Imb.e Service Manual-En

March 27, 2018 | Author: KonikaHossain | Category: Power Inverter, Capacitor, Electrical Engineering, Physical Quantities, Electronic Engineering



SERVICEMANUAL INVERTER IMB.e IMB.e SERVICE MANUAL Index of sections Code 1 – IMB.e TECH DATA JUD409535 2 – IMB.e OPERATING MANUAL IMB.e operating manual index JUD408863 IMB.e General Description JUD408864 IMB.e Front panel JUD408865 IMB.e - ITB.e Startup and Shutdown JUD408866 3 – IMB.e - ITB.e TEST PROCEDURE JUD411347 4 – IMB.e OPERATING DESCRIPTION JUD411291 5 – IMB.e - ITB.e MAINTENANCE JUD411547 6 – IMB.e - ITB.e TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES JUD411292 7 – UPS TEST SOFTWARE JUD411293 8 – IMB.e APPENDIX SERVICE MANUAL JUD411480 UPS dielectric strength test JUD410372 Setting of FMC board JUD411351 Rev. Descrizione Description I L M N Revision Revision Revision Revision JSE414786 JSE415541 JSE416061 JSE416117 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 11.10.11 17.05.12 27.08.12 24.09.12 P. Conti P. Conti P. Conti L. Fognani E. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni P. Conti E. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag. of Pag. 1 Codice / Code JUD411294 . INVERTER SERIES “IMB_E” GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA . . ........................................4 Rev................................... Simoni E..2 Overload with Bypass NOT available 3 7 PARALLEL REDUNDANT OPERATION .................... Conti E.......................IMB_e General data IMB_E – GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA Index 1 INTRODUCTION ....1.. 6 Picture 17 – Parallel redundant configuration .....................7 2........ Conti P.............. 5 10...... 4 3......................................2 3.. 3 8 DESIGN STANDARDS ......2...................8 2................ 2 6 FRONT PANEL ............... 5 Picture 14 – Manual Bypass for functional tests ..........1......................4 IGBT bridge protection .........2 Overload management ....................... 5 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................... 4 10 DATASHEETS ...............7 2.. 4 3......... 12 10.........1......... 2 2...............................................................1 INVERTER ...3 Picture 6 – Overload with bypass not available ............... 4 2.................................... Conti P.................................1....... 7 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 19/01/10 25/03/10 16/03/11 26/09/11 P..................1 Inverter  Emergency Line transfer .....2 Emergency Line  Inverter transfer .. STATUS AND SIGNALS5 2..........5 2.........3 Picture 5 – Overload with bypass available ... 4 Picture 12 – Bypass operation (manual change-over) 5 Picture 13 – Bypass operation (automatic changeover).. Conti P.2......4 Picture 9 – Static switch and Manual by-pass .. E 1 15 Codice / Code JUD409535 .......................................1 Overload with Bypass available . 3 2............4 IMB_E 220VDC INPUT / 230VAC OUTPUT..................3 MANUAL BY-PASS.2......4 3.......................................2 IMB_E 110VDC INPUT / 230VAC OUTPUT................. Simoni E.......2 Picture 4 – Thermal image characteristic ....................................6 2..................3 Picture 8 – IGBT bridge protection ............................. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page di Pag.................. 10 10.. 2 5 ALARMS....................................... 5 Picture 16 – Front panel..................... 5 Picture 15 – Manual Bypass for repair or maintenance works...... 8 10...... 4 2...................... Simoni E.......2 Picture 3 – Operation with non-linear load....................2 Picture 2 – Diagram of the power ...... C D E F Descrizione Description Revision JSE412816 Revision JSE413046 Revision JSE413994 Revision JSE414630 Picture 11 – Battery operation..............................1.....3 BYPASS OPERATION .......2 STATIC SWITCH ..3 Picture 7 – Short circuit characteristic (By-pass not available) .....3 IMB_E 220VDC INPUT / 115VAC OUTPUT.........2 BATTERY OPERATION ............................... Simoni E...6 2............................... Simoni E................ 14 Index of pictures Picture 1 – Inverter ........3 Short circuit operation...........1 IMB_E 110VDC INPUT / 115VAC OUTPUT........................... 4 3 OPERATING MODES ...4 Picture 10 – Normal Operation .................................. Simoni E.................................... Simoni E.. 3 9 MECHANICAL LAYOUT.........1 Operation with non-linear load ..4 MANUAL BYPASS....................1 NORMAL OPERATION ....... of Pag..2 4 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS.............2.................1................................ Picture 3 – Operation with non-linear load Picture 1 – Inverter The output transformer provides the galvanic insulation between DC and AC side. that uses four switches. than reducing to 125%. User loads are powered by inverter output up to the end of maximum allowed time. The DC current transducer CT provides for the monitoring of the inverter input current.f.F JSE414630 26/09/11 .Instrumentation . The inverter is provided with an instantaneous voltage correction facility. a lowpass filter that provides to eliminate the high frequency ripple and keeps the total harmonic distortion of the inverter waveform (THD) lower than 2% (with linear load). 2 of 15 2. controlled by a 16-bit microprocessor.IMB_e General data 1 INTRODUCTION The Inverter (IMB_E) is a static DC/AC IGBTbased converter. The data “100% kW” indicates the maximum active power that the UPS can supply to a resistive load (ex: for a 20kVA UPS Pmax=16kW). independently from the mains status. is able to supply indifferently inductive or capacitive loads. together with the AC capacitors.1. it makes the load completely immune from micro-interruptions due to excessive mains variation.9) and a de-rating factor.2 Overload management Inverter can provide continuously 100% of nominal load and can tolerate overload conditions up to 125% for 10 minutes or 150% for 1 minute. < 0. Thanks to the DC/AC conversion.1. thanks to its manufacturing technology and to the microprocessor control. Its feedback signal is managed by the microprocessor to activate the output short circuit current limitation (see 2. controlled using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) technology at high commutation frequency.1. Picture 2 – Diagram of the power 2.1 INVERTER The DC voltage is converted by the IGBT bridge. that provides to vary the PWM generation according to the actual output waveform. as well as voltage adaptation.1 Operation with non-linear load A non-linear load is characterized by a high peak current versus its RMS value. Any times output power grows above 100% the inverter keeps feeding the loads. that allows full digital control of the system operation. 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2. Its integrated inductance forms. and then the static bypass switches to emergency line without interruption of output power.4). must be applied. JUD409535 Rev. The inverter. that in normal condition would introduce a distortion on the output waveform. in order to keep the THD within 5% even with loads having crest factor equal to 3. The maximum apparent power varies slightly in case the load is highly capacitive (p.). while the microprocessor activates the “thermal image” algorithm (technical figure) to calculate thermal image based on output current and duration of the overload in function of the time. completely managed by the microprocessor.Scientific equipment etc. Peak conditions such as take-off of engines or magnetic parts are managed limiting the output current to 200% for 5 cycles.1.3) and the IGBT protection (see 2. and prevents damage to the critical loads (Computer . according to the picture 5. The PWM generation as well as the control of the operating variables is completely managed by the microprocessor. The inverter supplies clean continuous power and guarantees the voltage and frequency are stabilised at the nominal value. When the limit is reached the inverter is switched off to avoid severe damages to the power components. Picture 4 – Thermal image characteristic 2.1. Rev. To allow a safe cooling of the inverter power components (IGBT’s. the output current is limited and the IGBT bridge current doesn’t reach the protection threshold. after that it’s switched off (according to EN 62040-3 / EN 50091-3). As soon as the bypass is available again the load is supplied by the bypass static switch. 2.2.2. After 30 minutes the inverter is switched on again and the load re-supplied.4 IGBT bridge protection The inverter current is monitored by the DC current transducer connected upstream the inverter bridge.1.1 Overload with Bypass available Picture 5 – Overload with bypass available As soon as an overload is detected the algorithm starts to calculate the increment of the energy.2 Overload with Bypass NOT available Picture 7 – Short circuit characteristic (By-pass not available) 2.1. When the limit is reached the load is transferred to bypass.3 Short circuit operation As soon as an output short circuit is detected (alarm A25) the load is transferred immediately to the emergency line that provides to eliminate the fault thanks to its higher short circuit current.1. When this time has elapsed the inverter is switched on again and the load transferred back to the primary supply. The behaviour of the inverter in case of short circuit on the load has been described at 2. In case of short circuit in the inverter bridge the DC input current increases immediately and there’s no possibility of limitation but stopping the PWM. and then to 125% for 5 seconds.1. Therefore the control logic is able to distinguish an output short circuit from an IGBT short circuit.3. In this case the alarm A24 – Current stop is activated and must be reset manually after having verified the status of the semiconductors.F JSE414630 26/093/11 JUD409535 3 of 15 . In case the bypass is not available the inverter reduces its output voltage and limits its output current to 200% for 100ms. transformer) the inverter is switched off for 30 minutes.IMB_e General data WARNING: this operation causes the loss of the supply to the load 2. Picture 6 – Overload with bypass not available As soon as an overload is detected the algorithm starts to calculate the increment of the energy. The battery voltage drops as a function of the magnitude of the discharge current. Manual by-pass can be inserted by following the relevant instructions. The inverter converts the DC voltage into an AC sine-wave. 4 of 15 BATTERY OPERATION In the event of DC supply failure the battery. During manual by-pass operation there’s no interruption of the supply to the load.1 NORMAL OPERATION During normal operation all the circuit breakers/switches are closed except MBCB (maintenance bypass).2.IMB_e General data 2. Picture 11 – Battery operation JUD409535 Rev. Picture 8 – IGBT bridge protection 2. the load is supplied by the bypass static switch even in case of microprocessor failure. and the load is blocked to emergency line until a manual reset will clear the faulty condition. As the battery approaches the discharge limit an alarm is activated.1 Inverter  Emergency Line transfer The transfer (in less than 0.2 STATIC SWITCH Static switch is based on power semiconductor (thyristors). 3. 3 OPERATING MODES 3. the inverter is provided with a manual bypass switch.5 ms) is activated only if emergency line is in tolerance. and provides to supply the load through its static switch SSI.2 Overload capability: 150% continuously 200% for 1 minute 2000% for 1 cycle 2. that is connected to the DC intermediate circuit. rated to work continuously at 150% of nominal output power. the unit automatically switches to inverter in less than 1 msec.3 MANUAL BY-PASS In order to allow safe maintenance and repair of the unit.2. The voltage drops has no effect on the inverter output voltage since it is kept constant by varying the PWM modulation. stabilized in voltage and frequency. If the bypass mains is not available or outside the tolerance range the complete system shuts down as soon as the lowest battery level is reached.2 Emergency Line  Inverter transfer As soon as inverter is correctly working and synchronized. If the system switches back and forth more than 6 times in two minutes. if not. Picture 9 – Static switch and Manual by-pass Picture 10 – Normal Operation Thanks to the transfer logic integrated in the control. In case the power is restored before the limit is reached the system switches automatically back to normal operation. the inverter shuts down and the load is transferred to the bypass (bypass operation). In bypass mode all the repair and test activities to verify the efficiency of the whole unit can be carried out safely. The thyristor connected to the main power is protected by a fast-acting fuse. is called up immediately and without interruption to supply the load. for the following reasons:  Output short circuit  Fault of the inverter  DC over-voltage or under-voltage (inverter OFF)  Over-temperature  Thermal image shutdown  Forced commutation by “BYPASS SWITCH” 2. an alarm is generated to inform the user.F JSE414630 26/09/11 . and the full functionality can be tested. including the history log. In the event of a bypass failure the load is transferred back to inverter without interruption. Picture 14 – Manual Bypass for functional tests During the manual bypass operation for repair or maintenance. 5 Picture 12 – Bypass operation (manual change-over) The automatic change-over occurs for the reasons explained in the technical description (see paragraph 2. Rev. STATUS AND SIGNALS The alphanumeric display offers a complete diagnostic of the system.1). except for the output breaker OCB. controlled by the microprocessor.4 S1 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 DC input voltage OK Inverter OK Inverter feeds load Inverter synchronized Bypass OK Inverter ON MANUAL BYPASS The manual bypass operation is necessary every time the functionality of the inverter needs to be checked or during maintenance or repair works. is described in the chapter FRONT PANEL of the Operating Manual.2. all the breakers can be closed. the UPS is completely switched off and the load is supplied directly by the bypass mains.3 BYPASS OPERATION Bypass operation may occur for both manual or automatic change-over. During the functional check of the inverter. that disables certain UPS functions in order to avoid possible load breaks. The display management for the alarms and status. The manual transfer is due to the BYPASS SWITCH. List of the status Picture 13 – Bypass operation (automatic changeover) Code Description 3.IMB_e General data 3.F JSE414630 26/093/11 JUD409535 List of the alarms Code Description A4 A5 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 Thermal image protection DC input voltage failure Inverter out of tolerance Overload Bypass not available Bypass feeds load Retransfer blocked MBCB (Q3) closed OCB (Q4) open Fans failure High temperature Bypass switch activated EPO activated Max. Each alarm is associated with an internal protection. the alarm codes are stored in the events history. The manual bypass procedure is described in the operating manual and must be followed carefully in order to avoid damages to the unit. basically when the power supply to the load within the specified tolerance cannot be assured by the inverter. current stop Short circuit 5 of 15 . Each alarm and status is associated to a code. ALARMS. that forces the load to bypass. Picture 15 – Manual Bypass for repair or maintenance works 4 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS For technical characteristics see the attached data sheets (chapter 8). In case of failure in one unit. the other units supply the load. under all load conditions. This is possible because all units are constantly in operation and feed the load in parallel at “total load / n”. the parallel redundant system guarantees an uninterrupted power supply even in case of an internal failure in one of the inverters. Through a ModBus RS485 protocol (optional) 7 ARC #3 6 LED RELAY MEANING RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 Thermal image protection Bypass feeds load OCB (Q4) open EPO activated FRONT PANEL The front panel of the UPS. The load is supplied by the static bypass only when the redundancy logic. total power control and protection of the load from mains distortion. The three relay card (optional) ARC #1 Signalling Color 10 Inverter OK GREEN 11 Inverter feeds load GREEN 12 Inverter synchronized GREEN GREEN RELAY MEANING 13 Bypass Ok RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 Inverter OK Inverter synchronized Inverter feeds load Bypass OK Low DC voltage (pre-alarm) Common alarm 14 Bypass feeds load ORANGE 15 Overload ORANGE 16 Fans Failure ORANGE 17 DC Voltage out tol RED 18 High Temp RED 19 Retransfer block RED ARC #2 RELAY MEANING RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 Low DC voltage (alarm) Overload Retransfer blocked MBCB (Q3) closed High temperature Fans failure The following remote connections are also available: 1.Show all the relevant input and output current. Through an RS232 protocol 2. The load is supplied by the inverters in parallel for an instantaneous overload up to “n x 200%” of the nominal load of a single unit.Show the events history SBCB Open ELCB Open (Option) Output overvoltage Output undervoltage The alarms and status can be remotely transferred by means of SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) voltage-free relay contacts. allows the complete monitoring of the UPS status. On each inverter one extra PCB (RPIBUSCAN).F JSE414630 26/09/11 . Picture 16 – Front panel 6 of 15 PARALLEL REDUNDANT OPERATION The parallel system consists of “n” (up to 4) units. is installed. voltage and frequency measures . is no longer satisfied. Only the manual bypass can be external and unique for all the units (on request). The signalling card ARC#1 is included as standard. that provides the parallel redundant functions. that can be set by a dedicated software program.IMB_e General data A26 A27 A28 A29 The front panel main functions are: . JUD409535 Rev. The AC automatic current sharing control equalizes the currents of the “n” inverters and reduces the total unbalance to less than 10%. which are equipped like standard units. where “n” is the number of the UPS.Show all the alarms and status of the IMB_E . In addition to the standard functions as uninterruptible power supply. consisting of a double row alphanumeric display plus 5 function keys. The power flow diagram helps to understand the operating status of the UPS. Width and depth varies according to the voltage and current ratings.F JSE414630 26/093/11 ISO 9001:2000 EN 62040 EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 EN 62040-3 IEC 60076 IEC 60439 CEI 60947-2 CEI 20-38 CEI 20-22 CEI 20-14 EN 50178 EN 62040-1-2 IEC 60529 EN 60439-1 EN 62040-1 EN 60146 EN 60127 EN 60947-4 EN 60945-5 JUD409535 Version 2 : IP31 7 of 15 . further details are given in the datasheet. Version 1 : IP20 Picture 17 – Parallel redundant configuration 8 DESIGN STANDARDS Quality / Environment Inverter basic standard EMC standard : : : Performances Power transformers Low voltage switchgear : : : Cables : Safety : Protection degree Mechanical : : Semiconductors Protection devices Contactors Lamps : : : : Rev.IMB_e General data 9 MECHANICAL LAYOUT The following drawings are given as examples of mechanical layout for the inverter series IMB_E. 0.Sensing and transfer time .50% 20% . 0.Sensing and transfer time Manual bypass 8 of 15 0 seconds (controlled) Block on mains after 6 commutation in 2 minutes With electric security and without interruption (Make Before Break type) JUD409535 Rev. 2000% In for 1 cycle Short circuit protection .p. 150% Pn for 1’.64 1.f.8) Inverter Static bypass 125% Pn for 10’. then 125% In Inverter stop after 5 seconds (according to EN62040-3) Fast acting fuse +/.Not linear load (75% Pn.p.Static bypass protection Output voltage dynamic stability 0 .44 Active load sharing (CAN-BUS connection) Up to 4 units Electronic thyristor switch Transfer INV  BYPASS < ¼ cycle < 1ms .09 1. 0.20% Bypass input voltage (Vac) Output power @ p.5% With recovery at +/.SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 ELECTRICAL DATA 90 ÷ 160 DC input voltage range (Vdc) 110 – 115 – 120 (selectable) +/.kW Parallel redundant configuration Automatic static bypass 200% In for 100ms.f.56 4.5% With recovery at +/.F JSE414630 26/09/11 .IMB_e General data 10 DATASHEETS 10.97 3.60  80  83  85  88  81  83  86  88  82  84  87  89  82  84  87  89  83  86  88  90  83  86  88  90 1.f.100% Efficiency at nominal load 25% 50% 75% 100% Heat dissipation @nominal load .f. 200% In for 100ms 150% Pn continuous.2% within 40ms  79  82  84  87 0.98 2.Commutation time Retransfer INV  BYPASS . 200% Pn for 10’.f. 1 (kW) 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 110 – 115 – 120 (selectable) +/.Linear load .1% Output voltage (Vac) 50-60 (selectable) +/.8 (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 Output power @ p.1 IMB_E 110VDC INPUT / 115VAC OUTPUT IMB_E 110Vdc/115Vac .4% (programmable) Output frequency (Hz) Output current @ 115Vac (A) 34 43 . 1 .1% within 40ms +/.Inverter current limitation .8 69 86 104 130 139 173 208 260 278 347 347 434 Output harmonic distortion (THD) < 2% < 5% . CF=3:1) Overload capability (p. IMB_e General data IMB_E 110Vdc/115Vac - SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Acoustic noise level (according EN 50091) - dB EMI Operating Temperature (°C) Storage Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (non condens.) Ventilation Altitude (mt. above see level) < 65 < 68 < 70 EN 61000-6-2 /EN 61000-6-4 -10 .. +40 -20 .. +70 < 95% (with tropicalization on request) Forced (redundant fans on request) < 2000 ( de-rating According EN62040-3) MECHANICAL DATA Protection degree (IEC60529) IP 20 (other on request) Painting colour and type Dimensions (mm) W D H Weights (Kg) Input/output cable connection RAL 7035,  60m (others on request) Transport Transport mechanical stress Installation Accessibility Rev.F JSE414630 26/093/11 600 800 1000 800 800 800 2100 2100 2100 320 360 400 440 500 550 610 Bottom Side (Top Side on Request) Base provided: for forklift handling (for lifting belts and load balancing hooks -on request) According to EN 62040-1 Restricted 30 cm from ceiling Air inlet from the front. Air outlet from the top and rear Front (rear for fans access) JUD409535 9 of 15 IMB_e General data 10.2 IMB_E 110VDC INPUT / 230VAC OUTPUT IMB_E 110Vdc/230Vac - SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 ELECTRICAL DATA 90 ÷ 160 DC input voltage range (Vdc) 220 – 230 – 240 (selectable) +/- 20% Bypass input voltage (Vac) Output power @ p.f. 0,8 (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 Output power @ p.f. 1 (kW) 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 220 – 230 – 240 (selectable) +/- 1% Output voltage (Vac) 50-60 (selectable) +/- 4% (programmable) Output frequency (Hz) Output current @ 230Vac (A) 17 21 - p.f. 1 - p.f. 0,8 34 43 52 65 69 86 104 130 139 173 173 217 Output harmonic distortion (THD) < 2% < 5% - Linear load - Not linear load (75% Pn, CF=3:1) Overload capability (p.f. 0,8) Inverter Static bypass 125% Pn for 10’, 150% Pn for 1’, 200% In for 100ms 150% Pn continuous, 200% Pn for 10’, 2000% In for 1 cycle Short circuit protection - Inverter current limitation - Static bypass protection Output voltage dynamic stability 0 - 50% 20% - 100% Efficiency at nominal load 25% 50% 75% 100% Heat dissipation @nominal load - kW Parallel redundant configuration Automatic static bypass 200% In for 100ms, then 125% In Inverter stop after 5 seconds (according to EN62040-3) Fast acting fuse +/- 5% With recovery at +/- 1% within 40ms +/- 5% With recovery at +/- 2% within 40ms  79  82  84  87 0,60  80  83  85  88  81  83  86  88  82  84  87  89  82  84  87  89  83  86  88  90  83  86  88  90 1,09 1,64 1,98 2,97 3,56 4,44 Active load sharing (CAN-BUS connection) Up to 4 units Electronic thyristor switch Transfer INV  BYPASS < ¼ cycle < 1ms - Sensing and transfer time - Commutation time Retransfer INV  BYPASS - Sensing and transfer time Manual bypass 10 of 15 0 seconds (controlled) Block on mains after 6 commutation in 2 minutes With electric security and without interruption (Make Before Break type) JUD409535 Rev.F JSE414630 26/09/11 IMB_e General data IMB_E 110Vdc/230Vac - SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Acoustic noise level (according EN 50091) - dB EMI Operating Temperature (°C) Storage Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (non condens.) Ventilation Altitude (mt. above see level) < 65 < 68 < 70 EN 61000-6-2 /EN 61000-6-4 -10 .. +40 -20 .. +70 < 95% (with tropicalization on request) Forced (redundant fans on request) < 2000 ( de-rating According EN62040-3) MECHANICAL DATA Protection degree (IEC60529) IP 20 (other on request) Painting colour and type Dimensions (mm) W D H Weights (Kg) Input/output cable connection RAL 7035,  60m (others on request) Transport Transport mechanical stress Installation Accessibility Rev.F JSE414630 26/093/11 600 800 1000 800 800 800 2100 2100 2100 320 360 400 440 500 550 610 Bottom Side (Top Side on Request) Base provided: for forklift handling (for lifting belts and load balancing hooks -on request) According to EN 62040-1 Restricted 30 cm from ceiling Air inlet from the front. Air outlet from the top and rear Front (rear for fans access) JUD409535 11 of 15 Sensing and transfer time Manual bypass 12 of 15 0 seconds (controlled) Block on mains after 6 commutation in 2 minutes With electric security and without interruption (Make Before Break type) JUD409535 Rev.Commutation time Retransfer INV  BYPASS .8 69 86 104 130 139 173 208 260 278 347 347 434 417 521 Output harmonic distortion (THD) < 2% < 5% . CF=3:1) Overload capability (p.39 2.f.09 2.1% within 40ms +/. 2000% In for 1 cycle Short circuit protection .5% With recovery at +/.4% (programmable) Output frequency (Hz) Output current @ 115Vac (A) 34 43 .20% Bypass input voltage (Vac) Output power @ p. 150% Pn for 1’.44 0.Inverter current limitation .04 1.41 3.09 5. 0.89 1. 1 (kW) 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 48 64 80 556 695 695 869 110 – 115 – 120 (selectable) +/. 1 . then 125% In Inverter stop after 5 seconds (according to EN62040-3) Fast acting fuse +/.IMB_e General data 10.f.F JSE414630 26/09/11 . 0.p.1% Output voltage (Vac) 50-60 (selectable) +/.50% 20% .100% Efficiency at nominal load 25% 50% 75% 100% Heat dissipation @nominal load .Linear load .f.8) 125% Pn for 10’.8 (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Output power @ p. 0.f.kW Parallel redundant configuration Automatic static bypass 200% In for 100ms.2% within 40ms  82  85  87  90  82  85  87  90  84  86  89  92  84  86  89  92  85  87  90  92  86  88  90  93  86  88  90  93  86  89  91  93  87  89  92  94  87  89  92  94 0.Not linear load (75% Pn.5% With recovery at +/.Sensing and transfer time .SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 ELECTRICAL DATA 180 ÷ 300 DC input voltage range (Vdc) 110 – 115 – 120 (selectable) +/.11 Active load sharing (CAN-BUS connection) Up to 4 units Electronic thyristor switch Transfer INV  BYPASS < ¼ cycle < 1ms .f. 200% In for 100ms Inverter Static bypass 150% Pn continuous.Static bypass protection Output voltage dynamic stability 0 .3 IMB_E 220VDC INPUT / 115VAC OUTPUT IMB_E 220Vdc/115Vac . 200% Pn for 10’.01 3.p.61 4. IMB_e General data IMB_E 220Vdc/115Vac .  60m (others on request) Transport Transport mechanical stress Installation Accessibility Rev.) Ventilation Altitude (mt. above see level) < 65 < 68 < 70 EN 61000-6-2 /EN 61000-6-4 -10 .. Air outlet from the top and rear Front (rear for fans access) JUD409535 13 of 15 . +40 -20 ..SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Acoustic noise level (according EN 50091) .dB EMI Operating Temperature (°C) Storage Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (non condens. +70 < 95% (with tropicalization on request) Forced (redundant fans on request) < 2000 ( de-rating According EN62040-3) MECHANICAL DATA Protection degree (IEC60529) IP 20 (other on request) Painting colour and type Dimensions (mm) W D H Weights (Kg) Input/output cable connection RAL 7035.F JSE414630 26/093/11 600 800 1000 1400 800 800 800 800 2100 2100 2100 2100 320 360 400 440 470 500 550 600 730 830 Bottom Side (Top Side on Request) Base provided: for forklift handling (for lifting belts and load balancing hooks -on request) According to EN 62040-1 Restricted 30 cm from ceiling Air inlet from the front. f.09 5. 2000% In for 1 cycle Short circuit protection .Sensing and transfer time Manual bypass 14 of 15 0 seconds (controlled) Block on mains after 6 commutation in 2 minutes With electric security and without interruption (Make Before Break type) JUD409535 Rev.1% Output voltage (Vac) 50-60 (selectable) +/.Linear load .8 (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Output power @ p.f.Static bypass protection Output voltage dynamic stability 0 .100% Efficiency at nominal load 25% 50% 75% 100% Heat dissipation @nominal load .IMB_e General data 10. 1 (kW) 4 8 12 16 24 32 40 48 64 80 278 347 347 434 220 – 230 – 240 (selectable) +/.Commutation time Retransfer INV  BYPASS .p. 0.1% within 40ms +/.5% With recovery at +/.89 1.8 34 43 52 65 69 86 104 130 139 173 173 217 208 260 Output harmonic distortion (THD) < 2% < 5% .61 4.SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 ELECTRICAL DATA 180 ÷ 300 DC input voltage range (Vdc) 220 – 230 – 240 (selectable) +/.39 2.f.4% (programmable) Output frequency (Hz) Output current @ 230Vac (A) 17 21 .20% Bypass input voltage (Vac) Output power @ p. 200% In for 100ms Inverter Static bypass 150% Pn continuous.44 0.2% within 40ms  82  85  87  90  82  85  87  90  84  86  89  92  84  86  89  92  85  87  90  92  86  88  90  93  86  88  90  93  86  89  91  93  87  89  92  94  87  89  92  94 0.01 3. 0.F JSE414630 26/09/11 .Not linear load (75% Pn.f. 0.09 2.p.8) 125% Pn for 10’.50% 20% .04 1. then 125% In Inverter stop after 5 seconds (according to EN62040-3) Fast acting fuse +/. 200% Pn for 10’. 1 .Sensing and transfer time .Inverter current limitation .kW Parallel redundant configuration Automatic static bypass 200% In for 100ms.4 IMB_E 220VDC INPUT / 230VAC OUTPUT IMB_E 220Vdc/230Vac .41 3. 150% Pn for 1’. CF=3:1) Overload capability (p.11 Active load sharing (CAN-BUS connection) Up to 4 units Electronic thyristor switch Transfer INV  BYPASS < ¼ cycle < 1ms .f.5% With recovery at +/. +70 < 95% (with tropicalization on request) Forced (redundant fans on request) < 2000 ( de-rating According EN62040-3) MECHANICAL DATA Protection degree (IEC60529) IP 20 (other on request) Painting colour and type Dimensions (mm) W D H Weights (Kg) Input/output cable connection RAL 7035.) Ventilation Altitude (mt. above see level) < 65 < 68 < 70 EN 61000-6-2 /EN 61000-6-4 -10 .  60m (others on request) Transport Transport mechanical stress Installation Accessibility Rev.F JSE414630 26/093/11 600 800 1000 800 800 800 2100 2100 2100 320 360 400 440 470 500 550 600 700 800 Bottom Side (Top Side on Request) Base provided: for forklift handling (for lifting belts and load balancing hooks -on request) According to EN 62040-1 Restricted 30 cm from ceiling Air inlet from the front.IMB_e General data IMB_E 220Vdc/230Vac ...SIZE (kVA) 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Acoustic noise level (according EN 50091) . Air outlet from the top and rear Front (rear for fans access) JUD409535 15 of 15 .dB EMI Operating Temperature (°C) Storage Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (non condens. +40 -20 . . INVERTER .e .OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL IMB. . E GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND INSTALLATION JUD408864 2 – FRONT PANEL JUD408865 3 – START-UP & SHUT-DOWN & MANUAL BYPASS JUD408866 WARNING This is a product for restricted sales distribution to informed partners. Simoni E. Conti P. of Pag. Simoni E. / C D E Descrizione Description First Issue Revision JSE412820 Revision JSE413994 Revision JSE414630 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 10. 1 Codice / Code JUD408863 . Simoni E.11 26.03.05.E OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Index of sections Code 1 – IMB.10 16. Installation restrictions or additional measures may be needed to prevent disturbances. Conti P.09.06 20. Rev. Conti P. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni E.11 P. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag.01. Conti E.IMB. Simoni E. IMB.E General description & installation IMB.E GENERAL DESCRIPTION & INSTALLATION Index CONVENTIONS USED ............................................................................... 3 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................. 4 1.1 1.1.1 General information .................................................................................4 1.1.2 Transport and handling ...........................................................................5 1.1.3 Installation ................................................................................................6 1.1.4 Electrical connection ...............................................................................6 1.1.5 Operation ..................................................................................................7 1.1.6 Storage......................................................................................................7 1.2 2. Recycling of packing materials...............................................................8 1.2.2 Device disposal ........................................................................................8 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................. 9 2.1 TYPOLOGY ......................................................................................................9 2.2 PARTS CONSTITUTING THE SYSTEM ..........................................................9 2.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................10 2.3.1 Inverter (DC  AC).................................................................................10 2.3.2 Static switch (AC / AC) ..........................................................................10 2.3.3 Manual bypass .......................................................................................10 2.3.4 Front panel..............................................................................................10 / A OPERATING STATUS....................................................................................11 2.4.1 Normal operation ...................................................................................11 2.4.2 Load supplied by bypass due to inverter fault ....................................11 2.4.3 Manual bypass .......................................................................................11 INSTALLATION................................................................................. 12 3.1 Rev. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION...................................................................8 1.2.1 2.4 3. SAFETY RULES ...............................................................................................4 RECEIPT OF THE IMB.E................................................................................12 Descrizione Description First Issue Revision JSE412820 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved Lingua Language Pagina Page di Pag. of Pag. 28.08.06 20.01.10 P. Conti P. Conti E. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni E 1 13 Codice / Code JUD408864 IMB.E General description & installation 3.2 POSITIONING ON SITE................................................................................. 12 3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ..................................................................... 13 Index of pictures Pict. 1 – Block diagram ................................................................................................................................. 9  Pict. 2 – Normal Operation ......................................................................................................................... 11  Pict. 3 – Load on Bypass............................................................................................................................ 11  Pict. 4 – Manual Bypass ............................................................................................................................. 11  2 of 13 JUD408864 Rev. A JSE412820 20/01/10 IMB. so as to minimize the risks to persons and property: WARNING: Indicates characteristics and basic instructions for the safety of persons and of the device. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Rev. The following symbols have been used to indicate potential dangers and to highlight useful information.E.E General description & installation CONVENTIONS USED This manual contains basic information regarding the safety. NOTE: Indicates characteristics and important instructions for an optimal operation of the system and for the use of the device. A JSE412820 20/01/10 JUD408864 3 of 13 . the correct installation and the operation of Inverter IMB. The present manual is designed to be a guide to the correct installation and use of the INVERTER IMB. remove the protections.IMB. 1. if any.p. installation and start-up operations must be carried out by qualified and trained personnel. who is qualified to perform his/her job and has entirely read and understood this manual. contact the manufacturing company. In case the information below is not sufficiently clear. Such training and qualification shall be considered as such. only when certified by the manufacturer. Do not make any alteration to the device. Do not. make sure you have read and understood all the instructions contained in the present manual. To find your nearest service centre. Be very careful.1 General information The installation of the INVERTER IMB.E General description & installation 1. starting up and checking the correct operation of the product. not insulated or hot parts.1. The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage to persons and property resulting from errors contained in the present manual. A JSE412820 20/01/10 . installing. Service and repairs must be carried out by authorized personnel. Please read the whole manual carefully. In order to verify the updated status of such documentation please contact our Technical Office. in compliance with national and local regulations. INTRODUCTION Congratulations on choosing a product from BORRI S. and the chapter regarding safety in particular (standard CEI 64-8 and 46-90). under any circumstances. Before installing and using the equipment.E must be carried out by authorized personnel. All transport. During operation this device contains live. This could result in damage to the equipment as well as to persons and property.1 SAFETY RULES 1. the technical specification and all technical back-up documentation. 4 of 13 JUD408864 Rev. please get in touch with the manufacturer. By qualified and trained person we mean someone skilled in assembling.E. The information contained in this manual will have to be integrated with the technical monograph.A. Avoid bending or deforming the components and altering the insulation distances. Rev. A JSE412820 20/01/10 JUD408864 5 of 13 . Please inspect the device before installing it. contact the manufacturer before carrying out the installation and/or the start-up. up to the final positioning.E General description & installation 1. Pay attention when lifting. Should the product need to be returned to the manufacturer. Leave the device on its wooden pallet.IMB. please use the original packaging.1. Please verify the back-up documentation before handling. In case of doubt regarding the non-integrity of the package or of the product contained therein. Mechanical damage to the electrical components constitutes a serious danger to persons and property.2 Transport and handling Pay utmost attention while transporting and handling the product. In case any damage is noticed from the conditions of the package and/or from the outside appearance of the equipment. The weight of the inverter is not uniformly distributed. contact the shipping company or your dealer immediately. relative humidity and ambient transport and storage conditions. 6 of 13 JUD408864 Rev.  extreme temperature variations. Never let a liquid or foreign body penetrate inside the device. salt air. insects. Unusual operating conditions. vapour. following the indication of the Technical Monograph. 1. Never install the equipment near liquids or in an excessively damp environment.1.3 Installation The product must be placed on a base suitable to carry its weight and to ensure its vertical position.IMB. dust.  explosive dust and gas mixture. abrasive dust. such as the following.E is designed for normal climatic and environmental operating conditions as defined in the technical specification: altitude.  humidity. etc.E General description & installation 1.  radioactive levels higher than those of the natural environment. ambient operating temperature.E manufacturer is not responsible of the electrical connection.  conductive or radiant heat from other sources. may justify special design or protection measures:  harmful smoke. Never expose the device to direct sunlight or place it near a source of heat.1.  bad ventilation.  fungus. Never block the ventilation grates. A JSE412820 20/01/10 .4 Electrical connection The electrical connections are part of the installation and must be carried out by specialized personnel. bad weather or dripping.  strong electromagnetic fields. The INVERTER IMB. vermin. The IMB. IMB.E General description & installation 1.1.5 Operation The systems to which the inverters belong must comply with all the current safety standards (technical equipment and accident-prevention regulations). The settings can only be changed using the original interface software. The IMB.E (Standard Single Phase Inverter) is connected between the user's equipment (the load) and two different input:   The DC input (to supply the inverter). The AC input (to supply the load in emergency conditions). During the operation, all the doors and the covers must remain closed. It is strongly recommended to use protective gloves due to the high temperatures that may be reached during the operation. 1.1.6 Storage If the product is stored prior to installation, it should remain stored in its original package, in vertical position (as indicated on the packaging), covered with a packaging to protect it from dust, in a dry place with a temperature ranging from -10°C to +45°C. Rev. A JSE412820 20/01/10 JUD408864 7 of 13 IMB.E General description & installation 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1.2.1 Recycling of packing materials Packing materials must be recycled or disposed of in compliance with applicable local and national laws and regulations. 1.2.2 Device disposal At the end of their product life, the materials composing the device must be recycled or disposed of in compliance with the current local and national laws and regulations. 8 of 13 JUD408864 Rev. A JSE412820 20/01/10 IMB.E General description & installation 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The inverter IMB.E uses IGBT technology with a frequency commutation of approx. 8 KHz. The components used assure high reliability, very high efficiency and easy maintenance. 2.1 TYPOLOGY The IMB.E (Standard Single Phase Inverter) is connected between the user's equipment (the load) and two different input:   The DC input (to supply the inverter). The AC input (to supply the load in emergency conditions). The inverter supplies clean continuous power and guarantees the voltage and frequency will be stabilised at the nominal value, independently from the mains status. Thanks to the conversion DC/AC, it makes the load completely immune from microinterruptions due to excessive mains variation, and prevents damage to the critical load (Computer - Instrumentation - Scientific equipment etc.). The line connected to the IMB.E is energized even during mains failure. Therefore in compliance with the prescriptions of EN 50091-1, the installer will have to identify the line or the plugs supplied by the IMB.E making the User aware of this fact. Pict. 1 – Block diagram 2.2 PARTS CONSTITUTING THE SYSTEM The IMB.E standard delivery kit includes:         Inverter. Static switch. Manual bypass. Manual precharging system. Front panel. RS232 and RS485 port. ARC card. EPO Terminals. Rev. A JSE412820 20/01/10 JUD408864 9 of 13 4 Front panel The front panel of the IMB.E after maintenance is controlled by the MicroProcessor which guides the operator in order to prevent errors. For more informations see the chapter “FRONT PANEL”. during the switching of MBCB.). 2.3. output of another IMB.E.E. The control electronics is completely digital and uses a 16 Bit P. thanks to its processing capability.E in the manual bypass status is required to follow instructions of the “Manual bypass procedure”. allows the complete monitoring of the IMB. In the case of closing of the MBCB by mistake. The mimic flow helps to comprehend the operating status of the IMB. stabilised in amplitude and frequency.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2. 10 of 13 JUD408864 Rev. to prevent the parallel connection between the bypass and the inverter. even in presence of high crest factor output current.3 Manual bypass The Manual Bypass supplies the load directly to the mains in case of maintenance or of serious failure. During normal IMB. Thus.E status. 2.1 Inverter (DC  AC) The inverter converts the continuous voltage coming from the rectifier or from the battery into alternating voltage. generate an excellent output sinewave. diesel generator set etc. without break and utilises SCR's as power commutation elements. consisting of a 2 lines alphanumeric displays plus 5 function keys. that.3. The restart of the IMB. The bypass consists essentially of the circuit breaker MBCB .IMB.2 Static switch (AC / AC) The static switch switches the load between INVERTER and MAINS and viceversa. the static switch on the by-pass will be closed and the static switch of the inverter will be opened automatically. MBCB is electronically interconnected with the static switch inverter (SSI).3.E operation. using IGBT technology with a frequency commutation of approx. To put the IMB. 8 KHz. providing power supply from a backup source (mains. which has a very low distortion. A JSE412820 20/01/10 . During overload or inverter failure conditions.E General description & installation 2. 2.E system. SB is open and SSI is closed for connecting the load to the inverter.3. the SSI is open and the SB is closed. 4.IMB. 4 – Manual Bypass Rev.E General description & installation 2.4. 2 – Normal Operation 2. A JSE412820 20/01/10 JUD408864 11 of 13 .4 OPERATING STATUS 2.3 Manual bypass Pict.4.1 Normal operation Pict.2 Load supplied by bypass due to inverter fault Pict. 3 – Load on Bypass 2. IMB.E is designed for normal climatic and environmental operating conditions as defined in the technical specification: altitude. below we are suggesting the distances to be observed:    Minimum distance from the rear wall: Minimum distance from the top: Minimum distance from the front wall: x = 50 mm. Should the product need to be returned to the manufacturer. However we recommend to perform a careful inspection of this room in order to check its compliance with such requirements and with those indicated in the Technical Specification about temperature and air change. contact the shipping company or your dealer immediately. 3. Please verify the back-up documentation before handling. make sure the room used is designed in compliance with the provisions of the law of the country of installation. y = 500 mm. Before final positioning.1 RECEIPT OF THE IMB. In case of doubt regarding the non-integrity of the package or of the product contained therein. please use the original package. If the technical specification provides of a IP protection degree higher than IP20. d = 1000 mm.2 POSITIONING ON SITE The Inverter IMB. With regard to safety recommendations. please refer to Chapter 1 of the present manual. INSTALLATION The installation of Inverter IMB. the installer will have to ensure that the environment is compatible with the requested protection degree. In case any damage is noticed from the conditions of the package and/or from the outside appearance of the equipment. in compliance with the States regulations.E must be carried out professionally by qualified personnel. Mechanical damage to the electrical components constitutes a serious danger to persons and property.E from its palled removing the fixing bolts.E can be lifted and moved by means of a forklift or by eyebolts. The IMB. 3.E Please inspect the device before installing it. 12 of 13 JUD408864 Rev. contact the manufacturer before carrying out the installation and/or the start-up. ambient operating temperature. relative humidity and ambient transport and storage conditions. Unless other given indications contained in the Technical Monograph. Before installing the unit.E General description & installation 3. A JSE412820 20/01/10 . remove the IMB. The product must be placed on a base suitable to carry its weight and to ensure its vertical position. IMB. Rev.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS The electrical connections are part of the installation and must be carried out by specialized personnel. The use of residual protection devices in the mains supply line of the IMB. The IMB.E.E is not recommended.E manufacturer is not responsible of the electrical connection. A JSE412820 20/01/10 JUD408864 13 of 13 .E General description & installation 3.E. following the indication of the Technical Monograph and the regulations of the country of installation. due to the RFI filters is quite high and can cause undesired protection interventions. differential devices with settable intervention threshold can be used. the current dispersion to the ground. in order to keep into consideration the current dispersion of the IMB. During the electrical installations take special care to respect the sequence of the input phases. In compliance with the EN50091-1 standards . The connection to the mains has to be carried out by interposing protections fuses between the mains and the IMB. . .................5 Rev......................4................................................4..........3 Inverter ..11 3............ Conti E....................1 Output ....... DESCRIPTION....... E 1 15 Codice / Code JUD408865 ........................................................................01............06 20...........5...... of Pag......2 History........................................ Simoni E............11 26..........................................................................7 3.15 3....................03...........................................................11 3.............................8 3........... INTRODUCTION.. 7 3................ Simoni E........................13 3....................................................... Simoni E..................................3..............................IMB.......5 SPECIAL MENU ................10 3........................................................9 3.................2 Settings ........................09...12 3................................................ Simoni E..................................................................................5...........................................................1 Reset ....................................................... Conti P... Conti P.............................................................. LCD DISPLAY MANAGEMENT .4 DC....... Simoni E.....10 16.....14 3............. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page di Pag..............3.......................................................... ALARMS AND OPERATING STATUS.............................4 Reset history .....................5............................3............................................15 Descrizione Description First Issue Revision JSE412820 Revision JSE413994 Revision JSE414630 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 28....11 P..............................15 3...................... 4 2....3 List of alarms and status ...........4.......... Conti P.......................4 / B C D ALARMS MENU .................................................3 MEASURES MENU ........5.........................2 3............E FRONT PANEL Index 1....E Front panel IMB..........2 Bypass ..................3 Test Inv . Simoni E.08....................9 3..................... 3 2..........................................................10 3......................................................15 3......................................1 MAIN WINDOW ............................................2 MAIN MENU .....3.....7 3.....................................1 Inverter Status ............. Simoni E..................................... ........Front panel .E Front panel Index of pictures Picture 1 ....IMB..........................................................D JSE414630 26/09/11 ................................ 3  2 of 15 JUD408865 Rev............................... D JSE414630 26/09/11 JUD408865 3 of 15 .E Front panel 1. OFF RESET LED TEST Picture 1 . consisting of a double row alphanumeric display plus 5 function keys. INTRODUCTION The front panel of the inverter. The mimic flow helps to understand the operating status of the inverter. allows the complete monitoring of the inverter. 1 3 = ˜ ˜ ˜ 2 7 9 ALARM/STATUS 1 10 ALARM/STATUS 2 11 ALARM/STATUS 3 12 ALARM/STATUS 4 13 ALARM/STATUS 5 14 ALARM/STATUS 6 15 ALARM/STATUS 7 16 ALARM/STATUS 8 17 ALARM/STATUS 9 18 ALARM/STATUS 10 4 6 5 EPO 8 ENT UP DOWN ENTER R BUZ.IMB.Front panel Rev. Lit-up red = DC voltage out of tolerance. Otherwise off.E Front panel 2. Otherwise off. Also the led's and blocks that comprise the IMB. LED 6  Lit-up green = Voltage present on the load. LED 8  Lit-up red = EPO (Emergency Power Off) activated. The meanings of Leds from 9 to 18 are depending from applications and are written beside the leds. A20. LED 5  Lit-up orange = Emergency line static switch closed. Otherwise off. Otherwise off. LED 4  Lit-up green = Inverter static switch closed.E are clearly identified. 4 of 15 JUD408865 Rev.IMB. DESCRIPTION MIMIC DESCRIPTION Picture1 shows the mimic present on the display. LED 7  Lit-up orange = Manual by-pass closed. Green flashing = There is one of the following alarms active: A13. LED 2  Lit-up green = Emergency line present. LED 1  Lit-up green = DC voltage present. Otherwise off. Lit-up orange = OCB circuit breaker open. A21 or A24 Otherwise off. LED 3  Lit-up green = DC voltage in tolerance. Otherwise off.D JSE414630 26/09/11 . A14. and switch back the load to the inverter (see menu SPECIAL). Possible causes: 1) DC input voltage too high/low 2) Distribution problems upstream of the IMB. After 30’ the load is transferred back to inverter. to reset the IMB. A4 THERMAL IMAGE = Load transferred to mains due to overload.2 ALARMS AND OPERATING STATUS The alphanumeric display offers a complete diagnostic of the system by showing 16 alarms and 5 operating status descriptions.E SBCB open Wrong input phase rotation = Load fed by bypass Possible causes: 1) Inverter overload 2) Thermal image intervention 3) Forced commutation due to the bypass switch operation 4) Inverter failure A17 RETRANSFER BLOCK = Re-transfer between bypass and inverter blocked.E.IMB. It is possible. The thermal image protection is started. Possible causes: 1) Excessive repeated overloads on inverter A18 MANUAL BYP CLOSE Rev. A5 DC LINE FAULT = DC voltage out of tolerance. D JSE414630 26/09/11 = Manual bypass breaker closed (the inverter is shutdown if OCB is close). Each alarm is associated to a code that allows it to be stored in the events history. load on bypass. A15 BYPASS FAULT = Emergency mains not available Possible causes: 1) 2) 3) 4) A16 BYPASS FEED LOAD Emergency mains failure Distribution problems upstream of the IMB.E Front panel 2.E A13 INVERTER OUT TOL = Inverter output voltage out of tolerance Possible causes: 1) Intervention of the inverter current limitation for excessive load (more than 200%) 2) Inverter failure A14 OVERLOAD = Inverter overload (load exceeding 100%). JUD408865 5 of 15 . after having verified that the load is correct. E output breaker open. A21 HIGH TEMPERATURE = High temperature on the inverter Possible causes: 1) Excessive load 2) Failure or malfunctioning of the cooling system 3) Wrong positioning of the IMB.E A25 SHORT CIRCUIT = Intervention of the short circuit protection (current exceeding 200%). Possible causes: 1) Problems on the load 2) Distribution problems downstream of the IMB.e emergency line breaker open. A23 EPO PRESSED = Intervention of the emergency power off switch according to the EN50091-1. A20 FANS FAILURE = One or more fans failure. Possible causes: 1) Problems on the load 2) Distribution problems downstream of the IMB. This state can be reset by means of a push-button on the P board. A27 ELCB OPEN (Option) = ELCB open.IMB.E Front panel A19 OCB OPEN = IMB. A24 CURRENT STOP = Inverter bridge stop for max current.E (distance from walls.D JSE414630 26/09/11 .E A26 SBCB OPEN = IMB. A28 OUT OVERVOLTAGE = Output voltage over a maximum threshold Possible causes: 1) Inverter failure A29 OUT UNDERVOLTAGE = Output voltage under a minimum threshold Possible causes: 1) Intervention of the inverter current limitation for excessive load (more than 200%) 2) Inverter failure 6 of 15 JUD408865 Rev. altitude) A22 BYPASS SWITCH = Closure of the commutation switch which forces the load to bypass (maintenance). 4). pressing the keys or the other menu are scrolled down.3). It is accessed (see §3. The navigation is accessed by pressing one button and it allows to access all the panel functions. It is accessed pressing the key (see §3. D JSE414630 26/09/11 JUD408865 7 of 15 . <NAME> xxx KVA SPECIAL SPECIAL menu. the default screen is shown again automatically. It is accessed (see §3. LCD DISPLAY MANAGEMENT 3. <NAME> xxx KVA ALARMS ALARMS menu.5).1 MAIN WINDOW <NOME> xxx KVA Vout = XXX Volt The main screen appears on the LCD panel when the inverter is in normal operation (with no alarm present).E Front panel 3. it shows the device name and the values of the nominal power and output voltages.IMB.2 MAIN MENU The screen of the main menu appears as follows: <NAME> xxx KVA MEASURES MEASURES menu. pressing the key or the pressing the keys other menu are scrolled down. 3. pressing the key pressing the keys or the other menu are scrolled down. After 5’ during which no key is pressed and if there isn’t any alarm on the system and the battery is not in discharging mode. Rev. 2). It is accessed (see §3. Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down.3 MEASURES MENU The following pictures shows the structure of the MEASURES menu. or the pressing the keys other sub-menus are scrolled down JUD408865 Rev. <NAME> xxx KVA INVERTER INVERTER measures.E Front panel 3. Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. 8 of 15 <NAME> xxx KVA OUTPUT OUTPUT measures It is accessed pressing the key (see §3. <NAME> xxx KVA DC DC measures.1). It is accessed pressing the key (see §3.D JSE414630 26/09/11 . It is accessed pressing the key (see §3.3.IMB. Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. pressing the key Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. <NAME> xxx KVA BYPASS BYPASS measures.3). <NAME> xxx KVA EXIT Pressing the key the main menu screen is shown again. 3.3. JUD408865 9 of 15 . Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. while the key leads to the previous screen. while the key leads to the previous screen. pressing the keys or the measures are shown again.3). Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. while the key leads to the previous screen. while the key leads to the previous screen. 3. D JSE414630 26/09/11 Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. while the key leads to the previous screen. Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. pressing the keys or the measures are shown again. while the key leads to the previous screen. Pressing the key leads to the MEASURES menu screen (see §3.IMB.2 Bypass <NAME> xxx KVA BYP VOLT:XXX Volt <NAME> xxx KVA BYP FREQ:XX Hertz <NAME> xxx KVA EXIT Rev.1 Output <NAME> xxx KVA OUT VOLT:XXX Volt <NAME> xxx KVA OUT FREQ:XX Hertz <NAME> xxx KVA OUT CURR:XXX Ampere <NAME> xxx KVA LOAD %: XXX <NAME> xxx KVA EXIT Pressing the key the following parameter is shown.3). Pressing the key leads to the MEASURES menu screen (see §3.E Front panel 3. Pressing the key leads to the MEASURES menu screen (see §3. pressing the keys or the measures are shown again. <NAME> xxx KVA EXIT Pressing the key leads to the MEASURES menu screen (see §0).D JSE414630 26/09/11 .3.4 DC 10 of 15 DC OUT VOLT: XXX Vdc Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. pressing the keys or the measures are shown again.E Front panel 3.IMB. Pressing the key the following parameter is shown. while the key leads to the previous screen. 3.3 Inverter <NAME> xxx KVA INV VOLT:XXX Volt <NAME> xxx KVA INV FREQ:XX Hertz <NAME> xxx KVA EXIT Pressing the key the following parameter is shown.3.3). while the key leads to the previous screen. JUD408865 Rev. while the key leads to the previous screen. 4).1). 3. pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. <NAME> xxx KVA HISTORY HISTORY.E Front panel 3. JUD408865 11 of 15 . Only after the buzzer suppression we can exit from alarms screen. as well as the first alarm detected.4. We can accede to this menu pressing the key (see §3. while the key leads to the previous alarm.4 ALARMS MENU The ALARMS menu allows to display the device status and to access the event log.4. Pressing the key the following alarm is shown.2). the display shows the alarm menu automatically. The audible alarm can be silenced pressing the key . while the key leads to the previous alarm. Pressing the key the following alarm is shown.IMB.4. We can accede to this (see menu pressing the key §3. while the key leads to the previous alarm. pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. D JSE414630 26/09/11 Pressing the key the following alarm is shown. Whenever an alarm occurs.1 Inverter Status Inv STATUS 1st alarm/status INV STATUS Last alarm/status INV STATUS EXIT Rev. pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. The following figure describes the structure: <NAME> xxx KVA INV STATUS INV STSTUS. Pressing the key leads to the ALARMS menu screen again (see §3. <NAME> xxx KVA EXIT Pressing the key the main menu screen is shown again. 4.4). clearing the oldest event. while the key leads to the following alarm. a new alarm makes all the other alarms automatically shift one position. Pressing the key returns you to the ALARMS menu screen (see §3. RETURN TO EXIT HIST Last alarm/status Pressing the key the last alarm is shown again. An asterisk next to the code indicates that the alarm has cleared and disappeared on the date and time indicated.IMB. 12 of 15 RETURN TO EXIT HIST A5 251208 1848 Alarm A5 (Dc FAULT) on 25/12/01 at 18:48. For each event the alarm code and the date and time are shown. while the key leads to the following alarm. The first alarm shown on the history is the most recent one in order of time. Pressing the key returns you to the ALARMS menu screen (see §3. The following example shows two possible screens.2 History RETURN TO EXIT HIST 1st alarm/status Pressing the key the last alarm is shown again.D JSE414630 26/09/11 .4). JUD408865 Rev. RETURN TO EXIT HIST A5 * 251201 2012 Reset of alarm A5 (Dc FAULT) on 25/12/01 at 20:12.E Front panel 3. 4. The alarms are shown when they are present and must be silenced with the buzzer. Rev. The alarms remain displayed while they are present and they are automatically stored in the event log with date and time.3 List of alarms and status List of alarms List of status A4 A5 A13 A14 THERMAL IMAGE DC LINE FAULT INVERTER OUT TOL OVERLOAD S1 S3 S4 S5 DC OK INVERTER OK INVER FEED LOAD INVERTER SYNCRON A15 A16 A17 BYP FAULT BYP FEED LOAD RETRANSFER BLOCK S6 S8 BYPASS OK INVERTER ON A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 MANUAL BYP CLOSE OCB OPEN FANS FAILURE HIGH TEMPERATURE BYPASS SWITCH EPO PRESSED CURRENT STOP SHORT CIRCUIT A26 A27 A28 A29 SBCB OPEN ELCB OPEN (Option) OUTPUT OVERVOLTAGE OUTPUT UNDERVOLTAGE The statuses are always displayed in ascending order when the ALARMS menu is entered.E Front panel 3.IMB. D JSE414630 26/09/11 JUD408865 13 of 15 . SPECIAL MENU EXIT 14 of 15 Password entering. a password must be entered to access this menu.E Front panel 3. It is accessed pressing the key (see §3. Pressing the key the main menu screen is shown again. Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down.1). pressing the key Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. SPECIAL MENU INV TEST INV TEST. PASSWORD 000 SPECIAL MENU RESET RESET. Pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. SPECIAL MENU SETTINGS SETTINGS. As a consequence.5 SPECIAL MENU Actions can be carried out from this menu that require qualified personnel. A confirmation is required for each operation performed. Pressing the keys or the other submenus are scrolled down.1). JUD408865 Rev.5.3). It is accessed pressing the key (see §3. if wrong the main menu screen is shown (see §3. pressing the keys or the other sub-menus are scrolled down. SPECIAL MENU RESET HISTORY RESET HISTORY.5.5. It is accessed (see §3. It is accessed pressing the key (see §3.2).IMB.4).5.D JSE414630 26/09/11 . 1 Reset This menu allows to perform a general reset of the device. the alarms This operation causes the cancellation of the events history memory.E status pressing the key .5. D JSE414630 26/09/11 JUD408865 15 of 15 .4 Reset history This menu allows to reset the event log of the device. PRESS RESET TO RESET INV This menus provides a general reset of the IMB. 3.5). Pressing another key exit the menu. CLOCK SETTINGS 25-12-01 18:48 The numbers can be modified with the key or and they are . 3.5. Rev. PRESS RESET FOR COMMUTATION Pressing the key the conditions for the inverter to feed the load are cleared.5.IMB.5. PRESS RESET TO CLEAR HISTORY Pressing the key history is cleared. confirmed by pressing Pressing the key leads to the special menu (see §3.2 Settings This menu allows to update time settings for the history of alarms.E Front panel 3.3 Test Inv This menu allows the commutation to bypass for test. until the condition are re-established. The system commutate to bypass. 3. . .............1 INVERTER START-UP .....................e START-UP... 2 2......... / A B Descrizione Description First Issue Revision JSE412820 Revision JSE413994 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 28.. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag...................................... Simoni E................................................ START-UP PROCDURE . of Pag........e – ITB...... 7 Codice / Code JUD408866 ...... Simoni E......... SHUT-DOWN & MANUAL BYPASS Index 1.................. Simoni E.......................................e start-up...3 2......... shut-down & manual bypass IMB..................... START-UP FROM MANUAL BYPASS ........... 3 2........03.........IMB..... INTRODUCTION.........11 P. Conti E.... MANUAL BYPASS PROCEDURE...................... SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE............... 6 Rev..4 3.........................2 START-UP BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING.........06 20.......... Conti P...........e ..... 5 5...... 5 4.... Simoni E......08......10 16... Conti P...01..........................ITB......... Simoni E......................... please get in touch with the manufacturer. In case the information below is not sufficiently clear. 2 of 7 JUD408866 Rev. The incorrect execution of manoeuvres may cause damage to persons and property.e – ITB.IMB. Be very careful. B JSE413994 16/03/11 . make sure you have completely read and understood the instructions described in the following chapters.e start-up. shut-down & manual bypass 1. INTRODUCTION Before carrying out any manoeuvre on the equipment. Close QIRA Close SBCB The microprocessor checks that all the bypass parameters (voltage. is in the release position. shut-down & manual bypass 2. Keep close S1 Some preliminary checks and the test of the and close ICB LED’s are performed during this phase. Release S1 Move “On/Off The inverter IGBT bridge is enabled to Inverter modulate. START-UP PROCDURE Before switching on the Inverter. phase sequence. 2. if not. LED #2 is lit green. B JSE413994 16/03/11 JUD408866 3 of 7 .1 INVERTER START-UP Nr. The emergency remote power off contact made the terminals XEAC1 – XEAC2 shorted. current.e start-up. placed (if present) near the front panel. LED’s #1 and #3 are lit green. the Close S1 until control logic will be started and the front the display is panel will be activated. Close OCB The microprocessor checks that all the output parameters (voltage. frequency) are within the tolerance limits. 4 INVERTER START UP WAIT PLEASE 5 6 BYPASS START UP CLOSE QIRA BYPASS START UP CLOSE SBCB (BYPASS) 7 BYPASS START UP WAIT PLEASE 8 START UP END CLOSE OCB (OUTPUT) 9 START UP END WAIT PLEASE End MENU DEFAULT ACTION INVERTER OPERATION A few seconds after the closing of S1. press it and proceed with the start-up procedure. make sure that the emergency power off “EPO” push-button. After a while the inverter static switch thyristors close. Rev. Selector” The inverter IGBT bridge starts to modulate and the inverter output voltage reaches the nominal value.e – ITB. The DC voltage supplied increases.IMB. SELEC. LCD DISPLAYING 1 BLANK 2 START UP WAIT PLEASE 3 START UP WAIT PLEASE 3a1 INVERTER START UP SWITCH ON INV. LED #6 is lit green. frequency) are within the tolerance limits. 1 Point 3a will be automatically skipped if the manual On/off inverter option is not required. LED #4 is lit green. The DC voltage reach the nominal value. shut-down & manual bypass 2.e start-up. B JSE413994 16/03/11 . 4 of 7 JUD408866 Rev.  If the EPO push-button is not provided check the terminals XEac1-XEac2 are shorted. 4) After the step #7 the unit shows the alarm A15 – Bypass fault  Check the bypass voltage and frequency are within the tolerance limits. 2) After the step #3 the unit shows alarms messages  Check the EPO push-button (if provided outside the unit) is in the release position.IMB.2 START-UP BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides the basic information if any alarms occur during the start-up procedure: 1) After closing S1 the LCD display is still blank  Check if the input DC voltage is present. In case the problem cannot be solved contact the service department. 3) After the step #6 the unit doesn’t switch to step #7 and shows the alarm A15 – Bypass fault  Check the static switch protection fuses: Normally they are inside the unit.e – ITB. BLANK The load is now supplied directly by the mains through the manual bypass circuit breaker. INVERTER OPERATION The inverter are switched off The inverter are switched off. The by-pass static switch is still closed. LED #6 lit orange 2 Open SBCB INVERTER STATUS A15 BYPASS FAULT The by-pass line is disconnected. 2a2 Open “On/Off Inverter Switch” INVERTER STATUS A13 INVERTER OUT TOL 3 Open ICB 4 4. The inverter is isolated. therefore continuous supply is not guaranteed. ACTION LCD DISPLAYNG 1 Open OCB INVERTER STATUS A19 OCB OPEN The supply to the load is interrupted. BLANK Shut-down procedure end.e – ITB. 4 Open SBCB BLANK The by-pass line is disconnected. 5 2 INVERTER OPERATION Open OCB Points 1a and 2a will be automatically skipped if the manual On/off inverter option is not required Rev.IMB. LED #5 lit orange. SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE No. B JSE413994 16/03/11 JUD408866 5 of 7 . ACTION DISPLAY LCD 1 Move the “NORMALBYPASS” switch on BYPASS INVERTER STATUS A16 BYPLOAD 1a2 Open “On/Off Inverter Switch” INVERTER STATUS A13 INVERTER OUT TOL 2 Open ICB BLANK The inverter Shut Down The load is transferred to the bypass static switch. LED #4 off. MANUAL BYPASS PROCEDURE During manual bypass operation the load is supplied directly by the mains. shut-down & manual bypass 3.e start-up. The inverter are switched off 3 Close MBCB BLANK The load is supplied by the mains through the manual by-pass circuit breaker. No. LED #2 off. LED #5 is lit orange. SELEC. 8 INVERTER START UP WAIT PLEASE 9 MOVE BYP SWITCH WAIT PLEASE 3 INVERTER OPERATION The microprocessor checks that all the bypass parameters (voltage. 6 of 7 JUD408866 Rev. LED #4 is lit green. LED #7 is lit orange.e start-up. phase sequence. START-UP FROM MANUAL BYPASS Before the start-up from manual by-pass (after a maintenance or repairing) check that the “NORMAL-BYPASS” switch is in BYPASS position. Move the “NORMALThe load is transferred to the inverter static BYPASS” switch. DISPLAY LCD 1 BLANK 2 START UP WAIT PLEASE 3 4 BYPASS START UP CLOSE QIRA BYPASS START UP CLOSE SBCB (BYPASS) ACTION Close S1 until The control logic is supplied and the DC the display is voltage increases supplied The DC voltage reach the nominal value. LED #5 off. No. B JSE413994 16/03/11 . frequency) are within the tolerance limits. LED #6 is lit green. The microprocessor checks the synchronisation with the by-pass line. LED #7 off.IMB. and close ICB LED’s #1 and #3 are lit green. LED #2 is lit green. The load is now supplied by the by-pass static switch only and the inverter can be started-up. Some preliminary checks and the test of the Keep close S1 LED’s are performed during this phase. The breaker MBCB is still closed. switch on NORMAL Point 6a will be automatically skipped if the manual On/off inverter option is not required. shut-down & manual bypass 5.e – ITB. Close QIRA Close SBCB 5 BYPASS START UP WAIT PLEASE 6 CLOSE OCB (OUTPUT) WAIT PLEASE Close OCB 7 OPEN MBCB (MAN BYP) WAIT PLEASE Open MBCB 7a3 INVERTER START UP SWITCH ON INV. The by-pass static switch is closed. The load is supplied by the by-pass static switch. Move “On/Off The inverter IGBT bridge is enabled to Inverter modulate Selector” The inverter IGBT bridge starts to modulate and the inverter output voltage reaches the nominal value. shut-down & manual bypass 10 START UP END WAIT PLEASE End MENU DEFAULT Rev. frequency) are within the tolerance limits. B JSE413994 16/03/11 The microprocessor checks that all the output parameters (voltage.IMB.e start-up. current. JUD408866 7 of 7 .e – ITB. . .....   VDC MEASUREMENT SETTING .. 26  A...................   STATIC BYPASS CALIBRATION...................................................................1   SWITCHING TO MANUAL BY-PASS ............................. 22  12.......................................... Conti E. Conti L..09........11 24..............5   BURN-IN AND COOL-DOWN .............3   SIGNAL CHECK VIA ARC OR INT5-ARC BOARD... 25  A............................... of Pag...... 8  5........................2   RETURN FROM MANUAL BY-PASS .... 24  12......................................e ....... 4  4.....11 22...... 18  10.................................3 CONFIGURATION 2 SINGLE: ................12 P.   SWITCH CONFIGURATION AND PRELIMINARY CONTROL .........................   INTRODUCTION... 3  2...... 9  6................................................................................ Simoni E.......... 16  9..............09........................1 CONFIGURATION 1 WITHOUT SBCB ............. Simoni E......... 24  APPENDIX A: ROTARY CONFIGURATION ................ Conti P......... 12  8............................................................   FINAL TESTS ..........................   VISUAL CHECK .............. 26  Rev... 23  12. Simoni P...................07..................FINAL TEST ....   ZERO MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION CHECK ...................4   CONFIGURABLE LED CONTROL ...........   INVERTER IN AUTOMATIC MODE ....................................................ITB.... 21  12.......................... 26 Codice / Code JUD411347 ............................. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag................. 22  12........   INVERTER START-UP ......   LOAD TESTS AND CURRENT MEASUREMENT SETTING .................. 11  7.......e Test Procedure IMB....................................... 25  A.IMB..............   CONFIGURATION OF COMMAND PARAMETERS....... C D E F Descrizione Description Revision JSE413994 Revision JSE414417 Revision JSE414630 Revision JSE416117 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 16...................   INVERTER PERSONALIZATION . 3  3......2 CONFIGURATION 1 WITH SBCB ..... 22  12..... Simoni E........................................... Conti P.4 CONFIGURATION 2 PARALLEL: ......e – ITB. Simoni E... Fognani E....11 26...................................................03........ 19  11................................................... 25  A.....................e TEST PROCEDURE Index 1........ Simoni E...... ........................................e Test Procedure Index of pictures Table 1 – DSW 1 ......... 13  2 of 26 JUD411347 Rev....................................................................................... 12  Picture 2 – Wave shape IGBT .................................................................................................................................................................... F JSE416117 24/09/12 ................... 4  Table 2 – DSW 2 .........................................................................................................IMB...........e – ITB............................................... 4  Picture 1 – Wave shape I/S Control Logic board . usually I183xxxx. 2) Ensure that all the cables and connectors are identified by the code or by relevant number. and to the use of the Testing Software “InverterTest V 12. Rev.IMB.Output and Serial Ports. Input . VISUAL CHECK 1) Check the wiring connections.0 Test Department” or later one. in compliance with the electrical drawing.e Test Procedure 1. 4) Carry out the insulation test in accordance with procedure JUD410372. INTRODUCTION The scope of this procedure is to guide the technical personnel through the correct final testing procedure of the equipment.e – ITB. 5) Check the correct position of the identification plates regarding: breakers. 2. ATTENTION The present document refers to the same Firmware version (E2PROMs) as I183STD or to a later version. 3) Check that the sections regarding the cables or the power bars are those indicated in the relevant wiring table. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 Circuit 3 of 26 . e – ITB.IMB. 2) 4 of 26 Make sure the delta resistance on the I/S-Control Logic is: R66 = 6k81+6k81 for the switching frequency 4 kHz. SWITCH CONFIGURATION AND PRELIMINARY CONTROL 1) Configure DSW1 and DSW2 based on the following tables: Dip no. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 Status Off On Off On Off On On On Off On On Off Off Off Off On Off On Off On Description Single Unit Parallel Frequency 50Hz Frequency 60Hz Single/Parallel Hot Standby Vout Nominal 220V (110V) Vout Nominal 208V (127V) Vout Nominal 230V (115V) Vout Nominal 240V (120V) Test Normal Buzzer disabled Buzzer enabled Three phase output Single phase output Table 1 – DSW 1 Dip n. JUD411347 Rev. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 Status On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off Off Off Off On On Off On On Description ON/OFF inverter by external switch ON/OFF inverter automatic INT-5 ARC interface Single ARC board Output range: 110-115-120-127 Vac Output range: 208-220-230-240 Vac Rotary switch installed Rotary switch NOT installed “AC-UPS” LCD panel Standard LCD panel Rotary configuration 1 without SBCB Rotary configuration 1 with SBCB Rotary configuration 2 single Rotary configuration 2 parallel Table 2 – DSW 2 For more details about the rotary-sw configurations see APPENDIX A.e Test Procedure 3. e – ITB. The following table is valid for IMB. J10 and J100 (coffee-bean) based on the following tables. R39 and R40 are: R18 (J100) = 22R-2W.e systems: JUMPERS K LEM Resistor on I/S-CL Special resistors on ISCL J9 (R40) J10 (R39) J100 (R18) 1x100A 2000:1 22+47 - Closed Open Open 300A 1x300A 2000:1 33 - Open Closed Closed 110 400A 2x300A 2000:1 33 - Open Closed Closed 20 110 600A 2x500A 5000:1 39 Mount 39ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed 30 110 600A 2x500A 5000:1 39 Mount 39ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed 40 110 2x600A 2x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed 50 110 2x600A 2x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed UPS [kVA] VDCNOM I rated IGBT TA Hall K LEM Resistor on I/S-CL Special resistors on ISCL J9 (R40) J10 (R39) J100 (R18) Open Closed Open UPS [kVA] VDCNOM 5 I rated IGBT TA Hall 110 150A 10 110 15 JUMPERS 5 220 75A 1x100A 2000:1 100+33 Mount 100ohm-2W on R18 10 220 150A 1x100A 2000:1 22+47 - Closed Open Open 15 220 200A 1x300A 2000:1 22+33 - Open Closed Open 20 220 300A 1x300A 2000:1 33 - Open Closed Closed 30 220 400A 2x300A 2000:1 33 - Open Closed Closed 40 220 600A 2x500A 5000:1 47 - Closed Open Closed 50 220 600A 2x500A 5000:1 39 Mount 39ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed 60 220 600A 2x500A 5000:1 39 Mount 39ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed 80 220 2x600A 2x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed 100 220 2x600A 2x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Closed Open Closed Default values for resistors R18. R40 (J9) = 33R-2W Rev.e Test Procedure 3) The feed-back resistor for the short-circuit protection and the “current stop” resistances are properly combined via jumpers J9. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 5 of 26 .IMB. R39 (J10) = 47R-2W. F JSE416117 24/09/12 .e Test Procedure Hereunder find the table valid for ITB configuration: UPS [kVA] VDCNOM I rated IGBT TA Hall K LEM JUMPERS Resistor on I/S-CL Special resistors on ISCL J9 (R40) J10 (R39) J100 (R18) Aperto Chiuso Aperto 5 110 75A 1x100A 2000:1 100+33 Mount 100ohm-2W on R18 10 110 150A 1x300A 2000:1 22+47 - Chiuso Aperto Aperto 15 110 200A 2x300A 2000:1 22+33 - Aperto Chiuso Aperto 20 110 300A 2x500A 2000:1 33 - Aperto Chiuso Chiuso 30 110 400A 2x500A 5000:1 22+47 - Chiuso Aperto Aperto 40 110 600A 2x1000A 5000:1 22+33 - Aperto Chiuso Aperto 50 110 600A 2x1000A 5000:1 39 Mount 39ohm2W on R39 Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 60 110 2x600A 3x500A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 80 110 2x600A 3x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 100 110 2x600A 3x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Chiuso Aperto Chiuso UPS [kVA] VDCNOM I rated IGBT TA Hall K LEM Resistor on I/S-CL Special resistors on ISCL JUMPERS Mount 100ohm-2W on R18 Mount 100ohm-2W on R18 J9 (R40) J10 (R39) J100 (R18) Aperto Aperto Aperto Aperto Chiuso Aperto 5 220 75A 1x100A 2000:1 100+33+47 10 220 75A 1x100A 2000:1 100+33 15 220 150A 1x300A 2000:1 22+47 - Chiuso Aperto Aperto 20 220 150A 1x300A 2000:1 22+47 - Chiuso Aperto Aperto 30 220 200A 2x300A 2000:1 47 - Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 40 220 300A 2x500A 5000:1 33+47 - Aperto Aperto Chiuso 50 220 400A 2x500A 5000:1 22+47 - Chiuso Aperto Aperto 60 220 400A 2x500A 5000:1 22+47 - Chiuso Aperto Aperto 80 220 600A 2x1000A 5000:1 47 - Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 100 220 600A 2x1000A 5000:1 47 - Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 120 220 2x600A 3x500A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Chiuso Aperto Chiuso 160 220 2x600A 3x1000A 5000:1 27 Mount 27ohm2W on R39 Chiuso Aperto Chiuso Default values for resistors R18. R39 and R40 are: R18 (J100) = 22R-2W. R39 (J10) = 47R-2W.e – ITB.IMB. R40 (J9) = 33R-2W 6 of 26 JUD411347 Rev. only led L2 must be lit. Connect the external power supply.2.IMB.g.e – ITB. under the TX CHECK heading. ensure that the digital input of M2 of I/S-Control Logic M3 are in compliance with the table below: Terminals 1-2 3-4 5-6 6) Description Not used Position 1 of rotary-sw (if present) Auxiliary contact ELCB (if monitored) Disconnect connector CNB on the Power Supply. Wait 30 seconds and press SW3 on µP board. 7) Connect the PC to the RS232 serial port and check on the PC screen. and 5 are lit) 5b) Led’s D11 and 69 of the I/S Control Logic board are lit 5c) Led’s L1 and 2 of the (serial) RCB PB011 board are lit. 5d) Led’s LD 3 and 4 of all ID boards are lit. 8) “EEPROM ERROR” will be shown on the front panel. The configuration commands have to be entered by typing the relevant code in the “command entry” box of the Inverter-Test software (e. BUZZ000). In case RCB-CUS PB227 is installed. 10) Under the heading “DIP SWITCHES” of the Inverter-Test software. Rev. MAKE SURE the device has acquired the configurations of DSW1 – DSW2.4. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 7 of 26 . Press F4 to memorize the above. 9) Configure FMC board according to operating instruction JUD411351. and check that an acoustic acquisition tone is emitted by the device. that the data are updated. ATTENTION Set caps lock on the PC keyboard before proceeding.3.e Test Procedure 4) 5) Ensure that the digital inputs of M3 are in compliance with the table below: Terminals Description 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 Inverter ON/OFF via external selector (if present) Fan fault contact from card FMC EPO (NC contact from terminals Eac1-Eac2) Auxiliary contact SBCB Auxiliary contact Q4 (OCB) Auxiliary contact SW1 Auxiliary contact Q3 (MBCB) NC contact from thermal probe Contact from parallel card If present the ACI card. switch it on and make sure that: 5a) the Power Supply is working properly (LD1. In alternative to point 1: 1a) TYPE: ZIFR000. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 1c) TYPE: ZIFT000. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 1e) TYPE: ZCFS000. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 2) TYPE: LOBAxxx. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.e Test Procedure 4. ZERO MEASUREMENT CALIBRATION CHECK 1) TYPE: F3 and check that 7 acoustic acquisition tones are emitted by the device. 1f) TYPE: ZCFT000.IMB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 1g) TYPE: ZCBA000.e – ITB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. JUD411347 Rev. 1d) TYPE: ZCFR000. Different values can be configured according to the technical specification or to the technical monograph of the relevant job. VDC NOM 110 220 3) 8 of 26 Command LOBA100 LOBA200 TYPE: F12 and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone 1b) TYPE: ZIFS000. ATTENTION The tables indicate the recommended values. VDC NOM 110 220 4) Command SVDC110 SVDC220 Command SLDC092 SLDC184 Min. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. VDC NOM 110 220 3) Command SHDC165 SHDC330 To set the lower shutdown threshold of the inverter. Command PHAS270 PHAS300 CONFIGURATION OF COMMAND PARAMETERS ATTENTION The tables indicate the recommended values. TYPE: SLDCxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered). If the input Rev. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. Different values can be configured according to the technical specification or to the technical monography of the relevant job. TYPE: SVDCxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered). TYPE: SHDCxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered). and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. (where xxx assumes one of the two values specified in the table below). 1) To set the nominal Vdc. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. TYPE: SMRDxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered).IMB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.e Test Procedure In alternative to point 3: 3a) TYPE: FEFO180 and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. VDC NOM 110 220 2) To set the upper shutdown threshold of the inverter. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 9 of 26 .e – ITB. Frequency 50Hz 60Hz 5. 4) TYPE: PHASxxx. value SLDC090 SLDC180 To set the “slow” upper shutdown threshold of the inverter. the inverter shuts down and can only be restarted by resetting the device. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. TYPE: SOUVxxx and SBUVxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered). JUD411347 Rev. F JSE416117 24/09/12 .e – ITB. For example. This value must be lower than the upper shutdown threshold (the one that can be configured via SHDCxxx).IMB.e Test Procedure voltage exceeds this threshold for longer than 20 seconds. VOUT NOM 110 115 120 127 208 220 230 240 6) 10 of 26 Command SOOV127 SOOV132 SOOV138 SOOV146 SOOV239 SOOV253 SOOV265 SOOV276 Command SBOV132 SBOV138 SBOV144 SBOV152 SBOV249 SBOV264 SBOV276 SBOV288 To set the lower thresholds of output voltage and of bypass voltage. TYPE: SOOVxxx and SBOVxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered). and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. VOUT NOM 110 115 120 127 208 220 230 240 7) Command SMRD150 SMRD300 Command SOUV093 SOUV098 SOUV102 SOUV108 SOUV177 SOUV187 SOUV195 SOUV204 Command SBUV088 SBUV092 SBUV096 SBUV102 SBUV166 SBUV177 SBUV184 SBUV192 To set the nominal power. VDC NOM 110 220 5) To set the upper thresholds of output voltage and of bypass voltage. for 10kVA the command is SEPO010. TYPE: SEPOxxx (where xxx is the desired value in volts to be entered). 4) TYPE: F4 to memorize the abovementioned setting and make sure an acoustic acquisition tone is emitted. 5) Test the signal of the various isolators/circuit breakers (EPO. OCB. the measured voltage on the cathode of D23 must be proportionately higher. 6) Connect the remote panel to RS485 and verify its correct operation.e Test Procedure 6. the measured voltage on the cathode of D23 must be proportionately higher.8 Vdc (+/-2%) with external power supply supplying 310Vdc (+/-2%). If the external Power Supply supplies a voltage that is higher than the value indicated above. Type TVBAxxx (where xxx assumes the measured VDC value). Type TVBAxxx (where xxx assumes the measured VDC value). VDC MEASUREMENT SETTING 1) For VDC NOM = 110Vdc: Check on the cathode of D23 on the I/S Control Logic board that there is a positive voltage of 0. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 11 of 26 . and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.9 Vdc (+/-2%) with the external power supply supplying 120Vdc (+/-2%). 2) For VDC NOM = 220Vdc: Check on the cathode of D23 on the I/S Control Logic board that there is a positive voltage of 1. turn P1 on the Power Supply board. 3) Check on the PC screen under the heading MEASURES that the voltage value under point 1 (+/-2%) is displayed.IMB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. MBCB and BYP SW) and check that the relevant indications are displayed on the PC screen. Wait 30 seconds and press SW3 on P board. If the voltage value is different from the one requested. Rev.e – ITB. If the voltage value is different from the one requested. If the external Power Supply supplies a voltage that is higher than the value indicated above. In alternative to point 4: 4a) Memorize in E2PROM the abovementioned setting by typing MEEE000. turn P1 on the Power Supply board. 4) Repeat the action of step 3) on VCB phase S and VCB phase T 5) Connect the oscilloscope probe between the ground and pin 6 of U17 (I/S Control Logic) and check the presence of a signal as in the figure below: Picture 1 – Wave shape I/S Control Logic board 12 of 26 JUD411347 Rev.e) 2) Press RESET and BUZZER on the front panel simultaneously.e Test Procedure 7. and check that after some seconds “INV ON” becomes active on the PC screen. 3) Place the oscilloscope probe between the ground and pin 7 of U2 (VCB phase R). rotate P1 of the I/S Control Logic board () and check that the amplitude of the measured sinus wave increases.e) .IMB. INVERTER START-UP 1) Select the manual control mode for the inverter voltage closing J1 2-3 of all VCB boards. Open J2 of all VCB boards (corrector excluded) and close J1 on ISCL Control logic board: .e (E3001.on 2-3 for ITB. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . In alternative to point 2: 2a) Press F6 and check that the acoustic acquisition tone is emitted.on 1-2 for IMB.e (E2001.e – ITB. and then turn back P1 until the same is at zero again (). 10) Supply the device. 12) Make sure direct voltage is decreasing regularly without sudden changes. perform a pre-charge and close the input circuit breaker. Rev. wait 10 seconds and start the inverter via F6. perform a pre-charge and close the input circuit breaker.IMB. 11) Open the input circuit breaker. For other kind of IGBT driver refer to the related instructions. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 13 of 26 . 9) Check the correct wiring of the pre-charge selector and of the input circuit breaker. 8) Press F7 to turn the inverter off. 7) Check that between E and G of the IGBT there is a signal as in the figure below: Picture 2 – Wave shape IGBT ATTENTION If the positive wave amplitude is not +15V (+/-2%).e Test Procedure 6) Check that the leds LD 1-2 (red) of the ID boards are on. regulate P2 of PS board until you reach that value. 13) Supply the device again.e – ITB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 16) Press F7 to turn the inverter off and open the input circuit breaker.until the modulation is zero. 21) Switch OFF the input Vdc voltage (by opening the input circuit breaker). Perform a pre-charge and close the input circuit breaker. Check each phase. 26) In inverter ITB.e measure inverter voltage phase S and phase T and digit TIFS (measured voltage) for phases S and TIFT (measured voltage) for phase T. 19) Give modulation and check that the two sinues that can be read are in phase.e – ITB. close J2 on each VCB so as to activate the ‘wave-shape corrector circuit’. 22) Rotate P1 of the I/S Control Logic (). Check the correct wave shape on the output and open the input circuit breaker. perform a pre-charge until reaching a dc voltage between 50Vdc and 100Vdc. 25) Measure with a tester the inverter voltage phase R and type: TIFR (measured voltage). close J1 (VCB) in position 1-2 in order to close the voltage loop on each VCB. Increase the AC voltage rotating P1 until the output voltage of the Inverter reaches the nominal value (+/-2%). without close the input circuit breaker. Rotate P1 of the I/S Control Logic board () until you reach the nominal voltage on the output of the inverter. 18) Supply the device again. rotate P1 (VCB) (). Check that entering command corresponds to an acquisition tone. 23) Adjust P1 (VCB phase R) until the desired output voltage is reached (+/-2%). 17) Connect a probe between ground and pin 1 of U6. another probe between ground and pin 14 of U1 of VCB board phase R. 20) Repeat step 16) to step 19) for VCB board phase S and VCB board phase T. F JSE416117 24/09/12 .e Test Procedure 14) Rotate P1 on the I/S Control Logic board () in order to increase the modulation. 24) Repeat step 20) for VCB phase S and VCB phase R. 14 of 26 JUD411347 Rev.IMB. Perform a pre-charge and restart the inverter supplying the Vdc input (by closing the input circuit breaker). In alternative to point 25-26: 26a) Set inverter voltage to the desired values and press ALT+I. 15) Connect the oscilloscope probe between ground and TP2 (I/S Control Logic) and check the correct current envelope of the inverter bridge. increase the AC voltage and verify that a sinusoidal voltage is present on the secondary of the INVERTER transformer (on each phase). and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. that the abovementioned voltage measurements are correctly displayed (+/-2%). Check that the KFOU value is between 800 and 950. 30) Check on the PC screen under the heading “MEASURES". 31) TYPE: F4 to memorize the setting performed. Rev. 29) TYPE: F8 to regulate the +/. Check that entering command corresponds to an acquisition tone. and make sure an acoustic acquisition tone is emitted. Check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. Check that entering command corresponds to an acquisition tone. 32) Open the input circuit breaker. In alternative to point 29: 29a) TYPE: TVLX000. In alternative to point 27-28: 28a) Set UPS output voltage to the desired values and press ALT+0.IMB.e – ITB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.e Test Procedure 27) Measure with a tester the output voltage of the UPS (isolator OCB) and type: TUFR (measured voltage). In alternative to point 25-26-26a-27-28-28a: 28b) Set UPS output voltage to the desired values and press ALT+T.e measure UPS output voltage phase S and phase T and digit TUFS (measured voltage) for phase and TUFT (measured voltage) for phase T. 28) In inverter ITB.tolerance limits of the inverter output voltage and make sure it corresponds to the acoustic acquisition tone. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 15 of 26 . Check that the KFOU value is between 800 and 950. In alternative to point 31: 31a) Memorize in E2PROM the settings performed by typing: MEEE000. In alternative to point 2-2a: 2b) 3) Set emergency line voltage to the nominal values and press ALT+B TYPE: F9 to rate the frequency window (+/.6%) TFFR055 (+/. Check that the value KFBY is between 800 and 950.4%) TFFR035 (+/.2%) TFFR015 (+/.4% of freq. In alternative to point 3: 3a) Rate the frequency window typing: TFFR060 (+/.) and check the acoustic acquisition tone.1%) and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.5%) TFFR030 (+/. 2a) In inverter ITB. 5) TYPE: F8 to regulate the +/.e Test Procedure 8.1. STATIC BYPASS CALIBRATION 1) Connect the emergency line and close SBCB.IMB. and that the UPS output voltage is correct (+/-2%).e measure emergency line phase S and phase T and digit TBFS (measured voltage) and TBFT (measured voltage). 2) Measure the emergency line voltage phase R and type: TBFR (measured voltage).2.e – ITB.5%) TFFR010 (+/.5.5%) TFFR050 (+/. F JSE416117 24/09/12 .3%) TFFR025 (+/. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 4) Check that the static switch mains side closes.tolerance limits of the bypass voltage and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.5%) TFFR020 (+/.4. In alternative to point 5: 16 of 26 JUD411347 Rev.5%) TFFR045 (+/. Verify that the measures at point 2 and 4 are correctly displayed on the screen under the heading MEASURES (+/-2%).3.5%) TFFR040 (+/. Verify output waveform. Rev. 7) Open SBCB. Check that the KFBY value is between 800 and 950. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.e – ITB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. Make sure the measures referred to at points 2 and 4 are correctly displayed on the screen under the heading MEASURES (+/-2%).IMB. In alternative to point 6: 6a) TYPE: MEEE000. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 17 of 26 . 6) TYPE: F4 to memorize the abovementioned ratings and make sure an acoustic acquisition tone is emitted.e Test Procedure 5a) TYPE: TVLX000. In alternative to point 10: 10a) Select the SPECIAL menu on the front panel. INVERTER IN AUTOMATIC MODE . 5) Close SBCB and check that the inverter synchronizes correctly with the emergency line measuring a V  20V (+/-10%) between Inverter and emergency line. 7) Repeat the test described in the previous point 5 more times. open OCB and verify that the inverter modulation is on and the output voltage is ok. wait about 10" and check that the inverter returns to supply the output. close OCB and switch the BYPASS SW to “normal”. Check that the blocked situation is removed and that the inverter returns to supply the output. follow the guided start-up procedure and make sure the inverter starts properly. make sure the inverter modulation shuts down. 2) Measure the VDC voltage on the Power Supply fuses and type TVBAxxx (where xxx is the measured value). carry out the reset. put the Bypass Switch back on “normal”. carry out a commutation test by means of the Bypass Switch (position on “by-pass”) and verify that the static bypass voltage is supplied on the output of the UPS.IMB. 3) Disconnect the external power supply from the Power Supply and reconnect W3 to CNB.e Test Procedure 9. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . Check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.e – ITB. close MBCB. 9) Open MBCB.e verify on each phase.FINAL TEST 1) Position DSW1 dip 6 on ON in order to prepare the automatic operation and verify the acquisition on the PC screen. 4) Perform a pre-charge. 10) Check the fans operation. 18 of 26 JUD411347 Rev. 11) Turn the inverter off completely. 10) TYPE: RESE000 and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. The UPS must stop on static bypass. In inverter ITB. 8) Check MBCB at the input and output. 6) At the end of the procedure. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 19 of 26 . and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. After the current mode intervention restore the initial configuration with a 100% load. leave SBCB open. close OCB. 4) Regulate P2 in the opposite sense of rotation to decrease the current signal down to 4Vpp (+/-2%). 5) Measure with an ammeter the output current phase R and type: TCFR (measured current). If this is not enough. Rev. 10) Switch OFF the inverter.e repeat Step 5) measuring phase S and phase T output current and digit TCFS (measured current) and TCFT (measured current). If this is not enough to reach that condition increase the current with an additional load and remove it immediately (or increase the current signal removing for a moment one of the configuration jumper).e – ITB. Put dip 6 of DSW1 on ON and restart the inverter.e Test Procedure 10. start the inverter. Verify that in this condition the inverter can exit from the ‘current protection mode’.IMB. The short circuit current shall be about 200%In for 100ms and about 150%In after 100ms. If this is not enough yet. After 5 seconds of short circuit the inverter will be OFF. The noise of the inverter will change and the crest of the current will be limited to an allowable value. regulate P2 on the board to increase the current signal and activate the ‘current protection mode’. 9) With a load on the output equal to 100%. decrease the load down to 90%: below this value the inverter must exit from the ‘current protection’. wait for the Inverter Static Switch to close and connect a load on the output gradually from 0% to 100%. 7) Check the linearity of the output current reading. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. Make sure that the inverter goes into current protection mode. 3) Connect the oscilloscope probe between ground and TP2 of the I/S Control Logic board. LOAD TESTS AND CURRENT MEASUREMENT SETTING 1) Position Dip6 DSW1 on OFF (test mode). 6) In inverter ITB. carry out a short-circuit between phase and neutral. 8) TYPE: F4 to memorize the above mentioned measures and check the acoustic acquisition tone. decrease the current signal at 100% load to a lower value than 4Vpp leaving on the card this setting. 2) Perform a pre-charge. In alternative to point 7: 9a) TYPE MEEE000. Check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 12) With a load on the output equal to 100%. close SBCB and wait for the inverter to synchronize with the emergency line.IMB. carry out a commutation to emergency line. Set the bypass switch to “by-pass”. 13) Change the bypass switch back to “normal” and check that the inverter static switch closes.e – ITB. Make sure the emergency line static switch closes and check the output voltage of the UPS.e Test Procedure 11) Wait for 10”. where xxx is the value measured (with an ammeter) of the direct current taken by the inverter at full load. 14) TYPE TCBAxxx. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 20 of 26 JUD411347 Rev. In alternative to point 5: 5a) TYPE TVLX000. Rev. and zero the history. In alternative to point 6: 6a) TYPE MEEE000. Make sure the unit is fully operating. 7) Configure “date and hour” on the Special menu.e – ITB. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 6) TYPE: F4 to memorize the abovementioned ratings and make sure an acoustic acquisition tone is emitted. 2) TYPE: NUMBXXX (Second 3 digits of the Serial Number). 5) TYPE: F8 and check that the acoustic acquisition tone is emitted. 4) TYPE: CLANXXX (000 = ITALIAN) (001 = GERMAN) (002 = FRENCH) (003 = ENGLISH) (004 = PORTUGUESE) (005 = SPANISH) (006 = DUTCH) and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 21 of 26 . and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 3) TYPE: CNAMXXX (000-006). and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone.IMB. 8) Check the correct functioning of the display.e Test Procedure 11. INVERTER PERSONALIZATION 1) TYPE: BATCXXX (First 3 digits of the Serial Number). and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition. and check that the entering command corresponds to an acoustic acquisition tone. 3) Close the input circuit breaker.IMB.1 SWITCHING TO MANUAL BY-PASS Set the inverter to manual by-pass as indicated below: 1) Position the by-pass switch on Bypass. FINAL TESTS 12. 5) Open OCB. 2) Perform a pre-charge. 12. 4) Follow the instructions shown on the display and make sure the inverter returns to NORMAL mode correctly.e Test Procedure 12. 3) Close MBCB. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 22 of 26 JUD411347 Rev.2 RETURN FROM MANUAL BY-PASS 1) Make sure that the by-pass switch is set to “bypass” and MBCB is closed.e – ITB. 2) Check the switching of the device to the emergency line. 4) Open the input circuit breaker. 6) Open SBCB. check the alarm/status signal indicated in the table below: 3) RELAY Status/Alarm RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 INVERTER OK INVERTER SYNCHRONIZED INVERTER FEEDS LOAD BYPASS OK LOW DC VOLTAGE (PRE-ALARM) COMMON ALARM Terminals 16-17-18 13-14-15 10-11-12 7-8-9 4-5-6 1-2-3 In case INT-5 ARC board is present. for each relay card check the alarm/status signals indicated in the table below: Card ARC1 ARC2 ARC3 RELAY Status/Alarm RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 RL1 RL2 RL3 RL4 RL5 RL6 INVERTER OK INVERTER SYNCHRONIZED INVERTER FEEDS LOAD BYPASS OK LOW DC VOLTAGE (PRE-ALARM) COMMON ALARM DC VOLTAGE ERROR OVERLOAD RE-TRANSFER BLOCK MANUAL BYPASS SWITCH CLOSED HIGH TEMPERATURE FAN FAULT THERMAL IMAGE BYPASS FEEDS LOAD OUTPUT CIRCUIT BREAKER OPEN EPO INTERVENTION NOT USED NOT USED Rev.e – ITB.IMB. We recommend to check the signals according to the technical monography of the relevant job. 1) Check the wiring and the connector of flat cable W50. 2) In case a single ARC board is present.3 SIGNAL CHECK VIA ARC OR INT5-ARC BOARD ATTENTION The tables indicate the standard settings.e Test Procedure 12. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 Terminals 16-17-18 13-14-15 10-11-12 7-8-9 4-5-6 1-2-3 16-17-18 13-14-15 10-11-12 7-8-9 4-5-6 1-2-3 16-17-18 13-14-15 10-11-12 7-8-9 4-5-6 1-2-3 23 of 26 . IMB. SW7 and SW8 on the card of the inverter front panel (PB179). LED 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Signal Colour INVERTER OK INVERTER FEEDS LOAD INVERTER SYNCHRONIZED BYPASS OK BYPASS FEEDS LOAD OVERLOAD FAN FAULT DC VOLTAGE ERROR HIGH TEMPERATURE RE-TRANSFER BLOCK GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE RED RED RED The colour of the led’s must be preset via the dip-switch banks SW6.5 BURN-IN AND COOL-DOWN 1) Let the device burn in for at least 8 hours (at minimum load).e – ITB. Notes: This copy belongs to: _______________________________ 24 of 26 JUD411347 Rev.e Test Procedure 12. 2) At the end of the 8 hours: 2a) Disconnect the load 2b) Make sure no alarms are present in the log file.4 CONFIGURABLE LED CONTROL ATTENTION The tables indicate the standard settings. 2c) Make sure the clock is working properly. 12. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . We recommend to check the signals according to the technical monography of the relevant job. Make sure the configurable led’s are configured according to the following table. F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411347 25 of 26 . A. for a single inverter. for a parallel system.1 CONFIGURATION 1 WITHOUT SBCB The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1 without SBCB. with SBCB.e – ITB. with SBCB.2 CONFIGURATION 1 WITH SBCB The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1. Rev.IMB. The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1.e Test Procedure APPENDIX A: ROTARY CONFIGURATION A. 4 CONFIGURATION 2 PARALLEL: The pictures below show two possible block diagrams of rotary-sw configuration 2 for a parallel system. A.e Test Procedure A.IMB.3 CONFIGURATION 2 SINGLE: The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 2 for a single inverter. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 26 of 26 JUD411347 Rev.e – ITB. .......................  STATIC SWITCH ........9..............1 .......................e – ITB....12  PWM generator ..................1  Introduction ................................................................... 11  4...........9..... 11  4................ 13  4......................................9................. 11  4...... 14  4. 14  4.E....... E)/SCRSF-3F (FOR ITB.. 23 Codice / Code JUD411291 .....................................9............... E) / 2SCR-FIR (FOR BIG SYSTEMS) THYRISTOR FIRING BOARDS ............................. 8  4..... 17  4.............. EPROM’s and EEPROM ...............................9.........9  SCB board and Thyristor drivers ................... 12  4.....9....................................9................ Simoni P........4  Fast Analog Inputs ......................................................................................................................  INVERTER .. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag..  ELECTRONIC PCB’S .....E ....................................................7  Digital Power Supply ......................................................................09 11......e OPERATING DESCRIPTION Index 1..................  GENERAL ...01.................................................................9............ 3  1....7  VOLT-REF-3F (EM...2....................................... 14  4.. 14  4..........................................9  Rev................................6  RAM......... 14  4........9...... 3  2........ 10  4. 12  4.................... Conti L.................................... of Pag.. 5  4............................... 14  4............e operating description IMB....8  RCB board ...........11  VCB board ................................. 11  4........................ Simoni E.E .2  Digital Inputs ........... / A I/S-CL (MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL LOGIC) ............................................. 17  Descrizione Description First Issue Revision JSE414786 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 24... 6  4............................... 6  4...................9.................................E ......... 14  4............8  SCRSF-1F (FOR IMB...........................................3  Dip Switches ...................................................1  OPERATING STATUS .......................... 12  4.................e – ITB.....................1  ID / DR-SAT – (IGBT DRIVER) .........10..9........ 5  3.................................................................................6  VOLT-REF-1F (EM........11 P...... LINE / OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB..........5  INV-AV-3F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB........3  PWM-SAT – (IGBT DRIVERS INTERFACE) ................ Fognani E........4  INV-AV-1F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB.....................IMB............................ 11  4........... 12  4.........9...........................5  Watchdog and Reset ............................... Conti E....................................................10  Current Limitation and Max Current Stop .....................................2  PS-LV / PS-MV / PS-SAT – (POWER SUPPLY) .......... LINE / OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB....... .......2 CONFIGURATION 1 WITH SBCB ................................ 9  Picture 8 – POWER SUPPLY board PS-LV / PS-MV .......................................................................................................14  Card VCB ........................ 4  Picture 4 – Manual by-pass ............................................................................ 18  Picture 11 – Card I/S-CL ...........e – ITB.................................... 4  Picture 5 – ID (IGBT DRIVER) board ............ 13  Picture 10 – Card I/S-CL block diagram ................................................................................... 10  Table 1 – DSW 1 ................... 22  A.......................................................................................................................9.........................................................................4 CONFIGURATION 2 PARALLEL:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23  Index of pictures / tables Picture 1 – UPS block diagram .............................. 22  A...................................................................................13  Card SCB .................................... 17  4.........3 CONFIGURATION 2 SINGLE: ........9........................................................................................................................ 20  Picture 13 – Card VCB ......................................................1 CONFIGURATION 1 WITHOUT SBCB ............................................ 3  Picture 3 – Load supplied by by-pass......... 7  Picture 7 – POWER SUPPLY board block diagram ....................................................... 23  A.................. 20  4. 19  Picture 12 – Card SCB ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  Picture 6 – Card DR-SAT ...... 21  APPENDIX A: ROTARY CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13  Table 2 ..................................... 20  2 of 23 JUD411291 Rev................................................................................................................................e operating description External A/D Converter ................. 22  A. 3  Picture 2 – Normal operation ..................................................................A JSE414786 11/10/11 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................DSW 2 .....................10  FCI (FREE CONTACT INTERFACE) ....................................... 20  4...... 10  Picture 9 – POWER SUPPLY board PS-SAT .IMB......................................................................................................................................................... black-outs and various disturbances on the network.e operating description 1.e/ITB. the inverter supplies always energy to the load.e as well as their block diagrams and programming instructions. to the by-pass static switch. This configuration guarantees the best service to the User. Rev. 1.Scientific equipment etc.e/ITB. It makes the load completely immune from micro-interruptions due to excessive mains variation.1 OPERATING STATUS Final task of a inverter system is to protect the load from micro-interruptions. therefore in compliance with the prescriptions of EN 50091-1. These sections will be described in the following chapters. the installer will have to identify the line or the plugs supplied by the inverter making the User aware of this fact.e . without interruption. Picture 1 – UPS block diagram The IMB.ITB. Picture 2 – Normal operation In case of an inverter failure or an overload the load is automatically transferred.).IMB.e product line are on-line typology. as it supplies clean continuously regulated power and guarantees the voltage and frequency will be stabilised at nominal value independently from mains status. and prevents damage to the critical load (Computer Instrumentation .e is composed by two main sections: inverter (I) and static switch (SS). whether the mains is available or not (according to the battery autonomy time). and guarantee a reliable supply also when internal faults occur. During normal operation the inverter supplies the load through the static switch. The final chapter includes the description of the various electronic boards installed inside the IMB. WARNING The UPS output is energized even during mains failure.e – ITB. GENERAL The inverters of the IMB. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 3 of 23 . without any interruptions.IMB. connecting directly the emergency line to the system output.A JSE414786 11/10/11 . Picture 4 – Manual by-pass 4 of 23 JUD411291 Rev. During the manual by-pass procedure the load remains supplied.e operating description Picture 3 – Load supplied by by-pass For maintenance operations it’s possible to supply the load through the manual by-pass circuit breaker MBCB.e – ITB. The transformer is provided with a leakage inductance that forms a low-pass filter with the output capacitor Cr. the control signals for the thyristors are generated by the I/S-CL and sent to the firing boards SCRSF-1F for IMB.e) or VOLT-REF-3F board (for ITB.e) provides the feedback signals for the emergency line and output voltage measures.e operating description 2. installed on the microprocessor control logic I/S-CL. controlled by the IGBT driver boards IDn. The emergency line input transformer is energized by an emergency line input circuit breaker. The inverter current protection (Max Current Stop) and the short circuit current limitation are also managed by the I/S-CL.e) is used to control the output voltage value. which is mounted on the inverter bridge input. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 5 of 23 . The emergency line static switch is controlled by the SCB board.e or 2SCR-FIR for bigger systems. The current transformer T20 provides the signal for the output current measure. Rev. the emergency line static switch is energized. the bridge starts to modulate and the output voltage increases. which provides the galvanic insulation between the DC bus and the AC output. The inverter bridge is connected to the transformer T1. connected directly to the gate of the thyristors. Closing the input switch SBCB. An input filter provides to reduce the radio frequency disturbances according to the limits given by the EN50091-2 standard. The manual by-pass circuit switch MBCB connects directly the emergency line input to the load in case of UPS maintenance. which is connected to the output switch OCB. according to the value set on the VCB boards (mounted on the I/S-CL). STATIC SWITCH The emergency line is usually isolated from the mains through an emergency line input transformer. The VOLT-REF-1F board (for IMB. The voltage feedback provided by the INV-AV-1F board (for IMB. The UPS automatically transfers the load to the emergency line in case of an inverter failure or overload.IMB.e) or INV-AV-3F board (for ITB. INVERTER The inverter is composed by two power blocks.e – ITB. the filter provides to eliminate the high frequency harmonics from the output waveform in order to reduce the distortion of the sinewave. using the feedback signal provided by the hall-effect current transducer U3 (and if present U4). the input fuses protect the static switch thyristor in case of short-circuit at the UPS output. 3. When the inverter is started up the microprocessor control logic I/S-CL generates the IGBT’s control signals (PWM – Pulse Width Modulation) and send them to the driver boards IDn.e or SCRSF-3F for ITB. The inverter supplies the load through the inverter static switch thyristor. the card DR-SAT is provided with a de-saturation sensor which provide to stop the modulation in case the Collector-Emitter voltage exceed the rated IGBT’s saturation value. rectified and filtered and made controllable by a green LED.1 ID / DR-SAT – (IGBT DRIVER) The IGBT’s driver cards are used to transfer the turn-on signals created by the microprocessor card I/S-CL to the IGBT. using MOSFET’s. The final amplifying circuit. CN1 LD3 Power supply on LD4 Power supply on LD1 Modulation on R11 IGBT’S gate LD2 Modulation on GND IGBT1 M1 GND IGBT2 R30 IGBT’S gate M4 Picture 5 – ID (IGBT DRIVER) board 6 of 23 JUD411291 Rev. The drivers draw the power from a 40kHz square wave coming from the POWER SUPPLY card. provides to translate the modulation signal between +15V (ON Level) and -15V (OFF Level).IMB. The card ID is designed to control a complete bridge leg (positive and negative IGBT’s). ELECTRONIC PCB’S 4.e – ITB. In addition.e operating description 4.A JSE414786 11/10/11 . the square wave is properly isolated. the card DR-SAT can only control a single switch. generally made by two IGBT’s in parallel. The turn-on command for the IGBT’s coming from the card I/S-CL is isolated by an optocoupler and then slightly integrated through a low-pass filter (dead-time). IMB.e operating description D6 Supply ON TPG1 Test Point IGBT1 TP5 GROUND J1 TPG2 Test Point IGBT2 CN1 J2 D14 Modulation ON D17 Led fixed: inverter OK Led blinking: under voltage lock-out D5 Supply ON Picture 6 – Card DR-SAT Rev. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 7 of 23 .e – ITB. Wave AC1-AC2 Sq.e operating description 4.5kV. P2 +12V Analog -12V Analog +24V Analog +12V / Relay & Bus +12V +9V Sq.A JSE414786 11/10/11 . PS-LV PS-MV PS-SAT_110 PS-SAT_220     80÷180Vdc 160÷330Vdc 80÷180Vdc 160÷330Vdc The insulation voltage between output section and the DC input is 2.IMB. They take the power at the inverter input and their input voltage range is as follows. This signal can by adjusted with the potentiometer P1.e – ITB. Wave AC3-AC4 In addition these cards create an insulated voltage proportional to the input DC voltage which is transmitted to the microprocessor as a feed-back signal for the measure of the inverter input voltage. 8 of 23 JUD411291 Rev. The following table summarizes all the different outputs: SECTION Analog measures Free contacts and parallel bus Free contacts Microprocessor and display IGBT’s drivers Power Supply RS-232 and RS-485 LED Test point LD1 TP2-TP4 LD2 TP3-TP4 LD3 TP5-TP4 LD4 LD5 TP8-TP9 Pot.2 PS-LV / PS-MV / PS-SAT – (POWER SUPPLY) These boards provide the different power supplies to all the sections of the I/S-CL (microprocessor board) and to the front panel. IGBT's Gate voltage adj.e – ITB. VDC- P2 TP5 LD4 LD5 D14 D15 D28 R38 R39 R40 Analog Power Supply Analog Power Supply Digital Power Supply Relay & Bus Power Supply Precharging Thyristor Power Supply 9 of 23 JUD411291 Rev.e operating description CNB FB2 FB1 Fixed duty cycle Switching Modulator controlled by U3 Picture 7 – POWER SUPPLY board block diagram . FU7 FU8 Control IC's Power Supply: provides the power to U2 (12V on DZ2-K) and U3 (12V on DZ5-K).AC1 AC2 A CN4 CN2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +24V Input Vdc Voltage Measure 40 Khz Square Wave +12V Voltage Regulators +8V CN1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Regulated Vdc Voltage -12V LD1 LD2 FU6 FU2 Rectifier Bridge D22-D23-D24-D25 AC3 AC4 +12V / Relay e Bus D TP4 +12V / SCR CN3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Input Vdc Voltage (Not Regulated) P1 TP4 D14 D15 40 Khz Square Wave LD3 R&B TP8 TP9 VDC+ Input DC Voltage Measure adjustable by turning P1 Step Down DC-DC Converter controlled by U2. A JSE414786 11/10/11 TP3 SCR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 IMB. e – ITB.e operating description 4.2.IMB.A JSE414786 11/10/11 . CW= Increase FB2 VB- CN4 LD5 LD4 VB+ CN3 TP4 GND FB1 TP2 +12V CN2 Picture 9 – POWER SUPPLY board PS-SAT 10 of 23 TP3 -12V JUD411291 LD2 LD1 TP5 +24V LD3 Rev.1 CN1 CN4 LD5 CN3 CNB LD4 P1 Vdc P adjust CW=increase LD3 FB1 LD2 LD1 TP1 VB+ P2 IGBT’s gate voltage ACW=increase FB2 CN2 VB- Picture 8 – POWER SUPPLY board PS-LV / PS-MV TP9 P2 IGBT’s gate voltage CN1 TP8 P1 Vdc P ad just. pin3 and 4 for L2 and pin5 and 6 for L3. The UPS output is connected on CN5 pin 1 (phase) and 7 (neutral) and supplies the doublesecondary transformer T2.e The VOLT-REF-1F provides the signals for the emergency line and output voltage measurements.e The INV-AV-3F provides the inverter voltage feedback for the real-time control loop. L2 and L3 current transformers are connected to CN3 pin1 and 2 for L1. L3 and neutral.6 VOLT-REF-1F (EM. respectively for the first and the second bridge leg. The card PWM-SAT is the interface between the I/S-CL and the driver cards DR-SAT that provides to split the turn-on signals and distribute them to the right driver cards. 4. 5 and 7 respectively. and the control signals must be different. the secondary currents of the current transformers flow through the resistor R4. LINE / OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB. this waveform is sent to the I/S-CL measuring section for the output current reading. a waveform proportional to the emergency line voltage value.IMB. via the connector CN4. a secondary winding. The driver card DR-SAT can only control one switch.e The INV-AV-1F provides the inverter voltage feedback for the real-time control loop. The UPS output current transformer is connected to CN3 pin1 and 2. these waveforms are sent to the I/S-CL measuring section for the output current reading. are connected on CN1 pin 1 and 7 respectively. the voltage value is reduced by the transformer T1 and sent to the microprocessor control logic I/S-CL via the connector W18. generating a voltage drop proportional to the UPS output current. via the single-phase Graetz bridge formed by the diodes D1-D2-D4-D5 and the stabilizer U1.e – ITB. The UPS output L1. pin 1 and 4. This is a redundant supply for the static switch control logic (SCB board) and its presence can be verified by checking the status of the LED DL1. 3.5 INV-AV-3F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB. for measuring purposes. L2.3 PWM-SAT – (IGBT DRIVERS INTERFACE) The card PWM-SAT is used only together with the IGBT driver DR-SAT. The other secondary winding is used to send to the microprocessor. the secondary current of the current transformer flows through the resistor R4. so two of them are necessary for each bridge leg. The inverter output phase and neutral. L2 and L3 are connected to CN1 on pin1 (L1). The emergency line L1. 4. pin 5 and 8. creates a +5V supply that is sent to the I/S-CL board via the connector CN3. taken on the filter capacitor. LINE / OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB. The turn-on signals for the IGBT’s are available on the connectors CN7 and CN1 of the microprocessor card I/S-CL. a secondary winding is connected to the single-phase Graetz bridge formed by the diodes D8-D9-D11-D12. which output is connected in parallel to the stabilizer U1.7 VOLT-REF-3F (EM.e The VOLT-REF-3F provides the signals for the emergency line and output voltage measurements. are connected on CN1 pin 1 . The emergency line is connected on CN1 pin 1 (phase) and 7 (neutral) and supplies the double-secondary transformer T1. The other secondary winding is used to send to the microprocessor. pin3 Rev. 4.e operating description 4. via the connector CN4.4 INV-AV-1F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB. 4. the voltage value is reduced by the transformer T1 and sent to the microprocessor control logic I/S-CL via the connector W18. a waveform proportional to the output voltage value. R5 and R6 generating a voltage drop proportional to the UPS output current. The fuses FU1-FU2-FU3 are used for the fans protection. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 11 of 23 . The inverter output phase L1. for measuring purposes. taken on the filter capacitor. for measuring purposes. three waveforms proportional to the output voltage values. 12 of 23 JUD411291 Rev. indicating which line is supplying the load. It takes the digital inputs (like auxiliary contacts. 2 (L2).e). The cards SCRSF-1F/SCRSF-3F are double firing cards. which output is connected in parallel to the stabilizer U1. performs all the analog measures (like voltages.9. so two of them are necessary for a complete single-phase static switch and three of them are necessary for a complete three phase static switch. e) / 2SCR-FIR (for BIG SYSTEMS) THYRISTOR FIRING BOARDS The SCRSF-1F. 4. isolated by high frequency transformers and sent directly to the thyristors. The green (or red) LED’s show which component is controlled. SCRSF-3F and the 2SCR-FIR are thyristors firing boards and are installed directly on the static switch thyristors. a secondary winding is connected to the three-phase Graetz bridge formed by the diodes D7÷D12. currents and so on) and provides the total control of the UPS.e/ITB. pin5 (L3) and 7 (neutral) supplying the double-secondary transformers T1÷T3. pin3 (L2). for measuring purposes. pin5 (L3) and 7 (neutral) and supplies the double-secondary transformer T4÷T6.e operating description (L2). via the connector CN4. 7(L3) and 8.9.IMB.8 SCRSF-1F (for IMB.2 Digital Inputs The digital inputs are connected to the I/S CL via the M3 connector according to the description on the block diagram. switches and so on). creates a +5V supply that is sent to the I/S-CL board via the connector CN3. The card 2SCR-FIR can only control one pair of thyristors.e – ITB.e functions and signals. 6 (L2). The control signals generated by the I/S-CL are connected to the card. The other secondary windings are used to send to the microprocessor. The other secondary windings are used to send to the microprocessor. that is the whole static switch. 4. 3 (L3) and 4. so that can control two pairs of thyristors at a time (three pairs of thyristors for SCRSF-3F for ITB. e)/SCRSF-3F (for ITB. The UPS output is connected on CN5 pin1 (L1).9 I/S-CL (MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL LOGIC) 4. pin5 (L1). 4. The fuses FU1-FU2-FU3 are used for the fans protection.1 Introduction The I/S Control Logic (I/S CL) controls all the IMB. All these signals are de-coupled and latched before they are connected to the microprocessor bus. a secondary winding. pin1 (L1). This is a redundant supply for the static switch control logic (SCB board) and its presence can be verified by checking the status of the LED DL1. three waveforms proportional to the emergency line voltage values. via the connector CN4. via the three-phase Graetz bridge formed by the diodes D1÷D6 and the stabilizer U1.A JSE414786 11/10/11 . e – ITB.e can be programmed as follows. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 Status On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off Off Off Off On On Off On On Description ON/OFF inverter by external switch ON/OFF inverter automatic INT-5 ARC interface Single ARC board Output range: 110-115-120-127 Vac Output range: 208-220-230-240 Vac Rotary switch installed Rotary switch NOT installed “AC-UPS” LCD panel (not used) Standard LCD panel Rotary configuration 1 with SBCB Rotary configuration 1 without SBCB Rotary configuration 2 single Rotary configuration 2 parallel Table 2 .e/ITB.3 Dip Switches The dip switches SW1 and SW2 are connected to the microprocessor bus via the latches U67 and U68. Rev. NOTE The setting tables given above refers to the I/S-CL with standard software I180STD or following.9. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 13 of 23 .e operating description 4. 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 Status Off On Off On Off On On On Off On On Off Off Off Off On Off On Off On Description Single Parallel Frequency 50Hz Frequency 60Hz Single/Parallel Hot Standby Nominal Vout 220V (110V) Nominal Vout 208V (127V) Nominal Vout 230V (115V) Nominal Vout 240V (120V) Test Normal Buzzer disabled Buzzer enabled Three-phase output Single-phase output Table 1 – DSW 1 Dip n.IMB. The functions of the IMB. Dip n.DSW 2 For more details about the rotary-sw configurations see APPENDIX A. Line L2 D58 (K) D65 (K) Output L1 Em.10 Current Limitation and Max Current Stop The current flowing in the inverter bridge is measured through a hall-effect current transducer on the M1 pin 2. The two EPROM’s contain: U55 Program odd addresses U65 Program even addresses. Normally the inverter output current is controlled by the current limitation block. As the maximum current stop comparator commutates the LED D3 red becomes on. 4.9. It can drive directly the bypass static switch or send the command to the I/S-CL to close the inverter static switch. The RCB contains also the RS232 and RS485 drivers for the communication. 4.6 RAM. These jumpers must be programmed on each unit according to the indications given in the table below.5 Watchdog and Reset The microprocessor is controlled by a smart watchdog system that provides an automatic reset in case of an error of the microprocessor during the normal operation or a problem in the microprocessor power supply (under-voltage lockout). It contains the decisional logic for both bypass and inverter static switches. Up to 900 events can be stored in this device and the backup battery allows to preserve the information for three days after the power has been removed.7 Digital Power Supply The digital part of the I/S CL has its own power supply (5 volts).e-ITB. As the output current 14 of 23 JUD411291 Rev. The RAM U58 contains the history of the alarms of the UPS. The inverter can be reset by pressing the reset push-button SW4.5. Each output is de-coupled and buffered on this card.Current Stop).e operating description 4.Line L3 D57 (K) D64 (K) Output L2 Em. L2 and L3. The maximum current level for the inverter stop (desaturation) can be programmed by closing the jumpers J9. It is also possible to reset manually the microprocessor by pressing the reset push-button SW3. The measures can be found in the following points (see picture 11): D52 (K) D59 (K) Output L3 Em. 4. L2 and L3 phases and output L1. 4.9. 4.9.e – ITB.8 RCB board The RCB is an additional card which is fixed on the I/S-CL.9.1).9 SCB board and Thyristor drivers The SCB is an additional card which is fixed on the I/S-CL.4 Fast Analog Inputs The measures of the bypass L1.e Test Procedure). It contains the drivers for the digital outputs of the microprocessor. 4. This protection works in case of a fault or wrong operation on the unit. EPROM’s and EEPROM The EEPROM U71 contains the functional parameters of the UPS and the adjustments. are directly connected to the microprocessor A/D converter. This supply can be checked on the LED L1 (green) and measured between U11 pin 10 (ground) and pin 20. This card can be programmed through the jumpers J1÷J8 (see picture 12) and it is powered directly by the emergency line at +5V (see par. J10 and J100.9. This voltage can be checked on the LED D69 (green) and measured between U75 pin 2 (ground) and pin 3.9. The current can be checked on the test point TP2 and the limitation level can be adjusted by turning the potentiometer P2 on the I/S-CL (see the IMB.A JSE414786 11/10/11 .Line L1 4. the inverter is stopped and the current stop signal is sent to the microprocessor (alarm A24 .9.IMB. IMB. Rev.e – ITB. R40 (J9) = 33R-2W * In this size R18 (J100) must be 100R-2W.Short Circuit).e operating description exceeds the limitation value the short circuit detector sends the short circuit signal to the microprocessor (alarm A25 . A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 15 of 23 . For IMB. R39 (J10) = 47R-2W.e: VDCNOM Resistors on I/S-CL J9 J10 J100 110 22+47 Open Closed Open 220* 100+33 Open Closed Open 110 33 Open Closed Closed 220 22+47 Open Closed Open 110 33 Open Closed Closed 220 22+33 Open Closed Open 110 47 Closed Open Closed 220 33 Open Closed Closed 110 33 Open Closed Closed 220 33 Open Closed Closed 110 22 Closed Closed Open 220 47 Closed Open Closed 110 22 Closed Closed Open 220 47 Closed Open Closed 60 220 33 Open Closed Closed 80 220 22 Closed Closed Open 100 220 22 Closed Closed Open UPS [kVA] 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 JUMPERS R18 (J100) = 22R-2W. IMB. and in the size 5kVA and 10kVA–220Vdc resistor R18 must be replaced with 100R. R39 (J10) = 47R-2W.A JSE414786 11/10/11 .e – ITB.e: UPS [kVA] VDCNOM Resistors on I/S-CL J9 J10 J100 110* 100+33 Open Closed Open 220* 100+33 Open Closed Open 110 22+47 Closed Open Open 220* 100+33 Open Closed Open 110 22+33 Open Closed Open 220 22+47 Closed Open Open 110 33 Open Closed Closed 220 22+47 Closed Open Open 110 22+33 Open Closed Open 220 47 Closed Open Closed 110 47 Closed Open Closed 220 22+47 Closed Open Open 110 47 Closed Open Closed 220 22+33 Open Closed Open 110 33 Open Closed Closed 220 22+33 Open Closed Open 110 22 Closed Closed Open 220 33 Open Closed Closed 110 22 Closed Closed Open 220 33 Open Closed Closed 120 220 22 Closed Closed Open 160 220 22 Closed Closed Open 200 220 22 Closed Closed Open 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 JUMPERS R18 (J100) = 22R-2W. R40 (J9) = 33R-2W * In the size 5kVA-110Vdc. 16 of 23 JUD411291 Rev.e operating description For ITB. External A/D Converter Several analog measures are sent to the microprocessor via the external A/D converter U22. These measures can be found in the following points: Measure Inverter Output Voltage R Inverter Output Voltage S Inverter Output Voltage T Output Current R Output Current S Output Current T Inverter Input Voltage (DC) Inverter Input Current (DC) Phase Correction for Parallel Redundant Battery Current for Boost Charger Rev.9. For singlephase units only one VCB card must be installed.11 VCB board The VCB is an additional card which is fixed on the I/S-CL (three of these are needed for ITB.IMB. This card can be programmed by the J1 to work in manual control.e – ITB. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 A/D Channel #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Test Point D43 (K) D20 (K) D21 (K) D6 (K) D33 (K) D5 (K) D23 (K) D22 (K) D42 (K) D74 (K) 17 of 23 . whilst three VCB cards are used for the threephase units. It contains the sine-wave generator which converts the digital samples of the sine-wave coming from the microprocessor into an analog signal which is transferred to the PWM generator (see below).e operating description 4.12 PWM generator The I/S control logic can be used to generate both single-phase and three-phase output voltages. 4. The PWM generator compares the sine-waves coming from the VCB card with a triangular waveform at the switching frequency (U17 pin 6) to generate the PWM modulation to control the inverter power bridge. (in this case the inverter output voltage can be controlled manually by turning the potentiometer P1 on the I/S-CL) or in closed loop control (in this case the inverter output voltage can be set by turning the potentiometer P1 on the VCB and it is kept the same in all the conditions by the control loop).e). It is also possible to include or exclude the instantaneous value loop by adding or removing the jumper J2 (see picture 13). This card also sends the measure of the inverter output voltage to the microprocessor via the external A/D Converter.9. This function can be programmed by setting the jumper J1 on the I/S-CL. CONTACT Watch-dog and Undervoltage Lockout Optocouplers P1 J2 J1 U14 EPO CONTACT By-Pass R By-Pass S By-Pass T Output R Output S Output T Optocouplers Single Phase Feed-back VCB Sinus Wave Generator U4 CN5 SPARE SPARE MAINS FAULT J1 J2 J3 J4 Inverter Feed Load Signal Optocouplers CHARGER FAULT SPARE U11 pin 20 P1 J2 J1 +5V BT THERMAL SWITCH SPARE +5ST SCB Fast Analog to Digital Conversion Channels Short Circuit Detector SW3 P1 Analog Power Supply U7 +12V Static Switch Control Programmable J5 J6 J7 J8 Array Logics Thyristors Driver Max Current Stop J1 D11 RS232 Buffer L1 RS485 Buffer External A/D Converter U22 Optocouplers J9 J10 J100 PWM Generator U9-U14 CN4-1 CN4-2 CN4-3 CN4-8 CN4-9 CN4-10 U7 pin 1 M2-9CN3-2 CN4-6 CN8-8 CN8-9 CN8-10 U7 pin 2 Rev. Voltage T In2 DC Current In7 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 BYPASS SWITCH U58 Backup battery U75 pin 3 U75 pin 2 Addresses and Data Bus Optocouplers +12V MBCB AUX. In8 Phase Correct. Voltage S In1 Inv. In3 Output Curr.Ad0 Ad1 Ad2 Ad3 Microprocessor Ad4 Ad5 Reset EEPROM U71 Parameters Odd EPROM Even EPROM Addresses and Data Bus RAM U65 History U55 U11 pin 10 U11 pin 9 CN6 Relays Output Buffer U11 Optocouplers Output Buffers U74 P1 J2 Optocouplers VCB Sinus Wave Generator U4 Single Phase Feed-back J1 +12V-SCR Optocouplers Rx Tx Gnd Pos OutOut+ InIn+ RCB CN4 In9 Battery Curr.e operating description M3 RESET TP2 M1 2 1 Picture 10 – Card I/S-CL block diagram .e – ITB.A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 18 of 23 U11 pin 10 Inverter Bridge Current Switching Frequency Generator U17 CN2 RELAY #2 RELAY #3 RELAY #1 RELAY #4 RELAY #5 RELAY #6 RELAY #7 POS-REL POS-REL POS-REL K1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D69 SW1 Current Limitation CN1 CN14-9 CN14-10 CN14-2 CN14-1 RESET 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Short Circuit Signal Optocoupler U39 SW2 CN13-7 CN13-6 CN13-5 CN13-2 CN13-3 CN13-4 CN10 L2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +5ST Input Latches U67-U68 Display Driver Current Stop Signal Thyristors Driver L1 Input Latches U48-U52-U53 IGBT's Current Selection P2 CN7 D3 SW4 +24V GND M1-2 CN5 CN9 CN11 M2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IMB. Volt. T Optocouplers Inv. CONTACT OCB AUX. Voltage R In0 Inv. In6 Inverter Inp. CONTACT U61 Digital Power Supply U75 Optocouplers Single Phase Feed-back VCB Sinus Wave Generator U4 U15 BCB AUX. S In5 Output Curr. R In4 Output Curr. e operating description CN6 Analog ground J9 R40-100R R39-47R J10 CN4 CN5 Current Test point D8-short circuit CN3 CN2 J11-MBCB Reset max. limit. NC=1-2 NA=2-3 CN1 M1 Led max corr. Modul.e – ITB. volt. ACW=incr. Inv. A JSE414786 11/10/11 D69-Correct +8V digital J7 Open=Watchdog excluded Closed=Watchdog included JUD411291 SW1 SW2 19 of 23 .IMB. Aux. ACW=increase curr.. line . J100 CN7 J1 1Ph = 1-2 3Ph = 2-3 M2 R18 22R Man.D52) CN14 CN13 J2 Battery connected 1-2 Closed = backup CN8 CN12 Debug CN7 ODD Reset Normal Debug selection EVN CN15 Microprocessor ground Picture 11 – Card I/S-CL Rev. M3 P2 Curr.Output (D65. adj. CN11 CN10 Front panel CNB CN9 RST–RST Emer. contact curr. D11 Correct +12V analog U17 Pin 6=Triangle CN8 R66 6K8 = 8KHz 13K3 = 4KHz D23 Vdc measur. adjust. loop included Open = istant.A JSE414786 11/10/11 . 4. U11 must be changed to OUTGEN 41 and U22 to SAFE1_23.e – ITB. Voltage reg.9.e operating description 4. 1-2 = closed loop 2-3 = manual J2 Closed = istant. JP4 JP8 JP5 JP6 Picture 12 – Card SCB NOTE For parallel redundant UPS.IMB. retransfer JP1 Closed = single unit Open = hot stand by – parallel red. Retransfer Closed = man.13 Card SCB TP1-2 U12 SAFE_22 JP3 U11 OUTGEN JP7 JP2 Open = aut.9. loop not included J3 Always open Picture 13 – Card VCB 20 of 23 JUD411291 Rev.14 Card VCB P1 Close loop inverter voltage adj. J1 Inv. 10 FCI (FREE CONTACT INTERFACE) The FCI board provides a de-coupling function for all the digital inputs and it’s connected to the microprocessor through the terminal M2. In detail the function of each relay is the following: K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 (terminals 17-18) (terminals 15-16) (terminals 13-14) (terminals 11-12) (terminals 9-10) (terminals 7-8) (terminals 5-6) (terminals 3-4) (terminals 1-2) Rev. A JSE414786 11/10/11 used for UPS in parallel configuration (RESET) Inverter bridge thermal sensors MBCB (manual by-pass breaker) position SW1 (by-pass test switch) position OCB (UPS output breaker) position used with AC-UPS panel (not used here) EPO (Emergency Power Off) Fans failure contact from card FMC Inverter ON/OFF via external selector JUD411291 21 of 23 .e operating description 4.IMB.e – ITB. for a single inverter. The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1.e operating description APPENDIX A: ROTARY CONFIGURATION A.1 CONFIGURATION 1 WITHOUT SBCB The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1 without SBCB. 22 of 23 JUD411291 Rev.A JSE414786 11/10/11 .2 CONFIGURATION 1 WITH SBCB The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1. A. with SBCB. for a parallel system. with SBCB.IMB.e – ITB. 4 CONFIGURATION 2 PARALLEL: The pictures below show two possible block diagrams of rotary-sw configuration 2 for a parallel system.3 CONFIGURATION 2 SINGLE: The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 2 for a single inverter. Rev. A. A JSE414786 11/10/11 JUD411291 23 of 23 .e – ITB.IMB.e operating description A. . ITB_e / IMB_e MAINTENANCE MANUAL . . ........ Conti E......6 Check of input voltage .............................1......1............4 1..........1......................1 MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS ..............................................................................3 1..................................................................... / Descrizione Description Emissione Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 09............................... 2 1...................................................7 Check of input current .............3 1................................................e Maintenance ITB......... Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page I 1 di Pag................5 Fan control and cleaning .............................................. of Pag.................................................................................................03..........................09 P......4 Check of DC filter capacitors.....e / IMB...............11 Cleaning of electronic boards ...................2 Rev....................................1......................4 1.......2 Check of alarms on front panel display............1....................4 2 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ....1........1............. Simoni E..........................................1 Visual inspection of electrical connections ..........1.....10 Cleaning of magnetic parts........e MAINTENANCE MANUAL Index 1 MAINTENANCE ................................................1.3 Air Filter check and cleaning.............................................4 1......4 1.......1.................e / IMB...2 1..3 1................. 5 Codice / Code JUD411547 ........1.2 1...................................8 Check of output voltage................4 1.......2 1...... 5 Index of pictures Picture 1 – Front panel ……………………………………………………………………………………………................9 Check of bypass functionality.....................ITB................................................. e).e) If necessary. A link not perfectly executed can increase the resistance of contact with all its consequences such as heating connection and increased voltage drop of the line.1 Visual inspection of electrical connections Make sure all cables and / or bars are firmly tightened to the clamps connection and that no connection has loosened. it is possible even simulate a condition of alarm (or an indication) to test the effective functioning of signalization. 1 2 7 3 = ˜ ˜ ˜ 9 ALARM/STATUS 1 10 ALARM/STATUS 2 11 ALARM/STATUS 3 12 ALARM/STATUS 4 13 ALARM/STATUS 5 14 ALARM/STATUS 6 15 ALARM/STATUS 7 16 ALARM/STATUS 8 17 ALARM/STATUS 9 18 ALARM/STATUS 10 4 6 5 EPO 8 ENT UP DOWN ENTER R BUZ.e) and three-phase inverters (ITB.1 MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS To carry out maintenance work safely the inverter (both inverters in case of parallel redundant systems) will be put in manual By-Pass allowing to supply loads directly with the emergency line.e / IMB.ITB.1.2 Check of alarms on front panel display In order to verify the proper functioning of the system is advisable to check the history of alarms.1.e Maintenance 1 MAINTENANCE The following paragraphs describe the operations of preventive maintenance to be carried out on single-phase inverters (IMB. 1. 1. 1. This can be done through the front panel (see Operational Manual ITB. OFF RESET LED TEST Picture 1 – Front panel First Issue 09/03/09 JUD411547 2 of 5 . 5 Fan control and cleaning Monitoring the proper functioning of fans can be done with inverters switched on ensuring that on front panels not to appear the alarm "A20 FAN FAILURE. 1. 1. LED 3 ⇒ Lit-up green = DC voltage in tolerance. LED 7 ⇒ Lit-up orange = Manual by-pass closed. Otherwise off. LED 6 ⇒ Lit-up green = Voltage present on the load. LED 5 ⇒ Lit-up orange = Emergency line static switch closed. Lit-up red = DC voltage out of tolerance. The meanings of Leds from 9 to 18 are depending from applications and are written beside the leds on the front panel.1. Check that the DC capacitors present no swelling or loss of electrolyte. On the capacitors there is a dangerous voltage so we recommend making this check with the inverter off.4 Check of DC filter capacitors Remove the front protections of inverter removing the screws. Otherwise off.ITB. To do this the inverters shall be put on manual bypass and the protections removed for gaining access to fans.e Maintenance LED 1 ⇒ Lit-up green = DC voltage present Otherwise off. Lit-up orange = OCB circuit breaker open. If so clean them with compressed air blowing from the inside of the cabinet 1.1." In any case it is advisable to remove dust possibly deposited on the fans through a brush and blow with compressed air. First Issue 09/03/09 JUD411547 3 of 5 . LED 2 ⇒ Lit-up green = Emergency line present Otherwise off. LED 4 ⇒ Lit-up green = Inverter static switch closed.e / IMB. Otherwise off.1. LED 8 ⇒ Lit-up red = EPO (Emergency Power Off) activated.3 Air Filter check and cleaning Check whether the air input / output is blocked by dirt. e Maintenance 1.1.8 Check of output voltage Check through an oscilloscope connected to the output terminal that the output voltage waveform does not have excessive distortion. 1. Remove protection by removing the screws. Return the selector NORMAL-BYPASS " on " Normal " position and verify that the Inveter return to supply the load. 1.1.1. Open the doors of inverter cabinets. 1. Open the front doors of inverter cabinets.ITB. 1.11 Cleaning of electronic boards This operation should be done with Inverters off.e / IMB. Using a brush and / or blowing compressed air. Remove dust deposited on the magnetic parts through a brush and blow with compressed air inside the gorges of the windings to remove any deposits.6 Check of input voltage Check with a DC multimeter that the input voltage is within the limits defined in the data sheet.1.10 Cleaning of magnetic parts This operation should be done with Inverters off .1. eliminate dust deposited on the cards First Issue 09/03/09 JUD411547 4 of 5 . 1.7 Check of input current Check with a DC current clamp that the input current is within the permitted range. Remove the protections by removing the screws. Verify that the load is fed by the emergency line through the bypass static switch.1.9 Check of bypass functionality Place the “NORMAL-BYPASS” selector on " Bypass " position. deriving from the non-fulfilment of the instructions or from wrong manoeuvres made by not qualified personnel. The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damage to people or things.e / IMB.ITB. First Issue 09/03/09 JUD411547 5 of 5 .e Maintenance 2 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Equipment ITB_e IMB_e Operation Visual inspection of electrical connections Check of alarms on front panel dislpay Air Filter check and cleaning Check of DC filter capacitors Fan control & cleaning Check of input voltage Check of input current Check of output voltage Check of bypass functionality Cleaning of magnetic parts Cleaning of electronic boards Frequency 1 Year 6 Months 1 Year (*) 1 Year 1 Year (*) 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year (*) 2 Year (*) (*) In case of equipment operating in places particularly dusty increase the frequency of operation WARNING If the values found or the result of tests made following the procedures described on Chapter 2( Maintenance ) are different from those expected please contact the customer service. . ...........12 27..........1........... Fognani L.............................................09...........................................7..............................2............12  Rev............................................ Fognani P............................ Fognani L............................................................................... 10  2.. Conti P...1  2..............13  Troubleshooting procedure ..........................3...... 31 Codice / Code JUD411292 .4  Troubleshooting procedure .......................6  Troubleshooting procedure .......... 5  A13 – INVERTER OUT OF TOLERANCE .......1  A4 – THERMAL IMAGE .....1  2...08................... Simoni E....................................................... 6  2........................................................IMB....... 7  A15 – BYPASS FAULT ... 8  A16 – BYPASS FEED LOAD ........................... 11  2..................................... Conti P.....4...... 10  2..... Fognani L...........................................11  A21 – HIGH TEMPERATURE ...........................................................................................................................................................................05...9  Troubleshooting procedure .............. 6  A14 – OVERLOAD .....12 L........................8  Troubleshooting procedure ................5  Troubleshooting procedure ....12.................................... 11  Descrizione Description Revision JSE414630 Revision JSE415541 Revision JSE416061 Revision JSE416117 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 26....e TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE Index 1  INTRODUCTION........................ 10  Troubleshooting procedure . C D E F Troubleshooting procedure .......................7  Troubleshooting procedure ................................................................... 5  2..... 10  2.............1  2...................... 5  A5 – DC FAULT .................11.10  Troubleshooting procedure .1  2.............................................12 24................................................................................2  Troubleshooting procedure .....................3  Troubleshooting procedure .........................................................................1  2.................5..............................8.......... 9  2............. 11  A22 – BYPASS SWITCH ..............11 17................1  2. 9  A17 – RETRANSFER BLOCKED......... of Pag........1  2......e troubleshooting procedures IMB. Simoni E.... 10  A19 – OCB OPEN.......09.............e ..........1  2.... 9  2................................................. Conti E......... Simoni E. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag.................................... 11  2........................................................................... 11  A23 – EPO BUS .......... 5  2. 7  2....................1  2................1  2.....1  2............................10................................1  2............. 5  2.... 5  2  TROUBLESHOOTING.... 10  A20 – FANS FAILURE ........... 9  A18 – MANUAL BYPASS CLOSED..............6............ITB............................................................. Conti P........................ITB......9........................................................................e ... 7  2........................... ....... 20  3...................IMB.......................1  INVERTER ............ 27  2 of 31 JUD411292 Rev..............................................................2  COMPONENTS SUBSTITUTION ...........................e ............ 22  ON-FIELD TEST PROCEDURES ........1.............1.................. 13  2...6  VOLT-REF-3F – (EM.............2......................................................19  A29 – OUTPUT UNDERVOLTAGE ............. 27  5............ 20  3..........................................................4  INV-AV-3F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB........1  General notes on the TEST mode .....................2  STATIC SWITCH THYRISTORS ..........14....................1  PS-LV / PS-MV / PS-SAT – (POWER SUPPLY) .......e.....................13..........1  Check of the redundant supply ....................................................................... 13  2.15.......................... 23  4.................................................. 26  4.......16  2............................... 23  4.................. 13  PCB’S AND COMPONENTS SUBSTITUTION ....... 25  4..............17  Troubleshooting procedure .............e ....1  PCB’S SUBSTITUTION ............17...................................1  2....................1..........................................2..................... 13  2.......... 27  5......................2.1  2.................................. 12  2.................................................................................................. 13  2..........................1....F JSE416117 24/09/12 .......................................................2  CONFIGURATION 1 WITH SBCB .........5  Inverter automatic start-up ......14  A24 – CURRENT STOP ............................................. LINE/OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB. 14  3.1...................... 21  3............... 23  4..............2  Commutation tests ... 22  3.............................1  CONFIGURATION 1 WITHOUT SBCB .................................... 13  A27 – ELCB OPEN (OPTION) .....1.....e troubleshooting procedures 2......3  Blank test of the card I/S-CL ..2  EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY ...............................e ........ 14  3..................1  3  Troubleshooting procedure .....................2  5  Troubleshooting procedure ............. 23  4.......................2.................................................................1..................5  VOLT-REF-1F – (EM.......................................... 14  3.........................1................ 12  STATIC SWITCH ...... 25  4......................................4  Inverter manual start-up ........1.....1  4  Troubleshooting procedure ................................... 13  A26 – SBCB OPEN ..1.......................................e ..........................................2  I/S-CL – (PROCESSOR CONTROL) .......................... LINE/OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB......... 21  3....................................15  2.......................................................3  INV-AV-1F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB................................. 12  A25 – SHORT CIRCUIT ...................... 12  2........... 15  3......................16.........................................................1  INVERTER BRIDGE IGBT’S ..........1................................................ 26  ROTARY CONFIGURATION ... 23  4.............. 26  4....... 22  3.......1  Troubleshooting procedure ....ITB............18  A28 – OUTPUT OVERVOLTAGE ........ 4  CONFIGURATION 2 PARALLEL: .................. 30  Rev............ 29  5...........................................................3  CONFIGURATION 2 SINGLE:.................e troubleshooting procedures 5...e .ITB.....................IMB.............F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 3 of 31 . ..................................................F JSE416117 24/09/12 .......................................................................................... 8  Picture 2 – IGBT turn-on signal .......................................................................................................e troubleshooting procedures Index of pictures / tables Picture 1 – Signal on cathode of D65 .. 24  4 of 31 JUD411292 Rev..................... 18  Picture 4 – Triangle waveform ..............................................................................................................................................................ITB...................................e ....DSW 1 ...................DSW 2 ..............................................................................IMB......................................................................... 15  Picture 3 – Current signal on TP2 at 100% of load .. 14  Table 1 ............. 15  Table 2 ...................................................... As soon as it reaches zero the inverter is switched on again. Measure the inverter output current and compare the measure with the reading on the UPSTest screen (or front panel).e without attempting to repair them. 3. This description assumes that all the connections inside the unit are correct: check them (connectors. The microprocessor starts to calculate the energy pulse I2t.1 A4 – THERMAL IMAGE This alarm normally indicates that the thermal protection has stopped the inverter. The output current trasformers measure an output current exceeding the nominal output current (see the alarm A14 – Overload).Overload present? (The output current exceeds the UPS nominal current) YES: the overload is still present. Measure the inverter input voltage. power cables.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.e . These limits can be checked on the test software. Is it within the limits shown on the UPSTest software. 2. The measure of the DC voltage comes from the POWER SUPPLY connector CN4 (pins 1-23-4: Ground. The first level troubleshooting consists of substituting the components of the IMB. NO: replace the I/S-CL 2. pin 5-6: Measure) to the I/S-CL through the diode D23 (K).ITB.1. Go to step #3 2. NOTE All the technical descriptions that follow refers to inverter systems installing the software release I183STD or following 2 TROUBLESHOOTING 2. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: END. Repeat the step #1.e troubleshooting procedures 1 INTRODUCTION This troubleshooting includes a first level fault description starting from the inverter alarms and suggests how to check the unit to solve the problems. Is the alarm A14 . Reduce the load. signals and so on) before to start with the procedures. 2. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: go to step #2 NO: replace the card INV-AV-1F for IMB.e and re-adjust the output current reading with the UPSTest (see chapter JUD411293 – UPS test software for details on the software commands).IMB. Check the inverter DC supply Rev.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 5 of 31 .e or INV-AV-3F for ITB. NO: the overload has finished and the load is supplied by by-pass.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Check that the load doesn’t exceed the nominal load.2 A5 – DC FAULT This alarm normally indicates that the inverter input DC voltage is out of the limits programmed for the correct operation of the inverter. Check that the gauge ACCUMU on the UPSTest software is decreasing to zero. under VDC data? YES: go to step #2 NO: END. As this pulse reaches the 100% the inverter is stopped for 30' and the load is transferred to the emergency line.2. Check the measure of the DC voltage on the test software and adjust it by the TVBA command.IMB.1 NO: go to step #6 6. Is the measure correct? YES: END NO: replace the POWER SUPPLY card (see procedure at 3. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: END NO: replace the card I/S-CL 5. 2. After replacing the POWER SUPPLY.e or INV-AV-3F for ITB. Go to step #4 4. Is the alarm A5 – DC fault present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. nominal voltage) 4.1 Troubleshooting procedure NO: go to step #8 8. Measure the inverter output voltage (upstream the inverter static switch) and compare the measure with the reading on the UPSTest screen (or front panel). Is the alarm A18 – Manual bypass closed present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. Is the alarm A21 – High temperature present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. Is the inverter ON? (red LED’s on the driver boards ON) YES: go to step #2 NO: go to step #5 2.e troubleshooting procedures 2. Is the alarm A4 – Thermal image present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. is the measure correct? YES: END NO: replace the card I/S-CL 2.1. switch it on again and check the measures on the UPSTest screen. Is the inverter output voltage over the higher limit? YES: replace the card INV-AV-1F for IMB.e .3 A13 – INVERTER OUT OF TOLERANCE This alarm indicates that the inverter output voltage is outside the tolerance values (see UPSTest screen for details). Go to step #4 3.1 NO: go to step #9 6 of 31 JUD411292 Rev.2.F JSE416117 24/09/12 .1. Put the unit in manual by-pass (or switch it off if permitted) and switch it on again. Does the measure change? YES: go to step #3 NO: replace the card I/S-CL 3. Switch off the inverter.11. This alarm generally occurs together with other alarms.ITB. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: go to step #3 NO: re-adjust the inverter voltage reading with the UPSTest (see chapter JUD411293 – UPS test software for details on the software commands).1).1 NO: go to step #7 7.e NO: check the inverter settings on the card I/S-CL (nominal power. Check that the load doesn’t exceed the nominal load. Is the alarm A24 – Current stop present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: check the inverter settings on the card I/S-CL (nominal power.e and re-adjust the output current reading with the UPSTest (see chapter JUD411293 – UPS test software for details on the software commands). Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: END.1 NO: go to step #10 10.15. Is it equal to zero? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the bypass static switch thyristor (the thyristor is in short circuit). 2. Does it exceed the inverter nominal current? YES: END.13. In case the inverter turn-on and off cyclically check for the alarm A25 in the alarms History and follow the procedure described at 2.e.IMB. A overload is present. With the inverter on and SBCB off. Is the alarm A23 – EPO bus present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. 2. The emergency line is connected to the UPS through the SBCB circuit breaker to the VOLTREF-1F CN1 for IMB. if the frequency is ok the variable FROK is active). measure the voltage upstream the by-pass thyristors. Go to step #3 3. NO: replace the I/S-CL 4. The alarms is activated and the thermal image protection (see the alarm A4 – Thermal image) starts to calculate the thermal pulse. NO: go to step #2 2.5 A15 – BYPASS FAULT This alarm indicates that emergency line is not available.1.14.e or INV-AV-3F for ITB.4 A14 – OVERLOAD This alarm normally indicates that load at the output of the inverter exceeds the nominal power. The output current transformers measure an output current exceeding the nominal output current.1 NO: go to step #11 11. as RMS value (if the RMS value is ok the variable RMSOK is active) and instantaneous value. Rev. nominal voltage) NO: replace the INV-AV-1F for IMB. Compare the measure with the reading on the UPSTest screen (or front panel). Repeat the step #2.e .e troubleshooting procedures 9.4. 2. this cards adapt the signal to the microprocessor and send it through the connector CN4 to the I/S-CL CN13 This signal can be checked on the I/S-CL in the following point (picture 1 shows the waveform): Microprocessor ground  Cathode of D65 The emergency line is checked as frequency (the frequency limits can be programmed through the command TFFR.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 7 of 31 .e or VOLT-REF-3F CN1 for ITB. Measure the output current with a current clamp.ITB. Check and/or reduce the load. are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: END NO: replace the card I/S-CL 5.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.F JSE416117 24/09/12 .5.e. After replacing the VOLT-REF board.ITB. Measure the by-pass input frequency. Go to step #4 4. Measure the by-pass input voltage and compare the measure with the reading on the UPSTest screen (or front panel). Is the input voltage present and within the tolerance? YES: go to step #2 NO: check the emergency line 2. Is the variable RMSOK active on the UPSTest program? YES: go to step #6 NO: check the phase sequence 6. Is it OK? YES: go to step #3 NO: replace the fuse 3.IMB.e . Check the emergency line protection fuse. Is it within the tolerance limits? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: check and/or adjust the input frequency 8 of 31 JUD411292 Rev.e troubleshooting procedures Picture 1 – Signal on cathode of D65 2. Is the variable FROK active on the UPSTest program? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: go to step #7 7.e or VOLT-REF-3F for ITB. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: go to step #5 NO: replace the card VOLT-REF-1F for IMB. Is it within the tolerance limits? YES: go to step #4 NO: check the static switch thyristors 4. Are there heavy load steps exceeding two times the nominal output current? YES: check and/or reduce the load NO: go to step #2 2. Go to step #5 5. Open SBCB (by-pass line breaker). In this case. Compare the measure with the reading on the UPSTest screen (or front panel).1 NO: go to step #2 2.6. printers and so on) in a very short time.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 9 of 31 .4. If this situation happens six times in two minutes. are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: END NO: replace the card I/S-CL 2.7. In this case the reason for the inverter failure must be investigated (refer to the procedure described at 2.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.7 A17 – RETRANSFER BLOCKED This alarm indicates that the load is blocked on the emergency line (by-pass) after 6 transfers to by-pass in 2 minutes.e protect itself by blocking the load to by-pass and the alarm is activated. 2.e output voltage.ITB.e or VOLT-REF-3F for ITB. Is the alarm A22 present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. Measure the IMB.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.1 NO: go to step #3 3. 2. as the current exceeds two times the nominal value. and after a few seconds the inverter takes back the load. Normally this alarm occurs if the inverter is switched off (check for the alarm A13 – Inverter out of tolerance).3.13.6 A16 – BYPASS FEED LOAD This alarm indicates that the emergency line (by-pass) is feeding the load.e / ITB. This condition can be reset by sending the command RESE000 or by resetting the system from the special menu in the front panel. Is the alarm A13 present? YES: follow the procedure described at 2. Is it sinusoidal? YES: go to step #3 NO: replace the inverter static switch thyristor Rev. Normally it occurs when there are several heavy load steps (like motors starting. the IMB. After replacing the VOLT-REF board. turn on the inverter only and check the output voltage waveform (downstream the inverter static switch).e.IMB. the short circuit monitor (see alarm A25 – Short circuit) transfers automatically the load to by-pass.1).e .e / ITB.e troubleshooting procedures 2. Are the values shown equal to those measured? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the card VOLT-REF-1F for IMB. 2. Re-start the inverter.9. Go to step #2 NO: go to step #3 2. Is the manual by-pass breaker MBCB closed? YES: END NO: go to step #2 2.8. Check the status of the pins 9-10 of M3 in the Card I/S-CL. This signal comes from the MBCB circuit breaker auxiliary contact to the I/S-CL M3 pins 13-14. 2. Is there any red LED lit? YES: replace the fan connected to the channel indicated by the RED led. 2. Is it OK? 10 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. With the inverter on and SBCB off.e / ITB. Is the green LED DL5 lit? YES: go to step #4 NO: replace the card FMC 4.F JSE416117 24/09/12 .10 A20 – FANS FAILURE This alarm normally indicates that there is at least one defective cooling fan. Is the contact closed? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the OCB auxiliary contact 2.8 A18 – MANUAL BYPASS CLOSED This alarm indicates that the manual bypass circuit breaker is closed. Check the connection between the card FMC and the connector M3 of the card I/S-CL.e output circuit breaker is open. This signal comes from the OCB circuit breaker auxiliary contact to the I/S-CL M3 pins 9-10. Is it equal to zero? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the emergency line static switch thyristors.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Check the fans monitoring card FMC.e troubleshooting procedures 3. 2. Is the contact open? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the MBCB auxiliary contact 2.9 A19 – OCB OPEN This alarm indicates that the IMB.ITB. measure the voltage upstream the by-pass thyristors. The normally closed contact coming from the fans monitoring card FMC is connected to the connector M3 (3-4) of the card I/S-CL.IMB. Check the status of the pins 13-14 of M3 in the Card I/S-CL.e . Is the output breaker OCB open? YES: END NO: go to step #2 2.10. Does the alarm occur again? YES: replace the card FMC NO: END 3. When MBCB is closed together with OCB the electronic protection turn off the inverter generating the alarm A13.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. e. A4) have caused the UPS overheating NO: replace the faulty fan/fans 2. the alarm A23 is activated and there is no voltage at the output of the IMB. as the temperature exceeds 80°C the thermal switch opens. move it to NORMAL 2.e troubleshooting procedures YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: re-connect or replace the interconnection cable 2.e is equipped with a bypass switch that forces the load to emergency line.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Rev.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 11 of 31 . Is the temperature of the heatsink lower than 80°C? YES: go to step #2 NO: go to step #3 2. WARNING This push button doesn’t insulate the system from the input supplies.11 A21 – HIGH TEMPERATURE This alarm indicates that the thermal switch on the bridge heatsink has stopped the inverter.e / ITB. Check the status of the pins 11-12 of M3 in the Card I/S-CL.e is equipped with two terminals (XEac1-XEac2) for connection of the remote emergency shutdown push-button.e . Are the cooling fans correctly working? YES: check the load. This signal comes directly from the terminals Eac1-Eac2 to the I/S-CL M3 pins 5-6. The thermal switch(es) mounted on the inverter bridge heatsink(s) is normally closed. If this switch is in the Bypass position the alarm A22 is activated and the load is transferred to emergency line (see alarm A16 – Bypass feeds load). If the remote push-button is pressed the systems is stopped. 2.ITB. Is the switch in NORMAL position? YES: go to step #2 NO: END. Is the contact closed? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the switch SW1 2. Is the contact closed? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace the faulty thermal switch 3.13 A23 – EPO BUS The IMB. 2.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Check the status of the pins 15-16 of M3 in the Card I/S-CL. This signal comes directly from the switch SW1 to the I/S-CL M3 pins 11-12.IMB. Repeated overloads (alarms A14.e / ITB. For maintenance disconnect the IMB. The signal comes directly from TH1 to the I/S-CL M3 pins 15-16.e as indicated in the manual by-pass procedure.e / ITB.11.12.12 A22 – BYPASS SWITCH The IMB. e . As this signal exceeds two times the nominal output current. Check the reason why the button has been pressed. Are the batteries OK? YES: go to step #3 NO: replace the batteries 3. before pressing it again check that no danger to persons or things will be caused by the IMB.14 A24 – CURRENT STOP This alarm indicates that the maximum current monitor has detected a fault on the inverter bridge. Does the alarm occur again? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: END 2.F JSE416117 24/09/12 .14.IMB. 12 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. Re-start the inverter. repeat the checks and re-start the unit.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Is the contact closed? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace EPO push-button 2. the current limitation starts to work and the alarm A25 is activated. NO: go to step #2 2.e troubleshooting procedures 2.ITB. 2. Check the status of the pins 5-6 of M3 in the Card I/S-CL. The hall effect transducer(s) at the inverter input measures the inverter bridge current and send the signal to the I/S-CL on the connector M1.e restart.1 NO: adjust it by turning the potentiometer P2 on the POWER SUPPLY board. Check the IGBT’s by following the procedure described at 3.13.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Is the EPO push-button pressed? YES: END. Is there any IGBT or driver board broken? YES: replace the broken components. This happens if the emergency line is not available. as it is automatically reset as the short circuit is removed. Go to step #4 4. If the current on the bridge exceeds the 250% of the nominal current the current stop protection activates and the inverter is stopped. NO: go to step #2 2.15 A25 – SHORT CIRCUIT This alarm indicates that the short circuit monitor has detected a short at the output of the inverter.2. Check the IGBT’s turn-on signal (see picture 2). Go to step #5 NO: END 5.15. otherwise the load is automatically transferred to emergency line. Is it OK? YES: follow the procedure described at 2.1. Check the status of the battery. If the battery life has almost expired and its voltage drops quickly it might cause the current on the bridge to exceed the current stop protection during short mains failures. The hall effect transducer(s) at the inverter input measures the inverter bridge current and send the signal to the I/S-CL on the connector M1. Normally the alarm A25 can be found in the alarm history. This signal is amplified on the test point TP2 and can be set at 4Vpeak at 100% load by rotating the potentiometer P2. Does the alarm occur again? YES: replace the POWER SUPPLY board. Re-start the inverter. 16.15. is the waveform on TP2 correct? YES: END NO: replace the IGBT’s of the inverter bridge 2.17. Check the status of the pins 7-8 of M3 in the Card I/S-CL.e . Is the contact closed? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace ELCB auxiliary contact 2. Is ELCB open? YES: END NO: go to step #2 2. After replacing the POWER SUPPLY board.19 A29 – OUTPUT UNDERVOLTAGE This alarm indicates that the output voltage is under a minimum threshold.17 A27 – ELCB OPEN (OPTION) This alarm indicates that the IMB. Check the inverter input current waveform on test point TP2 (see picture 3). Is SBCB open? YES: END NO: go to step #2 2. After replacing the IGBT driver boards. Rev.16 A26 – SBCB OPEN This alarm indicates that the SBCB circuit breaker (when provided) is open.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1.ITB. Is the contact closed? YES: replace the card I/S-CL NO: replace SBCB auxiliary contact 2. Go to step #4 4.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 13 of 31 . Is there any spike or distortion? YES: replace the IGBT driver boards. Go to step #3 NO: replace the card I/S-CL 3.IMB. This signal comes from Emergency Line Input circuit breaker (ELCB) auxiliary contact to the I/S-CL M2 pins 5-6.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. Check the status of the pins 5-6 of M2 in the Card I/S-CL.e troubleshooting procedures 2. 2.1 Troubleshooting procedure 1. This signal comes from the Emergency Line Static Switch circuit breaker (SBCB) auxiliary contact to the I/S-CL M3 pins 7-8.18 A28 – OUTPUT OVERVOLTAGE This alarm indicates that the output voltage is over a maximum threshold. is the waveform on TP2 correct? YES: END NO: replace the POWER SUPPLY board. Are there heavy load steps exceeding two times the nominal output current? YES: check and/or reduce the load NO: go to step #2 2. 2.e emergency line circuit breaker ELCB is open. 2. e troubleshooting procedures 3 PCB’S AND COMPONENTS SUBSTITUTION This chapter describes in detail all the checks that have to be done after the substitution of electronic boards or power components installed in the IMB. Re-connect the connector CNB on the power supply PS-LV/PS-MV/PS-SAT. 9. 4. 8. moving the jumper J1 on the card VCB in position 2-3. run the UPSTest software and press F6 to start the IGBT bridge modulation (in alternative send the command INON000). Turn-off the inverter by pressing F7 (in alternative send the command INOF000) and disconnect the external power supply. moving the potentiometer P2 on the POWER SUPPLY board. On the card I/S-CL move the DIP6 SW1 in position OFF.9Vdc with external PS supplying 120Vdc For 220Vdc IMB. 3. 6.e .e systems. 2.e: 0.e / ITB.2Vdc with external PS supplying 320Vdc To modify the amplitude of the signal move the potentiometer P1 on the board PSLV/PS-MV/PS-SAT. 14 of 31 JUD411292 Rev.1. Select the “Automatic” operating mode on the card I/S-CL.1 PCB’S SUBSTITUTION 3. On the card I/S-CL check that the signal between ground and cathode of D23 is: For 110Vdc IMB. Connect a PC to the serial port RS232.F JSE416117 24/09/12 .e / ITB. moving the jumper J1 on the card VCB in position 1-2 Move the DIP6 SW1 in position ON on the card I/S-CL. 10. Disconnect the connector CNB and connect the external power supply.e / ITB. 3.ITB. Check the signal between Gate and Source of the IGBT’s according to the following picture: Picture 2 – IGBT turn-on signal 7. 5. If necessary modify the amplitude of the positive part of the waveform until it reaches 16V. Select the “manual” operating mode on the card I/S-CL.1 PS-LV / PS-MV / PS-SAT – (POWER SUPPLY) 1. giving all the instructions to check the operation parameters or to change IMB.IMB.e: 1.e settings.e / ITB. IMB.e - ITB.e troubleshooting procedures 3.1.2 I/S-CL – (PROCESSOR CONTROL) 1. Check the setting of DSW1 and DSW2 comparing them with the old board. For further information the setting table is given below. Dip n. 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 Status Off On Off On Off On On On Off On On Off Off Off Off On Off On Off On Description Single Parallel Frequency 50Hz Frequency 60Hz Single/Parallel Hot Standby Nominal Vout 220V (110V) Nominal Vout 208V (127V) Nominal Vout 230V (115V) Nominal Vout 240V (120V) Test Normal Buzzer disabled Buzzer enabled Three-phase output (ITB.e) Single-phase output (IMB.e) Table 1 - DSW 1 Dip n. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 Status On Off On Off On Off On Off On Off Off Off Off On On Off On On Description ON/OFF inverter by external switch ON/OFF inverter automatic INT-5 ARC interface Single ARC board Output range: 110-115-120-127 Vac Output range: 208-220-230-240 Vac Rotary switch installed Rotary switch NOT installed “AC-UPS” LCD panel (not used) Standard LCD panel Rotary configuration 1 without SBCB Rotary configuration 1 with SBCB Rotary configuration 2 single Rotary configuration 2 parallel Table 2 - DSW 2 For more details about the rotary-sw configurations see chapter 5. 2. Install the same software version (EPROM) that was installed in the old board. 3. Check the setting of the jumpers J3-J4-J5-J6 according to the following table Rev.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 15 of 31 IMB.e - ITB.e troubleshooting procedures Jumper J1 J2 Used for IMB.e/ITB.e setting 1-2 for IMB.e 2-3 for ITB.e Back-up battery ON Position J3 J4 J5 J6 EPROM’s setting 1-2 1-2 2-3 J7 Watchdog protection 1-2 2-3 Closed 4. Check the resistor R66 (triangle amplitude)  6k81+6k81 5. Check the setting of the resistors R39-R40-R18 (current control circuit) according to the following table. For IMB.e: UPS [kVA] 5 10 15 20 30 40 VDCNOM 110 220 Resistors on I/S-CL 22+47 100+33 Mount 100ohm 2W on R18 JUMPERS J9 (R40) J10 (R39) J100 (R18) Closed Open Open Open Closed Open 33 - Open Closed Closed 220 22+47 - Closed Open Open 110 33 - Open Closed Closed 22+33 - Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed 110 220 110 220 110 220 39 33 39 33 110 27 220 47 110 27 220 39 60 220 39 80 220 27 100 220 27 50 Special resistor on I/S-CL - Mount 39ohm 2W on R39 Mount 39ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Mount 39ohm 2W on R39 Mount 39ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 The resistor default values are R18 (J100) = 22R-2W; R39 (J10) = 47R-2W; R40 (J9) = 33R-2W 16 of 31 JUD411292 Rev.F JSE416117 24/09/12 IMB.e - ITB.e troubleshooting procedures For ITB.e: UPS [kVA] 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 VDCNOM Resistors on I/S-CL 110 100+33 220 100+33+47 110 220 22+47 Mount 100ohm 2W on R18 Mount 100ohm 2W on R18 Mount 100ohm 2W on R18 JUMPERS J9 (R40) J10 (R39) J100 (R18) Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Open Open Open Closed Open 22+33 - Open Closed Open 220 22+47 - Closed Open Open 110 33 - Open Closed Closed 220 22+47 - Closed Open Open 110 22+47 - Closed Open Open 47 - Closed Open Closed 22+33 - Open Closed Open 33+47 - Open Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Open Closed Open Closed Closed Open Open Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed 110 100+33 Special resistor on I/S-CL 220 110 220 Mount 39ohm 2W on R39 110 39 220 22+47 110 27 220 22+47 110 220 110 27 47 27 220 47 220 47 160 220 27 200 220 27 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Closed Open Closed - Closed Open Closed - Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 Mount 27ohm 2W on R39 The resistor default values are R18 (J100) = 22R-2W; R39 (J10) = 47R-2W; R40 (J9) = 33R-2W Rev.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 17 of 31 8.e . Take into account that the peak value of the signal.e / ITB. Measure the resistance between ground and TP2 (current protection) and set the same value on the new board by means of the potentiometer P2. 11.e PHAS270 PHAS300 Parallel IMB. unless the failure can’t be easily identified. 9. it will be necessary to set all the operating parameters before starting-up the inverter. Set the card in TEST mode by moving the DIP6 SW1 in OFF position. adjustable by means of the potentiometer P2. RCBCUS. 12.F JSE416117 24/09/12 . In case the card is a specific spare part for the system. Check that the jumper J2 on the card VCB boards is closed (voltage correction inserted) and that the jumper J1 is in position 1-2 (voltage loop closed). and adjust the peak value (see picture 3) according to the available load (load 100% Vp=4V. SCB). Check the waveform. jump to step 14. must be equal to 4V at 100% of load. In case the card comes from a general purpose spares kit. Connect the UPSTest software and send the following commands (the tables below the command give the suggested values): LOBAxxx – Low battery pre-alarm VDC NOM 110 220 LOBA100 LOBA200 PHASxxx – Internal frequency reference OUT FREQ 50 Hz 60 Hz Single IMB. Precharge the capacitors. load 50% Vp=2V).e PHAS400 PHAS450 SVDCxxx – Nominal DC voltage VDC NOM 110 220 SVDC110 SVDC220 SHDCxxx – High DC voltage fast shutdown 18 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. or depends on the interface circuits with the auxiliary boards (VCB.e / ITB. Picture 3 – Current signal on TP2 at 100% of load 7. close the input switch and supply the electronics. Check the setting of the jumpers of the board SCB according to those of the old board.e troubleshooting procedures 6. 10. NOTE Generally only the replacement of the card I/S-CL is required.IMB.ITB. line voltage setting phase T. Output SOUV093 SOUV098 SOUV102 SOUV108 SOUV177 SOUV187 SOUV195 SOUV204 Em. xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB. xxx is the value measured) TIFSxxx (inverter voltage setting phase S. Check that all the measure on the UPSTest screen. xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB.IMB. 16. adjust it by means of the potentiometer P1 on the card VCB.ITB. or on the front panel.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 19 of 31 .e troubleshooting procedures VDC NOM 110 220 SHDC165 SHDC330 SLDCxxx – Low DC voltage shutdown VDC NOM 110 220 SLDC090 SLDC180 SMRDxxx – High DC voltage slow shutdown (must be < SHDC) VDC NOM 110 220 SMRD150 SMRD300 SOOVxxx – Output Overvoltage SBOVxxx – Emergency line Overvoltage VOUT NOM 110 115 120 127 208 220 230 240 Output SOOV127 SOOV132 SOOV138 SOOV146 SOOV239 SOOV253 SOOV265 SOOV276 Em. Line SBOV132 SBOV138 SBOV144 SBOV152 SBOV249 SBOV264 SBOV276 SBOV288 SOUVxxx – Output Undervoltage SBUVxxx – Emergency line Undervoltage VOUT NOM 110 115 120 127 208 220 230 240 13. xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB. on the contrary modify the value read on the screen with the following commands: TIFRxxx (inverter voltage setting phase R. xxx is the value measured) TBFSxxx (em. close the input switch and start-up completely the UPS.e. xxx is the value measured) TCFSxxx (output current setting phase S. line voltage setting phase S. Precharge the capacitors. or pressing F4. xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB.e / ITB. xxx is the value measured) TUFSxxx (output voltage setting phase S. if necessary.e Rev.e TIFTxxx (inverter voltage setting phase T. line voltage setting phase R. Measure the output voltage and.e TUFRxxx (output voltage setting phase R. 14. correspond to the values measured. Line SBUV088 SBUV092 SBUV096 SBUV102 SBUV166 SBUV177 SBUV184 SBUV192 SEPOxxx – Nominal output power (ex: for a 10kVA the command is SEPO010) Store all the settings by sending the command MEEE000.e . xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB.e TCFRxxx (output current setting phase R.e TUFTxxx (output voltage setting phase T. 15.e TBFTxxx (em. Open the input switch and switch off the IMB. xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB.e TBFRxxx (em. e . xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. Carry out some mains failure tests and commutations to emergency line. Measure the inverter output voltage. modify the reading with the following command (UPSTest software): TCFRxxx (output current setting phase R.e troubleshooting procedures 17. 21. Measure the inverter output voltage.e 1. If the value shown doesn’t correspond to that measured.4 INV-AV-3F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB.e 1. xxx is the value measured) TCFTxxx (output current setting phase T. 20.ITB. TCFTxxx (output current setting phase T. Reset the history log. 3. Measure the output current. or pressing F4. xxx is the value measured) TIFTxxx (inverter voltage setting phase T.3 INV-AV-1F – (INVERTER VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB. 18. modify the reading with the following command (UPSTest software): TIFRxxx (inverter voltage setting phase R. connecting the multimeter between the neutral and the inverter static switch (upstream). Personalize the UPS with the following commands: BATCxxx (Set production year. 19. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. 20 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. xxx is the value measured) ONLY FOR ITB. Check the correct operation of the front panel and the relay cards (if installed).1. connecting the multimeter between the neutral and the inverter static switch (upstream).F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 2. 3. xxx is the value measured) TCFSxxx (output current setting phase S.1. If the value shown doesn’t correspond to that measured. for example: 2008=080) NUMBxxx (Set serial number) Store all the settings by sending the command MEEE000.IMB. modify the reading with the following command (UPSTest software): TIFRxxx (inverter voltage setting phase R. or pressing F4. 2. xxx is the value measured) TIFSxxx (inverter voltage setting phase S. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. If the value shown doesn’t correspond to that measured.e Store all the settings by sending the command MEEE000. If the value shown doesn’t correspond to that measured. Measure the output current. Check the setting of the date and time on the front panel. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. modify the reading with the following command (UPSTest software): TCFRxxx (output current setting phase R. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. if the value shown doesn’t correspond to the measured one.e 1. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. LINE/OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR ITB. Measure the by-pass voltage. Rev. connecting the multimeter between the neutral and the bypass static switch (upstream).1. 3. modify the reading with the following command (UPSTest software): TBFRxxx (by-pass voltage setting phase R.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 21 of 31 .e . xxx is the value measured) TUFTxxx (output voltage setting phase T. xxx is the value measured) TBFSxxx (by-pass voltage setting phase S. If the value shown doesn’t correspond to the measured one. if the value shown doesn’t correspond to the measured one. modify the reading with the following commands (UPSTest software): TUFRxxx (output voltage setting phase R.IMB. modify the reading with the following command (UPSTest software): TBFRxxx (by-pass voltage setting phase R. If the value shown doesn’t correspond to the measured one. 2.1. LINE/OUT VOLTAGE FEEDBACK) FOR IMB. Measure the by-pass voltage. Measure the output voltage. Measure the output voltage. xxx is the value measured) TBFTxxx (by-pass voltage setting phase T.e 1.ITB.6 VOLT-REF-3F – (EM. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4. connecting the multimeter between the neutral and the bypass static switch (upstream). xxx is the value measured) TUFSxxx (output voltage setting phase S. modify the reading with the following commands (UPSTest software): TUFRxxx (output voltage setting phase R. 2. xxx is the value measured) Store the settings by pressing F4.e troubleshooting procedures 3.5 VOLT-REF-1F – (EM. or pressing F6. or pressing F7.2.1 INVERTER BRIDGE IGBT’S 1. 7. Connect the external power supply to the POWER SUPPLY board. 4. close the input switch. Turn off the inverter sending the command INOF000. Turn on the inverter sending the command INON000. start-up the IMB. 3. so the variable VDC_OK is not active (blue).e and check the inverter operation under load. Check that all the red LED’s on the driver boards are ON and verify the voltage waveform between emitter (E) and gate (G) of the IGBT’s (see picture 2). connect a PC to the UPS and run the UPSTest software With the external power supply the DC voltage is outside the nominal range. 22 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. 9.2 STATIC SWITCH THYRISTORS 1. 10. Precharge the capacitors.ITB. or pressing F6. 5. or press F7. Change the IGBT driver board and check the connection with the IGBT’s. On the card VCB move the jumper J1 in position 2-3 (manual). 3. send the command INOF000. Re-connect carefully the component to the firing board. 12. Check that the output waveform increases regularly up to the nominal value. 8. The variable can be activated changing the DC voltage measure to be within the range sending the command TVBAxxx where xxx is the value desired.e .e troubleshooting procedures 3. close the input switch. Precharge the capacitors. On the card I/S-CL move the DIP6 SW1 in ON position (automatic mode). start-up the inverter by sending the command INON000. 11. 2.2. 13. relevant to the phase controlled by the thyristors that has been substituted. and increase the modulation by means of the potentiometer P1 on the card I/S-CL. Reduce the modulation to zero by rotating back the potentiometer. Check that the output waveform. 6. Repeat this check with the load connected. On the card VCB move the jumper J1 in position 1-2 (automatic).2 COMPONENTS SUBSTITUTION 3. On the card I/S-CL move the DIP6 SW1 in OFF position (test mode). moving the potentiometer P2 on the POWER SUPPLY board. is correct.F JSE416117 24/09/12 .IMB. If necessary modify the amplitude of the positive part of the waveform until it reaches 16V. to turn off the inverter and open the input switch.e / ITB. 2. and re-connect the POWER SUPPLY board to the internal supply. e troubleshooting procedures 4 ON-FIELD TEST PROCEDURES This chapter describes the most common operating procedures used to test the various sections of the IMB. so that the unit can be tested in safety. For 110Vdc systems it is necessary to reduce the supply voltage of the external PS to 150Vdc maximum. as its output voltage is about 320Vdc. moving the jumper J1 on the card VCB in position 2-3. 1. On the POWER SUPPLY board disconnect the connector CNB and connect the external power supply. and the inverter voltage regulation signal is adjusted with the potentiometer P1 of the card I/S-CL.ITB. the operator wants to be sure that no damage occurred to the control section.1. 4. It’s useful when. Choose the inverter TEST mode.e / ITB. These procedures assumes that all the power components (fuses.1 INVERTER 4. When the UPS is in manual bypass for example. 4. cables.e / ITB.IMB.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 23 of 31 .1.e / ITB.1 General notes on the TEST mode The TEST mode is a operating condition where the inverter doesn’t start-up automatically but waits for the commands sent by the operator through the UPSTest software. 3. Connect the oscilloscope probe between analog ground and pin 6 of U17 and check the presence of a signal as in picture 4: Rev.2 EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY It’s a special tool used to supply the microprocessor without switching on the rectifier.3 Blank test of the card I/S-CL The procedure that follows is part of the factory test procedure.e during repairing or maintenance operations. thyristors. The TEST mode can be set by moving the DIP6 SW1 in position OFF in the card I/SCL. etc. This setting disable the voltage loop. The microprocessor acquires the position of the dip-switch only after it has been reset (switching off the IMB. In this condition some alarms are hidden and the UPS can be tested completely.e systems having 220Vdc nominal input voltage. after an inverter failure.1. no modifications have been made in the power and auxiliary circuitry and that the unit is switched off or in manual by-pass (all the control circuits are off). just setting the unit in TEST mode allows the operator to check the UPS operation. Select the “manual” voltage regulation. moving the DIP6 SW1 in position OFF in the card I/SCL. 2. NOTE The standard external power supply is suitable for the use with IMB. 4. 4.e . The microprocessor is now supplied and after some seconds the front panel will show all the alarms present at that moment. related to the preliminary checks carried out on the microprocessor board I/S-CL before proceeding with the inverter startup.e or by pressing the push-button SW3 in the I/S-CL).) are OK. 8.e . Place the oscilloscope probe between the analog ground and pin 7 of U2 (card VCB). 10. 6. Check that the red LED’s on the IGBT driver boards are correctly lit. This waveform is compared with the reference sine-wave generated by the microprocessor to create the IGBT’s PWM signals. so at the following start-up the unit will show the exact DC voltage value. and then turn back P1 until the same is at zero again (). 24 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. After disconnecting the external power supply the microprocessor is reset and the DC voltage setting modified before is cleared. 7. so the period of the triangle waveform must always be 250s. so it’s necessary to change the DC voltage reading (now coming from the external power supply) to enable the variable VDC_OK.IMB. where xxx is the desired value. 11.e / ITB. Change the DC voltage reading sending the command TVBAxxx.e range the commutation frequency is set at 4kHz. In the following steps the sine-wave generated by the microprocessor and the IGBT’s turn-on signals will be checked. and check that the command is acquired by the microprocessor and that the variable VDC_OK is activated. rotate P1 of the card I/S-CL () and check that the amplitude of the generated sine-wave increases.F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 9.e troubleshooting procedures Picture 4 – Triangle waveform NOTE For all IMB. Verify the turn-on signal between emitter (E) and gate (G) of the IGBT’s (see picture 2). The inverter can be turned-on only if all the software conditions are fulfilled. Disconnect the external power supply. Turn-off the IGBT modulation by sending the command INOF000 or pressing F7. 5.ITB. Turn-on the IGBT modulation by sending the command INON000 or pressing F6. 9. moving the DIP6 SW1 in position OFF in the card I/SCL. Precharge the capacitors. Turn-off the IGBT modulation by sending the command INOF000 or pressing F7. after some seconds.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 25 of 31 . 6. 4. Turn-on the IGBT modulation by sending the command INON000 or pressing F6. Choose the inverter TEST mode.e . Select the “automatic” voltage regulation. moving the jumper J1 on the card VCB in position 2-3. the inverter static switch closes by checking the green LED’s in the firing boards SCRSF-1F for IMB. 4. Place the oscilloscope probe between the analog ground and the test point TP2 and check that the shape of the inverter bridge current is correct (see picture 3). 3. 10. Verify that. etc. Verify that.e or SCRSF-3F for ITB. Select the “manual” voltage regulation. 7. Precharge the capacitors. fans. Open the input switch and switch off the unit. moving the jumper J1 on the card VCB in position 1-2. Rev.ITB. Rotate P1 of the card I/S-CL () and increase the inverter output voltage. This setting disable the voltage loop. If necessary adjust it by rotating () the potentiometer P1 of the card VCB.e or 2SCR FIR for bigger systems. 3.IMB. Turn-on the IGBT modulation by sending the command INON000 or pressing F6. close the input switch and supply the unit.5 Inverter automatic start-up This procedures follows the previous one and it’s used to check the correct operation of the inverter with the voltage loop closed.3).1. the inverter static switch closes by checking the green LED’s in the firing boards SCRSF-1F for IMB. 5.e or SCRSF-3F for ITB. Rotate P1 of the card I/S-CL () to set the modulation signal to zero.4 Inverter manual start-up This procedures assumes that all the power components in the inverter bridge have been previously checked (see paragraph 4. 2. Check that the sine wave is present downstream the inverter static switch and that the shape is correct.e or 2SCR FIR for bigger systems. Turn-off the IGBT modulation by sending the command INOF000 or pressing F7. and the inverter voltage regulation signal is adjusted with the potentiometer P1 of the card I/S-CL. 9. The inverter output voltage is increased starting from zero to check the behaviour of the components (AC capacitors. 2. 8.1. 5. after some seconds. This setting enable the voltage loop. Verify that the inverter output voltage increases up to the nominal value. 6. close the input switch and supply the unit. 4. 1. After some seconds the front panel will show all the alarms present at that moment. Open the input switch and switch off the unit. and the inverter voltage regulation signal is adjusted with the potentiometer P1 of the card VCB. Choose the inverter TEST mode. moving the DIP6 SW1 in position OFF in the card I/SCL.1. After some seconds the front panel will show all the alarms present at that moment. 8.) at reduced AC voltage after having identified a failure in the inverter section. Place the oscilloscope probe between the analog ground and the test point TP2 and check that the shape of the inverter bridge current is correct (see picture 3). 7. 1.e troubleshooting procedures 4. Then move it back and verify that the load is supplied again by the inverter.ITB.e or 2SCR FIR for bigger systems. 1. Close the emergency line breakers. 3. Verify that.e troubleshooting procedures 4.2 STATIC SWITCH 4. 5.2. 26 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. Repeat the previous and verify that at the sixth time the load remains supplied by the bypass and the alarm A17 – Retransfer blocked is activated.5) and verify that the inverter static switch closes. Start-up the inverter in automatic mode (see procedure at 4. Measure with a multimeter the voltage difference between the emergency line input and the inverter output and verify that it doesn’t exceed 20Vac. wait for the status S6 – BYPASS OK is activated. the by-pass static switch closes by checking the red LED’s in the firing boards SCRSF-1F for IMB. The inverter is now synchronised with the emergency line. Close the by-pass circuit breaker and check that the LED L1 in the card SCB (additional card in the I/S-CL) is correctly lit (green). 6.2 Commutation tests The commutation tests are useful to check the correct operation of the static switch. 4. so that the emergency line static switch is supplied even when the microprocessor is off (POWER SUPPLY board not supplied).e . Move the NORMAL-BYPASS switch SW1 in by-pass position and verify that the load is transferred to the emergency line static switch. 1. 2.2.F JSE416117 24/09/12 . 4.e or SCRSF-3F for ITB.1 Check of the redundant supply The VOLT-REF board provides a redundant supply for the static switch control logic.IMB. WARNING In case of rotary switch configuration follow chapter 5. Reset the blocking condition by sending the command RESE000 or entering the special menu in the front panel.1. 2. after some seconds. restart the inverter from the position 2 of rotary-sw as follow:  Press S1/CPFC until the display is supplied  Keep pressed S1/CPFC and close ICB  Release S1/CPFC  Without closing OCB. the SW1 is closed so the bypass is available and the commutation test can be performed.e .F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 27 of 31 . move the rotary-sw in position 1+2. SW2 closed). The rotary-sw must be in position 2 (SW1 open. so the inverter it will not be shut down before the power breaker is closed. with SBCB. The auxiliary contact of OCB is not anticipated.IMB. To return to the normal operating condition. The maintenance or repair of the inverter must be performed in manual bypass mode.ITB. for a single inverter. Refer to the specific manual section.1 CONFIGURATION 1 WITHOUT SBCB The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1 without SBCB. 5.2 CONFIGURATION 1 WITH SBCB The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1. Rev.e troubleshooting procedures 5 ROTARY CONFIGURATION 5. To perform the commutation tests. Move rotary-sw in position 2 Close OCB Move rotary-sw in position 1+2. the following steps must be done:      Be sure that the bypass switch is in position BYPASS. Move rotary-sw in position 1 It is not possible to close OCB in position 1+2 with the inverter ON. and wait until the bypass static switch led in the mimic diagram is lit on. The inverter is ON. F JSE416117 24/09/12 . the following step must be done:      Be sure that the bypass switch is in position BYPASS. as follow:  Press S1/CPFC of the first inverter until the display is supplied  Keep pressed S1/CPFC and close ICB of the first inverter  Release S1/CPFC  Press S1/CPFC of the second inverter until the display is supplied  Keep pressed S1/CPFC and close ICB of the second inverter 28 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. restart the inverter from the position 2 of rotary-sw. restart the inverter from the position 2 of rotary-sw as follow:  Press S1/CPFC until the display is supplied  Keep pressed S1/CPFC and close ICB  Release S1/CPFC  Without closing OCB. Move rotary-sw in position 2 Close OCB Move rotary-sw in position 1+2. move the rotary-sw in position 1+2.e troubleshooting procedures The maintenance or repair of the inverter must be performed in manual bypass mode. so the inverter it will not be shut down before the power breaker is closed.ITB.  Close SBCB The inverter is ON. for a parallel system. with SBCB. and wait until the bypass static switch led in the mimic diagram is lit on. so the bypass is available and the commutation test can be performed. The auxiliary contact of OCB is not anticipated. To return to the normal operating condition.e . the SW1 and SBCB are closed. Refer to the specific manual section. The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 1. The rotary-sw must be in position 2 (SW1 open. SW2 closed). To perform the commutation tests.IMB. Move rotary-sw in position 1 It is not possible to close OCB in position 1+2 with the inverter ON. To perform the commutation tests. IMB. both OCB open.e troubleshooting procedures     Release S1/CPFC Without closing any OCB. so to commutate from bypass to inverter and viceversa. Refer to the specific manual section. The inverters are ON.3 CONFIGURATION 2 SINGLE: The picture below shows the block diagram of rotary-sw configuration 2 for a single inverter. the emergency line static switches are closed so the bypass is available and the commutation test can be performed. to be sure that inverter and bypass are synchronized. It is not possible to close OCB in position 1+2 with the inverter ON. the NORMAL – BYPASS SWITCH of both inverter must be moved.e . the following steps must be done:   Move the by-pass switch of unit 1 in NORMAL position. Move the by-pass switch of unit 2 in NORMAL position. 5. Close SBCB of both inverter Move both by-pass switches in BY-PASS position Rotary switches must be kept in position 1+2. move the rotary-sw in position 1+2. To return to the normal operating condition. The maintenance or repair of the inverter must be performed in manual bypass mode. The rotary-sw must be in position 2 (SW1 open. the inverter output is not connected to the load (SW1 open). Rev. The auxiliary contact of OCB is not anticipated. This is a parallel system. In this case. SW2 closed). After measuring the difference between the emergency line input and the inverter output voltage in both unit. Both emergency line static switches will be open and inverter 1 static switch will be close. the SW1 and SBCB are closed.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 29 of 31 . both SBCB closed and bypass switches in BY-PASS position. Close both OCB Move rotary-sw in position 1 Move both bypass switches in NORMAL position. the following step must be done:     Move both bypass switches in BYPASS position.ITB. Both inverter static switches will be close and both emergency line static switches will be open. so the inverter it will not be shut down before the power breaker is closed. The commutation test can be performed with rotary in position 2 and SBCB closed. SBCB closed and OCB open. To perform the commutation tests.IMB.ITB. the NORMAL – BYPASS SWITCH of both inverter must be moved. both OCB must be open and by-pass switch in BYPASS position. SW2 closed).4 CONFIGURATION 2 PARALLEL: The pictures below show two possible block diagrams of rotary-sw configuration 2 for a parallel system. The commutation test can be performed with rotary in position 2. The maintenance or repair of the inverter must be performed in manual bypass mode. This is a parallel system. After measuring the difference 30 of 31 JUD411292 Rev. Refer to the specific manual section.e troubleshooting procedures 5. The rotary-sw must be in position 2 (SW1 open.e .F JSE416117 24/09/12 . so to commutate from bypass to inverter and viceversa. restart the inverter from the position 2 of rotary-sw as follow:  Press S1/CPFC of the first inverter until the display is supplied  Keep pressed S1/CPFC and close ICB of the first inverter  Release S1/CPFC  Press S1/CPFC of the second inverter until the display is supplied  Keep pressed S1/CPFC and close ICB of the second inverter  Release S1/CPFC  Close SBCB of both inverter  Move both by-pass switches in BY-PASS position Rotary-sw must be kept in position 2. Close both OCB Move rotary-sw in position 1+2 Move rotary-sw in position 1 Once terminating inverters start-up.e troubleshooting procedures between the emergency line input and the inverter output voltage in both unit. the following step must be done:      Move both bypass switches in BYPASS position.F JSE416117 24/09/12 JUD411292 31 of 31 .e . to be sure that inverter and bypass are synchronized.IMB. To return to the normal operating condition. Both inverter static switches will be close and both emergency line static switches will be open. the following steps must be done:  Move the by-pass switch of unit 1 in NORMAL position.  Move the by-pass switch of unit 2 in NORMAL position.ITB. move both by-pass switches to NORMAL condition Rev. Both emergency line static switches will be open and inverter 1 static switch will be close. . .............09 P.............................................5 2.7 ACTIVE KEYS .. INTRODUCTION...........................................9 CONTROLS ..........3.......... of Pag...... 3 2.....4 2........ Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page di Pag.......................................................01...........4...............................................................4 OUTPUTS .......1 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION........3................................................................ E 1 12 Codice / Code JUD411293 ............................................................................8 2...................................4 2.................................................................7 2.4...2 SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION ...................... Simoni E.3 VARIABLES .....4 Rev...........................3 INVERTER .....................................4.......3...3.........................................................................................................7 2..9 2........3 UPS TEST PANEL................................................................ TEST AND MONITORING SOFTWARE .......................................1 BYPASS .................8 2...3............................................................7 2..................3....1 MEASURES..............10 Descrizione Description First Issue Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 24.............................................................................................6 2...................................................................................8 2.......6 2.........8 GAUGES ...................................................................................................................10 PARALLEL ....3.........................................................................................................................8 2...3.......................................5 INPUTS ................10 2........................6 ALARMS AND STATUS........................................2 UPS DATA...... / SERIAL MESSAGES FOR PERSONALISATION AND SETTING...........UPS test software UPS TEST SOFTWARE Index 1.........................................8 BOOST OPERATION .8 2............................3........ 3 2........................................3.........2 OUTPUT .........10 2..............................................................Conti E........ .....................................................UPS test software 2......................... 10 2.............6 SHORTCUT KEYS...........................................4.................................................................4 BATTERY .......................6 BOOST CHARGE ......................................8 IDENTIFICATION..................... 10 2....4.........................................................5 HYSTORY OF ALARMS.......................... 3 Picture 2 – Communication configure panel...................................................... 12 2......9 TIMER SETTING................................................................................................................... 4 Picture 3 – Modem setup..............................4............................................................. 12 Index of pictures Picture 1 – RS232 connection cable ................... 11 2.............. 10 2............................................................4........................ 11 2........................................................................................................ 5 Picture 4 – UPS Test screen .........................................................................................7 GENERAL COMMANDS ............................................................. 5 2 of 12 JUD411293 First Issue 24/01/09 .4........ 12 2..........................5 BATTERY TEST .............................................................4...................................... INTRODUCTION The monitoring and test software of the UPS. Picture 1 – RS232 connection cable First Issue 24/01/09 JUD411293 3 of 12 . 2. TEST AND MONITORING SOFTWARE The UPS-Test software is connected through the RS232 serial port of the PC to the RS232 serial of the UPS.UPS test software 1. by means of RS232 connection. to control all the measures and status of the equipment and to carry out settings and modifications of the UPS configuration. UPS-Test allows. The RS232 connection cable is built according to the picture 1. start the Set-up program and carry out the instructions required by the installation software. Connection: Select “Local” to connect the PC to the UPS. Baud rate: Set the speed of the serial communication.2 SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION From the menu configure it is possible to configure the serial port RS232 for the connection to the UPS. in this case proceed to install the program starting from DISK 1. Parity: Select “None”. 4 of 12 JUD411293 First Issue 24/01/09 . From the menu. Select “Remote” to connect the PC to the UPS trought a mode connection. 2. Picture 2 – Communication configure panel Port adress: Set the serial COM where the UPS is connected.1 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION The installation of the software is carried out like a standard WINDOWS application. Flow Control: Select “None”. Stop bits: Select “1”. or by means of a CD-ROM. Syncro_Key: Select “No”. Data bits: Select “8”. Set to 2400 baud.UPS test software 2. The software can be supplied on several floppy disks. describing the software functions. Dial string: Set the command string for the modem to dial the UPS.UPS test software From the “Modem” button it is possible to set the parameter for remote connection. Picture 4 – UPS Test screen First Issue 24/01/09 JUD411293 5 of 12 . where the UPS Test screen is shown. Picture 3 – Modem setup Init. refer to the picture 4. string: Set the initialization string for the modem.3 UPS TEST PANEL All the following paragraphs. Hang upp string: Set the command string for the modem to close the connection. 2. If the connection is correct the figures increases cyclically up to 250 automatically. Nominal autonomy (min). S (V) Æ Emergency bypass voltage Ph.3. Inverter nominal input current at full load (A).2 UPS DATA The area titled “UPS data” represents the relevant characteristics and settings. R (V) Æ UPS output voltage Ph. UPS nominal output current (A). 2. the field “NUMBER” represents the serial n° of the equipment and the field “VER. Battery capacity (Ah). S (V) Æ Inverter voltage Ph. SW. In the area below.UPS test software 2. in the following order: BYP_V_R BYP_V_S BYP_V_T Æ Emergency bypass voltage Ph. T (V) INV_V_R INV_V_S INV_V_T Æ Inverter voltage Ph.1 MEASURES On the area “Measures” all the analog measurements inherent to the UPS are shown. The following 4 groups represent the limit values (for the voltage to be declared available) and the histeresys for: BYP INV OUT VDC Æ Æ Æ Æ Emergency bypass (V) Inverter Output (V) UPS Output (V) Inverter input (V) #1 #2 #3 #4 The following 3 groups represent the limit values (for the frequency to be declared in tolerance) and the histeresys for emergency bypass as follows: 6 of 12 JUD411293 First Issue 24/01/09 . On the area “TX Check” the transmission control indicator is represented.3. R (V) Æ Inverter voltage Ph. T (V) ACDC_V Æ Battery voltage (V) DC_CUR Æ Inverter Input current (A) IB_BOO Æ Battery Recharging Current ( A ) F_BYP Æ Emergency bypass frequency (Hz) F_INV Æ Inverter frequency (Hz). Battery nominal voltage (V). UPS nominal output voltage (V). T (V) OUT_V_R OUT_V_S OUT_V_T Æ UPS output voltage Ph. S (V) Æ UPS output voltage Ph.” represents the revision of the UPS control software installed. The first 7 lines contain the nominal values for: POT_NOM VOLT_NOM CURR_NOM VDC_NOM IDC_NOM BAT_TYP AUT_NOM Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ UPS nominal power (kVA). R (V) Æ Emergency bypass voltage Ph. 3. byp.4 OUTPUTS The area titled “Outpus” represents the relevant digital outpus of the UPS. byp.3 VARIABLES The area titled “Variables” represents the relevant internal status variables of the UPS. 2. Feeds Load is active too (ARC card) When active relay Bypass Feed Load is active too (ARC card) When active relay Low Battery is active too (ARC card) When active relay Mains Fault is active too (ARC card) 2. The meaning of each variable is described below: COK BY_BL IFL CONAC RESET_RITR_BL R3_INV_FEED R4_BYP_FEED R5_LOW_BATT R6_MAINS_FAU Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ If active the UPS output voltage is in tolerance (see limit group #3) When active the load is blocked on the emergency bypass When active the inverter SSW is closed When active the PWM of the inverter IGBT bridge is on When active the BY_BL condition is reset When active relay Inv.3. % Æ Residual Battery autonomy (min) Æ Residual Battery autonomy (as % of the nominal). MIN AUT. The meaning of each variable is described below: INV_ON SSW_ON IOK ROK_X O_LOAD HITE FROK RMS_OK COK VUOK SYNCOK I_OVER IMTERM VDC_OK Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ When active the command inverter on is active too When active the command inverter SSW on is active too If active the inverter is ready to supply the load If active the bypass is in tolerance (ROK = RMSOK+FROK) If active an overload has stopped the inverter If active an over temperature (thermal protection) is active too If active the emerg.3. The meaning of each variable is below described: MBY_CLOSE EPO_BUS BO_BUS BYP_SW (FUSE) TERMO_SW OCB MCS First Issue 24/01/09 Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ When active the MBCB (manual bypass) is closed When active the EPO (emergency power off) is not active When active the BCB (battery breaker) is open When active the Bypass Switch (commutation test) is active When active the Thermal switch (bridge protection) is active When active the OCB (output breaker) is closed When active the IGBT’s desaturation protection is active JUD411293 7 of 12 .UPS test software FREQ FREQ MIN FREQ MAX Æ Emergency bypass nominal frequency (Hz) Æ Emergency bypass lower frequency (Hz) Æ Emergency bypass higher frequency (Hz) #5 The last 2 lines contain the following information: AUT. voltage is in tolerance (see limit group #1) If active the UPS output voltage is in tolerance (see limit group #3) If active the Inverter output voltage is in tolerance (see limit group #2) If active the inverter is synchronized with the emergency bypass If active an overload (output current > nominal) is active too If active the thermal image counter (time vs current) is active too If active the Inverter input voltage is in tolerance (see limit group #4) 2. frequency is in tolerance (see limit group #5) If active the emerg.5 INPUTS The area titled “Inputs” represents the relevant digital inputs of the UPS. UPS test software MRR RECT_FAIL ERR_SC BF_RECT PUL_UP PUL_DOWN PUL_ENTER PUL_ BUZZ PUL_RESET Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ When active Mains fault signal (from the rectifier) is not active When active Rectifier fault sign. (from the rectifier) is not active When active Input wrong seq. the 25 alarms and 6 operating status are represented. Data” are active. (from the rectifier) is active When active the up arrow key on the front panel is pressed When active the down arrow key on the front panel is pressed When active the enter key on the front panel is pressed When active the buzzer key on the front panel is pressed When active the reset key on the front panel is pressed 2.7 ACTIVE KEYS The push button “Dip Sw” visualizes the mapping of the dip switches for configuration on the μP board (see foregoing paragraphs). (from the rectifier) is not active When active Blown fuse sign.6 ALARMS AND STATUS On the areas named “Alarms” and “Status”. see the Operating Manual. By clicking on the relevant country on the flags area the language on the display of the UPS can be changed.9 CONTROLS The area above the flags contains the following control parameters: FEFO KF_BY KF_OU Æ Must be 180 Æ Must be between 800 and 900 Æ Must be between 800 and 900 2.10 PARALLEL If the UPS is working in parallel mode the relevant area “MASTER” under the second column and the active key “Par. For the description of the relevant functions refers to the Parallel Redundant Operating Manual. BOOST OPERATION If the Boost function is active. 2.3. sign. CAR ACCUMU Æ Stored energy in the battery as % of the total Æ Thermal image progress as % of the total (100 % Æ inverter stopped) 2. 2. the push button “BOOST“ visualizes the parameter of the Boost Operation IB_TR IB_RT 8 of 12 Æ Battery current limit for Floating to Boost Charge ( A ) Æ Battery current limit for Boost to Float Charge ( A ) JUD411293 First Issue 24/01/09 .8 GAUGES The two gauges located under the third column represents the following values: EN. For a detailed explanation of them. so the last message must be repeated. First Issue 24/01/09 JUD411293 9 of 12 . All commands consist in 4 letters and 3 numbers LLLLXXX. VERY IMPORTANT The usage of these messages is recommended to specialized personnel only. wait for an acoustic confirmation signal (BEEP) before sending new strings. Don’t forget to send the command MEEE000 to store the variations on the UPS memory. If the signal does not arrive it means that the operation has had a negative result.UPS test software 2.4 SERIAL MESSAGES FOR PERSONALISATION AND SETTING WARNING Before sending any message insure that the computer writes with capital letters (CAPS). After having sent a message. : batt.4. (i.4.3 INVERTER ZIFR000 ZIFS000 ZIFT000 TIFRXXX TIFSXXX TIFTXXX (XXX=100/250) (XXX=100/250) (XXX=100/250) 2.: aut.4.6 BOOST CHARGE TCRBXXX TBTRXXX TBRTYYY BOST000 ZCRB000 10 of 12 (XXX=010/999) (XXX=000/999) (XXX=000/999) battery current for boost adjustment current limit for floating to boost current limit for boost to floating boost charge ON zero battery current for boost charge JUD411293 First Issue 24/01/09 . 24Ah = TYBA024) Nominal auton.5 BATTERY TEST TEBAXXX STDBXXX TBOF000 TBONXXX (XXX=000/002) (XXX=000/999) (XXX=000/999) battery test choice battery test length setting battery test stop battery test for XXX minutes 2.2 OUTPUT TUFRXXX TUFSXXX TUFTXXX ZCFR000 ZCFS000 ZCFT000 TCFRXXX TCFSXXX TCFTXXX (XXX=005/999) (XXX=005/999) (XXX=005/999) 2.e.4.1 BYPASS TBFRXXX TBFSXXX TBFTXXX (XXX=100/250) (XXX=100/250) (XXX=100/250) phase R voltage phase S voltage phase T voltage (for UPS 1Ph and 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (XXX=100/250) (XXX=100/250) (XXX=100/250) phase R voltage phase S voltage phase T voltage (for UPS 1Ph and 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) phase R zero current phase S zero current phase T zero current (for UPS 1Ph and 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) phase R current phase S current phase T current (for UPS 1Ph and 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) phase R zero voltage phase S zero voltage phase T zero voltage (for UPS 1Ph and 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) phase R voltage phase S voltage phase T voltage (for UPS 1Ph and 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) (only for UPS 3Ph) 2.4 BATTERY TVBAXXX TCBAXXX TYBAXXX TAUTXXX LOBA XXX (XXX=100/600) (XXX=010/999) (XXX=002/999) (XXX=100/600) BATT000 ZCBA000 Voltage Current Battery type (i.UPS test software 2.4. 20’ = TAUT020) Low battery level Forces to the 100% battery autonomy zero current 2.e.4. Single unit PHAS270 set phase = 2700 Parallel unit PHAS400 set phase = 4000 (XXX=000/999) 2.4.7 GENERAL COMMANDS TFFRXXX TVLX000 MEEE000 REHI000 BUZZ000 RESE000 INON000 INOF000 PHASXXX (XXX=010/060) frequency window: for values see (1) fast voltage monitor Store the value in E2PROM reset HISTORY BUZZER quieting reset UPS on inverter off inverter set the phase shifting between inverter and the bypass normal setting.8 IDENTIFICATION CNAMXXX (XXX=000/005) Set the name of the unit CLANXXX (XXX=000/005) UPS language XXX = 000 (Italian) XXX = 001 (German) XXX = 002 (French) XXX = 003 (English) XXX = 004 (Portuguese) XXX = 005 (Spanish) First Issue 24/01/09 JUD411293 11 of 12 .4.UPS test software 2. Adjusts the limits for the bypass and the output voltage : TVLX000. (1) TFFR + 060 055 050 045 040 035 030 025 020 015 010 +/.4% +/.5% +/. Sends E2PROM data storing command : MEEE000.UPS test software 2. Adjusts the limits for the frequency at +/.6% +/.5% +/.. Sends RESE000 command. Sends the buzzer quieting command : BUZZ000. XXX = 008 last 100 events previous 100 events previous 100 events first 100 events During the download the TX CHECK counter on the computer starts to count from 0 to 1800..6 SHORTCUT KEYS Key Description F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 After the READ000 command allows to read the history on the computer. 12 of 12 JUD411293 First Issue 24/01/09 ..5% +/.4% : TFFR040.. 2.5% +/.1....5% +/. Sends the inverter OFF command : INOF000.1% minutes setting hour setting day setting month setting year setting standard setting 2.9 TIMER SETTING TMINXXX THOUXXX TDAYXXX TMONXXX TYEAXXX (XXX = 000/059) (XXX = 000/023) (XXX = 000/031) (XXX = 000/012) (XXX = 000/099) (*) Values not to be modified.5 HYSTORY OF ALARMS It is possible to download the alarm history on the computer by typing the following command: READ XXX XXX = 000 XXX = 001 XXX = 002 ..2. Sends the inverter ON command : INON000. +/..5% +/.2% +/. To read the history on the computer the F1 key can be pressed. Sends all the zeroes to the UPS.4. of Pag. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page E 1 di Pag. Conti E. Simoni E. Simoni E. Simoni E.11 11. Conti P.11 P. Simoni E.e-ITB. 1 Codice / Code JUD411480 .e APPENDIX SERVICE MANUAL Index of sections Code 1 – UPS dielectric strength test JUD410372 2 – Setting of FMC board JUD411351 Rev.03.03. / A B Descrizione Description First Issue Revision JSE413994 Revision JSE414786 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 03.09 16.10. Conti P.IMB. Simoni E. . 7) Cortocircuitare tra loro tutti i contatti di potenza degli interruttori statici. eseguita con strumento: safety tester RD28L sn°96123502 1) Applicare tra morsettiera ingressi/uscite e terra 500Vdc. Simoni E. 6) Cortocircuitare tutti i connettori delle gate degli igbt del ponte inverter. OCB. of Pag. BCB. 1) Scollegare il cavo di terra dei filtri rete oppure togliere le schede filtro rete. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page I/E 1 di Pag.Test di rigidità dielettrica per UPS Dielectric strength test for UPS systems TEST DI RIGIDITÀ DIELETTRICA PER UPS Norma di riferimento: EN50091-1. • Precompliants resistenza di isol. 5) Cortocircuitare tra loro tutti i contatti di potenza del ponte inverter. / • Preparazione per la prova di rigidità dielettrica. Conti E. Test da eseguire prima della procedura di collaudo funzionale. 4) Cortocircuitare tutti gli ingressi ed uscite di potenza sulle morsettiere di ingresso/uscita compreso + e – batteria.03.08 P. MBCB. 4 Codice / Code JUD410372 . 3) Scollegare tutti i connettori dalle schede elettroniche. Descrizione Description First issue Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 20. verificare che la resistenza di isolamento sia superiore a 50Mohm. Verificare che non ci siano scariche o perdite di isolamento con correnti superiori a 20mA. • Test di rigidità eseguita con strumento: high voltage tester UH28A sn°96123490 1) Applicare gradatamente partendo da zero fino a 2500Vac la tensione di prova per una durata di un minuto tra morsettiera ingressi/uscite e terra. SCB. Rev. 2) Chiudere RCB. BCB. 3) Aprire gli interruttori RCB. verificare che la resistenza di isolamento sia superiore a 50Mohm. 7) Togliere tutti i cortocircuiti dai contatti di potenza degli interruttori statici. OCB. eseguita con strumento: safety tester RD28L sn°96123502 1) Applicare tra morsettiera ingressi/uscite e terra 500Vdc.Test di rigidità dielettrica per UPS Dielectric strength test for UPS systems • Verifica della resistenza di isol. 4) Togliere tutti i cortocircuiti sulle morsettiere di ingresso/uscita compreso + e – batteria. • Ripristino del dispositivo in prova. 1) Scaricare eventuali tensioni residue ingressi/uscite a terra con l’apposito cavo. 6) Togliere tutti i cortocircuiti dai connettori delle gate degli igbt del ponte inverter. SCB. 2) Ricollegare il cavo di terra dei filtri rete oppure rimontare le schede filtro rete. 5) Togliere tutti i cortocircuiti dai contatti di potenza del ponte inverter. MBCB. • Continuare con la procedura di collaudo funzionale. First Issue 20/03/08 JUD410372 cortocircuitando la morsettiera 2 of 4 . 13) Short-circuit all the connectors of the IGBT gates on the inverter bridge. • Getting ready for the dielectric strength test. • Precompliants of insulation resistance carried out with the following instrument: safety tester RD28L sn°96123502 1) Apply 500Vdc between the input/output terminal board and ground. 14) Short-circuit all the power contacts of the static switches with one another. or remove the mains filter boards. 9) Close RCB. SCB. 8) Disconnect the ground wire of the mains filters. • Dielectric strength test carried out with the following instrument: high voltage tester UH28A sn°96123490 2) Apply the test voltage gradually between the input/output terminal board and ground starting from zero up to 2500Vac for one minute.Test di rigidità dielettrica per UPS Dielectric strength test for UPS systems DIELECTRIC STRENGTH TEST FOR UPS SYSTEMS Reference norm: EN50091-1. BCB. 11) Short-circuit all the power inputs and outputs on the input/output terminal boards including battery + and -. 10) Disconnect all the connectors from the electronic boards. Test to be carried out before the functional test procedure. First Issue 20/03/08 JUD410372 3 of 4 . Make sure the insulation resistance exceeds 50Mohm. 12) Short-circuit all the power contacts of the inverter bridge with one another. Make sure no discharges or insulation losses occur with currents exceeding 20mA. MBCB. OCB. 4) Remove all the short-circuits on the input/output terminal boards including battery + and -. MBCB. Make sure the insulation resistance exceeds 50Mohm. SCB. • Reset of the test device. 5) Remove all the short-circuits from the power contacts of the inverter bridge. 1) Discharge any residual voltages to the ground by short-circuiting the input/output terminal board via the relevant wire. 7) Remove all the short-circuits from the power contacts of the static switches. BCB. or reassemble the mains filter boards. 3) Open circuit breakers RCB. • Continue with the functional test procedure. 6) Remove all the short-circuits from the connectors of the IGBT gates on the inverter bridge. 2) Reconnect the ground wire of the mains filters. OCB.Test di rigidità dielettrica per UPS Dielectric strength test for UPS systems • Check of insulation resistance carried out with the following instrument: safety tester RD28L sn°96123502 2) Apply 500Vdc between the input/output terminal board and ground. First Issue 20/03/08 JUD410372 4 of 4 . Simoni E.. Simoni E. Simoni Lingua Language Pagina Page I/E 1 di Pag.ISTRUZIONE OPERATIVA Programmazione scheda FMC IMPORTANTE Sul connettore M1 deve essere sempre collegato un ventilatore.JP12) aperti. La programmazione avviene partendo con tutti i jumper (JP1. Simoni E. La scheda FMC permette di monitorare i ventilatori nei seguenti casi: a) 4 ventilatori del solito modello. su M4 il ventilatore diverso. c) 3 ventilatori di un modello ed il quarto diverso distribuendo su M1-M2-M3 i tre ventilatori uguali. Fognani N. Simoni E. Tranne dove specificato diversamente per tensioni di alimentazione a 230Vac verranno utilizzate schede pb068-FMC230 (N_FS3048) mentre per tensioni di alimentazioni a 115Vac verranno utilizzate schede pb270-FMC115 (N_FS3034). A B C D Descrizione Description Revised JSE413363 Revised JSE413363 Revised JSE413716 Revised JSE414475 Data Date Emesso Issued Controllato Checked Approvato Approved 05/07/10 08/07/10 26/11/10 24/08/11 N. Simoni E. b) 2 coppie di ventilatori di modelli diversi distribuendo su M1 (ed eventualmente M2) il primo modello. e prosegue come viene riportato di seguito. of Pag. Simoni E. Rev. Fognani N. Fognani N. su M3 (ed eventualmente M4) il secondo modello. 8 Codice / Code JUD411351 . Simoni E. In questo caso la scheda da utilizzare è modificata rispetto ai casi precedenti: utilizzare pb271-FMC3x115 (N_FS3079) per tensione di alimentazione a 115Vac o pb272-FMC3x230 (N_FS3080) per tensione di alimentazione a 230Vac. Fognani E. per qualsiasi caso di monitoraggio sopra indicato. “ indica “jumper aperto.10.11.Ventilatore su M2 Chiudere JP2 JP3) . Rev.Ventilatore su M3 Chiudere JP3 JP4) .6.Ventilatore su M4 Chiudere JP4 JP5.1 – Modello del ventilatore su M1 e/o M2 MODELLO VENTILATORE 4650N POTENZA TENSIONE 19W 230Vac MODELLO SCHEDA JP5 JP6 JP7/8 pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 2-3 1-2 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 - - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 1-2 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 - - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 - - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 JP9. JP2) .Ventilatore su M1 Chiudere JP1 1-2.2 – Modello del ventilatore su M3 e/o M4 MODELLO VENTILATORE POTENZA TENSIONE MODELLO SCHEDA JP9/10 JP11 JP12 4650N 19W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 2-3 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - 1-2 - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 2-3 - 1-2 - 2-3 2-3 A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 Note: “ .7.1) PROGRAMMAZIONE NEL CASO DI 4 VENTILATORI DELLO STESSO MODELLO JP1) .12) Settaggio necessario solo in presenza di ventilatori su M3 e/o M4 TAB.D JSE414475 24/08/11 JUD411351 2 of 8 .8) TAB. 7.11.Ventilatore su M4 Chiudere JP4 JP5.Ventilatore su M3 Chiudere JP3 JP4) .1 – Modello del ventilatore su M1 e/o M2 MODELLO VENTILATORE POTENZA TENSIONE MODELLO SCHEDA JP5 JP6 JP7/8 4650N 19W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 2-3 1-2 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 - - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 - - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 - - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 JP9.12) Settaggio necessario solo in presenza di ventilatori su M3 e/o M4 TAB.D JSE414475 24/08/11 JUD411351 3 of 8 .2) PROGRAMMAZIONE NEL CASO DI VENTILATORI DI 2 MODELLI DIVERSI JP1) .Ventilatore su M2 Chiudere JP2 JP3) .10.6. JP2) .Ventilatore su M1 Chiudere JP1 2-3.8) TAB.2 – Modello del ventilatore su M3 e/o M4 MODELLO VENTILATORE 4650N POTENZA TENSIONE 19W 230Vac MODELLO SCHEDA JP9/10 JP11 JP12 pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 2-3 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - 1-2 - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 2-3 - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 1-2 - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 Note: “ .“ indica “jumper aperto” Rev. 11. JP2) .9) TAB.4 – Modello del ventilatore su M4 MODELLO VENTILATORE POTENZA TENSIONE MODELLO SCHEDA 4650N 19W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 1-2 2-3 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - 1-2 - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 79W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 80W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 1-2 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 - 2-3 - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 - 1-2 - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 2-3 2-3 Note: “ .3 – Modello del ventilatore su M1-M2-M3 MODELLO VENTILATORE 4650N POTENZA TENSIONE 19W 230Vac MODELLO SCHEDA JP5 JP6 JP7÷9 pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 2-3 1-2 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 - - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 79W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 80W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 2-3 1-2 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 - - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 1-2 - - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 2-3 2-3 JP10 JP11 JP12 JP10.“ indica “jumper aperto” Rev.Ventilatore su M2 Chiudere JP2 JP3) .8.D JSE414475 24/08/11 JUD411351 4 of 8 .12) TAB.Ventilatore su M4 Chiudere JP4 JP5.Ventilatore su M3 Chiudere JP3 JP4) .6.7.Ventilatore su M1 Chiudere JP1 2-3.3) PROGRAMMAZIONE NEL CASO DI 3 VENTILATORI DELLO STESSO MODELLO ED 1 DIVERSO JP1) . c) #3 fans of the same model (on M1-M2-M3) and a fourth one of a different type connected to the connector M4. The FMC card allows the fans monitoring in the following cases: a) #4 fans of the same type.D JSE414475 24/08/11 JUD411351 5 of 8 .OPERATING INSTRUCTION FMC card programming IMPORTANT A fan must always be connected to the connector M1. The programming starts with all the jumpers (JP1÷JP12) open and proceed as indicated hereunder. b) #2 couples of fans of different models. In this case the card has a different code: use pb271-FMC3x115 (N_FS3079) for supply voltage of 115Vac or pb272-FMC3x230 (N_FS3080) for supply voltage of 230Vac. If not specified differently for for 230Vac voltage supply pb068-FMC230 (N_FS3048) will be used while for 115Vac voltage supply pb270-FMC115 (N_FS3034) will be used. distributing on M1 and (optionally) M2 the first model and on M3 and (optionally) M4 the second model. Rev. 1 – Model of fan on M1 and /or M2 FAN MODEL POWER JP5 JP6 4650N 19W VOLTAGE CARD MODEL 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 JP7/8 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 2-3 1-2 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 - - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 1-2 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 - - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 - - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 JP9.10.1) PROGRAMMING IN CASE OF #4 FANS OF THE SAME TYPE JP1) .Fan on M3 Close JP3 JP4) .2 – Model of fan on M3 and/or M4 FAN MODEL POWER 4650N 19W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 2-3 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - 1-2 - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 2-3 - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 1-2 - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 Rev.12) Setting necessary only if fans are connected on M3 and/or M4 TAB.Fan on M4 Close JP4 JP5.8) TAB.11.Fan on M2 Close JP2 JP3) . JP2) .Fan on M1 Close JP1 1-2.6.7.D JSE414475 24/08/11 VOLTAGE CARD MODEL JP9/10 JP11 JUD411351 JP12 6 of 8 . 2) PROGRAMMING IN CASE OF FANS OF TWO DIFFERENT MODELS JP1) .Fan on M3 Close JP3 JP4) .1 – Model of fan on M1 and /or M2 FAN MODEL POWER JP5 JP6 4650N 19W VOLTAGE CARD MODEL 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 JP7/8 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 2-3 1-2 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 - - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 1-2 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 - - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 - - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 JP9.6.11. JP2) .“ indicates “jumper open” Rev.10.Fan on M4 Close JP4 JP5.12) Setting necessary only if fans are connected on M3 and/or M4 TAB.Fan on M2 Close JP2 JP3) .2 – Model of fan on M3 and/or M4 FAN MODEL POWER 4650N 19W VOLTAGE CARD MODEL JP9/10 JP11 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 JP12 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 1-2 1-2 2-3 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - 1-2 - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 79W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 - - - 80W 230Vac pb068-N_FS3048 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 1-2 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 2-3 - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 - 1-2 - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb270-N_FS3034 2-3 2-3 2-3 Note: “ .Fan on M1 Close JP1 2-3.8) TAB.D JSE414475 24/08/11 JUD411351 7 of 8 .7. Fan on M4 Close JP4 JP5.D JSE414475 24/08/11 JUD411351 8 of 8 .2 – Model of fan on M4 FAN MODEL POWER 4650N 19W VOLTAGE CARD MODEL JP10 230Vac JP11 JP12 pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 1-2 2-3 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - 1-2 - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 79W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 80W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 2-3 2-3 2-3 4600N 18W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 1-2 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 - 2-3 - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 - 1-2 - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 2-3 2-3 Note: “ .Fan on M1 Close JP1 2-3.6.11. JP2) .9) TAB.12) TAB.7.1 – Model of fan on M1 and /or M2 FAN MODEL POWER 4650N 19W VOLTAGE CARD MODEL 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 JP5 JP6 JP7÷9 1-2 1-2 1-2 4715MS23TB5A 15W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 2-3 1-2 7450ES 46W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 1-2 - - 7855 ES A17-M23-SWB A17-T23-SWB W2E200-HH38-01 45W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 79W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 - - - 80W 230Vac pb272-N_FS3080 2-3 2-3 2-3 1-2 4600N 18W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 2-3 7805ES 38W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 - - A17-M12-SWB 42W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 1-2 - - W2E200 80W 115Vac pb271-N_FS3079 2-3 2-3 2-3 JP10.Fan on M3 Close JP3 JP4) .Fan on M2 Close JP2 JP3) .8.3) PROGRAMMING IN CASE OF #3 FANS OF THE SAME MODEL AND #1 DIFFERENT JP1) .“ indicates “jumper open” Rev.
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