Index_LISTBOX_DEF table 1279, 1291 _PINLIST database table 1309 @MOTOR_NUM@ (motor symbol tags) 2059, 2061 1 pole circuit breaker symbols 454 1-line circuits 27, 700, 703, 706 1-line symbols 329 1-phase ladders 963 1-phase motor symbols 487 2+ pole circuit breaker symbols 458 3 -phase ladders 963 3 Phase Wire Numbering dialog box 976 3-phase buses 975 3-phase motor symbols 489, 655, 2006 3-phase transformer symbols 473 3-phase wires 917–918, 976 3-position selector switches 450 3-voltage-phase switch symbols 545 3D designs 1519 4-position selector switch symbols 452 Add New Table to MDB dialog box 1299 Add Record dialog box 780 Add Spare Wires dialog box 1632 add-on jumpers 1122–1123 Add/Modify Associations dialog box 1050 addresses exporting data 1505 I/O component reports 1420, 1486 PLC database information 601 PLC I/O points 624 PLC modules 596 ae_electrical_standards.mdb files 712 AE2LADDER command 968 AE3PHASEWIRENO command 976 AEADDCATALOGTABLE command 1299 AEAIPEXPORT command 1522 AEATTJUSTIFY command 871 AEATTLAYER command 863 AEATTRIBUTE command 876 AEATTSIZE command 874 AEAUDIT command 1692 AEAUDITDWG command 1694 AEAUTOREPORT command 1499 AEBLK2SCH command 1644 AEBLOCKREPLACE dialog box 1665 AEBOUNDARYBOX command 1620 AEC_CIRCS sheet 2039 AECABLEMARKER command 939, 943, 945, 947 AECHILDLOCUPDATE command 883 AECIRCBUILDER command Circuit Configuration dialog box 710 Circuit Selection dialog box 708 Select Motor dialog box 711 AECOMPONENT command Add Record dialog box 1298 Component Annotation from External File dialog box 760 Component Catalog Lookup dialog box 1294 A A plug switch symbols 415 Access databases cable conductor database 954 PLC database format 630 accessories 1104 ace_electrical_standards.mdb file 681, 711 ace_plc.mdb file 2005 active power indicator symbols 551 Add Attribute dialog box 876 Add Catalog Record dialog box 1298 Add Existing Circuit dialog box 1247 Add Footprint Record dialog box 1599 add geometry 1941 Add Geometry tool 1660 Add Icon - Command dialog box 1242 Add Icon - Component dialog box 1239 Index | 2149 Edit Entry dialog box 1138 Edit Multi-Connection Sequence Terminal Symbol dialog box 1135 Edit PLC I/O Point dialog box 624 Edit Record dialog box 1298 Insert Component dialog box 742 Insert/Edit Child Component - IEC dialog box 773 Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box 769 Insert/Edit Component dialog box 748, 753 Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box 1046 Option - Tag Format Family Override dialog box 759 Panel Tag List dialog box 758 Parts Catalog dialog box 1291 Tags in Use dialog box 757 AECOMPONENTCAT command 778, 780 AECOMPONENTPNL command 791, 794 AECOMPONENTQ command 787, 789 AECONDUITMARKER command 1631– 1632 AECONDUITMARKERLIST command 1631 AECONDUITMARKERRPT command 1332, 1635 AECONNECTOR command 1157, 1159 AECONNECTORLIST command 1174 AECONVERTWIRETYPE command 277 AECOPY2SYMLIB command 255 AECOPYGROUPCODE command 1584 AECOPYINSTcommand 1584 AECOPYLEVEL command 1614 AECOPYLOC command 1584 AECOPYMOUNTCODE command 1584 AECOPYOVERRIDE command 818 AEDESTINATION command 1014 AEDWGCFG command 241, 243–244 AEECDS2ACADEDWG command 1650 AEEDITATT command 861 AEEDITCOMPONENT command Add Record dialog box 1298 Add/Modify Associations dialog box 1050 Component Annotation from External File dialog box 760 Connector Pin Numbers in Use dialog box 1161 Edit Record dialog box 1298 Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box 769, 773 Insert/Edit Component dialog box 748, 753 Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box 1046 Option - Tag Format Family Override dialog box 759 Panel Tag List dialog box 758 Parts Catalog dialog box 1291 Pin Numbers in Use dialog box 764 Ratings Defaults dialog box 808 Select Description for AutoCAD Electrical Language Table dialog box 762 Select Description Text Format dialog box 763 Tags in Use dialog box 757 Terminal Block Properties dialog box 1053 AEEDITCONDUITMARKER command 1631 AEEDITFOOTPRINT command 1569 AEEDITWIRENO command 994 AEEDITWIRESEQUENCE command 1037 AEEXPLODE command 1654 AEEXPORT2SS command Component Data Export dialog box 1502 Export to Spreadsheet dialog box 1501 General Data Export dialog box 1503 Panel Layout Data Export dialog box 1506 2150 | Index Panel Terminals Data Export dialog box 1506 PLC I/O Address/Description Export dialog box 1505 PLC I/O Connection Export dialog box 1504 PLC I/O Header Information Export dialog box 1503 Terminal Data Export dialog box 1507 Update Drawings per Spreadsheet Data dialog box 1508 AEFANIN command 1026 AEFANINDEST command 1025 AEFANINSRC command 1024 AEFINDCOMPTEXT command 865–866 AEFINDTERMTEXT command 867 AEFINDWIRENO command 987 AEFIXTAG command 878 AEFLIP command 805 AEFOOTPRINT command Component Catalog Lookup dialog box 1294 Din Rails dialog box 853 Footprint dialog box 1555 Insert Footprint dialog box 1551 Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box 1569 AEFOOTPRINTCAT command 1557 AEFOOTPRINTDB command 1596, 1599 AEFOOTPRINTEQ command 1559 AEFOOTPRINTMAN command 1555 AEFOOTPRINTMFG command 1545, 1547 AEFOOTPRINTQ command 787 AEFOOTPRINTSCH command 1538, 1542 AEFORMATFILE command Report Format File Setup - Missing Level/Sequence Assignments dialog box 1452 Report Format File Setup - Panel Bill of Materials dialog box 1446 Report Format File Setup - Panel Component dialog box 1451 Report Format File Setup - Panel Component Exception dialog box 1448 Report Format File Setup - Panel Nameplate dialog box 1456 Report Format File Setup - Panel Terminal Exception dialog box 1458 Report Format File Setup - Panel Wire Connection dialog box 1461 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Bill of Material dialog box 1463 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Cable From/To dialog box 1465 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Cable Summary dialog box 1467 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Component dialog box 1480 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Component Wire List dialog box 1471 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Connector Details dialog box 1474 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Connector Plug dialog box 1476 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Connector Summary dialog box 1478 Report Format File Setup - Schematic Missing Bill of Material dialog box 1483 Report Format File Setup - Schematic PLC I/O Address and Descriptions dialog box 1486 Index | 2151 Component dialog box 1252 Properties . 1127 AELADDER command 963 AELANG command 1203 AELANGDB command 1204 AELISTSIG command 849 AELOCATIONSYMBOL command 887 AEMAPATT command 1644 AEMARKVERIFY command 1202 AEMENUWIZ command Add Existing Circuit dialog box 1247 Add Icon .Schematic Layout Wire Connection Annotation dialog box 1531 Panel Balloon Setup dialog box 1602 Panel Drawing Configuration and Defaults dialog box 1529 AEPANELLEVEL command 1619.Command dialog box 1242 Add Icon .Submenu dialog box 1259 AEMIGRATION command Migration Review dialog box 136 Migration Utility dialog box 134 AEMTEXT2ATT command 1645 AEMULTI command Insert Component dialog box 742 Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box 769.Schematic Wire Label dialog box 1495 Report Format File Setup . 1641 AEPANELCONFIG command 264 Format . 953. 1338 AEP2E command 1639.Circuit dialog box 1257 Properties .Schematic Wire From/To dialog box 1484 Report Format File Setup .Wire Annotation Exception dialog box 1454 AEGEOMETRY command 1660 AEIMPORTDB command 195 AEINTERNALJUMPER command 857 AEJUMPER command 1125.Schematic Terminal Numbers dialog box 1489 Report Format File Setup .Schematic PLC I/O Component Connection dialog box 1469 Report Format File Setup . 1622 AEPANELREPORT command generating reports 1330 Missing Level/Sequence Assignments dialog box 1436 Panel Bill of Material Data Fields to Report dialog box 1340 Panel Bill of Materials dialog box 1432 Panel Component Data Fields to Report dialog box 1344 Panel Component dialog box 1435 Panel Component Exception Data Fields to Report dialog box 1342 Panel Component Exception dialog box 1433 Panel Missing Level/Sequence Assignments Data Fields to Report dialog box 1346 2152 | Index . 773 AEMULTIBUS command 918 AEMULTICABLE command 949.Report Format File Setup .Schematic Terminal Plan dialog box 1491 Report Format File Setup .Schematic PLC Modules Used So Far dialog box 1493 Report Format File Setup .Component dialog box 1239 Create Circuit dialog box 1244 Create New Submenu dialog box 1249 Icon Menu Wizard dialog box 1237 Properties .Command dialog box 1254 Properties .Main Menu dialog box 1250 Properties . 1311 AEPLC command 596 AEPLCDB command Module Box Dimensions dialog box 608 Module Specifications dialog box 616 New Module dialog box 611 PLC Database File Editor 606 PLC Selection dialog box 607 Prompts at Module Insertion Time dialog box 617 Select Terminal Information dialog box 610 Style Box Dimensions dialog box 614 Terminal Block Settings dialog box 613 AEPLCP command Module Layout dialog box 591 PLC Parametric Selection dialog box 590 AEPLCWIRENO command 977 AEPOWERLOADLEVELS command 1669 AEPOWERLOADREPORT command 1670 AEPROJECT command about 154 Batch Plotting Options and Order dialog box 1193 Copy Project dialog box 156 Create New Drawing dialog box 171 Create New Project dialog box 156 Cross-Reference Table Data Fields to Display dialog box 1397 Drawing List Data Fields to Display dialog box 1334 Drawing List Display Configuration dialog box 174 Drawing List Report dialog box 192 Edit Cross-Reference Symbol Mapping dialog box 832 Graphical Cross-Reference Format Setup dialog box 824 Properties dialog box 206 Select Drawings to Process dialog box 196 Table Cross-Reference Format Setup dialog box 830 Task List dialog box 194 Update Title Block dialog box 1224 Wire Numbers tab 986 AEPROJUPDATE command 1199 AEPROPERTIES command codes for replaceable parameters 239 Define Layers dialog box 261 Drawing Settings dialog box 222 Edit Cross-Reference Symbol Mapping dialog box 832 Wire Numbers tab 982 AEPUBLISH2WEB command 1206–1207 AEREBUILDDB command 196 AERENAMELAYER command 262 AERENAMEPANELLAYER command 262 AERENUMBERLADDER command 969 AERESEQUENCE command 1605 AERETAG command 879 AEREVISELADDER command 968 AERMOVERRIDE command 819 Index | 2153 .Panel Nameplate Data Fields to Report dialog box 1350 Panel Nameplate dialog box 1439 Panel Terminal Exception Data Fields to Report dialog box 1352 Panel Terminal Exception dialog box 1440 Panel Wire Annotation Exception Data Fields to Report dialog box 1348 Panel Wire Connection Data Fields to Report dialog box 1354 Panel Wire Connection dialog box 1441 Wire Annotation Exception dialog box 1437 AEPANELTERMINAL command 1574 AEPANELTERMINALSCH command 1540. 1542 AEPASSPWR command 1670 AEPINLISTTABLE command 1307. 1309. AEROUTINGREPORT command Wire Conduit Routing Data Fields to Report dialog box 1396 Wire/Conduit Routing Report dialog box 1636 AERSLOGIX command 641–642 AESAVECIRCUIT command 735 AESAVEDCIRCUIT command 736 AESAXREF command 844 AESCHEMATICDB command 784–785 AESCHEMATICREPORT command Bill of Material Data Fields to Report dialog box 1356 Cable From/To Data Fields to Report dialog box 1363 Cable Label Data Fields to Report dialog box 1364 Cable Summary Data Fields to Report dialog box 1358 Component Data Fields to Report dialog box 1378 Component Wire List Data Fields to Report dialog box 1370 Connector Details Data Fields to Report dialog box 1372 Connector Plug Data Fields to Report dialog box 1374 Connector Summary Data Fields to Report dialog box 1376 generating reports 1330 Location Code Selection for From/To Reporting dialog box 1427 Missing Bill of Material Data Fields to Report dialog box 1380 PLC Component Connection Data Fields to Report dialog box 1368 PLC I/O Address and Descriptions Data Fields to Report dialog box 1386 PLC Modules Used So Far Data Fields to Report dialog box 1390 Schematic Bill of Material dialog box 1405 Schematic Cable From/To dialog box 1407 Schematic Cable Summary dialog box 1407 Schematic Component dialog box 1416 Schematic Component Wire List dialog box 1410 Schematic Connector Details dialog box 1412 Schematic Connector Plug dialog box 1413 Schematic Connector Summary dialog box 1415 Schematic Missing Bill of Material dialog box 1418 Schematic PLC I/O Address and Descriptions dialog box 1420 Schematic PLC I/O Component Connection dialog box 1409 Schematic PLC Modules Used So Far dialog box 1423 Schematic Terminal Numbers dialog box 1421 Schematic Terminal Plan dialog box 1422 Schematic Wire From/To dialog box 1419 Schematic Wire Label dialog box 1425 Terminal Numbers Data Fields to Report dialog box 1388 Terminal Plan Data Fields to Report dialog box 1393 Wire From/To Data Fields to Report dialog box 1384 Wire Label Data Fields to Report dialog box 1394 AESHOWLINK command 1661 AESHOWSIG command 849 AESHOWXDATA command 1527 AESHOWXREFTABLE command 1399 AESIGNALERRORREPORT command 1019 AESOURCE command 1015 AESPLIT command 805 2154 | Index . AESPLITPLC command 805 AESS2PLC command Spreadsheet to PLC I/O utility 635 Spreadsheet to PLC I/O Utility Setup dialog box 639 AESURF command 1189 AESWAPBLOCK command 336–338 AESYMBUILDER command Attribute Editor 349 Convert Text to Attribute dialog box 356 Insert Wire Connections dialog box 353 Insert/Edit Attributes dialog box 350 Save Symbol dialog box 359 Select SymbolObjects dialog box 344 Symbol Audit dialog box 360 Symbol Configuration dialog box 345 AETERMDBEDITOR command 1061– 1062. 1592 AEWIRECOLORLABEL command 924 AEWIRECONN command 1660 AEWIRENO command 972–973. 800 justified text 870–871 Allen-Bradley PLCs 640 Index | 2155 . 902 AEXDATA command 1695 AEXREF command 812 AEXREFCHECK command 815 AEXYGRID command 236 AEXZONE command 234 AEZIPPROJECT command 188 Alert dialog box 256 alignment components 798. 990 AEWIRETYPE command 271. 1064 AETERMINALPNL command 795–796 AETERMINALSTRIP command 1615 AETERMINALSTRIPREPORT command 1623–1624 AETERMLIST command 1129–1130 AETERMLISTFROMFILE command 1129– 1130 AETERMRENUM command 1133 AETRIM command 920 AETSE command Associate Terminals dialog box 1108 Cable Information tab 1087 Catalog Code Assignment tab 1083 Edit Terminal dialog box 1100 Edit/Delete Jumpers dialog box 1109 Insert Accessory dialog box 1104 Insert Spare Terminal dialog box 1103 Layout Preview tab 1093 Reassign Terminal dialog box 1101 Renumber Terminal Strip dialog box 1102 Select Row Cell Styles dialog box 1110 Terminal Strip Definition dialog box 1073 Terminal Strip Selection dialog box 1072 Terminal Strip tab 1078 Terminal Strip Table dialog box 1113 Toggle Installation Codes dialog box 1106 Toggle Location Codes dialog box 1105 AETSEGENERATOR command Terminal Strip Table Generator 1119 Terminal Strip Table Settings dialog box 1096 AEUDA command 1512 AEUNITYPRO command 652 AEUNITYPROSS command 651 AEUNLINK command 1661 AEUPDATEIECTAG command 193 AEUPDATESIGREF command 845 AEUPDATESYMLIB command 893 AEUSERTABLE command 855 AEUTILITIES command 1195 AEVIEWCOMPSEQ command 1613 AEWBCIRCUIT command 736 AEWIREANNOTATION command 1590. 893 fixed component tags 877–878 footprint attributes 329. 350 justification 870–871 ladders 960 layers 862–863 2156 | Index . 1057. 1645 converting Xdata to 1527 copying codes 1582.alternate environment settings 279 amp meters 421. 1285. 1436. 1644. 922 Annotation Presets dialog box 708 annotations Circuit Builder circuits 681 circuits 708 converting non-Electrical blocks 1642. 2099 converting text to 355–356. 1452 pins automatically 1984 sequencing assignments 1611. 1018 assemblies 1563–1565 ASSEMBLYCODE field 1311 Assign Wire Numbering Formats by Wire Layers dialog box 990 assigning catalog information 1283. 1300 level assignments 1614. 1437. 1016. 1619. 2072 converting non-Electrical blocks 1642. 1454 annunciation symbols 581 archiving projects 187–188 arrow symbols converting non-Electrical symbols 1647 cross-reference arrow symbols 847– 848 destination signal arrows 1011 illustrated 431. 1584 COPYTAG attribute 329 cross-references 320 editing 350. 1050. 1656– 1657. 1437. 1454 schematic wire information 1590. 580 inserting 1014–1015 naming conventions 298 project-wide changes 1195 source signal arrows 1011 styles 1012. 1622 missing assignment reports 1436. 861. 1644 cross-reference symbols 839 I/O points 622 importing from external files 760 pins 1313 predefined symbol annotations 332 presets 708 ratings 807–808 reports 1428. 1613 Associate Terminals dialog box 1108 associations adding 1055 breaking 1057 editing 1055 terminals 1046. 1078. 551 angled tee connections 1029 angled tee markers 1033–1034 angled wires 913. 1055. 2066. 1653. 1526 hiding 869 hydraulic symbols 329 in-line wire labels 320 inserting 346. 1592 swapping terminal strip text 1612 terminal strips 1130 wire annotation exceptions 1348 wire connections 1531 wires 1348. 1452 missing catalog information 1304 missing level/sequence assignments 1346. 1108 Attribute Editor 349 attributes adding to non-Electrical entities 1651. 1659 Attribute Editor 349 blocks 875–876 child components 320 child location codes 882–883 circuits 2047–2048. 1563. 336. 1663 miscellaneous attributes 331 missing 360 moving 798. 1686. 1694 symbols 357. 1938 wire signal symbols 320 Xdata 1695 auditing drawings 28. 2107 terminal symbols 320. 1512 WD_M blocks 253 WDTYPE attribute 329 wire connections 320. Title Text. 353. 25 online help 3. 351. Options dialog box 1207 Autodesk Inventor Professional exporting data for Cable & Harness 1519. 360 AutoCAD inserting blocks in PLC modules 611 scripts 1195 AutoCAD Electrical commands 2148 Migration Utility 129–132 new features 9. 1692. 868 moving to other layers 862–863 multi-line text 880 non-AutoCAD Electrical 331 P&ID symbols 329 parametric build connectors 320 parent components 320. 2005 text size 873–874 text styles 871 title blocks 1213. 13. 892 location mark symbols 885. 1221 updating 882–883 user-defined 1509– lines 354 link panel descriptions 1943 link schematics 1936 linking to title blocks 1213 location boxes 892 location codes 881. 6 Vault ARX 158 AutoCAD Electrical Migration Utility dialog box 134 AutoCAD Electrical Publish to Web Banner. 1688–1689. 1521–1522 importing data from 1166–1167. 19. 887 mapping 332. 882–883 PLC I/O symbols 320 predefined annotations 332 project-wide changes 1195 ratings 807–808 renaming 875 rotating 870 schematic symbols 320 splices 320 splitting tag names 299 TAG1 attribute 321 TAG2 attribute 321 target attributes for wire information 1587–1588 templates 342. 1174 spreadsheet structure 1175 Autodesk Inventor Professional Export dialog box 1522 Autodesk Vault advanced techniques 2134 collaborative design and 158 AutoLISP circuit attribute assignments 2048 mapping values to title blocks 1227 running routines 611 automatic fill feature 881 automatic pin assignments 1984 Automatic Report Selection dialog box 1499 automatic reports 1496–1497. 1499 automatic schematic/panel updates 1532 automatic wire numbering 971 B backing up projects 187–188 ball valves 421 balloons about 1600 inserting 1601–1602 Index | 2157 . 458 breaking connectors 1159. 1285 copying 1300 equipment lists and 785 fields in reports 1340. 1483 Bill of Materials reports about 1402 formatting 1446. 1463. 875–876 balloons 1600–1602 catalog table data 1271 changing symbol appearance 331 converting arrow symbols 1647 converting non-Electrical blocks 1642. 1596 inserting in PLC modules 611 mapping and replacing 1663–1665 marker blocks 2037–2038 nameplates 1609 naming conventions 282. 1356 missing catalog assignments 1304 missing data in reports 1380. 1432. 1303 performing checks 1303 reports 1402. 1065 updating 332–333. 1483 borders on report tables 1322 boundary boxes level codes 1620 sequences 1620 branches 1519 break symbols 1159. 298 PLC terminal blocks 613 splitting 798. 2099 converting Xdata to attributes 1527 creating 339 editing library symbols 893 exploding 1654 footprint attributes 1526 footprint lookup files 1594. 1285 copying 1300 equipment lists and 785 fields in reports 1340.resequencing item numbers 1604– 1605 banners (web pages) 1207 batch plotting 1191 Batch Plotting Options and Order dialog box 1193 batch report generation 1496 battery symbols 423. 1418. 1418. 1167 reports into sections 1318. 1463 generating 1405. 551. 336–338 Symbol Builder 342 terminal blocks 1053. 1644. 1405. 1330 2158 | Index . 1418. 1446. 1463. 1483 multiple catalogs 1303 multiple part numbers 755–756. 570 beacon light symbols 502–503 bell symbols 423. 1405. 802. 336–338 user-defined attributes 1509 values 875–876 WD_M blocks 253 BOM (Bill of Materials) adding part numbers to components 1283. 570 bending wires 922 bi-directional updates 1532 Bill of Material Data Fields to Report dialog box 1356 Bill of Materials (BOM) adding part numbers to components 1283. 1356 missing catalog assignments 1304 missing data in reports 1380. 1418. 1432. 1303 performing checks 1303 reports 1402. 1446. 1432 blank lines in reports 1330 Block Editor 342 Block Replacement dialog box 1665 blocks adding geometry to 1660 attributes 329. 1483 multiple catalogs 1303 multiple part numbers 755–756. 1167 BREAK value 630 breakers 454. 805 substituting symbols 330 swapping 332–333. 1358. 947. 1407. 930 multiple cables 1338 report data fields 1338. 1303 performing checks 1303 reports 1402. 1285 equipment lists and 785 fields in reports 1340. 2053 buzzer symbols 423. 1405. 943. 953 multiple 949. 1087 catalog information assigning to components 1283. 1483 bus-tap symbols 298. 1446. 576. 753 editing footprint lookup files 1596 missing catalog assignments 1304 multi-connection sequences 1138 Index | 2159 . 931. 304 buses 3-phase 917–918 multiple 1163 spacing 918. 947. 949. 1300 cable markers 939. 1285. 1483 multiple catalogs 1303 multiple part numbers 755–756. 943. 953 naming conventions 298 shields 956 source and destination markers 1996 symbols 427. 575 Catalog Code Assignment tab (Terminal Strip Editor) 1083. 1363 reports 1402. 1418. 939. 576 updating 953 Cable Summary Data Fields to Report dialog box 1358 Cable Summary reports about 1402 formatting 1467 generating 1407 cables cable conductor database 954 colors 954 exporting data for Cable & Harness 1519 fanning wire markers 1020–1026 importing occurrences from Inventor 1166–1167 label data in reports 1364 marker symbols 427. 1463. 945. 1356 missing catalog assignments 1304 missing data in reports 1380. 945. 1467 source and destination markers 1996 tags 953 terminal information 1087 capacitive switch symbols 526 capacitor symbols 426. 1465. 1432. 1418.terminal associations 1057 terminal tables 1070 terminals after modules 610 bridge rectifier symbols 575 build direction 2052 Build of Materials (BOM) adding part numbers to components 1283. 953 component data 748. 570 C Cable & Harness (Inventor) 1519 cable conductor database 954 Cable From/To Data Fields to Report dialog box 1363 Cable From/To reports about 1402 formatting 1465 generating 1407 Cable Insert/Edit Data Fields to Display dialog box 1338 Cable Insert/Edit dialog box 953 Cable Label Data Fields to Report dialog box 1364 cable markers about 930 cable conductor database 954 colors 954 database 954 editing 953 inserting 742. 1295. 458. 1083 tracking changes to 1200 updating child codes 883 Catalog Lookup File dialog box 207 Catalog Search Results dialog box 1293 catalog tables creating 1294 families 1294 structure 1277 Catalog Values dialog box 1293 catalogs adding components 1295 adding records 1298 adding tables 1299 assigning information to components 1283. 2045 opening 1291 project-specific 1283 searching 1285. 1283. 1300. 1303. 1300 create project-specific 1281 database structure 1277 database tables 1279 default MFG values 1279 editing 1291.dat file 954 cells (terminal tables) 1110 Change Attribute Size dialog box 874 Change Attribute/Text Justification dialog box 871 Change/Convert Wire Type dialog box 277. 620 cblcolor. 462 Circuit Builder about 688 adding new circuits 2032 AEC_CIRCS sheet 2039 AutoLISP and 2048 build direction 2052 bus wire spacing 2053 child contacts 2063 circuit codes sheet 2041 Circuit Configuration dialog box 710 Circuit Selection dialog box 708 circuit templates 2037 conditional insertion 2051 2160 | Index . 1304 catalog lookup files 182. 1557 installing manufacturer content 1274 linking to web pages 1277 LISTBOX_DEF table 1279.multiple BOM part numbers 755– 756 multiple part numbers 1578 part numbers 1303 pin lists 1311 PLC modules 590. 912 checking attributes 360 Bill of Materials 1303 cross-references 813. 596 terminal catalog codes 1046. 206–207 copying information from projects 1283. 454. 1291 lookup tables 1294 migrating 129 miscellaneous 1283 missing assignments 1304 moving files 1272 multiple catalogs 1273. 1285. 1293 subcatalog entries 1330 tables 1271 CATEGORY field 135. 773 inserting child components 769. 773 location codes 882–883 CIP (Customer Involvement Program) 6 circuit breakers 378. 1298 family tables 1271 inserting components from 776 inserting footprints from 1555. 815 projects in or out 2134 wires 978 Child Contact and Panel Update from Schematic Parent dialog box 883 child-parent relationships about 342 attributes 320–321 child cable markers 931 editing child components 769. 815 pin assignments 1311 Index | 2161 . 710 copying 725 defaults 2076 dual one-line circuits 706 icons 1244. 708. 2072 Select Motor dialog box 711 spreadsheets 2045 stretching and connecting wiring 2082 tag format 2068 testing circuits 2043 trimming wires 2050 wire numbers 2070. 1247. 2075 wire types 2056 cleaning drawings 1688 clients client-specific libraries 190–191 client-specific title blocks 190–191 project setup 192 subdirectories 190 clocks 551 CODE attribute 2037. 2075 wire types 2056 circuit code sheets 2041 Circuit Configuration dialog box 710 Circuit Scale dialog box 736 Circuit Selection dialog box 708 circuit templates 2037. 1584 drawing parameters 239 family codes 1271 filtering reports 1318 level codes 1620 COILPINS field 1311. 2044 defaults 2076 energy savings 26 inserting circuits 690 mapping motor parameters 2066 MCC database 681 mcc.configuring circuits 693 customizing circuits 655.mdb files 681 motor symbol tags in wire numbers 2059 multi-pole insertion 2052 multiple catalogs 2045 new features 27 power feed circuits 26 predefining attribute values 2047. 2119 inserting 690. 2041 codes copying values to components 1582. 2044 circuits about 724 adding 2032 AEC_CIRCS sheet 2039 annotations 708 attributes 2047–2048. 742 mapping motor parameters 2066 marker blocks 2037–2038 motor symbol tags in wire numbers 2059 moving 726 multi-pole insertion 2052 multiple catalogs 2045 one-line circuits 700. 729. 2006 circuit codes sheet 2041 circuit templates 2044 conditional components 2051 configuring 693. 703 options 2039 power feed circuits 694. 1257. 735 selecting 708 stretching and connecting wires 2082 tag formats 2068 templates 2037 testing 2043 trimming wires 2050 WBlocked circuits 729. 2072 build direction 2052 bus wire spacing 2053 child contacts 2063 Circuit Builder 655. 736 wire numbers 2070. 696. 699 referencing existing 724 reusing 735 saving 728. 736. 2006. 1984 coils checking 813. collaboration collaborative design 158 Vault setup 2134 colors cable markers 939. 809–810. 953 cables 954 wires 988. 1234. 1584 cross-references 748. 1264. 815 data fields for reports 1344. 868–869 balloons 1600–1602 catalog data 748. 1427 subcatalog entries 1330 component tables 1271 component tags settings 211 WD_M block attributes 253 Component Wire List Data Fields to Report dialog box 1370 Component Wire List reports about 1402 fields in 1370 formatting 1471 generating 1410 components adding symbols to icon menus 1232. 1283. 1285. 947. 753. 943. 753. 1239. 1237. 769. 104 Panel Layout commands 108 Power Check commands 117 Ribbon interface 25 submenu properties 1259 triggering with icons 2119 Vault commands 2134 comments 1200 Compare Drawing and Project Settings dialog box 241 comparing project settings 240–241 Component Annotation dialog box 1644 Component Annotation from External File dialog box 760 Component Catalog Lookup dialog box 1294 Component Cross-Reference dialog box 812 Component Data Export dialog box 1502 Component Data Fields to Report dialog box 1378. 1264 adding to submenus 1249 AutoCAD Electrical commands 2148 Conduit Marker commands 116 Conversion commands 115 Extra Libraries commands 117 icon properties 1254 list of 2148 Main Electrical commands 94. 861. 1298 checking coils or contacts 813. 1503 updating drawings with data 1508 commands adding icons for 1234. 773 conditional components 2051 copying 774 copying code values to 1582. 1937 Component Exception reports about 1428 formatting 1448 generating 1433 Component Reference Listing dialog box 815 Component reports about 1402. 2119 adding to catalogs 1295 alignment 798. 800 annotations 760 attributes 798. 990 columns (database tables) 685 columns (report tables) 1322 comma-delimited files exported component data 1502 exported panel layout data 1506 exported PLC data 1503–1505 exported terminal data 1506–1507 exporting 1501. 1242. 1428 fields in 1378 formatting 1480 generating 1416. 815 child components 320. 1378 2162 | Index . 945. 812. 1300 catalog lookup tables 1294 catalogs of 1291. 1433. 1428. 753. 753 PLC database information 630 ratings 748. 802. 699 settings lists 241 connections angled tee wiring connections 1029 attribute information 1587–1588 Index | 2163 . 881. 1451. 868 duplicates 1686 editing 748. 753. 753. 883 Components tab (Drawing Properties dialog box) 225 Components tab (Properties dialog box) 211. 742. 2125 conditional components 2051 conditionally trimming wires 2050 Conduit Marker Data Fields to Display dialog box 1332 Conduit Marker Report dialog box 1635 Conduit Marker Setup dialog box 1631 Conduit Marker toolbar 116 conduit markers about 1626 data fields for reports 1332 editing 1627. 784–785 exceptions in reports 1342 exporting data 1502 extracting 949.deleting 798–799. 877–879 terminals 1040 text 864–866 updating 332–333. 1631 inserting 1627. 784–785 manipulating 798 moving 798. 1416. 1631 reports 1634–1636 scale 1631 support files 1633 conduits about 1626 reports 1635–1636 routing data for reports 1396 size 1631 spare wires 1632 support files 1633 tags 1631 configuration dual one-line circuits 706 naming conventions 298 one-line circuits 703 panel drawings 1527. 753 interconnecting components 919 jumpers 856–857 layers 261 location codes 748. 887 lookup files 782. 774–776 inserting from catalogs 776. 1293 peer-to-peer relationships 1981 pin numbers 764 pins 748. 794 installation codes 748. 807–808 removing sequencing 1611 reports 1402. 953 family codes 1271 fence crossing points 775–776 flipping or reversing 805–806 hydraulic 1676 icon properties 1252 importing from Inventor 1166–1167 inserting 738. 1585 descriptions 761. 778 inserting from equipment lists 789 inserting from panel lists 790–791. 801 multiple catalogs 1273 naming conventions 298 panel components 1536–1538 parent components 320 part numbers 1283. 802 surfing 1187 swapping contact states 809 switches 748 tables 1271 tags 748. 1529 power feed circuits 696. 336–338. 753 equipment lists 782. 805 stretching 798. 1285. 1435. 892 location mark symbols 885. 757–759. 1480 scooting 798. 800 settings 211 signals 848–849 spacing 1544 splitting 798. 1448. 1478 swapping pins 1150 symbols 400. 516 2164 | Index . 1476. 1441. 1152. 1469 schematic attributes 320 schematic wire connections 1029 sequencing 1029–1031. 1157 keyboard shortcuts 1142 layout 1159. 407. 1478 reversing 1142. 1134 stretching wires 2082 symbols 339 tee markers 1033–1034 templates 351 wire connections 353 wire tools 349 Connector Details Data Fields to Report dialog box 1372 Connector Details reports about 1402 fields in 1372 formatting 1474 generating 1412 plug and jack options 1330 Connector Layout dialog box 1159 Connector List tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 Connector Pin Numbers in Use dialog box 1161 Connector Plug Data Fields to Report dialog box 1374 Connector Plug reports about 1402 fields in 1374 formatting 1476 generating 1413 pin charts 1330 Connector Selection dialog box 1174 Connector Summary Data Fields to Report dialog box 1376 Connector Summary reports about 1402 fields in 1376 formatting 1478 generating 1415 connectors adding pins to 1148 breaking 1159. 1474. 1161 plug report data 1374. 1415. 1415. 1037. 1412–1413. 805. 1142. 1138 naming conventions 298 no wirenumber changes symbols 400. 1144 rotating 1142–1143 sequencing 1134 splices 1185 splitting 798.customizing 2112 direct-to-terminal wire connections 1029 displaying 1132 erasing connection codes 1132 exporting data 1504 from/to reports 1419. 1167 connector lists 1174 data fields in reports 1372 deleting pins 1149 fixed spacing 1142 importing 1174–1175 in-use pin numbers 1161 inserting 1040. 1167 wire crossings 1142 wirenumber changes symbols 404. 1409. 1138 PLC modules 591 reports 1368. 1428. 403–404. 1461. 407. 516 types of 1157. 1484 interconnecting components 919 level/routing wire connections 1029 multi-connection sequences 1134– 1135. 513. 1167 lists 1174 moving pins 1151 multi-connection sequences 1134– 1135. 403. 1413. 513 pin numbers 1150. 1476 point-to-point tools 1140 reports 1402. 1147 stretching 1146 summary report data 1376. 802. constraints 1065 contacts checking 813, 815 contact states 809 contact switch symbols 545 Form C contacts 827 graphical cross-references 822, 824 pin lists 1305–1307, 1309, 1311 skipping during cross-referencing 813 symbols 379, 476 table cross-references 827, 830, 832 types of 1313 updating 883 continuing surf sessions 1187 Conversion toolbar 115 Convert promis.e Project dialog box 1641 Convert Text to Attribute Definition dialog box 1645 Convert Text to Attribute dialog box 356 convert text to wire numbers 1940 Convert VIA ECDS or Jr. Project to AutoCAD Electrical dialog box 1650 convertible contact pin annotations 1313 converting geometry to Electrical-aware blocks 1651, 1653, 1656– 1657, 1659 lines 275 lines to wire connections 1651, 1653, 1656–1657, 1659 mapping non-Electrical blocks 1642, 1644 non-Electrical arrow symbols 1647 non-Electrical objects 2099 non-intelligent ladders 966, 968 promis.e files 1638–1639, 1641 replacing blocks 1663–1665 text to attributes 355–356, 1645 text to other languages 1202–1203 text to wire numbers 1646 VIA drawings 1648, 1650 wires to other types 275, 277, 912 Copy Active Drawing Settings To dialog box 255 Copy Installation/Location/Mount/Group to Components dialog box 1584 Copy Level Assignments dialog box 1614 Copy Project Step 1 - Select Existing Project to Copy dialog box 156 copying attributes 255, 337 catalog information 1283, 1300 circuits 725 code values to components 1582, 1584 database tables 682 icons 1234 migration options 134 panel assemblies 1565 panel footprints 1562 PLC modules 602 projects 142 properties 1058 sequencing 1614 wire numbers 1000 COPYTAG attribute 329 costs per kwh 720 count (components) 1303 counter relay symbols 481 coupling device symbols 568 Create New Circuit dialog box 1244 Create New Drawing dialog box 171, 1895, 1913 Create New Project dialog box 156 Create New Submenu dialog box 1249 Create Project-Specific Catalog Lookup File dialog box 1281 Create/Edit Wire Type dialog box 271, 902, 912, 1901, 1914, 1940 CRM tables 1271 Cross-Reference Component Override dialog box 818 Cross-Reference tab (Properties dialog box) 2125 Cross-Reference Table Data Fields to Display dialog box 1397 Index | 2165 cross-references about 809 advanced techniques 1981 annotations 839 attributes 320 checking coils or contacts 813, 815 child components 769, 773 child location codes 882–883 component data 748, 753 component setup 815 creating 812 dashed lines 846–848 destination symbols 809 displaying 817 drawing properties 812 drawing setup 815 formatting 817 graphical formats 822, 824 hiding 813 inserting 742 multi-line text 880 naming conventions 298 overriding 818 processing 810 project properties 812 project setup 815 project-wide changes 1199 removing overrides 815, 819 reports 809, 1397, 1399 settings 216, 229, 815, 818–819 skipping contacts 813 source symbols 809 stand-alone symbols 430, 838–839, 844–845 surfing on reports 812 symbols 579 tables 827, 830, 832–833 text format 820 visibility 813 WD_M block attributes 253 Cross-References tab (Drawing Properties dialog box) 229 Cross-References tab (Properties dialog box) 216 CSV files component spreadsheet data 1536 external component lists 182 importing 1175 current converter symbols 551 current protection relay symbols 479 current switch symbols 545 current transformer symbols 469 Customer Involvement Program 6 customizing attribute templates 2107 circuits 655, 2006 icon menus 2119 migrating older customization files 131–132 panel footprints 2105 symbols 2083 terminals 2094 wire connections 2112 D dashed lines attributes 354 cross-references 846–848 point-to-point tools 1140 reference arrows 847–848 DAT files alternate icon menu files 1260 editing 1237, 1264, 2119 icon menu files 1250 locking 1237 Data Fields to Display dialog box 1399 data imports 1166–1167 databases cable conductor database 954 catalog databases 755–756, 1271, 1273, 1277, 1279 change-tracking tables 1200 Circuit Builder 681 copying tables 682 deleting tables 683 ECDS conversions 1648, 1650 editing tables 685 electrical standards database 2044 electrical standards database editor 681, 687 exporting data to 1501–1507 2166 | Index footprint lookup files 1594 importing catalog information from 1283, 1300 importing connector data 1175 language translation tables 1202, 1204 merging 129 migrating 129 motor lookup database 712 moving files 1272 opening tables 682 pin lists 1305–1307, 1309, 1311 PLC database 2005 rebuilding 196 scratch databases 195 terminal properties 1060–1062, 1064 user data 854–855 DC motor symbols 490 de-rating factors 720 debugging projects 1686, 1688–1689, 1692, 1694 default libraries 301 default_cat.mdb files 1271 default.grp files 182 default.inst files 182 default.loc files 182 default.mnt files 182 default.wdt files 1213, 1221 Define Layers dialog box 261 deleting components 798–799, 1585 database tables 683 drawings 144 jumpers 1109 location mark symbols 885 marker blocks 2037 pins from connectors 1149 projects 189 tracking deleted objects 1200 wire gaps 958 wire numbers 1010 deployment 1989 description defaults files 182 descriptions adding 761 exporting data 1505 formatting 763 language tables 762 moving 868 multiple descriptions 1213, 1221 reports 1420, 1486 symbols 339 tracking changes to 1200 translating 1202–1203 updating 883, 1224 destination arrows 1647 destination markers adding 1021 advanced techniques 1996 fanning 1020 layers 1022–1023, 1025–1026 styles 1022–1023, 1025 destination signal arrows 1011–1012, 1014, 1647 destination wire signal symbols 298, 320 destinations cross-reference symbols 809, 844– 845 listing codes 1019 terminals 1078 toggling installation codes 1106 toggling location codes 1105 tracking changes to codes 1200 devices box symbols 428, 577 operating symbols 557 diac diode symbols 575 dialog boxes Component Data Fields to Report 1937 Create New Drawing 1895, 1913 Create/Edit Wire Type 1901 Surf 1944 Din Rail dialog box 853 din rails about 853 inserting 853 diode symbols 426, 575 direct-to-terminal wire connections 1029 direction build direction 2052 Index | 2167 2125. 2125 drawing shapes 1551. 1157. 1694 duplicate tags 1686. 1694 batch plotting 1191 cleaning 1688 comments in 1200 creating 168 cross-references 815 defaults 202 description 144 displaying 172 generating 630–631. 1167 dot tee markers 1033 drafting settings 1896. 2125 Drawing List Data Fields to Display dialog box 1334 Drawing List Display Configuration dialog box 174 Drawing List Report dialog box 192 Drawing Properties dialog box codes for replaceable parameters 239 Components tab 225 Cross-References tab 229 Drawing Format tab 233 Drawing Settings tab 222. 1334 settings 222. 639 grouping in projects 144 inserting reports into 1318. 1688. 1057 terminal connections 1132 terminal strips 1129 wire numbers 1010 wires 978 dividers 1104.symbols 557–558 directories 182 disconnect 1 pole symbols 462 disconnects 378. 1221 tracking changes 1200 unavailable files 198 updating 1224 updating with imported data 1508 WD_M blocks 253 dual one-line circuits 706 dual power feed circuits 699 duplex receptacle symbols 427. 1694 DWF files exporting 1208 publishing web pages 1205–1206 DXF files 1207 2168 | Index . 1688. 1322. 2125 Styles tab 231 Wire Numbers tab 228 Drawing Settings tab (Drawing Properties dialog box) 222. 461–462 Display tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 Display tab (Insert Connector dialog box) 1157 displaying attributes 869 cross-references 813. 1913 dragging icons on menus 1234 Drawing Audit dialog box 1694 Drawing Format tab (Drawing Properties dialog box) 233 Drawing Format tab (Properties dialog box) 220. 1330 moving to another 1190 previewing 144 processing 196 project-wide changes 1199 properties 202–203 publishing as DWF files 1208 publishing to the Web 1205–1207 removing 144 reordering 144 reports 192. 1555 drawing standards 206. 233 surfing 1187 task list of changes 194 templates 245 title blocks 1213. 1688–1689. 635. 1692. 1611 terminal associations 1055. 2127 drawings adding to projects 140 archiving 187–188 auditing 1686. 576 duplicate numbers 1686. 817 drawings 172 missing catalog assignments 1304 sequencing 1031. 1050. 773 Edit Component . 1650 Edit Attribute dialog box 861 Edit Catalog Record dialog box 1298 Edit Child Component dialog box 769. 1574 text 864–867 user-defined attributes 1509–1510. 1046. 687 electrolytic symbols 575 Index | 2169 . 2044 electrical standards database editor 681. 784–785 sequencing 1030. 1599 footprints 1565. 1264 ladders 963–966. 945. 1309. 1062. 1574 icon menu properties 2119 icon menus 1234. 1311 Edit Report dialog box 243.IEC dialog box 753 Edit Component dialog box 748 Edit Conduit/Wire Way Label dialog box 1631 Edit dialog box 784. 1037. 1062. 943. 994. 1311 pin numbers 1140. 902 Xdata 1695 effect symbols 560 Electrical Audit dialog box 1692 Electrical Database Builder 1648. 947. 861 cable colors 954 cable conductor database 954 cable markers 939. 1128 terminals 606. 1053. 968–969 language database tables 1204 marker blocks 2038 multi-connection sequences 1135. 1295. 1323 Edit Terminal dialog box 1100 Edit Terminal Jumpers dialog box 1127 Edit User Table Data dialog box 855 Edit Wire Connection Sequence dialog box 1037 Edit/Delete Jumpers dialog box 1109 editing attributes 349–350. 1309 Edit Entry dialog box 1138 Edit Footprint Record dialog box 1599 Edit Language Lookup File dialog box 1204 Edit Miscellaneous and Non-AutoCAD Electrical Attributes dialog box 331 Edit Multi-Connection Sequence Terminal Symbol dialog box 1135 Edit PLC I/O Point dialog box 624 Edit PLC Module dialog box 596 Edit Record dialog box 780. 893 terminal associations 1055 terminal jumpers 1109. 1512 wire jumper assignments 856–857 wire numbers 991–992. 1138 multi-line text 880 part numbers 1300 pin lists 1306. 616 records 780 reports 1323 retagging components 879 RSLogix data 642 schematic lookup files 782. 773 components 748. 953 catalogs 1291. 1569. 1565. 1007 wire types 271. 1127 terminal strips 1078. 1152 PLC database 606 PLC modules 596. 753 conduit markers 1627. 570 ECDS to AutoCAD Electrical conversions 1648. 1569. 1298 child components 769. 1613 signal arrows 1012 spreadsheet data 1500 symbols 331. 1123. 1100. 1064.E earth symbols 423. 1650 electrical standards database 711. 1631 cross-reference symbol mapping tables 832 database tables 685 footprint lookup files 1595–1596. 1237. 785. 1064. 575 enclosure light symbols 423 end barriers 1104 energy flow 560 energy savings 26 ENV files 279 environment files 138. 1458 wire annotation exceptions 1348. 651–652 web pages 1205–1207 external codes 1330 external component files 182 external connections 1132 external destinations 1105–1106 external jumpers 1122–1123 Extra Libraries toolbars 117 extra wire numbers 970 extracting components 949. 1433. 1688–1689. 1440. 1448 cross-references 809 exception reports 1428 signal reports 1019 symbol audits 357. 784–785 equipotential bond symbols 570 error checking 1686. 1454 Excel files din rails 853 exporting component data 1502 exporting panel layout data 1506 exporting PLC data 1503–1505 exporting spreadsheet data 1500– 1501. 1561 schematic lookup files 782. 1448 cross-references 809 terminal exceptions 1352. 953 F families family tables in catalogs 1271. 360 terminal exceptions 1352. 1503 exporting terminal data 1506–1507 importing 1175. 953 wires 949. 1692. 1437. 1454 excluding contacts 813 expanding catalog tables 1295 exploding blocks 1654 Export to Spreadsheet dialog box 1501 exporting comma-delimited files 1501–1507 component data 1502 data for Cable & Harness 1519. 1294 family tag code map files 182 family type naming conventions 298 overriding family tags 2125 2170 | Index . 1694 error reports component exceptions 1342. 1521–1522 database files 1501–1507 DWF files 1208 panel layout data 1506 PLC data 1503–1505 reports 1318 RSLogix data 640–642 spreadsheet data 1500–1507 terminal data 1506–1507 Unity Pro data 645–646. 1458 types of 1428 wire annotation exceptions 1348. 1437. 1440. 1433.electronic symbols 426. 279 equipment lists BOM data and 785 inserting components from 785– 787. 789 inserting footprints from 1557– 1559. 1500 mapping to blocks 1663–1665 PLC database content 630 reports 1318 RSLogix data 640–642 structure 1175 updating drawings with data 1508 exception reports auditing drawings 1692 component exceptions 1342. 1025 layers 1022–1023. 1157. 1159. 1279 component data in reports 1344. 1376 cross-reference data 1397. 1378 conduit marker fields in reports 1332 connector data in reports 1372. 1399 drawing file data in reports 1334 missing level/sequence assignments 1346 nameplate data in reports 1350 pin lists 1309. 1356. 1374. 575 fixed spacing 1142. 1386.overriding tags 759 Fan-In/Fan-Out Signal Destination dialog box 1025 Fan-In/Fan-Out Signal Source dialog box 1024 Fan-In/Out Single Line Layer dialog box 1026 fanning markers in or out about 1020 advanced techniques 1996 destination markers 1021. 991–992. 1311 PLC data in reports 1368. 1370. 1384. 1390 report format files 1442. 1380 cable data in reports 1338. 1396 file formats project files 187 web formats 1205–1206 files copying into projects 142 migrating 129 processing 198 Files Unavailable for Processing dialog box 198 filtering catalog records 1277 contact types 1313 report data 1318 Find or Replace Wire Numbers dialog box 987 Find/Edit/Replace (drawing or project) dialog box 865 Find/Edit/Replace Component Text dialog box 866 Find/Replace Terminal Text dialog box 867 finding drawings 865 projects 865 terminal property information 1060 text 864–867 wire number text 986–987 fixed component tags 877–878 fixed resistor symbols 426. 1394. 1167 fixed wire numbers 970. 1358. 1024 styles 1022–1023 fault symbols 562 fence crossing points 775–776 fields BOM data in reports 1340. 1393 terminal strip tables 1113 wire data in reports 1354. 1363–1364 catalog tables 1277. 1444 selecting for reports 1330 terminal data in reports 1388. 545 Index | 2171 . 1026 source markers 1021. 994 Fixed/Unfix Component Tag dialog box 878 flashing beacon light symbols 502 flipping components 805–806 connectors 1144 wire gaps 958 wire numbers 1003 float/level switch symbols 545 flow energy flow symbols 560 flow switch symbols 411 flow switches 545 symbols 559 folders 129 following signals 848–849 fonts 1195 foot switch symbols 415. Schematic Layout Wire Connection Annotation dialog box 1531 format files about 1442 defining 1444 missing level/sequence assignments reports 1452 panel bill of materials reports 1446 panel component exception reports 1448 panel component reports 1451 panel nameplate reports 1456 panel terminal exception reports 1458 panel wire annotation exception reports 1454 panel wire connection reports 1461 schematic bill of material reports 1463 schematic cable from/to reports 1465 schematic cable summary reports 1467. 1622 lookup database file editor 1596 lookup files 1534. 1555 inserting panel assemblies 1564 inserting with spreadsheet data 1536–1537 layers 258 level assignments 1614. 1592 Xdata 1527 Force Attribute/Text to a Different Layer dialog box 863 force symbols 557–558 Form C contacts 827 Format . 1599 Footprint dialog box 1555 Footprint Lookup dialog box 1596 footprint lookup files 182. 1552 inserting from catalogs 1555. 1594–1596. 1557–1559. 1469 schematic component reports 1480 schematic component wire list reports 1471 schematic connector details reports 1474 schematic connector plug reports 1476 schematic connector summary reports 1478 schematic missing bill of material reports 1483 schematic PLC I/O address and descriptions reports 1486 schematic PLC I/O component connection reports 1469 schematic PLC used so far reports 1493 2172 | Index .Footprint Database File Editor 1596. 1595–1596. 1569. 1561 inserting from icon menus 1544. 794–796 inserting 1538. 1557 inserting from equipment lists 787. 1599 footprint_lookup. 1526 automatic updates 1532 catalog lookup tables 1294 configuration 1529 copying 1562 copying panel assemblies 1565 creating with Symbol Builder 2105 deleting 1585 din rails 853 displaying sequencing 1611 editing 1565. 1619. 1540. 1551 inserting from vendor menus 1545. 1548. 1574 extracting footprint lists 790–791. 1542. 1547 inserting manually 1551. 1590. 1599 mapping 1534 naming conventions 298 reports 1428 sequencing 1613 spacing 1544 types of symbols 342 wire information 1587–1588.mdb files 1594 footprints attribute templates 1563 attributes 329. 1402–1403. 465 fusible disconnect symbols 461 G gaps auditing drawings 1689 wire gaps 958 gate valves 421 gauge gauge label files 182 labels 922–924 wires 988. 1656– 1657. 6 hiding cross-references 813 wire numbers 1010 horizontal ribbon 118 horn symbols 423. 1653. 1430. 1444 wire annotations 1531. 824. 1428. 990 General Data Export dialog box 1503 generating automatic reports 1496 reports 1318. 990 frequency meter symbols 551 frequency relay symbols 482 from/to reports cable data 1363. 1592 wire numbers 988. 1419. 1330. 570 grounding conductors 720 group codes copying 1584 group code files 182 groups 144 GRP files 182 H hardware files 651 HCRM values 1271 header information (PLC) 1503 headers in reports 1330 heater element symbols 575 help 3. 1484 fuse switch symbols 465 fuses 376. 827. 1407. 820 description text 763 reports 1442. 832 graphic layers 264 graphic terminal layout 1093 Graphical Cross-Reference Format Setup dialog box 824 green design 26 grids I/O variables 651 terminal grid 606 X Zone grid 234 X-Y Grid 236 ground symbols 423. 1465 controlling sequencing 1029 location codes in 1427 types of 1402 wire data 1384. 1659 exploding blocks 1654 footprint lookup files 1594 global search and replace 864–867 globe valves 421 graphic cross-references 822.schematic terminal numbers reports 1489 schematic terminal plan reports 1491 schematic wire from/to reports 1484 schematic wire label reports 1495 formatting cross-references 817. 570 hour meter symbols 551 HTML files 1205–1206 Hydraulic drawings 1895 hydraulic symbols 1896 attributes 329 by-pass flow regulator 1909 Index | 2173 . 577 geometry adding to blocks 1660 converting to Electrical-aware blocks 1651. 1497. 830. 1499 terminal strip tables 1113 generator symbols 491 generic device box symbols 428. 1910 filters 1899. 1910 inserting 742. 651 inserting points 621 PLC address database information 601 PLC modules 591 schematic attributes 320 types of reports 1402 I/O variables exporting 652 Unity Pro data 651 Icon Menu Wizard about 1232. 1486 advanced techniques 2005 annotating points 622 connection reports 1409. 1254 component icons 1239. 1237 circuit icons 1244. 624 exporting connection data 1504 exporting data for Unity Pro 652 I/O parametric build symbols 298 importing RSLogix data 640–642 importing Unity Pro data 645–646. 1244. 1551 locking menus 1237 menu properties 1250 migrating 2119 pages 2119 preferences 206 settings 1237 sharing with multiple users 1989 submenus 1249. 1906. 1252 icon properties 1234 menu properties 1250 submenus 1249. 1234. 1252 adding icons 1234 advanced techniques 2119 alternate files 1260 best practices 2119 customizing 2119 editing 1264 file structure 1264 footprint display syntax 1599 icon properties 1234 inserting panel footprints with 1544–1545. 1234. 1247. 1903. 1257 adding commands 1242. 1908. 1259 icons adding to menus 1232. 1420.checkvalve flow left 1897. 1237 IEC mode cable markers 943. 1906 single ended piston rod 1909 solenoid spring return 1908 uni-directional pump 1898 I I/O modules address and descriptions reports 1386. 2119 icon menus about 1232 adding circuits 728. 2127 drawing settings 222 2174 | Index . 1259 Icon Menu Wizard dialog box 1237. 1910 libraries 306 meters 1906 motors and pumps 1898 naming conventions 298 pressure gauge 1906 pressure relief valves 1903 reservoir 1899 restrictor with variable output flow 1909 shut off valve open 1897. 947 child components 773 component tags 193 configuring projects for 2125. 1908. 1237 changing images 2119 creating 1232. 1234. 1547– 1548. 1905– 1906. 1469 editing points 620. 1676 insertion 1897–1899. 1257 command icons 1242. 1909 fixed displacement pump 1898 general valves 1897. 1247. 1254 adding components 1239. 1157 cross-reference arrow symbols 847– 848 destination wire markers 1021 Index | 2175 . 1002 in-use pin numbers 1161 incrementing wire numbers 1007 inductive switch symbols 524 information lines 1213. 651 wire types 904. 639 RSLogix data 640–642 spreadsheet data 1500. 729.editing components 753 IEC symbols 441 inserting components 753 IEC Tag Mode Update dialog box 193 IEC tags new drawings 171 updating 193 illuminated push buttons 442 illuminated selector switches 374 Import Wire Type dialog box 273. 904 importing catalog information 1283. 742. 1631 connectors 1040. 1167 cable markers 931. 736 components 738.IEC dialog box 773 Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box 769 Insert/Edit Component . 1300 connector data 1175 data for I/O drawings 635.IEC dialog box 753 Insert/Edit Component dialog box 748 Insert/Edit Conduit/Wire Way Label dialog box 1631 Insert/Edit Panel Level Assignment Component dialog box 1622 Terminal Strip dialog box 1619 Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box 1046 inserting attributes 346. 907 in-line components PLC database information 630 PLC-generated drawings 639 wiring 630 in-line wire labels illustrated 398 inserting 742 schematic attributes 320 symbols 509 in-line wire markers about 925 naming conventions 298 in-line wire numbers 979. 1142. 953 child components 769. 949.IEC dialog box 947 Insert/Edit Cable Marker (2nd+ wire of cable) dialog box 945 Insert/Edit Cable Marker (Parent Wire) IEC dialog box 943 Insert/Edit Cable Marker (Parent Wire) dialog box 939 Insert/Edit Child Component . 945. 789 conditional components 2051 conduit markers 1627. 943. 939. 1508 Unity Pro data 645–646. 947. 774. 1221 Insert Accessory dialog box 1104 Insert Component dialog box 742 Insert Connector dialog box 1157 Insert Destination Code dialog box 1014 Insert dialog box 789 Insert Footprint dialog box 1551 Insert Ladder dialog box 963 Insert Panel Wiring Diagram Terminal Strip Representation dialog box 1615 Insert Pneumatic Component tool 1912 Insert Spare Terminal dialog box 1103 Insert Wire Color/Gauge Labels dialog box 924 Insert Wire Connection dialog box 353 Insert/Edit Attributes dialog box 350 Insert/Edit Cable Marker (2nd+ wire of cable) . 1538 components from catalog lists 776. 708. 350 balloons 1600–1602 break symbols 1159. 778 components from equipment lists 785–787. 773 circuits 690. 1542 WBlocked circuits 729. 1322. 917–918. 773 component data 748. 1114 terminal strips 1066. 943. 1551 footprints from vendor menus 1545. 736 WD_M blocks 253. 1540. 1521–1522 importing data from 1166–1167 invisible extended entity data (Xdata) 1526–1527. 256 WD_PNLM blocks 256 wire connections 351. 753 copying 1584 installation code files 182 location boxes 892 multi-connection sequences 1138 PLC I/O points 624 PLC modules 596 terminal strips 1065 toggling 1106 tracking changes to 1200 updating 883 instrumentation 421. 1555 footprints with spreadsheet data 1537 gauge labels 924 hydraulic components 1676 ladder rungs 966 ladders 960–961. 1557–1559. 1542. 353 wire jumpers 856–857 wire labels 922–924 wire numbers 970–971 wire tags 972–973 wire way labels 1631 wires 913. 592 pneumatic components 1671 power feed circuits 694 prompts during 617 reports into drawings 1318. 953 child components 769. 1330 signal arrows 1014–1015 source wire markers 1021 spacers 1159. 1548. 1547 footprints manually 1551. 551 insulating relay symbols 482 interconnecting components 919 internal codes 1330 internal connections 1132 internal destinations 1105–1106 internal jumpers terminal jumpers 1122–1123 wire jumpers 856–857 Inventor exporting data for Cable & Harness 1519. 1562 footprints from catalogs 1555. 1140 installation manufacturer content 1274 network deployment 1989 symbol libraries 301 installation codes cable markers 939. 963 link line attributes 354 location boxes 892 location codes 881 multi-connection sequences 1138 multiple components 742 nameplates 1609–1610 one-line circuits 700 P&ID symbols 1681 panel assemblies 1564 part numbers 1300 PLC I/O points 621 PLC modules 590. 947. 1561 footprints from icon menus 1544. 1046. 945. 1552. 1615 terminals 1040. 1540. 1538. 1695 item number balloons about 1600 2176 | Index . 844 tee markers 1033 terminal accessories 1104 terminal strip tables 1070. 1557 footprints from equipment lists 787.footprints 1536. 1167 spacing inserted items 1544 spare terminals 1103 splices 1185 stand-alone cross-reference symbols 838. 1425. 264 Index | 2177 . 965 tracking changes to reference numbers 1200 WD_M block attributes 253 Language Conversion dialog box 1203 language tables descriptions 763. 965–966. 968 moving 965 naming conventions 298 phases 963 PLC-generated drawings 635. 963 ladder master line references 298 line reference numbers 966. 1495 X-Y Grid 236 ladder schematics 1140. 1093 jumpers add-on 1122–1123 charts 1071. 1122–1123. Projects 1648.inserting 1601–1602 resequencing 1604–1605 Item Numbering Setup dialog box item numbers balloons 1600–1601. 639 project-wide changes 1199 renumbering 963. 968 defaults 960 format settings 220. 1650 jumper charts 1071. 233 inserting 960–961. 969 resizing 964 rungs 963. 1202 editing 1204 opening 762 language translation 1202–1203 last-used assignments 1283 latch relay coils 380 latching device symbols 567 layers about 258 attribute assignment 331. 1127 terminal strip assignments 1070 wire jumpers 856–857 justified text 870–871 K key switch symbols 545 kwh energy loss 720 L labels cable labels 1364 gauge labels 922–924 reports 1402 wire labels 922–924. 862–863 component block layers 261 configuring for export 1521 exporting wire data to Cable & Harness 1519 fanning markers 1022–1026 footprints 258 moving text to other 863 multi-wire layers 1996 nameplate layers 264 non-text graphic layers 264 panel layers 258. 1125. 1534 ladders about 961 attributes 960 converting non-intelligent ladders 966. 1123. 1093 deleting 1109 editing 1109. 1604 fixed 1606 per-part numbers 211 settings 211 211 J jacks jack connector pin symbols 298 report options 1330 JIC standard 2127 JIC symbols 366 JPEG files 1205–1206 Jr. 963. 968 spacing 960. 1127 external 1122–1123 internal 1122–1123 terminal jumpers 1078. 1609 naming conventions 298 relationships to schematic drawings 1534 reports 1428 resequencing item number balloons 1605 sequencing assignments 1611. 990. 1436. 1619. 1622 level/routing wire connections 1029 nameplates 342.Boundary Box dialog box 1620 level codes 1614 level switches 411 level/routing wire connections 1029 lever switch symbols 545 libraries changing symbol appearance 331 client-specific 190–191 default 300–301 editing symbols in 893 hydraulic symbols 306 installing 301 multiple 300–301 P&ID symbols 306 paths 300 preferences 206 substituting symbols 330 Library Swap -. 233 WD_M block attributes 253 wire layers 265–266. 1452 terminal strips 1619 Level Code Edit . 923– 924. 902. 344 default 301 editing attributes 893 editing text 893 family types 298 hydraulic 306 layers and 331 location 300 multiple 300–301 naming conventions 282. 1613 surfing references 1187 tag lists 758 tagging 1657 templates 1563 tools 1524 wire annotation format 1531 Xdata 1526–1527 leaders wire leaders 922 wire numbers 998 LED light symbols 500 level assignments boundary boxes 1620 components 1622 copying 1614 displaying 1611 missing assignments 1346. 271. 1436. 1195 wire number layers 261. 1569. 262 report tables 1322 schematic layers 258 settings 220. 1574 exporting data 1506 footprint lookup files 1594 item number balloons 1600–1602 level assignments 1614. 1452 removing 1611 reports 1428.renaming 258. 1529 editing 1565.All Drawing dialog box 337 library symbols attributes 345. 342. 970 Layout Preview tab (Terminal Strip Editor) 1093 Layout tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 Layout tab (Insert Connector dialog box) 1157 layouts about 1523 automatic updates 1532 batch plotting 1191 configuration 1527. 349 auditing 357. 360 changing appearance 331 client-specific 190 converting existing 1642 COPYTAG attribute 329 creating 339. 298 P&ID 306 2178 | Index . 1428. 988. 520 line reference numbers 966. 753 copying 1584 from/to reports 1427 inserting 881 location boxes 892 location code files 182 location mark symbols 885.predefined annotations 332 saving 357. 336–338 light dependent electronics symbols 575 limit switches 408. 887 multi-connection sequences 1138 PLC I/O points 624 PLC modules 596 terminal strips 1065 toggling 1105 tracking changes to 1200 updating child codes 882–883 location mark symbols 298. 784–785 loudspeaker symbols 581 M magnetic effect symbols 560 magnetic switch symbols 528 Main Electrical toolbars 94. 354 PLC module boxes 608. 1599 inserting components 789 schematic lookup files 782. 773 component data 748. 614 wire number leader lines 922 LINEx labels 1225 link lines attributes 354 cross-references 846–848 dashed 846–848 point-to-point tools 1140 tools 349 Link Schematic tools 1659 link symbols 1661 linking catalogs to web pages 1277 displaying links 1661 replacing text with Electrical-aware entities 1651. 336–338 Symbol Builder 342 TAG1 attribute 321 TAG2 attribute 321 text size 893 types 342 updating blocks 332–333. 1659 title block attributes 1213 title block information 1218. 968 linear direction 557 lines blank lines in reports 1330 link lines 349. 359 schematic attributes 320 splitting tag names 299 substituting 330 swapping blocks 332–333. 953 child components 769. 1653. 1547 installing additional content 1274 MFG fields 1279 pin lists 1311 PLC database information 601 PLC modules 590. 885. 596 sorting catalog databases by 1291 Index | 2179 . 947. 104 manufacturers catalog tables 1271 inserting footprints from vendor menus 1544–1545. 887 Location Symbols dialog box 887 locations of files 182 locking icon menu files 1237 lookup files footprint lookup files 1595–1596. 945. 943. 1220 unlinking symbols 1661 linking tools 1932 list of commands 2148 Load or Reload Linetypes dialog box 1915 loads 1668–1670 wires 720 Location Box dialog box 892 location boxes 892 Location Code Selection for From/To Reporting dialog box 1427 location codes cable markers 939. 824.mdb files 681 MDB files exporting 1501–1507 importing 1175 location 182 measurement units 1303 mechanical controls 566–568 mechanical footprints attributes 1526 Xdata 1527 mechanical resonance relay symbols 482 menus adding symbols to 885. 1547 Merge Utility 129 Merge/Copy Options dialog box 134 merging databases 129 merging files during migration 129. 136 minimum active power relay symbols 482 minimum impedance relay symbols 482 mirroring wire numbers 1003 MISC_CAT tables 1271. 1259 vendor icon menus 1544–1545. 551 MFG fields 1271 microphone symbols 581 migrating merge options 134 Migration Utility 129 PLC database 135. 620 settings and customizations 131– 132 Migration Review dialog box 136 Migration Utility about 129 settings 130–132. 887. 1551 main menu properties 1250 renaming 1250 sharing with multiple users 1989 submenus 1249.updating 883 mapping AutoLISP values to title blocks 1227 block replacements 1663–1665 contact mapping cross-references 822. 830 data for import 639 editing symbol mapping tables 832 imported Inventor data properties 1166–1167 ladder diagrams to panel layouts 1534 non-Electrical blocks 1642. 1234. 1644 title block attributes 1213 title blocks information 1218. 134 meters 421. 1232 alternate icon menus 1260 command properties 1254 icon menus 1232. 1237. 134. 1548. 827. 1294 MISC1 attribute 2037 miscellaneous attributes 331 Missing Bill of Material Data Fields to Report dialog box 1380 Missing Bill of Material reports fields in 1380 formatting 1483 generating 1418 missing catalog assignments 1304 Missing Level/Sequence Assignments dialog box 1436 Missing Level/Sequence Assignments reports about 1428 fields in 1346 formatting 1452 generating 1436 MNT files 182 2180 | Index . 1220 wire labels 922–924 wire list data to Inventor Cable & Harness 1519 Mark and Verify dialog box 1202 marker blocks 2037–2038 marking changes 1200 MARKVERIFY table 1200 master test pilot lights 391 MAXNC attribute 1305 MAXNO attribute 1305 MAXNONC attribute 1305 MCC database 681 mcc. Modify Line Reference Numbers dialog box 968 Modify/Fix/Unfix dialog box 994 Module Box Dimensions dialog box 608 Module Layout dialog box 591 Module Specifications dialog box 616 modules specification table 601 terminal information table 601 motion symbols 557–558 motor control circuits customizing 2006 wire numbers 975 motor control symbols 1-phase 487 3-phase 489 DC motors 490 general 486 generators 491 illustrated 387 starters 492 tags in wire numbers 2059 motor starter symbols 492 motor symbol tags 2061 motors 1-phase 487 3-phase 489 database 711–712 DC motors 490 generators 491 starters 492 mount codes copying 1584 mount code files 182 moving attributes 798. 1003 mtext (multiline text) editing 880 formatting wire annotations 1592 wire information 1587–1588 Multi-Connection Sequence Terminal symbols 1134 multi-connection terminals about 1134 editing 1135. 1303 multiple catalogs 1273. 1338 Multiple Cable Markers dialog box 949 Multiple Catalog Part Number Assignments dialog box 756. 1303 multiple clients about 190 libraries 191 project setup 192 sharing icon menus 1989 title blocks 190–191 Vault setup 2134 multiple connection terminals 320 multiple libraries 300–301 multiple part numbers 1578 Multiple Wire Bus dialog box 918 multipole circuits 2047. 2052 multipole terminal block units 1313 N Nameplate reports about 1428 fields in 1350 formatting 1456 generating 1439 nameplates about 342. 1609 Index | 2181 . 801 descriptions 868 ladders 965 leaders with wire numbers 998 pins 1151 text to other layers 863 wire numbers 996–997. 1138 multi-level terminal strips 1078 multi-level terminals 1055 multi-stack terminals 1055 multi-tier terminals 1055 Multiple Bill of Material Information dialog box 755. 999. 1303 multiple Bill of Materials 1303 multiple bus wiring 918. 1163 multiple cable markers 949. 868 attributes to other layers 862–863 catalog files 1272 circuits 726 components 798. Tag Format Family Override dialog box 759 2182 | Index . 2119 wire connections 2112 navigating through drawings 1190 NC contact state 809 neon pilot lights 392 network deployment 1989 new circuits 2032 new drawings 168 New Module dialog box 611 NEW_DWG value 630 next drawing command 1190 NO contact state 809 no wire numbering 28 non-AutoCAD Electrical attributes 331 non-intelligent ladders 966. 818– 819 tags 759. 1174 pin annotations 1313 terminal strips 1130 Orientation tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 Orientation tab (Insert Connector dialog box) 1157 origin points 339 overriding cross-reference settings 815. 329 creating 2098 naming conventions 298 online help 3. 968 non-text graphic layers 264 normal wire numbers 970 NULL contact values 813 Optional ENV File Assignment for Current Project dialog box 279 Optional Script File Reference dialog box 1322 orientation connectors 1157. 1456 stretchable 1610 surfing references 1187 naming conventions attribute templates 2107 catalog tables 1271 circuit templates 2044 menus 1250 panel footprints 2105 schematic lookup files 782 symbols 282. 1428. 6 opening drawings 1190 opening tables 682 operating devices 557 Option . 298. 2125 wire types 275 P P&ID drawing 1912 P&ID drawings 1895 p&id symbols 1916 ball mill 1916 conveyor 1917 dryer 1918 equipment 1916 field mounted instruments 1918 flow arrow down 1921 flow arrows 1921 gate valve 1918 mixer2 1917 P&ID symbols attributes 329 inserting 742. 703.creating 1610 inserting 1609 layers 264 reports 1350. 700. 1439. 706 one-line symbols 304. 1681 libraries 306 naming conventions 298 page breaks in reports 1330 Panel Balloon Setup dialog box 1602 Panel Bill of Material Data Fields to Report dialog box 1340 Panel Bill of Materials dialog box 1432 Panel Component Data Fields to Report dialog box 1344 Panel Component dialog box 1435 O OFF-delay timers 384 older versions of files 129 one-line circuits 27. 1542. 1538. 1622 lookup files 182. 1529 editing 1565. 1613 surfing references 1187 tag lists 758 tagging 1657 templates 1563 tools 1524 wire annotation format 1531 Xdata 1526–1527 panel lists inserting components from 790– 791. 1547 inserting manually 1551. 1574 exporting data 1506 footprint lookup files 1594 item number balloons 1600–1602 level assignments 1614.Terminal Insert/Edit dialog box 1574 Panel Layout Data Export dialog box 1506 Panel Layout List . 1619. 1599 mapping 1534 naming conventions 298 reports 1428 sequencing assignments 1611. 1613 spacing 1544 symbols 342 wire information 1587–1588. 262 settings 258 Panel Layout . 1590. 794–796 inserting 1536.Schematic Components Insert dialog box 791 Panel Layout toolbar 108 panel layouts about 1523 automatic updates 1532 configuration 1527. 1552 inserting from catalogs 1555. 1548. 1594–1596. 1569. 1555 inserting panel assemblies 1564 inserting with spreadsheet data 1537 layers 258 level assignments 1614.Panel Component Exception Data Fields to Report dialog box 1342 Panel Component Exception dialog box 1433 Panel Component Layers dialog box 264 panel component lists 794 Panel Components dialog box 794 Panel Drawing Configuration and Defaults dialog box 1529 Panel Equipment In dialog box 1559 Panel Footprint dialog box 1557 Panel Footprint Lookup Database File Editor dialog box 1596 panel footprints attribute templates 1563 attributes 329. 1526 automatic updates 1532 catalog lookup tables 1294 configuration 1529 copying 1562 copying panel assemblies 1565 creating with Symbol Builder 2105 din rails 853 editing 1565. 1619. 1609 naming conventions 298 relationships to schematic drawings 1534 reports 1428 resequencing item number balloons 1605 sequencing assignments 1611. 1592 Xdata 1527 panel layers renaming 258. 1569. 1557 inserting from equipment lists 1557–1559. 1622 level/routing wire connections 1029 nameplates 342.Component Insert/Edit dialog box 1569 Panel Layout . 1534. 794 Index | 2183 . 1551 inserting from vendor menus 1545. 1561 inserting from icon menus 1544. 1540. 1574 extracting footprint lists 790–791. 1433. 1451 generating 1330.inserting terminals from 795–796 Panel Missing Level/Sequence Assignments Data Fields to Report dialog box 1346 Panel Nameplate Data Fields to Report dialog box 1350 Panel Nameplate dialog box 1439 panel reports about 1318. 1613 surfing references 1187 tag lists 758 tagging 1657 templates 1563 tools 1524 wire annotation format 1531 Xdata 1526–1527 paralleled wires 720 parameters drawing properties 239 wire annotations 1590. 1441. 1454 wire connection reports 1354. 943.Schematic Terminals Insert dialog box 795 Panel Terminal Strip Graphical Report Parameters dialog box 1624 Panel Terminals Data Export dialog box 1506 Panel Terminals dialog box 796 panel terminals lists 795 Panel Wire Annotation Exception Data Fields to Report dialog box 1348 Panel Wire Connection Data Fields to Report dialog box 1354 Panel Wire Connection dialog box 1441 panels about 1523 automatic updates 1532 configuration 1527. 1437. 1440. 1569. 947 parent location codes 882–883 parent symbols about 342 2184 | Index . 1439. 1435. 1456 terminal exception reports 1352. 1461 Panel Tag List dialog box 758 Panel Terminal Exception Data Fields to Report dialog box 1352 Panel Terminal Exception dialog box 1440 Panel Terminal List . 1622 level/routing wire connections 1029 nameplates 342. 1446 component exception reports 1342. 590 parametric twisted pair symbols naming conventions 298 schematic attributes 320 parent attributes 342 parent cable markers 931. 1428 automatic generation 1496 bill of materials reports 1340. 1432. 945. 1458 types of 1428 wire annotation exception reports 1348. 1592 wire numbers 990 wires 720 parametric connectors 320 parametric PLC modules 588. 1609 naming conventions 298 panel assemblies 1563–1565 relationships to schematic drawings 1534 reports 1428 resequencing item number balloons 1605 schematic-to-panel terminal relationships 1055 sequencing assignments 1611. 1428. 1452 nameplate reports 1350. 1574 exporting data 1506 footprint lookup files 1594 item number balloons 1600–1602 level assignments 1614. 1529 editing 1565. 1448 component reports 1344. 1430 list of 1428 missing level/sequence assignments reports 1346. 939. 1436. 1619. 1161 point-to-point wiring 1140 schematic attributes 320 swapping 1150 tracking changes to 1200 Pin Numbers in Use dialog box 764 pin tools 349 PINLIST attribute 1305 PINLIST database 1309 PINLIST field 1311. 1309. 1309.creating 2090 schematic attributes 320 TAG1 attribute 321 part catalogs 1271 part numbers assigning 1283. 773 component data 748. 338 project files 187 signal paths 849 PC3 (plotter configuration files) 1193 PDS (Project Database Service) 1509 PEER_COILPINS field 1311. 1578 multiple bill of materials 1303 sorting catalog databases by 1291 terminal catalog codes 1083 updating 883 Parts Catalog dialog box 1291 passing power 1670 pasting database tables 682 paths file locations 182 libraries 300. 753 in-use numbers 764 inserting 1157 moving 1151 naming conventions 298 pin assignments 1984 pin charts 1330 pin lists 1161. 1984 peer-to-peer relationships 1981 phase meter symbols 551 phases 963 photo eye switch symbols 415 photoelectric emitter switch symbols 530. 1311 type 4 pin combinations 1313 pin numbers editing 1152 exporting for Cable & Harness 1519 in-use 764. 1305–1307. 1311 pin numbers in use 1161 selecting 1307 special uses 1313 table structure 1309. 1311 pin tools 349 PLC I/O points 624 Index | 2185 . 1984 PINLIST_TYPE attribute 1313 pins adding to connectors 1148 annotations 1313 child components 769. 1285. 1984 PEER_PINLIST field 1311. 535 photosensitive electronic symbols 575 physical representation block symbols 1534 Pick List for Panel Terminal Strip Report/Graphical Report dialog box 1623 pigtails 339 pilot lights beacon light symbols 502–503 general symbols 493 illustrated 390 LED symbols 500 master test pilot lights 391 neon pilot lights 392 push to test light symbols 497 standard light symbols 494 transformer light symbols 496 pin charts 1330 pin lists about 1305 advanced techniques 1984 assignments 1313 editing 1306. 1293 editing 1300 inserting 1300 multiple 755–756. 535 photoelectric emitter-receiver switch symbols 535 photoelectric receiver switch symbols 533. 1167 swapping numbers 1150 pipes 1900. 2005 editing 596. 639 migrating 129 Migration utility 135 PLC Database Migration utility 620 tables in 601 PLC Database File Editor dialog box 606. 620 editing 606 generating drawings 630–631. 639 I/O points 620. 616 editing symbols 620. 630 DESCRIPTION field 135. 1919 piping & instrumentation 1912 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram symbols inserting 742. 630. 614 component data in reports 1368 copying 602 creating 611 data fields in reports 1386 database 601. 1681 libraries 306 naming conventions 298 symbol attributes 329 pitch 1130 PLC Component Connection Data Fields to Report dialog box 1368 PLC database about 601 advanced techniques 2005 CATEGORY field 135. 620 module data 630 naming conventions 298 parametric symbols 588 PLC modules used so far in reports 1390. 624 importing Unity Pro data 645–646. 1486 advanced techniques 2005 annotating points 622 AutoLISP routines 611 boxes 608. 651 inserting 592 inserting AutoCAD blocks 611 inserting I/O points 621 line properties 608 migration utility 135. 1423.PLC modules 596 point-to-point wiring 1140 reports 1330 schematic attributes 320 settings 1157 spacing 1159. 1493 2186 | Index . 635. 620 contents 588. 635. 2005 PLC Database Migration utility 620 PLC I/O Address and Descriptions Data Fields to Report dialog box 1386 PLC I/O Address and Descriptions reports about 1402 fields in 1386. 624 exporting address/description data 1505 exporting header data 1503 exporting I/O connection data 1504 exporting Unity Pro data 652 full units 588 generating 588 generating drawings 630–631. 1505 formatting 1486 generating 1420 PLC I/O Address/Description Export dialog box 1505 PLC I/O Component Connection reports about 1402 fields in 1368 formatting 1469 generating 1409 PLC I/O Connection Export dialog box 1504 PLC I/O Header Information Export dialog box 1503 PLC I/O modules address and descriptions in reports 1420. 613 tracking changes to 1200 wire numbers 977 PLC I/O Wire Numbers dialog box 977 PLC Modules Used So Far Data Fields to Report dialog box 1390 PLC Modules Used So Far reports about 1402 fields in 1390 formatting 1493 generating 1423 PLC Parametric Selection dialog box 590 PLC Selection dialog box 607 PLCIO files 620 plotter configuration files (PC3) 1193 plotting 1191 plug connectors inserting 1157.Project Drawing Files Update dialog box 195 project files about 138 contents 187 settings in 202 project label files 182 Project Manager 1714. 1895. 1728. 154 Copy Project dialog box 156 creating projects 140 Define Layers dialog box 261 Drawing List Display Configuration dialog box 171. 610. 696. 699–700. 802.prompts 617 reports 1402 RSLogix data 640–642 splitting 798. 1671 PNG files 1205–1206 point-to-point schematics 1140 point-to-point wiring tools bending wires 1162 connector tools 1140 importing connector data 1175 importing data 1166–1167 multiple buses 1163 splices 1185 post-processing reports 1330 Power Check tools 117. 703. 509 power factor meter symbols 551 power feed circuits 694. 1912 about 138. 624 stretching 798. 2125 Index | 2187 . 174 Drawing List Report dialog box 192 Properties dialog box 206 Select Drawings to Process dialog box 196 switching projects 145 Task List dialog box 194 Project Settings tab (Properties dialog box) 206. 1167 pneumatic components 742. 805 spreadsheet format 630 stand-alone points 620. 1402. 1476 plug/receptacle combinations 1157. 1167 plug/jack connector pin symbols 298 reports 1330. 802 styles 626 symbol illustrations 394 symbol schematic attributes 320 symbols 320. 1413. 706 power receptacles 427. 576 power source symbols 570 Power Source/Load Report dialog box 1670 power sources reports 1670 symbols 1668–1670 power switches 459 prefixes on signal arrows 1012 pressure switches 410. 1668–1670 power distribution blocks 399. 522 pressure/current converter symbols 551 previewing drawings 144 previous drawing command 1190 previous releases migrating custom settings 131–132 migrating files 129 printing reports 1330 Project Database Service (PDS) 1509 Project Database Table Data . 505 terminals 603. 1374. 1694 client setup 192 collaborative design 158 comparing settings 240–241 configuring for drawing standards 2125. 1688–1689. 1728. 2134 versions of 2134 zipping 187 promis. 1300 creating 140 cross-references 815 database files 196 database table data 195 deleting 189 deleting drawings 144 descriptions 187. 1641 promis. 1912 about 138 adding drawings 140 alternate environment settings 279 archiving 187–188 auditing 1686.e conversion 1638–1639. 1895. 204 file formats 187 fixed component tags 877–878 icon menu files 1260 managing drawings in 144 master files 158 multiple clients 190–191 previewing 144 project files 187 Project Manager 154 project-related files 182 project-wide utilities 1195 properties 202–203 recently opened 138 related files 182 resizing all text 873 saving settings 240–241 saving to web sites 1205–1207 script files 1195 surfing 1187 switching 145 task lists 194 terminal lists 1046 Vault and 158.e Conversion dialog box 1639 prompts missing 360 PLC modules 617 Prompts at Module Insertion Time dialog box 617 propagation flow or signal symbols 559 properties about 202–203 circuit icons 1257 command icons 1254 component icons 1252 copying 1058 din rails 853 drawings 202–203 icons 1234 imported Inventor data 1166–1167 line entities 853 mapping for export to Cable & Harness 1519 menus 1250 project-wide changes 1199 projects 202–203 2188 | Index . 1692.e projects 1641 copying 142 copying catalog information 1283. 2127 converting promis. 1221 translating descriptions 1202–1203 updating and retagging 1199 Project-Wide Update or Retag dialog box 1199 Project-Wide Utilities dialog box 1195 projects 1714.Project Zip dialog box 188 project-related files 182 Project-wide Schematic Terminal Renumber dialog box 1133 project-wide tools batch plotting 1191 marking changes 1200 moving between drawings 1190 Project-Wide Utilities dialog box 1195 publishing to the Web 1205–1207 renumbering ladders 1196 scripts 1195 surfing 1187 title blocks 1213. 1064.submenus 1259 templates 245 terminals 1046. 535 touch switch symbols 539 ultrasonic switch symbols 537 Publish to Web .Main Menu dialog box 1250 Properties . 773 component data 748.Submenu dialog box 1259 Properties dialog box Components tab 211 configuring for IEC standard 2125 Cross-References tab 216 Drawing Format tab 220 Project Settings tab 206 Styles tab 218 Wire Numbers tab 215 proximity switches capacitive switch symbols 526 illustrated 415 inductive switch symbols 524 magnetic switch symbols 528 photoelectric emitter switch symbols 530.Component dialog box 1252 Properties . 1060–1062. 545 purging unused items 1688 push buttons 366. 1119 receptacle connectors 1157.Circuit dialog box 1257 Properties .Temporary Folder for Build dialog box 1206 publishing drawing files as HTML 1205–1206 options 1207 pull cord switch symbols 415. 535 photoelectric emitter-receiver switch symbols 535 photoelectric receiver switch symbols 533. 1078 wire numbers 979 X zones 234 X-Y grid 236 Properties .Command dialog box 1254 Properties . 780 catalog structure 1277 Index | 2189 . 753 entering values 807–808 PLC I/O points 624 ratings defaults files 182 terminals 1046 tools 349 updating 883 Ratings Defaults dialog box 808 RC network symbols 575 reactors 463 real time error checking files 182 Reassign Terminal dialog box 1101 reassigning terminals 1101 Rebuild Database File dialog box 196 rebuilding databases 196 rebuilding terminal strips 1093. 1053. 1167 recording wattmeter symbols 551 records adding 685. 441–442 push to test light symbols 497 pyrometer symbols 551 Q qualifying symbols effect symbols 560 energy flow symbols 560 fault symbols 562 linear direction of force or motion 557 mechanical controls symbols 568 operating devices 557 propagation flow or signal symbols 559 radiation symbols 561 rotative direction of force or motion 558 winding symbols 565 quick relay coil symbols 482 566– R radiation symbols 561 RATING field 1279 ratings child components 769. 1585 database tables 683 drawings 144 footprints 1585 jumpers 1109 location mark symbols 885 marker blocks 2037 pins from connectors 1149 projects 189 sequencing 1611 tracking deleted objects 1200 wire gaps 958 wire numbers 1010 Rename Panel Layers dialog box 262 Rename Schematic Layers dialog box 262 renaming attributes 875 layers 258. 482 illustrated 379. 782 editing footprint lookup files 1596. 785 terminal properties 1060.Schematic Bill of Material dialog box 1463 Report Format File Setup . 1119 relationships 1055. 580 existing circuits 724 format settings 220.Missing Level/Sequence Assignments dialog box 1452 Report Format File Setup . 780.Panel Bill of Material dialog box 1446 Report Format File Setup . 1057 relays counter relay symbols 481 current protection relay symbols 479 general symbols 476. 969 terminal strips 1102 terminals 1133 reordering drawings 144 repairing wire gaps 1689 replaceable parameters 239 replacing blocks using spreadsheet data 1663– 1665 text 864–867 WD_M blocks 255 wire number text 986–987 Report Format File Setup .Panel Nameplate dialog box 1456 Report Format File Setup .Panel Terminal Exception dialog box 1458 Report Format File Setup . 382 relays with suppression symbols 477 sensing lack of phase 482 time delay relay symbols 485 voltage protection relay symbols 480 relays with suppression symbols 477 Remove Component Override dialog box 819 removing components 798–799.Schematic Cable Summary dialog box 1467 Report Format File Setup . 1599 editing in catalogs 1298 schematic lookup files 782. 1064 user data 854–855 Ref Des (tags) 748 referencing arrow symbols 431.Schematic Cable From/To dialog box 1465 Report Format File Setup . 233 WD_M block attributes 253 refreshing terminal strips 1093.editing 685.Schematic Component dialog box 1480 2190 | Index .Panel Wire Connection dialog box 1461 Report Format File Setup .Panel Component Exception dialog box 1448 Report Format File Setup . 262 menus 1250 Renumber Ladders dialog box 969 Renumber Terminal Strip dialog box 1102 renumbering ladders 963.Panel Component dialog box 1451 Report Format File Setup . 1624 types of 1402 updating configurations 244 wildcard characters 1318 wire signal reports 1019 Resequence Panel Item Numbers dialog box 1605 resequencing item number balloons 1604–1605 terminal numbers 1133 resistors 426. 1444 reports about 1318 automatic 1496–1497. 1430 power check reports 1670 printing 1330 resizing 1330 running 1496–1497.Schematic PLC I/O Component Connection dialog box 1469 Report Format File Setup .Schematic Terminal Numbers dialog box 1489 Report Format File Setup . 1444 from/to reports 1029 generating 1330.Report Format File Setup .Schematic Component Wire List dialog box 1471 Report Format File Setup . 1499 change-tracking reports 1202 conduit markers 1634–1635 conduit routing reports 1636 cross-references 809 drawing lists 192 editing 1323 exception/error reports 809 exporting for Cable & Harness 1519.Schematic Connector Plug dialog box 1476 Report Format File Setup . 575 resizing ladders 964 reports 1330 text 873–874.Schematic PLC I/O Address and Descriptions dialog box 1486 Report Format File Setup .Schematic PLC Modules Used So Far dialog box 1493 Report Format File Setup . 1521–1522 filtering 1318 format files 1442.Schematic Terminal Plan dialog box 1491 Report Format File Setup . 893 wire numbers 1008 wires 921 Retag Components dialog box 879 retagging components 879 Index | 2191 .Schematic Missing Bill of Material dialog box 1483 Report Format File Setup .Schematic Connector Details dialog box 1474 Report Format File Setup .Schematic Connector Summary dialog box 1478 Report Format File Setup .Schematic Wire From/To dialog box 1484 Report Format File Setup . 243 sorting 1330 stand-alone reference code reports 1019 surfing 812 table setup 1322 terminal pick lists 1623 terminal strip tables 1070. 1499 saving 1330 saving to script files 1322 schematic reports 1402–1403 settings 1330 settings lists 241.Wire Annotation Exception dialog box 1454 report format files 1442. 1403 grouping 1496 inserting in drawings 1330 missing catalog assignments 1304 panel reports 1428.Schematic Wire Label dialog box 1495 Report Format File Setup . 1008 rotating beacon light symbols 503 rotative direction symbols 558 routing copying 1614 displaying 1611 editing 1613 removing 1611 wire conduit routing data in reports 1396 routing reports 1396. 1144 reviewing drawing sets 1200 RGF files 1496 ribbon about 25. 1636 rows report tables 1322 row styles 1110 RSLogix exporting PLC spreadsheets 640– 642 importing files 182 RSLogix 500 Import Change Module dialog box 642 RSLogix 500 Import dialog box 641 ruling (terminal strips) 1130 rungs inserting 966 spacing 963. 359 web formats 1205–1207 scale conduit markers 1631 format settings 220. 117 Conduit Marker tools 116 Conversion tools 115 displaying and organizing 118 Extra Library tools 117 Main Electrical tools 94. 968 running automatic reports 1496 reports 1318. 735 custom settings 132 DWF files 1208 project settings 240–241 reports 1330 symbols 357. 104 Panel Layout tools 108 Power Check tools 117 right angle bends 922 rolling back projects 2134 rotating attributes 870 connectors 1142–1143 terminal strips 1130 wire numbers 997. 965. 1416 Schematic Component Wire List dialog box 1410 Schematic Components List Panel Layout Insert dialog box 1538 Schematic Components or Terminals dialog box 1542 Schematic Connector Details dialog box 1412 Schematic Connector Plug dialog box 1413 2192 | Index . 233 PLC modules 590 text 893 Schematic Bill of Material dialog box 1405 Schematic Cable From/To dialog box 1407 Schematic Cable Summary dialog box 1407 Schematic Component dialog box 778. 1497.project-wide changes 1199 reusing circuits 735 Reverse/Flip Component dialog box 806 reversing components 805–806 connectors 1142. 1499 scripts 1195 S sandbox guidelines 2134 Save Circuit to Icon Menu dialog box 735 Save Symbol dialog box 359 saving circuits 728. 1425. 1413. 1399 generating 1330. 1476 connector summary reports 1376. 1409. 1422. 1688–1689. 1694 automatic updates 1532 generating from PLC I/O modules 630–631. 262 settings 258 Schematic Layout Wire Connection Annotation dialog box 1592 schematic lookup files about 782 editing 782. 1486 PLC modules used so far reports 1390. 1480 connection sequencing reports 1029 connector data 1372 connector details reports 1412. 1418. 1416. 1465 cable label reports 1364 cable summary reports 1358. 784–785 inserting components 789 location 182 Schematic Missing Bill of Material dialog box 1418 Schematic PLC I/O Address and Descriptions dialog box 1420 Schematic PLC I/O Component Connection dialog box 1409 Schematic PLC Modules Used So Far dialog box 1423 Schematic Report dialog box 1935. 1534 layers 258 panel component spreadsheet data 1536–1537 point-to-point 1140 relationship to panel layouts 1534 reports 1428 showing links 1661 tagging 1656 wire connections 1029 Schematic Equipment In dialog box 789 schematic layers renaming 258. 1463 cable from/to reports 1363. 1402 automatic generation 1496 bill of materials reports 1356. 1407. 1471 schematic symbols attributes 320 child symbols 342 inserting 742 parent symbols 342 terminal symbols 342 Index | 2193 . 1542 ladder diagrams 1140. 1407. 1415. 1469 PLC I/O address and descriptions reports 1420. 639 inserting panel footprints 1538.Schematic Connector Summary dialog box 1415 Schematic Database File Editor 784–785 schematic diagrams attributes 320 auditing 1686. 1542 inserting terminals 1540. 1410. 1495 wire list reports 1370. 1419. 635. 1478 cross-reference data 1397. 1483 PLC connection reports 1368. 1491 types of 1402 wire conduit routing data 1396 wire from/to reports 1384. 1489 terminal plan reports 1393. 1474 connector plug reports 1374. 1484 wire label reports 1394. 1423. 1467 component reports 1378. 1402 list of 1402 location codes in from/to reports 1427 missing bill of material reports 1380. 1421. 1405. 1386. 1692. 1937 schematic reports about 1318. 1493 terminal numbers reports 1388. 1428. 1037. 1542 inserting terminals with 1540. 1688–1689. 1694 automatic updates 1532 generating from PLC I/O modules 630–631.Schematic Terminal Numbers dialog box 1421 Schematic Terminal Plan dialog box 1422 Schematic Terminals List Panel Layout Insert dialog box 1540 Schematic Wire From/To dialog box 1419 Schematic Wire Label dialog box 1425 Schematic Wire Numbers Panel Wiring Diagram dialog box 1590 schematic-to-panel terminal relationships 1055 schematic-to-schematic terminal relationships 1055 schematics attributes 320 auditing 1686. 1542 ladder diagrams 1140. 1914 Select Description from AutoCAD Electrical Language Table dialog box 762– 763 Select Description Text Format dialog box 763 Select Drawings to Process dialog box 196 Select Linetype dialog box 1901. 452 sensors 551 sequence assignments missing 1346. 1914 Select Linetypes File dialog box 1915 Select Lineweight dialog box 1914 Select Load dialog box 712 Select Motor dialog box 711 Select Pin List Table dialog box 1307 Select Row Cell Styles dialog box 1110 Select Symbol/Objects dialog box 344 Select Terminal Information dialog box 610 Select Terminal Properties Table dialog box 1061 Select Terminals to Jumper dialog box 1125 Select Xdata to Change to a Block Attribute dialog box 1527 selector switches 370. 1534 layers 258 panel component spreadsheet data 1536–1537 point-to-point 1140 relationship to panel layouts 1534 reports 1428 showing links 1661 tagging 1656 wire connections 1029 scooting components 798. 712 Select Color dialog box 1901. 1436. 1613 removing 1611 2194 | Index . 1452 sequencing about 1029 displaying 1031. 639 inserting panel footprints with 1538. 800 connectors 1140 wire numbers 996 wires 798. 445. 1692. 374. 1452 reports 1428. 450. 1140 SCR symbols 575 scratch databases 195 Script File Options Reference dialog box 1322 scripts adding icons for 1242 batch plotting 1193 project-wide scripts 1195 saving reports to script files 1322 search paths file locations 182 libraries 300 searching finding wire number text 986–987 terminal properties database 1060 text 864–867 sections in report tables 1322 Select Circuit dialog box 710. 1436. 1611 editing 1030. 635. 800. 407 siren symbols 570 size connectors 1157.resequencing item numbers 1605 tee markers 1033–1034 sequential codes 1303 SET files about 1442 defining 1444 missing level/sequence assignments reports 1452 panel bill of materials reports 1446 panel component exception reports 1448 panel component reports 1451 panel nameplate reports 1456 panel terminal exception reports 1458 panel wire annotation exception reports 1454 panel wire connection reports 1461 schematic bill of material reports 1463 schematic cable from/to reports 1465 schematic cable summary reports 1467 schematic component reports 1480 schematic component wire list reports 1471 schematic connector details reports 1474 schematic connector plug reports 1476 schematic connector summary reports 1478 schematic missing bill of material reports 1483 schematic PLC I/O address and descriptions reports 1486 schematic PLC I/O component connection reports 1469 schematic PLC used so far reports 1493 schematic terminal numbers reports 1489 schematic terminal plan reports 1491 schematic wire from/to reports 1484 schematic wire label reports 1495 Set Pass Power dialog box 1670 Set Power Source/Load Value dialog box 1669 Set Wire Type dialog box 278 Settings dialog box 787. 576 single side connectors 403.Source Code dialog box 1015 signal arrow symbols about 1011 inserting 1014–1015 naming conventions 298 prefixes 1012 project-wide changes 1195 styles 1012. 1561 Settings List Utility about 241 configuration updates 244 editing reports 243 shapes 1551 sharing files 1989 Vault guidelines 2134 sheets project-wide changes 1199 settings 222 shields (cable) 956 Show Link tool 1661 shunt symbols 575 Signal . 1011 destination 848–849 fanning markers 1024–1026 following 848–849 project-wide changes 1199 schematic symbol attributes 320 source 848–849 symbol naming conventions 298 symbols 559 updating 845 single pole double throw switches 418 single receptacle symbols 427. 1167 Index | 2195 . 1016. 1018 Signal Code dialog box 849 signals arrows 298. 1647 SPACER value 630 spacers 1159. 182. 580 importing occurrences from Inventor 1166–1167 inserting 1185 naming conventions 298 schematic attributes 320 Split Block dialog box 805 Split Connector dialog box 805 splitting blocks 798. 547 sorting database tables 685 sorting reports 1330 source arrows 1647 source codes source code lists 1019 tracking changes to 1200 source cross-reference symbols 809. 963 pins 1159. 610 rungs 965.text size 873–874. 1103 spare wires 1632 Special Explode dialog box 1654 special wire numbers 975 splice symbols exporting data for Cable & Harness 1519 illustrated 423. 968 Spacing for Component or Footprint Insertion dialog box 1544 spare connectors 403. 407 spare terminal strips 1103 spare terminals 1078. 844– 845 source markers adding 1021 advanced techniques 1996 fanning 1020 layers 1022–1024. 1167 spacing buses 918. 1015. 805 components 798. 320. 805 connectors 798. 1011–1012. 1026 styles 1022–1024 source wire signal symbols 298. 2053 fixed spacing 1142 inserted items 1544 ladders 960. 802. 635 Spreadsheet to PLC I/O Utility Setup dialog box 639 spreadsheets din rails 853 exporting component data 1502 exporting data to 1500–1501. 1167 PLC database information 601 PLC modules 591. 802. 893 wires 720–721 Size tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 Size tab (Insert Connector dialog box) 1157 SKIP value 630 solenoids 419. 620. 606. 805. 1147 tag names 299 terminal tables 1070 Spreadsheet to PLC I/O utility 135. 802. 1503 exporting panel layout data 1506 exporting PLC data 1503–1505 exporting terminal data 1506–1507 importing connector data 1175 importing data from 1500 mapping to blocks 1663–1665 PLC database content 630 reports 1318 RSLogix data 640–642 structure 1175 updating drawings with data 1508 squeezing reports 1330 text 873 Stand-Alone Destination Cross-Reference Symbol dialog box 844 stand-alone I/O points 620 Stand-Alone Source Cross-Reference Symbol dialog box 844 2196 | Index . stand-alone symbols cross-reference symbols 430. 336–338 libraries 337 NO/NC state 809 pin numbers 1150 terminal strip text 1612 wire numbers 999 switches component data 748 symbols 415. 359 templates 2107 terminal symbols 2094 wire connections 351. 687. 2125. 2125 subcatalog entries 1330 submenus creating 1249 editing 1264 properties 1259 support files 1989 suppressor symbols 423 Surf dialog box 1189. 2083 attributes 346. 2112 Symbol Builder Attribute Editor 349 Symbol Configuration dialog box 345 symbol libraries 300 Index | 2197 . 626 project properties 202 project-wide changes 1195 settings 218. 1944 surfing codes 1189 continuing surf sessions 1187 cross-reference reports 812 references in drawing sets 1187 web pages 1207 Swap Block/Update Block/Library Swap dialog box 336 swapping blocks 332–333. 545 switching blocks 332–333. 2044. 344 editing symbols 350 inserting symbols 350 link line attributes 354 one-line symbols 2098 parent symbols 2090 saving symbols 357. 2107 auditing symbols 360 configuring symbols 345 converting non-Electrical objects 2099 converting text to attributes 355– 356 creating footprints 2105 creating symbols 342. 579. 277 Symbol Audit dialog box 360 Symbol Builder about 342. 614. 336–338 contact states 809 drawing standards 2127 pin numbers 1150 terminal strip text 1612 wire numbers 999 wire types 275. 844–845 inserting 742 naming conventions 298 PLC 620 schematic attributes 320 TAG1 attribute 321 standard light symbols 494 standards 681. 353. 838–839. 2082 Style Box Dimensions dialog box 614 styles attribute text 871 drawing properties 202 fanning markers 1022–1025 PLC database information 601 PLC modules 590. 349. 2127 stretching components 798. 802 connectors 1146 nameplates 1610 text 873 wires 921. 231 signal arrows 1012 sorting catalog databases by 1291 table row styles 1110 WD_M block attributes 253 Styles tab (Drawing Properties dialog box) 231 Styles tab (Properties dialog box) 218. 342 splitting tag names 299 substituting 330 surfing 1187 swapping blocks 332–333. 1237 default libraries 300–301 editing attributes 349. 336–338 WD_M blocks 253 synchronizing files during migration 131 synchronoscope symbols 551 T Table Cross-Reference Format Setup dialog box 830 Table Generation Setup dialog box 1322 tables (cross-references) cross-reference data 817 editing 832 graphical formats 822. 1114 layout 1093 row styles 1110 settings 1096 tabular terminal layout 1093 tachometer symbols 551 tachometric dynamo symbols 551 tag panel components 1942 Tag Panel tools 1657 Tag Schematic tools 1656 tag strips 1065 TAG1 attribute 321 TAG1_PARTX 299 TAG2 attribute 321 2198 | Index . 1234. 893 family types 298 layers and 331 location mark symbols 885. 844– 845 customizing icon menus 1232. 342. 827 report fields 1399 table formats 830 updating 833 tables (database) catalog tables 1271.Symbol Library Attribute Text/Scale Resize dialog box 893 symbol mapping cross-references 827. 824. 887 multiple libraries 300–301 naming conventions 282. 2119 advanced techniques 2083 attributes 345. 1311 PLC database tables 601 schematic lookup files 784–785 scratch databases 195 terminal properties database 1060– 1062. 344 cross-references 809. 359 schematic attributes 320. 838–839. 298 one line symbols 329 one-line symbols 2098 parent symbols 2090 predefined annotations 332 saving 357. 830 editing tables 832 Symbol Preview window 1237 symbols adding to icon menus 1232. 1064 user data 854–855 tables (reports) breaking into sections 1318 setup 1322 tables (terminal strips) fields in 1113 generating 1113. 1119 inserting 1070. 1644. 336–338 Symbol Builder 342. 1295 copying 682 deleting 683 editing 685 footprint lookup files 1594 opening 682 pin lists 1306–1307. 360 changing appearance 331 converting non-Electrical blocks 1642. 349 auditing 357. 1309. 2083 TAG1 attribute 321 TAG2 attribute 321 types 342 updating blocks 332–333. 2099 COPYTAG attribute 329 creating 339. 943. 1542 terminal boxes 2005 Terminal Data Export dialog box 1507 Terminal Exception reports about 1428 formatting 1458 generating 1440 terminal numbers renumbering 1133 reports 1388. 1694 exporting for Cable & Harness 1519 fixed component tags 877–878 in-use 757–758 motor symbol tags 2061 motor symbols 2059 multi-connection sequences 1138 order settings 220. 1489 Terminal Numbers Data Fields to Report dialog box 1388 Terminal Numbers reports about 1402 fields in 1388 formatting 1489 generating 1421 Terminal Plan Data Fields to Report dialog box 1393 Terminal Plan reports about 1402 fields in 1393 formatting 1491 generating 1422 internal and external codes 1330 Terminal Properties Database Editor about 1060 Edit dialog box 1062 Edit Record dialog box 1064 editing properties 1060 Select Terminal Properties Table dialog box 1061 terminal row styles 1110 Terminal Strip Definition dialog box 1073 Index | 2199 . 522 templates attribute templates 342. 1631 copying attributes 329 cross-references and 809 duplicate 1686. 233 overriding 759. 1659 tagging tools 1932 tags cable markers 939. 2125 panel drawings 758 parameters 990 PLC database information 630 PLC I/O points 624 PLC modules 596 project-wide changes 1195. 2107 creating 245 ladders and 960 panel layouts 1563 PLC-generated drawings 639 reports 1318 Symbol Builder 2107 wire connection templates 351 Terminal Block Properties dialog box 1053 Terminal Block Settings dialog box 613 terminal blocks 1053. 1688. 1653. 1692. 972–973 Tags in Use dialog box 757 target attributes 1587–1588 Task List dialog box 194 tees connection symbols 1033–1034 export mapping 1519 temperature switches 410. 945. 1199 retagging components 866. 753 conduits 1626. 947 cables 953 child components 769. 773 circuits 2068 codes for replaceable parameters 239 components 748.TAG2_PARTX 299 tagging non-Electrical-aware objects 1651. 1656– 1657. 1421. 1402. 879 splitting names 299 terminals 1046 tracking changes to 1200 WD_M block attributes 253 wire tags 970. 1057 cable information 1087 connections 1132 2200 | Index . 1055. 1050. 1615 inserting reports as 1330 inserting tables 1114 installation codes 1106 jumper assignments 1070 jumper charts 1071.Terminal Strip Editor about 1065 accessories 1104 Cable Information tab 1087 Catalog Code Assignment tab 1083 columns and rows 1093 Edit Terminal dialog box 1100 inserting terminal strip tables 1070 inserting terminal strips 1066 installation codes 1106 jumper charts 1071 Layout Preview tab dialog box 1093 location codes 1105 previewing terminal strips 1093 selecting terminal strips 1068 spare terminals 1103 Terminal Strip Definition dialog box 1073 Terminal Strip Selection dialog box 1072 Terminal Strip tab 1078 Terminal Strip Table dialog box 1113 wire constraints 1078 Terminal Strip Representation .Setup dialog box 1130 Terminal Strip Representation dialog box 1129 Terminal Strip Selection dialog box 1072 Terminal Strip tab (Terminal Strip Editor) 1078 Terminal Strip Table Data Fields to Include dialog box 1113 Terminal Strip Table dialog box 1113 Terminal Strip Table Generator generating tables 1113 inserting terminal strip tables 1070 settings 1119 Terminal Strip Table Settings dialog box 1096 Terminal Strip Table Settings dialog box 1096 terminal strips about 1128 accessories 1104 annotations 1130 associating 1108 catalog codes 1083 defining 1073 displaying 1129 drawing shapes 1551 editing 1078. 1622 location codes 1105 multi-level 1078 parameters 1624 pick lists 1623 previewing layout 1093 reassigning terminals 1101 renumbering 1102 reports 1623–1624 row styles 1110 selecting 1068. 1100. 1619. 1128 graphical layout 1093 inserting 1066. 1093. 1057. 1119 terminal associations 1108 Terminal Strip Editor 1065 terminals about 342 accessories 1104 annotations 1130 assigning types 2005 associations 1046. 1093 level assignments 1614. 1096. 1613–1614 settings 1130 spare terminals 1103 swapping text 1612 table fields 1113 table rows 1110 tables 1070. 1078. 2005 breaking associations 1055. 329. 1113– 1114. 1108 attributes 320. 1072 sequencing assignments 1611. 1440. 1615. 1623–1624 sequencing assignments 1611. 1040 tags 1046 terminal grid 606 terminal numbers 1133. 868 editing 864–867 finding 864–867. 986–987 report tables 1322 resizing 893 reports Index | 2201 . 1053. 1122–1123. 1565. 397. 1046 Unity Pro data 651 TERMPROPS tables 1060 testing circuits 2043 text annotation files 760 converting non-Electrical objects 2099 converting to attributes 355–356. 1659 converting to wire numbers 1646 cross-references 820 descriptions 763. 1064 reassigning 1101 relationships 1055 1402. 1656–1657.copying properties 1058 customized symbols 2094 device box symbols 428. 986–987 justification 870–871 layers 863 library symbols 893 multi-line 880 project-wide changes 1195 replacing 864–867. 1309. 577 direct-to-terminal wire connections 1029 displaying associations 1055 editing 606. 1100. 1613 spacing 1544 spare 1078. 1645 converting to entities 1651. 795– 796 inserting terminal reports as strips 1330 jumper charts 1071 jumpers 1078. 1458. 1127 level assignments 1614 listing 1078 marking 1132 multi-connection 1134–1135. 1103 surfing 1187 symbols 339. 1388. 1046. 1422. 1125. 508. 613 previewing layout 1093 project lists 1046 properties 1046. 1489 terminal plan reports 1393. 1421. 1078 properties database 1060–1062. 610. 1569. 1619 text 866–867 tracking changes to pin numbers 1200 types of 342. 1138 multi-level terminals 1055 multi-stack terminals 1055 multi-tier terminals 1055 multipole terminal block units 1313 naming conventions 298 panel footprint spreadsheet data 1536–1537 panel terminal spreadsheet lists 1540 parameters 1624 pick lists 1623 pin lists 1305–1307. 1040. 1574 editing blocks 2005 editing database 1060 exceptions in reports 1352 exporting data 1506–1507 inserting 1040. 1422. 1311 PLC database information 601 PLC modules 603. 1046. 1491. 1053. 1491 Terminal Strip Editor 1065 terminal strip tables 1070 terminal strips 1128–1130. 1542 inserting from panel lists 790. 1653. 1428. 1221 titles report tables 1322 web pages 1207 Toggle Installation Codes dialog box 1106 Toggle Location Codes dialog box 1105 toggle switch symbols 415 toggling installation codes 1106 location codes 1105 tee markers 1034 wire numbers 1003 toolbars Conduit Marker 116 Conversion 115 Extra Libraries 117 Main Electrical 94.size 873–874 styles 871 swapping wire text 1612 terminal strips 1130 terminals 866–867 title blocks 1224 tracking changes to 1200 translating descriptions 1202–1203 wire annotations 1531. 1221 project-wide updates 1199. 485 timers 382. 1221 updating 1221. 104 Panel Layout 108 Power Check 117 Ribbon interface 25 touch switch symbols 539 trace mode auditing drawings 1688 repairing drawings 1689 tracking changes 1200 transformer light symbols 496 transformers 376. 1221 settings 1213. 1224 wildcard characters 1213. 1220 mapping AutoLISP values to 1227 multiple title blocks 1213. 1587–1588 wire numbers 986–987 Text Cross-Reference Format Setup dialog box 820 text files external component lists 182 importing annotations from 760 text styles 871 TEXTVALUES 1277 thermal effect symbols 560 thermocouple symbols 421. 1708 mapping 1218. 1221 client-specific 190–191 embedded information in 1213 labels 191 linking information to 1213. 467. 473 translating descriptions 1202–1203 Trim Wire dialog box 920 trimming wires 919–920. 384 title blocks about 1213. 1692. 551 thermometer symbols 551 time delay relays 382. 1221 attributes 1213. 576 TXT files external component lists 182 importing annotations from 760 TYPE field 1279 Type tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 Type tab (Insert Connector dialog box) 1157 U ultrasonic switch symbols 537 unavailable files 198 unfixed component tags 878 2202 | Index . 1688– 1689. 1694 real-time error checking 1686. 1688–1689. 1694 wire numbers 978 zooming extents 919 turns 922 twisted pair symbols naming conventions 298 schematic attributes 320 twisted pair cable symbols 427. 469. 2050 troubleshooting auditing drawings 1686. 1692. dat files 182 wd_lang1. 575 varistor symbols 575 varmeter symbols 551 Vault advanced techniques 2134 collaborative design and 158 vendor icon menus 1544–1545. 1650 View/Edit Panel Component Connection Sequence dialog box 1613 volt meters 421 voltage drops 720 voltage protection relay symbols 480 voltmetric commutator switch symbols 545 VPJ files 1650 W WBlocked circuits 729.unfixed wire numbers 994 units of measurement 1303 Unity Pro exporting PLC data 645–646. 1547 Vendor Menu Selection dialog box 1545 Vendor Panel Footprint dialog box 1547 verifying changes 1200 versions of projects 2134 vertical ribbon 118 vertical wire numbers 1008 VIA drawings 1648. 243–244 zip utility 187–188 V valves 421 variable resistors 426. 736 wd_fam. 1512 user-defined symbols 298 users multiple users 1989 user data in project databases 854– 855 Vault capabilities 2134 utilities Setting List Utility 241. 651 importing PLC data 652 Unity Pro Export dialog box 652 Unity Pro Import dialog box 651 unlinking symbols 1661 Update Block .Path/Filename dialog box 338 Update Configuration Changes dialog 244 Update Drawings per Spreadsheet Data dialog box 1508 Update Title Block dialog box 1224 Update Wire Signal and Stand-Alone Cross-Reference dialog box 845 updating annotations 839 blocks 332–333.mdb files 1204 WD_M blocks about 253 codes for replaceable parameters 239 copying attributes to 255 default blocks 254 defaults in 253 inserting 256 missing attributes 255 new drawings 168 overrides 815 replacing 254–255 saving project settings 240–241 Index | 2203 . 1224 WD_M blocks 255 wire signals 845 User-Defined Attribute List dialog box 1512 user-defined attributes 1509–1510. 336–338 cable markers 953 child location codes 882–883 cross-reference tables 833 drawings 196 drawings with imported data 1500 IEC tags 193 older versions of files 129 project-wide changes 1199 stand-alone cross-reference symbols 845 task lists 194 terminal strips 1093 title blocks 1221. 1221 winding symbols 565 Wire Annotation Exception dialog box 1437 Wire Annotation Exception reports about 1428 formatting 1454 generating 1437 wire arrow symbols 298. 1225. 1220. 1167 wire dot symbols 298 Wire From/To Data Fields to Report dialog box 1384 Wire From/To reports about 1402 fields in 1384 formatting 1484 generating 1419 wire gaps about 958 repairing 1689 wire grids 720 Wire It tab (Connector Selection dialog box) 1174 wire jumpers 856–857 Wire Jumpers dialog box 857 Wire Label Data Fields to Report dialog box 1394 Wire Label reports about 1402 display settings 1330 fields in 1394 formatting 1495 2204 | Index . 1159. 431. 761 wddinrl.updating 255 WD_PNLM blocks configuration information 1527 copying attributes to 255 inserting 256 WD_SLB code 1232 WD_TB attribute 1213. 922. 1708 WD_TB attributes 1218 WD_ZIP utility 187 wd. 635 WDL files 182. 1277 WDD files 182. 990 wire color files 182 Wire Conduit Routing Data Fields to Report dialog box 1396 Wire Connection reports about 1428 formatting 1461 generating 1441 wire connection styles 2112 wire connections add 1939 annotations 1587–1588 converting lines to 1660 customizing 2112 inserting 351. 1633 WDX files 182 WDXX blocks 887 web pages linking catalogs to 1277 options 1207 saving projects as 1205–1207 WEBLINK assignments 1277 whistle symbols 570 width ladders 963 symbols 339 terminal strips 1130 wildcard characters reports 1318 title blocks 1213. 320. 1157. 187. 1708 WDTYPE attribute 329 WDW files 182. 1708 WDN files 182. 580 wire colors encoding 988. 353 limits on 895 styles 2112 tools 349 wire crossings 1142. 807–808 WDT files 182. 182.xls file 853 WDF files 182 WDI files 182. 1686 WDP files about 138 contents 187 settings in 202 WDR files 182. 279 WDA files 1509 WDBLKNAM attribute 1271.env files 129. 994 flipping 1003 formats 2070 gauge and 988. 970 leaders 922. 902 wire lists exporting for Cable & Harness 1519 importing 1167 reports 1370. 990 valid layers 271. 1008 schematic attributes 320 schematic wire information 1590. 1410. 998 mirroring 1003 motor circuits 975 motor symbol tags in 2059 moving 996–997. 1471 wire loss 720 wire markers 925 wire networks about 895 connection reports 1029 wire number layers 261 wire numbers 3-phase 975–976 about 970 adding to footprints 1587 automatically inserting 971 codes for replaceable parameters 239 colors 988. 1694 editing 991–992. 994 erasing 1010 extra copies of 1000 finding 986–987 fixed 991–992. 1425. 990 hiding 1010 in-line 1002 incrementing 1007 inserting 979 layers 261. 1592 settings 228 surfing 1187 swapping 999 tags 970 toggling position 1003 tracking changes to 1200 troubleshooting 978 types of 970 unfixed 994 WD_M block attributes 253 wire tags 972–973 Wire Numbers tab (Drawing properties dialog box) 228 Wire Numbers tab (Properties dialog box) 215 wire shields 956 Wire Signal or Stand-Alone Reference Report dialog box 1019 wire signal symbols arrows 1011–1012. 1402. 990 configuring for export 1521 convert text 1940 converting text to 1646 copying 1000 displaying 970.generating 1425 wire label symbols in-line wire label symbols 509 reports 1394. 1495 schematic attributes 320 wire layers 275. 999 naming conventions 298 no wire numbering 28 order settings 220. 1010 displaying wires 978 drawing properties 979. 1003 duplicate 1686. 1692. 233 parameters 990 PLC tags 977 position 979 predefined 2075 project-wide 992 project-wide properties 1195 replacing text 986–987 repositioning leader text 998 resizing 1008 rotating 997. 1688. 1015 attributes 320 naming conventions 298 project-wide changes 1195. 1199 Index | 2205 . 1195 color and gauge information 988. 902 importing 271–272. 907 setting default 278 wire ways generating spreadsheet records 853 inserting labels 1631 Wire/Conduit Routing Report dialog box 1636 wires 3-phase wires 917–918 about 895 angled 913 annotations 1348. 1531. 1037 signal reports 1019 spacing 2053 spare wires 1632 splices 1185 stand-alone reference reports 1019 stretching 921. 1484 resizing 720–721 routing reports 1636 schematic attributes 320 scooting 798.Wire Size Lookup dialog box 720–721 Wire Tagging (project-wide) dialog box 973 Wire Tagging dialog box 972 wire tags formats 970 inserting 972–973 wire tees 919–920. 1592 arrow symbols 431. 2050 troubleshooting 978 unique IDs 1521 2206 | Index . 988. 1138 multiple buses 1163 multiple wire buses 917–918 numbering 215 paralleled 720 pigtails 339 point-to-point tools 1140 replacing 1689 reports 1402. 988. 990 conduit information 1631 conduit routing data in reports 1396 connection report data fields 1354 connection templates 351 connection tools 349 constraints 1065 converting lines to 1651. 1454. 1659 creating 271. 1471. 990. 988. 902 de-rating factors 720 displaying 978 displaying connections 1132 editing 271. 1428. 1011 bending 922 cable markers 930 colors 922–924. 1419. 1689 gauge 922. 2082 switching types 275. 1140 interconnecting components 919 labels 922–924 ladders 961. 963 layers 265–266. 1656–1657. 1195 loads 720 multi-connection sequencing 1134– 1135. 275. 1441. 923–924. 912 tags 972–973 tee markers 1033–1034 terminals 1132 tracing 1689 trimming 919–920. 953 fanning markers 1020–1026 from/to reports 1029. 1587–1588. 800 sequencing 1029–1031. 1410. 1428. 917–919. 1590. 990 importing occurrences from Inventor 1166–1167 in-line components 630 in-line markers 925 in-line wire label symbols 509 in-line wire numbers 1002 inserting 913. 277 defining 2056 grid 271. 1653. 902 exporting connection data 1504 extracting 949. 1033 wire types changing 275. 1384 gaps 958. 1437. 902–904. 1461. 2134 WW1 files 1633 X X Zone grid 234 X Zone Setup dialog box 234 X-Y grid 236 X-Y Grid Setup dialog box 236 Xdata about 1526 converting to attributes 1527 editing 1695 power checks and 1668 Symbol Builder attribute templates 2107 Xdata Editor dialog box 1695 XHW files 645.wire crossings 1142. 651–652 Z zener diode symbols 426. 575 zip utility 187–188 zooming in or out 919 Index | 2207 . 1167 wire grids 720 wire labels 1394. 1519 wire loss 720 wire numbers 970 wire types 271. 1159. 651–652 XSY files 645. 651 XLS files din rails 853 exporting component data 1502 exporting panel layout data 1506 exporting PLC data 1503–1505 exporting spreadsheet data 1500– 1501. 902. 277–278. 2006 one-line symbols 2098 parent symbols 2090 pin lists 1984 PLC modules 2005 source and destination markers 1996 terminal jumpers 1123 terminal symbols 2094 workgroups collaborative design 158 Vault setup 2134 workspaces 26. 275. 1495 wire lists 1167. 1370. 2056 zooming extents and 919 WO_CBLWIRES table 954 workflows Circuit Builder 655. 1503 exporting terminal data 1506–1507 importing connector data 1175 importing spreadsheet data 1500 mapping to blocks 1663–1665 PLC database content 630 reports 1318 RSLogix data 640–642 structure 1175 updating drawings with data 1508 XML files importing connector data 1175 importing data from Inventor 1166– 1167 Unity Pro data 645. 1157. 1425. 2208 .
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