Informacion Completa Del Curso EDesign-ABB

June 4, 2018 | Author: david77diaz | Category: License, Installation (Computer Programs), Copyright, Intellectual Works, Technology



     2017  Software eDesign - DOC Cálculo y Diseño de Sistemas Eléctricos en Baja Tensión DIVISION DE ELECTRIFICATION PRODUCTS  ABB – LIMA ‐ PERU  3/7/2017    .......................................2..........................  MODULO 01 : DEFINICIONES – NIKKI HINOJOSA ............................4........... Av.................................................................... 2  4............................................................0 HRS ..............  REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA REQUERIDO PARA EL E-DESIGN .............  SISTEMA OPERATIVO:.......... 2  4................................  MODULO AVANZADO – HRS ( 3 HRS ) .................................................. Argentina 3120 – Lima 1 Teléfono: +51 1 415 5100 Fax:+51 1 5612902 Apartado Postal 3846 http://www...........  RESPONSABLES DEL DICTADO DE LA CAPACITACION ...............................................  LUGAR DE DICTADO .. 4  11................................................................... 3  11.................  MODULO 02 : DISEÑO ELECTRICO B....... e-Design / DOC Pág......  CONFIGURACION DEL HARDWARE: ..........  INVERSION DEL CURSO .......1.  MODULO 03 : DISEÑO ELECTRICO M.................................................................................... 2  5..3............. 3  9....................3........................3.....................0 HRS.................................. 3  6................................................................... 2  4........................0 (E-DESIGN) ....................... 1  4..  INFORMACION ADICIONAL ............................................3........................................................A..... 3  7................. 3  10..........  CERTIFICACIÓN ..................... 2  4.......................... 4  11................... 1 +51 1 5613040 Lima 100 – Perú E-mail: [email protected]....................................................... 1  2..................... 4  11............  REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA REQUERIDO PARA EL DOC 3............................................T – 3..............................1....................  CONFIGURACION DEL HARDWARE: ..........................................  INSCRIPCIONES ................................................... 4  ABB S.......  OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO ............: 0 PROGRAMA DE CAPACITACIÓN 2017 SOFTWARE eDESIGN .............3......2........ 3  8.....  CONTENIDOS DEL CURSO ........................... 4  11...................................................  MATERIAL DE TRABAJO ...............................................T Y – 3........................0 HRS ..........................1...  SISTEMA OPERATIVO:................. 4  11....................................  INTRODUCCION .............................DOC CONTENIDO 1..........  OTROS REQUERIMIENTOS:............................... 4  11....................................   . com  David Zacarias (Soporte de Producto) David.0 (E-DESIGN)  Aprender a crear y modificar un diagrama unifilar de un sistema de distribución de Baja Tensió NIKKI HINOJOSA . y para la verificación y la coordinación de las protecciones.  Aprender a realizar el metrado de Baja Tensión del sistema de distribución  Conocer los conceptos de Selectividad  Analisis de Curvas para realizar las coordinaciones  Desarrollar un Proyecto actual que estén realizando con apoyo de ABB ABB  Omar Cuya (Especificaciones en Proyectos) omar. INTRODUCCION DOC 3. RESPONSABLES DEL DICTADO DE LA CAPACITACION  Nikki Hinojosa (Especificaciones en Proyectos) nikki.hinojosa@pe. lo convierten en una herramienta innovadora comparadas con las tecnologías actualmente disponibles en el sector. gracias a la capacidad de acceso a una cartera de productos que deben utilizarse en sinergia a través de funcionalidades intuitivas y [email protected] (e-DESIGN) es el nuevo software dedicada al diseño y cálculo de los diagramas unifilares de los sistemas eléctricos en baja tensión. DOC 3.0 forma parte del paquete de software ABB llamado e-DESIGN el cual hace posible el diseño de un sistema eléctrico en baja tensión. DOC 1.zacarias@pe. Av. lo que permite al usuario elegir los dispositivos de conmutación y seguridad. optimización de los tiempos de producción al máximo.: 1 PROGRAMA DE CAPACITACIÓN 2017 EN EL SOFTWARE eDESIGN .com 3. Argentina 3120 – Lima 1 Teléfono: +51 1 415 5100 Fax:+51 1 5612902 Apartado Postal 3846 +51 1 5613040 Lima 100 – Perú E-mail: abb. Una presentación actualizada combinado con una optimización general de las funcionalidades que siempre han caracterizado al software de ABB. OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO  Conocer los softwares de Ingeniería de ABB aplicados en Sistemas de Distribucion en MT y BT  Conocer los conceptos de cada software que compone el paquete de herramientas  Conocer el entorno de trabajo y conceptos del software DOC El nuevo software de Ingeniería lanzado como una herramienta para satisfacer las necesidades de los profesionales del sector eléctrico profesional que trabaja en un Mercado de constante cambio. e-Design / DOC Pág.A.DOC 3.cuya@pe. .m. 05:15 p. 4.m. T3_M02 Desafio 2 D2 03:15 p.m.m. CONTENIDOS DEL CURSO 4. Argentina 3120 – Lima 1 Teléfono: +51 1 415 5100 Fax:+51 1 5612902 Apartado Postal 3846 http://www.m.m. 04:15 p. 02:15 Hrs COD  TEMAS A TRATAR MODULO 02  TIEMPO  TIEMPO  EE_M02 Examen de Entrada ( Escrito ) 02:00 NIKKI HINOJOSA . 02:15 p. 05:00 p. MODULO 02 : DISEÑO ELECTRICO B. . MODULO 03 : DISEÑO ELECTRICO M.m.m.m.m.1.m. 03:00 p. Simulacion de un Sistemas Eléctrico desde M. MODULO 01 : DEFINICIONES – 3.m. Descanso de 15 min 03:00 p. T2_M01 Definiciones de la norma IEC 60947-2 ( Nikki Hinojosa ) 03:30 p.0 Hrs ( 3 Hrs ) COD  TEMAS A TRATAR MODULO 01  Inicia  FIN  . 03:15 p.m. Palabras de Inicio del Curso 02:00 p. ABB S.m.peru@pe. 05:15 p.: 2 4. EE_M01 Examen de Entrada ( Escrito ) 02:15 p.T ( D3 Unifilar+Tablero)  04:00 p.m.T y B.m. 05:00 p.T – 3.T – 3.m.m. 02:30 p.m. T2_M03 Simulacion de un Sistemas Eléctrico desde M. T1_M04 Teoria de Media Tension (UNISEC) 02:15 p.2. T1_M01 Familia de Interruptores ABB (David Zacarias) 02:30 p. 05:00 Hrs COD  TEMAS A TRATAR MODULO 03  TIEMPO  TIEMPO  EE_M03 Examen de Entrada ( Escrito ) 02:00 p.4. T3_M01 Definición del Sistemas de distribución (Omar Cuya ) 04:15 p. T2_M02 Desafio 1 D1 02:45 p. MODULO AVANZADO – 3.T ( D2 finalizar)  03:15 p. ET_M03 Examen Final (Escrito ) 05:00 p.m. 05:15 p.m. 03:00 p.m.m.m.m. Descanso de 15 min 03:15 p.m.A. 02:15 p. . 03:30 p. 03:15 p.m.m. escrito ) 02:00 p. T1_M03 Teoría de Selectividad   02:15 p.m.m.m. Descanso de 15 min 03:00 +51 1 5613040 Lima 100 – Perú E-mail: abb. 03:00 p.m. e-Design / DOC Pág.m.m.m. ES_M04 Examen Final ( Trabajo se simulacion Desafio 5 ) 05:00 p.m. ES_M01 Examen Final (Escrito ) 05:00 p. 02:45 p.m. 02:45 p. 03:15 p. ET_M02 Examen Final ( Trabajo se simulacion Desafio 3 ) 05:00 p.m.m. 4. 04:00 p.m. T2_M04 Desafio 4 02:45 p.m. T1_M02 Introduccion al software DOC 3.m.m.m. 03:15 p. 05:00 p. 05:15 p.3. 02:15 p. 4.0 Hrs COD  TEMAS A TRATAR MODULO 04  TIEMPO  TIEMPO  EE_M04 Examen de Entrada ( Media Tension . Descanso de 15 min 03:00 p. . T2_M04 Desafio 4 03:15 p.m.m. Av.0 (E-DESIGN) 02:15 p. m. 10.m. Examen de Entrada ( CCM .abb.m. . 04:50 p.0 Hrs COD  TEMAS A TRATAR MODULO 05 ( ADICIONAL )  TIEMPO  TIEMPO  Examen de Entrada ( Media Tension .m.hinojosa@pe. 03:30 [email protected]. Centro de Control de Motores (CCM) (1 Hora ) 03:40 p.m. y enviar datos :  Nombre y Apellidos  Placa del Auto ABB S.  Premios :  Catálogos Impresos o Cuadernos técnicos especiales para los alumnos destacados 6. INVERSION DEL CURSO  El curso está orientado a nuestros clientes e invitados. CERTIFICACIÓN Se entregaran al finalizar el curso dos tipos de constancias:  Constancia de Aprobado para los que hayan finalizado el curso y obtengan una nota mayor a la nota 13. Argentina 3120. LUGAR DE DICTADO En las instalaciones de la Empresa ABB. e-Design / DOC Pág. escrito ) 03:30 p. Examen Final ( CCM 7.0 (E-DESIGN) de propiedad de ABB. 03:20 p.m. 9. omar. Examen Final ( Media Tension . Descanso de 10 min 03:20 p.m.m. 02:10 p. Portafolio de Media Tension (1 Hora ) 02:10 p.: 3 MODULO COMPLEMENTARIO –  Constancia de Participación o Asistencia para los que hayan participado minimo en 3 módulos y tengan una nota menor a la nota 13 Las constancias serian enviadas vía email en formato PDF y para los que deseen las constancias impresas coordinar con la señorita Gabriela Matzumura Indicando en su email de solicitud:  Nombre y Apellidos  DNI  Profesión  Cargo que desempeña en la empresa que labora  Empresa que representa  Modelo de Laptop y número de Serie ( obligatorio para el Ingreso y participar en el curso) y David.m. Lima-1.  Software DOC 3. escrito ) 03:10 p. 05:15 p. escrito ) 02:00 p. Argentina 3120 – Lima 1 Teléfono: +51 1 415 5100 Fax:+51 1 5612902 Apartado Postal 3846 http://www.m. escrito ) 04:40 p. INSCRIPCIONES Se realizan a través de los Ejecutivos de venta o enviando su correo de inscripción a los correos: nikki. 03:40 p. contactarse con las personas que se indican en el Item 7 . INFORMACION ADICIONAL En caso de venir con movilidad Propia .  Desafíos prácticos que se desarrollara en clase guiado por el Tutor. Entrega de Constancias Impresas del curso 04:50 .cuya@pe. MATERIAL DE TRABAJO  Presentaciones Impresas de las clases. libre de licencia. 04:40 [email protected]. +51 1 5613040 Lima 100 – Perú E-mail: 03:10 p.  Catálogos Digitales de todos los productos ABB de Baja tensió[email protected] NIKKI HINOJOSA . 1 (Desktop)  Windows 8 (Desktop)  Windows 7 SP1  Windows Vista SP2 NIKKI HINOJOSA .com/pe +51 1 5613040 Lima 100 – Perú E-mail: abb.: 4 11.0  Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package ABB S.NET Framework 4  Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.A. SISTEMA OPERATIVO:  Windows XP SP3  Windows Vista SP2 32-bit  Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit 11.1.3.peru@pe. REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA REQUERIDO PARA EL E-DESIGN 11. e-Design / DOC Pág. Av. REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA REQUERIDO PARA EL DOC 3.0 (E-DESIGN) 11. Argentina 3120 – Lima 1 Teléfono: +51 1 415 5100 Fax:+51 1 5612902 Apartado Postal 3846 http://www. CONFIGURACION DEL HARDWARE:  Processor Pentium 4 . CONFIGURACION DEL HARDWARE:  CPU: 32bit (x86) or 64bit (x64) 1 GHz  RAM: 1GB (32 bit) or 2GB (64 bit)  Hard disk: 3GB free GHz  Acceso al Internet ( para actualización)  1 GB of RAM  1 GB free space on Hard disk  Pantalla con resolución de 1024x768 o 64000 colores(16 bit)  Microsoft C++ 2005 SP1 11. OTROS REQUERIMIENTOS:  Microsoft .2.3. SISTEMA OPERATIVO:  Windows . . e-Design User manual . .................................................. QUICK ACCESS ........ 14 9..................................... 17 e-Design – User manual – pag 2 ............ 8 5.................. SIGN UP / SIGN IN ..................... 3 2........................................ 13 8........................................................... 4 3................ 7 4........................................................................................ STARTING A DESIGN SOFTWARE ........... 11 6..................................................... DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL E-DESIG .......................................................................................................................................................... SUPPORT .......... UPGRADE............................ 12 7....................................... SETTINGS ..... 1............................................... END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ......... 15 10...................................................... FIRST RUN ................................................................................................ OVERVIEW ..... e-Design offers a menu bar to quickly reach all the functionalities provided: quick access. upgrade. Figure 1 e-Design e-Design – User manual – pag 3 . settings. Overview e-Design is the single point of access to ABB LP Design Software. 1. support. software. It provides a quick and immediate interface to use Design software and support services. As shown in Figure 1. This bar is always visible and the active section is highlighted. com/edesign-software. Installation steps: · Download e-Design setup and save it anywhere on your computer · Double click on e-Design setup to start the installation wizard (Figure 2) Figure 2 Installation wizard · You are required to accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA) to proceed in the installation (Figure 3). Check out the minimum requirements before installing the software. e-Design – User manual – pag 4 . Download and Install e-Desig e-Design can be downloaded from http://www. Figure 3 Installation wizard – End-User License Agreement (EULA) · During the wizard you can change the destination folder (Figure 4) or keep the proposed one. e-Design – User manual – pag 5 . e-Design – User manual – pag 6 .Destination folder · After collecting the required data the installation begins. Figure 4 Installation wizard . · Complete the installation by clicking Finish. First run Start e-Design by double clicking on the Desktop icon. e-Design – User manual – pag 7 . you’re redirected on the “software” section (Error! Reference source not found.). 3. On the very first run you’re prompted to choose your country (Error! Reference source not found. Figure 5 Country selection Once the country is selected.). The “sign up | sign in” form appears the first time you try to install a software. e-Design – User manual – pag 8 . Choose Install to install a Design Software. Sign Up / Sign In In order to download and use a design software. Figure 6 Software Section This section provides all the available software for the chosen country. you have to be registered and obtain an access code to activate your account. To sign up (Figure 7) you have to provide a few personal information and agree with the ABB Privacy Policy included in the EULA (mandatory data are marked with *). 4. The access code needed to activate e-Design will be sent to the provided E-mail address. Figure 7 Sign Up form In case you already have an access code you directly sign in. The Sign In phase is a “one time” login: you won’t be asked to reenter your credentials. e-Design – User manual – pag 9 . It is always possible to request your access code by using the “Forgot your access code?” button (Figure 8). the setup wizard starts automatically · complete the Design Software installation wizard Administrator rights are required to perform the installation. Figure 8 Sign in form To install a Design Software you have to follow these simple steps: · click on “Install” button · sign in (only the first time) · the setup of the Design Software is downloaded · when the setup download is completed. e-Design – User manual – pag 10 . Figure 9 Software section For each installed software e-Design shows the current version and the installation date (Figure 9 . Follow the installation steps above to install another Design Software (Figure 9 – C). Starting a Design Software Once the Design Software installation wizard is completed.A). e-Design – User manual – pag 11 . 5. you can run it simply by pressing the corresponding tile which gets colored after the installation (see Figure 9 Software section .B). Quick access The “quick access” section provides shortcuts to the installed Design Software. Each new installed software is automatically added to the list. The selected software have a mark on the top right corner of the tile (see Figure 10). 6. You can unpin a software by right-clicking on its tile and then clicking on the “Unpin” button. Figure 10 Quick access e-Design – User manual – pag 12 . e-Design – User manual – pag 13 . If one or more upgrades are available a number is shown near the section name. Upgrade The “upgrade” section shows the available software upgrades. the “Upgrade all” button allows to upgrade all the software at once. Figure 11 Upgrade section The availability of upgrades is checked once per day. For each available upgrade the following information is shown: · Current version: version of installed available software · Install date: installation date · Upgraded version: newer version available online · Release date: release date of the newer version The software can be upgraded clicking on the “Upgrade” button. You can force the check through the “Check now” button. Administrator rights are required to perform the upgrade. If more than one upgrade is available. 7. 8. Support The “support” section provides the available contacts to get support for all installed software. Figure 12 Upgrade section e-Design – User manual – pag 14 . Each software has its dedicated support service. In order to save changes. click the “Update” button. 9. e-Design – User manual – pag 15 . Figure 13 Settings section The “User” settings (see Figure 14) allows you to change your personal data (the provided E-mail address can’t be changed). The General settings (see Figure 13) allows to change the language of e-Design. Settings The “settings” section allows you to manage e-Design settings. Figure 14 User settings e-Design – User manual – pag 16 . • Maintenance of Copyright Notices: You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of the software. 10. TERMINATION Without prejudice to any other rights. GRANT OF LICENSE. • Prohibition on Reverse Engineering. except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. referred to as LICENSEE) and LICENSOR for the LICENSOR software product(s) which may include associated software components. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA. Decompilation and Disassembly: You may not reverse engineer. COPYRIGHT All title.A. and it supersedes any prior proposal. representation. or understanding between the parties. • Backup Copies: You may also make copies of the software as may be necessary for backup and archival purposes. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. without modification. or lend the software. in and to the software and any copies thereof are owned by LICENSOR or its suppliers. . The software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services shall be considered part of the software and subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. copying. you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. In such event. decompile. • Compliance with Applicable Laws: You must comply with all applicable laws regarding use of the software. media. lease. the present condition shall be distributed together with the software. not sold. 4. By installing. The software is licensed. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by LICENSOR. In case of distribution. • Support Services: LICENSOR may provide you with support services related to the software. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. 3.p. • Rental: You may not rent.ABB SACE Division (referred to as LICENSOR) End- User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity. LICENSOR may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. 1. 2. and "online" or electronic documentation. do not install or use the software. • Distribution: Permission to copy and distribute this software and its documentation. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program between you and LICENSOR. for any purpose admitted by mandatory applicable law and without fee or royalty is hereby granted. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the software is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. e-Design – User manual – pag 17 . End User License Agreement IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE CONTINUING WITH THIS PROGRAM INSTALL: ABB S. The software is licensed as follows: • Installation and Use: LICENSOR grants you the right to install and use copies of the software on your computer running an operating system for which the software was designed. you must destroy all copies of the software in your possession. as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. or disassemble the software. printed materials. or otherwise using the software. including but not limited to copyrights. NO WARRANTIES LICENSOR expressly disclaims any warranty for the software. to participate in prize competitions or games and to communicate LICENSEE’s personal data to third parties companies and to companies of the Group to which the LICENSOR belongs. 196 of 30 June 2003 (Data Protection Code). LICENSOR does neither collect nor use information to develop and/or create a LICENSEE profile. integration. to enable the LICENSOR (and/or its sub-suppliers) to develop new software and/or upgrade the existing ones. rectification. LICENSOR makes no warranties respecting any harm that may be caused by the transmission of a e-Design – User manual – pag 18 . Under no circumstances shall the data provided be disseminated. 6. 5. purposes and methods of processing as well as data update. links or other items contained within the software. non- infringement. to participate in sales promotion campaigns and/or advertisement campaigns. source. copying. DATA PROTECTION POLICY In accordance with clause 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. or by sending an email to cdc. The LICENSEE’s consent is not required. in Italy and to be provided with information on ABB’s products and/or services and sales promotion initiatives. (b) to develop new software and/or upgrade the existing ones by using the information provided and/or gathered from the LICENSEE when installing. LICENSOR does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information. anonymisation or blockage of processing as provided by law. or fitness of a particular purpose. However.e. participating in sales promotion campaigns and/or advertisement campaigns. graphics. Moreover. Data collected may be available to LICENSOR’s employees and/or non-LICENSOR external freelancers as data controller’s assistants for processing the data and may be communicated to third parties companies providing services. software features usage. failure to provide LICENSEE’s consent will prevent the LICENSEE from benefiting from any of the activities set out under letter b) and/or c) above. The LICENSEE will be entitled to exercise any of the data subject’s rights provided under clause 7 of the Data Protection Code without formalities. LICENSOR reserves the rights to avail itself of tracking system/use cookies and site referrals about software downloads. deletion. for the fulfilment of relevant legislative obligations. In this respect.dataprivacy@it. protection and confidentiality and will be gathered for the following purposes: (a) to perform the EULA in compliance with the above-mentioned law. also out of the European Union. the LICENSOR hereby informs the LICENSEE that data provided will be inserted into ABB’s electronic database and shall be treated in compliance with data protection legislation. upgrades and usage for statistical reasons and/or developing new software and/or upgrading the existing ones. the LICENSEE is expressly required to provide LICENSEE’s consent for the purpose under letter a) above. asking for data i. however. LICENSEE’s consent is not required for the treatment of LICENSEE’ data as per letter a) above. participating in prize competitions or games. including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability. The software is provided 'As Is' without any express or implied warranty of any kind. or otherwise using the software and (c) to be provided with information on ABB’s products and/or services and sales promotion initiatives. abroad and also out of the European Union. the LICENSEE is expressly required to provide LICENSEE’s consent for the purposes set out under letter b) and/or c) above. for the purposes above mentioned as external data processors. including marketing services and to companies of the Group to which the LICENSOR belongs. text. processing will be carried out on paper and electronically to ensure security. moral rights or the disclosure of confidential information. LICENSOR shall only be responsible for repairing the program in a reasonable length of time. In no event will LICENSOR be liable for loss of data or for indirect. or lost information) rising out of 'Authorized Users' use of. time consequential (including lost profit). we declare to specifically approve the clauses here below: 7 – Limitation of Liability. including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein. infringements of rights of publicity. or inability to use the software. LICENSEE shall indemnify and hold LICENSOR and its Affiliated Companies harmless from any claims by third parties against LICENSOR or LICENSOR's Affiliated Company/- ies arising from the use. telephone service to explain the Software etc. 7. including in case of re-sell of the product which contains the Software. LICENSOR shall have no liability with respect to the content of the software or any part thereof. business interruption. privacy. lost profits. 9. Suppliers. personal injury. 2359 of the Italian Civil Code) may provide assistance to LICENSEE in view of the Software (e. business interruption. to the LICENSEE or third parties by use or non-use or late availability of the program. computer virus. or other damages based in contract. magnetic support or documentation or telephone support in view of the Software. worm. loss of privacy. LICENSOR declines all responsibility for either direct or indirect damages. Therefore Contractors. ABB BUSINESS ETHICS ABB adopts an ethical code called "ABB Code of Conduct" which is available in the web site www. trademark rights. or from support (by LICENSOR or its Affiliated Companies) in view of. 8 – Dispute resolution and Applicable Law. According to Articles 1341 – 1342 of the Italian Civil Code. however caused. tort or otherwise. special. LICENSOR further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to Authorized Users or to any third party.). or other such computer program. Any violation of our policies will be considered a serious breach of contract/agreement and could result in appropriate actions including contract termination for default. Consultants doing business with ABB are bound to look over it and to uphold and respect the highest ethical standards. 8. e-Design – User manual – pag 19 . logic bomb. Even in the case of program defects that have been detected and verified.g. incidental. libel. or program defects. even if LICENSOR has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This liability provision shall also apply in case an Affiliated Company of LICENSOR (according to the definition in art. without limitation. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall LICENSOR be liable for any damages (including. the Software. DISPUTES RESOLUTION AND APPLICABLE LAW In case of dispute arising from or in connection with the interpretation or application of the Contract shall be exclusively settled by the Milan The present Contract shall be governed by Italian Law. Clients.
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