April 2, 2018 | Author: jayasheelvarma | Category: Science And Technology, Technology, Engineering, Science, Technology (General)



www.astra.edu.in First International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIEAT-2016) Organizer Venue & Date Aurora's Scientific, Hotel Katriya Technological and Research Academy Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 500082 Chandrayangutta, Hyderabad-05 22 & 23 December, 2016 Conference First International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIEAT-2016) is being conducted by Aurora’s Scientific, Technological and Research Academy, Hyderabad on 22 & 23 December, 2016. With the emerging technological advancements in the fields of Engineering and Technology, they have become more sophisticated and interdisciplinary-interacted. Hence, this International Conference is intended to cover a wide range of recent innovations that allows interested experts to share and discuss their latest researches, ideas and survey reports in the theoretical and practical areas regarding all aspects of Engineering and Technology. It also offers Technical talks by experts in the field. Authors from Academia and Industry are invited to present their papers dealing with state-of-the-art Research and future. Selected papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-5396-2645-9) indexed in Google Scholar and Scopus. Pre-Conference Workshops The ICRIEAT 2016 Pre-Conference Workshops on “Nano Electronics” and “Internet of Things” are scheduled on 21st December 2016 in association with IEEE - EDS Hyderabad Chapter. Speakers Dr Vijay K Arora Dr San Murugesan Prof of Electrical Engg. Prof of CSE IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Editor in Chief-IEEE IT Professional Wikles University Western Sydney University Wilkes - Barre, PA Sydney USA Australia Rural Management along with General Marketing. 3 Polytechnic colleges offering Diploma in Engineering programs and a prestigious Autonomous Business School offering Management Programs in International Business.000 students studying throughout all our campuses. It first commenced with the departments of  Surveying Computer Science and Engineering.  Software Engineering  Computer Networks Today the Academy has grown far folds offering 05 B.Pharmacy program. having 18. 2 Architecture colleges offering Architecture and Planning programs. 13 M. excelling in Academics. Today it has scaled up to be one of the prominent professional educational caterer in Hyderabad comprising of 5 Engineering colleges offering B. Technological and Research Civil Engineering Academy  Modern Trends in Civil Engineering The Academy was established in the year 2001.Tech and M. Commerce. Electronics and Computer Science Engineering Communication Engineering and Information Technology with an intake of 60 in each to offer B.Aurora Aurora group was established in the year 1989 beginning with Aurora’s Degree College. Education is a penance for knowledge and Aurora's treats it thus. Hospital Management. Research Scholars. Degree college offering Under Graduate and Post Graduate programs in Arts. Corporate  Power Generation. Industry personals and PG students on Recent  Smart Grids Technologies & Applications Innovations in Engineering and Technology.Tech  Algorithms and data structures programs. The name Aurora was derived from the Latin word “Aurora Borealis” the famous northern lights. Transmission and Distribution Executers. Aurora’s Scientific.Tech programs. Electrical Engineering  Power Systems and Energy Engineering Call for Papers  Electric Drives and Applications Original and unpublished high quality research papers are  Power Electronics and Industrial Applications solicited from Academicians.  Distributed systems encourages staff to actively take up Research &  Pattern Recognition Development activities and to be an agent of promotion of ethical values and thus serve the society”.Tech Program. The topics include but are not  Instrumentation and Control limited to:  Power Quality improvement Techniques . 2 Law colleges offering 3 year and 5 year LLB programs. 6 Post Graduate colleges offering MBA and MCA programs. The abstracts  Renewable Power conversion Techniques should not exceed 300 words. being successful in graduating nearly 75000 Alumni who are spread across the world and 2000 employees continuously striving towards quality improvement in the field of Education. meaning Sun God Apollo. The campus is  Environmental Engineering located at Chandrayangutta which is at a reachable radius  Structural Engineering of 20 Minute drive from any corner of Hyderabad city.  Natural Language Processing The basic philosophy of the institute can be summed up  Artificial Intelligence as “To be a Center of Learning. HR and Finance specializations with 6000 students enrolling every year. The name has been chosen as it synthesizes the Indian and Western tradition of representing the sun as a symbol of knowledge and power. 2 Pharmacy colleges offering B.  Data mining and warehousing which imparts state of the art knowledge to its students.Tech programs and MBA program with an  Program semantics and verification annual intake of 1300 put together. It is the  Remote Sensing & GIS largest of its kind in GHMC limits of Hyderabad to have an  Construction Management exclusive and sprawling campus of 25 acres. Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.  Geotechnical Engineering  Water resource Engineering The Academy aims to offer quality engineering education  Transportation Engineering laying emphasis on all round development of budding engineers. Conference 30 minute drive from the conference venue. availability of limited rooms. Refreshments. accommodation is given on twin sharing basis with individual locker and study table. Delegate itinerary form would based on the score of the Technical Session Chair. Rs 4000/- 3.org. All submissions to the conference will go through blind Transportation review process by at least two independent reviewers.docx format) only. The full text of the paper is to be limited to a maximum of  Image and Video Processing 6-A4 size papers with double column including tables  Speech Processing and figures typed in Times New Roman and single  Advanced VLSI Systems spacing. Any additional author Rs 2000/. special edition by International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (www.com.extra. Travel arrangements for a hassle free itinerary are ensured from our travel desk. Extended papers will be published in Conference Research Scholars Rs 4000/. Rs 6000/. The receipt / UTR no of the online transaction be Category Early bird Regular e-mailed to icrieat2016@gmail. Paper must be typed using MS-Word (. Rs 5000/.8 impact factor. dinner and transportation from hostel to the Intimation of acceptance of Paper : 12th Dec 2016 conference venue for both the days. No additional amount Last date for Registration : 15th Dec 2016 is charged from the Delegates attending the Pre- Screening of Papers Conference workshop. 6. . Participation Certificate. Academia/ Industry Rs 5000/. Certificate for Best Paper will be awarded during the valedictory session. Bank details for online transfer  Computer Integrated Manufacturing Name of the Account : ASTRA ALUMNI  Production Planning and Control Name of the Bank : Andhra Bank  Operations Research Branch : Shamsheergunj  Total Quality Management Account Type : Current Account  Avionics Account Number : 053011100000292 RTGS/NEFT IFSC Code : ANDB0000530 Registration Fee per Paper* 5. indexed in Google Scholar & Scopus. The be mailed upon receiving the accommodation request.icrieat. The paper template is available at www.com  Textile and Leather Technology 4.for faculty and Rs 1200/. Key words to be indexed below the  Mobile and Optical Communications abstract.oiirj. Important Dates A nominal amount of Rs 1500/. ISSN: 2249-9598) with PG Students Rs 3000/. Accommodation Exclusive Accommodation is arranged for the convenience Registration Fee Includes of outstation delegates at our college Hostels located at a Entry into Technical Sessions. The paper must include name.  Sensor Networks Abstract : 200-300  Nanotechnology words Title : 16 point bold capital Affiliation : 12 point italics Mechanical Engineering Text : 10 point  Design and Manufacturing Engineering 2.  Mechatronics and Automation  Industrial and Systems Engineering 3. The other requirements are:  Wireless Mobile Communication Top/bottom/left/right margin : 25mm.for Submission of Full Length Paper : 05th Dec 2016 PG students/ Research scholars is charged which is inclusive of breakfast. Foreign Authors $ 100 $ 125 *For 03 authors. along with the full registration registration length paper and the copy right transfer form for the on or before on or before 30-11-2016 15-12-2016 confirmation of registration. 30 rooms are Proceedings.Electronics and Communication Engineering Guidelines to Authors  Signal Processing 1. full contact address and  Materials Science and Engineering email Id of the corresponding authors. All delegates who seek hostel Best Paper Award accommodation would be picked up from Airport/ One Best Paper will be selected from each oral session Railway station/ Bus stand. Tea/ reserved in each of our Ladies and Gents Hostel. Due to Coffee and Lunch during the days of the Conference.doc or  Embedded Systems . Conference Kit. IEEE IT Professional Communication Technology Editor .Barre.NIT Surathkal Distinguished Professor CPRI. Confirmed List of Keynote Speakers Dr Ashoka Chandra Dr Vijay K Arora Retd.EDS Distinguished Lecturer Chairman. Bangalore Dr Manish Gupta Dr Sounak Chowdary Director Professor of Mechanical Engineering Xerox Research Center India IIT Kanpur Bangalore Dr P Dinakar Dr Amit Acharya Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Electrical Engineering IIT Bhubaneshwar IIT Hyderabad Dr R Pradeep Kumar Dr SL Soni Professor & HoD Professor of Mechanical Engineering Earthquake Engineering Research Center Malaviya National Institute of Technology IIIT Hyderabad Jaipur Dr Sandeep Grover Dr S Arumugam Professor of Mechanical Engineering CEO YMCA University of Science & Technology Nandha Educational Institutions Faridabad ERODE Haryana Tamilnadu . PA USA Dr San Murugesan Dr Burhanuddin Mohd Aboobaider Director Deputy Dean BRITE Professional Services Faculty of Information & Editor in Chief .IEEE Computer Universiti of Tecknikal Malaysia Melaka Western Sydney University. Research Council Wikles University CSIR-NISTADS. Special Secretary Professor of Electrical Engineering Government of India IEEE. New Delhi Wilkes . Australia Malaysia Dr Said Younes Dr Prabir Chandra Basu Assistant Dean Consultant Department of Information Systems Structural Engineering and University of Nizwa Nuclear Safety Sultanate of Oman Mumbai Dr SS Murthy Dr P V Ananda Mohan Professor (Rtd) IIT Delhi Technology Advisor Formerly : Vice Chancellor CDAC Central University of Karnataka & Bangalore Director . Dpt of Information and System. Haryana  Dr Mohan Pratap Pradhan. Hyderabad  Prof P Premchand. CEO. Professor. Ex Director. Hyderabad  Dr S B Kishor. Professor in CSE. Department of Atomic Energy. Principal. St Fransis  Dr Vijay K Arora. Prof & HoD. Indur College of Engineering. Osmania University. Deccan College of Engineering and Technology. Professor. Dpt of EEE. Hyderabad  Prof S Jeelani. Central University of Hyderabad  Dr N Sai Baba. Dpt of Civil Engg. Vice Principal and Professor. Rtd Director-NRSA. Kakatiya University. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapetham. C-DAC India  Dr NC Shiva Prakash. Dpt of Computer Science. IIIT Hyderabad  Dr Sandeep Kumar Chouksey. Maharashtra  Dr Md Zafar Shaikh. Dpt of CSE. Hyderabad  Dr M K Soni. JNTUH. JNTUH. JNTUH. MZ Kurian. HoD. North Texas  Dr Sriramoorthy. Advisor. Faridabad. Prof & HoD. Professor Dpt of Mech Engg. Tenang. Dpt of Civil Engg. Professor in Manav Rachna International University. Warangal  Dr PG Benakop. Head. Dpt of ECE. Dean. Manager. Computer Society of India  Shri Ranganathan. Dpt of Civil Engg. Dpt of Computer Science. Civil Engg. Dpt of Civil Engg. S P Mahavidyala. IIT BhuBaneshwar  Dr D Neelima Satyam. Gondwana University  Prof M V Ramana Murthi. Sultanate of Oman  Dr S Arockiasamy. S P Mahavidyalaya. Dpt of Civil Engg. Hyderabad  Dr L Pratap Reddy. Talent Sprint  Dr BL Deekshithulu. University of Technical Malaysia. Hyderabad  Dr B Mangu. Osmania University. Registrar. University of Carlifonia. Hyderabad  Dr Srinivasa Kumar. Professor. Dept of EEE. Professor. Professor. IISC Banglore  Dr A Mehar Prasad. Professor. Bharathi Vidyapeeth College of Engineering. Telangana Engineering Research labs. Research officer. Rtd Professor. Gangtok  Dr SB Kishore. University of Nizwa. Dpt of EE. Executive Director & Dean. Warangal  Dr CV Guru Rao. Dpt of Inst. Director. University of Babylon. JNTUH. Professor. Arlington  Dr N Kameshwar Rao. Professor. Principal. Karnataka  Dr. Faculty of Informatics. Dpt of CSE. University of Nizwa. Hyderabad . Osmania University. JNTU. Hyderabad  Dr Jagabondhu Hazra.International Advisory Committee  Dr Murrat. Central University of Hyderabad  Dr Yousuf Khan. Dpt of Civil Engg. Professor in CSE. Faculty of Engineering. Iraq  Dr Said Younes. NIT Raipur  Dr Heeralal. Professor. Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education. IBM Research India  Dr M Kumar. Earthquake Engineering Research Center. HoD. Professor in ECE. Sultanate of Oman National Advisory Committee  Shri J A Chowdary. Gondwana University. Dpt of Mech Engg. University of Science College. USA  Dr Buranhuddin. Malaysia  Dr B Sattar Sada Khan. Sikkim University. Dpt of CSE. Center for Distance & Virtual Learning. Hyderabad  Dr A Jayalakshmi. Maulana Azad National Urdu University. College of Engineering. Osmania University  Dr A Vinay Babu. Hyderabad  Shri Raju Kanchibhotla. Dean and Professor. Coimbatore  Dr T Srinivasulu. Hyderabad  Dr Vishwanath Raju. Mohd Azizuddin. Director. Haryana  Dr SS Honda. University of Texas. Professor. Wilkes University. IIT Madras  Dr B Hanumanth Rao. Jagityal  Dr B Dean Kumar. NIT Warangal  Dr Yella Reddy. University of Texas. Siddipet  Dr. Professor. Manav Rachna International University. Prof & HoD. NFC. Hyderabad  Dr Md Rafeq. SR Engineering College. Dpt of Information and System. Principal. Professor. Dean. Regional Vice President. Osmania University. Faridabad. Water and Land Management Training & Research Institute. Dpt of CSE. Tumkur. Professor in CSE. Mumbai  Dr Govindarajulu. Professor in CSE. Registration is open to students and faculty of all Dept of Electronics & Communication Engg. Chief Patron Ramesh Nimmatoori Secretary. 1500 . Hyderabad Chapter. 1.Non IEEE Members Dept of Computer Science & Engg. Limited seats only. Technological & Research Academy Venue Conference Vice . Pradosh Chandra Patnaik elegantly designed spaces. Identifying research Dept of Mechanical Engg. cross disciplinary collaboration among Program Committee projects addressing their applications at National and International level is the key aspect. T : +91 40 2332 5678 | M : +91 91770 01226 Md Imaduddin Head of the Department Pre-Conference Workshop Dept of Electronics & Communication Engg. A plush ambience. Registration fee includes lunch. Chandra Shekar Vutukuri Conference Workshop is to provide a fundamental Head of the Department knowledge on these emerging areas. Organizing Committee Katriya Hotel & Towers Venkataratnam Gullapalli Raj Bhavan Road.500082 Dept of Civil Engg. The ICRIEAT 2016 Pre-Conference Workshop on “Nano Md Saleem Electronics” and " Internet of Things (IoT) and Its Applications" Head of the Department for IEEE Students/ Research Scholars / Faculty is schedule on 21st December 2016 in association with IEEE . Rs. Hyderabad. Somajiguda. 1000 . For any further details please contact: Anendhar Malathi Associate Professor Associate Professor Conference Helplines Dept of ECE Dept of CSE +91 91000 00660 / +91 91000 00666 M :+91 91000 00661 M :+91 91000 00608 . Aurora Group Conference General Chair Srilatha Chepure Director Aurora’s Scientific. snacks and Sandeep Kumar Krishnam certificate of participation. The primary goal of this Pre. Vinoth Kumar Adimulam Mahadevan 5. branches of Engineering. Dept of Mechanical Engg 6.Chair Hotel Katriya is one of the luxurious 4 star hotel located in the prominent centre of the Hyderabad City. through e-mail to anendhar@gmail. Md Mustafa 3. with every comfort at your Head of the Department fingertips will make your stay at Hyderabad a memorable Dept of Computer Science & Engg. Interested participants can give their details Dept of Electrical & Electronics Engg. Head of the Department Telangana State . opportunities. tea.com latest by 15th December 2016. Aurora Group Patron Raja Babu Nimmatoori Chairman.EDS Dept of Electrical & Electronics Engg.IEEE Members Associate Professor Rs. 750 . Associate Professor 2.Student IEEE Members Swapna Mudrakola Rs. one. Registration fee to be paid at the registration desk on the Associate Professor spot between 09:30am to 10:00am. Rohith SR Mane Associate Professor Registration Fee Dept of Civil Engg. Associate Professor 4. They form a large group epidemic raging at that time. daggers belonging to Queen the Qutb Shahis. which was Birla Planetarium : Birla Planetarium is India’s most completed by Aurangzeb in 1694. on Kala Pahad. one of the Telangana State Archaeological Museum : A visit cannons used in the last siege of Golconda by to the Telangana State Archaeological Museum is Aurangzeb. PLACES TO VISIT IN HYDERABAD The city of smiles. Salar Jung Museum: This museum houses one of Golconda Fort: Golconda is one of the famous the biggest one-man collections of antiques of the forts of India. modern planetarium and first of its kind in the country. these in 1591 at the centre of the original city layout. The objects words “Golla Konda” meaning “Shepherd’s Hill”. tucked away in one of the adjacent to Kala Pahad. build the central arch. Lakes and Parks. The idol in the because the bricks were brought from Mecca to temple is a replica of the one at Tirumala Tirupati. Golconda was originally a mud fort. Jahan. Charminar has 45 prayer spaces and a using grey granite. Noor Jahan and the Emperors Jahangir and Shah The first three Qutb Shahi kings rebuilt Golconda. the museum boasts of one of the Sound & Light Show at Golconda Fort: The richest repositories of antiques and art objects in glorious past of Golconda Fort is narrated the country. The tombs are built minarets soar to a height of 48. The fort is famous for its items. It is tombs are said to be the oldest historical said to be built as a charm to ward off a deadly monuments in Hyderabad. the founder of Hyderabad. the mosque in it. Planned Shah. Arms & Armour galler y. And the Science Museum streets leading off from Charminar. The museum contains a back in time. illuminated in the evenings. a delight for art lovers.7 m above the in Persian. Brahmanical & Jain gallery. museum building itself is a fine example of Indo- The unique Sound & Light Show takes you right Saracenic architecture. . Birla Mandir(Venkateswara Temple): This white Mecca Masjid: A two hundred yards southwest of marble temple of Lord Venkateshwara floats on the Charminar is the Mecca Masjid. Four graceful and stand on a raised platform. of a thousand faces. built Charminar and built by the Qutb Shahis themselves. Salar Jung III. Ajanta gallery and more. Some of the tourist attractions include the following: Charminar : The Charminar is as much the Qutb Shahi Tombs: The tombs of the legendary signature of Hyderabad as the Taj Mahal is of Agra Qutb Shahi kings lie about a kilometre away from or the Eiffel Tower is of Paris. glory Buddhist gallery. the effectively with matchless Sound and Light effects. with stucco ornamentation. when Golconda was full of life. palaces. to whom the fort ultimately fell. Moghal miniatures. Located in the picturesque Public Gardens. Bronze galler y. acoustics. Museums to delectable cuisine and a delightful shopping experience. Mohammed Quli Qutb Banjara Darwaza of the Golconda Fort. d’art include Persian carpets. colourful shopping from Japan and is built on Naubat Pahad centre of the old city. stone studded bangles are sold here. so named the city skyline. Visitors can view the architectural only one of its kind in the world where an entire splendour inside the Charminar. It is equipped with advanced technology Laad Baazar: This is famous.D. ingenious water supply system and the famous Fateh Rahben gun. Pathan and Hindu architectural styles ground. Adjacent to the State Museum is the Contemporary Art Museum. of lights. Aurangzeb’s sword and many other fabulous over a span of 62 years. To the traveller. famous Yadava dynasty of Deogiri and the Kakatiyas of statues including the Veiled Rebecca and Warangal. who held it from 1518 to 1687 A. Hyderabad offers a fascinating panorama of the past. The name originates from the Telugu world by Mir Yousuf Ali Khan. Hyderabad offers a variety of tourist attractions ranging from Heritage monuments. Built in 1920 by the Nizam VII. Bridal wear. a superb which passed to the Bahmani dynasty and later to collection of jade. Numismatics gallery. Japanese lacquerware. The Qutb Shahis never finished the building of the mosque. Marguerite and Mephistopheles. and grandeur. stands tribute to the advancement achieved by Pearls and the traditional Hyderabadi glass and Science and Technology. with a richly mixed cultural and historical tradition spanning 400 colourful years. The monument is dynasty has been buried at one place. The origins of the fort can be traced back to the Chinese porcelain. endearingly called the Pearl City. Gardens and Resorts. One of the World’s tallest monolithic statues of the Buddha KBR National Park: One of the largest parks within the stands on the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’.Public Gardens : Hyderabad has several beautiful Ramoji Film City: The Ramoji Film City in India is gardens. At 1500 acres. gold tiffin box inlaid with diamonds. acres. tourism and recreation centre. Certified by the Guinness World Records as the world’s largest Filmstudio complex. 400 cheetals and a number of wild boars. Starlit dinner on-board and species of birds.000 close to their natural habitats as possible. Wonderla completion of some sections. It is also a popular Legislature. Rolling based rides and 18 water based attractions. spread over 120 acres. which Purani Haveli. Approximately 75. motor boats. Already open to public is the first phase. silver jubilee celebrations in 1937. Prasads Located 15 Km.H. rush on Saturdays and Sundays. 48 endemic flora of Hyderabad region. Natural History Museum and surroundings. Generally temple gets heavy first zoo to create moated enclosures for animals. is now converted ocean of various arts and crafts but the talent of into a museum with a fascinating collection. it is the largest Gardens. of Qutb Shah. gold burnished attitude of Hyderabad and today finds a wooden throne used for the silver jubilee place of pride. This is the devotees visit in a week.000 to 1. destination in this part of the world.E. feel the rush of exquisite rock formations. There is an interesting collection of models made in silver of all the Hitech City : One of the modern monuments of prominent buildings of the city and citations in Urdu trade and technology. in the middle of city KBR National Park is a Southern tropical deciduous the lake. Launch. it is the nucleus of Cyberabad. and get pampered with the finest facilities in leisure for the whole family. than 350 black bucks. a Nehru Zoological Park : Spanning 300 lush green filmmaker can walk with a script and walk out with film. the park has more Multiplex. 1 Amusement Park. with over 100 seater launch etc. Sanjeevaiah Park etc. Mir Osman Ali Khan. are a regular feature in the Hussainsagar. India is an year 1750 by the second Nizam. It is 33 Kms away from and birds. The Park has perfect package for all the age groups with its 25 land been designed to have large water bodies. the IT and a gold model of Jubilee Pavilion. reptiles and over 100 Hyderabad Botanical Gardens: The first Botanical species of birds. which also encloses the State integrated film city in the world. Kala Thoranam. by the heritage buildings.00. this is now one of Hussainsagar Lake: Excavated in 1562 A. Wonderla Hyderabad offers the plants. Cyber Towers is the main building here. an open-air theatre. State Archaeological Museum. Lumbini Park. it has additional forest and the last vestigial representative of the boating facilities like speed boats. Tank Bund. Set in sylvan The Lion Safari Park. it embodies the newfound about H. Boating and water sports others being single-storeyed blocks. at Ramoji Film City. The sections include offeres 43 world-class rides to unfold an all-new medicinal plants. of the city. The most of the artisans and artists goes unrecognized. the lake has a promenade that is a which the main palace is double storeyed with the busy thoroughfare today. the temple attracts thousands of Children’s Train are the added attractions. Chow Mohalla Palace : Built in several phases by the Nizams between 1857-1869. aquatic plants and bamboos.D. the vintage cars displayed. Shilparamam (The Arts & Crafts Village) : Another attraction at Madhapur besides Hi-tec city in The Nizam‘s Silver Jubilee Museum : The stately Hyderabad is the 30-acre village. rich grasslands and splash in exhilarating water rides. 20 species of reptiles and 15 species private parties also can be arranged on the of butterflies. the Nehru Zoological Park is a must for Chilkur Balaji Temple : The Balaji Temple is located at nature lovers. one of the most popular being the Public located in Hyderabad. the palace acquired around the showcases arts and crafts of the country. the crafts village hosts annual bazaars. Surroundings of Hussainsagar Lake provide marvellous entertainment options like NTR Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park: Gardens. containing natural and Jubilee Hall. Soak and Meadows. from Hyderabad. adrenaline on high-thrill rides. fruit trees. Jawahar Bal Bhavan and Telugu Lalita artificial attractions including an amusement park. Gardens in Telangana State. Situated on the outskirts celebrations. natural forests. A 1930 Rolls where artists and artisans from all over the country Royce. ornamental chapter of thrill. with the Wonderla : India's No. Added to all these. most of which are kept in conditions as Mehdipatnam. small mammals. . timber trees. pilgrims every year and is an ideal place for sequestered retreat and meditation. Necklace Road. Packard and a Mark V Jaguar are among exhibit their talent. The complex comprises Hussain Shah Wali during the time of Ibrahim Quli four palaces in Moghal and European styles. It has over 250 species of animals Chilkur in the Hyderabad district. museum exhibits the gifts and mementos To encourage them and give the necessary boost presented to the last Nizam on the occasion of the to their art.
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