Hyperion Planning Tables

April 2, 2018 | Author: vijayrajjayakumar | Category: Integer, Menu (Computing), Table (Database), Object (Computer Science), Portable Document Format



Hyperion Planning Table DefinitionsThis document is directed to all of the Oracle/Hyperion Planning technicians. Its contents are an amalgamation of unofficial documents, my knowledge and hours of experimentation. Use the information to help understand the Planning tables but whatever you do, don’t take anything as fact. I can’t stress this enough. Be sure to look at the queries found at the end of this document. They will help you understand the relationships between tables. Regards, Dave Farnsworth Solutions Experts, Inc. www.solutionsexperts.com [email protected] Disclaimer The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information herein. There is no “official” public documentation available for the Planning tables. This information has been compiled using notes, conversations and experience. The content and uses of the planning tables changes from version to version. Use this document as a guide only. However, this information is supplied without warranty, either express or implied. The author will not be held liable for any damages caused either directly or indirectly by the instructions contained herein. Dave Farnsworth Page 1 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010, Solutions Experts, Inc. All rights resreved Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Table descriptions ............................................................................................................... 4 HSP_ACCESS_CONTROL ............................................................................................... 8 HSP_ACCOUNT................................................................................................................ 8 HSP_ACCOUNT_DESC.................................................................................................... 9 HSP_ACTION .................................................................................................................. 10 HSP_ACTIVITY_LEASE................................................................................................ 10 HSP_ALIAS ..................................................................................................................... 10 HSP_ANNOTATION....................................................................................................... 11 HSP_ATTRIBUTE_DIM ................................................................................................. 11 HSP_ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER........................................................................................ 12 HSP_AUDIT_OPTIONS.................................................................................................. 12 HSP_CALENDAR ........................................................................................................... 13 HSP_CELL_NOTE........................................................................................................... 13 HSP_CELL_NOTE_ITEM............................................................................................... 14 HSP_CHECKOUTS ......................................................................................................... 14 HSP_COLUMN_DETAIL ............................................................................................... 14 HSP_COLUMN_DETAIL_ITEM.................................................................................... 15 HSP_CUBES .................................................................................................................... 15 HSP_CURRENCY ........................................................................................................... 16 HSP_DIMENSION........................................................................................................... 16 HSP_DRIVER_MEMBER ............................................................................................... 18 HSP_ENTITY................................................................................................................... 18 HSP_ENUMERATION.................................................................................................... 19 HSP_ENUMERATION_ENTRY..................................................................................... 19 HSP_FORM...................................................................................................................... 20 HSP_FORM_ATTRIBUTES ........................................................................................... 20 HSP_FORM_CALCS ....................................................................................................... 21 HSP_FORM_LAYOUT ................................................................................................... 21 HSP_FORM_MENUS...................................................................................................... 22 HSP_FORM_VARIABLES ............................................................................................. 22 HSP_FORMOBJ_DEF ..................................................................................................... 22 HSP_FORMOBJ_DEF_MBR .......................................................................................... 23 HSP_FX_RATES ............................................................................................................. 24 HSP_FX_TABLES ........................................................................................................... 25 HSP_FX_VALUES .......................................................................................................... 25 HSP_GROUP.................................................................................................................... 25 HSP_LINKS ..................................................................................................................... 26 HSP_LOCK ...................................................................................................................... 26 HSP_MEMBER................................................................................................................ 26 HSP_MEMBER_FORMULA .......................................................................................... 28 HSP_MEMBER_TO_ATTRIBUTE ................................................................................ 28 Dave Farnsworth Page 2 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010, Solutions Experts, Inc. All rights resreved Hyperion Planning Table Definitions HSP_MEMBER_TO_UDA.............................................................................................. 28 HSP_MENU_ITEMS ....................................................................................................... 29 HSP_MRU_MEMBERS................................................................................................... 29 HSP_OBJECT................................................................................................................... 30 HSP_OBJECT_TYPE....................................................................................................... 31 HSP_PENDING_DELS.................................................................................................... 31 HSP_PENDING_XACTS ................................................................................................ 32 HSP_PLAN_TYPE........................................................................................................... 32 HSP_PLANNING _UNIT ................................................................................................ 32 HSP_PLANNING_UNIT_LOG ....................................................................................... 33 HSP_PM_ACTIONS ........................................................................................................ 34 HSP_PM_EFFECTS......................................................................................................... 34 HSP_PM_RULES............................................................................................................. 35 HSP_PM_STATES........................................................................................................... 35 HSP_PRINT_OPTS.......................................................................................................... 36 HSP_SCENARIO ............................................................................................................. 37 HSP_STRINGS................................................................................................................. 38 HSP_SYSTEMCFG.......................................................................................................... 38 HSP_TASK....................................................................................................................... 40 HSP_TEXT_CELL_VALUE ........................................................................................... 41 HSP_TIME_PERIOD ....................................................................................................... 41 HSP_UDA......................................................................................................................... 42 HSP_USER_PREFS ......................................................................................................... 42 HSP_USER_TASKS ........................................................................................................ 43 HSP_USER_VARIABLE................................................................................................. 43 HSP_USER_VARIABLE_VALUE ................................................................................. 43 HSP_USERS..................................................................................................................... 44 HSP_USERSINGROUP ................................................................................................... 44 HSP_VERSION................................................................................................................ 44 Sample Queries ................................................................................................................. 45 QUERY1: Account member ......................................................................................... 46 QUERY2: Custom dimension member ........................................................................ 48 QUERY3: Smart lists.................................................................................................... 49 QUERY 4: Member Access.......................................................................................... 50 QUERY 5: Member to Attribute................................................................................... 50 Dave Farnsworth Page 3 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010, Solutions Experts, Inc. All rights resreved Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Table Name HSP_ACCESS_CONTROL HSP_ACCOUNT HSP_ACCOUNT_DESC HSP_ACTION HSP_ACTIVITY_LEASE Description Category Describes the access rights Permissions for the user or group to the specified object Describes the attributes for Member each account Internal table used to track changes Internal table used to track task or activities across multiple servers Links the alias to the member name Stores annotations made by users for planning units and forms Describes the attribute dimension Describes the attributes for each attribute dimension. controls audit options Audit detail System System HSP_ALIAS HSP_ANNOTATION Member HSP_ATTRIBUTE_DIM HSP_ATTRIBUTE_MEMBER HSP_AUDIT_OPTIONS HSP_AUDIT_RECORDS HSP_CALC_MGR_RULES HSP_CALC_MGR_RULESETS HSP_CALC_MGR_USER_VAR_PPT HSP_CALC_MGR_VARIABLES HSP_CALENDAR Attribute Attribute Application Settings System Calc Mgr Calc Mgr Calc Mgr Calc Mgr Application Settings Cell Notes HSP_CELL_NOTE HSP_CELL_NOTE_ITEM HSP_CHECKOUTS HSP_COLUMN_DETAIL Specifies the range of years, start fiscal year and base time period Defines the cell intersection for the cell note. Cell note message List of users who have checked out a form for off-line access Defines the cell intersection for the supporting detail Page 4 Cell Notes System Supporting Detail Dave Farnsworth 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010, Solutions Experts, Inc. All rights resreved Hyperion Planning Table Definitions HSP_COLUMN_DETAIL_ITEM HSP_COMPOSITE_BLOCK HSP_COMPOSITE_FORM HSP_CUBES HSP_CURRENCY HSP_DIMENSION HSP_DRIVER_MEMBER HSP_ENITITY HSP_ENUMERATION HSP_ENUMERATION_ENTRY HSP_FORM HSP_FORM_ATTRIBUTES HSP_FORM_CALCS HSP_FORM_LAYOUT Supporting detail Supporting Detail Forms Forms Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings defines the plan types Stores currency information but not rates Each row describes a dimension Describes the formula for a member Describes the members of the entity dimension Defines smartlist tables Defines contents of the smartlists Describes each form Used to display attributes on data forms Associates calcs and business rules with a form Describes the location & position of each dimension for a specified axis Defines form menus Defines user variables used informs Defines the row, column and page definition on a form Defines the members for a dimension on a form NOT USED Each row represents an exchange rate between 2 currencies Defines exchange rate tables Represents an exchange rate between 2 currencies for a given time Defines the security Page 5 Application Settings Smart Lists Smart Lists Forms Forms Forms Forms HSP_FORM_MENUS HSP_FORM_VARIABLES HSP_FORMOBJ_DEF Forms Forms Forms HSP_FORMOBJ_DEF_MBR HSP_FX_RATE_VALUES HSP_FX_RATES Forms FX Rates FX Rates HSP_FX_TABLES HSP_FX_VALUES FX Rates FX Rates HSP_GROUP Dave Farnsworth Permissions 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010, Solutions Experts, Inc. All rights resreved Solutions Experts. All rights resreved . Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions groups for Planning HSP_JOB_STATUS HSP_LINKS HSP_LOCK HSP_MEMBER HSP_MEMBER_FORMULA HSP_MEMBER_TO_ATTRIBUTE Stores URL links Tracks component locking Describes the settings for a dimension member Contains member formula Describes the mapping from a standard member to an attribute member Describes the mapping from a standard member to an UDA Describes user defined menu items that appear as a right click menu on a data grid Used to track the user’s POV settings Base table for all planning objects Internal list of object types Internal table used to track members as they get deleted. internal table that lists plan types Track planning units and their process states Tracks the history defines project management states planning units and their process states Defines process state management actions Defines PM effects of transitioning into a state Defines PM transition rules from state to state Page 6 System Application Settings System Member Member Attribute HSP_MEMBER_TO_UDA Member HSP_MENU_ITEM Application Settings HSP_MRU_MEMBERS HSP_OBJECT HSP_OBJECT_TYPE HSP_PENDING_DELS System Primary Table System System HSP_PENDING_XACTS System HSP_PLAN_TYPE HSP_PLANNING_UNIT HSP_PLANNING_UNIT_LOG Application Settings Application Settings System HSP_PM_ACTIONS HSP_PM_EFFECTS HSP_PM_RULES Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings 5/16/2010 Dave Farnsworth Copyright @ 2010. The table is cleared following a refresh. Tracks delete and Add transactions. All rights resreved . Solutions Experts.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions HSP_PM_STATES HSP_PRINT_OPTS HSP_SCENARIO HSP_SPREAD_PATTERN HSP_STRINGS HSP_SYSTEMCFG String translation table Describes the system level information for the Planning application List of variables that may be used in a form definition Contains the text value that is linked to the numerical ID Describes each time period Each row describes a UDA for a dimension. Enforces the name uniqueness required by Essbase. Inc. User preferences for a user Tracks tasks when completed or alert sent Defines PM states Defines PDF print options for a given form or user Describes the scenario dimension System Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings Cell Text HSP_TASK HSP_TEXT_CELL_VALUE HSP_TIME_PERIOD HSP_UDA HSP_UNIQUE_NAMES Application Settings Member Member HSP_USER_PREFS HSP_USER_TASKS HSP_USER_VARIABLE HSP_USER_VARIABLE_VALUE HSP_USERS HSP_USERSINGROUP HSP_VERSION HSP_WF_SET_SCREEN Stores version members and properties Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings Application Settings Permissions Permissions Application Settings Application Settings Dave Farnsworth Page 7 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved . Inc. Column Name Column Type integer ACCOUNT_ID smallint USE_445 TIME_BALANCE smallint SKIP_VALUE smallint Description FK(member) 0=don’t adjust 1=445 monthly spread 2=454 monthly spread 3=544 monthly spread Essbase time balance attribute 0=none 1=first 2=last 3=average Essbase skip attribute 0=none 5/16/2010 Dave Farnsworth Page 8 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Each row describes the access rights for the user or group to the specified object Column Name Column Type Description integer USER_ID FK(object) Object IID of a user integer OBJECT_ID FK(object) Object whose access is being controlled integer ACCESS_MODE Permissions allowed to the object by the user/group 1=read 3=write -1=deny FLAGS integer Determines the hierarchy access given to the object 0=member 5=children 6=ichildren 8=descendants 9=idescendants Each row describes a member of the account dimension. If any. All rights resreved . version. entity). Column Name Column Type Description integer SCENARIO_ID Object ID of scenario Dave Farnsworth Page 9 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. the descriptions are stored here.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions 1=skip missing values 2=skip zero values 3=skip both missing & zero values 1=expense 2=revenue 3=asset 4=liability 5=equity 6=statistical 7=saved assumption Essbase variance reporting attributes 1=expense 2=non-expense 0=none 1=average 2=ending 3=historical Bitmask indicating the cubes that use the account 1=revenue 2=net income 4=balance sheet 1=currency 2=non-currency 3=percentage Indicates source cube for data source 1=revenue 2=net income 4=balance sheet ACCOUNT_TYPE smallint VARIANCE_REP smallint CURRENCY_RATE smallint PLANNING_METHOD USED_IN smallint smallint DATA_TYPE smallint SRC_PLAN_TYPE integer SUB_ACCOUNT_TYPE integer An account may have different account descriptions for each planning unit (scenario. Inc. Hyperion Planning Table Definitions VERSION_ID ENTITY_ID ACCOUNT_ID CONTENTS integer integer integer varchar(2000) Object ID of version Object ID of entity Object ID of account Contents of description Internal table Column Name ID FROM_ID TO_ID ACTION_ID Column Type integer integer integer integer OBJECT_TYPE PRIMARY_KEY MESSAGE ACTION_TIME integer Varchar(255) Nvarchar(127) datetime Description Internally generated action ID Source IF from where change occurred Target where change is applied Change type 1=add 2=modify 3=delete Object type that was changed Identifies the object modified Time stamp Internal table used to track activities across servers. Inc. All rights resreved . Dave Farnsworth Page 10 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Column Name Column Type integer ACTIVITY_ID integer SERVER_ID datetime EXPIRATION_DATE Description ID of the activity ID of the server Time activity expires Each row links an alias object with a member name object. Solutions Experts. Objects may have more multiple annotations. A dimension can have multiple attributes. Column Name Column Type Description integer ATTR_ID FK(object) integer DIM_ID FK(dimension) identifies the associated dimension integer ATTRIB_TYPE Essbase attribute type 0=text Dave Farnsworth Page 11 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. Inc. All rights resreved . Column Name Column Type Description integer OBJECT_ID Object associated with annotation integer ANNOT_SEQ Internally assigned sequence number because an object may have multiple annotations integer AUTHOR_ID ID of the user datetime CREATED Creation date varchar(40) TITLE Title of annotation varchar(2000) CONTENTS Annotation text Each row describes a single attribute dimension.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name MEMBER_ID ALIASTBL_ID ALIAS_ID Column Type integer integer integer Description FK(object) Member object for the alias FK(object) Object ID of the alias table FK(object) Object ID for the alias Each row is a user entered annotation stored by object planning unit or form. Hyperion Planning Table Definitions 1=numeric 2=Boolean 3=date PERSPECTIVE 1 PERSPECTIVE 1 integer integer Table defines the attribute values. 1=yes. default=0 0=no. 1=yes. default=0 0=no. All rights resreved . default=0 0=no. Column Name Column Type Description integer ATTR_MEM_ID FK(member) integer ATTR_ID FK(attribute_dim) identifies the associated dimension smallint LEVEL0 0=not leaf level 1=is leaf Varchar(32) TEXT_VAL Holds text attribute value numeric NUMBER_VAL Holds numeric attribute value smallint BOOLEAN_VAL 0=false 1=true datetime DATE_VAL Holds date attribute value Contains application audit options. Column Name Column Type smallint AUDIT_FORMS smallint AUDIT_DATA smallint AUDIT_PUS smallint AUDIT_COPY_VERS smallint AUDIT_MEMBERS smallint AUDIT_CALCS smallint AUDIT_ALIAS_TABLES smallint AUDIT_USERS smallint AUDIT_GROUPS smallint AUDIT_SECURITY AUDIT_FORM_FOLDERS smallint smallint AUDIT_OFFLINE Dave Farnsworth Page 12 Description 0=no. default=0 0=no. default=0 0=no. Each row contains a member for an attribute. 1=yes. Inc. 1=yes. 1=yes. default=0 0=no. Solutions Experts. 1=yes. 1=yes. 1=yes. 1=yes. default=0 0=no. default=0 0=no. 1=yes. default=0 0=no. default=0 0=no. 1=yes. default=0 0=no. 1=yes. default=0 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved . Jan=1. Dave Farnsworth Page 13 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc. Holds numeric attribute value Number of periods in year Prefix for custom time periods Holds date attribute value FK(time_period) Each row of the table identifies a cell note entry and the associated Essbase dimension data points. Column Name Column Type integer CALENDAR_ID integer FIRST_YEAR integer NUMBER_YEARS smallint FY_MONTH BASE_TIME_PERIOD PERIODS_IN_YEAR PREFIX CURRENT_YEAR CURRENT_TP smallint smallint Varchar(20) datetime integer Description FK(object) First year of calendar Number of years in calendar First month of fiscal year. etc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions HSP_AUDIT_RECORDS Audit records generated when auditing is implemented. Solutions Experts. Feb=2. Column Name Column Type Varchar(100) TYPE Varchar(500) ID_1 Varchar(500) ID_2 Varchar(100) USE_NAME datetime TIME_POSTED Varchar(100) ACTION Varchar(100) PROPERTY Varchar(1500) OLD_VAL Varchar(1500) NEW_VAL Description Describes the application calendar. 2. All rights resreved .16 ID of first dimension ID of second dimension … ID of Ith dimension … ID of 20th dimension DIM1 DIM2 … DIMIth … DIM20 integer smallint … smallint … datetime Table defines the detail text and values associated with a cell note entry. Inc. Column Name Column Type Description integer From HSP_CELL_NOTE NOTE_ID Varchar(2000) Cell note CONTENTS Table lists users that have a form checked out for offless.4.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name NOTE_ID PLAN_TYPE Column Type integer smallint Description Auto generated ID Plantype where the cell note belongs 1.8. Column Name Column Type Description Dave Farnsworth Page 14 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.ine ac Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(HSP_USERS) user who USER_ID checked out form integer FK(HSP_FORM) form that FORM_ID was checked out datetime Date & time the user CHECK_OUT checked out the form Each row of the table identifies a supporting detail entry and the associated Essbase dimension data points. Solutions Experts. 16 ID of first dimension ID of second dimension … ID of Ith dimension … ID of 20th dimension DIM1 DIM2 … DIMIth … DIM20 integer smallint … smallint … datetime Table defines the detail text and values associated with a supporting detail entry. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions DETAIL_ID PLAN_TYPE integer smallint Auto generated ID Plantype where the cell note belongs 1.4. All rights resreved . Solutions Experts.2. Column Name Column Type Description integer From DETAIL_ID HSP_COLUMN_DETAIL float Detail value VALUE integer Numerical position of detail POSITION starting with 0 integer Generation of detail starting GENERATOR with 0 integer 0=ignore OPERATOR 1=add 2=subtract 3=multiply 4=divide Varchar(1500) Detail description LABEL Each row is a cube that Planning creates in Essbase Column Name Column Type integer CUBE_ID integer PLAN_TYPE LAST_REFRESH TYPE Dave Farnsworth datetime smallint Page 15 Description FK(object) 1=revenue 2=p&l 4=balance sheet 8=workforce 16=capex Timestamp indicating last refresh 0=generic 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.8. “$” Valid values 1-10 Intermediate currency if triangulated 1=pre-defined 2=user-defined 3=pre-defined but overridden by a userdefined with same currency code 1=not reporting currency 2=reporting currency 0=none 1=comma 2=period 3=space 0=period 1=comma 0=prefixed minus 1=suffixed minus 2=brackets 0=black 4=red Each row is a dimension for the planning application. Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type integer CURRENCY_ID Varchar(10) SYMBOL datetime SCALE integer TRIANGLE_CUR CURRENCY_TYPE smallint REPT_CURRENCY THOUSANDS_SEP smallint smallint DECIMAL_SEP NEGATIVE_SIGN smallint smallint NEGATIVE_COLOR smallint Description FK(object) Eg.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions 1=workforce 2=capex Location alias used by Xref LOCATION_ALIAS Varchar(80) Each row describes a currency. Inc. all required planning dimensions are listed in the table whether they are used or not. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(object) DIM_ID Varchar(10) 1=Access control is on for ENFORCE_SECURITY this dimension Dave Farnsworth Page 16 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. In addition to user defines and attribute dimensions. dim type will be 0. All rights resreved . For dimensions not in use such as FX Rates. Bitmask value is the sum of the Plan types. Density1 = Revenue 0=dense 1=sparse 0=dense 1=sparse 0=dense 1=sparse 0=dense 1=sparse 0=dense 1=sparse Stored by plan type.e. 7= revenue . DENSITY integer USED_IN smallint DIM_EDITOR DENSITY1 smallint smallint DENSITY2 DENSITY3 DENSITY4 DENSITY5 POSITION1 POSITION2 POSITION3 POSITION4 POSITION5 ENUM_ORDER1 ENUM_ORDER2 ENUM_ORDER3 ENUM_ORDER4 ENUM_ORDER5 DRIVER_DIM_ID smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint integer Smart list evaluation order by plan type Associated driver dimension ID Dave Farnsworth Page 17 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions DIM_TYPE datetime 0=none 1=account 2=time 3=entity 6=Attribute (not used) 0=dense 1=sparse Bitmask of the plan types that use this dimension. Solutions Experts. P&L and balance sheet 1=can be accessed by dimension editor Stored by plan type. Inc. 3= revenue & P&L. All rights resreved . i. i. P&L and balance sheet ID of employee Requisition number of “tobe-hired”. 3= revenue & P&L. Column Name Column Type integer BASE_DIM_ID DIM_ID integer MEMBER_ID QUERY_TYPE POSITION integer integer integer Description FK(dimension) base dimension which the formula drives FK(dimension) the driver dimension that this member belongs FK(member) Function that describes the relationship to the member Relative position of this driver member to other driver member values for this dimension Rows describe the entities dimension members Column Name Column Type integer ENTITY_ID DEFAULT_CURRENCY integer USED_IN smallint EMPLOYEE_ID REQUISITION_NO ENTITY_TYPE Varchar(255) Varchar(255) smallint Description FK(member) FK(currency) default currency associated with entity Bitmask of the plan types that use this dimension. All rights resreved . Inc. 0=none (default) 1=employee 2=department-general 3=TBH-input Dave Farnsworth Page 18 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Each row describes a member formula for a member. 7= revenue . Bitmask value is the sum of the Plantypes. Solutions Experts.e. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions A row in this table defines a smartlist. Solutions Experts. All rights resreved . Column Name Column Type integer ENUM_ID NAME integer LABEL DISPLAY_ORDER smallint Varchar(255) MISSING_LABEL Varchar(255) OVERRIDE_GRID_MISSING smallint AUTO_GEN_ID ALLOW_ENTRY_ON_THE_FLY Description FK(member) linked to the smartlist Non-translatable name that can be use in calculations Name shown to the end-user 0=by ID 1=by name 2=by label Value to display when a data cell contains #Missing 0=use for grid setting 1=use the missing label defined above 0=no auto generated IDs 1=auto gen IDs 0=not allowed 1=allow users to enter new values (AUTO_GEN must be set to 1) A row in this table defines a value within a smartlist that was defined in Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(member) linked to ENUM_ID the smartlist integer ID of smartlist entry ENTRY_ID Varchar(80) Non-translatable name NAME that can be use in calculations Varchar(255) Name shown to the LABEL end-user Dave Farnsworth Page 19 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions A row in this table describes a single form Column Name Column Type integer FORM_ID smallint PRECISION1 PRECISION2 smallint PRECISION3 smallint PRECISION_MIN1 PRECISION_MIN2 PRECISION_MIN3 PRECISION_MAX1 PRECISION_MAX2 PRECISION_MAX3 SCALING FMT_PRECEDENCE smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint smallint Description Internally generated id Number of decimals displayed for currency data Number of decimals displayed for noncurrency data Number of decimals displayed for percentage data Minimum precision Maximum precision FORM_TYPE CUBE_ID FORM_OPT COLUMN_WIDTH smallint integer integer integer Scaling format of the displayed data Determines whether row formatting takes precedence over column. All rights resreved . Solutions Experts. 0=row(default) 1=column 1=standard 2=custom Object of the cube Display alias Default data cell column width Table indicates which attributes are to be displayed on the grid. Column Name Column Type Description integer Order of the attribute POSITION Dave Farnsworth Page 20 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions FORM_ID DIM_ID LOCATION ATT_DIM_ID integer integer integer integer dimension ID (from HSP_FORM) of the associated form Dimension id from HSP_DIMENSIONS Placement of the attribute dimension Attribute dimension id Table associates the Essbase calculation/business rules with the form. All rights resreved . Column Name Column Type Description integer ID (from HSP_FORM) FORM_ID of the associated form integer Id of calc script CALC_ID Varchar(80) Name of script CALC_NAME integer Plan type associated PLAN_TYPE with the calc script 0=no RUN_ON_LOAD 1=yes 0=no RUN_ON_SAVE 1=yes 0=graphical HBR CALC_TYPE 1=Extended HBRcalc script 2=sequence HBR 3=native essbase Flag indicates whether USE_MRU to use sticky PV selections 0=no 1=yes 0=no(default) HIDE_PROMPT 1=yes A row describes the location for each dimension on the form Column Name Column Type integer FORM_ID Dave Farnsworth Page 21 Description ID (from HSP_FORM) 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc. Column Name Column Type integer OBJDEF_ID integer FORM_ID Dave Farnsworth Page 22 Description ID of object definition ID (from HSP_FORM) 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved . Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type integer POSITION FORM_ID VARIABLE_ID integer smallint Description Order which menus are displayed ID (from HSP_FORM) of the associated form FK(user_variable) ID of the user variables Each row describes a single row.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions LAYOUT_TYPE smallint of the associated form 0=POV 1=Page 2=Row 3=Column Sequence of the dimension on the axis FK(dimension) 1=show dimensions in POV ORDINAL DIM_ID STYLE float integer integer Table stores menus associated with form definitions Column Name Column Type integer POSITION FORM_ID MENU_ID integer smallint Description Order which menus are displayed ID (from HSP_FORM) of the associated form FK(object) ID of associated menu Table stores user variables used by form definitions. column or page definition. Inc. Used to determine the dimension integer FK(MEMBER) MBR_ID float ? = Children QUERY_TYPE ? = IChildren ? = Descendants ? = IDescendants float Allows more than 1 SEQUENCE member to be specified for a dimension. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(formobj_def) OBJDEF_ID float maps to the ordinal ORDINAL field of FORM_LAYOUT. Solutions Experts. Can be viewed as row/col number. POV is always =1 F(Form_Style) LOCATION float STYLE integer Each row describes the selected member associated with the form object definition.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions OBJDEF_TYPE smallint of the associated form 0=POV 1=Page 2=Row 3=Column Physical location of this OBJ_DEF on a grid. Varchar(80) Essbase substitution SUBST_VAR variable name HSP_FX_RATE_VALUES Note: this table is no longer used Column Name FX_TABLE_ID FROM_CUR TO_CUR FP_START Dave Farnsworth Column Type integer integer integer integer Page 23 Description FK(fx_table) FK(currency) FK(currency) Relative starting period 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved . Inc. All rights resreved .Hyperion Planning Table Definitions TP_END AVG01 END01 AVG02 END02 AVG03 END03 AVG04 END04 AVG05 END05 AVG06 END06 AVG07 END07 AVG08 END08 AVG09 END09 AVG10 END10 AVG11 END11 AVG12 END12 AVG13 END13 integer float to which the rates apply Ending period that rates apply. Inc. Column Name Column Type integer FX_TBL_ID integer FROM_CUR integer TO_CUR Dave Farnsworth Page 24 Description FK(fx_table) FK(currency) FK(currency) 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. Average rate for period 1 Rate at the end of time period 1 Average rate for period 2 Rate at the end of time period 2 Each row describes an exchange rate between 2 currencies. Hyperion Planning Table Definitions TYPE smallint 1=input 2=inverse 3=implied 1=multiply 2=divide Historical exchange rate Beginning exchange rate METHOD HISTORICAL_RATE BEGBALANCE_RATE smallint float float Each row describes an exchange rate table Column Name Column Type integer FX_TBL_ID integer CALENDAR_ID Description FK(object) FK(calendar) applies to the time periods specified in this calendar Column Name FX_TABLE_ID FROM_CUR TO_CUR FP_START TP_END AVG_VAL END_VAL Column Type integer integer integer integer integer float Description FK(fx_table) FK(currency) FK(currency) Relative starting period to which the rates apply Ending period that rates apply. All rights resreved . Average rate for period Rate at the end of time period Each row has a planning group Dave Farnsworth Page 25 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. Inc. Column Name OBJECT_ID SESSION_ID USER_ID Column Type integer integer integer Description ID of object being locked Id of session holding the lock FK(users) User holding the lock Each row stores a dimension member. All rights resreved . Column Name MEMBER_ID DIM_ID CONSOL_OP1 Column Type integer smallint smallint Description FK(object) FK(dimension) Essbase consolidation attribute for Revenue plan type 0=add 1=subtract 5/16/2010 Dave Farnsworth Page 26 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name GROUP_ID SID Column Type integer Varchar(256) Description FK(object) Security token identifier Stores URL links based on user type. Inc. Column Name Column Type integer LINK_ID smallint USER_TYPE LINK_NAME LINK_URL LINK_DESC Varchar(80) Varchar(255) Varchar(255) Description ID is auto generated 1=planner 2=interactive 3=admin Name of URL URL Description for URL Tracks Component locking. Hyperion Planning Table Definitions 2=multiply 3=divide 4=percentage 5=ignore Essbase consolidation attribute for P&L plan type Essbase consolidation attribute for Bal sheet plan type Essbase consolidation attribute for WF plan type Essbase consolidation attribute for CapEx plan type Essbase data storage attribute 0=store data 1=never share 2=label only 3=shared member 4=dynamic calc & store 5=dynamic Essbase two pass calculation attribute 0=no 1=yes Member used for consolidation purposes 0=no (default) 1=yes Has a member formula 0=no 1=yes FK(object)In the case of shared members. this is the corresponding base member ID Indicates if member participates in process mgmt Identifies if member is used for WF or CAPEX 5/16/2010 CONSOL_OP2 smallint CONSOL_OP3 smallint CONSOL_OP4 smallint CONSOL_OP5 smallint DATA_STORAGE smallint TWOPASS_CALC smallint USED_FOR_CONSOL smallint HAS_MBR_FX smallint BASE_MBRID integer ENABLED_FOR_PM smallint PS_MEMBER_ID integer Dave Farnsworth Page 27 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. Inc. All rights resreved . All rights resreved . Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(member) MEMBER_ID integer FK(attribute_dim) ATTR_ID integer FK(attribute_member) ATTR_MEM_ID integer ID that identifies PERSPECTIVE1 independent member integer ID that identifies PERSPECTIVE2 independent member Rows describe the member to UDA association. A member can have only one association per UDA. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(member) MEMBER_ID integer FK(UDA) UDA_ID Dave Farnsworth Page 28 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. A member can be linked to only a single value for an attribute dimension. Column Name Column Type integer MEMBER_ID ntext FORMULA Description FK(member) Contents of formula Each row links a standard dimension member to an attribute value.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions ENUMERATION_ID DATA_TYPE integer smallint FK(enumeration) Reference to smartlist 0=unspecified 1=currency 2=non currency 3=percentage 4=enum 5=date 6=text Stores the member formula for a member. Inc. Solutions Experts. NULL = no required dimension smallint 0=no OPEN_IN_NEW_WINDOW 1=yes Based on MENU_ITEM_TYPE integer Numeric properties INT_PROP1 associated with menu item integer INT_PROP2 integer INT_PROP3 Varchar(255) Text properties STR_PROP1 associated with menu item Varchar(255) STR_PROP2 Varchar(255) STR_PROP3 Varchar(255) STR_PROP4 Used to track user POV settings for data entry. All rights resreved . Dave Farnsworth Page 29 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Table stores user defined menus that appear when the user right clicks a grid. Column Name Column Type Description integer ID of menu item MENU_ITEM_ID integer FK(object) MENU_ID Varchar(255) Name shown to user LABEL Varchar(255) Path to icon resource ICON file integer 0=menu or submenu or MENU_ITEM_TYPE separator 1=URL 2=data entry form 3=business rule integer References the REQUIRED_DIM_ID dimension that is required to be clicked on before menu appears. Solutions Experts. Inc. The key is OBJECT_ID. integer Not used SECCLASS_ID smallint 0=not marked MARKED_FOR_DELETE 1=marked smallint 0=no REMOVABLE 1=yes Dave Farnsworth Page 30 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc. they are set to the same after the refresh. All rights resreved . In that case.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name USER_ID DIM_ID MEMBER_ID Column Type integer integer integer Description FK(users) FK(dimension) FK(member) Each row contains a Planning object. OBJECT_NAME & OLD_NAME are always equal unless there is a rename. Every Planning object can be found here. Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type Description integer Internally generated ID OBJECT_ID Varchar(80) Name for the object OBJECT_NAME integer FK(strings) DESCRIPTION smallint FK(object_type) OBJECT_TYPE integer FK(object) PARENT_ID integer FK(object) OWNER_ID integer Generation number for GENERATION object float Relative position within POSITION the hierarchy to other objects smallint 0=no children HAS_CHILDREN 1=has children datetime when created CREATED datetime When last modified MODIFIED datetime When last moved MOVED Varchar(80) Used when renaming OLD_NAME members. 3.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions List of the planning object types. Inc. Dave Farnsworth Page 31 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. The content and function of this table changes dramatically between version particularly pre & post 9. All rights resreved . Column Name OBJECT_TYPE Column Type integer Description 1=hierarchy node (folder) 2=dimension 3=attribute dimension 4=calendar 5=user 6=group 7=form 8=FX table 9=currency 10=alias 11=cube 12=planning unit 13=planning unit history 14=annotation 15=access control 16=supporting detail 17=user preferences 18=account annotations 30=attribute member 31=category 32=account 33=entity 34=time period 35=version 37=currency member 38=year 45=shared member 50=user defined dimension member Name for the object type TYPE_NAME integer Used by the refresh process. version. The content and function of this table changes dramatically between version particularly pre & post 9. Column Name Column Type Description integer Internally generated ID PLAN_UNIT_ID integer FK(dimension) SCENARIO_ID integer FK(dimension) VERSION_ID integer FK(dimension) ENTITY_ID integer FK(users) OWNER_ID integer FK(dimension) ORIGINATOR_ID Dave Farnsworth Page 32 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.3. All rights resreved . Column Name Column Type integer PLAN_TYPE Varchar(40) TYPE_NAME Description FK(cube) Name for plan type Used to track planning units (scenario. Solutions Experts. entity) and their process state for PM. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name OBJECT_ID Column Type integer Description FK(object) Used by the refresh process. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(object) OBJECT_ID integer FK(plan_type) PLAN_TYPE integer Transaction type XACT_TYPE 0=delete 1=add datetime When object was XACT_DATE deleted Varchar(80) Name of member to OBJECT_NAME delete Varchar(80) Old name of member to OLD_NAME delete integer Object type of object SRC_MBR List of the plan types for the application. Column Name Column Type Description integer Internally generated ID PLAN_UNIT_ID integer Sequence of actions LOG_SEQ integer FK(users) use who AUTHOR_ID performed the actions smallint 0=promote ACTION 1=reject 2=approve 3=signoff 4=start 5=exclude smallint Current process state at PROCESS_STATE the time of the action 0=not started 1=first pass 2=under review 3=approved 4=signed off 5=not signed off datetime Time of change STATUS_CHANGED Dave Farnsworth Page 33 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions PREV_OWNER_ID LAST_ACTION integer smallint FK(dimension) 0=promote 1=reject 2=approve 3=signoff 4=start 5=exclude Current process state of planning unit 0=not started 1=first pass 2=under review 3=approved 4=signed off 5=not signed off PROCESS_STATE smallint Used to track history of the planning unit process state changes for PM. Inc. Solutions Experts. All rights resreved . send to history table) 2=send e-mail notification 1=other 2=previous owner 4=new owner 8=actor\16=app owner Email address to use when email_from = Other 1=other 2=previous owner 4=new owner EMAIL_TO Dave Farnsworth Page 34 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. rollup.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Defines process management actions Column Name ACTION_ID NAME MODIFIABLE Column Type integer Varchar(80) not null unique smallint Description ID of action Name of action (must be unique) Whether user can modify =no 1=yes Indicates display order PROPAGATE_TO POSITION integer integer Defines process management effects of transitioning into a state. All rights resreved . indirect. Column Name Column Type integer EFFECT_ID Varchar(80) not null NAME unique integer EFFECT_ACTIONS EMAIL_FROM integer EMAIL_FORM_OTHER integer Description ID of STATE Name of EFFECT (must be unique) Actions performed on this effect 0=audit action (send to table history) 1=audit indirect(eg. Inc. Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type integer FROM_STATE_ID nteger CHANGEABLE_BY ACTION_ID STATE_ID NEW_OWNER integer integer integer SCENARIO_ID EFFECT_ID integer integer Description ID of initial state 0=owner 1=anyone with access 2=admin 3=no one ID action performed ID of new state after performing action 0=owner 1=anyone with access 2=admin 3=no one 4=self scnario rule is bound 0=all scenario ID of effect to apply for rule s Defines process management states Column Name STATE_ID NAME MODIFIABLE Dave Farnsworth Column Type integer Varchar(80) not null unique smallint Page 35 Description ID of state Name of state (must be unique) Whether user can 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions EMAIL_TO_OTHER 8=actor\16=app owner Email address to use when email_to = Other 0=use change status message 1=use message_other Message to use when message_type = other MESSAGE_TYPE MESSAGE_OTHER Defines process management transition rules between states. Inc. All rights resreved . Solutions Experts. If no user option is specified then the form print format is used. all forms have the same print option. Default = 8 FONT_SIZE integer % of screen used for ROW_HEADER_WIDTH row hdr. Solutions Experts.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions modify =no 1=yes Indicates whether changes to parent or child can affect state via propagation 0=no 1=yes Order of state. Inc. Name of color for state. 35=default smallint 6=default NUM_DATA_COLS smallint 0=no REPEAT_HEADER 1=yes (default) smallint Whether to apply FORMAT_DATA currency formatting 0=no 1=yes (default) smallint Apply precision defined LIMIT_PRECISION in form Dave Farnsworth Page 36 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(object) OBJECT_ID Varchar(255) 0=portrait ORIENTATION 1=landscape integer Font used for printing FONT integer Base font. Used to determine the state of the parent with mixed state children. If user is used. All rights resreved . Null=black AFFECTED smallint PRECEDENCE integer COLOR Varchar(80) Contains the PDF print options for a given user or form. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(member) SCENARIO_ID integer FK(member) start year START_YR_ID for scenario integer FK(time_period) start START_TP_ID month integer FK(member) ending END_YR_ID year integer FK(time_period) END_TP_ID ending month integer FK(fx_table) FX_TABLE smallint 0=no USEBEGBALANCE 1=yes smallint 0=no ENABLEPORPM 1=yes Dave Farnsworth Page 37 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions 0=no (default) 1=yes Show supporting dtl. Solutions Experts. 0=no (default) 1=yes Show account descriptions 0=no 1=yes (default) Show attributes 0=no 1=yes (default) Show currency cells 0=no 1=yes (default) Page size for printing . default = A4 0=no (default) 1=yes 0=no (default) 1=yes SHOW_SUPPORT smallint SHOW_ADESC smallint SHOW_ATTRIB smallint SHOW_CURRENCY smallint PAGE_SIZE HEADER_SHADE SHOW_CELL_NOTE Varchar(255) smallint smallint Stores the scenario properties for each scenario member in the application. All rights resreved . THE_STRING is in Unicode.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name STRING_SEQ LANGUAGE Column Type integer smallint THE_STRING Nvarchar(254) Description Internally generated ID Unique for each language. System level information for application Column Name Column Type integer VERSION RELEASE OFFICIAL_TARGETS OFFICIAL_BUPS MAX_PER_USER integer integer integer integer BOOL_TRUE integer BOOL_FALSE integer CALC_SUM integer CALC_COUNT integer Description version number for databasev Release number for database Number of official target versions Number of personal bottom up versions Maximum personal versions allowed per users String value corresponding to the attribute true String value corresponding to the attribute false String value corresponding to the attribute Sum String value corresponding to the attribute Count 5/16/2010 Dave Farnsworth Page 38 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. Inc. All rights resreved . This is the MSFT language ID A string in the given language. 0=no 1=yes 5/16/2010 CALC_MAX integer CALC_AVG integer DATE_FMT QUALIFIER Varchar(32) smallint QUALIFIER_TYPE smallint MULTI_CURRENCY DEF_CUR_ID PLAN_TYPES smallint integer smallint LAST_VERSION_IDX SUPPORT445 integer smallint EMAIL_SERVER MULTI_CURRENT Varchar(255) smallint SHARED_MEMBER_SEC smallint Dave Farnsworth Page 39 Copyright @ 2010. Bitmask value is the sum of the Plantypes.e. Inc. Mm/dd/yyyy 0=none 1=prefix 2=suffix 0=none 1=parent 2=grandparent 3=ancestors 0=no 1=yes FK(currency) Bitmask of the plan types that use this dimension. All rights resreved . P&L and balance sheet Last used version index 0=none 1=445 2=454 3=544 url or IP for mail server Multi-currency 0-no 1=yes When enabled take into account security applied for parent of shared member.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions CALC_MIN integer String value corresponding to the attribute Min String value corresponding to the attribute Max String value corresponding to the attribute Average Date format string eg. 7= revenue . 3= revenue & P&L. i. Solutions Experts. otherwise css version URL to eie server Essbase default password when adding users. Default = ‘password’ Indicates allowable password 0=planner 1=interactive 2=admin (default) 3=owner To indicate supported modules Flag to indicate enabled modules Workforce version Workforce key Workforce options Encoding for sending emails UTF-8 or system locale Flag for task list options 0=normal 1=reference app USERSUPDATE USEFULLNAME datetime smallint CSS_VERSION smallint EIE_SERVER ESS_DEF_PSWD Varchar(255) Varchar(30) LOGIN_LEVEL integer MODULE_SUPPORTED MODULE_ENABLED WF_VERSION WF_KEY WF_OPTIONS EMAIL_CHARSET integer integer smallint TI_OPTIONS REF_APP Table contains a list of variables that may be used in a form definition. All rights resreved . Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type Description Dave Farnsworth Page 40 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions OTLCHGD smallint Track when there are changes to the outline 0=no 1=yes When last change was applied Display users full name 0=no (default) 1=yes Support CSS version 0=none. Inc. Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(MEMBER) Time TP_ID period identifier. All others are 0. Dave Farnsworth Page 41 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved .Hyperion Planning Table Definitions TASK_ID TASK_ID_LIST TASK_TYPE integer integer integer Task identifier Task list identifier Type of task 0=descriptive 1=URL 2=Web Form 3=business rule 4=workflow Date/time task is due Date/time at which to send an alert to user Identifier of dependant task Frequency of alerts Frequency of overdue alerts Auxiliary info about the task depends on task type DUE_DATE ALERT_DATE INSTRUCTIONS DEPENDANCY ALERT_FREQUENCY OVERDUE_FREQUENCY INT_PROP1 datetime datetime Varchar(2000) integer Big int Big int Integer STR_PROP1 INT_PROP2 Varchar(255) Integer Table contains the text cell value to numeric mappings. PERIOD Leaf members are 1 through N. integer Index of time periods. Column Name Column Type integer TASK_ID Varchar(255) VALUE Description Internally generated ID Text message associated with the ID Each row in this table describes a member of the time perion dimension. The table ensures the uniqueness required by Essbase. All rights resreved . Dimensions can have multiple UDA’s but UDA’s must be unique within a dimension. Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type Description integer Internally generated UDA_ID UDA identifier integer FK(DIMENSION) this DIM_ID is the dimension that this UDA belongs Varchar(80) Value of the UDA UDA_VALUE HSP_UNIQUE_NAMES There is a row for every member name & alias in Essbase. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(OBJECT) OBJECT_ID Varchar(80) Name of the object OBJECT_NAME Contains the user planning web preferences Column Name Column Type integer USER_ID EMAIL EMAIL_ENABLE EMAIL_OPTIONS LANG_CODE COUNTRY_CODE THOUSAND_SEP DECIMAL_SIGN Dave Farnsworth Varchar(255) Smallint Integer Varchar(2) Varchar(2) Smallint Smallint Page 42 Description FK(USERS) object Id for user or group email address of user 0=enable 1=disable Determines how email notification is done 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Inc.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions TYPE smallint 0=leaf 1=rollup 2=year 4= DTS Each row describes a UDA for a dimension. Hyperion Planning Table Definitions NEGATIVE_SIGN NEGATIVE_COLOR PM_OPTIONS ALIASTBL_ID ENABLE_MRU FORM_WARNING PAGE_SIZE PAGE_SEARCH MBRSEL_ALIAS_ENABLE MBRSEL_DESC_ENABLE USER_MODE MRU_SCREEN_PROPS MRU_USER_MODE Smallint Smallint integer Integer Smallint Integer Integer Integer Smallint Smallint Smallint Varchar(1500) smallint 0=basic 1=advanced (default) 2=admin Tracks tasks when completed or alert sent Column Name Column Type integer TASK_ID integer USER_ID datetime COMPLETED_DATE ALERT_SENT_DATE datetime Description FK(USER_VARIABLE) Fk(USER) When task was completed When alert was sent Contains a list of variables that may be used in a form definition Column Name Column Type integer VARIABLE_ID Smallint DIM_ID Smallint VARIABLE_NAME Description Variable ID Fk(DIMENSION) Name of variable Contains a the associated variable value on a per user basis. Solutions Experts. Inc. Dave Farnsworth Page 43 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved . Hyperion Planning Table Definitions Column Name VARIABLE_ID USER_ID MEMBER_ID Column Type integer integer integer Description Variable ID Fk(USERS) Fk(MEMBERS) Each row has a user with some access to the application Column Name Column Type integer USER_ID Varchar(255) SID integer ROLE SYNC_PSWD smallint OFFLINE_ENABLED HUB_ROLES smallint integer Description FK(OBJECT) Security identifier 0=admin 1=planner 2=interactive 3=owner 0=don’t sync essbase Pw with NT 1=sync essbase with NT 0=no 1=yes Default =0 Each row has a user ssociated with the group. Column Name Column Type Description integer FK(MEMBER) VERSION_ID Smallint 0=Personal VESRION_TYPE 1=Official BU 2=Official Target Dave Farnsworth Page 44 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Solutions Experts. Column Name Column Type integer GROUP_ID integer USER_ID Description FK(OBJECT) FK(USERS) Stores the version properties for each version member in the application. All rights resreved . Inc. Hyperion Planning Table Definitions ACCESS_TYP IN_USE DATE_IN_USE ENABLEFORPM Smallint Smallint DateTime Smallint 0=Private 1=Public 0=no 1=yes Date version claimed for use 0=no 1=yes The queries were written for SQLServer. '+' .object_id and oa.begin decode snippet Decode(M.PARENT_ID. PO. Inc. -. Solutions Experts.consol_op3 When 0 then '+' When 1 then '-' When 2 then '*' When 3 then '\' When 4 then '%' When 5 then '^' When 6 then '~' end as consol_value. 0. in the query below. . 4. They use the “CASE” statement.OBJECT_NAME PARENT_NAME. .consol_op3. Alias_name.end decode SELECT O.object_id = a. 1. . HSP_OBJECT OA where a.OBJECT_ID.begin case statement case M. '-' '*' '/' '%' '~' '^') consol_value. 3.alias_id) -.member_id = o.object_name from HSP_ALIAS A. . Dave Farnsworth Page 45 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. (select oa. All rights resreved . -.OBJECT_NAME MEMBER_NAME. For example.end of case PO. O. 6. To modify the queries for ORACLE. replace the case statement that is between the 2 green comment lines with the following: -. use the DECODE statement in place of CASE. 2. . 5. OBJECT_ID = O.alias_id) Alias_name.member_id = o. Case M. Add addition blocks as required. All rights resreved .OBJECT_NAME MEMBER_NAME. Solutions Experts.member_id = O. Case M. The final line “O. HSP_MEMBER M where PO.OBJECT_ID. This query can be used for dimensions other than account except the account properties will not apply. For brevity. You can re-point this other standard dimensions.PARENT_ID and M. PO.OBJECT_TYPE FROM HSP_OBJECT PO. HSP_OBJECT O. Note: change. SELECT O.Consol_Op3) is specified.object_id and O. consolidation for database #3 (M. O. HSP_OBJECT OA where a.DATA_STORAGE When 0 then 'Store Data' When 1 then 'Never Share' When 2 then 'Label Only' When 3 then 'Shared Member' When 4 then 'Dynamic Calc and Store' When 5 then 'Dynamic' End STORAGE.TWOPASS_CALC When 0 then 'No' When 1 then 'Yes' End TWOPASS. add or delete consolidation columns depending on your needs. There is a special query for custom dimensions.OBJECT_NAME PARENT_NAME.object_name from HSP_ALIAS A.Object_Type = 33 QUERY1: Account member The query returns parent/child for each member along with most of the attributes. Dave Farnsworth Page 46 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions PO. (select oa.Object_Type = 32” references the Account object type.object_id and oa.consol_op3 When 0 then '+' When 1 then '-' When 2 then '*' When 3 then '\' When 4 then '%' When 5 then '^' When 6 then '~' end as consol. case M. Inc.object_id = a. All rights resreved .ACCOUNT_TYPE When 1 then When 2 then When 3 then When 4 then When 5 then When 6 then When 7 then else '' End ACOUNT_TYPE. Case M. Case AA.TIME_BALANCE When 0 then When 1 then When 2 then When 3 then else '' End TIME_BALANCE. Case AA. Solutions Experts. Case AA. Case AA. Inc.DATA_TYPE When 1 then 'Currency' When 2 then 'Non Currency' When 3 then 'Percentage' else '' End DATA_TYPE.SRC_PLAN_TYPE When 0 then 'NA' Dave Farnsworth Page 47 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.CURRENCY_RATE When 0 then 'None' When 1 then 'Average' When 2 then 'Ending' When 3 then 'Historical' else '' End CURRENCY_RATE. Case AA.USE_445 When 0 then When 1 then When 2 then When 3 then else '' End SPREAD_TYPE.USED_IN. Case AA.SKIP_VALUE When 0 then When 1 then When 2 then When 3 then else '' End SKIP_VALUE.VARIANCE_REP When 1 then When 2 then else '' 'NONE' '445' '454' '544' 'NONE' 'FIRST' 'LAST' 'AVERAGE' 'NONE' 'Skip missing' 'Skip zeroes' 'skip missing and zeroes' 'EXPENSE' 'REVENUE' 'ASSET' 'LIABILITY' 'EQUITY' 'STATISTICAL' 'SAVED ASSUMPTION' 'EXPENSE' 'NON EXPENSE' End VARIANCE_REP. Case AA.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions PO. AA.OBJECT_TYPE. The final line “M.PARENT_ID.alias_id) PO. consolidation for database #3 (M.OBJECT_NAME MEMBER_NAME. add or delete consolidation columns depending on your needs.OBJECT_ID = O.consol_op3 When 0 then '+' When 1 then '-' When 2 then '*' Alias_name.OBJECT_ID. O. data storage and two pass indicators.Dim_ID = 50055” references a custom dimension object. (select oa.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions When 1 then 'Revenue' When 2 then 'Net Income' When 4 then 'Balance Sheet' End SRC_PLAN_TYPE FROM HSP_OBJECT PO.object_id = a.ACCOUNT_ID = O. HSP_OBJECT O. HSP_MEMBER M.PARENT_ID M. Dave Farnsworth Page 48 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. Re-point this based on your needs. case M. All rights resreved . SELECT O. HSP_ACCOUNT AA where and and and PO.member_id = O. Note: change.object_id and oa.Consol_Op3) is specified.object_id AA. Inc.OBJECT_ID O. For brevity.member_id = o.object_name from HSP_ALIAS A. Solutions Experts.Object_Type = 32 Partial query result QUERY2: Custom dimension member The query returns parent/child for each member along consolidation. HSP_OBJECT OA where a. This query can be used for dimensions other than account except the account properties will not apply. Add addition blocks as required. Case M. PO.OBJECT_TYPE FROM HSP_OBJECT PO.ENUMERATION_ID Order by A. PO. B.Label FROM HSP_ENUMERATION as A INNER JOIN HSP_ENUMERATION_ENTRY as B ON A.member_id = O. A.NAME. HSP_OBJECT O. Solutions Experts.object_id and M.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions When 3 then '\' When 4 then '%' When 5 then '^' When 6 then '~' end as consol.OBJECT_ID = O.ENTRY_ID.ENUMERATION_ID. B.PARENT_ID and M.DATA_STORAGE When 0 then 'Store Data' When 1 then 'Never Share' When 2 then 'Label Only' When 3 then 'Shared Member' When 4 then 'Dynamic Calc and Store' When 5 then 'Dynamic' End STORAGE. Inc. All rights resreved . SELECT A. B. B.Name as SMART_LIST_NAME.ENUMERATION_ID = B.ENTRY_ID Smartlist output Dave Farnsworth Page 49 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.TWOPASS_CALC When 0 then 'No' When 1 then 'Yes' End TWOPASS.Dim_ID = 50055 QUERY3: Smart lists The query returns all smart list names and the members for each list. Case M.OBJECT_NAME PARENT_NAME. HSP_MEMBER M where PO.ENUMERATION_ID . Case AC.OBJECT_ID and O.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions QUERY 4: Member Access The query returns Planning for members and forms.FLAGS When 0 then 'MEMBER' When 5 then 'CHILDREN' When 6 then 'ICHILREN' When 8 then 'DESCENDANTS' When 9 then 'IDESCENDANTS' End as ACCESS_LEVEL.OBJECT_TYPE = OT.USER_ID) LOGIN_ID. SELECT O. (select OA. Inc.OBJECT_ID = AC. Solutions Experts.OBJECT_NAME from HSP_OBJECT OA where OA.dim_id will restrict the result set to a specific dimension.TYPE_NAME From HSP_OBJECT O. OT. Case AC.OBJECT_ID = AC. HSP_OBJECT_TYPE OT where O.OBJECT_TYPE Sample Member Access Query Results QUERY 5: Member to Attribute The query returns the attributes assigned to the Planning members. Re-pointing mb. Dave Farnsworth Page 50 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010. All rights resreved .OBJECT_NAME MEMBER. HSP_ACCESS_CONTROL AC.ACCESS_MODE When 1 then 'READ' When 3 then 'WRITE' When -1 then 'DENY' End as ACCESS_MODE. Inc. mb.object_name attribute_value FROM HSP_OBJECT PO. HSP_OBJECT OAV.PARENT_ID.attr_id = OAN.OBJECT_NAME PARENT_NAME.dim_id = 50055 Member to Attribute sample output Alias_name.OBJECT_ID = O.Hyperion Planning Table Definitions SELECT O. OAV. Solutions Experts. OAN.PARENT_ID and M.OBJECT_ID.object_id = a.object_id and m. HSP_OBJECT OAN.object_name attribute_name.member_id = O.object_id and mb.object_id and mb. All rights resreved .object_id and m.attr_mem_id = OAV. HSP_OBJECT O. PO.object_name from HSP_ALIAS A.OBJECT_NAME MEMBER_NAME. O. hsp_member MB where PO. (select oa. Dave Farnsworth Page 51 5/16/2010 Copyright @ 2010.alias_id) PO. HSP_MEMBER_to_Attribute M.member_id = o.dim_id.member_id = o.object_id and oa. PO. HSP_OBJECT OA where a. M.ATTR_MEM_ID.OBJECT_TYPE.
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