Imsar MDU Rohtak 2-3-17

April 3, 2018 | Author: Bhupendra Singh | Category: Entrepreneurship, Startup Company, Tech Start Ups, Innovation, Poverty & Homelessness



PATRON-IN-CHIEFProf. Bijender K. Punia, Vice-Chancellor, Maharshi Dayanand University ORGANIZING COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Patron: Prof. A. S. Boora, Dean and Director, IMSAR, MDU Conference Director: Dr. Ramphul Ohlan, IMSAR, MDU ON Indian Council for Social Science Research Organizing Secretary: Mr. Naresh Kumar, IMSAR, MDU Coordinator: Dr. Kuldeep Chaudhary, IMSAR, MDU STARTUP INDIA RECIPE FOR INCLUSIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP DISTINGUISHED INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS AND INNOVATION: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Prof. Damodar Golhar, Department of Management, Western Michigan University, USA Date: 2nd-3rd March, 2017 Venue: Radhakrishnan Auditorium Prof. Günther Schmid, Social Science Research Centre, Free University of Berlin, Germany MDU, Rohtak, Haryana Prof. Roger Guesnerie, Paris School of Economics, Paris, France Prof. Manu K. Vora, Chairman and President, Business Excellence, Inc., USA Prof. Alexander J. Wulf, Hochschule Berlin, Germany Prof. Anthony Edward Jensen, University of Newcastle, Australia DISTINGUISHED NATIONAL SPEAKERS Prof. T. R. Kundu, ICSSR Senior Fellow, Kurukshetra University, Haryana Prof. Arup Mitra, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi, Delhi Prof. B. H. Dholakia, Ahmedabad Prof. Bharat Bhasker, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow Prof. Santosh Nandal, Head, Department of Economics, MDU Prof. Sanjay Jharkharia, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak Dr. Suresh Jakhar, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak IMSAR FACULTY MEMBERS Prof. Mukesh Dhunna Dr. Jagdeep Singla Prof. Ajay K. Rajan Dr. Seema Singh Prof. Neelam Jain Dr. Sonia Prof. Raj Kumar Dr. Garima Dalal Prof. Rishi Chaudhry Dr. Karamvir Singh Prof. Satyawan Baroda Dr. Divya Malhan Prof. Pardeep Kumar Ahlawat Dr. Ashok Kumar Prof. Kamlesh Gakhar Dr. Sanjay Nandal ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION Prof. A. S. Boora Dr. Ramphul Ohlan Director, IMSAR Conference Director, IMSAR Maharshi Dayanand University Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak-124001 Rohtak-124001 Haryana, India Haryana, India Mobile: +91-9812804349 Mobile: +91-9812804349 E-mail: [email protected] Organized by E-mail: [email protected] Web: INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH Web: MAHARSHI DAYANAND UNIVERSITY Phone : +91-9812804349 E-mail: [email protected] to gainfully employ its workforce and reap its “demographic dividend”. individuals and agencies involved in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries. Under this programme. How can corporate social responsibility policy propel startups? 4. Rohtak. putting entrepreneurship and innovation at the forefront of the economic educa on. 2017 In order to address above research questions. The Ins tute is estimate. There are fears that the demographic bulge will not yield the the privilege to be a founder part of one of the NACC accredited 'A' grade anticipated economic advantage. Moreover. What is the current state of entrepreneurship and innovation in India? Submission of full paper 16th January. unable to become part of the growing middle class. The approach to pedagogy blends industrial visits and research agenda for solving pressing socio-economic problems is the need of the hour. How entrepreneurship policies generate different social impacts within poor communities? Students pursuing bachelor. execu ng consultancy projects. How can small business be benetted from startup boom? 3. informal jobs and working poverty.00 am Inaugural Session • 01.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Under the Auspices of the Indian Council of Social Science Research STARTUP INDIA RECIPE FOR INCLUSIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ministry of Human Resource Development AND INNOVATION: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Government of India PREAMBLE ABOUT IMSAR India continues to be a home of underemployed. Participants can send the technical papers /presentations (in soft copies) to the following: RESEARCH QUESTIONS Director: I Organizing Secretary: [email protected] pm Lunch • 04. Apart from In order to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in India. incubators. the organisers take pleasure in invi ng inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation in India. A plethora of industrial challenges to development of inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation need to be systematically addressed and commercial houses and reputed research organiza ons across the to bring about systemic changes in the society and the nation at large. candidates of various 7. encouraging and promoting self-employment as a career option for young people may be It offers dis nguished Master and Doctoral programmes in business of highest importance. With a signicant pres gious business schools in north India. master and doctoral programmes in social sciences 6. academicians and corporate agenda? execu ves may be benefi ed from par cipa on in this conference. entrepreneurship is producing talented business graduates. India needs to generate 115 million non-farm jobs over the next decade. CALL FOR PAPERS iii. event a grand success. The government sees the 'Startup India Programme' as critical to expediting programmes. startups. Given this context. the Government of India has launched a agship initiative “Startup India” on January 16. the focus of this conference is on answering the following research questions. IMSAR enjoys Underemployment in the country also manifests itself more generally through the prevalence of low- productivity. entrepreneurship and innovation within the framework of the startup India programme. As per the National Institution for Transforming India's (NITI Aayog) recent state Universi es – Maharshi Dayanand University. leadership with in-depth knowledge and values of business. the major ac vi es of the Ins tute expected to be an ever more important source of growth and job creation in the years to come. the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has enriched with well-qualified and diversified faculty members which reported that India's young population has the potential to produce an additional 2 per cent per capita gross provide the advantage of a much wider view and deeper understanding. How can cultural biases and attitudes towards development of entrepreneurship spirit be corrected? PROGRAMME SUBTHEMES March 2. A large group of educated The Ins tute of Management Studies and Research (IMSAR) is one of the young people is becoming alienated. To draw policy lessons from international experience of fostering inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation. the entrepreneurial and innovation process in the country. What drives the success or failure of top-down versus bottom-up types of innovations? educa on.30 pm Valedictory Ceremony  Cultural afnity for stability and upskilling workers • 02. The fundamental premise here is that all layers of conduc ng qualifying examina ons etc. .00 am Registra on • 10.00 am Technical Sessions  Catalytic measures for fostering inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation movement  Entrepreneurship and social-inclusion • Based on above stated objectives.00 pm Technical Sessions  Incentive structure for early-stage ventures  Enabling environment for social enterprises • 01. The focus is on thought youth bulge in India's population. Adver sers and Sponsors to par cipate in full strength to make the great i. To make recommendations for actionable policy initiatives aimed at fostering inclusive Research papers are solicited from national and international organisations. ii. globe offer placement to our students.30 am Technical Sessions • 02. How is startup India programme good for inclusive growth? WHO SHOULD ATTEND 5. To study issues and challenges for development of entrepreneurship and innovation through startup India programme. 2016. domestic product (GDP) growth each year for the next two decades. the subthemes cover the following and related areas: • 09. 2017 2. academic publica ons. unemployed and poor people. OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFERENCE INVITATION TO DELEGATES AND SPONSORS The main objective of this two-day international conference is to ponder over the issues of development of For Intensive interac on with all stakeholders. studies with a strong emphasis on basic concepts and theory. business consultants. This include organizing na onal and interna onal technical conferences and training programme is also supposed to harness the untapped potential of new technology to nd solutions to pressing economic and social problems. 1. aspiring entrepreneurs. The specic objectives of the conference are: Delegates. Hence.00 pm Technical Sessions . the numbers have outgrown what can be absorbed by the job market.00 pm Lunch  Innovation for the economically-backward youth • 10. 2017 March 3. 8. Which strategies are required for reconciling entrepreneurship and innovation with the social inclusion compe ve examina ons.ramphul@gmail. .
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