IHI Marine Deck Crane

March 30, 2018 | Author: marineindia25 | Category: Crane (Machine), Switch, Wire, Valve, Hydraulics



Search PagesMessrs : TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. Close DECK MACHINERY ( IHI - DECK CRANE ) ( ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT ) FINISHED PLAN Ishikawajima- Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd A 2 Sheets A3 6 Sheets A4 17 Sheets \VORK No. DRAWING No. LIST OF SUBMITTING DIZAWING CRANE TYPE CRANE No. DRAWING NAME H300190- 260 1 1-4 I I FORDECKCRANE SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR OIL. COOLER FAN OUTLINE OF CONTACTOR BOX OUTLINE OF SWITCH BOX OUTLINE OF TRANSFORMER OUTLINE OF SLIPRING F4-12793 F3-9221-D 13 E M ARKS Above drawings will be submitted as follows. 1 . For appmva] ........................... Nos. 1 2 For ...................... Nos. 1 3 . Forfinal docun~elits .................. Nos. 1 . - 5 &7 14 14 14 - .&Ad.? 61 m s i DWG. No. E4-26647-A No. SPECIFICATION OF ELECTRTC EQUIPMENT IHI WORK No. 567.568 6341- 422,531,532,541, MOTOR CONTROL EQUIP. 45 'C AMB. !TILE, REGULATION BV TEMP. MOTOR 'AINT COLOR CONTACTOR&SWITCHBOX OTHER PARTS 'HASE IDENTIFICATION R-U-RED, S-V-WHITE, T-W-BLUE, 45 'C MUNSELL No. N- 6 MUNSELL No. 7.5BG712 I %##++ MAKER'S STANDARD i i M N CIRCUIT LIGHT. & HEAT. CIRCUIT AC 440V MAIN CIRCUIT NTERNAL WIRING IF CONTACTOR BOX AC 440V CONTROL CIRCUIT AC llOV CONTROL CIRCUIT AC lOOV LIGHT. & HEAT. CIRCUIT JAME PLATE j 660V SCP (GRAY) : : : 660V SCP (GRAY) 600V STYLE1015 (GRAY) 660V SCP (GRAY) LETTER : ENGLISH, m , €#WS€ (CAUTION PLATE : ENGLISH, MATERIAL :,ALUMINUM (AlP3) CRANE No. ;HIP SIDE :ABLE FOR )ECK CRANE CABLE KIND GLAND SIZE )ATE DR4\W ,4%, 7L-. ,. / D\VG. No. E4-26523-A :ONTACTOR BOX @ ERANE SOURCE 4C440V,3 @ ,60Hz U.V.W Y.Z.X @ FA-TPY-70X2 ---- 125 KW CONT. ( 285 KW 15%ED) HY~RAULIC U M ~ O T O R P FOR CRANE (THERMOSTAT & SPACE HEATER) TPY DPY MPY DPNP 0.6/lkV, THREE CORE, EP RUBBER INSULATED, PVC SHEATHED CABLE. 0.6/lkV, DOUBLE CORE, EP RUBBER INSULATED, PVC SHEATHED CABLE. 250V, MULTICORE, EP RUBBER INSULATED, PVC SHEATHED CABLE. 0.6/lkV, DOUBLE CORE, EP RUBBER & PCF SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORD. FA-MPY-4 5.5 KW - OIL COOLER FAN MOTOR HOISTING HANDLE INTERLOCK SWITCH SLEWING IUFFING ) ( HOISTING & LUFFING LIMIT SWITCH DIFFERENTIAL 2 " 1. 22 @ FA-MPYP WIRE ROPE SLACK LIMIT SWITCH THERMOSTAT FOR OIL TEMP. SOL-1 SOLENOID VALVE ELECTRIC FAN (CABIN) ROOM HEATER (CABIN) NOMENCLATURE PENDANT LAMP (MACH. ROOM) @ TUMBLER SWITCH RECEPTACLE 43.44 I@ FA-DPY-1.5 DPNP-1.5 FLOAT SWITCH SOLENOID VALVE SOLENOID VALVE FA-MPY-2 t i --.-- - L??~~ow FLUORESCENT LAMP (CABIN) 400W PROJECTOR OF MERCURY-VAPOUR TYPE (RIGHT SlDE OF CABIN) (LEFT SlDE OF CABIN) @ S.R JUNCTION BOX SLIPRING B L BALLAST @ SOL-2 FA-MPY-2 FA-MPY-2 @ SOL-3 -Gii.c~ No. DATE DESCRIPTION DRAWN DESIGNED CHECKED APPROVE SCALE I - FA-MPY-4 hSTPSrM;;;1 SWITCH BOX (CABIN) (START & EM'CY STOP SW.) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM FOR DECK CRANE JOB No. IHI I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I 6341-541,567,568 E3-8705 I IR N . I I DRAWING NO. I' / 2 I I I I I I I I I I I lshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. REMARKS I IN SWITCH aox . : EXTERNAL INSTALLATION 5.6 NFBP 400AF. 350A THE ZITHERS : i N CONTACTOR BOX . . '25KW i O N T (285KW IS%ED) m R A U L l C PUMP MOTOR 55 KW C O W COOLER FAN MOTOR INTERNAL CONNECTION OF MOTOR (IMP) 27 (COOLER FAN) 26 25 2 LUFF. EMCY I 6P WVA I URC I I I 1 I (LIMITING) I I :'ria A ONLOAD HOISTING LUFFING U U L SLEWING DIFFERENTIAL ROPE SLACK 'pu NOTICE SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR DECK CRANE PROJECTION ~ R ANGLE D PROJECTION JOB 22 No. I IHI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD DRAWING No. I -- - ---td-lUIYu Rf3 I I ' Ishikawajima-Harlma Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. % THE SPACE HEATER CAPACITY. SH2, IS SHOWN IN THE OUTLINE DRAWING OF INDUCTION MOTOR. 1. I : EXTERNAL INSTALLATION nnw PROJECTOR OF MERCURY-VAPOUR TYPE (LEFT SIDE OF CABIN) PROJECTOR OF MERCURY-VAPOUR TYPE .-. . .- .- - - .- .... h - - - 42 P-1 6-a g PENDANT LAMP (MACH ROOM) 60W 60W I SPACE HEATER FOR INDUCTION MOTOR (IMP) ELECTRIC FAN (CABIN) ROOM HEATER (CABIN) B D e c /$ bo E-477 DESCRIPTION DRAWN DESffiNED CHECKED APPR3VEI No. DATE SCALE 1ST ANGLE 3RD ANGLE PROJECTION SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR LIGHT. & HEAT. CIRCUIT 22 JOB No. A Nov. 1 '99 E-400 .XZi&y4 .Au n e18 '98 X&A. ~ IHI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD DRAWING NO. F3-I0211 'RN.I / I D ETH , PxoJLc~xo~ PROJECTION CONNECT I ON DIAGRAM FOR DECK CRANE JOB N O (1/2) I IHI I I I 6 3 4 1 - 5 4 1 , 567, 5 6 8 ,I* DRAWING NO E3-8706 1 1/ I I I I I I I 1 Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd I OVER LOAD / I SOURCE 1 NORMAL - BY-PASS SCP-3.5 -;Sd NFBh )---$ - - I D = SPACE HEATER PROJECTOR ROOM L I G H T I El HOUR METER ROOM FAN ROOM HEATER D DECK CRANE NO. I D A T E SCALE DESCRIPTION I D R A W N ~ESIGNE~CHECKED~PFROQ 1ST ANGLE CONNECTION DIAGRAM FOR DECK CRANE JOB NO. (2/2) PRD ANGLE PROJECTION IHI I I I I 6341-541, 567, 5 6 8 I I I I I I I I $ d DRAWING NO. I E3-8706 I' Ishikawajima-HarimaHeavy I n d u s t r i e s C o . , L t d PARTS LIST ( 1 ) 14 NAME /TYPE CRANE No. 1 2 TOTIU ?Ell YESS 4 I NOTE (Use) I MARK (Option) I MAKER 3 I 0 CIRCUIT BREAKER I 0 MAGNETIC CONTACTOR MSO- N25KPSR 9.8Aset, llOV 42F, 51F 0 THERMAL RELAY TH- N22OHZKP I-210Aset (125KW) 185Aset (11OKW) 140Aset (85KW) 4a 1 1 0 ~ 2a2b 110V Sa llOV 4a4b llOV 2a2b lOOV (3WAY LIGHT.) 2a2h llOV (LOAD SELECT) 4a4h 1lOV (COMBI. LIMIT) 170Aset (100KW) 51P MITSUBISHI I 0 AUXILIARY RELAY SR- N4 SR- N4 ! Ads 6Y 6X AUR, A 6ZUL S I X . .4LiD,Z.%Z5. %6.%i, 11 :LU. TtIS . ~\!' . 6 6 9 6 9 6 9 24 36 4 4 MI1'SUBISHI 9 SR- NS SR- NS SR- N4 SR- N4 42P- X BY (AX11 (28, 29) (22, 24) 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 / 1 2/2 2 1 1 2 ' - SR- NS 2 2 I 0 AMMETER ACF- 1 U . 50015.4 PARTS LIST (214) NAME / TYPE CURRENT TRANS. COM- 5. 500/5A COM- 5, 40015A (125 / 110KW) (100 / 85KW) 1 CT TOYOKEIKI CRANE No. I I NOTE (Use) I MARK (Option) I TOTAL PER YESS. 4 MAKER 1 2 3 1 1 1 I4 12 - 1 TOGGLE SWITCH S-331T S-331T S-331T S-332T TRANS. 400VA 440/100. 110 115V Class E DPST 250V,15A DPST 250V 15A (ELEC. WIPER) DPST 250V 15A UIB LIGE~T) DPDT 250V 15A WAY LIGHT) TSI -5 036) (TS7) (TS2) Trl DOWA WORKS 1 1 1 1 4 TIMER RELAY H3DE-G H3DE-S1 E5CN-R2P H3DE-S1 H3DE-F FUSE (FUSE HOLDER) UC- 1 3A (FH3Il) UC- 1 10A (FH30) UC- 1 15A (FH30) UC- 1 15A (FH30) EFI la A lloV, l a A [ 1 T3 19W ETH (T4) (TI) OMRON 1 1 1 1 4 llOV, l c llOV, 3a llOV, l c (LOAD SELECT) ll0V 1c (INC~NG) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 .2 EF3 EF5 - 8 UTSUNOMlYA (YOSHIDA) I 6 . H SOURCE) (JIB LIGHT) I (EF9 . 10) (EF11 . 12) LPB4 LPBG PB I PB2 1 UC- 1 15A (FH30) I I 1 2 FUJI ELEC. 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 PUSH BUTTON SW & ILLUMINATED PUSH BUTTONS AR30EOL- 11H4R AR30FOR- I l G AR30MOR- 11R RED G.3V. 1W GREEN RED S 4 4 SELECTOR SWITCH S- S- 90- B S- S- 90- E \\'ITN KEY No. GA0001 \VTH KEY No. GAU(102 (LOAD SELECT) PB3 T,AKIGEN PB5) 1 1 1 1 / 4 . / 1 1 I D \ \ G No. I E4-26524 PARTS LIST (3/4) NAME / TYPE CRANE No. 1 NOTE (use) I MARK (option) I TOT!\I I'ER YESS 4 MAKER 1 2 3 INDICATING LAMP H=llOV, M=220V RESISTER 100W. 200 R , 140V GG- lO0W SH1 NIHON RESISTER 1 1 1 1 4 MICRO SWITCH 2-15GW2277-B 2-15GW2255-B 2-15GW2255-B 2-15GW2255-B LIMIT SWITCH WL-CA2 WL-CA2 WL-CA2 THERMOSTAT 6954102 (125KW) (COMBI. LIMIT) (LOAD SELECT) L33E1 (HIS-UP2) (L33C) (L33M) OMRON 6984201- A (COMBI. LIMIT) (SLEW. LIMIT) WS33 (S33R, S3'3L) (S33RE. S33LE) OMRON 1 1 1 1 4 2 ~,d 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 OMRON 1 HKP- 5 G981507-A TH FLUORSCENT LAMP I~W211ST 2ON x 1 6981846-A 1 NATIONAL 1 1 1 4 I ( DWG. No. PARTS LIST (414) NAME /TYPE CRANE NO. I I NOTE (Use) 400W X 2 100 115V 6983011-A 400W X 2 200 230V (6983014-A) 400W X 1 100 1151' 6983005-A 003 LIGHT) 60W 100 115V 6984605 60W 200 230V (6984606) I MARK (Option) I 1 4 1 1 TOTAL PER YESS. MAKER 1 2 3 0 BALLAST FOR MERCURY LAMP WH4-RClO5B1- G WH4-RC210Bl- G H4- RC105B1- G - 1 1 1 / 1 1 4 - SHONAN KOSAKUSHO 1 1 1 1 0 PENDANT LAMP PlS2- SAO-90- FEZ6 PlS2- SAO- 90- FEZ6 0 RECEPTACLE KOKOSHA KOKOSHA 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 9 ' 5 / I 1 KOKOSHA ) 1 ) 1 ) 1 ) 1 1 4 ROOM HEATER LKW LKW 1 / I IKW *A*.. I 100 115v 6981012-14 1KW ZOO 230v (bvalul4-A) 1 1 1 1 1 4 . I 1P , < / B ELECTRIC FAN lo0 Q SMALL SWITCH IOUBLE POLE lSWT1 POWER SUPPLY 382K-05024 (ELEC. WIPER) (PSI I%\' 10A/?50\' jA 6981212 1 1 1 1 4 6984803- A KOKOSHA 1 1 1 1 4 B PRESS. SWITCH <igh pressure (LOAD SELECT) (Ps) B HOUR METER . . 4M01138 .-. .. . . g% TITLE Mm%$ D R A W I N G NO. REV OF THR E.F-P Fi-AS. I PROTECTED D R I P PROOF TYPE OUTL I N Eijij d'd'd'M-AAAFiI ~ii~CCCT'iioo~~~6T'ii'ii"~ F. 4 M 0 1 138 I@] 3RD ANGLE PROJECTION MOTOR S. HEATERbTHERMO. 5 GLAND NO. 4 5 6 x 2 NO. 1 5 b CABLE TPY-70x2 L-MPY-4 TERMINAL JIS C 2805R JIS C 2 8 0 5 R v z ' CONNECTION DIAGRAM y $ U*X j W HI n H2 TH1 THzTHI U 1 0 7 0 w E Y m uvw U V W S E C T I O N A-A S E C T I O N B-B i = 'n R I KEYgKEYWAYS J I S 81 301 KEYWAY TOLERANCE N 9 3RD ANGLE P R O J E C T I O N THREE PHASE I N D U C T I O N MOTOR FOR M A R I N E TOTALLY ENCLOSED F A N COOLED SPLASH p p 64. 5 k g R O T A T l ON @284 264 d GLAND No. 20b CABLE TPYC-2.5 (TF'YC-2) TERMINAL J I S C 2805R I 260 17 5 > K E Y L K E Y W A Y S J I S 81 301 KEYWAY TOLERANCE NS tarns+ D R A W I N G N 4 M O 1 1 LC6 ... ... ... ... . .. ... .. . ... .. .. .. ... .. . .. .... . ... .. .. RE PRESENT TO - MARK TABLE NP NFBD CARD PLATE CP-1 SOURCE (CRANE) SOURCE (LIGHT) MOTOR OVER LOAD RUNNING SOURCE ROPE SLACK (LAMP RESET) OIL TEMP. HIGH & LOW LIMITING DIFF. ROPE & LUFF. LOW I IMlT BY-PASS SPACE HETER '1 I NAME PLATE I CIRCUIT BREAKER NFBh I CIRCUIT BREAKER 6 1 AMMETER W E LAMP GREEN LAMP ORANGE LAMP 1 1 I CP2 CP-3 CP-4 CP-5 CP-6 CP-7 CP-8 I PB3 LPB4, TSI-5 I SELECT SWITCH (WITH, KEY) I I CP-9 CP-10 CP-11 CP-12 CP-13 CP-14 CP-15 CP-16 I NFBp 1 ILLUMINATED PUSH BUlTON SWITCH TOGGLE SWITCH I PROJECTOR ROOM LIGHT I LOW OIL LEVEL LUFF. EM'CY LIMIT (I AMP R F S m ROOM FAN ROOM HEATER DPC..IS co No. DATE E-477 DESCRIPTION, , ,&;,& k DRAWN DESIGNED CHECKED APPROVM &'-fg&&i L ! ! . I IST ANGLE 3RD ANGLE PROJECTION OUTLINE OF CONTACTOR BOX A Sep. 26 '95 I June. 9 '98 Jan. 29 '98 Oct . 2 '96 E-320 X.X,dh E-281 X3Adh 3 g,,2y,,zk ' X I JOB No. IHI I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD DRAWING No. F3-9221 /aN// - I I I I I I lshikawaiirna-l-larirna Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. PB1,2 MARK TABLE PUSH BUTTON SWITCH 1 SWITCH BOX I IHI J O B No. NAGOYA WORKS STANDARD NO. 'REV. D.A.INO F4-7773 I I / CONNECTION DRY S E L F -COOLED TRANSFORMER PHASE AND FREQUENCY CAPACITY PRIMARY VOLTAGE SECONDARY VOLTAGE SECONDARY CURRENT RATED LOAD INSULATION CLASS TOTAL WEIGHT 16 50/60Hz 3kVA 440V F115 FllO RlOOV 3OA -- CONTINUOUS RATING B ABOUT 38kg TERMINAL MARK PO 440 *----* FROM COIL SO 100 110 115 IHI DWG No. F4-12853 I COVER 7 CABLE CON. ( # 2 0 ) J L d ANGLE PROJECTIO e CHUn ELE- ..-- C O . L T D . ~FI I I I ,. . , \/TEW , SPECIFICATION $26018 2-EYEBOLTS (YIO) AC440V 3P 300A MASS : + lE(B0DY EARTH) 75kg APPROX. CRANE SIDE SHIP S I D E C A B L E G L A N D FOR S H I P S I D E Cf.SPEC O F E L E C T R I C EQUIPMENT COLOl Us I1 I11 TITLE MATERIAL PUAHT. CUSTOUER CHECK. IIOUARXS ( NUNSELL ) 7. 5BG7/2 "" OUTLINE OF SLIPRING DRAW. IS300S RA-1621 K. T. ;R V SCALE . K. M. ZSIIUATE Ma. DRAW. no. PROOOCI . n : DATE 1 NOT NOV. 30, 2 0 0 0 , STANDARD NICHIDENSHOKO Co. , L TD %as+ BOX No. 1 %a*% s BOX SIZE (mm) REF. MACHINERY EQUIPMENT 500 %T - 58 MASS(kg) 2 x 400 x 200 20 : ( 1 ~ 4 :5 5 SHEETS OF PAPER WITH COVER ) WORK No. 1 APPROVED STANDARD CHECKED 9007 lll<A\VlN<;Nu. 200 -. .. . F4-127413 IHI Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd. Design Dspt., CHIT* WORKS - -- SPARE P A W S 1.1S'l' FOR - USE REMARKS NAME O F PART OUTLINE SPARE VlITSUBISHI MOVABLE CONTACT j- Nl80 ,42P-1,2) ~ith support holdei STATIONARY ZONTACT MTSURlSNI i42Va:, 2 2) ~ i t h head sue Dan MITSUBISHI REACTION SPRING MOVABLE CONTACT STATIONARY CONTACT MITSUBISHI 5.- N95 (61') with pan head s u e CONTACT SPRING MITSUBlSHI S- N95 (61') with spring supgor R4ITSUBISlII 5 - Nil5 ( 61') CbN'I'ROL EQUIPMENT (CONTACTOR BOX) I'EM No. OUTLINE MAGNETIC THERMAL RELAY $ITSUBISHI H- N220HZKP iet at motor rated urrent AANUAL RESET 51P) $ITSUBISHI H- N20KPSK ;et at motor rated THERMAL RELAY AUXILIARY RELAY AUXILIARY RELAY ;R-N4 4a C l l O \ f 60Hz 6X. 6Y ' 6~ AUH AUL: AUS) AUXILIARY RELAY AUXILIARY RELAY I . _ 2 BOX No. - Sl'Al<E I'AX1'S 1.151' FOR - US1. : _ ____ TEM No. NAME OF lJAKT 221 A - A TIMER 1 OMRON 1i:mi- (; ACIIOV, 61Xlz TIME LIMIT KE1,AY 1 GLOBE OF INDICATING LAkW . . A BOX No. 2 SPARE PARTS LIST FOR 'CONTROL EQUIPMENT (CONTACTOR BOX) USE IHI DECK CRANE Z- 15GW2255- B MFR'S NAME ISHII(AWAJIbW- 1-IARIh4.4 HEAVY IND. CO., LTD. DWG KO F4-12746 MFR'S ADDRES OR AGENT'S NAME ISHII(AWAJ1MA-HARlMA HEAVY 1NDUSTIUES CO., LTD. 11- 1, ICITAHAMA-MACHI, CHI1.A-CITY. 478-8650. J/\TJAN Messrs : TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. DECK MACHINERY ( IHI DECK CRANE ) MACHINERY EQUIPMENT FINISHED PLAN CRANE TYPE : H300190- 260 x 4 sets / ship Ishikawaji tries Co., Ltd. " " " i CHECKED BY woR;l""j41,, '' I COVER DRAWING No. C4-18216 CONTENTS 1 I SPECIFICATION OF IHI DECK CRANE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT HULL & CRANE ARRANGEMENT I C4- 16988- B C3- 52665- B C3- 52666-A 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT RUBBER HOSE LIST LIST OF HYDRAULIC PARTS MACHINE ARRANGEMENT JIB BLOCK CABIN ARRANGEMENT HOISTING HANDLE LUFFING & SLEWING HANDLE LINK UNIT COMMON WINCH I I I I F3- 10776- A F4- 12705- E F4- 12899- A F3- 10811 F3- 10557- C F3- 10542- C M- 10715-A F3- 10716- B F4- 12703 F3- 10717- B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOISTING BRAKE HOISTING BRAKE CYLINDER LUFFING BRAKE LUFFING BRAKE CYLINDER ROPE SLACK & GUIDE ROLLER SLEWING GEAR SLEWING BRAKE SLEWING BRAKE CYLINDER SLEWING BRAKE CONTROL VALVE PUMP UNIT WIRE RIGGING & LIMIT SWITCH I I I I 1 I I I I I I M- 10719-A F3- 9471- A F3- 10720-A F3- 10721 I?- 10722 M- 10812- A F3- 10277- C F3- 10461 F3- 10724 M- 10730- C C4- 17442 M- 10725- C M- 10726- B C3- 53146 F4- 12743- A I SHEAVE UMIT LIMIT SWITCH UNIT CARGOBLOCK LIST OF SPARES & TOOLS BLANK INSTRUCTION MANUAL APPROVAL DRAWING OF WWFA SEPARATE VOLUME / F4- 12722- D SEPARATE VOLUME / C3- 53168 EV. No. B I B& I O G R A P H Y CHECK SM DATE B I Rwsu P 2 . P 3 . P.4, P.7 and P ii I ~j.3! n&+iuir*I)LLo? ' I 200 I OUTLINE OF THE SHIP IESSRS (OWNER) (IND OF SHIP :LASSIFICATION SOCIETY BULK CARRIER ITBER APPLIED RULE :HARBOR REGULATIONS) NAVIGATION (LOADING & UNLOAD1NG SAFETY MEASURES) REGULATION 1986-AUSTRALIA. THE TACKLE REGULATION 1961 MADE UNDER THE CANADA SHIPPING ACT. o THE INDIAN DOCK LABOURERS REGULATION 1990. o THE PAKISTAN DOCK LABOURERS REGULATION 1948. ( 14 SHEETS OF PAPER WITH COVER) 6341-422,S%B? SNa SC-030 /031=#%&/ 033 / 035 SPECIFICATION OF IHI D E C K C R A N E H300190-260 X 4 SETS /SHIP IHI Ishikawajima- Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd. Hydraulic machinery design group, Engineering Dept. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS 3. SCOPE OF WORKS 4. SAFETY DEVICE 5. STRUCTURAL PARTS 6. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 7. HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT 8. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT 9. PAINTING 10. INSPECTION AND TEST 11. DISPATCHING OF SUPERVISOR AT ERECTION WORKS 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS . P. 2 o IHI DECK CRANE is especially designed and manufactured for cargo handling productivity,and safety on a general cargo ship, container, bulk and other carriers. o IHI DECK CRANE is the hydraulic pressure type and adopts the level luffing system. o This crane will be designed to be installed on ship's deck and to be protected from wind, rain and wave. o Design and loading conditions Total list on cargo handling : Heel 5 &Trim 2 ' (Including swing angle of cargo) Heel of ship on voyage : Max. 35 ' b> Ambient air temperature for operation : +40 "C - 15 "C Design temperature of electric equipment : f 4 5 "C A Design temperature for classification : -10 "c This crane is not able to hoist slantingly in general. . - o Warranty Warranty period is twelve (12) months from the date of Purchaser's delivery of Vessel or eighteen (18) months from the date of Crane delivery to Purchaser, which ever comes earlier. Warranty is to be limited to undertake to remedy defects resulting from faulty design, materials and manufacturing without defects under mishandling the crane. But warranty is not applied to the parts of consumption (wire rope, hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, brake-lining, lamp, fuse, contactor, piece, etc.) and also to any consequential damage, demurrage and fine which may be suffered by the mane. ) o Unit SI unit and Centigrade ("C ) for temperature are used on submitting documents and name plates. o Name Plates Name plate($ indicating the Manufacturer's name (IHI) will be displayed at suitable position(s) of the Crane. Data plate specified principal particulars of Crane, instruction name plates for operation and electxic equipment are fitted on suitable place. Instruction name plates are written in English. o IS0 metric system is adopted for thread. o Grease nipple is adopted R I B and R3/8 pin type nipple of JIS B- 1575. 2. PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS ( Single Deck Crane ) . I H300190- 260 X 4 sets / ship 30 t 26m ( a t 2 0 ' ) 3.5 m Type of crane X- sets / ship ~oistinj! load Max. slewing radius Min. slewing radius I Max. lift Slewing angle 360 30t X Hoisting speed 18 t 6t Lowering speed Luffing time Slewing speed X X dt. ' Endless 19dmin 24 d m i n 50 d m i n =bt 50 d m i n at rated load 52 s 0.55 rpm t Remarks Electric motor for - - unit pump Electric source Self weight I I 125 kW cont. ( 285 kW 15%ED) AC 440V, 60Hz, 3Phases approx. 40 t I 1. Over load test Rated load Test load Exceeding 20 t but not exceeding 50 t 1 1Aratedhd I /\ Rated load +5t I 1fio /\ ratedhd I 2. Rated speed is shown at 50 cSt. in viscosity of hydraulic oil. 50 % ) . (Oil temperature : abt. 40 'C - Slewing speed is shown at 3 with the rated load. * list of ship. 3. Three ( 3 ) motions (Hoisting, Luffing and Slewing) can be operated at the same 'time The grab capacity shall be decided to satisfy the following formula. SAFE WORKING LOAD : 0.8 X 30t 2 v X Vb f Wb where Wb : Self weight of grab ( t ) Vb : Grab capacity ( m3) y : Apparent density of handling material ( t/m3) \ i , P. 4 CHARACTERISTIC CURVE OF HOISTING ( Sinale deck crane 1 Notice 1. 0mark shows described speed in specification. 2. Max. speed at each step to be obtained at full stroke of control handle. 3. Speed at each step can be selected from zero to max. by controlling the handle. 3. SCOPE OF WORKS 1. The following items are included in the Manufacturer's works. o Design and manufacture of Deck Crane ( s ) . o Crane fitting anchor bolts and washers. o Spare parts and accessories. o Painting works. o Test run and performance test at shop. o Inspection by manufacturer's inspector. o Packing and freight ( F.O.B. IHI AICHI WORKS ) . o Dispatching of supervisor at erection works and on-board test ( one person ) ( This item shall depend on "Contract". ) .:C i '. o Approval of class and regulation ( AWWF ) .. k.\ o Piping works and flashing for hydraulic system 2. The following items are excluded from the Manufacturer's works. o Foundation post ( s ) works for Crane ( s ) . ( Including a fitting stand of slipring ) o Platform ( s ) around crane with foundation post ( s ) . o Jib rest stand ( s ) and lashing piece for jib. o Lashing piece ( s ) of hook or shackle. o Electric soorce works and wirings between source of ship and stationary side of slipring. o Fitting works of slipring. (Packing of crane and slipring are separated, so slipring should be connected under crane base by shipbuilder) . o Erection works at on-board. o Lighting in the crane post. o Expense for test running and adjusting at on-board. o On-board test. o Hydraulic oil and lubricating oil for closed gear. (Crane is delivered after this oil is charged at our shop, so the necessary oil recommended by IHI should be sent to IHI by the appointed date) . o Supply of paints. o Touch-up painting. 4. SAFETY DEVICE I The following safety devices are provided for the motions listed below. When the safety device ( s ) is actuated, the hydraulic and/or electric motor is stopped. o Hydraulic safety valves : Each safety valve protects the pumps as well as hoisting, luffing and slewing motors from over load. o Hoisting limit : Upper and lower limit of hoist motion. o Luffing limit* : Max. and Min. jib angle and jib lower position. o Differential limit : Distance limit between cargo block and jib top. o Rope slack detector : For hoisting wire rope only. o Thermostat : Max.70 "C & Min. 5 "C of oil temp. o Starter interlock : Handle neutral position at starting. o Float switch : Low level of hyd. tank. o Emergency stop : All motions are stopped in case of emergency. Note * Jib is lowered rest position by the select switch with key no load. (by-pass key) under 5. STRUCTURAL PARTS . Major structural parts will be tightly composed of steel plates in accordance with classification's rule and auxiliary parts will be made of JIS steels. Each section of structure is designed to consider with impact load, horizontal load and loading frequency. o Jib The jib is box type that is constructed with the welded steel plates and mounted with the hoisting and lufling sheaves on the top of it. The jib is fitted to the crane housing by jib bearing unit Bearings of jib pivot are used of Self-aligning roller bearings. Jib angle pointer of gravity type is fitted on jib. o Crane Housing In the crane housing, machinery equipment, hydraulic equipment and electric equipment are installed. The crane housing to be constructed with the welded steel plates, and hoisting, luffing and slewing devices are mounted in the housing. Operator's cab and front door are fitted on the crane housing. L & The air filter is installed in the ventilating duct of the air inlet side. o Operator's Cab Operator's cab is located at front side of the crane housing so that the operator cad look out over the loading conditions easily. The cab is waterproof type and reinforced glass is used for the window. Control handles, control box, contactor box, electric fan, room heater, fire extinguisher, manual type wiper and sun screen are arranged in it. 6. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT . o Hoisting and Luffing Device Hoisting and Luffing devices laid on common frame are installed in the crane housing. These wire drums are driven by each hydraulic motor. * Hydro-Mechanical brakes are provided on each brake drum and are operated by hydraulic pressure automatically in connection with the operating handles. The drums of welded steel plates have a groove for wire rope. Manual release device of brake is provided on hoisting device for emergency ( e.g. electric power failure ) . o Slewing Device Slewing Device ( s ) is installed on the crane housing floor. The pinion which engages with the gear of slewing-bearing is driven by hydraulic motor via reduction gear. Slewing-bearing ( s ) is made of ball or roller bearing with enough carrying capacity and life. * Hydro-mechanical brake is provided on the hydraulic motor. o Pump Unit The pump is coupled with electric motor directly without reduction gear. * Note : The asbestos is not used for the brake lining and gasket for piping. o Wire Rope The following wire ropes will be used. Having been taking into consideration breaking strength, a safety factor of wire rope shall satisfy the Rules or regulations. For Hoisting Construction Non-rotating type For Luffing JIS No. 18 4 Strands Galvanization Rope end 6 X Fi(29) Special Galvanization One : Wire Socket Dead- eye thimble Other : Seizing One : Wire Socket Dead- eye thimble Other : Seizing Wire specification is described in "Wire Rigging and Limit Switch drawing which shall be submitted for the Works and Finished Plan. 1 o Loose Gear The loose gear, hook and shackle have the enough strength to hoist the rated load. It is possible to rotate the eye hook by hand easily. Loose gear type BB+SB+C Hook 7. HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT o Hydraulic Parts . Hydraulic motors and the accessories produced by IHI are used. The pumps and motors are vane and constant volume type. i The air filter is installed in the air breather of oil tank. d o Hydraulic Circuit Semi-closed and two ( 2 ) parallel pipings system will be adopted into hydraulic circuit (one is used for hoisting, another is used luffing and slewing) . The air type cooler is provided in the hydraulic system, so as to keep the oil temperature moderate. o Controller Hoisting, Luffing and Slewing motions are operated by each controller in the operator's cab. Location For Hoisting For Luffing and Slewing Right hand side Handle Type Single, Vertical Universal, Vertical L f band side et 8. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT . o Electric Source Electric source from ship to crane is transmitted as follows : Main power circuit : AC 440V, 60Hz, 3 Phase (Lighting, space heater circuit ( AC 100V, 60Hz) and control circuit ( AC llOV, 60Hz ) are transformed from AC 440V by the transformer in crane.) o Electric Motors Electric Motors are specially designed for crane service that high degree of efficiency and durability can be expected. Electric motor for hydraulic pump. Three ( 3 ) phases induction motor for marine and Special squirrel cage rotor type. Horizontal type, Drip Proof type, Insulation class "F",Self ventilation type. Starting method : Electro-Magnetic Star-Delta system Space heater is provided to prevent the motor from humidity during crane stops. Electric motor for cooler. Three ( 3 ) phases induction motor for marine and Squirrel cage rotor type. Horizontal and flange type, Totally enclosed fan cooled type, Insulation class "B. It is started and stopped by temperature of hydraulic oil automatically. Lighting and other device Item Cargo light Ceiling light Ceiling light Room heater Electric fan Receptacle Description Location I I I I Mercury-vapour lamp 400W X 2 Fluorescent lamp 20w X 1 Pendent lamp 60W X 2 1kW X Dia : In front of the housing In the cab In the machinery room I I I 1 In the cab In the cab In the machinery room 6 300mm X 1 250V, 15A X 1 9. PAINTING Before painting, all the surface are thoroughly cleaned except the machineq finished parts. The finished parts are covered with anticorrosive oil. o Structural parts and Mechanical equipment. + Under Coating Crane housing Jib ( Out side) Modified epoxy ( BISCON HB NT L ) 100 .o m X 1 coat Operator's cab ( In side ) Conventional oleoresinous primer 35 , m X 2 coats o Mechanical parts Munsell Notation I Finish Coating Munsell Notation International Chlorinated rubber finish paint ( RAVAX FINISH ) 35 .o m X 1 coat J-724 (French Gray) 2.s- 911 Conventional oleoresinous finish paint 30 .o m X 1 coat ( Grey) o Electric equipment Painting of electric equipment will be in accordance with standard color for marine of 'JEW (Japan Electric Machine Industry Association). Remarks I Outsiddnside 1 7.5 BG 7/2* I (Blue Green) I * Outside color of electric motor will be of same color as mechanical parts. 10. INSPECTION AND TEST o Inspection After finishing the manufacture of crane, temporary assembly shall be done to check each parts by Manufacturer's inspector. It will be ascertained whether the driving mechanical parts can be driven well. o Shop test All sets of crane will be tested on the horizontal bench in the presence of Classification's surveyor and Manufacturer's inspector in accordance with the manufacturer's test schedule as follow. T h e test record for all sets of crane will be submitted to the customer. About the typical one set of crane per ship, following tests will be carried out in case that the customer attends the shop test. Performance test Hoisting, Luffing and Slewing at Rated and Over Load Confirm of Emergency stop Hoisting, L&g Co& and Slewing at Rated Load of Brake manual release Hoisting brake ( a t Rated Load ) Confirm of Limit Switch ( at No Load ) Hoisting upper, L a n g upper and Lower, Differential limit, Rope slack detector. Measurement of insulation resistance. The insulation resistance will be measured between charging electrical parts ( Main circuit, Electric motor, Control circuit and Lighting circuit ) and the earth. o On-Board Test A T h e on-board test will be carried out by shipbuilder in the presence of Classification's inspector and Ship's owner. On-board test schedule and test-load with rope shall h e prepared by shipbuilder. 11. DISPATCHING OF SUPERVISOR AT ERECTION ON THE VESSEL (This item shall depend on "Contract". ) Supervisor ( s ) will be dispatched only for the followings. Guidance of erection on-board. Adjustment of limit switches. Witness a t on-board test run. Confirmation of adjustment of center line after setting of slipring. WIPE RIGGING \ H O I S T I N G DRUM PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS t HOISTING UPPER LOCUS HOISTING LOAD HOISTING SPEED (LOAD x SPEED) LOWERING SPEED LUFFING TIME SLEWING SPEED SLEWING RADIUS ELECTRIC MOTOR (AC440V. 60Hz. 3 4 SELF WEIGHT / / 30 t AT30t x 19 m/mm I x ABT.24 6 x ABT.50 50 m / m m [AT RATE0 LOAOl 52 s 0 . 5 5 rprn 3 .!jrn 2Eim - 125kW CONT. (285kW 15%ED) ABT .40 t NOTICE 1.WARRANTY OF GRAB BUCKET I S TO BE OF GRAB MAKER. 2.THE GRAB CAPACITY SHALL BE OECIOEO TO S4TISFY THE FOLLOWING FORMULA. SAFE WORKING LOAD : 0 . 0 x 3 0 t L r x Vb + W b WHERE W : SELF WEIGHT OF GRAB ( t l b Vb : G R m CAPACITY (031 r : APPARENT DENSITY OF HANDLING MATERIAL(t/rnsl MAX.SLEWING RADIUS 26000 \ B IOOC2l2w1 R8ErCL IW.27.2wl A SEP.M,M01 ABT ,2365 1 I mx0.71 I S T ANGLE PROJECTION --"-SPdl F NO. I I N.T DESCRIPTION ~&- @ M4 ,‘. m ' , DATE I ORAWN E.U~ Y.K I J.I OESIGNDCECKEDIAPPROY I H I MARK, DECK CRANE 1 22 TYPE IHI (LADDER) H300190-260 TYPE INTERNAL ACCESS TYPE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT m NO. 6341-422,541,567 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP WWING NO. '3-52665 ;w. , B , r- 1 Ishikawajim-tbrima Wavy Industries Co..Ltd. .?> .: '-., B 1.7 I DIMENSION TABLE LC.. . .;=. L 26.0 UNIT : m CRANE No. 1 2 - CRANE TYPE A 16.297 15.95 C 15.647 - . + D E F 32.26 G 10.0 9.45 H 36.0 -r- H300190-260 1 0.65 1 17.997 17.65 ' J 0.400 K 0.5 3.5 M i 27.82 1 1 N 5.007 0 P Q R S l T X" 20 Yo .. . . .- -3.3 3 4 '$ -1.2 JIB REST ANMT No.4 No.3 No2 No.1 CRANE MANUFACTURING No. TABLE RANE N / IHI'S J O B NO. 1 MAR.27 2000 NO. DATE SCALE / - N. T DESCRIPTION J. A . . 1 DRAWN/ DESIGNED^ CHEMD IAPPROM I H i MARK I 1ST ANGLE DECK CRANE 1 HULL & CRANE ARRANGEMENT PROJECTION --u ,,". 1 0202 IHI 1 1 1 1 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP DRAWING No. 6341- 422, 531, 532, 541, 567, 568 ' R". 3, C3-52666 A / l l l t l l l HOISTING MOTOR . EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS NAME RESISTANCE SENSOR REMARKS I OIL COOLER I 80A AIR COOLED OIL COOLER [FILTRATION RATING :46&m 1 STOP VALVE - MAIN LINE FILTER PRESSURE LlNE RETURN LINE AUXILIARY LlNE I DRAIN LINE I I RUBBER HOSE NO. I I FLOAT SWITCH I II MATERIAL OF PIPING LINE I PRESSURE LlNE RETURN & DRAIN LlNE I I MATERIAL JIS-STPT370 CARBON STEEL PIPES FOR HlGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE. - -. JIS-SGP CARBON STEEL PIPES TYPE OF RUBBER HOSE LINE I TYPE 'W LUFFING BRAKE I I PRESSURE LINE t--G%- ,Ck$ls APPROVED TYPE I (BRAKE UNE MILY) 1 1 MATERIAL I A RETURN & DRAIN LINE MANLFACTJRED BY YOXOHAMA AEROQJIP CO. APu.2; 2002 a m ,/...:,., -5*! ,: F:t0i9 NO. CAE DATE , , $LTI . ~ 3 - 1 0 7 1 2 b P ~ ~ f O - k 3 % B t l ) f i 4 8 i Z t ~ c 7 rT l)E DESCRlPTlON DRAW Y.K Y.K J.1 M,N CHECKED *PPRC OESUlEO ,I , I I H I MARK Il DECK CRANE 1 I 1ST ANGLE PROJEC~ON 3RD ANUE PROJEC~~ SINGLE CRANE H Y D R A U L I C CIRCUIT W NO d (HVN) SPEC I AL H I G H SPEE[ n3n7VLUJ- 2 2 TYPE 7 HWRAUUC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP STANDARD F3- 10776 Ish~kawoyma-Hanma Heavy lndustr~es Co..Ltd. - DRAWNG NO jRY I1 r ~n ~ 31BLIOGRAPHY MAY 16. ' 0 0 J A Yk JLlN.08. '00 J A Y K A I D c - - ~ ? ~U%Tl Elm-110s E ~ E . u N . ~IOC-1111 IC P U G I 6 . '00 J.A 7 . K FFB.01. 'Dl E.U~+.,IJ~DC-II~E. I - ~ E ~ N T I E I o -. ,. I ~ ~ c11.1 Y.K AFRO9 '01 f! ~q.. !i$ I 1.SPECIFICATION OF ..... .................................. EXPANSIGN JOINT ......... .NAME : EXPANSION JOINT h (LOOSE FLANGE TYPE) .WORKING PRESSURE : 0 . 9 8 MPa ,FLANGE : 65A J I S 10k 2 SPECIFICATION OF ......................... .. .. SMALL SIZE HOSE ......... .NAME : HIGH PRESSURE I-iOSE ( J I S -k 6349) SYMBOL : WP21O/WP175/WP70/WP35 .WORKING PRESSURE : 2 0 . 6 / 1 7 . 2 / 6 . 9 / 3 . 4 MPa MPa .SORGE PRESSURE : 3 0 . 9 / 2 5 . 8 / 1 0 . 3 / 5 . 1 ,COUPLING : FEMALE UNION (BOTH SIDE) ADAPTERS 3 ..PIPE FITTINGS ,ELBOW EL a ---& . . ~, .. .BUSHING .'.', '. b a BU axb . ! LENGTH = L -9 (HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT : F3-10712) USED POSITION ADAPTERS . --- - .-. --1 5 AUX . PUMP (21 RETURN t l ~ ~ 3 25A 1 5 -% I 6 HOE^ .MOTOR DRAIN 17 LUFF.MOTOR DRAIN .. . . .. .. . 8 1 - . NOTE) THE HOSE OF SYMBOL WP70 CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF WP35 OF 9A O LESS SIZE. R APR .10 NO. EALE 2000 . . . . . DATE '4% ..... .... .... :c , ; : ?k7 ?. OESCRIPTION ............ - N.T E.U I Y.K L A OR A w N ,DESIGNE~CHECKED;APPROVED I H I MARKa DECK CRANE ..... ..... --.......... .............. 1 I 1 I I 21N, 22 TYPE SPECIAL HIGH SPEED TYPE PROJECTION 1ST ANGLE .... ... ... ~30~-26" HYDRAULIC PIPING PROJECTION 3RO ANGLE RUBBER HOSE L I S T JOB NO Ii 5300-00 IH1 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY L E X G N GROUP DRAWING NO. STANDARD F4- 12705 RP. Ishikawajiaa-Harima Heavy Industries Crj..Ltd. NO. 2 3 4 5 6 1 PARTS NAME TYPE .OR MODEL NO. DWG. NO. CODE NO. MAKER REMARKS FOR H O I S T I N G HYDRAULIC MOTOR F2-8095 HYDRAULIC CONTROL FOR L U F F I N G / DC-LA-GM (5161112) I IHI 1 IHI 1 IHI 1 NISHISHIBA SUM ITOM0 FOR SLEWING FOR H O I S T I N G FOR L U F F I N G (5161332) FOR SLEWING FOR H O I S T lNG 7 8 9 10 11 O I L COOLER O I L FILTER 545-21 V8OA HYDRAULIC PUMP F4-12757-A FOR L U F F I N G & SLEWIN( D R I P PROOF TYPE " F " CLASS F1-6403-B 69714248 6965000E F1-0074-B F1-0074-B BRAKE CONTROL VALVE 12 - W l T H CYLINDER BRAKE CONTROL VALVE 13 - W l T H CYLINDER 14 - ( IHI IHI FOR H O I S T I N G FOR L U F F I N G FOR SLEWING / BRAKE CONTROL VALVE 51-9-2 SOLENOID CONTROLLED R Y 2 3 3 3 1 5 R E L I E F VALVE -09-W21-A1 SOLENOID CONTROLLED R 5 V 1 2 - 3 9 3 - 3 2 16 -09-W21 -A1 - R E L I E F VALVE SOLENOID CONTROLLED R 5 V 0 8 - 5 9 3 - 3 2 17 -09-W21 - A t - 0 0 8 - R E L I E F VALVE COOLER BYPASS VALVE F3-10797-A 18 50A - (CHECK VALVE) 50A-3s F3-10654 1 9 CHECK VALVE - 1 DEN ISON I DEN ISON I DEN 1SON I IHI 1 IHI FOR O I L SUPPLY 20 21 22 23 - CHECK VALVE BUTTERFLY VALVE GATE VALVE O I L TANK I C20R-1 0-05 1 1O K - 6 5 IIOK-ZOA ITYPE2 2 ) ( F3-10889 IHI W l T H A I R BREATHER NOTE X u t t h e drawinu o f t h i s l i s t P I ease s e e a n o t h k r d r a w i n g '.HYDRAULIC C I R C U I T " (DWG. NO. F3-10776) ,/ ,*-' JUN. 4 2002 No. DATE A A MAY 17 ' 02 '.. &I,; i t ,+, , 4 , S" DESCRIPTION DRAWN DESIGNED CHECKED APPRO SCALE - 1 I I H I MARK ll DECK CRANE 1 1 22 TYPE 1 ST ANGLE PROJECTION l H 3 0 0 1 9 0 - 2 4 0 ( 3 0 ) / ~ 3 0 0 190-2601 3RD ANGLE 'ROJECTION LIST OF HYDRAULIC PARTS JOB No. IHI HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP STANDARD DRAWING No. F4-12899 iRrX/: Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. O I L TANK . VENTILATII ++%Ti \ Material of Main Structures : 32K High Tensile Class Steel LIFTING PIECE SWL INDICATION (PAINTING) , ,. - i.\iEIGHT=aET.g.s TON ROLLER EELRING #23140 . . -. - .~.. ~ .. .. . -. GREASE NIPP!.-E (PIN1 /" JIB BEARING DETAIL H l/Ei 1 1: 25 1ST ANGLE PRMCTION 3RD ANGLEPROACTION 1 IHI I MARK lr DECK CRANE(I 2 1 N TYPE SINGLE CRANE CABIN ARRANGEMENT *" .," I 1 0109- 1 I 2 I 3 4 1 5 M M ! FARTICUARS 6 0 TY A2 REMARKS C SUPER HIGH SPEED M Y F2-80511 DETAIL B (S=I: 1) A JAN. 18 U(CBREV. UPcld 2001 APR .03 2000 NO. DATE SCAl F ~ $ 2 ~ ~ gQJ 8 . H.N Y.K , J . A - ~n 3 7 1 DESCRIPTION DRAWN O O I W DECKED lPPROYm IHI MARK^ DECK CRANE ( I 21N TYPE I SECTION A-A 1ST ANGLE PROJECTION ANGLE PROJECTION . . 3RO HOISTING HANDLE U N I T ASSEMBLY HYmUIc i m ww 1 J B NO O 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I J I STANDARD REV F3-10715 I A , 01 Ishlkawa] ~maf-larlma Heavy Industries Coe L t d r DETAIl 15-1: 11 C DETAIl IS-1: 11 F 1WEAS€ : POINT \ , (C11 : . , ~ # -*mrm# xo.5 - IHI M I(XM CFW\E LfX 21N TYPE F1-6394-0 UNIVERSAL HANDLE UNIT ASSEMBLY I MOTOR S I D E 1 TABLE OF GEARED CABLE HANDLE S I D E / CODE N O . 1 DWG N O . 1 / I H O I S T I N G 16963700 1 F2-5057 6963700 1 ~ 2 - 5 0 5 7 3oT L U F F I N G 6963700 1 ~ 2 - 5 0 5 7 SLEWING L cmm) I 3200 3200 3400 MAR. 2 9 . I 2000 DATE DESCRIPTION W. iCALE - OUT IHI ~~ MARK1 DECK CRANE 3oT TYPE ~ ~ 1 f .-. 2 1 N TYPE 3oT: F3-10636 CTION ~&wtxk~ .~ 3RD ANGLE PAOJECTION I L I N K IJNIT JOB NO ' ! I IH1 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP STANDARD :REV. I F4-12703 : I Ishikawaj im-Harima Heavy Industries Co ..L t d . DRAWING NO 12 DETAIL @ DETAIL 61 @? MARK*: TIGHTENING T W U E WUbM T E SURFACE OF SCREW AND WASHER SHALL BE COATED WITH A MOLYBDENM D I S U L F I M . W S . RTc€ll3-ttltbT#Hn;t. It: GREASE POINT I-iYlo "n F I I H I HARK* DECK CRANE ( 21N TYPE IJISB 8) ! I i ! Ishikaaji.a+kri~ Heavy Industries Co..Ltd. PARTICULARS - NOTICF -. a- T h e brake lining (@j@&ho e ch-naed when i t s wear i s us t o 40% o f t h e o r i g i n a l t h i c k n e s s ( m i n . t h i c k n e s s 3 . 5 mm) . % ? . T h e L n k ~ a r t S h a l l be coated w i t h areas? s 0 -- I H I MARK1 DECK CRANE . - 225-ti BAND B R A K E / I 21N TYPE !NIT ASSEMBLY -- , F2-80E17-A PARTICULARS A WORKING HYD. PRESSURE 2.45MPa (25kgf/cm2) SYMBOL M. I SCALE 1 1995 ME .-- Y.K OESCRI~IO~ J.A 1 DRAWN C F S I G H O I M W Im 1:2 I H I MARKII DECK CRANE 95 TYPE PARTICULARS ~- .RATED - BRAKING --- TORQUE -. --- OPENING HYD.PRESSURE DRAIN wben i--wear ./ (MAX.STAOKE1 rk~llsi' STRORK: 35-40) ..0 /5 .thickness X -~ . T ~ X is LE t o 40% o f t h e o r i s i n a l h i n . t h i c k n e s s 3.5 rnrn) . . ~ ~ c o . & ~ 75-L BAND BRAKE PR~ECTIW 3RD ANGLE UNIT ASSEMRLY JOB Ni). XI H 4 - F2-8038-1? HYLNAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP T r h i b 7 u - i i-7-U-ni-7 .....___....-.---_-.---.--..7.-. STANDARD rn l OReWiNG &-....I bn, F3-10720 Tn,,l.r+.\inr + , ;T$C? ~ 1 1 1 1 : I1 FOR PORT PARTICULARS WORKING HYO. PRESSURE 2.45MPa (25kg f /cm7 SYMBOL APR.04 2000 .M. a i ~ ~ I CESCRIPTIO~ IORAWN ~ O E S I ~ ~ M C K E D I ~ P R ~ D I ?r.JL.d& 21N TYPE F2-R037 1 1 :- - 1 2 SCALE IHI MARK, DECK CRANE I 1 I T C 3. 0 - ... - -..HYDRAULIC --. - -. .... . 5- A . . . . . . CYLINDER . &T~,L,: UNIT ASSEMBLY 1 ( 1 2 W IMETHOO OF ADJUSTMENT1 I ADJUST TO REGULAR FORCE(1177Nf50N)' AS SHOWN AFTER ASSEMBLY. I 1amt. - I I I I, GuIn W L E R PIPE i i ! ,,-CC.5 1 1177Ni50N 4120kgif5kgf) 1PR.04 m c N. ) OE L .......-..-..--. mSm3PllDI -..... . --21N TYPE . PVE :: 5 ., I H I MARK1 DECK CRANE ............ . ROPE ?.LACK S GUIDE WLLER . U N I T ASSEMBLY F 1-F3H7-A IHI I HYGIUULIC HACHIKAY STANDARD F3-10722 I MARK PARTICULARS 6 Q'TY REMARKS I 0 1 HC215C HYO CYLINOE 0 2 DRUM BASE 0 3 DRUM 1 630 Rc1/2 ORAI;;\ _ _ 50 .( M A X . STROKE) -, -,- A (1: 1) ADJUST 'STROKE: 35-401 NOTICE X I Thn b r a k e I l n l n Q @@should be chansed' . , when i t s wear is uo t o 40% o f t h e o r l s l n a l s i m m . t h l c k w s s 3.5 rnrnl . %?.The llnk o a r t s S h a l l be c o a t e d w i t h a r e a s e I I H I MARK1 DECK CRANE 65 TYPF 3RD ANGLE AKMCTIM~ 1 F2-7826-D I SLEWING BRAKE JOB NO HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP STANDARD mW'" F3-10277 ,/REV. 2 0 Ishikawajim-Harima Heavy I n d u s t r i e s Co.. Ltd. , I 02-llG1 PINION . I I/ 103-11 G ~ P GEAR +%-I 14/ 22MR I 08-1 P-SHAFT A 4 3 / 1 22MR 24MR CRANE TYPE GEAR RATIO SLEWING RING N o . OF TEETH MODULE PINION N o . OF TEETH PRESS ANGLE ADO. MMIEFICATION COFF FACE WIDTH DRAWING No. GREASE NIPPLE PT3./8 (PIN TYPE) A DEC.ig IiMREV.UPc.LlJ&Eta 2001 hW l0,M 7.K H' Y .K . J . A. DRAWN DESIGHO aECkE0 W O RM w: GREASE M DATE OESCRIPTIW POINT *ALE I 3 : I H I MARK1 DECK CRANE H30T TYPE 22 TYPE l Lc a & !% I &%%K I Ixm SLEWING GEAR HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP 1 7 -1 Ishikawajimvtbrim Heavy Industries Co.. Ltd. wwlffi *l. (, I""- 1 I STANDARD, F3-10812 I",". , . i U 1 I , i j ; . d .d (15i (05, V' '.J 1 - / . R C 1/2 . DRAIN PORT INON PRESS. SIDE] 'E' - PARTICULARS INLET (POAT-P) M A X . 4.9MPa (50kgf/cm2) IHI M A R K l l DECK C R A N E / 21 TY:~E . . . ;I ~-~ . HC215C TYPE _ .- I A 4 B-B SYMBOL 1 .__I 1: 1 I H I MARK, DECK CRANE ~ .. . .~ - - -- /1 . . .. . ... . . . ~ SLEWING BRAKE CONTROL VALVE UNIT IHI m NO HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP rrh.lr-.u-r---.-U----- STANDARD F3--10724 r,, I +d ORAW'NG NO Lh-srxa 1 F€v 22 Tnrllar+mnr 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 MARK I PARTICULARS 6 O'TY REMARKS DET. B IS=1 : 3 ) VIEW A I r: GREASE POINT SCALE 1: 10 "n 7 3RD ANGLE PRaECTIDN 1 I H I MARK1 DECK CRANE H 3 0 TGEC+TGEC PUMP U N I T U N I T ASSEMBLY I 21N TYPE F2-8059-0 @ #$ +$ /'HI I HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP mw~m NO. F 3 - 1 0 7 3 0 : hn, Ishikawaj ima-tiarima Heavy Industries Co ., Ltd. I I &a NO. STANDARD t - , 122 Messrs : TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. DECK MACHINERY MACHINERY ( IHI DECK CRANE ) EQUIPMENT WIRE RIGGING & LIMIT SWITCH - settmy, Method - CRANE TYPE : H300190-260 x 4 sets /ship zg--1 IHI Ishikawajima- Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. COVER- 1 CONTENTS 1. 2. SPECIFICATION OF WIRE ROPE METHOD OF WIRE RIGGING LIMIT SWITCH BOX 3. .- - - - 2 .......- 5 ... .. . . - 6 Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Cq- 17452 I . WIRE ROPE (~300190-260) 1-1. SPEClFlCATlON OF WIRE ROPE I CONSTRUCTION LAYING GALVANIZATION ROPE-DIA. BREAKWGLOAD LENGTH HOISTING WtRE ROPE 1 LUFFING WIRE ROPE JIS, No.18 Filler 6 x Fi(29) IWRC B Class Regular Z lay Special galvanizatiou UNI ROPE U4 x SeS(48) Regular Z lay Special galvanization I 1 I ONE 6 33.5 mm 808 !di (42.4 ton) 253.3 m : Dead eye thimble I I I ONE 6 26 mm 457 kN (46.6 ton) 203.4 m : Dead eye thimble WIRE END OTHER : Seizing OTHER : Seizing I Remarks 1. Each wire ropes on drum should be arranged in accordance with working zone in the drawing "HULL & CRANE ARRANGEMENT a s follows diagram. 2. Seizing end of wire ropes are to be fitted on the dmm certainly. 1-2. EFFECTIVE WINDING OF DRUM HOISTING DRUM LUFFING DRUM TIGHTENING TORQUE 382N.m M24 i *I(No. wjnds?: 1 :2.O (No. 2 : 2 5 wlnds) (No. 3. 4 : 2 . 6 winds)-i \ 83jNo. 1 No. 2 \ : 28 :2.3 winds)\ winds) winds) i ! A2(30. 5 w i n d s ) -*3,4:2.2 \ /r3(1. 0 w i n d s ) WINDING OF LUFFING Jib angle Winding - 5" -20" 9.8 20 " abt. 82 " I 20.7 Note *l : Fixed end *2 : Effective winding *3 : Rest groove (Clear space) I - Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. C4- [Tii.' ITEM DATE N A M CAREER a b o u t 70 A 6 x 1 9 o r 6x24 G/O G o r G r a d e 6-Bmm WELDING I L~0.5" on SHINKOCLAMP $ % P a i n t NOX-RUST 366-30 on o u t w a r d s u r - SEIZING / 1 A about 90 / 6-Bmm WELDING -I- 6x19 o r 6x24 G/O G or G r a d e I % P a i n t NOX-RUST 366-30 on 2. WIRE RIGGING (H300190-260) METHOD OF WlRE RIGGING Wire rigging is shown as follows . 1. Before rigging hoisting and luffing wires are to he untwist 2. Rigging works may be carried out easily by marking use of messenger (wire). DETAIL OF DEAD-EYE THIMBLE FITTING DEAD-EYE THIMBLE SHALL BE FITTED AS SHOWN. - WIRE END PIN , KEY PLATE / ' I 1 ANTI-ROTATING (WIRE END) 710(34) D. SHEAVE END PLATE 1 WlRE END PIN & KEY PLATE I HOUSING TOP SHEAVES I HOISTING WIRE ROPE / LUFFING DRUM MOVING SHEAVE /' Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. c+-(l*-: 3. LIMIT SWITCH BOX MICRO SWITCH SElTING A (UNIT : mm) B 3 2 C 83 8 7 D 4 9 4 5 E 1 7 2 1 7 2 CRANE TYPE No. 1 CRANE No. 2 1 3 2 13 2 - 4 CRANE 3 2 Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Lq- ! 7 4 . ', A BEARING CODE 6973001 (#23022) d --- --SINGLE ~ 7 . ... .- - T SHEAVE - 620 (26) 620 95 @WG No 120 173.1 / ~ 3 - 9 2 2 7 - D 3 1 4 1210.2/ F3-9230-D 8 . - i T.M. (kg) I ~- DOUBLE SHEAVE 'TRIPLE SHEAVE . A 620 (26H) 710 (34H) 760 (38H) BEARING CODE 697300 1 (#23022) 6973002 (#23026) 9412130 (#23030) 95 115 135 620 710 760 B 120 134 142 SINGLE SHEAVE D G No. W T , M (kg) 7 3 . 1 F3-9228-@ 116.9 F3-10585-C 160.4 F3-9511-D DOUBLE SHEAVE B / T.M.(kg) I D G No . W 2 1 7 141.6 ' ~ 3 - 1 0 5 9 1 - 8 2 4 5 228.4 F3-10586-B 2 6 1 314.2F3-10593-A TRIPLE SHEAVE B D G No. W T.M. (kg) 3 1 4 210.2 F 3 - 1 0 5 9 2 - 8 3 5 6 339.9 F 3 - 1 0 5 8 7 - 8 3 8 0 1457.8 F1- lO59A-A YSFD POINT OFUH"MARK SHFAVF "HVMAAKSHEAVE J I B TOP a .,::f "H"MARK SHEAVE c JUL. 5 #ftWlEV. UPcdt6 2001 I HOUSING TOP . NO. DATE SCALE DESCRIPTION D R A W N /DESIGNED~CHECKED APPROVi OVT , I I H I MARK1 DECK CRANE . - 1 ! 2 1 N TYPE 3 R 0 ANGLE FROJECTTON IHI - 1 . . w SHEAVE U N I T JOB NO DRAWING NO HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP ai n -a STANDARD F3-- 10725 I 'PEV. I I ei - v v ~ n I td I VIEW A ' CHAIN ~ WHEEL ~ ~- .~ - .. :HI M.A ~..C DECK C R A N E RK ~ ~ I i .L I 21N 'TYPE ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ - . .- I . P A I N T I N G SCHEDULE (FOR CARGO BLOCK) BLACK (ONE SIDE) .~- - DESCRIPTION fmnw N DESIGNE~~CHECKED;APPROVE CRANE .. .~ IHI M A R K 1 DECI< ~ - . 1 I 22 TYPE BBISBtC TYPE . 30' CARGO BLOCK - ~ IHI d'3B NO HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP 422, 531, 532, 634I-541, 567, 568 DRAWING NO C3-53146 ;REV ; 28 BOX No. I BOX SIZE (rnrn) WEIGHT(kg) 400x800x300 -- - SECTION MANAGER EacR CHARGE CHECKED BY DRAWN II I I IHI-DECK CRANE / I WORK No ST.hNDARD I -- ! ~ R & ~ c k u 3 F ~ € l LIST OF SPARES AND TOOLS I P ORAWlNG C3 i I, No BY DATE OCT 5 . ?IHHt (NlACHNERY EQUIPMENT) F4- 1,7743-A IHI Ishikawajirna- Harirna Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd. ElUG1NEERING DEPARTMENT, AICHI WORKS PAGE SHIP No HYDRAULIC MOTOR (CONTROL APPARATUS) NAME MATERIAL SUPPLY BOX No. I ll6 0 YYT' 0- RING SYNTHETIC RUBBER NBR JIS B2401 G90 Hs90 JIS B2401 G75 Hs90 JIS B2401 G70 Hs9O JIS B2401 G60 Hs90 JIS B2401 G55 Hs90 JIS B2401 G50 Hs90 JIS B2401 G45 HsYO JIS B2401 G40 Hs9O JIS B2401 G35 Hs90 JIS B2401 G30 Hs90 JIS B2401 P44 Hs90 JIS B2401 P40 Hs90 JIS B2401 P36 Hs90 JIS B2401 P32 Hs90 JIS B2401 P28 Hs90 JIS B2401 P26 Hs90 JIS B2401 P22 Hs90 2 JIS B2401 P 0 Hs90 JIS B2401 PI4 Hs90 JIS B2401 P12.5 Hs90 JIS B2401 P I 0 Hs90 JIS B2401 P1OA Hs90 MFRS' NAME & ADDRESS ISHIKAWAJIMA- HARIhlA HEAVY INDUSTIUES CO., LTD. 11- 1, KITAHAMA- MACHI, CHITA- CITY. 478- 8650, JAPAN 7 SPARE PARTS LIST HYDRAULIC MOTOR (CONTROL APPARATUS) NAME MATERIAL SPARE + SHIP No BOX No. PAGE I I 2, 0 'J 2 9 ' 0- RING MFRS NAME & ADDRESS ISHIKAWAJIMA- HARIMA HEAVY INDUSTRLES CO., LTD. 11- 1, KITAHAMA-MACHI, CHITA- CITY, 478- 8650, JAPAN f E a 5 SPARE PARTS LIST SOLENOID VALVE NAME I BOX No. MATERIAL 1 1 SPARE %@*H3 4 SOLENOID FOR MAGNETIC CONTROLVLAVE 121 -00406-8 FOR 11OV GOHz(AC) 0 'l 7 9 ' 0- RING I MFRS' NAME & ADDRESS I ISHIKAWAJIMA- HAI ISHIKAWAJIMA-HARIMA HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 11- 1, KITAHAMA-MACHI, CHITA- CITY, 478-8650, JAPAN KITAHAMA- MACHI, 478- 8656, T + m u " o 3 SPARE PARTS LIST PAGE SHIP No FILTER BOX No. MATERIAL NAME )RAWING SPARE WOVEN WIRE NET ELEMENT (#300 MESH, 46 MICRON) 0- RING SYNTHETIC RUBBER NBR JIS B2401 G220 Hs90 MFRS NAME & ADDRESS ISHIKAWAJIMA-HARIMA HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 11- 1,KITAHAMA- MACHI, CHITA- CITY, 478- 8650, JAPAl T @ & Z PAGE SHIP No BAND BRAKE EQUIPMENT BOX No. SUPPLY SPARE PARTS LIST NAME --EG MATERIAL 0 Y 79O-RING IIS B2401 G30 Hs70 JIS B2401 G55 Hs90 p S B2401 GI20 Hs70 JIS B2401 G35 Hs70 JIS B2401 G145 Hs70 F X 1 Y,P.?+Y PISTON PACKWG FOR 65 TYPE k"x1 Y , P , Y + Y PISTON PACKING FOR ] 65 T Y P ~ FOR 6.5 TYPE 5°K .1 9 - I L DUST SEAL FOR 65 TYPE MFRS' NAME & ADDRESS ISHIKAWATIMA- HARIMA HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO.. LTD 11- 1, KITAHAMA-MACHI, CHITA-CITY, 478- 8650, JAPAN f I W X I PAGE SHIP No ACCESSORY BOX No. MATERIAL SPARE YAMADA REMARKS SPARE PARTS LIST NAME KH- 120 YAMADA GREASE GUN (WITH HOSE) SPK- 1C RUBBER HOSE FOR PRESSURE GAUGE BOLTFORBRAKE RELEASE JIS B 1180 NOMINAL DIA : M l 6 PRESSURE GAUGE JIS B7505 K 2T! 5")-X= y71L PIN TYPE GREASE NIPPLE RLI8 R 318 MFRS' NAME & ADDRESS BsBM ISHIKAWATIMA- HARIMA HEAVY IM)USTRIES CO., LTD. 11- 1, KITAHAMA- MACHI, CHITA- CITY, 478- 8650, JAPAN . Messrs : TSUNEISIIT SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. SNO. SC-030/031/ 0321 033/ 035/ 036 APPROVED DRAWING OF WWFA (Waterside Workers Federation of Australia) CRANE TYPE : H300190- 260 SINGLE DECK CRANE I I tries Co., Ltd. ?Ell%% ?Fh 3 2 ! 5 A3 : 1Sheet A4: 6 Sheets f&3s !EL% 4% IMC 2 Hydraulic Machinery Design Group SECTION MANAGER ENG'R IN CHARGE CHECKED BY &n.o~,dood Jm,o7.zooz JAFJ.07.2oo~ WORK No. 6341- 4221 53lJ 5321 5411 5671568 DRAWING No. C3- 53168 ~%%% 6 4 & & CODE No. - @ 8 COVER 10 GIBSON MINTO & AITON Pty. Ltd. MARINE SURVEYORS ' PORT OF SYDNEY AUSTRALIA CONSULTANTS COMPASS ADJUSTERS P 0 BOX 195 PYRMONT NSW 2009 TELEPHONE 102) 9810 0501 FAX (02) 95531532 A.C.N. 001 905 102 2 1" June 2000 Your ReENGO-3943 Our ref: C872 MWDR J. Ando, Section Manager Hydraulic Machinery Design Group ishiltawajima-Harik Heaiy ~nduskies Ltd Co. Aichi Works : 11-1 Kitahama-Machi, Chita- City, 478-8650 JAPAN Dear Sir, Hull No: SC - 023 (Tsuneishi) Drawing No: C4-15920 We are in receipt of your letter dated 18"' April 2000 together with accompanying plans of crane access arrangements to be installed in the above vessel. The plans have been examined and found to comply with the guidelines of the Maritime Union of Australia now incorporated in the Federal Marine Orders, Part 32, (Issue 2, Order No. 14 of 1997). I The drawings have therefore been approved and we return one (1) copy appropriately e n p d . Yours faithfully GIBSON MINTO & AITON PTY LTD CAPT. D. J. Read SURVEYORS TO NIPPON KAlll KYOKAI TUE NEWCASTLE PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION THE UNITEDKINDOM MUTUAL STEhUSHIQ ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION ~ e s s e r s GIBSON MINT0 & AITON PTY. LIMITED . DRAWING FOR T H E APPROVAL O F IHI DECK CRANE SHIPYARD SNo. : TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING CO.,LTD. : SC-023 CRANE TYPE : KJOT- 24MR SINGLE DECK CRANE (INTERNAL ACCESS TYPE) FOR APPROVAL Ltd. DRAWING LIST FOR APPROVAL DRAWING TITLE DRAWING No. PAGE ACCESS TO CRANE CABIN CABIN ARRANGEMENT C2-31473 F3-10710A 1 2 CABIN ATTACHMENT CRANE POST F2-8053 21507 3 4 .- 34 SHEOS WITH COVER SHlP DESIGN DEPARTMENT HULL OUTFIT DESIGN SECTION CHECKED BY ;HIP NAME APPROVED BY CONST. O F DECK CRANE POST (INCL. ARR. OF DECK CRANE) XALE DRAWING No. I 21 507 TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING CO.,LTD. r-I 74 i -OPERATION & INSPECTION HANDBOOK- This booklet shows important part for operation & maintenance, excerpted from "IHI DECK CRANE lNSTRUCTlON MANUAL". Therefore refer to INSTRUCTION MANUAL for further information. Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. DWG. No. C4-17915 b IHI-DECK CRANE PART 1 PART OPERATION 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE BASIC CONTROL & EXPLANATION OF MOTION AFTER OPERATIONS LIGHTING &HEATING CIRCUIT PART 2 PART MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-1 1 2-12 PRELIMINARY NOTICE MAINTENANCE CHART CHECK HYDRAULIC OlLS SUPPLY GEAR OlLS CLEANING OIL-FILTER WIRE ROPES, DEAD-EYE THIMBLE TIGHTENING TORQUE OF BOLTS BRAKELINING HOOK BLOCK SHEAVES OIL COOLER ELECTRIC PARTS ATACHED DRAWING I GENERAL ARRANGEMENT MACHINE ARRANGEMENT HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR DECK CRANE SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR LIGHTING &HEATING CIRCUIT OUTLINE OF CONTACTOR BOX CHART FOR GREASE AND OPEN GEAR OIL SUPPLYING A-l A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 1 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESIGN GROUP MAR. 22. 2002 I . PART 1 OPERATION PART 1-1 1-2 1-3 PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE BASIC CONTROL & EXPLANATION OF MOTION AFTER OPERATION LIGHTING & HEATING CIRCUIT 1-4 . 1-1 PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE Please confirm each item before operation a s follows. IA t 1 . Check hydraulic oil level. (Refer to MACHINE ARRANGEMENT) I I CAUTION..--Confirm that the hydraulic oil i filled to the 'properMlevel of the level gauge s with oil tank. Supply the hydraulic oil if the oil level i lower than proper level. s Location : in the machinery room s An electrical low-level switch i equipped too. T h e hvd. pump rnav b e darnaaed c a u s e bv mixed air with a little hvd. oil in oil tank. I I 2 . Check lubricatine oil level. (Refer to the PART. 2-4) a NOTICE.-..-Confirm that the enclosed gear oil i filled to the properM s level of the level gauge with each reduction gear. s Supply the gear oil if the oil level i lower than proper level. Location : in the machinery room 1)Reduction gear for slewing. 2) Reduction gear for hoisting. (in case of exceeding and including 20 ton type) 3) Reduction gear for luEng (it may not fitted according to the crane type.) T h e reduction q e a r mav b e darnaaed d u e to a little q e a r oil. 1 3 . Supply grease, spread gear 011. (Refer to the PART. 2-2) A i NOTICE-----Supplygrease or gear oil according to 'CHART FOR GREASE AND GEAR OIL SUPPLY(PART 2-2). Location : 1)Refer to =CHART FOR GREASE & GEAR OIL SUPPLY" in PART 2-2 2) Internal gear of slewing ring. Wire ropes and dead-eye thimble Mav b e darnaqed d u e to short supplv of q r e a s e or q e a r oil. 4 . Confirm wire ropes and loose gear& (Refer t o t h e PART. 2-6 & 2-9) CAUTION--Check the next point before operation. Location : 1 Wire rope, dead-eye thimble ) 2) Loose gears (hook, shackle, eyebolt, beam, etc.) 3) Rope sheave 4) Clearance between under part o f trunnion and joggling part o f eyebolt Replace it with new one when check result is under judgement. - -....-DO not use under' the folbwing conditions, and replace if necessary. 1. When the wire rope is deformity, kinks and breaks. 2. When the worn-out portion exceeds 5% of the original sectional area. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 3. When the surface is cracked. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 4. The hook whose opening does not close. 5. When the clearance of above 4) exceed 1-2mm. In this case, confirm that set screw@@ sets) for nut@. When set screw is loosening, please tighten set screw and carry out screw-head hitting.(corking) Mav cause an accident resultina in iniurv or death due to breakins down of wire rope. CRACK WEAR AND TEAR KINK DEFORMATION Wl RE BREAKS 1-2 BASIC CONTROL & EXPLANATION OF MOTION After finishing preparation, start to operate the deck crane as follows ; 1. Turn on the circuit breakerso and@. Then the white lamp lights up. 2. I n case that the crane is started a t jib rest position, turn the by-pass key@ to by.pass. 3 . Start up the electric motor. NOTICE.....-I. When the controi handle i not in the neutral position, or oil in the tank i s s not sufficient, the interlock switch functions to prevent the electric motor from activation, even if the start button switch i depressed. s 2. In case of starting up working zone, the by-pass switch position shall remain normal. 3. Depress the start button switch for the electric motor after depressing the start button switch and stop button switch alternately several times quickly. [ PRECAUTION FOR OPERATION AT LOW TEMPERATURE I (1)If the working oil temperature is +5 "C or less, start and stop the motor several times mawally as shown below before actually starting the hydraulic pump. 0 0 IS 1s . 0.5s Is - 1s - 1s 0.5s 0.5s CONTl NUOUS RUN i NOTICE--If the weather i expected to be cold, pre-heat in the crane's machine room s with a cargo light or heater. If the pumps are started u p when the oil tem~eratures verv low and viscositv i i s hiqh durinq the winter (+5 "C or lower),the pump mav be damaaed quickiv. , ( 2 ) Preparation of hydraulic motor ' When temperature of system oil became to allowable level for operation (above +5"C) after warming up of hydraulic pump and hydraulic circuit, the operation of each hydraulic motor should be carried out for preparation by following method. A NOTICE......I . Run the hydraulic motor (hoisting. luffing and slewing) toward normal and/or reverse rotation slowly (lessthan about 5 rpm) in about 2 or 3 seconds for more than 5 times. 2. And, after brief stop of the hydraulic motor for I minute, each motion should be carried out about several times. The above operations have to be carried out independently without load to each motion. The hvd. motor mav be d a m a q e d . I I \ 4 . Up the jib to the working zone slowly. 5 . Turn t h e by-pass key to normal when the jib is up to the working zone. 6 . The crane movements and handle operation are a s shown left figure. normal conhtion, motions such a s hoisting, luffing, and slewing can be stopped by oil blocking in the hydraulic motor and the mechanical automatic hydraulic brake (brake applled with a spring and brake released with oil ~ r e s s u r e when t h e operation ) lever is returned to the neutral position. NOTICE.-....The farther the handle is tilted, the faster the speed becomes. Get the knack for feeting the relation of the handle tilting angle and speed. 7 . Check the function of each h i t switch. Carry out t h e following with no load. I , A 7 ' NOTICE..-.-Hoisting up and down, jib up and down, slewing left and right. Make sure that the crane stops at marked points (limit position ) at each operation with no load. s The red lamp lights up when the limit switch i in use. 5 8 . Don't hoist the load slantingly. 6 . . Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C Fig. D Fig. E A -.--..-I. Dont hoist the load slantingly. if the load is hoisted slantingly from the inside of the crane (Fig.A) or in the condition shown in Fig.B, the jib will jump and run into collision to the buffer. 2. If the load is hoisted diagonally as shown in Fig.C, the jib stress will increase, resulting in damage. 3. If the load is hoisted slantingly from forward (Fig.D) or in the condition shown in Fig.E, the luffing wire tension will increase, resulting in breakage. A CAlJTION......I . Please confirm that the by-pass switch is returned to the 'Neutral' side before loading. 2. The improper use of the by-pas switch by the stevedore causes the accident. So, the crew of this vessel must keep the key of this N O T I C E I . When an operator leaves the operator's cabin, be sure to stop the electric motor and see that the position the handle are in the neutral; then at the handle stopper. 2. To make an emergency stop, the electric motor stops when the stop button is depressed. It will stop crane operation regardless of the handle , position. 3. The list of ship on cargo handling is written in the specification. 'ln case of qrab accessarv fitted crane. (Refer to the finished plan) 9. Before and after the grab cargo handling, the cabtyre cable and tug wire shall be showed as follows. (1) CABTYRE CABLE <Before use> (a) Reeling out the cabtyre cable by reverse switch. (b) Loosen the receptacle fitting piece, and disconnect the female plug from fitting piece. (c) Loosen the cabtyre fitting piece, and disconnect the cabtyre cable from fitting piece. (d) Slidmg the wire.net to "Use position" as shown in fig.2. <After use> (a) Disconnect the chain according to fig.1, sliding the wire-net to "Rest position" as shown in fig.2. (b) Fix the cabtyre cable tightly by shackle with wire-net. (c) R e e h g the cabtyre cable by reverse switch in the cabm. (d) Fix the female plug by receptacle fitting piece as fig.3. , I NOTICE--- In case of connect and disconnect the cabtyre cable, keep to the abdve method. The electric wire in the cable olua rnav be darnaqed . (2) TUG WIRE 7 1-3 AFTER OPERATION After operation of the crane, please rested the jib as follows: T wpm KSv B V P mM M NO BY-PASS 1 . Turn the crane to the direction of the jib rest stand. 2. Turn the by-pass key clockwise and operate the jib slowly on the rest stand. 3 . After the jib is rested, the hook block should be k e d by lashing wire on the deck. (ll1H KEY) I A A i CAUTlON......At operation by mean of by-pass key, operate the crane carefully by the ship's crew. In this case, never lift the cargo. s After the jib i rested, loosen the luffing rope so that it is not tensed. NOTiCE......A crew on duty shall keep the by-pass key. 4 . See that the position of the handles are in neutral and set the handle stopper. 5 . Turn off the clrcuit breaker of the crane @ and turn the white lamp off. 6 . Always keep switch "ON" the circuit breaker of the light@, the-toggle switch of space heater and the source in the engine room without fail for expect maintenance. s N O T l C E T h e r e is the case that the source of the space heater i supplied separately from the main source. So refer to the skeleton diagram in the finished plan. i CaBIN DOOR , 7 . Check brake linings, and replenish grease andlubricant, if necessary. WC~R TWO 8 . Close and clamp each door (operator's cabin, side scuttle, crane housing) lest rain or sea water should leak into the housing and cabin. 9 . The jib should be b e d with the lashing piece and lashing rope lest it should swing during navigation in rough seas. I 1-4 LIGHTING &HEATING CIRCUIT The following equipment are installed on the deck crane. Please refer to the circuit diagram in the f i s h e d plan. The voltage AClIOV is used for lighting and heating circuits. Turn on the circuit breakerINFBH1"SOURCE (LIGHT)" on the door of the contactor box so that the projector and the other lamp may light. 1 ROOM LIGHT The fluorescent lamp on the ceiling of the operator's cabin is switched on and off by the "ROOM LIGHT" toggle switch [TSl) on the door of the contactor box. The projector is switched on and off by the "PROJECTOR toggle switch [TSZI on the door of the contactor box. 3 .MACH. ROOM LIGHT The pendant lamp in the machine room are switched on and off by the tumbler switch situated at the inside of the entrance. The space heaters for moisture proofing are fitted in the electric motor (IMP1 for the hydraulic pump and the contactor box. These space heaters are switched on and off by the "SPACE HEATER toggle switclf ITS31 on the door of the contactor box. 4 .SPACE HEATER NOTICE..-...I. The toggle switch vS3j of the space heaters should be switched on always in order to prevent moisture. If the space heater is not switched on, it mav entail damaqe to the electric. motor bv insulation resistance reduction. 2. In addition, please make sure breaker [NFBH] i turned on. It supdlies the s source to this circuit. (In case that the source 110V i supplied for space s heater directly, you don' t have to turn on this breaker [NFBH].) Even if the induction motor [IMP1 i started while the switch r S 3 1 is on, the s space heater circuit is automaticallv disconnected bv the auxiliarv contact of the runninq contactor 142P-ll, Therefore, there is no trouble of overheatina because the motor and the space heater are not workinq at the same time. 5 .THE OTHERS The receptacle switch is installed in the machine room The heater and the electric fan could be used also. PART 2 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION PART 2-1 PRELIMINARY NOTICE MAINTENANCE CHART CHECK HYDRAULIC OlLS SUPPLY GEAR OlLS CLEANING OF OIL-FILTER WIRE ROPES, DEAD-EYE THIMBLE TIGHTENING TORQUE OF BOLTS BRAKE LINING HOOK BLOCK SHEAVES OIL COOLER ELECTRIC PARTS - 2-1 PRELIMINARY NOTICE I t is important that the user should understand the functions, features and construction of the crane and device a proper maintenance system. It is safe to say that it is too late i n a day to learn how to repair the crane after it has already broken down. But we can say that most troubles and accidents may be prevented by familiarization and the periodical maintenance by the user. Please keep the following when proceeding with maintenance or inspection. CAUTION...--1. The crane should be rested without cargo when proceeding with maintenance or inspection. 2. Both SOURCE SWITCHES for the main and auxiliary circuit of the crane should be securely turned to "OFF" , on the control panel in the engine room. (In this case, suspend the "Under inspection" caution plate.) 3. Never adjust the safety devices, timer, hydraulic valve or brake device(s) for no reason at ail. 4. Never replace, disassemble or adjust the HYDRAULIC PUMP and MOTOR without contacting IHI. 2-2 . MAINTENANCE CHART lntewal *1 Drocedure Operation Ways and Means Before 3 months 6 months Annually Remarks packing 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Housing and Jih Bolts for Machine Inspection Foundation Bolt Inspection Oil Filter Cleaning Head Tank Cleaning Hydraulic Oil Inspection Oil Cooler Cleaning Hydraulic Rubber Hose Inspection Do Hammering Do Washing Drain out, Cleaning Sampling Cleaning Check visually 0 Crack ' P a t i n e Loosened or not Do PART. 2-5 0 0 0 0 (~vuyzywn) (PART. 5-5) 1 0 0 0 PMT. 5-6 PART. 2-11 Damaged, Loosened or not ELECTRICAL PART Interval "1 'rocedure Items Magnetic contactor 1) Iron core 2) Spring 3) Contact tip Ways and Means Clean and polish Check operation Check tip condition Check operation Before I 3 months I 6 months I Annually 0 0 Remarks Part 2-12 1 2 Thermal relay & Aux. Relay inspection l ~ i m einspection r Slipring 1) Brush, holder 0 0 Push with 3 4 I Check operation and I set valve Check brush condition 2) Insulation resistance Measure insulation 3) Terminal fitting nut Checkit tightened I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Part 2-12 5 Electric motor 1) Insulation resistance Measure insulation 2) Fitting holt 3) Grease charge Hammering Charge by grease gun Measure insulation Check visually Part 2-12 6 Lighting circuit Control circuit Consumption parts Insulation resistance 1) Fuse 2) B U I ~ 3) Switch etc. Part 2-12 7 0 *I. *2. The above maintenance and ins~ection intervals are for reference. They should be changed depending upon crane operating conditions. Refer to the part No. mentioned in remarks for the inspection method and replacement period. (Refer to the part No. mentioned in INSTRUCTION MANUAL with mark CHART FOR GREASE AND GEAR OIL SUPPLY GREASE No. OPEN GEAR OIL SUPPLY POINTS I Blank I No. ( 14 ( w i r e rope SUPPLY POINTS I 1 Slewing bearing 2 13 Islewing pinion & gear 3 4 Hoisting and l&g H o u s i n ~ sheave to^ bearing A A supply sufficient oil to the wire rope and dead-eye thimble. 10 l ~ o oclamps r INSPECTION AND OIL SUPPLYING CAIJTDN... supply grease sufficiently until it oozes out from entire clearance of the sliding surface. Refer to the CHART (attached drawing) on crane body for detail, because grease and oil supply point may differ according to crane type. . 2-3 CHECK HYDRAULIC OILS 1 . OIL CHECKING Hydraulic oil requires changing because it will deteriorate from an extended period of usage. N o T I c E - - - k is recommended that the hydraulic oil is to be checked by oil maker as to service ability. The sample oil requires about one liter for one oil check. 2 . JUDGEMENT OF DETERIORATION (1) Criteria for replacement based on analysis Judgement Item \ Viscosity change ratio Water content (Wt) Degree of pollution I f10%or more Limiting Value 0.15% or more Equivalent or not better than NAS class 12. In case only the degree of pollution is found to have exceeded the system flushing (filtratiod to reduce equivalent or better than NAS Class 11. (2)Judgement by visual inspection and odor l'ransparent, but' :hanged in color Milky white in color Temporarily usable if the viscosity is adequate .Ax bubbles - Let air evacuate from the oil surface. .Water - Replace. Blackish brown in color offensive ~ e t e r i o r a t e d to ~ e ~ l a c e . due oxidation l'ransparent, but includes Acceptable Foreign substances Filter the oil and keep slack spots are mixed m using it. Acceptable A different kind of oil is mlxed Acceptable A u bubbles / water are mixed 1 I 1 I 2-4 SUPPLY GEAR OILS Procedure of supplying oil for closed gear a s follows: NOTICE ...... 1. In case of supply oils, don't operate the crane. 2. If the result of gear oils judgement over limiting value, replace new oils. CLOSED GEAR FOR HOISTING AND LUFFING (1) Open the drain cap @ to let the stale oil out. If any dust, foreign matter, etc. is mixed in the oil, clean Inside the closed gear. (2) Close the drain cap a n d supply a recommended new oil (for closed gear) from the supply port. (3) Confirm t h a t t h e oil is filled to t h e "proper" level of the level gauge 0. PROPER a Pi MIN. OIL W E L GAUGE cs PROPER OIL LEVEL GAUGE AIR BREATHER O I L SUPPLY PORT HYD. MOTOR HYD. MOTOR -. :" :; 4 , .'' 2 MOTI .......................... 1 MOTOR TYPE (SPECIAL HI( 2 . GEAR F O R SLEWING EQUIPMENT . (1) SLEWING GEAR & PINION 1)Make a clean sweep of the stale oil on the gear and the pinion. 2) Check the contact-surfaces of teeth (if damage such as pitching, is found, this will require repair). 3) Brush or spray with the recommended new oil to both surfaces of the gear and pinion. (2) CLOSED GEAR OIL Take out the stale oil and supply the new oil with the same procedure as for the hoisting gear (It is better to use the funnel for supplying oil). cs PROPER OIL L.EVEL GAUGE 0 I L SUPPLY PORT O I L LEVEL GAUGE PAN - HOLLOW HEX. PLUG HEX. WRENCH KEY 3 . REPLACEMENT CRITERIA FOR GEAR LUBRICATING . I Water content (Wt %) Dissolved N-heptane substances N-Benzene (Wt %) Deposit (mlllOml) Ash content (%) Iron content in ash (%) Total acid value (mgKOHlg) limit 10.15% 0.2 or more 1.0 or more 0.5 or more 0.1 or more 0.2 or more 0.1 or more Oxides, carbons, additive particles produced by abrasion, dust, etc. Additives, carbons, particles produced by abrasion, dust, etc. Water content, dust, particles produced by abras~on. Dust, particles produced by abras~on, additives. Particles produced by abras~on Increase of 0.5 or Oxidized deterioration. more fcom the initial value 2-5 CLEANING OF OIL-FILTER OIL-FILTER FOR MAIN C ~ R C U I T This is installed on t h e low pressure line near the suction side of t h e hydraulic pump for t h e main circuit. A i NOTICE---.I .Cleaning of oil filter i every three month. (Refer to PART.2-2) s 2. In c a s e that FILTER-ELEMENT @ i broken, take out NUT s I and ELEMENT SUPPORT @ ; then ELEMENT @ should be exchanged. 3.Take special care against dust when overhauling and reassembling. a Method of resolution, cleaning and restoration oil filter a s follows : (1) Close the STOP VALVE i n suction line from tank. (2) Take out BOLT @ for cover a n d loose the HOOKS O. (3) Turn COVER to counter-clockwise 90" by means of the handle and oil will not flow out from piping. ( A t this time, ) (4) Open DRAIN PLUG@ a little to let hydraulic oil. a (5) Take out bolt with the HOOK and take out the HOOKS from COVER@. (6) Take out ELEMENT SUPPORT FILTER-ELEMENT @. with (7) Clean up ELEMENT @ with washing oil and compressed-air. (8) Take out DRAIN PLUG @ and clean up the inside of CASE. (9) Reassembly should be done in t h e reverse order of overhaul taking care, not to damage O-RING @. (10) Open the STOP VALVE a n d purge remaining air. N o ~ I c E . - - i . cover@ must be turned counter-clock*rise 90' . If COVER @ is removed without turning, a greater amount of oil will flow out. 2. Confirm that arrow label turn on an original direction after reassemble. 3. STOP VALVE must be open after maintenance. 4. In case of reassembly, take care not to damage O-RING@. - DRAWING OF OIL FILTER . 2-6 WIRE ROPES. DEAD-EYE THIMBLE The majority of crane troubles occur from breaking down of wire rope. Thus, it i s very important t h a t wire ropes are to be checked, handled w i t h special care and lubricated at regular interval. 1..CHECK POINT BEFORE OPERATION CAlJTlClN~~.-.~1.wire rope and shaft The of dead-eye thimble should be sufficiently lubricated. (fig.1) 2. The bolt of wire clamp @ on drum for hoisting and luffing should be sufficiently tightened. (fig.2) 3. The wire end should be sufficiently bound by the seizing wire.(fig.3) 4. The wire rope should not have any snapped strands, kinks, deformities or abnormal abrasion. Especially check the parts of winding part on drum and rope end. Wire rope should be exchanged when wire conditions come under the limits mentioned. (fig.4) 5. The dead-eye thimble, pint, and fitting bolt should not be rusted, or worn, and should not have deformities or looseness. a SHAFT @ k\P \\ Fig.2 Fig.4 DEFORMITY SNAPPED STRANDS I 2. CAUTION FOR WlRE ROPE MAINTENANCE A > -..:...in case that maintain wire rope and thimble, be caution about fire and ventilation. CAUTION-ifthe the oil with wire rope get less, apply the proper oil. 3. EXCHANGE OF WlRE ROPE x, . ! nm...... Judgement of wire rope Wire rope should be exchanged when wire conditions come under the limits mentioned below JUDGEMENT. The end times to exchange wlre rope are given by Labor Safety Regulations in JAPAN a s follows : U4 x SeS (48) 1) When the individual wires of wire rope have snapped over 10% of the total number of wires in 1pitch or over 5% of one strand of wire in 1pitch. Ex. Hoist. Wire Rope I UNI ROPE I 4 X (12+18+18) 192X 10%=19wires LdY. Wire Rope I JIS N0.18 1 6 XFi [1+7+(7)+14lIWRC 132x 10%=13wires IWRG 6 x F i (29) i 2 ) When the indwidual wires of wire rope have snapped over 20% of the total number of wires in 5 pitch. 3 ) When the outer-diameter of rope has come to b e worn up to 7% less the origlnal diameter. 4 ) If wire rope has a kink,deformity, or abnormal wear. 0 2-7 TIGHTENING TORQUE OF BOLTS * 1 . CHECKING METHOD (1)Bolts and nuts shown in group I should be checked visually with eyes before every using and tightened i n &ed torque every three months. (2) Bolts and nuts shown in group D should be checked [ every six months. (3) I n case that the paint film is broken a t the tightening point and I or hammering sound is dull, bolts and nuts may be loose, Then, they should be tightened. 2 . CHECKING ITEMS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Crane fitting bolts (Lower parts of slewing rmg) Fitting bolts of jib Fitting bolts of shaft end for dead-eye thimble Tightening bolt of wire clamp (drum) Fitting bolts of winch frame Fitting bolts of drum bearing 9. Fitting bolts of hydraulic cylinder and 10. 11. 12. 13. brake unit Fitting bolts of hydraulic motor Fittug bolts of safety device Tightening bolt of piping flange Frtbng bolts of controller and the other fitting bolts 3 . TIGHTENING TORQUE OF CRANE ANCHOR BOLTS & SLEWING RING F l T l N G BOLTS ; 4 . TIGHTENING TORQUE (General) Unit : N-mbf-m) . ~ . . 2-8 BFL4KE LINING 1 . JUDGMENT (1)The brake l i n i n g a should b e changed when its wear is up to 40% of the original thickness. hin. thickness 3 . 5 d . (2) The stroke of t h e brake cylinder should b e adjusted a t the screw of the adjusting nut@. 2 . REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE (1)Take down the cargo, and then rest and set t h e jib on the jib rest. A I CAUTlON-.-.The drum sometimes rotates due to the rope weight when the brake i s disengaged. Lock the wire rope. I (2) Loosen t h e adjusting n u t which tightens the trunnion. (3) Pull ~ i n s O@ and trunnion@ remove band@, and , replace the l i n i n g a with t h e new one. (4) At brake "off' , adjust the trunnion@ so t h a t the space and between t h e brake drum and lining is 2 ~ 0 confirm t h a t the brake functions properly. A NOTICE---I. Use the IHl standard part or equivalents far lining and screws. 2. Tighten the lining mounting screw@ firmly. 3. Do not let any oil touch or fall on the brake lining. 4. If the brake slips due to wear of the brake lining and pin, retighten the adjusting nut@, and s e e that the brake functions properly. BAND BRAKE -:GREASE POINT The link parts (mark-) shall b e coated with grease periodically. B 2-9 HOOK BLOCK 1 . INSPECTION POINTS (1)Inside of hook or bow shacklea. (2) Screw-end of eye-bolt@. (3) Bolt and split p i n of shackle. (4) Thrust bearing@ and i t s grease charge. (5) The clearance between under part of trunnion@ and jogglmg parts of eye-bolt@. (Hooks can not be attached to some types.) A C A U T I O N - - 1 . The hook gnd shackle will wear out. creating grooves or openings by the rubbing from loads when used for a long time. Also, fatigue hardness due to long periods of use may harden and make the material brittle, resulting in cracking. Therefore, besides periodical inspection, carry out a non-destructive test once a year. 2. The result of non-destructive test, replace the new parts if necessary. 3. In case of replacement, use the IHI standard part or equivalents 1 A - - D O not use under the following conditions, and replace if necessaly. 1. When the worn-out portion exceeds 5% of the original sectional area. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 2. When the surface is cracked. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 3. The hook whose opening does not close. 4. When the clearance of above I-@) exceed 1-2rnm. In this case, confirm that set screwB(3 sets) for nuto. When set screw is Loosening, please tighten set screw and carry out screw-head hitting.(corking) Mav cause an accident resultinq in iniurv or death due to breakinq down of hook block. I 2-10 SHEAVES 1 . CHECK POINT (1) Rope groove (2) Sheave flange (3) Grease supplying 2 . JUDGEMENT (1) Sheaves should be changed when wear or tear of rope grooves comes up to 20% of the rope diameter. (2) Sheaves should be changed when cracks or deformities of the flange are evident. a - - CAUTION...-.In case of replacement. use the IHI standard parts. 2-11 OIL COOLER 1 . CHECKING METHOD (1) Check the oil leakage form core@. (2) Check the choke in core@. (3) Check the cracks, breaks and deformities of the propeller fan@. A \ N O T I C E . . In case that over 20% of the area of the ventilating area is choked. clean up core. 2 . CLEANING METHOD 3 . CORE EXCHANGING METHOD Blow compressed air against the core front@. In case of oil leakage, take off both hyd. Oil piping and exchange core@. I A NOTICE...... In case of replacement the core, use the IHI standard parts. I IMARK I PARTICULARS I I @ I DUCTFRAME PROPELLER FAN FRAME FOR ELE. MOTOR I 0 @ (Oil cooler may differ according to crane type from this figure. ) 30 . 2-12 ELECTRIC PARTS ITEMS Magnetic contactor (1) Iron core HOW TO INSPECT & MAINTAIN W e e the surface. *If it is found rough or covered with rust, smooth the surface with sand paper. W e e the surface. *If the thickness of the contact tip becomes a half of new one or the contact tip is worn out, replace it with spare one. Wonfirm that all relays move smoothly by pushing the movable parts with fingers. *If they do not move smoothly, adjust the spring or the movable ~ a r t s . *If necessary, replace it with a spare one. Wonfirm that all relays move smoothly by pushing the movable parts with fingers. Wonfirm that each terminal of relay is connected tightly. *Measure it between each phase ( U, V, W, X, Y, Z ) or between earth and each phase. Measuring point : Secondary side terminal of magnetic contactor Insulation resistance : More than 10 MQ *Measure it between earth and each phase of main circuit, light. &heat. circuit. Measuring point : Secondary side of main switch of ship Insulation resistance : More than 10 MQ ( main ) More than 1MQ ( light. & heat. ) *Measure it between earth and phase of each electric equipment. (In cases that fuse is melted or circuit breaker is tripped.) Measuring point : Secondary side terminal of circuit breaker for light and heat. t Insulation resistance : More than 1MQ (2) Contact tip (3) Spring Thermal Over Current Relay [nsulation Resistance (1) Induction motor (2) Slip ring (3) Electric equipment (Light and Heakr) Slipring Terminal fikiG *Make sure the terminal fitting nuts are tightened. If they are nut loose, fix them tightly. Check point : First and Secondary side terminal of slipring . I CAUTlON-.-.l. case of above maintenance, turn off the circuit breaker of main switch In '' board of the ship. 2. Never start induction motor, if insulation resistance is less than the above value. In this case, remove moisture(damp) by space heater or heating fan. WIRE RIGGING / PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS HOISTING LOAD HOISTING SPEEO I 1 "0 3' 30 t x 19 n h i n . ELECTRIC MOTOR 125kW CONT. (285kW 15%E01 # 1' NOTICE HOISTING MOTOR L , F I N G MOTOR SLEWING MOTOR.b_. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS SYMBOL NAME THERMOSTAT O I L COOLER BOA FILTER STOP VALVE REMARKS HIGH TEMPERATURE (70: C SK TH L W TEMPERATURE ( 5' C SET) O O I L COOLER (40'C SET1 AIR COOLED O I L COOLER FILTRATION RATING : 46um PRESSURE LINE RETURN L I N E $' @BOA -MAIN LINE - -.AUXILIARY LINE .- - - -. . DRAIN LINE RUBBER HOSE NO FLOAT SWITCH W - 0 F.S * MATERIAL OF P I P I N G 1 I TYPE OF RUBBER HOSE LINE TYPE MATERIAL II THE C X W E R I . C CONTACTOR N BOX IIKWCONT DlL COOLER F&N MOTOR ISTANGLE PROJECTlON SRDAWLE PROJECTION SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR DECK CRANE IHI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD Dm"Arn c" .n?no RN %THE SPACE HEATER CAPACIN, SH2, IS SHOWN IN THE OUTLINE DRAWING OF INDUCTION MOTOR. PROJECTOR OF MERCURYUAPOUR TYPE (LEFT SlDE OF CABIN) PROJECTOR OF MERCURY-VAPOUR TYPE (RIGHT SlDE OF CABIN) 400W 42P-1 A 60W 60W PENDANT LAMP (MACH ROOM) ROOM HEATER (CABIN) DATE SCALE NO ' 1I D ~ 1.S C o E-977 DESCRIPTION IDRAWN~DESIGNED~ IAPPROVE CHECKED 1-1 A Nov. 1 '99 E-400 Q 1ST ANGLE PROJECTION ' SKELETON DIAGRAM FOR LIGHT. & HEAT. ClRCVlT . 3RD ANGLE PROJECTION 22 JOB No. AZLdh . .$ m ~ u n 18'98 XW,d& e IHI~ I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD F3-10211 DRAWING No. iRq/ I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I lshikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. -1 MARK TABLE CP-I2 I ROOM LIGHT I LOW OIL LEVEL LUFF. EM'CY LIMIT ROOM FAN ROOM HEATER I CP-13 CP.14 I CP-15 CP-16 . A June. 9 '98 s .1 C SCALE 1ST ANGLE PROJECTION OUTLINE OF CONTACTOR BOX f? I Jan. 29 '98 A Oct. 2 '96 E-320 W W d a E-281 Xasdari. 3RD ANGLE PROJECTION JOB No. Sep. 26 '95 X %*v,,zk X W-F& IHI 1 1 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STANDARD F3-9221 ORAWING No. 1 1 1 1 1 I I lshikawajima-Harirna Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. CHART FOR GREASE AND OPEN GEAR O I L SUPPLYING CONTROL HANDLE lo Eiz,\~Flb FRONT DODR CLAW G HINGE l1 ~ m ~ 7 9 7 ~ j a d t ~ 9 CHAIN COUPLING I * FI-Y~~YTIJY~ 1 BWSH 11% 0 8 0 0 THE ABOVE INTERVALS ARE CONSIDEREO AS A VOYAGE F A A MONTH O THEY SHALL BE CHANGED DEPENDING UPON CRANE OPERATING CONOITIONS. lilO)YI%WRP. flN-TS*R*t.LTL\bt. .n'@ BRUSH OPEN GEAR OIL t-lYTff4k BWSH I\?& BRUSH I\+% - ~C-YOPR~Z~GCTILM~~E~T<~~~L~. -- SLEWING l3 t k f PINION 6 GEAR EO ~BdTf HOIST .G LUFF .WIRE ROPE l4 %BVRW74f-n-l IHI-DECK CRANE -INSTRUCTION MANUAL- I 1/ Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. CLASSIFICATION 21N TYPE DWG. No. F4-12722 A4 x 116 D ' IHI-DECK CRANE INSTRUCTION MANUAL GENERAL CONTENTS PART 1 PART GENERAL 1-1 1-2 1-3 INTRODUCTION NOTICE FOR USE OF EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION TO THE CONTRACT OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYSTEM I PART 2 PART OPERATION 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 ARRANGEMENT OF MACHINERY ROOM ARRANGEMENT OF OPERATOR'S CABIN PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE BASIC CONTROL & EXPLANATION OF MOTION AFTER OPERATIONS SAFETY DEVICE LOAD LOWERRING PROCEDURE IN CASE OF POWER FAILURE PART 3 PART HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 BASIC HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT HYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC MOTOR CONTROL APPARATUS RELIEF VALVES AUTOMATIC HYDRAULIC BRAKE SOLENOID-CONTROLLED VALVE PART 4 PART ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 START & STOP OF INDUCTION MOTOR OPERATING CIRCUIT LIMITING CIRCUIT LIGHTING & HEATING CIRCUIT OVERLOAD PROTECTOR FOR INDUCTION MOTOR I HYDRAULIC MACHINERY DESlG N GROUP PART 5 PART 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 MAINTENANCE AND INS~ECTION PRELIMINARY NOTICE MAINTENANCE CHART RECOMMENDED OlLS VOLUME OF OlLS SUPPLY HYDRAULIC OlLS SUPPLY GEAR OlLS CLEANING OIL-FILTER WIRE ROPES, DEAD-EYE THIMBLE ROPE GUIDE GEARED CABLE TIGHTENING TORQUE OF BOLTS GEARS BRAKE LINING HOOK BLOCK SHEAVES OIL COOLER ELECTRIC PARTS INSTRUCTION MANUAL OF TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER FOR PLATINUM RESISTANCE THERMOMETER 5-19 ADJUSTMENT OF EMERGENCY LIMIT FOR JIB 1 PART 6 PART TROUBLE SHOOTING 6-1 6-2 6-3 OPERATION AND MACHINERY PART HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ELECTRIC SYSTEM "FINISHED PLAN" NOTE : This is standard manual, so refer to both this manual and PART1 GENERAL PART. 1-1 INTRODUCTION 1-2 NOTICE FOR USE OF EQUIPMENT 1-3 RECOMMENDATION TO THE CONTRACT OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYSTEM 1-'1 INTRODUCTION This instruction book states the items necessary for operation of the IHI HYDRAULIC DECK CRANE in safety and without trrnble. And also it is recommended that the user understand the mechanism and charactenstlcs of this crane to maintain it in its finest condition, including the specific circumstances of this ship, in order to be able to effect, a safer and more comfortable operation with higher efficiency in cargo handling. .Read this instruction book and finished plan carefully before using the crane. s Particularly, when the crew in charge of this crane is changed or anew crew i assigned to this crane, they should become knowledgeable about this crane beforehand. .This \ s instruction book always keep it close at hand while the crane i in use. W In case that devolve the crane, attach this instruction book to the crane .Although this crane has been designed and manufactured for safe operation, each device of the crane may present dangers and accidents if operated incorrectly. This instruction book distinguishes the following three ranges concerning the extent of damage to be considered in case that the trouble has occurred due to miss-operation and insdicient maintenance : / i \ .....: May entail person injury or death CAUTION-..-. May suppose person injury or death. /i\ NOTICE May forecast person ~njuryand also damages to the crane, the ship, and other equipment. I I t is important for the user to understand the meanings of M, CAUTION and NOTICE , thoroughly, and to handle the crane correctly i n consideration of each of the above warnings. 1-2 NOTICE FOR USE OF EQUIPMENT GUARANTEE Cranes delivered by IHI are manufactmed under a strict quality system and have passed necessary tests. In the event of any malfknction or defect of any component part occ~urring within the specified term, we guarantee to repair or replace that part at our own expense, provided that such r a malfunction o defect i s apparently assignable to an error. on our part. However, we do not hold our-selves responsible for any trouble resulting from any of the causes listed below. We therefore request that you read through this manual carefully and contact us for advice and explanation i f you find any point not quite understandable. ( 1 ) In cases of operating over the specified ratings t n m . . . . . . ~ h rated safe working load ( S.W.L.), the maximum I minimum slewing e radius, etc. are clearly indicated on the data plate of this crane and also on the end of crane jib. Confirm that there is no person in the machinery room and keep away unauthorized person from crane when crane operation May cause a n accident resulting in injury or death by breakage of crane or . . .. :. . , . ,. get between the rotating parts. .~.. .. 1 I ( 2 ) I n cases of operating over the limited zone CAUTION..-...Do not operate so that the limit-switch is intentionally not worked or the set paint of limit switch is changed. Confirm that safety devices(PART 2-6) act correctly in practice periodically. May forecast person injury and also damages to the equipment by inferiority of limit switches. ( 3 ) In cases of operating after changing the set point of over-load protection devices. /i\ N O T I C E - - T h eover-load protection devices are the thermal relay in the contactor panel, the safety valves at the hydraulic pump unit and hydraulic control block for the ,. hydraulic motor, the other adjusting valves on the control block, the thermostat for the heat protection of oil temperature at the hydraulic pipe line, etc; Please do not change the set point of protect devices without leave. ( 4 ) In cases of mis-handling ------ The operation manuals are described in this book.(PART.2) /i\ NOTICE..... Particularly watch out for a slanted pulling. M& damage the crane if a s -e d pulling over 5 degree. .h I - /i\ NOTICE..-...T~~ circuit closing accident by mishandling of the stop valves on pipe line. Especially watch out for the mis-closing circuit caused by forgetting the return-back of inner casing of oil filter after checking the main filter ( indicated with flow direction mark "+"on the filter cover ) or by forgetting the return-back of the stop valve after repair ( the operation manual of each valve is described in this book ). If the crane is operated with such a circuit closing, the pipe lines and I or the hydraulic machinery may break down. - i NOTICE......DO not operating with air mixed-in with the hydraulic oil in the circuit. The circuit containing air will make an extremely noticeable noise. The air vent manual is described in this book. If continuing the operation with air mixed-in, it may cause the hydraulic machinery to become damaged or extremely shorten their life. ( 5 ) In cases of mis-selection hydraulic oil or using an inferior oil. ~ ~- ~-~~ ~~ ~- A NOTICE...-..Please select a suitable oil from the table of " RECOMMENDED OILS " described in this book. And also please do not use mixtures of different kinds, even those made by the same maker. Please perform a periodical check for used hydraulic oil in accordance with the guidance described in this book. (Refer to PART.5) ( 6 ) In cases of replacing the parts of this crane without our IHI standard parts, modifying the construction of this crane or removing the original fitted position. Especially the loose gears ( e.g. wire rope, rope sheaves, hook, chains and shackles) are very important elements for safety of labor .and as such are controlled with the registration to the Classification Society. /i\ NOTICE......Loose gears should be periodically maintained with lubrication supplement and checking ( maintenance manual is described in this book ), because these are always exposed to sea weather and are therefore subject to corrosion even while out of use. By the above checking, wire rope having a shortened life must be replaced at once. . ( 7 ) In cases where vital hydraulic machinery ( such as hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, hydraulic control valve unit and induction motor ) were overhauled by the user, unless he contacted our " !HI SERVICE NETWORK". /i\ NOTICE......If necessary to overhaul the above machinery, piease be sure to contact us before doing so, because these are every vital for hydraulic drive; their overhauling / reassembling technique must be done by the hand of specially trained engineers. ( 8 ) Caution for the changing parts. I A NOTICE---use the IHI standard parts or equivalents for the changing parts. I , ( 9 ) The consumptive parts are not included in the guarantee. Theseinclucle the wire ropes, the hydraulic oil, the lubricants, the brake linings, the elect,ric fuses, the'lighting bulbs, and the contact pieces of magnetic contactor. In cases of replacement, the parts supplied as original spare parts are to he used carefully, and select,ecl from the same kind and type as those orisgnally used. When purchasing the wire ropes, please contact our IHI SERVICE NETWORKS " " ( 10 ) The secondary or indirect damages are not included in the guarantee. 1 Our guarantee range within the specified term is repair or replacement of parts. We do not hold ourselves responsible for secondary or indirect damage. ( e g loss if operation due to stop loading) ARRANGEMENT OF CAUTION PLATE "S" SIDE "P" SIDE LUFFING HANDLE \ g rfi ERt". A . , H i g h place. hlvv cause fat l i h g INOERSTANOING OF OPERATION MANUAL QUALIFIED PERSONNEL CLOSE COMMUNICATION ALCOHOL AN0 DRUGS PROHIBITE[ HANOLE OPERATION CRANE ENTRY PROHIEITTEO SAFETY OEVICES CRANE CAPACITY I)a ,had i~ . .ii... . m . ..*,. ., m. ."". o " il. m& ,P.Cliad nol.ans. ,ma SAFETY AROUND THE CRANE SLANTINGLY HOISTING INTERRUPTING OR COMPLETING AN OPERATION OPERATION MANUALS AND WARNING LABELS .MACHINERY ROOM CAUTION ALWAYS KEEP THE TOGGLE SWITCH FOR SPACE HEATER "ON' EXCEPT MAINTENANCE. CAUTION LABEL (COOLER OUCT) CAUTION LABEL q CONTACTOR BOX !SZ&,E Yo1 tape. hldy cause electric shock. . [email protected]:lfz.Tzb1fw,i:t .fi**,~-elM,i+:**~'LLri, :t 'rum O f f parer before <hechina Or .aintr,,rncr. ' D O nu1 aperate rltn door 0CAUTION LABEL (ROTATING PARTS) CAUTIONLABEL (VOLTAGE) 0TOCLCli"e Cover "PI,. (5,CAUTION LABEL , \" (HIGH PLACE) -iCAUTION LABEL/ (COOLER OUCT) *ONLY DOOR TYPE COOLER DUCT CAUTION LABEL (VOLTAGE1 -* ?~-YSCDII:U~-~-~~I~&~G~II~;~. BEFORE STARTING . BE SURE TO OPEN THE DOOR OF COOLER DUCT 7~-7ZFHTBu7-?-97lt4~.1;t. AFTER OPERATING CLOSE THE DOOR OF COOLER DUCT 1-3 RECOMMENDATION TO THE CONTRACT OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYSTEM By the recent rapid progress of each kind of machinery and also the rationalization for ship equipment, the trends is toward reduction of the number of crew per ship. T h s also entails less labor for maintenance and in the hfficulty in understanding for proceehng with the full maintenance of every equipment by means of highly developed machinery. Based on the above circumstance, IHI has the "MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYSTEM for IHI Hydraulic Deck Machinery incluhng deck cranes, winches and windlasses, for the user's convenience rollowing the warranty period. This system is to be contracted between the user and IHI beforehand, and the outline of it is as follows. 1. The annual contact of maintenance service system Uncler the contract with the previously-agreed rated charge, IHI will visit the ship twice a year for checking and acljusting of the hydraulic deck machinery under the check seats and then submit the maintenance report. If repair ent,ailing heavy duty is foreseen a t that checking produce, the above report will indicate the detailed repairing plan for the next occasion.The visiting date is to be previously deter-mined by the user, but one time is recommencled a t the time before the anni~al dry clocking of ship, in orcler to find out the detailed items to be repaired during dry docking. ( The service charge [or overhauling is not, incluclecl in this contract and it, if necessary, is in accordance wit,h t,he next it,em, ( 2 ). ) In case that t,his checking reveals need for repair, then the repair work and the part,s supply can bc clone under the user's order with a separate charge. 2 . The contact of overhaul service system Expect for the above item, ( 1 ), ths service system can be separately acceptable under the user's pre-order or from the conclusion of the above checlung. This system is intended for overhaul of hydraulic pumps and motors and the consumed parts inside them are newly replaced. The charge for this system is calc~~lated that so the basic charge beforehand agrees with the user plus the liquidated charges caused for the repair work. Please ask IHI SERVICE NETWORK for the details on the above "MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYSTEM. PART 2 OPERATION PART 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 BASIC ARRANGEMENT OF MACHINERY ROOM BASIC ARRANGEMENT OF OPERATOR'S CABIN PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE BASIC CONTROL & EXPLANATION OF MOTION AFTER OPERATION SAFETY DEVICE LOAD LOWERING PROCEDURE IN CASE OF POWER FAILURE 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-1 BASIC ARRANGEMENT OF MACHINERY ROOM / / LADDER (IN CASE OFINTERNAL ACCESS TYPE) & HOISTING LUFFING WINCH- 2-2 BASIC ARRANGEMENT OF OPERATOR'S CABIN 2-3 PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE Please confirm each item befor operation as follows. 1 . Check h y d r a d l c oil level. I /i\ CAUTION......Confirrn that the hydraulic oil is filled to the "proper" level of the level gauge with oil tank. Supply the hydraulic oil if the oil level IS lower than proper level. Location : in the machinery room An electrical low-level switch is equlpped too The hyd. pump may be darnaqed cause by mixed air with a little hyd. oil in oil tank. 2 . Check lubricating oil level, NOTICE,.,..Confirrn that the enclosed gear oi1.i~ filled to the "pr.bp&r";kiie)raf~theilevel gauge with each reduction gear. Supply the gear oil if the oil level is lower than propi?r.'leVd Location : in the machinery room 1)Reduction gear for slewing. 2) Reduction gear for hoisting. (in case of exceeding and including 20 ton type) 3) Reduction geai for luffing (it may not fitted according to the cran type.) The reduction qear may be damaqed due to a little qear 011. 3 . Supply grease, spread gear oil N O T I C E - S u p p l y grease or gear oil according to "CHART FOR GREASE AND GEAR OIL SUPPLY(PART 5-2). Lochltion : 1) Refer to "CHART FOR GREASE & GEAR O[L SUPPLY in PAIZT 5-2 2 Internal gear of slewing ring ) Wire ropes and tleacl-eye thimble. CHART FOR GREASE AND GEAR OIL SUPPLY GREASE No. 1 SUPPLY POINTS 2 3 I Slewing bearing 1 Blank 1 Hoisting and l f i g bearing Housing top sheave I No. I 13 SUPPLY POINTS Slewing pinion & gear I 1 I 14 1 Wire rope 4 5 6 7 1 Jib top sheave 1 Jib bearing 1 Deadeye thimble (oil + brush) 1 Control handle (for luff. & slew.) I entire clearance of the 9 I CHNN COYER GREASING 10' Door clamps 1 INSPECTION AND OIL SUPPLYING No. SUPPLY POlNTSMain motor I 1 12 1 Chain coupling 11 Main motor 1 @ CHAIN COUPLING -. GREASING b '3 @ LUFFING 8 SLEWHANDLE Refer to the CHART on crane body for detail, because grease and oil supply point may differ according to crane type. 4 . Confirm wire ropes and loose gears. I A CAUTION..-...Check the next point before operation. Location : 1) Wire rope, dead.eye thimble 2) Loose gearsbook, shackle,eyebolt,beam,etc.) 3) Rope sheave 4) Clearance between under part of trunnion and joggling part of eyebolt Replace the new one when check result i under judgment. s A m ......Do not use under the following conditions, and replace if necessary. 1. When the wire rope i deformity,kinks and breaks. s 2. When the worn-out portion exceeds 5% of the original sectional area. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 3. When the surface is cracked. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 4. The hook whose opening does not close. 5. When the clearance of above 4) exceed 1-2mm. In this case,comfirm that set s c r e a ( 3 sets) for nut@. When set screw is loosening, please tighten set screw and carry out screw-head hitting.(corking) May cause a n accident resulting in injury o r death d u e to breaking down of wire rope. o Crack Q J = B. o Wear and t e a r o a Kink D c f a r m a c ion M o Wiie breaks 5 . Open the cooler duct's door on the rear side of the crane's machinery room. OPTION (only cooler duct door type) .. (1) Remove the toggle pin from stopper (2) h w e r the open-close lever. (3) Attach the toggle pin to stopper. A CAUTION--..-Before starting , be sure to open the door of cooler duct. After operating , close the door of cooler duct. '\ STOPPER ,."' WITH TOGGLE P N I ' OPEN-CLOSE \LEVER OPEN DURING OPERATION CLOSE WHILE NAVIGATION 6 . Check to see if the tlmer is set at the value specified in the section entitled "Electric" in the hushed plan. s CAUTION..-..-Maycause a defective action so that the timer i not set at the value specified. Location : in the contactor box at the rear of cabin. I 7 . Confirm that control handles are in the neutral position before startmg. /i\ CAUTION----Electricmotor cannot starting, if the control handles are not in the neutral position. Location : in the cabin. 2-4 BASIC CONTROL & EXPLANATION OF MOTION AKter finishing preparation, start to operate the deck crane as Eollows ; 1. Turn on t h e circuit breakersQ and@. Then the white lamp lights up. 2 . In case that the crane i s started at jib rest position, turn the by-pass key@ to by-pass. /i\ NOTICE......I . When the control handle is not in the neutral position, or oil in the tank is not sufficient, the interlock switch functions to prevent the electric motor from activation, even if the start button switch is depressed. 2. In case of starting up working zone, the by-pass switch position shall remain normal. 3. Depress the start button switch for the electric motor after depressing the start button switch and stop button switch alternatkly several times quickly. [PRECAUTION FOR OPERATION AT LOW TEMPERATURE I (1) If t h e working o i l temperature is +5 % o r less, st.art and stop t h e motor several times manually as shown below before actually st.art,ing the hyclraulic pump. i 0.5s 1s STOP 0.5s 1s STOP pZTl 1 0.5s RUN 1 STOP piiqSTOP 1s 0.5s 1s 0.5s 1s RUN ~ontinuous STOP . NOTICE....-If the weather is expected to be cold, pre-heat in the crane's machine room with a cargo light or heater. If the pumps are started up when the oil temperature is very low and viscosity is hiqh durinq the winter (+5 ' or lower), the pump may be damaqed quickly. C I (2) Preparation of hydraulic motor When temperature of system oil became to allowable level for operation (above +5"C) after warming up of hydraulic pump and hydraulic circuit, t h e operation of each hydraulic motor should be carried out for preparation by following method. I /~\NoTIcE......I. Run the hydraulic motor (hoisting, luffing and slewing) toward normal and/or reverse rotation slowly (less than about 5 rpm) in about 2 or 3 seconds for more than 5 times. 2. And, after brief stop of the hydraulic motor for I minute, each motion should be carried out about several times. The above operations have to be carried out independently without load to each motion. T h e hyd. motor may be damaged. 4 . Up the jib to the working zone slowly. 5 . Turn the by-pass key to normal when t h e jib is up to the working zone. 6 . The crane movements a n d handle operation are as - I n normal condition, motions such a s hoisting, luffing, shown left figure. - and slewing can be stopped by oil blocking i n the hydraulic motor a n d t h e mechanical automatic hydraulicbrake (brake applied with a spring and brake released with oil pressure) when the operation lever i s returned to the neutral position. NOTICE------The farther the handle is tilted, the faster the speed becomes. Get the knack for feeling the relation of the handle tilting angle and speed. /i\ NOTICE......Hoisting up and down, jib up and down, slewing left and right. Make sure that the crane stops at marked points (limit position ) at each operation with no load. The red lamp lights up when the limit switch is in use. 8. Don't hoist the load slantingly. Fig. A Fig. 8 Fig. C Fig. D F i E /i\=...-l. Don't hoist the load slantingly,if the load is hoisted slantingly from the inside of the crane(Fig.A) or in the condition shown in Fig.B, the jib will jump and run into collision to the buffer. 2. If the load is hoisted diagonaly as shown in Fig.C, the jib stress will increase, resulting in damage. 3. If the load is hoisted slantingly from foward(Fig.D) or in the condition .:.. shown in Fig.E, the luffing wire tension will increase, resultingin breakage. /i\ ~ ~ N O T I C E - - 1 . When an operator leaves the operator's cabin, be sure to stop the electric motor and see that the position the handle are in the neutral; then at the handle stopper. 2. To make an emergency stop, the electric motor stops when the stop push button is depressed. It will stop crane operation regardless of the handle position. 3. The list of ship on cargo handling is written in the specification. C A U T I O N - 7 . Please confirm that the by-pass switch is returned to the "Neutral" side before loading. 2. The improper use of the by-pas switch by the stevedore causes the accident.. So; the crew of this vessel must keep the key of this switch. In case of qrab accessary fitted crane. (Refer to the finished plan) 9. Before and after the grab cargo handling, the cabtyre cable and tug wire shall be showed as follows. (1) CABNRE CABLE <Before use> (a) Reeling out the cabtyre cable by reverse switch. (b) Loosen the receptacle fitting piece, and disconnect the female plug &om fitting piece. (c) Loosen the cabtyre fitting piece, and dmonnect the cabtyre cable &om fitting piece. (d)Sliding the wire-net to "Use position" as shown in fig.2. . <After use? (a) Disconnect the chain according tofig.1, sliding the wire-net to "Rest position" as shown in fig.2. (b) Fix the cabtyre cable tightly by shackle with wire-net. (c) Reeling the cabtyre cable by reverse switch in the cabin. (d)Fix the female plug by receptacle fitting piece as fig.3. d fF l abt. lOmm A NOTICE..... I case of connect and disconnect the cabtyre cable. keep to the above n method. mav be damaaed . The electric wire in the cable ~ l u q - (2)TUG WIRE 2-5 AFTER OPERATION BY PASS -@ f " BY PASS KEY A 4 A P f After operation of the crane, please rested the jib as follows: 1 . Turn the crane to the dwection of the jib rest stand. 2 . Turn the by-pass key clockwise and operate the jib slowly on the rest stand. - BY.PASS SWITCH (WITH K A ~ A - ~ , ~ X P ~ Y F ce-rn) 3 . After the jib is rested, the hook block should be fixed by lashing wire on the deck. I /i\ CAUTlON......At operation In this case, by-passliftkey, operate the crane carefully by the by mean of ship's crew. never the cargo. After the jib is lested, loosen the luffing rope so that it is not tensed. I 4 . See that the position of the handles are in neutral and set the handle stopper. 5 . Turn off the circuit breaker of the crane @ and turn the white lamp off. 6 . Always keep switch "ON" the circuit breaker of the light@, the toggle switch of space heater and the source i n the engine room without fail for expect maintenance. ~ ~ /i\ N O T l C E T hfromethethe care that the source of the space heater' is in the finished plan. e r is supplied separately main source. So refer to the skeleton diagram 7 . Close the door of cooler duct.(only door type) 8 . Check brake linings. 9 . Replenish grease and lubricant according t o PART.5-2, if necessary. 10. Close and clamp each door (operator' s cabin; side scuttle, crane housing) lest rain or sea water should leak int,o the housing and cabin. - 11. The jib should be fixed with the lashing piece and lashing rope lest it should swing during navigation in rough seas 2-6 SAFETY DEVICES The deck crane is equipped with each safety devices in order to carry out cargo hanclling operation safely. Each safety device is as follows: /i\ NOTICE-...Confirm that the each safety device is act before operation. May forecast person iniury and also damages to the equipment caused by defective action of safety device. I 1 . TYPE SAFETY DEVICES ( 1) Each motion limit switches 1 ) Upper and lower limits for hoisting CH33H,H33Ll 2 ) Jib max. and min. angle and rest position. CL33U,L33D,L33R,L33M3 (In case of double rating) 3 ) Differential h i t between luffing and hoisting CD333 4 ) Slewing limit CS33L,S33Rl (This is not equipped for 360" full slewing-type crane.) ( 2 ) Slack limit switch for hoisting rope CWS333 ( 3 ) Interlock switch for control handles. ( 4 ) Overload protector for hydraulic parts(re1ief valve) ( 5 ) Thermostat for oil cooler ( 6 ) Over-current protector for induction motor T ( 7 ) Low level switch for oil tank (This is equipped when the level gauge is not installed in the operator's cabin.) ( 8 ) The limit switches for jib angle and slewing angle which restrict the operation range are installed besides the above in some cases. 2 . HOIST, LUFF AND DIFFERENTIAL LlMlT [H33,L33,D33] This limit box is located a t the side of winch i n the machinery room. These limit switches are providecl in order to regulate the winding of ropes on hoisting and luffing drum at hoisting upperllower positions, max./min. outreach and jib's rest. The hfferential limit switch is provided in order to keep a minimum distance the jib top and hook block, irrespective of the angle of the jib. I /i\ NOTICE----..Checkto see 1 if the each limit switches [H33,L33,033 ] are set at t h e position specified in the finished plan. 3 . SLEWING LlMlT [ S33L,S33R) The slewing limit is proviclecl to prevent the crane from running into an obstacle. (It is not equipped for 36O0full slewing crane.) NOTICE----..Check see lf the each limit switches [S33L,S33R ] are set at the position to specified in the finished plan. I I 4 . SLACK LlMlT FOR HOISTING ROPE [ WS331 The slack limit switch for hoisting rope is provided so a s to protect the hoisting rope from irregular winding or slacks. The reset button of this device is inst.allecl in the operator's cabin. Refer to PART 4-3 "ROPE SLACK LINIIT SWITCH" for detail. I ) NOTICE--Check to see if t h e action of rope slack limit switches after read PART 4-3. 5 . INTERLOCK SWITCHES FOR CONTROL HANDLES The innt,erlock switches for the control hanclle are proviclerl in orcler to prevent rnis-operation, when starting and restarting the crane after the limit switches are actecl /i\ NOTICE----Incase where the control handles are not in the neutral position, the electric motor cannot start by the interlock switches. Please confirm the handles is neutral position. 6 . OVERLOAD PROTECTOR FOR HYDRALIC PARTS (RELIEF VALVE) (1)The relief valves on the hydraulic motor are provided to protect the winches from overload. The hoisting and luffing motor each has one relief valve. The slewing motor has two relief valves. One is for slewing clockwise, and the other is for slewing counter-clockwise. In cases of quick starting and stopping of the slewing motion, the relief valves on the slewing motor are provided in order to soften the mechanical shock. (2) The.relief valves in the hyclraulic circuit are provided to protect the pump from overload. When the pressure of the relief valves exceed the maximum, in the three motions(hoisting, luffing a d slewing), the crane stops by the relief valves. In that case, a certain control handle (for example : slewing handle or luffing handle) should be returned to the neutral position, then the crane is able to operate continuously. I A 7 N O T l C E N e v e r rotate the adjusting screw of relief valve. THERMOSTAT FOR OIL COOLER 1) The fan motor for the oil cooler operates automatically by the thermostat which is installed in the hyclrauiic circuit. 2) When the temperature of the system oil rises over 70°C, red lamps O is lighted by the thermostat. 3) When the temperature of the system oil is below 5%. induction mot,or can starting but cannot operat.ion. i ~.. /i\ N O T I C E - - - - IIn case that red lamp@ is lighted, the handles have to be returned to . the. neutral position and idling operation must be done until the red lamp @ goes off. 2. In case that the system oil i below 5"C, refer to the P.2-8 "PRECAUTION s FOR OPERATION AT LOW TEMPERATURE" Refer to PART. 5-18 about detail of temperature controller. : 8 . OVER CURRENT PROTECTOR FOR INDUCTION MOTOR THERHOSTAT INAL BIHETAL &LEAD 1 CONTACT There are three sets o thermostats [THpl which E detect over heat of stator coil of each phase of the incluction motor CIMpl . And one thermal relay is set in the contactor box, which detects over current of incluction motor. 151P, 51Fl In case of over duty of induction motor, the temperature of stator coil rises up, and the induction motor stops by the thermostats. And in case of over current or short phase, the incluction motor also stops by the thermal relay and then the. orange lamp on the control box is bright. NOTICE---- In above cases, don't operate before you clear up t h e cause and check the condit~on electr~c of motor. The contact is bimetal system. In case of over current flows, the bimetal is curved and it's contact point is separated. K4IN TERHINAL CONNECTION 0IACR.W ) WIN TERHINAL THERHAL RELAY ( S I P . S L F ) 9 . JIB EMERGENCY LIMIT SVVTCH CL33EI LUFFING REVOLUTION SHAFT A jib emergency limit switch is installed to stop the jib movement even when the jib 'falls due to valve sticlung in the luffing driving device. If the luffing drum rotates in the jib lowering direction when an operator moves the lever to the JIB UP position, this device safely stops crane operation. If the luff'mg handle is moved to LIP side to lift the jib with only small movement, the brake will release and the jib will lower. T h s is the result of loss of hydraulic pressure from internal leakage in the hydraulic motor. In thls case, the emergency limit device will acts to stop the crane. 1 A NOTICE-.-.If this limit i activated, reset the indicator lamp push "RESET" on the s contactor box and then restart the pump motor operation. 1 0. EMERGENCY STOP DEVICE In adhtion, an emergency stop button is provided in operator's cabin to stop all crane motions in case of an emergency. CAUTION------In case of an emergency, push an emergency stop button speedily to stop all crane motions. ) 2-7 LOAD LOWERING PROCEDURE IN CASE OF POWER FAILURE /i\ NOTICE-..-I. If cargo handling stop because of a power failure or other unpredictable trouble and you want to lower the load, release the hoisting winch brake with a bolt for brake release according to the following procedure to slowly lower the load safety. Arrange your system operation so that the work can be quickly stopped if you find an abnormal situation. 2. Apply the lubricating oil (grease) to the bolt and the seat fitted on the fork end in bar of thread burn. 1. Prepare a bolt for brake release and wrench f o r M16 bolt. (The bolt is stored in the spare parts box.) 2. Apply the lubricating oil to the bolt and the seat fitted on the fork end of brake cylinder, and set the bolt t o the seat fitted. 3 . Push the brake cylinder tube with the bolt, pull the piston rod and release the brake. The load i s lowered b y t h e reduction of the hydraulic pressure on the motor. 4. A f t e r the load i s on the ground, detach the bolt fiom the seat of fork end and return the bolt in the spare parts box. M E LUBRICdnNG OIL /i\m......l. When the lowering speed is too high or to stop the cargo, release the bolt for brake release and brake will work. 2. Don't leave the bolt for brake release on the seat of fork end ,return the bolt in the spare parts box without fail after the work. PART3 HYDRAULICSYSTEM PART 3-1 3-2 3-3 BASIC HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT HYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC MOTOR CONTROL APPARATUS RELIEF VALVES AUTOMATIC HYDRAULIC BRAKE SOLENOID CONTROLLED VALVE 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-1 BASIC HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT (Refer to "FINISHED P HOISTING MOTOR W detail of hydraulic circuit.) LUFFING MOTOR SLEWING MOTOR .x: -OIL T A N K SYMBOL NAME OF PARTS MAIN LINE AUXILIARY LINE I I 1 SYMBOL NAME OF PARTS % / I I THROTTLE CHECKVALVE CUSHIONVALVE DRAIN LINE REDUCING VALVE HYDRAULIC MOTOR HYDRAULIC PUMP I - + D- SOLENOID CONTROLLED VALVE I CHECKVALVE STOP VALVE +#+ INDUCTION MOTOR TtEtOTTLE VALVE I I 4 -0- I 1 OILCOOLER OPERATEVALVE OIL FILTER RELIEF VALVE OLFILTERFORTANK SPEED CHANGE VALVE 0 THERMOSTAT COUNTER VALANCE VALVE I @& 1 RELIEF VALVE WITH SOLENOID VALVE ' HYDRAULIC CYLINDER DLRECTION CHANGEOVER 3-2HYDRAULIC PUMP SYMBOL 1 . CONSTRUCTION The hydraulic pump is composed of a cartridge section housing0 to provide a suction port (low pressure), mounting cap@ to provide a discharge port &gh pressure), transmission ,shaft@ and bearingsa to support the shaft. The main components of the cartridge assembly are as follows : Cam-rings with inner cam and suction and hscharge passages. Rotor@ with vane@ i s formed working chamber rotating along the inner wall of the cam-ring. Vane@ which performs the reciprocating motion in the rotor vane slot, along the i ~ e cam in the radial direction. The front casing and rear r casing are located and fixed thorough the cartridge with high precision to keep the accuracy in th; shaft center deflection. Shaft 0 and rotor @ are connected by key or spline. 2 . OPERATION ~ ~.~ The rotor and vanes are driven by an electric motor through theshaft and chain coupling. The vanes and hold out pin are fitted to the rotor groove. Vanes are pressed to the cam to keep suitable clearance by the hold out pin that is pressed by pin cavity pressure. And they are rotated smoothly to guide by the camring. The vanes with the rotor rotate along the camring to actuate the two-cycle operation per revolution. seal discharge - seal. . One-cycle operation is a process of suction Since the vanes locates symmetrically to the shaft to actuate the above cycle operation in synchronization, and the radial load is scarcely acted to the shaft. + - ,' ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ e n precision should be confirmed when fiRing the pump. t e r i n g The hyd. pump may be damaqed. 3 . CENTERING To ensure longer bearing life, the centering precision between i;he pump shaft and elect,ric motor shaft shall be kept wit.hin t,he error specified at the left,. ( Centering precision should be confirmed with a dial gauge.) SECTIONAL VIEW OF HYDRAULIC PUMP 3-3 HYDRAULIC MOTOR SYMBOL 1 . CONSTRUCTION The hydrauhc motor is composed of six proups as follows. (1) Cartridge assembly : Main components : Cam-ring O Rotor @ Vane O Rocker beam @ Push rod O @)Casing assembly : Casing@ with main passage which functions as a double side plate. Casing composed of bearing& and @ which is subject to the load of external force only. (3)Front flange and rear flange assembly : Flanges @ and @ locate a t the outside of the rotor@ are provided to prevent the deformation of casing@ under high pressure operation through application of the inner working pressure to the backside of casing@ and to keep the proper side clearance between rotor@ ancl casing@ . (4)Shaft assembly : Main components : Spline shaft connected to the rotor .: Distance ring @ Bearing inner ring Each component group is independently assembled to contribute to case of inspection, disassembly and assembly. The front and rear casing assemblies are precisely fixed by the straight pin@ through the cartridge assembly to maintain the high precision in deflection between the shaftancl shaft center. , - L Hyclraulic motors of type HVK and higher capacity have a %step speed change mechanism and six working chambers. Type HVN has a %step s p e d change mechanism and four working chambers. Working volume is changed in combination with the t,wo opposed chambers. The hyt:lraulic motor may differ depending on t h crane type. e SHAFT A S S ' Y 3-4 CONTROL APPARATUS AUTOMATIC CHANGE TYPE (FOR HOISTING DEVICE) 1 . CONSTRUCTION This control apparatus is provided to change the operation of the hydraulic motor such as stopping, normal rotation (winhng) and reverse rotation and to change the operational speed (Three steps : low, m e h ~ u n hgh) automatically and under normal rotation. A s shown in the figure, this consists of the control valve with oilinlet and outlet connected to the h y d r a h c pump, and the valve block with safety valve which is connected to the hydraulic motor. The control apparatus components are : 0 : Control spool @ ,GI : Speed change valve 0 : Counter-balance valve : Check valves provided each valves. - 2 . OPERATION (1)CONTROL VALVE SYMBOL The control spool to be actuated by geared cable changes the oil flow direction discharged &om the h y d r a d c pump, to regulate the quantity of oil supply for the hydraulic motor and to control the motor speed. ,V (2)SPEED CHANGE VALVE SYMBOL -%(3)COUNTER-BALANCE VALVE SYMBOL The speed change valve automatically activates in the order of @-@ to change the oil passage according to load. When activating @&@ , hydraulic motor speed becomes the low step (full chamber operation) and when activating only @ ,it is engaged in the mehum step(213 chamber operation). When @&@ are inoperative, the motor speed range is high step (113 chamber operation). The counter-balance valve activates during reverse operation to prevent load over-speed and to maintain a stable lowering operation. (4)CHECK VALVE SYMBOL Check valve properly activates depending on the operation of counter-balance valves and control spool@, to prevent the oil backup cnrrent. @-a /i\ CAUTION.--...In this automatic type, when the revolutional load is applied to the hydraulic motor in a particular direction, the oil in the hydraulic motoris confined (oil block) to produce brakingforce in the motor. But, in the case of revolutional load in the reverse direction, an oil block is impossiblewhich will not permit to stop the hydraulic motor unthe half way loading condition. Therefore, the controllable direction of the load is restricted. CHANGELESS TYPE (FOR LUFFING & SLEWING) 1. CONSTRUCTION d This control apparatus is not provided with speed change fhction to control the hydraulic motor under the full camber conchtion. It is available for two types ; S type for luffing and D type for slewing (luffing). It consists of the control valve and valve block the same as the automatic change type, and incorporates control spool, counter-balance and check valve. D type is provided with two units of co~mter-balance valve and safety valve respectively, to prevent load overspeed in both normal and reverse cbrections of the working load. The S type is provided with only one unit of counter-balance valve and safety valve. 2 . OPERATION Therefore, the controllable load hrection (the working load to the hydraulic motor) is restricted as automatic change type. For the D type, the braking force can be applied in both normal and reverse directions. High p r e s s u r e s i d e [ pressure side Low Stop "B" S e c t i o n MARK - PARTICULARS PARTICULARS PARTICULARS (0 CHECK VALVE ( 4 ) CHECK VALVE ( 5 ) CONTItOL SPUOL CUNTROL LE\iER ( I ) 0 @ @ CHECK VALVE ( I ) CHECKVALVE ( 2 ) CHECK v.4L\n ( 3 ) Automatic-change type control apparatus CHECK VALVE ( 6 ) CUSHON VALVE SAFETYVALVE (3 - SPEED Cf1ANCI;: \'ALVE S e c t i o n "A" MARK PARTICULARS MARK PARTICULARS ( 0 @ ilI'GI'IA1'E \'Al.\'B CASING ( 7 3 $9 COIINI'ER-BALANCE VALVE CI.IECI< VALVE S I \ F E ~ ' YV!\LVE 1 \i:lL\lE l ~ l ~ N<;.\SlNc: % Changeless type control apparatus CCiWI'Fi(1l. Sl.1 I < IL CUNTRLIL I.E\llCli (L-S) - @ Section "A" MARK (1) PARTICULARS MARK PARTICULARS l l l J l ~ l t . 4 ' ~\!..\l.VE Ct\S'l!K E COlIhWER-BALANCEVALVE Changeless type control apparatus (N-D) GTERISTICS OF CONTROL APPARATUS AUTOMATIC-CHANGE N P E MODEL CHANGELESS TYPE L-A K-A K-D I N-D L-S N-D hoist I ........ ........L Riiw CHARACTERISTICS l o 100 speed 0 100 % + load r speed 100 load f speed 100% load _____) 300 lower I I load For SLEWING 4 For HOISTING For LUFFING USAGE 3-5 RELIEF VALVE SYMBOL The relief valves on the hydraulic motor (control apparatus valve block) are provided in order to protect the hydraulic machinery and equipment from over load. The relief valves in the hydraulic circuit are provided to protect the hydraulic pump over load. CAUTION----- ever rotate the adjusting screw of the valve which is set a proper oil pressure at our shop. 1 . OPERATION .-/ In cases where the oil pressure applied to the chamber [PI is below the set pressure, the poppet does not activates. Therefore the oil is not flown through each nozzle and oil pressure in each chamber of [PI, [Pi] and [P2] has the same level to maintain this conhtion. When the pressure in [PI chamber and in [P2] chamber rises and the pressing force to the poppet becomes greater than the force of spring [A] (that is set pressure), the poppet is opened to release the oil from [Pz] to @I. A this time, [Pz]chamber is connected to [PI chamber by nozzle [A] and p ; t ] thus, the oil passing through the nozzles [A and B] is pressured and the pressure in [PI]becomes lower than the pressure in [PI to push up the plunger. The pressure balance between [PI and [PI] is lost and the plunger is opened to release the oil from [PI to [R]. In cases, where the pressure in [PI becomeslower, the pressure i n [Px] also ,becomes lower to close the poppet and the pressure in [PI is same as the pressure in [PI]. Then, the plunger is pressed back to the seat and set to the close position. .SPRING-A ADJUSllNG SCREW NOZZLE B FOR MOTOR FOR PUMP 3-6 AUTOMATIC HYDRAULIC BRAKE I ~ c A u T I o N - that~ ~ ~ ~hydraulic~brake act normaly c automatic ~ ~ The brake is turned ON by the spring housed in the brake cylinder@, and turned from the OFF by the brake cylinder operated by the hydraulic oil s~lpplied aforementioned control unit through the brake control valve@. When the hydraulic pressure drops due t o service interruption by electric source failure or a failure in the hydraulic system, the brake is turned ON automatically by the spring force. The brake control valve@ houses the direction changeover valve@ and the reducing valve@. The drection changeover valve is operated by the pressure generated in the aforementioned controlunit. It turns OFF the brake by supplying hydraulic oil to the brake cylinder, and turns ON the hrake by draining the oil from the brake cylinder to the low pressure line. (At this time, i t is in the neutral position.) The reducing valve protects the brake cylinder by controlling the pressure of the hydraulic oil supplied from the dwection changeover valve to the brake cylinder so . . that i t will not exceed the limit value. - -.- MOTOR K-F VALVE BRAKE .CYLINDER 1 5 1 REDUCING VALVE BRAKE CYLINDER 1 I 3-7 SOLENOID CONTROLLED VALVE N O T I C E - - - . - that functioning of solenoid controlled valve at no load. C~~~~~~ SYMBOL The solenoid-controlled valves are provided to turn on or off the port from the valve block to return line. - 1 . OPERATION In case that the solenoid coil @ is magnetized by electrical signal from the control handle, the movable iron core @ is attracted to the solenoid moves to the right side ; hydraulic port [PI is thus coil@,and spool disconnected to the port of the return line and, the pressure of main line is up. @. I For this valve, the spool is usually set on open position by spring@ & a MARK O 0 @ NAME PUSH PIN SOLENOID COIL MOVABLE IRON CORE SPOOL SPRING B PART 4 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT PART 4-1 START & STOP OF INDUCTION MOTOR OPERATING CIRCUIT LIMITING CIRCUIT LIGHTING & HEATING CIRCUIT OVERLOAD PROTECTOR FOR INDUCTION MOTOR 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-1 START & STOP OF INDUCTION MOTOR The voltage of the electric instruments is as follows in general. Please refer to the skeleton diagram in the finished plan. Main circuit for motor AC440V, 3 4 , 60Hz Coil of main contactor for motor AC440V, 14 , 60Hz Control circuit ACllOV, 14 , 60Hz Lighting circuit AClIOV, 1 4 , 60Hz Heating circuit AClIOV, 1 4 , 60Hz The main cable from the ship is connected to the brushes of the slipring [SR] installed under the base of the deck crane. And this cable via slipring [SR] is connected to the circuit breaker [NFBP] in the contactor box equipped in the operator's cabin. 2 .STAR DELTA (Y-A) STARTING METHOD The motor for the hydraulic pump is started in accorclance with the star-delta (Y- A ) starting methocl by means of the contactors [6P], [42P-11 and [42P-21. Accorchng to this starting method, the starting current of the motor is reduced to one-third or the value as compared with the line-starting system. (1 )STARTING CONDITION Before starting the motor, confirm that the following conditions are satisfied electrically : 1) Source is t,o be supplied. If the circuit breaker WFBP] "SOURCE (CRANE)" is turned on, the white lamp WL] "SOURCE" lights. 2) Control levers are to be in neutral. If the levers are not in neutral, the relay [AUH, AUL or AUS] is not excited by the interlock switch [HIS, LIS or SIS]. 3) Overloacl protection device of motor is not to act. If some prokction devices act, the orange lamp [OL] MOTOR OVER LOAD" lights. 4) Oil level of t,he t,ank is not to be low. If the oil level becomes too low, the red lamp [RL4) "LOW OIL LEVEL lights. " (2)STAR (Y) STARTING Push the 'START" button VBl]. The auxiliary relays [6X, 6YI are turned on and [6X] performs its self-holdmg circuit. The contactor [42P-l] is operated by the relay [6Y] and contactor [42P-11 makes [42P-21 turned on. Therefore, the motor [IMP] is started with star (Y) connection. (3)DELTA ( A ) RUNNING When the pre-set time passes after starting motor with star OT) connection, contactors [42P-11, [6P] are demagnetized by the timer [T6]. ---Thispre-set value 1s adjustable by the knob of the timer p 6 ] , and is set about 5 sec. to get the fd1 speed of the motor. During the winter season or in the cold clistrkts, this value should be adjusted to more than 5 sec. The delta contact of [T6] is turned on after abt. 0.5 sec., and the relay [6Yj and the running contactors [42P-11, [42P-21 are magnetized. Then, the motor [IMP] comes into running operation with delta ( A ) connection, and the green lamp [GL] "RUNNING" lights. At the same time, the relay [42P-X] is turned on by the auxiliary contact [42P-2].Thus, the cleck crane can be operated. /i\ V N O T I C E - - - - 1If the control lever is operated during star (Y) startmg, the motor is stopped . by the handle interlock as described. 2 If the temperature of oil is over 70°C or below 5"C, the red lamp [RL3] "OIL TEMP. HIGH & LOW lights. In this case when the control lever is operated, the motor will be stopped The motor should be run without load until the red lamp goes off 3 . STOP OF MOTOR Push the button [PBZ] "STOP". The self-holding circuit of the auxiliary relay [6X] is disconnected and the main contactors [42P-I], [42P-21 are clemagnetized. Thus, the motor is st,oppecl. 4-2 OPERATING CIRCUIT When the induction motor [IMP] for hydraulic pump comes to delta running, the deck crane can be freely operated by control levers. Make sure that the green "RUNNING lamp lights up. Three motion, hoisting, luffing & slewing, could be operated in this crane. 4-3LIMITING CIRCUIT GAUTlON......Confirm that the each safety device is act before operation May forecast person injury and also damages to the equipment caused by defective action of safety device. The following limiting devices are installed in this crane. 1 .HOISTING LIMIT [H33H, H33LI The hoisting limit switches are installed in t.he switch box with luffing ancl differential limit switches. These rimit switches are turned to "0N"and " O F F by the striker which is moved according to revolution of hoisting h u m . The high limit switch IH33H1 is activated i n the position where the hoisting rope is fully rolled into the drum and the low limit switch CH33L1 is activated where the rope is fully paid out from the drum. When the high limit switch [H33H]acts during hoisting operation, the relay [auh] is demagnetized ancl induction motor [imp] is stopped. Then the red "LIMITING lamp P L l ] lights. When the low limit switch [H33L] acts during lowering operation, the motor [IMP] is stopped and the red "LIMITING lamp P L l ] lights also. , - 2 .LUFFING LIMIT There are three luffing limit switches : high limit switche [ ~ 3 3 ~ , ~ 3 3 ~ , ~ 3 3 ~ , ~[L33U],]low limit switch [L33D] and rest limit switch [L33R] 33~ Double rating limit switch [L33W is e q ~ ~ i p p e d optionally in accorclance with specification. 3 .DIFFERENTIAL LIMIT P331 When the hook block approaches the sheave unit on the jib top during hoisting or luffing clown operation, the differential limit switch [D33] is activated. At this time, relay [AWH or AUL] is demagnetized, and t h e n the induction motor [IMP] i3 stopped. The working position of this switch ID331 is changed in accorclance with the relation between the hoisting striker and that of the luffing. 4 R O P E SLACK LIMIT bYS331 LS "ON" "V If the hoisting rope is loosenecl by some cause, the wire rope slack limit switch [WS33] is activated. When the loosenecl rope returns to the normal condition at once, the induction motor will nor; stop. I K the rope continues to loosen c l ~ ~ r i n g "pre-set time, the the timer [19W] co11nt.sup and the relay [AU>y is magnetizecl. Therefo.re, the rc~li~y [AUH] i tnrnecl off, ancl the induction motor stops. After the incluct,ion motor yt.ops, there are two conclitions which one is that the rope $lack is already taken oil'by t,he self-weight of the hook. anrl thr ot,her i$ that the rope is still loose. These conclitions can be simply confirmed by pushing the lamp but.t,on "ROPE SLACK (IAMP RESET)" [LPB4]. It'this red lamp goes ot'C thr rope slack is returned t,o normal conili tion. [f'not, make silrc, t.hr wire rope mnclition immecliat,~ly. * yre-set time This value (:an Ilr a~.ljust.e~:l thr st!t,t.ing dial of the timer by [19v. The normal sel.t,ing value is about 0.3 sec.. 4-7 . , 5 .LIMIT SWITCH BY-PASS NORMAL BY.PASS -~~@3 BY.PASS KEY ,'d,ix*BY-PASS SWITCH (WITH KCO When the limit switch is activated, the induction motor is stopped. After restarting, if thecontrol lever is tilted to the same direction again, the motor stops and the crane cannot be operatecl. Therefore the contactor box is furnished with select switch with key "DIFF.,ROPE & LUFF. LOW LIMIT BY-PASS" for the purpose of resting the jib and checking the hook block. After turning the select switch to "BY-PASS", the differential, rope slack and luffing low limit switches are by-passed. Thus, the crane can be operated over these limits. ,i-r.rxx.r./+ (+-H) A C A U T I O N . - . . l . Turn this by-pass switch to the "NORMAL" s ~ d e loading. at 2. The improper use of this switch by the stevedore causes the acc~dent Therefore the crew of this vessel must keep the key of this switch. 3. This by-pass operation should be enacted carefully, only by the crew. The slewing limit has two switches ; . right limit switch [S33R] and left limit switch [S33L]. These limit switches are fitted to the slipring. When [S33R] or [S33L] is activated, the induction motor [IMP] is stopped and the red "LIMITING" lamp lights. Please refer to the skeleton diagram of the finished plan whether the slewing limit switch is fitted or not. This switch is optional. 7 .OIL COOLER FAN CIRCUIT "., The incluction motor [IMF] for the oil cooler is automatically operated by the thermostat and thermostat temp. controller while the incluct,ion motor [IMP] is running. The thermostat is inserted in the oil pipe and t,hq-temp. controller in contactor box takes the oil temperature by change of resistance of t,his thermostat,. The initial value of the temp. cont,roller is set as follows. above 40°C cooler start, below 35°C cooler stop THEFWOST.4T N O T I C E C o n f i r m that oil cooler starting by hydraulic temperature heated up in operation. 4-4 LIGHTING & HEATING CIRCUIT The following equipment are installed on the deck crane. Please refer to the circuit diagram in the finished plan. The voltage ACllOV is used for lighting and heating circuits. Turn on the circuit breaker CNFBHl "SOURCE (LIGHT)" on the door of the contactor box so that the projector and the other lamp may light. - 1 .ROOM LIGHT The fluorescent lamp on the ceiling of the operator's cabin is switched on and off by the "ROOM LIGHT toggle switch (TS11 on the door of the contactor box. 2 .PROJECTOR d The projector is switched on and of$ by the "PROJECTOR toggle switch ITS21 on the door of the contactor box. 3 .MACH. ROOM LIGHT The pendant lamp in the machine room are switched on and off by the tumbler switch situated a t the inside of the entrance. /i\ NOTICE...-1. The toggle switch [TS3] of the space heaters should be switched on always in order to prevent moisture. If the space heater is not switched on, it may entail damage to the electric. motor by insulation resistance reduction. 2. In addition, please make sure breaker [NFBH] is turned on. It supplies the source to this circuit. (In case that the source 110V is supplied for space heater directly, you don't have to turn on this breaker [NFBH].) Even if the induction motor [IMP] is started while the switch pS3] is on, the space heater circuit is automatically disconnected by the auxiliary contact of the running contactor [42P-I]. Therefore, there is no trouble of overheating because the motor and the space heater are not working at the same time. 4 .SPACE HEATER The space heaters for moisture proofing are fitted in the electric motor [IMP] for the hydraulic pump and the contactor box. These space heaters are switched on and off by the "SPACE HEATER" toggle switch (TS31 on the door of the contactor box. 5 .THE OTHERS The receptacle switch is installed in the machine room The heater and the electric fan could be used also. 4-5 OVERLOAD PROTECTOR FOR INDUCTION MOTOR /i\ CAUTION--.---Ifover load protection for induction motor is "ON", don7 operate before you clear up the cause and check the condition of electric motor. I Induction motor may b e d a m a g e d . If the induction motor [IMP] becomes over-loaded for some reason, the motor circuit is protected by the thermostat [THP] or the thermal relay [51P]. And if the induction motor for oil cooler [IMF] becomes overloaded, i t is protected by the thermal relay [51F]. If either of them is activated, the auxiliary relay [51X] is demagnetized, and the induction motors [IMP] & [IMF] are stopped at the same time. The orange lamp "MOTOR OVERLOAD" [OL] on the contactor box lights up. These devices protect the motor from single phase operationas well a s overload running. Therefore when the induction motor is stopped, it is necessary to confirm whether it is stopped by the overload running or not. Careful attention must be paid to the open-phase operation of the induction motor, because it is st-opped by insufficient contact between the slipring and the brush in the slipring device. If a short circuit between the phases and the earth happens for some reason, the induction motor is protected by the inst,ant trip of the circuit breaker [NFBP] or the fuse [EF]. ' 1 .THERMOSTAT (THP) L Three set.s of the thermostat [TI-IP] are equipped in the stator coil of each phases of the induction motor [IMP] and these clevices are connect.ecl in series. If the tempmature of the coil rises above the pre-set value by over duty operat~on, contact of the thermost.at [THP] is opened, the t,he auxiliary relay [51X] is clemagnetized, and the induction mot,or [IMP] is stopped. In this ( : m e , if the temperature of the coil goes below the prescribed value, thr t h r m o s t a t [THP] reverts t.o the tbrrner conclit,ion "ON" aut,omatically. BIXETAL STATOR C O I L 1 CONTACT TH? LEAD W I R E INTERIOR V I i V it.5 When t,he t,hermostat is heated up, t , h ~ bimtbtal curves and conl.nt:l, point is separated Tlir working t,ernperat,ure ot'the thermost.al, i.5 very exact (error rat,ion : 2.5"C) and this thermostat has long-life. If it is damaged, please by-pass the trouble circuit in the t,errninal box. * 2 .THERMAL OVER-CURRENT RELAY [51PI & [51F] [51P]& [51F] are fitted in the contactor box. If the induction motors become overloaded or run by single phase operation, the thermal over-current relay [SIP]or [51F] is activated, the auxiliary relay [51a is demagnetized, and these motors are stopped a t the same time. These thermal over-current relays are of the manual reset type. .MAIN T E R M I N A L MAIN T E R M I N A L S E T BUTTON The contact. is a bimetal system. In case of the over-current, the bimetal curves and its contact is separatecl. PART 5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION PART 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 PRELIMINARY NOTICE MAINTENANCE CHART RECOMMENDED OlLS VOLUME OF OlLS SUPPLY HYDRAULIC OlLS SUPPLY GEAR OlLS CLEANING OF OIL-FILTER WIRE ROPES, DEAD-EYE THIMBLE ROPE GUIDE GEARED CABLE TIGHTENING TORQUE OF BOLTS GEARS BRAKE LINING HOOK BLOCK SHEAVES OIL COOLER ELECTRIC PARTS TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER FOR PLATINUM RESISTANCE THERMOMETER ADJUSTMENT OF EMERGENCY LIMIT FOR JIB ' : . . . . ... . . . . . . . . , 1. , , ~ ~ . , . ...>,.~. . ., . .. , -. , > .. . ..I :. . . 5-19 5-1 PRELIMINARY NOTICE It is important that the user should understand the functions, features and construction of the crane and device a proper maintenance system. It is safe to say that it is too late in a day to learn how to repair the crane after it has already broken down. But we can say that most troubles and accidents may be prevented by familiarization and the periodical maintenance by the user. V' Please keep the following when proceeding with maintenance or inspection. . ,. . CAUTION.---.-^. The crane should be rested wifliput cargo when proceeding with . . maintenance or inspection. . . 2. Both SOURCE SWITCHES for the main and auxiliary circuit o ttie..crane f . . . . \. I .., , . . .% . . . .. . ..... I I - should be securely turned to "OFF, on the control panel in theengineiroom . : (In thrs case, suspend the "Under inspection" caution plate.) : 3. Never adjust the safety devices, timer, hydraulic valve or brake device($ for no reason at all. . .. . . 4. Never replace, disassemble or adjust the HYDRAULIC PUMP and . : . . . ., . MOTOR without contacting IHI. . . .. 1, 1 ' A NOTICE..--,.The STOP VALVE in suction line from HEAD TANK in a machinery room turned close when overhauling or cleaning the OIL FILTER. This stop valve must be turned open fully after maintenance. 2. Care should be taken not to produce or reassembly with a wrong fitting differing from the original installation. 3. Care should be taken to keep each part HEAD TANK and finished surface clean. At assembly, supply grease to O-ring and packing for moving parts. T o Succton Line 4. After overhauling, perfectly purge all remaining air in the hydraulic system. The crane is start-up the pump and perfectly purge air carryng out the air purging work no-load operation 5. Then, operate each motion carefully at no load, confirming normal motion and sound. . . .. . 6 . The deck crane has a long pause and is always exposedto sea breezes and sea water, & electric parts are apt to cause some, troubles. Therefore check . . . . . . . . before operation, and regular intewals. 7. In case of cargo handling for powdered materials, fit the air filter to air inlet side of the crane. 8. During maintenance, refer to the "MAINTENANCE CHART" as follows. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION OF HYD. PUMP AND MOTOR (The following maintenance are strictly required to 'customer.) It should be overhaul/recondition of hyd.motor mare than eight(8) years service. /i\ N O T I C E - - When vane tip are abnormally worn out by the age, no oil block function and increase sagging speed. In this case, there are possibility of crane stall if there are damage of mechanical brake and mis-operation of deck machinerylcrane. When customer requires, we can accept the inspection /diagnose loverhaul /recondition of hyd. pump and motor. (Please ask to IHI MARINE CO..LTD) 5-2 MAINTENANCE CHART MACHINERY AND HYDRAULIC PART Interval *1 'rocedure Operation Ways and Means Before 3 months 6 months Annually Remarks 3 4 1 Slewing Gear Lubrication Wire & Dead-eye Thimble Brush and Sprayer Do Check visually Do I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PART. 5-6 PART. 5-8 PART. 5-14 PART. 5-15 PART. 5-8 PART. 5-13 PART. 5-12 PART. 5-13 PART. 5-16 PART. 5-10 PART. 5-2 PART. 5-13 PART. 2-6,5-1 PART. 5-9 O-ring ' oilseal. Limit Switch Action Brake Action Hoist. ,Luff. ,Slew. Gear 10 1 1 Operating (No load) Do Check visually Do Do Do Brush Do Check visually Operating (No load) Check visually Do Hammering Do Washing /Drain out, Cleaning Sampling Cleaning Check visually Brake Lining Inspection Oil Cooler Inspection Geard Cable Inspection Chain Coupling Grease Brake Pin, Brake Link Control Handle Inspection Rope Guide Inspection Oil Leakage Inspection Housing and Jib Bolts For Machine Inspection Foundation Bolt Inspection Oil Filter Cleaning p p p p p 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 0 0 0 Crack ' Paintin Loosened or no Do 21 22 23 24 25 1 Head Tank Cleaning Hydraulic Oil Inspection Oil Cooler Cleaning Hydraulic Rubber Hose Inspection / I 0 0 0 1 I / 0 (every 2 yarn) PART. 5-7 IPART. 5-5 ]PART. 5-5 PART. 5-16 Damaged, Loosened or no 0 0 0 ELECTRICAL PART Procedure Items I I Ways and Means I Belore I 3monlhs I Gmonths I Annually I Remarks Interval *I 3 1 ~ i m e inspection r I Check operation and I 1 ° 1 I I *l.The above maintenance and inspection intervals are for reference. They should be changed depending upon crane operating conditions. *2. Refer to the part No. mentioned in remarks for the inspection method and replacement period. CHART FOR GREASE AND GEAR OIL SUPPLY GREASE SUPPLY POINTS OPEN GEAR OIL SUPPLY POINTS Slewing pinion & gear m... and dead-eyethe Supply sufficient oil to wire rope I thimble. I 6 Jib beanng Deadeye thimble Hook block Control handle (for l d f & slew ) Door clamps (011 7 8 + brush) 9 V' 10 CHAIN COVER GREASING I - INSPECTION AND OIL SUPPLYING No. SUPPLY POINTS I 11 I Main motor 1I 1 @ CHAIN COUPLING 1 12 1 Chain couplin~ GREASING -1 'b - 8 LUFFING & SLEWHANDLE Refer to the CHART on crane body for detail, because grease and oil supply point may differ according to crane type. 1~ - 5-3 RECOMMENDED OILS 1 . SELECTION OF HYDRAULIC OIL RECOMMMENDED HYDRAURIC OIL shown on the followmg pages IS selected for general use except for the coldest regons. These 011s are used under t h e following conchtions: (1) Atmospheric temperature with crane operating. Refer to t h e SPECIFICATION ........... (2)The highest starting oil viscosity of hydraulic pump. ...........3ooocst (Lowest ambient air temperature of SPECIFICATION) (3)The highest normal running oil viscosity: 500cst ( +5"C) (4)Max. hydraulic oil temperature a t normal running is +65"C, and in this conchtion viscosity is 25cst or more. (5)In addition to the viscosity, the pour point shall be taken into consideration, also. The pour point is lower than pump starting oil temperature by 10°C or more, t h a t is, the pour point of hyclraulic oil is -20°C or below. - -- "- A N O T I C E . . . . ..1. We cannot take responsibility for the damage and deterioration in performance caused by using oils other than our "RECOMMENDED HYDRAULIC OIL''. 2. This i also the case if the crane i operated exceeding the conditions s s mentioned in the above item "SELECTION"." 3. If atmospheric temperature does not satisfy the above mentioned condition (especially in the coldest regions), and if there can be found no proper hydraulic oil, contact u s and/or oil maker and make the selection. ) 2 . INSPECTION AND EXCHANGE OF HYDRAULIC OIL (Refer PART 5-5) A NOTICE....I . Sampling of hydraulic oil should be carried out once a year to check the condition of the hydraulic oil. 2. Replace the hydraulic oil, if found deteriorated, with a new one in accordance with the oil listed in the "Recommended lubricating oils". 3 . GEAR OIL (For wire rope, open gear) A N O T I C E - - -Some gear oils have high viscosity s o that gear oil should be coated after heating by heater, etc. 5-7 RECOMMENDED LUBRICATING OILS Lubricating Point Method of Lubrication SHOWA SHELL MOBIL Enclosed Gear and Bearing Oil Bath Open Gear (or Wire rope) Brush Bearing or Links I I Grease gun or Hand Omala Oil 220 ESSO Mobil Gear 630 Mobii SHC 630 Spartan EP220 Malleus GL 95 (Malleus Fluid RL) Mobiltac 375NC Surett Fluid 4K Alvania E P Grease 2 Mobiiux EP2 EP2 Beacon (Lithtan) I Energrease OG Energrease MM - EP2 I CALTEX CASTROL Meropa Lubricant Alpha SP220 220 Lubricant 250NC 2 I 220 TEXACO & Mempa I Dm-Lith Grease Epnoc Grease EP2 AP2 NIPPON MITSUBISHI Bomoc M220 Clanw Compound COSMO IDEMITSU Cosmo Gear SE220 220 220 Cosmo Gear Compound Daphne Open Gear Oii No2 2-S I Cosmo Grease Dynamax EP Daphne Eponex Grease E P No.2 Daphne Eponex Grease SR No2 I Daphne Super Gear Oil FUJI KOSAN Fukkol Mild EP Gear JAPAN ENERGY 1 Reductus 220 Gear Compound CardrexaDC No2 I Lisonix Grease Epexa 2 EP - 2 Epona Z 220 1 T h e f o l l o w i n g l i s t shows t h e recommended hyd. o i l b r a n d s selected f o r ships serving o n general r o u t e s excluding those in t h e p o l a r circles. RECOMMENDED OIL OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 40% 100°c 5000 3000 - 15 - 17 - 19 - 18 25 20 ("C SHOWA SHELL MOBIL ESSO BP 'I TeUus Oil TeUus Oil Mobil SHC ST68 T68 526 68.7 70.1 70 73.8 70 66 68 68 68 10.3 11.2 11.5 12.1 10.8 10.7 10.9 10.8 10.9 - 20 - 22 - 24 - 23 - 21 - 23 - 23 - 22 - 23 - 22 66 68 69 71 68 67 67 67 67 74 76 77 79 75 74 75 75 75 135 152 158 160 142 151 150 149 151 148 - 37.5 - 37.5 - 54 - 35 - 39 Univis N 68 (Unipower XL 68) Barb Randooil Hyspin HV68 HDZ68 AWH - M68 - 16 - 18 - 18 CALTEX CASTROL - 33 - 39 - 39 - 45 - 35 HDZ68 TEXACO & Rando CHEVRON LPS68 CHEVRON Mechanism - 17 - 18 - 17 MITSUBISHI IMWON I Hyrando Wide 68 1 / 1 1 68.48 10.81 69.6 66.9 68 67.97 73 10.3 10.0 10.3 10.69 11.7 - 19 - 20 - 20 - 22 - 22 I I 1 I 67 75 66 65 66 67 70 74 73 73 74 78 132 COSMO IDEMITSU Cosmo Hydro HV68 68X F68 - 15 - 15 - - 35 - 40 - 35 - 37.5 - 36 Daphne Super Hydro Fukkol Super Hydro1 135 136 147 155 ; FUJI KOSAN JAPAN ENERGY ELF 16 Hydlux Visga ES68 68 - 17 - 17 Remarks: 1. Guarantee viscosity for hyd. pump starting is 3000 cSt. 2. Pour point is in below less then 10°C of guarantee temperature for hyd. pump operation. 3. Oil should be anti-wear oil of IS0 VG 68 and V.I. more than 100. 4. Optimum viscosity range is 25- 500 cSt. 5. The ship where sailing to cold route, the system oil should be selected in our recommended table which has higher viscosity index, lower pour point and lower temperature at 5000 cSt. 5-4 VOLUME OF OlLS UNIT :liter/crane HYDRAULIC I I I LUBRICATING OILS OPEN GEAR GREASE I &WIRE ROPE I ,NGLE CRANE H40 T H60 T )OUBLE CRANE 5-5 SUPPLY HYDRAULIC OILS 1 . OIL REPLENISHING Make sure the oil level of gauge is proper. If insufficient, replenish the hydraulic oil to the proper level of the oil gauge. I ) N O T I C E Treplenished oil must be the same a s the original brand. ~ ~ 2 . OIL CHANGING Hydraulic oil requires changing because it will deteriorate from an extended period of usage. /i\ NOTICE......It is recommended that the hydraulic oil is to be checked by oil maker a s to service ability. The sample oil requires about one liter for one oil check. 3 . PROCEDURE AIR VENT PLUG (1)Drain out all hydraulic oil in the MOTOR, PUMP, PIPING and TANK. At this time, clean the inside of the oil tank @. VINYL HOSE (2) Connect the vinyl hose of the WING OIL PUMP or air driven pump to the changing port @ shown in the figure. (3) Fully open the STOP VALVE @, and carefully supply oil to the oil TANK @ by mean of the PUMP together with checking of the OIL GAUGE ' (150 mesh oil filter is installed in an oil tank) All oil, particularly hyd. Oil should be used with RECOMMENDED OILS shown 'as in the table. f ! ! ' 0 , DRAIN PLUG OIL PAN (4) Open the stop valve @ and transfer the oil from the tank to each hydraulic equipment. At this time, open the air vent plug and flow out the air and oil to the empty oil can by using a vinyl tube as shown in the figure. At this time, the oil level will go down so hydrauhc oil should be supplied. (5) Intermittently operate the ELECTRIC MOTOR and remove the air from the hydraulic piping and equipment as well as you can. (6) After this, close each air plug and charge the OIL LEVEL GAUGE oil to the proper line of gauge. Then close stop valve @ and set the cap. (Don' t supply over high level. I t is cause of over flow etc.) AIR VENT PLUG ( 7 ) Operate the crane several times a t each motion to check the sound, and whether any air remains in the system or not. DRAIN VALVE WING PUMP CHARGING PORT NEW OIL . . STALE OIL &DRAIN PLUG (G3/4) STOP VALVE tllL!xl TANK STOP VALVE (Location of CHARGING PORT may differ from this drawing.) /i\ CAUTION..--.I. starting the electric motor, confirm whether is each valve condition Before correct or not 2. Completel'y purge remaining air in the Hyd. system in order to prevent any trouble. 3:When changing oil, take great, care against dust in the hydraulic equipment. 4 . JUDGENEBT OF DETERIORATION (1) Criteria for replacement based on analysis IViscosity change ratio Judgement Item Limiting Value *lo% or more 0.15% or more Water content (Wt) 1 Degree of pollution I Equivalent or not better than I NAS class 12. In case only the degree of pollution is found to have exceeded the system flushing (filtration) to reduce equivalent or better than NAS Class 11. (2)Judgement by visual inspection and odor Visual Inspection Odor Oil Condition Judgement I in color =parent, no change ITransparent, but Ichanged in color I 1 ~cceptableI Good 1 Acceptable IA bfferent kind of I 1 oil is mixed the viscosity is adequate Replace Filter the oil and keep using it. I Continue use I ~ l a c k i s hbrown in color 1 Offensive 1 ~ e t e r i o r a t e ddue to oxidation le I~ransparent, includes I ~ c c e ~ t a b I Foreign substances but black spots I are mixed in 5-6 SUPPLY GEAR OILS Procedure of supplying oil for closed gear a s follows: NOTICE-----1. In case of supply oils, don't operate the crane. 2. If the result of gear oils judgement over limiting value, replace new oils. I 1 . CLOSED GEAR FOR HOISTING AND LUFFING (1) Open the drain cap to let the stale oil out,. If any dust, foreign matter, etc. is mixed in the oil, clean inside the closed gear. ( 2 ) Close the drain cap and supply a recommendecl new oil (for closed gear) from the supply port. (3) Confirm t h a t the oil is filled to the "proper" level of the level gauge PROPER HIN. MAX. PROPER HIN. OIL SUPPRLY PORT AIR BRWTHER LEVEL O. LEVEL 7 AIR BREATHER . OIL SUPPRLYPORT HYD. MOTOR 2 MOTOR TYPE ( S P E C I A L H I G H SPEED TYPE) 1 MOTOR TYPE 2 . GEAR FOR SLEWING EQUIPMENT (1) SLEWING GEAR & PINION 1) Make a clean sweep of the stale oil on the gear and the pinion. 2 ) Check the contact-surfaces of teeth (if damage such as pitching, is found, this will require repair). 3) Brush or spray with the recommended new oil to both surfaces of the gear and pinion. (2) CLOSED GEAR OIL Take out the stale oil and supply the new oil with the same procedure as for the hoisting gear'(1t is better to use the funnel for supplying oil). (2J2J HYD. MOTOR O I L L E V E L GAUGE A I R BREATHER PROPER LEVEL FUNNEL DETAIL OF DRAIN PLUG FART - HOLLOW HEX DRAIN PLUG . ' PINION - V J O I L PAN 3 . REPLACEMENT CRITERIA FOR GEAR LUBRICATING Judgement Item Limiting Value Remarks Viscosity change from new oil (210" F, cst) Water content Dissolved substances N-heptane 20% or more Recommendable limit 10-15% Oxidized deterioration is in progress. A different kind of oil is mixed in 0.2 or more 1.0 or more 0.5 or more Oxides, carbons, additive particles oroduced bv abrasion, dust, etc Additives, carbons, particles produced by abrasion. dust. etc. Water content, dust, particles produced by abrasion. Dust, particles produced by abrasion, additives. Particles produced by abrasion Oxidized deterioration. oyt %) I 0.1 or more Deposit Ash content (%) Iron content in ash (%) 0.2 or more 0.1 or more Increase of 0.5 or more from the initial value 5-7 CLEANING OF OIL-FILTER 1 . OIL-FILTER FOR MAIN CIRCUIT ._ This is installed on the low pressure line near the suction side of the hydraulic pump for the main circuit. / i \ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ . . . . . . l . ~ l eof n i filter is every three month. (Refer to PART.5-2) a oil n ~ is broken, take out NUT @ and 2. In case that FILTER-ELEMENT ELEMENTSUPPORT @ ; then ELEMENT should be exchanged. 3. Take special care against dust when overhauling and reassembling. Method of resolution, cleaning and restoration oil filter as follws : (1) Close the STOP VALVE in sucion line from tank. (2) Take out BOLT @ for cover and loose the HOOKS @. (3) Turn COVER to counter-clockwise 90" by means of the handle and oil will not flow out from piping. ( At this time, ) (4) Open DRAIN PLUG@ a little to let hydraulic oil. (5) Take out bolt with the HOOK and take out the HOOKS from COVERO. (6) Take out ELEMENT SUPPORT @ with FILTER-ELEMENT @. (7) Clean up ELEMENT @ with washing oil and compressed-air. (8) Take out DRAIN PLUG @ and'clean up the inside of CASE. (9) Reassembly should be done i n the reverse order of overhaul taking care, not to damage O-RING @ . I (10) Open the STOP VALVE and purge remaining air. /i\ NOTICE......I Covera must be turnedwithout turning, a greater amount of oil counter-clockwise 90'. @ is removed . If COVER will flow out. 2. Confirm that arrow label turn on an original direction after reassemble. 3. STOP VALVE must be ope,n*after maintenance. 4. In case of reassembly, take care not to damage O-RING@. DRAWING OF OIL FILTER 5-8 WIRE ROPES, DEAD-EYE THIMBLE - The majority of crane troubles occur from breaking down of wire rope. Thus, i t i s very important that wire ropes are to be checked, handled kith special care and lubricated a t regular interval. 1. CHECK POINT BEFORE OPERATION /~\CAUTION-..-I. The wire rope and shaft @ of dead-eye thimble should be sufficiently lubricated. (fig.1) 2. The bolt of wire clamp @ on drum for hoisting and luffing should be sufficiently tightened. (fig.2) 3. The wire end should be sufficiently bound by the seizing wire.(fig.3) 4. The wire rope should not have any snapped strands, kinks, deformities or abnormal abrasion.. Especially check the parts of winding part on drum and rope end. Wire rope should be exchanged when wire conditions come under the limits mentioned. (fig.4) 5. The dead-eye thimble, pint, and fitting bolt should not be rusted, or worn, and should not have deformities or looseness. SHAFT @ \ 11 ,SEIZING WIRE DEFORMITY SNAPPEDSTRANDS WIRE CLAMP @ / U Fig.2 A KINKS 2. CAUTION FOR WIRE ROPE MAINTENANCE .-... case that maintain wire rope and thimble, be caution abqut fire and In ventilation. I -I ) I CAUTION......lf the oil with wire rope get less, apply the proper oil. 3. EXCHANGE OF WIRE ROPE /i\m.--.-exchanged when wire conditions come under the Wire rope should be limits mentioned below JUDGMENT. Judgement of wire rope The end times to exchange wlre rope are gwen by Labor Safety Regulations In JAPAN as follows : U 4 X S e S (48) 1 ) When the individual wires ot' wire rope have snapped over 10% of the total number of wires in 1 pitch or over 5% of one strand of wire in 1 pitch. Ex. Hoist. Wire Rope I UNI ROPE 1 4X(12+18+18) 192X 10%=19 wires Luff. Wire Rope I JIS N 0 . 1 8 I 6 X F i [1+7+(7)+14]IWRC 1 3 2 x 10%=13wires 2 ) When the intlividual wires oi' wire rope have mapped over 20% of the total nurnbflr ot' wires in 5 pit,ch. 3 When the outer-diameter ol' rope has come to be worn up to '7% less the original diameter. ) 4 If wire rope has a kmk, cleforrn~ty, abnormal wear or 4. PROCEDURE OF EXCHANGING 1 ) Take off the set screw a n d the striker @,@ i n the LIMIT SWITCH BOX 2 ) Cut a n d remove the thimble@ of stale wire rope. I Am..... Before cutting, line up the wire ripe end for preventing fray. 3 ) Prepare a wire drum stand and lever for breakage. ) Connect a new wire rope a n d the stale rope. * I t is convenient to use wire grip for preparing with wire rope. ) After taking off the wire clamp, wind up t h e new rope b y the driving drum a n d also loosen a n d take out the stale wire from the drum together. I --.-I. The wire end should be guided s o as to lead through the sheave and hook smoothly. 2. At the time of winding the wire rope. be careful that the rope does not contact the drum flange or other equipment. I 6 The wire e n d bound by seizing wire should be clamped tightly the wire clamp together with the next turn. I I m . . . - . ~ e l e a s e wire grip for preparing after new wire rope was clamped on the the drum. 7 ) Connect the wire thmble to the shaft. At this time, the fitting bolt of end plate or key plate shoulcl be tighten with specified torque. 8 ) Adjust the limit switch box to satisfy the normal lifting height. (Refer to item 7, Part 5-8) 9 ) The wincling number of hoisting and luffing wire on @ WlRE THIMBLE \ CUT ,a/ - each clrum at the upperflower position should be adjusted to the number mentioned in the "WIRE LIMIT SWITCH finished plan. RIGGING STALE WlRE W R E DRUM STAND W N C H DRUM (Eye piece may hffer accoraing to crane type.) / i \ C A U T l O N . - - - I .If a wire is wound excessively, correct the winding number by cutting. since over windings can cause failure or damage. 2. However, it is necessary that at least three turns o the rope are on the f drum in all operating positions. 3. When ordering a new wire rope, inform u s o it or buy the same kind o f f rope mentioned in "WIRE RIGGING AND LIMIT SWITCH". (Especially, other kind o hoisting rope causes twist, kinks and various f deformities as well as a shortened life-span.) 4. The dead-eye thimble should be exchanged with new one at the same time. 5. CONFIRM AFTER THE ROPE EXCHANGE After exchange of the rope, check the conditions of the reeled rope, and confirm still further whether the hook block is twisted by screw action of the rope or not. ( 1) How to check rope twist 1) Raise up the jib to about 70 degrees at no load conclition,and lower the hook near the lowest position in the ship hold. JIB TOP SHEAVE 2 ) Take off hand after the hook is turned bv hard clockwise andlor counter-clockwise about 90 degrees. Then, confirm that the hook has recovered to its proper position as shown in the figure. A I NOTICE.-.---I. Allowable angle( 0 ) of the hook should be restricted within 15 degree a s shown in the figure. 2. It is required that the twist is removed as reference to next method. <NOTE> The hook block is generally turned clockwse (or counter-clockwise) looking from upside m case that the hoisting wire rope is "S" lay (or " 2lay). Removing twisted wire rope as follows: 1) Confirm the chrection of twist and intersection number ( 2 ) Method for removing twisted wire rope of the twisted hoisting wire rope without load, a t jib up, same a s aforementioned item (1)-1). 2 ) Rest the jib on the rest stanchion. 3 ) Pay out the hoisting wire rope until the rope slack limit switch is activated. 4 ) Fixed a wire stopper (or chain) on the wire end at about one meter from the wire thimble, and hold the hoisting wire rope with chain block and sling wire. 5 ) Mark the wire thimble i n order to count the number of turns. 6 ) Take off the wire thimble from the eye piece on the housing top or jib top. 7 ) Turn t h e wire rope counter-clockwise (or clockwise) looking from wire end to rope when hook block is turned clockwise (or counter-clockwise). At the same time, turn the wire rope with pipe wrench at jib top in order to transfer turns beyond sheave. 8 ) Required number of turns (N) for untwisting is about 3 times of intersection number (n) Intersection number of twisted wire I Number of turns (for reference) HOISTING DRUM HOOK BLOCK I n where 9 : twisted angle of hook block n = 2 ( f o r exampie) 9 ) When the wire rope becomes hardly after some turns and cannot be turned any more, refit the wire thimble to housing top, and operate hoisting and luffing motions in order to transfer turns further beyond sheaves. And then, take off the wire thimble and turn the wire rope again in the same way. 10) After completion of' untwisting work, refit the wire thimble to the eye piece and confirm t,hat the hook has twisted or not in accorclance with 'aiorementionecl it,em %(I). Then, if' the twist is st,ill Irk, repeat again until1 the twist disappears. 6. ADJUSTMENT METHOD OF LIMIT L33R ~ 3 3 ~U ~ D As the drive chain for the limit switch is taken off at such wiring, the limit switch should be adjusted again. The dunension of the limit switch is mentioned in the "HULL & CRANE ARRANGEMENT" and "TABLE OF WIRE ROPE AND LIMIT SWITCH, which are included in the FINISHED PLAN. (MACHINERY PART). ) n m . , , . . . ~ d j u s t i n g limit switch, operation should be done at no load and low speed of in order to prevent any troubles. 7. ADJUSTMENTPROCEDURES The limit switch is to be adjusted as follows : (1) L& up the jib until the &stance comes to about 2030mm between the jib and buffer, and check the min slewing r a h u s . MIN (2) Set the jib upper limit switch(L33U) to touch the luffing striker(0FF position) by rotating the traveling coller. (3) Wind up the hook to the upper limit by using a tape measure or rope accorhng to the "HULL & CRANE ARRANGEMENT" in FINISHED PLAN. (4) Set the hoisting upper limit switch(H33H) to touch the hoisting striker (OFF condition) by rotating the traveling coller . SLEWING RADIUS (5) After the setting of both striker for hoisting and l~~fflng, pay out the hoisting wire. Confirm the hoisting lower limit( H33L) to satisfy the max. life and 3 wraps of wire is wound on the hoisting drum a t the same time. (6) Confirm that the luffing lower limit(L33D) is activat,ed at the max. slewing radius. (7) At the max. slewing radius, hoist up the hook unit, and confirm that the differential limit(D33) is activated t o keep proper distance between the center of jib top sheave and the hook unit. (8) After adjusting, confirm that all limit switches act correctly in practice. (9) Finally, set the jib on the rest stanchion. And confirm that limit switch(L33R) is acted when the luffing rope is loosened a little. FFING STRIKER SET TRAVELLING 7 1 SET SCREW TRAVELLING. COLLAR HOISTING STRIKER LIMIT SWITCH BOX 5-9 ROPE GUIDE LOOSENING METHOD OF ROPE GUIDE ROLLER Loosen the locking n u t (When replacing the hoisting wire rope, loosen the rope guide roller.) /i\ N O T I C E - - - - When the rope guide roller is reassembled, adjust the adjusting bolt and lock nut so that the pressure of the rope guide roller applied to the wire rope becomes suitable (1 180N). 74P-0-7 WIRE ROPE \ 0-725~90-7ROPE SLACK ROLLER LOCK NUT ADJUST BOLT Inst,allation and const,ruct,ion of' guide roller may clif't'er according t,o crane type. Refer t,o the FINLSIIEU PLAN for details. 5-10 GEARED CABLE The special geared cables @ sheathed by plastic jacket @ transmit the control force from each control handle in the operator's cabin to the controller with the motor. 1 . ADJUSTMENT OF NEUTRAL POSITION If the neutral position of the controller is not ahgned even if the control handle i n the operator' s cabin is set at the neutral position, turn the adjusting bolts and nuts 8 at the cable end on the machinery room side to slide the controller to the neutral position. 1 /i\ CAUTION------ln case of ajusting, maintenance and exchanging, crane keep stop. 2 . EXCHANGE THE CABLE Cable should be exchanged when condition come under the JUDGEMENT. JUDGEMENT (1) When the special cable wears out more than l m m in Dia. (Orignal cable Dia. 7.95mm) (2) When the spiral cable breaks, or when there are more than 2 center wire break. 3 . DISASSEMBLY AND REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE (1) Remove the fixing pin @ a t the cable end on the handle side. Then the geared cable can be easily separated from the controller. ( ) Remove the bolt @ for gear case with motor controller. 2 (3) Loosen the acljust,ingbolt and nut @ and put the cable out from the gear case. (4) After disassembly of rach part, replace the geared c:ahle with a new one, if damaged (5) Take the reverse order for reassembly. Be sure t,o apply grease before reassembling. IN MACHINERY ROOM IN OPERATOR'S CABIN EAREDCABLE CASE / PLASTIC TUBE CLEVIS 5-1 1 TIGHTENING TORQUE OF BOLTS 1 . CHECKING METHOD ( ) Bolts and nuts shown in group I should be checked 1 visually with eyes before every using and tightened i n fixed torque every three months. (2) Bolts and nuts shown in group I1 should be checked every six months. (3) In case that the paint film is broken at the tightening point and 1 or hammering sound is dull, bolts and nuts may be loose, Then, they should be tightened. 2 . CHECKING ITEMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GROUP I Crane anchor bolts (Post flange) Crane fitting bolts Gower parts of slewing ring) Fitting bolts of jib Fitting bolts of shaft end for dead-eye thimble Tightening bolt of wire clamp (drum) Fitting bolts of winch fiame Fitting bolts of drum bearing 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. GROUP II Fitting bolts of pump unit. Fitting bolts of hydraulic cylinder and brake unit Fitting bolts of hydraulic motor Fitting bolts of safety device Tightening bolt of piping flange Fitting bolts of controller and the other fitting bolts 3 . TIGHTENING TORQUE OF CRANE ANCHOR BOLTS & FITTING BOLTS Una : N-m(kg f-m) Kind of bolt Bolt size Tightening torque M24 686 (70) Metrix fine screw (10.9'11 M27 M30 M36 M33 981 1363 2324 1912 (139) (195) (100) (237) M42 3746 (382) 4 . TIGHTENING TORQUE (General) 5 . BOLT GRADE AND INDICATION (REFERENCE) 4.8 B O L T 8.8 B O L T 10.9 B O L T /i\ 1 1 NOTICE......Assembling bolt of hydraulic pump and motor should be tightened with correct torque. Over torque cause hydraulic pump and motor seizure. 5-12 GEARS Some crane troubles occur from gears damage following wire rope and sling. Gears are one of the most important parts of the crane and they cannot be repaired easily, so it is very important to check them. /i\ NOTICE.-....Finding soutitanynecessary to acheck the gears, and to changewith increasing at problems at later time causes worsening lubrication oil speed, o is regular intervals. 1 . CHECKING POINT (1) Internal gear & pinion for slewing ring (2) Reduction gear for slewing (3) Reduction gear for hoisting. 2 . CHECKING METHOD (1) Open gear...... Sweep out gear oil 2-3 points and check with the naked eye. (2) Reduction gear. .....Take out some volume of lubrication oil and check whether there is any metal powder worn out or not. (Refer to part 5-6 "Supply Gear Oils") 3 . LIMITED LIFE OF GEAR (1) Abrasion has become 20% original thickness of any tooth at p i k h circle. (2) There is some bad pitching, sporing and breakage (3) If there are large quantities of metal powder i n the lubrication oil, change for a new oil and check the gear CAUSES OF DAMAGE TO THE GEAR AND COUNTERMEASURES Item c Vear amage 4brasive wear Symptoms Stain on parallelwcars. Cause iard foreign . particles nixed into the oil. I I I 'No I Countermeasure foreign matter be permitted to enter and cleaning the oil. No foreign matter be ~ermitted enter and to cleaning the oil. Finish tooth surface Scratching Advance to abrasive wear Scratch scars, teeth sticking and bite causing plastic flow of metal. (Gear dedendum, pinion addendum) I I I I sooring seizing Galling scuffmg I @J i i , ' Add Oil \ I I I I Corrosive wear Holes made from erosion I 1 I jurface atigue Pitching (Initial pitching Pitching (Destructive pitching) Spalling Around the pitch line, where the new gear teeth have less slip with each other, tiny bubble-like hollows appear. jnot progressive) Proceed on to pitching. (pitch line, dedendum) ; I I I I iard foreign matter of araer thickness mixed nto the oil. Contacting teeth are torn under high pressure Unsuitable lubricant Unsuitable finish Up to temperature for tooth surface Mixed in water and erosion matter Deteriorated due to oxidation Tooth surface with unsuitable finish. - I . Increase oil viscosity Care in idling operation Protect from mixing-in of water ant erosion matter Change the oil . Care in idling operatic + Finish tooth surface I 'lastic lielding Rolling Peening Chips of metal drop off from the surface. leaving rather large dents Agnall occur on addendum IUnsuitable to tooth surface material + Using oil of high viscosity Change the gear I I 1 I I i \ - I ----I-Change the gear Change the gear - Overload I I Rippling Wavy impression occur on tooth surface ; .Unsuitable - -=F = - -= = - Interlor b ~ t e gears of with each other. ( . Using oil of high viscosity I I I I - lubricating oil with stick slip. Fatigue breakage Breakage by advance of crack I I Overload breakage Surface of breakage show like crystallization of case iron Crack occur on addendum or dedendum. ; I I I I . Change the gear Inferior heat treatment Change the gear limit Unsuitable finish from tooth surface Over-impact load. Quenching crack I I I I I I 5-13 BRAKE LINING 1 . JUDGMENT (1)The brake lining should be changed when its wear is up to 40% of the original thickness. (min. thickness 3.5mm). (2) The stroke of the brake cylinder should be adjusted at the screw of t h e adjusting nut@. a 2 . REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE (1)Take down the cargo, and then rest and set the jib on the jib rest. 1 s /i\CAUTION.-----The drum sometimes rotates due to the rope weight when the brake i disengaged. Lock the wire rope. (2) Loosen the adjusting n u t which tightens the trunnion. (3) Pull pins@, @ and trunnion@ remove band@, and replace the lining with the new one. (4) At brake "off', adjust the trunnions so that the space m between the brake drum and lining is 2 m and confirm t h a t the brake functions properly. /i\ N O T I C E - - - - ( IUse the IHI standard part or equivalents for lining and screws. ) (2) Tighten the lining mounting s c r e w a firmly. (3) Do not let any oil touch or fall on the brake lin~ng. (4) If the brake slips due to wear of the brake lining and pin, retighten the adjusting nut, and see that the brake functtons properly. BAND BRAKE - : GREASE POINT The link parts (mark-) shall be coated with grease periodically 5-14 HOOK BLOCK 1 . INSPECTION POINTS (1) Inside of hook or bow shackle (2) Screw-end of eye-bolt@. a. (3) Bolt and split pin of shackle. (4) Thrust bearing@ and i t s grease charge. (5) The clearance between under part of trunnion@ and joggling parts of eye-bolt@. (Hooks can not be attached to some types.) I /I\ 1 CAUTlON......I . The hook and shackle will wear out, creating grooves or openings by the rubbing from loads when used for a long time. Also, fatigue hardness due to long periods of use may harden and make the material brittle, resulting in cracking. Therefore, besides periodical inspection, carry out a non-destructive test once a year. 2. The result of non-destructive test, replace the new parts if necessary. 3. In case of replacement, use the IHI standard part or equivalents 1 0 -Do not use under the following conditions, and replace if necessary. 1. When the worn-out portion exceeds 5% of the original sectional area (Do not repair by means of welding.) 2. When the surface is cracked. (Do not repair by means of welding.) 3. The hook whose opening does not close. 4. When the clearance of above 1-(5) exceed 1-2mm. In this case,cornfirrn that set s c r e a ( 3 sets) for nut@. When set screw is loosening, please tighten set screw and carry out screw-head hitting.(corking) May cause an accident resulting in iniutv or death due to breakinq down of hook block. I I 5-15 SHEAVES 1 . CHECK POINT (1) Rope groove (2) Sheave flange (3) Grease supplying 2 . JUDGMENT (1) Sheaves should be changecl when wear or tear of rope grooves comes up to 20% of the rope diameter. (2) Sheaves should be changed when cracks or deformities of the flange are evident. /i\ CAUTION-- - - In case of replacement, use the IHI standard parts ROPE GROOVE n Fig. 2 J Fig. 1 SHEAVE FLANGE / CRACK GREASE ENOUGH Fig. 3 5-16 OIL COOLER 1 . CHECKING METHOD (1) Check the oil leakage form core 0. (2) Check the choke i n core 0. (3) Check the cracks, breaks and deformities of the propeller fan 0. I 1 I NOTICE...-.. In case that.over 20% of the area of the ventilating area is choked, clean up core. 2 . CLEANING METHOD 3 . CORE EXCHANGING METHOD Blow compressed air against the core front 0 In case of oil leakage, take off both hyd. Oil piping and exchange core 0. NOTICE----- In case of replacement the core, use the IHI standard parts. 5-17 ELECTRIC PARTS do. ITEMS 1 'lagnetic contactor 1) Iron core HOW TO INSPECT & MAINTAIN +See the surface. +If it is found rough or covered with rust, smooth the surface with sand paper. +See the surface. +If the thickness of the contact tip becomes a half of new one or the contact tip is worn out, replace it with spare one. +Confirm t h a t all relays move smoothly by pushing the movable parts with fingers. +If they do not move smoothly, adjust the spring or the movable . parts. +If necessary, replace it wlth a spare one +Confirm that all relays move smoothly by pushing the movable parts with fingers +Confirm that each termmal of relay is connected tlghtly. 2) Contact tip 3) Spring 2 'hermal Over h r r e n t Relay nsulation Resistance 1) Induction motor 3 +Measure it between each phase ( U, V, W, X, Y, Z ) or between earth and each phase. Measuring point : Secondary side terminal of magnetic contactor Insulation resistance : More than 10 M Q 2) Slip ring +Measure it between earth ancl each phase of main circuit, light. & heat. circuit. Measuring point : Secondary side of main switch of ship Insulation resistance : More than 10 M Q ( main ) More. than 1 M Q ( light. & heat. ) 3) Electric equipment +Measure it between earth and phase of each electric equipment. (Light and Heater) (In cases that fuse is melted or circuit breaker is tripped.) Measuring point : Secondary side terminal of circuit breaker for light and heat. Insulation resistance : More than 1 M Q 4 ;lipring Terminal fitting +Make sure the terminal fitting nuts are tightened. If they a n loose. fix them tightly. 1ut Check point : First and Secondary sick terminal of - A CAUTION--.-.I. case of above maintenance, turn off the circuit breaker of main switch In board of the ship. 2. Never start induction motor, if insulation resistance i less than the above s value. In this case, remove moisture(damp) by space heater or heating fan. 5-18 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER (E5CN) FOR PLATINUM RESISTANCE THERMOMETER .Lave, *B" N O l blrpla" ,ogemsr lor a, leal, a ramno lo r*,bs" 10 ( i r m a , .Pmrr ,we] i." ss 5 Xe" and iera, Op~,a,,onma,caiwr lil:Uilm I L " ~ " , , " ~ m , , o l l ~,sapr,a,ing,"nn,on ,~, . ' ., a ,"II",".I"P ,.ado", "a,". 0, C. " 'A"A'"'"' . iam,iup*.s alarm 2 l opsrart* ,vnn,on "8. HP.,B, b"rn0"l muned L19hll up *nsn Piocsrr con.., 2 is on. gosr a", *"an F'mcsrr CO"ll0l 2 '=on ms valves or ssiiinsr. Ih" aiSp8s" cato,. Mooeration menu Adjustment level N0.1 display t1~SheS when hold es down lor mare than l second I Hold D d o w n lor a! leas 1 second Hdd 5 and Ekeys dawn tor a, ,ear, 5-19 ADJUSTMENT OF EMERGENCY LIMIT FOR JIB Adjust the setting position of the interlock limit(L1S-UP) on the luffing up sicle with the luffing & slewing controller installed in the cabin. JIB UP 937.~1 1. v k 120-LA Preparation (1) Check t h a t the power supply(NFB) is turned "Ff. (3) Remove the cover of the luffing &slewing cuntruller (3) Remove t h e interlock limit(L1S-UP) from its seat.. (4) Remove the fitting bolts a n d t u r n t h e seat. upside down. (5) T e n ~ p o r a d y mount t h e interlock limit(L1S-L:P) an the seat i n its original clirection. 2. Adiustrnent (1)Tilt the handle in the raising direction. Fix the interlock limit a t 120.io mm. @)Check t h e operating position of t h e interlock hmit. IL.IS.L~~P) 1)Supply power(hTB). ?)Tilt. t h e hancUe gracluall: in the raising i-hrrctwn. 3)RiIeasure a n d check the position of the handle when it clicks. Repeat t h e above procec-lures unrll the act.liatlon position is writhin the setting r:.>nge. (:VLVhen the interlock Imit(LIS-LIP) acaivat.es within the setting range, attach the cover and finish thc d j u s t m e n t . / ~ \ c A u T I o N - - . . . T ~ ~ ~ care when turning the power ONIOFF to avoid electric shock. special 5-44 PART 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING PART 6-1 6-2 CONTROL SYSTEM AND MACHINERY PART HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ELECTRIC SYSTEM 6-3 TROUBLE SHOOTING : In order to find the cause / remedy of the fault, in a shoot time the trouble shooting sheets are shown in FLOW CEART style. ADVICE :(MARKX) In the case of a remedy with an * mark it will required that you contact us to overhaul I reassemble the defective device since the repair must be done by a specially-trained engineer. MODE OF REFERENCE : MODE NO. FAULT NO. -- YES : CAUSE OF FAULT corresponds to the ACTUAL CONDITION. NO : CAUSE OF FAULT dose not correspond to the ACTUAL CONDITION. FOR ASCERTAINING : If you need to the contact us regarding the problem, please inform us of the following : WHEN ; this means what time and during motion dtd the fault occur? WHICH ; thls means which part or whch motion is shorted the function? HOW ; this means how was the problem, the pressure, the noise, broken out or not, and other reports, as soon as, and in as detailed an account as possible. ...1. Securely turn "OFF" the circuit breaker "NFBP"& "NFBH"in contactor box of crane before inspection and repair of electric equipment. High voltage source(AC440V) i supplied to primary sides of "NFBP" & s "NFBH",even if "NFBP" & "NFBH"are off. 2. Securely turn "OFF"the circuit breaker on main switch board of ship, when inspecting or changing "NFBP"& "NFBH"for spare parts, 3. Securely hang the "UNDER INSPECTION" notice card on the circuit breaker on main switch board of ship, not so a s to switch it on by mistake. 6-1 CONTROL SYSTEM AND MACHINERY PART I M-101 MODE F-101 CAUSE ^F FAULT Cam or spring for neutralizing which interlocked with operating handle is out of order. REMEDY crane does not follow the control Acceleration & deceleration of hydraulic motor i s too slow. Speed of hydraulic motor i s not proportionate to the angle of control handle. Speed of hydmahc motor i s unstable. Speed of hydraulic motor does not go to high speed. / 1 Remove the cover operating handle and adjust cam or roller spring. I Geared cable and its gear for transmlsslon of control is stuck. Remove case of geared cable at each end and inspect, clean and lubricate. ~~- Control vahre for hydraulic motor is damaged or stuck. Overhaul kinspection. \ Speed of hydraulic motor is too fast Hydraulic motor i s stopped short at stopping. Interlock switch is out of order. G e d cable broken or gear worn out or shaft/ key of gear broken. Hydraulic motor i s not run in spite 6% 6-2, PART "HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT' the reverse side. On case of wire slack limit, ush the lamp button "ROPE .after checked wire condition m machinery room.) d e e PART 4-3, Item 4&5. Induction motor i s stopped when control handle is oeerated. LACK" Hydraulic oil temperature is less than=. M-104 made when control handle ouerated. Crane is operated with rapid or reverse handle. 1 Control handles have to be returned to neutral position and running operation done until the red "OIL TEMP. HIGH OR L O T lamp on contactor box goes off. -See PART 2-4.Item 3 . 4 Operate smoothly. I Open air vent plugs after running at no load and purge I MODE CAUSE OF FAULT REMEDY Brake is not Repair or replacement Overhaul and inspection. broken. Inspecting, repair replacement QSee PART 5-13. . and Overhaul and Replacement M-107 l i b jumps up during hoisting motion. Alteraton of wire rigging according to FINISHED PLAN. I Pull vertically according to NOTICE PLATE. W e e PART 2 4 . Item 8. I I M-108 Wire rope runs off from sheave. I F-119 F-120 reverse handle. Adjust the position and cl&ance beheen girder and sheave. Normal clearance : 4-6mm. 1 Pull vertically according to NOTICE PLATE. OSee PART 24. Item 8. Operate smoothly. / Wild winding rope on drum. F-121 normally. Inspect and adjust a m , spring and bearing. OSee PART 5-9. F-122 specified rope is not used. 1 Exchange with new one that type and length are according to FINISHED PLAN. *See PART 5-8.Item 4. I - MODE CAIJSE OF FAULT REMEDY Abnormal noise is made from F-123 Adjusting and repair. 1 Poor lubrication. Check the kind of grease then lubricate. 0% PART 5-2. Overhaul and replacemcnr I I Repair or replacement 0% PART 5-12. Wire rope's life is necessary to have additional spare rope. F-130 Poor lubrication. Supply wire rope oil chosen h.om Recommended Oil. *See PAKT 53. Keep S.W.L. and pull vertically. M-112 hoisting up or \ I I F-131 Overload or slanted pull. 6-2 HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT MODE Abnormal noise from hydraulic CAUSE OF FAULT F-201 tank line. REMEDY 1 Open it fully a t all times. Osee PART 5-1. I I When t h e pumps are started a t low temperature, the n o i s e is louder than F-202 Cavitation a t suction line by filter clogging. 7 Clean the oil filter element *See PART5-7. Cavitation by high viscosity of hyd. oil at low temperature. 1 Warming-up operation. -See PARTZ-4, Item 3. Air pwging. If the oil become clouded, leave as it i s for a few hour. ' I I Overhaul and replacement 4 Overhaul and reolacement F-207 and induction motor is out of order. * 7 Adjust the centering. 0% PART 3-2, Item 3. I M-202 hydraulic oil rises Main electric motor i s often stopped by thermostat for high temperature. Repair ur mplaucmenr I F-210 decreased by dust 1 ) Clean the fin by steam or compressed air. Osee PART 5-16, ltem 2. Oil through cooler is reduced. 1) Oil is by-passed by the resistance of oil flow. 2 Cooler by-pass valve trouble. ) 1) E l c h a n ~ ethe eon.. *See PART 5-16, ltem 3. 2) Overhwl and insmcuon o f cooler by-pass vilve. I MODE CAUSE O F FAULT REMEDY I INO Operate decreasing the cycle I I t not created. M-203 O p r e s s u r e is i l Assemble conectlv. I 1) correct the rotational direction. 2) Correct the connection of terminal of induction motor. 1) Overhaul and Lnspcdng 2) Repair or rcplacemenr -See I 1) Adjusting screw is loosened. 2) Spring i s broken. 3) Spool i s stuck. 4) Poppet is clogged with d u s t PART 3-5. ~p I Pump shaftscored due to the 4 Overhaul and replacement * I M-204 trouble. M-204 Hydraulic motor troubles. 1 I ) Overhnul and inspecting 2) Keplir or raplocmwnr <See PART 3-5 t M-205 Light load can be hoisted but rated load cannot. M-206 is n o t reduced. Relief valve provided at hydraulic motor houhles. 1)Adjusting screw i loosened. s 2) Spring is broken. 3) Spaol is stuck. 4)Poppet is clogged with d u s t I Overhaul and replacement 1) Overhaul and inspect 2) Repair by lapping valve sear 3) Replacement I Hydraulic motor casing and mtor are worn due to the seizure. M-207 reduced o n light is broken. (Hydraulic pump tmuhles. . I I M-208 MODE CAUSE OF FAULT Cnunter balance valve is stuck (Due ro lack of back pressure or sudden sronnim ocention.) REMEDY 7 at lowering. M-209 at jib lowering. t1 ,,>a I ) Re-sci ihc hack pressure over 03hPa. 2) Srnooth~.n opcntiun. the 4 Overhaul and inspection. M-210 shock at starting. F-223 hydraulic motor is too high or stuck. 1)Re-set the relief valve. 2) Overhaul and inspecting. * I I M-211 motion at inclination F-224 * Overhaul and inspection. /Slewlna ; cxccssivc& shock at stoppmg. F-226 Trouble with cushion valve in slewing motor. F-103 motor. 6-3ELECTRIC PART MODE M-301 Fa01 switch board is turned off. should he turned on. CAUSE OF FAULT REMEDY I the source breaker (NFBP) is turned on. Replace i t I Replace i t NO F-304 1) Damage of brush or holder. 2) Looseness of terminal. 1) Replace the brush or holder. 2) Re-tighten or replace i t Connect or replace i t M-302 start even if "START" button is pushed. hipped or the thermostat (THP] the motor is tripped. "MOTOR OVER LOAD" lamp in G307 Conb-01 lever is not in neutral. t YES 11 1)Push the reset button. eSee PART 4-5,Item 2. 2) Wait till the temperature of motor cools. Check the thermostat by tester to see if the motor is cool. 1) Retum the lever to neutral. 2) Adjust the micro switch -See PART 2-6,Item 5. Oil level in tank is low. "LOW OIL LEVEL" lamp (RL) lights up. -See PART 55. 2) Check the float switch. F-309 is damaged. F-310 Main contactor [UP-1, -2, 6P1 is burnt o u t Replace i t 2) Check the movement of starting relays. 4 Check and replace it I I MODE CAUSE O F FAULT Disconnecting in slipring. F312 REMEDY not changed h m A to A . h-A Timer [ T 3 1 is damaged. Replace i t Motor is stopped at Changing h m h 4 Replace i t 1) Check contact tip. I ) Contact is disconnected. / / Thermal relay 1 5 r 4 ,is tripped a t cha ing from Breaker [NFBPI i s tripped at changing from h to A . +-, Open-phase operation by the accident of contactor [42P-21. 1) Check the contact 2) Replace the spring. I F-316 The contactor betweenis phases short-circuited [6P1 the by rust or some causes. 1) Chack the contactor. 2) Change the contactor spring. I I viscosity of system oil is higher. When the temperature is extremely low. a t sufficient intervals. Osee PART2-4, Item 3. 2) Set the t m r [T31 a t ie 10-15 see. /i\ NOTICE...... The accidents above mentioned scarcely happen. But if these accidents happen due to same cause, careful attention must be paid. Since these accidents cause serious accidents which burn out the motor. I M-307 operated. MODE F-318 CAUSE OF FAULT REMEDY C'LIMITING" lamp (RL) lights up.) Operate the control lever to opposite side. I The tempenture of system oil is over 70% or below 5 % "OIL TEMP.HIGH & L O P lamp (RL) lights up. . Run the motor without load till the red lamp goes off. 4 Replace i t F-305 I t Cable breaks. ( Breaker C NFBPI is hipped. (Hoist motion can not be operated.) 1 F-325 damaged. Search the short point by checking megger. Repair i t M-309 oil rises up extremely. ( C m e can not be operated.) Replace i t does not run. F-326 Replace i t damaged. Check and replace i t F-305 Cable breaks. I I Deck Machinery Service Network H Japan Offices I I HI Shikoku B r a n c h 1 1 ~ 1Marine Nagoya Eng'r Office I I IHi Tokyo Head Offie Shin Ohtemachi Building, 2-1. Ohtemachi 2-chame. Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo 100-8182, Japan Hiroshima Mitsui Building, 7-10. Ohtemachi 2-chome, Nakaku. Hiroshima 730-0051. Japan ChiyadaSeimei Takarnatsu Building. 4-20. Kotabuki-cho 2-chome. Takamatsu 760-0023, Japan Denki Building 1-82. Watanabe-dori 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0004. Japan (03)3244-6410 (03)3244-5775 (082)246-2285 (062)246-2100 (087)821-5031 (087)822-7893 (092)771-7241 (092)751-6416 (03)3257-1033 (03)3257-1468 (0562)31-8080 (0562)31-8088 (078)331-3146 (078)331-3526 iHIH(JT J22232 0 0 0 0 I i H Branch , ShikDku Branch Kyushu Branch . 1Hi Marine Tokyo Sales Office IH1 Nagoya Sales Office Fuundo Building, 2. Kanda Ogawa-machi I-chome. Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo 101-0052, Japan 11-1. Kitahama-machi. Chita 478-8650. Japan 222-7255 lMCTKY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]Hi Marine Kobe Sannomiya Den-den Building, 64. Naniwa-cho. Sales & Eng'r Office Chua-ku. Kobe 650-0035. Japan ]Hi Marine Hiroshima 2-1. Shawa-cha, Kure-shi. Hiroshima 737-0027, Japan (082326-2461 (0823126-2463 Sales Office Overseas Offices \New York Houston Rio o e Janeiro London Rotterdam IHI lNC..28(1 Paik Avenue. West Building 30TH Floor. New York NY 10017. U S A . IHI Marine Technology In=. : 2400 Augusta Drive. Suite 250. Houston. Texas 77057. U.S.A. 1(212)599-8100 1(713)974-3040 1(212)599-8111 420539 IHI UI 1(713)974-4204 792395 l h i HOU ~ 55(21)580-8826 2121336 lSHl BR 44(71)626-0078 31(10)41t.6412 30(1)413-4418 888377 883786 lshikawajima do Brasil Esstaleiros SA.. Rua General Gurjao. 55(21)580-8668 . N o 2 Ponta do Caju Cep-20931. Rio de janeiro, j BRAZIL IHI Europe Ltd. :Floor 9A. No.1 Minister Court. Mincing Lane. London EC3R 7AA. U.K. IHI Marine B.V.: Flatgebouw "MERCATOR". Glashaven 10A. 301 1 XH Rotterdam. THE NETHERLANDS 3rd Floor. No.?. Akti Miaouli Street. Piraeus. Greece Room 1202. Chia Hsir, Building No.96 Chung Shan North Road. &;tion 2. Taipei. TAIWAN IHI (HK) Ltd. : Room 831. Central Building, Pedder S t r e e t HONG KONG IHI Marine Engineering (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. : 11 Jurong Pier Road. SINGAPORE 2261 IHI Engineering Australie Pty. Ltd. : 15th Floor. 213-219 Miller Street. North Svdnev N S W . 2060 AUSTRALIA 44(71)626-1010 31(10)411-6406 30(1)413-4612 886(2)542-5520-3 lHILDN 22462 lHICO NL 21 2483 21 2842 Piraeus Taipei Hong Kong Singepore Sydney IHI GR 886(2)542-4362 11320 IHlCO 852-845-2497 65-265-0780 61(2)922-3638 73797 IHlCO HX 37048 IMES RS AA120460 ! H E 0 852-5236-287' 852-5224-093-5 65-268-7360 61(2,957-4777
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