ING Happiness 2011 Final

June 4, 2018 | Author: Chu Kiu Lap | Category: F Test, Economies, Business



香港快樂指數ING LIFE Hong Kong Happiness Index 2011 何濼生教授 嶺南大學公共政策研究中心 Professor Lok Sang HO Director, Centre for Public Policy Studies Department of Economics Lingnan University August 2 2011 • This is the first study conducted on-line in collaboration with ING. The respondents do NOT represent a randomized sample. Caution should be exercised when comparing results with earlier surveys conducted since 2005 by the CPPS. However given the much bigger size of the sample we have drawn interesting results not seen before. • 今年調查於 2011 年六月七至二十日期間進行 The survey was conducted between 7th - 20th 2011. • 8523 位香港居民成功地完成了整份問卷 8523 Hong Kong residents successfully completed the questionnaire. • 嶺大「香港快樂指數」 : 个人指數以 0 分為最低 10 分為最 高。 Lingnan University Hong Kong Happiness (individual) Index is on a scale of 0 to 10; territory wide index 0- Happiness Formula 快樂方程式 = L I F E L = LOVE 關愛 I = INSIGHT 智慧 F = FORTITUDE 堅毅 E = ENGAGEMENT 行動 : and find myself becoming wiser over the years. • 我專注於自己做到最好,不介意別人如何評價我。 I have a habit of focusing on doing the best I can. • 我的家人十分關心我。 My family members care for me a lot. not worrying about how others think of me.Measures of Love 關愛 Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10) • 我十分關心我的家人。 I care for my family a lot. • 我接受我自己,不會因自己的不足而煩惱。 I accept myself as I am. . and shall not be troubled by my own shortcomings. • 我從錯誤中學到很多,智慧漸長。 I learn from mistakes. Measures of Insight 智慧 Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10) • 我經常反思每天的生活,努力完善自己。 I have a habit of reflecting.  • 我關心社會上不幸的人。 I care for people who are less fortunate than myself. In so doing I want to improve myself. I never do anything in excess. • 我力求生活平衡,工作娱樂飲食均有節度。 Moderation and balance is my motto. • 我願意為自己的信念和價值觀付出。 I am ready to make sacrifice to defend my convictions and values.  Measures of engagement 行動 Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10) • 我掌握機會發揮所長。 I take advantage of opportunities that I have to realize my potential.Measures of fortitude 堅毅 Disagree or agree ( scale of 0 to 10) • 挫折使我變得更堅強。 I become stronger going through difficulties and adversities. • 我有信心克服困難,總會有更美好的將來。 I am sure I can overcome difficulties. and as long as I endure. • 我有清晰的人生目標。 I have clear objectives in my life. • 我爭取做自己喜歡的事。 . things will turn better in the future. Happiness and LIFE Scores . Gender.Age. . Happiness by Age Group 20052011 . 99 3006 Female 7.Happiness by Sex Sex Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 Male 6.17 5517 Total 7.11 8523 . 58 7.17 5517 .48 7.76 7.99 3006 Female 7.LIFE Scores by Sex Sex Love Insight Total 7.84 Fortitude Engagement Happiness 7.98 7.52 7.42 6.33 6.17 7.57 6.11 8523 Male 7.23 Sample 樣本數目 7.52 6. 07 7.73 7 7.6 7.61 7.Happiness by Age Age Below 18 18-20 21-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 or Above Total Mean 平均值 6.72 7.42 7.51 6.77 7.11 Median 中位數 7 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 Sample 樣本數目 724 635 1257 1619 1317 905 763 564 348 190 121 80 8523 .3 7.14 7.25 7. 70 7.07 7.42 50-54 7.13 7.23 7.13 6.71 7.10 7.07 35-39 7.33 7.88 7.95 7.66 7.61 65 or Above 7.55 7.30 Total 7.87 7.94 7.60 55-59 8.12 7.72 7.86 7.37 7.48 7.63 6.72 7.33 7.50 7.41 6.52 6.64 7.21 7.25 45-49 7.14 7.40 6.51 21-24 7.96 6.76 7.14 40-44 7.24 6.52 7.84 7.38 7.73 25-29 7.46 6.72 60-64 8.69 7.42 7.47 7.73 7.11 .54 7.82 7.49 7.LIFE Scores by Age Age Love Insight Fortitude Engagemen Happiness t 7.23 6.30 7.00 30-34 7.23 7.26 18-20 7.51 7.51 6.43 7.31 7.50 7.77 Below 18 7. 18 8 3549 50 or Above 7.60 8 739 Total 7.11 7 8523 .96 7 4235 Age 30-49 7.Happiness by Age Group Age Group Mean 平均值 Median 中位數 Sample 樣本數目 Below 30 6. 2275 .6051 7.3354 50 or Above 7.4013 7.0726 Age 30-49 7.0204 7.7574 7.6381 7.5170 7.5173 6.4260 7.8382 7.5830 7.3345 6.5972 Total 7.LIFE Scores by Age Group Age Group Love Insight Fortitude Engagemen t Below 30 7.9847 7. 54 395 7.99 3006 7.11 8523 .26 2210 7.07 1339 7.68 344 7.60 739 Total 6.06 2912 6.96 4235 Age 30-49 7.18 3549 50 or Above 7.Happiness by Sex and Age GroupSample Total Age Group Male Sample Female 樣本數目 樣本數目 Sample 樣本數目 Below 30 6.17 5517 7.74 1323 7. 38 7.11 Female Total Fortitude Engagemen Happiness t 7.52 7.47 7.81 7.52 6.LIFE Scores by Sex and Age Group Sex Age Group Love Insight Male Below 30 7.42 6.48 7.34 7.64 7.40 7.18 6.02 7.58 7.68 Total 7.96 Age 30-49 7.84 7.53 7.61 7.42 6.02 7.72 6.23 7.18 50 or Above 7.98 7.31 7.07 50 or Above 8.57 7.17 7.43 7.36 7.70 Age 30-49 7.75 7.15 6.76 7.97 7.59 7.33 6.17 Below 30 7.57 6.07 6.60 7.60 Total 7.26 50 or Above 7.33 6.99 Below 30 7.61 7.06 Age 30-49 7.51 7.10 7.87 7.54 Total 7.11 7.50 7.30 7.76 7.98 7.58 7.71 7.74 . 89 693 7.28 807 7.76 807 6.LIFE Scores from 2008 – 2011 (not directly comparable though) Index 2008 2009 2011 Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 Love 7.49 814 6.35 809 7.52 8523 Engagement 6.99 790 6.75 809 7.10 737 7.52 Insight 6.73 797 7.84 Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 2010 Mean 平均值 Sample Sample 樣本數目 Mean 平 樣本數目 均值 8523 8523 Fortitude 6.64 801 7.23 8523 .67 806 8.29 793 6. 21 456 6.99 311 7.40 339 7.18 426 7.58 3006 7.14 415 6.30 299 7.52 8523 2010 8.45 331 7.80 462 7.57 5517 7.53 278 7.59 526 7.67 806 2008 7.75 809 2011 7.51 339 6.35 820 2009 7.67 334 7.52 8523 2010 7.84 8523 2010 7.48 5517 7.18 298 7.99 790 .81 475 7.63 801 2011 6.33 520 7.28 818 2009 6.76 5517 6.10 737 2008 6.49 825 2009 6.89 693 2008 6.11 299 8.92 470 6.48 521 8.98 3006 6.LIFE Scores from 2008 – 2011 by Sex Sex Love Insight Fortitude Male Female Total Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 2011 7.42 3006 7. 3 5.9 8.7 7.7 7.7 8.6 6.2 6.7 e   N 315 318 50 or male Mean 7.6 7.3 6.8 8.5 8.7 6.0 7.1 6.2 5.3 E: ENGAGEMENT 7.3 137 129 128 161 142 141 159 211 214 208 203 395 395 395 395 femal Mean 7.1 7.1 6.2 7.7 7.9 8.0 6.3 7.9 6.4 6.1 6.5 7.6 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.7 8.6 6.8 above 2009 I: INSIGHT F:FORTITUDE 7.1 8.5 6.0 7.1 7.8 7.2 50 N 225 N 107 femal Mean 8.0 e   N 132 L: LIFE 2010 2011 I F E L I F E L I F E L I F E 6.0 7.5 7.1 7.LIFE Scores from 2008 – 2011 by Sex and Age Group           2008 L under male Mean 7.9 6.3 7.5 .3 225 223 226 213 197 183 213 176 176 176 173 2662 2662 2662 2662 7.4 7.6 7.4 6.9 108 104 102 114 110 92 113 119 119 118 115 344 344 344 344 7.9 7.1 7.1 6.5 8.5 7.3 7.5 6.1 7.5 311 316 307 279 267 310 303 305 305 302 5122 5122 5122 5122 7.2 6. Household Income Group. Happiness and LIFE Scores . 31072 10000-19999 6.Happiness by Household Income Group Household Income Group 家庭入息組別 Below 10000 Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 Std.78 1966 1.86576 .23 1385 1.69034 400000 or Above 7.76719 30000-39999 7.66903 Total 7.37 2256 1.03 1786 1. Deviation 標準差 7.94421 20000-29999 7.15 1130 2.11 8523 1. 78 2000029999 7.57 7.33 6.52 6.52 7.26 7.15 1000019999 7.11 .35 6.8 7.59 7.09 7.45 7.94 6.65 6.76 7.23 400000 or Above 7.11 7.31 6.92 7.16 7.37 Total 7.55 7.LIFE Scores by Household Income Group Household Income Group Love Insight Fortitude Engageme Happiness nt Below 10000 7.03 3000039999 7.73 7.79 7.84 7.23 7.36 7.49 6. Education Level. Happiness and LIFE Scores . 03 7 461 Senior Secondary 中四至中五 ( 高中 ) 7.11 7 3122 Total 7.11 7 757 Post Secondary 大專 ( 文憑 ) 6.11 7 8523 .06 7 2458 Matriculated 預科 7.22 中位數 7.5 樣本數目 36 Primary 小學 8.59 10 325 Junior Secondary 中一至中三 ( 初中 ) 7.88 7 1364 University 大學或以上 7.Happiness by Education Level Education Level Mean Median Sample No Formal Schooling 未接受正規教育 平均值 7. 66 7.23 7.47 6.09 6.52 7.64 7.88 7.39 7.64 8.78 7.19 7.06 6.84 7.78 7.22 Primary 小學 7.11 .47 7.59 Junior Secondary 中一至中三 ( 初中 ) 7.LIFE Scores and Education Level Education Level Love Insight Fortitude Engagement Happiness No Formal Schooling 未接受正規教育 7.49 6.48 7.92 7.35 7.11 Total 7.51 6.11 Post Secondary 大專 ( 文憑 ) 7.70 7.88 University 大學或以上 7.54 6.48 6.37 7.55 7.03 Senior Secondary 中四至中五 ( 高中 ) 7.92 7.11 7.52 6.42 6.06 Matriculated 預科 7.13 7.63 7.09 7. Happiness and LIFE Scores .Territory. District. 33 1602 Kowloon 九龍區 7.02 2339 New Territories 新界區 7.11 8523 .08 4582 Total 7.Happiness by Major Regions Mean 平均值 Sample 樣本數目 Hong Kong Island 港島區 7. 19 7.84 7.23 7.52 7.52 7.76 7.42 6.82 7.2 7.48 7.Territory LIFE Scores by Major Regions Hong Kong Island Love Insight Fortitude Engagement Happiness 7.53 6.57 7.36 7.02 7.52 6.62 7 7.08 7.11 港島區 Kowloon 九龍區 New Territories 新界區 Total .33 7. 03 7.98 7.07 6.01 Sample 樣本數目 296 Wan Chai  灣仔區 Eastern  東區 Southern  南區 Yau Tsim Mong  油尖旺區 Sham Shui Po  深水埗區 Kowloon City  九龍城區 Wong Tai Sin  黃大仙區 Kwun Tong  觀塘區 Kwai Tsing  葵青區 Tsuen Wan  荃灣區 Tuen Mun  屯門區 Yuen Long  元朗區 North  北區 Tai Po  大埔區 Sha Tin  沙田區 Sai Kung  西貢區 Islands  離島區 Total 8.69 7.94 7.07 6.87 7.98 7.21 6.06 7.07 6.02 7.Happiness by Districts District Central and Western 中西區 Mean 平均值 7.13 6.11 318 681 307 348 368 386 471 766 575 405 649 685 370 438 715 570 175 8523 .94 7.83 7.04 6.55 7. 52 6.15 7.84 7.07 Islands  離島區 7.48 6.87 7.47 7.07 Southern  南區 7.69 7.57 7.98 Total 7.63 7.03 Sai Kung  西貢區 7.00 6.70 7.80 7.44 6.21 Sham Shui Po  深水埗區 7.67 8.80 7.23 7.45 6.46 7.85 7.52 6.42 6.84 7.52 7.84 7.08 6.11 7.36 6.71 7.37 7.51 7.45 7.02 Tai Po  大埔區 7.94 Kowloon City  九龍城區 7.31 7.71 7.41 7.55 6.99 6.52 7.LIFE Scores by Districts District Love Insight Fortitude Engagement Happiness Central and Western 中西區 7.79 7.57 7.36 6.56 7.58 7.45 7.51 7.20 7.70 7.96 7.88 7.17 7.76 7.45 6.47 6.44 6.75 7.48 7.07 Kwai Tsing  葵青區 7.94 Yau Tsim Mong  油尖旺區 7.21 6.20 7.41 7.52 6.55 Eastern  東區 7.69 Sha Tin  沙田區 7.98 7.04 Wong Tai Sin  黃大仙區 7.11 .83 7.16 7.06 North  北區 7.02 7.83 Tsuen Wan  荃灣區 7.87 Kwun Tong  觀塘區 7.31 6.50 7.43 6.46 6.32 7.38 7.13 Tuen Mun  屯門區 7.96 6.17 6.58 6.98 Yuen Long  元朗區 7.49 7.33 7.01 Wan Chai  灣仔區 7.65 6.73 7. Happiness and LIFE Scores .Living Unit. 10 1256 HOS Housing Private Tenant 居屋租客 7.91 321 Private Housing Tenant 私樓租客 7.00 138 Public Housing Tenant 公屋租客 6.79 2061 Total 7.15 Sample 樣本數目 3288 HOS Home 居屋業主 7.53 1459 TPS Home 租者置其屋公屋業主 6.Happiness by Living Unit Live Unit 住屋類別 Private Home 自置物業業主 Mean 平均值 7.11 8523 . 22 6.52 6.32 6.24 6.93 7.55 7.73 7.11 .45 7.34 6.52 7.06 6.54 7.23 7.53 TPS Home 租者置其屋公屋業主 7.00 Public Housing Tenant 公屋租客 7.79 Total 7.74 7.46 6.84 7.96 6.86 7.14 7.53 7.15 HOS Home 居屋業主 7.91 Private Housing Tenant 私樓租客 7.89 7.63 7.60 6.29 7.LIFE Scores by Living Unit Live Unit 住屋類別 Love Insight Fortitude Engagemen Happiness t Private Home 自置物業業主 7.71 7.63 7.41 6.10 HOS Housing Private Tenant 居屋租 客 7.33 7. Financial Pressure and Happiness 財政壓力與快樂指數 . . Financial Pressure and Happiness 財政壓力與快樂指數 Regression Analysis 廻歸分析 Regressing Happiness on LIFE Scores Regressing Happiness on LIFE Scores Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. -.115 .909 B Std. Error (Constant) -.010 .086 Love *** .188 .011 .158 16.642 .000 Insight *** .315 .015 .243 20.878 .000 Fortitude *** .132 .015 .108 8.708 .000 Engagement *** .354 .014 .306 25.210 .000 Adjusted R Square F-Statistics .474 1918.518 *** Beta ***,** and * indicate 1%,5% and 10 % statistical significance 000 Adjusted R Square .011 .000 .797 .438 .309 .109 .130 .030 .022 -.000 .382 24.000 .037 -.517 Standardized Coefficients Beta t Sig.073 .023 .5% and 10 % statistical significance .328 .069 -.294 .357 .105 -.009 -1.008 Household Income >40000 Female -.909 10.231 -7.826 14.000 .021 2.091 .882 .915 -2.060 .226 .037 .000 Unemployed *** Financial Pressure *** -.091 .125 .015 .152 .** and * indicate 1%.044 .000 .015 .004 . .010 -.400 .097 *** ***.000 .291 .667 .267 -5.162 Education Level *** -.325 -.260 .929 10.054 .064 8.155 .035 -.117 .063 -7.075 .072 .036 -.261 .650 F-Statistics 609.454 .000 Household Income <10000 *** .588 -19.508 .000 .144 19.249 .000 .284 -.004 9.000 .157 -3. Error 1.027 -.014 -.056 .Baseline Regression (Constant) Love *** Insight *** Fortitude *** Engagement *** Age 30-49 *** 50 or Above *** Married *** Divorced *** Widow or Widower Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Regression of Financial Pressure 財政壓力的廻歸分析 . 053 4.640 *** Beta ***.169 0.158 0.022 0.133 -0.108 8.034 0.646 -5.021 0.283 0.962 0.067 TPS Home *** 0.035 3.000 (Constant) Age *** Family Members *** Adjusted R Square F-Statistics . Error 0.027 Std.22 0.957 Household Income Group *** -0.003 0.002 -0.000 B 1.5% and 10 % statistical significance .186 0.022 1.708 0.059 67.949 4.000 HOS Home * 0.055 33.185 0.** and * indicate 1%.024 0.000 0.001 Public Housing Tenant *** 0.15 -12.056 0.000 Private Housing Tenant *** 0.039 0.831 0.000 0.067 0. 0.117 10.006 -0.861 0.018 0.000 HOS Housing Private Tenant *** 0.Regression of Financial Pressure Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.019 0.038 0. Assessing the Impact of Education on Happiness from the Baseline Regression 從廻歸分析中估量教育對快樂指數的影響 . 438 *** 7783 ***.Education on Happiness for Age Below 50 Adjusted R Square .** and * indicate 1%.512 F-Statistics N 682.5% and 10 % statistical significance . 495 F-Statistics N 61.5% and 10 % statistical significance .** and * indicate 1%.312 *** 738 ***.Education on Happiness for Age 50 or Above Adjusted R Square . 751 *** 7783 ***.Education on Happiness for Age Below 50 Adjusted R Square .511 F-Statistics N 677.** and * indicate 1%.5% and 10 % statistical significance . 5% and 10 % statistical significance .** and * indicate 1%.Education on Happiness for Age 50 or Above Adjusted R Square .494 F-Statistics N 61.004 *** 738 ***. ** and * indicate 1%.5% and 10 % statistical significance .394 *** 7783 ***.Education on Happiness for Age Below 50 Adjusted R Square .510 F-Statistics N 676. 490 F-Statistics N 60.** and * indicate 1%.5% and 10 % statistical significance .014 *** 738 ***.Education on Happiness for Age 50 or Above Adjusted R Square . Measuring the Marriage Premium on Happiness from Regression 以廻歸分析量度 婚姻對快樂的增值 . 466 .120 .008 .022 .383 -3.044 Beta .016 -.138 -.443 -.000 .057 .159 -.979 .330 -.015 .079 Std.068 .090 .132 .013 .011 .905 .221 .061 14.525 .328 -.285 -.055 -.229 -.005 -.764 5.520 1.154 .027 .372 10.014 9.365 .065 .074 B 1.645 -2.037 -20.000 .157 .836 .600 .286 .010 .066 -.576 24.730 -.000 .035 .787 -.000 .127 .008 -.014 .013 -.306 19.072 .189 .015 .000 .046 .156 .000 .318 . Error .Measuring Marriage Premium 量度婚姻的快樂增值 Unstandardized Coefficients (Constant) Love *** Insight *** Fortitude *** Engagement *** Unemployed *** Household Income <10000 * Household Income >40000 Financial Pressure *** Education Level *** Female *** Female X Age 30-49 *** Female X 50 or Above Male X Age 30-49 Male X 50 or Above Standardize d Coefficients t Sig.000 .259 -.092 -6. .000 .035 -.111 .000 . 836 .) 量度婚姻的快樂增值 Unstandardized Coefficients B Std.250 Widower ** Female X Divorced or Widow -.020 -.769 -5.507 .403 .095 -.807 .041 .544 .520 356.000 .000 .269 Female X Married *** .011 -.698 *** Male X Divorced or Widower ** .186 -.297 Widow Female X 50 or Above X Divorced -.604 ***.518 .007 -.001 .244 -.924 . 1. Error Male X Married * .082 Female X Age 30-49 X Divorced or -.069 Female X Age 30-49 X Married *** -.823 11.5% and 10 % statistical significance .970 -2.573 -.411 .214 -.146 Male X 50 or Above X Married -.002 -.466 .021 .460 .065 -3.335 .088 .212 or Widow Adjusted R Square F-Statistics .905 Male X Age 30-49 X Divorced or -1.221 .179 .810 .014 .706 .356 -.091 Female X 50 or Above X Married -.044 -.Measuring Marriage Premium (con.251 Widower ** Male X 50 or Above X Divorced or -1.** and * indicate 1%.125 Male X Age 30-49 X Married .213 .994 .106 t Sig.045 1.111 *** Standardized Coefficients Beta .049 .410 -.029 .036 -2.014 .268 . 008 0. esp.001 0.81 0. for females Male Female Single 0 0.259 Premium over male 0.112 0.12 0.346 -0.103 0.12 0.039 -0.065 0.12 0. after Controlling for LIFE scores.597 Age 30-49 & Married 50 or Above & Married Divorced or Widow 0.728 -0.259 Age 30-49 & Single 50 or Above & Single Married (Below 30) -0.227 0.226 -0.266 0.905 0.345 -0.177 -0.31 Age 30-49 & Divorced or Widow 50 or Above & Divorced or Widow .168 0.035 0.213 0.Age Generally Bring Unhappiness.121 0. 213 0.By 50 Marriage Premium for Happiness Disappears Marriage Premium Over Single Male Female Female Male Below 30 0.112 0.12 .292 0.266 -0.597 Age 30-49 0.008 0.810 0.026 50 or Above -0. 892 1.573 0.069 .337 0.692 0.072 50 or Above 0.406 0.645 0.584 Age 30-49 0.Females Suffer More from Broken Marriages Divorced or Widow Discount over Married Male Female Female Male Below 30 -0. Happiness by Employment Status . 1883 494 Unemployed 5.9231 195 Given up looking for work 6.6000 20 .Happiness by Employment Status Employment status Mean Sample Employed 7.0322 3758 Self employed 7. 4806 387 .6397 136 Tertiary education institutions Contract employee with the government Employee with a nongovernment service organization Employee with a statutory body Civil servant 7.9107 403 7.1194 134 6.Occupation Happiness by Occupation Mean N Private sector employee 6.1938 129 7.9668 1446 Housewife/househusband 7.0169 236 7.3833 227 Student 6.9751 2493 Retired 7. Happiness Regression with Specific Employment Status . 010 -.035 -.018 -. Error .359 -.044 .037 . .157 .150 2.115 .000 .391 -.000 .079 .386 .359 24.993 -2.023 -.451 .000 B 1.157 10.151 .720 .068 -.061 . .091 -.181 .794 .896 .065 -7.123 .038 .183 -.003 .063 .022 -.000 .000 .091 -.091 -.131 .305 -2.196 .043 .892 -7.807 .017 .000 .945 -3.054 -.030 .005 -.000 .274 -.111 .287 -.030 -2.037 .438 Std.042 .082 .015 .345 .722 10.020 10.000 Standardized Coefficients Beta t Sig.368 -5.000 .000 .332 -.248 .254 19.066 14.008 -.102 -.291 .225 .061 .124 .Employment Status and Happiness Model Unstandardized Coefficients (Constant) Love Insight Fortitude Engagement Financial Pressure Age 30-49 50 or Above Education Level Married Divorced or Widow Female Household Income <10000 Household Income >40000 Self Employed Student Housewife Unemployed Adjusted R Square F Sig.072 .010 -1.000 .072 -.015 .011 .356 .517 538.000 .000 .014 .421 -19.237 -.022 8. Employment Status Analysis . 210 -.503 -.101 .049 .041 (Constant) Female Age 30-49 50 or Above Married Divorced or Widowed Education Level Household Income <10000 6.062 .018 .040 .019 .171 .046 Household Income >40000 .124 -.097 -.014 .026 -.217 2.094 -.980 .000 .712 .053 .002 .204 .115 .163 -.322 .593 .063 .109 5.037 .159 .044 .112 .048 Contract employee of the government Non governmental organization Statutory body Civil servant .042 .270 .005 .121 .591 .106 .462 -2.089 .333 -.364 15.541 -3.018 -1.000 .000 .957 1.023 73.007 .898 .516 .052 .669 .000 .197 .Employment Status Analysis Model 1 Unstandardized Coefficients B Std.458 1.231 -.006 -.017 -.094 . .153 .062 -.128 -.173 .828 .055 .059 -.138 .804 -.133 .052 .121 . Error Standardized Coefficients Beta t Sig.647 .300 .041 -.003 .160 .004 .018 .000 .061 .071 6.777 2.589 .157 .086 .369 1.083 -1.406 .111 .811 -1.657 .083 -.000 Unemployed Given up looking for jobs Self Employed Student Housewife Retired Tertiary education institutions -1.021 -7.126 .013 . 857 .103 -6.138 .073 -.119 -.011 .510 .060 .065 .729 .000 .582 -.069 -.045 .064 .284 -.303 .000 .039 .023 -.061 .455 .267 -.610 .513 .118 .004 -4.066 -.639 -.000 .010 .033 -.243 .084 .005 -.971 .088 .660 25.983 9.013 1.388 .006 Self Employed Student Housewife Retired Tertiary education institutions Contract employee of the government Non governmental organization Statutory body Civil servant -.014 .049 B .091 -.007 -.016 -2.245 2.106 .015 .813 .348 9.035 .013 1. Error .561 .831 -2.000 .022 -.045 .054 .165 .243 -.015 .130 -.007 .681 20.316 .469 .000 .000 .116 .125 .957 .022 .004 .351 .Employment Status Analysis Model 1 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients Beta t Sig.038 .806 .045 -.021 2.034 -.036 .006 .007 .139 .747 -.002 .292 .248 -.144 .047 -5.004 (Constant) Love Insight Fortitude Engagement Female Age 30-49 50 or Above Married Divorced or Widow Education Level Household Income <10000 Household Income >40000 Unemployed .000 .382 -.229 -.007 .000 Given up looking for jobs .757 14.089 Std.582 .298 .537 -3.259 .722 -7.231 .073 -.098 -.073 .000 .031 .054 .547 9.100 -.074 .863 .000 .000 .063 .016 2. . Frequency of Participation In Different Activities . Frequency of Participation In Different Activities (“Yes”) . Frequency of Participation In Different Activities (“Often”) . Frequency of Participation In Different Activities by Age Groups . Participation in Activities for Those Aged Below 30 by Percentage(“Yes”) . Participation in Activities for Those Aged Below 30 by Percentage (“Often”) . Participation in Different Activities for those Aged 30-49 by percentage(“YES”) . Participation in Different Activities for those Aged 30-49 by percentage(“OFTEN”) . Participation in Different Activities for those Aged 50+ by percentage(“YES”) . Participation in Different Activities for those Aged 50+ by percentage(“OFTEN”) . Importance of Participation in Different Activities . Percentages of Activities Rated as “important” . Percentages of Activities Rated as “Very Important” . Importance of Participation in Different Activities by Age Group . Percentages of Activities Rated as “important” for Aged Below 30 . Percentages of Activities Rated as “Very Important” by those Aged Below 30 . Percentages of Activities Rated as “Important” for Aged 30-49 . Percentages of Activities Rated as “Very Important” for Aged 30-49 . Percentages of Activities Rated as “Important” for Aged 50+ . Percentages of Activities Rated as “Very Important” for Aged 50+ . END . !07.039.0841.8 '0725479.908#.39 1470/                                    .9.90/.
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