IBP Master Data V1

March 24, 2018 | Author: Lalith Bundel | Category: Inventory, Labour Economics, Corporate Jargon, Production And Manufacturing, Business



Master DataProduct Master Data Customer Master Data Customer Product Master Data Description Material Master Customer Master Customer Product Customer Source Master Data Location Master Data Customer Source Location Location Product Master Data Location Product Location Source Master Data Location Source Resource Location Master Data Resource Location Porduction Source Master Data Production Source Master Production Source Item Data Production Souce Item Production Resource Master Data UOM Conversion Master Data DSI RM Master Data Production Resource Master ECC Terminology Material Master Customer Master Customer Material Plant Plant Material WorkCenter Plant Source-Production Version Source-Production Version Production Version/Workcenter Remark Material Master To be taken from ECC (its only end customer) To be Provided in excel Customer - Plant link should be used to maintain cusomter Product to Plant -Product link Location master means either Production Plant or DC or Trading Plant This table should have unique combination of Locations and Products mainly to be transferred from ECC for existing fields This table should have unique combination of Product,Location and Source Location to be loaded as excel upload This table should have unique combination resourcesPlants (workcenters from ECC) This table should have unique combination of Product,Location and PV to be loaded as excel upload This table should have unique combination of Component to Production relation , Basically BOM data This table should have unique combination of Resource and Production Source ID ( Basically from Routing Master data) This table should have unique combination Product and Alternate UOM This table should have unique combination Plant and Classification of (Class + Type) Source ECC/Excel ECC/Excel Excel ECC Fields Excel Fields Status 16 46 Done 13 2 Open Questions 3 NA ECC/Excel 3 ECC/Excel 32 Excel 6 Done 9 Open Questions 4 Open Questions ECC/Excel 7 12 Done ECC 5 Done ECC 4 Done ECC Excel Excel 3 Done 83 3 4 89 . Requirement Collected From KSA/DUBAI KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA . KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA DUBAI DUBAI DUBAI DUBAI DUBAI DUBAI DUBAI DUBAI TRADING TRADING TRADING TRADING TRADING PLANT PLANT PLANT KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA DUBAI Production Plant DUBAI Production Plant DUBAI Production Plant . Trading type. wattage. Material status. packing type. Pallet. ABC .Attributes Product Material Desc Material Type Material Group DPG Material Group desc Color Amp Rating # of Ways standard. Small box. Product Hierarchy Voltage. Packing length. Material Cost SPG Sub materail group No of Gangs No of Cores No of Poles Size Insulation type Breaker Type Breaker Name Temperature Division Business unit Non SASO OLD Class New material code . switch/socket/others. New launch material No of Phases Manufacturing strategy Storage Capcity Consumpion Base UOM Mouting Plate type Color type Standard or Non Standard New material code No of Units a pallet Old material Num FG hierarchy to be given(Pending from Dubai Plant) COGS (Product cost of Goods manufactured) Component Related attributes by KSA Production Plants Component / RM Material group Component /SFG Process Storage type BUOM Alert crtical Component Component ABC indicator Component supply type Base Metal for FG SFG Related attribures by KSA Prodcution Plants SFG Process Component Related attributes by Dubai Production Plant Commodity (RM) Commodity type All Attributes related to commoditiy hierarchy to be given . Source Technical Name ECC ECC ECC MARA-MATNR MAKT-MAKTX MARA-MTART ECC Excel ECC Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel ECC Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel ECC of a Production plant Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel ECC Excel Excel Excel Excel MARA-MATKL T023T-WGBEZ MARA-PRODH MBEW-STPRS MARA-SPART . Excel Excel Excel Excel ECC Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel ECC MARA-MEINS MARA-BISMT ECC MBEW-STPRS ECC ECC Exel ECC Exel Exel Exel Exel MARA-MATKL MARA-EXTWG ECC EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL . Fert . External material group desc for Switchgear(MARA -EXTWG NE " " .ZRM2.. MCFE.19 jan 16.jabir SPRAS (language) = "EN" *For some material its moving price and some material its standard price wrt to price control indicator For Switchgear from external material group .MARD-WERKS = "AE05" ).HALB material group for all other. *As discussed not to take External material group.. Base unit of measure Import / Local/Domestic /intraplant alfanar Copper/ Alluminium (if MCFE code starts with A or W = Allumium .g. Steel.g. R= Copper ) External material group .g.Silo . E. Unconvered. OR.E. Covered . T . Copper .only for cable e. if C . metal.(orrange) Old material Num Product cost mm03 account1 view(SAME LOGIC AS ABOVE) Map from Material group field in ecc only for cables ( plant AE06) E. Hardware. Checmical .g. Filtering Logic For Product IDs . . Remark . DUPLICATED DUPLICATED DUPLICATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Requirement Collected From KSA/DUBAI KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA Requirement VALID FOR KSA/DUBAI KSA/DUBAI KSA/DUBAI Requirement VALID FOR KSA/DUBAI KSA/DUBAI KSA/DUBAI . LOCATION Master Data Location master means either Production Plant or DC or Tradin Requirement Collected From KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA. Dubai Trading KSA Cable Plant KSA Cable Plant KSA Cable Plant KSA Cable Plant Dubai Production Plant Dubai Production Plant Requirement Collected From KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA KSA Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants . DUBAI KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants Dubai Production Plant KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants KSA Production Plants This table Requirement Collected From Valid Valid Valid Valid for for for for KSA.DUBAI KSA.DUBAI Requirement Collected From Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI .DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI KSA. DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI PR This Requirement Collected From .DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI From Dubai From DUBAI (For Labour ) From DUBAI (For Labour ) From DUBAI (For Labour ) Valid for KSA Th Requirement Collected From Valid Valid Valid Valid for for for for KSA.Valid for KSA.DUBAI KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI KSA. Valid Valid Valid Valid for for for for KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI KSA.DUBAI KSA.DUBAI Valid for KSA.DUBAI KSA.DUBAI PR This table sho Requirement Collected From Valid for KSA.DUBAI Requirement Collected From KSA cable Plant KSA cable Plant KSA cable Plant . Requirement Collected From KSA KSA KSA KSA Production Production Production Production Plants Plants Plants Plants . by Name Customer Plant Customer Country Customer Country Name Sales Division Teritory Sales office (Branch) Customer Prioriry (Penality Used fore reschduling Orders) CUSTOMER PROD To be Provid Attributes Customer ID Product ID Price CUSTOMER SOUR Customer .Plant link should be used to main Attributes Customer ID Product ID Source Location ID Sourcing Ratio .CUSTOMER M To be taken from ECC ( Attributes Description Customer ID Customer Name Distribution Channel Customer Hierrachy Customer Class Customer Sales Area Sales Rep-File No Sales Rep. LOCATION Master Data Location master means either Production Plant or DC or Trading Plant Description Location ID. Location Desc Plant Type MRP Controller Storage Capacity (in Pallets) Open Storage Capacity in M3 Closed Storage Capacity in M3 Silo Capacity in KG Stockyard OpenStorage FG Storage Capacity (in Pallets) RM Storage Capacity ( In Pallets) LOCATION .PROD This table should have unique combination of Locations and Pr Attributes Location ID Product ID ABC indicator PDT(planned Delivery time) MRP Controller Inventory Strategy Rounding Procurement type Speical Procurement Key (Source type) Production Supervisor/Scheduler Production Storage Location Storage Location ABC indicator (Component) Purchase Group SpecialProcurement Key Profit center MRP Controller Procurement type Planned Delivry time Safety stock (Inventory Strategy days) Safety stock (Fixed qty) Lot size . SOUR This table should have unique combination of Product.Loc Attributes Product Location Source Location Sourcing Ratio RESOURCE LOCAT This table should have unique combination Attributes Resource ID Location Resource Desc Capacity in HRs from ECC (reference) Costcenter .Minimum lot size (finished good) MRP type Re-order Point MRP Strategy group Base Qty for storage consumotion Consumption in Cubic Meters Crtical RM check indicatory Planning Plant Rounding Discontinuity indicator Followup material Effective out date Vendor attribute for DSI-MCB Vendor wise DSI Vendor Supplying capacity Pallet Qty (This to be given for FG by material wise) Consumption history weigthage for RM inventory strategy Requirement weigthage for RM inventory strategy Shipment type LOCATION . SOU This table should have unique combination of Prod Attributes Location Product Source ID Output Product Coefficient Production Ratio PRODUCTION . of Working Hours in a Shift (Per Resource) No.Crtical Resource Capaccity cateogy No of Working days Resource No.SOURC This table should have unique combination of Compo Attributes . Working Shifts in a Day (Per Resource) Resource Working Efficiency Planned maintainence time Breaktime No of individual capacities Average Loss of Setup time in Hrs Per Month No of Labours Shift hour Capacity calculated (No of Labours * Shift hour ) Resource underutilization threshold for alert PRODUCTION . RESO This table should have unique combination of Resource and P Attributes Source ID Resource ID Capacity Consumption Rate UOM Conversio This table should have unique comb Attributes Product ID Alternative UOM UOM Conversion Factor DSI RM Ma .Source ID Component ID Component Coefficient Source Item ID PRODUCTION . This table should have unique combination Attributes Plant ABC classification Form of Procurement DSI Days . CUSTOMER Master Data To be taken from ECC (its only end customer) Source ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC Excel ECC Excel CUSTOMER PRODUCT Master Data To be Provided in excel Source EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL CUSTOMER SOURCE Master Data stomer .Product to Plant -Product link Source By Default 1 (meaning 100%) .Plant link should be used to maintain cusomter . PRODUCT Master data ave unique combination of Locations and Products mainly to be transferred from ECC for existing fields Source ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC Excel ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC Excel ECC ECC .ant Source ECC ECC Excel ECC Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel 1200 pallets 600 Pallets LOCATION . Location and Source Location to be loaded as excel upload SOURCE EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL RESOURCE LOCATION Master data This table should have unique combination resources.Plants (workcenters from ECC) SOURCE ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC .SOURCE Master data uld have unique combination of Product.ECC ECC ECC ECC EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL LOCATION . SOURCE Master data ble should have unique combination of Product. Basically BOM data SOURCE .SOURCE ITEM master data should have unique combination of Component to Production relation .ECC ECC EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL RODUCTION .Location and PV to be loaded as excel upload SOURCE ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC DUCTION . ECC ECC ECC ECC ODUCTION .RESOURCE master data have unique combination of Resource and Production Source ID ( Basically from Routing Master data) SOURCE ECC ECC ECC UOM Conversion Master data This table should have unique combination Product and Alternate UOM SOURCE Need to check with Suresh Need to check with Suresh Need to check with Suresh DSI RM Master data . This table should have unique combination Plant and Classification of (Class + Type) SOURCE EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL . Product to Plant -Product link .ER Master Data om ECC (its only end customer) Technical Name KNA1-KUNNR KNA1-NAME1 KNVV-VTWEG KNA1-KUKLA KNVV-VKORG/VTWEG/SPART KNVP-Parvw-"VE"Number KNVP-Parvw-"VE"Name KNVV-VWERK KNA1-LAND1 T005T-LANDX KNVV-SPART KNVV-VKBUR RODUCT Master Data be Provided in excel OURCE Master Data d to maintain cusomter . Technical Name T001W-WERKS T001W-NAME1 T024D-DISPO RODUCT Master data ons and Products mainly to be transferred from ECC for existing fields MARC-WERKS MARC-MATNR MARC-MAABC MARC-PLIFG MARC-DISPO MARC-BSTRF MARC-BESKZ MARC-SOBSL MARC-FEVOR MARC-LGPRO TBD MARC-MAABC-DUPLICATED MARC-EKGRP DUPLICATED MARC-PRCTR DUPLICATED DUPLICATED DUPLICATED MARC-EISBE MARC-DISLS . Location and Source Location to be loaded as excel upload CATION Master data mbination resources.Plants (workcenters from ECC) CRHD-ARBPL CRHD-WERKS CRTX-KTEXT Value to get based on calculation CRCO-KOSTL .MARC-BSTMI MARC-DISMM MARC-MINBE MARC-STRGR TBD DUPLICATED MARC-KZAUS MARC-NFMAT MARC-AUSDT TBD TBD TBD OURCE Master data roduct. COPY FIRST PRODUCTION VERSION IN THIS FIELD OURCE ITEM master data of Component to Production relation .CRHD-RASCH KAKO-KAPART SOURCE Master data on of Product.VERSION . Basically BOM data .MAT.Location and PV to be loaded as excel upload MKAL-WERKS MKAL-MATNR MKAL-VERID STKO-BMENG COMBINATION OF PLANT. 0003) 0001-OPR_TAB-VGW02 .VGE02(Convert In Hrs) 0002-OPR_TAB-VGW03 .STB-IDNRK STB-MNGLG STB-POSN ESOURCE master data rce and Production Source ID ( Basically from Routing Master data) MKAL-VERID OPR_TAB-VORNR->OPR_TAB-ARBID->CRHD-ARBPL OPR_TAB-BMSCH/Time in operation(Hrs) Time in operation = CRHD-ARBPL->CRHDVERWE(0001.VGE03(Convert In Hrs) ersion Master data que combination Product and Alternate UOM EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL M Master data . mbination Plant and Classification of (Class + Type) . OEM *Need to map sales org E.Filter *Need to map sales org High Level Node = KNVH-HKUNNR Customer classfication **New Attribure added E. C1 P1 20 . Utility.g.g under Project sales . OGP. BII. Not consumption cannot be given for SFGs . hence they will be reduced isting fields Filter it by Plant Specific material status "blank" Filter by material staus. Rounding for all (mainly for MTS) Production Supervisor Storage Location ABC indicator ---DUPLICATED Purchase Group SpecialProcurement Key Accounting 2 view from Material master Procurement type Planned Delivry time Safety Stock Lot size . P1 AD12 AD11 1 This capacity cannot be changed in S&OP .Minimum lot size MRP type Re-order Point MRP Strategy group X Planning Plant Planning Plant Distconitunity indicator in MRP4 ( mainlly for RM for except cables) Followuo material Effective out date E. F for Foreign upload E.g. I for Interplant.g. L for Local . Field finalized (AS PER DISCUSSED WITH RAVI .(SET UP TYPE KYE IN DEFAULT) CRHD->CRCA->KAKO used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" for Labour resource used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" for Labour resource used in calculation of "Available Capacity S&OP" for Labour resource Source Field Production Version Consider only Active version(MKSP = " ") Base quantity of BOM 1 for First PV ta a RID . O/P->GROUP.GROUPCOUNTER FM-CARO_ROUTING_READ)I/P PLNTY ="N" From Routing Consumption (FM-CARO_ROUTING_READ)I/P PLNTY ="N" Source Field From Routing Consumption .STATUS(un locked).PV FM-CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 Item in Bill of Material BOM qty for each component Item number in the BOM a ster data) Source Field I/P->MKAL-MATNR.WERKS. B (B class). C (C class) L (for Local Procurement ).E. I (Intra Plant Breakers). F(Foreign Procurement) 50 .g Cable Plant Code A ( A class ). Filtering Condition for Customer ID (Which is Unique in Customer Master) Filtering Condition for Customer ID (Which is Unique in Customer Master) To be Provided in excel filtered values Name of Price need to corrected . This for Sub contracting In case of component it can be used. . Speicific to cables Speicific to cables Availabity check alert will be given only if X indicator is maintained ABC caluclaion for MCB facory How many days . . W ERKS.MKALMATNR.VERI D .capid= PP01.W ERKS."Nee d to check EMENG".I/P FOR FM .1. MATNR.VERI D 2. Comments This table is not used for MCB as mostly they sold as Kits. So not by ABC .
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