
March 27, 2018 | Author: Yumi Michiyo | Category: Data Compression, H.264/Mpeg 4 Avc, Telecommunication, Technology, Computing



1  TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM1001 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS REFERENCE(S) 1. Huang Guangbin and Ng Jim Mee, Data Structures and Algorithms, Pearson Education, 2007. (QA76.9.D35D232DS) 1. Johnsonbaugh Richard and Schaefer Marcus, Algorithms, Pearson Education, 2004. (QA76.9.A43J65) 2. Levitin Anany, Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Edition, 2007. (QA76.9.A43L666 2007) IM1002 ANALOG ELECTRONICS 1. 2. Nilsson James William th 1. Hayt William Hart, Kemmerly Jack E and Durbin Steven M, Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw Hill, 7 (TK454.H426 2007) 2. Jaeger Richard C and Blalock Travis N, Microelectronic Circuit Design, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011. (TK7874.J22M 2011) th and Riedel Susan A, Electric Circuits, Edition, 2007. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 8 Edition, 2008. (TK454.N712 2008) Razavi Behzad, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, John Wiley, 2008. (TK7874.R278F 2008) IM1003 1. Liang 2010. OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Y Daniel, Introduction to Java Programming: 1. 2. Deitel Paul J and Deitel H M, Java: How to Program, 8th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010. (QA76.73.J38D325 2010) Eckel Bruce, Thinking in Java, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006. (QA76.73.J38E19 2006) Comprehensive Version, 8th Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, IM1004 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS 1. Wakerly John F, Digital Design: Principles and Practices, 4th Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2006. (TK7874.W149 2006) 1. Mano M Morris and Ciletti Michael D, Digital Design, 4th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (TK7888.3.M285 2007) IM1092 BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 1. Edwards Charles Henry and Penney David E, Calculus, 6th Edition, PrenticeHall, 2002. (QA303.E26 2002) 2. Trim Donald W, Calculus for Engineers, 4th Edition, Pearson, 2008. (QA303.T831C 2008) 3. Kreyszig Erwin, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley, 2006. (QA401.K92 2006) 1. Bradley Gerald L, Strauss Monty J and Smith Karl J, Calculus, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2002. (QA303.B811) 2. Stewart James, Calculus, 6 2008. (QA303.2.S849 2008) th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, IM2001 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 1. Sommerville Ian, Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011. (QA76.758.S697 2011) 2. Pressman Roger S, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010. (QA76.758.P935S 2010) 3. Pezze Mauro, and Young Michal, Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques, Wiley, 2008. (QA76.76.T48P522) (QA76. Brey Barry B. 80286. Prentice-Hall. Prentice-Hall.9. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 1992. (TA330. Willsky Alan S and Nawab Syed Hamid. Haykin Simon S and Van Veen Barry. Johnson Richard Arnold and Bhattacharyya Gouri K. 80386. Thomson. SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 1. Pentium Pro Processor. 2004. Engineering Mathematics. 2nd Edition. (QA402. The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers Volumes I & II: Assembly Language. John Wiley. Engineering Mathematics. 2003.N576) Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures. 2010. 9th Edition. c2007. c2007. Signals and Systems. McGraw Hill.K92 2006) 2. The Intel Microprocessors : 8086/8088. John Wiley.I292B848I 2009) 2. Pearson Prentice-Hall. . Communication nd 1. (TK5101. 2011. Prentice-Hall. 5th Edition. (TK5102. Singh Ravish R and Bhatt Mukul.R646F) IM2006 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I 1. 2 Edition. Statistics: Principles and Methods. Intel Microprocessors: Design. Design.8. O'Neil Peter V. 4th Edition. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach.5.6. Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Principles and Applications for Engineering and The Computing Sciences.J68 2010) 3. and Pentium 4 and Core2 with 64-bit extensions: Architecture. McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill. Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics. Leon-Garcia Alberto and Widjaja Indra. 2006. 2008. (TA330. (TK5102. Patricia J. Signals and Systems. Hwei Hsu. Addison-Wesley. Milton J Susan and Arnold Jesse C. 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. 1997. 2009. McGraw-Hill. (TK5105. 2nd Edition. Prentice-Hall. James Glyn..S617) 1. Cambridge University Pres. 2010. Data and Computer Communications. Wong and Sundararajan N. (TK5102. Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems. Pentium II. 1st Edition. Mazidi Muhammad Ali and Mazidi Janice Gillispie.L579 2004) IM2004 1. 2010.8. (QA401.92.P62 1997) 3. Kreyszig Erwin. and Interfacing). and Interfacing. 2007 (ISBN-13 978-981-06-7698-8) 1.N58 2007) 2. 3rd Edition. 8th Edition. 1st Edition. 80486. Mandal Mrinal Kr and Asif Amir. Hall Douglas V.M271) Roberts Michael J. 2009. 4th Edition. 8th Edition. 2003.I57K96 2010) 3. 2003. Kurose James F and Ross Keith W. Chan C C and Siyal M Y. (TA333. (TA330. Signals and Systems (from Schaum’s Outlines). 2004. Ng Chee Hock and Ma Maode.S782 2007) 2. (TK5105. 2010. 80186/80188. Y. Wiley. McGraw-Hill. 1st Edition. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. (QA76. 2nd Edition.M662 2003) 4. Pentium III. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems. Programming. McGraw-Hill. 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill. (QA402. Stallings William. 6th Edition. (QA76. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware.12. Design and Interfacing (also known as Assembly Language. Computer Communications.H419) 4. Pearson/Prentice-Hall.H175 1992) IM2003 COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 1.A244 2004) 3.I292M476T 2003) 3.H873 2011) 2. Interfacing and Programming.875. Oppenheim Alan V.2   TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM2002 MICROPROCESSOR REFERENCE(S) 1. 2007. Pentium.5. (QA276. (TK5105. S617j) 2.L352 2009) 3. (TA330. 3rd Edition. 2004.575. (TK5102. Steinmetz Ralf and Nahrstedt Klara. Prentice-Hall. 2007. Haykin Simon S and Moher Michael. Oppenheim Alan V. Advanced Engineering Mathematics.M684 2006) Signal Processing.4. John Wiley. 2000. Hardjono Thomas and Seberry Jennifer. 1998. (TA157. 2011. (TK5102. 1998. 2nd Edition. Cryptography and Network Security: 1. Multimedia: Computing. Digital Signal Processing : A Computer Based Approach. (QA76. Proakis John G and Salehi Masoud.S782C 2011) IM4001 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS 1. Times Editions.P962 2002) 2. Engineering Mathematics with Real-World Applications.Hall. (TA330. Signal Processing for Communication.9.J73) 3. Pearson/Prentice. Mitra Sanjit K. 5th Edition.3   TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM2007 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II REFERENCE(S) 1. Prentice-Hall. (QA76. (TK5101. (TK5101. (TK5101.L693) IM4040 ENGINEERS AND SOCIETY 1. 2. Schafer Ronald W and Buck John R.A25B622T) 2. (TK5101.html IM3002 COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES 1. McGraw-Hill. Li Ze-Nian and Drew Mark S.H419 2010) 1. Prentice-Hall. Kreyszig Erwin. (QA76. 2005. Pieprzyk Josef. John Wiley.S823 1997) 1. 2006. Engineering and Society: Challenges of Professional Practice. Prentice-Hall. (DS610. Digital and Analog Communication Systems. Fundamentals of Multimedia. National Heritage Board: Landmark Books. Prandoni Paolo and Vetterli Martin. 7th Edition. Johnston Stephen F.G798 1998) 2. Springer. Lee Kuan Yew. 1st Edition. 2004.9. Pearson Education. 2nd Edition.sp4comm. Communication Systems Engineering. Oxford University Press. Addison-Wesley. Bishop Matt. 4th Edition. The Singapore Story: 1965:2000. 2010. 2009.S7L478f) . (QA76.K92 2006) Discrete-Time Edition. Prentice-Hall. From Third World to First. Fundamentals of Computer Security. 3rd Edition. Couch Leon W.C853 2007) IM3003 1.A25P614) Principles and Practice. (TA330. McGraw Hill. (QA401. 5th Edition. 2006.P899) Download here http://www. Communication Systems. 2004.A244 2004) 3. Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics. Lathi Bhagwandas Pannalal. Singapore: Journey Into Nationhood.575.E65) IM3001 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 1. Pearson Prentice-Hall. 2000. Er Meng Joo. Pearson Prentice-Hall. 2002.9.9. (TK5105. 2009. Gostelow J Paul and King W Joseph. EPFL Press. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 2003. James Glyn. 3 rd 1. Stallings INFORMATION SECURITY William.59. (DS598. Greenberg Michael D. 9th Edition. Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew. Introduction to Computer Security. 1997. Communications and Applications. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems. T655E 2004) IM4188 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 1. 2 2002) 2. Collins. 2005. The Future of Human Resource Management: 64 Thought Leaders Explore the Critical HR Issues of Today and Tomorrow. Pearson/Prentice-Hall.C712 2002) 3. Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems. 2001. Proakis John G and Salehi Masoud.2. Edition. Beasley Jeffrey S and Miller Gray M. Mayo Andrew. (TK5101. 14th Edition. Wireless Communications. Modern Electronic Communication. 2006. Rappaport Theodore S. System: Pearson (TK5103. (HF5549. Robbins Stephen P and Judge Timothy Organizational Behavior. 3rd Edition.K27 2000) 2.H419 2010) 2.4   TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM4041 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REFERENCE(S) 1. Wireless Communications and Networking. 2005. 9th Electronic Communications 5 th 1.S476 2006) 8. 2006. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems. Pearson.A277 2006) Edition. Radio System Design for Telecommunications.G624) nd 1.F548t) 7. (TK5101. Losey Michael R. Communication Systems Engineering. Edition. 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. 2007. Managing. (TK5101. Harvard Business School.C529) How Great Organizations Make the most of their Human Assets. (TK6553.F631) 2.7. 2002. Telecommunications Switching. Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. Meisinger Susan R and Ulrich Dave. John Wiley. 2010. 2007. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. 1995 (reprinted 1999). Fitz-Enz Jac. Keiser Gerd. James C & Porras. Optical Fibre Communications. Tomasi Fundamentals Through Advanced. Prentice-Hall. 1992. Prentice-Hall. 2nd Edition. Harper Business. Traffic Networks. The 8 Practices of Exceptional Companies: (HD58. Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann.9. 2 2002) Edition.67. Trade Unionism in Singapore.P962 IM4153 and TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 1.15. (HD53. The Baldrige Quality System: The Do-it-yourself Way to Transform your Business. (TK5101. Prentice-Hall. 3rd Edition.M648 2008) 3. The Human Value of the Enterprise: Valuing People as Assets . Communication Systems.F996F) 2. (TK5103. 1991. Chew Soon Beng. Freeman Roger L. 2002. 2010. Measuring. (TK5103. 2005. (TK5103. Garg Vijay Kumar. George Stephen. Currency Doubleday.G231WC) 3. Thomson Nelson.59.R636 2011) 1. Bellamy John C.R221 . (HD6820.7. 5th Edition. 4th Edition.M473) 5. Digital Telephony. (TK5103. (HD62.L352 2009) nd 1.F855 2007) 2. Wayne. (HD58. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice. Haykin Simon S. Lathi Bhagwandas Pannalal.Monitoring.K49) 4. 2000. 1997.G349b) 6. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant.9. John Wiley.2. Cambridge University Press.B435 2000) Prentice-Hall. AMACOM.2. Flood John Edward. (TK5103. 2009. Agrawal Dharma Prakash and Zeng Qing-An. (TK5101. 2000. IM4152 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Oxford University Press.2. IEEE/Wiley-Interscience. John Wiley. 2002. 2005. (HD58. Senge Peter M. 2008. Kim W Chan and Mauborgne Renée. John Wiley. McGraw-Hill. Goldsmith Andrea. Jerry I. (HF5415. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.153. (TK5103. (HF5386. G643 . Pratt William K.9. Principles of Digital Audio. (TK7881. 2006. 3-D Audio Using Loudspeakers.9. Wolf REFERENCE(S) EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Wayne. 2007 (TK7895. (TA1632. Katz David J and Gentile Rick.K96) and Applications. Wolf Wayne Hendrix. 1998. Digital Image Processing. 2008. Prentice-Hall. (QA76. Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture.P917 2007) 2. Digital Image Processing Algorithms and Applications. Digital Image Processing: PIKS Inside.4. Focal Press. Interscience. McGraw-Hill. Elsevier/Newnes. (TA1632.E42N769) 3. Gan Woon-Seng and Kuo Sen M.G228) IM4476 IMAGE PROCESSING 1.4. (TA1637. Prentice Hall. Watkinson John. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. 2007. Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers. (TK5102. (TK7881. 2005 Architectures.9. Embedded Media Processing. High-Performance Embedded Computing: 1. Kuo Sen M and Gan Woon-Seng.W336 2001) 1. 5th Edition. and Methodologies. 2000. Pearson Prentice-Hall. (TK5102. Implementations and Applications. 2001. (TK7881. Noergaard Tammy. Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design. John Wiley. Kluwer Academic. The Art of Digital Audio.83.P748 2005) 2. Wiley(TK7895. Morgan Kaufmann. Pohlmann Ken C. 2007. (TA1632. Kluwer Academic. Kuo Sen M and Gan Woon-Seng. Digital Signal Processors: Architectures.K19) 2. Bosi Marina and Goldberg Richard E. Digital Signal Processors: Architectures.E42W855) 2.B743) 2.P681) 3.K96) 3. Gonzalez Rafael C and Woods Richard E. 1st Edition. Elsevier/Newnes. Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards. Jain Anil K. Applications. John Wiley.G195) IM4475 AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING 1.4.5   TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM4455 1. Implementations (TK5102. (TK7881. 3 2008) Edition. (TK5102.S88W855 2008) 4. Gardner William G. 2005. 2nd Edition. 1989.J25) rd 1. 3rd Edition. 2003. Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann.9.9. 4th Edition. 2008. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2005. Pitas Ioannis. 2005. R967A 2010) 1. Artificial Intelligence : Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving. Part 2: Video. Geneva. 2006. Prentice Hall. Schaar Mihaela van der. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach. AddisonWesley. Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann.Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at up to about 1. Morgan & Claypool. 2. 2010. 1995. Han Jiawei and Kamber Micheline. (QA76. Addison-Wesley. Hennessy John L and Patterson David A.C732 2006) (TK5105. Addison-Wesley. S. Kurose James F and Ross Keith W. 2010.A73B265) 1. 2009.R522 2010) 4. 2006. Ostermann Jeorn and Zhang Ya-Qin.A73H515 2007) 2. Russell and P. Morgan Kaufmann. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. 1995. Elsevier / Morgan Kaufmann. 2 Edition. 2003.S291) 3.5. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISO/IEC IS 14496. (TK5105. 2008. Pearson/Prentice-Hall. Resilience. 4th Edition. 1992. Baron Robert J and Higbie Lee.I85 ISO/IEC14496-2(E)) IM4483 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA MINING 1. Pearson PrenticeHall.2. Comer Douglas E. (QA76.D343D917) IM4756 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 1. (TK6680. 8th Edition. MPEG-4 Beyond Conventional Video Coding: Object Coding. Patterson David A and Hennessy John L. (TK5101.9.585. and Standards.9. Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering: Fundamentals. ISO/IEC 11172-2. (TK6680. 2008. Digital Video Processing.5. 5 th Networks: Edition.C643P317 2009) 3. 2nd Edition.S782 2007) 3.W246) Video Compression. (TK277. 2nd Edition.S555 2008) 2. CRC Press.L579 2004) 2. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach.5. 3rd Edition. IM4761 COMPUTER NETWORKING 1. Communication nd 1. BSI. 1995. Information Technology . Tekalp A Murat. (QC100. (TK6680. and Scalability. 6th Edition.A73H515 2003).575. 2003. 1999. Algorithms. 2002.9.B862 BS EN ISO/IEC 11172-2 1995) 6. 2004. Pearson/Prentice-Hall.264 Advanced Compression: Standard. Wang Yao. c2007. Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures.Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio Information: Video. Video Processing and Communications. (Q335. (QA76. Wiley.9. Computer Orgnaization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface.I85 ISO/IEC13818-2 1996(E)) 7.I57K96 2010) . Dunham Margaret H. (QA76. Shi Yun Q and Sun Huifang.T266) 5. 2nd Edition. 1st Edition. Digital REFERENCE(S) 1. (QA76.S986D) 2. Hennessy John L and Patterson David A. Symes Peter. ISO/IEC IS 13818-2. Leon-Garcia Alberto and Widjaja Indra. c2010. 2006. Prentice-Hall. (TK6680.875. Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics.5 Mbit/s. (TK5105. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach.D343H233 2006) 2. (TK5105. McGraw-Hill. Morgan Kaufmann. Internetworking with TCP/IP. Data and Computer Communications.5. Information Technology . 5th Edition. Luger George F. Information Technology . 4th Edition. (QA76. Richardson Iain E G. 2007.9. Computer Architecture. 2004. Turaga Deepak S and Stockhammer Thomas. Stallings William. Prentice Hall. (QA76.9.Coding of Audio-Visual Objects Part 2: Visual.6   TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM4478 DIGITAL VIDEO PROCESSING 1. (TK277. The H. Norvig. AddisonWesley. Morris Steven and Rob Peter. Implementation.D3D232 2004) 4. Elmasri Ramez and Navathe Shamkant. (QA76. Course Technology. An Introduction to Database Systems. Pearson Addison-Wesley. 9th Edition. 5th Edition. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design.9. Addison-Wesley. 2010.9. 2011. Fundamentals of Database Systems. (QA76. Coronel Carlos.9.7   TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCES FOR IEM COURSES TEXTBOOK(S) IM4791 DATABASE SYSTEMS REFERENCE(S) 1. (QA76.D26C752 2010) 2. Implementation. 10th Edition. 2011. (QA76. Hoffer Jeffrey A.D3M143 2011) 1. Date C J. 6th Edition. Ramesh V and Topi Heikki.9. Pearson/Prentice-Hall. 8th Edition.D26R628 2011)   . and Management. and Management. 2011. Connolly Thomas M and Begg Carolyn E.D3E48 2011) 3.9. Database Systems: Design. (QA76. 2004. Modern Database Management.
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