March 18, 2018 | Author: Paul Fernando Pulla Merchan | Category: Router (Computing), Ip Address, Internet Protocols, Internet Standards, Digital & Social Media



Universidad Tecnológica América.Pulla Paul, Informe Practica Packet Tracer 1 Seminario de Graduación Universidad Tecnológica América Informe Practica Packet Tracer Esquema Enrutamiento Pulla, Paúl. [email protected] Universidad Tecnológica América Resumen— Mediante el presente trabajo se busca reforzar los conocimientos adquiridos en el tema de enrutamiento estático, y enrutamiento mediante sumarización, dicho enrutamiento nos facilita el tema de generar una red óptimamente implementada. I. OBJETIVOS LAN1: LAN2: LAN3: LAN4: Router A: Interface Fa0/0 : Interface Fa0/1: Interface Fa1/0: Router B: Interface Fa0/0: Interface Fa1/0: Interface Fa1/1: Router C: Interface Fa0/0: Interface Fa1/0: PC1 – LAN1: PC2 – LAN1: PC1 – LAN2: PC2 – LAN2: PC1 – LAN3: PC2 – LAN3: PC1 – LAN4: PC2 – LAN4: La práctica desarrollada a continuación busca: - Ayudar a comprender como funcionan las tablas de enrutamiento dentro de los ruteadores en un esquema de networking. Implementar la conectividad entre las subredes mediante ruteo estático. Comprobar la conectividad entre redes y PC’s dentro de la topología planteada. Comprender el uso y beneficios de usar sumarizacion - - II. INFORME DE LA PRACTICA A. ENRUTAMIENTO ESTATICO EN PACKET TRACER Montar el esquema mostrado a continuación en el simulador de cisco Packet Tracer y configurar las direcciones IP en cada uno de los interfaces de los equipos con sus respectivas máscaras de subred de acuerdo a como se muestra en la topología. Configurar rutas estáticas para alcanzar todas las redes en cada ruteador:  Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 Universidad Tecnológica América.  Ip Route: Sirve para poner la dirección de red que se quiere llegar con su respectiva mascara de subred y se ubica el próximo salto.255.1 255.Configuración de los equipos ruteadores y PC’s: ROUTER A Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .10.0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_A (config)#: ROUTER_A (config)#: Interface Ethernet 1/0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Ip address 192.255.10.  No Shutdown: Sirve para levantar las interfaces de conexión. Informe Practica Packet Tracer DESARROLLO DE LA PRÁCTICA ESQUEMA: ROUTERS: 2811 SWICH: 2960-24TT PC: GENERIC 2 Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router# Configure Terminal Enter configuration command.168.168.0 192.0 one per line. 192. End with CNTL/Z. 1..  Hostname: Sirve para poner el nombre al Router.  Exit: Para salir de cada configuración dentro del Router.2 ROUTER_A (config)#:Ip route 10.  Configure Terminal: Sirve para ingresar al Router y configurarlo..10.255.0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_A (config)#: ROUTER_A (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/1 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Ip address 192.1 255.168..252 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_A (config)#: ROUTER_A (config)#:Ip route 10. Current configuration : 906 bytes version 12.0 255. en definitiva sirve para ingresar las rutas estáticas.  Show IP Route: Indica todas las direcciones de red del Router. Pulla Paul.1 255.4 no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption hostname ROUTER_A interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 192.0 duplex auto speed auto COMANDOS UTILIZADOS:  Enable: Sirve para habilitar el Router. Router (config)#Hostname ROUTER_A ROUTER_A (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Ip address 192.0 255.  Show Runnig-Config: Sirve para ver todas las direcciones que se ingresaron en el Router.1.255.  Write: Sirve para guarda todo lo realizado dentro de la configuración del Router.2 ROUTER_A (config)#:Exit ROUTER_A#: ROUTER_A#SHOW RUNning-config Building configuration.2 ROUTER_A (config)#:Ip route 192.168. ROUTER_B (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_B (config)#: ROUTER_B (config)#: Interface Ethernet 1/1 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Ip address 192. one per line. ROUTER_B (config)#:Exit ROUTER_B#: ROUTER_B#SHOW RUNning-config Building configuration.252 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/2 no ip address duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/3 no ip address duplex auto speed auto interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown ip classless ip route 10. Informe Practica Packet Tracer interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address 255.0 192. Pulla Paul.255.0.0 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/0 ip address 255.2 ROUTER_B (config)#: Ip route 192.0 192.0.1 ROUTER_B (config)#: Ip route 192.168.1 255.10.1 255.2.255.Universidad Tecnológica América.0 255.255.0 duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/0 ip address 192.0 255..255.2 line con 0 line vty 0 4 login end ROUTER B 3 Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router# Configure Terminal Enter configuration command. one per line. no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption hostname ROUTER_B interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 10.252 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/2 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/3 no ip address Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .168.. ROUTER_B (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_B (config)#: ROUTER_B (config)#:Ip route 10.255. Router (config)#Hostname ROUTER_B ROUTER_B#: Configure Terminal Enter configuration command.0 255.0 192.2 ip route 10.0 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/1 ip address 192.2.10. End with CNTL/Z. Current configuration : 936 bytes version 255.255.2 ip route 192.0 255.1 255. End with CNTL/Z.0 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_B (config)#: ROUTER_B (config)#: Interface Ethernet 1/0 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Ip address 192.255.168. ROUTER_B (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Ip address 10.2 255.1 255. 10.1 ROUTER_C (config)#:Ip route 255.10.0 Pulla Paul.168.0 192.20.252 255.1 ROUTER_C (config)#:Ip route ROUTER_C (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_C (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_C (config)#: ROUTER_C (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 1/0 ROUTER_C (config-if Ip address 192.168.1 ip route 192.1 ip route 192.168. Router (config)#Hostname ROUTER_C ROUTER_C (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 ROUTER_C (config-if)#:Ip address 10.2 255.252 ROUTER_C (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_C (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_C (config)#: ROUTER_C (config)#:Ip route 10.255.0 255.168.0 duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/0 ip address line con 0 line vty 0 4 login end ROUTER C ROUTER_C#: ROUTER_C#SHOW RUNning-config Building configuration.0 192..255.255.255.. line con 0 line vty 0 4 login end PC1-LAN1 Gateway: 4 Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router# Configure Terminal Enter configuration command.168.0 192.168.0 no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption hostname ROUTER_C interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 255.Universidad Tecnológica América. 255.255.0 255.168.252 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/2 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/3 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown ip classless ip route 10.0 255.2 ip route 192.0 255.168.0 192.1 255.255. End with CNTL/Z.1 ROUTER_C (config)#:Ip route 192.1 255.168.252 192.20. Informe Practica Packet Tracer duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown ip classless ip route Current configuration : 972 bytes version 12.0 ROUTER_C (config)#:Exit Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .255.255.0 ip route 192.0 192.255.255. one per line.1 ip route 192. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 5 FastEthernet: PC1-LAN2 Gateway: PC2-LAN1 Gateway: FastEthernet: FastEthernet: Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . Pulla Paul.Universidad Tecnológica América. Universidad Tecnológica América. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 6 PC2-LAN2 Gateway: FastEthernet: FastEthernet: Gateway: PC2-LAN3 PC1-LAN3 Gateway: FastEthernet: Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . Pulla Paul. 168.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192. Received = 4.168.168. Average = 6ms  PC>PING 192.1.1: Packets: Sent = 4. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 7 PC1-LAN4 Gateway: FastEthernet: FastEthernet: 2.1.1: bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=255 Ping statistics for 192.1 Pinging 192. Maximum = 9ms. with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.1.1. Pulla Paul.PC1-192. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 5ms.1.3: bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=128 Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . . Ping con todas las direcciones de las diferentes redes disponibles. se obtiene lo siguiente: Packet Tracer PC Command Line bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=255 Reply from 192.0  PC>PING 192.1.168. Lost = 0 (0% loss).3: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=128 Reply from 192.3 PC2-LAN4 Gateway: Pinging 192.1.Universidad Tecnológica América. 168.2.20. Maximum = 12ms.1: bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=254 Ping statistics for 192.0.1: bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=255 Reply from 192. Average = 11ms  PC>PING 192. Average = 9ms  PC>PING 192.168.2: bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=127 Ping statistics for 192. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 8 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4. Lost = 0 (0% loss).1: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=254 Ping statistics for 10. Average = 15ms  PC>PING 10. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 5ms.0.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.0.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.1 Pinging 192.0.1: Packets: Sent = 4.1.2: bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=254 Ping statistics for 192.2. Received = 4.0. Maximum = 20ms. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 6ms.168.168. Maximum = 16ms.1 Pinging 192.0. Lost = 0 (0% loss).0. Lost = 0 (0% loss).20.168. Average = 6ms  PC>PING 192. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 7ms. Pinging bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4. Maximum = 17ms.1 Pinging 192.2.1 Pinging 10.3: Packets: Sent = 4.10. Lost = 0 (0% loss).2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10. Received = 3.168.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192. Maximum = 13ms. Pulla Paul.2: Packets: Sent = 4.168.2: bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=254 Reply from Pinging 10.168.1: bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=255 Ping statistics for Pinging 10.0.0. Average = 17ms  PC>PING 10.0. Average = 12ms  PC>PING 10.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.3 Pinging 192. Received = 3. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 10ms.1: bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=254 Reply from Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 7ms.168. Received = 4.10.0.Universidad Tecnológica América.2. Maximum = 10ms.168.2: bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=126 Reply from 10.3: bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=127 Ping statistics for 192.2 Pinging 192.168.0. Maximum = 16ms.0. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 16ms.168. Lost = 1 (25% loss). Received = with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.168.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.0. Received = 4.2. Lost = 0 (0% loss). Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms.0.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10. Average = 9ms Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .168.2: bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for 10.3: Packets: Sent = 4. Maximum = 14ms.20.2: Packets: Sent = 4.168.168. Maximum = 21ms.168. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 15ms.0. Received = 3.1: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=254 Reply from 192.168. Average = 10ms  PC>PING 192. Maximum = 16ms.168.1: bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=255 Ping statistics for 192. Average = 17ms  PC>PING 192.1: Packets: Sent = 4.10.3: bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=126 Reply from 10.2.2: Packets: Sent = 4. Lost = 1 (25% loss).0.1: bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=255 Reply from Packets: Sent = 4. Received = 4. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms. Received = 4.3: bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=127 Reply from 192. Average = 9ms  PC>PING Lost = 0 (0% loss).10. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 4ms. Lost = 0 (0% loss).0.0. Lost = 1 (25% loss). Received = 4.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10.10.2: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=127 Reply from 192.0. 168.20.10. Lost = 0 (0% loss).10.2 Pinging 10.10. Received = ROUTER B: Pinging 10. Maximum = 17ms.2: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=125 Ping statistics for 10. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 14ms.2: Packets: Sent = 4. Maximum = 23ms.1: bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=253 Ping statistics for 10. Lost = 0 (0% loss).10.168.3: Packets: Sent = 4. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms. Received = 4. ENRUTAMIENTO ESTATICO SUMARIZADO EN PACKET TRACER Montar el esquema mostrado a continuación en el simulador de cisco Packet Tracer y configurar las direcciones IP en cada uno de los interfaces de los equipos con sus respectivas máscaras de subred de acuerdo a como se muestra en la topología.20.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.10.168. Average = 14ms  PC>PING las interfaces conectadas y las posibles rutas estáticas: ROUTER A B.1: Packets: Sent = 4.10. Received = 4.10. Configurar rutas estáticas con información de rutas sumarizadas para alcanzar todas las redes en cada ruteador: Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .10.10.2: bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=253 Reply from Average = 17ms ROUTER C  PC>PING 10.Los enrutamiento de cada ruteador.10.3: bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=125 Ping statistics for 10. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 10ms.10.10.168. Lost = 1 (25% loss).10. Received = 3.2: bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=253 Ping statistics for 192. Lost = 0 (0% loss).10.10. . Pulla Paul.10.2: bytes=32 time=23ms TTL=125 Reply from 10.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10.3 Pinging 10. Maximum = 27ms.10. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 9  PC>PING 192. Average = 17ms 3.168.2 Pinging 192. Maximum = 26ms.1: bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=253 Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=125 Reply from 10.2: Packets: Sent = 4.Universidad Tecnológica América. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms.10.10.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10. Average = 13ms  PC>PING 10.10.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10. Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . Interface Fa1/0: 192.1/30 Router C: Interface Fa0/0: End with CNTL/Z.255.  Show IP Route: Indica todas las direcciones de red del Router.0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_A (config)#: ROUTER_A (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/1 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Ip address  Configure Terminal: Sirve para ingresar al Router y configurarlo.10.0. en definitiva sirve para ingresar las rutas estáticas.0.3/24 PC1 – LAN4: 10.1.1 COMANDOS UTILIZADOS:  Enable: Sirve para habilitar el Router.3/24 DESARROLLO DE LA PRÁCTICA ESQUEMA: ROUTERS: 2811 SWICH: 2960-24TT PC: GENERIC  No Shutdown: Sirve para levantar las interfaces de conexión.10.10.. Router B: Interface Fa0/0: 10.0/24 LAN3: 10.0/24 Router A: Interface Fa0/0 : 192. one per line.3/24 PC1 – LAN3: 10.168.1/24 Interface Fa1/0: 192.2/30 Interface Fa1/1: PC2 – LAN4: 10.3/24 PC1 – LAN2: 192.1/24 Interface Fa1/0: 192.10.2/30 PC1 – LAN1: 192.2.Universidad Tecnológica América. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 10  Hostname: Sirve para poner el nombre al Router.2/24 PC2 – LAN1: 192.2/24 PC2 – LAN3: 10.  Exit: Para salir de cada configuración dentro del Router.1.  Show Runnig-Config: Sirve para ver todas las direcciones que se ingresaron en el Router.168. LAN1: 192.Configuración de los equipos ruteadores y PC’s: ROUTER A Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router# Configure Terminal Enter configuration command.168.168.1/24 Interface Fa0/1: 192.168.  Write: Sirve para guarda todo lo realizado dentro de la configuración del Router.0.168. Pulla Paul.  Ip Route: Sirve para poner la dirección de red que se quiere llegar con su respectiva mascara de subred y se ubica el próximo salto.255.0/24 LAN4: 10.0/24 LAN2: 192.168. Router (config)#Hostname ROUTER_A ROUTER_A (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Ip address 192.2/24 PC2 – LAN2: 192. 1. 255.10. one per line. 255.10.252 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_A (config)#: ROUTER_A (config)#:Ip route 10.0 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/0 ip address 192.2 line con 0 line vty 0 4 login end ROUTER B 11 Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router# Configure Terminal Enter configuration command.1 255.0.252 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_B (config)#: ROUTER_B (config)#: Interface Ethernet 1/1 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Ip address 192. Current configuration : 887 bytes version 12.4 no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption hostname ROUTER_A interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 192.168. Router (config)#Hostname ROUTER_B ROUTER_B#: Configure Terminal Enter configuration command. 192.2 ip route ROUTER_B (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Ip address ROUTER_B (config)#:Ip route 192. Current configuration : 906 bytes version 12.2 ROUTER_A (config)#:Exit ROUTER_A#: ROUTER_A#:Show Runnig-Config Building configuration.1 255. End with CNTL/Z.0 255.168.0 192.0 255.. 192. Pulla Paul.168..255.0 192. End with CNTL/Z.255.0.2 255.1 255.0 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_B (config)#: ROUTER_B (config)#: Interface Ethernet 1/0 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Ip address 192.252 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/2 no ip address duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/3 no ip address duplex auto speed auto interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown ip classless ip route no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption hostname ROUTER_B interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 10.2 ip route 10.0 255.0.0 Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . 192.255. Informe Practica Packet Tracer ROUTER_A (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_A (config)#: ROUTER_A (config)#: Interface Ethernet 1/0 ROUTER_A (config-if)#:Ip address one per line.Universidad Tecnológica América. 255.168..252 ROUTER_B (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_B (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_B (config)#:Ip route 10.2 ROUTER_A (config)#:Ip route 192.1 ROUTER_B (config)#:Exit ROUTER_B#: ROUTER_B#:Show Runnig-Config Building configuration. 255.0 255.10.0 duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address 192.2 ROUTER_A (config)#:Ip route 10.1 255.255.0 255. 1 255.1 ROUTER_C (config)#: ip route 192.252 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/2 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/3 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown ip classless ip route 255.0 duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/0 ROUTER C Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . 255.0 ROUTER_C (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_C (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_C (config)#: ROUTER_C (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 1/0 ROUTER_C (config-if Ip address 192.168.1 255..168.255.252 192.255.Universidad Tecnológica América.2 255.1 255.0 192.0.0 192.0 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/1 ip address Router (config)#Hostname ROUTER_C ROUTER_C (config)#: Interface FastEthernet 0/0 ROUTER_C (config-if)#: Ip address no service timestamps log datetime msec no service timestamps debug datetime msec no service password-encryption hostname ROUTER_C interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address 10.0 255. End with CNTL/Z.255. Pulla Paul.10.0 ROUTER_C (config)#:Exit ROUTER_C#: ROUTER_C#SHOW RUNning-config Building configuration.168. Current configuration : 923 bytes version 12.1 line con 0 line vty 0 4 login end 12 Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no Press RETURN to get started! Router>enable Router# Configure Terminal Enter configuration command.20. Informe Practica Packet Tracer duplex auto speed auto interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/0 ip address 192.10.255. one per line.168.0 255.1 ROUTER_C (config)#: ip route ip route ROUTER_C (config-if)#:No shutdown ROUTER_C (config-if)#:Exit ROUTER_C (config)#: ROUTER_C (config)#: ip route 252 192.Universidad Tecnológica América.0 Pulla Paul.255.0 192.1 line con 0 line vty 0 4 login end PC1-LAN1 Gateway: FastEthernet: 13 PC2-LAN1 Gateway: FastEthernet: PC1-LAN2 Gateway: Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . Informe Practica Packet Tracer ip address ip route 255.255.2 255.252 duplex auto speed auto interface Ethernet1/1 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/2 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Ethernet1/3 no ip address duplex auto speed auto shutdown interface Vlan1 no ip address shutdown ip classless ip route 192.1 ip route 255.0 255. Pulla Paul.Universidad Tecnológica América. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 14 FastEthernet: PC1-LAN3 Gateway: PC2-LAN2 Gateway: FastEthernet: FastEthernet: PC2-LAN3 Gateway: Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . se obtiene lo siguiente: Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .168. Pulla Paul. .Universidad Tecnológica América.1. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 15 FastEthernet: PC2-LAN4 Gateway: PC1-LAN4 Gateway: FastEthernet: FastEthernet: 3.2: Ping con todas las direcciones de las diferentes redes disponibles.PC1-192. 0. Average = 13ms  PC>ping 10. Lost = 0 (0% loss). Average = 6ms  PC>ping 192.10.10. Received = 4. Lost = 1 (25% loss).1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.1: bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=255 Reply from 192.1: bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=253 Ping statistics for 10.10. Lost = 1 (25% loss).2: bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=125 Reply from 10.2. Received = 3.3 16 Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .0.2: Packets: Sent = 4.10.1. Maximum = 18ms.10.10.0. Average = 15ms  PC>ping 192.3: bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=125 Ping statistics for 10.1. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 11ms.1: Packets: Sent = Average = 8ms  PC>ping 192.168.1: Packets: Sent = 4. Received = 4.2.2  PC>ping 192.3 Pinging Maximum = 15ms. Average = 14ms  PC>ping Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 4ms.1. Received = 4.10. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 11ms.3: bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=127 Ping statistics for 192.10. Received = 4.0.1 Pinging 10.10.0. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms. Pulla Paul.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10.1: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=253 Reply from Maximum = 19ms. Average = 10ms Pinging 10.2 Pinging 192. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 12ms.3: bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for 10.10. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 13ms.168.168.2: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=126 Ping statistics for 10.10.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10.0.168. Average = 13ms  PC>ping 10. Received = 4.3 Pinging 192.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Packets: Sent = Maximum = 15ms. Lost = 0 (0% loss).10. Maximum = 19ms.10.2: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=125 Ping statistics for 10.0.168. Lost = 0 (0% loss).2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.168. Lost = 0 (0% loss).10.0. Average = 16ms  PC>ping 10.0. Lost = 0 (0% loss).3: Packets: Sent = 4.0. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 14ms.0.3: Packets: Sent = 4.2 Pinging 10. Received = 3.10.0. Lost = 1 (25% loss). Received = 4. Maximum = 12ms. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 9ms.0.3: bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=128 Reply from 192.3: bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=128 Ping statistics for 192. Maximum = 20ms.1 Pinging 192.10.3: Packets: Sent = 4.168.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.2.10. Maximum = 13ms.0.2: Packets: Sent = Packets: Sent = 4.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10.Universidad Tecnológica América.10.1: bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=254 Reply from Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms. with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.2: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=126 Reply from 10.2.3 Pinging 192.0.1: bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=254 Ping statistics for 10. Maximum = 17ms.168.10.10. Received = Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 6ms.1 Pinging 10. Average = 13ms  PC>ping 10.3 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=125 Reply from 10. Lost = 0 (0% loss).10.2: bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=127 Reply from 192.168.3: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=127 Reply from 192. Informe Practica Packet Tracer  PC>ping 10.1. Average = 14ms Pinging 10.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 10.10.1: Packets: Sent = 4.0. Received = 3.2. Lost = 0 (0% loss). Maximum = 9ms.0.10.2: bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=127 Ping statistics for 192.1: bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=255 Ping statistics for 192. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms.10. Received = 4.1: bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=255 Ping statistics for Pinging 192. Received = 4. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 5ms.10.20. Lost = 0 (0% loss).168.10. Maximum = 13ms. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 7ms.168.168. Received = 4. Lost = 0 (0% loss).2: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=253 Reply from 192. Lost = 0 (0% loss).20. Average = 9ms  PC>ping 192. Maximum = 14ms. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 8ms.1 Pinging 192. Maximum = 15ms.168.20.168. Escriba las tablas de enrutamiento de cada ruteador. Maximum = 14ms.1: bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=254 Reply from Packets: Sent = 4.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.2: Packets: Sent = 4.1: Packets: Sent = 4. ROUTER A ROUTER B Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 .10. Informe Practica Packet Tracer  PC>ping 192.2: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=254 Ping statistics for 192.10.1: Packets: Sent = 4. Lost = 0 (0% loss).1 Pinging 192.2: bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=254 Reply from Average = 10ms ROUTER C 17 4.2: bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=253 Ping statistics for 192.1: bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=254 Ping statistics for bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=255 Reply from 192.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 192.2 Pinging 192. Pulla Paul. Average = 9ms  PC>ping 192.1 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Tecnológica América.2 with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Received = 4.168.168. Average = 12ms  PC>ping 192.168. En el tema de sumarizacion su objetivo es englobar ips similares o de rangos casi iguales. CONCLUSIONES El objetivo de este trabajo e informe es asentar los conocimientos sobre el tema de enrutamiento estatico y de sumarizacion. interconectando la misma. REFERENCIAS [1] CISCO. es decir en el enrutamiento usar una ip con su respectiva mascara y que esta sirva para enrutar a 2 o mas redes. etc. Pulla Seminario de Graduación – Ingeniería Electrónica y Telemática 2013 . CCNA 4 [2] PACKET TRACER. es decir generar un enrutamiento o caminos a nivel de toda la red. nos permite el ahorro de enrutamientos. Manual [3] Historia de las Telecomunicaciones en Ecuador [En línea] Disponible en: http://www.gob.conatel. como apreciación básica del tema nos damos cuenta que el enrutamiento estatico nos permite hacer un ping a cualquier equipo de la red.Universidad Tecnológica América. Informe Practica Packet Tracer 18 III.
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