

Tài liệu đến từ trang mọi chi tiết khi đăng vui lòng ghi nguồn là Chân thành cảm ơn. Mail: [email protected] IEC LIST Bao gåm c¸c tËp : Vol1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Title Rotating electrical machines - rating and performance . M¸y ®iÖn quay Amendment No 1 Rotating electrical machines - part 2: Methods for determining losses and efficiency of electrical rotating machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles). . M¸y ®iÖn quay, PhÇn 2 : Ph¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh tæn thÊt Amendment No 1 First supplement of losses of calometric method Rotating electrical machines - part 3: Specific requirements for turbine - type syncronous machines . M¸y ®iÖn quay. PhÇn 3 : C¸c yªu cÇu ®Æc biÖt Rotating electrical machines - part 4 : Methods for determining syncronous machine quantities from tests. . M¸y ®iÖn quay PhÇn 4 : Amendment No 1 Rotating electrical machines - part 5. . M¸y ®iÖn quay. PhÇn 5 Rotating electrical machines - part 6: Methods of cooling (IC Code) . . M¸y ®iÖn quay. PhÇn 6 Rotating electrical machines - part 7Classification of types of cons tructions and mounting arrangements (IM Code). . M¸y ®iÖn quay,PhÇn 7 Rotating electrical machines - part 8: Terminal markings and direction of rotation of rotating machines. . M¸y ®iÖn Ref Page Yea Vol r 34 - 1 129 199 13 4 34-1 7 199 13 6 34-2 55 197 13 2 34 -2 34-2a 34 - 3 34 - 4 34 - 4 34 - 5 34 - 6 35 199 5 36 197 4 47 198 8 13 175 198 5 14 37 199 1 39 199 1 13 13 14 13 13 34 - 7 45 199 2 13 34 - 8 20 197 2 13 IEC List -2- quay. PhÇn 8 Amendment No 1 Rotating electrical machines - part 9: Noise limits Rotating electrical machines - part 14; Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 58mm and higher Measurement evaluation and limits of the vibration severity. . M¸y ®iÖn quay.PhÇn 14 IEC Standart voltages. Tiªu chuÈn IEC vÒ ®iÖn ¸p Amendment 1 to IEC Standart voltages Instrument transformers - Part 1: replace 185. M¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng. PhÇn 1 Instrument trans formers - part 2: Induc tive voltage transformers. M¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng. PhÇn2 Instrument trans formers - part 3 M¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng. PhÇn 3 Instrument trans formers - part 4 M¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng. PhÇn 4 Instrument trans formers - part 6 M¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng. PhÇn 6 Requirements for protective current transformers for transcient performance C¸c yªu cÇu vÒ m¸y biÕn dßng b¶o vÖ International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electric & Magnetic circuits. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . M¹ch tõ International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electric & Magnetic circuits. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . M¹ch tõ International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electric & Magnetic circuits - First supplement Section 131 -04: Polyphase circuits and component ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . m¹ch tõ International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electric & Magnetic devices. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . ThiÕt bÞ tõ Amendment 1 to International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Electric & Magnetic devices. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . TjhiÕt bÞ tõ International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 161: Electromagnetic compatability 34 - 8 34 -9 34- 14 38 38 44-1 3 199 0 19 199 0 25 199 6 13 19 198 3 9 199 4 79 199 6 6 13 13 6 43 44 -2 75 199 7 43 44 - 3 25 198 0 11 198 0 37 199 2 50 197 8 8 50 - 131 51 197 8 2 50 - 131 2 198 4 2 50 131A 30 198 2 2 50 -151 60 197 8 2 50 - 151 2 198 7 2 50 -161 66 199 0 5 44 - 4 44 -6 50-121 8 8 2 436 32 199 0 2 50 ..371 3 .Telecontrol.302. Bé biÕn ®æi International Electro technical Vocabulary .Power system protection.421 67 199 0 2 50 . 303 ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .302. 303 ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . controlgear and fuses.301 36 198 3 12 50 .Chapter 301.Chapters 301.303 §o lêng ®iÖn International Electro technical Vocabulary .441 100 198 4 3 50 .Transductors. General terms on measurements in electricity. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . §iÒu khiÓn xa International Electro technical Vocabulary . Tù ®éng ho¸ Amendment 1 International Electro technical Vocabulary .Automatic control + Corrigendum ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . 303 ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .Power capacitorsulary .302. HÖ thèng b¶o vÖ International Electro technical Vocabulary 50 .303 §o lêng ®iÖn International Electro technical Vocabulary . TÝnh t¬ng thÝch ®iÖn tõ International Electrotechnical Vocabulary .Power transformers & Reactors.Instrument transformers ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .446 54 198 3 4 50 . M¸y biÕn ¸p International Electro technical Vocabulary . 303 Electronic measuring instruments. Ch¬ng 301. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . Electrical measuring instruments. R¬ le International Electro technical Vocabulary .302.Electrical relays.Chapters 301.Switchgear.431 23 198 0 3 50 . Ch¬ng 301.Rotating machine ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . M¸y ®iÖn quay International Electro technical Vocabulary .303 §o lêng ®iÖn International Electro technical Vocabulary . 302 and 303 – 301.302 and 303 – 301.ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . CÇu ch× International Electro technical Vocabulary .303 35 198 3 12 50 -321 49 198 6 2 50 -351 66 197 5 3 50 -351 6 197 8 52 198 4 3 50. 302. M¸y c¾t. 302 and 303 – 301. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .302 36 198 3 12 50 . Ch¬ng 301. §iÖn dung International Electro technical Vocabulary .448 36 199 5 5 50 -461 43 198 3 50 . M¸y biÕn ¸p ®o lêng International Electro technical Vocabulary .411 194 199 6 4 50 . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .302. 471 50 . PH¸t. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . §êng d©y trªn kh«ng International Electro technical Vocabulary .Chapter 601: Generation transmission and distribution of electricity Generation. Dßng ®Þnh møc tiªu chuÈn High-voltage tests techniques Part 1: general definitions and tests Requirements Kü thuËt cao ¸p . PhÇn 2 : §o lêng Environnement testing. Kü thuËt cao ¸p.IEC List -4- .Generation. dÉn vµ ph©n phèi International Electro technical Vocabulary . C¸p Amendment 1 International Electro technical Vocabulary .603 56 198 6 1 50 .2 133 199 4 27 68-1 53 198 41 50 .Power system planning International Electro technical Vocabulary . TruyÒn t¶i vµ ph©n phèi International Electro technical Vocabulary .: Generation transmission and distribution of electricity . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . C¸c tr¹m International Electro technical Vocabulary .: Generation transmission and distribution of electricity .: Generation transmission and distribution of electricity .601 Amendment No 2 56 IEC standart current ratings.Electrical cables.466 50 .Substations. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .Part1: General 59 60 . Gi¸ ®iÖn High-voltage alternating current circuitbreakers M¸y c¾t ®iÖn cao ¸p Amendment No 1 4 50 -461 57 199 3 80 199 0 3 30 198 4 40 198 5 5 50 .605 47 198 3 1 50 . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .Insulators.604 60 198 7 1 50 .Operation + Corrigendum on German translation International Electro technical Vocabulary .1 4 1 10 6 27 .Tariffs for electricity. ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . PhÇn 1 Tæng qu¸t High-voltage tests techniques _ Part 2: measurement system.Overhead lines.602 53 198 5 1 50 . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt . Sø International Electro technical Vocabulary . ThuËt ng÷ kü thuËt .691 51 197 3 5 56 329 198 7 10 56 25 199 2 9 199 5 3 193 8 133 198 9 10 60 . Test Sa: Similitude solar radiation at ground level. PhÇn 1 : §Þnh nghÜa Insulation coordination Part 2 Application guide Phèi hîp c¸ch ®iÖn. PhÇn 3 : Møc c¸ch ®iÖn Amendment No1 71 . PhÇn 2 : Thö nghiÖm A Amendment No 1 68-2-1 Amendment No 2 68-2-1 Basic environnement testing procedure Part 2: Tests . PhÇn 2 : Thö nghiÖm B Amendment No 1 68 2 2 68-2-2 Amendment No 2 68-2-2 68-2-1 Basic environnement testing procedure 68 .Test Q: Sealing. PhÇn 2 : Thö nghiÖm C Basic environnement testing procedure 68 -2-5 Part 2: Tests . PhÇn 2 : Thö nghiÖm SA Basic environnement testing procedure . M¸y biÕn ¸p lùc .2 Part 2: Tests .2 Part 2: Tests . PhÇn 2 : Híng dÉn Powers transformers Part 1: General M¸y biÕn ¸p lùc . PhÇn 2 Thö nghiÖm Q Basic environnement testing procedure 68 .Test XA and guidance: 45 Immersion in cleaning solvent.Tests A: Cold. PhÇn 1 : Tæng qu¸t Amendment No 1 8 68-1 3 199 2 63 199 4 41 3 199 3 7 199 3 63 197 4 41 3 198 3 7 199 4 9 196 9 41 11 197 5 41 103 199 4 41 20 198 0 41 3 199 3 47 198 3 41 71 . 3 steady state.Tests B: Dry heat.68-2-17 Part 2: Tests . Phèi hîp c¸ch ®iÖn. PhÇn 1 : Tæng qu¸t Power trans formers Part 2: Temperature rise M¸y biÕn ¸p lùc . PhÇn 2 : T¨ng nhiÖt ®é Power transformers Part 3: Insulation levels and dielectric tests.3 7 198 1 6 Basic environnement testing procedure Part 2: Tests .2 127 197 6 19 76 -1 95 199 3 57 199 3 6 76 . PhÇn 2 Thö nghiÖm XA Amendment 1 68 -2-45 Insulation coordination Part 1: Defination.1 76 -2 41 41 41 41 41 7 6 .3 71 198 0 6 76 .and guidance Thö nghiÖm m«i trêng. principles and rules.Tests Ca: Damp heat. TH nghiÖm m«i trêng . Surge arrestors-part 4: Metal oxyde surge arrestors without gaps for a.4 117 199 4 39 99-5 89 199 6 39 104 12 198 7 39 129 82 198 4 10 129 5 199 2 91 199 5 10 141 .General requirements and line commutated convertors .hîp kim alternating current disconnectors (isolators) and earthing switches..10 Bushing for alternating voltages above 1 000 V Thanh c¸i xoay chiÒu > 1000V Tests on oil-filled and gas pressure cables and their accessories . paper insulated.3 -1 levels and dielectric tests External clearance in air.Part 5: Selection and application recommandatons Chèng sÐt van Aluminium-magnesium-silicium alloywire for overhead line conductors+C78 D©y trÇn nh«m .IEC List -6- Power transformers Part 3: Insulation 76 .. PhÇn 5 : Møc chÞu ®ùng Amendment No 2 76 -5 24 198 7 6 23 197 6 6 7 199 4 109 199 5 6 93 40 198 0 11 99 .1 47 199 3 15 141 .Part 10 : classification of hazardeous Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulation materials Ph¬ng ph¸p thö nghiÖm ®iÖn trë khèi .1 3 199 5 91 199 2 135 199 1 15 3 199 6 185 199 37 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmosphere . Dao c¸ch ly Amendment No 1 79 . metal sheathed cables and accessories for alternating voltages up to and including 400 V Thö nghiÖm c¸p dÇu Amendment No 1 137 Series capacitors for power systems + corrigen dum Semiconductor convertors . M¸y biÕn ¸p lùc . PhÇn 3 : Møc c¸ch ®iÖn Power transformers Part 5: Ability 76 -5 withstand short circuit. systems Chèng sÐt van Surge arrestors .Part 1: Oil filled.Part 1-2: Specifications of basic requirements Bé biÕn ®æi b¸n dÉn Amendment No 1 Semiconductors convertors _ General 143 146-1-1 146-1-1 146 -1 2 8 37 37 . M¸y biÕn ¸p lùc .c. part 3: Semiconductor direct d.part 2:Semiconductor selfcommutated convertors Bé biÕn ®æi b¸n dÉn Semiconductors convertors _ General 146 .5 requirements and line commutated convertors .1 1 25 199 1 37 51 197 4 37 41 197 7 37 55 198 6 38 45 198 8 38 21 199 5 36 74 198 7 2 199 0 89 198 7 9 198 8 41 199 5 196 199 2 204 .part 5: Switches for uninterruptible power systems (UPS switches) Bé biÕn ®æi b¸n dÉn Method for the determination of the 156 electric strength of the insulating oil Ph¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh ®é c¸ch ®iÖn cña dÇu Current transformers 185 Amendment N0 1 185 Voltage transformers 186 Amendment No 1 to voltage transformers 186 Amendment No 2 to voltage transformers 186 Electrical equipment of industrial machines-Part 1: General requirements ThiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical equipment of industrial machines-Part 31: Particular requirements for sewingmachines. Bé ®æi nÊc biÕn ¸p 204 .part 1-2: Application guide. Bé biÕn ®æi b¸n dÉn Semiconductors convertors _ General 146 -1 3 requirements and line commutated convertors .4 requirements and line commutated convertors .31 51 199 6 214 75 198 9 42 6 . convertors (d.c.part 1-3. chopper conductor) Code S (F[rst edition) Bé biÕn ®æi b¸n dÉn Semiconductors convertors _ General 146 .part 4: Methods of specifying the performance and test requirement of uninterruptible power Semiconductors convertors _ General 146 .c.requirements and line commutated convertors . units and systems On load tap-changers.2 requirements and line commutated convertors . Transformer reactors Bé biÕn ®æi b¸n dÉn Semiconductors convertors _ General 146 .3 requirements and line commutated convertors . C¸p c¸ch ®iÖn Amendment No1 227-2 3 199 5 19 197 9 Amendment No2 227-2 Polyvinyl Chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and includin450/750 V-Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring . . C¸p c¸ch ®iÖn Polyvinyl Chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 4: Sheathed cables for fixed wiring .IEC List -8- Polyvinyl Chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 1: General requirements . Thö nghiÖm vËt liªu c¸ch ®iÖn Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part1: General requirements 228 A 227-2 15 3 198 5 5 199 5 35 199 3 15 227-4 15 199 2 15 227-5 31 199 7 228 25 197 8 7 199 3 9 198 2 36 230 11 199 6 46 243-1 36 198 8 11 243-2 13 199 0 11 243-3 19 199 3 11 245-1 51 199 4 15 228 15 15 36 36 . . . . C¸p c¸ch ®iÖn Amendment No1 227-1 41 199 3 7 227-1 7 Polyvinyl Chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and includin450/750 V-Part 2: Test methods + corrigendum. TÝnh to¸n d©y dÉn Impulse tests on cables and their accessories Thö nghiÖm xung c¸c c¸p Methods of test for electric strength of solid insulating materials-Part 1: Test of power frequencies. Thö nghiÖm vËt liªu c¸ch ®iÖn Methods of test for electric strength of solid insulating materials-Part 3: Additional requirements for impulse tests. Ruét c¸p c¸ch ®iÖn Amendment No 1 227-3 First supplement Guide for the dimensional limits of circular conductors. Thö nghiÖm vËt liªu c¸ch ®iÖn Methods of test for electric strength of solid insulating materials-Part 2: Additional requirements for tests using direct voltage. C¸p c¸ch ®iÖn Polyvinyl Chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V Conductors of insulated cables. R¬ le ®iÖn 5 199 7 67 197 5 19 198 9 16 16 35 197 7 37 198 8 102 191 16 33 199 0 16 65 197 9 16 35 197 9 16 16 16 .C¸p cao su Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 2: Test methods Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 3 : Heat resistant silicone insulated cables Amendment 1 245-2 35 199 4 245-3 11 199 4 245-3 3 199 7 45 199 4 Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 4. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 7: Test measurement 255-7 procedures for electromechanical all-ornothing relays. Application of 255-10 the IEC Quality Assessment System for electronic Components to all-or-nothing relays. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 8: Thermal electrical 255-8 relays R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 9: Dry reed make 255-9 contact units R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 10. Cores and flexible cables Amendment 1 245-4 Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 5: Lift cables Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 6: Arc welding electrode cables Amendment 1 245-5 Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 6: Heat resistant ethilene-vinyl acetate rubber insulated cables Amendment 1 245-7 245-4 13 199 7 17 199 4 245-6 13 199 4 245-6 3 199 7 19 199 4 245-7 Electrical relays.All or nothing electrical 255-1relays 00 Electrical relays-Part 3: Single input 255-3 energysing quantity measuring relays with dependent or independent time+corrigendum 1992 R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 5: Insulation tests 255-5 for electrical relays. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 6: Measuring relays 255-6 and protection equipments. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 21: Vibration. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 16: Impedance measuring relays. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 19 ectional specification. bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment Section One-Vibration tests ( sinusoidal) R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 21: Vibration.c. 2 and 3. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 18: Dimensions for general purpose all-or-nothing relays. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 20. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 19 Bland detail specification Electromecanical all-ornothing relays of assessed quality test schedules1.IEC List . R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 15: Endurance tests for electricall relay contacts. bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment Section Two: Shock and bump tests R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 21: Vibration.10 - Electrical relays-Part 11: Interruptions to and alternating component (ripple) in d. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 14: Endurance test for electrical relay contacts-Preferred values for contact loads. Electromechanical all-ornothing relays of acessed quality. shock. bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment Section 3: Seismic tests R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 22: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment Part 1: 1 MHz burst disturbance tests. auxiliary energysing quantity of measuring relays. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 12: Directional relays and power relays with two input energyzing quantities R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 13: Blased (Percentage) differential relays . shock. Protection (protective) systems. R¬ le ®iÖn 255-11 16 197 9 17 255-12 26 198 0 17 255-13 24 198 0 17 255-14 27 198 1 17 255-15 13 198 1 17 255-16 27 198 2 21 198 2 17 255-19 37 198 3 17 255-191 77 198 3 17 255-20 17 255-211 57 198 4 23 198 8 255-212 29 198 8 18 255-213 29 199 3 18 255-221 33 198 8 18 255-18 17 18 .Specification for the cha racteristics of test equipment. shock. R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 22: Electrical 255-2-4 disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment Section 4: Fast transient disturbance test R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 23: Contact 255-23 performance High voltage switchs-Part 1: High voltage 265-1 switches for rated voltage above 1kV and less than 52 kV + corrigendum.Section 1: Examples of typed standartdized fuses for use by authorized persons. cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 269-2 Low-voltage fuses-Part 2: Supplementary Requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application) . R¬ le ®iÖn Electrical relays-Part 22: Electrical 255-22disturbance tests for measuring relays 3 and protection equipment Section 3 : Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance yesys.Electrical relays-Part 22: Electrical 255-22disturbance tests for measuring relays 2 and protection equipment Section 2 : Electro-static discharge tests. R¬ le ®iÖn Amendment 1 265-1 Amendment 2 265-1 High voltage switchs-Part 1: High voltage switches for rated voltage of 52 kV and above M¸y c¾t cao ¸p Amendment 1 265-2 Low-voltage fuses-Part 1: General requirements cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 269-1 Amendment 2 269-1 Low-voltage fuses-Part 2: Supplementary Requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application) + corrigendum. cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p Low-voltage fuses-Part 3: Supplementary Requirements for fuses for use by 269-2-1 265-2 269-1 269-2 269-3 25 198 9 18 33 198 9 18 27 199 2 18 71 199 4 54 198 3 18 6 198 4 5 199 4 92 198 8 10 5 199 4 123 198 6 10 3 199 4 9 199 5 14 198 6 20 3 199 5 127 199 6 20 21 198 7 22 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 . c. CÇu ch× cao ¸p High-voltage fuses-Part 3: Determination of short-circuit power factor for testing current-limiting fuses and expulsion and similar fuses CÇu ch× cao ¸p Reactors 192 199 5 22 21 55 198 6 47 22 5 199 5 56 198 1 52 199 0 22 282-1 159 199 4 19 282-1 3 199 6 115 199 5 8 197 6 19 89 198 8 21 198 2 11 198 6 111 199 0 8 270 273 282-2 282-3 289 Specification of unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgears Cuén kh¸ng Amendment 1 296 A. cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 269-3-1 Low-voltage fuses-Part 2: Supplementary 269-4 Requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices. socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes-part 1: General requirements + corrigendum Plugs.IEC List .12 - unskilled persons (fuses mainly for house hold and similar applications). metal-enclosed switchgears and conrtrolgears for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV. cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 269-4 Partial discharge measurements §o lêng phãng ®iÖn côc bé Characteristics of indoor and outdoor post-insulator for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V High-voltage fuses-Part 1: Current-limiting fuses CÇu ch× cao ¸p Amendment 1 High-voltage fuses-Part 2: Expulsion and similar fuses. M¸y c¾t xoay chiÒu trong váe kim lo¹i Amendment 1 298 Plugs. cÇu ch× h¹ ¸p Low-voltage fuses-Part 3-1: 269-3-1 Supplementary Requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for house hold and similar applications). socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes-part 2: Dimensional interchangeability requirement for pin 296 298 309-1 309-2 15 8 19 19 8 23 19 199 4 101 198 8 23 87 198 9 26 26 .. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 3: Assessment of general characteristics. æ c¾m Plugs.Chapter 41: Protection against electric shock. socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes-part 3: Particular requirements for plugs socket-outlets.Chapter 42: Protection against thermal effects. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 4: 309-3 21 199 4 26 320-1 166 194 33 320-1 11 199 5 23 199 6 17 198 4 33 320-2-2 61 199 0 33 320-2-2 7 199 4 157 199 1 31 199 2 33 364-221 15 199 3 24 364-3 59 199 3 24 364-3 24 364-441 13 199 4 9 199 5 49 199 2 364-441 364-442 5 199 6 9 198 0 24 364-4- 11 197 24 320-1 320-2-1 354 364-1 364-3 33 33 26 24 24 24 24 . æ c¾m Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes-part 1: General requirements Bé ®Êu nèi Amendement 1 Amendment 2 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes-part 2: Sewing machine couplers Bé ®Êu nèi Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes-part 2: Interconnection couplers and similar equipment + corrigendum. object and fundamental principles Híng dÉn mang t¶i MBA Electrical installation of building-part 2: Definitions-chapter 21: Guide to general terms. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety. Bé ®Êu nèi Amendment 1 Loading guide for oil immersed power transformers Electrical installation of building-part 1: accessories corrigendum. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety. connectors and appliances inlets for use in explosive gas atmospheres. . l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn 43 7 364-4442 41 199 3 24 364-4442 364-4443 7 199 5 15 199 5 24 364-445 5 198 4 24 364-446 9 198 1 24 364-447 9 198 1 24 364-447 364-4473 3 199 3 11 197 7 24 364-4481 19 199 3 24 364-4482 9 198 2 24 364-551 23 199 4 24 24 24 . l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety.Chapter 47: Application of protective measures for safety-Section 473: Measures of protection against over current.Chapter 48: Choice of protection measures...Chapter 46: Isolation and switching.Chapter 44:Protection against overvoltage of atmospheric origin or due to switching.14 - Protection for safety.Chapter 48: Choice of protection measures. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety.Chapter 44:Protection against over voltage Section 442-Protection of low voltage systems and earth..Chapter 47: Application of protective measures for safety.section 481: Selection of measures for protection against electric shock in relation to external influences.section 482: Protection against fire l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection electrical equipment-Chapter 51: Commun rules.. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety.IEC List .Chapter 43: Protection against over current. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety.Chapter 45:Protection against under voltage Electrical installation of building-part 4: Protection for safety.. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or 364-551 364-552 11 199 5 45 199 3 24 364-5523 69 198 3 24 364-553 21 199 4 24 364-5537 11 198 1 24 364-5537 364-554 5 198 9 30 198 0 24 364-554 364-5551 2 198 2 17 199 4 24 364-556 9 198 0 24 364-661 17 199 3 25 364-661 364-7701 25 199 3 17 198 4 25 364-7702 13 198 3 25 24 24 24 25 . Initial verification. Low voltage generating sets. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 54: Earthing arrangrments and protective conductors l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 55: Other equipmentsection 551. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 61. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 52: Wiring systemsection 523: Current carrying capacities Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 53. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 56 : Safety services. Switchgear and controlgear + Corrigendum. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 53: switchgear and controlgear-section 537 : Device for installation and switching.Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-chapter 52: Wiring system. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 701: Locations containing a bath dub or shower basin. 16 - locations-section 702: Swimming pool . l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 705: Electrical installations of agricultural and horticultural premises. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 704: Construction and demolition site installations . l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Specification and acceptance of new sulphur hexafluoride §Æc tÝnh kü thuËt cña SF6 First Supplement: Section thirteenMineral oil content. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 708: Electrical installations in caravan parks and caravans. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 707: Earthing requirements for the installation of data processing equipment.IEC List . 364-7703 8 198 4 25 364-7704 11 198 9 25 364-7705 9 198 9 25 364-7706 9 198 3 25 364-7707 19 198 4 25 364-7708 25 198 8 25 364-7708 364-7709 3 199 3 31 199 4 25 376 43 197 1 35 376 A 15 197 3 35 376 B 17 197 1 111 199 3 35 383-1 25 40 .c. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 703: Location containing heaters . §Æc tÝnh kü thuËt cña SF6 Second supplement Clause 26 Insulaters for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V-part 1: Ceramic or glass insulator units for a. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Amendment 1 Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 709: Marina and pleasure craft. l¾p dÆt thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Electrical installation of building-part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-section 706: Restrictive conducting locations. B¶o qu¶n dÇu c¸ch ®iÖn Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies-part 1-: Type-tested and partially typed-tested assemblies. Classification VËt liÖu tõ High-voltage alternating current switchfuse combinations Supervision and maintenance guide for mineral insulatng oils in electrical equipment. tesr methods and acceptance criteria. Sø ®ì Magnetic Materials-part 1. Chapter 4: Effects of alternating current with frequencies above 100 Hz Chapter 5: Effect of special waveforms of current Chapter 6: Effect of Undirectional single impulse current of 479-1 439-2 439-3 439-4 479-2 40 45 45 45 45 7 . test methods and acceptance criteria. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 439-2 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies-part 2: Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intented to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use Distribution boards. Sø ®ì Insulaters for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1 000 V-part 2: Insulater strings and insulater sets for a. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 383-2 23 199 3 40 404-1 71 197 9 97 199 0 71 198 9 42 439-1 194 198 2 45 439-1 17 199 5 9 199 6 29 198 7 45 9 199 1 31 199 0 45 15 199 3 46 199 0 45 5 199 5 66 199 4 45 44 198 7 7 420 422 Amendment 2 439-1 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies-part 2: Particular requirements for busbar trunking systems (busway). M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 439-3 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies-part 2: Particular requirements assemblies for construction sites (ACS). M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 439-4 Effects of current on human beings and livestock Part 1: General aspects HiÖu øng dßng ®iÖn ®èi víi con ngêi Part 2. Special aspects. D©y dÉn ®iÖn Amendment 1 614-2-1 Conduits for electrical installationsSpecifications-part 2: Particular specifications for rigid plain conduits of insulation materials. X¸c ®Þnh møc ®é ån cña MBA Amendment 1 551 Thermal-mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string insulator units Application guide for power transformers 575 Conduits for electrical installationsSpecifications-part 1: General requirements.1 and 2 alternating current watt-hour meters.5 kV and above. D©y dÉn ®iÖn Amendment 1 529 542 551 606 614-1 614-1 Conduits for electrical installationsSpecifications-part 2: Particular specifications for conduits Section 1: Metal conduits. C«ng t¬ ®iÖn Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code).IEC List .18 - short duration.5. XÕp lo¹i thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn vÒ mÆt an toµn Application guide for on-load tapchangers Amendment 1 521 determination of transformer and reactor sound levels. HiÖu øng dßng ®iÖn ®èi víi con ngêi Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables to rated voltage from 1kV to 30 kV C¸p c¸ch ®iÖn 1kV-30 kV Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltage of 72. D©y dÉn ®iÖn Amendment 1 614-2-2 614-2-1 614-2-2 41 36 7 11 21 199 11 5 51 197 ??? 7 51 197 8 47 199 4 25 5 199 5 16 198 2 25 5 199 3 19 198 0 25 3 199 3 25 25 25 . Møc ®é b¶o vÖ cña vá Classification of electrical and electronic equipment with regard to protection against electric shock. M¸y c¾t c¸ch ®iÖn b»ng khÝ Amendment 1 502 109 199 4 46 517 117 199 0 36 517 7 199 4 77 198 8 73 198 9 36 536 11 197 6 47 542 17 197 6 7 198 8 41 198 7 Class 0. Thö t¶i c¸c cét cña ®êng d©y trªn kh«ng Industrial-process measurement andncontrol equipment-Operating condition-Part 1: Climatic condition.2 and 621-5 621-4 652 17 198 7 23 198 7 11 197 9 37 199 3 15 664-1 127 199 2 39 664-3 41 199 2 39 687 77 199 2 21 654-1 42 . D©y dÉn ®iÖn Conduits for electrical installationsSpecifications-part 2: Particular specifications for conduits Section 5: Flexible conduits. Phèi hîp c¸ch ®iÖn Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open cast mines and quarries)-part 3: Use of coatings to achieve insulation coordination of printed board assemblies. D©y dÉn ®iÖn Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open cast sinnes and quarries)-part 1: Scope and definitions Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open cast mines and quarries)-part 2: General protection requirements Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open cast mines and quarries)-part 3: General requirements for equipment and auxilliaries Amendment 1 614-2-3 25 199 0 25 614-2-5 32 199 2 25 621-1 23 198 7 621-2 103 198 7 631-3 39 197 9 621-3 15 198 6 39 198 1 Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open cast mines and quarries)-part 4Requirements for installations Amendment 1 621-4 Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open cast mines and quarries)-part 5: Operating requirements Loadingtests on overhead lines towers.Conduits for electrical installationsSpecifications-part 2: Particular specifications for conduits Section 3: Pliable conduits of insulating material. ThiÕt bÞ ®iÖn ngoµi trêi Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 0. requirements and tsts. ThiÕt bÞ ®o lêng vµ kiÓm tra Insulation coordination for equipment wihin low-voltage systems-Part 1: Principles. Thö nghiÖm ch¸y Classification of environnemental conditions-Part 1: Environmental parameters and their severities Ph©n lo¹i ®iÒu kiÖn m«i trêng Amendment 1 Amendment 2 694 179 199 6 35 695-21/0 23 199 4 46 695-21/1 17 199 4 46 695-21/2 15 199 4 46 695-21/3 15 199 4 46 721-1 15 199 0 7 721-1 3 199 2 9 199 5 26 198 2 7 15 198 8 21 198 8 7 721-2-3 7 198 7 7 721-2-4 15 198 7 7 721-2-4 9 198 8 7 721-1 Classification of environnemental conditions-Part 1: Environmental conditions appearing in nature Temperature and humidity. Ph©n lo¹i ®iÒu kiÖn m«i trêng Amendment 1 721-2-1 Classification of environnemental conditions-Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature Precipitation and wind Ph©n lo¹i ®iÒu kiÖn m«i trêng Classification of environnemental conditions-Part 2: Environmental conditions appearing in nature Air pressure. Quy ®Þnh chung vÒ m¸y c¾t cao ¸p Fire hazard testing-Part 2: Test methodsSection 1/sheet0 Glow wire test methodsGeneral.20 - 0.IEC List . C«ng t¬ ®iÖn Commun clauses for high voltage switchgear and controlgear. Ph©n lo¹i ®iÒu kiÖn m«i trêng Classification of environnemental conditions-Part 1: Environmental conditions appearing in natureSolar radiation and temperature.5 s). Ph©n lo¹i ®iÒu kiÖn m«i trêng Amendment 1 721-2-2 721-2-1 7 7 7 . Thö nghiÖm ch¸y Fire hazard testing-Part 2: Test methodsSection 1/sheet 1 Glow wire end-product test and guidance Thö nghiÖm ch¸y Fire hazard testing-Part 2: Test methodsSection 1/sheet 2 Glow wire flammability test on materials Thö nghiÖm ch¸y Fire hazard testing-Part 2: Test methodsSection 1/sheet 3 Glow wire ignitability test on materials. Híng dÉn tÝnh to¸n ng¾n m¹ch Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions. Thö nghiÖm c¸p c¸ch ®iÖn Amendment 2. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 660VPart 1: General-Performance requirement. HÖ thèng ®iÒu khiÓn xa Telecontrol equipments and systems-part 781 815 39 198 6 36 826 227 199 1 35 831-1 68 199 6 44 831-2 21 199 5 44 836 28 199 8 48 198 8 840 840 9 40 13 199 3 115 199 3 40 865-2 81 199 4 9 870-1-1 59 198 8 28 870-1-2 37 198 9 28 870-1-3 65 199 0 28 870-1-4 55 199 28 865-1 9 . includes Amendment 1 of 1991 Short-circuit currents-Calculation of effects-part 1: Definition and calculation methods + corrigendum Dßng ng¾n m¹ch Short-circuit currents-Calculation of effects-part 2: Example of calculation.c.Item designation in electrotechnology 750 33 198 3 57 198 9 11 Application guide for calculation of shortcircuit currents in low-voltage radial systems. testing and rating-Safety requirementsGuide for installation and operation. Dßng ng¾n m¹ch Telecontrol equipments and systems-part 1: General considerations-section 1: General principles HÖ thèng ®iÒu khiÓn xa Telecontrol equipments and systems-part 1: General considerations-section 2: Guide for specifications HÖ thèng ®iÒu khiÓn xa Telecontrol equipments and systems-part 1: General considerations-section 3: Glossary. Tô ®iÖn ®Êu shunt Shunt power capacitors of the selfhealing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 660VPart 2: Ageing test self-healing test and destruction test. Híng dÉn lùa chän sø c¸ch ®iÖn Loading and strength of overhead transmission lines Mang t¶i ®êng d©y trªn kh«ng Shunt power capacitors of the selfhealing type for a. Tô ®iÖn ®Êu shunt Specifications for silicone liquids for electrical purposes Tests for power cables wextrude insulation for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um=36kV) up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV). Data of short-circuit current calculations in accordance with IEC 909 ThiÕt bÞ ®iÖn Short-circuit curent calculation in three phase a.c. Tô ®iÖn ®Êu shunt Shunt power capacitors of the non-selfhealing type for a. systems according to IEC 909. 12V. Tô ®iÖn ®Êu shunt Amendment 1 Electrical accessories-Circuit-breaker for over current protection for household and similar installations. and d.c. TÝnh to¸n ng¾n m¹ch 3 pha Short-circuit curent calculation in three phase a. HÖ thèng ®iÒu khiÓn xa Shunt capacitor for AC power above 600 V Part 1: General-Performance safety criteria-Guide for installation and operation. systems-Part 1: Factor for the calculation of short-circuit current in three phase a. Tô ®iÖn ®Êu shunt 4 871-1 76 198 7 46 871-1 3 199 1 177 199 5 46 906-1 31 198 6 23 906-3 11 199 4 23 909 175 198 8 9 909-1 145 199 1 9 909-2 88 199 2 9 909-3 53 199 5 9 931-1 68 199 6 44 931-2 17 199 5 44 898 23 .IEC List . M¸y c¾t gia dông IEC system of plugs and socket outlets for household and similar purposes-part 3: SELF plugs and socket-outlets 16A. systems. æ c¾m Short-circuit curent calculation in three phase a. TÝnh to¸n ng¾n m¹ch 3 pha Electrical equipment.c.c. systems-Part 3: Current during two separate simultaneous single-phase line to earth short circuit and partial short-circuit currents flowing to earth TÝnh to¸n ng¾n m¹ch 3 pha Shunt power capacitors of the non-selfhealing type for a. 6.c. 250 V a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000Vpart 1. Guide for installation and operation. 48V a.testing and rating.22 - 1: General considerations-section 4: Basic aspects of telecontrol data transmission and organisation of standarts IEC 870-5 and IEC 870-6.V. Safety requirements.c.c.24. æ c¾m IEC system of plugs and socket outlets for household and similar purposes-part 3: SELF plugs and socket-outlets 16A. General performance. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000Vpart 2: Ageing test and destruction test.c. c¸c yªu cÇu bæ sung cho m¸y c¾t Guide for the maintainance of silicone transformer liquids Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 1: General rules.947-5-2 Part 5: Control circuit devices and switch elements Section 2: Proximities switches.5 kV to be used in severe climatic condition. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 2: Circuit-breakers.947-4-2 Part 4: Contactors and motor-stacters Section 2: AC semiconductors and motorstacters Section 2: AC semiconductors motor controllers and starters M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.947-5-1 Part 5: Control circuit devices and switch elements Section 1: Electromechanical control circuit devices + corrigendum. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 947-5-1 Amendment 2 947-5-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.Additional requirements for enclosed switchgear and controlgear from 1kV to &@. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 3: Switches disconnectors and fusecombination units M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 932 40 198 8 944 13 198 8 307 199 6 255 199 5 109 199 0 947-1 947-2 947-3 947-3 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 4: Contactors and motors-stacters Section 1: Electromechanical contactors and motor-starteurs + corrigendum. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 9475-2 Amendment 2 947-5-2 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 5: Control circuit devices and switch elements Section 4: Method of accessing 947-5-4 27 29 29 30 7 199 4 183 199 0 30 13 199 4 15 199 6 139 199 5 30 127 199 0 31 39 199 4 23 199 6 151 199 2 31 23 199 4 21 199 5 43 199 6 31 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 . M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 947-4-1 Amendment 2 947-4-1 947-4-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. IEC List . Control and protective devices (or equipments) CPS=corrigendum. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Amendment 1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 6 Multiple function equipment Section 2.24 - the performance of low-energy contactsspecial tests. ThiÕt bÞ ®Êu nèi Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes-Part 2-1: Particular requirements connecting devices as separate entities with screw-type clamping units. M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearPart 6 Multiple function equipment Section 1: Automatic transfer switching equipment+corrigendum. ThiÕt bÞ ®Êu nèi Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes-Part 2-2: Particular requirements connecting devices as separate entities with screwless-type clamping units Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes-Part 2-3: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with insulation piercing clamping units ThiÕt bÞ ®Êu nèi Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes-Part 2-4: Particular requirements for twist-on connecting devices ThiÕt bÞ ®Êu nèi Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes-Part 2-4: Particular requirements for connecting boxex (junction and/or tapping) for terminals or connecting devices Connecting devices-Safety requirements for screw-typ and screwless-type 947-6-1 77 198 9 32 947-6-1 5 199 4 111 199 2 32 998-1 50 199 0 38 998-2-1 41 199 0 38 998-2-2 29 199 1 38 998-2-3 34 199 1 38 998-2-4 39 199 0 38 988-2-5 75 199 6 999 56 199 0 947-6-2 32 . M¸y c¾t h¹ ¸p Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes-Part 1: General requirements. clamping units for electrical copper conductors Connecting devices-Safety requirements for screw-typ and screwless-type clamping units for electrical copper conductors-part 2: Particular requirements for conductors from 35 mm2 up to 300 mm2 . Dßng d cña m¸y c¾t Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) -part 1: General rules. Dßng d cña m¸y c¾t Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO’s functionally dependent on line voltage Dßng d cña m¸y c¾t Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current protection for household and similar uses (RCBOs) -part 2-2: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO’s functionally dependent on the line voltage. B¶o vÖ chèng 999-2 29 199 5 44 1000-32 47 199 6 45 1000-41 141 199 7 46 1008-1 241 199 6 43 1008-21 7 199 0 43 1008-22 5 199 0 43 1009-1 275 199 6 34 1009-21 7 199 1 34 1009-22 7 199 1 34 1024-1 47 199 0 36 . Limits Section 2: Limits for harmonic current emissions (Equipment input current <= 16 per phase) T¬ng thÝch ®iÖn tõ Electromagnetic compability (EMC)-part 4: Testing and measurement techniques Section 1: Over view of immunity testsBasic EMC publication T¬ng thÝch ®iÖn tõ Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) -part 1: General rules Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) -part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RBBC’s functionally dependent on the line voltage. ThiÕt bÞ ®Êu nèi Electromagnetic compability (EMC)-part 3. Dßng d cña m¸y c¾t Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral over current protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs) -part 2-2: Applicability of the general rules to RBBC’s functionally dependent on the line voltage. Dßng d cña m¸y c¾t Protection of structures against lightningpart 1: General principles. 1024-1part 1: General principles Section 1: 1 Guide A-Selection of protection levels for lightning protection systems Specifications for conduit fittings for 1035-1 electrical installations-part 1: general requirements §Æc tÝnh kü thuËt vÒ dÉn ®iÖn Specifications for conduit fittings for 1035-2electrical installations-part 2: Particular 1 specifications Section 1 : Metal con duit fittings. General information Programmable controllers-part 2: Equipment requirements and tests.IEC List . C«ng t¬ Electronic ripple control receivers for 1037 tariff and load control.tables and lists Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors. Bé tù ®éng ®iÒu khiÓn cã lËp tr×nh Programmable controllers-part 3: Programming language 1082-3 1082-1 43 199 ?? 3 45 199 0 44 21 199 3 44 22 199 3 44 79 199 6 44 83 199 0 11 199 6 63 199 0 13 199 6 157 199 1 42 42 33 33 13 199 5 47 199 1 1089 65 199 1 43 1107 121 199 6 34 1131-1 63 199 2 223 199 2 1131-2 1131-3 411 199 3 47 . tariff and load control-Direct local data exchange Programmable controllers-part 1. D©y sÉn trßn Data exchange for meter reading.26 - sÐt Protection of structures against lightning. C«ng t¬ ®iÖn tö Amendment 1 1037 times switches for tariff and load control Hép ®ång hå cña c«ng t¬ Amendment 1 1038 1038 Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology-part 1: General requirements Amendment 1 1082-1 Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology-part 3: Connection diagrams. §Æc tÝnh kü thuËt vÒ dÉn ®iÖn Specifications for conduit fittings for 1035-2electrical installations-part 2: Particular 3 specifications Section 3:Fittings for flexible conduits of metal or composite materials. §Æc tÝnh kü thuËt vÒ dÉn ®iÖn Alternating current static watt-hour 1036 meters for activr energy (classes 1 and 3). c. electric tools and electric apparatus GiíÝ h¹n vµ ph¬ng ph¸p ®o nhiÔu 1136-1 67 199 2 1137 57 199 2 1140 25 199 2 35 1142 338 199 3 21 1241-11 43 199 3 39 1241-12 35 199 3 1268 85 199 5 21 1800-3 171 199 6 43 Hand book 114 198 3 12 cispr 11 57 199 0 47 cispr 11 cispr 11 cispr 14 5 17 125 199 3 47 47 47 .Local bus data exchange. ThiÕt bÞ ®iÖn dïng n¬i cã bôi Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust-Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosure Section 2: Selection installation and maintenance Alternating current static var-hour meters for inactivr energy (classes 1 and 3). scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment. C«ng t¬ truyÒn sè liÖu Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust-Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosure Section: 1: Specifications for apparatus.Semiconductor power convertorsadjustable speed electric drive systemgeneral requiremnt-part 1. B¶o vÖ chèng ®iÖn giËt Data exchange for meter reading. Rating specifications particular for d. motor drives Radiation protection instrumentationinstalled personnel surface contamination monitoring assemblies-low energy X and gamma emitters Protection against electric shockCommon aspectsfor installation and equipment. GiíÝ h¹n vµ ph¬ng ph¸p ®o nhiÔu Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical motor-operatd and thermal appliances for household and similar purposes. tariff and load control. Letters and symbols including conventions and signs for electrical technology Limits and methods of measurement of electromagnetic disturbance characteristics of industrial.C«ng t¬ v« c«ng Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems-Part 3: EMC product standart including specific test methods for power drive systems. 28 - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment.IEC List . GiíÝ h¹n vµ ph¬ng ph¸p ®o nhiÔu Amendment 1 cispr 22 cispr 22 45 199 3 3 19822 47 47 .
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