Ignou Duplicate Marksheet

April 4, 2018 | Author: Dileep Guleriya | Category: Academic Degree, Test (Assessment), Bachelor's Degree, Qualifications, Academia



14.SOME FORMS FOR YOUR USE In this Section we are enclosing the sample of some forms which are useful to you. Whenever you have to correspond with the University, please get the photocopy of the relevant form, fill it carefully and send as per instructions therein. The detailed instructions for all these forms are provided in this programme guide in different sections. The following forms are enclosed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Assignment Remittance-Cum-Acknowledgment Form Requisition for Fresh Set of Assignments and Instructions. Term-end Examination Form and Instructions. Application Form for Re-evaluation of Answer script. Application Form for Issue of Migration Certificate. Form for Duplicate Grade Card/Marksheet. Application Form for Change/Correction/Address/Study Centre. Re-admission Form Application Form for Early Declaration of Result of Term-end Examination. 10. Application Form for Obtaining Photocopy of the Answer Script. 11. Non-receipt of Study Material & Assignments. 12. Change of Medium/Elective/Programme of Study 13. Application Form for Issue of Provisional Certificate. 14. Application Form for Issue of Official Transcript. 15. Application Form for Improvement of Division/Class. 16. Application Form for Issue of Duplicate Copy of University Diploma/Degree/Certificate. B-1 Enrolment No. Proramme: M. Com. INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENTS REMITTANCE-CUM-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM Enrolment No. Proramme: M.Com. Name: ........................................................................................................... Course Code: ...................................................... Sl. No. Assignment No. For Office Use Only Course Code: ................................................................ Sl. No.: ......................................................... Date of Receipt.: ........................................... ....................................................................................... Sl. No. Assignment No. ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... Signature of the receiver ....................................................................................... Signature of the Student .......................................................................... Date:................................................ Date:.................................................. Sl. No.:.............................................. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Medium: Medium: Name: ........................................................................................................... B-2 Sig. of dealing Accountant Date: ....................................... Name of Receipt: .......................................... Date of despatch to the Evaluator: ............................................ Date of receipt from Evaluator: Seal Note: 1. Submit this form to the coordinator of your study centre alongwith the assignment. 2. When you submit the assignment by post, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelop along with this. Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi REQUISITION FOR FRESH SET OF ASSIGNMENTS Programme of Study Enrolment Number Write in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS only. Name : Shri/Smt./Kum Please indicate course code, assignment code and course title for which you need the assignments in the following columns. The assignments of the course which you have already passed should not be mentioned. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Complete Address ............................................................ ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... ........................................ Pin ........................................ Signature ...................................... Date ............................................. Course Code Assignments Code Course Title Study Centre Code For Official Use Only: Date of Despatch of Assignments to the student .......................................................................................................................... (Please use the photocopy of this proforma) B-3 Submission of assignments within due dates is a pre-requisite for appearing in the term-end examination. 5.INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOING ASSIGNMENTS 1. wherever applicable. 7. Semester/year. therefore. You are. 4. (It consists of 9 digits). In case you have failed to get the overall qualifying grade for a course. Assignments should not be demanded to improve your score if you have secored minimum qualifying score in a course (subject). Please ensure that you have mentioned your correct Enrolment No. 2. and Study Centre Code on your assignment responnses before submitting to the concerned authorities. advised to submit your Assignments at your Study Centre within the prescribed dates. Mail this Form to: The Regional Director (Concerned) B-4 . Please do not submit your assignment responses twice at the same Study Centre or at different Study Centres for evaluation. Course Code. Name. Read instructions for submision of assignments given in your Programme Guide carefully. you may choose to either appear in the term end examination or attempt the assignments for that course again. 3. 6. Assignments should be demanded only if your registration for that course (subject) is valid. and Course Title. Assignments received after due dates will be summarily rejected. Use BLACK BALL POINT PEN in boxes using English capital letters or English numerals. Control No.ac. Programme Code Enrolment No. 14. etc.200 _____ INSTRUCTIONS 1. address. Coaurse Code Course Code (Exam already taken in last TEE but result awaited on the date of submission of the exam form) (For result please visit IGNOU site www. 5. 2. 10. No. Draft No. 3. Amount 2. P.No. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only within the box without touching the lines as shown in the Sample below. Course Code S. 3. Street Name. 7. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z EXAM FORM Serial No. Middle Name and Surname) Address for correspondence (Do not give Post Box No. 5. Study Centre Code Exam Centre Code (Where you wish to appear in Exam) Name of the Candidate (Leave one box empty between First Name. Leave a blank box between each unit of address like House No. MCA. 50/. 8. 1.ignou. NEW DELHI-110068 TERM-END EXAM JUNE / DECEMBER . 11.PER COURSE S. 4. at the back of the Draft) Total No. 7. 15. 16. 8. 9. 4. Draft No. of Courses Practical Courses Late Fee TOTAL SIGNATURE OF THE STUDENT (within the Box only) Total Amt. 6. Amount Date / / . 6.No. 13. 2.INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION MAIDAN GARHI.) City District State Pin Code COURSE OPTION: Course codes for which appearing for the First time OR failed in the earlier TEEs including Practical Courses for BCA. X 50 X 50 1.in) NO EXAM FEE TO BE PAID S. 12. Course Code FEE DETAILS (Please write your Name & Enrolment No.. 2.. BIT / ADIT/ PGDLAN / BLIS Programmes Fee @ Rs.O. 1. Issuing Branch Payable at N E W D E L H I ISSUING BANK B-5 . . It is advisable that students fill-up the examination form without waiting for the result of the previous examination. is not permissible under any circumstances. In case you with to take examination at a particular centre the code of your chosen centre be filled up as Examination Centre Code.ac. I will have no claim for taking examination. Term-end Examination result is also available on the university website i. to 28 Nov. Please send the examination form by registered Post/Speed post and retain the proof of its mailing till you receive the Hall Ticket. 9. No Examination fee is required to be paid for the courses for which the student appeared in the preceding TEE and the result has not been declared on the date of submission of the Examination form. Examination fee one paid will not be refunded/adjusted. Normally the Study Centre is the Examination Centre. For Delhi. Post/Speed Post alongwith the requisite fee (in the form of demand draft) at SE Division. Exam for these students will be conducted at Regional Centre city only. 1000/For Dec TEE 1 sept to 30 Sept. the course will not be included in the Hall Ticket and the examination fee paid will not be refunded.ignou. New Delhi . Student of BA/B. 4.in. if Examination Centre chosen by you is not activated. 10. once allotted. you may visit our website www. Any other fee forwarded with the Exam fee will result in rejection of the Examination Form. Students are advised to enclose/forward only the Examination fee alongwith this form. Students should submit the examination form only once for each Term-end examination. It any of my above statements are found to be untrue. 1 Oct. you will be allotted another Examination Centre under the same Region.ignou.* Late Fee Nil Rs.110068 or at the concerned regional Centre within the stipulated dates. (For example ECO-01/MS-02) In case wrong/invalid course code is mentioned in examination form.Com/BCA/BTS Programme can take examination for courses up to 48 credits and those of Management Programme can take examination for a maximum of 8 courses at a time. 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE EXAM FORM 1. However.ac. 300/Rs. 2. to 15 Nov. 12. Examination Form can also be submitted with the requisite fee (with or without late fee) within the stipulated dates at the respective Regional Centres. Maidan Garhi. 50/. I undertake that I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the University. Change of Examination Centre. 500/Rs. 5. I also affirm that my registration for the above course(s) is valid and not time barred.e. Examination fee @ Rs. failling which the course(s) will not be included in Hall Ticket for taking examination. Please write correct course code(s) as indicated in your Programme Guide. 13. 1000/- * During these dates submit the examination form with late fee to concerned Regional Centre (For outside Delhi). B-6 . Examination form without late fee can be submitted by Regd. submit to the Registrar (SRE).* 16 Nov. to 20 Oct. 500/Rs. 8. IGNOU. 7. Date:____________ (Signature of the Student) Dates for Submission of Exam Forms For June TEE 1 March to 31 March 1 April to 20 April 21 April to 15 May* 16 May to 28 May* Late Fee Nil Rs. www. 300/Rs. 11. 6. 14.Declaration I hereby affirm that I have submitted/will submit all the required number of assignments as applicable for the above course(s) within the deadlines prescribed by the University to the appropriate authority for evaluation. Please see the result status before filling examination form. If you fail to receive Examination Intimation Slip one week before commencement of examination.in and download Hall Ticked report to Examination Centre with your Identity Card.per course in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi is required to be sent along with the Examination Form. 21 Oct. ..................... X Rs... New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPT (Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form....... Demand Draft No........................................ in Which re-evaluation is sought Course Code .. Examination Cente Code: Address of the Examination Centre:........................... Month and Year of the Examination:........ .............................................. ................. ........... . ............................................................................ Courses.................... which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of 'IGNOU' & payable at 'New Delhi') No.................................. Fee detail: (The fee for early declaration of result is Rs..................... 1........................ .......................... of Course(s)........................ 500/.........Total Amount.................................................................................................................................................................. 3............. ..................................................................................................................................... ................................ 5.... ............................................................. . (Signature of the student) B-7 ...................... Please go through them carefully before filling up the form)..................................... 2......... 500/................................................................... Date............................................... Address:..... 8............................................................... Date:....... Issuing Bank ............. Pin 4........................... Marks/Grade Obtained . Programme: Enrolment No..... 6.............................................................................................................................................................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi....................................per course......... ......................... Name ....................................................................................... 7............. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form. whichever is later. the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after re-evaluation will be considered. 3. 2.ac. The request for re-evaluation by the student must be made before 31st March for December TEE and 30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of results.RULES & REGULATION FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPTS 1. After re-evaluation. 7. The minimum time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the date of receipt of application. B-8 . The date of declaration of result will be calculated from the date on which the result are placed on the IGNOU website. Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE only and not in the Project/Dissertaion Practicals/Lab courses. please mention 'Application Form For Re-Evaluation of Answer Scripts' Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address: The Registrar Student Evaluation Devision Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068 5. Workshops. 4.in. 6. Assignments & Seminar etc.ignou. The revised marks/grade after re-evaluation shall be communicated to the student on receipt of re-evaluation result and result of re-evaluation will also be made available on the IGNOU website at www. 2.............................. In the event of any of the above information being found incorrect........................................ Date ................................................................................................................. 2............. Section Officer .... 3...................................................................................... Father’s Name ....................... The information furnished by Shri/Smt. 4.. Name of the University to which the candidate wants to migrate: ...................................../Km.......... Name of the Regional Centre and Study Centre to which the Candidate is attached: ........... Examination Passed (Programme) Year of Passing Enrolment No............................................ I further certify that I have not enrolled with any other University/Institution after passing out from IGNOU up to this date.. 2............ B-9 ........................... Place of Issue ............INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (To be submitted at the concerned Regional Director) APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF MIGRATION CERTIFICATE (To be filled in by the Applicant-Before filling in the form...................................................................................................... Marks Obtained Grades Obatined 5..... No............................ Particulars of last examination ..................................................D...................... 1. Date .......... the Certificate shall be liable for cancellation by the University....................................... ........................ Address ................. I hereby declare that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and I have paid all the fee due to the University.............................................................. Dealing Assistant ........ Pin................................ is correct as per scholar register........................ 3.................................................. 6............ see instructions on reverse) 1............................................... D.. He/She may be issued the Migration Certificate applied for ....................... Bank Name & .......................................................................................... DRAFT DETAILS: Amount Rs.. I have not taken any migration certificate from the University before this..................................................................... (To be filled in by the Admissions Division) 1................. 4............. ... Name ................................. .................... hereby solemnly declare that the Migration Certificate No.... to enable me to join .................. Son/daughter of .............................................. 300/............ “I. 2............................. issued to me by the .................... Dated ........ A fee of Rs.......... At the time of submission of the application for issue Migration Certificate the applicant should attach zerox copy of consolidated Statement of Marks of Provisional Certificate issued by this University (duly attested) for verification......... resident of .....INSTRUCTIONS 1....only in case has been lost.......... 2/........ B-10 ....... Duplicate Migration Certificate can be issued on payment of Rs....................... 300 should be remitted by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at the city of the Regional Centre or New Delhi....... ...................... 3.................................. as the case may be.. destroyed or mutilated on submission of an Affidavit drawn up on a non-judicial stamp paper of the value of Rs............................. University has been lost and I did not join any other University of the basis of the same nor have I submitted the same for joining any other University”.......................................to be sworn before a Magistrate on the following format....................... ........................................................ Bank Draft/IPO No............... Dated ..... .. Month and Year of the Exam .................................................... 150 in favour of IGNOU..................................... Enrolment No...................................... Signature Date : .......... Note : Fee for duplicate grade card is Rs............................................................. ...................................................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi........................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR OBTAINING DUPLICATE GRADE CARD/MARK SHEET Name ......................................................... New Delhi ........................................................ Address ............................ Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110 068 (You are advised to use the photocopy of this proforma) B-11 ................................ .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. for Rs................... 150............ The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to : Registrar (SED) Indira Gandhi National Open Univerity Block 12............................. Centre from where appeared at last examination ......................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Pin Programme ...... The duplicate grade card/mark sheet will be sent by Registered post......................................................................... Enrolment Number Write in BLOCK LETTERS only Name: Shri/Smt.INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FROM FOR CHANGE/CORRECTION/ ADDRESS/STUDY CENTRE All correspondence to be sent at the following address and change of Study Centre be recorded./Km. . Date of Change effective from New Address Medium of Study Programme of Study New Study Centre Code Town State Pin State Code Date _______________________ Signature ___________________________ The filled-up form should be mailed to the Regional Centre Concerned. ...... 7.................................. to 30th April STUDENT REGISTRATION DIVISION INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi................................................................................................................................ 2............................No.................................................... Signature of the student Mail this “Re-admission” form along with DD to Registrar........) Total Rs.... enclsoed vide Demand Draft No................................... 4... 6............. New Delhi-110 068 RE-ADMISSION FORM 1..... No: Regional Centre Code: Study Centre Code Details of course(s) not completed for which re-admission is sought................. SR Division IGNOU.............................. 6 + 7) Rs............. Name & Address of the Student: ............................ Total Fee (col..................................... No.. Sl............Dates for Submission : 1st Aug. .................... 3. .......................... 8........................................ Programme Code: Enrol....................................... if any: Year(s) semester(s) Course Codes(s) of the missed year(s)/semester(s) Re-registration fee Rs............................................................................. ................ Name of Bank ..... (Please retain a copy of this form for nay future reference) ...... 5............... .......... Date .......................................... Maidan Garhi................ OR 1st Feb............. Details of re-registration for the missed year(s)/semester(s)........................ (DD should be drawn in favour of “IGNOU” payable at New Delhi) Dated: _____________________ ..................... New Delhi-110 068 on or before the last date mentioned above............................. Course Code Title of the Course Credits Course Fee (Rs..................................................... Amount ... to 31st Oct........ 9. Students who do not register for all years of a programme and fail to pay the prescribed full Programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Re-admission. Name and Programme code and the also the words ‘Re-admission’ on the reverse of the DD. Other conditions as prescribed by the University relating to the admission and re-admissions hall remain the same. 3 above will commence from the date of completion of the maximum duration of the Programme for which the registration was done initially. The credit earned by the student towards his/her courses and assignments successfulIy completed shall be retained for the revalidated period. 3. Students are required to pay the pro-rata Re-admission fee per course in lump sum as applicable for all the courses they failed to successfully complete earlier. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. 4. Students who failed to complete the requirement of attendance in practicals as prescribed in programme curriculum within the maximum span period prescribed. in addition to the pro-rata fee for re-admission for each of the course(s) they failed to successfully complete within the maximum span period prescribed. if any. 5. 12. Students shall not be on rolls of the university beyond the extended period as stated at (3) above. If the earlier study material is replaced. 11. The University may revise the re-admission fee from time to time. the student will be required to buy changed course material. provided they pay full fee for the missed year(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which re-admission is sought. B-14 . 8. should be drawn) in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi. The additional period indicated at point no. No. 7.. the norms of fee payable will be as decided by the respective Schools. Students who failed to complete the requirements in full or in part within the maximum span period prescribed. Please write your Enrol.GUIDELINES FOR RE-ADMISSION 1. The student will be allowed to take re-admission in the old course(s) as long as the examination in the old course(s) is conducted by the University. No study material will be supplied on re-admission. Re-admission is permissible in the following cases. 10. Course fee paid for re-admission would be valid for a period of two consecutive years only. The Demand Draft for Re-admission fee together with the registration fee of the missed year(s). (a) (b) 2. For the Programmes containing practical component. 6. ... Fee detail: (The fee for early declaration of result is Rs................................................................... .................................................................. ... Exam............... Issuing Bank ....................................................per course.. which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable at ‘New Delhi’) No........................................................ Centre Code: Address of Exam.... × Rs.. (Signature of the student) B-15 ...... Address:.................................................... ............................. Centre: .................................................................................. Centre details... No.......... ................. 6........ Demand Draft No................. Date:......................... Name ........... Course(s) detail for early evaluation: Sl... ...................................... Date of Examination .......... ......................................... 700/..... of Course(s)............... .................... from where you have to appear/appeared at Term-end Examination: Exam................................................... New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR EARLY DECLARATION OF RESULT OF TERM-END EXAMINATION (Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form............................................................. ................... 2...... Pin 4. 7..................... ................. Course Code ............................................ Programme: Enrolment No.................... 1..................................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi................................................................. 3.......................... 4.......................Total Amount................. .................. 2...................... 3............................................ Please go through them carefully before filling up the form). 1................................................... Date............. ........ 700/.......................... Reason for early declaration of result: (enclose a copy of the documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration) 5......................... RULES & REGULATIONS FOR EARLY DECLARATION OF RESULTS 1. Request for early declaration of results will be entertained for final semester/year or maximum of 4 backlog courses only, subject to the following conditions: (i) The student has been selected for higher study/employment and statement of marks/grade card is required to be produced to the institute by a particular date, which is before the prescribed date of declaration of the University’s results. (ii) The student has completed all the other prescribed components except the term-end examination of the courses, for which early evaluation has been sought. 2. 3. 4. Application for early declaration, for the reasons such as to apply for recruitment/higher study/post and promotion purpose etc. will not be entertained. Application without enclosing documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration will not be entertained. Application form must reach at the following address before the date of the examination for the course(s) for which early evaluation is sought: The Registrar Student Evaluation Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110 068 B-16 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR OBTAINING PHOTOCOPY OF THE ANSWER SCRIPT (Rules & Regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form. Please go through them carefully before filling up the form). Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st March – 15th April for June Term-end Exam. 1st September – 15th October for December Term-end Exam. 1. 2. 3. Name ....................................................................................................................................... Programme: Enrolment No. Address .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ Pin Code: 4. Detail of the course(s), for which photocopy of the answer script(s) is/are required: (a) Term-end examination: June/December........................................................................... (b) (c) Exam Cente Code: Exam Centre Addrsss: ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. (d) Coaurse(s):...................................................................................................................... 5. Fee details: (The fee for obtaining photocopy of the answer script is Rs. 100/- per course, which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of 'IGNOU' & payable at 'new Delhi') No. of Course(s).................................... × Rs. 100/- = Total Amount:..................................... Demand Draft No................................................. Date .......................................................... Issuing Bank............................................................................................................................ 6. Self attested photocopy of the Identity Card: issued by the University. Attached/Not attached I hereby undertake that the answer scripts(s), for which photocopy(ies), applied for, belongs to me. For this purpose, I am enclosing self attested photocopy of my Identity Card issued by the University. In case, my statement is found false, the University may take action against me as deemed fit. Date:................................ Place:............................... Signature:....................................... Name:............................................. B-17 RULES & REGULATION FOR OBTAINING PHOTOCOPY OF THE ANSWER SCRIPT 1. 2. Photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall be provided to the students from December-2008 term-end examination (TEE), onwards. The fee for photocopy of the answer script shall be Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundered Only) per course. Fee shall be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi. Application form without self attested photocopy of the Identity Card of the student will not be entertained. Student’s application form for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall reach the Concerned Authority (as mentioned below in the last para) alongwith the prescribed fee within 45 days from the date of declaration of results. The date of receipt of application for June term-end examination shall be by 15th October and for December term-end examination by 15th April or within 45 days from the date of declaration of result on the University’s website, whichever your later. The students, who find that any portion of the answer was not evaluated or any totaling error is noticed, may point out the same and submit their representation alongwith a copy of the answer script supplied to them within 15 days. No other query regarding evaluation of answer script shall be entertained. The students, who intend to apply for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) may simultaneously apply for re-evaluation, if they so desire. The last date for submission of application for re-evaluation will not be extended to facilitate them to point out discrepancy in the evaluation. Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address except the answer scripts of CPE & DPE programmes: The Registrar, Student Evaluation Division, Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-ll 0068. 8. For the photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) of CPE & DPE programmes, the application form may be sent to the Regional Centre concerned. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B-18 To The Regional Director (concerned) SUBJECT : NON-RECEIPT OF STUDY MATERIAL / ASSIGNMENT Enrolment No. Programme Medium of Study I have not received the Study Material / Assignments in respect of the following : Sl.No. Course Code Blocks Assignments –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I have remitted all the dues towards the course fee and there is NO CHANGE in my address given as follows : Name and Address ______________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Signature : _____________________________ Date : _____________________________ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– For Office Use Date of despatch of study material/assignments to students _______________________________________ (You are advised to use the photocopy of this proforma) B-19 . ................... Change of Elective: Rs....... ....... 200 per course plus Rs................................................ 400 per 2/4 credit course and Rs................................................. 400 per course of 6/8 credit course...................... and he/she has to forfeit the fee paid for the earlier Programme opted by him/her..... Change of Elective: Rs............... Drawn on . Change of Programme: A student has to pay the full fee for the new Prog................................. Date ................................. 400 per course of 2/4 credit course and Rs.......... ............. 200 per 2/4 credit course and Rs.... 200 per course plus Rs... 400 per 6/8 credit course.To The Regional Director (Concerned) Master’s Degree Change of Medium: Rs........... Change of Programme : From.. BDP Change of Medium: Rs............................. Please change my Medium / Elective of Study as per following details: Courses offered Foundation Courses Medium From Elective From To To Elective Courses Fee Details Demand Draft No........................ ................................. SUB: CHANGE OF MEDIUM/ELECTIVE/PROGRAMME OF STUDY Enrolment No.......... 200 per 2/4 credit course and Rs........... ..... B-20 ........ 400 per 6/8 credit course... 400 plus Rs.................... ........................................................... 800 per 6/8 credit course................................ Change of Programme: Rs...................... Address .............. 800 per course of 6/8 credit course................... Signature : Name .. Amount Rs... To................................... 200 per course of 2/4 credit course and Rs........ .............................................. ..............................................................................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION Maidan Garhi........ ................................. .........................................................: Programme Title: .......................................... Name: Father’s Name: Month and year of last examination in which you have completed the Programme Mailing address: ................................... ..................................................................... Signature B-21 .......................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (Please Enclose a copy of your complete grade card.......................... .) Filled in application Form should be sent to: Registrar (SED) IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110 068 Date:............ ..................................................................................................... New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE Enrolment No................................................................... Regional Centre: ..................................... ....................... Programme: Enrolment No...................... .............. .. 3................................ Date:.............................................. Rs....... New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT 1............................................................. Address ................................................................ as the number of transcripts required................................. 6............................................................................................................................. 200/.......................... if to be sent to the student/institute in India....... if required to be sent to the Institute outside India by the University.............Rs...................................... transcript is required.......... ...... Date ..............................................................per transcript......................................................................................... of Course(s).......... Purpose for whcih:............................... 2.................................. The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: (Signature of the student) The Registrar Student Evaluation Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi-ll0068 Note: The students are required to enclose same number of legible photocopies of both sides of the statement of marks/grade card issued to them.......................... B-22 ...................................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi................................... 400/............. Demand Draft No..........................................................................................................Total Amount................................... 5................ 8..per transcript................................... Pin Code: 4........................................... Whether the transcripts to be mailed by the University: Yes/No (please tick) Name & Address of the University/Institute/Employer (In capital letters) to whom transcript is required to be sent (attach a separate list... if required) ...... (The requisite fee is required to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of 'IGNOU' & payable at 'New Delhi') No............ ................................. 400/................................................................... × Rs................ Name .................................................. 200/.............................................................................. Fee details: Fee for the official transcript: Rs.............................. Issuing Bank................................................................................................................... ......... UNDERTAKING I hereby undertake that I shall abide by the rules & regulations prescribed by the University for improvement in Division/Class.......... B-23 Course Code 4.............................................................................................. Name ........... × Rs.......INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi.... Address .................................. ........ ........................................................ Course(s).... Examination centre details........ 2............................................................ 5............................ (Please enclose photocopy of the statement of marks/grades card) 5..................... ...... Pin Code: 4....................... ......... Place:.............. Programme: Enrolment No........................................................................................................................................ 500/....... New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS (Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form...................................... in which improvement is sought: Course Code 1.............................. Term-end examination................. Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st to 30th April for June Term-end Exam...........= Total Amount........................................................... 8.. Total marks/Overall point grade obtained .. . 3...................................... Demand Draft No............................................. 7......... .................................. in which you wish to appear: June/December... Percentage obtained .......................... City/Town:.......................... ........ .....per course. Fee details: (The fee for Improvement in Division is Rs....... 1st to 31st October for December Term-end Exam.. Date ......................................................................................................................................... Centre Code......... Issuing Bank........ Please go through them carefully before filling up the form)................... 6.................................................. in which programme completed June/December .... 500/............................ 3........................................... 2............ Signature:................................. Term-end examination............ of Course(s)................................ 1..... ...................... Name:........................................................................................................ which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of 'IGNOU' & payable at 'New Delhi') No........... where you wish to appear in term-end examination: Exam............................. Date:....... Projects. 4.RULES & REGULATION FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS 1. B-24 . No student will be permitted to improve if maximum duration to complete the programme. The improvement of marks/grades is applicable only for Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes. 3. is valid till the next term-end examination in which they wish to appear for improvement. Workshops and Assignments etc. marks/ grade already awarded and the marks/grade secured in the improvement examination will be considered. who have completed the programme. including the re-admission period. subject to the condition that their registration for the programme/course being applied for improvement. in which students appeared for Improvement.e. 10. Please mention ‘APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS’ Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address: Registrar Student Evaluation Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi-ll0 068 2. 7. The eligibility is as under: a) The students of Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programmes who fall short of 2% marks to secure 2nd and 1st division. Provisional Certificate and Degree Certificate already issued to the student. 11. 8. Only one opportunity will be given to improve the marks/grade. Under the Provision of improvement. No improvement is permissible in Practicals/ Lab courses. 5. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form. Students whishing to improve the marks will have to apply within six months from the date of issue of final statement of marks/grade card to them. In such cases. Students will be permitted for improvement of marks/grades provided the examination for the particular course. the improved marks/grade can be incorporated only on surrender of the statement of marks/Grade Card. 9. The improvement is permissible only in theory papers. has expired. better of the two examinations i. in which they wish to improve is being conducted by the University at that time. b) The students of Master’s degree programmes only. the month and year of completion of the programme will be changed to the Term-end examination. 6. After appearing in the examination for improvement. a maximum of 25% of the maximum credits required for successful completion of a programme shall be permitted. who fall short of 2% marks to secure overall 55% marks. In case of improvement. ......................................... Programme: Enrolment Number: Examination Passed in Term End Examination-July/December.................................................... Signature of Regional Director With Stamp 1.......... I solemnly declare that the particulars given above are correct to the best of my knowledge...................................... B-25 .................. Result: ................................ 20...................................................................... 500/.......... ...................................................................................... Name of the Regional Centre: .................................................... New Delhi-110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF A DUPLICATE COPY OF UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA/DEGREE/CERTIFICATE Note: For instructions. Father’s Name (in Block letters):....................................... Name of the Study Centre: ....................................................... I Certify that the above entries made by the applicant are correct................................................................ original copy will be forwarded by Regional Director to registrar (SED) and duplicate copy to be retained by the Regional Director for reference.............................. ............................................................ 500 is submitted herewith.............................................................. (in Hindi):.................................... Full Permanent Address of Student: ................................... Examination for the following reasons: The prescribed fee of Rs.... Dealing Assistant IGNOU I wish to have a duplicate copy of my Diplome / Degree / Certificate for the Programme.............................................................................................................. ....................... Note: To be filled in duplicate....... New Delhi................................... Grade / Dvision:............ Bank Draft No.................... To The Registrar Student Evaluation Division Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068 Sir.................................payable by means of demand draft in favour of IGNOU................................. The required particulars are given below: Name of Candidate (in Block letters in English .......................................................................................... Received Rs. .....INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Maidan Garhi.................................................................... Yours faithfully Signature of the Student Postal Address.................... & other particulars: ... please see reverse............................... Fee for issuing a duplicate of (a) Diploma (b) Degree & (c) Certificate Rs............. .. 4.................... Deponent SWORN BEFORE ME Signature: ................. with .............................. I have filed an F........ and on payment of the fee as are prescribed for the same of duplicate copy. do hereby solemnly declare that the original Degree Certificate dated .... Deponent Signature: .............. day of ....................... Degree or Certificate has been irrecoverably lost....................... and the duplicate copy will be sent through the Regional Director concerned............. I also undertake that if my Original Diploma / Degree / Certificate which has been lost..................... Degree or Certificate may be issued for not more than four times on submission of an affidavit signed and certified by a First Class Magistrate to the effect that the Diploma......................................... Degree or Certificate issued previously by the university has been lost or destroyed....... lodged iwth the nearest Police Station to this effect by the candidate on the grounds that either the original Diplome.. FORM FOR AFFIDAVIT TO BE EXECUTED ON A NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF THE VALUE OF RS..... B-26 ...... .. The form should be filled in duplicate legible and signed by the canditate..I.......... 3..... and a copy of the same duty attested by a Gazzetted Officer / First Class Magistrate is appended hereto...................R......................................... 2... 10/...................................... destroyed or defaced and on payment of the fee prescribed...............BEFORE FIRST CLASS MAGISTRATE I . if put to any unfair use by the person who may lay hands on it........ has been lost/destroyed. Maidan Garhi..... Verification: Verified at ............... Address: .............. this ........................... Degree or Certificate will be issued on submission of any affidavit signed by a First Class Magistrate together with an attested copy of the F.......... Indira Gandhi National Open University......... Designation: ... I shall stand for the damages which may accrue from such use............... Examination in .........................INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES FOR ISSUE OF DUPLICATE COPY OF UNIVERSITY DEGREE / DIPLOMA / CERTIFICATE 1.... Student Registration & Evaluation Division...... Son / Daughter of Shri ....... A duplicate copy of the Diplome... The form should be submitted through the Regional Director of the concerned Regional Centre through which the candidate appeared at the said examination.............. Police Station ..............20 that the contents of my affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge.R.... issued to me by the Registrar................... Office Seal: ..I....... under University Enrolment No......................... In very special cases subsequest copies of the Diploma........ ........ New Delhi-110068 on my having passed the ................... Bhongir. Ph. Dr. 11. Women & Child Development.7. Burman. Near Kakatiya College. Nikamul Satra Road. Village Uloni. Beltola Road.: 03678-40798 DIU. 8-2-15B. 4. M. Assam Mahila Samata Society.:32-15-75. RG Baruah Raod. Ms. M. 8. Ph. Ph. Ward No. SK Bordoloi.: 0361-208125 Rural Women Upliftment Association of Assam. Sheesha Ratnam. Zila Grandhalaya Samstha. JP Devi. E Anita. Road No. Mogalrajapuram. RR District.: 08644-20627 Branch Library.: 0361-206057/200187 Rural Women Upliftment Association of Assam.No.: 08733-79876 Mahila Samakhya. Jubilee Hills. Ms. K Chandrammouli. Plot No. Adi1abad -504293. of Arunachal Pradesh. Gohingaon.. 21.: -DIU. Ph. Hyderabad -500033. Guwahati -781005. Basisthapur Bye Lane -2. 7. (By the side of NH-377). 12. H. MOO Con’lpound. Darrang District -684125. Jan Shikshan Sansthan. 6-9/2-4. Ms.No. 6. 19.: 08416-52725 District Library. Bhebarghat. PO Goalpara. 20. 3. Nalgonda District. Ms. Ph. Mr. Ph.: 0361-244676 Department ofSocial Welfare. 7-4-34/1. Near Don Bosco School.: 03712-31680 DIU. Dhubri. Tezpur. Agia Road. D. Nizainabad -503003.8. KA Raju. Ph. Ms. Mr. K. Assam Mahila Samata Society. Women Development Cell.: 08462-35308/335308 Mahila Samakhya. Itanagar Region 13. Ph. Indu Kalpa Nath.: 08455-56916 Mahila Samakhya. 1. Behind Sandhya Theatre.505002. Morigaon District -782105.042 Peace Peoples Action for Creative Education. Ph.: 08574-48410 Padmavati Mahila Vishwavidhyala.: 0866-470420/475064 IGNOU Special Study Centre. Near Jubilee Market. Goalpara Balachmari. Mr. Mehboob Nagar 509001.: 0361-267622 Assam Mahila Samata Society.: 040-4015270/289/766 National Institute of Rural Development. Asifabad Post.: 03713-22748 DIU. Medak -502001. Gandhi Chowk. Ph. Teacher’s Colony. Tirupati -571502. National Highway Road. PO Bilashipara. 9. Tenali. 5/1. Prof. GVS Janakamma. Govt. Prashant Kumar Deka. TV Subba Rao. 17. Kalwakunta. 15. SATELLITE DOWNLINK FACILITY SITES FOR VIEWING GYAN DARSHAN AND TELECONFERENCING Hyderabad Region Ms. Kamrup District. Pragathi Nagar. Ph.: 7179735 BR Ambedkar Open University. Guntur District. Ph. Rajiah.: 08586-42. Itanagar. Kashmir Gadda. Khetri PO. Smt. Ph. Sangareddy. 5. YG Bhavanir. Mr. PO Mangaldail. Hyderabad -500030. Assam Mahila Samata Society. Ms. Ph. V Prabhavati. Karim Nagar . K Nimmayya. Guwahati Region 14. D. Goalpara District-783121.:08542-41765 Mahila Samakhya. Guwahati -781028. Near Gandhi Centinary School. Ph.: 0366-41313 DIT. Dhubri District -783348. Block Sonapur. Ph. Ph. Naharlagun. Mamtaj Sarkar. PO Morigaon. Ph. B-27 . Ph. Mr. Sonitpur District -784001. Mr. Near Dispur Telephone Exchange. Sakia. Ms.15. Sundarpur. Ph. Assam Mahila Samata Society. H. Ms. Japorigog HS Lane. AB Road. Mr. Dishi Mihu Mallo. Umadevi. Vijayawada -520010. Ms.: 08722-47071 Mahila Samakhya. 2. Near SLNS Degree College. 46. Jalal Bagh St. Assam Mahila Samata Society. Mr.522201. Vidyakanna Nagalla.1/360.No. 16. Vikarabad. Rangareddy District -501101 10. 18. Rajendra Nagar. Ph. Dipali Das. 26. Manisha Brahmbhatt. 28. Ph. Ph. Near Varsha Society.: 6515579 NIPCCD. Ms. 37. Near Kalarav School. 25.: 06182-22852 Mahila Samakhya. Laxminarayan Housing Society. B-28 . Ms. Mamta Baxi. Mary’s Orphanage. Jamshedpur. New Delhi -110002. Ph. Sitatnarhi District. Bihar Education Project. East Singhbhum -831 001. 506 Bhudarpura. 29. 41. Ph. Ranchi Region 31. 7th. Hazaribagh -825301.: 3360831 Ministry of HRD. Vadodara-390019. Dept. “Radha-Krishna” Navyou Housing Society. Ph. Dumbra. Bhojpur -802301. Sabarkantha Dsitrict. Secretary. of Women & Child. 38.: 3383586 Ministry of HRD. Shastri Bhawan. Fakirana. Himatnagar. Mahavirnagar.: 02772-46938 Mahila Samakhya. Room No. Ph. 5. Samastipur.: 06546-23944 Holycross Social Service Centre. of Women & Child. VC’s Office.: 06562-23069 IGNOU Study Centre. Jaymundi. Adhiti Ayodare Campus. Rameshwar Chowk.: 0281-464161/461984 Mahila Samakhya.: 06274-22264/22260 DRDA. Director. Ph.: 0657-434533 Mahila Samakhya. Dumka814141 34.: 02676~22738 Mahila Samakhya. Darbhanga District. Hauz Khaz. Dept.: 079-7434122 Awag Kunj. Sansad Marg. Jeevan Deep Building. Ph. New Delhi -110068.2. Krishna. Razi Ahmed.Panchmahal District 45. Bindu Jha. Surendranagar 360001.: 02744-24406 Mahila Samakhya. Ph. Ph. Madhbuni. AK Mishra. . 43. 39. Ph. Fort Area Collectorate. Ms. Munger 28. Ph. Salkchi. Ph.: 0612-226037 Women Development Corporation. 1st Floor. Ms. New Delhi-110001. Zuly Park. Bettiah -845438. Near Pratap Chali Deesa. Ms. Arpan Society. Ms. Ph. Rashida Cuteleriwala. Patna -800001. Deputy Dev. Ph.: 0265-574916 Mahila Samakhya. Managing Director. Ph. Ph. Daltonganj. Kanajair Road. C/o.: 0644-22361 DRDA. 3/8. Halol. Ms. ‘A’ Wing. 27. “Kalpana” Jay Bharat Society. St. Indira Bhawan. Aarah. Ph.Patna Region 22.: 601. Siri Institutional Area. 32. Maidan Garhi. “Mahashakti” JP Sheri No. Aadishakti. Ph. Near Geet Gurjari Society. Sister Rosily Driecress. New Delhi. Ms. Ph. Ms. Rupali Khani.: 06254-32750 Mahila Samakhya. Collectorate. Baily Road. Bihar Education Project. New Delhi -110001. 46. 34. Deputy Development Commissioner. Dr. Opp. 155 Allapatti. Pragana Sejpal. 23. Commissioner. Rajkot -360001. RK Puram. Ph. Delhi Region 35. Mr. Ph. Ahmedabad. Ms.380005. RajinderNagar. Joint Secretary. 44. Sector V. Assistant Registrar. Ms. Vandana Brahmbhatt. Banaskantha District. Mr. Bihar Education Project. Atul Park Society. Collectorate Madhepura. 42. Bela Vaghela. PO Box 59. 30. Floor. Sangeeta Dutta. Ph. Ahmedabad Region 40. Nazra. Vidya Bhawan. Anil Kumar. 24. Ashwani Agarwal.: 06276-22364 DRDA. Ms. IGNOU. Collectorate.: 06272-21645 Mahila Samakhya.: 06342-24797 IGNOU Study Centre. Palamu District 822102 33. Mr.: 06476-2205 DRDA.: 06226-20290/21306 Mahila Samakhya. Bihar Education Project.: 6102944/6176379 National Association for the Blind. GLA College Campus. Dr. Arun Kumar. 36. Bihar Education Project.: 02752-34739 Mahila Samakhya. Ambawadi. Ph. GV Hedge. Shashi Bijalwan. Kesvan Nair. 69.: 5418215 Anganwadi Worker Training Centre. Pushpa Yadav. 54. Uma Gupta. Vansada Taluk. ETC Campus. KP Vallon Road. Domolur Layout. Dr. Ph. Mr.:O177-222033 Social & Women Welfare. Navasari District-396580. Bal Bhawan.: 08482-23038 Sahakara Rural Development Academy (Saharada) District Cooperative Central Bank Ltd. Near Bal Gram Rai.: 0488-803490 IGNOU Special Study Centre.: 0493-620169 Wyanad Sarva Seva Mandal. Ph. Mr. Working Women Hostel Building. Kothi No. Bindu.. Mrs.: 01274-23822 Anganwadi Workers Training Centre. Satyadas. Kundapura Taluk. Near Bus Stand. Jind -126102. 70. . Nizampur Road.: 0484-341817/540981 IGNOU Special Study Centre. 11. Ph. Post Box 3. Kandhenu. AK Chawla. Ph. 62. Mr. 57. Ms. Ph. Udipi District -576222. 63. Ms. 66.: 02630-22496/22745 Dharampur Uttan Wahani (Dhruva).: 01282-50208 District Child Welfare Officer. Trivendrum 696122. Bangalroe -560071. 68. Sreekala Compound. Shimla Region 55. Chambi Purank. Sulthan Bathery. Kerala Vocational Training Centre. Ph. Rev. Mrs. Mysore 570006. Harurgeri. 50.: 0474-454618 State Institute of Rural Development. PO No. Bal Bhawan. Ph. Dakshina Kannada -574240 60. Kadavanthra Junction. Kuravali (Coastal Line) Road.: 0471-222] 52 Project Officer. Govt. Bangalore Region 58. Bal Bbawan. Mahatama Gandhi Trust. S. 53. 48. Mr. Panchkula. Ms. Gangotri. PA Jnanasikhamani. Trichur -680664. Prof. Yahlanka. Block No. Service Road. Ph. Ph. Tiptur-572202. Sonepat. No.: 66258/66200 Women Awareness Management Agency (WAMA).: 0486-332191 Peermade Development Society.: 01681-54481 IGNOU Study Centre. 67. Mr. SDA Complex. Anganwadi Training Centre. Shimla.: 080-5543166 Myrada. Mr. Dr. Bhiwani. Udiyankul Angara. Working Women Hostel. Sector 4. Ph. 61.: 08524-611107 Ashika Sumitra Nilaya. Ms. Ph.: 08134-50659 Baif Institute for Rural Development. Manisha Nanda.47. Mohindergarh. Dharmshala. Wyanad .673592. Ph. Narnaul. PG College. Meenakshi Angadi Kadakol. Opposite Escort Company Limited. No. 51. Ms. Dr.: 01899-24400 Child Development Project Office.: 080-8563796 NIPCCD. Amaravila PO. Shripathyrao. Peermade.: 01892-223132 Disrict Programme Officer. Idduky 686631. 4th Floor. 42. Pravesh Sharma. 56. Kollam -691531. Ph. 49. 59. Bimlesh Kumari. Ram Mehar Singh. Kasumpati. Opp. Ph. Manasa. Fr.: 08256-61221 SDM College. Ph. Maniamcott Buildings. Stanley Hospital. 52. Dr. Model Town. HB Khareecha. Kangra. PM Praeethu Bava Khan. Mrs. Faridabad. Sharda Nagar. Dr.2. Sebastian Antony. Ms. Sakoh. Ph. Ms. Bidar -585401 Cochin Region 65.: 0172-604550 Anganwadi Training Centre. Vrandavan Campus. Bangalore -560064. Ph. 9-9-122/ A. Karnal Region Principal. Chamba. Mr. 18 New Town. Akkamahadevi Colony. West Nada Kodungallur. Cochin -682020. Bijadi Village. Koteshwara. Programme for the Development of Marginalised Women. 33. Ph. Usha Abrol. Byahso Verma. Ph. Village Lachakadi.: 082] -5] 9947 Karnataka State Open University. Ph. Ujire. Rewari. 64. P. R. Shriram Karanth. Ph. Ph. B-29 . Ph. KS Dhiman. Kotarakara. Aran MT. PEC Campus. Ph. Ph. Ph. Mr. Vijay Kumar Shinde. Dnyangangotri. Imphal Region 87. 74. Aizwal 796012. Ph. Jalgaon -425001. Anant N Joshi. Sector -12. Ph.: 0240-334840 Government College of Education. Dr. Asia Centre.3. 73. Mumbai. Shillong Region 88. Near Gurudwara.: 07172-55292 Janta Co1lege of Education.: 0724-661637 Shivaji College of Education. Programme Officer. Sadhna G Purohit. Ph. Civil Lines. Santa Cruz (West).: 0370-221637 State Children’s Library. Lower Lachurniere. 79. Ph. 2nd MR Gate. Govt. of Manipur. Sundar Pal Kaur. Dr. Mr. Ph. Kazi. Ph. 90. Aizwal Region 89. Mr.: 0372-24451 Divisional Cell. Khanna Region 92. Haralu. Ph. B-30 . Directorate of Social Security & Welfare. Lunglei -769701. 84. Shillong . Women’s Univ. Station Road. Ph. 83. Deputy Commission’s Office.: 02482-35937 Matsyodari Shikshan Sanstha’s College of Education. Central Hospital. Bhanagaonkar Sulabha. Mr. Ms. LR Sangrna. Station Road. Ph. Mrs. Near SRP Campus. Cotton Road.: 02462-42523 Government College of Education.: 01633-64121 Conference Hall. Jalana -431203. Vasant Nagar.: 02452-20198 Government College of Education.795001.: 0251-545565 Seva Sadan’s College of Education. Mrs. A V Deshmukh. Pune. Ph. Mr. Infomiation Centre.: 022-3745096-3726748 National Association for Blind. 75. JUHU Campus. Dr. PR Gaikwad.: 0172-74491/745505 Commonwealth Youth Programme. Faridkot. Kolahapur. YCM Open University. Ph. Rustam Alpaiwala Complex. 80. Prof. Chandigarh -160012. Ph. Deogiri College. Dr. 81. Mrs.: 0253-340228/340227 School of Education. Chhaya Desai. Mrs. 76. Ms. 85. EN Gawande. 82. Ph.410505. Ruldhana-443001. Harinder Nagar. Near Goddess Temple. AA Gadkari. Irnphal. Prof. A-T-Line. Khed. 3rd Lane.Sudha Kothari.Pune Region 71.: 0364-225187 Directorate of Social Welfare. Chandarpur -442401.: 0257-234187 Khandesh College Education Society’s College of Education. 72. Veena Poonacha. Aurangabad.: 01639-53675 Gali No.: 0389-340866 Directorate of Social Welfare.: 022-2031881/6608492-3 Research Centre for Women’s Study. Maniyar Law College Campus. 94. Aileen Vanlalzawni. ICDS. DR Kulkarni. Mr. Govt.: 03852-20033/320408 Department of Social Welfare. 124/127 Tank Road. Opp. Ulhas Nagar. Nanded -431602. Mastgadh. Near Railway Road Station (East). Chaltang. Raj Guru Nagar Taluk. Shahupuri. India Committee on Advancement on Blind Women. Ph. Mr.: 07262-42419 Government College of Education. Hingoli Road. Ph. Ms.: 07184-52386 Government College of Education. Lohiya Marg. Ph. 78.: 02135-23176 Chaitanya Moti Chowk. KM Mahajan. Kohima Region 91. Mr. 77. T. Padmapura. Mr. of Mizoram. S Sarat Kr Sharma. Mumbai-400049. Thane District-42 1003. Ph. Ph. Opp. Ph. Nashik-422222. MP Bhukti. Dhule-424001. Parbhani-431401. 86. Balwinder Singh. Mr. Jwalamukhi Hostel.: 02562-38042 Dhule Education Society’s College of Education. Directorate Complex.: 0231-524598 Shri Maharani Tarabai Government College of Eduaction. Amrawati -444603.793001. Muktasar. UB Rajput. Ph. Seva Sadan Marg. SNDT. Ph. Near Gangapur Dam. Jintur Road. 93. Chikhli Road. Dr. Bhandara -441904. Annex -I. 98. Ph.: 02992~51755 ICDS. Chittorgarh 312001. Bhilwara. D-I0. Richa Bhawan. Dr.: 0291544260 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. Gangtok. Rekha Govil. Panchvati Seti.: 01432-42405 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. Ms. Ph. Smt. Gandhi Ashram. Jaisalmar. Krishna Shrivastava. 104.: 0294-410344 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. AK Pradhan. Ph. Near Roadways Bus Stand. New Building. Shaila Kishnani. Opp. Ph. Mrs. Bansidhar Yadav. Banswara -327001. Sarla Mehta. Promila Sanjay. Dungarpur-314001. Ph. ICDS Office. Geeta Mohan. Sonam Tshering Marg. Dr.: 01438-24847/48 Gangtok Region 105. Pawata Road. Mrs. Prof.: 02962-43409 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. 96. 97. Mr. Ph. 101. Udaipur. of Sikkim Secretariate.: 01472-435749 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. Jodhpur -342001. B-31 . 99. Mr.: 02964-30690 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. Deputy Director. Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. Manjari Bhanti. Ph. Ph. Jayshri Thakaria. Ph.Jaipur Region 95.: 0141-517561-5 103. Near Subzi Mandi. Ph. Ph.: 03952-25596 Govt. 102.: 20275 Zila Mahila Vikas Abhikaran. Collectorate Compound. 3rd Floor. B-237 Subhash Nagar. Smt. Collectorate Compound Parisar. Tonk. 100. Indu Chopra. Ms. COLLEGE COMPOUND P. BADAUN.) AIZAWL – 796001 MIZORAM 0389-2311693 0389-2311692 0389-2311789 rd_aizwal@rediffmail. ROAD KHATLA (NEAR CENTRAL YMA OFF. NIRMA INSTT OF TECHNOLOGY SARKHEJ-GANDHINAGAR HIGHWAY CHHARODI AHMEDABAD .ac. AHMEDABAD 09 STATE OF GUJARAT.BELGAM & UTTARA KARNATAKA B-32 . MATHURA & J P NAGAR 5. AGARTALA 26 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE M.MANPURI. 39TH CROSS.HATHRAS.O.G.B.com [email protected] STATE OF TRIPURA 2.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE OPP.ALIGARH.B.560 070 KARNATAKA 080-26654747 / 26657376 080-26639711 080-26644848 [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE LAL BULAIA BUILDING M.UNION TERRITORY OF DAMAN. MORADABAD.ac.com rcaizawl@ignou. REGIONAL CENTRE RC CODE ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE OPERATIONAL AREA 1.DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 3.com rcbangalore@ignou. ANNEXURES ANNEXURE I ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES SL.ac. AIZWAL 19 STATE OF MIZORAM 4.382481 GUJARAT 02717-242975 02717-241579 02717-241580 [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NSSS KALYANA KENDRA 293.2701365 [email protected] [email protected]. NO.16. 8TH BLOCK JAYANAGAR BANGALORE . AGARTALA COLLEGE AGARTALA – 799004 TRIPURA 0381-2516715 / 2516266 0381-2516714 [email protected] [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 3/310 MARRIS ROAD ALIGARH-202001 UTTAR PRADESH 0571-2700120. RAMPUR.BULANDSAHAR.KASGANJ. ALIGARH 47 DISTRICT OF UTTAR PRADESH ETAH.AGRA.ac. BANGALORE 13 STATE OF KARNATAKA EXCEPT THE DISTRICTS DHARWAD. 3RD FLOOR OPP.ac.2348189. BHUBANESHWAR 21 STATE OF ORISSA (EXCEPT THE DISTRICTS MENTIONED UNDER RC KORAPUT AND GAJAPATI) 8. SUPAUL. CHANDIGARH 06 9.com [email protected] AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd. MUZAFFARPUR. 0755-2578454 0755-2578452 0755-2578454 [email protected]. SHIVAJI NAGAR BHOPAL .682 017 KERALA 0484-2340203. SIWAN.230484-2533021 0484-2533021. MADHUBANI.NEAR CENTRAL BANK DARBHANGA-846004 BIHAR 06272-253719 06272-251833 [email protected] 013 ORISSA 0674-2301348 / 2301250 / 2301352 0674-2300349 [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE C. 6. BOARD OF SECONDARY EDN. NO. REGIONAL CENTRE BHOPAL RC CODE 15 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SANCHI COMPLEX. SAMASTIPUR. SL.SARAN.SITAMARHI.KHAGARIA B-33 .I.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE C . CHENNAI 25 10.2330891 0484-2340204 [email protected] ignou_bhopal@yahoo. SALEM. CAMPUS TARAMANI CHENNAI .in [email protected]. VAISHALI.ac. VELLORE.600 113 AMILNADU 044-22541919 / 22542727 044-22542121 044-22542828 rgnldirector@yahoo. CUDDALORE.T.462 016 MADHYA PRADESH 0755-2578455.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE LALIT NARAYAN MITHLA UNIV. INSTITUTIONAL AREA BHUBANESHWAR .net [email protected]. DARBHANGA 46 STATE OF BIHAR COVERING DISTRICTS OF PASCHIM CHAMPARAN.1.DARBHANGA. COCHIN 14 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE KALOOR COCHIN . PURBI CHAMPARAN. PERAMBALU & TIRUVALLORE STATE OF KERALA EXCLUDING DISTRICTS MENTIONED UNDER RC TRIVANDRUM OPERATIONAL AREA STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH EXCEPT FOR DISTRICTS MENTIONED UNDER REGIONAL CENTRE JABALPUR 7.ac.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] KAMESHWARANAGAR.ac.com [email protected] 11.in STATE OF TAMILNADU THE FOLLOWING DISTRICTS AND UNION TERRITORY OF PONDICHEERY CHENNAI.VILLUPPURAM. ac.in OPERATIONAL AREA STATE OF UTTARANCAL DISTRICTS OF SARANPUR. GUWAHATI 04 STATE OF ASSAM B-34 . TUGHLAKABAD INSTT.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE GANDHI SMRITI & DARSHAN SAMITI RAJGHAT NEW DELHI . BIJNOR.DEHRADUN. DELHI 2 29 NORTH-EAST DELHI.ac. SL.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE HOUSE NO 71. DELHI 1 07 REGIONAL DIRECTOR(I/C) IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 52.ac. AREA NEAR BATRA HOSPITAL NEW DELHI .in 14.PITHORGRAH.RUDRAPRAYAG.248 001 UTTARANCHAL 0135-2789180 0135-2789205 0135-2789190 [email protected] DELHI. EAST DELHI.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE [email protected] rcgangtok@ignou. KOTDWAR.co. GANGTOK 24 STATE OF SIKKIM 17. REGIONAL CENTRE DEHRADUN RC CODE 31 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NANOOR KHERA.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR (I/C) IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE GAIRIGAON TADONG PO SHUMBUK HOUSE GANGTOK – 737102 SIKKIM 03592-2311102.UDHAMSINGNAGAR AND PURI SOUTH DELHI. NANITAL.110 002 011-23392375 / 23392376 / 23392377 011-23392374 011-23392373 [email protected] rcdelhi2@ignou. 12.GOPESHWAR.in rcdehradun@ignou. BOAGESHWAR.270923 03592-270364 03592-212501 rd_gangtok@rediffmail. TAPOVAN RAIPUR ROAD DEHRADUN .ac.MUZAFFARNAGAR. CHAMPAWAT. HARIDUAR.ac.ac.ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd.in [email protected] DELHI AND CENTRAL DELHI 15. SRINAGAR.DISTRICT FARIDABAD OF HARYANA 13. DELHI 3 38 WEST DELHI AND DISTRICT OF GURGAON OF HARYANA 16. NO.110 062 011-29956015/29958078 / 26056834 011-26058354 011-29053172 [email protected] ROAD CHRISTIAN BASTI GUWAHATI ASSAM 0361-2662879 grcignou@sancharnet. in [email protected]. ITANAGAR 03 STATE OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH 21.) NAHARLAGUN ITANAGAR -791110 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 0360-2247536 / 2247538 0360-2247537 [email protected] PATEL MARG MANSAROVAR JAIPUR . CHHINDWARA.com rd_itanagar@rediffmail. NO.com [email protected] [email protected] website:www.6533569 0761-2600411 0761-2609919 [email protected] .SEONI.ac. PACHPEDHI JABALPUR .in rcjaipur@ignou. SL.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 70/79. JAIPUR 23 STATE OF RAJASTHAN B-35 .com ignou_itanagar@yahoo. KATNI.nic.DINDORI. 18.302 020 RAJASTHAN 0141-2785750 0141-2274292 0141-2784043 [email protected] 23221260 23221261 040-23221261(FAX) [email protected]. REGIONAL CENTRE HYDERABAD RC CODE 01 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE RAHUL CHAMBER HOUSE NO.500 029 ANDHRA PRADESH 040-23221254.in OPERATIONAL AREA STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH EXCEPT DISTRICTS COVERED UNDER RC VIJAYNAGARAM 19.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 2ND FLOOR. JABALPUR 41 STATE OF MP COVERING DISTRICTS OF JABALPUR. SHAHDOL.ac. IMPHAL 17 STATE OF MANIPUR 20.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE ASHA JINA COMPLEX NORTH AOC IMPHAL – 795001 MANIPUR 0385.3-5-909 HIMAYATNAGAR NARAYANGUDA MAIN ROAD HIMAYAT NAGAR HYDERABAD . SECTOR .nic.SIDHI SINGRAULI AND ANUPPUR 22.482001 MADHYA PRADESH 0761-2609269.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE ‘HORNHILL COMPLEX’ ‘C’ SECTOR (NEAR CENTRAL SCH.in [email protected] 0385-2421192 385-2421192 [email protected]. BALAGHAT.NARSIMHAPUR.ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd. RAJSHEKHAR BHAVAN RANI DURGAVATI VISHVAVIDYALAYA CAMPUS. KHANNA 22 STATE OF PUNJAB & UNION TERRITORY OF CHANDIGARH 27. COLLEGE CAMPUS RAILWAY STATION ROAD KARNAL .T.O. 25. OPP.com [email protected] rckohima@ignou. 4TH FLOOR NORTH BLOCK SALT LAKE. KOHIMA 20 STATE OF NAGALAND 28. BIDHAN NAGAR KOLKATA .in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE BIKASH BHAWAN.in STATE OF HARYANA (EXCEPT THE DISTRICTS OF GURGAON AND FARIDABAD) OPERATIONAL AREA STATE OF JAMMU & KASHMIR (JAMMU REGION) 24.com rckolkata@ignou. REGIONAL CENTRE JAMMU RC CODE 12 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SPMR COLLEGE OF COMMERCE CANAL ROAD JAMMU .ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd. BUILDING BULEPUR (DISTRICT LUDHIANA) KHANNA – 141401 PUNJAB 01628.com [email protected] 001 HARYANA 0184-2271514 0184-2260075 0184-2255738 [email protected] 091 WEST BENGAL 033-23349850 / 23592719/ 23589323 (RCL) 033-23347576 [email protected] [email protected] 001 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0191-2546529 0191-2579572 0191-2546995 [email protected] [email protected] UNDER ESTABLISHMENT REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE OLD GOVT. SL.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE I.co.ac.ac.229994/229993 01628-237361 01628-238284 ignoukhanna@yahoo. 23.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NH-39. DZUVURU (MHON KHOLA) I.KOHIMA – 797001 NAGALAND 0370-2241903 / 2241904 0370-2241905 [email protected]. KOLKATA 28 STATE OF WEST BENGAL (EXCEPT THE DISTRICTS MENTIONED AGAINST RC SILIGURI) B-36 . JORHAT KARNAL 37 10 26. NO. 29.WARDHA. 32. RAYAGADA.in 31. BHANDARA.com [email protected]. NOIDA 39 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE [email protected] 33.BULDHANA. PHULBANI (PART OF ORISSA) GAJAPATI. ERODE.in rclucknow@ignou. NO.in [email protected] AND RATNAGIRI.ac.in OPERATIONAL AREA KORAPUT.com rcmumbai@ignou. RAMANATHAPURAM.NILGRIS.H ALIGANJ LUCKNOW .DINDIGUL. G. THIRUPPUR & TRICHI FOUR DISTRICS OF MAHARASHTRA : MUMBAI.THANE. PUDUKKUTTAI.2380387 0452-2370588 [email protected] (PART OF CG) STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (EXCEPT THE DISTRICTS UNDER RC VARANASI. MADURAI 43 FOLLOWING DISTRICTS OF TAMIL NADU COIMBATORE. BALANGIR.THANJAVUR.GHAZIABAD.ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd. REGIONAL CENTRE KORAPUT RC CODE 44 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE DISTRICT AGRICULTURE OFFICE RD BEHIND PANCHAYAT BHAVAN KORAPUT – 764020 ORISSA 06852-252982 06852-251535 ignou_koraput@rediffmail. MUMBAI 34 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE OM LEVA VIKAS NIKETAN NANEPADA ROAD. YAVATMAL.NAGARMEERUT & BAGPAT OF UTTAR PRADESH 34. LUCKNOW 27 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE B-1/33.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE CSI INSTITUTIONAL CAMPUS PASUMALAI MADURAI – 625004 TAMIL NADU 0452-2380733. DANTEWADA.226 024 UTTAR PRADESH 0522-2745114.NANDED.ac. WASHIM.com [email protected]. GADCHIROLI (14 DISTRICTS) NOIDA.TENI.09417966540522-2762410 (RCL/ 2364453 0522-2364889 [email protected]. MADURAI.MALKANAGIRI. SL. CHANDRAPUR.MULUND (E) MUMBAI -81 022-25633159 ignourcmumbai@gmail. SIVAGANGA.ac.BOUDH.RC ALIGARH AND RC NOIDA) 30.ac. VIRUDUNAGAR.in B-37 . GREATER NOIDA. SECTOR . NAGPUR 36 STATE OF MAHRASHTRA COVERING DISTRICTS AMRAVATI.NAGPUR.NUAPADA.B. HINGOLI.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 14 HINDUSTAN COLONY. KALAHANDI. SRIKAKULAM (PART OF AP). AMRAVATI ROAD NAGAPUR 09657339936 (MOB) msparthasarathya@yahoo. ac.in [email protected]. REGIONAL CENTRE PANAJI RC CODE 08 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE BEHIND CHODANKAR HOSPITAL NEAR P&T STAFF QUARTERS OFF MAPUSA-PANAJI ROAD POVORIM -403521 GOA 0-9444024242 MOB 0832-2462315 [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE JNRM CAMPUS PORT BLAIR-744104 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 03192-242888.org OPERATIONAL AREA STATE OF GOA & THREE ADJOINING DISTRICTS OF KARNATAKA i. 35. UTTARA KANNAD AND SINDHUDURG (DISTRICT OF MAHARASHTRA) 36.com [email protected] [email protected] ignourcpatna@gmail. OFFICE HALL SECTOR – 1 SHANKAR NAGAR RAIPUR – 492007 CHATTISGARH 0771-2428285 / 5056508 0771-2445839 0771-2445839 [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 1ST FLOOR. PORT BLAIR 02 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 38.com rc05patna@gmail. AMRELI. NO.411 016 MAHARASHTRA 020-256671867 020-25671864 ignourcpune42@vsnl. SENAPATI BAPAT ROAD PUNE .co.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 2ND FLOOR.in website:www. PORBANDER.ac. OSMANABAD.ac.e DHARWARD.JALNA. AURANGABAD.JUNAGADH. MSFC BUILDING 270.ac.DHULE.M.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS RAJKOT – 360005 GUJARAT 0281-2572988 [email protected]. AHMADNAGAR. SL. RAJKOT 42 STATE OF GUJRAT COVERING THE DISTRICTS OF RAJKOT. PATNA .JAMNAGAR.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REST HOUSE & E. SANGLI.SATARA & KOLHAPUR (14 DISTRICTS) 39.ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd.in rcrajkot@ignou. RAIPUR 35 STATE OF CHHATTISGARH EXCEPT DISTRICTS OF DANTEWADA & BASTAR 40. SURENDRANAGAR & DIN B-38 . PUNE 16 STATE OF MAHARASHTRA NANDURBAR. BISCOMAUN TOWER WEST GANDHI MAIDAN.KACHCHH.800 001 BIHAR 0612-2221538/ 2221541 0612-2221539 [email protected] rc_portblair@rediffmail. PATNA 05 STATE OF BIHAR EXCEPT FOR THE DISTRICTS UNDER JURISDICTION OF RCDARBHANGA 37.PUNE. 2244699 0651-2244677 0651-2244400 ignouranchi@yahoo. TUTICORIN DISTRICTS OF TAMIL NADU AND THIRUVANANTHAPURAM.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE CHAUHAN NIWAS BUILDING. 41.com [email protected]. DAKSHIN.171 002 HIMACHAL PRADESH 0177-2624613.TIRUNELVELI. TRIVANDRUM 40 KANYAKUMARI. SHIMLA 11 STATE OF HIMACHAL PRADESH 44.MALDAH (PART OF WB) STATE OF JAMMU & KASHMIR (SRINAGAR & LADAKH REGION) 45.com [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE MEPRAM MANSION CHEKKALAMUKKU SREEKARIYAM TRIVANDRUM -695017 TAMILNADIU 0944750581 (MOB) [email protected] rctrivandrum@ignou. SILIGURI 45 STATE OF WEST BENGAL COVERING DISTRICTS OF JALPAIGURI.ac.793 003 MEGHALAYA 0364-2521117 0364-2521271 0364-2521271 [email protected] REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SUNNY LODGE NONGTHYMMAI NONGSHILLIANG SHILLONG . KOLLAM & PATHANAMTHITTA (DISTRICTS OF KERALA B-39 .ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd.in rd_shillong@rediffmail. REGIONAL CENTRE RANCHI RC CODE 32 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 457/A.com [email protected]/ 2624612 0177-2624611 [email protected] rcsrinagar@ignou. SRINAGAR 30 46. SL. ASHOK NAGAR RANCHI – 834022 JHARKHAND 0651-2244688.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE MANTOO HOUSE RAJ BAGH NEAR MASJID AL-FAROOQ SRINAGAR .in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NETAJI MORE SUBHAS PALLY SILIGURI – 734001 WEST BENGAL 0353-2526818 0353-2526819 ignourcsiliguri@yahoo. KHALINI SHIMLA .in OPERATIONAL AREA STATE OF JHARKHAND 42.190 008 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0194-2311251 0194-2311258 0194-2311259 ignousgr@hotmail. KOCHBIHAR.in [email protected] DINAJPUR.ac. NO. SHILLONG 18 STATE OF MEGHALAYA 43. ac.NELLOR.in B-40 . 47.vns@gmail. EAST GODAVARI.SKPVV.DEORIA.U. MIRZAPUR.H.com rcvijayawada@ignou. KUSHINAGAR. GHAZIPUR. PRAKASHAM. SANT RAVIDAS NAGAR. GORAKHPUR.ADDRESSES AND CODES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES – Contd. MAHARAJGANJ.AZAMGARH.SONBHADRA STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH COVERING THE DISTRICTS OF VIZAINAGARAM.VARANASI.in OPERATIONAL AREA DISTRICTS OF AMBEDKAR NAGAR.com rcvaranasi@ignou. REGIONAL CENTRE VARANASI RC CODE 48 ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE GANDHI BHAWAN B. HINDU HIGH SCHOOL KOTHAPETHA VIJAYWADA 520 001 ANDHRA PRADESH 0866-256595 0866-2565253 0866-2565353 [email protected] GODAVARI KHAMMAM.2368622 0522-2364893 0542-2317383 ignousrc. BALLIA. GUNTUR. VIJAYAWADA 33 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 1ST FLOOR.ac.MAUNATHBHANJAN CHANDAUL. CAMPUS VARANASI-221005 UTTAR PRADESH 0542-2368022.KRISHNA. SL. VISAKHAPTNAM.SANTKABIRNAGAR. SRIKAKULAM AND CHITTOOR 48. NO.JAUNPUR. HQ CENTRAL COMMAND LUCKNOW . REG. CENTRE COL. REG.in COL ARUN SARIN REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ARMY RECOG. CENTRE COL. REG.co. CENTRE BRIG-( EDN) IAEP. CENTRE COL. CENTRE EDUCATION BRANCH JAIPUR RAJASTHAN 0141-2386 ETN 2668 OPERATIONAL AREA KOLKATA 51 EASTERN COMMAND AREA 2 CHANDIMANDIR 52 WESTERN COMMAND AREA 3 LUCKNOW 53 CENTRAL COMMAND AREA 4 PUNE 54 SOUTHERN COMMAND AREA 5 UDHAMPUR 55 NORTHERN COMMAND AREA 6 JAIPUR 56 SOUTH WESTERN COMMAND B-41 . HQ NORTHERN COMMAND UDHAMPUR JAMMU & KASHMIR 01992-242486 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ARMY RECOG REG. REG. EDUCATION FORT WILLIAM HQ EASTERN COMMAND KOLKATA . EDUCATION UTTAR KAMAN MUKHYALAYA C/O 56APO. CENTRE COL.in REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ARMY RECOG. EDUCATION H Q SOUTHERN COMMAND C/O 56 APO 020-26102668 020-26102670 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ARMY RECOG.700021 WEST BENGAL 033-22222668 [email protected] UTTAR PRADESH 0522-2482968/2292670 iaepcc53@yahoo. EDUCATION HQ WESTERN COMMAND CHANDIMANDIR-134107 HARYANA 0172-2589423 (CIVIL) 0712-2589423 iaeprc52@rediffmail. REG. No 1 REGIONAL CENTRE CODE ADDRESS OF THE IGNOU-ARMY RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ARMY RECOG.co.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ARMY RECOG.IGNOU – ARMY RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For ARMY Personnel Only) SL. WESTERN NAVAL COMMAND SHAHID BHAGAT SINGH MARG MUMBAI . REG. REG.MINISTRY OF DEF WEST BLOCK.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU NAVY RECOG. NEW DELHI-110066 DELHI 011-26194686 . R.530014 ANDHRA PRADESH 0891-2812284 0891-2515834 [email protected] COMMAND AREA SHILLONG 81 B-42 .682004 (KERALA) 0484-2662515. CENTRE HQ. 2662210.WING-II RK PURAM. CENTRE DIRECTORATE OF NAVAL EDUCATION INTEGRATED HQS.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU NAVY RECOG. CENTRE NAVAL BASE HQ SOUTHERN NAVAL COMMAND KOCHI .C.400023 MAHARASHTRA 022-22688245 022-22665458 [email protected] NAVAL HQS 2 MUMBAI 72 HQ WESTERN NAVAL COMMAND 3 VISAKHAPATNAM 73 HQ EASTERN NAVAL COMMAND 4 KOCHI 74 HQ SOUTHERN NAVAL COMMAND IGNOU – ASSAM RIFLES RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For ASSAM RIFLES Personnel Only) SL. CENTRE HQ EASTERN NAVAL COMMAND VISAKHAPATNAM . REG. No 1 REGIONAL CENTRE CODE ADDRESSE OF IGNOU-ASSAM RIFLES OPERATIONAL AREA RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU ASSAM-RIFLES RECOG.com REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU NAVY RECOG. 2661007 0484-2666194 inepk@rediffmail. No REGIONAL CENTRE CODE ADDRESSE OF IGNOU-NAVY RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRE OPERATIONAL AREA 1 NEW DELHI 71 REGIONAL DIRECTOR (I/C) IGNOU NAVY RECOG.IGNOU – NAVY RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For NAVY Personnel Only) SL.26185299 011-26105067 inepdelhi@rediffmail. DIRECTORATE GENERAL ASSAM RIFLES (DGAR) LAITUMUKHRAH SHILLONG -11 (MEGHALAYA) 0364-705530/ 705564 0364-705564 [email protected] FLR. REG. 211012 UTTAR PRADESH Ph. NAGPUR 66 MAINTENANCE AIR COMMAND 5. REGIONAL CENTRE HQ CAC.IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For AIRFORCE Personnel Only) SL. VAYUSENA NAGAR NAGPUR . REGIONAL CENTRE HQ SWAC. No 1. IAF POST: JC NAGAR BANGALORE . IAF SECTOR . REGIONAL CENTRE COMMAND EDUCATION OFFICE HQ WAC.440007 MAHARASHTRA Ph. 7358 / 7361 Fax: 011-26989078 OPERATIONAL AREA ALLAHABAD 64 CENTRAL AIR COMMAND 2. IAF BAMRAULI ALLAHABAD . NEW DELHI 61 WESTERN AIR COMMAND B-43 .Off: 0522-2233261 / 5406 Fax: 0522-2364889 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG. BANGALORE 67 TECHNICAL AIR COMMAND 3.Off: 0212-489086/489211 Fax: 0212-353225 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG.560006 KARNATAKA Ph.Off: 079-22221200 / 22225535 Fax: 079-6569245 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG. GANDHI NAGAR 62 SOUTH-WESTERN AIR COMMAND 4.110010 DELHI Ph. REGIONAL CENTRE HQ MC. IAF SUBROTO PARK NEW DELHI .: 011-25695211 Ext.Off: 080-23411061 / 4335 / 4336 Fax: 080-23417468 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG. REGIONAL CENTRE CODE ADDRESSE OF IGNOU-AIRFORCE RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG.9 GANDHI NAGAR .382009 GUJARAT Ph. REGIONAL CENTRE HQ TC. IAF. 7654 Fax: 0364-222486 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG. TRIVANDRUM 65 SOUTHERN AIR COMMAND IGNOU – CRPF RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For CRPF Personnel Only) SL. AHMEDABAD 96 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE GROUP CENTRE.Off: 0364-2223900/Ext.Off: 044-26841220 SOUTHERN SECTOR CRPF B-44 . SHILLONG 63 EASTERN AIR COMMAND 8.Off: 0484-2551361 Fax: 0484-2340204 OPERATIONAL AREA NEW DELHI 68 AIR HQS.IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For AIRFORCE Personnel Only) SL. IAF UPPER SHILLONG C/O .: 2422 Fax: 0364-222486 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG.99 APO SHILLONG. AVADI CHENNAI-600065 TAMIL NADU Ph. REGIONAL CENTRE CODE ADDRESSE OF IGNOU-AIRFORCE RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRE REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU – AIRFORCE RECOG.Off: 011-23377671 Ext. REGIONAL CENTRE HQ EAC. MEGHALAYA Ph. NEW DELHI – 110003. CRPF.695011 KERALA Ph. RACE COURSE AIRFORCE STATION. CRPF GANDHINAGAR-382042 GUJARAT Ph. No 6. AVADI CHENNAI 92 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE GROUP CENTRE. DELHI Ph.Off: 079-23261326/23261326 WESTERN SECTOR CRPF 2. IAF POST: ARKUNUM TRIVANDRUM . REGIONAL CENTRE 68. 7. REGIONAL CENTRE HQ SAC. REGIONAL CENTRE CODE NAME & ADDRESS OPERATIONALAREA 1. Off: 0361-2896561 4. CRPF 9TH mILE. AMERIGOG GUWAHATI-781023 ASSAM Ph.Off: 0522-2817847 7.IGNOU – CRPF RECOGNIZED REGIONAL CENTRES (For CRPF Personnel Only) SL. NORTHEASTERN SECTOR CRPF B-45 . CRPF HYDERABAD-500005 ANDHRA PRADESH Ph. REGIONAL CENTRE GUWAHATI CODE 93 NAME & ADDRESS REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE GROUP CENTRE. JAMMU 94 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE BANTALAB JAMMU-181123 JAMMU & KASHMIR Ph.Off: 0191-2592297 / 2592071 6. HYDERABAD 97 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE GROUP CENTRE. PO. CRPF LUCKNOW-226002 UTTAR PRADESH Ph. Off: 011-25315373 NORTHERN SECTOR CRPF CENTRAL SECTOR J&K SECTOR SOUTHERN SECTOR OPERATIONALAREA EASTERN. LUCKNOW 95 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE GROUP CENTRE.Off: 040-24440043/24440045 5. 3. CRPF JHARODAKALAN NEW DELHI-110071 Ph. NEW DELHI 91 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU-CRPF RECG REGIONAL CENTRE GROUP CENTRE. AGARTALA .B. Valsad. 910. 17. Slims Campus University Road. 0923 7.385519 North Gujarat University.K. 0925D 25.396001 HMV Arts & Commerce College Delwada Road.392001 M.M.799004 AHMEDABAD REGION 6. Vikram Sarabhai Road Vastrapur. Ahmedabad . GIDC Estate Ankleshwar . 0909 32. Mahavidyalaya PO Kailashahar North Tripura . Foundation Dt. 0957D 14.384002 Sardar Patel University University Health Centre Vallabh Vidyanagar.382560 VRG Arts & Commerce College Khijadi Plot.382016. Modasa . Commerce College Sat Rasta. University General Education Building Vadodra . Patan Som-Lalit Education & Research Foundation.364002 New Progressive Education Trust. Valsad . Arts College Navrangpura Ahmedabad . 21.383315 Samaldas Arts College Waghwadi Road Bhavnagar . West Tripura . 28.799155 MBB College. 27. Opp.799004 Government Degree College North. 0910 33. 0959D 15. 26. 0924D Sl. Rajkot .363001 Kamani Science College Prataprai Arts College Vidya Vihar.Com (A&F) Sl. Anand . 0914 0920 0922R 4.388120 23. (Kutch).I. 20. Commerce College Vastrapur. College Tilla PO Agartala College Agartala.389151 Anjuman-E-Talime-Idara Court Road.S.P.799277 Belonia College PO Belonia South Tripura .380009 Central Prison. Dt.I. 12.T C/o Parag Ad. Jamnagar-361001 L.390002 Saurashtra University Rajkot .380015 Vishwamangalam – Anera Via Himmat Nagar Sabarkantha District . Amreli . Opp.380009 Rama Krushna Edu.383001 N. University Campus. Circle.365601 3. Above Homeopathy College.360005 Nootan Bharati. Banaskantha . 30.380015 Ankleshwar Ind. 8. Adipur . Surendra Nagar Surendra Nagar . Madana-Gadh Palanpur Taluk. 0911 0912 0913 Centre Address Samarpur Arts & Commerce College Gandhi Nagar . 0928R 0940D 0943 0944 9.P. No.360005 MTB Arts College Surat . Society Sri Gattu Vidyalaya Plot No. Opp.ANNEXURE II ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. 0955D 0956D 13. 2608 22. Navrangpura Ahmedabad . 0901S 0902 24. 2607 5. Ahmedabad . CrosswayRoad Dt. 2601 2602 Centre Address AGARTALA REGION Tripura University.370205 Blind People’s Association Dr. 10. Jansatta Press.380026 M. Tripura Dharam Nagar . Code 16. Dev. 0961B B-46 . 0903 0905 0906 0907 29. 2606 19.J. M. 27. 18. Treasury Bhruch . 2. 0901 L. Centre No. Mehsana . Gujarat Navjivan Arts & Commerce College Dahod . Junagarh Una .M.395001 JB Thacker Commerce College Bhuj .370001 SSKS & SOM Arts College College Campus Sabarkanti Dist. Sabarmati Ahmedabad .D. 11. Centre No.S.799250 R. 0908 31. Code 1.360575 Shri MP Shah Arts & Science College.390002 Tolani Commerce College P. Income Tax Office Porbander . Mizoram Central Jail Aizwal . Damodar College of Com. Aloysius College Kodialbail.796001 Lungli Government College Lunglei . HRBR Layout Kalyannagar. Sl. of Engg & Tech. 61.575003 J.572105 Basaveshwar Science College Bagalkot . 0962D 0963D 0965D Centre Address Sl. Mamit Mamit District .585106 Vidyavardhaka Law College Seshadri Iyer Road Mysore . Com.364290 Smt.577004 BGVS Arts. Bangalore .P. 2901 42.A.362002 Shri Parekh College. P. Jayanagar Bangalore . Tansor. 1501 1504 52. No.B. Dt. & Eco. 3rd ‘C’ Cross. Rajkot Government Higher Secondary School. 43. Code 53. 36.L.380001 D.796081 Mamit College. Morbi . Distt.403601 Dhempe College of Arts & Science.570201 DVS Evening College Shimoga .462008 Jiwaji University Gwalior . Belgaum . 1901 1902 1903 1905D 1906D 1907 1910 1911 1914 0801 62. 44. C.Com (A&F)– Contd. Mizoram Hrangbanma College Aizwal .B. Centre No. Reliance Greens Moti Khavdi. 45. J. 56.796001 Government Serchhip College SPO Serchhip Sh. Vidyagiri Dharwad . Centre No.361140 Daman Government Arts College Daman & DIU . Sc. 66. Mangalore . 2. 1310 1311 1312 1319 1324 1336 1339 69. No.474011 54. Karnataka Humanities Building Gulbarga University Campus Gulbarga . 1305 58.796001. Goa Goa-Margaon . Choksi Commerce College Veraval (Port).590006 Al-Ameen Arts Sci. 0978D 41. 1344 70. Mizoram Govt.396210 AIZWAL REGION Government College Aizwal .403001 Best College of Arts & Science Iv ‘T’ Block. Near Fort. 35. 38.362520 Smt. Davangere . Patel Mahila College Behind New Bus Station Sanala Road. Code 34. & Sci.591201 CMR Instt. 347. 48. Junagadh . of Management Studies No.560027 Veera Saiva College Cantonment.581352 Sri Siddartha Instt. Goa . Panjim. Ambani Vidya Mandir Sector-XI. Choksi Arts & Shri P. Joshipura.. 0977 40. & Com. 0802 B-47 . 55. Bhavnagar . Tilak Wadi Belgaum . DIU (UT) .S.S. 64. Rajendra Bhuvan Rd. Aizwal .ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. College. 6th ‘A’ Main 2nd Block. P. Mahuva Dt. 60.560043 BHOPAL REGION Motilal Vigyan Mahavidayalaya Bhopal . 1306 1307 1308 1309 39. 67. 65. 50. Hosur Road Near Lal Bagh Main Gate Bangalore . 71. 1302 1303 1304 37.560002 Basavaprabhu Kore Arts.796007.580004.796321 Aizwal West College Dawrpui Vengthar. of Tech Tumkur . College.560011 St.583101 Bapuji Inst. 47.586103 RPD College. 46. Champhai College Champhai .362265 Sardar Vallabhbhai Arts College Relief Road Ahmedabad . 1301 Centre Address Sri Sardar Patel Vocational Instt. 68. Shamanur Road.587101 St. Bangalore .796701 Government Kolasib College Kolasib . 49. 59.577201 BLDE Assus SS Junior College Bijapur . 0968D 0969D 57. 63. Bellary .363641 Dist. Joseph College Lal Bagh Road.K. Dist. & Commerce College Chikodi. Junagadh . Jamnagar . College Sadashivgad. 222. 51. Karwar . U. 88.755044 Barasahi P.759001.S.P.457661 Geeta Bhavan Trust M. 82. College. Jajpur. At/PO Dhansimulia.759127 Sahaya. H. Sambalpur . Madhya Pradesh Central Jail.761126 N. Dist. 99.752001 Panchayat College PO Bargarh.462038 Government P. 1511 1512 1516 1519 1526 1533D 100. 2153D 81. 83. 2192D 107. Singh University Deptt. PO: Sapoinali PS: Chhendipada. 80. of Business & Eco. Mayurbhanj .768221 Orissa 75.768004 BJB College. Nayagarh 752092 Social Education for Women’s Awareness (SEWA).460001 Govt. 2176 106. Jhpg College Betul .796004 Khalikote College Ganjam. I Floor. Bargarh . 98. 2154D 105.Com (A&F)– Contd. Orissa . Kemdrapara S. Kendrapara . Road Sonkatch. At Post Barsahi. P. Dist. Mayurbhanj Baripada . Dist. PG College Tikamgarh . College Jhabua . 93. 74.756001 S.486003 Govt. Jajpur Kemdrapara College. PO: Luhamunda Via: Kishoreganj. Sl. Angul .458001.759107 JBS College of Technical Education AT: Netaji Nagar. 90. Code 72. PG College Neemuch . 79.768213. Orissa Dhenkanal College (Autonomous) PO/Dt. Dist. College (Autonomous) Jajpur PO. 21111B B-48 .473001 Rajiv Gandhi Govt. College Bhanjanagar. 2141 101. College Guna . Rewa .757030 Dina Krushna College. College.458441.S. 76. 21110D 113. Ganjam District .452001 Dr. Staff Satseva Sangha At/PO Sagargoan. 73.465661 Government P. PG College Mhow-Neemuch Road Mandsaur . 21105B 109. College Road Keonjhar . 89.G.756084 Orissa P. AT: Jagat Singhpur PO/Distt. 97. 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2108 2111 2112 Ravenshaw College Arts Block.D.759143 Fakir Mohan College Balasore -756001 Gangadhar Meher College Sambalpur .G.573003 Government College Rourkela . Berhampur . Jaleswar. 78.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.470003 A. 92. 91. College Satna .456010 Government Boys Pg College Rajgarh . Angul . Dist. MP Govt. Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar .472001.752066 Orissa Bamra Trust Fund College At/PO Bamra. Via-Bolagarh Dist. Baleswar .757001 Bhadrak College Bhadrak . MP BHUBANESHWAR REGION Sl. 85. Khurda . 21109B 112. AT/PO Kolabira Dist.S. Centre No.: Angul . 2114 2118 2119 2134 2135 2138 Centre Address MPC College. Dhenkanal . 87. Cuttack . 21107B 111.754227 Baba Bhairabananda Mahavidyala Chandikhole. Dist: Angul. 21106B 110. 1570B 1581D 86. Orissa Olaver College AT/PO Olaver Dist. 21100D 84.V. 2144 102. 2146D 103. Arts Block Bhubaneshwar . Dist. 1554D 1555D 1569D 104.768028 K. 77. Orissa Talchar College AT/PO Talchar.G. 1506 1507 1508 Centre Address Holkar Science College Indore .485005 Vikram University Ujjain . College. Centre No.B. Code 94.C.C.758001 108. AT: Panchumu Via: Godipada.: Jagat Singhpur Viswa Yuva Kendra AT: Baninali.760001 Government College PO Hakimpada. Jharsuguda . MP Govt.M.751014 D.G. 96. 95.S. College Puri . Bhopal . Ramanathapuram .641018 CRSTC. At/P. Nagar Tiruppur .629002 AECS Premises. 2552D 140.635117 Amar Seva Sangam 7-4-104B. 2571 148.C. 2509 126. Civil Aerodrome Post Coimbatore .643001 Special Prison for Women Vellore .638052 Sree Ramu College of Arts & Sci Aliyar Road Pollachi Dist.642007 Central Prison Vellore. Tiruninravur Thiruvellore . Code 114.641014 American College Madurai .600004 Thyagarajar Polytechnic P B No. Coimbatore .626190 Tiruppur Mumaran Col for Women Box No.636705 Jaya College of Arts & Science Mth Road.620017 Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeeth Vivekanand College. & Tech. 2508 125. Periyar High Road Arumbakkam.641687 Central Prison Coimbatore . 001 Ayikudy . 2568 146. 45. Centre No. Avanashi Road. Birat Dagra Road. 2505 139.V.609305 Sacred Heart College Tirupattur . College Palayamkotai Road Tuticorin . E.V. Sankaran Road Gandhi Nagar.O.627011 Kongu Engineering College Perundurai. 2540D Centre Address VPMM Arts & Sci Col for Women Krishnankoil . Karanjia Dist. 2541D 135. Code 132. 21112D Centre Address SRASTA.K. 2551 119. P. Orissa . 2513 129.628008 A.V. Joseph College of Arts & Sci Manjai Nagar.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.O. 21114D 117. Dist.C.637209 H.S. 2560 144. 2511 127. 2502 137.626203 KS Rangaswamy College of Tech. 21113D 134. Sl. 2559D 143.754222 SHEAVA. Sathak Engg.625533 R.D. 2554 122.) Thiruchengode . Hindu College Nagercoil . College of Engg. Tenkasi Road Sulochana Gardens. Hosur . Manam Pandal Mayiladuthurai .637001 Sadakathullah Appa College Rahmat Nagar Palayamkottai. Thirunelveli . No.607001 Mother Nivedita Tribal Vidy. Namakkal .602024 Er. Erode . 2512R 142.603102 Government Arts College Dharmapuri .635601 S.613403 115.Com (A&F)– Contd. Cuddalore Cuddalore . Karur Road Dindigul .623806 Periyar Maniammai College of Technology for Women Periyar Nagar.624005 Mohd. College.636005 V. Chennai . College Kilakkarai. Salem .625002 Bishop Heber College PO Box 615. 4/38. Nahata Mansion Ettines Road.600106 G. Sattur Taluk Virudhunagar . KSR Kalvi Nagar Thokkavadi Pos (Namakkal Dt. 2506 123. 2569 130. Chennai . Vallam Thanjavur .R. P. 18. 523.T. 2504 121. Oliver Road Mylapore.632002 Sh Ramasamy Naidu Memorial Col. Rowther Howdia College Uthamapalayam Theni . 2535D B-49 .627852 Sl. 2543D 136. Perumal Manimekalai P’nic Krishnagiri Highways Koneripalli. Tiruchirapalli . Dr.R.R. Dist. At-Arua. Kendrapar Orissa .O. 2537D 133. 137/F58-A. 2564 128. Rairangpur. Dist. 2503 120. Sadayampatty.B. 2558D 124. 2534 147. 2532 145. RVS Nagar. Mayurbhanj Orissa . 2548P 138. 2507 141.757 037 Karanjia College. Kadaliban Via-Choudakulat. Tamil Nadu St. 2572 131. Centre No. College of Arts & Sci.757 037 CHENNAI REGION DDGD Vaishnava College 445.O. 2545 116. Sadras Dae Township Kalpakkam Chennai . Ooty The Nilgris . 2501 118. Mayurbhanj. At/P. S. 682555 DARBHANGA REGION B.J. 1430 163. Araria Marwari College. College. Thomas College. 1442P 165..B. 0504 175.P. Samastipur . Code 169.847226 DEHRADUN REGION D. Madhepura D. 1403 154. Trivandrum .852201 RamkrishnaCollege. 1441P 164. Pala. Araria . Wayanad . 1413 162. 1448P Centre Address Sree Krishna College. College. Bihar University Library Campus.695015.625532 Academic Staff College Central University.M. College. 1408 159. 0562B 185. Kila Ghat Darbhanga .A. 1412 161. 0550 178.848114. Centre No.676122. Khagaria . Studies Mar Ivanios College Campus Nalanchira.M. 0555 179.851 205 M.244001 Government PG College Gopeshwar .T.671328 W. 2705 192.689645 Shri Narayana College Kannur . Lawspet Pondicherry . Ernakulam . 1405 156.685585 PSMO College. Usilampatti .673672. Bettiah Farbesganj College.85112. Thrissure .676306 St. 1401 153. Centre No. Bihar A. 0557 180. Idukki Thoduphuzha .V. 0561B 184. College. 1449P 152.686001 Sree Kerala Varma College Trichur . 1450P 173.S. Kalpetta Dist.O.T. Arunapuram Dist. 2588P 151. Motihari T.263141 Hindu College.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. District Kozhikode . Mri Kunnu P. 0564B 186.M. Valayanchirangara P.600042 Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar College. Bihar D. Ariyannur Guruvayur.680001 Newman College. Chennai . Sl. Perumbavoor Dist. College.842001 Pumea College. Muzaffarpur . Mallapuram Tirurangadi . Madhubani .O. 3101 Centre Address Guru Nanak College Velachery Road. 0580B 188. Kerala Farook College. 2578 150. Jaynagar Distt. Lakshadweep . Mary’s College.679517 Nehru Arts & Science College Kanhangad. 2715 168. Sultan Bathery Kuppadi P. Begusarai . Kishanganj M.686574. Trivandrum . 2711 193. Kasaragod . College Saharsa .605008 COCHIN REGION Sl. 0582B 189. College. P.S. Barauni Dist. 102 Pathanamthitta . 0522 177.246401 171. 3001 174. Begusarai . 0559B 182.O. 2714 194.673592 Mar Ivanios Instt. Mannampatta Dist.688562 172.846004 Ganesh Dutt College. College Road.683556. Post Box 503 Mooradabad . Calicut .V. 1444P 167.B. College.670007 CMC College Kottayam .673122 Jawaherlal Nehru College Kavarati. Kerala St. Kottayam . College. Albert’s College Ernakulam . 1446P B-50 . 1445P 191.O. 0565B 187. Kerala S. Chattathiripad College. Dist. Allapuzha . 1443P 166.691001 St. Palakadd .851101 M.680102 Sree Krishnapuram V. 0558B 181. 1407 158.695033 JDT Islam. 0560B 183. Kerala Sree Narayana College Mararikulam North Village Cherthala. Mallapuram . of Adv.L.V. Padanekat Dist. Arts & Science College Muttil.R.A. Kerala Unity Women’s College Manjeri. Dehradun-248001 MB Government Pg College Haldwani . Dist.854 301 C. Dist.A. Farbesganj Dist.Com (A&F)– Contd. PG College D. 0508 176. Narukara Dist. Dasingsarai Dist. Madhubani -847211 Koshi College. Calicut. Code 149. Wayanad .S. College. 1406 157. Pumea . 1447P 170.P.854318 R. 0584B 155. 0583B 190.682018 Sree Narayana College Kollam .S.P.K. 1409 160. Katihar Araria College. 1404 Institute of Management Vikas Bhawan.673012 Catholicate College PO Box No. College Modi Nagar .S.110036 Shyam Lal College.T. Ring Road New Delhi . Rishikesh . Part-1.P. Bhopa Road Muzaffar Nagar . 0743D 216. 0769 226.) College Bulandshahr .110032 Bhim Rao Ambedkar College Geeta Colony. of Social Work Jamia Millia Islamia University Jamia Nagar. New Delhi . Kalkaji New Delhi .202410. Islam Nagar Road. 2749 199.B. Moradabad .B. of Economics Srinagar (Garhwal) .263153 C.244713 Maharaj Singh College Saharanpur .203 001. Campus.246174 Dr.P. 2739 B-51 .M. R. Udhamsingh Nagar . Nainital . 0729 225. 1006 218. PG College Kotdwara (Garhwal) Pauri Distt.110049 Dronacharya Government College Gurgaon . Degree College.K.110021 Deshbandhu College.110085 Vivekanand Mahila College Vivek Vihar. J-Block. J-Block South Extension Part-1.281001 Vocation Training College. 07102 204. 2738 231. 2748 198. Puram New Delhi . Road Shahdara. 2730R 212. New Delhi .D. Champawat . Hari Nagar New Delhi . 2719D 200.262523. 0707 211. 2772D 220. Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kashipur. NOIDA 215. Centre No.263601 Government PG College Pithauragarh .ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. UP DELHI REGION–I Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College for Women. New Delhi . Chanakyapuri New Delhi . 2773D 205. Jiwanimai Road.201001 I.201204 M. 3 Tihar Jail.H.122001 Pt. No.250001 NTPC. South Extention. 3705D 221. Abdul Ghani Nagar Mathura . 0713 230. G. Champawat Dt.Com (A&F)– Contd. 3708 208.121001 Faiz-E-Aam Degree College 72. 2752P Centre Address Kumaon University Almora . J.249193 S.110026 Deptt. Government P. 0710 213. College. Sl.110021 Sl. 0718 224.247001 (UP) Lal Bahadur Shastri Technical Education Institute Halduchaur. Nainital Govt. 2754 201.M.246149 Modern School 78. Nehru College Sector-16A. 07102 217. New Delhi . P. (Garhwal) . Ring Road. Old Institute of Home Economics Building. Udhamsingh Nagar .251001 HNB Garhwal University Dept.T. Punjabi Bagh (West) New Delhi .263001 Shri Guru Nanak Shiksha Samiti Kashipur By-Pass Road Rudrapur. 2728 207. Rohini New Delhi . College Ghaziabad .110022 Vocation Training College Old Institute of Home Economics Buillding.110032 Swami Shradhanand College Alipur. Civil Lines. 2758D 202. College Sector-39. 3702 206.L. New Delhi-110 049 DELHI REGION–II Research Foundation Edn Centre Shiksha Bhawan Csc-5 Sector 9. 0719 Centre Address Tihar Central Jail.G. Bahjoi Dt. 3709D 209. Centre No.110064 National Association for Blind Sector-V. 0712 223. Govt. Vidyut Nagar Gautam Budh Nagar Ghaziabad . Faridabad . 2726 197. Delhi .201001 Meerut College Department of Education Meerut .110025 Ramlal Anand College Binito Juarez Road New Delhi . 2718 228. Code 195. Code 214.G. 0709 229.110019 Jesus & Mary College University of Delhi. (P.110032 M. 1007 219.D. UP.249201 Kumaon University D. 0708 222. 2717 196. 2762 203. 0701 210. 2707 227. Uttranchal Chandrapal Arya Adarsh Kanya Vidyalaya.262501 Government PG College Uttarkashi .G. 0106 265. Sivasagar Dist. School Soreng. 0109 267. Nagaon .V. 2402D 239.506007 Shri Saibaba Nat. Centre No. Ring Road Guntur . College Nellore .518001 Dr. Khamman . 0179 B-52 .K. Rangaloo. College Dergaon . 0411 248. 2741 233. 0148 270. Hyderabad Vivekananda Degree & PG College Jagityal Road. 0408 246. 0421D 256. 0416D 252. 0103 262. PO Jumarmur Via Kathiatali. . 0415D 271. Senior Sec. College PO Dhipu.S.781325 Lakhimpur Commerce College North Lakhimpur . Karimgang .K. Code 253.781001 Sl.783370 Dr. 1 Barkatpura. Code 232.782002 Gram Vikas Parishad Vill.788710 Karimganj College PO & Dist.788004 Handique Girls College Department of History Pan Bazar Guwahati .533004 Aurora’s Degree College Chikkadpally.Com (A&F)– Contd.737121 Namchi Government College Namchi. 0449 260. Post Graduate College Baraut. Morigaon . 2743 234. Shashi Bhushan Inst.O.785001 Bajali College.T.O. 0111 269.B. 0404 244. 0410 247. Francis Xavier Degree College 3-4-809-1A.R.201001 Lajpat Rai (P. Distt. 0418D Centre Address B.515001 Osmania College Kurnool .787001 Kokrajhar College Kokrajhar . Nagaon Chaiduar College Gohpur PO Sonitpur .D. Ghaziabad J.522006 Lal Bahadur College Warangal .507002 S.785614 Women’s College Durgabari PO. Signodia College of Arts & Commerce and PG Centre 21-2-223/21. Sr..784168 Sibsagar Girl’s College Sivasagar PO. Tinsukia . 0420D 255. 2799 Centre Address SD Post Graduate College G. 0417D 272. C/o St. 2761 235..ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.500020 Kavitha Memorial Degree College N.500002 Vishnu Vidya Peeth.201005 S. Hyderabad . 0403 243. 2404 259.785621 Distt.737126 GUWAHATI REGION D. Herapati P.524001 KBN College. 0108 266.786125 Birjhora Mahavidyalaya Bongaigaon . 0157 241.530013 IDEAL College of Arts & Sciences Kakinada .737102 Govt.V. Secondary School Mangan.G.781001 C. 0431 257. 0105 264.N.) College Sahibabad . Jail. 2798 236. Sl. Golaghat .D. Aru Samaj Kalyan Samity Noor Nagar.788710 HYDERABAD REGION V. Gangtok . Road.T. Dist. 0102 261. Post Graduate College Meerut . Centre No. Kothapeta Vijayawada . South Sikkim .G. of Edn Lakshmirbond Hailakandi . Baghpat . Bullaya College Visakhapatnam . Karbi Anglong Assam . Fancy Bazar Guwahati . 0448 237. Patel Market Charkaman.K.520001 TJPS College.505001 254. L. 0435 258. Ghaziabad . North Sikkim Govt.S.) College Hapur. Hyderabad . 2401 238. West Sikkim . Barpeta . (P. 0413 249.782410 Diphu Govt.250611 D. 2403 240.788155 Debraj Roy College Golaghat P. 0405 245. 0110 268.785640 Jagiroad College Jagiroad. Street No. 0177 251.250005 GANGTOK REGION Sikkim Government College Tadong. Rikab Ganj. Pethsala Pethsala P. Road. Karimganj . 0104 263. 0402 242.O. 0414 250.783380 Gurucharan College Silchar . Commerce College Jorhat . Degree College Anantapur . School PO Jiribam. 0305 305.795107.790001 J. 2320D 292.S. Ghatgate Jaipur .481001 Jabalpur Central Jail. 1705 278.335001 Kuchaman College.795138. CV College Distt. Seoni . MP 311.T. Balaghat . Centre No. 1702 275. 1709 299. A. IIIM. Sector 12 Near Thadi Market Mansarover.482001 Danielson Degree College Chhindwara 480001 Govt.792001 JABALPUR REGION 286.G.302003 Swami Keshwanand Mahavidyaalaya Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sangaria . College. Canchipur Imphal . Narsingpur. Senapati . Pasighat . Manipur Sentinel College Ukhrul .302004 Vidya Bhawan Rural Institute Badgaon Road Udaipur .324008 BJS Rampuria Jain College JN Vyas Nagar Bikaner . Mandla .480661 Govt. Jabalpur Pt.N.G. Post Graduate College. 2308 297. Balaghat . 2304 301. College Sriganga Nagar .341508 Shri Bhagwandas Todi PG College Sikar. Lohit . 2320D 302. 2303 300. 2311 308. College.795116 ITANAGAR REGION 281. College Jalore . Kota . Jaipur . Tilak PG College Shahdol Road. Mansarover Jaipur-302 020. PG College Nursingpur Kandeli. 1707 280. Higher Sec. PG College Distt. 2302 Sl. J.Com (A&F)– Contd. Sl. 2318D 312.327001 Rajrishi College 3/389.305001 Government P.481111 JAIPUR REGION Rajasthan College. Itwara Bazar Dt. Code 293. Nagaur Kuchaman City . 0301 282. 2312 309. P. 1701 Manipur University University Campus. College PO Hill Top. 1560D 290. 2310 307. MP Govt. Jaipur . Manipur Presidency College Motbung . Dist.795003 Government College Churachandpur . 1589D Centre Address Govt. 0302 283. 1519D 289. Dindori. College Tezu. Lakshmangarh .332311 Central Jail.324010 Onkarmal Somani College of Commerce Jodhpur .795128. 0303 Itanagar Government College Itanagar . Shambhu Nath Sukla Govt. Code Centre Address IMPHAL REGION 273.795105 DM College of Science Imphal . 1587 296.G. Ranigunj Ajmer . 2306 303. 1565D Rani Durgawati University Jabalpur . 1566D B-53 . Khonsa .B. College Banswara . Baihar Dist.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.335063 International Institute of Informatic of Management (IIIM) Sector-12 Near Thadi Market.302020 274. 2317D 310.791102 Don Bosco Youth Centre P. East Siang Dist. East Imphal Manipur . Shahdol . Aravali Vihar Alwar .795001 Jiribam Govt. 1502 287. 1567D 294.G. MP Govt.791113. 1704 277.343001 MD P.B. Manipur Don Bosco College Maram Centre. College. Katni (MP) Govt. 2301 298. 1703 276.786630 Indira Gandhi Govt. 1.334001 Dayananda College. 1706 279.795142 Thoubal Government College Thoubal . 0304 285.313001 Kota Engineering College Rawat Bhata Road. Arunachal Pradesh Bomdila Government Degree College Bomdila . 1561D 291. Bamhni Banjar Dist. Dist. 2307 304. 2309 306. 2305 284. Seoni Dist. College Campus JLN Nagar. 1515 288.481771.301001 Government P. 1584D 295.484001 Govt. Centre No. College Hissar .) College Falna (Pali) . 2331D 320. Bangur PG College Pali .125001 Sri Guru Hari Singh College Sri Jeevan Nagar District Sirsa . Jhunjhunu S. Khetri. P.322001 Seth G. 1003 339. 1005 341.182301 Shri Vishwatamanand Saraswati Degree College. 1002 338.125055 Gaur Brahaman Degree College Rohtak R. 2327D 318. College Bundi . 1207 329. Jammu & Kashmir KARNAL DIVISION Mukan Lal National College Yamuna Nagar . 2345D 344. 2322D Centre Address AB Memorial Secondary School E-43. Girls College Swaimadhopur City . Chandigarh . Code 334. 1011 323. 1031 324. Rohtak .335513 Health & Social Development Research Centre. Centre No.306 401 Govt. of Geography. 2326D 317. Sunderbani.Com (A&F)– Contd. PG College (for Boys) Sirohi . Sethi Colony Jaipur .D. 2332D 321. 1201 327. Centre No. 1208 330. College Jind . M. Podar College Rambilas Podar Road Nawalgarh .323001 Govt.185131 Government Degree College Poonch Central Jail. Dist.A. Jammu Government Degree College Doda .G. 1014 347. Kaithal. College for Women Village Bodia Khera Dist.P. College Arts Block. 1235 333.333042 Samparpan Sansthan 83.136135 Government P. 2321D 314.306116 Banshiwala Mahavidyalaya Banshiwala Marg.302004 Indian Public School Keshorai Patan . Girl’s College Ambala City . 1259 Centre Address Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Katra.323601.G. Jodhpur . 1030 349. 0602 352.G.K. Rajouri. 2324D 336. (P. 2361 325.132001 Government P. 1026 348. Ambphalla Govt.) College Dist.180001 Government Degree College Deptt.131001 Arya College Panipat . 1001 337. Room No.G. College Sector 10.143505 B-54 . Burail Chandigarh Baring Union Christian College Batala .G.332025 Sonly Tech Shikshan Sansthan Opposite Govt. 1009 343. Shastri Nagar Losal (Sikar) .A. Kurukshetra .307 001 JAMMU REGION University of Jammu Jammu Tawi .S.160011 Model Jail. Haryana Govt. (P.D. 0606D 353.135001 Hindu College Sonepat . 1206 328.125021 Chotu Ram College of Edn. 28-29 Sector-14. Haryana M. Kathua Government Degree College Rajouri .D. Fatehabad. Urban Estate Karnal . 2362 326.V.G. 1013 346.S. Sl. College. 2334D 342.M. 2333 322. 2202 D. 1258 335. 1004 340.125075 Markanda National College Shahabad.U. Shastri Nagar.312001 National Computer Sansthan Near Bus Stand.B. Chandan Pura Chittorgarh . Code 313.182210 Government Degree College (Boys) Udhampur Sl. B-130. 1250 350.134002 KHANNA REGION 315. 1008 316. Dist.126102 Govt.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.342003 Nehru Memorial Law College Hanumangarh Town Hanumangarh . 1227D 331. 1232 332. 2328D 319. 1036 351.132103 Vaish College Bhiwani .124001 Government P. Bundi Govt. Jammu . 1012 345. National College Sirsa . R. Centre No.700017 392. 2203 Centre Address Punjabi University Arts Block – III Top Floor Patiala . 2214 361. Ludhiana . 2810 Centre Address Adarsh Mahavidyalaya Sevoke Road.734401 Jagannath Kishore College Ketika. 2210D 359. Acharya Prafula Chandra Rd.B.S. Jalpaiguri .721305 Prabuddha Bharati Sishutirtha Gopalganja. 2817 385.O. 4th Mile Dimapur Kohima District Jail Kohima. Code 374.734101 A. Kolkata ..741101 355. Roy Road Bow Bazar. 39. 2002 366. 2225 364. College. Islampur Uttar Dinajpur .700009 Railway Technical School Kanchrapara.151505 KOHIMA REGION Nagaland College of Educaltion Department of Education Kohima . 2211 360. Nadia . Nagaland St. Park Circus. Hoognitala Krishna Nagar.146001 Sikh National College Charan Kanwar. College Malda . 2805 375.147002 Mgdav College. 2206 358. Teachers’ Trg.144505 Nehru Memorial Govt.141008 Everest Public Sr.700009 Turning Point. Nagaland KOLKATA REGION Sl. Ludhiana A. 2811 380.732101 Banwarilal Bhalotia College Asansol. Burdwan .798601 Central Jail. D.A. 2803 373. Murshidabad . Kidwai Road Kolkata . 2812 381. Joseph College P.722122 Vidyasagar Samriti Mandir 36.743302 Prabuddha Bharati Shishutirtha PO Inda. Samrala Road Khanna. 2808 377. 24 Parganas (South) . 15/1. Sl.721101 Dinabandhu Andrews College Garia P. 2814 383.742123 St. Vidyasagar Street Kolkata .N.743145 Aswini Datta Memorial College 94/2. 2822D 363. Code 354. Jakhama Kohima . Ludhiana . School Moti Nagar. 2204 356. Banga Dist. Seal Government College Coochbehar . 2820D 387.B. Kharagpur Town Midnapore .700013 Darjeeling Government College Darjeeling . 2828D B-55 . Nawashahr . 2809 378.700084 Satyananda Vidyarthee Bhawan Suri P. College Mansa. .141402 DAV College. 2821D 388. 2012 370. 2825D 371. 2804 393. No. 2813 382.797112 Bethesda Institute Kumlong Ward Mokokchung . Bhilwada Road Bhatinda . Birbhum . 2824D 391.735203 Agrasain Balika Shiksha Sadan Institute of Higher Education 1-Agrasain Street PO-LILUAH HOWRAH . James High School Binnaguri PO.731101 Netaji Mahavidyalaya Arambagh P. 2011D 369. 24 Parganas (N) . 2223 379. 2216 362.O. Sec.711204 Sitakundu Vidyayatan PO Sitakundu. Siliguri . 2205 357.Com (A&F)– Contd.797001 Wangkhao Government College Mon . Centre No. 2827D 372. Kolkata . 2823D 390.723101 Govt.151001 DAV College of Education Amritsar .736101 Midnapur College Midnapur ..712601 Islampur College. Bishnupur Bankura . Purilia . Hooghly . Abohar Firozpur Distt.O.152116 DAV College Hoshiarpur .733202 RDK College of Commerce Jiaganj. 2815 384. 2003D 367.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.713303 Maulana Azad College 8. 2010D 368. Dist.798621. Mansa .143001 Guru Nanak Girls College Model Town.797001 Dimapur Government College Dimapur . 2807 376. 2801 Ishwar Chandra Pathabhavan 299. Kolkata . 2001 365. 2013 389. 2819D 386.L.. 2107 B-56 . 2nd to 5th Floor 117. 2840D Centre Address Tarun Sangha Inf. Orissa Sonepur College Sonepur .D. Paschim Medinipur .700056 Balurghat College.T.C. Muktaram Babu Street Kolkata . Rayagada Dist. Code 394. & Technology Niladari Nagar. Kolkata . 2859D 408. Barrackpore Trunk Road Kolkata . Koraput . Nadia . Nilakamberu PO Balimela.766105 Semiliguda College. PO Maynaguri Distt. Sl. (CITRAP) Priyadarshini Marg.721636 Shree Jain Vidyalaya 25/1. Jalpaiguri . Distt.736182 Maynaguri College.733134 Asansol Girls College Dr.766001 S. Dt. 2848 401. Sonepor -767023.733101 Centre for Human Rights Research Studies. 2155D 403. 2849D 417.764036 Malkangiri College AT/PO Malkangiri Dist.766029 DAV College. Saintala. Centre No. 2846 399. Sonepor .700023 KORAPUT REGION Rajendra College Bolangir . DNK Road Sabara Srikhetra.Com (A&F)– Contd. 2189D 432. 2850D 421. Memorial Engg. 2855 423.761200 Indian Institute of Youth Development Kalinga.764020 Balimela College of Sc.713209 Ram Mohan Mission Sabuj Soudha Mission Compound Bolpur. Dist.700035 Bhairab Gangoli College Degree College Road Belgharia. 2123D 418.764051 Nabarangpur College. Dist. 2186D 404. 2109 413. Kandhamal . Netajipally PO & PS: Raiganj Uttar Dinajpur . Kandhanmal .764048 Gramya Pragati.735224 Savitri Girls’ College 13. Collge PO Paralakhemundi .O. 2122D Centre Address Government College Phulbani . Karimpur. 2157D 425.741152 Durgapur Women’s College Durgapur. Bolangir Khariar College. 2156D 424. Orissa Council for Integrated Tribal Research & Awareness Centre Prog. Orissa 396. Dakshin Dinajpur .711101 The Indian Institute of Psychometry Evergreen Plaza. AT/Karpa. 2133D 419. Balangir . Malkangiri Distt. Dt. High School PO New Market Distt. Bon Behari Bose Road Howrah .ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. AT/PO Khariar Dist.767020 Lok Yojna. PO Balurghat Dist.A. 2857D 406. 2165D 426. Prajna Dt. Kolkata .700007 Belda College. Jeypore . 2113 415. Mirganguda PO Nabarangpur . Titalgarh AT/PO Titalgarh.767023. Rayagada .762001 PS College. 2139 420. West Bengal .734219 Shaheed Kshudiram College PO Kamakhyaguri Distt. 2858D 407. & Documentation Biswas PO. Centre No. Semiliguda Dist.G.765001. Jalpaiguri . 2865D 431. Burdwan . Malkangiri . Balliguda Kandhamal (Phulbani) . 2174D 428. Anjali Sarani. Nuapada .K. Dunguripali Dt. Midnapur .. 2140 402. Koraput .721424 Jawahar Lal Nehru Vidyapith 5/2.767002 Sl.731204 Raiganj Cooperative Mahila Sammilani Limited. Dist. Orissa DP College.767017.764063 National College AT/PO Nawapara (Tanwat) Nuapada . 2190D 411. PO Rengsapali Via Sosia. AT Amlapada Phulbani. 2864 410. 2841 397. 2856D 405.762103 Sankalpa. 2842 398. Jalpaiguri . Code 412.S. .736202 B. 2121 416. 2177 430. Sonada Darjeeling. 2175 429.764001 Government College Bhawanipatnam . AT/PO Via: Loisingha. Kalahandi . Dist.766107 Rayagada Collge.762001 Vikram Dev College Korapur. 2829D 395. Birbhum .713304 Salesian College. 2847D 400. 2862D 409. 2166D 427. Burdwan Asansol . Badatika. 2110 414. Bhukailash Road Kidderpor. Belda Dist. 2145D 422.762022 C. 2710 443. 2712 444. Dyadganj. of Phy & So.229406 VBS Purvanchal University Shahganj Road. Gorakhpur Gorakhpur .. Sl. PO Box No. Ghazipur . Sunder Lal PG College Kannauj .G. Post Harbaspur Ghatampur.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B.G.273015. Basantpur Bahraich .N.210001 K.G.211003 Bareilly College.262001 PG College.203 001. 2755D 460.202002 S.221002 Gorakhpur University Department of Physics Gorakhpur . 27110 472. P. 2708 441.800005 Marwari College (T.494005 LUCKNOW REGION Jai Narain Degree College Lucknow .226001 St. 2745 457. E. Agra Fort Agra . 15 Bareilly . College. Gorakhnath Zahidabad. Mahila Degree College Pilibhit . Barabanki Uttar Pradesh BRD P. 2781 467. 2193D 434.229001 Isabella Thoburn College Faizabad Road.S. College Gyanpur. AICCEDS C/o Children College Azamgarh .271201 Govt.222002 Feroze Gandhi College Raebareli .272001 D. MG Marg Kanpur . Centre No.209601 MD. Uttar Pradesh . Naryeon Dt. College.273009 Kamala Instt. 2723R 470. 2701 436.Com (A&F)– Contd.243005 PPN College. Allapur Fatehpur Khas. 28118 449. 2706 440.P.241201 Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Post Gradeate College.S. 2722R 448.231222 Children College. Dt.C.532001. 2703 438.276001 India Telephones India Ltd. Sci. 2724R 450. College. 2725R 451.) College Bulandshahr .P. Dist. 2797 468.812007 435. Code 433. 2774 Centre Address NTPC Limited. 2767 462. 2721D 465.242 001 A. Sultanpur . Ambedkar Nagar . 2738 473.274001.K. Shikhohabad Dist. Jawahar Lal Nehru (PG) College. Lucknow National Post Graduate College Bhongaon. Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohi (UP) G. Jaunpur . Govt.282002 Allahabad Degree College 15. Mainpuri Pt.T. 2742R 456.284001 Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh . John’s College.277001 Islamia Girls Inter College. Unchahar Raebareli . 1509 Centre Address Govt. 27103 447.224147 MLK P. Binani PG College Mirzapur (UP) Shri Shakti Degree College Vill. Kanpur Govt. College. (P. Degree College of Women Srikakulam . 0505 B-57 . Dist. Post Graduate College Pratapgarh I.P.208001 Udai Pratap PG College Varanasi . 2737 454.M. Sl. 27119 474. Shakktinagar . 2713 445.228118 Bipin Bihari PG College Jhansi . 2729 453.G.271801 A. 2704 439. 2760D 461. 2747 458. Firozabad. Balrampur Balrampur . 0501 475. College. Fatehgarh Farukabad . 2709 463.N.271308 Samarpan Charitable Trust Lucknow Road.205135 Pt. 2727 452.P. 27104 471.233002 Sukhdevanand PG College Mumukshu Ashram Dist. Code 455. Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh . A.N. Govt. Centre No. Ballia . Degree College Basti . 2702 437. Banda . PG College Jagdalpur . Bhagalpur University) Bhagalpur . Project Manakapur . 2778R 464. UP PATNA REGION Vanijya Mahavidyalaya Patna College Campus Patna . 2780 466. Allahabad . 27101 469.C.D. 2779 442. Ravindrapuri Dt. 2750D 459. 2716 446. 96/12. College Deoria . Sahkhahari. Lucknow Model Jail. UP. Uttar Pradesh N. 1613 508. 1601 514.N. Camp. 1602 B-58 .Com (A&F)– Contd.P. Saran .421604 Mahatma Education Society Composite College Campus Sector 16. Centre No.440001 Kthm College Gangapur Road Shivaji Nagar. of Commerce Satara .411001 Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Balbhim Arts. Central Inst. 80. College Jamui. 0579B 492. Centre No.400077 Symbiosis Internatl.821101 Yadunandan College Dighwara. 0570D 486. 0571 487. 1612 507. Amravati . Mumbai . Patna -800001 Hemophilia Society.844101 S.841301 Gaya College Gaya . 1610 505.800001 Adarsh Kara Grih. Sudama Bhawan Boring Road.821115 TPS College.431001 North Maharashtra University Block No. 1604 Centre Address Sathaye College. .744104 PUNE REGION KJS College of Educatrion T & R Vidyanagar. 0581B 493.495001 499. 1505 496. 1629R 511. Ltd. Hajipur.800004 Anugrah Narayan College Boring Road. Rhotas .813102 K. Dt. 1606 501.416004 Nagpur University Guru Nanak Bhawan. Vasind Village.411004 Sl. Pune . 1615R 510. Jain College Sasaram. Chandrapur . Samrat Nagar. Degree Coll.491002 GMSPG College. Seepat Road Bilaspur . 0588 503.811201 Nalanda College. Admn. 0552B 483. Dixit Road Vile Parle (E). Bihar Mirza Ghalib College Gaya Mahila College Bhabua. 0524 479. FR-6 Lav Kush Tower. 0568 485. Building P. Cul & Cen Senapati Bapat Road. 0529 480. 0576 489. Nagpur .S. Patna . 0509 477. 0511 478. 0578B 491.431122 RAIPUR REGION Govt. Beur Patna RD & DJ College Munger . Mumbai . Code 497. Science and Commerce College. Mumbai . Nasik . Vazirabad Nanded . Col.B. 1603 498. 1503 515. Sl. Chiraiyatarh Patna . for Girls 2390. Col.442403 Shri G. Pune .823001 Bihar National College. Kolhapur . Midc. Beed . 0201 513. 1638 494.841207 Patna Muslim Science College B. 1609 504. 125. 0573 488.G.400081 D. 0533D Centre Address Rajendra College Chapra .413002 Pratiba Niketan Mahavidyalaya Pandaghat Road. Maimur . 1607 502. Hidayatulla Road Azam Campus.444602 Vivekanada Arts & Sds Com. Code 476.431610 Chandrapur Engineering College Babpeth. 1639 495. K. College of Commerce Solapur . 1605 500.M. Ashok Rajpath Patna .B. Arts & Science College Durg . 1632 512. Vidya Vihar Ghatkopar (E). New Panvel. Kaimur.415001 C. Shahpur Taluk Thane District .800001 Raj Narain College. 1614 509. Vaishali Dist. Exhibition Road Patna .422002 Amravati University Tapovan Campus. 1611 506. Lokseva Nidhi P/17. Biharsharif Nalanda .400057 Ket’s Vg Vaze College Mithagar Road Mulund (E).K. Mumbai Abeda Inamdar Sr.M.803101 PBS College Banka . 1608 482. No. of Bus E & R University Road. Tarapur . 0556B 484. Aurangabad .ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. 0577 490. Patna .401506 Jindal Iron & Steel Co. Jalgaon . Dlist. 0532D 481. Das Road.A.800004 PORT BLAIR REGION JNR Mahavidyalaya Port Blair .425001 H.800013 Nidan. College Palamu. 3507 521.497001 Government PG College Dhamtari . Chakradhar Nagar Raigarh RANCHI REGION Jamshedpur Women’s College Jamshedpur . P.P. Ravi Shankar Shukla University Raipur . 3615D 543. 1815D 533.794109 518. P. & Research Trust (Nipm) New Admn.828122 Mahila College Deppartment of History Chaibasa P. No. Garhwa. 3514 523.835302 Jharkhand Badlao Foundation.O.Com (A&F)– Contd. 3629 547. Seraikella Ahsaan Aalam Memorial Inter College Bhul Road. East Singhbhum Surat Pandey Degree College Dt.L. 1817D 556. 1804 552. 33 Upper New Colony. Code 516. College.G. Nongstoin West Khasi Hills District Tikrikilla College. Jharkhand Gandhi Inter College PO & Distt. 3610 541.S. Daltonganj .793003 Tura Government College W.815301 Jagannath Jain College Thumri Telaiya. 1802 551.831001 P. 3608 539. 1818 B-59 . 0513 530. 0528 554.825301 Godda College P. Shillong . P.822114 K.793002 Women’s College. 3504 519.491141 Govt. Koderma A. College More Hazaribagh .495671 Government Digvijay College Rajnandgaon C. Laitumkhrh Shillong . 3606 537. 3631D 528. Uttar Bastar . Lateher . College.492010 Nav Ambika Shikshan Samiti Lal Bungalow Palace. Seraikella PO Seraikella. Degree College Champa . .491 995 Kirodimal Govt. Lohardaga . West Singhbhum Distt. Kanker Distt.G. P. Laitumkhrah Shillong .G. College PO/Dt. Columba’s College P.834001 Sindri College. Tkrikilla West Garo Hills . Centre No. Godda. Sohra (Cherrapunjee) East Khasi Hills .814101 Sahibganj College Sahibganj . Kharsawan Dt. College. 0502 526.494334 Govt. College.833201 St. 0525 549. 3609 540. 1801 550.O. 3601 534. 1534D Centre Address Pt. 3605 555. 0503 527. 0521 531.83523 B. Centre No. 1510 517. 0507 548. 1806 553. Tura . Simdega . 3628 546.S.835207 Giridih College Giridih . 3607 538.O. 1807D 532.814133 SP College. Kawardha (PO) Kabirdham .816109 Sl. Godda . 3627 545.822001 Marwari College Ranchi . 3626 544. PO Sindri Dhanbad . Mihijam Distt.G.793003 Nongstoin College.827006 G.O. Synos C/o Church House Mission Compound Mawkhar.815354.794001 Tirot Singh Memorial College Mairang. Ambikapur Surguja . Garhwa .B. Dt. . Jamtaara . Hills. 0510 529.793120 Sohra College.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. 3515 524.793108 Jingiaseng Samla K. 3630 525.493773 Bhanu Pratap Dev Govt. Gumla . Roy Memorial College Seraidhela.S.826001 Edn.816106 Ghatsila College PO Ghatsila.J.S. 3510 522. Building III/B School Bokaro Steel City Bokaro . 3516 542.826001 SHILLONG REGION North Eastern Hill University Bijni Complex. 3614 Centre Address Kartik Oraon College Palkot Road. Rajgamar Road Korba Govt. Dumka . Arts & Science College. Pakur . 3505 520.K. . Dhanbad . Code 536.814112 Simdega College. Sl. 3604 535.829206 KKM College PO & Distt. College Deoghar . West Khasi Hills . PO Wasseypur Dhanbad . 1116 586. Nalagarh Solan Government Degree College Kukumseri.175024 Government P. 1113 570.171006 Government P. 1248 589. 1108 567.173212 Government Degree College Hamirpur . 1124 574. HP Government Degree College Joginder Nagar Dt. Kinnour District Himachal Pradesh Government Degree College Rohit Niwas Near Ram Lila Ground Seema (Rohru) .G. Kupwara . 1202 580. College Sarkaghat. Tehsil Udaipur Distt.175001 Government Degree College Solan .175101 Government Degree College Nahan . College for Women Maulana Azad Road Srinagar . East Garo Hills Greater Mawlai College.173025.176310 Government Degree College Kullu . Code 575.793008 SHIMLA REGION Sl. Dt.176039 Government P.175142 Government Degree College Poanda Sahib Dt.G.192301 Government Degree College Kargil 576. 1249 B-60 . Hamirpur .172001 Government P.192101 Women & Children Welfare Society Wolrihama. College Mandi . 1115 Government Degree College Sanjauli. 1234D 585. 1105 564.193101 Central Jail. 1210 582. 1120D 573. Shimla .G.Com (A&F)– Contd. 1829 Centre Address Williamnagar College Williamnagar PO. College Dehri.G. Ladakh . 1103 562. Sir Mour . 1107 566. Mandi . Centre No. PO Aripanthan Sub PO Magam. Lahaul & Spiti . 1236 571. 1106 565.193222 Government Degree College Pulwama . 1211 583. 1109 568.174303 Government Degree College Rampur .173001 Government Degree College Una . Mawlai Dist. Code 557. Sl. 1203 581. 1130 559. 1247D 588. 1102 561.176215 Government Degree College Chamba .190001 Government Degree College (Boys) Khojabagh. 1104 563.174001 Government Degree College Recong Peio. 1824 558. 1101 560. 1228D 584. 1125 587. Srinagar . Kangra District 577.177005 Government Degree College Dharamshala . College Bilaspur .171207 Himachal Research Institute Chakmoh. Tehsil Beru Dist.190008 Government Degree College Leh. Badgam . East Khasi Hills . 1136 579. Mandi .194101 Government Degree College Sopore .193201 Government Degree College-Boys Boys College Anantnag . Tehsil Baramulla Baramulla . HP SRINAGAR REGION Government Amar Singh College Gogji Bagh. 1246D 572. 1110 569.ADDRESSES OF STUDY CENTRES FOR B. Centre No.176120. 1127D Centre Address Lord Mahavira Study Centre Ropar Road. 1133 578. Mohalla Mathi Khan (Kati Darwaza) Srinagar Government Degree College Villagam.193401 Govt.
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