Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis Vol 1
Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis Vol 1
May 30, 2018 | Author: Michael Schroeder | Category:
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Story by Mike Hal Barwood & Noah Falstein, Lucasfilm Games Comic book adaptation written by Richardson publisher Randy Stradley executive editor NeU Hankerson vice president of operations Cece Cutsforth art director Bob Schreck marketing director WiUiam Messner-Loebs Pencils by Dan Barry Inks by Karl Kesel Lettering by Diana Schutz managing editor Chris Warner submissions editor Barbara Kesel, Jerry Prosser editorial staff Gail Beckett Color art by Lurene Haines Cover art by Dave Dorman Editing by Steven Chrls Ch ale nor production manager Birch, Jack Pollock Monty Sheldon production Brad Horn controller Diana Schutz and Mike Richardson Opening two-page and illustrated sequence written by Dan Barry Debbie Byrd operations Indiana Jones™ and the Fate of Atlantis #1 (2nd printing), October 1991. Published by Dark Horse Comics, Inc., 10956 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222. Indiana Jones™ is TM and © 1991 Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Text and illustrations for Indiana Jones™ and the Fate of Atlantis #2 are © 1991 Lucasfilm Ltd. All other material, unless otherwise specified, is © 1991 Dark Horse Comics, Inc. All rights reserved. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons and/or institutions in this publication and those of any existing or pre-existing person or institution is intended and any similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. PRINTED IN CANADA . 2 . ~OMORRCMI eeLONGs ••• 3 .THE MORNIIJG WILL.P I~ MINe. COME "HeN THe W~l. - THIS 15A CINCH. YOU .COLUM8IAN! 4 . KATE.JUST SEE '\ I WOULV' YOU I.IKETO GO FIRST? I NEEV' TO KNOW WHICH ARE GENUINE PRE.. CAN YOU II?ENTIFY THE I?E51GN ON THI& KEY? IT 1&.COLUM6IAN. I ASSURE YOU. VERY ANCIENT INP'E:EI? 5 .'" AND I MAC7c THI& "OL[7"ONE THI& MORNING! ' IIAHAIIAIIAIIA I WOULD SAY ONLY TWO ARE AUTHENTIC: ONE FROM THE 19TH CENTURY ••• AN IROQUOl5 PIECE ••• AND THE OTHER -FAR LEFTWHICH 15 PRE. I WONI?ER. 6 . BUT THEY'LL. rNPY? 7 .[7 STUFF.~..L IN YOUR CL. DROP ME FROM THE TEAM IF I FLUNK YOUI={ COURSE ••• AN[7 NEARLY Au.:&~ .J. I KNON I'M NOT rolNG 50 WeL.. WASN'T IT.A55.EGE. TI-IE' CURRENT EXAMPL..SEE. FIRsr DIG. YOUR 1'7::.ee HAVe: COME FROM THE JA5TI<XJ EXpel/ITION TO ICELANI7 -WHI~ WAS SPONSOREP 9Y THIS CO/.. I'M TERRIBLE ABOUT 01. r i THIS 15 TERRIFIC! PO YOU REALIZE WHAT THI5 MEANS.P! NO CIVIL.. MARCU5? THe .IZATION AT THAT TI ME eVEN NAP KEY5 ••• ORSO we THOUGHT! 8 .JA5TRO FIIJI7 WAS PATEI7 OVER 3000 YEARS OL. JA5TRO FOUN[7 IT IN A QUARRY. METHOl/S.c ACCORP'ING> TO THE TA6. NOT FAR FROM Rf.Y~AVIK. RIGHT !-lOW I COUL. INPV••• I !-lEVER THOU&HT MUCH OFJA5TRO'e.D /(ISS HIM! K R E E E K 9 .OPPY ••• ANI/ A BRAGGART! 5TI L. HE WAS 5L.L. . 11 . 12 . S. THAT'S SOPHIA HAPGOOP.D •••• IT'S FROM GERMANY ••• KlALI5 KERNER ••• A COLONEL IN THE S.. I'VE GOT TO GET TO NEW YORK CITY- PRONTO! " 13 ..HIS I.! " . WE WORKED TOGETHER ON THE JASTRO DIG. IZATION! OURWORLI7 IS LONGING FOR THE AWAKeNING THAT OWLY THE L.BUT ATl.ANrlS TAATSORTCf= r MYSTIC vIew OF HISTORY &1OESM~ ME SHUI7I7ER! THIS WeCKLACe I HOLI7 eMPOWE. NUR-AS-SAL! IAMBUTA veSSEL FOR THE THOUGHTS.ORE OF SPIPtlrVAL ATLANTIS CAN !:'RING TO US.5 ••• THE KNOWLIPGIE BURISI7 WITH THAT NOBLE CIVIL.REI7 ITS PRiESTESSes TO SPEAK WITH THE GREAT SPIRIT GO&'. THE II7EAL. 14 . FAT CHECK PAYABLE TO MAP'AME 50PH/A ••• .VEP' SOCIETY IN MAN'S HI5TOR'I.ANTIS ••• \'•.THE MOST HIGHL. WITH A TECHNOLOGY FAR BEYONI7 OURS.LONG eeFORE THE I7AWN OF KNOWN CIVIL.. 15 .Y EVOL.IZATION ••• SE~ THE GLORY THAT WA5 GReece ••• THERE WAS ATJ. YOU CAN WRITE OUT A NICE.JU5T FOR OPENERS. WELL. HMM ••• UH..IES! I'M LATE FOR. AH.V~ NICE MEETING 'IOU.E: MIGHT WANT TO COME IN ANI? HELP US ••• WITH 50ME TESTIMONY? OH.HOW Q4RE YOU? THIS IS A PRIVATE: GATHERING! SIR! THOUGHT )'()U GOOI7 PEOP\. t'OCTOR ••• 16 . AN INTERVIE:W. t7eAR! HOW TIME FI. 5E:l.../NG ••• ANP HOPE! 17 .F-RIGHTOOUS 50NUVAGUN! KNOW WHAT E:1...E SOMETHING! A SPIRITUAl..•••YOU SMUG.. FeEl.5E? I GiVe THese PEOP\. L. t KNOll! BUT YOU WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING .ING T'KILL ME TO GET IT.JU6T QUITTING. 18 .I KNOW. SOMe BOW WAS WIL. e« A PIECE FROM THt: JA5TRO PIG. I'M GRAB6ING A SHOWER. 19 . THEN A NICE rowN PILLOW TO I7RfAMLANt7.YOU HAVEN'T CATALOGU6P OR INPlXEP ANY OF THIS? YOU MUST HAVE OVER A HUNPReI7 IRREPLACEABLE RELtCS ••• SOIJNP'S uAKe TO ME. 20 . REMEMBER ••• TAKE ALL THE ARTIFACTS ••• 21 .GOOI7. 1 ~' .~ . 22 .. . HERE. BOSS! I ROUNPE(7 UP TH05E ARTYPACTe. LIKE Y'5AI(7! AL.L THe ONES WITH THOse 5QUIGGLES! 24 . THERE 15 MUCH ANCISNT /... HERR !7OKTOR? 25 .FOR A PRIMITIVE J7IGGING MACHINE! aa' ORICHALCUM ANI? THE! \\ MARBL. CAu..e17 ••• 50 IT MAY HAVE BEEN A MOC7EL.E " IN5117S ••• ATLANTIS? YOU GIVE CREI7ENCE TO THAT MYTH.ORE A90UT AN ENERGiZe!? METAf. N~E.D THE FATe OF THE WORLP IN OUR HANDS! . HERR KERNER? WE HOL.1 YOU ~I. t. ~ONe~KERNeR.IZE WHATTHIS MEANS. IT FITf7 NEAT~V INTO THE IDOL'S MOUTH.lEBeR GOTT! THE TORSO 15 f7PINNINGLIKE A &1R/~1. John Rogers. and Miller and Darrow won for Hard Boiled! With little time for celebration we were off to our one hour "What's up at the Dark Horse Corral" panel where the aforementioned and others discussed their past. it's worth it. to name a few. Geol Darrow. Moebius. at the con by 10:00 a.Wow! Where to begin? It's been 9 days since we said goodbye to sunny San Diego and the most impressive. Box 128458. Our booth was filled with large art displays from many of our future projects and was topped off by our new pal. Next year it's being held from August 20th through 24th at the San Diego Convention Center and you can write to the San Diego Comic Con. Sean Tierney • production CHECKLIST o SHIPPINGPresents #55 1 . San Diego. Frank Miller. Chris Warner • editorial staff Cece Cutslorth • art director Chris Chalenor' production manager Steven Birch. Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons won for Give Me Liberty. Dave Gibbons. and Geol Darrow. Fae Desmond. Its clean. and on! This year the traditionally quieter opening Thursday was jam-packed due to its being the Fourth of July and everyone's having the day off. Just trying to recuperate. Jackie Eslrada. and convenient layout may have contributed to the general atmosphere of what seemed to be a contented. we were attending the prestigious Eisner Awards where Paul Chadwick won for Concrete: Earth Day. James Robinson. making new ones. As for Dark Horse. The guest list was incredible. Paul Chadwick. while others expressed their feelings on issues such as creator ownership and censorship. Clive Barker. Dave Gibbons.a. and listening to readers tell us what they like and don't like about our comics and various products. Grant Morrison. Ray Gruen. Robin DOig and Clydene Nee. hectic. we were swamped by tons of people at our booth for four days straight! It was great seeing old friends. and what a beautiful facility it was. present. Jim Lee. At 1:00 p. All in all it was a great time. to name a few. Carolyn Megyesi. neat.. Marc Silvestri. Dan Barry. and all the fine volunteers who work so hard and make it look so easy! Thanks to everyone who had a hand in making it all come together so successfully. The larger crowd was easily accommodated by the brand spanking new convention center the show was held in this year. Frank Miller.000 attendees through the doors in four days. Mark Verheiden. and future projects for the company. and on. CA. and began coordinating a massive signing by Dave Gibbons. Chris Clare mont. Mark Schultz. I would also like to thank a good friend of mine who bought me a double Meyers and Coke at the end of a very long day when I really needed it! You took good care of me. Matt Wagner. a life-size Alien complete with oozing teeth and all! Randy Stradley put together an impressive schedule of writers and artists to sign at our booth including Frank Miller. 92112-8458.m. Andy. well ... Janet Tait. happy gathering of comic book lovers spending time (and money) celebrating this vital and uniquely American art form. 1991 's San Diego Comic Book Convention was a total blast. and Phill Norwood. Bob Schreck Mike Richardson • publisher Neil Hankerson • vice-president of operations Bob Schreck' marketing director Kris Young • marketing assistant Brad Horn • controller Debbie Byrd • operations Tiffany Schlobohm • operations Randy Stradley • executive editor Diana Schutz • managing editor Barbara Kesel. I was off to attend the annuallnkpot Awards. Jack Pollock. OCTOBER Dark Horse Flamin~Carrot #27 Venus ars #7 Terminator Secondary Objective #4 o SHIPPING#23 OCTOBER 8 Cheval Noir Race of Scorpions 11 #4 Predator Cold War #2 o SHIPPING Billi 99 #2 Badlands #4 OCTOBER 15 o SHIPPING Almuric#2 o SHIPPING The Mask #3 OCTOBER 22 OCTOBER 29 .m. Monly Sheldon. with a record 15. Steve Posey. Geol Darrow. Jerry Prosser. made all the more enjoyable by the great con committee. Sergio Aragones. Dan Barry. Geol Darrow had 'em rolling in the aisles with his deadpan delivery. p. featuring just about every major talent in the business including Will Eisner. Steve Rude. and pulse-pounding convention I've ever attended.m. Kevin Eastman. Later that night. you're downright goofy! Get on the stick. Harlan Ellison. Saturday was the most hectic day as I was up at 8:30 a. For me. where Dan (Flash Gordon!lndiana Jones) Barry was awarded a "Lifetime Achievement" Inkpot. Blood! Thanks!! If you're not already making plans for next year's San Diego Comic Con. Dave Scroggy. WaH Simonson. Cary Grazzini.
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