India Refrigeration Products
India Refrigeration Products
March 22, 2018 | Author: Sunil Saini | Category:
Gas Compressor
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COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORSbrand products Emerson At-a-Glance = Founded In 1890 = Presence In More Than 150 Countries (Manufacturing And Sales) = 255 Manufacturing Locations, 165 Outside The U.S. = FORTUNE 500 List Of America’s Largest Corporations Our Driving Force: Vision Emerson Climate Technologies, with our partners, will provide global solutions to improve human comfort, safeguard food and protect the environment. Mission To become the industry's steward and trusted partner by: = Becoming an incredibly easy company to do business with through eBusiness and a culture of customer service = Expanding our technology leadership position = Using our broad capabilities in products and services to develop unique, high-value integrated solutions = Being the best value provider for products and services = Maintaining a work environment where our people and their ideas flourish compressors are manufactured in Atit Plant. produce and deliver products. systems and Rating” under Emerson's Plant Technology Franchise solutions that make people's lives better. Our priority is to state-of-the-art facilities and acclaimed to have “Gold design. India About Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Limited Emerson is a global Company that brings together Fractional and Integral Horse Power compressors technology and engineering to provide innovative provide perfect cooling. energy efficient. Qualification Standards of Emerson Climate Technologies. which has commercial and consumer markets. The solutions for our customers in a wide range of industrial. Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Limited is The performance of the compressors is optimized using offering innovative. Computer Aided Engineering Facility at Karad. environment friendly CAE facilities. Mo. The performance of compressors is validated by testing in a suitable appliance at an ambient of 460C. creating value for its users. Product Approvals* *For majority of the models.Headquarters in St. Standards. . Louis. The components are sourced and reliable compressors to a broad range of customers internationally and have been subjected to stringent across India and overseas. India Manufacturing Plant at Atit. for the last four decades. The countrywide Sales and Service network of Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Limited is positioned to provide prompt service to our Customers. Low Temp Baths = Blood / Plasma Storage Commercial Back Pressure = Chest Coolers = Display Cabinets = Visi Coolers High Back Pressure = Water Coolers = Air Dryers. R134a. Panel Coolers = Oil Coolers KCE 1/ 6 to 1/ 2 HP R22. R404A KCJ ¼ to 1HP R22. R404A .Copeland Reciprocating Compressors Partner For All Your Cooling Needs With Energy Efficient And Rugged Designs FHP Applications Low Back Pressure = Chest Freezers = Softy Machines = Ice Cube Machine = Centrifuge. R134a KCN 1/ 6 to 1/ 2 HP R134a. IHP Applications Showcase = Multi Deck = Cabinet = Island Freezer = Cold Rooms = Small Flake Ice Machines = Environmental Chamber = Clean Air Room = Water Chiller = Bulk Milk Cooler KCJ 1 to 1 ¼ HP R22. R134a. R404A CRKQM 31/ 2 to 5HP R22 .3 to 3 1/ 2 HP. R404A CR6/KCM 1. R22. For more details please refer compressor specifications 3 3 2 H .KCX Series Compressor Nomenclature TOTAL NUMBER OF DIGITS IN THE* COOLING CAPACITY AT 60 Hz (IN Btu/h) FIRST TWO DIGITS IN THE* COOLING CAPACITY AT 60 Hz (IN Btu/h) KCE 4 44 H A G B * It doesn’t indicate that compressor is suitable for 60 Hz power supply. Model Series Variations A letter ‘M’ only assigned to indicate different model types within CR22K6 & CR30K6 family series.000 Model Series Variations A number only arbitrarily assigned to indicate different model types within any one family series. permanent split capacitor Three phase Code: P T Compressor Motor Protection Motor Type Code Internal inherent protection . Refer specification for 60 Hz model selection. used with contactor (Single or Three phase) F Electrical Codes 50Hz Nominal Voltage & Phase 60Hz Operating Voltage Range Nominal Voltage & Phase Operating Voltage Range Code 220-1 198-264 - - 230-1 180-260 - - Z 1 400-3 340-460 - - 5 400-3 360-460 - - 6 400-3 342-462 - - M 400-3 342-462 - - D 208/230-1 197-253 V BOM Data * Used for nomenclature purpose only. rating condition to two significant digits.CR Series Compressor Nomenclature Compressor Family Series CR Capacity * Compressor nominal 60 Hz capacity. CR 22 6 K M P F 1 Compressor Motor Types Motor Type: Single phase. capacitor run. 131 .One protector. Capacity Multiplier K 1. 96 Evap.80 14.034 894 731 1.733 4.458 5.847 11.450 5.320 - .515 6.577 12.422 2.714 16.326 15.594 8.553 1.382 4.556 3.729 14.4 43. Temp.666 2.516 8.001 1.823 7.442 11.347 1.089 14.3 54.750 19.321 11.405 7.421 2.103 1.402 10.882 3.3 54.4 43.90 48.505 3.785 5.09 35.4 1.162 7.47 24.22 6.74 CR47KQM-PFV 60 R22.803 2.20 CR47KQM-TFD 50 78.076 1.077 10.4 43.3 54.4 43.118 2.20 CR30K6M-TFM 50 51.681 2.120 3.227 8.50 60 50 KCJ511HAE 18.167 4.647 3.3 54.526 3.28 60 CR57KQM-TFD 50 94.932 10.406 - 1.92 60 KCG572HAE 50 133.90 6.350 11.055 460 2.20 CR36K6-TF6 50 59.200 7.307 7.515 6.66 29.351 10.416 4.930 3.901 8.70 59.981 1.647 1.091 4.756 5.27 60 50 KCJ513HAE 25.750 7.220 4.752 12. (oC) -17.690 6.10 40.3 54.00 50 KCE461HAE 11.3 54.496 3.844 8.695 7.550 6.729 9.489 1.065 3.3 54.203 2.30 12.912 4.239 10.008 5.399 6.3 54.020 4.300 6.70 10.3 54.870 7.500 2.573 3.4 1.832 18.40 CR47KQM-PFZ 50 41.216 16.933 4.909 2.258 1.052 19.285 6. 3 Phase CR22K6M-TFM 50 40.323 1.103 10.555 9.216 15.00 48.4 43.551 6.4 43.3 54.272 3.659 8.800 2.001 1.380 9.739 2.405 8.431 6.300 4.00 CR36K6-PFZ 50 59.3 54.750 3.756 7 6 9 7 11 9 13 11 15 13 18 15 19 17 19 17 18 16 21 18 19 16 21 20 24 20 R22.289 2.222 4.791 15.4 43.605 2.992 5.4 43.321 11.796 10.697 2.061 11.680 4.179 1.593 2.50 48.264 5.283 2.282 9.574 1.4 43.3 54.494 625 2.4 43.603 1.860 7.908 5.325 2.4 43.878 8.4 43.807 2.301 3.022 15.700 7.550 8.875 4.560 8.814 17.226 3.893 7.78 60 CR53KQM-TFD 50 88.772 3.340 10.517 5.732 1.80 62.773 4.652 3.269 4.102 1.847 3.789 15.108 5.964 - 3.10 52.248 1.91 60 CR22K6M-PF1 50 40.4 43.80 18.572 3.660 12.304 14.8 -15 -10 -5 0 5 43.412 3.375 13.3 54.30 58.4 43. 1Phase KCE443HAE 50 8.660 13.774 7.750 1.671 6.605 1.881 7.261 1.188 8.60 CR42K6-PFZ 50 72.963 5.830 1.348 1.816 13.522 10.977 9.347 4.224 9.722 8.965 4.649 1.80 18.950 20.806 3.067 2.80 45. Temp.794 9.946 3.3 54.110 13.100 10.275 4.746 10860 9.3 54.986 12.125 919 1.425 17.761 2.507 4.132 4.534 5.650 22.380 10.4 43.432 5.311 10.883 13.075 8.4 43.082 1.950 6.822 8.568 10.911 1.240 15.100 8.559 3.014 7.979 5.4 43.783 3.785 6.367 4.00 82.10 5.254 5.155 6.379 14.4 43.3 54.Performance Nominals And Specifications R22 High Temperature Refrigeration Capacity (Watts) # Performance at ASRE/T Rated Condition Model Hz Displacement (CC/rev) Capacity Power Current Btu/hr W W A 3.682 7.3 54.47 24.4 43.839 12.3 54.286 3.695 6.995 14.050 2.649 1.787 740 3.353 13.744 6.051 8.021 2.3 54.880 8.3 54.08 36.720 13.90 CR42K6-TF5 50 72.017 4.3 54.150 2.916 3.964 1.4 43.231 6.4 43.860 9.740 2.025 1.638 6.906 2.805 5.416 10.028 16.065 2.404 12.405 5.117 15.917 2.682 7.220 9.720 7.306 1.357 3.091 - 1.419 2.822 6.30 9.915 5.014 5. / Cond.65 30.114 12.489 6.805 7.018 5.767 7.448 14.004 692 543 1.866 15.294 12.506 16.805 4.301 7.170 6.256 2.80 CR30K6M-PF1 50 51.983 11.916 6.857 3.913 18.248 - 1.666 3.787 5.734 4.304 14.350 7.732 8.571 2.3 54.2720 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 9 13 11 15 13 18 15 43.175 5.772 12.047 840 1.340 5.70 54.345 1.4 43.370 12.293 1.779 15.583 5.148 8.366 7.825 6.952 4.4 43.692 11.618 1.842 4.104 8.387 7.227 10.3 54.283 14.681 1.61 60 CR62KQM-TFD 50 101.650 8.494 2.365 16.440 6.572 9.3 54.4 43.246 1.3 54.574 2.3 54.931 4.563 6. 679 20.076 17. KCN.025 3.823 11.478 11.90 85 198-264 CSCR 4 130/156 40 or 45 AC85004 - Internal 1.912 2.330 Fan 400 31.40 50 361-506 55 360-460 - Internal - Internal - Internal - Internal - Internal * These are optional # Note Model Return Gas Temperature (°C) Subcooled Liquid Temperature (°C) KCE.441 2.20 36.265 3.00 CSCR 4 189/227 60 AC85005 - Internal 115 197-253 1.735 10.941 Oil Cooling Type (CFM) Charge(cc) Electrical Specification Net Wt.647 15.250 1.735 9.8 125 19 649 347 964 605 807 286 256 652 72 20 01 71 17 81 16 72 66 47 282 04 932 866 179 720 1.195 5. KCM. (Kg.00 41 360-460 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1.135 4.640 13.728 952 805 638 224 301 796 977 114 522 791 110 028 304 216 304 216 370 913 117 365 089 052 506 750 779 756 7.038 13.196 5.00 28 342-462 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1.435 4. Run Start Capacitor Capacitor (Mfd) (Mfd) Fan 350 21.492 16.294 12.559 10.1 46.712 19.330 Fan 400 32.330 1.354 6.856 19.740 22.337 5.503 1.464 7.198 18.712 11.495 20.994 19.280 15.235 6.723 21.501 6.330 Fan 400 34.681 27.190 16.399 2.330 Fan 400 29.016 1.20 60 361-506 55 342-462 36.732 21.126 18.763 13.678 2.50 36 207-253 OLP Potential / PTC Current PSC / CSCR* 180-260 905 Relay 1.Mechanical Specification 10 12.398 9.469 19.330 Fan 400 34.50 72 180-260 PSC / CSCR 1/4 150/200 45 AC85001 - Internal 1.845 18.869 4.588 22.250 Fan 400 Fan 400 Fan 400 Fan 420 51 361-506 61 342-462 60 361-506 61 342-462 36.750 3.280 9.856 19.3 32 46.315 24.706 8. KCJ CR. 515LAL 35 18.1 46.275 4.059 10.088 12.191 21.40 21 Voltage Range(V) Motor Type Fig No.330 1.191 20.853 15.469 18.630 20.1 .142 15.400 15.911 21.330 Fan 400 30.551 4.941 12.858 6.129 20.570 22.116 11.735 16.70 45 340-460 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 60 342-462 1.088 12.330 Fan 400 32.330 Fan 400 36. KCG KCM475LAL.393 24.158 8.50 20 342-462 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1.693 2.023 14.706 1.331 18.) LRA (A) 13 180-260 17 180-260 310 Fan 350 11.718 17.617 1.538 8.80 54 180-260 PSC / CSCR* 1/4 80/100* 36 AC85004 - Internal 1.552 13.718 17.640 8.380 17.330 Fan 400 36.794 10.695 21.350 3.363 1.036 9.20 51.618 4.529 7.80 510 Fan 350 13.330 2.636 4.947 4.330 Fan 400 29.639 14.222 2.182 9.944 7.912 17.50 1/4 40/60 10 LT85002 or HLR3800-4L3C-2 - KAT0072/K3 or MRA12309-12103 PSC / CSCR* 1/4 60/80* 15 LT85003* or HLR3800-4L3C-3 - KAT0733/B2 or KAT0159/B2 PSC / CSCR* 1/4 80/100* 25 LT85002* or HLR3800-4L3C-2 - Internal PSC / CSCR* 1/4 80/100* 36 AC85001* or HLR3800-6H3C-1 - Internal 207-253 25 197-253 30 890 Fan 350 198-264 22.747 20.20 3 Ph - - - - 3 Ph - - - - 3 Ph - - - - 3 Ph - - - - 3 Ph - - - - 1.573 15.90 104 198-264 CSCR 4 189/227 60 or 65 AC85005 - Internal 110 198-264 1. 515 2.90 6.275 3.335 6.788 2.103 1.175 1534 1.4 43.432 5.424 1.65 18.343 1.409 3.4 184 144 215 169 259 192 294 219 213 138 256 166 412 294 479 342 365 282 527 414 627 492 1.069 1.702 1.807 3.120 6.930 4.655 5.442 3.80 R134a.049 1.176 962 1.75 3.299 2.3 54.3 54.3 54.3 54. 1Phase 50 KCE419HAG 5.3 54.273 4.058 3.702 1.198 939 1.655 5.644 1.4 1.347 1.739 2.30 2.30 KCM514CAL 50 51.79 60 50 KCE425HAG 7.918 2.515 7.030 9.310 2.80 11.255 2.320 6.678 1.058 322 262 384 306 417 337 474 383 547 427 656 513 737 611 858 711 665 552 1.084 897 876 703 1.090 558 415 608 486 669 547 761 622 832 676 997 811 1.029 1.328 1.114 775 1.50 KCM519CAL 50 59.544 3.670 1.125 5.3 54.50 2.4 43.737 3.185 978 1.116 3.800 9.442 939 219 166 257 194 289 229 329 260 287 201 344 241 480 373 558 434 414 340 638 498 759 592 1.4 43.27 60 50 KCJ498HAG 25.243 2.65 5.4 43.4 43.90 9.08 21.172 699 1.657 2.243 2.91 60 KCM511CAL 50 40.20 3.438 714 380 2.252 535 2.236 1.432 5.739 2.704 1.335 6.706 2.3 54.4 43.33 60 50 KCJ467HAG 18.20 2.08 21.75 KCM522CAL 50 72.75 3.3 54.3 54.355 1.3 54.030 9.211 1.985 4.4 43.347 1.402 975 5.4 43.688 2.336 884 1.588 465 245 1.276 1.530 5.929 1.985 457 322 476 377 517 419 588 476 675 539 810 647 931 771 1.463 1.544 3.706 2.58 50 KCN463HAG 15.846 810 3.041 4.406 7 6 8 6 R134a.252 1.641 675 3.437 2.40 1.4 43.876 1.876 1. (oC) -17.530 5.763 2.132 910 1.3 54.10 Evap. 3 Phase KCM519CAL 50 59.111 966 1.00 4. / Cond.788 2.. Temp.4 43.393 2.4 43.540 1.75 KCM522CAL 50 72.65 18.029 811 1.627 1.203 2.119 1.299 2.942 2.172 699 1.333 1.3 54.251 1.3 54.4 43.963 820 4.604 1.019 608 1.442 939 1.567 2.342 1.780 1.149 2.074 4.3 54.483 2.10 8.409 3.3 54.310 271 213 317 250 347 280 395 318 417 315 500 378 596 489 694 569 523 444 864 681 1.304 1.800 5.358 1.115 909 1267 1025 864 551 1.3 54.734 2.571 1.3 54.209 1.463 1.4 43.58 60 50 KCE432HAG 9.771 4.4 43.430 1.120 1.47 15.4 43.710 1.3 54.101 1.691 788 375 2.370 3.4 43.606 1.406 6 5 7 6 8 7 1 8 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 6 5 7 6 8 6 43.170 1.80 5.861 545 282 1.849 1.090 5.041 4. Temp.05 60 KCJ444HAG 50 12.3 54.771 4.800 9.472 1.917 2.368 1.4 43.571 1.358 1.084 450 2.320 6.765 2.42 60 50 KCE444HAG 12.4 43.083 1.029 1.538 615 2.077 450 2.4 43.3 54.Performance Nominals And Specifications R134a High Temperature Refrigeration Capacity (Watts) # Performance at ASRE/T Rated Condition Model Hz Displacement (CC/rev) Capacity Power Current Btu/hr W W A 1.145 628 360 2.3 54.227 945 470 2.70 6.80 .8 -15 -10 -5 0 5 43.981 1.302 1. 204 1.7 oC Note : Condensing temperature range for all models except CR = 37.0 -40.6. N.148 Oil Cooling Type (CFM) Charge(cc) 310 Net Wt.7 C to 12.329 2.600 8.330 Fan 400 31.312 1.8 N.50 14 180-260 180-260 197-253 180-260 890 Fan 350 21.013 843 1.00 45 342-460 3 Ph - - - - - Internal Permitted Evaporating Temperature Range in oC Model Refrigerant High Temperature Medium Temperature Low Temperature KCJ.199 8. KCN.182 2.330 Fan 400 34.8 to 12.830 1.80 13 207-253 890 Fan 350 20.) Fan 350 Electrical Specification LRA (A) Voltage Range(V) 12 180-260 11 207-253 10.7 to 12.086 3.8* -17.199 8.148 771 335 530 406 7.286 2.80 13 207-253 180-260 310 Fan 350 11.90 104 180-260 CSCR 4 189/227 60 1.728 2. CR.493 1. -17.890 8.749 2.664 1.A.7** KCG.183 1.330 Fan 400 37.20 Motor Type Run Start Fig No.014 1.450 6. . KCM R134a -17.147 2.388 1. KCN. KCE R22 -6.283 1.055 7.A.188 1.570 4.330 Fan 400 32.658 1.994 800 662 936 774 1.059 891 1.392 2.108 4.703 7.204 9.A.292 6.568 2.8 to .247 3.059 5.00 41 342-460 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1.831 4.033 6.450 6.330 29.077 4.292 6.8oC to 60oC and for CR please refer individual model specification.541 7. KCJ.708 3.600 8.388 1.8 C ** Except KCN : -37 oC to -6.064 2.180 1.00 23 198-242 198-264 890 Fan 350 21.90 85 180-260 CSCR 4 130/156 40 1.8 to 10.018 1.596 3.9 -28.8 to 12.5 207-253 180-260 310 Fan 350 11.044 5.Mechanical Specification 10 12.206 1. KCE.616 3.541 7. (Kg.518 5.569 3.330 Fan 400 34.573 1.626 2. KCJ.157 984 1.20 17 380 Fan 350 11.876 1.974 2.0 to .50 Fan 400 54 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 36 AC85001 / HLR3800-6H3C-1 AC85004 / 3ARR3 CT3P5 / RVA-3F6D AC85005 / 3ARR3C T24S5 /RVA-3AG 6D KAT0163 / B2 KAT0167/B2 1.535 2.8 58 15 08 86 69 47 61 22 32 76 97 11 176 62 368 120 198 39 644 424 929 670 780 483 119 765 567 149 917 442 807 074 737 800 771 335 530 406 677 557 792 652 891 741 1.50 32 207-253 1.6.424 1.50 72 180-260 CSCR 4 150/200 45 1.878 2.80 12.994 8.786 2.027 1. Capacitor Capacitor (Mfd) (Mfd) Relay OLP Potential / PTC Current KARP3627 TAE19/H3 KARP4241 KAT0072/H3 or MRA12309-12101 RSIR 3 - - - CSIR 6 40/60 - - CSIR 6 40/60 - - KARP4241/ MTRP4241 KAT0072/H3 or MRA12309-12101 CSCR 4 40/60 10 LT85002 OR HLR3800-4I3C-2 - KAT0072/H3 CSIR 6 80/100 - - KARP4841/ MTRP4841 KAT0159/B2 CSCR 4 80/100 15 LT85002 or HLR3800-4L3C-2 - KAT0463/B2 / MRA12308-12102 CSIR 6 80/100 - - KARP-5641/ MTRP-5641 MTRP5941 KAT0733/B2 CSIR 5 80/100 - AC85001 or HLR3800-6H3C-1 - AC85004 - Internal - Internal - Internal - Internal 180-260 310 Fan 350 10.7 o o * Except KCN463HAG / KCJ498HAG : -6.204 9. KCM R404A N.494 2.968 2. 70 KCJ461CAL 50 18.40 KCM514CAL 50 51. 2.20 .368 4.051 3.3 - 4.865 3.579 2.770 9.338 979 1.91 7.30 KCM522CAL 50 72.00 1.275 5.3 54.4 43. 10 9. 43.975 2.3 54.153 9.389 5.342 393 220 1.950 7.924 2.772 754 582 1.455 1.393 7. 7. 6.600 5.945 3.788 2.418 3.279 2.250 6.998 6.3 54.485 8. 3 Phase R404A. / Cond.063 3. (oC) -17.128 - 472 346 745 545 1.833 1.393 11.50 3.780 4.729 5.498 1.30 KCM514CAL 50 51.749 1.756 5.219 2.385 6.4 43. 12 10 14 11 R404A.806 5.493 1.600 - 3.4 43.08 18.27 5.088 4. 1.70 KCM519CAL 50 59.028 7.102 1.287 3.3 54.10 KCJ484CAL 50 25.4 43.927 3.834 922 736 1.900 4.904 2.545 4.524 5.10 Evap.217 3.692 2.341 2. 1.259 3.315 6.487 6.4 43.471 9.189 919 2.079 316 180 0.80 1.Performance Nominals And Specifications R134a R404A Medium Temperature Refrigeration Capacity (Watts) # Performance at ASRE/T Rated Condition Model Hz Displacement (CC/rev) Capacity Power Current Btu/hr W W A 1.8 -15 -10 -5 0 43.3 54.540 451 250 1.3 54.870 4.3 54. 1Phase 50 KCN413CAG 6.612 2.490 9.471 6.438 5.139 2.777 1. 3.360 12.4 43.47 13.3 - 3.800 527 400 2.205 5.685 3. 4. 10 8.752 2.087 4.144 10.65 16.079 6.600 5.069 6.675 2.900 7. 3 Phase KCM511CAL 50 40.4 - 1. 6.649 2.840 8.709 1.20 KCM511CAL 50 40.480 8.15 60 50 KCN416CAG 7.692 4.352 2.3 54.620 2.341 1.004 2.347 3. 5.31 60 R404A.856 4.147 824 1.203 12 5 R134a.4 43.812 2.65 15.500 7.4 43.4 405 290 639 459 1.240 363 205 0.00 1.4 268 235 307 270 284 236 326 271 301 243 346 279 328 271 377 312 355 289 408 331 409 342 470 393 424 355 486 407 511 431 588 496 518 446 594 512 627 535 721 615 613 538 704 618 763 655 876 753 7 6 8 7 9 7 1.756 7.824 3.70 KCM522CAL 50 72.194 10 43.171 4.3 54.08 18.331 2.3 54.3 54.484 2.80 8.490 5. Temp.054 1.051 1.039 6.134 1.826 6.3 54.330 4.988 7.3 54.770 14 54.600 12.4 - - 4.571 1. Temp.966 8.608 11 43.107 6.80 9.47 11. 9 43.331 5.494 925 4.203 938 625 3.628 1.325 4.922 3.085 3.113 8.108 899 1.022 2. 3.380 2.754 8.4 - - 3. 1Phase KCJ422CAL 50 8.104 11.381 9.00 54.204 10.666 - 603 451 952 712 1.947 3.4 43.3 54.4 43.822 1.4 43.025 4.50 KCM519CAL 50 59.40 KCJ438CAL 50 11.776 4.284 4.161 2.80 1. 185 1.70 10 207-253 890 Fan 350 20.971 8.774 38 53 28 44 113 04 770 00 7. 6.822 7.943 15.082 12.963 13. 50 Hz for three phase models.822 12.330 Fan 400 29.70 8 Voltage Range(V) Motor Type Run Start Fig No.588 94 10.562 15. 400 V.70 45 342-460 3 Ph - - - - - Internal LT85002 or HLR3800-4I3C-2 AC85001 OR HLR3800-6H3C-1 Notes 1.330 Fan 400 32.449 10.90 104 180-260 CSCR 4 120/150 60 AC85005 or 3ARR3CT24S5 or RVA-3AG 6D - Internal 1.086 14.246 5.90 85 180-260 CSCR 4 120/150 45 AC85004 or 3ARR3CT3P5 or RVA-3F6 - Internal 1.204 8.471 6. Compressors with CSIR.00 16 180-260 CSIR 6 80/100 - - KARP4741 KAT0463 / B2 890 Fan 350 21. 2. 3.064 8.630 11. Compressors for specific applications are rated for IS-10617 Part I and Part III-1983. Operating voltage range signifies the range of voltage for which the compressor can start and run up to 43o Cambient. 60 Hz for single phase models and.792 12.943 9. 9. 4.511 13.912 10. Direct air flow on glass terminal cover should be avoided. 7.330 Fan 400 34.792 08 11.684 6. 5. (Kg.330 Fan 400 32. Cooling capacity and power consumption are nominal values at specified rating conditions and subject to +5% variation.432 10. 8. CSCR circuit and three phase models may be used with thermostatic expansion valve.00 28 342-462 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1. Electrical rating is 230 V.808 3.448 7.50 24 180-260 CSIR 6 80/100 - - KARP5641 / MTRP5641 T0732/B9 890 Fan 350 21. 50 Hz and 230 V.330 Fan 400 34.50 25 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 25 - Internal 890 Fan 350 22.8 13 38 04 18 63 55 76 53 759 656 871 754 914 794 1.) LRA (A) 9.561 11.80 54 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 36 AC85004 - Internal 1. unless otherwise specified by Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Limited.076 770 14.330 Fan 400 29.50 37 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 25 - Internal 1.241 10.051 912 - 08 99 49 18 39 45 87 87 84 66 79 93 1.174 11.Mechanical Specification 10 12.373 4.647 6. .823 6.50 72 180-260 CSCR 4 150/200 45 AC85001 or HLR3800-6H3C-1 - Internal 1.330 Fan 400 31. All run capacitor should have a rating of 440 VAC and start capacitor 275 VAC surge.50 20 342-462 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1.330 Fan 400 30. All compressors use two pole motors.922 3. Compressors with RSIR Circuit must use capillary tube only.146 2.774 Oil Cooling Type (CFM) Charge(cc) Electrical Specification Net Wt.971 203 12.385 1.00 41 342-460 3 Ph - - - - - Internal 1. Capacitor Capacitor (Mfd) (Mfd) Relay OLP Potential / PTC Current 180-260 340 Fan 350 CSCR 4 40/60 6 PTC-8EA19D7 - KAT0411/ H3 CSCR 4 40/60 6 PTC-8EA19D7 - KAT0413 / H3 or MRA 12390-12101 207-253 180-260 340 Fan 350 9.206 10.903 9. 512 2.3 54.30 KCN418LAL 50 9.395 5.4 256 225 364 317 304 222 416 273 876 - 321 255 454 359 389 293 591 438 1.834 537 455 2. 43.3 54.880 1. 1 Ph R404A.33 2. Temp.3 54.35 2.4 43.000 5.68 12.3 80 94 130 -25 -20 -15 246 321 R134a.250 6.460 5.31 601 176 159 1.575 754 580 4.127 1. 1.4 166 137 198 159 263 222 354 307 458 399 578 506 7 6 43. / Cond.4 43.4 43.10 KCJ412LAG 50 16.3 54.3 54.662 2.61 1.00 1.10 1.3 54. 1 Phase KCN372LAG 50 7.4 76 86 115 162 223 294 3 43.31 1.4 43.150 337 325 2.125 2.50 KCM475LAL 50 51.40 KCJ430LAL 50 16.298 2. 4. 2.2 -35 -30 43.4 43.00 181 4 54.Performance Nominals And Specifications R134a R404A Low Temperature Refrigeration Capacity (Watts) # Performance at ASRE/T Rated Condition Model Hz Displacement (CC/rev) Capacity Power Current Btu/hr W W A Evap.490 1.044 4. Temp.771 1.4 43.455 426 385 2.307 7.974 1.10 54.3 205 257 354 470 607 759 9 R404A.235 1.670 1.267 6. 6. 1.85 KCN411LAG 50 11. R404A.506 3.25 1.206 1.47 5. 1 Phase KCN414LAL 50 7.992 3. 3 Phase KCM515LAL 50 .33 1. 1.079 1.114 588 486 831 682 747 647 13.75 KCN415LAG 50 15. 3.342 1. 1.4 1.3 54.267 1.232 1.4 43.529 759 635 1.242 5.514 2.068 - 443 348 626 489 550 460 934 727 1. 3 Phase R404A.344 - 3.4 43.028 301 280 2.074 892 977 865 1.64 4. 1.20 KCN430LAL 50 15. (oC) -37.118 1.4 178 203 276 385 504 637 8 43.933 566 485 3.3 54.80 KCJ423LAG 50 32.435 713 580 3.35 1.703 1.00 KCN422LAL 50 11.3 54.933 - 2.20 KCJ450LAL 50 32.4 - 115 107 135 106 150 112 - 174 157 207 177 259 210 - 247 215 297 255 358 260 373 328 661 486 323 276 396 348 500 405 509 466 943 740 403 343 515 467 683 583 677 625 1.00 803 235 205 1.205 949 802 1.016 4 4 6 6 9 8 8 8 1.80 89. 1.10 963 282 245 2. 2.057 3.3 54.267 371 325 1. 43.238 2.3 54.611 4.3 54.34 KCN396LAG 50 9. 4 32 32 1.7 54.00 24 180-260 CSIR 6 80/100 - - 380 Fan 350 11.698 2.2 54.652 1.50 10 180-160 CSIR 6 40/60 - - 890 Fan 350 21.7 1 404 462 4 377 438 3 3 5 7 3 3 7 5 67 16 488 418 653 604 907 802 867 805 1.650 6.50 17 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 15 420 Fan 350 12.426 1.20 10 Voltage Range(V) Motor Type CSIR 340 Oil / Fan 260 Run Start Fig No.612 1.883 1.20 10 180-260 CSIR 6 40/60 - - 380 Fan 350 11.6 196 ---- 354 -23.1 35 18 ---- 55.50 30 180-260 CSCR 4 150/200 10 890 Fan 350 25.4 46.50 72 198-264 CSCR 4 150/200 1.785 1.712 8 6 727 640 838 738 9 934 1.50 18 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 15 890 Fan 350 22. Capacitor Capacitor (Mfd) (Mfd) Relay OLP Potential / PTC 6 180-260 RSIR 3 40/60 - - Current KARP-3141/ MTRP-3141 KARP3227 KARP 4141/ MTRP 4141 KARP4241/ MTRP4241 MTRP 4841/ KARP4841 340 Oil / Fan 260 10.065 7 806 938 9 2 42 27 32 25 35 92 98 74 1.7 196 300 354 -6.50 30 198-264 CSCR 4 150/200 10 LT85003 - 340 Fan 350 10.1 35 40 77 93.000 932 2.618 Oil Cooling Type (CFM) Charge(cc) Electrical Specification Net Wt.386 42 07 7.168 1.00 50 180-260 CSCR 4 150/200 25 1.683 1.70 45 342-460 3 Ph - - - LT85003 or HLR3800-4L3C-3 LT85003 or HLR3800-4L3C-3 LT85003 or HLR3800-4L3C-3 - TAE15/H3 TAE5M/H3 KAT0072/H3 OR MRA12309-12101 KAT0159/B2 KAT0072/H3 or MRA-12309-12101 T0732/B2 or KAT0732/B2 KAT0072/ H3 or MRA2309-12101 KAT0072/B2 or MRA12309-12102 or T0072/B2 KAT0164/ B2 OR T0164/K9 - KAT0733/ B2 - Internal AC85005 - Internal 25 AC 85004 - Internal - - - Internal ASRE/T Rating Conditions Ambient Temperature o C Evaporating Temperature o C Condensing Temperature o C Sub Cooled Liquid Temp o C Suction Gas Temperature Suction Pressure Discharge Pressure R134a R22 R404A R134a R22 R404A C psig psig psig psig psig psig o High Temperature 35 7.003 2.) LRA (A) 10.966 4.666 7.9 ---- 24.20 16 180-260 CSIR 6 60/80 - KARP– 4241 380 Fan 350 11.474 1.660 1.788 4.300 Fan 350 32. (Kg.4 46.476 4.3 54.182 1.6 196 ---- 354 Medium Temperature 35 Low Temperature 32 .000 1.50 14 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 10 LT85002 or HLR3800-413C-2 - 380 Fan 350 11.381 2.524 3.236 3.390 547 471 750 699 1068 968 1.015 1.300 Fan 350 32.616 8.50 14 180-260 CSCR 4 80/100 10 - KARP-4941 890 Fan 350 22.Mechanical Specification -10 -6.331 1. KCJ423LAG o Condensing Temp C 65.4 48.9 43.8 32.0 -12.0 -34.7 -1.2 -34.4 -6.7 -28.8 -12.9 43.2 -34.8 -15.0 o Evaporating Temp C o Evaporating Temp C Low Temperature (R134a) KCN372LAG KCN396LAG 65. KCJ461CAL. KCJ412LAG.9 -26. 418.1 -23.0 54.3 37.8 60.4 -31.0 -37.3 -20.4 48.0 54.3 -17.3 -17.4 -28. KCM522CAL Condensing Temp oC Condensing Temp oC 65.6 Condensing Temp oC Condensing Temp oC 65.7 -1.9 -23. KCJ438CAL.6 60.4 -34.9 43.4 48.8 60.8 32.9 o -23.8 32.9 43.8 o Evaporating Temp C -12.2 -6.6 60. KCM514CAL.5 -17. KCJ430.2 -6.1-23.2 -17. KCN415LAG.3 -20.9 43.3 37.2 -9.2 -37.7 -26.3 37.2 -40.7 -28.2 -9.8 -12. KCM475 & KCM515LAL 65.2 -40.8 32.2 -40.9 43.0 54.8 -15.9 -23.6 54. KCJ484CAL KCM511CAL.0 -37.0 54.3 37.422.7 o Evaporating Temp C Evaporating Temp C KCN411LAG.6 60.Medium Temperature (R404A) KCJ422CAL.7 -3.4 48.8 Evaporating Temp oC .0 Condensing Temp oC Condensing Temp oC 65.0 -12.430LAL.4 7.6 60.2 -6.3 37.3 -17.4 48.2 10.3 37.2 -6.4 48.4 -6.450LAL.7 32.5 -17. KCM519CAL.2 32.1 4.4 -28.8 -12.0 54.2 -31.1 o Evaporating Temp C Low Temperature (R404A) KCN414. 8 -12.9 Evaporating Temp oC 1.8 32.9 43.1 10.7 -3.8 32.3 37.3 -17.3 37.8 15.6 -17.3 -17.Operating Envelopes High Temperature (R22) KCE443HAE.4 7.0 15.1 4.1 Condensing Temp oC 65.7 4.3 37.8 -12.4 -1.4 -6.4 48.2 -28.8 -12. KCG572HAE CR22K6M. KCE425HAG.7 4.1 Evaporating Temp oC High Temperature (R134a) Condensing Temp oC Condensing Temp oC 65.8 o Evaporating Temp C Evaporating Temp oC CR47KQM.4 -1.3 37.8 32. KCJ467HAG. KCM522 CAL 65. KCJ513HAE.1 o Evaporating Temp C High Temperature (R134a) KCE419HAG.1 -28.2 -17. CR62KQM 71.2 -6.4 48.8 32.9 Condensing Temp oC Condensing Temp oC 65.6 Condensing Temp C 60.7 71.7 -1.4 48.9 -23.4 48.9 43.2 10.0 54.8 37.4 o Evaporating Temp C 10 15.6 60. KCE444HAG.6 21.0 15.3 54.0 54.0 54.7 21. CR30K6M.9 43.1 4.7 -1.4 -1.2 10 12. KCE461HAE.2 12.2 -23.1 10.0 -23.6 60.5 65.6 Medium Temperature (R134a) KCN413CAG & KCN416CAG KCM511.2 -6.3 -17.9 43.1 -28.4 48.4 48.3 -17.2 10.8 -9.6 Condensing Temp oC 60. KCM519. KCJ498HAG KCN463HAG 65.8 32.0 32.4 48.3 37.1 12.3 -1.0 o 60.1 4.1 o Evaporating Temp C 10.6 21.8 -12.4 7.2 -6.9 43.2 26.2 26.6 60.7 4.3 37.8 -12.7 21.2 -6.9 43.4 7.2 -6. CR36K6M.0 54.2 -23.0 54. KCE432HAG.8 -12. CR42K6M 60.0 15.0 76. CR53KQM.9 -23.2 -6.6 .7 -1.1 65. CR57KQM.6 54. KCM514.7 4. KCJ511HAE. KCJ444HAG.8 32.9 43. Circuit Suction RSIR CSIR CSIR CSCR CSCR CSIR PSC PSC CSCR RSIR CSIR CSIR CSIR CSIR CSCR CSIR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSIR CSIR CSIR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSIR CSIR CSIR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSIR CSIR CSCR CSCR CSIR CSIR PSC CSCR CSCR PSC CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR CSCR Three Phase Three Phase CSCR CSCR Three Phase Three Phase Three Phase Three Phase CSCR CSCR Three Phase Three Phase CSCR CSCR Three Phase Three Phase Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Spud Tube Tube Spud Tube Tube Tube Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Tube Spud Tube Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Tube Spud Mounting Option "Dual Mounting4. S330H S430H V470H B130H B230H B230H B230H C230H V830H B230H B332H V830H B330H B330H B330H U330H.Standard BoM Data Model KCE419HAG KCE425HAG KCE432HAG KCE443HAE KCE444HAG KCE461HAE KCE461HAE KCN372LAG KCN396LAG KCN411LAG KCN413CAG KCN414LAL KCN415LAG KCN416CAG KCN418LAL KCN422LAL KCN430LAL KCN463HAG KCJ412LAG KCJ422CAL KCJ423LAG KCJ430LAL KCJ438CAL KCJ438CAL KCJ444HAG KCJ450LAL KCJ461CAL KCJ467HAG KCJ484CAL KCJ498HAG KCJ511HAE KCJ513HAE KCM475LAL KCM475LAL KCM511CAL KCM514CAL KCM515LAL KCM519CAL KCM522CAL Standard* Domestic V130H V230H S230H B330H B332H.80 x 8. U332H B220H B220H B222H C320H B320H B322H B220H B222H B220H B320H B322H B320H B322H T220H B320H B322H S220H S420H C310H C313H B310H B313H E510H E513H B310H B314H E510H E512H E510H E513H B310H B313H E510H E513H B310H B314H E510H E514H Export V131H V231H S231H B331H.50 &2.00 x 6. V331H V331H.75 x 6.50 &2. S323H S322H C311H C312H B311H B312H E511H E512H B311H B312H E511H E513H E511H E512H B311H B312H E511H E512H B311H B312H E511H E512H * Contact Emerson Climate Technologies Representative for non standard BoM.50 x 7.00 "Square Mount7.69" "Dual Mounting4. P231H V371H B131H B231H B231H B231H V831H B231H B331H V831H B331H B331H B331H U331H B221H B221H B223H C321H B321H B323H B221H B223H B221H B321H B323H B321H B323H T221H T222H B321H B323H S221H S222H U420H U321H U322H S321H.00 x 6.50" .75 x 6. S331H F231H.69" 4. 5 8.0 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 6.Standard BoM Data For CR Compressor Scope Ordering BoM Model 131 134 CR22K6M-PF1 CR30K6M-PF1 CR22K6M-TFM CR30K6M-TFM CR36K6-PFZ CR42K6-PFZ CR36K6-TF6 CR42K6-TF5 CRXXKQM-TFD (47.0 1/4 1/4 5 / 16 5 / 16 5 / 16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 6.5 6.00 165.5] I.0 8.0 8.5 7. 248.72 [145.7] 6.5 8. Mounting kit Dimensional Drawings KCE461HAE KCE 6.5 8.93 7.0 8.0 6.5] I.69 [170.5 6.24 SUCTION TUBE H DISCHARGE TUBE SUCTION TUBE 3/8 [9. Crank Case Heater.50 [165.5 6.D.5 253 257 257 253 196 196 212 212 NO YES YES NO KCN L Model 4.0 8.93 7. Suction & Discharge Tube.5 6.5] ID 230.93 7.6] ID PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.9] 7.5] ID DISCHARGE TUBE 5/16 [8.4 L 70.5 6.5 6.60 145.0] 189.5] DISCHARGE TUBE PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.42 145.0 6. SUCTION TUBE KCN372LAG KCN396LAG KCN411LAG KCN415LAG KCN463HAG KCN413CAG KCN416CAG KCN414LAL KCN418LAL KCN422LAL KCN430LAL Suction ID Discharge ID L H Oil Cooler Tube Inch mm Inch mm mm mm Inch mm Capacitor Mounting 1/4 1/4 5 / 16 5 / 16 5 / 16 1/4 1/4 5/16+ 5/16+ 5/16+ 5/16+ 6.5 6.0 8.D.61 [15.62) 131 Standard 4 Leg Mounting.0 8.21 [106. Mounting kit 121 101 111 233DM Standard 4 Leg Mounting.9 PROCESS TUBE 14[6.42 101.4] OIL COOLER TUBE DISCHARGE TUBE 1/4 [6.1] ID Suction ID Model KCE419HAG KCE425HAG KCE432HAG KCE444HAG Discharge ID L H Inch mm Inch mm mm Capacitor mm Mounting 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 6.10 268 255.5 8.27 [184.6] ID SUCTION TUBE 3/8 [9. Suction & Discharge Spud.9 4.93 259 259 250 250 244 244 244 251 251 251 251 189 196 202 202 202 189 189 202 202 202 202 3 / 16 3 / 16 — — — — — — — — — 4.0 8.9 — — — — — — — — — NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES .1] OIL COOLER TUBE H 0.5 6.53.5] ID PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.99 6.00 101.1] 165.10 KCE443HAE 170.50 [165.57.60 5.0 8. 2 mm 361 CR30K6M 5/8 15.10] I.8] 6.32 [313.375 1-14 UNS-2A THREADS PROCESS TUBE 0.00 [203.50 [190.62[295.24 [107.0] 0.45/6.2] 8.5] Model 4.78] O.43/8.504 / 0.75 [19.5] 7.4/6.2 290 290 308 295. (H) inch mm inch CR22K6M 1/2 12.504/0.2] CR22K6M / CR30K6M SQUARE MOUNT 9.72 [221.5] ID DISCHARGE TUBE 3/8 [9.594 [167.000 [203.6] 9. PROCESS TUBE 0.Dimensional Drawings KCJ450LAL with Suction Tube 6.63 [244.2] KCJ***CAL with Suction Tube 9.D.8 14.80/12.24 [234.7] KCJ430LAL EARTHING SCREW (M5x0.7] KCJ450LAL with Suction Spud 10.88 [124.332/0.6] 4.254 / 0.50 [190.88] I.2] 9. 12. KCJ422CAL KCJ438CAL KCJ461CAL KCJ484CAL 267. EARTHING SCREW (M5x0. 8.53] I.81 [122.2] KCJ***CAL with Suction Spud SUCTION SPUD ADAPTOR FOR 0. DISCHARGE TUBE 0.0] I.D.63/9.490/0.00 [203.58 [268.2] 8.59 [319.316 / 0.59 [167.81 [122.1] PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.375 1-14 UNS-2A THREADS NAME PLATE 6.5] I.80/12.D.6] ID Suction Tube Height.9 381 .338 [8.319 [8.503 [12.D.00 [203.(H) (mm) Model DISCHARGE TUBE DISCHARGE TUBE 0.6] PROCESS TUBE SUCTION TUBE 0.25 [235.60 [157. H H With With Suction Suction Spud Tube Height.D.59] O.0] SUCTION TUBE H PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.8] SUCTION TUBE 1/2 [12.3] 9.257 [6.60 [167.73 [221. 8.D.35 [186.25 [235.83] I.0] SUCTION SPUD ADAPTOR FOR 0. DISCHARGE TUBE 5/16 [8.9 286 317. 8.6] 8.257 [6.63 [244. 8.72 [221.53] I.2 PROCESS TUBE 0.507 [12.25 [235.382 [9.D.8) 12.0] 8.7] 7.00 [203.7] EARTHING SCREW (M5x0.D.8] I.8) DISCHARGE TUBE 0.D.45/12.D.507 [12.8) 8.73 [221.8] 7.254/0.9 274.70]I.03/8.9 14.D.379/0.5] 11.5] 4.0] 6.49] 9.2] 4.4] SUCTION TUBE 0.. SUCTION TUBE DISCHARGE TUBE 3/8 [9.1 29.7 259.12 UNF-2A THREADS 17.26 [362.50] .5] I.D.87 [22.70] NAME PLATE PROCESS TUBE 1/4” [6.8] NAME PLATE 7.D.02 [254.556 [318.8] NAME PLATE 7.500 [266. 7.50 [190.9 DISCHARGE SPUD ADAPTOR I 14 UNS 2A THREADS 54.006 [228.73] I. 57. 53.5] I.5] 10.1 107.14 [206.Dimensional Drawings CR36K6 CR42K6 10.60/9.28] 7. 0.02 [254.334 [440.5] 8.75 [19. 14.500 [190.1] DISCHARGE TUBE 0.8] SUCTION TUBE 0. 7.D.220 [234.14 [206.9 PROCESS TUBE 362.378/0.D.8 NAME PLATE 190.4 CRANKCASE HEATER 31.5 PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.5] PROCESS TUBE 0.23 [259.50 [190.50 [190.383 [9.60/9.383 [9. 62 KQM SUCTION SPUD ADAPTOR I 1/4-12 UNF-2A THREADS 278.92 7.73] I.1] 349.500 190.5] 10.25] D. DISCHARGE SPUD FOR 0.6] I.13/19.124 [231.5 190.1] 0.75] CRANK CASE HEATER 9.50 [190.753/0.2 314.50] 10.378/0.75] SUCTION SPUD FOR 1” DIA 1-1/4” .5] 8.D.18] CR47.5 12.5] KCG572HAE 9.758 [19.5” DIA 1-14” UNF-2A THREADS 9. D.6] I.5] 10.26 [362.45/6.D.372/0.8] NAME PLATE 7.625 11/4-12UNF 7/8” 3/8” 358 190. H Depth.8) H DISCHARGE TUBE (COPPER) DISCHARGE TUBE CRANK CASE HEATER KCM515LAL/519CAL/522CAL with Spud KCM515LAL/522CAL with Suction Tube 10.53] I.8] 7.502 [12.14 [206.5] 7.5] H Model PROCESS TUBE 1/4 [6.257 [6.D.D.60] O.02 [254.50 [190.50 [190.D.254/0.8) H EARTHING SCREW (M5x0.254/0.45/9.D.5] KCM519CAL SUCTION TUBE 8.257 [6.4] SUCTION SUCTION TUBE PROCESS TUBE (COPPER) 0.378 [9.1/412UNF-2A Threads 5/8” 3/8” 361 184.2] 7.4 380 Rolled Threads Ø0.75 [19.4 Ø0. H DISCHARGE TUBE (COPPER) DISCHARGE TUBE 7.2 206.Dimensional Drawings KCM475 LAL/511CAL/514CAL with Spud KCM475 LAL/511CAL/514CAL with Suction Tube 9. KCM475LAL KCM511CAL KCM514CAL DISCHARGE TUBE 3/8 [9.1] D NAME PLATE NAME PLATE 8.625 11/4-12UNF 7/8” 3/8” 206. D Tube Tube (mm) (mm) Ø0.625 11/4-12UNF Rolled Threads 7/8” 3/8” 384.625 11/4-12UNF-2A 7/8” 3/8” 211.5] D D 7.5 1. KCM515LAL KCM519CAL 10.5] 0.5 Rolled Threads Suction Spud Ø0.53] I.33 [262.1] KCM522CAL Suction Discharge Height.50 [190.5] I.26 [235. PROCESS TUBE 0.75] (FLARED) O.14 [206.1/412UNF-2A Threads 7/8” 3/8” 367 184.4] 14.4 1.15/6.5] SUCTION SUCTION TUBE PROCESS TUBE (COPPER) 0.23 [259. EARTHING SCREW (M5x0.8] 10.496/0.50 [190.8 371.33 [262.50 [190.50 [190.8 . PROCESS TUBE 0.60/12. 1 Fig. 50 Hz S OVERLOAD PROTECTOR IF EXTERNAL R GLASS TERMINAL 230 V. 6 1 3 TOP 5 MOUNTING BRACKET OVERLOAD PROTECTOR POTENTIAL RELAY Fig. 4 CAPACITOR START INDUCTION RUN (CSIR) WITH CURRENT RELAY CAPACITOR START INDUCTION RUN (CSIR) OVERLOAD PROTECTOR 230 V. 5 1 START CAPACITOR . 50Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY 3 C S RUN CAPACITOR 1 R 1 3 POTENTIAL RELAY 2 OVERLOAD PROTECTOR COMPRESSOR GLASS TERMINAL TOP 5 2 OVERLOAD SPRING 230 V. 3 Fig.Wiring Diagrams CAPACITOR START INDUCTION RUN (CSIR) WITH PLUG-IN START RELAY PERMANENT SPLIT CAPACITOR (PSC) OVERLOAD SPRING GLASS TERMINAL C 230 V. 50Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY 3 C S 1 R S GLASS TERMINAL C R 2 230 V. 50 Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY CURRENT RELAY 4 START CAPACITOR Fig. 50 Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY 4 1 M 2 S 1 CURRENT RELAY GLASS TERMINAL START CAPACITOR Fig. 2 RESISTANCE START INDUCTION RUN (RSIR) WITH PLUG-IN START RELAY CAPACITOR START CAPACITOR RUN (CSCR) OVERLOAD PROTECTOR IF EXTERNAL GLASS TERMINAL 230 V. 50Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY 3 1 1 1 PHASE SUPPLY 2 3 2 OVERLOAD PROTECTOR 1 CURRENT RELAY START CAPACITOR PTC (WHEN USED) RUN CAPACITOR Fig. Ÿ Compressor cycling should not exceed 6 cycles. 50/60 Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY 230 V. . For details contact nearest Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Limited office. Ÿ Use suction line accumulator of 3”dia x 8” height having oil return orifice. Copeland Brand Products are used for several other applications. Ÿ Adequate wall and floor insulation with ante room to be provided. Ice Candy Ÿ Proper heat load should be estimated for selecting number of systems. Ÿ Hot gas defrost method should not be used. 50Hz 1 PHASE SUPPLY 4 START CAPACITOR 1 START CAPACITOR RUN CAPACITOR RUN CAPACITOR Fig. Ÿ Ÿ Initial pull down time will range from 18 to 24 hrs. Use stirrer in brine tank for brine circulation to achieve uniform brine temperature.Wiring Diagrams CAPACITOR START CAPACITOR RUN (CSCR) WITH PTC C GLASS TERMINAL R S CAPACITOR START CAPACITOR RUN (CSCR) WITH NTC GLASS TERMINAL OVERLOAD PROTECTOR 3 1 MOUNTING BRACKET OVERLOAD PROTECTOR C CURRENT RELAY S S S1 PTC(8EA) 1 S 3 1 R M 2 M 3 2 220 V/230 V. Ÿ Ÿ Use proper capacity strip heaters placed equidistant across the width of evaporator coil. 7 Fig. Above guidelines are apart from system design details. Ÿ Evaporator feeding from bottom to top. Ÿ -20oC of brine temperature will ensure 20 minute batch time of hard candies. 8 Guidelines For Achieving Optimum Appliance Performance Deep Freezer Ÿ Evaporator circuit should be bottom to top Ÿ Minimum 75mm PUF insulation Ÿ Capillary to suction line heat exchanger of 6” improves the performance Walk-in Cooler Softy Ice-cream Machine Ÿ Pre-cooling of softy mix to 4oC should be achieved through separate refrigeration system. Correct % mix of brine and water is important to achieve desired brine temperature. Applications Low Temperature Medium Temperature High Temperature Deep Freezer Bottle Cooler Water Cooler Refrigerator Visi Cooler Oil Coolers / Panel Cooler Ice Cube machine Display Cabinet Water Chiller Walk-in Freezer Pastry Cabinet Refrigerated Air Dryer Laboratory Appliance Softy Ice Cream Walk in Cooler Milk Cooler Model Selection Guide* Deep Freezer Hard Top (Ltr) Glass Top (Ltr) Model 300 200 KCN372LAG 400 300 KCN396LAG 450 300 KCN411LAG 450 300 KCJ412LAG 500 400 KCN415LAG 800 - KCJ423LAG 1100 - KCJ430LAL 1800 - KCJ450LAL o Cold Room (+4 C Room Temperature) Room Size (cft) R22 R134a R404A 500 KCJ513HAE KCM511CAL KCJ484CAL 800 CR22K6M KCM511CAL KCM511CAL 1200 CR30K6M KCM514CAL KCM514CAL 1600 CR30K6M KCM519CAL KCM514CAL 2000 CR36K6 KCM522CAL KCM519CAL 2500 CR42K6 - KCM522CAL 3000 CR53KQM - - 5000 CR62KQM - - Capacity (Ltr/Hr) * These are preliminary guidelines. The actual compressor selection may differ from the guidelines. Water Cooler R22 R134a 20 - KCE419HAG 40 - KCE444HAG/ KCJ444HAG KCN463HAG/ KCJ467HAG 60 KCE461HAE 100 KCJ511HAE KCJ498HAG 150 KCJ513HAE KCM511CAL 200 CR22K6M KCM514CAL 300 CR30K6M KCM522CAL . Please check the system details before selecting compressor model. Water Chiller Flow Rate (Ltr/Hr) R22 R134a R404A 600 KCJ513HAE KCM514CAL KCJ484CAL 800 CR22K6M KCM519CAL KCM511CAL 1000 CR30K6M KCM522CAL KCM514CAL 1400 CR36K6 - KCM519CAL 1600 CR42K6 - KCM522CAL 2000 CR53KQM - - 2400 CR62KQM KCG572HAE - - - - 2800 o Water inlet temperature : 10 C Water outlet temperature: 5o C Capacity(Ltr) Bottle Cooler R22 R134a 100-120 - KCE419HAG 150-200 - KCE425HAG/ KCN413CAG 220-250 - KCE432HAG/KCN416CAG 260-350 KCE443HAE KCE444HAG/KCJ444HAG 350-500 KCE461HAE KCN463HAG/KCJ467HAG 600-800 KCJ511HAE KCJ498HAG Visicooler Case Model 2 (110 ltr) KCE419HAG 4 (150 ltr) KCE425HAG/ KCN413CAG 7 (250 ltr) KCE432HAG/KCN416CAG 9 (400 ltr) KCE444HAG/KCJ444HAG 12(650 ltr) KCN463HAG Softy Machine Capacity (Ltr) R404A 15 KCM511CAL 20 KCM514CAL 30 KCM519CAL 40 KCM522CAL . Analyze the compressor independently for its proper functioning. Ÿ All system components have to be de-hydrated and should be Nitrogen charged till they are taken for assembly.Silver for Copper to Steel joints. Brazing Ÿ While brazing all the joints purge low pressure Nitrogen through the tube. Ÿ These compressors are not suitable for mobile applications. use appropriately sized voltage stabilizer with low. Ÿ Use Try-chloro Ethylene for flushing followed by dry air or Nitrogen to remove the trace of Try-chloro Ethylene. Ÿ Use pressure temperature chart of refrigerant for achieving optimum system performance. cleaning agent and chemicals are removed from the system before operation in order to avoid compressor failures. Ÿ Removing of compressor from the system without understanding the root cause will lead to another compressor failure. Ÿ Do not pressurize the system with air and R134a. Use adequate amount of flux while brazing. Ÿ Conventional methods of checking the leaks can also be used. tubes. If the supply voltage conditions are poor. This will avoid internal oxidation and formation of contamination.System Practice Guide System Cleanliness Refrigerant Charging Ÿ It is absolutely necessary that all impurities / contamination Ÿ Quality and quantity of refrigerant immensely influences the like moisture. burr. Evacuation Ÿ Always check the voltage across C & R terminals. For Copper to Copper joints use phosphorous Copper as brazing alloy and Copper . Use bright annealed refrigeration grade Copper tubes. Ÿ All electrical joints have to be firm and properly insulated. performance and reliability of any refrigeration system. Ÿ Always use genuine electrical accessories supplied by Emerson Climate Technologies. Ÿ The suction and discharge piping should be properly looped to avoid vibrations and refrigerant leakages. Ÿ Earthing the appliance is necessary from the safety stand point. Do not use anti-choke as it damages the compressor. Oxy Acetylene is best suited for brazing. For achieving desired vacuum level of 200 microns: Attending The Field Complaints Ÿ Pull vacuum from both sides Ÿ Verify the field complaint based on facts and observations Ÿ Heat the system with bulbs or infra red lamps Ÿ Use Copper tubes to connect the vacuum pump and the system Ÿ The connecting Copper tubes have to be short in length and bigger in diameter Ÿ Use adequately sized two stage rotary vacuum pump having anti-suckback provision Ÿ Use electronic vacuum gauge to measure the vacuum level Ÿ Never use a hermetic compressor for evacuation. Use digital weigh balance during refrigerant charging. . valves for different refrigerants. Rule out all the possibilities before replacing the compressor. Effective evacuation of the system ensures removal of moisture. Ÿ Refrigerant should be procured from genuine source. Compressor Mounting Ÿ Torque the nut adequately and ensure that the washer / bolt head rest on the sleeve and not on the rubber grommet. It is not meant for evacuation and cannot achieve desired vacuum level made through use of proper tools and equipment. high voltage cutout and On-delay timer. The compressor should not be held rigidly by any means. Electricals Leak Testing Ÿ The system has to be adequately pressurized with dry air or Nitrogen. Voltage at this point should fall within the prescribed operating voltage range. Ÿ The joints have to be free from oil and grease before brazing. Ÿ Maintain a separate set of hoses. Ÿ Use of electronic leak detectors is the best way to detect leaks. The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark of Emerson Electric Co.382 210 Gujarat. Industrial Area. Sree Gujarati Seva Mandal Secunderabad 500 003 Andhra Pradesh. 56. Bhaveshwar Arcade LBS Marg.Nagar Road. ASIA10B030303412 brand products . 1141. G. AHMEDABAD . Phase II.10.. No. Tollygunje Circular Road P. Hinjewadi. 745/1 (746/1 Old). 2431037 Secunderabad Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. H.com As we are constantly endeavoring to improve the performance of our models. S. 3B-3B. Shreyas Cinema Ghatkopar (West) Mumbai 400 086 Maharashtra. Nr. India Tel: (91-33) 2400 2779/2400 2781 Fax: (91-33) 2400 2784 Bengaluru Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. Near Lexicon International School. India Tel: (91-20) 64730217 Chandigarh Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd.5. India Tel : (91-522) 2371922 Registered Head Office Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Limited Plot No. Pune 412207 Maharashtra. India Tel : (91-44) 2371 8771/8772/8773 Fax : (91-44) 2371 8979 Mumbai Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. 35/7. Mahindra Showroom New Delhi 110 015 India Tel: (91-11) 2511 1861/1862/1863/1864 Fax: (91-11) 2545 7748 Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. Highway.21. Unit No. India Tel : (91-129) 2414581 . 54.226 024 Uttar Pradesh. Sree Gujarati Seva Mandal Chandigarh . Fax: (91-2162) 262069 Technical Helpdesk: 1800 209 1700 E-mail: ClimateIndia@Emerson. B-1/56. Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park. Road Bengaluru 560 027 Karnataka. 23. India Tel : (91-80) 2222 0327 Fax : (91-80) 2227 6280 Chennai Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. Fax: (91-20) 4200 2099 Plant Atit Pali Road. 177. 4. Newaskar Warehouse Corporation. K. Sumiran Bhavan.411 057 Tel: (91-20) 4200 2000. Wagholi.6 & 7.P. India Tel: (91-79) 6943 1993 Kolkata Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. Atit . Pune . 5526 0411 Fax: (91-40) 2753 0832 New Delhi Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd.S.Contact us at Sales Office Warehouse Ahmedabad Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. the specifications mentioned here are subject to change from time to time. India Tel: (91-22) 4270 8000 Fax: (91-22) 2500 6570 Pune Faridabad Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. Postal Colony II street West Mambalam Chennai 600 033 Tamil Nadu. Rama Road Industrial Area Nr.II. Sarkhej. Lucknow . India Tel : (91-40) 2753 0834/0835. Shivam Estate.160 002 India Tel : (91-172) 2653987 Lucknow Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Ltd. New Alipore Kolkata 700 053 West Bengal. NIT Faridabad 120 001 Haryana.415 519. Rashtrapathi Road Nr. Phase . Pune . Opp. Maharashtra Tel: (91-2162) 262068 / 262077. Aliganj. New No. Sector B.
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