IndraDrive Power Sections HMS01 - Instruction Manual

March 29, 2018 | Author: jubly | Category: Electrical Connector, Switch, Machines, Electricity, Direct Current



Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ Electric Drives and Controls Hydraulics Linear Motion and Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ Title Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Power Sections HMS01 Type of Documentation Document Typecode Internal File Reference Record of Revision Instruction Manual DOK-INDRV*-HMS01*UL***-IB02-EN-P RS-06b029a7e77f25760a6846a001b52ebf-4-en-US-3 Edition DOK-INDRV*-HMS01*UL***-IB01-EN-P DOK-INDRV*-HMS01*UL***-IB02-EN-P Release Date 2007/01 2009/06 Notes First edition Changes in comparison to previous edition: Multi‐ lingual information chap‐ ter; EMC Measures; Ac‐ cessories; Service and Support; Environmental Protection and Disposal; technical data updated Purpose of Documentation This documentation provides information on the installation and operation of the described products, by persons trained and qualified to work with electrical installations. © Bosch Rexroth AG, 2009 Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1). Copyright Validity The data specified only serve to describe the product. No statements concern‐ ing a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the ob‐ ligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging. Bosch Rexroth AG, Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2, D-97816 Lohr a. Main Telephone +49 (0)93 52 / 40-0, Tx 68 94 21, Fax +49 (0)93 52 / 40-48 85 DCC/EDY4 (CR, BB) Published by Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls I/IV Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ English Do not attempt to install or put these products into operation until you have completely read, understood and observed the documents supplied with the product. If no documents in your language were supplied, please consult your Rexroth sales partner. Deutsch Nehmen Sie die Produkte erst dann in Betrieb, nachdem Sie die mit dem Produkt gelieferten Unterlagen und Sicherheitshinweise vollständig durchgelesen, verstanden und beachtet haben. Sollten Ihnen keine Unterlagen in Ihrer Landessprache vorliegen, wenden Sie sich an Ihren zuständigen Rexroth Vertriebspartner. Français Ne mettez les produits en service qu'après avoir lu complètement et après avoir compris et respecté les documents et les consignes de sécurité fournis avec le produit. Si vous ne disposez pas de la documentation dans votre langue, merci de consulter votre partenaire Rexroth. Italiano Mettere in funzione i prodotti solo dopo aver letto, compreso e osservato per intero la documentazione e le indicazioni di sicurezza fornite con il prodotto. Se non dovesse essere presente la documentazione nella vostra lingua, siete pregati di rivolgervi al rivenditore Rexroth competente. Español Los productos no se pueden poner en servicio hasta después de haber leído por completo, comprendido y tenido en cuenta la documentación y las advertencias de seguridad que se incluyen en la entrega. Si no dispusiera de documentación en el idioma de su país, diríjase a su distribuidor competente de Rexroth. Português (Brasil) Utilize apenas os produtos depois de ter lido, compreendido e tomado em consideração a documentação e as instruções de segurança fornecidas juntamente com o produto. Se não tiver disponível a documentação na sua língua dirija-se ao seu parceiro de venda responsável da Rexroth. Nederlands Stel de producten pas in bedrijf nadat u de met het product geleverde documenten en de veiligheidsinformatie volledig gelezen, begrepen en in acht genomen heeft. Mocht u niet beschikken over documenten in uw landstaal, kunt u contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke Rexroth distributiepartner. Svenska Använd inte produkterna innan du har läst och förstått den dokumentation och de säkerhetsanvisningar som medföljer produkten, och följ alla anvisningar. Kontakta din Rexroth återförsäljare om dokumentationen inte medföljer på ditt språk. Suomi Ota tuote käyttöön vasta sen jälkeen, kun olet lukenut läpi tuotteen mukana toimitetut asiakirjat ja turvallisuusohjeet, ymmärtänyt ne ja ottanut ne huomioon. Jos asiakirjoja ei ole saatavana omalla asianomaiseen Rexroth myyntiedustajaan. äidinkielelläsi, ota yhteys Polski Produkty wolno uruchamiać dopiero po przeczytaniu wszystkich dokumentów dostarczonych wraz z produktem oraz wskazówek dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i ich pełnym zrozumieniu. Wszystkich wskazówek tam zawartych należy przestrzegać. Jeżeli brak jest dokumentów w Państwa języku, proszę się skontaktować z lokalnym partnerem handlowym Rexroth. és vegye figyelembe a csomagban található dokumentumban foglaltakat és a biztonsági útmutatásokat. înţelegerea şi respectarea documentelor şi instrucţiunilor de siguranţă. olvassa Český Před uvedením produktů do provozu pročtěte kompletní dokumentaci a bezpečnostní pokyny dodávané s produktem a zajistěte. Magyar Mielőtt üzembe helyezné a terméket. . În cazul în care documentele nu sunt în limba dumneavoastră maternă. contactaţi furnizorul dumneavoastră competent pentru Rexroth. Amennyiben a csomagban nem talál az Ön nyelvén írt dokumentumokat. Nejsou-li k dispozici podklady ve Vaší řeči. Română Punerea în funcţiune a produselor trebuie efectuată după citirea. értelmezze.II/IV Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. vegye fel a kapcsolatot az illetékes Rexroth képviselővel. že jim rozumíte a budete se jimi řídit. obraťte se na příslušného prodejce produktů Rexroth. care sunt livrate împreună cu produsele. ...3 1..........................................3 Identification.............................3 .......5 5.......................................................................................................................................... 24V ................................................................2........................................ 9 Protection During Handling and Mounting.......1............................................2............ 10 2 2...... 33 XS2..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 HMS01..............................................................................................................................................................................1......................................................................... 19 Wiring Diagram........................... Shield Connection Control Lines..................................................................................................................................1 2................................................cmafh................................................................................................. 17 Cables......................................................................... 7 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Operation and Mounting............ 5 Safety Instructions............................3 4............... 6 Protection Against Dangerous Movements..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 4..................................................................................................................................................................................................1.......1N-W0020.........................2 5............................................ 33 XS1.................... 10 Appropriate Use..8 5........................................ 22 HMS01............. -W0036.....................................2............................ 5 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings........2...................7 5.......1N-W0110......................................................................................................3 Instructions for Table of Contents Page 1 1.............1 4............................6 1..............................2 2.. 21 Important Notes.................. 9 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts................................................................... 13 Reference Documentations....................................5 1..........2 Important Notes......................................9 5. Motor Connection.............................. 24 Terminal Block.........4 1..................................................................... 23 X6.............. 33 Installation...............................................6 5............................................................................... 17 Motors..............................................................1 5............................. 20 X5...............2....................Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls III/IV Table of Contents Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.................. Shield Connection Motor Cable...............................1N-W0054.............................. 18 5 5............................. 21 HMS01.. 32 Shield Connection............................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Connection Points......................................................... DC Bus Connection...... 22 HMS01............................................................................. 19 Power Supply and Input Voltage................0V (24V Supply).......................1...................................................1 1...1 1.......................................................1.......................................................................................................................................... 12 3 4 4..................... 5 General Information... System Components............... -W0070................2....................................................................................... 19 Connection Diagram................................... Motor Temperature Monitoring and Motor Holding Brake....4 5......................................... 12 Scope of Supply.................................................2 1..............................2............4 Ratings and Dimensions.................. 11 Type Plates......................................... 17 Drive Systems............................................................................2 5............................. 34 5................................... 11 Type Code.............................. 30 Ground Connection.......................................................................................................2.................................. 26 L+ L-...............................1.............2......................... 17 Firmware...............................................................1N-W0150...........................1 5.............. -W0210................. 28 Connection of Equipment Grounding Conductor.......... ...1 6..............................5 6............................................. 41 Design and Installation in Area A ......................... 57 Discharging of DC Bus Capacitors...............................................................................IV/IV Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Table of Contents Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www............1 7.........4 6... Switches............................................................................... 48 Installing Signal Lines and Signal Cables...................... 47 Ground Connections............ 53 Environmental Protection and Disposal ............................................................................Strongly Interference-Susceptible Area of Control Cabinet........................................................................................1......... 49 7 7..................................................2 General Information on How to Install the Drive Controller............. 35 Multiple-Line Design of the Control Cabinet.....................5 EMC Measures for Design and Installation..................... 35 Arrangement of Cooling Page 5...2 Accessories............................................................................. 55 10 10....................................................................................................................Interference-Susceptible Area of Control Cabinet............. 39 Rules for Design of Installations With Drive Controllers in Compliance With EMC.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 6 6............................................ 58 Index..........................................................................................2.......................... 58 Activation.........cmafh.........................2...........................1 6.................................................. 34 Sizing of Enclosure and Control Cabinet.....6 6..................................2....................................................................1 5...........................................................4 6.........2 6.............................2 Service and Support............................ 55 Disposal........... 46 Design and Installation in Area C ........................................ Contactors............................................................................................ 40 Division Into Areas (Zones).....................................................................................................................................................2.........................1 9.................................. 59 .. 51 Overview............2 Appendix..................................... 39 EMC-Optimal Installation in Facility and Control Cabinet......... 55 Environmental Protection.............................................1...............3....1 10.................................................................................................................................................................................1 10..........................3 6............................................... 57 Discharging of Capacitors............ 40 General Information................................................3......................................................... Chokes and Inductive Loads......3 6..... 49 General Measures of Radio Interference Suppression for Relays..Interference-Free Area of Control Cabinet....... 58 Installation...................................................2 6...................................................................2...... 45 Design and Installation in Area B ................... 51 Information on Accessory HAS02.......2.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 8 9 9......Exemplary Arrangements.......................... 57 Discharging Device........................... 40 Control Cabinet Mounting According to Interference Areas .............................. 57 Operating Principle........................................................ 57 Dimensioning...................................................................... 1 Important Notes Safety Instructions General Information ● Do not attempt to install and operate the electric components of the drive and control system without first reading all documentation provided with the product. mounting and 1 1. to be trained or instructed to maintain and use adequate safety equipment. Do not mount damaged or faulty components or use them in operation. and who possess the qualifications their work requires. as well as care in operation and maintenance.cmafh. – – – ● to be trained. connection and installation conditions of the compo‐ nents are specified in the respective application documentations and must be followed at all times. ● ● ● ● ● WARNING Improper use of these components. Observe the safety instructions! . Read and understand these safety instructions and all user documentation prior to working with these components. among other things. Only qualified persons may work with components of the drive and control system or within its proximity. to attend a course of instruction in first aid. Only use accessories and spare parts approved by Rexroth. If the supplied documents contain some information you do not under‐ stand. Ask for these documents to be sent immediately to the person or persons responsible for the safe operation of the compo‐ nents. It is not permitted to decompile software components or alter source codes. ● ● ● The technical data.1.1 1. including disabling of safety devices. could result in property damage. are prerequisites for optimal and safe operation of the component. Proper and correct transport. to ground them and to mark them. qualified persons are those persons who are familiar with the installation. If the component is resold. If you do not have the user documentation for the components. failure to follow the safety instruc‐ tions in this document or tampering with the product. it is absolutely necessary that you ask Rexroth for explanation before you start working at or with the components. storage. mounting. commissioning and oper‐ ation of the components of the drive and control system. Follow the safety regulations and requirements of the country in which the electric components of the drive and control system are operated. To comply with these qualifications. in other words. contact your responsible Rexroth sales partner. no structural changes are permitted. In terms of this Instruction Manual.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 5/61 Important Notes Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. electric shock or even death. injury. then they must remain in their original state. If the components take the form of hardware. these safety instructions must be delivered with the component in the official language of the user's country. instructed or authorized to switch electric circuits and components safely on and off. it is necessary. rented and/or passed on to others in any other form. as well as with the hazards this implies. 6/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Important Notes Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 1.1.2 Protection Against Contact with Electrical Parts and Housings This section concerns components of the drive and control system with voltages of more than 50 volts. Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 volts can cause personal danger and electric shock. When operating components of the drive and control system, it is unavoidable that some parts of these components conduct dan‐ gerous voltage. High electrical voltage! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock or serious injury! WARNING ● ● ● Only qualified persons are allowed to operate, maintain and/or repair the electric components of the drive and control system. Follow the general installation and safety regulations when working on power installations. Before switching on, the equipment grounding conductor must have been permanently connected to all electric components in accordance with the connection diagram. Even for brief measurements or tests, operation is only allowed if the equipment grounding conductor has been permanently connected to the points of the components provided for this purpose. Before accessing electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V, you must disconnect electric components from the mains or from the pow‐ er supply unit. Secure the electric component from reconnection. With electric components, observe the following aspects: Always wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow live capacitors to discharge before accessing an electric component. Measure the elec‐ trical voltage of live parts before beginning to work to make sure that the equipment is safe to touch. ● ● ● ● ● Install the covers and guards provided for this purpose before switching on. Never touch electrical connection points of the components while power is turned on. Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has been pow‐ ered. As a basic principle, residual-current-operated circuit-breakers cannot be used for electric drives to prevent direct contact. Secure built-in devices from penetrating foreign objects and water, as well as from direct contact, by providing an external housing, for example a control cabinet. ● ● ● Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 7/61 Important Notes Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock! WARNING ● Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the components of the drive and control system to the equipment grounding conductor at the grounding points. Connect the equipment grounding conductor of the components of the drive and control system permanently to the main power supply at all times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA. Establish an equipment grounding connection with a copper wire of a cross section of at least 10 mm2 (8 AWG) or additionally run a second equipment grounding conductor of the same cross section as the original equipment grounding conductor. ● ● 1.1.3 Protection Against Dangerous Movements Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors. Some common examples are: ● ● ● ● ● ● Improper or wrong wiring or cable connection Operator errors Wrong input of parameters before commissioning Malfunction of sensors and encoders Defective components Software or firmware errors These errors can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or even after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation. The monitoring functions in the components of the drive and control system will normally be sufficient to avoid malfunction in the connected drives. Regarding personal safety, especially the danger of injury and/or property damage, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure complete safety. Until the integrated monitoring functions become effective, it must be assumed in any case that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faulty drive movements de‐ pends upon the type of control and the state of operation. 8/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Important Notes Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, serious injury or property damage! WARNING ● A risk assessment must be prepared for the installation or machine, with its specific conditions, in which the components of the drive and control system are installed. As a result of the risk assessment, the user must provide for monitoring functions and higher-level measures on the instal‐ lation side for personal safety. The safety regulations applicable to the installation or machine must be taken into consideration. Unintended ma‐ chine movements or other malfunctions are possible if safety devices are disabled, bypassed or not activated. Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion and moving machine parts. Prevent personnel from accidentally entering the machine’s range of motion by using, for example: – – – – ● ● Safety fences Safety guards Protective coverings Light barriers To avoid accidents, injury and/or property damage: ● Make sure the safety fences and protective coverings are strong enough to resist maximum possible kinetic energy. Mount emergency stop switches in the immediate reach of the operator. Before commissioning, verify that the emergency stop equipment works. Do not operate the machine if the emergency stop switch is not working. Prevent unintended start-up. Isolate the drive power connection by means of an emergency stop circuit or use a safe starting lockout. Make sure that the drives are brought to a safe standstill before accessing or entering the danger zone. Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switching off the motor power by, for example, – – – mechanically securing the vertical axes, adding an external braking/arrester/clamping mechanism or ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axes. ● ● ● ● The standard equipment motor holding brake or an external holding brake controlled by the drive controller is not sufficient to guarantee personal safety! Disconnect electrical power to the components of the drive and control system using the master switch and secure them from reconnection for: – – – Maintenance and repair work Cleaning of equipment Long periods of discontinued equipment use ● ● Prevent the operation of high-frequency, remote control and radio equip‐ ment near electric/electronic components of the drive and control system and their supply leads. If the use of these devices cannot be avoided, check the machine or installation, before initial commissioning of the drive and control system, for possible malfunctions when operating such highfrequency, remote control and radio equipment in its possible positions of normal use. It might possibly be necessary to perform a special electro‐ magnetic compatibility (EMC) test. the manufacturer of the machine or installation has to take measures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the end application. must consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above. These measures can be. ● 1. braking resistors. guards (shieldings or barriers) or safety instructions in the application documen‐ tation. After switching chokes. The noise immunity of implanted heart pacemakers differs greatly so that no general rules can be given. Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are stored.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During Oper‐ ation and Mounting Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors or permanent magnets of electric motors represent a serious danger to persons with heart pacemakers.cmafh. Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers.1. heat sinks. metal implants and hearing aids. Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces. wait 15 mi‐ nutes to allow them to cool down before touching them. Risk of burns! CAUTION ● ● ● Do not touch hot surfaces of. windings and laminated cores! According to the operating conditions. Those with metal implants or metal pieces. for example: Warnings at the machine or installation. let them cool down for a sufficiently long time.1. repaired or mounted. commissioned and operated. If it is necessary for somebody with a heart pacemaker to enter such an area. for example. Cooling down can require up to 140 minutes! The time required for cooling down is approximately five times the thermal time constant specified in the technical data.5 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts Hot surfaces of components of the drive and control system. ● ● ● . temperatures of the surfaces can be higher than 60 °C (140 °F) during or after operation. motors. supply units and drive controllers off. as well as with hearing aids. a doctor must be consulted prior to doing 1. Before touching motors after having switched them off. metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to electric components! WARNING ● Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not allowed to enter the following areas: – – ● Areas in which components of the drive and control systems are mounted.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 9/61 Important Notes Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. supply units and drive controllers. For certain applications and according to the respective safety regulations. cutting. Use lifting equipment and tools in the correct manner. 1.cmafh.1. This product is exclusively intended for use in machines and systems in an industrial environment. ambient and operating conditions. safety shoes. Electric equipment of machines" and NFPA 79 "Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery". safety gloves. safety goggles. shearing. .10/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Important Notes Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Do not stand under hanging loads. Use suitable equipment for mounting and transport. Use special tools if specified. Use suitable protective equipment (hard hat. Avoid jamming and crushing by appropriate measures. hitting! CAUTION ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Observe the relevant statutory regulations of accident prevention. for example). This is to be understood as applications according to IEC 60204-1 "Safety of machinery.6 Protection During Handling and Mounting Risk of injury by improper handling! Injury by crushing.2 Appropriate Use This product may only be used for the applications mentioned in the reference documentations (see index entry "Reference documentations") and under the described application. Immediately clean up any spilled liquids from the floor due to the risk of slipping. Always use suitable tools. 1 Identification Type Code The following figure illustrates the basic structure of the type code. Our sales representative will help you with the current status of available versions. 2 2.2-1: Type Code HMS01 .cmafh.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 11/61 Identification Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. cmafh. 2. 08W23 meaning year 2008. week 23 Hardware index Type Plate (Power Sections.g. Supply Units) 2.12/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Identification Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.2-2: Device type Part number Serial number Bar code Country of manufacture Production week.3 Scope of Supply ● ● ● 1 × touch guard 1 × connector X5 and X6 each 1 × Instruction Manual (in the English language) . Sup‐ ply Units) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fig.2 Type Plates Type Plate (Power Sections. 5 40..1NW0070 Listing according to UL standard (UL) Listing according to CSA standard (UL) UL files (UL) Ambient temperature with nominal data (UL) Ambient temperature with reduced nominal data (UL) Mass (weight) Device height (UL)1) Device depth (UL)2) Device width (UL)3) Minimum distance on the top of the device4) Horizontal spacing on the device5) Minimum distance on the bottom of the device6) Rated control voltage input (UL)7) Rated power consumption control voltage input at UN3 (UL) 8) Short circuit current rating (UL) Rated input voltage..cmafh.00 210. HMD.68 440 262 75 80 0 100 24 ± 20 % 10 42000 DC 254.0 42.750 24.0 10 15 50 5.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 13/61 Ratings and Dimensions Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. power (UL) 9) Rated input current (UL) Output voltage (UL) Output current (UL) Output frequency range (UL)10) Power dissipation at continuous current and continuous DC bus power respectively (UL)11) Tamax Tamax_red m H T B dtop dhor dbot UN3 PN3 SCCR ULN_nenn ILN Uout Iout fout PDiss_cont °C °C kg mm mm mm mm mm mm V W A rms V A V A Hz W 165..0 16 100 7.00 35.1NW0020 HMS01.4 Last modification: 2009-06-16 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Housing dimension.1NW0054 HMS01. see also related dimensional drawing See fig. "Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device" Observe supply voltage for motor holding brakes HMS. mains input L1. L-. HCS plus motor holding brake and control section. HCS01 including control section DC bus L+. 14-05 E 134201 40 55 6.0 49.500 21. L3 Depending on switching frequency which was set in parameter P‑0‑0001 .1NW0036 HMS01. L2.27 UL 508 C Canadian National Standard(s) C22.94 3 x AC 3 Description Ratings and Dimensions UL Ratings and Dimensions Symbol Unit HMS01.3 0.00 12.1000 420.00 485.1 14..2 No.. .74 440 262 150 80 0 100 24 ± 20 % 23 42000 DC 254.UL Ratings and Dimensions UL Ratings and Dimensions Description Listing according to UL standard (UL) Listing according to CSA standard (UL) UL files (UL) Ambient temperature with nominal data (UL) Ambient temperature with reduced nominal data (UL) Mass (weight) Device height (UL)1) Device depth (UL)2) Device width (UL)3) Minimum distance on the top of the device4) Horizontal spacing on the device5) Minimum distance on the bottom of the device6) Rated control voltage input (UL)7) Rated power consumption control voltage input at UN3 (UL) 8) Short circuit current rating (UL) Rated input 11) Plus dissipation of braking resistor and control section Fig.0 34 125 11.44 HMS01.14/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Ratings and Dimensions Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.0 Last modification: 2009-06-16 167. power (UL) 9) Rated input current (UL) Output voltage (UL) Output current (UL) Tamax Tamax_red m H T B dtop dhor dbot UN3 PN3 SCCR ULN_nenn ILN Uout Iout °C °C kg mm mm mm mm mm mm V W A rms V A V A 68.0 75 200 16. 14-05 E 134201 40 55 12.1N-W0150 UL 508 C Canadian National Standard(s) C22..0 145.0 3 x AC 0.cmafh.1N-W0210 .500 100.1N-W0110 HMS01..5 80.3-1: HMS ..750 115.2 No.06 Symbol Unit HMS01. L2.1000 965.00 HMS01. HCS01 including control section DC bus L+.00 Description Output frequency range (UL)10) Power dissipation at continuous current and continuous DC bus power respectively (UL)11) Symbol fout PDiss_cont Unit Hz W 640.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 15/61 Ratings and Dimensions Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.00 1570.3-3: Air intake Air outlet Mounting surface in control cabinet Distance top Distance bottom Distance horizontal Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device .1N-W0110 HMS01. HCS plus motor holding brake and control section.3-2: HMS . "Air Intake and Air Outlet at Device" Observe supply voltage for motor holding brakes HMS. L3 Depending on switching frequency which was set in parameter P‑0‑0001 Plus dissipation of braking resistor and control section Fig. L-.1N-W0210 Last modification: 2009-06-16 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Distances Housing dimension. mains input L1. HMD.1N-W0150 0.cmafh. see also related dimensional drawing See fig.UL Ratings and Dimensions A B C dtop dbot dhor Fig.. cmafh.Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 16/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual . 2 Title Motors Kind of documentation Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual 1) Document typecode1) DOK-MOTOR*-… MAD/MAF****-PRxx-EN-P MBS-H******-PRxx-EN-P MLF********-PRxx-EN-P MSK********-PRxx-EN-P MBT********-PRxx-EN-P Part number R911… 295781 297895 293635 296289 298798 Rexroth IndraDyn … A Series Asynchronous Motors H Frameless Synchronous Spindle Motors L Synchronous Linear Motors S Synchronous Motors T Synchronous Torque Motors Fig. "xx" is a wild card for the current edition of the documentation (example: PR01 is the first edition of a Project Plan‐ ning Manual) Documentations – Overview 4. "xx" is a wild card for the current edition of the documentation (example: PR01 is the first edition of a Project Plan‐ ning Manual) Documentations – Overview 4. System Components Kind of documentation Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Project Planning Manual Operating Instructions 1) Document typecode1) DOK-INDRV*-… SYSTEM*****-PRxx-EN-P KCU+KSM****-PRxx-EN-P HMV-S-D+HCS-PRxx-EN-P CSH********-PRxx-EN-P ADDCOMP****-PRxx-EN-P FU**********-IBxx-EN-P Part number R911… 309636 320924 318790 295012 306140 314905 Rexroth IndraDrive … Drive System Mi Drive Systems Supply Units and Power Sections Drive Controllers Control Sections Additional Components and Accesso‐ ries C Drive Controllers HCS02.cmafh.4-3: In the document typecodes.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 17/61 Reference Documentations Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.4-1: In the document typecodes.4-2: In the document typecodes.1. "xx" is a wild card for the current edition of the documentation (example: AU03 is the third edition of the documen‐ tation "Selection Data") Documentations – Overview .1 Fig.3 Title Cables Kind of documentation Selection Data 1) Document typecode1) DOK-… CONNEC-CABLE*STAND-AUxxEN-P Part number R911… 282688 Rexroth Connection Cables Fig.1 Title Reference Documentations Drive Systems. 4 4. "xx" is a wild card for the current edition of the documentation (example: PA02 is the second edition of a Parameter Description) Documentations – Overview .com 4.4-4: In the document typecodes.cmafh.4 Title Firmware Kind of documentation Functional Description Functional Description Functional Description Functional Description Parameter Description Troubleshooting Guide Functional and Application Description Application Manual Library Description 1) Document typecode1) DOK-INDRV*-… MP*-05VRS**-FKxx-EN-P MP*-04VRS**-FKxx-EN-P MP*-03VRS**-FKxx-EN-P MP*-02VRS**-FKxx-EN-P GEN-**VRS**-PAxx-EN-P GEN-**VRS**-WAxx-EN-P SI*-**VRS**-FKxx-EN-P MLD-**VRS**-AWxx-EN-P MLD-SYSLIB*-FKxx-EN-P Part number R911… 320182 315485 308329 299223 297317 297319 297838 306084 309224 Rexroth IndraDrive … Firmware for Drive Controllers Firmware for Drive Controllers Firmware for Drive Controllers Firmware for Drive Controllers Firmware for Drive Controllers Firmware for Drive Controllers Integrated Safety Technology Rexroth IndraMotion MLD Rexroth IndraMotion MLD Library Fig.18/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Reference Documentations Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. 2 5. Branch circuit protection has to be provided externally according to the maximum values (voltage and current).2.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 19/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 5 5.5-1: Drive System Rexroth IndraDrive M The components marked with gray background color are absolutely necessary. which are capable of delivering the rated input current for the applicable power section. required for HMV01.cmafh. 5.1 Instructions for Use Power Supply and Input Voltage Power sections HMS and HMD are only to be used in conjunction with listed (NMMS) DC power supply units like HMV.1R Mains filter to be used optionally and depending on the EMC require‐ ments .1 Connection Points Wiring Diagram Supply unit = HMV01 Power section = HMS01 1) 2) Fig. which are mentioned in the supply unit manual (Project Planning Man‐ ual).1E. Optional for HMV01. .2 Connection Diagram Fig.cmafh.20/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 5.2. it is necessary to wire the Bb contact at the control section for signaling the readiness for opera‐ tion of the drive controller (see Project Planning Manual "Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Controllers Control Sections").5-2: Connection Diagram HMS Apart from the indicated connections. Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 21/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.6 4 10 See Technical Data of device used (Iout) . where possible. use our accessory HAS02. where possible (see docu‐ mentation "Rexroth Connection Cables"). ● ● For optimum shield contact of the motor power cable. The indicated connection cross sections are the cross sections which can be connected. 0. -W0036 View Identifica‐ tion A1 A2 A3 Function For power connection U1 at motor For power connection V1 at motor For power connection W1 at motor For equipment grounding conductor of motor Screw connection at connector Tightening torque Connection cable Stranded wire Ooccurring current load and minimum required connection cross section Unit Nm mm2 AWG A Min.cmafh. the maximum allowed con‐ ductor cross section is limited to 4 mm2. ● ● HMS01. For selecting the motor cables. For the connection between drive controller and motor use our ready-made motor power cables. Dimension the required cross section of the connecting lines ac‐ cording to the occurring current load.2.3 X5.1 mains filters.1N-W0020. When using NFD03.5 16 Max. 0. observe the information con‐ tained in the Project Planning Manual "Rexroth IndraDrive Drive System" → "Connection Cables to Motor".com 5.5 1. Motor Connection Lethal electric shock by live parts with more than 50 V! Exclusively operate the device Important Notes WARNING ● ● with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines connec‐ ted to the connectors) and with connected equipment grounding conductor! Damage to the device! CAUTION Notes on Installation Provide strain relief for the terminal connectors of the device in the control cab‐ inet or use the optionally available connection accessory HAS02. -W0070 View Identifica‐ tion A1 A2 A3 Function For power connection U1 at motor For power connection V1 at motor For power connection W1 at motor For equipment grounding conductor of motor Screw connection at connector Tightening torque Connection cable Stranded wire Occurring current load and minimum required connection cross section Occurring voltage load Short circuit protection Unit Nm mm2 AWG A V Min. .22/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. M6 Max.5-3: Function.1N-W0110 View Identifica‐ tion A1 A2 A3 Function For power connection U1 at motor For power connection V1 at motor For power connection W1 at motor For equipment grounding conductor of motor Terminal block Screw thread Unit Min. A3 against each other and each of them against ground Fig. 1. Properties Occurring voltage load Short circuit protection V See Technical Data of device used (Uout) A1.5 16 Max. Pin Assignment. 1. A3 against each other and each of them against ground Fig.cmafh.5-4: Function.7 16 6 See Technical Data of device used (Iout) See Technical Data of device used (Uout) A1.5 1. A2.1N-W0054. A2. Pin Assignment. Properties HMS01. Pin Assignment. 1×35. 1×4. 2×25. 2×2. 1×4. 2× Tightening torque Connection cables Stranded wire with ring cable lug AWG Occurring current load and minimum required connection cross section Occurring voltage load Short circuit protection A V Nm mm2 5. 1×1 2×4. A3 against each other and each of them against ground 6.cmafh. 2×4. 1×2. M6 Max. Properties . 2×35 1×6. A2.5-5: Function. Pin Assignment. 1×25.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 23/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.5 1×16. -W0210 View Identifica‐ tion A1 A2 A3 Function For power connection U1 at motor For power connection V1 at motor For power connection W1 at motor For equipment grounding conductor of motor Terminal block Screw thread Tightening torque Connection cables Stranded wire with ring cable lug Unit Min.1N-W0150. 1×25. A2.5 AWG 1×6.5 1×16. 2×1 2×6 with accessories Occurring current load and minimum required connection cross section Occurring voltage load Short circuit protection A V See technical data of device used (Iout) See technical data of device used (Uout) A1. 1×2. Properties HMS01. 1×1 2×6. 2×2. 1×35 2×16.5-6: Function.5 Fig. 2×1 See technical data of device used (Iout) See technical data of device used (Uout) A1. A3 against each other and each of them against ground Fig. 2×50 2×16 with accessories 6. Nm mm2 5. 1×50 2×25. . Motor Temperature Monitoring and Motor Holding Brake Lethal electric shock by live parts with more than 50 V! Exclusively operate the device WARNING ● ● with plugged on connectors (even if there haven't been any lines connec‐ ted to the connectors) and with connected equipment grounding conductor! Dangerous movements! Danger to persons from falling or dropping ax‐ es! WARNING The standard motor holding brake provided or an external motor holding brake controlled directly by the drive controller are not sufficient on their own to guar‐ antee personal safety! Personal safety must be achieved using higher-level.4 X6. an external 24V supply is required for controlling the motor holding brake. fail-safe measures: ● ● Block off danger zones with safety fences or safety guards Additionally secure vertical axes against falling or dropping after switching off the motor power 5. – – – Function mechanically securing the vertical axes adding external braking/arrester/clamping mechanisms ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axes The connection point X6 contains the connections for ● ● monitoring the motor temperature controlling the motor holding brake Via an integrated contact element (BR). There‐ fore. for example. the power section switches the voltage of the external 24V supply (connection X13 at HCS02 power sections) to the output for controlling the motor holding brake.2.cmafh.24/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. The integrated 24V control voltage supply of power sections of the order code ‑NxxV is not available at the connection point X6 (see figure below "Block Diagram of Internal Control Voltage"). 0. ‑W0036 HMS01.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 25/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.1E-Wxxxx-NxxV: Internal switched-mode power sup‐ ply DC bus Block Diagram of Internal Control Voltage Connec‐ tion 1 2 3 4 Signal name MotTemp+ MotTemp+24V 0V Function Input motor temperature eval‐ uation Output for controlling the mo‐ tor holding brake Spring terminal (connector) Connection cable solid wire Connection cable stranded wire Unit mm2 mm2 AWG Min.6 2 2. X6. e. ‑W0054 Number of switching actions of integrated contact element for controlling motor holding brake Time constant of load Switching frequency 1) A - BR LT ST int. ‑W0150.5-7: Circuit for brake control Power section.5 1.5 . ‑W0070 HMS01.5 20 Max. HCS02 Control section. electromechanical contact ms Hz 50 0.1N-W0028. ‑W0210 HMS02.5 0. e.1N-W0110.5 2 HMS01: Wear-free electronic contact HMS02: > 250.3.g. CSB01 For types HCS0x.000.5 16 Current carrying capacity X6. SMPS ZK View Fig.1N-W0020.4: HMS01.cmafh.1N-W0054. 1.g. 4 (output for controlling the motor holding brake) Maximum time constant of load: t = RBr / LBr (RBr = resistance of brake.26/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Pin Assignment Fig.3 against X6. You have to take into account that voltage drops on the supply line. Use connecting lines with the highest possible cross section of the single strands.5-9: Notes on Installation Connection of Motor Temperature Monitoring and Motor Holding Brake The connection of the equipment grounding conductor can either be at terminal connector X5 or directly at the drive controller (this figure shows a terminal connector X5 with connection of the equipment grounding conductor). HMD. HCS power sections (not at HCS02) ● For the power section of the drive controller ● For brake control via X6 . if motor holding brakes with higher currents than the allowed current load are to be supplied at X6. 5.5 Terminal Block.2. An external contact element is required. Pin Assignment Connection of external 24V supply: 24V supply of HMS.3 against X6. 24V . Make sure the voltage supply for the motor holding at the motor brake is Short circuit protection Overload protection 1) X6. LBr = inductance of brake) Fig.cmafh.0V (24V Supply) Function.5-8: Connection Diagram Function.4 (output for controlling the motor holding brake) X6. g.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 27/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. safety technology S1) which require their own power supply 24V supply of HMV supply units ● For the integrated electronics ● For the 24V interface of the mains connection for ON/OFF control Technical Data of the Connection Point View Identifica‐ Function tion +24V Power supply Connection to neighboring devices with contact bars from ac‐ cessory HAS01.5 Within the allowed voltage range by internal protective diode Current carrying capacity "looping through" from 24V to 24V.cmafh. Properties .1 0V Reference potential for power supply Connection to neighboring devices with contact bars from ac‐ cessory HAS01. 5.1 Screw connection M6 thread at device (terminal block) Tightening torque Power consumption Voltage load capacity Polarity reversal protection Unit Nm W V Min. except for such optional modules (e.5 PN3 (see technical data) UN3 (see technical data) Max. 6. 0V to 0V (contact bars in scope of supply of accessory HAS01) With contact bars -072 A 220 Fig. Pin Assignment.5-10: ● For the control section of the drive controller with the optional modules. It is therefore impossible to use an insulation monitor at +24V and 0V against housing. Check whether voltages have fallen below 50 V before touching live parts! Function. . Pin Assignment The DC bus connection connects ● ● several drive controllers to one another a drive controller to additional components HCS02. Wait at least 30 minutes after switching off the supply voltages to allow dis‐ Connection Diagram A B Notes on Installation Fig.6 L+ L-. you can use a discharging device (see chapter "Appendix"). 75 m long) Parallel line routing where possible The input 0V is connected in conductive form to the housing po‐ tential. 5. To shorten the waiting time until voltage has fallen below 50 V.28/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.5-11: Cable (to source of control voltage supply) Contact bars Connection Points and Connections of Control Voltage Requirements on the connection to the 24V supply: ● ● Maximum allowed inductance of 100 µH (2 twisted single strands. DC Bus Connection Lethal electric shock caused by live parts with more than 50 V! WARNING Before working on live parts: De-energize the installation and secure the power switch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization.1E-W0012 drive controllers do not have a DC bus connec‐ tion. L(contact bars in scope of supply of accessory HAS01) With contact bars -072 Additionally with contact bars ‑042 and end piece A A 220 245 Fig.cmafh.5-12: Function. Pin Assignment.5 Max. L.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 29/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Properties Fig. 5.5-13: DC Bus Connection With Contact Bars .com Technical Data of the Connection Point View Identifica‐ Function tion L+ LConnection points for connecting DC bus connections Screw connection M6 thread at device (terminal block) Tightening torque Short circuit protection Overload protection Unit Nm Min.5 Via fusing elements connected in the incoming circuit to the mains connection Via fusing elements connected in the incoming circuit to the mains connection Current carrying capacity "looping through" from L+ to L+. Risk of damage by reversing the polarity of the DC bus connections L+ and LCAUTION Make sure the polarity is Notes on Installation If in special cases it is not possible to use the contact bars provided to establish the connection. Supplying device with connection for joint bar: ● Via the joint bar on the front. . connect the drive controller to the neighboring drive controller. connect the drive controller to the supplying device.7 Connection of Equipment Grounding Conductor Lethal electric shock by live parts with more than 50 V! WARNING Connect the drive controller to the equipment grounding system of the control cabinet. Length of twisted wire Line cross section Line protection Dielectric strength of single strand against ground Max.2. Check the continuity of the equipment grounding conductors from the mains connection to the connected motors. the connection must be established using the shortest possible twisted wires. 10 mm2. Via a separate connection line.: strand type – H07) Fig.cmafh.30/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. 2 m Min. but not smaller than cross section of supply feeder By means of fuses in the mains connection ≥ 750 V (e. connect the drive controller to the equip‐ ment grounding system of the control cabinet.5-14: DC Bus Line 5. Connect the equipment grounding conductor connection of the supplying unit to the equipment grounding system of the control cabinet.g. Supplying device without connection for joint bar: ● Via the joint bar on the front. but not smaller than the cross sections of the outer conductors of the mains supply feeder Additionally. but not smaller than the cross sections of the outer conductors of the mains supply feeder For HCS02. mount the housing of HCS02.1E to a bare metal mounting plate. Excerpt from EN 61800-5-1:2003. Table 2 The line for the connection of the equipment grounding conductor must have at least the cross section of the mains supply feeder. .5-15: Equipment Grounding Conductor Cross Section. at least 4 mm2 (AWG 10).Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 31/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. with at least the same cross section to the equipment grounding conductor system in the control Equipment grounding conductor: Material and cross section For the equipment grounding conductor. Cross-sectional area A of outer conduc‐ tors A ≤ 16 mm² 16 mm² < A ≤ 35 mm² 35 mm² < A Minimum cross-sectional area APE of equipment grounding connection A 16 A/2 ● Fig.g. For outer conductors with a cross section greater than 16 mm².1E drive controllers.cmafh. make sure the cross sections of the lines are sufficient. too. With cross sections of the mains supply feeder smaller than 10 mm2 (AWG 8). HMV01 and HMV02 supply units at least 10 mm2 (AWG 8). Excerpt From EN 61800-5-1:2003". Cross sections of the equipment grounding connections: ● For HCS03. the equipment grounding conductor must have at least 10 mm2 (AWG 8). copper) as for the outer conductors. use the same metal (e. you can reduce the cross section of the equipment grounding connec‐ tion according to the table "Equipment Grounding Conductor Cross Section.1E drive controllers. For the connections from the equipment grounding conductor con‐ nection of the device to the equipment grounding conductor system in the control cabinet. Connect the mounting plate. 32/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.8 Ground Connection The ground connection of the housing is used to provide functional safety of the drive controllers and protection against contact in conjunction with the equipment grounding conductor. 3.2.cmafh. HMV02. Tightening Torque Fig. Connect the bare metal back panel of the drive controller in conductive form to the mounting surface in the control cabinet. 2. HCS03 1 2 Design.5-17: Joint bar Connection to equipment grounding system Equipment Grounding Conductor Connection for Supply via HCS02 The joint bars are connected by means of screws: Design M6 × 25 Tightening torque 6 Nm Fig. .com 1 2 Fig.5-16: Joint bar Connection to equipment grounding system Equipment Grounding Conductor Connection for Supply via HMV01. Ground the housings of the drive controllers: 1. Connect the mounting surface of the control cabinet in conductive form to the equipment grounding system. To do this. use the supplied mounting screws. observe the maximum allowed ground resist‐ ance.5-18: Data of Connection Point 5. For the ground connection. Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 33/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. The accessory HAS02 contains all parts required for effective shield connection of the motor cable (see index entry "Accessories"). The connection consists of an M6 thread and is used for mounting the fixing device for shield connection of the motor See Project Planning Manual "Rexroth IndraDrive – Drive System" chapter "Dimensioning the Mains Connection" 5. . Fig. XS2. Shield Connection Control Lines CAUTION Always connect the shields with the largest possible metal-to-metal contact surface. XS1.cmafh.5-19: Function Shield Connection XS1 (Control Lines) Connection point for the shields of lines connected to the control section and of which the connectors do not have their own shield connection.9 Shield Connection Risk of damage caused by high temperature of the outgoing air! Observe outlet temperatures at the top of the devices. Shield Connection Motor Cable Risk of damage to the drive controller by too long screws! CAUTION Exclusively use screws of a maximum length of 12 mm for the thread of shield connection XS2. Check whether voltages have fallen below 50 V before touching live parts! Damage can be caused to the drive controller or circuit boards if electrostatic charging present in people and/or tools is discharged across them. When carrying out a high voltage test or an applied-overvoltage withstand test on the machine’s electrical equipment.g. disconnect all connections to the devices. DC bus or power cores to low voltages or allow them to come into contact with these. Wait at least 30 minutes after switching off the supply voltages to allow dis‐ charging. Rexroth drive com‐ ponents are tested for high voltage and insulation in accordance with EN 50178. Such exposed conductive parts include: ● ● ● The copper bit when soldering The human body (ground connection by touching a conductive.34/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. actual values) via shiel‐ ded lines. This protects the electronic components (allowed in accord‐ ance with EN 60204-1). please observe the following information: Electrostatic charges can cause damage to electronic components and interfere with their operational safety! CAUTION Exposed conductive parts coming into contact with components and circuit boards must be discharged by means of grounding. Rexroth connection diagrams are only to be used for producing in‐ stallation circuit diagrams! The machine manufacturer’s installation circuit diagrams must be used for wiring the installation! ● ● ● ● Lay signal lines separately from the load resistance lines because of the occurrence of interference.1 Installation General Information on How to Install the Drive Controller Lethal electric shock caused by live parts with more than 50 V! WARNING Before working on live parts: De-energize the installation and secure the power switch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization. Otherwise errors may occur when controlling motors and moving elements. To shorten the waiting time until voltage has fallen below 50 V. grounded object) Parts and tools (place them on a conductive support) Endangered components may only be stored or dispatched in conductive pack‐ aging. During their routine 5. command values.3 5. . For this reason. Transmit analog signals (e. Do not connect mains. Risk of damage to the drive controller by connecting and disconnecting live connections! CAUTION Do not connect and disconnect live connections.3. you can use a discharging device (see chapter "Appendix"). Observe the assignment.2 Sizing of Enclosure and Control Cabinet Arrangement of the 5.g. If possible. At the installed control cabinet. supply units with braking resistors. the accessory RKB0001 is available. . place devices with a high degree of power dissipation (e.cmafh.3. check the air intake temperature of all devices.g. DC bus resistor units) ● ● ● ● in the top line and near the outlet air aperture to the cooling unit protect the devices in the upper lines against the warm outlet air of the devices beneath and protect the devices beneath against penetration of liquids (e. air guides/drip protections. blowers Pay particular attention to the maximum allowed air intake temper‐ ature of devices when they are arranged in multiple lines in the control cabinet. To extend the module bus connection.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 35/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. dripping condensation water or leaking cooling liquid) Multiple-Line Design of the Control Cabinet Mount air guides between the lines to Additional blowers convey the outlet air to the cooling unit and cool‐ ing air to the upper lines. cmafh. the drive controller may only be operated up to a specified maximum ambient temperature. Possible damage to the drive controller! Operational safety of the ma‐ chine endangered! CAUTION Avoiding Dripping or Spraying Wa‐ ter Observe the instructions below.36/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. condensation water is formed when cooling units are used. Mount the air duct in the control cabinet accordingly. Position the cooling unit in such a way that the blower of the cooling unit does not spray accumulated condensation water onto the devices in the control cabinet. this is also the drip pro‐ tection for the devices beneath) Blower in control cabinet Supply of cooled air from cooling unit Example of Arrangement for Double-Line Design Arrangement of Cooling Units Unless the nominal data are reduced. . For this reason. A cooling unit might therefore be required. Due to their operating principle. observe the following aspects: ● ● Always position cooling units in such a way that condensation water can‐ not drip onto the devices in the control cabinet.5-20: Discharge of heated air to cooling unit Interior of control cabinet Conveying direction of heated air in area where air flows off Device in control cabinet Air intake at device Air guide in control cabinet (for liquid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 5-21: Avoiding Moisture Condensation Cooling unit Interior of control cabinet Air duct (protects devices against condensation water) Device in control cabinet Arrangement of Cooling Units Moisture condensation occurs when the temperature of the device is lower than the ambient temperature. sufficient circulation must be provided inside the control cabinet.cmafh. it is essential to ensure that after the doors are closed the drive controllers cannot at any time be cooler than the air in the control cabinet. For this reason. Set the temperature limitation to the maximum surround‐ ing temperature! Only use well-sealed control cabinets so that moisture condensation can‐ not arise as a result of warm and moist external air entering the cabinet. servicing Cooling Unit on Top of the Control Cabinet Cooling Unit at the Front of the Control Cabinet 1 2 3 4 Fig.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 37/61 Instructions for Use Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. ● ● . In the event that control cabinets are operated with the doors open (com‐ missioning.). ● ● Set cooling units with temperature adjustment to the maximum surround‐ ing temperature and not lower! Set cooling units with follow-up temperature in such a way that the interior temperature of the control cabinet is not lower than the temperature of the surrounding air. Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 38/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual . cmafh. In the case of bad ground connection between transmitter and receiver. Ground the shields of analog signal lines at one end (transmitter or receiver) over the largest possible surface area and with low impedance. applies to the mounting of the mains filter. Ground the shields of digital signal lines at both ends (transmitter and receiver) over the largest possible surface area and with low impedance. This. Minimum distance: 10 cm. synchronization connection) Lines at the motor connection Lines at the DC bus connection Generally. interference injections are reduced by routing cables close to groun‐ ded sheet steel plates. Line Routing Interference Suppression Elements Provide the following components in the control cabinet with interference sup‐ pression combinations: ● ● ● ● Contactors Relays Solenoid valves Electromechanical operating hours counters Connect these combinations directly at each coil. but close to the cabinet housing or mounting panels. Wires that are not used have to be grounded at both ends. signal. Lines of Measuring Systems Digital Signal Lines Analog Signal Lines . This avoids lowfrequency interference current (in the mains frequency range) on the shield. e.1 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Rules for Design of Installations With Drive Controllers in Com‐ pliance With EMC The following rules are the basics for designing and installing drives in compli‐ ance with EMC. The shield may not be interrupted. Avoid coupling routes between lines with high potential of noise and noise-free lines. using intermediate terminals. too. use serrated washers which cut through the paint surface. therefore. Ground separating sheets several times. mains and motor lines and power cables have to be routed separately from another.g. Mains Filter Control Cabinet Grounding Correctly use a mains filter recommended by Rexroth for radio interference suppression in the supply feeder of the drive system. Twisted Wires Twist unshielded wires belonging to the same circuit (feeder and return cable) or keep the surface between feeder and return cable as small as possible. Braided shields are better than foil shields. 10 mm2). Sep‐ arate the incoming and outgoing cables of the radio interference suppression filter. If required. Lines of measuring systems must be 6 6. Connect the shield to ground at both ends and over the largest possible surface area. cables and wires should not be routed freely in the cabinet. Connect the cabinet door to the control cabinet using the shortest possible grounding straps. Connect all metal parts of the cabinet with one another over the largest possible surface area to establish a good electrical connection. additionally route a bonding conductor (min. The lines with high potential of noise include: ● ● Lines at the mains connection (incl.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 39/61 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Provide separating sheets between power and signal lines. For this reason. input terminals.2 6.1 EMC-Optimal Installation in Facility and Control Cabinet General Information For EMC-optimal installation. Interference-free area of control cabinet (area A): This includes: ● ● Supply Connection of Mains Choke Installation of Motor Power Cable Keep connection lines of the mains choke at the drive controller as short as possible and twist them. fuse. as shown in the figures below. page 41. fuse and other parts unless connection is run via the mains filter of the AC drives All components that are not electrically connected with the drive sys‐ tem Mains connections between drive system and mains filter for drives.2. use a separate control cabinet panel for the drive components. We distinguish three areas: 1. For EMC-optimal installation in the control cabinet. Use the shortest possible connecting lines. main switch.2 Division Into Areas (Zones) Exemplary arrangements in the control cabinet: See section Control Cabinet Mounting According to Interference Areas .Exemplary Arrangements.2. Interference-susceptible area (area B): ● ● 3. . Strongly interference-susceptible area (area C): ● Never run lines of one of these areas in parallel with lines of another area so that there isn't any unwanted interference injection from one area to the other and that the filter is jumpered with regard to high frequency. Recommendation for complex systems: Install drive components in one cabinet and the control units in a second. mains contactor Interface lines of drive controller Motor power cables including single cores ● 2. such as output chokes. 6.cmafh. ● ● ● ● ● ● Use shielded motor power cables or run motor power cables in a shielded duct Use the shortest possible motor power cables Ground shield of motor power cable at both ends over the largest possible surface area to establish a good electrical connection Run motor lines in shielded form inside the control cabinet Do not use any steel-shielded lines The shield of the motor power cable mustn't be interrupted by mounted components. mains side of mains filter for drives and corresponding connecting lines Control voltage or auxiliary voltage connection with power supply unit.40/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. a spatial separation of the interference-free area (mains connection) and the interference-susceptible area (drive components) is recommended. sine filters or motor filters 6. separate cabinet. in the middle and on the bottom via short equipment grounding conductors with a cross section of at least 6 mm2 Badly grounded control cabinet doors act as antennas. use sepa‐ rate mains filters. connect the control cabinet doors to the cabinet on top.cmafh.2.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 41/61 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.3 Control Cabinet Mounting According to Interference Areas . 6.Exemplary Arrangements Do not operate any additional loads at the mains filter! Do not operate any other loads at the connection from the mains filter output to the mains connection of the supply unit. for example. Make sure connection points have good contact. even better. via grounding straps with the same cross section. Therefore. Supply Units With Regeneration . For motor blowers and power supply units. 42/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.xR Supply Unit DR1 E1…E5 K1 Mains choke Equipment grounding conductor of the components External mains contactor for supply units without integrated mains con‐ tactor HMVxx. com ML NT Q1. Q3 T Z1.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 43/61 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.6-1: HMVxx.cmafh. Z2 Motor blower Power supply unit Fusing Transformer Shield connection points for cables Fig. Q2.xR – EMC Areas in the Control Cabinet . xE Supply Unit or HMVxx.xE Converter DR1 E1…E5 Mains choke (optional) Equipment grounding conductor of the components .cmafh.44/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. the effect of the mains filter is totally or partly neu‐ tralized. Separate lines from the other interference-susceptible lines in areas B and C by means of a grounded distance plate vertically attached to the mount‐ ing plate.xE – EMC Areas in the Control Cabinet 6. the magnetic leakage fields are injected to the interference-free components and lines connected to the mains and the limit values at the mains connection are exceeded in spite of the installed filter. 2. fuses. Install the shortest possible lines within the control cabinet and install them directly on the grounded metal surface of the mounting plate or of the control cabinet housing. it must not be installed unfiltered in zones B and C.6-2: HMVxx. This will cause the noise level of the interference emission to be higher within the range of 150 kHz to 40 MHz and the limit values at the connection points of the machine or installation will thereby be exceeded. terminal connectors) in the interference-free area A and the com‐ ponents in the two other areas B and C Between magnetic components (such as transformers. that are usually routed in parallel with motor power cables or interference-susceptible lines. Mains supply lines from areas B and C must not be connected to the mains without a filter. Single-phase or three-phase supply lines of motor blowers. in order to keep interference off the mains. If this is impossible. must be filtered: . mains chokes and DC bus chokes that are directly connected to the power connections of the drive system) and the interference-free components and lines between mains and filter including the mains filter in area A Arrangement of the Components in the Control Cabinet Comply with a distance of at least 400 mm (distance d4 in the figure): ● If these distances are not kept.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 45/61 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Routing and Connecting a Neutral Conductor (N) Motor Blower at Mains Filter If a neutral conductor is used together with a three-phase connection.xE. there are two alternatives: K1 ML NT Q2 T Z1.4 Design and Installation in Area A .Interference-Free Area of Control Cabinet Comply with a distance of at least 200 mm (distance d1 in the figure): ● Between components and electrical elements (switches. Z2 * External mains contactor for supply units and converters without inte‐ grated mains contactor Motor blower Power supply unit Fusing Transformer Shield connection points for cables Not allowed at HNF mains filter Fig. HCSxx. pushbuttons.2. Cable Routing of the InterferenceFree Lines to the Mains Connection Comply with a distance of at least 200 mm (distance d1 and d3 in the figure): ● Between supply feeder or lines between filter and exit point from the con‐ trol cabinet in area A and the lines in area B and C Install lines in shielded form and connect the shield at several points (at least at the beginning and at the end of the line) to the mounting plate or the control cabinet housing over a large surface area. In case you do not observe the information on cable routing given in this section. If single-phase loads are connected on the load side of the filter. Installation. in order to minimize inter‐ ference injection from ground and ground cables to the power input lines.3. mount the mains filter on the parting line between area A and B. Control Cabinet 6. Grounding In the case of bad ground connections in the installation. Loads at Mains Filter of Drive Sys‐ tem Do not operate any motor blowers. Shielding Mains Supply Lines in Control Cabinet If there is a high degree of interference injection to the mains supply line within the control cabinet. instal‐ lation or control cabinet has to be permanently connected at point PE and have a cross section of at least 10 mm 2 or to be complemented by a second equip‐ ment grounding conductor via separate terminal connectors (according to EN50178/ 1997. page 40. If the mains voltage is more than 480 V.2. power supply units etc. E2 in area A and the other grounding points of the drive system should be at least d4 = 400 mm. their current may be a maximum of 10% of the three-phase operating current. although you have observed the above instructions (to be found out by EMC measurement according to standard). via the available threephase filter of the drive system Only operate allowed loads at the mains filter of the drive system! At the three-phase filter for the power connection of regenerative supply units. via a separate singlephase (NFE type) or three-phase filter (HNF type) near the mains con‐ nection of the control cabinet In drive systems with only infeeding supply units. See also 6. mains contactor ● When switching power off. make sure the blower is not switched off.2. Mains Filters for AC Drives Ideally. Arranging Components and Lines .5 Design and Installation in Area B . the cross section of the equipment grounding conductor must be ac‐ cordingly ● In drive systems with regenerative supply units.cmafh. Alternative: Shield modules. Point of Connection for Equipment Grounding Conductor at Machine.2. if necessary. Make sure the ground connection between filter housing and housing of the drive controllers has good electrically conductive properties. connect the filter to the output side of the transformer and not to the supply side of the transformer. section 5.1). the distance between the lines to the grounding points E1. If the cross section of the outer conductor is bigger.Interference-Susceptible Area of Control Cabinet Modules.46/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.2 Division Into Areas (Zones). A highly im‐ balanced load of the filter would deteriorate its interference suppression ca‐ pacity. The equipment grounding conductor of the power cable of the machine. it is only allowed to operate the following loads: ● HMV supply unit with mains choke and. at the mains filter of the drive system. proceed as follows: ● ● Only use shielded lines in area A Connect shields to the mounting plate at the beginning and the end of the line by means of clips The same procedure may be required for long cables of more than 2 m between the point of power supply connection of the control cabinet and the filter within the control cabinet. components and lines in area B should be placed at a distance of at least d1 = 200 mm from modules and lines in area A. components and lines in area B by distance plates mounted vertically on the mounting plate from modules and lines in area A or use shielded lines. For the calculation of the leakage capacitance. . 6.4 Design and Installation in Area A .Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 47/61 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.Interference-Free Area of Control Cabinet.2. For details see section 6. in order to minimize radiation of interference fields. If possible. In this case. as well as to signal cables and signal lines (alternatively separated by a grounded distance plate) ● in separate cable ducts. the greater its leakage capacitance. ● ● Run the shortest possible motor power cables. Influence of the Motor Power Cable Routing the Motor Power Cables and Motor Encoder Cables Route the motor power cables and motor encoder cables along grounded metal surfaces. Only use shielded motor power cables by Rexroth. see the documentation on the drive system of the drive controller used.2 Division Into Areas (Zones). page 40. route motor power cables and (unfiltered) mains connection lines in parallel for a maximum distance of 300 mm. Line Routing Run the lines along grounded metal surfaces. in order to minimize radiation of interference fields to area A (transmitting antenna effect). Install the shortest possible lines between drive controller and filter. The longer the motor power cable.6 Design and Installation in Area C . After that distance. route motor power cables and power supply cables in opposite directions and preferably in separate cable ducts. Control Voltage or Auxiliary Voltage Connection Only in exceptional cases should you connect power supply unit and fusing for the control voltage connection to phase and neutral conductor.2. Ideally. page 45. if possible Routing the Motor Power Cables and Mains Connection Lines For converters (drive controllers with individual mains connection).com Only connect power supply units for auxiliary or control voltage connections in the drive system to the mains via a mains filter. the outlet of the motor power cables at the control cabinet should be provided in a distance of at least d3 = 200 mm from the (filtered) power supply cable. To comply with a certain EMC limit value. especially at the connection point at the drive controller. See 6. Route the motor power cables and motor encoder cables ● with a distance of at least d5 = 100 mm to interference-free lines. route the motor power cables and motor encoder cables in metal-grounded cable ducts. both inside the control cabinet and outside of it.cmafh.2. the allowed leakage capacitance of the mains filter is limited. Run the connection between control voltage connection of the drive system and power supply unit used through area B over the shortest distance. mount and install these components in area A far away from the areas B and C of the drive system.Strongly Interference-Susceptible Area of Control Cabinet Area C mainly concerns the motor power cables. Metal Surfaces . tinned screws as connection elements. The best solution is to use a zinc-coated mounting plate. Always use connection elements (screws. because interference is discharged to ground on the shortest possible way. You achieve contact over a large surface area by means of bare connection surfaces or several connection screws. connection points of the cable shields. Bare zinc-coated or tinned metal surfaces have good electroconductive prop‐ erties. Ground connections of the metal housings of EMC-critical components (such as filters.48/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. the connections in this case have a good long-time stability. always use screw connections with tooth lock washers and zinc-coated.cmafh. Compared to a lac‐ quered plate. plain washers) with good elec‐ troconductive surface. At the con‐ nection points. devices of the drive system. Connection Elements For lacquered mounting plates. This also applies to all screw connections between mounting plate and control cabinet wall and to the mounting of a ground bus to the mounting plate. devices with microprocessor and switching power supply units) have to be well contacted over a large surface area. at the B device or on mounting plate at control cabinet C Cable duct for motor power cables 1 Routing of Motor Power Cables With Cable 2 Duct 3 Fig.6-4: Fig. nuts. alternatively.3 Ground Connections Housing and Mounting Plate By means of appropriate ground connections. you can establish the contact to lacquered surfaces by using tooth lock washers. at the device or on mounting plate at control cabinet Control cabinet outlet of motor power cables Routing of Motor Power Cables Without Cable Duct Routing of Cables for IndraDrive M IndraDrive M . alternatively. remove the lacquer so that there is safe electrical contact over a large surface area. it is possible to avoid the emis‐ sion of interference.6-3: Area B Area C Cable duct for mains connection lines Shield connection of motor power cable via clips at least at one point.6-5: Area B Area C Cable duct for mains connection lines Shield connection of motor power cable via clips at least at one point.Routing the Motor Power Cables With cable duct Without cable duct B C 1 2 3 Fig. For screw connec‐ tions. see the Project Planning Manuals of the respective device. The guide value for the cross section is 10 mm2. In the case of non-shielded lines belonging to the same circuit. Ground spare cables. In the case of potential differences between beginning and end of the line.2 Division Into Areas (Zones). The optimum way is to route them in separate cable ducts. especially shields of the motor power cables. Exceptional cases are flexible cable tracks over short distances of a maximum of 5 m. grounded cable ducts or metal pipes which.4 Installing Signal Lines and Signal Cables Line Routing For measures to prevent interference. it is not the cross section but the size of contact surface that is important. Connect the shield of digital signal lines at both ends over a large surface area and in short form. If possible.cmafh. Avoid unnecessary line lengths. relays are switched by contacts or Anodized. In addition. Always connect cable shields. ● ● ● ● ● Shielding Connect the cable shield immediately at the devices in the shortest and most direct possible way and over the largest possible surface area. The ideal solution are closed. however.2. Connect the shield of analog signal lines at one end over a large surface area. because they are functioning like reception antennas (noise immunity) and like transmitting antennas (emission of interference). ap‐ propriate interference suppression has to be provided for them: ● By arranging free-wheeling diodes in the case of d. run an additional bonding conductor in parallel. contactors. Avoid suspended lines or lines routed along synthetic carriers. 6. yellow chromatized. Chokes and Inductive Loads If. lead signal lines into the control cabinet at one point only. Contactors. normally in the control cabinet at the analog device. page 40) or with a grounded separating sheet. black gunmetal finish or lacquered metal surfa‐ ces have bad electroconductive properties. You absolutely have to equip separable connections with connectors with grounded metal housing. we recommend the following measures: ● Route signal and control lines separately from the power cables with a minimum distance of d5 = 100 mm (see 6.5 General Measures of Radio Interference Suppression for Re‐ lays. Switches. Ground Wires and Shield Connec‐ tions For connecting ground wires and shield connections. such as chokes.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 49/61 EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. in conjunction with electronic devices and components. to ground potential over a large surface area. is only obligatory for high requirements (sensitive instrument leads).c. Make sure the connection to ground/housing is short and over a large surface area. 6. at least at both ends so that they do not have any antenna effect. route them in an angle of 90° in order to avoid interference injection. inductive loads. operation . as the high-frequency interfer‐ ence currents mainly flow on the surface of the conductor. that are not used and have been connected. Run cables as close as possible to grounded metal surfaces (reference potential). twist feeder and return cable. If signal lines are crossing power cables. This prevents compensating current from flowing via the shield. . Slow-action contacts should be replaced by snap switches or by solid-state switches. the emitted noise level is too high which can affect the function of the electronic system and of the drive. If possible. operation. These waves are an especially critical aspect in the case of manometric or temperature switches. because slow-action contacts strongly bounce and are in an unde‐ fined switching status for a long time which emits electromagnetic waves in the case of inductive loads.c. immediately at the induc‐ tance Only the interference suppression element arranged immediately at the induc‐ tance does serve this purpose. Otherwise.50/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual EMC Measures for Design and Installation Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Contact pressure and contact material must be suited for the corre‐ sponding switching currents. by arranging usual RC interference suppres‐ sion elements depending on the contactor ● In the case of a. mechanical switches and contacts should only be realized as snap contacts.cmafh. 7-1: Accessories – Overview . there are additional elements which increase the current carrying capacity of the DC bus connections and which are screwed to the contact bars: d) Joint bar to connect the equipment grounding connections of neighboring devices The accessory HAS02 is screwed to the bottom of the device and used to ● ● connect the motor cable shield to the device provide strain relief of the motor cable The accessory HAS03 (control cabinet adapter) is used to compen‐ sate different mounting depths of devices mounted to a common mounting surface. if the adhesive labels existing at the device are hidden by neighboring devices. Place the adhesive labels clearly visibly at the device or in the immediate vicinity of the device. Fig.cmafh. ● ● Maximum allowed tightening torque: 6 Nm Mechanical stability of a device with HAS03 requires the rigid connection via DC bus contact bars to a neighboring device without HAS03. c) Contact bars for connecting ● ● ● the DC bus the control voltage supply For high-performance 7 7.1 Accessories Overview Overview Content and usage Accessory HAS01 contains: a) Screws to fix the device in the control cabinet b) Adhesive labels with notes on safety in the English and French languages.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 51/61 Accessories Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. Exception: With HAS02.1-010 (at HMS02.7-3: Screw in thread at bottom of device Fixing device Shielding plate Shield of motor cable Clip Strain Relief and Shield Connection of Motor Cable How to mount the accessory 1.52/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Accessories Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. . 4. the fixing device is screwed to the equipment grounding conductor connections of the device. Unscrew bottom mounting screw of device.cmafh. Screw supplied screw in thread at bottom of device. The mounting of the accessory is similar for all devices. Screw shielding plate to fixing device according to desired cable routing of motor cable.1N‑W0028 / 54).com 7. Fig.1-002 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. (The figure illustrates cable routing with 45°. According to diameter of motor cable.7-2: Product Insert Mounting Example Accessory HAS02. Make sure that shield of motor cable has good contact with shielding plate. Put fixing device to bottom of device and screw down mounting screw of device again.) 5. 3. fix motor cable at corresponding point of shielding plate with a clip.2 Information on Accessory HAS02 The supplied product insert shows how the parts of the acces‐ sory are arranged. 2. boschrexroth. fax numbers and e-mail address so we can contact you in case of questions. .cmafh. For quick and efficient help please have the following information ready: ● ● ● detailed description of the fault and the circumstances information on the type plate of the affected [email protected] http://www. For hotline numbers refer to the sales office addresses on the Internet. maintenance (e. delivery addresses) and 8 Service and Support Our service helpdesk at out headquarters in Lohr.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 53/61 Service and Support Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www.g. 1) Preparing Information Central European Time (CET) – – Service Hotline Worldwide Outwith Germany please con‐ tact our sales/service office in your area first.6:00 pm CET Mo-Fr 6:00 pm . will assist you with all kinds of enquiries. Out of helpdesk hours please contact our German service department directly.7:00 am CET Sa-Su 0:00 am . Helpdesk Service Hotline Germany Time 1) Mo-Fr 7:00 am .com You will also find additional notes regarding service. especially type co‐ des and serial numbers your phone.12:00 pm CET Phone +49 (0) 9352 40 50 60 +49 (0) 171 333 88 26 or +49 (0) 172 660 04 06 Fax e-mail Internet +49 (0) 9352 40 49 41 service. Germany. Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 54/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual . The synthetic materials remaining after these processes can be thermally 9 9. We furthermore declare that our products are free of mercury. These materials can be recycled anywhere without any problem. Normally.2 Disposal Return of Products Our products can be returned to our premises free of charge for disposal.cmafh. Recycling Most of the products can be recycled due to their high content of metal. the products returned for disposal must not contain any undue foreign material or foreign components.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 55/61 Environmental Protection and Disposal Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. out products contain the following components: Electronic devices ∙ Steel ∙ Aluminum ∙ Copper ∙ Synthetic materials ∙ Electronic components and modules Motors ∙ Steel ∙ Aluminum ∙ Copper ∙ Brass ∙ Magnetic materials ∙ Electronic components and modules Prohibited Substances No Release of Hazardous Substan‐ ces Significant Components 9. the products must be disassem‐ bled into individual modules.-Nebel-Strasse 2 97816 Lohr am Main. grease or other dirt. We regularly try to replace pollutant-loaded raw materials and supplies by more environmentfriendly alternatives. PCB and chlorinated hydrocarbons. our products will not have any negativ influences on the environment. wood and polystyrene. Our products do not contain any hazardous substances which may be released in the case of appropriate use. In order to recycle the metal in the best possible way. If the products contain batteries or accumulators. We guarantee that out products include no substances according to the chem‐ icals-ban-decree. Germany Packaging The packaging materials consist of cardboard. these have to be removed before recycling and disposed of. . Basically. however. It is a precondition. Furthermore. that the products are free of oil. asbestos. For ecological reasons. Send the products ”free domicile” to the following address: Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives and Controls Buergermeister-Dr.and resource-optimized production pro‐ cesses which allow re-using and recycling the resulting waste.1 Environmental Protection and Disposal Environmental Protection Production Processes The products are made with energy. please refrain from returning the empty packages to us. Metals contained in electric and electronic modules can also be recycled by means of special separation processes. cmafh.Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ 56/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual . of the DC bus connection to discharge the capacitors. the discharging time is the longer ● ● ● the bigger the energy store (the capacitance value) the higher the voltage to which the energy store has been charged the greater the resistance for discharging the capacitors Components of the drive system Rexroth IndraDrive have been dimensioned in such a way that after the supply voltage was cut off.2 Discharging Device A contactor is installed to switch a resistor to the terminals L+ and L. The contactor is activated via a control input which is supplied with appropriate control 10 10. capacitors are used in the DC bus as energy stores. such capac‐ itors have already been integrated. To shorten the waiting time until voltage has fallen below 50 V. these capacitors.1.10-1: Discharging resistor Contactor contact Operating Principle of Discharging Device . the voltage value falls below 50 V within a discharging time of a maximum of 30 minutes. these devices discharge the voltage below the allowed 50 V. Energy stores maintain their energy even when the supply voltage has been cut off and have to be discharged before somebody gets in contact with them. you can take the following measures: ● ● When using HMV01 supply units (exception: HMV01. within the indicated discharging time.1R-W0120): Activate the function "ZKS" (ZKS = DC bus short circuit) Use the discharging device described below 10.1.Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 57/61 Appendix Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. In drive controllers and particularly in supply units.1 10. Discharging devices have been integrated in the components of the drive sys‐ tem Rexroth IndraDrive. Due to the operating principle. too. have to be discharged before somebody gets in contact with them. Operating Principle R K Fig.1 Appendix Discharging of Capacitors Discharging of DC Bus Capacitors In the drive system Rexroth IndraDrive. If additional capacitors (such as DC bus capacitor units) are connected. the discharging resistor generates intense heat. . De-energize installation and secure power switch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization. wait 30 minutes to allow discharging. The contactor contact has to withstand the occurring discharge current according to the resistance value that is used. Activation Observe the following order for activating the discharging device: 1. Wait at least 30 minutes after switching off the supply voltages to allow dis‐ Dimensioning The individual components have to be sufficiently dimensioned: ● ● Value of the discharging resistor: 1000 ohm and at least 1000 W The discharging resistor and the contactor contact have to withstand the loads of practical operation (for example in the case of frequent use of the discharging device of the occurring continuous power). How to install the discharging device 1. 2. Check whether voltages have fallen below 50 V before touching live parts! Risk of damage by intense heat! CAUTION During the discharging process. If you install discharging device after having switched on supply voltage for the first time. Place discharging resistor as far as possible from heat-sensitive compo‐ nents. The contactor contact has to withstand the occurring direct voltage of a minimum of 1000 V. Check whether voltage has fallen below 50 V before touching live parts! 2. i. 1 A with 1000 ohm.e. Preferably install discharging device before switching on supply voltage for the first time. Activate discharging device.58/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Appendix Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www. ● ● Installation Lethal electric shock caused by live parts with more than 50 V! WARNING Before working on live parts: De-energize the installation and secure the power switch against unintentional or unauthorized re-energization. place the discharging resistor as far as possible from heatsensitive components.cmafh. Therefore. ................................................................ 35 D Mains filter Motor blower .... 17 Drive controllers Multiple-line arrangement .. 26 E Accessories HAS01................................................... 34 EMC measures ............................................................................. 35 Control voltage.............................. contactors............................. HAS02.................... HAS03 .............................. 21 Motor holding brake .............................................................................................. 35 Packaging................cmafh................................................................... 36 Interference areas Index Symbols A 24V supply............................................................. 37 Cooling unit .............................................. HAS03 Accessories ............... 57 Connection Control voltage ................ 20 Connection points............... HAS02.............................................................................. 34 Ground connections ........................................ 55 Power consumption....................................................................................................... 28 DC bus capacitors Discharging ................. 30 G C Capacitors Discharging ......................................................................................... 57 Discharging device......................................... 26 DC bus .................... 30 Ground ..................................................... 36 Ground Connection ................................................................ 46 Area C................................. 46 Measures of radio interference suppression For relays................................................................. 48 H HAS01....... 55 Identification............ 45 Other loads ......... 39 Equipment grounding conductor Connection ......... 11 Installation....... 49 Moisture condensation Avoiding ........................ 15 Documentation Overview ................................................ 48 Signal lines ........................ interference-free ......................... 33 Shield (motor cable) .............. 13 Discharging Of DC bus capacitors .................. 45 Motor connection........................... chokes.............................................................................................................................. 57 Dimensions................... 19 Contained substances see "Significant components" .. 57 Distances...........................................................................................................................................Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 59/61 Index Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www............................................................. 55 P ... 55 Prohibited substances.......................... 24 Motor temperature monitoring ........................... 47 Avoiding moisture condensation ..................... strongly interference-susceptible ........................................ 19 I L L+..................... 32 Ground connections................................. 51 EMC Measures for design and installation ............................... 32 Ground connection........................ interference-susceptible . 26 Cooling unit Arrangement ............ 21 Motor temperature monitoring and motor holding brake ............... inductive loads .... switches.................. 32 Motor ............................. 28 M DC bus Connection ... 17 Reference documentations .......................... 45 Area B..... 37 Motor blower Mains filter .................................................. LDC bus ....................................... 41 Multiple-line arrangement of drive control‐ lers .............................. 13 Production processes.................................................................................... 24 Multiple-line arrangement of drive controllers....... 39 General information ....................... 51 Hazardous substances................ 33 Connection diagram....................... 24 Shield (control lines) ........................................... 49 Instructions for use....................................................................... 55 Control cabinet Area A......... 28 Equipment grounding conductor .......................... ..................................... 12 ...................................... 33 T Type plates....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Return of products................... 33 Signal lines Installation ..... 33 XS2...... 53 S V Voltage load capacity........... 53 Shield Connection (control lines) ....................... 13 W X Wiring diagram.......................................................... 21 X6....... 33 Connection (motor cable) ............................... 19 X5.................................................... 19 Safety instructions. 55 R U Use Instructions ...... 24 XS1.............................................................................................................................................60/61 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls Rexroth IndraDrive | Instruction Manual Index Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ www................... 33 Shield connection........................ 13 Reference documentations.................................. 5 Scope of supply Power section HMS ............................ 12 Service Hotline..................................................................................... 55 Support see Service Hotline Ratings........................................................................................................................ 49 Significant components.................................................................................. Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ Instruction Manual | Rexroth IndraDrive Notes Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls 61/61 .cmafh. Courtesy of CMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne ▪ Motion Control ▪ Hydraulic ▪ Pneumatic ▪ Electrical ▪ Mechanical ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ R911319996 .
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