IM Case AGT,Inc (Final)

March 25, 2018 | Author: Ang Chi Jun | Category: Survey Methodology, Observation, Questionnaire, Focus Group, Science



Formatted: Different first page headerInternational Marketing Case on AGT, Inc. Designated writer: Ang Chi Jun Supporting writer: Anand Shekaran Yao Xiaohui Sylvia Zhang Yacong Comment [AS1]: Should be arranged alphabetically using surnames. Section: G1 1 The survey should include a question pertaining to asking respondent to provide an estimated range of how much they spend on recreational facilities instead of only at the park. In order for a survey to satisfy its objectives. they lack of a do not defineition to explain what the term ³recreational facilities´ making it subjective to respondent¶s interpretation. From questionsQuestions 1 to 7 are. Question 5b asks about the last visit to an amusement park but does not ask about the total number of visits in the previous year. determining the understanding which primary target market segments are interested in such facilities and understanding knowing the needs of this these this target market segments. means. in these questions. but there is no question regarding how much is currently spent at recreational facilities. This causes a lack of information to estimate how large the potential market is and if it will be profitable as the questions do not provide an estimate of the total number of visitors in a particular time frame. Questionn 6a asks about the amount of money spent during the last visit to the park. This could avoid losing information as respondents might not have visited a park before and would not be Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1. the survey also lacks a couple of questions which would be usedful for measuringe the extent of the market demand. Besides that. identifyingestimating the potential demand for an amusement parkthe recreational facilities in Karachi. it is trying to measures if there is a need for this project in the Karachi market. For example. Knowing how much is spent per visit together with the frequency of visits would be useful estimating the market size for recreational facilities and the potential demand for an amusement park. This all encompassing objective can be broken down into the following sub objectives: This main objective is made up of several smaller objectives. Underline In conducting this research study. However. In order to show the extent to which the survey satisfies the research objectives mentioned above. we will look into the survey questions and analyze it. The smaller objectives includes. The primarymain objective offor this research project is to understand the Karachi market and determine if there is a potential market for an amusement park in Karachi.3 li Comment [S2]: How to find out? What questions to ask? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. 1.International Marketing Case on AGT. 12 pt 2 ¢¡¡  . the survey questions asked should be of relevance whereby each question should be measuring what it is suppose to measure. Objectives of Research Project Formatted: Font: Bold. where the researcher should work on to provide supporting data and results to fulfill the main objective. 12 pt C nt [S3]: Spending in other recreational facilities can be very different from spending in a park Formatted: Font: Times New Roman.could provide a clearer picture of the kind of recreational facilities the respondents are referring to. Adding a question with a list of the various types of recreational facilities for respondents to select from would remove this subjectivity and provide insight into preferences for paid versus free-of-charge facilities. Inc. it entails several objectives that a researcher should fulfill. Makes sense. Without clear understanding of which media channels will impact the different target market. Questions 12 ± 17 gather demographic data which can be cross tabulated with question 7 (which asks if the respondent would utilize an amusement park if built) in order to determine the target market. Putting together the information by conducting a correlation analysis against the demographic data. There is Aa multitude of questions which focus on the determining the needs. To further support if the respondents are interested in the park. important marketing messages will not be able to get through the consumers successfully and this in turn will affect the profitability. 3 C nt [S4]: What kind of analysis can be done? Correlation analysis? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. 12 pt ¥¤¤£ ¨§§¦ © . question 10 would be better if it asked about time taken to travel to the park instead of distance as respondents may not know how far they are currently travelling to recreational facilities and the time taken to cover the same distance would vary based on respondent¶s location (urban versus sub-urban area). it does well in determining the primary target market and their needs. 12 pt C nt [AS6]: I think this is out of scope for the survey. This provides information about the satisfaction level of the market towards the various types of facilities currently available in Karachi as well as the demands and interest for the park. Questions 4 and 5a focus on deterring factors. able to answer the question which specifically measures their expenditure patterns when visiting the park. 12 pt C nt [S5]: Not sure if this is the research objective. While the survey may be weak in estimating potential demand. including the sub parts are able to provide information to measures the level of satisfaction of the customers with the existing facilities in Karachi. Question 8 is especially noteworthy as its open ended structure allows for respondents to suggest attractions they would like to see. the answers are likely to be novel instead of standard which would help adapt the amusement park locally. we will be able tothese questions capture the needs of the target market well. However. but might not be the purpose of the research Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Inc. researcher will be able to obtain a holistic view of the specific target segment of the population who will be most interested in this type of recreational facilities. However. Furthermore. question 7 is able to provide information to which market segments will be interested in the park. the survey lacks of a question which explores which media channels will be suitable for each target market. This could provide greater insights to the researchers by differentiating the various target segment groups which are interested in the various types of the existing recreational facilities in Karachi. When trying to identify the primary target market for the park.International Marketing Case on AGT. questions 2 and 6. Researchers can conduct a correlation analysis to determine if there is a significant relationship between the level of satisfaction and the demographic. questions 6 and 8 focus on attractions and questions 9 and 10 focus on location. by capturing the demographic data of the respondents and matching it to question 7. As the respondents have minimal exposure to amusement parks. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Looking into the expectations of the various target markets. Elements of culture playsElements of culture play a crucial role in stages of research design. instead of having a question to measure travelling distance. religion. the survey tries to measure on the location of where the park should be situated. inserting a question which measures the maximum amount of time a respondent is willing to spend travelling to the recreational facility. Therefore. . they try to identify what types of facilities and services respondents are interested in. whether overnight facilities are required as well as if transportation services should be provided. 12 pt Formatted: Font: Bold. issues pertaining to culture may exist. 12 pt 4   . Overall. Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Comment [S8]: Pretty long intro to the issue of culture C nt [AS9]: I don t think this part is necessary. In question 9 and 10. based on the above analysis. it tries to measure the respondents¶ willingness to travel which would provide investors with the information to on where the park should be built. 12 pt Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Can go straight to talking about the impact of culture on the research Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. the survey questions did not include a question to identify if transportation service is required. In question 4a. collection of data analysis. which is more developed. researcher will have a clearer picture of the extent to which the amount of distance and time a respondent is willing to travel down to the park. to a certain extent. 2. let¶s discuss how the element of culture affects the research design.International Marketing Case on AGT. However. The open ended structure design for question 8 allows respondents to respond creatively as to what they expect in the new park and not restrict their responses by providing a list of options.S. the types of facilities which will entice the target market. These components of modernization will lead to changes in the major asocial institutions such as the family. This process of industrialization will lead to urbanization where the population moves from farms into cities where jobs are available. These are some of the primary concerns for the Karachi market. By doing so. I conclude that the survey only satisfies the objectives of identifying a target market and their needs but fails to do so for estimating potential demand in the Karachi market. Culture and its Impacts C nt [S7]: Maybe can bring some key insights? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. This information could provide investors with a whole new perspective of what kind of facilitates to include in the new park to suit the needs of the Karachi market. First. in question 10. However. which occurs when a preindustrial society develops economically and the workplace shifts from the home to the factory.A well developed country. and education. Underline of Modernization is a broad concept which refers to major social changes. Inc. 4b and 8. when conducting this survey in both countries. This phenomenon is seen less in Karachi in comparison to the U. S. Some of which includes the length of survey. Factors such as difference in living environment and economic framework The responses might cause the responses to vary among theas respondents from different cultures. 12 pt 5 8 76 CIA. Even though Karachi being a major city might see a higher literacy rate. For example. factor such as religious regulations. The level of education one receiveds is an issue between cultures. Thus. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. attitudes and norms in the respective cultures. Besides that. when designing a questionnaire. words used and how the questions are phrased. researchers might have to come out with 2 different set of questions before conducting the survey. the options for question 2 (which asks about frequency of utilizing recreational facilities) need to be varied for U. it tends to influence the mental processes and behavior of the respondents from Karachi and U.The World Factook :https://www. and may be foreign to the potential respondents.International Marketing Case on AGT. This is due to the differences in values.S as compared to the Karachi. the way How the questions are constructed and phrased areis crucial. think and respond differently to a similar set of questionnaire.S respondents as compared to the Karachi respondents.cia. As cultural values transcend across all aspects of culture and society. The Karachi respondents might not have the ability to answer certain questions due to the poor literacy rate in Karachi in comparison to the U. let¶s analyze how the element of culture will affect collection of data. people in Karachi ³have little or no knowledge of market survey. 12 pt C nt [AS14]: Either set of questions or questionnaire Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. 12 pt C nt [AS11]: Isn t literacy rate a bigger issue? If they can t even read. due to cultural differences in terms of modernizationvalues and attitudes. hence the first option cannot be weekly as it would result in a ceiling effect. Surveys are also not a common market research tool.lack of knowledge. Inc. As indicated in the case.9% while that in the United States is 99%1. The Furthermore.S. researchers should focus on several factors .S respondents is crucial. then a mail survey is useless. living 1 Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1. Being aware of the differences in level of education received between the Karachi and U. 12 pt C nt [AS12]: What do they lack knowledge about? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman.´ Thus. Therefore. iIn U. the respondents are more familiar to such survey t. The literacy rate in Pakistan as of 2010 is 49.3 li Comment [S10]: Education or lack of exposure? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman.S.html 2110 C #""! &%%$ )((' 5443 A@@9  nt [AS15]: How? . Next. Americans tend to patronize recreational facilities more than once a week. the level of education one receives is an issue between cultures. working on a longer survey might be more acceptable to the U. For example. 2008) tend to posses different mental constructs to a similar set of questionnaire. (Matsumoto & Juang. 12 pt C nt [AS13]: What do they lack knowledge about? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Hence keywords can be defined and picture aids could be given to facilitate the completion of the surveyThe Karachi respondents might not have the ability to answer certain questions due to the lack of knowledge. Firstly. tThe respondents in Karachi might face some difficulties in answering some questions due to lower level of education received. the distinct gap must still be taken into consideration as Using a survey questionnaire as a research design might raise certain issues in the Karachi population. 12 pt C nt [S16]: Why? Measure the differences in responses? C nt [AS17]: How is the mental construct different? How are the response different? Why 2 diff set of questions when the survey is only for Karachi? F r att d: Font: Times New As a result. ³it¶s not considered ethical for male to approach a female in the mall.3 li Comment [S21]: Respondent bias or response bias? Don t think it s response bias Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. respondents in Karachi are new to such market survey and might not have the knowledge to understand the rationale of such surveys.S population. Pertaining to this case.S which has no ethical issues concerning gender. collecting of data from Karachi will be more tedious as people in Karachi may feel offended if one uses the telephone method for data collection.Therefore. researchers may have to alter the collection method in Karachi in order to have a sample that captures the opinions of females as well.´ Unlike the U. 12 pt Formatted: Space After: 10 pt. one has to consider the various cultural factors.S which does not have such a cultural issue. due to the nature of the society of being less modernized. Therefore. Under the extreme response style. Moreover.´ This cultural attitude and value are embedded in the lives of the Karachi people. 12 pt C nt [AS20]: If this para is on lack of exposure. as indicated in the case. westerners usually have the tendency to use the endpoints of the answer scale in the questionnaire. they will not be willing to share information with the researchers. the first one should be about lack of literacy. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Thus. Asians usually have the tendency to agree to all the items. in Karachi.S which is a more developed country. Furthermore. Line spacing: Multiple 1.International Marketing Case on AGT. 12 pt DCCB GFFE PIIH C nt [S18]: Education or lack of exposure? . Respondent biasesA difference in response style due to cultural differences is one factor are one of the factors which will affect analysis due to culture. Having such a culture affects the collection of data as the collection methods used might be limited to mail survey or observation techniques. before deciding on which collection methods to implement. people in Karachi feel that ³it is not considered polite to call someone and start asking question(s). religious regulation concerning gender has affected the collection of data. Lastly.´ Besides that. Asian country respondents tend to have an acquiescence response style compared to the western country respondents that have extreme response style (Chun. 12 pt C nt [S19]: Similar to the point on education? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. researchers can use various collection methods as there are no cultural restrictions. However. such bias errorsbiases due to 6 Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. it is tougher for researchers to collect data from the Karachi respondents as Respondents in Karachi are they are less willing to open up and cooperate with the researchers to provide useful information. Under the acquiescence response style. 1974). and that ensure accurate information is collected in a rightful manner to avoid social backlash. people in Karachi ³have little or no knowledge of market survey.S. aAs stated in the case. let¶s look into how the element of culture affects the analysis. there are the differences in the level of exposureawareness towards survey questionnaire between the Karachi and U. it is important for researchers to take note of the cultural sensitivity before implementing various data collection methods. CComparing with the U.S. Therefore it is important for researchers to take note of the cultural sensitivity before implementing various data collection methods. environment and economic framework have might shaped the culture of Karachi to become more conservative as comparedin comparison to the U. Unlike the U. Inc. In the U. Some of the alternative methods that might be useful to pursue includes implementing the observational research and focus groups can be used some of the feasible methods to overcome the cultural issues. Inc. In addition. 12 pt Formatted: Font: Bold. A better understanding perhaps. Alternative Methods C nt [AS22]: I think bias is a better word. Most importantly. SRRQ VUUT YXXW eddc cultureanalysis may affect the validity of the results obtained.International Marketing Case on AGT. the responses obtained may not be well representing of the entire population. the strength of iFirstly. Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1. Looking into the observation method. Underline Formatted: List Paragraph. However. 12 pt b a` . This might result to in unreliable information. 12 pt C nt [AS25]: Why will they be more open? F r att d: Font: Times New Roman. C nt [AS24]: I still don't see how. Opinions can t be wrong. unlike a survey questionnaire. 2. the observation method is useful for exploratory research. the responses received are of better qualityfiltered through by the research during discussion. I would think motivation is a deeper understandin g. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Observations only records action not motivation. Thus. respondents might have the tendency to conform and might provide responses which do not represent them but rather the group.5" Formatted: Line spacing: Multiple 1.3 li. causing the information to be invalid. Moreover. information collected tends to be more reliable as compared to survey questionnaire. the strength of implementing such a method allows researchers to obtain information from a group of respondents. Next. Taking into consideration cultural differences in countries. and Having a group of respondents will facilitate greater discussion and they will be more willing to open up themselves and respondse to the questions. Survey results such as question 2 and 6b involving ratings of satisfaction should not be compared with results across regions as well due to the above biases. Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Respondents¶ Rresponses might be untrue as they respondents might want to look good and create a good impression in front of others. Moreover. Just inaccurate. rResearchers are able to gain deeper understanding of the respondents through observing their behaviors which are hard to obtain through survey. the weaknesses of conducting a focus group include having response bias and generalizability issue. information attain from the focus group might face external validity issue as the sample of the respondents may not be a good representation of the entire population. 3. This will facilitate discussion. Moreover. there are other various types of methods which a researcher can implement. every coin has 2 sides and the observation method does havebring about some weaknesses. Thus. 12 pt C nt [S26]: In what sense? Formatted: Font: Times New Roman. Certain observations might not be valid unless further experiments or testing is done to enhance its validity. 3. Besides that. looking into the focus group method. there might be chances where the facilitator leading 7 Comment [AS23]: Observations are superficial not deep. data obtained from this method might not be measuring the objectives well enough. Thus.3 li Besides those methods listed in the case. + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0. without manipulating the respondents. However. The greatest weakness is Some of it them includesthe researcher bias where the researcher might include their his own subjective judgments when recording or commenting on their his observations. Line spacing: Multiple 1.25" + Indent at: 0. Implementingimplementing such athe observation method allows researchers to obtain information in the most natural way. (2008). 4. 5 no. K. & Juang. Underline 8 . Matsumoto. pp. 23). must be invested when conducting a focus group. The overall amount of time and money spent here is another downside for conducting a focus group. Therefore. San Franciso: Michele Sordi. vol. (1974).. it is crucial for researchers to invest money in training programs which focus on conducting good focus group.International Marketing Case on AGT.465-480. Extreme response style in cross-cultural. T. the focus group might not be able to ask proper questions and facilitate a discussion well. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology . Formatted: Font: Bold. D. References Chun. Culture and Psychology. In Culture and Psychology (p. L. Inc.
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