Iffco Phulpur Project on Power Plant

April 2, 2018 | Author: Amit Kumar | Category: Inductor, Transformer, Electric Power Distribution, Electric Generator, Inductance



IFFCO PHULPURAT A GLANCE INTRODUCTION IFFCO PHULPUR UNIT was conceived on DEC. 1980. The unit is located at 34 km away from Allahabad, at Phulpur Tehsil on Allahabad-Jaunpur Highway. It was inaugurated by late Prime Minister Mrs. INDIRA GANDHI. It is the biggest plant in the world using NAPTHA as the feed stock. But now RLNG (Re liquefied Nitrogen Gas) is used with NAPTHA as well. MAIN INPUTS OF THE PLANT FUEL OIL : 100 tones /day (supplied by IOC) NAPTHA : 1900 tones/day (supplied by IOC) COAL : 1000 tones/day (supplied by center coal Field ltd.) 30 tones/day (pumped from bore Well) RAW WATER: ELECTRIC POWER: 24 MW AIR : From Atmosphere CHEMICALS AND LUBRICANTS: Petrol oil INSTALLED ANNUAL CAPACITY: Urea : 3.689 million MT NPK/DAP: 2.191 million MT Contributed about 20% to the total ‘N’ and 24% to the total ‘P2O5’ produced in the country. 1974 Rs. (American Company) M/s SNAM PROGETTI (Italian company) M/s BHEL M/s BHEL . 1976 March 28.5MW January 16. 1981 1070 Acres 49500 MT Urea /Year CONSULTANTS M/s PULLMAN KELLOGG.2050 million May 26.IFFCO PHULPUR UNIT -1 AT A GLANCE Foundation stone laid: Total cost: Zero date of production: Date of commercial production: Total Area: Total production: PLANT CAPACITY Ammonia Plant 1215 MTPD Urea Plant 2115 MTPD Power Boilers Turbo Generator 3*125MT/HR 1*12. 11900 million April 20.L (Italian company) M/s BHEL M/s BHEL . 1995 Dec 22.I. 1997 5600 MT UREA /Year CONSULTANTS M/s HAIDER TOPSOE (American Company) M/s P.D.IFFCO PHULPUR UNIT -2 AT A GLANCE Plant: Total cost: Zero date of production: Date of commercial production: Total production: PLANT CAPACITY Ammonia Plant 1*1500MTPD Urea Plant 1*2586MTPD Product Handling Power Boilers Turbo Generator 4000MTPD 1*200MT/HR 1*18MW 320 Acres Rs. TOTAL AREA: 1070 ACRES Plant : 320 Acres Township : 480 Acres Cordet : 150 Acres Ash Pond : 120 Acres . There are 38 major producers producing NH 3 and NP/NPK fertilizers in country at present. Units from private sectors. The fertilizer industry has organized itself fertilizer Association (FAI) to coordinate with the Government of India to achieve the macro economic objectives related to agricultural sector and to provide other services. KRIBCHO. The fertilizer industry of India had made constructive use of fertilizer provided by the government of India to ensure that the country achieved reasonable self efficiency in food grain production. Cooperative society like IFFCO. .FERTILIZER INDUSTRY The fertilizer industry in India consists of three major players: The government owned public sector undertakings. executed by INDUSTRIES CHEMIQUE DE SENEGAL (ICS) in Senegal-West Africa.INTRODUCTION INDIAN FARMERS FERTILIZER COOPERATIVE LTD. IFFCO’s contribution to GFCL is 8 cr. for production of phosphoric acid and solid phosphoric fertilizer. IFFCO KALOL. strengthening cooperatives and providing services to farmers and rural community Quality management. registered on 3rd Nov. which has command over all four units. Besides these there is a head office in New Delhi. IFFCO KANDLA. IFFCO along with SPIC and Government of India participated in a joint venture product. IFFCO alone contribute 18% of nitrogenous and 16. All the four units and head office are interconnected through WAN and the individual units are interconnected through LAN. Popularly known as IFFCO is a well known fertilizer company.108 cr.3% phosphoric fertilizer produce in the country. It is a cooperative society and today 36000 cooperative societies are its member. IFFCO has awarded ISO 9002 for marketing fertilizer. State Government and Indian Farmers. The IFFCO has four branches namely IFFCO PHULPUR. IFFCO has shares of Central Government. . In 1980 IFFCO has promoted KRIBHCO along with Government of Andhra Pradesh promoted GFCL at cost of RS. IFFCO AONLA. 1967. IFFCO is basically a fertilizer company and its objective is to produce fertilizer and to dispatch it. Kalol and Phulpur have been completed on schedule. which has heralded realization of all the objectives set forth under IFFCO VISION 2000. the expansion projects at Aonla . The latest feather in the cap of IFFCO was completion of Kandla Phase II on 5th August 1999. The number of cooperative societies associated with IFFCO has risen from 57 in 1967 to more than 36. Another Ammonia – Urea complex was set up at Phulpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh in 1981. Allahabad (Allahabad) UNIT PROFILE: During mid . a new cooperative society was conceived to specifically cater to the requirements of farmers of the country through their own cooperative societies created this new institution to safeguard their interests. This sector had inadequate infrastructure to distribute fertilizer but had no production facilities of its own and hence dependent on public/private sectors for supplies. IFFCO commissioned the ammonia –urea complex at KALOL and the NPK/DAP plant at KANDLA both in the state of Gujarat in 1975.INDIAN FARMERS FERTILIZER COOPERATIVE LTD.60’s the cooperative sector in India was responsible for distribution of 70% of fertilizers consumed in the country. To overcome this lacuna and to bridge the demand supply gap in the country. Phulpur Unit. As per the . In 1993 IFFCO had drawn up a major expansion programmed of all the four plants under overall aegis of IFFCO VISION 2000.62 million tones of Urea and NPK/DAP equivalent to 309 thousand tons of phosphates. The Ammonia-Urea unit at Aonla was commissioned in 1988.000 now. The annual installed capacity of all the plants was 1. At IFFCO. IFFCO Phulpur complex has two production units. commitment to quality is insurmountable and harnessing of mother Earth’s bounty to drive hunger away from India in an ecologically sustainable manner is the prime mission. Inert gas plant. sales and promotion are coordinated by Marketing Central Office (MKCO) at New Delhi assisted by the Marketing offices in the field. Situated near Allahabad. Phulpur Unit-I comprising of one 900 Te/Day Ammonia Plant and a 1500 Te/ Day Urea plant along with associated offsite facilities like steam generation plant. etc was commissioned way back in 1981. IFFCO today is a leading player in India’s fertilizer industry and is making substantial contributions to the efforts of the Indian Government to increase food grain production in the country. IFFCO obsessively nurtures its relations with farmers and undertakes a large number of agricultural extension activities for their benefit every year.Phulpur Unit-I and Phulpur Unit-II and is the world’s largest complex based on Naptha as feed stock.radition of IFFCO the project was completed more than two months ahead of schedule. The entire activities of Distribution.69 million tones of Urea and NPK/DAO equivalent to 825 thousand tones of phosphates.000 cooperative societies. As a result of these expansion projects IFFCO’s annual capacity has been increased to 3. Due to increasing demand-supply gap of Urea in the country. DM water plant. Government of India has given approval for expansion project at . essential agro-inputs are made available to the farmers through a chain of 166 Farmers Service Centre (FSC). The distribution of IFFCO’s fertilizer is undertaken through over 36. Power Generation plant. the thirst forever improving the services to the farmers and member cooperatives is insatiable. In addition. 094 6.64 9. Energy consumption Ammonia and Urea manufacturing is highly energy intensive and it contributes more than 80% of the total cost of production in a big way. It has substantially reduced its energy consumption during three years as shown in the following table.70 9.944 6. PLANT Year-2005 Year-2006 Year-2007 Ammonia-I Urea-I Ammonia-II Urea-II Urea(I+II) 9.001 6.466 7.636 7.689 8. Apart from cost of production reduction in energy saves the valuable fast depleting natural resources such as Naptha and Coal.648 7.111 6. IFFCO Phulpur complex has become one of the lowest energy consuming units amongst Naptha based fertilizer plants in India.989 6. Therefore.024 6. . Phulpur Unit-II was commissioned in December 1997 and consists of 1350 MTPD Ammonia plant and 2200 MTPD Urea plant along with associated off sites facilities based on latest state of art technologies. the energy conservation is a major corporate objective at IFFCO and it is continuous process at its units.59 Note: All figures are in Mkcal/MT.621 7.489 7.Phulpur site since basic infrastructure facilities were available at Phulpur. THE OTHER BRANCHES OF IFFCO . .  IFFCO KALOL UNIT: This is IFFCO’s first unit situated in Gujarat.  IFFCO KANDLA UNIT: This unit is also situated in Gujarat. Grade 2.10:26:26 and 2.3 crores. USA. Total capacity = 5. The main product of this unit is Ammonia and Urea. 1497 crores. Capacity of Urea (NH2CONH2) = 1650MT/Day and the technology involved is semi carbon. Raw material used is natural gas. The total investment is Rs. the commercial production started in 1981 and total investment is Rs.54 Million MT/Day. commissioned in 1975. Grade 1. The main product of this unit is NPK (Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium) and DAP (Timonium Phosphate) The NPK produced has two grades.12:32:16 DAP produced has the ratio of 18:46:0 Total capacity= 16 MT/Annum . commissioned in 1975and expanded in 1997. 1.2005. Capacity of Ammonia (NH3) = 1100MT/Day and the technology involved is Pullman Kellogg’s. .S. Italy. The main product of this unit is also Ammonia (NH3) and Urea (NH2CONH2).A. This unit has two plants A1 and A2.6 crores and of plant A2 is RS.954. Investment of plant A1is Rs. IFFCO AONLA UNIT: This unit is situated in Bareilly (UP).651. Total capacity of Ammonia (NH3) = 3000MT/Day and the technology involved is H. Denmark.7 crores.T. Total capacity of Urea (NH2CONH2) = 5172MT/Day and the technology involved is Snamprogetti. commissioned in 1988 and expanded also in 1988. 120 Acre for Ash pond. strengthening Co-operatives and providing services to farmers and rural community quality management. . a Cordett (Cooperative Rural Development Trust) and an offsite plant. The total production of Ammonia (NH3) and Urea (NH2CONH2) in P1 till 31 march2010 is 89.44 lac MT respectively.Gorakhpur Highway marg . and in P2 are 36 lac MT and 62 lac MT resp. about 30 KM from Allahabad (UP) on the Allahabad. The project of plant P1 started in 26 May 1976 and the commercial project started in 28 March 1981. Total area of the campus is 1070 acre in which 320 acre is for plant area. Total area of the campus Plant Area Township Area Cordet Area Ash pond Area 1070 Acre 320 Acre 480 Acre 150 Acre 120 Acre The main product of the plant is Ammonia (NH3) and Urea (NH2CONH2).IFFCO PHULPUR UNIT This unit is situated in Phulpur. IFFCO has been awarded ISO 9002 for marketing Fertilizer. This unit has two plants P1 and P2. 480 acre for township. 150 acre for cordet. The zero date of P2 was 20 April 1995 and the commercial project started on 22 December 1997.96 lac MT and 155. a well managed clean and beautiful Township. S. 1500 2200 Consultant/Supplier M/S Snamprogetti. 2. Italy M/S Snamprogetti.A. Italy . 2. 1215 1740 Consultant/Supplier M/S Pullman Kellogg.Denmark The capacity of Urea (NH2CONH2): Phase (Plant) MT/Day 1.T.The capacity of Ammonia (NH3): Phase (Plant) MT/Day 1. USA M/S H. forming community and internal/external customers by manufacturing and supplying specified quality Urea through:  Development of human resources.  Improving technology for enhancing/maintaining productivity ad growth  Creating safe. healthy.  Co-operation and team spirit. . QUALITY POLICY IFFCO Phulpur is committed to achieve satisfaction of its cooperative societies.  Comply with relevant laws.  Minimize waste by recycling/reutilization and optimize natural Resources consumption. regulation and society’s requirement. and is committed by Ensure ecological balance & production of pollution. working condition and ecofriendly environment.ENVIROMENT POLICY IFFCO Phulpur is conscious of its responsibility towards maintaining a safe and clean environment.  Promote green surrounding through planting of trees around manufacturing & living trees. coal and Oxygen. the oxygen is extracted from atmospheric air.5 18 Basically.5 MW power is also drawn from UPPCL to run some of the plant services. the required steam is generated. The electricity ensures continuous supply to run the plant. After that the coal is pulverized in coal mills. (Kg/Cm2) (0C) 108 115 465 515 Turbo Generator (MW) 12. from Bunkers to RCF where the coal size is reduced to 20mm from the size of 500 mm by crusher. where are four No. The generated steam is used to run turbines and these ultimately generate the desired Electricity. .POWER PLANT For the fulfillment of the Steam and power required by Ammonia and Urea plant. from Crusher it is sent to the Bunkers. Now. Along with 0. The specifications of the 4 boilers installed in P1 & P2 are as follows: Plant No. of boilers installed & supplied by BHEL Hyderabad. the pulverized coal is sent to the Boilers where it burns with air and thus. the material required for producing steam are Water. of Material Capacity boiler required (T/hr) P1 P2 3 1 Coal Gas 125 200 Pressure Temp. The coal is sent to the crusher through belt conveyers from Wagaon. The water is sent to the boiler through feed pumps. boilers with a water in tube arrangement boiler number four is having capacity of 200 T/hr while other ones are having capacity of 125 T/hr therefore total capacity of all the four boilers is 575 T/hr there are two turbines generators which are the heart of power plant they are bring TG-1 & TG-2. Intermediate pressure stage has clever stages. for their working. three boilers are mainly coal fired. High pressure side has 16 stages that is 16 set of wheels.5 MW. one wheel and first stage of turbine.5 MW TG-2 = 18 MW Thus the total output obtained by power plant is 30.Power plant of IFFCO is supplied steam by four boilers numbering up to four from one. These two generators require two steam turbines.5 MW generator is of 25 stages while the turbine for 18 MW generator is having 32 stages. the turbine has below stages:     Curtis wheel. both the turbines are impulse reaction turbine the first stage of turbine is purely impulse and is called Curtis wheel it is responsible for supplying power to the motor that is the main power to produce torque is provided by this wheel it leads to the initiation of motion of motor. TG-1 = 12. Turbine 1 for 12. The 32 stage turbine is being shown in figure. . While the number four is mainly oil fired boiler all of three boilers are vertical boilers. Low pressure side it has four stages and is last part of rotor. a slight change in energy consumptions affects the cost of production in a big way. the Energy conservation is a major corporate objective at IFFCO and it is a continuous process at its units.689 8.024 6.944 6. Therefore. Therefore. Apart from cost of production reduction in energy saves the valuable fast depleting natural resources such as Naphtha & Coal. The details are highlighted below: Plant Ammonia-1 Urea-1 Ammonia-2 Urea-2 Urea (1+2) 2001-02 9.001 6.489 7.648 7.64 2003-04 9.111 6.Energy Consumption Ammonia & Urea manufacturing is highly energy intensive and it contributes more than 80% of the total cost of production Urea.094 6.621 7.59 .70 Note: All figures are in Mkcal/MT 2002-03 9. It has substantially reduced its energy consumption during last three years.989 6. IFFCO-Phulpur complex has become one of the lowest energy-consuming units amongst Naphtha based fertilizer plants in India.636 7.466 7. TG-2) 0. Type: Fluid hackled: Suction/discharge pressure: Capacity: Fluid temperature: Specific gravity of steam: at inlet temperature: Viscosity of steam: Turbine speed: Efficiency: Exhaust pressure: Steam turbine carbonate solution 26. No.5.cm.65/771 ata 691. TURBO-GENERATOR Rated speed: Insulation CL: Frequency: Type : PH: Species: Ser.A.8 9020 .: K.39 Cent.DESIGN AND OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS TURBINE TYPE: Extraction cum condensing turbine.F.V.215 0.: Coolant: Rated power: P.18 MW (TG-1. Stokes 3560 rpm. 84% 0.86 kg/sq.3 M3/hr 116C 1.: 3000 RPM B 50HZ Teri 800-188 3 5422 1344 Air 12. -2) 159V 590 Amp. – 1) 13. of fans: Application: Turbine rating: Fan speed: Motor/turbine speed: NDV – 16 BAB 2 (0ne fan driven by Motor and another driven By turbine) Forced draft fan 275 KW 1480 rpm 1480 rpm NOTE: TG-1 has exciter with brushes while TG – 2 has brush less exciter. RADIAL FAN: Type: No. in TG – 2 electronic rectifiers are used by which .STATOR: Voltage: Current: 11KV 820 Amp ROTOR: Voltage: Current: 120V 370 Amp EXCITER: Voltage: Current: 132V 150 Amp OUTPUT: Power: Voltage: Current: 10 MW/hr (T.5MW/hr (T.G.G. Energy Conservation Commitment. which states: “IFFCO is committed to manufacture and supply of quality urea with minimum possible energy through: Adoption of latest development and technologies. Technical Services. energy conservation receives top priority of IFFCO Phulpur. It meets periodically to discuss the various loss points either due to plant operating troubles or . As energy contributes more than 80% of cost of production and sharp rise in energy cost. 2001 IFFCO Phulpur formulated its Energy Management Policy. Minimize waste by recycling / reutilization and optimize resource consumption. Energy Management Policy: On March 5. viz Production. Maintenance.” Energy Conservation Cell: The energy consumption is monitored on daily basis. supply is fed to field circuit of the generator and are placed on shaft itself to overcome the problem of arcing and brushes. creating awareness among each and every individual about energy conservation.D.C. Utilities. Policy and Organizational Set up. headed by Joint General Manager – Technical. Better operation and maintenance practices. Phulpur unit has constituted a task force. Finance & accounts etc. creating safe healthy working conditions and ecofriendly environment. The task force comprises of senior persons from various departments. owing to design limitations or development of new technology.0. for improving the energy efficiency within the existing facilities. studies are carried out and modifications are done in-house .16 MT Steam / Motif Urea. Major modifications carried out in Phulpur-1 are listed as below: PHULPUR-I 1. Synthesis Converter Retrofit Net Improvement in energy saving: . Reputed professionals are invited as Faculty for the n-house programmers.0.1108 Gcal/Mt of Ammonia 2. The Engineers and operators / technicians connected to each plant are regularly sent for in house/ outside training programmers and Seminars on energy conservation to created their interest in this area as well as make them aware of the various methods / developments in the field of energy conservation.0.117 Gcal/Mt of Ammonia. Lo-Heat Ben field retrofit in CO2 removal system Net Improvement in energy saving: . 4.096 Gcal/Mt of Ammonia. 3.0. Modified CO2 Compressor Turbine in Urea plant Net Improvement in energy saving: . Purge Gas recovery unit in Ammonia-1 plant Net improvement in energy saving:. . Energy Conservation Achievements: Phulpur unit has always been a leader in adopting new developments in the field of fertilizer production and number of modification / revamp has been carried out over the years. which have resulted in substantial improvement in energy consumption. Besides this. Purge Gas recovery unit based on Membrane Separation Technique has been installed in Dec. Energy consumption in Phulpur-I has been brought down from the level of 12. which shows a remarkable reduction. Similarly in Phulpur – II the energy consumption is improving day by day and it is at a level of 6.5 Gcal/MT i. 2001 which has resulted in energy saving by 0.5 Gcal/MT in initial years to the current level of 7. PLANT 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 %Reduction over 2001 .e. with Naphtha as fuel. a reduction of about 40%. Medium pressure process condensate striper. Following table shows the energy consumption pattern & savings achieved in energy during last three years. There has been a steady decline in specific electrical and thermal energy consumption.5. Heat recovery unit connected to the gas turbine for generating high-pressure steams to meet the requirement of Ammonia and Urea Plant.0 Gcal/MT of urea which is lowest among the contemporary naphtha based plants in the country. Installation of Pre-Concentrator in Urea plant (In Year 2001-02) Net Improvement in energy saving features which have been incorporated in the new plant since design stage are as follows: PHULPUR-II     Gas turbine drive. for process air compressor.11 Gcal/MT of ammonia. GV-Low energy CO2 removal system. 489 7.989 6. a dense phase dry fly ash disposal plant has been installed which directly fills the fly ash in closed tankers for transportation of the ash to the cement plants manufacturing Portland pozzolana cement.094 6.072 9. Power plant. Energy Conservation Plans and Targets: Energy conservation is an ongoing process at IFFCO Phulpur unit has launched its major Energy Saving Project (ESP) worth Rs.Ammonia-1 Urea-1 Ammonia-2 Urea-2 10.621 7. To overcome the problem of fly ash disposal generated in the Captive. Electro Static Precipitators. This project is scheduled to be implemented in 3 phases by the year 2006.82 Note: All figures are in Mkcal/MT Recently.334 7. which is a natural means of air purification.111 9. For controlling air pollution. IFFCO-Phulpur unitII bagged Prestigious “National Energy Conservation Award2003” from Govt. A lush green belt with about 3 lakh trees has been developed all around the factory premises. Dust Extraction Systems.150 Crores for its existing Ammonia & Urea plants.024 6. of India.105 8.32 7.001 9.115 8.648 7.689 8.466 7. plants have been provided with Bag Filters.71 4.636 7. Phulpur Unit has always put its best efforts for conserving water. Environment and safety: IFFCO Phulpur Unit is totally committed for maintaining an ecofriendly environment. Following major proposals are in hand at Phulpur unit as a part of its future plans for energy conservation. The effluent generated in the plant is . etc.68 14.944 6. Ministry of Power. FAI. of training programmes are organized including practical demonstration of safety related equipments at site to create awareness at every level. etc. . Plant and its township have ISO 14001 certification which speaks volumes about its environmental commitment. The complex has won the 1st Environment Excellence award from Indo-German Greentech foundation and TERI award on Environment Excellence for industries with turnover of Rs. IFFCO Phulpur has own number of safety awards from various agencies such as. Similarly safety of employees is the prime concern of management at IFFCO Phulpur and all measures are taken so that no untoward incidence took place. The safety committee headed by chief of the Fire & Safety department meets regularly and discusses the safety related problems with plant personnel and remedial actions are taken accordingly. Ministry of Labors. Even the sewage water generated in the township is reused in the plant after treatment in sewage treatment plant. The plant is running on zero effluent discharge and total recycle basis. The present specific water consumption is the lowest among the fertilizer industry in the country.500 crore and above. No.recycled back after purification in Reverse Osmosis Plant. . The Power System comprises of four levels:  Generation  Transmission  Distribution  Utilization GENERATION . for their working. Although the electrical power requirement at IFFCO Phulpur unit is about 25 MW. UPPCL also provides two transmission lines of 12.5 MVA each. The steam consumption of TG1 is 85 MT and of TG2 is 106 MT respectively.There are two turbine generators TG1 and TG2 having rated output power of 12. These two generators require two steam turbines. TURBO-GENERATOR: A Turbo Generator is a machine which produces electric power as output when mechanical power is applied at its shaft. Turbo Generators are the alternators whose shaft is run by steam turbines. Thus the total output power obtained by power plant is 30.5 MW and 18 MW at 11 KV level. CONSTRUCTION: . Along with these power sources IFFCO Phulpur has two AMF DG sets which are diesel fired.5 MW. In most cases necessary exciting current is obtained from a small D. supply through an external D. OPERATING PRINCIPLE: . The magnetic poles are excited from direct current supplied by a D.C. Because the field magnets are rotating.C. exciter and a group of electronic rectifiers supply d. while TG1 is given D.8A. TG2 has an exciter of 43. NOTE: TG2 uses Brushless excitation System.A Turbo Generator basically consists of two parts:  Stator  Rotor The armature winding is mounted on a stationary element called STATOR and field windings are mounted on a rotating element called ROTOR. Recently brushless excitation systems have been developed in which a 3-φ a. to the alternator. The rotor is like a flywheel having alternate N and S fixed to its outer rim.c. while TG1 uses two Slip Rings for excitation of its field winding.C.5V and 10. Shunt Generator called as exciter which is belted or mounted on the shaft of the Alternator itself. The stator consists of a cast-iron frame. which supports the armature core. this current is supplied through two slip rings.c. source. having slots on its inner periphery for housing the armature conductors.C. NOTE: At IFFCO Phulpur. source. When the rotor rotates, the stator conductors (being stationary) are cut by –the magnetic flux, hence they have induced e.m.f. produced in them. Because the magnetic poles are alternatelyN and S, they induce an e.m.f. and hence current armature conductors, which flows in one direction and then in the other. Hence an alternating e.m.f. is produced in the stator conductors, whose frequency depends on the number of N and S poles moving past a conductor in one second and whose direction is given by Fleming’s right hand rule. RATINGS: The ratings of the TG’s are given as: Rated speed: Insulation CL: Frequency: Type: Phase: Species: Ser. No.: Coolant: Rated power: P.F.: K.V.A.: 3000 RPM B 50HZ Teri 800-188 3 5422 1344 Air 12.5 MW (TG-1) 0.8 9020 STATOR Voltage: Current: ROTOR 11KV 820 Amps Voltage: Current: 120V 370 Amps EXCITER Voltage: Current: 132V 150 Amps OUTPUT Power: 10 MW/hr (T.G. – 1) Voltage: Current: 13.5MW/hr (T.G. -2) 159V 590 Amps. RADIAL FAN Type: No. of fans: Application: Turbine rating: Fan speed: Motor/turbine speed: NDV – 16 BAB 2 (0ne fan driven by Motor and another driven By turbine) Forced draft fan 275 KW 1480 rpm 1480 rpm NOTE: TG-1 has exciter with brush while TG – 2 has brush less exciter. In TG – 2 electronic rectifiers is used by which D.C. is produced by rectifying a.c. into d.c. PURCHASED POWER IFFCO Phulpur purchases 25 MVA of power from UPPCL. For this purpose UPPCL provides IFFCO Phulpur with two transmission lines of 12.5 MVA each at 132 KV. AMF DG SETS There are two AMF DG (Auto main failure Diesel Generator) sets which produce electrical power of   1MW at 415 V 2.2 MW at 415V. Thus the total emergency power for which we have diesel generator sets is 3.2 MW. These AMF DG Sets are used in case both the Turbo Generators fail and the UPPCL power is also unavailable to the plant. The AMF sets are not used to run the plant. These sets are used to obtain the required electrical power to start a motor which aids to circulate the oil in bearings of large turbines. Also it is used to obtain the required electrical power for the emergency shut down of the plant. The power generated by TG1 and TG2 and the power taken from UPPCL transmission lines along with the armature current, terminal voltage, frequency and power factor as on 6/17/2010 are as given: GENERATED POWER PURCHASED POWER MW AMP KV Hz PF TG-1 TG-2 10.38 760.07 10.97 49.77 0.79 15.55 983.54 11.11 49.78 0.86 ACTUAL VOLTAGE SET VOLTAGE UPPCL LINE-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UPPCL LINE2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LINE-1 10.60 LINE-2 10.75 11.00 11.00 NOTE: All the data in the above table are as on 17/6/2010 TRANSMISSION There are two transmission lines from UPPCL having capacity of 50 MVA each, at line voltage 132 KV. The IFFCO Phulpur Unit purchases 12.5 MVA of power from each. The transmission of electrical power at IFFCO Phulpur Unit is mainly at 11 KV level. Thus the bus bars are used for transmitting electric power in the plant. .For the distribution of power at lower voltage levels underground cables are used. .3KV intermediate level. Thus first of all lets us understand the transformer and circuit breaker in brief: TRANSFORMER: A transformer is a static apparatus by means of which electrical power in one circuit is transformed into electrical power of the same frequency in another circuit.DISTRIBUTION The distribution of electrical power at IFFCO Phulpur Unit is done at different voltage levels. most widespread.  415V constitute the backbone of the whole network.  11KV both at generation level and distribution level to various plants.  3. In other words we can say that it is an apparatus which transforms electrical power at different voltage levels such that the frequency remains same. The distribution of electrical power involves transformers and circuit breakers. Voltage levels prevailing in the distribution network 132KV at the transmission level (Switch yard). most of which is linked with the other coil in which it produces mutually induced e. is called secondary winding. a transformer is a device that:  Transfers electric power from one circuit to another  It does so without a change of frequency  It accomplishes it by electromagnetic induction and . is called Primary Winding and the other from which energy is drawn out. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF TRANSFORMER: The physical basis of a transformer is mutual induction between two circuits linked by a common magnetic flux. In brief. If the coil circuit is closed. (according to faradays law of electro magnetic induction e= MdI/dT). If one coil is connected to a source of alternating voltage. in which electric energy is fed from the ac supply mains.m.It can raise or lower the voltage n a circuit but with a corresponding decrease or increase in the current. In its simplest form. an alternating flux is setup in the laminated core. it consists of two inductive coils which are electrically separated but magnetically linked through a path of low reluctance.f. The two coils possess high mutual inductance. The first coil. a current flows in it and so electric energy is transferred (entirely magnetically) from the first coil to the second coil.  Where the two electric circuits are mutual inductive influence of each other. CIRCUIT BREAKERS: A circuit breaker is used for making or breaking a circuit. 3.  ACB. . There are various types of circuit breakers used at IFFCO Phulpur unit which are4 as follows: Type of Circuit Breakers used:  MOCB.at 132KV.at 415V level.  VCB.3KV level.at 3.3KV level.  VC.at 11KV level. VACCUM CIRCUIT BREAKER . . The purchased electrical power from UPPCL at 132 KV level is stepped down to 11 KV level by:  Two step down Transformers of rating 132/11 KV and 12.5 MVA each. Type of the circuit breaker used:  Vacuum Circuit Breaker at 11 KV level.at 132KV level DISTRIBUTION AT 11KV LEVEL: Electrical power is generated at 11KV level in the power plant. This Electrical power at 11KV level is distributed to the various plants and is used to drive big motors and pumps of the various plants.132KV AT THE TRANSMISSION LEVEL: Electrical power is purchased from UPPCL at 132 KV level by two Transmission lines of 12. Type of Circuit Breaker used: MOCB.5 MVA each at the switch yard. POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL . 3 KV Step down transformers Type of the circuit breaker used:  VC.3 KV level is stepped down to 415V by:  sixteen 3. The electrical power at 3.3 KV level is distributed in the various plants and is used to drive motors and pumps of the various plants. DISTRIBUTION AT 415V LEVEL: The distribution of electrical power at 415V constitutes the back bone of the whole network.3/0.3 KV (INTERMEDIATE) LEVEL: Electrical power at 11 KV level is stepped down to 3.3KV level This electrical power at 3.3 KV level by:  Twelve 11/3.440KV step down transformers Also the electrical power at 11KV level is directly stepped down to 415V level by: .DISTRIBUTION AT 3.at 3. ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM: The following electrical power distribution single line diagrams will further describe the scheme of electrical power distribution at IFFCO Phulpur unit: .440KV step down transformers This electrical power at 415V level is used to drive small motors. Type of the circuit breaker used:  ACB. Thirty three 11/0. pumps and also for the illumination purposes in single phase.at 415V level. 11 KV INTEGRATED GRID AT POWER PLANT . . It also represents that the two Turbo Generators are interconnected to each other through two Series Reactors Reactor 1 and Reactor 2. It also shows two transmission lines at 132 KV level connected to the 11 KV bus through two 132/11KV transformers and two circuit breakers respectively. .The above single line diagram shows the 11KV integrated grid at power plant of IFFCO Phulpur unit. It shows that the power is distributed to the various loads through bus bars at 11 KV level. It represents the two Turbo Generators connected to 11 KV bus through the circuit breakers. Also the two TG’s are connected to the two transmission lines. The following single line diagrams will represent the electrical power distribution scheme and the loads at 11 KV level and the subsequent distribution levels. . The motors used in the plant are mainly squirrel cage induction motors due to their robust construction and very less requirement of maintenance. pumps and in the illumination purposes.UTILISATION The total electrical power consumption in the various plants of the unit is about 25 MW. The electrical power is mainly consumed in driving motors. And the power consumption at the township is 1MW. The electrical power consumed by various plants is given as follows: . POWER CONSUMPTION PLANT WISE . POWER CONSUMPTION IN UNIT 1 . 3 KV INSTALLATIONS IN UREA – I IN CEP-2008 4.853 MW REMARKS INCLUDING CHP 1928.28 or 11.56 UREA 1. No PLANT NAME ACTUAL LOAD IN KW 1. OFFSITES 1 1723. AMMONIA 1 3.04 2.68 5. UREA 1 4174. BAGGING 1 300 TOTAL 11853.S.00 INCLUDING CEP . POWER PLANT 1 3727. NEW 3. POWER CONSUMPTION IN POWER PLANT 1: . 00 3.S. Mill motor 9 4 280 1120 896.60 TOTAL Total Running KW Total Actual Installed Nos.80 6.00 8. FD Fan 6 4 130 520 416. Miscellane ous 322 257. No Eqpt. Ash Water Pump 3 2 175 350 280. Name 1. ID Fan 6 4 120 480 384. Boiler Feed Pump 2 1 950 950 760.00 3382.00 4. CT Fan 2 2 93 186 148.00 7. CW Pump 3 2 150 300 240.40 KW KW Standby Turbine . Rating Running load Load 4228.00 5.00 2. POWER CONSUMPTION IN AMMONIA PLANT 1: . 00 Turbine 7. CT Fan 6 6 110 660 528.S. CW Pump .00 Turbine 5.00 Turbine 10. LOP for 103J 1 0 55 0 0. LOP for 103J 1 0 37 0 0. Cold Ammonia Pump 1 1 55 0 0. CO2 Blower 1 1 470 470 376.00 8.00 Turbine . Hot Ammonia Pump 1 0 18. CO2 Stripper Reflux Pump 2 1 30 30 24.C LOP for 101J 1 0 132 0 0. Vacuum Condensate Pump 1 1 55 0 0.C 1 1 1030 1030 824.00 4.00 3.00 Turbine 9.00 2.00 Turbine 6. No Eqpt Name Total Running KW Installed Nos Rating Total Running Load Actual Load Standby 1. CW Pump .5 0 0. TOTAL 2300.00 KW 1840.00 KW POWER CONSUMPTION IN UREA.1 PLANT: . 00 2 1 30 30 24.56 KW KW Standby . 9.00 2 1 55 55 44.00 2 1 75 75 60.00 2 1 110 110 88. No Eqpt Name 1.00 2 2 310 620 496. Total Running KW Total Actual Installed Nos Rating Running Load Load 3 3 480 1440 1152. 4.S. 5.70 3324. Carbamate Pump Melted Urea Pump Condensate Pump LOP for co2 comp Hydrolyser pump Urea cw pump Urea ct fan TOTAL 2. 8. 3.00 2 1 90 90 72. 6. 7.00 4155. Pr. HP Amm Pump Carbamate Pump Med.00 4 3 150 450 360.00 3 2 530 1060 848. 3 KV INSTALLATIONS IN UREA – I IN CEP-2008  COOLING WATER PUMP 420 KW  CARBAMATE PUMP 265 KW  TOTAL ELECTRICAL LOAD INSTALLED INCLUDING 415 V MOTORS IS 850KW .NEW 3. POWER CONSUMPTION IN OFFSITE-1 PLANT: . 00 3. Agitator pump 4 1 5. Fire electric pump 3 1 220 220 176.80 SOFTENING 1 4.5 14. Eqpt.S. NO 1. Jockey pump 2 1 18. Rating Running Load Load 14 6 82 492 393.5 18.40 .00 5.5 4.5 5.60 FIRE MCC-1 2. Name Bore wells Total Running KW Total Actual Stand Installed Nos. Transfer pump 3 1 75 75 60. 00 9. Rating Running Load Load 4 1 15 15 12. NO Eqpt. Urea service water pump 2 1 30 30 24.00 .00 8. Service water pump 3 1 75 75 60.00 RAW WATER I 7. Clarifier pump Total Running KW Total Actual Standby Installed Nos. Name 6.S. Drinking water pump 3 1 15 15 12. DM Transfer pump 5 2 67 134 107. Hdrogen compressor 1 1 160 160 128.20 Turbin e 11.40 5.60 KTI1 13. NO Eqpt.00 15 Combustion air blower 2 1 16 16 12. Degassor pump 3 1 37 37 29. Nitogen compressor 1 0 160 0 0.92 12. Name CONTD….80 CONTD… . Degassor blower 4 2 3. Rating Running l Load by Load DM PLANT 1 10. Total Running KW Total Actua Stand Installed Nos.00 14.S.7 7. 68 TOTAL . Dewatering pump 2 1 30 30 24.00 AIR COMPRESSOR 1 17.Name Total Running KW Installed Nos Rating Total Actual Running Load Load 16.60 1723. LOP IR Comp 2 1 2. IR compressor 1 1 765 765 612.2 1.NO Eqpt.00 18.2 2.76 2154.S. POWER CONSUMPTION IN UNIT 2 . UREA 2 5892.25MW .No PLANT NAME ACTUAL LOAD IN KW REMARKS 1.44 INCLUDING CEP 4.08 INCLUDING CDR 3.00 2. OFFSITES 2 1720. POWER PLANT 2 1940.32 5. AMMONIA 2 7202. BAGGING 2 500 TOTAL 17254.84 or 17.S. POWER CONSUMPTION IN POWER PLANT: . Rating Running Load Actual load Standby 1000 800. Total Running KW Total Installed nos.00 2 1 30 30 24. Boiler Feed Pump 1 1 1000 2.00 2 1 110 110 88. FD Fan 5. CT Fan 2 4. Name 1.S.00 2 1 30 30 24. 7.00 1 1 275 275 220. Main oil Pump Condensate extraction pump Condensate transfer pump Make up water pump 6.00 2 1 75 75 60. CW pump 3 2 3. Eqpt. 8.00 Turbine . No.00 2 75 150 120.00 Turbine 340 680 544. ACW 1 1 75 75 60. S.00 . J O P 1 0 15 0. Rating Running load Load 10.00 TOTAL 2425. LSHS Pump 1 0 30 0.00 11.9. No Eqpt. Turning gear motor 1 0 22 0.00 0.00 1940.00 12.00 0. Name Total Running KW Total Actual Standby Installed nos.00 0.00 Contd……. POWER CONSUMPTION IN AMMONIA PLANT 2: . 00 7. Ammonia CT fan Semilean soln pump Lean soln pump Cond pump 7 7 82 574 459.20 3 1 1100 1100 880.50 17.00 6. Turbine . CO2 blower 1 1 510 510 408.00 1 1 15 15 12.00 2 1 450 450 3600. F D Fan 1 1 840 840 Turbine 4.50 14. No Eqpt Name Total Running KW Total Actual Installed Nos Rating Running Load Load 2 0 300 0 0.S.00 5.00 Standby 1. Air cooler fan 2 1 17. H2 recycle compressor 2. 8. I D Fan 1 1 840 840 Turbine 3. 9. 5 6.20 16.10. for E-3301 Vetrocock filter pump 2nd condensate pump Excess cond pump 2 1 22 22 17.5 7. Ammonia product pump 2 1 30 30 24.00 13.60 2 1 15 15 12. LOP for TP 3301 3 3 5.5 27.5 16. 12. 14.00 17.50 13.00 1st process condensate pump ` 2nd process condensate pumo 1 1 30 30 CONTD… 24.00 15. HP circulation pump 4 1 7. .00 18.00 2 1 150 150 120.5 22. 11. HP circulation pump for H3461 1 1 27.00 1 1 75 75 60. Boiler feed water pump 3 1 1450 20.00 Turbine 15 12. Ammonia CW pump 4 1 1570 1570 1256. Flue gas CW pump A 2 1 75 75 60. Fuel naphtha 1 1 20 20 16.00 25. DM water pump 1 1 110 110 88. Cond pump for E-3601 1 1 15 1450 1160.5 5.00 24. LOP for TP 3601 3 1 5. Aux LOP for TP 3801 4 2 5.00 Turbine .40 22.19.00 23.80 27.00 26.5 4. 1st wash water circu pump 2 1 45 45 36.5 11 8.00 CONTD… 21. 00 8029.5 6.5 7.feed pump 28. MOV R 3204 inlet TOTAL 1 1 7.00 POWER CONSUMPTION IN CDR PLANT: .00 6423. 00 pump 2ND wash 2 1 30 30 24. pump Steam 2 1 15 15 12.00 .00 for CDR 2. Rich soln 2 1 55 55 44.00 water cir.00 water cir. No 8. reflux 2 1 9. FG Blower 1 1 475 475 380. Eqpt Name Total Running KW Total Actual Standby Installed Nos Rating Running Load Load 1. Reg.00 compressor 3. FG CW 2 1 75 75.00 pump 6. Lean soln 2 1 55 55 44.S.00 pump 4. pump 5. 1st wash 2 1 45 45 36.3 7.3 9. 9.44 pump 7. CO2 1 1 160 160 128.00 60. 88 .3 9. 11.00 1 1 9. condensate pump FG ware wash pump Caustic feed pump TOTAL 2 1 45 45 36.60 778.3 7.10.44 973. Carbamate pump 2 1 390 390 312. Ammonia boost up pump 2 1 860 860 688.60 4.00 3. No Eqpt Name Total Running KW Total Actual Standby Installed Nos Rating Running Load Load 1.00 5.00 . CW pump 2 1 30 30 24. Ammonia pump 2 1 860 860 688.POWER CONSUMPTION IN UREA PLANT 2: 31 AREA S. Carbamate soln pump 2 1 37 37 29.00 2. 00 Contd…… S. Urea melt pump 2 1 55 55 44. Urea recovery pump 2 1 15 15 12. Name Total Running KW Total Installed Nos Rating Running Load Actual Load 9.00 7. No Eqpt. LP Flushing pump 2 1 30 30 24.00 8. Process condensa te pump 2 1 22 22 17.00 Standb . MP Flushing 2 1 110 110 88. Hydrolys 2 1 150 150 120. Ammonical water pump 2 1 30 30 24.6.60 12.00 10.00 11. 00 . MT-1 1 1 7.00 16. Ammoni cal pump 2 1 15 15 12. MP24A/B 2 1 55 55 44. Waste water feed pump 2 1 30 30 24.5 37.00 19.60 18.00 15. ME8A/B 2 1 11 11 8. Rating Running Load Load 17.00 CONTD… S.er pump 13. Eqpt. Total Running KW Total Actual Standby No Name Installed Nos. MP27A/B 2 1 22 22 17. Waste water transfer pump 2 1 30 30 24. MK3A/B 4 2 18.80 20.00 29.5 7.5 6.00 14. pump 4 2 2. No Eqpt Name 1.00 Stan by . LOP for amm. Ammonia pump Total Running KW Total Installed Nos Rating Running Load 2 1 860 860 Actual Load 688.2 4.4 3.52 41 Area S.21. 40 S. LOP for amm pump 4 2 2.80 7.2. MP 21A/B 2 1 5.00 3.5 37 29.5 5. Air 2 0 22 0.00 6.00 13. Ammonical water pump 2 1 11 11 8.40 3.60 11. 41 MME 25 2 0 15 0. Amm boost pump 2 1 30 30 24. Carbamate pump 2 1 390 390 312. 10.00 0.00 17.5 4. Urea melt pump 2 1 11 11 8.00 5. CW pump 2 1 30 30 24.00 0.2 4.60 4. MP-24A/B MP-27A/B 2 2 1 1 55 22 55 22 44. No Eqpt Name Total Running KW Total Installed Nos Rating Running Load Actual Load 9.52 14. MK-3A/B 4 2 18. Cabamate soln pump 2 1 37 37 29.00 Stan by .60 12.80 8. 5 KW EACH . Urea CT fan 5 5 97 485 388. Urea CW pump 3 2 1300 2600 2080.8 5259.5 KW EACH  2 LOP(s) FOR AMMONIA PUMPS OF 2.00 6573.compressor 15.2 KW EACH  2 CO2 REFLUX PUMP MOTORS OF 18.04 TOTAL NEW INSTALLATIONS IN UREA II  2 AMMONIA PUMP MOTORS OF 225 KW EACH  4 VACCUM CONCENTRATION FEED PUMP MOTORS OF 30 KW EACH  4 BUFFER PUMP MOTORS OF 5.00 16. 5 MW  LOAD OF P1 IS 11.TOTAL INSTALLED LOAD IS 633.4 KW NOTE: It is to be noted that the motors installed in the plants are mainly Induction motors.85 MW  LOAD OF P2 IS 17. TOTAL LOAD  LOAD OF TOWNSHIP IS 1 MW  MISCELLANEOUS LOAD IS 0.25 MW . The PLC is the backbone of LMS. .SO TOTAL LOAD OF THE PLANT AFTER CEP IS 30. Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC): Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) is a special purpose computer with digital processing capabilities.6 MW LOAD SHEDDING SCHEME THROUGH LMS LMS refers to Load Management System. It uses a Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC). In the following table we have given the load shedding scheme when TG 1 is unavailable or we can say only TG 2 is available. AMM 1 1.6 MW.2 BAGGING 1 3. POWER PLANT 1 3. Plants to be kept alive Load in MW Plants to be tripped 1. Thus the load shedding scheme when only TG 2 is available: S. Thus the total electrical power generation limits due to unavailability of TG1 but the requirement of the IFFCO Phulpur unit under normal conditions is 30. AMM 2 7.92 UREA 1 2. The LMS system monitors the whole electrical power system and whenever there is requirement it cuts the power supply to the non critical elements of the plants.designed for real time control in industrial applications. No.7 AMM 2 CWP(1570 KW) . Thus electrical power requirement of the whole unit can not be met. thus the electrical power supply is given to only critical elements of the plant. POWER PLANT 2 1. CHP 7.2 ASH WATER PUMPS 9. UREA 2 5. Thus electrical power requirement of the whole unit can not be met.4. INST AIR COMPRESSORS 1.4 BOREWELLS.96 NON PLANT BLDGS TOTAL LOAD In the following table we have given the load shedding scheme when TG 2 is unavailable or we can say only TG 1 is available.6 MW.9 CO2 BLOWER 6. OFSITES 1 &2 1.5 N2 & START UP HEATER 23. MISC 0.2 TOWNSHIP 8. thus the electrical power supply is given to only critical elements of the plant. BAGGING 2 0. .94 UREA 1 CWP(3 5. Thus the total electrical power generation limits but the requirement of the IFFCO Phulpur unit under normal conditions is 30. No PLANTS TO BE KEPT ALIVE LOAD IN MW PLANTS TO BE TRIPPED 1.WHEN ONLY TG1 IS AVAILABLE S. POWER PLANT 1 3.92 UREA 1&2 2.72 AMM 2 . AMM 2 7.2 BAGGING 1&2 3. AMM 1 1. OFFSITES 1 1.72 CO2 BLOWER 6. CHP 7. POWER PLANT 2 1. INST AIR COMPRESSORS 1.2 BOREWELLS.94 UREA 2 CWP(3) 5. N2 & START UP HEATER TOTAL 18.CWP(1570 KW) 4. MISC 0.2 MW .5 TOWNSHIP 8. ASH WATER PUMP 9.
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