
March 27, 2018 | Author: Gabriel Daniliuc | Category: Finite Element Method, Simulation, 3 D Modeling, Graphical User Interfaces, File Format



HyperWorksStarter Manual Page 1 March 2011 Remember, you can always find East by staring directly at the sun. Bart Simpson, character in "The Simpsons" There are certainly many ways to find your way into the CAE world of HyperWorks. One such possible way is depicted in the Starter-Kit document. Once you have access to HyperWorks—either through a campus license or a student license — some kind of elementary questions may arise:  What you need to know about HyperWorks  How to get started?  Where to learn more about HyperWorks? The HyperWorks Starter-Kit aims at providing answers hereto. Some first theoretical FEM knowledge is expected, however. In an overview, the general FEM process may be summarised as: It appears that the process as such is rather straight forward (we deliberately do not say „easy―). However, there are plenty of pitfalls everywhere.  Where do expect modeling problems and uncertainites? In the context of this starter manual the general working procedure and likely pitfalls related to CAD data, meshing, material & properties, and loads & constraints are discussed in some detail. As a start-up aid for the absolute FEM beginners the „Simplified 3D FEM Process Guide― has proven to be very helpful. The process guide may be used along with simple 3D geometry. It helps to study the effects of e.g. 3D element type and size on the modeling results. At that point the HyperMesh GUI & solver syntax is put in the „back ground―. So depending on your knowledge, you may use the full HyperMesh GUI directly from the start or you may go the easy way employing the FEM Guide. It is up to you. The HyperWorks Starter Manual comprises: What is HyperWorks— Overwiew HyperWorks Desktop - General Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI), Help Menu The HyperMesh „Philosophy― Model Browser & Collectors, Selection of entities User Profile Recommended Tutorials & Videos Simplified 3D FEM Process Guide The start-up aid for absolute FEM beginners Working with CAD Geometry Terminology, Working with Geometry Recommended Tutorials & Videos Meshing 2D Quality & Compatibility Recommended Tutorials & Videos Material & Properties Loads & Constraints Loadstep / Substep Export of solver deck, solve Postprocessing Where to learn more about HyperWorks General Remarks HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 2 What is HyperWorks—Overview (I) HyperWorks®, The Platform for Innovation™ HyperWorks is an enterprise simulation solution for rapid design exploration and decision-making. As one of the most comprehensive CAE solutions in the industry, HyperWorks provides a tightly integrated suite of best-in -class tools for modeling, analysis, optimization, visualization, reporting, and performance data management. Firmly committed to an open-systems philosophy, HyperWorks continues to lead the industry with the broadest interoperability to commercial CAD and CAE solutions. HyperWorks Modeling & Visualisation HyperWorks Desktop Integrated user environment for modeling and visualization Note: The HyperWorks 11.0 Student Version and the Starter-Kit are based on the HyperWorks Desktop Solution. Nevertheless, the Starter-Kit is also suited for users employing the „stand-alone― HyperMesh and HyperView versions. The products referenced (and employed) in the StarterKit are marked bold & italic! HyperMesh Universal finite element pre- and postprocessor. HyperMesh is a high-performance finite element preand post-processor for major finite element solvers, which allows engineers to analyze design conditions in a highly interactive and visual environment. HyperMesh’s user-interface is easy to learn and supports the direct use of CAD geometry and existing finite element models, providing robust interoperability and efficiency. Advanced automation tools within HyperMesh allow users to optimize meshes from a set of quality criteria, change existing meshes through morphing, and generate mid-surfaces from models of varying thickness March 2011 MotionView Multi-body dynamics pre- and postprocessor HyperView High performance finite element and mechanical systems postprocessor, engineering plotter, and data analysis tool HyperView is a complete post -processing and visualization environment for finite element analysis (FEA), multi -body system simulation, video, and engineering data. Amazingly fast 3-D graphics and unparalleled functionality set a new standard for the speed and integration of CAE results post-processing. HyperView enables you to visualize data interactively as well as capture and standardize your post-processing activities using process automation features. HyperView also saves 3-D animation results in Altair's compact H3D format so you can visualize and share CAE results within a 3-D web environment using HyperView Player. HyperGraph Engineering plotter and data analysis tool ScriptView HyperWorks IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for developing and debugging TCL and HyperMath Language (HML) scripts Templex General purpose text and numeric processor Back to page 1 and fluid-structure interaction. safety. manages. all-purpose finite element computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver MotionSolve Multi-body dynamics solver OptiStruct Design and optimization software using finite elements and multi-body dynamics HyperWorks Enterprise Collaboration Tools A solution that organizes. NVH. Processes can be created with the help of Process Studio. crash. multidisciplinary solver enables designers to maximize performance related to durability. DOE. in order to bring innovative products to market faster. and robust design engine CAE Result Player HyperView Player Plug-in and stand-alone utility to share and visualize 3-D CAE models and results March 2011 Manufacturing Solutions Manufacturing Solutions A unified environment for manufacturing process simulation.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 3 What is HyperWorks—Overview (II) HyperWorks®. manufacturability. from linear statics and linear dynamics to complex nonlinear transient dynamics and mechanical systems. and design optimization HyperForm A unique finite element based sheet metal forming simulation software solution HyperXtrude An finite element solver and user environment that enables engineers to analyze material flow and heat transfer problems in extrusion and rolling applications HyperMold Provides a highly efficient and customized environment for setting up models for injection molding simulation with Moldflow and Moldex3D HyperWeld Provides an efficient interface for setting up models and analyzing friction stir welding with the HyperXtrude Solver Forging Provides a highly efficient and customized environment for setting up models for complex three-dimensional forging simulation with DEFOM3D Results Mapper Process Manager-based tool that provides a framework to initialize a structural model with results from a forming simulation Engineering Solutions Engineering Solutions A unified environment tailored specifically for certain engineering applications HyperCrash Specialized modeling environment for automotive crash and safety analysis solidThinking solidThinking Comprehensive NURBS-based 3D modeling and rendering environment for industrial design solidThinking Inspired Innovative morphogenesis form generation technology Back to page 1 . and stores CAE and test data throughout the simulation life cycle Process Manager Process automation tool for HyperWorks and third party software. The Platform for Innovation™ HyperWorks Solvers RADIOSS Finite element solver for linear and non-linear problems RADIOSS is a state-of-the-art finite element solver uniting implicit and explicit integration schemes for the solution of a wide variety of engineering problems. AcuSolve General. analysis. This robust. HyperMath Solutions HyperMath Mathematical scripting language for numerical computation HyperStudy Integrated optimization. For instance. Mesh. building a surface: . for instance. The help menu may be accessed in different ways. and HyperGraph etc. the screen may be divided according to your needs. allowing you to place. Bc‘s etc. material definitions etc. HyperView. Properties. In addition. you need to go to „Other Applications― The HyperMesh „Philosophy“ Help document: HyperMesh > User's Guide > The HyperMesh Environment Tip: Start learning HyperMesh by using the Menu Bar The topics/titles in the Menu Bar (e.g. The HyperWorks Help Documentation The HyperWorks Help documentation is part of the HyperWorks installation. Materials. a HyperMesh window next to a HyperView window. just activate „Help― in the Menu Bar. Whenever you wonder about FEM solver related issues such as syntax. Geometry. Tip: Just press „h― on your keyboard while your inisde a panel of HyperMesh and you will be directly guided to the corresponing help entry! In the Desktop environment you may switch between different applications (clients) such as HyperMesh.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 4 General Remarks (I) The HyperWorks Desktop Graphical User Interface March 2011 Under Help-HyperWorks Desktop you will find answers related to „panels/functions― and working techniques.) and the pulldown menus are organized in such a way that you can build „sentences―. For instance. what was created etc. Note: the collector written in bold letters is currently active. properties. etc.!! Elements & CAD: component collector (comps) Material: material collector (mats) Properties (e. In this case the surface would be build with respect to the specified lines. The blue colored frame indicates which field expects your input (you can jump between yellow panels by mouse clicking or by activating the tab-buton) Green=Action.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 5 General Remarks (II) So the „sentence― would read: Geometry—Create—Surfaces-. The most important one to get started with is the „Model Browser― Help document: HyperMesh > User's Guide > Browsers > Model Browser In this example the active component collector is named „rigid― which implies that newly created elements will be stored under „rigid― (regardless whether it is meaningful or not).Collectors can be made active simply with: „Make current“. Tip: Always watch the „Status Bar“ (left lower panel) for information! The information provided there is instrumental for your work (at least until you have a sound understanding on how HyperMesh works). are stored in corresponding collectors: How to read panels (e. what is missing. Model Browser In HyperMesh there are many browsers. It is exacty this „spot― which tells you what is happening. thickness of shell elements): property collector (props) Loads: load collector (loadcol) Collectors are best created within the model browser. create surface—ruled)? Yellow=HyperMesh expects your input here. Back to page 1 .. After that a panel will be displayed offering different methods on how to create the surface. geometry. loads.g. No further action.g. Red=Close panel. The active collector is the storage place for newly created entities belongign to this brand of collector. March 2011 All entities of the FEM model such as elements. materials.. Read more: Help document: HyperMesh > User's Guide > The HyperMesh Environment > The HyperMesh User Interface > Input Controls Back to page 1 . for instance surfaces. in the Geometry-Create-Lines-from surf edges panel you are „asked― to provide the information Don‘t worry— you can change it‘s name.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 6 General Remarks (III) March 2011 The model browser is a kind of „list of contents― providing information about the loaded FEM model. If you miss to create the respective collector before the entity is created. the color is used for displaying elements. Elements of the corresponding component may be displayed or nondisplayed by activating –deactivating the icon Geometry of the corresponding component may be displayed or non-displayed by activating–deactivating the icon.) Help document: HyperMesh > User's Guide > The HyperMesh Environment > The HyperMesh User Interface > Input Controls In order to select. from which surface edges lines should be derived. geometry etc. Example: The panel Geometry-Create-Lines-from nodes does not say anything about surfaces. Hence. other selection options do exist. In this depicted example the mesh of the model is stored in a component named „mesh―. This collector is named „auto―. HyperMesh allocates the corresponding collector type automatically. you can (actuallly have to) select surfaces. In contrast. Hence. It is just right mouse click in the model browser. component coll.g. the component owns a number (ID) and a color. no way to select surfaces in this panel.The respective surfaces can be selected directly via left mouse botton (deselection = right mouse button). At the same time the model browser controls which FEM entities are being displayed. it is imperative that the activated (opened) panel requests this kind of information. there is Note: All entities MUST (and will be) be placed in a corresponding collector.) to another – at any time. The lD is being used by the FEM solver. You can also move entities from the same type of collector (e. color etc. at any time. Of course. Selection of entities (entities = elements. you can export your model in the format of Abaqus.HM-1030 Controlling the Display .HM-1000 Opening and Saving Files . HyperMesh allows you to build FE models for other popular solvers as well. off entities to reset center to middle of screen Middle mouse button +CTRL & drag for zoom +CTRL & click for fit Right mouse button +CTRL & drag for pan User Profile Most likely your work will not end with meshing. it is again imperative to „inform― HyperMesh about the FEM solver to be used. OptiStruct and the „Simplified FEM Process Guide― are available. you need to register at the HyperWorks Client Center using your university E-Mail address) Interactive Tutorials (no HyperWorks installaltion required)  HM-1010 Opening and Saving Models  HM-1020 Working with Panels  HM-1030 Organizing a Model Back to page 1 . For instance. only . This is managed through the User Profile.HM-1020 Organizing a Model . Marc etc.HM-1040 Recommended Videos: (to view the free videos. Note: In the HyperWorks Student Version Radioss (bulk). LS-Dyna. Ansys.HM-1010 Working with Panels . Recommended Tutorials: Help Document: HyperMesh Tutorials > Basics >      Getting Started with HyperMesh .HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 7 General Remarks (IV) March 2011 Panels: General Layout Panels often have sub-panels  Accessed by radio buttons on the left side of the panel Panels generally work from left to right  Example: Project / to plane sub-pan Mouse Buttons Left mouse button +CTRL & drag for rotate +CTRL & click on entity to change center of rotation +CTRL & click in graphics area. Whenever FEM solver specific information needs to be applied to the model. for instance element type and mesh size on the modeling result first. Note: The 3D Simplified FEM Process Guide works for simple solid geometries only. i. material-. It then will be automatically assigned to the volume elements. allowing for either tetra– or hexahedral meshing. estimated memory and CPU and lists (comments) any warnings and errors. Finally. In this first phase the usage of the FEM system should be as easy as possible. Take some time and view both files. units etc.e. Create the material (linear elastic). title of the project (later used as the model file name). The model as such is either loaded (HyperMesh file or CAD data) or manualy created through nodes. date. specify the loads and constraints. 1. it is far more efficient to stick to the known FEM system with expanded functionalities. The project parameters are defined. Start volume meshing (tetra– or hexahedral mesh. 3.g. 1st or 2nd order). . Instead of switching over to a new expert system with a new GUI and philosophy. Due to the rather steep learning curve FEM beginners evolve into experts rather fast asking for more sophisticated technologies e. 4. Back to page 1 The process guides you through all the instances of model creation—analysis— and postprocessing. morphing. load collectors as well as the loadstep are automatically created At „Solve Analysis― you may also view the FEM input deck (ASCII Syntax) as well as the solver log file. etc. surfaces and solids. The solver log file cotains information about model size.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 8 The 3D Simplified FEM Process Guide The 3D Simplified FEM Process Guide Ideally. Simple models. The process guide is available as a User Profile (HyperWorks 11. lines. The 3D Simplified FEM Process Guide is the „bridge― linking the two different requirements! March 2011 2.0 Student Version) or as an external routine which needs to be manually loaded into HyperMesh (no installation required). You may download the process guide and a short explanation from within the Academic Blog. hexahedral meshing. the FEM novice should explore the effects of. Note: Component-. midsurface generation. property-. with an given analytical solution are quite helpful in this regard. Back to page 1 . STEP. Red edges . there is a gap between surfaces)  Very small surfaces are squeezed between regular surfaces  Surface edges do not line up properly forming „jumps― (see figure below.e. the FE mesh will be compatible. CATIA. In other words. (of course..e. edges are colored respetively) or „Mixed― (surfaces are displayed in their original color (reminder: surfce color is controlled in the model browser). How to visualise the edge „colors―? Display is controlled in the „Tool Bar― by activating for instance „By 2D Topo― (surfaces turn into grey.g. Panels to be used for:  Toggle  The geometry is a thin-walled volume structure simplification needed: mid-surface model  Surfaces intersect (t-connection) but don‘t „feel― each other  Geometry is much too detailed (e.g. you may create your CAD model in HyperMesh as well). Middle: mesh with irregual shaped elements. Surfaces are „melted― togehter. Blue edges — Suppressed green edge. edges are colored respectively. elements are placed across it. Many times the troubles start now as the imported geometry is not reasonably meshable (btw. Right: improved CAD with regular mesh) March 2011 What you need to know / remember: Geeen edges . Some problems related to geometry:  Surfaces are not stiched together (i. the FE mesh will NOT be linked (not compatible).HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 9 Geometry (I) Geometry Typically your CAE projects starts with the import of given CAD data e.2 surfaces are stiched togehter. this one of the many reasons why HyperMesh is used in so many places i. the FE mesh will be linked (compatible). HyperMesh is a commercial expert system with superior tools to overcome meshing troubles). All these issues typically result in a poor quality mesh! surfaces (combining. stitching )  Trimming surfaces (splitting)  Suppressing combined edges Tool Bar-Geometry-Quick Edit opens up a very comprehensive panel which allows you (among many other options) to execute the above listed tasks. IGES. its nodes will line up with the green edge.. Attention: red edges inside the geometry tell you that the surfaces are not stiched together (=gap). tiny fillets which are not needed for the analysis)  … and many more . UG. Yellow edges — minimum of 3 edges are stich togehter. the mesher does not feel this edge.indicates free surface edges. Left: CAD with „jumps. SolidWorks etc. HM-2040  Creating and Editing Solid Geometry . the same rule (procedure) applies to other items/entities as well Note & reminder: The newly created geometry will be placed /stored in the currently active component collector. To display information about the solid geometry topology („connectivity―) activate „By 3D Topo―. can the part be automatically hexa-meshed etc. youwill automatically explore and learn more about other techniques.HM-2060  Geometry and Mesh Editing Using the Quick Edit Panel . The before mentioned panels describe just a very minor fraction of HyperMesh‘s geometry cleanup funtionalities. Check the model browser. If you are working on a solid geometry. the above listed rules also apply. Once you feel more comfortable with the process.HM-2000  Refining Topology to Achieve a Quality Mesh HM-2030  Creating and Editing Line Data .g. Recommended Tutorials: Help Document: HyperMesh > HyperMesh Tutorials > Geometry  Importing and Repairing CAD .HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 10 Geometry (II) How to create geometry (e. March 2011 If you are targeting at hexahedral meshes (brick elements) then better use „Mapple―.HM-2070 Recommended Videos: (to view the free videos. This mode displays important hexameshing information such as. you need to register at the HyperWorks Client Center using your university E-Mail address) Product Video (no HyperWorks installation required)  Edit Geometry Demo Interactive Tutorial (no HyperWorks installation required)  HM-2000 Importing and Repairing CAD Models Back to page 1 . surfaces)? Just follow the standard recommendation made earlier — make use of the Menu Bar and try to build a sentence: Geometry-CreateSurfaces– … and then choose the way the surface should be created (… quite selfexemplanatory) In fact. It is a matter of your visual settings.g. Elems to current comp = specifies the „storage― place of the elements (please see General remearks II & III). Leads to rather smooth meshes. then use a finer mesh if needed  Try to limit mesh related uncertainites to a Note: In case you don‘t see any mesh. Start meshing. explore the meaning of the other settings latter! What may happen is that the mesh looks a bit wired … Some surfaces apparently have cause troubles.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 11 Meshing (I) Meshing Once geometry cleanup (e. March 2011 What you need to know: Element size = the element size in the model may deviate from the specified size considerably (it depends on the size of the surface) Mesh type = mixed. Putting the geometry in wireframe and shading the elements improves the mesh visibility. Not really.  Use the simplest element type suited for the problem. surfaces ares stitched together — no unwanted red edges inside the geometry) is completed meshing is next. Some rules of thumb first:  The mesh should look rather smooth and regular (keep in mind that the analysis is based on your mesh & mesh quality. overprinting the mesh in some spots. In this example the geometry is still shaded. default (is a combination of many quad-shaped elements and some tria elements).  Start with a coarse mesh and understand the modeling results. Elems to surf comp vs. check the model browser and the status of the corresponding collector (is the elem icon activated?) minimum if possible—make it simple it will get more complicated automatically 2D Meshing Menu Bar—Mesh—Create—2D Automesh Note: Remember the sentence structure The 2D meshing panel is then opened Back to page 1 . In the Status Bar you will find a summary March 2011 Advanced: Most likely.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 12 Meshing (II) How to check element quality? Activate the corresponding icon will open up the check elements panel Insert your values and then Green=action. Read more: Help document: HyperMesh > Meshing > Checking & Editing Mesh using the Model Browser)  Activate the Find icon to find elements stored in the User Mark.5 / ? What you need to know: The element check is performed with respect to the elements displayed. Elements in the User Marsk can be accessed by clicking the yellow „elems― panel (which opens the extend selection window).g. not a MUST) Warpage 20 Aspect 5 Skew … Min angle Quads 40 Max angle Quads 140 Min angle Tria 30 Max angle Tria 15 Length … Jacobian 0.5 Taper 0. length)  Activate „save failed― (= failed elements are stored in the User Mark)  Turn all elements off from the display (best by about the number of checked elements.  In order to better understand where are the failed elements / and why they failed add adjacent elements to the display by clicking on the icon Back to page 1 . Some typical values (depended on the simulation. and NOT with respect to the entire database of the model (which may contain more elements). select „retrieve“ This action will display the failed elements only. the following section exceeds the intentions of this Starter Kit as we‘re going into some details: How to isolate the failed elements from the rest? Just follow this process:  Perform element check (e. failed elements etc. To resolve this issue. To search for nodes being not equivalenced (merged) use Mesh-CheckNodesEquivalence If free element edges are found (i. Make sure that the geometry visualisation is set to wireframe and the element display is set to be shaded. Hereto. Just turn off all other component collectors (through the Model Browser) and you will see the „problematic― areas (connectivities). Geom-wireframe Elems-shaded Mesh compatibility How to check for elements not properly merged (linked) together? Meshing this area leads to (unwanted) tapered elements. Most of the time. just activate the icon: Unmask Adjacent This will eventually create „Islands of troubles― which help you to locate and understand its causes.e. you may try the functionality: Geometry-Quick Edit-toggle edge. Still. in big models these problematic spots may be hard to see. add (attach) the 2D elements adjacent to the 1D Plot elements i.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 13 Meshing (III) March 2011 Whenever you encounter bad quality elements it is important (actually helpful) to understand its causes. their nodes not being merged with other nodes). Back to page 1 . 1D Plot elements are automatically created and stored in the component collector named ^edges. these are the elements which are not properly merged. or replace point or simply split (trim) surface-node What you need to remember: After meshing is completed your results may look „strange―: You may see only some elements. Therefore. or by splitting (trimming) the surfaces produces a highly improved mesh. others seem to disappear etc. for instance by surpressing a green (shared) edge (toggle) or by replacing the geometry points to the same location.e. Improving the surface connectivity. bad quality elements can be found at surface edges due to „misaligned― surface edges. HM-3100 Checking and Editing Mesh .HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 14 Meshing (IV) March 2011 Recommended Tutorials: Help Document: HyperMesh Tutorials > Meshing > 2-D Elements >   AutoMeshing .HM-3300 Recommended Videos (to view the free videos. no HyperWorks installation required)  Mesh Creation and Editing Demonstration  Editing Mesh Demonstration  Toplogy Revision Using Quick Edit and Automatic Remeshing Interactive Tutorials (no HyperWorks installation required)  HM-2030 Refining Topology to Achieve a Quality Mesh  HM-3100 AutoMeshing Back to page 1 . you need to register at the HyperWorks Client Center using your university E-Mail address) Product Videos (10-15 minute. materials. Specify a Card Image (Card images are defined within a solver interface template and allow for creation. temperature-independent.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 15 Material March 2011 Material If not already previously specified it is now imperative to define the User Profile (FEM Program to be used for the analysis). elements. you‘ll need to specify the data in the next step yourself). One simple way is a right mouse button click in the Model Browser (Create-Material). isotropic materials. 3. editing. OptiStruct and the „Simplified FEM Process Guide― are available. Poisson’s Ratio (nu). only .g. Just click on the corresponding „label― which then will open up a field allowing you to enter the corresponding value. This opens up a window asking you for the material type e. loads etc. Mass Density (Rho). Isoptropic. General Information about MAT1: Help Document: Reference Guide > Bulk Data Format > Input Data > Bulk Data Section: MAT1 Recommended Reading: Help Document: Reference Guide > Bulk Data Format > Input Data > Material Property Check: Material Property Checks for MAT1 Back to page 1 . and deletion of a solver card within a HyperMesh model (in simpler and less acurate words — the Card Image defines the FEM solver syntax) MAT 1 defines the material properties for linear. Assign a name to it e. 1. steel (note: there is no material database behind steel. Defining Material Data: There are multiple ways to create FE entitites such a surfaces. 2.g. Reminder: In the HyperWorks Student Version Radioss (bulk). Typically you need to now values for Young’s Modulus (E). 4. Here we use the User Profile OptiStruct. Young‘s Modulus in N/mm2. Specify a Card Image (~FEM solver syntax): PSHELL General Information about PSHELL Help Document: Reference Guide > Bulk Data Format > Input Data > Bulk Data Section: PSHELL 4. make use of the Model Browser – Right Mouse Button Click: In the following we assume that the model consists of 2D elements. and select the previously created material (if you wish to view the material (its vlaues) just click on Edit). chosing the corect units will make your life easier.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 16 Material & Property (I) March 2011 Note: Pay attention to the unit system—be consistent throughout your model e. 1. Assign a name to the property e. Back to page 1 . don‘t mix mm and m or kilogram and tons in the model … In fact. if you use Force in N. Density tons/mm3 etc. We need to set the Type to 2D 2. activate Assign material. For instance.g. prop_2D 3.g. the calulated stresses will be displayed in MPa directly. Mass in tons. select the register Material. Before creating the Property Collector. Most popular units are: Property As with the material definition. the (element) thickness and the material to be used. 4 different T values you need to create 4 different property collectors. Note: Elements without assigned property or material will be shown in grey color. This opens up a panel which allows you to select the respective elements . respectivly. In the Model Browser Right Mouse Button Click on the property collector of interest. the Property Collector comprises information about both. Back to page 1 . We are almost through! 5. then select „Assign―.g.. Make sure that the check box: „Card edit property upon creation― is activated. Tip: Never use grey color for property and material collector as it will hinder the visual check.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 17 Property (II) 4. Thus. Note: If you need e. Only then you‘ll see „inside― the property collector : As we are dealing with 2D elements all you need to March 2011 To visually check the property (and hence material) assigned to the elements change the visual attributes of the elements: You will note that the elements will be displayed in the color of the material– and property collector.. do is to specifiy their assigned thickness T. The property collector must be assigned to the elements. Applying Foces: 2. assign a name and color. As in step 1 we need to create a load collector. dof5. Then enter the panel BC‘s-Create-Forces Assign a Name and a Color (to be used for display purposes). dof2. dof6) by activating the respective check box. y-. no CardImage needed. Right Mouse Button Click in the Model Browser.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 18 Loads & Constraints (I) Loads & Constraints In the fourth step of the General FEM Process loads and constraints are applied to the model.z-direction (dof1. March 2011 Once the load collector (here named „constraints―) has been created. dof3) and/or their rotational degrees of freedom (rotation about x-.y-. also dof4. The setting depicted below moves the selcted node(s) by 1 (unit as in material definition) in x—direction. For simple models typically no CardImage is needed Back to page 1 Learn more: Help Document: Frequently Asked Questions > RADIOSS (Bulk Data Format). the constraints as such need to be applied The selected Applying Constraints: node(s) will be constraint with respect to translational displacements in x-. z-axis. Leaving the check box blank simply implies: constraint is not activated. Note: Constraints are also called Single Point Constraints (SPC) 1. We need to create a load collector first. OptiStruct > FEA Setup and Modeling: How can I apply multiple constraints or loads in a subcase? . HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 19 Loads & Constraints (II) The unit system of the forces applied to the nodes corresponds to what was used in the material card (e.g. The forces stored within a load collector can be different with respect to their orientation and/or magnitude. March 2011 The corresponding panel „asks― you for a name of the load step and which constraints (SPC) and forces (LOAD) are acting simultaneously. Before hitting the solve button check the model again for any likely errors. By the way – where would you expect errors or at least modeling uncertainites? Recommended Tutorial Help Document: HyperWorks Solvers > RADIOSS > Basic Small Displacement Finite Element Analysis: Linear Static Analysis of a Plate with a Hole . Attention: Don‘t mix up the constraints and load collectors. you need to register at the HyperWorks Client Center using your university E-Mail address) Product Video (no HyperWorks installation required ) HyperMesh 10.0 Self Paced Update Back to page 1 . Finally. Through the Model Browser the constraints and load symbols can be turned on/off. N2. OptiStruct > FEA Setup and Modeling:  How can I apply multiple constraints or loads in a subcase?  How can I specify an enforced displacement in a Note: Constraints and forces MUST be stored in different load collectors. The same accounts for constraints. The analysis type is also specified in here. N3) or through (just activate the toggleleft of N1) The magnitude you may specify in here refers to the symbol size used for displaying the forces (the same option is available in the constraints panel). we need to create a load step (also called substep or subcase) subcase (or loadstep) in an OptiStruct input deck?  What kinds of checking does the check run perform? What is the difference between the CHECK and the ANALYSIS card in the input deck? Help Document: HyperMesh Entities & Solver Interfaces Recommended Video (to view the free videos. The direction of the force may be defined along the direction defined through N1 and N2 (N3 not defined). Now the model set-up is completed.RD-1000 Recommended Reading Help Document: Frequently Asked Questions > RADIOSS (Bulk Data Format). along the normal of a plane (N1. This will cause an error during the analysis. Young‘s Modulus N/mm2). Make sure that „run options:― is set to „analysis― and „export options:― to „all―. Errors simply will terminate the run. Warnings indicate that for instance. Note: Please use the file extension *. step 5) OR the property assigned to the element is incorrect.for instance PSOLID which belongs to 3D elements (instead of PSHELL). As an example: *** ERROR # 1237 *** CQUAD4 element number 2 references a missing property ID 2 or uses property of incorrect type for this element type. The latter may indicate that in the Property Collector a CardImage not suited for 2D elements was used . Save the final version of the model as an *. you only need to specify the model name / file name. Errors may be issued if element quality is out of the (default) range of bad but still acceptable values. the best way to understand and resolve errors is to check the *.out file is saved in the directory of the model run. 2. As the User Profile was previously set to OptiStruct. Some errors are directly displayed in the GUI However.hm file (binary format.all entities are saved incl. Export the model (ASCII format). geometry). This tells us that the CQUAD4 element (standard element type) is missing a property: this may indicate that we missed to assign the property to the element (see page 15. the element quality is poor. Most likely your first run will be accompanied by warnings and/or errors. The *. Back to page 1 .out file (ASCII format).fem In the Student Version the analysis can be started through Analysis-Radioss March 2011 In the Standard HyperWorks version you may use Applications-RADIOSS instead.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 20 Solve Run Analysis & Postprocessing 1. This for sure will help you resolving the error.g.res or *. go back to your model and check everything associated with „property―. element thickness. now. stresses are changing significantly across two elements (from red to green). In the HyperWorks 11.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 21 Solve & Postprocessing Note: Read the error message in the out file (you don‘t need to understand every single word). After reading in the results file (*. there may be typos in the Young‘s modulus. of rigid body motion —> constraints are erroneous. Postprocessing The FEM run went through – you may think that everything must be ok. coarse mesh―. order of e. In „A― this transition is smoother. „Severe― stress jumps across elements (not across material boundaries) typically indicate that the mesh needs to be refined. For instance. Regardless whether it is correct or not. despite the symmetrical model (and loading). As depicted in the figure „B. mesh „mistakes― etc. take the hint about „missing property―. Check the constraints in some detail. This is a quite dangerous conception—be careful. and check the global and local (where the constraints are placed) model behavior Another helpful check related to likely mesh effects is carried out by plotting element stresses (not averaged). Activate the icon and specify „Result type: Displacement― Are the displayed magnitudes reasonable? Magnitudes in the indicate that the March 2011 Tip: Animate your results—even though it was a static analysis. magnitude of your loading. This is imposed by the „distorted― Quad-Elements and the Tria-Elements … Note: FEM programs do not check whether the input data are meaningful.h3d) have a look at the global displacements. For instance. Is the local „response― of the model „correct―? Back to page 1 . 10e5 model is pursuing a kind Another mesh effect becomes apparent: the stress pattern in „B― is not symmetrical. wrong constraints. As long as the FEM can solve the equations — you will get a result.0 Desktop Version split the screen and activate the client HyperView (Postprocessing). Regardless whether it is correct or not.HV-1010 Back to page 1 . For instance. General Remark: FEM programs do not check whether the input data are meaningful.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 22 Postprocessing Another option to better see any likely mesh effects is given by creating a Difference Plot i. magnitude of your loading. mesh „mistakes“ etc. element thickness. indicating an unsuitable mesh.e. In the figure the maximum nodal difference values are depicted. Recommended Reading  Help Document: HyperView > Graphical User Interface > HyperView Toolbars: Results Toolbar  Help Document: HyperView > Animation Types (HyperView)  Help Document: HyperView > Results > Deformed Panel  Help Document > User‘s Guide > Animating Results > Contour Panel March 2011 Recommended Tutorials  Help Document: HyperWorks Desktop > HyperView > Animation: Loading Model Files HV-1000  Help Document: HyperWorks Desktop > HyperView > Animation:Using the Animation Controls . there may be typos in the Young‘s modulus. wrong constraints. In the coarse mesh (B) the nodal differences are high. plotting the difference between the maximum and minimum corner results at a node. As long as the FEM can solve the equations — you will get a result. Multibody Dynamics.e. Analysis (implicit & explicit).com) Foren (listed in the Academic Blog)  Where is the model data (material. displacements) meaningful?  How robust is the result (for instance. displacements)?  What do you know about the environment― (i.e. type of elements. boundaries) the component is embedded in?  What do you know about the component you are modeling / analysing? Is there any information available about its current performance?  Are there similar models and solutions available?  What about the timetable?  What about available hardware and software? Is the software suited to solve the physics involved? Academic Blog (www. size.) coming from? When?   What are the uncertainties? Did you use consistent units in the model? Postprocessing:  Does the model behave in a way you would expect (engineering knowledge)?  Are the calculated magnitudes (stresses. sometimes you learn so much during a short coffee break which otherwise would cost you half a day of trial an error … Standard HyperWorks tutorials available within the HyperWorks Help installation Throughout the CAE project always ask yourself: Preprocessing: Standard seminar notes (see the Academic Blog for a comprehensive overview) Webinars (product specific & industry related) Attend highly discounted seminars at Altair and at your campus User Meetings Academic Newsletter  What is the principle objective of the study (stresses. loads etc. and Manufacturing you may should look at: General Remarks Never dare asking questions. Optimization. number)  If you assumed a linear static case: are the deflections and rotations small?  Did you discuss the model & results with your colleagues? Back to page 1 . is the result independent of element size and type)?  In the summary report: Is the model description sufficient and self explanatory (i.altairunversity. constraints.HyperWorks Starter Manual Page 23 End & Beginning March 2011 Where to learn more about HyperWorks To improve your practical skills regarding Modeling.
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