
March 17, 2018 | Author: NAVNEET BAGGA | Category: Patent Application, Priority Right, Cremation, Patent, Chemistry



The Patent Office Journal 23/06/200611846 ·rcc +r·rr-r·r +r ºrrªr+|·r ¤r-r-r OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE PATENT OFFICE |-r·r-r-r ªr. 25/2006 ºr+·rrº |<-rr+: za.uê.zuuê ISSUE NO. 25/2006 FRIDAY DATE: za.uê.zuuê ·rcc +r·rr-r·r +r ¢+ ·r +rºr-r A PUBLICATION OF THE PATENT OFFICE The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11847 INTRODUCTION In view of the recent amendment made in the Patents Act, 1970 by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 effective from 01 st January 2005, the Official Journal of The Patent Office is required to be published under the Statute. This Journal is being published on weekly basis on every Friday covering the various proceedings on Patents as required according to the provision of Section 145 of the Patents Act 1970. All the enquiries on this Official Journal and other information as required by the public should be addressed to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Suggestions and comments are requested from all quarters so that the content can be enriched. (S. CHANDRASEKARAN) Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks 23th June, 2006. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11848 CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE NUMBER JURISDICTION : 11849-11850 SPECIAL NOTICE : 11851-11853 CORRIGENDUM (CHENNAI) : 11854 EARLY PUBLICATION (CHENNAI) : 11855 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (CHENNAI) : 11856-11952 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (MUMBAI) : 11953-11958 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (DELHI) : 11959-12158 PUBLICATION AFTER 18 MONTHS (KOLKATA) : 12159-12301 PATENT GRANT UNDER SECTION 43(2) (KOLKATA) : 12302-12304 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11849 THE PATENT OFFICE PATENTS KOLKATA, 23.06.2006 Address of the Patent Offices/jurisdictions The following are addresses of the all Patent Offices located at different places having their Territorial Jurisdiction on a Zonal basis as shown below:- 1. Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Old C.G.O. Building, Church Gate, 101, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai- 400 020, INDIA. Phone Nos: (022) 22039050, 22013646, 22073940, 22071045, 22071046, 22017368 Fax: (022) 220 53372 E-mail: [email protected] 4.GOVERNMENT OF INDIA THE PATENT OFFICE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS BUILDING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SIDCO RMD GODOWN AREA, ADJACENT TO EAGLE FLASK G.S.T ROAD, GUINDY, CHENNAI – 600 032 Chennai - 600 032. Ph: (044) 2232-2824/2825 Fax: (044) 2232-2878 E.mail: [email protected] The States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Pondicheri and the Union Territories of Lakshadweep. 2. THE PATENT OFFICE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA BOUDHIK SAMPADA BHAVAN NEAR ANTOP HILL POST OFFICE, S.M ROAD,ANTOP HILL, MUMBAI – 400 037 PHONE NO. (022) 24137701 Fax: (022) 24130387 E-MAIL – [email protected] ¾The States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Goa and Chhattisgarh and the Union Territories of Daman and Diu & Dadra and Nagar Haveli. 3. The Patent Office, Government of India, Boudhik Sampada Bhavan, Plot No. 32., Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075 Tel.: (011) 28081921 – 25 Fax: (011) 2808 1920 E.mail: [email protected] ¾The States of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Panjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh. 5. Patent Office (Head Office), The Patent Office, Government of India BOUDHIK SAMPADA BHAVAN, CP-2 SECTOR - V KOLKATA- 700 091 INDIA. Phone: (91)(33)2367 1943/44/45/46/87 Fax: (91)(33)2367 1988 E-Mail : [email protected], Website: ¾Rest of India All applications, notices, statements or other documents or any fees required by the Patents Act, 1970 and The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 or by the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2005 will be received only at the appropriate offices of the Patent Office. Fees: The Fees may either be paid in cash or may be sent by Bank Draft or Cheques payable to the Controller of Patents drawn on a scheduled Bank at the place where the appropriate office is situated. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11850 ·| +|·||-|·| ¸+·| +|-|+|·||, |·-||+ .¹¨ö.¨¨ö +|·||-|·|| + -|~|||·|+|· + ·|·| |·r|-r·r ª·rr-rr ·rº |ª·r·r ªr-r| ·rcc +r·rr-r·rr + ·r·r ¤rr-r-r ¤r·rrº ·rº =-r+ ·rr<|ºr+ ·r>rr|·r+rº + ªrr·r |-r--r·r·r r:- +|·||-|·| ·|r||-|·|~|+, ¸+·|, ~|·|+-·| ·|·|| ·||·||· ||r-|, ·|·|-|| +·|+| ·||-|, || ·|, ¨, ·|r|·| +|| ·||·|, ·|··|, 4¨¨ ¨.¨, ·||··| |'c·c Ncs .¨.., ..¨¹·¨¯¨, ..¨¹ö4ö, ..¨¯¹·4¨, ..¨¯¨4¯, ..¨¯¨4ö, ..¨¯¹ö- ¯a· .¨.., ..¨ ¯¹¹¯. ¯~a'': [email protected] 4 ·| +|·||-|·| |·|,, ,-|+|~-| ·||·|| ·|,·| |·||-÷ ·| ,÷|··|-| ,· ¸·|~|,÷|·||~| ~|·¸·|÷| ·||÷|·-| ¸|··|| ¸÷·|·|- , ·|-| +-||·+ ·||¸·|| ·|÷, ·||·|-÷|, |·|, ö¨¨ ¨¹. +|-| .¨44, ..¹..-.4/.-.¯ ++·| .¨44, ..¹..-¯- ,·|-| [email protected] ¾~|-·| ·|··|, +-||+, +·-|, ·||·|-|-||÷ ·|·|| ·|||÷|·| ·|··| -|~| ¸| ·|·| ·|||·|·| -|~|, -|-|;|·| . ·| +|·||-|·|, ·||··| ·|· +|· ·|||¸ + ·|·|·| ·||-|, ¸-||·| |r-| ÷|+·|· + ·|·||·|, ¸·| ¸·| ·|÷, ¸-||·| |r-|, ·|··|, 4¨¨ ¨¹¯, +|-| .¨.., .4¹ ¯¯¨, ++·| .¨.., .4¹ ¨¹-¯ ,·|-| [email protected] ¾ ·|·|·|·|, ·|r|·|·, ·|··| ·|··|, ·||~| ·|·|| ··||·|·|« ·|··| -|~| ¸| ·|·| ·|||·|·| -|~|, ··|-| ·|·|| ·||, ·|·· ~|· -|·|· r|-|| ¯ ·| +|·||-|·| +|-|+|·|| .·|·||-| +|·||-|·|,, ·|||¸ + ·|·|·| ·||-|, ·||·||., ·|+·\, ·||- -|+ |·||, +|-|+|·|| ¯¨¨ ¨·, ·||··| +|-| .·,.¹¹,.¹ö¯ ·4¹/44/4¯/4ö/-¯ ++·|/¯a· .·,.¹¹,.¹ö¯ ·-- ,·|-|: [email protected] |·|·||, ¹ ·| +|·||-|·| |·--||, ·|||¸ + ·|·|·| ·||-|, ·-|| | ¹., ·|+· 4, ;|·+|, |, |·--|| ¨ ¨¯¯ +| | .¨, .-¨- ·.., .-¨- ·.¹, .-¨- ·.4, .-¨- ·.¯ ++·| .¨, .-¨- ·.¨ ,·|-|: [email protected] ¾r|··||||, |r·|||-| ·|··|, ·|··| ·|·|| +··||·, ·|·||·|, ·|·|··||-|, ··|· ·|··|, |·--|| ·|·|| ··|·||-| ·|··| -|~||, ¸| ·|·| ·|||·|·| -|~| |÷|·|« ¾·||··| +| ~|·|·| -|~| ·rcc ¤|·r|-r·r-r, 1a¨u ·r·rr ·rcc (ªrºrr·r-r) ¤|·r|-r·r-r, zuuë ¤·r·rr ·rcc (ªrºrr·r-r) |-r·r-r, zuuë ørºr ·rr|o·r ªr-r| ¤r·r<-r, ªr¸-r-rr¢, |·r·rººr ·rr ¤-·r <ª·rr·r¤r ·rr +r¡ ºr-+ ·rcc +r·rr-r·r + +·r-r =·r·r+·r +r·rr-r·r -r ª·r|+·r rr·r ! ·|-+ ·|-+ ·|| ·|| -|+· ¬·| ·| ·|| '¨c·t·c''c· c| |atc·ts' + -||·| ·| ··| ·| + ÷|+ ·|| |+ + ;|·| ·|·|| ·|| ·|+·|| r ·|| ··|| ··||-| + |+·|| ~-|·|||·| ·|+ ·| ·|··| r| ·|r| ··|·|+·| +|·||-|·| |··|·| r: The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11851 SPECIAL NOTICE 18 Months publication as required under Section 11A of the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005. Notice is hereby given that any person at any time before the grant of Patent may give representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at appropriate office on the ground and in a manner specified under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 read with Rule 55 of the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. Notice is also given that if any interested person requests for copies of the complete specification, drawing and abstract of any application already published, the photocopy of the same can be supplied by the Patent Office as per the jurisdiction on payment of prescribed fees of Rs.4/- per page. If any further details are required to be obtained, the same can be provided by the respective Patent Offices on request. (S. CHANDRASEKARAN) CONTROLLER GENERAL OF PATENTS, DESIGNS & TRADE MARK The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11852 Special Notice Under the new provision of the Patents Act, 1970 as amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules there under, Publication of the matter relating to Patent in the Official Gazette of India Part III, Section 2 has been discontinued and instead of “The Official Journal of the Patent Office” is being published containing all the activities of The Patent Offices such as publication of patent applications, grant of patent & all other information in respect of the proceedings as required under the provisions of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 and Rules there under on weekly basis on every Friday since 21 st January, 2005. The price of each copy of the journal is Rs. 400/- in paper form and that is Rs. 250/- in CD-ROM form, while annual subscription of the journal for a calendar year 2006 is Rs. 20,000/- in paper form and that is Rs. 12,000/- in CD- ROM form . Postal Charge of Rs.100/- for each copy of journal in paper form and postal charge of Rs.50/- for each copy of journal in CD-ROM form is to be paid extra. The annual subscription (including the postal charges) for the Year 2006 is required to be paid in advance in any of the Patent Office located at Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. A request should be made accompanied by payment for annual subscription either in cash or cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Controller of Patents, payable at the respective Office. Other mode of payment i.e. M.O/I.P.O. or any out station cheque will not be accepted. The annual subscription should be made immediately preferably on or before 30 th June, 2006. It may kindly be noted that request for annual subscription or subscription of single copy in paper form should be made before 30 th June, 2006. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11853 Special notice 1. The Patent Office, Chennai has been shifted on 01/08/2005 from Guna Complex, 6 th Floor, Annex –II 443, Annasalai, Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018 to the new location at the address give below – THE PATENT OFFICE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS BUILDING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SIDCO RMD GODOWN AREA ADJACENT TO EAGLE FLASK, G.S.T . ROAD, GUINDY, CHENNAI - 600 032 PH. 2232-2824/2825 FAX : (044)2232-2878 All communication should be made to the new address. All the services of the Patent Office are available in the new location from the above mentioned date. For further details visit out website: 2. The Patent Office Mumbai has been shifted on 20/03/2006 from Todi Estate, 3 rd Floor, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai – 400 013 to the new location , at the address given below THE PATENT OFFICE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA BOUDHIK SAMPADA BHAVAN NEAR ANTOP HILL POST OFFICE, S.M ROAD, ANTOP HILL, MUMBAI – 400 037 PHONE NO. 022-24137701 AND 24130387 E-MAIL – [email protected] All communications should be made to the new address . All the services of the Patent Office are available in the new location from the above mentioned date. For further details visit our website: 3. Every effort is being taken to publish all the patent applications under section 11(A) of the Patents Act. However, if duplication of publication of any application is found, then earlier date of publication will be taken for the purpose of provisional protection for applicant and Patent Office will grant Patent not before six months from the date of second publication, provided that there is no third party representation . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11854 Special notice 1. The Patent Office, Chennai has been shifted on 01/08/2005 from Guna Complex, 6 th Floor, Annex –II 443, Annasalai, Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018 to the new location at the address give below – THE PATENT OFFICE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS BUILDING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SIDCO RMD GODOWN AREA ADJACENT TO EAGLE FLASK, G.S.T . ROAD, GUINDY, CHENNAI - 600 032 PH. 2232-2824/2825 FAX : (044)2232-2878 All communication should be made to the new address. All the services of the Patent Office are available in the new location from the above mentioned date. For further details visit out website: 2. The Patent Office Mumbai has been shifted on 20/03/2006 from Todi Estate, 3 rd Floor, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai – 400 013 to the new location , at the address given below THE PATENT OFFICE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA BOUDHIK SAMPADA BHAVAN NEAR ANTOP HILL POST OFFICE, S.M ROAD, ANTOP HILL, MUMBAI – 400 037 PHONE NO. 022-24137701 AND 24130387 E-MAIL – [email protected] All communications should be made to the new address . All the services of the Patent Office are available in the new location from the above mentioned date. For further details visit our website: 3. Every effort is being taken to publish all the patent applications under section 11(A) of the Patents Act. However, if duplication of publication of any application is found, then earlier date of publication will be taken for the purpose of provisional protection for applicant and Patent Office will grant Patent not before six months from the date of second publication, provided that there is no third party representation . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11855 CORREGINDUM 1. Date for the application numbers 1540/MAS/1998 & 1668/MAS/1997 Published in the Journal dated 09/06/06 shall be read as follows respectively Date of filling of application: 10/07/1998 & 5/07/1997 2. Priority date and priority document shall be read as Nil for the application numbers 2299/MAS/1996 & 2301/MAS/1996 Published in the Journal dated 09/06/06 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11856 Early Publication Vide Form-9 “The following patent applications have been published under section 11A (2) of The Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 and rule 24A of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006. Any person interested may file re presentation by way of opposition to the controller of patents at the appropriate office against the grant of the patent in the prescribed manner under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act 2005 read with the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006” 12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 487/CHE/2005A (22) Date of filing of Application:26/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MOBILE CREMATORIUM. (71) Name of Applicant ERNHIPURATH SIVARAMAKRISHNAN, (51)International classification:F 23 G 1/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: H.NO.3, P.S.C NAGAR,NEERAZHI LANE,ULLOOR,, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,695 011,, KERALA,,,INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): ERNHIPURATH SIVARAMAKRISHNAN. (57)Abstract The design of LPG fired mobile crematorium has been made keeping in mind of the environmental issues, economical operational cost and human psychology. The unit looks like a whole body scanner, so as to remove the fear of public about a crematorium. In the case of Mobile Crematorium, the above unit has mounted on a trailer/truck with all sufficient features. The main advantage of this system is that a pyre can light the dead body in traditional manner. In Hindu system, KAPAL KRIYA has to be performed during the process of cremation. We provide a space/facility for that too during this cremation. After performing all traditional rituals, the body will be sent to the furnace with the help of a removable trolley. Then the pyre light the dead body. After lighting the body, the door closes and through the view glasses, people can watch the cremation process. After 15-20 minutes of burning, the gases will switch off and then onwards, the body will become self fuel and will continue to burn. The entire process of burning will last in 30 minutes. Finally, the pyre can take out the ashes with the help of tray put inside under the Stainless Steel bed. The web camera fitted out side on the door will telecast the events live. The friends and relatives from far offs can view the same with the help of a computer or even can record the events. Actual Cremation process takes only less than 30' minutes with a consumption of about 10 -12kg of LPG making it very economical. Emission of toxic gas is within the Pollution Control Board prescribed norms for bio-medical waste incineration. The chimney height is 12.5 meters. The body can be ignited after performing traditional rituals. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11857 Publication after 18 Months The following Patent Applications have been published under Section 11A (3) of The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005. Any Person may file Representation by way of opposition to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office against the grant of the patent in the prescribed manner under section 25(1) of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 read with the rule 55 of The Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2006: (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2439/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:29/10/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD FOR PRODUCING ACRYLIC ACID. (71) Name of Applicant NIPPON SHOKUBAI CO., LTD. (51)International classification:C 07 C 51/25 (31) Priority Document No.293,756/97 (32) Priority Date:27/10/1997 Address of Applicant: 1-1, Koraibashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku Osaka- shi, Osaka 541-0043 ,, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MICHIO TANIMOTO. KAZUYUKI UEKAWA. TATSUYA KAWAJIRI. (57)Abstract A method for producing acryl ic acid from propylene at high efficiency by two-stage catalytic oxidation using a single fixed bed shell-and-tube heat exchanger type reactor is provided. The method comprises dividing the shell space of said reactor into an upper space and lower space with a partition plate, allowing a heating medium to circulate in each of the spaces substantially independently of each other. and carrying out the vapor phase oxidation under specific conditions. Said specific conditions including providing a first stage catalyst layer at lower portion of each of the reaction tubes, a second stage catalyst layer at upper portion thereof and an inert substance layer therebetween, and making void ratio of the inert substance layer 40-99.5% The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11858 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 249/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:06/02/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A DECODING METHOD OF DECODING CODED PICTURES. (71) Name of Applicant MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (51)International classification:H 04 N 007/32 (31) Priority Document No.9-61647 . 9- 186437 (32) Priority Date:08/02/1997 , 11/07/1997 Address of Applicant: 1006, Oaza-Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8501 ,, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN , JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SHENG MEI SHEN. THIOW KENG TAN. (57)Abstract An encoder and a decoder for for still and moving picture are disclosed. The encoder has a memory for storing a default quantization matrix including a plurality of quantization elements having predetermined values. Also, a generator is provided for producing a particular quantization matrix after a number of frames. The particular quantization matrix is read in a predetermined zigzag pattern, and the reading is terminated at a selected position which is in the middle of the zigzag pattern. An end code is added after the read quantization elements of a former portion of the particular quantization matrix. The quantization elements in the default quantization matrix are read in the same zigzag pattern from a position immediately after the selected position, and producing a latter portion of the default quantization matrix. The former portion of the particular quantization matrix and the latter portion of the default quantization matrix are synthesized to form a synthesized quantization matrix. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11859 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 876/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/04/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD AND AN APPARTUS FOR SPEECH CODING A SAMPLED SIGNAL USING A PITCH-LAG PARAMETER. (71) Name of Applicant NOKIA MOBILE PHONES LTD, (51)International classification:G 10 L 09/14 (31) Priority Document No.971976 . 980502 (32) Priority Date:07/05/1997 . 05/03/1998. Address of Applicant: Keilalahdentie 4, FIN-02150 Espoo ,, FINLAND. (33) Name of priority country:FINLAND.FINLAND. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): LAKANIEMI ARI. VAINIO JANNE. OJALA PASI. HAAVISTO PETRI. (57)Abstract A method of speech coding a sampled speech signal using long term prediction (LTP). A LTP pitch-lag parameter is determined for each frame of the speech signal by first determining the autocorrelation function for the frame within the signal, between predefined maximum and minimum delays. The autocorrelation function is then weighted to emphasise the function for delays in the neighbourhood of the pitch-lag parameter determined for the most recent voiced frame. The maximum value for the weighted autocorrelation function is then found and identified as the pitch-lag parameter for the frame. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11860 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 965/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/05/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS AND AN APPARTUS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AMMONIA SYNTHESIS GAS. (71) Name of Applicant HALDOR TOPSOE A/S, (51)International classification:C 01 B 003/269 . F 28 D 007/10 (31) Priority Document No.IN2232237003 (32) Priority Date:05/05/1997 Address of Applicant: NYMOLLEVEJ 55,, DK-2800, LYNGBY,, DENMARK. (33) Name of priority country:DENMARK. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): CARSTEN LAU LAURSEN. HENRIK OTTO STAHL . (57)Abstract A process and an apparatus for the preparation of ammonia synthesis gas from a hydrocarbon feedstock comprising sequentially primary and secondary catalytic steam reforming of the feedstock in a primary heat exchange steam reformer and in a subsequent secondary reformer, wherein an effluent stream of primary steam reformed gas is heated by indirect heat exchange with a hot product effluent of secondary reformed gas prior to introduction of the primary steam reformed gas into the secondary reformer. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11861 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 909/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:27/04/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR WORKING UP THE CRACKING PRODUCTS FROM THE THERMAL CRACKING OF 1,2- DICHLOROETHANE. (71) Name of Applicant VINNOLIT MONOMER GMBH & CO.KG, (51)International classification:C 07 C 19/045 , C 07 C 17/38 (31) Priority Document No.197 18 003.5 (32) Priority Date:29/04/1997 Address of Applicant: CARL-ZEISS-RING,, 25,85737, ISMANING,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.THOMAS WILD. JUERGEN EICHLER. WERNER STRANG. PETER WIDMANN. (57)Abstract The work-up of the gaseous products from the thermal cracking of 1,2-dichloroethane is simplified if the cracking gases are cooled to a temperature range of about 150 to 180 C, only a subsidiary proportion, which comprises all the coke formed, being condensed and fed to a separate work-up. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11862 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 533/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:16/03/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MICROFINES FLUIDISED BED JET MILL FOR PRODUCING ULTRA-FINE POWDERS. (71) Name of Applicant INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, (51)International classification:E 21 C 35/187 . E 21 C 25/60 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: IIT P.O, CHENNAI,600036 ,TAMIL NADU., INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.SETHURAMALINGAM SANKARA NARAYANAN. DR.PALAKKAPPILLIL BHASAKARAN NAIR RAJENDRAN NAIR. (57)Abstract Microfines fluidized bed jet mill comprising a vertically oriented column, the lower portion of which has a fluidisation air chamber for receiving the air for fluidisation through a nozzle-venturi arrangement. A pneumatic feeder located at the top of the column for feeding fresh material continuously to the bed. The jet mill is for producing ultra-fine powders. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11863 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 361/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/04/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A TYRE COMPRISING A RADIAL CARCASS REINFORCEMENT SURROUNTED BY A CROWN REINFORCEMENT. (71) Name of Applicant MICHELIN - MICHELIN & CIE, (51)International classification:B 60 C 09 (31) Priority Document No.97/02277 (32) Priority Date:24/02/1997 Address of Applicant: 12,COURS SABLON,, F-63040 CLERMONT-FERRAND,, CEDEX 09,, FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country:FRANCE (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): CLUZEL GUY. (57)Abstract In order to improve the endurance of the crown reinforcement (3) of a tyre, the H/S form ratio of which is at most 0.6, the latter is formed radially from the inside to the outside by a triangulation ply (31) of metal cables oriented at at least 60 , two working crown plies (32, 34) formed of inextensible metal cables oriented at angles of between 10 and 45 , between which there is inserted a first additional ply (33) of metallic elements which are oriented substantially parallel to the circumferential direction of the tyre, a second additional ply (36) being arranged, on either side of the tyre, radially above the outermost working ply (34) and substantially centred on the end of the first additional ply (33). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11864 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 919/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:28/04/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: REINFORCING TAPE FOR SLIDE FASTENER. (71) Name of Applicant YKK CORPORATION, (51)International classification:C 09 J 007/02 . A 44 B-19/34 . B 2 9 D-5/00 (31) Priority Document No.9-127819 (32) Priority Date:02/05/1997 Address of Applicant: NO-1,KANDA IZUMI-CHO,, CHIYODA-KU,, TOKYO,, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): KOZO WANTANABE. (57)Abstract A reinforcing tape (2, 20a, 20b) for a slide fastener (10) is disclosed. The reinforcing tape (2, 20a, 20b) to be bonded to the end portion of a fastener tape (1, lla, lIb) comprises a reinforcing layer (4) formed of a polyester elastomer film manifesting a modulus of elasticity in bending in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 kg/cm2 and an adhesive layer (3). Preferably a polyester-based hot-melt adhesive is used for the adhesive layer (3). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11865 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 770/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:13/04/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS AND VESSEL FOR REGENERATING A USED CATALYST. (71) Name of Applicant INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE, (51)International classification:B O1 J 38/00. B O1 J 23/96 . B 01 J 38/20 . B 01 J 38/12 . B 01 J 38/14 . C 01 G 35/12. (31) Priority Document No.97/04.659 , 97/04.661 (32) Priority Date:14/04/1997 , 14/04/1997 Address of Applicant: 4, avenue de Bois Preau, 92852 Rueil- Malmaison,, Cedex,, FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country:FRANCE , FRANCE (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): FRANCOIS-XAVIER BRUNET. EMMANUELLE BROMET. JEAN-MARIE DEVES. DOMINIQUE HUMEAU. ERIC SANCHEZ. (57)Abstract The invention concerns a process for regenerating a catalyst in a fixed or moving bed, for example a catalyst for recombustion completion which is carried out after the catalyst has undergone all of the combustion steps of the process. The monitoring and control step is carried out by injecting an oxygen- containing gas into the zone where monitoring and control takes place, the monitoring and control step being carried out under conditions which are more severe than those in the combustion steps. The monitoring and control step is carried out with an oxygen consumption of less than 10%. The temperature advantageously remains substantially constant. The vessel for carrying out the invention is also claimed.forming or for aromatic compound production, including a step for monitoring and controlling . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11866 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 662/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:30/03/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MULTI PURPOSE HEAVY DUTY WET GRINDER. (71) Name of Applicant R.SELVARAJ . K.RAVI. (51)International classification:A 47 J 43/04 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: 9/27,GANDHI STREET,KALIKKANAICKEN PALAYAM,SUNDARAPALAYAM, COIMBATORE,TAMIL NADU,, 128,BHASYAKARALU STREET,R.S.PURAM, COIMBATORE,TAMIL NADU, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): R.SELVARAJ . K.RAVI. (57)Abstract The Multipurpose Heavy Duty Wet Grinder is designed to overcome certain difficulties we are encountering with Conventional Type Grinder. This grinder is designed to remove the batter by tilting the grinder from the Vertical position to 90 Degree Horizontal and 120 degrees horizontal to remove the batter easily. In this the Motor and Gear Box are vertically mounted one over other to save the space and the rotate able drum is mounted over that along with two cylindrical rollers. This drum is mounted over the Gear box center shaft in a detachable way for easy grinding. A separate locking system is provided for locking the drum in vertical position as well as at 90 degrees to 120-degree tilt position. The whole arrangement is mounted in a tilting mechanism to enable it to tilt the grinder in the stand. During the operation, to avoid the dust and other particles fallen into the drum, a separate lid is fixed over the drum assembly. This can be swing upward and downward. The whole assembly is mounted on a stand which is covered both the sides. In this invention the better grinding mechanism provided is helping to reduce the grinding time to half of conventional models and subsequently the power requirement. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11867 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1418/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:25/06/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AN APPARATUS AND A METHOD FOR SEPARTING A MIXTURE OF A LESS DENSE LIQUID AND A MORE DENSE LIQUID COMPONENT. (71) Name of Applicant MERPRO PRODUCTS LIMITED, (51)International classification:B 01 D 17/38 , C 10 G 33/06 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: BRENT AVENUE,FORTIES ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE,, MONTROSE,ANGUS DD10 9JA,, U.K. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DAVID JOHN PARKINSON. (57)Abstract A method and an apparatus for providing a preliminary separation of production fluid. A vessel (1) has an annular inlet (5) opening upwardly at the bottom of the vessel. The inlet has means (4) for causing the mixture to swirl to generate a vortex. A fIrst outlet (8) for an oil continuous flow is provided at the center of the annular inlet. A second outlet (10) for a water continuous phase is provided towards the bottom of the vessel and spaced from the fIrst outlet. The oil and water are separated under centrifugal forces caused by the swirl and the oil is drawn down through the center of the vortex for discharge through the first outlet (8). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11868 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2398/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:26/10/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: FEMININE SANITARY PROTECTION PACKAGE. (71) Name of Applicant KIMBERLY Y-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC., (51)International classification:A 61 F 013/15 (31) Priority Document No.USSN 08/993024 , USSN 08/993025 . (32) Priority Date:18/12/1997 , 18/12/1997 Address of Applicant: 401 NORTH LAKE STREET,NEENEH,, WISCONSIN 54957-0349,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA. USA . (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SUSAN J MODER . RICHARD W KUBALEK. (57)Abstract Feminine sanitary protection packaging is disclosed which includes a combination vaginal insert or insert applicator and an absorbent pad of a sanitary napkin or panty liner configured to fit the pudendal region of a woman. In one aspect, the sanitary napkin or panty liner is rolled laterally to form a laterally rolled combination sanitary napkin or panty liner and vaginal insert or insert applicator. In one aspect, the panty liner or an ultrathin pad is longitudinally C-wrapped to form a C-wrapped combination panty liner or ultrathin pad and vaginal insert or insert applicator. A pouch is positioned around the laterally rolled or longitudinally C-wrapped combination. The pouch provides a means for transporting and disposing of the combination packaging. In one aspect, the vaginal insert includes a tampon or a vaginal suppository. In another aspect, the vaginal insert applicator includes a tampon applicator or a vaginal suppository applicator. In one aspect, the sanitary napkin includes an ultrathin pad or maxipad. In still another aspect, the pouch is sealed and optionally can be perforated on at least one closed end for ease in opening. The pouch can be formed from the release strip of the sanitary napkin or the panty liner and can be used to seal the laterally rolled or longitudinally C-wrapped combination. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11869 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2415/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:27/10/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS FOR DEHYDROGENATING A C5-C22 ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS FEED. (71) Name of Applicant INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE, (51)International classification:C 07 C 5/333 (31) Priority Document No.97/13.685 (32) Priority Date:31/10/1997 Address of Applicant: 4, avenue de Bois Preau, 92852 Rueil- Malmaison,, FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country:FRANCE (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): LE PELTIER FABIENNE. DIDILLON BLAISE. CLAUSE OLIVER. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a process for dehydrogenating a C5-C22 aliphatic hydrocarbons feed to the corresponding olefmic hydrocarbons in the presence of a catalyst comprising at least one support, at least one metal from group VIII of the periodic table and at least one additional element M selected from the group formed by germanium, tin, lead, rhenium, gallium, indium and thallium, said process being characterized in that the catalyst is prepared using a process in which said additional element M is introduced in an aqueous solvent in the form of at least one organometallic compound containing at least one carbon-M bond. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11870 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2422/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:28/10/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD OF MAKING A GRAFT COPOLYMER USING AN EXTRUDER AND A PRODUCT PREPARED THEREBY. (71) Name of Applicant CASTROL LIMITED, (51)International classification:C 08 F 255/04 , C 08 F 255/00 , C 10 M 149/06 . (31) Priority Document No.60/063,689 (32) Priority Date:28/10/1997 Address of Applicant: BURMAH CASTROL HOUSE,PIPERS WAY,, SWINDON,WILTSHIRE SN3 1RE,, U.K. (33) Name of priority country:USA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): IRWIN LEONARD GOLDBLATT. RICHARD SAUER. (57)Abstract Methods are disclosed for making graft copolymers. The methods comprise the steps of: (a) providing (i) an ethylene/propylene (EP) copolymer or other graftable polymer, (ii) an ethylenically unsaturated sulfur-, nitrogen- and/or oxygen-containing monomer, and (iii) an amount of an initiator sufficient to graft said monomer and EP copolymer or other graftable polymer; (b) introducing said EP copolymer or other graftable polymer into an extruder; (c) introducing said monomer into the extruder; (d) introducing said initiator into the extruder; wherein at least one of the above-identified reactants in (a) is introduced in the presence of a polar solvent; and (e) reacting said EP copolymer or other graftable polymer, monomer and initiator by operating said extruder, thereby forming the graft copolymer. This invention also relates to methods of making a dispersant viscosity index improver and methods for making a lubricating oil. This invention further relates to graft copolymer products made by the aforementioned methods. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11871 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2484/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:13/11/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF OLEFINIC DOUBLE BONDS. (71) Name of Applicant ENICHEM S.P.A, (51)International classification:B 01 J 31/22 , C 08 F 8/04 (31) Priority Document No.MI97A 002477 (32) Priority Date:06/12/1997 Address of Applicant: PIAZZA BOLDRINI 1-SAN DONATO MILANESE MILAN,, ITALY. (33) Name of priority country:ITALY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): GIAN TOMMASO VIOLA. ANDREA VALLIERI. CLAUDIO CAVALLO. (57)Abstract Catalytic composition effective in the hydrogenation of olefinic double bonds prepared by reaction between: (A) at least one cyclopentadienyl complex of a transi- tion metal having general formula (I) (R) (R1)M1(R2) (R3) wherein R is an anion containing an n5-cyclopentadienyl ring coordinated to M1; M1 is selected from titanium, zirconium and hafnium; R2 and R3, the same or different, are organic or inorganic anion groups bound to M1; R1 is selected from cyclopentadienyl and R2; (B) an alkylating composition essentially consisting of: (bI) an organometallic compound having general formula (II) M2 (R4)(R5) , wherein M2 is selected from Zn and Mg; (b2) an organoderivative of aluminum having general formula (III) Al(R6)3. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11872 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1608/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:17/07/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD TO EXCHANGE TAPES AT THE LOWER ROLLERS OF THE DRAFTING UNIT OF A RING SPINNING OR RING TWISTING FRAME AND A DEVICE FOR THE SAME. (71) Name of Applicant MASCHINEFABRIK RIETER AG, (51)International classification:D 01 H 007/60 (31) Priority Document No.19731115.6 (32) Priority Date:19/07/1997 Address of Applicant: KLOSTERSTRASSE 20, CH-8406,, WINTERTHUR,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): HANS MOSIMANN. PETER OEHY. (57)Abstract A method to change oil is being disclosed, whereby the doffer beam (11) with the tube grippers (14) is being utilised to lift the upper spindle parts (20) from the spindle casings (28). Additionally a method to exchange the tapes on the lower rollers of the drafting units of a ring spinning or ring twisting frame is being disclosed, whereby the lower rollers (38) are being lifted by means of the doffer beam (11) and after applying new tapes, the rollers are again being lowered into their support means. The device to exchange the tapes is being provided with cantilever arms (30) being arranged at certain spaces towards each other on the doffer beam (11), each of which is being furnished with a support strap (37) for the lower roller (38). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11873 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2378/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/10/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AMINATION PROCESS. (71) Name of Applicant AKZO NOBEL N.V, (51)International classification:C 07 C 209/04 , C 07 C 209/16 (31) Priority Document No.9704116-4 (32) Priority Date:11/11/1997 Address of Applicant: P O BOX 9300,, NL-6800, SB ARNHEM,, NETHERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SWEDEN . (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): GUNTHER-HANSSEN. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to an amination process for the manufacture of polyamines. The purpose of the process is to increase the selectivity of linear aminated products and to prevent the formation of discolouring by-products or by-products which may later cause discolouration. According to the process this is achieved by performing, in a first part of the process, the amination to a conversion degree of between 50 and 98% by weight, calculated on the total yield of polyamines, at a proportionally time- weighted average temperature, which is at least 15 C higher than the proportionally time-weighted average temperature in the remaining part. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11874 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1976/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:05/09/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A CATALYST AND A METHOD OF PREPARING ALIPHATIC ALPHA OMEGA AMINONITRILES. (71) Name of Applicant BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT , (51)International classification:C 07 C 253/30 (31) Priority Document No.196 36 768.9 (32) Priority Date:10/09/1996 Address of Applicant: 67056 Ludwigshafen ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): KLEMENS FLICK. ROLF FISCHER. KLAUS EBEL. WERNER SCHNURR. GUIDO VOIT. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a catalyst suitable for preparing aliphatic alpha, omega-aminonitriles by partial hydrogenation of aliphatic dinitriles, comprising (a) metallic cobalt, a cobalt compound or a mixture thereof, the proportion of metallic cobalt based on (a) being from 20 to 100 % by weight, (b) from 10 to 70 % by weight, based on ( a), of metallic iron, iron oxide, a further iron compound or a mixture thereof, the proportion of iron oxide based on (b) being from 20 to 100 % by weight, (c) from 0 to 1 % by weight, based on the sum of ( a) and (b), of a compound based on an alkali metal, an alkaline earth metal or zinc and a method of preparing aliphatic alpha, omega aminonitriles using the catalyst. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11875 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 695/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:02/04/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AN APPARATUS FOR FORMING A SLIVER. (71) Name of Applicant MASCHINEFABRIK RIETER AG, (51)International classification:D 01 H 5/00 , D 01 G 21/00 (31) Priority Document No.0854/96 (32) Priority Date:02/04/1996 Address of Applicant: KLOSTERSTRASSE 20, CH-8406,, WINTERTHUR,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SWIZERLAND. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SLAVIK WALTER,STADACHERSTRASSE. GSCHLIESSER GERD,GARTNERSTRASSE. PIETRINI VIKTOR,WEINGARTENSTRASSE. SIGRIST THOMAS,BLEICHESTRSSE. FISHCHER RONALD,ROHRHALDENSTRASSE. (57)Abstract The invention relates to an apparatus for forming a sliver with a first regulated drafting arrangement (10) with several pairs of rollers (11, 12, 14) for the regulated drafting of the fibre mass (8) supplied to the drafting arrangement, with the fibre fleece (28) delivered by the drafting arrangement being joined and supplied to a measuring member (32) from where the measured fibre material is thereafter supplied to a second drafting arrangement (40) and with the autoleveller device (35, 52, 21) of the first drafting arrangement (10) intervening in a regulating manner in the drive of the first drafting arrangement (40) in order to compensate fluctuations in mass on the basis of the signals issued by the measuring member (32) by including a predetermined setpoint value. Various regulating and control devices are known in practice in order to obtain a high-quality sliver. In order to detect and compensate short-wave and long-wave fluctuations in mass in a simple way an apparatus is proposed, with the second drafting arrangement (40) being provided with a control device (35, 50, 48) for compensating short- wave fluctuations in mass, which device intervenes in a controlling manner in the drive of the second drafting arrangement (40) on the basis of the signals issued by the measuring member (32). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11876 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1045/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:16/05/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING TEXTILE FIBERS FROM BALES. (71) Name of Applicant MASCHINEFABRIK RIETER AG, (51)International classification:D 01 G 23/02 , D 01 G 21/00 (31) Priority Document No.1264/96 , 196 30 018.5 (32) Priority Date:20/05/1996 , 25/07/1996 Address of Applicant: KLOSTERSTRASSE 20, CH-8406,, WINTERTHUR,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SWIZERLAND , GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): FAAS JURG. (57)Abstract A system for processing textile fibers from bales, comprising a bale plucker; at least one card machine; a flock transporting system disposed between said bale plucker and said card machine; a feed chute configured with said card machine, said feed chute further comprising a first part for receiving flocks from said flock transporting system, and a second part for delivering a fiber lap to said card machine; a cleaning device operably disposed within said feed chute between said first part and said second part, said cleaning device comprising a nip feed arrangement configured as a fine cleaner, said fine cleaner including an opening roll and trash elimination elements disposed around at least a portion of the circumference of said opening roll; and wherein said fine cleaner with said nip feed arrangement in said feed chute is the only fine cleaner within said system between said bale plucker and said cleaning device. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11877 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2667/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:21/11/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AN ELECTRICAL SWITCHING DEVICE. (71) Name of Applicant ABB SCHWEIZ AG, (51)International classification:H 01 H 01/38 (31) Priority Document No.196 48 633.5 (32) Priority Date:25/11/1996 Address of Applicant: BROWN BOVER STRASSE 6,, CH-5400 BADEN,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DANIEL BLEIKER. JADRAN KOSTOVIC. HERBERT SCHIFKO. (57)Abstract This switching device has a contact arrangement which is equipped with erosion-resistant contacts and comprises at least one contact which moves along a central axis (2) and at least one mating contact which is provided for receiving the moving contact. One of the two contacts has a finger cage (25) which is provided with individual, sprung contact fingers (13) which are spaced apart from one another by radial slots(26) extended in the direction of the central axis (2). Means are provided which prevent the side edges (29) of the contact fingers (13) being able to touch in the region of the contact surfaces (27) in the front part of the contact fingers (13) when said contact fingers (13) are drawn together in the direction of the central axis (2), such that welding of the edges (29) of the contact fingers (13) cannot occur. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11878 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2113/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:25/09/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A DEVICE FOR DELIVERING PARTICLES INTO A TARGET CELL OR TISSUE. (71) Name of Applicant POWDERJET VACCINES INC., (51)International classification:A 61 K 048/00 , C 12 N 015/63 , C 12 N 015/00 , C 07 H 021/04 (31) Priority Document No.08/719503 (32) Priority Date:25/09/1996 Address of Applicant: 585 SCIENCE DRIVE ,, SUITE C, MADISON,, WISCONSIN 53711,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DENNIS E.McCABE. RICHARD J HEINZEN. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a device for delivering particles into a target cell or tissue, said device comprising: a body having an elongate acceleration passage formed therein, said passage having an inlet and an outlet; and a rotational flow element arranged upstream from the inlet of the acceleration passage, wherein said rotational flow element imparts a rotary motion in a flow of gas passing therethrough prior to entry of said gas flow into the acceleration passage. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11879 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1885/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:27/08/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS FOR PREPARING A LATEX. (71) Name of Applicant ELF ATOCHEM S.A, (51)International classification:C 08 E 14/00 , C 08 F 259/04 , C 08 L 27/06 (31) Priority Document No.96 10493 (32) Priority Date:27/08/1996 Address of Applicant: 4 & 8 COURS MICHELET, LA DEFENSE 10,, F-92800 PUTEAUX,, FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country:FRANCE (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PHILIPPE ESPIARD. RICHARD PERES. BENOIT ERNST. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a process for preparing a latex comprising two populations of particles of homo-or copolymer of vinyl chloride, which process comprises polymerizing, under microsuspension conditions, the corresponding monomer or monomers in the presence of a first seeding polymer (PI), the particles of which contain at least one organosoluble initiator, of a second seeding polymer (P2), the particles of which have a mean diameter less than that of the particles of the first seeding polymer (P I), of water, of an anionic emulsifier, of a soluble metal salt and of a reducing agent; the mean diameter of the particles of the first seeding polymer (PI) being between 0.6 and 0.9 um. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11880 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1163/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:30/05/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A COATED POROUS SUBSTRATE. (71) Name of Applicant KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC., (51)International classification:A 61 L 15/28 (31) Priority Document No.08/665,172 (32) Priority Date:14/06/1996 Address of Applicant: 401 NORTH LAKE STREET,NEENEH,, WISCONSIN 54957-0349,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): ALL YAHLAOUL. XIN NING. CHARLES EDWARD BOLIAN,II DEBRA JEAN MCDOWALL. DAVID CHARLES POTTS. DANIEL JOSEPH VANHOUT. (57)Abstract A coated porous substrate composed of a hydrophobic polymer which is substantially uniformly coated with a hydrophilic polymeric material. The substrate may be a sheet-like material, examples of which are foams, fibers, and fibrous webs. The fibrous webs desirably will be nonwoven webs. The coating on the substrate is durable to an aqueous medium at a temperature in a range of from about 10 C to about 50 C and does not significantly suppress the surface tension of an aqueous medium with which the coated substrate may come in contact. The hydrophobic polymer may be a polyolefin, such as polyethylene or polypropylene. The hydrophilic polymeric material with which the polymer fibers are coated may be a polysaccharide or a modified polysaccharide. Also provided is a method of preparing a coated porous substrate which involves providing a porous substrate composed of a hydrophobic polymer. At least a portion of the substrate then is exposed to a field of reactive species. At least a portion of the porous substrate, including the portion exposed to the reactive species, is treated with a mixture which includes water and a hydrophilic polymeric materiat under conditions sufficient to substantially uniformly coat the porous substrate with the hydrophilic polymeric material. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11881 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 723/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:07/04/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD FOR SWITCHING TRAFFIC CHANNELS BETWEEN A PLURALITY OF UPLINK AND DOWNLINK CDMA AND A CDMA SWITCH. (71) Name of Applicant AT & T CORP., (51)International classification:H 04 B 07/204 (31) Priority Document No.08/635162 (32) Priority Date:23/04/1996 Address of Applicant: 32 AVENUE OF THE AMERICANS,, NEW YORK,, MEW YORK 10013-2412,, U.S.A (33) Name of priority country:USA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DIAKOUMIS PARISSIS GERAKOULIS. (57)Abstract In a code division switch each of a plurality or uplink CDMA modulated RF beams, each including a plurality of uplink traffic channels, are down converted to IF and overspread with a new orthogonal code having a spreading rate N times that of the spreading code of the uplink CDMA modulated RF beam. All of the overspread beams are combined into a single combined IF stream. The individual traffic channels are extracted from the combined IF stream by de-overspreading the stream with orthogonal codes and despreading with beam and traffic channel specific orthogonal codes. All traffic channels are respread with downlink beam codes and downlink orthogonal traffic channel codes and joined onto selected ones of downlink CDMA modulated IF beams having common destinations with the included traffic channels. Downlink CDMA modulated IF beams are up converted to RF frequency and transmitted to selected destinations. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11882 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 132/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:21/01/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: BILATERALLY CONTROLLABLE THYRISTOR. (71) Name of Applicant ASEA BROWN BOVERI AG, (51)International classification:H 01 L 029/747 (31) Priority Document No.197 21 365.0 (32) Priority Date:22/05/1997 Address of Applicant: CH-5401 BADEN,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.KENNETH THOMAS. DR.PETER STREIT. (57)Abstract A specification is given of a bidirectionally controllable thyristor which is distinguished by improved decoupling between the two thyristor structures. In particular, the intention is that the switched-off structure cannot be triggered in an uncontrolled manner by undesirable migration of charge carriers. This is achieved by virtue of the fact that the degree of shorting of the cathode region increases toward the isolation region. In particular, this can be achieved by virtue of the fact that the density per unit area of the short-circuit regions tends to a maximum value toward the isolation region. The use of a linear, continuous short-circuit region running along the isolation region is particularly favorable. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11883 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 414/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:02/03/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: HEAT EXCHANGER. (71) Name of Applicant DEUTSCHE BABCOCK-BORSIG AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, (51)International classification:F 28 D 7/00 , F 28 F 27/00 (31) Priority Document No.97104377.3 (32) Priority Date:14/03/1997 Address of Applicant: EGELLSSTRASSE 21,, 13507 BERLIN,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MICHAEL FIX. MATTHIAS BLACH. KONRAD NASSAUER. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to an external ground isolation connector comprising a housing; a ground stud extending through the housing , the ground stud having a first end for extending into an associated cable closure, and a second end for extending externally of the cable closure;means for connecting ground wires to the first and second ends of the ground stud; and means for sealing the ground stud within the housing. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11884 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 463/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:06/03/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A BREAKWATER FOR SEAWAVES. (71) Name of Applicant INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, (51)International classification:E 02 B 3/06 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: OCEAN ENGINEERING CENTRE,IIT P.O, CHENNAI,600036 ,TAMIL NADU., INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.JAMBUNATHAN SUBRA MANI. (57)Abstract A break water for sea waves comprising a plurality of piles for being driven in the sea bed spaced relationship; a porous screen suspensible between each pair of adjacent piles, said screen consisting of cages enclosing porous material which enables sea waves to lose energy while passing through the cages and the porous material resulting in wave attenuation during such passage. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11885 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 661/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:27/03/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PERSONAL CARE PRODUCT. (71) Name of Applicant KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC., (51)International classification:A 61 F 13/15 , 13/46 , D 04 H 01/54 (31) Priority Document No.08/829,273 (32) Priority Date:31/03/1997 Address of Applicant: 401 NORTH LAKE STREET,NEENEH,, WISCONSIN 54957-0349,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): JACKSON STOKES. DARRYL FRANKLIN CLARK . EUGENIO GO VARONA. (57)Abstract This invention relates to a personal care product having a nonwoven absorbent material having a wettable web of hydrophilic fibres of at most 40 microns in diameter. This web is thermally bonded in a point unbonded fashion and has controlled spaces away from the wearer. This web is capable of accepting a liquid insult of 50 ml. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11886 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 229/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:05/02/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: REMOVAL OF 6- AMINOCAPRONITRILE FROM MIXTURES COMPRISING 6- AMINOCAPRONITRILE AND AN IMINE. (71) Name of Applicant BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT , (51)International classification:C 07 C 253/34 (31) Priority Document No.197 04 620.7 (32) Priority Date:07/02/1997 Address of Applicant: 67056 Ludwigshafen ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PETER BABLER,MARIA-MANDEL- STR. ALWIN REHFINGER,ROSENSTR. HARALD RUST,DUDOSTR. HERMANN LUYKEN,BRUSSELER RING. (57)Abstract A Process for distillative removal of 6-aminocapronitrile from mixtures (I) xomprising 6-aminocapronitrile and an imine (II) comprises conducting the distillation in the presence of carbon dioxide. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11887 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 755/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:07/04/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD OF CONTINOUSLY DISSOLVING RUBBER. (71) Name of Applicant TOYO ENGINEERING CORPORATION, (51)International classification:C 08 F 279/02 (31) Priority Document No.122758/1997 (32) Priority Date:08/04/1997 Address of Applicant: 2-5,KASUMIGASEKI 3-CHOME,, CHIYODA-KU,, TOKYO,, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): KENICHIRO MATSUBA. KATSUHISA ARAI. TETSUO MAEDA. (57)Abstract A method of dissolving a rubber continuously to form a raw material for the production of rubber-modified polymer, by dissolving a rubber in a monomer liquid dissolving the rubber and capable of reacting with the rubber in the presence or absence of a solvent. Pieces of rubber are fed continuously to a dissolution tank to allow the dissolved rubber and the undissolved rubber to coexist in the dissolution tank, wherein the concentration of the dissolved rubber is the concentration at which the feeding to the reactor is made, and the quantity of the undissolved rubber present in the dissolution tank is at most the quantity that prevents pieces of the undissolved rubber from sticking to one another to form larger rubber masses. The time required for dissolution can be shortened, and the size of a dissolution tank can be made smaller, compared with the conventional methods. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11888 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 2619/MAS/1998A (22) Date of filing of Application:19/11/1998 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DEVICE FOR MONITORING YARNS ON RING SPINNING MACHINES (71) Name of Applicant ZELLWEGER LUWA AG (51)International classification:DO1 4M 13/14, DO1 13/16. (31) Priority Document No.2890/97 (32) Priority Date:17/12/1997 Address of Applicant: 11, CH-8610 USTER, SWITZERLAND., SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SWISS (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): USTER TECHNOLOGIES AG, ZELLWEGER LUWA AG (57)Abstract The invention relates to a device for monitoring yarns on spinning machines, with a sensor which is disposed such that it can travel along a track in front of the production stations. In order to provide a device with which each spinning station of a spinning machine can be monitored to an extent such that mavericks and other forms of unevenness in the yarn can be located, the sensor (2) is formed and disposed to detect the diameter of the yarn. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11889 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1769/MAS/1997A (22) Date of filing of Application:07/08/1997 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DEVICE FOR THE OPTICAL RECORDING OF AT LEAST ONE CHARACTERISTIC ON A LONGITUDINALLY MOVED THREAD TYPE MATERIAL (71) Name of Applicant USTER TECHNOLOGIES AG (51)International classification:G0IN 21/89 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: WILSTRASSE 11, CH-8610 USTER, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): ROLF HENSEL, WAMPFLER, Dr., RAYNOR, SEITZ, Dr.,. (57)Abstract The invention relates to a device and a method for theoptical recording of at least one parameter on alongitudinally moved thread-type material. To enable parameters such as the diameter of a thread-type material,the diameter of a yarn package, the hairiness of a yarn etc. I to be determined more simply and more accurately, an optical sensor composed of at least two individual sensors (30), in which at least one individual sensor is so constructed and arranged that at least one measured value is recorded digitally for a parameter, is to be used to record in parallel from the material at least two signals, one atleast of which is clocked. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11890 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 229/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/02/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEM AND METHOD. (71) Name of Applicant CHEQUEPOINT FRANCHISE CORPORATION , (51)International classification:G06F 17/60 (31) Priority Document No.60/303,263 (32) Priority Date:05/07/2001 Address of Applicant: Edificio Banco do Brasil, Calle Elvira Mendez 10, Apartado 5246, Panama City,, PANAMA. (33) Name of priority country:USA. (87) WIPO No. : WO03/005255 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): GROVIT, Felix . VICHHI, Neel . (57)Abstract A transaction processing method for the processing by a merchant of transactions for goods or services in a first currency, in which receiving one more physical currency tokens in a second currency in at least part payment for the offered goods or services,transmitting transaction data to a currency conversion transaction processor having access to exchange rate data,the transaction data including data identifying at least the second currency and the value of the received tokens and receiving currency conversion transaction data including data representing an amount in the first currency equivalent to the received physical currency tokens according to the exchange rate data and identification data assinged by the currency conversion transaction processor to identifying the currency conversion transaction, completing the transaction for goods or services using received currency conversion transaction data. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11891 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1223/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:02/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: OPTICALLY ACTIVE MANDELIC ACIDS. (71) Name of Applicant NIPPON SHOKUBAI CO., LTD. (51)International classification:C07B 63/00, C07C 51/43, C07C 59/13, C07C 59/135 (31) Priority Document No.2001-366468 (32) Priority Date:30/11/2001 Address of Applicant: 1-1, Koraibashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0043 ,, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. :PCT/JP2002/012514 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.:1349/CHENP/2003 Filed on:29/11/2002 (72) Name of the Inventor(s): OKUDA, Norimasa .. (57)Abstract An optically active mandelic acids crystals, which have a filling density of 0.55g/cm 3 or higher and a particle size distribution of 60% or more as a weight standard in a particle size range of 300 to 1000 µm. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11892 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1883/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CATALYST CARRIERS. (71) Name of Applicant SAINT-GOBAIN CERAMICS & PLASTICS, INC, (51)International classification:B 01 J 21/04 . B01 J 21/12 (31) Priority Document No.10/082,761. (32) Priority Date:25/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 1 New Bond Street, Box Number 15138, Worcester, MA 01615-0138 ,, USA. (33) Name of priority country:USA. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SZYMANSKI, Thomas. REMUS, Donald, J. LOCKEMEYER, John, R. YEATES, Randall, Clayton. GERDES, William, H. (57)Abstract The selectivity and activity of a silver-based olefin epoxidation catalyst is found to be a function of the pore size distribution in the alumina carrier on which it is deposited. Specifically it is found advantageous to provide a carrier which has a minimum of very large pores, ( greater than 10 micrometers) and a water absorption of 35 to 55% and a surface area of at least 1.0 m2 /g. A method of making such carriers is also described. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11893 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1882/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: INTEGRATED ENTRY AIR CUSHION MARINE VESSEL AND MARINE PLATFORM. (71) Name of Applicant DEMARCO, Peter, C. (51)International classification:B63B 1/38 (31) Priority Document No.10/057,123 (32) Priority Date:28/01/2002 Address of Applicant: 1912 S.W. Coconut Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 ,, USA. (33) Name of priority country:USA. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/US2003/001693 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DEMARCO, Peter, C. (57)Abstract A monohull marine platform (20) is provided which includes a plurality of bows (29,30,31) each having a flat lower keel (47) . A transverse stern seal (122) is connected to the bows using an inclined lift surface (128) and a pair of outboard seals (119,120)forming an air chamber. Pressurized ail is forced into the air chamber to form a pressurized air cushion (129) under the platfomr. Respective water flow channels (56,59) disposed between each pair of the plurality of bows diminish wave energy during operation. As the platform passes through the water, the platform utilizes a combination of flotation, pneumatic, and hydrodynamic for reduced resistance and drag. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11894 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1881/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CONTROL OF A UNIT FOR REPRODUCTION OF AN ACOUSTIC FIELD. (71) Name of Applicant BRUNO, Remy . LABORIE, Arnaud . MONTOYA, Sébastien . (51)International classification:H04S 3/00 (31) Priority Document No.02/02585 (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 23, avenue Eva Salmon, F-94400 Vitry Sur Seine , 24bis, rue Arago, F-94400 Vitry Sur Seine , 4, Rue Gaston Pinot, F-75019 Paris , FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country:FRANCE (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BRUNO, Rémy . LABORIE, Arnaud . MONTOYA, Sébastien . (57)Abstract Said method for control of a reproduction unit (2) for an acoustic field with a number of reproduction elements (31 to 3N) is characterised in comprising:- a step for establishing a finite number of coefficients representative of the temporal distribution and in the three spatial dimensions of said acoustic field, a step for determination of representative reconstruction filters for said reproduction unit (2) and at least the spatial configuration of said reproduction unit (2); a step for determination of at least one control signal (SC1 to SCN) for said elements (31 to 3N) by the application of said coefficients to said reconstruction filters and a step for providing said at least one control signal for application to said elements (31 to 3N) for generation of said acoustic field for reproduction. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11895 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1880/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CERAMIC PACKING ELEMENT. (71) Name of Applicant SAINT-GOBAIN CERAMICS & PLASTICS, INC, (51)International classification:B01D 53/50, B01J 19/30 (31) Priority Document No.10/087,564 . 10/136,478 . (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 . 01/05/2002 . Address of Applicant: One New Bond Street, Box number 15138, Worcester, MA 01615-0138 ,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA , USA. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): NIKNAFS, Hassan, S. MILLER, Robert, L. (57)Abstract The invention provides an improved ceramic packing element having the basic shape of a cylinder with an aspect ratio, defined by the diameter to length dimensions that is from 2.7 to 4.5. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11896 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1871/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARTUS FOR IMPLEMENTING A SELECTIVELY OPERABLE CLOCK BOOSTER FOR DDR. (71) Name of Applicant CELETRONIX USA,INC. CELETRONIX INTERNATIONAL, LTD. (51)International classification:G06F 19/00 (31) Priority Document No.10/371,736 . 60/360,036 . (32) Priority Date:20/02/2003 . 26/02/2002 . Address of Applicant: 2125 B Madera Drive, Simi Valey, CA 93065 ,, c/o Codan Services Ltd., Clarendon House, 2 Church Street--Box HM666, Hamilton HM CX,, USA . BERMUDA. (33) Name of priority country:USA , USA. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PEDDLE, Charles, I. (57)Abstract A method of fabricating a memory module according to one embodiment, a clock booster is mounted on a multi- layer circuit bard (101). The clock booster may be any apparatus that receives a clock input, and output one or more clock signals capable of driving a multiplicity of logic parts without clock distortion. In a preferred embodiment, a phase-locked loop circuit may be used as a clock booster. The test and patching (102) allows a fully-functional memory part adds, it is desirable to only connect the clock signal to those memory parts that are utilized. This may be accomplished using any number of switching mechanisms to connect or disconnect a clock signal to a memory part. In a preferred embodiment, a clock patching network may be used to selectively connect or disconnect outputs of a clock booster to the memory parts (103). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11897 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1852/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:19/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD FOR PRODUCING TOLUOL DERIVATIVES. (71) Name of Applicant BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, (51)International classification:B01J 23/755, C07C 1/22, C07C 41/18, C07C 43/205 (31) Priority Document No.102 02 837.0 (32) Priority Date:24/01/2002 Address of Applicant: 67056 Ludwigshafen ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/062174 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BOTTKE, Nils. FISCHER, Rolf-Hartmuth . NÖBEL, Thomas . RÖSCH, Markus. (57)Abstract The invention relates to a method for producing toluol derivatives of formula (I), in which R1, R2, and R3, independently of one another represent hydrogen, halogen, C1-C6 alkyl, hydroxyl or C1-C6 alkoxy. Said derivatives are produced by the hydrogenation of benzaldehydes and/or benzylalcohols of formula (II), IIa: X=CHO X=CH[OC1-C6 alkyl]2, IIb: X=CH2-OH X=CH2OC1-C6 alkyl with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst, which is defined in more detail in the description. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11898 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1851/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:19/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: BIODEGRADABLE FLEXOGRAPHIC INK. (71) Name of Applicant BIOMATERA INC. (51)International classification:C09D 11/10 (31) Priority Document No.60/350,347 (32) Priority Date:24/01/2002 Address of Applicant: 3760, rue Panet, Jonquière, Québec G7X 0E5 ,, CANADA. (33) Name of priority country:USA. (87) WIPO No. :WO 03/062334 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MASARO, Laurent . LAPOINTE, Patrick. JACQUES-GAYET, Jean-Charles. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a flexographic water based ink in which a biodegradable polymer, such a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), replaces conventional poorly or non-biodegradable organic polymeric resins for example. PHAs are used as a latex suspension in water, thus the present invention relates to a novel pigment/latex mixture. PHA in a latex form is a fluid vehicle in which all the other components necessary to provide a flexographic ink are added, i.e., pigments, wax and/or binder, as well as a solvent, if necessary. The PHAs are mainly responsible for the biodegradability of the flexographic water based ink. The present invention relates also a method to produce a flexographic water based composition with enhanced biodegradability properties. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11899 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1885/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:25/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MULTIPLE-INPUT, MULTIPLE- OUTPUT (MIMO) SYSTEMS WITH MULTIPLE TRANSMISSION MODES. (71) Name of Applicant QUALCOMM, INCORPORATED, (51)International classification:H04B 7/06, H04L 1/00, H04L 27/26 (31) Priority Document No.10/085,456 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121-1714 ,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA . (87) WIPO No. :WO03/073646 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MEDVEDEV, Irina. WALTON, Jay, R. WALLACE, Mark. (57)Abstract Techniques to transmit data on a number of transmission channels in a multi-channel communication system using multiple transmission schemes requiring less channel-state information (CSI). These schemes may include a partial- CSI transmission scheme that transmits a single data stream on each transmit antenna selected for use and a 'beam- forming' transmission scheme that allocates all transmit power to a single transmission channel having the best performance. Each transmission scheme may provide good or near-optimum performance for a specific range of operating conditions (or operating SNRs). These multiple transmission schemes may then be combined in a piece- wise fashion to form a 'multi-mode' transmission scheme that covers the full range of operating conditions supported by the MIMO system. The specific transmission scheme to be used for data transmission at any given moment would then be dependent on the specific operating condition experienced by the system at that moment. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11900 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1863/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT OF LIGHT-SENSITIVE BIOPOLYMERS. (71) Name of Applicant FLEXGEN TECHNOLOGIES B.V. (51)International classification:B01J 19/00 (31) Priority Document No.1020066 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Newtonweg 1, NL-2333 CP Leiden ,, NETHERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:NETHER LAND. (87) WIPO No. :WO03/072240 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): HEEMSKERK, Cornelis, Jacobus, Maria. DEN DUNNEN, Johannes, Theodorus. VAN BOOM, Jacobus, Hubertus. (57)Abstract An apparatus for treating light-sensitive biopolymers, comprising at least a light source, a process chamber suitable for receiving a substrate on which the biopolymers are placed for treatment with light from the light source, and an allocation member for directing the light from the light source to selected sites on the substrate. The allocation member comprises at least one motor-driven mirror, the mirror is mounted on a rotatable spool arranged between poles of a device generating a magnetic field, and that the allocation member has an adjustable source of electricity connected with the spool for controlling the orientation of the mirror. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11901 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1879/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CHANNEL QUALITY FEEDBACK FOR POWER CONTROL IN A CDMA SYSTEM (71) Name of Applicant QUALCOMM, INCORPORATED, (51)International classification:H04B 7/005, H04Q 7/32 (31) Priority Document No.10/084,019 (32) Priority Date:25/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 , U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA . (87) WIPO No. :WO03/073644 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): TIEDEMANN, Edward G., Jr. LUNDBY, Stein A. (57)Abstract Method and apparatus for providing link quality feedback to a transmitter (32, 34). In one embodiment, a periodic link quality message is transmitted on a gated channel, while continuous differential indicators are transmitted. Between quality messages, the differential indicators track the quality of the link. In one embodiment, a parity check is provided with the quality message. In another embodiment, the frequency of transmission for the quality messages is determined by the channel quality. When the receiver anticipates reception of a transmission, the quality messages are generated; else the quality messages are halted. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11902 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1878/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: N-{5-[4-(4-METHYL-PIPERAZINO- METHYL)--BENZOYLAMIDO]-2- METHYLPHENYL}-4-(3-PYRIDYL)-2- PYRIMIDINE-AMINE COATED STENTS. (71) Name of Applicant NOVARTIS AG , (51)International classification:A61K 31/502, A61L 29/16, A61L 31/16 (31) Priority Document No.60/360,254 (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Lichtstrasse 35, CH-4056 Basel ,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:USA . (87) WIPO No. : WO03/072159 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PRESCOTT, Margaret, Forney. FELDMAN, David, Louis . (57)Abstract The invention relates to the local administration of N-{5-[4-(4-methyl-piperazino-methyl)-benzoylamido]-2- methylphenyl}-4-(3-pyridyl)-2-pyrimidine-amine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or crystal form thereof, optionally in conjunction with one or more other active ingredients, and a device adapted for such local administration. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11903 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1877/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: FILM SUITABLE FOR FOOD PACKAGING. (71) Name of Applicant DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (51)International classification:A23L 3/3418, C08J 5/18, C08K 7/22, C08K 7/24, C08K 7/26, C08K 7/28 (31) Priority Document No.60/360,447 . 60/368,306 . (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 . 28/03/2002 . Address of Applicant: Washington Street, 1790 Building, Midland, MI 48674 ,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:USA , USA. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/US2003/005497 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MARTIN, Jill, M. (57)Abstract Controlled permeability films are described that comprise at least on film-forming polymer and an inert, nonporous filler material having an average particle size such that the ratio of the average particle size of the filler to the film thickness is 0.67 to 0.99. Packages comprising such a controlled permeability film, and methods for making the film and using it to improve the storage life of a perishable article are also described. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11904 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1876/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: INDANES AND INDANONES AND THEIR USE IN PERFUMERY. (71) Name of Applicant GIVAUDAN SA, (51)International classification:A61K 7/46, C07C 43/174, C07C 43/188, C07C 69/757, C11B 9/00 (31) Priority Document No.02004585.2 (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Chemin de la Parfumerie 5 CH-1214 Vernier ,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/CH2003/000065 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): FLACHSMANN, Felix. (57)Abstract Use of compounds of the formula (1) as flavour or fragrance ingredients. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11905 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1874/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS FOR PREPARING A PHENYLALANINE DERIVATIVE AND INTERMEDIATES THEREOF. (71) Name of Applicant TANABE SEIYAKU CO., LTD. (51)International classification:C07C 231/02, C07C 233/87, C07F 5/02 (31) Priority Document No.2002-052605 (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 2-10, Dosho-machi 3-chome, Chuo-ku Osaka- shi, Osaka 541-8505 ,, JAPAN. (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/072536 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): INOUE, Isao . KURODA, Toru. YOSHIOKA, Ryuzo. (57)Abstract The present invention provides a process for preparing a novel phenylalanine derivative of the formula (I): wherein X1 is a halogen atom, X2 is a halogen atom, Q is a group of the formula -CH2- or -(CH2)2- and Y is a lower alkyl group, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, which has excellent inhibitory effects on &agr;4 integrin- mediated cell adhesion, and an intermediate useful in the process. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11906 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1884/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:24/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SUBSTITUTED 3-PHENYL-5-ALKOXY- 1,3,4-OXADIAZOL-2-ONES, THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND THEIR USE IN MEDICAMENTS. (71) Name of Applicant AVENTIS PHARMA DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, (51)International classification:A61K 31/4245, A61P 3/04, C07D 271/113 (31) Priority Document No.102 08 987.6 (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Brüningstrasse 50,D 65929 Frankfurt am Main,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : WO03/07555 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SCHOENAFINGER, Karl. PETRY, Stefan. MÜLLER, Günter. BAUER, Armin. HEUER, Hubert, Otto. (57)Abstract The invention relates to substituted 3-phenyl-5-alkoxy-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-ones, of general formula (I), wherein R1 represents C7-C22 alkyl, C2-C4 alkyl that is substituted by C4-C20 alkoxy, C6-C10 aryl, C6-C10 aryloxy or C4- C12-alkoxy-C2-C4-alkoxy, and represents C7-C20 alkenyl, 3b-cholestan-3-yl or substituted phenyl; R2, R3, R4 and R5 represent hydrogen, halogen, nitro, C1-C4 alkyl, C1-C9 alkyloxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or C6-C10- aryl-C1-C4-alkyloxy, C6-C10 aryloxy, C6-C10 aryl, C3-C8 cycloalkyl or O-C3-C8-cycloalkyl, whereby all of these can be substituted. The invention also relates to methods for producing these compounds. The compounds of formula (I) have an inhibiting effect on the pancreatic lipase and can be used as active substances for treating obesity. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11907 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1860/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ELECTRIC SEPARATOR, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF. (71) Name of Applicant CREAVIS GESELLSCHAFT FUR TECHNOLOGIE UND INNOVATION MBH, (51)International classification:H01M 2/16 (31) Priority Document No.102 08 277.4 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Paul-Baumann-Strasse 1, D-45772 Marl , GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/073534 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): HENNIGE, Volker. HYING, Christian . HÖRPEL, Gerhard. (57)Abstract The invention relates to electric separators and to a method for producing the same. An electric separator is a separator that is used in batteries and other systems in which electrodes have to be separated from one other while, e.g., maintaining their ionic conductivity. The separator is preferably a thin, porous, insulating material that has a high ionic permeability, good mechanical strength and long-term resistance to the chemicals and solvents used in the system, e.g., in the electrolyte of the battery. The aim of the invention is to provide a separator that completely insulates the cathode from the anode in batteries, that is permanently elastic and that follows the movements in the system, e.g., in the electrode stack during charge and discharge. This aim is achieved by providing the inventive electric separator which comprises a planar, flexible substrate that has a plurality of openings and that further comprises a coating on and in said substrate. The substrate is a polymer nonwoven and the coating is a porous, electrically insulating, ceramic coating. The separator is characterized by having a thickness of less than 80 µm. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11908 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1861/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORM AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF. (71) Name of Applicant ROHM GMBH & Co. KG, (51)International classification:A61K 9/32, A61K 9/52, C08F 220/18 (31) Priority Document No.102 08 335.5 (32) Priority Date:27/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Kirschenallee, D-64293 Darmstadt ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/072087 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PETEREIT, Hans-Ulrich . SÜFKE, Thomas . MEIER, Christian . SCHNABEL, Michael . BLESING, Ingrid. GRIMM, Stefan. (57)Abstract The invention relates to a method for producing a pharmaceutical dosage form as tablets, pellets and/or in the form of an active ingredient-containing matrix, whereby the tablets, pellets and/or active ingredient-containing matrix contain a pharmaceutical active ingredient and a copolymer serving as a coating agent and/or binding agent, and optionally contain a core and pharmaceutically common additives. According to the invention, the copolymer, the pharmaceutical active ingredient, the optionally present core and/or the pharmaceutically common additives are processed using known techniques by melting, injection molding, extrusion, wet granulation, casting, dipping, spreading out, spraying on, or pressing to form tablets, pellets and/or an active ingredient-containing matrix. The inventive method is characterized in that a copolymer is used that consists of 20 to 34 wt. % methacrylic acid, 20 to 69 wt. % methylacrylate and 0 to 40 wt. % ethylacrylate and, optionally, of 0 to 10 wt. % of additional vinylically copolymerizable monomers with the provision that the glass transition temperature of the copolymer is no higher than 60 C according to ISO 11357-2, Item 3.3.3. The invention also relates to the pharmaceutical dosage form produced according to this method, said copolymer and the use thereof. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11909 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1859/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD FOR DETECTION OF LEPTIN RECEPTOR LIGANDS. (71) Name of Applicant AVENTIS PHARMA S.A., I.N.S.E.R.M. , C.N.R.S. . (51)International classification:C07K 14/715, C12N 15/62, G01N 33/50 (31) Priority Document No.02/02431 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 20, avenue Raymond Aron, F-92165 Antony Cedex 101 rue de Tolbiac, F-75654 PARIS CEDEX 13 ., 3 rue Michel Ange, F-75794 PARIS CEDEX 16., FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country:FRANCE (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/072787 A2 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): JOCKERS, Ralf. COUTURIER, Cyril. (57)Abstract The invention relates to a method for detection of leptin receptor ligands as a function of the transfer of energy between fusion proteins comprising leptin receptors and energy-donor and -acceptor proteins. The invention further relates to fusion proteins for application in said method. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11910 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1858/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: REACTOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING PHOSGENE. (71) Name of Applicant BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT , (51)International classification:B01J 12/00, B01J 19/00, B01J 8/00, B01J 8/06, C01B 31/28 (31) Priority Document No.102 08 398.3 (32) Priority Date:27/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 67056 Ludwigshafen ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/001372 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): OLBERT, Gerhard . MATTKE, Torsten. VANDERWAEREN, Luc . NEVEJANS, Filip . HAMMENECKER, Jan. (57)Abstract The invention relates to a reactor (1) for producing phosgene involving the gas-phase reaction of carbon monoxide and chlorine in the presence of a fixed-bed catalyst. The inventive reactor comprises a bundle of parallel contact tubes (2), which extend in the longitudinal direction of the reactor and whose ends are fixed in tube bases (3), and the reactor (1) has a cap (4) at both ends thereof. The reactor also comprises baffle plates (6), which are placed in the space between the contact tubes (2) while extending perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the reactor and which do not obstruct passage openings (7) on the reactor inner wall, said passage openings being located opposite one another in an alternating manner. The contact tubes (2) are filled with the fixed-bed catalyst, the gaseous reaction mixture is guided from one reactor end while passing through a cap (4) and the contact tubes (2), and is withdrawn from the opposite reactor end while passing through the second cap (4). A liquid heat exchange medium is guided through the space (5) between the contact tubes (2), and the reactor (1) is free from tubes in the area of the passage openings (7). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11911 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1857/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: APPARATUS FOR READING INFORMATION, SUPPORTING MEANS FOR USE IN THE APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ROTATING A DATA CARRIER. (71) Name of Applicant KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. (51)International classification:G11B 7/00 (31) Priority Document No.PCT/SG02/00040 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Groenewoudseweg 1, NL-5621 BA Eindhoven,, NETHERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SINGAPORE. (87) WIPO No. : WO03/073418 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): YAK, Aik, S. PUSHPAKATH, Madan. (57)Abstract Disclosed is an apparatus for reading information recorded on th e track of a data carrier (1). The apparatus comprises rotating means (2) for supporting and rotating the data carrier (1) around an axis of rotation (3). The rotating means (2) comprises a turntable (21) and a motor (23) for rotating the turntable (21). The apparatus according to the invention is able to suppress a wobble introduced by the data carrier (1) when rotated. This is done by a flexible part (24) in the rotating means(2). In an embodiment the supporting surface of the turntable (21) comprises the flexible part (24). This allows the data carrier (1) to tilt in radial and tangential direction. The centrifugal forces, which are present when rotation the data carrier (1), are able to level the data carrier (1), thus reducing the wobble. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11912 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1856/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: GRANULATION PROCESS. (71) Name of Applicant METCON MEDICIN AB , (51)International classification:A61J 3/00, A61K 31/718, A61K 47/38, A61K 9/16 (31) Priority Document No.0200539-5 (32) Priority Date:25/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Dalenum 7, S-181 70 Lidingö,, SWEDEN. (33) Name of priority country:SWEDEN . (87) WIPO No. :PCT/SE2003/000299 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): HANSSON, Henri. LINDNER-OLSSON, Elisabeth . (57)Abstract A process for the manufacture of a corn starch granulate possessing resistance to enzymatic degradation upon oral administration, comprising the steps a) granulating native corn starch by cautions mixing of a granulation fluid comprising methyl cellulose or ethyl cellulose as a binder, ethanol or water as a solvent, corn starch and a sweetener b) subjecting the granulated material resulting from step a) to wet sieving c) drying the granulate obtained in step b) at a temperature less than about 55 C to avoid gelatinization of the corn starch and d) sizing the dried granulate from step c) by dry sieving. A corn starch granulate and a corn starch granulate tablet. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11913 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1854/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:19/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: REFRACTORY PROTECTED, REPLACEABLE INSERT FOR A GASIFIER. (71) Name of Applicant TEXACO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION , (51)International classification:C10J 3/00 (31) Priority Document No.60/351,070 (32) Priority Date:23/01/2002 Address of Applicant: 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 2324 ,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:U.S.A (87) WIPO No. :PCT/US2003/001486 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): GROEN, John, Corwyn. WINTER, John, D. (57)Abstract A replaceable insert for a gasifier (10) includes a replaceable floor edge insert (62) formed with mating profile (76), complementary to mating profile (94) of the gasifier floor (60). The geometry of both mating profiles (76, 94) permits removable engagement between the floor edge insert (62) and the gasifier floor (60). The floor edge insert (62) is protected by a ring-like arrangement of hanging refractory bricks (66), each including an appendage (150). Each brick appendage (150) covers a portion of the inner radial edge (70) of the floor edge insert (62) and an upper surface portion (42) of an underlying quench ring (40). A refractory ceramic fiber paper (154) can be provided between the hanging brick (66) and the floor edge insert (62) and the quench ring (40). Also, a refractory ceramic fiber rope (156) can be provided at the inner radial edge (70) of the floor edge insert (62) upon the upper surface (42) of the quench ring (40), and overlaid by the appendage (150). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11914 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1870/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PREPARATION OF COATED CATALYSTS. (71) Name of Applicant BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, (51)International classification:B01J 23/40, B01J 37/02 (31) Priority Document No.102 08 113.1 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: D- 67056 Ludwigshafen ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/001892 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): VANOPPEN, Dominic. (57)Abstract Coated catalysts which comprise at least one catalytically active metal on an inorganic or carbon support are prepared by mixing a solid, preferably vaporizable, precursor material of the at least one catalytically active metal with the inorganic support and heating the mixture obtained in this way with further mixing until no more separate solid precursor material is present, preferably to a temperature at which the precursor material vaporizes. Such coated catalysts may in particular be used in hydrogenations. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11915 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1869/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: IMPROVED PATCHING METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR FABRICATING MEMORY MODULES. (71) Name of Applicant CELETRONIX USA ,INC . CELETRONIX INTERNATIONAL, LTD. (51)International classification:G01R 31/26, G11C 29/00, H01L 21/66 (31) Priority Document No.60/360,036 . 10/371,663 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 . 20/02/2003 Address of Applicant: 2125 B Madera Road, Simi DRIVE, CA 93065 ,, c/o Codan Services Ltd., Clarendon House, 2 Church Street--Box HM666, Hamilton HM CX ,, USA . BERMUDA. (33) Name of priority country:USA , USA. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/US2003/005672 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PEDDLE, Charles, I. (57)Abstract A method and apparatus for building a memory module using improved patching schemes comprises, mounting multiple primary and secondary memory parts on a mufti-layer circuit board (111), positioning I/O bit line patching networks adjacent to the primary and secondary memory parts (112), matching read/write control signals for primary and secondary memory parts which share I/O bit line patching networks (113), testing primary and secondary memory parts to identify non-operable I/O lines (114), and patching any non-operable I/O line of a primary memory part by replacing it with a fully operable I/O line of its associated backup memory part (115). The method and apparatus include mufti-layer circuit boards which utilize 2-to 1, 4-to-1, and 8-to-1 patching configurations. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11916 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1868/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR FABRICATING CHIP-ON-BOARD MODULES. (71) Name of Applicant CELETRONIX INTERNATIONAL, LTD. (51)International classification:G06F 19/00 (31) Priority Document No.60/360,036 (32) Priority Date:26/02/2002 Address of Applicant: c/o Codan Services Ltd., Clarendon House, 2 Church Street--Box HM666, Hamilton HM CX ,, BERMUDA. (33) Name of priority country:U.S.A (87) WIPO No. :PCT/US2003/005846 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PEDDLE, Charles, I. (57)Abstract A method of assembling a Chip-on-Board memory module as shown in Fig. 1, the method may be divided into several area or steps, mounting (step 100), patching (step 110), testing (step 120), and covering (step 130). During mounting (step 100), preferably, at least one unpackaged chip is mounted on a printing circuit board. In some embodiments, a selectively settable material may used to mount unpackaged memory parts. When mounting die on PC (step 101), a ring of selectively settable material is preferably used to surround the die and hold the die in place. Once mounted the alignment of each unpackaged chip may be adjusted (step 102), after which the ring selectively settable material disposed around the chip is cured or hardened (step 103). The hardened ring around each die keeps the die in place. In some embodiments, the ring is higher than the die it surround to facilitate the addition of bond wires. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11917 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1867/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DEVICE FOR THE CONTINUOUS GRAVIMETRIC METERING AND PNEUMATIC CONVEYING OF POURABLE MATERIAL. (71) Name of Applicant PFISTER GMBH , (51)International classification:B65G 53/46, G01G 11/08, G01G 13/02 (31) Priority Document No.202 01 092.9 (32) Priority Date:24/01/2002 Address of Applicant: Stätzlinger Strasse 70, 86165 Augsburg ,, GERMANY. (33) Name of priority country:GERMANY. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/000734 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): HÄFNER, Hans, Wilhelm. WOLFSCHAFFNER, Hubert. (57)Abstract Disclosed is a device for the continuous gravimetric metering and pneumatic conveying of pourable material which is conveyed across a given distance by a metering rotor (1) which is arranged in a pressure-proof manner in a housing (2) and is provided with conveying pockets (1a). Said housing (2) comprises a charging station and a discharging station for the pourable material, which are connected to the inlet/outlet (4, 5) of a pneumatic conveyor system. The housing (2) is connected to a force metering device which detects the momentary load generated on the metering rotor (1) by the conveyed material. The inlet and outlet of the pneumatic conveyor system are connected to the bottom of the housing (2). In order to build the inventive device in a compact manner while reducing the assembly requirements and improving flow guidance, the flow from the inlet (4) to the outlet (5) is deflected within the upper area of the housing (2). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11918 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1830/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:17/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR EMULATING A MOBILE DEVICE. (71) Name of Applicant QUALCOMM, INCORPORATED, (51)International classification:G06F 3/14 (2006.01), H04M 1/725 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.10/080,952 (32) Priority Date:21/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 , U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:U.S.A (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/073412 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): KHAZAKA, Samir. (57)Abstract A system for providing a user interface (400) for an application running on a communications device is disclosed. The system may include a host device configured to exchange user input and display information to a display, and may be coupled to a communication device through a transport link. The host device may be configured to download an application from the host device to the communication device; provide a user interface (400) for the application on the host device; and execute the application on the communication device. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11919 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1828/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:17/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DIFFRACTOMETER AND METHOD FOR DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS. (71) Name of Applicant XRD-TOOLS S.R.L. (51)International classification:G01N 23/20 (2006.01), G01N 23/207 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.MI02A000097 (32) Priority Date:21/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Via Giuntini 25, Int. 9, Fraz. Navacchio, I- 56021 Cascina ,, ITALY. (33) Name of priority country:ITALY. (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/060498 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BERTI, Giovanni . (57)Abstract Diffractometer and method for diffraction analysis making use of two Euler cradles, a primary and a secondary Euler cradle. The primary Euler cradle supports a source of a radiation beam, having a collimation axis, and a radiation beam detector, having a reception axis, said collimation and reception axis, conveying in a centre of the diffractometer which is fixed with respect to the primary Euler cradle. The source and detector are adapted to move along the primary Euler cradle. The secondary Euler cradle supports the primary Euler cradle and is arranged to rotate the latter. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11920 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1829/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:17/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SHUFFLE DEVICE AND CENTRAL CONTROL DEVICE PROVIDED WITH THE SHUFFLE DEVICE. (71) Name of Applicant KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. (51)International classification:G11B 27/00 (2006.01), G11B 27/10 (2006.01), G11B 27/11 (2006.01), G11B 27/34 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.02075683.9 (32) Priority Date:20/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Groenewoudseweg 1, NL-5621 BA Eindhoven , NETHERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/071544 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): AARTS, Ronaldus, M. (57)Abstract A shuffle device (5) for players with different types of storage medium such as CD (1), DVD (2), hard disk drive (3) or random access memory (4). The shuffle device (5) is provided in a particular central control device (7) such as a remote control, a hand-held computer, a personal digital assistant or palmtop that is valuable for all the players of the (home) system. As the shuffle device (5) comprising hardware and software is needed only once and can be used for different players, the cost of each player is reduced. Meta data that are downloaded from the Internet, derived from a smart card, added by means of a voice-to-text-converter or typed in by the user can be displayed on the central control system (7). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11921 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1826/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:16/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DYNAMIC CHANNEL CONFIGURATION IN A CELLULAR RADIO NETWORK. (71) Name of Applicant QUALCOMM, INCORPORATED , (51)International classification:H04B 1/707 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.10/081,596 (32) Priority Date:20/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 ,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:U.S.A (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/071707 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): WILLENEGGER, Serge. (57)Abstract Method and apparatus for determining a transmission configuration for a dedicated channel in a wireless communication system. In one embodiment, an optimum configuration is determined based on minimizing Peak-to- Average Ratio (PAR) of the channel. The configuration is defined as a transmission pair of transmission branch and spreading code. The transmission branch may be the In-Phase (I) branch or the Quadrature (Q) branch. PAR analysis may be performed off-line to determine the optimum configuration. In operation, if the spreading code of the optimum configuration is used by another channel, the next best optimum code is used. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11922 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1873/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHODS FOR MULTIPLE PARAMETER SCREENING AND EVOLUTION OF CELLS TO PRODUCE SMALL MOLECULES WITH MULTIPLE FUNCTIONALITIES. (71) Name of Applicant EVOLVA LTD , (51)International classification:C12N 15/10 (2006.01), C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.PA 2002 01174 . PCT/DK02/00057 . (32) Priority Date:01/08/2002 . 25/01/2002 Address of Applicant: Hangmattstasse 6, 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland (33) Name of priority country:DENMARK , DENMARK (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/062419 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): GOLDSMITH, Neil . NIELSEN, Soeren, V., S. SOERENSEN, Alexandra, M., P., Santana . NIELSEN, Curt, Aimé, Friis. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to the field of selecting cells producing compounds that fulfil at least 2 predetermined functionalities. The invention primarily focuses on methods for screening of cells for two or more functionalities related to small molecules generated by host cells with novel gene assemblies. The methods in one aspect of the invention are combined with methods for evolution of cells to acquire at least two predetermined functionalities related to small molecules. Furthermore, the invention relates to methods for generation of lead compounds that are selected for a primary function and at least one further secondary function. The methods according to the invention may in particular be used in high troughput screening. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11923 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1872/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: 5-PHENYLTHIAZOLE DERIVATIVES AND USE AS PI3 KINASE INHIBITORS. (71) Name of Applicant NOVARTIS AG, (51)International classification:C07D 277/46 (2006.01), C07D 277/48 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.0204765.2 . 0229626.7 (32) Priority Date:28/02/2002 . 19/12/2002 Address of Applicant: Lichtstrasse 35, CH-4056 Basel ,, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:U.K , U.K. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/002036 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BRUCE, Ian . BLOOMFIELD, Graham, Charles . FINAN, Peter . HAYLER, Judy . LEBLANC, Catherine . KIRMAN, Louise MCCARTHY, Clive . OZA, Mrinalini, Sachin . WHITEHEAD, Lewis . SHUKLA, Lena PRESS, Nicola, Elaine . (57)Abstract Compounds of Formula I in free or salt form, wherein R1,R2,R3,R4, and R5, have the meanings as indicated in the specification, are useful for treating diseases mediated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Pharmaceutical compositions that contain the compounds and processes for preparing the compounds are also described. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11924 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1841/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:18/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ANTI-AB ANTIBODIES AND THEIR USE. (71) Name of Applicant F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG . MORPHOSYS AG . (51)International classification:A61K 39/00 (2006.01), C07K 14/47 (2006.01), C07K 16/18 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.02003844.4 (32) Priority Date:20/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Grenzacherstrasse 124, CH-4070 Basel ,, Lena-Christ-Strasse 48, 82152 Martinsried ,, SWITZERLAND . GERMANY . (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/001759 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BARDROFF, Michael . LOETSCHER, Hansruedi . BOHRMANN, Bernd . NORDSTEDT, Christer. BROCKHAUS, Manfred . ROTHE, Christine. HUBER, Walter . KRETZSCHMAR, Titus . LÖHNING, Corinna . (57)Abstract The present invention relates to antibody molecules capable of specifically recognizing two regions of the R-A4 peptide, wherein the first region comprises the amino acid sequence AEFRHDSGY as shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 or a fragment thereof and wherein the second region comprises the amino acid sequence VHHQKLVFFAEDVG as shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 or a fragment thereof. Furthermore, nucleic acid molecules encoding the inventive antibody molecules and vectors and hosts comprising said nucleic acid molecules are disclosed. In addition, the present invention provides for compositions, preferably pharmaceutical or diagnostic compositions, comprising the compounds of the invention as well as for specific uses of the antibody molecules, nucleic acid molecules, vectors or hosts of the invention. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11925 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1842/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:18/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD OF DRYING BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERS. (71) Name of Applicant BIOMATERA INC. (51)International classification:C08B 11/20 (2006.01), C08B 3/22 (2006.01), C08B 30/06 (2006.01), C08B 30/08 (2006.01), C08B 5/04 (2006.01), C08G 63/06 (2006.01), C08G 63/08 (2006.01), C08G 63/90 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.60/349,430 (32) Priority Date:22/01/2002 Address of Applicant: 3760, rue Panet, Jonquière, Québec G7X 0E5 ,, CANADA. (33) Name of priority country:U.S.A (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/062438 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BOILY, Sabin . GAUDET, Julie . BLOUIN, Marco. MASARO, Laurent . LAPOINTE, Patrick . (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a process for reducing the solvent content from a biodegradable polymer in a composition or a preparation. The process comprises drying the biopolymer composition by submitting it to microwaves for a time to achieve removal of the solvent at desired levels. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11926 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1817/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:16/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DISK CARTRIDGE . (71) Name of Applicant SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD . MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (51)International classification:G11B 23/03 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.10-2002- 0009087 (32) Priority Date:20/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 416, Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 442-742 ,, 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571- 8501 ,, KOREA , JAPAN . (33) Name of priority country:KOREA. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/KR2003/000289 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): EUM, Jae-Yong . YOSHITO, Saji . YIM, Hong-Kyun . LEE, Yong-Hoon . CHOI, Han-Kook . CHUNG, Chong-Sam . TERUYUKI, Takizawa . (57)Abstract A disk cartridge includes a lower case having an opening hole, an upper case for accommodating a disk together with the lower case, a shutter for opening and shutting the opening hole, and a close covering member closely contacting a non&#8722;information area at an inner circumference of the disk when the shutter is closed and being separated from the non&#8722;information area at an inner circumference of the disk when the shutter is open. Thus, when the shutter is closed, intrusion of dust is prevented so that the possibility of the information area of the disk being contaminated is lowered. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11927 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1816/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:13/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: OPTICAL RECORDING MEDIUM AND PLAYBACK METHOD FOR THE SAME. (71) Name of Applicant KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. , MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. , SONY CORPORATION . (51)International classification:G11B 20/12 (2006.01), G11B 20/14 (2006.01), G11B 23/00 (2006.01), G11B 23/28 (2006.01), G11B 23/30 (2006.01), G11B 7/005 (2006.01), G11B 7/007 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.2002-40137 (32) Priority Date:18/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Groenewoudseweg 1, NL-5621 BA Eindhoven , 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571- 8501, 7-35, Kitashinagawa 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0001, NETHERLAND , JAPAN , JAPAN . (33) Name of priority country:JAPAN . (87) WIPO No. :PCT/JP2003/001367 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): ABE, Shinya . TANAKA, Shin-ichi . OGAWA, Hiroshi . HEEMSKERK, Jacobus, Petrus, Josephus . YAMAGAMI, Tamotsu . SCHEP, Cornelis, Marinus . (57)Abstract An optical disc or other optical recording medium enables reading barcode-shaped BCA marks in a burst cutting area (BCA) with tracking on while making tampering with the BCA marks difficult. The optical disc 100 has a first area 102 containing tracks at a first track pitch d2, and a second area 101 containing tracks at a second track pitch d1. The barcode-shaped marks 104 are recorded in the second area, and the second track pitch is wider than the first track pitch. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11928 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1838/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:18/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS OF ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS, IN PARTICULAR TEMOZOLOMIDE, PROCESSES OF MAKING AND USING THE SAME. (71) Name of Applicant SCHERING CORPORATION, (51)International classification:A61K 31/395 (2006.01), A61K 31/66 (2006.01), A61K 31/704 (2006.01), A61K 47/18 (2006.01), A61K 9/19 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.60/359,198 (32) Priority Date:22/02/2002 Address of Applicant: 2000 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ 07033-0530 ,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country:U.S.A (87) WIPO No. :PCT/US2003/005018 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): UGWU, Sydney. RADHAKRISHNAN, Vinay. IHNAT, Peter, M. WITCHEY-LAKSHMANAN, Leonore, C. (57)Abstract In its several embodiments, this invention discloses a pharmaceutical formulation comprising at least one antineoplastic agent or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and at least one dissolution enhancing agent sufficient to substantially dissolve said at least one antineoplastic agent in at least one aqueous diluent, wherein said dissolution enhancing agent is urea, L-histidine, L-threonine, L-asparagine, L-serine, L-glutamine or mixtures thereof; a lyophilized powder comprising said pharmaceutical formulation, and articles of manufacture thereof. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11929 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1839/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:18/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LEVODIONE. (71) Name of Applicant DSM IP ASSETS B.V. (51)International classification:C12P 7/26 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.020 03 968.1 (32) Priority Date:22/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Het Overloon 1, NL-6411 TE Heerlen ,, NETHERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/001537 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SHIMIZU, Sakayu. WADA, Masaru . (57)Abstract An enone reductase characterized by a molecular mass of 61,300 ± 5,000 Da; NADPH and NADH as co&#8722;factor; a temperature optimum of 55&#8722;60 C at pH 7.4; a pH optimum of 4.5&#8722;8.5 and a substrate specificity on ........&#8722;unsaturated ketones, especially derived from a yeast and a process for the preparation of levodione from ketoisophorane. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11930 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1840/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:18/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: KETONE PEROXIDE COMPOSITIONS. (71) Name of Applicant AKZO NOBEL N.V, (51)International classification:C07C 409/00 (2006.01), C07C 409/22 (2006.01), C07C 409/38 (2006.01), C08F 283/01 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.02075731.6 (32) Priority Date:22/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Velperweg 76, NL-6824 BM Arnhem ,, NETHERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/EP2003/001121 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DE VRIES, Bernhard . VAN SWIETEN, Andreas, Petrus . SYED, Ejaz, Ahmed . (57)Abstract The invention pertains to a composition of a ketone peroxide comprising a) a peroxide derivative of the formula HOO&#8722;C(R1)(R2)&#8722;OOH wherein R1 is a branched or unbranched alkyl group with 1 to 4 carbon atoms or alkenyl group with 2 to 4 carbon atoms; and R2 is a branched or unbranched alkyl or alkenyl group with 5 to 12 carbon atoms; and b) a branched or unbranched hydrocarbon solvent; the peroxide derivative of a) having a solubility more than 40 g in 100 g of the solvent of b) at 20 C; and comprises less than 10 wt.% of a peroxide derivative of the formula HOO&#8722;C(R1)(R2)&#8722;OO&#8722;C(R1)(R2)&#8722;OOH, wherein R1 and R2 have the previously given meanings. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11931 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1843/CHENP/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:18/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ENONE REDUCTASE. (71) Name of Applicant DSM IP ASSETS B.V. (51)International classification:C12N 9/02 (2006.01), C12P 7/26 (2006.01) (31) Priority Document No.02003967.3 (32) Priority Date:22/02/2002 Address of Applicant: Het Overloon 1, 6411 TE Heerlen ,, NETHERLAND . (33) Name of priority country:EUROPE. (87) WIPO No. : WO 03/070924 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): KATAOKA, Michihiko . SHIMIZU, Sakayu . (57)Abstract An isolated enone reductase characterized by a molecular mass of 61300 +/- 5000 Da; NADPH and NADH as co&#8722;factor; a temperature optimum of 55&#8722;60 C at pH 7.4;a pH optimum of 4.5&#8722;8.5 and substrate specificity on ......&#8722;unsatured ketones; a process for producing it from a microorganism and a process for producing levodione from ketoisophorone using such reductase. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11932 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 374/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:23/04/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ENERGY SAVING DEVICE FOR HOME REFRIGERATOR (71) Name of Applicant STEPHAN CHALISSERY (51)International classification:F25D 17/00,H02J 3/28 (31) Priority Document No.P/251/2004 (32) Priority Date:21/04/2004 Address of Applicant: C/O MODERN MACHINE MANUFACTURERS, 37-B, INDUSTRIAL ESTATE,, OLLUR-680 306, THRISSUR, KERALA,, INDIA (33) Name of priority country:INDIA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): STEPHAN CHALISSERY (57)Abstract In this new electrical energy saving process an electronic timer is inserted between the electic supply main and the home refrigeration unit. The energy saving is effected by reducing the running time of the compressor unit used in the refrigerator.The specially designed electronic circuit functions as a timer. The timer actuates a relay. This relay actuates the compressor. The operating time of the compressor is controlled as per the special design of the electroniC circuit, which functions as a timer. Controlling the ‘off’ and ‘on’ interval timings by which the running time of the compressor ie reduced and thereby electrical energy used is partly saved. The compressor operatlng time is so adjusted that it will not have any adverse effect or quality of food materials normally stored. By reducing the running time of the life is prolonged. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11933 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 768/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:05/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: LINEAR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL ACTUATOR. (71) Name of Applicant DEPARTMENT OF SPACE,ISRO (51)International classification:H 02 K 7/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION(ISRO) HEADQUARTERS, AN INDIAN GOVERNMENT ORAGANIZATION,, ANTARIKSH BHAVAN, NEW B.E.L ROAD, BANGALORE-560 094,KARANATAKA,,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): BIJU PRASAD BHASKARAN NAIR. MUTHIAH THAYAPPAN. BIJAN BEHARI DAS. (57)Abstract The present invention provides a linear-electromechanical actuator, said actuator comprising a motor with a hollow rotor and a stator housed in a covered body, a bearing housing disposed on both the ends of the covered body, angular contact ball bearings operably disposed in said bearing housing, a rotatable ballscrew-nut lock- integrated with the rotor, said ballscrew-nut having an internal thread profile, a tubular screw-guide with internal key-ways with shock absorbing means axially extending from the covered body, a hollow and non-rotating ballscrew-shaft having a linear motion and with a threaded outer profile axially extending towards the screw-guide and terminating with a plurality of linearly movable ballscrew locking keys, said locking keys disposed in the key-ways of the screw-guide to convert the rotary motion of rotor into linear motion of the ballscrew-shaft, said ballscrew-nut and ballscrew-shaft are thread integrated to each other, a tubular linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) with a non-contacting probe, said LVDT disposed in said non-rotating ballscrew-shaft, said probe acting as a sensor is directly connected to the ballscrew- shaft to sense the linear movement of the ballscrew-shaft and to provide a corresponding alternate current (AC) voltage output to an external electronic control unit, and an attenuation card in functional communication with LVDT is mounted on the screw-guide to adjust the scale factor of the sensor. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11934 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 750/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:03/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A TEST EQUIPMENT FOR MISSILE. (71) Name of Applicant BHARAT DYNAMICS LIMITED, (51)International classification:F 41 A- 31/00 . F 42 B-35/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE,, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE,KANCANBAGH,, HYDERABAD-500 058,ANDHRA PRADESH,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): VERPULA NARAYANA. SREERAMAKAVACHAM SREENIVASA RAGHAVA SASTRY. MUPPIDI VINOD KUMAR. VISWANATHAN THIYAGARAJAN. PITTA MANIKYALA RAO. (57)Abstract The test equipment is used for checking the functioning of aerodynamically controlled, wire guided second- generation antitank guided missile. The test equipment is based on microprocessor design and state of the art technology and simple to operate as compared to previous systems. The result is indicated as GO / NOGO display on front panel. The equipment has inbuilt battery, charger, in built self-test facility. It is man portable and can be used in field conditions. The equipment operates in three modes and the testing is automatic. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11935 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 770/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:05/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A COMPOSITION FOR BREAKING FILTERCAKE DEPOSITS IN OIL WELLS AND A METHOD OF BREAKING THE SAME. (71) Name of Applicant SOFITECH N V, (51)International classification:C 09 K 7/02 . E 21 B 21/00,37/06. (31) Priority Document No.09/224,440 (32) Priority Date:31/12/1998 Address of Applicant: 140, B-1180,BRUSSELS,, BELGIUM,. (33) Name of priority country:USA. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): TIBBLES,RAYMOND. WIERENGA,ANTJE,M. PARLAR,MEHMET. VINOD,PALATHINKARA. CHANG,FRANK,F. FU,DIANKUI. DAVISON,MARK. MORRIS,ELIZABETH. (57)Abstract The Invention relates to novel fluids and techniques to optimize/ enhance the production of hydrocarbon from subterranean formations (e.g., "completion fluids"), in particular, fluids and techniques are disclosed and claimed which remove wellbore damage and near- wellbore damage in the form of coating formed from drilling and production-related operations ("filtercake"); the techniques can be applied either by themselves or in conjunction with other completion operations, such as gravel packing; preferred embodiments are chelating agent and enzyme systems in a viscoelastic surfactant (VES) matrix. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11936 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 543/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: EVOLVING A PRODUCE TO IDENTIFY STATUS OF HEALTH (HEALTHY OR NOT) OF PERSON FROM STUDY OF HEALTH LINE OF PALM. (71) Name of Applicant MS.DULLA SUJATHA, (51)International classification:G 0 F 19/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: MS.DULLA SUJATHA, D/O.DR.D.V.SUBBA RAO,,H.NO.2-2-647/182/B/6, SARADANAGAR,STREET NO.2, BAGH AMBERPET,,HYDERABAD-500 013,ANDHRA ARADESH,INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition toApplication No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional toApplcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MS.DULLA SUJATHA, (57)Abstract Study of lines of palm (palmistry) can be traced back to the very earliest., most enlightened forms of civilization. It has been practiced by the greatest minds in all those civilizations, minds that have left their mental philosophies and their monuments for us to marvel at.. India, China, Persia, Egypt, Rome -all in their study of mankind have placed the greatest store in their study of the hand. Palmistry is generally used for fortune telling But it is more than that. It is to help to .understand our own potentials and limitations, our talents and restrictions. So that we are better able to fulfill our destiny, perhaps to control it -- may be even to change it for better. This shows that palmistry is not utilized properly. This is mainly because that there is no simple procedure each individual can follow easily. Novelty of the present invention is to put the palmistry now into proper use. In this regard study of Health Line in the palm is taken up to evolve a simple procedure that can be followed easily by any individual in identifying status of health. The principle by which the present invention developed is that the markings i.e. lines in the palm have its specific purpose. The body has made all the arrangements by assigning various functions to different parts of the body coordinated by mind. But for effective functioning of this system, its proper maintenance is necessary. In order to achieve this, the physical and mental state of the system has to be known from time to time and this is indicated by the Lines (markings) in the palm. The marking of Health Line by varying its nature indicates status of health. This varying nature of Health Line is now developed in terms of a procedure that can be followed by any individual .Earlier workers have developed certain guide lines. According to them, the Line of Health begins under little finger and ~s down the palm towards the Line of Life.. Excellent sign should this line be absent. the Line of Health is present and as it grows across the hand and attacks Line of life, breshadows the development of illness which, at the date of its coming in contact with the Line of Life, will reach the climax of its attack. The Line of Health running straight down the hand not touching the Life Line indicates no bad health.. Larger the Great iangle formed by the Line of Health better will be the health, for the reasons that the ne of Health will be further removed from the Life Line. Island on Health Line is not lod sign. The right hand should look for the Health Line to know present status of health. The Line of Health is the thermometer of the life, showing its "rise and fall" as e case may be. This line looks deep and threatening during early years of life, yet completely fade away as good health the body possesses. Based on the above guide lines, 11m prints of 38 persons (females and males) covering all the age groups are examined both for right and left palm. Simple procedure is evolved now as follows: Examine right aIm for the Health Line .If Health Line is present, examine whether it meets Life Line and Great Triangle formed by it is larger or small. And also look for Island if present on [ealth Line. Complete absence of Health Line can be taken for robust health. Health Line ot meeting Life Line or great triangle formed large indicate better health. Great Triangle formed small and Island on Health Line are for relatively bad health. In all the above ases, health can be made better by improving their health habits. This improvement in heir health can be known from fading of Health Line itself. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11937 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 523/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR PREPARING NOVEL CRYSTALLINE FORM OF GATIFOXACIN (71) Name of Applicant M/S.MATRIX LABORATORIES LTD, (51)International classification:A 61 K 31/476 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: 1-1-151/1, IV FLOOR, SAIRAM TOWERS,, ALEXANDER ROAD, SECUNDERABAD-500003,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.CHAVA SATYANARAYANA, DR.GORANTLA SEETA RAM ANJANEYULU, MR.INDUKURI VENKATA SUNIL KUMAR. (57)Abstract The present invention relates to a process for purification of novel polymorphic form of Gatifloxacin which comprises dissolving Gatifloxacin in about 15 -50 volumes of methanol at reflux temperature, removing insolubles if any, cooling and maintaining the resultant clear solution to a temperature of about 10 C to -10 C, for about 30 min to 4 hrs followed by isolating and drying at temperature of about 45 to 65 C. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11938 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 762/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PERPETUAL CALENDARS PERSONALISED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS,PICTURES AND POSTCARDS. (71) Name of Applicant THANACODY GYANESHWAR RAMAN, (51)International classification:G 09 D 3/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: 45 RUE DES SOURCES,25600,VIEUX CHARMONT,, FRANCE. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): THANACODY GYANESHWAR RAMAN, (57)Abstract A perpetual calendar with provisions for inserting date and day sheets along with photographs/postcards/tourist brochures etc which gives rise to a very personalised calendar; wherein the said photographs, dates sheets etc are easily removable and the said photographs, brochures etc are insertable into sleeves or flaps provided for the same. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11939 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 545/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: NANOCIRCADIAN PACEMAKER. (71) Name of Applicant DR.AJITH KUMAR V.S, DR.ARUN KUMAR V.S. (51)International classification:A 61 N 1/362 ,/372. N 61 N 5/06 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: KUNNIL HOUSE, T.C 11/1266, Y.M.R. JUNCTION, NANTHENCODE P.O,, TRIVANDRUM-695 003,, KERALA,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.AJITH KUMAR V.S, DR.ARUN KUMAR V.S. (57)Abstract Nanocircadian Pacemaker is a new innovative pacemaker to used by paharmaceutical industries, hospitals, universities, research institutes & individuals. it uses a nano motor and a nanomechanical pump mechanism which induces the pineal gland and control and regulate the circadian activities. A Digital to Analogue & Analogue to Digital mode of transformation can be effectively made using advanced bionic sensors working on Nano Technology using Neural Networks & quantum algorithm. A quantum form alogrithm works as a specific neural network scheme and trace out numerious pattern of EEG form and isolate the most feasible sine wave coming out of it and it's sensed out and amplified. The second part comprises in studing the wave with the normal pineal wave & EEG waves so that a general pattern is sensed out, using the concept of relative rate of change of the wave the most feable change is traced out and amplified i.e, here we use a differential amplifier analogue circuit. The new innovative idea is based on a new platform search for wave rectification as well as its purification using an inbuild software using soliton and fractal funciton. We definitely hope to bringout the wave form which can be controlled by a mouse. We primarily focus on extraction of the Pineal wave form and then trying to induce it using software controlled mouse. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11940 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 798/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:11/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PHYSIODYNAMIC MULTIPLE CORE IMPLANTS. (PMCI) (71) Name of Applicant DR.DEEPAK NALLASWMY VEERAIYAN, (51)International classification:A 61 B 17/08 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: DR.DEEPAK NALLASWMY VEERAIYAN, S/O DR.N.M.VEERAIYAN,, SAVEETHA DENTAL COLLEGE & HOSPITALS,162 P.H.ROAD,, CHENNAI-600077, TAMIL NADU, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.DEEPAK NALLASWMY VEERAIYAN, (57)Abstract An innovative new implant design characterized with more than one cores interposed with flexible materials and fluids. The cores are capable of movement in relation to one another. The flexible material and fluids are associated with stress distribution, shock absorption and lubrication. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11941 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 706/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:20/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A NOVEL STABLE α 2 CRYSTAL FORM OF IMATINIB MESYLATE & PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION CONTAINING IT. (71) Name of Applicant NATCO PHARMA LIMITED, (51)International classification:C 07 D 401/04 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: NATCO HOUSE, ROAD NO-2,, BANJARA HILLS, HYDERABAD-500 033,, ANDHRA PRADESH,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.:105/CHE/2004 Filed on:11/02/2004 (72) Name of the Inventor(s): AMALA KOMPELLA. SRINIVASA RAO THUNGA THURTHI, ADIBHATLA KALI SATYA BHUJANGA RAO, RACHAKONDA SREENIVAS. VENKAIAH CHOWDARY NANNAPANENI, PODILI KHADGAPATHI. (57)Abstract This invention relates to a novel stable 2 crystal form of imatinib mesylate which is stable at room temperature. This invention also provides a pharmaceutical composition containing the novel stable alpha crystal modification useful for the treatment of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11942 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 686/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:15/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS TO PREVENT TOXICITY OF ANTIINFLAMMATORY AGENTS AND ENHANCE THEIR EFFICACY. (71) Name of Applicant DR.THOMAS THOMAS N, (51)International classification:A 61 K 31/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: 3457 SHORELINE CIR,PALM HARBOUR,FL 34684,, U.S.A. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DR.THOMAS THOMAS N, (57)Abstract Effects / of deprenyl or propargylamine compounds (MAD inhibitors) and novel compositions comprising at least one MAD inhibitor and at least one anti- inflammatory agent such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), steroids, acetaminophen (CDX-3 inhibitors), 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors, leukotriene receptor antagonists, leukotriene A 4 hydrolase inhibitors, antihistaminics, histamine 2 receptor antagonists, phosphodiesterase-4 antagonists, cytokine antagonists, CD44 antagonists, antineoplastic agents, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A inhibitors (Statins), estrogens androgens, antiplatelet agents, antidepressants, Helicobacter pylori inhibitors, proton pump inhibitors, thiazolidinediones, dual-action compounds, combinations of these drugs with other agents, derivatives and metabolites of synthetic and natural anti-inflammatory agents. The compounds and compositions protect against gastrointestinal, renal and other toxicities induced by anti- inflammatory agents, and enhance the beneficial effects of these drugs, Effects of MAD inhibitors such as l-deprenyl co-administered with anti- inflammatory drugs or chemically attached to anti-inflammatory drugs are disclosed. Therapeutic methods of using MAD inhibitors pain, fever, cancer, gastrointestinal lesion, and a variety of cardiac, cerebral and peripheral disorders are disclosed. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11943 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 764/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A NOVEL NUCLEIC ACID BASED STEGANOGRAPHY SYSTEM AND APPLICATION THEREOF. (71) Name of Applicant BIOWELL TECHNOLOGY INC, (51)International classification:C 12 Q 1/68 (31) Priority Document No.03127517.6 (32) Priority Date:06/08/2003 Address of Applicant: 18F, NO.959,CHUNG-CHENG ROAD, CHUNG-HO CITY,, TAIPEI COUNTRY,, TAIWAN 235,, CHINA. (33) Name of priority country:CHINA (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): LIANG,BENJAMIN. (57)Abstract Disclosed are nucleic acid based encryption technique and the corresponding decryption method. The encryption method comprises the steps of dividing an original nucleic acid sequence corresponding to a predefined message according to a predetermined cipher table into a plurality of fragmented nucleic acid sequences, ligating the fragmented nucleotide sequences with oligomers for sequence analysis and oligomers for sequence recognition. The corresponding decryption method comprises the steps of using the corresponding PCR primers and sequencing primers to determine the sequence information of the fragmented nucleotide sequences, combining with the information provided by oligomers for order arrangement to decode the original nucleotide sequence. This multiple encryption method can provide more security to a predefined message desired to keep confidential. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11944 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 800/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:13/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TAMPER EVIDENT MULTIPLE DOOR CLOSURE. (71) Name of Applicant J.L.CLARK,INC. (51)International classification:B 65 D 47/10 (31) Priority Document No.10/643,408 (32) Priority Date:19/08/2003 Address of Applicant: 923 23RD AVENUE,ROCKFORD,IL 61104,, USA. (33) Name of priority country:USA. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SOLOWIEJKO,GEORGE. (57)Abstract A server lid for a container with an integral tear strip tamper evident feature. A tear strip for the tamper evident feature is molded as an adjunct to a base member which forms the closure. The tear strip is joined to the base by at least one frangible web, and hinges about the frangible web to overlie front edges of one or more flaps formed in the server lid. Ultrasonic welds connect the overlying tear strip to the flaps or adjacent the flaps for providing a tamper evident feature. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11945 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 763/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: VENDING MACHINE. (71) Name of Applicant CHENNIAPPAN GOPALAKRISHNAN, (51)International classification:G 07 F- 11/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: NO.186,SECOND CROSS, 1ST BLOCK,KORAMANGALA,, BANGALORE-560 034,, KARANATAKA,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): CHENNIAPPAN GOPALAKRISHNAN, (57)Abstract Disclosed herein is a Vending Mchine for foods products including beverages,especially chilled/warm/normal products of any shape and size. The vending machine in which the package containing the merchandise to be dispensed need not be firm or of a definite shape. Further the vending machine is cost effective and easy to operate. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11946 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 761/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:04/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CONE CLUTCH FOR CONTINOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION. (71) Name of Applicant TVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED, (51)International classification:B 60 K - 23/02, F 16 H -61/14 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: JAYALAKSHMI ESTATES, NO-8, HADDOWS ROAD,, CHENNAI-600 006,, TAMIL NADU,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): MOHAN GANGADURAI. HARIKRISHNAN NAGARAJAN. (57)Abstract A cone clutch system for continuous variable transmission without smearing the belt of the said system, comprising a torque ramp for generating the necessary clamping force; a fixed half pulley mounted on a shaft, the torque ramp connecting a moveable half pulley and the said shaft; the belt being held between the said half pulleys at a diameter Da with clamping force Fa,characterized in that the movable half pulley is connected to the .fixed half pulley with relative axial movement alone, the ratio change taking place by the axial movement of the moveable half pulley with respect to the fixed half pulley, during which movement, the movable half pulley rotates relative to the said shaft due to the torque ramp, the fixed half pulley, during ratio change, also rotating with the movable half pulley relative to the said shaft . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11947 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 626/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:01/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: BREATHING ARRANGEMENT OF BRAKE CHAMBER OF A MOTOR VEHICLE. (71) Name of Applicant SUNDARAM CLAYTON LIMITED, (51)International classification:B 60 T 13/26 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: JAYALAKSHMI ESTATES, NO-8, HADDOWS ROAD,, CHENNAI-600 006,, TAMIL NADU,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SUNDARAMAHALINGAM SELVAMANI. NEON REGHUNADHAN. RAMALINGAM ANITHA. (57)Abstract This invention relates to the indirectional check valve used in brake actuators in the air brake system . In the conventional system the brake actuators are provided with breather holes to facilitate breathing of air as well as draining of water collected inside the chamber. As the breather holes are exposed to atmosphere, it leads to entry of dust and mud thereby leading to reduced life of internal components. The object of invention is to overcome the aforesaid problem. The solution resides in the indirectional check valve arrangement , which prevents dust, and mud water entry at the same facilitates breathing and draining of water. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11948 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 627/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:01/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ACTUATING MECHNISM FOR IC ENGINES. (71) Name of Applicant TVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED, (51)International classification:F 01 L- 13/08 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: JAYALAKSHMI ESTATES, NO-8, HADDOWS ROAD,, CHENNAI-600 006,, TAMIL NADU,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): DILIPKUMAR SHIVALING GUNJEGAONKAR. AJITH VENKATESWARA PAI. (57)Abstract An auto decompression actuating mechanism for an IC engine comprising a decomprision cam mounted on the kick shaft of the engine and driving a rocker lever one end of which is hinged to a bracket mounted on the engine cover; a flexible cable one end of which is connected to the other end of the rocker lever,the cable ,at tis other end,being connected to the decompression valve provided on the cylinder head of the engine,and a lever for operating the kick shaft. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11949 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 489/CHE/2004A (22) Date of filing of Application:28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A NOVEL PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AMORPHOUS FORM OF(+/-)-[[CYCLOHEXYLOXY) CARBONYL] OXY] ETHY1 2-ETHOXY-1-[[2'-(1H- TETRAZOL-5-Y1) [1,1'-BIPHENY1]-4-YL]METHY1]- 1H-BENZIMIDAZOLE-7-CARBOXYLATE. (71) Name of Applicant DR.REDDY'S LABORATORIES LIMITED, (51)International classification:A61 K31/41;31/4184 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: 7-1-27, AMEERPET,, HYDERABAD,500 016,, ANDHRA PRADESH,, INDIA. (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): NADIMPALLY SATYAVARAHALA RAJU, KOLIKONDA PURANDHAR, BAIRY KONDAL REDDY, LEKKALA AMARNATH REDDY, GOLLA CHINAMALA KONDAIAH, AKULA RAMULU. (57)Abstract: The present invention provides a novel process for the preparation of amorphous form of Candesartan and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. A process for the preparation of Candesartan Cilexetil amorphous form of the present invention comprises, a) Heating water to a temperatures of 45°C -50°C (optionally 0-10°C); b) Dissolving Candesartan Cilexetil in an aprotic polar solvents like Dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylformamide and tetrahydrofuran c) Addition of reaction solution of step (b) to the water of step (a) under stirring; d) Filtering the precipitated solid of step (c) by conventional methods; e) Washing the obtained solid from step (d) with water; f) Drying the solid of step (e) at the temperatures comprising preferably 35-55°C to afford stable amorphous form of Candesartan and salts thereof; Candesartan Cilexetil can be shown as Formula (I) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11950 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: 1058/CHE/2003A (22) Date of filing of Application:29/12/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: POLY PALLET CRATES FOR STORAGE (71) Name of Applicant PALANISAMY GOVINDASAMY, (51)International classification:B65 D 01/00 (31) Priority Document No. (32) Priority Date: Address of Applicant: 14, EAST ELLAI AMMAN KOIL STREET,, DR,RADHAKRISHNAN NAGAR, THIRUVOTTIYUR,, CHENNAI-600019, TAMIL NADU, INDIA (33) Name of priority country: (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): PALANISAMY GOVINDASAMY, (57)Abstract The invention relates to Crates for storage made of poly pallet replacing the conventional wooden Crates using LDPE Pipes reinforced with MS steel pipes by forming panels of requisite members on the requirement of width and length. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11951 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: IN/PCT/2001/1844/CHEA (22) Date of filing of Application: 31/12/2001 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: RING TRAVELER AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING IT (71) Name of Applicant BRACKER AG, (51)International classification:D 01 7/60 (31) Priority Document No.2000 0867/00 (32) Priority Date:03/05/2000 Address of Applicant: OBERMATTSTRASSE 65, CH-8330 PFAFFIKON, ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SWITZERLAND. (87) WIPO No. : (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): KAGI Jorg (57)Abstract The ring traveler (10) according to the invention has a noncoated core (20) which consists of iron material and which is provided with an, if appropriate, multipart nitrided edge layer (23; 24) at least in the region of the running surfaces (1) with which said core slides on a ring of a ring spinning or ring twisting machine. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11952 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: IN/PCT/2002/1731/CHEA (22) Date of filing of Application:22/10/2002 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD FOR THE HEAT TREATMENT OF BALES (71) Name of Applicant XORELLA AG (51)International classification:D01G 37/00 (31) Priority Document No.60/200,804 (32) Priority Date:01/05/2000 Address of Applicant: HARDSTRASSE 41, CH-5430 WETTINGEN, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:USA (87) WIPO No. :PCT/IB2001/000708 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): WANGER, Freddy (57)Abstract A heat treatment process for fiber feedstock, such as cotton in the baled form, comprises repeatedly subjecting the bale to a reduced pressure atmosphere followed by the introduction of steam which permeates the bale. The interior of the bale may ultimately reach a temperature of about 80 C, as measured at points MP1 to MP4, which conditions and sanitizes the cotton fibers. Reduced pressure in the range of 20-200 mbar and steam treatment time in the order of 5 minutes can be employed. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11953 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) APPLICATION No: IN/PCT/2002/1642/CHEA (22) Date of filing of Application:08/10/2002 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: NARROW FABRIC NEEDLE LOOM FOR PRODUCING A STRIP-SHAPED TISSUE, AND CORRESPONDING STRIP-SHAPED TISSUE (71) Name of Applicant TEXTILMA AG (51)International classification:D03D 35/00, D03D 47/02, D03D 47/42 (31) Priority Document No.722/00 (32) Priority Date:11/04/2000 Address of Applicant: Seestrasse 97 CH-6052 Hergiswil, SWITZERLAND. (33) Name of priority country:SWITZERLAND. (87) WIPO No. :PCT/CH2001/000227 (61) Patent of addition to Application No. : Filed on: (62) Divisional to Applcation No.: Filed on: (72) Name of the Inventor(s): SPEICH, Francisco STUDER, Walter (57)Abstract The invention relates to a narrow fabric needle loom, comprising a shedding device forming a shed, and a weft insertion needle (12) for at least one weft loop (14). A knitting needle (26) is provided on the discharge end (20) of the shed facing away from the feed end (18) of the weft insertion needle (12) and secures the weft loops (14) by meshing (22). A second knitting needle (36) that meshes (30) the loops is provided on the feed end (18) of the weft insertion needle (12). The knitting needles for the feed end (18) and the discharge end (20) are mounted so that they can be swiveled about the same rotational axis (47). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11954 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No. : 74/MUM/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 27/01/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TISSUE SYSTEM WITH SELF-REGENERATING PLURIPOTENT LIMBAL STEM CELLS, METHOD OF DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS THEREOF (51) International classification : A61F 9/013, 9/007 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No : and Filing Date : NIL NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to : Application No NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: RELIANCE LIFE SCIENCES PRIVIATE LIMITED Address of the Applicant: CHITRAKOOT, 2 ND FLOOR, GANPATRAO KADAM MARG, SHREE RAM MILLS COMPOUND, LOWER PAREL, MUMBAI – 400013, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. TOTEY SATISH MAHADEORAO 2. KASHYAP SUBHADRA DEVI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: YES (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to the tissue system with self-regenerating pluripotent limbal stem cells, comprising of large population of undifferentiated limbal stem cells amounting to more than 70% suitable for restoring ocular surface impairments particularly with severe limbal stem cells deficiency. The improved method of development of tissue system of present invention by selectively augmenting the pluripotent undifferentiated limbal stem cells obtained using specific technique for sorting and isolating pluripotent limbal stem cells on an appropriate tissue base in the presence of enriched culture medium assures of large amount of undifferentiated pluripotent limbal stems for effectively repopulating the impaired ocular surface. The present invention also provides the means for transportation of the tissue system to retain its viability during transportation so as to keep the tissue system transplantable. Drawing: 16 Sheets. Total Pages: 73 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11955 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No. : 106/MUM/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/01/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: NOVEL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR THE TREATMENT OF IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (51) International classification : A61K 31/19, 33/06, 33/26 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No : and Filing Date : NIL NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to : Application No NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LIMTIED Address of the Applicant: B/2, MAHALAXMI CHAMBERS, 22, BHULABHAI DESAI ROAD, POST BOX NO. 26511, MUMBAI – 400026, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. MUTHAIYYAN ESAKKI KANNAN 2. PREETHI BHUJANGA RAO 3. ANANDI KRISHNAN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: YES (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition including an active pharmaceutical ingredient for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia and related disorders. The active pharmaceutical ingredient is preferably carbonyl iron. The formulation of the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention ensures enhanced absorption of iron in its ferrous form. Also contemplated by the present invention are methods of making the pharmaceutical composition. Drawing: NIL Total Pages: 59 Fig. Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11956 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 1238/MUM/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 18/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS WITH COMPOUND IDLER REVERSE DRIVE MECHANISM FOR APPROPRIATE REVERSE SPEEDS (51) International classification : F 16 H 48/00 B 60 K 17/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No : and Filing Date : NIL NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to : Application No NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LTD. Address of the Applicant: GATEWAY BUILDING, APOLLO BUNDER, MUMBAI 400001. (72) Name of the Inventor: MR.NITIN SHATRUGHNA HIRLEKAR Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Compound idler reverse drive mechanism in the transmission system of a vehicle to achieve appropriate number of reverse speeds in a vehicle like tractor(s) or similar vehicle(s). provision of this mechanism helps in utilizing these vehicle(s) more effectively for non-agricultural operations with increase utility, operational productivity, operator’s safety & minimizes transmission system cost & size Drawing Sheets: NIL Total Pages: 14. Fig. Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11957 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 1277/MUM/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AN IMPROVED POSSESSION FOR CLEANING THE FILTER ASSEMBLY BY MAKING USE OF A ROD LESS CYLINDER, WIRE ROPE PULLEY AND PLC SOFTWARE. (51) International classification : B 21 D 29/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No : and Filing Date : NIL NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to : Application No NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MR.RAJKUMAR BUDHRAJA Address of the Applicant: PLOT NO.23, GOLANI COMPLEX, OPP.AGARWAL HOSPITAL, VALIV VASAI ROAD, VASAI (EAST), THANE-401208, MAHARASHTRA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MR.RAJKUMAR BUDHRAJ Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention makes use of a rod less cylinder, wire rope pulley and plc s oftware which regulates the up and down movement of the filter assembly. The filter assembly is therefore easily cleaned. The indication that the filter assembly is chocked up is easily provided by the sensors which form an integral part of the PLC software control. The present process eliminates the need for constant manual observation. Moreover the PLC software along with the red switches provided on the coater is able to determine the exact level to which the filter assembly can be brought down for cleaning. The present invention thus further eliminates the saves electricity as well as considerable manpower. The present invention is thus an effective method of cleaning the filter assembly. Drawing Sheets: NIL Total Pages: 05. Fig. Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11958 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 1278/MUM/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AN IMPROVED NOZZLE ASSEMBLY (51) International classification : B 05 B 1/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No : and Filing Date : NIL NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to : Application No NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MR.RAJKUMAR BUDHRAJA Address of the Applicant: PLOT NO.23, GOLANI COMPLEX, OPP.AGARWAL HOSPITAL, VALIV VASAI ROAD, VASAI (EAST), THANE-401208, MAHARASHTRA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MR.RAJKUMAR BUDHRAJA Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention on makes use of an improved nozzle assembly. It is an L shaped nozzle assembly which makes use of plc screen to indicate whether the nozzle assembly has got choked up. The nozzle assembly consists of an inner pipe which is used for the passage of the coating solution. The compressed air flows from the inner sides of the L shaped rod like nozzle assembly. The top circumference of the nozzle assembly is provided with one hole at the center of the axis for the nozzle assembly and three holes surrounding the center hole for passage of the compressed air. The improved nozzle assembly allows easy removal and fixing of the nozzle assembly which without detaching the remaining components of the coater and without disturbing the batching process in operation. Drawing: 01 Sheet. Total Pages: 19. Fig. Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11959 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 701/MUM/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 09/07/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ANTIDABETOGENIC EFFECT OF COMBINED HERBAL DRUG (51) International classification : A61K 31/195, 31/495, C07D 241/12 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No : and Filing Date : NIL NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to : Application No NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: CHAUHAN SHIVKUMAR DINDAYALSINGH Address of the Applicant: NEAR RAILWAY CABIN, NACHANKAR CHWAL, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. CHAUHAN SHIVKUMAR 2. DINDAYALSINGH Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: In the present invention, out of several endogenous hypoglycemic herbal preparation reported till date, nine promising herbals were carefully chosen as a cocktail drug for its efficacy against diabetic human and experimentally induced diabetic drug for its efficacy against diabetic human and experimentally induced diabetic rats. They were Eugenia jambolana seed (5%), Gymnema sylvestre leaves (15%), picrrhiza kurrooa root (5%), Pterocarpus mersupium bark (15%), swertia chirayata whole plant (15%), Trigonella foenum grareum seed (15%), Momordica charanits fruit (15%), Salacia chinensis root (5%) and Phallanthus embica fruit (10%). Due to the presence of cocktail of various active ingredients, this combined drug possess anatioxidant property, insulinomimetic potential, improvement in the deranged membrane characteristics like active ions transporters and receptor anomalies, improve metabolism of glucose, protein and lipid, help in the insulin secretion, liver & cardiac toner and glucose lowering capability. Drawing Sheets: NIL Total Pages: 06. Fig. Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11960 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1009/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 02/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED VOLTAGE TOLERANT PROTECTION CIRCUIT FOR INPUT BUFFERS (51) International classification : H03K19/003 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No. 2,3 & 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Nitin GUPTA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an improved voltage tolerant protection circuit for input buffer comprising a transmission gate circuit receiving input from the pad for passing the input signal to the input buffer, a control signal generator connected between said transmission gate circuit and the pad to provide a control signal for operating said transmission gate circuit, and an N-Well generation circuit connected between the pad and said transmission gate circuit, and also connected to said control signal generator for generating a bias signal for said transmission gate circuit and said control signal generator. Thus, the present invention provides a voltage tolerant protection circuit that prevents electrical strees on transistors, minimizes power supply consumption and transfers signals without any change in amplitude. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11961 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1015/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SELF-LOCKING CERVICAL FIXATION DEVICE. (51) International classification: A61F2/44 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date: NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : DR. RAVI DEV Address of Applicant :225, Rajendra Nagar, Lucknow- 226004 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : DR. RAVI DEV (57) Abstract : This invention titled as Self-locking Cervical Spine Fixation Device relates to a device for cervical spine inter-body fixation through anterior surgical approach. Traditional locking devices need small locking screws in addition to bone screws. In the present invention device comprises of a cervical plate with threaded holes, and the self-locking screws with threaded head. Self-locking screws fixes the plate with the vertebral body and bone graft. When screw is passed into the bone through the hole; threads on the outer surface of the head locks with the corresponding threads in the hole of the plate. Bone screw is thus completely secured with the plate by self-locking and additional locking screws are not required. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11962 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1025/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN AUTONOMOUS CONTROL SYSTEM FOR SHEARER-LOADER IN UNDERGROUND LONGWALL COAL MINES (51) International classification : G05D1/00; G05D1/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : LAKSHMI KANTA BANDYOPADHYAY GAUTAM BANERJEE SWADES KUMAR CHAULYA (57) Abstract : The microprocessor based autonomous control control system of the present invention will be particularly useful for shearer-loader in underground long-wall coalmines. The microprocessor based autonomous control system of the present invention for shearer-loader in underground long wall coalmines consists of a cutting drum driven by cutting motor. Current and voltage sensor/transducer are connected to the cutter motor and output of which are sent to the analog to digital converter (ADC) unit of the microprocessor-based controller. The speed of haulage motor is controlled by a variable speed drive and firing/timing circuit. The current transducer senses the current drawn by haulage motor, the tacho sensor senses the revolution per minute (RPM) of the haulage motor, the frequency sensor senses the output frequency of AC variable speed drive and the voltage transducer senses the output voltage of the variable speed drive. The output of all the sensor are connected to the analog to digital converter (ADC) unit of the microprocessor control unit having a display unit. A digital to analog converter (DAC) unit is connected to control the firing/timing circuit of the variable speed drive in order to control the speed of the haulage motor, which is attached with the load. The system of the present invention is capable of automatic control of load on the cutter motor while it is cutting coalface by controlling the haulage speed of the shearer-loader. The system decreases the down time hours of shearer loader, and increases the production and productivity of the mine. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11963 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1026/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A DEVICE USEFUL FOR SUPPORTING UNDERGROUND MINE TUNNELS/ ROADWAYS (51) International classification : E21D11/22; E21D11/14 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : SUDHIR KUMAR KASHYAP SUBHASHISH TEWARI SHANKAR PRASAD (57) Abstract : A device useful for supporting underground mine tunnels/roadways. In the present invention there is provided a device useful for supporting underground mine tunnels/roadways. The device of the present invention consists of an externally threaded top tubular element, which is capable of being inserted telescopically into bottom tubular element having external threads on the top portion. An openable holding clamp having internal threading matching the external threads of the bottom tubular element is provided for coaxially placing a helical spring and a tubular spring holding element on threaded part of the said bottom tubular element. The top tubular externally threaded element is provided with a lock nut having matching internal threads. The said lock nut is placed touching the top of the helical spring inside the tubular spring holding element on threaded part of the said bottom tubular element. On the top tubular element, above the said lock nut, another openable holding clamp having internal threading matching the external threads of the top tubular element is provided for holding twin jacks placed between the holding clamps, one clamp on the bottom tubular element and the other clamp on the top tubular element. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11964 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1027/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE TREATMENT OF TEXTILE DYE BATH EFFLUENT (51) International classification : D06P1/44; D06P1/44 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi- 110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : CHIYA AHMED BASHA (57) Abstract : A process for the treatment of textile dye bath effluent. In the present invention there is provided a process for the electrochemical treatment of textile dye bath effluent using bipolar disc reactor. In the process electro-oxidation is carried out at an average current density of 1-10 Amperes per dm2 and fan average flow rate of 20-100 liters/hr, in an undivided bipolar disc electrochemical reactor containing a plurality of electrode discs of titanium, each one of which on one side is coated with TiO2/ RuO2 function as anode and other side functions as cathode. The process successfully brings down the COD below the permissible value and 100% de-colorization is achieved. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11965 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1028/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A FORMULATION FOR HERBAL FACE CREAM SUITABLE FOR OILY SKIN (51) International classification : A61K7/48 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110 001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Dr. Raj Shekhar Singh Dr. Jagdish Mr. Shailendra Kr. Singh Mr. Debjit Pal (57) Abstract : The formulation for herbal face cream of this invention is derived from natural ingredients such as yoghurt, turmeric (Curcuma longa), lemon (Citrus medica var acida), orange (Citrus reticulata), carrot (Daucus carota), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris), natural oils and sorbitan mono- oleate. It is a nourisher, good cleanser, protects from dust pollution, UV rays and dermal infections. It maintains the tenderness of the skin and is especially suitable for oily human skin. It has no inorganic chemical ingredients so as to cause irritation or burns even in long term application and in overdose. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11966 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1038/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A NOVEL POLYMORPHISM OF MBL GENE USEFUL FOR PREDICTION OF PREDISPOSITON TO BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH ALLERGIC RHINITIS (51) International classification : A61K31/56; A61K38/18 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : PURANAM USHA SARMA TARUNA MADAN SAVNEET KAUR (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to detection of novel polymorphism of human MBL gene and provides allele specific primers suitable for detecting this polymorphic site for applications such as molecular diagnosis, prediction of an individual susceptibility to bronchial asthma with allergic rhinitis, and/or the genetic analysis of MBL gene in a population. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11967 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1041/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A VCO BUFFER CIRCUIT (51) International classification : H03L7/00; H03L7/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No. 2,3 & 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Kallol CHATTERJEE Samala Sreekiran (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a VCO buffer circuit comprising a first loading means receiving a first signal for loading the VCO input node; a second loading means receiving a second signal for loading the VCO at second input node; a third loading means coupled to said first loading means for loading the VCO at third input node to thereby balanced load distribution on three nodes of VCO. At least three current controlling means are coupled to each other to form a symmetrical configuration and receive input signals from said first and second loading means for minimizing the variations the oscillation frequency of the VCO. A buffering means is connected to the output of controlling means for buffering the output of said current controlling means. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11968 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1056/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH MAGNETIC MECHANISM (51) International classification : H01H36/00; H02J13/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : LIN Tzo-Ing Address of Applicant :No. 182, Mei Hsing St., Mei Nung Chen, Kaohsiung Hsien Taiwan (72)Name of Inventor : LIN Tzo-Ing (57) Abstract : An electronic circuit breaker which includes an automatic button or switch handle, a movable axle fitted in the automatic button, a movable copper mounted on a lower end of the movable axle, two movable silver contacts provided on two sides of a bottom of the movable copper, two stationary silver contacts positioned against the two movable silver contacts, the magnetic mechanism disposed between the two stationary silver contacts, the magnetic mechanism comprising a permanent magnet, two iron plates mounted at two sides of the permanent magnet, a reel mounted on one of the iron plates, a solenoid installed on the reel, a CPU connected with the solenoid, a primary circuitry conductive wire installed on the other one of the iron plates, a movable iron mounted on a bottom of the movable copper, a stationary magnet and CT connected in series with a primary circuitry of current out and current-in electrodes, a movable magnet mounted above the stationary magnet, a short-circuit locking mechanism having an arm positioned on a route of the movable magnet. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11969 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1060/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A HIGH VOLTAGE TOLERANT INPUT BUFFER CIRCUIT (51) International classification : G11C5/14; G11C5/14 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No. 2,3 & 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001 Uttar Pradesh India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Sushil Kumar GUPTA Paras GARG (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a high voltage tolerant input buffer circuit comprising a first NMOS transistor having its terminal connected to the input pin, its gate terminal connected to a first reference voltage and its drain terminal connected to a first output terminal; a second NMOS transistor having its gate terminal connected to said first reference voltage and its source terminal connected to said first output terminal, a first PMOS transistor having its gate terminal connected to the drain terminal of said second NMOS transistor, its drain terminal connected to a second reference voltage lower than said first reference voltage and its source terminal connected to a second output terminal; a second PMOS transistor having its drain terminal connected to the drain terminal to of said second NMOS transistor, its source terminal connected to said second output terminal; and its gate terminal connected to a control voltage, and a third PMOS transistor having its drain terminal connected to said second output terminal, its source terminal connected to a supply voltage, and its gate terminal connected to said control voltage. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11970 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1080/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR GENERIC WEIGHTED LRU BASED GROUP ADAPTIVE ROUTING. (51) International classification : H04L12/56; H04L12/56 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Address of Applicant :Ministry of Communication and Information Technology 6, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi India Delhi Name of Applicant : CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED COMPUTING Address of Applicant :c/o CADC Pune University Campus, Ganeshkind, Pune 411 007, Maharashtra India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : BODAS Atul (57) Abstract : The instant invention details a method containing a set of N LRU counters of W-bit width used along with the group definition and output buffer congestion flags. A new weighted value is created for each port using the LRU count and the two flags. Using this (W+2) bit wide value; target port for routing the next packet in a group adaptive routing configuration is decided depending upon the port for which the weighted LRU count is the least of N entries. The set of N LRU counters are controlled so as to increment a counter corresponding to a port to which the packet was sent, and to reset all counters when either of them reaches the maximum value. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11971 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1082/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A COMPENSATED SCHMITT TRIGGER CIRCUIT FOR PROVIDING MONOTONIC HYSTERISIS RESPONSE (51) International classification : H03K3/037; H03K3/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No. 2,3 & 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Vijender Singh CHAUHAN Paras GARG (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a compensated Schmitt Trigger circuit for providing a monotonic hysterisis response, the circuit comprising a plurality of transistors connected in series and coupled to a common input signal at their control inputs, a feedback circuit is connected to the output of said plurality of transistors, an inverter is coupled to the output of said plurality of transistors and to said feedback circuit for providing hysterisis response at higher supply voltage, wherein, said feedback circuit includes at least one feedback element coupled between the output of said plurality of transistors and input of the inverter for providing a monotonic hysterisis response at the output node of the Schmitt Trigger circuit. The feed back elements are connected/disconnected by control signals that reflect the variations in PVT conditions, and the control signals are derived from the standard Input/ Output circuits library for compensation. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11972 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1084/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : RAPIDLY DISINTEGRATING TABLETS OF RISPERIDONE (51) International classification : A61K9/00; A61K31/42 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED Address of Applicant :19, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110019 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : KAMAL MEHTA CHANDRAASEKARAN PRABAGARAN RAJEEV SHANKER MATHUR (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to rapidly disintegrating solid dosage forms of risperidone for oral administration prepared by conventional tabletting procedures. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11973 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1093/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : VECHILE CARE SYSTEM (51) International classification : B60K1/02; B60K1/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GURMEET SINGH MAHENDRU Address of Applicant :20-B/89-A, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi 110018 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : GURMEET SINGH MAHENDRU (57) Abstract : A system and method for controlling a idle shutdown Engine & Turbo after removing the ignition key, having an electronic control module with an idle shutdown feature to automatically stop the engine its takes all the responsibilities of driver its also take attention for PARKING BRAKES when its in need, when engines shut down & before shut down its check that COOLENT TEMPRATURE come on idles these all things happen when driver remove the key from the ignition. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11974 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1096/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ENANTIOMERICALLY PURE CYCLOHEXYLPHENYL GLYCOLIC ACID (51) International classification : C07C29/03; C07C45/29 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor: PRADEEP KUMAR RODNEY AGUSTINHO FERNANDES PRITI GUPTA (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a process for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure cyclohexylpheyl glycolic acid of formula (1). The present invention more particularly relates to process using cyclohexylpheyl ketone for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure cyclohexylpheyl glycolic acid of formula (1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11975 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1097/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED PROCESS FOR THE PRPARATION OF FUNCTIONALIZED ACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMERS (51) International classification : C08F220/54; G02B1/04 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ANJALI LODHA NARHARI SHRIKANT PUJARI AVINASH RAMPYARE- -VISHWAKARMA CHELANATTU KHIZHAKEE MADATH -RAMAN RAJAN SURENDRA PONRATHNAM (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a new improved process for the preparation of functionalzed acrylamide copolymers. More particularly, it relates to a process for the preparation of acrylamide- sodium acrylate copolymers affected by a new polymerization methodology. The acrylamide- sodium acrylate copolymers prepared by the process of this invention can be used as flocculent material in a variety of applications. Acrylamide sodium acrylate copolymers also find applications, as water super absorbents where in the copolymers will have the ability to adsorb up to 900 or more grams of water per gram of the polymer. This characteristic property of the acrlamide sodium acrylate copolymers is exploited in applications in the areas of building industry, agriculture, and water purification among a host of other users. The present invention provides a process for the preparation of functionalzed acrylamide copolymers, which comprises, contacting acrylamide with a comonomer, in the presence of a polymerization initiator for a reaction period in the range of 7 to 15 minutes, separating the product by dispersion in an alkanol to remove the unreacted monomers if any, and isolating the solids by conventional methods, washing with acctone and drying the product under reduced pressure at a temperature in the range of 40 to 60°C. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11976 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1098/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF NOVEL 1,3,5-THIAZIDINE-2- THIONES (51) International classification : A61K33/38; A61P31/06 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Rama Pati Tripathi Diksha Katiyar Ranjana Srivastava Anil Srivastava Vinita Chaturvedi Brahm Shanker Srivastava (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to the process for preparation of novel 1,3,5-thiazidine-2- thiones of formula 3 useful as anti-tubercular agents. More particularly the present invention relates to the novel 1,3,5-thiazidine-2-thiones. These compounds are useful in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11977 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1099/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A DEVICE FOR COLLECTING AIR BORNE DUST GENERATED BY MOVING VEHICLES (51) International classification : B04C9/00; B04C9/0 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Jharkhand (72)Name of Inventor : SUDHIR KUMAR KASHYAP SUBHASHISH TEWARI (57) Abstract : In the present invention there is provided a device for collecting air borne dust generated by moving vehicles. The device comprises a plurality of dust collecting ducts arranged just behind the wheels of a vehicle. The said dusts being connected to air blowers capable of sucking in air borne dust generated by the wheels of the moving vehicle. The dust collecting ducts fitted with air blowers being connected through dust collecting pipes to a dustcollecting tank containing water for absorbing the dust so collected. The dust-collecting tank is provided with lid openings at the bottom and at the top for timely removal of dust in form of paste and at the same time filling of fresh water. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11978 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1100/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL 1,3,5- THIAZIDINE -2- THIONES (51) International classification : A61K38/19; A61K38/20 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Rama Pati Tripathi Diksha Katiyar Ranjana Srivastava Anil Srivastava Vinita Chaturvedi Brahm Shanker Srivastava (57) Abstract : The Present invention relates to novel 1,3,5-thiazidine-2-thiones of formula 3 useful as antitubercular agents. More particularly the present invention relates to the process for preparation of novel 1,3,5-thiazidine-2-thiones. These compounds are useful in the chemotherapy of tuberculosis. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11979 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1101/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A DEVICE FOR LOADING BLASTED COAL FROM THE WORKING FACE IN CONVENTIONAL LONGWALL MINING (51) International classification : E21C27/01; E21C41/18 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : SUDHIR KUMAR KASHYAP SUBHASHISH TEWARI SHANKAR PRASAD (57) Abstract : Title: A device for loading coal from the working face in conventional longwall mining. In the present invention there is provided a device for loading blasted coal from the working face in conventional longwall mining. The device of the present invention consists of a pair of working implements, such as loading buckets, based on Whitworth Quick Return mechanism. Each segment consists of a powered shaft mounted bull gear having a bevel gear, crank, slider and a pivoted rocker arm capable of providing backward and forward stroke with the help of a link to a ram in a casing which rests on a rack and pinion arrangement. The ram in casing is provided with vertical displacement by a powered shaft mounted cam and follower mechanism. The ram is connected to the working implement, such as loading bucket, through a L-shaped link and guided link. The drive to the powered shaft being given by a prime mover, such as a motor, thought a gear-box and pinions. The device is to be mounted on the edges of an Armor Face Conveyor (AFC). The device is useful for loading blasted coal on Armor Face Conveyor (AFC) in minimum possible time and at low cost in conventional panel of long wall mining. Thus enabling enhanced productivity. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11980 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1113/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : STEROL ENRICHED MIXED LAMMELARITY AMPHOTERICIN INTERCALATING LIPOSOMES IN SALINE AND THE PROCESS OF MAKING THEREOF (51) International classification : A61K9/127 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : VERMA, Dr. Jitendra Nath Address of Applicant :Lifecare innovations Pvt. Ltd., B- 589, Sushant Lok-1, Gurgaon, Haryana India Haryana Name of Applicant : TRIPATHI, Dr.Krishan Kumar Address of Applicant :E-20, Type D1 Quarters, HUDCO Place, Andrewsganj, New delhi-110049 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Dr. Jitendra Nath Verma Dr. Lily Verma Dr. Krishan Kumar Tripathi (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to sterol enriched mixed lamellarity Amphotericin intercalating liposomes in saline for treatment of infections primarily parasitic infection especially those caused by intracellular protozoan parasites. The invention further relates to increasing circulation time of the drug encapsulated in the liposomes in the blood by subjecting liposomal pharmaceuticals to sonication before administration. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11981 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1114/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED SELF - HEATING CONTAINER (51) International classification : B65D81/34 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Mohd. Mobin Address of Applicant :S/o Mohd. Yasin, D-16, Sector 30, Noida India Uttar Pradesh Name of Applicant : Mohd. Mobin Address of Applicant :S/o Mohd. Yasin, B-23, Kashipur Ind. Area, Kashipur India Uttaranchal (72)Name of Inventor : Mohd. Mobin Mohd. Mobin (57) Abstract : An improved self-heating container, is invented that functions without application of external energy and which can be used for providing hot/ warm solid/liquid food. This new container, gets activated when two heat-producing compositions present in it - one in solid tablet/capsule/ powder form and another as liquid active chemical mixture, come in direct contact with each other. Activation process is very much simple and therefore it can be used by any common man, without causing any compilation. Due to very easy and safe method of activation, different shapes and sizes of containers can be prepared. Once the container is activated, its inside temperature suddenly rises and the food-stuff kept in it becomes almost boiling hot. After sufficient heat generation, the unique chemical composition present in this self-heating container, suppresses and deactivates the heat-generation processes. Thus this invention provides an excellent self- heating container to be used once, in which a rapid, efficient and controlled exothermic reaction occurs, which can be easily activated and utilized for hot storage of variety of food-stuffs (solid or liquid) and on deactivation of container, the waste-byproducts can be recycle d or used as cleansing agent. To keep the container safe and to avoid any unwanted situation during heat generation process, provision of release valves have been made in the container to control the gas-pressure generated inside the reaction cell. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11982 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1115/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : THE HYBRID RAM ROCKET (51) International classification : F02K7/18 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : ANKIT TYAGI Address of Applicant :Flat-21, Sector-6, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ANKIT TYAGI (57) Abstract : The present technology in the realm of JET propulsion has advanced to a significant stage. Many types of designs and construction techniques have been successfully developed and used so much so that the technology has reached its saturation The common engines powering the present day aircrafts are turbofan, turbo prop, jet turbine engines, all are designed to carter to certain needs, none of them can run efficiently when the speeds go in the sonic and above range. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11983 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1117/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED HYDRO TURBINE DEVICE FOR DIRECT DRIVING A FLOUR GRINDING MILL (51) International classification : B02C4/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : VINOD KUMAR GUPTA Address of Applicant :6 Shivji Marg, Rang Puri, New Delhi-110037 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : VINOD KUMAR GUPTA (57) Abstract :This invention relates to an improved hydro-turbine driven grinding-mill comprising a turbine-head having an inlet in flow communication with an inlet-pipe for introduction of water under pressure and a discharge end for discharge of water from said turbine-head; a diffuser with said turbine-head, a turbine-shaft extending through said turbine-head and into said diffuser, an impeller disposed within said diffuser and adapted to receive water under pressure from said turbine-head so as to cause a rotation of said turbine-shaft; a stool mounted on said turbine-head; a grinding-mill with two stone-wheels, one of which is held to a mill shaft, said mill shaft coupled to the turbine-shaft, said grinding-mill housed in a housing, a bye-pass valve bolted to the turbine-head to control the water flow into the turbine. ~ The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11984 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1125/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PETROL PRESERVATION & DE VAPORIZATION SYSTEM (51) International classification :C10G31/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : HITENDER KUMAR Address of Applicant :B-147, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110 063 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : HITENDER KUMAR (57) Abstract : PETROL PRESERVATION & DE VAPORIZATION SYSTEM, is the invention of the system of process and device for Conservation of petroleum products, as An important area of conservation of petrol could be avoidance of wastage of petrol during handling, transportation and retailing of these products. Petrol being volatile in nature gives off vapors even at very low temperature. Petrol vapors, adversely affects all living beings-human, animal and vegetation. When a petrol tanker off loads petrol into a storage or transportation tank at petrol pump or at oil depot, the vapors in the storage tanks are displaced by the incoming petrol and the aforesaid vapors are vented out in the atmosphere and the space created in the petrol tank is filled with fresh air drawn in the tanker. The invention relates to the process of saving and device for conversion of vapors by condensing the vapors by using condensers, which would facilitate protecting the environment and avoidance of wastage of this precious commodity. The device of petrol vapor conversion has portable application can be carried out along with the delivery tankers. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11985 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1126/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : COOKING OIL DISPENSOR (51) International classification : A47G19/34 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : RAHUL RANJAN JAIS Address of Applicant :R & D Pvt. Ltd., Sudia Kuwan, Basharatpur, Gorakhpur 273004 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : RAHUL RANJAN JAIS (57) Abstract : This is cooking oil or ghee dispensor which is very useful to put oil or ghee while coking chapati. just you have to move this dispensor on the chapati. Chapati will get a good layer of oil or ghee, without any wastage of oil or ghee. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11986 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1127/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTRICAL QUALITY JOF LOW SPEED RE- WRITABLE COMPACT DICSC - "BEFORE AND AFTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOAKING" (51) International classification :G11B7/26 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MOSER BAER INDIA LIMITED Address of Applicant :66, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida, District: Gautam Budha Nagar- 201306 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Sunil Kumar Mishra Achar Prakash Chandra Nyati Giriraj (57) Abstract : A new manufacturing process for low speed re-writable compact disc Wherein, BLER And Jitter reduced significantly after 1000 times of overwriting No recording failure is observed e.g., E32 is zero, always BLER and Jitter reduced to an optimum level after direct overwriting of 0 and 1, which are primary quality requisite for re writable discs Electrical behaviors are in close conformity with specifications provided in media specification book (Orange book) Characteristics quality parameters are in accordance with media specification even after stressing the disc at an elevated temperature of 70°C and 85% of relative humidity for more than 300 hrs (15 days). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11987 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1131/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : CABLE BLOCKING DEVICE (51) International classification : G02B6/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GOLDEN PEAKOCK OVERSEAS LIMITED Address of Applicant :3E/2, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi-110055 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : RAJAN KAPOOR (57) Abstract : Cable Blocking Device consists of outer body, which is tapered from inside; Lock nut; Cap, which is threaded from inside; Spring; Safety cap, which prevents accidental upward movement of the pin; Piston/Plunger to move the cable, which allow the cable to move upward always and prevent downward movement; The device blocks the cable and doesn’t let it move. The device is extremely user friendly and saves time on installation. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11988 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1133/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED DIFFERENTIAL RECEIVER (51) International classification : H03F 3/45 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No. 2,3 & 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Rajat CHAUHAN Sunil Chandra KASANYAL (57) Abstract : The present invention provides an improved differential receiver comprising a feedback circuit connected between the output node and one common node of the differential receiver to reduce the bandwidth and reject noise for a specific interval of time. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11989 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1143/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 17/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ONE BIT FULL ADDER WITH SUM AND CARRY OUTPUTS CAPABLE OF INDEPENDENT FUNCTIONALITIES (51) International classification : G06F7/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No. 2,3 & 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Deboleena MINZ (57) Abstract : One bit full adder with sum and carry outputs capable of independent functionalities comprising a three input LUT for implementing a sum function; and a carry circuit for implementing a carry/borrow function comprising a first multiplexer having two inputs and carry/borrow output; a AND gate receiving two inputs with its output connected to said first multiplexer, a OR gate receiving two inputs with its output connected to said first multiplexer an XOR gate having its output connected to the select line of said first multiplexer, and a second multiplexer connected to one of the inputs of said XOR gate; the arrangement between said LUT and carry circuit being such that either it provides independent sum and carry outputs for different functionality requirements or the carry output is connected to the input of subsequent LUT and carry circuit being such that either it provides independent sum and carry outputs for different functionality requirements or the carry outputs is connected to the carry output is connected to the input of subsequent LUT and carry circuit for subsequent bit addition. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11990 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1149/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 18/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR PREPARING IBUPROFEN SOFT GELATIN CAPSULES (51) International classification : A61K (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED Address of Applicant :19, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110019 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : AJAY KUMAR SINGLA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a process for preparing soft gelatin capsules comprising clear solutions containing ibuprofen dissolved in a solvent system. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11991 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1160/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 26/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS OF EXPRESSING AND ISOLATING RECOMBINANT PROTEIN FROM PROKARYOTIC CELLS (51) International classification :C12N (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ANUPAM VARMA (57) Abstract :A process of expressing and isolating recombinant protein from prokaryotic cell comprising the steps of:- -isolation of a gene for crip-31 from genomic DNA of the leaves of clerodendron inerme; -expression of crip-31 in E-coli cells; -purification of expressed recombinant protein in the E-coli cells by metal affinity chromatography. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11992 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1171/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 23/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DOMESTIC WATER HEATER (51) International classification : H05B 1/02 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : RAKESH JAIN Address of Applicant :S/o Mr. Muni Lal Jain, 45, Vir Nagar Jain Colony, Near R.P. Bagh Delhi-110007 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : RAKESH JAIN (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to novel domestic water heater assembly wherein, the water storing container along with water flow ports and heater mount is made of thermoplastic material such as polycarbonate, polypheniloxide or their modified polymers and whole of this assembly is protected from excess inlet water pressure using a Pressure Protection Valve. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11993 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1172/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 23/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PRESSURE PROTECTION VALVE (51) International classification : B60T 17/18 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : RAKESH JAIN Address of Applicant :S/o Mr. Muni Lal Jain, 45, Vir Nagar Jain Colony, Near R.P. Bagh Delhi-110007 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : RAKESH JAIN (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a pressure protection valve which limits the output pressure of a fluid to a maximum of the preset value, irrespective of the Input fluid pressure, the said valve comprising outer main body; a spring side cover on the left side of the diaphragm fixed to the main body; an input port which is made out of brass/gunmetal mounted on the main body using rubber gasket; an output port made out of brass/gunmetal mounted on the main body using rubber gasket which is a free flowing port having a means for connecting to the main body and a rubber diaphragm fixed to the open side of the main body, wherein said diaphragm having means for controlling the flow of fluid at the input port, the said rubber diaphragm having a flexible center which move the said means to open or close the port. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11994 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1184/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC COMPOSITION USED IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER. (51) International classification :A61K9/18 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : The Secretary, Department of Biotechnology Address of Applicant :B-2, 7th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 India Delhi Name of Applicant : Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Address of Applicant :Poojapura, Trivandrum-695 014 India Kerala (72)Name of Inventor : Ruby John Anto (57) Abstract : A chemotherapeutic composition used in the treatment of cancer comprising of Taxol in the amount of 5-10 nM and curcumin in the amount of 5-10 JlM The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11995 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1185/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AIR -CONDITIONED BED (51) International classification :A47C17/86 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : PANDEY, PRADYUMNA Address of Applicant :31-C, MOTILAL NEHRU ROAD, ALLAHABAD-211002 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : PANDEY, PRADYUMNA (57) Abstract : An Air-Conditioned Bed Fitted with insulated enclosure, air- Conditioner, inverter and having transparent window makes it a comfortable place for taking rest. In this device low power air-conditioner is required, therefore electricity consumption is very low. This also saves money incurred in buying powerful air conditioner. The invented bed maintains constant temperature efficiently and economically, this is cost effective even for those who face frequent power supply failure. The insulated enclosure holds the key of solution to the problem of maintaining constant temperature at the place of taking rest. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11996 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1190/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MEHTOD FOR DRASTICALLY IMPROVING BOTH THE SELECTIVITY AND YIELD OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN THE DIRECTO OXIDATION OF HYDROGEN TO HYDROGEN PEROXIDE OVER A SOLID CATALYST COMPRISING PALLADIUM (51) International classification :B01J23/44 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : VASANT RAMCHANDRA – -CHOUDHARY CHANCHAL SAMANTA PRABHAS JANA (57) Abstract : A method for improving drastically both the selectivity and yield of hydrogen peroxide in the direct oxidation of hydrogen to hydrogen peroxide over a solid catalyst comprising palladium, which comprises: 1) depositing on the solid catalyst at least two halogen containing compounds, one compound essentially comprising bromine and second compound essentially comprising fluorine with the bromine to palladium and fluorine to palladium atom rations in the range from 0.02 to 20 and from 0.01 to 50, respectively; 2) decomposing the halo compounds deposited on the solid catalyst by calcinations at a temperature above 200°C under inert, reducing or oxidizing gas atmosphere or under vacuum; and 3) contacting the solid catalyst obtained from step (ii) with a gas mixture consisting of hydrogen and oxygen or air or O2 enriched air in an aqueous reaction medium, comprising a mineral acid at the following reaction conditions: concentration of mineral acid in the reaction medium above 0.001 mol/ dm3, concentration of the solid catalyst in the reaction medium above 0.01 g/dm3, H2/O2 mole ratio in the gas mixture in the range from 0.01 to 10, flow rate of the gas mixture in the range from 50cm3/g catalyst/h to 50,000 cm3/g catalyst/h, gas pressure at least 0.9 atm, and temperature below 100° C and contact period of the reaction medium at least 0.01h, The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11997 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1193/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF BIO-PESTICIDE BASED ON EUCALYPTUS PLANT EXTRACT. (51) International classification A01N63/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : THE ENERGY AND RESOURCES INSTITUTE Address of Applicant :Darbari Seth Block, Habital Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : NUTAN KUSHIK (57) Abstract : A process for preparation of a bio-pesticide formulation based on plant extract of Eucalyptus wherein the process comprises of air drying the leaves till moisture content is reduced to 10%, grinding to a fine powder, sieving, solvent extraction at least three times by a polar solvent at temperature upto 50°C, taking plant leaf powder and solvent in the ratio of 1:5 to 1: 10, concentrating by rotary evaporator under vacuum till volume is reduced to 90%, followed by solvent extraction by non-polar solvent, taking concentrated extract and non-polar solvent in ratio of 1:5 to I: 1 0, subjecting the mixture to filtration, concentrating the residue by rotary evaporation obtaining a ftaction-I, followed by dissolving the ftaction-I thus obtained in 70% aqueous acetone, taking acetone and ftaction-I in the ratio of 1 :5, filtering, subjecting the filtrate to partitioning with n- butanol, taking n-butanol and filtrate the ratio of 1:3 to 1 :4, concentrating n-butanol layer by rotary evaporation to obtain ftaction-lI The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11998 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1195/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : USE OF SOLANUM NIGRUM EXTRACT AS LARVICIDAL AGENT (51) International classification :A01M25/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911, New Delhi, 110029 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : KAMARAJU RAGHAVENDRA SHRIPATI SINGH SARALA KARUMURI SUBBARAO (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a novel herbal composition useful as an insecticide. The composition comprises an extract of Solanum nigrum. The invention also provides a method for controlling mosquito larvae. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 11999 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1196/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYNERGISTIC LIPOSOMAL TAMOXIFAN COMPOSITION FOR TOPICAL APPLICATION AND METHOD OF PREPARING THEREOF (51) International classification :A61K31/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Lifecare Investments Pvt. Ltd. Address of Applicant :B-589, Sushant Lok-1, Gurgaon, Haryana-122002 India Haryana (72)Name of Inventor : KATARE, Dr. Om Prakash SINHA, Dr, V.R. BHATIA Amit KUMAR Rajiv GUPTA Dr. Somesh (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to synergistic liposomal tamoxifen composition for topical application and method of preparing thereof, for the treatment of localized skin problems including cutaneous melanoma (i.e. skin cancer), keloids, excessive dermal scarring, hypertrophic scars of acne, and psoriasis etc. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12000 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1197/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : WATER LEVEL INDICATOR (51) International classification : G01F23/24; G01F23/24 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : KAPIL/VIDIT AGARWAL Address of Applicant :MM-172 Sector D1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Lucknow -226012 India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : KAPIL/VIDIT AGARWAL (57) Abstract : A device is useful for accurate water level indication of Over head Tank at any chosen place near washbasin/Kitchen Sink as and when required. The device is a balloon (5) with helical springs (7) and there helical springs (7) is arranged to be in tension when pressure comes and vice versa with the help of self Adjuster (8) and Center Adjuster (9) to indicate level of water of Over Head Tank by using this device the accurate level of water of Over Head Tank can be indicated. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12001 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1200/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN APPARATUS FOR REGULATING BULK SOLIDS FEEDING TO PULVERISERS (51) International classification :B02C13/09 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED Address of Applicant :BHEL House, Siri Fort, New Delhi-110 049 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Mr. Kandasamy Ananthakrishnan Mr. Duraisamy Mahendrababu Mr. Chockalingam Velayudham Mr. Sivananthan Dharmalingam Mr. Muthukannan Loganathan (57) Abstract : An apparatus for regulated bulk solids feeding to grinding equipments used in power plants and industries. The apparatus has special features like soft starting, self-diagnostics, smooth control at lower loads etc. The apparatus further provides facility for operational flexibility and fast / easy troubleshooting. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12002 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1201/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DESIGN OF VARIABLE FLUID BE FOR OPTIMIZING SUPERHEATER / REHEATER SURFACES IN A BUBBLING FLUIDISED BED COMBUSTION BOILER (51) International classification :F23C10/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED Address of Applicant :BHEL House, Siri Fort, New Delhi-110049 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Mathur Ramachandran Ganesan (57) Abstract : A newly designed variable fluid bed for optimizing superheater / reheater surfaces in a bubbling fluidized bed combustion boiler comprising multiple surfaces positioned inside said fluidized bed and in the convention zone located above said fluidized bed. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12003 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1202/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DESIGN OF IN -BED SURFACES FOR BURNING FUELS OF WIDE VARIATION IN QUALITY IN A BUBBLING FLUIDISED BED COMBUSTION BOILER (51) International classification :F23C10/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED Address of Applicant :BHEL HOUSE, Siri Fort, New Delhi- 110049 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Srinivasan Sundararajan Balasubramanian Ravikumar (57) Abstract : The invention relates to bubbling fluidized combustion system comparising means to vary expanded bed height by way of more than one automatic ash discharging system to vary the effective immersed area. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12004 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1203/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : FUEL PIPE FLEXIBLE JOINT (51) International classification : A47L9/24 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED Address of Applicant :BHEL HOUSE, Siri Fort, New Delhi-110049 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Chenniee Palanisamy Sugali Vishlavat Sivaramulu Hameed Mohammed Farooq Basha Ganesan Saravanakumar Ramanandham Jagannathan (57) Abstract :A fuel pipe flexible joint for accommodating and absorbing the effects of downward movement of furnace walls due to thermal expansion of boiler, comprising a top sleeve having a pipe collar fixed at one end for connection with the vertical coal piping at its downstream side near the burner assembly ;a middle jacket having a flange at one end for connecting said top sleeve using a coupling assembly and a rubber- gasket, a bottom seat having a flange at one end for connecting the middle jacket using specially designed coupling assembly and , rubber gasket and the other end having a pipe collar for connection ,with the vertical coal piping at its upstream side near the burner assembly ;two coupling assemblies comprising of six segments of coupling parts each, for coupling said top sleeve with said middle jacket and said bottom seat with said middle jacket; two rubber gaskets one for each coupling assembly being ;used with said coupling assembly for coupling said top sleeve with said middle jacket and said bottom seat with said middle Jacket. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12005 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1211/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DENSE MAGNESIA-RICH MAGNESIUM ALUMINATE SPINEL USEFUL AS REFRACTORY AGGREGATES (51) International classification C09K211/02 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ARUP GHOSH BARUNDEB MUKHERJEE MANAS KAMAL HALDAR SAMIR KUMAR DAS (57) Abstract : In the present invention there is to provided a process for the production of dense magnesia rich magnesium aluminates spinal useful as refractory aggregates, wherein Al2O3-rich spinal (56to 66% Al2O3) is densified to a high degree by a single firing process at a relatively low temperature. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12006 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1213/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : BILE ACID DERIVED STEROIDAL DIMERS WITH AMPHIPHILIC TOPOLOGY HAVING ANTIPROLIFERATIVE ACTIVITY (51) International classification : C07J 9/00, A61K 31/575 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi Name of Applicant : NATIONAL CENTRE FOR CELL, SCIENCE, Address of Applicant :NCCS, Complex, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411 007 India Maharashtra (72)Name of Inventor : DEEPAK BHALCHANDRA SALUNKE BRAJA GOPAL HAZRA VANDANA SUDHIR PORE MAJOJ KUMAR BHAT (57) Abstract : Advances in the treatment of cancer required continued development of novel and improved therapeutic agents. A highly efficient modified process for the synthesis of bile acid derived steroidal dimmers N1, N2- Ethylenediamine bis [cholic acid amide]and N1, N2- Ethylenediamine bis [deoxycholic acid amide] having novel amphiphile topology and remarkable antiproliferative activity is described. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12007 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1214/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF SINTERACTIVE LANTHANUM CHROMITE BASED OXIDES (51) International classification C04B 35/2 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ABHOY KUMAR PARUKUTTYAMMA SUJATHA DEVI ABHIJIT DAS SHARMA JAYANTA MUKHOPADHYAY HIMADRI SEKHAR MAITI (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a spray-pyrolysis process for continuous production of sinteratctive lanthanum chromite based ceramic oxides by atomizing a citrate-nitrate-glycine precursor solution that can initiate a controlled exothermic anionic oxidation-reduction reaction leading to a self propagating auto-ignition (self-ignition) reaction within individual droplets and utilizing the thermal energy of the anionic oxidation-reduction reaction to convert the precursor to their corresponding ceramic oxides and thus lower the external energy need of the overall process. These sinteratctive lanthanum chromite based oxide powders find application in the fabrication of sintered interconnect plates for solid oxide fuel cell application. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12008 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1215/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF S-(-)-BETAXOLOL HYDROCHLORIDE (51) International classification A61K31/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : RAMESH ANNA JOSHI MURUGAN MUTHUKRISHNAN DINESH RAMESH GARUD SANJAY PANDURANG BORIKAR MUKUND KESHAV GURJAR (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an improved process for preparation of S-(-)- betaxolol salts. More particularly the present invention relates to the preparation of hydrochloride salt of S- (-)-betaxolol of formula . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12009 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1216/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : POLYAMIDE COMPOSITE MEMBRANE FOR REVERSE OSMOSIS AND METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME (51) International classification : B01D 69/12 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : VIRENDRAKUMAR JAYANTILAL— -SHAH PUSHIPITO KUMAR GHOSH SHARDA VITHALDAS JOSHI JITENDRA JAYDEVPRASAD TRIVEDI CHHAGANLAL VITHALDAS -DEVMURARI AYYANASOMAYAJULA PRAKASH -RAO POPATBHAI DANSANG PARMAR NAGJIBHAI KHODABHAI VAGHANI TEMUBHA BHUPATSINGH GOHIL KOOVAPADY SIVARAMAN -BALARAMAN MRUTHINTI SEETHARAMA SWAMI (57) Abstract : Polyamide composite membrane for reverse osmosis and method of producing the same. The polyamide composite membrane is made by coating a micro porous polysulfone support for about one minute with an aqueous solution containing 2-wt% m-phenylenediamine (MPD). The excess MPD solution is drained off, and coated support is dipped into a solution of 0.1 wt% trimesoyl chloride (TMC) in hexane for about a minute. After draining the TMC solution, the resulting polyamide composite membrane is cured in an air circulating oven at 40 to 90°C for 2-10 minute. The membrane is given post treatment with acid solution and dried in presence of surface-active agent and disinfectant. The resultant membrane exhibits a product flux of 30.5 gfd and a salt rejection of 95.5% when tested at 2 to 5 psi pressure for an aqueous solution containing 0.2% sodium chloride. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12010 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1219/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : IODIZING AGENT AND PROCESS FOR PREPARATION THEREOF. (51) International classification : C01B 7/14 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : PUSHPITO KUMAR GHOSH SATISH HARIRAY MEHTA JATIN RAMESHCHANDRA CHUNAWALA MRUNALBEN VINODRAY SHETH MAHESH RAMNIKLAL GANDHI (57) Abstract : A method for preparation of iodizing agent for the use in the formulation of iodized salt that offers excellent stability of iodine in iodized salt is developed and the unrefined salt iodized with this compound was tested for its stability in presence of moisture, temperature and metal salts at higher temperature. The hydrotalcite type layered compound was used to prepare such compound and part of carbonate was used to prepare such compound and part of carbonate was substituted with iodate anion. The iodizing agent exhibited excellent stability of iodine in iodized salt. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12011 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1220/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR FABRICATION OF ULTRACAPACITOR ELECTRODES USING ACTIVATED LAMP BLACK CARBON (51) International classification : H01G4/06 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : MUKTA SHRIPAD DANDEKAR GIRISH VILAS ARABALE VIJAYAMOHANAN KUNJUKRISHNA -PILLAI SUBHASH PUNDALIC VERNEKAR (57) Abstract : Activated carbon obtained from lamp black has a potential application as an electrode material for ultracapacitor. The process involves activation of the lamp black carbon in the temperature rang of 600-900° C for 5-9 hours in an inert atmosphere or nitrogen and argon followed by cooling to room temperature. Cyclic voltammetric studies reveal that the obtained activated carbon has a specific capacitance values in the range 50-82 F/g in I M H2SO4, and 10-25 F/g in IM KOH. The activated carbon has a highly porous nature as realized from scanning electron microscopy and has specific (BET) surface area in the range of 300-400 m2/g . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12012 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1221/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : NOVEL DEGRADABLE CO-POLYMER COMPOSITIONS, CROSSLINKED POLYMERS AND PROCESS FOR PREPARATION THEREOF (51) International classification : C08G69/48 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : SANTOSH LAXMAN HIRE MOHAN GOPALKRISHNA KULKARNI (57) Abstract : The present invention describes the synthesis of degradable copolymers comprising unsaturation. These copolymers contain reactive vinyl groups, which can be further, reacted in a second stage. The process involves polycondensation reaction between a triacrylate, optionally diacrylate and primary or secondary bis-amines in presence or absence of catalyst. Monomer having multiple unsaturation yield soluble polymers when condensed with bis amines in the mole ratios 1:1 Soluble polymers can be prepared even at higher mole ratios of 1:1.5, when the unsaturated monomer is complexed with a cyclic macromolecular compound. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12013 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1222/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR MAKING LANTHANUM CHROMITE DENSE PRODUCTS IN AIR AT LOW TEMPERATURE PARTICULARLY SUITABLE FOR APPLICATION IN SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS (51) International classification : C04B35/2 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ABHOY KUMAR PARUKUTTYAMMA SUJATHA DEVI HIMADRI SEKHAR MAITI (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a process for making calcium substituted lanthanum chromite dense products particularly suitable for application in solid oxide fuel cells that can be sintered to density more than 95% of theoretical density at temperatures as low as 1350°C in air. Thus, the present invention provides a process for the fabrication of dense lanthanum chromite based sintered product that finds application in the fabrication of solid oxide fuel cell power pack. This low sintering temperature help in co-sintering of the monolithic solid oxide fuel cell components and hence would be highly advantageous in the efficient fabrication of SOFC. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12014 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1223/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF POLYURETHANE POLYOL FROM CARDANOL AND RIGID FOAMS THEREFROM (51) International classification : C08G 18/22 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : SURESH KATTIMUTTATHU ITTARA KISHANPRASAD VADI -SARANGAPANI (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a process for the preparation of polyurethane polyol from cardanol, derived from cashew nut shell liquid, a renewable resource material. The polyol is made by oxidation with peroxy acid generated in situ to give epoxidised cardanol and the said epoxy derivative is converted to the polyol in the presence of the organic acid. According to another aspect of the present invention the cardanol-based polyol formed by the novel method of this invention may be reacted with isocyanate to form polyurethane. Alternatively blowing agents are included with the cardanol-based polyol before it is reacted with the isocyanate. These polyols are especially suitable for making rigid forms of very low density and high compressive strength. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12015 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.907/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 19/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A MEASURING APPARATUS FOR MONITORING RESIDUAL OXYGEN IN AN EXHAUST GAS (51) International classification : F01N 3/22 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SULZER HEXIS AG Address of Applicant :Zurcherstrasse 48, CH-8400 Winterthur Switzerland (72)Name of Inventor : PHILIP HOLOCH Name of Inventor : PHILIP HOLOCH Name of Inventor : THOMAS GAMPER Name of Inventor : THOMAS GAMPER (57) Abstract : A lambda probe (1) is used with the measuring apparatus for monitoring residual oxygen in an exhaust gas, in which a measuring point for oxygen in a sensor (2) is connected via a diffusion gap (22) with a reaction chamber (24). During operation of the probe the reaction chamber drives a stream of oxygen Io2 along the diffusion gap by means of a controllably adjustable oxygen partial pressure pi. By means of an electro-chemical, oxygen ion pump driven by an electrical pump current Ip, an oxygen partial pressure pi predetermined as a desired value is set in the reaction chamber. In this arrangement the pump current, the strength of which is proportional to the strength of the stream of oxygen driven along diffusion gap, can be used as a measurement parameter for the partial pressure pm of the residual oxygen in the exhaust gas or its concentration. The residual oxygen can be monitored during a normal operating phase, the phase N. The lambda probe can be operated for test purposes, at times, particularly intermittently in a phase H or a phase L. In these operating phases H and L the oxygen partial pressure pi in the reaction chamber (24) adopts a largely minimum value or largely maximum value. By means of changing Between the named operating phases, by registering the pump current Ip and by comparing the registered pump currents Ip with empirical values, values conclusions with regard to the ability of the probe to function d(1) can be derived, so that if necessary, in the case of a lacking or faulty ability to function, measures can be introduced to remedy the deficiencies or to exchanges the sensor (2). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12016 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.911/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MECHANICAL LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY DEVICE (51) International classification : C09K19/30 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : E-Lead Electronic Co., Ltd. Address of Applicant :No.37, Gungdung 1st Rd., Shengang Shiang, Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C. Taiwan (72)Name of Inventor : CHEN Tonny (57) Abstract : A mechanical liquid crystal display (LCD) device and particularly to a mechanical LCD device for automatically and rapidly unloading and storing the LCD panel that is especially suitable for a LCD device which has a display panel higher than the case to allow the display panel to be folded and stored includes a case for housing an extendable deck. The case has a coupling mechanism on one side. The extendable deck has a front side pivotally coupled with a LCD panel holding mechanism. The LCD panel holding mechanism has a downward folding actuation means located thereon which is linked to the front side of the extendable deck. The structure thus formed can replace the expensive electronic circuit control to enable users to automatically and rapidly unload or retract and store the display panel, and also adjust and remember the viewing angle of the display panel to meet user’s requirements. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12017 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.922/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : UNIVERSAL ADMISSION SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification : G03F7/20 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : VOYTECH AUTOMATION PVT. LTD. Address of Applicant :110 Godavari Appartments, Alakananda, New Delhi India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : SINGH, Mahendra DUGGAL, Amit PANDEY, Vikas ROHILA, Amit SINGH, Narendra DUGAR, Rahul (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a computer implemented method and apparatus for processing forms and, in particular, to a method and apparatus for processing customizable application forms that share information from an extensible database. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12018 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.923/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MIRACLINE (51) International classification : A23L1/221 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BHARTIYA SHIV PARASAD Address of Applicant :H. No. 200, Palace Road, Solan- 173212 India Himachal Pradesh Name of Applicant : BHARTYA SANJAY KUMAR Address of Applicant :H. No. 200, Palace Road, Solan- 173212 India Himachal Pradesh Name of Applicant : BHARTIYA ANOOPMA Address of Applicant :H. No. 200, Palace Road, Solan- 173212 India Himachal Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : BHARTIYA SHIV PARASAD BHARTYA SANJAY KUMAR BHARTIYA ANOOPMA (57) Abstract : Plant bioregulator (PBRs) and nutrients play a key role in improving plant efficiency/crop productivity. The intricate nature of PBRs, and their specificity engaged the developers mind to develope a simple and field level useable PBR, during the end of sixties. Resultantly, the PBR-MIRACLINE came to be known which is a special, highly potent, versatile multipurpose proprietory commercial plant bio-regulating chemical mixture containing an alcoholic plant tissue extract, syn. auxins and cytokinins, some most important nutrients and IONS preserved in sugar solution and acidic in nature. Seemingly, MIRACLINE stimulates/activates the photosynthetic apparatus/ system and translocation phenomenon. 'MIRACLINE' appears to induce/improve plant/crop efficiency/ productivity. It is a non- Poisnous and pollution free, imparts drought resistance, helps in control of some pests and diseases. Application is by seed treatment and spray. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12019 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.951/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE OXIDATION OF CYCLOHEXANE TO CYCLOHEXANOL AND CYCLOHEXANONE (51) International classification : C07C35/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Instytut Katalizy i Fizykochemii Powierzchni PAN Address of Applicant :30-239 Krakow, ul. Niezapominajek 8 Poland Name of Applicant : Instytut Chemii Przemyslowej Address of Applicant :01-793 Warszawa, ul. Rydygiera 8 Poland (72)Name of Inventor : Leszek Matachowski Katarzyna Pamin Jan Poltowicz Jerzy Haber Alina Janitz Krystyna Magielko Stefan Szarlik Stanislaw Piechota (57) Abstract : A process for the oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone in the liquid phase using oxygen-containing gases in temperatures 140-190°C under the pressure of 0.5 to 5 MPa in the presence of a catalyst is disclosed. Said catalyst is a mixture of two compounds: (1) cobalt organic salt, preferably cobalt isooctanate or naphtenate and (2) metaloporphyrin, preferably manganese, iron or cobalt porphyrin without any substituents in the porphyrin ring, especially terra-phenyl-porphyrin (TPP), or containing in its rings substituents attracting electrons, such as halogens, or with substituents donating electrons in the porphyrin ring, especially tetra-tolyl-porphyrin (TTP), while the ratio of the second component to the first component of the mixture forming the catalyst is 1 or less than 1 in terms of metal. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12020 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.959/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : BRAKE AND FUEL PIPES FOR USE IN VEHICLES (51) International classification : B60T17/22 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MARUTI UDYOG LTD. Address of Applicant :11th Floor, Jeevan Parksah Building, 25, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110 001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Sukbhir Singh (57) Abstract : This invention relates to a pipe system such as a brake fluid or fuel pipe for use in a vehicle comprising a known metallic tube and having a plastic sleeve, a heat shrink cap at either end of said sleeve and embracing said pipe. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12021 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.960/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN IMPROVED PROCESS FOR OAK TASAR (ANTHERAEA PROYEI J.) COCOON COOKING USING PINEAPPLE EXTRACT (51) International classification A01K67/04 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Address of Applicant :Block 2, (7-8 Floor)C.G.O Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : L. RUPACHANDRA SINGH S. KUNJESHWORI DEVI Y. RANJANA DEVI (57) Abstract An improved process for cooking of oak tasar (Antheraea proylei 1) cocoon comprising in the steps of : a) subjecting the cocoons to the step of pressure cooking in distilled water; b) soaking the cooked cocoons in a pineapple extract with soda. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12022 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.961/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 54) Title of the invention : A HERBAL PREPARATION FOR COMBATING STRESS BORNE SYNDROME IN EXTREME COLD CONDITIONS (51) International classification : A61K35/78 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN AYURVEDA AND SIDDHA Address of Applicant :61-65, Institutional Area, Opp. "D" Block , Janakpuri, New Delhi-110 058 India (72)Name of Inventor : Dr. G. S. Lavekar Dr. K. D. Sharma Dr. V. K. Lal Dr. R.M. Anand Dr. A. Saraswati Dr. (Mrs.) B.P. Dhar Dr. S.C. Pant Dr. (Mrs.) Sulochana Dr. N. Srikant Dr. (Mrs.) P. Pant (57) Abstract :A herbal preparation for combating stress borne syndrome in extreme cold conditions comprising:-i. Badam (Prunus amygdalus -cotyledon) 6.5 -8.5 gm, ii. Kaju (Anacardium occidentale -cotyledon) 6.5 -8.5 gm, iii. Akhrot (Juglans regia-cotyledon) 6.0 -7.0 gm, iv. Pista (Pistacia vera -cotyledon) 6.0 -7.0 grn, v. Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare -fruit) 0.5 -2.0 gm, vii. Trikatu (Piper nigrum -fruit, piper longum -0.5 -2.0 gm fruit and Zingiber officinale -rhizome) vii. Safed Musli (Chlorophytum arundinaceum -root) 1.0 -5.0 gm viii Khaskhas (Papaver somn iferum -seed) 1.0 -4.0 gm ix Chaturbeej (seeds ofCucumis sativus, Cucumis 1.0 -4.0 gm melo, Cucumis melo var, ultissimus, & Citrullus vulgaris) x Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera-root) 0.5 -2.0 gm xi Guduchi ghana (Tinospora cordifolia -stern, 0.5 -2.0 gm Ghana) xii Mishri (Sugar candy) Quantity sufficient The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12023 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.962/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT OF GREEN BAMBOO (51) International classification :B27K7/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : THE DIRECTOR, FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Address of Applicant :P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun-248 006 India Uttaranchal (72)Name of Inventor : Dr. SADANA TRIPATHI (57) Abstract : This invention relates to an ; apparatus for treatment of green bamboo comprising a distribution head having a plurality of connectors for connection to respective bamboo holders, each of said holders having a holder head for holding one end of a bamboo, said distribution head connected to a vacuum head so that the treatment of the bamboo held to the bamboo is effected under vacuum. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12024 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.964/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BIOEMULSIFIER USING A CONSORTIUM OF MARINE OIL DEGRADING BACTERIA (51) International classification :C12N1/20 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : DIRECTOR GENERAL Address of Applicant :Defence Research & Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, Dte of ER & IPR/IPR Group West Block 8, Wing 1, R K Puram New Delhi-110 066 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : Sharad Narayan Gaonkar Bhagayya Shankrayya Swami Masanam Udhayakumar Chitra Eknath Deshmukh Chandrakant Babasaheb Jagtap Shobhana Tapas Chongdar Rajamani Mohan Ram Susan Titus Pradeep Kumar Pramil Chandra Deb Bala Subramanian Sellamuthu (57) Abstract : The present invention relate to a process for the production of a bioemulsifier using a plurality of marine oil degrading bacteria comprising of Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, and Bacillus species (Code Nos. NM3T; NM21T; NM9T NM22T AND NM1T). The biosurfactant of the present invention can be used for cleaning of oil spill in the marine environment. The optimized fermentation growth medium for the production of bioemulsifer makes use of high- speed diesel as the hydrocarbon substrate, di-ammonium phosphate as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus and other cations and anions necessary for the growth of the oil degrading bacteria. The bioemulsifier is produced by growing the consortium aerobically in a large- scale capacity fomenter in above mentioned growth medium having initial pH of 7.8 ± 0.2 and dissolved oxygen 6.0 mg/1. The uniform mixing of air supplied by a filtered air generator is accomplished by stirrer, The biosurfactant of the present invention is in the form of creamish white power capable of reducing the surface tension of distilled water/sea water to 29-37 MN/m at a concentration of 0.25-0.5% (w/v). The biosurfactant of the present invention has FTIR peaks for alcohol, ester, amide and carboxy1 group, IDT at 200°C, molecular weight of 5-6 kDa. The bioemulsifier of the present invention has better shelf life. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12025 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.965/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : FORGING MACHINE FOR THE UPSETTING OF DEFORMED REINFORCEMENT BARS (51) International classification : B21J9/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : DEXTRA ASIA CO. LTD. Address of Applicant :247 Sarasin Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand (72)Name of Inventor : JEAN-JACQUES BRAUN (57) Abstract : Forging machine for the cold forging of deformed steel bars, characterized by upsetting and clamping dies being housed in the same casing and said dies bearing a continuous cavity so as to enable of long products. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12026 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.969/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : HERBAL EXTRACTS OF SALICORNIA SPECIES, PROCESS OF PREPARATION THERE OF, USE THEREOF AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS (51) International classification :A61P31/06 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi- 110001 India (72)Name of Inventor : MEENA RAJNIKANTH RATHOD BHUPENDRA DHANVANTRAI -SHETHIA JAYANT BATUKRAI PANDYA PUSHPITO KUMAR GHOSH PRAKASH JAGJIVANBHAI DODIA BRAHM S SRIVASTAVA RANJANA SRIVASTAVA ANIL SRIVASTAVA MARIAPPANADAR VAIRAMANI VINITA CHATURVEDI (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to enhancement of anti-tubercular activity of active fraction isolated from Salicornia brachiata. The invention also disclosed the non-toxic nature of the fraction and positively identifies Sucrose as its main constituent. Pure Sucrose is shown to have no anti-tubercular activity indicating thereby that activity of the fraction resides in one or more of the minor constituents. The minor constituents are shown to be relatively low molecular weight entities and a chromatographic techniques is disclosed for separating them from the bulk sucrose to probe their activities and structures in detail, as also the possibility of their synthesis if the leads thrown up are novel. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12027 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.970/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DEVICE FOR HUMAN BODY SUPPORT AREA INTERFACE HEAT CONTROL AND METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification H01L23/34 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : PRABHAT KUMAR Address of Applicant :V-8 first floor, Green Park Extn., New Delhi-110016 India Delhi Name of Applicant : SHIVANI KUMAR Address of Applicant :V-8, First floor, Green Park, Extn. New Delhi-110016 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : PRABHAT KUMAR (57) Abstract : A device for body support area interface heat control and method thereof by controlled air flow resistance and distribution in collapse resisting, juxtapose air voids of interface surface supporting body contour by flexible non collapsing crest and trough communicative air voids and airflo duct member system. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12028 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.973/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : NATURAL SEDATIVE COMPOSITION, PROCESS FOR OBTAINING THE SAME AND PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS THEREOF (51) International classification : A61K35/78 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MMI CORPORATION Address of Applicant :BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, P. O. BOX 30088, S. M. B. GEORGE TOWN, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS, BRITISH WEST INDIES West Indies (72)Name of Inventor : MITRA, Shanker Kumar SAXENA, Ekta RANGANNA, Marikunte Venkata (57) Abstract : Disclosed is a natural sedative composition for the treatment of insomnia anxiety, anxiety, stress and all kinds of sleep disorders, the composition comprising extract of plant Myristica fragrans and/or plan Hedychium spicatum and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Also disclosed are methods or obtaining the plant extract and dosage forms. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12029 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.974/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE OXIDATION OF CYCLOHEXANE TO CYCLOHEXANOL AND CYCLOHEXANONE (51) International classification :C07C35/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : INSTYTUT KATALIZY I FIZYKOCHEMII POWIERZCHNI PAN Address of Applicant :30-239 Krakow, ul. Niezapominajek 8, Poland Poland Name of Applicant : INSTYTUT CHEMII PRZEMYSLOWEJ Address of Applicant :01-793 Warszawa, ul Rydygiera 8 Poland (72)Name of Inventor : Leszek Matachowski Katarzyna Pamin Jan Poltowicz Jerzy Haber Krystyna Magielko Stefan Szarlik Stanislaw Piechota Alina Janitz (57) Abstract : A process for the oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone in the liquid phase using oxygen-containing gases in temperatures 140-190°C under the pressure of 0.5 to 5 MPa in the presence of a catalyst is disclosed. Said catalyst is a mixture of two compounds: (1) cobalt organic salt, preferably cobalt isooctanate or naphtenate and (2) metaloporphyrin, preferably manganese, iron or cobalt porphyrin without any substituents in the porphyrinn rings, especially tetra-phenyl-porphyrin TTP), or containing in its rings substituents attracting electrons, such as halogens, or with substituents donating electrons in the porphyrin ring, especially tetra-tolyl- porphyrin (TTP), while the ration of the second component to the first component of the mixture forming the catalyst is 1 or less than 1 in terms of metal. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12030 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.989/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : STABLE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING NATEGLINIDE (51) International classification C07C233/63 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : RANBAXY LABORATORIES LIMITED Address of Applicant :19, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110019 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ROMI BARAT SINGH ANU SHILPA VISHNUBHOTLA NAGA PRASAD (57) Abstract : The present invention relates a process of preparation of stable pharmaceutical composition comprising Nateglinide Form B wherein the process comprises a step of pulverization. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12031 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.993/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A DOWNLOADABLE FIRMWARE OVER THE AIR VIA BLUETOOTH SHORT- RANGE WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY (51) International classification :H04L12/56 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STMicroelectronics Pvt Ltd. Address of Applicant :Plot No.2,3 & 18 18, Sector 16A, Institutional Area, Noida-201 3001,Uttar Pradesh India Uttar Pradesh (72)Name of Inventor : Sriharsha Mysore SUBBAKRISHNA Naresh Kumar GUPTA Mohan KASHIVASI (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a system and method for remotely upgrading the firmware of a target device using wireless technology from the Bluetooth-enabled PC or Laptop to another Bluetooth device e.g. mouse, Keyboard, headset, mobile phone etc. The existing solution either do not have upgrade capabilities, or require the use of proprietary cables. The solution proposed here extends the connecting without cables concept of Blue tooth to firmware upgrades. The system comprises a host device for sending the firmware required for up gradation; and a target device containing a first code and a second code wherein said first code identifies details of the firmware; and said second code identifies the completion of the download operation when the firmware is successfully downloaded. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12032 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.995/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : TILE MAKING MACHINE (51) International classification B28B3/20 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SUKHRANJAN MISTRI Address of Applicant :Vill-Dev Nagar, P.O.- Shaktifarm, Distt-Udham Singh Nagar India Uttaranchal (72)Name of Inventor : SUKHRANJAN MISTRI (57) Abstract :A pedal operated tile making machine comprising a vibrating platform being mounted at the top of the main frame such that to be vibrated by a vibrating lever being secured rotatably with said main frame below said vibrating platform, a wheel secured with a crank shaft being provided for rotating said vibrating lever, said crank shaft supported on the main frame, being rotated by means of a pair of wooden pedals secured at the bottom of the main frame, a tile frame being provided with said vibrating platform for keeping the material within the boundaries thereon during the vibrating operation of the machine and to provide outer boundaries to a tile. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12033 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.998/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 01/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR VIEWING AND MANAGING COLLABORATION DATA FROM WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF A SHARED DOCUMENT (51) International classification : G06F15/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/607,780 (32) Priority Date : 27/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : CHRISTOPHER H. PRATLEY RAJ BHARAT MERCHANT MICHAEL ANTHONY RIGLER SEAN BLAGSVEDT ETHAN JOSEPH BERNSTEIN MARCIN SAWICKI ANNE MARIE RENEE ARCHAMBAULT (57) Abstract : Methods, systems, and apparatus are provided for viewing and managing collaboration data from within the context of a shared electronic document. A document-editing pane is displayed for editing the shared document. In conjunction with the document-editing pane; a collaboration pane is displayed for displaying the collaboration data. Through the collaborators, task, documents, links and other information may be displayed. Actions may also be performed with respect to any aspect of the collaboration data through the collaboration pane. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12034 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.678/DELNP/2004 (22) Date of Application 17/03/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PACKAGING WINE IN ALUMINIUM CANS. (51) International classification : B21D51/26; B32B15/08 (31) Priority Document No :PR 8001 (32) Priority Date : 28/09/2001 (33) Name of priority country : Australia (86) International Application No and Filing Date : PCT/AU02/00725 05/06/2002 (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BAROKES PTY. LTD. Address of Applicant :95 Puckle Street, Moonee Ponds, Victoria Australia (72)Name of Inventor : GREGORY JOHN CHARLES STOKES Name of Inventor : STEVEN JOHN ANTHO BARICS (57) Abstract : Process for packaging red or white, still or carbonated wine in two piece aluminium cans. The wine has less than 35 ppm of free sulphur dioxide, total sulfur dioxide levels less than 250 ppm, less than 330 ppm of chloride and less than 800 ppm of sulfates. Each can has an aluminium body filled with wine and sealed with an aluminium closure such that the pressure within the can is at least 25 psi and the inner surface of the aluminium is coated with a thermoset corrosion resistant coating. The coating or lining may be an epoxy resin combined with a formaldehyde based crosslinking agent and baked at temperatures in the range 165-185 °C for twenty minutes. The wines exhibit excellent performance after storage or the quality of the wine does not deteriorate significantly on storage The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12035 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1008/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 02/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : GENERAL DEPENDENCY MODEL FOR INVALIDATING CACHE ENTRIES (51) International classification : G06F12/08; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/602,122 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. Not Applicable (72)Name of Inventor : ADAM WADE SMITH ROBERT MICHAEL HOWARD PATRICK YU-KWAN NG (57) Abstract : Systems, methods, and computer products for deriving custom cache dependencies are explained. A framework that includes an extensible cache dependency base class that can be used to derive custom cache dependency classes for invalidating cache entries on some custom condition is disclosed. In some embodiments, a Web page server includes a cache and the framework including the extensible cache dependency base. Methods are disclosed for causing a cache entry to be dependent on a customized cache dependency and for invalidating cache entries based on customized cache dependencies. For example, cache entries can depend on and be purged based on dependencies on database tables and Web services. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12036 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1012/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 02/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : FRAGRANCE COMPOSITIONS (51) International classification : A61K8/02; A61Q5/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/635,356 (32) Priority Date : 06/08/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INC. Address of Applicant :521 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ANUBHAV P.S. NARULA (57) Abstract : The use of salicylate compounds as a fragrance chemical, suitable for use in creating fragrance in items such as perfumes, colognes and personal care products is disclosed. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12037 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1016/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MODULAR OBJECT SERIALIZATION ARCHITECTURE (51) International classification : G06F9/44; G06F17/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/600,256 (32) Priority Date : 19/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : BRIAN KEITH PEPIN SHAWN PATRICK BURKE (57) Abstract : Methods, systems, and computer program products to serialize user interface objects having custom object types and serialization formats. A serialization manager may coordinate standard serialization providers to identify standard serializers for standard object types or serialization formats, and as needed, may be extended by loading custom serialization providers to identify custom serializer for custom object types or serialization formats, which may not be covered by the standard serialization providers. From available serialization providers, the serialization manager identifies a serializer for particular serialization format and object type. The object, custom or standard, is serialized using the identified serializer to custom or standard format, including source code representations, XML representations, etc. Certain serialization formats produce a snippet of code without producing a class representation of an object. To help coordinate and enhance modularity among serializers and their providers, the serialization manager may maintain and share context information. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12038 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1017/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SIDE-BY-SIDE SHARED CALENDARS (51) International classification : G06F3/00; G06F9/44 (31) Priority Document No :10/607,020 (32) Priority Date : 26/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : BRIAN T. HILL HANS J. BJORDAHL (57) Abstract : Methods and systems are provided for presenting a plurality of shared calendars in a single electronic display frame or window where each of the plurality of shared calendars is displayed in a common view mode relative to other displayed shared calendars. Users may select one or more shared calendars to be displayed in the same display frame or window as their own calendar. Upon selection of a shared calendar to be displayed alongside a first calendar, an aggregate view object is called to control and coordinate all shared calendars selected for display in the common window or frame. The aggregate view object determines the view data object, including view mode (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly) and other calendar display settings of the first or active calendar displayed in the common view of shared calendars. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12039 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1018/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DISPLAYING IMAGES UTILIZING MULTI- BLENDING (51) International classification : G06T1/00; G06T3/00 (31) Priority Document No :60/475,192 (32) Priority Date : 03/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :60/478,294 (32) Priority Date : 12/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :60/478,294 (32) Priority Date : 12/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : PATRICK M. BAUDISCH (57) Abstract : A system and method for processing images utilizing varied feature class weights is provided. A Computer system associates two or more images with a set of feature class data, such as color and texture data. The computer system assigns a set of processing weights for each of the feature classes. The two or more images are blended according to the feature class weights. The blended image can be further adjusted according to the content of the images. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12040 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1019/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ADAPTIVE MACHINE TRANSLATION (51) International classification : G06F17/28; G06F17/28 (31) Priority Document No :10/600,297 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/626,925 (32) Priority Date : 25/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/626,925 (32) Priority Date : 25/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : STEPHEN D. RICHARDSON RICHARD F. RASHID (57) Abstract : A computer-implemented method for providing information to an automatic machine translation system to improve translation accuracy is disclosed. The method includes receiving a collection of source text. An attempted translation that corresponds to the collection of source text is received from the automatic machine translation system. A correction input, which is configured to effectuate a correction of at least one error in the attempted translation, is also received. Finally, information is provided to the automatic machine translation system to reduce the likelihood that the error will be repeated in subsequent translations generated by the automatic machine translation system. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12041 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1020/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : FRAMEWORK FOR CREATING MODULAR WEB APPLICATIONS (51) International classification : G06F9/00; G06F9/44 (31) Priority Document No :10,465,269 (32) Priority Date : 19/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JOSEPH KEITH CRONEY NIKHIL KOTHARI MICHAEL HARDER GREGORY S. LINDHORST ANDRES SANABRIA (57) Abstract : A framework for creating modular web pages. The framework enables the development of modular, customized, and personalized web applications including web portals and web page. The framework includes an extensible part base class and an extensible zone base class. Part controls that derive from the part base class include web part controls, editor part controls, and catalog part controls. Zone controls, editor zone controls, and catalog zone controls derive from the zone base class. Each zone controls contain one or more part controls and each zone is responsible for rendering part controls within each respective zone. Web part controls can communicate with other web part controls. Web part controls can be edited, removed, or added to a zone control. The functionality of part controls can vary widely among the part controls in a particular zone and across different zones. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12042 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1021/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : INSTANT MESSAGING FOR MULTI -USER COMPUTERS (51) International classification : G06Q10/00; G06Q10/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/600,237 (32) Priority Date : 19/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : TIMOTHY REGAN (57) Abstract : An instant messaging system provides instant message communication between computers, including multi-user computers. The system provides multiple concurrent instant message user logins on a multi-user computer, one of the multiple concurrent instant message user logins being a registered buddy of a user of a second computer. The second computer is provided an indication that the registered buddy is one of multiple concurrent instant message user logins on a multi-user computer. As a result, the user of the second computer is notified of the lack of privacy at the multi-user computer and can send a message with a topic and language that are appropriate to be viewed by multiple users. A video display, such as a movie or television programming like a sporting event, may be rendered on the multi-user computer concurrently with the multiple concurrent instant message user logins on the multi- user computer. Instant messages are rendered over a portion of the video display in a manner that in unobtrusive to the multiple users. As a result, the instant messaging of the present invention can operate smoothly with multi-user computers, protecting the private nature of conventional instant messaging while minimizing the disruptiveness of instant messaging to accommodate shared use of a multi-user computer. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12043 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1023/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 03/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PREPARATION OF COATED ABRASIVE DISK (51) International classification : C09K3/14; B24D7/04 (31) Priority Document No :10-2003-0088951 (32) Priority Date : 09/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Korea(South) (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SUNTEK INDUSTRIES LTD. Address of Applicant :#1205-7, Wonjeong-ri, Poseung- myun, Pyeongtaek-si, Kyungki-do 441-822 Korea(South) (72)Name of Inventor : Yong Bum KIM Name of Inventor : Yong Bum KIM (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a coated abrasive disk and preparation thereof. The inventive abrasive disk having an improved dimensional stability and high breaking strength, which has a structure comprising a supporting substrate, an adhesive layer, a backsheet and a coated abrasive layer which are sequentially stacked, is prepared by combining a disk form of a supporting substrate and a disk form of a coated abrasive body such that the backsheet of the abrasive body is bonded to the substrate. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12044 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1031/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : EXTRACTION PROCESS FOR REMOVAL OF IMPURITIES FROM MOTHER LIQUOR IN THE SYNTHESIS OF CARBOXYLIC ACID (51) International classification : C07C51/42; C07C51/47 (31) Priority Document No :10/455,018 (32) Priority Date : 05/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY Address of Applicant :100 North Eastman Road, Kingsport Tennessee 37660 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ROBERT LIN MARCEL DE VREEDE (57) Abstract : A method for removing impurities from a mother liquor comprising a carboxylic acid, a metal catalyst, impurities by (a) evaporating the mother liquor comprising a carboxylic acid, a metal catalyst, impurities and a solvent in a first evaporator zone to produce a vapor stream and a concentrated mother liquor stream; (b) evaporating the concentrated mother liquor stream in a second evaporator zone to form a solvent rich stream and a super concentrated mother liquor stream; (c) mixing in a mixing zone a water solvent solution and optionally an extraction solvent with the super concentrated mother liquor stream to form an aqueous mixture;(d) and optionally separating organic impurities from the aqueous mixtures in a solid-liquid separation zone to form a purified aqueous mixture; and (e) extracting the aqueous mixture or purified aqueous mixture with an extraction solvent in an extraction zone to form an extract stream and the raffinate stream. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12045 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1032/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : EXTRACTION PROCESS FOR REMOVAL OF IMPURITIES FROM AN AQUEOUS MIXTURE (51) International classification : C07C51/42; C07C51/48 (31) Priority Document No :10/455,017 (32) Priority Date : 05/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY Address of Applicant :100 North Eastman Road, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ROBERT LIN MARCEL DE VREEDE (57) Abstract : A method for removing impurities from an aqueous mixture or purified aqueous by extracting the aqueous mixture or purified aqueous mixture with an extraction solvent in an extraction zone to form an extract stream and the raffinate stream; and optionally separating the extract stream and a solvent rich stream in a separation zone to form a high boiling point organic impurities stream and a recovered extraction solvent stream. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12046 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1034/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATIC CONFIGURATION (51) International classification : G06F1/24; G06F1/24 (31) Priority Document No :10/608,410 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : AMANDA GIANG-TIEN NGUYEN IVAN PAVICEVIC MICHAEL P. FENELON (57) Abstract : A system and method for automatic configuration upon installation of a network printer are disclosed. The techniques of the invention avoid the burden of manual configuration by users and system administrators. The network printer is associated with printer description files, a driver, a spooler, and a port monitor. The system comprises bi-directional application program interfaces associated with the spooler for allowing the driver to generate a bi- directional request and receive a bi-directional response. The system additionally includes a syntax within the printer description files for representing and associating the bi- directional request and the bi-directional response with a print feature. The system also includes extension files stored in the driver for relating bi-directional values and printer values and notification infrastructure controlled by the port monitor for providing a bi- directional notification of configuration changes to the driver and selected application. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12047 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1035/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MESSAGE- BASED SCALABLE DATA TRANSPORT (51) International classification : H04L29/06; H04L29/06 (31) Priority Document No :10/608,192 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : KESTUTIS PATIEJUNAS (57) Abstract : The invention deploys a message-based data transport platform, in which a communication engine controls the delivery of server or other backup data or other large quantity data to remote site based omessage objects as fundamental units. Data sessions from one or more servers or other data sources may be buffered over established pipe for delivery to a remote data host, which likewise contains messaging control. Relatively message units may wait for communication over the channel in a queen and be released when prior messaging is complete. Completion port or other polling or other mechanisms may indicate that connections have become open for use. In embodiments the message objects may be signed, or encrypted to safeguard against alteration or unauthorized viewing. The communication engine may rely upon TCP or other underlying transport mechanisms to effect lower level transmission. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12048 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1036/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTOMATIC NEGOTIATION OF A SECURITY PROTOCOL (51) International classification : H04L29/06; H04L29/06 (31) Priority Document No :10/608,334 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : DARIO BAZAN BEJARANO (57) Abstract : A protocol negotiation platform permits a computer or other node lying outside of a security- enabled domain to negotiate a supported security protocol with a server or other node within that domain . Active Directory TM, Kerberos and other secure network technologies permit agent or nodes within a domain to communicate securely with each other, using default protocols and key, certificate or other authentication techniques. In the past external agents however had no transparent way to enter the domain, requiring the manual selection of protocols for use across the domain boundary. According to the invention either of an external agent or an internal agent may initiate to establish a secure sessiion across the domain boundary, transmitting a request including a set of supported protocols to the recipient machine. A negotiation engine may then compare the available protocols on both of the agents, nodes or machine sat either end of the session, and select a compatible protocol when found. The internal and external agents may likewise authenticate each other using a key, certificate or other mechanism. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12049 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1039/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A THREAD HAVING PROPERTIES OF RESISTANCE TO CUTTING (51) International classification : D02G3/18; D02G3/38 (31) Priority Document No :0306872 (32) Priority Date : 06/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : API SEPLAST, Societe par actions simplifiee (S.A.S) Address of Applicant :5 Allee des Bas Tilliers, 92230 GENNEVILLIERS France (72)Name of Inventor : PIAT Claude (57) Abstract : The invention concerns a thread possessing properties of resistance to cutting, comprising at least one core thread (2) sheathed with at least one sheathing thread (3) consisting of continuous fibres or filaments, characterized in that the core thread (2) is a multifilament thread comprising from 50 to 1800 continuous glass filaments (4) The invention also concerns equipment for protecting against cutting produced from such a thread and a method of producing from such equipment. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12050 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1044/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : NETWORK LOAD BALANCING WITH CONNECTION MANIPULATION (51) International classification : H04L29/06 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/610,506 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/610,519 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/610,321 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/657,568 (32) Priority Date : 08/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ABOLADE GBADEGESIN SEAN B. HOUSE AAMER HYDRIE JOSEPH M. JOY SANJAY N. KANIYAR (57) Abstract : In an exemplary device implementation, a device includes: a connection migrator that is configured to migrate connections away from the device; the connection migrator capable of precipitating a compilation of protocol state for a connection across a protocol stack; the connection migrator adapted to aggregate the complied protocol state with data for the connection into an aggregated connection state; the connection state to be sent towards a target device. In an exemplary media implementation, processor-executable instructions direct a device to perform actions including: obtaining at least a portion of a source/destination pair from a packet; accessing an encapsulation mapping table using the at least a portion of the source /destination pair to locate an encapsulation mapping entry; extracting a flow identifier from the encapsulation mapping entry: and replacing part of the packet with the flow identifier to produce an encapsulated packet. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12051 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1045/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : NETWORK LOAD BALANCING WITH HOST STATUS INFORMATION (51) International classification : H04L29/06 (31) Priority Document No :10/610,519 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : CHRISTOPHER L. DARLING JOSEPH M. JOY SUNITA SHRIVASTAVA CHITTUR SUBBARAMAN (57) Abstract : In a first exemplary media implementation, one or more processor-accessible media include processor-executable instructions that, when executed, direct a system to perform actions that include: accumulating host status information at multiple hosts; and sending the accumulated host status information from the multiple hosts. In a second exemplary media implementation, one or more processor-accessible media include processor-executable instructions that when executed, direct a system to perform actions that include: receiving host status information from multiple hosts; and making load balancing decisions responsive to the received host status information. In a third exemplary media implementation, one or more processor-accessible media include processor-executable instructions that, when executed, direct a system to perform actions that include: determining health and load information on a per application basis; and selecting an application from among multiple applications responsive to the health and load information. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12052 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1054/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MANUFACTURING METHOD FOR PET BOTTLE CAPABLE OF KEEPING STATE OF BEING CONTRACTED IN LENGTHWISE DIRECTION (51) International classification : B29C49/42; B65D1/02 (31) Priority Document No :10-2004-0019319 (32) Priority Date : 22/03/2004 (33) Name of priority country : Korea(South) (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GOHSHO COMPANY LIMITED Address of Applicant :385, Shimizuarai, Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi Japan (72)Name of Inventor : HIGUCHI Mitsuo Name of Inventor : HIGUCHI Mitsuo (57) Abstract : There is provided a manufacturing method for a PET bottle in which the vertical width (height) thereof can be reduced substantially as compared with the time when contents are charged into a PET bottle body. The vertical width (height, volume) of the PET bottle is substantially reduced when it is transported from a manufacturing plant to a plant where the contents are charged, the PET bottle being molded in a state in which the vertical width (height, volume) is substantially smaller than that at the time when the continents are charged in a manufacturing process for manufacturing the PET bottle body in which a part or the whole in the longitudinal direction, excluding the vertical width of a mouth section in the upper end portion , is in a horizontal bellows shape. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12053 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1055/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : LONGITUDINALLY EXPANDABLE PLASTIC BOTTLE AND METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME (51) International classification : B29C43/02; B29C49/00 (31) Priority Document No :2004-118550 (32) Priority Date : 14/04/2004 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GOHSHO COMPANY LIMITED Address of Applicant :385, Shimizuarai, Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi Japan (72)Name of Inventor : HIGUCHI Mitsuo (57) Abstract : There is proposed a method for easily manufacturing a plastic bottle the longitudinal dimension (height) of which is decreased substantially when the bottle is manufactured , as compared with the time when the bottle is filled with contents. The method includes a step of molding of the bottle constructed so that a longitudinal part or the whole of the bottle, except a mouth portion at the upper end, has a bellows shape in the horizontal direction: a step of compression molding of the bottle so that the molded bottle is compressed in the longitudinal direction and the compressed state is kept at ordinary temperature; and a step of expanding of the bottle so that the bottle is expanded from the compressed state so as to have almost the same height (volume) as the original height. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12054 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1057/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MENTHYL HALF ACID ESTER DERIVATIVES, PROCESSES FOR PREPARING SAME, AND USES THEREOF FOR THEIR COOLING /REFRESHING EFFECT IN CONSUMABLE MATERIALS (51) International classification : A23G3/00; A23G3/34 (31) Priority Document No :10/611,025 (32) Priority Date : 07/01/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INC. Address of Applicant :521 West 57th Street, New York, NY 110019 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : MARK L. DEWIS MICHELLE E. HUBER MICHAEL V. COSSETTE (57) Abstract : Described is a genus of menthyl half acid ester derivatives having the structure: and process for producing same, wherein n is an integer of from 1 to 5; wherein X is either OR or-NRR wherein is hydrogen, C1-C5 lower alkyl or C3-C6 lower alkenyl; wherein R is hydrogen, C1-C5 lower alkyl, 2-hydroxyethyl or cyclopropyl and wherein is hydrogen methyl or ethyl; with the proviso that when X is OR, n is an integer of from 3 to 5, having utility for augmenting, enhanching or imparting a taste or cooling effect or refreshing effect in or to an ingestible or topical composition. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12055 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1058/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : COMPRESSOR WITH SECONDARY BOOST AIR OUTLET PASSAGE (51) International classification : F04D25/04; F04D27/02 (31) Priority Document No :0313399.8 (32) Priority Date : 11/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.K. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : HOLSET ENGINEERING CO. LIMITED Address of Applicant :St. Andrews Road, Huddersfield, HD1 6RA, UK U.K. (72)Name of Inventor : JAMES A McEWEN (57) Abstract : A waste gated turbocharger comprises a turbine wheel (5) mounted to a shaft (8) for rotation within a turbine housing (4), which is provided with a waste gate valve assembly 18. A compressor wheel (7) rotatably mounted to the shaft (8) for rotation within a compressor housing (6). A pneumatic waste gate actuator (19) is connected by a boost airline (28) to the compressor intake outlet (15). The compressor housing (6) is provided with a command valve mount (23) for directly mounting a waste gate actuator command valve (22) to the compressor housing. The command valve in use operates to selectively vent the boost airline (28) for controlling operation of the waste gate actuator (19). The compressor housing (6) is provided with a first internal passage (25) communicating between the valve mount (23) and the compressor intake outlet volute (15) and a second internal passage (27) communicating between the valve mount (23) and the compressor intake inlet (14). The first internal passage extends into the outlet volute away from the volute walls. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12056 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1061/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DEBUGGING BREAKPOINTS ON PLUGABLE COMPONENTS (51) International classification : G06F11/36; G06F11/36 (31) Priority Document No :10/600,066 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.A.E. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : J. KIRK HASELDEN BRIAN J. HARTMAN (57) Abstract : The debugging of breakpoints on pluggable components is provided. In a computing environment having extensible, pluggable components, systems and methods are provided to allow for the setting of breakpoints in the run-time of the components such that errors may be observed, tracked, and resolved. In an illustrative implementation, a computing environment comprises a client, runtime, and tasks. In operations the task sets breakpoints which are communicated to the client through the runtime. When a breakpoint is encountered the task is suspended such that the client can perform debugging should there be a problem in the task execution. Upon satisfaction, the client resumes the task operation thought the runtime. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12057 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1062/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DISTRIBUTED QUERY ENGINE PIPLINE METHOD AND SYSTEM (51) International classification : G06F17/30; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,730 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.A.E. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : TODD F. PFLEIGER ANDREW E. KIMBALL ARPAN A. DESAI (57) Abstract : A distributed query engine pipeline architecture comprises cascaded analysis engines that accept an input query and each identifies a portion of the input query that it can pass on to an execution engine. Each state rewrites the input query to remove the portion identified and replaces it with a placeholder. The rewritten query is forwarded to the next analysis engine in the cascade. Each engine compiles the portion it identified so that an execution engine may process that portion. Execution preferably proceeds from the portion of the query compiled by the last analysis engine. The execution engine corresponding to the last analysis engine executes the query and makes a call to the next higher execution engine in the cascade for data from the preceding portion. The process continues until the results from the input query are fully assembled. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12058 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1064/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : QUERY OPTI MIZER SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification : G06F17/30; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,480 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : MICHAEL L. BRUNDAGE MICHAEL L. BRUNDAGE ANDREW E. KIMBALL (57) Abstract : An optimizer/normalizer is used to generate optimized intermediate language representation of an input query, such as an XML input query. A method of optimization of an input query in intermediate language form includes receiving the input query, examining the nodes in a left- depth first manner to identify code patterns and node types which are subjects for optimization, tagging the identified code patterns until the intermediate language representation of the input query has been examined in its entirety, searching from the top of the intermediate language representation for tagged code patterns, and adjusting the tagged code patterns with improved code patterns to form an optimal representation for an input query. The input to the optimizer/normalizer is assumed to be an input query transformed into and intermediate language representation containing code patterns and nodes, each node having a respective node type. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12059 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1065/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : COMMON QUERY RUNTIME SYSTEM AND APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE (51) International classification : G06F17/30; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,445 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ARPAN A. DESAI MARK W. FUSSELL ANDREW E. KIMBALL MICHAEL L. BRUNDAGE SERGEY DUBINETS TODD F. PFLEIGER (57) Abstract : A query runtime architecture and an exemplary application programming interface suitable for the architecture are presented. The architecture inputs one or more XML queries and views and enables the queries to be translated wherein the queries and views may be run over multiple data sources of different data models. The architecture incorporates front-end compilers which convert input queries and views into an intermediate language representation which represents the meaning of the respective query or view. The architecture may then allow the back-end compiling of the intermediate language representation to target languages compatible with the data sources desired to be queried. The architecture also allows the execution of those target compilations to extract the data requested of the queries. The invention also discloses an example application programming interface for the query runtime system. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12060 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1066/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CREATING, MANAGING AND USING CODE SEGMENTS (51) International classification : G06F9/44; G06F9/45 (31) Priority Document No :10/464,397 (32) Priority Date : 18/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : SAMUEL SPENCER MATTHEW W. GERTZ TING LIANG JAMES R. SCHMELZER AMANDA K. SILVER (57) Abstract : A code segment and elements of information (e.g., meta information) associated with the code segment are encoded in an XML file. One or more encoded code segments are saved within a library of encoded code segments. An encoded code segment may be selected and inserted into source code file. When the encoded code is inserted into the source code, associated elements required by the code segment are automatically included and the portions of the code segments that may require modification are identified. The code segments are managed and organized so that sharing of code segments is facilitated. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12061 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1067/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ONLINE ANALYTICAL PROCESSING USING DIMENSION ATTRIBUTES AND MULTIPLE HIERARCHIES PER DIMENSION. (51) International classification : G06Q30/00; G06Q30/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/603,037 (32) Priority Date : 24/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : CRISTIAN PETCULESCU AMIR NETZ MOSHA PASUMANSKY MARIUS DUMITRU ALEXANDER BERGER JONATHON SANDERS (57) Abstract : A data model for accessing data in a relational database in an OLAP system utilizes a multiple-hierarchy dimension. The dimension includes a set of attributes. Each attribute is bound to a column in the relational database. A logical structure is defined, indicating the relationships between the attributes. Hierarchies are defined. Each hierarchy includes a sequence of attributes. A hierarchy provides a common drill-down path that a database user can utilize to access the database. A hierarchy can include a single attribute or a combination of attributes. Both the relationships between the attributes and the sequence of attributes in a hierarchy are defined independent of any restrictions associated with the database. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12062 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1068/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : QUERY INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE METHOD AND SYSTEM (51) International classification : G06F17/30; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,444 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : MICHAEL L. BRUNDAGE CHRIS A. SUVER (57) Abstract : A computer system and method generate a semantic representation of one or more XML language inquiries across relational and non-relational data sources. A semantic intermediate language representation explicitly describes the meaning of the one or more XML language inquiries. The semantic intermediate language may be a graph structure with nodes, which describe the operations of the original query. Operators assigned to the nodes in the semantic graph allow an unambiguous definition of the original XML query. The semantic intermediate language may be used to perform XML queries over single or multiple data sources. A method includes receiving at least one inquiry, defining at least one node object for every operation within the received inquiry translating each node object using operators, and generating a semantic representation from the operators. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12063 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1069/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DEPENDENCY BASED PACKAGE DEPLOYMENT (51) International classification : G06F9/44; G06F9/44 (31) Priority Document No :10/600,178 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : J. KIRK HASELDEN ASHVINI SHARMA (57) Abstract : The deployment of packages and their dependents is provided. In an illustrative implementation, an interface operates to expose the components of a package and to determine the dependencies of the components. In operation, a scan is performed on the package components to identify those elements on which the components depend. The result of the scene is a list of dependencies for the components found in the package to be deployed. The exemplary interface further operates to aggregate and merge all of the components and their dependencies of a package for deployment. Once deployed, the interface is executed in the newly deployed environment to expand the package and place the components and their dependencies in the new environment. Using the dependencies determined as part of package assembly and deployment, the interface ensures that the components are properly situated and are operating properly. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12064 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1073/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : LOWERING THE AMOUNT OF CARBON IN FLY ASH BURNING COAL BY A MANGANESE ADDITIVE TO THE COAL (51) International classification : C10L1/12; C10L1/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/623,092 (32) Priority Date : 18/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : ETHYL PETROLEUM ADDITIVES, INC. Address of Applicant :330 South fourth Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-4304 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JOSEPH W. ROOS STEPHEN A. FACTOR ROBERT I. DAVIDSON (57) Abstract : An additive and a method for reducing carbon and fly ash results from the combustion of a mixture of coal and a manganese containing compound. The manganese compound may be mixed with coal either before or in a combustion chamber. The manganese compound may be an inorganic or organometallic compound. The organometallic compound may include methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbony1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12065 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1074/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : LINE ARRAY ELECTROACOUSTICAL TRANSDUCING (51) International classification : H04R1/40; H04R1/4 (31) Priority Document No :10/610,466 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BOSE CORPORATION Address of Applicant :The Mountain, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-9168 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : PAUL FIDLIN CLIFFORD A. HENRICKSEN KENNETH DYLAN JACOB HILMAR LEHNERT PETER C. SANTORO (57) Abstract : A line array electroacoustical transducing system includes at least first and second line arrays detachably secured in electrical and mechanical coupling relationships. The assembly may be detachably secured to a base having an amplifier in electrical and mechanical coupling relationships. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12066 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1075/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : TRANSPORT SYSTEM FOR INSTANT MESSAGING (51) International classification : H04L12/58; H04L29/06 (31) Priority Document No :10/611,575 (32) Priority Date : 01/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JOHN HOLMES DAVID MICHAEL MILLER WALTER VONKOCH (57) Abstract : An exemplary method involves creating a master session over a first connection through a server; and creating a virtual channel over the connection, the virtual channel operable to communicate a feature session. The method may involve establishing a direct connection that bypasses the server, and switching communication of the feature session to the direct connection. A system for network communication includes a plurality of transport bridges, each transport bridge corresponding to an active network device configuration, and a switching module operable to choose one of the transport bridges to form a connection between two computing devices based on the active network device configuration. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12067 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1076/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : INSTANT MESSAGING OBJECT STORE (51) International classification : H04L12/58; H04L12/58 (31) Priority Document No :10/611,599 (32) Priority Date : 01/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : DAVID MICHAEL MILLER JOHN HOLMES WALTER VONKOCH (57) Abstract : A method includes receiving a name associated with a user on a remote computer, the name including location data and a hash value uniquely associated with a data object representing the user and retrieving the data object from one of a local cache based on the hash value or a location identified by the location data. A system for managing objects representing users in an instant messaging conversation including a location identifier and a hash value, the object name allowing, and object store operable to retrieve the data object from a location identified by the location identified by the location identifier and store the data object in a local cache based on the hash value. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12068 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1077/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : RTP PAYLOAD FORMAT (51) International classification : H04L29/06; H04L29/06 (31) Priority Document No :10/612,851 (32) Priority Date : 03/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JAMES M ALKOVE ANDERS E. KLEMENTS (57) Abstract : A data stream is encrypted to form encryption units that are packetized into RTP packets. Each RTP packet includes an RTP packet header, one more payloads of a common data stream, and a RTP payload format header for each payload and including, for the corresponding encryption units, a boundary for the payload. The payload can be one or more of the encryption units or a fragment of one of the encryption units. The encryption units are reassembled the using the payloads in the RTP packets and the respective boundary in the respective RTP payload format header. The reassembled of encryption units are decrypted for rendering. Each RTP payload format header can have attributes for the corresponding payload that cab be used to render the payload that can be used to render the payload. The RTP packets can be sent server-to client or peer-to-peer. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12069 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1087/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MICRO-MONITOR TO MONITOR DATABASE ENVIRONMENTS (51) International classification : G06F9/44; G06F11/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/608,481 (32) Priority Date : 27/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : PHILLIP D. GARDING RUSSELL SONGCO (57) Abstract : A micro-monitor for use in the monitoring of database environments is provided. In an illustrative implementation, a micro-comprises a graphical user interface (GUI) having controls for navigation of information, controls to control database environments, a display area for displaying monitoring information about the database environments, and controls to maximize the display area to the size of conventional applications. When executed in a computing environment having an operating display space, the micro-monitor occupies a fraction of the operating display space, which is occupied by other executing computing application. In operation, the micro-monitor, accepts configuration variables for use to set monitoring thresholds, alarms, and display layout, Based on the configuration information, the micro- monitor will cooperate with the database environments which it is monitoring to obtain operational information for processing. The operational information is processed according to the configuration to generate desired monitoring information for display in the micro-monitor display area. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12070 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1088/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EXPRESSING AND CALCULATING A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEASURES (51) International classification : G06F7/00; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/607,087 (32) Priority Date : 26/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : RICHARD TRACHUK CRISTIAN PETCULESCU AMIR NETZ (57) Abstract : A measure expression may include a relationship between measures defined by an arithmetic operation. A query may request a calculation of the measure expression over a selected range of attributes. The request may be processed by retrieving all rows comprising data within the selected range of attributes for each measure in the expression through a single access to an associated table. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12071 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1090/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ANALYTICALLY MODELING DATA FROM DIFFERENT MEASURE GROUPS ONTO A SINGLE CUBE (51) International classification : G06F12/00; G06F17/30 (31) Priority Document No :10/606,343 (32) Priority Date : 25/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : CRISTIAN PETCULESCU AMIR NETZ MOSHA PASUMANSKY ALEXANDER BERGER (57) Abstract : A system and method for analytically modeling data from different measure groups onto a single cube are disclosed. The single cube preferably includes a first measure associated with a first measure group with a first set of corresponding dimensions. The single cube preferably also includes a second measure associated with a second measure group with a second set of corresponding dimension. The single cube preferably also includes each dimension in both the first and second set of dimensions. Each measure is preferably tied to each corresponding dimension according to data in an underlying relational data table. Each measure is preferably tied to each non-corresponding dimension according to an approximation The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12072 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1091/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DIGITAL INK ANNOTATION PROCESS AND SYSTEM FOR RECOGNIZING, ANCHORING AND REFLOWING DIGITAL INK ANNOTATIONS (51) International classification : G06F17/24; G06F17/24 (31) Priority Document No :10/460,999 (32) Priority Date : 13/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : DAVID BARGERON TOMER MOSCOVICH ZILE WEL MICHAEL SHILMAN (57) Abstract : A digital ink annotation process and system for processing digital documents and digital ink annotations therein. The process and system maintain an annotation position within a document such that the original intent and meaning of the annotation is preserved. This is true even if the document is edited, resized, displayed on a different device or otherwise modified. The digital ink annotation process includes automatic and manual grouping of digital ink strokes within a document to define digital ink annotations, classifying the annotations according to annotation type, and anchoring the annotations to appropriate regions or positions in a document layout such that the annotations conform and adapt to the new layout while preserving the original intents and meanings of the annotations. A digital ink annotation system includes a classification module, an anchoring module, a reflow module and a clean-up module to implement the digital ink annotation process. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12073 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1092/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : STEEL FOR METAL- CUTTING TOOLS (51) International classification : C22C38/00; C22C38/22 (31) Priority Document No :A 965/2003 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Austria (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BOHLER BLECHE GmbH Address of Applicant :Bleckmanngasse 10, A-8680 Murzzuschlag Austria (72)Name of Inventor : ALFRED KUGLER FRANZ LENDL OTTO LEITNER (57) Abstract : This invention relates to steel for metal cutting tools. In order to develop the respective individual values of the property profile of the tool material according to the respective stresses during metal cutting and in order to achieve high cost-effectiveness, the invention provides a steel for metal-cutting tool that contains the elements in % by weight of: C = 0.88 to 1.12 Cr = 3.4 to 4.5 Mo = 2.5 to 3.0 V = 0.7 to 1.0 A1 = 0.04 to 0.1 N = 0.02 to 0.12 the balance being Fe and accompanying and contaminating elements. . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12074 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1103/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : LIGHT UNIT (51) International classification : H01J61/30 (31) Priority Document No :2003-194276 (32) Priority Date : 09/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. Address of Applicant :1-1, Minamiaoyama 2-chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo (72)Name of Inventor : TARO ENDO ATSUSHI HATAYAMA KAZUHIKO MORI (57) Abstract : To improve ease of maintenance of a light unit. A tail light unit comprises a tail light bulb 34, rear winker bulbs, a license light bulb 36, a base 40 for supporting these bulbs 34, and light covers 80,90 for covering these bulbs, and a gripping indent 93 opening downwards is provided in a rear end of a light cover 90 covering the license light bulb 36. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12075 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1104/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DRILL-THROUGH QUERIES FROM DATA MINING MODEL CONTENT (51) International classification : G06E1/00; G06E3/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/611,119 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.A.E. (72)Name of Inventor : PYUNGCHUL KIM C. JAMES MACLENNAN ZHAOHUI TANG RAMAN IYER (57) Abstract : A drill-through feature is provided which provides a universal drill-through to mining model source data from a trained mining model. In order for a user or application to obtain model content information on a given node of a model, a universal function is provided whereby the user specifies the node for a model and data set, and the cases underlying that node for that model and data set are returned. A sampling of underlying cases may be provided, where only a sampling of the cases represented in the node is requested. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12076 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1105/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : TRANSACTION CONSISTENT COPY-ON-WRITE DATABASES (51) International classification : G06F11/14; G06F12/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/611, 774 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : MICHAEL J. ZWILLING LEWIS S. BRUCK SAMEET H. AGARWAL KANGRONG YAN (57) Abstract : A database view of a database is created which provides a transaction-consistent view of an existing database at a previous time. Each database view contains all the information needed to, along with the primary database; determine the contents of the primary database at a previous time. The database view consists of a side file corresponding to each data file in the primary database. The side files contain a copy of all data from the corresponding data file which has been changed since the database view was created. Sparse files may be used for the side files in order to conserve space. Page table data is kept in order to allow a quick determination as to whether the page from the primary database has been modified and the old version stored in the database view side file. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12077 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1106/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A SYSTEM AND PROCESS FOR GENERATING HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE IMAGES FROM MULTIPLE EXPOSURES OF A MOVING SCENE (51) International classification : G06K9/40; G06T1/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/623,033 (32) Priority Date : 18/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : SING BING KANG SIMON WINDER MATTHEW T. UYTTENDAELE RICHARD SZELISKI (57) Abstract : A system and process for generating a high dynamic range (HDR) image from a bracketed image sequence, even in the presence of scene or camera motion, is presented. This is accomplished by first selecting one of the images as a reference image. Then, each non-reference image is registered with another one of the images, including the reference image, which exhibits an exposure that is both closer to that of the reference image than the image under consideration and closest among the other images to the exposure of the image under consideration, to generate a flow field. The flow fields generated for the non reference images not already registered with the reference image are concatenated to register each of them with the reference image. Each non-reference image is then warped using its associated flow field. The reference image and the warped images are combined to create a radiance map representing the HDR image. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12078 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1107/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF PET BOTTLE FOR DRINKING WATER AND BEVERAGE (51) International classification : B65D1/02; B65D21/08 (31) Priority Document No :10/796,339 (32) Priority Date : 10/03/2004 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Gohsho Company Limited Address of Applicant :385, Shimizuarai, Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi Japan (72)Name of Inventor : HIGUCHI Mitsuo (57) Abstract : A system for a PET bottle body for drinking water and beverage using a container in a bellows shape, in which a series of steps for housing and transporting a large quantity of PET bottle bodies at one time from a manufacturing step, to a charging factory of content and after the PET bottle bodies are emptied are performed accurately, reliably and easily is proposed. When the PET bottle body charged with mineral water or juice are purchased and the mineral water or juice is drunken, the volume and height of the PET bottle body can be reduced corresponding to the emptied amount, and after the PET bottle body is emptied, the PET bottle body is compressed in the vertical direction by being crushed, so that the PET bottle body can be discarded in a state in which its volume is much smaller than the predetermined volume and its height is very low. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12079 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1108/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR PRODUCING A SURFACE FINISH SHEET (51) International classification : B27M3/00; B44C5/06 (31) Priority Document No :087251 (32) Priority Date : 09/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Thailand (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : The Foundation of...... Her Majesty Queen Sirikit Address of Applicant :Chitralada Palace, Bangkok 10303 Thailand (72)Name of Inventor : LUANGTHEP Thanpuying Supornpen (57) Abstract : This invention is directed to a process for producing a surface finish from natural materials whereby the obtained surface finish may be in the form of any shape, preferably in the form of a thin sheet whose nature has a relationship with the form of the form of a product desired to be finished. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12080 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1109/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCES FOR PRODUCING A SURFACE FINISH (51) International classification : B24B39/04; B24B39/00 (31) Priority Document No :088743 (32) Priority Date : 16/02/2004 (33) Name of priority country : Thailand (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : THE F.P.S.O. & R.T. OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN STRIKIT Address of Applicant :Chitralada Palace, Bangkok 10303 Thailand (72)Name of Inventor : LUANGTHEP Thanpuying Supornpen (57) Abstract : This invention is directed to a process for producing a surface finish from natural products having a lustrous surface with a gloss of various colors whose size can be selected to be a large or small piece as required and not easily broken, wherein the process is the utilization of natural characteristics and does not cause detrimental effects on environment. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12081 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1110/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS OF PRODUCING METAL- DECORATING MATERIAL , METAL- DECORATING MATERIAL AND THE USE THEREOF (51) International classification : E04F13/12 (31) Priority Document No :087252 (32) Priority Date : 09/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Thailand (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : THE F.P.S.O. & R.T. OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN STRIKIT Address of Applicant :Chitralada Palace, Bangkok 10303 Thailand (72)Name of Inventor : LUANGTHEP Thanpuying Supornpen (57) Abstract : Process of producing metal decorating material, which causes no pollution to the environment and can be used both in industrial manner and handicrafts, for decorating equipment or process of decorating various equipment surface, e.g. Furniture, weapons, purse, night pouch, etc is disclosed. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12082 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1111/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SILK SOAP BAR AND PROCESSES FOR MANUFACTURE THE SAME (51) International classification : A61K8/02; A61K8/98 (31) Priority Document No :088023 (32) Priority Date : 11/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Thailand (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : THE F.P.S.O. & R.T. OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN STRIKIT Address of Applicant :Chitralada Palace, Bangkok 10303 Thailand (72)Name of Inventor : MEESILPA Prateep PANNENGPET Parn WIRASOPON Pojana PANNEGPET Chanya NAKPRASERT Danai SUDATIS Boonya PEWLONG Wachiraporn BUNJOB Malee BOOCHA Piyawan SETAKANNA Pattamawadee PINNINMALEE Preeya (57) Abstract : The invention discloses skin cleansing product which includes glycerinated soap and hard soap which comprises sericin protein from that silk, as a main ingredient, admixed with various components in the soap mass. The present products are safe for use and help nourish the skin so as to smooth and soften the skin when used. The product does not cause irritation and therefore can be used for unisex and all ages. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12083 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1112/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 11/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : LONGITUDINALLY EXPANDABLE PLASTIC BOTTLE AND METHOD AN APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME (51) International classification : B29C43/02; B29C49/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/747,132 (32) Priority Date : 13/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GOHSHO COMPANY LIMITED Address of Applicant :385, Shimizuarai, Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi Japan (72)Name of Inventor : HIGUCHI Mitsuo (57) Abstract : There is proposed and provided a plastic bottle the longitudinal dimension (height) of which is decreased substantially when the bottle is manufactured, as compared with the time when the bottle is manufactured, as compared with the time when the bottle is manufact filled with contents, a method for manufacturing the plastic bottle, and an apparatus for manufacturing the plastic bottle, and an apparatus for manufacturing the plastic bottle. When the bottle is manufactured, the bottle being constructed so that a longitudinal part or the whole of the bottle, except a mouth portion at the upper end, has a bellows shape in the horizontal direction, the bottle is molded in a state of having substantially smaller volume and height than the volume and height at the time when the bottle is filled with contents, and when an empty portion is formed in the bottle by an operation of drinking up the contents, the bottle can be made again in a state of having substantially smaller volume and height than the volume and height at the time when the bottle has been filled with contents. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12084 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1118/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : BELT TENSIONING SYSTEM FOR USE WITH A MOTORIZED MOBILE C-ARM (51) International classification : B60R22/48 (31) Priority Document No :10/611,006 (32) Priority Date : 01/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GE Medical System Global Technology Company LLC Address of Applicant :3000 North Grandview Boulevard, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1696 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : SIMMONS John M. (57) Abstract : A drive system for an imaging device (10) of the type having a curved arm (22). The drive system includes a carrier (18) that engages and supports the curved arm (22) such that the curved arm (22) can be moved along the carrier (18). The drive system includes a belt (42) extending through the carrier (18) and secured about the periphery of the curved arm (22) The drive system receives and drives the belt (42) to move the curved arm (22) relative to the carrier (18) The drive system includes a tensioning mechanism (114) configured to move in such a direction relative to the carrier (18) in order to increase the tension on the belt (42) and to move in such a direction relative to the carrier (18) in order to decrease the tension on the belt (42). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12085 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1120/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ANALOGUE DISPLAY DEVICE (51) International classification : G04B19/08; G04B45/00 (31) Priority Document No :2003 1093/03 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Switzerland (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : FRANCK MULLER WATCHLAND S.A. Address of Applicant :Route de Malagny, 22, CH-1294 Genthod Switzerland (72)Name of Inventor : FRANCK MULLER (57) Abstract : The device comprises an indicator for a value to be displayed, in the form of a hand 4 mounted on a rotary staff, controls (7, 8, 9, 10, figure 5) for the indicator being provided and arranged in such a way that its free end follows the chosen course in accordance with the rotation around the staff. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12086 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1121/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROCESSING COLLATERAL CONTENT ASSOCIATED WITH AN ELECTRONIC MESSAGE (51) International classification : G06F17/22; H04L29/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/463,487 (32) Priority Date : 16/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ROY LEBAN JANE R. LILES ETHAN D. GUR-ESH CARL A. FISCHER KENNETH L. YOUNG STEPHEN MATLOCK JENSEN HARRIS (57) Abstract : Collateral content editor functionality may be provided to an electronic message application such that an electronic message interface includes an integrated collateral content editor interface for creating formatted and editable collateral content in ine within the body of an electronic message. The collateral content may be converted into a standard-format file that describes the formatting and defines the editable data elements (e.g., an HTML file with embedded XML data). In response to a send message command, the standard-format file may be determined whether the electronic message pplication can invoke collateral content editor functionality compatible with the native file format. If so, the compatible collateral content functionality is invoked to convert the attachment into the native file format and to display the formatted and editable data elements inline within the body of the electronic message. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12087 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1122/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER (51) International classification :H02P9/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/619,789 (32) Priority Date : 15/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BOSE CORPORATION Address of Applicant :The Mountain, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-9168 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : STEVE CRUMP DANIEL M. GAUGER, JR. ROBERT BELANGER (57) Abstract : A power supply includes a battery source supplying power and a voltage converter circuit. The voltage converter circuit converts the power to the input voltage supplied to other circuitry. The voltage converter circuit varies the input voltage in response to a load current drawn by the other circuitry from the power supply. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12088 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1123/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DYEING OR BLEACHING APPARATUS OF YARNS WOUND ON REELS OR SIMILAR PACKAGES (51) International classification :D06B11/00 (31) Priority Document No :MI2003A 001209 (32) Priority Date : 16/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Italy (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MASTER S.A.S. DI RONCHI FRANCESCO & C. Address of Applicant :Via E. Fermi 10-Macherio (Milan) Italy (72)Name of Inventor : FRANCESCO RONCHI (57) Abstract : Dyeing or bleaching apparatus of yarns wound on reels or similar packages, comprising a plurality of small vertical dyeing boilers (15) arranged on a single circumference each suitable for receiving a mobile reel-holding shaft (13) able to be removed at the same time as the others for the subsequent centrifugal water-removal and drying operations, functioning in a reduced bath able to be impregnated even at fractional capacities with a constant bath ratio and productivity. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12089 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1124/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : UNLOCKING MECHANISM OF LOCKING APPARATUS (51) International classification :B60N1/02 (31) Priority Document No :2003-170887 (32) Priority Date : 16/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : TOYOTA SHATAI KABUSHIKI KAISHA Address of Applicant :100 Kanayama, Ichiriyama-cho, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken Japan Name of Applicant : ARACO KABUSHIKI KAISHA Address of Applicant :25, Kamifujiike, Yoshiwara-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken Japan (72)Name of Inventor : KIYOKAZU IKEDA MASAYOSHI ISHIDA DAISUKE ABE (57) Abstract : An unlocking mechanism includes a lever 4 and a flexible linear or belt-shaped webbing 6. The lever 4 can be moved with respect to a leg 13. The lever 4 is connected to a locking apparatus constructed of a latch 2, a pole 3, and a striker 15 in such a way that an unlocking operation is performed owing to the movement of the lever 4. A base portion of the webbing 6 is fixed to the leg 13. An intermediate portion of the webbing 6 is slidably attached to a through-hole 41 of the lever 4 and folded back in the movement direction of the lever 4. The other end of the webbing 6 is formed as a free end that is pulled in a longitudinal direction thereof. Thereby the lever 4 is moved, with the webbing 6 sliding in contact with the lever 4. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12090 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1128/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : COMBINING USE OF A STEPWISE MARKUP LANGUAGE AND AN OBJECT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT TOOL (51) International classification : G06F 17/60 (31) Priority Document No :10/613,631 (32) Priority Date : 03/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : KUANSAN WANG (57) Abstract : The present invention provides a system and method for combining Voice XML with an speech application development tool such as SALT. In one aspect of the present invention, a Voice XML module includes Voice XML executable instructions. A SALT module includes speech application language that as to execute instructions associated with the Voice XML module. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12091 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1129/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 15/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER (51) International classification : A61F011/06 (31) Priority Document No :10/619,789 (32) Priority Date : 15/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : BOSE CORPORATION Address of Applicant :The Mountain, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701-9168 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : STEVE CRUMP DANIEL M. GAUGER, JR. ROBERT BELANGER (57) Abstract : A power supply includes a battery source supplying power and a voltage converter circuit. The voltage converter circuit converts the power to the input voltage supplied to other circuitry. The voltage converter circuit varies the input voltage in response to a load current drawn by the other circuitry from the power supply. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12092 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1134/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 16/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : VIRTUAL CONNECTIVITY WITH LOCAL CONNECTION TRANSLATION (51) International classification : H04J 1/16 (31) Priority Document No :10/619,330 (32) Priority Date : 14/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.A.E. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : CHUANXIONG GUO JUN YUAN QIAN ZHANG WENWU ZHU (57) Abstract : A middle layer network protocol enhancement, virtual connectivity (VC) makes the network attachment point changes of local and remote peers transparent to applications that use network services. A virtual connectivity module local to each peer translates communication connection parameters from apparent to real and vice versa, as well as sending and receiving secure connection updates directly to and from peers. Unlike mobile IP, no routing infrastructure modifications are required. A subscribe-notify service provides connection update notifications when direct peer-to-peer connection updates are not possible, for example, when two communicating peers move simultaneously or when the moving peer is communicating with a peer behind network address translation (NAT). Methods for detecting these conditions are disclosed, as is a virtual connectivity protocol and virtual connectivity module architecture. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12093 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1137/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 16/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD OF PRODUCING SELF-FASTENING SYSTEMS WITH HOOKING MUSHROOMS AND LOOPS, HAVING A VERY LONG LIFE, AND SELF-FASTENING SYSTEMS OBTAINED BY THE METHOD. (51) International classification :F16B19/00 (31) Priority Document No :03 08200 (32) Priority Date : 04/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : APLIX Address of Applicant :19 avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris, France (72)Name of Inventor : JEAN-PIERRE DUCAUCHUIS (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns a male element of mushroom shape for a self-fastening closure, particularly of the hook and loop type, comprising a cylindrical rod (2) having a longitudinal axis and a cross-section, a flange (5) projecting laterally from the rod (2) and extending substantially all around the rod, characterized in that the rod has a constant cross-section or one that decreases strictly from the bottom of the rod to its apex, and there is formed in the rod an auxiliary cavity (6) of which the largest section transversely of the rod axis is of a smaller dimension than that of the cross-section of the rod (2). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12094 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1141/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 17/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SHED FORMING DEVICE FOR WEAVING LOOM EQUIPPED WITH HEDDLE FRAMES, AND WEAVING LOOM INCORPORATING SUCH A DEVICE (51) International classification :D03C3/42 (31) Priority Document No :03/ 07407 (32) Priority Date : 09/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STAUBLI FAVERGES Address of Applicant :Place Robert Staubli, F-74210 Faverges France (72)Name of Inventor : JOSEPH PALAU CLAUDE DAGOIS (57) Abstract : This shed forming device comprises an electric actuator (40) with rotating oscillating movement which forms a self-contained assembly incorporating an electric motor(46) and a reduction gear (60)incorporating a hollow wheel (54). The output shaft(44) of the motor (46) is equipped with a pinion (52) in engagement with an inner toothing (54a) of the hollow wheel (54), while this hollow wheel is adapted to drive in rotation, with a movement of oscillations, a shaft (30) for driving a connecting rod with a heddle frame. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12095 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1144/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 17/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : LOOP PIN CONNECTING DEVICE (51) International classification : B65C7/00 (31) Priority Document No :2003-175794 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : M.I.T. INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. Address of Applicant :9-7, Hino 7-chome, Kounan-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Japan (72)Name of Inventor : Hideyuki UENO (57) Abstract : A loop pin connecting device for causing mutual mating between a insertion head portion and a socket portion of a filament has a first feeding means, which feeds out the insertion head portion in front of the loop pin connecting device, and a second feeding means, which feeds out the socket portion in front of the loop pin connecting device, wherein along one stroke from a position at which the insertion head portion and the socket portion of the individual loop pins are set into the device such that the insertion head portion and socket portion are moved up to a position at which there is mutual mating there between, at least the first feeding means has a operation interruption mechanism capable of temporarily stopping the feeding operation at an arbitrary position during the stroke. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12096 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1146/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 18/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : GRANULAR CONTROL OVER THE AUTHORITY OF REPLICATED INFORMATION VIA FENCING AND UNFENCING (51) International classification : G10L21/00 (31) Priority Document No :60/486,627 (32) Priority Date : 10/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/733,459 (32) Priority Date : 10/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/733,459 (32) Priority Date : 10/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : DAN TEODOSIU NIKOLAJ S. BJORNER (57) Abstract : A method and system for controlling which content gets precedence and is replicated. A replica set is comprised of a set of resources. Each resource is associated with resource data and resource meta-data. For files-based systems, resource data includes file contents and attributes, while resource meta-data includes additional attributes that are relevant for negotiating synchronization during replication. An extra filed called a fence value is added to the meta-data associated with each resource. During synchronization, first fence values are compared. The resource with the highest fence value includes the content that that is controlling and replicated. If fence values are equal (and greater than a particular value), the controlling resource is determined based on other meta-data. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12097 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1147/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 18/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURE (51) International classification :G06F17/60 (31) Priority Document No :10/609,275 (32) Priority Date : 26/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/607,591 (32) Priority Date : 27/06/2003 (31) Priority Document No :10/610,692 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/625,892 (32) Priority Date : 22/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/626,251 (32) Priority Date : 23/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/628,054 (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : AKELLA V. S. SASTRY ANDREW EDWARD AYERS ANDREW JAMES EDWARDS CHARLES L. MITCHELL DAVID MITFORD GILLIES DAVID READ TARDITI, JR JULIAN BURGER MARK LESLIE ROBERTS MARK RONALD PLESKO VINOD K. GROVER Abstract: One or more computer-readable media with computer-executable instructions for implementing a software development architecture comprising: a software development scenario-independent intermediate representation format; one or more exception handling models operable to support a plurality of programming language specific exception handling models; a type system operable to represent the type representations of a plurality of source languages; and a code generator operable to generate code targeted for a plurality of execution architectures The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12098 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1156/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application18/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DETECTION OF OUT OF MEMORY AND GRACEFUL SHUTDOWN. (51) International classification :G06F1/37 (31) Priority Document No :03253973.6 (32) Priority Date : 24/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Canada (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Research in Motion Limited Address of Applicant :295 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3W8 (72)Name of Inventor : HASSAN Ahmed (57) Abstract : A low memory manager configured to cause part of the memory allocated to a specialized application to be held in reserve so that it can be used to support the specialized application during an occurrence of low memory, thus providing time for data backup of remedial steps to be carried out before the affected application crashes. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12099 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1158/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL GENERIC PROTECTION FOR COMPUTERS AGAINST MALICIOUS PROGRAMS THAT MAY STEAL INFORMATION AND/OR CAUSE DAMAGES (51) International classification :G06F12/14 (31) Priority Document No :2,431,681 (32) Priority Date : 19/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Canada (31) Priority Document No :10/644,841 (32) Priority Date : 21/08/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :2,446,144 (32) Priority Date : 20/10/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Canada (31) Priority Document No :60/557,453 (32) Priority Date : 28/03/2004 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MAYER Yaron Address of Applicant :21 Ahad Haam Street, Jerusalem 92151 Israel Name of Applicant : DECHOVICH Zak Address of Applicant :Hasayeret Hayerushalmit 16/6, Jerusalem 97543 Israel (72)Name of Inventor : MAYER Yaron DECHOVICH Zak (57) Abstract : A security system for computers, wherein said computers are at least one of a personal computer, a network server, a cellular phone, a palm pilot, a car computer, and/or other computerized gadget, comprising at least: A system for automatic segregation between programs that is applied to at least one of the hard disks and other non-volatile storage devices The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12100 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1161/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING (51) International classification :F16C33/46 (31) Priority Document No :203 11 207.5 (32) Priority Date : 22/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Germany (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : AB SKF Address of Applicant :Hornsgatan 1, 415 50 Goteborg Sweden (72)Name of Inventor : ALFRED WEIDINGER (57) Abstract :Cylindrical roller bearing having one inner ring, one outer ring , and between these cylindrical rollers with a defined roller diameter (Dw) as well as a cage for guiding the cylindrical rollers , with the cage having parallel cage rings connected by bars , with the cage rings and the bars forming pockets taking up the cylindrical rollers and with the cage rings being designed in such a way that one radial outer surface chafes radial flanges on one of the bearing rings in order to guide the cage . The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12101 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1162/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INTRA-PACKAGE DELTA COMPRESSION OF DATA (51) International classification :H03K13/22 (31) Priority Document No :10/633,375 (32) Priority Date : 21/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : ALEXANDER V. PETROV MANOJKUMAR H. SHENDE MICHAEL V. SLIGER THOMAS D. McGUIRE (57) Abstract : A system and method for providing file data, such as a set of files for updating a computer system, in a self-contained package, in which the package size is significantly reduced via delta compression. A build mechanism examines files to be distributed, and generates a self contained package containing files an deltas. To this end, a directed graph is built from the sizes of the various base file and delta file possibilities and a minimum spanning tree computation selects the files that result in the smallest package. A base file may have multiple deltas applied to synthesize multiple files, and any base file may itself have been previously synthesized from another base file and a delta. A client extraction mechanism, optionally provided with the package, works with the contents of the package as directed by a manifest to synthesize target files from the base files and contained deltas. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12102 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1163/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : VIRTUAL CONNECTIVITY SUBSCRIBE-NOTIFY SERVICE (51) International classification :H04N7/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/619,332 (32) Priority Date : 14/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : CHUANXIONG GUO JUN YUAN QIAN ZHANG WENWU ZHU (57) Abstract : A middle layer network protocol enhancement, virtual connectivity (VC) makes the network attachment point changes of local and remote peers transparent to applications that use network services. A virtual connectivity module local to each peer translates communication connection parameters from apparent to real and vice versa, as well as sending and receiving secure connection updates directly to and from peers. Unlike Mobile IP, no routing infrastructure modifications are required. A subscribe-notify service provides connection notifications when direct peer-to-peer connection updates are not possible, for example, when two communicating peer move simultaneously or when the moving peer is communicating with a peer behind network address translation (NAT). Methods for detecting these conditions are disclosed, as is a virtual connectivity protocol and virtual connectivity module architecture. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12103 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1165/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 22/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A SYSTEM FOR CORIUM LOCALISATION AND COOLING FOR A DAMAGED LWR NUCLEAR REACTOR (51) International classification :G21C9/016 (31) Priority Document No :0307895 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Russia (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant Name of Applicant : PETROV Vadim Vasilyevich Address of Applicant :kv.41, d.38, pr. Lenina, g. Kolpino, St. Petersburg, 187020 Russia Name of Applicant : ZAMYATIN Oleg Nikolaevich Address of Applicant :kv. 107, d.54, ul.Tverskaya, g. Kolpino, St. Petersburg, 189630 Russia Name of Applicant : NECHAEV Aleksandr Konstantinovich Address of Applicant :kv.38, d.2, ul. Molodogvardietsev, Moscow, 121467 Russia Name of Applicant : KOPYYTOV llya Igorevich Address of Applicant :kv. 912, korp. 12, kvartal 22-23, Novyye Cheremushki, Moscow, 117036 Russia Name of Applicant : KLONITSKY Mikhail Lvovich Address of Applicant :kv.44, d. 2a, proezd Shokalskogo, Moscow, 129642 Russia (72)Name of Inventor : KHABENSKY Vladimir Bentsianovich GRANOVSKY Vladimir Semyonovich BESHTA Sevostyan Victorovich SIDOROV Aleksandr Stalievich NOSENKO Gennady Efimovich g. KLEIMYONOVA Galina Nllinichna SERGEEV Evgeny Dmitrievich TICHOMIROV Vladimir Anatolyevich PETROV Vadim Vasilyevich ZAMYATIN Oleg Nikolaevich NECHAEV Aleksandr Konstantinovich (71)Name of Applicant : KHABENSKY Vladimir Bentsianovich Address of Applicant :kv. 3, d. 32, Zagorodny pr, St.Petersburg, 191128 Russia Name of Applicant : GRANOVSKY Vladimir Semyonovich Address of Applicant :kv.30, d. 19, ul. Ordzhonikidze , St. Petersburg, 196143 Russia Name of Applicant : BESHTA Sevostyan Victorovich Address of Applicant :kv.85, d.33, ul.Solnechnaya, g. Sosnovy Bor, Leningradskaya obl., 188540 Russia Name of Applicant : SIDOROV Aleksandr Stalievich Address of Applicant :kv.81, 15 d., ul.Sverdlova,, Podolsk Moskovskoi obl., 142100 Russia Name of Applicant : NOSENKO Gennady Efimovich g. Address of Applicant :kv.78, d.9, ul.Kirova, g. Podolsk Moskovskoi obl.,142100 Russia Name of Applicant : KLEIMYONOVA Galina Nllinichna Address of Applicant :kv.177, d.54, ui.Sverdlova, g. Podolsk Moskovskoi obl., 142118 Russia Name of Applicant : SERGEEV Evgeny Dmitrievich Address of Applicant :kv.77, d. 3, bulvar Detskoselsky, g. Pushkin, St. Petersburg , 196605 Russia Name of Applicant : TICHOMIROV Vladimir Anatolyevich Address of Applicant :kv.4 d. 20, ui. Blinnikova, g. Tosno Leningradskoi obi., 187020 Russia Name of Applicant : ONUFRIENKO Sergei Viktorovich Address of Applicant :kv.543, k.1, d.35, ul.Esenina, St. Petersburg, 194356 Russia Name of Applicant : KUKHTEVICH Losif Vladimirovich Address of Applicant :kv. 158, d. 43, Zanevsky pr., St. Petersburg, 195213 Russia Name of Applicant : BEZLEPKIN Vladimir Viktorovich Address of Applicant :kv. 198, d.12, pr. Nauki, St. Petersburg, 195257 Russia Name of Applicant : GUSAROV Viktor Vladimirovich Address of Applicant :kv.34, d.23, ul. Frunze, St. Petersburg, 196135 Russia Name of Applicant : BERKOVICH Viktor Mozesovich Address of Applicant :kv.329,, d. 120, pr Mira, Moscow, 129164 Russia The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12104 ONUFRIENKO Sergei Viktorovich KUKHTEVICH Losif Vladimirovich BEZLEPKIN Vladimir Viktorovich GUSAROV Viktor Vladimirovich BERKOVICH Viktor Mozesovich KLONITSKY Mikhail Lvovich KOPYYTOV llya Igorevich (57) Abstract :The invention relates to devices for molten corium localization and cooling at its release beyond the reactor vessel during an accident. The purpose of the invention is to increase efficiency and reliability of the system by means of improving the conditions of the melt inflow and its cooling in the core catcher. Novelty is in the design of the cooled corium catcher located in the subreactor shaft and made as a vessel with a basket filled with sacrificial materials for diluting the uranium-bearing and steel components of corium, as well as in the shape (arrangement) of the sacrificial materials inside the core catcher, selection of the optimal amount of the sacrificial materials, and installation of a directing device for the corium flowing from the reactor into the core catcher. In particular, the cooled jacket bottom is by no less than 30% thicker than its walls and is inclined towards the center at 10 to 20 degrees; the sacrificial diluter materials are produced as briquettes encased in steel shells. The masses of the materials for diluting the uranium-bearing and steel components of corium flowing from the reactor have been determined by the calculated mathematical relations accounting for the mass of the components of corium flowing from the reactor, physical parameters of the melt components, critical heat flux density, actual dimensions of the core catcher, and heat from the melts to the cooling water through the jacket. It is proposed to design the corium directing device as a funnel located between the reactor lower head and the core catcher upper edge, with walls of the directing device covered with refractory concrete above which there is a coating of fusible concrete. 1 independent claims, 3 dependent The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12105 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1166/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 22/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : WEAVE SYSTEM OF JACQUARD TYPE, WEAVING LOOM EQUIPPED WITH SUCH A SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR ASSEMBLY AND DISMANTLING OF SUCH A SYSTEM (51) International classification :D03C3/20 (31) Priority Document No :0307895 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : STAUBLI FAVERGES Address of Applicant :Place Robert Staubli F-74210 Faverges France (72)Name of Inventor : CLAUDE DAGOIS PATRICK ILTIS (57) Abstract : The weave system according to the invention comprises a plurality of electric rotary actuators adapted each to drive in rotation a pulley for winding a cord element controlling the position of at least one heddle, while a cover is provided to isolate from the outside and/or protect a group of pulleys mounted on adjacent actuators. The cover is provided with means for retaining at least one pulley in a position allowing it to be assembled on the corresponding actuator or dismantled with respect thereto. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12106 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1167/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 22/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ERGONOMIC POINTING DEVICE (51) International classification G06K11/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/620,239 (32) Priority Date : 14/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : KABIR SIDDIQUI (57) Abstract : An ergonomic pointing device receives commands from a user for controlling an electronic device. The ergonomic pointing device generally comprises a shaft, a roller, and a frame. The shaft comprises a ground spring contact and two direction-sensing spring contacts. The roller is disposed around the shaft so that the roller is free to rotate about the longitudinal axis of the shaft. The inside of the roller comprises a conductive surface that is arranged to remain in electrical contact with the ground spring contacts of the shaft throughout the entire revolution of the roller. The conductive surface is also arranged to alternately make and break electrical contact with the direction sensing spring contacts during an entire revolution of the roller such that the direction and speed of the revolution of the roller can be determined. The shaft is free to move along the Z-axis but not to rotate about its longitudinal axis. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12107 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1168/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 22/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : RELEASE MECHANISM FOR ENABLING MANUAL MANIPULATION OF A MOTORIZED C-ARM. (51) International classification :A63F7/04 (31) Priority Document No :10/614,421 (32) Priority Date : 07/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GE Medical System Global Technology Company LLC Address of Applicant :3000 North Grandview Boulevard, Waukesha, Wisconisn 53188-1696 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor SIMMONS John M. (57) Abstract : A drive system for an imaging device (10) having a curved arm (22). The drive system includes a carrier (18) that engages the curved arm (22) such that the arm(22) can be moved along the carrier (18). The drive system includes a belt (42) extending through the carrier (18) and a motor (82), a drive shaft (86) rotatably driven by the motor (82), and a drive pulley (90) coupleable to the drive shaft (86) through a clutch mechanism (41). The pulley (90) engages the belt (42) to move the curved arm (22) relative to the carrier (18). The clutch mechanism (41) is movable between an engaged position, at which the drive shaft (86) is coupled to the drive pulley (90) such that the motor (82) moves the drive pulley (90), and a disengaged position, at which the drive shaft (86) is uncoupled from the drive pulley (90) so that the curved arm (22) can be manually moved relative to the carrier (18). A clutch release mechanism (50) moves the clutch between its engaged and disengaged positions. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12108 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1180/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 24/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : STATE MIGRATION IN MULTIPLE NIC RDMA ENABLED DEVICES (51) International classification : G06F 13/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/622,217 (32) Priority Date : 18/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : KHAWAR M. ZUBERI (57) Abstract : A method is provided for transferring control between a first network interface and at least a second network interface in a same multiple network interface device after the first network interface transmits an identifier generated by the first network interface. The method includes receiving a message from the second network interface to a program component, the message indicating the reception of the identifier from a second device. Next, the method provides for querying the first network interface to supply the program component with a list of identifiers generated by the first network interface and associated memory locations in the multiple network interface device memory. If the identifier received by the second device is present in the list, the method provides for transmitting a memory location associated with the identifier to the second network interface. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12109 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1181/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 24/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : IMPROVEMENTS IN AND RELATING TO TEXTILE PROCESSING (51) International classification : D06P 1/00 (31) Priority Document No :0317489.3 (32) Priority Date : 25/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.K. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : FALMER INVESTMENTS LTD. Address of Applicant :3rd Floor, Omar Hodge Building, Wickhams Cay I, P.O. Box 362, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands Ice Land (72)Name of Inventor : Dr. TSUI Tak William (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to an improved textile processing system comprising two or more textile processing machines connected by a valve means , such that the textile processing machines can selectively operate independently or in common, as required. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12110 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1182/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 24/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : IMPROVEMENTS IN AND RELATING TO TEXTILE PROCESSING MACHINES (51) International classification : D06B 3/00 (31) Priority Document No :0319027.9 (32) Priority Date : 13/08/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.K. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : FALMER INVESTMENTS LTD. Address of Applicant :3rd, Omar Hodge Building, Wickhams Cay I, P.O. Box 362, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Island Ice Land (72)Name of Inventor : Dr. TSUI Tak William (57) Abstract : A textile processing machine 100 in particular a jet-dyeing machine comprises a driving system 1, 5 to drive a textile through the machine 100. A nozzle tube 3 having nozzle arrays 2,4 provides means to direct fluid at the textile in a parallel flow and counter-flow directions. Downstream of the nozzle tube plaiting apparatus 101 assists in removal of excess fluid from the dye-loaded textile and plaits the textile as it enters a fabric chamber 9 located in the base of a vessel containing dye-liquor. Circulation system 16, 20 ensure that the dye liquor 10 is recycled and that the working temperature of the dye-liquor 10 is maintained during the dyeing process. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12111 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1188/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SECURE HIERARCHICAL NAMESPACES IN PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS (51) International classification :G06F15/16 (31) Priority Document No :10/623,994 (32) Priority Date : 21/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : GRAHAM A. WHEELER (57) Abstract : A method and data structure are provided that enables name resolution via a hierarchical or chained lookup of delegated authorities independent of requiring IP address of delegated authorities. In an embodiment, the method provides for lookups by first generating cryptographic keys associated with a namespace An authority is created using one of the cryptographic keys. Next, The method provides for enabling namespaces to refer to the authority via requesting authorities associated with the namespaces to issue a peer-to-peer type resolution so that names of the namespaces resolve to the authority. For other desired namespaces, the method provides for issuing a resolution that names the authority and names associated with the other namespaces to resolves to the other authorities. For services, the authority and a service name are published to receive and end results such as arbitrary data, an IP address, a protocol name or a port. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12112 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1189/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A COST-EFFECTIVE PROCESS FOR PREPARING AGAROSE FROM GRACILARIA SPP. (51) International classification :C08B37/12 (31) Priority Document No :NILL (32) Priority Date : 31/05/2004 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ARUP KUMAR SIDDHANTA RAMAVATAR MEENA KAMALESH PRASAD PUSHPITO KUMAR GHOSH KARUPPANAN ESWARAN SANGAIYA THIRUPPATHI VAIBHAV AJIT MANTRI BHARATKUMAR KALIDAS- RAMAVAT (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a simple, direct and cost-effective process for the preparation of agarose of high gel strength and low gelling temperature from naturally occurring or cultivated Gracilaria spp. more particularly Gracilaria dura, said process comprising steps of pre-treating the dry seaweed with alkali, rising the pretreated seaweed until the washing shows a pH ranging between 7 8, adding water, autoclaving to obtain extractive, treating the extractive with charcoal and Celite to obtain hot extractive, vacuum filtering the hot extractive with charcoal and Celite to obtain hot extractive, vacuum- filtering the hot extractive over a Celite bed, freezing the filtrate into a mass and thawing the mass, redissolving the mass in water by heating in an autoclave, repeating the freeze- thaw cycle, straining the product to remove thawed liquid and thereafter squeezing to expel residual liquid to the extent possible to obtain agarose, and an agarose thereof. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12113 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1191/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN ADJUSTABLE MOUNTING MECHANISM CAPABLE OF PAN, TILT, ROLL AND THEIR COMBINATIONS (51) International classification :B62B7/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/607,884 (32) Priority Date : 27/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : ANTONY JOSEPH SURYAKANT TENGALI RAJACHANDRAN MADHAN MATHEW DIAS (57) Abstract : An adjustable mounting mechanism for rigidly mounting devices such as instruments, transducers and so, forth, rotating such mounted devices at various angles in the azimuth direction and/or tilting such mounted device a various pitch angles, roll angles and combined pitch-roll angles to permit pan pitch, roll and combined pitch-roll motion respectively of device for measurement, simulation and examination of its dynamic performance in multiplicity of ways. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12114 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1192/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PRECISION-FORGING PARTS MANUFACTURING PROCESS (51) International classification : B21J7/14 (31) Priority Document No :03 09000 (32) Priority Date : 23/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SNECMA MOTEURS Address of Applicant :2 Boulevard du General Martial- Valin, 75724 Paris Cedex 15 France (72)Name of Inventor : Maurice BEIGNON Camille COUGNAUD Marc LEPETIT Bertrand BOUILLOT Lionel VALERY Jean-Claude PLAZANET (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a precision- forging parts manufacturing process including the manufacture and development of a first forging tooling equipment (20,30), the forging of the parts with said tooling equipment, whereas the parts have a determined excessive thickness, and their finishing and their finishing treatment, The method is characterized in that it also includes the realization of a digital model of the surface of the first tooling equipment, the forging of parts, the rehabilitation of the tooling equipment or manufacture of new tooling equipment from the digital model, after forging a determined number of parts. In particular, the parts are subjected to a finishing treatment directly after forging, said treatment including mechanic polishing. The invention applies to the forging of blades for turbo machines. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12115 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1204/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : FLUID DISCHARG PUMP AND FLUID CONTAINER (51) International classification :F01B9/02 (31) Priority Document No :2003-191198 (32) Priority Date : 03/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (31) Priority Document No :2003-194908 (32) Priority Date : 10/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MASATOSHI MASUDA Address of Applicant :2, 9-BANCHI, TAKADA-CHO, SAIIN, UKYOU-KU, KYOTO CITY, KYOTO, 615- 0031 Japan (72)Name of Inventor : MASATOSHI MASUDA (57) Abstract : A fluid discharge pump comprises: an outer cover connected to an upper portion of the fluid storing portion; a nozzle head provided with a fluid discharge nozzle; a bellow member disposed between the fluid-storing portion and the nozzle head; a first valve mechanism for inflow coupled with a lower end of the bellows member; a second valve mechanism for outflow coupled with an upper end of the bellows member; and a third valve mechanism for anti-leakage disposed between the nozzle and the second valve mechanism inside the nozzle head. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12116 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1206/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : VISION -BASED DOCUMENT SEGMENTATION (51) International classification :G 06K9/34 (31) Priority Document No :10/628,766 (32) Priority Date : 28/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JI-RONG WEN SHIPENG YU DENG CAI WEI-YING MA (57) Abstract : Vision-based document segmentation identifies one or more portions of semantic content of a document. The one or more portions are identified by identifying a plurality of visual blocks in the document and detecting one or more separators between the visual blocks of the plurality of visual blocks. A content structure for the document is constructed based at least in part on the plurality of visual blocks and the one or more separators, and the content structure identifies the one or more portions of semantic content of the document. The content structure obtained using the vision-based document segmentation can optionally be used during document retrieval. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12117 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1207/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE FOR AN EXTENSIBLE COMPILER AND TOOLS INFRASTRUCTURE (51) International classification :G06F9/45 (31) Priority Document No :10/626,251 (32) Priority Date : 23/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JULIAN BURGER DAVID READ TARDITI, JR CHARLES L. MITCHELL ANDREW EDWARD AYERS VINOD K. GROVER (57) Abstract : Methods and systems are described herein for extending configuration dependent extensible software programs. Classes of a core extensible software program may be extended by adding a configuration dependent extension. The extensions may be added statically prior to compiling the core version of a software program or dynamically at runtime. The declaration of extensible core classes may include an extensibility attribute with an indication of whether the class is statically extensible or dynamically extensible. An object description language is also described herein for appropriate declaring configuration dependent extensible classes. Also, a pre-processor is described herein for processing the object description language to generate a source code representation of the extensible class declaration and their extensions. The source code representation may then be used to generate the extended version of the core software program. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12118 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1208/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : MAPPING ARCHITECTURE FOR ARBITRARY DATA MODELS (51) International classification :G07C 21/26 (31) Priority Document No :10/652,214 (32) Priority Date : 29/08/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : ALEXANDER VASCHILLO ILKER CENGIZ BERTAN ARI SRINIVASA R. BURUGAPALLI LUCA BOLOGNESE AVNER Y. AHARONI STEVEN D. WHITE ALEX LASKOS ANDREW J. CONRAD TODD E. PFLEIGER JASON Z. ZHU CHRIS SUVER DAVID SCHACH ADAM J. WIENER (57) Abstract : A data mapping architecture for mapping between tow or more data sources without modifying the metadata or structure of the data sources themselves. Data mapping also supports updates. The architecture also supports at least the case where data sources that are being mapped, are given their schemas predefined, and cannot be changed. The architecture includes a mapping component that receives respective metadata from at least two arbitrary data models, and maps expression between the data models. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12119 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1209/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND TENSIONING DEVICE FOR STABILIZING AND REGULATING THE TENSION OF THREAD BEING UNWOUND FROM BOBBINS (51) International classification : B65H 59/24 (31) Priority Document No :UD2003A 000143 (32) Priority Date : 01/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Italy (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SAVIO MACCHINE TESSILI S.P.A. Address of Applicant :Via Udine 105-33170 Pordenone Italy (72)Name of Inventor : ARMANDO D'AGNOLO (57) Abstract : METHOD AND TENSIONING DEVICE FOR STABILIZING AND REGULATING THE TENSION OF THREAD BEING UNWOUND FROM BOBBINS. Method and relevant device for stabilizing and regulating the tension of a thread (16) being unwound from a bobbin (18). The method envisages the addition to the unwinding tension (td), of a resistant tension automatically variable in relation to the intensity of the unwinding tension (td). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12120 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1224/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PROCESS FOR PREPARING HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (51) International classification : C01B 15/01 (31) Priority Document No :2003-170887 (32) Priority Date : 16/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : VASSNT RAMCHANDRA- -CHOUDHARY CHANCHAL SAMANTA PRABHAS JANA (57) Abstract : The present invention discloses a process for the production of hydrogen peroxide from hydrazine hydrate or hydrazine salt, represented by a general formula: N2H4.nX, wherein, X is H2O, H2SO4, HNO3, HC1, HBr, HI or CH3COOH; n is 0.5, 1 or 2; N is nitrogen; H is hydrogen; S is sulfur; Cl is chlorine; Br is bromine; and I is iodine, by its liquid phase oxidation with oxygen, using a solid catalyst comprising palladium but with or without halogen promoter, in an aqueous reaction medium with or without comprising a mineral acid and / or halide anions, which comprises: i) contacting the solid catalyst with a hydrazine hydrate or hydrazine salt and oxygen containing gas selected from oxygen, air and oxygen enriched air, in aqueous reaction medium at the following reaction conditions: the concentration of hydrazine hydrate or hydrazine salt in the reaction medium above 0.001 mol/dm3, the concentration of mineral acid in the reaction medium in the range from zero mol/dm3 to 10 mol/dm3, the concentration of halide anions added to the reaction medium in the range from zero mmol/dm3 to 100 mmol/dm3, the concentration of the solid catalyst in the reaction medium in the range from 0.01 g/dm3 to 100 g/dm3, the space velocity of the oxygen containing gas in the range from 100 cm3/ g catalyst/h to 100,000 cm3/ g catalyst/h, the mass ratio of hydrazine hydrate or hydrazine salt to solid catalyst in the range from 0.01 to 100, the temperature below 100°C, the pressure at least 0.95 atm, and the reaction contact time above 0.02 h; and ii) separating the H2O2 from the reaction mixture. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12121 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1225/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 30/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETECTING FLAMES. (51) International classification : F23N (31) Priority Document No :03015846.3 (32) Priority Date : 11/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Switzerland (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SIEMENS BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES AG Address of Applicant :Bellerivestrasse 36, 8008, Zurich Switzerland (72)Name of Inventor : GIUSEPPE, MARBACH (57) Abstract : The detection of flames in a monitored zone is effected by analysis of at least one parameter of a radiation that occurs in the monitored zone. A video image of the monitored zone is generated and zones having high light intensity and local flicker motion are sought in said video image, in which case, in a first step, said zones are localized and the relevant image excerpts are subsequently analyzed with regard to the presence of a flame. The coordinates of the brightest pixels are sought, and then an image region of interest (ROI) which contains the brightest pixel or, pixels and is reduced with respect to the original image is defined and analyzed with regard to the occurrence of a flame. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12122 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.910/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 19/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : STEREO COUPLED FACE SHAPE REGISTRATION (51) International classification :G06T5/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/610,494 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : LIE GU LI ZIQING HONG-JIANG ZHANG (57) Abstract : A face model having outer and inner facial features is matched to that of first and second models. Each facial feature of the first and second models is represented by plurality of points that are adjusted for each matching outer and inner for the inner facial features of the first and second models using 1) the corresponding epipolar constraint for the inner features of the first and second models.2) Local grey-level structure of both outer and inner features of the first and second models. The matching and the adjusting are repeated, for each of the first and second models, until the points for each of the outer and inner facial features on the respective first and second models that are found to match that of the face model have a relative offset their between of not greater than a predetermined convergence tolerance. The inner facial features can include a pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth. The outer facial features can include a pair of eyebrows and a silhouette of the jaw, chin, and cheeks The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12123 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.912/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : PREVENTION OF OUTGOING SPAM (51) International classification : G06F17/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,159 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : JOSHUA T. GOODMAN ROBERT L. ROUNTHWAITE ELIOT C. GILLUM (57) Abstract : The subject invention provides for a system and method that facilitates detecting and preventing spam in a variety of networked communication environments. In particular. The invention provides several techniques for monitoring outgoing communications to identify potential spammers. Identification of potential spammers can be accomplished at least in part by a detection component that monitors per sender at least one of volume of outgoing messages. volume of recipients, and /or rate of outgoing messages. In addition, outgoing messages can be scored based at least in part on their content, The scores can be added per massage per sender and if the total score(s) per message or per sender exceeds some threshold, them further action can be taken to verify whether the potential spammer is a spammer. Such actions include human inspecting a sample of the messages, sending challenges to the account. Sending a legal notice to warn potential spammers and /or shutting down the account. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12124 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.913/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ADVANCED SPAM DETECTION TECHNIQUES (51) International classification :G06F17/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,741 (32) Priority Date : 23/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : BRYAN T. STARBUCK ROBERT L. ROUNTHWAITE DAVID E. HECKERMAN JOSHUA T. GOODMAN ELIOT C. GILLUM NATHAN D. HOWELL KENNETH R. ALDINGER (57) Abstract : The subject invention provides for an advanced and robust system and method that facilitates detecting spam. The system and method include components as well as other operations which enhance or promote finding characteristics that are difficult of the spammer to avoid and finding characteristics in non-spam that are difficult for spammers to duplicate. Exemplary characteristics include examining origination features in pairs analyzing character and/or number sequences, strings, and sub-strings, detecting various entropy levels of one or more character sequences, strings and/or sub-strings as well as analyzing message and/or features sizes. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12125 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.914/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : OBFUSCATION OF SPAM FILTER (51) International classification H04L12/58 (31) Priority Document No :10/601,034 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : JOSHUA T. GOODMAN ROBERT L. ROUNTHWAITE JOHN C. PLATT (57) Abstract : The subject invention provides systems and methods that facilitate obfuscating a spam filtering system to hinder reverse engineering of the spam filters and/or to mitigate spammers from finding a message that consistently gets through the spam filters almost every time. The system includes a randomization component that randomizes a message score before the message is classified as spam or non spam so as to obscure the functionality of the spam filter. Randomizing the message score can be accomplished in part by adding a random number or pseudo-random number to the message score before it is classified as spam or non spam. The number added thereto can vary depending on at least one of several types of input such as time, user, message content, hash of message content, and hash of particularly important features of the message, for example. Alternatively, multiple spam filters can be deployed rather than a single best spam filter. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12126 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.915/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD FOR CLEANING A GRINDING TOOL COATED WITH CUBIC BORON NITRIDE WITHIN AN APPARATUS FOR SEPARATING TOBACCO FROM A TOBACCO CAKE AND APPARATUS FOR CARRYING OUT THE SAME (51) International classification:B24B53/00 (31) Priority Document No :03 09 0149.0 (32) Priority Date : 20/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Germany (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : HAUNI MASCHINENBAU AG Address of Applicant :KURT - A - KORBER - CHAUSSEE 8-32, 21033 HAMBURG Germany (72)Name of Inventor : BACH Uwe BUHK Birger BRANDT Holger DITTOMBEE Harald HAUBNER Mattias SOMMER Windfried (57) Abstract : The invention is concerned with an apparatus and a method for cleaning a grinding tool coated with cubic boron nitride within an apparatus for separating tobacco from a tobacco cake. When separating tobacco, the separating elements are reground during tobacco processing by suitable coated grinding tools. Due to deposition of tobacco sauce and tobacco dust on the cutting edge of the separating element, which is also precipitated on the grinding tool, cleaning of the grinding tool is necessary. In known apparatuses and methods, the grinding tools with hardened surface are cleaned by so-called "stripping" by means of a diamond and thus freed of the tobacco sauce and the dust residues. However, this has the disadvantage that due to wearing of the grinding tool itself, firstly the service life of the grinding tool is short, and secondly continuous advance of the same is necessary which leads to complex construction of the device. The object, the propose an apparatus and a method for cleaning a grinding tool, in which the grinding tool for sharpening the separating elements during operation can be cleaned effectively and simply, is achieved according to the invention in that means are provided, by means of which cleaning of the grinding tool takes place by applying a jet of liquid or gaseous medium to the grinding tool. Effective cleaning which is gentle to the grinding tool is thus facilitated. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12127 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.916/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : CONTAINER CAPABLE OF KEEPING A LENGTHWISE CONTRACTED STATE AND CONTRACTION METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification :B31B43/00 (31) Priority Document No :2003-150419 (32) Priority Date : 28/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Gosho Company Limited Address of Applicant :385, Shimizuarai, Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi Japan (72)Name of Inventor : HIGUCHI Mitsuo (57) Abstract : To extremely reduce the capacity of a container body when juice or mineral water in a container body is drunk up and the container body is discarded. The container body includes: a top tap; a small width in a height direction at a bottom; and a horizontal bellows formed on the whole or part in a longitudinal direction of the container body, except the top tap, and the width in the height direction. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12128 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.917/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 20/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN ARRANGEMENT FOR METERING FLUIDS , FOR INSTANCE FOR FOR TEXTILE PLANTS. (51) International classification : F17D (31) Priority Document No :03425584.4 (32) Priority Date : 09/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Italy (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : Lawer S.p.A Address of Applicant :Via Amendola, 12/14, I-13836, Cossato(Biella) (72)Name of Inventor : DE BONA Paolo (57) Abstract : A system for selective metering of fluids, for example for metering fluids in textile plants, comprises: -a manifold (12) comprising at least one valve (12.1, ..., 12.n), which can selectively provide connection with a respective supply line (22.1, ..., 22.n) for a fluid to be metered ;and -a syringe-type metering device (20) connected to said manifold (12) so that , with the aforesaid valve (12.1,..., 12.n) that sets the manifold (12) in connection with the respective metering line (22.1,..., 22.n) the syringe-type metering element is able to recall into the manifold (12)a quantity of fluid to be metered, identified by the metering position reached by the syringe-type metering element (20) in a relationship of fluid communication with the manifold (12). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12129 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.933/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 24/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A HOLLOW BLADE FOR A TURBINE ENGINE (51) International classification : F01D5/00 (31) Priority Document No :03 50183 (32) Priority Date : 27/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SNECMA MOTEURS Address of Applicant :2, boulevard du General Martial Valin, 75015 Paris France (72)Name of Inventor : JEAN-PIERRE FERTE JEAN -MICHEL PATRICK MAURICE -FRANCHET DANIEL GASTON LHOMME ALAIN LORIEUX (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a hollow blade for turbine engine comprising a foot and a rotor blade, the method comprising a production stage of two external parts (14) as well as an assembling stage via diffusion bonding of these two external parts so as to obtain a blade perform. According to the intention, the production stage of the two external parts comprises, for each of these parts, the following operations: - the making via forging of a primary element (28) constituting at least a rotor blade part of the external part; - the making via forging of at least a secondary element (34) intended to form at least partially a foot part of the external part; and - the assembling of each secondary element (34) onto the primary element so as to obtain the external part. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12130 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.934/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 24/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : HOLLOW FAN BLADE FOR TURBINE ENGINE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SUCH A BLADE (51) International classification :F01D5/00 (31) Priority Document No :03 50187 (32) Priority Date : 27/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : SNECMA MOTEURS Address of Applicant :2, boulevard du General Martial Valin, 75015 Paris France (72)Name of Inventor : JEAN -MICHEL PATRICK MAURICE -FRANCHET ALAIN LORIEUX DANIEL GASTON LHOMME STEPHANE ANDRE LEVGEQUE JEAN-LOUIS DESPREAUX (57) Abstract : The invention relates to a method of manufacturing a single piece hollow fan blade for turbine engines comprising a foot (2) extended by a rotor blade (4) in a radial direction, the method comprising the following stages: - making via forging of a single-piece fan blade (1) with a plurality of inserts; and - eliminating of the inserts so as to obtain a plurality of recesses (16) in this blade. The invention also relates to such a blade (1) fitted with a plurality of recesses (16) each extending substantially and radially along a curved central line (18). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12131 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.938/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : POWER PROFILING (51) International classification : G06F1/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/610,496 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : JERED DONALD AASHEIM YONGQI YANG AVI GEIGER JEFFREY D. MIDKIFF (57) Abstract : Systems and methods are described for profiling the power consumption of software instructions executing on a processor. A power measurement circuit records power consumption levels of a processor executing various software instructions. A profiling tool tracks and identifies the instruction being executed on the processor and generates an association between the instruction and the power consumed during execution of those instructions. The power profile enables the precise isolation and identification of instructions relative to amounts of power consumed during the execution of those instructions. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12132 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.941/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : COUPLING SYSTEM BETWEEN FRAME AND REAR ENGINE- SUSPENSION GROUP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE (51) International classification :B60K5/10 (31) Priority Document No :MI2003A 001053 (32) Priority Date : 26/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Italy (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : PIAGGIO & C. S.p. A. Address of Applicant :Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 25 - Pontedera (Pisa) Italy (72)Name of Inventor : ALESSANDRO BAGNOLI (57) Abstract : The present invention concerns a coupling system between frame and rear engine-suspension group (1) of a motor vehicle, said motor vehicle comprising a frame, a fork (3) coupled at one end with said rear engine-suspension group (1) and at the other end with at least one wheel (4), said system being characterized in that it comprises connection elements (10, 10 and 11, 11), said connection elements (10, 10 and 11, 11) being rigid and coupled with said frame by means of first coupling means (16, 16and 17, 17) and with said rear engine- suspension group (1) by means of second coupling means. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12133 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.942/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ATTACHMENT STRUCTURE BETWEEN DRIVING WHEEL AND ENGINE IN PARTICULAR FOR MOTOR VEHICLES (51) International classification :B62D21/00 (31) Priority Document No :MI2003A001058 (32) Priority Date : 27/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Italy (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : PIAGGIO & C. S.p. A. Address of Applicant :Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 25 - Pontedera (Pisa) Italy (72)Name of Inventor : MAURIZIO MARCACCI (57) Abstract : The invention concerns an attachment structure between driving-wheel and engine, in particular for motor vehicles, in which the connection between engine and wheel is obtained through two independent connection elements, a first end of which is hinged on rotation axes distinct from each other and parallel, situated in distinct points of the engine, and a second end of which is hinged on distinct and parallel rotation axes, situated at distinct points of the support structure of the driving wheel. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12134 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.949/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 26/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD OF SECTOR PROBE DRIVING AND ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUS (51) International classification :A61B8/00 (31) Priority Document No :2003-163069 (32) Priority Date : 09/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : GE Medical Systems Global Technology Company LLC Address of Applicant :3000 North Grandview Boulevard, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-1696 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : AMEMIYA Shinichi (57) Abstract : The transmitter/receiver for a convex probe and linear probe are used to drive a sector probe. Usually, when an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus using a convex probe and linear probe uses a sector probe, it selects vibration elements of N in number, which is equal to the number of channels of the sector probe, out of vibration elements of L in number (N is smaller than L), so that the selected elements are distributed at a virtually constant pitch in the alignment of vibration elements, and turns on only high voltage switches which are connected with the selected vibration elements to implement the sector scanning with the transmitter/receiver. It becomes possible to implement the sector scanning by using the transmitter/receiver having channels less than the number of vibration elements of the sector probe. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12135 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.966/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR MARKING HYDROCARBONS WITH SUBSTITUTED ANTHRAQUINONES (51) International classification : C07C50/34 (31) Priority Document No :60/478,375 (32) Priority Date : 13/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : ROHM AND HAAS COMPANY Address of Applicant :100 Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19106-2399 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : DAVID RODERICK BAXTER PETER JOHN CRANMER KIM SANG HO (57) Abstract : A method for marking a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon. The method comprises adding to the liquid petroleum hydrocarbon at least one substituted anthraquinone dye having formula (I) see figure attached wherein X is O or S; Y is O, NR7 or S; R1 and R2 independently are hydrogen, alkyl, aryl, aralkyl, heteroalkyl, heterocyclic or alkanoyl; R3 and R5 independently are alkyl, aralkyl, heteroalkyl or heterocyclic; R4 and R6 independently are hydrogen or alkyl; R7 is hydrogen or alkyl; and wherein the substituted anthraquinone dye(s) has an absorption maximum in the range from 600 nm to 750 nm. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12136 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.968/DEL/2004 (22) Date of filing of Application27/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METHOD FOR PRODUCING ORGANIC COMPOUND BY SUBSTITUTED HALOGEN ATOMS (51) International classification :C07C61/00 (31) Priority Document No :2003-168116 (32) Priority Date : 14/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MITSUI CHEMICALS, INC. Address of Applicant :5-2, Higashi-shimbashi, 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7117 Japan (72)Name of Inventor : SETSUKO FUNAKI YOSHITERU TANIGUCHI TADAHITO NOBORI YOSHIHIRO YAMAMOTO ISAO HARA TAKAOMI HAYASHI KAZUMI MIZUTANI SHINJI KIYONO (57) Abstract : An organic compound, in which a halogen atom is replaced with a group derived from a nucleophilic agent, at high yield and high efficiency, by the following method including a step of reacting the nucleophilic agent with an organic material having halogen atom bonded to a carbon atom having four • bonds. A method for producing an organic compound having Q, the method including a steep of reacting a compound represented by general formula (2) with an organic starting material having at lest one halogen atom bonded to a carbon atom having four • bonds so as to replace the halogen atom in the organic starting material with Q: MQa (2) (wherein M represents an alkali metal atom, an alkali earth metal atom, or a rare earth metal atom, Q represents a moiety of an inorganic acid or an a active hydrogen compound derived by eliminating a proton, wherein Q is a halogen atom different from the halogen atom in the organic starting material having the halogen atom bonded to the carbon atom having the four • bonds; and a represents an integer of 1 to 3) in the presence of a compound represented by general formula (1) see figure 1 (Wherein Z- represents an anion derived by eliminating a proton from an inorganic acid or an active hydrogen compound; Rs is the same or different; Rs each independently represent a C1-C10 hydrocarbon group or two Rs on the same nitrogen atom may be bonded with each other to form a ring with the nitrogen atom) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12137 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.977/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ARCHITECTURE FOR CONNECTING A REMOTE CLIENT TO A LOCAL CLIENT DESKTOP (51) International classification G06F15/16 (31) Priority Document No :10/456,235 (32) Priority Date : 06/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ALAN M. BILLHARZ AARON J. NONIS SCOTT DARNELL NEIL S. FISHMAN TRACY M. DAUGHERTY (57) Abstract : Architecture for generating and maintaining terminal services connection from an external client to an internal internet client behind a firewall and/or router, the external user is first authenticated after which the external client is passed to a remote user portal. A listing of available internal computers is presented to the external client user, the selection of one that initiates an intranet server to create a listening socket thereon, and a socket on the selected internal client. The server creates a thread that manages the terminal services connection between the external client and the internal client by listening for traffic and forwarding the traffic between the ports. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12138 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.979/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : ORIGINATION/ DESTINATION FEATURES AND LISTS FOR SPAM PREVENTION (51) International classification H04L12/158 (31) Priority Document No :10/454,168 (32) Priority Date : 04/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : JOSHUA T. GOODMAN ROBERT L. ROUNTHWAITE DANIEL GWOZDZ JOHN D. MEHR NATHAN D. HOWELL MICAH C. RUPERSBURG BRYAN T. STARBUCK (57) Abstract : The present invention involves a system and method that facilitate extracting data from messages for spam filtering. The extracted data can be in the form of features. Which can be employed in connection with machine learning systems to build improved filters. Data associated with origination information as well as other information embedded in the body of the message that allows a recipient of the message to contact and/or respond to the sender of the message can be extracted as features. The features, or a subset thereof can be normalized and/or deobfuscated prior to being employed as features of the machine learning systems. The (deobfuscated) features can be employed to populate a plurality of feature lists that facilitate spam detection and prevention. Exemplary features include an email address, an IP address, a URL, an embedded image pointing to a URL, and/or portions thereof. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12139 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.981/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR EMPLOYING TAGGED TYPES IN A DYNAMIC RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT (51) International classification G05B19/418 (31) Priority Document No :10/458,460 (32) Priority Date : 10/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : ERIK MEIJER (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to systems and methods that facilitate dynamic programming language execution in a managed code environment. A class component is provided that declares an inheritance hierarchy for one or more tagged values associated with a dynamic programming language. During execution of the tagged values, a rules component mitigates user-defined types from inherting or deriving properties from the tagged values in order to support a type safe runtime environment. A bifurcated class tree is provided that defines non-tagged type elements on one side of the tree and tagged type element values on an alternate branch of the tree. The rules component analyzes runtime extensions that help to prevent data from one component of the tree deriving or inheriting properties from another component of the tree. The runtime extensions include such aspects as cast class extensions, test class extensions, and conversion class extensions for converting data types from one class subtype to another. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12140 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.983/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application28/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : USE OF A BULK-EMAIL FILTER WITHIN A SYSTEM FOR CLASSIFYING MESSAGES FOR URGENCY OR IMPORTANCE. (51) International classification G06F15/16 (31) Priority Document No :10/609,818 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way,Redmond, Washington U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : ERIC J. HORVITZ JOHNSON T. APACIBLE (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to a system and method to facilitate efficient and automated processing of messages. A bulk filter is provided to categorize one or more received messages according to a range of classification, the range spanning from at least a bulk classification of values to at least a non-bulk classification of values. A second filter is provided to further classify the received messages in order to automatically facilitate processing of the messages. The range of classification includes a continuum of values based on a likelihood the received messages are determined to tend toward or fall within the bulk classification of values or toward/within the non-bulk classification of values. Also, the bulk filter or filter can include an adjustable threshold setting to determine or define differences between the bulk classifications and the non-bulk classifications. Various combinations of filters are possible including multiple filter arrangements, parallel arrangements, cascaded arrangements, and other arrangements to facilitate filtering and sorting of messages in order that users can more efficiently process such information in a timely manner. Applications include the enhancement of classification procedures for identifying urgent or important email from non-urgent or non-important email, with the combination of bulk-email filters with urgency or importance filters in cascaded and parallel filtering methodologies. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12141 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.986/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AXIAL COMPRESSION ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. (51) International classification :H01R12/00 (31) Priority Document No :60/481,152 (32) Priority Date : 28/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/708,278 (32) Priority Date : 20/02/2004 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : ANDREW CORPORATION Address of Applicant :10500 WEST 153rd STREET, ORLAND PARK IL 60462 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ISLAM, NAHID LEE, JOON THORBURN, NEIL (57) Abstract : An electrical connector adapted for interconnection with a helically corrugated outer conductor coaxial cable via axial compression. Threads formed in an interior bore of the connector body threadably engage helical corrugations of the outer conductor. Upon axial compression of an interface into an interference fit with the body, a leading edge of the outer condutor is deformed, creating a high quality uniform electrical interconnection and preventing unthreading of the cable from the connector Gaskets environmentally sealing the various entry paths into the connector are also sealably compressed by the axial movement of the various connector components during axial compression. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12142 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.987/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : COAXIAL CABLE CONNECTOR INSTALLABLE WITH COMMON TOOLS (51) International classification H01R13/00 (31) Priority Document No :10/604,470 (32) Priority Date : 23/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :10/708,859 (32) Priority Date : 29/03/2004 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : ANDREW CORPORATION Address of Applicant :10500 WEST 153rd STREET, ORLAND PARK, IL 60462 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : DYKSTRA, JOHN WLOS, JAMES BUENZ. LARRY (57) Abstract : A coaxial connector may be configured with multiple interleaved concentric threads that reduce connector assembly threading requirements. A cable sheath stripping feature may be incorporated into the connector, eliminating the need for a separate sheath stripping tool. Also, over-tightening protection assemblies may be incorporated in the coupling and or rear clamp nuts. The over-tightening protection assemblies utilize first and second interlock surfaces which co-operate to couple the connector body with a rotatable inner coupling sleeve until a predetermined level of torque is applied whereupon complementary protrusions formed on the rings deflect and slip past each other, protecting the connector and or cable from damage due to application of excessive torque and eliminating the need for torque wrenches during connector installation. The first and second interlock surfaces may be formed directly in the coupling nut and inner coupling sleeve or may be separate finger and ramp rings coupled to each. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12143 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.988/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : POLYALKYLBICYCLIC DERIVATIVES. (51) International classification A61K7/46 (31) Priority Document No :10/672,339 (32) Priority Date : 26/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INC. Address of Applicant :521, West 57th Street, Law Department - 10th Floor, New York, New York 10019 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : ANUBHAV P.S. NARULA EDWARD MARK ARUUDA (57) Abstract : Described are polyalkylbicylic chemical derivatives for use a fragrance ingredients having the generic structure: see figure-1 wherein m is 0 or 1; wherein each of the dashed lines represent a carbon-carbon single bond or a carbon-carbon double bond with the proviso that not more than one dashed line represents a carbon-carbon double bond; wherein X represents hydrogen or methyl; wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4 each represent methyl or ethyl with the proviso that when X is methyl, each of R1, R2, R3 and R4 is methyl and when X is hydrogen, one of R1, R2, R3 and R4 is ethyl; wherein D is =O or -OH when neither dashed line is a double bond, - OR5 when either of the dashed lines is a double bond, -OR7 when the dashed line in the •4, 5 position is a double bond, or see figure-2 when the dashed line in the •3A,4 position represents a double bond; wherein R6 is hydrogen or methyl; wherein R7 represents C1 - C3 alkyl; wherein R5 represents C4 - C7 cycloalkyl, C4 - C7 hydroxyalkenyl or tri- C1 - C3 alkyl silyl; wherein E is hydrogen or see figure-3 when neither dashed line is a double bond, with the proviso that when D is =O or -OH, E is See figure-4 wherein F is hydrogen when neither dashed line is a double bond and D is not =O; wherein D and E taken together represents the moiety: See figure-5 when neither dashed line is a double bond; wherein R and R' each represents hydrogen or methyl with the proviso that at least one of R and R' is methyl. Methods for using and making these compounds are also disclosed. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12144 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.997/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 31/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : THREE WAY VALIDATION AND AUTHENTICATION OF BOOT FILES TRANSMITTED FROM SERVER TO CLIENT (51) International classification G06F15/17 (31) Priority Document No :10/609,152 (32) Priority Date : 27/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : MICROSOFT CORPORATION Address of Applicant :One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 U.S.A (72)Name of Inventor : WESLEY G. MILLER (57) Abstract : A method and system of transferring boot files from a server to a client having a pre- installation environment. The server authenticates the client. The client authenticates the server. The boot files are transferred from the authenticated server to the authenticated client the boot files may be authenticated by the client before execution to create an operating system. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12145 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.999/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 01/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : THREE-WHEEL ROLLING VEHICLE WITH FRONT TWO-WHEEL STEERING (51) International classification B60G17/00 (31) Priority Document No :MI2003A 001108 (32) Priority Date : 03/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : Italy (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : PIAGGIO & C. S.p.A., Address of Applicant :Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 25 - Pontedera (Pisa,Italy) Italy S.p.A., (72)Name of Inventor : ALESSANDRO BAGNOLI (57) Abstract : A three-wheel rolling vehicle with front two-wheel steering comprising a frame (13), a handlebar (16), a rear wheel (12) rotating with respect to the frame (13) and a steering group which operates two front wheels (14, 15) in which two horizontal crossbars (21, 22) are foreseen, connected through hinges (40-43) of the side tubes (36, 37) and through additional hinges (23, 24) to the frame (13), the tubes (36, 37) rotatably supporting steering tubes (31, 32). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12146 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1194/DEL/2004 (22) Date of filing 28/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN APPARATUS FOR PACKING A FOODSTUFF (51) International classification :B65B65/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number831/DEL/2002 Filed on28/06/2004 (71)Name of Applicant : VAN LEER SOUTH AFRICA (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Address of Applicant :Van leer House, 15 Wellington Road, Parktown, Johannesburg South Africa (72)Name of Inventor : CARLOS ALBERTO LEAL PEREIRA DA -SILVA (57) Abstract :An apparatus for packing a foodstuff, the apparatus including: a mould defining a cavity having a pre- determined shape, for receiving a flexible bag having an opening through which the foodstuff may be introduced; vacuum creating apparatus including a bag engaging member for engaging the opening of the bag hen the bag is in the mould and being operable to create a vacuum in the bag,. thereby to create a substantially' oxygen-free' atmosphere within the bag; and sealing apparatus, operable to seal the opening of the bag while maintaining the vacuum in the bag, thereby forming a packed foodstuff of a configuration substantially defined by the shape of the cavity of the mould. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12147 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1002/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 01/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DECODING ENCODED SIGNALS (51) International classification H04N7/26; (31) Priority Document No :P07-038266 (32) Priority Date : 27/02/1995 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number397/DEL/1996 Filed on26/02/1996 (71)Name of Applicant : SONY CORPORATION Address of Applicant :7-35 Kitashinagawa 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Japan (72)Name of Inventor : MITSUYUKI HATANAKA YOSHIAKI OIKAWA KYOYA TSUTSUI (57) Abstract :The invention concerns a method for decoding encoded signals for restoring a waveform signal wherein said encoded signals at least comprise an encoded version of a plurality of frequency components transformed from waveform elements and an encoded version of the control correction information for gain control correction for waveform elements ahead of an attack portion with an abruptly rising signal level and for waveform elements of a release portion with an abruptly decaying signal level said encoded signals are decoded in order to take the plural frequency components and the control correction information, said frequency components are transformed into waveform signals made up of plural waveform elements, comprising: performing gain control correction at least of the waveform elements ahead of the attack portion and the waveform elements of the release portion using the gain control correction amounts selected from among said plural gain control correction amounts on the basis of the control correction information; and restoring waveform signals form said waveform elements and The invention also provides an apparatus for decoding encoded signals for restoring a digital audio waveform signal wherein said encoded signals include an encoded version of a plurality of frequency components generated by transforming a gain controlled waveform element sliced from said waveform signal into blocks of preset length which is overlapped with the neighboring blocks, and an encoded version of the control correction information of said gain control correction for waveform elements ahead of an attack portion with an abruptly rising signal level and for waveform elements of a release portion with an abruptly decaying signal level, comprising: decoding means which decodes said input encoded signals and takes out said plural frequency components and said control correction information; transform means for transforming said frequency components into waveform signals made up of plural waveform elements; means for transforming gain control correction at least of the waveform elements ahead of the attack portion and the waveform elements or the release portion using the gain control correction amounts selected from among said plural gain control correction amounts on the basis of the control correction information; and means for restoring waveform signals from said waveform elements. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12148 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1046/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING AN EPOXIDE (51) International classification : C07D301/12 (31) Priority Document No :9800232 (32) Priority Date : 24/03/1998 (33) Name of priority country : Belgium (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application NumberIN/PCT/2000,00405/MUM Filed on15/09/2000 (71)Name of Applicant : SOLVAY (SOCIETE ANONYME) Address of Applicant :33 rue du Prince Albert,B-1050 Bruxelles Belgium (72)Name of Inventor : JEAN-PIERRE CATINAT MICHEL STREBELLE (57) Abstract : Continuous process for manufacturing an epoxide, according to which an olefin is reacted, in a reactor, in the liquid phae, with a peroxide compound in the presence of a zeolite-based catalyst and in the presence of a solvent, and a gaseous compound is introduced continuously into the reactor at a flow rate which is sufficient to entrain at least some of the epoxide produced, which is recovered with the gaseous compound at the point at which it leaves the reactor. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12149 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1048/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 07/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : INPUT WAVEFORM ENCODING AND DECODING METHOD AND APPARATUS (51) International classification : G10L19/02; G10L19/00 (31) Priority Document No :P07-038266 (32) Priority Date : 27/02/1995 (33) Name of priority country : Japan (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number397/DEL/1996 Filed on26/02/1996 (71)Name of Applicant : SONY CORPORATION Address of Applicant :7-35 Kitashinagawa 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Japan (72)Name of Inventor : MITSUYUKI HATANAKA KYOYA TSUTSUI YOSHIAKI OIKAWA (57) Abstract : A signal encoding method and apparatus for encoding input digital signals by high efficiency encoding and a method and apparatus for decoding encoded signals. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12150 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1063/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 08/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A PROCESS FOR THE PERHALOALKYLATION OF A COMPOUND (51) International classification : C07C17/00; C07C25/00 (31) Priority Document No :95 02157 (32) Priority Date : 24/02/1995 (33) Name of priority country : France (31) Priority Document No :95 10937 (32) Priority Date : 15/09/1995 (33) Name of priority country : France (31) Priority Document No :95 10937 (32) Priority Date : 15/09/1995 (33) Name of priority country : France (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number374/DEL/1996 Filed on23/02/1996 (71)Name of Applicant : RHONE-POULENC AGROCHIMIE Address of Applicant :14-20 Rue Pierre Baizet, F-690009 Loyon France (72)Name of Inventor : GERARD FORAT BERNARD LANGLOIS NICOLAS ROQUES MARC TORDEUX CLAUDE WAKESELMAN (57) Abstract : Reactant, compound and process for the perfluoroalkylation of a nucleophile, and the derivatives obtained. Reactant suitable for successive or simultaneous use in the perfluoroalkylation of nucleophilic substrate, which reactant comprises: a) a compound of formula (I) : Rf-M (X) (Z) n Y-R (I) wherein R represents a carbon-containing radical, Rf represents a radical of formula (II): [R2- (CQ2) p-] [R1- (CQ2)m-] CF- (II) wherein R1 and R2 are the same or different and each represents a fluorine or chlorine or a carbon- containing radical, m represents an integer of from 0 to 12, p represents an integer of from 0 to 12, each of Q independently represents a perhalogenated radical or a chlorine or fluorine atom, with the condition that when m and/or p is equal to zero, R1 and/or R2 represent an electron withdrawing group, n represents zero or 1; M represents a metalloid selected from carbon or a chalcogen heavier than oxygen, and X, Y and Z which are the same or different each represent a chalcogen; and b) a source of radicals. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12151 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1071/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : DIGITAL COMPLEX PHASOR GENERATOR AND METHOD FOR BI- DIRECTIONAL FREQUENCY CONVERSION IN DIGITAL RECEIVERS (51) International classification : G01R19/25; G01R23/16 (31) Priority Document No :08/416,122 (32) Priority Date : 03/04/1995 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number593/DEL/1996 Filed on20/03/1996 (71)Name of Applicant : MOTOROLA INC. Address of Applicant :1303 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : FRANK STEVEN EORY (57) Abstract : DIGITAL COMPLEX PHASOR GENERATOR AND METHOD FOR BI-DIRECTIONAL FREQUENCY CONVERSION IN DIGITAL RECIVERS. A digital rotating complex phasor generator (60) provides a constant magnitude continuous phase signal at either a positive or a negative frequency for translating the frequencies of a modulated signal from a near-zero intermediate frequency (IF) to baseband. The rotating complex phasor generator allows a digital receiver front-end to down-convert the received signal to an IF of substantially zero Hertz prior to analog to digital conversion, even in the presence of large Doppler frequency shifts and tuning uncertainties which may result in a residual IF carrier which has either a positive or negative frequency The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12152 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1072/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 09/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : METALLIZATION OF PHOSPHOR SCREENS (51) International classification : H01J29/28; H01J29/18 (31) Priority Document No :9424162.7 (32) Priority Date : 30/11/1994 (33) Name of priority country : U.K. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number2175/DEL/1995 Filed on27/11/1995 (71)Name of Applicant : COOKSON GROUP PLC. Address of Applicant :130 Wood Street, London EC2V 6EQ U.K. (72)Name of Inventor : ADELAIDE TITILAYO OLURONKE -MORENIKE ADEBAYO ALISON MARY WAGLAND WARREN LI (57) Abstract : A process for the metallization of a phosphor screen comprises the steps of applying to a phosphor screen a preformed film of a polymeric material which decomposes and/or volatilizes at a temperature of below 450°C, the film either having a film of a metal deposited on at least one side thereof, or being metallized in situ, and heating the composite so formed to a or volatilization temperature above the decomposition temperature of the polymeric film in order to decompose and/or volatilise the polymeric material. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12153 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1157/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 21/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AN APPLICATOR FOR HOLDING AN AMOUNT OF GASEOUS STIMULANT IN CONTACT WITH TREE'S TISSUE FOR STIMULATING LATEX PRODUCTION IN HEVEA TREES. (51) International classification :A01G23/00 (31) Priority Document No :PI 2002-0060 (32) Priority Date : 09/01/2002 (33) Name of priority country : Malaysia (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number1303/DEL/2002 Filed on27/12/2002 (71)Name of Applicant : SUKRI KEERATITHARAKUN Address of Applicant :No.1 Moo 3 Tanokmerok, Betong, Yala Thailand (72)Name of Inventor : SUKRI KEERATITHARAKUN (57) Abstract : An applicator for holding an amount of gaseous stimulant in contact with tree's tissues for stimulating latex production in Hevea trees comprises with an opening at one side having sharp edges around said opening to facilitate said edges' ease of cutting into the tree bark by knocking said applicator onto the tree bark to affix the said applicator thereunto and conduit means for fluid flow between the space enclosed by the applicator and outside. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12154 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.939/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification :H04J13/04 (31) Priority Document No :08/368,710 (32) Priority Date : 04/01/1995 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number2434/DEL/1995 Filed on28/12/1995 (71)Name of Applicant : INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Address of Applicant :913 Market Street, Suite 802, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : GARY RAYMOND LOMP (57) Abstract : A system and method for adaptive power control of a spread spectrum transmitter of a mobile unit operating in a cellular-communications network having a plurality of mobile units in communication with a base station. In response to a received signal from the mobile unit, the received signal having a first spread-spectrum signal and an interfering signal, an automatic gain control (AGC) circuit within the base station generates an AGC-output signal which is despread by base despreader and then processed as a received-power level. The received power level is then compared to a threshold level to generate a power command signal. The power command signal is transmitted to the mobile station as a second spread-spectrum signal. The mobile station despreader despreads the second spread-spectrum signal as a power adjust signal and, responsive to the power adjust signal, increases or decreases the power level of the first spread spectrum signal. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12155 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.940/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 25/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEM AND METHOD (51) International classification :H04J13/04 (31) Priority Document No :08/368,710 (32) Priority Date : 04/01/1995 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number2434/DEL/1995 Filed on28/12/1995 (71)Name of Applicant : INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Address of Applicant :913 Market Street, Suite 802, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : GARY RAYMOND LOMP (57) Abstract : A multipath processor for tracking a spread-spectrum signal within a plurality of groups of spread- spectrum signals, I each group having a plurality of spread-spectrum signals, said multipath processor comprising: first means for despreading a first plurality of spread-spectrum signals within a first group, to generate, respectively, a first plurality of despread signals;first means, coupled to said first despreading means,for combining the first plurality of despread signals as a first I combined-despread signal; second means for despreading a second plurality of spread-spectrum signals within a second group, to generate, respectively, a second plurality of despread signals; I second means, coupled to said second dispreading means, for combining the second plurality of despread signals, as a second combined-despread signal; and means, coupled to said first combining means and to said second combining means, for selecting one of the first combined-despread signal and the second combined-despread signal, as an output-despread signal. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12156 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.945/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 26/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : AQUEOUS EMULSION FUELS FROM PETROLEUM RESIDUUM-BASED FUEL OILS (51) International classification :C10L1/32 (31) Priority Document No :09/064,678 (32) Priority Date : 22/04/1998 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (31) Priority Document No :09/081,867 (32) Priority Date : 20/05/1998 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application NumberIN/PCT/99/00015/MUM Filed on17/12/1999 (71)Name of Applicant : A-55, INC. Address of Applicant :5270 Neil Road, Reno, Nevada 89502 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : RUDOLF W GUNNERMAN (57) Abstract :An aqueous macroemulsion to be used in place of petroleum residuum-based fuel oils such as No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6 fuel oils, as well as the vacuum residuum from the fraction distillation of petroleum, is formed by emulsifying the fuel oil with water or an aqueous liquid, the fuel oil forming the dispersed phase and the aqueous liquid forming the continuous phase. An emulsion stabilizer, and optionally various other additives, notably a lower allyl alcohol, are included to stabilize the properties of the emulsion. The emulsion is prepared by heating the fuel oil, particularly No. 6 fuel oil, and the water to a temperature above about C., and combining the two heated liquids in an appropriate ratio and shearing the mixture to form the macroemulsion. The macroemulsion offers numerous advantages over the fuel oil itself including the fact that it can be pumped at ambient temperature rather than requiring heating, and that it is a clean-burning fuel with significantly lower emission of NO.sub.x and other pollutants and contaminants. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12157 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.946/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 26/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A COMPUTING APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING SIGNAL PROPAGATION CHARACTERISTICS FOR A KNOWIN ENVIRONMENT (51) International classification :G06F13/10 (31) Priority Document No :08/415,051 (32) Priority Date : 31/03/1995 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to Application Number431/DEL/1996 Filed on29/02/1996 (71)Name of Applicant : MOTOROLA, INC., Address of Applicant :1303 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A. (72)Name of Inventor : YUQIANG TANG JOHN DOUGLAS REED (57) Abstract : A method for wireless communication system planning includes, in a first embodiment, determining an image tree (500), based on transmitter location (401) and the reflective (415) and diffractive (425) surfaces within a coverage region, and limiting the image tree to exclude branching for higher order images requiring more than a predetermined number of reflections and /or diffractions, or potential child images corresponding to surfaces not within the scope of the parent image (530, 560). Based on the image tree and propagation path back tracing (620) a received signal quality measure (e.g., power) is determined for each receives location. By comparing the different received signal powers an optimal receiver unit location is determined. Further, by building further image trees for further transmitter locations, an overall coverage quality can be determined for each transmitter and compared to yield and optimal transmitter location. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12158 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1029/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : A NOVEL PROCESS OF MAKING FLOW BASED GRADIENT POLYMERIC COMPOSITES (51) International classification : C08J9/32; C08J9/00 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : NAVIN CHAND (57) Abstract : A novel process of making flow based gradient polymeric composites, which comprises mixing of graphite particles in the range of 0.5-5 % by wt., resin 80 - 99.9% by wt., in the new type of system of casting the flow based gradient polymeric composites for making desired property component The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12159 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.1037/DEL/2004 (22) Date of Application 04/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention : GENETIC VARIANTS OF HUMAN TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETAL (TGF BETA1) AND PREDICTION OF SUSCEPTIBILITY FOR IMMUNOLOGICAL DISORDERS (51) International classification : A61K39/395 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (62) Divisional to to Application Number and Filing Date : NIL (71)Name of Applicant : COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Address of Applicant :Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 India Delhi (72)Name of Inventor : BALARAM GHOSH KAMALPREET NAGPAL SHILPY SHARMAQ (57) Abstract : Asthma is a chronic lung disorder characterized by inflammation as a result of complex interactions between cells, their mediators and tissues in the airways. Various genetic and environmental factors are known to affect the disease process. Of the genetic factors, human Transforming Growth Factor Betal (TGFβ1) is an important candidate gene for causation of susceptibility and/or pathogenesis. TGFβ1 Plays a dual role. On one hand, where it suppresses inflammation and decreases airway hyper reactivity in lungs, it also has a pro-inflammatory role where as it is one of the mediators involved in sub epithelial fibrosis, which is a fundamental feature of the remodeled airway in chronic asthmatics. The present invention relates to allelic variants of the human Transforming Growth Factor Betal (TGFβ1) gene and provides primers and methods suitable for the detection of these allelic variants for applications such as molecular diagnosis, prediction of an individual disease susceptibility, and/or the genetic analyses of the TGFβ1 gene in a population. Specifically, the invention provides a method for detection of predisposition to atopic disorders/other immunological disorders selected from group comprising of asthma, autoimmune disorders, inflammatory disorders, cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibrosis, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, hypertension and related disorders, diabetes and related disorders, alcohol abuse, anxiety, COPD, cholecystectomy, degenerative joint disease, seizure disorderss, arthritis etc. where human transforming Growth Factor Betal (TGFβ1) plays an important role. The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12160 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00081/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 01/03/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A NEW GAS-FIRED FURNACE (51) International classification : F23N 1/00 (31) Priority Document No : (32) Priority Date : (33) Name of priority country : (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: BANERJEE ALOKE KUMAR Address of the Applicant: JAGULGACHI, SOUTH 24-PARGANAS, WEST BENGAL, INDIA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.BANERJEE ALOKE KUMAR Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: This invention provides a new gas-fired furnace comprising a basket made of high temperature resistive metal, said basket firmly held on trolleys for easy movement in and out of a chamber (12), said furnace said furnace being further provided with a pair of sliding doors, a plurality of flame injectors being fitted within said furnace chamber evenly distributed on each side of the furnace wall, said furnace being provided with a series of burners so that flames being utilized within said chamber for the optimum heat. (FIG.1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12161 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00218/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/04/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SHEATHED CABLE SYSTEM (51) International classification : F16C 1/26 (31) Priority Document No : 10320677.9-12 (32) Priority Date : 08/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: FICO CABLES LDA Address of the Applicant: RUA DO CAVACO 115, APTDO 1075 VERMOIM 4471 MAIA PORTUGAL (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. PEDRO JOAO DA SILVA LOPES Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a sheathed cable system, in particular a bowden cable system, which is used for the transmission of push and pull forces and of displacements preferably in motor vehicles. This sheathed cable system comprises a cable 10, a cable guiding having a support structure 30 for receiving said cable 10 wherein said support structure 30 comprises adjacent ring-shaped elements 40 the faces 42 of which directly contact each other to transmit forces in the axial direction of the cable 10. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12162 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00235/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 07/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : AN INFORMATION RECORDING MEDIUM (51) International classification : B41M 5/26, G11B 7/006, 7/24 (31) Priority Document No : 2002-059005, 2002-202744, 2002-322708 (32) Priority Date : 05/03/2002, 11/07/2002, 06/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : 125/KOL/2003 Filed on : 27/02/2003 (71) Name of Applicant: MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 5-2, MARUNOUCHI 2-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, 100-005, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. MICHIKAZU HORIE, 2. TAKASHI OHNO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention discloses an information recording medium which comprises a recording layer having the composition of the following formula (1) as the main component: wherein the information recording medium utilizes a crystalline state of the recording layer as one recorded state, and an amorphous state formed by locally heating the recording layer to a temperature higher than a melting point and rapidly cooling it, as another recorded state. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12163 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00246/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 14/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SUPPORT COMPONENT OF A SEAT (51) International classification : B60N 2/00, B60R 22/24 (31) Priority Document No : 10322690.7 (32) Priority Date : 20/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: FICO CABLES LDA., Address of the Applicant: RUA DO CAVACO, 115 APTDO, 1075, VERMOIM, 4471 MAIA, PORTUGAL. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.JOAO ALBERTO VILELA BARROS Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a support component 1 for a support structure 100 of a seat, in particular of a motor vehicle seat. The support component 1 according to the invention comprises a continuous oblong plane element 10 having an ergonomic shape in view of a back shape of a seated person to be supported and hav- ing at least two fastening means 30, 40, wherein said plane element 10 comprises at least one support portion 60, 70 and at least one motional portion 80 having higher flexibility compared to the at least one support portion 60, 70 so that the at least one support portion 60, 70 is adaptable to the back shape by means of the flexibility of the at least one motional portion 80. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12164 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00248/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 14/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A TRANSPORT BELT FOR TRANSPORTING A FIBRE STRAND TO BE CONDENSED (51) International classification : D01H 005/86 (31) Priority Document No : 10325385.8 (32) Priority Date : 30/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG., Address of the Applicant: KLOSTERSTRASSE 20, 8406 WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. PETER VON BAUR 2.NORBERT BRUNK Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A transport belt for transporting a fibre strand to be pneumatically condensed is provided with an air-permeable middle area and with air-permeable border areas. These two areas are made of a woven fabric consisting of thermo- plastic filaments, whereby the border areas are made air-impermeable by means of a heating process. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12165 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00250/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 14/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SEWING MACHINE COMPRISING SENSOR FOR WORK-PIECE-THICKNESS DETECTION (51) International classification : D05B 29/02, 12, 27/24 (31) Priority Document No : 10323158.7 (32) Priority Date : 22/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: DURKOPP ADLER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT., Address of the Applicant: POTSDAMER STRASSE 190, D-33719 BIELEFELD, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. SEVKI HOSAGASI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A sewing machine (1) with a sensor (34) for the detection of work- piece thickness (dl; d2) comprises a base plate (2) including a bearing plate (23) for a work piece (24; 24, 25), a standard (3) being formed on the bearing plate (23), having an adjoining arm (4) which includes a head (5); a stitch- forming place (21) with a sewing needle (11); a feed arrangement (30) for feeding the work piece (24; 24, 25) in a feed direction (31), the sensor being an ultrasonic sensor (34) disposed upstream of the stitch-forming place (21) in the feed direction (30) and above the bearing plate (23) and having a circuit (36) for transmission, to an electric control system (38), of a measured value that corresponds to the thickness (dl; d2) of the work piece (24; 24, 25), and the control system (38) being connected to a unit (37) for transmission of alter commands in dependence on the detected thickness (dl, d2) to at least one servo component (15, 29) and/or to a driving motor (9) on the sewing machine (1). (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12166 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00252/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 17/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: YARN AND FABRIC SIMULATION SYSTEM (51) International classification : G01B 011/04 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : 1917/CAL/1997 Filed on : 14/10/1997 (71) Name of Applicant: CIS GRAPHIK UND BILDVERARBEITUNG GMBH., Address of the Applicant: HELMHOLTZSTR. 21, 41747 VIERSEN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. KLAUS HARDT 2. ARNFRIED UHLIG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method, system, and computer program are provided for simulating yarns and fabrics based on yarn parameters and fabric parameters. The yarn parameters may be determined directly from an actual yarn. The fabric parameters may be defined by a user. An actual yarn is modelled using position and orientation vectors, and a perfect yarn fabric is modelled using position vectors based in part on the actual yarn data. The actual yarn model and the perfect yarn fabric model may be combined to create an actual yarn fabric model that can be visually displayed to simulate fabric made from the yarn. (FIG.nil). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12167 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00254/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 18/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : METHOD OF MOUNTING CONDENSER MICROPHONE ON MAIN PCB AND CONDENSER MICROPHONE ADAPTED FOR THE SAME (51) International classification : H04R 19/04 (31) Priority Document No : 10-2003-0077967 (32) Priority Date : 05/11/2003 (33) Name of priority country : REPUBLIC OF KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: BSE CO. LTD., Address of the Applicant: 4 LOT, 58 BLOCK, 626-3, GOJAN-DONG, NAMDONG-GU, INCHEON, 405-817, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.SONG CHUNG-DAM, 2.CHUNG EEK-JOO, 3. KIM YUN-HO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A condenser microphone and a method of mounting a condenser microphone on a main PCB are provided. The method includes the steps of: assembling the condenser microphone by assembling elements of the condenser microphone such that a vibration plate including a couple of a diaphragm and a back plate is directed toward an opened surface of a casing of the condenser microphone, the casing having a closed bottom surface and an opened surface opposite to the closed bottom surface, mounting a PCB having a sound hole on the casing and curling the opened surface of the casing such that a connecting terminal of the PCB is protruded compared to a curled surface; positioning the assembled condenser microphone on a main PCB such that the sound hole of the PCB of the condenser microphone is in accordance with a through hole formed in the main PCB; and soldering the connecting terminal of the condenser microphone to a land of the main PCB. According to the present invention, if necessary, the main PCB can be mounted such that its elements surface is directed toward an inside of an electronic product, thereby maintaining good sound quality thanks to a short delivery path of sound wave. (FIG. 2A) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12168 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00256/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 18/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : HOUSEHOLD SOYBEAN MILK MAKER (51) International classification : A47J 43/04, 19/00, 36/26 (31) Priority Document No : 2003-33638 (32) Priority Date : 27/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : REPUBLIC OF KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: KIM HONG BAE Address of the Applicant: 5-7, HYUNCHEN- DONG, DUKYANG-KU, KOYANG-CITY, KYUNGGI-DO, REPUBLIC OF KOREA. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. KIM HONG BAE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A household soybean milk maker including a main body defining a space For receiving water, a cover element openably installed on an upper end of the main body, a drive motor disposed in the cover element to generate rotating force, a drive shaft for outputting rotating force of the drive motor, a blade connected to the drive shaft, a temperature sensor for detecting a temperature of the inside of the main body, and a sieve—like container which accommodates soybeans therein and is detachably attached to the cover element. A water vessel is coupled to a lower end of the main body. A steam generator is arranged in the water vessel to generate steam. Guide tubes are formed in the main body so that steam generated by the steam generator can be supplied through the guide tubes to soybean juice produced when the blade breaks the soybeans. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12169 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00259/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TERMINAL FOR ARMATURE (51) International classification : H02K 3/04, 3/28 (31) Priority Document No : 2003-144269 10/709,560 (32) Priority Date : 22/05/2003 13/05/2004 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: KABUSHIKI KAISHA MORIC., Address of the Applicant: 1450-6, MORI, MORI-MACHI, SHUCHI- GUN,SHIZUOKA-KEN, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. TAKAHASHI HIDEAKI 2. YAMADA TAKASHI 3. HIGASI HISANOBU Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An electrical armature having a writing board embodying conductive plates with wire end receiving terminals to receive and hold the wire ends of the coils while thy are fused to the terminals. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12170 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00260/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : NON-EVAPORABLE GETTER MULTILAYER DEPOSITS OBTAINED BY CATHODIC DEPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR THEIR MANUFACTURING (51) International classification : F04B 37/02 F04F 11/00 (31) Priority Document No : MI2003A 001178 (32) Priority Date : 11/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : ITALY (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: SAES GETTERS S.P.A., Address of the Applicant: VIALE ITALIA, 77, 20020 LAINATE MI, ITALY. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.CONTE ANDREA, 2. MORAJA MARCO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: Disclosed are getter multilayers formed of at least a layer (12) of a non- evaporable getter alloy having a low activation temperature over a layer (11) of a different non-evaporable getter material having high specific surface, both obtained by cathodic deposition; the deposits of the invention show better gas sorbing characteristics and activation temperature lower than those of deposits made up of a single material. The process for manufacturing these deposits is also disclosed. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12171 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00261/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19/05/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : DIFFERENTIAL PINION HAVING A GROOVED BORE (51) International classification : F16H 48/06 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: BORGWARNER INC., Address of the Applicant: 3800 AUTOMATION AVE., SUITE 100, AUBURN HILLS, MI 48236, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.CHRISTOPHER J. SUYDAM, 2.GREGORY S. LECOMPTE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A pinion for a center differential or speed reduction assembly of a motor vehicle transfer case includes external gear teeth and an axial passageway defined by alternating grooves and lands. The grooves and lands may be either axial or helical. The grooves provide improved lubrication and debris removal among other features. The pinion is preferably a powdered metal part. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12172 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00312/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 10/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : SINGLE AND DOUBLE EFFECT ABSORPTION REFRIGERATING MACHINE AND CONTROL METHOD OF OPERATION THEREOF (51) International classification : F25B 15/00 (31) Priority Document No : 2003-173599 (32) Priority Date : 18/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: TOKYO GAS CO. LTD., SANYO ELECTRIC CO. LTD. & SANYO ELECTRIC AIR CONDITIONING CO. LTD., Address of the Applicant: 1-5-20, KAIGAN, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN, 5-5, KEIHANHONDORI 2-CHOME, MORIGUCHI-SHI, OSAKA-FU, JAPAN AND 1, OTSUKI-CHO, ASHIKAGA-SHI, TOCHIGI-KEN, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. ISHINO HIROSHI, 2. ENJOJI KEITA, 3. UEGOMORI SHINICHI, 4. HOSHINO TOSHIYUKI, 5. IRAMINA KAZUYASU. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: Problem: Prevention of the occurrence of self-flash in dilute absorption liquid flowing into the low heat source regenerator and of heat loss, even when no heat source is being provided thereto. Solution: A single and double effect absorption refrigerating machine in which the low heat source regenerator 9 side of a dilute absorption liquid pipe 15 connecting an absorber and the low heat source regenerator 9 and by making a dilute absorption liquid pump P1, a low temperature heat exchanger 12, and a refrigerant drain heat recovery device 14 intervene therein is connected by a bypass pipe 17 along which a selector valve V1 is disposed to the low heat source regenerator 9 side of intermediate absorption liquid pipe 16 connecting the low heat source regenerator 9 and the high temperature regenerator S and by making an intermediate absorption liquid pump P2 and a high temperature heat exchanger 13 intervene therein; and a control method whereby control of the open/closed condition of the selector valve is carried out based on the temperature of a heat source flowing into, or discharged out of the low heat source regenerator 9, and furthermore, whereby the valve opening of the selector valve V1 is carried out based on the temperature of brine flowing into, or discharged out of the evaporator 1. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12173 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00316/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 14/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PLURAL COMPRESSORS (51) International classification : F04C 18/02, 23/00, 29/10 (31) Priority Document No : 10/600,106 (32) Priority Date : 20/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: COPELAND CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: 16/5 W. CAMPBELL ROAD, SIDNEY, OHIO 45365-0669, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.GUIDO WIERTZ 2.ROBERT ISERENTANTE 3.DIDIER DOUTREPONT 4.JOHANN DOBRESCU 5.FRANCIS PIRENNE 6.GARY ANDERSON] 7.PHILIPPE ERNST 8.CLYDE VERHOFF 9.PIERRE POYSAT Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A compressor system includes a pair of compressors located in a common shell. A common drive shaft drives both compressors and the drive shaft is powered by a single motor. One or both of the compressors can be equipped with a pulse width modulated capacity control system and a vapour injection system. When one compressor is equipped with these system, the capacity can be varied between 50% and 110%. When both compressors are equipped with these systems, the capacity can be varied between 0% and 120%. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12174 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00340/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 23/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : TRANSFER CASE WITH OVERDRIVE/UNDERDRIVE SHIFTING (51) International classification : B60K 17/35 (31) Priority Document No : 10/773, 108 (32) Priority Date : 05/02/2004 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: BORGWERNER INC., Address of the Applicant: POWERTRAIN TECHNICAL CENTER, 3800 AUTOMATION AVENUE, SUITE 100, AUBURN HILLS, MICHIGAN 48326-2782, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.ANDY YU, 2.FREDRIC H. TUBBS, 3.THOMAS J. FOSTER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A transfer case (16) for a vehicle (10) that includes a planetary gear assembly (100), a clutch pack assembly (110), and a band and drum assembly (98) that provide an overdrive or underdrive and direct drive in combination with a vehicle transmission (14). In one embodiment, an input shaft (18) drives an outer ring gear (108) of the planetary gear assembly (100) and is coupled to one set of discs (112) of the clutch assembly (110). A carrier (106) of the planetary gear assembly (100) is coupled to a rear output shaft (30), where the carrier (106) supports a plurality of pinion gears (104). A sun gear (102) of the planetary sear assembly (100) is coupled to another set of discs (114) of the clutch assembly (110) that are coupled to the drum (118). When the clutch assembly (110) is engaged, the ring gear (108) is coupled to the sun gear (102) for direct drive and when the band (116) is engaged, the pinion gears (104) and the ring gear (108) provide underdrive. (FIG. 2) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12175 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00341/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : CONTROL UNIT FOR CONTROLLING BLOW AND/OR SUCTION INTERVALS FOR CLEANING THE CLOTHING OF A TEXTILE COMBING MACHINE (51) International classification : D01G 19/06, 19/22, D01H 5/14 (31) Priority Document No : 10330458.4 (32) Priority Date : 05/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: STAEDTLER & UHL KG Address of the Applicant: NORDLICHE RINGSTRASSE 12, D-91126 SCHWAABACH, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.FRIEDRICH HENNINGER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: In a control unit for controlling blow and/or suction intervals for cleaning the clothing of a textile combing machine, in particular a top comb, by means of an air jet, comprising a timer for variably and adjustably triggering one or several valves in dependence on the comb cycle of the combing machine it is provided that a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) is used as a timer. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12176 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00346/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 23/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : THROUGH-DYEING OF COTTON WARP YARNS WITH INDIGO (51) International classification : D06B 3/06 (31) Priority Document No : 10332165.9 (32) Priority Date : 15/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: DYSTAR TEXTILFARBEN GMBH & CO. DEUTSCHLAND KG, Address of the Applicant: D-65926 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.WOLFGANG SCHROTT, 2.FRANZ SUTSCH, 3.ALEXANDER BOCK Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a process for through-dyeing of cotton warp yarns with indigo in an indigo dyeing range, which comprises dyeing in one pass at a dyeing temperature of 30 to 90 0 C and an indigo concentration of 10-60 g/l. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12177 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00351/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : HEMOSTATIC CLEANSING SWAB (51) International classification : A61B 17/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10/608, 506 (32) Priority Date : 27/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER COMPANIES, INC., Address of the Applicant: GRANDVIEW ROAD, SKILLMAN, NEW JERSEY 08558, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.SCOTT ALEXANDER BEAUDRY Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a swab for treating wounds. The swab comprises a stick to one end of which is attached a wound treating element. The wound-treating element has a wound cleaning element and a hemostat-containing element. A reservoir is provided for retaining a cleansing other solution in fluid communication with the wound-cleaning element. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12178 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00352/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : PUMP CONTROL OVERRIDE FOR TANDEM PUMPS (51) International classification : F16D 31/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10/618, 417 (32) Priority Date : 11/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: EATON CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: EATON CENTER, 1111 SUPERIOR AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114, U.S.A (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.STEVEN JOHN ZUMBUSCH Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A tandem pump assembly of the type including a housing (H) defining a fluid inlet port (37) and a fluid outlet port (35), a first pump (11) disposed in the housing (H) and driven by an input shaft (19). The first pump (11) comprises a variable displacement, over-center pump, including first fluid pressure responsive means (31) for varying the displacement of the first pump (11) in response to the porting of a control pressure (47). The first pump has an inlet (67) in fluid communication with the fluid inlet port (37), and an outlet (65) in fluid communication with the fluid outlet port (35). A second pump (33) is disposed in the housing (H) and driven by the input shaft (19), said second pump having an inlet in fluid communication with the fluid inlet port (37), and an outlet in fluid communication with the fluid outlet port (35). The assembly is characterized by the tandem pump assembly including pressure override valve means (71,73) associated with only the first pump (11), and operable, in response to a fluid pressure at the fluid outlet port (35) in excess of a pressure override setting (79), to communicate pressurized fluid to the first fluid pressure responsive means (31), in a manner tending to decrease the displacement of the first pump (11) without effecting the displacement of the second pump (33), until said fluid pressure is substantially equal to the pressure override selling (79), even if it is necessary for the first pump (11) to go over-center from its initial displacement. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12179 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00353/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : METHOD OF OPERATION FOR AN IMAGING MEDICAL INSTALLATION (51) International classification : A61B 6/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10332245.0 (32) Priority Date : 16/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of the Applicant: WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.MICHAEL PEYERL, 2.PETER STRANSKY. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: Method of operation for an imaging medical installation At least one sensor (1) detects measured signals from an object (2) and supplies them to a control device (4) which buffer—stores the measured signals or raw signals ascertained there from online in the main memory (7) The buffer-stored signals contain components from a plurality of locations in the space. Each component is dependent on a location-dependent influence factor which is determined by the object (2). The buffer- stored signals can be used to ascertain useful signals which respectively correspond to one of the influence factors, so that they form a three—dimensional reconstruction of the object (2) The control device (4) permanently stores the buffer-stored signals online in the mass memory (8). (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12180 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00354/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : A PROCESS FOR PRESERVING SEA FOOD AND THE PRODUCT THEREOF (51) International classification : A23J 1/04 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: NEI LA AUNG MOG Address of the Applicant: VILL- AMARABATI, P.O. FRESERGANJ, P.S. NAMKHANA, DIST- SOUTH 24 PARGANA. (72) Name of the Inventor: • NEI LA AUNG MOG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: The process for the preparing dried sea food product containing shrimp paste of 60-65% w/w, crustacean paste 20-25% w/w and fish paste binder 10-15% w/w followed by addition of flavouring agent, colouring agent and binding agent at a definite proportion to form a wheel shape product to preserve after drying at low temperature in a vacuum or inert medium. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12181 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00356/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : EMBOSSED ABSORBENT ARTICLE (51) International classification : A61F 13/16, 13/18, B31F 1/20 (31) Priority Document No : 10/609, 739 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: MCNEIL-PPC, INC., Address of the Applicant: GRANDVIEW ROAD, SKILLMAN, NEW JERSEY 08558, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: • RAYMOND J. JULL, JR., • BRIAN D.SCHMIDT. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: An absorbent article including : a) a body facing surface and b) a garment facing surface wherein at least one embossment is provided on a surface of a material of the absorbent article and the embossment comprises a raised portion having an upper surface that is formed within a depressed area between at least two sidewalls, wherein the surface of the material opposite the embossing pattern is substantially flat. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12182 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00366/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : ENHANCED EMBOSSING AND RELATED METHODS (51) International classification : B31F 1/07 (31) Priority Document No : 10/609 745 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 Ok (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: MCNEIL-PPC, INC., Address of the Applicant: GRANDVIEW ROAD, SKILLMAN, NEW JERSEY 08558, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: • ANTHONY L. DISALVO, • RAYMOND J. HULL, JR., • BRIAN D. SCHMIDT. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: An enhanced embossing pattern of an absorbent article having a substrate that has at least one embossed area and one unembossed area, wherein the embossed area has at least two sidewalls and a floor and a coating deposited in embossed area, wherein the coating imparts visual contrast between the embossed area and the unembossed area of the substrate. Also included are related methods of making such absorbent articles. (FIG. 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12183 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00367/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : OPTICAL SYSTEM, OPTICAL PICKUP DEVICE RECORDING OR/AND REPRODUCING APPARATUS FOR SOUND AND/OR IMAGE (51) International classification : G02B 13/18 (31) Priority Document No : 2003-186335 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V., & KONICA MINOLTA OPTO, INC., Address of the Applicant: GROENEWOUDSEWEG 1, NL-5621 BA EINDHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS; & 2970, ISHIKAWAMACHI, HACHIOJI-SHI, TOKYO 192-8505 JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: • HENDRIKS, BERNARDUS, H.W. PROF. • NOBUYOSHI MORI, • TOHRU KIMURA. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: An optical system for use in an optic4 pickup device for recording and/or reproducing information on an optical - recording media, the optical system having an optical axis and comprising: an objective system for converging a light beam emitted from a light source on the optical recording media; an optical aberration correcting element comprising two lenses arranged on an optical path between the light source and the objective system and having an adjustable distance in the direction of the optical axis, the optical aberration correcting element comprising a ring-shaped phase structure formed in at least one lens surface of the optical aberration correcting element, and wherein the ring shaped phase structure is non-periodic and comprises a plurality of concentric ring surfaces k (k = l...N), and each of the ring surfaces has a step in the direction of the optical axis between the adjacent ring surface. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12184 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00368/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 28/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : CANNULA RETRACTABLE MEDICAL COLLECTION DEVICE (51) International classification : A61M 5/32 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: MING-JENG SHUE, DEBORAH HUANG & PHILLIPSHUE. Address of the Applicant: 14, LANE 8, CHUNG-I ST., HIS DIST, TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN; 7F, NO. 5, SEC. 3, LIN-CHUN E. ST. CHUNG DIST, TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN & NO. 14, LANE 8, CHUNG-I ST. HIS DIST, TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: • MING-JENG SHUE, • DEBORAH HUANG • PHILLIP SHUE. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A retractable medical collection device includes a cannula amount (3) inserted into and axially slidable relative to a rear larger-diameter wall portion (229) of a barrel (2), a double-ended needle cannula (41) including rear needle segment (411) extending into an accommodation chamber (31) in the cannula mount (3) for pricking a stopper (51) of a collection vial (5), and a front needle segment (413) secured to the cannula mount (3) by a needle hub (40). The front needle segment (413) extends outwardly of the barrel (2) in a position of use, and retreats inwardly and rearwardly of the barrel (2) in a disposal positions when the cannula mount (3) is in the front and rear positions, respectively. A releasably retaining member includes a retaining hole (231) formed in the larger-diameter wall portion (229), and a radially extending engaging peg (33,632) engageable in the hole (231). An actuator (34,6) is operable to disengage the peg (33,632) from the hole (231) so as to permit axial movement of the cannula mount (3). (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12185 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00370/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : DISPOSABLE ABSORBENT ARTICLE (51) International classification : A61F 13/505 (31) Priority Document No : 10/609740 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: MCNEIL-PPC, INC., Address of the Applicant: GRANDVIEW ROAD, SKILLMAN, NEW JERSEY 08558, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: • VIPUL BHUPENDRA DAVE, • DEXTER L. HAYWOOD, • ANNEMARIE DEVINE JOSEPH. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A biodegradable, water dispersible absorbent article is disclosed . The absorbent article includes an absorbent core, a water insoluble, biodegradable film , and a water dispersible outer shell; wherein the water insoluble, biodegradable film is laminated to the absorbent core. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12186 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00371/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/06/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : ABSORBENT ARTICLE INCLUDING IN SITU COVER (51) International classification : A61F 13/15, A61L 15/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10/609, 736 (32) Priority Date : 30/06/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: MCNEIL-PPC, INC., Address of the Applicant: GRANDVIEW ROAD, SKILLMAN, NEW JERSEY 08558, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: • SHMUEL DABI, • ANTHONY L. DISALVO, • TERESA H HADDACK, • RAYMOND J. HULL, JR., • JOSEPH M.LUIZZI, • HIEN VU NGUYEN, • CHING- YUN M. YANG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: An absorbent article including an absorbent structure is disclosed. The absorbent structure has an absorbent structure absorbent core and a plurality of discrete entities deposited on the absorbent core and discrete entities form a body facing surface of the absorbent article. (FIG. nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12187 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00386/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 02/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : A PISTON ASSEMBLY FOR AN ENGINE AND AN ENGINE COMPRISING THE SAME (51) International classification : F02D 41/22, 41/14 (31) Priority Document No : NIL (32) Priority Date : NIL (33) Name of priority country : NIL (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: RAY, PRASANTA. Address of the Applicant: C/O. KALYANI RAY, “APARUPA”, 1 ST FLOOR, A-245, LAKE TOWN, KOLKATA- 700 089, INDIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: • RAY, PRASANTA. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A piston assembly comprising a housing provided with an assembly of rotating pistons, preferably at least a pair of rotating pistons forming air tight chambers in the housing and a speed control means mounted on the housing for controlling speed of the rotating pistons in the housing is disclosed. A four-stroke engine comprising the piston assembly is also disclosed. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12188 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00391/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: : CAPACITY MODULATED SCROLL COMPRESSOR (51) International classification : F01C 1/04, F04B 49/00, 35/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10/619, 767 (32) Priority Date : 15/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : U.S.A. (86) International Application No and Filing Date: : NIL (87) International Publication No : NIL (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: COPELAND CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 1675 W. CAMPBELL ROAD, SIDNEY OHIO 45365- 0669, U.S.A. (72) Name of the Inventor: • GEHRET NATALIE, • IGNATIEV KIRILL Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004: NO (57) Abstract: A scroll compressor has a biasing chamber which contains a pressurized fluid. The pressurized fluid within the chamber biases the two scroll members together. A valve assembly is in communication with this biasing chamber and releases the pressurized fluid on demand to remove the load, biasing the two scroll members together. When the biasing load is removed, the two scroll members separate, creating a leakage path between discharge and suction to reduce the capacity of the scroll compressor. (FIG. 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12189 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00394/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 Title of the invention: MERMORY CARD CAPABLE OF WIRELESS TRANSMISSION (51) International classification : H05K 7/00 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: POWER DIGITAL CARD CO., LTD., Address of the Applicant: 5F-1, NO. 8, SEC.3, SHUANGSH ROAD, BANCHIAU CITY, TAIPEI, TAIWAN 220, CHINA. (72) Name of the Inventor: CHIEN-YUAN CHEN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A memory card capable of wireless transmission according to the invention includes an attachment adhered to a memory card and made of a non electrically conductive material, an antenna located at one side of the attachment to be adhered to the memory card and made of an electrically conductive material, and an extension connecting wire stretched into the memory card having two ends thereof respectively connected to the electrically conductive material and a printed circuit board, thereby forming a memory card capable of wireless transmission using the memory card integrating the antenna formed by the electrically conductive material. (FIG.nil). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12190 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00395/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: INTRAVENOUS CATHETER INTRODUCING DEVICE (51) International classification : A61M 5/178 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MING-JENG SHUE. DEBORAH HUNAG. AND PHILLIP SHUE., Address of the Applicant: 14, LANE 8, CHUNG-I, ST., HSI DIST., TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN, CHINA. AND 7F, NO. 5, SEC. 3, LIU-CHUN, E. ST., CHUNG DIST, TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN, CHINA. AND 14, LANE 8, CHUNG-I, ST., HSI DIST., TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN, CHINA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MING-JENG SHUE DEBORAH HUANG PHILLIP SHUE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An intravenous catheter introducing device includes a needle hub (3) inserted into and axially slidable relative to an inner barrel wall surface (221) of a barrel (2). The needle hub (3) holds a needle cannula (5) and permits the cannula (5) to extend forwardly of the barrel (2) for ready use. A catheter connection assembly (4) is detachably sleeved on a front smaller-diameter wall portion (228) of the barrel (2) and permits a tip end (52) of the needle cannula (5) to project forwardly of a tubular catheter (43) of the assembly (4) . A releasably retaining member includes a retaining hole (231) formed in a rear larger-diameter wall portion (229) of the barrel (2), and a radially extending engaging peg (33) engageable in the hole (231). Operation of an actuator (34) mounted on the peg (33) can disengage the peg (33) from the hole (231) so as to permit axial movement of the needle hub (3) for drawing the needle cannula (5) within the barrel (2). (FIG.3). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12191 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00396/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TWO STAGE SIDE BUFFERS FOR RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK (51) International classification : B61G (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: BESCO LIMITED., Address of the Applicant: 8 ANIL MAITRA ROAD, KOLKATA 700 019, WB, INDIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: TANTIA OM PRAKASH Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to two stage side buffers by inserting softer springs, cup buffing plate in place of units of rubber spring; buffing washer for railway rolling stone. (FIG.2). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12192 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00434/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: STEAM GENERATOR AND ASSEMBLY METHOD (51) International classification : F23B 37/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10335499.9 (32) Priority Date : 31/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ALSTOM POWER BOILER GMBH., AND ALSTOM POWER BOILER SERVICE GMBH., Address of the Applicant: D-70329 STUTTGART, GERMANY. AND AM BAHNHOF 11, D-08496 NEUMARK, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: GARTNER, ROLF DRESSEL, THOMAS Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: When constructing a steam generator (1), buckstay modules are joined with tube wall units to form buckstay and tube wall modules while the boiler steel structure (2) is being erected, and they are temporarily placed within the boiler steel structure level by level. Then an external part of the boiler top main grid is constructed whose beams are flush with the tube walls of the buckstay and tube wall modules. Then the boiler wall is mounted by aligning and welding the individual tube wall modules from top to bottom. Simultaneously, the interior components are constructed on the boiler base and hoisted to installation height. Preassembling buckstay and tube wall modules eliminates the need for inserting buckstays or tube walls from above through the boiler top main grid. For this reason, the roof opening can be smaller than usual. The inner boiler top main grid therefore does not require its own main beams, which saves a substantial amount of steel. (FIG.2). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12193 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00435/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS AND AN ARRANGEMENT FOR RE-STARTING AN INTERRUPTED SPINNING PROCESS (51) International classification : D02G 1/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10335651.7 (32) Priority Date : 29/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG., Address of the Applicant: KLOSTERSTRASSE 20, 8406 WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND. (72) Name of the Inventor: STAHLECKER, GERD SLOUPENSKY, JIRI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A process and an arrangement for re-starting an interrupted spinning process in a spinning arrangement comprising an air-jet aggregate and a drafting unit is described. In this process, a prepared end of a thread already spun is positioned in the area of a delivery roller pair of the drafting unit. This thread Is subsequently transported In the spinning direction and joined by means of a piecing process during this transport to a staple fibre strand fed thereto by the drafting unit. The piecing process takes place dependent on the position of the thread end. During the piecing process, the staple fibre strand and the thread each have a constant transport speed which is lower than the operational speed. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12194 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00436/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: FUEL CELL SUPPORT STRUCTURE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE (51) International classification : H01M 4/86, 4/88 (31) Priority Document No : 10/629116 (32) Priority Date : 28/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY., Address of the Applicant: L.P., 20555 S.H. 249, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77070, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: PETER MARDILOVICH GREGORY S HERMAN DAVID CHAMPION JAMES O’NEIL Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method of fabricating a fuel cell support structure (110) includes forming a plurality of pores (150) through a substrate (330) and actively controlling a shape or size of the pores (150) formed through the substrate (330). (FIG.3). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12195 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00437/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/07/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: HIGH PERFORMANCE COOLING DEVICE WITH VAPOR CHAMBER (51) International classification : H01L 23/467 (31) Priority Document No : 10/651129 (32) Priority Date : 28/08/2003 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY., Address of the Applicant: L.P., 20555 S.H. 249, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77070, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: SHANKAR HEGDE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A low-cost, fan assisted cooling device 10 is disclosed and includes a heat mass 11, a thermal core 40, a vapor chamber 41, and a phase change liquid 41L sealed in the vapor chamber 41 at a low pressure. Waste heat H w in the thermal core 40 boils the phase change liquid 41L and converts it into a vapor 41V that rises to contact surfaces (14a14b) of the vapor chamber 40 where it is cooled down and converted back into the phase change liquid 41L. A plurality of vanes 21 and fins 23 are connected with the heat mass 11 and an air flow F over the vanes 21 and fins 23 dissipates heat H w from the heat mass 11. Consequently, the heat mass 11 is convention cooled by the air flow F and evaporatively cooled by the boiling of the phase change liquid 41L. (FIG.4f). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12196 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00462/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 04/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PORTABLE MICRO PROJECTOR AND MICROSCOPE (51) International classification : G06F 17/27, 17/40 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: BANERJEE ARNAB., Address of the Applicant: ANNA VILA, PANDIT SARADA BANERJEE ROAD, P.O. GHOLABAZAR, SODPUR, 24 PGS (N), WB, PIN 700 11, INDIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: BANERJEE ARNAB Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A portable micro projector and microscope very much affordably exposes the invisible biological objects. The device comprises two tiny, hemispherical lenses of high magnifying power made using surface tension of liquid for observation of a biological slide inside a slide holder (6). The slide is enlightened from bellow by a white light emitting diode (22) with a tiny condenser lens (19) inside a cover (12). A potentiometer controls the light intensity. A threaded pipe (5) with the objective lens made of transparent polymer at the centre of its bottom focuses the image through the roof (6) of the slide holder. A cap (2) of the threaded pipe (5) contains the eye piece made from drops of d.p.x. mountant (glass fixer) confined between two g1ass plates (3, 4). Projection is made and Lower magnification is also observed removing the eye piece (2). Higher magnification is observed using the eyepiece. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12197 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00468/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: HIGH LIGHT FASTNESS REACTIVE RED DYES (51) International classification : C09B 43/40, 62/03, C09D 11/02 (31) Priority Document No : 0321437.6 (32) Priority Date : 12/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GB (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: DYSTAR TEXILFARBEN GMBH & CO. DEUTSCHLAND KG., Address of the Applicant: D-65926 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: WERNER RUSS WARREN JAMES EBENEZER ANTHONY LAWRENCE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention refers to dyestuffs of the formula (I) wherein R 1 is H or (C r C 4 )-alkyl;R 2 is H or (C r C 4 )-alkyl;each of X 1 and X 2 , independently, is a labile atom or group; and M is H, an alkali metal, an ammonium ion or the equivalent of an alkaline earth metal,wherein compounds wherein R 1 and R 2 are H are excluded mixtures of the dyestuffs of the formula (I) with dyestuffs of the formula (II) Wherein,each of X 3 and X 4 , independently, is a labile atom or group; L is an organic linking group; and M is H, an alkali metal, an ammonium ion or the equivalent of an alkaline earth metal, processes for the preparation of said dyestuffs and said dyestuff mixtures and their use for dyeing and printing hydroxy- and/or carboxamido-containing fiber materials. (FIG) Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12198 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00495/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SCHEDULING UPLINK PACKET TRANSMISSION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (51) International classification : H04L 12/56 (31) Priority Document No : 57733/2003 68505/2003 69740/2003 (32) Priority Date : 20/08/2003 01/10/2003 07/10/2003 (33) Name of priority country : KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD., Address of the Applicant: 416 MAETAN-DONG, YEONGTONG-GU, SUWON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO 442-742, KOREA. (72) Name of the Inventor: JU-HO LEE YONG-JUN KWAK SUNG-HO CHOI YOUN-HYOUNG HEO YOUNG-BUM KIM Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method of transmitting and receiving buffer status information and CSI for scheduling of an uplink packet data service in a mobile communication system supporting the uplink packet data service. The buffer status information represents the status of a UE buffer having packet data and the CSI represents the uplink transmit power of a UE. The UE initially transmits the buffer status information and the CSI, if the amount of packet data in the buffer is at least equal to a predetermined threshold. Upon generation of new packet data in the buffer, or according to a predetermined buffer status interval, the UE transmits the buffer status information. (FIG.nil). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12199 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00521/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 27/08/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: NEW COLLISION PREVENTION MECHANISM FOR RAIL WAY VEHICLES (51) International classification : B61L 29/00 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: RAY PRASANTA., Address of the Applicant: C/O KALYANI ROY, “APARUPA” 1 ST FLOOR, A-245 LAKE TOWN, KOLKATA 700 089, WB, INDIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: RAY PRASANTA Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Mechanism comprising the following elements is disclosed: (a) Continuous registering of positions of vehicles on railway tracks via the mechanism of sensors aboard such vehicles registering marker identifiers of markers placed on or in or alongside such tracks; (b) Continuous transmission of such marker identifiers over a desired range by transmitters aboard such vehicles; (c) Similar continuous transmission of identifiers of some risky objects and risky spots that are considered risky from the point of view of possible collision with, or unauthorized arrival of, vehicles; (d) Continuous reception of the aforesaid transmissions by receivers aboard vehicle and on or in the aforesaid objects and at the aforesaid spots and/or other spots; (e) If the aforesaid identifiers of vehicles and/or risky objects and/or risky spots do not represent their three-dimensional geographical co-ordinates, then the continuous conversion of such identifiers into such co-ordinates; (f) Continuous, real-time, processing of the data carried by the transmissions into information of locations and movements of vehicles, using the aforesaid data of co- ordinates; and (g) Use of the aforesaid information of locations and movements of vehicles to automatically inform, alert, warn and alarm operators / controllers of vehicles and controllers of the aforesaid objects and spots, and, emergencies, to automatically activate vehicle braking systems to stop any vehicle that is automatically reckoned to be heading for a possible collision with another vehicle or a risky object, or possible unauthorized arrival at a risky spot. (FIG.2). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12200 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00537/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/09/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MONO-DI-OR TRICHROMATIC DYEING OR PRINTING OF NATURAL OR SYNTHETIC POLYMIDE (51) International classification : D06P 5/00 (31) Priority Document No : 103 44 127.1 (32) Priority Date : 24/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: DYSTAR TEXTILFARBEN GMBH & CO. DEUTSCHLAND KG., Address of the Applicant: D 65926 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: DR. STEFAN EHRENBERG DR. ANDREAS GIEHL JORG WORNER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Mono-, di- or trichromatic dyeing or printing of natural or synthetic polyamide fiber materials. The present invention relates to processes for mono-, di- or trichromatic dyeing or printing of natural or synthetic polyamide fiber materials, these processes utilizing a) blue-dyeing dye mixture, b) a red-dyeing dye mixture and/or c) a yellow-dyeing dye mixture, and also blue-dyeing, red-dyeing and yellow-dyeing dye mixtures and processes (FIG.nil). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12201 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00539/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/09/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ABSORBENT ARTICLE (51) International classification : A61F 13/16 (31) Priority Document No : 10/656,428 (32) Priority Date : 05/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER COMPANIES INC., Address of the Applicant: GRANDVIEW ROAD, SKILLMAN, NJ 08558, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: POCCIA JOHN F BEAUFORD SHANAE D. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to an absorbent article and a method for manufacturing the same. The absorbent article is made from an absorbent nonwoven facric having a density from about 0.01 g/cc to about 0.05 g/cc. The absorbent nonwoven fabric has a first major surface and a second major surface. An apertured film is secured, e.g., by frictional engagement or with the use of an adhesive, to the first major surface of the nonwoven fabric. Optionally , a top layer may be secured to the second major surface of the nonwoven fabric. The absorbent article may be used as a wound covering or as a component of a variety of products such as adhesive bandages, disposable diapers and sanitary protection products. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12202 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00640/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 11/10/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: READILY DISPERSIBLE PRECIPITATED SILICA (51) International classification : C01B 33/12, C08K 3/00 (31) Priority Document No : 19740440.5 (32) Priority Date : 15/09/1997 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : 1626/KOL/1998 Filed on : 11/09/1998 (71) Name of Applicant: DEGUSSA AG., Address of the Applicant: BENNIGSENPLATZ 1, D-40474 DUSSELDORF, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: STEFAN UHRLANDT MUSTAFA SIRAY ANKE BLUME BURKHARD FREUND Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Precipitated silica, characterized by the following physico-chemical parameters: BET surface area 120-300 m 2 /g CTAB surface area 100-300 m 2 /g BET/CTAB ratio 0.8 – 1.3 Sears index (Consumption of 0.1 N NaOH) 6-25 ml DBP index 150 – 300 g/100g Wk coefficient < 3.4 Particle size of the degraded particles < 1.0 µm Particles size of the non- degradable particles. 1.0 -100 µm It in prepared by a process in which an alkali metal silicate (preferably soda water-glass) is reacted with mineral acids (preferably sulfuric acid) at temperatures of 60 – 95 0 C at a pH of 7.0 - 11.0 with continuous stirring, the reaction is continued up to a solids concentration of 40 g - 110 g, the pH is adjusted to a value between 3 and 5, and the precipitated silica is filtered off, washed and then dried, and if appropriate ground or granulated. It is employed as a filler in vulcanizable mixtures for the production of tyres. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12203 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00652/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 18/10/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A SAFETY INTERLOCK FOR RADIO REMOTE CONTROL (51) International classification : H02J 13/00 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: THE TATA IRON AND COMPANY LIMITED Address of the Applicant: JAMSHEDPUR 831 001, INDIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: SIKDAR P.K. BHOWAL PRODIP JHA AMBRISH KR. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A safety Interlock for radio remote control of a mobile equipment, like a crane, is provided comprising a programmable logic controller (PLC) for generating an output to represent the all command zero output (ANZ) to indicate that the motion commands are at zero. A plurality of normally closed (NC) auxiliary contacts of directional contacts are used for generating a directional relay zero (DRZ) signal representing that all directional contacts are at off position. Two contactors are provided to complete the interlock. The first contactor is a directional relay zero (DRZ) condition contactor and the second one an all command zero output condition contactor. (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12204 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00662/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/10/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CIRCUIT BOARD HAVING DEPOSIT HOLES (51) International classification : H05K 9/00 (31) Priority Document No : (32) Priority Date : (33) Name of priority country : (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: OPTIUM CARE INTERNATIONAL TECH INC Address of the Applicant: 8F CO 28 LAEN 513 RUEIGUANG RD NEIHU DISTRICT TAIPEI CITY 114 TAIWAN REPUBLIC OF CHINA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. KIEN JEFFREY Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to the structural design of a circuit board having deposit holes. The design is to allocate one or more deposit holes that are either caved in or penetrate through the board at locations specified by the spatial layout, as well as to set step-like holes on a multilayer circuit board. On the panel surrounding the edge of the deposit holes, circuit contacts are provided for connecting electronic components (for example IC transistors, connectors, resistors, capacitors, or other circuit boards), such tat when placed in deposit holes, they can be welded or fixed via the circuit contacts. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12205 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00666/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 26/10/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CARBON BLACK GRANULES (51) International classification : C09C 1/50 (31) Priority Document No : 103 50 188.6 (32) Priority Date : 28/10/2003 (33) Name of priority country : DE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: DEGUSSA AG Address of the Applicant: BENNIGSENPLATZ 1 DE-40474 DUSSELDORF GERMANY (72) Name of the Inventor: ZOCH HEINZ HORNICK NORBERT KARL ALFONS TEIKE SILKE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention concerns carbon black granules containing a sorbitan triester. In addition, a process for the production of the carbon black granules according to the invention is described, wherein a powdered carbon black or beaded carbon black is beaded with a sorbitan triester. The carbon black granules according to the invention can be used in polymer blends, lacquers, inks or pigments. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12206 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00667/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 26/10/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: LANCING DEVICE WITH TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR PENETRATION DEPTH CONTROL (51) International classification : A61B 5/14 (31) Priority Document No : 10/698775 (32) Priority Date : 31/10/2003 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: LIFESCAN INC Address of the Applicant: 1000 GIBRALTAR DRIVE MILPITAS CALIFORNIA 95035 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: JOHN J ALLEN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A lancing device includes a housing, a lancing mechanism operatively attached to the housing, a pressure tip and a trigger mechanism. The pressure tip is moveably attached to the housing and is configured to engage a target site and create a target site bulge. The trigger mechanism is configured for detecting a target site bulge of a predetermined height and, thereafter, triggering an immobilization of the pressure tip with respect to the housing. The immobilization of the pressure tip prevents further change in the location of the target site bulge relative to the housing. Since the location of target site bulge relative to the housing is control led by the trigger mechanism, via immobilization of the pressure tip, penetration depth is consistent. A method for lancing a target site includes providing the lancing device described above and contacting a pressure tip of the lancing device with the target site. Next, the pressure tip is urged towards the target site thereby creating target 6i1e bulge that is detected by a trigger mechanism of the lancing device. Subsequently, an immobilization of the pressure tip with respect to a housing of the lancing device is triggered. Thereafter, the target site bulge is lanced with a lancet mechanism of the lancing device. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12207 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00690/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 04/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PLASTIC COVER FOR CONTAINER (51) International classification : B65D 83/20, 50/04 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : NA (87) International Publication No : NA (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: TAIWAN HON CHUAN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD., Address of the Applicant: NO. 6, 2 ND ROAD, TAICHUNG, INDUSTRIAL PARK, TAIWAN, CHINA. (72) Name of the Inventor: DAI KEITH H Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A plastic cover includes a main body (10) having a closed top wall (12), an open bottom wall (15) and an annular peripheral wall (14). The top wall of the main body (10) is formed with a support baffle (16) formed with a urging portion (160) and further formed with a protruding stop portion (20) located between the support baffle (16) and the peripheral wall of the main body (10). (FIG.1). The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12208 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00765/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: IMPROVED STRAINER FOR CLEANING FIBROUS SUSPENSION (51) International classification : D21B 1/32,D21C 5/02 (31) Priority Document No : VI2004A000230 (32) Priority Date : 29/09/2004 (33) Name of priority country : ITALY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: COMER S.P.A Address of the Applicant: 36030 SAN VITO DI LEGUZZANO(VI) VIA VICENZA 13-Z I ITALY (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. DAL MASO GIANCARLO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Strainer (1) for fibrous suspensions, comprising a container (2), a filtering basket (3; 21, 22) inside the container (2) and a rotor (4; 15, 16) inside the filtering basket (3; 21, 22) coupled to motorization means (7) suited to set it rotating. In the container (2) there are a drain chamber (35) of the rejected suspension, a delivery chamber (25, 27) of the filtered suspension, and a collector body (30) arranged in the upper part of the container (2). The collector body (30) comprises a lower collector (37) and an upper collector (38), both with radial longitudinal profile in the shape of a truncated cone and connected to each other in correspondence with the long bases (37a, 38a). The lower collector (37) has its short base (37b) facing the filtering basket (3; 21, 22) and the upper collector (38) has its short base (38b) facing upwards (FIG. - 5) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12209 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00771/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MAGNETOSCOPE (51) International classification : G01N 27/82 (31) Priority Document No : (32) Priority Date : (33) Name of priority country : (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: NIRMALENDU GHOSH & ARINDAM GHOSH Address of the Applicant: 37/2 JYOTISH ROY ROAD NEW ALIPORE KOL-700 053 INDIA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. NIRMALENDU GHOSH 2. ARINDAM GHOSH Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The device is useful in demonstrating the oscillations of the horizontal component of earth’s very weak magnetic filed. The device uses two flat magnets in an advantageous position in a light frame to increase the range of oscillation many times and makes it visible by a lighting arrangement . This simple instrument can also detect present of magnetic force in human body (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12210 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00776/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SELF-CLEANING NOZZLE (51) International classification : B65D 47/40,23/06 (31) Priority Document No : (32) Priority Date : (33) Name of priority country : (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: BELL NEW CERAMICS CO LTD Address of the Applicant: NO 60 YING TAUR RD YING KO CHEN TAOPEI HSIEN TAIWAN R.O.C. (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.TE-SHENG CHIANG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention is a self-cleaning nozzle having an air nozzle assembly, a nozzle base, a cylinder, a sphere element, a nozzle assembly, and a reciprocating element, wherein the nozzle base formed on the air nozzle assembly having a pressing-down lever with the sphere element at the end and a high pressure connector for introducing high pressure air. By utilizing a programmed controller to activate a solenoid valve, the cylinder is then actuated to drive the reciprocating element through a connecting rod, thereby enabling the nozzle assembly rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise through rotations of the gear, driven by cogs on the reciprocating element, to reduce fiber debris adhering on the fiber debris tunnel and reaching a self-cleaning effect. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12211 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: IN/PCT/2000/00195 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 07/08/2000 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A DEVICE FOR CLMAPING AND SEVERING A COMPRESSIBLE STRUCTURE CONTAINING A FLUID (51) International classification : A61B 17/42 (31) Priority Document No : 09/022,061 (32) Priority Date : 11/02/1998 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US99/02370 03/02/1999 (87) International Publication No : WO 99/40863 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: STANLEY D YEATTS II & MICHAEL J PALMER Address of the Applicant: 134 CHINQUAPIN ORCHARD YORKTOWN VIRGINIA 23693 & 17 ALPHUS ST POQUOSON VIGINIA 23661 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. STANLEY D YEATTS II 2. MICHAEL J PALMER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A device for clamping and severing a compressable structure containing a fluid. The device comprises a clamp having a pair or arms securable in a clamped position about a compressible structure containing a fluid which fluid in said compressible structure between said arms is forced outward from said clamp; and a cutting assembly coupled to said clamp for cutting through said pair of arms, while in said clamped position to form first and second separated clamps that remain in said clamped position. The compressible structure is severed to form first and second severed ends thereof with said first and second ends are clamped by a respective one of said first and second separated clamps. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12212 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: IN/PCT/2000/00499 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 13/11/2000 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD OF PREPARING A CATALYST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF VINYL ACETATE (51) International classification : B01J 23/52,C07C 67/055 (31) Priority Document No : 09/088,978 (32) Priority Date : 02/06/1998 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US99/10992 19/05/1999 (87) International Publication No : WO 99/62632 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: CELANESE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 1601 WEST LBJ FREEWAY DALLAS TEXAS 75234 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: WANG TAO BROUSSARD JERRY A Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method of preparing a catalyst for the production of vinyl acetate by reaction of ethylene, oxygen ;and acetic acid comprising impregnating a porous support, the porous surfaces of which contain a catalytically effective amount of prereduced palladium with a solution of potassium aurate, and reducing the potassium aurate to a catalytically effective amount of metallic gold. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12213 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: IN/PCT/2002/00427 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 02/04/2002 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MAGNETO-OPTIC SWITCHING ELEMENT COMPRISING A FARADAY ROTATOR (51) International classification : G02F 1/09 (31) Priority Document No : A1586/99 (32) Priority Date : 15/09/1999 (33) Name of priority country : AT (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/AT00/00244 03/09/2000 (87) International Publication No : WO 01/20390 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: DIDOSYAN JURI S Address of the Applicant: MOORSBRUNNERSTRASSE 2, A-2521 TRUMAU AUSTRIA (72) Name of the Inventor: DIDOSYAN JURI S Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: In a magneto-optical switching element with a Faraday rotator, in order to increase the switching speed and to reduce the required switching energy respectively, the rotator consists of a magnetically uniaxial crystal, which features magnetic domains of both signs in each of its stable states, by means of which problems are avoided with the creation of domains of opposite signs at the beginning of the switching process. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12214 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: IN/PCT/2002/01077 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 20/08/2002 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MOLDING APPARATUS AND METHOD (51) International classification : B29C 49/06,49/56 (31) Priority Document No : 2000-392325 (32) Priority Date : 25/12/2000 (33) Name of priority country : JP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP01/11018 17/12/2001 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/053349A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: NISSEI ASB MACHINE CO LTD Address of the Applicant: 4586-3 KOO KOMORO-SHI NAGANO 384 8585 JAPAN (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. HORIGOME HIROSHI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An injection core mold 34 and neck mold 22 are closed and clamped against an injection cavity mold 30 by moving a clamping plate 38 on which the injection core mold 34 is mounted and by moving a transfer plate 20 which carries the neck mold 22 downward against an upward biasing force by a push rod 40 mounted on the clamping plate 38. A push-rod driving cylinder 42 which moves the push rod 40 up-and-down is provided to drive the neck mold 22 independently of the injection core mold 34. Thus, an injection stretch blow molding apparatus of the present invention is adaptable to various molding conditions and resin materials and can prevent damage in the neck mold. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12215 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: IN/PCT/2002/01202 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 23/09/2002 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CLOTHING VENTILATION DEVICE ALLOWING THE HUMAN BODY TO BREATHE AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE DEVICE (51) International classification : A41D 27/28 (31) Priority Document No : PD01A000016 (32) Priority Date : 24/01/2001 (33) Name of priority country : IT (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP02/00472 18/01/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/058494 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: GEOX S.P.A Address of the Applicant: VIA FELTRIAN CENTRO 16 31044 MONTEBELLUNA LOCALITA BIADENE ITALY (72) Name of the Inventor: POLEGATO MORETTI MARIO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A ventilation device (10) to be applied to items of clothing, which comprises an assembly with through holes (12), which is composed of a band (13) of material that is at least partially transparent and impermeable and is provided to be arranged externally, a layer that is provided to be placed in view and is made of natural or synthetic fabric or natural or synthetic leather, at least one layer (15) of adhesive polymeric material for mutually joining the outer band (13) and the layer, between which it is sandwiched. A membrane (16) which is impermeable to water and permeable to vapor, provided to be arranged internally, and sealed at least perimetrically to the assembly on the side of the layer to be placed in view. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12216 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00461/KOLNP/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 16/04/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: NUCLEIC ACIDS AND PROTEINS FROM STREPTOCOCCUS (51) International classification : C07K 14/195 (31) Priority Document No : 0026333.5 0028727.6 0105640.7 (32) Priority Date : 27/10/2000 24/11/2000 07/03/2001 (33) Name of priority country : GB (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/GB01/04789 & 29/10/2001 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/34771 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: CHIRON S.P.A., AND THE INSTITUTE FOR GENOMIC RESEARCH., Address of the Applicant: VIA FIORENTIMA 1, 53100 SIENA, ITALY. AND 9712 MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE, ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: TELFORD JOHN MASIGNANI VEGA MARGARIT Y ROS IMMACULADA GRANDI GUIDO FRASER CLAIRE TETTELIN HERVE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: YES (57) Abstract: The invention provides proteins from group B streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) and group A streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes), including amino acid sequences and the corresponding nucleotide sequences. Data are given to show that the proteins are useful antigens for vaccines, immunogenic compositions, and/or diagnostics. The proteins are also targets for antibiotics. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12217 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00524/KOLNP/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/04/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 P (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DISCOVERABLE INPUT OF SYMBOLS ON A REDUCED KEYPAD (51) International classification : G06F (31) Priority Document No : 60/235,722 (32) Priority Date : 27/09/2000 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US01/30264 27/09/2001 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/027432 A2 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: EATONI ERGONOMICS INC Address of the Applicant: 42 WEST 24 TH STREET NEW YORK NY 10010 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: GUTOWITZ HOWARD A JONES TERENCE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: There is disclosed an apparatus (1000) for the entry of symbols comprising a plurality of keys for inputting symbols, wherein a plurality of said symbols are assigned to a plurality of ordered groups, each of said ordered groups having a defined order, said apparatus (1000) comprising an order-defining mechanism, said order-defining mechanism selected from the group consisting of an iterator mechanism and a predictive mechanism, said order-defining mechanism effective to define said defined order on each of said ordered groups, wherein, each of a plurality of said keys is a multiple-ordered group key, to which at least tow of said ordered groups are co-assigned ordered groups, said apparatus (1000) having an iterator key, said iterator key engaged with at least one said multiple-ordered-group key to selelct said symbols from said co-assigned ordered groups for input consecutively in said defined order, wherein said defined order for any given said co-assigned ordered groups assigned to given said multiple-ordered-group key is independent of said defined order of any other said co-assigned ordered groups assigned to any other said multiple-ordered-group key, such that actuation of said iterator key to advance in said defined order of said given said co-assigned ordered group does not simultaneously advance in said defined order of said other said co-assigned ordered groups. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12218 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00813/KOLNP/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 20/06/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: 4-(BIPHENYLCARBONYLAMINO) PIPERIDINE DERIVATIVES AS MTP INHIBITORS (51) International classification : C07D 401/06, A61K 31/4545, A61P 3/00, 9/10 (31) Priority Document No : 0015143 (32) Priority Date : 23/11/2000 (33) Name of priority country : FRANCE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP01/12326 & 25/10/2001 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/42291 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MERCK PATENT GMBH., Address of the Applicant: FRANKFURTER STRASSE 250, 64293 DARMSTADT, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: GUEVEL, ALYX-CAROLINE FESTAL, DIDIER COLLONGES, FRANCOIS GUERRIER, DANIEL CHEVREUIL, OLIVER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: YES (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to compounds of the formula (I): in which: Z represents biphenyl optionally substitute in position 2', 3', 4', 5' and 6' with one or more substitutents chosen from trihalomethyl and trihalomethoxy; Het represents quinolyl, quinoxalyl or pyridyl optionally substituted with one or more substitutents chosen from halo, cyano, nitro, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C6-C12)aryl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, hydroxyl, (C1-C6)thioalkoxy, carboxyl and (C1-C6)alkoxycarbonyl, or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. These compounds are useful as inhibitors of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein and as inhibitors of the secretion of B apoproteins. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12219 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01387/KOLNP/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/10/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESSES AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PREPARING BENZYL SUBSTITUTED EPOXIDES (51) International classification : C07D 301/26, 303/36 (31) Priority Document No : 60/285,772 (32) Priority Date : 23/04/2001 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US02/12591 & 23/04/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/085877 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ELAN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., AND PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY., Address of the Applicant: 800 GATEWAY BOULEVARD, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080, USA. AND 301 HENRIETTA STREET, KALAMAZOO, MI 49007, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: REEDER MICHAEL R Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: YES (57) Abstract: Disclosed are intermediates and processes for preparing epoxides of the formula (1): where R and PROT are defined herein. These epoxides are useful as intermediates in the production of biologically active compounds, i.e., in the production of pharmaceutical agents. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12220 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01472/KOLNP/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 11/11/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ENGINE (51) International classification : B62M 7/02,9/08,F02B 61/02,F16H 57/02 (31) Priority Document No : P 2002 105060 (32) Priority Date : 08/04/2000 (33) Name of priority country : JP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP03/04465 08/04/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: YAMAHA HATSUDOKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA Address of the Applicant: 2500 SHINGAI IWATA-SHI SHIZUOKA 438 8501 JAPAN (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. OISHI AKIFUMI 2. ISHIDA YOUSUKE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An engine having an engine case on one side of which a V-belt type of continuously variable transmission is provided, the CVT being placed in a transmission case and constituted that a V-belt is routed around a drive pulley and a driven pulley, the driven pulley being attached to one end of a crankshaft, the driven pulley being attached to one end of a transmission shaft parallel to the crankshaft, characterized in that the crankshaft is supported for free rotation with the engine case, one end of the crankshaft is projected in cantilever fashion from the engine case into the transmission case, the driven pulley is attached to the projected portion, and the transmission case is made as a component separate from or independent of the engine case and supported with the engine case so that a space is present between the engine case and the transmission case. (FIG. -1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12221 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01604/KOLNP/2003 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 10/12/2003 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 P (54) Title of the invention: ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY WITH LATERALLY CONNECTED CAPACITORS AND MANUFACTURING METHOD (51) International classification : H01L 23/50 (31) Priority Document No : 09/881,342 (32) Priority Date : 14/06/2001 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US02/18740 13/06/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 02/103789 A2 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: INTEL CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BOULEVARD SANTA CLARA CA 95052 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: LI YUAN-LIANG CHUNG CHEE-YEE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An electronic assembly includes multiple discrete capacitors (504, Figure 5), which are surface mounted to or embedded within an electronic housing, such as an integrated circuit package (1504, Figure 15). One or more side terminals (510) of adjacent capacitors are electrically connected through lateral connections (512, 620, Figures 5, 6). These lateral connections provide an extremely low lateral inductance current path between the discrete capacitors. (FIG. - 6) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12222 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01583/KOLNP/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19.10.2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A CONTROLLED SHARED MEMORY SMART SWITCH SYSTEM (51) International classification : H04L 12/50 (31) Priority Document No : 10/123,382 (32) Priority Date : 16.04.2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/11506 15.04.2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 03/090414 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: INTERACTIC HOLDINGS LLC. Address of the Applicant: 62 WILLIAM STREET, PRINCETON, NJ 08540, UNITED STATES SOF AMERICA (72) Name of the Inventor: REED COKE S; MURPHY DAVID Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An interconnect structure (200) comprising a plurality of input ports (204) and a plurality of output ports (252) with messages being sent from an input port to a predetermined output port through a switch S (210, 224). Advantageously, the setting of switch S is not dependent upon the predetermined output port to which a particular message is being sent (FIG.1 ) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12223 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01585/KOLNP/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19.10.2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR USE OF MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS (51) International classification : G09G 5/373 (31) Priority Document No : 200202352-1 (32) Priority Date : 19.04.2002 (33) Name of priority country : SINGAPORE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/SG03/00089 17.04.2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 03/090200 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: RADIXS PTE LTD.. Address of the Applicant: 1 TEMASEK AVE, #21-01 MILLENIA TOWER, SINGAPORE 039192 (72) Name of the Inventor: RATHAKRISHNAN CHANDRASEKAR S/O; HON KONG LUM Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A system for a server to stream data to a user's machine, wherein the data is sent to the user's machine as a stream of data for display on the user's machine with a resolution determined by the ability of the user's machine to display the data. The data may be for the user's machine to operate an application, wherein the application is executed on the server and such data as is required for the user's machine to operate and display the application is sent to the user's machine. The user's machine has a display device, the data being streamed to accord with a resolution requirement of the display device, the display device acting as the display device of the server. An operating system is used to enable the server to execute the application for display on the display device, the operating system being in a single operating layer architecture in the user's machine. The data may be an HTML media file to be displayed on a display device of the user's machine, the HTML media file being converted by the server from a media format to a universal media format agreed between the server and the user's machine and/or being resized before being streamed to the user's machine. The application is executed in a protected environment in which access controls are implemented to restrict access by the application to at least one restricted area of the system. The installation may be sent by the server to the user's machine with instructions for automatic installation on the user's machine, the instructions being packaged with the installation prior to being sent to the user's machine so that, upon receipt by the user's machine, the user's machine can unpack the installation and the instructions, execute the instructions, and launch the installation on the user's machine. (FIG.1 ) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12224 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01587/KOLNP/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 19.10.2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SORTING PARTICLES (51) International classification : B07C 5/34 (31) Priority Document No : 60/373,256; 10/179,488; 10/179,586; 60.411,058; 10/329,008 (32) Priority Date : 17.04.2002; 24.06.2002; 24.06.2002; 16.09.2002; 23.12.2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/12368 17.04.2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 03/089158 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : NIL (71) Name of Applicant: CYTONOME, INC. Address of the Applicant: 84 ROSEDALE ROAD, WATERTOWN, MA 02472, UNITED STATES SOF AMERICA (72) Name of the Inventor: DESHPANDE MANISH; GILBERT JOHN RICHARD Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method and apparatus for sorting particles (Fig. 1) caried in a fluid suspension that are moving through a closed channel of a microstructure system (10), wherein a bubble valve (25) is used to selectively generate a pressure pulse to separate a particle (18b) having a predetermined characteristic (FIG.1 ) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12225 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00738/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 27/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTERLEAVING SIGNAL BITS IN A DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCASTING SYSTEM (51) International classification : H03M 13/00 (31) Priority Document No : 60/414,106 (32) Priority Date : 27/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/030569 26/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/030224 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: IBQUITY DIGITAL CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 8865 STANFORD BOULEVARD SUITE 202 COLUMBIA MD 21045 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. MILBAR MAREK Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: This invention provides a method for interleaving bits of a digital signal representative of data and/or audio in a digital audio broadcasting system, the method comprising the step of: writing a plurality of bits of the digital signal to a matrix (Fig.22); and reading the bits from the matrix, wherein at least one of the writing and reading steps follows a non-sequential addressing scheme. Apparatus for transmitting the interleaved bits, and apparatus for receiving and deinterleaving the bits are also provided. (FIG. - 22) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12226 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00756/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: FLUID CONDITION MONITOR (51) International classification : G01N 33/28 (31) Priority Document No : 10/260,754 (32) Priority Date : 30/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/029473 22/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/031764 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Address of the Applicant: 300 COLLEGE PARK DAYTON OH 45469 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: KAUFMAN ROBERT E Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention is a compact apparatus and method that provides an efficient manner for monitoring the condition and level of a functional fluid directly in operating equipment. A sensor device is provided that includes a plurality of liquid sensors and a plurality of vapor sensors that when used in conjunction with one another at different temperatures, can provide a thorough evaluation of the oxidative degradation, liquid contamination and solid contamination of the fluid to detect the end of the useful life of the fluid. By providing liquid sensors and vapor sensors on the same device, the present invention allows for a compact, efficient, and economically feasible manner to monitor the condition of fluid as well as detecting abnormal operating conditions prior to further component damage and eventual equipment failure. (FIG. - 2) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12227 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00760/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CHEMICALLY REDUCING WASTE MATERIALS (51) International classification : B09B (31) Priority Document No : 10/263,043 (32) Priority Date : 02/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/031184 & 01/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/091820 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: WASTE REDUCTION BY WASTE REDUCTION INC., Address of the Applicant: 5711 W. MINNESOTA ST., INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46241, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: KAYE, GORDON, I WEBER, PETER, B MORRIS, KEVIN, A WILSON, JOSEPH, H HANN, ROBERT, L Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: In accordance with the present invention, a system, method and apparatus is provided for chemically reducing waste. The apparatus includes a substantially alkaline-resistant vessel having a temperature sensor positioned in thermal communication therewith, a heater in thermal communication with the vessel, a substantially alkaline- resistant magnetic stir rod adapted to be positioned within the vessel, and a magnetic stirrer adapted to produce a rotating magnetic field within the vessel capable of spinning a magnetic stir rod positioned therein. The apparatus further includes a water inlet valve operationally connected to the vessel and a water outlet valve operationally connected to the vessel. An electronic controller is connected in electric communication to the heater, to the magnetic stirrer, to the water inlet valve, to the water outlet valve, and to the temperature sensor and is adapted to maintain the temperature of the substantially alkaline resistant vessel substantially at a predetermined value. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12228 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00763/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: UNFIRED FIREBRICK CONTAINING GRAPHITE FOR CEMENT INDUSTRY KILNS AND USE OF SAME (51) International classification : C04B 35/04, 35/10, 35/52 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/ES02/000468 & 03/10/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/031099 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: FAJARDO SOLA PEDRO., Address of the Applicant: C/ MARQUES DEL TURIA, 1, E-46930 QUART DE POBLET (VALENCIA), SPAIN. (72) Name of the Inventor: FAJARDO SOLA PEDRO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention relates to unfired firebrick containing graphite which is intended for cement industry kilns and to the use of said firebrick in the aforementioned kilns in order to counteract the associated thermal and physicochemical deformation therein. The inventive brick composition contains between 75 and 62 wt.- % of magnesite (MgCO 3 ), between 12 and 20 wt.- % of alumina (Al2O3) and between 4 and 11 wt.- % of graphite. Said composition also contains between 9 and 7 wt.- % of additives which are used to improve thermal shock resistance, thermal resistance and oxidation resistance (in a composition comprising aluminium powder, silicon metal, silicon carbide and clay) and between 3 and 4 wt.- % of resins. Said refractory material can be used to coat the inside of cement kilns in the high and low transition zones (4) as well as in the sintering zone (5). (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12229 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00816/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 04/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: REGULATION OF TYPE II COLLAGEN GENE EXPRESSION USING SPECIFIC AND SELECTIVE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNALS (51) International classification : C12N (31) Priority Document No : 10/267,708 (32) Priority Date : 09/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/031793 & 07/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/033644 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA., Address of the Applicant: SUITE 200, 3160 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104-6283 USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: BRIGHTON, CARL, T Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Methods and devices for the regulation of type II collagen gene expression in cartilage cells via the application of specific and selective fields generated by specific and selective electric and electromagnetic signals in the treatment of diseased or injured articular cartilage. By gene expression is meant the up regulation or down regulation of the process whereby specific portions (genes) of the human genome (DNA) are transcribed into mRNA and subsequently translated into protein. Methods and devices are provided for the targeted treatment of injured or diseased cartilage tissue that include generating specific and selective electric and electromagnetic signals that generate specific and selective fields optimized for type II collagen gene expression and exposing cartilage tissue to the specific and selective fields generated by specific and selective signals so as to regulate type II collagen gene expression in such cartilage tissue. The resulting methods and devices are useful for the targeted treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cartilage injury, and cartilage defects. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12230 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00818/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MULTILAYER SYSTEM FOR TRANSPARENT SUBSTRATES AND COATED SUBSTRATE (51) International classification : C03C 17/36, 17/34, C23C 14/18 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/FR02/003816 & 07/11/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/043871 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE., Address of the Applicant: 18, AVENUE D’ALSACE, F-92400, COURBEVOIE, FRANCE. (72) Name of the Inventor: SCHICHT, HEINZ SCHINDLER, HERBERT SCHMIDT, UWE IHLO, LARS Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A multilayer system for the surface-coating of transparent substrates, particularly a low emission (Low-E) multilayer system for glass glazing, has at least one layer of mixed oxides produced by reactive sputtering from a metal target alloy. The layer of mixed oxides is made up of ZnO and TiO 2 at at least one of the oxides Al 2 O 3 , Ga 2 O 3 and Sb 2 O 3. It can act as an upper and/or lower antireflection layer, as a partial layer of an antireflection layer and/or as a top coat. Such a multilayer system is characterized by a high hardness and by very good resistance to a maritime environmental. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12231 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00821/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: BENZIMIDAZOLONE COMPOUND (51) International classification : C09B 57/00, C07D 235/26 (31) Priority Document No : 2003-182574 2003-329835 2003-429203 (32) Priority Date : 26/06/2003 22/09/2003 25/12/2003 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP04/009224 & 23/06/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO 05/000973 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: DAINIPPIN INK AND CHEMICALS, INC., Address of the Applicant: 35-38, SAKASHITA 3-CHOME, ITABASHI-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: HOSAKA MASAKI TAKEI TOSHIO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: There are provided benzimidazolone compounds that provide a plurality of hues from a single structural formula, and are useful as pigments that offer superior dispersibility in binder resins, as well as benzimidazolone compounds that are useful as pigments, and show minimal flocculation when pigments of two or more different hues are blended together to produced a desired hue. A benzimidazolone compound represented by a general formula (1) shown below. (wherein, R 1 , R 2 , R 3 and R 4 each represent, independently, a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group of 1 to 5 carbon atoms, or an alkoxy group of 1 to 5 carbon atoms, and R 5 and R 6 each represent, independently, an alkyl group of 1 to 5 carbon atoms.) (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12232 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00827/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ALPHA 2B OR 2B/2C ADRENOCEPTOR AGONISTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF NEURODEGENERATION (51) International classification : A61K 31/17, 31/4174, A61P 25/16, 25/28 (31) Priority Document No : 60/417,049 (32) Priority Date : 08/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/031809 & 07/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/032913 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ALLERGAN, INC Address of the Applicant: 2525 DUPONT DRIVE, T2-7H, IRVINE, CA 92612, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: WHEELER LARRY A GIL DANIEL W DONELLO JOHN E Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Methods of preventing or retarding the degeneration of neurons. Also disclosed are methods for treating Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease through the administration of selective alpha 2B or alpha 2B/2C receptor agonists, hereby incorporated by reference herein. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12233 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00828/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR HIGH EFFICIENCY EVAPORATION OPERATION (51) International classification : C02F 1/04, 1/20, 1/66, 1/42, 1/62, 1/64 (31) Priority Document No : 60/419,549 60/419,552 (32) Priority Date : 18/10/2002 18/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/033066 & 17/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/035479 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: AQUATECH INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: ONE-FOUR COINS DRIVE, CANONSBURG, PA 15317, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MINNICH, KEITH, R KARLAPUDI, RAMKUMAR SCHOEN, RICHARD, M Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A process for treatment of an aqueous stream to produce a low solute containing distillate stream and a high solute/solids containing blowdown stream utilizing a method to increase the efficiency of an evaporator while providing an essentially scale free environment for the heat transfer surface. Multi-valent ions and non-hydroxide alkalinity are removed from aqueous feed streams to very low levels and then the pH is increased preferably to about 9 or higher to increase the ionization of low ionizable constituents in the aqueous solution. In this manner, species such as silica and boron become highly ionized, and their solubility in the concentrated solution that is present in the evaporation equipment is significantly increased. The result of this is high allowable concentration factors and a corresponding increase in the recovery of high quality reusable water with essentially no scaling. (FIG). 2 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12234 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00834/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: GAS BURNER WITH SEPARATE FEEDING OF THE FLAME CROWNS (51) International classification : F23D 14/06 (31) Priority Document No : (32) Priority Date : (33) Name of priority country : (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IT03/000720 12/11/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/044490 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: SABAF S.P.A Address of the Applicant: VIA DEI CARPINI 1 I-25035 OSPITALETTO ITALY (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. BETTINZOLI ANGELO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Gas burner (101) for cookers, of the type fitted to a cooking hob (2), comprising a central body (3) having a first ring of flames (4) and at least one external body (107), fluidly separated from said central body and substantially concentric with it (3), having at least one second (circumferential) ring of flames (9, 10), as well as means for separately feeding the mixture of primary air and gas to the central body and to the external body. These means for feeding the external body comprise at least one horizontal mixing chamber with a radial Venturi effect (11, 12, 13, 14). (FIG. – 1B) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12235 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00839/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 09/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN SUBSCRIBER UNITS (51) International classification : G06F 15/16 (31) Priority Document No : 10/294,128 (32) Priority Date : 14/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/036294 & 13/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/046947 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MOTOROLA, INC., Address of the Applicant: 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60196, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: ELLIS, JOHN T. KRAKORA, JAMES, P DORENBOSCH, JHEROEN P. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A controller in a communication system for controlling communications with a group of associated subscriber units and method thereof, where the controller includes a receiver operable to receive a request for a subscriber unit to communicate with the group of associated subscriber units (703); and a processor coupled to the receiver and operable as a comparator to provide a comparison of a first association constraint corresponding to the subscriber unit and a second association constraint corresponding to the group (709); and a decision function that allows, only when the comparison is favorable, communications between the subscriber unit and any other subscribers of the group of associated subscribers that also have such communications allowed or enabled (717). (FIG). 7 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12236 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00842/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 09/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: EQUIPMENT FOR MECHANICAL MACHINING, IN PARTIULAR FOR THE TURNING AND DRILLING OF LIGHT ALLOY WHEELS (51) International classification : B23Q 39/00, 39/04, 41/00, 7/04, 1/66 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IT02/000741 & 21/11/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/045803 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MAUS S.P.A., Address of the Applicant: VIA CALTANA, 28, I-35011 CAMPODARSEGO, ITALY. (72) Name of the Inventor: SAMMARTIN ROBERTO PIEROPAN FRANCESCO TOMMASINI LUIGINO GIANNI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Equipment for mechanical machining, especially the turning and drilling of mechanical workpieces (2), such as light alloy wheels and the like, comprising at least one turning unit (3) with a double chuck (6, 7) to support the workpieces being machined and a turning head (8) designed to work in association with one or other of the chucks (6, 7) alternately, at least one workpiece loading/unloading device (11) for moving the workpieces being machined on one or other of the chucks (6, 7) so as to bring about loading/unloading of the workpieces from one of the chucks at the same time as mechanical machining is being carried out on the other chuck. The equipment further comprises at least one drilling unit (4) operatively associated with the turning unit (3) and including at least one first drilling head (21) combined with at least one corresponding first workpiece- holding means (19) and at least one second device (23) for loading/unloading parts to move parts being machined in the drilling unit (4). The first and second loading/unloading devices (11, 23) are further incorporated into the equipment to move the parts being machined away from and towards one or other of the turning (3) and drilling (4) units so that mechanical machining in the drilling and turning unit takes place at the same time as the operations of loading and unloading workpieces onto and from the equipment. (FIG).1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12237 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00848/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 10/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CO OXIDATION PROMOTERS FOR USE IN FCC PROCESSES (51) International classification : B01J 23/89, 23/10, 23/63 (31) Priority Document No : 10/268,256 (32) Priority Date : 10/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US02/035387 & 05/11/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/033091 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ENGELHARD CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: 101 WOOD AVENUE, P.O.BOX 707, ISELIN, NJ 08830-0770, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: KELKAR, C.P. LI, YUEJIN MADON, ROSTAM, J. VAARKAMP, MARIUS Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A composition for controlling CO and NOx emissions during FCC processes comprises: (i) acidic oxide support, (ii) cerium oxide, (iii) lanthanide oxide other than ceria such as praseodymium oxide, (iv) optionally, oxide of a metal from Groups Ib and IIb such as copper, silver and zinc and (v) precious metal such as Pt and Pd. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12238 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00859/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 11/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: LIGANDS (51) International classification : A61K 31/70, A61P 31/18, C07K 14/16, C12N 15/11, C12Q 1/68 (31) Priority Document No : 0226374.7 (32) Priority Date : 12/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : GB (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/GB03/004897 & 12/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/043996 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ISIS INNOVATION LTD., Address of the Applicant: EWERT HOUSE, EWERT PLACE, SUMMERTOWN, OXFORD OX2 7SG, GB. (72) Name of the Inventor: JAMES, WILLIAM Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Aptamers that bind to viral envelope proteins, in particular those that bind to the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of HIV are disclosed, The use of these aptamers for screening potential therapeutic targets and in the treatment of HIV infections is also described. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12239 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00877/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 12/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PERINEUM MUSCULAR POWER INCREASE DEVICE AND A METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification : A61B 5/22 (31) Priority Document No : 10-2002-0071745 10-2002-0076437 10-2003-0076500 (32) Priority Date : 18/11/2002 30/11/2002 30/10/2003 (33) Name of priority country : KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/KR03/002336 & 04/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/045411 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: KANG BYUNG MO., AND LEE DAE SUN., Address of the Applicant: 12/3, 387-104, SHIPJEONG-2DONG, BUPYEONG- GU, 403-132 INCHEON, KOREA. (72) Name of the Inventor: KANG BYUNG MO. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a perineum muscular power increase device and a method wherein a user can do perineum shrink training continuously with interest and goal because the shrink and the relaxation degree of the perineum muscles may be displayed visually. According to the invention, there is provided with A muscular power increase device for perineum region comprising a pressure assembly 2 which presses the perineum muscle P of a sitter upwardly and makes the center of the perineum region pressed upwardly, a first detection means 53 which is provided at the pressure assembly 2 and detects the force or the pressure that the pressure assembly 2 is pushed downwardly by the shrink force of the perineum muscle P while the user is shrinking the perineum muscle P. (FIG). 2 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12240 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00879/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 13/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: INTEGRATED CIRCUIT WITH AUTOMATIC PIN-STRAPPING CONFIGURATION (51) International classification : H01L (31) Priority Document No : 10/295,301 (32) Priority Date : 14/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/034927 & 03/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/044952 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: CIRRUS LOGIC, INCORPORATED., Address of the Applicant: VIA FORTUNA, AUSTIN, TX 78746, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: FRANK DEN BREEJEN DAVID BIVEN WILLIAM TORKE WILLIAM GARDEI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An integrated circuit, in which one or more internal parameters may be automatically configured for a particular application, includes a plurality of program select pins (P2 220, and P3 222), each being in a predetermined fixed state, and at least one configuration pin (224- 230) associated with a parameter to be adjusted. Jumpers on the system board to which the integrated circuit (100) is mounted connect the mounting pad of each configuration pin (224-230) with the mounting pad of a selected program select pin (P2 220 and P3 222). Consequently, when the integrated circuit (100) is mounted on the system board, each configuration pin (224-230) receives a selected value which internal configuration circuitry (200) detects and causes the corresponding parameter to be adjusted accordingly. Any of the program select pins (P2 220, and P3 222) may have functions in addition to the configuration function. When the system board is powered on or undergoes a reset, a processor internal to the chip scans each the configuration pin to determine its value. The processor then sets internal registers accordingly, completing the configuration process, and the chip may begin normal operation. (FIG). 2 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12241 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00889/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 16/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING A YARN (51) International classification : D01G 1/08, D01H 1/11 (31) Priority Document No : 522596 525019 525308 (32) Priority Date : 14/11/2002 28/03/2003 14/04/2003 (33) Name of priority country : NEW ZEALAND (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/NZ03/000253 & 14/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/044290 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: LEE DAVID ARTHUR., Address of the Applicant: 177 MACES ROAD, CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND. (72) Name of the Inventor: LEE DAVID ARTHUR Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An apparatus for producing a yarn including reciprocating twisting stage (4) adapted to simultaneously twist one or more slivers to produce one or more twisted strands, including one or more rollers (6a, 6b) arranged to move reciprocally (B) along the axis of rotation of the roller(s) to input twist to the sliver(s), and control means enabling control and variation of one or more of: (a) rotation speed of the rollers(s); (b) extent of transverse movement of the roller(s)s; or (c) speed of the transverse movement of the roller(s), to vary the twist imparted to the sliver(s) or strand(s). (FIG). 3 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12242 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00910/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 17/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TREATMENT OF DIABETES (51) International classification : A61K (31) Priority Document No : 60/420,187 60/420,399 60/428,100 60/428,562 (32) Priority Date : 22/10/2002 22/10/2002 21/11/2002 22/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/033595 & 22/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/037195 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: WARATAH PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., Address of the Applicant: 415 YONGE STREET, SUITE 1103, TORONTO, ONTARIO M5B 2E7, CANADA. (72) Name of the Inventor: BRAND STRPHEN J CRUZ ANTONIO PASTRAK ALEKSANDRA HEW YIN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Compositions and methods are provided for islet neogenesis therapy comprising a member of a group of factors that complement a gastrin/CCK receptor ligand, with formulations, devices and methods for sustained release delivery and for local delivery to target organs. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12243 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00913/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 17/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ADSORBENTS FOR ORAL ADMINISTRATION (51) International classification : A61K 33/44, A61P 1/16, 13/12, 39/02 (31) Priority Document No : 2002-320254 (32) Priority Date : 01/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP03/014011 & 31/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/039380 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: KUREHA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO. LTD., Address of the Applicant: 9-11, NIHONBASHIHORIDOME-CHO, 1- CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 103-8552, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: SONOBE NAOHIRO MORIMOTO SUSUMU YOSHIHARA HIDEYUKI HANATSUKA HIROYUKI ARAKAWA MAKOTO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An adsorbent for oral administration characterized by comprising a spherical active carbon which has a diameter of from 0.01 to 1 mm, a specific surface area determined in accordance with Langmuir’s adsorption equation of 1000 m 2 /g or more, and a diffraction intensity ratio (R) determined by the following formula (1) of 1.4 or more: R=(I 15 -I 35 )/(I 24 -I 35 ) (1) wherein I 15 , I 35 and I 24 respectively represent diffraction intensities at diffraction angles (2&thetas;) 15°, 35°and 24°determined by the X-ray diffractometry. An adsorbent for oral administration characterized by comprising a surface-modified spherical active carbon which has a diameter, a specific surface area and a diffraction intensity ratio (R) each falling within the range as specified above and carries 0.40 to 1.00 meq/g of acidic groups in total and 0.40 to 1.10 meq/g of basic groups in total. These adsorbents for oral administration scarcely adsorb useful components in vivo and have favorable performance of adsorbing toxic substances, i.e., showing advantageous selective adsorption properties. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12244 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00919/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 18/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SELECTING REGIONS OF INTEREST IN OPTICAL IMAGING (51) International classification : A61B 5/00 (31) Priority Document No : PCT/IB02/04697 60/505,339 10/624,902 (32) Priority Date : 11/11/2002 12/12/2002 23/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : PCT USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/CA03/001706 & 10/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/043246 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ART ADVANCED RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES INC., Address of the Applicant: 2300 ALFRED-NOBEL BLVD., SAINT- LAURENT QUEBEC H4S 2S4, CANADA. (72) Name of the Inventor: LONG, WILLIAM, F BERUBE-LAUZIERE, YVES MCINTOSH, LAURA Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: There is provided a method and system for positioning a mammal for optical imaging in which a digital image of the mammal is obtained using a camera and a region of interest is selected using the digital image. The selected region is registered with an optical imaging system and the mammal is positioned in the imaging system to image the selected region of interest. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12245 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00940/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 20/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INHIBITING MYOPIA DEVELOPMENT IN HUMANS (51) International classification : A61F 9/00 (31) Priority Document No : 2002952682 (32) Priority Date : 14/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : AU (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/AU03/001527 14/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/043314 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Address of the Applicant: GARDENS POINT CAMPUS 2 FEORGE STREET BRISBANE QUEENSLAND 4000 AUSTRALIA (72) Name of the Inventor: SCHMID KATRINA Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method of inhibiting myopia by exposing a person to a strobing or flickering light or pattern at a prescribed frequency and having a prescribed wavelength for a prescribed period. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12246 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00942/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 20/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CAKE DECORATING DEVICE (51) International classification : B44C 5/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10-2002-0068817 (32) Priority Date : 07/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/KR03/001925 & 23/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/041548 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: AHN HEON-SANG., Address of the Applicant: 807-7, JOOKWON, JORI-MYEON, PAJU-SI, GYUNGGI-DO 413-820, KOREA. (72) Name of the Inventor: AHN HEON-SANG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Disclosed is a cake decorating device, suitable for producing a more dramatic and attractive atmosphere of the place where various celebratory events are held, while displaying a congratulation message or picture on the decorating device by heat conduction. The cake decorating device includes a base having locking grooves formed at an upper surface of the base, and a support plate having locking protrusions formed at a lower surface of the support plate to be fitted into the locking grooves of the base. The support plate has a plurality of candles. Also, a transfer paper having a message printed using a thermosensitive microcapsule product is attached onto a wall of the base, whereby the message can be displayed by heat conduction of the candles. Thus, the atmosphere of the celebratory event is beautifully produced and reaches the climax by the cake decorating device. (FIG). 3 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12247 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00949/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR PREPARING OPTICALLY ACTIVE SULFOXIDE (51) International classification : C07D 495/10 (31) Priority Document No : 2002-309653 (32) Priority Date : 24/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : JAPAN (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP03/013495 & 22/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/037828 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SANKYO COMPANY LIMITED., Address of the Applicant: 5-1, NIHONBASHI HONCHO 3-CHOME, CHUO- KU, TOKYO 103-8426, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: HIROSHI TOMORI TAKAHIRO OKACHI KEIJIRO KOBAYASHI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention provides a process for preparing optically active cyclic sulfoxides. A process for preparing an optically active cyclic sulfoxide, which is characterized by reacting a cyclic thioether with cumene hydroperoxide or isopropylcumyl hydroperoxide in the presence of alcohol, water or a mixture of water and alcohol and in the presence of a complex of an optically active tartaric acid diester and a titanium (IV) alkoxide in an inert solvent. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12248 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00951/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: OPHTHALMIC LENSES WITH REDUCED CHROMATIC ABERRATION (51) International classification : G02C 7/02, G02B 27/44 (31) Priority Document No : 10/279,619 (32) Priority Date : 24/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/033180 & 17/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/038489 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: JOHNSON & JOHNSON VISION CARE, INC., Address of the Applicant: 7500 CENTURION PARKWAY, SUITE 100, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: C. BENJAMIN WOOLEY AMITAVA GUPTA ISRAEL GROSSINGER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention provides single vision and multifocal hybrid ophthalmic lenses, as well as methods for their production, having the transverse chromatic aberration of the retractive element reduced by the diffractive element. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12249 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00955/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MULTI-PART FORM HAVING DETACHABLE WRISTBAND, LABELS AND CARDS OR THE LIKE (51) International classification : B42D 15/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10/322,320 (32) Priority Date : 17/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/036074 & 04/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/061749 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: 13880 DEL SUR STREET, SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340-3490, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: PENUELA, OSWALDO FULLERTON, ROBERT, M Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A multi-part form includes a printable face ply that is die cut to create a detachable wristband, labels and/or cards and is particularly useful in a hospital-patient environment. The face ply includes a first major surface and a second major surface. A pressure sensitive adhesive is located on of least a portion of one of the major surfaces. The multi- part form includes a first portion, second portion and intermediate portion. The multi-part form further includes a liner ply with first and second major surfaces where a release coating is located on at least a portion of one of major surfaces of the liner ply. The liner ply is adhered to the pressure sensitive adhesive on the face ply. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12250 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00956/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR PERFORMING RADIO ENVIRONMENT REPORTING ON A REVERSE COMMON SIGNALLING CHANNEL (51) International classification : H04B 7/212 H04Q 7/00,H04B 17/00 (31) Priority Document No : 60/431,880 (32) Priority Date : 09/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/038410 02/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/054134 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MOTOROLA INC Address of the Applicant: 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAMBURG IL 60196 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.SCHMIDT CHRISTOPHJER 2. HARRIS JOHN M 3. KELLEY SEAN S Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Apparatus and method for performing radio environment reporting on a reverse common signaling channel. When a dedicated RF connection between a remote unit (RU) (118) and infrastructure equipment (109) is being released, the RU receives a first message from the infrastructure instructing the RU to perform occasional pilot strength reporting on the reverse common signaling channel (r-csch) while the RU is in the idle state. In the preferred embodiment, the pilot strength reporting is limited by a maximum number of reports and/or a time limit to preserve battery life and prevent r-csch congestion in the system. Preferably, a Radio Environment Report Message, referred to generally herein as a second message, carries radio environment information (REI), such as pilot strength and phase of the best pilots measured, and helps the infrastructure both with tracking the RU location and with selecting a strong set of pilots for channel assignment. (FIG. - 2) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12251 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00965/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CONTROLLED RELEASE DEPOT FORMULATIONS (51) International classification : A61K 9/00 (31) Priority Document No : 60/424,428 (32) Priority Date : 06/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/035416 & 04/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/043432 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ALZA CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: 1900 CHARLLESTON ROAD, P.O.BOX 7210, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94039-7210, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: CHEN GUOHUA HOUSTON PAUL BANNISTER ROY KAMEDA TERESA PRIEBE DAVID KLEINER LOTHAR. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Methods and compositions for systemically or locally administering a beneficial agent to a subject are described, and include, for example, depot gel compositions that can be injected into a desired location and which can provide controlled release of & commat; beneficial agent over a prolonged duration of time. The compositions include a biocompatiNe polymer, a biocompatible solvent having low water miscibility that forms a viscous gel with the polymer and limits water uptake by the implant, and a beneficial agent. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12252 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00969/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: N-BENZODIOXOLYL, N-BENZODIOXANYLAND N-BENZODIOXEPINYL ARYLCARBOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES, AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM (51) International classification : C07D 317/46, 319/20, 319/18, 321/10, 405/12, C07F 7/18, C07C 65/24, 65/34, 271/12, A61K 31/357, 31/36, A61P 3/10 (31) Priority Document No : 02/13419 (32) Priority Date : 25/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : FRANCE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/010890 & 01/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/037806 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MERCK PATENT GMBH., Address of the Applicant: FRANKFURTER STRASSE 250, 64293 DARMSTADT, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: DUMAS, HERVE COLLONGES, FRNCOIS; ORTHOLAND, JEAN-YVES; CAMERON, STUART; GUESSREGEN, STEFAN, M; LAINTON, JULIA, A., H.; WENDT, BERND; BARBANTON, JACQUES ; DECERPRIT, JACQUES ; BENZIES, DAVID, W., M. ; FOSTER, RICHARD, J.; KANE, PETER; ROBERTSON, AVRIL, A., B.; WARNE, MARK, R. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a compound of the formula (I) : in which T, A, R, B Xi, Yi and n are as defined in Claim 1, and to the pharmaceutically usable derivatives, solvates and stereoisomers thereof, comprising a mixture thereof in all proportions, which can be used in the treatment of dyslipidaemia, and to pharmaceutical compositions comprising them. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12253 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00971/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHODS AND MEANS FOR MODULATING CELLULOSE BIOSYNTHESIS IN FIBER PRODUCING PLANTS (51) International classification : C12N 15/29, A01H 5/00, 5/10 (31) Priority Document No : 60/432, 674 (32) Priority Date : 12/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/001660 & 12/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/053129 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY., Address of the Applicant: ACTON, CANBERRA, AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 2601, AUSTRALIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: WILLIAMSON RICHARD; BURN JOANNE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention provides chimeric genes for use in modulating (i.e., enhancing or reducing) cellulose biosynthesis and/or fiber quality in a fiber-producing plant such as cotton plant, and methods of modulating cellulose biosynthesis employing the chimeric genes. The invention further provides plant cells and plants comprising the chimeric genes of the invention as well as seeds of such plants comprising the chimeric genes of the invention. The present invention also provides methods for identifying allelic variations of the genes encoding proteins involved in cellulose biosynthesis in a population comprising different genotypes or varieties of a particular plant species. (FIG.nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12254 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00988/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 26/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: STOPPER CLOSURE MEANS FOR BOTTLES COMPRISING TAMPER-EVIDENT SEAL (51) International classification : B65D 50/04 (31) Priority Document No : P200202864 (32) Priority Date : 13/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : SPAIN (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/ES03/000627 & 12/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/054890 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: CIA. DE TAPONES IRRELLENABLES, S.A., Address of the Applicant: CTRA, NACIONAL IV, KM. 649, D-11500 PUERTO, DE SANTA MARIA, SPAIN. (72) Name of the Inventor: TORRENT ORTEGA DAVID Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a stopper closure means for bottles. The purpose of the invention is to provide an irreversible indication that the stopper has been opened after the first opening thereof. For said purpose, the invention comprises a differently coloured peripheral tab which projects out and which is visible in the form of a ring even if the stopper is closed. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12255 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00989/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 26/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SUPPORTING MULTIPLE PACKET DATA SERVICE CONNECTIONS (51) International classification : H04Q 7/00 (31) Priority Document No : 60/431,556 10/727,789 (32) Priority Date : 06/12/2002 04/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/039023 & 05/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/054287 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MOTOROLA, INC., Address of the Applicant: 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60196, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: SAYEEDI, SHAHAB M.; KELLEY, SEAN S Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: To address the need to support multiple packet data service instances in a more efficient manner, various signaling enhancements are provided. These enhancements will result in faster packet data call setups, reactivations, and dormant handoffs of multiple service instances while reducing over-the-air signaling. For originations of multiple packet data service connections, the mobile (101) requests the setup of up to six service instances with a single origination message (e.g., 400). For packet data dormant handoffs, the mobile requests the handoff of up to six service instances using a single message. And for reactivations, the mobile requests the reconnection of multiple, dormant packet data service instances with a single message. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12256 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 1011/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: POWER BREAKER (51) International classification : H02B 11/127 (31) Priority Document No : 102 51 002.4 (32) Priority Date : 30/10/2002 (33) Name of priority country : DE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/DE03/002885 28/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/040727 A2 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Address of the Applicant: WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN GERMANY (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.DETLEV SCHMIDT 2.GUNTER SEIDLER 3.INGO THIEDE 4.SEZAI TURKMEN 5.ARTUR WAJNBERG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a power circuit breaker which comprises an insertion rack which is arranged in a distribution unit and a lock system for locking the power circuit breaker in the insertion rack in a locking system. The inventive locking system (18) can be actuated by a drive mechanism, in particular by the switch shaft (12) of the power circuit breaker (10) (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12257 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01015/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PALM WASTE (51) International classification : C05F 5/00, 11/02, C09K 17/00, A01N 65/00 (31) Priority Document No : 2002952352 2003902114 (32) Priority Date : 30/10/2002 02/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/AU03/001435 & 30/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/039751 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SOIL SUB TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD., Address of the Applicant: 99 MARY STREET, BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND 4000, AUSTRALIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: JOHN WESLEY STAMP Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A process for treating palm waste comprising the steps of: a) shredding palm fibrous waste; b) blending the shredded palm fibrous waste with a dried plant mill effluent and peat. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12258 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01021/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A WHEEL SPOKE AND METHOD FOR THE MANUFACTURE THEREOF (51) International classification : B60B 21/06,1/04 (31) Priority Document No : BO2002A000783 (32) Priority Date : 13/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : IT (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IT03/000812 12/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/054819 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: ALPINA RAGGI S.P.A Address of the Applicant: VIA PIAVE 10-23871 LOMAGNA (LC) ITALY (72) Name of the Inventor: CAPPELLOTTO GUIDO; FIORAVANTI MORENO; RIBEIRO JOAO MIRANDA CARLOS KAWAI STEVE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A spoke for wheels comprises a shaft on a longitudinal end of which a terminal element carrying a device for the attachment of the spoke to the respective component of the wheel is fitted by means of fixing means. The fixing means comprise a stud-bolt-type connection. A method for the manufacture of the spoke is also described. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12259 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01022/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 30/05/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PORTABLE ICE CREAM DISPENSER (51) International classification : A23G 9/28 (31) Priority Document No : 20-2002-0034186 (32) Priority Date : 15/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : KR (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/KR03/000843 25/04/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/045299 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: SHIN IN JAE Address of the Applicant: WOOSUNG APT 7-508,101-1 JAMSIL-7DONG SONGPA-GU SEOUL 138-798 REPUBLCI OF KOREA (72) Name of the Inventor: SHIN IN JAE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: According to the distribution device, portable ice cream distribution device never shown on earlier technique is provided and due to this soft ice cream can be stored so that with out any power supply storing, carrying and selling of soft ice cream in outdoor such as park and stadiums. And since it has simple composition and does not need high technology, the production cost is cheap and can be minimized and so it maximizes selling. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12260 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01046/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 01/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SUBSTITUTED DIHYDROPHENANTHRIDINESULFONAMIDES (51) International classification : C07D 221/12, 401/04, 405/04, 409/04, A61K 31/473 (31) Priority Document No : 60/430,949 10/718,461 (32) Priority Date : 04/12/2002 20/11/2003 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/038290 & 02/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/050631 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: WYETH., Address of the Applicant: 5, GIRALDA FARMS, MADISON, NJ 07940, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MOLINARI ALBERT JOHN ASHWELL MARK ANTHONY RIDGWAY BRIAN HUGH FAILLI AMEDECO ARTURO MOORE WILLIAM JAY Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: This invention provides a compound of formulae (I) or (II) having the structure or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof which are useful for the treatment of the inflammatory component of diseases and are particularly useful in treating atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, type II diabetes, and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatiod arthritis. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12261 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01049/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 01/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: OPERATION CONTROL APPARATUS FOR COMPRESSOR AND METHOD THEREOF (51) International classification : F25D 11/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10-2002-0081875 (32) Priority Date : 20/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/KR03/002045 & 02/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/057249 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: LG ELECTRONICS INC., Address of the Applicant: 20, YOIDO-DONG, YOUNGDUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 150-010, KOREA. (72) Name of the Inventor: JUN, YOUNG-HOAN SHIN, DONG-HEE BAE, GYOO-JONG LEE, WOO-GEUN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: In an operation control apparatus and a method thereof, the compressor can be protected from overloading through a current control device instead of an OLP (Over Load Protector) and a PTC thermistor (Positive Temperature Coefficient thermistor). The operation control apparatus includes: a stroke estimated unit(103) for estimating a stroke of the compressor on the basis of a current and a voltage applied to an interior motor of the compressor(200) and a motor constant of the interior motor; a control unit(104) for generating a control signal for varying a stroke of the compressor on the basis of the estimated stroke value and a preset stroke reference value; and a current control means(101) being turned on/off so as to vary a stroke voltage applied to the interior motor of the compressor. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12262 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01059/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 03/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PERFORMING SECURITY CONTROL IN ELECTRONIC MESSAGE EXCHANGES (51) International classification : H04L 9/32 (31) Priority Document No : MI2002A002339 (32) Priority Date : 05/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : ITALY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/009063 & 14/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/042997 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: STIGLIANI DOMENICO., AND STIGLIANI FAUSTINO NICOLA., AND RUCCO, PAOLO., Address of the Applicant: VIA PAVESE 2, 47037 RIMINI RN, ITLAY. AND VIA BLANSKO 23, 42019 SCANDIANO RE, ITLAY. AND VIA PISTONI E BLOSI 5, 42019 SCANDIANO RE, ITALY. (72) Name of the Inventor: STIGLIANI DOMENICO STIGLIANI FAUSTINO NICOLA RUCCO PAOLO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method for verifying the security of a message (Msg) transmitted and received in electronic form comprises on the transmitting side the steps of associating with the message a univocal message identifier (IDMsg) and a message owner identity checking identifier (IDCR) which is obtained by applying to the univocal message identifier (IDMsg) an encoding (12) associated with the owner of the message to be transmitted. On the receiving side the method comprises the steps of verification and signaling of the fact of having or not having already received a message with the same univocal message identifier (IDMsg) associated and ascertaining agreement between the univocal message identifier (IDMsg) associated with the received message and the result (IDDCR) of a decoding of the checking username (IDCR). A verification system and device in accordance with the method are also discussed. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12263 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01076/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SUBSTITUTED DIHYDROPYRANO INDOLE-3,4-DIONE DERIVATIVES AND 3-OXOACETIC ACID SUBSTITUTED 2-HYDROXYMETHYLOINDOLE DERIVATIVES AS INHIBITORS OF PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-1 (PAI-1) (51) International classification : A61K 31/407, A61P 7/02, C07D 49/104, 209/22 (31) Priority Document No : 60/432,327 (32) Priority Date : 10/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/038932 & 09/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/052893 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: WYETH., Address of the Applicant: FIVE GIRALDA FARMS, MADISON, NJ 07940, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: ELOKDAH HASSAN MAHMOUD LI DAVID ZENAN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Compounds of formula (I) and (II) are provided wherein: X is an alkali metal or a basic amine moiety; R 1 is alkyl, cycloalkyl, -CH 2 - cycloalkyl, pyridinyl, -CH 2 -pyridinyl, phenyl or benzyl, the rings of these groups being optionally substituted; R 2 is H, halogen, alkyl, perfluoroalkyl, alkoxy, cycloalkyl, -CH 2 -cycloalkyl, -NH 2 , or -NO 2 ; R 3 is phenyl, benzyl, benzyloxy, pyridinyl, or -CH 2 -pyridinyl, with the rings of these groups being optionally substituted; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or ester form thereof, as well as pharmaceutical compositions and methods using these compounds as inhibitors of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and as therapeutic compositions for treating conditions resulting from fibrinolytic disorders such as deep vein thrombosis and coronary heart disease, and pulmonary fibrosis. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12264 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01087/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 07/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SAMPLING METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR AMPLIFICATION REACTION ANALYSIS (51) International classification : C12Q 1/68, C12P 19/34, C12M 1/34 (31) Priority Document No : 60/428,038 60/439,982 60/440,010 (32) Priority Date : 21/11/2002 14/01/2003 14/01/2003 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/037420 & 21/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/048528 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: PRIMERA BIOSYSTEMS., Address of the Applicant: 4, RICHMOND SQUARE, PROVIDENCE, RI 02906, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: SLEPNEV, VLADIMIR, I. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention provides sampling methods and apparatuses that permit the quantitative analysis of nucleic acid amplification reactions. Quantitative information garnered during an amplification regimen permits the development of a detailed amplification profile that in turn permits the reliable determination of original template abundance. The methods disclosed are particularly useful for quantitative expression analysis of multiple genes or transcription units, both in the same amplification reaction and in multiple amplification reactions. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12265 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01093/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 08/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DYE MIXTURES OF FIBRE-REACTIVE AZO DYES AND USE THEREOF FOR DYEING MATERIAL CONTAINING HYDROXY-AND/OR CARBOXAMIDO GROUPS (51) International classification : C09B 67/00 (31) Priority Document No : 0226151.9 (32) Priority Date : 08/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : UK (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/012271 & 04/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/041941 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: DYSTAR TEXTILFARBEN GMBH & CO. DEUTSCHLAND KG., Address of the Applicant: INDUSTRIEPARK HOCHST, GEBAUDE B 598, 65926 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: EBENEZER, WAREN, JAMES; RUSS, WERNER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Mixtures of fibre reactive dyes comprising one or more dyestuffs of the formula (I) and one or more dyestuffs of the general formula (II) wherein Ar 1 , Ar 2 , X 1 , X 2 , L and M are as defined in claim 1. (FIG). Nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12266 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01136/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 14/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR PRODUCING ANTHRACENE DIETHER (51) International classification : C07C 41/16, 43/20 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP02/013314 & 19/12/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/056734 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: KAWASAKI KASEI CHEMICALS LTD., Address of the Applicant: 12-1, EKIMAEHONCHO, KAWASAKI-KU, KAWASAKI-SHI, KANAGAWA 210-0007, JAPAN. (72) Name of the Inventor: HONDA, HIROYUKI NAKANO, HIROKI NUMATA, SHIGEAKI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An industrially advantageous process is presented whereby a high purity anthracene diether can be produced in good yield. An aqueous medium containing an alkali salt of 9, 10- anthracenediol is added to an organic solvent containing an etherifying agent in the presence or a quaternary phosphonium compound, to carry out the etherifying reaction to produce the anthracene diether. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12267 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01144/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 15/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: CYTOMODULATING PEPTIDES FOR TREATING INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS (51) International classification : A61K (31) Priority Document No : 60/426,684 60/470,839 (32) Priority Date : 15/11/2002 15/05/2003 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/037043 & 17/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/045554 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SANGSTAT MEDICAL CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: 500 KENDALL STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02142, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: FONG, TIMOTHY, C. TE, ALEXIS, E Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The methods and compositions relate to treatment of disorders of the bladder. In particular, the methods provide for treatment of interstitial cystitis and related disorders. The methods further comprise treatment to affect various manifestations associated with interstitial cystitis, including, reducing histamine release, modulating Substance P expression, modulating nerve growth factor expression, modulating levels of various cytokines, and maintaining integrity of the urine/blood barrier. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12268 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01146/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 15/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MOTORCYCLE (51) International classification : B62J 6/04,23/00,B60Q 1/26 (31) Priority Document No : 2003-192509 (32) Priority Date : 04/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : JP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP04/009682 01/07/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO 05/002955 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: YAMAHA HATSUDOKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA Address of the Applicant: 2500 SHINGAI IWATA-SHI SHIZUOKA 438- 8501 JAPAN (72) Name of the Inventor: KINJI ASAMURA KAZUSCHIGE TAIRA TAKESHI UMEMOTO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A motorcycle 1 includes a steering shaft 8, a vehicle body frame 6 extended rearward from the steering shaft 8, a seat 21 supported by the vehicle body frame 6, a fuel tank 20 arranged between the steering shaft 8 and the seat 21, a rear arm 23 a front end of which is axially supported by the main body frame 6 and rear end of which supports a rear wheel 24, a pair of left and right rear cushions 25 for supporting the rear arm 23 by the vehicle body frame 6, a taillight 37 having a brake light portion and a winker light portion and arranged on a rear side of a vehicle body, and a tail cover 35 for covering at least an end portion in the vehicle width direction of the taillight 37 and covering upper ends of the pair of rear cushions 25 attached to outer sides of the vehicle body frame 6. A dimension L1 in the vehicle width direction of the taillight 37 is larger than a minimum interval L10 in the vehicle width direction of the pair of rear cushions 25 and smaller than a maximum dimension L20 in the vehicle width direction of the fuel tank 20. (FIG. - 2) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12269 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01148/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 15/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHODS FOR PREVENTING AND TREATING-CANCER METASTASIS AND BONE LOSS ASSOCIATED WITH CANCER METASTASIS (51) International classification : A61K (31) Priority Document No : 60/426,781 (32) Priority Date : 15/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/036679 & 17/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/045532 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: CHIRON CORPORATION., Address of the Applicant: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY R338, P.O.BOX 8097, EMERYVILLE, CA 94662-8097, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: ZIMMERMAN, DEBORAH, LEE HARROWE, GREGORY LIU, CHENG KOTHS, KIRSTON KAVANAUGH, W., MICHAEL LONG, LI Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: M-CSF antagonists are provided, along with pharmaceutical compositions containing a M-CSF antagonist, kits containing a pharmaceutical composition, methods of preventing and treating bone metastases in a subject afflicted with metastatic cancer, methods of screening for M-CSF antagonists, and uses of M-CSF in medicine and preparing medicaments for preventing and treating bone metastases and tumor growth. (FIG).nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12270 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01165/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 17/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: INSERTS INTENDED TO EQUIP PLATES, ESPECIALLY GLASS PLATES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FASTENING THEM AND THE PLATES THUS EQUIPPED (51) International classification : F16B 13/06, E06B 3/54, E04F 13/14, 13/08, F16B 13/12 (31) Priority Document No : 02/14517 (32) Priority Date : 18/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : FRANCE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/FR03/003402 & 17/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/046567 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE., Address of the Applicant: 18, AVENUE, D’ALSACE, F-92400, COURBEVOIE, FRANCE. (72) Name of the Inventor: LEBOT, PIERRE NUGUE JEAN-CLEMENT MENNECHEZ FRANCOISE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to an insert intended to be received or formed in a glass plate (1) so as to allow, in cooperation with a connecting element (19), said glass plate (1) to be mounted on a support. Said insert is designed to be received in a hole (2) made in one face of the plate (1), said hole (2) being bounded by a retaining side wall (5) of curved profile directed toward the inside. It includes fastening means (16) complementary to means (20) carried by said element (19) for connecting the plate (1) to the support. (FIG). 2 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12271 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01181/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 20/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TREATMENT OF GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS WITH DULOXETINE (51) International classification : A61K 31/381, A61P ¼, 1/12, 1/14 (31) Priority Document No : 60/427,514 (32) Priority Date : 19/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/035051 & 18/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/045606 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: ELI LILLY AND COMPANY., Address of the Applicant: LILLY CORPORATE CENTER, INDIANPOLIS, IN 46285, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MICHAEL J. DETKE DAVID JOEL GOLDSTEIN SMRITI IYENGAR Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention belongs to the fields of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry, and provides a new method of treating gastrointestinal disorders by the administration of duloxetine. (FIG). NIL The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12272 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01185/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 20/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: SPINNING JET HOUSING FOR AN AIR JET SPINNING ARRANGEMENT (51) International classification : D01H 1/115, 4/02, 1/00 (31) Priority Document No : 102 61 778.3 (32) Priority Date : 20/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : GERMANY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/011769 & 24/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/059052 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MASCHINENFABRIK RIETER AG., Address of the Applicant: KLOSTERSTRASSE 20, CH-8406 WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND. (72) Name of the Inventor: SCHWEIER, PETER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A spinning jet housing for an air jet spinning arrangement for producing a spun thread from a staple fibre strand comprises a flow channel which is enclosed by the tube-like walls. The walls are penetrated in turn by injector channels. The spinning jet housing, including the flow channel and the injector channels, is a one-piece component formed without cutting action. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12273 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01240/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 28/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PROCESS FOR THE PURIFICATION OF CRUDE PROPENE OXIDE (51) International classification : C07D 301/32 (31) Priority Document No : 02026240.8 (32) Priority Date : 26/11/2002 (33) Name of priority country : EP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/013212 25/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/048355 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: DEGUSSA AG & UHDE GMBH Address of the Applicant: BENNIGSENPLATZ 1, DE-40474 DUSSELDORF GERMANY & FRIEDRICH- UHDE-STRASSE 15 DE 44141 DORTMUND GERMANY (72) Name of the Inventor: WILLI HOFEN SUDRING THOMAS HAAS WOLFGANG WOLL GEORG THIELE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a process for the purification of a crude propene oxide containing methanol and acetaldehyde by a continuously operated extractive distillation using an extraction solvent lowering the volatility of methanol and feeding a compound containing an unsubstituted NH2 group capable of reacting with acetaldehyde to a distillation column at a point above the feeding point of the crude propene oxide to give a purified propene oxide containing less than 100 ppm methanol and less than 100 ppm acetaldehyde. The invention also relates to a process for the catalytic epoxidation of propene that includes this purification stage. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12274 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01263/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 29/06/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD FOR PRODUCING A CONTINUOUS STEAM GENERATOR AND CONTINUOUS STEAM GENERATOR (51) International classification : F22B 37/10 (31) Priority Document No : 02026797.7 (32) Priority Date : 02/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : EP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/012250 & 03/11/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/051142 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT., Address of the Applicant: WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN, GERMANY. (72) Name of the Inventor: JOACHIM FRANKE RUDOLF KRAL Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The aim of the invention is to provide a suitable method for producing a continuous steam generator (1) that can operate at high steam pressures, said method being cost-effective and involving simple technology. This is achieved by a number of pipe segments (18), which are produced from a material of a first material category, are designed to form the steam generator pipes (12) and are combined into a number of modules (17). Each module (17) is equipped with a respective adapter (19) at a number of connection points that are designed to connect an additional module (17), said adapter being produced from a material of a second category. (FIG). 2 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12275 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01302/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/07/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ELECTRICAL ENERGY METERING DEVICE AND METHOD BY USING SAMPLING RESISTORS IN THE WHOLE CURRENT LOOP (51) International classification : G01R 22/00 (31) Priority Document No : NA (32) Priority Date : NA (33) Name of priority country : NA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/CN02/000869 & 05/12/2002 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/051289 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: NANJING YUNENG ELECTRIC CO. LTD., Address of the Applicant: NORTH ROAD 286, DAQIAO, PUKOU DISTRICT, NANJING, JIANGSU 210031, CHINA. (72) Name of the Inventor: HU, GUOXIANG ZHU, RONG Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to an electrical energy metering device and its method for metering electrical energy. The device and the metering method characterized in that every phase lines and zero line of the electrical energy metering device are connected in series with metallic sampling resistors, and the voltage varying signals from various metallic sampling resistors are supplied to the sampling signal processing units which separated from each other in order to male pre-processing. Every separated sampling signal processing units are supplied with their respective power sources that are independent of each other. Then, every signals pre-processed by their corresponding signal processing units are supplied to the same metering signal processing unit in order to do comparison and judgement. In the end, the metered value which approaches to the actual energy consumption can be obtained. The present invention can realize the complete metering of actual electrical energy consumption indeed. Moreover, the metering device’s ability to avoid the alternating magnetic field interference is improved markedly. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12276 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01334/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 11/07/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ANTIBODIES AGAINST PD-1 AND USES THEREFOR (51) International classification : C07K 16/28, A61K 39/395, C12N 15/13, 5/10, 15/63, A61P 37/06 (31) Priority Document No : 60/435,354 (32) Priority Date : 23/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IB03/006304 & 22/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/056875 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: WYETH., AND CAMBRIDGE ANTIBODY TECHNOLOGY LIMITED., Address of the Applicant: FIVE GIRALDA FARMS, MADISON, NJ 07940, USA. AND THE MILSTEIN BUILDING, GRANTA PARK, CAMBRIDGE CB1 6GH, GB. (72) Name of the Inventor: COLLINS MARY WOOD CLIVE CARRENO BEATRIZ VALGE-ARCHER VIIA LUXENBERG DEBORAH JUSSIF JASON RUSSELL CAROLINE CARTER LAURA L. BENNETT FRANCES. ANDREWS JOHN. Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: This disclosure provides antibodies and antigen-binding fragments that can act as agonists and/or antagonists of PD-1 (Programmed Death 1), thereby modulating immune responses in general, and those mediated by TcR and CD28, in particular. The disclosed compositions and methods may be used for example, in treating autoimmune diseases, inflammatory disorders, allergies, transplant rejection, cancer, and other immune system disorders. (FIG).nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12277 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01336/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 11/07/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS (51) International classification : H01B 1/2, C23C 30/00 (31) Priority Document No : MI2002A002672 (32) Priority Date : 18/12/2002 (33) Name of priority country : ITALY (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IB03/006245 & 17/12/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/055834 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: AGOSTINELLI, PAOLO., AND ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI FOUNDATION., Address of the Applicant: SANTA CROCE, 2257/A, I-30135, VENEZIA, ITALY. AND 30 GEDNEY PARK DRIVE, WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605-3599, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: AGOSTINELLI, PAOLO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Electric wires are described consisting of a metallic wire able to conduct the electric current, the outer surface of which is coated in an alloy consisting of specific metals in set quantities. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12278 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01671/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/08/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A DEVICE FOR SEALING LENGTHS OF FILTER PAPER (51) International classification : B65B 29/04, B31F 5/00 (31) Priority Document No : 03425488.8 (32) Priority Date : 21/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : EUROPE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IB04/002363 & 15/07/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO 05/007513 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: I.M.A INDUSTRIA MACCHINE AUTOMATICHE S.P.A., Address of the Applicant: VIA EMLIA LEVANTE, 428-442, I-40064 OZZANO EMILIA (BOLOGNA), ITALY. (72) Name of the Inventor: CAROLI, RODOLFO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A device for sealing filter bags for products for infusion, where each filter bag is made from a flat web (1) of filter paper and has applied to it a tag (1b) and a tie string (1a) connecting the tag (1b) to the filter bag itself, comprises at least: a sealing sonotrode element (3) positioned so that it faces a first path (P) along which the flat web (1) is fed and so as to seal the string (la), which is arranged according to a defined pattern, and the tags (1b) to each other and to the flat web (1) of filter paper'.; drive means (4) for imparting to the sealing sonotrode means (3) a defined motion towards and away from a sealing position; the drive means (4) in turn comprising first means (5) acted upon by the sealing sonotrode element (3) and designed to apply a predetermined force (F) to the sealing sonotrode element (3) itself; second means (6) for opposing the action of the first means (5), that is to say, for reducing its intensity, and third control means (7) for disabling the second means (6), during predetermined steps of passing the filter bag components under the sealing sonotrode element (3), so as to permit a predetermined sealing contact. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12279 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01675/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/08/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: AN ULTRASOUND UNIT SEALING LENGTHS OF FILTER PAPER (51) International classification : B31F 5/00, B65B 29/02, 51/22 (31) Priority Document No : 03425487.0 (32) Priority Date : 21/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : EP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IB04/002323 & 15/07/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO 05/007395 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: I.M.A INDUSTRIA MACCHINE AUTOMATICHE S.P.A., Address of the Applicant: VIA EMILIA LEVANTE, 428-442, I-40064 OZZANO EMILIA (BOLOGNA), ITALY. (72) Name of the Inventor: CAROLI, RODOLFO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A unit for sealing filter bags for products for infusion comprises at least: a shaped revolving roller (2) with circumferential and radial tracks (3, 4) that act as guides to make longitudinal and transversal contact seals on a web (5) of filter paper folded onto itself and moving under the roller (2), using sealing sonotrode means (6) arranged in sealing position under the roller (2) and close to the moving web (5) in such a way as to form) a tubular web of filter paper with a succession of substantially flattened filter bags formed on it; the sealing sonotrode means (6) being operated upon by fluid- driven means (7) designed to control, through appropriate means (8), the variable constituted) by the contact force and/or the distance between the sealing means (6) and the roller (2). (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12280 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 01770/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/09/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MATERIAL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES (51) International classification : C01B 31/30 C04B 35/56,65/58,C22C 30/00 (31) Priority Document No : 0300318.3 (32) Priority Date : 07/02/2003 (33) Name of priority country : SE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/SE04/000104 27/01/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/069745 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: SANDVIK INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AB Address of the Applicant: S-811 81 SANDVIKEN SWEDEN (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.SUNDBERG MATS 2.LINDGREN KJELL 3.EL-RAGHY TAMER 4.MALMQVIST GUSTAV Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a material for use at temperatures exceeding 1200 °C and in oxidizing atmospheres consisting generally of an alloy between a metal, aluminium (Al) and carbon (C) or nitrogen (N). The invention is characterized in that the alloy has a composition M z Al y X w where M essentially consists of titanium (Ti), chromium (Cr) and/or niobium (Nb) and where X is carbon (C) or where X is nitrogen (N) and/or carbon (C) when M is titanium (Ti); and in that z lies in the range of 1.8 to 2.2, y lies in the range of 0.8- 1.2 and w lies in the range 0.8-1.2, and wherein a protective oxide layer of Al 2 O 3 is formed after heating to the mentioned temperature. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12281 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00686/KOL/2004 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 03/11/2004 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: A PROCESS FOR PREPARING SUBSTRATES FOR CULTIVATION OF BUTTON MUSHROOMS OF BOTH WINTER AND SUMMER VARIETIES (51) International classification : A01G 1/04 (31) Priority Document No : (32) Priority Date : (33) Name of priority country : (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : (87) International Publication No : (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: DILIP KUMAR CHAKRAVARTY Address of the Applicant: D 2/4 LABONY SALT LAKE KOL-700 064 WEST BENGAL INDIA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. DILIP KUMAR CHAKRAVARTY Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Conventional long and short methods of producing button mushroom used chemical fertilizers, pesticides, growth promoters, etc. and took a long time to produce of desired quality. Moreover, large quantities of ingredients are needed which add to the cost of production This invention aims at overcoming the above defects and provide a process for preparing substrates which comprises- (i) selecting dry cellulose and lignin-rich vegetative matters in chopped and shredded condition; (ii) soaking the chopped and shredded bodies in water for around 24 hours; (iii) wetting dry cowdung in water in a proportion of around 1:1.5-2.5 by weight over a period of around 24 hours; (iv) mixing the soaked , chopped and shredded bodies and cowdung together followed by the addition of the undernoted ingress:- (a) Gram (Cicer arietinum ) powder – 12-20% by weight ., (b) Calcium carbonate powder – 7.5 -15% by weight, (c) Gypsum powder – 3-7.5% by weight. (v) thoroughly mixing the ingredients of steps (IV) and placing the mixture in bags of synthetic material capable of withstanding temperature of at least 120 0 C-125 0 C plugged with cotton; (vi) Sterilizing the bags with their contents in an autoclave for around 15-25 mins and cooling them down to ambient temperature. The present invention also envisages production of button mushrooms by inoculating the sterilized substrates with suitable spawns, incubating, followed by casing. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12282 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00160/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 09/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE MONITOR (51) International classification : A61H 39/00 (31) Priority Document No : PA 2002 01178 (32) Priority Date : 05/08/2002 (33) Name of priority country : DK (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/DK03/000523 05/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/012645 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: WETLING JOHN F Address of the Applicant: PEDER OLSENSCEJ 18 DK-3390 HUNDESTED DENMARK (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. WETLING JOHN F Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Atmospheric electric acupuncture monitor, according to Fig. 5 consist of an ion generator (1) a feed back generator (4), connecting cables (2) and an insulative cover (3). The ion generator will deliver the ions to the object to be treated ( human or animal) resting on the insulative cover. The connecting cable will keep the object to be treated at a fixed potential ( usually zero with respect the ground). The feed back unit will monitor the exposure ( number of ions per unit time) as well as the total dose ( integrated charge) to the object. According to the invention it is possible to control the electric effect released by the ions plating out over the area exposed. (FIG. -5) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12283 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00192/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 15/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: DIGITAL TEXTILE PRINTER (51) International classification : B41J 31/407,15/16,11/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10-2003-57321 (32) Priority Date : 19/08/2003 (33) Name of priority country : REPUBLIC OF KOREA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/KR04/002061 18/08/2004 (87) International Publication No : WO/2005/016652 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on/ : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: TAEIL SYSTEMS CO LTD Address of the Applicant: 5F ACE TECHNO TOWER 40-2 YANGPYEONG-DONG GA YOUNGDUNGPO- GU SEOUL 150-103 REPUBLIC OF KOREA (72) Name of the Inventor: LEE GIL-HUN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention discloses a digital textile printer including a front and a rear feeding devices driven by a transfer axis within a driving panel of the front and the rear of a base to prevent distortion and wrinkle phenomena generating defective printing to perform effectively the textile printing even to the very thin textile fabrics, an ink-retrieving hole along to the transfer axis on the top of the base to collect the residues of the injected ink passing through a printing material to prevent ink from spreading at the printing material, at least one suction pan in the inside of the base to collect easily the residues of the injected ink to hasten dries of ink, and a heater of rubner material in the inside of the front of the base to hasten dries of the printing material passing through the ink-retrieving hole. (FIG. -1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12284 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00234/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: RECIRCULATION STRUCTURE FOR TURBOCOMPRESSORS (51) International classification : F01D 11/08,F04D 29/54,27/02 (31) Priority Document No : 102 38 837.7 (32) Priority Date : 23/08/2002 (33) Name of priority country : DE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/009265 21/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/018844 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MTU AERO ENGINES GMBH Address of the Applicant: DACHAUER STRASSE 665 80995 MUNCHEN GERMANY (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. SEITZ PETER A Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A recirculation structure for a turbocompressor, comprising an annular chamber which is arranged in the area of the free blade ends (25 to 28) of a blade ring and radially borders the main flow channel (29 to 32), and a plurality of guiding elements (37 to 40) which are disposed inside the annular chamber and are spread across the circumference thereof. Said annular chamber allows the flow to penetrate in the circumferential direction in the front and/or rear area. The guiding elements are connected in a fixed manner to at least one wall of the annular chamber but are detached everywhere else. The tips of the guiding elements, which face the annular chamber, run on and/or near the contour of the main flow channel while axially overlapping the free blade ends or axially bordering the area of the free blade ends. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12285 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00235/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROL OF NON-INVASIVE PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS (51) International classification : A61B 5/02 (31) Priority Document No : 10/211,115 10/393,660 (32) Priority Date : 01/08/2002 20/03/2003 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/024219 & 01/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/012580 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: TENSYS MEDICAL, INC., Address of the Applicant: 5825 OBERLIN DRIVE, SUITE 100, SAN DIEGO, CA CALIFORNIA 92121, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: MARTIN, GREGORY, J VOSS, GREGORY, I GOHARLAEE, MANOUCHEHR GALLANT, STUART CRAYCROFT, WARREN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Improved methods and apparatus for non-invasively assessing one or more parameters associated with fluidic systems such as the circulatory system of a living organism. In a first aspect, an improved method of continuously measuring pressure from a compressible vessel is disclosed, wherein a substantially optimal level of compression for the vessel is achieved and maintained using perturbations (e.g., modulation) of the compression level of the vessel. In one exemplary embodiment, the modulation is conducted according to a pseudo-random binary sequence (PBRS). In a second aspect, an improved apparatus for determining the blood pressure of a living subject is disclosed, the apparatus generally comprising a pressure sensor and associated processor with a computer program defining a plurality of operating states relates to the sensed pressure data. Methods for pressure waveform correction and reacquisition, as well as treatment using the present invention, are also disclosed. (FIG). 2 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12286 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00242/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 22/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: N-SUBSTITUTE-2-OXODIHYDROPYRIDINE DERIVATIVES (51) International classification : C07D 401/14,401/04,213/ 80,A61K 31/444,A61P 3/04 (31) Priority Document No : 2002-287015 (32) Priority Date : 30/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : JP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP03/012290 25/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/031175 A2 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on/ : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: BANYU PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTTD Address of the Applicant: 2-3 NIHONBASHI HONCHIO 2-CHOME CHUO-KU TOKYO 103-8416 JAPAN (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. SATO NAGAAKI 2. ANDO MAKATO 3. ISHIKAWA SHIHO 4. NAGASE TSUYOSHI 5. NAGAI KEITA 6. KANATANI AKIO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A compound of the formula (I): (wherein Ar 1l and Ar 2 are independently aryl or heteroaryl, any of which is optionally substituted by a substituent selected from the group consisting of cyano, halogen, nitro, lower alkyl, halo-lower alkyl, hydroxy-lower alkyl, cyclo-lower alkyl, cyclo(lower alkyl) -lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkylamino, di-lower alkylamino, lower alkanoylamino, lower alkylsulfonylamino, arylsulfonylamino, hydroxy, lower alkoxy, halo-lower alkoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, lower alkylthio, carboxyl, formyl, lower alkanoyl, lower alkoxycarbonyl, carbamoyl, lower alkylcarbamoyl, di-lower alkylcarbamoyl, lower alkylsulfonyl, arylsulfonyl, aryl and heteroaryl; R 1 and R 2 are independently lower alkyl, cyclo-lower alkyl, cyclo(lower alkyl)-lower alkyl or lower alkoxy, any of which is optionally substituted by a substituent selected from the group consisting of halogen, lower alkylamino, di-lower alkylamino, lower alkanoylamino, hydroxy, lower alkoxy, f ormyl, lower alkoxycarbonyl, lower alkylcarbamoyl and di-lower alkylcarbamoyl; R 1 , R 4 and R 5 are independently hydrogen, cyano, halogen hydroxy, or lower alkyl, lower alkoxy or lower alkylthio, the last three groups being optionally substituted by a substituent selected from the group consisting of halogen, lower alkylamino, di -lower alkylamino, lower alkanoylamino, hydroxy, lower alkoxy, formyl, lower alkoxycarbonyl, lower alkylcarbamoyl and di-lower alkylcarbamoyl), or a salt or ester thereof is useful as a neuropeptide Y receptor antagonist agent and is also useful as an agent for the treatment of bulimia, obesity or diabetes. (FIG. – Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12287 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00257/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 23/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING HIGH QUALITY FAST PREDICTIVE MOTION SEARCH (51) International classification : H04B 1/66 (31) Priority Document No : 10/212,940 (32) Priority Date : 06/08//2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/023286 25/07/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/013985 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MOTOTROLA INC Address of the Applicant: 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD SCHAUMBURG IL 60196 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.SUBRAMANIYAN RAGHAVAN 2.GANDHI BHAVAN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A method and apparatus for performing motion search in a video encoder system using motion vectors representing the difference in coordinates of a macroblock of data in a current frame of video data and coordinates of a related macroblock of data in a reference frame of video data. A plurality of motion vector predictors (620) is obtained where the motion vector predictors represent approximations of possible motion vectors for a current macroblock. A search pattern (630) is defined. Each motion vector predictor of the plurality of motion vector predictors is searched around using the search pattern. A final motion vector (660) is then determined. (FIG. - 6) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12288 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00260/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 24/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: TEXTILE SPUN-DYED FIBER MATERIAL AND USE THEREOF FOR PRODUCING CAMOUFLAGE ARTICLES (51) International classification : D06P 3/00,1/00 (31) Priority Document No : 102 38 890.3 (32) Priority Date : 24/08/2002 (33) Name of priority country : DE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/009097 16/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/020731 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: DYSTAR TEXTILFARBEN GMBH & CO DEUTSCHLAND KG Address of the Applicant: INDUSTRIEPARK HOCHST GEBAUDE B 598 65926 FRANKFURT AM MAIN GERMANY (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.KRABBE GUIDO 2.MACH HORT-ROLAND Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to textile fiber material comprising spun-dyed aramid fibers or mixtures of spun-dyed aramid fibers and undyed cellulosic fibers for producing military camouflage articles, wherein the aramid fiber fraction is spun-dyed with a colorant having a chlorophyll-like reflectance in the IR region, and to its use for producing military camouflage print articles. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12289 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00286/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 28/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MULTIVALENT METAL SALTS OF BORONIC ACIDS FOR USE IN THE TREATING THROMBOSIS (51) International classification : A61K 31/69, C07F 5/02, C07D 207/08 (31) Priority Document No : 0220764.5 0220822.1 0307817.7 0311237.2 0315691.6 60/485,786 (32) Priority Date : 09/09/2002 09/09/2002 04/04/2003 16/05/2003 04/07/2003 08/07/2003 (33) Name of priority country : GB USA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/GB03/003887 & 09/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/022071 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: TRIGEN LIMITED., Address of the Applicant: 20 ST. JAMES’S, STREET, LONDON SW1A 1ES, GB. (72) Name of the Inventor: MADGE, DAVID JONATHAN DOLMAN, MARK WOMBE-MARZELLE, SOPHIE, MARIE DEADMAN, JOHN, JOSEPH KENNEDY, ANTHONY, JAMES KAKKAR, SANJAY, KUMAR CHAHWALA, SURESH, BABUBHAI BOUCHER, OLIVER, VIMPANY, ARNOLD WALTER, ARMIN OLBRICH, ALFRED KRIMMER, DIETER WEILAND-WAIBEL, ANDREA, MARIA, - THERESIA Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Salts of a pharmaceutically acceptable divalent metal and an organoboronic acid drug. Examples of such metals are calcium, magnesium and zinc. The organoboronic acid drug may be a boropeptide protease inhibitor. The salts may be formulated in oral dosage form. The salts are used in the manufacure of oral medicaments for treating thrombosis. (FIG). nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12290 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00297/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 28/02/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: POLYPROPYLENE BASED WRAP FILM (51) International classification : B32B 27/32 (31) Priority Document No : 2002-250192 (32) Priority Date : 29/08//2002 (33) Name of priority country : JP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP03/010797 26/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/020195 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: ASAHI KASEI LIFE & LIVING CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 1-2 YURAKU-CHO 1-CHOME CHIYODA-KU TOKYO 100-8440 JAPAN (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.TAKAFUMI MUKOHARA 2.SATOSHI HASHIMOTO 3.TAKASHI NAKAO Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: An object of the present invention is to provide a wrap film which, in spite of containing a polypropylene-based resin, is excellent in a clinging property, does not require so much force to pull it out from a dispenser box and undergoes a less change in these characteristics depending on a lapse of time or storage temperature. Provided is a polypropylene-based multilayer wrap film comprising (A) a surface layer containing a first composition comprising 50 to 80wt.% of (S1) a crystalline polypropylene-based resin and 20 to 50 wt.% of (S2) at least one softener selected from amorphous or low-crystalline propylene-α-olefin copolymers and butane-1 polymers, and based on 100 parts by weight of the first composition, 5 to 15 parts by weight of (S3) a hydrogenated terpene resin and 10 to 20 parts by weight of (S4) an aliphatic hydrocarbon which is liquid at normal temperature, and (B) a core layer which is adjacent to the surface layer and contains 80 to 98 wt.% of (C1) a crystalline polypropylene-based resin and 2 to 20 wt.% of (C2) an aliphatic hydrocarbon which is liquid at normal temperature. (FIG. -1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12291 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00328/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 03/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: USER-SPECIFIED OUTPUTS IN MOBILE WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICES AND METHODS THEREFOR (51) International classification : H04M 1/00 (31) Priority Document No : 10/233,212 (32) Priority Date : 30/08/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/024901 & 07/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/021683 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: MOTOROLA, INC., Address of the Applicant: 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG, IL 60196, USA. (72) Name of the Inventor: CAUWELS PATRICK HERBST STEVEN ROLLER DAVID WYATT PETER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A mobile wireless communication device, and methods therefore, including producing a user-configurable sensory output (620) of the mobile wireless communication device upon the occurrence of some event on the mobile wireless communication device, for example the transition between sleep and active modes, or the mechanical actuation of some portion of the device. In some embodiments, the user-configurable sensory output terminates (630) after a specified time period. In other embodiments, a service providers selects the sensory output and associates it with a particular event that occurs on the device, whereupon the sensory output is produced on the device upon the occurrence of the event, for example to communication information from the service provider. (FIG). 6 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12292 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00331/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 03/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: MULTI-MODE INTEROPERABLE MOBILE STATION COOMUNICATIONS ARCHITECTURES AND METHODS (51) International classification : H04B 7/216 (31) Priority Document No : 10/228,484 (32) Priority Date : 27/08/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/024399 05/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/021620 A3 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on/ : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: MOTOTROLA INC Address of the Applicant: 1303 EAST ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHAUMBURG IL 60196 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. SGEYNMA ARNOLD 2. GRUBE CARL 3. KOSGI RAJENDRA K 4. POLISETTY ROHINI 5. PEREPA MAHESH 6. SREEKRISHNA MALOOR RAMACHANDRA 7. VIJAYAPRASAD KRISHNAMURTHY SRINATH 8. RAGHURAM SHARADA 9. DORSEY DONALD ARTHUR 10. SPRIGGS KEVIN MICHAEL 11. SUDINI RAMESH Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A multi-mode mobile wireless communications device architecture (200) including an application layer (210), a services layer (220) interfacing the applications layer, a multi-mode layer (230) interfacing the service layer, and a hardware layer (240) interfacing the multi- mode layer. The multi-mode layer includes first and second interoperable radio access technologies, for example W-CDMA UMTS and GSM/GPRS technologies. (FIG. - 2) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12293 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00338/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 04/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: COX-2 INHIBITING PYRIDINE DERIVATIVES (51) International classification : C07D 213/64, A61K 31/4418, A61P 29/00, C07D 213/74, 401/12, 405/12, 413/12, 417/12, 409/12 (31) Priority Document No : 0221443.5 (32) Priority Date : 16/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : GB (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/EP03/011065 & 12/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/024691 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: GLAXO GROUP LIMITED., Address of the Applicant: GLAXO WELL COME HOUSE, BERKELEY AVENUE, GREENFORD, MIDDLESEX, UB6 0NN, GB. (72) Name of the Inventor: BESWICK PAUL MODI SANDEEP PEGG NEIL SKIDMORE JOHN SWARBRICK MARTIN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Compounds of formula (I) or pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof are potent and selective inhibitors of COX-2 and are of use in the treatment of the pain, fever and inflammation of a variety of conditions and diseases. (FIG). 1 The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12294 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00339/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 14/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULES (51) International classification : A23L 1/22 (31) Priority Document No : 10/234,775 (32) Priority Date : 03/09/2003 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/IB03/003764 21/08/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/022221 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: FIRMENICH SA Address of the Applicant: P.O. BOX 239 1 ROUTE DES JEUNES CH-1211 GENEVA 8 SWITZERLAND (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.SUBRAMANIAM ANADARAMAN 2. REILLY ANNE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a complex coacervation process based on the use of type B gelatine as polycationic colloid, for the preparation of 'Halal' certified flavour-containing microcapsules. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12295 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00348/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 07/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: REMOVAL EQUIPMENT FOR INJECTION MOLDING PARTS AS WELL AS PROCEDURE FOR AUTOMATIC REMOVAL (51) International classification : B25J 15/06 (31) Priority Document No : 102 41 270.7 (32) Priority Date : 06/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : DE (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/CH03/000602 05/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/022287 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: NETSAL-MASCHINEN AG Address of the Applicant: INDUSTRIESTRASSE CH-8752 NAFELS SWITZERLAND (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. SCHIRMER ROGER Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a method and a removal device for the automatic removal of injection moulded parts from the half moulds (10, 11) of injection moulding machines. By installing additional vacuum storage element (61) in consumer proximity, the necessary vacuum is available for each removal in an additional area, independent from pressure variations in the vacuum system. Before the beginning of each removal, the available system is monitored by sensor means (70, 71, 72) and by maintaining a vacuum-limit value a movement authorisation is transmitted to the removal robot (30). A pressure switch threshold value is also determined for the vacuum which is adjusted in close proximity to the suction cup during the removal of the injection moulded parts (1) by the suction cups (44) of the removal robot (30). If the pressure switch threshold value is reached as a result of sufficient closeness of the injection moulding parts (1) to the suction caps (44), the removal robot (30) is authorised, by means of a machine control, to carry out additional movements. The pressure switch threshold value can be set as a percentage of the start vacuum at the beginning of each removal and as a result, the time and removal safety for each part or production charge are optimised. (FIG. - 4) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12296 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00454/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 16/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: NOVEL PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION CONTAINING A BIGUANIDE AND A THIAZOLIDINEDIONE DERIVATIVE (51) International classification : A61K 31/425,31/55,9/22 (31) Priority Document No : 60/412,180 (32) Priority Date : 20/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/029292 19/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/026241 A3 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: ANDRX LABS LLC Address of the Applicant: 4955 ORANGE DRIVE DAVIE FL 33314 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1.KOSITPRAPA UNCHALEE 2. NANGIA AVINASH 3. CARDINAL JOHN 4. GOLDFARB ROBERT Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: A pharmaceutical dosage form comprising a controlled release component comprising an antihyperglycemic drug in combination with a second component comprising a thiazolidinedione derivative is herein disclosed and described. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12297 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00485/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 23/03/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: IMMUNIZATION AGAINST AUTOLOGUS GHRELIN (51) International classification : A61K 39/39,39/385,39/00, C07K 14/435,A61P 3/04 (31) Priority Document No : PA 2002 01345 (32) Priority Date : 12/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : DK (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/DK03/000592 12/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/024183 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on/ : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: PHARMA A/S Address of the Applicant: KOGLE ALLE 6, DK-2970 HORSHOLM DENMARK (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. BOVING TINE ELISABETHJ GOTTSCHALK 3. KLYSNER STEEN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Disclosed are novel methods that generally rely on immunization against autologous ghrelin. Immunization is preferably effected by administration of analogues of autologous ghrelin, said analogues being capable of inducing antibody production against the autologous ghrelin polypeptides. Especially preferred as an immunogen is autologous ghrelin, which has been modified by introduction of one single or a few foreign, immunodominant and promiscuous T-cell epitopes. Also disclosed are nucleic acid vaccination against ghrelin and vaccination using live vaccines as well as methods and means useful for the vaccination. Such methods and means include methods for the preparation of analogues and pharmaceutical formulations, as well as nucleic acid fragments, vectors, transformed cells, polypeptides and pharmaceutical formulations. (FIG. - Nil) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12298 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00567/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 04/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FRACTIONATING SLURRY AND METHOD OF PRODUCING PLASTER BOARD (51) International classification : B28B 13/02,B28C 7/16 (31) Priority Document No : 2002-274610 (32) Priority Date : 10/09//2002 (33) Name of priority country : JP (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/JP03/011677 12/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/026550 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: YOSHINO GYPSUM CO LTD Address of the Applicant: SHIN-TOKYO BUILDING 3-1 MARUNOUCHI 3-CHOME CHIYODA-KU TOKYO 100-0005 JAPAN (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. YAMAJI YUKIO 2. KANEKO SHINOBU Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention provides an apparatus and a method for fractionating gypsum slurry which can surely control the density of the gypsum slurry fractionated from the mixer (fractionated slurry), which can restrict change of the flow rate of the fractionated slurry, and which can reduce the consumption of foam or foaming agent. The fractionation apparatus (30) fractionates the gypsum slurry from a mixer (4) for mixing calcined gypsum and water. The mixer has hollow connector section (50), which allows the gypsum slurry to flow from a mixing area inside of the mixer into a chute section (5), and the chute section (5) discharging the inflow of gypsum slurry through its slurry discharge port onto a gypsum board liner paper. The fractionation apparatus has a slurry fractionation port (33) opening to the chute section or the hollow connector section, and causes a part of the gypsum slurry in the chute or hollow connector section to be delivered to a slurry delivery conduit (11, 13, 19). (FIG. - 6) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12299 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00570/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 05/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: FLEXIBLE EMISSIVE COATINGS FOR ELASTOMER SUBSTRATES (51) International classification : C09D 201/00,C08J 7/04 (31) Priority Document No : 10/265,576 (32) Priority Date : 07/10//2002 (33) Name of priority country : US (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/US03/031746 07/102003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/033573 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: LORD CORPORATION Address of the Applicant: 111 LORD DRIVE P.O. BOX 8012 CARY NC 27512-8012 USA (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. HALLADAY JAMES R 2. KRAKOWSKI FRANK J 3. CASTER KENNETH C 4. TROUGHTON E BARRITT JR Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: Emissive coatings for flexible substrates, preferably elastomers or elastomers bonded to metal are disclosed. The coating composition is formed by combining parts (a) and (b) where part (a) comprises an organic solution or aqueous dispersion of a functional group containing polymer or copolymer and thermal conductive filler; and part (b) comprises a liquid curing component, for example a poly isocyanate, a carbodiimide, or an amino resin. The coating compounds can be applied to an substrate either before or after the substrate has been vulcanized. The coatings can be cured at ambient temperatures and provide heat dissipation over long term service at elevated temperatures. (FIG. - 6) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12300 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00587/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 06/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: METHODS FOR REGULATING CANCER (51) International classification : C07K 16/30, 39/395, A61P 35/00 (31) Priority Document No : 2002951409 (32) Priority Date : 16/09/2002 (33) Name of priority country : AUSTRALIA (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/AU03/001209 & 16/09/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/024773 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (62) Divisional to Application No : NA Filed on : NA (71) Name of Applicant: THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITA; RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC., Address of the Applicant: 28, WOODVILLE ROAD, WOODVILLE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5011, AUSTRALIA. (72) Name of the Inventor: STEPHENSON SALLY-ANNE Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention provides methods for inhibiting cancerous growth of a cell using an antibody or an antigen-binding portion thereof which binds to an epitope of EphB4 polypeptide. Purified antibodies of EphB4 are also provided. The invention also provides methods for preventing or treating cancer. The invention also relates to methods of identifying agents that can inhibit cancerous growth of a cell. (FIG).nil The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12301 (12) PATENT APPLICATION PUBLICATION (19) INDIA (21) Application No.: 00660/KOLNP/2005 A (22) Date of filing of Application: 18/04/2005 (43) Publication Date: 23/06/2006 (54) Title of the invention: IMMUNOGENIC COMPOSITION (51) International classification : A61K 39/13 A61P 31/12 (31) Priority Document No : 0225520.6 (32) Priority Date : 01/11//2002 (33) Name of priority country : GB (86) International Application No and Filing Date : : PCT/GB03/012160 30/10/2003 (87) International Publication No : WO 04/039399 A1 (61) Patent of addition to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (62) Divisional to Application No : NIL Filed on : N.A. (71) Name of Applicant: GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS S.A. Address of the Applicant: RUE DE L’ INSTITUT 89 B-1330 RIXENSART BRUSSELS BELGIUM (72) Name of the Inventor: 1. MAYERESSE YVES 2. STEPHENNE JEAN Filed U/S 5(2) before The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005: NO (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to immunogenic compositions comprising a dried solid or highly viscous liquid formulation of inactivated polio virus (IPV) and a stabilising agent wherein the IPV retains its antigenicity and/or immunogenicity. Methods of producing a dried formulation of IPV which retains its antigenicity/immunogenicity are described. (FIG. - 1) The Patent Office Journal 23/06/2006 12302 PUBLICATION UNDER SECTION 43(2) IN RESPECT OF THE GRANT OF PATENT Following Patents have been granted and any “person interested” in opposing these patents under Section 25(2) may at any time within one year from the date of this issue, give notice to the Controller of Patents at the appropriate office, on the prescribed Form 7 along with written statement and evidence if any. Sl. No . PATEN T NOS. PATENT APPLICA- TION NOS. 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