Industrial Automation Training

March 29, 2018 | Author: Sourabh Arora | Category: Scada, Databases, Server (Computing), Microsoft Windows, Command Line Interface



1EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 01_Experion System Overview 1 Points: 1.00 Which of the following is not a function of the Experion PKS Server? A. Provide a global database for process data B. Provide regulatory control C. Provide a repository for configuration data D. Provide supervisory control 2 Points: 1.00 Configuration done in EMDB is downloaded to A. Real Time Database B. Engineering Repository Database C. Quick Builder Database 3 Points: 1.00 What is the maximum number of data paths provided by a Honeywell Fault Tolerant Ethernet? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 Page: 1 of 4 03 April 2012 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 01_Experion System Overview 4 Points: 1.00 In Experion, the various data sources to the Server real-time database include all but which of the following: A. OPC Servers B. CEE Controllers (C300, C200/C200E, and ACE) C. SCADA controllers D. TPS Interface E. Fieldbus devices F. Knowledge Builder 5 Points: 1.00 The C200/C200E connects to the Experion using.. EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Fault Tolerant Ethernet B. ControlNet C. ControlNet or Fault Tolerant Ethernet D. Terminal Server Page: 2 of 4 03 April 2012 1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 01_Experion System Overview Use this scenario to answer the following three questions. An Experion PKS System is needed for the following requirements: 1. Redundant Servers 2. Regulatory and Sequence Control. 3. Integration to a 3rd-party control system using OPC. 4. Integration to Fieldbus devices. 5. Advanced control needs to be performed. 6. There are 3 operators and 3 casual users of process information. 7. No loss of view is permitted for the Operators to the C200/C200E Controllers 8. A high system availability is needed for the 3 operators. 9. 50 PLCs controlling a section of the plant also need to be integrated. 6 Points: 1.00 How many Console stations are needed for this requirement? A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 7 Points: 1.00 Which stations must be connected to the Fault Tolerant Ethernet? A. Flex Stations for the casual users B. Console Stations C. Both Flex and Console Stations 8 Points: 1.00 Which system component would you use for Advanced control? A. Station B. C200 C. ACE D. Server -----End of Scenario----- EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 3 of 4 03 April 2012 Real Time Database B.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 01_Experion System Overview 9 Points: 1. and FTE D. Alarms and events from all servers will be presented to the operator on a single screen C. You need to rebuild tags of each database in other databases 10 Points: 1. Enterprise Model Builder Database C. Quick Builder Database 11 Points: 1. Experion Station C. Application Control Environment (ACE) Page: 4 of 4 03 April 2012 . redundant networks. Can work with redundant servers. Up to 31 EPKS servers can be integrated at a time B.00 Which statement is not true about Distributed Systems Architecture (DSA)? A. Modicon PLC D.00 Which device cannot be an FTE node? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.00 Which of the following databases contain control strategies f C200/C200E and C300 controllers A. Experion Server B. Engineering Repository Database D. FTE configuration validation D.00 What are the capabilities of Diagnostic Tools? A. Control Builder B.00 Which tool is used build SCADA points? A.00 Which tool is used to define equipment included in an Experion System Status display and to define node configuration? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Quick Builder C. Station D. System Management Display C. Control Builder C. Station Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . System Health Monitoring B. Enterprise Model Builder 2 Points: 1.1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 02_Configuration Tools 1 Points: 1. All of the above 4 Points: 1. Configuration Studio D. Station B. Control Builder B. Password setup E.00 Which application is used to launch all configuration tools in Experion PKS? A. Host file verification C. Enterprise Model Builder 3 Points: 1. System Definition and Configuration Tool D. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 02_Configuration Tools EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Experion PKS Console Stations B. Assets C. Stations and Consoles B.00 Enterprise Model consists of: A. Control Strategy D.00 Which one of these items is added into Configuration Studio System hierarchy? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. 3rd Party OPC servers C.00 SCADA tags are configured from which item in Configuration Studio? A. an offline database existing on multiple servers 3 Points: 1.1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 03_Introduction to Enterprise Model 1 Points: 1. System Interfaces C.00 Which of the following items need to configured at the System level? A. C300 points D. Schedules 2 Points: 1. an offline database that gets downloaded to included servers C. Experion PKS Servers and Equipment included in the Experion system Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . B. HMIWeb Displays F. an online database that is loaded continuously during configuration. Alarm Groups E. B and D 4 Points: 1. Honeywell C200/C200E Controllers D. SCADA points B. Marginal Page: 2 of 2 ? 03 April 2012 . Disabled D. Connecting B.00 What is the status of a controller which is indicated with the icon EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Healthy C. Failed E.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 03_Introduction to Enterprise Model 5 Points: 1. Will appear half intensity in Station asset assignment screens. A field instrument. Points B. 4 Points: 1. None of the above Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . D. A physical item or area in an enterprise. C. Operating Groups C.00 Assets can be used to set up Scope of Responsibility (SOR) to restrict access to all but which of the following? A. Build a related point assigned to a directly assignable asset and add that point to the operator's SOR. A plant operator.00 Which of the following is not true? An asset configured as not directly assignable A. B. Custom Displays 3 Points: 1. To add this point to an operator's Scope of Responsibility you would: EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. A piece of system hardware.00 Which is the best answer: An Asset is an Experion database entity that represents A. D. B. 2 Points: 1.1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 04_Configuring Asset Model 1 Points: 1. Will have the same Scope of responsibility assignment as its parent asset. Cannot have points assigned to it. C. Reports D. Will not have an assignment pull down box next to it in station assignment screens.00 A point has been assigned to an asset that has been configured as not directly assignable. Add the asset's parent asset to the operator's SOR B. D. Enable the Unassigned Asset for the operator's SOR C. 00 Select the best answer. Nickname. Parent Alarm Group C. John. C. Paul. The asset has not been downloaded in to the database D. The asset has been deleted from the database B. Tagname and Item Name including the full asset path. George.00 What type of assets can not be configured for the Directly Assignable property? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. The asset configuration has been modified after being downloaded into the database C. Child Assets B. Points assigned to assets can be referenced by: A. Tagname and Item Name without the full asset path.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 04_Configuring Asset Model 5 Points: 1. B.00 A yellow delta sign next to an asset in Enterprise Model Builder indicates A. Top level parent assets Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . 6 Points: 1. The security level of the Asset is not correct for download 7 Points: 1. D. and Ringo. Group Stations together 2 Points: 1. Quick Builder D.00 Alarms Groups are configured using EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Group entities(points. Enterprise Model Builder Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 .00 An Alarm group is used to A. Station B. Group assets together B. Group Servers together D. assets or other Alarm groups) for alarm state aggregation C. Control Builder C.1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 05_Alarm Groups 1 Points: 1. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 05_Alarm Groups EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Ack Only E. Oper 4 Points: 1. Creates a Results dialog box 3 Points: 1. Creates an Export dialog box C. The printer Font size and color 2 Points: 1. Quickbuilder B. Station C. Creates an Error dialog box B. The printer make and model number B.00 Downloading an item from Quick Builder to the server database always: A. Mngr D.1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 06_Flex Stations and Report Printers 1 Points: 1.00 Which access level is not available with Station -based security? A.00 The Station Status can be accessed using EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Windows Explorer Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . Engr C. Supv B.00 The key parameter in configuring a printer in Configuration Studio is: A. the printer share name C. Creates a Dialogs of Plato box D. Create three Experion Windows Group accounts C. Occasional interface to the process. Create Traditional accounts for each operator in Experion 7 Points: 1. AlarmPrinter B. What is the best configuration option? A.00 There are many operators in a plant. Direct connection to SCADA controllers.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 06_Flex Stations and Report Printers 5 Points: 1. Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 .00 What is the function of Rotary Stations? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Direct connection to C200/C200E controllers. All team members need identical access level. Alarm Printer C. D. Alarm Printer 1 6 Points: 1.Each operator belongs to one of three teams.00 Which of these is a valid printer share name for Experion configuration A. control level. The Experion implementers have decided to use operator-based security to allow monitoring of individual operator activity. B. C. and scope of responsibility setups. Create Integrated accounts for each operator B. Uninterrupted continuous interface to the process. . Console Extension Stations connecting to a Console Station 2 Points: 1. which of the following statement is true for confirmative messages notifications EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.00 The Auxiliary Setup File entry in the Connection Properties configuration applies only to: A.00 Entries configured on the Server-Wide settings page apply to: A. Server-wide setting B. Flex Stations in a non-redundant server setup D... Connected Console Stations and Console Extension Stations only D. All connected Stations B. Flex Stations in a Redundant server setup B. Messages will be displayed both in Station's message zone and as callout notification Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . Messages will be displayed as callout notification C. Connected Flex Stations only C. Messages will be displayed in Station's message zone B. System wide setting C. Console Stations in a redundant server setup C.00 If 'Enable Callout' option is checked.1 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 07_Station Configuration 1 Points: 1. A. Station-specific setting 3 Points: 1. Server Station only 4 Points: 1.00 A Station failure alarm indication setting is a. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 07_Station Configuration EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . EXAMINATION A process is controlled using a PLC. PUMPHOUSE1 2 Points: 1.00 Which tool would you use to enable communication to the PLC? A. Notepad 3 Points: 1. Notepad -----End of Scenario----- EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 1 of 4 03 April 2012 2 02R400-Test 08_Channels.00 Which tool would you need to build and load the channel and controller? A. Station B. Windows D. PUMPHOUSE 1 C. Controllers and Points . PUMP HOUSE 1 B. You need to provide the control using an Experion PKS system. Quick Builder B. Quick Builder D.00 Which of the following is a valid channel name? A. You need to first establish communication to the PLC. Given the scenario. answer the following 1 Points: 1. Station C. Windows C. build points.depends on the controller 6 Points: 1. What is the order of configuration? A.00 A single physical SCADA controller can be configured as A. The requirement is to monitor and operate various devices. You need to provide the control using an Experion PKS System. D. A server and a printer B. answer the following questions.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 08_Channels. then build a controller. A server and a SCADA controller 5 Points: 1. build a controller. then build points. Point discovery Page: 2 of 4 03 April 2012 . OPC mechanism B. build points.00 A SCADA controller uses what data transfer mechanism for server updates? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. then build points. A single controller B. A and B .00 A process is controlled using a PLC. then build channels. Use Quick Builder. then build a controller. CDA mechanism C. Multiple controllers C. C. A server and a C200/C200E controller D. Use Quick Builder. B. Given that scenario. A server and a station C. build a channel. then build controllers. 7 Points: 1. then build a channel. then build channels. Use Quick Builder. Scanning/Scan Packets D.00 A channel is a connection between A. Use Quick Builder. Controllers and Points 4 Points: 1. Analog point C. Accumulator point B. PID point E. Status point 10 Points: 1.00 Which point type would you choose to totalize a flow? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.00 Which point type would you choose to operate a continuous loop? A. Analog point C. Accumulator point B. Status point Page: 3 of 4 03 April 2012 . Status point 9 2 Which point type would you choose to operate a pump? Points: 1.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 08_Channels. PID point E. Accumulator point B. Controllers and Points 8 Points: 1. Container point D. Container point D. Container point D.00 A. PID point E. Analog point C. Controllers and Points EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 4 of 4 03 April 2012 .EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 08_Channels. 10 Automatic and 10 Manual Engines B.00 How many script engines does Experion PKS have? A. Accumulator Point B. 5 Automatic and 15 Manual Engines D.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 09_Configuring Points 1 Points: 1. B. Analog Point C. C.00 A. The entry has a syntax error.00 In which point type can you configure both a Setpoint and a Mode? A. or 8 state discriptors? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. 5 Automatic and 20 Manual Engines 4 Points: 1. 4. Analog Point C. D.00 Which type of point can have 2. 2 2 A text entry that turns red in an Experion script editor indicates: Points: 1. The entry is OK. The entry is a comment. Status Point 3 Points: 1. Status Point Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . 5 Automatic and 10 Manual Engines C. Accumulator Point B. The entry is very embarrassed. Windows application log 6 Points: 1. Experion Server log file (log.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 09_Configuring Points 5 Points: 1. Alarm Limits B. HMIWeb log C.txt) B. Enable or Disable Point Scan Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Windows event log D.00 Script engines report errors to A. Point Range D. Point Address C.00 Which of the following items cannot be changed from the Station? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. select the items and press the Delete button on the keyboard. Printers Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . Open the Quick Builder recycle bin.00 2 The best way to empty the Quick Builder recycle bin is to A. The recycle bin does not need to be emptied. SCADA Points C. C. Rotary Stations D. Empty from the Windows desktop.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 10_Quick Builder Functionality 1 Points: 1. Download the deletion to remove the item from the server and the recycle bin.00 The Rebuild Scan Table check box in the Load dialogue Box applies to the loading of which of the following: EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. B. 2 Points: 1. D. Static Stations B. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 10_Quick Builder Functionality EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . button is half intensity in the Alarm The <F4> function key is disabled. Change Alarm priority settings in a point detail display in Station B. Configure the Alarm priorities in Alarms and Point Processing in Configuration Studio D. C. plant operations require that lower priority alarms are elevated if not acknowledge for a certain time. The 2 What is the indication that full-page alarm acknowledgement is disabled? icon is gone from the station tool bar. Change Alarm colors in Alarms and Point Processing in Configuration Studio C. B.00 A. Change the Alarm priority settings for the points in Quick Builder Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 .EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 11_Alarm Setup in Server 1 Points: 1. The Summary screen. To configure this setting. you would. 2 Points: 1. EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.00 For effective alarm management. the OP of Status point LOWALARM03 will: A. B. Change to the zero-state when the silence key is pressed from any connected station.00 Based on which of the following parameters can the Alarm Line in Station be filtered EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Change to the one-state when any low-level alarm occurs in the connected server. Change to the zero-state when any alarm is acknowledged in the connected server.00 Given the above configuration. alarm Type and Operator ID Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . 4 Points: 1.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 11_Alarm Setup in Server 3 Points: 1. Alarm Priority. All of the above. D. C. Alarm Priority and Alarm Status B. Alarm Status and Alarm Type C. Alarm Priority. Real Time Database C.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 12_Assets and Operators 1 Points: 1. Security Account Manager B.00 EPKS 02 / 17 R400 2 Users reside in A. All of the above Page: 1 of 6 03 April 2012 . Active Directory D. each responsible for one plant section. 0 B.00 How many Assets would be assigned with no restrictions for a typical operator? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. 2 D.00 What is the minimum number of directly assignable Assets needed? A. 3 E. 5 Page: 2 of 6 03 April 2012 . 3 E. 2 D. answer the following questions 2 Points: 1. You have decided to use Operator-based security.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 12_Assets and Operators There are 3 operators in a plant. 4 F. 1 C. 0 B. Given the above scenario. 4 F. You need to restrict access such that: • Each operator is allowed control only in their section. a Supervisor is responsible for all the operation. 5 3 Points: 1. but can view the entire plant • The supervisor needs to view and occasionally operate equipment from the entire plant. In addition. 1 C. 5 5 2 How many Assets would be assigned to a typical operator? Points: 1. 0 B. 0 B. 5 6 Points: 1. 5 -----End of Scenario----- EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 3 of 6 03 April 2012 . 2 C. 3 E. 4 F. 3 E. 2 D. 4 E.00 How many Assets would be assigned with no restrictions for the supervisor? A.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 12_Assets and Operators 4 Points: 1. 4 F. 1 C. 1 B. 2 D.00 A.00 How many Assets would be assigned to the supervisor? A. 1 C. 3 D. the user must exist in A. Control levels B. Station-based security Page: 4 of 6 03 April 2012 .00 What Security functionality would you use if you need personal accountability for operators (Events logged with the operator's ID?) A.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 12_Assets and Operators 7 Points: 1. Windows domain log ins 10 Points: 1. RTDB 9 Points: 1. Control levels B.00 For logon to operator based station. SAM B. AD C.00 What security functionality would you choose to restrict control for certain points within an asset? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.00 What security functionality would you use if you need identical asset assignment for several operators? A. Control levels Asset profiles C. Station-based security 8 Points: 1. Operator-based security D. B. Asset profiles C. Operator-based security D. Asset profiles C. Operator-based security D. Individual Integrated accounts B.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 12_Assets and Operators Points: 1. Windows Group Account C.00 Which of the following would be best if 15 operators need an identical security setup in Experion? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Individual Classic accounts Page: 5 of 6 03 April 2012 2 11 . EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 12_Assets and Operators EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 6 of 6 03 April 2012 . All of the above 3 Points: 1. Identifying Console name B. A and B 2 3 A. Cross Station display invocation C. Console Station gets data from Controller even if the server is not running C. Console Station can be built in Quick Builder D. Flex Station D.00 Which of the following statements about Console Station are true Console Station can be a part of a console B. Points: 1.00 Experion PKS Console provides which of the following functions A.00 Station Alias in Console configuration is used for EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Console Extension Station C. Invoking displays cross-station within a Console D. Console Station B.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 13_Console Functions 1 Points: 1. Assigning Assets to Stations Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . Console wide alarm acknowledgement D. Multiple Console Stations 4 Points: 1. Identifying Console Extension station C. Single workspace across one or more Console Stations and Console Station Extensions B.00 Which of the following cannot be a member of Console? A. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 13_Console Functions EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Change the column organizer. will see alarms for assets assigned as view only. Tag descriptions F.00 A. D. C. 3 Points: 1. Assets restrictions. Pause Alarms.00 Which one of the following is not correct? An operator: A. B.. B. all Assets in the Server -. All of the above depending on the server-wide value settings. D.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 14_Alarms and Event Notifications 1 Points: 1. Tagnames E. C. Page: 1 of 4 03 April 2012 . Priorities C. Date and Time D. All of the above 3 Alarms can be sorted by: 2 Points: 1. Save customized views. Print out Alarm Summaries. can "Filter" the Alarm Summary if configured accordingly in the server-wide settings.00 Select the best response: Supervisors can EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. can Acknowledge a full page in the Alarm Summary if configured accordingly in the server-wide settings. E. will see alarms for all points. 00 What is Quick Shelving? A. The 'shelved alarms' view in the Alarm Summary display C. Alarm will be acknowledged 7 Points: 1. It will be removed from the 'all alarms' view in Alarm Summary display C. A.00 Which of the following statements is false about Alarm Shelving? When an alarm is shelved. Quick Shelving allows the user to simultaneously shelve two or more alarms from the Alarm Summary display B. User can perform a 'Shelve Alarm' operation without providing a reason B. C... 'Recently unshelved alarms' view 8 Points: 1. An event will be generated in the Events Summary display B. A.00 An event is generated for every Shelve.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 14_Alarms and Event Notifications 4 Points: 1. User cannot perform a 'Shelve Alarm' operation C.00 A reshelved alarm can be viewed in .. Quick Shelving allows the user to shelve alarms from the detail display of a point.00 Which of the following options is false? If the 'Enable Alarm Shelving' option is disabled then A. 'All alarms' view B. Quick Shelving allows the user to shelve an alarm without providing a reason for shelving. Reshelve operation performed in Station (True/False) EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 4 03 April 2012 . Alarm will not be silenced D. The 'Shelve Alarm ' button will be grayed out in the Alarm Summary display 5 Points: 1.. Unshelve. 6 Points: 1. If an alarm originating from the local server is shelved then. Alarm will be shelved on all servers in the system with the same shelving period and reason Page: 3 of 4 03 April 2012 3 Multiple Servers are connected via DSA and the 'system wide acknowledgement /shelving' option is selected. Events related to the shelved action will be generated on all servers in the system B. .00 EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 14_Alarms and Event Notifications 9 Points: 1. Alarm will be shelved only on the local server C... EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 14_Alarms and Event Notifications EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 4 of 4 03 April 2012 . Quick Builder D. The Reports which include the point. The Trends to which the point is assigned. Urgent Priority D. Notepad 3 The best application to use to create a Free Format report definition file is: 2 Points: 1. MS Power Point B. C. MS Excel C. All 4 Points: 1. Low Priority B. High Priority C. Station E. All of the above. Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . print to the Windows default printer.00 A pre-formatted Cross Reference Report will show: A. 3 Points: 1. The Groups to which the point is assigned. B.00 Asset alarm Count Report can display___________ alarms for the assets in scope of responsibility of the logged in user A. display on all stations. C. B. D.00 A. None of the above.00 A periodic report will EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 15_Reports 1 Points: 1. D. create a text file output and a HTM file output. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 15_Reports EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . will be processed every scan. E. B. D.00 Experion PKS Server contains ______ Algorithm Blocks. 240 C. 128 B. whenever the point is put into manual mode. E. whenever the PV is scanned. whenever the point is taken off scan. C. will never be processed. 6000 3 Points: 1. C. 512 D. whenever the point is viewed in Station. 2 3 PV Algorithms are processed Points: 1. None of the above Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . will be processed every 2 seconds. 5000 E.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 16_Algorithms 1 Points: 1.0 in the Drift Deadband ensures the point's Action Algorithm EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. A. will be processed only when viewed in Station. B. D.00 A.00 A Value of 0. whenever the Setpoint is adjusted. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 16_Algorithms EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Control Builder 4 Points: 1. can produce an Alarm. Extended history only 3 A. can be done manually. 2 Points: 1. 3 Points: 1. Delete C. Retain Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 .00 Which of the following is not a History Archive Option EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Exception history only D. Remove D. All of the above. D.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 17_History Archive Options 1 Points: 1. Move B. Fast and Standard History C.00 User defined history collection rates can be configured for Standard history only B. B. can be archived to a remote server C. HMIWeb Display Builder D. Configuration Studio or Station C. Quick Builder B.00 History archiving is configured using: A.00 History Archiving A. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 17_History Archive Options EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Events are stored in Experion system database file and periodically copied to an SQL server event database C. Event tamper detection is supported H. A. Event Archives can be stored directly to a filesystem or removable media F.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 18_Event Archive Options 1 Points: 1. Event archiving status is indicated on Event Archiving Operations page G. Events including Sequence of Events (SOE) can be archived D. 03 April 2012 . B. All of the above Page: 1 of 2 3 A. Events can be either manually or automatically archived E. C and E I.00 What are the features of Experion Event management? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Experion stores every event in the system B. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 18_Event Archive Options EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . all from the same controller. B. C. C.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 19_Groups and Trends 1 Points: 1. 1 hour. Mngr E.00 Points in a Group must be: EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Excel D. C and D 2 Points: 1. 6 hours. Oper B. 1 minute. 5 seconds. Configuration Studio B. Last viewed or configured. None of the above Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 4 The following users can always configure Trends and Groups: . E. 4 Points: 1.00 The time base for points in a Trend will always be displayed as: A. Knowledge Builder 3 Points: 1.00 Points cannot be added to Groups using which application? A.00 A. Station C. in alphabetical order. D. B. Engr D. D. assigned to the same asset. Supv C. 00 Which of these options is not a DSP trend type in Experion? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Multirange D. Single B. Dual C. X-Y Plot Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 .EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 19_Groups and Trends 5 Points: 1. D. E. At the configured update rate.00 Microsoft Excel Data Exchange can update values: A. using cell formulas or the Wizard. B. only using Station. does not require Station software. Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 4 Microsoft Excel Data Exchange . C. Only when the points process. 3 Points: 1.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 20_Data Extraction for Other Uses 1 Points: 1.00 A. Only every 5 seconds.00 Microsoft Excel Data Exchange can be configured EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. C. can view PVs as well as other parameters. B. C. D. all of the above. only using the Wizard. B. D. can obtain data from multiple servers. Cannot show live values. only using cell formulas. 2 Points: 1. can obtain history values. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 20_Data Extraction for Other Uses EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Operators are allowed to see and control all remote points. 3 Points: 1. Points: 1. such as an eServer. Control Builder E. are forced by an action algorithm. C. B. must be unique across all servers. C. D. only inhibit Operator-based security Stations from viewing remote points. Station C. is not a supplier of data only a subscriber. Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . C. assets A. has no asset restrictions available. Quick Builder B. B. do not restrict remote points. take place only when required and on a report-by-exception basis. do not occur. must be configured on all DSA servers for all shared points.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 21_Distributed System Architecture 1 Points: 1. values are snapshots and are not refreshed.00 Servers are added in Distributed System Architecture using A.00 In configuring DSA.00 A server added to a DSA network as a Non-Publishing Server EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. occur only on shift changes. B. can use only Station-based security. D. HMIWeb Display Builder 4 Points: 1.00 4 2 Updates on shared points across the DSA network A. can be configured as a Server External to System. Configuration Studio D. D. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 21_Distributed System Architecture EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Configuration Studio B. Performance Monitor Page: 1 of 4 03 April 2012 .00 OPC Performance Counters can be added from which of the following tool EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Enterprise Model Builder D. Analog Point D. 4 Points: 1. No tags need to be built in Experion PKS. Configuration Utility B. it is necessary to "Enable" the transfer of items. OPC Advanced Point B. Status Point 3 4 Which point is used by the OPC Advanced Data Client? Points: 1.00 Once a new OPC Integrator Group is validated and committed. 2 Points: 1.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 22_Integrating Non-Experion Nodes 1 Points: 1. tags need to be built using A. OPC Integrator Server/Client works automatically. D. Accumulator Point C. C. System Management Display C. B. values can only be viewed from the group status page. Control Builder C.00 A.00 To access third-party data using OPC Display Data Client. OPC Integrator will only work with Matrikon OPC Server Simulator. A. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 22_Integrating Non-Experion Nodes 5 Points: 1.00 OPC standards were established to A. Alow two or more Experion Servers to communicate. B. Allow two or more Flex Stations talk to each other. C. Allow two C200/C200E controllers to share data. D. Allow interoperability among automation and control applications, field systems, and business applications. 6 Points: 1.00 OPC Integrator values will A. update only on demand. B. update every 5 seconds. C. update based on a configured time and a deadband to minimize bandwidth. D. never update. 7 Points: 1.00 Which command is used to configure access properties of OPC Server? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. explorer B. dcomcnfg C. cmd D. dcomconfiguration Page: 2 of 4 03 April 2012 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 22_Integrating Non-Experion Nodes 8 Points: 1.00 EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. OPC Client Interface B. OPC Advanced Client Interface C. OPC Display Data Client D. OPC Data Access Server E. OPC Alarm and Event Server F. OPC Integrator G. OPC History Data Access Server H. All of the above Page: 3 of 4 4 What type of OPC options are available in Experion PKS? 03 April 2012 EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 22_Integrating Non-Experion Nodes EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 4 of 4 03 April 2012 B.00 The Experion Server Configuration panel is used for EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Report storage path C. 5 A. C. Knowledge Builder C. Windows Command Prompt at any Station D. View and change Experion server license D.00 Server Utilities are run from: A. is used to change Station-based security passwords. Windows Command Prompt at the Server 2 Points: 1.00 The utility paswrd: is used to change Operator-based security passwords. D. 3 Points: 1.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 23_Utilities and Basic Administration 1 Points: 1. is used to find unused algo blocks.00 Several critical server services are linked to which Windows account? A. mngr D. engr C. is used to change Windows account passwords. Configuring SQL database Page: 1 of 2 03 April 2012 . Custom Displays path for Station to browse displays B. Quick Builder B. ps_user 4 Points: 1. oper B. and D 6 Points: 1. Backup ERDB database C. Restore EMDB database D. A. Server name change tool C.00 Which tool is used to change the redundancy status (Computer name change with or without "A" and "B" appended to the server name) of Experion servers? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 23_Utilities and Basic Administration 5 Points: 1. System Definition and Configuration Tool D. Backup EMDB database E. C. Password Utility B.00 Enterprise Model Database (EMDB) administration tool is used to A. Not allowed Page: 2 of 2 03 April 2012 . Initialize EMDB database B. 3 Points: 1. C. Groups and Detail displays B. there are no holidays in the New Year. Server redundancy B. 2 C. 5 A. Custom Faceplates 4 Points: 1. D. 3 D.. all old holidays are automatically removed. 4 Page: 1 of 6 03 April 2012 .EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 24_Reference Material (Optional) 1 Points: 1. 1 B. B. due to cutbacks. How many Stations would need to be built? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.00 You need to configure a console with 4 screens using Safeview.? A.. Electronic Signatures C.00 At the beginning of each new year the system automatically configures the new holiday schedule. the dates for the new holidays will have to be manually entered. Group displays only C.00 Which one of these is not a licensed option in Experion PKS? A. Accessing data in Microsoft Excel D.00 Parallel Operation Keyboard (POK) is used to operate control loops in . History archiving 2 Points: 1. D. 40 D. A. B. acknowledgement for a designated point has not occurred in the configured time period. D. 30 C.00 Alarm Paging starts when A. Page: 2 of 6 03 April 2012 . The MODEATTR parameter of C200/C200E controller points must be set to OPERATOR. when three alarms occur with the same time stamp. Points used in a recipe must use the Unit ID as the first two characters of their tagnames. 50 6 Points: 1. Recipe points are Area-restricted. the designated point's action algorithm starts the page. 7 Points: 1. C. the designated Alarm is Acknowledged. 24 B. B.00 In Recipe configuration: EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. C. Contiguous recipes cannot be strung together to load more than 30 parameters.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 24_Reference Material (Optional) 5 Points: 1.00 Each recipe can have up to ______ scalable values. 00 Each of the 8 groups of the keys on the POK consist of . periodic reports. E.. NORM. overtime.? SP. C. C.. Simple Network Management Protocol. Excessive Network Load B. NORM.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 24_Reference Material (Optional) 8 Points: 1. All of the above Page: 3 of 6 03 April 2012 . RAISE. history collection. E-mail. D. OUT. LOWER 5 A. B. Pager. 9 Points: 1. None of the above. LOWER B. Additional Load on PHD server C. MAN.00 Shift information is used in A.00 What are the reasons to add 'Do not send fast history data to PHD' option is Experion PKS R400 EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. 10 Points: 1. SP. B. All of the above. Group Configuration 11 Points: 1. D. MAN. RAISE.00 Alarm messages can be sent via A. OUT C. Excessive use of disk space D. D. can be scheduled once a week. can be used one time.00 The configuration tool used for Alarm Paging is A. can be scheduled only on weekends.). B. Display Builder. (One Shot) B. C. None of the above. to be used in recipes (if their function block supports Mode Attribute. require Mode Attribute set to Operator. 13 Points: 1. All of the above. D. Control Builder. Knowledge Builder. require Mode Attribute set to Program. to be used in recipes (if their function block supports Mode Attribute. can be scheduled once a day.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 24_Reference Material (Optional) 12 Points: 1. B. C. cannot be used with recipes. C.00 C200/C200E parameters EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. F.00 Point Control Schedules A. Page: 4 of 6 03 April 2012 . E. 14 Points: 1. Configuration Studio. Quick Builder. E.) D. None of the above. Experion PKS CD's B. Knowledge Builder Developer Tool B. Notepad D.00 Access to Experion data from Premium eServer is done from A. 17 Points: 1. Microsoft Office installation disks C. Read/Write access D. No access 5 A.00 What are the types of access available using eServer? Configuration only access (with mngr level) B. Knowledge Builder Search D.00 How is required software installed on Premium access clients? EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. Directly from the eServer Page: 5 of 6 03 April 2012 .00 Which of the following option has been removed from Knowledge Builder in Experion R400 A. Using Knowledge Builder Favorites 16 Points: 1. Microsoft Visual Studio 18 Points: 1. Read only access C. Microsoft Internet Explorer C.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 24_Reference Material (Optional) 15 Points: 1. Microsoft Excel B. Knowledge Builder Administrative Utility C. EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. PHD data to be displayed on Experion trends D.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 24_Reference Material (Optional) 19 Points: 1. Synchronized history collection of Experion data on PHD C....00 Experion integration with PHD enables.. All of the above Page: 6 of 6 03 April 2012 . Data collected by Experion to be transferred to PHD for long-term storage and management B.. C.00 TPS Integration is configured using A. Page: 1 of 4 03 April 2012 . All of the above 5 A. Quick Builder. do not have any meaning in EPKS. C. D. are used directly in EPKS..00 TPS units EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. D.LCN Connected C.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 25_TPS Integration (Optional) 1 Points: 1. cannot be an FTE node. ES-CE D. D. Knowledge Builder. E. B. B. 3 Points: 1..00 An ESVT A. B. 4 Points: 1. Display Builder. C. 2 Points: 1. cannot be redundant. cannot communicate to Hiway-based controllers. Control Builder.00 HMIWeb TPN point detail displays are available on. None of the above. ESC. Configuration Studio. can communicate to the LAN/WAN and the TPN/LCN. are mapped to Experion PKS Assets. ES-F B. 11 Page: 2 of 4 03 April 2012 . 7 B. cannot be used in PKS graphics. D. Backup history data to Experion for archiving purposes D. Synchronize HM and Experion history group configuration B.00 An ES-T A. Cannot display C200/C200E points. 6 Points: 1. One-time import of HM history group configuration in Experion history 8 Points: 1. Is directly connected to both the LAN and the LCN. Collects history for TPS points.00 TPS points A. 0 D. Does not require an ESVT. 7 Points: 1. B. B.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 25_TPS Integration (Optional) 5 Points: 1. E. Requires Windows 2000 Server operating system software. D. must be built in the ESVT. Import history data from HM C. are "discovered" by the ESVT and ES-T.00 HM History Import Tool is intended to A. C. are not accessible in Experion. C. 5 C.00 What is the maximum number of Experion clusters that can share same LCN EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A. 00 Autopriming is performed on EPKS 02 / 17 R400 A.EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 25_TPS Integration (Optional) 9 Points: 1. Flex Station Page: 3 of 4 03 April 2012 . EST and ESVT B. Console Station C. EXAMINATION 02R400-Test 25_TPS Integration (Optional) EPKS 02 / 17 R400 Page: 4 of 4 03 April 2012 .
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