IEEE Malaysia 30th Anniversary Commemoration



COMMEMORATION TABLE OF CONTENTS IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION 1 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIR’S FOREWORD PAGE 01-02 3 IEEE FELLOW IN MALAYSIA SECTION PAGE 05-06 4 2 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’S FOREWORD PAGE 03-04 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION SUMMARY PAGE 07-08 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIR’S HISTORY PAGE 11-12 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHRONOLOGICAL PAGE 09-10 15 14 13 5 6 IEEE COMSOC/VTS JOINT CHAPTER PAGE 35-36 16 IEEE RAS SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE EDUSOC CHAPTER PAGE 37-38 IEEE IMS MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE EDS/MTT/SSCS JOINT CHAPTER PAGE 33-34 IEEE CAS CHAPTER PAGE 31-32 17 18 IEEE WIE CHAPTER PAGE 39-40 IEEE EMBS CHAPTER PAGE 41-42 TABLE OF CONTENTS IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION 7 12 IEEE IE/IA JOINT CHAPTER IEEE PS MALAYSIA CHAPTER PAGE 29-30 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2015 PAGE 13-14 11 IEEE SPS MALAYSIA CHAPTER PAGE 27-28 8 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY IEEE AP/MTT/EMC JOINT CHAPTER PAGE 15-20 IEEE PES MALAYSIA CHAPTER PAGE 21-22 IEEE GRS CHAPTER IEEE PELS CHAPTER PAGE 47-48 20 19 21 IEEE CES CHAPTER PAGE 45-46 9 10 IEEE CS MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE CPMT MALAYSIA PAGE 23-26 IEEE YP CHAPTER PAGE 51-53 23 EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE PUBLICATION PAGE 55 22 IEEE TEMS CHAPTER IEEE CIS CHAPTER PAGE 49-50 IEEE CSS CHAPTER IEEE SMC CHAPTER PAGE 43-44 IEEE STUDENT BRANCH IN MALAYSIA SECTION IEEE DEI CHAPTER IEEE OE CHAPTER PAGE 53-54 24 25 01 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIRʼS FOREWORD IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION WORDS OF OUR LEADER BY ZUHAINA ZAKARIA In 2015, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of IEEE Malaysia Section. It was established on 28 July 1985 with 400 members. Over the past 30 years of establishment, IEEE Malaysia Section has developed into a thriving organization and has experienced various phases of developments. IEEE Malaysia Section is now proud with 4 joint chapters, 20 chapters, 2 affinity groups, 20 Student Branches and 5 student chapters. Its membership has reached 3500 members which indicate encouraging development in the effort to attract electrical engineering professionals in Malaysia to IEEE. IEEE Malaysia Section with its technical chapters had successfully organized many major events ranging from conferences and technical talks to social events. Some of the past major events include Region 10 Conference (TENCON) 2000 and IEEE Region 10 Technical Symposium 2014 (TENSYMP). From these activities, the presence of IEEE in the Malaysian public and in Region 10 has been enhanced tremendously. As a result, IEEE Malaysia has received several accolades from Region 10. In the year 2000, it was awarded Region 10 Distinguished Section Award and once again in 2006, IEEE Malaysia was the recipient for Region 10 Distinguished Large Section Award. The section has also initiated its own conference i.e. Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD) in 2001. SCOReD has become a series of highly successful Asia Pacific regional conference. Each year, the student branches in Malaysia take turns in hosting this conference. Anniversaries provide a valuable opportunity for reflection. Thus, this book commemorates the thirty years of IEEE Malaysia Section. It reflects on the history and growth of the section and its technical chapters through the years. However, it is not possible to cover these in about 60 pages. The content in this book has been driven by associate editors from each chapter and they have had the opportunity to explored the significance importance for the past thirty years. I hope as you browse this book, you will gain a real sense of the history of IEEE Malaysia Section. This book has been made possible with the much appreciated input from associate editors and chapter chairs. Finally, I would like to recognize Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin and Norliza Mohd Noor who oversaw the project and ensured its success. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION “ ANNIVERSARIES PROVIDE A VALUABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR REFLECTION. THUS, THIS BOOK COMMEMORATES THE THIRTY YEARS OF IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION. IT REFLECTS ON THE HISTORY AND GROWTH OF THE SECTION AND ITS TECHNICAL CHAPTERS THROUGH THE YEARS.” IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIRʼS FOREWORD It is important to note that the IEEE Malaysia Section is comprised of volunteers. On behalf of the current Executive Committee, I would like to express my appreciation to all past chairs and executive committees for their contributions that made the journey a success. I also hope that the incoming committee will continue to drive IEEE Malaysia Section to a greater height. 02 03 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION EDITOR-IN-CHIEFʼS FOREWORD “ IT TOOK AN EXTRAORDINARY EFFORT TO COMPILE ALL THE HISTORICAL INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS BOOK, IN ORDER TO GET THIS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE PUBLICATION PUBLISHED. THE EFFORT HAS BEEN TREMENDOUS. MANY MONTHS WERE SPENT, AND MANY PEOPLE WERE INTERVIEWED, EMAILED AND CALLED. MANY MORE PEOPLE WERE INVOLVED IN THE EDITING AND PROOFREADING OF THIS BOOK.” IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION To all members, I hope this special document can become a source of reference for you to understand more about this organization. Without all the volunteers featured in this book as well as those who contributed directly or indirectly behind the scene, IEEE Malaysia Section and all the Technical Chapters would not have been able to provide the countless benefits to all its 3500-strong members. Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION EDITOR-IN-CHIEFʼS FOREWORD 04 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK BY FAWNIZU AZMADI HUSSIN The idea to publish this special edition to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the IEEE Malaysia Section was mooted by the chair, Zuhaina Zakaria, when she realized that important milestone. I knew early that the job was not going to be a trivial one. It was going to involve an extensive research on the history of Malaysia section, which includes all the 23 chapters and 2 affinity groups. The editing job was not going to be an easy one considering how complex the organization is and how many volunteers are involved in making this professional society run like a well-oiled machine it is today. I started using my good helper “Google” to find all annual reports of the Malaysia section, but as expected I only managed to find a handful of those reports; all from the last 15 years. The reports from the first 15 years were non-existent. Having been acquainted with the IEEE Asia Pacific Operations Center during the earlier excomm meeting, I sought the assistance of Wan Chin Teh, who connected me to Fanny Su Beh Noi and Ewell Tan who were very helpful to provide me the history of all section and chapter chairs in the Malaysia Section. Of course, in doing this, the IEEE AP staff, who are based in Singapore, was careful to ensure that we abide to all the required Personal Data Protection Act guidelines. That information was the important seed that created this 50-page report that you are holding in your hands. I couldn’t have done this alone. I also engaged the assistance of the Associate Editor for the Malaysia Section history, Norliza Mohd Noor, who is also the immediate past chair. Special appreciation goes to one past chair, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali, who were tireless in answering my barrage of questions regarding the past history of the Malaysia Section. The twenty-five detailed chapter histories would not have been possible without the continuous contributions from the associate editors that represent each chapter; the associate editors were nominated by the 2015 chapter chairs. They were tasked to compile the historical information for their respective chapters, which include a brief history of formation, where applicable, photos and biographies of all past and current chairs, a summary of all executive committee members since formation, and highlights of the chapter’s major activities and achievements. The list of all the associate editors involved in making this special 30th anniversary commemorative publication possible, is given on every page for each chapter. I would like to especially thank each and every one of them for their efforts. 05 IEEE FELLOW IN MALAYSIA SECTION IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION ABOUT OUR FELLOW Dr. Chuah Hean Teik graduated with a BEng (First Class Honours), MEngSc and PhD in electrical engineering, all from University of Malaya, Malaysia. From July 1988-April 1997, he was on the faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Malaya. From March-Nov 1994, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the Wave Scattering Research Centre, University of Texas at Arlington, USA. From May 1997–Jan 2008, Dr Chuah was a Senior Professor at the Multimedia University (MMU), during which he held various posts as Vice President (R&D and Academic Development), Dean of Engineering, and Director of Research. From June 2001-Jan 2008, he also assumed the duty of the Penang State Government Professor of ICT in MMU. Since April 2008, he has been appointed as President of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Malaysia. His research interests include microwave remote sensing and applied electromagnetics. He has authored/co-authored more than 260 papers in international journals and conferences. Dr. Chuah has received many awards locally and internationally. Among them include the Professor Chin Fung Kee Gold Medal for Engineering Management in 1986, the inaugural Young Engineer Award by the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia in 1991; 1990 Young Scientist Award at the 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) at Prague, Czechoslovakia; 1993 Young Scientist Award at the 24th General Assembly of URSI at Kyoto, Japan; 1995 Young Scientist Award (Industrial Sector) by the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment; 1999 Malaysian Toray Science Foundation Science and Technology Award for his contributions in the area of microwave remote sensing; 2002 Sterling Award from the Sterling Group of Universities (research-based universities in UK with engineering faculties) for his services to promotion of engineering profession; 2011 IET Malaysia Outstanding Achievement Award; Rotary Charity Foundation of Kuala Lumpur Research Gold Medal 2012 for excellence in original research and significant achievement in the field of electrical engineering; 2014 Distinguished Engineer Award by IEM Penang Branch, 2016 Taiwan Professional Education and Culture Medal for his contribution towards education and cultural exchange between Malaysia and Taiwan. In collaboration with Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing, his research team working on “Paddy Monitoring and Yield Prediction System using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies” won a Gold Medal at the 2003 Malaysian Science and Technology Expo, and a Gold Medal at the 32nd International Exhibition of Inventions at Geneva in 2004. In recognition of his valuable services, the Governor of the State of Penang Malaysia conferred upon him an Order of Chivalry, Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri, which carries the title “Dato”, in July 2005. For his significant contribution in engineering profession, he was awarded Honorary Doctor of Engineering by MMU in August 2013. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE FELLOW IN MALAYSIA SECTION 06 IR. PROFESSOR ACADEMICIAN DATO’ DR. CHUAH HEAN TEIK, UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Dr. Chuah is an eminent technical leader. He was the President of the Federation of Engineeering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) from 2011-2015, and is currently the Chairman of FEIAP Standing Committee on Engineering Education. Dr. Chuah was the President of IEM (2009-2011). He is a Senior Fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Malaysia (ASM); Hon. Fellow of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations, IEM, and Myanmar Engineering Society; a Founding Fellow of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology; Fellow of the Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Society, UK; the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK; the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA; and the Electromagnetics Academy, USA. He is also a Professional Engineer in Malaysia, a Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council, UK; an APEC, EMF and ASEAN Engineer; and Hon. Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. Dr. Chuah serves as reviewer for technical papers submitted to international journals such as Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Journal, and IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing. He is currently a member of the Disciplinary Committee Panel under the Advocates and Solicitors’ Disciplinary Board, Malaysia, Council Member of ASM (2007-2011, 2014-2016) and was a Council Member of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (2008-2012). He also serves in Technical Committee or Advisory Committee of a few regional and international conferences and symposia. Due to his technical expertise, he has been appointed to various committees at national level, which included: i) Chairman, KLIA2 Independent Safety Committee (appointed by Minister of Transport Malaysia in Dec 2014) to review safety issues for KLIA2 Airport in Malaysia (2014-2015) ii) Member, Malaysia Education System Review Panel, appointed by Government of Malaysia as one of the 12-member Panel to review the Education Blueprint of Malaysia (2012) iii) Member of Selection Committee for Science and Technology Award and Science and Technology Research Grant, Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (2012-to-date) iv) Member, Auditor Committee, Mahathir Science Award Foundation (2012-to-date) v) Member of Examination Committee for Science Education Award of Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (2006-2011) vi) Member of the Independent Investigation Panel, Cabinet of Malaysia Government for the Cameron Highlands Bus Accident (2011) 07 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION SUMMARY EYE-TRIPLE-E IEEE, pronounced "Eye-triple-E," stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE, an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world’s largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization. IEEE’s roots go back to 1884 when electricity began to become a major influence in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which since the 1840s had come to connect the world with a data communications system faster than the speed of transportation. The telephone and electric power and light industries had just gotten underway. IEEE Malaysia Section established its roots in Malaysia 30 years ago, in 1985. Since establishment, Malaysia section has been headed by 13 charismatic leaders from both industry and academia; a few of them are no longer with us today. Twenty-four technical chapters have been established, with the first one in 1992 during the tenure of the second section chair, who was instrumental in driving and bringing a strong momentum to this professional society. The trend of technical chapter establishments and activities is a good indicator as to how interests in technologies have developed in Malaysia. From Electron Devices (1992) and Power and Energy (1992), to Antenna & Propagation, Microwave, Electronagnetic Compatibility (1997), Computer (1999), Signal Processing (2002), Instrumentation and Measurement (2005), Robotics and Automation (2006), Control Systems (2007), Engineering in Medicine and Biology (2008), Systems, Man and Cybernetics (2010), Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2012), Computational Intelligence (2014), and Oceanic Engineering (2015). Various other chapters have also been established; their details are available in this special book which has been prepared for the 30th anniversary commemoration for IEEE Malaysia Section. In addition, two affinity groups namely Women in Engineering and Young Professionals are actively bringing together members with similar demographics. In the universities, more than twenty student branches and student chapters have been established. These platforms provide avenues for the students to be involved with the professional society at an early age. Annually, hundreds of technical activities are conducted by the IEEE members in Malaysia, normally through one of the technical chapters, affinity groups and student branches and chapters. Every year, Malaysia section and the technical chapters receive various awards either from Region 10 (Asia Pacific) or the IEEE Headquarter (based in the United States). Many of its volunteers have also been awarded. Some specific details are available in the individual chapter reports in this book. Most of the details are also available at IEEE Malaysia section website ( or the chapters’ own websites. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION SUMMARY Membership in Malaysia section has grown significantly in the last decade as show in the plots below. The plots also show a healthy growth in the number of higher grade membership. 4000 3607 3500 2880 3000 2500 3479 3280 2464 2052 1975 1663 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Figure B.1: Total Number of IEEE Malaysia Active Members (2008-2015) 10% 0% 0% 1% 2% 12% 15% 60% Af�iliate Member Graduate Member Associate Member Student Member Senior Member Figure B.2: IEEE Malaysia Active Members by Grade (2015) Af�iliate Member 2011 53 2012 47 2013 2014 2015 44 15 43 Associate 89 Student Member 276 Graduate Member 364 Member 58 447 685 83 68 49 258 293 411 489 598 552 1535 Senior Member 143 Life Member 3 Fellow 2105 291 5 1 1820 2026 2073 180 247 345 Figure B.3: IEEE Malaysia Active Members by Grade (2011-2015) 2 3 5 1 1 1 1 08 09 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHRONOLOGICAL IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION THROUGHOUT THE DECADES ELECTRON DEVICES / MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES / SOLID STATE CIRCUITS JOINT CHAPTER, PENANG (EDS/MTT/SSCS) CH10341 2005 CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY (CAS) CH10307 2003 ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY (EDS) CH10105 COMPONENTS, PACKAGING & 1992 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES SOCIETY (CPMT) CH10258 2000 ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY (RAS) CH10365 2006 ANTENNA & PROPAGATION / MICROWAVE THEORY & TECHNIQUE / ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY JOINT CHAPTER (AP/MTT/EMC) PHOTONICS SOCIETY CH10226 (PS) 1997 CH10306 2003 1992 2000 COMPUTER SOCIETY (CS) CH10253 1999 2002 2004 2006 SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY (SP) CH10284 2002 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS / INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION JOINT CHAPTER (IE/IA) GRADUATES OF THE LAST DECADES CH10295 (GOLD) 2003 CH10106 1999 COMMUNICATION SOCIETY AND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOINT CHAPTER (COMSOC/VTS) CH10361 2006 INSTRUMENTATION AND POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY MEASUREMENT SOCIETY (PES) (IMS) CH10106 CH10355 1992 2005 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHRONOLOGICAL 10 SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS SOCIETY (SMC) CH10534 2010 DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION SOCIETY (DEI) CH10733 2015 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY (CIS) ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE CH10669 AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY 2014 (EMBS) CH10441 2008 CONTROL SYSTEMS SOCIETY (CSS) CH10421 2007 2008 EDUCATION SOCIETY (EDUSOC) CH10396 2007 POWER ELECTRONICS SOCIETY (PELS) CH10628 2013 2010 2013 2014 GEOSCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING SOCIETY (GRS) CH10619 2012 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (YP) 2014 CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SOCIETY (CES) CH10455 2008 WOMEN IN ENGINEERING (WIE) 2007 TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT SOCIETY (TEMS) CH10653 2013 2016 OCEANIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY (OE) CH10729 2015 11 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIRʼS HISTORY IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION HISTORY OF MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIRS Academician Dato’ Ir. (Dr.) Lee Yee Cheong, BE Hons (Adelaide), Hon. Doc Eng (UNITEN), DPMP, KMN, AO, Dato’ Lee is the Malaysian Chairman, Governing Council, International Science Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC), Kuala Lumpur; Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission, Member of the National Science and Research Council, Malaysia; Pro-Chancellor, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur; Chairman Global Council InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Science Education Program; Jury member of "OECD Award for Taking Innovative Development to Scale"; former Chairman of Governing Board, the Institute of Energy Policy and Research (IEPRe), University Tenaga Malaysia (UNITEN); Adjunct Professor of UNITEN; Advisor to MIGHT International; Member of Global Science Innovation Advisory Council (GSIAC); Vice Chairman, UN Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN) Malaysia; former Patron of the International Young Professionals Foundation; former Member of the International Advisory Board of “Engineers Without Borders” Canada; Director of Malaysia Australia Foundation and Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK, the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, Engineers Australia, Myanmar Engineering Society and the Institution of Engineers, Mauritius. 1985-1987 Prof. Dr. Hussein Ahmad is a former professor of High Voltage Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is also the former Director of Institute of High Voltage and High Current (IVAT) UTM. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in High Voltage Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in 1986. He received Individual Appreciative Award at the IEEE Malaysia 2004 Dinner Night for his contribution as the Head of Power Engineering Chapter (1994- 2000). 1988-1996 Muha Pandak Ahmad passed away peacefully in his sleep on March 6 2009 in Hospital Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia near his home. He was 49 and is survived by 6 children. Dr Muha became our first elected Chair and kept in office for 9 years, from 1988 to 1996. This was at the time that there was no limit set for the terms of office for an executive committee member. He established IEEE Malaysia Section with a small band of people from his UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia or National University of Malaysia) base and gradually grew it to a respectable organization by the time he left office. Despite his failing health, his fervor to serve the community knew no respite; he was the Chair of Global Networking Bureau, in a local Islamic base Business Community; the President of his school alumni association, and of late he became the founding member the newly formed Malaysian Science, Engineering and Technology Society (mSET), and duly became the Treasurer. Besides being a member of IEEE, he is also a corporate memberof Institute of Engineers Malaysia (MIEM) with Professional Engineers qualification, which carries the title Ir for Ingenieur. 1997 Dr. Shamsudin H.M. Amin (born in 1956) is a Professor of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is attached to the Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO) as head of Robotics Research Group, as well as at the Control and Mechatronics Department (CMED) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM. He has served in UTM since 1980 in various positions including as Dean of Cybernetics Research, and Director of UTM’s Research University Secretariat. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in Control Systems in 1980 from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. He later obtained his MSc. and Ph.D in robotics from the same University. His research interests: Intelligent mobile robots, biologically inspired robots, vision system for automated inspection, wall climbing robots, multi-agent robotic systems, behaviour-based robotics and humanoids. He is an associate editor of Polytechnica Hungarica. To date he has been invited to deliver 16 keynotes on robotics at various conferences. 1998-2000 In the year 1987, Allahyarham started his first professional career in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as Head, Control Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Enginering. Due to his excellence in service, Allahyarham was appointed as both the Director of Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and also the Director of the Malaysia-Japan University Centre. His last position was the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation of UTM. His contribution to IEEE Malaysia is immense. With his vision and drive he has expanded IEEE Malaysia from an unknown little society to what it is now, a respectable organisation with more than 3500 members (2015). He motivated many professionals to join IEEE, especially from among the growing numbers of the academic community. He encouraged members to setup technical society Malaysia chapter and he himself started a few Chapters, which currently in 2015 with 28 technical chapters. He also encouraged the setting up IEEE Student Branch where IEEE UTM Student Branch became the first student branch in Malaysia. 2001 B ob El ic L U an of 19 tively. He became a le tively. He becam and Professor in 2002 and Professor in positions in UPMinand positions UPM He is He a Senior Mem is a Senio member of IETof and member IET He also at He served also serve ComSoc and Malaysia ComSoc and M and IEEE RegionReg 1 and IEEE Executive Co Chair Executive Co ICC2016 Kuala Lump ICC2016 Kuala spans spans WSN WSN and Io a Management, Mobil Management, Broadband Wireless Broadband Wi published over 100 published ove journals and over journals and200 ove has justhas completed ap just comple WSN WSN for theforgovern the became a member o became a mem became active active in IE became Chapter in which Chapter in w member. After After com member. ComSoc as Chapter ComSoc as C focus focus on IEEE on Sect IEEE elected as oneasofone the elected holding specific tasks holding specifi and newsletters. Later and newsletters of ViceofChair 1 yea Vice for Chair fo for 2 years. for 2 years. 2002 In the year 1987, Allahyarham started his first professional career in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as Head, Control Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Enginering. Due to his excellence in service, Allahyarham was appointed as both the Director of Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and also the Director of the Malaysia-Japan University Centre. His last position was the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation of UTM. His contribution to IEEE Malaysia is immense. With his vision and drive he has expanded IEEE Malaysia from an unknown little society to what it is now, a respectable organisation with more than 3500 members (2015). He motivated many professionals to join IEEE, especially from among the growing. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION uddin MohdMohd Ali Ali Borhanuddin ed his BSchis(Hons) obtained BSc (Hons) al and ElectronElectrical and Electrongineering from from cs Engineering g oh ub go hr ob uo gr oh u g h ity in 1979; MSc MSc University in 1979; D ndfrom PhDUniversity from University es,Wales, Cardiff,Cardiff, UK, inUK, in of nd 1985, respec1981 and 1985, respecr in UPMininUPM 1985, ecturer in 1985, at various 2served and served at various organizations. dnal external organizations. of IEEE ember of and IEEE aand a artered Engineer. a Chartered Engineer. ousvarious positions in positions in ComSoc APB APB aon, Section, ComSoc nd 10, isandpresently is presently rtheof forthcoming the forthcoming research interestinterest pur. His research ireless Resource oT, Wireless Resource anagement and and lity Management ess, in which he he Access, in which pers in refereed 0 papers in refereed papers. He He 0rence conference papers. mplementation of pilot implementation of tnment of Malaysia.He of Malaysia.He EofinIEEE 1987. He firstHe first in 1987. hrough ComSoc EEE through ComSoc was founding he awas a founding ng his term in mpleting his term in ir, he started to r Chair, he started to InitiallyInitially he was tions. he was members, eexcom four excom members, h as publications ks such as publications the position rse betorose to the position dar, eventually Chair Chair and eventually 2003-2004 Prof. Dr Mohd Nasir Taib received his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tasmania, Australia, M.Sc. in Control Engineering from Sheffield University, UK, and the PhD degree in Instrumentation from the UMIST, UK. Currently, he is a Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. He is a very proactive person in UiTM, shouldering many responsibilities via UiTM level committees and intellectual discourses besides being one of the appointed senate member of UiTM. He is leading an active research group in advanced signal processing with applications in control system, biomedical engineering, energy studies, optical fibre sensors and nonlinear system. He has published more than 200 technical papers, locally and at international level. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., USA (IEEE), and also members of the IEEE Control Society, IEEE I&M Society, the Instrumentation System and Automation Society, USA (ISA), the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Malaysian Society of BME, the Institution of Engineering & Technology, UK (IET), Optical Society of America (OSA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). 2005-2006 Prof. Ir. Dr. Norman Mariun is the Professor of Electrical Power Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He has proved to be an active IEEE volunteer where he has been serving various positions in IEEE such as Chapter/Section Committee for IEEE Power and Energy, Executive Committee Member of IEEE Region 10 Asia, Australia and New Zealand Region (2007-2010), Chapter Rep for IEEE Asia, Australia and New Zealand Region (East) Power and Energy Society, Chair IEEE Malaysia Section 2007 etc.. Due to his excellent contributions, he received IEEE Malaysia Section Best Volunteer Award 2002 and Distinguished Individual Award, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) Power Engineering Society in November 2005. 2007-2008 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION CHAIRʼS HISTORY Mahamod Ismail ( m a h a [email protected]) joined the Department of Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1985. He is the former Head of the Department and a Professor in Communication Engineering. He received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics from University of Strathclyde, U.K. in 1985, the M.Sc. degree in Communication Engineering and Digital Electronics from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester U.K. in 1987, and the Ph.D. from University of Bradford, U.K. in 1996. He was with the first Malaysia Microsatellite TiungSat Team Engineers in Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. U.K. from June 1997 until March 1998. In the summer semester 2003, he served as a Guest Professor in Computer Engineering in the University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg Germany funded by the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD). His research interests include mobile and satellite communication, and wireless networking particularly on the radio resource management for the next generation wireless communication network. 2009-2010 Zaiki Awang (M’97 – SM’03) received the BSc and MSc degrees in microwave engineering from the University of Portsmouth, England in 1984 and 1987 respectively, and the PhD degree from the University of Leeds in 1995. His doctoral work involved implementation of sol-gel materials in the design of bulk acoustic wave resonators for microwave integrated circuits. Since August 1985 he has been with Universiti Teknologi MARA, where he is currently Professor of Microwaves with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He was the Deputy Dean from 1996 to 2002, and Head of Communication Engineering Department from 1998 to 2002. He is presently Head of Microwave Technology Centre of the university. He was a Visiting Scholar at Illinois Institute of Technology from August to November 2009. He is the author of two books - Microwave Engineering for Wireless Communications (Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006), and Microwave Sub-System Design (Springer, 2014). He has also written several book chapters, and more than 170 technical papers. 2011-2012 12 Zuhaina Zakaria received Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1989, Masters Degree from Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom in 1997 and PhD in Power System from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK in 2005. She has been working in University Technology MARA (UiTM) for more than 20 years and currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Her main research interests are in the areas of power quality, load profiling and power system analysis and operation. Dr Zuhaina is also a senior member of IEEE and the current chair for IEEE Malaysia Section. She has joined IEEE since 1999 and in the technical society, she is also one of the active volunteer in IEEE Power and Engineering (PES) Malaysia Chapter. She was appointed as committee member, treasurer from 2005-2007, Vice Chair from 2013-2014 and finally the current chair for PES Malaysia. Dr. Zuhaina has also been appointed as the Chapter Representative for R10 PES which requires her to monitor the running of seven PES chapters in the south East Asia. In addition, she was the founder for IEEE Malaysia Section-Women in Engineering Affinity Group which was formed in July 2007. 2013-2014 Norliza Mohd Noor is currently attached as Associate Professor in UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur Campus. She received her B. Sc. In Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas and her Master of Electrical Engineering (by research) and PhD (Electrical Engineering) from UTM. Her research area is in image processing and image analysis. Her current work concentrates on medical image analysis for lung diseases. She has published many papers in journals and in indexed conference proceedings, and has published one academic book and two book chapters. She is a senior member of IEEE where she has been a member for more than 25 years starting as student member while studying in USA. In 1998-2001, she held several key positions in IEEE Malaysia Section. She is the founding chapter chair for IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter in 2002 and she held the position till 2006. Under her, many Signal Processing Society DLPs has come to Malaysia shore. 2015 13 IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (2015) 2015 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROZITA JAILANI SECRETARY (M’03), Head of Degree Program in Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. She received her Ph.D in Automatic Control and System Engineering from University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2011. Her research interests in Biomedical Engineering are in the areas of exoskeleton technology for rehabilitation and mobility, image processing for medical imaging, gait analysis of brain impaired patients and artificial intelligence system for many applications. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION ZUHAINA ZUHAINA ZAKARI ZAKA CHAIR CHAIR (M’99,(M’99, SM’13)SM’13) received received Bachelor Bachelor of Engineer of En from Napier from Napier University, University, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UnitedUn Kin 2005. She 2005. hasShe been hasworking been working in University in Univer Tec FacultyFaculty of Electrical of Electrical Engineering. Engineering. Her main Herres m and operation.Dr and operation.Dr Zuhaina Zuhaina is also aissenior also a mem senio served has served as an office-bearer as an office-bearer in IEEEinMa IE #40335331 and hasand Treasurer, Treasurer, 2008-2009, 2008-2009, Secretary, Secretary, 2010, 2010 2012 society,society, she is also sheone is also of one the active of thevolunteer active volunteer in IEEEin Power IEEE Power and Engineering and Engineering (PES) Malaysia (PES) M from 2013-2014 from 2013-2014 and finally and finally the current the current chair forchair PESfor Malaysia. PES Malaysia. Dr. Zuhaina Dr. Zuhaina has alsohasbeen also running running of seven of PES seven chapters PES chapters in the south in theEast south Asia. EastInAsia. addition, In addition, Dr. Zuhaina Dr. Zuhaina was thewas foun th July 2007. July 2007. She actively She actively participated participated in organizing in organizing major major IEEE conferences IEEE conferences in Malaysia in Ma International International Conference Conference on Engineering on Engineering Education Education (ICEED)(ICEED) from 2009 fromuntil 2009present, until present Innov Dr. Zuhaina Dr. Zuhaina is an experienced is an experienced and committed and committed member member of IEEEofMalaysia IEEE Malaysia SectionSection and receiv and MD PAUZI ABDULLAH STUDENT ACTIVITIES (M’05, SM’13), received the bachelors degree (B.Eng) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten), Malaysia in 2002, masters degree (M.Sc) in Electrical Power Engineering and doctorate degree (Ph.D) in University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom in 2003 and 2008 respectively. His research interests include power systems analysis, power systems security, deregulated electricity market and demand side management. Currently he is a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM. LEE YOOT KHUAN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Received her BSc (First Honours) in Aeronautical Eng from Bristol U in 1983, MSc in Control Eng from Bradford U in 1990 and PhD in EE Eng (Biomedical) from Nottingham U in 2007. She is an Assoc Prof at the Fac of EE, Universiti Teknologi MARA. She has authored more than 120 technical publications in international conferences and journals. She is one of the Distinguished Faculty of the First IEEE-EMBS Summer School on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Telemedicine in 2012. She is an Invited Speaker for the Sustainable Healthcare Delivery Session - Telehealth Systems at IEEE EMBC2012. #80401642 M FAIZAL AHMAD FAUZI VICE CHAIR (M’00, SM’10), received the B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College,London,UK in 1999,and the in Electronics and Computer Science from University of Southampton,Southampton,UK in 2004.He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University. His main research interests are in the area of signal and image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and medical imaging. He was appointed as the Director for the Center for Quality Assurance and Academic Excellence (CQAAE) at MMU in August 2012. From May 2013 to June 2014, he was attached to the Clinical Image Analysis Lab at the Ohio State University, USA where he works on digital histopathology, especially on follicular lymphoma and glioblastoma diseases analysis. He has published more than 70 journal and conference articles to date. Mohammad Faizal is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which he first joined in 2000. He was the chair for the Signal Processing Chapter from 2008 to 2013. Under his stewardship, the chapter started organizing their flagship events such as the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA) and the IPIARTI and SASSP workshops, as well as aggressively promoting the chapters through various activities such as workshops, seminars, DLP talks, competitions, social activities and membership drives throughout the country. Subsequently the chapter was awarded the first ever recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award in 2011. He was the general co-chair of ICSIPA2009 and the general chair for ICSIPA 2011. He is currently serving as the Vice Chair of the IEEE Malaysia Section as well as the past chair of the Signal Processing chapter. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (2015) 14 IA ring Electrical in Electrical Engineering Engineering from Universiti from Universiti Teknologi Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia in 1989, in Masters 1989, Masters DegreeDegree m ingdom in 1997inand 1997 PhD andinPhD Power in Power SystemSystem from University from University of Strathclyde, of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Glasgow, UK in UK in ogy chnology MARA MARA (UiTM)(UiTM) for more forthan more20than years 20and years currently and currently an Associate an Associate Professor Professor in the in the search interests interests are in the areareas in theofareas power of power quality,quality, load profiling load profiling and power and power systemsystem analysisanalysis mber f IEEEofand IEEE theand current the current chair forchair IEEEfor Malaysia IEEE Malaysia Section.Section. She hasShe joined has joined IEEE since IEEE1999 since 1999 alaysia SectionSection as Exco-Member as Exco-Member (Student (Student Activities)Activities)2000/2001, 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2005/2006, 2007/2008, 2007/2008, 32-2013 and Student and Student Counselor, Counselor, IEEE UiTM IEEE Student UiTM Student Branch,Branch, 2005-2007. 2005-2007. In the In technical the technical ater. Chapter. She was She appointed was appointed as committee as committee member, member, treasurer treasurer from 2005-2007, from 2005-2007, Vice Chair Vice Chair ninted appointed as the Chapter as the Chapter Representative Representative for R10forPES R10 which PES requires which requires her to monitor her to monitor the the nder r IEEEforMalaysia IEEE Malaysia Section-Women Section-Women in Engineering in Engineering AffinityAffinity GroupGroup which was which formed was formed in in 2006 since which 2006 which includes includes StudentStudent Conference Conference on Research on Research and Development and Development 2006, 2006, Smart vative Grid Smart Technologies Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia (ISGT) 2014, AsiaTENSYMP 2014, TENSYMP 2014 and 2014 many andmore. many more. ved ognition recognition of IEEEofMalaysia IEEE Malaysia SectionSection Outstanding Outstanding Volunteer Volunteer AwardAward for 2010. for 2010. CHRISTOPHER CHEW TREASURER (M’02), a UK graduate with a BSc(Hons) in Engineering from the University of Surrey and an MBA from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. His professional qualifications include Certified Diploma in Accounting & Finance (UK), Certified Professional Trainer (MIM-CPT) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP - US). He is also a member of the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia and a General Council member of the Malaysian Institute of Management and a member of its Audit Committee. FRANKLIN J. JOSEPH PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES/ INDUSTRIAL RELATION #04970141 NORLIZA MOHD NOOR IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR (M’83, SM’08), currently attached as Associate Professor in UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur Campus. She received her B. Sc. In Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas and her Master of Electrical Engineering (by research) and PhD (Electrical Engineering) from UTM. Her research area is in image processing and image analysis. Her current work concentrates on medical image analysis for lung diseases. She has published many papers in journals and in indexed conference proceedings, and has published one academic book and two book chapters. She is a senior member of IEEE where she has been a member for more than 28 years starting as student member while studying in USA. In 1998-2001, she held several key positions in IEEE Malaysia Section. She is the founding chapter chair for IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter in 2002 and she held the position till 2006. Under her, many Signal Processing Society DLPs has come to Malaysia shore. She is an active IEEE volunteer and held key positions in IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter and IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society Malaysia Chapter till now. She received the IEEE Malaysia Section Best Volunteer Award in 2004. She is the founder for IPIARTI, a free symposium for the members to share and exchange knowledge in the field of image, video processing and analysis. Due to this event, research on image and video has increased tremendously. She has been a committee member of ICSIPA, the flagship conference of Signal Processing Malaysia Chapter. In 2014, she was the co-chair for IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP2014) that was held in Kuala Lumpur. She was elected as the IEEE Malaysia Section Chair for two years 2013-2014, and appointed to be 2015-2016 IEEE R10 Individual Benefits and Services Coordinator and MGA Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee – Technical Chapter Representative. (M'93, SM'13) ,an electrical engineer by training with a vast sea-going experience. He served on four different squadrons of ships over a span of 12 years before assuming desk jobs at the Naval Engineering Command in Lumut and Naval Headquarters in KL. Some of his notable contributions were the setting up of Obsolescence Management Office at the Naval Engineering Command which still is the focal point on RMN's fleet upgrades and the Technical Seaworthiness Office at Naval Headquarters responsible for developing policies in ensuring a seaworthy fleet FAWNIZU AZMADI HUSSIN COMMUNICATION/ NEWSLETTER (M’02, SM’14), Director of Strategic Alliance Office at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), where he advises the Vice Chancellor on matters related to collaborations with partners from the industry, university or government. He was the Program Manager of Master by coursework program at UTP (2009-2013) and the Deputy Head of Electrical & Electronic Engineering department at UTP (2013-2014). He spent almost one year as a Visiting Professor at Intel Microelectronics (Malaysia)’s SOC DFx department in 2012-13. 15 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER CHAPTER : EDS SPO ID : CH10105 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : P. SUSTHITHA MENON, UKM HISTORY The IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Malaysia chapter was established in 1991 and was founded by the late Prof Dr Zahari Mohd Darus from the Department of Electric, Electronic and System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Till now, EDS Malaysia has successfully organized conferences, short courses, technical talks and workshops related to electronic devices. Prof Dato’ Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis (Director of the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), UKM) is currently the advisor for the society and Assoc Prof Dr Badariah Bais from the Department of Electric, Electronic and System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UKM is the current chair of the society. CHAIRS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis (UKM) 1994-2006 Assoc Prof Dr Zaliman Sauli (UniMAP) 2009-2010 Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Nizar Hamidon (UPM) 2013-2014 Prof Dr Zahari Mohd Darus (UKM) 1991-1994 Prof Dr Sahbudin Shaari (UKM) 2007-2008 Prof Dr Ibrahim Ahmad (UNITEN) 2011-2012 Assoc Prof Dr Badariah Bais (UKM) 2015-Present 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name Assoc. Prof. Dr. Badariah Bais Assoc. Prof. Dr Norhayati Soin Assoc. Prof. Dr. P Susthitha Menon Dr. Zubaida Yusoff Assoc. Prof Dr. Roslina Sidek Prof. Dr. AHM Zahirul Alam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainal Arif Burhanudin Dr. Asrulnizam Abd Manaf Ir. Nor Azhadi Hj. Ngah Ir. Hazian Mamat Dr. Suhaidi Sha�ie Dr. Lim Wee Teck 18 Dr. Hashimah Hashim Dr. Mohd Khairuddin Md Arshad Dr. Siti Noorjannah Ibrahim Dr. Jahariah Sampe Prof. Dato' Dr. Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof. Dr. Sahbudin Shaari 20 Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad 15 16 17 19 21 Prof Dr. Zaliman Sauli Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Nizar Hamidon Post Chair IEEE number 41345811 (SM) Affliation UKM Secretary 90569420 (SM) UKM Vice-Chair Assistant Secretary Treasurer Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee, Past Chair 1 Committee, Past Chair 2 Committee, Past Chair 3 Committee, Past Chair 4 Committee, Past Chair 5 IEEE Electron Devices Malaysia Chapter has been organizing two conferences in a bi-annual manner since 1992. The first conference is the International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE) and the second conference is the National Symposium on Microelectronics (NSM) which later the name is changed to the Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM). The latest ICSE is the ICSE2014, which is the 11th ICSE conference organized by the IEEE EDS Malaysia. The latest RSM is the RSM2015, which is the 10th RSM conference being organized by the IEEE EDS Malaysia. Year 1992 Conference ICSE1992 1997 NSM1997 Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang UKM, Bangi NSM1999 Pan Paci�ic Pangkor 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2015 COMMITTEES No 1 CONFERENCES 90662495 (M) 91081340 (M) 41356415 (M) 41276664 (SM) 90543978 (M) 90607617 (M) 92930766 90564738 (SM) 90564817 (SM) 40168206 (SM) UM MMU UPM UIA UTP 80718309 (M) 92100646 (SM) USM TMRnD MIMOS UPM ON Semiconductor UiTM UNIMAP 90446127 (M) UKM 92428276 (M) 93298952 (M) 428045 (SM) 40304398 (SM) 40236591 (SM) 41356221 (M) UIA UKM UKM UNIMAP UNITEN UPM 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ICSE1996 ICSE1998 ICSE2000 NSM2001 ICSE2002 NSM2003 ICSE2004 NSM2005 ICSE2006 RSM2007 ICSE2008 2009 2010 2011 RSM2009 ICSE2010 RSM2011 2013 RSM2013 2012 2014 2015 ICSE2012 ICSE2014 RSM2015 Venue PWTC, Kuala Lumpur Equatorial, Bangi Guoman Port Dickson Resort, Negeri Sembilan Awana, Genting Highland The Gurney Resort Hotel and Residences, Penang Putra Palace, Kangar Mines Beach Resort & Spa, Kuala Lumpur Hilton, Kuching Prince Hotel & Residence Kuala Lumpur Paradise Sandy Beach Resort, Penang Johor International Convention Centre, Persada Johor Bahru Kota Bahru, Kelantan Holiday Inn, Melaka Le Meridien, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Grand Millenium, Kuala Lumpur Holiday Villa Beach Resort & Spa, Langkawi Island Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Primula Hotel, Kuala Terengganu ED Malaysia Chair Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dato Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis Prof Dr Sahbudin Shaari Prof Dr Sahbudin Shaari Prof Madya Dr Zaliman Sauli Prof Madya Dr Zaliman Sauli Prof Dr Ibrahim Ahmad Prof Dr Ibrahim Ahmad Prof Madya Dr Mohd Nizar Hamidon Prof Madya Dr Mohd Nizar Hamidon Prof Madya Dr Badariah Bais IEEE MALAYSIAʼS IEEE ELECTRON 30TH ANNIVERSARY DEVICES SOCIETY COMMEMORATION MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER 16 TECHNICAL PAPERS ICSE/RSM PUBLISHED IN IEEE EXPLORE/INDEXED IN ISI/SCOPUS Membership of IEEE EDS Malaysia Chapter is generally on the increasing trend. Please refer to the graph below for the details of the membership between 2010 and 2014: GALLERY MEMBERSHIP STATUS 2015 17 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION 18 19 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES 30TH SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE ANTENNA & PROPAGATION / MICROWAVE THEORY & TECHNIQUE / ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY JOINT CHAPTER IEEE ANTENNA & PROPAGATION / MICROWAVE THEORY & TECHNIQUE / ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY JOINT CHAPTER CHAPTER : AP/MTT/EMCA SPO ID : CH10226 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : ZAIKI AWANG, UITM HISTORY The IEEE Malaysia Section AP/MTT/EMC Joint Chapter is an association dedicated to serve profesionals involved in antennas and propagation, microwave engineering and applied electromagnetics. The chapter was founded in 1998 by a group of leading university experts and industralists which included Prof. Dr Zaiki Awang, Dr. Chandran, Dr Deepak K. Ghodgaonkar and Prof. Mazlina Esa. Since its initial inception, the chapter has grown to about 400 members to-date. The chapter organises the highly successful Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE) and IEEE International RF and Microwave (RFM) series of conferences; and routinely invites prominent speakers from around the world under the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Programme. Due to its outstanding performance, and in recognition of its significant contribution to IEEE professionals in Region 10, the chapter has been given the priviledge to host the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2017 (APMC 2017), which is ranked third in the world microwave conference. 20 21 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION a IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER CHAPTER : PES SPO ID : CH10106 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : MD PAUZI ABDULLAH, UTM CHAIRS HUSSEIN AHMAD (1994-1999) The first Chair of IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter. He is a former professor of High Voltage Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is also the former Director of Institute of High Voltage and High Current (IVAT) UTM. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in High Voltage Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in 1986. He received Individual Appreciative Award at the IEEE Malaysia 2004 Dinner Night for his contribution as the Head of Power Engineering Chapter (1994- 2000). AZAH MOHAMED (2004-2005) Obtained her BSc (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering from King’s College, University of London in 1978, MSc and PhD in Electrical Power Engineering from University of Malaya in 1988 and 1995, respectively. She joined UKM as a tutor in 1985 and became a lecturer at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering in 1988. Prior to the academic post in UKM she was with Jabatan Telekom Malaysia for five years (1981-1985). She was promoted to Associate Professor in 1996 and a full Professor in 2004. ZAHRUL FAIZI HUSSIEN (2008-2009) Currently the head of Malakoff Utilities Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Wirazone Sdn. Bhd). Prior joining Malakoff utilities' he was a General Manager at TNBR and was the Assoc. Prof at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten) prior to that.During his tenure as PES chair, PES Malaysia won IEEE-PES Outstanding Chapter Award, Small Chapters Category 2007 from PES HQ. He has been actively involved with IEEE locally and internationally in which he was the Committee Member of IEEE Malaysia Section and Chapter Rep for IEEE Asia, Australia and New Zealand Region (East) Power and Energy Society. IZHAM ZAINAL ABIDIN (2011-2012) Joined the Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) as a lecturer in the College of Engineering in 2002. He received his Ordinary National Diploma in Engineering from Coventry Technical College in 1994. He then further his study into the bachelor’s degree level and received his BEng in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southampton in 1997. He was later obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering (Power) from the Strathclyde University in 2002. Over the years, Assoc. Prof. Dr Izham has been actively involved in Professional Associations and bodies both at International and national levels to promote engineering. ZUHAINA ZAKARIA (2015) NORMAN MARIUN (2000-2003) The Professor of Electrical Power Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He has proved to be an active IEEE volunteer where he has been serving various positions in IEEE such as Chapter/Section Committee for IEEE Power and Energy, Executive Committee Member of IEEE Region 10 Asia, Australia and New Zealand Region (2007-2010), Chapter Rep for IEEE Asia, Australia and New Zealand Region (East) Power and Energy Society, Chair IEEE Malaysia Section 2007 etc.. Due to his excellent contributions, he received IEEE Malaysia Section Best Volunteer Award 2002. MICHAEL JOSEPH (2006-2007) With Alstom Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. as the O&M Hub Director for the Execution Centre based on Kuala Lumpur covering the Asia Pacific area. His background from power plant operations to various business development roles in organization over the last 20 years. Currently he leads a team in the execution of the Gas Turbine Combined Cycle plant contracts for the Area. He is an active Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Power and Energy Society – Malaysia Chapter. ISMAIL MUSIRIN (2010) Obtained Diploma of Electrical Power Engineering in 1987, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Hons) in 1990; both from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MSc in Pulsed Power Technology in 1992 from University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia in 2004. He is a senior member of IEEE, IEEE Power and Energy (PES), Computer Society, senior member of International Association of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (IACSIT), International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and Artificial Immune System Society (ARTIST). ZAINAL ABIDIN AB KADIR (2013-2014) Received his B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia and Ph.D. degree in High Voltage Engineering from the University of Manchester, U.K in 2001 and 2006, respectively. Currently, he is the Deputy Dean (Research & Innovation) and Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia. He is also the Director at the Centre for Electromagnetic and Lightning Protection Research (CELP), Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is a member of IET, IEM, CIGRE and a Senior Member of IEEE. He is the recipient of the Vice Chancellor Fellowship Award (Young Scientist) 2011, Young Scientist Network (YSN-ASM) 2012, Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRSM) 2014, Anugerah Tokoh Jasa Gemilang 2015 (contributions to the school’s development activities), Tokoh Anak Muda Kelantan (Akademik) 2015 and the nominee for 2015 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE Prize). On a high note, Professor Zainal was promoted to a full professor in 2012 at the age of 33 and is recently selected and listed as the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Distinguished Lecturer Received B.Eng Degree in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1989, MSc Degree from Napier University, Edinburgh, UK in 1997 and PhD in Power System from University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK in 2005. She is an associate professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, (UiTM). She is also a senior member of IEEE and the current chair for IEEE Malaysia Section. Dr. Zuhaina joined IEEE since 1999 and has served as an office-bearer in IEEE Malaysia Section as follows: Exco-Member (Student Activities) in year 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2007/2008, Treasurer in year 2008-2009, Secretary in year 2010, 2012-2013 and Student Counselor, IEEE UiTM Student Branch n year 2005-2007. In IEEE Power and Engineering (PES) Malaysia Chapter, she was appointed as committee member, treasurer from 2005-2007, Vice chair from 2013-2014 and finally the current chair for PES Malaysia. Dr. Zuhaina has also been appointed as the Chapter Representative for R10 PES. She is also the founder for IEEE Malaysia Section-Women in Engineering Affinity Group which was formed in July 2007. She received recognition of IEEE Malaysia Section Outstanding Volunteer Award for 2010 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER 22 AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS RUNNERS-UP 2014 IEEE PES OUTSTANDING CHAPTER AWARD (LARGE CHAPTERS CATEGORY) WINNER FOR IEEE PES CHAPTERS WEB SITE CONTEST WINNER FOR IEEE PES CHAPTERS WEB SITE CONTEST 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 RUNNERS-UP FOR IEEE PES CHAPTERS WEB SITE CONTEST RUNNERS-UP 2012 IEEE PES OUTSTANDING CHAPTER AWARD (LARGE CHAPTERS CATEGORY) 2007 IEEE-PES OUTSTANDING CHAPTER AWARD (SMALL CHAPTERS CATEGORY) CONFERENCE • IEEE PES INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES 2014 ASIAN CONFERENCE (ISGT ASIA 2014) • IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POWER AND ENERGY (PECON) 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 OUTSTANDING ENGINEER AWARDS DR. ABDUL HALIM ABU BAKAR TNB IR DR. LEE YEE CHEONG 2005 MICHAEL JOSEPH ALSTOM 2007 2006 PROF DR. KHALID MOHAMED NOR UTM 2010 2009 DR. SALLEHUDIN YUSOF APS E-MAIL AND NEWSLETTER ACTIVITIES, HOME PAGE WEB PAGE: HTTP://SITES.IEEE.ORG/MALAYSIA-PES FACEBOOK PAGE: HTTP://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PAGES/IEEE-POWER-AND-ENERGY-SOCIETY-MALAYSIA-CHAPTER 23 IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER CHAPTER : CS SPO ID : CH10253 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : RAWIDEAN MOHD KASSIM INTRODUCTION The IEEE Computer Chapter, Malaysia Section (IEEE-CS Malaysia) formed in Dec 3, 1999 has continued to strive with various activities for the benefit of its members. More than 100 major activities were organized from the year 2000 ranging from technical, educational to social activities. With full commitment from the Executive Committee, IEEE-CS Malaysia will be looking forward to organizing more activities in future. Mohamed Rawidean Mohd Kassim who was Vice Chair before lead the IEEE-CS Malaysia from 2002 – 2013. During his leadership the chapter organized many activities. Some of the major conferences are IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e) and IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensor (ICWiSe). ICOS started in 2010 and this year is the 6th ICOS organized successfully in Melaka. The above conferences are organized annually. Besides that, several workshop and DVP talks were organized such as Smart Home, Six Sigma for Engineers, Green Computing and Crowd Sourcing. In year 2012, IEEE CS Malaysia managed to create network with IEEE Computer Chapters in other countries. The ex-comm. visited IEEE Victoria Section (Melbourne, Australia) and IEEE Computer Chapter (Beijing, China). The network will help in organizing and hosting talks and conferences, and exchanging expertise and programs. In year 2013, Dr. Rahim Ahmad from UNITEN became the Chapter Chair. In 2013, the Chapter participated in bidding for ICDE 2015 conference in Brisbane, Australia. The ex-comm. went to Brisbane and made a presentation to ICDE Committee. We did a good presentation however the Koreans won the bidding. The bidding was fully funded by MyCEB. Dr. Fakhrul Hazman Yusoff became Chapter Chair in 2014 and 2015. The chapter organized the annual conferences; ICOS, ICWise and IC3e in Melaka. A visit to Rangsit University, Bangkok and Software House was organized in October 2015. educational and social. The technical and educational activities are mainly conferences, talks (including DVP) and workshops. Major conferences are RENTAS (National Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium) , started in 2000, ICOS, annual conference started in 2010, IC3e, annual conference started in 2011, ICWiSe, annual conference started in 2012. The above conferences are organized successfully in Melaka from 24-26 August 2015. More than 100 participants attended the conferences. Besides that, the chapter also organized technical co-sponsorship conferences. These conferences are organized in collaboration with local universities and organizations. The ex-comm. will be part of the organizing committee and their role is to advise the committee on technical matters especially on the quality of the paper complying IEEE requirements. Some of the conferences are Conference on IT & Applications (CITA), Malaysian Software Conference (MySec), South East Asian Network of Ergonomics Society (SEANES) Conference, Data Mining & Optimization (DMO), International Conference on Innovation Management and Technology Research (ICIMTR). The Chapter also participated in social activities such as organizing Hari Raya Open House, visiting Charity Homes and co-sponsoring IEEE-Freescale Smart Car Competition in 2008 and 2011. The Chapter also organize membership drive in several local universities and also during conferences and workshops. We hope more members will join the Chapter in near future. -2 2002 012 (M IT EN ) OS ) IM SIM OHD KAS BD UN UL D( RAH A M IM AH K . FA DR ID EA NM 2014-NOW 2013-2014 .A DR (U LI RAHMAN RAM AW MR . DR AB DU L 1999-2001 PM ) CHAIRS In general, the activities can be divided into 3 categories; technical, (U ITM ) The IEEE-CS was chaired by Dr. Abdul Rahman Ramli from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) from year 1999 – 2001. Dr. Rahman has laid some foundation for the chapter. During this period we organized our first conference “National Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium” (RENTAS), 17-18 October 2000. Besides that we organize some workshop. ACTIVITIES HR UL OF US HAZ Y N AMA F EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IEEE COMPONENTS, PACKAGING & MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION 24 IEEE COMPONENTS, PACKAGING & MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER CHAPTER : CPMT SPO ID : CH10258 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : AZHAR ARIPIN, ON SEMICONDUCTOR HISTORY IEEE/CPMT Malaysia Chapter is the forum for Malaysian scientists and engineers engaged in the research, design and development of revolutionary advances in IC packaging and manufacturing. The Society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronics engineering and of the allied arts and sciences, and the maintenance of a high professional standing among its members and others and with special attention of such aims within the field of interest of the Society. The CPMT Society promotes close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members and others through technical conferences and workshops, peer-reviewed publications, and collaboration with other organizations in the world. The Malaysian CPMT Chapter was formally established in 2003 by a group of professional headed by Prof. K. N. Seetharamu from University Science Malaysia, CH Chew, Ghazali Omar from ON Semiconductor, Teck Joo from Intel and few others. The Chapter has been getting very strong support from the Santa Clara Sister Chapter and CPMT top leadership. People like Bill Chen, Prof. Sung Yi, Prof. Ricky Lee and Rolf Aschenbrenner have been very instrumental in their support to the growth of the Malaysia Chapter. Since then, the Chapter has been very active in organizing international conferences, seminars, workshops and technical meetings. The chapter has developed tremendously in terms of its membership comprising of engineering community from industry and universities. Since 2006 until 2014, the Chapter has organised five well-received IEMT (International Electronics Manufacturing Technology) conferences and more than 10 technical seminars for the engineering community in the field of IC packaging. CHAIRS PROF. K. N. SEETHARAMU Born on 22nd August 1939. He graduated from Mysore University in Mechanical Engineering in the year 1960. He obtained his Master Degree in Power Engineering in the year 1962, from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1973, in the field of heat transfer from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. His doctoral thesis was judged as one of the excellent thesis by Prof. Rohsenow from MIT, a world-renowned person in the field of heat transfer. He has an industrial experience of more than 3 years (Oct. 1962 - Dec. 1965) in a paper mill before he joined the academic life. He served BIT Ranchi as an Assistant Professor from 1965-1968. He joined Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in the year 1968, as a lecturer and rose to the level of Professor in the year 1980. He joined the School of Mechanical Engineering, University Science Malaysia as a Professor in the year 1996 on invitation. He took voluntary retirement from IIT Madras in September 1998 to continue his assignment at University of Science Malaysia. MR. AZHAR ARIPIN Graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1992. He started his professional career as an R&D engineer with Motorola Malaysia. DR. KIM S SIOW A Research Fellow/Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Prior to joining IMEN, he has worked as a materials engineer at multi-national companies and the National University of Singapore. His research interests are related to surface modification using plasma technologies for biomaterials, adhesion and microfluidic applications, and joining technologies using sintered silver. He completed his Ph.D. in Engineering (Minerals and Materials) under the University of South Australia President Scholarship in 2007. His previous education includes Bachelor of Applied Science (Materials Engineering) with Honours and Masters of Applied Science from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore obtained in 1997 and 1999 respectively. His numerous publications receive more than 600 citations, and his h-index is 7. He also reviews journal papers regularly for more than 15 international journals from Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor-Francis and IEEE Transactions. Kim S Siow also teaches “Scientific Writing for Publication” for academics as well as researchers in industry.Besides scientific writing, he has co-written a module on "Project Management" for graduate trainees and taught "Master level" course in "Project Risk Management". He is also a certified Project Management Professional PMP® since 2009. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MR. CHEW CHEE HIONG Received Bachelor of Engineering degree with 1st Class Honors from University of Technology, Malaysia in 1989 and MBA from Herriot Watts University. Currently, he is the regional head of Package Development for ON Semiconductor Asia. He started his career as a development engineer with Motorola Semiconductor Sector and involves in various technology platforms like Heavy Al wire, Au wire, Clip bond, Mold Encapsulation, RF Power Module. He won one of the best paper award in Internepcon 1991. He is pioneer to establish the packaging design group in Motorola Seremban in 1995 (FEA, Fundamental Analytical tools, Packaging design etc). In 1997, He was awarded Motorola Privileged Scientific and Technology Society Engineering Award for his leadership and Motorola Six Sigma Black Belt award. To date, he owns 10 patents. Currently, he is key driver for ON Semiconductor industry leadership package solutions and project collaboration with Government/University. MR. LIM WEE TECK Received his B Eng. (Elec Eng) and M Sc. in Electrical Engineering from National University of Singapore in 1995 and 2000 respectively. He started his career as Product Engineer with Texas Instruments and is currently attached to the Device Engineering team with ON Semiconductor. He joined the IEEE in 1995 and became a CPMT Chapter member in 2003. He believes in getting involved in the CPMT Chapter activities and connecting with peers. He had encouraged fellow members to apply for Senior Member elevation had supported/been the reference for more than 5 SM elevation application. DR. CHEE CHOONG KOOI Currently serves as the principal at KBU international college. Prior to this assignment, he was in with Intel since 2001. He graduated from National University of Singapore in 1992 and obtained his Master degree in Polymer Science from Lancaster University. He earned his PhD also in Polymer Science from the same university in 2001. 25 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION PAST COMMITTEES 2008 COMMITTEE Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Secretary : Mahendra V. Chilukuri (MMU) Treasurer : Dr. Niranjan Debnath (UTAR) Committee : Dr. Low Seng Ming (Monash) Norliza Mohd Noor (UTM) Matthew Teow (KDU College) 2009 COMMITTEE Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. Low Sew Ming (Monash) Secretary : Mahendra V. Chilukuri (MMU) Treasurer :Dr. Niranjan Debnath (UTAR) Committee : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (MMU) Norliza Mohd Noor (UTM) Matthew Teow (KDU College) Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Farah Yasmin Abdul Rahman (UiTM) Zaipatimah Ali (UNITEN) 2010 COMMITTEE Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. Low Sew Ming (Monash) Secretary : Ihsan M. Yassin (UiTM) Treasurer : Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (MMU) Committee : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Norliza Mohd Noor (UTM) Mahendra V. Chilukuri (MMU) Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Dr. M. Iqbal Saripan (UPM) Dr. Vijanth Asirvadam (UTP) Auditor : Dr. Hezerul Abdul Karim (MMU) 2011 COMMITTEE Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (MMU) Secretary : Dr. Vijanth S Asirvadam (UTP) Treasurer : Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Committee : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Dr. Norliza Mohd Noor (UTM) Dr. Nor’aini Abd Jalil (UiTM) Dr. Mahendra V. Chilukuri (MMU) Syed Khaleel Ahmed (UNITEN) Auditor : Dr. Low Ser Ming (Monash) IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER 26 2012 COMMITTEE 2013 COMMITTEE Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Secretary : Dr. Vijanth Asirvadam (UTP) Treasurer : Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (Nilai U) Committee : Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Dr. Norliza Mohd Noor (UTM) Dr. M. Iqbal Saripan (UPM) Syed Khaleel Ahmed (UNITEN) Dr. Nor’aini Abdul Jalil (UiTM) Dr. Matthew Teow (Taylor's) Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Secretary : Dr. Vijanth Asirvadam (UTP) Treasurer : Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (Nilai U) Committee : Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Dr. Hezerul Abd Karim (MMU) Dr. M. Iqbal Saripan (UPM) Syed Khaleel Ahmed (UNITEN) Dr. Nor’aini Abdul Jalil (UiTM) Dr. Sabira Khatun (UniMAP) 2014 COMMITTEE 2015 COMMITTEE Chair : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Past Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. M. Iqbal Saripan (UPM) Secretary : Prof. Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (APU) Treasurer : Syed Khaleel Ahmed (UNITEN) Committee : Dr. Kushairy A. Kadir (UniKL) Prof. Dr. Sabira Khatun (UniMAP) Dr. Nor’aini Abdul Jalil (UiTM) Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Dr. Hezerul Abdul Karim (MMU) Auditor : Zaipatimah Ali (UNITEN) Chair : Dr. Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar (UTM) Past Chair : Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi (MMU) Vice-Chair : Dr. M. Iqbal Saripan (UPM) Secretary : Prof. Dr. Rajasvaran Logeswaran (Nilai U) Treasurer : Syed Khaleel Ahmed (UNITEN) Committee : Dr. Kushairy A. Kadir (UniKL) Prof. Dr. Sabira Khatun (UniMAP) Dr. Nor’aini Abdul Jalil (UiTM) Dr. Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob (UNITEN) Dr. Hezerul Abdul Karim (MMU) Zaipatimah Ali (UNITEN) 27 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER CHAPTER : SP SPO ID : CH10284 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : VIJANTH ASIRVADAM, UTP INTRODUCTION The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is an international Society whose purpose is to: advance and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific information and resources; educate the signal processing community; and provide a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas. The term "signal" includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical, and other signals. IEEE SPS Malaysia Chapter was established in August 2002 with membership of only 25 people. It has been trying to place itself as the society that generates interest by bringing the latest information and resources to the local members through its activity. This include the flagship events such as the ICSIPA conference series and the IPIARTI and SASSP workshops, as well as workshops, seminars, DLP talks, competitions, social activities and membership drives. The membership as of January 2015 is now 120+ people.The chapter has been selected as the first recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award in the year 2011. The chapter again won the IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award in 2014, together with the IEEE Malaysia Section Best Chapter Award the same year. CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS The International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA) is a biennial conference organized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter.The conference provides a forum for the researchers and engineers from academia and industry to discuss and present the latest technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and application of signal, image and video processing. The Image Processing, Image Analysis and Real Time Imaging Symposium (IPIARTI) and the IEEE Symposium on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (SASSP) are annual events organized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter for researchers working in the image processing and analysis, pattern recognition, computer vision and real-time imaging area. The conference aims to bring together engineers and scientists in signal, image and video processing locally and internationally for a better cohesion and collaboration in the fields of mutual interest.The recent IEEE ICSIPA 2015 was the fourth in the series and was held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. It was attended by about 120 participants from over 50 countries with 60% international participation. 105 papers were presented at an acceptance rate of 45%. The previous IEEE ICSIPA conferences, held in 2009, 2011 and 2013 at Kuala Lumpur and Melaka, were also major successes with 50% - 70% international participation. Other conferences which IEEE SPS Malaysia Chapter technical co-sponsored were the IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2014), the International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems (ICIAS 2012, 2014, 2016) and the International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and Their Applications (ISSPA 2010). This free event is open for all IEEE members and non-members with the aim of bringing the university - industry community together to share and discuss the latest trends and technology in the field.This event also aims to promote IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia Chapter to Malaysian audience. IPIARTI and SASSP provide good opportunities for local researchers to get together to share their work as well as exchanging ideas with others.The 1-day symposiums usually comprises of a few keynote speeches followed by other presentations in a conference style setting. The first IPIARTI was held at the UTM International Campus, Kuala Lumpur on 16th December 2010, with 9 presentations and over 80 participants. Since then, it has been organized annually with at least one IEEE Signal Processing Society DLP and local invited presentations and had attracted no less than 100 participants in each event. SASSP started in the year 2013 at Universiti Tenaga Malaysia. GALLERY Mohammad Faizal receiving the 2011 Chapter of the Year Award from SPS President, K.J. Ray Liu at ICASSP2012 in Kyoto, Japan Syed Abdul Rahman receiving the 2014 Chapter of the Year Award from SPS President, Alex Aceroat ICASSP2015 in Brisbane, Australia IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER 28 CHAIRS currently attached as Associate Professor in UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur Campus. She received her B. Sc. In Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas and her Master of Electrical Engineering (by research) and PhD (Electrical Engineering) from UTM. Her research area is in image processing and image analysis. Her current work concentrates on medical image analysis for lung diseases. She has published many papers in journals and in indexed conference proceedings, and has published one academic book and two book chapters. She is a senior member of IEEE where she has been a member for more than 25 years starting as student member while studying in USA. In 1998-2001, she held several key positions in IEEE Malaysia Section. She is the founding chapter chair for IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter in 2002 and she held the position till 2006. Under her, many Signal Processing Society DLPs has come to Malaysia shore. She is an active IEEE volunteer and held key positions in IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter and IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society Malaysia Chapter till now. She is the founder for IPIARTI, a free symposium for the members to share and exchange knowledge in the field of image, video processing and analysis. Due to this event, research on image and video has increased tremendously. She has been a committee member of ICSIPA, the flagship conference of Signal Processing Malaysia Chapter. In 2014, she was the co-chair for IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP2014) that was held in Kuala Lumpur. She was elected as the IEEE Malaysia Section Chair for two years 2013-2014, and currently she is the IEEE R10 Individual Benefits and Services Coordinator and MGA Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee – Technical Chapter Representative. MOHAMMAD FAIZAL AHMAD FAUZI (2007 – 2012) received his PhD degree from the University of Bradford, England in 1997 in the area of Image Processing for application in Video Surveillance. He has been with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (or better known as UTM) since 1992 where currently he is an associate professor in the department of Electronics and Computer Engineering under the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 2004, he setup the Computer Vision,Video and Image Processing research lab in UTM and has become the head since then. Syed has been with IEEE since 1999 where he is currently a senior member of IEEE. Syed has been an active member in IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter. He has been the chair for SPS Malaysia Chapter since 2014 and has served as the vicechair prior to that. In 2014 he received Certificate of Merit from IEEE Signal Processing Society for dedicated leadership as Chapter Chair and support of the activities of the SPS Malaysia Chapter. He has served as the Technical Chair in ICSIPA 2009, Program Chair in ICSIPA 2011, Technical Chair in ICSIPA 2013, and Publications Chair in ICSIPA 2015. NORLIZA MOHD NOOR (2002 – 2006) received the B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College, London, UK in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Computer Science from University of Southampton, Southampton, UK in 2004. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University. His main research interests are in the area of signal and image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and medical imaging. He was appointed as the Director for the Center for Quality Assurance and Academic Excellence (CQAAE) at MMU in August 2012. From May 2013 to June 2014, he was attached to the Clinical Image Analysis Lab at the Ohio State University, USA where he works on digital histopathology, especially on follicular lymphoma and glioblastoma diseases analysis. He has published more than 70 journal and conference articles to date. Mohammad Faizal is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which he first joined in 2000. He was the chair for the Signal Processing Chapter from 2008 to 2013. Under his stewardship, the chapter started organizing their flagship events such as the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA) and the IPIARTI and SASSP workshops, as well as aggressively promoting the chapters through various activities such as workshops, seminars, DLP talks, competitions, social activities and membership drives throughout the country. Subsequently the chapter was awarded the first ever recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award in 2011. He was the general cochair of ICSIPA2009 and the general chair for ICSIPA 2011. He is currently serving as the Vice Chair of the IEEE Malaysia Section as well as the past chair of the Signal Processing chapter. SYED ABDUL RAHMAN SYED ABU BAKAR (2013 – present) 29 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS / INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION JOINT CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS / INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION JOINT CHAPTER CHAPTER : IE/IA SPO ID : CH10295 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : NORITA MD TAHIR, UiTM HISTORY EEE Malaysia IE/IA Joint Chapter was separated from IEEE Malaysia PEL Chapter in Feb 2014 and was officially established in Feb 2014 by its first chair, Mustafar Kamal Hamzah who was then a professor at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Mustafar Kamal Hamzah served as chair until 2015. The first election for Executive Committee was conducted on 23rd February 2014 in Shah Alam Selangor and the following office bearers are appointed for the year 2014: Chapter Chair : Mustafar Kamal Hamzah Vice Chair : Nooritawati Md Tahir Hon. Secretary : Gobbi Ramasamy Treasurer : Mohammad Nawawi Seroji Committee : Mohd Khairul Mohd Salleh Rahimi Baharom Mohd Amran Mohd Radzi Oskar Hasdinor Hassan The first activity of IEEE Malaysia IE/IA Joint Chapter was a Technical Lecture sponsored by IEEE Industrial Applications Society in conjunction with the Presidential Visit by Blake Lloyds namely President of IEEE Industrial Applications Society together with Peter Magyar the IAS CMD Chair that was held on the 20 December 2014 in Shah Alam, Selangor. Technical Lecture by Blake Lloyd, IAS President was on ‘The Effects of Modern Variable Speed Drives on Motor Winding nsulation’ whilst Peter Magyar, IAS CMD Chair talked on ‘Overview of Young Member Activity’. Additionally, on the 9th December 2015, IEEE Malaysia PEL Chapter and IEEE Malaysia IE/IA Joint Chapter have organized a National Lecture Program (NLP) on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor. A total of 80 participants consisting of academic staff, engineers and students attended the talk, which was held to present current challenges on electric motor drives system faced by industries. Speakers were Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Gobbi Ramasamy while another President of IEEE IAS Blake Lloyds and IAS CMD Chair Peter Magyar technical talk on the artificial intelligence in power electronics was delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Amran Mohd Radzi. Meanwhile, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nooritawati Md Tahir the Interim Chair of IEEE Malaysia IE/IA Joint Chapter, took the opportunity to introduce and promote the activities of IEEE Malaysia to participants. She also presented in brief, the process to be followed to form an IEEE PEL or IE/IA Student Branch at UiTM Shah Alam. The programme was a success as it managed to attract quite a number of students to register as IEEE Student Members. CHAIR’S BIOGRAPHY MUSTAFAR KAMAL HAMZAH 2014 - 2015 A lecturer with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam since 1985 until 2015. He was the vice-chair of the IEEE Malaysia PELS/IES/IAS Joint Chapter (2008/09), Vice Chair of IEEE Malaysia Section (2010/12) and Chair of IEEE Malaysia PEL/IE/IA Joint Chapter (2011/13). He has published/presented over 100 technical papers in various areas and conducted over 100 public lectures/workshops, served as a power quality consultants’ to a number of organisations, the Chief Examiner for the MLVK certification exams and served as chairmen of Applications Bioinformatics for the formulation of National Bioinformatics Technology Roadmap. His research interests includes; Matrix Converters, Active Power Filters, Bioinformatics, Industrial Electronics and Power Electronics. GALLERY IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION 30 IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY MALAYSIA CHAPTER CHAPTER : PS SPO ID : CH10306 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : FAIRUZ BIN ABDULLAH, UNITEN HISTORY IEEE Photonics Society Malaysia Chapter was established in 2003 by Dr. Mohd Khazani Abdullah who then was working with Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Dr. Khazani was selected as pro-term committee chairman in 2003 and elected as chairman in first annual general meeting of the chapter which was known as IEEE Laser and Electro-Optic Society (LEOS) then. In 2004, myIPS organized the very first photonics conference called Malaysia Conference on Photonics (MCP). The conference objective was to provide platform for local research to share their findings in photonics research. The event was a big success. From there, myIPS continues to support photonics community in Malaysia through various programs. After six years of laying the foundation, myIPS organize the first ever photonic conference locally in July 2010. The conference was known as IEEE International Conference on Photonics (ICP). The first edition was held in Langkawi and attracted participants from regional photonics community apart from local institutions. The conference is organized annually to offer a platform where experts in photonics from all over the world were invited to present their latest research in their institution. Optoelectronics Research Center (ORC) in Southampton University, UK and Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS), Australia are among the top research centers to give support for ICP every year. Beside technical activities, myIPS also focus on membership development. The activities were designed to promote photonics field in Malaysia as well as attracting member to join IPS. Photonics Lecture Series (PLS) is one example with objective to introduce young local expert who recently graduated from PhD to the photonics community. During this event mainly IPS is promoted. Hence, in 2012 myIPS was given Highest Membership Increase award by IPS HQ. In the following year, myIPS assist members to apply for promotion to senior member. The effort was acknowledged by IPS HQ and awarded myIPS with Senior Membership Initiative award. CHAIRS DR. MOHAMAD KHAZANI ABDULLAH CEO, SIGNIFICANT TECHNOLOGIES SDN. BHD. DR. AHMAD FAUZI ABAS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA DR. MD ZAINI JAMALUDIN MANAGING DIRECTOR, UNITEN R&D SDN. BHD. 2003-2004 2005 2006-2007 2008 DR. AHMAD ASHRIF A BAKAR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN& ALAM BINA, UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA DR. FAIRUZ ABDULLAH SENIOR LECTURER, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITI TENAGA NASIONAL 2009-2010 2011 2012 DR. SUHAIRI SAHARUDIN SENIOR RESEARCHER, MIMOS BERHAD DR. KAHARUDIN DIMYATI PROFESSOR, FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN, UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN MALAYSIA 2013-2014 2015 DR. AHMAD SHUKRI MUHAMMAD NOOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA DR. HAIRUL AZHAR ABDUL RASHID DIRECTOR, RESEARCH MANAGEMENT CENTER, & PROFESSOR, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY 31 IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : CAS SPO ID : CH10307 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : NURUL AMZIAH MD YUNUS, UPM INTRODUCTION The IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Malaysia chapter was established in 2003 by its first chair, Professor Sudhanshu S. Jamuar, who was then a professor at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Prof. Jamuar served as chair for a period of 6 years until 2008. IEEE Circuits and System Society (CASS) Malaysia Chapter in 2003 – 2008 Chapter was under Prof. S S Jamuar. The IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter was approved in Dec. 2003 with overwhelming support of all the members of CAS Malaysia. Prof. S.S. Jamuar was named the Pro-term Chapter Chair till the election for appointing an executive committee for the IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter. Department of Electrical Engineering was the Secretariat for the Chapter. The first activity of IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter was held on 27th May 2004 with a full day workshop X–fest 2004 Malaysia in UPM Serdang. The X-fest was organized by Memec Insight, Singapore and was supported by IEEE Malaysia Section and Xilinx. Being the first activity of the Chapter, we were not expecting many participants. But we were surprised to have more than 100 participants in the workshop. Thus executive committee decided to have more Technical, Social, Educational and Professional meetings encouraged by the overwhelming response in X-fest. We were able to reach many members and non-members in organizing our technical seminars, tutorials, membership development program etc. Year 2005 was another successful year for the chapter during which. IEEE CASS VP (Region 10) nominated our chapter for the best Chapter Award for the year 2005. We missed it with small margin and decided to work harder to get this award in subsequent year. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society 2007 Chapter of the Year Award was presented to IEEE Malaysia Section during ECCTD 2007 in Seville, Spain. Prof. S.S. Jamuar, Chapter Chair received the award. We also received special funding for US$500 from CASS headquarters to conduct our technical activities during 2007. We were also adjudged the Runner up for the Best chapter Award in Malaysia for the year 2005-2006. Prof. S.S. Jamuar was adjudged as Runner up for the Best Volunteer Award for the year 2005-2006. This resulted in many more awards coming to the Chapter in subsequent years and this provided incentives in terms of cash support from IEEE CAS Head Quarter to IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter. During Wan Zuha Wan Hasan chairpersonship in 2010, the Workshop on Smart Sensor Systems (WSSS2010) was held in April 20-21 at Auditorium, MIMOS Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. It gave a view of the importance of Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN) to the nation’s economy; which had focused on state of the art development in smart sensor systems technology, the establishment of Community of Practice in sensor system, Strategic direction, Central facilities, Funding and Collaborative research framework and had discussed collaborative effort for RMK10 project proposals. MIMOS, IEEE Circuits and System Society and National Center of Excellent in Sensor Technology (NEST) were co-organizing the workshop. The workshop was a big achievement in IEEE CAS Malaysia as it was able to cooperate with industry, MIMOS Berhad and National Center of Excellent in Sensor Technology (NEST), one of UPM’s Center of Excellents. 70 participants nationwide have attended the workshop. IEEE CAS Society Malaysia also had organized 10th biennial the 2010 IEEE Asia Pacific Circuits and Systems Conference (APCCAS2010) at Kuala Lumpur under Prof. Sudhanshu Shekhar Jamuar as the General Chair of APCCAS 2010. In the conference, IEEE CASS M had offered all delegates an exciting technical program that showcases the recent development in the field of circuits and systems. The IEEE APCCAS is a major international forum established by the CASS for students, engineers, scientists, educationists, and executives, to exchange their latest research. The conference received 410 submissions from 35 countries. There were contribution of ten distinguished experts from academia and industry gave both foundations and emerging applications of circuits and systems. There were 10 parallel sessions consisting of 304 oral presentations and one industrial session. The success of IEEE APCCAS 2010 was indebted to a very long list of individuals, committees, and organizations. There were more than 400 participants have attended the conference. In 2011 under the chairpersonship of Maryam Mohd Isa, a Workshop on Greentechnology Circuits and Systems (WGT2011) was held. There were 30 participants participated in the workshop. Four renowned speakers from academics and industries were invited to give the talk during the event. Dr. Ing Yiannos Manoli gave a talk on Energy Harvesting from Devices to Systems, Prof. Magdy Bayoumi talk was entitled Towards Green Circuits and Systems, Prof. Yoshimitsu Uemura gave an overview on Biomass Utilization to Mitigate CO2 Emission and Mr. Victor Lee had enlightened the topic on Malaysia towards Green Environment. In 2013, under the chairpersonship of Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin, CASS Malaysia Section has successfully organized the 2nd ICCAS2013, held on the 18th – 19th September 2013 at the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Three speakers were invited to deliver keynote speeches during the conference. They were Assoc. Prof. Joseph Sylvester Chang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Dr. Pui Boon Hean (Symmid Corporation) and Prof. Mingui Sun (University of Pittsburgh, USA). CASS Malaysia also organized two DLP talk, delivered by Prof. Mingui Sun and Prof. Robert Chen-Hao Chang; plus three technical talks delivered by Prof. Gerald Sobelman (University of Minnesota, USA), Mr. Edward Lim Jin Keong (Texas Instruments Malaysia) and Mr Benjamin Kwame Sarpong (Texas Instruments Dallas). ACHIEVEMENTS • IEEE CAS Chapter of The Year (2007) • IEEE CAS Region 10 Chapter of The Year (2011) • IEEE CAS Region 10 Chapter of The Year (2012) • IEEE CAS Region 10 Chapter of The Year (2014) • IEEE Malaysia 3rd Best Chapter (2014) • IEEE CAS Region 10 Chapter of The Year (2015) IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY CHAPTER 32 CHAIRS ASSOCIATE PROF. DR. WAN ZUHA WAN HASAN Received his degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1997 and received his Master degree in 2000 from the same university. He received his Ph.D. degree in Microelectronic Engineering from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2010. Currently, he is the Head of 2009-2010 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He joined IEEE as a member since year 2002. In 2004, he was elected as Ex-Comm of IEEE CASS Malaysia and then as a Secretary in 2006. In 2008, Wan Zuha was elected as Chapter Chair of IEEE CASS Malaysia for 2008-2010 sessions and continuously recognize as past chair until now. During his involvement from 2004 to 2012, he contributed numbers of CAS activities such as DLPs, Tutorial, Workshop, Community Services and Conferences. One of the biggest contributions that he has made was hosting APCCAS2010 in Malaysia on 6th-9th Dec 2010 at Hilton and Le Meridien Hotel, KL. Almost 350 papers were presented and more than 400 participants have attended the conference. Another main activity, jointly organized by IEEE CAS Malaysia and MIMOS Berhad was the Workshop on Smart Sensor 2010 (WSSS2010). 70 participants nationwide have attended the workshop. Other activities such as distinguished lecture programs (DLP), membership drives, tutorials and small workshops have also been carried out. Through the contributions and efforts, IEEE CASS Malaysia was awarded Runner-up for the Best Chapter and Best Volunteer Award in 2006, Best Chapter Award from IEEE Region 10 in 2007, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Apart from actively involved with IEEE CASS Malaysia, he is also a member of IEEE-EDS Malaysia and IEEE-EMBS Malaysia. ASSOCIATE PROF. DR FAWNIZU AZMADI HUSSIN Director of Strategic Alliance Office at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), where he advises the Vice Chancellor on matters related to collaborations with partners from the industry, university or government. He was the Program Manager of Master by coursework program at UTP 2013-2014 (2009-2013) and the Deputy Head of Electrical & Electronic Engineering department at UTP (2013-2014). He spent almost one year as a Visiting Professor at Intel Microelectronics (Malaysia)’s SOC DFx department in 2012-13. He obtained the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Computer Design) from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, U.S.A. in 1999 and subsequently his M.Eng.Sc. in Systems and Control from the University of New South Wales, Australia in 2001. Dr Fawnizu obtained his PhD in 2008 at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Japan under the scholarship from the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho). His PhD thesis was on core-based testing of system-on-chips (SOC) and network-on-chips (NOC), which won an award at the ASP-DAC 2008 Student Forum. Dr Fawnizu’s research interests are in VLSI design and test especially in core-based testing, SOC and NOC. Dr Fawnizu currently works on test and debug of ICs, including DFT, BIST and test scheduling. He also works on embedded systems applications targeting mostly biomedical applications. He has filed five patent applications and two copyrights and published more than 80 papers. His most recent journal paper in IEEE Sensors was awarded The Most Downloaded Paper from the IEEE Sensors Council. He is actively involved with the IEEE Malaysia Section. He was the 2013 & 2014 Chair of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Malaysia Chapter and currently an excomm member of IEEE Malaysia Section. During his term as chair, Fawnizu inaugurated the Hi-Tea event (2013) as a platform for members to network and meet other CAS Malaysia members. He also introduced three categories of awards to recognize members from Bachelor, Masters and PhD for their outstanding work in the field of circuits & systems in Malaysia. PROF. SUDHANSHU S JAMUAR Received his M. Tech and Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 1970 and 1977 respectively. He worked as Research Assistant, Senior Research Fellow and Senior Research Assistant from 1969 to 1975 at IIT Kanpur. During 1975-76, he was with Hindustan 2003-2008 Aeronautics Ltd., Lucknow. Subsequently he joined the Lasers and Spectroscopy Group in the Physics Department at IIT Kanpur, where he was involved in the design of various types of Laser Systems. He joined as Lecturer Electrical Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 1977, where he became Assistant Professor in 1980. He was attached to Bath College of Further Education, Bath (UK), Aalborg University, Aalborg (Denmark) during 1987 and 2000. He was a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi from 1991 to 2003. He was Consultant to UNESCO during 1996 in Lagos State University, Lagos (Nigeria). He was with University Putra Malaysia during 1996 – 97 and 2001 - 2009 in the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya (Malaysia) 2009-2013. Presently he is Professor in the School of Microelectronics Engineering at University Malaysia Perlis since November 2013. He has been teaching and conducting research in the areas of Electronic Circuit Design, Instrumentation and Communication Systems. He has about 65 papers in the International Journals and has attended several International Conferences and presented papers. He received Taiwan Patent on “A Simulation Circuit Layout Design for Low Voltage, Low Power and High Performance Type II Current Conveyor”. He is recipient of Meghnad Saha Memorial Award 1976 from IETE, Distinguished Alumni Award from BIT Sindri in 1999, Best paper award in IETE journal of Education 2004 from IETE.He is Fellow of IET,Senior member of IEEE and Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (India). He is also a Chartered Engineer. He was DLP speaker for IEEE CAS for the year 2008-2009. He is on the Editorial Board of Wireless Personnel Communication Journal. He was the Chapter Chair for IEEE CAS Chapter from 2003 to 2008 in Malaysia. DR. MARYAM MOHD ISA Currently a Senior Lecturer at University Putra Malaysia where she received her B.Eng. in 1996. Upon her graduation, she joined Sony Technology Malaysia and later pursued her studies and received her PhD in 2006. Her current research interests are in Digital Circuits and Microwave Sensor System.She is an active 2011-2012 member for IEEE CAS Malaysia since 2006, she was the IEEE CAS Malaysia chair for 2011 and 2012; co-chair for 2009 and 2010; and treasurer for 2008. She was also the IEEE Malaysia Section Treasurer for 2010 and 2011. During APCCAS 2010, she was one of the organizing committee. She actively organized the CASS DLP and tutorials in Malaysia since 2009. CAS Malaysia was awarded social activity fund for schools the first time during her term as the chair. The activity is to increase interest in school children in engineering and technology. She has successfully organized CAS Malaysia Workshop on Green Technology in 2011 prior to the CAS Malaysia conference, where she started up International Conference on Circuits and System (ICCAS) in 2012 and continues to serve as the conference chair until 2015 where International Circuit and System Symposium (ICSYS) was held. During her term. IEEE CAS Malaysia was awarded as IEEE CAS R10 Chapter of the Year Award for 2011 and 2012. DR. NURUL AMZIAH MD YUNUS received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering majoring in Bionanoelectronics Microfluidics Engineering in 2010. In the year 2012, she had continued her research doing postdoctoral at the Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK for 6 month focusing on microfluidic fabrication. She obtained her first degree, B.Eng (Hons) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom in 1997 and in 2001 she was awarded a Master Degree (M.Sc) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Universiti 2015 Putra Malaysia (UPM). She is currently a Senior Lecturer at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UPM. Her research interests include the design and fabrication of micro and nano-fluidic, Lab on a chip (LoC) and Bio and Chem MEMS devices, with a special interest on the use of AC and DC electrokinetic techniques for fluid and particle separation and manipulation. She also has research in areas of thin film solar cells, sensors and flexible organic. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate level courses covering electronic subjects. She is actively involved in voluntarily work with IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Malaysia Chapter (IEEE CASS M) since 2003. In 2004 and 2005 she was the hon. secretary of IEEE CASS M.The Chapter won the best Chapter Award for the year 2005. In 2010 she was the secretary of Workshop on Smart Sensor 2010 (WSSS2010) organized IEEE CASS M and MIMOS Berhad with 70 participants. In 2011 and 2012 she was again the hon. secretary of IEEE CASS M. In 2012 IEEE CASS M has its first conference exclusively for CAS Malaysia named ICCAS2012 and Nurul was the secretary of the conference. 33 IEEE INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : IMS SPO ID : CH10355 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : SHEROZ KHAN, IIUM INTRODUCTION Chapter started by Serge Domidinko in 2006 who remained its chair until 2008. Rini Akmeliawati who also remained its chair until 2010 followed him. Then Chairs continued included Tin Win, and Kuang Ye Chew, Sheroz Khan and Teddy Gunawan. Sheroz Khan assuming its Chair in 2012, has remained as it sectary since 2014. The chapter revived with new activities. The pat-president of the IEEE IMS, Kim Fowler, was invited as the IEEE DLP for the ICCCE2012. Beside this we ran an IEEE Tutorial in parallel under the IEEE IMS Chapter, providing the chapter with a surplus enough to get ready for more aggressive professional activities by holding an FYP competition within the faculty of Engineering at International Islamic University Malaysia. Next move was for preparing the IEEE IMS Malaysia bid for I2MTC to be held in Kuala Lumpur. Sheroz Khan (IIUM) as Secretary of the Chapter, Sheroz Khan made presentation to the IMS board of directors (more than 12 people) in Minneapolis on 9 May 2013. The Board declined to award any future I2MTC at this time, mainly due to two reasons: (i) they are in process of making standard bidding package, (ii) making sure that venue is moved yearly in prescribed manner. However, the board has stressed the need for working with IMS Malaysia for future I2MTC conference, while final decision upon our re-submission will be made in I2MTC2014 in Uruguay. It is here when the Chapter was advised for starting an International Conference. The idea of the International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA) was launched. The First ICSIMA was held on 26-27 November 2013 Royale Bintang Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Since then ICSIMA has been an annual event on 25-27 NOVEMBER 2014 BERJAYA Hotels & Resorts, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and 24-25 November 2015 in Putrajaya Marriot, Malaysia. EVENTS Tutorial by Kim Fowler on “Principles of Instrumentation and Measurement” at UTM Razak School to an audience of 16 participants, most graduate students from surrounding institutions. The basic concepts of measurement and instrumentation configuration are discussed. Instrumentation systems could be centralized for use in house hold, aircrafts and ships or distributed for applications on smart-grids and hospitals. He touched on basic terms such as accuracy, precision, resolution SR and stability; tutorial is well received. The chapter has been doing Charity events on 7 July for the Pusat Tahfi Al-Nasar, Taman Sierra Ulu Kelang (UK), Ampang Malaysia. She presented 29 students aged 2-17 and the two Ustad with Hampers by our IMS member Dr Hasmah Mansor. Dr Kushsairy Abdul Kadir represented the I2MTC2015 in Pisa Italy in May 2015 and attended the Board of Directors meeting with a pledge to place our in Taipei this year in May 2016 for I2MTC2019 to be held in Kuala Lumpur. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES / MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES / SOLID STATE CIRCUITS JOINT CHAPTER, PENANG 34 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICES / MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES / SOLID STATE CIRCUITS JOINT CHAPTER, PENANG CHAPTER : EDS/MTT/SSCS SPO ID : CH10341 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : WONG PENG WEN, UTP INTRODUCTION Established by Grant A. Ellis, PhD, on September 9, 2005, Penang’s MTT/ED/AP chapter was the first IEEE chapter in the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, Penang, Malaysia. A plan to start an IEEE SSC chapter in Penang was started by Mr Boon Eu SEOW in 2006, but delayed due to the insufficiency of SSC members. Two years later, MTT/ED/AP Chapter Chair Mr. Yut Hoong CHOW proposed that the AP society of MTT/ED/AP be replaced by SSC to better focus on related industries in the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone. Subsequently the group was reorganized officially on May 15, 2008 and renamed as the IEEE Malaysia Electron Devices Society, the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and the Solid-State Circuits Society (ED15/MTT17/SSC37) joint chapter, with registration number, CH10341. The IEEE Penang Joint Chapter hopes to support and accelerate the growth of electronic industries in its communities by sponsoring and organizing seminars and lectures by subject matter experts. In this regard, the first technical talk was held on 10th August, 2005 and continuously coupled with IEEE distinguished lectures, technical talk and seminars in subsequent years. CHAIRS 2005-2006 GRANT A. ELLIS received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1995. He was Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Universiti Teknologi Petronas in Tronoh, Malaysia. His current research interests are Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) and RFIC design, novel millimeter wave MMIC design, Microwave computer aided design techniques, and electromagnetic propagation. Dr Ellis has written over 30 papers and publications and holds 4 US patents. He is a member of the Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu National Engineering Honor Societies and the Sigma Xi scientific research society. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of California, and has been a Senior Member of the IEEE since 2004. 2008-2009 YUT HOONG CHOW graduated with Bend (Hons) from Uni. NSW, Sydney in 1988. Since then, he has designed consumer electronics products, circuits for RF two-way radios, GaAs MMICs and worked on active device modeling. He was elevated to IEEE senior member in 2007. He has presented papers at IEEE IMS, EuMC and APMC conferences. He has 6 granted US patents and one pending. 2010-2011,2013 BOON LENG LIM received his Master degree in Solid State Physic from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1995. He also completed his Master degree in Business Administration from Heriot-Watt University in 1998. He is currently a senior manager in Altera Corporation Sdn. Bhd. He drives and manages major product platform qualification which span across different package types, assembly sites, device features and new technology. He holds a US patent on test method for bond pad quality monitoring. 2012 JAGADHESWARAN RAJENDRAN was born in Peanng, Malaysia. He has 11 years of industrial experience in the field of RF circuit design and has served various companies such as Laird Technologies, Motorola Inc, Avago Tech. and Silterra Malaysia. Currently he is a senior lecturer in Universiti Sains Malaysia. His research interest is in the field of RFIC design where he holds a PhD degree from Universiti of Malaya. Dr. Jagadheswaran is a member of IEEE. 2014-2015 DR. TUN ZAINAL received his BSEE, MSEE, and DSEE degrees from Washington University in St. Louis in 1995, 1998, and 2002, respectively. He was with NEC Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd, Teluk Panglima Garang, Banting as a product engineer from 1995 to December 1996. Upon completion his postgraduate studies, he joined Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Nibong Tebal, Penang as a faculty in July 2002, then was appointed as the program chairman for Electronic Program in 2005 until Dec 2006. Subsequently, in 2009 he was promoted as an associate professor until August 2014. Recently, in September 2014, he joined Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) as an associate professor. For the past 12 years, his research interest revolves around radio frequency integrated circuits (RFIC) notably in designing RF transceiver blocks such as LNA, QVCO, Down-Mixers, Up-Mixers, BPF, LPF, and PA. In addition, he had also supervised postgraduate or undergraduate final year projects on various mixed-signal design such as PLL, ADC, and DAC. All his research work is for the deployment of circuit blocks for various wireless transceivers for applications such as RFID, WCDMA, WLAN, and UWB. As for the digital implementation, he had supervised 1 MSc work on semi-custom design of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) chip using Verilog. On the fundamental aspect of the research, he also has been working on the design of on-chip CMOS integrated inductors for both narrowband and recently for wideband implementation. Since joining UTP, he is with nanotechnology cluster and is currently interested in the implementation of energy harvester circuits such as RF-to-DC, AC-to-DC, and DC-to-DC converters, transceiver circuits, power management circuits, ADC, as well read-out circuits to complement the existing established sensor & MEMs group in UTP. His current goal is to fully realize the energy harvester system on-chip utilizing the ubiquitous CMOS technology. 35 IEEE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY AND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY AND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOINT CHAPTER CHAPTER : COMSOC/VTS SPO ID : CH10361 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : FAZIRULHISYAM HASHIM, UPM HISTORY The joint chapter was initially an individual IEEE Malaysia Communication Society (ComSoc) Chapter which was formed on June 26, 1992. Later, it became a joint chapter with IEEE Malaysia Vehicular Technology Society, and officially known as IEEE Malaysia Communications Society and Vehicular Technology Society Joint Chapter (ComSoc/VTS) on May 9, 2006. The joint chapter was formed to strengthen both chapters as both communications and vehicular technology are inter-related in nature. The ComSoc/VTS Malaysia is a community comprised of a diverse group of academicians, industry professionals, researchers and students who shares common interest in advancing all communications and vehicular technologies. The formation of joint chapter had definitely enhanced the collaboration among members from both chapters. In addition, over the years ComSoc/VTS Malaysia has organized and owns 2 flagship conferences namely Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC) and International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies (ISTT). ComSoc/VTS Malaysia is also very active in organizing Distinguished Lecturer/Speaker Program (DLP and DSP) for its members. This is evident from the number of DLP/DSP being organized by the joint chapter, which is in average 5 activities per year. Due to the good reputation among ComSoc chapters all over the world, ComSoc/VTS Malaysia has been appointed as the organizer or host of several flagship conferences such as 2011 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2011) and the most important one is 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2016). Since its formation, the joint chapter has 6 previous and current chairs. The Chairs were elected during Annual General Meeting (AGM), and it is the practice of ComSoc/VTS Malaysia to limit the Chair to 2 terms. ComSoc/VTS Malaysia is envisaged to be the main platform to its members to exchange ideas on communications and vehicular technologies, and information networking. Owing to this vision, since it began operations in May 2006, on average more than 40 activities per year were conducted and participated by the members. Some of the core activities are technical related activities (lecture, talk, seminar and workshop); professional and career talks to high school, college and university students; social activities with members, orphanage, hospital patient and community; which generally received enthusiastic participation from the members as well as the public. Over the years, we can also witness various important achievements for ComSoc/VTS Malaysia - won the 2014 ComSoc Chapter of the Year Award by IEEE ComSoc beating Republic of Macedonia, Colombia and New Jersey Coast Chapter. This is indeed a pinnacle for any chapter. This award was presented in the prestigious award luncheon during the 2014 IEEE Globecom Conference at Austin, Texas, USA on December 12, 2014. As another “feather in the cap”, ComSoc/VTS Malaysia also received the 2014 Chapter Achievement Award. This means that ComSoc/VTS Malaysia has won this award for two consecutive years, since 2013 even though it missed out on the Chapter of the Year award in 2013. ComSoc/VTS Malaysia also won Asia Pacific Best Chapter of the Year, and with this award it immediately becomes the candidate for the ComSoc Chapter of the Year. In addition, ComSoc/VTS Malaysia also won VTS Chapter of the Year Award for two consecutive years in 2012 and 2013, and won IEEE Malaysia Best Chapter of the Year several times where the most recent ones were in 2013 and 2014. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY AND VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY 36 CHAIRS PROF. DR. BORHANUDDIN MOHD ALI (2007-2008) DR. HAFIZAL MOHAMAD (2009-2010) Received the B.Eng. with First Class Honours and Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from University of Southampton, UK in 1998 and 2003, respectively. He was a faculty member at the Multimedia University, Malaysia from 1998. He served a short stint as a visiting fellow at National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT), Yokosuka, Japan in 2005. Since 2007, he is a Senior Staff Researcher at Wireless Communications Cluster, MIMOS Berhad, where he leads a team of researchers working on Internet of things, cognitive radio and mesh network. He has published over 70 journal and conference papers. He has 7 patents granted and 35 patents filed. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. He was the Vice Chair for IEEE Malaysia Section (2013) and the Chair for IEEE ComSoc/VT Malaysia Chapter (2009 – 2011). He has involved in organizing a number of conferences including; Conference Operation Chair for ICC 2016 (Kuala Lumpur), Technical Program Chair for APCC 2011 (Sabah), and Tutorial Chair for ICT 2007 (Penang). DR. NORDIN RAMLI (2013-2014) Received B.Eng degree in electrical engineering from Keio University, Japan in 1999. He received the M.Eng and Ph.D degrees, both in electronic engineering from The University of Electro-Communications, Japan in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Previously, he was at Telekom Malaysia Berhad as network engineer from 1999-2008, and lecturer at Multimedia University, Malaysia from 2008-2009. Currently, he is a Staff Researcher at Wireless Network & Protocol Research (WNPR), MIMOS Berhad, Malaysia. His current research and development (R&D) interests are in the area of cognitive radio, TV white space, space-time processing, equalization, adaptive array system and wireless mesh networking. Based on his work, he has published over 40 journals and conference papers, and filed more than 20 patents related to wireless communications which are pending at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). He is a member of IEEE, and was served as the Chairperson of IEEE Malaysia Communication Society and Vehicular Technology Society Joint Chapter from 2013-2014. Previously, he also served as Secretary (2010-2012) of this society. He was a Technical Program Chair for 2014 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP2014) and 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies (ISTT2014). He also serves as Chairman of White Space Working Group, a technical working group under Malaysia Technical Standard Forum Berhad (MTSFB) from 2013 until now, to study on the availability of white space communication in Malaysia. Now, he is a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the School of Electrical Systems Engineering of Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). He is a registered professional engineer under Board of Engineer, Malaysia. Currently, Dr Nordin Ramli serves as the Associate Editor for the IEICE Communication Express (CoMEX) from June 2014. Obtained his BSc (Hons) Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Loughborough University in 1979; MSc and PhD from University of Wales, Cardiff, UK, in 1981 and 1985, respectively. He became a lecturer in UPM in 1985, and Professor in 2002 and served at various positions in UPM and external organizations at senior management level. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of IET and a Chartered Engineer. He first served IEEE as a committee member way back in the late 90s, then became the Vice Chair in 2002, and then the Chair 2003-2004. He also served as the IEEE Region 10 Chair for Meeting and Conferences in 2011. Prior to that, he also served as the ComSoc Chair in1995-1998, after serving several years as the committee member. He also served at various positions in ComSoc Asia Pacific Board, in which he is now the Vice Director. Presently he is the Executive Co Chair of the forthcoming ICC2016 Kuala Lumpur, a flagship conference for IEEE ComSoc. His research interest spans wireless communications including wireless sensor networks and IoT, wireless resource management, mobility and broadband wireless, in which he published over 100 papers in refereed journals and over 200 conference papers. PROF. DR. TIONG SIEH KIONG (2011-2012) Currently a professor in the College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional. He is also the head of electronic and information technology unit at Power Engineering Centre, the head of System and Machine Intelligence Centre in College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional. He received his B.Eng. (Hons), MSc and PhD, in Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering from the Nasional University of Malaysia (UKM) in year 1997, 2000 and 2006 respectively. His research interests are artificial intelligence, microcontroller system and communication system. He has been actively involved in leading research and consultancy projects for government and industries. He is currently a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and a graduate Member of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). He is also an active Member of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, USA (IEEE) where he is currently the past chair of its Communication & Vehicular Technology Society (Malaysia Chapter). He has been actively involved in many conferences as conference co-chair, technical program chair, treasurer, patronage chair and excom of MICC-ICON2005, MICC-ICT2007, NCTT-MCP2008, ICEE2009, MICC2009, IEEE SCOReD2010, APCC2011, ICCCE2012, ICWCA2012, ISTT2012, MICC2013, ISTT2014, MICC2015, ICARET2015, ICC2016. DR. FAZIRULHISYAM HASHIM (2015) Received B.Eng. degree from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and holds an M.Sc. degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Sydney, Australia. He is currently a researcher and a lecturer at the Wireless and Photonic Network Research Center of Excellence (WiPNET) at the Universiti Putra Malaysia. His research interests include network security and QoS of next generation mobile networks, green communication systems, and wireless sensor networks. He has published over 70 journal and conference papers. He is the current Chair of IEEE ComSoc/VTS Malaysia Chapter (year 2015), and was the Vice Chair (2014) and Secretary (2013). He also involved in organizing a number of conferences; Secretary for APCC 2011 (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), MICC 2013 (Kuala Lumpur) and ISTT 2014 (Langkawi, Kedah). He is also a TPC member/reviewer for many international conferences and journals. 37 IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : RAS SPO ID : CH10365 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHAIRS PONNAMBALAM SIVALINGA GOVINDARAJAN 80392660 2006-2009 VEERARAGAVAN S 80666230 2011 PARASURAMAN SUBRAMANIAM 90376510 2012-2013 HANAFIAH B YUSSOF 80606969 2013 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE EDUCATION SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : EDUSOC SPO ID : CH10396 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHAIRS SEWMING LOW 80402339 2010-2013 JULIANA JOHARI 80185667 2013 IEEE EDUCATION SOCIETY CHAPTER 38 39 IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING CHAPTER : WIE ASSOCIATE EDITORS : SYAMIMI SHAMSUDDIN, UITM INTRODUCTION The IEEE Malaysia Women in Engineering Affinity Group was established in 2007 with Associate Professor Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria as the interim chair. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuhaina, who is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) served as chair for a period of 4 years beginning 2008 until 2011. The first activity of IEEE WIE Malaysia was held on 22nd June 2008 with an educational program: SMART Learning 2008 delivered by Prof Dr. Aziz Sahak in UiTM Shah Alam. As the group’s first activity, an attendance of 100 participants was very encouraging for us. Another program was held in 2008 which was a training for teachers: Introduction of Engineering and Robotics to Secondary School conducted by Dr. Riza Muhida at IIUM, KL. IEEE WIE Malaysia continues to inspire future engineers and scientists with a talk on ‘Career in Engineering– How to Prepare and What to Expect’ on 20th March 2009 and a second robotics workshop held in IIUM on 15th December 2009. 2010 saw IEEE WIE Malaysia organizing the IEEE Annual and Appreciation Night on 6th November 2010 at the Grand Bluewave Hotel. In 2013, IEEE WIE Malaysia had received an R10 WIE Award worth USD300 for an Engineering Outreach Program which was conducted at Sekolah Menengah Tun Perak, involving 120 high-school students. Year 2014 marked another successful year for this affinity group. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS IEEE Malaysia WIE Affinity Group Special Session was held on the 15th of April 2014 in conjunction with the IEEE Region-10 Technical Symposium 2014 at Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This event was held to provide a platform for women engineers in IEEE to understand more about WIE, to network and to share their success stories. Year 2015 holds a calendar full of activities for this group. Befitting its mission to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower women and nurture interest in engineering, WIE Malaysia had conducted an essay competition at St Mary’s School Kuala Lumpur, sponsored Awards of Excellence for innovative final-year undergraduate projects in UNITEN and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS and organized Broga Hill Hiking trip on 11th April 2015 to promote teamwork and hill ‘Gotong-royong’. WIE Malaysia also acted as technical co-sponsor for the 2015 International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM2015) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria was invited as a Keynote Speaker during the 2015 Women in Circuits and Systems (WiCAS2015), an IEEE CASS outreach initiative in Langkawi. We were also proud as the group was awarded two R10 WIE funds to carry out social activities in 2015. In a nutshell, IEEE WIE Malaysia shall continue to inspire and empower girls and ladies to pursue a career in engineering thus collectively use their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. 2013: WIE Malaysia had received R10 WIE Award worth USD300 for Engineering Outreach Program 2015: WIE Malaysia was awarded two R10 WIE Support Fund to carry out social activities: USD300 for Essay Competition and USD200 for WIE Open Day CHAIRS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. ZUHAINA ZAKARIA (2008-2011) Zuhaina Zakaria received her Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1989, Masters Degree from Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom in 1997 and Ph.D in Power System from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK in 2005. She has been working in University Technology MARA (UiTM) for more than 20 years and is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Her main research interests are in the areas of power quality, load profiling and power system analysis and operation. Dr. Zuhaina is also a senior member of IEEE and the current chair for IEEE Malaysia Section. She has joined IEEE since 1999 and has served as an office-bearer in IEEE Malaysia Section as follows: • Exco-Member (Student Activities)- 2000/2001, 2005/2006, 2007/2008 • Treasurer, 2008-2009 • Secretary, 2010, 2012-2013 • Student Counselor, IEEE UiTM Student Branch, 2005-2007 In the technical society, she is also one of the active volunteer in IEEE Power and Engineering (PES) Malaysia Chapter. She was appointed as committee member, treasurer from 2005-2007, Vice Chair from 2013-2014 and finally the current chair for PES Malaysia. Dr. Zuhaina has also been appointed as the Chapter Representative for R10 PES which requires her to monitor the running of seven PES chapters in the south East Asia. In addition, Dr. Zuhaina was the founder for IEEE Malaysia Section-Women in Engineering Affinity Group which was formed in July 2007. She actively participated in organizing major IEEE conferences in Malaysia since 2006 which includes Student Conference on Research and Development 2006, International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED) from 2009 until present, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia 2014, TENSYMP 2014 and many more. Dr. Zuhaina is an experienced and committed member of IEEE Malaysia Section and received recognition of IEEE Malaysia Section Outstanding Volunteer Award for 2010. ASSOCIATE DR. ZUHAINA ZAKARIA PROFESSOR DR.PROFESSOR TITIK KHAWA ABDUL RAHMAN (2012) Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman is currently a Professor at King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia. She received her BSc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Hons) from Loughborough University of Technology, UK in 1988 and PhD in Power System Engineering from University of Malaya, Malaysia in 1998. Previously she was a lecturer in UiTM since 1989 until she was appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM from year 2008 until 2011. In 2005, she was elected as the Secretary for IEEE Malaysia Section. She was also the IEEE Malaysia UiTM Student Branch counselor since 2003 until October 2005. She is an active member of IEEE PES since year 200, IEEE EdSoc since 2007 and IEEE WIE since 2007 where she was the WIE Malaysia Chair in 2012. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING 40 DR. ROZITA JAILANI (2013-2014) Rozita Jailani is the Head of Degree Program in Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. She received her Ph.D in Automatic Control and System Engineering from University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2011. Her research interests in Biomedical Engineering are in the areas of exoskeleton technology for rehabilitation and mobility, image processing for medical imaging, gait analysis of brain impaired patients and artificial intelligence system for many applications. Dr. Rozita is also a senior member of IEEE and the current secretary for IEEE Malaysia Section. She has joined IEEE since 2003 and has served as an office-bearer in IEEE Malaysia Section as follows: • Secretary, 2014-2015 • Student Counselor, IEEE UiTM Student Branch, 2013 to present • Chair, WIE Malaysia Section, 2013-2014 In the technical society, she is also one of the active volunteer in IEEE Control System Society (CSS) Malaysia Chapter and IEEE Malaysia Section-Women in Engineering Affinity Group (WIE). She was appointed as committee member, treasurer, secretary and chair. She actively participated in organizing major IEEE conferences in Malaysia since 2005 which includes Colloquium on Signal Processing and Its Applications (CSPA) from 2005 until present, Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET) from 2011 until present, Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC) from 2011 until present and many more. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. ZUHAINA DR. NUR EMILEEN ABD RASHID (2015) ZAKARIA Nur Emileen Abd Rashid received her Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication Engineering) from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2001 and subsequently his M.Sc. in Computer, Communication and Human Centered Engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK in 2002. She pursued her studies and received her PhD in 2011. Her current research interests are in Radar Technology, Telecommunication signal processing and clutter modelling. She is actively involved in voluntarily work with WIE since 2013. In 2013 she was the executive committee of WIE. During her term as chair, WIE Malaysia was awarded two R10 funds for social activities include Secondary school essay competition and WIE open day and become Technical co-sponsor for ICREM7. Presently she is a Senior Lecturer and a Program Coordinator of Master by coursework program of Electrical & Electronic Engineering department at University Technology MARA. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES YEAR 2008 2009 2010 2011 PAST CHAIR CHAIR VICE CHAIR SECRETARY TREASURER MEMBERS Zuhaina Zakaria Zuhaina Zakaria Zuhaina Zakaria Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman Husna Zainol Abidin Anees Abdul Aziz Harsa Amylia Mat Sakim MEMBERS Yusnita Rahayu MEMBERS Mahanijah Md Kamal Zuhaina Zakaria 2012 2013 2014 2015 Zuhaina Zakaria Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman Zuhaina Zakaria Rozita Jailani Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman Rozita Jailani Rozita Jailani Nur Emileen Abd Rashid Sabira Khatun Sabira Khatun Sabira Khatun Lim Soo Yong Harsa Emylia Mat Sakim Aziati Husna Awang Zuhaina Zakaria Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman Zaipatimah Ali Nadia Tan Mei Lin Aziati Husna Awang Nadia Tan Mei Lin Nur Idora Abdul Razak Lim Soo Yong Lee Yoot Khuan Belle Ooi Syamimi Shamsuddin Rozita Jailani Anees Abdul Aziz Norliza Mohd noor Husna Zainol Abidin Normy Norfiza Abdul Razak MEMBERS Zuraini Dahari MEMBERS Lee Yoot Khuan MEMBERS Lee Yoot Khuan Harsa Emylia Mat Sakim Sukreen Hana Herman Nur Emileen Abd Rashid MEMBERS Zaipatimah Ali MEMBERS Nur Idora Abdul Razak Belle Ooi Zaipatimah Ali Nasreen Badruddin Norashikin Yahya 41 IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : EMBS SPO ID : CH10441 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHONG YU ZHENG, UTAR HISTORY 2009 THE FORMATIVE DAYS The IEEE-EMBS Malaysia Chapter was founded in 2009 spearheaded by a few enthusiastic members of IEEE Malaysia Section with interest in Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB). The foundation Chair was Prof. Ir. Dr. Fatimah Ibrahim along with seven (7) others founding EXCO members. Through its formation year, the chapter have garnered numerous activities with limited resources, namely co-sponsors of two (2) conferences – the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2009) and the 2009 International Conference for Technical Postgraduates (TECHPOS 2009). The chapter also has initiated outreach to other communities to join as members through consistent membership drives in various institutions during the first year of its inception. Various technical activities were also organized such as technical talks, Distinguished Lecturer Programs during the first session. To sum up the first year, twenty-three (23) technical activities were organized, followed by eight (8) social meetings, and six (6) administrative meetings. Such activities became stepping stone for the chapter to further develop in subsequent years. 2011 INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH The year 2011 saw International Outreach of the Chapter with fellow IEEE-EMBS Chapters across R10. This year marks the third anniversary of the Chapter. Under the leadership of A/Prof. Dr. Lee Yoot Khuan and committee, engagements with various R10 EMBS chapters were established. The Chapter has technical activities linkages with the IEEE-EMBS Chapters of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Macau. Joint technical symposium was held in the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT). These activities have brought other IEEE-EMBS chapters to discuss various issues regarding EMB, and to foster long-lasting relationship amongst peers. The chapter also has launched its Official Homepage at With the official website, this has enabled speed fast dissemination of information, and up-to-date happenings of the Chapter. Tally for activities organized in 2011 were twenty-two (22) Administrative Meetings, twenty-nine (29), and eight (8) Social Gatherings. It was one of the most active years since the formation of the Chapter. 2013 SPURRING GROWTH Year 2013 recorded twenty (20) administrative meetings, twenty-three (23) technical activities, and twenty-five (25) social gatherings. This year marked the fifth anniversary of the Chapter, hence the aim of the year was to increase members’ participation in chapter’s activities. The chapter also launched social platform page, via Facebook Page ( to engage members, and to attract future members through utilization of social media. The first SIGHT group (MySIGHT4Rehab) was also formed in this year as an engagement of volunteers in humanitarian technologies. To enhance member’s experiences, the Chapter also launched three (3) different activities grants for members, student members, and non-members to organize EMB-related activities in Malaysia. These grants have attracted various attention from members as well as non-members to organize and participate in various EMB activities. In line with engaging student members to EMBS, a new student club of EMBS was setup in Curtin University Sarawak, it’s a first in Malaysia. Thus, these activities have spurred memberships in EMB for Malaysia Section to grow exponentially at 120 % for 2013. THE BIRTH OF FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE OF THE CHAPTER 2010 2010 witnessed the birth of the flagship conference conceived by the Chapter, the IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) series. The conference was mooted to put Malaysia in the map of the world of EMB. The biennial conference witnessed over 150 participants from local and international participation. Although in its second year of formation, the chapter has gained its exposure to other peers in Region 10 with this conference. In addition, the year 2010 was a fruitful year compared to the previous session with more engagement activities, may it be technical or social amongst members. In total, there were three (3) administrative engagements, six (6) technical engagements, and three (3) social engagements. With continuous efforts from the office-bearers headed by the foundation chair, the Chapter managed to introduce the world of EMB in the Malaysian cEontext FIRST MOST OUTSTANDING CHAPTER AWARD 2012 This year marks the fourth year of the Chapter in the EMBS global family. In this year also, the chapter has gained international reputation, whereby it was bestowed with the IEEE-EMBS Most Outstanding Chapter for 2012 for the activities organized by the Chapter in 2012. The remarkable year was supplemented with Best Volunteer Award awarded by IEEE Malaysia Section to the Chapter Chair, A/Prof. Dr. Lee Yoot Khuan for her exemplary contribution to the Chapter. In addition, the chapter also has organized a highly successful second edition of the IECBES conference in Langkawi. With various supports from various worldwide EMBS chapters, the conference has attracted some 200 participants to share their findings on EMB. The quality of the conference was technically-recognized whereby publications were indexed in the Web of Science (ISI) database. As in the previous years, the chapter actively convened various activities to further engage fellow members; these amounted to a whooping fifty-three (53) technical activities, eighteen (18) administrative meetings, and twelve (12) social meetings. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION 2012 IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY CHAPTER 42 HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS Upholding the motto of IEEE, Advancing Technology for Humanity, the Chapter efforts have included Humanitarian efforts to its overall Agenda. The Chapter has organized two (2) International Conferences, namely the 2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES 2014) which attracted more than 200 participants, the largest Biomedical Engineering Conference in Sarawak; and the inaugural IEEE-EMBS International Student Conference (ISC 2014) that registered 100 undergraduate and postgraduate participants. Twelve (12) awards were presented to Best Final Year Project Students, and Best Paper Presenters in ISC 2014. Total of twenty-nine (29) Technical Activities were conducted throughout the session, which inclusive of four (4) DLP Talks, eleven (11) technical talks, four (4) workshops, three (3) technical supporters of conferences, two (2) IEEE-EPICS Project Commissioning Sessions, five (5) membership drives. Twenty-one (21) Administrative Activities, and thirty one (31) social, and awards were recorded throughout the year. SECOND MOST OUTSTANDING CHAPTER AWARD 2015 The Chapter was awarded with the 2015 IEEE-EMBS Most Outstanding Chapter Award in a ceremony in conjunction with IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) in Milan, Italy based on the outstanding activities organized by the Chapter in 2014. It is a great honour for the Chapter to have been awarded twice with such honours. Such achievement is a first in history of EMBS. Hence, the new office-bearers in 2015 session will continue to strive for the best in future. 2015-2016 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair : Wahidah Mansor (UiTM) Vice-Chair : Darwin Gouwanda (Monash) Secretary : Alpha Agape Gopalai (Monash) Treasurer : Norliza Mohd. Noor (UTM) Immediate Past Chair : Chong Yu Zheng (UTAR) EXCO Member : Lee Yoot Khuan (UiTM) Fatimah Ibrahim (UM) Nabilah Ibrahim (UTHM) Lim King Hann (Curtin) Yogeswaran Mohan (UTAR) Aamir Saeed Malik (UTP) GALLERY From Left to Right : CHONG Yu Zheng (Secretary), Norliza Mohd. Noor (Treasurer), Siti Anom Ahmad (Exco), Prof. Toshiyo Tamura (Distinguished Guest), Prof. YT Zhang (Distinguished Guest), Wahidah Mansor (Vice-Chair), Lee Yoot Khuan (EXCO), Nurul Amziah (EXCO), Siti Zawiah Md. Daud (EXCO) Not in picture : Fatimah Ibrahim (Chair), Mohd. Nasir Taib (EXCO), Norhayati Soin (EXCO), Harsa Amylia Mat Sakim (EXCO) 2010-2011 Exco Line-Up with Distinguished Guests 6th from the Right CHONG Yu Zheng (Secretary), Lee Yoot Khuan (Chair), Fatimah Ibrahim (Immediate Past Chair), Wahidah Mansor (Vice-Chair), Norliza Mohd. Noor (Treasurer), Siti Anom Ahmad (EXCO Member), Alwin Kumar (EXCO Member) Not in Picture : Afaf Rodzan Mohd. Radzol (EXCO Member), Mohd. Nasir Taib (EXCO Member) From Left to Right – Siti Anom Ahmad (EXCO), Lee Yoot Khuan (Chair), Norliza Mohd. Noor (Treasurer), Prof. Toshiyo Tamura (Distinguish Guest), Prof. Fedor Lehocki (Distinguish Guest), Fatimah Ibrahim (Immediate Past Chair), Prof. Nigel H. Lovell (Distinguished Guest), Wahidah Mansor (Vice-Chair), CHONG Yu Zheng (Secretary), Darwin Gouwanda (Secretary) Not in picture >>> Afaf Rozan Mohd. Radzol (EXCO Member), Mohd. Nasir Taib (EXCO Member), Alwin Kumar Rathinam (EXCO Member) 2012-2013 EXCO Line-Up 2011-2012 EXCO Line-Up in SIAT Front Row – Fatimah Ibrahim (Advisor), Wahidah Mansor (Vice Chair), Nabilah Ibrahim (EXCO), Siti Anom Ahmad (EXCO), Norliza Mohd. Noor (EXCO), Afaf Rozan Mohd. Radzol (Treasurer) From Left to Right, Back Row – Darwin Gouwanda (Secretary), Alpha Agape Gopalai (EXCO), CHONG Yu Zheng (Chair) Not in picture – Zamane Abdul Rahman (EXCO), Lee Yoot Khuan (Immediate Past Chair) 2013-2014 Exco Line-Up 43 IEEE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CHAPTER CHAPTER : CES SPO ID : CH10455 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : V P THINAGARAN, UPM HISTORY The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Malaysia Chapter was established in 2008 by Assoc. Prof. Dr Abd Rahman Ramli (UPM) together with Dr Thinagaran Perumal (UPM) and Dr Chui Yew Leong Malaysia. Dr Rahman served as Chair for a period of 5 years until 2013. The IEEE CESoc Malaysia Chapter was approved in October 2008 with overwhelming support of all the members of CESoc Malaysia. Stefan Mozar, the Past-President of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, was instrumental in establishing the CESoc Malaysia Chapter back in year 2008. Dr Abd Rahman Ramli was named the Pro-term Chapter Chair till the election for appointing an executive committee for the IEEE CESoc Malaysia Chapter. Department of Computer and Communication System Engineering was the Secretariat for the Chapter. Following office bearers were appointed for the year 2008. Chapter chair Assoc. Prof. Dr Abd Rahman Ramli Hon. Secretary Dr Chui Yew Leong Treasurer Dr. Thinagaran Perumal Committee members Mr. Adam Chuah Abdullah The first activity of IEEE CESoc Malaysia Chapter was held on 25th November 2008 with a full day seminar on Smart Home Technologies in ITMA, UPM Serdang. The seminar was organized by Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia and was supported by IEEE CESoc Malaysia. Despite the fact that the elected Executive Committee had only about 2 months to plan and organize and carry out activities for the year, IEEE CESoc Malaysia , managed to bring up host of activities for the benefits of members, young professionals and students. Therefore Executive Committee decided to have more Technical, Social, Educational and Professional meetings encouraged by member’s feedback in recent years. IEEE CESoc Malaysia to reach many members and non-members via technical seminars, tutorials, membership development program etc. A series of membership drive was carried out in several higher learning institutions like MAHSA University and UPM. The chapter received special funding amounting US$12,000 from CESoc headquarters to conduct Summer School on Biomedical Technologies. The event took place on 7th -9th November 2014 in Universiti Teknologi Petronas. The summer school was co-organized by Centre for Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research (CISIR) and fully sponsored by IEEE CESoc Malaysia. Another milestone for the chapter was about Dr Thinagaran Perumal, who won the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Early Career Award in the year 2014. The award aimed to give recognition to individuals for their contributions to the advancement of technology and innovation in the field of consumer electronics in the early stages of their careers. Dr Thinagaran is also the current Chapter Chair for IEEE CESoc Malaysia. We are glad for his achievement and may this bring CESoc Malaysia chapter to greater heights. Year 2015 was the turning point for IEEE CESoc Malaysia Chapter, being chosen to host International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2017) in Kuala Lumpur. This is an important milestone for IEEE CESoc Malaysia and IEEE CESoc Malaysia is expected to expand its scope in the coming years to form more collaboration between industry and students. The focus will be on forming industry-academia collaboration, as well as engaging with young professional for CE related activities. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS CHAPTER 44 CHAIRS 2008 - 2013 2014 2015 Assoc. Prof. Dr Abd Rahman Ramli Dr Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani Dr Thinagaran Perumal Abd Rahman Ramli received the B.S. Electronics in Universiti Kebangsaan, M.Sc in Information Technology System from University of Strathclyde and Ph.D. degree from the University of Bradford, UK in 1995. He is currently an Associate Professor with Department of Computer and Communication System Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. His main interests are imaging, image processing systems and intelligent systems. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate level course covering computer architecture, multimedia systems and image processing. He served as a past chair for IEEE Consumer Electronics (M) Chapter, and Executive Committee in the IEEE CESoc Chapter. He has published more than 200 academic journals in the areas of image processing and other multidisciplinary field. He is well-known in the academic circles, often contributing towards curriculum and accreditation related developments in Malaysia. Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani received the B.S. degree in University of Technology Malaysia, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. He was with Intel Penang Design Center as visiting professor designing chipset for Intel Core i3/i5/i7 processor on 32nm Intel process technology, visiting scholar at the ASIC & Systems State Key Lab in Fudan University, China, visiting assistant professor at Al-Neelain University, Sudan and engineer at MIMOS. His current research interests include low energy/power and fault-tolerant System-on-Chip design, Network-on-Chip, bus coding and interconnect design and smart systems and sensors. He serves as a past chair for IEEE Consumer Electronics (M) Chapter, committee in the IEEE CAS (M) Chapter and was a Treasurer for the IEEE GOLD. He serves on the technical program committees for IEEE ICCAS’13, APCCAS’10 and ASQED’09. He was the Publication chair for IEEE APCCAS’10, IEEE ICCAS’12, ICCAS’13, and ICSyS’15. Thinagaran Perumal received B.Eng in Computer and Communication System Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia, MSc in Intelligent Systems and PhD in Smart Technology and Robotics from same university. He is the recipient of 2014 Early Career Award from IEEE Consumer Electronics Society for his pioneering contribution in the field of consumer electronics. He completed his PhD at Universiti Putra Malaysia, in the area of smart technology and robotics. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is also currently appointed as Head of Cyber-Physical Systems unit in the faculty and also served as Chair of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Malaysia Chapter. Previously, he was the Secretary for IEEE CESoc Malaysia, and also served as Treasurer for the chapter during the founding years. His research interests are towards interoperability aspects of smart homes, Internet of Things (IoT), wearable computing, and cyber-physical systems. His recent research activities include proactive architecture for IoT systems; development of the cognitive IoT frameworks for smart homes and wearable devices for rehabilitation purposes. He is an active member of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society as well its CESoc Future Directions Committee on Internet of Things. He has successfully leaded severally IEEE IoT initiatives for CESoc on international workshops as well as panel sessions during CE conferences with consumer centric themes. He has been invited to give several keynote lectures and plenary talk on Internet of Things in various institutions and organizations internationally. He has published several papers in IEEE Conferences and Journals and also serving as TPC member for several reputed IEEE conferences like IEEE ICCE2015, GCCE 2015, IEEE WF-IoT 2015. He was also awarded as Program Volunteer for IEEE Volunteer Leadership Training (VOLT 2014), New York. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. Figure 1: Dr Thinagaran Perumal with IEEE CESoc Early Career Award 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. Seen here with Dr Takako Nonaka (Board of Governor) and Stefan Mozar (Past-President IEEE CESoc) 45 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : CSS SPO ID : CH10421 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHAIRS MOHD NASIR TAIB 4132957 2007-2009 SAMSUL BAHARI MOHD NOOR 41466522 2019-2010 MOHD NASIR TAIB 41329574 2011 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNATICS SOCIETY CHAPTER 46 IEEE SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNATICS SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : SMC SPO ID : CH10534 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : ANANG HUDAYA MUHAMAD AMIN, MMU HISTORY The IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society Malaysia chapter was established in 2010 by its first chair, Associate Professor Dr Tan Ching Seong, who was then an assistant professor at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). The vision of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society is to be recognized as the world leading society for the advancement of theory and application in systems science and engineering, human-machine systems, and cybernetics.The mission of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society is to serve the interests of its members and the community at large by promoting the theory, practice, and interdisciplinary aspects of systems science and engineering, human-machine systems, and cybernetics. It is accomplished through conferences, publications, and other activities that contribute to the professional needs of its members”. We aim to engage in the development of systems engineering technology including problem definition methods, modeling, and simulation, methods of system experimentation, human factors engineering, data and methods, systems design techniques and test and evaluation methods. The integration of the theories of communication, control, cybernetics, stochastics, optimization, and system structure towards the formulation of a general theory of systems.The application at hardware and software levels to the analysis and design of biological, ecological, socio-economic, social service, computer information, and operational man-machine systems. CHAIRS C. S. TAN, PHD Dr Ching Seong Tan serves as an Associate Professor in Multimedia University, Malaysia. Concurrently, he is also the honorary secretary of TEEAM and Vice Chairman of MyCIE. He is also the recipient of J. William Fulbright Award 2012/2013. Dr Tan received his first degree in 1998 at the University of Malaya, the oldest university in Malaysia. He obtained his PhD in Engineering in 2006. Academically, he has served in various institutions as director, department head, research centre chair, and research team leader since 2005. He is a senior member of IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), member of SPIE (International Society of Optical Engineering) and Chartered Engineer (Institute of Mechanical Engineer, UK). He has co-authored an engineering text book, titled: Applied Engineering Failure Analaysia: Theory and Practice. Dr Wang, Xin serves as the Senior Lecturer in Monash University Malaysia. She obtained PhD in Engineering in 2007. She is a member of IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Chartered Engineer (Institute of Mechanical Engineer, UK). Her expertise is in the non-destructive evaluation, optical metrology and 3D imaging. She has published 2 book chapters, over 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and several conference papers. WANG, XIN, PHD Dr Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari is currently an Associate Professor in Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia, where he also serves as the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department and a senate member of the university. Dr Khairul received his first degree in 2000 from Waseda University, Japan. He obtained his PhD in Engineering in 2006 from Kanazawa University, Japan. Academically, he has served UNITEN since 2007, after his Post-Doctorate in Kanazawa University, Japan. He is a senior member of IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and is a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia. He has authored and co-authored over 50 peer reviewed journal papers and over 50 peer reviewed conference papers. His expertise is in the area of robotics, mechatronics, artificial intelligence and control. KHAIRUL SALLEH MOHAMED SAHARI, PHD COMMITTEE YEAR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (Pro -Tem) PAST CHAIR Tan Ching Seong Wang Xin Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari VICE CHAIR CHAIR Tan Ching Seong Loo Chu Kiong Tay Yong Haur Tay Yong Haur Tay Yong Haur Tay Yong Haur SECRETARY Wang Xin Goi Bok Min Chew Kuew Wai Karthigayan Muthukaruppan Karthigayan Muthukaruppan TREASURER Teoh Chee Hooi Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Wang Xin Teoh Chee Hooi Syed Abdul Rahman Alhadadd Syed Mohammed MEMBERS Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari Karthigayan Muthukaruppan Goi Bok Min Lee Chien Sing Lee Chien Sing MEMBERS Karthigayan Muthukaruppan Ho Jee Hou Ho Jee Hou Lai Weng Kin Lai Weng Kin MEMBERS Tay Yong Haur Teoh Chee Hooi Ho Jee Hou Yong Thian Khok MEMBERS Rosmiwati Mohd Mokhtar Karthigayan Muthukaruppan Syed Abdul Rahman Alhadadd Syed Mohammed Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin Tan Ching Seong Tan Ching Seong MEMBERS Ho Jee Hou Auditor Chai Tong Yuen Chai Tong Yuen Tan Ching Seong Tan Ching Seong 47 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING CHAPTER CHAPTER : GRS SPO ID : CH10619 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHAIRS HEAN T CHUAH 08527277 2012-2015 VOON CHET KOO 41333966 2015 IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE POWER ELECTRONIC SOCIETY CHAPTER 48 IEEE POWER ELECTRONIC SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : PELS SPO ID : CH10628 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : TAN CHEE WEI, UTM HISTORY The IEEE Power Electronics Society Malaysia chapter was formed in early 2014 which accepts members those who registered with IEEE PE Society. Before the formation of this PEL Malaysia Chapter, it was part of a joint chapter, i.e. the three rapid growing IEEE societies Power Electronics (PELS), Industry Applications (IAS) and Industrial Electronics (IES).The joint chapter was then chaired by Mr. Mustafar Kamal Hamzah from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) while the past chair of the joint chapter was Professor Ir. Dr. Abdul Halim Bin Mohamed Yatim from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Before the formation of this joint chapter in 2004, most of the members were placed under Power Engineering Society (PES). This joint chapter accepts members those who registered in one/more out of the three societies. The number of members for the joint chapters has increased to about forty by the end of year 2005. CHAIR Nik Rumzi Nik Idris (M’97–SM’03) received the B.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wollongong,Australia, the M.Sc. degree in power electronics from Bradford University, West Yorkshire, U.K., and the Ph.D. degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 1989, 1993, and 2000, respectively. He was an associate researcher at the University of Akron, USA in 2001. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and is the head of Power Electronics and Drives Research Group, UTM. His research interests include control of ac drive systems and DSP applications in power electronic systems. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. NIK RUMZI NIK IDRIS 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE ANNEXURE 2014 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION DATE IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) 13 October2014 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2014) 13-14 October 2014 Promotion Activity to Attract Students 19 August 2014 Final Year Power Electronics Related Thesis Competition 31 August 2014 2015 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION DATE Promotion Activity to Attract IEEE PEL membership during CENCON 2015 19 -2 0 October 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2015) 19 - 20 October 2015 Postgraduate Showcase Competition (PGSC) 19 October 2015 IEEE National Lecturer Program (NLP) on Power Electronics 3December 2015 IEEE National Lecturer Program (NLP) on “Power Electronics Converter for Motor System: Issues in Industries” 9 December 2015 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) 16 October 2015 Chair : Nik Rumzi Nik Idris (UTM) Vice-Chair : Abdul Halim Yatim (UTM) Secretary : Tan Chee Wei (UTM) Treasurer : Mohd Zaki Daud (UTM) Executive Committee Member : Mohammad Nawawi Seroji (UiTM) Rahimi Baharom (UiTM) Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim (UiTM) Gobbi Ramasamy (MMU) Mohd Amran Bin Mohd Radzi (UPM) 2015 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Past Chair : Abdul Halim Yatim (UTM) Chair : Nik Rumzi Nik Idris (UTM) Vice-Chair : Gobbi Ramasamy (MMU) Secretary : Tan Chee Wei (UTM) Treasurer : Mohd Zaki Daud (UTM) Executive Committee Member : Nor Zaihar B. Yahaya (UTP) Mohd Amran Bin Mohd Radzi (UPM) Nadia Tan Mei Lin (UNTEN) Rahimi Baharom(UiTM) Shamsul Aizam Zulkifli (UTHM) Awang Jusoh (UTM) Webmaster : Syed Abdul Mutalib Al Junid (UiTM) 49 IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : TEMS SPO ID : CH10653 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : TEH PEI LEE, MONASH HISTORY The IEEE Technology Management Council (TMC) Malaysia Chapter was established on 4 September 2013. In the first year of operation, under the leadership of the Chapter Chair - Dr. Teh Pei Lee, TMC has successfully organized several events including an international conference (IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2014), technical talks, technical field trip to PKT Logistics and social events. In January 2015, the IEEE Technology Management Council (TMC) was transitioned to a Society, which is known as “Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS).” The development of economic prosperity for countries, industries and businesses heavily depends on the effective management of technology and innovation. Scholars, engineers, managers, scientists and policy makers have been discussing the relative importance of the technology and innovation management for years, and the discussions are expected to continue. Management of and progress in technology and innovation are an imperative for the sound development of any country, but particularly for developing and emerging countries. In this regard, TEMS will provide a forum for important technology and innovation discourse to take place to ensure that technological advance takes place, and does so by taking into consideration the stakeholder challenges currently faced by the world. CHAIR Dr. Teh Pei Lee is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business, Monash University, Malaysia. Prior to joining Monash University, she was a Senior Lecturer in Multimedia University. She holds the degrees of Bachelor of Information Technology, Master of Management, and a Ph.D. in Management. Her teaching and research interests cover Management Information Systems, Technology Management, Total Quality Management, Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship, Gerontechnology, Innovation and Learning. She is currently the Associate Editor of the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education (DSJIE) and International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB). She also serves in editorial board of several international journals such as Journal of Computer Information Systems, Industrial Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Engineering Business Management and etc. She is the Chair of IEEE Malaysia Chapter Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS), and a member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), Academy of Management (AOM), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). She has authored or co-authored papers published in several international journals and conferences proceedings. Her work appears in journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Journal of Global Information Management and etc. DR. TEH PEI LEE MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT • Hosted the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2014) • • • IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY CHAPTER 50 IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : CIS SPO ID : CH10669 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : YONG SUET PENG, UTP HISTORY The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Malaysia chapter was established in 2014 by its first chair, Dr Chan Chee Seng, who is a senior lecturer at University of Malaya. In 2015, Dr Chan was re-elected as the chair to serve for the society again till to date. CHAIR Chee Seng Chan received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Portsmouth, U.K., in 2008. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He previously held appointments in the University of Ulster, U.K. and the University of Portsmouth, U.K, respectively. In general, his research interests are fuzzy qualitative reasoning and computer vision; with a focus on image/video content analysis and human–robot interaction. He is the founding chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Malaysia chapter and founder of Malaysian Image Analysis and Machine Intelligence Association (MIAMI). He is/was the organizing chair for the 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015), and general chair for the IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP2013). He is the recipient of several honors and awards such as the Hitachi Research Fellowship and the IET (Malaysia) Young Engineer. He is a senior member of IEEE, and a Chartered Engineer and member of IET. CHAN CHEE SENG 51 IEEE GRADUATES OF THE LAST DECADE IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE GRADUATES OF THE LAST DECADE CHAPTER : YP (FORMERLY GOLD) ASSOCIATE EDITORS : SHARIFAH MUMTAZAH, UPM (YP (FORMERLY GOLD)) INTRODUCTION The IEEE Young Professionals (IEEE YP) Society Malaysia chapter was established in 2004 under the name of IEEE Graduate of Last Decade (GOLD). It is part of the global IEEE GOLD society - an international community of enthusiastic, dynamic, and innovative members and volunteers. Its main aim is to assist young engineers and professionals to evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create the building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network. In 2014, its name has been changed to IEEE Young Professionals to better reflect its goal and objectives. Amongst IEEE YP activities include organizing technical talks by professional engineers and student site visits to relevant industry. This is aligned with our aim of providing the necessary state of the art exposure to future engineers. In addition, the IEEE YP also provide support to young professionals through motivational talks. We are also actively involved in welfare works and IEEE membership drive in order to bring the society closer to the community. 2015 -IEEE YP Knowledge Sharing Series to UTHM staff entitled: Publish and Flourish In 2014, our biggest achievement is in co-organizing the 2nd International Conference of Defense & Security Technology Conference, which was held successfully on 24-25 Sept 2014 at the Palace of The Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur. IN 2011, the IEEE YP Society Malaysia Chapter has also won Affinity Group Hall of Fame for our as a recognition to our productive activities. CHAIRS PROF. DR. M. IQBAL B. SARIPAN (2009-2010) The recipient of 2013 National Young Scientist Award and 2012 The Young Outstanding Malaysian Award (TOYM), Professor Dr. M. Iqbal Saripan was born in Muar, Johor to Saripan Rakob and Hasnah Hassan, both were teachers. His early education was in Muar before continuing his studies at MRSM Taiping and UTM (B.Eng. Electrical-Electronics Engineering). Then, he completed his PhD at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, in the area of digital image processing. He is currently the Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Iqbal has received a number of international and national recognition awards. He is also a member of an elite group of Top Research Scientist Malaysia (TRSM). In January 2013, Elsevier awarded him as the Most Valued Reviewer for Radiation Physics and Chemistry Journal. Other selected awards in his list are; the Travel Bursary Award ISRP Melbourne (International Radiation Physics Society), twice the Best Paper Award in San Francisco and London, GOLD medal in Geneva, GOLD medal in PECIPTA, SILVER in MTE, UPM Excellent Young Researcher Award and UPM Excellent Consultant Award. His standing in research is visible to the international research community in his area. Apart from being a reviewer to many impact factor journals, he is also active as a promotion evaluator and research grant assessor to various agencies, and has been involved as visiting researchers at various institutions. He has delivered a number of keynote and plenary speeches in overseas and local conferences. At the national level, he is known as an expert in the area of digital image processing. He has received over RM3million research funding from international and national sponsors. He has published more than 200 publications, including those in flagship journals of his area, e.g. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, and Radiation Physics and Chemistry. In terms of extension works and services, he has involved in more than RM10million consultancy projects for government and private sectors. For the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Malaysia, he was the chair for IEEE GOLD Chapter in 2010-2011 (now known as Young Professional), vice chair for IEEE Consumer Electronics in 2009-2012 and vice chair for IEEE Signal Processing 2014-2015. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. ZUHAINA ASSOC. PROF. DR. AHMAD SHUKRI B. MUHAMMAD NOORZAKARIA (2011-2012) Ahmad Shukri Muhammad Noor, Ph.D. (A.S.M. Noor) is a Senior member of IEEE and actively involve in Photonics Society (IPS) Malaysia Chapter. He was the past chair of IPS for two terms 2012-2014 and past chair of IEEE GOLD Affinity Group (now IEEE Young Professionals) in 2011. Now currently the Head of Department for Department of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, he research interest is nonlinear optics, with specialization in optical sensors, optical microscopes and spectroscopy. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE GRADUATES OF THE LAST DECADE 52 DR.FAZIRULHISYAM ROZITA JAILANIHASHIM (2013-2014) DR. (2013-2014) Fazirulhisyam Hashim received B.Eng. degree from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and holds an M.Sc. degree from Universiti Sains Malaysia and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Sydney, Australia. He is currently a researcher and a lecturer at the Wireless and Photonic Network Research Center of Excellence (WiPNET) at the Universiti Putra Malaysia. His research interests include network security and QoS of next generation mobile networks, green communication systems, and wireless sensor networks. He has published over 70 journal and conference papers. He is the current Chair of IEEE ComSoc/VTS Malaysia Chapter (year 2015), and was the Vice Chair (2014) and the Secretary (2013). In addition, he is the Past Chair of IEEE Malaysia Young Professionals (YP), and was the Chair (2013 and 2014), the Vice Chair (2011) and the Secretary (2012) of YP. He also involved in organizing a number of conferences; Secretary for APCC 2011 (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), MICC 2013 (Kuala Lumpur) and ISTT 2014 (Langkawi, Kedah). He is also a TPC member/reviewer for many international conferences and journals. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. ZUHAINA ZAKARIA ASSOC. PROFESSOR. DR. ADUWATI SALI (2015) Aduwati Sali is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Computer and Communication Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) since Dec 2013. She obtained her PhD in Mobile and Satellite Communications form University of Surrey, UK, in July 2009, her MSc in Communications and Network Engineering from UPM, Malaysia, in April 2002 and her BEng in Electrical Electronics Engineering (Communications) from University of Edinburgh, UK, in 1999. She worked as an Assistant Manager with Telekom Malaysia Bhd from 1999 until 2000. She was involved with EU-IST Satellite Network of Excellence (SatNEx) I & II from 2004 until 2009. She is the principle investigator and collaborator for projects under the local and international funding bodies; namely Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysian Ministry of Education (MoE), Research University Grant Scheme (RUGS) (now known as Putra Initiative Grant) UPM, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS-COMSTECH) Joint Grants, and EU Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (H2020-RISE). She gave consultations to Malaysian Ministry of Information and Multimedia, Malaysian Ministry of Education, National Space Agency, ATSB Bhd and Petronas Bhd. on projects related to mobile and satellite communications. Her research interests are radio resource management, MAC layer protocols, satellite communications, wireless sensor networks, satellite-assisted emergency communications and 3D video transmission over wireless networks. In 2014, the fateful event of missing MH370 has requested her to be in printed and broadcasting media, specifically Astro Awani, RTM, TV Al-Hijrah, BERNAMA, Harian Metro and Metro Ahad, regarding analysis on satellite communication in tracking the aircraft. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES YEAR 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 PAST CHAIR Raja Syamsul Azmir Raja Abdullah M Iqbal Saripan Ahmad Shukri Ahmad Shukri Fazirulhisyam Hashim CHAIR M. Iqbal Saripan Ahmad Shukri Fazirulhisyam Hashim Fazirulhisya m Hashim Aduwati VICE CHAIR Fazirulhisyam Hashim Syamsiah Mashohor Fairuz Abdullah Che Ahmad Bukhari Che Ujang Norhana Ahmad Shukri Fazirulhisyam Hashim Siti Khairunniza Bejo Aduwati Sharifah Mumtazah Syed Ahmad TREASURER Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani Samsuzana Abd Aziz Makhfudza h Mahfudzah MEMBERS Mohd Zainal Abidin Abd Kadir Mohd Zainal Abd Kadir M Iqbal Saripan Nurul Adilah Marsyitah MEMBERS Siti Kharunniza bt. Bejo Mohamad Ramlee Kamarudin Mohamad Ramlee Kamarudin Nurul Muazzah Anang MEMBERS Samsuzana bt Abd Aziz Aduwati Sali Nurul Adilah Abdul Latiff Ramlee Zuraidah MEMBERS Syamsiah bt Mashohor Siti Mariam Shafie@Musa Nor Azura Malini Faisul Zaid MEMBERS Khairulmizam Fairuz Abdullah Faisul Arif Ahmad Nur Azura Malini Farid Fairuz Abdullah Suhaidi Shapie Sharifah Mumtazah Syed Ahmad Syamimi Shamsuddi n SECRETARY MEMBERS 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 53 IEEE STUDENT BRANCHES IN MALAYSIA SECTION IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE STUDENT BRANCHES IN MALAYSIA SECTION CHAPTER : STUDENTS SPO ID : CH10355 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : MD PAUZI ABDULLAH, UTM HISTORY UTM UTP UPM 1999 UiTM MONASH UMS 2001 2005 UKM MMU UIAM 2007 UNITEN University of Nottingham UUM UM 2009 2011 USM UTAR Curtin University UNISEL INTI 2013 2015 APU 2016 UNIMAP Nilai University ACTIVITIES STUDENT CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (SCOReD) SCOReD is a series of highly successful Asia Pacific regional conference focusing on students at higher learning institutions in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and other related field is organized by IEEE Malaysia. It provides a unique platform for students and researchers to share their experience and views in their latest research and breakthroughs. It is created upon the idea of promoting Asia Pacific as the center of Electrical and Electronics excellence in this region and to prompt the research development activities amongst student researches. The IEEE SCOReD is co-organized by various • 2009 (7th): Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Student Branch Student Branches. The previous edition was co-organized by: • 2015 (13th): Asia Pacific University (APU) Student Branch • 2008 (6th): Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Student Branch • 2014 (12th): Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Student Branch • 2013 (11th): Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Student Branch • 2007 (5th): Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Student Branch • 2006 (4th): Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Student Branch • 2012 (10th): Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Student Branch • 2003 (3rd): Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Student Branch • 2011 (9th): Universiti Multimedia (MMU) Student Branch • 2002 (2nd): Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Student Branch • 2010 (8th): Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten) Student Branch • 2001 (1st): Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Student Branch IEEE MALAYSIA ONLINE FINAL YEAR PROJECT COMPETITION Introduced in 2014 and becoming an annual activity. Participating students were requested to submit a softcopy of their A1 poster and short video explaining their final year project. IEEE MALAYSIA STUDENT CONGRESS The aim of this congress is to introduce the students to the world of IEEE and to boost student activities in the section by training and motivating the student branch members. The event will specially focus on interaction and collaboration among student branches to increase effective networking. During the course of the Congress, in addition to the traditional talks catering to the theme, there will be IEEE guest lectures, networking activities and leadership exercises. The convention will provide a forum and an opportunity for our future leaders to share their ideas and will give a head start to their growth in technical and professional areas. The previous edition was hosted by : • 2015 : Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Student Branch • 2014 : Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Student Branch • 2013 : Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Student Branch IEEE MALAYSIA STUDENT BRANCH LEADERSHIP CAMP Introduced in 2012 and becoming an annual activity since then. The aim of this leadership camp is for the chair of student branches to meet up and discus as well as share any issues with regard to IEEE student activities. Another aim is to train the new committee member of student branch.During the course of the Congress, in addition to the training, each student branch is requested to present/share their plan activities for the year. Leadership camp is commonly taken place in March/April. IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION IEEE DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE OCEANIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY CHAPTER IEEE DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : DEI SPO ID : CH10733 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHAIRS. YANUAR Z ARIEF 80294150 2015 IEEE OCEANIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY CHAPTER CHAPTER : OE SPO ID : CH10729 ASSOCIATE EDITORS : CHAIRS. MOHD RIZAL ARSHAD 41310140 2015 54 55 EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE PUBLICATION IEEE MALAYSIAʼS 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATION THE EDITORS Patron : Zuhaina Zakaria Editor-in-Chief : Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin Associate Editor : Norliza Mohd Noor (Malaysia Section) Associate Editors for Technical Chapters (alphabetical order) Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin, MMU (SMC) Azhar Aripin, ON Semiconductor (CPMT) Chong Yu Zheng, UTAR (EMBS) Fairuz Abdullah, UNITEN (PS) Fazirulhisyam Hashim, UPM (COMSOC/VTS) Md Pauzi Abdullah, UTM (PES and Students) Norita Md Tahir, UiTM (IE/IA) Norliza Mohd Noor (Malaysia Section) Nurul Amziah Md Yunus, UPM (CAS) P. Susthitha Menon, UKM (EDS) Rawidean Mohd Kassim, MIMOS (CS) Sharifah Mumtazah, UPM (YP) Sheroz Khan, IIUM (IMS) Syamimi Shamsuddin, UiTM (WIE) Tan Chee Wei, UTM (PELS) Teh Pei Lee, Monash (TEMS) Thinagaran Perumal, UPM (CES) Vijanth Asirvadam, UTP (SP) Wong Peng Wen, UTP (EDS/MTT/SSCS) Yong Suet Peng, UTP (CIS) Zaiki Awang, UiTM (AP/MTT/EMC) “ “ FULL DESIGN BY UTP MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY [MEDTECH] CLUB
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