


WINDEV • WEBDEV • WINDEV MobileRDBMS Windows, Linux, Mac Client/Server, Stand-alone computer, Mobile, Embedded PERFORMANCE, SECURITY, AVAILABILITY www.windev.com WELCOME TO A WORLD OF SECURITY AND PERFORMANCE A 329 millions of billions of rows per table... n enterprise's data is a vital resource. The Relational Database Management System lets you manage your data with complete security. Performances are astonishing. Used on over several millions of computers the world over, the flexibility and the adaptability of allow it to respond to the most demanding requirements of real-time mission critical applications. You too, choose ! HyperFileSQL has been distributed since 1988. Table of Contents Overview Local Mobile - embedded Client/Server Data types and index SQL Features Security Openness WINDEV and WEBDEV Tools Programming List of supported SQL commands List of WLanguage commands 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 10 11 11 13 17 17 18 Vocabulary Who uses HyperFileSQ? Benefits Feature summary 21 22 22 24 H HyperFileSQL sales-engineering documentation. Knowledge of WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile is helpful. If you are not familiar with them, do not hesitate to request these productsʼ (free) full documentation. Documentation version 2010-01 VPN. HyperFileSQL works in heterogeneous environments: Windows. HyperFileSQL is suited to any type of application: business applications.HYPERFILESQL OVERVIEW General points HyperFileSQL is a powerful RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). real-time mission-critical applications. performance. Citrix. fully-featured product. 2008 NT : 100% Windows 100% Linux 100% Mobile HyperFileSQL comes as a complete. openness.. Wi-Fi… The forward and backward compatibilityof the tables is insured. c o m 3 . w i n d e v. Linux. security. application servers. Frugal in resources: the client/server engine takes up less than 20 MB of disk space. ADSL. Access security: protection against SQL injection attacks is insured through the automatic creation of secure UIs. and so on.. software.. Performance. MODEM. from a Windows server to a Linux server. Openness: based on industry standards.. DBAs and developers also have access to very active professional news groups (moderated). Extensibility: you can easily and without constraints go from one user to several hundred users. flexibility HyperFileSQL is the ideal choice for a database engine. Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) One aspect of HyperFileSQL is its free and unlimited deployment (see the license). 2003. or based on the type of application (business app). etc. Platform independence the tables can be moved from a Client/Server platform to a mobile platform. WEBDEV or a WINDEV Mobile license). The technical support is also free of charges (as part of a WINDEV. scalability: thanks to an optimized index management and a fine-tuned cache management. Service pack type updates are regularly made available for free. It is provided by phone and e-mail. and is free. Maintenance costs are minimal.. from a 2-tier architecture to a multi-tier architecture. TSE. no annual fees. Longevity of the publisher: PC Soft has been in business for over 25 years. There is no cost associated with it in terms of number of processors on the server. HyperFileSQL does not lock you into a proprietary solution. Web servers. POWERFUL DATABASE SERVER MOBILE INDOWS 7 VISTA (32 BITS.. W LOCAL ACCESS LOCAL WI-FI NETWORK LINUX REDHAT DEBIAN OPENSUZE UBUNTU . Flexibility: support for large volumes of data (several dozen billions of rows in a table) is insured. 64 BITS) XP 2000. 3G ADSL DEDICATED LINE MAC TSE CITRIX H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. or in terms of client computers. Mac. stand-alone PC or mobile devices. speed is consistent. HyperFileSQL comes in 3 versions: • mobile version (embedded) • local version (single computer or network) • Client/Server (and cluster) version. 2003. 128 Giga bytes on a memory card. HyperFileSQL only requires small resources. The installation is child's play and the seldom needed maintenance is automated. index.…). relationships. Depending on your needs. Performances will surprise you. MacOS and Linux servers. relationships. direct access.04 and 8.. Some of the supported Linux distributions: • RedHat 9 • Debian 4. pocket PC. data access in a mobile application can be done from a large number of technologies: ActiveSync. Load balancing is supported for better response times.10 • Fedora 8 and 9 • Mandriva 2008 Among the supported clients: • 32-bit and 64-bit Windows • Linux • MacOS • Windows CE and Mobile Mobile version (embedded) HyperFileSQL is totally adapted to the ever expanding realm of mobile devices of any type. Windows phone) that runs Windows CE or Windows Mobile. 2000. Web services. w i n d e v. Vista. or in memory. This version is mainly intended for stand-alone computers. and can be installed on any mobile device (terminal. Only a few years ago this was the capacity of the hard drive on a desktop PC! Now you can easily and at little cost embed large size (up to 130 million rows) secure databases onto your pockets. constraints). It is fully compatible with the mobile and Client/Server versions (tables. The installation is child's play. It is fully compatible with the local and Client/Server versions (tables. smartphone. HyperFileSQL works both in 32-bit and 64-bit mode. etc.VERSIONS Local version (“classic” version) The local version (stand-alone and network) of HyperFileSQL (also called "Classic" version. RPC access. and small networks.3 and 11. constraints). H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. The database will be created and installed automatically on the PC of the custom software user. A Classic database can also be found on a USB key and used directly from the key. HyperFileSQL Classic can be installed on machines equipped with Windows (98. index. and the administration. Client/Server version The Client/Server version of HyperFileSQL is the ideal version for managing a large number of users and remote accesses. Maintenance will be automatic. sockets. Servers and clients can be mixed. NT. • Windows 7 in all their versions. mobiles and phones. 8. 7. relationships. configuration and setup. although very powerful. is easily performed. c o m 4 . Clusters offer failure-proof availability. HyperFileSQL also works on Mac HyperFileSQL is not limited in the number of processors used. Imagine.. ease of deployment. direct stored procedures. index. constraints).1 • Ubuntu 7. Local and remote accesses are supported.0 • OpenSuse 10. It is fully compatible with the local and embedded versions (tables. The engine is self-restart. A common use of the Classic version is in a custom software.10. because it is the original version that was available back in 1988) offers high performance. Some of the supported Windows servers: • Windows Server 2008 • Windows Server 2003 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP & Vista. you can find a word among 1 million rows in less than 2 ms (average per occurrence found). For instance. WLanguage automatically converts Unicode strings into ANSI (and conversely) based on the current character set. duration • Boolean • Array type column • Blob ("memo"..). w i n d e v. therefore a search can be performed on several columns at the same time. time.000 million) rows: data searches were instant once the server was started (without even filling the cache!). ignoring their tags during the indexing process. Unicode HyperFileSQL supports Unicode text columns and Unicode blob columns. in line with current and future storage means. character • Numeric (integer. This feature enables you to perform searches on words stored inside RTF or HTML documents. These texts can be found in text type controls or blob (memo) type controls. Taiwan. PC SOFT presented a HyperFileSQL database containing more than 15 billion (15. with support for linguistic sorts • The sort order of all character sets is taken into account. • Default value • Null management. The index can support rich text (RTF. It is possible to index texts found in a HyperFileSQL database without any programming. HyperFileSQL insures data integrity by managing : • Uniqueness constraints • Cardinality constraints • Automatic identifier • Primary and foreign keys. In order to insure optimal performances. video.... Chinese from Singapore.000 professional developers. Results are offered according to a relevance order (ranking).. Indexes can be sorted by the alphabetical order corresponding to each language (Russian from Russia or Ukraine.) Powerful features are available: • Unicode is supported. Full-text index The "full-text" search allows for very fast string (word or expression) searches inside your data.DATA AND INDEX Data type HyperFileSQL manages all types of data: • Text. HyperFileSQL automatically creates an index when defining a key. A full-text index can index one or more columns. During a recent road show in front of about 10. Hong Kong. • Date. binary format: image. as well as with the increasing demands from enterprises. Index & Keys HyperFileSQL manages keys and indexes for all types of columns. c o m 5 . real. while Windows for PC runs in ANSI mode. The following are supported: • Simple index • Composite index (multi-column) • Partial index • Full-text index H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. float with 38 significant digits). When needed. Capacity HyperFileSQL Client/Server offers high storage capacity.. Macao. Data in Chinese A reminder about operating systems: Windows runs in Unicode mode on mobile environments. HTML). the index statistics and the constraints to choose the best access index for queries. In the data model editor Triggers A trigger is used to start a stored procedure before or after a given event on a database table: for example. avg. external join. Stored procedures accept parameters and/or return integers. HyperFileSQL supports union operators: union. order by. Stored procedures are programmed using WLanguage and therefore benefit from the rich feature set and ease of use of this 5GL. The trigger will be executed regardless of the application or component that accesses the database and performs the defined operation.535 bytes 4 GB FEATURES HyperFileSQL offers a large number of features. etc. sum. join. you can benefit from the feature-rich WLanguage by directly using WLanguage functions and stored procedures (also developed in WLanguage).535 65. The engine automatically manages the load balancing: if a client executes a lot of resource hungry queries . image. w i n d e v. as well as the other programming aspects (cursor programming). sort and group operators: group by. video. aggregation operators: count. Cartesian join. improves the processing speed. A trigger provides tremendous security. In addition to SQL. all you need to do is modify the stored procedure on the server. When the way you calculate a result changes or when a business rule found in a stored procedure evolves. among other things. You’ll find the list of SQL functions supported by HyperFileSQL at the end of this document. HyperFileSQL supports sub-queries and embedded queries. max. and therefore.535 329 millions of billions 4 millions of TB 2 GB 65. The SQL supported by HyperFileSQL also includes a large number of additional SQL Server and Oracle specific syntax. The speed of the SQL engine is optimized by using.. It is really easy to create a stored procedure from the WINDEV environment. SQL : OVERVIEW HyperFileSQL supports a large portion of the Ansi SQL 92 standard. dates. the server automatically balances the load in order to not penalize the other clients. etc. strings. binary. or after modifying a row. without the programmer having to do anything.HYPERFILESQL MAXIMUM CAPACITY Columns per table Index per table Rows per table Table size Row size Column size Size of a blob column (text memo. You will find below a description of its main features. The right to create a trigger is defined along with the database's rights. Stored procedures (UDF) Stored procedures (also sometimes called UDF) make it easier for you to modify and maintain your application by breaking up the code. Server triggers. without modifying the deployed applications.. The advanced memory cache management also improves performances. min. among other things. The same stored procedure can be shared among several applications. as their name implies. c o m 6 . are executed directly on the server. The WINDEV environment alerts the developer to the presence of these triggers (the triggers are shown in the data model). having. A stored procedure limits the number of round-trips needed between the client and the server machine. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. before deleting a row.) 65. On the other hand. deletion. etc. frame compression Logs A log is a special table where all the operations performed on one or more tables from a given time are automatically stored.1). (3. Automatic row lock HyperFileSQL supports locks at the table level and at the row level. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. • Cascading deletion: If a row is deleted from a table. 3G.g. Support for row locks allows for better access performance. Therefore you cannot delete a row from a table if this row is linked to other table rows (e. reducing the size of the frames increases performance noticeably. like all DBMS. In this context. the speed is so fast that the size of the frame only has a relative importance. cascading update It is easy to define integrity constraints. The cardinalities can be configured: (0. there's a big advantage to compressing frames. Transaction management is the best way to guarantee the coherence of a set of indissociable write operations on HyperFileSQL tables. for a remote access (DSL. this can be a benefit for contracts that bill based on volume of data. …).n).Integrity : constraint. A server's data transfer speed depends both on the frame travel speed over the network and the size of these frames. A frame is a data packet that travels over the network. c o m 7 .n). crash recovery A transaction is a set of indissociable operations: either all the operations in the transaction are performed. Transactions: commit. HyperFileSQL. rollback. especially if the connection speed is slow. Examples of referential integrity constraints: • Referential integrity: The referential integrity will prevent an author from being erased as long as there is at least one book referring to this author. w i n d e v. deletion. “Blob” data compression "Blob" type data (text or binary memo) can be compressed to optimize the space taken on disk. Reflexive links are supported. in other words: • the complete row before handling or modification by the user • the complete row after handling or modification by the user • the person who used or modified the record • the date and time of the operation or modification • the nature of the operation performed: addition. read • the id of the computer that performed the modification • the IP address of the computer that performed the operation • the name of the application that performed the operation It is possible to perform the following operations from a log: • restore the content of a logged table in case some data was lost or destroyed • restore the content of a logged table until a certain date • find the author. or none are performed. through relationship). modification. the corresponding rows in the linked tables will also be deleted (this constraint can be enabled or disabled. uses frames to communicate between the client and the server machine. you cannot delete a customer if there are invoices linked to this customer). The databases are isolated. Several databases on the same server HyperFileSQL natively supports the presence of several databases on the same server. (0. The space used can be significantly reduced. the date and the time of an operation performed on a specific row • keep the history of a table use (to compute statistics for example) These operations can be run using a command line or the WDLog tool. The referential integrity can be defined by link from the data model editor. The log contains the history of the table use. A transaction is used to ensure that updates performed on one or more tables have completed properly. Frame compression enables you to reduce the size of the packets (up to 95%) traveling on the network. Specific rights can be defined for each database. Since the volume of data transiting through the transmission media is reduced.n) . the size of the frame is more important. In a local area network. This prevents you from having to use multiple servers. (1. by automatically applying a data compression algorithm In a remote connection context. The speed for remote connection is improved. the link between a remote device and the server can be dropped briefly. You can save the entire server or only a single database. as long as you have the proper rights.Automatic reconnection This feature automatically takes care of dropped connections between client and server. disable programmed tasks by coding or through the administration tool. this problem occurs with hardware whose connection with the server is not always on: mobile devices (Wi-Fi. The tasks can be run at a set date. The application can resume without any error. as if the connection never was interrupted. When the application is reconnected. HyperFileSQL supports hot. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. differential backups. for example. it allows. or execute additional processes if you want. or a selection of tables. 3G. Usually. …) notably. etc. A task doesn't only mean allowing the execution of a stored procedure (UDF). we need to resume the application at the point where the connection was interrupted. The definition is done through the Control Center or by programming. In Wi-Fi connection for instance. The number of backups to keep can be specified. copy the backup on the network. The schedule for a complete backup and a differential backup can be specified (example: 1 full backup every month and 1 differential backup every week). Integrated sequencer (scheduled tasks) HyperFileSQL includes an integrated sequencer that allows you to define scheduled tasks. with or without index. • Number of times the task must be executed (10 times or no end date for example). without disconnecting users • transparently. with one or more regular intervals. modify. A backup is portable. A backup can be triggered from the Control Center (instant backup. to perform batch processes. all the buffers and positions are stored and reassigned. scheduled backup). directly from the application. or from a Client/Server version to a Classic version. With the automatic resume. enable. but also allowing a backup or an automatic performance optimization to be triggered. Backup Configuration of a backup Backing up is an extremely important feature for databases. without disturbing the running of the applications. The execution of a stored procedure before and/or after the backup allows for automated processes to be run: send e-mail. Using the sequencer is more performing than running the commands in the Windows task scheduler or the Linux "cron" process. The sequencer allows the DBA to program the automatic execution of tasks on the server. or the 4th of every month for example) • At a given time or every n hours and/or minutes. You can create. and make sure the buffers are accurate. This can also happen on regular wired networks.You can also manage the connection interruptions by programming. add. c o m 8 . w i n d e v. or by coding. The backup can be performed: • on the live database. from Windows to Linux for instance. Graphical and user friendly interface of the sequencer (scheduled tasks) Example of possible parameters: • Every month or only some months • Every day or only some days (every Mondays. Automatic data modification for each site (SDD) Which programmer. A 100-version history is kept. or to change a data type in a column? The problem is even more complex when several different versions of the application are in use: you need to check the version of the database as well. or still if the data type is changed (integer to real for instance) HyperFileSQL will automatically update the data in the relevant tables. GPRS. via modem. The replication is performed without being constantly connected to the server hosting the other database. "Offline" replication H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. via Internet. No more of this with HyperFileSQL! HyperFileSQL transparently manages structural changes to the data (schemas) through the SDD technology (Synchronization of Database Description). AS/400. etc. is automatically managed. Offline replication The "offline replication" mode allows a replication to manage itself in stand-alone mode. Any media: locally. or if a column is added.) The link with the server becomes useless once done. fault tolerance). The read load charge is distributed on all the servers (load balancing for reading). MySQL. c o m 9 . w i n d e v. When a user is connected to a server that fails. Oracle. a set of physical servers appears as a single server to the clients. mobile. SAP. You can add and remove servers while live. Any database: HyperFileSQL. USB key.Universal replication The universal replication works regardless of the database used. it automatically resynchronizes when it restarts. If for example a column has its size modified. 3G.. etc. Replication can be one-direction or multi-direction. Wi-Fi. the application won't be disconnected but automatically reconnected to a valid server (automatic fall over). Cluster (server farm) Any database: HyperFileSQL. and can be performed using different media: computers connected to the network. MySQL. which will be installed and run automatically with your application's update. Oracle.. The principle is simple: the replica is sent to the replication server (via Internet. Thanks to the cluster feature. mobile.. No more hacks! No more scripts! No more scary "Alter table" commands! The update procedure. If a server crashes. replicate HyperFileSQL data among themselves or with Oracle data or with data coming from any other database. A replication is defined with the help of a replication wizard or by programming. Internet. AS/400. The servers automatically replicate each other in real time.. GPRS. The potential failure of a physical server does not prevent access to the database (high availability. which database administrator hasn't cursed the time lost writing those infamous "hacks" (scripts) to add a column or an index to an existing table. Writing those hacks is always tricky because they alter the data. for example.. via the network. USB key. You can.. Clustering is also very useful for SaaS infrastructures. most Information Systems use several heterogeneous databases. The tuning of rights is very granular: at the server level. SDD can also be started via a command line. HyperFileSQL Control Center: defining rights Link with other databases You can also use HyperFileSQL in parallel with other databases. Actually. Security specific features are also available. f r 10 . At the server level: • Right to delete or add users or groups • Right to view the users and groups • Right to create a database • Right to change rights • Right to stop the server • Right to change one's own password • Right to disconnect the user computers • Right to send messages to the client computers • Right to configure the server • Right to configure the user priority • Right to perform backups • Right to configure the scheduled tasks • Right to consult the server's activity statistics and log. Also note that SDD works regardless of the versions of the target database schemas. only a hashed version is stored for security reasons. the right to delete rows to run a deletion query. Note that you don't need to use other script management tools to perform these tasks. addition/deletion of constraints • The addition/deletion of triggers. SDD works immediately on a n-3 version for instance. the Control Center. p c s o f t . HyperFileSQL also lets you easily import and export data from/to other databases. It is done by programming or through a user-friendly interface. insure by their very presence a high security of use. Passwords are not stored in clear on the server. without interfering with the running of applications. the automatic lock management. size • The addition/deletion of key/index. This SDD feature can be run : • on the live database. On the database side: • Right to add new rows in a data table • Right to lock tables or table rows • Right to change rights • Right to modify the integrity rule on a table • Right to modify the owner of an element • Right to connect to the server (encrypted or non-encrypted connection. without disconnecting users • transparently. SDD: Automatic update of the data schema SDD (Synchronization of the data description) automatically performs: • The automatic comparison and synchronization of the database in respect to the schema to get • The addition. The same application can use a HyperFileSQL database at the same time and simultaneously with other databases. An expiration date can be set for passwords You can define user groups. deletion.Access rights : authentication to establish the connection The server has a user authentication system. stored procedures. at the database or the table level. or only encrypted connection) • Right to create a table by programming • Right to enable and disable duplicate management • Right to read a table's rows • Right to start a reindex or statistics calculation on a table • Right to start an automatic modification of the tables (SDD) SECURITY The integration. renaming of a column • The change of type. and then that this user has the proper rights to run the requested queries: for example. It checks that a user is authorized to connect. and so on. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. Business Objects. Several encryption modes are supported: • standard on 128 bits • RC5 12 loops on 128 bits • RC5 16 loops on 128 bits The mode and the encryption key can be defined: • by programming • in the data model editor. The data itself can be encrypted. c o m 11 . Data encryption Data access can be secured. Data binding is supported. such as C#. WEBDEV. control creation. assisted code entry in the editor.. allows third-party applications to access the data stored on a HyperFileSQL server. XML is also possible.) he won't be able to exploit it. you can forbid non encrypted connections with the server. and this is done automatically.Net. WINDEV and WEBDEV native access WINDEV. which means that the access performances (read. ODBC driver The provided ODBC driver allows third-party applications to access data stored on a HyperFileSQL server. OLE DB Provider Providing the OLE DB driver (in read and write mode). visually in the environment and also by programming. Crystal Reports. PHP. Access. On the table side: • Right to add new rows in a table • Right to lock tables or table rows • Right to change rights • Right to modify the integrity rule on a table • Right to modify the owner of an element • Right to enable and disable duplicate management • Right to read a table's rows • Right to start a reindex or statistics calculation on a table • Right to start an automatic modification of the tables (SDD) on a table • Right to modify a table's rows • Right to delete a table's rows • Right to delete a table by programming. OPENNESS HyperFileSQL is open to all technologies and easily blends in any existing I. SQL injection impossible The WINDEV window generator and the WEBDEV page generator. from a lost computer. CSV.S. Data import from text formats (custom separators: tab. Python. The HyperFileSQL data schemas are also directly and instantly recognized by the WINDEV and WEBDEV environments. in real time as soon as entered. WINDEV MOBILE Encrypted connections The connection between the client and the server can be encrypted. LINK WITH WINDEV. such as PHP. MySQL and so on databases. copy. Tuby. and the data itself can be secured. The import of the data schema is automatic. space. etc. Database import The WDCONVER tool (provided with the product) lets you import Oracle. The opening of the table can require a password. and is not sent to the application if it is invalid or incoherent. write) are optimized. The data entered by the end user is automatically verified. retrieved from a recycled computer. Excel. SQL Server. w i n d e v. Access to HyperFileSQL is "native" in WINDEV and WEBDEV. through the definition of edit controls that are automatically generated based on the data schema. etc.• Right to modify a table's rows • Right to delete a table's rows • Right to delete a database • Right to delete a table by programming • Right to enable and disable integrity management • Right to lock the access to a database • Right to execute stored procedures and/or WLanguage commands in queries • Right to configure the stored procedures • Right to debug the stored procedures • Right to modify the triggers • Right to perform backups. WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile are Integrated Development Environments (IDE). H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. make "SQL code injection" type attacks almost impossible. If a malicious person gains access to the encrypted data file (theft. etc. To define a high level of security. ASP..). and therefore benefit from the automation and wizards of these environments: automatic UI creation. etc. The access to a database field is easily defined through a clear and intuitive syntax: table name. Multicontext At any time you can handle several contexts and several connections for the same database. No programming is required.name) The code entry wizards are always at your fingertips and help prevent typos and having to look for names. Relationships between tables are automatically detected. c o m 12 . 3 examples of windows created with WINDEV Cursor in WINDEV and WEBDEV Cursor in WINDEV and WEBDEV Native programming in WINDEV and WEBDEV is highly simplified thanks to a set of advanced automations and wizards. with a maximum length of 8. w i n d e v. Performance help. end user assistance is automatic in the following error cases: • detection of unprotected concurrent accesses • duplicates • non respect of integrity constraints • invalid password • disconnection • lock. column name (customer. check the disk space and the connections. 2 users are trying to modify the same field at the same time! A window automatically comes up and asks for the correct value. Tuning. only data of this type will be allowed in input. check indexes.Automated assistance In a WINDEV application. if a column is a numeric type. For example. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. Here. set up statistics. and through this make sure the data accesses are programmed optimally. the application automatically displays a relevant assistance window. The tuning lets you optimize queries. etc. If one of these errors occurs. monitor the server. check the CPU use. You won't be able to enter text or a larger number. Audit The profiler and dynamic audit tool allow you to analyze the performances of an application. Window and UI generator from the table schemas The generated UIs take the table's definition into account. control the memory. • Automation of common functions. transaction rollback • Manage scheduled tasks • Perform backups • Manage backups • Hot tuning: cache size. • Creation.. Modeling a database Defining a database's schema is done easily through the powerful visual editor provided. • Definition of the port for remote debugging.. The visual editing of the schema (creation. • display controls (static) • scrolling lists • auto-fill combo box • animated images • graphical buttons (icons) • text buttons • timer buttons • single column and multi column radio buttons • graphical lists • treeview table • OLE controls • click areas • controls with fuzzy shadow • HTML controls • geometrical shapes • view lists • Web camera • loopers • toolbox • bar codes • calendar THE TOOLS Administration: HyperFileSQL Control Center ternet. c o m 13 . log activation. deletion.. modification of the tables. triggers... Hot Administration A large number of maintenance tasks can be performed live. which will keep on reading and writing data during the maintenance: • SDD live "auto modif " • Live reindexing • Live automated performance optimization • Live password change • Backup. the database or the tables • Uninstall the HyperFileSQL server • Display the list of current connections • Ability to authorize/forbid connections • Send messages to the users • Configuration of the location of the databases. indexes.. ready-to-use and to be customized controls are available just by drag and drop: • formatted edit controls • tabs • combo box • images • scroll bars • animated graphical buttons • On/Off buttons • check box • tables • treeview lists • HideShow • ActiveX controls • spin buttons • sliders • icon bar • splitter • status bars • RTF • progress bar • chart • carousel • . The HyperFileSQL Control Center can be used to perform a large number of tasks.) enables you to define a database schema without having to write any SQL code. etc. such as: • Manage the database • Manage the data size • Stop/start several server instances • Visualization of information specific to the server. logs. The editor graphically represents the organization of the data and processes. • Definition of the server connection port. • Database explorer • Query execution • Back up and restore data. constraints. etc. columns. • Manage users and user groups. logs. without having to disconnect the users. deletion. import of databases. activation and location of the logs and activity statistics. parameters. relationships. • Visualization of row locks • .`Sophisticated. and without interfering with the use of their applications. queries. • Monitoring. as well as their rights • Manage connected users • User disconnection • Gathering of precise statistics on the server use: computers. • Visualization of the tables' structure. w i n d e v. • Account maintenance • Manage the transactions in progress.. A large number of wizards are there to help you. A tab of the HyperFileSQL Control Center The HyperFileSQL Control Center is an indispensable administrative tool with an intuitive and user-friendly graphic interface. either from a network computer or from the In- H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. c o m 14 . The wizard also asks whether the checking of referential integrity must be automated or not. HTML. OpenOffice). simply draw a link with the mouse! The wizard asks questions in plain English to determine the nature of the relationships. as well as the update of the data from the objects to the tables. SQL Server. An automatic import of existing schemas can be performed. Notably. and conversely. The visual schema editor also manages: • Reverse analysis from a server • Logical and physical modeling • The connection editor • The schema comparison • The schema history • The generation of DDL scripts • The export of the schema model in the form of a vector image. OLE DB. the class diagram can be generated automatically from the database schema. All the newly created columns are stored in the data dictionary. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. The UML class diagram WINDEV and WEBDEV support the 9 UML models. and so on formats. Word. We specify the type of columns. 3-tier programming is therefore extremely simplified through an automatic object-relational mapping: classes are automatically generated to implement the business logic specific to the application.A data schema Assisted relationships (links) definition The editor knows how to import schemas from databases in HyperFileSQL. PDF. or if it should use existing tables. Then we define the relationships between tables. The wizard then requests the name of the relationships: the schema is defined. w i n d e v. the type of key (index). We simply need to define the structure of the tables that make up the schema. The wizard then asks whether it should generate the potential relationship tables if needed. columns are defined or retrieved from a data dictionary. UML Pages from an automatic documentation How to create a data schema? Creating a data schema is very easy: a powerful wizard helps you. etc. The documentation of the database schema can be printed upon request (hard copy. To link tables. Reporting tool (“Reports & Queries” program) The "Reports & Queries" program is a report editor that you can distribute freely. and the query is built using optimized SQL code. as well as page background. at no cost and to all your end users. Excel. A few clicks are enough to create a query. bar codes. The PDF standard is supported. There’s no risk of error. send an e-mail. and everything you need! From the report editor.Total is greater than or equal to Amount pond to the intended operation.MinQty is equal to MinQuantity AND PaymentMethod contains ‘PaymentMethod’ ted graphic). This report editor is natively interfaced with HyperFileSQL.Observations contains ‘Observation’ . A query can use the result of another query as its source. AND ORDERS. The editor also performs a reverse-analysis of existing queries. PaymentMethod and InvoiceDate The query editor generates the queries both in SQL and in such as InvoiceDate is equal to ‘InvoiceDate’ natural language so you can easily check that they corresAND ORDERS.Query editor The creation of queries is done using the SQL language or the WLanguage 5GL Queries can be entered directly or generated by the query editor (Reports & Queries) provided with WINDEV and WEBDEV. for any application built with WINDEV or WEBDEV. labels. OrderNumberCustomer. or a HyperFileSQL table. and can be freely distributed to the end users of the applications you've created. The steps for creating a query are simple: choose the columns to include. and to check it in natural language. A query result can be a visualization window. automatically A report created with Reports & Queries H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. AND HISTORY. and so on.AdminAssistant is equal to ’ AdminAssistant’ The query is also generated in diagram form (animaOR PRODUCT. OpenOffice. w i n d e v. export to Word. The query editor also lets you optimize the database's description (schema) by detecting and defining the indexes required for Display all OrderNumber. CustomerNum. OrderDate. specify the selection conditions using the wizard. a printed report. c o m 15 . and allows for very easy creation of sophisticated reports using the data stored in the HyperFileSQL databases. the best runtime performance of the created queries. EAN8. how often to retry and how long before triggering the warning • text of the message to send • the message's medium (SMS. maximum size. CODE11. XML. CODE128. The server warns. Of course. types of accepted data. EAN13. bound verification. as well as the controls. WDMAP lets you filter and sort the data.. This can be very useful in the fine tuning phase. WDMAP: data viewer WDMAP lets you view. WDMAP is very useful during testing and debugging. EAN128. WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile RAD also generates the windows and pages. . and configures the edit controls based on the information found in the data schema: required control. SIS: Software Infrastructure Supervisor SIS allows you to compile a list of accesses for all the WINDEV applications and all the WEBDEV sites to all the network resources. The monitoring engine (freely distributable with your applications) lets you secure your servers. The engine constantly monitors and immediately detects the suspicious connections to your server. UPCE. RAD: for generating windows and pages A Web page generated by WEBDEV The WINDEV. etc). CODABAR. you'll find: • the frequency: run the test every X. Among the monitoring parameters that can be specified.. CODE128.. CB_MSI. perform instant export (to Word. OpenOffice. CODE93.) • sending a message to the integrated messaging system • control screen (visual warning and/or sound) • starting a WLanguage procedure • running a third-party program (this program can for instance. Monitoring engine A report can be sent to different targets Supported bar code formats are: UPCA. email. c o m 16 . Intervaled 2 of 5... w i n d e v. from 2 minutes to 1 day • repetition: in case there's no answer from the monitored element. CODE39.). send a configurable message via SMS to chosen numbers). by (your choice): • sending a configurable e-mail message to the specified addresses (up to 20 addresses) • sending a message to a specific application (internal messaging. Excel. etc. edit and modify the data in a table. Datamatrix. PDF417. . you can choose a combination of these warnings... H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w.Data comparison tool: WDHFDiff The WDHFDIFF tool enables you to compare: • the structure of 2 tables • the data in 2 tables. Programming with WLanguage. a 5th generation language. w i n d e v. The accepted WLanguage functions are: Abs Age ArcCos ArcSin Asc Charact  StringFormat StringCount  StringToUTF8 Complete  MakeInteger Conversion ColorLightness ColorSaturation DateDifference Today DateTimeLocalToUTC DateSys DateValid DateToDay DateToDayInAlpha DateVersWeekNumber Uncompress Uncrypt  DurationToString EmailCheckAddress IntegerToDay IntegerToDayInAlpha IntegerToWeekNumber IsNumeric IsEven Exp ExtractString fLoadText fShortPath fCompare fCopyFile fDate fDateTime fMoveFile fDriveInfo WinOutVPos WinInHPos fExtractPath fFileExist fLongName fDirAttribute fDirAttrib fDirectoryExist fRemoveDir fDirSize fDelete fSize fDiskType Left  hDuplicates TimeDifference TimeValid TimeToString HListField HRetrieveField HUnlockRecord iGetIdentifier INIRead InitRandom Ln Log Max Middle NetMACAddress NetIPToMAC NumToString BinaryOR BinaryXOR AnsiVersOem AnsiVersUnicode ArcTan Round StringCompare StringBuild StringToDate  StringToDuration CompleteRep  Compress Cos CoTan ColorHue Crypt DateIsValid DateTimeDifference DateTimeUTCToLocal DateToString DateToInteger DateToMonthInAlpha DDECR UncompleteDir GetGUID Right  IntegerToDate IntegerToTime IntegerToMonthInAlpha DOSEnvironment IsOdd BinaryAND ExeInfo fAttributeReadOnly fLongPath fCompress fCreateLink fCrypt fUncompress fUncrypt WinInInput WinOutHPos WinInVPos fDiskSpace fTime fShortName fCopyDir fMakeDir fTempPath fParentDir fSaveText fSeparator fSizeUncompressed fDiskSize Random HDescribeField TimeIsValid TimeSys TimeToInteger HInfoField HTMLToText HToField ExeInfo INIWrite Reverse  ExeRun Now Upper  Min Lower  NetMACToIP BinaryNOT WeekNumber OemToAnsi BinaryXOR Easter Simple yet powerful programming Programming the HyperFileSQL database is both easy and powerful. This programming can be done in SQL and/or in WLanguage 5GL SQL is a universal programming language. H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. SIS enables you to analyze the changes in database accesses over time. ELSE ALL ASC AVG CASE CHAR_LENGTH COS DELETE DROP TABLE FROM IFNULL INSTR LAST_INSERT_ID LENGTH LOG LTRIM MIN NEXT_DAY OCTET_LENGTH PATINDEX RADIANS ROUND SET SOUNDEX SUBSTRING TOP UNICODE UUID WHERE The "Select" type SQL queries accept a large number of WLanguage functions as parameters. RAD supports the concept of "pattern". c o m 17 . Automation with applications and sites developed in WINDEV and WEBDEV are very strong. The generated code can be modified later on... which allows you to easily refine a selection. which allows you to define the code that will be generated. or using the numerous wizards available in these environments. List of supported SQL commands Here is the list of supported SQL functions.. allows for advanced and powerful cursor programming... to find out which applications and which computers access a database. AGAINST MAX MID MOD MONTHS_BETWEEN NEW_TIME NOT NVL OCT ON OR ORDER BY PI POSITION POWER RANDOM REPLACE RIGHT RPAD RTRIM SELECT SIGN SIN SOME SOUND LIKE SQRT SUBSTR SUM SYSDATE TAB TRANSLATE TRIM TRUNC UNION UPDATE UPPER VALUES WHEN .including the HyperFileSQL databases. Precise statistics are available at any time. THEN .. PROGRAMMING: SQL AND WLANGUAGE ABS ACOS ADD_MONTH AND ANY AS ASCII ASIN ATAN BETWEEN BIN BOTTOM CBRT CEIL CEILING CHARACTER_LENGTH COALESCE CONCAT COUNT CREATE TABLE DEGREES DESC DISTINCT DIV EXISTS EXP FLOOR FULL OUTER JOIN GROUP BY HAVING HEX IN INNER JOIN INSERT INTO IS NULL LAST_DAY LEFT LEFT OUTER JOIN LEN LIKE LIMIT LN LOG10 LOWER LPAD MATCH . RAD: to generate the code The code can be generated upon request by WINDEV and WEBDEV using the RAD feature. We did not detailed each specific SQL function here. Declares a table description (found in another schema) in the List of WLanguage commands List of WLanguage commands used to program cursors. Cancels a backup in progress.RPL file). Modifies the path to a log file. Programming with the WLanguage 5GL is very powerful yet very intuitive. Redefines one or more parameters of a connection to a specific table or a set of tables. even the brand new ones! You can also program in French: the command becomes hLitRecherche. For example.DecimalPart IntegerPart HiWord Position Root RegistrySearch RegistrySetValue RegistryExist RegistryFirstSubKey RegistryDeleteValue RepeatString  NetworkConnect NetworkDirName NetworkUser RGBRed RGBGreen sComputeCrc16 sComputeCrc32 MouseXPos SysColor SysSpace SysInstance SysWindowsVersion SysXRes CommonLength LengthToString HSL UnicodeToAnsi UTF8ToString UUDecode MatchRegularExpression Phonetic  LoWord PositionOccurrence Power RegistryNextKey RegistryCreateKey RegistryListValue RegistryQueryValue RegistryFirstSubKey RegistryValueType Replace NetworkDisconnect NerworkDomainName RGB RGBBlue NoAccent  NoSpace  Sin MouseXPos SysColorRes SysEnvironment SysNameExe SysDir SysYRes Length Tangent EndApp URLDecode URLEncode UUEncode Val ToString WindowsVersion when reading it. Other example.the values of the controls associated with the table's current row. Unlocks a row (a record).) is done in one simple. Copies a HyperFileSQL table (file). Opens an analysis in HyperFileSQL Classic format via remote access. Stops a server.the memory value of a table's fields (file items) with the value of the window or page's controls. based on a specified column. Returns the date and time of the last write operation on a row in a HyperFileSQL table. Modifies a table's path. easy to write and especially easy to maintain. or HDescribeFile. Deletes a declaration previously performed with HDeclare. Reads a parameter previously stored in a stored procedure with the HSaveParameter function. HActivateFilter HActivateAutoFilter HActivateTrigger HActiveServerTrigger HAdd HAddGroup HAddLink HAddTask HAddUser HAlias HCancelAlias HCancelDeclaration Activates the filter previously created for the specified table.. or to program all processes if you want. powerful line of code: HReadSeek(CUSTOMER. Modifies the search mode of the tables.NAME. Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search using a numeric key (index).the value of the WLanguage variables with the value of the window or page's controls. This function must be used on the subscriber computer. Locks a table and restricts access to the table for all other applications. the code is selfcommented! (French available) The hReadSeek command can be understood by any developer. Automatically initializes the controls of a window or a page with : . and faster."DOL") The source programs are clear. this reduces the chance for errors. . Adds a user to a database. Moves forward several rows from the current position. Cancels the current search criteria. Associates a file with a binary memo (blob) type column. Creates a file that can be used to replicate data from the current database (to send by e-mail or CD for example). HCancelSeek HCancelBackup HStopServer HLinkMemo HForward HLockFile HLockRecNum HChangeKey HChangeConnection HChangeLocation HChangeName HChangeDir HChangeLogDir HChangeRplDir HLoadParameter HConnect HConnectRemoteAccess HBuildKeyValue HBuildKeyValueANSI HConvert HCopyRecord ScreenToFile Automatically initializes: . assigning data. Modifies the location of the subscriber replica's description (RPL file). -the values of the associated WLanguage variables. Plain English commands make it easier to use. Re-activates a trigger previously disabled using the HDeactivateTrigger function. Creates the description file of a subscriber replica (ReplicaAbonne. WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile). creating a table is done in 1 line of code. Changes the search key (column). Creates the description file of a master replica (Replicamaitre. Creates a logical alias for a table or cancels all the existing aliases. Builds the value of a composite key (index) to create a filter or perform a search. Automatically initializes: -the memory value of a table's fields with the value of the window or page's controls. without any script: hCreation. enables you to build the value of a composite key (index) to save it in a HyperFileSQL table. Changes the connection to a database used for a table. -the value of the WLanguage variables with the value of the window or page's controls. Cancels an alias that was previously declared using the HAlias function. HDeclareExternal. Locks a row and restricts access to the row for all other applications.RPL file). Creates an empty table using the described indexes. Adds a scheduled task to the server defined by the connection. Automatically initializes the controls of a window or a page with: . Adds or deletes the blank spaces to the right of a text control HCopyFile HCreation HCreationIfNotFound HCreateSubscriberReplica HCreateMasterReplica HCreateMoveableReplica HCreateView HRecordDate HUnlockFile HUnlockRecNum HDeclare ScreenToSource FileToScreen SourceToScreen WithSpace H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. Unlocks a table (file) previously locked using the HLockFile function. Adds a group of users. etc.. On a Unicode platform (Pocket PC for instance). w i n d e v. Following is a non exhaustive list of WLanguage functions (5GL used by WINDEV. and summary of its action. Adds the row found in memory to the table. Copies the content of the current record (current row) into the current record of another file (the current row of another table). Creates an empty table (if the table doesn't exist) or opens a table (if the table already exists). c o m 18 . seeking a row and all the associated routines (opening the table.the values of the associated WLanguage variables. Activates an automatic filter on linked tables when browsing through an XML file. Modifies the physical name of a table. Re-activates a server trigger that was previously disabled. Creates a HyperFileSQL view.the values of the controls associated with the table's current row) . and makes the applications you develop more reliable. Adds an integrity rule between two tables on the server. Enables or disables a scheduled task for a HyperFileSQL Client/Server server. Deletes a server trigger. Disables an automatic filter on linked files when browsing through an XML file. Reauthorizes access to one or more databases accessible through a connection. Runs a stored procedure or function. Executes a previously created view. Returns the number for the last error set off by the HyperFileSQL engine. Enables or disables the management of the . Enables or disables the log management of a logged table. Lets you test if an integrity error happened. Temporarily disables remote access for accessing HyperFileSQL Classic tables found locally. Describes a full-text index in a table created by programming.REP file. Returns the specified information about a server machine. Describes a temporary relationship (link) between two tables.5 table into a table in HyperFileSQL Classic format. Lets you test if an error on duplicates happened. Writes a row in a table without updating the corresponding indexes. Enables you to find out the rights granted to a user or a group for a database. The content of the existing file is lost. w i n d e v. a row or of all the rows of a table. The "included between" type filter lets you select all the rows found between two given values. Initializes the automatic identifier set of a subscriber replica file description (". Lets you find out the state of a row. HDeactivateTrigger HDeactivateServerTrigger HDeleteTrigger HDeleteServerTrigger HDeleteView HWrite HOut HRecordToXML HSendMessageToClient HError HErrorLock HErrorDuplicates HErrorStatusModification HErrorInfo HErrorIntegrity HErrorModification HErrorPassword HState HServerStatus HExecuteProcedure HExecuteQuery HExecuteSQLQuery HExecuteView HExportXML HExtractMemo HClose HCloseAnalysis HConnectionClose HFileExist HFilter HFilterStartsWith HFilterIncludedBetween HLogInfo HLogRecreate HFilterIdentical H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. c o m 19 . Disables a trigger. and disconnects the application. Defines and activates an "included between" type filter on a table. Describes a column (item) of a temporary table.. this function lets you find out if the database contains data to replicate. Returns some information about the server logs. Enables or disables transaction management. Returns the value of a control when a modification conflict occurs. Lets you test if a lock error happened. Lets you find out if the row to which you want to point is outside of the table. Returns the state of a row when a modification conflict occurs. Enables you to find out the properties of a table located on a HyperFileSQL server. the filter. Closes either a table (a file) or all the tables (all the files) that are open. Returns some information about the lock of a table. Returns detailed information about the last error triggered by the HyperFileSQL engine. Enables you to find out the properties of a HyperFileSQL server. Enables you to find out the rights granted to a user or a group for a table (data file). Initializes a query created in the query editor and declares this query to the HyperFileSQL engine. Prevents modifications on a table (for all the programs. Enables you to find out the rights granted to a user or a group for a server. a view or a query. a view or a query into an XML file. Imports a text file into a table in HyperFileSQL Classic format. the description of a table based on an existing HyperFileSQL table. Disables a HyperFileSQL Client/Server server trigger. Lets you find out if an error due to an invalid password happened on this table. Displays a message on the client machines. Enables or disables the management of blob (memo) type columns. Returns information about the specified replica. Returns the characteristics of blob (binary memos). Defines and activates a filter on a file. Specifically. Returns the characteristics of a scheduled task in an advanced variable of hScheduledTask type. Lets you configure cache management for the HyperFileSQL Client/Server engine. Forces the operating system on the computer where the tables (data files) are located to write the data directly to the disk. Enables you to find out the properties of a database located on a HyperFileSQL server. Lets you re-create an empty log. Exports the rows of a file (HyperFileSQL or OLE DB). Lets you find out if a table exists. Describes a temporary connection. a view or a query.RPL" file). the view or the query.current project. Disables all accesses to a database. The "Start with" type filter lets you select all the rows that start with a pre-defined set of characters. Adds or modifies a trigger on HyperFileSQL table. Deletes a previously created view. Retrieves the structure and the value of the current row and exports them into an XML format character string. or to databases accessible through a connection. Displays a message on the client machines. Enables or disables the management of an integrity constraint on a table's relationship. This function enables you for example to reset a log after a save operation or a replication. Closes a connection to a database. This server trigger will not be available anymore. Describes a temporary table (data file). Returns the characteristics of a table found on a HyperFileSQL server. Adds or modifies a server trigger. This filter can be used on a table. a view or a query. Deletes a trigger. Enables or disables trigger management. Closes the current analysis. Imports an XML file into a table in HyperFileSQL Classic format. Temporarily disables a filter on a table (a view or a query). Inserts commentaries when creating an operation log. Updates the user management variables with information about the specified user. Extracts the contents of a blob (binary memo) type item into a file. Temporarily enables or disables replication management. a view or a query. Enables or disables the duplicate management for a key. The rows can only be accessed in read mode. including the one that requested the no modification policy). Lets you find out the state of a server. Unlocks a table that has been locked in the same program by the HNoModif function. Defines and activates a filter that looks for the exact value of a HNoModif HInitSubscriber HNoDatabaseAccess HInfoBackup HInfoServer HInfoTask HInfoUser HInfoServerProperty HInfoReplica HInfoGroup HInfoLog HInfoMemo HInfoDatabaseProperty HInfoFileProperty HInfoFileRights HInfoServerRights HInfoFile HSetLog HSetMemo HSetREP HSetReplication HSetServer HManageTask HSetTransaction HSetTrigger HImportHF55 HImportText HImportXML HInfoLock HInfoDatabaseRights HSetCache HSetDuplicates HSetIntegrity HSetDistantAccess HFlush HMergeView HEndNoDatabaseAccess HEndNoModif string type control. Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the HyperFileSQL engine. Defines and activates a "Start with" type filter on a table. Returns some information about the specified group of users. Starts the server (uses MantaManager). Enables you to modify some server parameters. Imports a Hyper File 5. Returns some information on one or more backups performed on a HyperFileSQL Client/Server server. HDeclareExternal HDisconnectClient HDescribeConnection HDescribeFile HDescribeFullTextIndex HDescribeLink HDescribeItem HDescribeTrigger HDescribeServerTrigger HStartServer HLast HDeactivateFilter HDeactivateAutoFilter Temporarily imports into the current schema. Creates a HyperFileSQL view from two previously created views. This filter was enabled using the HActivateAutoFilter function. Points to the last row of a table. Initializes one or all the controls of a table with their default values. The row is not read. The changes performed on the logged file are not recorded anymore. The record is not read. This query is not executed. Returns the list of assignments for the tables found in an analysis. c o m 20 . Creates or updates a query on a new HyperFileSQL server. Moves backward several rows inside the table from the current position. Returns the list of full-text indexes in a file (or query. Modifies the group's information based on the elements found H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. Returns the path of a temporary directory on the server. Points to the first row of the table whose value for a specific column is greater than or equals to a value sought. Changes the mode and method for locking tables. Modifies the rights granted to a user or a group for a HyperFileSQL Client/Server table (data file). Modifies in the table the specified row or the row found in memory. Initializes the structure for managing the client computers (HClient structure). Opens a connection to a database. Returns the list of keys and indexes of a table recognized by the HyperFileSQL engine. Returns the list of connections defined in the application (connections defined in the schema and/or dynamically defined). Returns the list of OLE DB providers installed on the computer. Crosses out a table row. Reads a row in a table based on a given row number. Points to the previous row of a table. Stores a unique computer number to use it for network transactions. Lists the users currently connected to one or more files accessed by a Client/Server connection. Converts the crossed out rows of a table into deleted rows. HModifyDatabaseProperty HModifyFileProperty HModifyServerProperty HModifyTask HModifyUser HNbRec HRecNum HOptimize Modifies the properties of a database located on a HyperFileSQL server. Returns the number of rows (records) of a HyperFileSQL table or view. reads the row and updates the HyperFileSQL variables. Points to the first row of the table whose value for a specific column is greater than or equals to a value sought. The row is not read. or view) recognized by the HyperFileSQL engine. HRefresehSet HRefreshQuery HMode HModify HModifyDatabaseRights HModifyFileRights HModifyServerRights HModifyGroup Creates or updates a set of procedures on a new HyperFileSQL server. Points to the next row of a table.HLogRestart HLogStop HFree HFreePosition HListAnalysis HListDatabase HListKey HListConnection Restarts the logging of the table. Rebuilds a table's index. Returns the list of parameters saved from the server's stored procedures. Returns the list of triggers applied to one or more HyperFileSQL tables. Optimizes selection queries by taking advantage of an application's idle time (times without processes). Lists the Client/Server databases associated with a connection. Speeds up the first table read operations and the first query executions. based on a specified column. in the corresponding group management variables. Points to the first row of the table whose value for a specific column is greater than or equals to a value sought. Points to the first row of the table whose value for a specific column is greater than or equals to a value sought. Returns the list of user groups defined for a connection. Warns if a reindex is in progress on a table and returns the percentage of the reindex that is done. Stops the logging of the table. Returns the list of columns of a table recognized by the HyperFileSQL engine. Performs a reconnection to the server for all the interrupted connections. Modifies a scheduled task on the server defined by the connection. Optimizes the access to the indexes of HyperFileSQL Classic tables: the indexes are loaded into the system cache. Sets the password used to create or open a table. Points to a row based on the approximate position of one of its columns. Returns the list of tables of the current analysis or of a specific analysis recognized by the HyperFileSQL engine. Enables you to restore a backup performed by the HBackup function (or via the HyperFileSQL Control Center). Points to the first row of a table. Lists the scheduled tasks of a server. Modifies a user's information based on the elements found in the corresponding user management variables. Regenerates a table based on its log. Points to the last row of the table whose value for a specific column is lower than or equals to a value sought.5 format table that was migrated to HyperFileSQL Classic. Opens an analysis in HyperFileSQL Classic format. Modifies the priority of a client application. Enables you to find out or modify the priority of the calling application. Returns the list of elements stored on a HyperFileSQL server (set of procedures. w i n d e v. Points to the last row of a table whose value for a specific column is lower than or equals to a value sought. reads the row and updates the HyperFileSQL variables. Modifies the rights granted to a user or a group of users for a HyperFileSQL Client/Server database. Returns the server logs into a table for the period between two given dates. Returns the list of links (Merise type) found in the current analysis or in a specific analysis. stored procedures or queries). This log operation has been stopped by using the HLogStop function. This query is executed later by the HExecuteSQLQuery function. Modifies the properties of a HyperFileSQL server. reads the row and updates the HyperFileSQL variables. Modifies the rights granted to a user or a group on a HyperFileSQL server. Points to the previous row in the table. Initializes the group management variables with their default values. Returns the contents of a column for the current row. Returns the contents of the current row. Returns the list of parameters for a query created with the query editor. Modifies the properties of a HyperFileSQL file located on a server. Lists the various triggers available for a connection or for a file of the connection. Initializes a query written in SQL and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of the query. Returns the approximate position of the row inside the table. Opens a table. The row is read. Deletes a position saved using the HSavePosition function. reads the row and updates the HyperFileSQL variables. Returns the list of users defined for a connection. Clears and deletes the temporary directory previously created by the HServerWorkingDir function. Returns the row number of the current row in the HyperFileSQL table or view. Points to the first row of a table. HListStoredElement HListFile HListGroup HListFullTextIndex HListLink  HListParameter HListeQueryParam HListProvider HListREP HListItem HListTask HListTrigger HListServerTrigger HListUser HListConnectedUser HRead HReadLast HReadPrevious HReadFirst HReadSeek HReadSeekLast HReadSeekFirst HReadNext HOptimizeQuery HOpen HOpenAnalysis HConnectionOpen HPass HGetCurrentPosition HSetPosition HPost HPrevious HFirst HPrepareSQLQuery HPriority HPriorityClient HClearWorkingDir HCross HReset HResetClient HResetGroup HResetUser HSeek HSeekLast HSeekFirst HReconnect HBackward HRetrieveRecord HRetrieveLog HRetrieveItem HRegenerateFile HIndexingInProgress HIndex HServerWorkingDir HRestoreBackup HMigrateLinkedCompositeKey Migrates the value of the linked composite keys originating from a Hyper File 5. Optimizes access to HyperFileSQL table indexes. Initializes the user management variables with their default values. Points to the last row of a table. Returns the list of WinDev schemas available in a given directory. Returns the number of duplicates for a given column. Copies a data source (view. A primary key is a unique key.HRestorePosition HRplDeclareLink Restores the previously stored context of a table. Verifies that the data found in the index file (. made of rows (records). H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. HVersion HToItem HViewToFile Enables you to find out if the content of a table has been modified. Returns an estimate increased by the number of entries for a given column within a given value interval. LDM) Analysis diagram File Item Record Link Lock Key Unique key Key with duplicates Relationship item Window Control Report Visualization table Scheduled task Text memo Binary memo Stored procedures Other vendors Schema.NDX file) correctly refers to the data found in the table (. PC SOFT vocabulary Analysis (CDM. A table (file) is a set of data structured in columns (items). queries and access to a table. The row is not read. Sorts a view by creating an index based on a view's column. This table is not encrypted or protected by password.FIC). These statistics were computed using the HStatCalculate or HIndex functions. but does not belong to any current transaction. Stores the current context of a table. Transforms all the rows "in transaction" into "Normal" rows if these rows do not belong to a transaction currently in progress. …) into a physical HyperFileSQL table with the same description. query. Returns the date for the last update of the index statistics. Returns the number of entries for a given column. The characteristics of the interrupted transaction can be known using HyperFileSQL variables. Returns the time of the last update of the index statistics.1) (0. The same concept is often described through different terms. A foreign key is a key. If a row from the specified table is considered in transaction. Points to the next row in the table. Performs various statistical calculations on a table's keys. . entity/relationship model Schema diagram Table Column. Checks if the current row corresponds to the current filter or the current search. Deletes from the server a user associated with a connection. cancels all the operations on the tables in transaction since the beginning of the transaction. Sets the comparison mode of the files. The intersection between a row and a column is a field (item value). Synchronizes a master replica and a subscriber replica. Customizes the automatic error management. Saves a persistent value from a stored procedure. Performs the backup of the content of a HyperFileSQL server. relational model. An index is used to speed up searches. Starts a transaction on HyperFileSQL tables. Deletes from the server a group of users associated with a connection. HRplFilterProcedure HBackup HSaveParameter HSavePosition HSecurity HStatCalculate HStatDate VOCABULARY The vocabulary varies depending on the participants. Deletes a database found on a HyperFileSQL server. Saves the modifications performed in a view into the corresponding table. c o m 21 . Replaces the logical name of the data directory (specified in the analysis) by a physical name. Customizes the display of a message on a user computer and the disconnection of a client computer. Deletes a parameter previously saved by the HSaveParameter function. it is automatically freed. Field (a field is the Intersection between a column and a row) Row (tuple) Relationship Lock Index Primary key Foreign key our key without uniqueness constraints Foreign key Form Field Report Datagrid. These statistics were computed using the HStatCalculate or HIndex functions. used in connection with a primary key to establish a relationship between two tables. which may have duplicates. Assigns the specified value to an item in the current row. Deletes a query from the HyperFileSQL server. Deletes a set of stored procedures from a HyperFileSQL server. This procedure is executed by the HCreateMoveableReplica and HSynchronizeReplica functions.fic. Deletes a row from a table. If a transaction is in progress. Deletes all the records from a data file or a query. Deletes a scheduled task from a HyperFileSQL Client/Server server. Only the rows of the target table that have a corresponding row in the source table (taking its filter into account) will be replicated during a heterogeneous replication. An index can be defined on a column (key item) or on several columns (composite key).ndx and . Declares a (1. Deletes an integrity rule between two tables on the server. Indicates if a transaction was interrupted (the transaction wasn't validated nor canceled). Deletes HyperFileSQL files (. Enables or disables the security mechanism. and creates the transaction table. Deletes a backup previously done by the HBackup function.n) type link between two tables.mmo files if any) from the server. Lists the transactions in progress or interrupted on the server of the specified connection. w i n d e v. Validates the current transaction. Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called for each replication operation for a given table. Browse Sequencer Lob or clob Lob or blob UDF (User Defined Function) HStatTime HStatNbDuplicates HStatNbRec HStatNbRecRange HSubstDir HNext HDelete HDeleteDatabase HDeleteSet HDeleteFile HDeleteGroup HDeleteLink HDeleteParameter HDeleteQuery HDeleteBackup HDeleteTask HDeleteAll HDeleteUser HOnServerCall HOnError HSynchronizeReplica HTransactionCancel HTransactionStart HTransactionEnd HTransactionInterrupted HTransactionFree HTransactionList HSortView HFound HCheckIndex HCheckStructure HToFile A database is a set of tables (files) linked through relationships (links). Everyone has his or her "own" standards and habits! Here is a small dictionary of synonyms for the terms used in the field of databases. Some functions may not be available right away when the version is shipping. Also. research. administration. HyperFileSQL is optimized for working with these environments. with all the tools) • Schema description tool • Easily installed • Easily embedded • Easily administered (self-administered. we favor paper pulp made primarily from recycled wood products (such as wood coming from furniture mills) and forest maintenance clearing cuts. personal applications and business applications). processes. Despite the care taken in creating this document. WINDEV.000 records that are managed by HyperFileSQL Mobile and access times are instant" "All our sales people and our clients are impressed by the access speed of the database. no declaration to perform. Testimonials Here are some testimonials: «When it comes to performance. windows and reports • Easy to write stored procedures • SubSELECT possible in FROM statement • Live and differential backups • SQL close to the standard • Unicode • Efficient support for different character sets and sort orders. Mobile • Compatible versions: local. banks. granular to the column level • Easy replication • Automatic reconnection • Easy monitoring • High availability with clustering • Performances • Longevity • Audit. The result of all our queries is instant" "We have close to 10. the paper provider or the printer (which is FSC – Forest Stewardship Council – and PEFC – Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes . network traffic • Ease of use • Compatible with Windows. etc. Its reliability and free unlimited distribution is a major benefit for a fleet of more than 700 kiosks. telecom. on an unlimited number of deployed databases • Easy to deploy and to get started with • Robustness with high volumes • Frugal with resources • Access security • Automatic load balancing between the various clients lists are for information purposes only. tuning functions • Query optimization • Support for Full Text indexing • Blob. unlimited and at no cost. Mac. The ODBC driver and the OLE DB provider can be distributed at no cost with applications built using WINDEV. LIST OF HYPERFILESQL BENEFITS Here is a summary of the many benefits linked to the adoption of HyperFileSQL: • Feature rich • Free (complete version. All trademarks are registered trademarks of their respective owners. government. client/server • All-in-one solution with WINDEV and WEBDEV: RAD oriented.) that also require high availability with speedy real-time performance and high modification rate.000 68-page documents on glossy paper consumes 10 trees: PC SOFT immediately has 10 trees replanted. The tools mentioned in this document are provided with the product. WEBDEV. it manages tables. HyperFileSQL is provided for free with the WINDEV. embedded.WHO USES HYPERFILESQL? Several millions copies of HyperFileSQL are deployed worldwide. The FSC label was created by the FSC NGO. It's always instant» "The HyperFileSQL database has dazzled users by its incredible query response times" "Concretely. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information or to get a confirmation about a feature. network. regardless of the number of copies deployed and regardless of the type of application (educational applications. The 1.windev. printing 100. Linux. tables and indexes • Encryption at the different levels: columns. WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile IDE.000 kiosks mark will be reached soon". unlimited. WINDEV Mobile • Encryption of data. c o m 22 . Screen shots and H y p e r F i l e S Q L • w w w. Friends of the Earth and WWF. The HyperFileSQL database engine can be used freely and at no charge when distributed with applications or sites created using these IDEs. each remote radio accesses a HyperFileSQL Client/Server database through ADSL" "We benefit from the HyperFileSQL database established performance. medical." "The HyperFileSQL database offers a replication mechanism that it sophisticated yet easy to implement" "Of course we deployed the HyperFileSQL database on the interactive kiosks. Environmental policy : When PC SOFT prints paper documents. You will also find some technical videos and testimonial videos on the www. among others.certified) replant as many trees as used for printing. it is not contractual. in over 100 countries. w i n d e v. or WINDEV Mobile. For example. software publishers.com site. self-optimized) • Administration tools provided • Clean design • Excellent integration with PC SOFT's best sellers: WINDEV. backups. but will be offered later as downloads. There are no royalties to pay. The deployment is free. granular to the column level • All in English (or all in French) • Automatic maintenance of the schema (SDD). PC SOFT. HyperFileSQL is deployed on very sensitive sites (Web. WEBDEV. WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile are professional software. HyperFileSQL delivers. which gathers Greenpeace. Please see the text of the user license for any additional information. enterprises. Lob • Integrity constraints • Efficient support for different character sets and sort orders. . like millions of users the world over.HyperFileSQL is your data's best ally! You too. take advantage of the security offered by HyperFileSQL. WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile • Free deployment* RDBMS Windows. Linux. Mac Client/Server.windev. Linux. keys • Referential integrity • Full text • Stored procedures • Triggers • Referential integrity • Logging • Transactions • Data compression • Frame compression • Automatic row lock • Automatic reconnection • Sequencer • Replication • SDD • Right management • SQL injection impossible • Encryption • OLE DB Provider • ODBC driver • Control Center • Hot Administration • Backups • Database modeling • Query generator • Reporting • Data viewer • Monitoring engine • Native link with WINDEV. Mobile. Embedded PERFORMANCE.com ® . multi-column index.WINDEV • WEBDEV • WINDEV Mobile • SQL RDBMS • Windows. Single computer. AVAILABILITY www. SECURITY. Mac • Local • Mobile • Embedded • Client/Server • Cluster • High capacity • Any type of data • Unicode • Index.
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