Information Brochure PG UPSEE 2014

March 20, 2018 | Author: Chandan Bhatnagar | Category: University And College Admission, Test (Assessment), Qualifications, Academia, Further Education



1STATE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION UTTAR PRADESH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IET Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow INFORMATION BROCHURE UPSEE – 2014 For Admission to FIRST YEAR in MBA/MCA/MAM (Dual Degree) And 2 nd YEAR IN MCA (Lateral Entry) only Last Date for Submission of Application: April 05, 2014 Date of Examination: April 27, 2014 (SUNDAY) Contact Address: Registrar U.P. Technical University, IET Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow- 226 021 Phone: 0522-2732193 Fax: 0522-2732185 Website:, 2 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (PG Courses) (FOR ADMISSION TO FIRST YEAR IN MBA/MCA/MAM (Dual Degree) AND 2 nd YEAR IN MCA (Lateral Entry) only) 1. This Entrance Examination is for those candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from any institution located in U.P. or whose parents are domicile of U.P subject to the eligibility conditions given in this Information Brochure. If the candidate has passed qualifying examination from outside U.P., he/she has to produce domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only) at the time of verification of the document. 2. For admission to the first year of MBA/MCA/MAM (Dual degree) course and 2 nd year of MCA (Lateral Entry) course, the application for the entrance examination shall only be accepted On-Line. The examination for admission to these courses will be conducted On-line (Computer based test). The candidate has to submit his/her application for UPSEE-2014 examination ON-Line through or . The dates for ON-Line submission are from 15 th March, 2014 to 05 th April, 2014 (10:00 PM). 3. Candidates are advised to go through all the points given on para 18 and 20 in the brochure before finally filling and submitting the online application and mailing the confirmation page. 4. The duly completed “Confirmation Page” generated ON-Line alongwith the copy of Challan (if the payment is made through bank challan) should be sent to the Registrar (UPSEE-2014), Uttar Pradesh Technical University, I.E.T. Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow (UP) – 226021 so as to reach, on or before 7 th April, 2014 (5.00 PM). In case of any deficiency, the application form is likely to be rejected and sole responsibility of its consequences will lie on the candidate and representation in this regard shall not be entertained. 5. The Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU), Lucknow will not be responsible for any delay in receiving the Confirmation Page for ON-Line form submission for any reason (technical or other) whatsoever. 6. Do not attach any enclosure other than payment challan (if the payment is made though bank challan) with the “Confirmation Page”. Please note if you are making the payment of examination fee through credit/debit card then only duly completed “Confirmation Page” is required to be sent. 7. State Govt. has permitted 20% of the total sanctioned seats available in private institutions to be filled on the basis of CMAT-2014 merit (Common Manangement Admission Test, conducted by AICTE). However there is no such provision for MCA/MAM course. These seats shall also be filled by UPSEE-2014 entrance examination. 8. There is no age limit for admission to the courses covered in UPSEE-2014 unless otherwise specified in this brochure. 9. Accepting admission in any institution implies acceptance, by the candidate and his/herself and parents or guardians agree with all the provisions given in the Brochure. Any change in the rules, regulations, fee and special conditions etc. of that institution shall mutandis apply to the admitted candidate. 10. Candidates should affix latest clear color photograph on the online-generated “Confirmation Page” and verify the information given there by putting legible signature. 11. Candidates claiming advantage of reserved categories, subcategories etc. are required to indicate the same in the application form but not to enclose any supporting certificates with the “Confirmation Page”. These certificates, in original, will have to be produced at the time of counseling/ Document Verification along with one self attested copy of each one of them. The proforma of certificates are given at the end of this information brochure at Appendix-D, which are subject to change even upto the date of counselling as per the orders of Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. Note: Certificate no. 2 for OBC candidates will be entertained only if it is issued on or after 01.04.2014 (mandatory due to condition of creamy layer for OBC). 12. Candidates who are due to appear in the qualifying examination or have appeared, but result is awaited, are also eligible to appear in the UPSEE-2014. However, the candidates in respect of whom, the result of the qualifying examination has not been declared till the date of the counselling due to any reason whatsoever, shall not be eligible for admission under any circumstances. 13. The result of UPSEE-2014 declared by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow shall be final. However, the candidate can get his/her answer scrutinized on payment of Rs. 5000/- per paper by applying within seven days of declaration of result. The application for scrutiny may be submitted to the Registrar (UPSEE-2014), Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow in writing. 3 14. If any document/declaration submitted by the candidate is found to be false at any stage, his/her admission shall be cancelled and he/she may be liable for prosecution under the law. In case of any legal dispute, the jurisdiction will be limited to Lucknow courts only. 15. The candidate must himself/ herself ensure about his/her eligibility to appear in the Entrance Examination. If a candidate, who is not eligible to appear in the examination, does so; he/ she will not have any claim whatsoever, for admission to any course through UPSEE-2014. 16. The Entrance Examination Fee for UPSEE-2014 is Rs. 1000/- for Male Candidates of General & OBC category and Rs. 500/- for Female candidates of all Categories and SC/ST candidates. However the bank may put additional service charges plus applicable taxes while mailing On-Line payment through debit/credit card. 17. The number of Colleges / Institutions, courses and intake seats may increase or decrease upto the counseling dates. 18. If any of the Qualifying Examination Board awards only letter grades without providing an equivalent percentage of mark on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the board specifying equivalent marks and submit it at the time of counselling. In case, such a certificate is not provided by the candidate, the decision of the Central Admission Board (CAB) regarding his / her eligibility shall be final. 19. The allotment of seat through counselling will be carried out strictly in accordance with the UPSEE-2014 merit of the candidate, subject to the order of preference given for the seats, and availability of seat in the category. Once the seat is allotted to the candidate, no change in the Institution / Branch is admissible. 20. The fee paid at the time of counselling by the candidate after the allotment of seat will be forfeited and will not be refunded under any circumstances, if the candidate does not report for the admission to the allotted institutions. 21. No tution fee shall be charged from eligible SC/ST candidates by the institutions affilliated to UPTU, Lucknow at the time of granting admission as per U.P. Govt. order no. 37 Bha.Saa./26-03-04-4(77)/02 dated:18-06-04. A relaxation in the tution fee amount equal to tution fee of Government Institutions has been granted to OBC / General Category economically weaker students by the Govt. vide order no. 4136/solah-1-2008-135/2008 dated: 8-10-08 and 2991/solah-1-2008-14(34)/2008 dated: 16-09-08. The institutions will charge tution fee after granting this relaxation to the eligible candidates as per the current fee structure determined by the fee determination committee available at website, The candidate will have to produce the required prescribed certificate / documents in the institution as enforced vide G.O. no. 6048/solah-1-2008-1(17)/2008 dated 06-01-08. 22. This information Brochure is both in English and Hindi languages, in case of any discrepancy, the English version shall be final for all purposes. 23. All communication in connection with UPSEE-2014 shall be made through universitie’s official website or The candidates are advised to refer to this website regularly / frequently failing which UPTU will not be responsible for any loss due to the lack of communication. 24. Abbreviations used: UPTU - Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow UPSEE-2014 - Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination - 2014 MBA – Master of Business Administration MCA – Master of Computer Applications BM - Bachelor of Managemenet BAM - Bachelor of Applied Managemenet MAM (Dual Degrre) - Master of Applied Management (Dual Degree) Note: UPSEE-2014 is being conducted for all technical institutions / colleges affiliated under the area of juridiction of both UPTU, Lucknow and some UP State Universities. 4 -r-(¤¸ ºi l··ºi -r-(¤¸ ºi l··ºi -r-(¤¸ ºi l··ºi -r-(¤¸ ºi l··ºi (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (Dual Degree) ¬ ¤·i- (·i ¤( ¤-a¬ia¤a ¬ l,ni¤ (·i ¬ ¤·i- (·i ¤( ¤-a¬ia¤a ¬ l,ni¤ (·i ¬ ¤·i- (·i ¤( ¤-a¬ia¤a ¬ l,ni¤ (·i ¬ ¤·i- (·i ¤( ¤-a¬ia¤a ¬ l,ni¤ (·i (Lateral Entry) - ¤( ºi rn) - ¤( ºi rn) - ¤( ºi rn) - ¤( ºi rn) 1. ºi·¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ¤( ºi -i¤ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸¬,-·ii¤i l·(il¬¤i ¬ l¬¤ ri ªi¬i r| ¬-nº ¤· ºi - l-·in l¬¬i ·ii ¬-·ii· ¬ ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¬-niºi ¬º· (i¬ ¬·¤·ii ¬·i(i ¤¬ ¬·¤·ii l¬·ri · ¬r ¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ «irº ¬ l¬¬i ¬-·ii· ¬ ¤i¬ ¬i r ¤º·n ¬·¬ l¤ni ¬·i(i -ini ¬a¤a ¬ -¸ ¬,-·ii; l·(i¬i r , ;¬ ¤ºi·ii - ¬l--l¬n ri · ¬ ¤i¤ r | 2. ¬i· ¬i;· ¤·¬i¬ ºi· ( «¬i;- ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l··i ¬ ·r ·r ·r ·r. .. .a: a: a: a:. .. .za·« za·« za·« za·« ¬ ar ¬ ar ¬ ar ¬ ar. .. .a« a« a« a«. .. .za·« ¬ ºil¤ za·« ¬ ºil¤ za·« ¬ ºil¤ za·« ¬ ºil¤ 10:00 «¬ n¬ l·¤ n¤ l··ºii ¬ ¬i·i ·iº ¬i ¬¬n r | ¤-a«ia¤a, ¤-a¬ia¤a ¤( ¤-a¤a¤-a (Dual Degree) ¬ ¤·i- (·i ¤( ¤-a¬ia¤a ¬ l,ni¤ (·i (Lateral Entry) rn ¬i· ¬i;· (¬-·¤¸ -º «-· ---) ¤ºi·ii ¬i¤i l¬n ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a ¬ ¤ ·i- (·i - ¤( ºi rn ;·s¬ ¬·ii ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬(¬ ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· l(º(l(ni¬¤ ¬i ( «¬i;- or ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ¬º·i ri ni| l(-nn l((ººi rn l(º(l(ni¬¤ ¬i ( «¬i;- or ¤º ¬-¤¬ ¬º | 3. ON-Line ¤i·i·i ¤¤ ·iº· n·ii “Confirmation page” ¤ l·in ¬º· ¬ ¤¸( ¬·¤·ii ;¬ l((ººi ¤l-n¬i - ¤ºi ·s ¤( za - ¬l·il¬lªin l··ºii ¬i ¬i(·ii·i¤¸( ¬ ¤« | 4. ¤¸ ºin¤i ·iºi r ¬i ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ (« ¬ ¤i¬i· ¬lrn, ¤l· ·i nni· ¤i¬i· ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l¬¤i n¤i ri ) l··i ¬ a/ a/ a/ a/ ¬¤¬, za·«, ¬i¤ r ¬¤¬, za·«, ¬i¤ r ¬¤¬, za·«, ¬i¤ r ¬¤¬, za·«, ¬i¤ r. .. .aa «¬ aa «¬ aa «¬ aa «¬ n¬ ¬¬¬l¤( ¬¬¬l¤( ¬¬¬l¤( ¬¬¬l¤( (UPSEE-2014) ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬ ¬i¤i ¬¤ - ¤r ¤ ¬i·i ¤ilr¤| ¬i( ·· ¤¤ - l¬¬i ¤ ¬iº ¬i ¬-i ¬·i(i ¤l- ¬i l-·iln - ¬·¤·i· l·º-n -i·i ¬i¤ ni l¬¬¬i ¤¸ ºi ¬-nº·il¤-( ¬ « l·in si¤ ¬i ri ni ¬iº ;¬ ¬ ··i - l¬¬i ¤¬iº ¬i ¤ -¤i( ·· l(¤iººii¤ · ri ni| 5. ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ l¬¬i ·ii ¬iººi (·i¬ ¬·i(i l¬¬i ¬·¤ ¤¬iº) l(¬-« ¬ ¤i·n ri · (i¬ ¬i( ·· ¬ ¤ln ¬-nº·i¤i ·ri ri ni| 6. ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬ ¬i·i « ¬ ¤i¬i· ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬ ¬i·i « ¬ ¤i¬i· ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬ ¬i·i « ¬ ¤i¬i· ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬ ¬i·i « ¬ ¤i¬i· (¤l· ·inni· ¤i¬i· ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l¬¤i n¤i ri ) ¬ ¬lnlº·n ¬i ; ¬·¤ ¬ ¬lnlº·n ¬i ; ¬·¤ ¬ ¬lnlº·n ¬i ; ¬·¤ ¬ ¬lnlº·n ¬i ; ¬·¤ ¬ ¬··¬ · ¬ni¤ | ¬¤¤i ·¤i· · , ¤l· ·inni· ¬ l·-,· l«- ¬i· ¬·i( ¬ ¬··¬ · ¬ni¤ | ¬¤¤i ·¤i· · , ¤l· ·inni· ¬ l·-,· l«- ¬i· ¬·i( ¬ ¬··¬ · ¬ni¤ | ¬¤¤i ·¤i· · , ¤l· ·inni· ¬ l·-,· l«- ¬i· ¬·i( ¬ ¬··¬ · ¬ni¤ | ¬¤¤i ·¤i· · , ¤l· ·inni· ¬ l·-,· l«- ¬i· ¬·i(i · - « l¬n ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l¬¤i n¤i i · - « l¬n ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l¬¤i n¤i i · - « l¬n ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l¬¤i n¤i i · - « l¬n ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l¬¤i n¤i r ni -i¤ r ni -i¤ r ni -i¤ r ni -i¤ “Confirmation page” ri ¤ l’in ¬º | ri ¤ l’in ¬º | ri ¤ l’in ¬º | ri ¤ l’in ¬º | 7. MBA ¤i-¤¬- - ¤( ºi rn ºi·¤ ¬º¬iº · l·¬i ¬-·ii¬i - ¬¤¬··i ¬¬ -(i¬n ·i-ni ¬ za ¤ lnºin ¬i-i ¤º ¬i--÷za·« (¬i-· -· ¬- ·- ¤·-i”i· ---) ¬i - lº- ¬ ¬i·iiº ¤º ·iº ¬i· ¬i -(i¬ ln ¤·i· ¬i n; r ¤nl¤ MCA ¤( ¤( ¤( ¤( MAM ¤i-¤¬- rn ¬·n ·¤(-·ii ¬in¸ ·ri r| MCA/MAM ¤i-¤¬ - rn ¤ ¬i- ·ii ¤¸ ¤i¤¬; ;÷za·« ¬ ¤( ”i ¤ºi·ii ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ·iºi ¬i¤ ni| 8. UPSEE-2014 ¬ ¬·sil·n ¤i-¤¬-i - ¬i¤ ¬i ¬i-i ·ri r| 9. l¬¬i ·ii ¬-·ii· - ¤( ºi ¬ ¤r ¬¤¬l·in r l¬ ¬·¤·ii ( ¬¬¬ l¤ni,¬l·i·ii(¬ l((ººi ¤l-n¬i ¤( ¬¬ ¬-·ii· ¬ ¤i-¤ ·-¬ - l·¤ n¤ ¬·ii l·¤-i ( ¤i(·ii·i ¬i -(i¬iº ¬ºn r | ¬·ii ¬·¤l·i¤i ¤º ¬¬ ¬-·ii· ¬ l·¤-,l··ºi, ¤i¬, l(ºi ·i ºin ¬il· - ¤lº(n· (¤l· ¬i ; ri ) -(-( ¬in¸ ri n | 10. ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬¤ l·in r l¬ (r ¬¤· “Confirmation page” - l··ii lºn -·ii· ¤º ·(i·n- -¤·- ¤i -i l¤¤¬i¤ n n·ii “Confirmation page” - ·i n; ¬¸ ¤·i ¬i ¤l·- rn ¬i¤ ¤( ¤-·i¤ r-ni·iº ¬º n | 11. ¬i ¬·¤·ii l¬¬i ¬iºl·in ¬ ºii, ¬¤÷¬ ºii, ¬il· ¬i ~ii·i ¬ ·i ¤irn r , ¬·r l((ººi ¤ l-n¬i ¬ ¤lºlºi·- ·i ¤lºlºi·- ·i ¤lºlºi·- ·i ¤lºlºi·- ·i - l·¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ -¸ ¬ ª¤ - n·ii ¤¬ ¬l·i÷¤-ilºin ¤ lnl¬l¤ ¬ ¬i·i ¤ºi-ºi ¬i·ii-¬iº (¬i¬·¬l¬ n),¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬-¤i¤· ¬ ¬-¤ ri ¤-nn ¬º·i ri ni| ¬·r ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬·r ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬·r ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬·r ¬·¤-”i· ¤ ¬ ¬ ¬i·i ¬i ; ·ii ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ¬·· ·ri ¬º·i ¬ ¬i·i ¬i ; ·ii ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ¬·· ·ri ¬º·i ¬ ¬i·i ¬i ; ·ii ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ¬·· ·ri ¬º·i ¬ ¬i·i ¬i ; ·ii ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ¬·· ·ri ¬º·i r| r| r| r| ¤-iºi ¤¤i ¬ ¤iª¤ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºii¬· ¬ l·ºi¤i ¬ ¬·ii· r | ¸¤¤i ·i - ¬º l¬ ¬·¤ l¤s·i (n - ¬i-i¬ ¤º ¬ ¬nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬iº·iºi ¬i ¬i·i ¬·-·¤ ·ri r| ¬n ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i ¬n ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i ¬n ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i ¬n ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i 2 l·· l·· l·· l··i ¬ i ¬ i ¬ i ¬ 01.04.2014 ¤i ¬¬¬ «i· ¬iºi ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬-i·¤ ¬º l·¤i ¬i¤ ni | ¤i ¬¬¬ «i· ¬iºi ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬-i·¤ ¬º l·¤i ¬i¤ ni | ¤i ¬¬¬ «i· ¬iºi ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬-i·¤ ¬º l·¤i ¬i¤ ni | ¤i ¬¬¬ «i· ¬iºi ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬-i·¤ ¬º l·¤i ¬i¤ ni | 12. ( ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·ii - ¬l--l¬n ri ºr r ¤i ¬ ln- ¤ºi·ii ¤ºiºii- ¬ l¬¤ ¤ni·iiºn r ( ºi·¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii÷za·« za·« za·« za·« - ¬l--l¬n ri ¬¬n r | ( ¬·¤·ii l¬·¬i ¬r ¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¬i ¤ºi·ii¤¬ l¬¬i ·ii ¬iººi ¬ ¤ºi-ºi ¬i·ii-¬iº (¬i¬l·¬l¬ n) lnl·i n¬ ·ii l·in ·ri r¬i r l¬¬i ·ii l-·iln - ¤( ºi ¤i· ¬ ¬l·i¬iºi ·ri ri n | 13. ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ,iºi ·ii l·in ¤ºi·ii, UPSEE-2014 ¬i ¤ºi·ii ¤lººii- ¬ ln- ri ni| ¬·¤·ii ¬¤· ¤”·i ¬ ¬-nº ¬i ¤lºl·ºi·iºi, ¤lººii- ·ii ·iºii ¬ / l·· ¬ ¬ ·º ª. 5000.00 ¤ ln ¤º· ¤¤ ¬i 5 ·º ¬ ·inni· · ¬º ¬ºi ¬¬n r | ¤lºl·ºi·iºi rn l¬lªin ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ¬¬¬l¤( ¬¬¬l¤( ¬¬¬l¤( ¬¬¬l¤( (UPSEE-2014) ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤ ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤ ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤ ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬i;a;a-ia ¬-¤¬, ¬ini¤º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i ¤ l’in l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r | º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i ¤ l’in l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r | º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i ¤ l’in l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r | º ºi ·, ¬ªi·+ ÷ zzcaz· ¬i ¤ l’in l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r | 14. ¬·¤·ii ,iºi ¤-nn l¬¤i n¤i ¬i ; ·ii ¬l·i¬ ªi,·ii ·iºii÷¤¤ l¬¬i ·ii -nº ¤º ¤¬i,n¬n ¤i¤ ¬i· ¤º ¬¬¬i ¤( ºi l·º-n ¬º l·¤i ¬i¤ ni ¤( ¬¬ ¤º ¬i·¸ ·i ¬i¤(iri ¬i ¬i¤ ni| l¬¬i ·ii l((i· ¬i l-·iln - ·¤i¤i¬¤ ¤lº·i¤ ¬ªi·+ n¬ ¬il-n ºr ni| 15. ( ¬·¤·ii ¬i UPSEE-2014 ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ¤( ”i ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬ l¬¤ ¬r ·ri r , l¤º ·ii ¬l--l¬n r , ( l¬¬i ¤ ¬iº ¬ ¤( ºi ¬ ·i( ·iº ·ri ri n | ¬n ¬·¤·ii ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬ l¬¤ ¤i¤ni ¬i ºini ¬i ¤r¬ ¬ ri ¬iº(-n ri ¬ | 16. UPSEE-2014 ¬i ¤( ”i ¤ºi·ii “i~¬ ¬i-i·¤ ¤( ¬·¤ l¤s·i (n ¬ ¤ª’i ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ªa 1000.00 n·ii ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln, ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln ¬·¤·ii ¤( ¬·ii (ni ¬ -lr¬i ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ªa 500.00 ri ni| 17. ¬i¬ ¬,¬-·ii· - ¤i-¤¬- ¤( ¬i-i ¬i ¬ ª¤i ¤ºi-ºi÷¬i·ii-¬iº n¬ ·i-÷«« ¬¬ni r | 18. ¤l· ¬i ; «i · ¬ ¬ ¤¤ ¤º ¬-n~¤ ¤ lnºin ¬ ¬ · · ¬º ¬(¬ n · ·ni r n« ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¤ilr¤ l¬ (r «i · ¬ ¬-n~¤ ¬ ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ¬º ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¬-¤ ¬-i ¬º | ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ¤¬i ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-nn ·ri ¬ºni r n« ¬¬¬i ¤i¤ni ¬ «iº - ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln ,iºi l¬¤i n¤i l·ºi¤ ¬l·n- ri ni| 19. ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ,iºi ¬i-i ¬i ¬i( -· ¬·¤·ii ¬i - lº-, ¬¬¬ ,iºi ¬i-i ¬ ¤¤· ¤º l¬¤i n¤i ¬l·n- (ºi¤ni l·ºi¤ n·ii lº·n ¬i-i ¬i ¬ ª¤i ¬ ¬i·iiº ¤º l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| ¤¬ «iº l¬¬i ·ii ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬i- ¬i( l-n ri ¬i· ¤º «i·¤ ¤i ¬-·ii l¬¬i - ·ii ¬i ; ¤lº(n· ¬ ·i( ·ri ri ni| 20. ¬i- ¬i( l-n ri ¬i· ¬ ¤º¤in ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ¬i( l-n ¬i- ¤º ¤( ºi ·ri ¬ni r ni ¬·¤·ii ,iºi ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¬-¤ ¬-i ¬i n¤i ¤i¬ ¬i ¬ln- ·i·ºilºi ¬·n ¬º ¬i ¬i¤ ni n·ii l¬¬i ·ii ·ºii - ¬-i ·i·ºilºi (i¤¬ ·ri ¬i ¬i¤ ni| 21. ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 22. ¤r l((ººi ¤ l-n¬i ¬ n ¬i ( lr··i ·i ·i ·ii·ii¬i - r | l¬¬i ·ii ·i- ¬i ·ºii - ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi ¬i ri ¬ ln- -i·i ¬i¤ ni| 23. UPSEE-2014 ¬ ¬ « ·i - ¬--n ¬¸ ¤·i¤ l(º(l(ni¬¤ ¬i ¬l·i¬ilº¬ ( «¬i;- ¬i l¬ or ¬ -i·¤- ¬ l·nn ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ ¬·ºi ·i r l¬ ;· ( «¬i;- ¬i l·¤l-n ª¤ ¬ · ªi ·¤i l¬ l¬¬i ·ii ¤¬iº ¬ ¬¸ ¤·i ¬ ¬·ii( - ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ri · (i¬ ·¬¬i· ¬ l¬¤ ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬-nº·i¤i ·ri ri ni| 24. ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | ·i -÷ ¤r ¤ºi·ii ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, ¤i ¬·¬ ¬i¤ ·i ·i -÷ ¤r ¤ºi·ii ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, ¤i ¬·¬ ¬i¤ ·i ·i -÷ ¤r ¤ºi·ii ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, ¤i ¬·¬ ¬i¤ ·i ·i -÷ ¤r ¤ºi·ii ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, ¤i ¬·¬ ¬i¤ ·i ¤ ¬ ¤ ¬ ¤ ¬ ¤ ¬ ¬nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬i¬ ¬i ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i - ; lnn ¬ln¤¤ ºi·¤ l(º(l(ni¬¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬i ¬i ¬nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬i¬ ¬i ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i - ; lnn ¬ln¤¤ ºi·¤ l(º(l(ni¬¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬i ¬i ¬nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬i¬ ¬i ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i - ; lnn ¬ln¤¤ ºi·¤ l(º(l(ni¬¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬i ¬i ¬nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬i¬ ¬i ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i - ; lnn ¬ln¤¤ ºi·¤ l(º(l(ni¬¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬i ¬i ºri r| ºri r| ºri r| ºri r| 6 U P STATE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (UPSEE –2014) (FOR ADMISSION TO FIRST YEAR IN MBA/MCA/MAM (Dual Degree) AND 2 nd YEAR IN MCA (Lateral Entry) only) 1 CENTRAL ADMISSION BOARD (CAB) The entrance examination for degree level engineering institutions and other professional colleges has been assigned to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow vide Govt. Order No. 4260/solah-1-2009-13(7)/09 dated 18-01-2010. Further, the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Technical Education Department, has consented for the constitution of Central Admission Board (CAB) under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow to supervise and control the State Entrance Examination herein after referred as UPSEE-2014 being conducted by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. The CAB has absolute rights for conducting of UPSEE-2012, and to decide about modalities of admissions and allotment of seats. The jurisdiction of CAB extends to colleges / institutes affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow . The CAB is authorized to take every decision regarding conduct and admissions through UPSEE-2014. 2 MODE OF ADMISSION 2.1 (A) ADMISSION TO FIRST YEAR The Entrance Examination for admission to first year of the following courses offered at the Institutions affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow including other mentioned universities situated in territory of Uttar Pradesh for the academic year 2014-2015 shall be conducted by Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. (i) 2 year MBA Course (ii) 3 year MCA Course (iii) 5 year MAM (Dual degree) Course $ $ 1. The duration of courses shall be for a total period of 5 years spread over ten semesters. 2. The courses shall provide an undergraduate degree in 3 or 4 years, (BM/BAM) followed by a masters degree in five years (MAM) as below a. Award of a bachelor's degree (BM) at the end of three years, if one wishes to discontinue the studies OR award of a Bachelor's degree in Applied Management (BAM) at the end of four years AND b. Award of Master's degree in Applied Management (MAM) at the end of five years. Note: (#BAM shall not be awarded to one who has acquired a BM degree however, a certificate for credits acquired at 4 th year shall be given). 2.1 (B) DIRECT ADMISSION (LATERAL ENTRY) TO SECOND YEAR of MCA (i) The eligible candidates (Refer clause 3.3) seeking direct admission to second year of MCA (Lateral Entry) in institutions affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow are required to submit the application forms by the last date. Such candidates are also required to appear in the specified paper of entrance examination. (ii) 1 Such seats are limited to a maximum of 20% in addition to the sanctioned intake in institutions/ colleges for different courses at first year level. (iii) Direct admission to second year shall not be made in MBA/MAM(Dual degree) courses. 1 Subject to change as per latest orders of Govt. of U.P. / UPTU upto the date of counselling. £ It is as per State Govt. order for session 2014-2015 and may change as per latest instructions of Govt. of U.P. upto the date of counseling. 7 2.2 SEATS UNDER DIFFERENT SCHEME IN FIRST YEAR (i) Number of admissions in all courses offered at Govt. / Govt. aided Institutions affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow, will be 100% through UPSEE-2014. (ii) State Govt. has permitted 15% £ of total sanctioned seats available in Private Institutions to be filled by the NRI candidates under Management quota; and the same shall be filled up in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Govt. orders. The remaining seats in various courses offered at all the Private Institutions affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow will be filled through UPSEE-2014 counseling. (iii) State Govt. has also prescribed 20% of the total seats available in private institutions to filled on the basis of CMAT-2014 merit (Common Management Admission Test, conducted by AICTE). However there is no such provision for MCA & MAM course. These seats shall also be filled by UPSEE-2014 entrance examination. (iv) Thus, 65% of the seats available in MBA courses and 85% seats are available in MCA & MAM (dual degree) course at all Private Institutions will be filled by the UPSEE-2014 qualified candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from any institution located in U.P. or whose parents are domicile of U.P subject to the eligibility conditions given in this information brochure. If the candidate has passed qualifying examination from outside of U.P., he/she has to produce domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only) before the starting date of counseling. 3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria as given in clause 3.1 to appear in UPSEE-2014. However, the candidates appearing in the qualifying examinations are also eligible to appear, subject to the condition that they must fulfill the eligibility criteria as given in clause 3.1 at the time of counseling. 3.1 ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR IN UPSEE-2014 FOR ADMISSION TO FIRST YEAR OF MBA/ MCA/MAM (i) For admission to first year of MBA in any institution affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow, a candidate must have passed Bachelors degree course of three years minimum duration from any recognized Indian University; or its equivalent, recognized by A.I.U securing minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate. (ii) For admission to first year of MCA in any institution affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow, a candidate must have passed Bachelors degree course of three years minimum duration from any recognized Indian University; or its equivalent, recognized by A.I.U. securing minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate. Candidate must have passed Mathematics at 10+2 level or Graduation level. (iii) For admission to first year of MBA/MCA in other UP Universities, a candidate must have passed Bachelor degree course with the eligibility conditions given in following table: Sl. No. Name of University/ Institutions Course(s) Minimum pass marks at 03 years Graduation level Remarks / Compulsory conditions 1 C.S.J.M. Kanpur University, Kanpur MBA MBA-Finance & Control (M3) MBA-Business Economic(M2) MBA-Tourism Management(M4) As per AICTE norms. MCA As per AICTE norms. Maths at 10+2 level. 2 Dr. R. M. L. Avadh University, Faizabad MBA Graduate with 50% marks MCA Graduate Maths at 10+2 or Graduation level. 8 3 M.G. Kashi Vidyapith University, Varanasi MBA Graduate MCA Graduate with 45% marks Maths at 10+2 level. 4 V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur MBA (M1) MBA Agri. Business (M17) MBA E-Commerce (M21) MBA Business Economics (M2) MBA Finance & Control (M3) MBA Human Research & Devlopment (M22) As per UPSEE norms. MCA As per UPSEE norms. Maths at 10+2 or Graduation level 5 M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly MBA (General) (M1) MBA (Marketing) (M20) Graduation 50% as per UPSEE norms 5% relaxation for SC/ST MCA As per UPSEE norms Maths at 10+2 or Graduation level. 6 D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur MBA Minimum 40% marks at Graduation level 7 Institute of Business Studies, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut MBA Graduate in any discipline Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ch. Charan Singh Campus, Meerut MBA (M1) MBA-IB (M5) Graduate MCA Graduate Maths at 10+2 or Graduation level. 8 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra MBA As per AICTE norms MCA As per AICTE norms 9 Bundelkhand University, Jhansi MBA MBA (Internation Business)(M5) MBA (Finance Management)(M6) MBA (Tourism Management)(M4) 50% (Graduation with 45% for MBA Tourism Management only) MCA 50% in B.Sc.(Maths/Stats)/BCA/ B.Sc.IT /B.Sc.(CS)/B.Sc.(IT).Maths at 10+2 level is compulsory 10 Uttar Pradesh Vikalang Uddhar Dr. Shakuntala Misra Vishwavidyalaya, Lucknow MBA Graduate (iv) For Admission to first year of MAM Course (Dual degree), a candidate must have passed Intermediate examination of U.P. Board or 10+2 level examination or its equivalent from any recognized Board/ University and securing minimum 45% marks without grace (40% marks for SC/ST category candidates) in aggregate. 3.2 ELIGIBILITY FOR DIRECT ADMISSION TO FIRST YEAR IN PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS AT INSTITUTE LEVEL UNDER MANAGEMENT QUOTA (FOR NRI CANDIDATES) / VACANT SEATS AFTER COUNSELLING OF UPSEE-2014 (i) The 15% seats in private institutions shall be filled by the NRI candidates at institute level under management quota as per eligibility criteria given below. The vacant seats in NRI/Management quota or vacant seats after counseling of UPSEE-2014 shall be filled strictly in following preference order, within fifteen days from the last date of counseling: (1) Firstly, by the qualified candidates of UPSEE-2014, who fulfill the eligibility as per clause 3.1 . Their relative merit will be decided on their rank in UPSEE-2014. 9 (2) Secondly, by the qualified candidates of valid CMAT/CAT/MAT score fulfilling the eligibility as per clause 3.1. Their relative merit will be decided on their rank in respective entrance examinations. (3) Thirdly, by the merit of candidates in qualifying examination with the following conditions: (a) For admission to first year of MBA in any institution affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow , a candidate must have passed minimum three years Bachelor degree course from any recognized University; securing minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate without any grace marks. (b) For admission to first year of MCA in any institution affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow , a candidate must have passed minimum three years Bachelor degree course from any recognized University; securing minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate without any grace marks. Candidate must have passed mathematics at 10+2 level. The relative merit in (a),(b), shall be decided based on aggregate of qualifying examination. (ii) Institute shall ensure filling of these vacant seats inviting the applications through advertisement in at least two leading newspapers of the State level and Institute website, giving at least one-week time to submit the applications. Admissions shall be strictly based on clause 3.2(i) mentioned above. (iii) The admission to first year of MAM Course, a candidate must have passed Intermediate examination of U.P. Board or 10+2 level of examination or its equivalent from any recognized Board / University; securing 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate without any grace marks. 3.3 ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR IN UPSEE-2014 FOR ADMISSION TO SECOND YEAR (LATERAL ENTRY) OF MCA For Admission to 2 nd year of MCA course (Lateral Entry), in any institution affiliated to UPTU, Lucknow, a candidate must have passed Bachelors degree course of minimum three years duration in BCA, B.Sc (IT/ Computer Science) from any recognized Indian University; or its equivalent, recognized by A.I.U. securing minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate. The candidate must have passed Mathematics at 10+2 level or Graduation level. 4 EXAMINATION DETAILS 4.1 UPSEE-2014 will be conducted for papers with objective type questions. The candidates are required to opt papers and subjects for appearing in the entrance examination as mentioned in clause 4.4. subject to their eligibility as per clause 3. 4.2 SCORING AND NEGATIVE MARKING (i) Every objective type question would carry four marks for each correct answer. More than one answers indicated against the question will be deemed as incorrect answer. (ii) There will be no negative marking. However, a record of incorrect answers given by a candidate will be kept separately. (iii) All objective type questions are required to be answered ON-LINE as per instructions provided. 4.3 PAPERS AND SUBJECTS IN THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Paper Subjects Number of Questions Marks Paper 9 Aptitude Test for MBA 100 objective type questions 400 Paper 10 Aptitude Test for MCA 100 objective type questions 400 Paper 11 Aptitude Test for MAM 100 objective type question 400 Paper 12 Aptitude Test for 2 nd Year MCA (Lateral Entry) 100 objective type question 400 10 4.4 PAPERS TO BE OPTED FOR DIFFERENT COURSES COURSE PAPERS MBA Paper 9 MCA Paper 10 MAM (Dual Degree) Paper 11 2 nd Year MCA (Lateral Entry) Paper 12 5 SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION Date of Examination Paper Code Subjects Timing (Total Time Period) 27 th April, 2014 (Sunday) Paper 10 Aptitude Test for MCA 08:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. (2 Hours ) Paper 12 Aptitude Test for 2 nd Year MCA (Lateral Entry) 12:00 Noon – 02:00 P.M. (2 Hours ) Paper 09 Paper 11 Aptitude Test for MBA Aptitude Test for MAM 04:00 P.M. –06:00 P.M. (2 Hours ) 6 SYLLABUS The Syllabus for each question papers for the UPSEE-2014 is given at Appendix–A. 7 EVALUATION AND DECLARATION OF RESULT 7.1 The results of UPSEE-2014 along with answer keys will be declared on or before 20 th May, 2014 through website. 7.2 Based on performance of the candidates in UPSEE-2014, separate merit lists will be prepared for each course. Merit position, score-card with total marks and marks obtained in each subject shall be available on website after the declaration of the result. 7.3 In case two or more candidates secure equal marks, inter-se-merit of such candidates shall be determined as follows: (a) Firstly, by the number of incorrect answers given. A candidate giving lesser number of incorrect answers will be placed at higher merit. (b) Secondly, by age of candidate with higher age will be placed at higher merit. 7.4 The cut-off percentage of marks in UPSEE-2014 for the merit of successful candidates is 25% (20% for SC/ST) as per UP State Govt. order. 7.5 Successful candidates shall be called for counseling according to their merit in UPSEE-2014, by giving intimation through Newspapers and website. However, the allotment of seat shall depend on the availability of seat on the day of counseling. The successful candidates are advised to keep watch on website and Newspapers for counseling dates. They can download the counseling schedule from website also. 11 8 CATEGORY DEFINITIONS 8.1 Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located in the State of Uttar Pradesh and who do not claim for any reserved category are eligible for admission to all the courses at all the institutions against available General (OPEN) seats (No certificate required). [Code: UPGE] 8.2 Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located in State of U.P.; and are domicile of U.P.; and belong to Schedule Caste (SC) of U.P. / Schedule Tribe (ST) of U.P. / Other Backward Classes of U.P. are eligible for admission against available reserved seats of their category. Certificate no. 1 or 2 as applicable is required. List of SC, ST and OBC casts as per SC/ST Act 1976 and Government Order 4/1/2001-TC/Ka-2/2002 dt. 19/09/2002 is attached in Appendix F. [Respective Codes: UPSC / UPST / UPBC] 8.3 Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located outside U.P.; and whose parents are domicile of U.P.; and who have not claimed for any reserved category, are also eligible for admission to courses offered at all institutions under General (OPEN) category. Such candidate has to produce the domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only) at the time of counselling (certificate no. 3). [Code: UPGD] 8.4 Candidates, who have passed the qualifying examination from an institution located outside U.P.; and whose parents are domicile of U.P.; and who belong to Schedule Caste of U.P. / Schedule Tribe of U.P. / Other Backward classes of U.P. are also eligible for admission against reserved seats of their category. Such candidate has to produce the domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only) (certificate no. 3) and category certificate (no. 1 or 2 as applicable) at the time of counselling. List of SC, ST and OBC castes as per SC/ST Act 1976 and Government Order 4/1/2001-TC/Ka-2/2002 dt. 19/09/2002 is attached in Appendix F. [Respective Codes: GDSC/GDST/GDBC] 8.5 The domicile requirement to son/daughter of following is relaxed and admission is permitted to such: (i) defence personnel settled in U.P. on the date of Entrance Examination after retirement / being disabled in action or Defence personnel killed in action and the dependents settled in U.P. on the date of Entrance Examination. Certificate no. 5 is required. (ii) defense personnel who are not domicile of U.P., but are posted in U.P. on the date of Entrance Examination. Certificate no. 5 is required. (iii) employee of All India Services belonging to U. P. cadre. Certificate no. 11 is required. GDDA candidates will be considered as UPGD category for all other benefits. [Code: GDDA] Proforma of various certificates are available in Appendix – D. 9 RESERVATIONS 9.1 Vertical Reservation (Category): Category Percentage of Reservation (a) Scheduled Caste of U.P. 21% (b) Scheduled Tribe of U.P. 02% (c) Other Backward Classes of U.P. 27% 12 9.2 Horizontal Reservation (Sub-category available in each category): Sub-Category Code Maximum Percentage of Total Seats (a) Dependents of Freedom Fighters from U.P. UPFF 02% (b) Sons / Daughters of defence personnel of U.P. either retired (superannuated) or killed / disabled in action or defence personnel posted in U.P. / defence personnel domicile of U.P. & posted outside U.P. UPAF 05% (c) Handicapped / Disabled of U.P. UPHC 03% (d) Girls of U.P. UPGL 20% 9.3 The candidates can be given only one type of horizontal reservation Out of UPFF/UPAF/UPHC. However, the girl candidates can also opt for any one of UPFF/UPAF/UPHC along with UPGL. 9.4 Subsequent request for the change of category / sub-category filled in ON-Line submission shall not be entertained under any circumstances. 9.5 Category / sub-category must be supported by the relevant certificates as per proforma given in the Appendix-C to be produced at the time of counseling, failing which the candidates shall be treated in General Category. 9.6 The advantage of horizontal reservation in Armed force sub-category is available to sons/daughters of ‘defence personnel of U.P. either retired (Superannuated) or killed / disabled in action and the dependents settled in U.P.’ or ‘the defence personnel posted in U.P.’ on the date of Entrance Examination. 9.7 Certificate no. 4, 5 and 6 are required at the time of counseling, for claiming reservations in subcategories mentioned at clause 9.2 (a), (b) and (c) respectively. 10 WEIGHTAGE TO CANDIDATES FROM RURAL AREAS OF UTTAR PRADESH Rural weightage is not applicable in MBA, MCA, MCA (Lateral Entry) and MAM courses. 11 MEDICAL STANDARDS 11.1 Candidates will have to submit a certificate of Medical fitness/ handicap on Certificate number 9 at the time of counselling. 11.2 The medical standards prescribed are given below: Medical Standards Applicable: Height Candidate should be Physically fit to pursue his/her studies in opted course. Weight Chest measurement Heart and lungs No abnormality Hernia, Hydrocele, Piles etc. Presence of any of these is to be corrected before joining. Vision Normal. If defective, it must be got corrected to 6/9 in the better eye and 6/12 in the worse one. Eyes should be free from congenital or any other disease. 13 Hearing Normal. If defective, it must be got corrected before joining. Physically Handicapped / Disabled The candidate having any one type of physical handicap/ disability given below. Physically Handicapped / Disabled: Type – I Minimum 40% permanent Visual impairment Type – II Minimum 40% permanent Locomotors disability Type – III Minimum 40% permanent speech and Hearing impairment 12 CITY OF EXAMINATION UPSEE-2014 online examination will be held at various cities as given in Appendix-E. You may choose up to three cities for your centre of examination Please note that your first choice of examination centre may not be allotted due to constraint in availability of computers. However, we shall try best to provide you the choice of your examination centre. No request for change of centre of examination will be entertained after filling the online examination form. 13 ADMIT CARD 13.1 Admit card will be available online to every candidate on the website or The candidates must download the ADMIT CARD from the website or . 13.2 In case of any reported correction, the final corrected admit card will have to be downloaded from website or before the examination date. 13.3 A plea that a candidate failed to receive the information for appearing at the Examination will not be accepted as a ground for the refund of fee or any other redressal. UPSEE-2014 may withdraw the permission to appear in UPSEE-2014 granted by mistake to a candidate who is not eligible to appear at the UPSEE-2014 even if an Admit Card has been issued and produced by the candidate before the concerned Centre Superintendent at the Examination Centre. 13.4 If any candidate is unable to download his/her admit card, he/she should contact the helpline as indicated on the website or send an email at the E-Mail Address [email protected] latest by 22 th April, 2014. 14.5 Since successful candidates are required to produce the Admit Card at the time of counselling and admission, it should be carefully preserved until the admission process is completed. 14 MODE OF EXAMINATION Examination for MBA,MCA, 2 nd Year MCA(Lateral Entry) & MAM will be conducted ONLINE. For further instruction refer website or All question papers will carry objective multiple-choice questions. For further instructions, keep visiting regularly/ frequently the website or 15 COUNSELLING: ON LINE COMPUTER METHODOLOGY 15.1 Successful candidates will be required to participate in the counseling process. The information about Counseling procedure, Counselling Schedule, Document Verification Centres and Counselling Centre etc., will be notified on the website: or . 14 15.2 The successful candidates will be called for document verification at the document verification centres/counseling centres based on their State Rank (Combined General Rank), even if they belong to reserved category. However, the advantage of their reserved category rank (in case they submit proper category reservation certificate) shall be provided at the time of allotment of seats. 15.3 The allotment of the seat/Institution/branch will be made through counseling based on the merit position of candidates in UPSEE-2014 in their eligible category. 15.4 Counseling letter will not be sent by post to the successful candidates. The candidate should visit above website or frequently. 15.5 The candidates will be required to report for the document verification at the document verification centre / counseling centre with original certificates of qualifying examination, marksheet, rural weightage certificate, domicile and category / reservation certificates etc. with one attested copy of each. In case the candidates do not submit the proper category / reservation certificate in the prescribed proforma at the time of counselling, the advantage of reserved category shall not be provided and they will be treated in General Category. If the candidate has passed qualifying examination from outside of U.P., he/she has to bring the domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother) only at the time of counseling. The candidate must note that his/her domicile certificate in place of his parent’s certificate, is not acceptable and no request shall be entertained for relaxation. 15.6 Verification of original documents would be done at the document verification centre / counseling centre. The purpose would be to verify different records regarding, qualifying examination, state of eligibility, category/ reservation certificate and weightage etc. of the candidate. The candidates will not be considered for admission if he does not show the original documents at document verification centre / counseling centre. However the originals will be returned to candidates immediately after verification. 15.7 The candidate will also have to deposit a bank draft of Rs. 500/- as counseling fee at the time of verification. 15.8 The counseling fee (Rs 500/-) is non-refundable. 15.9 After allotment of seat, the candidates are required to deposit a 'part of college/ institute fee' in form of Bank draft of Rs. 15,000=00 at respective document verification centres / counseling centers within three days from the date of issue of allotment/admission letter (inclusive the date of issue of allotment letter), failing which the allotted seat will automatically be cancelled. This part of college/institute fee (Rs. 15,000) is adjustable against total fee payable at institution if candidate takes admission at allotted institute / university. This amount (Rs. 15,000) will be forfeited if the candidate does not take admission in allotted institution and requests for return of this fee in such case will not be entertained. 15.10 If a candidate wishes to participate in counseling for more than one course, he/she has to deposit the counseling fee of Rs. 500/- (in form of Bank Draft) separately for each course. 15.11 After first counseling, the special drive for re-counseling will be conducted for filling the vacant seats of reserve categories. The detailed procedure for re-counseling of special drive shall be displayed on the website or at the time of counseling. 15.12 All the Bank drafts must be prepared separately and drawn in favour of ‘Finance Officer, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow’ payable at city branch of applicant’s counseling centre. For example, a student appearing for counseling at Lucknow, the draft should be in favour of ‘Finance Officer, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow’ payable at Lucknow. 15.13 Counselling Procedures will be available on website: or well in time before start of counseling. The candidates are advised to visit this website for procedures of on-line counseling. 15 15.14 In UPSEE-2014, the counseling will be conducted on-line through internet. The candidates can submit their choices (colleges and branches) through Internet from any place of their convenience or from any document verification centre/counseling centre within the notified period. 15.15 The counseling may tentatively start in last week of May 2014. For details of counseling schedule, keep visiting the website: or frequently after declaration of result. 15.16 The latest instructions of AICTE, Govt. and UPTU upto the date(s) of counseling shall be applicable. 15.17 According to G.O. no. 2426/Solah-1-2009-13(128)/2009 dated 10-09-2009 the admission will be given on 60 percent seats in undergraduate courses to Physically Handicapped candidates in Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for handicapped, Kanpur and remaining 40 percent seats are reserved for General candidates. The reservation policy of U.P. Govt. will be applicable on both types of seats. 16 REFUND RULES VALID FOR FEES DEPOSITED AT VERIFICATION CENTRE/ COUNSELLING CENTRE 16.1 Counseling fee of Rs. 500/- will be non-refundable in all cases and no claim will be entertained for its refund at any stage. 16.3 No Refund of 'part of college/institute fee' (Rs. 15,000) deposited at verification centre/ counseling centre will be admissible, if the candidate does not take admission in allotted college/institution for any reason whatsoever, and no claim will be entertained for its refund. 17 AVAILIBILITY OF INFORMATION BROCHURE AND SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORMS The Information Brochure will be available ON LINE on the websites or only. The same can be downloaded and/or printed for reference by the candidates. The application form can be filled in On-Line through or from any place of convenience or at any designated help desk. Lists of Helpdesks are available on the website: or 18 SUBMISSION OF ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM 18.1 APPLICATION PROCEDURE: The online application can be made from 10.A.M., 15 th March 2014 till 10:00 pm of 05 th April 2014 through the website or as per detailed procedure given in the websites. For assistance (in case of any difficulty) in filling up ON-LINE application form, candidate may contact the Help Desks at various cities. The list of Help Desks shall be made available on website. The On-Line application form submission consists of following three simple steps. (i) Filling up of Personal Details (ii) Payment of Examination Fee (iii) Uploading of Scanned Images of Photograph, Signature and Thumb Impression And Printing of the “Confirmation Page” Before, a candidate starts filling the On-Line application Form, he/she is supposed to be ready with the following: (i) A personal mobile phone number and/or a personal E-Mail id. (ii) Photograph: A clear scanned image of his/her recent color passport size photograph (3.5cm X 4.5cm) in JPEG Format with a maximum size of 20 KB. The 16 photograph must be front facing to the camera in a manner that full face shows. The background should be either white or off-white and uncluttered. The photograph should be colour with name of the candidate printed on it as shown in the sketch below. It should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed. Candidates with unclear photograph are liable to be rejected. Candidates may keep 6-8 identical photographs in reserve for use at the time of entrance examination, (iii) A clear scanned image of his/her signature (3.5cm X 1.5cm) in JPEG Format with a maximum size of 10 KB. (iv) A clear scanned image of his/her left thumb impression (3.5cm X 1.5cm) in JPEG Format with a maximum size of 10 KB Once ready with this, he/she may proceed to following steps. Visit the websit and through the link “Apply Online” followed by the link “Online application Form for PG Courses”, you may start filling the application. Filling up of Personal Details 1. The applicants should submit all the details as per their eligibility while filling the online application form. After filling online application form; you are required to review all the entries filled by you by clicking on “NEXT to REVIEW” button” before submitting it. In case of mistakes, correct the same through “back” button and again review all the entries once again before submitting it. Here, it is clarified that you may change the entries as many times as you want before submitting the Form by clicking the “FINAL SUBMIT” button. Note that, once “FINAL SUBMIT” button is pressed and application form is submitted, entries in the form can not be modified/changed/corrected in any way. Therfore before clicking the “FINAL SUBMIT” button, make it doubly sure that all the entries are filled correctly. 2. On submission of application, a registration number will be generated. You are required to note this registration number for all future correspondences. Payment of Examination Fee 3. A candidate can pay examination fee in one of the following manner. (i) Through Bank-Challan (ii) Through Credit Card / Debit Card Payment through bank-Challan: If you are opting to pay through bank challan, click the required link (download Bank challan) to generate the challan in triplicate. The challan will contain your credentials along 17 with the required fees. You should take the challan along with your signature and the requisite fees to the designated bank for the payment on next day (Day 2) of filling the application form, if the form is filled till 5 pm. In case application is filled after 5 pm, the candidate is supposed to take the duly signed challan for payment on Day 3 to the Bank. The bank will provide you a transaction number. Make sure that the transaction number is filled up correctly at the space provided on the challan. You are required to note this transaction number for all future correspondences. Payment through Credit Card / Debit Card If you are making payment through credit card / debit card, then click an appropriate link and make the payment. All VISA/Master cards are accepted. You should be ready with your credit, debit card details. The payment in this mode can be done on the same day (Day-1). You are required to note this transaction number for all future correspondences Uploading of Scanned Images of Photograph, Signature and Thumb Impression and Printing of the “Confirmation Page” 4. (a) If the payment is made through bank challan, to generate the confirmation page, visit the website or on next day of the date of payment of examination fee (Day 3 or Day 4) and click the link “Upload Images and Generate the Confirmation Page (Bank-Challan mode)”. Fill up registration number and transaction number (provided by bank) alongwith other required details and then upload scanned images of your recent photograph, signature & Thumb Impression. Once uploading is complete, The candidate must review the uploaded images by clicking on “NEXT to REVIEW” button on the page before submitting it. In case of mistakes, correct the same through “back” button and again review once again before submitting it. Here, it is clarified that you may change the entries as many times as you want before submitting the Form by clicking the “FINAL SUBMIT” button. Note that, once “FINAL SUBMIT” button is pressed and application form is submitted, uploaded images can not be modified/changed/corrected in any way. Therfore before clicking the “FINAL SUBMIT” button, make it doubly sure that these are correct. Once satisfied , in order to submit the form, press “FINAL SUBMIT” button and proceed to generate “Confirmation Page”. Thereafter, the confirmation page of your application form will be generated. Take the printout of the “Confirmation Page” in two copies. One of copy of the “Confirmation Page” has to kept safely by the candidate for future requirements and second copy of “Confirmation Page” has to be sent to the University at the given address after pasting his/her passport size photograph, putting his/her signature & thumb impression (left thumb) and parent/ guardian signature at the space provided on the confirmation page. The “Confirmation Page” will contain a “Registration Number”. You are required to note down this registration number for all future correspondence 18 (b) If the payment is made through credit card / debit card, to generate the confirmation page, click the link “ Upload Images and Generate the Confirmation Page” and then upload scanned images of your recent photograph, signature & Thumb Impression. Once uploading is complete, The candidate must review the uploaded images by clicking on “NEXT to REVIEW” button on the page before submitting it. In case of mistakes, correct the same through “back” button and again review once again before submitting it. Here, it is clarified that you may change the entries as many times as you want before submitting the Form by clicking the “FINAL SUBMIT” button. Note that, once “FINAL SUBMIT” button is pressed and application form is submitted, uploaded images can not be modified/changed/corrected in any way. Therfore before clicking the “FINAL SUBMIT” button, make it doubly sure that these are correct. Once satisfied, in order to submit the form, press “FINAL SUBMIT” button and proceed to generate “Confirmation Page”. Thereafter, the confirmation page of your application form will be generated. Take the printout of the “Confirmation Page” in two copies. One of copy of the “Confirmation Page” has to kept safely by the candidate for future requirements. The “Confirmation Page” will contain a “Registration Number”. You are required to note down this registration number for all future correspondence. 5. Take the second copy of Confirmation Page, paste your recent passport size photograph, put your signature & thumb impression (left thumb), parent/ guardian signature at the space provided on the confirmation page. Post the duly signed completed confirmation page along with copy of challan (if the payment is made through bank challan) so as to reach the Registrar (UPSEE-2014), Uttar Pradesh Technical University, IET Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow – 226021, Uttar Pradesh on or before 07 th April 2014. Please do not forget to mention your mailing address, contact mobile phone number at the space provided on the confirmation page. 18.2 EXAMINATION FEE: The examination fee for online application is as follows: For Male Candidates of General/ OBC Category For SC/ST Category and All Female Candidate Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 500/- Please note that the bank may additionally charge service charges plus applicable taxes while making the payment through Credit/Debit card or Challan. 19 18.3 Application can be submitted online from 15 th March 2014 untill 10:00 pm of 05 th April 2014. 19 TUITION FEES ETC. 19.1 The tuition fees in Govt. aided colleges / institutes (except self finance course) at present is Rs. 25,000=00 per year for MBA/MCA programmes, excluding Hostel fees which may be revised by the institute as per State Government orders. 19.2 The fees in Private Institutions / Govt. aided Institutions running self finance courses will be as per the latest notification / orders issued by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh/ Fee Fixation Committee and available on website . The details of fee for self finance course is Govt. aided colleges/ institutions may also be obtained from respective college / institution. 20 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM Refer website or as provided in the online application form. Read carefully the entire Information Brochure before filling the Application Form. 20 ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºi·¤ ;·¬il·¤lº n ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii (¤¸ ¤i¤¬; ;÷za·«) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºi·¤ ;·¬il·¤lº n ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii (¤¸ ¤i¤¬; ;÷za·«) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºi·¤ ;·¬il·¤lº n ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii (¤¸ ¤i¤¬; ;÷za·«) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºi·¤ ;·¬il·¤lº n ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii (¤¸ ¤i¤¬; ;÷za·«) (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (¬(¬ ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a (Dual Degree),¤-a¬ia¤a,l,ni¤ (·i ,¤-a¬ia¤a,l,ni¤ (·i ,¤-a¬ia¤a,l,ni¤ (·i ,¤-a¬ia¤a,l,ni¤ (·i(Lateral Entry) - ¤( ºi rn) - ¤( ºi rn) - ¤( ºi rn) - ¤( ºi rn) ·¤i·i¬·iºi ·¤i·i¬·iºi ·¤i·i¬·iºi ·¤i·i¬·iºi ¤¸( ¤·-i ¤º ¬ n ¬i l¬l¤ - s¤ r¤ l((ººi ¬i lr··i ¤¸( ¤·-i ¤º ¬ n ¬i l¬l¤ - s¤ r¤ l((ººi ¬i lr··i ¤¸( ¤·-i ¤º ¬ n ¬i l¬l¤ - s¤ r¤ l((ººi ¬i lr··i ¤¸( ¤·-i ¤º ¬ n ¬i l¬l¤ - s¤ r¤ l((ººi ¬i lr··i ª¤i·nººi ·i¤ l·¤i ¬i ºri r ¬ l¬· l¬¬i ·ii ª¤i·nººi ·i¤ l·¤i ¬i ºri r ¬ l¬· l¬¬i ·ii ª¤i·nººi ·i¤ l·¤i ¬i ºri r ¬ l¬· l¬¬i ·ii ª¤i·nººi ·i¤ l·¤i ¬i ºri r ¬ l¬· l¬¬i ·ii l(ºi ·ii·ii¬ ¬i l-·iln - ¬ n ¬i ·ii·ii - s¤ l((ººi ri ¬ ni· - l¬¤ ¬i¤ n | l(ºi ·ii·ii¬ ¬i l-·iln - ¬ n ¬i ·ii·ii - s¤ l((ººi ri ¬ ni· - l¬¤ ¬i¤ n | l(ºi ·ii·ii¬ ¬i l-·iln - ¬ n ¬i ·ii·ii - s¤ l((ººi ri ¬ ni· - l¬¤ ¬i¤ n | l(ºi ·ii·ii¬ ¬i l-·iln - ¬ n ¬i ·ii·ii - s¤ l((ººi ri ¬ ni· - l¬¤ ¬i¤ n | 1 ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln (¬i ¬i ¬i ¬i. .. .¤ ¤¤ ¤. .. .«i «i «i «i) l·ni -nºi¤ ¬l·i¤¤ºi ( ¬·¤ ·¤i(¬il¤¬ ¬-·ii¬i ¬i ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii ¬ ¬i¤i ¬· ¬i ¬i¤ ºii¬·i· ºi ¬ ª¤i «zca/¬i ¬r-·-zaas-·:(/)/zaas l··i ¬ ·s.a·.za·a ¬ ,iºi ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬i ¬i ¤i n¤i r | ¬·n ¬ ¬- - ºi·¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii ¬ ¬ ¤i¬· ¤( l·¤·¤ºi ¬ l¬¤ ¬¬¤ln, ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬i ¬·¤·ini - ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºii¬· ,iºi ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln ¬ n-· ¬i ¬r-ln ¤i·n r | ¬ ··i¤ ¤( ºi ¬l-ln ¬i ºi·¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii, l¬¬ ¤ri ¤¸ ¤i¤¬;;÷za·« (UPSEE-2014) ¬ ª·i - ¬ri n¤i r, ¬i ;¬¬ ¬ ¤i¬· ¬ ¤¸ ºi ¬l·i¬iº ¤i·n r ¬iº ¤( ºi n·ii ¬i- ¬i( -· ¬i ¤ l¬¤i ¬ l·ºi¤ ¬ · ¬ ·ii ¬l·i¬iº ¤i·n r | ;¬ ¬l-ln ¬i ¤lº·i¤ ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, ¬--n ¬-·ii· r | 2 ¤( ºi ¤l¬¤i ¤( ºi ¤l¬¤i ¤( ºi ¤l¬¤i ¤( ºi ¤l¬¤i 2.1 (A) ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi l·-·l¬lªin ¤i-¤¬-i ¬i ¬¤il·i ¬ l¬¤ ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬ «, ¬-·ii¤ ¤( ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬·¤ ; lnn l(º(l(ni¬¤i ,¬-·ii·i ¬ ¤·i- (·i - ºil·i¬ ¬¤ za·«÷·r - ¤( ºi rn ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ,iºi UPSEE-2014 ¬ ·i- ¬ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii ¬ ¤il¬n ¬i ¬i ºri r (i) z (·ii¤ ¤-a«ia¤a ¤i-¤¬- (ii) : (·ii¤ ¤-a¬ia¤a ¤i-¤¬- (iii) r (·ii¤ ¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬- * ;¬ ¤i-¤¬- ¬i ¬(l·i r (·i (·a ¬ ---º) ri ni| l(-nn l((ººi rn ;¬¬i ¬ n ¬i (¬· · ªi | 2.1 (B) ¤-a¬ia¤a l,ni¤ (’i ¤-a¬ia¤a l,ni¤ (’i ¤-a¬ia¤a l,ni¤ (’i ¤-a¬ia¤a l,ni¤ (’i (Lateral Entry) - ¬i·i ¤( ”i - ¬i·i ¤( ”i - ¬i·i ¤( ”i - ¬i·i ¤( ”i (i) ¤i¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, -ril(ni¬¤i - ¤-a¬ia¤a (Lateral Entry) ¤i-¤¬-i ¬ l,ni¤ (·i - ¬i·i ¤( ºi ¬ l¬¤ (l((ººi ¤l-n¬i ¬i ¬·ºi· 3.3 · ªi )| l··iilºn lnl·i n¬ ¬¤·i ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº ¬º ¬¬¬l¤(, ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬i ¤ l·in ¬º | ¤¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬¤¤·n ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii - ¬ « l·in ¤º· ¤¤i - ¤ºi·ii · ·i ri ni| (ii) ¤·i- (·i ¬ -nº ¤º -(i¸n ·i-ni ¬ +¤º ¬l·i¬n- za ¤lnºin n¬ ri ¬·-·¤ ¤i-¤¬-i - ;¬ ¤¬iº ¬i ¤( ºi ¬il-n ºr ni | (iii) ¤-.«i.¤.,¤-.¤.¤-. (· ¤¬ l·ni) ¤i-¤¬-i - l,ni¤ (·i - ¬i·ii ¤( ºi ·ri l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| 2.2 l(l·i·· -¬i- - ¬i ¤·i- (·i ¬i ¬i- l(l·i·· -¬i- - ¬i ¤·i- (·i ¬i ¬i- l(l·i·· -¬i- - ¬i ¤·i- (·i ¬i ¬i- l(l·i·· -¬i- - ¬i ¤·i- (·i ¬i ¬i- (i) ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬ ¬-«, ºi¬¬i¤,ºi·¤ ¬ri¤nil¤n -ril(ni¬¤i ,¬-·ii·i ¬ ¤i-¤¬-i - ¤( ºi UPSEE-2014 ¬ ºin ¤lnºin l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| (ii) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºii¬· ,iºi l·¬i ·i¤ - -·iil¤n n¬·i¬i ¬-·ii·i - ·r ¤lnºin ¬i- ¤·a¬iºa¬i;a,-· ¬- ·- ¬i - ¬ ¬·nnn ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬ºl·in ¬i n; r l¬· ¤º ¤( ºi ¬i ¬i¤(iri ¬-nº ¤· ºi ºii¬· ,iºi l··ii lºn ¤l¬¤i ¬ ¬·¬iº l(º(l(ni¬¤ ,iºi ¬ l·lº¤n ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ºi ·i «¤i ¬i- UPSEE-2014 ¬i ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i¬·¬l¬ n ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ·iºi ¬i¤ ni| (iii) ¬a¤a ºii¬· ,iºi l·¬i ·i¤ ¬i ¬-·ii·i - ¤-a«ia¤a ¬i¬ rn ¬¤¬··i ¬¬ ¬i-i - ¬ za ¤ lnºin ¬i- «i ºiº - ; lnn ¬rni¬i ¬ ¬·¬iº CMAT-2014 ( ¬i-· -· ¬- ·- ¤·-i”i· --- ) ¬i - lº- ¬ ¬i·iiº ¤º ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ,iºi ·iºi ¬i¤ ni| ¤nl¤ ¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬- rn ¬·n ·¤(-·ii ¬in¸ ·ri r| ¤-a¬ia¤a ¤i-¤¬- - ¤ ¬i- ·ii ¤¸ ¤i¤¬; ;÷za·« ¬ ¤( ”i ¤ºi·ii ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ·iºi ¬i¤ ni| (iv) ;¬ ¤¬iº l·¬i ·i¤ - -·iil¤n ¬-·ii·i - ¬¤¬··i ¬i-i - ¬ cr ¤ lnºin ¬i- ¤-a«ia¤a ¤i-¤¬- rn ¤( sr ¤ln”in ¤-a¬ia¤a ¤( ¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬- rn ¤¬ ¬·¤l·i ¤i ,iºi ·iºi ¬i¤ ni, l¬·ri · ¬a¤a - l-·in l¬¬i ¬-·ii· ¬ ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¤i¬ ¬i r ¬·i(i l¬·¬ -ini ¤i l¤ni ¬a¤ a ¬ -¸ ¬ l·(i¬i r | ;· ¬·¤l·i¤i rn ¬l·(i¤ ¬rni l((ººi ¤l-n¬i - ¬¤¬··i r| ¤l· l¬¬i ¬·¤·ii · ¬a¤a ºi·¤ ¬ «irº l-·in l¬¬i ¬-·ii· ¬ ¬r ¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¤i¬ ¬i r ni ¬¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¬-¤ ¬¤· -ini ¬·i(i l¤ni ¬i ·i l-¬i;¬ (-¸ ¬ l·(i¬) ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-nn ¬º·i ¬l·(i¤ ri ni| 21 3 ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin 3.1 ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬-i ¬ ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¬ l¬¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬-i ¬ ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¬ l¬¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬-i ¬ ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¬ l¬¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a ¤i-¤¬-i ¬ ¤·i- (·i - ¤( ºi ¬ l¬¤ ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii - «-· rn ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin rn ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin rn ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin rn ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 3.2 l·¬i ¬-·ii·i - ¤·i- (·i - - l·¬i ¬-·ii·i - ¤·i- (·i - - l·¬i ¬-·ii·i - ¤·i- (·i - - l·¬i ¬-·ii·i - ¤·i- (·i - -· ¬- ·- ¬i -i (¤·a¬iºa¬i; 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l·(i¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i 3; n·ii ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i · ¬·i(i z ¬i(º¤¬ r)| ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln, ¬·. ¬·¬iln ¤( ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ ¬·nnn ¬i· (i¬i ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬.¤. ¬l·il·¤- ·s/c ¤( ºii¬·i· ºi ¬ ª¤i «,·,zaa·÷-i.¬i. ,¬i÷z,zaaz l··i ¬ ·s,as,zaaz ¬·¬··¬÷; ¤º ¬ ¬·· r| [GDSC/GDST/GDBC] 8.5 l·-· ¤¬ººii - -ini,l¤ni ¬i ¬l·i(i¬ ¬i(º¤¬ni¤ lºil·i¬ ¬i n¤i r ¬iº ;¬ ¤ ¬iº ¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¤( ºi ¬·-·¤ l¬¤i n¤i r (i) ¬(i l·(-n,¤ , - ¬¤ nni ¬ ·iº¤in ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii lnl·i ¬i ¬-nº ¤· ºi - l·(i¬ ¬º· (i¬ º·ii ¬-¤iºi ¬·i(i ¤, - -iº ¬i· ¬ ¤º¤in ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii lnl·i ¬i ¬-nº ¤· ºi - l·(i¬ ¬º· (i¬ º·ii ¬- ¤ilº¤i ¬ ¬il¬n ¤¬ º·ii ¬-¤ilº¤i ¬ ¤¤,¤l¤¤i ¬i (¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i r ¬l·(i¤ r)| (ii) ¤¬ º·ii ¬-¤iºi, ¬i ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ¬ ¬l·i(i¬i ·ri r , ¤º·n ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii lnl·i ¬i ¬-nº ¤· ºi - l·¤·n r (¤-iºi ¤¤i ¬ ª¤i r ¬l·(i¤ r )| (iii) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬·º ¬ ¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬(i ¬ ¬-¤iºi ¬ ¤¤,¤¤i (¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i ·· ¬l·(i¤ r)| ;¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i UPGD ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ ¬-i· -i·i ¬i¤ ni| [GDDA] ¬·ii ¤-iºi ¤¤i , ¬i ¤iª¤ ¤lºlºi·-÷·i ¤º ¬¤¬··i r| 9 ¬iº·iºi ¬iº·iºi ¬iº·iºi ¬iº·iºi 9.1 +·(i·iº ¬iº·iºi (¬ ºii) +·(i·iº ¬iº·iºi (¬ ºii) +·(i·iº ¬iº·iºi (¬ ºii) +·(i·iº ¬iº·iºi (¬ ºii) ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - (¬) ¬a ¤a ¬i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln ¬--n ¤( ºi ¬i-i ¬i z· ¤lnºin (ªi) ¬a ¤a ¬i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln ¬--n ¤( ºi ¬i-i ¬i az ¤lnºin (n) ¬a ¤a ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬--n ¤( ºi ¬i-i ¬i z/ ¤lnºin 9.2 ·iln¬ ¬iº·iºi (¬¤ ¬ ºii) ·iln¬ ¬iº·iºi (¬¤ ¬ ºii) ·iln¬ ¬iº·iºi (¬¤ ¬ ºii) ·iln¬ ¬iº·iºi (¬¤ ¬ ºii) ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - ¤-¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- - (¬) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -(n·¤ini ¬ ·il·¤i (¬i · ¬i · ¬i · ¬i · UPFF) : ¬--n ¬i-i ¬i ¬l·i¬n- az ¤lnºin ¬ ¬il¬ni ¬ l¬¤ (ªi) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬(i l·(n ¬·i(i ¬¤ n (¬i · ¬i · ¬i · ¬i · UPAF) : ¬--n ¬i-i ¬i ¬l·i¬n- ar ¤lnºin 23 º·ii ¬l-¤i ¬·i(i ¤, - -iº n¤ º·ii÷ ¬l-¤i ¬·i(i ¬-nº ¤· ºi - n·in º·ii÷ ¬l-¤i ¬ ¤¤÷¤l¤¤i ¬i ¬·i(i ¬a¤a ¬ ¬l·i(i¬i ¤¬ º·ii ¬l-¤i ¬i ¬i ¤ºi·ii lnl·i ¬i ¬a¤a ¬ «irº l·¤·n r | (n) ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l·ºi·n ¬·i ¬ l¬¤ (¬i · ¬i · ¬i · ¬i · UPHC) : ¬--n ¬i-i ¬i ¬l·i¬n- a: ¤lnºin (·i) -lr¬i¬i ¬ l¬¤ (¬i · ¬i · ¬i · ¬i · UPGL) : ¬--n ¬i-i ¬i ¬l·i¬n- za ¤lnºin 9.3 ·iln¬ ¬iº·iºii - -i¤ ¤¬ ¬iº·iºi ri ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬¬ ni| l(-nn l((ººi rn ¬ n ¬i (¬· · ªi | 9.4 ¤i·i·i ¤¤ - ¬l·il¬lªin ¬ ºii ¤( ¬¤¬ ºii - l¬¬i ¤ ¬iº ¬i ¤lº(n· ¬i ¬·ºi ·i -i·¤ ·ri ri ni| 9.5 Appendix-C - l·¤ n¤ ¤iª¤i ¤º ¬ « l·in ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ºii,¬¤¬ ºii ¬ ¤-iºi -(ª¤ ¬i¬l¬ n ¬ ¬-¤ ¤ l·in ¬º·i ri ni ¬·¤·ii ¬·¤·ii ¬i-i·¤ ¬ ºii ¬i -i·i ¬i¤ ni| 9.6 ¤-nº 9.2 ªi ¬ ¬·nnn ¬·-·¤ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ·i ln¬ ¬iº·iºi ¬i ¬i·i ¤·i· l¬¤ ¬i· ¬ l¬¤ n·ini,l·(i¬ ¬i lnl·i ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii ¬i lnl·i -i·i ¬i¤ ni| 9.7 ¬¤¬ ºii - ¬iº·iºi ¬ l¬¤ ¤-nº 9.2 (¬), (ªi) ¤( (n) ¬ ¬ « l·in ¬-ºi ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ª¤i «, r ¤( c ¬i(º¤¬ ri n | 10 ni-iºi ·i¤ ¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬l·i-i· ni-iºi ·i¤ ¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬l·i-i· ni-iºi ·i¤ ¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬l·i-i· ni-iºi ·i¤ ¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¬l·i-i· ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a,¤-a¤a¤-a, ¤-a¬ia¤a l,ni¤ (’i (Lateral Entry ) ¬·¤l·i¤i rn ni-iºi ·i¤ ¬l·i-i· ¬·-·¤ ·ri r| 11 ºiiºilº¬ ·i¤ ni¬ ºiiºilº¬ ·i¤ ni¬ ºiiºilº¬ ·i¤ ni¬ ºiiºilº¬ ·i¤ ni¬ ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 12 ¤ºi·ii ºirº ¤ºi·ii ºirº ¤ºi·ii ºirº ¤ºi·ii ºirº ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 13. ¤( ºi ¤¤ ¤( ºi ¤¤ ¤( ºi ¤¤ ¤( ºi ¤¤ ·: ·: ·: ·:. .. .· · · · ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¤ºi·ii ¬ l¬¤ ¤( ºi ¤¤ ( «¬i;- or ¤º ¬i·÷¬i;· ¬¤¬··i ri ni| ¬·¤·ii ¤( ”i ¤¤ +¤º l¬lªin («÷¬i;- ¬ l·l”¤n ª¤ ¬ ·i¬· ¬i · ¬º | ·: ·: ·: ·:. .. .z zz z ¤( ºi ¤¤ - l¬¬i ¤¬iº ¬ ¤lº(n· ¬i l-·iln - ¬l·n- ¤lº(lnn ¤( ”i ¤¤ ((¬i;- or ¬ ¤ºi·ii ¬ ¤¸( ¬i·i ·i¬· ¬i · ·ii l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r, ¬i ¤¸ ºi (·i ri ni| ·: ·: ·: ·:. .. .: :: : ¤r ·¬i¬ l¬ ¬·¤·ii ¬i UPSEE-2014 ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬i ¬¸ ¤·i ¤i ¬·-ln ·ri ¤i·n r; r, ºi ~¬ ¬i (i¤¬i ¤i l¬¬i ¬·¤ ·iln¤¸ ln ¬ l¬¤ -i·¤ ·ri ri ni| ¬-nº ¤· ”i ¤il(l·i¬ l(º(l(ni¬¤, ¬ªi·+ ¬i ¤r ¬l·i¬iº r l¬ ¤l· ¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ¬i , ¬i UPSEE-2014 ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬i ¤i¤ ·ri r, ¤il-(ºi ¤( ºi ¤¤ ¬iºi ri n¤i r ¬iº ¬¬· ¤ºi·ii ¬ ¬ ·· ¬·ii·i¬ ¬ ¬--ªi ¬¬ ¤-nn ·ii l¬¤i r, ni ·ii ¬¬ ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬i ·i n¤i ¬·-ln (i¤¬ ¬ ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ·: ·: ·: ·:. .. .« «« « ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ( «¬i;- ¬ ·i¬·¬i · ¬º· - ¬¬-·i r ni l(º(l(ni¬¤ ¬ r ~¤ ¬i;· ¬i ( «÷¬i;- ¤º l·¤i n¤i r, ¬·i(i E-Mail Address [email protected] ¤º l«¬-«n- zz ¬¤¬, za·« n¬ ¬-¤¬ ¬º ¬¬ni r | ·: ·: ·: ·:. .. .r rr r ¤¸ l¬ ¬¤¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¤( ¤( ºi ¬ ¬-¤ ¤·l-- ¬i· ¬i ¬i(º¤¬ni ri ni| ¬n ( ¬¬ ¬¤· ¤i¬ n« n¬ ¬ºl·in ºªi ¬« n¬ UPSEE-2014 ¬ ¤( ºi ¤¸ ºi · ri ¬i¤| 14 ¤ºi·ii ¤,ln ¤ºi·ii ¤,ln ¤ºi·ii ¤,ln ¤ºi·ii ¤,ln ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬·(i· ¬i ¤ºi ·« · ªi | 15 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n 15-1 ;¬ (·i ¬-nº ¤· ºi - l-·in l(l·i·· ¬ ··i ¤º ¬-·¤¸ -º ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i l··ii lºn ¬ ·· ¤º ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n rn ¬¤l-·in ri ·i ri ni| ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¬ « l·in l((ººi,¤ l¬¤i, ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n l··i ¬, ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ··i ¬i ¬¸ ¤·i, ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i¤¬- ¬i ¬¸ ¤·i ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¤¤i ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ·i ¬i¤ ni| ¬·n l((ººi ( «¬i;- or ¤º ¬¤¬··i ºr ni| 15.2 ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n rn ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬·¬i -- - º ¬ (¬-«i;·· ¬·º¬ º ¬) ¬ ¬i·iiº ¤º ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬-¤i¤·, ¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¬ ·· « ¬i¤i ¬i¤ ni ¤ir ( ¬iºl·in ¬ ºii ¬ ·ii ri | ¤nl¤ ¬·r ¬·¬i ¬iºl·in ¬ ºii ¬i 24 - lº- ¬i ¬i·i ¬i- ¬i( -· ¬ ¬-¤ l·¤i ¬i¤ ni, ¤l· ( ¬¤·i ¬l¤n ¬iº·iºi rn l··ii lºn ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-nn ¬ºn r | 15.3 ¬i· ¬-¤¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·iºi· ¬i-i ,¤i-¤¬-,¬-·ii ¬i ¬i( -· ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i UPSEE-2014 ¬i ¤i ·¤ni ¬¸ ¤i ¬ ¬i·iiº ¤º l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| 15.4 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ l¬¤ «¬i¤ n¤ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤·i ·i¬ ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ·ri ·i ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ¬·¤·ii ;¬¬ l¬¤ ¤·ii ¬-¤ ( «¬i;- or · ªi | 15.5 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n rn ¬r ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬r ¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¬i ¬ ¬nil¬¬i,-¸ ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤i , ¬l·i-i· ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤( ¬iº·iºi ¤-iºi ¤¤i ¬il· ¬i -¸ ¬ ¤ln ¬iº ¤¬ ¬-¤il¤n ¤ ln ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬n¤i¤·,¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· - ¬i·i ri ni| ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¬-¤ ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ,iºi ¬l¤n (n ¬ ¬iº·iºi rn l··iilºn ¤iª¤ ¤º ¤ -iºi ¤¤ ¤-nn ·ri l¬¤i ¬ini r ni ¬¬ ¬iºl·in (n ¬i ¬i·i · ·n r¤ ¬i-i·¤ ¬ ºii - -i·i ¬i¤ ni| ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ,iºi ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·ii ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ «irº l-·in l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ ¬ ¬-niºi ¬i r ni ¬¬ ¬¤· -ini ¬·i(i l¤ni ¬i -¸ ¬,-·ii; l·(i¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¬-¤ ¤-nn ¬º·i ri ni| ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬·¬i ¬¤·i l·(i¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ -(i¬iº ·ri ri ni ¬n ¬¤· -ini ¬·i(i l¤ni ¬i ¬·i- -nº ¬ l·nn ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸¬,-·ii; l·(i¬i ri · ¬i ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬ ¬º ¬i¤ | ;¬- lºil·i¬ni ¬ ¬ « ·i - ¬i ; ·ii ¬·ºi ·i -(i¬iº ·ri ri ni| 15.6 ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬-¤i¤º,¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¬ ·· ¤º -¸ ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤i ¬i ¬i ¤ ¬i ¬i¤ ni| (i lsn ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬¤¬··i · ¬ºi· ¤º ¬·¤·ii ¬ ·i- ¤º ¤( ºi rn l(¤iº ·ri l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| ¬·n ¬i ¬·· º¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·ii, ¤i¤ni ¬i ºin, ¬ ºii,¬iº·iºi ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤( ¬l·i-i· ¬il· ¬-¤il¤n ¬º· ¬ ¬ « ·i - r| ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬¤· -¸ ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ · ¤-nn ¬º· ¬i ·ºii - ¤( ºi rn l(¤iº ·ri l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| -¸ ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤i ¬ ¬-¤i¤· ¬ ¬¤ºi·n ¤-iºi ¤¤i ¬i ¤¬ ¬-¤il¤n ¤ln ºªi ¬º -¸ ¬ ¬l·i¬ ªi ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·¸¬º l·· (i¤¬ ¬º l·¤ ¬i¤ n | 15.7 ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ªa raa,÷ ¬i « ¬ ·i¤- ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¤i¬ ¬ ª¤ - ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬-¤i¤· ¬ ¬-¤ ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni | 15.8 ¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¤i¬ (Rs. 500/-) l¬¬i ·ii ·”ii - (i¤¬ ·ri rini | 15.9 ¬i- ¬i( -· ¬ ·iº¤in ¬·ii ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ªa 15,000,÷ ¬i « ¬ ·i¤- ¬i ¬i¬ ¬ ¤i¬ ¬ ¬ ºi ¬ ª¤ - ¬i- ¬i( -· ¤¤ l·nn ri · ¬i lnl·i ¬ ni· l·· ¬ ·iinº (¬i- ¬i( -· ¤¤ ¬i lnl·i ¬i ¬l--l¬n ¬ºn r ¤) ¬ « l·in ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬-¤i¤· ¬ ··,¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni ¬·¤·ii ¬·n ¬i( l-n ¬i- -(n l·º-n ri ¬i¤ ni| ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬-i ¬i n¤i ¤r ·i·ºilºi ¬-·ii - ¤( ºi ¬ · ¤º ¬-·ii -nº ¤º ¬-i ri · (i¬i ¤i¬ - ¬-i¤i l¬n ¬º ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ¬-·ii - ¤( ºi ·ri ¬ · ¬i l-·iln - ¤r ¤i¬ (i¤¬ ·ri ¬i ¬i¤ ni n·ii ;¬ ¬ « ·i - ¬i ; ·ii ¬·ºi ·i -(i¬iº ·ri l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| 15.10 ¤l· ¬i ; ¬·¤·ii ¤¬ ¬ ¬l·i¬ ¤i-¤¬-i - ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n rn ¤ ln·iin ¬º·i ¤irni r ni ¤ -¤ ¬ ¤i-¤¬- rn ¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¤i¬ ¬ ª·i - ªa raa,÷ (« ¬ ·i¤- ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ) ¬¬n ¬ ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni | 15.11 ¤·i- ¤ººi ¬i ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ¤º¤in ¬iºl·in (n ¬i lº·n ¬i-i ¬i ·iº· ¬ l¬¤ l(ºi ·i ¬l·i¤i· ¤¬i¬º ¤· ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i ¬i¤ ni| ¬·n ¬i¬l·¬l¬n rn l··iilºn ¤ l¬¤i ¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¬ ¬-¤ ( «¬i;- or ¤º ¤¬ilºn ¬i ¬i¤ ni | 15.12 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬-i l¬¤ ¬i· (i¬ ¬·ii «¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬-i l¬¤ ¬i· (i¬ ¬·ii «¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬-i l¬¤ ¬i· (i¬ ¬·ii «¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬-i l¬¤ ¬i· (i¬ ¬·ii «¬ ·i¤ - ¬¬n÷¬¬n ·i¤ - ¬¬n÷¬¬n ·i¤ - ¬¬n÷¬¬n ·i¤ - ¬¬n÷¬¬n ‘Finance Officer, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow’ ¬ ¤·i - ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¬ ¬ « l·in ¬·¤·,-·ii· ¬i ºiiªii ¬ ¤·i - ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¬ ¬ « l·in ¬·¤·,-·ii· ¬i ºiiªii ¬ ¤·i - ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¬ ¬ « l·in ¬·¤·,-·ii· ¬i ºiiªii ¬ ¤·i - ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¬ ¬ « l·in ¬·¤·,-·ii· ¬i ºiiªii ¤º ¤º ¤º ¤º payable ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ¬·irººi ¬ ª¤ - ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬ªi·+ l-·in ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ¬·irººi ¬ ª¤ - ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬ªi·+ l-·in ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ¬·irººi ¬ ª¤ - ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬ªi·+ l-·in ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ¬·irººi ¬ ª¤ - ¤l· ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬ªi·+ l-·in ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬ ·· ¤º ¬l--l¬n ri ·i r ni ¬¬ ¬¤·i ¬l--l¬n ri ·i r ni ¬¬ ¬¤·i ¬l--l¬n ri ·i r ni ¬¬ ¬¤·i ¬l--l¬n ri ·i r ni ¬¬ ¬¤·i ·i¤- ·i¤- ·i¤- ·i¤- ‘Finance Officer, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow ¬ ¤·i - ¬i ¬ªi·+ - ¬ ¤·i - ¬i ¬ªi·+ - ¬ ¤·i - ¬i ¬ªi·+ - ¬ ¤·i - ¬i ¬ªi·+ - payable ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| ri , ¬-i ¬º·i ri ni| 15.13 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¤l¬¤i ( «¬i;- or ¤º ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¤iº-·i ri · ¬ ¤¸( ¬-¤ ¬ ¬¤¬··i ºr ni| ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬¬ir r l¬ ¬·n ( «¬i;- ¤º ¬-¤¬ ¬º | 15.14 UPSEE-2014 - ¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¬i· ¬i;· ;·-º· - ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ¬-¤·· ri ni | ¬·¤·ii ¬¤·i (ºi¤ni (¬-·ii· ¤( «i ¤ ) ;·-º· - ¬ -i·¤- ¬ ¬¤·i ¬l(·ii·¬iº l¬¬i ·ii -·ii· ¬ ¬·i(i ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬-¤i¤·,¬i¬l·¬l¬n ¬ l¬¬i ·ii ¬ ·· ¬ l··ii lºn ¬-¤ - ·iº ¬¬n r | 15.15 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n -;, za·« ¬ ¬l·n- ¬·nir - ¤iº-·i l¬¤i ¬i·i ¤-nil(n r | ¤ºi·ii¤¬ ·ii l·in ri ¬i· ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i¬l·¬l ¬ n ¬i¤¬- ¬i ¤¸ ºi l((ººi ( «¬i;- or «ºi«º · ªi | 15.16 ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i lnl·i n¬ ºii¬·,¬·iinlºi¤ ¬ -nº ¬ l·nn ¬ni(l·i¬ l··ºi ¬in¸ ri n | 25 16 ¤i¬ ¬i (i¤¬i ¤i¬ ¬i (i¤¬i ¤i¬ ¬i (i¤¬i ¤i¬ ¬i (i¤¬i ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 17 l((ººi ¤l-n¬i ¬i ¬¤¬··ini ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i ¬i ¬¤¬··ini ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i ¬i ¬¤¬··ini ¤( l((ººi ¤l-n¬i ¬i ¬¤¬··ini ¤( ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ¬-i ¬º· rn l·· ºi ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ¬-i ¬º· rn l·· ºi ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ¬-i ¬º· rn l·· ºi ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ¬-i ¬º· rn l·· ºi ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 18 ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· rn l·”ii l··”i ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· rn l·”ii l··”i ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· rn l·”ii l··”i ¬i· ¬i;· ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· rn l·”ii l··”i ¬ ¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ”i · ªi | 19 -¤¸ ”i· ¤i¬ -¤¸ ”i· ¤i¬ -¤¸ ”i· ¤i¬ -¤¸ ”i· ¤i¬ 19.1 (n-i· - ºi·¤ ¬· ·il·n ¬i¬ ¬i ,¬-·ii¬i ¬i ¤-a«ia¤a,¤-a¬ia¤a ¤i-¤¬-i - (-(l(-n ¤i l’in ¤i-¤¬- ¬ ¬lnlº·n) ªa zr,000=00 ¤ ln(·i (si¤i(i¬ ¤i¬ si · ¬º) l··ii lºn r, l¬¬ ¬-·ii ,iºi ºii¬·i· ºi ¬·¬iº ¤·ºil·in l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r | 19.2 ¤i;( -,ºii¬¬i¤ ·¤(-·ii ¬ ¬nnn -(l(-n ¤i l·in ¤i-¤¬-i - -¤¸ ºi· ¤i¬ ¬il· ºii¬· ,iºi l·nn ·(i·n- ¬i· ºii ,n¬-,¤i¬ l··iiººi ¬l-ln ¬ ¬·¬iº -i·¤ ri ni| ;· ¤i-¤¬-i ¬i ¤i¬ ¬i ¬i·¬iºi ¬-«l··in ¬-·ii ¬ ·ii ¤i·n ¬i ¬i ¬¬ni r | 20 ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· ¬ l¬ ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· ¬ l¬ ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· ¬ l¬ ¬i( ·· ¤¤ ·iº· ¬ l¬¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬i l··ºi ¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬i l··ºi ¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬i l··ºi ¤ ¬·¤·ii ¬i l··ºi ¸¤¤i ¬ n ¬i ¬ ºi · ªi | 26 Appendix – A SYLLABI FOR UPSEE-2014 PAPER – 9 (APTITUDE TEST FOR MBA) The test is aimed at evaluating the verbal ability, quantitative aptitude, logical & abstract reasoning and knowledge of current affairs. The following is a brief description of contents of the test paper. Section A (English Language): Grammar, vocabulary, uncommon words, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, relationship between words & phrases and comprehension of passages. Section B (Numerical Aptitude): Numerical calculation, arithmetic, simple algebra, geometry and trigonometry, Interpretation of graphs, charts and tables. Section C (Thinking and Decision Making): Creative thinking, unfamiliar relationships, verbal reasoning, finding patternstrends and Assessment of figures & diagrams. Section D (General Awareness): Knowledge of current affairs and other issues related to trade, industry, economy, sports, culture and science. PAPER – 10 (APTITUDE TEST FOR MCA) (i) MATHEMATICS Modern Algebra: Idempotent law, identities, complementary laws, Demorgan’s theorem, mapping, inverse relation, equivalence relation, Piano’s Axiom, definition of rational numbers and integers through equivalence relation. Algebra: Surds, solution of simultaneous and quadratic equations, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progression, Binomial theorem for any index, logarithms, exponential and logarithmic series, determinants. Probability: Definition, dependent and independent events, numerical problems on addition and multiplication of probability, theorems of probability. Trigonometry: Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, use of mathematical tables, solution of triangles, height and distance, inverse functions, DeMoiver’s theorem. Co-Ordinate Geometry: Co-ordinate geometry of the straight lines, pair of straight lines, circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola and their properties. Calculus: Differentiation of function of functions, tangents and normal, simple examples of maxima of minima, limits of function, integration of function (by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction), definite integral (application to volumes and surfaces of frustums of sphere, cone and cylinder). Vectors: Position vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar and vector products and their applications. Dynamics: Velocity, composition of velocity, relative velocity, acceleration, composition of acceleration, motion under gravity, projectiles, laws of motions, principles of conservation of momentum and energy, direct impact of smooth bodies, pulleys. Statics: Composition of co-planar, concurrent and parallel forces, moments and couples, resultant of set of coplanar forces and conditions of equilibrium, determination of Centroides in simple case, problems involving friction. (ii) STATISTICS Theory of probability, Mean, Median, Mode, Dispersion and Standard Deviation. (iii) LOGICAL ABILITY Questions to test analytical and reasoning capability of candidates. 27 PAPER- 11 APTITUDE TEST FOR MASTER IN APPLIED MANAGEMENT (MAM) (Dual Degree course 5 years) The test is aimed at asses the language, quantitative aptitude, logic and reasoning power and general knowledge of candidates. Section A (English Language): Grammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion and Pharses, Comprehension of Passages. Section B (Numerical Aptitude): Arithmetic's, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Interpretation of Graphs, Charts and Tables. Section C (Mental Ability): Reasoning Aptitude, Patterns, Trends, Recognition and Assessment of Figures and Diagrams. Section D (General Knowledge & Current Affairs): Political Awareness, Economic Affairs and Business Environment, General Awareness of Sciences, Sports and Games, Society, History, Geography, Civilzation and Culture. PAPER 12 APTITUDE TEST FOR 2 nd Year MCA (Lateral Entry) Please refer to the website or for the syllabus of this paper. 28 Appendix–B (i) LIST OF BRANCHES OF MBA & MCA COURSES NAME OF BRANCHES BRANCH CODE STREAM Master of Business Administration (MBA) M1 MBA Master of Business Administration _Business Economics M2 MBA Master of Business Administration_Finance & Control M3 MBA Master of Business Administration_Tourism Management M4 MBA Master of Business Administration_International Business (IB) M5 MBA Master of Business Administration_Financial Management (FM) M6 MBA Master of Business Administration_Agri. Business M17 MBA Master of Business Administration_Marketing M20 MBA Master of Business Administration_E-Commerce M21 MBA Master of Business Administration_Human Research & Development M22 MBA Master of Computer Applications MCA MCA Appendix C NAME OF THE INSTITUTIONS / BRANCHES / INTAKE (A) GOVT. AIDED INSTITUTIONS AFFILIATED/CONSTITUENT TO UPTU, Lucknow Institute Code Name of the Institution Code of the Branches/ Courses (Intake) Courses 043 Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi. MBA(60)* MBA 045 Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur. MCA(60) MCA 052 Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow. MBA(60)*, MCA(60) MBA, MCA 104 Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur. MCA(60) MCA * These courses are under self finance scheme. 29 (B) GOVT. AIDED INSTITUTIONS RUNNING SELF FINANCE COURSES AND AFFILIATED TO UPTU, Lucknow Institute Code Name of the Institution Code of the Branches/ Courses (Intake) Courses 124 Institute of Cooperative & Corporate Management, Research & Training, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 177 Indira Gandhi Sahkari Prabandh Sansthan, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 187 STEP-HBTI Kanpur MBA(120) MBA 187 Feeroz Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Raibareilly MCA(60) MCA (C) PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS AFFILIATED TO UPTU, Lucknow Instt. Code Name of the Institution Code of the Branches/ Courses (Intake) Courses 001 Anand Engineering College, Artoni, Agra MCA(60), MBA(120) MCA,MBA 003 Hindustant Institute of Technology & Management, Agra MBA(60) MBA 005 Raja Balwant Singh College, Agra MBA(180), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 007 Shivdan Singh Institute of Technology & Management, Aligarh MBA(120), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 010 United College of Engineering and Research, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA: 60 011 United Institute of Management, Allahabad MBA(240), MCA(120), MAM(60) MBA,MCA MAM 014 Sri Rammurty Smarak College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 016 Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute, Bareilly MBA(120), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 017 Kunwar Satyavira college of Engineering & Managemeent, Bijnor MBA(120) MBA 018 Babu Banarasidas Institute of Engineering Technology & Research Centre, Bulandshahar MBA(60) MBA 019 Marathwada Institute of Technology,Bulandshahar MCA(60) MCA 30 026 Faculty of Management, Jhunjhunwala Degree College, Faizabad MBA(120) MBA 027 Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad MCA(120) MCA 028 Ideal Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad MBA(120), MCA(180), MCA 2 ND YR.(60), MAM(60) MBA,MCA MAM 029 Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad MCA(120), MBA(120) MBA,MCA 030 Inderaprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad MCA(120),MBA(60) MBA,MCA 032 ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad MBA(120),MCA(60), Second Shift: MBA(60) MBA,MCA 033 Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad MBA(120),MCA(120), MBA,MCA 035 Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology, Duhai, Ghaziabad MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 036 Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad MCA(120) MCA 037 Institute of Management Education, Ghaziabad MCA(120) MCA 038 Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad MCA(120),MBA(240) MBA,MCA 039 Institute of Management & Research, Ghaziabad MCA(120),MBA(120) MCA,MBA 040 Technical Education & Research Institute, Ghazipur MBA(60),MCA(30) MBA,MCA 046 Maharana Pratap Engineering College, Kanpur MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 047 Dr. Virendra Swaroop Institute of Computer Studies, Kanpur MCA(60),MBA(60) MCA,MBA 048 Dayanand Academy of Management Studies, Kanpur MBA(120) MBA 050 College of Management Studies, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 053 Azad Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow MCA(60),MBA(120), MCA,MBA 054 Babu Banarasidas National Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 056 Babu Banarsi Das Northern India Institute of Technology, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 057 International Institute for Special Education, Lucknow MCA(60) MCA 058 Institute of Environment & Management, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 31 059 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Development Studies, Lucknow MBA(120),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 060 Gyan Institute of Management & Technology, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 061 Sherwood College of Management, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 062 Motilal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 064 Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura MBA(120) MBA 065 B.S.A. College of Engineering & Technology, Mathura MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA, MCA 067 Hindustan Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Farah, Mathura MBA(120), MCA(90) MBA,MCA 068 Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut MCA(150),MBA(180),MCA 2 ND Yr.(120), MBA,MCA 069 Radha Govind Engineering College, Meerut MBA(120), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 070 College of Engineering & Rural Technology, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 072 IIMT Management College, Meerut MBA(180), MCA(180), 2 ND SHIFT MBA(60) MBA,MCA 074 Dewan Institute of Management Studies, Meerut MBA(120), MCA(90) MBA,MCA 076 Ghanshyam Binani Academy of Management Science, Mirzapur MBA(60) MBA 077 Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad MCA(60), MBA(120) MCA,MBA 079 Unique Institute of Management, Modinagar, Ghaziabad MBA(120), MCA(45) MBA,MCA 082 Moradabad Institute of Technology, Moradabad MBA(60) MBA 084 Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Muzaffar Nagar MCA(60), MBA(60), MCA 2 ND YR. (60) MBA,MCA 085 S.D. College of Management Studies, Bhopa Road, Muzaffarnagar MBA(120), MCA(120) MBA,MCA 090 IEC, College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida MCA(60), MBA(120) MCA,MBA 091 J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, Noida MCA(120), MBA(60), MAM(60) MBA,MCA, MAM 092 Priyadarshani College of Computer Sciences, Gr. Noida. MBA(60) MBA 094 G.I.M.T. Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. MBA(120), MCA(120) MBA,MCA 32 Noida 096 Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering, & Technology, Dadri, G.B. Nagar MBA(180), MCA(90) MBA,MCA 097 Galgotia’s College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida MCA(60), MBA(60) MCA,MBA 098 Institute of Management Studies, Noida MCA(60) MCA 099 Harlal Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida MBA(120), MCA(120) MBA,MCA 100 Amity School of Computer Science, Noida MCA(120) MCA 106 School of Management Sciences, Varanasi MCA(60), MBA(120) MCA,MBA 107 Institute of Computer Science & Technology, Vrm Bypass, Nibia, Varanasi MCA(40), MBA(60) MCA,MBA 108 R.S.M.T. College, Udai Pratap Autonomous College Campus, Varanasi MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 109 Aligarh College of Engg. & Technology, Aligarh MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 113 Integrated Academy of Management & Technology, Ghaziabad MCA(60) MCA 114 Institute of Professional Excellence & Management, Ghaziabad MBA(120), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 115 Advance Institute of Management, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 116 Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad MBA(180) MBA 117 Ram Chameli Chaddha Vishwas Girls College, Ghaziabad MCA(45) MCA 120 Institute of Technology & Management, Gorakhpur MBA(60) MBA 121 Subhash Institute of Software Technology, Kanpur MCA(60), MBA(60) MCA,MBA 122 Sri Ram Swaroop Memorial College of Engineering & Management, Lucknow MBA(180),MCA(180) MBA,MCA 123 Saroj Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow MBA(180), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 126 Sachdeva Institute of Technology, Mathura MBA(120) MBA 127 IIMT Engineering College, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 128 Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(90) MBA,MCA 33 129 Forte Institute of Technology, Meerut MBA(120), MCA(90) , MCA 2 nd yr (60) MBA,MCA MCA 2 nd yr 132 Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Gr. Noida MBA(60),MCA(60),MCA 2 ND YR.(60), MAM(60) MBA,MCA, MAM 133 Noida Institute of Engg. & Technology, Gr. Noida MBA(180),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 134 Sacred Heart Institute of Management & Tech., Sitapur MBA(60), MCA(25) MBA,MCA 135 Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical & Social Sciences, Sultanpur MBA(90) MBA 138 B.B.S. College of Engg. &Technology, Gaddopur, Po-Phaphamau , Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 139 Kalicharan Nigam Institute of Technology, Banda MBA(60) MBA 140 Institute of Environmental & Management, Barabanki MCA(60) MCA 141 Sagar Institute of Technology & Management, Barabanki MBA(60) MBA 142 Khandelwal College of Management Science & Technology, Bareilly MBA(120), MCA(45) MBA,MCA 143 IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 144 Prasad Institute of Technology, Jaunpur MBA(60) MBA 145 S.R. Group of Institutions (College of Science & Engineering), Jhansi MBA(60),MCA(60), 2 ND SHIFT: MBA(60) MBA,MCA 146 B.D.S.Institute of Management, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 150 College of Engineering & Tech., IILM Academy for Higher Learning, Gr. Noida MBA(120), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 151 Global Institute of Information Technology, Gr. Noida MCA(60), MBA(60) MCA,MBA 152 Mangalmay Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida MBA(180) MBA 153 Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 154 Harish Chandra P.G. College, Faculty of Management & Technology, Varanasi MBA(60) MBA 155 Eving Christian Institute of Managemenet & technology, Allahabad MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 158 Janhit Institute of Education & Information, Gr. Noida MBA(180) MBA 34 161 Krishna Enginering College, Ghaziabad MCA(60) MCA 162 Shambhu Nath Institute of Engineering & Tech., Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 163 Dr. M.C.Saxena College of Engg.& Tech.,Dubagga-IIM By pass, Mall-Jehta Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 164 Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kalpi Road, Bhauti, Kanpur MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 165 Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 172 Llyod Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida MBA(240), 2 ND SHIFT:MBA(60) MBA 173 Rajeev Academy for Technology & Management, Mathura MBA(180), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 174 Kishan Institute of Information Technology, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 175 Al Barkat Institute of Management Studies, Aligarh MBA(120) MBA 179 Jeevan Deep Institute of Managemenet & Technology, Varanasi MBA(60) MBA 180 M.P. Institute of Management & Computer Application, Bhagatuwa, Varanasi MBA(60) MBA 182 Kalka Institute for Research & Advanced Studies, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(45) MBA,MCA 183 Pt. Sujan Singh Degree College, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 192 Ganeshi Lal Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Gr. Noida MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 193 United College of Engineering & Research, Gr. Noida MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 194 H.R.Institute of Technology , Morta, Ghaziabad MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 196 College of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Raibareilly Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 203 Rameshwaram Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 211 Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute, Greater Noida MBA(120), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 212 United Institute of Management, Greater Noida MBA(180) MBA 215 Sri Ganpati Institute of Technology, Jindal Nagar, MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 35 Ghaziabad 216 I.I.M.T. College of Engineering, Gr. Noida MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 220 Hi-Tech Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ghaziabad MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 221 Sitapur Shiksha Sansthan Group of Institutions (Institute of Engineering & Technology), Sitapur MBA(60) MBA 222 I.T.S Engineering College, Gr. Noida MBA(120),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 223 Viveknanad Institute of Technology & Science, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 224 Lord Krishna College of Engineering, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 225 Accurate Institute of Management & Technology, Gr. Noida MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 226 D.J. College of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 229 Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 230 Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gr. Noida MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 231 R.D.Engineering College, Duhai, Ghaziabad MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 238 N.I.M.T. Institute of Hospital & Pharma Management, Gr. Noida MBA(60) MBA 239 Ishwarchand Vidyasagar Institute of Technology, Akbarpur, Mathura MBA(60) MBA 240 Sunderdeep Engineering College, Dasna, Ghaziabad MBA(120),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 249 Sri Ram College of Management, Muzaffarnagar MBA(120), MCA(120) MBA,MCA 252 Sanjay Institute of Engineering & Management, Mathura MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 254 Bhabha Institute of Technology, Aunahan, Near Shivli, Rasulabad Road, Kanpur Dehat MBA(60) MBA 255 J.S. Institute of Management & Technology, Shikohabad MBA(60) MBA 256 DNS College of Engineering & Technology,Didoli, J.P.NAGAR MBA(180) MBA 257 Saraswati Institute of MBA(60) MBA 36 Technology & Management, Lucknow-Kanpur Highway, Unnao 263 Vidya College of Business, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 264 B.N.Degree College, Shahabad, Hardoi MBA(60) MBA 265 Sir Madan Lal Institute of Management, Alampur Hauz, Agra Road , Etawah MBA(240) MBA 271 Bharat Institute of Technology (MBA Institute), Meerut MBA(120) MBA 272 Greater Noida Institute of Technology (MBA Institute), Greater Noida MBA(120), MAM(60) MBA,MAM 273 Noida Institute of Engg. & Technology,(MCA Institute) Greater Noida MCA(120) MCA 274 Narmadeshwar Management College, Malhaur Road, Chinhat, Lucknow MBA(90) MBA 275 M.D.College, Sikandara, Agra MBA(60) MBA 277 Patronge Institute of Management Studies, Gr. Noida MBA(60) MBA 278 Aryan Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Agra MBA(120) MBA 280 Apex Institute of Technology, Rampur MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 281 Sherwood College of Engineering Research & Technology, Barabanki MBA(60) MBA 282 J.P.Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 283 LDC Institute of Technical Studies, Soroan, Allahabad MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 284 United Institute of Technology,Naini,Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 285 Institute of Technology & Management, Meerut-Baghpat Road, Panchli, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 286 Vishveswarya Institute of Technology,Dadri,GB.Nagar MBA(60),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 287 Naraina College of Engineering & Technology, Ratanpur, Panki, Kanpur MBA(120),MCA(60) MBA,MCA 288 Venkateshwara Institute of Technology, Delhi- Rorrkee Bypass, Jatoli, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 290 ABES Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad MBA(60),MCA(60), MAM(60) MBA,MCA MAM 37 291 DIT School of Engineering, Greater Noida MBA(60) MBA 292 Meerut Institute of Technology, Baral, Partapur, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 293 Rama Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mandhana, Kanpur MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 305 Aryabhatt College of Engineering & Technology, Bagpat MBA(60) MBA 306 Disha Institute of Science & Technology, Dhampur, Bijnore MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA, MCA 307 Dayanand Deena Nath College of Management, Ramaipur, Kanpur MBA(120) MBA 308 Ishwar Chand Vidya Sagar Institute of Management, Akbarpur, Mathura MBA(60) MBA 309 Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 311 Deewan V.S. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 312 ABSS Institute of Technology, Mawana Road, Meerut MBA(60), MAM(60) MBA,MAM 319 Rakshpal Bahadur College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly MBA(60) MBA: 60 321 Translam Institute of Technology & Management, Mawana Road, Meerut MBA(60) MBA:60 328 Sunder Deep College of Engineering & Technology, Dasna, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 330 Saraswati Institute of Engineering &Technology, Pilkh uwa, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 331 Devender Singh Institute of Technology & Management Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 332 Maharaja Agrasain Institute of Technology,Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 333 Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 335 Shamli Institute of Engineering & Technology, Shamli-Karnal Road, Jhinjhana, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar MBA(60) MBA 336 Roorkee Engineering & MBA(60) MBA 38 Managemeent Technology Institute, 8 km Shamli-Panipat Road, Shamli, Muzaffaranagar 337 R.B. Institute of Technology, Jalesar Road, Agra MBA(60) MBA 338 K.P. Engineering College, Etmadpur, Agra MBA(60) MBA 339 ACN College of Engineering & Management Studies, Kasimpur Road, Vill.- Cherrat, Aligarh MBA(60) MBA 340 Vivekanand College of Technology & anagement, Near Khair Road, Aligarh MBA(60) MBA 341 Institute of Technology Management, Aligarh-Palwal- Delhi Road, Karsua, Aligarh MBA(60) MBA 342 United College of Engineering & Management, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 343 Allahabad Institute of Engineering & Technology Gauhania, Rewa Road, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 345 Seth Vishambhar Nath Institute of Engineering & Technology, Barabanki MBA(60) MBA 348 PSIT College of Engineering ,Kalpi Road, Bhauti, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 349 Maharana Institute of Professional Studies, Baikunthpur, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 350 Indus Institute of Technology & Management, Barauli, Bilhaur, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 351 Krishna Institute of Technology, Imliha, Tehsil. Bilhaur, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 352 Krishna Girls Engineering College, Vill.-Bhawanipur, Tehsil-Billhaur, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 353 Apollo Institute of Technology,Vill.-Sundhela, Block-Sarsaul, Near Kanpur- Allahabad Highway, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 354 Bhabha Institute of Science & Technology, Aunahan, Near Shivli, Rasulabad Road, Kanpur Dehat MBA(60) MBA 355 Bhabha College of Engineering,Aunahan, Near Shivli, Rasulabad Road, Kanpur Dehat MBA(60) MBA 39 356 Sri Krishna Yogi Raj Technical Institute, Ratibhanpur, Hathras MBA(60) MBA 357 Aryavrat Institute of Technology & Management, Raibareilly Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 358 Rameshwaram Institute of Technology & Management, Sitapur Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 359 Prasad Institute of Management & Technology Near Banthara Sarai, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 360 Goel Institute of Technology & Management, Near Indira Canal, Faizabad Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 361 R.R. Institute of Modern Technology, Bakshi Ka Talab, Sitapur Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 362 Lucknow Institute of Technology, Adjacent CRPF Camp, Bijnaur, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 363 Ambalika Institute of Management & Technology, Mohanlalgaj-Morawan Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 364 S.P.Memorial Institute of Technology,G.T.Road Allahabad(adjacent to Bamrauli Airport Allahabad), Kaushambi MBA(60) MBA 367 Bon Maharaj Engineering College, Brindawan, Mathura MBA(60) MBA 368 Excel Institute of Management & Technology,Chhata, Mathura MBA(60) MBA 371 IIMT Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ganganagar, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 372 Kishan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut MCA(60) MCA 373 Neelkanth Institute of Technology, Pawli Khas, Modipuram, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 374 Rishi Institute of Engineering &Technology,Partapur, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 377 Gyan Bharti Institute of Technology,Partapur Bypass Road, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 380 Modinagar Institute of Technology, Niwari Road, Modinagar, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 381 Krishna Institute of Management & Technology, Vill. Mauza, MBA(60) MBA 40 Bhainsiya, Moradabad 383 Rajarshi Rananjay Sinh Institute of Management & Technology,Amethi,CSJM Nagar MBA(60) MBA 384 Saraswati Higher Education & Technical College of Engineering, N.H.-54, Babatpur Road, Vill. Gahani, Varanasi MBA(60) MBA: 60 394 College of Business Studies, Sikandara, Agra MBA(120) MBA 395 V.Tech Institute Of Integrated Technology, Bulandshahar MBA(60) MBA 396 Aryakul Collge of Management, Sarojani Nagar, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 397 T.D.L.College of Technology & Management, Sultanpur Road, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 398 Bhalchandra Institute of Education & Management , 11 km. Hardoi Road, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 399 A C M E Institute Of Management & Technology, Faridpur, Bareilly MBA(180) MBA 404 Indradev Institute of Education & Technology, Baghpat MBA(60) MBA 405 Aryabhatt College of Management & Technology Baghpat MBA(120) MBA 407 Shree Bankey Bihari Institute of Management, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 408 Chandra Mauli Institute of Management Sciences & Technology, Rudrapur, Kushmi Bazar, Gorakhpur MBA(120) MBA 410 R.S.D. Academy , College of Management & Technology Moradabad MBA(60) MBA 411 H.M.F.A. Memorial Institute of Engineering & Technology Handia, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA: 60 412 Aryan Institute of Technology, Jindal Nagar, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 416 GNIT Girls Institute of Technology, Greater Noida MBA(60) MBA 418 Vidya Bhawan College for Engineering & Technology, Vill.Rautapur, Chaubeypur, the. Billahaur , Kanputhe MBA(60) MBA 419 Prabhat Enginering College, MBA(60) MBA 41 Rania, Bara-Kanpur, Kanpur Dehat 421 Surya School Planning & Engineering Management, Shaheedpath, Hariharpur, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 422 Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology Sitapur Road, Lucknow-21 MBA(60) MBA 423 School of Management Sciences (S.M.S Institute of Technology), Mohanlalganj, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 425 Meerut International Institute of Technology, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 426 Doon College of Engineering & Technology, Saharanpur MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 427 Dayanand Dinanath Institute of Technology, Jagdishpur, Nawabganj, Unnao MBA(60) MBA 428 Kashi Institute of Technology, Mirzamurad, Varanasi MBA(60), MBA 430 Maharana Institute of Technology & Science, Gaura Mohanlalganj, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 431 B.N.College of Engineering & Technology(BNCT), Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 434 Jagran Institute of Managemenet, Kanpur MCA(60) MCA 436 K.P. College of Management, Vavelpur, Agra Kanpur Road, Agra MBA(120) MBA 437 B.B.S.Institute of Management & Technology, Phaphamau, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 438 Vivek College of Management & Technology, Bijnore MBA(60) MBA 441 Central Institute of Management & Technology, Ghazipur Balram, Fazullahganj Road, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 442 Sardar Bhagat Singh College of Technology & Management, Kakori, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 444 Mahaveer Institute of Technology, Sardhana Road, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 42 446 Institute of Professional Studies & Research, Opp. Police Station Sohramau, Lucknow-Kanpur Highway, Unnao MBA(120) MBA 449 K.S. Jain Institute of Engineering & Technology, Modinagar, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 450 Shri Ram Murti Smarak Women College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly MBA(60) MBA 451 Women’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sitapur MBA(60) MBA 455 Navneet College of Technology & Management, Vill. Baghawer, Post-Tahirpur,Distt. Azamgarh MBA(120) MBA 456 Pratap College of Management, Fatehpur MBA(120) MBA 458 I.E.C. College of Engineering & Technology (MCA Institute) G.B.Nagar MCA(120) MCA 459 Academy of Business & Engg. Sciences (MCA Institute) Ghaziabad MCA(120), MBA(60) MBA,MCA 461 Chatrapati Shahu ji Maharaj College of Engineering and Technology,Iradatganj, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 465 Himalayan Institute of Technology & Management, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 469 Satyam College of Management, NH-24 , Ghaziabad MBA(180) MBA 475 Shri Jeet Ram Smarak Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bareilly MBA(120) MBA 476 Future Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly MCA(60) MCA 479 Rajshree Institute of Management & Technology, Bareilly MBA(120) MBA 480 North India Institute of Technology, Nazibabad, Bijnore MBA(60) MBA 510 Trident Education Trusts, Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Morta - Delhi Meerut Road, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 511 G.L. Bajaj Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mathura MBA(60), MAM(60) MBA,MAM 43 517 KIPM College of Management, Sector-9, GIDA, Gorakhpur MBA(120) MBA 522 Maharana Pratap College of Engineering, Baikunthpur, Ishwarganj, Kanpur MBA(60), MCA(60) MBA,MCA 533 R.V. Northland Institute of Management,Dadri, G.B.Nagar MBA(120) MBA 534 Mahaveer Institute of Technology & Management, Raibareilly MBA(120) MBA 535 Rajendra Prasad College of Management, Ahiraula, Azamgarh MBA(60) MBA 536 Shree Jee Baba Institute of Professional Studies, Semari Chata, Mathura MBA(60) MBA 538 AKS Management College, Devrai Kalan, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 539 St. Basco College of Management, Takrohi, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 540 Krishna Institute of Management, Bana, Mawana Road, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 544 Kalka Engineering College, Partapur Bypass Road, Meerut MBA(60), MCA(45) MBA,MCA 557 Shanti Niketan Trust’s Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Mohiuddinpur, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 561 Hari College of Management, Gagalheri, Saharanpur MBA(120) MBA 566 Future Institute of Management & Technology, Near Faridpur, Bareilly MBA(180) MBA 567 Bora Institute of Management Science, Sitapur Road, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 568 Seth Sri Nivas Agarwal Institut of Management, Naramau Khaalwa, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA_International Business (60) MBA 569 Institute of Planning & Management, Jaunpur MBA(60) MBA 576 CSM Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Iradatganj, Allahabad MBA(60) MBA 578 Lord Krishna College of Management, Pilkhuwa, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 579 HLM College, 11 km. Delhi- Meerut Road, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 44 580 H.R. Institute of Professional Studies, Morta, Ghaziabad MCA(60), MBA(60), MCA(60) MCA,MBA MCA 581 Shri Giriraj Maharaj Institute of Management, Mathura MBA(120) MBA 582 Sun Institute of Managent & Technology, Shajahanpur MBA(60) MBA 583 Lakshya Institute of Management & Information Technology, Shajahanpur MBA(60) MBA 584 Bansi College of Management & Technology, Bithoor, Kanpur MBA(120) MBA 585 Maharaja Agrasen Mahavidyalaya, Institute of Management, Bareilly MBA(60) MBA 586 Uttrakhand Utthan Samiti Group of Institutions, Faculty of Computer Application, Saharanpur MCA(60) MCA 587 RD Foundations Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Morta, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 588 Prince Institute of Innovative Technology, Gr. Noida, G.B. Nagar MBA(60) MBA 589 Asian College of Management, Saun Kheri, Sarsawa, Saharanpur MBA(60) MBA 590 Trivedi Institute of Managememet & Technology, Fatehpur MBA(120) MBA 594 Apex College of Technical Education, Ghat Partapur, Panchali Meerut MBA(60) MBA 595 Srajan Institute of Management & Technology, Bareilly MBA(60) MBA 599 Jahangirabad Educational Trust Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Barabanki MBA(60) MBA 600 Charak Institute of Business Management, Maura, Hardoi Road, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 602 Aashlar Business School, Mahuan, Near Toll Plaza, Mathura MBA(180) MBA 603 Shri RLT Institute of Management, Etawah MBA(60) MBA 604 Prem Prakash Gupta Institute of Management, 16 km. Bareilly - Lucknow Road, Bareilly MBA(120) MBA 605 Unnati Management College, Daulatpur, Farah, Mathura MBA(240) MBA 45 607 Dr. Virendra Swaroop Institute of Professional Studies, Kanpur MBA(60), MAM(60) MBA, MAM 609 J P School of Business, Salarpur, Jalalpur, Rajpura, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 610 ABES Institute of Business Management, Ghaziabad MBA(120), MAM(60) MBA,MAM 612 Braj Institute of Management & Technology, Mathura Road, Aligarh MBA(120) MBA 614 Shree Satya Institute of Management, Lodhipur Rajput, Palbara, Moradabad MBA(60) MBA 615 Institute of Management Studies, Harona (Gagalheri) Saharanpur MBA(60), 2 ND Shift: MBA(60) MBA 617 Uttam Institute of Management Studies, Runakta, Kirawali Road Agra MBA(120) MBA 618 FIVE School of Business, Bandi, Mata Road, Chaubeypur Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 619 Baran Institute of Management, Bulandshahar MBA(60) MBA 620 GCRG Memorial Trust’s Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Chandrika Devi Road, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 621 Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions, Faculty of Management, Dabki Road, Saharanpur MBA(60) MBA 622 Modern Institute of Technology & Management, Duhai, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 623 Bharti Institute of Management & Technology, Kila Road, Rali Chauhan, Meerut MBA(180) MBA 625 Sanskar College of Management & Computer Application, Sahsaon, Allahabad MBA(240) MBA 629 Greater Noida Institute of Technology (MCA), Gr. Noida MCA(120) MCA 630 Abhinav Institute of Management & Technology, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 635 Jyoti College of Management Science & Technology, Pilibhit Bypass Road, Bareilly MBA(60) MBA 639 Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (MCA Institute), MCA(120) MCA 46 Ghaziabad 637 Asian Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 641 Ashoka Institute of Technology & Management Varanasi MBA(60) MBA 643 Abhay Memorial Trust Group of Institutions, Allahabad MBA(120) MBA 644 SVS Group of Institutions, Meerut MBA(60) MBA 654 Sarvottam Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida MBA(60) MBA 660 Goel Institute of Higher Studies, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 661 Krishnarpit Institute of Management & Technology, Allahabad MBA(120) MBA 662 S S Institute of Management, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 663 KCC Institute of Management,, Greater Noida MBA(180) MBA 664 Yesh Raj Institute of Education & Management, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 665 Mujaffarnagar Institute of Technology, Mujjaffarnagar MBA(120) MBA 666 SRM Business School, Lucknow MBA(360) , 2 nd Shift MBA(60), MAM(60) MBA,MAM 667 Saraswati Institute of Business Management & Research, Unnao MBA(120) MBA 668 Edify Institute of Management & Technology, Mathura MBA(120) MBA 669 Seth Vishambhar Nath Institute of Management Studies & Research, Barabanki MBA(120) MBA 670 Lucknow Model Institute of Management, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 671 Brahmanand Group of Institutions, Bulandshahar MBA(120) MBA 673 ITM School of Management, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 674 Shree College of Management, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 676 Globel Institute of Management, Kanpur Dehat MBA(120) MBA 679 ITERC College of Management, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 680 City College of Management & Technology, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 681 Lloyd Business School, Gr. Noida MBA(60) MBA 682 BIMT College, Meerut MCA(60), MBA(60) MBA,MCA 47 684 GNIT Management School, Greater Noida MBA(180), MAM(180) MBA,MAM 685 INJ Business School, Gr. Noida MBA(60) MBA 686 Accurate Institute of Advanced Management, Gr. Noida MBA(240) MBA 687 ANA College of Management Studies, Bareilly MBA(120) MBA 688 Dev Prayag Institute of Management, Allahabad MBA(120) MBA 689 Institute of Information Management & Technology, Aligarh MBA(120) MBA 690 School of Management, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, G.B. Nagar MBA(120) MBA 692 Sky Line Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida MBA(120) MBA 693 Sanskriti School of Business, Mathura MBA(120) MBA 695 Shri Ram Group of Colleges, Muzaffarnagar MBA(180) MBA 697 Agra Public College of Technology & Management, Agra MBA(120) MBA 698 Dwarkadhish Research Education & Management School, Saharanpur MBA(120) MBA 699 RD Engineering & Management College, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 700 ABES Institute of Management, Campus-2 Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 702 MIT College of Management, Moradabad MBA(120) MBA 703 Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Management, Bareilly MBA(120), 2 nd Shift MBA(60), MAM(60) MBA 704 Shree jee Goverdhan Maharaj College of Professional Studies, Mathura MBA(120) MBA 705 JMS Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 706 Agra Vanasthali Mahavidyalaya, Agra MBA(120) MBA 708 SSLD Vrshney Institute of Managemeet & Engineering, Aligarh MBA(120) MBA 710 Ch. Harchand Singh College of Management, Khurja, MBA(120) MBA 48 Bulandshahar 711 Vishweshraiya College of Education, Mawana ,Meerut MBA(120) MBA 712 IIMT College of Management, Greater Noida MBA(180) MBA 713 IIMT Professional College, Meerut MBA(120), 2 nd Shift: MBA(60) MBA 717 FMG Academy Group of Institutions, Gr. Noida MBA(120), MCA(120) MBA,MCA 722 Axis Business School, Kanpur MBA(120) MBA 723 Axis Institute of Planning and Management, Kanpur Nagar MBA(120) MBA 725 Sharda Institute of Management & Technology, Kanpur MBA(60) MBA 726 Institute of Management & Science, JP Nagar, MBA(240) MBA 727 Shambhu Nath Institute of Management, Allahabad MBA(120) MBA 732 Rudra Group of Institutions, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 733 High Rank Business School, Noida MBA(120) MBA 738 Global Educational & Welfare Society Group of Institutions, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 739 JRE Group of Institutions, Knowledge Park-IV, Greater Noida MBA(120) MBA 741 J.K. Institute of Pharmacy and Management, Bulandshahar MBA(60) MBA 742 Amarjyoti Institute of Management Science, G.B. Nagar MBA(120) MBA 743 Bhavidya Institute of Business Management, Faizabad MBA(60) MBA 744 Rhans College of Management, Lucknw MBA(120) MBA 746 Kunwar Haribansh Singh Institute of Management, Jaunpur MBA(60) MBA 747 Raj School of Management & Science, Varanasi MBA_Finance & Personal Mgt. (60) MBA_Human Resource Mgt.(60) MBA 748 Ansal Technical Campus, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 749 Madhu Vachaspati School of Management, Koilaha, Kausambi MBA(120) MBA 752 Nandini Nagar Technical Campus, Nawabganj, Gonda MBA(60) MBA 755 Basudev Institute of MBA(120) MBA 49 Management & Technology, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow 756 Institute of Management Research & Technology, Vipul Khand-6,Gomti Nagar, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 757 Utkarsh College of Management Education, C.B. Ganj, Bareilly MBA(60) MBA 758 Shine College of Management, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow MBA(60) MBA 759 Dr. Om Prakash Institute of Technology & Management, Neshayi, Farrukhabad MBA(120) MBA 760 Lotus Institute of Management, Bareillyt 2 nd Shift MBA(60) 2 nd Shift: MBA 761 Maa Vaishno Devi Educational & Law College, Faizabad Road, Lucknow MBA(120) MBA 762 Noble Institute of Management & Technology, Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow MBA(180) MBA 763 Maa Bhagwata Kunwar Institute of Management, Mohamdabad Gohana, Mau MBA(120) MBA 780 Landmark Technical Campus Dedoli, Amroha, J.P. Nagar MBA(240) MBA 781 Hardayal Technical Campus, Mathura MBA(180) MBA 782 Shivam Technical Campus Kurja, Bulandshahar MBA(60) MBA 785 G & R Institute of Management and Technology, Bulandshahar MBA(120) MBA 787 Dev Technical Campus, Kuberpur, Agra MBA(120) MBA 789 Dayanand Vidhyapeeth Education, Meerut MBA(240) MBA 790 School of Business Management, Bulandshahar MBA(60) MBA 791 Disha Bharti College of Management & Educational, Shaharanpur MBA(120) MBA 792 Institute of Advance Management and Research, Ghaziabad MBA(60) MBA 795 DIT School of Business, Gr. Noida MBA(120) MBA 797 Adhunik Institute of Productivity Management & Research, Ghaziabad MBA(180) MBA 800 Jag Mohan Institute of Management & Technology, MBA(60) MBA 50 Bagpat 801 G L Bajaj Institute of Management & Research, Gr. Noida MBA(240) MBA 803 Greater Noida Institute of Business Management, Gr. Noida MBA(120) MBA 804 APS College of Education & Technoloy, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 806 Brahmanand Institute of Research Technology & Management, Bulandsahar MBA(60) MBA 807 NCR Technical Campus, Aligarh MBA(120) MBA 809 P. K. Institute of Technology & Management, Mathura MBA(60) MBA 812 CBS College of Management, Agra MBA(60) MBA 813 Krishna Management College, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA 814 Janhit Group of Institutions, Saharanpur MBA(60) MBA 817 AR Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 2 nd Shift: MBA(120) MBA 818 CMS, IILM, Greater Noida MBA(60) MBA 819 Sai Education, Meerut MBA(120) MBA 820 Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of Management, Ghaziabad MBA(120) MBA (D). U.P. STATE GOVT. UNIVERSITIES* Institute Code Name of the Institution Code of the Branches/ Courses (Intake) Courses 901 Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad MCA(60) MCA:60 902 V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Jaunpur MCA(60), M1(60), M2(60),M3(60), M17(30), M21(30), M22(60) MCA, MBA 903 M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly MCA(30), M1(60), M20(60) MCA, MBA 904 M.G. Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi M1(60), MCA(15) MBA, MCA 905 D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur M1(51) MBA:51 906 Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ch. Charan Singh University Campus, Meerut M1(60), M5(60), MCA(60), MCA 2 ND Year(41) MBA,MCA, MCA 2 ND YR 907 U.I.E.T, C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur MCA(60), MCA:60 909 Uttar Pradesh Viklang Uddhar Dr. M1(60) MBA:60 51 Shakuntala Mishra Vishwavidyalaya, Lucknow 910 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra M1(60), MCA(40) MCA, MBA * The intake in branches shown in brackets for Universities at code no. 901 to 910 are the no. of seats to be filled from UPSEE-2014. NOTE: (1) The number of seats and the number of Institutes may be increase or decrease upto the time of UPSEE-2014 counselling. (2) The eligibility criteria for admission to other universities may change upto counseling. 52 Appendix–D CERTIFICATE – 1 (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷·) ·) ·) ·) ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln,¬·¬iln ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln,¬·¬iln ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln,¬·¬iln ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln,¬·¬iln (UPSC/UPST/GDSC/GDST) (¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬·- l¬¬ ¬ l¬¬i -l¬---,¤·i- ¬ ºii -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬a ......................................................... ¤¤,¤¤i ¬i ................................... l·(i¬i ni(,ºirº ..................................... nr¬i¬ ................................................. l¬¬i .......................................... ¤· ºi ..................... ¬i ¬·- ................................ ¬iln - r¬i ·ii ¬iº ¤r ¬iln ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln,¬·¬iln ¬i· ºi (¬ ºii ·i·) ¤·- ·src ¬ ¬·nnn ·iiºn ¬º¬iº,¬-nº ¤· ºi ºii¬· ..................................................... ¬º¬iº ,iºi -i·¤ ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln,¬·¬iln r| ¬·¤·ii ¬ r-ni·iº r-ni·iº l··i ¬ ·i- -·ii· -i rº l¬¬i ¬l·i¬iºi , ¬lnlº·n l¬¬i ¬l·i¬iºi, l¬-i -l¬-- - , ¤ºn·i -l¬-- - , nr¬i¬·iº Note: Proforma of certificate shall be changed according to latest Govt. order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 CERTIFICATE – 2 (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷z) z) z) z) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ (UPBC/GDBC) ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬i-ni ,¬-iºi ................................................................. ¬¤¤,¬¤¤i ¬i .....................................................................................l·(i¬i ni- ................................................................. nr¬i¬ ........................................ ·nº ............................ l¬¬i ............................................. ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ºi·¤ ¬i ...................................... l¤s·i ¬iln ¬ ·¤l·n r | ¤r ¬iln ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬i ¬ ¬(i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i | ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln¤i n·ii l¤s· (ni ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº·iºi ¬l·il·¤-, ·ss« ¬i ¬·¬¸ ¤i ÷ · ¬ ¬·nnn -i·¤ni ¤i·n r| ¤r ·ii ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬i-ni,¬ -iºi .............................................................................. ¬·n ¬l·il·¤- ·ss« ¬i ¬·¬¸ ¤i ÷z (¬l·i¬¸ ¤·i ¬ ª¤i ÷zz,·c,sz÷¬i az,·ssr -ia ¬ia l··i ¬ s l·¬-«º, ·ssr ,iºi ¤·ii ¬ ºii l·in) ¬ ¬i·sil·n ·ri r| ¬i,¬i-ni,¬-iºi ....................................................................... n·ii ¬·i(i ¬·¬i ¤lº(iº ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ni- ............................... ¬i,¬i-ni,¬-iºi ............................................... ·nº ................................................... l¬¬i ................................... - ¬i-i·¤n¤i ºrni r| ¬·¤·ii ¬ r-ni·iº r-ni·iº l··i ¬ ·i- -·ii· -i rº l¬¬i ¬l·i¬iºi , ¬lnlº·n l¬¬i ¬l·i¬iºi, l¬-i -l¬--- , ¤ºn·i -l¬-- - , nr¬i¬·iº ·i -÷ ·i -÷ ·i -÷ ·i -÷ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤ a ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¬¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤ a ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¬¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤ a ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¬¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤ a ¬ ¬·¤ l¤s· (n ¬ l¬¤ ¬iln ¤-iºi ¬¤¬ a· a· a· a·, , , , za·« za·« za·« za·« ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬i(º¤¬ r ·¤i l¬ ¬i-i¬ ¤º ¬ ¬·nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬iº·iºi ¬i ¬i·i ¬·-·¤ ·ri r| ¬i(º¤¬ r ·¤i l¬ ¬i-i¬ ¤º ¬ ¬·nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬iº·iºi ¬i ¬i·i ¬·-·¤ ·ri r| ¬i(º¤¬ r ·¤i l¬ ¬i-i¬ ¤º ¬ ¬·nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬iº·iºi ¬i ¬i·i ¬·-·¤ ·ri r| ¬i(º¤¬ r ·¤i l¬ ¬i-i¬ ¤º ¬ ¬·nnn ¬i· (i¬ ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬i ¬iº·iºi ¬i ¬i·i ¬·-·¤ ·ri r| 54 CERTIFICATE – 3 (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷:) :) :) :) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸ ¬,¬i-i·¤ l·(i¬i ¬ ¤¤,¤¤i ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸ ¬,¬i-i·¤ l·(i¬i ¬ ¤¤,¤¤i ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸ ¬,¬i-i·¤ l·(i¬i ¬ ¤¤,¤¤i ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸ ¬,¬i-i·¤ l·(i¬i ¬ ¤¤,¤¤i (UPGD/GDSC/GDST/GDBC) (¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ -ini,l¤ni l·(i¬i r ¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ -ini,l¤ni l·(i¬i r ¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ -ini,l¤ni l·(i¬i r ¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬ l¬¬ ¬ -ini,l¤ni l·(i¬i r) ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬i-ni (¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni,-ini ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni,-ini ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni,-ini ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni,-ini ¬i ·i-) ................................................... l¤ni,-ini ¬i,¬a(¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬·¤·ii ¬ ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ·i- ·i- ·i-)................................................................................. ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ¬ ni(,ºirº ........................................ nr¬i¬ .............................................l¬¬i ..................................... ¬ -¸ ¬ l·(i¬i r n·ii ¬i,¬ a (¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i-) ..........................................................................¬¤· l¤ni,-ini ¤º ¤¸ ºin¤i ¬il¬n r | ¬·n ¤n ¤º ¬i,¬ a (¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i-) .........................................................................¬ -ini,l¤ni -ini,l¤ni -ini,l¤ni -ini,l¤ni ¬i-i·¤n l·(i¬ ¬ºn ¬i-i·¤n l·(i¬ ¬ºn ¬i-i·¤n l·(i¬ ¬ºn ¬i-i·¤n l·(i¬ ¬ºn r | l··i ¬ r-ni·iº l¬¬i -l¬-- - -·ii· ¤¸ºi ·i- ¤··i- -rº (l¬¬i -l¬-- - ¬i ¬i¬) l¬¬i -l¬-- - ¬·i(i l¬¬i -l¬-- - ,iºi ¬l·i¸n ¬¤º l¬¬i -l¬-- -,¬« l·(i¬· -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-iºi ¤¤ ri -i·¤ ri n ¬i ºiia¬ia ¬ a÷·r/,ni· ÷zaa:÷//(II),s: l··i ¬ ·s ¤º(ºi, zaa: ¬ ¬·ii· ¬iºi l¬¤i ¬i¤ ni| ·i -÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷: ¬·¤·ii ¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬i «·i ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ·¤i l¬ ¬·¤·ii l¬·ri · ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·i ¤-iºi ¤¤÷: ¬·¤·ii ¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬i «·i ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ·¤i l¬ ¬·¤·ii l¬·ri · ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·i ¤-iºi ¤¤÷: ¬·¤·ii ¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬i «·i ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ·¤i l¬ ¬·¤·ii l¬·ri · ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·i ¤-iºi ¤¤÷: ¬·¤·ii ¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬i «·i ri ·i ¤ilr¤ ·¤i l¬ ¬·¤·ii l¬·ri · ¬r¬iºi ¤ºi·ii i i i ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ «irº l-·in l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ ¬ ¬-niºi ¬i r ¤º·n ¬·¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ «irº l-·in l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ ¬ ¬-niºi ¬i r ¤º·n ¬·¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ «irº l-·in l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ ¬ ¬-niºi ¬i r ¤º·n ¬·¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ «irº l-·in l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ ¬ ¬-niºi ¬i r ¤º·n ¬·¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -¸ ¬,-·ii; l·(i¬ r ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬ ¤i¤ r | -¸ ¬,-·ii; l·(i¬ r ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬ ¤i¤ r | -¸ ¬,-·ii; l·(i¬ r ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬ ¤i¤ r | -¸ ¬,-·ii; l·(i¬ r ¤ºi·ii - «-· ¬ ¤i¤ r | CERTIFICATE – 4 (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷4) (Sub-Category UPFF) ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬i ¬ ¬(i (ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l(¬¬i n, -(n ¤ni ¬ n ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬i ¬ ¬(i (ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l(¬¬i n, -(n ¤ni ¬ n ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬i ¬ ¬(i (ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l(¬¬i n, -(n ¤ni ¬ n ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬i ¬ ¬(i (ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l(¬¬i n, -(n ¤ni ¬ n i- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬ni ¬iº ·i¸n¤¸( i- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬ni ¬iº ·i¸n¤¸( i- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬ni ¬iº ·i¸n¤¸( i- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬ni ¬iº ·i¸n¤¸( ¬l·¬i ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº·iºi) ¬l·il·¤-, ·ss: ¬ ¬·¬iº -(n·¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬n ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬l·¬i ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº·iºi) ¬l·il·¤-, ·ss: ¬ ¬·¬iº -(n·¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬n ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬l·¬i ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº·iºi) ¬l·il·¤-, ·ss: ¬ ¬·¬iº -(n·¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬n ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬l·¬i ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº·iºi) ¬l·il·¤-, ·ss: ¬ ¬·¬iº -(n·¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬n ¬ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¬i ¤¤¤ ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬i-ni (-(n¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i ¬i ·i-) ............................................... l·(i¬i ni-¬i¬ .......................................... ·nº .................................................. l¬¬i ........................................ ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ¬i ¬ ¬(i (ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l(¬¬i n, -(n¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i ¬ ¬il¬ni ¬iº ·i¸n¤¸( ¬l·¬i ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº·iºi) ¬l·il·¤- ·ss: ¬ ¬·¬iº -(n·¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i r ¬iº ¬i,¬i-ni,¬ a(¬il¬n ¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i-) ........................................................................... ¤¤,¤¤i,¤i¤,¬l((ilrn ¤i¤i ¬¤ºi l¬n ¬l·il·¤-, ·ss: ¬ ri ¤i(·ii·i ¬ ¬·¬iº ¬·n ¬i,¬i-ni (-(n·¤ni ¬ ni- ¬ ·i·i) .............................................................. ¬ ¬il¬n r | l··i ¬ r-ni·iº -·ii· ¤¸ºi ·i- ¤( ·i··i- -rº (l¬¬i -l¬-- - ¬i ¬i¬) Note: Proforma of certificate may be changed according to latest Govt. order. 55 CERTIFICATE – 5 (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷5) ¬-nº ¤· ºi,¬ ·i ·¬ ¬-nº ¤· ºi,¬ ·i ·¬ ¬-nº ¤· ºi,¬ ·i ·¬ ¬-nº ¤· ºi,¬ ·i ·¬ (Sub-Category UPAF) (¬ ln- ¤¸ l·- ¬ ¬il¤¬º ¬-il·· n,l¬¬i ¬l·¬ ¬~¤iºi «i · ,iºi ¤-ilºin ¬ ln- ¤¸ l·- ¬ ¬il¤¬º ¬-il·· n,l¬¬i ¬l·¬ ¬~¤iºi «i · ,iºi ¤-ilºin ¬ ln- ¤¸ l·- ¬ ¬il¤¬º ¬-il·· n,l¬¬i ¬l·¬ ¬~¤iºi «i · ,iºi ¤-ilºin ¬ ln- ¤¸ l·- ¬ ¬il¤¬º ¬-il·· n,l¬¬i ¬l·¬ ¬~¤iºi «i · ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬i-ni (¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni ¬·i(i -ini ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni ¬·i(i -ini ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni ¬·i(i -ini ¬i ·i- ¬·¤·ii ¬ l¤ni ¬·i(i -ini ¬i ·i-) ....................................... l·(i¬i ni(,ºirº .................................................. nr¬i¬ ............................................. l¬¬i ................................. .¬-nº ¤ · ºi, ¬ l··i ¬ ..............................¬i ¬(i l·(-n (Superannuated) ¤ , - -iº n¤ ,¬¤ n ri n¤ ,¬-nº ¤· ºi - (n-i· - n·in r| ( ·iiºni¤ ·i¬¬ ·i,¬¬¬ ·i,(i¤¬ ·i ¬ -·ii· ......................... ............................. l··i ¬.......................... ¬ l··i ¬ .......................... n¬ ¬i¤ºn ·i ,r | l··i ¬ ¤¸ l·- ¬-il·· n ¬il¤¬º ¬ r-ni·iº -·ii· ·i- -ii rº (l¬¬i -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬i -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬i -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-ilºin l¬¬i -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬a(¬·¤·ii) ........................................................ l·(i¬i ................................ .¬-nº ¤ · ºi ni(,ºirº .............................. nr¬i¬ ........................... l¬¬i ................................... ¬¤ºi ·n ¬ ·i ·¬ ¬ ¬(i l·(-n (Superannuated) ¤, - -iº n¤ ¤i ¬¤ n ri n¤ ¬-¤iºi ¬i ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¬ -·ii¤i l·(i¬i r ,·i , ¬ ¤¤,¤¤i r ¬·i(i ¤( ºi ¤ºi·ii ¬i lnl·i (20 th April 2014 / 27 th April 2014) ¬i ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ·iiºni¤ ·i¬¬ ·i,¬¬ ¬ ·i,(i¤¬ ·i - ¬i¤ºn ·i ,r | l··i ¬ r-ni·iº -·ii· ·i- -i rº --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE – 6 ( (( (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷6) (Sub-Category UPHC) (¬i¬l·¬l¬ n - ¬-i ¬º· rn) ºiiºilº¬ l(¬¬i n ¬ ¬l·i-i· ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ (-ª¤ l¤l¬-¬i ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ºiiºilº¬ l(¬¬i n ¬ ¬l·i-i· ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ (-ª¤ l¤l¬-¬i ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ºiiºilº¬ l(¬¬i n ¬ ¬l·i-i· ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ (-ª¤ l¤l¬-¬i ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ºiiºilº¬ l(¬¬i n ¬ ¬l·i-i· ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ (-ª¤ l¤l¬-¬i ¬l·i¬iºi ,iºi ¤-ilºin) 1- ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬a(¬·¤·ii) ......................................................................¤¤,¤¤i ¬i (l¤ni ¬i ·i-) .............................................................·i¤ l¬ªi ¬iººii ¬ ºiiºilº¬ ª¤ ¬ l(¬¬i n r | (¬(¬ -ª¤ l¤l¬-¬i ¬l·i¬iºi ri ¬iººi l¬ªi )........................................................................ z. ¬·¤·ii ¬i ¬¤ºi ·n l(¬¬i nni ¬i l·-· ¤¬iº ¬i l(¬¬i nni ¬i ¬ ºii - ºªii ¬i ¬¬ni r| (¬¤¤i ¬i l·ºii· ¬ni¤ ) Type - I: Minimum 40% permanent Visual impairment Type-II: Minimum 40% permanent Locomoter disability Type-III: Minimum 40% permanent Speech Hearing impairment 56 3- ¤r ·ii ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬¤ºi ·n l(¬¬i n l-·iln ¬·¤·ii ¬ ;·¬il·¤lº n lºi·ii ¤i·n ¬º· - «i·i¬ ·ri ri ni| ¬·¤·ii ¬ r-ni·iº l¤l¬-¬il·i¬iºi ¬ r-ni·iº ·i- ·i- l··i ¬ -rº CERTIFICATE – 7 ( (( (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷7) )) ) ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ni-iºi ·i¤ ¬ l¬¤ ¬l·i-i· (UPGE) (¬i¬ ¬ ¬ ¤·ii·i¤i¤ ,iºi ¤-ilºin ¬i¬ ¬ ¬ ¤·ii·i¤i¤ ,iºi ¤-ilºin ¬i¬ ¬ ¬ ¤·ii·i¤i¤ ,iºi ¤-ilºin ¬i¬ ¬ ¬ ¤·ii·i¤i¤ ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ¤r ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬a(¬·¤·ii) ...................................................... · ............................................ ................................. ¬i¬ ¬ ni( ........................................................... ¬ ;º-º-il·¤- ¬i lºi·ii ¤i·n ¬i| ¤r ¬i¬ ¬ nr¬i¬ ........................................ l¬¬i ............................................... ¬-nº ¤ · ºi ¬ ni-iºi ·i¤ - l-·in r n·ii ni- ¤ ¤i¤n ¬ ¬i¤ ·i¤ ¬ ¬i-i ¬ ¬··º r ¬iº ¤r ·i¤ ¬ini ln¬ l(¬l¬n ·i¤ ·ri r| l··i ¬ r-ni·iº -·ii· ·i- -rº (l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ l·ºi·i¬ ¤( l¬¬i -l¬-- - ,iºi ¤-ilºin) ¤·ii·i¤i¤ ,iºi l·¤i n¤i ¬i¬ ¬ ¬i l-·iln ¬ ¬ « ·i ¬¤ºi ·n (·n·¤ ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r| l··i ¬ r-ni·iº l¬¬i l(ni¬¤ l·ºi·i¬ -·ii· ·i- -rº l··i ¬ ¤ln r-ni·ilºn l¬¬i -l¬- - -·ii· ·i- -rº ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 CERTIFICATE – 8 ( (( (¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷ ¤-iºi ¤¤÷8) )) ) CHARACTER CERTIFICATE FROM THE HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION LAST ATTESTED This is to certify that Sri/Km. __________________________________________________________ has been a bonafide student of _________________________________________________________ from _________________________________ to _______________________________________and has passes / appeared at the ___________________________________________________________ examination in the year __________________ Proctorial reports: 1. Has he / she involved himself / herself if any act of indiscipiline ? Yes / No 2. Has he / she been warned, Fined or punished for any act of indiscipline? Yes / No 3. Has he / she been restricted or expelled from Hostel of College for any reason? Yes/ No 4. Has he / she been involved in any act of indisiple outside the College campus like group clashes or fraction fights etc. Yes/ No 5. Has he / she been addicted to drugs or intoxicants? Yes/ No General remarks (Please state your assessment of the student) Date : Signature________________________ Name___________________________ Designation __________________ 58 CERTIFICATE – 9 (¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤–s ss s) * FORMAT FOR MEDICAL CERTIFICATE (To be obtained from a Chief Medical Officer or Medical Officer of a participating U.P. State Funded Engg. Institute) This certificate has to be submited at the time of admission in the college allotted. Name of Candidate: Age: Sex: UPSEE-2014 Roll No.: Category: Subcategory & Weighatge: State Rank Position: Father's Name: ( To be filled in by the Candidate ) L.T. M.I. Height Weight Chest Abdomen V I S I O N Colour Vision: Without glass: With glass: History Operation Kockh's Colics B.P. Seizures Asthma Piles Diabetes E X A M I N A T I O N Pulse Tonsil DNS Hernia Pallor L.Nodes CSOM Hydrocele Cardiovascular CNS Respiratory GIT Genitourinary Others Is the candidate physically handicapped/Disabled: (Please tick) Yes / No If yes, type of handicap/disability: Type -I: Minimum 40% permanent Visual impairment (Please trick the type of handicap/disabilty) Type-II: Minimum 40% permanent Locomoter disability Type-III: Minimum 40% permanent speech and Hearing impairment Any other finding: Certified that the candidate is physically fit/unfit/temporally disqualified to pursue engineering studies Signature of Candidate Signature of the issuing Medical Officer ( with Offical stamp) CERTIFICATE – 10 (¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤–10) UNDERTAKING BY CANDIDATE FOR MEDICAL FITNESS I certify that I have no such physical handicap/disability which would hinder the pursuit of studies in the courses in which I am seeking admission. If at stage it is found that I have a physical handicap/ disability which would hinder the pursuit of studies in the courses in which I am seeking admission then my admission will be liable to be cancelled. I will produce medical fitness certificate from a C.M.O./C.M.S. at the time of my joining the institution allotted by UPSEE-2014 counselling. Dated: Counter Signed by Father / Guardian Signature of the Candidate 59 CERTIFICATE – 11 (¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤–11) ¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬(i ¬ ¬a¤a ¬·º ¬ ¬l·i¬ilº¤i ,¬-¤ilº¤i rn ¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬(i ¬ ¬a¤a ¬·º ¬ ¬l·i¬ilº¤i ,¬-¤ilº¤i rn ¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬(i ¬ ¬a¤a ¬·º ¬ ¬l·i¬ilº¤i ,¬-¤ilº¤i rn ¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬(i ¬ ¬a¤a ¬·º ¬ ¬l·i¬ilº¤i ,¬-¤ilº¤i rn ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ¬i,¬i-ni (¬·¤·ii ¬ -ini,l¤ni ¬i ·i-) ........................................................... ¤··i- .................................l(·iin ¬i ·i- .............................................................. ¬ ·º ¬ ª¤i ................................ .¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬(i ¬ ¬a¤ a ¬ ·º ¬ ¬l·i¬iºi,¬-¤iºi r n·ii (n-i· - ;¬ ¬i¤i¬¤ - ¬i¤ºn r | ¤r ¤-iºi ¤¤ ;·¬ ¤¤,¤¤i (¬·¤·ii ¬i ·i-) ...................................................................¬i ¬-nº ¤· ºi ¤il(l·i¬ l(’(l(ni¬¤ ¬ ¬·nnn ¤( ºi rn ¤·i· l¬¤i ¬ini r| l··i ¬ ................................ l(·iini·¤·i,¬i¤i¬¤i·¤·i ¬i r-ni·iº ·i- ¤( ¤··i- -rº CERTIFICATE-12 (¤-iºi ¤¤÷·z) (¤-iºi ¤¤÷·z) (¤-iºi ¤¤÷·z) (¤-iºi ¤¤÷·z) (Income Certificate) (¬i¬l·¬l¬ n - ¬-i ¬º· rn) (¬i¬l·¬l¬ n - ¬-i ¬º· rn) (¬i¬l·¬l¬ n - ¬-i ¬º· rn) (¬i¬l·¬l¬ n - ¬-i ¬º· rn) ·i¤i¤ ·i¸ ¬ ªi l·ºi·i¬ n·ii ¬ ªi¤i¬ ¬i ¬i ¤ lº¤i - ¬ ¬i·iiº ¤º ¤-ilºin l¬¤i ¬ini r l¬ ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ (¬i( ·¬ ¬ ¬l·i·ii(¬,-ini,l¤ni ¬i ·i-) ¬¤¤ ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ l·(i¬i,ni- ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ¤ºn·i ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ nr¬i¬ ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ·nº ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ l¬¬i ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ºi·¤ ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ¬ -(¤ ¬i -il¬¬ ¬i¤ ª¤¤i ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ n·ii (il·i¬ ¬i¤ ª¤¤i ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ r| ¬ ªi¤i¬ ¬i lº¤i - ¬ ¬·¬iº ¬i¤ ¬i ¬in ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ r| -·ii· l··i ¬ nr¬i¬·iº -rº ·i -÷ ·i -÷ ·i -÷ ·i -÷ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤a ¬ ¬il·i¬ ª¤ ¬ ¬-¬iº ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤a ¬ ¬il·i¬ ª¤ ¬ ¬-¬iº ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤a ¬ ¬il·i¬ ª¤ ¬ ¬-¬iº ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬¤¬ ¬·¤·ii ·¤i· · l¬ ¬a¤a ¬ ¬il·i¬ ª¤ ¬ ¬-¬iº ¬·¤l·i¤i ¬ l¬¤ ¤-iºi ¤¤ ¬¤¬ a· a· a· a·, , , , za·« za·« za·« za·« ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬i(º¤¬ r| ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬i(º¤¬ r| ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬i(º¤¬ r| ¬ ¤º¤in ¬i «·i r¬i ri ·i ¬i(º¤¬ r| 60 Appendix–E LIST OF EXAMINATION CITIES List of cities where on-line test will be conducted: AGRA G.B.NAGAR (NOIDA/GR. NOIDA) KANPUR MORADABAD ALIGARH GHAZIABAD LUCKNOW SAHARANPUR ALLAHABAD GORAKHPUR MATHURA VARANASI BAREILLY JHANSI MEERUT DELHI 61 Appendix–F ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln, ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln ¤( ¬i a«ia¬ia ¬iln¤i ¬ ·i- ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln, ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln ¤( ¬i a«ia¬ia ¬iln¤i ¬ ·i- ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln, ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln ¤( ¬i a«ia¬ia ¬iln¤i ¬ ·i- ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln, ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln ¤( ¬i a«ia¬ia ¬iln¤i ¬ ·i- * ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ·. ¬nlº¤i z. «l·i¬ :. «i·i «. «r l¬¤i r. «ni c. «¬(iº /. «¬l·¤i s. «i¬ni s. «¬riº ·a. «¬i; ··. «i~-il¬ ·z. «ni¬i ·:. «·-i··i ·«. «i¬¤i º ·r. «º(iº ·c. «¬i º ·/. «i(lº¤i ·s. « ¬·iº ·s. « lº¤i za. ·in¸ z·. ·i;¤i zz. ·i;¤iº z:. «i lº¤i z«. ¤-iº, ·il¬¤i, nl¬¤i, ¬i-( zr. ¤ºi zc. ·«nº z/. ·iinº zs. ·i·¬ zs. ·iº¬iº :a. ·ii «i :·. ·i - :z. ·i-º ::. ·¬i·i :«. ·iºi-i :r. ·il¬¤i :c. ni · :/. n(i¬ :s. ri«ºi :s. rºi «a. r ¬i «·. ¬¬i«i¬ «z. ¬ ¬º «:. ¬i¤lº¤i ««. ¬º(¬ «r. ªiºri «c. ªiº(iº(«·«i ¬i ¬i si · ¬º) «/. ªi-i¬ «s. ªiiºi - «s. ¬i¬ ra. ¬iºi r·. ¬i º(i rz. ¬i¬«ni r:. -n(iº r«. -¬r«i rr. -¬rº rc. ·- r/.¤ ªii rs.¤ºlr¤i rs.¤i¬i, nº-i¬i ca.¤-iºi c·.ºi(n cz.¬riº¤i c:.¬·ilºr¤i c«.¬i l¬¤i cr. lºi~¤¬iº cc.nºri ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ·. ·ii l-¤i z. «·¬i :. ¬i·¬iºi «. ºi¬i r. ·iiª ¬i a«ia¬ia (¬·¤ l¤s·i (n) ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬i a«ia¬ia (¬·¤ l¤s·i (n) ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬i a«ia¬ia (¬·¤ l¤s·i (n) ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ¬i a«ia¬ia (¬·¤ l¤s·i (n) ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬¸ ¤i ·. ¬riº, ¤i·(, ·(i¬i, ¤·(ºii¤ z. ¬i ·iº, ¬·iº, -(ºi¬iº :. ¬i- «. ¬-i, ¤·+, ¤- ¬, ¤-·(iº, ¬-i÷-~¬, ¬-i÷¬ ·i(iº r. lnºi c. n¸¬º /. ni¬i; s. ¬i ·i, ¬i·ii, ¬i ·ii, ¬i-, ¬i·ii ºi¬¤¸n s. ¬-«i ¬ ·a. ¬ºªi, ¬¬( ºii¤ ··. ¬isi, ¬isi÷¬ºi(iri, ºii·¤ ·z. ¬riº, ¬º¤¤ ·:. ¬(-, -~¬ir, l··ii· ·«. l¬¬i· ·r. ¬i;ºi ·c. ¬-riº, ¤¬i¤ln ·/. ¬¬nº ·s. ¬¬·i ¤i ºi;· ·s.n· lº¤i, ¤i¬, «·i ¬ za. n··i, ·ii ¬i z·. l¤¬(i, ¬-¬i«, ¬ººii, ¤¬¤i, si¤i z:.¬ini z«.ni ¬i zr. ·¤i¬i zc. n-i¬i, «º;, ¤iºl¬¤i z/.n ¬i, ¬i-i·i, ºin·nº, ¬ir¸, ºil·¤iº, n··ii, ¬ºi¬ zs. ·¬i, ;·ºi¬i, ¬i¬--·i zs. ·ii(º :a. ··¬i¬ :·. ·- (¬i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬ ºii - ¬l--l¬n · ri ) :z. ·i¤¬ ::. ¤¬iº :«. « ¬iºi, º ¬i, -¬ºi, -¬ºi·i :r. «« ;, ¬¤i, l(º(¬-i, ¤i ¤i¬, º-nl« ¤i, ¬iln·, ·ii-i· :c. «iºi :/. «ºini :s. l«·· :s. l«¤iº «a. ·iº, ºi¬·iº «· .·i¬i, ·i· ·i¬i, ·i¸ ¬, ¬i·¸ , ¬ºii·i· «z. ·il-¤iºi «:. -i¬i, ¬·i ««. -(i¤º (¬i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¬i ¬ ºii - ¬l--l¬n · ri ), r¬i¬ªii º «r. ¬i riº, ¬i riº÷¬¤i «c. ¬i l·¤i, ·i l·¤i, ni ¬ ÷-i¬º, ¬i l·¤i÷¤iri· «/.ºnº ¬, ºn(i «s.-iºsi «s. r¬(i;, -i ··(i¬ ra. r·¬i-, ·i;, ¬¬-i·i, ¬l(ni, ¬i(i¬ r·. ºi¤ l¬·ªi rz. ¬·¬i÷l·iºni, l·iºni÷¬·«i¬i r:. ·ii «i (¬i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬iln¤i ¤i ¬·¬¸ l¤n ¬·¬iln¤i ¬i ¬ ºii - ¬l--l¬n · ri ) r«. ¬¬ ºi, -- ºi, ni-¬iº rr. ·i·«i; rc. -iºlºi¬iº r/. ºi ªi ¬º(iºi (l¤ºi;), ¤iºiri rs. -(, -(ini rs. ¬i ·-i,¬i ·-i ca. ºi · c·. ªi-ºi, ¬ nnºiºi, r¬iºi cz. -i¤i c:. ªiini c«. n(º l¬ ·iil·¤i cr. ¬n¬i cc. -iriniº c/. ·i ni cs. ·ii¬··i /a. nn(i /·. ¬ilº¤i /z. ¤-(i, ¤-riºi, ¤-rºi, · ((ºii /:. ¬¬i¬, ¬¬(iº, ¬¬iº /«.-l·riº, ¬¤º, ¬ªiºi /r. -ºi(, -ºi;, -i¤ /c. -i l-·(¬¬iº) //. -l-¬- ¬i¤-·i /s. l-ºi¬i /s.···i¤ (·il·¤i), -·¬¸ ºi, ¬··º , ¬·º, ¬ººi(¬ºi) * ºii¬· ¬ ·(i·n- ¬i· ºii ¬ nrn ¬i¬l·¬l¬ n ¬i lnl·i n¬ ¬·ii ·ii ¬ ºii l·in ri ¬¬ni r| 62 UPSEE-2014 IMPORTANT DATES ( PG Courses) Filling and Submission of On-Line Application Form For admission to I st Year in MBA/MCA/MAM (Dual Degree) 15 th March, 2014 to 05 th April, 2014 Filling and Submission of On-Line Application Form For admission to 2 nd Year in MCA (Lateral Entry) 15 th March, 2014 to 05 th April, 2014 Last date of Receipt of “Conformation Page” alongwith Challan (if applicable) in the office of Registrar (UPSEE-2014), Uttar Pradesh Technical University, IET Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226021, UP 07 th April, 2014 SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION Date of Examination Paper Code Subjects Timing (Total Time Period) 27 th April, 2014 (Sunday) Paper 10 Aptitude Test for MCA 08:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. (2 Hours ) Paper 12 Aptitude Test for 2 nd Year MCA (Lateral Entry) 12:00 Noon – 02:00 P.M. (2 Hours ) Paper 09 Paper 11 Aptitude Test for MBA Aptitude Test for MAM 04:00 P.M. –06:00 P.M. (2 Hours )
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