Indonesian Way M3
The Indonesian Way3 Module 3 – Daily Routine George Quinn & Uli Kozok The Indonesian Way 2 Module 2 – A Visit from a Census Ofcial George Quinn & Uli Kozok License “The Indonesian Way” by George Quinn and Uli Kozok is licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)” license. Under the license you are free to: ● ● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material Under the following terms: ➢ ➢ ➢ Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. Please note that the license covers the text and the sound files, but excludes the illustrations. Date of Last Revision: 10 November 2014 The development of “The Indonesian Way” was sponsored by grant P017A090375-10 from the US Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program. The development of the print version was made possible by a grant received from the University of Tasmania. Module 3 Daily Routine The main aim of Module 3 is to provide you with the vocabulary, sentence shells and cultural skills that will enable you to ask and answer questions about the things you usually do each day. The module will also get you started connecting sentences together into extended narratives. The module provides the vocabulary you will need to talk about daily activities. There is special emphasis on developing your command of verbs. You will learn how to use a number of common verbs with ber- and me- prefxes. You will learn the names of the days of the week and how to tell the time of day. You will also get more practice in expressing opinions and preferences, and you will learn to give responses to the questions “why?” and “who?” There are a number of role plays in the module, all of which help you to speak with increasing fuency about everyday activities. The culminating role play revolves around an important institution in Indonesian society, the Idul Fitri celebrations at the conclusion of the Muslim fasting month. You will be able to talk confdently, and at length, about what people usually do in the course of the day during Idul Fitri. They appear in front of the time expression. The two terms. Of the spread. © Eko Prianto berjalan-jalan to walk around pagi morning bertanya to ask pegawai employee di antara between siang noon keluar to get out sore afternoon malam night “O’clock” There are two words commonly used in Indonesian to mark the times of the day. For example: Make sure you don’t pronounce Jam empat jam like the Four o’clock English Pukul sepuluh word for a kind of Ten o’clock sweet sandwich Both pukul and jam are widely used throughout Indonesia. In The Indonesian Indonesian word jam Way we shall mostly use jam. Make sure that you remember their meanings. but you should practise (and expect to sounds like “jum” in hear) pukul as well. Foto: Jam Gadang di Bukittinggi. Sumatra Barat. But in Indonesian jam is placed in front of all expressions of the time of day. “O’clock” is only used in English to mark the hours and not the divisions of an hour.Lesson 32 32 Telling the Time Aims • To learn how to tell the time. . Jam is not exactly the same as the English “o’clock”. pukul is slightly more formal than jam. They are jam and pukul. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. We say “two o’clock” but not “two thirty o’clock” or “half past two o’clock”. “jumping”. You place the word for “half” (setengah) in front of the number indicating the following hour. There is no “half past” in Indonesian. you have to always bear in mind that Indonesian doesn’t have exact equivalents for these English terms. Study these examples: Jam dua belas siang Twelve noon Jam setengah lima sore Four thirty in the afternoon Jam satu lewat seperempat siang A quarter past one in the afternoon . but let’s stick to the more common lewat for the moment). For example: Half past one Jam setengah dua (literally “half two o’clock”) Half past twelve Jam setengah satu Finally. “in the late afternoon” and “at night”. Of course. Thus: Jam dua lewat lima Five past two Jam sebelas lewat sepuluh Ten past eleven To indicate “to” in the sense “minutes to/before the hour” you count back from the hour using kurang (literally “less” or “minus”).Lesson 32 To indicate “past” in the sense “minutes past the hour” most Indonesians use lewat (some also use lebih. Thus: Jam tiga kurang lima Five to three (literally “three o’clock minus fve”) Jam empat kurang dua puluh Twenty to four The word for “quarter” is seperempat (derived from the number empat). “in the afternoon”. siang and sore cover diferent hours of the day compared to the corresponding English terms. Now comes the hard part. So you can say: Jam satu lewat seperempat A quarter past one Jam enam kurang seperempat A quarter to six Notice the diferent order of the components in these expressions compared with the order of the components in English. As you learned in Lesson 1 pagi. expressions of time can be made somewhat more precise by adding the terms for “in the morning”. In order to express the notion of “half past the hour” you have to reorient your mind a little. but only “half before”. But in everyday usage lewat and kurang are also quite normally and automatically linked with the expression for “half past”. It will probably be no comfort to know that there are at least two other domains of difculty that you will have to wrestle with (though not right now). literally “a half before four plus ten”. Uang saya kurang (I don’t have enough money). To add a fnal complicating twist. In Malaysia they use an English-infuenced way of telling the time. in particular that of the Dutch. Thus the normal way of saying “twenty to four”. in Malaysia (which. and because of the somewhat diferent way Indonesians divide up the day. Kurang dana (Insufcient funds). for example. First. you can use the terms lewat and kurang as equivalents of “past” and “to/before” together with the number indicating the hour concerned. used to be ruled by the British) the Dutch-derived way of saying “half past” is unknown. Anak itu makan kurang (That child eats too little). “not enough”. More on lewat and kurang In this lesson you have learned using kurang and lewat as indicators of time in the meaning “less” and “past” You already encountered kurang in Lessons 11 and 18 in the meanings “insufcient”. jam tujuh belas (“seventeen o’clock”) By the way. telling the time in Indonesian can be a bit of a headache at frst for English speakers. Half past seven in the morning Cara Indonesia: Telling the Time the Indonesian Way As you can see from the examples above. jam lima sore (“fve o’clock in the afternoon”) it is quite common to read. for example. You certainly have to concentrate hard to master these expressions and make them come automatically.Lesson 32 Jam delapan kurang seperempat pagi A quarter to eight in the morning Jam sepuluh malam Ten o’clock at night Jam dua belas tengah malam Twelve o’clock midnight Jam setengah delapan pagi. is jam setengah empat lewat sepuluh. not pukul setengah empat as it would be in Indonesia. because of the “peculiar” way of saying “half past”. Another complicating factor is the much greater use Indonesians make of the twenty-four hour clock. . because of the diferent order of components in expressions of time. minus fve”. So instead of saying. And “twenty-fve past twelve” is quite normally expressed as jam setengah satu kurang lima. unlike Indonesia. and even hear people say. as you saw above. the Indonesian way of saying “half past” is derived from continental European usage. literally “a half before one. In Dutch you say half acht – literally “half eight” – where in English we would say “half past seven”. and “too little”: Ini kurang bagus (This is not good enough). So “half past three” in Malaysia is pukul tiga setengah. 4. 2.10 10. and also “by way of”. Surabaya Wings Air 10. not a colon. “through” and “via”: Saya ke Jakarta lewat Bandung (I go to Jakarta via Bandung).Lesson 32 Besides indicating “past” in time. 5. 3. You write: 03. Balikpapan Garuda 11.15 (Note that in Indonesia you separate the hours from the minutes by using a point.35 9. Exercise 32-01 What are these times? Example: Jam tiga lewat seperempat. Denpasar Garuda 06. Tujuan Penerbangan Berangkat Write out the time in words Denpasar Lion Air 05.05 3.15 4.) 1. Balikpapan Mandala 11.00 2. 9. Jakarta Merpati 06. In the righthand column. Jakarta Wings Air 06. Jam sebelas Jam tiga kurang dua puluh Jam setengah tujuh Jam sepuluh lewat dua puluh Jam depalan kurang lima Jam setengah empat kurang lima Jam enam Jam setengah satu Jam tujuh kurang seperempat Jam setengah sembilan Exercise 32-02 Here are some of the regular morning fights out of Adisucipto Airport at Yogyakarta. Denpasar Garuda 07. Begin each answer with Jam or Pukul.45 Jam enam kurang seperempat 1. Surabaya Lion Air 07. Check the initial example frst. 10. 8. Jakarta Mandala 06.55 6. Jakarta Batavia Air 06.45 5.05 7. 7.25 . lewat also means “to pass by”: Nanti kita lewat pabrik roti (Later we will pass the bread factory). write out each departure time in words in Indonesian. 6.30 8. Boleh Juga Tidak (Laugh if you want to.. 74.” “Aduh!” kata Alastair McAlastair. Foto: Lontong sayur served with tauco. berjalan-jalan between. “Kalau begitu. lontong sayur. “Anda boleh makan pagi dari jam tujuh sampai jam sebelas. Minum teh di antara jam tiga siang dan jam enam sore. jam berapa orang dapat makan di hotel ini?” “Makan?” kata pegawai. rendang. Makan malam dari jam enam sore sampai jam sebelas malam. saya tidak dapat melihat kota ini! Saya harus tinggal di hotel! Jam berapa saya dapat keluar untuk berjalan-jalan!?” Adapted from “Tentang Orang Skotlandia” in Matra no. If no fresh fsh or meat is served. The most typical Indonesian breakfast is nasi goreng (fried rice) prepared from the left-over rice from the previous day.Lesson 32 Boleh Tertawa. doesn’t really. Dinner dishes are both based on rice with side dishes that almost always contain sambal (a chilli pepper based dish). and kerupuk udang (Kozok 2012) Latihan 1–Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Sesudah check in di hotel. Lunch. but you don’t have to) Orang Skotlandia Mau Berjalan-Jalan Alastair McAlastair berkunjung ke kota Glasgow. September 1992. and Dinner Indonesians typically eat three times a day. among bertanya from late morning to mid afternoon di antara late afternoon keluar less. Breakfast time is usually between 6:00 and 9:00. Breakfast is usually called sarapan. page 95 Cara Indonesia: Breakfast.. dia bertanya kepada pegawai hotel: “Maaf. vegetable. Other very popular breakfast dishes are mi goreng (fried noodles) . and pecal. The fried rice is often served with a fried egg. not quite kurang morning (until about 11:00) .. and occasionally a small piece of fsh or meat. but sometimes also makan pagi. Lunch is unknown. Indonesians typically dine twice a day which is called makan siang and makan malam. it is usually substituted by dried anchovies (ikan teri) or other salted fsh (ikan asin). Makan siang dari jam sebelas sampai jam tiga siang. kerupuk (crackers). jam sebelas lewat sepuluh d. a quarter past one 2. jam empat kurang dua puluh f. jam 16. jam dua lewat lima c.30 d. jam dua siang .45 h. jam 07.25 c. jam sebelas lewat lima belas malam 2. jam 04. jam setengah lima kurang lima sore 7. jam satu lewat seperempat g.15 b. jam dua belas lewat lima malam 8.55 i. four o’clock 6.05 e.00 g.55 f. half past one 7. jam 23. twenty fve past twelve 10. jam empat pagi 5.Lesson 32 malam night pagi ofce worker. jam setengah satu kurang lima j. jam enam kurang seperempat h. jam empat a. jam 00. 1. jam setengah delapan pagi 4. jam setengah dua i. fve to three 5. jam tiga kurang lima e. pukul sepuluh b. jam satu kurang lima siang 9. a quarter to six 3. jam 12. fve past two 4.00 a. jam delapan kurang seperempat malam 6. twenty to four Latihan 3–Waktu 2 1. ten past eleven 9. jam 19. jam 10. jam 14. jam sebelas kurang lima siang 3. ten o’clock 8. employee pegawai to ask a question siang to go for a walk or stroll sore to go or come out Latihan 2–Waktu 1 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. jam satu lewat dua puluh f. “You can eat breakfast from 7 o’clock until 11 o’clock in the morning.Lesson 32 Latihan 4–Waktu 3 Jodohkan gambar jam waktunya. a. “What time will I get to leave to go for a stroll?” Jam―keluar―saya―dapat―untuk―berapa―berjalan-jalan? 3. . jam dua belas kurang dua puluh e. jam dua lewat lima belas Latihan 5― Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1.” Anda―sampai―dari―boleh―jam tujuh―jam sebelas―sarapan―siang. pukul dua d.” Alastair McAlastair―kota―berkunjung―ke―Glasgow. jam lima lewat seperempat g. jam satu kurang seperempat b. setengah delapan h. “Alastair McAlastair is going on a visit to Glasgow city. jam sepuluh lewat sepuluh c. 2. jam berapa orang dapat __________ di hotel ini?” “Makan?” kata __________. late morning to mid afternoon 6.. to look at 2. to ask a question 9. how many 7. “Anda boleh makan __________ dari jam tujuh sampai jam sebelas.. late afternoon 8. Makan siang dari jam sebelas __________ jam tiga siang. have to 3. to go or come out 15.―Listen to Sound File 032-01 to fll in the blanks.Lesson 32 Latihan 6― Isian Lengkapilah teks berikut sesuai dengan rekaman. Alastair McAlastair __________ ke kota Glasgow. town 10. employee 6. Makan malam dari jam enam sore sampai jam sebelas malam. ofce worker. saya tidak dapat __________ kota ini! Saya harus tinggal di hotel! Jam berapa saya dapat __________ untuk berjalanjalan!?” Latihan 7― Teka-Teki Silang Mendatar: 4. must. dia __________ kepada pegawai hotel: “Maaf. to drink 13. “Kalau __________. how much. city. may 10. 5. less. to eat 11. Minum teh di __________ jam tiga siang dan jam enam sore. night . until (a certain time). as far as (a certain place) Menurun: 1. __________ check in di hotel.” “Aduh!” kata Alastair McAlastair. to see. isn’t/aren’t really. past (when telling the time) 14. Lesson 33 33 Making a Date or Appointment Aims • To learn how to ask about the time of day. (15:35) . Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. About twenty-fve to four. Make sure that you remember their meanings. It’s half past pasar swalayan supermarket harus must.. friend kuliah university lecture tempat place kurang to. Jam berapa pesawat terbang sampai? What time does/did the plane arrive? Kira-kira jam setengah empat lewat lima. Jam berapa sekarang? What time is it now? Jam dua. It’s two o’clock Jam berapa Anda ke bioskop? What time are you going to the cinema? Jam lima kurang seperempat.. what is... The Indonesian question-word that demands or expects a reply in the form of numbers is berapa. not gimana how. before (time) mandi to take a bath “What Time?” When you ask “what time?” you expect an answer with numbers in it. to visit (a place) mungkin maybe bioskop cinema nggak no. For example: Jam berapa? What time? What’s the time? Jam setengah dua belas. “What time?” is jam berapa? (some people will say pukul berapa?). At a quarter to fve. berkunjung ke. have to pesawat terbang airplane ikut to join in sampai until juga also sekarang now kembali to return sekeliling around kira-kira approximately teman companion. .. Dia bekerja sampai jam 8.. Sampai In Lesson 32 we have encountered the word sampai as a preposition indicating the time or distance within which the action occurs. makan pagi/siang/malam mandi adik Anda Jam berapa berbelanja teman Anda akan belajar . pacar Anda pulang dari.. Anda mau minum ___ di ... makan pagi/ siang/ malam mandi Jam berapa (biasanya) adik Anda berbelanja teman Anda belajar. tidur bertemu dengan. Use it to practise generating questions from it. pacar Anda pulang dari. Anda minum ____ di... Dia bekerja di Bandung dari bulan Agustus sampai bulan Oktober.. He worked in Bandung from August until October...... 'up to'..... ke . ke... If you are asking about a particular time in the near future you can insert akan or mau. The meaning of sampai is 'until'. Kami berjalan kaki sampai desa Sukamakmur. ? naik ____ ke. You will need to insert your own choice of a word wherever there is a line and complete the question in your own word wherever there are dots.. 'as far as'.Lesson 33 You can practise generating questions from the following substitutional table.. ibu Anda ikut kuliah... We walked as far as the village of Sukamakmur. ? naik ___ ke. He works until 8 o'clock. . ibu Anda ikut kuliah.. tidur bertemu dengan.... Lesson 33 Dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Each question should begin with the question phrase jam berapa.20 siang 10. Jam berapa pesawat terbang sampai? What time does the plane arrive? And fnally. Pertanyaan: masuk kuliah. Jawaban: 11... 7.45 sore 4. Tokyo and Honolulu. The answer should contain the time that appears after the word jawaban (answer).45 siang 2. It should be prefaced with the word jam and written out in full in words. Pertanyaan: belajar bahasa Indonesia Jawaban: 12 tengah malam 5. Pertanyaan: mandi Jawaban. The distance is 5236 km which is about the same as the distance between Boston and Lisbon.30 malam 3.. Pertanyaan: kembali ke pusat kota Jawaban: 4. Sampai bertemu! So long! / Until we meet again! Exercise 33-01 Make a question using the phrase in italics. Pertanyaan: berbelanja di pasar swalayan Jawaban: 2.30 siang 6. 1. or Melbourne and Jakarta.00 siang 8. Then write an answer to the question. Jawaban: 1.05 pagi .30 malam 9. They arrive at 15:30. Jawaban: 11. Sampai is also a verb with the meaning “to arrive”: Mereka sampai jam 15.. the preposition sampai is also used in a number of frequent expressions: Sampai nanti! See you later! Sampai jumpa! Until we meet again! / See you later. Frankfurt and Kabul. Pertanyaan: mau pergi ke rumah teman Jawaban: kira-kira 7. Here is an example: Pertanyaan: pulang dari kampus You write: Jam berapa Anda pulang dari kampus? Jawaban: 5. Pertanyaan: berjalan-jalan keliling kampus Jawaban: 7.30.15 malam 7. Pertanyaan: akan makan di. Sabang is the westernmost point of Indonesia and Merauke is the easternmost point of Indonesia. “Dari Sabang sampai Merauke” is the title of one of Indonesia's national songs.00 sore You write: Jam lima sore. Pertanyaan: tidur biasanya Jawaban : 10. From Sabang to Merauke. Pertanyaan: akan bertemu dengan... ... You can have a look at the translation whenever you fnd difcult words in the dialogue. beginning your response with maaf (sorry). Restoran Boga Ria itu restoran apa? Restoran Jawa.Lesson 33 Making a Date or Appointment You have practised accepting or politely parrying an invitation... frst listen to the dialogues very carefully. From this point the conversation can go in a variety of directions. As always. ? (2) dapat Apakah Anda mau bisa boleh Each of these shells can be the beginning point for an extended conversation. (1) dapat Apakah saya bisa boleh makan bertemu belajar minum bercakap-cakap dengan Anda nanti siang sore malam jam . try to reproduce the Indonesian from memory. mau) then. You can now elaborate on this a little by mentioning a particular hour of the day. bermain tenis berjalan-jalan berbelanja dengan saya nanti belajar makan berlari di lapangan siang sore malam jam . cover up the Indonesian side with a card and.. Saya suka makan ikan. bisa. using the English translation as a prompt. Let’s look at two slightly diferent ways you can ask someone for a date or make an appointment with someone.. Further down there are two examples of how a conversation might develop. you can ask di mana? (where?)... O begitu. Makanannya enak sekali... Listen carefully to the following examples in Sound File 033-01. Using the language resources you have already studied you can accept the request / invitation by echoing the key word in the question (dapat. Di mana? Bagaimana kalau di Restoran Boga Ria? Restoran Boga Ria? Di mana restoran itu? Di samping gedung bioskop di Jalan Sunan Muria. You can also reject the request / invitation. for example. boleh. moving the card down to check that you got the Indonesian correct. Apakah Anda juga suka makan ikan? Dian . ? berkunjung ke. Baik. Dialogue Eka Apakah saya dapat bertemu dengan Anda nanti sore jam setengah enam? Tentu saja.. tidak jauh dari terminal bus... Would you like to come shopping with me tonight at seven o’clock? Oh. What time are you going there? Can I come along? I’m sorry. Where? What about at the Boga Ria Restaurant? The Boga Ria? Where is it? Beside the movie house in Sunan Muria Street. Jam berapa Anda pergi ke sana? Apakah saya boleh ikut? Maaf. Di mana rumah kakak Anda? Jauh dari sini. you can. Tetapi saya lebih suka ayam. I’m going to my elder sister’s place. Nanti malam saya harus belajar. Bagaimana kalau nanti sore jam setengah lima? Nanti sore? Maaf. nanti sore saya ke rumah kakak saya. Do you like fsh too? Very much. I’m sorry. tidak cukup tempat di mobil itu. Maaf. I’m going with my parents. O begitu. Anda bisa juga berjalan kaki ke sana. Dian Dian . But I prefer chicken. but there’s not enough space in the car. I’m sorry. Oh. What about this afternoon at half past four? This afternoon? Sorry. You can also refuse a request for a date or decline to make an appointment. maaf. Its food is very nice. Can I go there by bus? Dian Yes. in which case you think of an excuse and the dialogue might run something like this (Sound File 033-02). that’s not possible. I see. What kind of restaurant is the Boga Ria? It’s a Javanese restaurant. Apakah saya bisa naik bus ke sana? Bisa. Really? I like fsh. tidak bisa. Okay.Lesson 33 Suka sekali. not far from the bus terminal. Mobil mereka kecil. You can also walk there. Saya ke sana dengan orang tua saya. Their car is small. Tonight I’ve got to study. Dialogue 2 Eka Eka Apakah Anda mau berbelanja dengan saya nanti malam jam tujuh? Wah. Eka Can I meet you this afternoon at half past fve? Of course you can. Where is your sister’s house? A long way from here. di Sunan Muria. maaf. Restoran apaan sih Boga Ria? Jawa punya. Aku doyan ikan. Here is an example that parallels the formal. Using the resources of Module 2 ask about someone’s family. gimana? Restoran Boga Ria? Di mana sih? Samping gedung bioskop. talk about food and drink etc. but retaining the general shell of the dialogue. Take advantage of this as you talk about making a date or appointment.Lesson 33 Exercise 33-02 Taking either of the two dialogues you have just studied as your beginning point. ask for precise information about the location of a place. talk about someone’s house. Beres. standard dialogue you have been studying. conduct a role play with your teacher/tutor or with a classmate in which a possible date or appointment is discussed. that the speakers are young – older people would not normally talk like this. ask where someone comes from. your dialogue might begin: Apakah Anda mau makan dengan saya nanti siang jam satu? Wah. rewrite the dialogue changing the times. Remember too. In real life. idiom and situation that you have studied so far. while always keeping in mind that ultimately the conversation is about making a date or appointment. Try as hard as you can to give the conversation extra life and variation by incorporating into it any of the language resources you have studied in previous lessons. setengah enam! Oke. Tati Ketemu nanti sore yuk. but probably not in the streets of Kupang (Timor) or Medan (Sumatra). Role Play: Making a Date / Appointment Taking the two questions on the previous exercise as your beginning points and using the model dialogues that follow (but varying them). conversations tend to meander and to be repetitive. savouring the diferences between it and the more formal version you studied earlier in the lesson. Makanannya lumayan. What you read below is Javanese-style colloquial Indonesian. Tidak mungkin. In short. Listen to the dialogue frst from Sound File 033-03. ask about transport arrangements. Kamu juga doyan? Nuning . nggak jauh dari terminal bis. wander of on a tangent and ask about the price of something. Nanti siang ada kuliah. pithy language of informal interaction. fesh out your conversation with every resource of vocabulary. Di mana? Kalo di Restoran Boga Ria. if you take the second dialogue as your shell. For example. A “Street-Language” Variant of the Model Dialogue You can also make an appointment or date using the lively. You might hear something like it in the streets of Semarang or Yogyakarta in Central Java. Using the resources of Module 1. places and activities. O gitu. jam or pukul. di Sunan Muria. “all okay”. As in colloquial English. It demands. Jalan aja ya bisa. names and pronouns to express possession. nggak: a colloquial substitute for tidak. especially in combination with the salty particle sih. even adding a note of irritation. As you have seen. “put right”. Jawa punya. Restoran Boga Ria? Di mana sih? di mana: colloquial Indonesian tends to be pithy. Makanannya lumayan.” So the phrase Jawa punya means “Javanese” (i. But in the punya expressions of colloquial Indonesian the possessor comes before the thing possessed. di Sunan Muria: here the preposition di and the marker-word for street addresses jalan are dropped. above all. bis: a colloquial substitute for bus. And because this kind of language is not much written down. For example Itu saya punya sepeda “That’s my bicycle. bewilderment. markets. among other things.e. Beres. Samping gedung bioskop. setengah enam: the marker word for times of the day. gimana: an informal variant of bagaimana. Restoran apaan sih Boga Ria? beres: literally “fxed up”. the sequence being: noun/name/pronoun + punya + the name of the thing possessed. a confdent familiarity with local cultures. lumayan: “not bad”. surprise or sarcasm. puzzlement. But equally you will see how very difcult and elusive a really authentic command of colloquial usage can be. gimana? kalo: an informal variant of kalau. often making the question feel more pointed. in standard Indonesian the possessor follows the thing possessed (rumah Anda “your house”). a really sharp ear for the way people speak in everyday life in the streets. . It parallels the possessive structure found in Chinese.” By the way. this kind of punya structure was probably borrowed into Indonesian from the Malay used by Chinese migrants in the streets of old Batavia. dropping words (here restoran itu) where it is clear from preceding parts of the conversation what you are referring to. “resolved”. Samping gedung bioskop. Here beres is close to the Australian colloquialism “No worries!” apaan: Apaan is a slangy variant of apa meaning “what kind”. Ketemu nanti sore yuk.Lesson 33 Doyan banget. Now read it through again taking in the notes in the righthand column below. campuses and streetside eateries of Indonesia. Oke. yuk: a colloquial variant of ayo. “belonging” to Java) and is probably a pithy contraction of Jawa punya restoran “a Javanese restaurant. Sih adds emphasis and colour to a question. Kalo di Restoran Boga Ria. From the notes you will see that colloquial Indonesian can be more colourful. punya: In colloquial Indonesian punya can be used with nouns. as if you are being jokingly sarcastic about a restaurant with a pretentious name like Boga Ria (“Joyous Cuisine”). Apaan adds a note of humorous scepticism or cynicism to the question. subtle and emotional than the somewhat drier formal variant of the language. is often dropped in colloquial usage. sih: one of many particles that are common in informal or slangy usage. Di mana? oke: from English ‘okay’. setengah enam! ketemu: (a borrowing from Javanese) ketemu is a common colloquial variant of bertemu. textbooks can only give you the bare basics. in colloquial Indonesian there is a tendency to understate something when in fact you are really enthusiastic about it. nggak jauh dari terminal bis. Tapi aku lebih suka ayam. Bisa ke sana pake bis? Bisa. Mastery of it demands. Gimana may appear in the beginning or at the end of a phrase. The pronoun kamu (you) has been dropped and the order of words is quite diferent from the formal usage you studied in the model dialogue earlier in this lesson. aku: an informal and intimate substitute for saya. Now practise this exchange with a (preferably youthful) partner. simply). aja: a colloquial contraction of saja (just. never at the end of a phrase or sentence. It’s half past eleven. Aku doyan ikan. doyan: a borrowing from Javanese) “to like something (especially certain foods)”. d. Kamu juga doyan? O gitu: a colloquial contraction of O begitu (I see. ayam. . Jam berapa? a. imagining the relaxed.) ikut possibly. About three thirty-fve. What time is it now? 3. Jam berapa sekarang? c.” (You can also simply walk). 2. spontaneous circumstances in which the two of you might be meeting and talking. Jalan aja ya bisa: Literally “Walk just also can. It’s two o’clock. Latihan 1—Menjodohkan Jodohkanlah kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. “to have a taste for” Doyan banget. not (coll. At what time? 4. b. berkunjung approximately nggak airplane bioskop to take a bath pasar swalayan around gimana must. Jam berapa Anda ke bioskop? e. Bisa ke sana pake bis? bisa: a mildly informal equivalent of dapat. Jam setengah dua belas. to wear) as a slangy counterpart of naik meaning “by (a certain mode of transport).” Bisa. Jam dua. maybe sekarang supermarket kembali to join in. “very much” tapi: a colloquial contraction of tetapi. to go on foot). “too” (a colloquial substitute for juga) Ya in this sense almost always comes after the subject of a sentence. follow sekeliling place kira-kira to return teman now mandi how? (coll.) ya: “also”. pake: is an informal variant of pakai (to use. Tapi aku lebih suka banget: from Jakarta-Malay “very”.) tempat to sleep mungkin to visit tidur until.Lesson 33 O gitu. 5. Really. have to pesawat friend harus cinema sampai no. jalan: a colloquial contraction of berjalan kaki (to walk. Jalan aja ya bisa. to arrive Latihan 2—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kalimat di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan 1. Is the following statement true or false?: “Dian agrees with the proposed time. quite far from the bus terminal E. in the Sunan Muria building 5.” A. rumah makan itu mahal sekali D. False 4. True B. married D.. Is the following statement true or false?: “Eka wants to meet Dian at 18:30” A. The restaurant is located: A. Kira-kira jam setengah empat lewat lima. opposite a cinema B. Jam berapa pesawat terbang sampai? g. close friends B. Eka and Dian are. A. Saya ke bioskop jam lima kurang seperempat. What time does the plane arrive? 7. she is vegetarian 7. fsh E. on Jalan Sunan Muria D.Lesson 33 6. in the same building where the cinema is F. know each other only vaguely 2. Latihan 3—Menyimak: Pemahaman Listen to Sound File 033-01 to answer the following questions: 1. What time are you going to the cinema? 8. h. Dian knows the address of the restaurant. When someone asks “rumah makan Andalas itu restoran apa?” then the possible matching answer is: A. in close proximity to a bus terminal C. What phrase does Eka use to say that he prefers chicken? . What does Dian like to eat? A. cukup besar 6. Rumah makan Padang B.. chicken B. beef C. f. pork D. I’m going to the cinema at a quarter to fve. True B. enak sekali makanannya C. False 3. dating each other C. True B. Tetapi saya lebih suka ayam. Dian Baik. Eka Apakah Anda mau __________ __________ saya nanti malam jam tujuh? Dian Wah. Dian Apakah saya ___________ naik bus ke sana? Eka Bisa. tidak jauh dari terminal bus. Eka Bagaimana kalau nanti sore jam setengah lima? Dian Nanti sore? Maaf. nanti __________ saya ke __________ kakak saya. Nanti malam saya __________ belajar. Eka Apakah saya dapat ___________ ___________ Anda nanti sore jam setengah enam? Dian Tentu saja. False Latihan 4—Invitation Accepted Dengarkan Rekaman 033-01 dan lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat. Makanannya enak ___________. Dian O begitu. Latihan 5—Invitation Refused Dengarkan Rekaman 033-02 dan lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat. Anda bisa juga ___________ kaki ke sana. . maaf. Saya ___________ makan ikan.Lesson 33 8. Restoran Boga Ria itu restoran apa? Eka Restoran Jawa. True B. A. Apakah Anda juga suka makan ___________? Eka Suka sekali. Di mana? Eka Bagaimana kalau di Restoran Boga Ria? Dian Restoran Boga Ria? Di mana restoran itu? Eka Di samping ___________ bioskop di Jalan Sunan Muria. False 9. A. Instead of naik bus one can also say berjalan bus. Instead of berjalan kaki one can also say naik kaki. di Sunan Muria. Makanannya __________. Tapi aku lebih suka __________. Mobil mereka kecil. Latihan 6—Informal Style Dengarkan Rekaman 033-03 dan lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat.” Saya—jam—kurang—ke—lima—bioskop—seperempat. Nuning O gitu. Restoran __________ sih Boga Ria? Tati Jawa punya. 3. Kamu juga __________? Tati Doyan __________. Jalan __________ juga bisa. Nuning Bisa ke sana __________ bis? Tati Bisa. Di mana? Tati Kalo di Restoran Boga Ria. Aku __________ ikan. Eka Jam berapa Anda __________ ke sana? Apakah saya boleh ikut? Dian Maaf. “What time does/did the plane arrive?” Jam—terbang—berapa—pesawat—sampai? . Saya ke sana dengan orang tua saya. setengah enam! Nuning Oke. Di mana rumah kakak Anda? Dian Jauh __________ sini. tidak bisa. __________ jauh dari terminal bis. Tati __________ nanti sore yuk. tidak __________ tempat di mobil itu. Latihan 7—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. Nuning Beres. Maaf.Lesson 33 Eka O begitu. “I’m going to the cinema at a quarter to fve. gimana? Nuning Restoran Boga Ria? Di mana sih? Tati __________ gedung bioskop. “What time are you going to the cinema?” Jam—ke—berapa—Anda—bioskop? 2. Lesson 33 4. g. A colloquial variant of ayo b. “reasonable”. friend 3. now 15. possibly. to eat. e. Latihan 8—Jodohkan: Informal Indonesian 1. nggak 6. to study at a university 5. to go shopping 7. This term is a common colloquial variant of bertemu. apaan 2. yuk 9. “quite okay”. names and pronouns to express possession. until. to sleep. A slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question. to go to bed 19. up to 14. an informal variant of tidak 4. An informal variant of bagaimana. or “not bad” i. d. you’re welcome 9. all around Menurun: 2. h. gimana 3. an informal variant of bagaimana 11. lumayan 7. c. A slangy variant of apa meaning ’what kind’. cinema 16. beres Latihan 9—Teka-Teki Silang Mendatar: 1. sih 4. to join in . to go or come along. have to 13. “About three thirty-fve. f. companion. ground. to have a meal 6. around. Can be used with nouns. must. to meet 8. maybe 10. ketemu 5. place. Used to express: “fair”. A colloquial substitute for tidak. as far as. to play 20. a. punya 8. open space 18. to run 6.” Kira-kira—jam—lewat—empat—setengah—lima. The informal speech used to say “all okay” or “no worries”. to drink 17. feld. location 12. siang. You frst met the word pada back in Lesson 20. You have also already met the terms pagi. sore and malam.Lesson 34 34 “Who Do You Go Shopping With?” Aims • To practice talking about what you do at certain times of the day. “year” etc. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Berbelanja di Pasar Ikan (Pantai Depok) © Yan Arief ayah father bertemu to meet belajar to study dengan with berbelanja to go shopping lapangan feld angkot mini bus pulang to go home bercakap-cakap to chat berangkat to depart In the morning / afternoon etc. It is often used in front of expressions for units of time like “day”. pada pagi hari in the morning pada siang hari in the late morning to mid afternoon pada sore hari in the late afternoon pada malam hari at night pada jam 16:00 at four o'clock pada bulan Oktober in October . Study these phrases. In these cases is translatable with the English words “on”. “at” and “in” depending on context. It is a preposition with several diferent functions and meanings. and with whom. You can squeeze more work out of these words by “book-ending” them with pada and hari (day). .Lesson 34 These phrases with . In the late afternoon I like to drink cofee in the sitting room. “With whom?” / “Who with?” The sentences in the table above can be used to answer questions with dengan siapa (with whom? who with?) in them. Practice generating questions from the following substitution table. Study this substitution table. duduk. For example. At around noon (roughly between 10 and 14:00) I will go to my ofce. Pada malam hari kadang-kadang saya belajar di perpustakaan. bercakap-cakap ayah saya. in the verb column you could mention activities like makan.. then answer them with complete sentences like those in the table above. Use the vocabulary you already know to add more items to the columns in the latter part of the sentence. Biasanya saya pergi ke kampus pada pagi hari. Tonight I am leaving for Jakarta. belajar dengan pacar saya. minum etc. together with) can help you describe who you do things with. as well as the kinship terms you see above. nanti sore. I usually go to the campus in the morning. bertemu ibu saya. bermain tenis suami saya. Dengan (with. Using them you can make sentences like these. These phrases do not relate to a specifc day. bermain musik adik saya. Pada sore hari saya suka minum kopi di ruang keluarga. Usually dengan siapa comes at the end of a sentence. In the last columns you can insert the names of real people you know.. At night I sometimes study in the library. but they describe what you usually do (or where you are etc) at a certain part of the day. Nanti malam saya berangkat ke Jakarta. and instead of the last two columns you could substitute the names of real people you know. pagi hari Pada siang hari (kadang-kadang) sore hari (biasanya) malam hari saya berjalan-jalan anak saya.hari usually appear at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. They hence difer considerably from nanti siang. berbelanja teman saya. and nanti malam that you learned in Lesson 33 which all relate to single events occurring at the present day: Nanti siang saya masuk kantor.. Move the card down and expose the frst sentence. pronounce them smoothly. if necessary look at the transcription. Your answers should be a complete long sentence. Basically. slightly changed. Now go to Latihan 3 to test your understanding of the dialogue. it is the same sound fle. confdently and smoothly. Place a card over the sentences and cue words. and check that you got your new sentence right. Now look at the cue word on the right. well pronounced Indonesian. Biasanya Anda pulang jam berapa? Biasanya saya pulang jam tujuh seperempat. Don’t move the card down yet. insert the cue word into the sentence you have just read. but you can also do it this way: The changed word or phrase is given in the list on the right. Exercise 34-01 In this exercise. and understand instantly what each one means. saya belajar dengan adik saya. but still correct sentence. Now make another new sentence using the new cue word that has come into view on the right. Ani Pada sore hari Anda belajar dengan siapa? Pada sore hari. you will listen to Sound File 034-02. If necessary. substituting it for one of the words in the sentence so that you produce a new. Biasanya Anda belajar di mana? Biasanya saya belajar di perpustakaan.* Anda pulang naik apa? Saya pulang naik angkot. Eko *) Occasionally lewat is omitted in colloquial speech. Preferably you should do this exercise listening to the sound fle. Pro- . Say the sentence out loud.Lesson 34 berjalan-jalan Pada pagi hari bercakap-cakap siang hari bertemu sore hari (biasanya) Anda malam hari belajar dengan siapa ? berbelanja bermain tenis bermain musik Dialogue Listen to the Sound File 034-01 two or three times. Hmmm. Apakah Anda suka pulang naik angkot? Tidak. In your mind. but this time it is in the form of a substitution drill. You will answer the questions using the cue words provided. Say your answer out loud in confdent. Jam berapa Anda pergi ke perpustakaan? Saya pergi ke perpustakaan jam setengah enam. Move the card down exposing the next line. stop the sound fle and repeat the sentences as many times as necessary until you can produce all the sentences correctly frst time. O begitu. Saya tidak suka pulang naik angkot. Hmmm... Anda pulang naik apa? Saya pulang naik .... Don’t be afraid to go back to the initial question and re-cycle it (using new words to talk about something a bit diferent. hari saya ..... Make sure each sentence in the dialogue builds logically and sensibly on the previous one.. dengan siapa? Pada ... put aside the textbook and talk direct to your teacher/tutor or a classmate. beginning your conversation with Pada . Apakah Anda suka pulang naik angkot? Tidak... jam .... kinship terms (or names of people).. Jam berapa Anda pergi ke ... sentence patterns and sentence sequences well mastered.... modes of transport.... and (in the case of the last sentence) opinions... Anda . And you should stick with the vocabulary you know.. You and your partner should be able to talk without a break for many minutes. talk each time you repeat the conversation. As you practise.. hari.. use a watch or clock to time yourself.. grammatically correct. .. and understanding instantly what each one means. So go back over your vocabulary cards and refresh your recollection of the hundreds of relevant words we have practised up to this point.... See if you can “break your record” for non-stop.. dengan . As you do this remember to concentrate on maintaining grammatical correctness. each time inserting new items into the blanks.... of course)...? Saya pergi ke ... Apakah Anda suka pulang naik . Saya tidak suka pulang naik . and introduce more and more variations and extensions. di .. the conversation will sound rather stilted and formulaic.? Tidak. Pada ....... fowing..Lesson 34 ceed in this way until you have completed the whole sequence of sentences. Biasanya Anda pulang jam berapa? Biasanya saya pulang jam ... because if you try to say something and fnd that you don’t have enough words to say it.. You should use diferent verbs... dengan siapa? Use the sentences you have practised as a springboard to develop an extended conversation. Repeat the sequence as many times as necessary until you can produce all the sentences correctly frst time.... places... Biasanya Anda . Biasanya Anda belajar di mana? perpustakaan Jam berapa Anda pergi ke perpustakaan? setengah enam Biasanya Anda pulang jam berapa? tujuh seperempat Anda pulang naik apa? angkot Hmmm....... times... hari Anda ... di mana? Biasanya saya . Now take the block of questions and answers you have just practised and introduce variations into it by putting new items into the blanks in the sentences.. the conversation will “die”...... When you think you have the vocabulary.. O begitu.. At frst.. NOW. Pada sore hari Anda belajar dengan siapa? adik saya O begitu. Saya tidak suka.... but as you gain confdence you will be able to personalise it more and more........ pronouncing them smoothly. repeat the dialogue over and over. Laki-laki itu pergi ke perpustakaan pagi-pagi sekali (very early in the morning). Practise saying these words. When /h/ appears at the end of a syllable in Indonesian it is very lightly. Laki-laki itu suka pulang naik angkot. 1. 1. Benar / Salah 3. but audibly. wrong Ucapan: Pronouncing the /h/ sound Listen to Sound File 034-04. open space lapangan to go shopping berbelanja to meet pulang to study bercakap-cakap with . ‘that’s right’. right. true. Laki-laki itu suka belajar dengan adiknya di rumahnya. audibly breathing the fnal /h/ sound. Benar and betul are synonyms. Benar / Salah 2. truely SALAH: false. honest. rumah teh lebih murah putih sekolah setengah kuliah Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. NOTE: In Lesson 20 you learned the word betul in the meaning of ‘correct’. inaccurate. Laki-laki itu biasanya pulang pada jam 19. mistaken. really. Benar / Salah 4.Lesson 34 Exercise 34-02 Decide whether the following statements are true (benar) or false (salah). and both share salah as their antonym. erroneous. just say it aloud. angkot to go home bertemu to chat ayah city transport dengan father belajar feld. valid. You don’t have to write the answer. breathed. incorrect. Benar. correct. fallacious. Laki-laki itu biasanya pulang jam tujuh lewat seperempat. errant.15. Benar / Salah Then answer with a full sentence. BENAR/BETUL: real. Tahun depan Tono mau __________ di Sumatra. 8. Eko pulang ke rumahnya naik taksi. Besok pagi saya akan __________ dengan teman saya di perpustakaan. Eko suka sekali naik angkot. A. Bagaimana kalau kita (we) __________ di Sarinah Mall? Saya mau mencari baju (shirt) untuk anak saya. 6. Salah 2. tetapi saya naik bus yang __________. Salah 6. A. 2. Benar B. Sekarang saya di Bogor! 9. Eko belajar di perpustakaan pada pagi hari. 4. Eko pergi ke perpustakaan sesudah jam lima. Salah . Eko belajar di perpustakaan lebih dari satu jam. A. Benar B. Bus dari Jakarta ke Medan biasanya __________ pada siang hari. A. Sekarang dia sudah bisa __________ ukulele. A. Eko pergi ke perpustakaan dengan adiknya. Benar B. 3. and test your comprehension of the dialogue. Salah 3. __________ malam hari Agung __________ di Gedung Olahraga. Tono mau __________ ke Danau Toba dan dia juga mau naik Gunung Sibayak. Benar B. Salah 5. 7. Saya mau __________ di perpustakaan sampai __________. tetapi kadang-kadang busnya berangkat __________. Latihan 3—Dialogue Read the “Dialogue” between Eko and Ani above. Salah 4. A. Benar B. Saya mau ke Bandung.Lesson 34 Latihan 2—Isian Lengkapilah teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: belajar—berangkat—berbelanja— berjalan-jalan—berkunjung—bermain—bermain tenis—bertemu—malam hari—pada—pada sore hari—salah 1. Benar B. Rudi suka sekali musik Hawaiʻi. 5. 1. Decide whether they are Benar (True) or Salah (False). Biasanya saya belajar di perpustakaan 6. Biasanya saya pulang jam tujuh seperempat. Anda mau pergi ke bioskop jam apa? A. Salah 3. b. Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar.” Pada—dengan—teman—sore—hari—akan—saya—belajar—saya. Saya tidak suka pulang naik bemo. 1. Saya pergi ke perpustakaan jam setengah enam 3. Pada pagi hari biasanya saya beli roti di toko Holland Bakery. “At night I sometimes study in the library. 2. yang artinya : 1. others are grammatically wrong or don’t make good sense. Saya pulang naik bemo. 5. Benar B. f. 3.” Biasanya—kampus—pada—pergi—ke—saya—pagi—hari. Benar B. 4. “In the late afternoon I like to sit and drink cofee in the sitting room. Tidak.” Adik—tidak—bermain—saya—suka—tenis. c. 5.Lesson 34 Latihan 4—Menyimak Listen to Sound File 034-03 and match the six recorded questions with an appropriate answer. Salah 2. Salah . d.” Pada—di—dan—sore—duduk—ruang tamu—hari—saya—suka—minum kopi.” Pada—hari—di—saya—belajar—malam—kadang-kadang—perpustakaan. e. a. “My younger sibling does not like to play tennis. Latihan 6—Pilihan Ganda Some of these sentences are correct and make good sense. 4. Benar B. Apakah biasanya teman Anda pulang naik sepeda motor? A. Pada sore hari saya belajar dengan adik saya. “I usually go to the campus in the morning. “In the late afternoon I will study with my friend. 1. A. 2. ground. Salah 9. to come or go home 10. Pacar saya tidak suka bermain tenis. with . space. Benar B. boyfriend. A. Salah 5.Lesson 34 4. library 2. to meet 7. Pada sore siang saya akan belajar dengan kakak saya. girlfriend 12. house 9. Salah 6. room 14. Salah Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang Mendatar: 3. Benar B. Pada malam hari kadang-kadang saya pulang dari bioskop naik teman. to go shopping 6. Apakah mereka pulang naik apa? A. Biasanya Anda bercakap-cakap ke siapa? A. Benar B. Biasanya saya berolahraga pada pagi hari. Benar B. morning 11. cheap 4. to study at a university 5. A. A. a half Menurun: 1. Salah 7. Benar B. Benar B. Salah 8. father 13. feld. to study 8. A. open space 15. mini bus (public transport) 5. bekerja to work lari to run berkunjung to visit (a place) masih still bermain to play pulang to come home ke mana to where sedang in the process of kuliah a lecture sepak bola football (soccer) lapangan feld “What do you usually do?” In English there are many diferent ways you can ask someone what they usually do at a certain time. It is also very common to use ke mana (to where?). These are coupled with the verbs ada or punya. For example. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. In everyday conversation you often use the word acara apa? (what program? what agenda? what is the particular thing you plan to do”) or kegiatan apa? (what activity?). Study these examples that show how acara. Pada sore hari biasanya ada acara apa? OR Pada sore hari biasanya Anda punya acara apa? In the late afternoon what program do you usually have? [In other words] What do you usually do in the late afternoon? Biasanya ada kegiatan apa pada pagi hari? OR Biasanya Anda punya .Lesson 35 35 “What Do You Think?” Aims • To practice talking about what someone usually does at a certain time of the day. kegiatan and ke mana can be used. if you are speaking fairly formally you might say: What do you usually do in the afternoon? If you are being a bit less formal you can say: What are you up to in the afternoon? or perhaps What’s on at four o’clock? Indonesian also has many ways of asking this question. Make sure that you remember their meanings. ... (... If someone asks you what you usually do at a certain time of the day. .Lesson 35 kegiatan apa pada pagi hari? Usually.. (Usually I . Notice also that you can insert sedang or masih if you want to emphasise that what you are doing is “on-going” or “unfnished” at the hour mentioned..... though it is not wrong to put biasanya in the middle or at the end of the sentence. then you can give more information by adding ..).. you can begin your answer with Biasanya saya..but sometimes I ... ). So... tidur di rumah belajar di perpustakaan bekerja di toko Sogo lari pagi di taman kota bermain tenis di lapangan tenis Biasanya saya (sedang) bersenam di gedung olahraga (masih) berenang di kolam renang bermain sepak bola di lapangan olahraga beristirahat di rumah bersembahyang di musala berkunjung ke rumah teman Notice that in statements like these the adverb biasanya normally goes at the beginning of the sentence. What do you usually do....... what activities do you have in the morning? [In other words] What do you usually do in the morning? Pada siang hari biasanya Anda ke mana? In the afternoon where do you usually go? [In other words] What do you usually do in the afternoon? Sesudah kuliah bahasa Inggris biasanya Anda pergi ke mana? After the English lecture. you can ask: sesudah pulang dari kantor jam lima sore Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam delapan pagi ? jam sepuluh malam jam tiga siang Here are some possible answers to these various questions in which you say what you do and where you do it.... where do you usually go? [In other words] After the English lecture what do you usually do? You can even ask this question in a more formal way using a formula that begins: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan.. tetapi kadang-kadang saya. the question Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan? looks like this: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan? What (is it) which usually by you is done? For the moment. then I study in the dorm. Biasanya ada kegiatan apa pada malam hari? What do you usually do at night? Biasanya saya bersembahyang di musala. I just stay at the ofce. Just learn the sequence of words by heart. Usually I chat with friends. Usually I work out at the sports hall. For the moment think of it as a kind of formal “passport” that will open the door to practice of many more immediately useful sentences and words. Translated literally. Sesudah pulang dari kampus biasanya Anda punya acara apa? After coming home from the campus what do you usually do? Biasanya saya lari dengan adik di taman. end – EXCEPT between Anda and lakukan. lalu saya belajar di asrama. But don’t worry about this either. Usually I go for a run with my younger sister in the park. but sometimes I’m still taking a bath. but sometimes I just go to bed. (The adverb biasanya can go almost anywhere in the sentence – beginning. don’t worry about the grammatical rationale for the order of words or the form of the verb lakukan. Pada sore hari biasanya ada kegiatan apa? What do you usually do in the late afternoon? Biasanya saya bersenam di gedung olahraga tetapi kadang-kadang saya pulang saja. but sometimes I just go home. Usually I’m eating in the kitchen. Biasanya Anda pergi ke mana pada siang hari? Where do you usually go in the afternoon? Biasanya saya tidak pergi ke mana-mana. Usually I perform prayers in the prayer house. tetapi kadang-kadang saya masih mandi. .Lesson 35 For example: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tujuh pagi? What are you usually doing at seven in the morning? Biasanya saya makan di dapur. Biasanya ada acara apa pada malam hari? What do you usually do at night? Biasanya saya bercakap-cakap dengan teman tetapi kadang-kadang saya tidur saja. Saya di kantor saja. middle.) The question is very formal and you won’t hear it much in everyday conversation. Usually I don’t go anywhere. .. 9. 1.. 2. Pertanyaan: Biasanya Anda punya acara apa pada siang hari? Jawaban: Jam sebelas pagi biasanya saya... bersenam. beristirahat. try to give answers that tell what you personally actually do. bermain (tenis / sepak bola).. lari pagi. Study this example frst. and don’t forget to mention the name of a room or place if appropriate. Kadang-kadang saya juga .. berkunjung (ke ____). 4.tetapi kadang-kadang saya.... especially by using a variety of verbs and mentioning a variety of places.. bertemu (dengan _____).... belajar. Choose from among the verbs suggested below... masak. tetapi kadang-kadang saya bercakap-cakap dengan teman. 2. minum.... models and exercises in Lesson 34... 3..? Jawaban: Ya...... 10. Pertanyaan: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tujuh pagi? Jawaban: Pada pagi hari biasanya saya . tidur... and containing an “add on” beginning with . mandi. bercakap-cakap.Lesson 35 Exercise 35-01 Answer each of the questions in this exercise with a complete sentence beginning with Biasanya saya. Also... 6... Apakah kadang-kadang Anda juga. Pertanyaan: O begitu.. pergi (ke ____). berenang. Pertanyaan: O begitu. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya... kembali (dari ____) 1. bersembahyang... Pertanyaan: O begitu. Apakah Anda juga ......... pulang. Try to make your answers as diverse as possible. 8. Apakah Anda juga. bekerja.. Question: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tujuh malam? You may write: Biasanya saya makan di ruang makan. 3.? Jawaban: Tidak. berbelanja. Pertanyaan: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tiga siang? Jawaban: Pada siang hari biasanya saya . Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tujuh pagi? Biasanya Anda punya acara apa pada siang hari? Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tiga sore? Biasanya Anda pergi ke mana sesudah pulang dari kampus? Biasanya ada kegiatan apa pada sore hari? Biasanya Anda punya kegiatan apa sesudah bermain sepak bola? Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam dua belas lewat seperempat siang? Biasanya ada acara apa pada pagi hari? Biasanya Anda pergi ke mana pada malam hari? Biasanya ada acara apa sesudah makan siang? Exercise 35-02 Complete the three sentences that follow each question drawing on the vocabulary.. makan. 7. 5.? ... ... Pertanyaan: Biasanya Anda pergi ke mana sesudah pulang dari kampus? Jawaban: Sesudah pulang dari kampus? Biasanya saya.... Pertanyaan: O begitu.. biasanya saya. biasanya saya. Kadang-kadang saya juga.? Jawaban: Tidak.. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya...... 6............ Pertanyaan: O begitu... 10...? Jawaban: Ya.... Pertanyaan: O begitu... Jawaban: Tidak......... Apakah kadang-kadang Anda juga....... In some contexts it can mean “why?”....? Jawaban: Ya........ Pertanyaan: O begitu.. Apakah kadang-kadang Anda juga. Pertanyaan: Biasanya ada acara apa pada pagi hari? Jawaban: Kira-kira jam tujuh pagi biasanya saya .... 7. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya. Kadang-kadang saya juga...........? Jawaban: Ya............... Tetapi kadang-kadang saya...... Apakah Anda juga .. “what’s going on?” or “what’s the point?”......... Apakah Anda juga .. Pertanyaan: O begitu. It is a very slangy word that originated in the local dialect of Jakarta but is now heard in slangy talk among young people right across the country... Pertanyaan: O begitu. “what for?”... Often (but far from always) it . 5. Kadang-kadang saya juga .. biasanya saya..... 9.... Kadang-kadang saya juga.......... Pertanyaan: Biasanya ada kegiatan apa pada sore hari? Jawaban: Pada sore hari biasanya saya ...... Pertanyaan: O begitu.... Apakah kadang-kadang Anda juga. Pertanyaan: Biasanya Anda pergi ke mana pada malam hari? Jawaban: .. Apakah Anda juga.Lesson 35 4.. Pertanyaan: Biasanya Anda punya kegiatan apa sesudah bermain sepak bola? Jawaban: Sesudah bermain sepak bola? Wah. Apakah Anda juga. Ngapain belajar bahasa Indonesia? Sulit sih! The word ngapain is pronounced with an initial sound like the “ng” in the middle of the English word “singing”.? Jawaban: Tidak.....? Jawaban: Tidak........ Tetapi kadang-kadang saya. It means “what (is someone) doing?”.............. Pertanyaan: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam dua belas lewat seperempat siang? Jawaban: Hmmmm.. 8. Pertanyaan: Biasanya ada acara apa sesudah makan siang? Jawaban: Sesudah makan siang............? Jawaban: Ya. nanti malem ngapain? Wiwin Aku cuma di rumah aja. scepticism or incredulity. sama.and the sufx –in are both very common in informal usage. aja. O gitu. Ngapain is formed from the base-word apa.and the verbal sufx –in. The prefx ng. Wiwin Wah. gimana kabarnya? Wiwin Baik. even slangy. sih. bisa. Wien. Ngapain kamu? What are you doing? / What are you up to? Nanti sore ngapain mereka? What are they doing this (late) afternoon? Ngapain belajar bahasa Indonesia? Sulit sih! Why would you want to study Indonesian? It’s tough! Ngapain pacaran sama dia!? Why would she want to be going out with him? Why would he want to be going out with her? Dialogue Listen to this short conversation in Sound File 035-01 between two young people and savour its terse liveliness. indiference.. kalo. It echoes the subject matter you studied earlier in the lesson but adopts the decidedly informal. Transcription Ari Eh Wien. with the informal verbal prefx ng. Kalian ngapain sih? Ari Biasa. cynicism. aku. jalan-jalan. language you might hear in the streets of Jakarta. aku. jalan-jalan sama aku ke tempatnya Joni. look at the translation. ortu. Cuma main badminton aja di Gedung Olahraga. ridicule. . apalagi ama kamu. nggak bisa. bilang. You have already met some of the informal words in the conversation: gimana. Ari O gitu. Makasih. Ortu nggak mau kalo aku keluar malem. If you get stuck. Wiwin Ha ha ha. Eh.Lesson 35 has overtones of sarcasm. and we shall glance at more examples of them later in the book. Study these examples. Bilang makasih ama ortumu. -mu. ama.. nggak. Check that you remember their meanings. Ke mana nih? Ari Nggak ke mana-mana. Emangnya kenapa? Ari Mau nggak. ya. Say thanks to your parents too.Lesson 35 Translation Ari Hey. . Wien.. What are you folks up to? Ari The usual. Well. Why? Ari Would you like to come with me to Joni’s place? Wiwin Ohhh. Emangnya kenapa? cuma: an informal substitute for hanya (only. Nih here adds a note of immediacy. probably Winarti. especially with you. nanti malem ngapain? malem: an informal variant of malam. thank you. Emangnya kenapa has the force of “Why. nih: an informal variant of ini (just as tuh is an informal varianty of itu). Hey Wien. jalan-jalan sama aku ke tempatnya Joni. ngapain: what are you doing? Aku cuma di rumah aja. My parents don’t like if I go out at night. Further explanation Eh Wien. Wien. OK? Wiwin Hahaha. Ari Is that so. Just playing badminton at the Sports Hall.. Where are you of to? Ari Nowhere. what’s it to you?” Mau nggak. gimana kabarnya: a colloquial equivalent of apa kabar? Baik. Nggak ke mana-mana. something like “at the moment”.I can’t. what are you up to tonight? Wiwin I’ll just be at home. Eh. just) kenapa: a common (and slightly more informal) variant of mengapa (why?) emangnya: from the formal memang (indeed). how are you? Wiwin Fine. Ke mana nih? When it is clear who is being addressed you don’t need a second-person pronoun like Anda. kamu or lu. gimana kabarnya? Wien: a contraction of Wiwien which in turn is an informal contraction of the young lady’s name. Mau nggak: “would you like to or not?” tempatnya Joni: tempat ‘place’ is often used instead of rumah. Latihan 2—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kalimat di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. What activities are there/do you do in the morning? 4. What activities do you usually do in the late afternoon? .Lesson 35 Wah. where do you usually go? 5. Makasih.. Biasanya saya makan di dapur. nggak bisa. 2.. What do you usually do? 6. Ortu nggak mau kalo aku keluar malem. go home sedang soccer.. Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan? e. After the English lecture. Kalian ngapain sih? kalian: the plural form of kamu. aku. Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam tujuh pagi? f. tetapi kadang-kadang saya masih mandi. main: an informal variant of bermain (to play) Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. makasih: an informal variant of terima kasih Ha ha ha. Biasanya ada kegiatan apa pada pagi hari? b. ya. g. 1. apalagi ama kamu. What is usually going on in the evening? 7. Usually I am eating in the kitchen.. Biasa. Sesudah kuliah bahasa Inggris biasanya Anda pergi ke mana? d. Where do you usually go in the afternoon? 8. Bilang makasih ama ortumu. Pada malam hari biasanya ada acara apa? a. football kuliah to visit (a place) sepak bola still lapangan in the process of. Cuma main badminton aja di Gedung Olahraga. Pada sore hari biasanya ada kegiatan apa? h. What do you usually do at seven in the morning? 3. ama: an informal substitute for bersama ‘together with’ or dengan ‘with’ O gitu. bermain to work masih a lecture berkunjung to play pulang feld. but sometimes I am still taking a bath. open space bekerja to return. Pada siang hari biasanya Anda ke mana? c. Lesson 35 Latihan 3—Menjodohkan Listen to the nine sentences in Sound File 035-02 and match them with the translations to the right. a. After coming home from the campus what do you usually do? b. Usually I chat with friends, but sometimes I just go to bed. c. Usually I don’t go anywhere. d. Usually I go for a run with my younger sister in the park. e. Usually I perform prayers in the prayer house, then I study in my apartment. f. Usually I work out at the sports hall, but sometimes I just go home. g. What do you usually do at night? h. Where do you usually go in the afternoon? Latihan 4—Rangkai Kata Reorder the Indonesian words below to say : 1. “What is usually going on in the late afternoon?” Pada—sore—hari—acara—ada—biasanya—apa? 2. “What activities do you typically do in the morning?” Biasanya—pada—ada—apa—kegiatan—pagi—hari 3. “After the English lecture, where do you usually go?” Sesudah—biasanya—kuliah—pergi—ke—Anda—bahasa Inggris—mana? 4. “What do you usually do after you come home from the ofce?” Apa—dari—pulang—yang—biasanya—Anda—sesudah—lakukan—kantor? 5. “What do you usually do at eight in the morning?” Apa—delapan—lakukan—yang—jam—biasanya—Anda—pagi? Latihan 5—Pertanyaan & Jawaban You will listen to fve questions (Sound File 035-03). Only one answer is possible. 1. Recording 1 A. Ya. Dan kadang-kadang saya juga berbelanja di Sarinah. B. Pada pagi hari biasanya saya bangun pagi-pagi. C. Jam tujuh malam biasanya saya makan malam. Lesson 35 2. Recording 2 A. Jam sebelas siang biasanya saya di kantor. B. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya di kampus. C. Jam delapan malam biasanya saya di rumah. 3. Recording 3 A. Pada malam biasanya saya menonton flm. B. Tetapi kadang-kadang saya makan dengan teman. C. Pada sore hari biasanya saya bekerja. 4. Recording 4 A. Saya pergi ke kampus setiap hari. B. Sesudah pulang dari kampus, saya pulang ke rumah. C. Kadang-kadang saya tidak pergi ke kampus karena saya sakit. 5. Recording 5 A. Sesudah bermain sepak bola, biasanya saya pulang ke rumah. B. Saya suka bermain sepak bola tetapi saya tidak selalu bermain dengan teman saya. C. Saya bermain sepak bola dengan teman saya setiap hari. Latihan 6—Isian Complete the dialogue. Note that the entire dialogue is held in Jakarta-style colloquial Indonesian. Choose from the following words: aja—ama—cuma—gimana—emangnya— kalian—main—makasih—malem—ngapain—nggak—nih Wiwin & Ari Ari Eh Wien, __________ kabarnya? Wiwin Baik. Ke mana __________? Ari Nggak ke mana-mana. Eh, Wien, nanti malem __________? Wiwin Aku __________ di rumah aja. __________ kenapa? Ari Mau __________, jalan-jalan sama aku ke tempatnya Joni. Wiwin Wah... nggak bisa, aku. Ortu nggak mau kalo aku keluar __________, apalagi __________ kamu. Ari O gitu. Makasih. Bilang __________ ama ortumu, ya. Wiwin Ha ha ha. __________ ngapain sih? Ari Biasa. Cuma __________ badminton __________ di Gedung Olahraga. Lesson 35 Latihan 7—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan defnisinya di sebelah kanan.—Match the items on the left to their defnitions on the right. 1. gimana a. (informal variant of bersama) with, together with 2. nggak b. a slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question or assertion 3. aja c. (informal variant of saya) I, me 4. jalan-jalan d. (informal variant of o begitu), Is that so? I see. Really. 5. sama e. (informal variant of tidak), no, not 6. aku f. (a slangy abbreviation of orang tua) parents 7. ortu g. (informal variant of kamu) your 8. o gitu h. (informal variant of berjalan-jalan) to go for a walk/stroll, to wander about, to travel around 9. -mu i. (informal variant of bagaimana), how, what 10. ama j. (informal variant of saja) just, only 11. sih k. (informal variant of sama) with, together with Latihan 8—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut sesuai dengan rekaman.—Listen to Sound File 035-05 to fll in the blanks. (Note: kami=we, hari libur=holiday) Buku Harian Hari ini hari libur dan aku punya banyak __________. Pada pagi hari, aku mau __________. Aku suka __________, apalagi berenang, tapi __________ tidak buka. Jadi, aku dan temanku __________ pagi di alun-alun. __________ lari, aku pulang ke __________. Pada siang hari aku bertemu dengan pacarku di mal. Namanya Tomi. Kami sudah 2 tahun __________. Kami biasa __________ banyak kegiatan bersama, seperti belajar, pergi ke kampus dan olahraga. Tomi suka sekali bermain __________. Kalau tidak ada yang __________, kami biasanya berjalan-jalan saja di __________. Pada sore hari, aku tidak punya __________ jadi aku hanya __________ di apartemen. Lesson 35 Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 2. in the process of... 3. to go shopping 4. Muslim prayer room 5. to visit (a place) 8. to do (something) 9. to pray, to worship 11. to work 12. still 13. difcult, hard to do 14. to cook 15. to go/come home Menurun: 1. to play 3. to rest, to take a break 6. a lecture, to study at a university 7. to swim 8. feld, open space 9. to work out, to do gymnastics 10. to sleep, to go to bed 11. to meet Lesson 36 36 What Do You Do In Your Free Time? Aims • To practice talking about recreational activities. free time or leisure time: Biasanya ada acara apa pada hari libur? What’s usually on the agenda on your day of? Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan kalau tidak bekerja atau belajar? What do you usually do if you are not working or studying? Kalau Anda tidak bekerja apakah Anda hanya beristirahat saja? If you’re not working.. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. do you just rest (and do nothing else)? Apakah Anda suka berolahraga pada waktu senggang? Do you enjoy playing sport in your free time? .. acara agenda. berenang to swim beristirahat to rest bersembahyang to pray bersenam to work out di samping beside kegiatan an activity lapangan a feld mungkin possibly tidak usah don’t need to Ibu dan Anak Bermain Congklak © Mathieu Castel Talking About Free Time and Days Off Here are some ways of asking about spare time. event bagaimana kalau what if. Make sure that you remember their meanings. where do you like to go (for recreational purposes)? Saya suka sekali berbelanja pada waktu senggang. Anda suka berjalan-jalan ke mana? berkunjung rumah Di samping di mesjid. apakah Anda hanya beristirahat saja? tinggal di rumah saja? berenang Apakah Anda suka berolahraga pada waktu senggang? pergi ke . tetapi saya lebih suka pergi ke bioskop.. Here are some examples. pergi Kalau tidak bekerja. What about you? Pacar saya suka sekali bekerja di kebun pada waktu senggang. Kalau Anda bagaimana? I love shopping in my spare time. Kalau Anda tidak pergi ke kampus biasanya ada kegiatan apa? If you don’t go to the campus. My girlfriend/boyfriend loves working in the garden in her/his spare time. See if you can add more items to the substitution columns..Lesson 36 Kalau tidak bekerja Anda suka berjalan-jalan ke mana? If you’re not working. kalau tidak bekerja? Apa yang Anda lakukan pada hari libur? kalau tidak mau belajar? pergi ke kantor? Biasanya ada kegiatan apa kalau Anda tidak bekerja atau belajar? bertemu dengan teman? tidur saja? Kalau tidak bekerja. but I prefer to go to the cinema. apakah Anda juga bersembahyang di musala kantor ? . do you like to go to the sports ground or the swimming pool? Each of these questions can be varied. what activities do you have? Pada waktu senggang apakah Anda suka pergi ke Gedung Olahraga atau kolam renang? In your spare time. anak-anak tidak masuk sekolah. 3. Harganya _________ mahal. teta- home. In a foodstall it would rung biasa tidak sampai Rp. pa- the market is empty.000 untuk kopi dan kue. anak-anak tidak masuk seko- school. Tidak ada kuliah. The university is closed. Kalau Anda bagaimana? naik bus ke . The shops were very crowded. and the government ofces are lah. tinggal di rumah Pacar saya suka sekali bekerja di kebun pada waktu senggang. It’s pretty ex- wesi. Hari Libur H ari ini hari libur. Kalau di wa- cost about Rp. This morning I went -jalan ke kampung. Hari ini hari _________.000. pasar sepi. kantor pemerintah tutup. a cup of cofee and a piece of cake Rp. Kalau di warung biasa tidak sampai Rp.000. _________ pensive. kira-kira Rp. tetapi saya lebih suka . Javanese cofee with sugar. Saya suka kopi manis asal Jawa. On holidays I usually just stay at libur biasanya saya di rumah _________.. I like kopi di kafe. Once you have almost memorised the text do the exercise below without referring back to the text above. Saya dan Astuti _________ minum and I like to have a cofee in a café. Saya dan Astuti suka minum kopi di kafe. but once in a while our whole family pi kadang-kadang kami _________ berjalan- goes to visit the village. My Holiday Today is a holiday. tetapi Astuti lebih suka kopi susu asal Sulawesi. Harganya cukup mahal. Toko-toko Astuti. masak di dapur Exercise 36-01 Listen to Sound File 036-01 and then read this passage through carefully several times. Pada hari libur biasanya saya di rumah saja. 3. Tadi pagi saya ke mal bersama dengan teman saya Astuti.. be less than Rp. Tidak ada kuliah. . tetapi kadang-kadang kami sekeluarga berjalan-jalan ke kampung..50. Toko-toko ramai sekali. _________ saya ke mal to the shopping mall together with my friend _________ teman saya Astuti. Try to remember it as best you can. 50.000.000 untuk kopi dan kue.50. the children don’t go to sar _________.. Saya suka kopi manis asal Jawa. 3. Pada hari closed. but Astuti tetapi Astuti _________ kopi susu asal Sula- prefers cofee from Sulawesi.000. Astuti _________. kantor pemerintah _________.Lesson 36 bermain tenis Saya suka sekali berbelanja pada waktu senggang. Ida With a classmate or a tutor. the family’s hometown).. take a quick peek at the transcription.” Tetapi kadang-kadang kami sekeluarga berjalan-jalan ke kampung.e. Biasanya kamu pergi ke mana pada hari libur? Hari libur? Biasanya saya beristirahat saja di rumah. . kadang-kadang saya lari pagi di taman. Siapa tahu bisa makan enak dengan Ibu. Bu.. Hah? Beristirahat di rumah? Ibu kira kamu pasti berenang di kolam renang atau lari pagi..sometimes takes on the meaning “all. Bu. Apakah kamu juga suka bersenam di Gedung Olahraga? Kadang-kadang. Ida. Ibu sudah tua! Ibu suka beristirahat di rumah. hari ini hari libur. Ibu tidak boleh tinggal di rumah saja. Tetapi katanya kamu mau lari pagi.. read the transcription and try memorise the conversation as much as you can. Ibu Gah Ida. memang. Ah. Katanya di Taman Cempaka ada restoran yang enak.. Kadang-kadang Ibu juga berbelanja di Mal Taman Cempaka. Say the Indonesian text out loud until you can pronounce all words correctly and smoothly. If you forget some words. Ibu mau ke Taman Cempaka sekarang. the whole. But sometimes the whole family travels to the village (i. Kalau Ibu bagaimana? Apakah Ibu juga suka berolahraga? Tidak. Ya. tidak usah. Apakah Ibu mau berjalan-jalan dengan saya di taman? Terima kasih. practice this conversation and see if you can repeat it perfectly without looking back at the script. Ida. Ibu lebih suka masak di rumah atau bekerja di kebun pada waktu senggang. the prefx se.Lesson 36 SeIn combination with a noun.. Apakah saya boleh ikut dengan Ibu ke mal? Boleh.. Saya lebih suka ikut Ibu ke mal. O begitu. Dialogue: Ibu Gah & Ida Listen to the Sound File 036-02 between Ibu Gah (64 years old) and Ida (19 years old). After that. pada sore hari.. • physical exertion use lari pagi.... bermain badminton • indulging yourself use makan........ nanti sore. The conversation turns to recreation. berenang. nanti malam ☞ You can talk about categories of recreational..? • what time something is done use Jam berapa.apa (e. for example.. duduk di warung kopi .. naik ___ ke. berolahraga. • would like to do use mau • can do use bisa or dapat • like to do use suka • prefer to do use lebih suka • usually do use biasanya ☞ You can talk about the times when you do something. activity....biasanya Anda pergi ke mana? or . use . kembali. nanti siang. berkunjung ke. bercakap-cakap. bermain tenis.biasanya ada acara apa? • where something is done use Di mana.. pada malam hari • today use hari ini. • the times of the day use jam.. masak. pergi ke pesta.... minum.? • how long you do something use Berapa lama. olahraga apa? what sport?) ☞ To talk about what you. food etc. or leisure-time.biasanya ada kegiatan apa? or . pulang.? • what (kind of) sport...... berjalan kaki.. bertemu dengan.. bermain sepak bola. pada siang hari.. berbelanja.. pada pagi hari. • what someone usually does use .. bekerja. beristirahat.. bersenam naik sepeda.apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan? or ..? • with whom something is done use . belajar • going somewhere use pergi. What do you do in your free time (pada waktu senggang) or on a public day of / public holiday (pada hari libur) or when you are not working or studying? ☞ To ask about.dengan siapa? • whether someone does something use Apakah Anda...Lesson 36 In Your Free Time or On Your Day Off Imagine you are sitting in a cofee shop (warung kopi) after a long day’s work or study.g.... tidur. • staying at home use tinggal. But as soon as you can. In other words. saya kira... kucing ☞ You can add authentic life to the conversation with these words. greater correctness and more variation.. gedung olahraga • family use dengan + keluarga. Kalau Anda bagaimana? • making suggestions use Apakah Anda mau.. How many minutes can you and your partner talk in correct Indonesian without pausing or dropping into English? Set a target... If necessary keep the list of pointers before you to glance at from time to time. ayah.. di samping. Each time you repeat the role play try to break your record.Lesson 36 ☞ You can talk about places and people. katanya. The pointers are sifted from all the previous lessons in The Indonesian Way. anjing. adik • friends and pets use dengan + pacar.. Baik • connectors use juga. restoran. mal. tidak usah.. ibu. but review of Lessons 32– 36 will be of special help to you as sources of vocabulary. istri. dan. If you try to say more than you are currently capable of saying you will feel frustrated. mahasiswa. preferences and opinions.. • around the house use di + rumah. Avoid this as far as you can by talking fuently and correctly within the parameters you have practised to this point. teman. Talk about your own habits. apartemen • in town use di + taman. orang tua. You will fnd there is a lot you can say with the resources sketched above. kebun. but don’t try to say more than your current command of Indonesian permits you to say.. tailor your ideas to the language resources you have mastered. kalau begitu. atau. Repeat the role play several times. suami. • exclamations use Hah!? Aduh! Bagus! Wah! • “I’m listening” use O begitu. Memang. let go of it and “fy” by yourself. kakak.. or worst of all. bioskop. and time yourself with a clock or stopwatch... the conversation may die.. anak.. saya lebih suka. • giving your opinion use tetapi. dapur.? Bagaimana kalau. o ya. kolam renang.. hotel • at sports facilities use di + lapangan tenis. grammar. toko. . each time striving for smoother fuency. From this list of “pointers” you can generate literally millions of unique combinations. and sentences that you can use to liven up the present role play. garasi. Ayo. you will drop into English. Challenge yourself. etc. kalau Anda bagaimana b. 4. 2. biasanya 2.... can do b. Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan 6. want. pasti c.dengan siapa 7. Match the topic with the most appropriate Indonesian phrase. olahraga apa) Latihan 4—Menjodohkan Jodohkanlah kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. event bersenam possibly. Match the topic with the most appropriate Indonesian phrase. lebih suka 3. acara agenda.. 3. Berapa lama. 1. Apakah Anda...apa (e. whether someone does something e. what time something is done c... g. defnetely. to love (doing sth.. would like to do a. what someone usually does a. what (kind of) sport. 1.. where something is done b. dapat Latihan 3—Menjodohkan: To ask about. bisa. food. hari libur a. usually do e. maybe berenang activity di samping to swim beristirahat besides kegiatan to pray bersembahyang to work out mungkin to rest Latihan 2—To talk about what you. suka 4. Jam berapa.. mau 5. to really like. . how long you do something f.Lesson 36 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. quiet.. lonely.) 3.. deserted 2. sure to be . 5. Di mana. with whom something is done d..g. 1. prefer to do d. ... like to do c. In your spare time. tidak boleh f. suka sekali e. 4. k. h. lapangan olahraga h. 9. c. sepi d. don’t need to.Lesson 36 4. do you just rest (and do nothing else?) 6. shouldn’t bother to Latihan 5—Menyimak Jodohkanlah rekaman dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. free time. I love shopping in my spare time. (yes) indeed 10. If you’re not working. 3. What about you? 10. If you don’t go to the campus. Benar B. 1. Salah . a day of. If you’re not working. waktu senggang i. I prefer to go to the cinema. tidak usah g. b. Do you enjoy playing sports in your free time? 2. memang j. Salah 2. e. A. What do you usually do if you are not working or studying? 11.—Match the eleven sentences of Sound File 036-03 with the sentences in the right column. On holidays Ida usually stays at home. what activities do you have? 5. A. not allowed to. Benar B. On holidays Ida usually does some gardening. g. shouldn’t 5. a holiday 6. do you like to go to the sports ground or the swimming pool? 8. Benar B. a. What’s usually on the agenda on your day of? Latihan 6—Benar Salah Based on the dialogue between Ida and Bu Gah. My boyfriend loves working in the garden in his spare time. Salah 3. d. A. what about you 8. i. j. f. where do you like to go? 7. Ibu Gah is surprised that Ida is not more active. a sports ground/feld 7. which of the following statements are true (benar) and which are false (salah)? 1. spare time 9. Because she is already old. Do you also like sports? Ibu Gah No.. I want to go now to Taman Cempaka. Biasanya kamu __________ ke mana pada hari libur? Hari libur? Biasanya saya __________ saja di rumah.. that’s not important. A. Benar B. Hah? Beristirahat di rumah? Ibu kira kamu pasti __________ di kolam renang atau lari pagi. that’s right. Ida Yes. But you said you wanted to run in the morning. Ma’am. Ibu Gah does not engage in sports. Ibu Gah Ida. Ya. sometimes I run in the park.. Who knows the food may be yummie. Ida likes the idea of going to the mall because she hopes the food will be good there. I rather go with you to the mall. Today is a holiday. Do you want to take a walk with me in the park? Ibu Gah Thank you.Lesson 36 4. Benar B. A. Where do you usually go on a holiday? Ida On a holiday? Usually I stay home and take a rest. Benar B. Salah 6. Salah 5. Ida . A. I am already old! I prefer resting at home. kadang-kadang saya lari pagi di __________. memang. Can I join you to the mall? Ibu Gah Sure. Sometimes I like to shop at Taman Cempaka Mall. Salah Latihan 7—Jawab Pertanyaan Translate the highlighted words or phrases. Ida. Ida Ma’am. hari ini hari libur. Latihan 8—Isian: Percakapan Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat:—ikut—taman—bersenam—juga— senggang—pergi—beristirahat—saja—Katanya—berenang—berolahraga Ibu Gah Ida. Ida. Ida wants to go to the swimming pool. Ida I heard there’s a delicious restaurant at Taman Cempaka. You shouldn’t stay home all the time. I rather cook at home or spend my leisure time working in the garden. Ibu Gah What? Staying at home to take a rest? I thought you would certainly go to a swimming pool or do some jogging in the morning.. Ida Oh. “It’s pretty expensive.” Pacar—waktu—sekali—bekerja di kebun—suka—saya—pada—senggang.000 for a cofee and a cake. yang artinya : 1. Tetapi katanya kamu mau lari pagi. Kalau Ibu bagaimana? Apakah Ibu juga suka __________? Tidak.” Saya—waktu—pada—suka—berbelanja—sekali—senggang. tidak usah.Lesson 36 O begitu.50. “What do you do on the holiday?” Apa—pada—hari—Anda—lakukan—yang—libur? 6. “I love shopping in my spare time... Ida. Apakah Ibu mau berjalan-jalan dengan saya di taman? Terima kasih. 5.—mana? 3. Apakah kamu juga suka __________ di Gedung Olahraga? Kadang-kadang. Ah. Ibu mau ke Taman Cempaka sekarang. Harganya—untuk—mahal. about Rp. “If you’re not working. Latihan 9—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar. .” Tadi—Toko Fajar—dengan—saya—teman saya—pagi—bersama—ke—Astuti. Saya lebih suka __________ Ibu ke mal. Ibu tidak boleh tinggal di rumah __________. “This morning I went to the Fajar Shop with my friend Astuti.50.000—kue. Bu. “My girlfriend/boyfriend loves working in the garden in his/her spare time. __________ di Taman Cempaka ada restoran yang enak. Kadang-kadang Ibu __________ berbelanja di Mal Taman Cempaka. Ibu lebih suka masak di rumah atau bekerja di kebun pada waktu __________. where do you like to go (for recreational purposes)?” Kalau—ke—suka—berjalan-jalan—tidak—Anda—bekerja.—kopi—kira-kira—dan—cukup—Rp. Ibu sudah tua! Ibu suka beristirahat di rumah. 4. “Do you enjoy playing sport in your free time?” Apakah—berolahraga—waktu—pada—suka—Anda—senggang? 2. Siapa tahu bisa makan enak dengan Ibu. Bu. Apakah saya boleh ikut dengan Ibu ke mal? Boleh. Ida. 7. wife 3. to rest. to swim 4.Lesson 36 Latihan 19—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. to go 7. TV) program 15. activity 10. cat 8. to pray 2. agenda. to study 13. to work 9. to do gymnastics 11. garden 6. to work out. university student 16. dog 14. to cook . family Menurun: 1. (radio. to take a break 5. husband 12. Lesson 37 37 What Did You Do Last Night? Aims • To give practice asking and answering questions about some particular events. In Indonesian. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons.. Mesjid Gede Kauman di Yogyakarta. but she doesn’t know the time. the information that is unknown is generally .. Make sure that you remember their meanings. © ChrisSteph LewisBoegeman acara program.) to visit (a place) pusat the centre bersembahyang to pray seperti biasa as usual bertemu to meet susu milk hanya only warung streetside stall kamu you More on “What Time?” and “Where?” You know already that “What time?” is Jam berapa? and Where? is Di mana? In the question Jam berapa Anda ke kantor? the person asking the question knows that you will be going to your ofce. event kira-kira approximately atau or pasti defnitely berenang to swim pesta party beristirahat to rest pulang to go home berkunjung (ke. or you can “echo” the question. Add to the choices in each column by borrowing from the sentence shells in Lesson 32 and other recent lessons. Practise generating questions and answers from the sentence shells below. Here are some more options for asking “what time?” and “where?”. . the answer may as well have the predicate in initial position: position of subject and pre dicate can generally be reversed in Indonesian without altering the meaning: Di mana Mesjid Gede? Mesjid Gede di Yogyakarta. Please note that there is no question-answer pattern. The position of subject and predicate can generally be reversed without altering the meaning: Anda ke kantor jam berapa? What time do you go to your ofce? Mesjid Gede di mana? Where is the Grand Mosque? Saya ke kantor jam sebelas. bersembahyang di musala berenang di kolam renang jam tujuh. Make as many diferent combinations as you can from the various columns. after jam berapa and at the end of the sentence. The Grand Mosque is in Yogyakarta. You can include or exclude mau and akan according to what you want to say. Di mana Mesjid Gede? Where is the Grand Mosque? Di Yogyakarta Mesjid Gede. Guru saya Saya Pacar saya (jam tujuh) (akan) (mau) bermain tenis di lapangan olahraga. Biasanya can ft in to these shells at various points too—especially at the beginning of the sentence. Jam berapa Jam berapa teman Anda Anda pacar Anda ibu Anda guru Anda Anda suami Anda (akan) (mau) (akan) (mau) lari pagi bermain tenis bersenam berenang berolahraga beristirahat berkunjung ke bersembahyang di beristirahat di di gedung olahraga di kolam renang di taman kota di lapangan olahraga apartemen Pusat Mahasiswa mesjid musala ? ? In your answer you can simply say the time. I am going to my ofce at eleven o’clock. The Grand Mosque is in Yogyakarta.Lesson 37 the subject of the sentence (marked red) whereas the known information is put in the predicate (marked blue): Jam berapa Anda ke kantor? What time do you go to your ofce? Jam sebelas saya ke kantor. Mesjid Gede di Yogyakarta. I am going to my ofce at eleven o’clock. If the question has the subject in initial position. . Nanti dulu. I drank beer and wine. I went to the party with Arif. / You must have.Lesson 37 “What Time Did You Get Home Last Night?” The Indonesian term for “last night” is tadi malam. Di mana kamu minum? Where did you drink? Di rumah teman. You are bound to have. There are two characters in it.e. / Hang on a sec... Kamu pergi ke pesta itu dengan siapa? Who did you go to the party with? Saya pergi ke pesta dengan Arif. I don’t believe it/you. I came home by motor bike. the other a wayward son. Now to the dialogue. Pasti kamu. There’s no doubt in my mind that you.. At my friend’s place. You have the language resources to ask and answer questions about what someone did last night. Just a moment. . I went to a party at a friend’s place. Jam berapa kamu pulang tadi malam? What time did you get home last night? Saya pulang jam sebelas. Study these examples.. Kamu ke mana tadi malam? Where did you go last night? Saya ke pesta di rumah teman. by what mode of transport)? Saya pulang naik sepeda motor. Study the model dialogue below... Apakah kamu minum bir atau anggur tadi malam? Did you drink beer or wine last night? Saya minum bir dan anggur. One is a suspicious mother.. I came home at eleven o’clock.. Notice the use of these new phrases: Saya tidak percaya. Kamu pulang naik apa? How did you come home (i. mother. Ada warung kecil di belakang gedung. Nanti dulu. Keep practising until you can say the Indonesian without error and. Ternyata kamu anak yang baik. Kamu bermain dengan siapa? Dengan teman saya Tanti. Suryo Hmmm. Tidak. 2. Hah? Pasti kamu pulang naik sepeda motor dengan Tanti. 5. I played badminton. 3. Ada. About eight o’ clock? I don’t believe it! Where did you go last night? I went to the sports hall. Bu. Apakah kamu minum alkohol tadi malam? Tidak. without being prompted by having to glance at the English translation. try to say the Indonesian text out loud. look at the translation to get the English equivalent.Lesson 37 Dialogue Notice how the wayward son appears to be somewhat devious. Hmmm. Pasti kamu ke rumah Tanti. 4. Bu. Bu. Bu. without looking at the transcription. Saya hanya bermain bulu tangkis dengan Tanti di gedung olahraga. In the usual fashion. Saya pulang jam delapan naik sepeda. Kamu pulang naik apa? Naik sepeda. Notice also that the mother addresses her son with the informal. Before reading the following transcription. Bu. Tadi malam saya capai sekali. Jam delapan? Aku tidak percaya! Kamu pergi ke mana tadi malam? Saya pergi ke gedung olahraga. Apakah ada rumah makan atau warung di gedung olahraga? Saya kira tidak ada. or perhaps a bit nervous about telling the full truth. “speak ing-down” pronoun kamu (the son could never address his mother with kamu) and refers to herself with the “speaking-down” pronoun aku. What time did the boy go home? What did he play at the Sports Hall? With whom was he there? Did he drink alcohol? How did he get home? Bu Yanti Jam berapa kamu pulang tadi malam? Saya pulang kira-kira jam delapan. after listening to the sound fle very carefully. If you get stuck. Translation Bu Yanti What time did you get home last night? I got home about eight o’clock. Bu. O tidak. Suryo . seperti biasa. Saya bermain bulu tangkis. O begitu. O begitu. if possible. listen to Sound File 037-01 and answer the following questions: 1. Saya minum susu saja di gedung olahraga. Lesson 37 Really? Who did you play with? With my friend Tanti. Apakah Anda bertemu dengan Susi tadi malam? 8. mother. Did you drink alcohol last night? No. Just a moment. Anda pulang naik apa? 7. Oh. It would appear that you are a good boy after all. Ada acara apa tadi malam? Role Play: “What Time Did You Get Home Last Night?” Indonesian parents and the landladies in charge of student boarding houses are often very strict and conservative. no I didn’t. role play a vari ation of the above dialogue. there is. I came home at eight o’clock by bicycle. Exercise 37-01 Answer the following questions using your own words. Anda pergi ke lapangan olahraga dengan siapa? 4. What? You defnitely came home by motorbike with Tanti. Jam berapa Anda pulang tadi malam? 2. Hmmm. Jam berapa Anda pergi ke klab malam tadi malam? 10. and will often interrogate children or lodgers – even if they are young adults – about their personal lives. Yes. I was very tired last night. Is there a restaurant or eatery at the sports hall? I don’t think there is. The wayward child/lodger should give humorously devious answers. or perhaps a stern landlady and a wayward young lodger. mother. Siapa nama teman Anda? 9. How did you come home? By bicycle. Di mana Anda minum? 6. Anda pergi ke mana tadi malam? 3. I had some milk at the sports hall. as always. No. I see. There is a small eatery behind the sports hall. You should not follow the storyline as in the above dialogue but invent your own. You must have gone to Tanti’s place. mother. mother. To bring the role play to life. Apakah Anda minum wiski tadi malam? 5. The interrogator should put his/her questions aggressively and respond to answers with scepticism. With your teacher/tutor or with a classmate. 1. mother. make sure that you have thoroughly mastered all the relevant vocabulary and sentence . I only played badminton with Tanti in the sport hall. There will be two characters in the role play: perhaps (as above) a worried parent and a wayward son/daughter. Try saying these sentences. Saya tidak percaya. event kira-kira to swim atau approximately pasti to return home berenang you (informal) pesta party. breathed. suppress aspiration. 3. a.. but audibly. normal berkunjung (ke. audibly breathing the fnal /h/ sound. Listen to Sound File 037-02. Play the dialogue for laughs. when /h/ appears at the end of a syllable it is very lightly. and pronounce each syllable with roughly equal stress but with some extra stress on the second-to-last syllable (except where that syllable has an unstressed /ə/ sound in it). ✗ Rumah Ibu Gah putih. I don’t think there is one. d.) centre pusat defnitely bersembahyang to visit (a place) seperti to meet bertemu or biasa stall. ✗ Rumah sakit ini bersih dan murah. c.Lesson 37 shells and can produce them without thinking too much. I see. eatery hanya to pray susu as kamu to take a rest warung milk Latihan 2—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. As usual. 1. Nanti dulu. ✗ Sudah jam setengah tujuh. ya b. 2.. Pasti kamu minum. O begitu. Ucapan: More practice with /h/ in the fnal position As we have seen previously. ✗ Apakah buah itu murah? ✗ Apakah gedung pemerintah itu jauh dari sini? ✗ Ayah bertanya: “Apakah saya boleh makan buah ini?” ✗ Tujuh tambah sepuluh itu tujuh belas. Squeeze as much melodramatic emotion from it as you can. ✗ Sekolah menengah desa Suruh. whether belly-laughs or subtle laughs. I’m pretty sure there is one. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu acara agenda. 4. . Don’t forget to also roll the /r/. festivity beristirahat only pulang ordinary. 7. Bu. Seperti biasa. O begitu. Bu. 8 D.Lesson 37 5. Saya pulang jam delapan naik sepeda. Saya bermain bulu tangkis. Hah? Pasti kamu pulang __________ sepeda motor dengan Tanti. 9 . Hmmm. Saya minum ___________ saja di gedung olahraga. f. 1. ___________ biasa. I’m sure you had a sip. 6. Ada warung kecil di ___________ gedung. Bu. Bu. Kamu bermain dengan ___________? Dengan ___________ saya Tanti. Hmmm. O tidak. At what time the boy came home last night A. Apakah kamu ___________ alkohol tadi malam? Tidak. ___________ kamu ke rumah Tanti. O begitu. 6 B. e. ___________ kamu anak yang baik. 7 C. Hang on a sec. Apakah ada rumah ___________ atau warung di gedung olahraga? Saya ___________ tidak ada. g. Bu. Saya ___________ bermain bulu tangkis dengan Tanti di gedung olahraga. Saya kira ada. Latihan 3—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: belakang—berapa—capai—gedung —hanya—kira—kira-kira—makan—minum—naik—pasti—percaya—pulang—seperti—siapa —susu—tadi—teman—ternyata Bu Yanti Suryo Jam ___________ kamu pulang tadi malam? Saya pulang ___________ jam delapan. Kamu ___________ naik apa? Naik sepeda. Latihan 4—Pemahaman Refer to the narrative to answer the following questions. Ada. I don’t believe you. Bu. Tidak. Saya kira tidak ada. Nanti dulu. Tadi malam saya ___________ sekali. Jam delapan? Aku tidak __________! Kamu pergi ke mana ___________ malam? Saya pergi ke ___________ olahraga. b. He sold beverages in a small shop behind the sport hall. He drank lots of alcohol. “Jam berapa kamu pulang tadi malam” B. “Aku tidak percaya. How did the son feel after going back from the sport hall A. 5. 2. D. C. What did the mother say to show her disbelief to her son A.” D. Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut sehingga menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. excited Latihan 5—Matching: Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Dengarkan rekaman berikut dan pilih jawaban yang tepat. upset D. Saya pergi ke pesta dengan Arif. “What time do you go jogging?” Anda—lari pagi?—berapa—Jam 2. Did the son drank alcohol last night A.—Listen to Sound File 037-03 and choose the correct answer. a. Saya pulang jam sebelas. Di rumah teman. tired C. f. D. d. B. He played badminton. 4. He drank alcohol and milk.” C. He had a date with Tanti. Saya minum bir dan anggur. 5. “O begitu. 1. dizzy B. 4. “Kamu pergi ke mana tadi malam” 3. 3. He drank a lot of beer. e. B. He drank alcohol but just a little. c. He did not drink any alcohol. C. What did the son do at the sport hall A. “What time will your friend go to the night club?” pergi—berapa—teman—klab malam?—Jam—akan—ke—Anda 3. “What time does your boyfriend want to swim in the swimming pool?” berapa?—mau—kolam renang—jam—di—Pacar Anda—berenang .Lesson 37 2. Saya pulang naik sepeda motor. 6. Saya ke pesta di rumah teman. you (informal) 19. to take a break 2. all of them 13. or 20. all. roughly/approximately 4. milk 10. “What time do you want to pray at the small mosque?” bersembahyang—musala?—Anda—di—mau—Jam—berapa Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. a party 12. “What time does your husband want to visit the University Student Center?” jam—berapa?—mau—ke—Pusat Mahasiswa—berkunjung—Suami Anda 5. to believe 14. to say/do your prayers 3. a small streetside eatery 17. the centre Menurun: 1. apparently 8. to come/go home 9. to swim 7. only 11. to visit (a place) 5.Lesson 37 4. glass 16. defnitely . tired 15. plans. a TV/radio program 18. to meet 6. . what about ikut to come along berbicara to speak jam berapa what time bertemu to meet pulang to go home boleh allowed to. may tanggal date bulu tangkis badminton The Days of the Week These are the days of the week in Indonesian.Lesson 38 38 Days Of The Week Aims • To introduce and practise the names of the days of the week. hour and place to meet. Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Besok & Kemarin Kemarin dulu Kemarin Hari ini Besok Lusa Senin. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. . 4 Mei Rabu. lusa is ‘the day after tomorrow’ and kemarin dulu is ‘the day before yesterday’. 3 Mei Selasa.. Make sure that you remember their meanings. • To practise determining a day. kemarin is ‘yesterday’. bagaimana kalau. 5 Mei Kamis. Notice that the names of the days are frequently preceded by the “marker word” hari (day). 7 Mei Besok is ‘tomorrow’. 6 Mei Jumat. Lesson 38 Mohon Perhatian!! You will come across quite a few variations in the form and spelling of the names of days of the week. you might be interested to know that the word for Saturday. Rabu. the second”. You can also mention the date on which a certain day falls. For example. Senin. (Saturday is the seventh day of the week or the Sabbath day in the Semitic tradition. Ahad is sometimes used for Sunday instead of hari Minggu. Sabtu) are all derived from Arabic: Ahad = al-ahad. Tanggal is the marker word that appears in front of a date when the date is expressed as a number in a month. Also. Al-jum’ah is the ‘day of gathering’ from the Arabic jum’ah ‘gather’ when Muslims gather in mosques for the Friday prayers. Jumat. The day before yesterday was Friday. Kamis. So you can say: Senin tanggal tujuh Mei Monday the 7th of May . Senin = al-ithnayn. The day after tomorrow is Tuesday. Besok hari Senin. Today is Sunday Kemarin hari Sabtu. The names of the days of the week (Ahad. The frst fve days simply mean “the frst”. is derived from an ancient Semitic word that we have borrowed into English by way of Hebrew in the form of the word “Sabbath”. “the third” and so on. Yesterday was Saturday. the word for Friday is occasionally spelled Jum’at or Juma’at. Kemarin dulu hari Jumat. Kamis = al-khamīs. Assabt means ‘day of rest’ from sabt ‘to hibernate. Rabu= al-arbi’aa’. Selasa. Tomorrow is Monday. An exception is the alternative name for Sunday–hari Minggu– which comes from the Portuguese domingo. to not do anything’. Sabtu. Bear in mind that minggu also means “a week”. Wednesday is in Java often rendered as hari Rebo and Thursday as hari Kemis. Sabtu= as-sabt. Jumat= al-jum’ah. Lusa hari Selasa.) If you want to ask what day it is you say: Hari apa hari ini? or Hari ini hari apa? What day is it today? You can also say: Hari apa kemarin? Kemarin hari apa? What day was it yesterday? Hari apa besok? Besok hari apa? What day is it tomorrow? You might answer these questions with sentences like these: Hari ini hari Minggu. and Saturday (Sabtu) the ninth of Muharram in the Hijri calendar. You will notice that under the number representing each date in the month there is other information. not the sun as the European or Gregorian calendar is. The Hijri calendar is widely used for religious purposes in Indonesia. in the Javanese calendar it was 1932. an Indonesian calendar would have shown that in the Hijri era we were in the year 1420. pada hari Rabu on Wednesday pada hari Sabtu tanggal tiga belas on Saturday the 13th. You can read more about this at http://www. Cara Indonesia: The Confusing World of Calendars Even the humble calendar reveals something of Indonesia’s extraordinary diversity and its complex cultural history. and Greorgian calendars are displayed next to each other. also spelled Dhu al-Ḥijjah is the twelfth and fnal month in theHijri calendar. or Sabtu tanggal tiga puluh satu Mei tahun seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tujuh. and two Hijri months (Dzulhijjah and Muharram). but when it is used in front of dates and the names of days it is usually the same as the English “on”. The calendar shows that the same day is also Legi the twenty-fourth of Besar in the Javanese calendar. is the frst day of the frst month of the Hijri calendar and 1 Muharram 1418 corresponds with 1 Sura 1929 in the Javanese calendar. Look at this page from an ordinary calendar which shows the month of May of the year 1997 C. Dzulhijjah. As both the Hijri and the Javanese calendars are lunar calendars.kalenderjawa. On the far right you will fnd the names of these months and the current year in the Javanese and Muslim chronologies. Islamic feast days. As May 1997 covers two Javanese months (Besar and Sura). are celebrated according to the Hijri calendar. Javanese. Pon and Wage). Legi. As the world celebrated the arrival of a new millennium on 1 January 2000. the day or date is usually (but not always) preceded by the preposition pada.Lesson 38 Jumat tanggal delapan belas Juni Friday the 18th of June (There will be more practice of tanggal and the names of months in Module 4. The last day of the month in the example below is Saturday 31 May 1997. To the left and right of this day is the date in the current Javanese month and the current month according to the Islamic of Hijri calendar.H. Pahing. You will fnd the name of the corresponding day in the Javanese fve day week (Kliwon.E. The lunar year is shorter by some 11 days than a year in the international solar where the Hijri. so the celebration of them shifts forward by (usually) 11 days each year in the international .) When you are talking about something that happened on a particular day or date. Therefore 1 Muharraam A. Pada can correspond to many diferent English prepositions. which are the most important holidays for most Indonesians. and in the Balinese calendar it was 1920. their dates either correspond of difer by a day only. It is based on cycles of the moon. that is used as the basis for numerological calculations important in determining when and where to schedule important events like weddings and other rites of passage. In fact there are ‘weeks’ numbering from two to ten days. the most important of which is the six-day week. divided into 30 named weeks called wuku. Making an Appointment Want to invite someone to do something with you? We have already studied how you can do this in Module 1 (Lesson 13) and in Lesson 33 in the current module. especially to keep track of market days and to regulate ritual life. although fewer and fewer Indonesians depend on such calculations as time passes. Apakah saya boleh bisa dapat berenang berbicara bekerja bermain tenis berbelanja berjalan-jalan bercakap-cakap bertemu belajar ikut makan dengan Anda? . six-. Many millions of Javanese and Balinese also regularly consult their own Javanese and Balinese calendars. and seven-day weeks form a repeating cycle of 210 days (5x6x7). Study the two substitution tables below. Most people know the day on which they were born as expressed in these three interlocked cycles. the fve-. There is much more to the Javanese and Balinese calendars (and their counterparts in other regional traditions) than introduced here. You will recall that you practised sentences like this. business trips.Lesson 38 European/Gregorian calendar. and other signifcant decisions in life. Apakah Anda mau makan dengan saya? Apakah Anda mau pergi dengan saya? Apakah Anda mau berbelanja dengan saya nanti malam jam tujuh? Apakah saya boleh bertemu dengan Anda nanti siang jam satu? Let’s now ring a few variations on these sentences. Together. slightly complicated by leap years in both calendar systems. .............................................................................. Apakah Anda mau makan dengan saya? Mau.......................... that is............... ... Apakah Anda bisa berjalan-jalan dengan saya? Hari apa? ......Lesson 38 Apakah Anda boleh bisa mau dapat berenang berbicara bekerja bermain tenis berbelanja berjalan-jalan bercakap-cakap bertemu belajar ikut makan dengan saya? You can accept invitations like these by echoing the key word in the question: Bisa............... Di mana? ............ Di mana? . Then go on and answer the follow up questions. Mau or Boleh as appropriate.......... Mau or Boleh (note that dapat is rarely used in spoken Indonesian).............. Keep saying sentences (imagining situations in which they might be spoken) until you can say them smoothly and unhesitatingly....................................... Apakah saya boleh belajar dengan Anda? Hari apa? ................ Try to memorise them................. Jam berapa? ............ 2........... It is much better to preface your “no” answer with a polite Maaf and add saya tidak bisa................................ Dapat.. Jam berapa? ....................................... Di mana? Hmmmm.................................... This can sound too blunt.. Di mana? ... Study the example frst................................ echoing Bisa........................... Exercise 38-01 Answer each of these invitations in the afrmative (“yes”) using an “echo-answer”...................... Jam berapa? Jam setengah delapan malam......... Try to introduce as much variation as possible into your answers to the follow-up questions....... even churlish and hostile........... Apakah Anda bisa bermain bulu tangkis dengan saya? Hari apa? ... Practise generating sentences from the two tables using their words in various combinations...... Jam berapa? .. 3...... Dapat. To reject the invitation it is best to avoid saying tidak mau.......... Di Restoran Kita di Jalan Hayam Wuruk... 1.. Hari apa? Hari Sabtu........................... ................................................ bulan berapa?........................................................................ It is NOT the same ‘when’ that we use in English in a sentences such as "when I was 10 years old................ Apakah saya bisa ikut berenang dengan Anda? Hari apa? ... A more unspecifc interrogative is kapan ‘when?’.............. Apakah Anda mau berbelanja dengan saya? Hari apa? ........... Apakah saya bisa bertemu dengan Anda? Hari apa? ............ So far........ tanggal berapa?........ The USA is one of very few countries that still uses the mm-dd-yyy convention.......................................... or hari apa? You should also be aware that kapan is an interrogative and as such always followed by a question mark.................. Jam berapa? .................................................................................. ..... Jam berapa? ........................ Writing the Date (and the Time) Following the international standard ISO 8601 the correct way writing a date is 201011-14.... it is always better to ask tahun berapa?......................... Kapan Pak Tobing datang dari Jakarta? Hari Sabtu........ only a few countries have ofcially adopted ISO 8601... and the correct way writing date and time is 2010-11-14 18:19................................................ But remember that whenever you require a specifc answer.........Lesson 38 4.................................................. Di mana? ........ Jam berapa? ....................................... Apakah Anda mau makan dengan saya? Hari apa? .......... 9............................ 8......"......................... Di mana? ......... 6........... Di mana? ............................................... 7....... Asking When? The questions Hari apa? and Jam berapa? are specifc questions and require specifc answers such as hari Selasa and jam delapan.............................. and also the only country that still relies on the 12-hour clock even in ofcial publications................................ Jam berapa? .................................................................... Instead Indonesians use the dd-mm-yy convention which is used almost everywhere in the world........... Ke mana? ....... Apakah saya boleh ikut dengan Anda? Hari apa? ......... Jam berapa? ............................. 5..................................... Di mana? .................... Di mana? .................................................................. Apakah saya boleh berbicara dengan Anda? Hari apa? ............................................ Jam berapa? ............... Kapan kamu bisa datang? Besok...... jam berapa?................ Lesson 38 Role Play: Finding a Suitable Day, Hour and Place With a classmate or with your teacher/tutor imagine that you have run into a friend. The two of you would like to fnd time to get together but you are both very busy and it is difcult to fnd a day, hour or place that suits you both. Here is the role play scenario in skeletal form. Your challenge is to follow this scenario putting plenty of conversational fesh on bare bones given below. • The two acquaintances run into each other. There are greetings and initial smalltalk... perhaps beginning with Anda mau ke mana? or Anda dari mana? • One speaker issues an invitation e.g. Apakah Anda mau.... or makes a request e.g. Apakah saya boleh.... • The other speaker asks for more details (Hari apa? Jam berapa? Di mana?) before rejecting the invitation/request e.g. Maaf, saya tidak bisa... or Maaf, Anda tidak boleh... and giving a reason or excuse e.g. Saya harus pergi ke.... • The frst speaker is persistent and asks “What about...” (Bagaimana kalau...) • This too is rejected (politely, of course) with reasons or excuses. • The frst speaker continues to be persistent, either asking again Bagaimana kalau... or issuing a new invitation or request. • Eventually the two friends agree on a suitable day, hour and place. The second speaker issues a “counter-invitation” or a request of his/her own, and the cycle of the role play begins again with diferent details, better correctness and smoother fuency. Potentially, this scenario can be repeated over and over. See how many cycles you can work through, building the conversation in each cycle around one of the main verbs we have studied to talk about everyday activities and leisure. Here is a list of most of them. berenang, berbicara, bekerja, bermain tenis, berbelanja, berjalan-jalan, bercakap-cakap, bertemu, belajar, ikut , makan, minum, berkunjung (ke...), bersembahyang, bersenam Ucapan: Practice with /h/ between vowels Listen to Sound File 038-01. When /h/ appears between two vowels it can be clearly audible or scarcely audible at all, depending on the vowels that fank it. When /h/ occurs between two vowels that are the same it is breathed and is clearly audible. Practise audibly breathing the /h/ in these words. mahal bahasa mahasiswa Pak Luhur pohon Bu Solihin But, if the /h/ occurs between two vowels that are diferent it is scarcely audible, in fact in the speech of many Indonesians, especially Javanese, it almost disappears altogether. Practise saying these words with a very light, almost non-existent, /h/ sound. tahu lahir Suharti latihan tahun melihat Lesson 38 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. bagaimana kalau badminton ikut how many hours berbicara date jam berapa to meet bertemu what if pulang to speak boleh to join in, follow tanggal may bulu tangkis to go home berapa jam what time Latihan 2—Short Answers Answer in the afrmative, using: masih, boleh, mau, bisa, sudah 1. Apakah Anda mau makan dengan saya? .................................. 2. Apakah saya boleh bertemu dengan Anda nanti siang jam satu? .................................. 3. Apakah saya bisa berjalan-jalan dengan Anda? .................................. 4. Apakah Anda masih mau makan dengan saya? .................................. 5. Apakah Anda sudah makan? .................................. Latihan 3—Hari, Jam dan Tempat Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: besok—jam berapa—jam enam— jauh—ke mana—malam ini—nanti—sekarang Tigor Apa kabar? Hotma Kabar baik. Tigor Kamu mau ____________? Hotma Tidak ke mana-mana. Tigor Apakah kamu mau makan dengan saya? Hotma ____________Di mana? Tigor ____________. Kita bisa pergi ke warung dekat rumah saya. Hotma Maaf, saya tidak bisa karena harus bekerja. Rumah Anda ____________ dari tempat kerja saya. Tigor Bagaimana kalau kita (“we”) makan ____________? Hotma Maaf, saya tidak bisa. Saya harus membantu ibu masak Lesson 38 Tigor Bagaimana kalau ____________ kita makan pagi? Hotma Maaf, saya tidak bisa...tapi kamu bisa makan malam dengan keluarga saya ____________. Tigor Suka sekali! Jam berapa saya bisa datang? Hotma Kira-kira jam enam. Tigor Sampai jumpa ____________ malam! Hotma Sampai jumpa! Latihan 4—Pemahaman Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan.—Refer to the narrative to answer the following questions. 1. Hotma says he is going nowhere. How does he say “nowhere”? ................................... 2. Hotma cannot go to the small restaurant close to Tigor’s house because: A. he has to work B. he doesn’t like the food there C. he has to study D. the distance is too far to get to work in time 3. At 18:00 Hotma has to: A. work B. study C. help his mother cook D. eat dinner with his family 4. Tigor replies to Hotma’s invitation to have dinner tonight saying that he: A. really likes the idea and can come B. likes the idea but has other commitments C. he can only make it at six o’clock D. can’t make it 5. Hotma invites Tigor for dinner at: A. 06:00 B. 12:00 C. 16:00 D. 18:00 6. What phrase do they use for “see you later”? ..................................................... Lesson 38 Latihan 5—Nama Hari Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Monday hari Sabtu Friday hari Kamis Tuesday hari Minggu Saturday hari Selasa Wednesday hari Jumat Sunday hari Rabu Thursday hari Senin Latihan 6—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kalimat di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. What day is it today? a. Besok hari apa? 2. Today is Sunday b. Besok hari Senin. 3. What day was it yesterday? c. Hari apa hari ini? 4. Yesterday was Saturday d. Hari apa kemarin? 5. What day is it tomorrow? e. Hari ini hari Minggu. 6. Tomorrow is Monday. f. Kemarin dulu hari apa? 7. What day is the day after tomorrow? g. Kemarin hari Sabtu. 8. What day is the day before yesterday? h. Lusa hari apa? Latihan 7—Kuis 1. Kalau hari ini Hari Kamis, kemarin hari apa? A. Hari Minggu B. Hari Selasa C. Hari Sabtu D. Hari Rabu 2. Kalau hari ini hari Senin, besok hari apa? A. Hari Minggu B. Hari Selasa C. Hari Sabtu D. Hari Rabu 3. Ada berapa hari dalam satu minggu? A. empat hari B. enam hari C. tujuh hari D. sepuluh hari hari Senin C. hari Minggu B. hari Jumat . hari Rabu B. hari Sabtu D. hari Jumat B. hari Minggu 2. hari Kamis B. 1. hari Rabu 5. hari Sabtu D. Hari Rabu 5. Lusa hari apa? A. hari Rabu C. Ahad C. hari ini hari apa? A. hari Jumat C. Hari Senin C. hari Jumat 3. Kalau besok tanggal sembilan. hari Senin Latihan 8—Pilihan Ganda Refer to the calendar to answer the following questions. Hari Selasa D. hari Selasa D. Apakah tanggal tiga belas hari Selasa atau hari Rabu? A. hari Selasa B. Kalau hari ini tanggal dua belas. Hari apa tanggal dua? A. hari Selasa C. hari Rabu 6.Lesson 38 4. Which word is sometimes used for Sunday instead of “hari Minggu”? A. Tanggal dua puluh satu hari apa? A. hari Senin D. besok hari apa? A. hari Selasa B. Hari Minggu B. Hari apa tanggal dua puluh lima? A. hari Minggu 4. hari Selasa D. hari Kamis B. Kemarin hari Jumat. ” Hari—Senin—tujuh—tanggal—Mei.—hari—besok—apa—hari—hari—ini? 5. “Monday the 7th of May.Lesson 38 Latihan 9—Menjodohkan Match the 12 phrases of Sound File 038-02 to their translations on the right. “If today is Monday. the day before yesterday g. “Friday the 18th of June. last Sunday d. next Thursday 1 h. Wednesday morning k. 3. next Tuesday j. 2. last Friday b. Note that there are two ways of saying “Saturday night”! a. “If tomorrow is Wednesday. yesterday (early) afternoon Latihan 10—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. what day is tomorrow?” Kalau—hari—hari—hari—besok—ini—Senin. Saturday night c. tomorrow morning i.—apa? 4.” Hari—tanggal—Jumat—belas—delapan—Juni. Saturday night l. what day is today?” Kalau—Rabu. Monday night f. the day after tomorrow e. “Do you want to go shopping with me later tonight at seven?” Apakah—nanti—Anda—mau berbelanja—saya—malam—dengan—jam tujuh? . to swim 4. Sunday 12. to study 5. Monday 7. to meet 3. Tuesday 15. to pray 16. Wednesday 10. to go shopping 2. such-and-such a date . to speak 8. Friday 13.Lesson 38 Latihan 11—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. yesterday 4. Saturday 14. to work 9. Thursday 6. day after tomorrow 11. tomorrow 7. to play Menurun: 1. Make sure that you remember their meanings. past berangkat to depart murah cheap berapa lama how long oh begitu I see boleh may penuh full jam berapa what time pesawat terbang airplane kapan when perusahaan company kira-kira approximately saja only kurang less. before. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons.Lesson 39 39 Membeli Tiket Pesawat Aims • To practise telling the time in colloquial and formal Indonesian. ago seperempat one fourth Answer the following questions based on your personal experience or information that you heard concerning Indonesian airlines. Tiket Elektronik © Uli Kozok bantu to help lewat more. bagaimana perusahaan penerbangan di Indonesia? ✗ Apakah pesawat terbang di Indonesia sudah tua atau masih baru? Read the following text AFTER you have answered all questions. . to (time) setengah a half lalu then. If you don't know the answer. just guess! ✗ Apakah Anda pernah naik pesawat terbang di Indonesia? Kapan? Di mana? ✗ Penerbangan (airline) apa saja yang ada di Indonesia? ✗ Menurut Anda. Jakarta. Delta 17. Padang. and the distribution of its more than 200 million people highly concentrated on a single island. More on “lebih” and “yang” The meaning of lebih is “more. Solo. Imran? and the answer would be: Pak Hakim yang lebih tua. more solid lebih luas broader lebih sulit more difcult If you ask a question comparing two persons. .1 years).Lesson 39 Air Transport in Indonesia Indonesia’s transport system has been shaped over time by the economic resource base of an archipelago with thousands of islands. where about 40% of all Indonesians live. -er (when you are comparing qualities or quantities)”: lebih besar bigger lebih bagus better lebih mahal more expensive lebih terkenal more famous lebih tua older lebih keras harder. Hakim is older than Mr. Makassar. Figures are for October 2013.1.8 years. which compares well to international carriers (Emirates 6. and Yogyakarta. Indonesia has a fairly modern air transport system linking most of the larger towns to Jakarta. The largest domestic airline is state-owned Garuda Indonesia with 87 aircraft (45 on order) serving 51 destinations. Hakim or Mr. Denpasar.9 years. One of the largest domestic companies is Lion Air which has recently rejuvenated its feet of 59 aircrafts with another 139 on order. Pekanbaru. Mr. After some major aviation accidents airlines have started to modernise their aging feets. One of the major international airlines serving Indonesia is the Malaysian company Air Asia that has daily fights from Kuala Lumpur to Banda Aceh. Imran. Surabaya. It is quite common to place “yang” after siapa and before an adjective or before lebih + adjective: Siapa yang lebih tua? Pak Hakim atau Pak Imran? Who is (the one that is) older? Mr. other airports are increasingly expending their international connections. Bandung. American Airlines 14.6 years and the average age of Lion Air’s feet is 5 years. Pak Hakim is the older one.6 years. Singapore Airlines 6. Qantas 9. While Jakarta is still the most important hub for national and international fights. Imran? and the answer would be: Pak Hakim lebih tua daripada Pak Imran. The small Mandala Airlines now has a very modern feet of only 5. United Airlines 13. Java.3. and which now operates more than 200 daily fights to 36 destinations. Hakim or Mr. Medan. you use the interrogative siapa “who”: Siapa lebih tua? Pak Hakim atau Pak Imran? Who is older? Mr. Sriwijaya dan Mandala. tetapi adiknya tinggal di Jakarta. Ibu Melati tinggal di Semarang. Berapa harga tiketnya? Kalau Garuda. Dari Semarang ke Jakarta. Lalu berapa harganya? Ibu Melati . Tiket yang paling mahal. Bu. The most expensive ticket. The Toyota Corolla is more expensive. Bu. Bagaimana kalau Jumat? Jumat juga boleh. Apakah ada yang lebih murah? Ada. lima ratus ribu Rupiah. Sore. ya? Kapan Ibu mau berangkat? Hari Sabtu. Di dekat rumahnya ada agen perjalanan. berapa lama penerbangannya? Kira-kira satu jam. you use the interrogative yang mana “which (out of a known set)”: Yang mana lebih mahal? Honda City atau Toyota Corolla? Which one is more expensive? The Honda City or the Toyota Corolla? and the answer would be: Toyota Corolla lebih mahal daripada Honda City. Yang mana yang paling murah? Yang paling murah Mandala. Ibu Ainun Selamat siang. It is quite common to add “yang” before the adjective or before lebih + adjective: Yang mana yang lebih mahal? Honda City atau Toyota Corolla? Which one (is the one that) is more expensive? The Honda City or the Toyota Corolla? and the answer would be: Toyota Corolla lebih mahal .Lesson 39 If you ask a question comparing two things. Ibu Melati mau naik pesawat ke Jakarta. Silakan duduk. tetapi Sabtu sudah penuh. Dialogue Listen to Sound File 039-01 between Ibu Melati and Ibu Ainun (a ticket attendant). Jam berapa? Hari Jumat Mandala berangkat jam lima belas lewat empat puluh dengan nomor penerbangan RI 293. Eh. Yang paling Superlative phrases are formed by placing noun + yang paling ‘most’ before the adjective: Gedung yang paling tinggi The tallest building. Bisa saya bantu? Saya mau ke Jakarta. Selamat siang. The Toyota Corolla is more expensive than the Honda City. Bu. Oh begitu. don’t worry about the grammatical rationale for the order of words or the form of the verbs beli (buy) and baca (read). More examples with question word plus saja: Siapa saja yang datang? Who (all) came? Kamu ke mana saja tadi? What places did you visit today? Apa saja yang kamu beli di pasar? What things did you buy at the market? Buku apa saja yang harus kita baca? What books do we have to read? In case you noticed that the two last sentences sound a bit unfamiliar. we can modify the question slightly: “Where all did you go to?” and then the answer is likely to be more specifc: “I went to Jakarta. when we want the answer to contain more than one thing we use a question word followed by saja. When we ask that person “Where did you go to?” the answer can be unspecifc. dan banyak lagi. Penerbangan apa saja yang ada di Indonesia? What airlines are there in Indonesia? Here.Lesson 39 Tiga ratus tujuh puluh ribu Rupiah. look at Lesson 46 and 93 where Passive Type II is explained.” In Indonesian. Untuk berapa orang. Bandung and Medan. but you want to know what places he has visited. they are of the same type as Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan? in Lesson 35. What we said there also applies here: For the moment. For instance: Banyak penerbangan ada di Indonesia. but should be more specifc. Bu? Satu saja. Question Word Plus “Saja” Imagine you have a friend who just returned from Indonesia. Always consult a good dictionary or the vocabulary cards whenever you stumble upon difcult words. Nama saya Melati. the answer expected is not only “banyak”. Sriwijaya Air. Baiklah Now check your understanding of this dialogue by doing Latihan 2 and 3. Garuda. such as “I visited many places in Java and Sumatra” When we want the answer to be more specifc. . You know that he went to Indonesia. ada Merpati. But if you really need to fnd out now. twimg. Pkl.jpg:large . from 0 to 23. in colloquial speech it is rendered as setengah lima. and the only remaining country in the world that uses the 12-hour clock for ofcial purposes is the USA. and 40 minutes after the hour use the 30 minutes (setengah.. 22 September 2014 at 08. the time is often followed by a reference to the time zone.m.30 Pukul enam belas lewat tiga puluh menit 23. There are only a handful of countries that still use the 12-hour clock. or jam empat sore if this is not evident from the context. The times WIB (Waktu Indonesia Barat). WITA (Waktu Indonesia Tengah). i. While 16:30 is jam enam belas lewat tiga puluh menit. indicated by the hours passed since midnight.) as the point of reference: setengah sembilan kurang lima setengah dua belas lewat sepuluh setengah lima lewat lima Look at the poster to the left to see how the time is shown in the proper format. This system is the most commonly used time notation in the world today. 22 September 2014. Pkl. In formal Indonesian it is also common to use pukul instead of jam.25 Jam delapan lewat dua puluh lima menit 09. https://pbs. In formal Indonesian the time is pronounced as Jam ___ lewat ___ menit.30 a. and Indonesia Eastern Time is nine hours ahead of GMT. Note that a dot is typically used as the hour-minute separator: 08. A quarter to and a quarter past are indicated by kurang seperempat and lewat seperempat.. in colloquial speech 16:00 is usually referred to as jam empat.Lesson 39 Jam Berapa?—Telling the Time in Indonesian The 24-hour clock is a convention of time keeping in which the day runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours.36 Pukul dua puluh tiga lewat tiga puluh enam menit However.e. Indonesia Central Time is eight hours ahead. 25.55 Pukul sepuluh lewat lima puluh lima menit 16. is the abbreviated form of pukul: Senin. and WIT (Waktu Indonesia Timur).15 Jam sembilan lewat lima belas menit 10. 08. In Indonesia. 35.30 WIB which is Monday. Indonesia Western Time is seven hours in advance (UTC+7) of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). .... Ibu Melati inquires whether there are cheaper fights. C.......... What’s wrong with the Mandala fight on Saturday? A......... 2... 4....... Yes B.................. How does she say “about... The travel agent indicates that the fight takes about an hour....... ..... What word or phrase does she use for “cheaper”? ..... D.................. A... She wants to enquire about available fights........... B. The Mandala fight is cheaper than the Sriwijaya fight...... False 6........ Correct B.... It’s booked out........... 8........ How much does the Garuda ticket costs? (write in digits) ..Lesson 39 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu 1 Jodohkan kata di kolom sebelah kiri dengan artinya di kolom sebelah kanan.... to (time) kurang what time boleh a half lalu to help lewat past perusahaan may murah then................ It is too early.. Melati’s want to do at the travel agency? A.... 1......... ago setengah a quarter oh begitu when seperempat company Latihan 2—Pemahaman Listen to Sound File 039-01 while answering the following questions.......... approximately”? .. It takes too long.. It is too expensive...... What does Mrs........ B. 7...... Does Ibu Melati know how long the fight is? A......................... No 3........ 5. She books a fight to Jakarta............. C.... Ibu Melati also wants to know what the cheapest fight is.... jam berapa cheap kapan approximately bantu I see kira-kira to depart berangkat less...... She wants to book a fight to Semarang..... How does she say the cheapest? .... but she doesn’t want to book.................. 000 C. 307. A. kapan? d. how much does it cost? 4. what about? Ibu Melati . Bu? Satu __________. Bisa saya ______? Saya mau ke Jakarta. tetapi Sabtu sudah _______. __________ harga tiketnya? Kalau Garuda. Untuk berapa orang. Dari Semarang ke Jakarta. Baiklah Latihan 4—Bertanya Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 730. are there? 3.40 dengan nomor penerbangan RI 293. Ibu Ainun Selamat siang. Jam berapa? Hari Jumat Mandala _______ jam 15. berapa lama? c. which one? 2. Monday B. Nama saya Melati.. Yang __________ yang paling murah? Yang paling murah Mandala. Bu. when? 6. Selamat siang. jam berapa? e. Lalu berapa harganya? 370. 300. Oh begitu. Saturday 10.000 Rupiah. Apakah ada yang lebih __________? Ada.Lesson 39 9.. berapa jam? a.000 Rupiah. berapa lama penerbangannya? Kira-kira satu jam.700 Latihan 3—Isian Listen to Sound File 039-01 again and fll in the gaps. Eh. Sriwijaya dan Mandala. Sore. Bu. ya? Kapan Ibu mau __________? Hari __________. Bagaimana kalau Jumat? Jumat juga __________. Silakan duduk.000 B. apakah ada? b. So fnally she books a fight on A. Bu. 500. The fnal purchase price is. Friday D.000 D. 1. how many hours? 5. 370. bagaimana kalau? f. Wednesday C. ......... 4.........Lesson 39 7..... 350................... Saturday is fne........ 7....... Hari Sabtu juga boleh.........000 B... 5...... a............ 1... “lima belas ribu tujuh ratus” ........ “empat ratus enam puluh sembilan ribu” . What about Saturday? 2... Can I help you? 3............. Bisa saya bantu? g.......000 2... berapa? g............ Kalau ini....... Example: GA 247 berangkat ke Jakarta jam setengah delapan kurang sepuluh ... Apakah ada yang lebih murah? e.... yang mana? i.................................. “seribu tiga ratus” ............. at what time? 9.............. “empat ribu delapan ratus” ...... berapa harganya? h.............................. too........................... Is there a cheaper one? 6.............. 1........ This is the best one... Which one is the cheapest? 4. 6.......... Yang mana yang paling murah? d.......................... 350........ 3.... Yang paling bagus ini.. “seratus delapan puluh ribu” (in digits) . 5........... “lima puluh dua ribu” .. how long? Latihan 5—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan..... how many/much? 8. Latihan 7—Telling the Time in Colloquial Indonesian Look at the Semarang Airport Flight Schedule (Jadwal Penerbangan) and write the times as they would be spoken in colloquial Indonesian.......... Bagaimana kalau hari Sabtu? c............. 7................. How do you write the number “tiga ratus lima puluh ribu”? A............. f....... bagaimana? b... What about this? How is it? Latihan 6—Pilihan Ganda : Angka Write the number in numerals according to the convention used in Indonesia... .........................00 12................. “Mandala is the cheapest...... 6...00 GA 239 (Setiap hari) 12... TGN 126 berangkat ke Pangkalanbun jam ..............................45 14...........................20 GA 246 (Setiap hari) 20......... GA235 tiba di Jakarta jam ..00 KALSTAR TRIGANA AIR Ke Pangkalanbun TGN 126 (Setiap hari) Dari Pangkalanbun 12...........00 GA 236 (Setiap hari) 12........40 GA 235 (Setiap hari) 09... “How long does the fight take to Yogyakarta?” Berapa—ke—penerbangan—lama—Yogyakarta? 4...... .... “Is there a cheaper one?” Apakah—lebih—ada—yang— murah? Jadwal Penerbangan BANDARA AHMAD YANI SEMARANG Telp............ GA230 datang dari Jakarta jam .... 3...... 5.....00 07..00 GA 245 (Setiap hari) 17.40 GA 238 (Setiap hari) 13. 4.............32 TGN 125 (Setiap hari) 2.20 GA 234 (Setiap hari) 10......... 3....20 20....... .....................40 08. .40 18....40 GA 241 (Setiap hari) 14. Latihan 8—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1.. “The fight to Palembang is already full on Saturday..20 GA 237 (Setiap hari) 11......02 .40 GA 232 (Setiap hari) 08.40 GA 244 (Setiap hari) 18. but Saturday they’re sold out.............. “May I ask for the ticket price to Denpasar?” Boleh—ke—harga—saya—tiket—minta—Denpasar? 12..............20 15...00 GA 242 (Setiap hari) 17.. Informasi Bandara: (024) 7608735 No..” Yang—Mandala...............” Hari—sudah—Sabtu—Palembang—penerbangan—ke—penuh.... GA244 datang dari Jakarta jam A.....—sudah—murah—paling—Sabtu—tetapi—penuh.....Lesson 39 1.. Pnb (Hari) Berangk at Tiba No Pnb (Hari) Datan g GARUDA Ke Jakarta Dari Jakarta GA 231 (Setiap hari) 06.......20 10. setengah tujuh lewat sepuluh 2..05 GA 233 (Setiap hari) 07..........00 GA 230 (Setiap hari) 07.40 GA 247 (Setiap hari) 19............... 5....00 17.. delapan belas lewat empat puluh B..........................20 GA 240 (Setiap hari) 15...40 13........20 GA 243 (Setiap hari) 16. GA 238 datang dari Jakarta jam .... GA232 datang dari Jakarta jam .......................... it’s okay 3. clock. long (of time) 7. how much? 3. also . only 5. can. hour. when? 2. how? 10. schedule 6. late afternoon 4. cheap Menurun: 1. to help 14.Lesson 39 Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 2. just. how many. to depart 9. may. fight 16. full 11. but 13. price 15. ticket 8. according to 12. o’clock 8. . the word “comfort”. In Indonesian base words usually consist of two syllables. an afx – whether a prefx.prefx. tanya. called a base word. We have afxation in English. anjing a dog kemarin yesterday besok tomorrow keterangan information burung a bird lakukan to do something dapur a kitchen masak to cook dinding an interior wall pakaian clothing halaman a yard membantu to help Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa Many words in Indonesian consist of a base word to which afxes are attached. You can also attach a prefx and a sufx to the base at the same time. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Base words are usually “naked” words without afxes attached to them. producing the word “discomfort”. Or you can attach the prefx “dis-” to the base. A combination of a prefx and sufx that always appears together “straddling” a base word is called a circumfx. producing. the word “uncomfortable”.Prefx Aims • To introduce and practise some common verbs with the meN. and when attached to the rear end it is called a sufx. like makan. Take. When it is attached to the front end of a base word it is called a prefx. tinggal. buah. An afx is a syllable that cannot stand on its own as a free-standing word but is always attached to a “mother-word”. Although it can’t stand on its own.Lesson 40 40 Verbs With The Me. • To give further practice with sedang. minum. for example. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. bantu etc. suffx or circumfx – usually has a consistent meaning or a consistent grammatical function. You can regard “comfort” as a base word and you can attach the sufx “-able” to it forming the derived word “comfortable”. warna. for example. prefx. like pustaka (from Sanskrit) and sekolah (Portuguese) or just one syllable like hak (Arabic). sekolah school bersekolah to go to school tinggal to stay meninggal to die. Here Mr Mitra is inficting the action of opening on to the door. Take. in the verb bekerja (to work). that is. the sentence Pak Mitra membuka pintu (Mr Mitra opened the door). words that have afxes in them. Here the action of doing gymnastics is being done by the subject of the verb (mereka) – you cannot “gymnastic” someone else. Verbs with a ber. Take.prefx. i. among other things.prefxes attach themselves to a base word. Belajar is formed from the base word ajar with a ber. but to make the derived form roll more smoothly of the tongue the ber. You never fnd *berkerja. for example. For example.prefx is like this. the action expressed in the verb is being inficted on someone or something modifed slightly to bel-. i. that the attachment of an afx can sometimes change the function of a word: a verb may become a noun (makan becomes makanan). Here makan is the base word. there is often a variation in form of the prefx and/or the front end of the base word in order to produce a “seamless” new word. To facilitate pronunciation.and meN-. For example. That’s why the verb is called “intransitive” – it doesn’t transmit or infict its action on to anyone or anything else. -an is a sufx. to pass away minum to drink minuman a drink. as you can see in the case of tinggal and meninggal.and me. makan (to eat) gives us makanan (food).Lesson 40 A few – mostly foreign borrowings – may consist of three syllables. . one that is smoothly integrated and easily pronounceable.prefx. so the verb is transitive and it takes a meN. The two most common verbal prefxes in Indonesian are ber. Here are a few more examples you have already met in previous lessons. Prefxes and sufxes can be attached to these to form derived words. for example.on the other hand usually (but far from always!) signals that the verb it is attached to is transitive.prefx are usually intransitive. You cannot “die” someone else – dying is something done by the “doer” of the action. You have met some derived words already. As the ber. they are like the English “he died”. the /r/ is dropped from the ber. An Indonesian verb with a ber. a beverage buah fruit buah-buahan a variety of fruits bertanya (from •tanya) to ask a question pertanyaan a question membantu (from •bantu) to help pembantu an assistant. the base-word is kerja. Sometimes the attachment of an afx can produce a radically diferent (though usually related) meaning. and makanan is the derived word. The prefx meN. a noun may become a verb (sekolah becomes bersekolah) or there may be no change in function. not to anyone or anything else. the sentence Mereka sedang bersenam (They are doing gymnastics). that is.e. The action expressed in the verb happens to the doer of the action expressed in the verb. a household servant These examples show. Ayah membaca surat kabar di ruang keluarga. In the meantime just learn the forms of added to a base word: meN. bercakap-cakap. membantu (to help someone..prefx are complex.(the capital N denotes the added nasal) prefx verbs have also popped up: melihat (to see something. p meN.. . Check that you remember the meanings of each of them.prefx: berasal. to summon someone). It is important to get a feel for the process of afxation in general. berjalan. (George Quinn’s Learner’s Dictionary of Today’s Indonesian is an exception to this convention. to look at something). t.Prefx In previous lessons you have practised using a number of verbs with the ber. or impinges on. This process of modifying the prefx and/or base word so that they ft together smoothly is called assimilation. berumur. You will notice that they all have an object. For the time being it is sufcient to simply memorise the most common changes that occur when the prefx meN. n. Because the rules for the assimilation of the meN. A few meN. bersenam.becomes mem. we won’t cover them explicitly until Module Five of The Indonesian Way. or “inficts” itself on. bertanya. Study the examples below. w.becomes men. h. for example.“assimilates” to base words in quite complex ways. beristirahat.. berbicara. This means that if you meet the word bersekolah.prefx to produce the “blended” word meninggal. y meN. You will have to look it up under “s” for sekolah.) Introducing Verbs with the Me. and try to look it up in a dictionary under “b” you won’t fnd it. memanggil (to call out to someone. The prefx me.when the root word begins with b. You won’t fnd meninggal listed under “m” in most dictionaries. mempunyai (to have something. bermain.verbs “as they come”. The prefx meN. berbelanja.. and for the distinction between base word and prefx in particular.. j.. bersembahyang... and k are dropped when the prefx meN. irrespective of whether it is a base-word or not.becomes meng. to own something). are rare or non-existing. that is a person or thing that each verb governs. when you frst see meninggal (or any of the many thousands of words like it) you can’t immediately see that the base word is tinggal. so you need to know what the base-word is if you are to fnd it up in a dictionary.later on. q. and hence not included) Lets look at some more meN.verbs. berlari. m. bersekolah. berkunjung (ke. likewise “glued” to the basewords bantu and buka with the nasal sound /m/ to produce the transitive verbs membantu and membuka.when the root word begins with c. d and t meN. berwarna.becomes meny.Lesson 40 Similarly with the me. v. added. Similarly. (Bases beginning with f. The baseword tinggal merges with the me. x. Father is reading the newspaper in the living room. All the main entries in this dictionary are arranged according to the frst letter of each word. depending on the initial sound in each base word. You will learn more about the prefx meN. r. k meN. to assist someone). membuka (to open something). bekerja and belajar. or g. berdiri.becomes me.). berenang. bertemu.prefx. One reason why this is important is that the entries in most dictionaries of the Indonesian language are arranged in alphabetical order of the base words.when the root word begins with s Note that initial s as well as the three voiceless plosives p.when the root word begins with l.when the root word begins with a vowel. Magdalena is writing a novel. Hendro sweeps the dining room. Magdalena menulis novel could also be translated as “Magdalena writes novels” or “Magdalena is writing a novel”. The previous. and also the following sentences. Kakak mendengarkan radio di kamar tidurnya. e. Johannes is washing his clothes in the laundry (bathroom). Magdalena menulis novel. Apakah Johannes mencuci pakaiannya di kamar mandi nanti? Is Johannes going to be washing his clothes in the laundry later today? Tadi kakak mendengarkan radio di kamar tidurnya. What is Mrs. [My] (older) sister just listened to the radio in her bedroom. resulting in the phrase: Lagi ngapain? . father read the newspaper in the sitting room. But bear in mind that the Indonesian language does not explicitly indicate tense nor plurality. Study these examples: Kemarin ayah membaca surat kabar di ruang keluarga. Nia membersihkan dapur. Yesterday night they watched television in the living room. were translated either in present or past tense. Mereka menonton televisi di ruang keluarga. Magdalena menulis novel. Elder sister is listening to the radio in her bedroom. In colloquial Indonesian lagi is commonly used instead of sedang and apa is replaced by ngapain.Lesson 40 Johannes mencuci pakaiannya di kamar mandi. and hence each of the sentences could be translated diferently. Magdalena wrote a novel. Sedang apa? /Ngapain? If you want to ask about what someone is doing right at this moment you can use the phrase sedang apa? which means something like “in the middle of (doing) what?” Ibu Suratminingsih sedang apa? Ibu Suratminingsih sedang mencuci piring. They are watching television in the living room. Suratminingsih doing? Mrs. Besok Nia membersihkan dapur. Yesterday. Nia cleaned the kitchen. Tomorrow. Suratminingsih is washing the dishes. Hendro menyapu ruang makan. The word sedang is hence similar to the gerund in English. Mereka menonton televisi di ruang keluarga kemarin malam. Nia is going to clean the kitchen.g. She’s washing dishes out the back. change the a-sound in fnal closed syllables to a weak e: datang is hence pronounced dateng. She’s washing dishes out the back. You should also be aware that many speakers of Indonesian. 1. . especially from Jakarta. make additions of your own to the columns on the right of the verb. and hence it is not necessary for you to learn these words. Sisilia lagi ngapain? What’s Sisilia doing at the moment? Dia lagi nyuci piring di belakang. I’m writing a letter to my friend. If you can . I’m writing a letter to my usually dropped while the nasalisation is retained resulting in nulis instead of menulis. this change does not occur regularly. mbaca instead of membaca etc. Notice that when you ask a question that has sedang in it. Study these examples: FORMAL Sedang apa? What are you doing right now? Saya sedang menulis surat kepada teman saya. but often also from other places in Java. Ibu Ayah sedang apa? Matius Dia (sedang) membaca majalah kamar tidur. However. in the answer you can say sedang followed by a verb. change to ny: mencuci becomes nyuci. and teman is often pronounced temen.Lesson 40 In colloquial Indonesian. surat perpustakaan. Verbal roots beginning with the letter c. Sisilia sedang apa sekarang? What’s Sisilia doing at the moment? Dia sedang mencuci piring di belakang. It is completely sufcient if you are aware that a in fnal closed syllables often becomes e as you can hear in the examples below. INFORMAL Lagi ngapain? What are you doing right now? Aku lagi nulis surat ke temanku. the prefx meN. buku kebun. but you don’t have to repeat the word sedang and sedang can’t stand on its own in an answer. surat kabar ruang keluarga. novel di dapur. however. Practise making up questions and answers from the substitutional table below. Anak Anda Kakak Anda Teman Anda sedang apa? Adik Anda kota flm di bioskop ---------------------------------------------------rumah Dia (sedang) menonton televisi di ruang keluarga rumah temannya ---------------------------------------------------tenis di universitas gedung olahraga 4. Nuning Suratmi Farida sedang apa? Hamid Adam di belakang rumah. .Lesson 40 2. piring di dapur. ----------------------------------------------------Dia (sedang) mencuci pakaian di halaman belakang. 3. Isteri Anda Suami Anda sedang apa? Pacar Anda Dia (sedang) mendengarkan radio halaman belakang. musik di kebun. ----------------------------------------------------mobil di garasi. burung-burung samping rumah. di depan rumah. .. and ngapain is based on apa with the Jakarta prefx ng. Anda sedang apa? keterangan tentang keluarga saya.and sufx -in. but we will explain that later in detail. Ngapain means: “what (is/are) (you/he/she) doing?” So. Mereka (sedang) membersihkan dinding dapur. 6.. lagi ngapain means “what are you doing right now?” Ibu Ningsih sedang apa? Si Salimin sedang apa? Kamu sedang apa? Ibu Ningsih lagi ngapain? Lagi ngapain Si Salimin? Lagi ngapain kamu? Feel free to add sih at the end of the question to give it more pep: Si Salimin lagi ngapain sih? . sih? In Lesson 35 you learned the word lakukan ‘to do’ as part of the phrase: Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan. Anda etc) you have to use the passive form lakukan (passive type II). in more slangy colloquial Indonesian it is far more common to use the Jakarta variant lagi ngapain instead of sedang apa. surat kepada pacar saya. variant with sedang apa. use the passive verb lakukan/dilakukan: Ibu Ningsih sedang apa? Si Salimin sedang apa? Kamu sedang apa? Apa yang sedang dilakukan Ibu Ningsih? Apa yang sedang dilakukan Salimin? Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan? With second person pronouns (kamu. yet still formal. “What do you usually do.?” Instead of sedang apa we can. Tutu dan Frans Endang dan Lina sedang apa? Ayah dan Ibu halaman depan. mobil. of course. Saya (sedang) menulis buku. lemari es. However. Lagi is the colloquial variant for sedang. garasi. and not the passive type I form dilakukan. For the time being it is sufcient that you know that you have the choice of using either a more formal construction with lakukan or the more relaxed. ruang keluarga.Lesson 40 5.. Si Ratna lagi ngapain. g. It is actually the same si that distinguishes apa from siapa! Ucapan: Practice with /h/ before a consonant You have practised audibly breathing the /h/ sound when it occurs at the end of a word e.Lesson 40 Note the particle Si in front of the name Salimin. breathing the /h/ sound. preferably in colloquial speach and when refering to younger people. The /h/ sound is. (In the pronunciation help here. rumah.) majalahnya membersihkan sesudahnya Latihan 1—Kata Lalu Jodohkanlah kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Practise saying the words from below (Sound File 040-01). anjing dog halaman yard besok tomorrow keterangan declaration burung bird masak to cook dapur kitchen pakaian clothes dinding (interior) wall kemarin yesterday Latihan 2—Kata Baru Jodohkan kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan membaca to wash sth membersihkan to write mendengarkan to. even when that syllable is in the middle of a word and is followed by a con sonant. in words like sekolah. always breathed at the end of any syllable. murah. the /h/ is reduplicated and underlined to help you remember to breathe it. in fact. Si is not part of the name but rather a kind of article that is often attached to names. putih etc. towards menulis a letter mencuci to clean sth menonton what are (you) doing? majalah to read surat kabar plate. dish kepada magazine surat a newspaper piring to listen to sth sedang apa? to watch sth . each of these sentences could be referring to a past. b. tanya e. or even a future. 3. meninggal 5. 4.Lesson 40 Latihan 3― Affxation Base words are usually “naked” words without afxes attached to them. event. tinggal b. 1. Adiknya mencuci pakaiannya di kamar mandi. bantu f. 1. or tadi. a. 6. minuman 4. 1. Her brother is washing his clothes in the bathroom. 2. in her room. buah d. Ayah sudah membaca surat kabar di ruang keluarga. minum c. Match the Indonesian base word to the derived words. buah-buahan Latihan 4―Menjodohkan Let’s look at some more “me-” verbs. pembantu 2. b. Ibu saya menulis novel. Her brother has just washed his clothes in the bathroom. Kemarin kakakku mendengarkan radio di kamarnya. Father has read the newspaper in the living room. kemarin. Kakakku mendengarkan radio di kamarnya. Later they are going to watch television in the living room. in a diferent context. But bear in mind that.f. My elder sister is listening to the radio luarga. Each sentence here has been translated as if it is happening at the moment. They are watching television in the living room. My mother is writing a novel. sekolah a. Adiknya tadi mencuci pakaiannya di kamar mandi. 2. sudah. c. pertanyaan 3. 5. nanti. . Mereka menonton televisi di ruang ke. Latihan 5―Menjodohkan As the Indonesian language does not know grammatical tense it has to rely on time markers such as besok. Ayah membaca surat kabar di ruang keluarga. a. e. c. akan. d. Grandma is cleaning the kitchen. Father is reading the newspaper in the living room. Check the meaning of the derived words in the key to the exercises. bersekolah 6. Nenek membersihkan dapur. 3. 9. dan pada sore hari dia bermain tenis dengan temannya. Right: . Maaf tidak bisa. Yesterday my elder sister listened to the radio in her room. Pada pagi hari Fitri bersenam di gedung olahraga i. dan pada jam delapan dia pulang. 4. j.. Saya suka menonton televisi. e. dan pada hari Selasa dia menonton pertandingan sepak bola. Pada hari Selasa saya mencuci pakaian c.Lesson 40 4. dan pada hari Kamis saya membersihkan dapur. e. 7. For example: Left: Pada hari Sabtu malam biasanya saya menonton flm dengan Susi. Ibu saya akan menulis novel.. Latihan 6―Menjodohkan Match the sentence stems on the left to the ending sentence response on the right.but last night I watched a flm with Giok Nio. Anda mau bertemu dengan dia sekarang? d. 6. Saya harus pergi ke pasar sekarang. Jam lima sore dia pergi ke rumah teman h. 5. The sentence response will be a continuation of the sentence stems. tetapi saya lebih suka mendengarkan musik di radio. On Saturday nights usually I watch flms with Susi..tetapi tadi malam saya menonton flm dengan Giok Nio. . 1. dan adiknya akan mencuci piring. 2. 5. b. 3. Nanti mereka menonton televisi di ruang keluarga.. Tomorrow grandma will be cleaning the kitchen. . Wahyudi akan masak nanti malam f. Kadang-kadang Yuni duduk di kebun. Pada hari Jumat Bapak Maimun bersembahyang di mesjid g. 8. d. 10. My mother will be writing a novel. 6. Besok nenek membersihkan dapur. dan ibu bekerja di kebun. Ayah sedang beristirahat di kamar tidur a. tetapi biasanya dia menulis surat di ruang makan. tetapi kadang-kadang dia membaca surat kabar di ruang keluarga. Biasanya Bapak Lopulisa minum kopi di ruang makan. f. Gerson sedang apa? 5..Pak Fernandes sedang apa? 3. 1..Si Hendro sedang apa? .Bambang sedang apa? 6.Lesson 40 Latihan 7―Jawaban Lengkap Answer the following sentences with complete sentences containing a meN.Ibu Suratminingsih sedang apa? 2.or meN-.-kan verb with the appropriate object.Keluarga Latumahina sedang apa? 4. Orang-orang ini sedang apa? 10. Delia membantu Ibu Yohanes memasak nasi goreng. Sesudah makan. Yohanes do in the dining room? A. Ardi mendengarkan musik di radio lalu menonton berita di televisi. Pak Yohanes berada di halaman belakang. They cook fried rice together. Dia sedang menyapu halaman itu. They sit in the dining room. What does Mr. . Ibu Yohanes mencuci piring. Yohanes’ family do every morning? A. They talk in the dining room. Delia membantu Ardi mencuci pakaian.Lesson 40 7. He is reading a newspaper. C.Ibu Nia dan Ros sedang apa? 9.Keluarga Sucipto sedang apa? 8. Bapak Yohanes membaca koran dan Ibu Yohanes memasak nasi goreng untuk sarapan. What does Mr. He is eating fried rice. 1. They watch news together on the TV. 2. B. Anda sedang apa? Latihan 8―Pilihan Ganda P Keluarga Pak Yohanes ada pagi hari biasanya keluarga Pak Yohanes duduk di ruang makan. D. B. .. 5... D.......................... No Latihan 9―Prefix MeAdd the prefx Me......................... sapu ........................ dengar ............ 8.................................... Yes B. D...... She sweeps the foor..... Yohanes do after breakfast? A......... Is Ardi listening to the news on the radio? A. 2................ cuci ............ B..... Remember that you cannot mechanically add the prefx me..... Is Mr.. B...................... What does Mrs............ C...................... tonton ..... 6.............. tulis .................... C.................. He goes to a cofee shop.... 4.......... 5......... He is helping Mrs....... He goes to his ofce........... Yohanes cleaning the backyard? A....... 3............. masak ........ 6.. In many cases you have to add a nasal sound between the prefx and the base. He is cooking fried rice..... bantu ................ He goes to the backyard....... Yohanes go after breakfast? A.... Where does Mr.......... She cleans the the following bases........... baca ............ D....................... 7.......Lesson 40 C.......... He goes to his neighbour’s house....... She helps Delia washing the clothes... ........ 1. She washes the dishes.. No the base.......... Yohanes cooking fried rice...... Yes B.......................... 3.............. to go shopping 3. 6. 7. Mendatar: 1. to run . me. 11. 3. Now. to rest. The main diference is that ber. 9. 8.Lesson 40 Latihan 10― Teka Teki Silang (TTS) : The Prefx “ber-” So far we have encountered two verb-forming prefxes.and ber-. 14. to work 4. 13. 15. “Bali” is no longer the grammatical object but has become part of a prepositional phrase. 12. to take a break 10. to be such-andsuch an age. to meet 2. to go for a stroll 7.. They cannot take an object. Instead you have to use a preposition: “Saya berkunjung ke Bali”. 5.verbs are always intransitive. 16. If you want to say “I visit Bali” you can NOT say “saya berkunjung Bali”. to chat to ask a question to go to school to swim ____ coloured to play to work out to speak to pray to stand to originate (from) to visit (a place) Menurun: 1. to help someone. 6. to look at something 7. You can say. me. to clean something 3. to own something Menurun: 2. but you can also say “Saya menulis surat” (I write a letter). 10. to summon someone to listen to have something.verbs without an object. 5. to read 8.verbs are usually transitive meaning that they can take a grammatical object: Ibu mencuci pakaian. for instance: “Saya menulis” (I write). to assist someone to write to wash to call out to someone.verbs. Of course you can also use many of the me. 8. 9. Mendatar: 1.Lesson 40 Latihan 11―Teka Teki Silang (TTS): The Prefx “meN-” In contrast to ber. to open something 4. Dia membantu saya. to see something. to watch . Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. • To do a quick check on your progress through a Quick Quiz.Lesson 41 41 Talking at Length Bercakap-cakap Aims • To take the frst steps towards stringing sentences together into an extended narrative. berangkat to depart mendengarkan to listen dulu frst menonton to watch jagung corn piring a plate . These two words also form the useful phrases sebelum itu (before that) and sesudah itu (after that). (Review Lesson 22 if you need to refresh your memory about belum and sudah. Ratna combed her hair. sesudah or pada. You write: Saya harus mencuci piring sesudah makan malam. but before that she brushed her teeth.. but before that she washed the dishes. followed by an expression of time). Cue sentence: Saya harus mencuci piring sesudah.glued to them they mean respectively “before” and “after”.Lesson 41 kue a cake pulang to go home lalu then ruang keluarga living room majalah magazine sarapan breakfast melihat to see sesudah after membaca to read surat kabar newspaper membersihkan to clean something tadi malam last night mencari to look for tempat a place mencuci to wash uang money Before and After You have already met the words belum and sudah. Study these model sentences. . tetapi sebelum itu ia mencuci piring. After Adri came home he watched television. Yohannes washed the dishes. Sebelum berangkat ke kampus Anda harus bersiap-siap dulu! Before leaving for the campus you’ve got to get ready frst! Sesudah pulang dari kantor kepala desa Bapak Suwignyo beristirahat. After coming home from the village ofce. but before that I’ve got to get some money. Ratna bersisir. Sesudah Adri pulang dia menonton televisi. tetapi sebelum itu dia menggosok gigi. Study this example frst. After that he cleaned the kitchen. sesudah (after) or pada (on/at/in. I’m going to go shopping at the mall. Mr Suwignyo took a rest. Yohannes mencuci piring. Sesudah makan pagi ia menggosok gigi.. Write a conclusion to each sentence that fts sensibly with sebelum. Exercise 41-01 In each of the incomplete sentences in this exercise you will fnd one of these words: sebelum (before). tetapi sebelum itu saya harus mengambil uang.) With the prefx se. Saya akan berbelanja di mal. Sesudah itu dia membersihkan dapur. After having breakfast she brushed her teeth. . apakah Anda. “in” when you are talking about the time when something happens.. 9.yā/ KĀ. Saya harus membaca buku ini sebelum... Pada hari Rabu yang lalu mereka pergi ke pesta sesudah mereka..SĀN.... ? 5. Ada kuliah bahasa Inggris pada hari Senin.. 8. 3. Kadang-kadang saya pergi ke gedung olahraga pada. 2.yā. Practise pronouncing them as follows (and fnetune your pronunciation by accurately imitating the models you hear in the audio exercises).. Apakah Anda mau bermain bulu tangkis sebelum atau sesudah. 10. tetapi tidak ada pada. (Note that when you are talking rapidly or colloquially..Lesson 41 1.. ? 4. you can use phrases starting with pada meaning “on”. “at”. biasanya kadang-kadang /bee.. To talk about what you habitually do you can used these expressions: biasanya usually tetapi biasanya but usually kadang-kadang sometimes tetapi kadang-kadang but sometimes Awas !! English-speaking learners sometimes mispronounce biasanya and kadang-kadang by putting stress on the wrong syllables. Let’s review some of the all-important adverbs and connectors that help you stitch a narrative together.KĀ. ? Getting a Narrative Going You now have most of the basic resources you need to make a simple narrative about what you do in the course of a day.dāng.... 6. pada is often dropped in these expressions.. Bersiap-siap dulu sebelum.. tetapi sebelum berangkat saya.dāng/ As we have seen. 7.. Anda harus ke mana sesudah. to help you talk about what you do on a particular day or at a particular time.. Sesudah makan siang. Biasanya saya bangun sebelum.) pada hari Sabtu malam on Saturday night(s) pada pagi hari in the morning pada hari Minggu on Sunday(s) pada siang hari in the (early) afternoon pada hari Selasa pagi on Tuesday morning(s) pada sore hari in the (late) afternoon pada jam delapan at eight o’clock pada malam hari at night . Biasanya saya berangkat ke kantor kira-kira jam tujuh pagi. dan saya minum kopi manis. Kadang-____ saya menonton ____ atau ____ di ____. Lalu is synonymous with kemudian. Sesudah ____ saya membersihkan meja dan mencuci ____. biasanya saya membeli ____ ____. Pada pagi hari biasanya saya bangun pada jam enam.Lesson 41 To make the narrative fow smoothly. Daily Routine: Memorisation Exercise Now. Sesudah ____ saya ____ meja dan ____ ____. Saya makan siang. then I go to lectures. saya mendengarkan berita di ____. dan saya ____ kopi ____. Sebelum pergi ke kampus. Lalu saya makan ____. Sebelum ____ ke ____. Biasanya saya makan roti dan buah____. Biasanya saya makan ____ dan buah-____. When you can correctly read the narrative in the middle column cover up the left and middle columns and read the right hand column in the same way. lalu saya mandi I get up. Read the sentences in the left hand column. Cover up the middle and right hand columns in the narrative below. saying them out loud. dan kadang-kadang saya membeli majalah. you should make as much use as possible of connectors: words and phrases that help you link one part of a narrative to the next. biasanya saya membeli surat kabar. Sesudah makan saya membersihkan meja dan mencuci piring. then I have a bath. After you have memorised the narrative. dan kadang-____ saya membeli ____ . . Let’s review the connect ors that have appeared so far. Pada ____ hari. kemudian saya masuk kuliah I have lunch. Both mean “then” when you are talking about what comes after a certain event. Sesudah ____. Kadang-kadang saya menonton ____ atau duduk di ____. biasanya saya membeli ____ ____. Sebelum ____ ke kampus. biasanya ____ ____ pada ____ enam Sesudah ____ saya ____ berita di ____. dan kadang-kadang saya membeli ____. biasanya saya bangun pada ____ enam. Lalu saya makan pagi. ____ saya makan ____. making sure that you understand everything and trying to remember as much of the narrative as you can. Biasanya saya makan roti dan buahbuahan. let’s get talking. Then cover up the left and right columns and read the middle column flling in the empty spaces from memory. Saya bangun. Check this lesson’s vocabulary cards when you see a new word you don’t know. dan saya ____ kopi manis. Sesudah bangun saya mendengarkan berita di radio. Pada ____ hari. go through it again thinking of how you could vary it so that it refects your own daily routine. If you can’t remember the word that should go in an empty space take a peek at the left hand column. sebelum before sesudah after dan and sebelum itu before that sesudah itu after that juga also tetapi sebelum itu but before that tetapi sesudah itu but after that atau or Another very common connector is lalu (which made a brief debut in Lesson 27). Kadang-kadang saya menonton televisi atau duduk di kebun. You will probably change (or at least modify) some of the events themselves too. lalu and kemudian can be used. Biasanya saya makan dengan teman-teman. Fleshing Out And Fine-Tuning Your Narrative The narrative below is an example of how you can fesh out an account of daily activities using the words and grammar you have studied so far. tetapi kadang-kadang saya ____ saja melihat orang dan pemandangan. Di sana dia membaca surat kabar. Mereka juga makan dengan Yakob. Pada siang ____. tetapi kadang-kadang saya duduk saja melihat orang dan pemandangan. Sesudah itu saya naik bus ke ____. tetapi kadang-kadang saya makan sendiri. Exercise 41-02 Copying most of the passage above. Note also how sebelum. Di sana dia membeli surat kabar. Yakob tinggal dengan ayah. you will. Biasanya saya makan dengan ____-____. Kemudian dia mengambil buku-bukunya dan naik bus ke kampus. Biasanya saya membaca surat kabar atau majalah di bus. You will have to leave out a few of the sentences in the model passage. saya mengambil uang di ____ dan membeli ____. tetapi kadang-kadang dia minum susu. Sebelum sarapan dia mandi. Biasanya saya ____ dengan ____-____. For example. B iasanya Yakob bangun jam setengah enam pagi. write a short account of what you usually do every morning. tetapi kadang-kadang saya ____ saja melihat ____ dan ____. do Latihan 8. Dia suka melihat burung-burung di kebun pada pagi hari. Read the narrative carefully. Jam delapan biasanya Yakob mendengarkan berita di radio. tetapi kadang-kadang saya ____ sendiri. Make changes to the passage where appropriate so that what you write more or less fts the reality of what you yourself do every morning. but basically what you write will be recognisable as a transformation of the model passage. Pada siang ____. menggosok gigi. Yakob mencuci piring dan membersihkan dapur. kira-kira jam 12. Biasanya saya membaca surat kabar atau ____ di bus. Kira-kira jam setengah tujuh dia sarapan. Sesudah makan. checking that you know all the words (especially the new verbs) in it. . Yakob biasanya makan nasi goreng. of course. saya ____ uang di ____ dan membeli ____. sesudah. Sesudah itu dia pergi ke toko di dekat rumahnya. Biasanya Yakob berangkat dari rumah kira-kira jam delapan lewat seperempat. kira-____ jam 12. Lalu dia kembali ke rumahnya dan duduk di ruang keluarga. tetapi kadang-kadang dia makan roti dengan telur. tetapi kadang-kadang saya ____ ____. and add one or two new ones. Di ____ saya mencari tempat yang ____ untuk ____ Now listen to Sound File 041-01 and then complete Exercise 06. Biasanya saya ____ surat kabar atau ____ di bus. Most likely you will also change the times of events as well as their order. Di ____ saya mencari tempat yang ____ untuk belajar Sesudah itu saya ____ bus ke ____. Kadang-kadang dia juga membeli makanan untuk siang hari. kira-kira jam 12. Di perpustakaan saya mencari tempat yang tenang untuk belajar. Pada siang hari. change Yakob and dia to saya. ibu dan adik. saya mengambil uang di bank dan membeli makanan. After having listened to Sound File 041-02. Biasanya dia minum kopi.Lesson 41 Sesudah itu saya naik bus ke kampus. berpakaian dan bersisir. Sesudah bangun dia pergi ke kebun. After each word there is a pause for you to repeat the word. It is also audibly breathed when it appears between two vowels that are the same. Kopinya juga enak sekali – kopi asli dari pulau Jawa! Saya suka sekali bercakap-cakap dengan Julia. Perhaps you might begin: Sesudah mandi saya berpakaian. Mention times and places.. you can surprise yourself with the length and detail of your narrative. saya bertemu dengan Julia. Try to be as detailed as possible. saya belajar bahasa Indonesia dan ilmu politik... Etc. with a classmate or your teacher/tutor taking the role of the “mirror”. dan saya minum kopi manis. Lalu saya makan pagi... • When /h/ appears between two vowels that are diferent it is only lightly sounded or not audible at all. ? Berapa lama Anda... as you stand in front of the bathroom mirror. etc. Reviewing the pronunciation of /h/ Let’s sum up the main features of the pronunciation of /h/. Your partner – the “mirror” – can put questions to you.. At every step in your planned schedule. take a few minutes to look intently into your own eyes and review your plans for the coming day in Indonesian. In the morning.. Saya suka sekali makan kue di warung kopi itu.. sesudah kuliah bahasa Indonesia. for example. but it would be much better if you said. • The /h/ sound is audibly breathed when it occurs at the end of a syllable. You can also practise this narrative in the the classroom. Kemudian saya akan. Kira-kira jam setengah tiga sore.. try to add details. even when that syllable is in the middle of a word and followed immediately by a consonant. ? Anda ____ dengan siapa? Di mana Anda... If it doesn’t disturb members of your household or fellow asrama inmates you should speak out loud.. Although your vocabulary is still relatively small. Mention real people.. ? and many more. saya harus. Listen to the following words in Sound File 041-03. ? Jam berapa Anda. sesudah latihan tambah membersihkan majalah melihat olahraga Rupiah . You might say. for example questions beginning: Apakah Anda .. Saya makan jagung dengan susu. Lalu saya minum kopi dengan Julia. etc. but remember.Lesson 41 Role Play: Reviewing Your Plans for the Day This is a solo role play. Dia belajar ilmu kimia. Sesudah itu. Kami bercakap-cakap dan minum kopi di kantin mahasiswa. don’t try to say more than your current vocabulary and command of grammar permit you to say. 30 d. jam tujuh seperempat malam . jam setengah enam kurang lima pagi 16. berangkat a long time ago berenang money dulu a newspaper beristirahat what time? jagung a plate. the /h/ at the beginning of a syllable may disappear. jam sebelas siang 11. jam setengah dua siang 13.00 b.30 c. maize hari Jumat to work out majalah to wash hari Sabtu defnitely melihat magazine jam berapa? to believe membaca place lapangan tomorrow membersihkan then lebih suka Saturday mencuci to clean mendengarkan to swim tempat to depart pasti to listen menonton to watch percaya to go home piring to read pulang a quarter surat kabar to see seperempat a feld uang Friday tadi malam last night Latihan 2―Menjodohkan Jodohkan waktu di kolom kiri dengan artinya di kolom kanan. jam lima sore 19.15 e. jam lima kurang lima sore 05. especially Javanese.00 a.10 h. dishes bersenam to prefer kue cake besok to rest lalu corn.55 g. jam setengah sebelas malam 22. jam dua belas lewat sepuluh malam 00. or can be very weak. 17.Lesson 41 In the speech of some Indonesians.25 f. But in the following examples initial /h/ is audibly pro nounced: hari hijau harus Latihan 1―Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkanlah kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. on Saturday night(s) 6. at two in the afternoon Latihan 4―Menjodohkan: Kata Penghubung Jodohkan kata penghubung di kolom kiri dengan artinya di kolom kanan. you can use phrases starting with pada meaning ‘on’. pada malam Minggu a. pada jam delapan d. 1.Lesson 41 Latihan 3―Menjodohkan As we have seen. tetapi sebelum itu c. to help you talk about what you do on a particular day or at a particular time.” Ratna―dia―bersisir. “Ratna combed her hair. after that 3. sesudah d. sebelum itu b. in the (late) afternoon 4. sesudah itu e. after 2. atau i. pada malam hari i. . juga h. you’ve got to get ready frst!” Sebelum―Anda―kampus―ke―bersiap-siap―berangkat―harus―dulu! 2. in the morning 3. pada sore hari h. on Sunday(s) 8. but before that 9. dan g. but before that she brushed her teeth. pada is often dropped in these expressions). or Latihan 5―Rangkai Kata Reorder the Indonesian words below to say : 1. pada jam dua siang e. ‘in’ when you are talking about the time when something happens (note that when you are talking rapidly or colloquially. before that 7. 1. at night 9.―tetapi―menggosok―itu―sebelum―gigi. on Tuesday morning(s) 7. pada pagi hari f. but after that 8. and 5. ‘at’. pada siang hari g. pada hari Minggu b. at eight o’clock 5. “Before leaving for the campus. also 4. sebelum a. in the (early) afternoon 2. tetapi sesudah itu f. before 6. pada hari Selasa pagi c. Pada __________ hari biasanya __________ __________ pada __________ enam. Jam setengah sepuluh malam mereka tiba di rumah. dan kadang__________ saya membeli __________. memasak makan malam . Mereka tiba di sana jam tujuh malam. kira-__________ jam 12. Sinta .―itu―uang Latihan 6―Isian Dengarkanlah Rekaman 041-01 lalu lengkapilah bacaan di bawah ini. Sebelum __________ ke __________. Pada siang __________. but before that I’ve got to get some money. Kadang-__________ saya menonton __________ atau __________ di __________. Mereka makan makanan Sunda yang enak sekali! Sesudah makan dan bercakap-cakap di restoran mereka pulang. Makan Malam Bersama jam enam sore. Sesudah itu saya __________ bus ke __________. Sinta masuk ke kamarnya karena sudah capai lalu dia menggosok gigi sebelum tidur. pada jam 18. Sesudah __________ saya __________ berita di __________. Sinta sedang bersiap-siap untuk makan malam dengan keluargaSdanekarang nya.Lesson 41 3.. ibu. 1.―di mal. Sesudah berpakaian.00. bersiap-siap untuk makan malam C. Biasanya saya makan __________ dan buah-__________. dan saya __________ kopi __________. Mereka naik mobil ke Restoran Samudra. __________ saya makan __________. Biasanya saya __________ surat kabar atau __________ di bus.” Saya―sebelum―akan berbelanja―tetapi―saya harus mengambil. Di __________ saya mencari tempat yang __________ untuk __________. saya __________ uang di __________ dan membeli __________. tiba di Restoran Samudra D. Biasanya saya __________ dengan __________. tetapi kadang-kadang saya __________ saja melihat __________ dan __________. Sinta pergi ke ruang keluarga. menggosok gigi B. Latihan 7―Pemahaman Bacalah bacaan berikut ini dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini. Di sana sudah ada ayah. biasanya saya membeli __________. A.. Restoran Samudra restoran besar dan ramai. kakak Sinta karena mereka mau makan di luar. tetapi kadangkadang saya __________ __________. “I’m going to go shopping at the mall. Sesudah __________ saya __________ meja dan __________ __________. 07. 06.00 D.30 C. Salah 4.30 5.30 C. bercakap-cakap dengan keluarganya C. ke ruang keluarga untuk bercakap-cakap dengan keluarganya. Benar B. Bagaimana Restoran Samudra? A.30 2.00 D.00 C. menggosok gigi B. 05. C..00 B. besar dan makanannya enak D.30 .Lesson 41 2.. ke ruang keluarga untuk bercakap-cakap dengan keluarganya C. Sesudah berpakaian Sinta ke mana? A. memasak makan malam D. tidak besar dan makanannya tidak enak B. ke masuk ke kamarnya. naik mobil Latihan 8―Pemahaman Dengarkanlah rekaman 041-02 berikut ini dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini. A. ke kamar mandi untuk menggosok gigi 3. 21. Sinta . Sesudah pulang dari restoran. tidak besar tetapi makanannya enak 4. 07. ke kamar mandi. 6.. 06. menggosok gigi. 04. Salah 3. 06. 06.00 B.. Benar B. Sebelum tidur Sinta . ke kamarnya untuk membaca buku. Yakob sarapan sebelum mandi. lalu keluar untuk makan malam B. 22.00 D. B.. A. D.. A. A. 21. Yakob pergi ke kebun sebelum sarapan. 1. 22. ke ruang keluarga. Jam berapa mereka tiba di rumah? A.00 B.. Jam berapa Yakob bangun tidur? A. besar tetapi makanannya tidak enak C. lalu tidur D. Jam berapa Yakob sarapan? A. ke kamarnya. Ayah dan ibunya B.15 10. to get dressed Menurun: 2. 07. A. then (after that) 11. to buy something 9.Lesson 41 5. kakaknya C. 08. A. Yakob tinggal dengan siapa? (more than one answers) A.30 C. to go & get something 3. after (a certain time) 13. by yourself.15 Latihan 9―Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. a scene 6. before 5. 08.00 B. Yakob biasanya makan ayam goreng dan minum teh untuk sarapan. alone . a view. news 4. A. Yakob biasanya membaca surat kabar di ruang tamu. Benar B.00 B.30 C. Salah 8. Yakob pergi ke toko sesudah mencuci piring dan membersihkan dapur. Benar B. Jam berapa Yakob pergi ke kampus? A. neneknya 7. adiknya D. to get up 7. Benar B. 08.00 D.00 D. to look for. to comb your hair 8. Jam berapa Yakob mendengarkan radio? A. 07. Salah 9. 08. 07. 07. to seek 10. to brush (your teeth) 12. Salah 6. “intended for”. Kemarin dia ke kantor untuk bertemu dengan Bapak Kepala Desa.” and talk about “we” and “us”.Lesson 42 42 More Practice Building A Narrative Aims • To learn how say “in order to. For example: Kamar ini untuk anak-anak.. in which case it means “in order to” or simply “to”. the price membersihkan to clean HP mobile phone pakaian clothes kemarin yesterday sarapan breakfast kentang potatoe sebelum before kereta api train sesudah after “In Order To . .. Nanti malam saya ke bioskop untuk menonton flm Laskar Pelangi.. This room is for the children. (ber)belanja to go shopping macam kind.” In Lesson 24 you met the word untuk meaning “for”. Note that the use of untuk in these cases is always optional.. Untuk can also come before a verb. Tonight I’m going to the cinema (in order) to see the flm “The Rainbow Troops”. sort berangkat to leave. depart main to play beres all fne. Make sure that you remember their meanings... Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. to seek membeli to buy harganya its price.. • To get more practice talking about everyday activities. in order melihat to see berwarna to have a colour menonton to watch cari to look for... Yesterday she went to the ofce (in order) to see the Village Head. . As always.and me. try to put yourself in the picture by imagining situations in which you might use the sentences. berjalan-jalan. Pada jam setengah enam sore biasanya Anda di mana? 6. membaca. Pada hari Senin biasanya ada acara apa? 4. bermain (tenis. bersembahyang 1. bertemu. Choose from among these verbs: mencuci. Pertanyaan: Hai. Besok sore Besok pagi Nanti sore Nanti siang Nanti malam Besok Besok malam Besok siang saya ke Surabaya pasar kota toko mal Jalan Irian untuk membeli mencari pakaian makanan majalah surat kabar sepeda Exercise 42-01 Answer each of the questions in this exercise with a sentence explaining why you did something or why you usually do something or what you intend to do.Lesson 42 Study this substitution table and practise producing sentences from it. Apa yang Anda lakukan kemarin siang sesudah makan? 8.). membersihkan. Don’t forget to mention a place in your sentence. Yulius! Mau ke mana nanti malam? Jawaban: Nanti malam saya ke perpustakaan untuk belajar. Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan pada sore hari? 3. Anda sedang apa sekarang? 5. mencari. Teman Anda sedang apa sekarang? 7. Study these examples frst. bulu tangkis. berbicara.verbs is provided. Use untuk followed by a verb.. Anda pergi ke mana tadi malam? 2. berbelanja. menulis. Pada hari Minggu pagi Anda ke mana? 10. belajar. bersenam. Frans sedang apa? . A selection of useful ber. bercakap-cakap.. Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan pada hari Rabu sebelum pergi dari rumah? 9. mendengarkan. Pertanyaan: Pada hari Sabtu malam biasanya ada acara apa? Jawaban: Biasanya saya ke warung kopi untuk minum dan bercakap-cakap dengan teman-teman. melihat. sepak bola. menonton. membeli. bekerja. Make additions to the columns where you can. gimana and other informal words or short forms that friends might use when talking among themselves. ketemu. Observe how kita and kami are used where in English we use just one word: “we”. Jadi kami minum teh saja. Study these two pictures. Again. Harganya seratus delapan puluh lima ribu rupiah. on the other hand. Hetty juga mencari baju baru. Saya ingin membeli baju baru. kamu. It could be translated “we (but not you)”.Lesson 42 We (kami / kita) “We” is a small word and it can sometimes be a small problem for English speaking students of Indonesian. Depending on where it appears in a clause it might also mean “us (but not you)”. Harganya dua ratus sembilan puluh empat ribu lima ratus rupiah. Sesudah makan dan membersihkan rumah kami berangkat naik bemo kira-kira jam setengah sepuluh. ke mana kita? KAMI Kami mau menonton flm. sih. Saya membeli baju berwarna putih. depending on where it appears in a clause it might also mean “us (and that includes you too)”. where are we of come? to? Bacaan—Reading Listen to Sound File 042-01 and pay special attention to how kami and kita are used. Kita. Kami sampai di kota jam sepuluh dan masuk Toko Matahari untuk membeli pakaian. beres. Sesudah itu kami minum kopi di warung. saya. Mau ikut? Where shall we go now? To the cinema? To We are of to see a movie. Hetty dan Piet pergi ke kota. It could be translated “we (and that means you too)”. KITA Kita ke mana sekarang? Ke bioskop? Ke toko musik? Ayo. Kami mencoba beberapa macam baju. . tapi. Would you like to the music shop? Come on. Kami ingin berbelanja dan menonton flm. using aku. gitu. Hetty membeli baju berwarna merah yang cukup mahal. includes the person or persons you are talking to. The problem is that there are two words for “we” in Indonesian: kami and kita. K Jalan-jalan dengan Teman emarin pagi. Tetapi kami tidak jadi minum kopi karena kopinya tidak enak. Notice also that in the direct-speech parts of the narrative the speakers drop into a more colloquial style of Indonesian. Kami means “we” but excludes the person or persons you are talking to. Sesudah itu kami pulang naik bis. “Kita ketemu lagi nanti malam di rumah.” “Kalau gitu. 1. Anda pulang naik apa? 10. In the questions below it refers to the three (or two) of you.” kata Piet.” “Nanti sore ada acara apa sih?” tanya Hetty.” kata Hetty. Kami masih akan belanja lagi.Lesson 42 “Sekarang ke mana kita?” tanya Piet. Ada flm bagus. Kami mau main bulu tangkis. Mel Gibson orang Australia. Jam berapa Anda sampai di rumah pada sore hari? . tetapi harganya cukup mahal. kita nggak bisa pulang sebelum jam lima sore. Apakah Anda suka membaca? 9. Exercise 42-02 Imagine that you are the narrator (the saya) in the story above. Kami sampai di rumah kira-kira jam setengah enam sore. but it can also refer to more than one person. Kami minum teh manis. Anda menonton flm apa? 7. Apakah Anda minum lagi sesudah menonton? 8. Apakah Anda membersihkan rumah sebelum berangkat? 3. Kami suka sekali membaca majalah dan buku. Kami melihat banyak sekali buku dan majalah. Kami suka sekali menonton flm Mel Gibson. Apa yang Anda lakukan sesudah sampai di kota? 5.e. Jam berapa Anda pergi dari rumah? 2. Mel Gibson bermain dalam flm Braveheart. Anda pergi ke kota naik apa? 4. Di toko alat-alat elektronik Anda mencari apa? 6. “Gimana kalau kita pergi ke pasar besok untuk cari HP. “Ke toko buku dan toko alat-alat elektronik. “HP di pasar murah sekali. Feel free to copy phrases and sentences from the passage but try to introduce some vari ations of your own into your answers. “Beres. Don’t forget that Anda in these questions is like the English “you”: it can refer to just one person. Answer these questions about what you and your two friends did. “habis minum kamu pulang saja.” kata Hetty. Piet pulang naik taksi.” “Baiklah. yuk” kata Hetty sesudah kami keluar dari bioskop. tetapi kami hanya membeli satu majalah dan satu buku. so all your answers should have the word kami (i. Saya mencari majalah berita Tempo. “Aku harus ketemu sama Pak Benyamin jam empat. Piet. but not you the listener”) in them.” jawab Piet. Hetty mencari novel Laskar Pelangi. Saya dan Hetty ke toko buku. “Tapi kalau kita nonton flm nanti siang. Di toko itu ada bermacam-macam HP yang keren. Saya ingin sekali membeli HP baru. “we.” kata Hetty. Sesudah itu kami masuk toko alat-alat elektronik. dan sesudah itu kita nonton flm. Kami juga makan roti dan kue. Write complete sentences in simple but correct formal Indonesian. tetapi dia bermain dalam flm Amerika.” Sesudah kami keluar dari warung.” Sesudah keluar dari toko alat-alat elektronik kami pergi ke bioskop. “Minum lagi sebelum pulang. “moving on (to the next thing/event)”.. i. Two years ago I went to Rome..Lesson 42 Ago (. Your account should mention activities and times. To connect the pieces of your narrative... to pass by.ago” or in some contexts “last. Hari Minggu yang lalu ada acara apa? What did you do last Sunday? Exercise 42-03 Write a narrative giving an account of what Hendro did last Wednesday.. Apart from following these instructions.. ia keluar untuk … Lalu Hendro . copy the connecting phrases given above the pictures.. Hari Rabu yang lalu Hendro … Sesudah itu. ...e. to move on”. and these should square with the pictures and the times on clocks. The useful phrase yang lalu means literally “what has gone/passed by” but it can be better translated “. Dia masuk rumah lagi untuk . The basic broad meaning of lalu is “to go by.. Study these examples: tiga hari yang lalu three days ago hari Sabtu yang lalu last Saturday sepuluh tahun yang lalu ten years ago minggu yang lalu last week Dua tahun yang lalu saya ke Roma.”. you can (and should) introduce your own variations.yang lalu) In the previous lesson you met the word lalu where it was used as a connecting word meaning something like “then”. . Lalu dia .. dia sarapan dengan. Lalu Hendro … Pada jam ..... Sesudah makan dia..Lesson 42 Sesudah itu dia ........ dia … . Kira-kira jam .... Lalu dia . apakah kamu . Apa yang kamu lakukan .... 1. Jam berapa kamu . This may mean that your narrative lacks detail – that you cannot say all that you want to say – but for the moment you should concentrate on developing fuency within the constraints of the vocab- . suka.. jam setengah delapan pagi kami berangkat dari hotel daily routine e. Apakah kamu . husband/wife or a member of your family. kami berkunjung ke Taman Kota days of the week e. Hendro. 6.g. 9. Apakah kamu . 10.. lalu.. Tetapi tidak ada nasi. 7. dan juga murah! Ada ayam goreng dan kentang. hari Jumat yang lalu kami e. Imagine that a few days ago you visited a certain place. kami pergi ke sana naik kereta api berkunjung ke e... Role Play: Kami Berkunjung ke.. 4.. or a work colleague (played by another member of the class or by your teacher/tutor) on what you did while you were away. Hendro.. pada jam tujuh malam.g. sebelum atau sesudah . apakah kamu . kemudian.... minggu yang lalu. (pada) hari Minggu kami beristirahat hours of the day e. kami pergi ke.. but not including the person you are talking to).. Sesudah . 3. Your narrative should make as much use as possible of: • • • • • • • • .g. Having returned from the visit you report to another friend or to another member of your family. Jam berapa kamu . and give reasons for your likes and dislikes.Lesson 42 Exercise 42-04 Ask Hendro some questions about what he did last Wednesday morning. Bapak Kepala Desa..g. 5. don’t try to say more than your current Indonesian vocabulary permits you to say.. kami bangun. kira-kira jam enam sore. ada kegiatan apa? 8. As always. Aduh.. yang lalu e.g.g.. As you speak you will have to use the pronoun kami (we. saya mau bertanya. or perhaps with a work colleague (Bapak Bupati. Kami ingin menonton pertandingan sepak bola. kami makan di rumah makan. tidak suka. apakah kamu . tetapi kami lebih suka.. You should also mention the day of the week and the hour of the day that you did certain things. The beginning of each question is given. mandi dan makan pagi connector words e... Kemudian.. Sesudah makan.g.. . Ibu Dosen).. Ibu Guru.g. sesudah itu preferences e... perhaps in company with a friend.... jam berapa kamu . Pada hari Sabtu kami ke lapangan olahraga untuk menonton pertandingan. Perhaps your narrative report might begin something like this (you can substitute other words for the underlined ones): Minggu yang lalu saya dan teman saya berkunjung ke Sydney.. 2. makanannya enak sekali.. Kami naik kereta api ke Sydney dan kami tinggal di hotel kecil di pusat kota. You should express your judgement about the place(s) that you visited.... Sebelum . tiga bulan yang lalu c. Your partner should interrupt frequently. minggu yang lalu e. Make this vocabulary and grammar work very hard to express what you want to say as closely as possible (but probably not as perfectly as you would like).. Hari Sabtu biasanya saya ke toko untuk membeli pakaian. Kamar ini untuk anak-anak. 1. perhaps beginning each interruption with Permisi (Excuse me). a. hari Sabtu yang lalu d.. Kemarin dia ke kantor untuk bertemu Bapak Kepala Desa. d. . Repeat the role play several times swapping roles with your partner and striving for more variation. and asking questions like those back in Exercise 42-04. berangkat . 1.. 4. three months ago Latihan 3—Sentences with untuk Listen to the sound fle carefully and choose the correct response.Lesson 42 ulary and grammar you have already colour main a competition beres a sort. three days ago 6. better correctness and smoother fuency with each repetition. tiga hari yang lalu a. 2. hari Minggu yang lalu f. a kind melihat clothes berwarna all okay menonton to buy sth harga mobile phone membeli to clean sth HP (“ha-pe”) potato membersihkan to play (coll) kemarin price mencari to see kentang to depart. last Saturday 2.. Kemarin saya pergi ke perpustakaan untuk belajar. b. ten years ago 5. last week 4. last Sunday 3. c. 3. sepuluh tahun yang lalu b.yang lalu) Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. leave pakaian to seek kereta api train pertandingan to watch sth macam yesterday Latihan 2—Ago (. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkanlah kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Nanti malam saya ke bioskop untuk menonton flm Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Besok sore saya ke pasar untuk membeli majalah untuk kakak saya. 7. for B. f. 6. Saya ke bioskop nanti malam untuk menonton flm Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Decide which definition of untuk is being used in the sentence’s context: for or in order to. A. Kemarin dia ke kantor untuk bertemu dengan Bapak Kepala Desa. Latihan 4—Untuk Read each sentence.Lesson 42 5. “What are you looking for at the electronic shop?” Di—mencari—Anda—alat-alat—toko—elektronik—apa? 5. A. Saya mau ke pasar besok pagi untuk membeli makanan. for B. in order to 3. “Did you clean the house before you departed?” Apakah—rumah—Anda—membersihkan—sebelum—berangkat? 3. for B. “What time did you depart from home?” Jam—dari—berapa—Anda—berangkat—rumah? 2. Nanti sore saya mau ke toko buku untuk membeli surat kabar untuk ayah saya. A. 1. e. g. for B. in order to 4. A. in order to Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. in order to 2. in order to 5. A. Kamar ini untuk anak-anak. “What time did you arrive at home in the late afternoon?” Anda—sampai—berapa—sore—rumah—Jam—di—pada—hari? . “How did you go downtown?” Anda—pergi—naik—kota—ke—apa? 4. for B. Besok sore saya ke pasar untuk membeli majalah untuk kakak saya. kami j. mencoba e. shirt k. Rp. by bus D.) 8. Which one is more expensive. we (inclusive) 2. Rp. Their shirts cost the same . try 12. Rp. cool 7.00 C. stylish. untuk f.00 D.. What did the three do before going to town? A.00 5. keren l. watch (coll. by car C.ago. we (excl. to go shopping and see a movie D. They shopped B. They cleaned the house D. Rp. last 11. device.000. The narrator bought a white t-shirt in a store. the narrator’s shirt or Hetty’s? A. to go shopping and eating out B.000.) 4. sampai di Latihan 7—Pilihan Ganda Bacalah bacaan “Jalan-Jalan dengan Teman” dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini.000. alat a. look for 9. Hetty’s C. They went to church 2. How much did it cost? A. week 3. cari b. The narrator’s B. tool 10. kita h.Lesson 42 Latihan 6—Menjodohkan: Kosa Kata Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. . How did they go to town? A. They watched a flm C. baju c. arrive in/at 6. 815. nonton i. just to see a movie 3. minggu g. to see a movie and eating out C.000. Why did they go to town? A. 1.00 B. by a three-wheeled minibus B. yang lalu d. 185. 158. 1. by motorcycle 4.. 518. (in order) to 5. to the book store 8. Hetty dan Piet pergi ke __________. __________ seratus delapan puluh lima ribu rupiah. because he didn’t like the mobile phone C. Saya membeli baju berwarna putih. to the electronic store B. before 17:30 D. The narrator didn’t buy the mobile phone he was looking for. Kemarin __________. Only the narrator C. Harganya dua ratus sembilan puluh empat ribu lima ratus rupiah. after 17:30 Latihan 8—Isian Dengarkanlah rekaman dan lengkapilah bacaan di bawah ini. Where did the narrator and Hetty go after drinking tea? A. Sesudah itu kami minum kopi di warung. Kami sampai di kota jam sepuluh dan masuk Toko Matahari untuk membeli pakaian. Only Hetty 10. because the mobile phones in the shop were too expensive D. Sesudah makan dan __________ rumah kami berangkat naik bemo __________ jam setengah sepuluh. All of them (the writer. Jadi kami minum teh saja. go home C. Tetapi kami tidak jadi minum kopi __________ kopinya tidak enak. Kami __________ beberapa macam baju. to the cinema D. Hetty juga __________ baju baru. Hetty membeli baju berwarna __________ yang cukup mahal. Where did Piet go after drinking tea? A. to the electronic store B. The narrator and Hetty B. Why not? A. and Piet) D. to the book store 7. . go home C. to the cinema D. because he did not have any money at all B.Lesson 42 6. because the specifcation of the mobile phone was not as expected 9. Who watched a movie before going home? A. What time did they arrive at home? A. Hetty. saya. at 17:30 B. Saya ingin __________ baju baru. Kami ingin berbelanja dan __________ flm.—Listen to Sound File 042-03 to fll in the blanks. around 17:30 C. nonton c. ‘Beres. habis h. ‘Sekarang ke mana kita?’ tanya Piet.’ ‘Kalau gitu. gitu i.’ ‘Bagus.’ kata Hetty.’ kata Piet.’ . Kami Review the conversation below. Piet.Lesson 42 Latihan 9—Menjodohkan: Informal & Formal Match the informal items with formal items. ________ masih akan belanja lagi.’ ‘Nanti sore ada acara apa sih?’ tanya Hetty. dan (1) habis itu kita (2) nonton flm. ‘habis minum kamu pulang saja. ketemu f. bagaimana 2. ‘Tapi kalau ________ nonton flm nanti siang. menonton 8. dan sesudah itu kita nonton flm. kita (4) nggak bisa pulang sebelum jam lima sore. bermain 5. nggak a. cari d. Kami mau (8) main bulu tangkis. main e. begitu 3. ‘Ke toko buku dan toko alat-alat elektronik.’ kata Piet. Fill in each blank with the correct form of ‘we’: kita or kami. ________ nggak bisa pulang sebelum jam lima sore. tidak Latihan 10—Isian: Kita vs. mencari 9.’ kata Hetty. Remember that kita is the ‘we’ form that includes the person or persons you are talking to whereas kami is the ‘we’ form that excludes the person or persons you are talking to.’ jawab Piet. bertemu 6. (3) ‘Beres. sesudah 7. ‘Sekarang ke mana kita?’ tanya Piet. ‘Tapi kalau kita nonton flm nanti siang.’ Latihan 11—Isian: Informal vs Formal Replace all informal and slangy words with formal Indonesian words. ‘Aku harus ketemu sama Pak Benyamin jam empat.’ ‘Nanti sore ada acara apa sih?’ tanya Hetty. gimana g.’ kata Hetty. belanja b. ‘________ ketemu lagi nanti malam di rumah. (5) ‘Aku harus (6) ketemu (7) sama Pak Benyamin jam empat. 1. ________ mau main bulu tangkis. berbelanja 4. ‘Ke toko buku dan toko alat-alat elektronik. menonton h. to see. especially those with the sufx -kan. berjalan-jalan c.’ ‘Bagus. Piet.Verbs Ber. mencari e.. for instance.’ [. You can not say: *“Ibu membeli” if you want to say that mother is shopping! You can also not say *”Ibu membersihkan” when you want to say that mother does the cleaning. must take an object. and that they can be converted into passive voice (the kitchen was cleaned by mother). membeli c. membaca b.verbs.’ Latihan 12 Me. 1.verbs are intransitive. to listen to something Latihan 13 Ber. Other meN. to be such-and-such an age. As ber. can take a compliment: “Saya bermain tenis”. belajar a.’ kata Hetty. Transitive verbs can be distinguished from intransitive verbs in that they can take an object. They can never take an object. This means that they can take an object—in the translation indicated with ‘something’. to search. “Ibu membersihkan dapur” (Mother cleans the kitchen). to buy something 10. menulis i. “Ibu sedang mencuci” (Mother is doing the laundry”). 1.’ jawab Piet. (10) ‘habis minum (11) kamu pulang saja. to wash (something) 2. Kami masih akan (12) belanja lagi. membuka j. 3. But at least they can take an object: “Ibu mencuci baju saya” (Mother washes my shirt). membersihkan d. bekerja b. to read (something) 3.Verbs Match the following meN. to do gymnastics. “Dia belajar bahasa Indonesia”. berbelanja d.. to write (something) 5. You can say. mendengarkan g. ‘Kita (13) ketemu lagi nanti malam di rumah. melihat a. Some of the following verbs do not necessarily take an object. to watch (something) 4. mencuci f.Lesson 42 ‘Kalau (9) gitu. to ask a question 2. A limited number of ber. to work out . to look at (something) 7. to open something 9. to clean something 8.verbs. they cannot be converted into passive voice. to look for (something) 6..verbs are intransitive.] (14) ‘Gimana kalau kita pergi ke pasar besok untuk (15) cari HP.verbs with their translations. You can only use these verbs transitively: “Ibu membeli roti” (Mother buys bread). however. Note that all of these verbs are transitive. to chat 4. ‘HP di pasar murah sekali.’ kata Hetty. no worries 19. in order to 16. tool 9. to work 15. for. to go through. to watch something 13. to play 9. shirt . stylish. to look for.) 12. to look at 5. beristirahat o. berenang l. to talk 14. electronic 18. to meet 8. happen.. bersembahyang i. berumur k. so therefore. to want (to. to stand. clothes.. after (coll) 3. a week 10. to study. to look for sth (coll) Menurun: 1.Lesson 42 5. to go for a walk/stroll 6. we (exclusive)) 18. bercakap-cakap f. we (inclusive) 11. to watch sth (coll) 20. bertemu g. to take a break. berdiri n. learn 12. to seek 14. to pray Latihan 14—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 3. trendy 17. stand up 11. berbicara m. to see. to go swimming 13. to leave 15. clothing 2. device. bermain e. all okay. relax 10. thus 8. price 6. to go shopping 7. bertanya j. bersenam h. to try to do something 4. to swim. to go shopping (coll) 7. bangun to wake up mengambil to fetch something dosen lecturer sampai until kalo colloquial for kalau sembahyang to pray kotor dirty sulit difcult melihat to see. to look at tua old mencari to look for terkenal famous Asking “Why?” and Answering “Because”. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Dian . Listen to Sound File 043-01. Vocabulary review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons.Lesson 43 43 Asking Why Aims • To practise asking and answering mengapa and kenapa (why) questions. You may read the transcription and the translation if this helps you to understand the dialogue better. Tomorrow morning I’m going to get up at six o’clock.. Jam delapan? Pagi sekali! Mengapa Anda harus kuliah jam delapan pagi? Eight o’clock? That’s very early! Why do you go to lectures at 8 o’clock in the morning? Karena Ibu Dosen lebih suka memberikan kuliah pagi-pagi. Because there’s a lecture at eight o’clock. Because our lecturer (“Madam Lecturer”) prefers to give lectures early in the morning. Mengapa? Why? Karena ada kuliah jam delapan. Eka Besok pagi saya akan bangun jam enam.. • To practise using dulu and tadi. and containing the word or phrase given in brackets. Each of your answers should have karena in it somewhere. kalau saya minum kopi. Use your imagination: don’t answer Saya tidak tahu.Lesson 43 Mengapa (why) and karena (because) go together. If you get stuck you may fnd some of the following verbs and verbal phrases useful in writing your answers. Mengapa Anda tidak bermain tenis tadi siang? 8. Kenapa Anda tidak suka berjalan-jalan pada pagi hari? 3. saya tidak bisa tidur. Justify your opinion with a sentence beginning with karena. Mengapa biasanya Anda mendengarkan radio pada pagi hari? 4. ada. I’ll have tea. Mengapa Anda membeli baju itu? 9. like the English “why not?” and “why don’t you . tidak mau. . thanks. Questions with mengapa in them usually demand an answer with karena. Mengapa Anda tidak minum kopi? Why don’t you have cofee? Karena saya tidak suka kopi. Kenapa Anda belajar di Universitas Gadjah Mada? 10. tidak boleh. Study the example frst. suka. Saya minta teh. Mengapa Gatot tidak mau menonton flm dengan kita? 7. tidak ada. ingin sekali. tidak suka. Because I don’t like cofee Mengapa tidak? Why not? Karena. ingin. You can also use mengapa in conjunction with tidak.. suka sekali. tidak punya 1. Mengapa Anda tidak makan tadi pagi? 5. Kenapa Anda tidak suka tinggal di New York? Exercise 43-02 Imagine that you have made a negative judgement about something. mau. tidak bisa. Exercise 43-01 Answer the following questions with a complete sentence. Because if I drink cofee I can’t sleep. Makanan di restoran Padaran Luhur tidak enak! Tidak enak? Kenapa? [tidak ada] Karena di restoran Padaran Luhur tidak ada ayam goreng. harus.. tidak dapat. Mengapa Anda pergi ke kampus naik taksi? 6. Kenapa Anda bangun jam setengah lima pagi? 2.?” Study these examples. Mengapa? Surabaya indah sekali! [tidak ada] Karena ... or before you do something else... Dulu saya tinggal di Surabaya.. Saya kira Melbourne bukan kota yang indah.... I used to live in Surabaya (a long time ago)........ Neither word has an exact one-on-one equivalent in English so to master them you will have to observe them carefully and remember how they are used... “just now”................................... [tidak banyak] Karena . Saya mau mandi dulu............ Mengapa? [tidak banyak] Karena .......Lesson 43 1............. “a short time ago”.......... Dulu also means something like “in former times”... Saya tidak suka berkunjung ke kota Surabaya........ dulu can mean “frst” referring to something done before something else happens.. sekarang tidak ada! Formerly there was a cinema here............. As you learned in Lesson 29... When dulu is used in this sense it follows the verb in a clause.... so you will come across plenty of examples to help you get a feel for what they mean and how they are used........... ............ Kasman bukan teman yang baik... or “for the moment”............... Mengapa? Universitas Widya Buana terkenal. Saya tidak suka makan kue coklat...... 3...... Dulu ada bioskop di sini.................. Saya mau tinggal di sini dulu. 2........... Hah!? Kenapa? [tidak mau] Karena ........................ I want to stay here for the moment... “a long time ago” and also “used to”.......................................................... When it is used in this sense it usually comes at the beginning of a clause....... Take a seat for the time being.............. now there isn’t! Tadi means something like “earlier today”.. I’d like to take a bath frst (before doing anything else) Dulu can also mean something like “for the time being”.................. 5. or it follows a noun or adverb............................................... Dulu and Tadi Dulu and tadi are two useful words that help you talk more precisely about the sequence of events in time. They are both very common words..... Aduh! Kenapa? [manis sekali] Karena ................. Saya tidak mau kuliah di Universitas Widya Buana... Duduk dulu......... 4. Ramai sekali mereka. Keep practising until you can say the Indonesian without error. Apakah banyak burung di taman? Banyak dan bermacam-macam. Listen to Sound File and read the transcription until you have memorised the dialogue. Ari. like tadi siang and tadi pagi. Ari in Conversation with Ibu Gah at her Boarding House Listen to Sound File 043-02 – a conversation between Ibu Gah. a new “day” began with malam. Tadi siang This (late morning and early) afternoon Tadi malam Last night. the landlady at a student boarding house (rumah kos). Ibu suka berjalan-jalan pada pagi hari? Suka sekali.Lesson 43 Tadi saya melihat Ibu Simandjuntak di pasar. and Ari. tadi malam kamu pergi ke mana? . yesterday night Cara Indonesia: A New Day Begins at Sundown Interestingly. try to say the Indonesian text out loud making sure that you understand everything and trying to remember as much of the narrative as you can. not sunrise as we usually do. Biasanya saya berjalan sekeliling taman. So in the context of Indonesian culture it is perfectly logical to say tadi malam as if yesterday night were a previous part of the current day. O ya. i. tadi malam ‘last night’). siang and sore. O begitu. Check this lesson’s vocabulary cards when you see a new word you don’t know. I saw Mrs Simandjuntak at the market earlier today. Sudah bangun.e. which is usually translated “last night” or “yesterday night”. Without looking at the transcription. one of her student lodgers. as well as mengapa and karena. Biasanya saya bangun jam lima. addressing her with the more formal and respectful Ibu (shortened to Bu in the vocative). Sudah lama. but Ari “speaks up” to Ibu Gah. The reason for this is that traditionally Indonesians perceived a new day as beginning at sunset. when you are “looking back” to earlier parts of the day. Bu. Bu. ya? Sudah. pagi-pagi sekali. Ke mana tadi? Where did you get to just now? Tadi is also very often used in phrases that refer to the immediate past periods or divisions of the current day (including the evening of the previous day. and continued with pagi. Notice too that Ibu Gah “speaks down” to Ari using the second-person pronoun kamu. Ari. Observe (among other things) how dulu and tadi are used. Mengapa Ibu bangun pagi-pagi? Karena saya sembahyang dulu. lalu saya keluar untuk berjalan-jalan. For Indonesians in former times (and to a large extent still today). actually refers to an earlier part of the current day. Saya bangun tadi sebelum kamu. Aduh. ARI BU GAH Selamat pagi. Saya suka duduk-duduk di taman untuk mendengarkan burung-burung. the phrase tadi malam. Mengapa Ibu bangun pagi-pagi? Aduh. Ari. After having listened to the sound fle and read the transcription. Sudah ____. Sudah lama. Ari? Kopi. Bu. Tadi malam saya belajar sampai jam dua belas. Ibu _______ berjalan-jalan pada pagi _____? jalan-jalan pada pagi _____? Karena saya _______ dulu. Bu. Lalu. Sudah. Bu. Sudah ngun. lalu saya keluar untuk berjalan-______. ya? Sudah. Selamat pagi. Bu. ya? bangun. Bu. Aduh. Read the dialogue out loud several times until the words come smoothly of your tongue in a relaxed. Sudah ba. Tetapi nanti siang saja. Sudah ______. O ya. ya Ari. seperti biasa. Saya Sudah. Sulit? Mengapa? Karena kami harus membaca banyak buku. O begitu. Saya suka sekali minum kopi pada pagi hari. lalu saya _______ untuk berjalan-______. O begitu. Permisi dulu. Karena saya _______ dulu. Bu. dan mereka membuat undang-undang. Bu. lalu saya keluar untuk berjalan-jalan. pagi-pagi sekali. Saya bangun tadi sebelum ____. pagi-_____ sekali. If you can’t remember the word that should go in an empty space take a peek at the left hand column. Saya mau ke dapur sekarang untuk masak. Kamu mau makan apa? Nasi putih dan ikan saja. Ari. Ari. Bu. Apakah kamu bisa membersihkan halaman untuk saya? Tentu saja bisa. pagi-pagi sekali. ._______ Ibu _____ pagi-pagi? gi? Karena saya sembahyang dulu. ki. Saya mau mandi dan makan dulu. Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? Kenapa kamu belajar sampai tengah malam? Karena saya mengambil mata kuliah hukum. Sudah ____. Mengapa Ibu _____ pagi-pa. Saya bangun tadi sebelum kamu. Aduh. Juga kami harus belajar bahasa Belanda. Biasanya kamu minum apa. idiomatic way. Bu. lima. Ari. Ibu suka berO _____. Bu. Bu. Harus belajar bahasa Belanda? Mengapa? Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di Indonesia. Baik. Ari. Biasanya saya bangun jam lima.Baik. Kami harus tahu tentang undang-undang itu.Lesson 43 Saya pergi ke perpustakaan untuk belajar. apakah kamu mau membantu saya? Halaman rumah cukup kotor. Then cover up the left and right columns and read the middle column flling in the empty spaces from memory. Terima kasih banyak.Selamat _____. ya? Selamat _____. Hukum cukup sulit. ______ tadi sebelum ____. When you can correctly read the narrative in the middle column cover up the left and middle columns and read the right hand column in the same way. BiBiasanya saya _____ jam asanya saya _____ jam ____. ra-kira jam sebelas. Ibu suka berjalan-jalan pada pagi hari? O _____. saya pulang dan belajar lagi di kamar. do the memorization exercise for vocabulary practice below. Kopi. O ya. Biasanya _____ minum _______. Biasanya _____ miapa. seperti ______. Permisi dulu. Kamu mau makan apa? O begitu. ya Ari. Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di _______. . Juga kami ha. Bu. O ya. Nasi putih dan ikan saja. Tadi _____ saya belajar sampai jam dua belas. Ari. Tadi _____ saya belajar sampai jam dua belas. Harus belajar bahasa Belan.Harus belajar bahasa da? Mengapa? da? ________? ________? ________? Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di Indonesia. Juga kami harus belajar bahasa Belanda. Saya mau ke dapur sekarang untuk masak. Kami harus tahu tentang undang-undang itu. Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? Kenapa kamu belajar sampai tengah malam? Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? Kenapa kamu ______ sampai tengah malam? Aduh! _______ jam dua belas? Kenapa kamu ______ sampai tengah ________? Karena saya mengambil mata kuliah hukum. Kami harus _____ tentang undang-undang itu.banyak buku. ____ sekali. Bu. Apakah banyak burung di ta. Bu. Nasi ______ dan ____ saja. Bu. Bu. Lalu. Sulit? Mengapa? Sulit? Mengapa? Sulit? ________? Karena kami harus membaca Karena kami harus _______ ________ kami harus _______ banyak buku. Saya suka sekali minum kopi _____ pagi hari. Saya suka duduk-duduk di taman untuk mendengarkan burung-burung. Ari? apa.Apakah banyak burung di man? _____? ____ sekali. O begitu. Ari? Kopi. saya ______ dan belajar lagi di kamar.Harus belajar bahasa Belan.banyak buku. tadi malam kamu pergi ke mana? Banyak dan bermacam_____. Biasanya saya berjalan sekeliling taman. Saya suka duduk-duduk di ___ untuk mendengarkan burung-______. dan mereka membuat undang-undang. Ari. Hukum cukup sulit. Ramai sekali mereka. Saya ____ ke perpustakaan untuk belajar. Karena ____ orang Belanda berkuasa di _______. Lalu. seperti ______. ____ malam kamu pergi ke mana? Banyak dan bermacam_____. Saya mau ke ______ sekarang _____ masak. Ari? num apa. Karena saya ________ mata kuliah ______. Hukum cukup ________. rus _____ bahasa _________. Bu. Saya suka sekali minum kopi pada pagi hari. Ramai sekali mereka. _______ dulu. ya Ari. saya pulang dan belajar lagi di kamar.Lesson 43 Suka sekali. Saya ____ sekali minum kopi ______ pagi hari. Apakah banyak _______ di _____? Banyak dan bermacam-macam. ____ malam kamu pergi ke _______? Saya pergi ke perpustakaan untuk belajar. Kamu mau makan apa? O begitu. Saya ____ ke perpustakaan untuk ______. Bu. Tadi malam saya belajar sampai jam dua belas. Kami harus _____ tentang undang-undang itu. ya Ari. Permisi dulu. Bu. dan mereka membuat undang-undang. Biasanya saya berjalan sekeliling taman. Saya suka duduk-duduk di ___ untuk _______ burung______. rus _____ bahasa Belanda. Biasanya kamu minum Baik. Juga kami ha. Baik. Hukum cukup sulit. Kopi. ______ sekali mereka. Bu. Biasanya saya berjalan sekeliling ______. Bu. dan mereka _______ undang-undang. Ari. Lalu. saya pulang dan belajar lagi di kamar. Kamu mau _______ apa? Nasi putih dan ikan saja. seperti biasa. Karena saya mengambil mata kuliah ______. Saya mau ke ______ sekarang _____ masak. Bu. Bu. O ya. tadi malam. dan sesudah itu kami pergi ke perpustakaan. But this time Ari is talking to Nuning. humour and your own personality. Baik. In many rumah kos there is a curfew and the ibu kos takes a motherly and often severe interest in her lodgers. Tentu saja bisa. Bu. bringing your command of Indonesian to life by embellishing the role play with variation. Terima kasih banyak. apakah kamu mau _______ saya? Halaman rumah cukup kotor. the ibu kos may ask: Kenapa kamu pulang jam dua belas tadi malam? Why did you come home at 12 o’clock last night? Kenapa kamu pulang naik sepeda motor? Kenapa kamu tidak pulang naik bus? Why did you come home by motorbike? Why didn’t you come home by bus? The cornered lodgers will answer with explanations. Tentu saja ______. Bu. kira-kira jam sebelas. Ari. Because last night there were no buses. Karena kami pergi ke gereja. We had no money and there were no taxis. Ari. Baik. mengapa. Karena tadi malam tidak ada bus. apakah kamu mau membantu saya? Halaman rumah cukup kotor. Tetapi nanti siang saja. Apakah kamu bisa membersihkan _______ untuk saya? O ya. Saya mau mandi dan makan dulu. Ari. Ari. kira-kira jam sebelas. kira-kira jam sebelas. Second. Ari. Ari. Saya mau ________ dan _______ dulu. Kami tidak punya uang dan tidak ada taksi. occasion ally slangy. Tetapi nanti ______ saja. apakah kamu mau _______ saya? Halaman rumah cukup ______. For example. excuses or “unlikely stories” beginning with karena and will refer to themselves collectively with the pronoun kami. idiom of young people in Central Java. In addition to these resources. Bu. They speak to each other politely. you must let your own creativity loose on the situation. Baik. Terima _____ _____. the landlady (ibu kos) at a student boarding house (rumah kos) interrogates two or more of her lodgers about where they went and what they got up to the previous night. Because we went to church. So make her strict and implacably inquisitive. You have to concentrate on two main tasks in acting this (and any other) role play. To highlight the special features of their colloquial style let’s put their conversation side-by-side with a version of the conversation in formal In- . Apakah kamu bisa membersihkan halaman untuk saya? O ya. another student who lives in the same rumah kos and who is about the same age as Ari. Go back to Lesson 37 and refresh your memory on the vocabulary and sentences that you can use to talk about what someone did “last night”. kenapa and karena that you have practised in this lesson and the previous one. you should make intensive use of the words kami. Terima _____ banyak. Apakah kamu bisa membersihkan _______ untuk _______? Tentu saja bisa. Kamu masih ngorok aku udah bangun You are about to read a conversation somewhat like the conversation between Ari and Ibu Gah. and after that we went to the library. Saya mau mandi dan _______ dulu. First. you must concentrate very carefully on speaking smoothly and absolutely correctly. This time. Role Play: An Ibu Kos Interrogates her Lodgers Back in Lesson 37 you acted out a role play titled “What Time Did You Get Home Last Night?” Now repeat this role play with a few variations and refnements. but in the relaxed.Lesson 43 O ya. Tetapi nanti ______ saja. Kami juga harus belajar bahasa Belanda. Banyak dan bermacam-macam. O. Tetapi saya keluar untuk berjalan-jalan dulu. Biasanya aku jalan sekeliling taman. mengapa. sudah becomes udah. Jam berapa kamu bangun? Jam berapa Anda bangun? Biasanya aku bangun jam lima. Notice too how colloquial Indonesian uses shortened forms. Suka sekali. Tapi aku keluar untuk jalan-jalan dulu. Tapi tadi aku bangun jam setengah enam. Kalo pagi aku suka duduk-duduk di taman untuk mendengarkan burung-burung. membuat. saya masih tidur tadi jam setengah enam. and terima kasih becomes makasih. Other words are shortened too. Sudah lama. O. Tadi malam saya belajar sampai jam dua belas. ya? Selamat pagi. Hukum cukup sulit. Udah lama. Sudah bangun. Biasanya saya berjalan sekeliling taman. kenapa. Ari. Ri. Udah bangun. kamu suka jalan-jalan? Apakah Anda suka berjalan-jalan pada pagi hari? Suka banget. ya? Udah. Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? Kenapa kamu belajar sampai jam dua belas? Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? Mengapa Anda belajar sampai jam dua belas? Karena aku ambil mata kuliah hukum.prefxes on verbs. aku masih tidur tadi jam setengah enam. and sama. saja becomes aja. Tadi malam aku belajar sampai jam dua belas. Saya suka duduk-duduk di taman pada pagi hari untuk mendengarkan burung-burung. Kami juga harus belajar bahasa Belanda. Tetapi tadi saya bangun jam setengah enam. Biasanya saya bangun jam lima. Karena saya mengambil mata kuliah hukum. Saya bangun tadi sebelum Anda. Ramai sekali.Lesson 43 donesian. The pronouns saya and Anda are replaced by aku and kamu and the formal terms sekali. Sudah. Enjoy! Listen to Sound File 043-03. Informal Formal Pagi. bikin. Hukum cukup sulit.and me. Ramai banget. Karena kami harus membaca banyak buku. Harus belajar bahasa Belanda? Kenapa? Harus belajar bahasa Belanda? Mengapa? . Note the diferences in vocabulary. Sulit? Kenapa? Sulit? Mengapa? Karena kami harus baca banyak buku. Kalo pagi. Kamu masih ngorok aku udah bangun. Apa banyak burung di taman? Apakah banyak burung di taman? Banyak dan macam-macam. or deleted: apakah becomes apa or disappears altogether. and dengan are replaced respectively by banget. especially by dropping the ber. Tapi aku mau mandi dan makan dulu. Apa kamu mau bersihkan halaman untuk aku? Belum. kami to watch sampai to take untuk to wake up melihat until bangun university teacher menonton to see dosen we (excl. Ri? Baik. Nasi putih dan ikan saja. Makasih. Kamar mandi udah kosong. in order to membersihkan all okay beres festivity mencari famous tua to look for mengambil to clean pesta to buy terkenal old . Apakah Anda akan masak hari ini? Ya. Anda mau makan apa? Nasi putih sama ikan aja. Kamu mau masak hari ini? Terima kasih. Aku udah mandi tadi. Biasanya kamu minum apa. Kamu mau makan apa? Ya. belum? Aku boleh pakai kamar mandi sekarang? O begitu. dan mereka membuat undangundang. Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di Indonesia. Anda sudah mandi atau belum? Apakah saya boleh pakai kamar mandi sekarang? Boleh. Beres. Apakah Anda mau membersihkan halaman untuk saya? Bisa. kamu udah mandi. Aku mau ke dapur sekarang untuk masak. seperti biasa. Ari? Kopi. Tetapi saya mau mandi dan makan dulu. O gitu. Biasanya Anda minum apa. Ning. Eh. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Boleh. Eh. Silakan.Lesson 43 Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di Indonesia. Saya sudah mandi tadi. apakah Anda sudah membersihkan halaman tadi? Belum. dan mereka bikin undangundang. Saya mau ke dapur sekarang untuk masak.) membeli dirty kotor for. Nuning. Kamu udah bersihkan halaman tadi? Kopi. O ya. seperti biasa. Kamar mandi sudah kosong. to want (something). “Why do you usually listen to the radio in the morning?” Mengapa—biasanya—mendengarkan—pagi—Anda—radio—pada—hari? 5. to like (someone or something) 7. have to 5. will 3. must. “Why do you wake up at 4:30?” Mengapa—lima—Anda—setengah—jam—bangun—pagi? 2... to want (to do something) Latihan 3—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti di bawah ini: 1.Lesson 43 Latihan 2—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. You can also use mengapa in conjunction with tidak. to really like. bisa h. ingin a. “Why doesn’t Gatot want to watch a flm with us?” Mengapa—Gatot—mau—flm—dengan—tidak—menonton—kita? 4.) 6. .) 8. B: ______? A: ______ ada kuliah jam delapan. can 2. Questions with mengapa usually demand an answer with karena. “Why don’t you like to live in New York?” Mengapa—tinggal—Anda—tidak—di—suka—New York? Latihan 4—Isian Mengapa (why) and karena (because) go together. to love (doing something) 4. “Why don’t you like to go for a walk in the morning?” Mengapa—suka—pada—tidak—pagi—Anda—berjalan-jalan—hari? 3. mau c. 1... suka d. to really wish/want (to.. to wish/want (to. like the English ‘why not?’ and ‘why don’t you . ingin sekali b. suka sekali e. akan f.?’ Complete the following dialogue using six of the following eight words: bangun—dosen— harus—karena—memberikan—kenapa—pergi—saya A: Besok pagi saya akan ______ jam enam. harus g.. . When dulu is used in this sense it follows the verb in a clause. tadi .. A. 4. . or it follows a noun or adverb. Tadi 2. saya tidak bisa ikut. pagi. A. When it is used in this sense it usually comes at the beginning of a clause. Dulu also means something like ‘in former times’.. Tadi 4.... saya suka bersenam. dulu B.. dulu B.Lesson 43 B: Jam delapan? Pagi sekali! Mengapa Anda ______ kuliah jam delapan pagi? A: Karena Ibu ______ lebih suka ______ kuliah pagi-pagi. 5.. Dulu B.. Formerly there was a cinema here.... 3.. Translate the following sentences into good Indonesian using “dulu”. Maaf.. I used to live here (a long time ago)... A. I want to stay here for the moment. . ‘a long time ago’ and also ‘used to’. tadi 5.. Katanya. Dulu can also mean something like ‘for the time being’.. dulu B.... “a long time ago” and “used to” whereas tadi means “earlier today”. and “a short time ago”. Saya harus belajar . Latihan 6—Pilihan Ganda: dulu vs tadi Complete the following sentences using either dulu or tadi. Latihan 5—Buat Kalimat: dulu As you learned in Lesson 29.. Remember that dulu means “in former times”.. Take a seat for the time being....... dulu can mean ‘frst’ referring to something done before something else happens.. or before you do something else. 2. or ‘for the moment’... I’d like to take a bath frst (before doing anything else). ada orang yang mencari saya .. Aduh! Saya kotor sekali! Saya mau mandi . Dulu B. Saya sudah tua! A. 1.. tetapi sekarang saya tidak bisa. malam mereka pergi ke pesta di rumah teman. 1.. tadi 3. A. A.. You’ve already eaten.. A. Good morning. saja 3.. a. saya melihat Yudi minum kopi di warung... Are there many fowers in the yard? 2... A... Mereka datang .. Tadi Latihan 7—Menjodohkan Dengarkanlah rekaman 043-04 dan pilihlah arti pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu. udah a. sebelum berangkat. membuat 2. kenapa e.... Why do you have to study Dutch? 9. 1... membersihkan 4.. b. A. Do you like to do sports in the late afternoon? 5.. d. g. mengapa ... dulu B. tadi 10.. Why is the political science lecture so hard? Latihan 8—Menjodohkan: Informal & Formal Match the informal items with formal items. malam. . will you cook today? 3... Dulu B. What do you usually cook.. Tadi 8.. e.. Why do you work until 21:30? 10. siang mereka membersihkan halaman rumah. kira-kira jam sembilan.Lesson 43 6. Sekarang saya tinggal di Jakarta.... saya tinggal di Prancis. tetapi . Ari. kalo pagi b. sama f.. c. f. Dulu B.. ... i. j. tadi 9. banget c. Ari? 7... A. What time do you go to bed? 8. Saya harus mengambil uang . h. 1.. terima kasih 6. haven’t you? 6... dulu B.. berjalan-jalan 5. Ari.. tadi 7... Can you help washing the dishes? 4. dulu B. bersihkan d. bermacam-macam 12. Ari O. dulu. Tetapi tadi saya bangun jam setengah enam. dan. Hukum cukup sulit. Udah lama. Saya suka duduk-duduk di taman duk-duduk di taman untuk mende______ untuk mendengarkan burung-burung. ______ lama. kamu suka jalan-jalan? Nuning Suka banget. ya? Selamat pagi. Banyak dan ______. sekali 9. Tadi malam aku belajar sampai jam dua belas. mengambil Latihan 9—Isian: Informal vs Formal Replace all informal and slangy words with formal Indonesian words. aja j. ambil l. aku masih tidur tadi jam setengah enam. Biasanya aku jalan seke. Saya bangun tadi sebeaku udah bangun. makasih g. Kamu masih ngorok ______. Tapi tadi aku bangun jam setengah enam. Ari Jam berapa kamu bangun? Jam berapa Anda bangun? Nuning Biasanya aku bangun jam lima. membaca 8. Karena saya ______ mata kuliah hukum. ______ bangun. Listen to Sound File 043-05 to check your answers. Percakapan Ari dan Nuning I Ari Pagi.Lesson 43 7. Hukum cukup sulit. and the word kamu is replaced with Anda. saya masih tidur tadi jam setengah enam. Kalo pagi aku suka dutaman. bikin h. Tapi aku keluar un. ngarkan burung-burung. Nuning Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? Kenapa kamu belajar sampai jam dua belas? Aduh! Sampai jam dua belas? ______ Anda belajar sampai jam dua belas? Ari Karena aku ambil mata kuliah hukum. baca k. Tadi malam saya belajar sampai jam dua belas.Suka ______. ya? Nuning Udah. pada pagi hari 10. Ri. Tetapi saya keluar untuk ______ tuk jalan-jalan dulu. For example: the word aku is replaced with saya.lum Anda. O. Ramai banget. Biasanya saya ______ sekeliling liling taman. jalan-jalan i. Ari Apa banyak burung di taman? Apakah banyak burung di taman? Nuning Banyak dan macam-macam. Apakah Anda suka ______ ______? . begitu 14. gitu n. sudah 13. macam-macam m. Ari Kalo pagi. Ari. Ramai ______. dengan 11. Biasanya saya bangun jam lima. Udah bangun. Belum. Ari O gitu. Eh. mata kuliah d. tadi siang e. Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di Indonesia. apakah Anda ______ ______ halaman tadi? Boleh. Biasanya kamu minum apa. Anda ______ mandi atau belum? Apakah saya boleh pakai kamar mandi sekarang? Nuning Silakan. Ari? Ari Kopi. then listen to Sound File 043-06 to check your answers. Kamar mandi ______ kosong. Eh. dan mereka bikin undang-undang. Apa kamu mau bersihkan hala. Anda mau makan apa? Ari Nasi putih sama ikan aja. Kami Juga kami harus belajar bahasa Belan. last night 5. Aku udah mandi tadi. belum? Aku boleh pakai kamar mandi sekarang? O ______. Ning. Kamar mandi udah kosong. Kamu udah bersihkan halaman tadi? Nuning Belum. Saya mau ke dapur sekarang untuk masak. Percakapan Ari dan Nuning II Ari Sulit? Kenapa? Sulit? ______? Nuning Karena kami harus baca banyak buku. 1. tadi pagi b. the Dutch language 4. Ri? ______. Ari Makasih.Lesson 43 Latihan 10—Isian: Informal vs Formal Replace all informal and slangy words with formal Indonesian words. Apakah Anda mau membersihkan haman untuk aku? laman untuk saya? Ari Bisa. Nuning. da. O ya. earlier this morning . bahasa Belanda c. seperti biasa. Kamu mau makan apa? Ya. earlier this afternoon 2. Kamu mau masak hari ini? ______. Tapi aku mau mandi dan makan dulu. seperti biasa. Kopi. a subject of study at a university 3. Saya ______ mandi tadi. Aku mau ke dapur sekarang untuk masak. pagi-pagi a. kamu udah mandi. Tetapi saya mau mandi dan makan dulu.juga harus belajar bahasa Belanda. Ari Harus belajar bahasa Belanda? Kenapa? Harus belajar bahasa Belanda? ______? Nuning Karena dulu orang Belanda berkuasa di Indonesia. Nuning Beres. Nasi putih ______ ikan saja. Karena kami harus ______ banyak buku. Apakah Anda akan masak hari ini? Nuning Ya. Biasanya Anda minum apa. dan mereka ______ undang-undang. Latihan 11—Menjodohkan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Silakan. to get up (out of bed) . to sit around leisurely Latihan 12—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 2. in former times 6. why (formal) 15. old 13. to visit 9. difcult 4. to make sth (informal) 12. to reign. ibu kos g. used to. to search 11. famous 5. to look for.Lesson 43 6. the law 8. to study at a university 10. the landlady of a boarding house 7. tadi malam h. very early in the morning 8. to give (something to someone) Menurun: 1. a lecturer (at a university) 3. to make sth (formal) 6. morning 14. rule 7. because 2. duduk-duduk f. . I used to be good at singing. berlari to run menulis to write berenang to swim mulai to begin.. The word pandai means “to be good at”. Dulu saya pandai menyanyi. Study how pandai is used in these sentences. to start bertanya to ask a question pakaian clothes. © Eric Lafforgue Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. clothing betul correct pasti sure. Make sure that you remember their meanings.Lesson 44 44 Tertawa Di Pasar Burung Aims • To practise using the word pandai. Vocabulary review Kandang burung di Pasar Burung. She’s good at playing badminton. defnite cantik pretty. or “skilled at (doing something)”. karena and pandai are used and the words for colours revised. • To comprehend the subtle diference between pandai and pintar • To read a story and perform a role play in which mengapa. Dia pandai bermain bulu tangkis. beautiful pegawai employee cukup enough pembantu assistant. helper hanya only pulau island lebih more sayuran vegetable mahal expensive tentang about majalah magazine tertawa laugh mempunyai to have To Be Good At. . Lesson 44 Siapa yang pandai membaca bahasa Arab? Who’s good at reading Arabic? Pandai can be “tweaked” in various ways to express variations on the idea of being good at something. tidak pandai no good at Saya tidak pandai menulis dalam bahasa Jepang. But his assistant is very clever. tetapi sekarang tidak lagi. The Indonesian pandai difers in a very fundamental respect from English words like “clever”. “smart”. Dia pandai sekali berdagang. here is a description of the skills and talents of a group of people (Sound File 044-01) A yah saya cukup istimewa. pandai sekali very good at Dia pandai sekali membuat pakaian. She’s quite good at singing like Madonna. cukup pandai quite good at Dia cukup pandai menyanyi seperti Madonna. even “knowledgeable”. in Indonesian. Dulu saya pandai bermain piano. Anak kami sudah bersekolah. “knowledgeable” etc. I’m not really very good at cooking vegetables. “intelligent”. In English “clever” describes an innate attribute – something that is always with you. Ia pandai menulis. . Our daughter goes to school now. “intelligent” etc. “bright”. Dia menulis tentang politik dan ekonomi di majalah dan surat kabar. I’m a hopeless cook. I used to be good at playing the piano. but not any more. Ibu saya juga istimewa. sama sekali tidak pandai to be totally hopeless at Saya sama sekali tidak pandai masak. She’s very good at making clothes. Sarah is a bright child. kurang pandai not much good at Kami kurang pandai bermain bulu tangkis. she’s beginning to show signs of intelligence. We’re not much good at (playing) badminton. Dia membeli biji kopi di desa. They are better at soccer. Sarah anak pandai/pintar. tidak begitu pandai not really very good at Saya tidak begitu pandai masak sayuran. But the Indonesian pandai is more a skill or a capacity that can come and go. Saya kira Bupati kita kurang pandai/pintar. If pandai is used in that meaning then it is synonym with pintar ’smart’.. lebih pandai to be better at Mereka lebih pandai bermain sepak bola. Dia pernah menulis buku tentang ekonomi desa di pulau Timor. are better translated as pintar. You can get a feel for this in these sentences. “smart”. “bright”. Cara Indonesia: “Clever” in English and in Indonesian Pandai often means “to be good at” but in certain contexts it can also be translated by the English terms “clever”. I don’t think our Bupati is that clever. which. sudah mulai pintar. Tetapi pembantunya pandai/pintar sekali. I’m no good at writing in Japanese. To illustrate how pandai can be used. • Sport berolahraga bermain tenis / bulu tangkis / sepak bola / bola voli bersenam berenang berlari • Writing menulis menulis surat / buku / novel / ... Sari memang pandai sekali bermain bulu tangkis. • Shopping berbelanja mencari pakaian yang indah / restoran yang enak / toko yang murah / . cukup pandai etc.Lesson 44 lalu ia menjual biji itu ke pabrik kopi di kota. memperbaiki rumah / komputer / mobil / sepeda / sepeda motor / . bercakap-cakap / menulis / membaca dalam bahasa . Kadang-kadang kami bermain bulu tangkis di gedung olahraga di dekat rumah keluarga. Tetapi saya cukup pandai berolahraga. berdagang atau bermain musik.. tidak pandai. Saya juga cukup pandai berenang dan bersenam.. Lift sentences and phrases from the passage. write a description of the skills and talents of a group of family and/or friends. Each of the items in the list will be preceded by pandai. membuat sate / roti / kue / .. Write at least twenty sentences.. • Cooking masak masak nasi goreng / ayam goreng / sayuran / tempe dan tahu / makanan Cina / .. Ia pandai menyanyikan lagu-lagu pop. Listed below are some of the verbs you can use to do this. Teman saya Sari juga pandai berolahraga. but change them so that they refect the profle of the group you are describing. Adik saya Ningsih cukup pandai bermain gitar dan menyanyi. menulis tentang politik / ekonomi / flm / musik / olahraga / masakan Prancis / ... Katanya dia ingin sekali ikut acara Indonesian Idol di televisi.. Saya sama sekali tidak pandai menulis. membeli pakaian yang keren / makanan yang enak / . • Speaking foreign languages berbicara dalam bahasa Belanda / bahasa Indonesia / bahasa Jepang / . grouped into eight categories of important skills.. Tetapi dia ingin menjadi pegawai negeri.. • Working with your hands membuat alat-alat rumah tangga / meja / kursi / pakaian / baju / .. Saya bermain bulu tangkis dan bola voli. • Music menyanyi bermain musik / gitar menyanyikan lagu... Exercise 44-01 Taking the passage on the previous page as your beginning point. bukan guru seperti saya. Biasanya saya menang tetapi kadang-kadang saya kalah... Saya ingin menjadi guru olahraga di sekolah menengah pertama... Burung itu bagus sekali. Berapa harganya?” “Wah. but nevertheless he told this anti-bureaucracy joke against himself.” jawab orang itu. yang di sana. Ada juga burung yang bermacam-macam warnanya. Ada yang besar. The following story was told by the Rektor (President or Vice-Chancellor) of an Indonesian university. Plenty of sarcastic and scurrilous stories circulate about self-important.. He happens to be a particularly efcient and hard working Rektor. Many of the country’s bureaucrats are hard working and not paid nearly enough for the good work they do.” “Betul. Don’t forget to make your narrative interesting by (i) referring to some of the accomplishments and ambitions of your group. Banyak sekali burung di sana. But quite a few are probably paid more than is justifed by the work they do. D The Rektor’s Joke ulu ada orang yang suka burung. Tetapi burung ini istimewa. Lalu burung yang lain itu. Berapa harganya?” “Harganya? Hanya seratus ribu dolar. “Saya suka burung itu. Read The Rektor’s Joke below and check the vocabulary for this lesson if you come across words you don’t know yet. Dia ingin mempunyai burung yang bagus. Dia pandai menyanyikan lagu opera Wagner. It was intended to explain in a self-deprecating way that. Ada yang hijau. Burung itu juga cantik.” “Hmmm.” “Burung itu pandai bermain tenis?” . Harganya dua ratus ribu dolar.” “Opera Wagner? Seperti Tannhäuser. and (ii) by describing what members of the group don’t do particularly well. lazy ofcials who don’t deserve the money they are paid. yang hijau.” “Memang biasanya burung pandai menyanyi.Lesson 44 • Doing business berdagang membeli dan menjual rumah / buah-buahan / mobil / alat-alat rumah tangga / . “Hah!!?? Seratus ribu dolar? Untuk satu burung? Aduh! Mahal sekali! Mengapa burung itu mahal sekali?” “Karena burung itu pandai menyanyi.” “Haaaah!?! Dua ratus ribu??? Mengapa burung yang hijau itu mahal sekali?” “Karena burung itu pandai bermain tenis. Te Twilight of the Gods dan Te Flying Dutchman?” “Betul. ada yang ke cil. ada juga yang hitam. burung itu cukup mahal. ada juga yang putih. Satu hari dia pergi ke pasar burung. he gets the top money at his university while (so he modestly said) there are many other people on his staf who are cleverer and who do the real work. Ada yang merah. as a bureaucrat with an impressive job description. Orang itu bertanya kepada orang yang menjual burung di pasar itu.. Burung ini pandai menyanyikan lagu opera-opera itu. Tertawa di Pasar Burung Indonesia is burdened with a huge government bureaucracy. Burung yang merah itu. Burung itu pintar juga.” “Apakah burung itu ahli flsafat?” “Bukan. Lalu. Tolstoy yang menulis novel itu.” “Aduh!!! Sepuluh juta? Apakah burung itu pandai menyanyi?” “Tidak” “Apakah burung itu pandai bermain tenis?” “Tidak. Konghucu. Burung itu pasti pintar sekali. Perhaps you can think of other accomplishments and skills that your current Indonesian vocabulary allows you to mention. Harry Potter. Change the colours of the birds and their prices. vocabulary and sentences of the joke as it appears above but use your imagination to make changes. .” “Haah?? Satu juta? Mengapa?” “Karena burung itu pandai menulis novel. Dan burung yang lain itu? Yang warnanya biru.” “Apakah burung itu pandai menulis novel?” “Tidak juga. Federer kalah. Banyak orang menonton pertandingan itu. Stick close to the format. Burung yang hitam itu yang menulis novel Perang dan Damai. Pride and Prejudice.” “Lalu mengapa burung itu mahal sekali? Mengapa harganya sepuluh juta dolar?” “Karena burung itu koordinatornya!” Exercise 44-02 Every time a joke like the one above is told it is a little diferent from its previous telling. Anda salah. Berapa harga burung itu?” “Yang putih? Harganya sepuluh juta dolar. Yang di sana. Burung itu juga menulis A Tale of Two Cities. Bukan Tolstoy yang menulis novel itu. rewrite this joke. Retain ing the punch line.” “Maaf. burung itu istimewa. Berapa harganya?” “Wah. tidak. Burung itu mahal harganya. Dulu dia kuliah di Universitas Nasional Australia di kota Canberra. Bertrand Russell dan Ki Ageng Suryomentaram.” “Burung itu dulu belajar di Universitas Nasional Australia? Universitas Nasional Australia itu universitas yang bagus sekali. Burung itu satu juta dolar. Dia pandai berpikir.” “Aduh. Change the accomplishments of the birds (except the last one). Descartes. But whatever you write don’t forget: keep it funny. Apakah Anda juga melihat pertandingan itu?” “Hmmm. yang lain lagi itu. yang berwarna hitam. Ia pernah bermain dengan Roger Federer. Berapa harga burung itu?” “Wah. Apakah Anda sudah pernah membaca novel Perang dan Damai?” “Sudah. and using simple Indonesian. Dia pintar seperti Sokrates. yang di sana. Burung itu bagus sekali. Make it a bit shorter if you like. Te Count of Monte Cristo.Lesson 44 “Ya. Tetapi empat ratus ribu dolar? Mahal sekali. Saya tidak mungkin dapat membeli burung yang harganya empat ratus ribu dolar. Keluar dalam acara olahraga di televisi. Empat ratus ribu dolar. Yang berwarna putih. Masih ada satu burung lagi.” “Haaah!!?? Empat ratus ribu? Mengapa? Mengapa burung itu mahal sekali?” “Karena burung itu ahli flsafat. Desperate Housewives dan banyak lagi. tidak pandai e. concentrate on speaking correctly by memorising the model. cukup pandai b. to be better at 6. Perhaps members of your class can play the roles of the spectacularly clever birds by crouching on chairs or desks and describing their talents (in good Indonesian. no good at 2. quite good at 5. kurang pandai c. but change the colours of the birds and their prices. Forum Diskusi 44-03 Share with everyone else in the class what your hobbies and favourite activities are. correct Indonesian – and if possible. only lively. In short. Make cutouts of diferent coloured birds as props for you to point at. and “saya suka”. Make deliberate use of “Saya pandai” or “saya lumayan pandai” (I am pretty good at. of course). pandai sekali a.. Above all remember: no English. but add your own variations and humour.Lesson 44 Role Play: Mencari Burung di Pasar Burung Taking the model conversation above as your beginning point.. to be totally hopeless at 7. Try to memorise as much as you can of the model. lebih pandai g. Change the order of the components in the model conversation.). not really very good at 4. tidak begitu pandai d. not much good at 3. act out the events of the bird fancier’s visit to the Bird Market. very good at . Use your imagination to change their accomplishments too. -er pasti employee majalah only pegawai island hanya to swim pembantu to begin lebih to ask a question pulau to have mahal to run sayuran to write Latihan 2—Menjodohkan I Pandai can be ‘tweaked’ in various ways: 1. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkanlah kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. sama sekali tidak pandai f. berlari beautiful mempunyai vegetables berenang correct menulis assistant bertanya expensive mulai clothing betul magazine pakaian defnitely cantik more. a few laughs. e. g. but not any more. She’s very good at making clothes. I’m a hopeless cook. b. “I’m a hopeless cook.Lesson 44 Latihan 3—Menjodohkan II Jodohkan rekaman dengan artinya di sebelah kanan. We’re not much good at (playing) badminton. Sarah anak yang pintar sekali. 5. Saya tidak pandai berkebun. i. She’s quite good at singing like Madonna. 3. 7. d. Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai arti di bawah ini: 1. “I used to be good at playing the piano. a. f. 8. 2. I used to be good at singing. 4. 3. 1.” Saya—pandai—sekali—sama—tidak—memasak.” Saya—itu—laki-laki—tidak—kira—pintar. h. c. She’s good at playing badminton. 1. she’s beginning to show signs of intelligence. intelligent” it is more often associ ated with certain skills rather than with innate attributes—something that is always with you— which are more likely to be expressed by pintar. I don’t think the Bupati is smart. b. . 2. 2. clever. 9. I’m not really very good at cooking vegetables. tetapi sekarang tidak lagi. a. Our daughter goes to school now. 10.” Dulu—tidak—saya—sekarang—main—pandai—tetapi—piano. Match the Indonesian sentence with its equivalent in English.—Listen to the ten sentences in Sound File 044-01 and order them correctly. I’m not a good gardener. Who’s good at reading Arabic? Latihan 4—Menjodohkan III Although pandai also occurs in the meaning “smart. Sarah is a very bright child. “I don’t think that man is smart. 6. Dulu saya pandai menyanyi. They are better at soccer. 4. e. j. d. Saya kira Bupati tidak pintar.—lagi. 5. sudah mulai pintar. 3. c. I’m no good at writing in Japanese. I used to sing well. but not any more. Anak kami sudah bersekolah. $400.000 B. Because of its beatiful colour.000 D. $40.000 5. Because that bird is very funny. 4. $200. purple & pink 2. Because it is good at singing. $2.000 D. $1. Because that bird is good at singing. 6. Why is the red bird so expensive? A. Because it is very young.000.000 C.000 D. $20.000 . Because that bird is good at playing tennis. How much does the green bird cost? A. C. D.000.000 3. How much did the blue bird cost? A. Because that bird is good at playing music. $1.Lesson 44 Latihan 6—Pemahaman Read The Rektor’s Joke and answer the following questions: 1. Why is the green bird so expensive? A. $10. Why is the blue bird so expensive? A. 8. Because that bird has a nice blue colour.000 7.000. $100. $2.000 C. B. $100. Because that bird is good at playing tennis. red & white C. D. C. $10.000 B. How much does the red bird cost? A. What kinds of birds are NOT mentioned at the bird market? A. Because it is smart. B. $1. Because that bird enjoys playing tennis. $4.000 C.000 B.000 B. C. B. How much does the black bird cost? A. Because that bird is good at thinking. big & small B. green & black D. D.000 C.000 D.000. $4. $1. C. Because that bird is good at singing. Dia pandai (sing) lagu opera Wagner.’ .’ ‘(That’s right). Why is the black bird so expensive? A. Because that bird is good at writing novels.. Because that bird is good at thinking. Because that bird is the coordinator. ada (that are) kecil. D. $1. Latihan 7—Isian Translate English in parentheses. $10. $100. How much did the white bird cost? A. Because that bird is good at playing tennis.000 11. ‘Hah!!? Seratus (thousand) dolar? Untuk satu burung? Aduh! (expensive) sekali! Mengapa burung itu mahal sekali?’ ‘(Because) burung itu pandai (sing). Ada yang besar. Burung yang (red) itu. $10. Because that bird is good at writing novels.000 B. B. B. Berapa (does it cost)?’ ‘Harganya? (Only) seratus ribu dolar.’ (answered) orang itu. Why is the white bird so expensive? A.Lesson 44 9. [.] Orang itu (asked) kepada orang yang (sells) burung di pasar itu. ‘Saya suka burung itu. Because that bird is good at playing tennis. Banyak sekali burung di sana. D. Satu hari dia pergi ke pasar burung. Because that bird has a nice black colour. Tetapi burung ini (special). C.000.000.000 D.. Burung itu bagus sekali.’ ‘Memang (usually) burung pandai menyanyi. Choose from the following words: yang—bertanya—betul— biasanya—hanya—harganya—istimewa—jawab—karena—mahal—mempunyai—menjual— menyanyi—menyanyikan—merah—ribu—suka Dulu ada orang yang (likes) burung. 10.000 C. Dia ingin (to own) burung yang bagus. lacking. a guitar 15. to repair 9. ever in the past 16. once. to sing 6. a seed. to trade 4. to laugh . million Menurun: 1. to win 13. to ruminate 18. to be 5.Lesson 44 Latihan 8—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 4. not really. less 14. clever 10. to become. to swim 7. exceptional 12. a song 10. small item 2. to be good at. special. to lose 3. vegetables 17. to think. to sell something 11. correct 8. Lesson 45 45 Asking Who Aims • To practise using siapa to ask questions about who is doing something. • To revise the use of some verbs with me- prefxes. • To review the use of common kinship terms. Vocabulary review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. anjing dog pembantu assistant baju shirt, clothes rumah tangga household berangkat to depart, leave semua all, everyone bertemu to meet surat letter garasi garage surat kabar newspaper kemarin yesterday tadi malam last night kembali to go back, to return tidur to sleep membuat to make (something) permisi dulu excuse me (when taking leave) mencuci to wash Asking Who Does/Did Something You have already met the word siapa several times. You have practised using it to ask about a person’s name. Siapa nama Anda? What is your name? Lesson 45 Siapa nama ayah Anda? What is your father’s name? Siapa nama teman Mita? What is Mita’s friend’s name? You can also use siapa before a verb to ask who does/did something. When siapa is used in this way, usually the connector yang appears between siapa and the verb. Study these examples: Siapa yang datang ke rumah Anda tadi malam? Who came to your place last night? Siapa yang menolong Anda menulis surat ini? Who helped you to write this letter? Siapa yang biasanya berbelanja dalam keluarga Anda? Who usually does the shopping in your family? Remember that when a question has siapa in it, it usually invites or expects an answer with the name of a person. But sometimes you can also answer a “siapa yang” question with something that is a substitute for a name, for example a pronoun like saya, Anda etc., or a kinship term like ibu, adik etc., or a title like Bapak Presiden, Ibu guru etc., or sometimes a term indicating a relationship like teman saya, suaminya etc. Study these examples: Siapa yang memakai komputer tadi malam? Who used the computer last night? Pak Siwabessy. Mr Siwabessy. Siapa yang mau tidur di hotel? Who wants to sleep at a hotel? Saya! Me! Siapa yang memakai baju bagus itu? Who is wearing that great shirt? Teman saya. My friend. Siapa yang suka minum kopi pada sore hari? Who enjoys a cofee in the late afternoon? Ayah. Father. And if you answer the question with a long answer that repeats the verb that occurred in the question you must place yang in front of the verb, just as yang was in front of the verb in the question. Study these examples. Wah! Kue ini enak sekali! Siapa yang membuatnya? Wow. This cake is really nice! Who made it? Ibu Mariana yang membuat kue itu. Mrs Mariana made the cake. Siapa yang biasanya mencuci piring di rumah Anda? Who usually washes the dishes at your place? Saya yang biasanya mencuci piring, tetapi kakak saya yang mencuci pakaian. I’m the one who usually washes the dishes, but my (elder) brother washes the clothes. Lesson 45 Selalu and Tidak Pernah You have already met and practised the adverbs of frequency biasanya (usually) and kadang-kadang (sometimes). To these can now be added selalu (always) and its opposite tidak pernah (never). Selalu and tidak pernah almost never come right at the beginning of a sentence / clause (unlike biasanya and kadang-kadang which often do). Usually selalu and tidak pernah come right after the subject of a sentence or clause. Bapak Tubagus selalu menyanyi pada waktu mandi. Mr Tubagus always sings while taking a bath. Dia tidak pernah menolong orang yang minta tolong. He never helps people who ask for help. Study these substitution tables. Practise generating questions and answers from them. Make your own entries in the columns marked with a dash or dots. Pertanyaan tidak pernah biasanya selalu berbelanja masak mencuci piring bangun pagi-pagi menonton televisi membersihkan garasi mencuci pakaian bercakap-cakap dalam keluarga di rumah Pak Lim Anda Ibu Sutoyo yang tidak pernah selalu biasanya .................... . bermain tenis belajar bercakap-cakap bekerja makan minum membaca menonton televisi menunggu di ................... ? yang .................. Siapa yang Jawaban Pak Lim sendiri Isteri Pak Lim Saya sendiri Ibu Sutoyo sendiri Pembantu Ibu Sutoyo Pertanyaan Siapa yang Jawaban Ayah Ibu Kandouw Saya dan Ani Kepala Kantor Teman saya Ketut Kakak saya Suami Susanti . ? Lesson 45 Exercise 45-01 Answer each of the following questions, then answer the follow-up question. Study the example frst. Pertanyaan: Siapa yang berjalan kaki di sana? Jawaban: Pak Panjaitan yang berjalan kaki di sana. Pertanyaan: Dengan siapa? Jawaban: Sendirian. 1(a) Siapa yang biasanya memelihara anjing-anjing Anda? 1(b) Mengapa? 2(a) Siapa yang bekerja di kantor sampai jam sebelas tadi malam? 2(b) Dengan siapa? 3(a) Siapa yang mendengarkan radio di ruang keluarga? 3(b) Dengan siapa? 4(a) Siapa yang mau bertemu dengan Pak Nainggolan? 4(b) Mengapa? 5(a) Siapa yang akan ikut dengan Anda? 5(b) Mengapa? 6(a) Siapa yang mengajar sejarah? 6(b) Bagaimana dia? 7(a) Siapa yang selalu duduk bercakap-cakap di warung Ibu Katrina? 7(b) Dengan siapa? 8(a) Siapa yang pandai masak di sini? 8(b) Dia pandai masak apa? 9(a) Siapa yang kuliah di Universitas Airlangga di Surabaya? 9(b) Mengapa? 10(a) Siapa yang belum mandi? 10(b) Mengapa? Exercise 45-02: Teka-Teki This is a puzzle. Read the clues carefully then answer the fnal question in Indonesian. A Teka-Teki da empat orang, Ibu Betty, Pak Nurdin, Pak Poli dan Ibu Lina. Mereka semua suka berjalan-jalan pada pagi hari. Ibu Betty selalu bangun pagi-pagi. Ia berangkat dari rumahnya pada jam enam pagi. Ia berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam. Sesudah berjalan-jalan ia suka minum kopi di warung Sudi Mampir sebelum kembali ke rumahnya. Ia selalu pulang pada jam tujuh pagi. asking how many people there are in the house. Lalu ia berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam. Selama satu jam ia bekerja di kebunnya.. Sesudah berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam ia masuk ke warung Sudi Mampir untuk minum kopi. Pak Poli selalu bangun jam lima.. lalu ia masuk ke warung Sudi Mampir untuk membeli surat kabar. introductions. Ia keluar dari rumahnya untuk berjalan-jalan. Biasanya ia duduk di warung Sudi Mampir selama sepuluh menit. smalltalk... Sesudah setengah jam ia keluar untuk berjalan-jalan.... They include greetings. Selamat pagi (or siang/sore/malam) Bu (or Pak). As the role play develops you should make as much use as possible of what you learned act ing the role play “A Visit from a Census Ofcial” in Lesson 30. Siapa yang selalu biasanya mencuci piring mencuci pakaian membersihkan rumah membersihkan kamar mandi dan WC membersihkan jendela mencuci mobil masak bekerja di kebun membersihkan halaman berbelanja untuk membeli makanan dalam rumah tangga ini? These question can be answered in several diferent ways... Biasanya Ibu Lina bangun pada jam enam. . Biasanya ia duduk di warung selama setengah jam. Men or women? Parents or children? Always or just sometimes (or never)? The researcher will begin by introducing himself/herself. Ia berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam... Here is one possible introduction which you should learn by heart. He/She is investigating who does the housework in local households.. Ia minum kopi dulu di rumahnya. In Module 2 you also practised the common kinship terms of Indonesian and these should be “recycled” too... For example you can begin with biasanya: Biasanya saya anak saya ibu saya kakak saya pacar saya yang membersihkan. Boleh saya bertanya tentang rumah tangga Anda? Saya ingin tahu siapa yang bekerja dan siapa yang tidak bekerja dalam rumah tangga Anda. So review Module 2. mencuci. getting/giving the personal details of residents and much more.. Lalu ia pulang. lalu ia pulang.. Biasanya ia duduk di warung membaca surat kabar selama setengah jam..... then learn by heart and add the following key question shell. .. Role Play: A Sociologist Investigates Your Household In this role play a university researcher comes to the front door of your house. inviting the visitor to eat/drink. Saya dari Universitas Widya Buana. Sesudah berjalan-jalan selama satu jam ia minum kopi di warung Sudi Mampir.. Pertanyaan: Siapa yang biasanya bertemu di warung Sudi Mampir? Refer to Latihan 10 for the solution of this problem. masak.Lesson 45 Pak Nurdin bangun jam setengah tujuh pagi... ... Saya kira sudah cukup. To fnish the role play.... clothes semua last night garasi letter surat you’re welcome kemarin assistant surat kabar to sleep kembali newspaper tadi malam to make sth membuat garage tidur all.. masak yang ............ don’t forget to say thank you and to politely take your leave.. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. saya dia mereka kami Karena lebih suka tidak suka harus tidak pandai pergi ke.. mencuci. For example: Anda anak Anda pacar Anda Mengapa membersihkan..... For example you can use tetapi to begin a sentence that modifes the information you frst gave.. everyone . anjing to meet mencuci household baju to depart/leave pembantu yesterday berangkat dog rumah tangga to wash bertemu shirt..... Terima kasih Pak/Bu.. mereka and kami in it....... yang selalu . Learn this leave-taking formula by heart.. bekerja di. Bearing in mind that selalu comes after the subject of a sentence......Lesson 45 Or you can use selalu in your answer. . you might answer like this: Saya Teman saya Orang tua saya Istri saya Adik saya membersihkan. masak..... mencuci............. The researcher should look for every opportunity to ask follow-up questions. mencuci.. Tetapi suami saya teman saya ayah saya kadang-kadang pada hari Sabtu pada pagi hari membersihkan. masak tidak mau ? An answer to this question will begin with karena and may have pronouns like dia.. Saya permisi dulu..... You should look for every possible chance to add follow-up information.... especially followup questions beginning with mengapa.... membersihkan... leave minum to sleep datang to bathe makan to sit pergi follow.Lesson 45 Latihan 2—Menjodohkan These are all verbs that do not take a prefx. Some can take a compliment such as bermain tenis. Asking Who Does/Did Something You have already met the word siapa several times. When siapa is used in this way. Siapa nama ayah Anda? b. usually the connector ‘yang’ appears between siapa and the verb. berbelanja to stand berasal to chat berumur go shopping berdiri to be aged bermain to depart beristirahat to talk belajar to originate bercakap-cakap to rest bekerja to work berbicara to play berangkat to learn berpikir to think Latihan 4—Siapa. What is Mita’s friend’s name? 3. and minta. What is your father’s name? 2. Siapa yang datang ke rumah Anda tadi malam? d. 1. You can also use siapa before a verb to ask who does/did something. You have practiced using it to ask about a person’s name. Siapa yang menolong Anda menulis surat ini? e. join minta to enter ikut to come bangun to get up mandi to know duduk to request kembali to eat tidur to drink tahu to return Latihan 3—Menjodohkan: berBer. Siapa nama Anda? a. or berbicara bahasa Indonesia. makan. Siapa nama teman Mita? c. neither meN. Match the Indonesian word to its equivalent in English.verbs are allways intransitive. Who helped you write this letter? 6. masuk to live hidup go.nor ber-. But they can never take an object. Who came to your house last night? . What is your name? 4. Most are intransitive but a small number are transitive: minum. Who usually does the shopping in your family? 5. Siapa yang biasanya berbelanja dalam keluarga Anda? f. f. Mbak Parni yang selalu menolong kami. Siapa yang membaca novel di perpustakaan hari Sabtu yang lalu? d. Pak Bambang. 5. b. Siapa yang makan di warung tadi b. Siapa yang menonton televisi di rumah tadi pagi? c. 6. h. Ibu guru etc. Adik saya yang menonton televisi di rumah tadi pagi. 1. Tidak ada. or a title like Bapak Presiden. . for example a pronoun like saya.. Siapa yang bercakap-cakap di ruang keluarga? f. c. 9. 10. But sometimes you can also answer a ìsiapa yangî question with something that is a substitute for a name. Kami lebih suka tidur di rumah. or a kinship term like ibu. 7. j. Adik saya yang tidak pernah masak dalam keluarga saya. i. Saya yang biasanya mencuci pakaian keluarga saya. 2. suaminya etc. it usually invites or expects an answer with the name of a person. Kakak saya dan pacarnya yang bercakap-cakap di ruang keluarga. a. Anda etc. 5. e. Saya yang belajar di perpustakaan kemarin. 8. Teman saya Ketut yang membaca novel di perpustakaan hari Sabtu yang lalu. Suami Susanti yang makan di warung tadi siang. Ibu yang biasanya berbelanja dalam keluarga kami. 4. 3. Sinta. Siapa yang tidak pernah membersihkan garasi? e. g. adik etc. Kakak dan teman-teman kakak saya yang biasanya bercakap-cakap di rumah Ibu Sutoyo. Pembantunya yang tidak pernah siang? membersihkan garasi. Adik yang memakainya tadi malam.. 4. 1. Nenek saya yang selalu bangun jam setengah lima pagi. Asking Who Does/Did Something Remember that when a question has siapa in it. Biasanya dia minum kopi jam empat sore. 3. Siapa yang belajar di perpustakaan kemarin? a. or sometimes a term indicating a relationship like teman saya. d. Latihan 6—Menyimak: Siapa.. 6.Lesson 45 Latihan 5—Menjodohkan: Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Jodohkan pertanyaan di sebelah kiri dengan jawaban di sebelah kanan. Dia suka baju itu. 2. Listen to Sound File 045-02 and choose the correct answer. . k........ ........... tolong ajar pelihara tunggu pakai dengar baca cuci buka buat sapu bersihkan masak beli ...... but can also be used without an object.......................—saya—Bu Lia. “I’m the one who usually washes the dishes....... 4............ .......... ......... ................ 12.. Mariana made the cake........e............. or meny-.............. especially those with sufx -kan) require an object. but my (elder) brother washes the clothes.........—kira—cukup............... . 3.......... 6............. 5..... “Thank you.. Most meNverbs are transitive...... 10.............verbs... Mrs...... I think this is sufcient...................... meng-.. Lia........ “He never helps people who ask for help....................” Terima—sudah—kasih..... ..... 8.... .............. ........” Bapak—waktu—selalu—menyanyi—pada—Tubagus—mandi........... .............” Saya—biasanya—yang—tetapi—yang—mencuci—mencuci piring.... to the following roots........... t............ 1.....” Ibu—Mariana—yang—kue—membuat—itu.verbs may take an object...... Please note that initial p.. 2........ to help someone to teach (something) to take care of something to wait (for someone/something) to use something to hear (something) to read (something) to wash (something) to open something to make something to sweep (something) to clean something to cook (something) to buy something Latihan 8—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar...... yang artinya : 1. 2....................... 4............ 5..... “Mr Tubagus always sings while taking a the corresponding nasal sound if applicable..... “Who is the lady that usually wears red shirts?” Siapa—selalu—baju merah—yang—perempuan—memakai—itu? ....... Many meN...... “Mrs. ..... ... i... 13. 14........... . mem-...... 6..... 7.........................” Dia—tidak—yang—menolong—orang—pernah—minta—tolong..... men-...... other meN............ 11..................Lesson 45 Latihan 7—Isian: Kata Dasar & Imbuhan Add the prefx me...—kakak saya pakaian.. and s are dropped.......... .. 9.......... 3. Ibu Lina berkebun. Ia __________ dari rumahnya pada jam enam pagi. A. Sesudah berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam ia masuk ke warung Sudi Mampir __________ minum kopi. Biasanya ia duduk di warung __________ surat kabar selama setengah jam. Sesudah berjalan-jalan ia suka minum kopi di __________ Sudi Mampir sebelum kembali ke rumahnya. Pak Nurdin __________ jam setengah tujuh pagi. Ia keluar dari rumahnya untuk berjalan-jalan. A. Salah . Sebelum berjalan-jalan. Ada empat orang. Ibu Betty. Ibu Betty minum kopi dulu. A. Benar B. Selama satu jam ia __________ di kebunnya. __________ ia duduk di warung Sudi Mampir __________ sepuluh menit. A. Ibu Lina dan Ibu Betty suka minum kopi di warung Sudi Mampir. Ia berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam. Benar B. Salah 5. 1. Salah 3.45. Sesudah setengah jam ia keluar untuk berjalan-jalan. Benar B. Ia selalu pulang pada jam tujuh pagi. Biasanya ia __________ di warung selama setengah jam. Salah 2. Sesudah berjalan-jalan. Benar B. Ia berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam. __________ berjalan-jalan selama satu jam ia minum kopi di warung Sudi Mampir. Ia minum __________ dulu di rumahnya. Mereka __________ suka berjalan-jalan pada __________ hari. Pak Poli dan Ibu Lina. Lalu ia pulang. Pak Nurdin minum kopi di warung Sudi Mampir.Lesson 45 Latihan 9—Isian: Teka-Teki Dengarkanlah rekaman 045-01 dan lengkapilah bacaan teka-teki di bawah ini. lalu ia pulang. Pak Poli selalu minum kopi di warung Sudi Mampir. Pak Poli selalu bangun jam lima. lalu ia masuk ke warung Sudi Mampir untuk __________ surat kabar. Biasanya Ibu Lina bangun pada jam enam. Lalu ia berjalan-jalan selama setengah jam. Benar B. Salah 4. Ibu Betty __________ bangun pagi-pagi. Pada jam 7. Latihan 10—Pemahaman Bacalah Teka-Teki di atas dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini. Pak Nurdin. A. Siapa yang biasanya bertemu di warung Sudi Mampir? A. letter 17. alone. to wait. all. to meet 4. Pak Poli dan Ibu Betty D. Ibu Lina dan Ibu Betty C. for (a certain period of time) 5. to wait for 15. at the time when 18. to wash 3. to help someone 7. history 14. time. to keep (as a pet) 16. to teach 12. always 11. dog 9.Lesson 45 6. yesterday 10. to leave/depart 14. assistant 8. Pak Nurdin dan Ibu Lina Latihan 11—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar 1. on your own 13. to make (something) 2. to sleep Menurun: 1. everyone 6. to use/wear something . Pak Poli dan Pak Nurdin B. • To role play a dialogue that revolves around a person’s daily activities.. to arrive in kapan when sarapan to have breakfast kepada to selama for (a period of time) memanggil to call out someone telur an egg mencoba to try to do something ternyata apparently. Make sure that you remember their meanings. For three hours...?). OR Berapa lama mereka tinggal di Sulawesi? Sampai jam dua belas Until 12 o’clock..Lesson 46 46 Pak Yusuf Under Surveillance Aims • To get more practise talking about daily routine. it seems How Long? In Lesson 23 you practised asking and answering questions with the phrase Sudah berapa lama. Berapa lama Anda bekerja di kantor tadi? How long did you work at the ofce (earlier) today? Selama tiga jam.. To introduce this number you can use the prepositions selama (for such-and-such a period of time) and sampai (until). A question with berapa lama (how long) in it usually demands an answer with a number in it. . several menunggu to wait for someone berdiri to stand up nanti dulu just a moment jam o’clock sampai di.? (How long have you. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Shutterstock beberapa some.. bekerja selama “What Did _____ Do?” You have already practised asking questions in the form Apa yang Anda lakukan. You can also use the verb lakukan (to do) to ask about what a third person (he. OR (for example) Sampai sore. tujuh belas jam (seventeen hours). ? / What did you do. jam setengah empat (half past three) etc. Don’t forget that jam is pronounced like “jumm”!! .Lesson 46 How long did they live in Sulawesi? Selama lima tahun. For fve years OR Sampai tahun dua ribu sepuluh. 4. tiga jam (three hours). mendengarkan selama 7. berdansa selama 10. berjalan-jalan: Berapa lama mereka berjalan-jalan di pusat kota? sampai: Sampai jam empat.g. 1 2.... but the question usually has somewhat diferent forms. then write an answer to the question beginning with selama or sampai. Here they are in summary. berolahraga sampai 12.. “a watch”. tinggal selama duduk sampai menunggu selama belajar sampai 5. Until 2010. 3. menonton selama 6. bercakap-cakap sampai 11. jam dinding (a wall clock) and jam tangan (a wrist watch).g. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Bapak Yusuf? What did Mr Yusuf do? literally What (is it) that was done by Mr Yusuf? If you are asking what he or she did.. bermain sampai 8. ✗ Jam also means “a clock”. Study the example frst. e. It appears in the question jam berapa? (what time?) and it appears in front of a number when you say the time of day e. you usually use the form mereka lakukan: Apa yang mereka lakukan? What did they do? literally What (is it) that (by) them was done? Mohon Perhatian! Try to distinguish in your mind the various functions and meanings of jam.. you usually use the form dia lakukan: Apa yang dia lakukan? What did he/she do? literally What (is it) that (by) him/her was done? If you are asking what they did. ?) We have mentioned earlier in Lesson 35 that this form is actually a passive form meaning literally “What (is it) that (by) you (is) done?”. she) or persons (they) did. jam dua (two o’clock)... If you are asking what a person did and you mention that person by name. Exercise 46-01 Use each of the verbs below to form a question beginning with Berapa lama. ✗ Jam also means “hour” and it appears after a number when you want to say how many hours an event lasted.? (What do you do. e. ✗ Jam is used to ask and answer questions about the time of day. you usually say dilakukan oleh.g. berbicara selama 9. Apa yang Anda lakukan? What did you do? Study these question shells and practise generating a variety of questions from them. we have added this section. mereka). and is not required. Passive Type 2 is only used when the doer is a pronoun. kita. Anda). If you can. you can safely skip this section if the following is over your head. It is compulsory for 1st and 2nd person pronouns (aku. you should learn the above sentences by heart.Lesson 46 You should learn these variant forms. kami. Apa yang kamu lakukan hari ini? Apa yang dia lakukan? Thus for third person pronouns we can either use PT 1 or PT 2: Apa yang dilakukannya? OR Apa yang dia lakukan? (What does he do?) Apa yang dilakukan (oleh) mereka? OR Apa yang mereka lakukan? . As you will learn more about the diferences between active and passive voice later. dia. Apa yang Apa yang dilakukan oleh Pak Alni mereka lakukan dia lakukan dilakukan oleh Pak Alni mereka lakukan dia lakukan tadi malam tadi pagi tadi siang pada pagi hari pada siang hari ? pada sore hari pada malam hari jam delapan malam sesudah sebelum itu pulang makan malam pergi ke kantor membeli pakaian kembali dari toko mandi ? Passive Voice As we mentioned above. This section is for your information only. A clause in which the subject is the recipient of an action by the doer is said to be in passive voice (if you have no knowledge of what active and passive voices are. Since we already told you that the above sentences are in passive voice. by heart. saya. which gives additional information on the subject. it may be helpful to read the Wikipedia article on English passive voice). Passive Type 1 is used when the the doer is a 3rd person (he/she) or a noun. After each question imagine how you would succinctly and correctly answer it. just as you learned the question Apa yang Anda lakukan by heart back in Lesson 35.prefx. kamu. Indonesian has two types of passive verbs: Verbs in Passive Type 1 have the di. The doer is optionally marked by oleh (by): Apa yang dilakukan (oleh) Pak Ali? The third person pronoun dia/ia is rendered -nya: Apa yang dilakukannya? Verbs in Passive Type 2 do not take any prefx. add other phrases to the column on the right. but optional for 3rd person pronouns (ia. and the example sentences. for instance. however. rather than on the subject. In addition. requires passive voice. The sentence Apa yang kamu lakukan. What did she do after buying fowers? 10. must be rendered in passive voice. the three above sentences translate literately as “what is done by him”. What did he do at night? 8. review the examples above. and the relative clause yang kamu lakukan. sentences beginning with “apa yang”. In Indonesian. What did they do after watching the movie? . What did Mr Alni do at fve o’clock in the afternoon? 4. any relative clauses in which the doer (agent) is included. passive voice is frequently used to focus on the object. “siapa yang” or “(noun) yang” and where the agent is included. Here are some examples to study frst. What did Mr Alni do before having breakfast? 2. As a rule. In short. “what is done by you” and “what is done by that person”. Exercise 46-01 Translate the following questions into good. 1. kamu the agent. What did she do after taking a bath? 5. Question: What did she do this morning? You write: Apa yang dia lakukan tadi pagi? Question: What did Mr Alni do after breakfast? You write: Apa yang dilakukan oleh Pak Alni sesudah sarapan? Question: What did they do after going shopping? You write: Apa yang mereka lakukan sesudah berbelanja? Question: What did he do last night? You write: Apa yang dia lakukan tadi malam? Now begin. What did they do in the hotel? 9. simple. in which yang is the relative pronoun. contains the head noun apa. and lakukan the passive verb.. What did they do in the afternoon? 3. but in English active voice is often preferred.Lesson 46 But for the 1st or 2nd person we can only use PT 2: Apa yang kamu lakukan? (What do you do?) Apa yang kita lakukan? (What do we do?) And for nouns we can only use PT 1: Apa yang dilakukan (oleh) orang itu? (What does that person do?) Of course.. What did they do after meeting at the restaurant? 6. If you are in doubt about how to translate “do”. What did Mr Alni do after getting up? 7. Indonesian has certain structures that require passive voice. correct Indonesian. She needs to have detailed information on everything that her husband does in the course of a full day. but she has no hard evidence. which. he is meeting another woman.Lesson 46 Pak Yusuf Under Surveillance Ibu Yusuf is a middle-class lady. unfortunately. the wife of a prosperous businessman. got out of order. She is suspicious of her husband. A B C D E F . just maybe. Using a secret camera the detective took the following eight pictures. She thinks he is up to no good. So she hires a private detective (detektif) to report on what her husband does in the course of a day. She fears that maybe. Can you help the private detective putting them into the right chronological order? What did Pak Yusuf do during that day? Narrate the story to your class mate or jot it down on a piece of paper. Pak Yusuf yang membayar. Restoran di Sheraton itu mewah dan mahal. Sambil makan dia juga mendengarkan musik di radio. Read it through carefully and compare it to your own story. Ia naik taksi ke Hotel Sheraton – hotel mewah yang tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Pak Yusuf ternyata senang sekali. Kira-kira jam sebelas siang ia keluar dari kantornya dan berjalan kaki ke toko makanan. Akhirnya dia memilih baju bagus dari Italia. Pak Yusuf makan roti dengan telur dan minum kopi manis. Masakannya masakan Prancis! Mereka makan roti dengan telur kaviar. Pak Yusuf membuka botol yang dibelinya. Jam tujuh pagi ia masuk ke rumah untuk mandi. Kira-kira jam delapan dia naik mobil ke kantor. tertawa sambil minum sampanye. Sesudah bangun dia duduk di kebun di belakang rumahnya selama kira-kira satu jam. Ia memakai pakaian yang mewah. menggosok gigi dan bersisir. Dia sampai di kantor jam sembilan kurang seperempat. Di Hotel Sheraton ada banyak toko. Di sana dia minum kopi dan membaca surat kabar. Di toko itu ia membeli sebotol anggur yang mahal sekali. Lalu dia sarapan di ruang makan. Mereka kira-kira satu jam di toko itu. Umurnya kira-kira sembilan belas tahun.Lesson 46 G H Bacaan: Pak Yusuf Under Surveillance Here is a transcript of the briefng given to Ibu Yusuf by the private detective. . Lalu dia membuka komputer untuk membaca berita. Pak Yusuf memberikan bunga mawar kepada perempuan itu. Pada waktu mereka keluar dari toko perempuan itu mencium pipi Pak Yusuf. Ia duduk di samping Pak Yusuf. Di toko bunga dia membeli bunga mawar yang merah dan putih. Jam dua belas siang seorang perempuan datang. Is it the same? What is diferent? K emarin pagi Pak Yusuf bangun jam enam. Kemudian Pak Yusuf memanggil taksi. di antaranya toko pakaian wanita. Dia cantik sekali dan masih muda. Pak Yusuf berpakaian di kamar tidur. Lalu ia berjalan ke toko bunga. Mereka bercakapcakap selama setengah jam. Ia masuk ke hotel dan duduk di lobi. Pak Yusuf bekerja di kantor selama dua jam. Ternyata bukan anggur tetapi sampanye! Selama satu jam mereka makan dan bercakap-cakap. Lalu mereka duduk di restoran. Kira-kira jam setengah dua mereka keluar dari restoran. Perempuan yang cantik itu mencoba beberapa baju yang mewah dan mahal. it should be possible to add at least one sentence (hopefully more than one) of extra detail. After this frst attempt. tetapi saya tidak tahu ke mana ia pergi. I don’t have time. Ia memanggil taksi. Make sure your sentences are in good. read the Indonesian report and the English summary again. well-dressed young woman in the lobby • has an expensive lunch with the young woman: they drink champagne • goes to a fashion shop: buys an expensive dress for his young friend • returns to his ofce. Sesudah mandi ia tidur. Try not to look at the summary and once more tell the story of Pak Yusuf’s day. At that time I still went to primary school. After that. and glancing only occasionally at the English summary of the day’s events above. Pak Yusuf pulang ke rumahnya kira-kira jam sebelas malam. Pada waktu itu saya masih di SD. Ia hanya duduk saja di mejanya dan melihat ke luar jendela. Hati-Hati! The basic meaning of the word waktu is ‘time’: Ada waktu? Do you have time? Maaf. and make them interesting. saya tidak ada waktu. Then fesh out the events of Pak Yusuf’s day with details that you make up yourself. Sorry. without looking at the Indonesian-language report on Pak Yusuf’s day. Here is an English summary of what Pak Yusuf does in this narrative: • gets up early in the morning • sits in the garden reading a newspaper and drinking cofee • has a bath etc. and gets dressed • has breakfast while listening to the radio • goes to the ofce by car • works at the ofce for two hours • leaves the ofce and walks to a liquor shop: buys a bottle of wine • goes to a fower shop and buys fowers • calls a taxi and goes to a luxury hotel • meets a pretty.Lesson 46 Sesudah itu Pak Yusuf kembali ke kantornya. calls a taxi and goes somewhere • comes home late at night Do Latihan 4–6 to check your understanding of this narration. look up from the book re-tell in your own (Indonesian) words what Pak Yusuf did in the course of the day. For each dot point above. improving on your previous attempt. . Tetapi ia tidak bekerja. correct Indonesian. Kira-kira jam setengah enam ia berdiri dan berjalan ke luar. Keep repeating this process until you feel you can produce a narrative that is close to (though not necessarily exactly the same as) the sound fle you listened to. but doesn’t do any work • leaves the ofce. When they were in the restaurant. whereas grassroot organisations tend to give preference to perempuan. Presiden Abdurahman Wahid established the “Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection” naming it Kementrian Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak. Wanita Pak Yusuf’s invites his illicit girlfriend to shop at a boutique specializing in expensive fashionable clothing for women. the word perempuan is far more frequently used in spoken language. The detective will provide a detailed verbal report describing in full what he or she observed Pak Yusuf doing in the course of the day. Women’s clothing is here named as pakaian wanita instead of pakaian perempuan. mereka makan kaviar. Wanita and pria are loan words from Sanskrit whereas perempuan and laki-laki are original Malay words. Role Play: Ibu Yusuf Quizzes a Private Detective With a classmate. Waktu is also NEVER used an an interrogative! The word kapan is reserved for this function: Kapan dia datang? When will she come? Perempuan vs. and translates as “when”: Waktu mereka di restoran. Remember. or with your teacher/tutor. Nor is the one used more often than the other. especially since Indonesia became a democracy in 1998. as a professional the detective will have to be thorough. the word kalau is reserved for this function). they eat caviar. The word wanita is (just like its counterpart pria) supposed to be more elevated and refned. accurate and detailed.Lesson 46 Waktu is also used to narrate events in the past. role play a conversation between Ibu Yusuf and the detektif. You need to be aware that waktu is NEVER used to narrate events occurring in the future (as we will lean in Lesson 46. Whole articles have been written about the complex relationship of perempuan versus wanita and laki-laki versus pria. Report all that Pak Yusuf was observed doing and state the time of day that each event happened. Laki-laki and pria are fully interchangeable and so are perempuan and wanita. and hence it is widely used in the media and virtually all governmental women organisations use wanita rather than perempuan. On the other hand. The detective’s report should begin early in the . Governmental/Military Organisation Grassroot Organisation Dharma Wanita Yayasan Perempuan Mardika Persatuan Wanita Republik Indonesia Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan Lembaga Studi Pengembangan Perempuan dan Korps Wanita Angkatan Darat Anak Polisi Wanita Kelompok Perempuan untuk Kebebasan Pers Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wanita Solidaritas Perempuan But the dichotomy of governmental wanita versus non-governmental perempuan is waning. It is interesting to note that governmental organisations make consistent use of wanita and avoid the word perempuan wherever they can. In 1999. hour menunggu year berdiri to....? Apa yang mereka lakukan sesudah berbelanja di toko pakaian? Berapa lama dia / mereka . Make sure your language is simple and your sentences short. Here are some of the kinds of question she might ask together with an example of each. Ibu Yusuf will interrupt the “report” with numerous questions about the details of her husband’s day. several tahun to arrive in/at memanggil when? telur to call someone mencoba breakfast ternyata to try . or by having Pak Yusuf and Bu Yusuf quiz each other face-to-face etc.... use your imagination to describe in detail the evidence that confrms Ibu Yusuf’s suspicions. ? Berapa lama mereka bercakap-cakap di restoran? Di mana dia / mereka . ? Mengapa dia tidak pulang sesudah bekerja di kantor? Apakah dia / mereka . Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan..... And most important.Lesson 46 morning and describe what Pak Yusuf did right through the day. whether or not the events are immediately relevant to his supposed misdemeanour. or by having a businessman or businesswoman investigate the activities of an associate or competitor... The others have all appeared in previous lessons. ? Ke mana mereka pergi? Jam berapa dia / mereka ..... You practised the frst two question-patterns in the earlier part of this lesson.. ? Di samping minum sampanye. The role play can be varied by having Pak Yusuf investigate his wife’s suspicious activities.. ? Jam berapa dia (Pak Yusuf) kembali ke kantor? Siapa yang . Apa yang dia / mereka lakukan.. towards nanti dulu just a moment jam apparently sampai di an egg kapan to stand up sarapan to wait (for) kepada some. make maximum use of the words you do know to ensure the conversation doesn’t “die”. ? Di mana mereka bertemu? Ke mana dia / mereka ... beberapa o’clock... apakah mereka juga tertawa? Keep the dialogue lively.... If your vocabulary is not yet big enough to express all you would like to say. ? Siapa yang membeli bunga di toko? Mengapa dia / mereka / Anda . Sampai jam empat e. What did his wife do at fve o’clock in the afternoon? . What did he do last night? 5. What did she do before taking a bath? 6. Selama tiga jam a. “What did they do?” Apa—mereka—yang—lakukan? Latihan 4—Jawaban Lengkap Translate the following questions into good Indonesian. What did Mr Alni do after getting up? 9. What did they do after meeting at the restaurant? 8. 1. Sampai tahun dua ribu sepuluh d. Selama lima tahun c. Alni do after watching the movie? 7. What did her husband do before buying fowers? 10. What did Mr Alni do after breakfast? 2. What did the woman do at night? 3. For example: What did she do this morning? You write: Apa yang dia lakukan tadi pagi? or Apa yang dilakukannya tadi pagi? 1. For three hours 5. “How long did they live in Sulawesi?” Berapa—mereka—di—tinggal—lama—Sulawesi? 2. Until 4 o’clock 3. What did Mrs. “How long did they walk to the city center?” Berapa—mereka—di—pusat—berjalan-jalan—lama—kota? 4.Lesson 46 Latihan 2—Menjodohkan: Berapa lama? Jodohkan kata atau frase di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. For fve years 2. Until 2010 4. “How long did you work at the ofce (earlier) today?” Berapa—kantor—lama—bekerja—di—Anda—tadi? 3. Sampai jam dua belas b. “What did Mr Yusuf do?” Apa—oleh—Bapak—yang—dilakukan—Yusuf? 5. What did they do after going shopping? 4. Until 12 o’clock Latihan 3—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut sehingga menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. 8. f. e. c. 2. Karena dia mau bertemu seseorang di restoran. when mewah cooked food sambil cheeks Latihan 7—Put in Order Refer to the reading text “Pak Yusuf Under Surveillance II” and number the events in order of how they appear in the passage. lobi hour akhirnya happy oleh rose telur goreng to pay berapa lama how long membayar including jam by di antaranya fried egg masakan lobby senang to kiss mawar to choose waktu fnally seorang a person mencium while memilih luxurious pipi time. Ia pergi ke sekolah tadi pagi. 3. Tadi malam ia pergi ke gedung olahraga. 7. Latihan 6—Menjodohkan: Vocabulary Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 5. 5. 4. Mereka pergi ke bioskop sesudah berbelanja. and gets dressed ____ goes to a fower shop and buys fowers ____ has an expensive lunch with the young woman: they drink champagne ____ sits in the garden reading a newspaper and drinking cofee . 8. 3. ____ works at the ofce for two hours _1__ gets up early in the morning ____ has breakfast while listening to the radio ____ meets a pretty. 1. 4. d. mereka juga makan dan bercakap-cakap. 6. 6. 7. b. 1.Lesson 46 Latihan 5—Menjodohkan: Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Jodohkan pertanyaan di sebelah kiri dengan jawabannya di sebelah kanan. a. Pak Yusuf pergi ke kantor sesudah makan pagi. Ya. 9. Pak Alni yang membeli bunga itu. g. Dia berjalan-jalan di sekeliling rumahnya pada sore hari. h. well-dressed young woman in the lobby ____ goes to the ofce by car ____ has a bath etc. 2. Pak Yusuf __________ __________ sekali. Di toko itu ia membeli sebotol anggur yang mahal sekali. Lalu dia __________ komputer untuk membaca berita. Lalu dia sarapan di ruang makan.Lesson 46 10. Lalu ia berjalan ke toko bunga. 12. 11. Pak Yusuf __________ di kamar tidur. Pak Yusuf __________ di kantor selama dua jam. Di toko bunga dia __________ bunga mawar yang merah dan putih. Pak Yusuf makan roti dengan telur goreng dan minum kopi manis. Kira-kira jam sebelas siang ia keluar dari kantornya dan __________ kaki ke toko makanan. di antaranya toko pakaian wanita. __________ gigi dan bersisir. Jam tujuh pagi ia masuk ke rumah untuk mandi. 15. Masakannya masakan Prancis! Mereka makan roti dengan telur kaviar. 14. Ia __________ pakaian yang mewah. Kira-kira jam delapan dia naik mobil ke kantor. Jam dua belas siang seorang perempuan datang. . Di Hotel Sheraton ada __________ toko. Dia sampai di kantor jam sembilan kurang seperempat. Pak Yusuf membuka botol yang dibelinya. Ia masuk ke hotel dan duduk di lobi. Ia duduk di samping Pak Yusuf. tertawa sambil minum sampanye. Lalu mereka __________ di restoran. but doesn’t do any work ____ leaves the ofce. Ternyata bukan anggur tetapi sampanye! Selama satu jam mereka makan dan to __________. Restoran di Sheraton itu mewah dan __________. Kemudian Pak Yusuf __________ taksi. Di sana dia minum kopi dan __________ surat kabar. calls a taxi and goes somewhere ____ comes home late at night ____ calls a taxi and goes to a luxury hotel Latihan 8—Isian: Pak Yusuf Under Surveillance Dengarkanlah Rekaman 046-01 ini dan lengkapilah bacaan di bawah ini. Sambil makan dia juga __________ musik di radio. Kira-kira jam setengah dua mereka __________ dari restoran. Mereka kira-kira satu jam di toko itu. Sesudah bangun dia duduk di kebun di belakang rumahnya selama kira-kira satu jam. Dia cantik sekali dan masih muda. Ia naik taksi ke Hotel Sheraton ‒ hotel mewah yang tidak jauh dari pusat kota. ____ goes to a fashion shop: buys an expensive dress for his young friend ____ leaves the ofce and walks to a liquor shop: buys a bottle of wine ____ returns to his ofce. Mereka __________ selama setengah jam. Pak Yusuf __________ bunga mawar kepada perempuan itu. Kemarin pagi Pak Yusuf bangun jam enam. 13. Umurnya kira-kira sembilan belas tahun. Akhirnya dia __________ baju bagus dari Italia. __________ mandi ia tidur. a rose 9. luxurious 14. fnally.) 18. to stand. Ia hanya duduk saja di mejanya dan melihat ke luar jendela. Pak Yusuf yang __________. snif 8. smell. Pada waktu mereka keluar dari toko perempuan itu __________ pipi Pak Yusuf. when. Sesudah itu Pak Yusuf __________ ke kantornya. several 3. hour . Pak Yusuf __________ ke rumahnya kira-kira jam sebelas malam. 17. by 12. Tetapi ia tidak __________. to choose 11. to stand up 2. to like sth. some. lobby (of a hotel) 15. to kiss. Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. tetapi saya tidak tahu ke mana ia pergi. while 16. happy. to try (to do sth. to pay 19. at the time when 4. cheeks Menurun: 1. a. to wait (for) 8. Kira-kira jam setengah enam ia __________ dan __________ ke luar. breakfast 13.Lesson 46 Perempuan yang cantik itu __________ beberapa baju yang __________ dan mahal. one (person) 5. detective 7. cooked food 10. in the end 6. Ia __________ taksi. bersiap-siap to get ready menurut according to. at nightfall people break their fast. This early breakfast is called sahur. neighbourhoods. This is called buka puasa. work places and mosques across Indonesia. often very trying. They recite and study the Qur’an. During Ramadhan Muslims are required to abstain from food and drink (and other indulgences like cigarettes and sex) during daylight hours. It is – or should be – a time of special piety. They try to create an atmosphere of Islamic order and community. lantai foor Ramadhan—The Holiest Month for Muslims Ketupat (Shutterstock) demands of the Fast.Lesson 47 47 During and After the Muslim Fast Aims • To practise talking about daily routine with focus on the Fast and Idul Fitri. After a long. In many places schools close and ofces reduce their workload so that staf can more fully meet the During Ramadhan people have to get up very early to have breakfast before dawn. or sth. Make sure that you remember their meanings. says kue cake penting important membeli to buy something sambil while memperbaiki to repair sth broken sembahyang to pray mencoba to try to do something tertawa to laugh menunggu to wait for s. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Probably the most important religious event for this huge community is the annual Bulan Puasa (Fasting Month) in the Muslim month of Ramadhan. and often simply buka or berbuka. hear verses from the Qur’an and perhaps listen to good advice on how to understand Islam better and live a more fully Islamic life. By most counts almost 90% of Indonesians are Muslims. They assemble for special prayers.o. As the sky darkens people sip a drink to . This adds up to over 200 million people making Indonesia the largest Muslim country in the world. day in the tropical heat without eating or drinking. People strive in a more focussed way to implement the teachings of Islam. Muslims assemble to pray. In households. Some people go to family graves. At sunset on the last day of the Fast exuberant celebrations break out. neighbours and work colleagues by saying Saya minta maaf lahir dan batin. children gambol around their parents and stuf themselves with the special goodies of Hari . Children (including the adult children of elderly parents) kneel before their seated parents. Back home children greet their parents and grandparents with special displays of gratitude and respect. very often shortened to Maaf lahir batin. trains and buses are jam-packed. usually brand new. and often with new toys. Rice is wrapped in small cube-like packets woven from coconut leaves or palm-tree fronds. People walk the streets in groups. Women greet one another with a traditional cium (cheek pressed against cheek. neighbours and friends. Decked out in their new clothes. Many millions of those who live in big cities head back to their home villages (known as mudik or pulang kampung) to celebrate with their families. and of course. Many Javanese people call the celebration Lebaran which means something like “the time after the fast is over”. chanting these phrases in chorus. Tables groan under the burden of bottled drinks and packets of biscuits. This means literally “I ask for forgiveness outwardly and inwardly”. More fully the sentence might be rendered “If I have given you any ofence. please forgive me. neighbours. People also try to “make a new start” with family. Mosques are packed. very often to the accompaniment of noisy displays of freworks. Through the night there are prayers of thanksgiving. Beds and sleeping platforms are rearranged to accommodate the infux. Almost synonymous with Idul Fitri are the rice dumplings called ketupat (see picture). Special cakes and savouries are cooked. houses are spruced up and yards swept clean. like Allahu akbar (God is great) and La illaha ilallah (There is no god but God). or crisscross their neighbourhoods on the backs of trucks. It is a very special time for children. In the nation’s villages. a time when people try to put the highest ideals of Islam at the fore front of daily living. and individual grains disappear as the cooked rice expands to tightly fll its leaf casing. and I too plead for your forgiveness not just as an outward gesture. These are boiled. new clothes and oleh-oleh gifts for family and neighbours. The ritual of making and receiving visits. Roads are clogged. City people on their way to their ancestral homes in the countryside are weighed down with food. as people await family from the city. not just as a matter of polite etiquette. place their head on their parents’ lap or kiss their parents’ hands and ask for their blessings. Occasionally it is very emotional. although this is the most minimal of translations. Men greet one another with a handshake and the Arabic phrase Assalam alaikum (Peace be upon you) to which the answer is Wa alaikum as-salam (And peace be upon you too). For two weeks it seems the whole country is on the move.Lesson 47 break their fast. accompanied by a snif). then eat in groups with family. The end of the Fast is celebrated in a festival called Idul Fitri (a variant of the Arabic ʻĪd al-Fiṭr – in English sometimes rendered as "Eid al-Fitr"). The dense lumps of rice are eaten with rendang (beef chunks cooked until dry in a spicy sauce with coconut) or gulai ayam (spicy chicken stew). They put on their very best clothes. It is a memorable time. In the quiet of the following morning many people attend mass morning prayers. This is followed by Selamat Hari Raya (Happy Feast Day). tidy them up and pray for the repose of the dead. It is a moment of great tenderness.. friends and work colleagues. but from the heart. and mysterious presents lie wrapped and stacked in cupboards. serving drinks and special foods. air bookings are impossible to get. Many people gather to chant devotional phrases over and over in Arabic. Families and communities – even very poor people – strive to prepare special foods for the buka puasa meal.” Then everyone sets of to visit relatives. kiss them and murmur words of love and encouragement. asking for forgiveness lahir dan batin is repeated a thousand times in the two days of the Idul Fitri holiday. The mother and father will place their hands on their children. right and left. catching up on personal news.. friends. but from the bottom of my heart. inter-city trafc slows to a crawl. ketupat d. sahur c. puasa 4. oleh-oleh b. b. Bangladesh 2. air putih c. buka puasa c.Lesson 47 Raya. makan pagi b. puasa b. What is the name of the festival celebrated at the end of the Fast? a. rendang 7. As always in Indonesia (or almost always). What is the name for the small gifts when one has returned home? a. What is the Indonesian phrase for “Happy Feast Day”? a. oleh-oleh b. What are ketupat often eaten with? a. Indonesia d. Test Yourself: Ramadhan – The Holiest Month for Muslims Refer to the text above to answer the following questions. c. 1. Selamat Makan. buka makan c. Saya suka Anda . Saya orang yang baik b. buka puasa b. d. Selamat Ramadhan. makanan c. puasa d. makanan b. kampung 6. Idul Fitri d. What is one way to ask for forgiveness and to “start fresh” during Idul Fitri? a. puasa d. 9. What is the largest Muslim country in the world? a. Selamat Hari Raya. Selamat Buka Puasa. sahur 5. What is it called when people break fast at nightfall? a. What is the early breakfast the people have during Ramadhan called? a. oleh-oleh 8. Saudi Arabia c. What is the name of the rice dumplings synonymous with Idul Fitri? a. sahur d. makanan c. rendang d. Egypt b. children are treated with remarkable public afection and tolerance. buka 3. a follower of Islam. menurut (according to).. Saya minta maaf lahir dan batin 10. Saya maaf batin c. mudik a prophet nabi the prophet Muhammad Nabi Muhammad to make the pilgrimage to the Islamic holy land centred on Mecca in naik haji modern Saudi Arabia a fast. thus beragama Islam a Muslim. But there are a number of new high-frequency words like setiap (each. the Muslim Fast puasa . Minta maaf lahir Celebrating the End of the Fast Here is an account of how an average family observes the Muslim Fast and celebrates its end by returning to their home village at Idul Fitri. so you should recognise them and be able to read the narrative reasonably fuently. haus (thirsty) and several more. (They are also in the vocabulary cards for this lesson. Here is a list of these more “specialised” terms. In addition there are a number of new words that are not so frequent in general conversation. Maaf lahir batin d. This phrase is only used during the Idul Fitri celebrations. Study them frst before you start reading. adhering to Islam (also: buka puasa) to have a meal at the end of a day’s fasting berbuka puasa to fast berpuasa to thank God bersyukur the fasting month bulan puasa a prayer (usually a personal. every). meditative prayer) doa an Islamic feast day Hari Raya the (usually) two days of celebrations and festivities at the end of the Idul Fitri fasting month of Ramadhan dense lumps of rice cooked in packets woven from leaves and served at ketupat meals during Idul Fitri outwardly and inwardly lahir dan batin the Javanese term for Idul Fitri. Saya lahir batin b.) Allah Allahu Akbar ayat beragama . Most words in the narrative have appeared in previous lessons. but are very frequent when you are talking about Islam.What is the shortened form of Saya minta maaf lahir dan batin? a.. and about the annual Fast in particular. the celebration at the end of the annual Lebaran Fast mohon maaf lahir dan to ask for forgiveness. In this particular phrase mohon maaf is always used instead batin of minta maaf to go back to one’s hometown (to celebrate Idul Fitri). Saya sayang Anda d. God God is great a verse (from a holy book) to be a follower of such-and-such a religion.Lesson 47 c. Dia membuat bermacam-macam masakan Idul Fitri. Mereka juga membeli baju baru untuk anak-anak. Sesudah itu mereka mandi dan bersembahyang subuh. Setiap hari Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah harus bangun pagi-pagi untuk sahur. “Ibu dan bapak pasti menunggu kita. Seperti biasa. Dua hari sebelum Idul Fitri keluarga Ridwan berangkat ke stasiun kereta Jatinegara dari rumah mereka. Selama satu tahun mereka tidak bertemu dengan kita. minum. Ridwan’s family celebrating Aidl Fitr. Kira-kira jam enam pagi Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah berangkat. Besoknya semua bangun pagi-pagi untuk sembahyang Idul Fitri. Ayah Bapak Ridwan. Ibu Bapak Ridwan membersihkan rumah dan masak. bercakap-cakap. di antaranya ketupat dan rendang. dan banyak minuman. Perjalanan selama sebelas jam membuat mereka capai. Bapak Subarkat. seperti biasanya kita kan mudik Lebaran.” Menurut Bapak Ridwan.” jawab Bapak Ridwan. Mohon . Semua berdoa kepada Allah karena mereka dapat berpuasa dengan baik selama satu bulan. After that. Selama bulan Ramadan orang Islam harus berpuasa dari pagi sampai sore. Kira-kira jam enam sore Bapak Ridwan sampai di rumah. berkumpul di rumah orang tua saat Lebaran penting sekali. tetapi juga capai sekali. Keluarga Bapak Ridwan beragama Islam. Sesudah kembali ke rumah Bapak Ridwan sekeluarga memohon maaf kepada orang tuanya. tetapi sekarang mereka tinggal di Jakarta. “Iya. Mereka sudah tua. Lalu mereka bersiap-siap berangkat ke tempat kerja. Biasanya mereka berbuka dengan minuman dan makanan yang manis sambil duduk di lantai. Ibu Hamidah biasanya pulang pada pukul empat sore dan menyiapkan makanan untuk berbuka puasa.Lesson 47 sahur takbiran ulama to have a meal before sunrise during the fasting month to chant Allahu Akbar! (God is great!) over and over a pious and learned Muslim Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran Listen to Sound File 047-01 and read the transcription about Mr. Orang tua Bapak Ridwan senang sekali karena keluarga mereka dapat berkumpul. saat hari mulai gelap. Karena berpuasa mereka tidak hanya lapar dan haus. malam sebelum Hari Raya Bapak Ridwan dan Bapak Subarkat ikut takbiran. Besoknya Bapak Ridwan dan keluarganya berkunjung ke rumah teman-temannya. Mereka hanya makan dua kali sehari. tertawa dan mengucapkan “Selamat Hari Raya. Mereka makan. Sekitar jam setengah tujuh malam. Bapak Ridwan bekerja di pabrik perabot dan Ibu Hamidah berdagang batik di pasar. “Hari Raya Idul Fitri nanti. Semua orang membawa bermacam-macam barang untuk oleh-oleh. Stasiun Jatinegara sangat ramai karena banyak orang yang mau pulang kampung. check your understanding by doing Latihan 4 and 5. mereka berbuka. Pak?” tanya Ibu Hamidah. Bapak Subarkat memimpin orang sekampung untuk berkeliling desa pada malam hari Lebaran. memperbaiki pagar dan atap rumah. Sebelum Bapak Ridwan datang. B apak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah berasal dari Kebumen di Jawa Tengah. apakah kita akan mudik ke Kebumen. orang tuanya sudah bersiap-siap. Bukan. and state what the correct statement should be based on the narrative. Universitas Indonesia. saya kira Fatimah kuliah di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Widya Buana. Apakah Ibu Hamidah guru sekolah menengah? A. Bapak Ridwan berdagang batik di pasar.” Exercise 47-01 The statements in this exercise are based on the narrative Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran but each of them is wrong. Ibu Hamidah berdagang batik di sekolah. C. Bapak Ridwan itu berdagang buah di pasar.Lesson 47 maaf lahir dan batin. 2. Bukan. Dia mengajar sejarah. D. Feel free to copy words and phrases from the narrative to complete your response. Make sure you choose the right negator! 1. Di alun-alun kira-kira ada tiga ratus orang yang berkumpul untuk bersembahyang. C. Ibu Hamidah bekerja di pabrik perabot. Ibu Hamidah guru sekolah dasar. Apakah Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah sahur sesudah jam lima pagi? A. Bukan. Write a response to each of the incorrect statements. You write: Maaf. C. Sesudah bersembahyang di alun-alun Fatimah dan Khadijah menonton flm. Mereka bisa bermain dengan teman-teman. 2. 9. Study this example frst. Bukan. B. Dia membuat kue. 3.. Tidak.” Anak-anak kecil juga senang. 10. 7. Setiap malam keluarga Bapak Ridwan berbuka puasa di rumah makan. Wrong statement: Fatimah kuliah di Fakultas Ilmu Bumi. Bapak Ridwan dan adiknya Bapak Subarkat tidur di lantai dapur. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Tidak. Mereka sahur sebelum jam lima pagi. None of them fts exactly with the narrative you have read. Di mana-mana orang bersalaman mohon maaf dengan mengucapkan “Selamat Hari Raya. Mereka sahur pada jam tiga pagi. Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah berangkat ke tempat kerja jam setengah delapan pagi. Adik Bapak Ridwan datang ke Kebumen dari Bali dengan dua anaknya. Tidak. Tidak. Bapak Ridwan dan keluarganya naik pesawat terbang ke Kebumen. Ibu Hamidah guru sekolah menengah. 1. Ayah Bapak Ridwan pandai masak. Apakah Bapak Ridwan bekerja di kantor pemerintah? A. Begin with the phrase Maaf. 3. D. Bapak Ridwan berasal dari Padang di Sumatra. Ibu Hamidah berdagang batik di pasar. Bapak Ridwan bekerja di toko buku. B. saya kira. 5. Exercise 47-02 Answer these questions using the data given in the narrative Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran. 8. Bapak Ridwan bekerja di pabrik perabot. Tidak. Bapak Subarkat berasal dari Bali. 6.. B. 4. . Bukan. Ia bukan punya anjing. Ia tidak berbicara tentang olahraga. B.verbs (like memilih. membaca. Ia beragama Islam. Kira-Kira. B. Sekitar can also function as a noun with the meaning “surroundings” or “environs"”. and kurang lebih are adverbs that function as modifiers for cardinal numbers. B. Fatimah bukan laki-laki. Anak-anak bermain di sekitar rumah. Bukan. Ia bukan berbicara tentang olahraga. kira-kira. 5. Fatimah tidak laki-laki. 7. Ia seorang pengusaha. vocabulary and grammar that you have practised in Module 3 and also recycles much of what you studied in previous modules. Tidak. more or less. Tidak. Rumahnya lama. Ia beragama Islam. Bukan. . Rumahnya lama. ➢ personal details (place of origin. The children play around the house. C. B. Apakah Bapak Ridwan pegawai pemerintah? A. Tidak. Tidak. Here is a list of the most important of these elements. Apakah rumah orang tua Bapak Ridwan di Rejomulyo itu baru? A. Bukan. B. 9. 6. Tidak. Apakah dia beragama Hindu? A.” and “Sekitar jam setengah tujuh malam mereka berbuka. Jakarta dan sekitarnya.) ➢ the events and vocabulary of the Muslim Fast and Idul Fitri Using these resources you can take the story of Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran as a kind of beginning Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa Sekitar. work and study) ➢ place of residence (components of house and garden) ➢ family and kinship ➢ daily routine (including time of day at which events happen) ➢ vehicles and travel ➢ food and drink ➢ shopping ➢ me.Lesson 47 4. Retelling the Narrative of Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran The narrative Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran brings together most of the themes. B. Bukan. and Kurang Lebih In the above narrative “Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran” we encounter the phrases: “Kira-kira jam enam pagi Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah berangkat. Tidak. Mereka juga bermain ke rumah teman-temannya. Tidak. They all have the same meaning: approximately. B. Apakah Bapak Ridwan berbicara tentang olahraga pada waktu berbuka puasa? A. age. Mereka juga bermain ke rumah teman-temannya."” Sekitar. about. Ia seorang pegawai pabrik perabot. Apakah anak-anak kecil hanya bermain di dalam rumah saja? A. Bukan. Bukan. Bukan. Ia seorang pedagang perabot. Apakah Fatimah itu laki-laki? A. Tidak. Jakarta and its environs. menulis etc. 8. Apakah ayah Bapak Ridwan punya anjing? A. 10. Ia tidak punya anjing. marital status. Make liberal use of phrases and vocabulary from Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran but feel free to change details or add new events and people. bekerja di kantor pemerintah Ibu: Siti Maryam. responding better to questions and smoothing out your fuency. thirsty . Make your narrative as detailed as you can with as many digressions as your current command of Indonesian permits you to make. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. a 19 year old shop assistant. berumur 45 tahun. turning your narrative into a frst-person account using saya and kami. belum kawin Agama: beragama Islam Alamat: Wonokromo di kota Surabaya Tempat kerja: Toko pakaian Busana Baru di pusat kota Surabaya Ayah: Abdullah Sayuti. etc. you can compile a narrative about bulan puasa and mudik Lebaran involving. put yourself in Umi’s place. With a fellow student. berumur 15 tahun. berumur 40 tahun. beragama c.Lesson 47 point and re-tell it – with changes – in your own words. Allahu Akbar b. bersekolah di kelas 3 sekolah menengah pertama Rumah kakek & nenek: di desa Kemiri. perempuan. change the names and characteristics of people and places. improving correctness. construct your own extended narrative describing what Umi and her family do during the Fast and when they pulang kampung to her grandparents’ home in Kemiri at Idul Fitri. Allah a. With these basic details. When you can do this well. 1. Sticking (in broad terms) with the events and vocabulary of Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran. tukang masak restoran Adik: Nur. or with your tutor/instructor. Here are Umi’s details: Nama: Umi Keterangan diri: perempuan berumur 19 tahun. Jawa Timur Kendaraan: punya sepeda motor kecil Makanan: suka ikan goreng etc. each time adding or changing details. say. to break fast 3. and making creative use of the descriptions and events in Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran. bersiap-siap to repair sth menunggu while kue to buy sth penting to laugh membeli cake sambil to wait (for) memperbaiki to try to do sth tertawa foor mencoba to get ready lantai important Latihan 2—Menjodohkan: Terms of Ramadhan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Repeat your narrative over and over. 60 kilometer dari Malang. ask and answer questions about the narrative. to fast 2. Umi. perhaps taking the questions in Exercise 47-02 as your beginning point. For example. puasa h.’ jawab Bapak Ridwan. a present brought back for family or friends 16. to utter something 17. God (used by Christians and Muslims alike) 5. a day of Latihan 3—Isian: Keluarga Ridwan Mudik Lebaran Dengarkanlah Rekaman 047-01 dan lengkapilah bacaan di bawah ini. God is great 6. Mereka hanya makan dua kali __________. to lead 13. Sekitar jam setengah tujuh malam. tetapi sekarang mereka tinggal di Jakarta. apakah kita akan __________ ke Kebumen. Karena berpuasa mereka tidak hanya __________ dan haus. minta maaf p. berpuasa e.Lesson 47 4. Mereka sudah tua. a holiday. libur m. Pak?’ tanya Ibu Hamidah. Lalu mereka bersiap-siap berangkat ke __________ kerja. oleh-oleh q. to ask for forgiveness 15. Keluarga Bapak Ridwan beragama Islam. kali k. a time 7. mengucapkan o. memimpin n. mereka berbuka. dark 10. to be a follower of such-and-such a religion 14. saat hari mulai __________. ‘Iya. Setiap hari Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah harus bangun pagi-pagi __________ sahur. haus j. Bapak Ridwan bekerja di pabrik __________ dan Ibu Hamidah berdagang batik di pasar. Ibu Hamidah biasanya pulang pada pukul empat sore dan menyiapkan makanan untuk berbuka puasa. a fast 12. berbuka puasa d. Selama bulan Ramadan orang Islam harus __________ dari pagi sampai sore. Selama satu tahun mereka tidak bertemu de- . the fasting month 9. Sesudah itu mereka mandi dan __________ subuh. ‘Hari Raya Idul Fitri nanti. lapar l. to say something. seperti biasanya kita kan mudik Lebaran. hungry 11. tetapi juga __________ sekali. Biasanya mereka berbuka dengan minuman dan makanan yang __________ sambil duduk di lantai. gelap i. bulan puasa f. times. Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah __________ dari Kebumen di Jawa Tengah. the Eid al-Fitr holiday at end of Ramadhan 8. ‘Ibu dan bapak pasti menunggu kita. Kira-kira jam enam sore Bapak Ridwan sampai di rumah. __________ jam enam pagi Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah berangkat. Idul Fitri g. .. Sebelum Bapak Ridwan datang... Stasiun Jatinegara sangat __________ karena banyak orang yang mau pulang kampung... __________ pagar dan atap rumah......’ Latihan 4—Pemahaman (1) Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini. Semua berdoa kepada __________ karena mereka dapat berpuasa dengan baik selama satu bulan.... Semua orang membawa __________ barang untuk oleh-oleh. bercakap-cakap.. Dia membuat bermacam-macam masakan Idul Fitri... Jakarta B. dan banyak minuman.... Ibu Bapak Ridwan __________ rumah dan masak.’ Menurut Bapak Ridwan...... Dua hari sebelum Idul Fitri keluarga Ridwan berangkat ke stasiun kereta Jatinegara dari rumah mereka.. Pegawai toko batik .....’ Anak-anak kecil juga senang. Seperti biasa.. __________ maaf lahir dan batin.. Mereka makan. Apa pekerjaan Bapak Ridwan? A... Keluarga Bapak Ridwan berasal dari.. di antaranya ketupat dan rendang......... Besoknya Bapak Ridwan dan keluarganya berkunjung ke rumah teman-temannya.Lesson 47 ngan kita. Sesudah kembali ke rumah Bapak Ridwan sekeluarga memohon __________ kepada orang tuanya.. Mereka bisa __________ dengan teman-teman... berkumpul di rumah orang tua __________ Lebaran penting sekali. . Ayah Bapak Ridwan.... Perjalanan selama sebelas jam membuat mereka capai. __________ dan mengucapkan ‘Selamat Hari Raya. Di mana-mana orang bersalaman mohon maaf dengan mengucapkan ‘Selamat Hari Raya..... orang tuanya sudah bersiap-siap... Jawa Timur C.. minum.. Pegawai pabrik perabot C. malam sebelum Hari Raya Bapak Ridwan dan Bapak Subarkat ikut takbiran. A. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.... Bapak Subarkat.. Jawa Tengah D... 1........ Orang tua Bapak Ridwan senang __________ karena keluarga mereka dapat __________... Mereka juga membeli baju baru untuk anak-anak... Berdagang batik D. Berdagang perabot B.. Yogyakarta 2. Bapak Subarkat __________ orang sekampung untuk berkeliling desa pada malam hari Lebaran.. Besoknya semua bangun pagi-pagi untuk sembahyang Idul Fitri. . Kapan mereka takbiran? A.. Sesudah sembahyang subuh C...... A..... A.... Latihan 5—Pemahaman (2) Benar atau Salah? 1........ Teman Bapak Ridwan 10... 7............ sofa D....................... Apa yang dibawa orang pada saat mudik? ..... Pak Ridwan dan Bu Hamidah biasanya berbuka puasa sambil duduk di......... Berapa lama perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Kebumen? .............. Salah 2........... lantai C..... Biasanya mereka berbuka dengan makanan manis.... A...... Benar B......... Salah . 4.......Lesson 47 3.... A............ 8... A........ halaman 5........ Benar B..... Benar B...... Bapak Ridwan B.. A........ Sebelum berbuka puasa B.......... Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah libur selama bulan Ramadan...... Salah 4.... 6............ Benar B. Salah 5.. Siapa yang memimpin takbiran (berkeliling desa pada malam Lebaran)? A... Pada malam hari sebelum Idul Fitri D... Ibu Hamidah C....... Pak Ridwan pulang.......... Bapak Subarkat D..................... A. Keluarga Bapak Ridwan berbuka puasa kira-kira jam setengah tujuh malam........ Satu jam sesudah Ibu Hamidah pulang. Mereka ke rumah orang tuanya naik kereta api......... Salah 6.......... Mereka naik apa ke Kebumen? . Mereka makan tiga kali sehari di bulan Ramadan.. Benar B. Pagi-pagi sebelum sembahyang subuh 9. Salah 3........ Benar B...... Apa yang diucapkan orang pada saat Lebaran? . Siapa yang menyiapkan makanan untuk berbuka puasa? .. kursi B...... ” Kira-kira—Ibu Hamidah—berangkat—dan—Bapak Ridwan—ke—pagi—tempat —jam enam—kerja.” Mereka—dan—semua—lapar—haus.” Tetapi—pada—makan—tidak—dan—minum—boleh—mereka—siang hari. Ridwan and Mrs. Is Fatimah a boy? 2. Pada Hari Raya idul Fitri. 3. Benar B. A. Ridwan’s family are followers of Islam. Besoknya. 5. Benar B. b. Is Kiai Haji Ahmad Abdulah a government ofcial? 7. f. A. Ibu Hamidah masak banyak sekali untuk Lebaran. A. “The fasting month is very important for all Muslims. sesudah Hari Raya Idul Fitri. “Mr. “They are all hungry and thirsty. Bapak Ridwan hanya tinggal di rumah untuk makan dan minum bersama keluarga. c.Lesson 47 7.” Bulan—semua—penting—sekali—puasa—untuk—orang—Islam. Salah 9. e. Benar B. Ada banyak makanan di rumah orang tua Bapak Ridwan saat Lebaran. mereka bisa bangun siang.” Keluarga—Ridwan—Bapak—beragama—Islam. d. Did the director of the factory talk about sports when . Hamidah depart to their work place. Is Mrs Hamidah a high school teacher? 5. 1. Salah 10. Does Mr Ridwan work in a government ofce? 4. “But they cannot eat or drink during the day. Mr Subarkat comes from Bali. Salah Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut sehingga menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. Is he a Hindu? 3. g. A. Latihan 7—Menjodohkan Dengarkanlah rekaman 047-02 dan pilihlah terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. Do Mr Ridwan and Mrs Hamidah have a pre-dawn meal 6. “At around 6:00 Mr. Benar B. Salah 8. 2. 4. a. Lesson 47 8. h. Is the house of Mr Ridwan’s parents new? 9. i. Do the children only play in the house? 10. j. Does Mr Ridwan’s father have a dog? Latihan 8—Menjodohkan Jodohkanlah pertanyaan di kolom kiri dengan jawaban yang tepat. 1. Apakah Ibu Hamidah guru sekolah menengah? a. Bukan, dia berdagang batik di pasar. 2. Apakah Bapak Ridwan bekerja di kantor pemerintah? b. Bukan, dia perempuan. 3. Apakah Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah sahur sesudah jam lima pagi? c. Tidak, mereka juga bermain di halaman. 4. Bapak Subarkat dari Bali. Apakah dia beragama Hindu? d. Tidak, rumahnya sudah lebih dari sepuluh tahun. 5. Apakah Bapak Kepala Pabrik berbicara tentang olahraga pada waktu berbuka puasa? e. Bukan, dia bukan pegawai pemerintah. 6. Apakah rumah orang tua Pak Ridwan di Rejomulyo baru? f. Tidak, mereka bersiap-siap untuk berangkat bekerja. 7. Apakah Kiai Haji Ahmad Abdullah pegawai pemerintah? g. Tidak, dia hanya memelihara burung. 8. Apakah ayah Bapak Ridwan punya anjing? h. Tidak, dia berbicara tentang olahraga pada waktu berbuka puasa. 9. Apakah Fatimah laki-laki? i. Tidak, dia beragama Islam. 10. Apakah anak-anak kecil hanya bermain di dalam rumah saja? j. Tidak, dia bekerja di pabrik. Lesson 47 Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang Mendatar: 4. to laugh 6. a prophet 8. another name for Idul Fitri 9. to visit one’s home town 15. to have such-andsuch a religion 16. the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) 17. important 18. to fast Menurun: 1. to buy 2. to wait (for) 3. to repair something 5. God 7. to try to do something 10. a prayer 11. the fast 12. each, every 13. pre-sunrise breakfast 14. cake Selamat Congratulations! You successfully completed Module 3. Keep up the good work and please do not forget to download Anki at and to load the Anki decks for Modules 1 to 3 into the Anki application. Support Us “The Indonesian Way” is free and will always remain free. In order to further develop TIW, we are dependent on the support of the user community. Our plans for the future encompass: 1) Developing iOS and Android applications 2) Replacing the online “Latihan” using technology that is not dependent on Flash. 3) Adding another Module consisting of 12 more lessons This can only be accomplished with your assistance. If, after completing each Module, all our users would donate $5 or $10, our goal could be accomplished in a short time. To make a donation please go to Terima Kasih, Thank You, Mahalo Wordlist Wordlist for Module 3 Lesson 32 berangkat (•angkat); Aduh! Sudah berangkat! to depart, to set of (to go somewhere), to leave (on a trip); Oh no! It’s left already! berkunjung (•kunjung); berkunjung ke Glasgow to visit (a place); to visit Glasgow jam; jam dua belas lewat dua puluh o’clock [a marker word used to express the time of day in hours and minutes]; twenty past twelve kurang; jam delapan kurang seperempat to (i.e. “before the hour” or “before the half-hour”, when telling the time); a quarter to eight. léwat; pukul satu lewat lima more, past (when telling the time); fve past one makan siang to have lunch makan malam to have dinner perusahaan (•usaha); perusahaan asing a company, a business enterprise; a foreign company pukul; pukul satu o’clock [a marker word used to express the time of day in hours and minutes]; one o’clock sampai until (a certain time), as far as (a certain place) sarapan to have breakfast seperempat; dua seperempat ¼ (a quarter); 2¼ (two and a quarter) setengah; satu setengah ½ (a half); 1½ (one and a half) tengah malam at midnight, in the middle of the night tertawa (•tawa) to laugh Lesson 33 apaan (•apa); Orang apaan, tuh? (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) what kind of... [adding a note of humorous scepticism or cynicism to a question, especially a rhetorical question]; What kinda person is that? banget; Cakep banget dia. (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) very, really; She’s really spunky. bérés; Beres. Tunggu aja sebentar. fxed up, put right, all okay, resolved, no worries; No worries. Just hang on a sec. berlari (•lari) to run doyan; Nggak mau, aku nggak doyan. (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) to like (especially food); I don’t want any. I don’t like it! ikut kuliah to attend a lecture, to go to a lecture Wordlist jam berapa?; Jam berapa sekarang? what time?; What time is it now? kalo; kalo aku nggak mau. (Only used in informal speech. In formal Indonesian use kalau) if, as for (me/him/that etc.), as far as ... is concerned; Speaking for myself, I don’t want to. keliling around ketemu (•temu) (informal for bertemu) to meet, to fnd lapangan (•lapang); lapangan sepak bola a feld, a ground, an open space (especially for recreation); a football feld lebih suka; Saya lebih suka berjalan kaki. to prefer, to like something better; I prefer to walk. lumayan; Hmm ... masakanmu lumayan. not bad, quite good; Hmmm... your cooking’s not bad. nanti siang this afternoon (spoken in the morning) nanti soré late this afternoon (spoken earlier in the day) nanti malam tonight (spoken earlier in the day) paké; Pake bus apa taksi? (Only used in informal speech) by (a certain mode of transport); (Shall we go) by bus or taxi? pulang to come home, to go home punya; Aku udah ketemu ama dia punya ibu. [a slangy word used to express possession]; I’ve met with his/her mother. sih; Gimana sih, kamu! [a slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question, often making the question feel more pointed, even adding a note of irritation, bewilderment, surprise, puzzlement or sarcasm.]; What is it with you!? tentu saja of course yuk; Minum yuk! c’mon, let’s...; Let’s have something to drink! Lesson 34 hari a day kadang-kadang sometimes, occasionally, from time to time musik music (pada) pagi hari in the morning(s) (pada) siang hari in the afternoon(s) (pada) soré hari in the late afternoon(s) (pada) malam hari at night salah; Maaf, saya kira Anda salah. wrong, to be wrong; Sorry, I think you’re wrong. sesudah (•sudah) ténis; bermain tenis after tennis; to play tennis Lesson 35 acara; Ada acara apa nanti malam? a television/radio program, something you plan to do, a commitment to go somewhere; What are you planning to do tonight? particularly. bersama dengan hari libur to originate (from) together. to worship bersenam (•senam) to do gymnastic. No restaurant? There must be! sekeluarga the whole family . must be (i. cuma satu sudah cukup. apartemén an apartment. tidak banyak bus. Just one will do. to be going out with. a (day of for a) holiday. Would you like something to eat? makasih. a one-day holiday a cofeeshop kalau (Anda) bagaimana?. just... sure to be. also bulu tangkis berenang (•renang) to swim. What are you doing? nih. bound to be). What about Mr. only. especially. Thanks for the money. to work out sesudah (•sudah). Who is Dodi going out with now? senam (Colloquial for bersenam) to do gymnastics. dilakukan be done lalu then. There aren’t many buses. Makasih duitnya ya. after going home sulit difcult. Mau ke mana. musala prayer room (for Muslims). Where are you of to right now? olahraga sport pacaran (•pacar). nih? (Colloquial) this. now. (Colloquial) thanks. to take a rest. sesudah pulang after (doing something). to work out cuma. Lu mau makan nggak? you (Jakarta slang).e.).. Dodi lagi pacaran sama siapa? (Colloquial for berpacaran) to be going steady. émangnya kenapa? (Colloquial) why? (what’s it to you). to take a break bersembahyang (•sembahyang) to say/do your prayers. to go swimming beristirahat (•istirahat) to rest. and so lari pagi early morning jogging lu. a unit badminton badminton. Kalau Pak Iman bagaimana? what about (you)? what about (her/John etc. after (a certain time). to undertake (something). especially on a Sunday. a fat. to do aerobics. why? (why do you ask?) kalian (Colloquial) you (plural of kamu) kegiatan (•giat) an activity kolam renang a swimming pool melakukan (•laku) to do (something).). a small mosque ngapain. at the moment. to do aerobics. apalagi hari Minggu.? what (is someone) doing? what for? what’s the point? what’s going on?.. Lu lagi ngapain? (Colloquial) why? why on earth.Wordlist apalagi. a national park Lesson 36 asal bersama (•sama). bound to (be. together with kafe a day of. to be dating. Iman? pasti. hard to do taman. the more so. taman nasional a park. Tidak ada restoran? Pasti ada! defnitely. Saya suka sekali bermain tenis. quiet. besok pagi tomorrow. Lesson 37 anggur. buah anggur wine. everyone. hari Minggu yang lalu Sunday. ternyata dia bukan teman yang baik so . saya . Monday night hari Selasa. hari Jumat yang lalu Friday.. Wednesday morning hari Kamis. tadi malam last night ternyata (•nyata).. last week Sampai jumpa! until (we) meet (again). grapes bulu tangkis badminton capai tired gelas a glass (i. free time.. minggu yang lalu week. The market was deserted. tomorrow morning hari ini today kemarin. hari Senin malam Monday. There shouldn’t be any other people coming along.e. tidak boléh.. also klab malam & club malam a night club nanti dulu just a moment. Tidak boleh ada orang lain yang ikut. it turns out that . last Friday hari Sabtu. yesterday afternoon hari Minggu. hang on a sec percaya to believe semua. hari Rabu pagi Wednesday. Pada waktu senggang. hari Kamis yang akan datang Thursday. a drinking glass kelab malam. Saturday night malam Minggu Saturday night (more common than Sabtu malam) kapan? when? (asking about time) minggu. next Thursday hari Jumat. not permitted to). In my spare time. hari Selasa yang akan datang Tuesday. leisure time. wait a moment. after all (expressing mild surprise that something is contrary to expectations)..Wordlist sepi. So he wasn’t a true friend after all. I love playing tennis. I . not allowed to. kemarin siang yesterday.e. Pasarnya sepi sekali. everyone knows.. spare time. wiski whisky Lesson 38 bésok. next Tuesday hari Rabu.. everybody. see you! Lesson 39 . to enjoy. to love (doing something). a tumbler you drink from). to really like. shouldn’t. all of them. can’t (i. after all. last Sunday hari Senin. semua orang tahu all. suka sekali. waktu senggang.. lonely. hari Sabtu malam Saturday. deserted. to reach out and remove. before that sendiri by yourself/oneself (without help from anyone) Lesson 42 . bangun pagi to get up (out of bed). after that membeli (•beli) to buy mengambil (•ambil) to go and get something. to get up in the morning berita. to fetch something. the dishes sapu broom sedang apa? what are (you) doing?. a spectacle). not a place). a sports match.Wordlist agén perjalanan travel agent jadwal schedule menurut according to penerbangan (•terbang) fight tikét ticket Lesson 40 kepada. a newscast. Dia mengirimkan uang kepada suaminya. Saya suka menonton flm. an item of correspondence) Lesson 41 bangun. to prepare (for something) bersisir (•sisir) to comb kemudian then.e. siaran berita news. I like seeing movies. to listen menonton (•tonton). to (when you are talking about something that is directed towards an individual or a group of people. majalah a magazine membaca (•baca) to read membersihkan (•bersih) to clean something mencuci (•cuci) to wash (something with water) mendengarkan (•dengar) to listen to something. a panorama. a scene. to watch something (especially TV. to make preparations. to pick up something menggosok gigi (•gosok) to brush your teeth pemandangan (•pandang) a view. She sent some money to her husband. a news broadcast berpakaian (•pakai) to get dressed bersiap-siap (•siap) to get ready. menulis (•tulis) to write menyapu (•sapu) to sweep novél a novel piring a plate. a performance. (natural) scenery sebelum. sebelum itu before (a certain time/event). a movie. what is (he/she) doing? surat kabar a newspaper surat a letter (i. a sports match. the law (as a body of regulations or an area of study) ibu kos the landlady (in a boarding house) kalo pagi in the morning(s) karena because kenapa why? macam-macam all sorts (of)... to watch something (especially TV. an implement baju clothes (in general).. regularly happened in former times) hukum a law.. éléktronik electronic habis after (informal for sesudah) ingin to wish (to.) jadi (didn’t) happen. therefore. hard to do rumah kos a boarding house tadi pagi this morning (spoken later in the day) tadi siang this afternoon (spoken later in the day) . a parade etc. a tool. so..e. various kinds of mata kuliah a subject (of study at a university). last. to reach (a destination) untuk (in order) to yang lalu . a long time ago. to try on (clothes) minggu a week nonton (•tonton) (informal for menonton) to see. to be the dominant force bikin to make (something) duduk-duduk to sit around (in a casual or leisurely way) dulu in former times. used to (i.. (didn’t) work out. to want (to. an upper-body garment.).Wordlist alat a device. trendy kita we (including the person or persons you are talking to) mencoba (•coba) to try to do something. a course.) sampai di + (name of place) to arrive in/at (a place). Lesson 43 bahasa Belanda Dutch (the language) berkuasa (•kuasa) to be in power.. especially shirts. thus kami we (excluding the person or persons you are talking to) kerén stylish. all kinds (of)..ago. blouses etc. to try something out. a unit of study membuat (•buat) to make (something) mengapa (•apa) why? memberikan (•beri) to give something ngorok to snore pagi-pagi very early in the morning sulit difcult. out of the ordinary juta million kalah to lose (a contest/fght etc. domestic animal or farm animal) mengajar (•ajar) to teach (someone / students / pupils / a subject)... a piece of music memperbaiki (•baik) to repair something. clever. could you help me? .). law(s) of the land Lesson 44 ada yang. not very... Maaf..g. ya? .. boleh saya minta tolong? to ask for assistance/help.. a tune... ada ____ yang some _[noun]_ ahli flsafat (also: flsuf) a philosopher berdagang (•dagang) to trade. lagu a song. to wait for (someone / something). not particularly.. right? undang-undang an act of parliament... to be defeated kurang don’t/doesn’t really.Wordlist ya.. to fx something broken menang to win menjadi (•jadi) to become. cofee beans). yang lain the other one yang + [adjective] the _[adjective]_ one Lesson 45 memakai (•pakai) to use something. smart sama sekali absolutely. Excuse me.okay? (seeking confrmation or approval). completely. at all.does he/she? . This is for me. not especially. to wear something memelihara (•pelihara) to keep (as a pet. the stone (in stone fruit) bola voli volley ball (sometimes simply: voli) gitar a guitar istiméwa special... intelligent... smart pernah once. to do teaching menolong (•tolong) to help someone (especially someone in difculty) menunggu (•tunggu) to wait. totally (in negative expressions) tidak begitu. to ruminate biji a seed. ever. to ponder. exceptional. to deal in such-&-such a commodity berpikir (•pikir) to think. intelligent. isn’t/aren’t really.. a pip beans (e. to await minta tolong. right? . Ini untuk saya..... a you? . at some time in the past pintar clever.have you? .. to be menjual (•jual) to sell something menyanyi (•nyanyi) to sing menyanyikan (•nyanyi) to sing (a certain song) pandai to be good at (doing something). to earn a living buying & selling. Berapa lama flm ini? how long. cooked food.Wordlist sejarah history selalu always selama. selama tiga minggu for (a certain period of time). lastly berapa lama. that’s enough. at that time Lesson 46 akhirnya fnally. one (when you are counting people and there is just one person to be counted). I think that will do for the moment tidak pernah never (the opposite of “always”) waktu. for three weeks sendirian (•sendiri) alone. in the end. French cuisine mawar a rose (also bunga mawar) membayar (•bayar) to pay memilih (•pilih) to choose mencium (•cium) to kiss someone.g. done by pipi cheeks sambil while sampanye champagne senang happy. to smell/snif something méwah luxurious oléh. enjoying yourself. done/made/written by). waktu saya sampai di rumah when. on your own (i. to like doing something seorang. ayat-ayat Al-quran . cuisine. sudah cukup. seorang laki-laki a. a stanza (from a poem or from holy scripture). to like something. among them jam. -selves (myself. How long is this flm? detektif private detective di antaranya including. Saya kira sudah cukup. eventually. They themselves repaired it.e. e. yourself etc. tiga setengah jam hour / hours. without a companion) sendiri. Mereka sendiri yang memperbaikinya. a lady Lesson 47 Allah God Allahu akbar God is great Al-Quran The Koran (the holy book of Islam) ayat a verse. also pada waktu. masakan Perancis cooking. when you want to emphasise who did something). self.e. pada waktu itu time. a man / one man waktu. at the time when (referring to a certain time in the past when something happened). three and a half hours kaviar caviar lobi the lobby (of a hotel) masakan (•masak). when I arrived home wanita a woman. dilakukan oleh by (i. that will do. the (usually two) days of celebrations at the end of the Muslim fasting month kali times.) membawa (•bawa) to bring memimpin (•pimpin) to lead mengucapkan (•ucap) to say something. to have a meal in the evening after a day of fasting berkumpul (•kumpul) to assemble. also simply berbuka or buka to break your fast. beragama Kristen to be a follower of such-and-such a religion. meditative prayer) gelap dark hari raya. to go upstream nabi.). goods beragama (•agama). Nabi Isa a religious prophet. Hari Raya Idul Adha a feast day. a time ketupat lumps of rice boiled in packets made from woven leaves (a special food eaten at Idul Fitri) lahir dan batin outwardly and inwardly lantai the foor (that you are standing on). a big religious holiday. the Prophet Jesus naik haji to make the pilgrimage to Mecca oléh-oléh a gift/present brought back for family or a friend after a trip somewhere perabot furniture puasa fasting. to utter something minta maaf to ask for forgiveness mohon maaf to ask for forgiveness mudik to make a visit back to your home village in the countryside. to gather berpuasa (•puasa) to fast. a storey of a building lapar hungry Lebaran (the Javanese term for) the period of celebrations at the end of the Muslim fasting month libur to be shut/closed (for a holiday etc. the Festival of Sacrifce haus thirsty Idul Fitri the festival of Ied. beragama Islam. to have time of (from work/school etc.Wordlist batik batik barang a thing. a Muslim. a (Protestant) Christian berbuka puasa. to abstain from food & drink bersalaman (•salam) to greet each other (usually by shaking hands) bersyukur (•syukur) to thank God bésoknya the next day bulan puasa the fasting month di mana-mana everywhere doa a prayer (especially a personal. the Islamic Fast . Wordlist réndang a stew of beef chunks cooked until dry in spices and coconut milk saat a moment. every takbiran to chant Allahu Akbar (God is Great) in chorus over and over tempat kerja work place ulama a very learned and pious Muslim . a point in time. during sahur to eat a pre-dawn meal during the fasting month. a short time. about sekolah menengah high school. around. secondary school setiap each. while. to eat an early breakfast during the fasting month sekitar approximately. 3 bertemu. kuliah. 4h. ama. 9. apartemen. 7f. 7f. 6d. berlari. 5A gimana. lapangan. 15 sampai. 9b from left to right and top to bottom: 1e. 9h. mungkin. gimana. 3j. 1k. 5b. 5a. 5d. makasih. 3c. 8 kota. 3i. 9g.masih. lapangan. 5c. 3b. 2c. 6B. 2 harus. aja 1i. 5B. 4. 2A. 7d. 5b. 7. 4d. angkot. 8.tidur. 9.bersembahyang. badminton. 14. 4 Pada sore hari saya akan belajar dengan teman saya. 8. 8e. 2e. 7 berangkat. bekerja di kebun/berkebun. 2c.sedang. pulang. 3e. ikut. 7i. 4a. 6b. 18. 10 minum.sulit. 9f. 3a. 15. 16. 2g. 8e. emangnya. 9c. 15. berbelanja. senam. 3 Jam berapa pesawat terbang sampai? 4 Kira-kira jam setengah empat lewat lima. 5a. harus. mandi Lesson 34 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: 1 Pada. 5 Adik saya tidak suka bermain tenis. 10i. 7a. 4B. olahraga. 14. 11.Keys to the Exercises Lesson 32 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 7: 1e. 3. teman. makan. 6B. 5f. 7 sore. 5g. 6. 7. 9f. 13. 4 belajar. 4. 2d. sampai.lakukan. 3. kolam renang. 13. 7a. pada sore hari. Mendatar: 1. berbelanja. ngapain. 20. 2g. main. dengan. 8e. 4a. 10. Mendatar: 4 pegawai. 8d. sekeliling. 7B. 8. 8b. 6c. 5 berjalan-jalan. 11b kegiatan. saya sudah tua. 1 Biasanya saya pergi ke kampus pada pagi hari. 1f. 2b. 2A. 13. 3b. malem. 7c. 6 berkunjung. 1 Apakah Anda suka berolahraga pada waktu senggang? 2 Kalau tidak bekerja. 4A. 4. 1d. 8B. 7a. 7. sekarang. pacaran. 4b.bermain. beristirahat. katanya/kata Ida. 6. 6j. Jam berapa Anda ke bioskop? 2 Saya ke bioskop jam lima kurang seperempat. bertemu.berkunjung. 3g. 4a. berjalan-jalan. cuma. Lesson 33 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: 1c. 6h. taman. 3. 1e. 11. murah. 11 malam. lari. rumah. 11g. 10i 1i. 2 Jam berapa saya dapat keluar untuk berjalan-jalan? 3 Anda boleh sarapan dari jam tujuh sampai jam sebelas siang. 5a. nih. 2a. 11. 14 keluar. 4a. 6b. 3 kurang. 13 lewat. 3A. ruang. tempat. 2e. ayah. 4B. dilakukan. 17. 4c. g. 5e. sesudah. 7j. 6 bertanya. Menurun: 1 melihat. 19. 9 boleh. 1 Pada sore hari biasanya ada acara apa? 2 Biasanya ada kegiatan apa pada pagi hari? 3 Sesudah kuliah bahasa Inggris biasanya Anda pergi ke mana? 4 Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan sesudah pulang dari kantor? 5 Apa yang biasanya Anda lakukan jam delapan pagi? 1B. 6g. kuliah. melakukan. bersenam. 1. malam hari. setengah. 8f. 1f. 6h. 4b. 5. 2. 12. 8h. 6d. 6c. acara. 2g. 6. 6.berbelanja. 2B. 7d. 9A Mendatar: 3. 3B.lapangan. 5g. Lesson 35 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: 1f. 6 berapa. pagi. 9. kembali. 4b. 1e. 3c. 12 pagi. 6h. 2h. 1d. Anda suka berjalan-jalan ke mana? 3 Saya suka sekali berbelanja pada waktu senggang. 2b. Menurun: 1.kuliah. 10d. bermain. 3 Pada sore hari saya suka duduk di ruang tamu dan minum kopi. 3a. 5d. bermain. 2j. 5. 11. 6e. 1a. siapa tahu. pacar.bertemu Lesson 36 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 9: 1d. 2e. 5 Apa yang Anda lakukan pada hari libur? 6 Tadi pagi saya ke Toko Fajar 1 . 3C. 12. 15. 5. saya lebih suka masak di rumah. olahraga. 5. 2 bermain. 10k. 3f. tidur. boleh saya ikut. 8 salah. Menurun:1. 10. 14. 4 Pacar saya suka sekali bekerja di kebun pada waktu senggang.musala. Menurun:. belajar. perpustakaan. 5A. 4h. kalian. minum. 8g. 4f. 8h. 9 berbelanja. 1A. 4f. 3b. 3c. 2 Pada malam hari kadang-kadang saya belajar di perpustakaan. 5 siang. 16. bertemu. nggak. 2. 1A. 10. 8a 1 Alastair McAlastair berkunjung ke kota Glasgow. 4a. 8. 5d.masak. nggak.pulang}. bioskop. 10 makan. kolam renang. 5c.bekerja. 3h.berenang. beristirahat Mendatar: 2.beristirahat. 12. 2b. besok. malam ini. 8. 3. 7. 6 Hendro (sedang) menyapu halaman/membersihkan halaman. 3. 5a.000. 3C. 9. 5b (a question). 10. 4 Gerson (sedang) menulis surat. 8. 5h. dish.berkunjung.pusat.hari Jumat. 4e. 6 15. susu. towards. 2A.gelas. 1D. 19. 2 . minggu. 4. 9b. 7 Keluarga Sucipto (sedang) mendengarkan radio. Menurun: 1. berenang. servant. 1d. 15. 5a.pasti Lesson 38 Latihan 1: Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: 1 mau. 2 jam tujuh lewat lima. acara. 5A.000. 2. Menurun: 1. 5 1.hari Rabu. 5d. 3. senin. 6a. beverage).semua. 2 Pak Fernandes (sedang) membaca surat kabar. bertemu. jauh. 2d (to pass away). 5 Boleh saya minta harga tiket ke Denpasar? Mendatar: 2. assistant) 1d. 5. Lesson 37 Latihan 2: Latihan 4: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: 1f.jam. surat kabar-a newspaper. 12.tiket. 15. lusa.jadwal. 16. 6 jam dua kurang dua puluh 1 Ada yang lebih murah? 2 Yang paling murah Mandala. 3c. 6. 3a. 3C.000. 6d.bertemu. 12. 7h. 5c. 4c. 18.bagaimana. surat-a letter. 3a. Menurun: 1. 2b. 12. menulis-to write. 3 jam sembilan kurang dua puluh.hanya. 5B 1A. 2.boleh. 12b/k. berbelanja. 7 yang paling murah. 350. 3B. 3 Kalau hari ini hari Senin. 6d. 5. 9 Orang-orang ini (sedang) menonton flm. 5 Bambang (sedang) membaca buku. 3 kira-kira. 8. 16. 2l. 7. 5j. 2i. 6a.hari Minggu 1c. 6A 1h. 6. 8c. 9c.700. 4e. 1 Ibu Suratminingsih (sedang) mencuci piring. 4g.menurut.penerbangan. kamu. tetapi Sabtusudah penuh. kemarin.saja. 13.berapa. 4. 3d 4g. 20.lama. 10. 8.800. 5c. piring-plate. 14.harga. 1a.murah. hari apa hari ini? (Note that this sentence could also have been phrased “Kalau besok hari Rabu. 3a. 4c. 9a. 13. 13.juga Lesson 40 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: membaca-to read. 2f. 3.hari Sabtu. 6j. 1 Jam berapa Anda lari pagi? 2 Jam berapa teman Anda akan pergi ke klab malam? 3 Pacar Anda mau berenang di kolam renang jam berapa? 4 Suami Anda mau berkunjung ke Pusat Mahasiswa jam berapa? 5 Jam berapa Anda mau bersembahyang di musala? Mendatar:1. 3f.300. 3c (a drink.tetapi. 16. 4 jam setengah sebelas kurang sepuluh. 8f. menonton-to watch sth. 5 jam satu kurang seperempat. 4A. selasa. 7 Harganya cukup mahal. 1f. warung. 1 Hari Senin tanggal tujuh Mei. 14. pesta. mendengarkan-to listen to sth. 5a. membersihkan-to clean sth. tanggal. 4f (all kind of fruits). 7g. 500. 2 boleh. 4C. 3e. 7d. 7b 1C 2C 3B 4C 5BLatihan 5: 1d. 10i. 5e. 4 Rp. Jam berapa?. 2e. 6c. mencucito wash sth. 3 bisa. kira-kira. 2b. 9. 4b. 10f. 2. 2 Hari Jumat tanggal delapan belas Juni. 6 Sampai jumpa hari Senin. bermain. 4. 5. bersembahyang. kepada-to.atau. 8f. 8 Ibu Nia dan Ros (sedang) mencuci pakaian. 7 469. 17. percaya. 5b. 5 sudah. besok hari apa? 4 Kalau besok hari Rabu. bekerja.beristirahat. 9e. 7b. 2 180. 2g.penuh. 7b/k.000. ke mana. majalah-magazine. berbicara. hari ini hari apa?”) 5 Apakah Anda mau berbelanja dengan saya nanti malam jam tujuh? Mendatar: 1. 6. 1b. jam enam. 3g. sedang apa?-what are (you) doing? 1e (to attend a school). 3i. 2B. 11. 5d. 4A. 6a (maid. 6a. 5D.sore. 3 52.hari Selasa. Lesson 39 Latihan 2: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: 1c. 1b. sabtu. 8i. 1e. kamis. 1.000 untuk kopi dan kue. 10. 4c. ternyata. Sekarang. 4c. 4g. 10c. 3f. besok. 11d. 3 Keluarga Latumahina (sedang) menonton televisi.bantu.pulang. 9. 6a.kapan. 6b. 3 Berapa lama penerbangan ke Yogyakarta? 4 Hari Sabtu penerbangan ke Palembang sudah penuh. jumat. 4 4. 6f. 4 masih.50. berenang. 11.capai. bersembahyang.hari Kamis. 2e. 2b. 2A. 2e. 6 lebih murah. 15. rabu. nanti 1 Tidak ke mana-mana. 7. kira-kira Rp.berangkat.Keys to the Exercises bersama dengan teman saya Astuti. 7. 8d. belajar. 4. 14. 11. 15 berasal. 8a. 1a. 7e 3 . 2d. 7 menyapu. 6a. 5d. 3h. lalu. 6b. 10c. Mendatar: 1 bercakap-cakap. majalah. 4 melihat. 13 mencari. 7f. 11 bangun. 6d. 4 berumur.00a. 9j. 7 dengan 8 bermain. Menurun: 1 bertemu. 9g. makan. 6 berkuasa. 2a. 6 berjalan-jalan. 4B.10g. bangun. 8d Mendatar: 2 dulu. 6d. 8c. 4h.15h. 5 membuat. kampus. duduk. 6A. 8c.Keys to the Exercises Latihan 9: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: 1 menulis. 9A. 00. 13 pagi. 4c. 4b. 7 beristirahat. 2c.10 mempunyai. 16 berkunjung. Mendatar: 1 membantu. 15 keren. 3c. 5c. orang. 12 berbicara. roti. 7h. 8 berwarna. 6b. Sebelum berangkat ke kampus Anda harus bersiap-siap dulu. 10h. 3 baiklah. 9 sendiri} Lesson 42 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 9: Latihan 11: Latihan 12: Latihan 13: Latihan 14: 1e. minum. 2b. 4b. 1l. 6b. 6A&C. 4 menonton. 05. 12 menonton. kadang. 9 kuliah. 11b. 8 mendengar. pagi. 11 menggosok. 7b. 4. 3e. 12 sesudah. 3c. 10 mencari. 10d. 2 Ratna bersisir. 7h. 4f. 6e. jam. Lesson 43 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 11: Latihan 12: 1g. 6 bertemu. 5a. 8 bikin.30b. 7 jadi. 12 tua. makanan. 5B. 6c. 19.. 6f. 1e. 15 mencari. 9a. 7d. Menurun: 1 karena. 2f. 3 Saya akan berbelanja di mal. 10a. 3h.Duduk dulu. 16 elektronik. 8B. 6 belanja. 5b. 12n. surat kabar. 6A 1C. Lesson 41 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: 17. mendengarkan. 10 berlari. 8 kita. 13 bertemu. 3f. 5b. 13. 2A. 6e. 4g. 2 memasak.55e. 8a. 9 minggu. teman-teman. 9d.Saya mau mandi dulu. 2. kira. pemandangan. 5f. 3B. 2g.10b 1i. 3c. 8c. 9d. 5B. 5i. 10 berangkat. belajar. 4d. 4l. 2h. 12 berbelanja. 7a. 6 mencuci. 8A. kebun. 4g. 6 membantu.30c. kampus. bangun. 1e. tetapi sebelum itu dia menggosok gigi. 3 bertanya. 14 bagaimana. 5A. 3. 11g. 2e. 8 membeli. pagi. 6 menari.Dulu saya tinggal di sini. 3b. 16. B: Kenapa? A: Karena ada kuliah jam delapan. 11e. 11 bersenam. 1. membersihkan. 4b. 9h. 8f. 1b. 5 saya. mencuci. 8a 1 Mengapa Anda bangun jam setengah lima pagi? 2 Mengapa Anda tidak suka berjalan-jalan pada pagi hari? 3 Mengapa Gatot tidak mau menonton flm dengan kita? 4 Mengapa biasanya Anda mendengarkan radio pada pagi hari? 5 Mengapa Anda tidak suka tinggal di New York? A: Besok pagi saya akan bangun jam enam. 3C. 3B. 19 nonton. 13 bersembahyang.. 3 bekerja. 2b. 8f. 5 menulis. 14 berdiri. 18 baju. 4a.. 5 alat. 7e. 5h. Lesson 44 Latihan 2: 1g. 5a. 5i. 3 mencuci. 7 membaca. 6b. membaca. hari.. 5e. 2 menonton. 3 sulit. 4a. 22. kadang. 2f. 3 membuka. 13 berpakaian. 7g.00 d. 3i. 6 berkunjung. 2e. 7d. 14 untuk. 15 memberikan. 4 bangun.1b. 6g.Dulu ada bioskop di sini. 9i. sendiri 1B. 2c. 6h. 2 habis. 3 berita. Menurun: 1 pakaian. 2d. 14j. 14 mengapa. 1 Jam berapa Anda berangkat dari rumah? 2 Apakah Anda membersihkan rumah sebelum berangkat? 3 Anda pergi ke kota naik apa? 4 Di toko alat-alat elektronik Anda mencari apa? 5 Jam berapa Anda sampai di rumah pada sore hari? 1i.13k. duduk.Saya mau tinggal di sini dulu. 5a. B: Jam delapan? Pagi sekali! Mengapa Anda harus kuliah jam delapan pagi? A: Karena Ibu dosen lebih suka memberikan kuliah pagi-pagi. 1c. 5 membaca. 3d. 12f. 4h. 7j. 5i. 17 kami. 2A. 9 ingin. Menurun: 2membersihkan. 1 sesudah. 1f. Menurun: 2 mengambil. 2 berbelanja. manis. 10B 1b. 3j. naik. 15i Mendatar 3 mencoba. 7 bersisir. 3c. 9 mendengarkan. 7b. 8 menonton. 2 dosen. 4 tidak. 7e. 7A. 8d. 4B. tetapi sebelum itu saya harus mengambil uang. 2n. 2i. 4 terkenal. mengambil. 10b. makan. 1k. 4 harga. 4B. 9j. 5. 7 berenang. 4g. 9 begitu. 5a. 1A. 10 sesudah. 6a. 18 beres. 2a. buahan. 8c. 11. pergi. 13m. 6j. 9C. 12l. 10 kemudian. 5 pemandangan. makan. bank. 9o. 9 bermain. 7 hukum. 3 melihat. saya. 3o. majalah. 4g. 4b. 3a. 8 memanggil. 10D Mendatar: 1 sebelum. 7B. tenang. 3c.25f. 5k. 8f. 14m 1g. 3f. 20 cari. 4f. 7a. 2A. televisi. 10d. 5 bersekolah. perpustakaan. 11 Anda. radio. piring. lapar. 13 mencoba. 1S. 12 sendirian. 4f.Berapa lama mereka berjalan-jalan di pusat kota? 4. 4a. mencium—while. capai. 3j. oleh—rose. 6h. bangun–to get up. 4b. 7d. 9b. join. 3A. 11 istimewa. pergi–go. 7B. tempat. 4C. 4 menjadi. kembali–to return. 8 anjing. 16 sayuran. 4 semua. mewah—cooked food. tahu–to know. 8f. 3 Saya sama sekali tidak pandai memasak. N15. Lesson 46 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 9: 1d. 14 membeli. manis. 10 menang 13 tertawa Lesson 45 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: masuk–to enter. 11f. 10 berdiri. ikut–follow. jam—by. Mendatar: 1 membayar. mawar—to choose. 7c. 1. pipi— time. 1c. 5b. 2a. when. 5e.Tetapi mereka 4 . 18 juta. berangkat–to depart. maaf. M14. berasal. 10 membuat. 2S. bercakap-cakap–to chat. berpikir–to think. 2 kalah. 2 selama. 6 pembantu. 1e. untuk. Bapak Tubagus selalu menyanyi pada waktu mandi. 5 menolong. 3. 10 menjual. minta–to request. 13 memasak. memperbaiki. 9 membuka. 2a. memimpin. berbelanja–go shopping. 2B.7c. 11B Mendatar: 4 menyanyikan. 2B. 5 jam. 4B. tetapi sekarang tidak lagi. 4B. 3c. 10 selalu. 5 berenang. 15 pernah. 2 Dulu saya pandai main piano. 8 mencuci. 2a. tetapi kakak saya yang mencuci pakaian. perabot. 11 sejajaran. sambil—cheeks. kira-kira. di antaranya—fried egg. 3b. sehari. oleh-oleh. 3m. 15 senang. 13 berangkat. Menurun: 2 menunggu. 17 mawar. 8j. mudik. 4b. 16 surat. 4 mencium. 1. 9 kemarin. 3S. 4g. 1D. 17 berpikir.Kira-kira jam enam pagi Bapak Ridwan dan Ibu Hamidah berangkat ke tempat kerja. 16 memilih. 4 menunggu. 7g. 15 sambil. 9S. 14 memakai. 12j. 4d. J12. 4c. membayar—including. 5 memakai. F3. 7 betul. saya kira sudah cukup. 3d. 5. H11. waktu—fnally. 2e.Keluarga Bapak Ridwan beragama Islam. 9 lagu. 9 seorang. ramai. 6f. 8D. 4. berkumpul. 6 beberapa. 5b. 14l. 5f.Apa yang mereka lakukan? 1 Apa yang dilakukan Pak Alni sesudah sarapan? 2 Apa yang dilakukan perempuan itu pada malam hari? 3 Apa yang mereka lakukan sesudah berbelanja? 4 Apa yang dia lakukan tadi malam? 5 Apa yang dia lakukan sebelum mandi? 6 Apa yang dilakukan Bu Alni sesudah menonton flm? 7 Apa yang mereka lakukan sesudah bertemu di rumah makan? 8 Apa yang dilakukan Pak Alni sesudah bangun? 9 Apa yang suaminya lakukan sebelum membeli bunga? 10 Apa yang istrinya lakukan pada jam lima sore? 1g. 4. senang—to kiss. 17o. hidup–to live. 2a. A6. 18 tidur. 10S 1.Keys to the Exercises Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 8: 1e. 9D. 8 sarapan. 9g. 10e. belajar–to learn. 5c. gelap. leave. berbicara–to talk. 6B.3d. tidur– to sleep. Lesson 47 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: 1d. 19 lobi. 2h. Siapa perempuan yang selalu memakai baju merah itu? 1B. Mohon. 6 sebelas jam. 3 bertemu.Apa yang dilakukan oleh Bapak Yusuf? 5. 8k. Menurun: 1 biji. bekerja–to work. C4. datang–to come. bermain–to play. 3 berdagang. 7a. 16n. 5f. 8S. akhirnya—happy. 10c. 3 Ibu Hamidah.Bulan puasa penting sekali untuk semua orang Islam. minum–to drink. 3B. Dia tidak pernah menolong orang yang minta tolong. 15 memelihara. 5a. 17 waktu. 6D Mendatar: 1 mencuci. 2. 3. Menurun:1 membuat. 6i. 10D. 1 menolong. 18 waktu. 10 Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. 6c. 14 oleh. 5B. 3a. bersembahyang. 2d. B1. berpuasa. 3detektif. Allah. 2 mengajar. 10h 1e. 3 memelihara. 7 mengajar. 4B. 4b. Saya yang biasanya mencuci piring. tertawa. berasal–to originate. 6h. Bu Lia. O9. seorang —a person. 12 membersihkan. 1 Ibu Mariana yang membuat kue itu. saat. 8 memperbaiki. 6C. 6 mendengar. 7 membaca. berumur–to be aged. 9 Selamat Hari Raya. 14 gitar. 9i. masakan—lobby. 2. 13q. 6. Terima kasih. 6d. berapa lama—how long. E5. 5 kereta api. Saya kira laki-laki itu tidak pintar. 7B. beristirahat–to rest. 12 kurang. 8c. G8. 8c. membersihkan. bermain 1C. mandi–to bathe. makan–to eat. 1i. L13. 15p. lobi—hour. 12 pipi. bermacam-macam.Berapa lama mereka tinggal di Sulawesi? 2. 2C. 5A. 7 masakan. 2e. K7. 3b.Berapa lama Anda bekerja di kantor tadi? 3. telur goreng—to pay. 5A. duduk–to sit. 11 menyapu. 11 akhirnya. 16 mewah. 6 pandai. D10. sekali. 14 menunggu. memilih—luxurious. 5e. I2. berdiri–to stand. 3e. 6d. 2j. 11 puasa. 15 beragama. 8g. 8 lebaran. 2 menunggu. 8j. 9b. 9a. 12 setia. 6h. 2c.Mereka semua lapar dan haus. 1a. Mendatar: 4 tertawa. 17 penting. 3 memperbaiki. 3f. 9 mudik. Menurun: 1 membeli. 5 Allah. 14 kue. 16 mudik. 6 nabi. 4b. 5h. 18 berpuasa. 10i. 7f. 5g. 7 mencoba.Keys to the Exercises Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: tidak boleh makan dan minum pada siang hari. 1d. 5 . 5. 7e. 10 doa. 13 sahur. 4i. 10c.
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