Ingenico Telium Configuration

May 21, 2018 | Author: Umesh Kumawat | Category: Usb Flash Drive, Booting, Computer Architecture, Computer Engineering, Technology



NARUS TELIUM PACKAGEGeneric Telium UIA Release Version 15.0.4 (KP4) May 2, 2016 Ingenico Inc. – 3025 Winward Plaza, Suite 600, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Tel: (678) 456-1200 – Fax: (678) 456-1201 1.2.Contents 1.1. USB Load 15 4.3. LLT download 6 4. Overview 3 2. Setup Requirements 6 4. Download Procedure 6 4.3. Loading USB Load Package 17 NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 2/18 . KP4 Components Summary 5 4.2. Creating USB Load Package 15 4.3. NON-KP4 Components Summary 4 3. 4.1. It contains specific Telium SDK common components. and NAR specific application releases describe in the next section.4-3007 Please refer to the ReleaseNotes_TeliumUIA_15. and ISC480 only). Overview This release contains Generic Telium UIA application p r o d u c t i o n package for i S C 2 5 0 a n d i S C 4 8 0 . This release contains only the KP4 variant of PK package • Non KP4 signed core app: N/A • KP4 signed core app: UIA V15. Telium package includes two separate downloadable formats.0. ISC350.pdf for release notes. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 3/18 . Local Download (LLT) and external USB (ISC250. add-ons.0. NON-KP4 Components Summary UIA Telium package part number is categorized by hardware and contactless options. Non-Contactless package  Not Applicable Contactless package  Not Applicable Package summary:       Telium KIA Version Telium TSA Version Telium CAVDEV Version TDA Version UIA Version Scheme Pack : N/A : N/A : N/A : N/A : N/A : T2 SCHEMEPACK 0302 NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 4/18 . This package only supports legacy FK key file.PAR in the relevant package.2. Contactless indicates the internal contactless settings set via MANAGER. 0.3. This package must be used with KP4 key file.4.0003 : 15. Contactless indicates the internal contactless settings set via MANAGER. KP4 Components Summary UIA Telium package part number is categorized by hardware and contactless options.PAR in the relevant package.0.3. Non-Contactless package  Not Applicable Contactless package   PK-UGEN03-1504B3 > iSC250 PK-UGEN31-1504B3 > iSC480 Package summary:       Telium KIA Version Telium TSA Version Telium CAVDEV Version TDA Version UIA Version Scheme Pack : 0300 : 0302 : 0123 : 14.3007 : T2 SCHEMEPACK 0302 NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 5/18 . Device must meet the following requirements • NAR Profile [0248-014 ] Terminal software packages provided in this kit are intended only for production profiled unit [0248-014].1.4. Setup Requirements Download host (PC) must meet the following requirements • Running Windows XP. 4. Software packages are not intended for mock up profile unit. Mock up profile unit has an unmistaken flashing of the warning sign as shown below 4. Make sure LLT has been installed and configured correctly. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 6/18 .2.2 installed and Sagem device Port configured to connect to Telium devices via USB port.4. Windows7 (32 and 64 Bit) • Have a minimum of LLT 4. Refer to LLT User’s guide for initial setup.6 or 4.4. This value appears briefly at the start of boot up sequence if OS and Manager exist on terminal. Download Procedure 4. 4. The screen capture information of Part# and Device may change based on the current package used. Loading this software into a mockup unit will render the device unusable which must be returned to Ingenico for factory reset.3. LLT_LOAD.BAT detects LLT installation path in the registry and will set the path accordingly.5. LLT download Download is triggered by LLT command line script. 3. Screen displays ‘LLT’ 8. IMPORTANT: This sequence ‘F1’ ‘F4’ ‘Down’ MUST be used ‘Up’ to load all PK packages cleanly. Go to LoadScripts directory within the selected package and double click the LLT_LOAD. Reboot the device one more time. 5. Connect the appropriate device to host PC using the supplied USB cable. 7. Sequence Table 1 Device Function Keys 1. Reboot and hold down appropriate key while device boots up. Enter COM Port when prompted and press enter. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 7/18 . Reboot device. Not Supported Delete all applications except system files. Reboot the device. Functions Reboot IPP320/IPP350 keypad ISC250/ISC350/ISC480 keypad ‘#’ ‘<’ ‘-’ ‘<’ LLT Mode USB F3 ‘-’ Press and hold down both keys simultaneously until device reboots. 4. Step 6 is required in order to create the HOST directory. 3. 2. Release when device screen displays USB MASS STORAGE ‘1’ ‘3’ ‘4’ ‘6’ 1. 6. Terminal screen displays ‘LLT’. DEVICE.BAT.The following table contains shortcut guide to putting the device in the desired mode. Release as soon as the first ‘*’ appears on the screen. Device screen will display LLT ‘4’ Reboot and hold down ‘4’ key while device boots up. and SECURITY PROFILE may change as these values are based on the current package. and quickly press and release the rest of the appropriate keys sequentially. 2. 5. All four ‘****’ must appears on device screen in order to complete this task. 4. Prepare the device by doing a ‘Delete all applications except system files’ steps as shown in Table 1 above. Device is ready for local download. Hold down the first key ‘F1’ or ‘1’ while device is booting up. The PART NUMBER. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package.2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 : NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 8/18 . This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download. A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "1-3-4-6". ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4.5. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package. This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download.. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4.2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 :21 MAKE SURE DEVICE IS SET TO "LLT" MODE PRESS ENTER WHEN "LLT" IS DISPLAYED ON DEVICE SCREEN. PLEASE WAIT. 7. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package.5. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download..2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 :21 MAKE SURE DEVICE IS SET TO "LLT" MODE PRESS ENTER WHEN "LLT" IS DISPLAYED ON DEVICE SCREEN. Make sure device is in LLT mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 9/18 . ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4. A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "1-3-4-6"..5...6. Press Enter to continue ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile.. A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "1-3-4-6". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK-UGEN05-1502B3 LOADING IN PROGRESS. ISC350. or ISC480. This is a onetime process. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 10/18 . Step 9 through 10 applies only to IPP3xx LLT factory loading. The initial load is required to increase the swap and system size. Info window pops up indicating progress and state of connection.8. Skip to step 11 if loading ISC250. IPP3xx consist of a 2-steps download due to system size limitation on factory unit. .. ################################################################################## LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4.2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 :21 MAKE SURE DEVICE IS SET TO "LLT" MODE PRESS ENTER WHEN "LLT" IS DISPLAYED ON DEVICE SCREEN. ################################################################################## Part Number : PK-UGEN04-1502A3 Device : IPP320 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on IPP320 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. PK-UGEN04-1502A3 may require additional software package.5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK-UGEN04-1502A3 PACKAGE 1 OF 2 LOADING IN PROGRESS... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------################################################################################## PACKAGE 1 OF 2 SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ################################################################################## WAIT FOR DEVICE TO RE-START. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 11/18 . Follow the instruction on how to put the IPP320 into ‘LLT’ mode prior to proceeding with the second part of the download. MANUALLY PUT DEVICE IN LLT MODE AND PRESS ENTER.9.. This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download. PLEASE WAIT. A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "F1-F4-F2-F3". IPP3xx will boot up to the ‘Langue’ screen after the initial load (package 1 of 2). User will get additional prompts to manually put the device in LLT mode. .2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 :21 MAKE SURE DEVICE IS SET TO "LLT" MODE PRESS ENTER WHEN "LLT" IS DISPLAYED ON DEVICE SCREEN. A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "F1-F4-F2-F3". PLEASE WAIT.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK-UGEN04-1502A3 PACKAGE 2 OF 2 LOADING IN PROGRESS. A successful screen for IPP3xx LLT load ################################################################################## Part Number : PK-UGEN04-1502A3 Device : IPP320 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on IPP320 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile.. MANUALLY PUT DEVICE IN LLT MODE AND PRESS ENTER. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK-UGEN04-1502A3 PACKAGE 1 OF 2 LOADING IN PROGRESS... ################################################################################## LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------################################################################################## PACKAGE 1 OF 2 SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ################################################################################## WAIT FOR DEVICE TO RE-START. ... NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 12/18 . PK-UGEN04-1502A3 may require additional software package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------################################################################################## PACKAGE 2 OF 2 SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ################################################################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------**** * * ****** ****** ******** **** **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * ***** **** **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** **** ****** ****** ******** ***** ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Loading is completed Press any key to continue .5. This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download. .10. PLEASE WAIT. . 12. A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "1-3-4-6". ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4. This completes the LLT download. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK-UGEN05-1502B3 LOADING IN PROGRESS. Device requires a reboot after Telium Manager successfully initializes contactless settings in MANAGER. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 13/18 . 14.2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 :21 MAKE SURE DEVICE IS SET TO "LLT" MODE PRESS ENTER WHEN "LLT" IS DISPLAYED ON DEVICE SCREEN. This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download. Press ENTER. A sample screen shot of successful ISC350 LLT load.11. ..PAR file and boots to UPOS Interface Application splash Screen. . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------################################################################################## PACKAGE PK-UGEN05-1502A3 SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ################################################################################## Loading is completed Press any key to continue . PK-UGEN05-1502A3 may require additional software package. Telium manager goes through the initialization of the MANAGER.. Following a successful key injection..PAR.5. 13. This is a one-time process. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502A3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC250 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. Device reboots to KIA INJECTION option screen and ready for serial number and key injection. PLEASE WAIT. 15... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK-UGEN05-1502B3 LOADING IN PROGRESS. Please refer to downloadlog.. PLEASE WAIT.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------!!!!ErrorCode: -8!DOWNLOAD FAILED . ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. .txt in the root directory for details.5. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 14/18 . A download failure screen. This action creates the HOST directory for the subsequent host specific data files download.2\ ] ENTER COM PORT# or [ENTER] for COM1 :21 MAKE SURE DEVICE IS SET TO "LLT" MODE PRESS ENTER WHEN "LLT" IS DISPLAYED ON DEVICE SCREEN. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package. .PPP CONNECTION PROBLEM!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------****** ** ******* * ******** ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** ******** * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* ******* ******** ****** ------------------------------------------------------------------------Press any key to continue . A reboot is required following a delete all sequence: "1-3-4-6". ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** LATEST LLT DETECTED IN [ C:\Program Files\TELIUM Tools\LLT 4. ISC350 and ISC480 are capable of handling software download via FAT16 or FAT32 formatted USB flash memory. The USB package format is created by running the COPY_TO_USB. This script generates telium usb downloadable package on external usb flash. Double click COPY_TO_USB. Creating USB Load Package 1. 4. Enter Windows assigned USB drive letter when prompted. USB Load ISC250.1.BAT.4. We highly recommend that the USB flash memory use in loading be kept for such purpose and contains no other artifacts. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. Telium supports FAT16 or FAT32 formatted usb flash drive drive. Please make sure USB memory has been properly formatted. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** ENTER WINDOWS ASSIGNED USB FLASH DRIVE LETTER: NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 15/18 .BAT. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package.3. The batch script generates downloadable software package into USB memory stick. we recommend a separate USB memory flash for download purpose. This generates downloadable software package into the attached USB memory. Please refer to Table1 keying guide to putting the device in the USB ready mode.3. . SWAP FILES COPIED OK HOST FILES COPIED Ok VERIFY USB SWAP FILES... . All relevant files will be copied over onto the USB flash and verified for integrity. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile.. USB CONTENT VALIDATED :-) SAFELY EJECT FLASH DRIVE Press any key to continue . . ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** ENTER WINDOWS ASSIGNED USB FLASH DRIVE LETTER: F GENERATING "PK-UGEN05-1502B3" USB PACKAGE . VERIFY USB HOST FILES. we recommend a separate USB memory flash for download purpose. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package. Telium supports FAT16 or FAT32 formatted usb flash drive drive. Please make sure USB memory has been properly formatted. This script generates telium usb downloadable package on external usb flash... NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 16/18 . USB load package gets generated automatically if the same package does not exist in the flash drive.2. This may change. On the device.2. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** ENTER WINDOWS ASSIGNED USB FLASH DRIVE LETTER: F PK-UGEN05-1502B3 ALREADY EXIST ON USB DRIVE F Press ENTER TO OVERWRITE or "Q" to quit : 4. Eject USB flash drive. PART number echoed on command screen reflects the current package. User will be prompted to exit or overwrite if similar package part# already exists on the targeted USB flash drive. Reboot the device 7. Release when device screen displays NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 17/18 . This script generates telium usb downloadable package on external usb flash.3. Loading USB Load Package 4. Telium supports FAT16 or FAT32 formatted usb flash drive drive.3. ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************** Part Number : PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Device : ISC350 Security Profile : PRODUCTION 0248-014 Package must be used only on ISC350 containing either factory profile 4112-255 or the PRODUCTION 0248-014 profile. do a ‘Delete all applications except system files’ steps as shown in Table 1 above. 5. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 may require additional software package. Please make sure USB memory has been properly formatted. Insert the USB flash drive into device USB host port. we recommend a separate USB memory flash for download purpose. 6. Reboot and hold down ‘4’ key while device boots up. Telium manager goes through the initialization of the MANAGER. Download starts immediately if no other package is detected. Device reboots to KIA INJECTION option screen and ready for serial number and key injection. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 Software Activate OK 10. Device requires a reboot after Telium Manager successfully initializes contactless settings in MANAGER. This is a one-time process.USB MASS STORAGE 8.PAR. Following a successful key injection. PK-UGEN05-1502B3 … 9. Software activation occurs at the end of the download. NARUS TELIUM PACKAGE • 18/18 .PAR file and boots to UPOS Interface Application splash Screen. 11. Device detects for valid USB formatted package and displays package name. OK indicates successful validation and completes the USB download.
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