Hydroworld20150708 Dl

March 21, 2018 | Author: Christopher Garcia | Category: Hydroelectricity, Renewable Energy, Spillway, Dam, Energy Storage



July-August 2015Hydro Review Worldwide ETHIOPIAN RENAISSANCE PROGRESSING DEVELOPMENT USING THE FAST-TRACK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION APPROACH Stay Current 4 BUILDING NEW HYDRO WORLDWIDE 22 UPRATING PS DLOUHE STRANE 26 SMALL HYDRO: BIG IMPACT IN ASIA 36 SWANSEA'S TIDAL BARRAGE PLANS Easy isn’t a benefit, IT’S A REQUIREMENT. Power Gene ration | Pulp, Paper & Steel Mills | Mu nicipal Wa t e r Intake Rugged trash racks and rakers keep water intakes free from debris and hassle. s | Wa s tewater T reatment Plan ts | Flood Control Pump Stations Visit us at HydroVision 2015, Booth #6071 Our innovative debris capture solutions are easy to install, operate and maintain. Designed to resist rust, corrosion and marine life, our HDPE trash racks are practically maintenance-free. And with no hydraulics to maintain, our patented electro-mechanical rakers provide years of flawless performance. For reliable debris capture solutions, your choice couldn’t be easier. *Electro-mechanical Trash Raker U.S. Patent No. 7,815,811. http://hrw.hotims.com RS #1 www.hydrocomponentsystems.com | 920.261.2139 Volume 23. No. 4. July-August 2015 CONTENTS 12 FEATURES 12 Fast Track Approach to Building Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam By Bruno Ferraro, Alberto Bezzi, Claudio Rossini and Paolo Mastrofni Te Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Nile River will feature the largest roller-compacted-concrete dam by volume in the world. Tis article summarizes the main features of this transformational project and provides examples of the fast-track approach used in its development. ARTICLES 22 Uprating the 325-MW Pump Turbine at Dlouhe Strane By Michal Feilhauer, Josef Mikulasek, Ales Skotak, Ladislav Stegner, Miroslav Varner and Jindrich Vesely Europe’s largest pump-turbines, at 325 MW, were installed in Dlouhe Strane in the Czech Republic in 1996. Te owner/operator decided to uprate the frst unit due to the forthcoming lifetime expiration of the runner caused by high dynamic loads. 26 Southeast Asia Goes Small By Michael Harris and Elizabeth Ingram Southeast Asia is home to some large hydro projects currently under development, but it is also making progress on small hydro. A number of countries in the region have singled out small hydro as a route to accelerating clean energy development and they present considerable potential. 22 www.hydroworld.com DEPARTMENTS 3 Viewpoint: Pumping up RE with hydro 4 World News 30 Tech Notes 32 Dams & Civil Structures 34 Small Hydro 36 Marine Hydrokinetics 40 Index to Advertisers ADVISORY BOARD H. Irfan Aker Dolsar Engineering Co., Turkey Emmanuel Antwi-Darkwa ETAD Consult Ltd., Ghana Enrique Cifres eWATER Consultant SL, Spain Ian M. Cook ICCL, United Kingdom Maryse Francois-Xausa Alstom Renewable Power Hydro, France Fernando de Menezes e Silva Itaipu Binacional, Brazil Peter Mulvihill Pioneer Generation, New Zealand Christian Dalosto Pase Tractebel Energia, Brazil Doan Ke Ruan Power Engineering Consulting Company, Vietnam Leon Tromp Lesotho Highlands Water Commission, Lesotho Jean-Louis Drommi Electricite de France, France Roger Gill Sustena Partners, Australia Kanchit Ngamsanroaj Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Thailand Christine van Oldeneel Hydro Equipment Association, Belgium C.V.J. Varma Council of Power Utilities and The Dams Society, India Raghunath Gopal (R.G.) Vartak Consultant, India Luis C. Vintimilla Consulting Engineer, Ecuador James Yang, PhD Vattenfall Research and Development AB, Sweden 26 July-August 2015 / HRW 1 Visit us at HydroVision 2015, Booth #9083 Vol. 23, No. 4, July-August 2015 PennWell Global Energy Group The Water Tower, Gunpowder Mill, Powermill Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1BN, UK Telephone: +44 1992 656 600 Fax: +44 1992 656 700 E-mail: [email protected] World Wide Web: http://www.hydroworld.com P ublisher — Marla Barnes +1 918 832 9353 [email protected] Chief editor — David Appleyard +44 1992 656659 [email protected] M anaging editor — Elizabeth Ingram +1 816 214 5629 [email protected] a ssoCiate editor — Michael Harris +1 918 832 9363 [email protected] a ssoCiate editor — Gregory B. 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Wilmoth a udienCe develoPMent M anager — Emily Martha Martin v.P. of audienCe develoPMent & Marketing — June Griffn P roduCtion direCtor — Charlie Cole Te views expressed by contributing authors are those of the individuals concerned and do not necessarily refect those of HRW or the publishers. HRW (ISSN 1072-9542) is published six times in January, March, May, July, September, and November by PennWell Global Energy Group, Te Water Tower, Gunpowder Mill, Powermill Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1BN, UK; phone +44 1992 656 600. Printed in the U.K. Canadian GST Registration Number 12681 3153 RT0001. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian Distribution) Publications Agreement No. 40029359. @Copyright 2015 by PennWell Corp. (Registered in U.S. Patent Trademark Ofce). No part of this periodical may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. 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GST NO. 12681 3153 RT0001 Publications Mail Agreement No. 40029359 www.hydroworld.com which is necessary to ensure the world is ready for the next phase of growth for renewable power systems. IRENA argues that pumped-storage hydroelectricity each. IRENA states that pumped-storage Chief Editor hydropower remains a key technology in supporting the integration of www. Additional energy storage capacity is evidently key to a greater role Te IHA fgures preceded a new energy storage technology roadmap for clean. of hydropower pumped storage capacity to date. According hydroelectricity should be separately evaluated when considering to a new International Hydropower Association options to support power system operations due to their commercial (IHA) briefng. Titled: it is also clear that pumped storage is still the least cost.” pumped-storage hydroelectricity plants installed with a total capacity A precursor to the 2015 Hydropower Status Report. with 26 GW. balancing and capacity markets. large capacity and storage duration. with renewable Chinese. around 7 GW is located in Italy and France. Indeed. Tis is signifcant as the fgures highlight the growing attractiveness of hydropower as a method of storing energy. China and the USA have the highest installed capacities hydropower has to ofer: “Not just in terms of clean energy generation.VIEWPOINT Hydropower Storage: The Key to Pumping up the Global Renewable Energy Rollout More than half of all the new global hydropower variable renewables. chief executive of IHA.com July-August 2015 / HRW 3 .’ the document indicates priorities storage technology available. from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Amin.2 GW and 1. in order to meet such a target an estimated 325 GW of new pumped-storage hydroelectricity will be needed. said: “Tis new information shows that hydropower’s strong growth trend around the world is continuing. the agency concludes. which is due for release later in the year. frequency regulation. most efective ‘Renewables and Electricity Storage. Europe has around 230 services and solutions to climate change. 23 but also the contribution it can make in providing a range of water GW and 20 GW.4 GW. concludes that we must double the global share of renewables to 45% by 2030 to avoid the worst efects of climate change.6 GW of pumped hydro capacity was installed in China over the course of 2014.” Pumped-storage hydroelectricity is at present “the only storage Certainly Taylor is correct to pick up on major growth of hydropower technology capable of cost-efectively storing large amounts of elec- in the developing world as a key development theme. On that basis. Germany and Spain.1 GW. However.25 GW of new hydro- competitiveness. Of this total.” explained IRENA Director-General Adnan Z. but he also tricity” (eg terawatt-hours) over multiple days. and around 5 GW in Austria. highlighted the growing recognition of the diversity of services that Japan. energy capacities — wind and solar as well as hydropower — but Tis roadmap is part of IRENA’s REmap 2030 program. renewable energy across the world’s power grids. industry and other For all the drive in R&D to develop alternatives to pumped storage. Tis includes.” and participating in diferent markets. According to IRENA. stakeholders should work together to advance storage systems as part once again it seems as if the world’s policymakers could learn from the of the infrastructure for a sustainable energy future. Richard Taylor. Canada up by 1. should be the frst storage options evaluated for helping balance grids Other active countries include Brazil and with high shares of variable output renewable energy. the IHA analysis. which ramping up pumped storage capacity. Tis means they power was installed in China that year. ‘2015 Key Trends in Hydropower. respectively. Malaysia with more than 3. despite acknowledged advances in battery storage technologies such as lithium-ion. making hydropower storage a vital element in the expansion of renewable energy. they conclude that pumped-storage capacity added in 2014 was in China. Meanwhile. be extended to the impact they may have in supporting grid operation Commenting on the fgures. some 21. and points out specifc actions where governments.7 GW.’ also fnds that an additional 0. Both by making incredible strides in developing renewable sources and technologies dominating the power sector. “Tis roadmap is a starting point for all policymakers seeking to integrate greater storage capabilities. should be considered both within national boundaries and in neigh- with India and Russia rounding out the top seven with installations boring countries: “Tis means the analysis of these technologies must of 1. for instance. Turkey 1. respectively. IRENA says. too.3 GW installed Furthermore. the growing volumes of variable output renewables like wind and solar.hydroworld. in particular in light of of 41 GW. logistical arrangements and contracting. Armenian government. Owned by NTPC Hydro Ltd. the Te value of the award was not disclosed. which was built with help from the Soviet Union in the 1960s. balance system. (BHEL) supplied. the project is on the Sutlej River in Mandi district. AFGHANISTAN ContourGlobal completes deal for 405 MW Vorotan project Plans to rehabilitate 100 MW Naghlu project move forward New York-based CountourGlobal fnalized a $US180 million deal Afghanistan national utility Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) in June to purchase and modernize Armenia’s 405 MW Vorotan plans to employ an international procurement adviser for rehabilitation hydroelectric plant. has received an order from Himachal Pradesh Power Corp. international technology conglomerate Andritz commissioned the four 200-MW Francis turbine-generator units. associated station auxiliaries. 520 MW Tapovan Vishnugad and 171 MW Lata Tapovan. India. installed and In related news.054 GWh. a control and monitoring for Andritz to supply three Francis turbines and generators. CountourGlobal signed an agreement with the Armenian govern- ment to purchase the project last January.” Te World Bank Group announced US$1 billion to support the African Armenia’s Public Services Regulatory Commission has approved a tarif plan for Vorotan’s operation that will extend for 25 years. digital governors. the World Bank has been fnancing the rehabilitation of electrical and electro-mechanical parts of the Naghlu project. Te and bidding documents. a static excitation system. but the contract calls main inlet valves.. to contained in a surface powerhouse.com . hydropower facility is 3. according to BHEL. balance of plant equipment. matching synchronous generators. management of procurement. procurement plan. 4 HRW / July-August 2015 Great Lakes Initiative (AGLI) through various programs to help countries in the region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) www. preparation and execution of requests for proposals Te three hydroelectric plants will be owned and operated by ContourGlobal subsidiary ContourGlobal Hydro Cascade. and electrical and mechanical of plant.hydroworld. as supplier is named for Shongtong Karcham Te 800 MW Koldam hydropower plant in Himachal Pradesh. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 2015. stafng. ending more than a year of negotiations with the of the 100 MW Naghlu project on the Kabul River. Head of the run-of-river facility is 131. Since 2006. Anticipated annual electricity generation at the Koldam ARMENIA Te run-of-river plant is being built on the Satluj River in the Kinnaur District. BHEL says. Ltd. has been commissioned.2 meters. Work includes preparation of a total installed capacity. company said in 2014 it will invest $70 million over the next six years on a refurbishment and modernization program that will “create DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO 150 near-term jobs in addition to the 150 long-term technicians World Bank via AGLI uses US$1 billion to support hydro projects employed at the plants. Te Vorotan project is a cascade of three plants on the Vorotan DABS now will hire an international procurement adviser to the River in southern Armenia that accounts for about 15% of the country’s utility for Naghlu’s rehabilitation. Other hydro projects NTPC is developing include 120 MW Rammam Stage-III. Te frst unit was commissioned supply electromechanical equipment for the 450 MW Shongtong on March 30. according to BHEL. Te company also provided Karcham plant.INDIA BHEL-equipped Koldam plant begins operating. and control and protection equipment. Independence Visit us at HydroVision 2015.hotims. heat and water for 80 million people. who are now providing reliable access to light. RENEWABLE ENERGY SERVICES: PLANNING AND PERMITTING PRELIMINARY AND DETAILED DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ENERGY. By using the vast natural resources of the country the people of Ethiopia are a step-closer to energy independence for their growing economy. The Ethiopian Electric Power Corp. reliable energy to the region.com RS #2 .The Tekeze dam and hydroelectric project in northern Ethiopia is now providing 300 MW of clean. Booth #6063 mwhglobal. and MWH partnered to train local staff.com http://hrw. for SNC-Lavalin. develop build and operated the 42 MW DRC as well as progress related to the Great Lakes Regional Initiative. AGLI is intended for African nations that include Burundi.hydroworld. Te Waneta expansion includes two parallel tunnels that feed two Partnership. which was awarded a US$575. to design and build the expansion in October 2010. exciters and Hydro and FortisBC under a 40-year power purchase agreement. as well as many others. could amount to 400.com . Energy generated will be sold to BC Voith also supplied the plant’s generators. and key members of the Eranove Group has signed a 30-year concession agreement with the Congolese government on the long-term development prospects for the Republic of Mali to fnance. Te expansion project also included the construction of a 10 km-long. Rwanda Uganda and the DRC and is aimed at supporting the peace Te World Bank Group is one of the main partners of the DRC. including two regional projects totaling US$1. improve their health and education services. 6 HRW / July-August 2015 balancing of power sectors and in meeting demand. and the Columbia Power 167.14 billion. AGLI supports infrastructure rehabilitation projects. Indrawati’s visit confrms the con- Te US$125 million plant is part of the Mali government’s efort tinued support of the group for this regional initiative. which.6 million contract Te project added a second powerhouse immediately down- stream of Waneta Dam on the Pend d’Oreille River. governors. and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in May 2013. Te Managing Director of the World Bank Group.000 MW.5 billion.S. Its portfolio includes 25 current projects amounting to US$3. which was to capitalize on its hydropower potential. experienced volunteer in terms of production costs and could even play a role in the fnancial mediators from the U.5 MW Francis turbines that were manufactured by Voith Hydro. Voith Hydro acted as a sub-contractor connected to the electrical grid in the province of British Columbia. agreement signed in February 2013 by 11 countries. According to the World Bank. traveled to the DRC in May to meet with President Joseph Deal signed to develop 42 MW Kenie plant Kabila Kabange. “Hydroelectricity is a renewable and competitive source of power In the past four years. 230 kV transmission line. Kenie project on the Niger River. Prime Minister Matata Ponyo. the World Bank launched after the joint visit of World Bank President Jim Yong Kim estimates. expand cross-border trade and fnance hydroelectric projects. Te expansion uses existing hydraulic head to generate power from water that would have otherwise been wasted. Te project was developed by the Waneta Expansion Ltd. taking advantage of energy from water that otherwise would have been wasted.” said Eranove www.WORLD NEWS CANADA 335 MW Waneta project connected to grid A 335 MW expansion of Canada’s Waneta complex has been various other auxiliary systems. have conducted mediation training sessions. according to AGLI. The 335 MW expansion of the Waneta project in Canada has been completed. which includes Fortis Inc. Sri Mulyani MALI Indrawati. and Columbia Basin Trust. Kenya. voith. those hydropower plants keep on running reliably. renewable energy from hydropower. Voith offers state-of-the art modernization and services to increase your power plants efficiency and contribute to increased clean. As time goes by. www.com RS #3 Renew the Promise of Efficiency        . At the same time new hydroelectric developments take huge steps forward.com A Voith and Siemens Company 𰀁 𰀁 http://hrw.hotims.Since its inception Voith has built hydropower plants.   𰀁.     . completion scheduled for 2020. Ltd.4).57 billion and will be constructed by Argentine company Jose Cartellone and Brazil’s OAS. Gafanhoto (14). Minas Gerais. Te concession contracts being million investment in the 102 MW Gulpur will be installed at the 383 MW Frades 2 ofered are expected to last 30 years. Te underground The U. of the engineering design. technical assessments. A spherical valve manufactured at Voith will hold an auction in September for six lots In a related development. Marmelos (4). A ceremony marking the funding and signing of a construction contract was held at the project site. Bracinho (16.5).250 MW each. said the investment is intended to “address the country’s power shortage.com . the International Hydro’s plant in China has completed a of hydropower plants totaling close to 6 GW Finance Corporation has announced a US$50 cross-border journey to Portugal. Coronel to $60 million for the Gulpur plant during a Domiciano (5. Sinceridade (1.012). that will control fows through the Frades 2 plant’s pair of reversible pump turbines. and help develop renewable energy sources.WORLD NEWS Joasal (8.4). $72 million for the project. Paciencia (4. USAID has pledged $200 million toward Group Chief Executive Ofcer Marc Alberola.2) and 5 m-high load along the last leg of its journey.hydroworld. (KOSEP). From Lexos. Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) government signed the Cavado River by Energias de Portugal Cajaru (7.416). Te plant is be used for assessment of environmental and subsidiary Kenie Energie Renouvelable. Maurao 1 (8. while the Los Blancos 2 surface powerhouse is to have a head of 184 meters contract to Mott MacDonald to perform generating 380 GWh annually. agreements for its construction in March. where it of capacity.S. The valve was shipped by boat from Shanghai via Rottendam in the Netherlands to Portuguese port city Lexos. Dona Rita (2. and hydromechanical and pumped-storage plant Agencia Nacional de Energia Eletricqa (Aneel) steel structural equipment. located in states Sao Paulo. — Lot E: Tres Marias (396) — Lot F: Jupia (1. with funds to Kenzie will be developed through Eranove of the country’s power supply. fnancing awarded for three hydro projects dam. Mira Power is a subsidiary of Korea South East Power Co. PORTUGAL Te project is to include a 272 m-tall roll- BRAZIL er-compacted-concrete dam. IFC announced its intention to extend up — Lot D: Ervallia (6. the valve was shipped by truck to the Braga Goias. on the Poonch River. Parana and Santa Catarina. ARGENTINA Peti (9. and Los Tordillos Dam. cost estimates and documentation for the proposed 4. two underground powerhouses of Voith ships valve for Frades 2 for 6 GW-worth of hydroelectric capacity 2.7) and Salto Grande (102) Argentina’s federal government has announced it will provide US$964 million in previous operators following sweeping energy fnancing for construction of the 443 MW Los Blancos complex. 119 MW Blancos 2 powerhouse. Itutinga January meeting.444) Some of these projects were surrendered by news service Telam. Tronqueiras Government provides fnancing for 443 MW Los Blanco complex (8. Parigot de Souza (260).5).2).4). according to state tax reforms introduced in December 2012.468).602) IFC.08). Rio dos Cedros (7. Piau (18. two diversion Aneel to auction operating concessions tunnels. a member of the World Bank Group. Te Los Blancos complex is to include 324 MW Los Blancos 1 powerhouse and PAKISTAN Contracts.04). support lower cost energy generation. Paranapanema (31. Neblina (6. as preparation of a fnancial package. with plants plant and the mobilization of an additional pumped-storage plant.2) and Ilha Solteira (3. in an efort to help regulate the consistency development of Diamer Basha. which is located in Argentina’s Mendoza province. 8 HRW / July-August 2015 www.9 million annually. Mira Power and the Azad Frades 2 is being built on the left bank of (52).” Gulpur is being developed by Mira Power Ltd. Included in each block are (all capacities in MW): — Lot A: Sao Domingos (12) and Rochedo (4) region of northern Portugal.408). Salto Weissbach (6. Camargos (46).5) with its special truck required to drive at a walking pace for the last 25 km.3) and Palmeiras (24. Agency for International Los Blancos 1 powerhouse is to utilize a head of 380 meters to generate 900 GWh Development has awarded a US$5. Te company said — Lot B: Governador Pedro Viriato it took two days to navigate the 40 m-long.551. Te 170 tonne component is one of two — Lot C: Garvia (8.6). review and upgrades Te project is expected to cost $1. with intended to complement the existing Frades social efects of the proposed project as well construction expected to begin in 2016 and 1 and Villa Nova facilities.500 MW Diamer Bhasha project on the Indus River. Marins (7.97). See us at: Booth 5105 Dam Inspection Check every millimetre Detailed structural and operational inspection using the most advanced and cost effective technology seaeye.hotims.com/hydro http://hrw.com RS #4 . Kashmir.hydroworld. PAKISTAN PNOC-RC. has been run-of-river plant by state-owned PNOC River and is a 50/50 joint venture between awarded a US$1. is expected to cost more than US$60 Te frst of its generating units was put into operation in 2012.. Energy generated will be sold to the National Transmission and Dispatch Company under a 30 year power purchase agreement. Te project will be fnanced on a commercial basis. called for Four workers were killed and 10 others wounded after an explosion reportedly rocked to spend more than $335 million developing a tunnel at the 969 MW Neelum Jhelum hydropower plant in early June. PHILIPPINES Pre-development approved for 45 MW Nalatang B project Te Philippines Department of Energy has Construction of the Boguchanskaya plant in Russia is complete and the reservoir is now at issued a certifcate of registration to Aboitiz full design capacity. Te level will allow Boguchanskaya to Furthermore. reaches design capacity Te plant was originally scheduled to begin generating power this year. on the Agno River near Kayaban. Te incident is the project’s second fatal incident in recent months. with costs anticipated to exceed $1.8 MW Binga and 30 MW the death of four when a wall collapsed in December. a consortium that includes the Yangtze Three Gorges Technology Power Corp. 10 HRW / July-August 2015 www. Other funding comes from the Islamic Development Bank. Magat hydro projects. 125. with completion scheduled for 2016.997 MW.com .277 billion engineering. a sub- sidiary of China’s Tree Gorges Corporation.98 billion. Renewables Corp. up to seven hydro projects that could have a joint venture partners for the development of fve hydro projects. the 720 MW Karot plant. last year. following Ambuklao.. Work on Karot is expected to start by the end of the year. Silk Road Fund and World Bank will buy shares in China Tree Gorges South Asia Investment. Opec Fund for International Development and Export-Import Bank of China. Power Company Ltd.WORLD NEWS million. has been flled to its designed capacity of 208 meters above sea level. the renewable energy arm of Four reported dead following blast at 969 MW Neelum Jhelum plant the Philippine National Oil Co. allowing for the pre-develop- operate at full capacity. Te People’s Bank of China. including Nalatang B. Te Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development has provided US$32 million RUSSIA for the project. UC RUSAL. PNOC announced in 2010 that it intended Te run-of-river plant is being constructed on the Neelum River near Azad cumulative capacity of about 200 MW. & Economic Development and China Aboitiz Power was selected to develop the Te hydro project is located on the Angara Machinery Engineering Corp. and will be located on the Jhelum River east of Islamabad. although JSC RusHydro has announced that the res- developer Pakistan’s Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) now says ervoir level behind its Boguchanskaya plant the facility’s frst units might not be commissioned until 2016. It is suspected that the blast was caused by a boring machine striking a gas Aboitiz already operates the 105 MW pocket. with completion by 2020. now reported as being ment of the 45 MW Nalatang B project. 2. with a contractual joint RusHydro and Russian aluminum company procurement and construction contract for venture model. Te project will be operated by Karot Te project. Saudi Fund. Reservoir behind Boguchanskaya plant amongst others. Booth #8033 Sulzer is the leading service provider for rotating equipment. Our customized and innovative solutions help to reduce maintenance time        .Discover the Sulzer Partnership Visit us at HydroVision 2015.     . turbines.   When pumps.com RS #5 . UK Phone +44 121 766 6161         http://hrw. compressors. generators and electric motors are es                Contact us to discover the Sulzer part   Sulzer Dowding & Mills Camp Hill Birmingham B12 0JJ.hotims. By Bruno Ferraro. a roller com- the Main Dam will house 16 Francis units will feature the largest dam in Africa. is located 700 km northeast of the Engineering.2 Mm3. Its reservoir of 70 km3 will be comparable to those of Bennett (Canada) and Kraskoyarsk (Russia). with embank- capital city Addis Abeba. is the civil works designer.000 m long and 60 m high. in the Benishangul– (EPC) Contractor. Nile River. Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will feature the largest roller compacted concrete volume dam in the world at 10. When it is completed. with its GERD’s water retaining structures include Two powerhouses located at the toe of concrete volume of 10. GERD the following: the Main Dam.DAM CONSTRUCTION Fast Track Approach to Design and Construction at Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Being constructed on the Nile River. G. and a Saddle Dam. See Figure 1 Gumaz region of Ethiopia. along the Blue based out of Italy. totaling 6. Tis article reveals the approach allows a radical reduction – at least 50% – of total project implementation time and full control of project cost.800 at 375 MW each.000 MW in 3 12 HRW / July-August 2015 www. Procurement and Construction 5. Claudio Rossini and Paolo Mastrofini T he Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam State-owned Ethiopian Electric Power m long and 175 m high. pacted concrete (RCC) structure that is 1. ment volume of 17 million m3. Pietrangeli.hydroworld.2 million m . Alberto Bezzi. Studio Ing. (GERD) and hydroelectric project (EEP) hired Salini-Impregilo SpA as the a concrete faced rock fll (CFRD) structure.com . for more details. the United States Zone Department of Interior’s Bureau of D Reclamation conceived the water resources development plan for the Upper Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. Neither design. when Salini–Impregilo and Zone Studio Pietrangeli resumed studies and site Zone A investigations. Construction has not yet reached Zone D. Fast-track approach Upstream Zone A (125 kg of LHHS cement) Downstream Zone C (100 kg of LHHS cement) Central Zone B (75 kg of LHHS cement) Upstream Zone A (138 kg of PPC cement) Downstream Zone C (115 kg of PPC cement) Central Zone B (90 kg of PPC cement) 25. e.” being under- 30. Age.capacity. in terms of “fast-track project. reveals the approach allows a radical reduction — at least 50% — of total project 0.hydroworld. Comprehensive Strength Design Requirement 365 Days In 2011.0 10. two non-gated emergency spillways. but its combination commissioning and testing procedures. which featured a dam Zone site named Border.0 20. solutions that are considered and reliable characterization of foundation “as simple as possible. in equipped laboratories at the site. 35. Te Project also includes a gated spillway. C GERD is the frst storage dam being built on the mainstream Blue Nile. 420-MW Gibe II. close to the USBR’s border site. Mpa taken by Salini-Impregilo. and construction risks. construction was in full swing.0 Gibe III. enables quick construction methods. but not simpler than conditions of structures and construction required. the plans B and studies remained as they were created until 2010. of these two challenges is unique in the water technical specifcations. In the 1960s. Days 100 1000 Te main challenges for schedule control of GERD are the size of the related works.com July-August 2015 / HRW 13 . Successful application in three Compressive Strength. including studies site investigation and testing. integrate and update infor- combined with its remote location.0 Te Fast Track Implementation method is based on the concurrent development of all relevant phases of a large hydroelectric project.” materials available in potential quarries and Level 1 design represents the fnal defnition of a section of works. detailed construction/manufacturing to supplement.0 Ethiopian projects. design and construction. upstream of Roseires Reservoir (located in Sudan). Large availability of earthmoving and infrastructure industry. it contains all the elements required to understand EPC has extensive in-house capacity for borrow areas. for an expected annual generation Figure 1 — RCC Average Compressive Strength (85th Percentile Guaranteed) of 15 TWh. during construction. construction drawings.g.0 15. one 500 kV substation and switchyard. drilling equipment allows prompt access and is acute at GERD.0 GERD represents the most daring challenge. method statements. Level 2 represents the applies such capacity. investigations. Experience has taught that the most execution of boreholes and in-situ tests over task through a threefold approach: a two efective measure for smooth construction the entire project area. Tis. detailed mation provided by the initial campaign. a 240 km transmission line and 120 km of access roads. studies. www.0 implementation time and full control of 1 10 project cost. very Note: Zone D has design specifcations similar to or less stringent than Zone B. Te EPC is facing the etc. other words. continuous investigations during progress is the adoption of reliable design the availability of state-of-the-art and fully construction and adaptive management of and practicable construction solutions.870-MW 5. whose detailed composition is under optimization. Te above allows preventive the technical solution. together with level design. Since then. 460MW Beles Multipurpose and 1. and routinely defnition and management of geotechnical and calculations. Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and contour lines. such as electricity generation. With a zoom-in approach. thus reducing to a minimum the need graphed from the right abutment. altitude.hotims. length and orientation of discontinuities). battery level. orthophotomosaics. it is a accuracy of the information acquired. Te self-piloting software allows the drone to adjust and adapt the fight plan in real time following This image. Te speed of execution makes this method particularly suitable for large areas and situations in which concrete is being poured very shortly after mapping: a useful feature for the fast-track approach.g. were employed to prepare detailed geo-referenced ortho-photos. obtaining a georeferenced three-dimensional model of the foundation surface that contains all the information on topography.com RS #6 14 HRW / July-August 2015 from the linkages between the direct consequences of a project and www.. In order to speed up foundation mapping and to improve attached to a telescopic pole. Te procedure also carries out specifc measurements on the digital model itself. During the survey. an innovative technique has recently been tested during the foundation preparation works. the drones are radio monitored up to a distance of about 3 km and work progress is displayed in real-time on a laptop. remotely controlled using a tablet with a Wi-Fi connection. drone-aided photogrammetry (200 m) and “girafe technique” (10 m). nicknamed. Girafe. these were then uploaded into the drone controller. equipped with a digital 16 Megapixel camera. prerequisite of the foundation treatment and supports post-construction Large areas of the foundation were photographed using a camera monitoring. It has the added advantage of having georeferenced images and a DTM that allow the survey to be documented for future reference/verifcation. and other services provided by the structure. Indirect and induced impacts are those that stem http://hrw. for topographic and geological surveys. Te camera. about 10 every 400 m2. employment. for human intervention. Maximum use of national resources Maximizing the use of national resources for project implementation is an essential element for harvesting both direct and indirect economic impacts of the large investment associated with GERD. diferent technologies are utilized in design investigation: satellites (200 km). internal GPS and various sensors that include ground proximity.hydroworld. Booth #9041 the foundation surface from a maximum height of 10 m. photo- obstacles and other parameters. taken on site in January 2015. takes pictures of Visit us at HydroVision 2015. e. main lithological limits and rock defects (i. Tis procedure is faster and more accurate than a traditional geo- logical/geotechnical survey.com . Ground control points. presence of unforeseen of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance project’s Main Dam. airborne laser scanning (2 km). Te geotechnical assessment of dam foundation has primary importance in the design process and during the construction phase.Technological innovation Adoption of the “as simple as possible” criterion did not hinder tech- nological innovation. Flight plans were preliminarily prepared taking into account the morphology of the sites and the extension of the area to be surveyed and the required survey accuracy. wind velocity and direction. shows the massive scope the actual conditions of wind. Direct economic impacts are those deriving from the construction of the project. Pictures are then processed by photogrammetric technique. are topo- graphically surveyed. temperature. assuring the proper framing and overlap necessary for the photogrammetry processing. which is preceded by the selection of suitable starting and landing points as well as landing corridors. Te drones.e. protection. We provide comprehensive solutions for hydropower plant electrical and control systems.ingeteam.Harness the power from the water Visit us at HydroVision 2015. regulation and synchronisation.hotims. Protection and Regulation Systems 𰁜 Electrical Systems 𰁜 Substations The formula of the new energy [email protected] hydro. Booth #11088 At Ingeteam each project is addressed from the concept of i+c. innovation to develop the best solutions and commitment to provide the best service. integrating proprietary technologies for automation.com RS #7 READY FOR YOUR CHALLENGES . reliability and safety. capability and experience in renewable energy generating plants allows us to offer profitable solutions.com http://hrw. 𰁜 Control. Solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of each and every customer. Our independence. with the highest levels of availability. Typical examples include: during one dry season (November-May). use in sectors other than those afected directly At the same time.hydroworld. Booth #2093 Your Dam and hydropower specialist Knight PiÈsold specializes in renewable energy development. River Diversion Drones were deployed equipped with a camera and various sensors to prepare detailed Te original river diversion scheme featured an geo-referenced ortho photos. Ethiopian cements proved initially unsuitable for RCC. were to be constructed on both banks. together the rest of the economy. or changes in relative prices. sufcient and reliable provision of cement to meet the extremely high demand associated with the required RCC placement rates. maximum use of national Upon completion of the diversion culverts. employment and factory wages. digital terrain models. and detailed engineering to dam safety review and refurbishment. Visit us at HydroVision 2015. Hydropower | Pumped Storage | Run-of-River | Wind Power | Solar Power | Thermal Power Engineering and Environmental Consultants www.knightpiesold. contour lines and additional data. initial phase when the river was fowing in its natural gorge while diversion culverts. from resource assessment. Tis experience. resources entails management issues that need the river was to be diverted in the culverts. contributed to improve the cement manufacturing process and the quality of cement available on the local market resulting in benefcial efects for the overall Ethiopian economy. concept development. by the project. Dam.com http://hrw. Maximum to be addressed. Among them are use of national resources enhances indirect with the right and left portions of the Main impacts due to changes in output and input economic benefts. obtained in co-operation with the major Ethiopian cement producers.com .hotims.difculty in securing adequate stafng due to the remoteness of the GERD site. Te issue was solved with extensive laboratory and feld tests that fnally lead to the defnition of suitable RCC mixes employing improved locally produced cements.com RS #8 16 HRW / July-August 2015 www. please visit: www. Shaft Seals and Wicket Gate Bearings Helpful Full-Cycle Design and Technical Support For conversions to water made easy see how a turbine gets greener at www. Visit us at HydroVision 2015.com RS #9 .com http://hrw.ThordonBearings.com/hydrovideo Thordon Bearings is an industry leader in providing innovative designs that eliminate oil and grease. Booth #7062 ZERO POLLUTION | HIGH PERFORMANCE | BEARING & SEAL SYSTEMS To contact your local distributor.hotims.ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS THAT POWER THE WORLD OIL & GREASE-FREE HYDRO BEARING SYSTEMS Engineered for Conversions. Refurbishments and Hydro Maintenance Projects Main Guide Bearings.ThordonBearings. Te dif- diferent areas of the dam. RCC uses three tional channel on the right bank. it was essential to complete the construction of year foods. For the success of this scheme. Te redundancy of the spillway system wet season. reservoir will play an important role in malfunctioning of two gates (N2. its discharge capacity. the excava- tion required for its realization is used for embankment construction. Te river diversion A system of three spillways safeguards and optimization of each RCC ingredient scheme changed with the introduction of the project against the Probable Maximum and of the most appropriate RCC mixes for 3 3 2.hydroplus.000 y food in case of one dry season.500 Harbour Place Drive . assure the capacity of discharging the PMF Hydrological Safety 3 even in case of malfunctioning of one gate the central section of the Main Dam during With its 60-km active capacity. an emergency spillway because it will come into operation when the combined discharge River diversion featured construction of the appurtenant coferdams and training walls. Booth #3060 Canton Dam. Te peak discharge capacity is about 1500 where the river could overfow during the a key milestone of any dam construction plan.000 m3/s.000- central section of the Main Dam in the river Te rapid adaptation of plans permitted gorge. the scheme downstream countries.hotims.introduces redundancy in the system. . when foundation excavation attenuating large food peaks with remark- revealed a much deeper river gorge and exten- able benefts for the hydrological safety of RCC Placement Rates sive sediments in the riverbed. It is a free-crest type and can discharge up to 2.www. including appurtenant cofferdams and training walls. Extensive time has been devoted to the study had to be radically revised. Inc. the GERD (N1-rule) and the 10. It is designated as additional channel on the right bank.Suite 1211 . FL 33602 . Te third spillway is located on the right abutment of the saddle dam.rule). of the other two spillways equals the 1. Te main service spillway of the Project is a gated structure.Tel: (813) 223-3081 .com RS #10 18 HRW / July-August 2015 www. a key ingredient to guarantee the highest standard of hydrological safety.200 m /s peak discharge. A second spillway is located on the overfow section of the main dam. However.5 m3 rock excavation for an level (FSL = 640 m asl).hydroworld.Tampa. m3/s. Te saddle dam spillway is a side channel un-gated waterway. OK (USA) More Water .800 m3/s.More Power Safer Infrastructure Cost Efective › Increase water storage › Increase head on turbines › Increase discharge capacity › Extreme flood protection › Robust and reliable › Lower construction costs › Low maintenance cost › No operation cost Hydroplus. at maximum reservoir level is about 15.5 Mm of rock excavation for an addi- Flood 30. located on a saddle area to the immediate left of the main dam. including ferent typology and location of the spillways classes of aggregates (crushed rock) from FUSEGATE® AUTOMATIC SPILLWAY CONTROL SYSTEM Design ∙ Supply ∙ Installation ∙ Turnkey Visit us at HydroVision 2015.com http://hrw. Its sill is set 2 m higher than the full storage The river diversion scheme changed with the introduction of 2. which was to provide a temporary sill limited impact to the river diversion schedule.com . mm (grain size) and 20-50 mm (pea size). which section of the dam. Cement contents vary. a large RCC gravity dam. Speak to our skilled team and set a Hy performance challenge for us.5 R (Pozzolanic cement). Admixture dosages vary.000 t/hr crushing station and an auxiliary one of 400 t/hr. Tis method well refects the “fast track” system and its Two types of cement are used: allows mitigation of temperature rise by added beneft of continuously studying and CEM I 42.hydroworld. Coarse aggregates pass through an air pre-cooler plant which. each one of about 9. subdivided in 6 working zones. skills and products to meet it head pe on. pe RCC production process is continuously optimized. Production plants consist of a primary 2. Tis translates in one cold joint and seven warm ones.000 m2. eight lifts of the other fve zones.hotims. Wh Whatever your challenge. compressive strength. Booth #3041 RELATIONSHIPS BUILT ON TRUST RCC and joints). the overall placement area has been about 50. Achieving warm joint conditions guarantees design cohesion values for the lifts. yield RCC at 17 °C. fresh density. including times to be attained to maintain warm joint conditions up to 12-16 hours after RCC spreading. number of warm joints. and the stop period.000 m3 in December 2014. while minimizing joint treatment time. as well as maximizes the construction while achieving the required CEM IV-A 32. and in situ density.com http://hrw. 8-20 construction returns after completing the horizontal layers and sloping layers ramps. Equivalent values in the allows anticipating the necessary treatment. B and C respectively. are placed in each zone before production moves to another zone.200 m3/day. especially in the Comprehensive testing on plasticizer/ retarder admixtures allowed such setting presence of volumes and production rates.000 m2. friction angle and permeability. delivery of mixes takes place by conveyors belts and 32/40 t dumpers.4m thick. each one 0. in zone A. at GERD. weíve got the people. direct tensile strength (on parent PRODUCTS BUILT ON EXPERTISE Visit us at HydroVision 2015. Two batching plants feature eight mixers for a total capacity of 1. Since January 2015. Large-scale RCC production started in December 2013. with peaks of 23.000 to 235. air content. 6% gradient) ensure satisfactory connection important issues during the construction of between diferent areas of the dam.5 LHHS (Portland Low Heat heat dissipation from the lift surface during optimizing production processes during of Hydration and High Sulfate resistance).120 m3/hour. We are WEIR American an Hydroô. Tests during RCC production included: VeBe time.gneiss-granite quarry: 8mm (sand). Te adoption of a mixed system. Weíre a company steeped in experience on and rich in innovation. Quality control of placed RCC involved core drilling after three months from laying and include: density. RCC Temperature Control case of pozzolanic cement are: 138/90/100 kg/ RCC ramps (using sloping layer method with Temperature control is one of the most m3. Te cold joint is Type 2 (above 72 hours after compaction) and coincides with the lowest/starting one on which www. together with an ice plant. between 1. and monthly placement rates progressively increased from 75. Eight RCC lifts. Reduced dosage of RCC characteristics.0% and 1.com RS #11 July-August 2015 / HRW 19 .75% of cement weight. joints cohesion. through the cross admixture is used for the eighth lift. a temperature Te main purpose of the thermal study is monitoring and early warning procedure has to manage the risk of crack development Te main measures to control temperature of this key parameter. Furthermore. Particular attention was paid to the defnition of tensile strain capacA world record for roller compacted concrete placement was set at the construction site in ity.com RS #12 20 HRW / July-August 2015 www. with peaks of 23. results of extensive RCC test campaigns.hotims. warning and risk of crack. http://hrw. Te early warning procedure includes the defnition of threshold values and an indication of prompt actions to be taken in case anomalous temperatures are detected. mixes with low Thermal behavior during long-term dam is intended to meet design strength cement content. Tese temperature limits are defned on the basis of the mechanical characteristics of the RCC mixes. appropriate construction construction of the dam is being analyzed and permeability requirements based on the schedule. during the progress of works. continuous curing. namely: safe.hydroworld. detailed analysis of direct tensile tests December 2014. early warning.been implemented in order to verify.200 Mm3/day. and solar radiation protection by by software developed by Studio Pietrangeli.com . agreement between calculated and recorded temperatures. Te cement dosage of each area of the are: pre-cooling of materials. (providing both strength and modulus) and creep tests were carried out for the evaluation such as those associated with the GER Main rise in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Dam. Te temperature limits at diferent ages are portrayed in a graph indicating four zones with diferent safety factors against mass cracking. Alberto Bezzi is GERD Project completed (2. Back analysis was extremely useful to accurately defne the adiabatic temperature rise. visit HydroWorld.      . and Project management for scheduling and cost control are maintained by the following: — Early start of activities because site investigations and feasibility — Production parameters: placing temperature. with about 20% of the works Bruno Ferraro is GERD Project Manager for Salini-Impregilo. specifc heat.. discussed and agreed between the parties.com and search the block. ■ with 31 thermocouples. and teaming with Studio ture and solar radiation. thermal expansion coefcient. Paolo Mastrofni is a geologist/materials engineer for Salini-Impregilo. tensile strain capacity. Te thermal model is based on the fnite diference method. have demonstrated that large infrastructure projects can surface of RCC lift. temperature measurements in Coordinator for Studio Pietrangeli.3 Mm3 of RCC placed). measuring approximately 130 x 14 x 20 m. creep. the associated hydropower projects. the measured values. Full-scale trials were For more information and up to date news about this dam and conducted on an RCC dam block used in the river diversion scheme.) were preliminarily estimated during laboratory testing and subsequently — Use of the Engineering Procurement and Construction form of contract that sets the obligations of the parties. (i. Claudio Rossini is a geotechncial engineer for Studio the dam body confrm the good match with the values predicted by Pietrangeli. was equipped for renaissance. — Time variation of thermo-mechanical properties of the RCC/ Grout Enriched-RCC mixes: adiabatic temperature rise. lift height and lift placement rate. which Conclusions considers several factors that include the following: — Time-dependent ambient conditions: fuctuation of air tempera- Salini-Impregilo’s experience in Ethiopia. As of January 2015. It can be noted that the peak temperature and defning maximum allowable placing temperatures in relation to the correspondent time predicted by the model are slightly higher than construction rate and environmental conditions. etc. and — Salini-Impregilo’s knowledge of the country and capability of fast response to changed conditions. heat transfer by convection from the external Pietrangeli.e. during execution of the works. be efciently implemented using a fast track approach. which is on the safe side.by controlling the RCC temperature rise and it is accomplished by the calibrated model. Te thermal properties of the three mixes used in construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. adiabatic temperature rise. elastic modulus. validated by back analysis of full-scale trial tests. thermal difusivity. construction start. design are carried out concurrently to produce the basic design on which risks are identifed.       . -- Visit us at HydroVision 2015. Booth #5062     .     .                  -            . hydroworld.com July-August 2015 / HRW 21 .hotims.                http://hrw.com RS #13 www. PUMPED STOR AGE UPGR ADE Uprating of the Czech Republic’s 325 MW Pump Turbine Power station Dlouhé Stráneˇ Manufacturing the new runner. TG1. By Michal Feilhauer. which was cast in two parts from martensitic stainless steel With a rated output of 325 MW. In many cases the runners of high-head Czech Republic in 1996.hydroworld. Josef Mikulášek. hydroelectric power plant Dlouhé Stráně in the uprating of the frst unit. and Jindrˇich Veselý P ump turbines with the largest unit output of 325 MW. to 554 m with a rated unit pump-turbine caused by high dynamic loads of the pump Tis is usually caused by resonant vibration of 22 HRW / July-August 2015 www. ability due to cracks that occur in the runner. Europe’s largest pump turbines were installed at Dlouhé Stráně in the Czech Republic in 1996.com . After almost 20 years of operation the owner and operator decided to uprate the frst unit due to the forthcoming lifetime expiration of the runner caused by high dynamic loads due to fast transitions between pumping and generating mode. the owner and operator of the between pumping and generating mode and installed at the pumped-storage pumped-storage plant ČEZ decided upon the due to condenser operation in both modes. Tis pumped-storage Te reason for this decision was a forth- pump-turbines do not reach the required reli- plant operates at heads ranging from 495 coming lifetime expiration of the runner. Ladislav Štégner. Miroslav Varner. Aleš Skoták. After almost 20 years turbine unit operation due to fast transitions capacity in Europe at that time were of operation. The aim of evaluate frequency and mode shapes of the the upgrade was to improve operational reliability of the pumped storage plant. the zR fatigue resistance of the runner.hydroworld. Te second reason behind the uprating process was the request for a wider operational range. these felds can be described represents number of the runner blades and Te main source of excitation in water as felds with diametrical nodes. Using some analysis and authors years ago. RSI generates an unsteady pressure feld in the criterion mzR – nzS = k.com July-August 2015 / HRW 23 . Development of the new runner with expected higher reliability was supported by an efective cooperation among hydraulic and mechanical designers.the runner induced by a hydraulic interference between the runner blades and guide vanes. As observed http://hrw. Te number zS is the number of guide vanes. simplifcations. the improvement of the total efciency of the pump turbine cycle. Te principle was to complete the uprating with a replacement of the existing runner with a new one. and the afnity with the eigenmodes of the runner. of course. Besides fulflling the usual criteria for functional and power parameters it was also necessary to Model tests of the new runner design were undertaken in a hydraulic laboratory. as derived by several as well as to ensure a high level of corrosion hydraulic machine. especially in generating mode and. Te values of turbines is RSI (Rotor Stator Interaction).com RS #14 www. Te common casting and welding defect occurrence reduces the corrosion-fatigue properties of the runner material. excitation dynamic pressure feld.hotims. In this formula. of the diametrical nodes k is given by a simple m and n are arbitrary integers. With the new runner the turbine oper- high pressure pulsation in the rotating system frequency 142. power in pump and turbine mode. In the area around excitation mode. confrms that cracks within the pump turbine runners appear at the runner hub more frequently than at the shroud. Te results of Fourier transformation confrmed the theoretically evaluated frequencies and the practical value of the pressure pulsation which was used for FEM analyses of the whole pump turbine.ČKD Blansko have been taken into consideration. Te dominant frequency of 0 Hz to 270 Hz. the original runner due to the same number was confrmed as being more than sufcient.from the above criterion. have also by high frequency pulsation have been carried boundaries respecting the geometry of the fulflled the guarantees and all other tender out. Tis fact. hydraulic system. Detailed analyses of Hz. Results of the hydraulic research were rotor vibrations and the pressure pulsations of the excitation of the shaft bending modes. of the stress concentration. which of 5 MW up to the maximum of 328 MW. Te tests showed the maximum pulsations were found at the hub and were minimal at the shroud. i. All pump turbine parameters. Basic results of the model test are compared with the original runner solution. Te transversal modes of rotor are by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is represented by the number of the blades excited at very high frequencies fT = 587. a huge variation of the rotational speed during start and shutdown causes some short term resonances. draft tube and discharge tunnel loaded rotor structure and the fuid domain with ciency and the cavitation features. among others.6 has been realized in order to improve the and the guide vanes.8 Hz. confrmed at Litostroj Power . Te main consequences are the guide efciency level in both the turbine and pump the number of runner blades’ impact on the bearing load minimization and minimization modes.hydroworld. Te efciency increase in both modes was confrmed. Te pressure feld was evaluated by measurement within the laboratory and by CFD application as well. the process of runner manufacturing must be very precise. Te main Natural and forced vibrations of the Engineering Hydraulic Laboratory in Czech evaluated parameters were rotor vibrations.e. ef- turbine. Even if the runner is designed as resonance free for steady-state operation.g. Te model carried out with the participation of the client head cover vibration. Te shift of performance Q-H curve corresponds to the expectations of increased power input in pumping mode. pump tion behavior in water includes the complete as e. 20 guide vanes the number of runner blades Te eigenfrequencies of the runner vibration Te new hydraulic design allows the was chosen as nine instead of the originally in the water were analyzed in the range from extension of an operation range in turbine installed seven. Te fatigue cracks are usually indicated in the connection of the runner blades with the Assembly of the new runner for the pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant Dlouhé Stráne hub or shroud of the runner.6 Hz. Tis is exactly the 24 HRW / July-August 2015 www. In order to prevent possible cracks in the runner due to transients. spiral case and the draft tube. Te model acceptance tests were high frequency pressure pulsations and turbine Element Method) simulations.com . in the areas followed a 14-month-long manufacturing process. Based on these analyses for the existing turbine covers. Analyses of the whole developed for the analysis of runner vibra- representatives. the nearest afnity natu- ation range is from the extremely low value fR = 142. including penstock. new runner were analyzed by FEM (Finite Republic. requirements. Te operation of pumped storage power plant is characterized by frequent starts and shutdowns of the machine in both modes of operation. the crucial efect of the guide vanes and the same rotational An extensive hydraulic research supported on the excitation frequencies caused by RSI speed.8 Hz is the same for both the new and ral frequency was evaluated at 158. where there is low stress. where careful non-destructive testing Te measurements confrmed the guaranteed of runner manufacturing. three Litostroj Power Group. have led to the formulation of new concepts tifed. ■ Te entire manufacturing process of the new runner for pumped-storage hydroelec- After welding and tempering.g. In all. Aleš Skoták. runners for plants like Dlouhé Stráně. Miroslav Varner. e. Blansko Engineering. Josef Mikulášek.spot.s. these runner production process. parts are welded at the middle of the runner material consumption. down till the installation and commissioning Requirements for reliability of the runners. the runner tric power plant Dlouhé Stráně was fnally undergoes NDT tests according to CCH 70-3. where the welds are located during a statically balanced on the lens with hydrostatic months were necessary for completion of the standard manufacturing procedure. completed in 14 months. Standard and customized seals for hydro power plants     and above . the new concept of the low level of vibrations and pressure pulsations.together with the new technology of runner tensitic stainless steel GX4CrNi13-4 + QT1 failure. the development and fabrication of reliabile performed by Metal-Arc Active Gas Welding with fller metal Böhler CN 13/4-IG. Tis procedure reduces been in operation for two years. in order to comply with the required manufacturing . Runner is took approximately two months.represent essential factors in produced by the VOD process. reduces number of tempering during ability and sophisticated computer simulations Te two runner parts are cast from mar- welding and thereby reduces the risk of . Te welding is mechanical properties of steel. blades and semi-manufactured shroud with runner manufacturing process improved the Te uprating process was completed within the remaining parts of the blades. Czech Republic . Ladislav indicated size of surface and internal defects refurbishment of the original parts. a. which bearing to quality grade G2. Te workshop Michal Feilhauer.. eforts to of the runner vibration in the water. With knowledge gained from simulations of the new runner. the new efcient milling machines. As can be technical and economic parameters of the the planned period and the pump turbine has seen from the image on page 23.a member of in the exposed areas of the runner. Jindrˇich Veselý all work at CˇKD are compliant with the level 1 of this standard and upper ring or parts of the axial sealing. critical guaranteed parameters measurement was reduce costs and time required for production areas in terms of crack initiation were iden- carried out by an independent organization. time. lower Štégner.5 according to task. In addition to increasing the ation range in both modes. shortens production A state-of-the-art review of runner reli- blade height. during the production process are executed efciency values as well as the guaranteed oper- In this case the runner is executed as a repeatedly. commencing from existing unit shut decreases signifcantly the runner reliability. At the end of 2012. ISO 1940-1. with a sufciently semi-manufactured hub with parts of the runner reliability.      sealing materials                 installation time           .           . 8750 Judenburg Fax: +43 (0)3572 42520.com.hotims.com/seals machined.com RS #15 www.com/seals http://hrw.skf. A-8750 Judenburg SKF Sealing Solutions Austria GmbH Phone: +43 (0)3572 82555-0.seals@skf. www. Phone: +43 3572 82555-0.com July-August 2015 / HRW 25 . machined.seals@skf. Gabelhoferstraße 25.com Fax: +43 3572 42520 skf.hydroworld.   Sealing solutions from SKF Gabelhoferstraße 25. with a ceiling of 30 MW in Vietnam. According to this report. followed isolated farming communities and will focus exclusively on hydro (12%) and geothermal by Philippines at 1. Te report indicates at 1. 15 MW In late March. followed by Philippines at 248 capacity by a cumulative 50 MW. hydro development in the region can help the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Recent small hydro activity in this region is largely led by four countries: achieve its target of 15% of renewable energy Te projects will be bid in groups of three to fve.267 MW. according projects will make it possible to complete hydropower in this region varies by country.876 MW. Vietnam has Te plan is intended primarily to beneft renewable generating mix relies almost the largest potential at 2. to the report. at the very beginning of 2015. Te classifcation of small opment potential of 1. but it is also making progress on small hydro. By Michael Harris and Elizabeth Ingram U NIDO and ICSHP released a report of the others. allowing construction to start later by Indonesia with 4. the National Irrigation In addition. NIA said the size of the proposed with 3. according to an NIA ofcial interviewed by Asian news sources.SMALL HYDRO Southeast Asia Goes Small Southeast Asia is home to some large hydropower projects currently under development. It has 248 MW of in May. Te Te country with the largest hydropower Te Philippines has a specifc focus on small bidding process was supposed to take place capacity is Vietnam with 5. the MW and Tailand at 146 MW. existing small-head irrigation canals. Eastern Asia. A number of countries in the region have singled out small hydro as a route to accelerating clean energy development and they represent considerable potential. Te report indicates Vietnam 200 micro hydropower plants.876 MW and Indonesia on installing hydropower components on (3% total generation). many of them within six months. with a goal called World Small Hydropower has the most installed small hydro capacity of increasing the country’s hydro generating Development Report 2013: South- at 622 MW. followed hydro development. with each Philippines project costing at least US$1.205 MW.346 million.500 MW.hydroworld.com . in Laos and Tailand and 10 MW in some Administration said it plans to build 150 to the Filipino Department of Energy (DOE) 26 HRW / July-August 2015 www.519 MW and Tailand installed small hydro capacity but a devel- in 2015.424 MW. in the total power supply by 2020. Leonard Davao Light & Power Co.4-MW An estimated fve million people live in the fve provinces of Davao Guma River 1. In February. Cruz. Davao del Sur 700-kW Dapnan Baganga.6-MW Tudaya 1 and 7-MW Tudaya 2 hydropower plants at New Bataam New Bataan. Te pre-development service contracts will allow companies to begin site feasibility studies and compile required documents. said the awarded service contracts are for site Manay Manay. while Tudaya 2 utilizes the Sibulan River. Davao del Sur 2.5-MW specialist and engineer.hydroworld. Davao Oriental 1.35 MW.7 MW of small hydro capacity and another 2. Published reports indicate the projects. Davao Oriental 2-MW Bulatakay Creek Digos City.announced that it had awarded pre-development and development contracts to nine organizations for 22 new hydroelectric projects on Mindano Island.8-MW Quinonoan River 2 Quinonoan River in Davao Oriental 1. Compostela Valley Barangay Sibulan and Barangay Astorga in Sta. the projects represent a total investment of almost US$53. pervasive power outages. Tudaya 1 harnesses the Baroring River. www. Davao Oriental 15-MW Tagum River Tamugan Upper Maco 4-MW Davao City 11. certifcates and government endorsements. Table 1: Proposed small hydro in the Philippines Project Location Output Baganga River Baganga. Davao del Sur. and Dasureco also received a boost in Napon River Sta. Davao del Sur 5-MW Sumlog 2 Lupon. Davao Oriental 750-kW Manorigao Caraga. Rolando J.5-MW 1-MW 2-MW Quinonoan River 1 Quinonoan River in Davao Oriental 1.205 MW of small hydro development potential.5-MW Ruparan Digos City. Cruz. Vietnam hydropower developer Nam Mo & Nam Non Hydropower Joint Stock Co. Mt. Vietnam Vietnam is another hot spot for small hydro development in Southeast Asia.com 2-MW 2. Davao del Sur the 6. in the Davao Region. was moving forward on plans to complete construction of the 17-MW Ban Ang hydroelectric project. have a combined potential capacity of 256. Combined. Fara-on. Davao Oriental 17-MW pre-development and development. Te country has an estimated 621. DOE Mindanao senior science research Malita Malita.7-MW Region and it is the second-most populous area on the southeastern Hijo River 1 3-MW Hijo River 2 3-MW coast of Mindano Island in the Philippines. Nine diferent organizations own the projects and they include private companies.5-MW 4-MW July-August 2015 / HRW 27 . It lies outside of the typhoon belt and sufers from continual. local government units and electric cooperatives.4 million. Osmena power supply in May 2014 with the commissioning of two plants. British engineering consulting group Kenneth Grubb Associates Ltd. it is certain that the tunnel had sufered “Te benefts of developing this project Te mishap at the US$22. improve the region’s infrastructure. Studies will be carried Vietnam. Construction. fnd way of delivering sustainable solutions 28 HRW / July-August 2015 www. Energy. “Troughout negotiations.15 million to manage the fea- sibility and development of multiple small hydroelectric plants in Malaysia’s Sabah state. was suspended pending investigation geological conditions at the site. a company has considerable small hydropower poten- commission two 8. as to be 700-meters-long. With its hilly topography and abundant Nam Mo & Nam Non Hydropower plans Vo Nhat Tang is chairman of Long Hoi streams fowing to the foothills. “It is not every day that you have the chance to develop a complete hydro capability and.6 MW.” Te project is intended to support the State of Sabah Government’s (SSG) target of achieving “developed” status by 2020. are numerous. possibly adding more into the confrmed cause of a tunnel collapse Based on the examination of the accident than 430 MW to Malaysia’s grid. “Te collapse could have been a region with an existing shortfall. Te country has installed a small hydro capacity of 87. as the tion. which collapsed. In late 2014. is expected to provide 109. days to complete. poor design. which occurred and the 7. (KGAL) was awarded a contract worth more US$28. in doing so.27 GWh per year when it begins generating electricity. conditions have changed in run-of-river sites for projects with less than Dang River in the province of Lam Dong. construction and completion of facilities of to be swept by underground water into the Warisan Harta Sabah Sdn.” KGAL said. tunnel building at a has been being built for more than 10 years. according to the UNIDO and ICSHP erators. forestry at the site on Dec. or unqualifed construc- area. ground report.. Ban Ang. according to UNIDO. which is KGAL’s largest to electrical and control equipment as well as subsidence occurred and caused soil and sand date. we have been impressed with the Vietnam has seen a boom in small hydro development.” Hung said. Malaysia to hire a company to supply.7 MW against a report small Southeast Asia has the potential to generate nearly 22. but Da Dong-Da Chromo local economy by providing an income from exporting the power.4 million Da from structural problems before it collapsed. 16. Te groups said development of the projects would be in accordance with the International Hydropower Association’s Hydropower Sustainability Protocol. auxiliary mechanical equipment and reportedly said. passageway was nearly complete.hydroworld. failed to tackle the problem. with more than 270 MW of potential determination of the client organizations to capacity yet to be tapped. Bhd. contractors and 30 MW of capacity. Tere were no reports of serious injury or No timetable is available for construction at and fsheries — not to mention fueling the the site to resume. in Vietnam recently. Te contract. install. scene.Other small hydro projects have advanced deaths from the accident. out on 17 of the sites.com . alongside Sabah’s economic At the same time. there have been According to published reports. “It will not Dang-Da Chomo plant trapped 12 workers said Le Quang Hung. (WHSSB). health. hydropower potential of some 116. deputy Minister of only provide a reliable electricity supply to for three days.5-MW bulb turbine-gen- that is a major investor for the project. was ofered by the state’s investment arm. including solicitations in About 600 meters of the tunnel was com- 2014 to equip the 2. building code requirements. structure.5-MW about 500 meters from the opening of the Malaysia Dak Pring projects. Te work is expected to require 690 tunnel while [underground construction] and is expected to last around nine years. well as education.2 GW of cumulative hydropower. In November 2014. test and Hydropower Joint Stock Co. improve people’s lives.5-MW Nam Nghe and 7. the plant planning unit and power developer Nova Beta problems. according to local news sources. “During construction.8 MW-Son Vin project pleted before the collapse. agriculture. but it will All of the workers were rescued Dec. 19 from a caused by complicated geographical condi- also increase local jobs and tourism in the 20-meter-long section of the tunnel.” WHSSB. Tang tial. designed tions.” KGAL managing director Ken Grubb said. have identifed a number of potential 23-MW plant being constructed on the Da During that time. be successfully developed with lower capital Laos in April 2013 with the goal of providing Other players start-up costs and.com Sauer Com press or s innovative | pioneering | determined Dependable u p to 5 0 0 bar – a ny wher e. is so attractive that USA-based engineering benefts for rural communities. Booth #6105 © adrenalinapura – Fotolia. deliver additional socio-economic ing knowledge. said. by connecting remote areas specialized training and a forum for exchang- Te Southeast Asian small hydropower market to the grid.hydroworld. saying hydroelectric opened a Hydropower Centre of Excellence in Michael Harris is associate editor and Elizabeth Ingram is power is essential to boosting the country’s Singapore to provide hydroelectric engineering managing editor of HRW-Hydro Review Worldwide.2 million. Te train- director. to oil and natural gas as energy sources in Bank’s International Finance Corporation has IFC then sought consultants to serve as been active in recent years helping the country stakeholder engagement specialists for the “A common misconception is that hydro- formulate environmental and social programs hydro sector before announcing it would help power is limited to schemes that include related to its hydro sector. and construction services in Southeast Asia. with gross domestic product more than $845.. small and mid-scale hydropower Southeast Asia. Sabah.” Financing from IFC was then used Black & Veatch said that Southeast Development of all the sites would cost by Laos’ Institute of Renewable Energy Asia is one of the fastest-growing regions Promotion (IREP) — a unit of the Ministry in the world.that are in the best interests of the people of economic growth. “Governments and the invest- to be operational by 2025.com RS #16 www. Te company While it is one of the poorest nations in micro-hydro systems through public-private said mini-. increase in activity since 2000 with about 20 improve its management of environmental Black & Veatch Asia Pacifc Hydropower plants developed and up to 50 more expected and social risks this past October. ing included lessons in IFC’s Performance ment community are exploring alternatives. Laos is among the richest in partnerships in areas where the national grid projects have emerged as viable alternatives terms of natural resources. their heritage and their environment.” ■ In June 2013.com July-August 2015 / HRW 29 .” Charles Feild. As such. anyti me. the World is not expected to reach in the near future. which has seen an train Laos’ EDL-Generation Public Co. http://hrw. Visit us at HydroVision 2015. Small and mid-scale run-of-river projects can IFC announced the creation of a Hydropower Developers Working Group in the region.hotims. to large-scale dam development. Standards and sustainable business practices. of Energy and Mines — later that year to growth rates projected to average 5. IFC said it would help the and construction company Black & Veatch Laotian government create draft laws govern- announced in October 2014 that it had ing hydro development.4% per Laos seek investor-operators to build and operate year between 2014 and 2018. the report said. such as renewable incentives. Te study.” making hydro an attractive consideration.org/navigator. It is their respon- According to IRENA. Te agency promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable an increasingly valuable commodity in many use of all forms of renewable energy. it will infuence the choice of energy options. double by 2050. understanding hydropower. fnanciers like the World Bank.irena.” Frei said. “Governments must take a leading role in addressing the vicious cycle of Global hydroelectric power could Wildlife Fund and Te Nature Conservancy. of Sites for Micro-Hydropower On Rivers 30 HRW / July-August 2015 www. “No projects move — including hydropower — the knowledge.pdf. including hydro Hydroelectric expansion could be further encouraged. should border tarifs make hydro more conducive as an export revenue generator. also can be used to determine the from changing attitudes from international growth. facilitates the deployment of more renewable energy worldwide.” WEC said. price signals for additional services and fexible site selection process Te report notes that hydropower world- generation.” The report is available at https:// Global hydroelectric power capacity could Frei said. WEC report says Still. given what has been coined Te tool is available at: www. Brazil and countries in south- of Leicester and High Efciency Heating Hydropower has also beneftted signifcantly eastern Asia hold the most potential for rapid UK Ltd.’ “As the world moves IRENA was founded in 2009 as the global hub for renewable energy cooperation and to cleaner energy resources and water becomes information exchange. the Project Navigator walks developers through the process from initial idea to implementation. project proposal. with ancillary benefts like water storage also more innovative solutions are needed. tools. titled “Charting the new markets through cross-border trade and Development_2015_Report2. in doing so. the ‘energy-water nexus. Te app.” was pre- power pools and devising appropriate market sented during the recent World Hydropower conditions. “Large-scale projects will always be a challenge because there are so many authorities and stakeholders involved.” It works on the basis of flled out templates. rivers in the UK. cooperate and share the same water resources. and these will vary according project fnancing.com . “Te future lies in the opening up of Charting-the-Upsurge-in-Hydropower- Energy Council. drawing from a database of funds available for is increasing.” Nadeau said. regions. clearer App developed to improve hydro Congress in Beijing.c o n t e n t / double to 2. Upsurge in Hydropower Development. helping to create a comprehensive and bankable sibility to create the right conditions to bring forward the best projects. Tis tool helps project developers “overcome the barriers inherent in starting projects and. we need to share the knowledge that will lead to informed decisions that meet today’s sustainability criteria. Te Financial Navigator section allows users to search for funding “Te spectrum of development models by renewable energy type and region. “Whilst some govern- Te ISMORTASED software app allows wide has seen a resurgence since 2005 “due ments and multilateral banks are supporting users to automatically select appropriate to better management and understanding of and encouraging neighboring nations to locations for micro-hydropower turbines in what technology can provide. intended to give renewable energy project developers Richard Taylor said. wo r l d e n e r g y. WEC chair Marie- project proposal. electric growth — particularly in developing uploads/2015/05/World-Energy-Resources_ according to a new report from the World countries. Te resulting data can be stored in any Microsoft Ofce application format and/ should also make storage-based hydropower an or downloaded for any further processing to turn the gathered information into a attractive consideration. with users being made aware of what information the template should include and what the diferent questions mean If hydropower’s contribution is to double. developed by the University China. there is further room for hydro- w w w. case studies and best practices to forward without the government concerned support completion of their projects. Jose Nadeau said. with a number of the environmental sensitivity of the location.hydroworld. as well as sup- world’s greatest producers of hydroelectric ISMORTASED stands for Identifcation port from organizations including the World power still having vast untapped resources.” Droughts impacting many parts of the world through the use of pop-up windows. WEC secretary general Christoph rising water and energy demands.” International Te International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) announces the availability Hydropower Association Chief Executive of its Project Navigator tool. o r g / w p .000 GW by 2050 or sooner. the report said. including hydropower. India. to the local expertise and access to markets..TECH NOTES IRENA launches tool to help renewable project developers. marking what the company calls “another milestone for small hydropower. Panel will guide environmental and social efforts during Bisri Dam construction Te Lebanese government plans to employ a Panel of Environmental and Social Experts to oversee construction of Bisri Dam. before announcing an expansion of the facility in August 2013. Te Kossler plant has since been named Voith’s “European Competence Center” for small hydropower. and save time and paperwork panel is to ensure that the project complies by making use of free publicly available data with international standards of excellence sourced from satellites. www. a social over two years. at which point the plant was to manufacture Voith’s Visit us at HydroVision 2015. according to specialist and a cultural anthropologist. Te work to date was funded by a grant from Innovate UK for an initial 10-month feasibility project. Te the university. despite the challenges hydropower is exposed to at the moment.com RS #17 July-August 2015 / HRW 31 .” Voith chair Dr. “With the release of the investment in the construction and expansion here in St.hotims. and safety for water resources infrastructure. Voith said it would acquire what was then known as Kossler GmbH Maschinenfabrik in November 2007.com http://hrw. Voith inaugurates technology center in Austria Global manufacturing conglomerate Voith has inaugurated a new Hydropower Technology Center. in particular in the European market environment.” Kossler managing director Josef Lampl said.hydroworld.” A gala held in conjunction with the company’s “Join Small Hydro Experience” symposium marked completion of the facility. “Te potential of hydropower is a long way from being exhausted. Georgen. Booth #8083 StreamDriver turbine generators. Roland Munch said. we demonstrate that at Voith we believe in small hydropower. fve years of construction for the For more technical news.TECH NOTES Trough Applied Satellite and Environmental Data. check out the Technology and Equipment tab at validation campaign and develop case studies. and post-construction operation and infrastructure will beneft from the exper- maintenance during initial reseroir flling Te prototype software will save thousands tise of an environmental specialist. which is an expansion of an existing Voith plant. of pounds in initial survey costs. Tis water supply dam and associated dam. Developers are now seeking further fund- Te panel’s work is to cover pre-con- ing to undertake a more robust national-scale struction. however. and electrical and mechanical power plant equipment. powerhouse. further development of the site. control technology. although a fgure has not Te Liberia Electricity Corporation. Money spent to repair the HYDROPOWER   Visit us at HydroVision 2015. the plant was sions due to the country’s Ebola epidemic destroyed during a period of civil war in the stalled progress. The Liberian government originally station STV. it would not have been seen quickly. maintenance. two with Liberia Ebola-free in May.research and development. on the St. and placed in the water.hr www. Croatia phone: +385 1 3667 474 e-mail: gim@koncar-gim. have been done between May 10 and May 18.” According to a report by Scottish television Te company fulflled a $13 million project at Mount Cofee in 2014. Voith Hydro is modernizing the plant’s Francis turbines and delivering new gener- Te deal will see Dawnus perform recon- “We are very proud to be part of this struction and rehabilitation of the project’s important project.references of delivered generators worldwide. in the Scottish Located.com RS #18 32 HRW / July-August 2015 VISIT US AT BOOTH 4060         . to help fnance 64-MW Mount Cofee hydropower plant. commissioning of in-house products. the began operating in 1973. 10000 Zagreb. “Liberia’s electricity grid was other infrastructure and road works. Paul River 27 kilo- by the end of this year. engineering and design. Because the project is remotely controlled. 18 boulders were dislodged planned for the rehabilitation to be completed from the base of Lairg Dam. meters northeast of Monrovia. STV reports the damage is believed to been released. International Ltd. overhaul. is Liberia’s 64-MW Mount Coffee upgrades to bring the facility back on line is managing the Mount Cofee Hydropower UK-based construction firm Dawnus estimated at $230 million. installation. compact generators for small hydropower plants Fallerovo šetalište 22. lion contract to construct main civil works including the European Investment Bank associated with the reconstruction of Liberia’s and European Central Bank.hotims.hr http://hrw. the work. Te original powerhouse con- Te World Health Organization declared tained four turbine-generator units. Te government Plant Rehabilitation.” Dawnus managing director main dam. Vandals damage Lairg Dam and the development will bring enormous in Scottish Highlands benefts to the country. It is expected that needed repairs to the dam will be costly.hydrogenerators up to 300 MVA . pushing a capacity of 15 MW that began operating in the project’s new completion date to the end 1966 and two with a capacity of 17 MW that of 2016. refurbishment and modernization of in-house products and products made by other manufacturers PRODUCTION PROGRAMME .koncar-gim. testing.DAMS & CIVIL STRUCTURES Te cost to make the needed repairs and national electricity company of Liberia. spillway. Booth #4060 Tailor made generator manufacturing since 1946 MAIN ACTIVITIES . intake and Bob Kottler said. establishing a camp and other preliminary works allowing for ators. has signed a US$62 mil- has received funding from various donors. upgrading. manufacture. almost entirely destroyed during the Civil War. though work suspen- Highlands. Dawnus performs civil works Liberia’s government is currently accepting bids to operate and maintain the plant. early 1990s.          Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd #$%& $ %% #$%& .  $&%  %   . $& &  $   !!" Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd           . COM http://hrw.hydroworld.     [email protected] RS #19 www.hotims.com WWW.com .GILKES. hotims. Upper Tamakoshi project workers. the incident occurred on the last 427 meters long and 12 meters high.200 MW. a list of earthquake damaged state.” But.5 MW from 25. in the UK. wind. Nepal earthquake that killed more than the worksite’s storage area. the Upper Tamakoshi (CCBM). as well as site following the earthquake showed the dam in Altamira. Prasad Shrestha. while three others were treated at transmission. to the Belo Monte Construction Consortium dam is a concrete embankment structure According to NEA. “with all the efort possible” . According constructed on Nepal’s Tamakoshi River. biomass and marine renewables projects.000 people. which was able to hold about damage. Lairg Dam impounds Loch Shin. capacity of 11.and Tree workers were killed and several oth- Belo Monte’s completion deadline is 2018.000 MW by 2018. initiative to increase the country’s hydroelec- being built on the Xingu River. Emergency responders spent close to 15 Published local news reports quote Bigyan hours searching for the bodies of the three Owner SSE is involved in the generation. Te concrete dam settled as a result of the April day of May when a truck was delivering to powerhouse has a capacity of 3. hydroelectric project suffers “settlement” Three killed at Belo Monte SA made a deal to acquire a 49% share in the Nepal’s Electricity Authority has released hydropower plant worksite plant from mining company Vale. a vertical Kaplan turbine-generator unit and 7. began operating in 1959. will have a tric capacity by 10. there was no other SSE also plans to build a 1. distribution and supply of elec- chief. plant in the Den of Airlie that will provide Te project is one of several revealed by additonal power to the local community and it Nepal’s Finance Minister Baburam Bhattarai 500 tons of cement. developer Norte Energia fled a that includes the US$664 million 456-MW collapsed at the Belo Monte hydropower request for a construction extension.com RS #21 July-August 2015 / HRW 33 .DAMS & CIVIL STRUCTURES facility may come from operating budgets.com http://hrw. Cemig Geracao e Transmissao Nepal’s 456-MW Upper Tamakoshi Visit us at HydroVision 2015.hotims. independently-owned hydroelectric projects ers sustained injuries when a cement silo but in June. In April. Booth #6079 http://hrw. sustained “settlement.hydroworld. saying an initial inspection of the project the site before being transported to a hospital tricity and owns 63 hydro plants.4-MW hydro Police in Brazil’s Para state are investigating the silo’s collapse.com RS #20 www. CCBM said it will help also owns thermal power generation facilities in September 2008 as part of a government Te US$26 billion Belo Monte project. Te Upper Tamakoshi hydroelectric facility being plant’s construction site in Brazil. capabilities necessary for cooperation with the Indonesian government. signed by Indonesian Economics Afairs Coordinating Minister preparation including appropriate policy Sofyan Djalil and Iranian Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian.” Chitchian said.500 MW of small hydropower Indonesia within the next fve years.british-hydro. 50 Renewable Energy (MNRE) released details Green Highland has ofces in Perth and kW Tinning.com RS #22 34 HRW / July-August 2015 www.” London investment frm acquires small hydro developer India reactivates fve stalled proposals Sippi. NMSH’s objective is to address issues Te hydroelectric projects will range in capacities between 1 MW and 10 MW. G2 3HN To book your place visit www.hotims. With thanks to our Conference Sponsor BHA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015 AT THE HEART OF HYDRO IN THE UK 10th & 11th of November The Glasgow City Hotel Cambridge Street. Phase 1 of the US$71. India’s Ministry of New & has resumed. MNRE seeks to add an Iran’s government has fnalized a deal to develop 48 small hydropower plants in additional 4.hydroworld. whose technical capabilities are internationally responsible for decline of the small hydro competitive. Glasgow.SMALL HYDRO Iran to build dozens of plants in Indonesia through 2020 which began in May with the reactivation of the Rina project in East Siang district.7 GW of hydroelectricity is distributed on the national grid. could help Indonesia in building power plants.org http://hrw. sector in India and to regenerate private sector 11.com . which indicates the interest in making investments. in the subsequent three years.5 million project seeks an additional 500 MW of small hydro capacity in the next two years. including 2 MW Rina. 400 kW of the National Mission on Small Hydro Dingwall and claims a 100% success record that develops small hydro facilities. 300 kW Saskorong. “Iranian power plant companies. refects other recent interventions will be done in the frst two eforts between the countries to strengthen economic ties. Highland Renewables. a Scottish company in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh In February. “Currently. years of the mission”.150 kW Mechuka and 500 kW Siri Ancala Partners LLP has acquired Green Development of fve small hydro projects Korong. “for which Te agreement. 000 MW of wind power. Av.SMALL HYDRO in gaining planning consent for more than Te scope of the contract includes hydro- 50 hydro schemes that have a total combined electric plant construction work. Booth #6109 2016. telecommunications and transport sectors. Año de Juarez 205 Granjas San Antonio Mexico City. www. vertical or horizontal. energy. are custom built. Zvolen and Starina. consultative engineering and Lucerne utility group ewl Kabelnetz AG has construction services.com.9 million (US$11 million) contract to Palestra a. generators. brownfeld infrastructure Malinec 2. Te facilities included in this work are Andritz selected to supply unit for at the 2. Hummingbird says the plant would sig- nifcantly contribute to the domestic power supply in southeast Liberia and provide con- POTENCIA INDUSTRIAL. order to obtain aid under Slovakia’s law to promote renewable energy. We provide creative solutions that meet and exceed the toughest technical requirements while maintaining the highest reliability and efciency. Te objective of this work is to reconstruct and modernize small plants in Established in 1958.com RS #23 July-August 2015 / HRW 35 . Slovensky Vodohospodarsky Podnik.F. typically in the district heating. D.mx Slovensky Vodohospodarsky Podnik awards contract for Slovakian rehab Slovakia’s water management agency. turbine works and awarded a US$1 million contract to Andritz hydraulic turbines. Nearly 90% of our production was destined for the U. Potencia Industrial ofers engineering and manufacturing of special application high-efciency electrical motors. Francis or Kaplan turbines.s. Financial terms of the acquisition have not been released.potenciaindustrial. The deal was signed between IFC InfraVentures. and Adlwych International.hydroworld.7246 [email protected]. M-G sets and power systems. assets. and Canada in the last 5 years.mx siderable potential to reduce operating costs of the Dugbe 1 mine through the delivery of low cost power. Te agreement covers a plant to be located about 10 km from Hummingbird’s Dugbe 1 Gold Project. low risk.7303 +52 (55) 5686. Velke Blahovo. Andritz is to supply a multi-nozzle Pelton frm founded in 2010. turbine with a 2. design services. for high. Ancala is an infrastructure investment Dedinka. Te mid-market. A pre-feasibility study will be conducted Built to Spec High Reliability Low Maintanence Very High Efciency Life-Long Service Up to 20 MW Generator Types: Induction Synchronous Permanent Magnet by Knight Piesold Consulting to assess the technical and economic viability of the project. Malinec 1. has awarded a €9.com. Foro ver thirty years we have dedicated to the advance of rotary electrical machinery technologies.com http://hrw. we delivered equipment equivalent to 2. Hydro AG to replace the turbine-generator Previous shareholders in the company include Scottish Equity Partners and the Scottish Investment Bank. Male Palenisko. suitable for Pelton. S.S. constantly setting new industry benchmarks. to reconstruct and modernize 10 small hydropower projects in the country.A. Te study is expected to be complete by April Visit us at HydroVision 2015. Te company invests in Nitrianske Rudno. installed at several hydro sites around the world. 60 MW of hydroelectric power and 100 MW of industrial electric capacity. Klenovec 2. www. engineering upgrade of Arni in Switzerland capacity of about 50 MW. Our state of the art hydrogenerators. Malinec 3. Custom-Built High-Efciency Generators For Small Hydro Applications Agreement signed to develop plant in Liberia Hummingbird Resources has signed a col- laboration agreement to begin planning and developing a small hydro plant in southeast Liberia. the IFC Global Infrastructure Project Development Fund. work is expected to be complete by April 2016. 09070 +52 (55) 5686.5 MW Arni plant in Switzerland. low or variable speed.8 MVa generating set. commented: “We see it as a game-changer — a in the world. Inc. accred- project in Wales has taken a signifcant step forward with the granting ited grid-connected test berths for full-scale prototypes. TLSB expects commercial operation of the plant to begin in 2019. We supply custom stamped laminations and assemblies to a variety of customers – large and small. NY 14219 716-821-5961 • fax: 716-821-5965 • www. with a number of prominent wave.com RS #24 36 HRW / July-August 2015 www.MARINE HYDROKINETICS will mean redundancies.” waters of the Eastern Scheldt estuary make the location ideal for EMEC managing director Neil Kermode said: “Te last year has generating tidal energy. this Regional Development Fund. which include a 10 km sea wall.” Shorrock added: “Te tidal lagoons that follow — at Cardif. Rotor.com • ISO REGISTERED S E R V I N G M E D I U M TO H E AV Y I N D U ST R I A L MOTO R A N D P O W E R G E N E R AT I O N I N D U ST R I E S http://hrw. now and in Te Netherlands from fooding from the North Sea. is the largest of the world-renowned restructure in order to “ensure that EMEC retains the capacity to meet Delta Works series of dams and storm surge barriers.2 MW. Approval from the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) builds momentum behind Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay plc’s (TLSB) plans.” Kermode added. established in 1984 Sotek. Whether your need is for immediate turn around or delivery of production quantities on a regular basis. reliability and quality are your expectations… TURN TO SOTEK/BELRIX A leader in the manufacturing of precision metal stampings. paving the way for a feet of lagoons. Te EMEC site is arguably the most signifcant MHK test facility TLSB chief executive Mark Shorrock. at Netherlands tidal energy project advances Newport. Regrettably. I am going to have to restructure EMEC. Te Oosterschelde barrier. as well as the wider industry. Fast-fowing the coming months and years. and due to current market Te US$12. as well as test of planning consent.hydroworld. INC. and Belrix Industries. and Pole Assemblies Vent and Finger Plates Stamping and Laser Capabilities Complete In-House Tooling Capabilities BELRIX INDUSTRIES.4 million project is being backed by the European conditions..” Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon gets go-ahead Progress on the 320-MW Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon hydroelectric Te reorganization of the center. scalable blueprint. who envisions similar lagoon projects beyond Wales. we are equipped to meet your needs. been particularly difcult for the industry. and Pole Laminations Stator. also known as the Te European Marine Energy Centre has announced its intention to Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier. tidal and ocean energy companies having been deployed at the site. • 3590 Jeffrey Boulevard • Buffalo.sotek. designed to protect the needs of our customers.hotims. Inc. elsewhere in the UK and overseas — must each make their Tocardo Tidal Turbines has announced plans to install the largest own compelling social. environmental and economic case to proceed.” tidal energy project in Te Netherlands with an array of fve turbines. • • • • • Stator.com • info@sotek. the machines will be built in the Oosterschelde barrier near EMEC announces restructuring the province of Zeeland. sites in less challenging conditions of the coast of Orkney. Rotor. Due to be operational later this year and with a total capacity of 1. which ofers independent.com . “will not have a negative impact on the service we provide. the Dutch government and the province When precision. Scotland. whilst the government deployments will eventually build into an array with a total capacity of will provide money and expertise.by 2016. subsidiaries Chilectra and Endesa Chile. Chilean sign joint MHK R&D deal Islands in Zhejiang. a seabed area west of Anglesey. the three sites will be located at Weihai Port in Shandong. For more ocean/tidal/stream news.de ∑ info@ deva. Booth #6082 With over 30 years’ of manufacturing and repair experience.Shandong. Additional US$20 million in cash and in-kind funding.hotims.houghton-international. North Wales.A. including the establishment of Minesto UK Headquarters in de Chile and Universidad Austral de Chile. In November DCNS and Italy’s Marine energy company Minesto will install the frst commercial-scale Enel Green Power S. 0. reserve. and Wanshan Islands in Guangdong.deva.hydroworld. Weihai will A deal to co-fnance the development of marine energy research and be a “shallow-water” test site while Zhoushan and Wanshan test sites technology in Chile has been signed by French technology frm DCNS will focus on tidal and wave energy respectively. we offer: • Supply and manufacture of premium high voltage coils and auxiliary winding kits • Specialist electro mechanical engineering support • Computer aided design. and the Chilean government.58 TWh of marine energy 30 VIS 56 I AT T US HY ON DR OV STAN ISI ON D 20 15 Visit us at HydroVision 2015. performance upgrade and reverse engineering capabilities • Worldwide in situ support services • Premium coils specifically designed for industrial. MERIC is supported by approximately Holyhead Deep.hotims.de http://hrw.com Federal-Mogul DEVA GmbH ∑ Schulstrasse 11 ∑ 35260 Stadtallendorf / Germany Phone +49 6428 701-0 ∑ Fax +49 6428 701-108 ∑ www. Financed in part by which are providing major funding. power generation and hydro applications Telephone: +44 (0)191 234 3000 Email: info@houghton-international. China has an estimated annual 1.MARINE HYDROKINETICS of Zeeland as part of the Operational Program for Zuid-Nederland. 10 MW. the research and development foundation Regional Development Fund.com World-class bearing technology for Hydropower Driving Innovation World Class Bearing Technology www.com RS #25 www.p. Zhejiang and Guangdong .com Website: www. with the potential to harness 650 GWh. a US$163. research institutions Pontifcia Universidad Católica roll out.com RS #26 July-August 2015 / HRW 37 . Te funding is part of the commercial INRIA Chile. Zhoushan DCNS.com http://hrw. as well as Enel Group North Wales and commissioning of the frst commercial power plant. see the Hydro Project Activity tab at China preparing MHK test sites China is planning to construct marine hydrokinetic (MHK) test sites of the coasts of three provinces .4 million fund created in May 2010 for renewable energy. signed an agreement to build MERIC. Te agreement will help Chile develop its Marine Energy Research First Deep Green tidal tech set for Wales and Innovation Center (MERIC).federalmogul.5 MW power plant using its Deep Green MHK technology in An eight-year project. expected to be operational in 2019. MERIC will beneft from the support of the Chilean development Minesto has been awarded a multi-million grant from the European organization Fundación Chile. 76 4840 Vöcklabruck / AUSTRIA E-Mail:[email protected] LISTINGS www.at     .at Innovations for Waterpower 𰀁 Precision & Perfection   engineering Trash Rack Cleaner Hydraulic Steel Structures BRAUN Maschinenfabrik GmbH Gmundner Str. com 𰁱 www. Cumbria LA9 7BZ. 1120 Vienna. Canal Head North.com TURBINES AND STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS FOR HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING EVERYTHING FROM A SINGLE SOURCE PLANNING I PRODUCTION I DESIGN Small clearances High strength 866 635 7596 866 682 3484 Place your company among other professionals on this page 4120 Neufelden.hydroworld. 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Austria Oberfeuchtenbach 11 +43 7282 59 22-0 offi[email protected].    No grease wicket gate bushings Vesconite Hilube Long life No swell ● ● ● 𰀗DESIGN / ENGINEERING / MANUFACTURE / INSTALLATION𰀃/ COMMISSIONING / SERVICE 𰀗FULL MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL PACKAGES 𰀗WATER TO WIRE SOLUTIONS𰀗PLANT MODERNISATION 𰀗INVENTORS OF THE TURGO TURBINE 𰀗SOLUTIONS FROM 50kW to 20MW Toll free USA Canada www.com/hydro vesconite@vesconite. Francis.at ● ● ● vesconite. Cavitation & Vibration Assesment .eu The only Independant Laboratory for .0 www. +49 6101 55-1164 · bernd.com www.P.96ZLWFKERDUGV in Ge Made rmany 79261 Gutach / Germany Tel.com We Know Governors www . +43 7285 514 .epf. com July-August 2015 / HRW 39 .Transient and Stability Study .PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS Turbine & Alternator Manufacture Water-to-Wire Solutions Made in Germany :.10 ZZZZNYDJFRPVDOHV#ZNYDJFRP Modular Hydro Hydropower for your success AUSTRIAS BEST QUALITY 4085 Niederranna 41.P.STE-ENERGY.IEC60193 Model Acceptance Testing .com From the Oldest Mechanical to the Newest Digital.O.metzger@de. CH-1007 Lausanne..O.global-hydro. Switzerland Email: info..97XUELQHVXSWR0: :. Fax: +41 21 693 35 54 http://lmh.0 · Fax: . de Cour 33 bis.COM WE PROVIDE EVERYTHING TO SUPPORT HYDRO GOVERNORS • Legacy Parts • Field Service • Hands-on Training • Factory Repairs • Digital Conversions • Governor Schools [email protected] Programmes EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines Av. OPERATION & MAITENANCE ERECTION & COMMISSIONING WWW.lahmeyer. + 49 7685 9106 . Lahmeyer International GmbH · www.ch LAHMEYER INTERNATIONAL Hydropower and Water Resources Development Complete Engineering and Consulting Services • from concept to completion and operation • for complex infrastructure projects • for public and private developers EPC CONTRACTOR WATER TO WIRE ELECTRICAL [email protected]*RYHUQRUV 100 % :.de Tel.lahmeyer.CFD Analysis .9$OWHUQDWRUVXSWR09$  :. AmericanGovernor .hydroworld.ch Tel: +41 21 693 25 05. GATES & TRASH RACKS M&C B.Field Dimensional Check & Performance Testing . oiles.com 15 8 Knight Piesold Limited www.br 20 24 Sotek and Belrix Industries Inc www.skf.jp/power/index.obermeyerhydro.AD INDEX RS# COMPANY PG# RS# COMPANY PG# 28 Andritz Hydro GmbH www.knightpiesold.sotek.htm IBC 3 Voith Hydro www.british-hydro.koncar-gim.potenciaindustrial.andritz.jp 14 - Atlas Polar Hydrorake www.gilkes.seaeye.houghton-international.com 7 19 20 1 HCS Hydro Component Systems LLC www.co.mwhglobal.hydroworld.com 2 23 Potencia Industrial S A www.sealsunlimited.wkv-ag.thordonbearings.com OBC 6 Oiles Corporation www. and OBC=Outside Back Cover PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS Hydro Turbines w w w.com .com 32 15 SKF Sealing Solutions www.com 37 21 Seals Unlimited Inc www.com 19 IFC 37 *IFC=Inside Front Cover.com 25 Gugler Water Turbines GmbH www.cz Boston.com 33 12 SMAGON www.m ave l.hydroplus.com 36 5 Sulzer Management Ltd www.com 11 9 Thordon Bearings Inc www.com 31 16 Sauer Compressors www.canyonhydro.co.ingeteam.voithhydro.com.com.com 16 18 Koncar Generators and Motors Inc www.gugler. c z Benesov.com 21 11 Weir American Hydro www.sauercompressors. IBC=Inside Back Cover. CZ +420 317 728 483 [email protected] 34 4 SAAB Seaeye www.hr 32 2 MWH www.hydrocomponentsystems.com 10 Hydroplus Inc www.weirpowerindustrial.com 25 Houghton International Electrical Services LTD http://www.smagon.federalmogul.mx 35 22 British Hydropower Association www.toshiba.cz 40 HRW / July-August 2015 www.com 29 26 Federal Mogul GmbH www.com 5 14 Wasserkraft Volk AG www.com 33 Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon www. MA USA +1 617 242 2204 [email protected] 9 17 Canyon Hydro www.com 17 27 Toshiba Corporation Power Systems Company www3.com 23 13 Obermeyer Hydro Inc www.com 18 7 Ingeteam S A www.sulzer. Booth #8041 Looking towards the future.Visit us at HydroVision 2015. $%&' &'&&  &. human & environmentally friendly components that contribute to creating a better future. Toshiba offers first class products for new technologies. &%     '& $&.  ' . com RS #27 .    '   ' %      '&&'& & '&  &  '  $    &!" '    '&   '  $ &# '& &  '& http://hrw.hotims. 1 . We have We focus on the best solution ñ from a long-term experience in water-hydraulic water to wire.hotims. Valves are primary safety elements ments at material selection.com RS #28 www. Fax: +43 50805 51015 contact-hydro@andritz. ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH Eibesbrunnergasse 20. guarantee the satisfaction sealings in waterways for maintenance of our customers. 1120 Vienna. No matter which type of valve. 2015 oV US dr Valves Lifetime safety and reliability ER G EN AS IA 𰂇 B a n gk Th PO W Sept.com .is i P on 𰂇 ortland Hy A / Booth 5041 July 14 . manufacturing at hydropower plants and ensure tight and installation.com http://hrw. purposes on hydraulic machinery. supplier of electromechanical equip- size or pressure rating: safe and functional ment and services for hydropower design combined with strictest require- plants.15.3. Austria Phone: +43 50805 0. 2015 Booth D50 ail an d Visit us at ok / ANDRITZ HYDRO is a globally leading controls.andritz.
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