
KLASIFIKASI INTERNASIONAL PENYAKIT – REVISI KE 10 ( ICD 10) PUSAT KESEHATAN HAJI KEMENKES RI 2012 KEPMENKES RI KEPMENKES RI NO: 50/MENKES/SK/1998 PEMBERLAKUAN KLASIFIKASI STATISTIK INTERNASIONAL MENGENAI PENYAKIT REVISI KESEPULUH ( ICD – 10 ) . Ruang Lingkup  ICD-10 ( International Classification of Diseases ) adalah klasifikasi statistik penyakit yang digunakan secara international revisi ke .10 . Struktur    Volume 1 : Tabular lis Volume 2 : Petunjuk Penggunaan Volume 3 : Indeks Alfabet . 7. 4. 3. Pelaporan Diagnosis tenaga medis Memudahkan penyimpanan dan pengambilan data Menemukan bentuk pelayanan Pencatatan penyakit dan tindakan di sarana pelayanan kesehatan Pelaporan Nasional Morbiditas dan Mortalitas Klasifikasi Morbiditas dan Mortalitas untuk tujuan Statistik Data pelayanan kesehatan untuk Evaluasi Perencanaan Pelayanan Medik Untuk Penelitian Epidemiologi dan Klinis Sebagai dasar pengelompokan DRGs (diagnostic related groups) untuk pembayaran Analisis pembayaran pelayanan kesehatan . 6. 5. 8. 10. 2. 9.MANFAAT 1. X.signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory f inding. not elsew here classif ied Injury.def ormations and chromosomal abnormalities Symptoms.RINCIAN BAB ICD-10 Chapte r I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI ICD Certain inf ectious and parasitic diseases Neoplasmas Diseases of the blood and blood-f orming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism Endocrine.nutritional and metabolic diseases Mental and behavioural disorders Diseases of nervous system Diseases of eye and adnexa Diseases of ear and mastoid process Diseases of circulatory system Diseases of respiratory system Diseases of digestive system Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Diseases of musculoskeletal system and conective tissue Diseases of genitourinary system Pregnancy.T 668 R 150 185 254 287 314 325 364 393 437 465 513 551 586 616 E F G H H I J K L M N O P Q Page 1 38 131 Firs t Code A .D D .poisoning and certain other consequences of extrnal causes External causes of morbidity and mortality Factors inf luencing health status and contact w ith health services 810 899 V.childbirth and the puerperium Certain condition originating in the perinatal period Congenital malf ormations.Y Z 701 S.W.B C . T 701 Z 899 XVII . dan hasil pemeriksaan klinik & laboratorium yang tidak normal.D D Halaman 1 38 131 IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI E F G H I J K L M N O R 150 185 254 287 325 364 393 437 465 513 551 668 XII XIII XIV XV XVI S. gejala. keracunan dan akibat eksternal Faktor yang mempengaruhi keadaan kesehatan dan Kode Awal A. Bab I II III ICD Penyakit parasit dan infeksi Neoplasma Penyakit darah dan organ pembentuk darah dan gangguan mekanisme immune Penyakit endokrin nutrisi dan metabolik Gangguan mental dan perilaku Penyakit sistem syaraf Penyakit mata dan adneksa Penyakit sistem sirkulasi Penyakit sistem pernafasan Penyakit sistem pencernaan Penyakit kulit dan jaringan subkutan Penyakit sistem otot tulang dan jaringan penunjang Penyakit sistem genitourinary Kehamilan. tidak diklasifikasi tempat lain Trauma.B C. kelahiran.Penggunaan kode ICD-10 mengacu pada penyakit-penyakit yang ditemukan pada tahun sebelum pelaksanaan Operasional Haji di Indonesia dan di Arab Saudi. dan masa nifas Tanda. GANGGUAN MENTAL & PERILAKU KODE F41 F41.5 circulatory complications (gangrene diabetic) E05 Thyrotoxicosis ( Hyperthyroidism) E66 Obesity V.1 I48 I46 I84 I95 I61 I64 I69 JENIS PENYAKIT Essential (primary) hypertension Heart failure Congestive heart failure Cardiomegaly Angina pectoris Acute myocardial infarction Atheroclerotic heart desease Atrial fibrillation and flutter Cardiac arrest Haemorrhoids Hypotension Intracerebral haemorrhage Stroke.5 complications (gangrene diabetic) Non Insulin Dependent DM with peripheral E11.0 F20 F32 JENIS PENYAKIT Other anxiety disorders Panic disorder Schizophrenia Episode Depressif II. not spesified as haemorrhage or infarction Sequelae of cerebrovascular disease I. PENY. PENYAKIT INFEKSI & PARASIT KODE JENIS PENYAKIT A39 Meningococcal infection A39.not elsewhere classified Acute bronchitis Vasomotor and Allergic rhinitis Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Asthma Status Asthmaticus Bronchiectasis Pulmonary Oedema G40 Epilepsy J15 J20 J30 J44 J45 J46 J47 J81 III. PENYAKIT SYSTEM SIRKULASI KODE I10 I50 I50.0 I51. PENY. not elsewhere classified Bacterial pneumonia. NEOPLASMA KODE C20 C50 C53 C54 C61 JENIS PENYAKIT Malignant neoplasm of rectum Malignant neoplasm of breast Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri Malignant neoplasm of prostate IX.7 I20 I21 I25. ENDOKRIN NUTRISI & METABOLIK KODE JENIS PENYAKIT E10 Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus E11 Non Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus Insulin Dependent DM with peripheral circulatory E10. DARAH & ORGAN PEMBENTUK DARAH & GANGGUAN MEKANISME IMMUNE KODE JENIS PENYAKIT D50 Iron deficiency anaemia VII.0† Meningococcal meningitis Respiratory tuberculosis.0 J12 sleep (insomnias) VI.KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Pusat Kesehatan Haji (021-4224974) DIAGNOSA ICD-10 Kesehatan Haji Indonesia VIII. PENYAKIT MATA & ADNEKSA KODE JENIS PENYAKIT H10 Conjunctivitis . bacteriologically and A15 histologically confirmed A06 Amoebiasis A01 Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers A01. SYSTEM PERNAFASAN KODE J00 KODE JENIS PENYAKIT J02 G44. PENYAKIT SYSTEM SYARAF JENIS PENYAKIT Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold) Acute pharyngitis Acute laryngitis and tracheitis Influenza due identified influenza virus Viral pneumonia.0 Typhoid fever Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed A09 infectious origin A05 Other bacterial foodborn intoxications A30 Leprosy [Hansen's disease] B15 Acute Hepatitis A B16 Acute Hepatitis B B50 Plasmodium falciparum malaria B51 Plasmodium vivax malaria B52 Plasmodium malariae malaria Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease B20 Resulting in infectiousand parasitic diseases IV. PENY.2 Tension-type headache J04 Disorders of initiating and maintaining J10 G47. anhydrotic Superfisial frostbite Frosbite with tissue necrosis Hypothermia T31 T58 T60. including ankle Fracture of foot.0 K92. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of knee Dislocation.3 T67. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at ankle and foot level Burn classified according to extent of body surface involved Toxic Effect of carbon monoxide Organophosphate and carbamate insectisides Motion sickness Heatstroke dan sunstroke Heat cramp Heat exhaustion. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments elbow Dislocation. SYSTEM PENCERNAAN KODE K29 K30 K25 K92. except ankle Dislocation.0 Anorexia R33 Retention of urine R54 Senility ( LANSIA > 60 TH ) XVII. YANG TIDAK NORMAL.1 K74 K80 K04 K04.0 K04. KERACUNAN & AKIBAT EKSTERNAL KODE S02 S12 S22 S32 S42 S52 S62 S72 S82 S92 S13 S23 S33 JENIS PENYAKIT Fracture of skull and facial bones Fracture of neck Fracture of rib(s). SYSTEM GENITOURINARY KODE N00 N04 N17 N18 N40 N30 N20 N92 JENIS PENYAKIT Acute nephritic syndrome Nephrotic syndrome Acute renal failure Chronic renal failure Hyperplasia of prostate Cystitis Calculus of kidney and ureter Excessive. furuncle and L02 carbuncle L03 Cellulitis XII.3 T33 T34 T68 XI.2 M06 M15 M51 JENIS PENYAKIT Myalgia Neuralgia and neuritis. PENY. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments shouldergirdle Dislocation. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments wrist andhand level at of of of of at XIV. TANDA. sternum and thoracic spine Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis Fracture of shoulder and upper arm Fracture of forearm Fracture at wrist and hand level Fracture of femur Fracture of lower leg.X.7 K04. PENY. KELAHIRAN MASA NIFAS S43 S53 S63 S73 S83 S93 KODE JENIS PENYAKIT O03 Spontaneus abortion XV.2 K05. SYSTEM OTOT TULANG & JARINGAN PENYAMBUNG KODE M79.4 K12 K40 JENIS PENYAKIT Gastritis dan duodenitis Dyspepsia Gastric ulser Haematemesis Melaena Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver Cholelithiasis Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues Pulpitis Necrosis of pulp Periapical abscess without sinus Radicular Cyst Dental caries Gingivitis and periondotal diseases Acute periodontitis Periodontosis Stomatitis and related lesions Inguinal Hernia XIII. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments lumbar spine and pelvis Dislocation.0 T67. PENY.0 Epistaxis R63. frequent dan irregular Menstruation XVI. Faktor Yg Mempengaruhi Keadaan Kes. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of hip Dislocation. unspesified Other Rheumatoid Arthritis Polyarthrosis Other intervertebral disc disorders KODE JENIS PENYAKIT R57. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments thorax Dislocation.1 K04.0 T75.1 M79. KEHAMILAN. GEJALA & HASIL PEMERIKSAAN KLINIK LAB. .8 K02 K05 K05. KULIT & JARINGAN SUBKUTAN KODE JENIS PENYAKIT L20 Atopic dermatitis L23 Allergic contac dermatitis Cutaneous abscess.1 Hypofolaemic Shock R64 Cachexia Haemorrhage from respiratory R04 passages R04. TRAUMA. Kes. TIDAK DIKLASIFIKASI TEMPAT LAIN Dislocation. PENY.2 T67. sprain and strain of joints and ligaments neck level Dislocation. & Kontak Dgn Yankes KODE Z00 JENIS PENYAKIT General examination and investigation of persons without complaintor reported diagnosis (SEHAT ) Catatan : Diagnosa ini untuk pengisian data pada surat keterangan kesehatan Di Buku Kesehatan Jemaah Haji (BKJH) dan entry data SISKOHAT Bid. CARA PENGGUNAAN -----.PETUNJUK PRAKTIS PENGGUNAAN TABEL EXCEL ICD-10 A.lampiran . PETUNJUK UMUM B. 3. 8.JCH. 11. 2. 10.Arsip PKM) Diagnosa pada Pemeriksaan pertama BKJH(ICD-X) di Puskesmas Surat Rujukan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Surat Rujukan Balik pemeriksaan Kesehatan Diagnosa pada Pemeriksaan Rujukan(kasus spesialistik) Surat Keterangan Pengobatan CJH Diagnosa pada Status Card di BKJH Surat Keterangan Pendamping Jamaah Haji Rekapitulasi Hasil Pemeriksaan Kesehatan pada BKJH . Jendela RISTI pada BKJH Diagnosa pada Format Bantu pemeriksaan di Puskesmas Surat Keterangan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Pertama(kemenag.Penggunaan ICD-10……… 1. 9. 4. 7. 6. 5. Terima kasih .
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