I can´t sit and meditate - Dhamma Wheel
I can´t sit and meditate - Dhamma Wheel
March 22, 2018 | Author: John Traves | Category:
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I can´t sit and meditate - Dhamma WheelDhamma Wheel A Buddhist discussion forum on the Dhamma of the Theravada FAQ Search… Search Register Login Board index ‹ Theravāda Meditation ‹ Theravada Meditation I can´t sit and meditate Forum rules Post Reply Search this topic… 10 posts • Page 1 of 1 Search villkorkarma Posts: 506 Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:43 pm I can´t sit and meditate by villkorkarma » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:53 am P o Hello s Earlier in my practice i didnt have så much t knowledge about dukkha så i could sit for hours to meditate... But now things hav haappen to me and iam aware of dukkha and so i become so big depressed when i sit and meditate and my legs hurt and its so boring så i cant sit more then maybe 3 minutes before i sat easily 5 hours...that would not be happening now, never. naturally i just opens my eyes and stop the meditation after like 30 second or something, is it really the life meaning to sit and meditate and hope reach enligtment so i can come in to buddhahood and be there for ever? i think the meaning is to create a heaven on earth, just really good fun friends to hang out with all the time, nothing can beat that one suffer because one hasnt existed long : ) o p Re: I can´t sit and meditate by tiltbillings » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:58 am P o s villkorkarma wrote: t tiltbillings Posts: 21274 Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:25 am Hello Earlier in my practice i didnt have så much knowledge about dukkha så i could sit for hours to meditate... But now things hav haappen to me and iam aware of dukkha and so i become so big depressed when i sit and meditate and my legs hurt and its so boring så i cant sit more then maybe 3 minutes before i sat easily 5 http://dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] T Harry. ++++++++++++++++ This being is bound to samsara. kamma is his means for going beyond. but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” HPatDH p.I can´t sit and meditate . is it really the life meaning to sit and meditate and hope reach enligtment so i can come in to buddhahood and be there for ever? http://dhammawheel. What type of meditation are you doing. rather.php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] T . 2010 8:27 am P tryo walking and meditating then s t สัพเพ สัตตา สุขต ี า โหนตุ jcsuperstar Posts: 1915 Joined: Wed Dec 31.that would not be happening now. is it really the life meaning to sit and meditate and hope reach enligtment so i can come in to buddhahood and be there for ever? i think the meaning is to create a heaven on earth. 2008 5:15 am Location: alaska Contact: C o n t a c t j c s u p e r s t Guy a Posts: 762 r Joined: Fri May 22. never.. But now things hav haappen to me and iam aware of dukkha and so i become so big depressed when i sit and meditate and my legs hurt and its so boring så i cant sit more then maybe 3 minutes before i sat easily 5 hours.. lost in thought.that would not be happening now.723 o p T Re: I can´t sit and meditate by jcsuperstar » Sat Mar 13.. s t villkorkarma wrote: Hello Earlier in my practice i didnt have så much knowledge about dukkha så i could sit for hours to meditate. 38. -.Dhamma Wheel hours. 2009 4:05 am Location: Perth. just really good fun friends to hang out with all the time. naturally i just opens my eyes and stop the meditation after like 30 second or something. but if you're not trying to carry it it's not heavy to youAjaan Suwat o p Re: I can´t sit and meditate by Guy » Sat Mar 13. Western Australia the mountain may be heavy in and of itself. what is your practrice when you sit to meditate? .com/viewtopic. naturally i just opens my eyes and stop the meditation after like 30 second or something. never.. but are.. nothing can beat that It seems you are not meditating. “Of course it is happening inside your head..SN I. 2010 11:23 am P HioVillkorkarma. Why are they called "skilful"? They are called skilful because anything we think. but I would recommend that next time you meditate please check your intentions at the start of the session (make sure that you are being kind. Henepola Gunaratana. It doesn't matter if you meditate for 30 seconds or 5 hours make sure that these three intentions are there. If you keep the five precepts then recollect how harmless you are or if are generous then call to mind some generous acts you have done.. make peace with whatever you are experiencing in each moment and be kind to yourself in each moment . Also here is one I haven't finished reading yet but is highly regarded among meditators: Mindfulness in Plain English by Ven. There are 3 kinds of skilful intentions: kindness.I can´t sit and meditate . If your mind is crazy just tell it "okay crazy mind. for example. You could even take a break from meditation altogether for a week or two and then when you come back really make an effort to set up those skilful intentions of kindness.Dhamma Wheel I am not sure of your understanding of some of the basics of Buddhism so I will start from scratch.actions of body. say or do based on these intentions will lead to beneficial results for ourselves and others. even if you know these things already it can be a good idea to refresh your memory from time to time. just really good fun friends to hang out with all the time. not trying to control your body or fight your mind) and see whether I am right about this or not. If your mind is down focus on your goodness. Maybe you think that you will "get somewhere" if you sit through the pain. Happy meditating! With Metta. make sure you aren't trying to control the breath. Maybe you have conditioned your mind in such a way that you are "big depressed" when the mind knows it's in for another hour of torture.don't make war with yourself or your meditation object! villkorkarma wrote: i think the meaning is to create a heaven on earth. The 3 unskilful intentions are: ill-will. Guy http://dhammawheel. compassion and renunciation.com/viewtopic. nothing can beat that If you do breath meditation. speech or mind based on these intentions lead to negative outcomes. Maybe I'm wrong. My favourite book on meditation is Mindfulness. Bliss and Beyond by Ajahn Brahm. compassion and renunciation. Also I highly recommend (if you aren't already doing so) to attend some meditation classes or get yourself a good meditation manual. The reason I mention Right Intention is because it sounds to me like you have been creating unskilful meditation kamma (kamma means intentional acts of body speech or mind). Whatever happens happens. cruelty and clinging .. gentle and making peace with your body and mind. Create heavenly mindstates through kindness towards yourself both in and out of meditation time.php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] . Treat the breath like you would treat a good friend (to borrow some advice from Ajahn Brahm). go and do what you like I won't try to stop you!" don't try to resist it with ill-will. wanting to be here.Dhamma Wheel Four types of letting go: 1) 2) 3) 4) Giving.php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] T . he says just dont do nothing you must do something. John one suffer because one hasnt existed long : ) o p http://dhammawheel.I can´t sit and meditate . expecting nothing back in return Throwing things away Contentment. and why shouldnt i be a meditatior and why shouldnt i reach enlightenment? iam open for other ways then just reach nibbanic peace and so go in to buddhahood afterwards to. talk is good if you do it without craving or aversion my life is very complicated i really are attention on my thoughts. i go back and in examplecase turning my left foot alittle bit forward. goenka says . Abrahm Jahn says. i think im not sure that meditation sit with closed eyes is the best i can do but who knows for sure that thing that? one suffer because one hasnt existed long : ) o p villkorkarma Posts: 506 Joined: Sun Jan 31.dont react with craving or aversion just observe. having a mind which doesn't accumulate things . I have done some things iam a shamed of. not wanting to be anywhere else "Teflon Mind". but i dont know. who said it to you.. its like iam a another person now iam more sensitive for what my atmosphere things about me much more nicer guy to all living beeings iam very iam maybe extreme carefull i never react it feels like that. 2010 9:43 pm T Re: I can´t sit and meditate by villkorkarma » Sat Mar 13. one guy in this forum said. and talked about dumb things. i say .So. distrurbed others with high speeach example speeach with craving and aversion. very strange movements sometimes thoughts like "go back and do your fault right" . just do nothing. Iam a very good boy actually and i see goenka on video and see hear that he is react with craving and aversion when he give metta in a video he talks a little bit.com/viewtopic. 2010 9:43 pm T Re: I can´t sit and meditate by villkorkarma » Sat Mar 13. goenka says just try to dont talk so much. dont reach enlightment dont be a meditatior.Ajahn Brahm o p villkorkarma Posts: 506 Joined: Sun Jan 31. if you read this. 2010 5:28 pm P o I don´t think i have bad karma i think i have very s what do u mean with dont controll the body? t good karma. warmly.. 2010 5:38 pm P S no GOenka says that meditation in the leg or s pain isnt always a bad sign and he says also t in the head is good results in the beginning sp dont change your posture often that is sign of ignorance. like have slept with ugle womans. what do u mean with dont controll the body? Guy Posts: 762 Joined: Fri May 22. I have practiced meditation with wrong intentions and it has only led my mind to have aversion towards meditation..Dhamma Wheel Re: I can´t sit and meditate by Guy » Sun Mar 14.Or are you kind.. Western Australia What I was suggesting is to check your attitude/motivation/intention which you bring to meditation. expecting nothing back in return Throwing things away Contentment. s t villkorkarma wrote: I don´t think i have bad karma i think i have very good karma. Guy Four types of letting go: 1) 2) 3) 4) Giving. wanting to be here. how has the mind changed as a result? is it happier than it was at the start or less happy? is it more calm or more agitated? is it more clear or more confused?" I hope this makes sense. Next time you meditate ask yourself at the end of the session "what intentions did I bring to this meditation. 2010 12:14 pm P o I have right intentention Yes s t http://dhammawheel.Ajahn Brahm o p villkorkarma Posts: 506 Joined: Sun Jan 31. having a mind which doesn't accumulate things .. 2010 9:43 pm Re: I can´t sit and meditate by villkorkarma » Sun Mar 14. 2010 3:08 am P HioVillkorkarma.I can´t sit and meditate . gentle and compassionate to your body and mind? This is right intention.com/viewtopic. . 2009 4:05 am Location: Perth. Are you meditating with expectations? Do you want to get somewhere or attain something? This is wrong intention (craving and clinging).php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] T .Or are you starting meditation with the thought "whatever happens I will be content with that"? This is the right intention of renunciation. Of course this is only my understanding of what right and wrong intentions are. . Are you trying to force your body to just "sit through pain" or are you fighting with unwanted mental states? This is wrong intention. not wanting to be anywhere else "Teflon Mind". With Metta.. Now I try to practice with right intentions and it has led my mind towards really enjoying and looking forward to meditation. . Do not become enlightened. What you walk. Resist nothing. Do not try to become anything. With Metta. I think you might be referring to the following Ajahn Chah quote. Having said this though. Guy Four types of letting go: 1) 2) 3) 4) Giving. My understanding of the quote is that Ajahn Chah is teaching us not to get too caught up in our ideals and expectations.Ajahn Brahm o p Re: I can´t sit and meditate http://dhammawheel. if you read this. not wanting to be anywhere else "Teflon Mind".com/viewtopic. When you sit. It's also useful to remember there is a huge difference between just listening to instructions. When you meditate just let things take their natural course without worrying about results. Simply put in the right causes (kindness/gentleness/patience/letting go of craving and clinging) in the present moment. having a mind which doesn't accumulate things . Grasp at nothing. Western Australia Very good. Do not make yourself into anything. make sure you don't overlook the value of good instructions from a well-practiced teacher. and why shouldnt i be a meditatior and why shouldnt i reach enlightenment? iam open for other ways then just reach nibbanic peace and so go in to buddhahood afterwards to. 2010 9:22 pm P o Hello Villkorkarma. Do not be a meditator. dont reach enlightment dont be a meditatior. wanting to be here. let it be.Dhamma Wheel one suffer because one hasnt existed long : ) o p T Re: I can´t sit and meditate by Guy » Sun Mar 14. let it be. expecting nothing back in return Throwing things away Contentment.. who said it to you. 2009 4:05 am Location: Perth. agreeing with them and actually putting them into practice.I can´t sit and meditate . keep it up! villkorkarma wrote: one guy in this forum said. s t villkorkarma wrote: Yes I have right intentention Guy Posts: 762 Joined: Fri May 22.php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] T . or lying down overcomes thought. DhammaWiki.com. a monk like this. This does not happen in a way that is easy to see until we have been meditating for long enough to see how this is so but we will see that this is so if we continue to meditate. and TheDhamma. Iti 115} Display posts from previous: All posts posts Sort by Post time Post time Ascending Ascending o p T Go 10 posts • Page 1 of 1 Post Reply Return to “Theravada Meditation” Jump to WHO IS ONLINE Users browsing this forum: Majestic-12 [Bot] and 2 guests Google Saffron. But whoever walking. Theravada Search Engine Board index Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Limited GZIP: Off DhammaWheel.com http://dhammawheel.net. 2010 3:20 am P o Sometimes when we meditate we are aware of s meditate we are aware of what is unpleasant.I can´t sit and meditate .com/viewtopic. When we meditate it will move conditions in the direction of that which is pleasant becoming more likely something that we will be aware of in the future. delighting in the stilling of thought: he's capable. standing. sitting. § 110. 2009 3:11 am by nathan » Mon Mar 15. I hope you will continue to meditate until you can see this is so.Dhamma Wheel nathan Posts: 692 Joined: Sat Feb 07.php?f=41&t=3849&p=56787[26/8/2558 12:53:19] . t what is pleasant and sometimes when we This will also be true if we do not meditate.11. of touching superlative self-awakening. {Iti 4.com is associated with DharmaWheel. 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