March 26, 2018 | Author: elnaqa176 | Category: Blond, Color, Hair, Qualia, Vision



Fashion+ 1: 2 12 -0 -00 -1 natural natural extra cendre -111/-12 intensiv cendré extra/ cendre ash -16 -19 cendre auburn cendre violet -2 -22 ash ash extra -3/-36 matt/ matt auburn -4 -49 -5 beige beige violet gold -554 intensive gold beige -55 -57 -6 -65 -66 gold extra gold copper auburn auburn gold auburn extra -68/-69 auburn red/ auburn violet -7 -75 -77 copper copper gold copper extra -777/-778 intensive copper extra/intensive copper red -87 -88 red auburn red copper red extra -887/ -888 /-889 intensive red plus -89/-98 red violet/ violet red sparkle -9/-99 -998 -05 -07 -50 -60 -70 -80/90 violet / violet extra intensive violet red natural gold natural copper gold natural auburn natural copper natural red natural/ violet natural 100-0 100-4 100-49 100-55 100-77 100-88 100-99 IR IR IR IR IR IR IR 12-0 12-1 12-111 12-16 12-19 12-2 12-22 12-4 IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR Intense Shades special blonde 10 -86 10-0 E-00 10-1 10-16 10-2 10-4 10-5 IR IR IR IR IR IR IR 91/2-0 91/2-1 91/2-16 91/2-19 91/2-4 91/2-49 91/2-5 IR IR IV ID ICG IR IR IR IV ID ICG IR IR IV Numbering System The system is based on a combination of up to four numbers: Intense Shades Light Brown Colour depth Intense Shades Violet Additional minor tone Red Major tone 9/ platinum blonde 9 extra light blonde 8 light blonde 91/2-75 91/2-777 ICG ICG 9-00 9-1 9-4 9-5 9-554 IR IV IR IR IV IR IR IR 8-0 8-00 8-1 IR IV ID IR IR 9-55 9-7 9-888 9-998 9-50 9-60 IR IR IR IR IR Colorist’s Color Star IV 8-12 8-16 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-65 IR IR IR IR IV IR IR IV 8-50 8-66 7 -57 -6/-60 -65 -36 gold – yellow IR IV IR IR 7-12 7-36 7-4 7-5 7-554 IR IV IR IV IR IV ID IR IV 7-55 IR IR IV ID ICG IV ICG 6 dark blonde 6-0 6-00 6-1 E-111 6-16 6-2 6-36 6-4 6-5 IR IV ID IR IR IR IR IV IR IR IR IR 6-55 6-57 6-6 6-65 IR IR IR IV 7-69 7-7 7-75 7-77 7-778 IR IV ID IR IV IR IV 7-88 5 light brown 4 medium brown 3 dark brown 1 black 5-00 5-1 IR IV ID ICG IR IR 4363_Igora_IFU_GB_International.indd 1 IR IR 7-07 7-50 7-60 7-70 IR IR IR -33 -3 matt – green 6-66 6-68 6-77 6-86 6-87 6-88 6-888 6-89 6-99 6-05 6-07 6-60 6-70 6-80 IR IV IR IV IR IR IV ID ICG IR IV IR IR IV ID IR IV ID IR IV IR IR IR IR IV ID ash – blue ac -2 5-12 5-36 5-4 5-5 5-57 5-6 5-65 5-68 5-7 5-86 5-88 5-889 5-89 5-99 5-998 IR IV IR IR IV ID ICG IR IR IR IV IR IV IR IV ID IR IR IV ID ICG IR IR IR IR IV 5-07 5-50 5-60 5-80 IR IR IR 0-22 -0 -00 E-00 E-111 -86 -87 red -887 -88 -888 -889 violet IV -89 E-111 -111 -1 4-36 4-5 4-57 4-6 4-65 4-66 4-68 4-88 4-89 4-99 4-07 4-60 4-90 IR IV IR IR IR IR IR IV IR IV ID IR IV IR IV IR IV IR IR IR IV 3-0 3-65 3-68 3-99 IR IV ID ICG IR IR IR -777 -77 -68 copper – orange ter -22 -12 -998 -16 -19 0-11 0-77 -7 warm ID 4-0 -9 -99 0-99 0-88 Intensive cendre extra exctract: designed to be combined with the -1, -16, -19, -2, -3, -36 series applied on its own or added to any desired shade to provide: • • • • • additional, rich color depth extra intensive cendre tonality optimum red-orange neutralisation superior coverage Ideal men's color to reduce and camouflage first white hair Concentrates 0-11 anti yellow: helps neutralise unwanted yellow undertones 1-0 1-1 1-9 IR IV IR IV IR 0-11 Concentrates 7-05 IV ICG 5-0 7-887 aracter 7-65 r cool cha 7-57 ch medium blonde 7-1 E-00 lightening extract: provides extra lifting boost when colouring dark virgin hair -5 IR IV Extracts 0-55 -4 -49 0-33 7-00 [ 5-889 ] The number after the dash • The first number after the dash shows the major tone • The second number after the dash shows the minor tone • Two identical numbers after the dash indicate an intense color tone • A third number shows an additional minor tone IR 9-0 7-0 Red Minor tone (intense red tone) ultra blonde 12 [ 5-889 ] The number in front of the dash • Indicates the colour depth of the shade • Indicates the ideal base to use the shade on in order to achieve true to tuft colour results [ 5-889 ] IR IV 0-22 IR 0-33 0-40 IR 0-55 IR IV 0-77 IR 0-88 IR 0-99 IR 0-22 anti orange: helps neutralise unwanted orange undertones IR IV ID ICG = = = = IGORA IGORA IGORA IGORA Royal Vibrance Duality Color Gloss 0-33 anti red: helps neutralise unwanted red undertones 0-55 gold: adds further gold intensity 0-77 copper: adds further copper intensity 0-88 red: adds further red intensity 0-99 violet: adds further violet intensity 26.03.2009 11:10:29 Uhr 9% / 30 Vol. IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color & Care Developer. normally found in conditioners. glamour New Igora Royal: designed from a colorist’s perspective to release your true color talent. protecting against daily pollution and UV. -90: INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 6% / 20 Vol. This system keeps hair length and ends in perfect conditions. -4. 26. bc bonacure color save shampoo bc bonacure color save conditioner bc bonacure color save treatment c) Mixing /application of the colour IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color Crème + IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color & Care Developer 1: 2. -60. intensive shine and a gentle touch. -99.g. The covering power is assured from color depth 1.series: natural base 7-0 (medium blonde) up to 9-0 (extra light blonde) 6-1+extra cendre Level 6 - 6-1 + E-111 1:1 5-1+extra cendre Level 5 - 5-1 + E-111 1:1 4-1+extra cendre Level 4 - 4-1 + E-111 1:2 Attention Application on high % of white hair only in combination with "colour of perfection" (-1. -887. -2. The White Hair Selector shows 30%. Use our new emotional worlds to explore the Color of Imagination: identify lust with fiery copper-reds.) b) maximum lightening on natural hair: 3-4 levels 9% / 30 Vol. * Recommended application for 10. Lab tests prove this unique formula mixes twice as fast compared to previous formula and bonds to form a creamy consistency that’s quick to use and easy to rinse away. -6. Rinse well. Micro particles penetrate the hair easily and lock in color for outstanding coverage (50% or 100% on all shades) and perfect equalisation. -70. 3% / 10 Vol. add one part of -0 or -4 (mixing ratio 2 : 1. The pastel blonde tones. it provides lightening up to 4 levels on natural hair. 40g 7-1 + 20g 7-4 + 60g IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color & Care Developer) to reach a natural color result. 2 + ➎ Special Blonde Shades (12-series) a) tone directions warm: 12-16 neutral: 12-0. From this symbol on the IGORA Royal “Color of Imagination Book” pages you can quickly see the degree of white hair coverage achievable. Cool shades If cool shades (-1/-2/-3/-36 series) are applied on white hair please mix with warm base –4 in mixing ratio 2+1 (e. The covering power is assured from color depth 1. very thick hair) IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color & Care Developer concentration Grey / White hair Selector Please use the grey / white hair selector to define the % of white hair by comparing the strand that matches closest to the natural hair. -36). imagine the color of 3-1+extra cendre FASHION + 9. Hints & Tips • • (APPLY ON DRY. 1 6% 20 Vol.(extra light blonde). -888. The perfect shades to tone pre-bleached or highlighted hair. The Dual-System is based on a professional application method where permanent hair color is combined with demi. -998 provide 50% coverage ± When these shades are used on more than 50% white hair.(black) to 9. 3% / 10 Vol.one tone of extra lift. IGORA Vibrance / IGORA Duality / IGORA Color Gloss applied to mid length and ends: • • • achieves equally colored lengths.g. If not available. < 30 min. • Processing time: 30-45 minutes. Eye control. only in special cases 1:1 (e. It maintains a healthy hair structure. 4-5 levels 12% / 40 Vol. 9% / 30 Vol.03. defined with emotion. 60g + 120g 30g + 60g 15g + 30g + 60 1:2 IGORA ROYAL COLORIST'S COLOR CRÈME IGORA ROYAL COLORIST'S COLOR & CARE DEVELOPER g 120 g Processing time for hair length: 5-15 minutes.Coverage NEW: Intensive Cendre Extra Extract E-111 Instructions for use ➊ Mixing E-111: mix instruction The unique extract to be mixed with existing cool shades. -88. 50% and 80% of white hair medium blonde base (7-0) and on a medium brown base (4-). + 60 1:1 IGORA ROYAL COLORIST'S COLOR CRÈME IGORA ROYAL COLORIST'S COLOR & CARE DEVELOPER 60 g g 6% / 20 Vol. 12% 40 Vol. -9 provide 100% coverage • Series -5. Therefore. E00 can be added to your selected IGORA Royal shade. 30-45 min. • After 10-15 minutes apply to the roots (2). Application on towel dry hair – use 3% / 10 Vol. -2. Unite our cationic care developer and color crème to activate special color & care agents for unrivalled color performance. long lasting colors from our high definition Color Crystal Complex. no loss of fashion tones. -70. Apply all Special Blonde shades generously to maximise the lightening effect.indd 2 DUAL Application The Colorist’s method for previously colored hair. • Series -0.g. harmony in the warmth of mocha browns or the serenity of natural shades. (On natural shades darker than 6-0 (dark blonde) colour results will be warmer.(extra light blonde). -86. -7. -57. refreshes faded tones enhances gloss Color Crystal Complex • perfect color equalization • superior coverage compared to previous formula • fortified hair structure with amazing shine Miracle Tree (Moringa Oleifera) proteins 2 1 To protect the hair line use IGORA Skin Protection Cream. -65. -90. Strands in the guide show the individual tone direction. 9% 30 Vol. 30-45 min. 4363_Igora_IFU_GB_International. Conditioning Miracle Tree (Moringa Oleifera) proteins in the color crème fortify the inner hair structure. Experience intense. add a small amount of warm water to the remaining colour cream and apply uniformly.or semi-permanent hair colors. 9%/12% 30/40 Vol. -00. -889. Series 0to be used as color booster (0-55 / 0-77 / 0-88 / 0-99) to be used as color neutraliser (0-11 anti yellow / 0-22 anti orange / 0-33 anti red) by adding small amounts Lightening extract E-00 The lightening extract gives extra lift when coloring virgin dark hair. UNWASHED HAIR) perfection harmony lust rhapsody commitment serenity 2 Virgin hair Regrowth application • First apply to midlengths and ends (1). lift…). e. 12-4 cool: 12-1. shampoo and neutralize with bc bonacure color save products. -77. 12% / 40 Vol. -36. 30-45 min. This unique partnership in color & care nourishes the hair for amazing shine with the touch of silk. -68. 30-45 min. 3% 10 Vol. • Dual application on the ends (2). -87. 12-2. -69.series Absolute shades • • Incredible fashion shades (-60/-70/-80/-90 series) with 100% coverage on white hair. ➋ Application 1 Treating mid length and ends: ideally make use of the “Dual Application System” (see Hints + Tips). 12-22 Recommended application base: Natural hair 6-0 (dark blonde) and lighter. Live in the Color of Imagination… E. a flexible processing time is suitable depending on the desired result (eye control) For full colour deposit allow E-111 to process for 30 to 45 minutes IGORA ROYAL Colorist’s Color Crème provides excellent coverage on white hair. -60. expression ➍ Rinsing Emulsify and rinse thoroughly. When used on it’s own on high % of white hair the color result may turn into a graphite tinge. Colorist's Color & Care Developer is the ideal choice Depending on the desired result. Unrivalled results… IGORA Royal believes color is expression. IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color & Care Developer – apply uniformly from roots to ends – allow to develop for 5-30 minutes depending on the desired results. IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color Crème applied to the root (for coverage. (see “extracts” under color star): E-111: The extract used on its own • • When added to existing series -1/-2/-3/-36 Mixing ratio (example -1) Level 8 - 8-1 + E-111 2:1 Level 7 - 7-1 + E-111 2:1 in order to deposit extra cool pigments within the hair. Tone-on-tone colouring / Coverage: Colouring darker / Pastel colouring: Colouring lighter: All: 1 level 1-2 levels 10-series*: 2-3 levels 3-4 levels Series -00. • First apply to the root area (1).12-19. 9% / 30 Vol. Always use with 9%/30 Vol. -89. d) development time: 30 – 45 min. No mix with natural shades necessary. -3. -80. -3.g. all % concentrations are possible Color result • 7-1+extra cendre • Processing time: in order to mattify an unwanted orange/yellow direction. 12-111. -1. Our improved formula for the developer includes cationic care ingredients. ➌ Development time Additional heat is optional and reduces the processing time by one third.(black) to 9.5.2009 11:11:26 Uhr . glamour with luxurious blondes. -80. mixed 2:1 and provides +/. When used on its own and mixed with IGORA Royal Colorist’s Color & Care Developer 12% 1:1.
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