Hydroponics Agriculture of Tomorrow

March 26, 2018 | Author: Rajini Gutti | Category: Hydroponics, Agriculture, Vegetables, Strategic Management, Natural Environment



HYDROPONICSAgriculture of Tomorrow (Agri-Business) [email protected] IT Manager CMC Ltd to increase the production and productivity . Thousand acres of land is lost at alarming rate resulting in more hunger around the world Hence in the Limited Land available .INNOVATIVE technologies need to be adopted Innovations should be skill intensive. Should be Production come Profit Oriented Employment generating HYDROPONICS is risk reducing and dependable source of living in agricultural sector . high value adding. less space demanding and enabling to work under congenial environments.Need      With cities growing everywhere. Business Plan       Summary  Introduction  Objective  Products  Elements to be showcased Benefits Market analysis Strategy & Implementation Key Issues Competitive Edge CASE STUDY – EURO FRESH FARMS  .  To produce high quality. there are also many who dream to have a stress-free life and a relaxing set-up like that of the home and enjoying gardening. herbs and flowering plants. cabbage. producing high-quality produce for both the national and international market year round.  To Provide employment opportunities to People  Use & Recycle Fresh Water  High pesticide free Yields Products:  Hydroponics is ideal for growing wide range of plant species especially fruit bearing crops. Objective:  The objective of this project is to establish an intensive farm. and flavorful vegetables and flowers for consumption in both local and international markets. The plants are supported through nutrient solution introduced to the plants. nutritional. and peppers. such as tomatoes. While most of us pursue greater career for a higher positions in a company. cucumbers.  Hydroponics is the agricultural system that makes use of no soil for the planting. leafy crops like lettuces.  Hydro-Farm Products  Hydroponics Equipment and Nutrients – Hydroponics Tunnels . Hydroponics business poses a great venture with the high demand for a more healthy living through natural and quality produce.Summary Introduction  The office working environment is becoming more competitive and stressful with the society we are in. Can be washed/cleaned/sorted/graded and packed right at source. Effects of weather conditions minimal Non-messy process.Summary – Elements to be showcased                     Minimum Land Use High Yields in small Land Minimal use of water Used water can be Recycled and used No Water Run off avoids pollution Cost of Production is less over conventional methods Can provide freshly picked produce to clients thus attracting loyalty. Fruits and Herbs Reduces trucking distances thus cutting costs tremendously. Continuous production throughout the year with least downtimes. Is non-messy. clean agriculture and appeals to the modern generation . Reduces Carbon Emissions by burning lesser fuel. Have control over prices. No soil required Pesticide Free Pest and Disease free Low maintenance costs Multi-Crop facility for certain FFV’s (Fresh Fruits and Vegetables) Can Grow Organic and Inorganic Vegetables. Benefits        Creates a World class Hi-tech Agri-Business Opportunities of Employment and Revenue generation Opportunities for producing export oriented products Show case for Hi-tech agriculture in the country Business opportunities for all agri-business industries Maximized service to the common man at an affordable price Exhibits best technology and production process   Helps promoting new concepts Evokes a feeling of trust and confidence on TATA Brand to a Common man . Market Analysis .   Targeted Customers: Land Lords Small Farmers FFV Exporters ((Fresh Fruits/Flowers and Vegetables) Hotel Chains Processed Food Industries Herbal Medicine and cosmetics industry Indian Railways Corporate Hospitals Fast Food chains Retail Chains Indian Defense Forces Private individuals . hydroponics is more popular in some countries like Canada. especially in commercial production of vegetables. Value the customers especially when we offer more than a single product in hydroponics business. Like any other type of businesses.Market Analysis  Due to various advantages over open field agriculture. customers are the core of the business. . Make Tie-ups with regional greenhouses and landscapers. Procuring the Equipments and appliances and in long term gain the knowledge to build them. Nutrient Solutions  Making Nutrient solutions locally – TATA Chemicals can Contribute this Gaining the knowledge about the Methods for nursery and Orchids growing Hire Experts – Agriculture specialists Training the employees Management Problems and Remedies Production Plan  Pilot Project  Widening the variety of products production. and then on export options.Strategy & Implementation Project Strategy:         The strategy is to profitably and efficiently utilize present and future agricultural technology in the production of vegetables/Flowers. focusing at first on local markets. Eventually develop a website and advertise on the Internet. Marketing Strategy:     Market and supply products to the selected outlets aggressively. Emphasize the reliable year-round output. as well as the ability to produce in-demand. non-native vegetables. Strategy Production Production Managing Managing Procurement Procurement Market Market Competition Competition Development Development Product widening Market Linkages Production Expert Hiring Employee Training Agri-Infrastructure logistics Govt Subsidies/Lease Farmer Linkages Stream Lining Stream Lining . Implementation Producti on MARKETIN G Local Customer PACKING Centre Marketing Centre International Customer Quality Check Centre Training Centre Production Centre . Expertise should be utilized as perceived Pathogen attacks need to be addressed in time .Key Issues Need for Assistance from Govt. Competitive Edge Competitive advantages are  Efficient production utilizing greenhouses.  No existing projects of this magnitude in INDIA  Government subsidies  Become World-class Agri Business leaders  Public Private partnership offers less risk . Crop workers start at $8.eurofresh. www. cucumber and pepper industry. too.CASE-STUDY – EURO FRESH FARMS  Eurofresh Farms is the leading year-round producer and marketer of greenhouse tomatoes in the United States and a leading innovator in the branded.27 an hour and average $11. That's 30 percent higher than the national average for farmworkers — $8. ChefsBest® has honored Eurofresh Farms’ Tomatoes on the Vine (TOV) with the 2009 ChefsBest® Award for Best Taste.com Eurofresh offers the chance to earn more. It has won a 2009 Marketing Excellence award from Produce Business magazine for their recent “Arizona Grown” campaign. high-end fresh tomato.    . Premium quality and certified pesticide-free products are grown with care in one of the world’s largest greenhouse complexes with abundant Arizona sunlight. which is awarded to the brand rated highest overall among leading brands by independent professional chefs.08 an hour.48 an hour. THANK YOU Rajini Gutti IT Manager CMC Ltd [email protected] .
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