March 19, 2018 | Author: Dinesh Poudel | Category: Arc Gis, Geographic Information System, Information Technology, Computing, Technology



DEVELOPMENT OF GIS BASED FRAMEWORK TO PLAN AND MONITOR PMGSY ROAD NETWORKSA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Transportation Engineering and Management by J. VIJAY ANAND DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TIRUCHIRAPPALLI - 620 015 DECEMBER 2009 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project titled “DEVELOPMENT OF GIS BASED FRAMEWORK TO PLAN AND MONITOR PMGSY ROAD NETWORKS” is a bonafide record of the work done by J. VIJAY ANAND (203108002) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Transportation Engineering and Management of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, during the year 2009-2010 (Dr. S. MOSES SANTHAKUMAR) Guide Professor of Civil Engineering (Dr. S. MOSES SANTHAKUMAR) Head Department of Civil Engineering Project viva-voce held on ……………………… Internal Examiner External Examiner ii ABSTRACT India lives in its villages. The development of rural areas is unthinkable without the provision of All-Weather Road access to all our villages and habitations. Realizing this Government of India decided to undertake the massive programme of rural connectivity under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) by December 2000, with the intention to provide not simply the rural paths but a well laid-out network of well engineered and durable roads throughout the country. Unlike the past road development plans, where though the conceptual plans and targets had been worked out, the absence of detailed work plans resulted in a non-integrated, functionally deficient and inefficient network, proper emphasis is given to planning by introducing the concept of District Rural Roads Plan (DRRP) and Core Network (CN). As the programme is being implemented by preparing the DRRP and CN plans a huge database is being generated all over the country. Handling, managing and updating of the data by the traditional methods is not only tedious and time consuming but also difficult to sort and retrieve. Thus despite its huge success, PMGSY programme is currently facing a backdrop as it lacks a framework to store the information and thereby to plan and monitor activities. To obviate these difficulties, it is proposed to develop the database in Geographic Information System environment by the development agencies. The present study aims at developing a database of PMGSY road network and framing a setup for planning, monitoring and decision-making using Geographic Information iii Database. The planning methodology to select a core network and roads for upgradation is developed then using network planning tools available in ArcGIS based on Utility Value. core network. Monitoring iv .System (GIS) platform. etc has been created for the district using GIS software package. Keywords: PMGSY. Planning. Few helpful tools to monitor and analyse the road network while planning and after developmental stage is also developed. Road Index and Accessibility Index as recommended by PMGSY. GIS. Tiruchirappalli District of state Tamilnadu is selected for the study. The complete database comprising habitation data. ArcGIS. road inventory. for his expert guidance throughout the duration of this thesis. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I sincerely acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my guide Dr. It is my privilege to express my thanks to Government Organizations like Directorate of Rural Development. VIJAY ANAND v . Professor and Head. Associate Professor. Department of Civil Engineering. for providing the necessary facilities to complete this project. Director. Moses Santhakumar. I am grateful to all faculty members of the Civil Engineering Department. Chennai for their kind co-operation and contribution with the required data for the successful completion of this project. - J. Tiruchirappalli. S. Department of Civil Engineering. M. National Institute of Technology. Chennai and TWAD Board. Samson Mathew. my classmates and friends without whom the study would not have been successful. for his suggestions during the course of this thesis. Chidambaram. I wish to extend sincere thanks to Dr. ......................................................................2....................3 2.......... 1 Need of GIS in PMGSY ............................... 4 The launch ...................................................................2.......... 6 Quality control system ..... 4 PMGSY Programme ..............................................................................................................................5 2.................................................................................. 7 Achievements and targets ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Technical base .......................................... LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................... 5 Governing bodies ..............................................................................................2 2.........................4 1...............................3........... 1 PMGSY Programme ................................. iii v vi x xi ABSTRACT ....1 1........................3 1..............................................................2 1..................7 2..................................2...................................................... 4 The lead ............................................................................................................2 Need for Rural Roads ...2............ 1 The Present Study ...... 2 STATE OF THE ART CHAPTER 2 2.......2..... LIST OF TABLES ...............................................1 2....... 8 What is GIS? .......3...............................................2........................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................3 2.....................................................................................5 INTRODUCTION General ...................................................................2....... 8 Geographic Information System (GIS) ...................................2............................................................................1 2............................................... 8 GIS for PMGSY .........................................................................................8 2....................................4 2...... 9 vi ................................................................... 2 Organisation of Thesis ........................ 5 Partnering World Bank and ADB ...............6 2.................2 2...................................................................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page No...............................................1 2............... 8 Components of GIS ... TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................ CHAPTER 1 1............................ ................................................................ 19 Data Acquisition ............................3.................................................................4.........5 Introduction .......................................4..................................................... 16 Study Area ............................1 3..4........5 3... 25 CHAPTER 4 NETWORK PLANNING 4.......... 11 Review of Literature 12 GIS application for PMGSY .......................................................................................................................2................................................................ 26 vii .........................................2........2 3................... 18 Demography ..............................................................2 3............3 3............................ 16 Geography ........................................................4.........1 4.... 16 General .............................2 3...........................................................................................2..3 3....................................4 2............................ 12 Network planning ................ 10 Software packages ....4............................2 2........... 19 PMGSY details ....2.......... 20 GIS environment .............................. 17 Administrative divisions .......................................................................................3 2.......................................................................... 21 Methodology ....................................... 20 Database Preparation ............ 10 ArcGIS Desktop .........................1 2.........2....5 2....................................................... 21 Summary .......... 10 Introduction ......... 26 Key Terminology ...................................................................5.................................................................................................3 3.........................................................................................1 3...........3...........4 3........................... 14 PREPARATION OF DATABASE CHAPTER 3 3.....2.....2.................................................................1 3.................................................................................................... 16 History .......................6 3.............................4 3............................................................................... 20 Projections and coordinate system ....................................2 Introduction .................................................................................7 3.................2..............................2 Application of GIS to road development .............................5.........................................................................................................................................................4 2...................1 2........................................................... 18 Transportation ............... 10 ArcGIS ............................... .....HAB_FW validation ....................................................................4................ 32 Planning toolset ......................3.....................................................................4....2.......4................................ 38 CHAPTER 5 NETWORK MONITORING 5.............................................................HAB ........................................................................................................................................... 29 Monitoring Toolset Development ..7 4....................... 31 HAB without FAC ...................... 33 Process involved ..................................4.............1 5.........5 5.............................. 30 Unconnected HAB .........................................4 4............................8 4.................................................3 5................................................................. 36 CN for C.....2.................................................................2 Planning Methodology – PMGSY .........................5...................4 5.1 4...HAB_FW .........................................................................................................................5..................4.................HAB validation .......... 33 HAB within 500m from PR .....2 5.......1 4...........4.... 35 viii ..................3... 33 CN1 for C.........................................................2 5......................................................1 5.......................................... 35 CN3 for C.......................... 30 Introduction ...........................5 4.....1 4.........................................................................3 4..................................... 29 General .....3........................................................2 4............... 32 Need for a planning tool .HAB ........................ 29 Network philosophy ......... 32 Introduction .......................................................4........................................... 35 CN2 for C........... 30 BACK HAB ............................................2...............................2 4..........2...................2............. 37 CN for U..............................................5 4...........................................2..............................................6 4............................................................. 32 Road AADT ..........................4........................................................................................ 35 CN for U......................... 30 Planning Toolset Development ......................................4 4............................................. 36 Planning Toolset Validation ............................................ 34 Road Density ...............3 4......................................................7 Introduction .........................................3 4.........................................6 5. 29 Methodology .................................................4..........2............HAB .. .............. 58 Density Of Roads .5.............. 48 Backward Habitations .................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Specific Inferences ..............................................................Thiruverumbur Block ..... 56 Habitations within 500m from PR ......................................................... 59 60 REFERENCES ix ....................................1 6........... 37 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 6........................................2 6...................... 54 AADT Trend In National Highways .................................... 51 Facility Status Of Blocks ................................................ 45 APPENDICES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Road Network Map ............................................................................................. 47 Unconnected Habitations ........................................................................................... 57 Length Of Roads ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 BRRP Map ...............................Tiruchirappalli .................................................................3 General .............3 Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 44 Scope for Future Work ........................... .............2 Title Page No........LIST OF TABLES Table No........ The Indicators and the Utility Value – An Illustrative Example ............... 3.............. x ............1 3.... 22 28 Identified Spatial Layers ............ .5 4.. Layout of Unconnected HAB tool ................................................................... Link and Through Routes ....... Tiruchirappalli – Administrative Divisions ......................................3 4. Layout of BACK HAB tool ........................................1 3........................................ Layout of HAB without FAC tool .............. Page No......................................4 4.................3 4........7 Title Tiruchirappalli District ....................1 5.3 5.................................. 3...........................................1 4....2 4.2 3.............................................2 5.................................................................................... Layout of HAB within 500m from PR tool ........................................................................................ Layout of Planning Tool .......5 5.................... Validation of Tools to Plan Network for Connected Habitations ......... Model Builder Window and Planning Toolset .. Monitoring Toolset .......................................... Layout of Road Density tool ................. Validation of Tools to Plan Network for Unconnected Habitations ............................ Methodology Behind Planning Toolset ............................................................. Layout of Road AADT tool ...........4 5......................................... Database Creation – Methodology ..6 5.................. 17 18 24 27 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 xi ...............................LIST OF FIGURES Figure No...........6 5...................... This constrained economic activities and access to essential services. NEED OF GIS IN PMGSY As the programme is being implemented by preparing the DRRP and CN plans a huge database is being generated all over the country. functionally deficient and inefficient network. 1. where though the conceptual plans and targets had been worked out. Investing in rural roads was given low priority and viewed in isolation from the need for State and National Highways. Unlike the past road development plans. To obviate these difficulties. constituting the majority of India’s poor. Nearly 74 per cent of India’s rural population. PMGSY PROGRAMME Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a hundred percent centrally sponsored project launched on 25th December. The intention is not simply to provide the rural paths but a well laidout network of well engineered and durable roads throughout the country. managing and updating of the data by the traditional methods is not only tedious and time consuming but also difficult to sort and retrieve. Realizing the critical issue of rural road sector. also lacked adequate planning and management due to poor coordination between multiple funding streams and agencies. GENERAL In the year 2000. 2000.1. proper emphasis is given to planning by introducing the concept of District Rural Roads Plan (DRRP) and Core Network (CN).000 villages in India lacked allweather access roads. it is proposed to develop the 1 .2. 1. were not fully integrated into the national economy. The rural roads sector.3. the absence of detailed work plans resulted in a non-integrated. around 40 per cent of the 825. Handling.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Government of India has decided to undertake the massive programme of rural connectivity under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). with the primary objective to connect all the habitations of population above 500 (250 in case of hill states. tribal and desert areas). which is a State subject by then. • To develop a planning methodology and tool set to select a core network and roads for upgradation using network planning tools available in ArcGIS based on Utility Value. location and provision of appropriate facilities. ORGANISATION OF THESIS With this first chapter giving introduction to the study. the thesis consists of six chapters. ArcGIS. road inventory. etc. 1. which will help the planners and administrators to identify the problems associated with rural road developmental activities. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computer software. core network. data and personnel used to store. The second chapter comprises details about PMGSY programme. The objectives of the study are: • To develop a Geo-database comprising habitation level data. 1.4.database in Geographic Information System environment. THE PRESENT STUDY The present study aims at developing a database of PMGSY road network and framing a setup for planning. analyse and present geographically referenced information. hardware.5. manipulate. Tiruchirappalli District of state Tamilnadu has been considered for the study. monitoring and decision-making using Geographic Information System (GIS) platform. monitoring and maintenance management of the assets created in rural areas. features of ArcGIS software package and review of literature. Thus GIS can be effective tool for village and road information system. general review of GIS. Road Index and Accessibility Index as recommended by PMGSY and IRC-SP 20. • To develop a suitable toolset having models to monitor and analyse the road network during and after planning stage. The third chapter gives the characteristics of the study area and explains the process of development of database. a reputed GIS software package is made used for the purpose. 2 . the specific inferences obtained. The fifth chapter briefs the minor tools developed using ArcGIS to assist planning and monitoring activities of PMGSY by making use of developed database. selecting a road for upgradation and toolset created for planning using ArcGIS. The sixth chapter concludes the report with the brief summary of work done. 3 .The fourth chapter explains about the methodology followed for planning road network including core network planning. and the scope of future study. 2. Rural Roads are the virtual lifelines for the vast multitude residing in rural areas. the Government of India (GOI) planned to give a boost to rural connectivity by launching a nationwide program. primary health centre. The Lead Though Rural road development has been a part of all our 20 year road development plans a major thrust to the development of Rural Roads was given at the beginning of the Fifth Five Year Plan in 1974. Funds continued to be provided by the States. 2.000 villages in India lacked allweather access roads. Investing in rural roads was given low priority and viewed in isolation from the need for State and National Highways. 2000. which is a State subject by then. alongside promoting access to economic and social services. the MNP was merged with the Basic Minimum Services (BMS) programme. In 1996. NEED FOR RURAL ROADS India lives in its villages and road connectivity is a key component of its Rural Development. The development of rural areas is unthinkable without the provision of All-Weather Road access to all our villages and habitations. constituting the majority of India’s poor.1. primary school and dwelling unit with a view to bring the rural population into the mainstream of national development. Nearly 74 per cent of India’s rural population. Funds were provided by the States. In the year 2000. But the construction of rural roads has been 4 . This constrained economic activities and access to essential services. around 40 per cent of the 825. Recognising the critical issue of the rural road sector. along with electricity. were not fully integrated into the national economy. The BMS followed the 1991 census data. when it was made a part of the Minimum Needs Programme (MNP).CHAPTER 2 STATE OF THE ART 2. The rural roads sector. Rural roads contribute significantly to generate increased agricultural incomes and productive employment opportunities. the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. also lacked adequate planning and management due to poor coordination between multiple funding streams and agencies. PMGSY PROGRAMME 2.1.2. About 55 percent of villages achieved connectivity by March. which are implemented by Public Works Departments.000 kms of roads. planning. and design tools. Rural Development Department and similar agencies. This enabled officers to develop ownership and become involved in the early stages of the program.000 habitations through the construction of about 372. roads were mostly left as earth tracks or gravel roads and did not conform to technical standards in terms of compaction. The total outlay for the program is 33 billion USD. They were also not maintained. 2. particularly for rural road sector. and upgrading about 370. drainage and geometrics. These preparations were 5 . desert and tribal areas). GOI launched a nationwide program. The Central Government has formulated detailed Policy and Operational Guidelines and set up the National Rural Road Development Agency (NRRDA) to provide management and technical support to the States. 2.2. it is also helping to streamline the flow of funds through a sector wide approach for sustainable rural infrastructure development. In most cases all survey reports and detailed project reports were prepared by the staff of the Public Works Department (PWD). The program has greatly enhanced the capacity of States to plan and manage rural roads by creation of State Rural Roads Development Agencies in each State. Because of the employment focus.undertaken as part of several employment creation and poverty-alleviation programmes of the central and state governments.000 kms of the existing core rural network to provide full farm-to market connectivity. The Launch Considering all this backlogs in the year 2000.3.2. Governing Bodies Through the PMGSY. As a result.2.the Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Program) under the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). the GOI is endeavouring a radical departure from the past. the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. (PMGSY. These agencies monitor PMGSY works. A unique feature is the engagement of technical institutes with government agencies. It is enforcing more rational and transparent decision making. PMGSY is being implemented as a 100 per cent centrally-funded program aimed at providing allweather connectivity to all habitations of above 500 population (250 in case of hills. they may not be functional as means of connectivity. The program envisages providing new connectivity to about 180. the Central Government was responsible for only National Highways. 2. There was no national level consensus or coordination on rural roads. National Institute of Technology. For the first time.2. and built. procurement. developing maintenance management capacity of the States and exposure to global good practices through training. It was for State Governments to plan. design. the World Bank has provided technical support to the Ministry of Rural Development in formulating the operational guidelines of the program. nationwide operational standards have been adopted in the area of institutional structures. financial and accounting systems. reporting systems. NRRDA prepared an operational manual to systematize the process of road building.4. manpower 6 . A highlight of the association has been the mandatory provision for peoples’ participation. contract management. It scrutinized the project proposals prepared by the State Public Works Department and were deputed for any technical project support the State government may periodically require. Through such interaction the engineering institutes were engaged in real-time projects while the government agency had access to professional technical assistance. planning. fund. The PMGSY initiated a paradigm shift in the way rural roads are mapped. Partnering World Bank and ADB The World Bank. Orissa and West Bengal by providing loan of nearly US $ 1100 million under Rural Road Sector Project (RRSP). Asian Development Bank (ADB) has also agreed to provide loans for building rural infrastructure mainly for the North Eastern States of Assam. is supporting the PMGSY program. to be uniformly applied throughout the country.5. 2. It includes setting up the Core Road Network approach to prioritize the selection of habitations. Since the inception of the PMGSY. Technical Base Prior to unveiling the PMGSY program. designed. alleviate poverty and improve rural livelihood. At the initiative of the MoRD. adoption of Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). construct and maintain rural roads.supervised by chief engineers and independent professional bodies like the Indian Institute of Technology. monitored.2. a partner with the Government of India to build rural infrastructure. added under the Rural Roads Project. led by a senior Executive Engineer. This Manual provides a firm technical base for the road works that are being taken up under the PMGSY. Contractors are also required to maintain field level laboratories for testing at each stage. It is mandatory for a reputed independent agency to be specifically contracted to carry out random tests on the quality of work. a three-tier quality control system has been put in place to ensure quality in road works. where all aspects of operational monitoring are held. This will be applicable throughout the country. The following publications were released by IRC regarding PMGSY: • The Rural Roads Manual has been approved and printed by the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) as a Special Publication (IRC: SP-20:2002). The first tier is at the District Project Implementation Unit (PIU). Retired Chief Engineers from neighbouring States are also taken on board for inspection of works alongside representatives of reputed engineering colleges and other specialized institutes. and will be in consonance with the Rural Roads Manual. The third tier. a separate Book of Specification and a Standard Data Book have been published in the IRC at NRRDA’s instance. where district wise quality monitors of the State government. 7 . A Quality Control Handbook has been published for PMGSY. Monitoring of the quality of works and materials by third parties has become mandatory.2.6. cross-check the work and verify the entries in the register. 2. The second tier involves quality monitoring at the State level. • In order to streamline the process of estimation and to standardise contracts. The PIU field engineers periodically conduct quality control tests at the site and record the results in a quality control register. Quality Control Registers have been prescribed for all the works under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana and these Registers will be maintained for each work under the Programme. working independently of the PIU.skills and safety measures. is of National Quality Monitors. Guidelines on acceptable standards with desired specifications have also been put in place in order to cut down on subjective evaluations. These replace the publications brought out by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Quality Control System Under the PMGSY. 710 million will be used to connect the remaining unconnected habitations that are eligible under the program.320.8. data and personnel used to store.500 kms of road work including 130. The data changes of roads constructed under new connectivity or the surface condition of the roads upgraded have not been updated in order to get the latest picture of the new connectivity status or requirement and the updated surface condition of the existing roads.3.2. 269. Habitations with a population above 1000 are targeted to be connected by year 2010. With the construction of village roads. Geo-Information Technology is preferred to overcome this backdrop by development agencies. What is GIS? A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a collection of computer software. From this.290 million has been spent on building roads and the balance of Rs. present powerful ideas 8 . 2. Rs. A total of 377. habitations with a population of 500 by 2015 and habitations with a population above 250 by 2022.2.7. 2. Recent estimates by the MoRD (2007) suggest that the total investment required to meet the PMGSY targets was Rs. hardware. rural India is rapidly transforming.050.000 kms of new roads have been constructed. is running into the 9th year of implementation. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) 2. 1. 2637 crore was the total cost spent by then. now part of the Bharat Nirman Initiative.778 habitations. GIS has the power to create maps.758 habitations.365 eligible habitations in addition to upgradation of connectivity to 31.3. solve complicated problems. Wherever the roads network has come up the rural economy and quality of life has improved. 1. This target counts to a total of 290. serving about 45 million rural people. visualize scenarios. manipulate.000 million. new connectivity has been provided to about 64. Until the end of November 2009.2. analyse and present geographically referenced information. Connectivity and mobility is the key to reaching out and opening up new opportunities. Achievements and Targets The PMGSY program. integrate information.1. GIS for PMGSY Despite its huge success. PMGSY programme is currently facing a backdrop as it lacks a framework to store the information and thereby to plan and monitor activities. • Software: GIS software provides the functions and tools needed to store. governments and businesses seeking innovative ways to solve their problems. from centralized computer servers to desktop computers used in Stand-alone or networked configurations. data identified according to their location. who design and maintain the system to those who use it to help them perform their everyday work. In the strictest sense. b) A database management system (DBMS).and develop effective solutions like never before. 2. GIS software runs on a wide range of hardware types. • People: GIS technology is of limited value without the people who manage the system and develop plans for applying it to real-world problems. Components of GIS A working GIS integrates five key components: • Hardware: It is the computer on which a GIS operates. It is a tool used by individuals and organizations. manipulating and displaying geographically referenced information. i. etc. schools. d) A graphical user interface (GUI) for easy access to tools. Today. used by most organizations to organize and maintain their data. line and polygons. analysis.3. storing. c) Tools that support geographic query. Typically a geographic database integrates two types of data: spatial and attribute data. and visualization. 9 . name of a habitation and road length. A GIS will integrate spatial data with the other data resources and can even use a DBMS. Attribute data relates to data qualifying the geographic features of an area usually tabular in nature and derived from knowledge about the application domain. Key software components are a)Tools for the input and manipulation of geographic information. Typical examples being soil type of land parcel. • Data: Possibly the most important component of a GIS is the data. and display geographic information. to manage spatial data.e. GIS is a computer system capable of assembling. Spatial data represents a geographic feature such as point. Geographic data and related tabular data can be collected in-house or purchased from a commercial data provider. GIS can be used to create and maintain geographic databases and are eminently suited for what-if-kind of analysis in any planning related activity. GIS users range from technical specialists.2. analyze. for better planning and management of rural road programme at district/block level.4. GIS can also be used to monitor the road conditions and developmental changes over the time period. monitoring and maintenance management of the assets created in rural areas.3. managing and updating of the data is easy and less time consuming in GIS. and representing geographic information. The network planning tools available in various GIS software will be useful for finding out optimal road network based on accessibility criterion and socio-economic benefit criteria. MapObjects.• Methods: A successful GIS operates according to a well-designed plan and business rules. ERDAS.3. Handling. Application of GIS to Road Development The advantage of using GIS is its ability to access and analyse spatially distributed data. ArcGIS provides a scalable framework for implementing GIS 10 . 2. Thus GIS can be effective tool for village and road information system. In addition. GeoMedia. by integrating the spatial data and the attribute data on roads as well as the habitations.4. 2. All software’s has its own advantages and disadvantages. which are the models and operating practices unique to each organization. location and provision of appropriate facilities. It is a set of tools for collecting. which will help the planners and administrators to identify the problems associated with rural road developmental activities. Introduction ArcGIS is an integrated family of GIS software products for building a complete GIS. ArcGIS 2.1. 2. etc. MapInfo. retrieval.3. managing. Software Packages With the advent of computers many reputed GIS software packages are available like ArcGIS. In addition to these packages many open resource GIS software’s are also available now. analyzing.4. GIS can be used to create a database. storing. But due to its user friendly environment and availability of variety of analysis tools ArcGIS remains the most preferred one. special plans can be prepared to identify optimal route locations to provide new connectivity to the targeted habitations. GRASS. 2. ArcCatalog. ArcEditor.Embeddable software components for developers to extend GIS desktops.4. The ArcMap interface presents a Table of Contents (TOC) with currently available data layers as well as the current map and symbology. over the Web. and ArcGIS Image Server. C++. add custom GIS services and web applications.for example. a map control that allows you to quickly embed a map interface into your custom application for working with GIS map documents created in ArcGIS. ArcGIS Desktop ArcGIS Desktop is the framework that provides the user interaction and experience for GIS professionals who use three ESRI software products: ArcView. in servers. ArcGIS Desktop is made up of three components: ArcMap. • Mobile GIS . • ArcMap lets you make maps from multiple layers of geographic data. and web developers.ArcPad and ArcGIS Mobile for field computing.for a single user or many users on desktops. They all appear the same and work in similar ways – the only difference is the tools available. ranging from fine-grained objects . ArcGIS Server. • Server GIS .An integrated suite of professional GIS applications. 11 .NET. a common. ArcObjects includes a wide variety of programmable components. It consists of four primary frameworks for deploying GIS: • ArcGIS Desktop . • ESRI Developer Network (EDN) .ArcIMS. build custom GIS applications. modular library of re-useable GIS software components.2. These developer tools aggregate comprehensive GIS functionality for . and ArcToolbox. individual geometry objects to coarse-grained controls and tools . Java. and in the field. ArcEditor offers more tools than ArcView and ArcInfo offers more tools than ArcEditor. ArcInfo. and for creating mobile solutions. Users can change between a publication view of the map (called Layout View). All four ArcGIS frameworks are based on ArcObjects. to which legends and other map elements can be added and a working view in which you can manipulate your data (called Data View). each perform a distinct set of tasks.for example. link routes. The analysis includes proximity study of habitations from road network.5. Praveen Babu CH. 12 .Ganesh Raja (2008). study of connected length of road works.5. 2. population served directly and indirectly. R (2003) has developed a database for Tiruchirappalli district for providing connectivity under PMGSY using GIS. etc. which can be used for rural road planning and management. and survey integration. ArcCatalog is also the subsystem that provides access to metadata and allows you to update and edit information associated with the spatial data you are using.• ArcCatalog supports your connection to and browsing of spatial data. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2. The information system giving details of type of road. Thenpandithamizh P (2005). Bhuvaneswari Devi. GIS applications for PMGSY Lot of research works are coming up in the field of application of GIS for rural road development. • ArcToolbox contains an extensive menu of tools for manipulating your spatial data. Nayyar. connectivity.1. is developed to help in network planning and provision of various services in rural areas. type of surface. three-dimensional analysis. A. (2009) used GIS to develop a database and to perform various analyses on PMGSY road network for 15 districts of Tamilnadu. Sayad Bilal (2007). number of roads and habitations benefited in a year (phase) in a district and comparison of the same with different districts.Shaik (2006). etc. at the ArcInfo level you will access to advanced spatial analytic tools as well. and market centers. The works which found to be useful for the study are briefed here. Extensions allow you to perform tasks such as raster geo-processing. identification of through routes. A number of optional extensions are available for ArcGIS Desktop that provides additional GIS functionality. Through the tools associated with ArcCatalog you can access data on your computer and other systems to which your computer is connected and add it to your map. cost estimation of Roads and Cross Drainage work. Bindu. Various preventive maintenance treatment technologies and performance based maintenance contract technologies have been presented along with related issues and concerns. M. A Software is developed. which often remain unutilized in most of the planning processes. M. which is useful for performing various tasks of a Rural Road development project under PMGSY including Preparation of database for core network identification.V. (2007) developed a methodology to plan the rural roads based on secondary data sources.S.Jain and P. P. Jain. Balabhaskara Reddy & K. A.B. Anjaneyulu.G. Geometric Design. K. preparation proposal for pavement layers and Cross Drainage work.R. B. V. in GIS environment. P. A. Chandrasekar. P. Prashant Nayak (2003) developed a GIS based Road Information and Management System for Maharashtra.K. Neelam Jain (2003) developed an Information system for rural road network planning for Rupauli Block in Purnia District of Bihar. The developed system acts as a decision support tool for Public Works Department and Government of Maharashtra. Lal (2006) has conducted study on Computer Aided Design of Rural Roads (PMGSY). Dr. Veeraraghavan.S. preparation of summary sheet of the proposals. This includes dedicated funds for maintenance. Praveen kumar & M.Mohan Rao. Amit Prakash. K. Keerthi. Rathanakara Reddy (2006) have made a study on Asset Management of Rural Roads – need for a policy frame work in India. The rural roads are planned based on the functional dependence of settlements and the potential interactions resulting from 13 . Analysis of rates. Kangadurai. B.K.L. Kanaga Durai. Karandikar. Pavement Design. Steps to prepare maps from the developed database are also explained. creation of a data base for pavement management and training. B. B. Sikdar (2004) developed a methodology in GIS to prepare District Rural Road Plan and Core Network Plan for Simdega Block in Jharkhand state. P.Prasada Rao. preventive maintenance and preservation programmes. GIS is used to store village level data and road inventory data of the block. The attempt is to highlight the various issues that need special attention to preserve the PMGSY rural road infrastructure assets created. K.K. Villages which are not connected by any road. 2.M. Prof. Cluster Analysis is used to obtain Hierarchy of the settlement. The villages were considered as “unconnected nodes” which were to be connected to “root nodes”. Manish Sardana (2007) developed various thematic views which can be useful for Rural Road Network planning such as villages with various population ranges. The road network connecting the market centers is proposed using shortest spanning trees. socioeconomic. P. An index derived from set of demographic. Vandana Tare. Network Planning Swaminathan. source villages which can provide connectivity to the unconnected villages.5.them. Praveen kumar and Anukul Saxena (2008) developed a planning model for upgradation of rural road by keeping PMGSY programme as the base.2. villages having Panchayat Headquarters. I. Various link options for connectivity were analysed by considering the flow circuit. Jayasree. Lakshmana Rao. infrastructural development and policy attributes is developed to prioritize the settlements. Market centers and existing roads were considered as high intensity concentrated electric charges. A.K. (1981) used the concept of minimum spanning tree for connecting the villages to existing nearby roads or to the market center. Gaurav Bhandari. Dr. GIS is used as a supporting tool to identify the final road network by the coordination of existing and proposed road networks. The upgradation is planned based on two steps – strengthening of road or widening and alternate route. K. etc. Rama Chandra Reddy (2008) derived a mathematical model for identification of market centers which acts as a proxy to travel demand. An accessibility indicator has been developed and based on this the network has been generated. Sikdar. Accessibility and construction cost are considered as phenomenon’s for network alignment. Singh developed a methodology to plan a new alignment for a Rural Road Network based on Accessibility Approach. Kumar and Tilloston (1985) proposed the rural road network planning methodology which minimizes the road construction and travel cost. situated either 14 . So the unconnected villages were connected to the market center or the main road and proceeding towards interior by connecting the nearest unconnected village with the already connected ones. Education level was taken as the proportion of population studying or studied at a particular level whereas the accessibility measure was taken as the distance of education institutions from the village. a network. link efficiency. population and spatial in terms of centrality scores and the interaction between two settlements was considered proportional to the difference in their centrality scores. 15 . Alternative networks were generated from a set of predetermined road links using different link options.on market centers or on the existing main roads interconnecting the market centers. From the survey results it was suggested that. which serves the area in a balanced way. analyse and evaluate alternative rural road linkage patterns. which provided connectivity to market center and educational institutions is correlated with their accessibility from different road types. route efficiency and network efficiency to generate. The optimum network was obtained from minimum construction cost. The existing correlation between accessibility and education level was considered as the guiding tool to arrive at the maximum permissible distance of the village from an educational institute in planning the rural road network. Gravity hypothesis was used to qualify inter settlement interaction using level of socio-economic development. The minimum construction cost network was generated first by using minimum spanning tree concept. One of the important contributions of the study is its findings about the rural travel characteristic. Mahendru (1985) used the concept of settlement interaction. which were derived from an extensive survey data obtained from rural areas. Kumar (1997) suggested the facility-based approach to rural road planning. Integrated area development approach was considered to arrive at a road network. STUDY AREA 3. a part of present day Tiruchirappalli. Till A. this region was under the hegemony of either the Pallvas or the Pandyas. and finally preparation of database in this chapter. was the capital city of Cholas from 300 B.D. INTRODUCTION The present study consists of three stages – Preparation of Database in GIS environment.D. 3. who ascended the throne in A.2. In order to prepare a scientific plan for rural roads it is necessary to build a comprehensive database. Later.1. HISTORY Woraiyur.058 sq km. data acquisition process. Tamil Nadu is a state in southern India. 880. which in turn are further bifurcated into smaller divisions and subdivisions including a total of 17. 3. All transportation planning exercises requires large amount of data on many factors. which influence the travel. Occupying the extreme south of the Indian peninsula. by Kerala state on the west.2. Tiruchirappalli.2. 590. Lets see about the study area characteristics.C. popularly known as Trichy. is situated on the banks of the Cauvery River in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. Woraiyur along with the present day Tiruchirappalli and its neighbouring areas came under the control of Mahendra Varma Pallava I. 16 . bordered by Andhra Pradesh state on the north.1. by Karnataka state on the northwest. onwards.272 villages. General Tiruchirappalli district in Tamilnadu State have been selected as the study area for the application of GIS on road network. lying at a distance of about 320 km from Chennai and 133 km from Madurai. Tamil Nadu has an area of 130. by the Bay of Bengal on the east and by the Indian Ocean on the south. development of toolset plan the Core Network and development of minor tools to assist planning and monitoring through various useful analysis. The state of Tamil Nadu is divided into 32 Administrative Districts.CHAPTER 3 PREPARATION OF DATABASE 3.2. according to the inscriptions. 3. lies at the heart of Tamil Nadu.404 square kilometers. colleges and missions dating back to the 1760s. The district has an area of about 4. It is geographically positioned between 10° and 11°30’ of the northern latitude and 77°45’ to 78°50’ of the Eastern longitude. The Nayak dynasty came to an end during the days of Meenakshi. Trichy flourished and prospered in its own. 1736. With its excellent infrastructural facilities Trichy serves as a good base to see central Tamilnadu. Afterwards. which was put to an end by the Vijayanagar rulers.Tiruchirappalli District 17 . Aditya Chola brought a downfall to the Pallava dynasty. Geography Tiruchirapalli district (Fig.It was in 880 AD. 3. It was Viswanatha Nayaka who built the present day Teppakulam and the Fort. built around the Rock Fort.1). The Nayaks. 3.1 . the Governors of Vijayanagar Empire. Tiruchirappalli was under the rule of Chanda Sahib and Mohamed Ali. The district was then under the hegemony of British for about 150 years till the independence of India. Finally the English brought Tiruchirappalli and other areas under their control.D. For some years. Tiruchirappalli was for some time under the Mughal rule.D the area was occupied by the Hoysulas. 3. From that time onwards Tiruchirappalli and its region became a part of Greater Cholas. Fig. In 1225 A. it came under the rule of later Pandyas till the advent of Mughal Rule. Apart from the fort there are several churches. The Muslims ruled this region again with the aid of either the French or the English armies. ruled this area till A.2. Manachanallur. Tiruchirappalli .5. Ponmalai and K. which has increased to 2. Vaiyampatty. • 8 Taluks . Thiruverumbur.2. • 14 Blocks . Manapparai. to the south by Sivaganga and Madurai districts. Manachanallur. Manikandam. • a City Corporation with 60 wards of 4 zones.366 persons in 2001 with the density of 549 person per sq.2. Musiri. Andanallur.Tiruchirapalli is bounded to the north by Namakkal District. and to the northwest by Namakkal District. to the east by Thanjavur District.Musuri. Lalgudi. to the northeast by Perambalur District. Administrative Divisions BLOCKS TALUKS REVENUE DIVISIONS Fig.756 in 1951. Thottiyam. It is 47. 3.418. 3. Thottiam. Srirangam. to the west by Karur District.4. 15 wards to each zone. Ariyamangalam. Srirangam. 3. • 408 Village Panchayats and 1926 Habitations. Thuraiyur. namely.10% 18 .Lalgudi. 72. Manapparai and Marungapuri. Demography The population of the district was 10. Uppiliyapuram.2): • 3 Revenue Divisions – Tiruchirappalli.km. Pullambadi. Musiri and Lalgudi. to the southeast by Pudukkottai District. Tattayangarpettai.Tiruchirappalli – Administrative Divisions Tiruchirappalli district comprises following administrative divisions (Fig. Thuraiyur.Abishekapuram. to the southwest by Dindigul District. 3.2 . 3. are few places of interests for Tourists in Tiruchirappalli district. that runs flights to Indian cities. For monitoring the target achievement.02%. Transportation Tiruchirappalli district is an important urban centre in the state and well connected by Roads and Railways.39% of the population followed by Christians at 9. Hindus formed the majority of the population at 84.0 % over the last four decades.16%. higher than the state's average.2. Lourdu's Church.7. Three National Highways (NH 45.9km length of Major and Other District Roads. Grand Anaicut (Kallanai Dam). about 112 habitations were provided with new connectivity and connectivity is being upgraded for about 184 habitations. Rockfort Temple. 76 habitations were connected by the year 2000. etc. Tiruchirappalli is the hub of Southern Railway's operations to connect central Tamilnadu. Hazrath Nathervali.6km of Town Panchayat roads. 999 – 500. The district has a literacy of 79.6km of National Highway. 210.urbanised. District. Block and Habitations.212. Out of 1926 Habitations.6. The district comprises of 195 PMGSY roads till the year 19 .4km of Corporation and Municipality Roads and 884. The district has 202. territories and neighbouring countries Srilanka and Singapore. The average decadal growth rate of population is 21. and various parts of India. Tiruchirappalli district has 1926 habitations in total. PMGSY deals only with the levels – State. three State Highways and six major district roads form the major road network of the region. Habitations are further considered into four classes based on total population as 1000 +. PMGSY Details Despite many administrative levels available over the country. Mukkombu. Total number of households in Tiruchirappalli City Corporation according to 2001 census is 175. 2816. As far as on December 2009. 249 – 0.3Km length of state highways. Muslims at 6. 499 – 250. 986. under the administration of 14 blocks.46% and others at 0.2. Jambukeswara Temple. NH 67 and NH 210). St.12% 3. Tamil is the principal language spoken and Tamils are the predominant linguistic group in the district. Tiruchirappalli has an airport about 7-8 Km from the city. • Connectivity Details – details regarding connectivity available for each habitation like All Weather Road (AWR).2 is used to prepare database.3. Block level map data.8 km. • Village Data – the names of blocks and villages with census codes and population from Block/ District level Statistical Handbook. ArcMap component is used to deal with spatial and non spatial 20 . DATABASE PREPARATION 3. etc have been collected. About 27 crore Rupees have been spent for the district alone under PMGSY. State Highways (SH) and Major District Roads (MDR). Administrative Detail like Head Quarter. • Details of Road Network – the data regarding name of the road. editing and attribute linking can be done with less effort in this software. category of road. DATA ACQUISITION For this work Topo sheet. 3. running for a length of about 386. details of Road Network. Habitation Data. Primary and Secondary road network (PR) like National Highways (NH). • Block level map data – The map at block level at 1:50. Health facilities. Education facilities.000. Boundaries and Road Network. Digitising. Block and Village Data. etc is obtained from District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). in scale 1:50. 3. • Habitation Data – the block level data having information about each habitation like: Name and Reference Code.4. Market facility. Connectivity details. Fair Weather Road (FWR) or no connectivity. soil type and other details are collected from DRDA and PMGSY official website.4.2008. Their source and other details are as follows: • Topo Sheets covering Tiruchirappalli district has been obtained from Survey of India. Demographic data. road surface type. when compared with other GIS software’s.000 scales were collected from the relevant DRDAs in the form of AutoCAD files. GIS Environment GIS software ArcGIS Desktop 8. The map data contains the following items: Location of habitation/settlements.1. Chennai. 4. Example: transverse Mercator. A coordinate system is a reference system used to represent the locations of such map features like geographic features.data manipulation like digitization. Albers equal area. 21 .4. Projected coordinate systems are sometimes referred to as map projections. etc. Various complex and advanced operations are carried out using tools available in ArcToolbox. • Projected coordinate system name . There are two common types of coordinate systems used in GIS: • A global or spherical coordinate system such as latitude-longitude often referred to as geographic coordinate systems. 3.2. ArcCatalog is used to access and manage the data on your system. Projection and Coordinate System The features on a map reference the actual locations of the objects they represent in the real world. etc. and observations. non. 3. for analysis and planning purpose. for digitization and database preparation. editing. The database preparation is carried out at three steps – spatial layers preparation.GCS_WGS_1984.WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_44N. Here for our purpose the following predefined coordinate systems are used: • Geographic coordinate system .spatial data preparation and integration of non-spatial data to respective spatial layers.3. Methodology The database is prepared at block level as prescribed by PMGSY Operations Manual and then combined together to form district database. It forms the main working environment. imagery. • A projected coordinate system based on a map projection which provide various mechanisms to project maps of the earth's spherical surface onto a twodimensional Cartesian coordinate plane. • Identification of spatial layers: As a first step the various spatial layers that are going to be a part of database is identified and created using ArcCatalog as Shape files.1. 22 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FILE/LAYER NAME HABITATIONS STATE BOUNDARY DISTRICT BOUNDARY BLOCK BOUNDARY RES_FOREST NH SH_MDR ODR_VR PMGSY RAIL LAKE RIVER HQ MARKET HEALTH EDUCATION TOURIST RELIGIOUS QUARRY MAP LAYERS Habitations State Boundary District Boundary Block Boundary Forest Boundary Primary Road Secondary Road Rural Road PMGSY Road Railway Line Lakes Rivers and Channels Administrative HQ Market Centre Health Service Educational Service Tourist Place Religious place Quarry (Stone & Sand) TYPE Point Polygon Polygon Polygon Polygon Line Line Line Line Line Polygon Line Point Point Point Point Point Point Point • Obtaining Boundary Layers: The exact spatially referenced boundary map layers including State boundary. District boundary and Block boundary is obtained from Tamilnadu Water supply And Drainage Board (TWAD Board). The identified spatial layers are given in Table 3. • Importing AutoCAD map data to GIS environment : The AutoCAD map data obtained from DRDA is then imported into the GIS workspace using conversion tool available in ArcGIS. The imported data lacks any spatial reference and so it will not match its exact location.1 – Identified Spatial Layers NO.1) Spatial Layer’s Preparation: The following tasks are involved in preparation of spatial layers. Table 3. • Spatial Adjustment of imported AutoCAD map data: The imported data is thus spatially adjusted and referenced to the available referenced boundary layers by making use of five adjustment methods available in ArcGIS, like rubber sheeting, edge snapping. • Extracting features from AutoCAD map data: The various features present in imported AutoCAD map is extracted and stored in their respective spatial layers, like National Highways to NH layer, Habitation Locations to HABITATIONS layer, etc. • Checking Topology: Prepared Spatial layers are checked for topological rules like block boundary should be within district boundary, lines should not have any dangles, etc. The errors if any are corrected. 2) Non- Spatial Data Preparation: The attributes that are to be integrated with developed spatial layers is compiled in the required format and stored as Excel file (xls) format. The non spatial data is prepared for each spatial layer. For example, a table having information’s like Habitation Code, Habitation Name, Block and District address, Total Population, SC/ST Population, availability of facilities like Primary School, Colleges, Medical Centres, Market Places, Connecting Road details, etc for HABITATIONS layer. 3) Spatial Layer and Non - Spatial Data Integration: The non spatial data developed as xls sheets is then appended with their respective spatial layers. For example, NH sheet to NH layer, Habitation sheet to HABITATIONS layer. The only requirement for integration of spatial and non spatial data is the presence of minimum one common field say id or name. The merging can be done easily using tool available in ArcGIS. Thus the database preparation is done. 23 The pictorial chart Fig. 3.3 gives the brief about the steps involved in database preparation. Spatial layers identification Obtaining boundary layer Spatial adjustment of map data Importing AutoCAD map data Extracting features of spatial layers Non spatial data creation + = Integration of spatial and non-spatial data to database Fig. 3.3 – Database Creation - Methodology 24 3.5. SUMMARY The database comprising habitation data, primary and secondary road information, rural road network inventory, rail network, water bodies, characteristics of important places like market centres, Head Quarters, Tourist places, details of available facilities, etc has been prepared for all the 14 blocks present in Tiruchirappalli district. The block level information’s are then integrated to obtain a complete database at district level. The developed database can be made used for preparing various thematic maps right from political maps to thematic maps like AADT maps, CBR maps, Terrain map, DRRP map, CN map, etc, which can be used for any analysis and transportation planning. Above all it can be used for planning and monitoring PMGSY Road Network. A sample map showing Primary and Rural Network of entire Tiruchirappalli District and BRRP of Thiruverumbur Block are attached as Appendices 1 and 2 respectively. 25 is defined as single all-weather road connectivity to each Habitation. the effort under the PMGSY is to provide single all-weather road connectivity to each eligible Habitation by way of connecting it to another 26 .is a cluster of population. Tolas. which provide access to services and also opportunities for the rural population to increase their income.1. Habitation . INTRODUCTION Rural roads are part of the total road network system and it needs to be developed in such a way that the travel needs of the people in an area are met to the maximum extent by a hierarchically integrated network. Upgradation and Maintenance can be taken up systematically within the frame work of this Master Plan. Desam. Dhanis. Basic access . Unconnected Habitation .is one with a population of more than 500 persons and located at a distance of at least 500 metres or more from an All-weather road or a connected village/Habitation. KEY TERMINOLOGY Before proceeding ahead. As already indicated. is an important part of the socio-economic development process. hamlets etc.2. and the cost of development of network is also lowest. living in an area. Connecting rural habitations through good quality all weather roads. 4. it is necessary that a proper Master Plan is prepared in order that all activities relating to rural roads such as Construction. the location of which does not change over time. For sustainable development through rural roads. it would be better to have a clear understanding of the terms commonly used.CHAPTER 4 NETWORK PLANNING 4. with Uppilliyapuram block as example. as defined for the purpose of PMGSY programme. Let’s discuss the present schema and methodology of planning as suggested by PMGSY guidelines. are commonly used terminology to describe the Habitations. A Revenue village/ Gram Panchayat may comprise of several Habitations. details of study conducted on various options available for planning in order to develop a standard planning tool using GIS. Majras. implies construction of roads on the existing alignments from earth-work stage. inter alia. Upgradation . This implies that the road-bed is drained effectively by adequate cross-drainage structures such as culverts.1 explains the same. New Connectivity . Fig. This does not include repair or renewal of existing surfaced roads.. Market Centres. but this does not necessarily imply that it should be paved or surfaced or black-topped.e. Through Routes are the roads which collect traffic from several link roads or a long chain of Habitations and lead it to Marketing centres either directly or through the higher category roads i. however. The pavement should be negotiable during all-weathers. Link routes generally have dead ends terminating on a Habitation.Link Routes are the roads connecting a single Habitation or a group of Habitations to Through Routes or District Roads leading to Market Centres. Link Route and Through Route . while Through Routes arise from the confluence of two or more Link Routes and emerge on to a major Road or to a Market Centre. allowed. 4.habitation having all-weather connectivity or to an all-weather road.is one which is negotiable during all weathers. 4. in such a way that there is access to. the District Roads or the State or National Highway. minor bridges and causeways. All-weather road . except at major river crossings.1 – Link and Through Routes 27 . Interruptions to traffic as per permitted frequency and duration are. Fig.implies improvement of the unsurfaced roads to surfaced roads. However. Table 4. Core Network (CN) . The variables which best suited for the District should be selected.1 provides a Educational Facility Health Facility Market Facility Administrative Centre Primary school Dispensary Middle school Sub Centre High school Maternity and Child Welfare Centres More than One day Block HQ Intermediate Primary Health Centres College Hospital Daily Market + Shops - One day Panchayat HQ Sub-Division HQ District HQ However the indicators and the weights assigned to variables in the above Table is only indicative and so the indicators and their weightage should be framed before the Planning Exercise is initiated.is a compendium of the existing and proposed road network system in the District which clearly identifies the proposed roads for connecting the yet Unconnected Habitations to already connected Habitations/ Allweather roads. it will not consist of all the existing roads of the DRRP since the objective is to establish ‘basic access’ i. A Core Network is extracted out of the total Network mentioned in the DRRP and consists of existing roads as well as the roads required to be constructed to the as yet unconnected Habitations.The Indicators and the Utility Value – An Illustrative Example Indicators of the Habitation Rating of Indicators (Weightages) 2 4 6 8 10 The Table 4.1 . in an economic and efficient way. and administrative centres. IRC SP: 20 – 2002..District Rural Roads Plan (DRRP) . Markets). categorised and then relative weightages should be accorded to them. one all-weather road connectivity to each habitation. 28 .is the network of all the Rural Roads that are necessary to provide basic access to all the Habitations. can be made use of for arriving utility value in case no appropriate weightage method is found out. inter alia. Utility Value (UV) – is a Value for a Habitation calculated by giving appropriate weightages.e. to a set of socio-economic/ infrastructure facilities (Health. suggested structure to obtain Utility Value. Education. education centre and health centre (almost 95%). Thus. creation of an optimal road network is to be aimed to serve the habitations for access to such needs through a master plan. therefore.District Rural Roads Plan and Core Network plan.2. A road network. facilitates the essential movements of persons and goods in an area. General The network planning for PMGSY two plans . needs to be developed in such 29 . WͿͷX ͫ;XXY = ͱYXͼXYY ͲͷͼYX ͮX;XYX ͿX ΀΂Ϳ΀Ϳ΃XX ͼX;ͻ The choice of road link to a Connected Habitation or All-weather road (which ensures access to a Habitation which serves the needs of the residents of Unconnected Habitation) is determined by the Road Index of the respective Road links. The Core Network plan is the plan comprising network of all the Rural Roads that are necessary to provide basic access to all the Habitations and it is extracted out of the total Network mentioned in the DRRP.3.Road Index – is an index for a road calculated by taking the Utility Value (UV) of the Habitation providing the requisite services to the target Habitation and dividing it by the length of the road link. 4. The road link which has the highest Road Index should be preferred. While attempting to optimise the road network. major part of their travel needs is comprised of travel to market place. Network Philosophy A road.3.PMGSY 4. It differs from DRRP as it comprises of only optimal route links connecting all the habitations both connected and unconnected in the block/district. PLANNING METHODOLOGY .1. No individual road link can serve the same purpose when developed in isolation. District Rural Roads Plan is the one comprising network of all the identified road networks.3. each unconnected habitation has to be connected to the all-weather road network or already connected habitations in an efficient way (in terms of cost and its utility). which becomes links of a network. 4. In rural areas. including primary and secondary roads. of a district. 30 . should be prepared in descending order of their population.a way that the travel needs of the people of the community in an area are met to the maximum in a collective way at the lowest cost of development.3. Consequently they are likely to have developed public transport. Facilities like agricultural equipment repair shops may also exist. Because they are easily accessible from the rural hinterland and are linked to the main road network. Identification of Market Centres (MC): An analysis of the transport patterns in the rural areas reveals that most of the travel is to the Market centres. two separate lists of Unconnected Habitations: • those which are connected only by a fair weather road which needs to be upgraded to the prescribed specifications and • those which have no connection at all. they function as Rural Business Hubs and generally have facilities for marketing of agricultural surpluses. Higher Education and Health care facilities. A Habitation with higher population will rank higher in the list. Calculating Utility Value for vicinity Habitations: Then the Utility Values of Habitations should be calculated by considering the variables which best suited for the District and assigning relative weightages according to them. These are generally located either on bigger roads or at the confluence of roads leading from a number of Habitations.000 scale.3. (IRC SP: 20-2002) 4. Methodology Based on the above quoted network philosophy prescribed by IRC a methodology with following steps has been suggested in PMGSY’s Operations Manual: Map preparation: The block level digital map with habitation and road inventory data incorporated in it at prescribed format showing latitudes and longitudes at 1:50. Preparation of the list of unconnected habitations: By making use of the available data and information from the Map. large stores for agricultural inputs as well as consumer items (durables and consumables). Banking and telecommunication facilities. not even by a fair-weather road. the Market centres may not be fully developed. in any case. in terms of cost and utility. If. • The choice of link may be based on network philosophy and at a minimum cost. The views of the Village Panchayat or the Gram Sabha. (ii) those which are not connected at all. or by a new link from unconnected habitation to an all-weather link or a connected habitation. but.For purposes of inclusion in the network. • The unconnected habitations may be presently connected through Fair-Weather Road links which may have to be upgraded to All-Weather connectivity. having all-weather roads. only one road should be selected for the Core Network. Finding available options of connectivity: The next task is to find the list of all the available connectivity for habitations guided by the following assumptions: • The population of unconnected habitation shall have to travel to nearby habitations or market centers to fulfil their locally unsatisfied needs. market centres need to be identified to the extent that the local villagers should be able to go to the Market centre and come back within the same day.Economic infrastructural parameter criteria. 31 . Selection of optimal road links: There are three types of habitations in the Block – (i) those which are connected. In some areas. In such cases the big villages having potential for developing into suitable Market Centres because of road connectivity etc should be identified. as the intention is to provide basic access. for any reason. it is possible that there are more than one road connections. (iii) those which are connected only by a fair-weather road. In the case of first two types of Habitations. an alternative road is the preferred choice of the local people. The link having the highest Road Index should be preferred. one road should be selected using Socio. It is the most efficient and economic route. The maximum distance between a village and a Market centre would thus normally not be more than 15-20 km. In such a case. that road may be chosen. the proposals of the MPs and MLAs should also be given due considerations while selecting the link. Road Index is made used for selecting a optimal route. It is not necessary that each Habitation is directly connected to the Market centre.1. give input and get network plan. in sequence. 4. the following attempt has been made to develop a planning tool in ArcGIS. But it requires pre knowledge about the software. 4.2. by making use of developed road database and framed guidelines available for planning. either directly or indirectly through other all-weather roads. Even then.4. 32 . It should be checked that all the Habitations are connected or will be connected to the nearby Market Centres. in GIS environment. Then it will be just click. Network Analyst tool and various other tools have been made use of for creating the planning tool. Need for a Planning tool The planning process can be carried out effectively using various tools available in GIS software’s. PLANNING TOOLSET DEVELOPMENT 4. Introduction As now all the data has been incorporated in GIS. But one should keep in mind that the planning parameters will vary from place to place. With the scope of carrying out the same.In case of unconnected habitations without any road access a new optimal alignment is planned in such a way that the connectivity is provided either to already connected habitation or market place as similar to the above case. Thus once if a model comprising all the required queries and processes.4. which making the process complex. it is not easy for the planning engineers to carry out planning without having expertise with the GIS software’s. is developed it will be easy for planners to plan by just giving the required input data. It will not only reduce complexity but also save time for the planners. large number of queries and processes has to be carried out in series for planning a network or connectivity to even a single habitation. The model builder.4. Thus there is an opportunity to develop a tool to perform the network planning process in an automated way. 4.HAB . has to be planned for a new alignment which requires more data like satellite imagery. Fig. The derived planning 33 . the basic assumptions suggested by IRC SP: 20 – 2002 and PMGSY operation’s manual has been considered. etc. Process involved In order to build an efficient planning model. The Fig. a methodology by which the planning processes should be accomplished has been derived.to plan optimum network for connected habitations (case 3) • CN for U.HAB . Based on those suggestions and network philosophy described.to plan optimum network road proposal for unconnected habitations having fair weather road connectivity. The toolset comprises tools: • CN1 for C. The unconnected habitations having no fair weather road access even. Planning Toolset A toolset has been developed to plan core network for connected and unconnected habitations. 4.to plan optimum network for connected habitations (case 2) • CN3 for C.HAB_FW .to plan optimum network for connected habitations (case 1) • CN2 for C.2 – Model Builder Window and Planning Toolset 4. land use.3.2 shows the model builder window through which the models have been created along and developed toolset.HAB . 4. As the required data are not available by now the development of tool for the same is dropped.4.4.4. 4. 4.3 – Methodology Behind Planning Toolset 34 Declare .methodology for finding optimal core network for connected habitations is charted in Fig. which depends on block under study No If UV >= X Yes Identification of all available AW routes leading to Habitation having UV >= X Route Utility Route Length Identification of all available AW routes leading to MC or PR or Networked Habitation Selecting optimal Add route to No All habitations networked Yes Final Core Network Fig.3. Connected habitations Identification of Market Centres (MC) and primary road networks Sort based on Utility Value (UV) Select high ranked unnetworked Habitation Within 500 m reach to MC or PR? Yes No link required No X = selected UV. • Then all the remaining connected habitations are networked with either primary roads or market centres.7. 4.HAB CN3 for C.HAB This is a developed to plan core network for connected habitations with following considerations.4.6. the difference being all the available fair weather roads are identified to get to optimal link and the one selected out of those is added to the core network and proposed for upgradation to all-weather road. It differs from above two tools by following considerations: • Network for all the habitations having utility value greater than or equal to 50 is obtained either by taking them to the nearby primary roads or market centres. 4. whichever is optimum. or networked habitations having utility value >= 50.The methodology is same for the unconnected habitations with fair weather road access. CN3 for C.5.HAB is another tool to plan core network for connected habitations considerations.4. CN1 for C. • Network for all the habitations having utility value greater than or equal to 50 is obtained by taking them to the nearby primary roads or market centres through an optimal link.HAB is a second tool of toolset to plan core network for connected habitations with considerations. • All the remaining connected habitations are networked with those networked habitations having utility value >= 50.4. 4.HAB CN2 for C. • Network for all the habitations having utility value greater than or equal to 50 is obtained by taking them to the nearby primary roads or market centres through an optimal link. or 35 . CN2 for C. The habitations having only fair weathered roads within 500m reach are considered here. 36 .4 –Layout of Planning Tool 4. Utility values of all habitations are computed as given in IRC SP: 20 – 2002. Fig. • All the remaining connected habitations are then networked with either primary roads or market centres. whichever is optimum. CN for U.by interconnecting routes available between the considered habitations. All the planning tools though having different processes involved behind will look alike in the layout as in Fig. road layer a layer containing identified market centers and important junctions.5. This becomes the proposed route in the plan. by choosing the optimum one.HAB_FW This is a tool to plan optimum network road proposal for unconnected habitations having FWR connectivity. The FWR which best connects the habitation to the nearest networked habitations available is found out and added to the core network already developed for connected habitations. The inputs for the tool being the habitation layer. 4.4.4. 4. or networked habitations having utility value >= 50.8. 4. PLANNING TOOLSET VALIDATION The developed tools are validated by comparing results obtained through it with the core network plans of Uppiliyapuram block developed by DRDA in the AutoCAD format. 4. CN for C.HAB By CN3 for C. CN1 for C.HAB By CN2 for C. And it can be noticed that the variation in core network is very less when 37 .5.5 – Validation of Tools to Plan Network for Connected Habitations The deviation is observed between the networks developed by tools and that by DRDA.HAB validation The Fig. By DRDA By CN1 for C.HAB.HAB Fig. CN2 for C. 4.4.HAB and CN3 for C.HAB tools.1.5 shows the core networks planned by DRDA. • The ignorance of effect of elevation profile and other accessibility options. i. • The ignorance of interactions between habitations of different blocks. thus validating the tool. This is expected as the considerations are increasing from CN1 to CN3. • The influence and changes in manual network selection because of local people preference. 4.6 shows the routes proposed for unconnected habitations obtained from tool developed on the right and of that of DRDA on the left. CN for U.HAB_FW Validation The Fig. Though there is a deviation. habitation in one block with habitation in another block. Few reasons were identified for deviation of network developed from that prepared by DRDA: • The non consideration of inter connectivity between the habitations of same level. 38 . in which further manual modifications can be done.e.moving from CN1 to CN3. 4. the network developed can be used to get a rough draft of the network plan. By DRDA By CN for U.2.HAB_FW Fig. 4. Panchayat. recommendations from MP’s.5. MLA’s.6 – Validation of Tool to Plan Network for Unconnected Habitations The routes obtained by the tool are same as that proposed by DRDA. 1. Computerisation of data has the advantage of reliable storage. having only SC/ST population) 39 .e. This toolset contains six basic tools which are identified as useful ones. immediate processing and complicated calculation ability useful in generating high level abstracted information for use in management.2. • BACK. 5. 5.HAB – a tool to find most backward habitations by caste (i.1 shows the developed monitoring toolset.CHAPTER 5 NETWORK MONITORING 5. In addition to above. 5. This chapter deals with the monitoring tools developed to assist planning and management. Fig. INTRODUCTION Not only proper planning but also monitoring the implementation of plan. certain other thematic views. Introduction A toolset has been developed to assist the planners and engineers to effectively carry out planning and managing activities.1. maintenance and management is also of equal importance. easy retrieval. Fig. which can be useful for planning and management activities can also be developed.1 – Monitoring Toolset The monitoring toolset comprise: • Unconnected HAB . ArcGIS provides us with various tools for carrying out such analysis and monitoring activities.a tool to find the unconnected habitations in an area. MONITORING TOOLSET DEVELOPMENT 5.2. • Road AADT – a tool to find roads having AADT greater than given value. health service.• HAB without FAC – a tool to list the habitations which lack facilities like bus service. knowledge about habitations having only SC/ST population becomes significant. 5. primary school education. The process behind the tool is selecting the habitations having total population equal to that of SC/ST population and listing separately. • Road Density – a tool to find density of road in an area. The layout of the tool is shown in Fig. 5.2. The process carried out here is to search for the availability of all weather roads within reach of certain distance as per norms (500m by default) from a habitation. As the PMGSY programme uses the SC/ST population as one of the criteria while planning.2. etc. Unconnected HAB This tool is to classify the habitations into connected and unconnected. 40 . 5. The habitation layer becomes the only input for the tool.3.2 – Layout of Unconnected HAB Tool 5. The tool has the layout as in Fig.2.2.3. The habitation layer and road network layer are the inputs to be given. electricity. If minimum one all weather road is available then it is declared connected. Fig. else unconnected. • HAB within 500m from PR – a tool to list habitations within 500m reach from primary roads. 5. BACK HAB BACK HAB is a tool to find the habitations which are most backward by caste. health services like dispensaries. Thus knowing about the facilities which are not available for a particular habitation is very important. The selection can be made out facilities like bus service.4. telephone connection.4 shows the layout of the tool.5. The travel need arises in rural areas (about 95 %) mainly to attain the unavailable facilities. etc. Higher the AADT. electricity. 5.3 – Layout of BACK HAB Tool 5. rail service. educational facilities like primary schools. more the people served. postal service. HAB without FAC It is a tool to find out the habitations which are not having a particular selected facility. The Fig. Road AADT The preference of the particular road by people can be indirectly determined by AADT flowing through it.4 – Layout of HAB without FAC Tool 5.2. 5. Fig. 5. In that way the tool also becomes important.2. Road AADT 41 .Fig. Fig. Fig.6 – Layout of HAB within 500m from PR Tool 42 .5. This also helps in learning the ribbon development pattern along the road.5 – Layout of Road AADT Tool 5.is a tool to get knowledge about roads having AADT greater than or lesser than the value mentioned. 5.6 gives the layout of the tool. 5. The user can also mention the location to store the results as an option. Fig. HAB within 500m from PR is one tool to list the habitations which are within a reach of 500m from primary roads. The layer comprising road network and the AADT value are the inputs required by the tool. 5.2. The process involved is the tool will select the roads satisfying expression of AADT given by user and return the result as a shape file. 5. HAB within 500m from PR The habitations which are within 500m from primary road network requires no separate connectivity as the primary roads are also a part of the core network. The tool has the layout as in Fig.6. The results obtained are compared with already available results if any.2. say block. 5.7. Road Density Density of roads in an area indirectly tells how much developed the area is. 5. 43 .km. It is also used for some management activities like fund allotment. The road network and boundary layers becomes the input. The tool will find the length of the roads running in the selected region and divide it by the surface area of that region. Fig. The user also has to mention the location to store output list. The results of the analysis are presented as Appendices numbering from Appendix 3 to Appendix 8.3. The layout of the tool is shown in Fig. The 500m distance is a default value and it can be changed. Road Density is one such tool to find the road network present within the given area.7 – Layout of Road Density Tool 5. thus giving the density of road per sq.7. ANALYSIS Using the tools developed above analyses has been performed for the Tiruchirappalli district.The habitation layer and road network layer are the inputs for the tool. giving priority. etc. 5. Once the database preparation is being done. But of those only 4 habitations were unconnected by all weather road by 2000. The GIS database reduces time. 2 % has no electricity. Technical agencies and educational institutions like IIT’s and NIT’s. More importantly.000 vehicles flowing daily on an average. any of the changes in the information can be updated with ease and comfort. • Thus it is inferred that electricity is the most availed facility and health service is the most unavailable facility. SPECIFIC INFERENCES • Under PMGSY.e.1. monitoring and maintenance operations. i. cost and man power spent for data feeding and record keeping.6 km and Connectivity to 38 habitations has been upgraded through 36 roads of length 54. The developed database and tools can be helpful for problem identification. certain models have been developed as tools in ArcGIS for both planning and monitoring. with around 2. etc. It can be used for administrative as well as research purpose by governing agencies like PWD. new connectivity has been given to 112 habitations through 88 roads of length 146. It includes 4 planning tools and 6 monitoring tools. location of various facilities for an integral rural development. performing analysis. planning. DRDA. Out of 14 blocks Thiruverumbur is found to be the most facilitated block and Manapparai being the worst facilitated block.CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS 6. • About 2. National and State Highways and Major District Roads. out of 1930 habitations nearly 22 % has no bus service. • From the analysis it is found that. • Around 56 % of the habitations (1086 in number) are found to be located within 500m reach from the primary roads. 50.2. 48 % has not even primary educational facilities and 90 % has no primary health service. 6.8 km. GENERAL A well developed database has been created for Tiruchirappalli district in GIS environment. 44 .5 % of habitations (49 in number) comprise only SC/ST population. • NH 45 and NH 67 are found to be the roads having maximum traffic. apart from well framed methodology to obtain an optimal route. • From the results obtained from planning tools it is inferred that. 6.07 kms of PMGSY per sq. 45 .14 km length of rural road including .km area.3. More planning and monitoring tools can be added according to the need.28 km length of road per sq. which calculates to 1.km area on an average. the local conditions. land use data. Tiruchirappalli comprises 195 roads of length 386. elevation data. SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK The database can be extended with more information data like satellite imagery.• Tiruchirappalli district has around 5640. etc to make it not only useful for PMGSY programme. • It is inferred that Tiruchirappalli has 1.5 km of roads of which about 89 % being Rural Roads comprising Other District Roads. political influence and preference of the local public has the upper hand on deciding the final network. Village Roads and PMGSY roads. • Till 2008. photos.8 km. TIRUCHIRAPPALLI TIRUCHIRAPPALLI as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 46 .APPENDIX 1 ROAD NEWTWORK MAP . APPENDIX 2 BRRP MAP – THIRUVERUMBUR BLOCK 47 . APPENDIX 3 UNCONNECTED HABITATIONS TIRUCHIRAPPALLI as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 48 . Keeliyur Pannapatty West Kannanur Karuppur 49 Manapparai Uppiliyapuram Uppiliyapuram Manapparai Uppiliyapuram Musiri Musiri Musiri Musiri Musiri Marungapuri Thuraiyur Vaiyampatti Vaiyampatti Musiri Marungapuri Musiri Manapparai Manapparai Manapparai Vaiyampatti Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Vaiyampatti Vaiyampatti Uppiliyapuram Manapparai Manapparai Thuraiyur Manapparai 1250 790 768 690 595 526 517 507 505 502 492 488 476 462 440 419 405 390 366 363 350 350 347 322 320 312 310 295 281 270 267 256 243 243 240 235 199 5 283 82 427 47 287 0 0 0 0 488 65 56 99 177 0 25 0 107 100 249 159 145 140 233 65 155 39 0 0 253 0 104 49 0 .TIRUCHIRAPPALLI Population Habitation Name Village Name Blockname Total SC/ ST Chathirapatti Gandhipuram Osarapalli Anampatty Kattapalli Edaiyapatti Keelakottam Puthurpatti North Devarpuram Verupurangkottam Chettiapatti Kombaiputhur Thoppur Chinna Anaikkarappatti Therkupallam Nallamanaickanpatti Edatheru Vadakkipatty Vadakattampatty Kodayagoundampatty Vaiyamalaipalayam Puthakudi Chellampatti Seelnaikanpatti Alangampatti Adirampatti Chinnakonekalatupati Chittukuruvinaikanpatti Palathupatti Kalathupatti Sukkampatti Pasari Kombai Ariyagoundampatty Moorampatty Marukalampatty Ponnusinggampatti Kannudiyanpatty Venkadachalapuram Osarapalli Sampatty Sirunavalur Perur Thirutha-Laiyur Komangalam Vengaimandalam Komangalam Kanjanaickanpatti Keerambur Thavalaveeram Patti Mugavanur(S) Peramangalam Tirunellipatti Vengaimandalam Karuppur Usilampatty F.Keeliyur Vaiyamalai Palayam Puthakudi Tirunellipatti Tirunellipatti Tirunellipatti Kappakudi Tirunellipatti Tirunellipatti Kodumbapatti Mugavanur (S) Mugavanur (N) Pasari Kombai F.Id 59 13 14 68 17 29 28 33 32 34 52 26 5 7 31 41 30 75 60 65 0 55 43 46 42 53 44 45 37 8 6 12 63 70 27 73 UNCONNECTED HABITATIONS (2000) . Keeliyur Naduppatti Musiri Manapparai Vaiyampatti Marungapuri Manapparai Manapparai Marungapuri Manapparai Manapparai Thuraiyur Marungapuri Manapparai Thuraiyur Thuraiyur Vaiyampatti Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Uppiliyapuram Vaiyampatti Vaiyampatti Vaiyampatti Manapparai Manapparai Manapparai Thuraiyur Thuraiyur Uppiliyapuram Thuraiyur Marungapuri Thuraiyur Thuraiyur Manapparai Vaiyampatti Marungapuri Marungapuri Marungapuri Manapparai Vaiyampatti 230 222 210 210 200 200 193 187 186 185 182 181 176 176 167 167 167 164 160 156 150 150 150 150 147 146 138 137 135 128 123 121 121 120 118 117 113 110 108 107 0 0 0 94 88 0 0 10 0 185 128 0 176 176 40 0 0 0 0 156 0 20 0 0 0 0 138 137 135 121 0 121 121 0 95 0 105 0 0 0 10 Kalpatti Chatram 50 .Keeliyur Kannudiyanpatty Vannadu Kavinaripatti Poigaipatty Vannadu Sempulichanpatty Thavalaveeram Patti Kannukuli Paluvanji East Thottiapatti Muthalvarpatti Thenpuranadu Vellalapatti Thavalaveeram Patti Pudukkottai F.Keeliyur F.35 71 9 47 58 72 38 66 57 21 56 62 20 23 3 36 49 39 48 16 1 4 11 67 61 69 19 18 15 24 51 22 25 74 2 50 40 54 64 Ayyathur Melaeachampatty Kosavapatti Purasangkadu Poosaripatty Mettupatty Podiakonepatti Sangipatty Pachudaiyampatty shiliyur Kavinaripatti Poola Ooranipatty Nasakulam Melur Ponnagoundampatti Koviladaiyanpatti Akkulampatti Madhikonepatti Pudupatti Perumparappu Chinna Reddiyapatti Thagarakkalam Kattakkampatti Sangipatty Sangiyagoundampatty Karuvarathampatty Valaiyur Thallar Sithur Muthigramam Malugapatti Vallam Erumipatty Vairagoundampatti Tharakkipatti Pallakondapatti Tirunellipatti Kappakudi Nerijikalapatty Kodunthurai Pannapatty West Sekkanam Muthalvarpatti Kannudiyanpatty Pannapatty East Thottiapatti F.Keeliyur Thathanur Vannadu Vannadu Thenpuranadu Sempulichanpatty Paluvanji East Vannadu Sempulichanpatty Karuppur Aniyapur Paluvanji East Tirunellipatti Kappakudi F. APPENDIX 4 BACKWARD HABITATIONS TIRUCHIRAPPALLI as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 51 . Vellalapatti Thalugai Uppiliyapuram 1620 Kanjerimalai Pudur Sobanapuram Uppiliyapuram 347 Kottapalayam Valayapatti (East) Uppiliyapuram 1620 Kanapady Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 180 Boothakal Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 160 Karuvankadu Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 190 Kundakadi Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 192 Solamathi Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 112 Keelakarai Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 140 Kambur Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 128 Sithur Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 135 Perumparappu Thenpuranadu Uppiliyapuram 156 Thallar Vannadu Thuraiyur 137 Valaiyur Vannadu Thuraiyur 138 pallyam Vannadu Thuraiyur 250 Nagoor Vannadu Thuraiyur 154 Puthur Vannadu Thuraiyur 210 parthal Vannadu Thuraiyur 150 Sikkadu Vannadu Thuraiyur 154 Periya Ellupur Vannadu Thuraiyur 118 Pudhur Vannadu Thuraiyur 157 Kuruchi Vannadu Thuraiyur 250 Nasakulam Vannadu Thuraiyur 176 shiliyur Vannadu Thuraiyur 185 Vallam Vannadu Thuraiyur 121 kinathur Vannadu Thuraiyur 199 Thonur Vannadu Thuraiyur 203 Thannerpallam Vannadu Thuraiyur 118 Ramanathapuram Vannadu Thuraiyur 123 Poonachi Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 138 Chinna Eluppur Vannadu Thuraiyur 265 Manalodai Vannadu Thuraiyur 267 Sempulichanpatty Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 386 Maruthai Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 196 ponthai Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 250 Melur Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 176 Erumipatty Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 121 Kombaiputhur Keerambur Thuraiyur 488 Moolakkadu Sempulichanpatty Thuraiyur 121 52 Connected Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes .Id 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 BACKWARD HABITATIONS .TIRUCHIRAPPALLI Habitation Name Village Name Block Name Population T. Periyapatty H Therkuserpatty Malaimadaiyatty Thavittypatty Ad Colony Sempulichanpatty Kannakudi Thirutha-Laiyur Thayanur Sethurapatty K.Periyapatty K.Periyapatty Usilampatty Allur Thuraiyur Pullambadi Musiri Manikandam Manikandam Manapparai Manapparai Manapparai Manapparai Andanallur 203 174 230 214 158 150 175 147 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 150 Yes 591 Yes 48 Keelapachery 53 .Periyapatty K.39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Thalur Kolakudi colony Melakottam Harijana theru Therkku suravali patty K. APPENDIX 5 FACILITY STATUS OF BLOCKS TIRUCHIRAPPALLI as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 54 . Of Habitations Not Having Total Educational Health Block Name Habitations Bus Service Electricity Facility Facility Andanallur 108 12 2 61 101 Lalgudi 98 11 0 34 88 Manachanallur 156 2 1 67 155 Manapparai 241 138 16 174 236 Manikandam 129 44 11 81 125 Marungapuri 259 118 0 99 213 Musiri 156 15 0 78 134 Pullampady 69 10 0 21 57 T.Pet 106 0 0 48 59 Thiruverambur 99 3 0 43 90 Thottiam 133 57 0 55 126 Thuraiyur 128 2 0 46 121 Uppiliyapuram 64 8 0 14 44 Vaiyampatty 184 1 1 109 181 TOTAL 1930 421 31 930 1730 PERCENTAGE 22 2 48 90 55 .FACILITY STATUS .TIRUCHIRAPPALLI No. APPENDIX 6 AADT TREND IN NATIONAL HIGHWAYS TIRUCHIRAPPALLI as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 56 . APPENDIX 7 HABITATIONS WITHIN 500m FROM PR TIRUCHIRAPPALLI TOTAL = 1086 as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 57 . APPENDIX 8 LENGTH OF ROADS TIRUCHIRAPPALLI LENGTH SUMMARY: NH = 212.2 km TOTAL = 5640.0 km ODR = 1289.5 km as per DRRP (2007) prepared by DRDA 58 .2 km SH & MDR = 396.1 km VR = 3743. 852 km TOTAL = 1.293 km VR = 0. 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