Iata Rp1745

March 26, 2018 | Author: Carlos Henrique | Category: Airport, Computer Data, Aviation, Data, Technology



Passenger Services Conference Resolutions ManualRECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 BAGGAGE INFORMATION MESSAGES PSC(31)1745 Members who transmit and receive Baggage Information Messages, including the Baggage Transfer Message (BTM), Baggage Source Message (BSM), Baggage Processed Message (BPM), Baggage Unload Message (BUM), Baggage Not Seen Message (BNS), Baggage Control Message and the Baggage Manifest Message (BMM) and the Baggage Request (BRQ), shall apply the following definitions, formats and specifications for the creation, transmission, receipt and interpretation of those messages. Structure Of This Document Section 1 – Introduction Section 2 – Data Dictionary Section 3 – Baggage Transfer Message (BTM) Section 4 – Baggage Source Message (BSM) Section 5 – Baggage Processed Message (BPM) Section 6 – Baggage Unload Message (BUM) Section 7 – Baggage Not Seen Message (BNS) Section 8 – Baggage Control Message (BCM) Section 9 – Baggage Manifest Message (BMM) Section 10 — Baggage Request (BRQ) Attachment A – Lists 3- and 4-character codes for the Baggage Exception Data element (.E), including both industry codes and codes currently in use on a bilateral basis. The codes in this attachment contain only suggested codes and are not meant to exclude any codes used by consenting partners on a bilateral basis. Attachment B –- A diagrammatic illustration highlighting the use of the baggage messages. Section 1 — Introduction 1.1 PURPOSE This Recommended Practice governs Baggage Information Messages, which are sent between departure control systems and Automated Baggage Handling systems. The messages are sent, received and processed by those systems in order to achieve automated baggage sortation, passenger and baggage reconciliation, and other baggage services. How these messages are applied within these baggage processes is specified in IATA/ATA RP 1800/30.49 “Automated Baggage Handling based on the IATA License Plate Concept”. Baggage information included in these messages is linked with the unique 10-digit bag tag number defined as the Licence Plate (refer to IATA Resolution 740; ATA 30.35). 1.2 COMMUNICATIONS Depending on the protocol used, the communications portion of the message may contain an address element and a communications reference element. While many Members use Type-B messages, especially for in-house communications, when interfacing to 3rd party systems or where data is required to be received more quickly, it may be necessary to transmit messages using other protocols such as Type-A, Edifact, X.25, etc. In these situations the IATA manual, “Systems And Communications Reference” should be consulted along with direct dialogue between the airline and the operator of the automated baggage system. 1110 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 Recommended Practice 1745 1.2.1 Address Element If a message is sent as a Type-B, the following list of Office Function Designators (OFD) for each Baggage Message should be used. Message From To OFD Example BTM Host Host/BHS BT LHRBTBA BSM Host BSS BS PITBSUS BSM Host BRS BR FRABRXH BSM BHS/Host BHS (see note) BPM BHS/Host Host KM SYDKMQF BPM BHS/Host BHS (see note) BUM Host BRS BR LHRBRBA BNS BHS/Host Host LL GVALLSR BNS BHS/Host Host BM/WM ATLBMXS BCM BHS Host KM FRAKMLH BCM Host BRS BR FRABRLH BCM Host BSS BS LHRBSBA BCM Host Host KM LHRKMBA BCM BHS/Host BHS (see note) BMM BHS/Host Host/BHS (see note) BSS = Baggage Sortation System. BRS = Baggage Reconciliation System. BHS = Baggage Handling System (e.g. BRS, BSS, Baggage Tracking System, etc.) Note: Use of Office Function Designators as shown in Recommended Practice 1704 or use of web/data servers are by bilateral agreement. 1.2.2 Communications Reference Element This element identifying the sender of the message, is governed by the IATA “Systems And Communications Reference” manual. If the message is a Type-B, the date and time is usually included by the communication software. Messages sent using other protocols will be dependent on whether the protocol requires a communications element. Example of a Type-B: .HDQKMUS 231800 1.3 SEQUENCE OF DATA ELEMENTS When transmitting any of the Baggage Messages, elements are to be presented in the order shown in the Element Sequence Summary of each message. 1.4 MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgement of messages is optional, but recommended for security relevant messages (e.g. BUM). When requested, the acknowledgement is to indicate that the message was received. Refer to Section 8 for Acknowledgement Message details. To request an acknowledgement to a message, a Message Reference Number and Acknowledgement Request must be included in the .V element of the message. Refer to Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 for details. 1.5 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGE The Baggage Transfer Message, Baggage Processed Message, Baggage Not Seen Message, Baggage Control Message and Baggage Manifest Message (BTM, BPM, BNS, BCM and BMM) may be partitioned. Refer to Sections 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 for details. 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 1111 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 1.6 DELETE FUNCTION The DEL function should be used to delete, or mark a record as deleted on the outbound flight(s) and conditionally on the onward flights (.F, conditionally .O). (See 4.9.3 for an example of the DEL function.) A tag number that has been deleted may be reused for the same passenger for the same flight and date. See Section 1.9 for Processing Of Duplicate Tag Numbers. Examples: a. Where a bag tag is issued in error and the bag has not been introduced into an automated baggage system. b. Where a tag number was incorrectly manually entered. c. Where a passenger checked 2 bags and decides to take one of them as hand baggage. d. When a passenger's itinerary (.F) changes for flight/date information for any reason after baggage check-in, the latest BSM data must first be deleted and a new BSM sent. e. When a BTM has been previously sent for an itinerary that is no longer current, a BTM DEL should be sent. Use Elements And Data Items (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local, Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number — show only oblique; no data (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request Example T ZRH / (O) Encryption /123ABC456Z MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Sender's Message Reference Number (M) Type of Baggage Message and Status Indicator being acknowledged .A /BA2190123 /BRQ (M) ACK or NAK (O) Free Text /NAK /COPY TAG (C) OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage .F /SR101 /16APR /JFK /J INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date Of Departure (M) Originating Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage .I /AZ318 /16APR /FCO /J (O) (C) 1112 /1234567890 /A 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 H /T4 /GREEN /D46 PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number Of Passengers With This Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (O) Additional Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title .P / 2 SMITH /TOMMR /ALICE FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information .E /CPY END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBRQ 30TH EDITION.O /UA203 /16APR /DEN /J BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Tag Number (C) Number of Consecutive Tags .Recommended Practice 1745 Use (C) (C) (M) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (M) Elements And Data Items ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage Example .Y /KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate Or Group Name .L /XY1C3P BAGGAGE TAG PRINTER ID (M) Element Identifier (M) Bag Tag Printer ID .C /IATA TOUR AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address .T /321A4C BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Exception Type . JUNE 2010 1113 .N /0085123456 003 HANDLING LOCATION (M) Element Identifier (C) Handling Terminal (C) Handling Bay/Pier (C) Handling Gate/Stand . or not used.3). Date (2. D.1 PURPOSE The Baggage Information Messages are divided into elements. the separator is also conditional.3).9. as indicated in the Detail Specifications (Section 2.C). Within optional elements.g. Optional (O) – may be included at the discretion of the sender.1 Within each message section. For optional and conditional data items. 2. 1. consisting of one or more data items.” With either option. Conditional (C) – shall be included in the message if specified conditions are met. 1. The keys to multiple usage are the mandatory elements and their sequence within a message as shown in the Element Sequence Summary of each message. It may be used by transmitting only those elements or data items to be changed or added (4.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 1. in which case the separator is mandatory. unless otherwise indicated.3. C. 1114 30TH EDITION. JUNE 2010 .V element. For transfer bags.2 1. whereas .3.9. the Outbound Flight Number (2. elements and data items are shown as either mandatory. tag numbers which have been erroneously entered and/or deleted may be re-entered for the same flight.8 MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS The multiple use of elements.5) and Baggage Tag details (2. 2.17) may not be changed. conditional. Each message has a descriptive example of how multiple usage is implemented.9. The elements have been designed to be consistent in usage and data content.9.1.3. A.9. unless the omitted data item is followed by one or more data items that contain data. is slightly different for each message. When transmitting any baggage message. It is essential that tag numbers for local joining bags are issued only once. and not reissued for the same flight on the same day unless a BSM DEL or BUM has been previously issued.7 CHANGE FUNCTION “The CHG function applies only to BSMs and is used to update or add elements or data items to a record. Users may prefer to select other methods for ensuring data security. system providers and operators of baggage handling systems to ensure the maximum security of data. One method is to use the Encryption Data Item in the .3 1. Mandatory (M) – shall be included in the message.E/UNAC will typically be used only once. some elements should be repeated in each message as long as the condition applies (e.7.9.9.B) or by complete replacement (4. E/STCK or . B. Not Used (N) – data item shall not be used.1 It is at the discretion of the airlines and operators of baggage systems to determine how to facilitate and process duplicate bag tag numbers. with data items preceded by a separator.7. elements are to be presented in the order shown in the Element Sequence Summary of each message.1.E/BIKE is not likely to be changed). or nesting. mandatory elements are still required.10 SECURITY It is the responsibility of the airlines.2 Construction Definition Elements are composed of one or more data items. Section 2 — Data Dictionary (Version 1) 2. optional.9 PROCESSING DUPLICATE BAG TAG NUMBERS 1. 1. separators and carriage return.V element). line feed.1. Changes to the Data Dictionary (Section 2. When more data is available for a data element than the 64 characters. . Messages are designed so that minimal programming is required to incorporate new elements.3 Version Number New technology and operational experience may make changes to messages necessary. spaces.3. 30TH EDITION.Recommended Practice 1745 The maximum line length is 64 characters. The data dictionary version number allows tracking of changes and prevents misreading when implementing changes. JUNE 2010 1115 .R/EPEATED DATA ELEMENT . the data element can be repeated for the additional information. When there is a change in mandatory element(s) to the Data Dictionary.R/THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A DATA ELEMENT WITH MORE THAN 64 CHAR .S/Y/23A/C .3) require serious consideration due to the impact of work across the industry prior to implementation.S/N//S/177 .R/ACTERS AND WHERE THE REST OF THE INFORMATION FOLLOWS IN A R .G/AND NEDERLAND … 2. Examples: . including element identifier.25. the Version Number is incremented (refer to 2.G/06JAN1600//06JAN2200//KAREL DOORMANSTRAAT 49 2405VM ZUID HOLL . H/T4//16 or . JUNE 2010 .R INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA .T/221322 N/A O N/A N/A N/A N/A C .Q/0/ 23 N/A N/A C C N/A * N/A .V/1TYYZ/PART1/1234567890//A M M M M M M M .H///D46 O O O O O * M .M UNUSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A . ENDBSM.W/K/1/14//CM/68/54/26/02HWX O O O N/A O * N/A .Y FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER . BNS. DBM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A M N/A CHANGE OF STATUS INDICATOR CHG or DEL C C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A . ENDBPM. etc. BCM.O/UA423/0/2APR/DEN/F C C O O C * C .W/K/2/38/8 or .N/0/0/0/11234560/0/ 2 M M C M M * C .A/QF0/ 0/60/97/BSM/ACK or .Y/BXJ2238 or . FOM.E/RUSH O O C O N/A * C .F OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION .A MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DETAILS .S/Y/23A/C/234/333/Y/Y/A N/A C O O N/A N/A N/A .X/ XRAY.C/SITA TOUR O O O O C * O BAG CHECK IN DETAILS . BPM. .Q LOAD SEQUENCE NUMBER . BMM M M M M M M M SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE IDENTIFIER BAM.Y/BXJ2238/GOLD O O O O C * C . .K/69C626 N/A O O O N/A * N/A .U LOADING DATA .Z UNUSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBTM.R/FREE TEXT O O O O O * N/A .F/LH1274/0/5MAY/JFK/F M C C M M * C .V VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA . M M M M M M M * Refer to each individual message for details.X BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING . etc.G GROUND TRANSPORT .H//GREEN or .T BAGGAGE TAG PRINTER ID .N BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS .P PASSENGER NAME . O O O O N/A * N/A . BSM. BUM.D/TRST/QQP/0/7MAY/0/845L/RA/ TRAIN5 or .G///MARRIOT Alphen ad Rijn or .I/KL0/67/0/2APR/AMS/Y C C O O N/A * C .G// 25NOV220/0//Willem de Zwijger laan 234 alphen ad Rijn O O O N/A N/A N/A N/A .S RECONCILIATION DATA .U/AVE12345NE/11R/T/Y/NRT/Y/ NW0/0/9/0/4MAR/SEL N/A N/A O O N/A N/A N/A .K DEFAULT MESSAGE PRINTER .W/P/3 or .I INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION .B BAGGAGE IRREGULARITIES .2 QUICK REFERENCE INDEX OF INFORMATION MESSAGE ELEMENTS – VERSION 1 ELEMENT IDENTIFIER TITLE EXAMPLE MESSAGES BTM BSM BPM BUM BNS BCM BRQ STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER (SMI) BTM. 1116 30TH EDITION.P/1SMITH/HMR M C O C C * C .W PIECES WEIGHT DIMENSIONS AND TYPE DATA .A/LH37310/0/24/BSM/NAK/FLT DEPARTED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * O .C .L/QRE7Q6 O O C O C N/A C .L AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS .J PROCESSING INFORMATION .W/L/2/84/16 or . FFM.D CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME .E BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA .O ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION .H HANDLING LOCATION .B/OFF/0/220/1234560/0/1 N/A N/A C N/A N/A * C .D/TRST/QQP/0/7MAY/0/ 84533L O O N/A N/A N/A N/A C .J/R/43S/120/D32/0/2APR/1545L/B2 N/A O N/A N/A N/A N/A .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.X/LEVEL1. FCM.X/HANDSEARCH. 10 Construction Message Identifier End of element delimiter Example: BTM<≡ Example BTM Format aaa <≡ Secondary Level Message Identifier (SMI)..1 2.4 5 characters 2.4.A/QF006201/BUM/ACK<≡ .3.2 2. 14 to 63 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.3 2.t) <≡ 1117 .3.1 2.m) / BSM CHG / ACK / DELAYED FLT aaa (→aaa) / aaa / t(t.3 DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS — DATA DICTIONARY VERSION 1 2.Recommended Practice 1745 2.4 2. 5 characters Construction Type of Change — CHG = Change. Standard Message Identifier (SMI).A/074661097/BSM CHG/ACK<≡ A/BA222016/BSM/NAK/FLIGHT DEPARTED<≡ 30TH EDITION.3.3. 5 characters Construction Message Identifier End of element delimiter Example: FOM<≡ Example FOM Format aaa <≡ Change of Status Indicator.5 2.2.2 2.4.2 2.3.1 2. DEL = Delete End of element delimiter Example: DEL<≡ Example DEL Format aaa <≡ .a / QF006201 / m(m.9 2. JUNE 2010 Example .3 2.A / Format .4.2 2.3.).8 2.3.A Message Acknowledgement Details.2.1. ‘A’ Separator: oblique (/) Sender's Message Reference Number Being Acknowledged — up to 10 characters Separator: oblique (/) Type of Baggage Message and Status Indicator Being Acknowledged — 3 or 7 characters Separator: oblique (/) ACK or NAK Separator: oblique (/) Free Text — up to 35 characters End of element delimiter Examples: .4.6 2.1.3. ). but not authorised for loading.3. maximum 16 characters End of element delimiter Example: .3 2.3.3.B Baggage Irregularities.6.3.D/HOTC/MARRIOT/07MAY/084502L/HV/VANE79HJT<≡ Format .14 1118 . 22 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.3.D Remote Check-in Details 24 to 52 Characters Construction Example . OND = On hand. not loaded. ‘B’ Separator: oblique (/) Baggage Status Code — NAL = Loaded. ‘C’ Separator: oblique (/) Corporate or Group Name — as in the IATA PNL.7 2.8 2.5.3. ONA = On-hand.5.C / CRICKET CLUB Format .10 2.3.1 Separator: oblique (/) / MARRIOTT Bag Check-In location description Separator: oblique (/) / 07MAY Bag Check-In date Separator: oblique (/) / 084512L Bag Check-In Time Separator: oblique (/) / CO Carriage Medium — see Attachment A.7.D/TRST/QQP/07MAY/084502L/RA/TRAIN5<≡ .2 Separator: oblique (/) / FEDEXVAN45 Transport ID (Free Text) End of element delimiter Examples: . Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.3 2.3.2 2.D/HOME/TW149NT/07MAY/084502L/CO/FEDEXVAN45<≡ .C Corporate or Group Name.5.3.7 2.2 2.5.C/CRICKET CLUB<≡ Example .3.3.1 2.3.6 2.5 2.3.9 2.3 2.6 2. ‘D’ Separator: oblique (/) / HOTC Bag Check-In location Identifier — see Attachment A.3.7 2. UNS = Unseen.D/TRST/QQP/07MAY/084502L<≡ .6.5.7.).D Element identifier: Full stop (.11 2.3..3.3.13 2.t) <≡ .6 / aaaa / m[1-12] / ffaaa / ffff(ff)a / aa / m[1-12] <≡ 30TH EDITION.B/OFF/0220123456001<≡ Example . not authorised for loading. Chapter 3.7.1 2.B / Format .2 2. 6 to 21 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.3.a / t(t.3. OFF = Offloaded.a / / 0220123456 / ffffffffff 001 fff <≡ .).12 2.4 2. not loaded. Chapter 3.3. authorised to load Separator: oblique (/) Baggage Tag Number —10-digit License Plate Number Number of Consecutive Tags End of element delimiter Example: .4 2. JUNE 2010 .3. E/RUSH<≡ .6 2.3. 30TH EDITION.4 element is a multiple lines repeating element.9 2.2 2.E Baggage Exception Data.3. ‘G’ Separator: oblique (/) / / 25NOV1600 m[9] Earliest Delivery date and time Separator: oblique (/) / / 25NOV2200 m[9] Latest Delivery date and time Separator: oblique (/) / / address m[1-106] Address/Location Description End of element delimiter <≡ Examples: .6 2.8.3.G element are present (including the element identifier.a / mm(a)fff(f)(a) / ffaaa / aaa / a <≡ .3 2.9 2.5 2.8 . 2. separators.7 2.3.3.). ‘F’ Separator: oblique (/) Airline and Flight Number Separator: oblique (/) Date (DDMMM) Separator: oblique (/) Destination or Transfer Airport Code Separator: oblique (/) Class of Travel — see individual messages as to whether this is used for the passenger or the baggage End of element delimiter Example: . slashes and carriage return.5 2.10.E/CREW<≡ Example .1 2.3 2.3.3 2.F Operational Outbound Flight Information.G//25NOV2200/Willem de Zwijger laan 234 Alphen ad RijnNote: Note: The .3. JUNE 2010 1119 .G///Willem de Zwijger laan 234 2405VM Alphen ad Rijn Nederland or .1 2. ‘E’ Separator: oblique (/) Exception Type (3 or 4 letters) — see Attachment A End of element delimiter Examples: .3.3.G .8 2.9.).E / RUSH Format .F / UA423 / 02APR / DEN / F Format .3.9. line feed) the .9.G/25NOV1600/25NOV2200/Willem de Zwijger laan 234/2405VM Alphen ad Rijn .9.G element must be repeated with the remainder of the data.8.3.4 2.G/Zuid Holland/Nederland or .8 2.9. 15 to 151 (64) characters Construction Example Format .3.2 2.F/UA423/02APR/DEN/F<≡ Example .Recommended Practice 1745 2.3.9. 22 to 25 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (. 8 or 9 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.10.a / aaa(a) <≡ .10.a Element identifier: Full stop (.).2 2.3.G Ground Transport.3.10 2.3.8. When more than 64 characters per . 3.5 2.3 2.J / R Format .m) / mm(m.13.13.13.a / a / 43S / 120D32 / 02APR / 154512L / B2 / RI / mm(m. 55 characters maximum Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.2 2.7 2.3.13 2.H///D46 .).3.3. ‘J’ Separator: oblique (/) Secondary code — G = Ground Tracking.3.9 2.a / m[2-6] / m[1-6] / 16 m[1-8] <≡ .3.12 2.1 2.11.4 2.8 2.13.14 2.12.1 2.m) / ffaaa / ffff(ff)a / am(m.12.H / T4 / NORTH / Format .12.6 2.13.H Handling Location.3 2.J Processing Information.I/KL067/02APR/AMS/F<≡ Example .H/T4//16 .3. R = Reconciliation. 11 to 28 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.11.13.. JUNE 2010 .6 ‘I’ Separator: oblique (/) Airline and Flight Number Separator: oblique (/) Date of Departure (DDMMM) Separator: oblique (/) Originating Airport Code Separator: oblique (/) Class of Travel —see individual messages as to whether this is used for the passenger or the baggage End of element delimiter Example: . L = local. 2.3.H//GREEN .4 2.I Inbound Flight Information.).3.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.6 2.15 1120 .13 2.I / KL067 / 02APR / AMS / F Format .3.3..11.3. ‘H’ Separator: oblique (/) Handling Terminal (2 to 6 a/n Characters) Separator: oblique (/) Handling Bay/Pier (1 to 6 a/n Characters) Separator: oblique (/) Handling Gate/Stand/Claim Area (1 to 8 a/n Characters) End of element delimiter Examples: . Z = UTC) Separator: oblique (/) Reading Location (2 to 8 characters) Separator: oblique (/) Sent to Location (2 to 8 characters) Example . S = Sortation.12.8 2.3. 22 to 25 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.3.10 2.3.8 2..3.11 2.3.3.).5 2.H///CLAIMA5 Example .2 2.m) 30TH EDITION. 2.3.m) / am(m.11.3.2 2.7 2. H = Hand Scanner Separator: oblique (/) Agent Identification (2 to 9 characters) Separator: oblique (/) Scanner Identification (2 to 8 characters) Separator: oblique (/) Date (DDMMM) Separator: oblique (/) Time (HHMMSS.13.1 2.3. 9 characters minimum.7 2.a / mm(a)fff(f)(a) / ffaaa / aaa / a <≡ . 2. ‘O’ Separator: oblique (/) Airline and Flight Number Separator: oblique (/) Date (DDMMM) Separator: oblique (/) Destination or Transfer Airport Code Separator: oblique (/) Class of Travel — see individual messages as to whether this is used for the passenger or the baggage 30TH EDITION.18.14.3. JUNE 2010 Example .2 2.J/G/CHC19/Q6RJ9E/28APR/1928L/T1/T4<≡ Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.15.3.O Onward Flight Information.13.1 2.K Default Message Printer.4 2.a / mm(a)fff(f)(a) / ffaaa / aaa / a 1121 .a / ffffffffff 005 fff <≡ Construction End of element delimiter Examples: .15.18. 10 or 11 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.3. ‘K’ Separator: oblique (/) Baggage message default printer ID – LNIATA.5 Format <≡ .16 2.2 2.15 2.O / UA423 / 02APR / DEN / F Format .18.3 Example Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.a / mmmmm(m) <≡ Example .7 2.14 2.K/4F0C03<≡ Example .18.).3.3.3 2.3.).18.3.3.N Baggage Tag Details.1 2.m) <≡ . 2.K / Format .3.4 2.3.15.J/R/52169/T4C3/12DEC//T4<≡ .3.L/6Y21AS<≡ .a / 4F0C03 m(m.14.18 .17.3 2.6 2. Symbolic Address.5 2.18.N/0074123456005<≡ Example . 18 characters 2.Recommended Practice 1745 2.8 2.17 . ‘N’ Separator: oblique (/) Baggage Tag Number —10-digit License Plate Number Number of Consecutive Tags End of element delimiter Example: .).1 Unused Element 2.3.2 2.18.3.J/R/43S/120D32/02APR/1545L/B2<≡ .3. Position — up to 7 characters End of element delimiter Example: .).3.18..3.J/S//SAR/02APR/1333L//A10<≡ .3 2.1 2.N / 0074123456 Format .3.14. 6 to 12 characters 2.9 Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.3.L / 6Y21AS Format .L Automated PNR Address.15.3. ‘L’ Separator: oblique (/) Automated PNR Address End of element delimiter Example: .3.17. 22 to 25 characters 2. Q/006<≡ Example .3.P Passenger Name.3. if available /ALICEMRS ((/a(a.22.2 2.).19. when the passenger name is not known.3.18.P . the word RUSH may be used for the passenger name.21.P/RUSH <≡ .3.a) Passenger's Surname Passenger's Given Name.4 2.5 2.2 2.1 JUNE 2010 .19.19.Q / 006 Format .P/2SMITH/JOHNMR/ALICEMRS<≡ .1 2.3.21.a / fff <≡ .3 2.2 2.22 .. 7 to 64 characters Construction Example Format .(/a(a.3.2 2.20. Example: ..).S / Y / 4K / Format .Q Load Sequence Number. /JOHNMR /a(a.3.3.P/CLOVER/LEN<≡ . / t(t.6 2.4 Construction End of element delimiter Example: . 6 to 64 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (. 8 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.5 2. 6 to 26 characters 2.S Reconciliation Data.a)) Additional Given Names — an oblique precedes each entry End of element delimiter <≡ Examples: ..t) <≡ Format .a) and/or Title.).3.3 2.R/FLIGHT DEPARTED<≡ Example .1 2.3.3. ‘N’ = no Separator: oblique (/) Seat Number Separator: oblique (/) 1122 Format <≡ Example .P/4GIFFORD/GDR/LMRS/GJR/GORDAN<≡ Note: For an expedited bag.3.19 2.19.7 2.3 2.1 2.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.20 2.a Element identifier: Full stop (.3.6 Construction Element identifier: Full stop (..3..22.a)).O/UA319/02APR/DEN/F<≡ Example .19.3.3. ‘S’ Separator: oblique (/) Authority to Load: ‘Y’ = yes.22.22. ‘Q’ Separator: oblique (/) Load Sequence Number End of element delimiter Example: .3.3.3 2.21 2. and/or Initial(s).22.4 2. ‘R’ Separator: oblique (/) Free Text — up to 59 characters End of element delimiter Example: .3. ‘P’ Separator: oblique (/) / / 2 (ff) Number of Passengers with this Surname SMITH aa(a.21.R Internal Airline Data.3..a / a / f(f)a / 30TH EDITION.4 / BUS GATE 2.20. local authorities or bilateral agreement. Passenger Profile Status = Y.15 2.3.3. Security number = 678.10 2.S/Y//S/291<≡ .22.23. C = Checked-in.U Loading Data.23 2.3.1 2.22.S/Y/23A/C/016/678/Y<≡ /S/Y/23A/C/234/333/Y/Y<≡ . Passenger Profile Status = Y.).3. Sequence number = 0/16. Transport Authority = Y Load authorisation = Y. this data item indicates a high profile passenger. 2.22. ‘N’ = no As defined by individual airlines.S/Y<≡ See RP1800.24 .16 2. Section Reconciliation Process.U / Format .23.2 Construction Element identifier: Full stop (. 6 to 12 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.)..3. Sequence number = 016.12 2.T/380232<≡ .22.a / m(m. ‘T’ Separator: oblique (/) Bag Tag Printer ID — LNIATA.3).14 2. Passenger status = S.22. N = Not checked-in.3.3. ‘N’ = no Separator: oblique (/) Baggage Tag Status ‘I’ = Inactive.T Baggage Tag Printer ID. No other data provided Load authorisation = Y.3.17 2. S = Stand-by Separator: oblique (/) Sequence Number Separator: oblique (/) Security Number Separator: oblique (/) Passenger Profile Status ‘Y’ = yes.T / 380232 Format .4 Example C Format a / 016 / 678 / Y / fff / fff / a / Y / a / I / A <≡ Load authorisation = Y.1 Separator: oblique (/) Authority to Transport ‘Y’ = yes.23.3.8 2. This is only for information and must not interfere with the indication in the Authority to Load data item (2.22.m) <≡ Example .9 2.Recommended Practice 1745 2.3.11 2. Symbolic Address.22. Security numbr = 678.23. Transport Authority = Y Load authorisation = Y.3.22. Sequence number = 291.3. Position — up to 7 characters End of element delimiter Examples: . ‘A’ = Active End of element delimiter Examples: . Seat = 23A.T/FRABSQF<≡ 2.3. Passenger status = C.22.3. ‘U’ Separator: oblique (/) 30TH EDITION.3 2.3. Passenger status = C. JUNE 2010 Example .3.13 2. No other data provided .a / 1123 . No seat number provided. Seat = 23A.18 Construction Passenger Status B = Boarded.3.2 2.7 2. 8 to 53 characters 2.22.3. 3.3.7 2.14 2.3..U/AVE1234NW/11R/T/Y/NRT/Y/NW009/04MAR/ SEL<≡ . Version and Supplementary Data.24.1 2.a / m a DFW / PART1 / BA21900123 aaa / aaaaf(f) / m(m.3.U//AFTRT/X/F/DEN<≡ . Transfer.5 2.25.3.U/CAR1357KL//M<≡ Y a / NW009 / 04MAR / / mm(a)fff(f)(a) / ffaaa / SEL aaa <≡ .24.5 2.25.U///T//MIA//AA614<≡ .17 2.3.18 2.7 2.13 1124 Construction Stowage Device ID Separator: oblique (/) Aircraft Compartment or Loading Location — maximum of 5 characters Separator: oblique (/) Type of Baggage in Container/Location — M = Mixed.25. ‘V’ Separator: oblique (/) Data Dictionary Version Number Baggage Source Indicator — L = Local.3.24.6 2.9 2.19 2.. 2.3. 10 to 41 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.12 2.16 2.24.3 Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.9 2.12 2.11 2. or bulk loaded as identified in 2. R = Remote Local.3.24.).3. X = Terminating Separator: oblique (/) Class(es) of Travel of Baggage Separator: oblique (/) Destination or Transfer Airport Code of the Container Separator: oblique (/) Example AVE12345NW / 11R Format ammffff(f)mm(a) / mm(mmm) / T / a / Y / / a / NRT / aaa / Sealed Container Indicator Following data reflects the onward connection of baggage data contained in a stowage device identified in 2. X = Terminating.25. T = Transfer.8 2. JUNE 2010 . 2. S = Short Connection. T = Transfer. Separator: oblique (/) Connection Airline Code and Flight Number Separator: oblique (/) Connection Departure Date (DDMMM) Separator: oblique (/) Destination or transfer Airport Code of the Container End of element delimiter Examples: .24.2 2.3.m) 30TH EDITION.3.3 2.V / 1 T Format .24.3.m) / A / 123ABC456Z / a / m(m. Remote or Terminating Airport Code Separator: oblique (/) Part Number Separator: oblique (/) Message Reference Number — up to 10 characters Separator: oblique (/) Acknowledgement Request: ‘A’ Separator: oblique (/) Encryption — up to 10 characters Example . 3.26. 30TH EDITION.13 2.3.3.V/1TLHR//BA21900123/A<≡ .3.3 2. Ref. multiple part message. 8 to 40 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.16 2.4 2.26. LH4721082. IN = Inches Separator: oblique (/) length of bag Separator: oblique (/) Width of bag Separator: oblique (/) Height of bag Separator: oblique (/) Bag type code and external descriptive element (See Reso 743b Attachment ‘A’) 02 hardcase bag with retractable handle and wheels-all sizes.14 2.3. Nbr.V/1LFRA//LH47210282/A<≡ . Note 3: In a single part message.6 2.26.18 2. requesting an ACK Version 1: Local bags at FRA.11 2.3. with Reference. Note 4: The content of the Encryption Data Item should be agreed between the sender and receiver of the message.V/1TCDG////123ABC456Z<≡ 2. Examples: .19 Version 1: Transfer bags at DFW to BA. the use of ‘PART1’ is permissible.26.3.15 2. JUNE 2010 Example .3.26 2.26.2 2.3. BA21900123.3.8 2.25.). P = Pieces only Separator: oblique (/) Number of Checked Bags Separator: oblique (/) Checked Weight Separator: oblique (/) Unchecked Weight Separator: oblique (/) Unit: — CM = Centimeters.26.V/1TCDG/PART1<≡ .3.V/1TDFW/PART1/BA21900123/A<≡ .10 2. Ref.1 2.9 2. there is no need to place ‘ENDPART1’ at the end of a single part message.26. acknowledgement requested Version 1: Local bag at PIT Version 1: Transfer bag at LHR.17 2.5 2.26. the Message Reference Number must be the same for each Part. K = Kilos. 2.26.26. requesting an ACK Version 1: Transfer bag at CDG.W / K Format .Recommended Practice 1745 2. ‘W’ Separator: oblique (/) Pieces/Weight Indicator — L = Pounds.3. Note 2: In a partitioned message.14 Construction Example Format End of Element Delimiter <≡ Note 1: Message Reference Number (2.a / a / 3 / 33 / 5 / CM / 123 / 63 / 24 / 02HWX / f(ff) / f(fff) / f(ff) / aa / f(ff) / f(ff) / f(ff) / ffaaa 1125 .W Pieces and Weight Dimensions and Type Data.V/1LPIT<≡ . multiple part message Version 1: Transfer bag at CDG with Encryption . Nbr.9) is required when using the Acknowledgement Request option.26.26.3. 3 2.27.9 2.27.3.W/L///8<≡ . Section 2 for list of values Separator: oblique (/) Autograph (1 to 8 a/n Characters) Result qualifier.a / aaa / CLR / aaa / D / a / XRAY / [2-4] / BUZZC007 / m[1-8] / Colonel M / m[1-38] 30TH EDITION. 2.3. 20 kilo.10 2.3. Hard casing . 8 kilo of unchecked baggage 8 Pounds of unchecked baggage (carry-on) 1 Piece.13 1126 ← ← ← ← ← 3 Pieces 2 Pieces. JUNE 2010 .3.27.27.W/K/2/20<≡ .3.26. etc.11 2.27. “one stop screening” for transfer baggage from an airport classified as safe or for baggage screened prior to check-in).3.4 2.27 explosives or other dangerous devices — UCL = unclear due to indeterminate screening result Separator: oblique (/) Security Screening Result Reason (1 a Character) Combined with result indicator REJ: — D = dark/shield alarm — blockage of visual image — E = explosives — C = combination of dark alarm and explosives Combined with result indicator UCL: — N = no decision — T = time out Separator: oblique (/) Security Screening Method (2 to 4 a/n Characters) Result qualifier identifying the method and/or technique used to generate the Security Screening Result see Attachment ‘A’.3.5 2. (when less than 3 elements.W/K/1/14//CM/68/54/26/02HWX<≡ 2. 68×54×26 cm. Separator: oblique (/) Security Screening Result (3 a Characters) Result indicators: — CLR = cleared according to applicable regulations — REJ = rejected due to detected weapons.6 2.).27.X Baggage Security Screening.27.12 2.8 2. 6 to 63 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.27.1 2.20 Construction Example Format End of element delimiter <≡ Note: Dimensions data is applicable for a single bag only and the dimensions include all 3 external descriptive elements such as handle.X / SEL Format .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.3. ‘X’ Separator: oblique (/) Security Screening Instruction (3 a Characters) Instruction Codes: — SEL = Selected for increased level of screening — NON = No screening required conditional to applicable regulations (e. 14 kilo.27.2 2. 20 kilo 2 Pieces.W/K/2/20/8<≡ .3. wheels. use X to fill blanks) Examples: . identifying the entity that generated the Security Screening Result Separator: oblique (/) Free text (1 to 38 a/n Characters) Example .3.W/P/3<≡ .3.g. Recommended Practice 1745 2.4 2.3.X/NON .3. 6 to 55 characters Construction Element identifier: Full stop (.28.28.Y / BXJ2238 Format .30.1 2.X element).28.29 . End of Message Identifier.2 Construction End of Message Identifier End of element delimiter Example: Examle: ENDBSM<≡ 30TH EDITION.1 2.5 2..28. JUNE 2010 Example ENDBSM Format aaaaaa <≡ 1127 . 2.m) / GOLD / m(m.3.28 2.m) <≡ 2.3.3. .X//REJ/D/XRAY/BUZZC007/Colonel Mustard in the cellar .X/SEL .. 8 characters 2.Z Unused Element 2. ‘Y’ Separator: oblique (/) Frequent Traveller ID Number — 1 to 25 characters Separator: oblique (/) Tier identifier — 1 to 25 characters End of element delimiter Example: .2 2.6 Construction Example Format End of element delimiter <≡ Examples: . then default screening regulations apply.28.Y/BXJ2238/GOLD<≡ Example .Y Frequent Traveller Number.14 2.X//CLR//AT/TSA123 Note: If the Security Screening Instruction is omitted in the BSM (absence of the .3.30.3.a / m(m.).27. V element. The Part Number is required as part of the .4. The delivering carrier is responsible for sending the BTM only to the carrier(s) receiving the baggage at the next transfer point.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Section 3 — Baggage Transfer Message (BTM) 3. See 3. The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters.4. The second and subsequent parts must repeat the .4 for an example of a partitioned BTM. JUNE 2010 .2 3. The final part will end with ENDBTM.2.4 3.2 3. formatted to the airline's discretion. ZRH-JFK. ELEMENT SEQUENCE SUMMARY The following shows the sequence of elements in a BTM.3 for an example.4.3 3.I .P) or the last related optional element after it.I elements from the first part and indicate the most recent or the next . Element BTM DEL . unless a local BSM has already been generated through IATCI. Refer to 3. not to all subsequent transfer points in the baggage routing. MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sender of the BTM may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request to the .9. The delivering carrier is defined as the air carrier responsible for flight departure or its contracted ground handling agent.2 3.F 1128 Requirement Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Change of Status Indicator Version and Supplementary Data Inbound Flight Information Outbound Flight Information 30TH EDITION.4 3.9.5 3. The 2nd part will end with ENDPART2. Each receiving carrier at a transfer point receives BTM data relating only to those bags connecting to its flights. The first part will end with ENDPART1. 3.V/1LSYD/PART1/QF620098/A (b) Request for an Acknowledgement without a Part Number: . If SR110. has baggage transferring to 4 separate carriers at JFK.V and . two step through check in or because the BTM was sent late.V .F element.2.5 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGES When a BTM exceeds the standard message block. etc.1 3. it should be partitioned and processed so that the end of a part occurs after the last mandatory element (.3 3. SR would send 4 separate BTMs – one to each carrier with the transfer details.1 3. A BTM can optionally be copied to other parties concerned with the handling of baggage at transfer stations.1 PURPOSE The BTM provides a receiving carrier at a transfer station details of all baggage on an incoming flight which have not been previously passed as part of a through check-in transaction and which are to be transferred to the receiving carrier's services by the delivering carrier.3 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES A BTM is sent by the delivering carrier to the receiving carrier(s).4 3. BTM's must be sent to the receiving carrier host system upon flight departure or close out.2. whereby the receiving carrier should immediately generate BSM's to the affected BHS/BRS.V element of each part.2.4. (a) Request for an Acknowledgement with a Part Number: .4.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 3. optional elements which are related to a mandatory element are inserted in the order shown in 3.E .N .L .I element.P element) Passenger Name #3 (associated to .Y .W .O . Except for the . Within this basic structure.L .C .P .C .F elements (Outbound Flight Information).N element) Corporate or Group Number Automated PNR Address Baggage Tag Details (for passenger #3 in .E .N element) Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Security Screening Connecting To Flight (US996)–new outbound flight 1129 .N .W Requirement Mandatory Optional Optional . . but only the . Weight.V and .P element) Passenger Name #2 (associated to .N .N. JUNE 2010 Description Inbound Flight (BA185) ConnectingToFlight (US675) Baggage Tag Details (for passenger #1 in . all elements may occur multiple times. Dimensions and Type Data Onward Flight Information Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS Multiple use of elements may be accomplished by following the structure of the BTM and the sequencing of elements. If classes are included in the .R .F element will be followed by .C . This will feed data to more than one flight as shown in the .I (Inbound Flight Information).R elements may be used consecutively.D .Recommended Practice 1745 3.O .P . .R .I.R .X .N .5.O.F .L .N .P element) Baggage Tag Details (additional bag for same passenger) Pieces and Weight Data Onward Flight Onward Flight Passenger Name #1 (associated to . separate BTMs by class are required.E and .P . The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BTM: Element . Each .F 30TH EDITION.X .N element(s) (Baggage Details).Y .N element) Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening Baggage Tag Details (for passenger #2 in . The prime element is the .O .6 Element .C . and in turn these are linked to the .X ENDBTM Conditional Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Definition Baggage Tag Details Baggage Check-in Details Pieces.E .P .L .P element (Passenger Name).I . N . It gives the downline stations the opportunity to take the appropriate action.3 3.E element by using the relevant codes (. the Part Number follows the separator.V /1 T ORD /PART1 /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z . JUNE 2010 .N element) Automated PNR Address Connecting to Flight (US111) – new outbound flight Baggage Tag Details (for passenger # 5 in . Additionally.7.E/IROP and .9.O . and.I /KL318 /02APR /AMS /J 30TH EDITION.F . Pieces and Weight Data (.P element) Onward Flight Passenger Name # 5 (associated to .V element) The Message Reference Number is mandatory when the sender of the message requests an acknowledgement. The Onward Flight Information element (.L . if the message is partitioned. In case of irregular operations(IROP) the reason should be reflected in the .E/ RUSH).W element) The Number of Checked Bags is mandatory if using the Checked Bag Weight option.8 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS IN THE BAGGAGE TRANSFER MESSAGE Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER (C) Change of Status Indicator (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA.O) is mandatory when the data is available.7 USE OF CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS 3.W . The inbound flight information element (.7.P element) Baggage Check-in Details Pieces and Weight Data Onward Flight additional Onward Flight Passenger Name # 4 (associated to .5 3.7. 3.5 for an example of multiple usage Description Baggage Tag Details (for passenger # 4 in . The Change of Status Indicator (DEL) is used to delete or mark a record as deleted. 3.7.N element) in a BTM. a separator (oblique) is required for a Part Number.7.I) is mandatory when the data is available.D .P See 3.E/RRTE or .N .P . (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator — show only ‘T’ for Transfer (M) Transfer Airport Code (O) Part Number (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption (M) 1130 INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date Of Departure (M) Originating Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Passenger Example BTM DEL .2 3.O .1 Version And Supplementary Data (.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Element .O .4 3. W (M) Element Identifier /K (M) Pieces/Weight Indicator /2 (C) Number Of Checked Bags /38 (O) Checked Weight /5 (O) Unchecked Weight /CM (C) Unit /68 (O) Length of the bag /54 (O) Width of the bag /24 (O) Height of the bag /02HWX (O) Baggage type code Note: Only one bag (and one .P / 2 SMITH /TOMMR /ALICE 1131 . when dimensions are specified. accordingly) is used per .W element.Recommended Practice 1745 Use (M) (M) (O) Elements And Data Items OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline And Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Passenger Example .N /0074123456 003 BAGGAGE CHECK-IN DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Bag Check-in Location Identifier (O) Bag Check-in Location Description (M) Bag Check-in Date (M) Bag Check-in Time (O) Carriage Medium (O) Transport ID .D /HOTC /Marriott /08May /0800L /HV /VAN379HJT (O) PIECES. JUNE 2010 .F /UA1234D /02APR /DEN /J BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Tag Number (M) Number Of Consecutive Tags . WEIGHT. (C) ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Passenger (M) PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number Of Passengers With This Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Passenger's Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (if available) (O) Additional Given Names and/or Initials/Titles 30TH EDITION.O /UA567 /02APR /SLC /J . DIMENSIONS AND TYPE DATA .N element. 1 Minimum Elements Required For A BTM BTM<≡ .R /FREE TEXT BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING (M) Element Identifier (O) Baggage Security Screening Instruction (O) Security Reason Result (O) Security Screening Reason Result (O) Security Screening Method (O) Autograph (O) Free text .I/KL318/16APR/AMS<≡ .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Use (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (M) Elements And Data Items FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information Example . JUNE 2010 .P/LECHLAK/D<≡ ENDBTM<≡ 1132 Message Identifier Transfer baggage for ORD Inbound from AMS on KL318 Transfer to UA423 to DEN 3 Bags starting with 0074123456 Passenger's name End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION.Y /KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate Or Group Name .V/1TORD<≡ .9 EXAMPLE OF MESSAGES 3.L /6Y21AS BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Exception Type .C /IATA TOUR AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address .9.N/0074123456003<≡ .F/UA423/16APR/DEN<≡ .X /SEL /CLR /T /XRAY /SECURITY /TRANSFER END OF PART or END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDPART1 ENDBTM 3.E /RUSH INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text . Passenger name: Pleijsier d. PNR Address e. F-Class c. Baggage Weight Data b.N/0074123456005<≡ . Onward to SEA on UA897. Bags transferring to DEN on UA423.V/1TORD/PART1<≡ . J-Class Transfer to UA423 to DEN.O/UA881/02APR/LAX/F<≡ . Passenger name: Erickson d. F-Class 2 Bags starting with 0074123512 Passenger's name PNR Address Internal airline data Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier Sent to Address Senders Address Standard Message Identifier Transfer in ORD.3 Type-B Message.P/RUSH<≡ .L/TZ491A<≡ . message ack requested with Encryption Inbound from AMS on KL318. Onward to LAX on UA881.F/UA423/02APR/DEN/F<≡ . Tag Numbers: 0074123456–60 a.X/SEL<≡ . With Acknowledgement Request ORDBTUA<≡ AMSKMKL 311800<≡ BTM<≡ . F-Class b.W/K/1/34/5<≡ .I/KL318/16APR/AMS/J<≡ .L/XY1C3P<≡ . Screening Description 1133 .X/SEL<≡ ENDBTM<≡ 3.9.P/PLEIJSIER/JANMR<≡ .N/0074123512002<≡ .X/NON<≡ 30TH EDITION.E/RUSH<≡ ENDBTM<≡ 3.O/UA897/02APR/SEA/F<≡ .2 Single Connection With Passenger Information BTM<≡ .I/KL067/02APR/AMS/J<≡ . Tag Number: 0074287163 a.O/UA972/03APR/ANC/Y<≡ . Expedite (RUSH) Baggage Details.R/LATE CONX – AMS<≡ . Y-Class c.I/KL318/16APR/AMS/J<≡ . Part-1 Inbound from AMS on KL067.9.P/ERICKSON/TMR<≡ .N/0074287163001<≡ .V/1TORD//1234567890/A/123ABC456Z<≡ . F-Class 1. number 2074999777 Passenger's name: “Rush” Expedite baggage identification End of Message Identifier Example of partitioned message with multiple connecting flights Discription: BTM<≡ .P/SMITH/TOMMR<≡ .9. PNR Address e.L/H67XT4<≡ .V/1TORD<≡ . J-Class A.F/UA423/16APR/DEN/F<≡ . Then onward to ANC on UA972.N/2074999777001<≡ . JUNE 2010 Standard Message Identifier Transfer in ORD. Screening Description 2.4 Message Identifier Transfer baggage for ORD Inbound from AMS on KL318.Recommended Practice 1745 3.F/UA061/16APR/IAH/Y<≡ . J-Class Transferring to UA061 to IAH. Y-Class 1 Bag tag. 2.V/1TORD/PART2<≡ .L/K3R1MT<≡ ENDBTM<≡ Standard Message Identifier Transfer in ORD.N element identifies baggage for passenger Martin.F element.O/UA407/04FEB/ORD/F<≡ .N/0125455911001<≡ .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 3.I/KL067/02APR/AMS/J<≡ .N or .F element (transfer to flight).N and the next .I/BA185/04FEB/LHR/F<≡ . Baggage transferring to SFO on UA532. b.P/1MARTIN/J<≡ . .C/SUNSHINE TOURS<≡ . Exception data i. Connecting to US675 to PIT.N element before the next .F/UA002/02APR/SAN/Y<≡ .R/SKIS<≡ . Tag Numbers: 0074283928–29 a. Pieces and weight information. Passenger name: Schut c. JUNE 2010 . 1.R/FREE TEXT<≡ 1134 Standard Message Identifier Transfer baggage at EWR Inbound flight BA185 from LHR.V/1TEWR<≡ . Y-Class d.6.P/ADELMAN/JACK<≡ . Screening Description C. C-Class c.F are associated to these . Part-2 Inbound from AMS on KL067. Baggage Weight Data b. Bags transferring to SAN on UA002. Frequent traveller number f. PNR Address (only one per passenger) h.F/US675/04FEB/PIT/F<≡ .X/SEL<≡ . Internal airline data 30TH EDITION. Internal Airline Data d. Then onward to MIA on UA077.N/0125455917002<≡ . PNR Address End of Part-1 Identifier BTM<≡ .F (flight). Baggage Weight Data b. F-Class A. F-Class c.O/UA5392/04FEB/MKE/Y<≡ .E element j. J-Class B. F-Class This would be the first . PNR Address End of Message Identifier Example of Multiple Usage Note: Example is based on Section 3.F and the next . Onward to IAD on UA441. Y-Class 1.N/0074987654001<≡ . Tag Number: 0074312465 a.L/B116AJ<≡ ENDPART1<≡ 3.W/K/2/80/15<≡ . Corporate or group name g. Additional onward flight.Y/BA296891/GOLD<≡ .E/VIP<≡ . Discription: BTM<≡ .F are associated to this . 2 additional bags for passenger Martin.N) a.9.5 .W/K/4/73<≡ . Multiple occurrences of the . Passenger name: Boggs e.N/0074283928002<≡ . Total 3 pieces of luggage. Passenger's name e. Passenger name: Adelman c.P/BOGGS/J<≡ . All the elements between this .L/J94HR1<≡ . (All the elements between this . Y-Class 1.N/0074312465001<≡ .W/P/3<≡ . There must be at least one .N/0074987657003<≡ .O/UA077/02APR/MIA/Y<≡ .O/UA441/02APR/IAD/C<≡ . Onward flight information. Baggage Weight Data b.E/TOUR<≡ . Y-Class d.W/L/1/39/15<≡ . Tag Number: 0074987654 Tag Numbers: 0074987657–59 a.P/2SCHUT/JMR/MMRS<≡ .F/UA532/02APR/SFO/Y<≡ . Passenger's name End of Message Identifier To delete a record in a sortation or reconciliation system at JFK by SR BTM<≡ DEL<≡ .F .Ns that follow are associated to this . a.N/0125456011017<≡ . . PNR address The next . Select passenger cleared.O/MX693/05FEB/MEX/Y<≡ . . .S/N<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 30TH EDITION. Passenger's name b. Onward flight information.L/Y6UW4H<≡ B. Y-Class 1.V/1TJFK////123ABC456Z<≡ .N/0125455621004<≡ . Y-Class b.X/SEL<≡ 3. Additional onward flight. Connecting flight US111 to MCO.9. Screening description Next .N element identifies baggage for passenger ALONZO.O/US7577/05FEB/GIG/Y<≡ . Passenger's name e. Corporate or group name c.F element identifies the second connecting flight for inbound BA185 and the . Auth.W/P/17<≡ .C/GLOBE<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 . PNR address Next . Passenger's name b. Screening description.N element identifies baggage for passenger Snyder.P/1SNYDER/R<≡ .N/0125214953002<≡ .F .C/GLOBE<≡ . Connecting flight US996 to DCA. PNR address d. 4. The next .L/RY6CPV<≡ . to load = No End of Message Identifier 1135 .F element. Total 17 pieces of luggage b. Multiple occurrences of the . Transfer bag at JFK with Encryption Inbound from ZRH on SR101 Transfer to DL671 to ATL Bag Tag Number.F/DL671/18APR/ATL/C<≡ . a. Y-Class d.L/RY6CPV<≡ N/0125869200001<≡ .Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data.X/NON<≡ k.N element identifies baggage data for passenger Jones. a.F element identifies the second connecting flight for inbound BA185 and the .P/1JONES/T<≡ .F/US996/04FEB/DCA/Y<≡ .O/US1034/04FEB/MIA/Y<≡ .Ns that follow are associated to this . .F/US111/04FEB/MCO/Y<≡ . Pieces and weight. a.F element.N element identifies baggage data for passenger Thomas. Y-Class c.P/1THOMAS/R<≡ .I/SR101/18APR/JFK/C<≡ .N element identifies baggage data for next passenger who is also connecting to the flight identified in the initial .R element l. .P/1ALONZO/R<≡ ENDBTM<≡ 3.R/MORE FREE TEXT<≡ .6 C. JUNE 2010 Standard Message Identifier Delete Function Version.N element identifies baggage data for next passenger who is also connecting to the flight identified in the initial . Onward flight information. Y-Class 1. Corporate or group name c.N0085123457001<≡ . Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 3.N/0016444010001<≡ .P/LOWRY/K . JUNE 2010 .E/IROP .I/UA958/01APR/DEN/Y<≡ . number 0016444010 Passenger Name : Lowry End of Message Identifier BTM DEL sent at PNR cancel BTM<≡ DEL<≡ .F/LH433/01APR/FRA/Y<≡ . number 0016444010 Passenger Name : Lowry Indicator for irregular operation and involontary re-routing Unaccompanied baggage Indicator for re-rerouting End of Message Identifier BTM sent at PNR cancel rebook BTM<≡ .E/IROP .F/LH431/01APR/FRA/Y<≡ .E/UNAC .F/LH431/01APR/FRA/Y<≡ .9.N/0016444010001<≡ .V/1TORD<≡ .I/UA248/01APR/DEN/Y<≡ . number 0016444010 Passenger Name : Lowry Indicator for irregular operation and involontary re-routing Unaccompanied baggage Indicator for re-rerouting End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION.V/1TORD<≡ .P/LOWRY/K ENDBTM Standard Message Identifier Transfer baggage at ORD Inbound from DEN on UA 958 Transfer to LH 431 to FRA 1 Bag Tag.7 Example of BTM on involuntary itinerary change (IROP) Description: 1136 Original BTM sent at flight close-out BTM<≡ .V/1TORD<≡ .P/LOWRY/K .E/RRTE ENDBTM Standard Message Identifier Transfer baggage at ORD Inbound from DEN on UA 248 Transfer to LH 433 to FRA 1 Bag Tag.E/RRTE ENDBTM Standard Message Identifier Change of Status Indicator Transfer baggage at ORD Inbound from DEN on UA 958 Transfer to LH 431 to FRA 1 Bag Tag.N/0016444010001<≡ .E/UNAC .I/UA958/01APR/DEN/Y<≡ . 9.V/1TORD .Recommended Practice 1745 3.N/001644401001 .I/UA248/01APR/DEN/Y .F/LH431/01APR/FRA/Y .V/1TORD .I/UA958/01APR/DEN/Y .I/UA958/01APR/DEN/Y . JUNE 2010 Indicator for mishandled baggage Indicator for rush baggage 1137 .N/001644401001 .V/1TORD .F/LH433/01APR/FRA/Y .E/RUSH<≡ ENDBTM … 30TH EDITION.F/LH431/01APR/FRA/Y .8 Example of BTM with re-flighting process Discription: Original BTM sent at flight close-out BTM<≡ .P/Lowry/K .P/LOWRY/K .N/001644401001 .E/MIS< ENDBTM BTM sent when baggage re-flight BTM<≡ .P/Lowry/K ENDBTM BTM DEL sent when baggage re-flight BTM<≡ DEL . O .I . The BSM will normally be sent as a result of a check-in transaction.V . JUNE 2010 .2. (Refer to Section 3 for BTM specifications).4 4. MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sender of a BSM may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request to the . When a BSM. on-line through check-in.N 1138 Requirement Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Conditional Conditional Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Change of Status Indicator Version and Supplementary Data Outbound Flight Information Inbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Baggage Tag Details 30TH EDITION.2 4. which may be local. BSM data may be sent for terminating baggage to the operator of an automated baggage system at the destination station by the transporting carrier.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 4. When a BTM is received after local (through) check in.F . or on receipt of an Edifact (interline) through check-in message.1 PURPOSE The BSM is designed to provide information for processing of baggage by automated baggage systems. formatted to the airline's discretion. the receiving carrier may translate the BTM data into a BSM and send it to the automated baggage system. Due to limitations of baggage handling systems. Future systems may be designed to exceed these limits. generated from a BTM.3 4.2.2 for an example. See 4. and must be received by the time the baggage has been conveyed from the check-in area to the sortation/reconciliation point. When through check-in facility is not available. is received by a baggage handling system (BHS) after the reception of a local BSM.5 ELEMENT SEQUENCE SUMMARY The following shows the sequence of elements in a BSM. A single BSM will be transmitted for each passenger or group of passengers.N elements and up to 200 bag tags in a single BSM. 4. the BSM generated from that BTM should not be sent. At cities where multiple terminals exists and each terminal utilizes its own baggage handling system(s).3 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES A BSM is sent by the departing carrier from its departure control or check-in system.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Section 4 — Baggage Source Message (BSM) 4. Request for an Acknowledgement example: .9. the BHS should ignore the BSM which is generated from the BTM.2 4.2. Additionally. upon receipt of a BTM. it is recommended that they be able to process up to 99 .V element. to the operator of an automated baggage system at the point of departure. 4. The BSM may be sent to more than one system in the same city. Element BSM CHG or DEL .2.4 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGES BSMs whether single or batched may not be partitioned.1 4. Baggage System Limitations. The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters. separate BSMs must be sent in the absence of a common mechanism that will receive all BSMs through a single address and ensure proper distribution. or that of its handling agent. C .W .K .5.K . but only .V element may occur once however elements .G .E .G .N . These are followed by the .I .L .R .N.P .O.L .R may be repeated multiple times. . .S .G .E and . The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BSM.6 Requirement Optional Conditional Optional Optional Conditional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Definition Check in Location Information Reconciliation Data Handling Location Pieces Weight.T .Recommended Practice 1745 Element . The .T .W .P . Delivery address Remainder of delivery address Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Tag Printer ID Default Message Printer Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data 1139 .E 30TH EDITION.O. .S . which are related to mandatory elements are inserted in the order shown in Section 4.I (Inbound Flight Information) for transfer or terminating BSMs.N (Baggage Details) which in turn can be linked to the following .F .R may be used consecutively.H .D . .Y . The primary elements are the . Dimensions and Type Data Passenger Name Ground Transport.O .E . Optional elements. . Element .O (Onward Flight Information). Delivery address Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Tag Printer ID Default Message Printer Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS Multiple use of elements may be accomplished by following the structure of the BSM and the sequencing of elements.O .N .Y . JUNE 2010 Description Outbound Flight (LAX–NRT) Inbound Flight (ORD–LAX) Onward Flight (NRT–SIN) Onward Flight (SIN–SYD) Baggage Tag Details Baggage Tag Details Reconciliation Data Pieces And Weight Data Passenger Name Ground Transport. the .F (Outbound Flight Information) for originating or transfer BSMs.E and . and where the journey involves oncarriage.X ENDBSM 4.P element (Passenger Name).C . the .P.N. P .N . with onward connection Onward Flight (NRT–BKK) Baggage details for passenger #7 Passenger Name #7 Baggage details for passenger #8 (same inbound flight) Passenger Name #8 // Bags from same inbound flight with different onward connection 30TH EDITION.O NRT–BKK . ORD–LAX >>>> LAX–NRT >>> NRT–SIN >>> SIN–SYD .N .O Element .N . but no onward connection Inbound Flight (ORD–LAX) Baggage details for passenger #5 Passenger Name #5 Baggage details for passenger #6 Additional baggage details passenger #6 Passenger Name #6 Ground Transport.N .I .N . but an efficient method of multiple use and batching of elements. It should be noted that the illustration shown here does not constitute a rule.I .P .X Description Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening The following schematic illustrates the required hierarchy when batching originating and transfer baggage in a single BSM.P .P 1140 .O Description // Bags with no inbound flight or onward connection Outbound Flight (LAX–NRT) Baggage details for passenger #1 Additional baggage details passenger #1 Passenger Name #1 Baggage details for passenger #2 Passenger Name #2 // Bags with no inbound flight but an onward connection Onward Flight (NRT–BKK) Baggage details for passenger #3 Passenger Name #3 Baggage details for passenger #4 Additional baggage details passenger #4 Passenger Name #4 // Bag from inbound flight. Note: Bags without inbound connections must appear before bags with inbound connections.N .P .F .G .6 for an example of multiple usage in a BSM.P .N . Delivery address Remainder of delivery address // Bags from same inbound flight.P .N . JUNE 2010 .F .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Element .9.N .R .N .N .G .N . See 4.O .P .R .O . The Reconciliation Data element (. For transfer baggage. The Pieces And Weight Data element (.I) is mandatory for terminating baggage.F /SR101 /16APR /JFK /J 1141 . The Outbound Flight Information (. Version And Supplementary Data (. no data (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption (C) OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage 30TH EDITION.3 4.7.6 4. Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number — show only oblique.8 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS IN THE BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE Use (M) Element And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BSM (C) CHANGE OF STATUS INDICATOR DEL or CHG (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local.2 4.E/IROP and .7.V /1 T ZRH / /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z .O . It gives the downline stations the opportunity to take the appropriate action.P Description Onward Flight (NRT–SIN) Onward Flight (SIN–SYD) Baggage details for passenger #9 Passenger Name #9 4. in which case a Message Reference Number is required. The . In case of irregular operations (IROP) the reason should be reflected in the .7.O element (Onward Flight Information) becomes mandatory if there are onward connections.O .N .7 USE OF CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS 4. It is not used for terminating baggage.5 4.7. to a record. The Inbound Flight Information element (.Recommended Practice 1745 Element . the element becomes mandatory when the data is available.7. and/or data items.7. 4.1 The Change Of Status Indicator (CHG/DEL) function is used to update or add elements. (.E element by using the relevant code. a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number (a BSM may not be partitioned).W) The Number of Checked Bags is mandatory if using the Checked Bag Weight option.7 4.7.E/RRTE.F) is mandatory for originating and transfer baggage.S) is mandatory if the BSM is used for reconciliation. Additionally.4 4.V element). JUNE 2010 . The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement. S /Y /10A /N /098 /888 /Y /Y /A PIECES.N /0085123456 003 CHECK-IN LOCATION DETAILS (M) Element Identifier: full stop (.) (M) Bag Check-In location Identifier (O) Bag Check-In location description (M) Bag Check-In date (M) Bag Check-In Time (O) Carriage Medium (O) Transport ID (Free Text) .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Use (C) (C) (M) (O) (C) (O) 1142 Element And Data Items INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date Of Departure (M) Originating Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage Example . WEIGHT.O /UA203 /16APR /DEN /J BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Tag Number (M) Number of Consecutive Tags .W /K /2 /38 /5 /CM /68 /54 /24 /02HWX 30TH EDITION. JUNE 2010 . DIMENSIONS AND TYPE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Pieces/Weight Indicator (C) Number Of Checked Bags (O) Checked Weight (O) Unchecked Weight (C) Unit (O) Length of the bag (O) Width of the bag (O) Height of the bag (O) Baggage type code .D /HOTC /MARRIOTT /08MAY /0845L /HV /VANE79HJT RECONCILIATION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Authority To Load (O) Seat number (O) Passenger Status (O) Sequence Number (O) Security Number (O) Passenger Profile Status (O) Authority to Transport (C) Baggage Tag Status .I /AZ318 /16APR /FCO /J ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage . T /321A4C DEFAULT MESSAGE PRINTER (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Message Default Printer ID .P / 2 SMITH /TOMMR /ALICE GROUND TRANSPORT.G /25NOV1600 /25NOV2200 /Address FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information .C /IATA TOUR AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address . JUNE 2010 1143 .L /XY1C3P BAGGAGE TAG PRINTER ID (M) Element Identifier (M) Bag Tag Printer ID .Recommended Practice 1745 Use (C) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (M) Element And Data Items PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number Of Passengers With This Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (O) Additional Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title Example .R /DELAYED INBOUND BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING (M) Element Identifier (O) Baggage Security Screening Instruction (O) Security Reason Result (O) Security Screeing Reason Result (O) Security Screening Method (O) Autograph (O) Free text .Y /KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate Or Group Name .X /SEL /CLR /T /XRAY /SECURITY /TRANSFER END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBSM 30TH EDITION.K /3D1C08 BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Exception Type .E /RUSH INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text . 10 TO 26 CHARACTERS (M) Element Identifier (O) Earliest Delivery date/time (O) Latest Delivery date/time (M) Address/Location Description . 9. Class Inbound carrier and flight.S/N<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4.1 BSM with minimum elements for sortation BSM<≡ .F/SR101/18APR/JFK/F<≡ . Auth.. Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data.N/0/0/851234570/0/1<≡ . Local bag at ZRH with Encryption Carrier/Flight Nbr. Auth. Destination. Transfer bag at ZRH Outbound carrier and flight.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 4. Number of consecutive tags End of Message Identifier Standard Message Identifier Version.F/SR101/18APR/JFK/C<≡ . checked in Passenger name Automated PNR Address Printer ID Rush bag Internal airline data Screening Description End of Message Identifier To delete a record in a sortation or reconciliation system at ZRH by SR BSM<≡ DEL<≡ . JUNE 2010 .. to load = No End of Message Identifier To delete a record in a sortation or reconciliation system at JFK by SR BSM<≡ DEL<≡ . Date. Destination. Dest. Class Bag tag number.F/SR101/18APR/JFK/C<≡ .HDQKMSR 311800<≡ BSM<≡ . Dest.N/0085123456003<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4.9.9.N/0085123457001<≡ .X/XRAY<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4. Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data: Auth.V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ . Date. Class Bag tag number. Ref.V/1TZRH<≡ . Ack.9.4 Standard Message Identifier Version.O/SR1234/18APR/ATL/C<≡ . Date. Class Bag Tag number. Req.3 Standard Message Identifier Delete Function Version.F/SR101/18APR/JFK/F<≡ .S/Y/3A/C<≡ . Date.9 EXAMPLE MESSAGES 4. seat 3A.S/N<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4.I/AZ318/18 APR/FCO/J<≡ . Class Onward Connection Bag Tag Number. Auth.N/0085123456003<≡ . Local bag at ZRH with encryption Carrier/Flight. with encryption Outbound carrier and flight. Class Bag Tag Number. Date.R/VIP<≡ . Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data. Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data. to load = No End of Message Identifier Example of BSM for re-routing process BSM<≡ .T/321A4C<≡ . to load.P/SMITH/TOM<≡ .5 Address of sortation (BS) and reconciliation (BR) Signature of sender of message Standard Message Identifier Version.E/RUSH<≡ .V/1TZRH//6543210014/A/123ABC456Z<≡ . Destination.S/Y<≡ 1144 Standard Message Identifier Delete Function Version.F/SR10/1/18APR/JFK/C<≡ .V/1TJFK////123ABC456Z<≡ . Transfer bag at ZRH. Nbr.2 Type ‘B’ Message – Sent to a sortation or reconciliation system in ZRH by SR ZRHBSSR ZRHBRXH<≡ . Date.V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ .L/XY1C3P<≡ . To load = Yes 30TH EDITION.9. Transfer bag at JFK with Encryption Carrier/Flight Nbr.N/0085123457001<≡ . Originating airport. Local bag at ZRH with encryption Outbound Carrier/Flight. Auth.6 ENDBSM<≡ End of Message Identifier BSM<≡ DEL<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 4.V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ .E/UNAC . to load = Auth. JUNE 2010 Standard Message Identifier Version.E/IROP<≡ . Date.S/Y<≡ ENDBSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier Version.E/STCK ENDBSM<≡ .N/0/0/851234570/0/1<≡ . Local bag at ZRH with Encryption Carrier/Flight Nbr. Destination.F/LH4210/18APR/JFK/Y .V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ . Auth. From FRA Bag Tag Number and Number of consecutive tags 1145 .E/MIS<≡ ENDBSM<≡ BSM<≡ . 4. Class Bag Tag Number. To Transport = Yes Indicator for rush baggage Indicator for re-tagging instruction End of Message Identifier .9. to load = No Indicator for mishandled baggage End of Message Identifier Standard Message Identifier Version. Date.V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ . Destination. Class Bag Tag Number.S/Y//////Y<≡ . Local bag at ZRH with Encryption Carrier/Flight Nbr.E/RUSH . Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data.E/STCK ENDBSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier Version. Date. Class Bag Tag number.F/SR101/18APR/JFK/C<≡ .N/0/0/851234570/0/1<≡ . Class Bag Tag Number and Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data.F/LH4120/18APR/JFK/C<≡ . Terminating bag at PIT Inbound Carrier/Flight. To load = Auth.E/IROP . Destination. Date.N/0085123457001<≡ . Local bag at ZRH with encryption Carrier/Flight.V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ .N/5037155090005<≡ 30TH EDITION. Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data. Auth.V/1XPIT<≡ .F/SR101/18APR/JFK/C<≡ .E/RRTE . Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data.9. Destination.. Date.F/SR10/1/18APR/JFK/C<≡ .E/UNAC<≡ . To load = No Indicator for irregular operation and involuntary re-routing Unaccompanied baggage Indicator for re-routing End of Message Identifier BSM<≡ .7 BSM for terminating bag at PIT for US flight 817 from FRA BSM<≡ .S/N<≡ . Number of consecutive tags Reconciliation data. Auth.N/0085123457001<≡ . to load = Yes End of Message Identifier BSM<≡ DEL<≡ .. Local bag at ZRH with Encryption Carrier/Flight Nbr. Class Bag Tag number. To transport = Y Indicator for irregular operation and involuntary re-routing Indicator for Unaccompanied baggage Indicator for re-routing baggage Indicator for re-tagging instruction End of Message Identifier Example of BSM for re-flighting process BSM<≡ . Date. Auth.I/US817/05DEC/FRA/J<≡ .E/RRTE<≡ ENDBSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier Delete function Version. Destination.S/Y//////Y<≡ Standard Message Identifier Delete Function Version.V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ .S/N/<≡ .N/0085123457001<≡ . X/XRAY<≡ Screening Description ENDBSM<≡ End of Message Identifier 4.R): BSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier CHG<≡ Change of Status Indicator .S) and the Internal Airline Data element (.V/1LPIT////123ABC456Z<≡ Version. Destination. Transfer bag at ZRH .V/1LPIT////123ABC456Z<≡ .F elements. Change Option #1 – To change the Reconciliation Data Element (.L/XSEA7B<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4. Class .F/BA197/05DEC/LGW/C<≡ .9.N/7125123456002<≡ Bag Tag Number.V/1LPIT<≡ Version.S/N//S<≡ .F/BA197/05DEC/LGW/C<≡ Carrier/Flight Nbr.P/WEIL/W<≡ Passenger Name . Date.N/0085123456002<≡ Bag tag number and number of bags .N/7125123456002<≡ .S) and add the Internal Airline Data element (.S/Y/3A/C<≡ Auth.R/ODD SIZE BAG<≡ Internal airline data (comments) ENDBSM<≡ End of Message Identifier C. Number of consecutive tags Authorisation to load = No. Local bag at PIT with Encryption .L/H8J47X<≡ Automated PNR Address . Class Bag Tag Number.N/7125123456002<≡ Bag Tag Number. Destination. Standby psgr Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Printer ID Screening Description End of Message Identifier B.8 Number in party and passenger name PNR Address End of Message Identifier Example of the Change Function A. Change Option #2 – Full message with Reconciliation Data Element (.R): BSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier CHG<≡ Change of Status Indicator . Outbound Flight Information . Date. Psgr checked in . Psgr checked in . BSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier . Seat = 3A.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual .N/0085123473001<≡ Bag tag number and number of bags .R/ODD SIZE BAG<≡ Internal airline data (comments) . Seat = 3A. Original BSM: BSM<≡ .F/BA197/05DEC/LGW/C<≡ Carrier/Flight Nbr.T/4F0C32<≡ .S/Y/3A/C<≡ Reconciliation Data 1146 30TH EDITION. Local bag at PIT . to load = Y. Number of consecutive tags .F/SR101/18APR/JFK/F<≡ 1.P/2PAGE/L/B<≡ .S/Y/3A/C<≡ Auth. Class .L/H8J47X<≡ . to load = Y. Date.9.I/AZ318/18APR/FCO/J<≡ Inbound Flight Information . Destination.T/4F0C32<≡ Printer ID . JUNE 2010 .P/WEIL/W<≡ .V/1TZRH<≡ Version. Number of consecutive tags .9 Example of BSM with multiple usage of elements Note: The following is an example of a batched BSM containing two . Local bag at PIT with Encryption Carrier/Flight Nbr.X/XRAY<≡ ENDBSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier Version. Date. Date.12 Standard Message Identifier Version.V/1RLHR<≡ .L/SAB4KP<≡ . Carriage Medium.N/5037155090005<≡ . Outbound Flight Information Onward Connection Onward Connection Bag tag number and number of bags Bag tag number and number of bags Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Printer ID End of Message Identifier BSM for remote checked in bag from home BSM<≡ . Date. Postcode. Station Identifier. ck'd in Handling Terminal. Dest. class Bag Tag Number and Number of Consecutive Tags Bag collected from Home.H/HEX/P1/E20<≡ .P/SMITH/TOM<≡ .11 BSM for remote checked in bag from Train Station BSM<≡ . Auth to load.L/XY1C3P<≡ .H/T1/CENTRAL/E20<≡ .T/321A44<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 2.D/HOME/TW149NT/07MAY/084502L/CO/ FEDEXVAN45<≡ . seat 3A. Carriage Medium.F/SR101/18APR/JFK/F<≡ .F/BA282/07MAY/LHR/F<≡ .F/BA952/08MAY/FRA/J<≡ .T/321A4C<≡ Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Printer ID .V/1RLHR<≡ . class Bag Tag Number and Number of Consecutive Tags Bag Checked in at Train Station. Handling Bay/Pier. JUNE 2010 Standard Message Identifier Version. destination. Handling Bay/Pier.9.O/DL671/18APR/ATL/C<≡ . Handling Gate/Stand/Claim Passenger Name PNR Address End of Message Identifier BSM for remote checked in bag from a cruise ship at a Port BSM<≡ .N/0085123558002<≡ .S/Y/3A/C<≡ . Date.N/5037155090005<≡ . Time.L/XSEA7B<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4.9.D/PORT/LXS/07MAY/084512L/CS/POV23684<≡ . Transport Id Handling Terminal. Date.9.P/SMITH/TOM<≡ . Date.10 .S/Y/3A/C<≡ . Handling Terminal. Handling Gate/ Stand/Claim Passenger Name PNR Address End of Message Identifier Standard Message Identifier Version.O/DL281/18APR/MYS/C<≡ . Handling Bay/Pier. Class Bag tag number. Handling Gate/ Stand/Claim Passenger Name Corporate/Group Name Automated PNR Address 1147 .H/INT/GROUP/46<≡ .C/ROYAL PRINCESS<≡ .F/BA952/08MAY/FRA/J<≡ . Transport Id Reconciliation data. Remote Check-In for Heathrow Flight details. Time.N/0085123457002<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 4.V/1RLAX<≡ . Remote Check-In for Heathrow Flight details. Number of Consecutive Tags (35) Bag Checked in at Port. Port identifier.D/TRST/QQP/07MAY/084512L<≡ .N/0085123456035<≡ .P/BROWN/JIM<≡ . Time.P/2PAGE/L/B<≡ . destination. Remote Bag at LAX Outbound carrier and flight.P/2PAGE/L/B<≡ .L/XY1C3P<≡ 30TH EDITION.L/XSEA7B<≡ ENDBSM<≡ 4. class .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual .G///MARRIOT FRANKFURT<≡ Ground Transport (Delivery Address) . origin. For example 4.9.R/CRUISE<≡ Internal airline data . For example 4.P/2PAGE/L/B<≡ Number in party and passenger surname .9.9.N/5037155090005<≡ Bag Tag Number & Number of Consecutive Tags .X/XRAY<≡ Screening Description ENDBSM<≡ End of Message Identifier Note: It is important to recognise that all 10 digits in the BSM also show on the bag tag.13 BSM for Ground Transport at the destination BSM<≡ Standard Message Identifier .N/7125123456002 which means that the 2 bag tags actually issued have numbers 7125 BA 123456 and 7125 BA 123457.5 shows .14 1148 BSM with copy tag authorization or not 30TH EDITION.V/1XFRA<≡ Version. JUNE 2010 .N/7125123456002 which means that the 2 bag tags actually issued have numbers 7125 BA 123456 AND 7125 BA 123457 4.5 shows .I/BA952/08MAY/LHR/J<≡ Inbound flight details.9. 4.L/XSEA7B<≡ PNR Address ENDBSM<≡ End of Message Identifier Note: It is important to recognize that all 10 digits in the BSM also show on the bag tag. Date.T/321A4C<≡ printer IDs . Terminating at Frankfurt . This information may be used by the transporting carrier or its handling agent to track the ground transportation.2. 5.4.4 5. The 2nd part will end with ENDPART2.B .Recommended Practice 1745 Section 5 — Baggage Processed Message (BPM) 5.V element.J . The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 5.F element per downline station or multiple BPMs. In case of a batched BPM for a multi-sector flight the operator of the baggage system can either send one BPM with one . Element BPM .U . (a) Request for an Acknowledgement with a Part Number: .V element of each part. 5.7.2 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES A BPM may be sent as locally agreed by the operator of the automated baggage system to the transporting carrier.K .4 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGES 5. 5. it should be partitioned and processed so that the end of a part occurs after the last conditional element (. or as a batched transaction.4.5 ELEMENT SEQUENCE SUMMARY 5. formatted to the airlines discretion.1 5.3.S 30TH EDITION.9.V/1LSYD/PART1/QF620098/A (b) Request for an Acknowledgement without a Part Number: .V element from the first part and the most recent . It may be sent per single action (see 5.6).5 When a BPM exceeds the standard message block. The final part will end with ENDBPM.8).6).9.9.1 PURPOSE The BPM contains data regarding the status of baggage for tracking and reconciliation.O . The Part Number is required as part of the . or the last related optional element.B).3 MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sender of the BPM may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request to the .F .3 The following shows the sequence of elements in a BPM.F element. baggage sortation and loading process including unloading if required. 5.I . JUNE 2010 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Conditional Optional Conditional Conditional Conditional Optional Optional Optional Definition Standard Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Default Message Printer Processing Information Outbound Flight Information Loading Data Baggage Tag Details Baggage Irregularities Load Sequence Number Inbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Reconciliation Data 1149 .V . at the flight close out (see 5.N or .4.N . one per flight segment (see 5.g. e.9.Q . The first part will end with ENDPART1.9. 5. etc. The second and subsequent parts will repeat the .4. 5. all elements may occur multiple times. The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BPM. Dimensions and Type Data Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS Multiple use of elements may be accomplished by following the structure of the BPM and the sequence of its elements.N or . .P . Optional elements which are related to the mandatory elements are inserted in the order shown in Section 5.Y . .C .F (Outbound Flight Information).Q .U (see 5. . which in turn can be linked to the following .B element may follow the .B .9.X . Element .5).S . Except for the .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Element .B.E .K.6 Requirement Optional Optional Optional Optional Conditional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Definition Pieces.E .E and .U element is optional.L .L .R . .R .U .C .X .U 1150 Description Default Message Printer Processing Information Outbound Flight Information Loading Data Baggage Details or Baggage Irregularities Loading Sequence Number Inbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Onward Flight Information Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening Baggage Details or Baggage Irregularities Loading Sequence Number Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data Baggage Security Screening Loading Data (new .U element (Loading Data) and the .J elements. .Y .E . a .Q .N and . Weight.5. This provides the foundation for the .P .F element directly.4).E .U element) 30TH EDITION.R may be used consecutively.N or .F .S .O .O. The prime element is the .O .K .I . Note: Bags with passenger names must appear before bags without passenger names (see example in 5.N or .P .B elements (Baggage Details and Baggage Irregularities) that follow it.N.B . but only the .R .J .V. As the .P element (Passenger Name).9.W . JUNE 2010 .L .E . and .X ENDBPM 5. Recommended Practice 1745 Element .N or .B p .Q .S .P .L .R .R .X See 5.9.5 for an example of multiple usage in a BPM. Description Baggage Details or Baggage Irregularities Loading Sequence Number Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening 5.7 USE OF CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS 5.7.1 Version And Supplementary Data (.V element). The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement, in which case a Message Reference Number is required. Additionally, a separator (oblique) is required for a Part Number, unless the message has been partitioned, in which case the Part Number follows the separator. Where bags are a mix (local or transfer), the Baggage Source Indicator ‘L’ should be used as the default. Outbound Flight Information element (.F) is mandatory when used as part of a reconciliation or sortation process. If used for ground tracking it is optional. Loading Data (.U element). The Connection Departure Date and Connection Destination Airport Code become mandatory when the Connection Airline Code and Flight Number is used. The Baggage Tag Details and Baggage Irregularities elements (.N and .B). Either a .N or .B element must be included for baggage details, conditional on the status of the bag being reported. Where a BPM contains multiple bags, both the .N and .B element may be present. 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 a. b. 5.7.5 5.7.6 The .N element is used for loaded bags. The .B element is used for bags not loaded due to irregularities. The Load Sequence Number element (.Q) is mandatory if the Loading Information element (.U) is present. The notation for the Hold/Bulk compartment as load unit will be: HLD1234(5)CC(C). This notation is according the notation of ULD-s HLD = indicator for Hold (container type) 1234(5) = serial number CC(C) = Carrier code of transporting carrier. (flight number related) The Hold position in the aircraft will be according notation: Hxx (Hold as section of the bulk compartment of the aircraft (See example 5.9.9) 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 1151 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 5.8 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS IN THE BAGGAGE PROCESSED MESSAGE Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BPM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local or Transfer Airport Code (O) Part Number (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption .V /1 L LHR /PART1 /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z DEFAULT MESSAGE PRINTER (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Message Default Printer ID .K /3D1C08 PROCESSING INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Secondary Code (O) Agent Identification (O) Scanner Identification (O) Date (O) Time (O) Reading Location (O) Sent to Location .J /R /43S /381761 /03OCT /054312Z /B4 /R OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel of Baggage .F /BA117 /03OCT /SEL /J LOADING DATA (M) Element Identifier (O) Stowage Device ID (O) Aircraft Compartment Or Loading Location (O) Type Of Baggage In Container/Location (O) Class(es) of Travel of Baggage (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code of the Container (O) Sealed Container Indicator (O) Connection Airline Code and Flight Number (C) Connection Departure Date (C) Destination or transfer Airport Code of the Container .U /AVE12345BA /11R /T /F /SEL /Y /NW009 /04OCT /NRT (O) (O) (C) (O) 1152 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 Recommended Practice 1745 Use (C) (C) (C) (O) (O) (O) (O) Elements And Data Items BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Bag Tag Number (M) Number Of Consecutive Tags Example .N /0085123456 002 BAGGAGE IRREGULARITIES (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Status Code (M) Baggage Tag Number (M) Number Of Consecutive Tags .B /OFF /0220123456 002 LOAD SEQUENCE NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Load Sequence Number .Q /095 INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date Of Departure (O) Originating Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage .I /BA178 /03OCT /JFK /J ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (O) Destination Or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class Of Travel Of Baggage .O /UA203 /03OCT /DEN /J RECONCILIATION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Authority To Load (O) Seat Number (O) Passenger Status (O) Sequence Number (O) Security Number (O) Passenger Profile Status .S /Y /10A /C /098 /888 /Y PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number Of Passengers With This Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (O) Additional Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title .P / 2 GROBET /M /J 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 1153 LHRBRXH 311840<≡ BPM<≡ .B/OFF/0125777432001<≡ .Q/006<≡ . Number of consecutive tags Loading sequence Authorisation to load = Yes PNR Address Screening description Offloaded bag tag nbr Authorisation to load = No Passenger's name 30TH EDITION.K/3D2C08<≡ .X/CLR/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ .S/N<≡ .R /FREE TEXT AREA .L /L2TVVP BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Exception Type .N/0131123456001<≡ . Multi part with Encryption Message Printer ID Processing information Outbound flight JL402 Loading Information Bag tag number.E /GRP INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text (O) BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING (M) Element Identifier (O) Baggage Security Screening Instruction (O) Security Reason Result (O) Security Screening Reason Result (O) Security Screening Method (O) Autograph (O) Free Text END OF PART or END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Use (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (M) Elements And Data Items FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information Example .L/SBJ14X<≡ .9.U/AVE1234JL/024L/T/Y/NRT/Y/JL955/23JAN/S EL<≡ .F/JL402/23JAN/NRT/Y<≡ .C /CITY BALLET AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address .X /SEL /CLR /T /XRAY /SECURITY /TRANSFER ENDPART1 or ENDBPM 5.S/Y<≡ .V/1TLHR/PART1/555333702/123ABC456Z<≡ . JUNE 2010 .Y KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate or Group Name .9 EXAMPLE MESSAGES 5.1 Processed Bags (Type-B Message) – Sent to JL Host in LHR from LHR Reconciliation System LHRKMJL<≡ .J/R/4567/381761/23JAN/183521Z/R<≡ .P/1CHAN/T<≡ 1154 From address To address Standard Message Identifier Transfer bag in LHR. 4 PNR address Screening description Bag Not Seen Authorisation to load = Yes Number in Party.U/AKE9898LH<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 30TH EDITION.3 Standard Message Identifier Transfer bags in ORD Processing Information Outbound on BA296 Offloaded bag tag nbr Authorisation to load = No Passenger name PNR Address End of Message Identifier Bags Moved From One Container To Another BPM<≡ .B/OFF/0016041218001<≡ .3).X/NON/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ .X/SEL/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ ENDPART1<≡ 5.P/1MASON/R<≡ .9.N/0016041388001<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 5. Passenger Name PNR Address Internal airline data Screening description End of Message Identifier Standard Message Identifier Transfer bags at IAD Outbound flight information Transfer bags from container AKE6654UA Offload bag number 0016041172 Offload bag number 0016041218 Offload bag number 0016041388 Transfer bags to container AKE9898LH Load bag number 0016041172 Load bag number 0016041218 Load bag number 0016041388 End of Message Identifier All Bags Moved From One Container To Another Note 1: This method can be used if the receiving system is able to track the contents of the ULD (else.L/TYH8NM<≡ .B/OFF/0016041172001<≡ .9.L/YX476A6<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 5.7.2 Offloaded Bag BPM<≡ . JUNE 2010 Standard Message Identifier Transfer bags at IAD Outbound flight information Transfer all bags from this container To this container End of Message Identifier 1155 .V/1TIAD<≡ .S/N//N<≡ . Sections 5.F/UA259/10JUL/IAD/J<≡ . Note 2: When this method is utilised.F/BA296/13JAN/ORD/J<≡ .U/AKE6654UA<≡ .9.B/OFF/0016041388001<≡ .B/OFF/0016986470001<≡ .P/1ELIOT/G<≡ .9.V/1TIAD<≡ .J/R/4567/381761/13JAN/183551L/R<≡ .S/Y<≡ .U/AKE9898LH<≡ .B/UNS/0038986251001<≡ . it is recommended to use the method as shown in example 5.V/1TORD<≡ .U/AKE6654UA<≡ .L/X4CM6Q<≡ .7.N/0016041218001<≡ .5 do not apply.Recommended Practice 1745 .R/ORIGIN BAGS XRAYED<≡ .4 and 5. BPM<≡ .F/UA259/10JUL/IAD/J<≡ .N/0016041172001<≡ . Passenger's Name d. Auth.F/BA111/23JAN/SIN/F<≡ Outbound flight BA111 . Auth.5 1156 Example of Multiple Usage of Elements BPM<≡ .Y/QF003664<≡ .K/3D2C08<≡ . Screening description End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION.X/SEL/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ .N/0125064917001<≡ .S/Y/12A/C<≡ .X/NON/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ . Freq. Internal airline data e.P/1ZELLER/F<≡ . JUNE 2010 . Loading sequence b. Loading information 1. to load = No b. Freq. to load = Yes c. Auth. Passenger's Name c.V/1LLHR<≡ . Loading information 1. PNR Address d.L/SBJ14X<≡ .U/AVE1234BA//M/F/SIN/Y/QF6/24JAN/SYD<≡ .U//11R/M//SIN<≡ . Passenger's name d. Loading sequence b. Auth.P/1NORMAN/G<≡ . to load bag a. Traveller Nbr. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.Y/US744591<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.Q/36<≡ . Screening description 3. Freq.N/0125065209001<≡ . PNR address f.S/Y/23C/C<≡ .N/0125064912001<≡ . Traveller Nbr. e. e.P/1HAYDEN/B<≡ .R/ORIGIN BAGS XRAYED<≡ . Additional bag a.9.Y/US7444591<≡ .L/X4CM6Q<≡ . e.Q/127<≡ .J/R/50377/T4103/23JAN/183533L/T4C3<≡ Standard Message Identifier Local bags at LHR Message printer ID Processing information . to load = Yes c. Not auth.Q/117<≡ .L/X4CM6Q<≡ .P/1JACKLIN/T<≡ . Screening Description 5.L/SBJ14X<≡ .B/NAL/0125068219001<≡ . Passenger's Name d. PNR Address f. PNR Address 2. Passenger's Name d. to load = Yes c. Loading sequence b.Y/BA85521<≡ .S/Y/4K/C<≡ .Q/006<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.S/N<≡ . to load = Yes c.Q/083<≡ . PNR Address f. Loading sequence B.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 5.L/TYH8NM<≡ .X/NON/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ .N/0125067239001<≡ .S/Y/12A/C<≡ . Traveller Nbr. Loading sequence b. Freq.P/1ZELLER/F<≡ . Screening description 4.N/0125064717001<≡ . e.X/NON/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ ENDBPM<≡ A. Auth. Tag nbr & number of tags a. Traveller Nbr. P/1MAK/C<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 5.U/AKE1234QF//X/F/SYD<≡ . Loading information 1.Q/006<≡ .U/AKE6667QF//M//SIN<≡ . 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a. Passenger's Name B.N/0081393939001<≡ .F/QF005/21FEB/BKK<≡ .U/AKE6667QF//M//SIN<≡ .P/1NORMAN/G<≡ . Passenger's Name B. Passenger's Name B. Passenger's Name F.V/1LFRA<≡ .U/AKE1234QF//X/F/BKK<≡ .Q/026<≡ . Loading sequence Local bags at FRA Outbound flight QF005 A.P/1KOEPKE/A<≡ . Loading sequence End of Message Identifier Example b — Multiple BPMs for Each Flight Segment BPM<≡ .U/AKE1234QF//X/F/SIN<≡ . Loading sequence b. 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.U/AKE1234QF//X/F/SIN<≡ . Loading sequence b.N/0081222222001<≡ .Q/022<≡ . Loading sequence Outbound flight QF005 to SYD E.V/1LFRA<≡ .U/AVE7890QF//M//BKK<≡ .F/QF005/21FEB/BKK<≡ .N/0081343434001<≡ .N/0081987654001<≡ .N/0081123456001<≡ .Q/010<≡ ENDBPM<≡ Local bags at FRA Outbound flight QF005 to BKK A. Loading information 1. 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.V/1LFRA<≡ . Loading sequence 1157 .U/AKE1234QF//X/F/BKK<≡ . Loading sequence b.U/AVE7890QF//M//BKK<≡ . Loading information 1. Loading information 1.P/1MAK/C<≡ . 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.U/AVE3333QF//M//SYD<≡ .6 Example of Multi-Sector Flights (Batched BPM) — Routing: QF005 — FRA-BKK-SIN-SYD Example a — One BPM with Multiple . 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.Q/006<≡ .Q/020<≡ ENDBPM BPM<≡ .N/0081987654001<≡ .N/0081767676001<≡ .F/QF005/21FEB/SIN<≡ . 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a. Loading sequence b. Loading information 1.Q/030<≡ 30TH EDITION. JUNE 2010 Local bags at FRA Outbound flight QF005 A. Loading information 1.F/QF005/21FEB/SYD<≡ .P/1NORMAN/G<≡ . 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a. Loading information 1.N/0081123456001<≡ . Loading information 1.N/0081123456001<≡ .Q/020<≡ .N/0081767676001<≡ . Loading information 1.Q/026<≡ . Loading information 1.Q/030<≡ . Loading sequence b. Passenger's Name D. 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.F/QF005/21FEB/SIN<≡ . Loading sequence Outbound flight QF005 to SIN C. 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.F Elements BPM<≡ .9. 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a. U/AKE1234BA//T/C .V/1LLHR<≡ .P/1MASON/R<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 5.U/AKE1234QF//X/F/SYD<≡ .Q/010<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 5.E/MIS ENDBPM<≡ 1158 Standard Message identifier Transfer bags in LHR Processing information Outbound on BA117 Container ID Bag tag number Passenger's name End of Message Identifier Single Bag From Reconciliation/Loading System BPM<≡ .N/0125234567001<≡ .J/R/43S//02APR/155501L/A23<≡ .N/0125123456001<≡ .9.N/0125987654001<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 5.7 Single Bag From Sortation System BPM<≡ . JUNE 2010 . Loading information 1.V/1LFRA<≡ .F/BA117/02APR/SEL/J<≡ .V/1LLHR<≡ .N/0081393939001<≡ .J/S//120D32/02APR/154559L/B2/R1<≡ .9. Loading information 1.F/BA117/0/2APR/SEL/J<≡ . 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.N/0081222222001<≡ .9 Local bags at FRA Outbound flight QF005 A.10 Standard Message identifier Transfer bags in LHR Processing information Outbound on BA117 Bag tag number Passenger's name End of Message Identifier Single Bag From Reconciliation/Loading System BPM<≡ . Loading sequence End of Message Identifier Standard Message identifier Transfer bags in LHR Processing information Outbound on BA117 Bag tag number Passenger's name To indicate that this is a mishandled baggage End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION.9. 1st tag nbr & nbr of tags a.F/QF005/21FEB/SYD<≡ .U/HLD0004BA/H4 .P/1KOEPKE/A<≡ .V/1LLHR<≡ .F/BA117/03OCT/SEL<≡ .V/1LLHR<≡ . Loading sequence b.9.Q/022<≡ .P/1MASON/R<≡ .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual ENDBPM BPM<≡ . Passenger's Name B.F/BA117/03OCT/SEL<≡ .J/S//120/D32/0/2APR/154559L/B2/R1<≡ .8 Standard Message identifier Transfer bags in LHR Outbound on BA117 HOLD (Container) ID Bag tag number Bag tag number Bag tag number End of Message Identifier Mishandled Bag From Sortation System BPM<≡ .N/0125123456001<≡ .U/AVE3333QF//M//SYD<≡ .N/0125123456001<≡ .P/1MASON/R<≡ ENDBPM<≡ 5.N/0/1251234560/0/1<≡ . E/STCK< ENDBPM<≡ 30TH EDITION.F/BA117/0/2APR/SEL/J<≡ .P/1MASON/R<≡ .12 Standard Message identifier Transfer bags in LHR Processing information Outbound on BA117 Bag tag number Passenger's name To indicate that re-routing process has been done To indicate that re-tagging has been done End of Message Identifier Rush Bag From Sortation System BPM<≡ .E/STCK< ENDBPM<≡ 5.N/0/1251234560/0/1<≡ .E/RUSH< .Recommended Practice 1745 5.9.E/RRTE< .V/1LLHR<≡ .9.J/S//120/D32/0/2APR/154559L/B2/R1<≡ .V/1LLHR<≡ .P/1MASON/R<≡ .J/S//120/D32/0/2APR/154559L/B2/R1<≡ .F/BA117/0/2APR/SEL/J<≡ .11 Re-routing Bag From Sortation System BPM<≡ . JUNE 2010 Standard Message identifier Transfer bags in LHR Processing information Outbound on BA117 Bag tag number Passenger's name To indicate that rush process has been done To indicate that re-tagging has been done End of Message Identifier 1159 .N/0/1251234560/0/1<≡ . specific baggage. it is recommended that they be able to process up to 99 .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Section 6 — Baggage Unload Message (BUM) 6.4 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGES The BUM may not be partitioned.1 A BUM is sent by the transporting carrier to the party responsible for loading and unloading of baggage and/or the operator of the reconciliation system. 6.2.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 6.1 for an example.X ENDBUM 1160 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Conditional Optional Conditional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Default Message Printer Outbound Flight Information Loading Data Baggage Tag Details Inbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Load Sequence Number Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION.2 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES 6.3 MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sender of a BUM may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request to the .S .F .O .L .1 PURPOSE The BUM is an instruction to unload.9.5 ELEMENT SEQUENCE SUMMARY The following shows the sequence of elements in a BUM. 6. formatted to the airlines discretion.V .K .N . or not to load.V element. Baggage System Limitations Due to limitations of baggage handling systems. Future systems may be designed to exceed these limits.Q . See 6.Y .N elements and up to 200 bag tags in a single BUM.I . Element BUM . JUNE 2010 . 6. Request for an Acknowledgement example: .E .P .R .C .U . The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters. JUNE 2010 1161 .U element (Loading Data) and the .N element may follow directly.V element).Q.N .Recommended Practice 1745 6.5.E .N.Q) is mandatory if the Loading Information element (.U .R can be used consecutively.E and .7.K .N.U .2 30TH EDITION.P element (Passenger Name).O.O.U element is optional.U) is also present.N .L . .P . .U.E .N See 6.Q . The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement.V element may occur once however elements .O . Element . This provides the foundation for the . Additionally.1 Version And Supplementary Data (. the . . The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BUM. Loading Sequence Number element (. 6.N . Optional element which are related to the mandatory elements are inserted in the order shown in Section 6.F (Outbound Flight Information). in which case a Message Reference Number is required. .9.E and . but only .X .3 for an example of multiple usage Description Default Message Printer Outboun Flight Information Loading Data Baggage Details Inbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Onward Flight Information Loading Sequence Number Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening Loading Data Baggage Details Loading Sequence Number Reconciliation Data Passenger Name Loading Data Baggage Details Baggage Details in a BUM.P .N element (Baggage Details) that follow it.6 MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS Multiple use of elements may be accomplished by following the structure of the BUM and the sequence of its elements.R .Q .S .R may be repeated multiple times. . As the .F . .S . a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number (a BUM may not be partitioned).O .7. The prime element is the .R .U . which may be linked to the following .7 USE OF CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS 6. 6. The .I . F /BA117 /03OCT /AMS /J (O) (M) (O) (M) (O) 1162 LOADING DATA (M) Element Identifier (O) Stowage Device ID (O) Aircraft Compartment or Loading Location (O) Type of Baggage In Container/Location (O) Class(es) of Travel of Baggage (O) Destination Airport Code (O) Sealed Container (N) Connection Airline Code and Flight Number not used in BUM (N) Connection Departure Date not used in BUM (N) Connection Destination Airport Code not used in BUM .V /1 T LHR / /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z DEFAULT MESSAGE PRINTER (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Message Default Printer ID .N /0085123456 001 INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date of Departure (O) Originating Airport Code (O) Class of Travel of Baggage .U /AVE12345BA /11R /T /F /AMS /Y BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Bag Tag Number (M) Number Of Consecutive Tags . JUNE 2010 . no data (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 6.K /3D1C08 OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel of Baggage .I /BA178 /03OCT /JFK /J 30TH EDITION.8 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS IN THE BAGGAGE UNLOAD MESSAGE Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BUM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local or Transfer Airport Code (N) Part Number – only show oblique. P / 2 JORGENSON /K /A FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information .Q /031 RECONCILIATION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Authority To Load (O) Seat Number (O) Passenger Status (O) Sequence Number (O) Security Number (O) Passenger Profile Status .R /FREE TEXT AREA BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING (M) Element Identifier (O) Baggage Security Screening Instruction (O) Security Reason Result .C /HAMPTON SKI AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address . JUNE 2010 1163 .E /SPEQ INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text .Y KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate or Group Name .Recommended Practice 1745 Use (O) (C) (O) (C) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) (O) Elements And Data Items ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel of Baggage Example .X /SEL /CLR 30TH EDITION.S /N /10A /N /098 /088 /Y PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number Of Passengers With This Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (O) Additional Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title .L /L2TVVP BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Exception Type .O /AZ203 /04OCT /FCO /J LOAD SEQUENCE NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Load Sequence Number . 9 EXAMPLE MESSAGES 6.N/0037336127001<≡ .9.1 Standard Offload (Type-B).U/AVE4321SQ/024L/T/Y/HKG<≡ . Passengers name Loading information Bag tag number. nbr of consecutive tags Loading sequence of bag Reconciliation data: Not authorised to load Passenger's name PNR Address Internal Airline Data Screening description End of Message Identifier Standard Message Identifier Local bag in PIT with Encryption Outbound to FRA on US816 Loading information Bag tag number.2 Standard Offload (2 different containers and 2 different bags) BUM<≡ .Q/026<≡ .V/1LPIT////123ABC456Z<≡ .N/0125886172001<≡ .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Use Elements And Data Items (O) Security Screening Reason Result (O) Security Screening Method (O) Autograph (O) Free text Example /T /XRAY /SECURITY /TRANSFER (M) END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBUM 6. JUNE 2010 .S/N//N<≡ .Q/012<≡ ENDBUM<≡ 1164 From Address To Address Standard Message Identifier Transfer bag in LAX.9.F/US816/01MAY/FRA/Y<≡ .HDQKMCX 311840<≡ BUM<≡ .X/SEL/XRAY/SECURITY/TRANSFER<≡ ENDBUM<≡ 6.R/CUSTOMS REQUEST<≡ . Ack requested.Q/006<≡ . with Acknowledgement Request LAXBRXH<≡ .P/WILSON/SARA<≡ .U/AKV9876US//T/Y/FRA<≡ .N/0131123456001<≡ .F/CX881/15JUN/HKG/Y<≡ . number of consecutive tags Loading sequence End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION. number of consecutive tags Loading sequence for this bag Number in party.P/WONG/V<≡ . Ref Nbr 1234567890 with Encryption Outbound to HKG on CX881 Loading Information Bag tag nbr.V/1TLAX//1234567890/A/123ABC456Z<≡ .U/AVE0321US/0012/T/Y/FRA<≡ .L/SBJ14X<≡ . Reconciliation Data ENDBUM<≡ 6. New ULD (Loading information) . no container information) BUM<≡ .N/0125020318001<≡ b.F/US14/01MAY/MUC/J<≡ .N/0125020577001<≡ . Passenger's name .U/AVE4591QF//M/J/SYD<≡ 1.F/QF006/01MAY/SYD/J<≡ A.9. Loading Sequence 3.U/AVE0321US/0012/T/J/MUC<≡ .U/AKV2479BA//T/J/SYD<≡ 2. Load sequence for bag 2.Q/136<≡ . Tag number to unload 1.V/1LFRA////123ABC456Z<≡ .5 Standard Message Identifier Local bag in PIT with Encryption Outbound to FRA on US14 Loading information Bag tag number.3 Standard Offload (1 bag) BUM<≡ .S/N/25A/C/010<≡ a. Another bag from same ULD .N/0125020398001<≡ .9. Tag number to unload 1. Inbound information 2. Loading sequence 3. number of tags Loading sequence for this bag Passenger's name End of Message Identifier End of Message Identifier Standard Offload (2 bags.O/QF322/02MAY/BRI<≡ . number of tags Bag tag number.N/012020161001<≡ .P/SAMPRAS/P<≡ a.N/0037336127001<≡ . number of tags End Of Message Identifier 1165 .V/1LBBK////123ABC456Z<≡ Standard Message Identifier Local bags in BKK with data encryption .P/1BROWNE/L<≡ ENDBUM<≡ 6.I/JL173/01MAY/NRT<≡ .N/0016170421001<≡ ENDBUM<≡ 30TH EDITION.Q/026<≡ .Q/088<≡ .V/1LPIT////123ABC456Z<≡ .4 Example of Multiple Use of Elements BUM<≡ . info. Tag number to unload 1. Connection flt. Reconciliation Data . 2. Outbound to SYD on QF006 .S/N/31K/C/101<≡ b.Q/009<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 6. Loading information . JUNE 2010 Standard Message Identifier Local bag in FRA with Encryption Outbound to ORD on UA941 Bag tag number. Next bag to unload (same ULD) c.9.N/0016170357001<≡ .F/UA941/27MAY/ORD/J<≡ .N/0125020244001<≡ . N . or prior to.4.4. The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters.4 7.2 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES The BNS may be provided by the operators of the automated baggage system or the departing carrier. the passenger's arrival at the final destination. to the delivering carrier at the final destination.5 When a BNS exceeds the standard message block.V .4.1 7. etc.1.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 7.4.1 The BNS provides information collected during baggage loading related to those boarded passengers whose baggage will not be carried on the flight. 7.5 ELEMENT SEQUENCE SUMMARY The following shows the sequence of elements in a BNS.3 7. The second and subsequent parts will repeat the . The BNS is designed as a proactive message in passenger handling as specified in Resolution 743 to provide mishandled baggage information at. The BNS can also provide the ability to create a new non-accountable tracing file.P . it should be partitioned and processed so that the end of a part occurs after the last mandatory or related optional element.3 MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PROCEDURES The sender of the BNS may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request to the .Y 1166 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Conditional Conditional Optional Conditional Definition Standard Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Outbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Baggage Tag Details Passenger Name Automated PNR Address Pieces Weight. 7. The final part will end with ENDBNS.4 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGES 7. (a) Request for an Acknowledgement with a Part Number: .1 PURPOSE 7.L .2 7. the BNS may be transmitted to the receiving carrier(s) at intermediate point(s) and to the baggage tracing system to which the carrier subscribes. formatted to the airlines discretion.V element from the first part.V element. JUNE 2010 . a Quick Advise If Holding (QAH). Element BNS .O .V/1LSYD/PART1/QF620098/A (b) Request for an Acknowledgement without a Part Number: .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Section 7 — Baggage Not Seen Message (BNS) 7. The first part will end with ENDPART1.4. Dimensions and Type Data Frequent Traveller Number 30TH EDITION. The Part Number is required as part of the . The QAH is designed to expire at a predetermined time if no report is made by a passenger.V element of each part.2 7. in baggage tracing systems prior to any actual report made by a passenger. 7.F . Additionally.W .1. The second part will end with ENDPART2. N elements without related optional elements.N are inserted in the order shown in Section 7. in which case a Message Reference Number is required.N Baggage Tag Details #6 (no additional data supplied) See 7.2 7.Y Frequent Traveller Number (for passenger #1) . . the .6 Requirement Conditional Optional Mandatory Definition Corporate or Group Name Internal Airline Data End of Message Identifier MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS Multiple use of elements may be accomplished by following the structure of the BNS.P) becomes mandatory when data is available.Recommended Practice 1745 Element .W element (Pieces and Weight Data) is mandatory when using the Checked Weight data item. Passenger Name element (. The Onward Flight Information element (.C Corporate or Group Name( for passenger #1) .P.R Internal Airline Data (for passenger #2) . The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BNS.O) becomes mandatory when data is available.L Automated PNR Address (for passenger #1) .F Description Outbound Flight Information (US783) .7.O (Onward Flight Information) and the following . Optional and conditional elements which are related to the .7.N elements (Baggage Tag Details) which may be linked to the following .P Passenger Name #1 (associated to .W Pieces and Weight Data (for bag(s) #1) . Automated PNR Address (.O Onward Flight Information (BA223) . 7. Element .7.7. a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number.9 for examples of multiple usage in the BNS message. Each . Additionally.N element #1) .C .4 7.F and one set of . i.N Baggage Tag Details #1 (for passenger #1 in .e.5. The prime elements are the .F (Outbound Flight Information).P Passenger Name #3 (associated to .N element #2) .7.N is the foundation for the other optional and conditional elements that follow. the sequence of its elements and the addressing for distributing the BNS.O Onward Flight Information (BA351) .R Internal Airline Data (for passenger #2) .P element (Passenger Name).N Baggage Tag Details #3 (for passenger #3 in .N element #4) . must appear last. 7.O elements.3 7.N Baggage Tag Details #4 (for passenger #4 in .7 CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS 7.5 30TH EDITION.N element #3) .P element) . Each .R ENDBNS 7.V element) The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement.P element) .L) becomes mandatory when data is available.O elements for each BNS. in which case the Part Number would follow the separator.N Baggage Tag Details #2 (for passenger #2 in . unless the message is partitioned. JUNE 2010 1167 .P Passenger Name #2 (associated to .F element will be followed by all .P element) . The Number of Checked Bags in the .P Passenger Name #4 (associated to . Note: .N Baggage Tag Details #5 (no additional data supplied) .P element) . There may be only one .1 Version And Supplementary Data (. V /1 T CDG /PART1 /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (M) Class of Travel of Baggage .O /KL601 /30APR /LAX /M BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Tag Number (M) Number of Consecutive Tags .7. 7.N /0037123456 002 PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number of Passengers With This Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (O) Additional Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title .6 7.Y) becomes mandatory when data is available.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 7.L /U52I91 (M) (C) (M) (C) (C) 1168 30TH EDITION. Corporate or Group Name (.7 Frequent Traveller Number (.7.P / 2 TENHAVE /AMS /JMS AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address .C) becomes mandatory when data is available. JUNE 2010 .F /AF912 /30APR /AMS /C ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel Of Baggage .8 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS IN THE BAGGAGE NOT SEEN MESSAGE Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BNS (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local Airport Code (O) Part Number (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption . C /AJAX TOUR INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text .P/CLOVER/LMR<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 Use (O) (C) (C) (O) (M) Elements And Data Items PIECES WEIGHT. transfer stations and tracing system AMSLLAF AMSLLKL LAXLLKL ATLWMXS .9.R /FREE TEXT AREA END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBNS 7.L/U52I91<≡ .1 Type-B Baggage Not Seen Message.F/AF912/30APR/AMS/C<≡ .R/LATE CHECK-IN<≡ ENDBNS<≡ 30TH EDITION. sent to the final destination.W /K /1 /10 /3 /CM /68 /54 /24 /02HWX FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information .CDGBRAF 311840 BNS<≡ . DIMENSIONS AND TYPE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Pieces/Weight Indicator (C) Number of Checked Bags (O) Checked Weight (O) Unchecked Weight (C) Unit (O) Length of the bag (O) Width of the bag (O) Height of the bag (O) Bag type code Example .O/KL601/30APR/LAX/M<≡ .C/AJAX TOUR<≡ .Y /KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate or Group Name .Y/BSJ2238<≡ . starting tag nbr 0037123456 Passenger's name PNR Address Number of bags and weight Frequent Traveller Number Tour information Internal Airline Data End of Message Identifier 1169 .V/1TCDG////123ABC456Z<≡ .9 EXAMPLE MESSAGES 7.N/0037123456002<≡ . JUNE 2010 Message sent to Message sent by AF Message type (BNS) Transfer bags at CDG with Encryption Outbound flight information (AF912 to AMS) Onward flight information (KL601 to LAX) 2 missing bags.W/K/3/38/11<≡ . N/0074225577001<≡ .3 1170 Message sent to Message sent by AF Message type (BNS) Transfer bags at CDG with Encryption Outbound to AMS on AF912. Internal Airline Data 3. M-Class Onward to SMF on UA887.V/1TCDG////123ABC456Z<≡ .P/TENHAVE/MSA<≡ . sent to the final destination of the passenger.F/AF912/30APR/AMS/C<≡ . Routing of the flight is AMS-BKK-TPE AMSLLKL BKKLLKL .Y/BSJ2238<≡ .N/0074665544001<≡ .N/0074334455001<≡ . C-Class Onward to LAX on KL601.F/KL877/30APR/TPE/C<≡ . 2 Bag Tags starting with 0027123450 2.9.AMSKMKL 311840 BNS<≡ .F/KL877/30APR/BKK/C<≡ .2 Example Of Multiple Use Of Elements AMSLLAF AMSLLKL LAXLLKL LAXLLUA SMFLLUA ATLWMXS . 1 Bag Tag – 2001987654001 (no other information available for this bag) End of Message Identifier Baggage Not Seen Message.N/2001987654001<≡ ENDBNS<≡ 7.O/UA887/30APR/SMF/M<≡ . Internal Airline Data d.P/VANPAASSCHEN/FMR<≡ . one message per leg.9.P/CLOVER/LMR<≡ .R/WEDDING – URGENT<≡ .N/0074123456001<≡ . M-Class 1. Passenger's name b.CDGBRAF 171250 BNS<≡ . 1 Bag Tag – 0027123453 a.P/PLEIJSIER/JMR<≡ ENDBNS<≡ Message sent to Message sent by KL Message type (BNS) Local bags at AMS with Encryption Outbound flight information (KL877 to BKK) 1 missing bag Passenger's name 1 missing bag Passenger's name End of Message Identifier AMSLLKL TPELLKL .V/1TAMS////123ABC567Z<≡ .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 7.V/1LAMS////123ABC456Z<≡ .AMSKMKL 311840 BNS<≡ .P/DARPHIN/LMR<≡ ENDBNS<≡ Message sent to Message sent by KL Message type (BNS) Transfer bags at AMS with Encryption Outbound flight information (KL877 to TPE) 1 missing bag Passenger's name 1 missing bag Passenger's name End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION. Frequent Traveller Number c. JUNE 2010 .O/KL601/30APR/LAX/M<≡ .N/0027123453001<≡ .N/0027123450002<≡ .R/PAX ENROUTE TO HER<≡ . 1 PURPOSE 8. A secondary message is one that serves a single purpose.4.7. Flight Open Message (FOM) – see 8.2 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES See Section MESSAGE PARTITIONING See Section 8. Message Partitioning A BAM may not be partitioned.1 Baggage Acknowledgement Message (BAM) 8.5 MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS Multiple use of elements is dependent on the specific message.7.Recommended Practice 1745 Section 8 — Baggage Control Message (BCM) 8. Flight Closed Message (FCM) – see 8. 8. See Section 8. if LH sends a BSM to the reconciliation system at FRA requesting an acknowledgement. b.1. 8.1.3. Message Acknowledgement A BAM may not be acknowledged. Baggage Acknowledgement Message (BAM) – see 8. airport authorities. 8.7 for the specific purpose of each secondary level message. 8. JUNE 2010 1171 . 8.2 8.1. 6.7. d. Final Match Message (FMM) – see 8. For example. c. 8.7.7 for specific distribution procedures as they apply to each individual Secondary Level Message.6 SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGES a.7.1 The Baggage Control Message is designed to support the requirement for secondary level messages as required by airlines. 4.3 MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT See Section 8. handling agents. and typically contains only one or two elements. the reconciliation system.5.7 when the sender of the message requests an acknowledgement. e.7 or 8.1. would send a BCM with a secondary level BAM to LH.1 Purpose The purpose of the BAM is to confirm the receipt of a baggage message identified in Sections 3. 8.4 30TH EDITION.2 8. operators of automated baggage systems and system providers.7 for the use of the Message Acknowledgement function as it applies to each individual Secondary Level Message.2.7 for use of partitioning as it applies to each individual Secondary Level Message.7 SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE DETAILS 8.7.7. 5. upon processing the BSM. Delete Baggage Message (DBM) – see 8. Distribution Procedures A BAM is sent to the originator of the message that has requested an acknowledgement. 8.7. V .V /1 T FRA /123ABC456Z .R /BAGGAGE ROUTED TO DL END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBCM 30TH EDITION.7.7 8.7.1. Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number — (not used in BAM) (N) Message Reference Number — (not used in BAM) (N) Acknowledgement Request — (not used in BAM) (O) Encryption (M) (O) (M) 1172 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Sender's Message Reference Number (M) Type of Baggage Message and Status Indicator being acknowledged (M) ACK or NAK (O) Free Text .A /BA2190123 /BSM CHG /NAK /FLIGHT DEPARTED INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text . JUNE 2010 .7.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 8. Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items is not applicable in the BAM.6 8. Element BCM BAM . Construction Of Elements And Data Items In The Baggage Acknowledgement Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BCM (M) SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE IDENTIFIER BAM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local.5 Element Sequence Summary The following shows the sequence of elements in the BAM.1.7.1.A .1.8 Definition Standard Message Identifier Secondary Level Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Message Acknowledgement Details Internal Airline Data EndofMessage Identifier Multiple Use of Elements Multiple use of elements is not applicable in the BAM.R ENDBCM 8. Nbr.. Positive acknowledgement to BSM End of Message Identifier B.Nbr. To advise a departure control or check-in system that a baggage handling system is ready to begin processing baggage for a specific flight. Negative Acknowledgement of a BUM using the .4 b.Nbr. Distribution Procedures A FOM may be sent by operators of automated baggage systems to the departing carrier. Positive ack.1 Purpose a.V/1TLHR<≡ . Negative ack.V/1TLHR<≡ Transfer bags at LHR .R element ENDBCM<≡ End of Message Identifier 8. Negative ack.7. Negative Acknowledgement of a BUM: BCM<≡ BAM<≡ ..2. 30TH EDITION.2 Flight Open Message (FOM) 8.9 Examples of the Acknowledgement Message A..2.3 8. Message Acknowledgement A FOM may request an acknowledgement.A/BA2190164/BSM DEL/ACK<≡ Ref. 8.A/LH37310026/BUM/NAK/ FLIGHT DEPARTED<≡ ENDBCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier BAM — Secondary Level Message Identifier Local bag in FRA Ref.V/1LFRA<≡ . To advise a baggage handling system that a departure control or check-in system is ready to begin processing baggage for a specific flight.7. to a deleted BSM ENDBCM<≡ End of Message Identifier C..7. Acknowledgement of a BSM: BCM<≡ BAM<≡ .2.R/FLIGHT DEPARTED<≡ Message appended using .2.V/1LFRA<≡ Local bag in FRA . Partitioning of Messages A FOM may not be partitioned.Recommended Practice 1745 8. to BUM appended message that flight departed End of Message Identifier D. Acknowledgement of a BSM with ‘DEL’ open: BCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier BAM<≡ BAM — Secondary Level Message Identifier . to BUM . JUNE 2010 1173 .R element for text: BCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier BAM<≡ BAM — Secondary Level Message Identifier .7. or by the departing carrier to the operator of an automated baggage system.A/LH37310097/BUM/NAK<≡ Ref.7.Nbr.A/BA2190123/BSM/ACK<≡ ENDBCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier BAM — Secondary Level Message Identifier Transfer bag at LHR Ref. H .H /T4 /GREEN /D46 (M) (O) 1174 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory 30TH EDITION.7.V . JUNE 2010 . in which case a Message Reference Number is required.7. Additionally.R ENDBCM 8.2.F /LH3348 /20MAR /GVA /J HANDLING LOCATION (M) Element Identifier (C) Handling Terminal (C) Handling Bay/Pier (C) Handling Gate/Stand .2.V element).5 Element Sequence Summary The following shows the sequence of elements in the FOM: Element BCM FOM . The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement.2.R optional element may be repeated multiple times Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items Version And Supplementary Data (. as the FOM may not be partitioned.2.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 8.7.8 Definition Standard Message Identifier Secondary Level Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Outbound Flight Information Handling Location Internal Airline Data End of Message Identifier Multiple Use of Elements Only the . Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number – show only oblique. no data (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption .7 8. a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number.6 8.7. Construction Of Elements And Data Items In The Flight Open Message Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BCM (M) SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE IDENTIFIER FOM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local.V /1 T FRA / /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel .F . — LH3348 to GVA End of Message Identifier Example of the Flight Open Message with handling Location and Internal Airline Data BCM<≡ FOM<≡ .5 Element BCM FCM .2. To advise a departure control or check-in system that a baggage handling system has completed processing baggage for a specific flight.F/LH3348/20MAR/GVA<≡ ENDBCM<≡ 8. JUNE 2010 1175 . requested with Encryption Flight Info.1 Elements And Data Items INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text Example END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBCM Example of the Flight Open Message with Acknowledgement Request BCM<≡ FOM<≡ . Distribution Procedures A FCM may be sent by operators of automated baggage systems to the departing carrier.F ENDBCM 8.V/1LCDG<≡ .R /FREE TEXT AREA BCM — Standard Message Identifier FOM — Secondary Level Message Identifier FRA activity.7.7.3 8.4 8.2 b. Element Sequence Summary The following shows the sequence of elements in the FCM: 8. ack.7. Message Acknowledgement A FCM may request an acknowledgement.3. To advise a baggage handling system that a departure control or check-in system has closed a specific flight.7.2.3.Recommended Practice 1745 Use (O) (M) 8.9.6 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Secondary Level Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Outbound Flight Information End of Message Identifier Multiple Use of Elements Multiple use of elements is not applicable in the FCM.V .3.7.3.F/AF654/07APR/HEL<≡ . or by the departing carrier to the operator of an automated baggage system.3 Flight Closed Message (FCM) 8. Partitioning of Messages A FCM may not be partitioned.7.V/1LFRA//LH33489999/A/123ABC456Z<≡ . 30TH EDITION.7.R/ULD/11R/11L/41L/41R<≡ ENDBCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier FOM — Secondary Level Message Identifier CDG activity Flight Info. — AF654 to HEL Internal Airline Data End of Message Identifier 8.1 Purpose a.3.2 .9. (d) The 2nd part will end with ENDPART2. (a) The Part Number is required as part of the .3. JUNE 2010 . The message also indicates bags which were authorised. i. (c) The second and subsequent parts will repeat the . (b) The first part will end with ENDPART1.7. The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement.7.7 8.V/1LFRA////123ABC456Z<≡ . in which case a Message Reference Number is required.2 8. Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number – show only oblique.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 8. etc. 8. (e) The final part will end with ENDFMM.V element of each part.8 Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items Version And Supplementary Data (.7.F/LH3348/20/MAR/GVA<≡ ENDBCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier FCM — Secondary Level Message Identifier Local bag in FRA with Encryption Flight Info.3.F elements from the first part.4. but must be off-loaded due to no authorisation. Construction Of Elements And Data Items In The Flight Close Message Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BCM (M) SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE IDENTIFIER FCM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local. Distribution Procedures A FMM is sent by a departure control/check-in system to the operator of an automated baggage handling system.F /LH3348 /20MAR /GVA /J END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBCM (M) (M) 8.9 Example of the Flight Closed Message BCM<≡ FCM<≡ . no data (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption . as the FCM may not be partitioned.1 Purpose The Final Match Message is to indicate which bags were loaded. it should be partitioned and processed so that the end of a part occurs after the last mandatory element or the last related optional element.7.e.3. — LH3348 to GVA End of Message Identifier 8. Additionally. a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number.V and . passenger no showed at gate. 1176 30TH EDITION.3 8.4 Final Match Message (FMM) 8.7. but have not been loaded. Message Acknowledgement A FMM may request an acknowledgement.7.7.4.V /1 T FRA / /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel .V element). Partitioning of Messages When an FMM exceeds the standard message block. 7.7.B element) The . b.7 8. Baggage Irregularities (.V .4. Each .8 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Conditional Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Secondary Level Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Outbound Flight Information Baggage Irregularities End of Message Identifier Multiple Use of Elements The prime element is the .7.B – Baggage Irregularity .F . and a carrier may wish to send more than one in the same message. Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption . Version And Supplementary Data (. Construction Of Elements And Data Items In The Final Match Message Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BCM (M) SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE IDENTIFIER FMM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local.F /LH3348 /20MAR /GVA /J (M) 30TH EDITION. JUNE 2010 1177 .4. in which case a Message Reference Number is required. in which case the Part Number follows the separator.B element becomes mandatory when there are baggage irregularities.B – Baggage Irregularity Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items a.6 8.F (Outbound Flight Information).B ENDBCM 8.F element will be followed by one or more .5 Element Sequence Summary The following shows the sequence of elements in the FFM: Element BCM FMM .4.F – 2nd Outbound Flight Information .V /1 T FRA /PART1 /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel .4.B elements (Baggage Irregularities). Additionally. Data Schematic .7. unless the message is partitioned. a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number.F – Outbound Flight Information .Recommended Practice 1745 8.B – Baggage Irregularity .V element) The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement. but not seen End of Message Identifier 8.B/UNS/0074123456001<≡ ENDBCM<≡ BCM — Standard Message Identifier FMM — Secondary Level Message Identifier Local bags in FRA with acknowledgement request and Encryption Flight Info. Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items Version And Supplementary Data (.5. or provider of BSMs/BUMs.1 Purpose The purpose of a DBM is to warn any automated baggage system that sortation and/or reconciliation data for a specific flight is about to be revalidated. not authorised.B/NAL/022034812200/1<≡ .5.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Use (C) (M) 8.3 8. Message Acknowledgement A DBM may request an acknowledgement. This process is only likely to occur when there is doubt that all messages previously sent have been received e. line problems or DCS problems.5.5.V .7.9 Elements And Data Items BAGGAGE IRREGULARITIES (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Status Code (M) Baggage Tag Number (M) Number of Consecutive Tags Example END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBCM .5 Element BCM DBM . Element Sequence Summary The following shows the sequence of elements in the DBM: 8.F ENDBCM 30TH EDITION. a separator (oblique) is required in place of a Part Number.7 1178 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Secondary Level Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Outbound Flight Information End of Message Identifier Multiple Use of Elements Multiple use of elements is not applicable for the DBM. JUNE 2010 .4.5. in which case a Message Reference Number is required. not authorised. should be offloaded Loaded. Partitioning of Messages A DBM may not be partitioned. Distribution Procedures A DBM would be issued by a departure control or check-in system.6 8. The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement.B/NAL/0220348087001<≡ .7.5.5 Delete Baggage Message (DBM) 8. — LH3348 to GVA Loaded.4 8.V/1LFRA//LH3348001/A/123ABC456Z<≡ .B /NAL /0220123456 002 Example of the Final Match Message BCM<≡ FMM<≡ . to the operator of a baggage handling system.g.7.7.V element). should be offloaded Authorised to load. Additionally. as the DBM may not be partitioned.F/LH3348/20MAR/GVA<≡ .7.2 8.7.7. 8 Construction Of Elements And Data Items In The Delete Baggage Data Message Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BCM (M) SECONDARY LEVEL MESSAGE IDENTIFIER DBM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local.7. Transfer or Terminating Airport Code (N) Part Number – show only oblique.Recommended Practice 1745 8. — LH3348 to GVA End of Message Identifier 1179 .V/1LFRA//LH3348007/A/123ABC456Z<≡ . no data (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption .F/LH3348/20MAR/GVA<≡ ENDBCM<≡ 30TH EDITION.V /1 T FRA / /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel .9 Example of the DBM (Delete All Baggage Messages for LH flight 3348) BCM<≡ DBM<≡ .F /LH3348 /20MAR /GVA /J END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDBCM (M) (M) 8. JUNE 2010 BCM — Standard Message Identifier DBM — Secondary Level Message Identifier Local bag in FRA with acknowledgement request and Encryption Flight Info.5.5.7. 9. BAGGAGE MANIFEST MESSAGE (BMM) 9.U and .I .W 1180 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Conditional Conditional Optional Mandatory Optional Definition Standard Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Default Message Printer Inbound Flight Information Loading Data Outbound Flight Information Handling Location Baggage Tag Details Pieces Weight.4. 9. Dimensions and Type Data 30TH EDITION.V .4 Partitioning of Messages 9.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 9.4.5 Element Sequence Summary 9.F .4. etc. The final part will end with ENDBCM. the BPM should be used.3 The following shows the sequence of elements in a BMM: Element BMM .4. 9. detailed baggage loading of the flight.F element. The operator of the baggage handling system at the departure airport can either send a BMM for a multi-sector flight as one BMM for multiple downline stations or as multiple BMMs. It is sent as a batched transaction. detailed baggage loading.5 When a BMM exceeds the standard message block. one per flight segment (see example 9.2 Distribution Procedures A BMM is sent according the rules for the BTM. The Part Number is required as part of the .K . Note: To inform entities at the departure airport of this flight about the actual. formatted to the airlines discretion.4 9. The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters. The first part will end with ENDPART1. The second and subsequent parts will repeat the .V/1LSYD/PART1/QF620098/A Request for an Acknowledgement without a Part Number: .V element.V element from the first part and the most recent . JUNE 2010 .3). e.N .V element of each part.3 Message Acknowledgement The sender of the BMM may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request to the . it should be partitioned and processed so that the end of a part occurs after the last mandatory element (.g. A BMM may be sent as locally agreed by the departing carrier to the handling entities at the downline stations or by the operator of the automated baggage handling system to the departing carrier and/or the handling entities at the downline stations. or the last related optional element.H .1 9.4.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 9.9.N). at the flight close out (see examples).U .2 9. Request for an Acknowledgement with a Part Number: . The 2nd part will end with ENDPART2.1 Purpose Baggage Manifest Message (BMM) is to inform the down line stations about the actual. R may be used consecutively. all elements may occur multiple times.O.O .N element (Baggage Details) that follow it.P . a .P .O .P . Optional elements.N element may follow the .U element (Loading Data) and the .Q .N 30TH EDITION.N.F .V.6 Requirement Conditional Conditional Conditional Optional Optional Conditional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Definition Load Sequence Number Onward Flight Information Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier Multiple Use of Elements Multiple use of elements may be accomplished by following the structure of the BMM and the sequence of its elements. which in turn can be linked to the following .and the .U .Q . As the .P element (Passenger Name). This provides the foundation for the .H .X .R .9).E .X .U element) Outbound Flight Information Handling Location Baggage Details 1181 .L .X ENDBMM 9.I element directly.E and .C .Recommended Practice 1745 Element .U element is conditional.E ..I (Inbound Flight Information).Y . JUNE 2010 Description Default Message Printer Inbound Flight Information Loading Data Outbound Flight Information Handling Location Baggage Details Pieces and Weight Data Loading Sequence Number Onward Flight Information Onward Flight Information Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Conditionnal Automated PNR Address Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening Baggage Details Loading Sequence Number Passenger Name Baggage Exception Data Baggage Exception Data Baggage Security Screening Loading Data (new .R .C . Except for the .E . .W .K . The prime element is the .Q .K elements. which are related to the mandatory elements.E .F .E . but only the .Y . The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BMM: Element .L .N . Note: Bags with passenger names must appear before bags without passenger names (see example in 9.N . are inserted in the order shown in Section 9.H .U .I .O . .5.R . U) is present.R .7.R .7.P . 9.V /1 T LHR /PART1 /1234567890 /A /123ABC456Z DEFAULT MESSAGE PRINTER (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Message Default Printer ID .R .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Element .24. The Outbound Flight Information element (.Q . Where bags are a mix (terminating and transfer).F . Additionally. JUNE 2010 . The Onward Flight Information element (.X See 9. unless the message has been partitioned.N .P . in which case a Message Reference Number is required. the Baggage Source Indicator ‘T’ should be used as the default.R .Q) is mandatory if the Loading Information element (.7 Use of Conditional Elements and Data Items 9.4 9. The Load Sequence Number element (.V element) The Message Reference Number is conditional upon the sender of the message requesting an acknowledgement. Loading Data (. in which case the Part Number follows the separator.F) is used when the bags are in transfer at the downline station.U element becomes mandatory.U element) If the Storage device ID (2.2 Use (M) Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER Example BMM (M) VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Data Dictionary Version Number (M) Baggage Source Indicator (M) Local or Transfer Airport Code (O) Part Number (C) Message Reference Number (O) Acknowledgement Request (O) Encryption .7.O) is used when onward flight information is known.P) is used when the Passenger name is known.7.7.K /3D1C08 (O) 1182 30TH EDITION. Description Loading Sequence Number Passenger Name Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening Outbound Flight Information Baggage Details Loading Sequence Number Passenger Name Internal Airline Data Internal Airline Data Baggage Security Screening 9.6 Version and Supplementary Data (.8 Construction of Element and Data Items in the Baggage Manifest Message 9.3.3) and/or the aircraft compartment or loading location are known.5 9.7.3 9.1 9. The Passenger Name element (.Q . The Connection Departure Date and Connection Destination Airport Code become mandatory when the Connection Airline Code and Flight Number is used. the . a separator (oblique) is required for a Part Number.X .9 for an example of multiple usage in a BMM. F /UA203 /03OCT /DEN /J HANDLING LOCATION (M) Element Identifier (C) Handling Terminal (C) Handling Bay/Pier (C) Handling Gate/Stand .Recommended Practice 1745 Use (M) (C) (C) (O) (M) (O) (C) Elements And Data Items INBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Originating Airport Code Example .Q /095 30TH EDITION.W /K /2 /38 /5 LOAD SEQUENCE NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Load Sequence Number .H /T4 /GREEN /D46 BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS (M) Element Identifier (M) Bag Tag Number (M) Number of Consecutive Tags .U /AVE12345BA /11R /T /F /SEL /Y /NW009 /04OCT /NRT OUTBOUND FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel of Baggage . JUNE 2010 1183 .I /BA117 /03OCT /LHR LOADING DATA (M) Element Identifier (C) Stowage Device ID (C) Aircraft Compartment or Loading Location (O) Type of Baggage in Container/Location (O) Class(es) of Travel of Baggage (O) Destination or Transfer Airport Code of the Container (O) Sealed Container Indicator (O) Connection Airline Code and Flight Number (C) Connection Departure Date (C) Destination or transfer Airport Code of the Container .N /0085123456 002 PIECES AND WEIGHT DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Pieces/Weight Indicator (C) Number of Checked Bags (O) Checked Weight (O) Unchecked Weight . / 2 GROBET /M /J FREQUENT TRAVELLER NUMBER (M) Element Identifier (M) Frequent Traveller ID Number (O) Tier Information .O /UA999 /03OCT /SLC /J PASSENGER NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Separator (oblique) (O) Number of Passengers with this Surname (M) Passenger's Surname (O) Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title (O) Additional Given Name and/or Initials and/or Title .C /IATA BALLET AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS (M) Element Identifier (M) Automated PNR Address .R /FREE TEXT AREA BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING (M) Element Identifier (M) Baggage Status (O) Security Method (O) Autograph (O) Free Text .P .L /6Y21AS BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Exception Type .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Use (C) (C) (O) (O) (C) (O) (O) (O) (M) 1184 Elements And Data Items ONWARD FLIGHT INFORMATION (M) Element Identifier (M) Airline and Flight Number (M) Date (M) Destination or Transfer Airport Code (O) Class of Travel of Baggage Example . JUNE 2010 .Y /KL662503 /GOLD CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME (M) Element Identifier (M) Corporate or Group Name .E /GRP INTERNAL AIRLINE DATA (M) Element Identifier (M) Free Text .X /CLR /XRAY /SECURITY /TRANSFER END OF PART or END OF MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ENDPART1 or ENDBMM 30TH EDITION. N/0125064717001<≡ .9 Example Messages 9.Recommended Practice 1745 9. Routing: BA117/23JAN/LHR/SEL JL955/24JAN/SEL/NRT SELKMXH<≡ . Passenger's Name c. Traveller Nbr.Y/BA85521<≡ .F/QF006/24JAN/SYD/Y<≡ . Traveller Nbr.P/1NORMAN/G<≡ .K/3D2C08<≡ .N/0125067239001<≡ . Baggage Security Screening 4. Multi part with Encryption Message Printer ID Inbound flight BA117 Loading Information Outbound Flight JL955 Handling Location Bag tag number.1 Loaded Bags (Type-B Message) — Sent to BA's handling Agent in SEL from BA Baggage Handling System in LHR (1 bag in 1 container on flight).N/0125064912001<≡ . Loading sequence b.Q/001<≡ . Freq. Loading sequence 1185 .U/AVE1234JL/024L/T/Y/SEL/Y/JL955/24JAN/ NRT<≡ .I/BA117/23JAN/LHR<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Freq.Q/127<≡ 30TH EDITION.X/CLR<≡ ENDBMM<≡ 9. Number of consecutive tags Loading sequence Passenger's name Screening description End of Message Identifier Example of Multiple Usage of Elements Routing: BA111/23JAN/LHR/SIN QF006/24JAN/SIN/SYD BMM<≡ .9. 2. Passenger's Name c.N/0125123456001<≡ .V/1TSIN<≡ . Loading sequence b. Passenger's Name c. Outbound Flight QF006 1.LHRBRXH 231840<≡ BMM<≡ . JUNE 2010 BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at SIN Message printer ID Inbound flight BA111 Loading information A. d.Y/US7444591<≡ .P/1ZELLER/F<≡ . Loading sequence b.N/0125064917001<≡ .P/1SCHUT/KCWMRS<≡ .Q/117<≡ .9.X/CLR/XRAY<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Traveller Nbr.F/JL955/24JAN/NRT<≡ .K/3D2C08<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.H/T1<≡ . Freq.Q/083<≡ .Y/US744591<≡ . Baggage Security Screening 3.Q/006<≡ .P/1CHAN/T<≡ .I/BA111/23JAN/LHR<≡ . . d.U/AVE1234BA//M/F/SIN/Y/QF6/24JAN/ SYD<≡ I.2 To address From address BMM — Standard Message Identifier Transfer bag in SEL.V/1TSEL/PART1/555333702//123ABC456Z<≡ .X/CLR/XRAY<≡ . 9. Loading sequence 30TH EDITION. Loading sequence d.U/AVE7890QF//M<≡ . Loading information 1.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual .F/JL955/24JAN/NRT<≡ . d.N/0081123456001<≡ .Q/022<≡ 1186 B.Y/QF003664<≡ .Q/006<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.F/CX288/21FEB/PEK/Y<≡ . Loading sequence 2.4 BMM — Standard Message Identifier Transfer bag in SEL.N/0125065209001<≡ .X/CLR<≡ ENDBMM<≡ 9.F/CX266/21FEB/HKG/Y<≡ .U/AVE1234JL/0/24L/T/Y/SEL/Y/JL955/24JAN/ NRT<≡ .9. indicating a mixed baggage in container that has to be examined at the first downline station 1.N/0081987654001<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags for a bag terminating in BKK e. Baggage Security Screening End of Message Identifier BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at BKK Inbound flight QF005 A.I/BA117/23JAN/LHR<≡ . Outbound Flight CX266 a.X/CLR<≡ ENDBMM<≡ 9.H/T1<≡ .P/1CHAN/T<≡ .U/AKE1234QF//X/F/BKK<≡< .N/0008234567001<≡ . JUNE 2010 .P/1JACKLIN/T<≡ . Freq. Passenger's Name B.I/QF005/21FEB/FRA<≡ . Loading information. for a bag transferring to HKG b.N/0/1251234560/0/1<≡ . Pieces and Weight Data c.W/K/1/21<≡ .Q/0/0/1<≡ .Q/36<≡ . Multi part with Encryption Message Printer ID Inbound flight BA117 Loading Information Outbound Flight JL955 Handling Location Bag tag number.K/3D2C0/8<≡ .Q/020<≡ .V/1TSEL/PART1/55533370/2//123ABC456Z<≡ . Traveller Nbr.U//11R/M//SIN<≡ .P/1NORMAN/G<≡ .Q/021<≡ .N/0008123456001<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Loading sequence b. Loading information 1. Loading sequence b. Outbound flight CX288 a. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags for a bag terminating in BKK b.V/1TBKK<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags. Passenger's Name c. Number of consecutive tags Loading sequence Passenger's name Unaccompanied baggage to be collected by the passenger or the airline/handling agent Screening description End of Message Identifier Example of Multi-Sector Flights — Routing: QF005 — /21FEB/FRA/BKK/SIN/SYD Example a — One BMM for Multiple Downline Stations BMM<≡ .E/UNAC<≡ .3 Example of BMM including information about unaccompanied baggage (UNAC) BMM<≡ . P/1NORMAN/G<≡ .Recommended Practice 1745 .U/AKE1234QF//X/F/BKK<≡ .P/1KOEPKE/A<≡ b. Passenger's Name . Loading sequence .Q/022<≡ . Loading information . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.F/CX266/21FEB/HKG/Y<≡ .I/QF005/21FEB/FRA<≡ .Q/030<≡ a. Loading sequence End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION. Passenger's Name B. Loading information 1.V/1TSIN<≡ .N/0081767676001<≡ .U/AVE3333QF//M<≡ F.N/0081343434001<≡ 1.N/0081222222001<≡ 1. Passenger's Name B. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Loading information .U/AKE1235QF//X/F/SIN<≡ C. Loading sequence b. Passenger's Name B.N/0081123456001<≡ .N/0081123456001<≡ .Q/022<≡ a.Q/026<≡ a.Q/026<≡ . JUNE 2010 1187 . Loading information 1.Q/030<≡ ENDBMM<≡ BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at SIN Inbound flight QF005 A.Q/010<≡ ENDBMM<≡ BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at SYD Inbound flight QF005 A.U/AVE3333QF//M<≡ .U/AVE7890QF//M<≡ . Loading information 1.Q/010<≡ a. Loading sequence . Loading sequence b.V/1TSIN<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags .U/AKE6667QF//M<≡ D.P/1MAK/C<≡ .U/AKE6667QF//M<≡ . Outbound Flight CX266 a.N/0081222222001<≡ . Loading information 1.N/0081987654001<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags . Loading sequence ENDBMM<≡ End of Message Identifier Example b — Multiple BMMs for Each Flight Segment BMM<≡ .I/QF005/21FEB/FRA<≡ .N/0081767676001<≡ 1. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Loading information 1.U/AKE1236QF//X/F/SYD<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags . Loading sequence b.N/0081393939001<≡ . Loading sequence End of Message Identifier BMM<≡ .Q/020<≡ ENDBMM<≡ BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at BKK Inbound flight QF005 A.Q/006<≡ .V/1TSYD<≡ . Loading information . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Loading information indicating terminating bags in SIN . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags . Loading sequence . Loading sequence End of Message Identifier BMM<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags b.N/0081393939001<≡ 1. Passenger's Name .I/QF005/21FEB/FRA<≡ .U/AKE1236QF//X/F/SYD<≡ E. Loading information 1.W/K/1/21<≡ . Pieces and Weight Data c.P/1KOEPKE/A<≡ .U/AKE1235QF//X/F/SIN<≡ .P/1MAK/C<≡ b. N/0081767676001<≡ .P/1KOEPKE/A<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags b.U/AKE6667QF//X/F//Y/QF006/21FEB/SYD<≡ . Loading information 1.V/1TBKK/PART1<≡ . Outbound Flight a.U/AKE1234QF//X/F/BKK<≡ . Passenger's Name B. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.Q/030<≡ ENDPART1<≡ BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at BKK Inbound flight QF005 from FRA A. JUNE 2010 . Loading sequence b.N/0081987654001<≡ . Passenger's Name D.V/1TBKK/PART2<≡ .U/AVE3333QF//M//SYD<≡ .Q/026<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Loading information 1.F/QF006/21FEB/SYD/Y<≡ . Loading information 1. Loading sequence b.U/AKE6667QF//M//SIN/Y/QF006/21FEB/SYD<≡ .N/0081123456001<≡ .Q/010<≡ ENDBMM<≡ BMM — Standard Message Identifier Terminating and/or transfer bags at BKK Inbound flight QF005 from FRA A.P/1SCHUT/IEMRS<≡ . Loading sequence C.I/QF005/21FEB/FRA<≡ . Loading sequence c.U/AVE7890QF//M//BKK<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags b.P/1NORMAN/G<≡ . Loading information 1. Loading sequence End of Message Identifier Part 2 BMM<≡ .Q/020<≡ . Loading sequence End of Message Identifier 30TH EDITION.F/QF006/21FEB/SYD/Y<≡ . 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a. Loading information 1. Outbound Flight a.U/AKE1234QF//X/F/SIN<≡ .N/0081222222001<≡ .N/0081393939001<≡ .9. Loading information 1.Q/022<≡ .N/0081343434001<≡ .5 1188 Example of Partitioned BMM Part 1 BMM<≡ . Passenger's Name B. 1st tag nbr and nbr of tags a.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 9.I/QF005/21FEB/FRA<≡ .Q/006<≡ . may not be partitioned.Recommended Practice 1745 Section 10 — Baggage Request Message (BRQ) 10.F .I .5 ELEMENT SEQUENCE SUMMARY The following shows the sequence of elements in a BRQ.A .E ENDBRQ 30TH EDITION.Y .4 PARTITIONING OF MESSAGES BRQs. JUNE 2010 Requirement Mandatory Mandatory Optional Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional Mandatory Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional Mandatory Definition Standard Message Identifier Version and Supplementary Data Message Acknowledgement Details Outbound Flight Information Inbound Flight Information Onward Flight Information Baggage Tag Details Baggage Check-In Details Handling Location Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Tag Printer ID Baggage Exception Data End of Message Identifier 1189 . 10.H . formatted to the airline's discretion.T .1 PURPOSE The BRQ is designed to request information for processing of baggage by automated baggage systems.D .C . whether single or batched.N .V .3 MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sender of a BRQ may request an acknowledgement to the message by adding a Message Reference Number and the Acknowledgement Request indicator to the . The Reference Number can be up to 10 characters.V element. Element BRQ .2 DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES A BRQ is sent by an automated baggage system to the departure control system of a baggage from which it needs information and optionally permission to perform a specific process. 10.L . 10.V/1LSYD//QF620098/A 10. Request for an Acknowledgement example: .P . like re-tagging (see chapter Re-tagging process in RP1800 for more details) or re-tagging.O . C .7. The .V /1 30TH EDITION. JUNE 2010 .C element (Corporate or Group name) is mandatory when the data is available.T element (Baggage tag printer Id) is mandatory when the data is available. The .Y element (Frequent traveller number) is mandatory when the data is available.L .6 MULTIPLE USE OF ELEMENTS The following schematic illustrates the multiple use of elements in the BRQ.8 10.O element (Onward Flight Information) is mandatory when the data is available.N .7.I element (Inbound Flight Information element) is mandatory when the data is available.7. The .7.V element (version and Supplementary Data) may contain a conditional Message Reference Number and Acknowledgment Request Indicator. 10. The .N element (Baggage tag details) is mandatory when the data is available.7.Y .P element (Passenger name) is mandatory when the data is available. The .O .T .1 10.E Passenger Name Frequent Traveller Number Corporate or Group Name Automated PNR Address Baggage Tag Printer ID Baggage Exception Data 10.F Description Message Acknowledgement Details Outbound Flight (LAX–NRT) Inbound Flight (ORD–LAX) Onward Flight (NRT–SIN) Onward Flight (SIN–SYD) Baggage Tag Details Baggage Check-In Details . The .O .2 10.7. The .A .6 10. The .7 USE OF CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS 10.P .4 10.L element (Automated PNR Address) is mandatory when the data is available.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 10.7.11 The . Element .I .9 10.H .E element (Baggage Exception Data) is mandatory for a copy tag request.8 CONSTRUCTION OF ELEMENTS AND DATA ITEMS IN THE BRQ Use (M) (M) (M) (M) 1190 Elements And Data Items STANDARD MESSAGE IDENTIFIER VERSION AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Element Identifier Data Dictionary Version Number Example BRQ .7.7 10.7.3 10.7.5 10. The .7.F element (Outbound Flight Information) is mandatory when the data is available.10 10. The .D Handling Location . H/T4/GREEN/K150 . Class .9. Local bag at ZRH with encryption Outbound Carrier/Flight.2 Standard Message Identifier Version.1 BRQ with copy tag request BRQ<≡ V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ F/LH4210/18APR/JFK/Y . Number of consecutive tags Handling location Copy tag request End of Message Identifier BRQ with tag request BRQ<≡ Standard Message Identifier .V/1LZRH////123ABC456Z<≡ Version. Date.N/0085123456001<≡ .H/T4/GREEN/K150 Handling location .9.F/LH4210/18APR/JFK/Y Outbound Carrier/Flight. Destination. Date.E/CPY ENDBRQ<≡ 10.E/TGRQ Tag request ENDBRQ<≡ End of Message Identifier Note: Other elements available from the 2D barcode or magstripe or other sources can be included on an optional or conditional basis. 30TH EDITION.N/OOOOOOOOOOOO2<≡ Bag Tag number. Number of consecutive tags . JUNE 2010 1191 . Class Bag Tag number. Destination.Recommended Practice 1745 10. Local bag at ZRH with encryption .9 EXAMPLE MESSAGES 10. Problem Baggage Handling Area Priority Baggage Re-load Indicator Passenger itinerary changed — baggage tag not reissued.1 Additional Recommended Codes for Baggage Security Screening CPY DEF SEL NON CPYA CPYD CPYN CREW DAA DGR DUPE GRP GRND 1192 A copy tag is required or has been done for this baggage A copy tag is authorized for this baggage A copy tag will be performed by the DCS A copy tag is not authorized for this baggage Crew member's baggage Indicates baggage that has to be Deliver(ed) At Aircraft Dangerous Goods in checked baggage Duplicate tag number for the same flight Baggage of a group Requires ground transportation connection Default level of screening applies Selected for increased level of screening No screening required conditional to applicable regulations (e. firearms or ammunition booked and carried as Checked Baggage Excess baggage.12. These lists are not intended to exclude any codes agreed bilaterally and may be expanded as needed to meet industry or Member's standards or requirements.g.E element (Baggage Exception Data) as either a 3. They are included as a code set for the . JUNE 2010 .or 4-character code.. CODE SET FOR THE BAGGAGE EXCEPTION DATA ELEMENT 1. The existing codes specified in IATA Recommended Practice 1708. ‘one stop screening’ for transfer baggage from an airport classified as safe or for baggage screened prior to check-in).2 Extracted Codes from IATA Recommended Practice 1708 AVIH BIKE BULK COUR DIPL FRAG HVY SPEQ WCHR WEAP XBAG Animal in hold Bicycle Bulky baggage Commercial courier Diplomatic courier Fragile baggage Heavy Baggage Indicator Sports equipment Wheelchair — To specify only that a wheelchair has been checked through and does not replace normal SSR notification requirements for passenger handling. Attachments ‘K’ and ‘L’ Short Connection Airport Handling Location Classified as “secured” Instruction to update the routing information on the baggage tag Tag printing request Baggage for a specified tour Unaccompanied baggage in case of involuntary re-routing Airport Handling Location Classified as “unsecured” Very Important Person (PRIORITY) Indicates “Voluntary For Denied Boarding” passenger/baggage Indicates that a baggage was rejected from transport due to insufficient volume in the aircraft Weapons. the following codes are recommended for use in baggage messages.1 General To satisfy the need for additional identification of baggage. or for special handling requirements of specific pieces of baggage. 3. Current usage on a bilateral agreement has produced additional codes in Section 3 which have applicability on an industry-wide basis.3 Additional Recommended Codes for Baggage Identification or Handling 2. CODE SET FOR BAGGAGE SECURITY SCREENING 1. HAJJ HTLV HVY IROP JUMP MIS PACK PBHA PRIO RELD RRTE RUSH SCON SECU STCK TGRQ TOUR UNAC USEC VIP VFDB VOL WEAP WGHT Indicates baggage of “Pilgrims to Mecca” In case of Flight Irregularity and HTL Voucher issued Heavy Baggage Indicator Irregular operation indicator Passenger on Jump Seat Mishandled baggage Indicates that a baggage was rejected from transport due to inadequate packaging. 1. Firearms or Ammunition booked and carried as Checked Baggage Baggage rejected from transport due to insufficient available weight on the aircraft 2. Unaccompanied (expedited) baggage as specified in Resolution 740.4 (Requirement — SSR Codes) which have baggage applicability have been extracted and included in Section 2. Weapons.Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘A’ 1. 30TH EDITION. 2 Bag Handling Location Security Characteristics USEC SECU Airport Handling ‘unsecured’ Airport Handling ‘secured’ Location Classified as Location Classified as 2. explosives or other dangerous devices unclear due to indeterminate screening result 2.2 Additional Recommended Codes for Baggage Security Screening Result 4.4 Additional Recommended Codes for Baggage Security Screening Methods XRAY AT HAND ETD EBD X-ray Advanced Technologies Hand Search Explosive Trace Detection Explosive Bulk Detection 3.3 Additional Recommended Codes for Baggage Security Screening Result Reason Combined with result indicator REJ: D dark alarm E explosives C combination of dark alarm and explosives Combined with result indicator UCL: N no decision T time out CLM GATE Handling Location: Baggage Claim Area Handling Location: Gate 4. CODE SET FOR BAG CHECK-IN LOCATION IDENTIFIER 3. JUNE 2010 1193 .1 Additional Recommended Codes for Check in Location Identifier BUST = Bus Station CKIN = Airport check in desk CONV = Convention Centre CRPK = Car Park CRRT = Car Rental CURB = Curbside HOME = Home HOTC = Hotel OFFC = Office Building PORT = Sea Port SELF = Self Service Check In TRST = Train Station 3.Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘A’ 2. CODE SET FOR BAG HANDLING LOCATION IDENTIFIER CLR REJ 4.2 Additional Recommended Codes for Carriage Medium (Transport Method) AV = Airline Van CO = Courier CR = Car Rental Van CS = Cruise ship Van HV = Hotel Van RA = Rail 30TH EDITION.1 Additional Recommended Codes for Bag Handling Location Identifier UCL cleared according to applicable regulations rejected due to detected weapons. — Baggage Itinerary: BA177 LHR–JFK. the .N/0125754462003 .S element is optional for a sortation system. If separate messages are sent.P/CLOVER/L ENDBSM Note: This is an example of a single BSM being sent to a sortation and reconciliation system (could be shared or individual data).S/Y/23A/C//678/N .F/BA177/15MAR/JFK/C . Editorial Note: 1194 Data is for illustration purposes only. BSM Data For LHR Sortation and Reconciliation Systems BSM .V/1LLHR .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘B’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) FOR SORTATION AND RECONCILIATION — BSM data sent to sortation and reconciliation systems. JUNE 2010 . 30TH EDITION. F/US652/15MAR/CLT/F . 30TH EDITION.N/3037626459004 .V/1LMIA .O/US111/15MAR/SEA/F .P/DUNN/DAN ENDBSM Data is for illustration purposes only. BSM Data For MIA Sortation System BSM .P/DUNN/DAN ENDBSM Editorial Note: BSM Data For CLT Sortation System BSM . JUNE 2010 1195 .F/US111/15MAR/SEA/F .V/1TCLT .I/US652/15MAR/MIA/F .N/3037626459004 .Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘C’ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘C’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) FOR TRANSFER — BSM data sent to multiple systems for same carrier. US111 CLT–SEA. — Baggage Itinerary: US652 MIA–CLT. N/9001239100002 .N/9001239100002 .S/N//N/001//Y . 30TH EDITION. AA1369 ORD-MIA (departure terminal T3). JUNE 2010 . multi-sortation city.1’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) FOR MULTI-SORTATION CITIES — BSM data sent to multi-terminal.F/AA1369/06MAR/MIA/Y .V/1TORD .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘C.W/P/2 .F/AA0087/06MAR/ORD/Y .N/9001239100002 .V/1TORD . BSM data for LHR Reconciliation System BSM .I/AA0087/06MAR/LHR/Y .P/LU/LISA ENDBSM Editorial Note: 1196 BSM data for ORD Terminal 5 Sortation System BSM .P/LU/LISA ENDBSM BSM data sent to ORD Terminal 3 Sortation System BSM .F/AA1369/06MAR/MIA/Y .I/AA0087/06MAR/LHR/Y .O/AA1369/06MAR/MIA/Y . — Baggage itinerary: AA87 LHR-ORD (arrival terminal T5).V/1LLHR .P/LU/LISA ENDBSM Data is for illustration purposes only. Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘D’ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘D’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER MESSAGE (BTM) FOR INTERLINE TRANSFER — BSM data sent to multiple sortation and reconciliation systems. — BTM data sent to multiple downline airline hosts. — Baggage Itinerary: UA230 DEN–ORD; LH431 ORD–FRA; LO380 FRA–WAW. BSM Data For DEN Sortation System BSM .V/1LDEN .F/UA230/15MAR/ORD/F .O/LH431/15MAR/FRA/C .O/LO380/16MAR/WAW/Y .N/0016123456003 ENDBSM BTM Data From UA Host to LH Host BTM .V/1TORD .I/UA230/15MAR/DEN/F .F/LH431/15MAR/FRA/C .N/0016123456003 .O/LO380/16MAR/WAW/Y .P/LECHLAK/D ENDBTM Note: BSM Data For ORD Sortation and Reconciliation System BSM .V/1TORD .F/LH431/15MAR/FRA/C .I/UA230/15MAR/DEN/F .O/LO380/16MAR/WAW/Y .N/0016123456003 .S/Y/17C .P/LECHLAK/D ENDBSM See Attachment ‘D.1’ for LO processing In lieu of a BTM, an Edifact through-checkin message may also be utilised. Editorial Note: Data is for illustration purposes only. 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 1197 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘D.1’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER MESSAGE (BTM) FOR INTERLINE TRANSFER — BSM data sent to multiple sortation and reconciliation systems. — BTM data sent to multiple downline airline hosts. — Baggage Itinerary: UA230 DEN–ORD; LH431 ORD–FRA; LO380 FRA–WAW. BTM Data From LH Host to LO Host BTM .V/1TFRA .I/LH431/15MAR/ORD/F .F/LO380/16MAR/WAW/Y .N/0016123456003 .P/LECHLAK/D ENDBTM BSM Data For FRA Sortation System BSM .V/1TFRA .F/LO380/16MAR/WAW/Y .I/LH431/15MAR/ORD/C .N/0016123456003 ENDBSM BSM Data For WAW Sortation System For Inbound (terminating) Baggage BSM .V/1XWAW .I/LO380/16MAR/FRA/Y .N/0016123456003 ENDBPM Editorial Note: 1198 Data is for illustration purposes only. 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘E’ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘E’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) FOR SORTATION AND RECONCILIATION AND BAGGAGE PROCESS MESSAGE (BPM) FOR RECONCILIATION — BSM data sent to sortation and reconciliation systems. — BTM data sent from a reconciliation system to carrier host. — Baggage Itinerary: LH430 FRA–ORD. BSM Data For FRA Sortation System BSM .V/1LFRA .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F .N/0220662187002 .P/KOHLER/L ENDBSM BSM Data For FRA Reconciliation System BSM .V/1LFRA .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F .N/0220662187002 .S/Y/02K/C .P/KOHLER/L ENDBSM Editorial Note: BPM Data From FRA Reconciliation System to LH Host BPM .V/1LFRA .J/R/5216//15MAR/0810Z .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F .U/AVE4288LH///F/ORD .N/0220662187001 .Q/041 .S/Y/02K/C .P/KOHLER/L .N/0220662188001 .Q/043 .S/Y/02K/C .P/KOHLER/L ENDBPM Data is for illustration purposes only. 30TH EDITION, JUNE 2010 1199 B/OFF/0220662187001 .Q/041 .P/KOHLER/L ENDBPM Data is for illustration purposes only. — BPM data sent from reconciliation system to carrier's host.J/R/5216//15MAR/0855Z .N/0220662187001 .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F . — Baggage Itinerary: LH430 FRA–ORD.B/OFF/0220662188001 .O/UA259/15MAR/SEA/F .N/0220662188001 .S/N/02K/N .U/AVE4288LH///F/ORD .V/1LFRA .Q/043 .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F . BUM Data From LH Host To FRA Reconciliation System for Off-loading BUM .V/1LFRA . 30TH EDITION. UA259 ORD–SEA.P/KOHLER/L ENDBUM Editorial Note: 1200 BPM Data From FRA Reconciliation to LH Host BPM .U/AVE4288LH///F/ORD .P/KOHLER/L . JUNE 2010 .S/N/02K/N .O/UA259/15MAR/SEA/F .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘F’ BAGGAGE UNLOAD MESSAGE (BUM) AND BAGGAGE PROCESS MESSAGE (BPM) FOR OFF-LOADING A BAG — BUM data sent from carrier's host to reconciliation system. J/R/5216//15MAR/0855Z .U/AVE4288LH///F/ORD .O/UA259/15MAR/SEA/F .A/0430662187/BUM/ACK ENDBCM BPM Data From FRA Reconciliation System to LH Host BPM . — BCM/BAM data sent from reconciliation system to carrier's host.S/N/02K/N .B/OFF/0220662188001 ENDBPM Data is for illustration purposes only. — BPM data sent from reconciliation system to carrier's host.Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘G’ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘G’ BAGGAGE UNLOAD MESSAGE (BUM) WITH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUEST.O/UA259/15MAR/SEA/F .P/KOHLER/L .B/OFF/0220662187001 .S/N/02K/N .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F . BUM Data From LH Host To FRA Reconciliation System to Off-load Baggage BUM .N/0220662187001 .F/LH430/15MAR/ORD/F .N/0220662188001 .V/1LFRA . UA259 ORD–SEA. 30TH EDITION. — Baggage Itinerary: LH430 FRA–ORD.P/KOHLER/L ENDBUM Editorial Note: BCM Data From FRA Reconciliation System to LH Host BCM BAM .Q/041 .V/1LFRA .U/AVE4288LH///F/ORD . BAGGAGE CONTROL MESSAGE (BCM/BAM) AND BAGGAGE PROCESS MESSAGE (BPM) — BUM data sent from carrier's host to reconciliation system — with acknowledgement request.V/1LFRA//0430662187/A . JUNE 2010 1201 .Q/043 . WAWLLLO. — BNS data sent to downline stations and industry tracing systems.V/1TORD . LH431 ORD–FRA.S/Y/17C .P/LECHLAK/D ENDBSM Editorial Note: 1202 BNS Data For FRALLLH.O/LO38016MAR/WAW/Y . — Baggage Itinerary: UA230 DEN–ORD. ATLWMXS BNS .O/LO38016MAR/WAW/Y . 30TH EDITION. LO380 FRA–WAW. BSM Data For ORD Reconciliation System BSM .N/0016123456003 .N/0016123456003 .P/LECHLAK/D ENDBNS Data is for illustration purposes only.V/1TORD .F/LH431/15MAR/FRA/C .F/LH431/15MAR/FRA/C .I/UA23015MAR/DEN/F .Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘H’ BAGGAGE SOURCE MESSAGE (BSM) AND BAGGAGE NOT SEEN MESSAGE (BNS) — BSM data sent to multiple sortation and reconciliation systems. JUNE 2010 . — Baggage itinerary: Routing: QF005/21FEB/FRA/BKK/SIN/SYD BMM The Baggage Manifest Message provides information to the down line station(s) about the actual and detailed baggage loading of an incoming flight. BMM sent by the departing carrier to the handling entities at the downline stations.Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘I’ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘I’ BAGGAGE MANIFEST MESSAGE (BMM) — BMM data sent to multiple down line stations. JUNE 2010 1203 . 30TH EDITION. BMM sent by the handling entity to the departing carrier at the departing station. Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual BMM sent by the handling entity at the departing station to the handling entities at the down line stations. 1204 30TH EDITION. JUNE 2010 . to the operator of an automated baggage system at the point of departure. Editorial Note: Data is for illustration purposes only. or that of its handling agent. its last known location and destination. The Baggage Unload Message is a request to unload. handling agents. The Baggage Source Message is sent by the departing carrier from its departure control or check-in system. JUNE 2010 1205 . or not to load. operators of automated baggage systems and system providers.Recommended Practice 1745 — Attachment ‘J’ RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1745 Attachment ‘J’ BAGGAGE MESSAGE SUMMARY BTM BSM BUM BPM BNS BCM The Baggage Transfer Message shall be used to provide a receiving carrier at a transfer station details of all baggage on an incoming flight which have not previously passed as part of a through check-in transaction and which are to be transferred to the receiving carrier's services by the delivering carrier. The Baggage Not Seen Message provides information collected during baggage loading related to those boarded passengers whose baggage was not carried on the flight. specific baggage. The Baggage Processed Message is a collection of data showing the loading status of baggage. airport authorities. 30TH EDITION. The Baggage Control Message is designed to support the requirement for secondary level messages as required by airlines.
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