IADC Codes

March 26, 2018 | Author: محمد أزها نو الدين | Category: Drilling Rig, Casing (Borehole), Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Infrastructure



CODE 1: Rig Up and Tear Down1.0000 - JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 1.1010 - Prepare Rig for MOB/DEMOB 1.1030 - Anchoring Operations 1.1050 - Under Tow 1.1090 - Jack up / Preload / Skid-out 1.2000 - Jacking Up Operations 1.2010 - Jack Up Ops- Spot & position. Verify location. 1.2020 - Jack Up Ops- Jackup to preload air gap. Rls tugs 1.2030 - Pre-loading Rig 1.2040 - Pre-load Rig - Rig up pumps for preload 1.2050 - Pre-load Rig - Preload (Depth & Soil dependent) 1.2060 - Jacking up operations - jack up and mooring line installation after preload 1.2070 - Skid out 1.2080 - Skid out - Set drive pipe/Texas deck 1.2090 - Skid out - Unsecure cantilever 1.2100 - Skid out - Skid out to diverter lines 1.2110 - Skid out - Work diverter line hangers 1.2120 - Skid out - Skid out to ext install pos 1.2130 - Skid out - Install skid extensions 1.2140 - Skid out - Skid out to drlg position/transverse 1.2150 - Skid out - Rig up hook up lines 1.2155 - Skid in / Jack down / Pull legs 1.2160 - Skid in 1.2170 - Skid in - R/D unhook lines 1.2180 - Skid in - P/U drive pipe/Texas deck 1.2190 - Skid in - Skid into ext remove position 1.2200 - Skid in - Remove extensions 1.2210 - Skid in - Skid into stowage position 1.2220 - Skid in - Secure cantilever/hatches 1.2230 - Skid in - Secure rig 1.2240 - Jack down 1.2250 - Jack down - Prepare to jack 1.2260 - Jack down - Jack down to mooring lines 1.2270 - Jack down - Remove mooring lines 1.2280 - Jack down - Jack down to water 1.2290 - Pull legs 1.2300 - Pull legs - Check watertight integrity 1.2310 - Pull legs - Pull and jet legs (pene & soil dep) 1.2320 - Pull legs - Hook up tugs 1.2330 - Pull legs (water depth dep) 1.3020 - Rigging Up 1.3030 - Rigging Down 1.9000 - Other Rig-up/Tear Down Activity CODE 2: Drill Actual 2.0000 - JRA/Safety Meeting/Drills/Time Out 2.1010 - Drilling - Rotating 2.1020 - Drilling - Sliding 2.1025 - Coiled Tubing - Drilling 3031 .2010 .Loosing Circ/Pumping LCM/Monitor CODE 6: Trips 6.Other reaming activities CODE 4: Coring 4.1010 .1020 .1030 .Coring CODE 5: Condition Mud & Circulate 5.Planned Opening Hole/Underreaming 3.0000 .1030 .Lay Down Drill Pipe 6.Pumping out of hole / casing (if Backreaming 3.1010) 6.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 3.Trip in/out for core 4.3040 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 4.3032 .Tripping out Drill Pipe .Reaming/Backreaming 3.Coiled Tubing .9000 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 5.2020 .2020 .in casing only 6.3030 .in open hole only 6.Circulate/Condition Mud 5.Coring 4.1060 .Change mud systems 5.1020 .Reaming/Backreaming 3.Take slow pump rates 5.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 6.Unplanned Opening Hole/Underreaming 3.Pull out of Hole 6.1010 .1030 .1020 .2010 .Circulate/Condition Mud 5.in casing only 6.Unplanned Circulate/Condition Mud 5.Flow Check/Monitor Well while drilling 2.3020 .1050 .PU/LD BHA 6.Pick up / lay down core barrel 4.Hole Problem Tight/Fill/Slough/Etc 3.3010 .0000 .1040 .Tripping in Drill pipe 6.1015 .1040 .3015 .Pick Up Drill Pipe 6.Tripping in Drill pipe .Other drilling activities CODE 3: Reaming 3.2.Drilling Cement/Shoe 3.R/U & R/D Pipe/BHA Handling Equipment 6.1015 .in open hole only 6.Tripping out Drill Pipe 6.3011 .Tripping out BHA 6.Coiled Tubing .0000 .1010 .Tripping in Drill pipe .3012 .Tripping out Drill Pipe .Washing Down 3.1010 .Clean Rig Floor 2.1040 .1050 .Coiled Tubing .1030 .1020 .Coiled Tubing .Load / Unload MWD / LWD when out of hole 6.0000 .9000 .Tripping in BHA .3025 . 3060 .0000 .R/D unhang block CODE 10: Deviation Survey 10.2000 .Third Party Equipment Repairs (GSF supplied) 8.3050 .1215 .Repair LP Mud/Treatment System 8.Slip and Cut Line only (change out drill line spool 22.1010 .Repair Main Pipe Handling System 8.1050 .Service Rig .Well evaluation/MWD/LWD log 6.normal lubrication and service of rig 7.Coiled Tubing .0000 .Repair Cranes 8.Repair Pump 4 8.9000 .1020 .Slip and Cut Drill Line 9.that shuts operations down WITHOUT contractual down time CODE 8: Repair Rig 8.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 10.6.1190 .Repair Surface Portion BOP/Spools/Controls 8.Repair Genarators/Engine 8.1110 .Slip and Cut Drill Line .Wiper/Conditioner Trip 6.1020 .1090 .2000 .Run in hole 6.Repair Tubulars 8.R/U & hang off block 9.1140 .Repair High Pressure Choke & Kill/Mud/Cement Piping System 8.Repair Anchor/Jacking/Skidding/Preloading/Positioning Systems 8.Scheduled Planned Maintenance .1220 .1010 Equipment Installation) 9.Performing Survey Operations CODE 11: Wire Line Logs 11.1010 .1210 .1160 .3070 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 9.1040 .1060 .Repair BOP Handling System 8.1070 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 8.1030 .1010 .3045 .0000 .Repair Pump 3 8.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 7.1010 .Clean rig floor 6.Repair Main Top Drive System 8.Slip and Cut Drill Line .Flow Check/Monitor Well while tripping CODE 7: Lubricate Rig 7.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out .0000 .Repair Tensioners System 9.Slip and Cut Drill Line .Repair Electrical System 8.1180 .1150 .1170 .1200 .Reapir Safety System 8.Repair Pump 1 8.1030 .Repair Main Hoisting/Rotary System (not TDS) 8.0000 .Repair Other CODE 9: Cut Off Drilling Line 9.Scheduled Planned maintenance -that shuts operations down WITH contractual downtime 8.Repair Pump 2 8.1130 .3080 . 4030 .2080 .2020 .Set Casing 12.3020 .3000 .2000 .Rig up to wire line log 11.2050 .2030 .L/D drive pipe 12.Drive/Run Drive Pipe 12.6030 .R/U Hammer 12.4040 .4020 .R/U bell nipple and lines 12.6080 .6040 .40.Unhook conductor / drive pipe tensioner(s) 12.3007 .R/U & cut casing and L/O (final cut / dressing stub under 14. dress or polish liner top 12. 12.6010 .0000 .R/U to run casing 12. 12.Rig up/down for liner run 12.Set slips and cut casing .Rig Down from driving pipe 12.80 .6050 .11.R/U to run casing .1020 .Cement Casing/Liner 12.2020 .2062 .Rig up to drive pipe .Pick up casing and stand in derrick.Set down BOP's and rebolt .2040 .Run and set liner 12.Unbolt and P/U BOP's 12.4050 .Rig Down from driving pipe .Cut and pull casing 12.Unbolt and pick up BOP's 12.2035 .Rig down from cementing .Running Casing 12.Rig up to cement 12.Pulling casing due to problem .R/U and set slips 12.Set down BOP's and rebolt .R/D flowline and pollution pan 12.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 12.R/u floor for casing run 12.2090 .Test casing/liner 12.2010 .3005 . trips 11.6020 .4010 .1010 .Rig Down from driving pipe .Clean rig floor 12.Hook up conductor / drive pipe tensioner(s) 12.4070 .R/U to run casing .5010 .Trip in/out with landing string 12.R/D and L/D hammer 12.5020 .Rig up to drive pipe 12.4100 .Set down BOP's and rebolt 12.Set slips and cut casing 12.R/U to pick up drive pipe 12.6060 .2064 .Set liner packer 12.Rig down wireline log 11.2010 .6070 .L/D final cut joint and slings 12.Mill.4090 .2060 .Change BOP rams 12.Unbolt and pick up BOP's .Unbolt and pick up BOP's .9000 .1010) 12.Wireline logging/Drill pipe conveyed incl.3010 .5031 .4060 .Rig Down from driving pipe .Set bop's and torque bolts 12.P/U L/D Cement/Circulating Head / Cement String/Stinger 12.Lay down casing out of derrick.2070 .Rig up to drive pipe .jack ups 12.R/D Casing Equipment 12.6090 .Wireline work other CODE 12: Run Casing & Cement 12.Set slips and cut casing .Wireline logging (includes make up / pick up / lay down / test of tool strings and components) 11. Nipple down BOP's .Drill Stem Test CODE 17: Plug Back 17. set back. Surf Eq . Chk Man.2070 .Nipple up BOP's 14.N/U bell nipple or mandrel 14.Pull test plug R/D 15.1010 .Plug Back-Cement 17.2030 .1050 .Install lines to diverter 14.O.Nipple Down Diverter .Nipple down BOP's 14.9000 .1010 .Install/Remove or Change Wellhead and Riser (spool) .Waiting On Cement 13. Surf Eq .Nipple Down Diverter 14. Chk Man.1070 .2120 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 14.includes final casing cut / dressing stub 14.Install BOP's 14.R/D control.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 15.2060 .Run / Pull Diverter Insert 14.0000 .4190 .Nipple Up Diverter .Make up BOP Test Assembly 15. Chk Man.1030 .CODE 13: Wait On Cement 13.Install bell nipple and flow line or Mandrel 14. secure 14.1060 . Surf Eq .Change Rams & Shell Test 14.P.Test BOP's.1010 .Test BOP's.Leak Off / formation integrity Test CODE 14: Nipple Up B.Nipple up BOP's .Nipple down BOP's .Nipple Down Diverter .O.2130 .0000 .Nipple Up Diverter .2160 .2000 .Nipple up BOP's .2170 .P/U diverter.2100 .Visual function test of BOP's 15.1010 .Move bop's to well head 14.1030 .Move diverter to well head 14. 14.Run and set test plug/cup 15. test (tst press dep) 15.2050 .N/D bell nipple or mandrel 14.P.1010 .0000 .2080 .0000 .Install C/K and cntrl lines 14.Nipple up BOP's .Nipple Down Diverter .R/D lines to diverter 14.Plug back .Function Test CODE 16: Drill Stem Test 16. set back and secure 14.2140 .R/D flow line and bell nipple or Mandrel 14.1040 . C/K lines 14.2010 .1025 .Test BOP's.1015 .0000 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 17.Nipple down BOP's .2150 .Nipple Up Diverter 14. 15.2020 . Chk Man.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 13.2180 .2110 .Nipple Up Diverter .2020 .P/U BOP.Nipple up BOP's .Other BOP Operations CODE 15: Test B.Test BOP's.Close BOP.TIH / POOH / Wearbushing 15. Surf Eq 15.Test Diverter 15.Install Diverter 14.2040 .Coiled Tubing .2090 .1020 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 16. 1030 .Waiting on Weather 21.Equip Inspection 22.0000 .1025 .Logistics Problem 21.1030 .Well Kill (Control) Operations 21.1140 .Plugback .1025 .9000 .Third Party BOP Problems / Repairs / Testing (Operator rental) 21.1230 .Fishing Operations 19.1020 .1200 .1210 .Directional Work CODE 21: Other 21.Coiled Tubing .Problem human error (non GSF) 21.1050 .1090 .1100 .Other Activity CODE 20: Dir.Wireline/logging problem 21.Fishing Operations Unplanned 19.other CODE 18: Squeeze Cement 18.Regulatory problem 21.1020 .Casing/Tubing Problem 21.1020 .1010 .0000 .1020 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 18.Problems 21.Squeeze CODE 19: Fishing 19.1010 .Painting 22.Squeeze Planned 18.Waiting on Orders 21.1040 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 19.Coiled Tubing . Work 20.1080 .1060 .Wellhead problem 21.1030 .1170 .1020 .Force Majeure 21.Equipment Installation/Removal 22.Equipment Install Preparation .Mill / Cut Window 20.1180 .Stuck pipe operations/jarring 21.Cementing Equipment Problems 21.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time Out 20.1070 .1020 .General/Other Problem 21.1040 .17.Waiting on Equipment 21.Safety systems problems 21.Welding Operations 22.Coiled Tubing .Fishing Operations Planned 19.1120 .Other Problem Time CODE 22: 22.Coiled Tubing .1010 .BHA/Tool Problem 21.1060 .0000 .Equipment Test/Trial 22.Squeeze Unplanned 18.1010 .1010 .1160 .9000 .Directional Work 20.1050 .1220 .Blank 21. Rig down Coiled Tubing Equipment 32.1020 .1020 .Testing Well / Test Tree/Downhole Vlvs Problem Time CODE F: .1050 .0000 .R/D tubing equipment 31.1030 .1080 .Rig up Coiled Tubing Equipment 32.R/D well test equipment 34.1030 .1010 .1014 .NOT under contract 23.1020 .1020 .Stimulation/Treating 32.Blank CODE A: Perforating 30.Stacked .1010 .Yard/Dock Maintenance .Stacked .1010 .1015 .1021 .1003 .Equipment Trials 22.9000 .Swabbing Well 33.1020 .R/U to run tubing 31.Lay down tubing 31.Perforating 30.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time out 34.Running Production Tubing Problem Time CODE C: Treating 32.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time out 33.1026 .1005 .1010 .1040 .Idle .1010 .0000 .0000 .Blank 22.1012 .Run / pull Test Tree/Downhole Valves 34.1025 .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time out 32.Stimulating/Treating with Coiled Tubing 32.1012 .Pick up tubing 31.Cold .Other Activity CODE 23: 23.NOT under contract 23.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time out 30.1070 .R/U well test equipment 34.1004 .Perforating Problem Time CODE B: Tubing Trips 31.NOT under contract 23.Gravel Packing 32.1020 .Perforating with Coiled Tubing 30.JRA/Safety Meeting/Time out 31.22.Warm .Treating Problem Time CODE D: Swabbing 33.1010 .Well testing 34.NOT under contract 23.0000 .1015 .Test production tubing 31.0000 .Swabbing Problem Time CODE E: Testing 34.1005 .Running / pulling Production Tubing (Tubing Trips) 31. 1010 .Completion .1020 .Completion Other 37.Completion .Completion .JRA/Safety Meeting/Time out 35.1035 .Run Wireline/slickline 36.Completion Other 36.Fishing 36.R/U wireline/slickline 36.Completion .1010 .com/index.R/D wireline/slickline 36.1020 .Completion .35.Completion .Wireline/slickline problem time 36.8500 .Completion .Other Completions Problem Time CODE H: 37.Logging 36.1025 .proboards.Other Completions Problem Time Read more: http://drillingclub.Completion .Completion .1010 .Wellhead / Tree Pressure Testing 35.1015 .9000 .cgi?board=ball&action=display&thread=5596#ixzz2K1VuJ800 .Wellhead / Tree Problem Time 35.9000 .Completion other CODE G: 36.0000 .1025 .1015 .Install/Remove Wellhead / Tree 35.1030 . . . contractual down time . rings and components) . sing cut / dressing stub . . . &thread=5596#ixzz2K1VuJ800 .
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