Hynds Box Culvert System D01



AreA(s) of Product AvAilAbility: Product available in ALL REGIONS Precast reinforcedconcrete www.hynds.co.nz 1 HYNDS BRANCHES technical services deP artment: Ph: 09 274 0316 Fax: 09 274 8393 [email protected] 0800 WE PIPE (93 7473) NORTHERN REGION Whangarei 09 438 7305 Warkworth 09 425 9837 Albany 09 415 9259 Avondale 09 820 0122 Penrose 09 579 5605 Manukau 09 273 3053 Pukekohe 09 237 1274 CENTRAL REGION Hamilton 07 847 3193 Tauranga 07 575 5791 Rotorua 07 346 0454 Te Kuiti 07 878 8326 Taupo 07 378 9915 CAPITAL REGION Hastings 06 879 8989 New Plymouth 06 759 8157 Palmerston North 06 357 2638 Masterton 06 370 0700 Kapiti 04 297 0689 Petone 04 568 0933 Kaiwharawhara 04 472 4172 SOUTH ISLAND REGION Nelson 03 543 8330 Amberley 03 314 8455 Christchurch 03 344 3500 Oamaru 03 434 3062 Cromwell 03 445 4760 Winton (Southland) 03 236 6044 disclaimer: Users of the Hynds products and/or information within this document must make their own assessment for suitability for their particular circumstances. Product dimensions and specifcations may vary according to factory of manufacture or changes due to product improvements. No warranty is neither expressed nor implied nor statutory is made by Hynds in this document unless expressly stated in any sale and purchase agreement entered into between Hynds and the user. Hynds box culvert system D:01 October 2008 3m x 2m Box Culvert Underpass with Wingwalls - In-situ apron ready for casting. APPlicAtions • Slock Ünderposs lor rurol hlghwoy crosslngs. • Pedeslrlon lunnels. • Slormwoler Culverls. • Verllcol Chombers. unique benefits • Lorge vorlely ol slrenglhs ond openlng slzes spon ond helghl con be varied. • Speed ol lnslollollon. • Low lnslollollon cosls. • Purpose deslgned lor vorlous lood conhgurollons up lo HM:HCZ2. • Longer llle ond smoolh surloce when compored wllh sleel culverls. • Lower hll covers posslble obove lhe precosl unll. • Able lo be cuslomlsed lor speclol condlllons or shopes. • Slmpllhes preporollon ol slle plons lor councll opprovol. • Cpllonol precosl wlngwolls ond heodwolls ovolloble lo molch. • Vorlous |olnl seollng opllons ovolloble. introduction Hynds precosl concrele box culverl unlls ore deslgned lo be used os slormwoler culverls, slock underposses lor rurol hlghwoy crosslngs, pedeslrlon lunnels, ond verllcol chombers. Precosl box culverl unlls slmpllly lhe conslrucllon process, ollowlng lor lhe ropld complellon ol works. lhls opllon ls ollen more cosl ellecllve lhon lhe lnsllu conslrucllon process requlred lo ochleve lhe some resulls. design oPtions oPening size: stormwater culverts Cpenlng wldlh ond helghl ls delermlned by lhe hydroullc requlremenls ol lhe speclhc slle. Hydroullc colculollons con be perlormed by relerrlng lo lhe CPAA “Hydroullcs ol Precosl Concrele Condulls Monuol”. www.hynds.co.nz 2 Precast reinforcedconcrete Hynds box culvert system Pedestrian tunnels Cpenlng slze ls lo be delermlned by lhe lunnel spoce deslred. For Pedeslrlon lunnels, lhls ls usuolly dependonl on lhe MZ Bulldlng Code. stock underpasses for rural Highway crossings lhe slze ol slock underposses ore normolly delermlned by lhe slze ol lhe herd lhol wlll use lhe underposs or lhe mochlnery lhol wlll be moved lhrough lhe underposs. A rough gulde lo slzlng o slock underposs lor lhe herd slze ls os lollows: • For o herd slze ol 4ó0 óó0 heod ol collle, o 2m x 2m* box culverl should be lhe mlnlmum slze openlng selecled. • For o herd slze ol óó0 heod ol collle or more, lhe recommended mlnlmum slze ol lhe box culverl should be o 3m x 2m* slruclure. lhe recommendollons obove ore bosed on lhe ossumpllon lhol lhe underposs ls nol loo close lo bulldlngs on ellher slde. * Note: A ll siz es a re sp a n x d ep th. sizes of culverts A vorlely ol openlng slzes ore ovolloble whlch sull mosl lorm lypes ond slock quonlllles. Prelerred slzes ore delolled ln loble 1. Box culverls con be monuloclured wllh olher dlmenslons lo sull speclhc slle condlllons such os molchlng exlsllng box culverls. culvert strengtH Culverl slrenglh ls dependenl on eorlh loods, hlghwoy loods ond cover lo lhe hnlshed culverl. Hynds lechnlcol Servlces Deporlmenl wlll deslgn lhe precosl concrele box culverls lo sull lhe speclhed hlghwoy loodlng ond cover. Table 1: Standard box sizes (other sizes made to order). Figure 1: Width and height diagram for Table 1. HEIGHT WIDTH Recommended mlnlmum cover over lhe box culverl ls 400 ó00mm. concrete surfAce finisHes Hynds Box Culverls ore generolly monuloclured lo F37F4 hnlsh os delolled ln MZS3114:1P8Z Speclhcollon lor Concrele Surloce Flnlshes. lhls Speb ì lon g der 0800 WE PIPE (93 7473) 3 Hynds box culvert system Precast reinforcedconcrete Box Culverts being carefully placed on well prepared bedding. bAsic bedding PrePArAtion Sulhclenl loundollon supporl ond bockhll compocllon ls requlred lo prevenl selllemenl ol lhe lmporled loyers condull oller lnslollollon. lhe beddlng musl be oble lo supporl lhe lull lood ol lhe lnslolled culverl, ll’s conlenls, ond lhe loods obove lhe culverl. For lhls reoson lhe box culverl should be lold on compocled gronulor hordhll lo lhe speclhed llne ond grodlenl. Beddlng deslgn lor o box culverl condull should be underloken by o locol consulllng englneer os locol knowledge ol ground condlllons ls lmporlonl lo ensure o successlul lnslollollon. As o generol gulde, lhe compocled lhlckness ol o boslc beddlng over lhe lull wldlh ol lhe lrench con vory lrom 1ó0mm lo 2ó0mm lhlck [dependlng on culverl beorlng loodsì wllh compocled loyers nol exceedlng 1ó0mm lhlck. lrench wldlh lor mosl should be lnslollollons equol lo lhe exlernol wldlh ol lhe culverl plus ó00mm. Locol soll spols ln lhe lrench musl be excovoled ond lhe volds hlled wllh well compocled hordhll lo provlde unllorm supporl under lhe enllre slruclure. Follure lo do so could resull ln selllemenl ol lhe unlls ol o loller sloge. Addlllonol lnlormollon ls ovolloble ln MZS3Z2ó. Jointing Hynds box culverls ore monuloclured wllh o smoll splgol ond sockel |olnl whlch locoles ond locks od|ocenl unlls logelher. !olnl gops wlll vory lrom ó lo 20mm ond moy be lell open l l wlc |olnB wlc onl b Preferred sizes are detailed in Table 1. highway loads and cover to the finished culvert. A rough guide to sizing a stock underpass for the herd size is as follows: • For a herd size of 450 - 650 head of cattle.co. sizes of culverts A variety of opening sizes are available which suit most farm types and stock quantities. Figure 1: Width and height diagram for Table 1. The recommendations above are based on the assumption that the underpass is not too close to buildings on either side. For Pedestrian Tunnels. culvert strengtH Culvert strength is dependent on earth loads. concrete surfAce finisHes Hynds Box Culverts are generally manufactured to F3/F4 finish as detailed in NZS3114:1987 - Specification for Concrete Surface Finishes. Box culverts can be manufactured with other dimensions to suit specific site conditions such as matching existing box culverts. 2 www. this is usually dependant on the NZ Building Code. Pedestrian tunnels Recommended minimum cover over the box culvert is 400 - 500mm. This Spebg ) ion stock underpasses for rural Highway crossings The size of stock underpasses are normally determined by the size of the der herd that will use the underpass or the machinery that will be moved through the underpass.nz . HEIGHT WIDTH Opening size is to be determined by the tunnel space desired. the recommended minimum size of the box culvert should be a 3m x 2m* structure.hynds.Hynds box culvert system Precast reinforced concrete Table 1: Standard box sizes (other sizes made to order). Hynds Technical Services Department will design the precast concrete box culverts to suit the specified highway loading and cover. a 2m x 2m* box culvert should be the minimum size opening selected. • For a herd size of 650 head of cattle or more. * Note: All sizes are span x depth. it’s contents. bAsic bedding PrePArAtion Sufficient foundation support and backfill compaction is required to prevent settlement of the imported layers conduit after installation. Bedding design for a box culvert conduit should be undertaken by a local consulting engineer as local knowledge of ground conditions is important to ensure a successful installation. As a general guide. Failure to do so could result in settlement of the units at a latter stage. Joint gaps will vary from 5 to 20mm and may be left open lwic l joinB wic ani b 0800 WE PIPE (93 7473) 3 . and the loads above the culvert. Trench width for most should be installations equal to the external width of the culvert plus 600mm. Additional information is available in NZS3725.Hynds box culvert system Precast reinforced concrete Box Culverts being carefully placed on well prepared bedding. For this reason the box culvert should be laid on compacted granular hardfill to the specified line and gradient. The bedding must be able to support the full load of the installed culvert. Local soft spots in the trench must be excavated and the voids filled with well compacted hardfill to provide uniform support under the entire structure. the compacted thickness of a basic bedding over the full width of the trench can vary from 150mm to 250mm thick (depending on culvert bearing loads) with compacted layers not exceeding 150mm thick. Jointing Hynds box culverts are manufactured with a small spigot and socket joint which locates and locks adjacent units together.
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