I vey School of businss-Cariboo Industrial Ltd
Case studies 1 : Caribooexhibit 1 2001 Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Selling and Administration Depreciation Income Before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Income Before Taxes Income Taxes Net Income 22,456 13,200 9,256 1,450 1,425 6,381 1,101 5,280 1,848 3,432 2000 Current Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Inventories Prepayments Total current Assets PP & E Less: A/D Net PP & E Total Assets Current Liabilities Account Payable Line-of-credit Current Portion of LT debt Total Current Liabilities Long-term Debt Shareholders' Equity Common Shares Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and Equities 2002 35,000 22,750 12,250 2,972 3,130 6,148 5,058 1,090 382 709 2001 2003 43,566 28,563 15,003 4,911 3,607 6,485 5,841 644 225 419 2002 142 2,490 3,362 57 6,051 18,921 4,288 14,633 20,684 904 4,300 3,952 469 9,625 23,055 5,713 17,342 26,967 583 6,786 3,500 329 11,198 77,640 8,843 68,797 79,995 1,594 1,676 1,104 4,374 6,738 1,594 1,351 1,789 4,734 9,716 12,341 7,007 7,018 26,366 41,921 5,707 3,865 20,684 5,707 6,810 26,967 5,707 6,001 79,995 1 Vertical Analysis 2001 Sales 2002 Percentage Amount Amount 22,456 100.00% 35,000 707 6.51% 8.957) -359.97% 1.865 20.04% 16.23% 15.684 27.25% 91.550) -72.939 (1.22% 6.28% 29.090 382 709 2001 Amount 142 2.432 Amount Current Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Inventories Prepayments Total current Assets PP & E Less: A/D Net PP & E Total Assets Current Liabilities Account Payable Line-of-credit Current Portion of LT debt Total Current Liabilities Long-term Debt Shareholders' Equity Common Shares Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and Equities 58.952 469 9.59% 18.055 5.15% 32.40% 783 .256 1.544) -55.810 26.594 1.625 23.633 20.342 26.86% 8.78% 41.73% 70.130 6.705) -119.058 1.734 9.280 1.967 Horinzontal Analysis Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Selling and Administration Depreciation Income Before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Y 2002 Y 2003 Increase (decrease) Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage Amount (12.288 14.848 3.972 3.48% 20.25% 0.69% 100.34% 21.300 3.051 18.351 1.994) -32.65% 477 233 3.450 1.813 (2.00% 904 4.10% 5.490 3.35% 2.58% 1.90% 23.594 1.00% 5.65% 337 (3.425 6.522) -104.35% 5.707 3.750 12.104 4.738 7.716 5.Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Selling and Administration Depreciation Income Before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Income Before Taxes Income Taxes Net Income 13.967 1.676 1.75% 100.28% 2000 Percentage 22.362 57 6.46% 6.921 4.148 5.713 17.753 (1.684 0.789 4.374 6.35% 28.69% 12.42% 4.566 (9.71% 8.381 1.250 2.200 9.101 5. 36% 79.190 1.632 32.205 0 2.62% 72.283 536.23% 44.55% 722.028 0 (325) 685 360 2.51% 30.945 6.810 590 412 3.486 (452) (140) 1.656 5.05% 8.85% 33.38% (321) 2.20% 30.028 .574 4.709 6.Income Before Taxes Income Taxes Net Income 4.134 1.23% 18.00% 76.425 2.585 3.34% Y 2001 Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage Current Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Inventories Prepayments Total current Assets PP & E Less: A/D Net PP & E Total Assets Current Liabilities Account Payable Line-of-credit Current Portion of LT debt Total Current Liabilities Long-term Debt Shareholders' Equity Common Shares Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and Equities (446) (157) (290) Y 2002 Increase (decrease) Amount 762 1.39% 62.573 54.455 53.466 2.747 5.978 0.130 51.229 21.06% 21.33% 79.723 79.283 0.69% 17.38% 0 (809) 53.00% -19.20% 10.81% 59. 566 100.620 1.450 78.00% .921 9.216 3.000 12.550 96.2003 159 14.650 18.034 96.025 91.880 67.575 18.041 85.00% 43.575 2002 2003 Percentage Percentage Amount 100. 49% 21.57% 14.00% 35.48% 4.73% 8.911 3.366 41.575 9.31% 100.65% 1.47% 25.47% 65.35% 15.56% 34.034 96.50% 100.55% 22.03% 12.55% 36.018 26.00% 583 6.13% 7.00% Y 2003 rease (decrease) Percentage 24.06% 11.41% 1.11% 1.00% 5.797 79.97% 21.52% 0.34% 100.65.450 78.007 7.24% 5.00% 159 14.95% 14.89% 13.843 68.96% 2002 Percentage Amount 2003 Percentage 3.786 3.485 5.563 15.23% 12.77% 32.05% 86.94% 17.49% 8.78% 18.607 6.00% 100.01% 6.48% 15.89% 81.40% 18.003 4.00% 5.09% 2.000 12.74% 35.575 18.16% 25.28% 14.48% 0.16% 14.19% 64.00% 9.55% 67.66% 94.025 91.41% 14.00% 8.620 1.72% 3.341 7.03% 2001 Percentage 28.880 19.96% 52.27% 8.38% 0.707 6.48% .00% 97.198 77.44% 11.841 644 225 419 Amount 65.921 69.24% 15.995 7.995 0.001 79.42% 88.45% 3.43% 8.07% 100.041 85.63% 17.921 15.76% 8.640 8.25% 100.91% 5.69% 85.550 96.96% 1.500 329 11.650 0.216 3. 85% 16.65% 292.10% -40.539 (7.34% 236.71% 196.827 13.22% 418.88% -100.79% 296.56% -82.88% 196.77% 20.73% 674.79% 14.81% -11.580 -72.-40.580 68.00% 60.49% 4.18% 20.007) 60.44% -29.99% -100.51% 57.753 16.97% 17.29% -100.00% 0.607 9.21% 40.64% (424) 7.46% 6.00% -11.00% 855.64% 3.921) 52.555 (41.913 (4.27% 225.90% Y 2002 rease (decrease) Percentage Y 2003 Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage -35.73% 109.73% .95% 331.430 150 (329) 6.92% -41.023 59.76% 54.29% 456.967) 16.360 3. Liquidity current Ratio = Current Asset Current Liabilities Y 2000 6.204 4.60173754 Y2001 5.374 0.374 1.189611851 NWC to Total Asset= NWC Total assets Y2000 0.081077161 .374 0.734 0.022111811 Current Assets-current Liabilities Y2000 1.19095902 Y2002 583 26.168 Y2001 0.369 26.Prepaid Expenses Current Liabilities Y2000 2.366 0.677 Y2001 4.38340192 Y2001 9.734 2.099281791 Y2002 7.181369822 Y2002 -0.051 4.891 Y2002 -15.632 4.279488735 Cash Ratio= Cash+ marketable securities Current Liabilities Y2000 142 4.734 1.366 0.033164343 Quick Ratio= Current Assets-Inventories.032464563 NWC= Y2001 904 4.625 4. 921 0.198 26.209785733 .703039089 Y2003 18.921 0.921 0.001850537 Y2003 -67.025 85.424713646 Y2003 14.366 0.Y2002 11.896 Y2003 -0.16730485 Y2003 159 85.375 85. 68410181 Operating Cycle= inventory turnover in days+ A/R Turnover in Days Y2001 156.18235661 Inventory Turnover= Y2001 57.31427 A/R Turnover in days= Y2003 4.77978022 Y2003 45.Asset Management A/R Turnover= Net Credit Sales Ave Acc Receivable Y2001 6.1057434 Y2003 7.14875 365 A/R Turnover Y2000 55.6624565 .80557143 Y2002 87.3039475 Y2002 117.97835468 Cost of Good Sold Ave Inventories Y2001 3.1215909 Y2002 6.61443 Y2002 6.5853516 Y2003 133.6095160 Inventory Turnover in Days= Y2001 101.9896503 365 Inventory Turnover Y2002 59. 190 1.432 2000 Current Assets Cash Accounts Receivable Inventories Prepayments 142 2.130 6.300 3.450 1.280 1.000 22.466 2.490 3.544) (9.425 6.550) (2.256 1.705) 233 (3.101 5.381 1.522) (1.250 2.723 horizontal 2000-2001 Increase (decrease) Amount 762 1.456 13.750 12.957) 4.200 9.994) (1.058 1.Case studies 1 : Cariboo exhibit 1 Ratio Table Horizontal Analysis 1 Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Selling and Administration Depreciation Income Before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Income Before Taxes Income Taxes Net Income 2001 22.148 5.810 590 412 .090 382 709 2001 904 4.952 469 horizontal 2001-2002 Increase (decrease) Amount (12.362 57 2002 35.848 3.972 3. 633 20.055 5.713 17.810 26.342 26.Total current Assets PP & E Less: A/D Net PP & E Total Assets Current Liabilities Account Payable Line-of-credit Current Portion of LT debt Total Current Liabilities Long-term Debt Shareholders' Equity Common Shares Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and Equities 6.789 4.978 5.734 9.288 14.684 5.945 6.707 6.707 3.738 1.574 4.104 4.134 1.676 1.425 2.594 1.716 0 (325) 685 360 2.594 1.625 23.283 .921 4.684 9.351 1.283 1.865 20.051 18.374 6.967 3.967 0 2.709 6. 51% 57.650 0 horizontal 2002-2003 Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage (424) 7.485 5.81% 2003 43.40% 4.55% 722.40% 79.33% 2.65% 233 3.97% -119.753 22.563 15.939 65.81% -11.522) -104.36% 1.48% 783 15.841 644 225 419 2002 583 6.47% 5.544) -55.29% -100.430 150 (329) -72.957) -359.33% 79.36% 79.44% -29.607 6.813 25.550) -72.466 79.486 (452) (140) -35.34% horizontal 2001-2002 ease (decrease) Percentage -55.47% 1.69% 17.73% 109.24% 337 5.566 24.500 329 horizontal 2002-2003 Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage 8.190 79.65% 3.97% (1.566 28.55% 2.911 3.92% (157) -41.003 4.00% .62% 72.65% -359.90% horizontal 2001-2002 Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage (321) 2.86% (9.34% horizontal 2000-2001 ease (decrease) Percentage 536.35% -32.705) -119.10% (290) -40.216 3.786 3.24% 477 15.horizontal 2001-2002 Increase (decrease) Amount Percentage (12.723 79.85% 2003 159 14.49% 4.35% (1.65% (3.994) -32.35% -104.35% (2.48% (446) -40.86% -72. 995 0 (809) 53.18% 20.366 41.880 0 67.041 85.88% 196.843 68.39% 62.00% -11.29% 456.00% 855.22% 418.65% 292.77% 20.51% 30.00% 76.575 6.656 5.64% 9.88% -100.921 0 6.585 3.967) 16.99% -100.023 59.46% 18.85% 33.913 (4.34% 236.707 6.97% 17.995 1.450 78.018 26.360 3.38% 5.640 8.20% 12.20% 30.79% 296.827 13.000 12.607 9.341 7.797 79.59.205 674.00% 0.580 68.753 16.575 3.71% 196.028 16.05% 8.007) 60.620 1.73% .38% 11.95% 331.23% 44.632 32.06% 21.130 51.921 10.229 21.921) 52.550 96.73% 0.21% 40.00% -19.747 5.76% 54.64% 18.028 0.025 91.555 (41.455 53.580 60.034 96.007 7.79% 14.198 77.573 54.56% -82.001 79.539 (7.27% 225.23% 18.
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