workbook (ed. 1982) Shapes and Sizes (ed. 1992) Side by Side 1A. Activity Workbook (ed. 1983) Side by Side 2B (ed. 1983) Side by Side 2B. Workbook (ed. 1983) Side by Side 2 Second Edition .(ed. 1989) Side by Side Book 3 Second edition (ed.1989) Side by Side (New) Book 3 (ed. 2002) Start up. Student Book 2 (ed. 1998) Start up. Teacher’s Manual 2 (ed. 1998) Starting with Numbers (ed. 1992) Steps to English A (ed. 1975) Steps to English B (ed. 1976) Steps to English 1. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1983) Steps to English 1. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1983) Steps to English 2. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1983) Steps to English 2. Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1983) Steps to English 3 (ed. 1983) Talk’n do! #1. Pupil’s Edition (ed.1992) Talk’n do! #2. Pupil’s Edition (ed. 1992) Talk’n do! #2. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1992) Talk’n do! #4. Pupils Edition (ed. 1992) Taller audiovisual de inglés Enfoque comunicativo 1 (ed. 1987) Taller audiovisual de inglés. Enfoque comunicativo (ed. 1987) Taller audiovisual de inglés Enfoque comunicativo 2 (ed. 1988) Teddy’s train A (ed. 2001) Teddy’s train B (ed. 2001) The Nitty Gritty Rather Pretty City. Teacher’s Guide (ed. 1979) Time for English. 1 (ed. 1984) Time for English 1 Teacher’s Book (ed. 1985) Time for English 2 Pupils' Edition (ed. 1992) Time for English 2 Teachers' Edition (ed. 1992) Tiny talk songbook. (ed. 1999) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Tip Top 1. Pupil’s Book (ed. 1996) Tip Top 1. Workbook (ed. 1995) Tip Top 2. Pupil’s Book (ed. 1995) Tip Top 2. Workbook (ed. 1995) Tip Top 2. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1991) Tip Top 3. Pupil’s Book (ed.1992) Tip Top 3. Workbook (ed. 1996) Tip Top 4. Student’s Book (ed. 1993) Tip Top 4. Workbook (ed. 1994) Tip Top 4. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1993) Tip Top 5. Student’s Book (ed. 1994) Tip Top 5. Workbook (ed. 1994) Tip Top 5. Teacher’s Book (ed. 1994) Tip Top 6. Student’s Book (ed. 1995) Tip Top 6. Workbook (ed. 1996) Volver al Índice WALPOLE B. CASH T. PARKER S. et al. ESPY W. SLATER S. SLATER S. SLATER S. SLATER S. SLATER S. COOPER L. LAWDAY C. HOWE D. H. and WILLIAMS M. HOWE D. H. HOWE D. H. and WILLIAMS M. HOWE D. H. HOWE D. H. HOWE D. H. and WILLIAMS M. GUTH H. P. and SCHUSTER E. H. WAKEMAN K. and KOZANOGLOU D. WAKEMAN K. and KOZANOGLOU D. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. et al. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J.WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. WEST J. HOLT R. WEST J. WEST J. STRANGE D. STRANGE D. . KERN G. WEST J. WEST J. HOLT R. WEST J. STRANGE D. WEST J. WEST J. HOLDERNESS J. HOLDERNESS J.STRANGE D. STRANGE D. STRANGE D. STRANGE D. WARD A. and HOLDERNESS J. RAMIREZ E. and HOLDERNESS J. STRANGE D. STRANGE D. A. STRANGE D. MARQUADT W. STRANGE D. et al. and HOLDERNESS J. RAMIREZ E. A.L. . RAMIREZ E. and HEARN I. A. STRANGE D. MORALES J. STRANGE D. MORALES J. WARD A. STRANGE D. A. and HOLDERNESS J. HOLDERNESS J. STRANGE D. A.L. A. A. STRANGE D. STRANGE D. RAMIREZ E. BARYSH B. RAMIREZ E. CANT A. EULER E. RAMIREZ E. POTTER J. EULER E. POTTER J. and BARTLETT M. NUNAN DAVID. et al. RAMIREZ E. EARLY M. METHOLD K. POTTER J. et al. . et al. EULER E. McINTOSH M. and SAKAMOTO H. and SAKAMOTO H. and SAKAMOTO H. POTTER J. et al. METHOLD K. EULER E. et al. and SAKAMOTO H. RAMIREZ E.RAMIREZ E. EULER E. RAMIREZ E. J. and SAKAMOTO H. GATES A. EULER E. POTTER J. EULER E. FRAZIER K. BARYSH B. NAKATA R. et al. FRAZIER K. B. BARYSH B. WILKINSON S. BARYSH B. BARYSH B. et al. et al. et al. POLLOCK T. and FRAZIER K. . and FRAZIER K. C. HOSKINS B et al. and BOWDEN F. et al. BARYSH B. FRAZIER K. et al. KISSLINGER E. and NAKATA R. HOSKINS B et al. WILKINSON S. WILKINSON S. et al. WILKINSON S. HOSKINS B. BARYSH B. NAKATA R. BARYSH B.BARYSH B. BARYSH B. BARYSH B. et al. HOSKINS B. et al. FRAZIER K. et al. and MINER D. HARRIS T. JOHNSON K. CARDENAS M. GRAHAM C. HARRIS T. MOLINSKY S. J.KISSLINGER E. JOHNSON K. J. JOHNSON K. MCCARTHY M. and BLISS B. MOLINSKY S. KERNAN D. GRAHAM C. et al. SLOANE R. KLEINERT G. MOLINSKY S. and BLISS B. and BLISS B. KLEINERT G. and BLISS B. and BLISS B. J. KERNAN D. KERNAN D . MCCARTHY M. et al. MOLINSKY S. MOLINSKY S. MOLINSKY S. KERNAN D. CARDENAS M. GRAHAM C. and BLISS B. and RAMIREZ M. KERNAN D. VINCENT M. QUECANO C. and RODRÍGUEZ J. et al. RIXON S. KLEINERT G. and RODRÍGUEZ J. et al. G. GRAHAM C. . and MINER D. and MINER D. KERNAN D. RIXON S. RIXON S.KERNAN D. QUECANO C. TOMAS L. RIXON S. MELLOR E. and MINER D. NELSON M. and GIL V. MELLOR E. RIXON S. A. KLEINERT G. and RAMIREZ M. TOMAS L. RIXON S. KLEINERT G. RIXON S. VINCENT M. and ROTH A. QUECANO C. and RODRIGUEZ J. and GIL V. and MINER D. RIXON S. KLEINERT G. . RIXON S. RIXON S.RIXON S. RIXON S. RIXON S. RIXON S. RIXON S. CHRISTIE A. ASIMOV I ASIMOV I. BUTLER S. CHRISTIE A. ALDISS B. M. BURROUGHS W. ASIMOV I. BALDWIN J. BRONTË C. BARTH J. BELLOW S. M. AUSTEN J. AUSTEN J. CHEEVER J. BROWN D. BURGESS A.NOVELA Número de volúmenes: 244 Más información ver categoría baja consulta Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ADAIR G. BUTLER S. CHAUCER G. BRONTË C. AGGE J. AUSTEN J. BURROUGHS W. BRONTË Ch. BELLOW S. AUSTER P. CAREY P. BECKETT S. BELLOW S. . AUSTEN J. BELLOW S. BALDWIN J. BELLOW S. BRADBURY R. AUSTER P. ASIMOV I. ALCOTT L. AUSTEN J. ALCOTT L. BELLOW S. BATCHELOR D. CHRISTIE A. BAUBY J-D. P. COETZEE J.M. COETZEE J. M. (ed.45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 CHRISTIE A. CONRAD J. DOYLE A. COLLINS S. CONRAD J. CLARKE A. DICKENS Ch. CONRAD J. CHRISTIE A.M. CONRAD J. DEFOE D. COETZEE J. COETZEE J. F. DICKENS Ch. CHRISTIE A. CONRAD J. CHRISTIE A. CONRAD J. COOPER J. CHRISTIE A.C. CHRISTIE A. DAICHES D. CHRISTIE A. DICKENS CH. CHRISTIE A.M. DEFOE D.M. C. COETZEE J. CHRISTIE A. DICKENS CH. M. CHRISTIE A. CLARKE A. DICK P. COETZEE J.M. COOKSON C. DICKENS Ch. DONLEAVY J. COETZEE J.M. CISNEROS S. COETZEE J. DICKENS Ch. DICKENS Ch. DEFOE D. DICKENS CH.) De QUINCEY Th. sir . K. CHRISTIE A. CRANE S. CHRISTIE A. GALSWORTHY J. S. HAWTHORNE N. FAULKNER W. GALSWORTHY J. FAULKNER W. FIELDING H. GOLDING W. DURRELL L. DURRELL L. HAWTHORNE N. ELIOT G. GREENE G. HAWTHORNE N. HEMINGWAY E. FITZGERALD F. DREISER T. DREISER T. FAULKNER W. FAULKNER W. GRISHAM J. GREENE G. DURRELL L. HARDY T. ELIOT G. HEMINGWAY E. FAULKNER W. FAULKNER W. GUEST H HARDY T.94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 DOYLE R. FAULKNER W. GALSWORTHY J. HEMINGWAY E. GRISHAM J. HARDY T. HARRISON H. HAWTHORNE N. GREENE G. FIELDING H. ELIOT G. HEMINGWAY E. ERDRICH L. FAULKNER W. HARDY T. FAULKNER W. FAULKNER W. GASKELL E. DURRELL L. FAULKNER W. GALSWORTHY J. HEMINGWAY E. . FIELDING H. S. LEWIS C. KEROUAC J. MICHENER J. NABOKOV V.146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 HEMINGWAY E.S. KEROUAC J.H. McCARTHY C. MELVILLE H. LAWRENCE D.H. LESSING D. JAMES H. A. MELVILLE H. MELVILLE H. HUXLEY A. LEVIN H. LESSING D. KIPLING R. JAMES H. MOMADAY N.H. OATES J. LAWRENCE D. LEWIS S. NAIPAUL V. HEMINGWAY E. HEMINGWAY E. KIPLING R. HEMINGWAY E. LAURIE H. KING S. . JOYCE J. MAXWELL R. LESSING D. JAMES H. LAWRENCE D. JAMES H.H. JOYCE J. JAMES H. JOYCE J. MUKHERJEE B.H LAWRENCE D. LEE H. JOYCE J. LAWRENCE D. MELVILLE H. MOMADAY S. KIPLING R. HEMINGWAY E. HEMINGWAY E. G. STEINBECK J. SAYERS D. [Editor of this volume: Kathy Casey] WELLS H. PALAHNIUK Ch. SUTTON G. . (ed. RUSHDIE S. TODD) SINCLAIR U. STEINBECK J. TODD) SHELLEY M. STOKER B. 236 237 WELLS H. 239 WELLS H. STEVENSON R. RUSHDIE S. 233 234 TWAIN M. B. by B.G. STONE I.. (ed. BENETT and Ch. RUSHDIE S. SCOTT FITZGERALD F. by J. A. Sir SHELLEY M. ROBINSON) SHELLEY M. G. POE E. BENETT and Ch. ROBINSON) SHELLEY M. STEINBECK J. (ed.G. L. TWAIN M.. 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 ORWELL G. TWAIN M. STEVENSON R.194 ONDAATJE M. 195 ORWELL G. TOLKIEN J. STOWE H. SHELLEY M. STYRON W. STONE I. (ed. SWIFT J. L. 235 TWAIN M. TWAIN M. TOLKIEN J. TWAIN M. STEINBECK J. 238 WELLS H. by J. SALAM R. by B. TRANTER N. TWAIN M. L. SYMONS J. SCOTT W. G. WELLS H. .G.G. WOOLF V.240 241 242 243 244 WELLS H. WELLS H. WHARTON E. 1998) Mansfield Park (ed. 1991) Foundation and Empire [The Foundation Novels] (ed. 2006) Persuasion (ed. 2008) Dracula Unbound (ed. 2006) The Victim [Introduction by Norman Rush] (ed. 2000) A clockwork Orange (s.) Junky: The definitive text of "Junk" [edited and with an introduction by Oliver Harris] (50th anniversary edition. 1953) . 1935) Death on the Nile (ed. 1989) Janne Eyre (ed. 1993) Angels & Demons (ed. 2007) In the Country of Last Things (ed. 1950) Little Women [Introduced by Louise Rennison] (ed. 2004) Foundation's Edge [The Foundation Novels] (ed. 2003) Bullet Park (ed. 1969) Cards on the Table (ed. 2006) Villette (ed. 2003) Herzog (ed.Volver al Indice A Closed Book (ed. 1988) The Way of all flesh (ed. f. 2010) Mr. 1970) The adventures of Augie March (ed. 2002) Oscar & Lucinda (© 1988) Troilus and Criseyde (ed. 1987) Go Tell it on the Mountain (ed. 1997) Watt (©1959) Mr. Sammler's Planet [Introduction by Stanley Crouch] (ed.1999) A Death in the Family (ed. 2004) Pride and Prejudice (s. 1966) Go tell it on the mountain (ed. 2000) The invention of solitude (ed. 2004) Erewhon (ed. 1981) The Sot-Weed Factor (ed.Sammler's Planet (ed. 1987) Brogan and Sons (ed. 2003) The Western Lands (ed. 1992) Second Foundation (ed. 2004) Foundation [The Foundation Novels] (ed. 1995) The complete Novels (ed. 1995) Seize the Day [Introduction by Cynthia Ozick] (ed. 1996) The professor (ed. 1985) Little Women (ed. f. 1976) The Diving Bell and the Butterfly A Memoir of life in Death [Translated from the French by Jeremy Leggatt] (ed. 1936) Death in the Air (ed. 1992) Fahrenheit 451 (ed.) Sense and Sensibility (ed. 1989) Growing up Stupid under the Union Jack (ed. 1981) A Journal of the Plague Year (ed. 1985) Waiting for the Barbarians (ed. 2010) The Master of Petersburg (ed. f. 1968) A Study in in Scarlet & The Sign of the Fou r (ed. 2004) Oliver Twist (ed. 1940) The Secret of Chimneys (ed. f. 1998) Youth (ed. (ed. 1957) The Body in the Library (s. Great Expectations (ed. 2004) . 2002) Heart of Darkness (ed. 1948) The Big Four (ed. 1950) A Tale of two Cities. 2001) Do androids dream of electric sheep? (© 1975) A Tale of Two Cities (ed. Rattiner] (© 2003) The Red Badge of Courage (ed. A Christmas Carol. 2008) Nostromo (ed. 1948) The Mystery of the Blue Train (ed. 1957) The House on Mango Street (ed. 1996) Under Western Eyes (ed. 2003) The Invisible Cord (ed. 1937) Remembered Death (ed. 1945) The ABC Murders (ed. 1995) The Hunger Games (ed. Heart of Darkness and The end of the Tether (ed. 1931) Parker Pyne Investigates (ed. 2003) Four Novels. 1972) Robert Louis Stevenson (ed. Art Type Edition (s. 2003) Moll Flanders (ed. 1980) 2001 A Space Odyssey [Based on a Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. 2000) Life & Times of Michael K. 1999) An Outcast of the Islands (ed. 2002) Youth.) Hard Times (ed. 1941) Murder at Hazelmoor (ed. with a New Introduction by the Author] (ed. 1959) Confessions of an English Opium –Eater and Other Writing (ed.) The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (ed. 2003) The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B. School Edition (ed. 1995) Lord Jim (ed.Evil under the Sun (ed. 1985) Boyhood Scenes from Provincial Life (ed. 1953) Poirot Loses a Client (ed. 1961) A Tale of two Cities. A Tale Two Cities. (ed. (ed. The Adventures of Oliver Twist. 2007) Great Expectations (ed. 2003) Summertime (ed. Editor of this volume: Susan L. 1975) The Last of the Mohicans [General Editor: Paul Negri. Clarke. 1978) Robinson Crusoe (ed. 1953) Three Act Tragedy (ed. 2009) David Copperfield (ed. 1980) Disgrace (ed. 2000) Life & Times of Michael K. 1990) The Hamlet (ed. 2004) Jude the Obscure (ed. 1990) Light in August (ed. 1966) Tom Jones: an authoritative text. 1990) Tom Jones (ed. 2001) The Mayor of Casterbridge (ed. 2004) Journey Without Maps [Introduction by Paul Theroux] (ed. 1966) .2003) Days (ed. 1994) Jennie Gerhardt (ed. 1917) Mountolive (ed. 1954) To have and have not (ed. 2004) The Quiet American (ed. 2003) Tracks a novel (ed. 1954) The end of the Affair (ed. 1966) The Forsyte Saga (ed. 1993) The Runaway Jury (ed. 1996) The Mill on the Floss (ed. 1983) As I Lay Dying (ed. 2004) Cranford (ed. 2001) Tender is the Night (ed. 1959) The House of the Seven Gables (ed. 1978) Tess of the D'Urbervilles (ed. 2002) Planet of the Damned (ed. 1986) Justine (ed. 1994) A Farewell to arms (ed. 1998) Life's Little Ironie s (ed. 1994) Silas Marner (ed. 1968) The Sun Also Rises (ed. contemporary reactions. 1974) Intruder in the Dust (ed. 1965) A Fable (ed. 1947) The Scarlet Letter (ed. 1963) Sister Carrie (ed. 1970) The Short Happy life of Francis Macomber (ed. 1973) Joseph Andrews (ed. 1991) Middlemarch (ed. 1962) The House of the Seven Gables (ed.Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha (ed. Absalom (ed. 1978) Big Woods (ed. 2004) Absalom. 1991) Balthazar (ed. 1969) Islands in the Stream (ed. 1990) Flags in the dust (ed. 1975) The Reivers (ed. 1967) End of the Chapter (ed. 2006) The Client (ed. 2007) The Scarlet Letter (ed. 1966) The Forsyte Saga (ed. 2003) Lord of the Flies (ed. 1990) The Sound and the Fury (ed. 1986) Clea (ed. 1936) The Mansion (ed. 1948) A Modern Comedy (ed. criticism (ed. 1996) Essays & Belles. 2001) On the Road (ed.A Propos of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" [Edited with Notes by Michael Squires. 2002) A Proper Marriage (novela) (ed. with an Introduction by Doris Lessing] (ed. 1999) The Way to Rainy Mountaín (ed. 2003) The Portrait of a Lady [Edited with an Introduction by Geoffrey Moore and notes by Patricia Crick] (ed. 1998) No Country for Old Men (ed. 2006) The Garden of Eden (ed. 2002) The Portrait of a Lady (ed. 2005) Mardi: and a Voyage Thither (ed.) KIM (ed. 2005) The Gun Seller (ed.Letters [Stories.f. 2003) Brave New World (ed. 2002) The Jungle Books [with an Afterword by Alev Lytle Croutier] (ed. 2008) The Four-Gated City (ed. selected with an introduction by Hawkins D. 1964) The Good Terrorist (ed. Essays and Poems by Lawrence D. 1985) The Dead Zone (novela) (ed. 1979) The Light That Failed (ed. 1984) The Ambassadors (ed. 1993) Finnegans wake (ed.1984) Main Street (ed. 1975) American Apetites (ed. 1964) Moby Dick (ed. 1999) The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn (ed. 2006) Lady Chatterley's Lover . 2000) The Fires of Spring (ed. 2003) The Sun Also Rises (ed. 1976) Road Novels 1957-1960 (ed. 1971) Guerrillas (ed.] (ed. 1999) Dubliners (ed. 1992) Glory (ed. 1994) Women in Love (ed. H. s. 1949) Women in Love (ed. 1969) Darkness (ed. 1999) A Moveable Feast (ed. 2009) To Kill a Mockingbird (ed. 1989) . 1990) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (ed. 2006) The Aspern Papers and the Turn of the Screw (ed. 2000) Ulysses (ed. 1961) Moby Dick (ed. 2003) For Whom the Bell Tolls (ed. 2002) Lady Chatterley's Lover (ed. 1985) The Golden Notebook (ed. 1969) Till We Have Faces a Myth Retold (ed. 2003) Omoo (ed. 2003) The Old Man and the Sea (ed.True at First Light (ed. 2003) The Europeans A Sketch [Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Ian Campbell Ross] (ed. 1949) House Made of Dawn (ed. 2005) The confessions of Nat Turner (ed. 2002) Three Great Lord Peter Novels (ed. or. 1965) Uncle Tom's Cabin (ed. A Novel of James the Sixth and First (ed. 1975) Life on the Mississippi (ed. 2009) A Tramp Abroad (ed. Tales and Stories. 2004) Ivanhoe (ed. 1997) The Invisible Man (ed. 2004) The Jungle (ed.2000) Frankenstein . 1990) The Prince and the Pauper (ed. 1992) Cannery Row (ed. 1978) The Great Gatsby (ed. 2005) The First Men in the Moon (ed. 2003) Shalimar the Clown (ed. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.1999) Dracula (ed. Mathilda. 2004) The Mary Shelley Reader [Containing Frankenstein. 2001) The log from the Sea of Cortez (ed. Essays and reviews. 1954) Those who Love (ed. 1990) Mary and Maria / Matilda (ed. 1994) The return of the king part three (ed. 1994) The Wisest Fool.The English Patient (ed. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Tales and Stories. and Letters] (ed. and Letters] (ed. The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (ed. 2008) The Plot against Roger Rider (ed. 2001) The War of the Worlds (ed. The Prince and the Pauper. Essays and reviews. 2006) East of Eden (ed. 1975) Gulliver's Travels (ed. 2002) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arhtur's Court [General editor: Paul Negri] (ed. 2005) The Satanic Verses (ed. 1992) .M. 1993) 1984 (ed. 1973) The two towers part two (ed. 2003) Treasure Island (ed. 2000) Five Novels. 2008) Grimus (ed. 2001) Ann Veronica [Edited with Notes by Sita Schutt. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 2003) The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (ed. 1974) The adventuresof Huckleberry Finn (ed. Woodhouse] (© 1996) Lullaby (ed. 2000) Love is Eternal (ed. 1983) Animal farm [with a Preface by Russell Baker and an Introduction by C. 2004) Mary and Maria / Matilda (ed. 2000) Pudd'nhead Wilson (ed.1995) The Grapes of Wrath (ed. 1992) The Master of Ballantrae (ed. 1990) The Mary Shelley Reader [Containing Frankenstein. Mathilda. 2006) Fury (ed. The Modern Prometheus (ed. 1993) The Rowan Tree (ed. with an Introduction by Margaret Drabble] (ed. 1995) The Food of the Goods (ed. 2006) Jacob's Room (ed. 2006) Summer (ed. 1998) . Moreau (ed. 1996) The Time Machine (ed.The Island of Dr. . . . . . GUEST H. (ed.) BLAISDELL B. T. (ed. HILLYER R. GUEST H.) APPELBAUM S. DICKINSON E. PURCELL S. E. (comp.) MARSHFIELD A. (ed. SMITH A. HOLMES P. CHAUCER G. KEYNES G.POESÍA Número de volúmenes: 36 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 APPELBAUM S. BURNS R. A. PLATH S. POE E. (ed.) BLAISDELL B. (Edited by) BRONTË (Sisters) BUKOWSKI Ch. ELIOT G. SHAKESPEARE W. (ed) PHELPS G. MILTON J. NEGRI P. (ed. HOLLOWAY G.) PLATH S. WHITMAN W. MILTON J. COLERIDGE S. . DONNE J. HEWLINGS M. DICKINSON E.) MARSHALL S. J. WORDSWORTH J. B. YEATS W.35 36 WORDSWORTH J. . 1996) The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (ed. 2005) Irish Verse An Anthology [General Editor: Paul Negri.Volver al Indice English Romantic poetry: An Anthology (ed. 1978) 3 Sections of poems (ed. 2 Selected Poems (ed. 2003) Ej. Editor of this Volume: Bob Blaisdell] (© 2002) Best Poems the Brontë Sisters (ed. 1 The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson (ed. 1998) A House Against The Night (ed. 1969) The Collected Poems (ed. Songs and Sonets (ed. 2 Elizabethan Poetry: An Anthology (ed. 1996) Ej. 1 The Collected Poems (ed. 2003) Question and Response: A Critical Anthology of English and American poetry (ed. 1 English Romantic poetry: An Anthology (ed. 2000) Dark of Day (ed. 1991) Donne. 1972) In Pursuit of Poetry (ed. 2 Complete Poems (ed. 1960) All I Can Say (ed. 2003) Poems and Songs (ed. 1971) Blake Complete Writings (ed. 1977) Complete Sonnets (ed.1976) The Cutting-Room (ed. 1996) Ej. 1991) The Penguin Books of Romantic Poetry (ed. 1972) Selected Poems (ed. 1991) Troilus and Crissida [Rendered into Modern English Verse by George Philip Krapp] (ed. 1992) Ej. 2001) Pre-Raphaelite poetry an Antology (ed. Edited and with Notes by Christopher Ricks] (ed. 2003) Ej. 2006) Selected Poetry (ed. 2001) Ej. 1 . 1992) Ej. 1997) Love is a dog from hell: Poems 1974-1977 (ed. 1972) A Young American's Treasury of English Poetry (ed. 1991) Poems and Prose (ed. 1967) Mistress (ed. 1993) Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained [With a New Introduction by Susanne Woods. 1970) The Release (ed. 1964) Selected Poems (ed. The Penguin Books of Romantic Poetry (ed. 2 Early Poems (ed. 2001) Ej. 1993) . .PRAGMÁTICA Número de volúmenes: 5 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 BLAKEMORE D. R. SEARLE J. SCHIFFRIN D. SEARLE J. LEVINSON S. 1983) Discourse Markers (ed. 1996) Speech Acts (ed.Volver al Indice Relevance and Linguistic Meaning. 1971) . 2004) Pragmatics (ed. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers (ed. 1999) The Philosophy of Language (ed. BRITTON J. and SEABORNE A. (ed. J. . HALLIDAY M. McNEILL D.) BORGER R. FOSS D.M. GURNEY R.C.C. and HAKES D. and MARSHALL J. T.PSICOLINGÜÍSTICA Número de volúmenes: 13 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ADAMS P. (ed. GREENE J. OLDFIELD R. McDONOUGH S. H. OATES J. A.) SLOBIN D.E. GREENE J. and GRAYSON A. K. Volver al Indice Language in Thinking (ed. 1971) Language and Learning ( ed. 1973) Psycholinguistics. 1981) The Acquisition of Language The Study of Developmental P sycholinguistics (ed. 1975) Psycholinguistics : Chomsky and Psychology (ed.2004) Language (ed. 2003) [Este texto viene con CD de audio. 1970) Cognitive and Language Development in Children (ed. Brain and Interactive Processes (ed. 1978) Thinking and Language (ed. An Introduction to the Psychology of Language (ed. 1972) The Psychology of Learning (ed. 1971) Psycholinguistics (ed. disponible en la Oficina de Audiovisuales] Psychology in Foreign Language Teaching (ed. 1972) Language. 1974) . 1973) The Language of Early Childhood (ed. KANY C. KEMPSON R. GUSTAF S. A. HALLIDAY M. and HEASLEY B. ULLMANN S. K. and LANGENDOEN T. E. and M. J. I. HURFORD J.SEMÁNTICA Número de volúmenes: 9 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FILLMORE C.R. PALMER F. LYONS J. G. . M. Volver al Indice Studies in Linguistic Semantics (ed. 1972) . 1960) Semantic Theory (ed. 1931) Construing Experience Through Meaning (ed. 1977) Semantics:A New Outline (ed. 2006) Semantics: A Coursebook (ed. 1976) Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning (ed. 1971) Meaning and Change of Meaning (ed. 1983) Semantics (ed. 1997) Semantics 2 ( ed. (ed.) HARNESS GOODWIN M. (et al. C. and J. SPENCER-OATEY H. DEL VALLE S. JOHANNES F. (et al. MARTIN (ed. HOLMES J. EYSENK H.) RILEY P. DITTMAR N.) RICENTO T.B and HOLMES J.SOCIOLINGÜÍSTICA Número de volúmenes: 34 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ARGYLE M. COOPER R.) CICOUREL A. ROBINSON W. MERTZ E. SKUTNABB-KANGAS T. SKUTNABB-KANGAS T.) GIGLIOLI P. (ed. . THE BRITISH COUNCIL THOMAS L . and LEVINSON S.) GRADDOL D. (ed. CRYSTAL D. P.) RICENTO T. GIGLIOLI P. GARCIA O.) PRIDE J. WALLACE C. COUPLAND N. et al. (ed. and JAWORSKI A. and PARMENTIER R. ROSS N. CRICK M. (ed. (ed. CRAWFORD J.) BROWN P. R. ROBINSON W.J. and MEYERHOFF M. P. SAVILLE-TROIKE M. CHRISTIE F. 2 Language and Culture (ed. 2006) Ej. 1972) Language in Social Worlds (ed. Sociocultural and Phychological Perspectives (ed. 2000) Cognitive Sociology Language and Meaning in Social interaction (ed. 1 An introduction to Language Policy Theory and Method (ed. 1 Language and Social Context (ed. Intelligence and Education (ed. 1993) The Hidden Life of Girls. 1985) Sociolinguistics (ed. 2007) Linguistic Genocide in Education or Worldwide Diversity and human Rights? (ed. A Reader and Coursebook (ed. 1973) Politeness. 2 Language. 2007) Language & Social Behaviour (ed.An Introduction (ed. 1997) At War With Diversity. 2003) Culture & Cognition Implications for Theory and Method (ed. 1974) Language Planning and Social Change (ed. 2004) Learning to Read in a Multicultural Society (ed. 2000) Pre-sessional Courses for Overseas. 1972) An introduction to Language Policy Theory and Method (ed.1995) Culturally Speaking Managing Rapport Through Talk Across Cultures (ed. 2000) Linguistic Human Rights . Continuity and Change (ed. 1972) Ej. 1976) Language and the Internet (ed. 2003) Sociolinguistics. and Exclusion (ed. 2002) Genre and Institutions Social Processes in the Workplace and School (ed. Readings in Social Interaction (ed. 2005) Language and colonial Power (ed. 1972) Ej. 2007) The Handbook of Language and Gender (ed. 2006) Language and Social Context (ed. Society and Power (ed. Students Edition (ed. 2004) The Ethnography of Communication. 1971) Language Loyalty. 2006) Ej. 2006) Language Rights and the Law in the United States (ed. 1986) Semiotic Mediation. US Language Policy in an Age of Anxiety (ed. Games of Stance. 1978) Language. 1986) . 2001) Explorations in Language and Meaning (ed.Volver al Indice Social Encounters. A Critical Survey of Theory and Application (ed. Culture and Identity (ed. 1996) Sociolinguistics. 1976) Race. Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination (ed. Status. Some Universals in Language Usage (ed. O’NEILL E. SHAKESPEARE W. SHAKESPEARE W. FAULKNER W.1 2 TEATRO Número de volúmenes: 47 Más información ver categoría baja consulta Ubicación: Biblioteca ARDREY R. et al. SHAW B. SHAKESPEARE W. SHAKESPEARE W. JONSON B. [Editor of this volume: Tom Crawford] INGE W. SHAKESPEARE W. BAINE KOPITO J. AUSTER P. MARLOWE C. BECKETT S. SHAKESPEARE W. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 . KILROY T. IBSEN H.) JOYCE J. SHAKESPEARE W. SHAKESPEARE W. SHAKESPEARE W. MILLER A. JONSON B. COOK D. SHAKESPEARE W. PANITZ S. SHAKESPEARE W. BERNARD SHAW G. SHERIDAN R. TENNESSEE W. SHAKESPEARE W. FRIEL B. (ed. SHAKESPEARE W. MICHAELS-KLEIN H.B. INGE W. (Editor of this volume) (General Editor: Mary Carolyn Waldrep) BARNET S. MARLOWE C. TENNESSEE W. SHAKESPEARE W. MARLOWE C. JONSON B. SHAKESPEARE W. SHAKESPEARE W. 44 45 46 47 WESKER A. B. . et al. YEATS W. WILDE O. WESKER A. et al. 1998) Sweet Bird of Youth (ed. 1992) Coriolanus (ed. 2004) Volpone or the Fox (ed. 2010) Four Great Restoration Comedies [The Country Wife by William Wycherley. 2009) Othello (ed. 2000) King Lear (ed. Romeo and Juliet. 1969) Ej. 2003) Picnic (ed. 2006) Henry V (ed. S. 1939) The Rivals (ed. The Man of Mode by Sir George Etherege.) Pygmalion (ed. 1995) king Lear (ed. 2002) The Death and Resurrection of Mr. 2005) The Genius of the Later English Theater (since 1660) (ed. 1949) The Hairy Ape and Other Plays (ed. 1962) Krapp's Last Tape & Other Dramatic Pieces (ed. 2004) As you Like it (ed.f. 1987) Death of a Salesman (ed. 1956) . 1975) Translation [Introduction by Robert Store] (ed.Volver al Indice Shadow of Heroes (ed. Richard III (ed. The Rover by Aphra Behn and The Relapse by Sir John Vanbrugh] (ed. Roche (ed. 1969) Doctor Faustus (ed. 2000) Peer Gynt [General editor: Paul Negri] (ed. 1958) The Inner Life of Martin Frost (ed. 2004) Saint Joan: A Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue (ed. 1994) Requiem For a Nun (ed. 1969) The plays (ed. 1959) Much Ado About Nothing (ed. 2005) Antony and Cleopatra (ed. 1970) A Midsummer Night's Dream (ed. 1996) 3 By Shakespeare. 1959) The Rose Tattoo (ed. 1978) Exiles (ed. 1994) The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark (ed. 2000) Design for Drama (ed.2001) Measure for Measure (ed. 1959) The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus (ed. 1973) The Ballad of Hairy Joe (ed. 1969) Ej. 1 Picnic (ed. A Midsummer Night's Dream. 2001) The tempest (ed. 2 Volpone or the Fox (ed. 2009) The Tragedy of Richard III (ed. 1967) Julius Caesar (ed. 1977) Volpone and the Alchemíst (ed. 2005) Twelfth Night (ed. I'm Talking about Jerusalem (ed. 1963) The Importance of Being Earnest [Editor: Stanley Appelbaum] (ed. Roots. 1960) New English Dramatists. 1964) . 7 (ed.The Wesker Trilogy: Chicken Soup with Barley.1990) Classic Irish Drama (ed. L. STANTON R. CHATMAN S. GENETTE G. MAY CH. (ed.TEORÍA LITERARIA Número de volúmenes: 15 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BROOK P. EAGLETON T. KERMODE F.M.B. MULLER H. HART J. LEECH G. and WARREN A. . J. CULLER J. WELLEK R. EAGLETON T. FORSTER E.) MOODY H. 1973) . 1985) Interpreting Cultures Literature. 1981) Literary Theory: an Introduction (ed. Semiotics. 1972) Narrative Discourse. 1978) The Pursuit of Signs. Religion. Literature. 2006) The Art of Telling. 1980) Story and Discourse. and the Human Sciences (ed. 1976) The New Short Story Theories (ed. 1965) An Introduction to Fiction (ed. 1970) The Spirit of Tragedy (ed. Essays on Fiction (ed.Volver al Indice The Empty Space (ed. 2003) Ej. 2003) Ej. 1 Literary Theory: an Introduction (ed. 1983) A linguistics Guide to English Poetry (ed. 2 Aspects of the Novel (ed. 1994) Literary Appreciations (ed. An Essay in Method (ed. Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film (ed. 1965) Theory of Literature (ed. Deconstruction (ed. MARTIN A. LANZANO M. GRILL N. FRENCH ALLEN V. LANZANO M. CARRIER M. and WITLIEB B. CARRIER M. CURRY D. BIGELOW G. LANZANO M. . F. and MOORE J. and SIMS J. et al. and HILL R. MILLINGTON J. KRAL T. M. MACLEAN A. and EVANS Ch. and EVANS Ch. U. et al JANSSEN A. KAGAN L. (edited by QUEEN D. KRAL T. KRAL T. (ed. BODE C. QUEEN D. CROFT K. CURRY D. SACHS T. COMLEY N. and WESTERFIELD K. LANZANO M. MILLINGTON J.) SCOTT A. CURRY D. BEST R. BYRNE D. & HARRIS D. CONNELLY M.) RIVE R. J. CURRY D. SAROYAN W. CURRY D. MONFRIES H. CURRY D. MARTIN A. S.) SACHS T. and HILL R. MALKOÇ A. U. MULLEN J. FRENCH ALLEN V. TASKA B. BEST R. (selected by MACKAY R. HENRY O. (adapted by DIXSON R. LANZANO M. et al. LANZANO M.) HOCMARD G. SCOTT A. F.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS Número de volúmenes: 55 Ubicación: Biblioteca BAYLOR R. et al. TRAVER KITCHIN A. TRAVER KITCHIN A. and FRENCH ALLEN V. and FRENCH ALLEN V. . TRAVER KITCHIN A. and FRENCH ALLEN V. and FRENCH ALLEN V. TRAVER KITCHIN A. and FRENCH ALLEN V.50 51 52 53 54 55 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY (Don Waters) TRAVER KITCHIN A. 1991) British and American English (ed. a Basic Reader (ed. 1 A Feather on the wind. 1988) Choices (ed. 1 Portraits in words (ed. 1986) Mind Speaks to Mind (ed.1990) Reading and Word Study (ed. 1971) Ej. 1970) Ej.S. American Short Stories for Students of ESL (ed. 1984) Americas. A Multicultural Reader for Developmental Writers (ed. 1992) Easy Readings Selections in English (ed. 1 Now Read On. 1968) English Composition. Multiple choice comprehension passages (ed. Multiple choice comprehension passages (ed. 1987) People in Fact and Fiction (ed. A Reading and Language Practice Book (ed. 1988) Short Readings in Science (ed. 1984) Fields of Writing. A Rhetoric Reader (ed. 1 British and American English (ed. 1965) A Feather on the wind. Book I (ed. 2 Twelve Famous Americans (ed. 1979) Double Vision (ed. Illustrated short poems for students of English as a Foreign Language (ed. American Short Stories for the EFL Classroom (ed. 1980) Whales can Sing and other stories (ed. 1992) Road to Reading (ed. 1987) Intermediate Comprehension Passages (ed. 2 Configurations. 1971) Outsiders. 1987) Ej. 1984) Spotlight on How a Record is Made (ed. 1984) Portraits in words (ed. 1961) Highlights of American Literature (ed. 1980) Rivers and potatoes (ed.Volver al Indice People and Ideas. 1964) Spotlight on Cinema (ed. 1972) Ej. 1984) Time & Space. 2 The United States of America (ed. 1980) Take Five (ed. 1972) Ej. 1991) Modern Short Stories. 2 An American Grab Bag (ed. 1972) Unusual Stories from Many Lands (1985) Meet the U. 1987) Poems (ed. 1970) Ej. 1987) Ej. Book 1 (ed. 1979) Night Without End (ed. 1984) Configurations (ed. 1957) Encores. 1953) American Patchwork (ed. 1981) One Giant Step (ed. 1980) Pick and choose. 1987) Modern Poetry. People and Places in the United States (ed. 1984) Ej. Introduction to Modern English Literature for Students of English (ed. Books III and IV (ed. 1988) Mind Speaks to Mind (ed. 1984) Ej. 1987) Now Read On. 1971) Ej. 2 An Introduction to Critical Appreciation For Foreign Learners (ed. 1987) . Advanced Readings in English (ed. 1988) English Composition. Introduction to Modern English Literature for Students of English (ed. Illustrated short poems for students of English as a Foreign Language (ed. Readings Across the Disciplines (ed. 1 Pick and choose. A Reading and Language Practice Book (ed. 1948) The American Dream. 1954) Ej. Book 4 (ed. Readings. Part 1 (ed. Readings. Part 2 (ed. 2 Reader’s Digest. Part 2 (ed. Readings. 1 Reader’s Digest. 1963) . 1965) Reader’s Digest. Part 1 (ed. 1954) Reader’s Digest. Readings. Readings. 1953) Reader’s Digest.Fact or Fiction? (ed. 1954) Ej. 1987) A New Introduction to English Literature. 1987) The Harper American Literature. Volume 1 (ed.TEXTOS GUÍA DE LITERATURA Número de volúmenes: 8 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ABRAMS et al. 1999) The Harper American Literature. MAY D. McQUADE D. McQUADE D. 1987) . A Critical Anthology of Prose Readings (ed. et al. Single Volume (ed. J. T. 1986) Volver al Indice ARCHER J. et al. and HILL L. et al. 1966) DAVENPORT B. A Reader for Writers. A. Volume 2 (ed. and SCHWARTZ J. INGE M. 1960) American Reader (ed. W. Stephen Vincent Benét. 1970) The Harper American Literature. McQUADE D. The Norton Anthology of English Literature (ed. Selected Poetry and Prose (ed. Book 3 (ed. WEISSBORT D.TRADUCCIÓN Número de volúmenes: 15 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BIGUENET J. and SCHULTE R. (ed.) HICKEY L. and WHITE G. BIGUENET J.G. MALAMAH-THOMAS A. NEWMARK P. HICKEY L. GENTZLER E. and SCHULTE R. y MINETT WILKINSON J. GENTZLER E. HATIM B.) WEISSBORT D.) .) WEISSBORT D. (ed. (ed. et al. (ed.) LÓPEZ GUIX J. CHAMBERLIN D. DUFF A. (ed. 2001) Ej. 1989) Ej. 2005) Triangle 10 (ed. 1990) Contemporary Translation Theories (ed. 1 Contemporary Translation Theories (ed. 1998) Ej. 2 Advanced English for Translation (ed. 2 Teaching and Researching Translation (ed. 1 The Craft of Translation (ed.Volver al Indice The Craft of Translation (ed. 2001) The Pragmatics of Translation (ed. 2001) Ej. 1993) Translation (ed. 1 The Pragmatics of Translation (ed. 1991) Modern Poetry in Translation N° 39 Spring 1980 Modern Poetry in Translation N° 43 Autumn 1981 Modern Poetry in Translation N° 44 Winter 1981-82 . 1989) Ej. 1998) Ej. 2006) A Textbook of Translation (ed. 2 Manual de traducción Inglés/ Castellano (ed. DOFF A. 1 Have Fun With Vocabulary (ed. Book 1 (ed. et al. et al. 1989) Special English Word List (ed. 2005) English Idioms in Use (ed. 1978) English in Color. UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY WATCYN-JONES P. 1964) Vocabulary 1 [Games and activities] (ed. 2001) Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) (ed. THOMAS B. and ELLIS R. 2005) A way with words. MCCARTHY M. B. 1990) Intermediate vocabulary (ed. and WELDONE J. 1986) Advanced vocabulary and idiom (ed. P. COBB D. et al. 2002) Volver al Indice Test Your English Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate)(ed. MCCARTHY M. 1981) Language Links (ed. Advanced Level (ed. THOMAS B. MCCARTHY M. Puzzles for English practice (ed. 1970) English Collocations in Use (ed. THOMAS B. J. 1978) Pep 2. 1996) Ej. 2001) Vocabulary 2 [Games and activities] (ed. 2 Pep 1. Puzzles for English Practice (ed.VOCABULARIO Número de volúmenes: 18 Ubicación: Biblioteca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BARNES A. CURRY D. 2001) . and WELDONE J. J. J. and STOCKS J. Have Fun With Vocabulary (ed. BARNES A. REDMAN S. MCCARTHY M. and METHOLD CH. 1996) Ej. et al. WATCYN-JONES P. 1989) Elementary vocabulary (ed. 2005) Overseas Students’ Companion to English Studies (ed. HEATON J. et al. METHOLD K. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RECURSOS PARA DOCENTES (Material fotocopiable diseñado específicamente para clase) Número de volúmenes: 35 Ubicación: Sala de auto-acceso 101 Ways to Use Macmillan Dossiers. A Resource Book for Teachers (ed. 1992) 1000+ Pictures for Teachers to copy (ed. 2001) A Teacher's Companion to the Space Station: A Multi-Disciplinary Resource (s. f.) Back & Forth. Pair activities for Language Development (ed.1985) Beginers' Comunications Games (ed. 1999) Beginning English with John and Sue. Pupils’ Book (ed. 1975) Commonly Misspelled & Confused words [Your guide for words that give everyone trouble; in school, at home or at the office] [Quickstudy] (© 2003) English Composition & Style [The basic guide to how elements of style - word choice & diction, exactness, conciseness, structure & audience - function in the Composition & Editing of College Level Writing] [Quickstudy] (© 2002) English Grammar & Punctuation [Basic grammar guide to the parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions & interjections, & how they combine to form clauses, phrases & sentences that express complete thoughts] [Quickstudy] (© 2003) English Verbs [Your handy guide to one of the most important parts of speech: the verb] [Quickstudy] (© 2006) ESL Teacher`s Holiday Activities kit (ed. 1990) ESL Teacher's Activities Kit (ed. 1998) Fun Class activities 1 [games and activities with laughter] (ed. 2000) Fun Class activities 2 [games and activities with laughter] (ed. 2000) Fun With Grammar. Communicative activities for the azar grammar series (ed. 1997) Grammar 2 [games and activities] (ed. 2001) Group Work [intermediate] (ed. 2000) Imaginative Projects A resource book of project work for young students (ed. 2000) Instant Lessons 1 [Elementary] (ed. 2000) Instant Lessons 2 [Intermediate] (ed. 2000) Instant Lessons 3 [Advanced] (ed. 2000) Is That What you Mean? 100 Common mistakes and how to correct them (ed. 2001) Pair Work 1. Conversation Practice for Elementary to pre-intermediate students (ed. 1997) Penguin Readers Kit to Preparing for FCE (Making the most of Readers in your Classroom- Teacher's Guide) (ed. 2000) Penguin Readers Kit to Using Film and TV (Making the most of Readers in your Classroom- Teacher's Guide) (ed. 2000) Penguin Readers Kit to Using Stories in Class (Making the most of Readers in your Classroom- Teacher's Guide) (ed. 2000) Penguin Readers Kit: Placement Tests (Making the most of Readers in your Classroom- Teacher's Guide) (ed. 2000) Play Games with English (ed. 1983) Play Games with English 1. Teacher’s Resource Book (ed. 1993) Primary activity box games and activities (ed. 2001) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Reading Extra (ed. 2004) Singing grammar teaching grammar through songs (ed. 1998) [Este libro cuenta con material de audio, disponible en la sala de Apoyo Audiovisual del DLE] Teaching First Certificate in English. Photocopy Masters (ed. 1992) Top Class activities [book 1] (ed. 1997) Top Class activities [book 2] (ed. 2000) Volver al Indice GEDDES M. WRIGHT A. MARIETTA M. et al. PALMER A. S. et al. HADFIELD J. ALEXANDER L. G. BERNER S. SALADO J. SALADO J. SCERBO L. M. CLAIRE E. CLAIRE E. WATCYN-JONES P. WATCYN-JONES P. WOOEDWARD S. HOWARD-WILLIAMS D. WATCYN-JONES P. WICKS M. WATCYN-JONES P. HOWARD-WILLIAMS D. HOWARD-WILLIAMS D. HANCOCK P. WATCYN-JONES P. HUGHES A. et al. HUGHES A. et al. HUGHES A. et al. HUGHES A. et al. GRANGER C. GRANGER C. NIXON C. and TOMLINSON M. DRISCOLL L. HANCOCK M. COLE L. and ROBINSON T. WATCYN-JONES P. WATCYN-JONES P. CATEGORÍA BAJA CONSULTA : Ubicación Biblioteca - Oficina Coordinación C.R. En esta pestaña se encuentran libros de las siguientes categorías: Civilización, Didáctica y Pedagogía, Narrativa a Autor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ACHESON D. BERMAN H.J. (ed.) BERMAN H.J. (ed.) BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES BROMHEAD P. BROMHEAD P. CHAPMAN R. COHEN M. CUTRIGHT P. and CLARK K. DIXSON R. DIXSON R. DIXSON R. and FOX H. FOOT M. FROST D. GALBRAITH J.K. KING M.L. KONEFSKY S. KONEFSKY S. KORNITZER B. KORNITZER B. KORNITZER B. LILIENTHAL D. E. MEAD M. PORTER D. RAYMOND A. REASONS G. and PATRICK S. RIESMAN D. ROBERTS CH. ROSSITER C. s.a. SCAMMELL W. SENTMAN E. E. et al. (ed.) SENTMAN E. E. et al. (ed.) THOMAS H. TRUMAN H. ABBOTT G. and WINGARD P. AFOLAYAN A. et al. ALEXANDER L. ALEXANDER L. ALLEN E. and VALETTE R. ALLEN H. B. and CAMPBELL R. N. AYTON A. and MORGAN M. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 AYTON A. and MORGAN M. BAILEY K. BASTIDAS J. A. BHOLA H. S. et al. BLOOM B. (ed.) BOUCHARD D. BOUCHARD D. BOWEN B. BREWSTER J. et al. BRITTON J. BROUGHTON G. et al. BROWN S. and RACE P. BRUMFIT C. J. and ROBERTS J. T. BUCKBY M. BUZAN T. BUZAN T. BUZAN T. BYRNE D. BYRNE D. BYRNE D. BYRNE D. BYRNE D. BYRNE D. CALILL C. and RAINE C. CAMPELL A. CARROLL B. and HALL P. CARROLL J. B. CASHDAN A. et al. CHRISTOPHERSEN P. CLARKE- STEWART C. and FRIEDMAN S. COCKBURN B. and ROSS A. COE N. and RYCROFT R. COMFORT J. et al. CORDER P. T. COVELL A. (ed.) CUNNINGSWORTH A. CURRYE W. DAVIES A. DAVIES P. et al. DELGADO DE VALENCIA S. DENTZER E. and WHEELOCK A. DUBIN F. and OLSHTAIN E. DUDENEY G. DUDENEY G. ELLIS R. ELLIS R. ELLIS R. ELY P. FINOCCHIARO M. FRIES CH. GAIRNS R. and REDMAN S. GAIRNS R. and REDMAN S. GEDDES M. and STURTRIDGE G. GOWER R. and WALTERS S. GRANT N. GRELLET F. HARRIS D. P. MURPHY R. et al. SMITH M. LANGE K. and ROGERS G. S. and COTTO L. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION NACIONAL (COLOMBIA) MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION NACIONAL (COLOMBIA) MOORE J.) HEATON J. NILES O.) HOLDEN S. et al. OLLER J. et al. MOORE J. NILES O. HUGHES A. HEATON J. et al. R. (ed. S. STACK E. KIDD J.) HOLDEN S. LEE W. M. STEVICK E. S. SMITH F.65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 HARRISON A.) HEDGE T HOLDEN S. HUNTER I. NILES O. (ed. ROBINETT R. et al.) McALPIN J. et al. PAVLIK CH.) HOLDEN S. and UHL CHAMOT A. HARRISON A.) HUGHES A. et al. SILVER Ch.) MATTHEWS A. S. JOHNSON K. NILES O. M. STEVICK E. MURRAY S. NILES O. MATTHEWS A. et al. NICHOLLS S. (ed. NILES O. THE BRITISH COUNCIL . PLOWRIGHT P. A. (ed. MOORE J. SCOTT M. O’MALLEY J. and SMITH G.B. STACK E. JONES L. R. et al. (ed. S. and NAISH J. PAVLIK CH. LAIRD E. and COPEN H. SCOTT M. STEVICK E. S. (ed. et al. MURPHY R. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 RUFFINO J. (ed. 107 ROBINSON C.B. (ed. A. 149 WERNER P. . and HELYAR J. AMIS K. BURROUGH B. 145 WALTER C. BENNETT A. CAPLAN L. COLLINS A. ADLER D. BYRNE D. (Retold) DEGNAN-VENESS C. 148 WERNER P. CRONIN A. BODOWSKI C. AMADI E. 151 WRIGHT A. AMIS K. CROOK M.120 THE BRITISH COUNCIL 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH COUNCIL UNIVERSIDAD DE CALDAS 142 FACULTAD DE EDUCACION CIDC 143 UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES 144 VENTRIGLIA L. and BUDOWSKI D. (retold by) DEXTER C. BRUNO A. (retold by) (illustrations by John Lupton) CROOK M. Anonymous BELBIN D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ACHEBE CH. ANGELOU M. 150 WHITE R. BURNFORD S.A. 147 WERNER P. J. CRANE S. 146 WEBB G. SPERRY A. WEBB M. VANCE MARSHALL J. ESCOTT J. R. CRETEGNY G.23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Du MAURIER D. STEWART M. Sir RIDER HAGGARD H. DUNKLING L. GILCHRIST C. HILL R. SCOTT G. TEY J. VICARY T. STEWART M. TEY J. HOEY DAVIS A. GORDON R.a. ANDERSON K. GILCHRIST C. et al. SMITH S. HUGHES A. SCHAEFER J. et al. FINE A. PARKER R. MORGAN M. IGGULDEN M. COLLINS A. STRANGE D. MORGAN M. J. FORESMAN S. G. P. LOOS A. CHRYSLER W. PILE S. ESCOTT J. ESCOTT J. McCLULLOUGH C. STEWART P. . FORESMAN S. s. FRANCIS D. et al. COLLINS A. and ALLEN J.a. VINE B. HEYERDAHL T. BRADSHAW C. LEONARD E. s. ARMSTRONG L. GUNTHER J. et al. HALL E. MANTLE J. AYLESWORTH T. FORESMAN S. HAGGARD H. et al. ESCOTT J. WILLIAMS R. SHUTE N. HOWARD CERONE D. SHIPTON V. DAILY MIRROR GROUP NEWSPAPERS DAILY MIRROR GROUP NEWSPAPERS DAILY MIRROR GROUP NEWSPAPERS DAILY MIRROR GROUP NEWSPAPERS DIXON F. SOBOL D. et al. RICE C. (series editors) JENKINS S. (edited by) WYMER N. HUGHES R. TATE J. GRIFFITH E. et al. LO M. ADAMS H. STRANGE J. VICARY T. LAYTON G.) SCHAEFER J. STRANGE J. STRANGE J. et al. PAREDES M. et al. JONES L. (adapt. H. TARRANT D. SULLIVAN L. TOULSON S. a. DIXON F. STRANGE J. and WILLIAMS M. HUGHES A. STRANGE J.12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 GILCHRIST C. M. et al. . LEANEY C.) PELLEGRINI A. VICARY T. MYERS A. CUTRIGHT P. WILLIAMS M. (s. RUBY L. SWINBURNE L. et al. MARSHALL M. CUTRIGHT P. PAREDES M. SHIPTON V. McKEE E. THORPE J. RUBLOWSKY J. SMITH R. S. et al. PELLEGRINI A. a. STRANGE J. MATTHEWS A. TAYLOR N.) (s. CAREY D. TANNENBAUM B. McILVAIN A. ALDISS B. MILLER W. UPDIKE J. HYDE BONNER P. LUCIANO N. BRUNNER J. STURGEON T. MILLER W. BOYD J. C. THOMAS C. E. ROBBINS H. WOOLF V. SLADEK J. VONNEGUT K. S. . LEVIN H. CONDON R. A. C. LE CARRÉ J. NOYES HART F. RICE C. GARDNER E. CHANDLER R. NORRIS K. LE CARRÉ J. TRAVER R. TOWNSLEY ROGERS J. GARDNER E. SALINGER J. BARTH J. UPDIKE J. BENTLEY E. FAIRSTEIN L FAST H. WHITE P. D. HIGGINS J. KELLERMAN J. CORK D. FERRIGNO R. WILDER T. PARKINSON F. CARTER N. SHARP A.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 BARRETT W. WALLACE I. TARKINGTON B. FLEMING I. S. GARDNER E. KOSINSKI J. HARDY T. MORRISON T. MICHENER J. S. MACNEILL A. SHELDON S. SHARP M. VIDAL G. DOUGLAS L. TINE R. LUCIANO N. DONLEAVY J. DANNET S. P. (ed. (comp. SHAFFER P. BYRNE D. METHOD K.) DUNKLING L. et al. SMITH B. CHAYEFSKY P.) .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BYRNE D. JAMES K. JAMES K. HIGHWAY T. CURRY D. 1968) Ej. 1992) Visiting the USA (ed. 1956) Microwave Cooking (ed. Narrativa adaptada. 1944) Culture and Commitment. 1978) Overseas Aid: a Brief Survey (ed. 1964) The Nuclear Years (ed. 1978) Life in Modern America (ed. 1977) Arms Control and Disarmament (ed. 1953) The USA: The Land and the People (ed. New edition (ed. 1 . 1972) The American Presidency (ed. 1955) The Great American heritage (ed. 3 C (ed. 1961) The American Educator Encycopedia. 1972) Teaching English as a Second Languag e (ed. 1961) Talks on American Law (ed. Comprehensive Travel Guide (ed. 1978) Organization and Production (ed. 1982) The International Economy Since 1945 (ed. Citizen (ed. 1955) The Great American heritage (ed. 1981) Teaching Primary English (ed. 1956) The Great American heritage (ed. 1962) The Americans (ed. Otros textos para principiantes. 1959) The USA. 1968) Ej. 1970) Caribbean’92 Frommer’s. 1978) Solomon Islands (ed. 1985) The American Educator Enciclopedia. 1956) The Legacy of Holmes and Brandeis (ed.TA : Ubicación Biblioteca . 1960) Aneurin Bevan 1897-1945 (ed. 1965) Photographic Slides in Language Teaching (ed. 1980) For and against (ed. an libros de las siguientes categorías: Civilización. 1959) The USA: The Land and the People. Vol. 1955) TVA Democracy on the March (ed.R. 1961) Mr. 1957) Talks on American Law (ed. Didáctica y Pedagogía. 1961) Africa (ed. 1978) Textiles and Clothing (ed. 1954) Living Together in The Americas (ed.Teatr Título Power and Diplomacy (ed. 1961) The Spanish Civil War (ed. 13 T-U-V (ed. 1 For and against (ed. A Study of the Generation Gap (ed. Vol. 1971) Abundance for What? And Other Essays (ed. 1978) The Antarctic (ed. A Practical Guide (ed. 1981) Ej. 1970) Life in Modern America (ed. 1978) Chemical s (ed. 1964) The Legacy of Holmes and Brandeis (ed. 1977) Berlin and East. Men and History (ed. 1970) USA Men and Machines (ed.West Relations (ed. 1970) American Capitalism (ed.Oficina Coordinación C. 1960) The Teaching of English as an International Language. 2 Classroom Techniques: Foreign Languages and English as a Second Language (ed. 1968) American Thought (ed. 1966) The South West (ed. 1952) Why We Can't Wait (ed. Novela. 1975) They Had a Dream (ed. 1982) The Primary English. 2 Teaching Oral English (ed. 1992) Language and Learning (ed. 1992) Literacy Review (s. 1986) Ej. 2 Learning About Language Assessment (ed. 1988) Ej. 1973) Child Development: Infancy Through Adolescence (ed. International Studies in Evaluation V (ed. 1980) Ej. 1990) Ej.2 Understanding Second Language Acquisition (ed. 1998) Organise Your English (ed. Pros and Cons of the New Colombian Law (ed. 1 Locked in / Locked out. 1983) Graded Objectives and Tests for Modern Languages: An Evaluation (ed. 1975) Guía pedagógica para profesores de inglés en primaria (ed. 2 Understanding Second Language Acquisition (ed. Teacher’s Guide (ed.1 The Internet and the Language Classroom (ed. 1986) Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Materials (ed. 1 Making The Most Of Your Textbook (ed. 1 Testing English as a Second Language (ed. 1971) Teaching English as a Foreign Language (ed.f. 1975) Language in Education a Source Book (ed. 1986) Ej. 1978) Assess Your Own Teaching Quality (ed. 1981) Make the most of your mind (ed. 1975) Second Language Learning: Myth & Reality (ed. 1989) Ej. 1 The Internet and the Language Classroom (ed. 1956) A TEFL Antology (ed. Tracking and Placement Practices in Boston Public Schools (ed. 1987) Teaching in Higher Education Series: 8 Essays (s. 1 Using the Magnetboard (ed. 1978) Use Your Head ( ed.) Writing Skills: A Problem Solving Approach (ed. 1984) Ej. 1973) Language Testing Symposium (ed.Photographic Slides in Language Teaching (ed. 1 Working with Words. 1 New Directions in Teaching English Language (ed. 1987) Look here! Visual Aids in Language Teaching (ed. 1 Using the Magnetboard (ed. 1998) Ej. An Anthology (ed. 1981) Ej. 1996) Language and Language Teaching (ed. 2003) Ej. 1 English in Primary School. 1 Teaching Practice Handbook (ed. 1987) Ej. 1983) Basic Technical English (ed. 1986) Ej. 1980) Bits and Pieces (ed. 1985) The Teaching of French as a foreign Language in Eight Countries. 1982) Introducing Applied Linguistics (ed. 1983) Ej. 1976) Situational Lesson Plans (ed. 1984) The Foreing Language Learner: A Guide for Teachers (ed. 2 Developing Reading Skills (ed. 1974) . 1969) Focus on the Classroom (ed. 2007) Ej. 1973) Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language (ed. 1992) English Teaching Extracts (ed. A Guide to Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (ed. 1988) Ej. 1 Understanding Second Language Acquisition (ed. 2 Video in the Language Classroom (ed. A Guide to Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (ed. 1973) A Forum Anthology (ed. 1980) Ej. 2001) Ej. 1981) Ej. 1977) Use Your Head (ed. 1964) Working with Words. 1977) Ej. 1990) Ej. 1995) Bring The Lab Back To Life (ed. f) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (ed. 1990) Facilitating Language Learning (ed. 2 New Writing 7. 1 Focus on the Classroom (ed. 1983) Make your Own Language Tests (ed. 1978) Ej. 3 Reading and Thinking in English. 1997) Interactions II. 1 Second Selections from Modern English Teacher (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. Exploring Functions (ed. 1 At the Chalk Face. 1990) Ej. A Training Manual for English Instructors (ed. 1989) Read in English Teacher’s Manual (ed. 1 Language Testing (ed. 9 de Educación Básica Secundaria 10. and Adventure (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1982) Read in English.A Language Testing Handbook (ed. 1999) Ej. 11 de Educación Media Vocacional (ed. 1957) A Study Skills Handbook (ed. Without Key (ed. 1982) Programa de Inglés grados 6. 1964) Themes for Proficiency. 1982) Ej. Fancy. Practical Techniques in Language Teaching (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 3 104 Developments in the Training of Teachers of English (ed. 2 Language Testing (ed. Estrategias para una Comprensión Eficiente del Inglés (ed. 11 de Educación Media Vocacional (ed. 1957) Ej. 1983) Ej. 1 . 2 Testing for Language Teachers (ed. 2 Working With Teaching Methods (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 2 The Magazine Picture Library (ed. 1994) Simple Audio Visual Aids To Foreign Language Teaching (ed. 1985) Ej. 1974) English Reader Series book 1 Manual for Teaching Fun. 1977) Reading Tactics E. 1985) Ej. 7. 1979) Ej. 1970) At the Chalk Face. Discovering Discourse (ed. 1994) Reading (ed. 1977) Reading Tactics D. 1997) The English Teaching Theatre (ed. Ten Articles from the English Teaching Forum (ed. 1957) Ej. 1984) Reading and Thinking in English. 1 Teacher Training (ed. 2 The Language Laboratory and Modern Language Teaching (ed. 1983) Ej. 1986) How Adults Learn (ed. 1 Guidelines to Proficiency. 1979) Ej. 2 A Language Testing Handbook (ed. 7. 1979) Ej. Instructor Manual Test Bank (ed. Teacher’s Book (ed. Instructor Manual Test Bank (ed. 1979) Ej. Group Work. 1 Progress To Proficiency. Teacher’s Edition (ed. A Training Manual for English Instructors (ed. 1971) Welcome to Great Britain and the USA (ed. 1983) E. Concepts in Use (ed. 8. 2 How People Use Pictures (ed. Teacher’s Edition (ed. 1979) Learning Strategies in Second Acquisition (ed. 1985) Ej. 1998) Ej. 1964) The Language Laboratory and Modern Language Teaching (ed. 1995) Interactions I. 1972) Understanding Language Teaching (ed. Practical Techniques in Language Teaching (ed. 1981) Reading Tactics A. 1983) Ej. 1977) Language Tests at School (ed. 2 Using Readers In Language Teaching (ed. 1982) Teaching English to Puerto Rican Pupils in Grades 3 and 4 (ed. 1 Helping People Learn English (ed. and Pair Work. 2003) Memory (ed. 1989) Testing for Language Teachers (ed. 1979) Ej. 3 Reading and Thinking in English. 1977) Reading Tactics B. 1977) Reading Tactics F. 1995) Teaching English as a Second Language (ed. 1980) Programa de Inglés grados 6. 1983) Ej. 1983) Muster Briefe in Englisch fur den Auslandsbau (ed. 2 Teacher Training (ed. 8. 9 de Educación Básica Secundaria 10. 1982) Ej. 1967) Helping People Learn English (ed. 1980) Ej. 1977) Reading Tactics C. 3 Guidelines to Proficiency. 1 Second Selections from Modern English Teacher (ed. 1984) Individualized Instruction. 2000) [level 6] Five One-Act Plays (ed. ELT Documents (ed. The Use Of The Media In English Language Teaching (ed. Setting Up A Centre (ed. 1979) 107 The University of Malaya English for Special Purposes Project (ed. 1981) 113 -Humanistic Approaches: An Empirical View (ed. Preparation And Training (ed. Instructor’s Manual Test Bank (ed. An International Seminar (ed. 1992) Ej. 1982) Authentic Reading. 1997) Mosaic Two. 2 Self-Access. 2 105 Elt Documents. 1992) Ej. 1980) 110 Focus on the Teacher (ed. 1977) Pair & Group Work in a Language Programme (ed. 1992) Ej. f. 1992) Island for Sale (ed. 1979) Ej. Issues in Language Testing. 1981) Ej. 1982) Visual Materials For The Language Teacher (ed. ELT Documents (ed. Projects in Materials Design (ed. 1982) ELT Documents Special.2000) [level 3] Tales of Goha (ed. 1992) Ej. 2002) [level 3] The Dead of Jericho (ed. 1981) 111. 2 112 The ESP Teacher : Role Development and Prospects (ed.104 Developments in the Training of Teachers of English (ed. 1997) The English Teachers Handbook (ed. 1 111. 1981) Ej. Instructor Manual Test Bank (ed. 1980) 108 ELT Documents. 2000) [level 3] The Citadel (ed. 1992) Lucky Jim (ed. 1987) Reading and thinking in english (s. 1963) I know why the caged bird sing s (ed. 2000) [level 2] The Grand Babylon Hotel (ed. Appropriate Technology (ed.) Conversations of Miguel and Maria. 1993) Self-Access. 1992) Ej. 1982) Making the Most of Appraisal (ed. 2000) [level 1] Woody Woodpecker Whistle Stop Woody (ed. Focus on the Learner (ed. 1963) The Tinder Box (ed. 1992) The Prince of Egypt Brothers in Egypt (ed. 1992) Ej. 1980) Self-Access. 1983) English for Specific Purposes. 1981) . Teacher’s Book and Key (ed. 1 Self-Access. 2 Self-Access. 2004) [level 4] Barbarians at the Gate (ed. 1997) Mosaic One. 2000) [level 1] The Red Badge of Courage (ed. 1 Self-Access. 1 Self-Access. How Children Learn a Second Language (ed. 1963) Lucky Jim (ed. 1994) Interactions Access. Instructor’s Manual Test Bank (ed. Issues in Language Testing.1999) [level 4] Falling for You (ed. 1999) [level 4] The Incredible Journey (ed. Appropriate Technology (ed. 2000) [Level 2] Aladin and the Lamp (ed. 1973) The adventures of Rocky Bullwinkle (ed. 1976) Things Fall Apart (ed. 1999) [level 3] The Great Ponds (ed. 1978) Reading English is fun (manual del professor) (ed. 2001)[level 2] Seven (ed. 1980) 109 Study Modes and Academic Development of Overseas Students (ed. 1980) ELT. 2 The Teaching of Comprehension (ed. 2002) [level 6] Primary Colors (ed. Setting Up A Centre (ed. Preparation And Training (ed. Appropriate Material (ed. National Syllabuses (ed. 1991) This Rough Magic (ed. 2000) [level 2] Benetton (ed. 1992) Small Soldiers (ed. 1999) [level 2] The Boy who was Afraid (ed. 2000) [level 4] Millennium The year 2000 (ed. 2000) [level 1] Snow White and Rose Red (ed. 2004) [level 3] Get Shorty (ed. 2000) [level 1] Families (ed. 1999) [level 3] Dick Whittington (ed. 1992) Great Football Stories Football Babylon (ed. 1970) Story Shops. 1999) [level 6] Doctors to the World (ed. 1992) The Moonspinners (ed. 1998) [level 3] Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (ed. 1993) A Twist in the Tale Five Short Stories (ed. 1986) The air we Breathe. 1999) [level 1] Brat Farrar (ed. 2000) [level 1] Smile. 1969) Death be not Proud (ed. 2001) [Level 1] Prince William (ed. 1998) [level 2] Mom. 1998) [level 1] Girl meets boy (ed. 1998) [level 5] Book of Shadows (ed. 1997) Look Both Ways (ed. 1948) Walk About (ed. 2004) [level 1] Flour Babies (ed. 2000)[level 2] The Best Christmas (ed. 1992) Brown Eyes (ed. 2005) [level 1] American Sketchbook. 1997) Do you Hear What I See? (ed. 2000) [level 5] The Thorn Birds (ed. Mom. 2 The Kon-Tiki Expedition (ed. 1971) Deadheads (ed. 1971) Monteczuma's Daughter (ed.1999) [level 6] The Battle of Newton Road (ed. 1999) [level 4] Precious Bane (ed. 1999) [level 3] The Book of Heroic Failures (ed. 1992) The Franchise Affair (ed. My Ears are Growing! (ed. 2000) [level 1] Happy Christmas! (ed. 1989) The House of Stairs (ed.1998) [level 6] The Waters of Life Stories from North America. 1992) King Solomon's Mines (ed. 1958) Ej. 2000) [level 3] The Missing Coin s (ed. Short Sketches of 21 Distinguished Americans (ed.2002) Doctor in the House (ed.Jamaica Inn (ed. Winners and Losers (ed. 1958) Ej. 1992) Skyjack! (ed. 1965) The Wrong Boy (ed. 2000) [level 3] . 1999) [level 2] A Town Like Alice (ed. 1998) [level 1] Story Shop Grounded (ed. 1936) Ej. 1 Doctors to the World (ed. 2000) [level 4] The Borrowers (ed. 2000) [level 2] Shane (ed. 1981) Ej. Please! (ed. the Water we Drink (ed. 2000) [Level 3] Men & Motors (ed. 2 A Catskill Eagle (ed. 2 Passage to Jupiter (ed. 1993) The Edge (ed. 2000) [Level 2] Chance of a Lifetime (ed. 1999) [level 3] The Wrong Man (ed. India and China (ed. 2000) [level 2] Popular Music (ed. 2 Americans by Choice (ed. 1957) Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All (ed. 1956) The Balaclava Story and other Stories (ed. or The Innocent Voyage (ed. 2 Brad Pitt (ed.Streets of London (ed.1965) . 1 Understanding Light (ed. 2 The Oscars (ed. 1999) [level 1] Blackmail (ed. 1993) Ginger Mick (ed. 2000) [level 1] The Purse (ed. 1985) Ej. 1978) Children as Writers. 1975) Steve goes to school (ed. 1970) Living Together around the World (ed. Heinemann (ed. Heinemann (ed. 1999) [level 1] Two boyfriends (ed. Jealous (ed. 2000) [level 1] The American System of Government (ed. 1975) The Brontë Story (ed. 1959) Ej. 2001) [level 1] Build Brother Build (ed. 1 Oprah Winfrey (ed. 1985) Ej.2001) [level 3] Supermodels (ed. 1973) “How it works” Farm machinery (ed. Stories of the American West (ed. 2000) [level 2] Halloween (ed. 1968) Greybeard (ed. 1977) Children as Writers 5. 1962) The shore road mystery (ed.1 Seven of Note Brief Biographies of Famous American Authors (ed. 1999) [level 1] Blackmail (ed. and Videos (ed. Lies. Heinemann (ed. 1981) Ej. 72 (ed. 1958) Living Together Today and Yesterday (ed. 1967) The Art of Making Sense (ed. 1976) Ej. 1965) The New Basic Readers No. 2000) [level 2] Education in Britain (ed. 1960) Introducing Britain (ed. 1971) Story Shops. Climbing Mount Everest (ed. 1991) Animals (ed. The Present (ed. 1958) Ej. 1976) Ej. 1964) A High Wind in Jamaica. 2001) [level 2] The Phone Rings (ed. 2001) [level 1] Tom's Cake and Kate's Lunch (ed. Heinemann (ed. 2 Americans by Choice (ed. 71 (ed. 1971) Fire on Maple Street (ed. 3 Audrey Hepburn (ed. 1958) Children as Writers 2. 1959) Ej. 2003) [Level 1] Man and Modern Science (ed. 2000) [Level 1] The People Act (ed. 1999) [level 1] The Plan (ed. 1 The Permanent Revolution (ed. 2003) [Level 2] Baywatch Sharks. 2001) [level 2] Ricky Martin (ed. 1999) How Life Began (ed.1999) [level 1] Mr. 1978) Chemical Secret (ed. 2000) [Level 2] The top of the world. 1975) The New Basic Readers No. 1992) Democracy: an American Novel (ed. 1975) Children as Writers 4. 1974) The secret of the old mill (ed. 1960) Ej. 1972) Seven of Note Brief Biographies of Famous American Authors (ed. 2 The Pioneers. 1958) Ej. 1978) The Shockwave Rider (ed. 1962) Orlando (ed. 1948) A Canticle For Leibowitz (ed. 1974) The door to the tower (ed. 1961) The Tomb of Amenosis (ed. 1970) The Big Midget Murders (ed. 1969) Trent's Last Case (ed. 1965) Julian (ed.1943) Likely to Die (ed. 1947) Tess of the D'Urbervilles (ed. 1976) Fraulein Spy (ed. 1962) God Bless you Mr. 1988) Keep the Giraffe Burning (ed 1977) Venus Plus X (ed. 1971) The Manchurian Candidate (ed. 1965) 2 in 1 [The Case of the Stuttering Bishop.1968) The Bridge of San Luis Rey (ed. 1959) Gate of the golden gazelle (ed. 1970) Of the Farm (ed. 1946) The Case of the Velvet Claws (ed. 1990) Rosemary's Baby (ed. 1964) The Long Good . 1939) The Bellamy Trial (ed. 1975) The Case of the Lame Canary (ed. 1966) The Secret of Pilgrim (ed. 1928) . 1961) Death Train (ed. 1980) Beloved (ed.Bye (ed. 1965) Fatal Step (ed. 1962) Lost in the Funhouse (ed. 1961) Early to Rise (ed. 1997) The Legacy (ed 1981) The Heshire Moon (ed. The Case of the Dangerous Dowager] (ed. 1997) The Red Right Hand (ed. 1963) Franny and Zooey (ed. 1989) The Source (ed. 1958) Bech: A Book (ed. 1959) The Clinic (ed. 1955) Confessional (ed 1985) The Art of Llewellyn Jones (ed. 1987) Mystery House (ed. 1981) Blood & Wine (ed. Rosewater (ed. 1981) Call for the Dead (ed. 1927) Crescent Carnival (ed. 1997) Cockpit (ed. 1965) The Word (ed. 1942) Where love has gone (ed. 1973) The Burnt Ones (ed. 1967) Early to Rise (ed. 1983) The Nutmeg Tree (ed. 1945) Anatomy of a Murder (ed. 1994) The Man with the Golden Gun (ed. 1972) The Magnificent Ambersons (ed. 1966) The Onion Eaters (ed.The Lilies of the Field (ed. 1937) The Sands of time (ed. 1978) The Last Starship from Earth (ed. 1918) Snow Falcon (ed. 1929) Magnificent Obsession (ed. 1984) Middle of the Night (ed. 1957) Plays for Reading. 1980) Dry Lips Oughta Move To Kapuskasing (ed. Using Readers Theatre in EFL (ed. 1989) Inspector Thackerary Calls (ed. 1958) 20 Prize-Winning Non-Royalty One-Act Plays (ed.My Dear Aunt and a Morning in London (ed. 1983) The Music Line and other Short Plays (ed. 1982) Three Mystery Plays (ed. 1943) . 1974) Inspector Thackeray Arrives (ed. 1985) 7 Sketches (ed. 1981) Three Plays (ed. adaptada.Teatro Volver al Indice clasificación Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Civilización Didáctica y Pedagogía Didáctica y Pedagogía Didáctica y Pedagogía Didáctica y Pedagogía Didáctica y Pedagogía Didáctica y Pedagogía Didáctica y Pedagogía . Novela. Otros textos para principiantes. 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