Ibola Fast Facts

March 27, 2018 | Author: Beatrice Ramirez | Category: Ebola Virus Disease, Medical Specialties, Epidemiology, Wellness, Health Sciences



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Facts: Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease caused by one of five different Ebola viruses. Four of the strains can cause severe illness in humans and animals. The fifth, Reston virus, has caused illness in some animals, but not in humans. The first human outbreaks occurred in 1976, one in northern Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) in Central Africa: and the other, in southern Sudan (now South Sudan). The virus is named after the Ebola River, where the virus was first recognized in 1976, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ebola is extremely infectious but not extremely contagious. It is infectious, because an infinitesimally small amount can cause illness. Laboratory experiments on nonhuman primates suggest that even a single virus may be enough to trigger a fatal infection. Hollywood's complete moral surrender Thank you, Sony hackers Gitmo inmate: My treatment shames American flag Fan's gift chokes up Timberlake 5 ways to fat-proof your home, no willpower necessary People who feel younger at heart live longer CNN Money: Instead, Ebola could be considered moderately contagious, because the virus is not transmitted through the air. The most contagious diseases, such as measles or influenza, virus particles are airborne. Humans can be infected by other humans if they come in contact with body fluids from an infected person or contaminated objects from infected persons. Humans can also be exposed to the virus, for Justin Bieber's childhood home is for sale The CNNMoney Tech Gift Guide 2033 deaths Millions of vaccines planned by 2015 updated 3:52 PM EDT.The CDC issues its initial announcement on an outbreak in Guinea. 8 deaths The messy truth about Ebola updated 7:51 AM EDT. Promoted Stories: While the exact reservoir of Ebola viruses is still unknown. Sat October 25. The child died on December 6. "In Guinea. Tue October 28. by butchering infected animals.8273 cases. Gabon. What you need to know updated 12:46 PM EDT. Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV) and Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) 22 Celebrities Riding the Subway Like Normals The Cut The Charming Details That Can Change Your Entire Look VivaLuxury Part of complete coverage on Ebola outbreak How the world reacted as Ebola spread The largest Ebola epidemic in history began with the simple act of caring for a child. 2014 Spain . 1 death (two infections originated in the United States.4 cases.The New England Journal of Medicine publishes a report. it spread from the remote village in Guinea. had been reported as of March 24. speculating that the current outbreak's Patient Zero was a two-year-old from Guinea. Additional experiences include rash. 2014. 2014 Ebola is a scary infectious disease but the first thing you should know is that it's not very contagious. Tue September 30. Mon October 20. How the Ebola virus spreads updated 7:54 PM EDT. Patients are given supportive care. 3290 deaths Mali . Soon. probable or suspected cases of Ebola as of December 9. Symptoms of Ebola typically include: weakness. but the incubation period can span two to 21 days. and hope to have millions of experimental doses by next year. 2014 The worst-ever outbreak of Ebola virus is stretching the medical capacities of Guinea. sister and grandmother over the next month. Here is how it spreads. chest pain. However. Liberia . Senegal .1 case. Ebola is not transmissible if someone is asymptomatic or once someone has recovered from it. 0 deaths (infection originated in Guinea) Sierra Leone . 6 deaths Nigeria . and reports of cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Health experts are fasttracking tests for various vaccines. before the outbreak triggered global fears. Preliminary results from the Pasteur Institute in Lyon." April 16. Liberia and Sierra Leone. "there is no specific treatment or vaccine. aches. followed by his mother. Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV). one in Liberia and one in Guinea) March 25. Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV).7797 cases.1 case.20 cases. 1518 deaths updated 9:27 AM EST. including 59 deaths (case fatality ratio: 68. fever. difficulty breathing or swallowing and bleeding (including internal). Republic of the Congo (ROC). 2014 Before the deaths soared into the thousands. red eyes. vomiting and stomach pain. Who is patient zero? updated 4:11 PM EDT. Mon October 13. Unprotected health care workers are susceptible to infection because of their close contact with patients during treatment. Uganda. Ebola struck a toddler named Emile Ouamouno. France suggest Zaire ebolavirus as the causative agent. Countries with travel restrictions Click here for the CDC's list of known cases and outbreaks. There are five subspecies of the Ebola virus: Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV). researchers believe the most likely natural hosts are fruit bats. 2014 (World Health Organization and CDC): Guinea . a total of 86 suspected cases. 2014 . Map: 2014 Ebola Outbreak 2014 West Africa Outbreak: (Full historical timeline at bottom) Cases listed below include confirmed.example. According to the World Health Organization. throat soreness. which includes providing fluids and electrolytes and food. diarrhea. Tue November 4. 0 deaths United States . 2014 What happens when you get Ebola? CNN's Miguel Marquez explains. Your cat may be even smarter than you think 40 Celebrities Who Went Broke PressroomVIP Hill's Pet Typically. Ivory Coast." and the fatality rate can be up to 90%. Guinea and Liberia. 2013.2394 cases. the virus has been found in semen for up to three months.5%). 2014 . 2014 . Deadly human Ebola outbreaks have been confirmed in the following countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). symptoms appear 8-10 days after exposure to the virus.8 cases. South Sudan. CDC raises its warning to Level 3. 2014 . 2014 . abandoned orphans updated 7:33 AM EDT. 2014 Click through our gallery as we track the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Brantly is infected while treating Ebola patients. It is also announced that Nancy Writebol had been released on Tuesday. 2014 July 31. Sierra Leone and Guinea. Mon October 13. August 21. September 30. 2014 Rosie Tomkins takes a look at the protective suits that are worn by some Ebola medical workers in Africa. medical director for Samaritan Purse's Ebola Consolidated Case Management Center in Liberia. and Liberia. 2014 Up to three Ebola-infected travelers might board an international flight each month in West Africa. 2014 The lack of solid protocol on what to do with Ebola victims' pets and what little is known about the risk has caused one dog to be euthanized and another quarantined. according to a new study. Thomas Frieden. July 30. 2014 There's no cure for Ebola. is infected with the virus. The releases come after Emory staff are confident Brantly and Writebol pose "no public health threat.The government of Sierra Leone announces plans for a nationwide lockdown from September 19-21. Can pets get or spread Ebola? updated 3:59 PM EDT. Stigmatized. a top government official in the Liberian Ministry of Finance. Guinea. August 8. announces the first diagnosed case of Ebola in the United States. Mon October 20. 2014 .Patrick Sawyer. Tue October 14. an American aid worker in Liberia." were flown into Liberia last week in a lastditch effort to save Brantly and Writebol.S. According to Samaritan's Purse. 2014 . Mon October 20. in order to stop the spread of Ebola. experimental vials of the drug. according to a source familiar with details of the treatment. He is then driven by ambulance to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. 2014 . "ZMapp. September 16. August 2. 3 with Ebola will fly each month updated 11:32 AM EDT. Tue October 21.According to Doctors Without Borders. 2014 What's the protocol for health care workers if they suspect a patient has the virus Ebola outbreak in West Africa updated 2:08 PM EST. dies at a local Nigerian hospital. director of the CDC. Obama adds that "faced with this outbreak. Kent Brantly is discharged from Emory University Hospital.CNN reports that three top secret. Wed December 10. Tue October 14.Dr.A specially equipped medical plane carrying Ebola patient Dr. It warns U. August 19.Nancy Writebol. These questions and answers will give you the latest information on the deadly virus and what's being done to stop its spread. He says the United States is ready to take on that leadership role. Here are 5 things they say the CDC is getting wrong. 2014 . Complete coverage on Ebola .President Barack Obama calls the efforts to combat the Ebola outbreak centered in West Africa "the largest international response in the history of the CDC. Five ways the CDC got it wrong updated 12:55 PM EDT.Experts at the World Health Organization declare the Ebola epidemic ravaging West Africa an international health emergency that requires a coordinated global approach. August 4. 2014 . 2014 .Liberia's President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf declares a nationwide curfew beginning August 20 and orders two communities to be completely quarantined. A look at Ebola protective gear updated 1:58 AM EDT. Kent Brantly lands at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta. residents to avoid "nonessential travel" to Sierra Leone." A doctor at a government-run Ebola treatment center in Monrovia is too busy to mince words. August 19. He is the first American to die in what officials are calling "deadliest Ebola outbreak in history.July 2014 ." September 6.The Peace Corps announces it is removing its volunteers from Liberia. Mon October 20. describing it as the worst outbreak in the four-decade history of tracking the disease. some don't July 29. 2014 .Dr. July 26.Nancy Writebol arrives at Emory in Atlanta for treatment. Doctors report "significant improvement. Why some survive.S. and potentially spread the deadly virus. How hospitals handle Ebola patients updated 8:52 AM EDT. 2014 . According to Samaritan's Purse. tests positive for Ebola. 2014 . 2014 . Public health experts are asking whether the CDC is partly to blame for problems with Ebola in the U. the world is looking to" the United States to lead international efforts to combat the virus. The lockdown is being billed as a predominantly social campaign rather than a medical one. 2014 Two children orphaned by Ebola play in the empty corner of a Liberian orphanage." July 2014 ." Speaking from the CDC headquarters in Atlanta.Kent Brantly. Georgia. with no movement in or out of the areas. updated 9:45 PM EDT. Sat October 18. in which volunteers will go door-to-door to talk to people. So why have some patients walked away healthy while others in the West died? Inside the world's worst outbreak updated 6:25 AM EDT. Sheik Humarr Khan who was overseeing Ebola treatment at Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone dies from complications of the disease. Dr. and none of the extended family is willing to claim them. 2014 . Writebol is infected while treating Ebola patients in Liberia. Their parents died last month. 2014 August 6. 2014 . including medical personnel. 2014 .Nurse's aide Maria Teresa Romero Ramos. 2014 . tests positive for Ebola during a preliminary blood test. Craig Spencer. 2014 . Martin Salia.the first case of the deadly virus in New York City and the fourth diagnosed in the United States. a second Dallas nurse who also cared for Thomas Eric Duncan. October 15. or PPE. November 5.com/Black_Mold_Removal 3 Thyroid Warning Signs Is Your Thyroid Causing Your Health Problems? Doctor Explains the Signs medixselect. is diagnosed with Ebola. is released from Bellevue Hospital. October 1. who has had direct contact with individuals infected with Ebola while in Liberia. With Spencer free of the virus.Craig Spencer.S. is a legal Does Your House Have Black Mold? Find A Specialist To Remove It! local. Doctors at Emory University Hospital say tests no longer detect the virus in the blood of the other nurse. a 33 year-old doctor who recently returned from Guinea has tested positive for Ebola -. one in Liberia and the other in Sierra Leone. October 24. 2014 . She is the first person to contract Ebola on American soil. believed to be the first person to contract Ebola outside of Africa.A look at CNN's complete coverage on the Ebola crisis. Pham is released from a Maryland hospital on October 24.Amber Vinson. and Vinson is released from an Atlanta hospital on October 28.Dr. Read About An Rx Option. The woman helped treat two Spanish missionaries.Thomas Eric Duncan dies of Ebola in Dallas. a native of Sierra Leone. all U. Both died after returning to Spain. the hospital says that Mukpo no longer has the Ebola virus in his bloodstream and will be allowed to leave. 2014 . who became infected with Ebola while treating patients in Sierra Leone. is released from the hospital in Madrid. diabetic-nerve-pain-rx-option. October 24.com . arrives at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. 2014 . both of whom had contracted Ebola in West Africa. the first person to test positive for Ebola in New York City. The policy allows the states to determine hospitalization or quarantine for up to 21 days for other travelers from affected countries. The new protocol mandates a quarantine for any individual. and recommend that no skin be exposed when workers are wearing personal protective equipment. has been declared free of the Ebola virus. the governors of New York and New Jersey announce that their states were stepping up airport screening beyond federal requirements for travelers from West Africa. a Dallas nurse who cared for the now-deceased Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. 2014 . since September 28.Liberian government officials release the name of the first diagnosed case of Ebola in the United States: Thomas Eric Duncan. On October 19. 2014 . Spain's Special Ebola Committee says that nurse's aide Teresa Romero Ramos is considered free of the Ebola virus. October 6. October 11. October 6. Salia. Sierra Leone. October 8. 2014 . The person has been hospitalized and isolated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. October 20. Authorities say Vinson flew on a commercial jet from Cleveland to Dallas days before testing positive for Ebola. Texas.A nurse's assistant in Spain becomes the first person known to have contracted Ebola outside Africa in the current outbreak.Nina Pham.In response to the New York Ebola case. Amber Vinson.Dr. Nina Pham. 2014 . November 15. patients who had Ebola have recovered.Under fire in the wake of Ebola cases involving two Dallas nurses. or Guinea.com Black Mold Allergy Symptoms October 23. On October 21.NBC freelance cameraman Ashoka Mukpo arrives at Nebraska Medical Center for treatment after contracting Ebola in Liberia. Health Resources from HealthGrades Understanding the disease of addiction Breakthroughs in melanoma treatment Beyond insulin for diabetes Knee arthritis? Drink milk Advance directives for schizophrenia Sponsored links Shooting Pain In Feet? This Pain May Be From Your Diabetes. 2014 . November 11. Spain. the CDC issues updated Ebola guidelines that stress the importance of more training and supervision. 2014 .The National Institutes of Health announces one of the Dallas nurses. Virginia.An outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) leads to 315 reported cases and at least 250 deaths. 1995 .The Ministry of Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo notifies the World Health Organization of an Ebola outbreak in the country. November 2008 . Liberia. when the virus was first identified near the Ebola river.A Ugandan outbreak (SUDV) results in 425 human cases and 224 deaths. August 26.An EBOV outbreak in Republic of the Congo results in 143 reported cases and 128 deaths. 2014 . which results in 53 deaths on the Gabon side and at least 43 deaths on the Republic of the Congo side. The outbreak has 318 reported human cases.An EBOV outbreak occurs on the border of Gabon and Republic of the Congo (ROC). which incurs 284 cases and 151 deaths. leading to 280 deaths. Nigeria and Sierra Leone. It is the seventh outbreak in the country since 1976.permanent resident of the United States married to a U. 1990 . An SUDV outbreak also occurs in Sudan (now South Sudan). 2000-2001 . Salia dies at Nebraska Medical Center. 149 cases were reported. Recommended by Promoted Stories AOL Picks Volvo Wagon in Its “Most Significant Debuts” List Scientists Say the Primary Prevention for Heart Disease.Dr. A total of 66 cases and 49 deaths were recorded. citizen. In late 2007. four humans develop Ebola antibodies after contact with monkeys imported from the Philippines. The outbreak is not related to the ongoing outbreak in Guinea. macaque monkeys imported from the Philippines are found to be infected with the Ebola virus (later named the Ebola-Reston virus). December 2002-April 2003 .In Texas and Virginia quarantine facilities. This is the first known occurrence of the Reston virus in pigs.First recognition of the EBOV disease is in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo). an outbreak in Uganda leads to 37 deaths. November 21. 1989 . 1976 . Historical Timeline: *Includes outbreaks resulting in more than 100 deaths or special cases.S. Cancer… Do You Play The Cash The Truth about Ebola Back Credit Card and Air Travel Game? If So This Will Airlines for America .In Reston. They are workers on a pig farm and slaughterhouse and suffer no symptoms. November 17. 2014 .The World Health Organization declares an end to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 2001-2002 . 2007 . 187 of the 264 cases reported result in death.A4A Make… AOL Autos Prudential on Slate NextAdvisor Daily . None of the humans has symptoms.The Ebola-Reston virus (RESTV) is detected in five humans in the Philippines.An EBOV outbreak occurs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 2014 . prescription drug abuse by teens is down. NY Weather forecast Home | Video | U. If you drive in Texas..’ high failure rate NY Post Bird flu suspected in mass deaths of Scandinavian seals Channel NewsAsia 8 Must See Christmas Light Shows in Virginia Virginia's Travel Blog Stock Market Crash Is Imminent Trading Academy More from CNN Smoking. 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