IGBT Replace

March 19, 2018 | Author: prindio | Category: Power Inverter, Electrostatic Discharge, Switch, Electric Power, Power (Physics)



ACS 600 MultiDriveService manual Checking and replacing a Power Plate Checking and replacing a Power Plate Service manual Code: 3BFE 64158805 R0225 EFFECTIVE: 02.07.2001 SUPERSEDES: 22.3.1999 FIDRI\EIF200 PDM\00017219.DOC  2001 ABB Industry Oy. All rights reserved. . Ensure by measuring that the part of the cabinet you are working on is not live. General safety instructions Service manual v . check which circuits remain live after opening of the disconnecting device by referring to the circuit diagrams for you particular delivery. are collectively referred to as ACx 600. Dangerous residual voltages remain in capacitors when the disconnecting device is opened. Wait five minutes after switching off the supply before starting work. air-cooled ACN 600 MultiDrive and water-cooled ACW MultiDrive. Neglecting these instructions can cause physical injury and death.and frame is close to 0 V and that the supply has been switched off before performing any work on the equipment or making main circuit connections. Any installation and maintenance work must be done with the power off and power is not to be reconnected unless the installation work is complete. If the main circuit of the inverter unit is live. operating and servicing the frequency converters. Before starting work. the motor terminals are also live even if the motor is not running! Open the fuse switches of all parallel connected inverters before installation or maintenance work in any of them. Study the complete safety instructions carefully. These general instructions include only the main parts of the complete safety instructions. Always ensure that the measured voltage between terminals UDC+ and UDC. Control voltages of 115/230 VAC may be present on the digital inputs or outputs even though the inverter unit is not powered. Check the cable connections at the shipping split joints before switching on the supply voltage. If the auxiliary voltage circuit of the ACx 600 is powered from an external power supply. WARNING! All electrical installation and maintenance work on the ACx 600 should be carried out by qualified electricians. The general instructions are given below. opening the disconnecting device does not remove all voltages. The general safety instructions are intended for all work on the ACA 600 MultiDrive frequency converters.Safety instructions Overview The complete safety instructions stated in ACS 600 MultiDrive Safety and Product Information (EN 63982229) must be followed when installing. In the text below. control boards of the converter unit may be at the main circuit potential. Special attention shall be paid to safety when handling shrouds made of sheet metal. Disconnect the EMC filter capacitors before connecting the ACx 600 to unearthed mains. The fault tracing instructions give a special mention of cases in which measurements may be performed on the control boards. Disconnect the motor cables before making any measurements on the motors or motor cables. WARNING! Some parts. It is critical that the use of measuring instruments. such as an oscilloscope. please contact your local ABB distributor. and their connection to the ACx 600 frequency converters is done with caution and safety always a priority. Give a Stop command instead. Do not use Prevention of Unexpected Start for stopping the drive when the inverter is running. Do not open the drive section switch fuses when the inverter is running. Live parts on the inside of doors are protected against direct contact. also indicating the measuring method to be used. WARNING! Fans may continue to rotate for a while after the disconnection of the electrical supply. WARNING! Close fuse switches of all parallel connected inverters before starting the frequency converter. like heat sinks of power semiconductors inside of cabinet remain hot for a while after the disconnection of the electrical supply. Dangerous voltages may be present between the control boards and the frame of the converter unit. the mains will be connected to earth potential through the EMC filter of the ACx 600.Safety instructions In ACx 600 frequency converters. Do not make any voltage withstand tests on any part of the unit while the unit is connected. For detailed instructions on how to do this. when the main circuit voltage is on. If an ACx 600 with the EMC Line Filter is installed to unearthed mains. vi Service manual . This may cause danger or damage the unit. Safety instructions Power Plate handling WARNING! DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY WORK ON A POWERED ACx 600! There is a dangerous voltage inside the cabinet. The meter must withstand 1000 VDC and 750 VAC (Note. with 690 VAC supply the DC voltage can exceed 1000 VDC!). WARNING! ONLY A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN SHOULD CARRY OUT THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION! Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage electronic circuits. a high voltage remains in the capacitor bank of ACx 600. Power Plate can be destroyed by static electricity.and the mains voltage between terminals U1. WAIT AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY WORK ON OR WITH THE UNIT! Always ensure by voltage measurement that the DC voltage has dropped down to close to zero and the mains voltage is disconnected (zero) before performing any service or main circuit connections. V1 and W1 (L1. • When handling a Power Plate. Do not handle any components without following ESD precautions. Helsinki. contact ABB Industry Oy. Service manual vii . especially the gate terminal. Measure the DC voltage between terminals UDC+ and UDC. • Always use an earthed wristband when handling a Power Plate. For more details. After the mains voltage is disconnected by means of the main switch. If not available. Therefore. Power Plate handling precautions Caution must be observed in both transport and handling of semiconductors. see ABB Industry Oy ESD Directive. codes 59240803 and 59240790. L2 and L3). hold the package and avoid touching the terminals. which is discharged through discharge resistors. the following precautions should be observed during handling. Safety instructions viii Service manual . ............................................ parallel inverters........................................................................................................... 3-6 Frames R8i....Power Plate connections ........................................................................... 3-6 Frames R10i................................................................................ R12i....................................................... 3-1 Power Plate connections................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-7 Faulty Power Plate detected .......................................................... 2-1 General.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 General.......................................R7i ........................................................................ 2-1 Product structure......................................................................... 3-6 Spare parts..............................................................................v Power Plate handling ........................... 2-7 Checking of measuring terminals (+) and (-)....................................................................Inverter module frame sizes .................................................... 2-5 Measuring the gate of the IGBT (checking of IGBTs) .............. 3-6 Spare parts..................................................... single inverters.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-8 Chapter 3 ..........R12i units .......................................................................................................................................................... R9i .........................................................................Power Plate ....................................... vii Power Plate handling precautions.............................................................................................................R5i units ................................................. 3-7 Power stages of the inverter module................................................................... 2-2 General .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-1 Phase module .......................................... 2-2 Measuring of a Power Plate ................................Table of contents Safety instructions .......................................................................................... n x R11i......................................... 3-7 Service manual ix ...................................................................................... 3-6 Spare parts........................ 2-2 Measuring the collector-emitter resistance of the IGBT ................... 2-6 Measuring the temperature of the Power Plate............ 3-6 Spare parts.............. 2-6 Conclusions about measuring of IGBT and C-E ................................................................................................. 3-4 Special requirements for the selection of the Power Plate .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Power Plate........................................................................ n x R12i.............................................................................................. 1-1 Single R6i ..........................................................................................................................................................................................v Overview ................................... 3-3 Power Plate classes (letter pairs and spare parts) ............................................................................................................................................v General safety instructions ................................................................................................................................... 2-7 Measuring the emitter terminals.................................................................................................................... 1-1 Single R2i .................................................................................................................................................................................................... basic construction .................................................................................................. vii Table of contents....................ix Chapter 1 ............................................................................. 1-2 Chapter 2 ........................................................................ 1-2 Parallel units ........................................................................................... 3-1 Power Plate connections........................ 2-6 Measurements against the frame........ 3-6 Frames R11i....... 3-6 Frames R4i.......................... ............................................Replacement of the Power Plate ................ 4-4 x Service manual ............................ 4-1 Accessing the Power Plate.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-2 6-screw-type Power Plate ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1 General........................................... 4-1 Thermal compound ................................... 4-1 Power Plate assembly .........................................Table of contents Chapter 4 ................................................. 4-1 4-screw-type Power Plate ...... 4-3 Check after the assembly......................................................................................................................... The power rating is defined in the ACS 600 MultiDrive type code as CAN 6340050-3 (kVA value underlined). Figure 1 . R7i.R5i units Power ratings: 5 .60 kVA.Inverter module frame sizes General Inverter modules are installed into cubicles depending upon the physical size of the module.1 Inverter module configurations Mechanical packaging is optimised for inverter applications. The fans are located inside the module. servicing and reliability. 500 VAC range 9 . The "3" stands for 400 VAC voltage class ("5" stands for 500 VAC and “6” for 690 VAC voltage class). R8i. R3i.50 kVA. R6i. Service manual 1-1 .1. R9i. Single R2i . 400 VAC range 6 . see Figure 1 .Chapter 1 .50 kVA. ACx refers to ACN (air-cooled MultiDrive module) and ACW (watercooled MultiDrive module). R5i. R4i. 690 VAC range 24 VDC cooling fans are used to transfer the heat losses out of the inverter modules. R11i or R12i. R10i. The frame size of inverter modules determines the power rating: R2i. Higher power ratings are implemented by connecting inverter modules in parallel (R11i or R12i). 1120 kVA. AC fans are used for maximum cooling efficiency with fast replacement times (separate fan modules). Parallel units Power ratings: 1440 . 1-2 Service manual . 400 VAC range 70 .5140 kVA. 500 VAC range 1710 . 500 VAC range 60 .2820 kVA.3450 kVA.R12i units Power ratings: 60 .1380 kVA. 690 VAC range The R11i or R12i inverter units (two or four and in water-cooled ACW 600 also three in parallel) can be connected in parallel to extend the power range. 690 VAC range AC cooling fans are used to transfer the heat losses out of the inverter modules. The motor outputs of the parallel inverter units are connected together by an AC busbar or connected together at the motor end.Chapter 1 –Inverter Module frame sizes Single R6i .1380 kVA. 400 VAC range 1760 . Short circuit safe due to internal connection • Reduced audible noise .Depends on the control method .Integrated temperature monitoring with a thermistor . Figure 2 .Controllability due to high driving-point impedance . see Figure 2 .1) provides reliable drive units.excellent results with DTC (Direct Torque Control) that creates only white noise • Integrated components which make a compact module .1 In Power Plate technology six conventional IGBT modules (left) are integrated into a single compact Power Plate (right) Service manual 2-1 .High switching frequency (resonances reduced) . IGBT technology enables easy controllability and a high switching frequency.DC voltage measurement Product structure The ACx 600 Product Family utilises IGBT power semiconductors exclusively.Six IGBTs and free-wheeling diodes form a Power Plate (PP) .Chapter 2 . The state-of-the-art integrated IGBT technology (Power Plate.Power Plate General Power Plate Technology Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a semiconductor type widely used in the power stages of inverter units. • Increased reliability . Sometimes the case of the Power Plate may be broken by for example an arc caused by a short circuit inside the Power Plate. WAIT AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES FOR INTERMEDIATE CIRCUIT CAPACITORS TO DISCHARGE. it must be replaced. if you remove the electronic boards on top of it.3). The following actions should be done and results verified before the measurement of the Power Plate is started: • Before starting any individual Power Plate measurement described below you can locate the broken component by measuring between the (+) busbar and the motor outputs and similarly between the (-) busbar and the motor outputs if an output phase is short-circuited. Measuring of a Power Plate General How to measure the condition of the Power Plate: WARNING! THE POWER SUPPLY HAS TO BE DISCONNECTED BEFORE ANY MEASUREMENTS ARE PERFORMED ON THE ACx 600. Phase modules are used in frames R10i . the construction is called "phase module" (see Figure 3 . The names of the terminals of the Power Plate are presented in Figure 2 .2 (large Power Plate) and in Figure 2 . but it can be changed to a U/ W-phase module by replacing the interface board NINT-xx with an NXPP-xx board included.Chapter 2 -Power Plate Phase module If more than one Power Plates are used together for forming a phase voltage. A spare part phase module kit is delivered as a V-phase module. but is visually found to be defective. • The Power Plate can be measured when it is still mounted on the heat sink.R12i and their parallel connected configurations.3 (medium-size Power Plate). where 2-2 Service manual . • Check the Power Plates also visually. Note also that in case the component measures good. 4 and 2 Collector for IGBT 5. P3 + Name Gate Emitter Terminals for measuring temperature Collector for IGBTs 6. E13. E23 T1. G21. G22. G12. E12. G23 E11. P2. T2 P1.Power Plate Terminal G11.2 Terminals of a large Power Plate Service manual 2-3 . E21. E22. 3 and 1 Auxiliary (+) and (-) Character G E C C ∗ 5 G 13 E13 G 23 E23 T 1 T T 2 G 12 E12 3 G 11 E11 1 U PPER 6 G 22 E22 4 G 21 E21 2 LO ER W P 3 P 2 P 1 ∗ T1 G 23 E2 3 G 22 E2 2 G 21 E2 1 + - E1 3 T2 G 13 E1 2 G 12 E1 1 G 11 P3 P2 P1 Figure 2 .Chapter 2 . G13. 3 Terminals of a medium-size Power Plate 2-4 Service manual .Chapter 2 -Power Plate 5 G 13 E 13 3 G 12 E 12 G 11 E 11 1 UPPER 6 G 23 E 23 T1 T 4 G 22 E 22 G 21 E 21 2 LOW ER T2 P3 P2 P1 ∗ T1 G 23 E 23 G 22 E 22 G 21 E21 + E 13 T2 G 13 E 12 G 12 E11 G 11 - P3 P2 P1 Figure 2 . 2 and Figure 2 .g. • The measurement is done between C-E of all six IGBTs (between + and Px terminals or Px and .probe P1 P2 P3 Display OL OL OL OL OL OL Table 2 .2 and Figure 2 .35V ≈ 0. see Figure 2 . • If the forward voltage of some of the diodes is different from the others. • When the measurement with the multimeter displays infinite (OL Over Limit) in one direction and the forward voltage of diode (e.3. the C-E junction is OK. the diode is most probably broken and the Power Plate must be replaced.35V ≈ 0. See the replacement information in the subsection Faulty Power Plate detected.3 ) + probe P1 P2 P3 .1 Measurements in the C-E Direction (see Figure 2 .probe + + + P1 P2 P3 Display ≈ 0.3and Figure 2 .2 Measurements in the E-C Direction (see Figure 2 .Chapter 2 .3) + probe + + + P1 P2 P3 . 350 mV) in the opposite direction. Table 2 .35V ≈ 0.terminals. Different multimeters with different output voltages show different forward voltages when measuring semiconductor components. The values Service manual 2-5 .Power Plate Measuring the collector-emitter resistance of the IGBT The measurement is done with the multimeter in the diode position. • If the multimeter indicates a short circuit. Note that the above-mentioned values were measured on one randomly chosen Power Plate and a Fluke 87 Multimeter.35V ≈ 0.35V The display (OL) of the multimeter means Over Limit (infinite).35V ≈ 0. Note that the values shown by the multimeter depends on its brand and type. the C-E junction or the diode in question is faulty and the Power Plate must be replaced. G21-E21. • The resistance is measured between G-E on all six IGBTs (G11E11. Measuring the thermistor of the Power Plate The measurement is done with the multimeter in the resistance position. and so on) (see Figure 2 . the IGBT is faulty.Chapter 2 -Power Plate may vary slightly with different multimeters and different Power Plates. only the diode is faulty • If the G-E junction is short circuited and the junction C-E displays infinite (=OK). see Figure 2 .3). Table 2 .probe E11 E21 E12 E22 E13 E23 Display OL (loading capacitance) OL (loading capacitance) OL (loading capacitance) OL (loading capacitance) OL (loading capacitance) OL (loading capacitance) Conclusions about measuring of IGBT and C-E • If the junction C-E is short circuited and the junction G-E displays OL (loading capacitance)(=OK). Measuring the gate of the IGBT (checking of IGBTs) The measurement is done with the multimeter in the resistance position.3). if the display of the multimeter shows infinite (OL) between G-E.3 and Figure 2 .probe T2 Display 11 kΩ (+/-10%) at 25 °C 2-6 Service manual . only the IGBT or both the IGBT and the diode are faulty.2 and Figure 2 . only the IGBT is faulty • If both the C-E junction and the G-E junction displays short circuited. • If the resistance of the Thermistor is OK (measured at connectors T1 and T2.4 T = terminal for measuring the thermistor + probe T1 .3 G = Gate and E = Emitter + probe G11 G21 G12 G22 G13 G23 . Note that OL is shown only after a while (after the capacitance is loaded). • If there is a short circuit between G-E or only some ohms. the multimeter displays about 11 kΩ. Table 2 . • The IGBT is OK. the connections between the (+) terminals and between the (-) terminals are OK. • Measure between the plus (+) terminals (one is situated at the edge of module and the other is the plus terminal of the main circuit).6 Measuring the Emitter terminals + probe E11 E12 E13 E21 E22 E23 . • Similarly measure between the minus (-) terminals. Table 2 . This measurement determines the insulation resistance of Power Plate.2 and Figure 2 . Service manual 2-7 .Power Plate Measurements against the frame The measurement is done with the multimeter in the resistance position.5 Measurements against the frame + probe T1 T2 auxiliary + auxiliary P1 P2 P3 . See Figure 2 .2 or Figure 2 .probe frame frame frame frame frame frame frame Display OL OL OL OL OL OL OL Auxiliary (+) and (-) are marked with (*) in Figure 2 .Chapter 2 .3 or Figure 2 .probe P1 P2 P3 Display ≈0Ω ≈0Ω ≈0Ω ≈0Ω ≈0Ω ≈0Ω For terminal markings see Figure 2 .3 for terminal markings.3. Measuring the emitter terminals The measurement is done with the multimeter in the resistance position. Table 2 .3 For a sufficient insulation the resistance should be over 50 MΩ. Checking of measuring terminals (+) and (-) The measurement is done with the multimeter in the resistance position. • When the multimeter displays a short circuit in both cases. The fault words can be found in the Application Program Template for ACS 600. • For the spare part Power Plates follow the instructions in Chapter 3 . Firmware manual (EN 63700185). B13. B14. 2-8 Service manual . bits B12. it is possible to change the Power Plate (in frame size R3i the IGBT module) • Replace also the NINT-xx (or NXPP-xx) and NGDR-xx (used with R4i and upwards) board if the Power Plate is damaged.Power Plate connections • For phase module inverters (frame sizes R10i and upwards) the fault word (FW1. B15) indicates which phase is faulty (a short circuit in the parallel connected inverters). change the whole unit (because control boards are soldered to the IGBT module) • For larger frame sizes (>R3i).Chapter 2 -Power Plate Faulty Power Plate detected When a Power Plate is found to be faulty: • For small frame sizes (R2i). • In case of a fault it is recommended to change the whole phase module. R7i (power range 20 to 140 kVA). single inverters Frames R4i to R9i use Power Plates and frames R10i to R12i use phase modules.2). The outputs of the Power Plate are phase voltages P1 (U).1 Basic construction of Power Plate Power Plate connections.1. six free-wheeling diodes. The number of Power Plates is three. one phase is made by connecting together terminals P1 .1 shows the basic construction of a Power Plate.1. not Power Plates.Power Plate connections Power Plate. The power range is 180 to 490 kVA. P1 P2 P3 Figure 3 .P3 of the Power Plate. The R3i IGBT module has only one third of the components of the basic construction in Figure 3 . Note: The small size inverters (R2i-R3i) use standard IGBTs. one NTC Thermistor Resistor and six Gate Resistors.Chapter 3 . Service manual 3-1 . In frames R8i and R9i (see Figure 3 . The basic construction is used for frames R4i . P2 (V) and P3 (W). consisting of six IGBTs. basic construction Figure 3 . The R2i IGBT module has a similar construction to the basic construction in Figure 3 . 2 Symbol of a Power Plate (left). In frame sizes R8i and R9i each phase has an individual Power Plate (right). R11i. The power range is 500 to 930 kVA.R7i R8i. W 3-2 Service manual . R10i. Frames R10i. R9i P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 U V W U V W Figure 3 .3 The phase modules. R11i Phase module Phase module Phase module P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 U V Figure 3 .Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections R4i . In frames R10i and R11i (see Figure 3 . The number of the Power Plates is 3 x 2 = 6.3) two Power Plates connected in parallel are used for making one phase. 5 The parallel connected phase modules. parallel inverters 4 x R12i R12i P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 Extended power range is achieved by connecting two or four frame R11i or R12i inverters in parallel (see Figure 3 .4 The phase modules. Frame R12i. The power range reaches 5140 kVA. R12i P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3P1 2 P1 P3 P2 P P3 P2 P1 2 P P3P1 P3 P1 2 P2 P P3 R12i P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 2 P P3P1 P3 P1 2 P2 P P3 R12i P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 P1 P3P1 P3 P1 P3 P2 P2 P2 U V W Figure 3 . Power Plate connections. The number of Power Plates when four R12i inverters are in parallel totals 4 x 9 = 36. R12i Phase module P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Phase module P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Phase module P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 U V W P1 P2 P3 Figure 3 . The number of Power Plates totals 3 x 3 = 9.4) three Power Plates are connected parallel for each phase.Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections In frame R12i (see Figure 3 . Frame 4 x R12i.5). The power range is 1040 to 1380 kVA. Service manual 3-3 . SP3. 3-4 Service manual .Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections Power Plate classes (letter pairs and spare parts) Every Power Plate that can be used for parallel connection of the phase modules is marked (classified) with a letter pair AA.0 V (= letter A). 2. SP6. to 3.2 V (= B). The smallest Power Plates may have only one letter per IGBT. The possible spare part classes are SP1. Similarly. In (Figure 3 .emitter saturation voltage (IGBT)) corresponds to the 1st letter in the letter pair and VF = forward voltage (diode) corresponds to the 2nd letter in the letter pair. SP5. to. Starting from December 2000 inverters that use Power Plate type PP18017 (180A. SP4. 1700 V) have an extra “L” letter in front of the letter pair.6 Different kinds of Power Plate labels. SP2. AD.9 V (= J) on the Y-axis.2 V (= B). 2. SPL5 and SPL6. AB. AC.7) VCEsat (= collector .0 V (= letter A). These Power Plates are manufactured by using low injection process and they cannot be connected in parallel with older PP18017 types. 3. IJ.7 V (= I) on the X-axis. Figure 3 . The voltage VCEsat varies from 2. the VF diode varies from 2. to. R12i are classified based on the nominal on-state voltages of the IGBTs (VCE) and the diodes (VF).7 2. EC or EB.7 2. DB.6 2.9 B C D E BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CI CJ DA SP3 B C D E F G H I J DB SP4 DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DJ ED EE EF EG EH EI EJ EC FC FD SP5 FE SP6 FF SP1 FG SP2 FH FI FJ GI GJ GH HH HI HJ IH II IJ GG HG IG GF HF IF GE HE IE GC GD HC HD IC ID EB FB GB HB IB EA 3 F FA 3.2 2.5 2.1 3. Note that the spare part class used in parallel modules is marked on the module.Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections NOTE 1: The Power Plates used in frames R8i . “LFE SPL6”.7 3. NOTE 3: Spare parts are selected from four groups and marked by the letter pair and SPx.8 3.3 2.2 3.3 2. for example.5 3. VCEsat VF 2 2.1 2.9 3 3. Service manual 3-5 .5 3.4 3. NOTE 4: Low injection PP18017 types have an extra “L” letter in front of the actual categorisation letter pair and also in front of the SP class number.1 3. NOTE 2: The class is marked by a letter pair.5 2.9 2 A AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ 2.6 2.1 2.2 3. “DC SP4” can replace an original Power Plate from classes DC.4 3.4 2. for example.7 The selection table of the spare parts of 300 A and 180 A Power Plates as a function of VCE (IGBT) and VF (diode).6 3.3 3.2 2.4 2.7 G H I GA HA IA A PP30012 Multidrive PP18017 Multidrive PP18017 Multidrive old classes Figure 3 .3 3.8 2.6 3.8 2. When replacing a Power Plate with a new one. LFD. GE. The spare part’s power supply boards NPOW-62 and NGPS-xx have to be disconnected from the main circuit (or completely removed).R10i) (see Figure 3 . No requirement for the letter pairs (2P.2) PAR = a Power Plate suitable for paralleling to make one motor output (see Figure 3 .3).2) 2P = a Power Plate used to make one motor phase output (R8i .R12i and in their parallel configurations. DB. Therefore both Power Plates in the same phase must be replaced in a case one of them is damaged. LFF.3). FF. GD.R7i Spare parts No special requirement. FG. The phase modules of the same phase have an identical letter pair (2P). FH. R9i Spare parts Frames R10i Spare parts Frames R11i.Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections Special requirements for the selection of the Power Plate The phase modules are used in the frames R10i .7) (R11i and R12I) Frames R4i. The Power Plates in the same phase must have an identical letter pair (2P or PAR). Any letter pair (2P). but it can be changed to a U/W -phase module by replacing the interface board NINT-xx with an NXPP-xx included. R12i. different phases can have different letter pairs. any Power Plate with whichever letter pair (2P or PAR) or no letter pair (=6P) can be used.7) (R11i and R12I) SP = a spare part Power Plate suitable for parallel connection to make one motor output (see Figure 3 . GF. PAR or SP). n x R12i 3-6 Service manual . GG or GH) Frames R8i. All Power Plates of the same motor output must have the same letter pair (PAR): • DA. the different types of Power Plates are: 6P = a Power Plate used to make one motor output (R4i – R7i)(see Figure 3 . 2P. A phase module kit is delivered as a V-phase module. DC. EA. using specified classes (see Figure 3 . n x R11i. LFE. PAR or SP). LGE or LGF of PP18017 type (in the old classes FF. GF. LGD. No requirement for the letter pair (6P. using specified classes (see Figure 3 . certain rules have to be followed in the selection of a spare part Power Plate. EB or EC of PP30012 Power Plate type and • FD.FE. In the following rules. The spare part Power Plate kit must have a correct SP marking. The module is used for the V phase.8 shows an inverter module ACN 634 (frame R6i) made using one Power Plate.9 the inverter module ACN 634 (frame R8i) uses one Power Plate for each phase. In Figure 3 .Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections Spare parts All Power Plates in the damaged phase module must be changed. SPL5 or SPL6 for the PP18017 type (in the old classes SP1 and SP2) Power stages of the inverter module Figure 3 . Service manual 3-7 . In Figure 3 .10 there is a phase module A2 ACN 634 (frame R10i) that is constructed using two Power Plates for each phase. SP6. currently: • SP3 or SP4 for the PP30012 Power Plate type and • SP5. Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections Figure 3 .8 The circuit diagram of an inverter module ACN 634 (R6i) (00012264.dwg) 3-8 Service manual . Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections Figure 3 .dwg) Service manual 3-9 .9 The circuit diagram of an inverter module ACN 634 (R8i) (00012267. dwg) 3-10 Service manual .Chapter 3 – Power Plate connections Figure 3 . Phase V (R10i).10 The circuit diagram of phase module A2 ACN 644. (00005542. Grafol) and a soft cloth from excessive thermal compound and particles.Chapter 4 . • Measure the DC voltage and the mains voltage. • Clear a suitable space outside of the immediate work area for removed screws. • Study the safety instructions in Safety instructions-chapter. Service manual 4-1 . • Clean the heat sink surface with an appropriate solvent (e.g. cautions and precautions for working on a powered ACx 600 and for handling a Power Plate.section Power Plate handling which includes warnings. When installing the Power Plate on the heat sink. • Put the wristband on your wrist. components and subassemblies to avoid mislaying or damaging them. The Power Plate spare parts kit includes a tube of a thermal compound. The voltages must be zero before you continue working with the unit. • Remove the wiring. • Install the wristband and the earthing mat according to ABB Industry Oy ESD Directive. read carefully Safety instructions . • Remove the front cover of the ACx 600 unit. • Disconnect the mains supply. • Remove the faulty Power Plate. the following instructions should be applied to maximise the effect of the heat sink and to minimise the stress concentrated on the Power Plate. • Remove the boards and the busbars to gain access to the Power Plate. • Wait at least five minutes. Accessing the Power Plate Thermal compound Power Plate assembly The recommended thermal compound type is WPS II.Replacement of the Power Plate General Before working with ACx 600 or handling the Power Plate. bolts. 1 and in sequence 1-2-3-4 according to Figure 4 .2.1).2 Screw numbers for a 4-screw-type Power Plate • Tighten the screws to the final torque according to Table 4 . Press at least five seconds. Figure 4 . 4-2 Service manual .1 in sequence 1-2-3-4 according to Figure 4 .Chapter 4 -Replacement of the Power Plate 4-screw-type Power Plate • Clean the base plate surface with an appropriate solvent (e. Figure 4 . • Wipe off the excess of thermal compound (see Figure 4 .2.g. Thermal compound should fill the areas (holes) on the base plate and heat sink. • Tighten the screws to a pre-torque according to Table 4 . The thermal compound layer should be as thin as possible. Grafol) and a soft cloth from particles.3). so that no air is left between (see Figure 4 . • Apply a thin layer of thermal compound with a rubber spatula or with hand on the surface of the base plate.1 Side view of a Power plate • Put the Power Plate on the heat sink and press by hands to extend the thermal compound. 3). so that no air is left between (see Figure 4 . Service manual 4-3 . • Wipe off the excess of thermal compound (see Figure 4 .4.g. Thermal compound should fill the areas (holes) on the base plate and heat sink.4 Screw numbers for a 6-screw-type Power Plate • Tighten the screws to the final torque according to Table 4 . Figure 4 .4.Replacement of the Power Plate Figure 4 .Chapter 4.3 Top view of a Power Plate 6-screw-type Power Plate • Clean the base plate surface with an appropriate solvent (e. • Apply thin layer of thermal compound with a rubber spatula or with hand on the surface of the base plate.1 in sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6 according to Figure 4 .1). Grafol) and a soft cloth from particles. • Put the Power Plate on the heat sink and press by hands to extend the thermal compound.1 in sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6 according to Figure 4 . • Tighten the screws to a pre-torque according to Table 4 . Press at least five seconds. The thermal compound layer should be as thin as possible. 0 Nm 3. Check after the assembly • When assembling the NGDR (Gate Driver Board) it is necessary to check that the connection pins of the Power Plate go into the connectors of the NGDR board.1. Helsinki.Chapter 4 -Replacement of the Power Plate • Connect and tighten the wiring according to Table 4 . • Ensure that the flat cables of the phase modules are properly fastened (locked). Assembling screw type Pre-torque Module assembling screws M6 (∅ 6 mm) Main circuit terminals M6 (∅ 6 mm) 1. Drives. Please.1 Torque for the installation and the connection screws. Finland.0 Nm 4-4 Service manual . report the failed Power Plate type and manufacturing date code to ABB Industry. Table 4 .0 Nm Torque Final torque 3. . 07.O.2001 .Box 184 FIN-00381 HELSINKI FINLAND Telephone Telefax + 358 10 22 2000 + 358 10 22 22681 3BFE 64158805 R0225 EFFECTIVE: 02.ABB Industry Oy Drives P.
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