I S 2074 - 1992

April 2, 2018 | Author: Hariprasad gantyala | Category: Paint, Chromium, Corrosion, Titration, Iodine



( Reaffirmed 2002) Indian Standard READY MIXED PAINT,AIRDRYING,RED OXIDE ZINC CHROME,PRIMiNGSPECIFICATION ( Second Revision) UDC 667*633*417*624+7: 667-638-2 : 667.635-3 0 BIS 1992 BURE~AU MANAK OF INDIAN 9 BAHADUR STANDARDS SHAH ZAFAR MARG BHAVAN, NEW DELHI 110002 December 1992 Price Groop 3 The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. issued by Ministry of Defence. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. In the first revision in 1979 requirements for chromic anhydride and zinc oxide content in the zinc chrome content had been included. weight per 10 litres. priming’. universal. zinc chromate. . This standard was first published in 1962 amalgamating IS 107 : 1952 ‘Ready mixed paint. synthetic. Red oxide of iron. red oxide-zinc chrome. The optional requirements for spreading capacity and spreading time had been dropped. the final value. brushing/spraying. This revision has been taken up to completely align it with Defence Specification J-347-13. gloss. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding ofI numerical values ( revised )‘. CHD 020 FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards.Paints ( Other than Industrial Paints ) and Allied Products Sectional Committee. spraying. observed or calculated. brushing. priming’ and IS 108 : 1952 ‘Ready mixed paint. RFU. by quantifying the values of wet opacity. Paint. Priming. red oxide-zinc chrome. after the draft finalized by the Paints ( Other than Industrial Paints ) and Allied Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council. expressing the result of a test or analysis. etc. the definitions given in 1s 1303 : 1983 shall apply.1. specified below.16. Min. .3 The composition b) ( in accordance with 5. be!ow: Pigment a> 5. Zinc 1 Thinner containing chlorinated compounds or other substances which are injurious to operators during or after application shall not be used.2 The volatile vehicle shall be of such com.Remainder.88 percent by mass and 5. surfacers.1 Composition 50 cl Suitable extenders .84 percent by mass of zinc oxide b) Manufactured red oxides of iron ( conforming to Class 2 or IS 44 : 1991 ) or Natural red oxides of iron ( conforming to Class 3 of IS 44 : 1991 ) or A mixture of both which shall correspond to red oxide ( as Fe.remainder 5.Oa ). the material shall meet an additional requirement ofnonvolatile vehicle. It is used for the protection of steelwork. otn The material shall consist mixed in the proportions. red oxide-zinc chrome priming.0 necessary Standards listed in Annex A are the adjuncts to this standard. Min (. 3 TERMINOLOGY For-the purpose of this standard. both under marine and inland outdoor conditions. fillers and putties.AIRDRYING.1. low aromatic grade conforming to IS 1745 : 1978. when tested as prescribed in -6 of IS 6947 ( Part 2 ) : 1975 as pres- .1. 5. Min 70 percent by mass. air commercially known as ready mixed . of the material shall be subject to lead restriction as defined in IS 1303 : 1983 and it shall not be moxe than one percent expressed as metallic lead. mescribes 1.RED OXIDE ZINC CHROME.1 The material is used as a primer in the painting system normally followed for enamels for metal surfaces. percent by mass. Tne smell of the material shall not be objectionable during application.1. _ positron so as to satisfy the requirements. specified this specification.1 ) -percent.IS 2074.conforming to Type 2 of IS 51:1979 ) which shall correspond to chromic anhydride contents of minimum 6. 1. 4 CLASSES The material shall be supplied in brushing consistency but shall be suitable for application by spraying after thinning with petroleum hydrocarbon solvent. 5. 1451205. Driers -. in suitable proportions to produce a paint satisfying the requirements ~of this standard. when tested as per IS 101 ( Part 8/Set 5 ) ( under print ). 2 REFERENCES The Indian chromate content shall be determined cribed in Annex B: a) Zinc chrome. NOTE -For defence supplies. percent by mass.1. : 1992 Indian Standard READY MIXED PATNT.1 The pigment used in the manufacture of the material shall consist of ingredients mixed in the proportions by mass. f 5 of the ingredients by mass.3 Freedom from Objectionable Impurities 5. drying.1 This standard methods of sampling &d test for thk material paint. 5 REQUIREMENTS 5. 5.2 The material shall be suitable for use with oleoresinous synthetic and nitrocellulose-based undercoats.PRIMINGSPECIFICATION (Second Revision ) 1 SCOPE reauirement s. 2 Criteria for Conformity A lot shall When tested as prescribed in Annex C. Ref to (4) IS 101 -----_ Annex (5) (1) i) (2) Drying time: a) Surface dry b) Hard dry iii iii) Consistency a) Finish b) Fineness of grind microns.7 Resistance ( Applicable to Natural or Artificial Sea Water for Marine Paints Only ) samples of the material shall be drawn as prescribed in IS 101 ( Part 1Bec 1): 1986. Zinc Chrome.Sec 5 ) : 1989.8 ) SI No. to the methods given in co1 4 of the 5. 5. Min Scratch hardness after 48 hours air-drying Volume solids Flexibility and adhesion after 48 hours air-drying Protection against corrosion under conditions of condensation Flash point Accelerated storage stability Keeping properties 1 Not more than 12 hours i Smooth and uniform Smooth.9. Requirements (3) Not more than 2 hours 1 ~----_----*--- Method of Test. or underfilm corrosion. specular 45O GO” Colour Mass in kg/IO litres.6 Resistance to Salt Spray When tested as prescribed in 4 of IS 101 (Part 61 Set 1 ) : 1988 for a period of 96 hours continuously. Priming ( CZause 5. 6 SAMPLING 6. as per the method to in co1 4 and 5 of Table 1 and in 5. blistering or flaking of the paint film. Red Oxide. 7 TESTS 7.8 The material shall also conform to the requirements given in Table 1 when tested Table be declared as conforming to the requirements of this standard if the test results of composite sample satisfy the requirements prescribed under 5.5 Relative Consistency according table.1 1 Requirements Characteristic for Ready Mixed Paint. shall be not less than 80 and not more than 120 seconds. Air Drying. 5. matt to egg shell gloss 50 ( Part 3/See 1 ) : 1986 ( Part 1jSec 5 ) : 1989 ( Part 3/Set 4 ) : 1987 (Part 3iSec 5 ) : 1987 - - ( Part 4/Set 4 1 : 1988 Not more than 30 units Not more than 20 units That of red oxide 13’5 No scratch as to show the bare metal 45 f 5 No damage. Max c) Gloss values.ES 2074:1992 5. 5. 6.9 Water Content If water is suspected to be present in the material.‘Sec 2 ) : 1988 ( Part 6.4Compatibility with Thinner The material shall be suitable for thinning with thinners used for synthetic paints ( see IS 1872 : 1961 ). detachment or cracking of the film No signs of corl osion iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) ( Part 4/Set 2 ) : 1989 ( Part l/Set 7 ) : 1986 ( Part 5ISec 1 > : 1988 D -- ( Part 5. it shall not exceed O-5 percent when tested as prescribed in IS 101 (Part 2iSec 1 ) : 1988.1 Representative The efflux time from a full No. the paint film shall show no signs of breakdown and the underlying metal shall be free from corrosion. 4 Ford Cup at 27 2 2°C when determined as prescribed in 1s 101 ( Part 1.1 Tests shall be conducted referred to 5.‘Sec 1 ) : 1988 6 ) : 1987 ( Part 6/&c 2 ) : 1989 Xl xi) Not below 30°C To pass the test Not less than 12 months ( Part l/Set E xii) . the panel prepar-ed from the material shall show no damage. 5. IS 2074 : 1992 7. the paint the purshall be a) b) c) d) Name of the material. Section 1 Opacity ( third revision ) 2 Colour ( third Set 2 ) : 1989 Section Set 5 ) : 1987 revision ) Methods of estimation of pigments in oia 2) : 1975 composite pastes.Specification ( third revision ) 1303 : 1983 Glossary of terms relating to paints ( second revision ) 1407 : 1980 1745 : 1978 1872: 1961 2552 : 1989 6947 (Part Round revision ) ( Part 6/ Secl): paint tins ( seconrl Petroleum hydrocarbon solvents ( second revision ) Thinner for synthetic paints and varnishes for aircrafts Steel drums ( galvanized and ungalvanized ) ( third revision ) Section 5 Fineness of grind ( third revision ) Part 4 Optical tests on paint 4 Part 4/ Set 1 ) : 1983 films.ead restriction test ( under print ) 1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water -. Title 44: 1991 51 : 1979 101 revision ) oxide pigments for Iron paints ( second revision ) Zinc chrome for paints ( third Set 4 ) : 1988 ( Part 5/ Set 1 ) : 1988 Section I’ci’LSiOFt ) 4 GLoss ( lii:‘t.‘Pure chemicals’ do not contain impurities analysis.2 Marking The containers ing: to shall be marked with the foliow- 8 PACKING AND MARKING 8. . ANNEX A ( Clause 2 ) LIST OF REFERRED INDIAN STANDARDS IS No. varnishes and related products Part 1 Tests on liquid paints $Part l/ physical ).!l Methods of sampling and tests for paints.in code or otherwise. Section 1 Durability under conditions of condensation ( third revision ) Set 2 ) : 1989 Section 2 Keeping properties ( third revision ) ( Part 8/Set 5 ) Part 8 Tests for pigments and other solids. Section 1 Water content (third revision) Part 3 Test on paint film 3/ 1 ) : 1986 formation. and e) Month and year of manufacture.2 Quality of Reagents IUnless otherwise specified. Set 1 ) : 1986 ( general and Section 1 Sampling ( third revision ) Par-t 5 Mechanical tests on paint films. Indication of the source of manufacture. pure chemicals and distilled water ( see 1070 : 1992 ) shall be employed in tests. Volume of the material. 8. Section 1 Drying time ( third revision ) 4 Finish ( third 4 ) : 1987 Section revision ) Part 6 Durability tests on paint films. Batch NO. ferric oxide and aluminium 3 . shall mean chemicals that which affect the results of packed in metal containers conforming IS 1407 : 1980 or IS 2552 : 1989.( Part Set Set Section 7 Mass per ten litres ( third revision ) Part 2 Preliminary examina21 and preparation of 1 ) : 1988 tion samples for testing. NOTE .1 Packing Unless otherwise chaser and the agreed to between supplier. or lot No. Section 1 Hatdness test ( third revision ) 2 Flexibility and Set 2 ) : 1988 Section adhesion ( third revision ) 1988 Set 3 ) : 1986 Section 3 Preparation of panels ( third revision ) Set 5 ) : l-989 Section 5 Consistency ( third revision ) revision ) Set 6 ) : 1987 Set 7 ) : 1986 + Part Set Section 6 Flash point ( third . Section 5 I. Title IS No. ready mixed paints and enamels : Part 2 Estimation of zinc chromes. the titration is to be repeated with the addition of ( Vz -+ 2) ml of potassium ferricyanide solution in place of VI/3 ml.1 Chromic anhyride is determined by titrating the iodine liberated from potassium iodide with standard sodium thiosulphate solution. is less than 6 ml.2 Zinc oxide ( ZnO ). Place the beaker.3 After the titration for chromic anhydride.the liberated iodine with standard sodium thiosulphate solution after 4 where V. Solution - B-l . x N by mass M where V1 = volume.1 Dilute 7 N..4. Then estimate chromic anhydride and zinc oxide content as given in B-2. with addition standard sodium thiosulphate solution. Titrate the liberated iodine with standard thiosulphate solution.1 Chromic anhydride ( CrOs ). in ml. B-3. and M = mass. Note the volume of sodium thiosulphate solution used in the titration V. Stir and allow to stand for about 2 minutes. Solution . B-l REAGENTS B-l. 42 ) in a 500-ml conical flask. B-2.volume. of sodium~thiosulphate solution used in the second titration. After the end point. in ml. of the material taken’for the titration.1. -.5 Potassium Ferricyanide M/10. Zinc oxide is determined in the same solution by titrating the iodine subsequently liberated on of potassium ferricyanide. Titrate.4 Starch Solution 0. B-1. Add 30 ml of potassium iodide solution and allow to stand for 5 minutes.2 Transfer the solution to a 500-ml iodine flask containing 100 ml of water and 20 ml of dilute sulphuric acid. the titration is to be repeated.3 Standard Sodium Thiosulphate B-1. in g.334 x v. prepared in cold water. filtered rapidly and kept in a dark bottle. percent = 3.13 ml of potassium ferricyanide solution. B-3 CALCULATION B-3.1 ) DETERMINATION B-O OUTLINE OF THE METHOD OF CHROMIC ANHYDRIDE AND ZINC OXIDE B-O.6 Ammonium Bifluoride (NH. Hydroxide Solution solid. of sodium thiosulphate solution used in the first titration. N 3 normality of . . If V. Sulphuric Acid - adding 5 ml of starch solution as indicator. Note the volume of sodium thiosulphate solution used in the second titration ( V. Add 30 ml of dilute sulphuric acid after neurralization and cool.1 N. B-2.2 Potassium prepared.TS 2074 : 1992 ANNEX B (Clause 5. with the addition of 5 ml of potassium ferricyanide solution. is less than 2 ml. Stir well by lubbing with a glass rod and boil slowly for 5 minutes over a wire gauze.2.0.7 Sodium ( approx ). Filter over filter paper ( Whatman No. starting from the extracted pigment. The solution can be suitably used for seven days if kept in dark when not in use. R-2. ) Cool and add 2 to 3 g of ammonium bifluoride and sufficient water to make volume approximately 250 ml. . ( Sometime traces of iodine liberated during neutralization can be cleared by one or two drops of sodium thiosulphate solution. covered with a clock-glass on a water-bath for about ha1 an hour. B-1. more than 3 to 4 drops. 10 percent. and N and M have the same legend as B-3.3 and B-2. ) Add V.4 If V.5 percent.1.10 percent B-2 PROCEDURE B-2. the colour of the test solution will be bright pale greenish-yellow. ( An excess of ammonia solution. Wash well with hot water until the residue is free from chromate. add ammonia solution dropwise until the litmus test paper first turns blue. should not be added as it is essential that the blue litmus should turn red with ammonium bitluoride to be added subsequently. Cool the filtrate in ice water and neutralize it with dilute sulphuric acid. ).) HF2 B-1. B-2. sodium thiosulphate solution used.1 Weigh accurately about 1 g of the pigment in a 250-ml beaker and add about 100 ml of sodium hydroxide solution. percent by mass = 12*45 x Vs x iV M approximately freshly Iodide B-1. Oven capable to maintain D-2. Examihe the panels for signs of corrosion.3 g ANNEX D [ Table 1. D-2.1 Dry the disc in an oven at 105°C for 10 minutes and cool. D-2.1 Prepare a panel of 150 mm x 50 mm x 1. Sl No.7 ) TEST FOR RESISTANCE C-l APPARATUS TO SEA WATER Calcium chloride Potassium chloride Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bromide Water.4 Determine the weight of non-volatile content of the liquid coating material by drying a known amount of paint at 1OYC for 3 hours. Let it be W4 grams.3 Weight Box OF VOLUME SOLIDS D-2 PROCEDURE D-2. D-l APPARATUS D-l.2 Reporting At the end of the specilied time of immersion remove the panel and immediately swab it vigorously with a cotton-wool swab soaked in the paint remover.2 g 0. 1.2 Stainless Steel Disc 60 mm diameter and 0.1 The natural sea water should be taken for not less than one foot belo\l: the surface by a method which does not contaminate from the surface layer.25 mm mild steel plate as described in IS 101 ( Part l/Set 3 ) : 1986. Let it be W. grams.3 Calculate follows: v _ - and weigh the volume of the disc Y as w1 .6 Hot Air iu5 f 2°C. have a salinity of not less than 30 and a pH of not less than 8.5 Determine the specific gravity of the paint to the nearest 0. D-2.1 A small container capable of holding sufficient sea water for the immersion of 75 mm of the panel.70 mm thickness with a small hole 2 to 3 mm from the edge. C-2. at a constant temperature. a synthetic sea water to the following formulation may be used: Sodium chloride Magnesium chloride Magnesium sulphate 26. This volume is considered to be the most equitable means of comparing the coverage and the wet film thickness of the given paint. where d = density ture. (vii) ] DETERMINATION D-0 GENERAL This method is intended to provide a measure of the volume of dry coating obtainable from a given volume of liquid coating.5 g 2.2 If natural uncontaminated sea water is not available.73 g 0.1 g 0.2 Suspend the disc in water again. A fine wire such as chrome1 is attached through the hole for suspending the disc in a liquid. After seven days of application.2 Analytical Balance sensitive to O-1 mg.4Beaker D-l.001 g/ml by using mass per litre cup.5Mass per Litre Cup . In areas where there is pronounced tidal action.Wa d D-l.0. of the water at room temperaD-l. distilled C-3 PROCEDURE C-3. D-1. C-2 REAGENT C-2. Weigh the disc in air. C-3. initially.4 g 3. Let it be W crams.IS 2074:1992 ANNEX C ( Clause 5. 1 litre. the water should be taken near full flood and should. immerse 75 mm of the panel in the reagent. for a period of seven days. D-1. Let it be p.28 g 1000 ml C-l. and there shall be no evidence of seeding. Let it be U’s grams. the volume of wet coating as = wa--1 WXP ANNEX E [ Table I. 6 . Let it be W. matter in 1 g of D-2. the change in gloss value from the original shall not be more than 5 units.6 Dip the disc in the paint sample for 10 minutes and take out the disc.wa d x 100 d = density of the water at room temperature. D-2. where wa.9 Calculate as follows: D-2.10 Calculate follows: j/f w the volume of the dried coating ( Vd ) = j/r -1/ Volume of dried coating.(xi) ] METHOD FOR ACCELERATED STORAGE STABILITY TEST E-l PROCEDURE Store the paint sample in a closed 500-ml container and keep at 60°C for 96 hours. liver. v.7 Suspend the coated disc in water and weigh again. Allow the excess coating material to drain off. Weigh the coated disc in air. After the test paint shall not gel.IS 2074 : 1992 D-2. curdle or increase in efflux time by more than 20 percent. Dry the disc at 105°C for 3 hours and cool. D-2. D-2. mottling and seediness. Blot the coating material off the bottom edge of the disc so that beads or drops do not dry on the bottom edge of the disc.8 Calculate VI as follows: the volume 3 where W = grams of non-volatile wet coating. Further.12 The percent volume solids of a paint is related to the covering capacity and wet Rim thickness in the following manner: a) Theoretical coverage ( m2/1 ) = Percent Volume Solids x 10 Dry film thickness ( microns7 b) Wet film thickness ( microns ) = Dry film thickness ( microns ) x 1oo Percent Volume Solids D-2. grams. The paint shall meet the drying time requirement and shall produce dry film that is uniform in appearance and free from streaking.11 Calculate the percent the paints as follows: Volume solid. SZ JVO. v* percent by mass = --vp 0: = -vd volume solids of v X 100 of the coated disc V. The Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. . 2986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.Standard Mark The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. col2 ] - Insert ‘%’ after the word ‘solids’.Substitute the following for AMENDMENT ‘Gloss values.NO. (iii) (c). New Delhi. co2 4 ] ‘(Part S/Set 1)‘. Substitute ‘(Part S/Set 2)’ for [ Page 2. specular 60” [ Page 2. (CHDO20) Reprography Unit. PRIMING SPECIFICATION ( Second Revision ) [ Page 2. existing matter Table 1. SZ No. Tubfe 1. RED OXIDE ZINC CHROME. co1 2 ]-. SI No. (vi). SlNo. Table 1. Sl No. Table 1. (iii)(c). co1 3 ] -existing matter Substitute the following for the ‘Notmore than 40 units’ [ Page 2. (vii). AIR DRYING. BIS. India . 1 JUNE 1997 TO IS 2074 : 1992 READY MIXED PAINT. 2 . clazlse 5.4PWL 2006 TO [S 2074:1992 SPECIFICATION FOR READY Nl~ED PAINT.9 ) — Delete tie claw. In&a . AIR DRY~G. New Delhi.NO. PMM~G — SPECmICATION (Second Rmision ) ( Page AMENDMENT 2. (cm20) Repmgaphy Unit BIS. RED OXIDE ZINC CHROME.
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