
March 22, 2018 | Author: mehdipoor33 | Category: Gas Compressor, Fuzzy Logic, Turbocharger, Control System, Systems Theory



Fuzzy Inf. Eng.(2010) 1: 49-73 DOI 10.1007/s12543-010-0037-6 ORI GI NAL ARTI CLE Robust Fuzzy Fault Detection and Isolation Approach Applied to Surge in Centrifugal Compressor Modeling and Control Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad Received: 1 October 2009/ Revised: 30 January 2010/ Accepted: 6 February 2010/ © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and Fuzzy Information and Engineering Branch of the Operations Research Society of China 2010 Abstract This work presents the results of applying an advanced fault detection and isolation technique to centrifugal compressor; this advanced technique uses physics models of the centrifugal compressor with a fuzzy modeling and control solution method. The fuzzy fault detection and isolation has become an issue of primary im- portance in modern process engineering automation as it provides the prerequisites for the task of fault detection. In this work, we present an application of this approach in fault detection and isolation of surge in compression system. The ability to detect the surge is essential to improve reliability and security of the gas compressor plants. We describe and illustrate an alternative implementation to the compression systems supervision task using the basic principles of fuzzy fault detection and isolation asso- ciated with fuzzy modeling approach. In this supervision task, the residual generation is obtained fromthe real input-output data process and the residual evaluation is based on fuzzy logic method. The results of this application are very encouraging with rel- atively low levels of false alarms and obtaining a good limitation of surge in natural gas pipeline compressors. Keywords Compression system· Centrifugal compressor · Fuzzy modeling · Fuzzy control · Fuzzy fault detection and isolation · Surge phenomena · Supervision system 1. Introduction The compression systems are used in a wide variety of applications [2, 4, 9, 21]. These includes turbojet engines used in aerospace propulsion, power generation using industrial gas turbines, turbocharging of internal combustion engines, pressurization of gas and fluids in the process industry, transport of fluids in pipelines and so on. Ahmed Hafaifa () · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad Industrial Automation and Diagnosis Systems Laboratory, Science and Technology Faculty, University of Djelfa, 17000, DZ Algeria email: [email protected] 50 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) These manufacturers are greatly interested with any improvement in performance, life and weight reduction without loss of reliability. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully estimate the reliability of rotating systems in order to improve the supervi- sion and the control system or eventually modify the design. Reliability analysis of the supervision structure require some information on the model of the compression system. We know it is difficult to obtain the mathematical model for a complicated mechanical structure. The turbo compressor is considered as a complex system where many modeling and controlling efforts have been made [14]. In regard to the complexity and the strong non linearity of the turbo compressor dynamics, and the attempt to find a simple model structure which can capture in some appropriate sense the key of the dynamical properties of the physical plant, we pro- pose to study the application possibilities of the recent supervision approaches and evaluate their contribution in the practical and theoretical fields consequently. Fac- ing to the studied industrial process complexity, we choose to make recourse to fuzzy logic for analysis and treatment of its supervision problem owing to the fact that these technique constitute the only framework in which the types of imperfect knowledge can jointly be treated (uncertainties, inaccuracies, · · · ) offering suitable tools to char- acterize them. In the particular case of the turbo compressor, these imperfections are interpreted by modelling errors, the neglected dynamics and the parametric vari- ations. This work presents the results of applying an advanced fault detection and isola- tion technique to centrifugal compressor; this advanced technique uses physics mod- els of the centrifugal compressor with a fuzzy modeling and control solution method. The technique automatically finds the best fault scenario to match measured (or test) data. The best fault scenario provides information about parameter deviations (i.e., fault detection) and fault-contributing components (i.e., isolation). The technique is independent of the thresholds used in fault detection as in some other techniques. The technique is effective even under the condition where data are scarce and widely spaced in time. Operational data from the gas compression station of SONATRACH, SC 3 in Algeria. The purpose of the data is to apply the fuzzy model-based fault iden- tification expertise to industrial gas pipeline. The investigation was conducted with extremely limited knowledge of the compression system and their maintenance his- tories. The measured variables, provided in the data set, only include surge, speed, exhaust temperature, flow, and compressor discharge pressure. With these limited compression system data, we modified an existing, generic model for centrifugal compressor and developed the fuzzy method to “hunt” for suspicious fault states. The detection results were confirmed by the method of validation. The detection ac- curacy of this technique can be improved with additional data and knowledge about the centrifugal compressor. This technique can be readily generalized to fault/state detection of other types of centrifugal compressor in all industries. The presented approach is based on the use of the fuzzy model. As was introduced in [23], by applying a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) type fuzzy model with interval param- eters, one is able to approximate the upper and lower boundaries of the domain of functions that result from an uncertain system. The fuzzy model is therefore intended for robust modelling purposes; on the other hand, studies show it can be used in fault Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 51 detection as well. The novelty lies in defining of confidence bands over finite sets of input and output measurements in which the effects of unknown process inputs are already included. Moreover, it will be shown that by data pre-processing the fuzzy model parameter-optimization problem will be significantly reduced. By calculating the normalized distance of the system output from the boundary model outputs, a nu- merical fault measure is obtained. The main idea of the proposed approach is to use the fuzzy model in a Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) system as residual genera- tors, and combine the fuzzy model outputs for the purpose of fault isolation. Due to data pre-processing, the decision stage is robust to the effects of system disturbances. This paper presents a new method for fault diagnosis of a compression system. The method determines performance indices using fuzzy FDI approach. Firstly, we describe the case study of surge in gas compression system in Section 2. Secondly in Section 3, by using fuzzy modeling in FDI for the compression system control, the proposed method can achieve high performance in the surge control of the compres- sion system. In Section 4, this work illustrates an alternative implementation to the compression systems supervision task using the basic principles of model-based FDI associated with the self-tuning of surge measurements with subsequent appropriate corrective actions. Using a combination of fuzzy modeling approach makes it possi- ble to devise a fault-isolation scheme based on the given incidence matrix. After that in Section 5, followed by experimental results that confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach in the application results section. In its final part the paper gives some conclusions about this application. 2. Gas Compression System The complex models for surge in centrifugal compression systems have been pro- posed by many authors [5, 10, 12, 22]. An essential step in model-based controller design is to understand the physical phenomena in the system and to develop a math- ematical model that describes the dynamics of the relevant phenomena. In this work, the examined compression system is modeled with just three components. The first component is the inlet duct that allows infinitesimally small disturbances at the duct entrance to grow until they reach an appreciable magnitude at the compressor face. The second component is the compressor itself, modeled as an actuator disk, which raises the pressure ratio by doing work on the fluid. The third component is the plenum chamber (or diffuser) downstream, which acts as a large reservoir and re- sponds to fluctuations in mass flow with fluctuations in pressure behind the actuator disk. In this paper, we are considering a compression system consisting of a centrifu- gal compressor, Close Coupled Valve (CCV), compressor duct, plenum volume and a throttle. The throttle can be regarded as a simplified model of a turbine [4, 6, 12]. The gas turbine installation used in our application for studies of compressor surge detection and control is shown in Fig. 1. 52 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 1 Compression system 2.1. Surge in Centrifugal Compressor Centrifugal compressors will surge when forward flow through the compressor can no longer be maintained, due to an increase in pressure across the compressor, and a momentary flow reversal occurs. Once surge occurs, the reversal of flow reduces the discharge pressure or increases the suction pressure, thus allowing forward flow to resume again until the pressure rise again reaches the surge point [10]. Surge is characterized by large amplitude fluctuations of the pressure and by unsteady, but circumferentially uniform, annulus-averaged mass flow. This essentially one dimen- sional instability affects the compression system as a whole and results in a limit cycle oscillation in the compressor map. This surge cycle will continue until some change is made in the process or compressor conditions. Fig. 2 shows a pressure trace for a compressor system, which was initially operated in a steady operating point. By throttling the compressor mass flow, the machine is run into surge. This figure illus- trates the difference between pressure variations before and after surge initiation. A surge controller typically measures a function of pressure rise versus flow. The con- troller operates a surge valve to maintain sufficient forward flow to prevent surge [4, 5, 7, 8, 11]. The optimum flow rate may be calculated from a simple graph of pressure differ- Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 53 Fig. 2 Surge mode in centrifugal compressor Fig. 3 Compressors characteristic curves ence against flow, as shown on Fig. 3. The position of the lines is unique to a par- ticular compressor. The operating setpoint is at the minimum flow rate and pressure difference which avoids surge conditions. The application fuzzy logic for anti-surge control provides a fine and reliable control mechanism maintaining the process close to this setpoint. Many papers and texts on anti-surge control maintain that the onset of surge can occur in as little as 50ms [6, 12, 13, 18]. They then conclude that this, and the requirement for very ”tight” tuning, implies that a digital anti-surge controller must have an extremely fast repeat time. Compressor users, however, point out that the 54 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) blow off or recycle valve driven by the controller is unlikely to open in less than 2 seconds. The process automation anti-surge control fuzzy logic has been proven to successfully meet the above criteria with repeat times of 75 to 100 ms. 2.2. Centrifugal Compressor Model The resulting equations of the dynamics of the compression system in the model used for controller design are in the form: ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ P p = kP 01 ρ 01 V p _ m − k t _ P p − P 01 _ , m = A 1 L c ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ P 01 _ 1 + η i (m, N) Δh ideal C p T 01 _ 4(k−1) k − P p ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ , N = 1 2Jπ _ η t m tur C p,t ΔT tur 2πN − 2r 22 σπN | m | _ , (1) where P p is the plenum pressure, K is a numerical constant, P 01 is the ambient pres- sure, ρ 01 is the inlet stagnation density, V p is the plenum volume, m is the compressor mass flow, k t is a parameter proportional to throttle opening, A 1 is the area of the impeller eye (used as reference area), L c is the length of compressor and duct, η i is the isentropic efficiency, N is the spool moment of inertia, Δh ideal is the total specific enthalpy delivered to fluid, c p is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure, c v is the specific heat capacity at constant volume, T 01 is the inlet stagnation temperature and k is the ratio of specific heats k = C p C v . Moore and Greitzer model in [19] gives rise to three ordinary differential equa- tions, the first for the non-dimensional total-to-static pressure rise Δp across the com- pression system, the second for the amplitude of mass flow rate fluctuations m, and the third for the non-dimensional, spool moment of inertia. In the following, and based on the work of Moore and Greitzer model we used the two first equations of (1) equivalent to the model of [4]. The linearization of this model given by [2] around a point of operation M (P pc0 , m c0 , u t0 , u b0 ) give: x = ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ ˆ P pC ˆ m c ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ = ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ B m −B 1 B 1 Bm te ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ P pC m c ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ + ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣ 0 − V B ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ ˆ u b . (2) With: ˜ t = tw H o` u w H it is the frequency of HELMHOLTZ defined by the following equation: w H = a _ A C V P L C , with a = √ γRT a and B m = B G . The parameters B and G is defined by the following equations: B = U t 2w H L c and G = L t A C L C A t , B it is the parameter of stability of GREITZER [9]. 3. Fuzzy Modeling The fuzzy modeling, which directly uses fuzzy rules, is the most important applica- tion in fuzzy theory [23]. Using a procedure originated by Mamdani in the late 70s, three steps are taken to create a fuzzy model for the compression system [23]: Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 55 • First, fuzzification (using membership functions to graphically describe a situ- ation). • Second, rule evaluation (application of fuzzy rules). • Third, defuzzification (obtaining the crisp results). Step 1 First of all, the different levels of output (throttle opening, the pressure coefficient and the mass flow coefficient) of the compression system are defined by the triangle membership functions for the fuzzy sets. Step 2 The next step is to define the fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules are merely a series of if-then statements as mentioned above. These statements are usually derived by an expert to achieve optimum results. The actual value belongs to the fuzzy set zero to a degree of 0.75 for “Pressure coefficient” and 0.4 for “Mass flow coefficient”. Hence, since this is an AND operation, the minimum criterion is used, and the fuzzy set approximately zero of the variable “The throttle opening” is 0.4. Step 3 The result of the fuzzy modeling so far is a fuzzy set. To choose an ap- propriate representative value as the final output (crisp values), defuzzification must be done. This can be done in many ways, but the most common method used is the center of gravity of the fuzzy set. Fuzzy models are flexible mathematical structures that, in analogy to nonlinear models, have been recognized as universal function approximators [1, 3, 23]. Fuzzy models use ‘If-Then’ rules and logical connectives to establish relations between the variables defined for the model of the system. For the given example, let the system to model be the relation between surge and the fluctuations in the mass flow coefficient ΔΦ and pressure coefficient ΔΨ. Thus, in fuzzy modeling the fuzzy ‘If-Then’ rules take the form: I f u is surge then y is High. (3) The fuzzy sets in the rules serve as an interface amongst qualitative variables in the model, and the input and output numerical variables. The fuzzy modeling approach has several advantages when compared to other nonlinear modeling techniques; in general, fuzzy models can provide a more transparent representation of the system under study, maintaining a high degree of accuracy. 3.1. Fuzzy TS Models Developing mathematical models for nonlinear systems can be quite challenging. However, TS fuzzy systems are capable of serving as the analytical model for non- linear systems due to its universal approximation property, that is, any desired ap- proximation accuracy can be achieved by increasing the size of the approximation structure and properly defining the parameters of the approximators [20, 23]. A TS fuzzy system can be defined by: 56 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ y = F ts (x, θ) = R _ i=1 g i (x)μ i (x) R _ i=1 μ i (x) , g i (x) = a i,0 + a i,1 x 1 + · · · + a i,n x n , μ i (x) = n _ j=1 exp ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ − 1 2 ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ x i − c i j σ i j ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 2 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ , (4) where y is the output of the fuzzy system, x = [x 1 , x 2 , · · · , x n ] T holds the n inputs, i = 1, 2, · · · , R represent R different rules, and j = 1, 2, · · · , n represent n different inputs, the shapes of the membership functions are chosen to be Gaussian, and center- average defuzzification and product are used for the premise and implication in the structure of the fuzzy system. The g i (x) are called consequent functions of the fuzzy system, where a i, j are linear parameters. The premise membership functions μ i (x) are assumed to be well defined so that R _ i=1 μ i (x) 0. The parameters that enter in a nonlinear fashion are c i j and σ i j , which are the centers and relative widths of the membership functions for the j th inputs and i th rules. The TS fuzzy model consists of representing the base rules as follows: R i : I f u is A i then y = f i (u), i = 1, 2, · · · , K, (5) where R i denotes the i t h rule, K is the number of rules, u is the antecedent variable, y is the consequent variable and A i is the antecedent fuzzy set of the i t h rule. Each rule i has a different function f i yielding a different value for the output y i . The most simple and widely used function is the affine linear form: R i : I f u is A i then y = a T i u + b i , i = 1, 2, · · · , K, (6) where a i is a parameter vector and b i is a scalar offset. 3.2. Fuzzy Models of Compression System The fuzzy logic model is a rule-based system that receives information fed back from the plant’s operating, in this case the normalized fluctuations of Φ and Ψ. These crisp values are fuzzified and processed using the fuzzy knowledge base [1, 3, 20, 23]. The fuzzy output is defuzzified in throttle and the CCV gains in order to control the plants operating conditions. A fuzzy system involves identifying fuzzy inputs and outputs, creating fuzzy membership functions for each, constructing a rule base, and then deciding what action will be carried out. The response of the system is used to model the control system. Increasing either the throttle gain γ T or CCVgain γ V will stabilize the systemwith a penalty of pressure lost across the plenum. The fluctuations of the mass flow coefficient ΔΦ and pressure coefficient ΔΨ are normalized before being sent to the fuzzy model as the crisp input by the following [13, 14, 15, 16]: Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 57 ΔΨ i = |Ψ i − Ψ i+Δt | max(Ψ i , Ψ i+Δt ) , (7) ΔΦ i = |Φ i − Φ i+Δt | max(Φ i , Φ i+Δt ) . (8) Samples of the coefficients are taken at regular time-step intervals, Δt = kh where k is a constant and h is the Runge-Kutta time step size. The crisp output from the fuzzy model adjusts both control gains by the following: γ i+Δt = γ i + γ i Δγ i . (9) For the case of two inputs and one output, the rule base is constructed by creating a matrix of options and solutions. The matrix has the input variable along the top side. The entries in the matrix are the desired response of the system, the changes in either throttle or CCV gain. The rule base of three rules can be created: 1) If [ΔΨ is Low] or [ΔΦ is Low], then [Δγ V and Δγ T is Low]; 2) If [ΔΨ is Medium] or [ΔΦ is Medium], then [Δγ V and Δγ T is Medium]; 3) If [ΔΨ is High] or [ΔΦ is High], then [Δγ V and Δγ T is High]. The results of two simulations are presented in this section. The first is the compar- ison between the complex model, the linearized model and the fuzzy model suggested with Greitzer parameter B = 1.50 for the masse flow coefficient, and the second sim- ulation is the comparison between the complex model, the linearized model and the fuzzy model suggested with Greitzer parameter B = 0.50 for the pressure coefficient. For both simulations the value of J, the squared amplitude of rotating stall was set to zero, and the throttle gain was set so that the intersection of the throttle line and the compressor characteristic is located on the part of the characteristic that has a positive slope. The response of the system with comparison is shown in Fig. 4 for the mass flow coefficient for B = 0.50, the response of the system with comparison for the pressure coefficient for B = 0.50 is shown in Fig. 5. Both simulations push the design point along the compressor characteristic until it reaches a stable operation point without overshooting a stable equilibrium point. An overshoot of the equilibrium conditions would result in pressure lost across the throttle. 58 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 4 Response of complex model, linearized model and fuzzy model for the mass flow coefficient with B = 0.50 Fig. 5 Response of complex model, linearized model and fuzzy model for the pressure coefficient with B = 0.50 The response of the system with comparison is shown in Fig. 6 for the mass flow coefficient for B = 1.50, the response of the system with comparison for the pressure coefficient for B = 1.50 is shown in Fig. 7. According to the above figures, we can notice that our fuzzy logic model is very Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 59 Fig. 6 Response of complex model, linearized model and fuzzy model for the mass flow coefficient with B = 1.50 Fig. 7 Response of complex model, linearized model and fuzzy model for the pressure coefficient with B = 1.50 reliable since its outputs match those of the nonlinear complex model with a very small error in a short time interval for the open loop response, hence the obtained model can be used for the output prediction or for the compressor control. Accord- 60 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) ing to the obtained results it appears clearly that the characteristics of the system of compression describes by the complex model reproduced perfectly by the fuzzy logic model. 4. Compression System Control Based on Fuzzy FDI Fuzzy FDI method defining the surge point over a wide range of changing conditions makes it possible to set the control line for optimum surge protection without unnec- essary re-cycling. This method automatically compensates for changes in pressure rise, mass flow, temperature, and compressor rotor speed. The system utilizes a char- acterization of compression ratio versus compensated compressor inlet flow function as control parameters. This algorithm allows use of the surge control system in this paper (as shown in Fig. 8), resulting in minimized recycle or blow-off flow. This method reduces the initial cost and simplifies engineering, testing, operation, and maintenance associated with the system when compared to alternative methods. The input signals required to facilitate use of the surge control algorithm on centrifugal compressors are the suction flow differential pressure, suction pressure and discharge pressure. Fig. 8 Proposed supervision schema in compression system Using the fuzzy logic model, it was possible to analyze the deficiencies of the orig- inal surge control algorithm by observing the “real” surge margin calculated from the compressor performance, the objective of an anti-surge controller should not be lim- ited to basic independent machine protection. The anti-surge control performance as an integral part of the machine performance control must be considered. Storing real surge points, applying fuzzy logic control of the recycle valve (variable gain depend- ing on operating region) and compensating for interaction between surges, overload and process control can significantly expand the operating window. This allows oper- ation very close to the actual surge lines (4-8%) under all process conditions. Straight Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 61 line surge control, even with variable slope, must make allowance for the poor fit to actual surge points by using a wider margin (15-20%). Interim remedial actions to improve the surge control constants were carried out until an advanced complex control system was installed. An identical steady-state model that was built separately helped to design and test the revised compressor surge control algorithm prior to commissioning on the compressor. In the course of developing fault diagnosis schemes, the use of analytical redun- dancy implies that a mathematical model of the systemis used to describe the inherent relationship (or redundancy) contained among the system inputs and outputs which may be used to generate the residuals for fault diagnosis. The resulting approaches are usually referred to as analytical redundancy based fault diagnosis or model based methods [17]. This is the approach we take here; the proposed approach consists of the basic steps residual generation, residual evaluation and fault alarm presentation as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9 General scheme of model-based FDI system The evaluation of the residual signals generated by the models is performed us- ing an expert supervisory scheme. The heuristic knowledge of faults and processing experience can be incorporated into the expert system in the form of rules easily, and thus its advantages are the transparency of operation and simple integration of a priori knowledge. Basically, the rule-based expert supervisory system performs two functions. The residual evaluation is a logic decision making process that transforms quanti- tative knowledge (residuals) into qualitative knowledge (fault symptoms). The goal is to decide if and where in the process the fault has occurred, with a minimum rate of erroneous decision (false alarms) that are caused by the existing disturbances and modeling uncertainties. In Fig. 10, the principle of residual evaluation using fuzzy logic consists of a three-step process. Firstly, the residuals have to be fuzzified, then they have to be evaluated by an inference mechanism using IF-THEN rules, and fi- nally they have to be defuzzified to obtain a decision. The mean value of the residual r k (t) on a temporal window of p sampling periods T, x k (t) is given by 62 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 10 Residual evaluation concept x k (t) = 1 p p j=0 r k (t − j). (10) The residual derivative x k (t) will be estimated on the same temporal window by a least square linear approximation x k (t) = p p _ j=0 jr k (t − j) − p _ j=0 j p _ j=0 r k (t − j) p p _ j=0 j 2 − _ p _ j=0 j _ 2 . (11) The use of mean values over a small temporal window (in the application p = 8) somewhat filters the measurement noise and at the same time allows a quick determi- nation of any change in the residuals. To enhance the diagnostic performance, especially to reduce false alarm, the resid- uals are subjected to a second layer of filtering. Indeed, if we consider the residual r(k) given by [1, 17]: r(k) = y(k)−ˆ y(k), (12) the mean value x k (t) of this residual on a temporal window of p sampling is given by x k (t) = 1 p p j=0 r k ((t − j)T) (13) with T being the sampling period. Using a least square linear approximation, the change in x k (t) is given by: x k (t) = p p _ j=0 jr k (t − j) − p _ j=0 j p _ j=0 r k (t − j) p p _ j=0 j 2 − _ p _ j=0 j _ 2 . (14) Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 63 The use of means values, over a small temporal window, filters the measurements noise and allows a quick determination of any change in the residuals. In this paper a symmetric trapezoidal membership functions are used in residual evaluation for the fuzzification, as shown in Fig. 11 with b i = a + δ, (15) where a is corresponds to a certain amplitude of the noise, and δ is the variance of the noise. Fig. 11 Membership functions used in residual evaluation For our application, it is more judicious to take b i = r imax for the identification of the faults so that, for a value r i (t) of residual i: u Positi f i (r i (t)) = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0, r i (t) ≤ a, r i (t) − a b i − a , r i (t) ∈ [a, b i ], 1, r i (t) ≥ b i . (16) In this work, two fuzzy implications, shown in Fig. 12, enable us to deduce indi- cators from faults: • Implication de Brouwer-Gd¨ oel [20, 23]: F(e j ) = min i ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 1, d i j ≤ u Positi f i (r i (t)) u Positi f i (r i (t)), no ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ . (17) 64 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 12 Fuzzy implications used in residual evaluation • Implication de Goguen [20, 23]: F(e j ) = min i ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ min _ u Positi f i (r i (t)) d i j , 1 _ , d i j 0 1, no ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ . (18) 5. Application Results In this section, we present several experimental results to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed fuzzy FDI scheme. The proposed fuzzy model-based FDI is experi- mentally investigated in the examined compression system (gas compression station in Algeria SC 3 /Sonatrach). We present in this section the results of implementation of the proposed approach. There are two scenarios of measurements available: in the first situation, the com- pression system is in surge without control, in this case, we run scenarios with con- secutive defects have been introduced in order to evaluate the behavior of residues and their symptoms associated with defects detecting surge phenomenon in our com- pression system for the different variable parameters. The amplitudes of faults were applied obviously chosen to exceed the corresponding limits of detection. The re- sponse of the different types of surge in our compression system, for the different variable parameters with the associate residuals, can be seen in figures 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19. Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 65 Fig. 13 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: mass flow input Fig. 14 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: mass flow output 66 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 15 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: pressure input Fig. 16 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: pressure output Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 67 Fig. 17 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: temperature input Fig. 18 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: temperature output 68 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 19 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: Rotation speed In the second situation, the compression system with control of surge by using fuzzy logic controller, in this case, the fuzzy logic controller attempts to replicate the functionality of the existing nonlinear controller by using collected real data. The response of the compression system with control of surge by using fuzzy FDI, for the different variable parameters with the associate residuals, is shown in figures 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. In this case, the behavior of our compression system is considered nominal (without surge). There is no value for the residuals, these signals are exactly zero. Fig. 20 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: mass flow input Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 69 Fig. 21 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: mass flow output Fig. 22 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: pressure input 70 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 23 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: pressure output Fig. 24 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: temperature input Fuzzy Inf. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 71 Fig. 25 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: temperature output Fig. 26 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: Rotation speed 72 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) In this work, a new approach to fault diagnosis by using fuzzy fault and detection and isolation has been presented. The significant advantage of the new approach is that it is given unbiased estimates of the parameter variations in a straightforward way and provides good performance in terms of surge detection and isolation and reduced error. In this paper, recent research work on online intelligent fault detection techniques has been presented including the expert systems approach with fuzzy logic approach in control and in supervision. In addition, the main advantages of fuzzy fault and detection and isolation method is to minimise false alarms enhance detectability and isolability and minimise detection time by hardware implementation. 6. Conclusion The main purpose of this paper is to develop robust FDI scheme by using the TS fuzzy model. We have discussed the modeling of the dynamic behavior of centrifugal compression systems via experimental identification to describe surge transients of a centrifugal compressor. The good agreement between fuzzy modeling results and fuzzy supervision schema based on robust FDI can be very well integrated with any conventional control scheme to develop a fault tolerant control scheme. The intro- duced fuzzy faults detection and isolation approach contain various parameters that require tuning when the model is applied to a specific compression system. The ap- plied fuzzy supervision schema give good results that were obtained with the applied control approach, it is observed that probability of missed false alarms in compression system. Fuzzy FDI method defining the surge point over a wide range of changing condi- tions makes it possible to set the control line for optimum surge protection without unnecessary re-cycling. This method automatically compensates for changes in pres- sure rise, mass flow, temperature, and compressor rotor speed. The system utilizes a characterization of compression ratio versus compensated compressor inlet flowfunc- tion as control parameters. This algorithm allows for use of the surge control system in this paper, resulting in minimized recycle or blow-off flow. This method reduces the initial cost and simplifies engineering, testing, operation, and maintenance asso- ciated with the system when compared to alternative methods. The business benefits of this fuzzy FDI method open, flexible, proactive approach to compression system monitoring and maintenance are not only improved fault di- agnosis performance, but also reusable service assemblies, better scalability, better maintainability, higher availability, reduction in unscheduled maintenance and result- ing reduction in compression system. References 1. Amann P, Perronne J M, Gissinger G L, Frank P M (2001) Identification of fuzzy relational models for fault detection. Control Engineering Practice 9(5): 555-562 2. Corina H J Meuleman (2002) Measurement and unsteady flow modelling of centrifugal compressor surge. Doctoral thesis. Netherlands : University of technology of Eindhoven 3. Evsukoff A, Gentil S (2005) Recurrent neuro-fuzzy system for fault detection and isolation in nuclear reactors. Advanced Engineering Informatics 19(1): 55-66 4. Franciscus P, Willems T (2000) Modeling and bounded feedback stabilization of centrifugal com- pressor surge. 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Reliability analysis of the supervision structure require some information on the model of the compression system. We know it is difficult to obtain the mathematical model for a complicated mechanical structure. The turbo compressor is considered as a complex system where many modeling and controlling efforts have been made [14]. In regard to the complexity and the strong non linearity of the turbo compressor dynamics, and the attempt to find a simple model structure which can capture in some appropriate sense the key of the dynamical properties of the physical plant, we propose to study the application possibilities of the recent supervision approaches and evaluate their contribution in the practical and theoretical fields consequently. Facing to the studied industrial process complexity, we choose to make recourse to fuzzy logic for analysis and treatment of its supervision problem owing to the fact that these technique constitute the only framework in which the types of imperfect knowledge can jointly be treated (uncertainties, inaccuracies, · · · ) offering suitable tools to characterize them. In the particular case of the turbo compressor, these imperfections are interpreted by modelling errors, the neglected dynamics and the parametric variations. This work presents the results of applying an advanced fault detection and isolation technique to centrifugal compressor; this advanced technique uses physics models of the centrifugal compressor with a fuzzy modeling and control solution method. The technique automatically finds the best fault scenario to match measured (or test) data. The best fault scenario provides information about parameter deviations (i.e., fault detection) and fault-contributing components (i.e., isolation). The technique is independent of the thresholds used in fault detection as in some other techniques. The technique is effective even under the condition where data are scarce and widely spaced in time. Operational data from the gas compression station of SONATRACH, SC3 in Algeria. The purpose of the data is to apply the fuzzy model-based fault identification expertise to industrial gas pipeline. The investigation was conducted with extremely limited knowledge of the compression system and their maintenance histories. The measured variables, provided in the data set, only include surge, speed, exhaust temperature, flow, and compressor discharge pressure. With these limited compression system data, we modified an existing, generic model for centrifugal compressor and developed the fuzzy method to “hunt” for suspicious fault states. The detection results were confirmed by the method of validation. The detection accuracy of this technique can be improved with additional data and knowledge about the centrifugal compressor. This technique can be readily generalized to fault/state detection of other types of centrifugal compressor in all industries. The presented approach is based on the use of the fuzzy model. As was introduced in [23], by applying a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) type fuzzy model with interval parameters, one is able to approximate the upper and lower boundaries of the domain of functions that result from an uncertain system. The fuzzy model is therefore intended for robust modelling purposes; on the other hand, studies show it can be used in fault which acts as a large reservoir and responds to fluctuations in mass flow with fluctuations in pressure behind the actuator disk. An essential step in model-based controller design is to understand the physical phenomena in the system and to develop a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of the relevant phenomena. The gas turbine installation used in our application for studies of compressor surge detection and control is shown in Fig. the decision stage is robust to the effects of system disturbances. 12. 10. Gas Compression System The complex models for surge in centrifugal compression systems have been proposed by many authors [5. By calculating the normalized distance of the system output from the boundary model outputs. The throttle can be regarded as a simplified model of a turbine [4. which raises the pressure ratio by doing work on the fluid. 12]. this work illustrates an alternative implementation to the compression systems supervision task using the basic principles of model-based FDI associated with the self-tuning of surge measurements with subsequent appropriate corrective actions. modeled as an actuator disk. we are considering a compression system consisting of a centrifugal compressor. the proposed method can achieve high performance in the surge control of the compression system. In this paper. plenum volume and a throttle. 6. it will be shown that by data pre-processing the fuzzy model parameter-optimization problem will be significantly reduced. Eng. This paper presents a new method for fault diagnosis of a compression system. The novelty lies in defining of confidence bands over finite sets of input and output measurements in which the effects of unknown process inputs are already included. compressor duct. Due to data pre-processing. In its final part the paper gives some conclusions about this application. The second component is the compressor itself. followed by experimental results that confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach in the application results section. by using fuzzy modeling in FDI for the compression system control. Close Coupled Valve (CCV). The main idea of the proposed approach is to use the fuzzy model in a Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) system as residual generators.Fuzzy Inf. we describe the case study of surge in gas compression system in Section 2. 2. Firstly. . Secondly in Section 3. After that in Section 5. The method determines performance indices using fuzzy FDI approach. 1. (2010) 1: 49-73 51 detection as well. Using a combination of fuzzy modeling approach makes it possible to devise a fault-isolation scheme based on the given incidence matrix. Moreover. In this work. and combine the fuzzy model outputs for the purpose of fault isolation. a numerical fault measure is obtained. 22]. The first component is the inlet duct that allows infinitesimally small disturbances at the duct entrance to grow until they reach an appreciable magnitude at the compressor face. the examined compression system is modeled with just three components. In Section 4. The third component is the plenum chamber (or diffuser) downstream. Surge is characterized by large amplitude fluctuations of the pressure and by unsteady.1. Surge in Centrifugal Compressor Centrifugal compressors will surge when forward flow through the compressor can no longer be maintained. 8. This essentially one dimensional instability affects the compression system as a whole and results in a limit cycle oscillation in the compressor map. 7. but circumferentially uniform. the reversal of flow reduces the discharge pressure or increases the suction pressure. A surge controller typically measures a function of pressure rise versus flow. Fig. 1 Compression system 2. annulus-averaged mass flow. 5. The controller operates a surge valve to maintain sufficient forward flow to prevent surge [4. This figure illustrates the difference between pressure variations before and after surge initiation. By throttling the compressor mass flow. Once surge occurs. due to an increase in pressure across the compressor. the machine is run into surge. thus allowing forward flow to resume again until the pressure rise again reaches the surge point [10]. 2 shows a pressure trace for a compressor system. which was initially operated in a steady operating point. The optimum flow rate may be calculated from a simple graph of pressure differ- . 11]. This surge cycle will continue until some change is made in the process or compressor conditions. and a momentary flow reversal occurs.52 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. (2010) 1: 49-73 53 Fig. 18]. Many papers and texts on anti-surge control maintain that the onset of surge can occur in as little as 50ms [6. as shown on Fig. Compressor users. Eng. implies that a digital anti-surge controller must have an extremely fast repeat time. 12.Fuzzy Inf. The position of the lines is unique to a particular compressor. 2 Surge mode in centrifugal compressor Fig. They then conclude that this. The operating setpoint is at the minimum flow rate and pressure difference which avoids surge conditions. and the requirement for very ”tight” tuning. 3. The application fuzzy logic for anti-surge control provides a fine and reliable control mechanism maintaining the process close to this setpoint. however. 13. 3 Compressors characteristic curves ence against flow. point out that the . and the third for the non-dimensional. B it is the parameter of . P01 is the ambient pressure. and based on the work of Moore and Greitzer model we used the two first equations of (1) equivalent to the model of [4]. ˆc c B Bmte B (2) u With: ˜ = twH o` wH it is the frequency of HELMHOLTZ defined by the following t √ B equation: wH = a VAC C . V p is the plenum volume. ⎥ ⎦ (1) 1 ηt mtur C p. K is a numerical constant. 3. N) ideal ⎢ Lc ⎣ C p T 01 4(k−1) k ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ − Pp⎥ . T 01 is the inlet stagnation temperature Cp and k is the ratio of specific heats k = Cv .2. the first for the non-dimensional total-to-static pressure rise Δp across the compression system. In the following. Moore and Greitzer model in [19] gives rise to three ordinary differential equations. cv is the specific heat capacity at constant volume. Δhideal is the total specific enthalpy delivered to fluid. The parameters B and G is PL defined by the following equations: B = stability of GREITZER [9]. The linearization of this model given by [2] around a point of operation M (P pc0 . mc0 . The process automation anti-surge control fuzzy logic has been proven to successfully meet the above criteria with repeat times of 75 to 100 ms. kt is a parameter proportional to throttle opening. A1 is the area of the impeller eye (used as reference area). N is the spool moment of inertia. c p is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure. ρ01 is the inlet stagnation density. Lc is the length of compressor and duct. ηi is the isentropic efficiency. 2Jπ 2πN where P p is the plenum pressure. m is the compressor mass flow. ρ01 V p ⎡ ⎢ A1 ⎢ Δh ⎢ ⎢ ⎢P01 1 + ηi (m. 2. ut0 . three steps are taken to create a fuzzy model for the compression system [23]: Ut 2wH Lc and G = Lt AC LC At . ub0 ) give: ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎢ P pC ⎥ ⎢ Bm −B ⎥ ⎢ P pC ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ˆ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥+⎢ ⎥ˆ ⎢ ⎢ x=⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ m ⎥ ⎢ 1 1 ⎥ ⎢ m ⎥ ⎢ − V ⎥ ub . Using a procedure originated by Mamdani in the late 70s. Centrifugal Compressor Model The resulting equations of the dynamics of the compression system in the model used for controller design are in the form: ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ Pp = ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ m= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ N= ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ kP01 m − kt P p − P01 . the second for the amplitude of mass flow rate fluctuations m. Fuzzy Modeling The fuzzy modeling. which directly uses fuzzy rules.t ΔT tur − 2r22 σπN | m | . spool moment of inertia. with a = γRT a and Bm = G . is the most important application in fuzzy theory [23].54 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) blow off or recycle valve driven by the controller is unlikely to open in less than 2 seconds. 23]. defuzzification must be done. For the given example.1. Fuzzy models use ‘If-Then’ rules and logical connectives to establish relations between the variables defined for the model of the system. the pressure coefficient and the mass flow coefficient) of the compression system are defined by the triangle membership functions for the fuzzy sets. and the fuzzy set approximately zero of the variable “The throttle opening” is 0. rule evaluation (application of fuzzy rules). maintaining a high degree of accuracy. (2010) 1: 49-73 55 • First. However. 3. This can be done in many ways. defuzzification (obtaining the crisp results).Fuzzy Inf. • Third. in fuzzy modeling the fuzzy ‘If-Then’ rules take the form: I f u is surge then y is High.75 for “Pressure coefficient” and 0. since this is an AND operation. The actual value belongs to the fuzzy set zero to a degree of 0. any desired approximation accuracy can be achieved by increasing the size of the approximation structure and properly defining the parameters of the approximators [20. A TS fuzzy system can be defined by: . Fuzzy models are flexible mathematical structures that. Step 3 The result of the fuzzy modeling so far is a fuzzy set.4. Step 2 The next step is to define the fuzzy rules. the minimum criterion is used. Hence.4 for “Mass flow coefficient”. in analogy to nonlinear models. fuzzification (using membership functions to graphically describe a situation). in general. (3) The fuzzy sets in the rules serve as an interface amongst qualitative variables in the model. These statements are usually derived by an expert to achieve optimum results. that is. Eng. • Second. Step 1 First of all. To choose an appropriate representative value as the final output (crisp values). 3. have been recognized as universal function approximators [1. fuzzy models can provide a more transparent representation of the system under study. The fuzzy modeling approach has several advantages when compared to other nonlinear modeling techniques. and the input and output numerical variables. Fuzzy TS Models Developing mathematical models for nonlinear systems can be quite challenging. TS fuzzy systems are capable of serving as the analytical model for nonlinear systems due to its universal approximation property. let the system to model be the relation between surge and the fluctuations in the mass flow coefficient ΔΦ and pressure coefficient ΔΨ. 23]. but the most common method used is the center of gravity of the fuzzy set. the different levels of output (throttle opening. Thus. The fuzzy rules are merely a series of if-then statements as mentioned above. n represent n different inputs. A fuzzy system involves identifying fuzzy inputs and outputs. which are the centers and relative widths of the membership functions for the jth inputs and ith rules. x = [x1 . The fuzzy output is defuzzified in throttle and the CCV gains in order to control the plants operating conditions. the shapes of the membership functions are chosen to be Gaussian. The response of the system is used to model the control system. Fuzzy Models of Compression System The fuzzy logic model is a rule-based system that receives information fed back from the plant’s operating. constructing a rule base. θ) = i=1 ⎪ . Increasing either the throttle gain γT or CCV gain γV will stabilize the system with a penalty of pressure lost across the plenum. where ai. ⎝ ⎠⎟ ⎪ ⎠ ⎝ ⎩ j=1 j (4) where y is the output of the fuzzy system. creating fuzzy membership functions for each. K is the number of rules. K. and centeraverage defuzzification and product are used for the premise and implication in the structure of the fuzzy system. · · · . i = 1. j are linear parameters. The gi (x) are called consequent functions of the fuzzy system. The parameters that enter in a nonlinear fashion are cij and σij . The TS fuzzy model consists of representing the base rules as follows: Ri : I f u is Ai then y = fi (u). · · · . (5) where Ri denotes the it h rule. 2. 15.56 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) ⎧ R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ gi (x)μi (x) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ y = F (x. Each rule i has a different function fi yielding a different value for the output yi . 2. x2 . The premise membership functions μi (x) R are assumed to be well defined so that i=1 μi (x) 0. i = 1. i where ai is a parameter vector and bi is a scalar offset. and then deciding what action will be carried out. y is the consequent variable and Ai is the antecedent fuzzy set of the it h rule. xn ]T holds the n inputs. 2.2. 14. 20. ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎞ ⎛ ⎪ ⎪ n ⎪ ⎜ 1 ⎛ xi − ci ⎞2 ⎟ ⎪ ⎜ ⎜ ⎪ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟ j⎟ ⎟ ⎪ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎪ μi (x) = ⎪ exp ⎜− ⎜ ⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎪ ⎜ 2 ⎜ σi ⎟ ⎟ . u is the antecedent variable. in this case the normalized fluctuations of Φ and Ψ. 3. 2. · · · .1 x1 + · · · + ai. These crisp values are fuzzified and processed using the fuzzy knowledge base [1.0 + ai. 23]. The fluctuations of the mass flow coefficient ΔΦ and pressure coefficient ΔΨ are normalized before being sent to the fuzzy model as the crisp input by the following [13. 3.n xn . K. i = 1. R represent R different rules. ⎪ ts ⎪ R ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ μi (x) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ i=1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ gi (x) = ai. and j = 1. · · · . The most simple and widely used function is the affine linear form: Ri : I f u is Ai then y = aT u + bi . 16]: (6) . · · · . 50 is shown in Fig. then [ΔγV and ΔγT is Low]. the response of the system with comparison for the pressure coefficient for B = 0. 2) If [ΔΨ is Medium] or [ΔΦ is Medium].50. The results of two simulations are presented in this section. (9) For the case of two inputs and one output. The rule base of three rules can be created: 1) If [ΔΨ is Low] or [ΔΦ is Low]. the squared amplitude of rotating stall was set to zero. Ψi+Δt ) |Φi − Φi+Δt | . The matrix has the input variable along the top side.Fuzzy Inf. 5. then [ΔγV and ΔγT is Medium]. Both simulations push the design point along the compressor characteristic until it reaches a stable operation point without overshooting a stable equilibrium point. max(Ψi . max(Φi . The first is the comparison between the complex model. 4 for the mass flow coefficient for B = 0. the linearized model and the fuzzy model suggested with Greitzer parameter B = 0. and the second simulation is the comparison between the complex model. The entries in the matrix are the desired response of the system. For both simulations the value of J. the linearized model and the fuzzy model suggested with Greitzer parameter B = 1. An overshoot of the equilibrium conditions would result in pressure lost across the throttle. the rule base is constructed by creating a matrix of options and solutions. The crisp output from the fuzzy model adjusts both control gains by the following: γi+Δt = γi + γi Δγi . 3) If [ΔΨ is High] or [ΔΦ is High]. The response of the system with comparison is shown in Fig. (2010) 1: 49-73 57 ΔΨi = |Ψi − Ψi+Δt | . Φi+Δt ) (7) ΔΦi = (8) Samples of the coefficients are taken at regular time-step intervals. then [ΔγV and ΔγT is High]. the changes in either throttle or CCV gain. and the throttle gain was set so that the intersection of the throttle line and the compressor characteristic is located on the part of the characteristic that has a positive slope.50 for the pressure coefficient.50 for the masse flow coefficient. Δt = kh where k is a constant and h is the Runge-Kutta time step size. Eng. . 50 Fig. 7. According to the above figures. linearized model and fuzzy model for the mass flow coefficient with B = 0. 4 Response of complex model. we can notice that our fuzzy logic model is very . the response of the system with comparison for the pressure coefficient for B = 1.50. 5 Response of complex model. 6 for the mass flow coefficient for B = 1.50 The response of the system with comparison is shown in Fig.58 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig.50 is shown in Fig. linearized model and fuzzy model for the pressure coefficient with B = 0. Fuzzy Inf.50 reliable since its outputs match those of the nonlinear complex model with a very small error in a short time interval for the open loop response. Eng. 7 Response of complex model. linearized model and fuzzy model for the mass flow coefficient with B = 1. (2010) 1: 49-73 59 Fig. hence the obtained model can be used for the output prediction or for the compressor control. 6 Response of complex model.50 Fig. linearized model and fuzzy model for the pressure coefficient with B = 1. Accord- . Fig. applying fuzzy logic control of the recycle valve (variable gain depending on operating region) and compensating for interaction between surges. and compressor rotor speed. Storing real surge points. 8 Proposed supervision schema in compression system Using the fuzzy logic model. The input signals required to facilitate use of the surge control algorithm on centrifugal compressors are the suction flow differential pressure. This algorithm allows use of the surge control system in this paper (as shown in Fig. This method automatically compensates for changes in pressure rise. suction pressure and discharge pressure. and maintenance associated with the system when compared to alternative methods. This allows operation very close to the actual surge lines (4-8%) under all process conditions. resulting in minimized recycle or blow-off flow. the objective of an anti-surge controller should not be limited to basic independent machine protection. This method reduces the initial cost and simplifies engineering. Compression System Control Based on Fuzzy FDI Fuzzy FDI method defining the surge point over a wide range of changing conditions makes it possible to set the control line for optimum surge protection without unnecessary re-cycling. overload and process control can significantly expand the operating window. 8). operation. mass flow. The anti-surge control performance as an integral part of the machine performance control must be considered. it was possible to analyze the deficiencies of the original surge control algorithm by observing the “real” surge margin calculated from the compressor performance.60 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) ing to the obtained results it appears clearly that the characteristics of the system of compression describes by the complex model reproduced perfectly by the fuzzy logic model. The system utilizes a characterization of compression ratio versus compensated compressor inlet flow function as control parameters. 4. temperature. testing. Straight . 9 General scheme of model-based FDI system The evaluation of the residual signals generated by the models is performed using an expert supervisory scheme. This is the approach we take here. xk (t) is given by . the use of analytical redundancy implies that a mathematical model of the system is used to describe the inherent relationship (or redundancy) contained among the system inputs and outputs which may be used to generate the residuals for fault diagnosis.Fuzzy Inf. the principle of residual evaluation using fuzzy logic consists of a three-step process. 10. Firstly. An identical steady-state model that was built separately helped to design and test the revised compressor surge control algorithm prior to commissioning on the compressor. and finally they have to be defuzzified to obtain a decision. The residual evaluation is a logic decision making process that transforms quantitative knowledge (residuals) into qualitative knowledge (fault symptoms). the residuals have to be fuzzified. 9. then they have to be evaluated by an inference mechanism using IF-THEN rules. the proposed approach consists of the basic steps residual generation. Interim remedial actions to improve the surge control constants were carried out until an advanced complex control system was installed. The resulting approaches are usually referred to as analytical redundancy based fault diagnosis or model based methods [17]. even with variable slope. (2010) 1: 49-73 61 line surge control. The heuristic knowledge of faults and processing experience can be incorporated into the expert system in the form of rules easily. The mean value of the residual rk (t) on a temporal window of p sampling periods T. In Fig. the rule-based expert supervisory system performs two functions. The goal is to decide if and where in the process the fault has occurred. Eng. residual evaluation and fault alarm presentation as shown in Fig. Fig. In the course of developing fault diagnosis schemes. Basically. with a minimum rate of erroneous decision (false alarms) that are caused by the existing disturbances and modeling uncertainties. must make allowance for the poor fit to actual surge points by using a wider margin (15-20%). and thus its advantages are the transparency of operation and simple integration of a priori knowledge. y (12) the mean value xk (t) of this residual on a temporal window of p sampling is given by 1 xk (t) = p p rk ((t − j)T ) j=0 (13) with T being the sampling period. especially to reduce false alarm. 17]: r(k) = y(k)−ˆ (k). To enhance the diagnostic performance. 10 Residual evaluation concept 1 xk (t) = p p rk (t − j). Using a least square linear approximation. the change in xk (t) is given by: p p xk (t) = j=0 jrk (t − j) − p p p j j=0 p j=0 rk (t − j) . (11) 2 p j=0 j2 − j j=0 The use of mean values over a small temporal window (in the application p = 8) somewhat filters the measurement noise and at the same time allows a quick determination of any change in the residuals. (14) 2 p j=0 j2 − j j=0 . Indeed. the residuals are subjected to a second layer of filtering. j=0 (10) The residual derivative xk (t) will be estimated on the same temporal window by a least square linear approximation p p xk (t) = j=0 jrk (t − j) − p p p j j=0 p j=0 rk (t − j) . if we consider the residual r(k) given by [1.62 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. and δ is the variance of the noise. ri (t) ≥ bi . 12. two fuzzy implications. enable us to deduce indicators from faults: • Implication de Brouwer-Gd¨ el [20. no (17) . ri (t) ≤ a. (15) where a is corresponds to a certain amplitude of the noise. it is more judicious to take bi = rimax for the identification of the faults so that. shown in Fig. 11 with bi = a + δ. as shown in Fig. ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ r (t) − a ⎪ i ⎨ uPositi fi (ri (t)) = ⎪ ⎪ bi − a . 11 Membership functions used in residual evaluation For our application. over a small temporal window. ri (t) ∈ [a. Fig. (2010) 1: 49-73 63 The use of means values. 23]: o ⎛⎧ ⎞ ⎜⎪ 1. (16) In this work. bi ]. for a value ri (t) of residual i: ⎧ ⎪ 0. Eng. filters the measurements noise and allows a quick determination of any change in the residuals. di j ≤ uPositi fi (ri (t)) ⎟ ⎜⎪ ⎟ ⎟. In this paper a symmetric trapezoidal membership functions are used in residual evaluation for the fuzzification.Fuzzy Inf. ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 1. ⎜⎨ ⎟ F(e j ) = min ⎜⎪ ⎜⎪ ⎟ ⎝⎩ ⎠ i uPositi fi (ri (t)). The amplitudes of faults were applied obviously chosen to exceed the corresponding limits of detection. d ⎜⎪ ⎜⎪ ij ⎜⎨ di j ⎜⎪ F(e j ) = min ⎜⎪ ⎜⎪ ⎜⎪ ⎜⎩ i ⎝ 1. we run scenarios with consecutive defects have been introduced in order to evaluate the behavior of residues and their symptoms associated with defects detecting surge phenomenon in our compression system for the different variable parameters. 18 and 19. 16. we present several experimental results to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed fuzzy FDI scheme. 23]: ⎛⎧ ⎜⎪ ⎜⎪ min uPositi fi (ri (t)) . the compression system is in surge without control. in this case. The response of the different types of surge in our compression system. Application Results In this section. for the different variable parameters with the associate residuals. The proposed fuzzy model-based FDI is experimentally investigated in the examined compression system (gas compression station in Algeria SC3 /Sonatrach). We present in this section the results of implementation of the proposed approach. no 5. ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ 0⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟. There are two scenarios of measurements available: in the first situation. 15. can be seen in figures 13. 12 Fuzzy implications used in residual evaluation • Implication de Goguen [20.64 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 14. 17. ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (18) . 1 . (2010) 1: 49-73 65 Fig. 14 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: mass flow output . Eng.Fuzzy Inf. 13 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: mass flow input Fig. 15 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: pressure input Fig.66 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 16 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: pressure output . Fuzzy Inf. 17 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: temperature input Fig. Eng. (2010) 1: 49-73 67 Fig. 18 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: temperature output . the compression system with control of surge by using fuzzy logic controller. in this case. The response of the compression system with control of surge by using fuzzy FDI.68 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 22. the behavior of our compression system is considered nominal (without surge). 25 and 26. There is no value for the residuals. 23. Fig. is shown in figures 20. the fuzzy logic controller attempts to replicate the functionality of the existing nonlinear controller by using collected real data. 24. for the different variable parameters with the associate residuals. 20 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: mass flow input . 19 Results of the fault detection in compression system with surge: Rotation speed In the second situation. these signals are exactly zero. In this case. 21. Fuzzy Inf. 21 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: mass flow output Fig. (2010) 1: 49-73 69 Fig. Eng. 22 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: pressure input . 70 Ahmed Hafaifa · Kouider Laroussi · Ferhat Laaouad (2010) Fig. 23 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: pressure output Fig. 24 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: temperature input . Eng. 25 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: temperature output Fig. (2010) 1: 49-73 71 Fig.Fuzzy Inf. 26 Results of the fault detection in compression system by using fuzzy control: Rotation speed . but also reusable service assemblies. The introduced fuzzy faults detection and isolation approach contain various parameters that require tuning when the model is applied to a specific compression system. 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