Imit2014 Badea 1

March 24, 2018 | Author: r_liliana | Category: Telemedicine, Medical Ethics, Health Care, Public Health, Medicine



5/1/2014Telemedicine from the point of view of students from Romania and Italy Mihaela Badea (1), Carmen Buzea (1), Liliana Rogozea (1), Arianna Sonia Scollo (2), Stefano Girotti (3), Patrizia Restani (2) (1) -Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania (2) - University of Milan, Italy (3) - University of Bologna, Italy Aims of the study 1. Systematic analysis of telemedicine issue using EMBASE data base 2. Questionnaire telemedicine issues - information about 3. To contribute to the development of a educational program for human resources for telediagnosis-telemedicine 1 Systematic analysis of telemedicine issue through EMBASE data base – Past and future in telemedicine publications Material and methods  Type of study – Systematic analysis  Study details – article published between 1973-2012 from EMBASE data base Dynamics of publications concerning telemedicine .1973-2012 3000 2799 1970 2000 1549 1500 1290 1191 1105 1015 1000 500 0 4 4 5 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 5 1 2 0 0 1 3 28 570 546 463 498 534 425 388 419 416 324 244 51 95 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Number of publications 2500 year of publication 2 .5/1/2014 1. 5/1/2014 EC funding grants FP2 ESPRIT FP3 RACE/AIM Medical Informatics FP4 TELEMATICS Health Telematics FP5 IST/Health Applications Personalised eHealth eHealth 1991 FP6 eHealth 2002 •20M € •100M € •140M € •200M € •30 Projects •63 Projects •158 Projects •125Projects •Feasibility Study •AIM Community •1st wave of products Total 600M€ (15Years) •EU Telematics Industry 2. QUESTIONNAIRES CONCERNING TELEMEDICINE 3 . questionnaires Nov 2011May 2012 (21 questions) ◦ Groups – students from Romania (Brasov) and Italy (Milano. Bologna) 4 . QUESTIONNAIRES CONCERNING TELEMEDICINE Aim  identifying information of students from two EU countries – Romania and Italy on the issue of telemedicine and telediagnosis  Questionnaires (single or multiple answers) Material and method ◦ Data collection .5/1/2014 2. 80 Romania Italy 246 197 53.5/1/2014 Questionnaires . Faculty of Law.73 5 . Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Characteristics .25 84.77 46.88 90.27 32. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.12 9.23 Total 443 67. Faculty of Economical sciences.20 Men (%) 17. Faculty of Food and Tourism.participants  443 in statistical analysis   Romania –Brasov UTBv (N= 246) Italy – N=197 ◦ Milano (51) ◦ Bologna (146) Universita Degli Studi Di Milano (Facultaty of Pharmacy) Universita Degli Studi Di Bologna (Faculty of Pharmacy) Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov  Faculty of Wood Industry.75 15.Gender City -Country Bologna Milano Total number 146 51 Women (%) 82. 75 37.00 34.4 40.56 20.52 39.62 37.4 25.02 Romania 17.60 19.00 12.09 Italy 26.73 46.22% no 64.81 Total 14.32 0.15 67.28 Romania Total 20.5/1/2014 Possible applications of telemedicine 80.00 54.32% no answer 0.94 60.4 48.01 21.00 58.12 38.11 0.7 27.56% Country Yes (%) No (%) Don’t know No answers (%) (%) Italy 10.18 8.83 1.00 data transmission in isolated areas development of applications that reducing the costs from patient to and areas of mobile enable of maintaining a doctor conflict applications used consultations at medical office by ambulance home services Do you think that the diagnostic obtained using telemedicine (and high level technology) has higher credibility than the one where the patient also undergoes a physical exam? don't know 20.02 36.90 6 .63 0.48 62.22 64.90% yes 14. 83 17.95 80% 0.13% Country yes 65.35 0.41 3.46% Yes No Don’t No answer (%) (%) (%) know(%) Italy 60.30 1.96 29.48 19.00 Total 21.60 8.00 60.00 yes no don't know no answer Can telediagnosis be used as a complementary tool of traditional diagnosis? don't know 18.41 12.41% no answer 0.45 0.51 23.91 17.51 1.13 7 .00 no 71.58 60% No answers 36.05 0.81 Total 65.52 Romania 69.510.51 71.78 70.07 0. knowing that the relation doctor-patient is not a direct relationship 100% 21.5/1/2014 The trust on telemedicine.00 50.62 69.01 17.75 0% Italy Romania total Could telediagnosis totally replace traditional diagnosis? don't know 19.57 Don’t know No Yes 52.00 Italy 40.79 40% 53.51% no 14.78% 20.00 yes 8.46 14.26 20.45% 80.35% 74.11 13.25 16.66 20% 37.68 0.90 18.81 0.51 25.90% no answer 1.00 Romania 30.00 10. 00 61.5/1/2014 •Telediagnosis is a highly proficient method that allows you access to specialty consultations in clinics around the world 70.02 Romania 38.35 47.00 1.81 Total 29.78 50.10 Total 39.81 26.32 41.71 21.60 41.27 53.75 45.00 40.18 22.32 56.68 20.95 13.31 49.07 14.00 10.44 8 .90 Telemedicine of is not widely used because Country Techniqual problems (%) No There is no Ministry The population specialists of Health program for rejects the idea of in the field implementing such telediagnosis (%) (%) an approach (%) Italy 29.34 60.79 57.09 17.00 19.57 0.67 11.00 51.90 0.21 41.00 36.12 Romania 46.51 0.93 57.28 31.22 0.90 1.92 Italia Romania Lotul total 27.00 yes no don't know no answer Diagnostic errors are reduced using telediagnosis Country Yes No (%) (%) Don’t No answer (%) know (%) Italy 18.87 19.11 0.04 30. 31 Telemedicine can be used in the following areas Application of telemedicine Country Emergency Laboratory Cardiology medical tests (%) (%) care (%) Surgery (%) Home care (%) Ophtal mology (%) Derma tology (%) Italy 30.10 6.22 8.96 45.13 9 .86 23.5/1/2014 Ethical issues in telediagnosis are related to Country The need for insuring confidentiality (%) How informed consent is obtained (%) There are no ethical issues.63 10.50 Total 40.58 12.15 6.18 12.06 32.83 36.98 45.15 Romania 47.96 8.18 12.20 8.30 23.97 23.02 41.13 34. since the data systems involved are very safe (%) Italy 37.55 Romania 31.12 Total 33.41 33.06 21.72 30.73 7.18 14.19 11. 11 76.30 57.17 87.76 40% 60% Reducing waiting time through better organization of activities (%) Improving quality of care (%) Improved access to health services (%) More rational use of funds in health care (%) The ability to get a second opinion from a specialist in another area (%) 53.12 10 .04 31.76 49.30 Improved access to health services 27.09 37.80 50.07 51.50 36. the choose patient can be their own continuously connected schedule to a GP (%) (%) Decreased costs by decreasing transport costs (%) Access to a specialist located far away in relation to the patient (%) Italy 10.58 50.55 51.70 30.22 50.5/1/2014 Advantages of the telemedicine for health care providers Country Freedom Increasing accessibility to to consultation.34 67.70 72.22 44.96 45.66 33.59 80% 100% Development Development of of best joint projects practices between examples specialists from worldwide (%) different countries (%) 4.78 Reducing waiting time through better organization of activities 14.42 49.24 0% 20% No Yes 23.80 6.98 24.99 85.01 Improving quality of care Italy Romania 12.72 13.89 More rational use of funds in health care Country 38.27 Romania 46.20 15.81 Telemedicine  Benefits of patients Development of joint projects between specialists from different countries Development of best practices examples worldwide The ability to get a second opinion from a specialist in another area 61.57 18.83 55. unitbv. dr. 2013 . Mihaela Badea http://biofiz.html 11 .Brasov COORDINATOR –Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov – Assoc BRASOV01-BIS TELEMONITORING AND TELEDIAGNOSTIC FOR LIFE SCIENCES MAY 13-25.5/1/2014 Conclusions Exploratory study – to gain insights on general perception about telemedicine The results were used to develop a program for education of master and PhD students in the field of telemonitoring and telediagnosis for life sciences ERASMUS IP . Faculty of Medicine .5/1/2014 R-D2 Partnership TTLS      Universite de Perpignan Via Domitia (Franta) Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj Napoca si Universitatea Ovidius Constanta (Romania) University of Pecs (Ungaria) University of Pardubice (Republica Ceha) University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) UniversitateaTransilvania din Brasov (UTBv) .Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences  •Scientific visits Collaboration ICCO Clinics Brasov – Telecardiology Research Institute PRO-DD of UTBv 12 . data exploitation and providing an evidence base for health policies and regulation • Social innovations to improve the quality of life and well-being of older people • Active 13 .5/1/2014 Site TTLS http://biofiz.php?id=495 Online teaching materials – ppt. independent and assisted living • Improving health promotion & disease prevention • Assessment of disease susceptibility and diagnosis Integrative Environmental Sciences • Environmental pollution and its effects on health • Environmental pollution -sensing.Monitoring-Telediagnosis for Life Sciences July Telediagnosis for Medicine • Analytical and bioanalytical methods for screening and diagnosis in medicine • Telemedicine and e-Health • Personalized medicine • Improving health information. teste Intensive courses TTLS – Brasov – certificate with ECTS credits for students Students materials – report TTLS + scientific reports/ video presentations Online evaluation of the students –Dropbox.Transcript of records 6ECTS International Conference New Trends on Sensing. Brasov. 2014.2014@gmail. telemonitoring and modeling of environmental factors • Environmental toxicology • Risk assessment of contaminated environments New Trends in Biomedical Engineering Sciences • Electronic medical devices • Data and signal processing • Medical image processing • Biomedical computing and simulation • Personalized electronic tools for effective virtual rehabilitation environment after a stroke. Romania – iew. [email protected] 14 .com mihaela.5/1/2014 Thank you for your attention! For contact concerning the conference badeamihaela@yahoo.
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