Inception Report

March 24, 2018 | Author: animesh91 | Category: Transport, Road Transport, Science, Geology, Nature



Ministry of Road Transport & HighwaysGovernment of India CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF DETAILED PROJECT REPORT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED ROB & ITS APPROACH ON NH-60 NEAR KM 193.800 (LC GATE NO. 39/A/3E) IN STATE OF WEST BENGAL INCEPTION REPORT FEBRUARY - 2015 Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt. Ltd 2nd Floor, Plot No. 21-22, R.K.Tower, Sector-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad – 201010 Ph: - 0120-4120472, Fax: - 0120-4110472 Email:[email protected] Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Regional Office, Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.8 (LC Gate no. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/TOC Table of Contents Sheet: i of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Table of Contents Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................................. i 0.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Introduction ................................................................................................3 Project Background .......................................................................................3 Project Appreciation ..................................................................................... 3 Methodology .......................................................................................... 3 Mobilisation and work programme .................................................................. 3 Quality Assurance Plan .................................................................................. 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 General ......................................................................................................5 Commissioning of Consultant ..........................................................................5 Objectives of Consultancy ..............................................................................5 Scope of Services ..........................................................................................6 Deliverables ................................................................................................7 Current Submission: Inception Report ...............................................................7 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 2.2 State Profile ................................................................................................8 Roads ......................................................................................................9 3.0 PROJECT APPRECIATION .......................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 General Setting of the Project ....................................................................... 10 Location ................................................................................................... 10 Climate .................................................................................................... 11 Land use ................................................................................................... 11 Terrain Classification ................................................................................... 11 Geography ................................................................................................ 11 Existing Road features ................................................................................. 12 Existing Railway Crossing.............................................................................. 12 Existing Rail features ................................................................................... 12 Clearances required .................................................................................... 12 4.0 DETAILED METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 General .................................................................................................... 13 Collection and Review of available Data .......................................................... 13 Reconnaissance Survey ................................................................................ 13 Socio-economic Profile ................................................................................ 13 Site visit.................................................................................................... 14 Exploration and Testing for Construction Materials............................................ 14 Geo-Technical Investigations......................................................................... 15 Design of Bridges and Structures ................................................................... 16 Technical Specifications ............................................................................... 16 Rate Analysis and Cost Estimates ................................................................... 17 Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Regional Office, Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.8 (LC Gate no. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/TOC Table of Contents Sheet: ii of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 4.12 Bid Documents........................................................................................... 18 5.0 MOBILIZATION AND WORK PROGRAMME .............................................................................................. 19 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 General ........................................................................................ 19 Project Team Organization ........................................................................... 19 Work Programme ....................................................................................... 20 Mobilization and Submission schedules........................................................... 20 6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ..................................................................................................................... 22 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 General ........................................................................................ 22 Quality Goals and Objectives......................................................................... 22 Concepts of Quality Assurance ...................................................................... 22 Purpose of the QAP..................................................................................... 22 Elements of Quality Assurance Systems........................................................... 22 Approach & Methodology ............................................................................ 23 Team of Experts ........................................................................................ 28 Quality Assurance Cell ................................................................................. 28 Quality Assurance Methodology .................................................................... 28 7.0 ALIGNMENT OPTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 31 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Fixing Alignment option ............................................................................... 31 Site Photographs ........................................................................................ 31 Matrix Comparison ..................................................................................... 34 Cross-section near ROB location .................................................................... 35 LIST OF ANNEXURES a) Annexure-1: Work Programme………………………………………………………………….21 Dantan.4. Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt. During the reconnaissance survey. Mejia and Raniganj. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. The nearby land use comprise of habitation and agriculture as seen from preliminary reconnaissance.11.2014 and the agreement has been signed on 28. Mollarpur. Deucha. The Consultancy services for Project Preparation have been entrusted to M/s.1. The approach formulated by the Consultant gives flexibility to the methodology and any modification of any item(s) in the scope of services can be easily and efficiently adjusted to suit the requirements.4.: 39/A/3E). 0. After construction of the ROB. Salboni. 0.3.1 The Department of Road Transport & Highways.4 Methodology 0. Bishnupur. Rampurhat. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. 0. the Consultant has evolved a methodology wherein the entire work. there is a manned level crossing.2 The Detailed project appreciation report is given in chapter-3. the need of the level crossing at the location would be eliminated. a detailed reconnaissance made along the project road and previous experience with similar projects successfully completed in India. Regional Office.3 Project Appreciation 0. The concerned railway authority for level crossing is Eastern Railway (Howrah Division).2014. 2014 to carry out the Reconnaissance Survey of the project site.1 Near the project location.09. Durllabhganj. The Consultant has mobilized the Team on 5th December. Suri. Gangajalghati. Narayanpur. 0. The nearest railway station from the level crossing location is Bishnupur. Dubrajpur.8 of NH-60 in the state of West Bengal.0 0. Government of India intends to undertake construction of ROB in lieu of the existing level crossing (LC Gate No. Medinipur.0.-0. Nalhati.3. has been divided into different activities as described in Chapter-4. The proposed ROB would be a part of NH-60.0 Executive Summary Sheet: 3 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 0.8 (LC Gate no. HN-60 starts from NH-5 at Balasore district of Odisha and ends at NH-34 in Morgram district of West Bengal. Bankura. 0.2. crossing cities of Jaleswar. thus ensuring a smooth traffic movement on the highway.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0. Ltd.1 Based on an in-depth study of the scope of services contained in the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the project.5.1 Introduction 0.2 Engineering Design is itself a dynamic evolution of concepts based on a detailed study of different inter-related aspects.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. the .2 Project Background 0.1 The Letter of acceptance (LOA) for the assignment was issued by Superintending Engineer (B)-S&R on 09. Belda.2 The proposed ROB is to be constructed near Km 193.5 Mobilisation and work programme 0. Kharagpur. Pandaveshwar. . and recommendations. 0.2 Quality control procedures. assumptions.6.6.6 Quality Assurance Plan 0. The Consultant has also studied the available maps & other secondary data of project area. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.-0.2 Work program is given as Annexure-1 after Chapter-5. immediate review of completed activities for accuracy and completeness.5.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 0. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.0 Executive Summary Sheet: 4 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Consultant has collected available relevant data from WBPWD for the project road. if followed. should ensure that the work is done correctly the first time. Regional Office. These include such activities as providing clear decisions and directions. and accurate documentation of all decisions. Essentially.1 Quality Assurance (QA) refers to the operational activities put in place to control the quality of the service. 0. constant supervision by experienced individuals.8 (LC Gate no. QA is what is done to confirm that a QC program is effective and provides feedback upon which further development of the QC program can be made. 1. economic.3.2. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.: 39/A/3E) at Km 193. Under this scheme. quantities of various items of works and cost estimates and economic analysis. MORT&H desires to convert the level crossing (LC Gate No. During the reconnaissance survey. environmental and social feasibility. design of approach/solid embankment. Ltd. environmental. social and environmental action plans as appropriate and documents required for tendering the project on commercial basis for international / local competitive bidding. The Consultant has also studied the available maps & other secondary data of project area. detailed cost estimates.11.2 Commissioning of Consultant 1. The Consultant has mobilized the Team on 5th December. 1. detailed working drawings. The Consultancy services for Project Preparation have been entrusted to M/s. alignment options and the work plan for carrying out all activities for project preparation.1 The Letter of acceptance (LOA) for the assignment was issued by Superintending Engineer (B)-S&R on 09.1.2. the Consultant has collected available relevant data from WBPWD for the project road.1 General 1. 1.2 After initial understanding of the project. 1. upgrading and improvement based on ROB design.3.0 Introduction Sheet: 5 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 1. 2010. which includes initial project appraisal. Regional Office.-1.09.3. approach and methodology.1 Ministry of Road Transport & Highways desires to convert all Level Crossings on National Highways to ROBs/RUBs in a phased manner in time bound period. 1. cross slope of the country and railway line features. with enhanced safety features. and financial viability of the project and prepare Detailed Project Report for proposed ROB in lieu of existing level crossing.8 of NH60 to ROB to ensure free and safer movement of traffic on the highway. .2 The level crossing is manned having a TVU of 36000 as on May. Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt.3 Objectives of Consultancy 1. the Consultants have prepared the Inception Report.2014 and the agreement has been signed on 28. 1. quantities of various items. The location of the proposed ROB has to be decided based upon various aspects like land availability. social.2 The viability of the project shall be established taking into account the requirements with regard to rehabilitation. 2014 to carry out the Reconnaissance Survey of the project site.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.3 The Detailed Project Report would inter-alia include detailed design of ROB structure and cross drainage structures. 1.1 The main objective of consultancy service is to establish technical.0 INTRODU CTION 1. pavement design.8 (LC Gate no.2014. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. Identification of possible improvements in the existing alignment with evaluation of different alternatives and proposal of best suited alignment/geometric for proposed ROB. The Consultant will have to interact with Railway Authorities on technical issue during approval of GAD by Railway Authority. xiv. Preparation of Tentative Cost Estimate strictly as per Ministry’s Data Book. On case to case basis the consultant is supposed to provide required schedules as per EPC/BOT document.8 (LC Gate no. ii. Geotechnical Investigation work for proposed Major Bridge as per guide lines of latest IRC SP-19 and IRC 78. Prioritization based on traffic and it’s financial viability. Preparation of GAD for construction of proposed ROB and its approaches (in accordance with approved GAD by Railway Authorities). iv. .0 Introduction 1. Fixing of TBM (connected to GTS Bench Mark) and all reference Point on Ground during survey and should be clearly shown on detailed survey drawings. Preparation of Alignment Option Study Report & General Arrangement Drawing for approval of concerned authorities. iii. Inventory and detailed condition surveys for cross drainage structures in approaches alignment of proposed Major Bridge and drainage provisions. vi. x.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. At the time of bidding the Consultant will be required to provide updation of cost estimate and tender document.4 Sheet: 6 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Scope of Services Scope of consultancy services includes following major tasks i. xii.-1. during the process of approval of GAD. However. Detailed reconnaissance. xiii. Finalization of GAD of proposed ROB and submission to Employer for Approval of GAD by Railway Authorities. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Regional Office. IS Codes and IRS Codes. Inventory and condition surveys of existing approach Road. Review of all available reports and published information about the project ROB and the project influence area. ix. xv. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. v. vii. The time of bidding may be even after the completion of the Consultancy contract. viii. Topographic surveys using Total Stations as per guide lines of latest IRC SP-19. Obtaining approval from MORT&H. the required P&E charges shall be paid by the employer xi. plan and profile of approach road as per guidelines of relevant IRC Codes. 0 Introduction 1.0 Mobilization and Work Program 6.0 Project Background 3.0 Project Appreciation 4.0 Detailed Methodology 5.0 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) 7.0 Alignment Options . Regional Office.0 Introduction 2. New Delhi.8 (LC Gate no. Jeevan Tara Building.5 Deliverables Stage 1: Inception report with alignment options Stage 2: Prioritization of Level Crossings Stage 3(a): Survey. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.0 Executive Summary 1.6 Sheet: 7 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 As per minutes of meeting held on 21/11/2014 in chamber of SE(B)-S&R. Investigation and Preparation of GAD Stage 3(b): Draft Detailed Project Report Stage 4: Complete Detailed Project Report  1.-1. Current Submission: Inception Report This inception reports consists of following chapters:- 0. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. 0 Project Background Sheet: 8 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 2. soldiers and wars.1.2 West Bengal also boasts of rich flora and fauna having 15 wildlife sanctuaries and 5 national parks. It also houses wide variety of bird. The most famous of the terracotta products are the handmade beautiful jars.1. West Bengal is the sixth largest contributor to India’s net domestic product. Regional Office. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.3 The proposed ROB lies in the Bishnupur town of Bankura district.8 (LC Gate no. it is the fourth-most populous state in the country bordered by countries of Bangladesh. Bihar. artefacts and even jewellery made in this very traditional material is famous. . Sundarban National Park a mangrove forest area in the Ganges delta which has been declared a biosphere reserve is one of the largest reserves for Royal Bengal Tiger.1. disks. horses. Nepal and Bhutan and the Indian states of Odisha.1.1 The name West Bengal stands as a misnomer for the first timers as the state is actually located in the east of India.4 There are many temples in this region which stand testimony to the exquisite craftsmanship of the artisans of the region.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 2. 2.1crores inhabitants. A major agricultural producer. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. These temples are the best specimen of the classical style of Bengal architecture. Royal patronage in the region also gave rise to Bishnupur Gharana (school) of Hindustani Classical music in the late 18th century and the Bishnupur School of painting. The potters here derive their inspiration from the glorious history of kings. Having 9. Bishnupur is famous for its terracotta temples built by the Malla rulers. Bishnupur is also known for its silk. Ganesha and Nataraj. reptile and invertebrate species. Jharkhand. terracotta pottery. The Bishnupur Gharana is rooted to Dhrupad style of music. It is also referred to as Mallabhum after the Malla rulers of this place who ruled during 17th and 18th century. The temples were crafted from the local laterite and brick and covered with terracotta tiles depicting scenes from the epic Mahabharatha. Bishnupur is mostly plain land lying 59m above MSL. conch-shell and terracotta jewelry is also available here. particularly the Baluchari sarees.-2. elephants. Apart from the temples. 2. Bellmetalware.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2. Sikkim and Assam.1 State Profile 2. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. .8 (LC Gate no. Regional Office.-2. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.2.1 Roads are the lifeline of the people for transportation of goods and passengers and provide linkage in the inaccessible terrains.2 Sheet: 9 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Roads 2. NH-60 connects to Bankura district towards north-west of Bishnupur and Garhbeta town towards south of Bishnupur.0 Project Background 2. 1 General Setting of the Project 3.8 of NH-60 depending upon feasibility of alignment options as mentioned further in this report.2 Location 3.1.1: Location Map of the Project Area .1 The proposed ROB would be located near the existing level crossing at chainage Km 193. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.-3. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Regional Office.1 The Location map of site is shown below: PROJECT LOCATION Level Crossing Fig 3. The existing level crossing is manned gate (LC Gate no.0 PROJECT APPRECIATION 3. 2010.0 Project Appreciation Sheet: 10 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 3.2. 39/A/3E) having TVU of 36000 as on May.8 (LC Gate no.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 3. are comparatively pleasant.5 Terrain Classification 3.6. 3.5.1 The climate. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.6. The total average rainfall is 1400mm. 3.4 The rivers of the area flow from the north-east to the south-west in courses roughly parallel to one another. 3.5 The greater portion of the district consists of a rolling country covered by laterite and alluvium.2 The area consists of two different tracts.1 The nature of terrain near the project location is plain in nature. The rivers come down in floods after heavy rains and subside as rapidly as they rise. Long broken ridges with irregular patches of more recent alluvium have marks of seasonal cultivation. similar to predominating rice lands of Bengal.3. June to September. In summer.3. as the weather is not as sultry as in other parts of Bengal. In the central portion of the district there are rolling downs eventually merging with the alluvial plains. Regional Office. their sand beds are almost always dry.1 Bankura district has been described as the connecting link between the plains of Bengal on the east and Chhota Nagpur plateau on the west. the bulk of the rain coming in the months of June to September.3 Winters are pleasant with temperatures dropping down to below 27 °C in December. To the west the surface gradually rises. 3. 3.-3. Much of the country is covered with jungles.4.3.4 Land use 3. Strong massive runs of hornblendic varieties .6 Geography 3. From the beginning of March to early June. the thermometer in the shade rising to around 45 °C. is much drier than in eastern or southern Bengal.6.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.1 Most of the land near the vicinity of project location is agricultural land or forest land. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.2 The monsoon months. ferruginous soil and hard beds of laterite with scrub jungles and sal woods.3 The western part of the district has poor. While metamorphic or gneissose rocks are found to the extreme west. 3. 3. 3. to the east there is a wide plain of recent alluvium. especially in the upland tracts to the west. Nor'westers are frequent during this period and help to mitigate the excessive heat.3 Sheet: 11 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Climate 3.6. there is no marked ridge of hills.8 (LC Gate no. During the long dry season large extents of red soil with hardly any trees lend the country a scorched and dreary appearance. The westerly winds die down around sunset and allow cool winds to blow from the south. hot westerly winds prevail. In the eastern part the eye constantly rests on wide expanses of rice fields. consisting largely of spurs projecting from the western tableland and of low swelling ridges. interspersed with rocky hillocks. when the monsoon sets in. The western portion marks the gradual descent from the table land of Chhota Nagpur to the delta of lower Bengal. giving way to undulating country. originating in the hills in the west. 3. However. green in the rains but parched and dry in summer.6.0 Project Appreciation 3. They are mostly hill streams. The areas to the east and north-east are low lying alluvial plains. 2010. 2 trains cross the said LC on a daily basis as per the data collected from railway cabin log book. Bishnupur railway station is located near to the level crossing.8 (LC Gate no. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. the ferruginous rock is called kankar. a) Department of State Electricity Board b) Indian Railways c) West Bengal PWD . 3. are known as ghutin.6.6 The most characteristic geological feature of the district is the area of laterite and associated rocks of sand and gravel.10. 3. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. The cabin of level crossing lies on left side of the road. At some places one finds hard beds of laterite. commonly used as the sources of lime. the required clearances shall be confirmed after all the data are collected and the alignment is fixed.1 From the initial reconnaissance it is observed that the proposed ROB may pass through adjoining forest area. The consultant would carry out consultation with various departments that would be involved in the project. however. Regional Office.0 Project Appreciation Sheet: 12 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 stretch across the region in tolerably continuous lines. At other places it is decomposed and reorganized.10 Clearances required 3. 3.10. the general strike being nearly east and west.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. The calcareous concretions.-3. Approximately.7 Existing Road features The terrain at the project location is plain in nature.8 Existing Railway Crossing The level crossing at the project location is manned LC having a TVU of 36000 as on May. There is one rail line at the LC connecting Bishnupur station on one side to Birshamunda Halt on other side.9 Existing Rail features Rail line lies approximately at level with the existing natural ground level. 3. NH-60 at the project location consists of two lane carriageway having flexible pavement. Locally.2 From the above it is inferred that the clearances from the following departments may be required for the project. 3. 3. The construction of the proposed ROB would greatly reduce the existing traffic problems near level crossing due to gate closures and also provide enhanced safety.4. for the state in general and for the project influence area in particular. Potential locations for feasible bridge options were also identified.0 Detailed Methodology 4. . 4. development plans. vehicle fleet.2 Collection and Review of available Data 4.2. economy.3  General Data  Socio-economic profile (State and project Influence Area)  Relevant Study Reports  Development Schemes in the Project Influence Area  Relevant Documents on design.3. future and on-going.-4. road development plan.1 For successful and efficient rendering of services. The development plans. Regional Office. and Reconnaissance Survey 4. construction and maintenance of bridges  Transport Characteristics and Vehicle Operating Costs  Accident records  Geological and soil maps. 4. 4.8 (LC Gate no. 4.4 Socio-economic Profile 4. the Consultant proposes to take a sound engineering approach based on a clear understanding of the Terms of Reference and the relevant planning and systems approach. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. The aim of this preliminary reconnaissance was to familiarize the Team members with the project site.2 Preparation of Socio-Economic Profile . transport industry and accidents would be ascertained.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.3. expenditure on the construction and maintenance of roads.1 Sheet: 13 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 DETAILED METHOD OLOGY General 4.0 4.1 The Consultant has carried out a preliminary field reconnaissance of the Project ROB.1 The secondary data requirements are broadly classified under the following major groups: 4. road taxes.The data on demography.1.4. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. transportation system. would be collected and studied so as to make an assessment of the impact of implementation of the project on demand for traffic and on the growth of economy.1 Review of Development Plan.2 The Consultant has reviewed all the collected data from secondary sources and the data collected during preliminary reconnaissance survey.  sand equivalent (if deemed necessary). The testing for borrow areas for ascertaining their suitability as Subgrade and fill materials will include:     identification tests (grain size and Atterberg’s Limits). sand (for concrete) and. site visit would be done. CBR and swell.1 Exploration and testing for construction materials will cover:      borrow areas for normal fill and embankment. natural gravel (for sub-base).6 Exploration and Testing for Construction Materials 4.Gravel quarries will be investigated and tested in the laboratory to establish their soundness and engineering characteristics.  asphalt base and wearing courses. 4.5 The potential sources of hard stones identified on the basis of desk study of geological maps and information collected from the reconnaissance of the area will be thoroughly investigated during this task. moisture-density characteristics).0 Detailed Methodology Sheet: 14 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 4. as far as possible.The investigations for hard stones will comprise qualitative and quantitative assessment of potential quarries and to determine their suitability for use in:  graded crushed stone base and sub-base. The testing on gravel samples will include:  identification (grain size and Atterberg’s Limits).The testing of hard stone samples for ascertaining their suitability in road construction and concrete works will include: . 4. asphalt surfacing courses and concrete).-4. 4.8 (LC Gate no.6.1 To obtain the features of the existing LC like habitation and its nature. 4. Regional Office. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.6.6. The sources of hard stone in the area will be identified and sampled. and. organic matter content (if deemed necessary). and.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.6.4 Hard stones: . within the economic hauling distance. Water for construction.2 Potential sources for the construction material will be identified for the whole stretch. Each quarry located will be explored in order to identify suitable sources of sub-base material.6.  natural moisture content.  concrete works.  chippings for surface dressing layers. location of LC cabin etc.moisture content relationships (modified proctor). hard stone (for crushed aggregate base.5 Site visit 4. TVU. and.6 Stone samples: .3 Gravel: . land use of the area.  density .6. 4. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. 4. 4-day soaked CBR.5. and. 4. natural density and chemical tests. bitumen affinity and stripping value. sulphate content.7.-4.6. 4. aggregate impact value (AIV)).8 (LC Gate no. 4. chloride content.2 The strength of soil layers will be evaluated in the field using SPT tests. shear strength parameters. flakiness index (for crushed aggregates from existing crushing plants). will be carried out at proposed ROB location and high embankments locations (where required). Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. The testing for sand samples in the laboratory will include:    grain size analysis. and. chemical tests (sulphate and chloride). sodium sulphate soundness. and. the consultant shall start the geotechnical investigation for the ROB. 4.7 Sand: . moisture content. The data of particular importance for the design of structures include:     soil profile. Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LA V). the Consultant will also suggest quarrying method based on engineering geology. The laboratory testing of soil samples will include:     soil characterization (grain size distribution and Atterberg Limits). water absorption.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.  Rock stratum.Potential sources of sand will be identified.1 The consultant shall submit the detailed proposal for geotechnical investigation after the approval of Alignment and GAD submitted during the Feasibility Study.7 Geo-Technical Investigations 4. chemical tests (total soluble salts.7. Strength characteristics. Consolidation parameters. safe bearing capacity. sand equivalent.0 Detailed Methodology         Sheet: 15 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 specific gravity. Regional Office. After approval of the same. foundation stratum.6. For potential hard stone quarries. . alkali-silica reaction). Detailed Geotechnical and sub-surface investigations conforming to the established standards and as deemed necessary. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.8 Each potential borrow area and source will be assigned a unique code number for easy reference. The sub-soil exploration investigations will also be used for span arrangement for bridges. 8 (LC Gate no. The type of foundations.9 Technical Specifications 4.1 The scope of services covered in TOR indicates that General Arrangement Drawings have to be prepared and the same will be done in accordance to design standards. The investigations for high embankment (where required) will be carried out as per IRC special specifications No. The coefficients for active and passive earth pressure will be calculated based on properties of soil used for backfilling behind abutments and wing walls.-4. the boreholes will be investigated under each foundation. either open or caissons will be decided taking into consideration.0 Detailed Methodology Sheet: 16 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 4.1 The Technical Specifications in accordance with which the entire work described in Bid Document shall be constructed and completed by the Contractor shall comprise of the following: PART-I: General Technical Specifications The General Technical Specifications shall be the "SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS (LATEST REVISION)” issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.75. IS. reference may be made to the latest codes and specifications of IRC. the relevant IRC and Bureau of Indian Standards Codes: The following types of loading would generally be considered while evolving GAD       dead load. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. and wind load 4. and published by the Indian Roads Congress with all up-to-date amendments issued by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H). the construction and completion of the works shall conform to sound engineering practice as approved by the Engineer .10. superimposed dead loads. the properties of soil and the type of foundations for the nearby structures. BS and AASHTO in that order. seismic load.8.8 Design of Bridges and Structures 4. Where even these are silent. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. 4. Appropriate relationships for earth pressure effects will be taken into consideration. The project area fall under seismic zoneV. live loads (two lanes of class –A or one lane of class 70 R for each carriageway).Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.7. 4. In the absence of any definite provisions on any particular issue in the aforesaid Specifications. Regional Office.2 The bridges will be designed for the live loading which gives the worst effect at the point under consideration. The parameters for design will be selected after careful consideration of the engineering strength values and geological information. temperature loads.3 The geological investigations will be preceded by a detailed study of engineering geology and also seismological information for the area.8. For major bridges. 4.  ancillary works. Regional Office.11.  road furniture. drawings and specifications and the unit rates worked out. While working out the unit rates.3 Construction Costs The costs for construction of the proposed bridge will be worked out on the basis of design proposals.-4.10 Rate Analysis and Cost Estimates 4. 4. The costs will be worked out on the basis of unit rates and the quantities of maintenance treatments (routine recurrent and periodic surface renewals) anticipated during the design life.11.0 Detailed Methodology Sheet: 17 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 and in case of any dispute arising out of the interpretation of the above. and.11.11.1 The unit rates for different items of works will be analyzed based on the Standard Data Book by MoRTH and survey conducted by the Consultant and the relevant data collected from the Client and the concerned departments in the construction and maintenance of roads in the area. Consultants’s experience in this regard gained through detailed engineering and maintenance management studies carried out in India will be immensely helpful in selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective maintenance treatment and policy. the inputs of man (labour).  Miscellaneous items of works. The basic rates worked out for the study will be compared with those obtained in other similar projects and recently completed/ awarded/ on-going construction and maintenance works in the area.  site clearance and earthworks.8 (LC Gate no. The item-wise construction costs will be computed using the bill of quantities derived from the designs. The construction costs will also include the costs of ancillary works and diversion works necessary for traffic movement during the construction of works. a bill of quantities will be prepared by the Consultant as under:  preliminary and general items.2 Quantities Based on the designs and drawings.4 Maintenance Cost Based on the study on the prevailing standards in the country and also standards adopted elsewhere. 4. . 4. the maintenance treatment type and the intervention criteria most appropriate for the Project Road will be recommended by the Consultant. The maintenance treatment and intervention criteria will be finalised in consultation with the Client. the decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. material and machine will be computed and considered. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. General conditions of contract. Regional Office.12 Sheet: 18 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Bid Documents 4.-4. The tender documents will be prepared as stipulated in the TOR.: . contract agreement etc. Outline of BOQ .8 (LC Gate no.    Special conditions of contract. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.1 The draft international competitive bidding (ICB) documents will be prepared by the consultant. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.and Schedule for additional information like formats for bank guarantee.0 Detailed Methodology 4.12. based on the sample bidding documents as agreed by the MoRT&H. The first stage will cover the commercial documentation including:   Instruction to bidders.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 2014 to carry out the Reconnaissance Survey of the project site. Jitendra Jain Financial Analyst Mr.1.09.Sinha Bridge Engineer Mr. While selecting the personnel.2014. The Consultant has mobilized the Team on 5th December.1 General 5. Omkar Verma Material cum Geotech/Foundation Engineer Mr. Aboo Asif Mr. detailed design and preparation of tender documents for major highway projects.1 The Letter of acceptance (LOA) for the assignment was issued by Superintending Engineer (B)-S&R on 09.0 MOBILIZATION AND WOR K PROGRAMME 5.11. The Consultant has also studied the available maps & other secondary data of project area. S. Amod Thakur Sr.-5.2.0 Mobilization and Work Programme Sheet: 19 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 5. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. THE TEAM COMPOSITION Sr. 5. due considerations have been given not only to the tasks to be carried out during the proposed assignment of experts but also the desirability of the expert being fully familiar with the similar ground situations in the project area.K. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Rahul Arora .2014 and the agreement has been signed on 28. Regional Office. field studies and investigations.1 The Consultant has drawn professionals from a pool of several eminent engineers with extensive experience and proven track record in the field of planning. programming. Survey Expert Traffic Engineer Md. During the reconnaissance survey.2 Project Team Organization 5. the Consultant has collected available relevant data from WBPWD for the project. Highway Engineer cum Team Leader Mr.8 (LC Gate no. 2 Support Staff: SI. Parminder Kaur Draughtsman-II Responsible for drawings in AutoCAD 8. 2015 GAD and final report for construction of proposed ROB & it's approaches iv) alonwith schedules as per EPC/BOT document May. Salik Asst. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Shadab Ahmed Asst. No. Khushi Draughtsman-III Responsible for drawings in AutoCAD Responsible for material investigation Responsible for topographical survey Work Programme As Enclosed in Annexure.2. No. 2015 March.1 (At the end of this chapter) 5. Neeraj Kr. Traffic Engineer Responsible for traffic survey and data analysis 4. 2016 . Material Engineer 5. Abhishek Gupta Asst. Sinha Asst. Prakash Shukla Draughtsman-I Responsible for drawings in AutoCAD 7.8 (LC Gate no. The schedule is also attached herewith SI.0 Mobilization and Work Programme Sheet: 20 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 5. Mohd. Highway Engineer Responsible for all field design and documentation activities and timely completion of study 2. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.1 The following activities have been planned for preparation of Draft Project Report (DPR). 2015 Survey/Investigation and preparation of GAD of proposed ROB including it's iii) approaches for approval by Railway authorities September.-5. Regional Office. Survey Engineer 6.4 Mobilization and Submission schedules 5. Activity i) Alignment options & inception report ii) Prioritization of Level crossings Submission February. 5. Animesh Dutta Asst.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.4.3 Name Position Task Assignment 1. Bridge Engineer Responsible for all field investigation related to design of bridgesand other structures 3. of West Bengal Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-113/IR/Chap.W.3) . (Roads) Directorate.8 (LC Gate no. P.-5.NH Planning & Design Division-I.0 Mobilization and Work Programme Sheet: 21 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Annexure-1: Work Programme (Refer to Para 5. Govt. 2 Quality Audit . These include such activities as providing clear decisions and directions. Determination and conformance of our firm’s work to requirements is verified on the basis of objective evidence of quality. and accurate documentation of all decisions. Essentially.All work to be performed on the project shall be as defined by the appropriate personnel of the Consultant. Ltd (CPCPL) an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company is to provide services in a manner. 6. and recommendations. if followed. In order to achieve this objective. progressive improvement in terms of both reducing errors and omissions and increasing project usability and performance should be noted. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. assumptions. QA is what is done to confirm that a QC program is effective and provides feedback upon which further development of the QC program can be made. Quality assurance should function as a "voice" for the client who expects a certain level of quality to be provided. . constant supervision by experienced individuals. immediate review of completed activities for accuracy and completeness. Spot checks. quality assurance describes the process of enforcing quality control standards. should ensure that the work is done correctly the first time.8 (LC Gate no. or other means as determined by the key personnel of the project team. Regional Office.5 Elements of Quality Assurance Systems CPCPL has documented the QAP and shall maintain the same as a means of providing a design product that conforms to specified requirements.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 6. which conforms to the contractual and regulatory requirements. 6. interviews with staff.CPCPL shall be responsible for in-house auditing of the implementation and conformance of the QAP.3 Concepts of Quality Assurance Quality Assurance (QA) refers to the operational activities put in place to control the quality of the service.1 General The prime objective of the management of Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt.5.-6.2 Quality Goals and Objectives The objective of quality assurance is the continual improvement of the total delivery process to enhance quality and client satisfaction.1 Quality Plan Procedures . it is the policy of CPCPL to maintain and implement an efficient and effective Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with the full commitment of management for its ongoing vitality and relevance. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. 6.0 Quality Assurance Plan Sheet: 22 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 6. The key personnel of the project team shall determine the technical effort and schedule required for the completion of the project. When quality assurance is wellimplemented. 6.4 Purpose of the QAP Quality control procedures. 6. This may be done by way of periodic project audits. Essentially.5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN 6. where a potential delay is due to events beyond the consultant’s control. gas/ oil pipes. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. The Schedule shall depict the time periods allotted to perform the individual project activities. Project activities shall be tracked against this schedule. and/or other units of measurements.5 Soil Investigation .6.6 Sheet: 23 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Approach & Methodology 6. These include buildings & Structures. deliverables.0 Quality Assurance Plan 6.Consultant shall thoroughly investigate the soil at desired locations of the proposed ROB in order to determine the sub-strata characteristics and to define the design parameters. monuments. 6. CPCPL shall update the Contract Activity Schedule as required and shall develop a detailed Project Activity Schedule.6. The subsoil investigation for bridges /structures and high embankments will be carried out.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. places of worship.The Consultants shall be responsible for reporting progress in terms of milestones. railway lines.For topographical survey work total station shall be used to collect the topographical survey. The Consultant shall submit the following in addition to QAP: Stage 1: Inception report with alignment options Stage 2: Prioritization of Level Crossings Stage 3(a): Survey.consultants shall also provide input to the Project Activity Schedule. burial grounds. crossings. stability of slopes for embankments and cut .6. to notify the MoRT&H as soon as possible of the potential for schedule changes.6.8 (LC Gate no. The investigation results for high embankment shall define design parameters for long term settlement of high embankment. The Project Activity Schedule shall be updated as required and shall be used as a reference throughout the duration of the project.6. Its findings shall define the depth and bearing capacity of sub-strata for foundations. Communications and status meetings with the sub. sewers. Investigation and Preparation of GAD Stage 3(b): Draft Detailed Project Report Stage 4: Complete Detailed Project Report 6. The details of all-important physical features along the alignment shall be collected. utility services such as electric and telephone lines (O/H &U/G). trees plantations. Auto CAD -2010 software shall be used for registering topographic survey data and plotting of topographic maps. This type of early warning shall allow the consultant’s time to redistribute project resources to offset potential project delays or.2 Project Progress Monitoring and Reporting . 6.3 Traffic Survey .4 Topographical Survey Data .With the Inception Report.-6. Regional Office. which shall provide early identification of possible Schedule Exceptions. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. water mains. 6. streams /rivers/canals. OFC in conformance with the TOR.1 Project Schedule Control .The Traffic Survey shall be conducted in conformance with the requirement of the Project. The calculations shall also be examined for the following:  Purpose of Calculation has been clearly identified. . The studies and reports required for the projects shall be as stated in the contract agreement. assumptions. if any. Regional Office. The originator shall check to see that results of a design are adequately reflected in the documents. The objective of the reports /studies shall be established in Inception Report to complement those defined in the TOR. 6. approaches.7 Calculations . 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. The Consultant shall ensure that all the calculations and revisions are subjected to a QA review and shall include but not be limited to the following:  Purpose of Calculation  Assumptions  Input Data with Sources  Design Methods or Theories  Design Criteria and Applicable Codes  Conclusions and  References The calculations shall be checked by Senior Engineers to assure that all work intended to be covered by the calculation have been performed. theories and conclusions.  Approach is satisfactory.6 Studies and Reports .Calculations shall be organized in a logical manner with sufficient notes such that a person technically qualified in the subject can review and understand the calculations and verify the adequacy of the results without clarification from the originator. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.8 (LC Gate no. The Consultant shall also write the reports / studies himself as required.-6. Calculations and drawings required for the development of the reports /studies shall be prepared in accordance with the Quality Assurance Procedures. Results of calculations shall be clearly identified and superseded/voided calculation shall be marked as such. The purpose of Quality Assurance Review shall be to assure that the reports’ objectives have been met. Similar investigation shall be conducted for landslide prone areas.6.  Most Current Design Criteria and Codes have been used. the report is comprehensive and up-to-date with respect to scope. if any.0 Quality Assurance Plan Sheet: 24 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 sections and replacement of compressible layer(s).6.The Consultant shall establish the procedures for developing studies and reports in conformance with the TOR. design criteria. 6. The Consultant shall resolve any problems by the QA Review. These shall be re-evaluated during the course of studies.  Computer Programs used are applicable for the problem being solved. The Senior Experts shall be responsible for checking drawings for the following:  Compliance with the design requirements and codes. The key personnel of the project team shall conduct frequent review of drawings to assure that proper standards and formats are being utilized in their preparation. and results are reasonable based on engineering judgment and comparison with previous solutions to similar problems.  Superseded and voided calculations are so noted. The reviewer shall also record his review of the calculations by initialing the “checked by” space on each sheet. In addition to periodic quality assurance reviews. which is consistent with the design objective.0 Quality Assurance Plan Sheet: 25 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0  Assumptions are clearly identified and are reasonable.6. etc.8 Drawings . shall produce a product.  Sufficient dimensions and staging for constructability. who shall resolve any problems identified in the review. Regional Office. The drawings shall then be revised to satisfaction of the key personnel. design criteria and the assumptions and conclusions for ROB and Structure shall be reviewed jointly by the experts of the consultant. Conception.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. CPCPL shall schedule at critical times during the design and sufficiently in advance of submissions. which. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.  Design methods are consistent with accepted practice. who shall resolve any problems revealed by the reviewer. The Consultant shall assign the responsibility for preparing drawings to the key personnel and shall ensure that they have the proper information.  Material specifications referenced in design incorporated into drawings.  Drawings incorporate design elements of the supporting engineering disciplines.8 (LC Gate no.  Calculations are legible and suitable for the reproduction and filling. The reviewer shall give the checked prints to the key personnel. specific quality and construct ability reviews. Engineer shall control arithmetical correctness and conformity of drawings with design calculation. if properly constructed.-6. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. etc.  Dimensional accuracy and consistency with design.  Previous comments to check prints have been incorporated into completed drawing. These reviews shall be performed based on design level .  Mathematics are correct and accurate. 6. The reviewed calculations with comments shall be given to the key personnel.Drawings shall be prepared and reviewed specifying the characteristic elements. The reviewer shall record all comments and shall indicate which calculations were found to be satisfactory and which were found to be unsatisfactory. The Sr. These shall be reported to the M/oTR&H for approval prior to their implementation. These books and file drawers shall be clearly labeled with the project name.6.6. Regional Office. 6. For long-term storage. MoRT&H supplied materials shall be itemized.Drawing files shall be stored on the CAD system and shall be appropriately named and layered in accordance with the CAD standard manual.8 (LC Gate no.6. controlled and correct manner.13.The project file index shall identify the location of potential design product such as design calculation. Electronically generated documents such as CAD files and design program files shall be stored on the master file of the project directory. 6.6.It shall be the Consultants responsibility to verify that all the reports have been reviewed prior to their submittal. bill of quantities. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.-6. reference drawings and original drawings. the date received noted and filed with the project reference materials. The CAD data shall be backed up systematically on a separate system to safeguard against a network failure. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. all hard copies of the project documents shall be catalogued and filed in secured location. 6.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Controlled conditions include the following:  CPCPL provides suitable design equipment and a suitable working environment.3 Design Product Identification and Trace ability . all manually generated design documents shall be marked with the project number and name and filed with all the design phase related documents.6.1 Document and Data Approval and Issue . The key personnel of the project team shall review Quality Assurance comments.2 Document and Data Changes . so that the same can be retrieved easily.13.0 Quality Assurance Plan Sheet: 26 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 reached to ensure compliance with design criteria and construct ability.The review and approval of changes to document and data after the first issue of the documents shall be the responsibility of the Consultant. Specifications .11 CAD Control . Document changes made subsequent to a QA review shall require another QA review. documented and reviewed.This QA program has been developed to assure that the project assignment is carried out in planned. 6.6. The Consultant shall review the specifications and ensure all elements are expanded and modified as necessary to reflect the particulars of the project. These files shall be backed up rightly. 6.13 Document Control 6.4 Process Control . specifications. For identification. 6.All design deviations and modifications from the standards shall be identified.12 Design Changes .The team leader and the Key Personnel shall jointly prepare the supplementary specifications to the current edition. 6. . 6. reports.13. measures to eliminate reoccurrence of the practice such as more training shall be developed. .5 Control of Compliance with QAP . in conformance with contractual requirements and according to M/o RT & Hs direction. the reviewers shall provide a written description of the areas of noncompliance.” The Consultant shall determine the cause by review of design criteria and minutes of meetings. The quality record shall be stored with the project documents for the duration identified in the Consultancy Contract Agreement.-6.  CPCPL shall ensure compliance with reference to QA plans and  CPCPL shall carefully monitor and control suitable process parameters and end product characteristics. copies shall be provided to CPCPL.6. CPCPL shall document written comments and comments received at review meetings. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. new and additional calculations shall be performed and plans shall be revised. When the corrected actions have been taken. instructions and directives which have a direct bearing on the project. Responses to the review comments shall be formulated and filed in the project file.13. Where necessary.0 Quality Assurance Plan Sheet: 27 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0  MoRT&H approved procedures and standards defining design to be used.6.6. The documentation shall include but not limited to design documents such as drawings.8 (LC Gate no.13.A successful QAP requires that all project participants implement the segments of the QAP.8 Control of Quality Records . design calculations. 6. The review of the noncompliance shall identify the cause and. These revised QAP procedures shall then be issued to all the members of the project team. which shall apply to their work task. 6. if it is found to be the result of poor procedural practice.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. as requested by Consultants. The key personnel shall provide direct daily oversight to the engineers and CAD operators in their disciplines. 6.Upon receipt of MoRT&H review comments to a submittal.6 Control of Noncompliance . a QA review shall be performed to ensure compliance. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. The subcontractor appointed if any shall be required to maintain their quality records and. “Review comments and Responses. Regional Office.13. studies.  Any exceptional report and subsequently reviews are approved by MoRT&H.7 Client Changes .In addition to the above measures. communications. These areas shall be discussed with the key personnel team leader and the employer.6. MoRT&H if necessary and the method of resolution shall be doted on the written description of areas of noncompliance.Sufficient documentation and records shall be accumulated to provide objective evidence that the design development and review process has been performed in accordance with good engineering practice. CPCPL shall ensure adherence to the approved QAP.0 Quality Assurance Plan 6. Field/ Project Region staff may also be tasked to review projects occasionally.-6. Amod Thakur 4. There shall be a review co-ordinator who would co-ordinate the entire review process. to make available any resource and coordinate as necessary for the successful completion of the project. for establishing and maintaining the control necessary to ensure completion of assignment on time to the satisfaction of the M/oRT&H. Mr. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. and the timing at which various tasks are to be started and completed. He also monitors managerial activities. Jitendra Jain 3. Highway Engineer cum Team Leader 2 Mr.8 (LC Gate no. Mr. CPCPL shall ensure . Rahul Arora Financial Analyst Quality Assurance Cell 6. The key personnel (defined in the Consultancy Contract) are the task leaders for their respective technical and administrative aspects related to their discipline. Survey Expert 5. The review coordinator will be from the Technical Services staff. 6. Mohd. CPCPL shall work closely with the MoRT&H to ensure that the project goals are met.1 The Team Leader is responsible to ensure that Project assignments are implemented in accordance with the Consultancy Contract Agreement. They shall discuss the QAP with the Employer and get the same approved after incorporating their suggestions /comments.8. Regional Office. overall progress of the project.7 6. the Bridge Engineer may be asked to coordinate a review of bridges and the Traffic Engineer may be asked to coordinate a review of traffic & safety aspects of the project. general conformance to established office procedures.9.9. CPCPL shall also organize the specific assignments in terms of sequence of work. the type and number of people required for each phase. compile the deliverable documents. Omkar Verma Bridge Engineer 6.1 Quality Assurance (QA) Review Team will have a primary point of contact with the Team Leader. Mr.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Name Position 1. No.K.9 Quality Assurance Methodology 6. and specific Employer’s requirements. 6. For example. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.8 Sheet: 28 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Team of Experts SI. Aboo Asif Traffic Engineer Material cum Geotech/Foundation Engineer Sr. Review team will include representatives from all appropriate disciplines or specialty areas appropriate for the project that will be reviewed. They are responsible for the direct supervision of all technical and administrative aspects related to address the issues. S. Mr. CPCPL shall be responsible for all technical and administrative aspects of the project.Sinha Sr. M/oRT&H. The coordinator and review team will be selected based on expertise and to reflect the dominant disciplines in the project.2 The Project Manager designated for the Project shall interact directly with the employer. 8 (LC Gate no. . Regional Office. the Sub-Consultant’s work shall be submitted with ample time to incorporate it into the contractual submissions. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. CPCPL personnel shall ensure that they as envisaged in the contract are exercising proper checks on quality.0 Quality Assurance Plan Sheet: 29 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 that.-6. which is over and above the contractual obligations.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. OR. Site Map.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Engineers & Draughtsman REVIEW Final Initial TRANSFER AND INTER-ACTION: Initial Discipline Engineer: (BE/TE/ SSE/GME/EE/R&R/QS).-7. – CLIENT): FINAL Team Leader DESIGN ENGINEERS Final Review WWw Issue Final Dwgs.L. Final REVIEW REVIEW  INTER-DISCIPLINE INPUT DATA AND DRAWINGS & DOCUMENT BRIDGE ENGINEER OR TEAM LEADER Asstt. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.8 (LC Gate no. Sub-soil Data. Initial  DRAWINGS & DOCUMENTS TRANSFER (DISCIPLINES – T.0 Alignment Options Sheet: 30 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 PROJECT PROCEDURE DOCUMENT CHART  BASIC INPUT/ DATA TRANSFER & INTER-ACTION (Survey Maps. & Documents . Concept Designs) INITIAL Field Engineers FINAL Bridge Engineer Team Leader Process Dwgs/Docs. Regional Office. 7.1. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. These alignment options have been shown on satellite image in Fig.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. alignment options have been worked out for the purpose of ROB at Km 193. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Regional Office.-7.0 Alignment Options Sheet: 31 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 7.8 (LC Gate no.1 Fixing Alignment option After reconnaissance survey at site and discussion held with local people.0 ALIGNMENT OPTIONS 7. 7.2 Site Photographs TVU of LC KM stone: NH-60 Level Crossing: View-1 LC Cabin Level Crossing: View-2 .800. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.-7..7.1: Alignment options for ROB .Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.0 Alignment Options Sheet: 32 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Option-1 Option-2 Fig. Regional Office.8 (LC Gate no. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193.0 Alignment Options Sheet: 33 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 Option 1 Existing Road Railway cabin Option 2 Fig.7. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Regional Office.8 (LC Gate no.-7.2: Details near Level Crossing .. 8 (LC Gate no. .0 Alignment Options 7. approach would consist of structural elements.-7. of demolitions No. After that.3 Matrix Comparison Parameter Length of ROB Option-1 Option-2 Length of RE wall 80m 85m Length of structure 525m 540m Length of railway span 32m 40m NIL 1 2 2 Length of Approach No. Regional Office. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. of horizontal curves Geometrics Recommendation  Sheet: 34 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0  Radii of horizontal curves 1 curve having radius of 200m  1 curve having radius of 250m This option is recommended as it avoids the demolition of a major building   1 curve having radius of 200m 1 curve having radius of 200m NA The approach for the ROB would consist of reinforced earth wall up to a height of 6m from natural ground level.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. -7.Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 39/A/3E) Document: 2015/P-109/IR/Chap.8 (LC Gate no.4 Cross-section near ROB location Typical cross-section for proposed ROB and its service road is as shown below: Sheet: 35 of 36 Date: February 2015 Revision: R0 .0 Alignment Options 7. Kolkata Project: DPR for proposed ROB on NH-60 near Km 193. Regional Office.
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