HWX manual.pdf
HWX manual.pdf
May 22, 2018 | Author: ramana3339 | Category:
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MEDIUM VOLTAGE SWITCHGEARHWX Single/Duplicate Busbar The complete solution for process plants, power stations, other industries Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual AREVA T&D HWX MEDIUM VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR Single/Duplicate Busbar 12KV HORIZONTAL ISOLATION HORIZONTAL DRAWOUT VACUUM SWITCHGEAR TYPE HWX RATING AND SPECIFICATION Type Unit HWX Rated Voltage kV 7. the operator shall seek the advice of his local supply authority to ensure that he has taken the necessary actions to comply with local safety requirements. The equipment requires minimum maintenance. The Company policy is continuous development and improvement of its product. SAFETY Before working on the equipment. To assist in its safe operation the equipment can be fitted with padlocking facilities which shall be applied as appropriate.1 General HWX metalclad indoor single busbar air insulated vaccum switchgear is for use on distribution networks having a highest system voltage up to 12 kV.2/31. steps must be taken to discharge this energy and leave the 1 springs in a discharged state (SPRINGS FREE). the user can easily ensure good condition throughout the life of the quipment.0 DESCRIPTION 1. for indoor use and every care has been taken in the design to ensure its suitability for this purpose.5/40/44 Operating Duty – IEC :62271-200-100 Power Frequency withstand voltage kV 28/35 Impulse Withstand Voltage kVp 60/75 Auxiliary Contacts kVp 60/75 Auxiliary Contacts – Approximate Dimension mm 4 NO + 4 NC 2430/2600x660/860x1800 (H x W x D) 2118 x 660x1625(HxWxD INTRODUCTION The entire range of HWX type equipment has been designed. Should the operator require any guidance or advice regarding the equipment. The circuit breaker closing mechanism is capable of storing a considerable amount of energy and therefore. before commencing work. In the event of any doubt in this respect. By following the routines recommended in this manual. Therefore it reserves the right to supply products which may vary slightly from those described and illustrated in this publication.5/80/100/110 Rated Short Time (3 sec) Current kA 26.5/40/44 Rated Making Current kA 65. he is free to contact the manufacturer. a maximum full load current of 2000A/ 2500A/ 2800A and a lightning . all control switches shall be left in the appropriate positions.2/12 Rated Continuous Current A 630/1250/2000/2500/2800/3150 Rated Frequency Hz 50 Rated Interrupting Current kA 26. it is necessary for the operator to ensure that it has been safely disconnected from electrical supplies and that the necessary safety earth’s have been fitted and a suitable permit to work issued. Before commencing and after completion of work. 1. a short circuit current rating up to 40kA.2/31. Recommended and minimum distances are shown on the switchboard drawing supplied with each contract. Temperature and humidity conditions shall be such that condensation of moisture does not occur. the three phase drive assembly and the circuit breaker plugging in isolating mechanism. 1000 mm to the front of he front foundation fixings and 200 mm 2 . With the circuit breakr withdrawn from the housing.4 Site The site should. Where the equipment is supplied in packing cases these shall be placed TOP uppermost and the top removed first. fuses and links for the secondary circuits and the multicore termination. The truck also incorporates the simple low energy hand or motor charged spring operated mechanism.1 Despatch and Packing 2. excessive vibration and high and widely varying temperatures. A panel at the front of the housing above the circuit breaker compartment accommodates the terminal blocks. Earth bars associated with the cicuit breaker is within the housing. unit heaters should be energised as soon as possible. 1&2. All necessary erection details are supplied in plastic bags or packing cases which are tagged and numbered. Insertion of the circuit breaker is pushed into the housing is in 3 stages. The three phase assembly of the truck mounted horizontally isolated circuit breaker is contained within a moulded phase separated insulation structure. The tage number.3 Storage The equipment is designed and despatched so as to involve minimum of erection work. busbars. These may include operating the unit heaters and also preferably equipping the substation with dehumidification equipment. The panel may also be used to mount electrical instruments like relays. well ventilated place and covered. especially that the projecting base If the equipment is not required for immediate use it should be stored in a clean. The housing is of fabricated sheet steel with separate compartments for the circuit breaker. together with a description of a contents are listed on the packing list supplied. 2. Relative humidity must be such that condensation in or on the equipment will not occur. The equipment is provided with lifting points which must be used. current transformers and multicore cable glands. meters etc. The secondary plug from the panel is to be first plugged into the breakers secondary socket and the interlock rod is pushed towards the mechanism. IF THE EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN DAMAGED. The area shall extend a minimum of 600 mm to the rear of the panel.5 Foundations and Unit Erection It is important that the finished floor area is flat. Where fitted. 2. Then the circuit breaker is pushed as far as possile into the housing and it is finally plugged in by means of a detachable winding handle which locates on the racking drive shaft situated below the circuit breaker mechanism facia. as far as possible. The circuit breaker is located and secured in the housing during transit. Reference to this list will enable easy location of the required components. Reversal of the above isolates and withdraws the circuit breaker primary terminals make with contacts in the housing primary connection spouts. This connection are connected the main inter-unit earth bars. which are controlled by arms mounted on the sides of the circuit breaker compartment and operated automatically by movement of the circuit breaker. Ensure that any lifting slings are of adequate strength and in good condition. There should be ample room for painting and maintenance work to be carried out. Should storage be prolonged. The primary connection spouts in the circuit breaker compartment are equipped with earthed metal safety shutters. and not sloping by more than 3 mm over any 2500 mm.) Typical sectional views are shown in Fig. BOTH THE TRANSPORT CONTRACTOR AND AREVA LIMITED SWITCHGEAR DIVISION OR THE LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE ADVISED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Care must be taken to ensure that no undue stresses are placed on any part of the equipment. each shutter can be independently padlocked. Approximate weight are: Current Weight of Weight of Rating Circuit Housing (Amps) Breaker (kg) (kg) 800 130/170 350/370 1250 130/180 370/410 2000 210 500 2500 215 530 2800 225 555 3150 235 560 2.2 Unloading and inspection IMPORTANT : THE EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE EXAMINED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE RECEIPT. Access to the busbar compartment for making the busbar joints is via removable covers on top of the housing and at the rear of the busbar compartment. Special precautions must be taken where the relative humidity exceeds 80%. 2.0 INSTALLATION of units is not distorted in any way. routine inspections should be carried out as if the equipment were in service. The equipment should be transferred to the switchhouse immediately after unloading. The equipment must not be exposed to direct moisture as it is for indoor use only.impulse level up to 75 kVp (BIL. 2. and brought out externally as a single connection at the rear of the housing. This will allow the truck to take further into the panel.2 Construction Standard incomer and feeder units comprise of two main parts: the fixed housing and the truck mounted horizontally isolated circuit breaker. under no circumstances shall it be exposed to direct and excessive moisture. Where heaters are fitted they should be energised as soon as possible. dry. be free from damp. 1. 40kA MAIN CABLE ENTRY 50X6 CU. Sectional side view of HWX Panel up to 12 kV 1250A. WIRING MULTICORE CABLE ENTRY RACKING SCREW SEC. 1. 40kA 2430/2600 ACCESS FOR RACK IN/OUT AFTER OPENING THE DOOR FRONT VIEW 660 50X6 CU EARTH BUS 960/1130 1470 RACKING SCREW DRIVE BEAM 902 Y B Y B BUSBAR SECTIONAL SIDE VIEW OF HWX PANEL UP TO 12kV 1250A. EARTH BUS 175 SURGE DIVERTERS (FOR MOTOR FDRS) PVC SHROUD BUS-BAR COMPARTMENT REMOVABLE COVER FOR CT ACCESS FROM FRONT 895 BLOW-OFF COVERS R R CT-CABLE COMPARTMENT BREAKER COMPARTMENT INSTRUMEN T CHAMBER CHANCE OVER DRIVE INTERPANEL ACCESS FOR CONT. PLUG SOCKET 352 OPTIONAL DUPLICATE BUS-BAR ARRANGEMENT CAN BE MOUNTED ON TOP OF PANEL IF REQUIRED 690 BLOW-OFF 545 565 3 NTS .FIG. PLUG SOCKET RACK IN SCREW DRIVE BEAM CIRCUIT RING TYPE CT SPOUT CT-CABLE COMPARTMENT REMOVABLE COVER FOR CT ACCESS : FROM FRONT ACCESS FOR RACK IN/OUT AFTER OPENING THE DOOR MAIN CABLE ENTRY MULTICORE CABLE ENTRY 50X6 CU. PLUG SOCKET SPOUTS VACUUM INTERRUPTER BREAKER CHAMBER CT & CABLE CHAMBER RACKING ARRNG. 40kA HWX PANEL INTERPANEL ACCESS FOR CONTROL WIRING INSTRUMENT CHAMBER VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER SAFETY SHUTTER ARRANGEMENT DRAW-OUT PT BUSBAR CHAMBER SEC. Sectional side view of 12 kV 2000A/2500A. 25KA FIG.BLOW-OFF COVERS 660 352 R R Y1 Y2 B B 545 OPTIONAL DUPLICATE BUS-BAR ARRANGEMENT CAN BE MOUNTED ON TOP OF PANEL IF REQUIRED BUSBAR COMPARTMENT 690 INTERPANEL ACCESS FOR CONT. WRING 565 CHANGE OVER DRIVE 960/1130 INSTRUMEN T CHAMBER EXTENSION CHAMBER FOR ADD. 2. MULTICORE CABLE ENTRY MAIN EARTHING MAIN POWER CABLE ENTRY ACCESS FOR RACK IN/OUT AFTER OPENING THE DOOR FRONT VIEW SECTIONAL SIDE VIEW OF HWX PANEL UP TO 12KV. CABLES BREAKER COMPARTMENT BLOW-OFF COVERS BUS-BAR COMPARTMENT 902 500 895 2430/2600 PVC SHROUD 1470 SEC. 40kA HWX PANEL FIG. 1250A. 25kA HWX PANEL 4 . 2A Sectional side view of 12 kV 1250A. EARTH BUS FRONT VIEW SECTIONAL SIDE VIEW OF 12kV 2000A/2500A. which will be the datum for all other units. shims fitted as appropriate under unit to level NOTE : Do not make adjustments to moving portion Foundation bolt Positions FIG. Unit Leveling Instruction 5 . Finally. Foundation channels must be checked for curvature. Foundation Channels Prepare the floor and foundations & then proceed as follows : i) Determine the highest point on the channels. It is useful to use this point for erection of the first unit. Position the housing on the channels. Correct operation of the equipment is dependent on it being level.5. DO NOT TIGHTEN. Refer to Figure 4. Shims must also be placed under the base sheet in the apron area to make up any gap between the floor. Any found to be distorted must be straightened if possible or replaced. fit the foundation bolts and level up as before.5mm Use plum line down rear of frame for vertical Floor 50mm Sq. It is essential.beyond the extreme right-hand and left-hand foundation fixings. tighten all foundation bolts and inter housing fixings.2 Foundation Bolts (Expanding type) Preparing the floor as stated in Section 2. Once the housing has been levelled the foundation may be ‘nipped-up’ but not tightened. This point then becomes the datum for all units. c) Carry out operations iii. iv) Using 2 plumb lines level the housing front to back and across the width. This point then becomes the datum for all units. ii) With reference to general arrangement drawing of the switchboard. iv. Levelling is carried out using shim plates. 4. b) With reference to the general arrangement drawing of the swithboard check the unit serial numbers and remove the circuit breaker from the housing the housing on the floor. 2. These shims shall be located adjacent to and on the outside of the foundation bolts such that they will also support the adjacent housing when that is erected.5mm 1. Refer to Figure 3. in particular the lining up and leveling of the first unit. Failure to erec the first unit correctly will result in mal-alignment throughout the switchboard & this will cause rack in/rack out problem of breakers within the housing.5. iii) Locate the foundation bolts and associated washers through the holes in the base of the housing into the spring loaded nuts within the channels. Remove the housin top and rear covers and fit the inter-housing fixing screws. vi) Repeat the above for the remaining housings remembering to check the unit serial numbers with the general arrangement drawing of the switchboard. vii) Check the alignment of the instrument panels for squares and equality of spacing between panels. it is useful to use this point for erection of the first unit. Foundation fixings may be one of two types : Foundation Channels or Foundation Bolts.1. that care is taken at all stages of erection. Under no circumstances shall distorted channels be used. 2. ‘nip-up’ only at this stage. shims 50mm Sq. Variation must be within ± 1.5 then proceed as follows : a) Determine the highest point on the floor. Remove lifting plate before mounting panel. check to unit serial numbers and remove the circuit breaker from the housing to be erected first. therefore. v vi.5mm Max variation from verticle Top of unit frame Use plumb line down sideframe to measure alignment. 1. viii) Rubber gasket should be provided between the panels. v) Position the next housing to be erected close up to the first. Red and Blue phases (the two outer phases) shall be assembled on the front face of the spout connection only. 3. where busbars on end units are in the front (Red and Blue phases) and upper (yellow phase) positions on additional spacer (supplied) will be required between the spout connections and the busbar in order to keep the busbar run straight. 2. Where multiple busbars are used. Before assembly. from where they run vertically via a removable wiring through to the multicore cable gland compartment situated at the top of the housing frame. 3. figure 5. also.1 Multicore Cables The multicore cables enter at the front of the housing from the base of the housing right-hand and/or lefthand frame. HD screws wih nuts & washers M8x20mm long Hex. The main cables shall be made off in acordance with the cabling schedule. HD screw with nut & washer FIG.9 Multicore Cables and Inter-Unit Wiring (Bus Wires) The only secondary wiring required on site is to run and terminate the multicore cables and connect the inter-unit bus-wires in accordance with the wiring diagram supplied.6. 2. After cleaning.6 BUSBAR ASSEMBLY 2. Unplated contact surfaces shall be cleaned using a branded liquid silver polish. Assemble Blue phase first. Where wires pass through to adjacent panels the holes shall be fitted with a protective grommet. The only assembly required on site is to connect the earth bars of adjacent units together using the main external earth bars supplied.2 . all surfaces shall be wiped wth a clean cloth to remove any metal dust. all contact surfaces of the busbars and housing connections must be cleaned to ensure a good contact surface. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that the isolated equipment cannot be re-energised from any high or low voltage sources of supply. 2.M8 x 16mm long Hex.1 except fit the foundation bolts as follows : Using the holes in the base of the housing as a template drill the floor for accepting M12 x 75 mm long expanding bolts. proved dead and earthed.M 10x22mm long Hex.9. When an extension unit is being erected these spacers must be removed to accommodate the extension busbars and refitted in the same positions in the extension unit. 5. In this compartment the outer insulation on the cable is cut back to allow the multicores to be taken via the main wiring through to the termination in the housing front panel. Yellow phase (the centre phase) shall shall be assembled on the front face of the spout connection only.5.7 Unit Earthing The same treatment of contact surfaces shall be carried out on all other joints. The main earth bars associated with the circuit breaker truck and the circuit earthing switch are connected within the housing & brought out externally at the rear of the housing.2 2.1 Precautions The policy to be adopted in making the equipment available for commissioning or maintenance shall be that. 6 . 2. 2.6. Joints shall be assembled as soon as possible after preparation.0 COMMISSIONING TESTS AND INSPECTION The test outlined in this section are those to be made after the equipment has been erected. etc.8 Main Cables Assembly The busbars shall be assembled such as to be parallel to the line of the switchboard and suitable for extension if necessary. 2. The circuit breaker operating mechanism is capable of retaining a 6 . Inter Unit Fixing & vii Section 2.9. The busbar joints shall be encapsulated with compound & tapping. it is isolated. then Red phase and finally Yellow phase Ref.1 General The cross-section of busbars is given on the general arrangement drawing of the swithboard. such as the tee off to voltage transformers and main cable connections.2 Inter-unit Wiring (Bus Wires) For ease of location. each wire is fitted with an idenification ferrule which corresponds with that on the wiring diagram. HD screws with washer 1. and units require spacers (supplied) fitting between the busbars at the spout connections. but before energisation. NUT & 16MM SPACER 165MM LONG STAINLESS STEEL STUD. PLAIN WASHER. MM. SPRING WASHER. PLAIN WASHER. SPRING WASHER. = 2880 SQ. = 3840 SQ. SPRING WASHER. NOTE : 1) Busbar configuration may vary depending upon switchgear rating and specifications. 7 . NUT & 16MM SPACER 133MM LONG STAINLESS STEEL STUD. MM. = 1920 SQ. 197MM LONG STAINLESS STEEL STUD. MM. MM. 5. MM. 1600/2000A 2 BUSBAR 16X60 SQ.TORQUE SETTING 60NM BUSBAR RATING AND SIZES END UNITS INTERMEDIATE UNITS END UNITS END UNITS INTERMEDIATE UNITS END UNITS BUSBAR RATING AND SIZES 1250A 1 BUSBAR 16X60 SQ. SPRING WASHER. Please refer seperate contract related dowings for detailed arrangements. PLAIN WASHER. FIG. Busbar Assembly and Torque Settings. MM. MM. MM. NUT & 16MM SPACER 3000A 4 BUSBAR 16X60 SQ. NUT & 16MM SPACER 2500A 3 BUSBAR 16X60 SQ. PLAIN WASHER. = 960 SQ. M12 X 70MM HEX HEAD BOLT. 3. insulation varies considerably with atmospheric conditions. the stored charge must be released by operating the circuit breaker manually from OFF to ON to OFF. For this test the ends of the secondary wiring should be looped together. 8 . Should a breakdown occur. all conductors shall be discharged to earth. by removing primary fuse. Check that all covers are in place and fully secured. Short circuit current transformer secondary windings.1 and 3.4. a further megger test should be made to check that the initial resistance has not altered significantly.3.3 Electrical Tests – Secondary Insulation WARNING : Before commencing the tests described in sections 3.6 kV The equipment should be given a final inspection before it is put into service. 3. Under no circumstances shall current transformer secondaries be open circuited with the primary on load. low readings may occur as a result of surface leakage over the insulation.7 Final Inspection IS : 13118 & IEC 56 gives full information regarding high voltage testing after erection on site. IS : 3156. 3. Disconect secondary wiring on voltage transformers.4. It is pointed out that the permitted level is for continuous exposure. Where motor spring charged operating mechanisms are fitted the supply to the motor must be disconnected. to which reference should be made. Before attempting any work. temporary connections recomved and components reconnected.5 High Voltage Test – Voltage Transformers Where high voltage tests on voltage transformers have been agreed they should be in accordance with the IS : 2071. 3. Disconnect the wiring to / withdraw any relying devices. operating mechanism.2 on the primary insulation take the following precautions : ● Short circuit and earth current transformer secondary windings. ● Isolate isolatable voltage transormers.4 Electrical Test – Primary Insulation ● Warning : Before commencing tests 3. If the resistance falls below an obsolute minimum of 1000 megohms after careful cleaning and drying of all exposed surfaces a check of the equipment should be made for insulation damage. 3.2 Mechanical Testing Manual operational checks should be carried out on the circuit breaker to ensure correct operation of interlocks. Using a 500V megger measure the resistance to earth of each phase in turn. the circuit breaker should be kept out of service and the matter reported without delay to the AREVA LIMITED. Any electrical gap in a hard vacuum when stressed electrically may generate X-rays. The vacuum circuit breaker does not emit X-ray radiation at working voltage. 3. applied for 1 minute between the loops and earth.2 High Voltage Test For this test the ends of the secondary wiring should be looped together at some convenient point such as a terminal board and a voltage of 2 kV A. High Voltage Test 3. auxiliary switches and the circuit breaker racking mechanism. SWGR DIVISION AT AEI/Salt Lake Works.C.6 High Voltage TestsIntegrity of Vacuum Interrupers IMPORTANT : X-ray radiation from Vacuum Interrupers. Check that all fuses and links are inserted. ● After testing.2 system apply 20 kV ac rms for 1 minute power frequency. 3. primary connection safety shutter. ● On fixed voltage transformers remove the connection between the primary terminal. 3. After completion of testing all conductors shall be discharged to earth.stored closing spring charge. Components should be reconnected.3.1 Megger Test The primary insulation includes the insulation associated with the high voltage circuit. 12 kV highest system voltage – 28 kV rms power frequency for 6. 3. After high voltage tests have been completed.1 Megger Test The secondary insulation includes the insulation associated with the secondary wiring. While carrying out this test it should be noted that.2 on the secondary insulation take the following precautions : Disconnect the wiring to circuit breaker mechanism spring charging motor and rectifier. In the case of HWX equipment tests have shown that X-ray emission at the voltage stated is less than the permited level.1 and 3.4. No evidence of breakdown indicates that the interrupter is in a satisfactory condition. at some convenient point such as terminal board and jsing a 500V megger measure the resistance. 3. Temporary connections should be removed.4. With the circuit breaker CLOSED a power frequency voltage should be applied to each phase in turn between the phase conductor and earth for 1 minute.3. trips. Check earth bars for continuity. whereas the test voltage is applied for a short time on each occasion. The integrity of the vacuum interrupters can be checked on site by applying a test voltage of 20 kV ac rms or 30 kV dc for 2 or 3 seconds across the open contacts of each phase in turn with the other side earthed. dryness and cleanliness of the equipment. which should not be less than 2 megaohms between the loops and earth. Isolate any isolatable voltage transformers. operating the mechanism to ON thus closing the circuit breaker. the circuit breaker racking mechanism.1 General Earthing trucks are usually provided with each switchboard as a .5 Operation of the Circuit Breaker in the TEST Position a. b.2. 4. This operation also automatically closes the safety shutters over the busbar and circuit primary connection spouts.0 OPERATION 4. therefore careful note should be taken of relevant items each time maintenance is carried out. Remove the handle.4(ii)] push the circuit breaker as far as possible into the housing. Insert the racking handle into the racking orifice below the mechanism facia. The circuit breaker may now be operated. This operation also holds the mechanism tripped and makes accessible the circuit breaker racking drive shaft.3. Trip the circuit breaker (Section 4. c. 3.4 (ii) and rotate the handle clockwise until the circuit breaker stops moving. Operate the isolating mechanism from the FREE to the LOCKED position. Electrically : Turn the LOCAL/REMOTE selector switch to the required position and operate the appropriate OPEN/CLOSE SWITCH to open the circuit braker.3) ii. circuit and busbar earthing switch operating mechanisms.2 to put the circuit breaker into service. optional local/remote electrical spring release. Remove the handle. 4. Note : The motor will automatically recharge the mechanism springs after a closing operation enabling an instanceous close after trip to be carried out. isolatable voltage transformer operating mechanisms and all interlocks. manual push button closing and tripping. Using the handles on the circuit breaker truck pull the circuit breaker from the housing. Operate the spring release manually or electrically as described in Section 4.1 Motor Charged Spring Mechanism Manually : Press the TRIP button.Check that padlocks are fitted (where applicable). 4. Operate the circuit breaker isolating mechanism to the LOCKED position.3 Opening the Circuit Breaker 4. Press the circuit breaker TRIP botton and hold depressed while operating the isolating mechanism to the free position. Check all moving parts of the safety shutters. 4.2. iii.2 Closing the Circuit Breaker 4. 4. Motor charged spring with shunt trips. Date of completion Circuit breaker operations counter reading Interrupter contact wear reading Number of short circuit operations Details of any work carried out 4. operating the mechanism to OFF thus opening the circuit breaker. records should be started immediately after commissioning and should include – LOCAL/REMOTE selector switch to the required position and operate trhe appropriate OPEN/CLOSE switch to CLOSE the circuit breaker.7 Busbar and Circuit Earthing 4. ii.1 Motor Charged Spring Mechanism Manually : Press the CLOSE button to release the pre-charged springs.3. Touch up paint work where necessary. The circuit breaker can now be switched ON as described in Section 4.2 Hand Charged Spring Mechanism Insert the spring charge handle into the ‘MANUAL CHARGE’ orifice in the mechanism facia. Ensure all insulation surfaces are clean and dry.2. locating the slot in the handle on the drive pin the racking shaft.4 Withdrawal of the circuit breaker from the SERVICE position i.7. In order that a complete history is available. Remove the handle.2 Hand Charged Spring Mechanism 4. manual push bottom closing and tripping.1 General The circuit breaker operating mechanism may be one of 2 types : Hand charged spring with shunt trips.6 Insertion of the Circuit Breaker into the Service Position i. Withdraw the circuit breaker from the housing as described in Section 4. Operate the Truck electrically and manually to ensure it is functional. locating the slot in the handle on the drive pin in the charging shaft. optional local/remtote electrical spring release.8 Recordings Records are of value in establishing the frequency of maintenance. Electrically : Turn the 9 4. 4. iii. iv. Locate the racking handle as described in Section 4. The secondary socket/plug umbelical cable between the circuit breaker and the housing front panel will remain connected. (It may be necessary to push on the circuit breaker truck in order to start the racking in operation).1 Note : The mechanism springs can be recharged after a closing operation enabling an instantaneous close after trip to be carried out. Wite the circuit breaker isolating mechanism in the FREE position [Section 4.4 till the TEST position. Push the handle fully on to the shaft and rotate the handle anti clockwise untill the circuit breaker stops withdrawing from the housing. Push the handle fully into the shaft and rotate the handle anticlockwise in the clean movement to charge the springs. 3 Procedure for Preparing the Busbars for Testing i. The busbar earthing and circuit earthing trucks are similar to standard breaker trucks in appearance but will not consist of any mechanism or interrupter. This is achieved by lifting the spring charge pawls. If “Springs Free” : Remove the motor supply fuses.1 General 4. the charging operation can be completed manually. Mechanism Facia 4.2 Procedure for Preparing the Circuit for Testing i. Fully withdraw the circuit breaker from the housing as described in Section 4.2 Closing the Circuit Breaker While disconnected/ reconnection is being carried out it is recommended that earths are applied.2. 7. to be tested by Busbar Earthing Truck.2 Application of a Circuit/Busbar Earth i. Note that no manual Trip Push Button is available in earthing truck.7. Operating instructions for the same are provided on rear cover of the panel.6.8 Electrical Testing of Busbars and Circuits 4. Warning : Before carrying out any earthing operations it is recommended that the section(s) of busbars and/or the circuit(s) required to be earthed be disconnected.standard for discharging the residual charged voltage remaining in the busbar and in the circuit. the closing springs can be recharged by means of a removable handle which locates in the circuit breaker mechanism facia. Precautions should also be taken to ensure that the alternative source of supply is also disconnected. Isolate all transformers during test 5.2. 4. Withdraw the circuit breaker from its housing as described in Section 4. Press the close button operating the mechanism to ON thus closing the circuit breaker. Insert the earthing truck into the housing as described in section 4. Should the electrical supply be disrupted to the circuit breaker mechanism spring charge motor or for mechanical test on the circuit breaker. 6. locating the slot in the handle on the drive pin in the charging shaft. Electrical testing of the busbars and circuit may be carried out an every unit be means of portable test bushings which are inserted into the primary spout connections.4 and earth the section of busbar.1 Manual Spring Charge Acess Truck Interlock Operations counter FIG.4 Carry out the precautions referred to in Section 4.8. Section 4. The wheel will turn release pawls onto the wheel. It is preferred that equipment should be proved dead before earthing. Refer to figure 7 and ascertain the mechanism spring state. Remove the handle. When it is required to earth the busbars or circuits and earthing truck should be inserted as appropriate. 4. For earthing of circuit side. Earth the circuit with the help of circuit earthing truck. to ensure that the equipment cannot be reenergised.0 EMERGENCY MANUAL OPERATION MOTOR CHARGED SPRING MECHANISM 5. It may be necessary to reset the mechanism manually. Note : The mechanism springs can be recharged after a closing operation enabling an 10 . Resetting Motor Mechanism after Loss of supply If “SPRINGS CHARGED” : Refer to “MANUALLY”.3 Removing of Busbar/Circuit Earthing Truck Reverse the procedure described in Section 4.8. Busbar earthing truch consist of top stems whereas circuit earthing truck consist of bottom stems. Spring charge pawls If supply to motor is lost during charging operation.7. Special care to be taken for insertion of EARTH TRUCK into panel. iii. the circuit/busbar is/are now earthed through the earthing truck. the other end of the stems are shorted and connected to the earth. If the supply is restored the mechanism will rest. 4. an earthing switch is provided on rear side of the outgoing panels. ii.8. Push the handle fully on to the shaft and rotate the handle anticlockwise in one clean movement to charge the springs. Warning : On the unit(s) under test it is essential that precautions. 5.7.1. are taken both in the preparing the unit(s) and during the time that tests are being carried out. The interlocking arrangement ensures that the switch shall always be operating when the breaker is NOT in service position & the metallic safety shutters are closed.7. FIG.1 General Before inserting or removing test bushings it is essential that the fixed conductor within the spout is proved dead. Inser the spring charge handle into the “Manual Charge” orifice in the mechanism facia. 6.3. 6. The duty imposed on spring charge motor is very light. consequently maintenance is unlikely to be necessary. subsequent examinations will consist of visual inspection for wear. Should there be any doubts about the condition of any components a more detailed examination must be made. 6.3. Inspections should include operational checks.6 Examination is confined to the inspection of the commutator for scoring. 11 A careful routine scrutiny of the equipment is required for any signs of deterioration or abnormality. the brushes for excessive wear and free movement in the brush retainers. Under normal service conditions earthing truck is virtually maintenance free.6 Vacuum Interrupters Refer to Section 3.1 Precautions Refer to the notes inside the front cover and Section 3.3 Examination/Service The maintenance policy for HWX switchgear is based on IS 10118:(1982) reference to which should be made for a general background to this subject. In particular the maintenance policy is based on the concept of Inspection.3 Opening the Circuit Breaker Refer to “Manually” Section 4.2 Inspection Note : In order to make the mechanism capable of further charging operations after closing the circuit breaker from a “Springs Partially Charged” position during the time that the motor supply may be disrupted.1 6. Because of the widely varying condition of operation of individual installations it is not possible to law down precise recommendations for the intervals between maintenance required under all circumstances. 100 fault operations.3.7 Primary Isolating Contacts Check the condition of the plug and .1. cleaning and relubrication is recommended after 2-3 years under unfavourable ambient conditions such as excessive dust collection.3 Primary Conductors and Connections Remove the appropriate covers and check that all electrical joints and connections are sound. no dismanting is allowed. These intervals may vary greatly depending on the duty the equipment is called upon to perform and the environment in which it is situated. 2000 normal operations iii.instantaneous close after trip to be carried out.3. Remove any deposits of dust etc.1 Circuit Breaker and Operating Mechanism Manual closing and opening operations should be made to check the closing and tripping mechanisms. The electrical closing and tripping circuits should also be checked. corrosion.3. Vacuum switchgear is low maintenance equipment. In the event that components are replaced they should be lubricated with aeroshell 17 grease or an equivalent silicon base grease containing Molybdenum Disulphide. release coils is their replacment.3. Refer to Figure 6. aggressive atmospheres. continuous high relative humidity in excess of 70%.3. 8 years ii. However. 6. The time intervals are therefore best determined by user experience based on the behaviour of the equipment on the particular installation. The design of the operating mechanism is such that no adjustments are required throughout its lifetime. The mechanism is supplied with the lubrication for life and normally further lubrication should not be required. 6. Examination/ Service and Overhaul is defined in the standard.0 MAINTENANCE Refer to figures 7 & 8 and for location of circuit breaker operations counter and interrupter wear indicator. 6. the vacuum interrupter being a sealed unit which does not require maintenance during its lifetime. Where the fault current is less than the rating of the circuit breaker this number may be increased. thus making the above procedure unnecessary. the assembly procedure of motor is given in this manual.3. If “Springs partially charged” (indicated by the lable being part way between “Springs charged” and “Springs Free”) complete the charging and closing of the circuit breaker as described under “Springs Free”. loose components and unless there is reason to believe that there is deterioration. It is recommended that an examination to be carried out whichever occurs first : i. 6. Inspection. 6. 6. Aseol molitea or Molydag 47 is to be used for the relubrication of contacts and bearing joints. Further advice can be obtained from the manufacturer. it is necessary to remove the circuit breaker from the housing. 5.2 Circuit Earthing Truck 6. The assembly procedure of trip & closing coil pot is described in this manual. The only readjustment which may be required in case of trip and spring Care must be taken to ensure that no lubricant is applied to the operating mechanism electrical release coil plunger or electrical trip coil plunger. However. restoration of the motor supply will complete the travel of the ratchet wheel.5 Insulators All insulators should be cleaned with a non-sheeding cloth.4 Auxiliary Switches Ensures that all connections are tight at the terminals and the change over of contacts are checked periodically with a continuity meter. remove the mechanism cover and rotate the ratchet wheel anti-clockwise until the link pin on the ratchet is at the lowest point. An overhaul will be necessary when : a. The limit of contact wear of a vacuum interrupter has been reached. 6. together with relevant nameplate.0 SPARES When ordering spares of replacements a complete description should be given. 6.4 Overhaul Overhaul comprises work carried out to restore the equipment to a satisfactory condition including the replacement of components. 7. If required parts should be sparingly lubricated with a good quality mineral oil.10 Recommissioning Inspection Refer to Section 3. FIG. adverse atmospheric conditions mechanical damage and vermin.3. Spout safety shutters shall not be opened without first earthing the busbars and/or circuit cables. b. 8. Contact Wear Gauging 12 . Contact surfaces should be treated in a similar manner to the primary contacts. With VCB Closed Insert Contact Wear Gauge into Gap Between the Drive Insulator and the Spring Guide Rod. An examination has identified a component(s) as being less than satisfactory.GO Gauge. For further details regarding spares the Spares Manual can be referred.7 The Gap when New is 5mm. LT Fuses Voltage Transformer Fuses Auxiliary Switch Limit Switch Isolating Contacts c.9 Primary Connection Spounts Safety Shutters Clean and examine all parts of the shutters and operating mechanism for wear and loose components. Prove dead after opening.3. 6. The vacuum interrupter and the circuit breaker operating mechanism have performed the number of operations indicated in the following table. will reduce to 3 mm. humidity. 8 Spring Release Coil – Refer to Figure-12 for fitting instructions Trip Coil – Refer to Figure 13 for Fitting instructions.3. 6.8 Secondary Isolating Contacts Ensure that all connections are tight at the terminals. This is a GO / NO .finger contacts. All spares should be stored in such a manner as to protect against corrosion. The following spares should be kept in stock. Any furnished surfaces should be cleaned using a branded liquid silver polish and a non-shedding cloth. which. Refer to fig. actual quantities will depend on the number of circuit breaker in service and operating conditions. data and serial numbers. when the interrupter is Worn Out. 07. Place the key (115) through the keyway thus locking the eccentric drive with the motor shaft. G. & N. M. H. Tighten the screws with a screw driver.MOTOR ASSEMBLY Reference Figure No. 9 Opn. G. Key the end bearing (112) to the shaft. Check tightening of the motor bracket to the gear box housing by double nuts and loctite. FIG. File M12 shim washers to have slots for the key and place these above the second eccentric drive. Fit the two charging pawls (113) with DU bushes (116) through gradual. 05. 02. MB 2010 DU Bush to the Motor Bracket Casting (110) with loctite 638. 09. Keep the assembly in the bin free on the motor shaft. Fit the Aluminium Bracket (110) after proper adjustment to the motor shaft housing by M4X30 long (161) round head screws and M4 spring washers (180) at the four ends. & N. Insert the other eccentric drive into the motor shaft and key it. Fit 1 No. Checkpoint/Remarks Operation Description 01. 03. 06. COLs F. MOTOR SHAFT Exploded Assembly of type HWX Charging Pawls & Eccentrics Note : This DU Bush used only on Cols F. No. H. M12 Brass Washer (117) and 1 No. 9. HWX SPMX from a Mechanism Motor Assembly 13 . COL P ONLY Alignment of keyaways should be checked. Eccentric Drive (111) over the Motor Shaft (As shown in the drawing) such that their keyways are matching. Check that the pawls are absolutely. 08. M4 slotted head screw from the Motor Gear Box Unit. 11. Unscrew the 4 Nos. Insert the pawls (113) into the motor shaft such that the stepped positions are in opposite direction and the plane faces fall upon one another. PUT’2 Nos. The top end of the Aluminium Bracket and the top of the end bearing meshes 10. 04. M. application of pressure on a bench vice. 10 Opn. 03. Assemble the Trip Plunger (251) and Brass Stud (250) and lock them with Two Nos. Assembly Release Spindle (97) with release plunger (106) and Lock with M6 Hex Nut. • Check easy movement of Spindle 05. 1 with Spring (98) on it. M5HEX Head Nut si tgat 25 mm (approx) of Brass Stud comes of the Trip Plunger. The Screw Head should be downward. Operation Description Checkpoints/Remarks 01. Place the Pole Piece (96) inside the Release Coil and lock with the Coil Pot (91) with the help of a fastener (99) 04. No. 10. No.Spring Release Coil Pot Sssembly Reference Figure No. • FIG. so that 15 mm (approx) of Spindle comes out of Plunger. 11 Opn.8 mm dia hole of the Trip Box top face and lock with M5 Hex But (167). • Check the Locking 02. Fit the Buffer pin (109) in the M5 thread hold of the Trip Box through the 7. • Check Easy movement of the Release Lever Pivoting about the Screw after locking. Press the Plunger so that the other end of the Spindle comes out through the Pole Piece. M6 HEX NYLOC Nut to restrict the Spring back action of the Plunger. Lock the Spindle with 1 No. 14 . Fix up Release Lever (92) on the Coil Pot with the help of M6x30 HEX HD Screw and Lock it to ensure easy movement of Release Lever around the Pivot. Put the Assembled Release Spindle of Operation No. Put the Release Coil within the Release Coil Pot (91) • Check the tightness between them 03. — 02. Put the above Assembly and Pole Piece with the locked side of the Trip Plunger downward into the Trip Coil Check easy movement of the Trip Plunger in the Trip Coil. HWX SPMX from a Mechanical Realease Coil Pot Assembly TRIP BOX ASSEMBLY Reference Figure No. Operation Description Checkpoints/Remarks 01. Apply grease (ROCOL) on Trip Bar (102).2005.areva-td.: +44 (0) 1785 250 070 www. (B) 251 Spring Charge Indicator Using Good Long Nosed Pliers Remove Spring Charge Reset Spring from Facia. FIG. Put the Neoprene Buffer (104) on Buffer Pin (109) 05.) Opn. Checkpoints/Remarks . Check easy pivoting of Trip Bar on Trip Box. the AREVA logo and thereof are trademarks and service marks of AREVA. reverse the sequence and check electrical operation.L4. Our policy is one of continuous development. . Using Long Nosed Pliers Remove Spring Clip. 11. Assemble Trip Bar and Trip Box with Pivot Pin (103) with E-Clips on both sides. Replacing Spring Release Coil AREVA T&D Worldwide Contact Centre: http://www.EN. coil can now be removed from the coil box. Its contents do not constitute an offer for sale or advise on the application of any product referred to in it.areva-td. 13. No. We cannot be held responsible for any reliance on any decisions taken on its contents without specific advice.AREVA .com Reverse Sequence to Refit Coil. Tip Box Assebly for HWX Mechanism Remove Facia (# Screws) Disconnect coil. Replacing Shunt Trip Coil SWITCHGEAR. Slide Out Plunger. Operation Description 04. AREVA. To refit the coil.com/contactcentre/ Tel. FIG. Accordingly the design of our products may change at any time. Coil can now be Removed from the Coil Box. 11 (Contd.FACTS .TRIP BOX ASSEMBLY Reference Figure No. are the property of their owners. 12.2 . All trade names or trademarks mentioned herein whether registered or not. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature. FIG. Check Electrical Operation. this brochure should only be regarded as a guide and is intended for information purposes only.Switchgear Kolkata. Remove plunger.© . 167 167 Disconnet coil and remove coil assembly (2 bolts from rear) Using long nosed pliers remove the spring clip. Fixing the Fastener Check easy movement of the Plunger inside the Coil 104 103 189 250 102 252 253 101 254 109 (A) Unbolt Drive Spring From ON/OFF Indicator. Put the Assembled Trip Coil within the Trip Box (101) and lock the Pole Piece with the Trip Box with A Fastener (99) • • 06.
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