IAETSD-Adaptive and Well-Organized Mobile Video Streaming Public



INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 Adaptive and well-organized Mobile Video Streaming public Networks in Cloud 1 B.Renuka, 2Ch.Madhu Babu PG Scholor, Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur. Assoc Professor(CSE), Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur. Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Abstract: Due to the high demands of video traffics over mobile networks, the wireless link more fails to keep up the pace with the demand. There exits a gap between the request and the link capacity which results in poor service quality of the video streaming over mobile networks which includes disruptions and long buffering time. While demands on video traffic above mobile webs have been float, the wireless link capacity cannot retain up alongside the traffic request. The gap amid the traffic request and the link capacity, alongside time-varying link conditions, by-product in poor ability quality of video streaming above mobile webs such as long buffering period and intermittent confusion. Leveraging the cloud computing knowledge, we advice a new mobile video streaming framework, dubbed AMES-Cloud that has two parts: Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming (AMOV) and Efficient Communal Video Sharing (ESoV). AMoV and ESoV craft a personal agent to furnish video streaming services effectually for every single mobile user. For a given user, AMoV lets her private agent adaptively adjust her streaming flow alongside a scalable video coding method established on the feedback of link quality. In similar, ESoV monitors the common web contact amid mobile users, and their confidential agents attempt to perfects video content in advance. We apply a prototype of the AMES-Cloud structure to clarify its performance. INDEX TERMS: Scalable Video Coding, Adaptive Video Streaming, Mobile Networks, Social Video Sharing, Cloud Computing. Trough cloud computing the user can 1. INTRODUCTION decrease the cost and can use the resource at Cloud computing is the lease of the any time. resources through which the users can use the resources depending upon There are three types of cloud as shown in the fig1 requirement and pay based on the usage. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 146 www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 i) Public cloud deployment of applications without the cost ii) Private cloud and complexity of buying and managing the iii) Hybrid cloud underlying hardware and software and provisioning hosting capabilities. Public cloud: Public cloud or external cloud is one in which the resources are leased on self service basis over the internet, via web applications/web services, from an off-site third-party provider who shares resources and bills on a fine-grained utility computing basis. Fig 1: Types of services Private cloud: Private cloud is also called Fig 2 shows the architecture of a internal cloud; it is used to describe the network. typical cloud at a high level. An end user Hybrid cloud is one Bob connects to the cloud via a portal from which contains multiple internal or external his browser. Alternatively, a user Alice can clouds. Means N number of internal and choose to directly connect to the cloud external clouds manager via a command line interface offerings of Hybrid cloud: private similar to that used in EC2. A cloud AMES is based on platform as a service. provides Platform as a service (PaaS) is a category of pool to store persistent user data. The users (SaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS), will make the request and the cloud manager it is a service model of cloud computing. In will authenticate the user and he keep track this model, the consumer creates the of the users and their request and due to the software using tools and/or libraries from streaming techniques and AMoV will adjust the provider. The consumer also controls PaaS offerings the streaming flow with a video coding configuration facilitate a images can be run, and optionally a storage service.[1] Along with software as a service settings. of resources: a set of computer servers on which the VM computing platform and a solution stack as a and types collection of (VM) virtual machine images, cloud computing services that provides a software deployment three technique will adjust the flow and increase the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 147 www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY the quality. ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 into account for developing the proposed system. 2.1. Scalability: Mobile video streaming services should support a wide spectrum of Fig 2: cloud architecture mobile devices; they have different video resolutions, different computing powers, different wireless links (like 3G and LTE) 2. LITERATURE REVIEW and so on. Also, the available link capacity Several authors have developed the of a mobile device may vary over time and techniques related to storing the data and space depending on its signal strength, other also for maintaining the data and for security user’s traffic in the same cell, and link issues related to the cloud. condition The quality of service on mobile video is versions (with different bit rates) of the based on two factors: Literature survey is same video content may incur high overhead the in terms of storage and communication. most important step in software variation. Storing multiple development process. Before developing the tool it is necessary to determine the time factor, economy n company strength. Once 2.2. Adaptability: these things r satisfied, ten next steps are to streaming determine which operating system and considering relatively stable traffic links language can be used for developing the between servers and users perform poorly in tool. Once the programmers start building mobile the tool the programmers need lot of fluctuating wireless link status should be external support. This support can be properly dealt with to provide ‘tolerable” obtained from senior programmers, from video streaming services. To address this book or from websites. Before building the issue, we have to adjust the video bit rate system the above consideration are taken adapting to the currently time-varying techniques environments Traditional designed [11]. Thus video by the available link bandwidth of each mobile INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 148 www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 user. Such adaptive streaming techniques also developed client-side HTTP adaptive can effectively reduce packet losses. live streaming solutions. 2.2.2. Mobile Cloud Computing Techniques The cloud computing has been well positioned to provide video streaming services, especially in the wired Internet because of its scalability and capability. For example, the quality-assured bandwidth auto-scaling for VoD streaming based on the cloud computing is proposed , and the Fig. 3. An illustration of the AMES- CALMS framework is a cloud-assisted live Cloud framework 2.2.1. Adaptive media Video streaming service for globally distributed users. However, extending the Streaming cloud computing-based services to mobile Techniques environments requires more factors to In the adaptive streaming, the video traffic consider: wireless link dynamics, user rate is adjusted on the fly so that a user can mobility, the limited capability of mobile experience the maximum possible video devices. More recently, new designs for quality based on his or her link’s time- users on top of mobile cloud computing varying bandwidth capacity. There are environments mainly two types of adaptive streaming are proposed, which virtualized private agents that are in charge techniques, depending on whether the of satisfying the requirements (e.g.QoS) of adaptively is controlled by the client or the individual users such as Cloudlets and server. The Microsoft’s Smooth Streaming Stratus. is a live adaptive streaming service which can switch among different bit rate segments The Video usage and images plays a vital encoded with configurable bit rates and role in communication. The usage of video resolutions at servers, while clients traditional networking and service providers dynamically request videos based on local lacks to provide the quality centered and monitoring of link quality. Adobe and Apple reliable service INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 149 to the mobile users www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 concerning with the media data. The Due to the fast development of the problems that leads to the poor services mobile communication technology, more from the service providers would be low people are getting addicted to video bandwidth efficient streaming over phones. Over the few years, transfer of video to the user, the disruption video streaming is becoming challenging of video streaming also occurs due to the over wireless links than on wired links. The low bandwidth. The buffer time of the video increasing over mobile devices which moves from overwhelming the wireless link capacity. place to place affects the smooth streaming The and also sharing of video from one user to disruptions and very long buffering time another user over social media. Our survey while receiving video through networks like shows the functioning of various methods 3G or 4G due to short bandwidth and link and architecture which used cloud to provide fluctuations. So, it is imperative to improve effective solution for providing better the services of video streaming over mobile service to the users. AMES is cloud networks. Scalability and adaptability are architecture built specially to provide video the two aspects in order to improve the service to the user. The study has came up quality of the video streaming over mobile with a optimal solution, proposing with networks. which affects the video cloud, which collects the video from video mobile users traffic often demands suffer are from Scalable video coding (SVC) and video service providers and providing the adaptive reliable service to the user[1].The network combined together to accomplish the best providers video possible quality of the video streaming downloads but it provides some delays due services. So, that we can adjust the SVC to network dynamics so this technique is layers which depends on the current link used to remove jitters and provide video on status. The cloud computing technique is demand[3]. streaming ready to provide scalable resources to the solutions for different mobile which shows service providers and process offloading to my realistic work relevant to streaming the mobile users. So, cloud data centers can methods with RTMP protocols family and provision to large scale real time video solutions for iPhone, Android, Smart mobile services. In cloud more than one agent YouTube cloud provide centered streaming techniques can be phones, Window and Blackberry phones etc. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 150 www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 instances can be maintained dynamically responsible to store the popular video clips. and effectively due to mobile user demands. tempVB is a video base which is temporary The social network services (SNS) and is utilized to cache new mobile users for on the mobile networks is becoming popular videos, while it counts the access increasingly popular. In SNS’s mobile users frequency of each video.VC keeps on might post, comment and share videos executing a collector to look for videos which can be viewed and by his/her friends. which are popular already in video service So, the provider (VSP), and it will re-encode the relationship between the mobile users and videos that are collected into scalable video their SNS activities in order to perfects the coding format and will save in tempVB. first part of the video during streaming. A sub video cloud (subVC) is dynamically we are inspired to exploit created if there is any ling of video demand from the mobile user. A sub video base (subVB) is present in subVC and it stores segments of recently fetched video. The subVC contains encoding functions, and if the mobile users request a new video, which is not in the subVB or the VB in VC, the subVC will fetch, encode and move the video. During the time of the streaming of videos, the users of the mobile will report the link conditions to the subVC and it will offer adaptive streams. There is a temporary storage in every mobile device which is Fig.4.Context architecture known as local video base (localVB), used for perfecting and buffering. 3. CLOUD FRAMEWORK As shown in the above figure, the video 4. SOCIAL streaming and storing system in the cloud is PREFETCHING called video cloud (VC). Within the video In social network services, the mobile users cloud, there is video base (VB), which is can subscribe to their friends and content INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 151 AWARE VIDEO www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 publishers, and there are numerous types of about security, availability, and privacy of activities socially. So it is required for us to their data as it rest sin the cloud. define different kinds of levels of strengths In this technique we propose an adaptive for those socially oriented activities to mobile indicate many different possibilities so that framework, called AMES-Cloud, which the videos that are shared by one mobile efficiently stores videos in the clouds (VC), user can be viewed by the receiver of his/her and utilizes cloud computing to construct sharing activities, so the sub video clouds private agent (subVC) for each mobile user may engage into pre fetching at subVB done to try to offer “non-terminating” video in background and may transfer to mobile streaming adapting to the fluctuation of link user’s local VB. Because after one shares a quality based on the Scalable Video Coding video, there can be a bit of delay that the ability. Also AMES-Cloud can further seek receiver will know the sharing, and starts to to issue “none buffering “experience of watch. So, advance pre fetching will not video streaming by background pushing affect the mobile users in most of the cases. functions among the VB, subVBs and But a mobile user may play the videos to localVB of mobile users. We assess the view without any delay due to buffering as AMES-Cloud by prototype implementation the first part or May even the entire video is and shows that the cloud computing locally pre fetched already. technique brings significant improvement on video streaming and sharing the adaptively of the mobile streaming. We 5. IMPLEMENTATION disregard the cost of encoding workload in the cloud while implementing the prototype. Cloud computing promises lower costs, rapid scaling, easier maintenance, and This method require three different steps service availability anywhere, anytime, a key 1. Uploading and Rating videos: challenge is how to ensure and build confidence that the cloud can handle user 2. User details data securely. A recent Microsoft survey 3. Rate videos found that “58 percent of the public and 86 percent of business leaders are excited about 5.1. Uploading and rating Video: Here we the possibilities of cloud computing. But can upload the videos and also we can give more than 90 percent of them are worried INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 152 www.iaetsd.in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CURRENT INNOVATIONS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ISBN: 378 - 26 - 138420 - 5 rating to the videos depending upon the adaptability and scalability of the mobile priorities or the usage. streaming, and the efficiency of intelligent pre fetching. 5.2. User Details: In this we will maintain the details of the users and also determine 7.REFERENCES the usage of each user. And keep track of the [1].A Survey on efficient video sharing and videos the user is requesting and account streaming in cloud environment using VC, them. M.Sona, D.Daniel, S.Vanitha. [2] .AMES-Cloud A Framework of 5.3. 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